#there might also be another one with the same name but if there is lmk and i'll change it
knullanon · 2 years
Vandal savage losing one his young kids and finding them decades later, his kid taken into a family and decently stable civilian life
yess i love your ideas, I have so many of them almost finished too. also, there might be something I'll post tomorrow because it was written and then I forgot to save it, so while I still have the ask, everything that was written was gone. which sucks, but oh well. so, either later today or tomorrow it will be up :) love yall!
Lost and Found
words: 1878
warnings: drugging, a little violence, kidnapping, lmk if I missed anything!
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He was devastated. You were his baby, his precious, even when you were born, he knew you would be different. All throughout your years, he would teach you, care for you, he would show you all around the world, to tell you that this is what you would rule over. That this was your domain, that you would one day be ruling over the people around you.
Unfortunately, that vision he had given you had never come to fruition. He still remembered the day you were taken, when you were little. He left you with your siblings, thinking that you would be safe, that you wouldn't be in any danger.
He goes over that day every night, about the what if's and what could've changed. What he could've done differently. If he had just taken you with him, if he had just assigned more guards. After a few years, he had assumed the worst had happened. He knew that he would never make this mistake again, he swore to himself, but it didn't help the hurt and pain he felt every time he thought of you.
He thought he would never see you again. By the time you would have been an adult, he had come to terms with what happened. He would still think of you, but he knew that he would have to get over it, that nothing would bring you back. No matter how much he tried, you were gone, probably dead.
And so when he received a file from one of his children showing that you were alive, that you were on the other side of the world, fine and unharmed, he let himself hope again that you were there. That it wasn't a trap, that you were actually alive.
Savage realized what would happen if it was a lie. That it would restart his pain, his hurt. But he let himself believe that maybe, you were still alive.
He hoped he was right.
You were having a terrible day.
Your mother had called you, telling you that she wanted you to move back in with them for some reason or another, even though you just rented your first apartment, something you were very prideful about, and she didn't even tell you why. This caused an argument where she yelled at you for 5 minutes before hanging up.
Then, on the way to work, you were stopped by a cop, which made you late, which then caused your boss to yell at you in front of your coworkers. Later in the day, some lady was mad because you got her order wrong, and made a huge deal about it to your boss.
After she left, he told you that your raise you were going to get, albeit small, was going to be postponed until he saw "better results". You had tried to argue, but he had shut you down, telling you to do better.
The rest of the day was a blur, besides the few angry people who would come up to you telling you something was wrong, or to go work on this, or work on that.
By the time you were clocking out, you were ready to be done with your day and cry yourself to sleep.
Walking down the road to the parking lot, you thought of everything you could do the next day to make yourself feel better. You had that TV show you wanted to watch, some snacks, and you could even get some food from your favorite restaurant-
You paused and turned around, expecting one of your coworkers telling you you forgot your keys or something similar. You were not expecting a tall lady who looked like she could kill you with a punch to be there.
"Yes?" You fully turned to face her, worried she might try something, but she didn't move. In fact, she seemed surprised that you even answered her. You had never seen her before in your life, which made it even more suspicions.
"Do I... know you?" you asked, hesitantly. You didn't know what she wanted from you, and the fact that she knew your name was not a good sign.
She didn't answer your question. Instead, she told you, "I can't believe it. You're _______ Savage?"
Savage? What? "My name is _______, but my last name isn't Savage-"
"That's all I need to know." Confused, you were about to ask her what the hell she was talking about, when she suddenly rushed forward towards your face. You tripped yourself backwards trying to get away from her, and ended up falling flat on your ass.
This didn't deter her, though. While you were trying to figure out how the hell you were going to get away from her, she took the opportunity and lunged towards you. You covered your face, but she didn't automatically go for you. She went behind you.
Before you realized what was happening, she had you in a chokehold, holding you down while you tried to yell out for help. You saw something glint from her other arm, and you were smart enough to know what she was planning on doing.
You tried to kick your way out of her hold, but you cried out when you felt something prick your arm. Something cold, something that felt weird under your skin poured into you. You finally had the bright idea to shove your palm at her nose. She let you go and you scurried away, trying to get ahold of yourself when you started to droop.
Your arms, legs, even your face weren't moving as fast as you normally would have been able to. You tried to get up, but even then you struggled. By the time you hoisted yourself onto the nearby wall, she was already back on her feet, walking towards you.
When she grabbed you by your arm, and you fell like a rag doll, you knew you had lost. You didn't even notice her cradling you like a baby, or when she carried you to a car that you didn't even see beforehand. The last thing you remember was falling asleep to her telling someone to drive.
Your head felt like crap. It was almost like what a fever felt like: you could move, but your body didn't want to. It was too tiring, too slow. It was too hot, too cold. You groaned to yourself. Did you really have to get sick on your days off? Opening your eyes, you were going to see if you could convince your body to get some water, only to realize this wasn't your room.
In fact, it was the opposite of your room. In comparison to your tiny little apartment, the room you were in was huge, probably the size of your parents house. There were shelves with trinkets, statues and books. There were huge paintings on the walls, some of them seemed to be originals.
When you looked at the bed you were on, it was gigantic. It looked like one of those princess beds, with black lace curtains, sheets and pillows. The headboard was carved to show what appeared to be a battle, the detail showing even in the smallest of areas. There was two doors that probably led to some hallway or another, but what got your attention was the window.
It was to your left, and it showcased a tundra of snow and trees. It was enticing, seeing the beauty of it all right in front of you. There were mountains, covered in snow, and it almost looked like another planet.
Everything in the room, while luxurious and expensive, made you remember in your daze everything that had happened the day before, including the kidnapping.
You threw off the covers, and jumped out of the bed, which made your head hurt even more, but you didn't care. Panic and adrenaline started to set in, and even through your headache, you stumbled over to the two doors, which was a struggle just from your body being so disorganized.
When you finally reached the doors, your body was already done. You had wondered what had happened to you to deserve this treatment, when the knob suddenly turned. You stopped as it opened, your heart sinking when you saw who was on the other side.
It was the biggest man you had ever even seen in your life. You didn't recognize him, and yet he looked so familiar. He was holding a tray of food that seemed to be some kind of soup, and some flatbread to the side of the bowl. It also held a glass of water.
You tripped on your feet as he walked in the room, and gently shut the door. He walked past you, towards the bedside table, and set down the tray, along with the glass of water.
He turned around, and his expressions softened. "______, are you feeling alright?"
"Who are you?" You mumbled out. Not knowing who he was and yet he somehow knew your name made your stomach turn, and it didn't help you had no idea where you were.
He didn't respond, and he only walked towards you, saying, "You look ill. You should be in bed, you know."
You couldn't even respond before he grabbed you by your neck, like a kitten, and walked back to the bed. He dropped you where you were before, and pulled the sheets and blankets over you again. While your mind was yelling and screaming, your body took comfort in the warmth from the covers.
"Who are you?" You asked again, more panicked and rushed. He grabbed the tray and placed it on your lap, since you were already sitting upright.
"You do not remember me?" He asked, almost sad that you weren't able to recognize him. You shook your head, and flinched when he reached to cradle your cheek.
"______, I am-"
There was a sudden ping from his pocket, and he angrily pulled out what appeared to be a cellphone. He answered, "What is it?"
"Father, there's trouble with one of our reserves. They have asked for an emergency meeting with the rest of the Light." The voice sounded similar to the lady who had taken you.
He growled, and you could see his fist shaking from anger. It scared you.
"Tell them to be ready by the time I get there."
He hung up without saying anything else, and turned to you again. He grabbed your hand and rubbed it, almost trying to give you comfort of some kind.
"I'll be back soon enough. Please eat at least something before I get back."
He let go of your hand, and got up from the bed. He walked over to the door, and turned around one last time, and gave you the smallest smile, before opening the door, and leaving.
You did, however, hear the doors lock, before you heard him walk away. You looked down at the food he had given you, and slowly, you ate, too hungry to even care if he had tampered with it.
You knew you had to have a plan to get out of there. But for right now, you decided to rest, and figure out why you were here.
I was gonna write this completely differently, but it came out weird so I re-wrote it. anyways, I hope you enjoyed it ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
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i2ycat · 29 days
clumsily yours
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pairing lee heeseung x fem!reader synopsis when your clumsy ass never fails to embarrass yourself in front of your crush, lee heeseung. but the catch is that lee heeseung is embarrassing himself to get your attention as well. a match made in heaven, if you will. genre college au, fluff, slight angst, friends to lovers word count 5k+ warnings one mention of wanting to have heeseung in your bed, use of the word whore (in a non-derogatory manner), my man jungwon working overtime as the resident best friend, reader compares herself to other people, kissing, lmk if i missed anything else main masterlist
reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
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Clumsy might as well have been your middle name with how much you embarrass yourself, tripping on your own two feet like a toddler learning how to walk for the very first time being just one of the many. However, your clumsiness doesn’t just extend to matters pertaining to your body; you’d much rather it end there, but things never really go your way. It also includes embarrassing yourself in front of Lee Heeseung.
You first met Heeseung at orientation. He was in the year above you, acting as one of the guides that led you and a bunch of other freshmen around the campus. You didn’t know it at the time — though you could’ve guessed — but you were just one of the many girls who fell for Heeseung’s charming smile on the first day of the semester.
Heeseung was known to be good with his words, having the innate ability to let anyone’s guard down. He had a disposition for making kind gestures and making you feel at ease, even with just his presence alone. You still remember the smile he passed you as you wandered aimlessly around the university. At one point, he was even nice enough to initiate small talk, asking you what course you took and whether you had clubs in mind you wanted to join, to which you remember answering the music club.
It was around mid-winter when you succumbed to the heat spreading throughout you whenever Heeseung was around, even at a distance. That was also the same time you found out about his reputation — an infamy for being a tragic womanizer. Tragic because he left every single girl behind with a hotter desire to get him back, but once he left, that was it. He was never one to get back with the same girl.
You’ve heard rumours of how Heeseung was such a good lover that they just couldn’t let him go. Another was that he dated three girls at the same time while he was in Bali for the holidays.
They didn’t bother you because it wasn’t like you had a chance with Heeseung to begin with. It’s hard enough that you’re his junior, but adding the fact that you’ve endlessly embarrassed yourself in front of him just makes it that much more of an exacerbation. Admiring his pretty face from afar doesn’t hurt anybody, especially not your heart.
“Stop ogling at him like some creep.” Jungwon grimaces, stabbing his fork carelessly into pieces of chicken atop his plate of creamy fettuccine.
Even in the packed dining hall, you couldn’t help but notice Heeseung the moment he entered. It wasn’t that you were looking for him; it just so happened that when you looked up, he and his friends walked in. “I wasn’t ogling; he just came in when I looked up.” You explain, despite knowing that Jungwon doesn’t believe you one bit. He has every reason to not, really. You’ve dragged him around campus just to get a glimpse of Heeseung in between classes, talked his ear off about how much you wanted the boy, and all the in between.
“I really don’t get why you don’t just talk to him.” He starts chewing in between words. “It’s not like he has a preference either; he literally dated Yuna from our introduction to economics class.”
“That’s ‘cause she’s pretty!”
“And you’re not?” He raises a brow incredulously.
“Well, I am... but what I’m saying is that Yuna is in a different league of pretty.” Your platter of chicken parmesan sits half eaten and forgotten. “An exclusive league of Heeseung’s exes.” You mutter almost enviously.
It’s true that every single girl that Heeseung dated was beyond the threshold of being just beautiful — Karina, Yuna, and Yunjin, just to name a few. It didn’t help that they are all such nice girls; though you’ve never interacted with them yourself, you know a good-hearted person when you see one.
“You could easily add yourself to that list,” Jungwon states matter-of-factly, taking hold of your unfinished plate of food.
Could you really though?
You look past your best friend and towards the direction of the table where Heeseung and his friends are currently sitting. He’s everything your highschool self could’ve ever wanted in a guy; older, funny, tall, handsome. How could anyone not fall for him? You don’t even blame the girls for wanting to get back with Heeseung, no matter the heartbreak.
Even as he conversed with Jay and Sunghoon, he had this cheekiness and charm to him that drew you in like no other. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought for sure that he was like any other nerd in the campus, with semi-permanent smiles, black rims and jean everything, but way hotter.
As if Heeseung could feel your lingering stare, his eyes met yours. Is it overly cheesy and overused to say that your entire world has stopped? Yes, but you can’t help it because that’s exactly what happened. For a moment, it was nobody else but you and Heeseung in this entire universe.
The rosy tint in your cheeks is hard to conceal, and you can practically hear the heart palpitations in your ear. You don’t even notice that Jungwon is rolling his eyes at you, because he’s sure he’s seen this exact same scene about a hundred times before.
Oh, you were horrendously down bad for Lee Heeseung.
“Y/n?” A familiar voice faintly calls from behind you, taking your attention off the book you were reading. You turn, half-expecting it to be Jungwon asking to borrow your car, only to be faced with Heeseung sporting his signature smile. You could’ve sworn you died right then and there.
“Heeseung?” You managed to keep your composure, but you were feeling like a high school girl all over again, internally giggling and kicking your feet over the fact that he was within a 2-metre radius of you.
This wasn’t the first time you’ve talked to Heeseung, but it definitely was the first time you’ve ever gotten this close to him. You could almost make out the number of freckles across the expanse of his face, and you’d gladly continue to do so if he hadn’t already realised the fact that you’re practically a breath away from each other due to his miscalculation of distance.
Heeseung awkwardly falls to his ass as he tries to inch backward. “Ouch,” He hisses.
“Are you okay?” You let the book fall from your hands, instinctively reaching towards him.
“Pretend you never saw that.”
“My eyes were closed!” You hastily reply.
Heeseung’s hazel eyes momentarily swim in yours, as if he wanted to dig deeper into you and know everything about you that he possibly could. He felt as if he was put into a trance under you. A beat passes before he lets out a hearty, genuine laugh. It fills your ears with a heavenly symphony. You wish you could hear it forever, so you commit it to memory. You also wished you would always be the reason he laughed like this.
You don’t know why he’s laughing, but it’s infectious enough for you to want to join in the short concord of laughter. So, it becomes just you and him laughing like complete maniacs in the centre of the campus quadrangle. Other students in the area send the both of you weird looks, but you don’t pay them any mind, because who cares? Who cares if the school’s heartbreaker is having a little fun with little old Jang Y/n? What could possibly go wrong?
In this moment and time, absolutely nothing could go wrong. Right now, the Lee Heeseung in front of you isn’t just what the rumours say he is. He doesn’t have to be the lover everyone makes him out to be.
“We should do this more often.” A smile is still present on Heeseung’s soft features.
“Do what? You fall on your ass, then we laugh?” You don’t know where this newfound confidence came from, but you don’t mind it in the slightest bit. You’re finally able to hold conversations with Heeseung without stuttering over your words and making a fool of yourself.
“Hey! You said you didn’t see a thing.” He pouts, and you feel your heart melting. You put your hands up in faux defeat, softly chuckling at the childish side of Heeseung that he’s suddenly showcasing to you on a sunny Tuesday afternoon.
A comfortable silence starts to permeate the air.
From behind, Heeseung’s friends start to call out for him, breaking the trance you’ve been put in under his warm stare. “I guess I’ll get going. See you around.” He gets up, waving with a boyish expression, which you gladly reciprocate.
Jungwon lets out an exasperated sigh, his fingers shifting to massage his temples as he takes the time to cool his nerves. He wonders why he continues to go through with his friendship with you, letting the question take laps around his mind while you stare at him with unwaveringly bright eyes.
“Come on,” You whine. “Please?”
“Can’t you just ask him yourself? You told me that you talked to him a few days ago.”
“Yeah, but what if he thinks I’m weird?”
“That’s because you are,” Jungwon mutters, huffing once more out of pure dispairment. “Look, it’s not weird for you to simply ask a friend out.”
“When you phrase it like that, you make it sound as if I’m asking him to be my boyfriend!” You nudge him in the arm.
“That’s because you make it seem as if you are.” He gives you a look and says, “See? It’s not that big of a deal.” You’re rendered speechless at Jungwon’s words of wisdom, as he likes to call them.
“Please?” You attempt to coerce Jungwon one last time, looking up at him with the infamous puppy eyes, but immediately admit defeat when he narrows his eyes at you, brows furrowing in the process. “Ugh, fine.” You get up from your position on the couch, dusting yourself when you stand in front of the body-length mirror by the front door.
“Text me when it goes wrong!” Jungwon’s voice echoes in the small apartment as you shut the door.
The walk to campus was relatively peaceful, but it doesn’t do much to calm either your heart or thoughts, even as you rehearse the lines in your head ten times over.
Hey, Heeseung! I really wanted you to come to the show my friends and I are having tonight! No, you’re doing way too much. Might as well tell him you want to kiss him.
Heeseung! Come to the show my friends and I are having. Definitely not, too demanding.
Hee! Could you please come to the show my friends and I are having tonight? Hee? And you sound way too desperate.
Hey, Heeseung! You and your friends could come to the show my friends and I are having tonight! You could roll with this. Friendly, casual, and totally doesn’t sound like you desperately want him to be there at all.
As you go over the lines in your head one last time for good measure, your body crashes into one that is much firmer and larger than yours.
“Ow!” You yell, hands flying all over the place to find something to hold on to catch your fall, which you do — a bicep, more specifically Lee Heeseung’s bicep.
In the flurry of emotions, you didn’t even notice who you bumped into, only realising seconds later when you'd already gotten steady on your own two feet by using their body as an anchor.
“It’s you again.” Heeseung’s voice is hard to mistake; the familiarity in his sweet and melodic tone does not fail to strike you in the heart, making it beat ten times faster against your chest.
Almost instantly, you become hyper-aware of his touch on your bare skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Your eyes are blown wide, unable to compute that you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of Heeseung yet again. You just grabbed him in the bicep. All you wanted to do right now was hide in a ditch, preferably for the rest of the semester.
“Yeah, haha. It’s me again.” You rub your nape awkwardly, letting out a forced chuckle. “I was thinking about you!”
“Really now?” Heeseung raises a brow, with both intrigue and mirth present in his features.
The colour in your cheeks deepens. “No! That’s- that’s not what I meant. I was- I was just-” Each second that ticks by makes you want to run away even more, as you’re sure you’ve embarrassed yourself more than enough by now. He definitely thinks you’re some weirdo who thinks about him every second of the day — which you are, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Not that I mind you thinking about me; I actually quite like that you do, because at least I know the feeling’s mutual.” A smug smirk maintains itself on Heeseung’s face, twinkling eyes scanning the expanse of your face.
The what is what now?
You gulp almost painfully, blinking up at Heeseung with a bewildered stare, because there’s no way he just implied that he thinks about you too. Surely you’ve inferred wrongly. There’s just no way that you can take up space in the Lee Heeseung’s head.
“I-I have a show today at Delton. My band and I are performing. It would be nice if you could come.” You make the effort to completely disregard the revelation he’s just thrusted upon you, instead taking the chance to make use of the mental prep you were doing just minutes earlier. You were ready to ask him to come to your show, not to receive an indirect confession. It wasn’t a profession of love, but a confession nonetheless.
If Jungwon knew about this, he’d probably kick you in the shin for your pathetic excuse of a response. You internally shudder at the thought of Jungwon blowing up at you after you tell him what just transpired.
Before Heeseung can even come up with a response, you excuse yourself, brushing past him in a rushed manner. You didn’t even want to spare a glance at his face, scared that you would fall to your knees right then and there.
“Are you nervous?” Gaon, who is situated with a mic stand beside you, asks.
You nod your head ever-so-slightly, wiping your sweaty hands on the sides of your sweatshirt. You joined the music club a few months ago, but it wasn’t until just a few weeks ago that you started joining them as a lead vocalist in performances. So even until now, you weren’t acclimated to singing in front of a crowd just yet, no matter the size.
“I know you’ll kill it; you always do.” You both share a smile before the curtain in front of you slowly reveals the humble crowd just beyond the stage. In the dim lighting, your eyes scan the audience one by one, recognising a few girls from the classes you take and a few from the other majors. You even spot Karina with Yunjin near the back, as well as Jungwon.
When you don’t find Heeseung, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t disappointed. But after the little encounter you had with him this afternoon, you wouldn’t have either.
You put your thoughts aside when the familiar strums of Gaon and Junhan’s guitar fill your in-ears. You take a final deep breath, calming the last of your shaking nerves.
“Think of me when you’re out, when you’re out there.” The stage lights finally bring attention to you as you sing the first verse, closing your eyes in the moment. “I’ll beg you nice from my knees.”
Right as the beat drops, guitars and drums harmonising to create a new rock-sounding melody, you open your eyes, only to see Heeseung in all his jean-clad glory standing at the front row. He’s hard to miss as he practically towers over everyone else with his intimidating height.
“All I wanted was you.” You pull the mic stand towards you, emotions pouring out of every lyric that you sing. As if no one else mattered in the confined space of the bar, you kept your gaze solely on Heeseung. The confidence in your voice mirrors the one you wish you had as you make it further into the song, singing the lyrics line by line. Adrenaline takes over, letting you enjoy the moment to the fullest.
When the music comes to a complete stop, the loud cheers and hooting of the audience replace it instantly. You thank the crowd for the night and make it backstage, getting bombarded with compliments from the stage crew and other performers.
“You sang so well!” along with other compliments, continue to follow even as you disappear back into the crowd, attempting to find your way back to Jungwon. You make an effort to smile at them bashfully, even though you don’t think you did as well as you wanted to tonight.
“Y/n!” Heeseung pushes past people to get to you, mumbling a roll of short ‘excuse me's in the process. “Hey, um, you did really well.”
“Thank you.” You smile at him.
You looked so beautiful, which was what Heeseung wanted to add, but he remains silent and motionless, admiring the way you looked under the dim lighting instead. You’ve both made it near the back of the bar, where there was nobody else but you two. The next performers kicked off their performance of the night, so it made conversations between Heeseung and you harder to hear, prompting him to inch a step or two towards you.
“You have a really beautiful voice,” He shouts over the background instrumentals. His body is closer to yours, with his hands ghosting over the shell of your ears. Is it just you or was it getting hot in here?
You thank him once again, not trusting yourself to say any more than that, already semi-traumatised by this afternoon’s incident. Because what if you accidentally let out that the reason you chose to cover the song was because of him? With your luck, you were sure you would be spilling how much you wanted him entangled with you in your bed.
“You like Paramore?” He asks, trying his best to keep the conversation alive. He knew you liked music from the get-go, so he used it to his advantage. He usually isn’t one to pull all his weight with the girls he talks to, but it felt different with you. He felt that he needed to try even harder with you if he wanted to get you. It’s a first for Heeseung, and it scared the shit out of him.
“I do, actually!” You purse your lips into a small smile, reminiscing about the times when you would hold a makeshift concert in front of your sister with remote controls as microphones and stools as stages. “I used to listen to them a lot when I was younger.”
“All I wanted was you is actually my favourite song from them.”
“Maybe even more now after I’ve heard your rendition of it.” Your breath hitches in your throat probably for the nth time today and because of the same damn reason: Lee Heeseung and his endless flirting. Could you even call this flirting? You don’t know anymore. He’s just playing with you, like he does every other girl on this entire campus.
“I think I heard Jungwon calling for me!” You motion with your hands, already taking a step back before Heeseung could even catch you. He watches as your figure disappears into the sea of people, sighing to himself in defeat. You’ve ran away from him, again.
“Then what the fuck is the issue here? Because I don’t see one!” Jungwon groans after hearing your side of the story. “He’s obviously into you if he’s making the effort to flirt with you. Plus, I saw you guys talking real close last night. You left me alone for a MAN of all people.”
“Jungwon, must I remind you that you’re a MAN yourself?”
“Then take my fucking advice, as I am a part of the MAN community, when I tell you that you should just let yourself be happy and be with the damn guy! Who the fuck gives a fuck if he’s a man whore?” He finishes his piece of bread, dusting off the crumbs towards you in a manner of frustration. “We’re in college; everyone’s a whore.”
You roll your eyes at him, but you don’t say anything to retort because you know it’s true.
You’ve long accepted the fact that you would only ever hold the title of Heeseung’s friend, so it felt like sudden whiplash when Heeseung was starting to show signs of reciprocating your feelings — or at least you think so, when all you’ve ever fantasised about was him feeling the same way. Maybe it suddenly felt too real, and you weren’t actually expecting him to like you when all you’ve done is embarrass yourself in front of him.
You didn’t want to jump the gun either, making your heart feel even worse if it really was all just friendly. I mean, what could you possibly have done to make him finally notice you the way you notice him?
“Ugh, I know that look. Give yourself more credit!” He ruffles your hair and says, “You’re already extremely pretty in your own way.” The intensity in his eyes softened. “And this thing isn’t just a friendly gesture, I can tell that much. He wouldn’t go this long to just play with someone, you know that.” You nod, acknowledging that Heeseung was too nice for that. He may have dated a long list of girls, but those girls only ever had good things to say about Heeseung, from how attentive he is to how he always takes care of them. It’s what made Heeseung such a popular bachelor in the first place — being such a good lover.
“He likes you for you, Y/n. Plus, you deserve to be loved, so let yourself be loved, yeah?” Jungwon’s thumb goes over the apples of your cheeks lovingly.
“Jungwon,” You pout, touched by your best friend’s sweet words. “Come here.” You widen your arms for a hug, and knowing that he despises physical touch, you’re not surprised when he runs away from you, but even then you chase after him.
A few weeks have passed since Jungwon gave you that pep talk, and ever since then, you’ve been more open and less awkward to Heeseung’s flirting, even replying with your own few flirty lines here and there. The both of you have evidently become much closer than just friends; everyone with a pair of eyes can see that much. And with Heeseung’s reputation and popularity, it’s all everyone has been talking about these few days.
Girls have been approaching you left and right, telling you to keep your guard up with Heeseung because he’s going to leave you the way he left the other girls, telling you how you’re not special and that you’re just his newest plaything. You know they all had good intentions, but deep down, it still hurt all the same. Did it instill a newfound insecurity within you? Yes. Did you now have an irrational fear of being ditched? Yes, times two. But the catch was that you weren’t even a thing to begin with.
Every single lingering touch and loving stare was under the umbrella of just friends, with neither of you making the effort to clarify because it was always more convenient that way. But you’re starting to get greedy as the days pass. You don’t want to just be his plaything, and maybe you’re reaching, but you really want this to be something. If you’ve already gotten this far, what’s a little more?
You’re unable to stop these thoughts from spreading throughout the crevices of your mind, even while you’re lying across Heeseung’s couch with your head on his lap. His tender hand caresses your locks, mindlessly scrolling through TikTok with the other.
Routines like this have unknowingly formed throughout the few months you’ve gotten to know Heeseung; after class, you would either end up at Heeseung’s apartment to chill and talk or find yourselves at a nearby restaurant to try. You recently found out that Heeseung is a big foodie, with ramen being his favourite of them all. It’s small stuff like this that makes you feel as if you’ve dug deeper into Heeseung than anyone else ever has before. After all, you’ve stayed with him longer than in all his past relationships.
It’s a sense of false accomplishment, really. They’ve got to actually call Heeseung their boyfriend, while you’re just some fake. A girl-friend.
“Baby, look at this.” Did you add that he also calls you baby? Because he does, all the damn time. You always remind him to just use your name, but he reasons that baby fits you much better. It’s as if he’s deliberately trying to torture your heart.
Heeseung shows you a video on his phone, but your mind is already occupied elsewhere, which he takes immediate notice of. “Baby?” He calls, his fingers brushing your cheek.
You sit up from your position on his lap to face him, “Heeseung, what are we?” You see Heeseung’s body tense up, his jaw going rigged, and his eyes blown wide.
The silence is deafening.
“I-” Words fail to make it past Heeseung’s lips, leaving him at a loss for words. As each second on the clock ticks by, your heart breaks a little more. So he really was going to discard you like everyone else.
You continue to chide yourself for your naivety, for thinking that you could change him when you couldn’t even make him like you. You don’t even blame him because you’re definitely not a Karina or a Yunjin in any aspect; there’s no way he would fall for you.
“I wanted the timing to feel right.” Finally finding the courage, he continues. “I didn’t want to rush into things because this felt different.” His auburn orbs soften as he gazes at you with such love and affection, wanting nothing more than to hold you tight in his arms.
“I don’t get it.”
“I’ve been wanting to ask you to be my girlfriend for a while now, and I’ve been thinking of ways to ask you. Over a fancy dinner, maybe?” He chuckles, his hand flying to scratch the back of his neck. “And I still want to do that officially, but if you must know, you’re the only girl I want.”
You’re the only girl he wants. His voice echoes in your head, effectively melting every single doubt and insecurity in its path.
Heeseung scoots closer to you with his hands cupping your cheek. “Can I kiss you?” You slowly nod.
His soft lips felt perfect on yours, and you could feel your body buzzing with relief and warmth, your skin burning under his. His touch, his kiss, and his body being so close to yours made you feel lightheaded with want. It electrified you. Every single thing would no longer matter after this moment because Heeseung wanted you the same way you wanted him.
He was yours, and you were his.
“Where are we going?” You ask as you watch endless views of the seaside flurry by. With the windows rolled down, you relish in the onshore spring breeze.
“You’ll see, baby.��� Heeseung squeezes your thigh for good measure, letting out a hearty laugh when the apples of your cheeks tint a bright red.
Minutes continue to pass you by, and when you reach your destination, or you believe that it is, Heeseung asks you to don a blindfold. You immediately comply, albeit a bit concerned, yet you still let yourself get dragged by Heeseung into unseen territory. With one of your senses gone, the sounds of hushed whispers, the clinging of keys, elevator sounds accompanied by their music, and the closing of a door are amplified tenfold. You try to make sense of your surroundings but give it up when you haven’t a single clue as to where you are or what you’re doing. You occasionally make the effort to inquire Heeseung about it, but he shuts you down almost immediately, repeating that you’ll see it soon enough.
“Come on, you big baby.”
Heeseung unties the blindfold, letting it fall onto the ground as you get slowly acclimated to the sudden difference in lighting.
It takes you a few seconds to realise that you’re in a hotel room, one that has been neatly decorated with helium balloons and flower petals everywhere, as well as the most stunning view you’ve ever seen. The sun continues to set in the background, painting the sky hues of orange and pink. You could even see the beach so perfectly from where you stood in the doorway. Your heart swells in its place, looking back at Heeseung with tears lining your eyes.
With his hand still clasped in yours, he leads you further into the suite, pointing at the large metallic letters reading, ‘Can I Be Your Boyfriend?’ on the headboard of the bed.
You knew that Heeseung wanted to make it special when he asked to officially become your boyfriend, but you didn’t think he would go this far: booking a hotel, letting the hotel staff in on it, then decorating said room in all your favourite colours.
“Heeseung.” You turn, hands flying towards Heeseung, to capture him in a deep and passionate kiss. When you’re both breathless and panting, you stick your forehead together with his, savouring the sweet moment. “Yes, a hundred times yes. You can be my boyfriend.” You smile at him, feeling the salty tears finally start to trickle down.
“I love you.” He picks you up and twirls you around before he continues to plant kisses on your lips and the entirety of your face. “I loved you the moment you fell in front of me, the moment our eyes met, the moment I fell on my ass for you, and the moment you sang my favourite song.” He whispers in between kisses.
This felt like a dream — how you went from crushing on the campus heartbreaker to dating the guy of your dreams.
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© i2ycat 2024 i love heeseung sm goodbye. also if u see any mistakes no u don’t… i’ve proofread this like 20 times and i think i might’ve gone insane (real)
1K notes · View notes
g0niki · 2 months
camera's on: take two ── y.jw p.js
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camera's on (pt.1) (read me first!!!)
pairing: bf!jungwon x afab!reader x classmate!jay
word count: 2.3k+
content: no protection (don't be like them.), oral (m&f receiving), mxm (no penetration, but more than kissing), exhibitionism, dom!jay, switch!won, sub!reader, jw and reader are no thoughts head empty, creampies, recording. lmk if i missed anything! minors dni.
a/n: i was feeling silly and i didn't proof read🤸. please share your thoughts with me in the comments, reblogs, or my inbox! I also won't be adding more to 'camera's on' (at least as of right now) but i will still write for jaywon and other duos!! going to try and write more about the other members 🤞
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jungwon had been standing on the tip of his toes for the whole week, eager for the upcoming friday. 
won bit on the end of his pencil, uninterested in his lecture about the mayan empire and the legacy they left behind. his focus was completely locked in on the analog clock dangling above the exit. the hands ticking and taunting him with every passing second, the pencil sitting in between his teeth being bent up as he bit down harder and harder.
unfortunately, the first tape had been lost but luckily for him, jay was feeling generous enough to allow another session free of charge (as long as he would have a feature). 
he knew you would already be home getting ready, probably letting jay get comfortable and set up while he’s forced to miss out on even the smallest of interactions. 
the thought of you and jay getting started up without him almost being enough to make him leave his lecture early.. yet at the same time he wouldn’t mind.
god, he hopes that’s what the two of you are doing. 
and just before he could get lost in the thought, imagining jay’s name rolling off the tip of your tongue as he rushes down the hall of your shared apartment, his professor is dismissing the class.
jungwon fumbles with his keys, struggling to get the right one into the keyhole. his bag tugging down on his shoulder as he fumbles with the doorknob, forcing his way into the small apartment.
only to be welcomed by silence. 
he knew you were home, you hadn’t told him about a change of plans. he lets his bag fall onto the floor next to your couch, eyeing the two pairs of shoes next to the entrance, clearly indicating the presence of both you and jay. 
“baby? did you guys set up?” he calls out as he creeps towards the room, the only place you and jay could be.
his stomach turned, anticipating what was going on behind the closed door. he could hear jay’s hushed whispers, the conversation between you too being inaudible. 
jungwon opened the door to the very scene he was wishing for. you were sitting between jay’s legs, your own splayed open as the older boy spread your folds,  the camera pointing directly towards the two of you. 
“good girl, you held in your sounds til jungwon could make it home.” jay used his free hand to push back the sweaty strands of hair off of your face. 
your cheeks were flushed, your face scrunched up as you used all your might to try and not make a single sound. 
“she’s waiting on you won,” jungwon's jaw slightly dropped, admiring the sight of the two of you. your naked forms pressed up against each other and waiting for him.
“you can let it all out now pretty.” the moment you heard your boyfriend’s smooth voice you were throwing your head back against jay’s shoulder, a strained moan leaving your throat as your back slightly arched and you forced your pelvis further into jay’s hand.
jay hadn’t even put his fingers inside of you, only playing with your clit and tracing the outsides of your hole lightly. he wouldn’t go as far as penetrating you in any sort of way without your boyfriend around and he was glad he didn’t. the way you were dripping down onto his fingers and leaving his hand soaked was amusing to him. 
you were so easy to toy with, almost as if you had never been fucked. and that made him want to tease you even more.
“why don’t you come warm up too jungwon?” jay so easily picked you up, moving your body next to him and signaling won to him. “this week looks like it’s been hard to you, hasn’t it?”
jungwon dumbly nodded, walking over to stand in between jay’s open legs. 
“mm, both of you are too dumb to use your words today. maybe if i help you relax a bit you’ll start speaking up, yeah pretty boy?” 
jay’s hands found jungwon’s, the older boy standing up to now tower over him. moving the two of them around and giving jungwon his former place on the edge of the bed. 
you watched in awe as jay tugged down jungwon’s loose sweats. freeing his painfully hard and swollen member, letting it slap against his hoodie. 
won moaned at the feeling, his sensitive tip rubbing against the cotton material and leaving a dab of precum. 
“both of you are so needy, look at this.” jay lightly blew on jungwon’s tip, his cock jumping in response.
“please hyung.” won’s voice was whiney, and you clenched your legs together watching. your boyfriend’s needy response has you pouting, you hated seeing him not get taken care of.
“come on jay, he’s asking nicely.” you crawled up behind your boyfriend, sitting on your knees and placing light kisses and licks along your boyfriend’s neck. 
“oh, so you can speak?” jay laughed lightly, slapping jungwon’s thigh just to get a reaction. “lucky i’m feeling extra nice today.”
before the two of you could even process it, jay is wrapping his lips around jungwon’s cock. his tongue gently tracing the underside of his tip, won’s body shuddering in response.
jay didn’t bother to take any more of jungwon in his mouth, only paying the swollen end any attention. the both of you knew not to ask for more.
jay’s eyes looking up at the both of you. you were doing your best to feel included, marking up every open surface and leaving the prettiest purple marks on jungwon’s neck, but jay could see the subtle pout on your face. he knew you wanted to feel included. 
he slowly pulled off of jungwon’s tip, letting it rest against his bottom lip for a moment. the saliva serving as a gloss for his lips, jungwon’s member getting more excited by the moment, jumping as jungwon let every single groan and moan leave his throat.
“oh my fucking gosh hyung.” jay wasn’t even doing anything at the current moment yet won felt like he was about to spill all over the cameraman’s face. 
“hey pretty, go grab the camera for me.” your eyes immediately lit up at jay’s command, pushing yourself off the mattress and grabbing the device. “now hand it to jungwonnie and get down here with me.” 
won felt like he was going to faint. the image of you sitting on your knees next to jongseong sends his brain into overdrive. the evident size difference between you two, the rough and dark look jay had in comparison to your soft and head-empty appearance giving him whiplash. 
he watched as jay grabbed the back of your head and had you lean closer to jungwon’s stiff cock, forcefully placing you face-to-face with it.
jay places the tip of jungwon’s cock onto your lips, tapping it against the bottom of your mouth a couple of times, the both of them groaning at the sight.  
“i can’t take this anymore.” 
almost as if it were on cue, jay is leaning forward and sandwiching jungwon’s tip between the two of your lips. his tongue coming out to fight with yours and caress the sensitive end all at the same time.
jungwon’s hands gripped the camera. he could’ve sworn he was hearing colors at this point. 
the way you whined against him was driving him insane. the two tongues providing extra stimulation and the whole view being displayed on the camera’s monitor getting him even harder. 
he could see the tears pricking your eyes, how desperate you were to please him and keep up with jay. 
he felt bad looking at his pretty girl lack so much attention, so he did what any good boyfriend would do. 
he pushed his leg closer to your core, watching as you immediately used it to get yourself off. the material of his sweats rubbing against your clit and giving you the extra energy you needed to drool on his cock and start kissing down the base. 
won tangles his hand in the older’s hair, pulling the boy off of him and admiring his lustful eyes and sharp jaw. 
“what won?” he looked uninterested in what jungwon had to say, if it wasn't for the bulge firmly pressing against his pants jungwon would've almost thought he didn't want to be there.
“look at her. she’ll take anything right now.” won gave jay a fake pout, the two of them watching how you licked up and down won’s member, paying special attention to your favorite vein. 
jay quickly grabbed the camera from won’s hands and focused the lens on you. capturing your eyes pinched tightly together as your hips desperately rutted up and down. 
"holy shit..." won’s neck was thrown back, his member shooting out cum and decorating your cheeks and eyelashes. 
the two of them watch as you swipe the fluid off your face and scoop it into your mouth instead, locking eyes with the camera and giggling.
“camera’s going back up, get on the bed.” jay moves towards the tripod, setting up his camera once again, slightly zooming in and only keeping the bed within the frame. “look at you two, so desperate.”
the camera displays both you and won laying on your sides and sloppily making out. won’s hands clutch at your waist, pulling you closer and rubbing his cock against your clit. the repeated nudging of his head making you whine into his mouth and he can’t help but suck up every single noise you make.
jay lets his cock throb at the view, his head dripping beads of precum as he uses his pointer finger to lightly graze the end of his cock. 
“go on jungwonnie~ fuck her already.” 
you pull away for a moment, hands in his hair and admiring his glassy eyes. “I want it so bad, give it to me please~” you slide your hand between the two of your bodies,  lifting your leg and lining up his member with your entrance. 
jungwon’s hips jump forward on instinct. his dick pushing into you and feeling the warmth of your velvety walls, squeezing his eyes shut and rutting into you. the thrust are short, only pulling out maybe an inch or two before slamming his hips back into yours as he eagerly chases his release. 
“please, fuck- fuck i’m going to cum.” he buries his face into your chest, kissing the tops of your breast. his kisses become messier and messier, leaving marks behind as he speeds up the pace of his hips, his pelvis coming into contact with your clit every time he fucks up into you, ticking you closer and closer to your high . “i’m filling you up- fuck…”.
the warm thick liquid coating your inside, sending you over the edge. he pushes this face into your boobs more, biting down on the supple flesh. his teeth sinking in hard enough to have you squirming, possibly drawing a bit of blood. 
the both of you panting in silence for a moment before jay speaks up, startling the both of you. 
“let’s get our final scene, okay?” he gets in the bed behind you, grabbing your smaller frame and sliding you off of won’s sensitive cock. “gonna make you feel real good princess.” 
he lays flat on his back, pulling you on top of him and pressing your back on top of his chest. his dick now aligned with your cunt, the mixture of you and jungwon dripping down onto his thick shaft.
without warning he’s pushing you down onto his length, won’s cum helping ease the stretch.
“so fucking tight, no wonder he cums so quick.”  jay uses his hand to lightly apply pressure on your lower stomach, heightening the feeling of his dick.
won dumbly watches, his mouth slightly hanging open in awe at the sight. 
“won… need more~” you squeak out to him. you were so close to being gone, his pretty girl being so so good for jay. taking him so well and still wanting more. 
no one would ever be able to satisfy you the way he does. fucking jay, yet still needing him. 
and who was he to deny you?
jungwon crawled over and settled himself between the tangled mess of legs.
leaning down so closely to your stuffed cunt and blowing against it. your body jolting at the feeling, making his eyes light up and a light smirk settle on his lips.
“look at that pretty, the way you clench around him is so cute.” your back arches against jay’s chest. the older wrapping his arms around you to hold you still.
looking down you see won lean in and wrap his soft lips around your clit. suckling on it softly, giving you the last bit of pleasure you needed, but he doesn’t stop there. 
his tongue lolling out of his mouth and moving down to circle your cunt, bringing pleasure to both you and jay. 
jay’s thighs shake at the feeling, and jungwon likes that reaction. 
the younger boy moves down even further, taking jay’s balls into his mouth and sucking on them for a moment before pulling them out of his mouth with a pop. won sticks out his tongue and licks jay from his balls up to where he is inside of you. 
sliding his wet muscle into your cunt alongside jongseong’s cock, sliding against the sensitive vein. 
the feeling of won’s nose bumping against your bruised clit making you squirm and scream, tears welling up in your eyes as you babble out nonsensical begs and pleases as you cum. 
 jay adding more to the mess inside you with the final flick of jungwon’s tongue against his thick cock. 
jungwon sits back, watching the two of you grab onto each other and ride out your highs with a satisfied smile on his face.
“that was better than the take we lost.”
“oh yeah about that, i never lost the take.” you and won snapping your necks to look at jay. “what? i couldn’t pass up on another threesome with you two.” 
@g0niki all rights reserved. do not translate or post my work anywhere without permission.
🏷️: @pansies-garden
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l5byrinth · 5 months
“in a world of boys, he's a gentleman.”
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pairing: finnick odair x reader
summary: in which finnick takes care of you after you survive a blood rain. aka finnick being an absolute gentleman ;)
warnings: idrk maybe thoughts of not surviving, fluff, lmk if i should add more, non-edited
a/n: this sucks i’m so sorry anon but i loved your request and hope you like how i brought your idea to life 🩵 also i listened to slut! on repeat when writing this so that’s why i associated it with that song 😝
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MILLIONS of thoughts raced through your head, as you tried to walk as carefully and quietly as you could. You couldn’t believe you lost your allies - which included one of your closest friends - within the first few hours. Your chances of survival plummeted, and you hated yourself for foolishly wandering off.
The jungle was silent, apart from the birds chirping occasionally, and normally it would bring you comfort. But now, as you were reliving the same nightmare you had a few years ago, it wasn’t much of a comfort at all. Usually, the jungle and the water would be your number one place to escape to. To ease your mind. But now, walking around in the jungle meant life or death.
Something fell on your shoulder, making you stop in your tracks. You looked up at the sky, but saw nothing strange or unfamiliar. You scanned the trees thoroughly just to be sure no one was hanging in there, before slowly and cautiously continuing your journey. But then you felt something drop on your face. You wiped it away with your index finger and looked at it, red substance staining your finger.
With furrowed eyebrows, you inspected it—resembling blood.
You looked up at the sky, confused as to where this might come from. But before you could even register what was happening, the red substance started pouring from the sky.
Your vision was entirely blurred because of the substance you assumed was blood, and there was nothing you could do. All you could think about was Finnick, who you had grown feelings for during the years you had known him. The thought of him was the only thing making the situation look less unpleasant than it was.
You were close to giving up, when you heard a scream of your name. Even though you could hardly see, you moved from your place, looking around. Another scream of your name and you followed it, screaming for Finnick, whose voice you had recognised.
Warmth filled your heart. There it was again, that little hope Finnick always gave no matter the situation.
You got closer, his voice getting louder every time he called for you, “Finnick?!” But it was like he couldn’t hear you. You got so close, you were sure you were close enough for him to hear you. But when you wanted to take another step, there was this force withholding you from doing so. You put your hand on the force as it was still pouring and fear took over you once again.
But that was when you saw Finnick, looking around worriedly, his trident in his hand. You yelled for his name, banging against the force, a cry for help escaping your lips. And when Finnick spotted you, his face relaxed at the sight of you. He ran over without a doubt, but ran straight into the force. Finnick fell backwards to the ground, and all you could do was watch him get up with confusion. It seemed to hit him now that blood was pouring on you like there was no tomorrow.
You could see him say something, but you couldn’t hear him anymore. A tear fell down your cheek, but it was almost unnoticeable because of the blood pouring from the sky. But Finnick noticed everything you did and didn’t do, and he put his hand on the force. “You will be okay.” He said, trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince you.
Even when you didn’t hear him, you knew exactly what he was saying and you nodded. You rested your forehead on the force, as he followed your action. With your foreheads almost leaning against each other, you waited until it all was over. It killed you how you couldn’t touch him right now. He was so close, yet so far away.
And when you thought it would never end, the one thing that separated you from Finnick, and the rain, disappeared. Before you knew it, you had fallen into his arms, and he was holding you as tight as he could. “I thought I had lost you.” The tremble in his voice made a lump form in your throat. You tightened the hug, never ever wanting to let go of him.
Soon enough, Peeta and Katniss came running. While panting heavily, they released a sigh of relief, glad to see you were okay. “Finally found you.” Katniss spoke. She rested her hand on her hip, as she gave you a small smile, glad you were okay.
After giving you time to recover - which you actually didn’t at all - you and your allies headed to the beach. During your entire walk back, Finnick never let you go. One hand always lingered on the small of your back, as the other held your hand tightly. Even when you had made it to the beach, his fingers were intertwined with yours. And if you had to be honest, you enjoyed it more than you initially thought you would.
The first thing you did when you stepped foot on the sand was collapsing onto it, obviously still shaken up about what had happened. Finnick sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulled you even closer to him. “It’s okay.”
You nodded at his words, before resting you head on his shoulder with a sigh you were holding in for too long. The two of you sat in silence for a while, your fingers intertwined as they rested in your lap, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand soothingly. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach, but the thought of everything going on right now, gave a whole different meaning to the feeling in your stomach. You almost forgot you were in an arena again, and when the realisation hit you, anxiety washed over you.
Finnick seemed to notice this, just like he always did, and he softly whispered your name.
But you ignored him, lost in thought as the breaths you took were heavier than usual. “Hey,” He gently took ahold of your chin, making you look at him softly, “You’re okay.”
The green in his eyes reminded you of the sea, and if it meant looking at them all day, you wouldn’t mind drowning. The hand holding yours, brought your hand up to his lips. You watched with a racing heart as he lovingly kissed your knuckles one for one, holding eye-contact with you through all of it. Peeta and Katniss, who were watching you two from afar, shared a look.
You took in a sharp breath, before telling Finnick, “I should probably clean myself up.” The man in front of you nodded, and got up swiftly. He offered his hand to help you get up.
With his hand in yours, he led you to the water until it was at the height of your legs. Finnick grabbed a bit of water with the palm of his hand and started washing your arm. He removed every single trace of blood on your body, and you closed your eyes as he did so.
At some point you had sat down, your legs crossed over each other as the water reached the height of your neck. Fish boy - as you liked to call him - washed your hair as if he had done it a million times before. He massaged your head in the process, making you relax under his touch. He was gentle with everything he did, as if you were as fragile as an item made of glass. He handled you with such care, it made you feel like you didn’t deserve him at all.
You got up after he was done, and the smile that adorned his face made your heart leap in your chest. “Almost done.” He mumbled, before cleaning your face affectionately, his thumb swiping softly against your skin. You looked at him as he focused on the dirt on your face, his tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration.
“Done,” He whispered, so insanely close to your face, that you could feel his warm breath against your skin. “Thank you, Finnick.” You breathed out, your hands almost instantly grabbing his, as if his hands were magnets. He left a kiss on your forehead, before finally resting his on yours. There was no force keeping you apart anymore.
It was just you and him.
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strwbrryeyes · 22 days
nini… think about… iwaizumi meeting a girl who’s surprisingly stronger than him. she can lift that man with no problem. she has a sleeper build or something !! :3
𖦹°。⋆ Friendly competition (iwaizumi x reader)
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⟡ cw: fluff, competitive fem!reader and iwaizumi, taken place at a gym, idk i'm bad with tags, lmk if i missed anything
⟡ a/n: omg requests are finally rolling out after ages! also i rewrote this and proofread it countless times so if there's anything wrong i'm sorry im just DUMB
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Iwaizumi Hajime has always loved going to the gym, which is evident as he goes there almost every day. Not only is he very fit and built, but his health is also in excellent condition as he knows that taking care of himself and his inner workings is just as important (actually, more important) as keeping up his outward appearance. It also helps that he is an athletic trainer, so he always has a way to remind himself to stay in shape as he would always nag his athletes about the importance of being fit while not overworking themselves. Overall, Iwaizumi has always found comfort and importance in working out and keeping everything about himself in good shape.
So that’s when he saw you about to lift an alarmingly heavy weight, he walked towards you as worry took over him but then stopped in surprise when he saw you lift up the weight over your head with complete ease and no sign of struggle.
“Impressive…” Iwaizumi mutters out as he watches you place the weight back down in front of you.
As he catches your attention, you turn around and smile at him with pride. “Thank you! I’ve been working towards that for weeks now!” You happily tell him while wiping the sweat off of your forehead. Iwaizumi continues to watch you as you walk towards the rest of your stuff in pure amazement and curiosity before striking up another conversation.
“You know, I’ve never seen someone like you lift like that,” Iwaizumi starts as he leans over the piece of equipment in front of him “What’s your secret?”
With a chuckle and a light flush creeping up your face, you look at him with a teasing kind of look. “Not much really, just a lot of hard work and a lot of trial and errors of multiple techniques!” you exclaim to him as you flex your arm further surprising the man by how well-built you actually are.
“Why don’t you show me a few tricks then?” he quirks his brow playfully as he steps closer to you as if he’s proposing a challenge.
“I don’t see why not,” you take one step closer, looking up at him “but I’m warning you, you might get yourself into more than you can handle.” playfully teasing him, you smirk at Iwaizumi causing him to drop his jaw in shock a bit before he lets out a low chuckle.
“Oh, I’m sure I can handle it.” Iwaizumi finally says before sticking out his hand for a handshake “I’m Iwaizumi, and I’ll see you here same time tomorrow.”
“I’m [name], and you can bet I’ll be here tomorrow to make you beg for mercy.” You take his hand in yours and shake it as if he had just made a deal with the devil.
What the both of you don’t know is that this handshake would be the one that would change your lives for the better.
As the next day rolls around, you both stay true to your words and show up to the gym around the same time. You both share techniques with each other and become friends easily as you both push each other to new limits, sparking a playful rivalry that leads into more sessions at the gym.
With each day at the gym together, you both challenge each other to multiple tests of strength and endurance that even catch the attention of all the other regulars to the point where they all surround you during every small competition you guys had. Even with all of the eyes looking at you two, you and Iwaizumi only see each other with no care for everyone else. Was it just that you wanted to one up each other? Or was it more than that? Neither of you were too sure yet, but you did know that you never wanted your time together to come to an end.
Days and weeks pass by, and you and Iwaizumi still find ways to work harder and to encourage each other to go further than you have been in the gym, but now you’ve come to realize you have challenged each other to almost everything one could think of.
With this realization, you walk up to Iwaizumi who is doing his post-workout stretching and sit across from him.
“Well, Iwa-chan~” you say in a mocking tone, knowing that nickname annoys him ever since his friend, Oikawa, came to work out with you both a couple of times, which causes him to roll his eyes, “Looks like I’ve taught you everything I know and you still fall behind a bit.” you smirk as he whips his head up to look at you.
“That’s a lie and you know it.” he spits out before standing up.
Your smirk turns into a full-on shit-eating grin as you look up at him from the floor “How is it a lie? I’m still stronger than you.” You tease him, making his eyebrow twitch.
“You are not stronger than me.” He chuckles, only a bit offended before turning around to grab his water bottle as an idea pops into your head.
As Iwaizumi drinks his water, you slowly and quietly stand up and walk behind him. Once directly behind him, you snake your arms around his waist and lift him up, causing a high-pitched yelp to come from his mouth which causes you to burst out laughing and accidentally drop him on the ground, making him lose his balance which leads to him falling over.
After a few more seconds of your non-stop laughing to the point where your eyes are squeezed shut with tears poking out from the corners, Iwaizumi takes this as an opportunity to take revenge and scoop you up bridal style in his own two arms.
This action makes you stop laughing as shock takes over you with your face turning a bright shade of pink, Iwaizumi smiles at you.
“You may be able to lift me a few inches off the ground, but that doesn’t mean anything as long as I’m able to lift you,” He says in a voice that's soft and soothing to your ears before placing you back on the ground slowly.
You try to gain your composure as fast as you can but only fail when he takes your hand in his and looks directly into your eyes with a look you’ve never seen from him before. A look of adoration.
“Let me take you to dinner after we leave?” Iwaizumi asks you, with hope in his voice, and after a few moments of shock and silence, you lightly punch his chest before nuzzling your face into it so he wouldn’t see your face, which was still the pinkest shade possible.
“Okay, but I get to choose where we eat.” Finally, you mutter out an answer into his chest, and all he can do is hug you while lifting you up into the air once again.
With that, you and Iwaizumi go out to dinner and talk and laugh before you both decide to make it official.
After dinner, you walk hand in hand back to your place, happy that you’ve found each other, but of course, you can’t let this be too sappy of a moment, so you let go of his hand and step out in front of him.
“So! What’s it like having a girlfriend that’s stronger than you?” You tease him with your signature grin, making him roll his eyes before pulling you into his arms.
“It feels pretty great actually.” Iwaizumi mumbles out, causing you to cheer and pump your fist into the air as he finally admitsthat you’re stronger than him.
You’re only stronger than him by a bit, but he doesn’t care as long as he gets to see you smile your goofy smile more.
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licorice-tea · 4 months
The Bane of My Existence
Pairing:Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: some spoilers for Sabaody arc (nothing major), enemies to lovers! strawhat reader, reader and law are both stubborn and argumentative smh, reader is more optimistic though, law is awkward and not great at understanding his own feelings <3
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: part 1/2 for a little enemies to lovers fic! one of my favorite tropes but I almost never write about it... also I've been rewatching bridgerton and was very inspired by the relationship between Kate and Anthony, which is where the title comes from too! (can you guess what part 2 will be called?) anyway, enjoy and lmk your thoughts! :)
Part 2
Sabaody Archipelago is easily one of the coolest places you’ve visited so far. Not that Alabasta, Skypiea, Water 7, Thriller Bark weren’t cool too… but you’re a people person! And to get to see such a diverse mix of groups from all over the world converging here, on one island Archipelago, brings a genuine smile to your face. It truly does remind you of a theme park: from the attractions to the oversized trees and bubbles.
In fact, you’re so caught up in all the splendors of the carnival-esque grove that you don’t realize you’re being watched. Or, followed, rather.
The Heart Pirates, yet another crew from some vague corner of the world, have been tracking you for the better part of an hour now. Except, they’re only following their captain, who happens to be following you.
Hes not entirely discreet about it though, because at one point Bepo asks, “Um… Captain, why are we following them?”
Shachi responds unprompted, “Yeah, I’ve never seen their bounty poster so… what’s up?”
Law scowls, “I’m not following anyone.”
Though he is low-key following you, Law couldn’t give a good reason as to why. You walked past him and his crew on your way to meet up with the rest of your crew- the Strawhat Pirates- and he’d just sort of trailed after you once you’d gotten a safe distance ahead.
“Really? Because every time they stop for directions, we slow down. And we’ve turned at all the same spots, too… So it really does seem like we’re follo-“
“I am NOT following them.” He lies through (literally) gritted teeth.
Now, Trafalgar Law is in now way shape or form a believer in love at first sight. He’s never been in love period… but the feeling he gets from seeing you is something new and foreign. Like, he really wants to talk to you… he just doesn’t know what for. Law is still trying his best to come up with reasons to stop you and ask for your name when you overhear the brief argument between him and his friends.
With a quick glance over your shoulder, you spot a group of at least 10 on your trail. They’re in the middle of conversation, so they don’t notice you taking notice of them.
Your first instinct is to look around for your crew; but of course, they’re scattered across the groves of Sabaody Archipelago by now - as are you. “Sigh. I might just have to handle this in my own.” But, wait- who said they wanted to fight you? Maybe you should just approach them first, wouldn’t that give you the upper hand in some way? (It wouldn’t, but you can’t think of anything better than to try and charm your way out of a possible jumping with your friendliness and perfect smile.) So, you roll back your shoulders and take a breath before strolling back over the grass to your pursuers.
“Why would I be following some rand-“
“Because you have a crush on them!”
“Oh they’re cute, Captain, you should ask them to join!”
“Gasp! Yeah, then you can get to know-“
They all go silent (save for some quiet gasps) as you step toward the semi circle they’ve formed around one man- the only one not wearing a white uniform, who they call “Captain.” You tap him on the shoulder and he whips his head around.
“Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me?”
The man just stares at you for a moment with a frown. You fear that you might’ve been wrong about his intentions, until he blinks and mumbles, “Uh… Sure.”
Your smile returns- of course you weren’t wrong! Plus, he’s kind of hot, but you’d catalog that thought and come back to it on some lonely night in the future. “Great! I’m looking for grove 41, it’s where some of my friends are.”
You’d learned back in Water 7 that sometimes, it was best not to disclose who exactly you’re traveling with, nor the location of your ship. (At least, not when you’re infamous pirates.)
“Grove 41? I’m headed there too.”
The polar bear wearing who is also wearing a white uniform clears his throat.
“I thought we were heading to Grove 1, Captain?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to get in y’all’s way then-“
“Nah, I think Captain would love to show you the way.”
“Shachi!” The captain sneers. “We’ll meet back up at Grove 1 after I show them the way." Then, he looks you up and down. It's quick and analytical rather than flirtatious or intimidating. "Don’t cause me any trouble.”
You smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I’m y/n, by the way.”
“Trafalgar Law, and this is my crew, the Heart Pirates.” He gestures around the semi circle, then turns to face them, “You guys go take a break or something. I’ll be back shortly.”
“But Captain, we want to go with you!”
One of the men with red hair- Shachi, you’re pretty sure, elbows the polar bear.
“Hey!…” He looks down at Shachi then gasps like he suddenly had a revelation; “Ohhh. Sorry Captain, we’ll see you later!”
Law rolls his eyes. “See you soon.”
There's something about his dark hair and grey eyes that charms you, right off the bat. Or maybe it's his relaxed, confident demeanor. Possibly even his idiosyncratic style of clothing, and how he (and all of his crew) wore the same logo; so very organized and professional. But no matter the exact reason as to why, you find yourself quite happy to be in his company.
Alas, he’s not a very talkative man, so you make up most of the conversation with questions and your own introductory information. “-and that’s how I got here, to Sabaody!”
“Uh huh. And who did you say your crew was again?”
“I, ahem, I don’t travel with a crew.”
“Right.” He laughs dryly.
“What is it?”
“You’re a bad liar.”
“I- I’m not lying!”
“Look, you don’t have to tell me what crew you’re a part of,” Law explains, “but don’t lie and say you’re not a pirate at all.”
“Well… it’s generally not a good idea to tell strangers that you’re a pirate. Not even nice ones, like you."
Ignoring the butterflies in his stomach that unexpectedly appear when you call him nice, Law's burning curiosity is fed by your roundabout half-answer. “Ah, so you are one? What’s your bounty?”
“That’s not really any of your business.” Though you believe his intentions to be purely based in curiosity, you're second guessing allowing this man to lead you away on an island grove that you have never visited, nor know anything about. Still, your crew is nowhere in sight or hearing range, which worries you given just how loud they usually are.
“I’m paying you a favor by leaving my crew to escort you to where I’m assuming your ship is located- it’s the least you could do.” Law’s tone is more prickly than before.
“Well, I don’t need an escort, and you’ve already walked me halfway there and pointed me in the right direction.”
“Fine- then I’ll leave.”
His sudden change in mood from what you interpreted as shy to borderline aggressive throws you off. And so, having a similar moody temperament and stubbornness (though you’d never admit it after seeing it so clearly in him), you return the sentiment. “Fine by me.”
You continue walking forward while Law turns back, until he calls over his shoulder. “And by the way; you’ll need to find your way through the lawless zone up ahead if you want to get to Grove 41.” If condescending was a person, it would be him. You’re sure of it. “That, or I could’ve shown you a much safer shortcut.”
You pause, turn to face him, roll your eyes, and continue walking.
“What, you’re still not going to ask for my help?”
“Don’t need it!” Which, you really don’t. You’re plenty strong, but your bounty is small enough to not be worried. “I’m not scared of a law-less zone, if anything I think I’d welcome it.”
Your mocking words hurt his ego in a way he hasn't felt in years, taking him down several pegs.
You don't even stick around long enough to listen to him rebuke everything about you, from your high and mighty tone to your vain attempts at lying, ending his one sided argument with a very classy middle finger your way. So, Law grumbles all the way back to Grove 1 to find his crew, and hopes to never see you again. Meanwhile, you find your way to the other Strawhats. Your adventure with them continues, and you don’t have much time to think of your earlier encounter with a handsome pirate and possible-friend turned enemy (if you could even call him that.)
Law doesn't know if his ego (or wildly beating heart) could take another second in your presence- it just might burst if it had to endure any more of your witty comments or sly looks. It would, however, be an interesting theory to test further, should you ever meet again.
The prospect is both horrifying and thrilling to him at the same time.
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heartsforvin · 4 months
Hey Paige. Could you write a smut with sub!vin ? Like mommy kink included. I feel like vinnie might have a lil bit of a mommy kink 💀
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LOVEEEEE THIS IDEA !! thank you for the request ! <33 also i def agree w you 😭 he definitely does a 🤏🏼 bit
pairing; vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings; smut, oral (m receiving), cussing, dirty talk, use of pet names, sub!vin, mommy kink, mild slapping, i think that’s all but lmk if i missed anything !
summary; you take control in the bedroom, only to be met with one of vinnie’s kinks he’s been hiding
usually in your relationship vinnie is the one to take control when in the bedroom. recently however, you’ve been thinking of trying something out.
the other night you thought you heard vinnie say something but you couldn’t quite make out what it was. it came off more as a whine than anything, and that’s when you got the idea to test something out.
as the night went on you continued what the two of you were doing, making a mental note to test your theory the next time.
you brought it up to vinnie the next day, but he quickly shot you down.
“baby it was just heat of the moment, you know how i get when it gets heated like that.”
you smiled and told him he’s right, that he probably didn’t say what you thought he did. both of you do tend to get carried away when it gets too heated sometimes.
that didn’t stop you from wanting to test the idea in your head, though.
✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.
pulling up the red see-through top the best you can, you look yourself in the mirror and smile.
you decided to put on an outfit you know vinnie would absolutely love.
it was a red lingerie set that was clearly visible to every inch of your body. checking yourself one last time, you finally decide to head into vinnie’s room.
“babe where are you, movies about to-“vinnie was cut off once he saw you walk into the room.
you give him a twirl, making sure to stick your ass out just a bit for him to get more of a show, then face him again with a sweet smile.
“you look..” he took a good look at you, you could basically feel his eyes on you. “fuck.” is all he could say, you making him absolutely speechless.
“you like?” you ask him, already knowing his answer. vinnie comes up to you and wraps his arms around your waist.
you gaze up at him while he looks down at you, smiles spreading on both your faces.
“you look fucking amazing,” he compliments as he runs his hands along your hips. “my stunning girl.”
blush creeps up on your cheeks and for a second you forget you’re the one in control tonight.
you feel vinnie grip your hips and then feel his breath against your ear. “need to rip this off you.” he whispers like it’s not just the two of you in the room.
you smile and push his chest but that does nothing. “that’s not how this is gonna go.” you tell him.
vinnie furrows his eyebrows as he watches you walk over to your shared bed. you stop once you’re at the foot of the bed and turn to face him.
“you know what’s gonna happen?” you question, and you watch vinnie shake his head.
you hear the tv start to play the movie you both were supposed to watch and you shut it off completely, turning your gaze back to your boyfriend.
“you’re gonna undress for me, and then lay on the bed all pretty for me as you watch me suck your cock.” you explain, you watch as vinnie’s eyes darken.
he stands still for a moment before you hear the same noise you heard nights before slip out.
“what was that?” you taunt, it was obvious you heard the slight whine slip past his lips.
without another word vinnie did as told. you watched as he undressed himself and laid in the middle of your shared bed.
facing him, you smile when you see the sight of your boyfriend spread out for you.
this was a bit of a vulnerable situation for vinnie, him not usually being the submissive one, but he was comfortable with it and that was all that mattered.
“such a good boy for me,” you praise, crawling up the bed before reaching vinnie and giving him a short but sweet kiss.
he whines again and you smile. looking down, you watch as his cock grows harder, smirking the minute you look back up at him.
“n-need you,” vinnie mutters as you slowly wrap your hand around him. “please.”
you give him a sweet smile. “need me, sweet boy?” you ask, watching vinnie nod his head. “how bad do you need me, baby?”
you slowly move your hand up and down the blonde’s cock, making his body jerk at the action.
that was enough to know how badly he needed you, needed this. although, you’d like verbal confirmation, you knew he was almost too far gone.
your pace quickened and before he could ask for more, your mouth was already wrapped around him.
“f-fuck,” he moaned, pushing his head into the pillow. “feels good.”
you look up at him and he can’t help but let another whimper slip past his pretty lips. you bob your head faster while also moving your hand up and down his length.
you can tell vinnie is getting close without him having to say it. you lift off of him while still stroking him gently.
“you gonna cum for me, pretty boy?” you ask, already knowing he’s more than ready to.
vinnie bites his lip to drown out his sounds and nods, and that’s when you suddenly halt your actions and remove your hand from him.
you watch has he thrashes against the mattress in attempt to get you to touch him again.
he suddenly stops when he sees you rise from the position you’re in and hover above him.
“listen to me,” you tell him as you lower yourself on him as you do, wincing a bit at the feeling. “you are going to watch as i fuck myself on your cock, understand?”
a moan slips past his lips again snd vinnie nods. “i understand.”
you smile and lean over to kiss him softly. “no touching, baby. only watching.” you remind before leaning back and moving your hips.
once gaining friction, you lean a bit and press your hands on vinnie’s chest, moving your hips faster.
you watch as vinnie tries so hard to not touch you, you can tell it’s torture for him.
“doing so good for me, my love,” you praise, making vinnie thrust his hips to meet your movements. “feel so good.”
all that’s heard from the room is strings of moans and skin slapping. you wish you didn’t make that rule but you did.
almost as if vinnie read your mind, you feel his hands reach up and squeeze your tits, making you throw your head back.
you soon lift your head and look at vinnie. “what’d i say,” you tell him, smacking his hand away from your chest. “no touching.”
vinnie whines but listens, removing his hands from you. “such a good boy for me.” you praise as you try not to be too loud.
“f-fuck, mommy,” vinnie moans once he hits a particularly good spot. “please.”
he pleads, needing to touch you in some way. “please.” he whines again.
you bounce up and down on him, giving him more pleasure as you continue. “nuh uh, you know the rules, baby.”
you continue your actions, rolling your hips as you do, making vinnie moan louder. you watch as he goes to grab your hips but you swat his hand.
“gonna-“ he starts but is soon cut off by his own noises. “mommy, fuck.”
you smirk and lean down to kiss him, although he can’t physically touch you, that doesn’t mean you can’t touch him.
“wanna cum for me, baby?” you ask, your movements quicken.
vinnie nods. “please let me cum,” he pleads, hands fisting the sheets.
your nails take down his chest, and then back up again, stopping at the snake tattoo that wraps around his body.
you lean down and kiss the ‘break my heart’ tattoo on his chest before lowering to the spider on his sternum.
your hands trail inches lower and you scratch along his abs, making vinnie’s stomach drop.
“fuck, that feels good,” he tells you as you continue your actions. “please.”
you smile, watching as vinnie thrusts upward again. “fuck, mommy i’m cumming.”
rolling your hips one last time, you watch as vinnie tips his head back and lets out a string of curse words as you feel him cum inside you.
vinnie grabs your hips and helps you fuck yourself on him, making yourself release soon after.
you roll off him and on to the other side of the bed, vinnie pulls you into him and kisses your head.
“i knew it,” you told him, vinnie looks at you with a questioning gaze. “you have a mommy kink.” you tell him.
you watch vinnie’s cheeks darken and that’s when you knew fully that you are right. you kiss him softly, smiling at him.
“oh, mommy, fuck you feel so good!” you exclaim in a mocking tone, making vinnie roll his eyes.
he puts his hand over your mouth to shut you up, laughing as he does so. “shut up.”
you laugh and roll on top of him, kissing all over his pretty face.
“i kinda like it though. it’s hot.” you tell him, making vinnie raise his eyebrows.
“yeah?” he asks. “want me to call you it often?” he asks you, making you laugh.
you soon realize he’s serious. “i mean, it is hot, but let’s keep it in here.” you tell him, motioning around your shared room.
he laughs and pulls you into him, kissing your head.
“i love you, my sweet girl.” he says, caressing your cheek.
you lean into him, kissing his hand. “i love you more, my sweet boy.”
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hiiii i’m so sorry i’ve been so busy w work and life shits been rough 🥲
but i hope you all enjoyed !!! i tried living it up to your expectations and i hope i did <33
taglist: @forevergirlposts , @cosmicanakin , @lyndys , @slvthrs , @bernelflo , @kriissy4gov , @laylasbunbunny , @kayleiggh , @lovingsturniolo , @st4rswrld , @hallecarey1 , @supabhad , @violet0182 , @louloulemons-blog , @leqonsluv3r
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golbrocklovely · 10 months
dating colby headcannon
requested by anonymous: Could you possible write a dating Colby headcannon with the reader? Thank uuu
A/N: even tho i'm not taking requests, i figured i can do this real quick since it's a headcannon and i'm in the middle of finishing up the next chapter of the chosen daughter. so hopefully this holds yall over a bit longer while i finish that up :) and this is all gender neutral so anyone can read it ! lmk what you think and hope you enjoy.
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let's start with how you two met: i think you being a friend of a friend would be how it all starts.
maybe this friend in common gets invited to a party that snc are at, and you tag along. you get introduced to colby, and yall hit it off.
colby is very much into vibes and how well he meshes with another person. so for him to be interested, he has to like being around you. that man does not waste his time around people he doesn't care about.
and i think with colby, things would start off PAINSTAKINGLY SLOW. if you're into a slow burn… that's what your life will be like lol
colby hasn't dated in a long time, it's been almost exclusively hook ups and situationships. so i think the beginning stages will be a bit rough (in more ways than one *wink wink nudge nudge*). i think it would take a long time before anything major happened, just because he's not used to being vulnerable with someone.
that being said, i can see him hooking up with you once or twice before anything serious even remotely starts, since that's his usual go-to method. that doesn't have to be all the way - it could be like making out in the club or in a house party bathroom. a little hidden, a bit secretive, but that makes it all the more fun. it's exciting because he makes you feel like you are the sun in his galaxy, even if it's just for a few minutes. that's how intense he can be.
and maybe you realize, "oh shit i got feelings for him…. will this ever turn into something more?" and that's when you start hanging out with him more, or at least making plans to.
and i think as time goes on, he grows attached to you (because he is a clingy person, respectfully). and he enjoys the parts of his day when he gets to see you. and that's when he starts to feel the sparks. but knowing him, he probably won't act on them for a while.
but slowly, you two get really close, and eventually try to start something. once he can feel his walls crumble, and yours are also down, that's when yall truly start to have a wonderful relationship.
so as for dating him, what do i think that would be like?
colby is very busy guy, no surprising to anyone. so it's hard for yall to hang out as often as you want to (which would be like everyday if you could, and same goes for him).
but colby finds ways of seeing you or talking to you at least once a day.
even if it's just to check in on you, or ask you about your day. colby also likes to tell you about the stuff he was up to, give you little heads up on new projects before anyone else. but only when he knows they're happening bc he doesn't like talking about things that might not happen. very earth sign of him lol
i don't see him sending 'good morning' messages, but i could see him sending 'goodnight' ones. definitely with a black heart emoji somewhere thrown in there.
oooh, pet names. i'm seeing him using baby, babe, darling, sweetheart, love, and possibly honey. especially when he's drunk, he's extra affectionate.
when he goes on investigations, he comes back and HAS to tell you everything. he also loves being around you after because you make him feel so comfortable and at home. and he needs that after being paranormally hungover.
if you go with him on trips… omg, he will be protective. for sure. checking in on how you're feeling every couple minutes.
and if you get really scared, he's ready to send you home. he doesn't want to see you hurt or terrified at all. so sometimes he isn't the most favorable towards you going with him (unless you insist).
yall's biggest past time together: cuddling.
that man needs cuddles, AT LEAST, once a day. otherwise, he will be whiny lol (he might not show it at first, but once he's comfortable, he's gonna be a baby about cuddles, guarantee).
he needs to be touching you at all times, whether out in public or not. he doesn't seem like a crazy PDA type, so nothing too ~sexual~, but he will be holding your hand every chance he gets.
unless, of course, he's feeling a bit frisky… then you run the chance of having to go home early or finding a private area to have your fun sksks
i see him being the type to wrap his arms around you from behind, pulling you tight against him. especially if you're waiting in like a long line or something. he just wants you in his arms whenever he can.
like i mentioned before, he is a very busy man. so i see him doing a lot of at home dates. making pizzas together (or just dinners in general), setting up little pillow forts for movie nights, cute vibes all around. omg and of course - LOTS of camping outside and staring at the stars and talking for hours. that's 1000% for sure.
and maybe if you're the type that likes hiking, maybe you guys would go hiking together.
but i do see him also taking you out to exclusive clubs, bars, and restaurants since he has the hookup and the following to get into places that are new.
emotionally, i think you two would be so deeply into each other. i think being understanding and just getting one another is something major he wants in a relationship. so i think always being open and honest would be the main center point of your relationship.
he wants no drama, and wants love to come easy. and most likely you feel the same way, which is why you guys mesh well together.
physically… i mean, cmon. look at the material lol
he's definitely wants to make sure your needs are met. he's a people pleaser after all. and if you're his person, he's making sure you're pleased.
he's a very giving lover, is all i'm gonna say ;)
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cupidlovesastro · 6 months
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔬𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔰
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this is based on some research i’ve done on each of these aspects, so if i’m missing something or misunderstood an aspect, please lmk !
semi-sextile 30°
although the name is semi sextile, it’s more similar to quincunx/ inconjunct. the signs don’t see each the same way quincunx aspects don’t. this aspect is considered one of the “weaker” aspects due to it not causing as much drama as other aspects, or so it seems. semi sextile is one of those aspects that kind of work in the background, causes chaos in the background or supports you from a distance. with this placement, there’s slight tension and differences that can make things difficult, but things will eventually smooth over, but even when things are smooth over, there will be moments where the planets bump heads
semi-square 45°
this aspect is basically notorious for representing harsh and/or sudden changes in your life or an aspect of your life. like there could be something that happened and you didn’t see it coming or you had to make a tough decision. this placement shows you where you can grow and where things can be improved
quintile 72°
this aspects can show where your talented and creative. this also shows successes between the planets and how you can use this to achieve goals
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sesquiquadrate 135°
this aspect can show that there’s tensions between two planets because they don’t see eye to eye. this aspect encourages you to take action and using the tension between the two planets in a positive way
biquintile 144°
just like quintile, this aspects can show where your talented and creative as well. this can also increase or emphasize your spirituality and it can show that this is an area to connect to your inner artist
quincunx/inconjunct 150°
said to be the most challenging aspect, due to the 2 placements being aspected having nothing in common. these 2 signs don’t see each other, the way that other aspects might. this can feel very confusing, conflicting, and frustrating. this aspect happens when the zodiac signs involved have no relation to one another. this shows that things need to be changed or adjusted
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zirobitches · 7 months
One Piece: Soulmate AU
Always in this twilight - Crocodile x GN!Reader
Summary: Soulmates are incapable of hurting each other. As a pirate, this leads to some tragic moments midst battles. You thought you were prepared for when it might happen to you, but damn you were wrong.
Gn! Reader, Angst no comfort, no beta we die like Roger, Reader is Croc's First Mate and a former Roger pirate (Shanks/Buggy's age) but it doesnt really matter, also former slave background, congrats you are now in the place of my self insert OC, no promises on not being cringe this is literally a /reader fic, also had to make a fake crew bc we dont know enough crocs backstory HAND IT OVER ODA
Word count: 4500+
Also first fic on tumblr, idk what im doing here, lmk ur opinions. It is now 2:03am and i have class at 10:30. Might have to skip lmao
EDITS: grammar check lol. also cross posted it on ao3 - same name as my blog
Soulmates weren't as common as you'd might assume when you first hear about it. There's an easy way to prove someone is your soulmate, but when that method is to harm them, well, it doesn't make it easy to find that person. And society gets a bit weird when you know your soulmate is out there.
you've known that some people carry around little needles to poke into strangers hoping to find the one. But that was in decent society; among pirates you more often heard tales of bullets suddenly dropping to the ground after they hit their target, or swords stopping on someone's skin as though it just hit steel. A battlefield is a hell of a place to meet the person fate had decided for you, but for pirates it had become a norm.
Not that long ago, some genius named Vegapunk did a study on how many people meet their soulmate - 1 in a 100. And that's just how many people find them. It never accounts for how many actually happily end up together. You had chosen to live your life as a pirate, so a happy ending with your supposed soulmate wasn't something you foresaw in your future.
You were always grateful most of your current crew felt the same. There was a small group among pirates that were always on the lookout to find their soulmate and then immediately retire. Your crew however like to joke that if they found them in battle, they would move out of the way so someone else could finish them off. It was a grim reality, but it was your reality.
However, on nights like these where you drank the night away, some romantic always had to bring it up.
"C'mon, did old Roger really make you so cold hearted that you don't believe in true love?"
"Pfft, you're fucking joking right?" You scoffed back. You always argued with Tink about this, but you understood your young navigator still had hope. Too bad you were the pessimist of the crew.
"It's not that I don't believe in true love," you continued. "Soulmates are real, I don't really see another explanation for not being able to harm only one other person in the world. But why limit yourself to waiting for a person you might never meet? So many are denying themselves to fall in love with someone else and then end up dying alone because they never found their soulmate."
Tink pouted in front of you. This was a tired conversation, one that was repeated every few weeks much to the chagrin of your other crewmates. But a controversial topic was always a great topic for a group such as yourselves.
"I'm not denying myself the chance to fall in love! I'm denying ever feeling heartbroken over someone who doesn't matter!" Tink tried to argue back, but you just groaned in response.
"And if you never meet the one? You'll just live and die without ever letting yourself even get a taste of what it is you're chasing." Tink glared, knowing it was futile to keep going, but the pink of her cheeks told you that the grog in her system was trying to get her to keep fighting.
It was then that a familiar tall figure caught your eye. There was your beloved captain Crocodile, trying to sneak behind everyone's back to grab another bottle for himself.
Crocodile was never much one for festivities, at least not one 'undeserved' as he might put it. While there was no battle won to celebrate, the night sky was clear and the waters calm; in the Grand Line, shouldn't that be enough to be happy about?
However tonight you weren't going to let him sneak booze and hide from the crew.
"Cap'n!" Apparently the grog was getting to you as well. "Come over here and help me crush Tink's dream of a soulmate!" You laughed as Tink gasped at your audacity. The rest of your company seemed more or less happy with how the night was going, but your captain was still less than enthused to join.
"If this is the same soulmate debate you've been going on about for the past 3 years, I will pass again. You already know my feelings on the matter." Crocodile's deep voice reverberated across the deck of the ship. Even if he wasn't giving orders, he still commanded the attention of everyone within earshot.
He gave a long drag of the bottle in his hand, and then turned to walk away. However you felt it was your duty as first mate to pester your captain into spending casual time with his crew.
"I may know your opinion, but would you be so kind and gracious to remind the rest of the crew? Perhaps?" You called out to the dark coat trying to run from the party, and saw him pause, then turn to walk back.
You could see some of the newer additions to the crew cower. You didn't blame them, Crocodile was an imposing figure, and was developing a infamous reputation as a pirate on the Grand Line. But he was your captain, and he would never hurt his crew, this you knew.
"If I ever met my soulmate," Crocodile began, "I assume it would be when I attempt to kill them." He took another sip from his bottle. This was one of the rare moments he was not puffing a cigar you suddenly realize. It made his face look younger, as though he was actually a man in his 20s as he claimed he was.
As though he knew you were thinking of him, Crocodile made eye contact with you. "When I realize I can't kill them, I'll call out for you." You felt your heart skip a beat. "Then you can finish them for me."
It was purely the grog's fault for making your face warm. The lack of a sea breeze was also suddenly apparent. But you couldn't be flustered, not when you were the one who asked for this answer.
You smiled, doing your best to brush off the tension. You were still maintaining eye contact with him after all. "Well there you have it. Not exactly the opinion I remember, but I hope I can live up to your expectations, Cap'n."
Crocodile nodded, then told you all to start to sober up or get to bed. "I don't need a crew of drunks on the Grand Line, or else we will never make it to the New World."
Your crew began to disperse and you went below deck to your cabin. You really hadn't had much to drink that night, yet your chest felt tight.
You thought you had learned your lesson, but no. Even after promising yourself you wouldn't, you became attached to your crew. Even after your last one fell apart. Even after you watched your first captain, your savior, be executed, you fucked up and dove straight into a different crew expecting it to be different.
You laid down in your bed, staring at the ceiling, the world slightly spinning. Suddenly all you can think about is when you met Croc.
It was little more than 3 years ago now, wasn't it? A whole 3 years since Roger died. The weight is still heavy in your chest, but not nearly as devastating as it was in Logue Town that day. You were a wreck, physically and emotionally.
After watching the execution, you were too heartbroken to join the others in pursuit of the One Piece. Your world has just officially ended, the crew was technically already disbanded, but now there was no hope of getting it back.
You ended up in some local bar. No one recognized you, and in the haze of all the excitement following Roger's death, why would they? You had just been some nobody apprentice who happened to stick on his ship after Roger saved your life.
But your sorrow did catch someone's eye.
You sat at the counter of this dive bar in Logue Town, mindlessly stirring whatever number drink sat in front of you now. You had run out of tears, and sat stuck in some frozen state of grief.
However, this sad portrait of yourself did not seem to deter someone from sitting next to you.
You paid them no mind, just staring into empty space, not enough energy to even remember you were still alive.
"You were a member of the Pirate King's crew weren't you?"
A deep voice rattled from the stranger, but it was his words that really caught your attention.
"How'd you figure?" You had paused your stirring at first, but now focused on your drink to avoid eye contact. You were a mess, you could feel your puffy eyes, and were still sniffling every so often.
"There's no reason anyone in this town should be sad that someone like him died. So, you must have known him, right?" The deep voice continued, and you could feel their eyes staring, but didn't have the strength to meet them.
"Well, you caught me. Going to take me in and see if you can get a reward? I'm afraid you won't find any posters of me though. I tended to get lost in the crowd, you could say." After that statement you finally grasped the glass in front of you and decided to knock back what was left. If this was the end of your little pirating career, so be it. It can die with Roger.
"Will you join my crew?"
Your head snapped up at that, and you finally looked up at the stranger.
Long black hair was slicked back to show all the sharp features of the man's face. A strong square jaw, a prominent, perfect nose, and pale, piercing eyes, hooded by thin black eyebrows. Undoubtedly, even in your drunken haze, you were sure sober you would agree the man was handsome.
After a moment to take in this stranger all you could manage was a "Excuse me?"
He smiled - no, smirked - and pulled a cigar out from his coat. "I could use someone with your experience on my crew." He carried on, as if you were discussing the weather outside. He lit the cigar with a lighter you hadn't noticed him pull out. Perhaps it was the booze, but looking at this guy, he almost seemed… fuzzy, around the edges.
"Having someone who once worked for the Pirate King should help me become the next Pirate King."
The stranger took a long drag from his cigar, then exhaled over the counter. You didn't know where the barkeep was now, but at the moment, it felt like you and him were the only people in the building.
You should be mad. Enraged at the audacity of someone to come up to you on the worst day of your life, and to ask you to work for them. But you felt nothing.
No. That wasn't right. You did feel something.
You chuckled. Giggled even. A small laugh that built up till you were laughing, nearly hysterically. You hadn't felt like this sort of light headed elation in a long time, and it was nice.
After taking a moment to catch your breath you finally looked back at the stranger. He didn't look upset at your reaction. He just kept smoking his cigar, waiting for an answer.
"I'm afraid I didn't catch your name."
"I am Sir Crocodile, captain of the Neverland Pirates."
"Hmmm. Well, Sir Crocodile, I can tell you now that you have no chance of being Pirate King." You smirked back at him, propping your head up on your hand as you leaned against the counter.
This response still didn't bother the man. If anything, you swore he almost seemed… satisfied by your answer. Perhaps he knows what's coming next.
"I can help you out on the Grand Line and maybe help you get to the New World, but I promise," you leaned in towards this captain, staring him down. "You will never be the man Roger was. No one will."
Yet Crocodile was unperturbed.
"So you'll join my crew?"
You leaned back and reassessed your empty glass. You cast a quick glance at the bar and then back at the other pirate.
"Sure. I don't have anything better to do anyways."
You thought back in Logue Town you could never feel the same way about Crocodile's crew that you felt with Roger's, but you were always the fool. Now you are attached.
Now you need a reason to leave.
You couldn't waste your time or your heart with them. You had already died once with Roger, and if you stayed any longer you know you could never leave alive. You got up from bed - still plenty tipsy you swayed over - to your dresser.
Middle drawer, back left, underneath some no longer worn t-shirts was a small box. You opened it.
There were several small scraps of paper. Vivre cards.
As a child on Roger's boat, you were ecstatic to learn about vivre cards. A simple way to know the people you loved were alive and safe, and be able to find their exact location? It was too good to be true.
When you remember the feeling of Roger's paper burning in your hands at his execution, you knew the reality of vivre cards.
Your fingertips gently sorted through the papers you had made for some of Roger's crew. Each had a tiny name written in a corner. Shanks, Buggy, Ray, Gaban, Oden, and a few others of people who had been most important to you.
Maybe you could leave this crew and seek out the others. Rayleigh had always said he would retire at Sabaody, and your crew was bound to get there soon, hopefully in a couple months. The ache in your chest; you missed your old family. This could be the excuse you needed.
With a heavy sigh you closed the box and hid it away again. Sleeping on it would be good. Sleeping away the booze would also be nice.
Maybe then the tears would stop silently slipping down your face.
It turns out the excuse of seeing your old crew was unneeded. The news coo was kind enough to drop a reason to leave directly in your lap.
You stared at the newspaper for a long moment. The sinking feeling in your gut still did not go away.
You walked up to the bow where Crocodile was standing. He stared at the horizon as you approached the next island, Water 7.
Crocodile turned to look at you, face neutral, signature cigar in his mouth.
"Morning. The news any good?"
"They want to make you a Warlord."
Your own feelings were swept under the rug as your crewmates overheard. Instantly the deck was buzzing, the news spreading and making the once sleepy, slightly hungover crew come back to life.
"This is perfect!" The helmsman Diat yelled, a grin wide on his face. "Not only do we get the Marines off our back, it's recognition that we are some of the strongest pirates on the Grand Line!"
You would have laughed at him if not for the ice in your chest. Similar celebratory remarks were made all around you, but you didn't have the strength to pretend this was good news to you.
All you could feel was an icy feeling on your back, right where you had a large scar that tore up a long faded tattoo. But time could not get rid of the mark you could never forget about, no matter how much you wanted to.
Amid the spontaneous party you finally turned back to Crocodile. Amidst it all, he was still only looking at you.
Your words were quiet compared to the raucous around you, but your captain heard you just fine.
"If you become a Warlord I'm leaving the crew."
A couple of nearby crew gasped, heads whipped in your direction and murmurs quickly took place of all the yells.
Instantly protests, people yelling your name, yelling their arguments, but it all fell on deaf ears as you stared down your captain.
Tink of all people knew it was futile to argue with you, and turned to the man of the hour. "Captain! You can't just let your first mate leave!"
Before she could continue, Crocodile interjected. "You never planned on making me King of the Pirates, right? So you never planned on staying on this ship anyways."
This evoked even more protests from the crowd. Many of them weren't sure what you two were talking about, and some had begun to yell again.
The sounds were starting to be overwhelming, and this was not a conversation that required the whole crew anyways.
"That's enough from everyone!" You yelled over the cacophony. The crew went quiet. "This is a conversation for me and the captain, the rest of you need to beat it! Do something useful, we will make a port soon."
The crowd was not placated in the least, but it was true the ship would be docked soon, and there were things that needed to be prepared beforehand.
"You heard them. Get back to work." Crocodile finished your command, and the crowd dispersed. You knew they would still be listening, but it didn't stop you.
"I refuse to be part of a crew that works alongside the Marines. If you become a Warlord you automatically become their dog - then you may as well be a dog of the celestial dragons." Your tongue burned even at the mention of the world nobles.
Crocodile took a long drag of his cigar. He looked away from you and sighed an exhale of smoke, then dragged his line of sight back to you.
"I haven't decided yet."
You bristled at this. "Are you suggesting they already offered this to you? And I had to find out through a newspaper?"
Crocodile took yet another drag, and you lost your patience with his nicotine addiction. "Answer me Crocodile."
Your captain sighed through his nose this time, some of the smoke reaching you, a familiar smell after all these years. It once may have been a nice fragrance, knowing your captain was near, but now it blinded you and stoked your anger.
"We are almost to Water 7. Let's save it for there."
Tensions were high, especially between you and Crocodile, when your mood worsened when he disappeared while you oversaw the docking. But you docked. You got the crew into a hotel. During this time the crew began splitting into sides, which was not something you had anticipated. But you ignored it all until finally, Crocodile returned and you cornered him into in a room alone with you.
He had no cigar, and you had no drink in hand. It was a painfully sober room.
Crocodile sighed and slumped into an armchair. He dragged his eyes across the room till they met yours. You refused to look away this time, jaw set with determination to stand your ground.
"I don't want to be the Marine's dog," Croc began. "But they offered me a deal."
"The deal that our crimes are excused? Big whoop, as long as we don't get caught it's almost the same."
"No," he sighed, a large ring covered hand dragging down his face in exasperation. "A deal to help take down Whitebeard."
That got you silent. For a moment, as you recalled every time you saw Roger and Whitebeard exchange blows and fight for days on end.
"You? Take down Whitebeard?" You laughed, but it was a dry and bitter thing. "Your bounty is $81 million berries. Your devil fruit is great and all, but it is by no means fight and beat Whitebeard good. Even if Newgate was without his crew, our entire crew would be wiped off the map. You've lost it if you truly believe that this is achieveable."
Crocodile glared from across the room. Not his usual, perpetual glare, but a genuine, freeze you in your tracks ice cold glare.
He stood up, all 8 feet imposing over you as he stalked across the room. "I have let you say plenty of cruel things to me, but this may cross the line."
But you were his first mate and you couldn't fear him if you were supposed to talk sense into him. "Cross the line? I'm not the one who is making deals with the Navy so I can sail us to our deaths at the hands of Whitebeard!" You were yelling now, no, roaring at your foolish headstrong captain.
"If you take that ship and that crew as it is now to the New World to fight Whitebeard and his sons, no one will come back alive!" Your heart was on fire with rage and frozen in fear. Rage at your captain, who is very much overestimating his abilities. Fear for your crewmates who have no idea what sort of danger their captain was going to put them in.
Crocodile was now truly enraged on the same level as you. He sneered down at you as he suddenly grabbed you by the neck - much to your shock. "I wanted you there to see me become the next Pirate King. But if you can't support me for this, one of the biggest moments in my life since I've been a pirate, then I have no need for you anymore."
With his free hand he opened the door that was behind you. A group of Marines walked in with cuffs ready. "To sweeten the deal, what better than to give a former Roger pirate to the Navy?"
You felt all the blood drain from your face, as fear for your own well being finally pierced your heart. You looked up at Crocodile, and you could feel tears begin to creep at the corner of your eyes. "You never fail to surprise me, Captain."
"Well done Sir Crocodile." One of the Marines spoke, and you could tell from their uniform it was a Vice Admiral, though you didn't recognize them.
"A public execution of a Roger's pirate should be a grand way to ring in your instatement as Warlord."
You felt the world slow down around you and felt Crocodile's grip on your neck slip at the Marine's sentencing.
Crocodile began to speak, "That was not what we agreed on," But your ears had begun to ring.
Growing up on the Oro Jackson, you had picked up some neat tricks. You found out you were hopeless with the color of observation haki, but had a special knack for color of arms. Perfect against those darn logia fruit users.
In a blink of an eye you ripped Crocodile's arm away from your neck and you made a mad dash past him. And jumped straight through a window, glass and all.
You could vaguely hear a commotion behind you as Marines ran after you, but it was lost with the ringing in your ears.
You could hear and feel your heartbeat, pounding throughout your body as you ran through the endless alleys and canals of Water 7. You could feel tears pierce through the wind rushing past your face as you ran, desperately with no objective.
All you could think about was the way the heat of Crocodile's hand felt on your neck, the cold metal of the rings that had pressed against your pulse.
Have you ever really touched Crocodile before?
You missed him. You didn't understand why. He had just betrayed you - fucking hell, he was just handing you over to the Navy as part of his deal to become a warlord, but god. You wanted to be with him anyways. You're not sure how long you've been in love with him; his sharp eyes, the smell of his cigars, the rings on his hands, but gods above.
You had fallen in love with Crocodile.
In your realization you slowed down. Your legs and lungs burned, you were gasping for air and not just because you had been running.
Has it always been this dark? When did the day leave you behind?
You now stood in some nondescript alley, dimly lit a golden hue by windows that lined it. It was a long alley, each end blocked by canals. How you arrived there you weren't certain. But you weren't alone.
At one end sand had appeared. And from it stepped your dear, awful captain Crocodile. You both stared at each other, both of you panting for breath.
"I didn't want it to be like this." Crocodile's voice cuts through the air to you. You knew you should run. But for some reason you couldn't find the strength.
"I didn't know they would execute you. I imagined they would send you to Impel Down." Crocodile continued to speak. You just stood there and listened as he walked towards you.
As you watched him, there was a strange look on his face. You've seen it before but still didn't know what it meant.
He stopped walking ten feet in front of you. The light was still too dim to see him clearly, but it was fine. You knew his face well enough.
"I won't let the Navy kill you. Not after what the nobles did to you, it feels wrong." You had never told Crocodile what the scar on your back was. It didn't feel like it mattered anymore.
"I think I'll feel better about this if I'm the one who kills you."
You knew this was coming. The second you saw him at the end of the alley. But you agreed with him. If you had to die at someone's hands, you would pick Crocodile over anyone else. Even if it meant he didn't feel the same about you, it didn't matter anymore. You were so tired.
It would be nice to see Roger again.
But then Rayleigh's face flashed in your mind. You still had to pay him a visit. You still had to visit Wano to see Oden. You wanted to see Shanks and Buggy find the One Piece.
You couldn't see Roger just yet.
So, in a sudden scramble, you turned around and ran.
The ground where you had been standing suddenly crumbled. You felt a gasp finally escape your lungs as you realized you almost gave up. But not yet. You had to save your crew too.
Then you finally ran out of luck. The dim light hid a hole in the cobblestones and you fell to the alley ground. You quickly twisted your body just in time to see Crocodile's scythe of sand arc straight towards you.
It hits you right in the chest, and crumbles to dust.
Confused, you run your hands through the sand that has landed on your lap. You're not cut in half - instead you just have sand all over you.
Crocodile change his mind? He was letting you go? Thoughts and heart still racing, you looked up at him.
Oh no.
The horror on his face was plain to see - that was supposed to be a killing blow.
But he didn't hurt you.
Your hand jumped to your neck from when he grabbed you earlier. But in retrospect, you had just been shocked by the action, he hadn't harmed you.
Crocodile didn't hurt you.
Crocodile couldn't hurt you.
Because he was your soulmate.
It was the look on his face that hurt you the most. The disgust, anger, horror - this man did not want a soulmate. He did not want you. So why bother sticking around?
You scrambled back to your feet. Even if he couldn't hurt you, the Marines still could.
So, with blurry eyes and a heavy heart, you ran away.
Faintly, you heard a painfully familiar voice call your name, but then all that was left was the wind as you ran.
pt. 2 (if you want, but this might be better as a one shot)
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lexluvswriting · 2 months
ꔫ L'autunno: Eris x ballet dancer!fem!reader.
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☆ Ch: 2 [last page] [next page]
-> (CW): x fem!reader (she/her), slow-burn, rivals to lovers, tinkle of angst on occasion, fluff, non-specified identity Summer Court!reader, no specific time in storyline except it's after Amarantha. Dual p.o.v!!
-> (TW): Eris Vanserra, slightly softer today, Lucien cameo!! Beron Vanserra is still a c-
W/C: 2.8k (what a coincidence)
╰┈➤ Lex's note: I hope this chapter was a bit more reader and Eris focused!! i wanted to add some backstory to Eris -even tho there isnt much to go off- (slightly ooc as i am embellishing a lil, teehee!) ALSO: I did a dual p.o.v!! Thought it might be cute! pls lmk how we feel abt it!!
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A gentle breeze swept back the Lady of the Autumn Court’s hair as she sat out on her balcony. The moon dangled in the sky, and a small ball of auburn hair shifted in the lap of the Lady- two golden eyes blinking through baby tears up at the female who watched the moon with an expression Lucien had seen before, but could never name. There was angry yelling in the distance, deep within the manor as glass shattered and feet stomped around.
“Why does he always do that, mamma?” A little voice called out. The Lady sighed in response, lips parting to bestow more motherly reassurance when another voice answered.
“Because he’s a horrible man, Lucien.” Eris, stone faced despite his youth, stalked towards his mother and younger brother as he entered the balcony clearing.
Eris Vanserra was many things. A big brother. A good dancer, a cheater at all the games, a little fox. And he certainly wasn’t an idiot.
“Did he write to you again? Is that why he’s angry?” Silence hung on the end of his question, sliding off the words like a droplet of dew as the Lady extended her other arm, and ushered Eris closer. Both boys held their mother, who looked up at the sky with weary eyes.
But they weren’t weary- they were tired, but not exhausted. Sad but not miserable. It was like she was holding onto-
“I hoped to negotiate with your father about letting Lucien see… him. But it didn’t… work out well.” Her voice was hushed, like the whisper of a willow that swayed by the lake near the manor.
There it was. Hope.
“Why bother? You know he’ll only hit you. Why do you let him? Why can’t he- why can’t-” Anger bubbled up in Eris the same way it did in his father, and that only made the boy more angry as he pulled away, kicking a loose rock over the edge of the balcony.
“Why can’t he help you? And take you away from this?”
“But where will you go, Eri?” Lucien’s sleepy voice cooed, the little one rubbing at his eyes with chubby fists. Eris glared at his younger brother- as if he was foolish for not understanding.
“I would stay back with father- to make sure he…” The words constricted in his throat. The Lady of Autumn hugged Eris again, tears welling up in both pairs of eyes.
“I know. I know. You are so brave, Eris. My sweet little fox, the boy who would string up the world for me.” Her words were always flowery and poetic- they always made the tips of his ears go bright red, but tonight he allowed them to find their mark as he hugged his mother tightly while her kisses littered the side of his head. Little Lucien, who squirmed when he realised he was missing out on the affections, stood up on wobbly feet as he grabbed his mother’s hand.
“Mamma, if I hang the moon on a sting, will you kiss me too?”
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
Your brows were furrowed in concentration as you planted your foot firmly on the ground, counting in before sucking in a breath as you went up on pointe, earning a grunt of approval from Gustav, who simply let the music play as you began to run through the steps of the solo. 
“Wrong- immediately. Your transition from the pas de deux should be seamless- as if he wasn’t even there. They are focusing on you- You are the one with the power- you are the one with eyes following. They will be watching your every movement.” 
Every word that left his mouth made you scowl harder, and your pirouettes became faster and faster, until you were a blur. A ‘thwack’ startled you, a stinging sensation against your thigh made you flinch and fall to the ground.
“Wrong! All of it- wrong! What is wrong with you? Where is my jewel? Bring her back, instead of this monstrous thing. Money is on the line- my studio is on the line- prestige and fame for you is on. The. Line! Get it together. Again!” The orchestral backing seemed to rewind and restart, and your eyes glowered at the ballet master who simply inspected his nails, elbow leaning on his ‘discipline stick’, a thin, long piece of wood that ‘thwacked’ against the limbs of any sorry dancer who ‘lacked discipline’. You had been very familiar with it- an arch nemesis from youth, yet you let out a huff, which Gustav mocked, though you rolled your shoulders and resumed first position.
You danced- your arms swinging around as your legs carried you across the wooden floor. You saw glimpses of your reflection- and you weren’t at all displeased with what you saw. Strong, dedicated, pretty- Primrose would croon these at you prepared before a session, and they had found a mark in your heart as you paraded yourself around. You tried to push all the worries out of your mind for the moment, honouring the music that played by worshipping it with the graceful movements of your body, twirling and leaping- not like a dancer, but like a leaf on the wind. Like a stalk in the long grass. Like the pretty ember in a lantern.
Your heart raced in your chest, beating wildly despite the organised chaos of the accompaniment you danced to. All you had to do was dance- the rest would sort itself out, right? All you had to do was keep your head down, do your pretty dance, do it correctly and get the royal family of the Autumn court off your back. Then you could go back to being a normal dancer at a normal studio and pray that you weren’t swept up in the exodus that seemed to be occupying most of the Autumn Court. The shrill song of a violin pulled you out of the sea of thoughts just in time for you to complete a grand jeté before the coda started. As the steps got more complex- and dangerous, if you didn’t land them properly, you didn’t notice a bug eyed Gustav who had looked above to see a certain lordling glowering down at you- his russet irises blazing with an unreadable, but probably shrewd emotion as his eyes tracked your every movement while you danced.
You were having the time of your life- your blood always ran when you had to perform the more complicated sequences. Plié, pas de basque, pas de bourrée, glissade, a wondrous grand jeté- high enough for you to touch the ceiling if you really wanted to- land into another plié, and then, your favourite- the fouettes. You could get lost in these if you really wanted to, and perhaps you would, with the way you caught yourself smiling slightly in your reflection. Gustav hadn’t protested, or warned you not to go crazy, so you did the usual routine, body charging up to spin and spin and spin. A crescendo of the music made you stop spinning, and you saved yourself by doing a more ‘modern’ move as you tumbled across the floor, only to end up on your feet again, hands poised perfectly in the air in your finishing pose as the music slowly ceased. You laughed a little, amused at your ballet master’s silence before you noticed him staring at something, bug eyed and pale skinned. You realised he hadn’t looked at you at all, and your gaze followed, head tilting up until you noticed your voyeur, and froze momentarily.
What to do? Hiss? Swear? Burp really loudly and slouch? Throw something? A hiss from Gustav to ‘bow!’ made you slowly turn your head to look at him with blatant disgust, before your eyes slid back up to Eris, rolling them as your lip curled out and you let out a soft, delicate “Ugh.”
You heard something that sounded like a snarl and a squeak from Gus behind you, but you waved a hand, declaring airly, “I’m taking five!”
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
Eris’ face was the last thing you saw in your mind as you went to the studio’s small cafe to purchase a well-earned treat. It’s certainly handsome. Well- Grumpy, miserable-looking, arrogant, snobbish and so so so many other wonderful adjectives. But you had to give him credit… He was… pretty.
The croissant you purchased was steaming hot, so you tossed it in its brown paper bag between both hands, fingertips suitably warmed against the cool autumn weather. You walked along the hallway, your eyes focused on the large, golden gilded framed portraits of various dancers who had also traisped about the hallway you ambled through, croissant in hand as you appreciated each stroke of paint which captured their serious, serene expressions. You stopped in front of a painting to take a bite out of your warm treat- the clerk claimed it was filled with raspberry coulis, but you figured she was lying after the first bite, where you had bitten into nothing but fluffy, buttery goodness. The second bite was as uneventful as the first, but it was the third that made you jolt, as a hot, raspberry-ness flooded your mouth, your hand cupping under the treat a few seconds too late, before you heard a ‘splat!’, peeking down and swearing softly as raspberry hit the marbled floor.
“Oh… bloody… fuck.” You hissed, glaring at the dark pink splat, before stomping back to get tissues, kneeling down at your mess and sighing irritatedly- that would have been the perfect bite if the filling didn’t try to jump down your throat.
“Charming.” A voice replied, and you noticed the tips of brown, shiny leather shoes near your knees, making your eyes narrow. Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Eris Vanserra peered down at you, his grating voice a drawl as you slowly craned your head to peer up at him with an unamused glare, to which his lips quirked to the side in a crooked smirk.
“I hope you won’t be this uncouth when you perform for my family.” You immediately stopped kneeling, lest to give him any more of an inflated ego than he already has, and glowered.
“I don’t really care what you nor your family think of me.”
“Charming, indeed.” He hummed, russet eyes filled with a smug gleam, the light seeming to dance in his irises the more you glowered and frowned at him. You both stared at each other, you more hostile in your gaze than he, before you turned away to distance yourself and ignore him, only for his grating voice to sound off again, your ears catching his reply a little too attentively for your liking.
“You’ll have to accompany me to the Equinox ball even after you dance, by the way. It is custom- and honourable for someone like… yourself.” His eyes slowly scanned your face, meeting your eyes before they found something else on you to hone in on.
Oh, brilliant. Here we go.
“Someone like myself?” You repeated, raising an eyebrow as irritation made itself known even more than before.
“Of course. Independent, apprehensive, different. I’m surprised you can even bear to be in those impossible costumes and tutus. It’s like putting a bonnet on a bear.” His smile- mocking, unserious, condescending, was all you could focus on- your ears twitching at his tone of voice.
‘Apprehensive? Different! I’ll show him apprehensive-’
“Hah! ‘Different’?” You kissed your teeth, nodding before standing in front of his face, raising your coulis filled croissant and taking an aggressive bite, letting a small, thick glob of raspberry splatter onto his shiny, pretty shoes. Eris let out a small grunt as he stepped back, glaring down at his shoes for a long time, before his gaze lifted up to you, only to see your back as you had stormed off promptly, croissant in hand.
“You have something on your face, by the way!” His voice called out, in what you could only figure was mockingly. A hand raised up to the corner of your mouth, and you swore under your breath, yet you doubled down.
“And you’ve got something on your shoes!”
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
Eris blinked at the dancer down below, his eyes wide with awe. From the first time he had seen her at the start of the week, she managed to become more and more brilliant over time- as if each day that he didn’t see her, she became more talented and beautiful. [Y/N] was your name. [Y/N] [L/N].
He had seen you when you debuted for one of your more high-achieving roles- had taken his mother privately for a viewing of one of the ballets that had played in the amphitheatre when just after Amarantha had been destroyed- a celebration of freedom. Your rendition of Swan Lake, and your variation of the white and black swan had brought the Lady of Autumn to tears- how could a small thing like you capture the understanding of being trapped, of isolation and grief so beautifully? For a long time he had wondered about you- even at balls, where he waltzed around with other nameless women that could never compare to your poise and discipline- your fluidity and grace. Did you like to waltz? Were you shy and reserved? Angelic and sweet? Or were you alluring and confident? Seductive and playful?
Neither, he had decided when you looked up at him with your evident disdain, and your uncaring sneer. You were a third, greater thing. And you were absolutely magnificent. He realised there and then that he had to speak with you, even if just for a brief moment- he needed to feel the brunt of your fire firsthand. So when he had spied you walking through the halls so prettily, each step poised and perfect even off-duty, it made him feel strange. He just had to be close to you.
“Charming.” He mused, though he had paused when he realised he had spoken out loud. He wanted to correct himself, but your gaze knocked the air out of him, and he panicked- opting for his signature smirk to disguise his awkwardness. 
‘Whatever is going on, snap out of it.’ He thought harshly, before blinking as he realised he had been staring- so he spoke again.
“I hope you won’t be this uncouth when you perform for my family.” His voice was smooth, cool and collected like it usually was, and he was amused by your glower. Were you this angry all the time? It was oddly endearing, in a strange, funny way. Cauldron, your gaze was unforgiving. He wondered how many stupid males had been on the end of it.
“I don’t really care what you nor your family think of me.” His ears twitched slightly at that tone, and something stirred within him, making him want to smile. Oh, you were really funny when you were upset.
“Charming, indeed.” He nodded, a smile growing on his face as he admired you, enjoying the banter you two seemed to share.
“You’ll have to accompany me to the Equinox ball even after you dance, by the way. It is custom- and honourable for someone like… yourself.” His eyes slowly scanned your face, and he hoped he didn’t sound too excited when he mentioned it. He’d get to waltz with you, and show off his skills, and hope that you’d be as impressed with him as he was with you. He was too excited indeed, though he was curious with the way your irritation grew.
“Someone like myself?” You repeated, and he wanted to laugh. You were so silly!
“Of course. Independent, apprehensive, different. I’m surprised you can even bear to be in those impossible costumes and tutus. It’s like putting a bonnet on a bear.” He joked, enjoying himself greatly as he caught your attention and held onto it as long as he did. You were quite apprehensive, yes. Very grouchy and unagreeable, but still certainly pretty. He was proud of his ‘bears in bonnets’ joke too- that usually worked wonders with anyone he mentioned it to.
So why were you still looking at him like that? And did you know about the smear of raspberry under your lower lip? He wanted to tell you, or wipe it off at least when you spoke again.
“Hah! ‘Different’?” You made a noise that he recognised as irritation, and Eris watched you shift your stance, as if you were aiming to lob the pastry you had been eating at him. Had he misspoke? He watched you move closer to him, his eyes on your mouth as you raised the croissant and bit into it messily, letting a small, thick glob of raspberry splatter onto his shoes.
How inconvenient.
Eris let out a small grunt as he stepped back, blinking dumbly at his shoes for a long time, before his gaze lifted up to you, only to see your back as you had stormed off promptly.
“You have something on your face, by the way!” His voice called out in a weak attempt to be helpful.
“And you’ve got something on your shoes!”
Hah! She was certainly... spirited. That was no way to treat a Vanserra. She wouldn't last a minute in front of his father. Eris chuckled as he glanced down at his shoes again, clicking his tongue.
He'd simply have to come back and see you again.
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╰┈➤ Lex's note 2: AHHHH it's done!! almost 3k AGAIN lmfao. i hope the dual p.o.v was good & made sense!!! if not, lmk and i'll stick solely to reader p.o.v only!! tysm everyone for the love this is getting! ch 3: 29/04 Week!! 🥹🫶🏼
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m1sa-w1sa · 1 month
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Harbingers (+ Scaramouche and Signora) finding out that your dating the traveler :3
(Mentions of drinking, Harbingers speak other languages, maybe a bit OOC? This us my first time writing something like this)
Hes happy that your happy! But even though he might know the traveler (definitely more nice to them than the others) his personality would change like a light switch, he would ask the traveler questions like a over protective dad questions as such “do you drink? Put [NAME] in dangerous situations? Are you reckless? (Tartaglia is the most reckless person you know)” etc etc but overall he wants you to he happy but also safe :D
Alrlecchino is kinda like Tartaglia but slightly worse, as a father Arlecchino is more protective trying to keep you away from getting into a relationship not wanting you to go down the wrong path. She would give the traveler death stares whispering cuss words in french silently knowing you would be angry if she cussed put your significant other (Traveler) but like Tartaglia she wants you to be happy and safe
Scaramouche and Signora
These mfs would try to CONVINCE you to NOT date the traveler “But he is really nice!—“ “The traveler looks filthy” “His clothes are stingy”
He didn’t hold back by criticizing the Traveler about how he looks, acts, ESPECIALLY having Paimon around, how he didn’t take you on a date yet etc, using those as reasons for you to NOT date him or even better not to hang out with him in any way shape or form! They want you to he happy but especially not with him
Dottore and Pantalone
For them Im kinda stumped but I feel like they would take action if the traveler hurt you in any kind of way but they would be like Scaramouche and Signora commenting on how the traveler is presenting “ Couldn’t he wear something nicer..?” “[NAME] at least find someone with a sense of style..and maybe mora to..” but overall they don’t really say that much besides maybe ask the same Questions that Tartaglia asked but not to big
She would try to manipulate you to not date the traveler saying it in a calm soft tone to really get to you “Sweetheart..Maybe you should choose them..Would they really choose you to..?” And maybe after the meet up she would go into your room talking about how she thinks its not the best choice or its not the best idea for you to date the traveler (Maybe trying to convince you to close your eyes like her so you wont fall in love with the traveler again.)
“Are we finally done meeting all of them?”
“Nope! 4 More to go!”
(Thats all!! If you have any tips or things I should add please lmk^^ Tags: @jadestone2
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marie-m-art · 4 months
There's a specific concept from Good Omens that I really like (amongst many others), that I was chuffed to also find in a Sandman and a Discworld story!
I love that in Good Omens (both book and TV), Heaven and Hell are presented as mostly redundant and ineffectual when it comes to human morality - and that Hell in particular find some of the things humans do to be pretty shocking, and/or instructive.
Opportunities for humour aside, this idea flies in the face of the common belief that the world's worst ills are the result of outside forces influencing people to do evil (ie the devil. Or ... lizard people etc? I digress). And it's unlike other stories out there that are like, "World War II was actually caused by xyz characters!" or similar. Good Omens doesn't rewrite history like that, or let us - humanity - off the hook when it comes to the big stuff, when it could so easily have done so in a universe where Heaven and Hell are literally real.
The story, of course, also credits human cleverness to humans, and celebrates the things we should be proud of, like art, music, delicious food, craftmanship, invention, etc. And it credits humans for having a propensity for compassion and goodness.
"[Crowley] did his best to make their short lives miserable, because that was his job, but nothing he could think up was half as bad as the stuff they thought up themselves. […] And just when you'd think they were more malignant than ever Hell could be, they could occasionally show more grace than Heaven ever dreamed of. Often the same individual was involved."
I love this concept because I see it as an uncoupling of religion and morality. They can both exist together, but the former isn't necessary for the latter. (This isn't the only possible interpretation; the more literal reading might be more about free will, but this is where I extrapolated it to).
From Sandman: Season of Mists Episode 2 (plot context stripped out to avoid spoilers, but skip ahead to black text if you want absolutely nothing spoiled if you want to read it).
Lucifer: "And the mortals! I ask you - why? […] Why do they blame me for all their little failings? They use my name as if I spend my entire day sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commit acts they would otherwise find repulsive. 'The devil made me do it.' I have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them."
And from Eric, a Discworld book (this one's related to Hell learning from humans, more than morality/free will... I won't spoil the funny by elaborating!):
"Earl Beezlemoth rubbed one of his three noses.
'And humans somewhere thought this up all by themselves?' he said. 'We didn't give them any, you know, hints?' […]
The earl stared into infinity. 'I thought we were supposed to be the ghastly ones,' he said, his voice filled with awe."
Another commonality between these two stories that isn't directly shared by Good Omens (yet...? still have another season coming …) but that I like enough to point out, is the idea that Hell is a place where people end up if they believe they deserve to go there. I like this because a lot of people are influenced to feel guilty about "sins" that are innocuous parts of normal human behaviour, so it's pretty brutal to fear going to Hell over them. There's comfort in this idea, to me. (granted, the following Sandman quote states this less explicitly but I take the same meaning from it … but lmk if I've done a reading incomprehension; I also haven't read all the books yet).
From Sandman:
Lucifer: "And then [the mortals] die, and they come here (having transgressed against what they believed to be right), and expect us to fulfill their desire for pain and retribution. I don't make them come here."
From Eric (partial footnote near the beginning):
"Interestingly enough, the gods of the Disc have never bothered much about judging the souls of the dead, and so people only go to hell if that's where they believe, in their deepest heart, that they deserve to go."
Eric also really leans into the idea of Hell being a bureaucratic, corporate, boring nightmare, also familiar to Good Omens fans, and the demons are so over it. The tone (you could probably guess) is very different from Sandman, and it's one of the earlier, less-serious Discworld books; it's a very fun, absurd ride of a read!
There are a few other Discworld books I'll talk about in a future post, that may also be of interest to certain Good Omens fans (I'm gearing these posts toward the fans who came to Good Omens from the TV show and haven't had the pleasure of discovering Neil's and Terry's other work yet); the ones I have in mind examine religious extremism, and the uncoupling of religion and morality too. A couple of them also have queer themes, if that is also your jam! (Less shipping opportunities but I assume some fans, like me, like the rest of the material in GO in addition to the love story).
I'll end this with a quote from a footnote from Eric that has nothing to do with anything in this post, but which took me by surprise and had me laughing days later whenever it came to mind. It's referring to books in a section of the library:
"Just erotic. Nothing kinky. It's the difference between using a feather and using a chicken."
And another bonus one that I found while looking for the first:
"Rincewind had been told that death was just like going into another room. The difference is, when you shout, 'Where's my clean socks?', no one answers."
I hope this made sense and is maybe interesting to someone ... I had fun talking about this at least!
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hausofmingi · 8 months
his good girl - chapter 1
pairing: song mini x stripper!reader
tags: stripper au, smut series
warnings: slight mentions of stalker, bad words (tee hee), dom!mingi, sub!reader, riding, daddydom!mingi, finger sucking, being carried and getting fucked, a bit of physical roughness (reader receiving), degradation but also praise, cum eating (off the floor!), aftercare
wc: 3.8 k
an: so I decided to give the reader a name because that feels more realistic to me as a reader than y/n. I find that sometimes reading "y/n" takes me out of it a little, so lmk if you find this helpful as well! Also, I am a little depraved so right off the bat, this gets very crazy kinky
minors dni!! 18+ only!!
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“Where is the red garter belt I let you borrow?” You are racing around your and Lina’s small apartment, trying to prepare for yet another night on the job. 
“I don’t know, I may have left it at the club?” Lina answers from the bathroom. 
Red is his favorite. You don’t want to disappoint. 
“Well great Lina thanks for that, I’m never letting you borrow my shit again.” 
“Love you too!” she calls after you as you leave to go shopping. It’s not like you’re against making another trip to get some new pieces, but why do you always make the same mistake in letting Lina borrow your favorite stuff…
Your’s and Lina’s apartment is in a pretty run down building in an unsafe part of Gangnam, but no matter how shitty it is, its yours and you really want it to feel like home. 
But, that doesn’t mean you don’t feel the pair of eyes watching you as you exit out of your apartment building and walk towards the bus stop. 
You have been noticing that lately, the feeling that someone is watching you. When you leave your house, when you’re at the grocery store, while you’re going on a run. You try and brush it off because this is normal for women and all that, but today, you pay just a little harder attention. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see a figure in a black hood (Jacket? Coat? You don’t want to look too hard) standing across the street from your apartment building. You walk a little faster to the bus stop just in case. 
That night, after spending more than you should on new lingerie sets, you and Lina are about to take the stage for your first stage set. It’s almost midnight, which is usually the time he makes his appearance. 
You always get butterflies, but not the stage fright normal kind of butterflies, the kind that make your clit perk up and your nipples harden. 
Why do you always get so worked up over a man who hasn’t even fucked you?, you think as you make your way up to the stage. 
You really have become quite the pro at this. After 4 years of working for this club, your boss has dubbed you his favorite girl. Doyeon always protects you and gives you the most popular customers, knowing you will always keep them coming back. 
You always thought it felt nice to be appreciated, especially knowing he didn’t have any intentions of coming onto you, on account of he’s a flaming fruitcake.
Its a good ways into your set, and his table still sits empty. You feel the sweat start to form on your back, but try to stay in your routine. 
Why isn’t he here? Where could he be instead? Did his company find out he was doing this? 
You always got scared that it might be leaked that idols come here, knowing the sasaengs stalker habits. Mingi, being a part of one of the biggest Korean boy groups, Ateez, must have a large number of crazy fans following him. 
Did they find out and tip the press to show up here? You didn’t see anyone outside though… Your mind runs rampant with all of the reasons that it could possibly be as you walk off stage and collect your tips from the stage manager. 
Tears start to threaten to spill, and you think you are crazy yet again to be this affected by a man you haven’t even had a conversation with. 
On the way home, Lina can tell you’re bothered and nudges your side as you walk home. 
“So you know how Taehyun has been requesting me a lot? Well he mentioned his upcoming tour tonight, I think he might finally take me along with them!” She exclaimed excitedly. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, he’s just saying that so you’ll suck him off some more.” you say. 
“Well damn… What’s got you all worked up honey?” She always called you honey when she was trying to comfort you. 
“Mingi didn’t come tonight..” you admit. 
“On a Thursday? That’s… super out of character. Well don’t worry, I’m sure practice just went long or he has an early morning schedule or….” her talking trails off as you dissociate. 
Lina has always been a nice friend, agreeing to move in with you without knowing you very well, trying her best to always cheer you up. It’s not her fault you felt like you guys were never really close. You give her props for trying though. 
You pull out your phone and check his bubble and instagram, seeing if maybe they could give you some clues. Nothing. 
You fall asleep that night thinking of the last time his fingers swiped your lip, hoping it wasn’t the last.
The next night at the club is gloomy. Even though it’s a Friday, attendance is lower and your energy is even lower. 
The feeling of someone watching you has been bothering you all day, but the guy in the hood has yet to make an appearance. You are just looking forward to curling up in your bed tonight and continually refreshing Mingi’s bubble messages. 
The stage manager calls for everyone to get onstage for the final number and the other girls rush out. You take your time though, not feeling like getting in a rush for this menial thing. 
You hang your head in your hands, covering your eyes and taking a breath. Just get through it, he’s just a man, you try to remind yourself. 
A smell reaches you, like a really expensive cologne. Musky and masculine, and somehow… dominant. 
You look up and standing in the doorway is him. He stands as if he owns the place, hands in his pocket, opting for a fitted vest tonight in lieu of a jacket. 
And he’s staring you down, studying you intently. If it was anyone else, you would feel the need to cover yourself and apologize. But not with him. 
You probably look like a dumbass, staring at him through the mirror with your mouth slightly open. 
He speaks first. “You were worried.” It’s a question but he doesn’t need an answer. 
“Yes,” is all you can manage to squeak out. 
He leans against the doorway, messing with his shirt cuff. You still haven’t moved, frozen in place. How did he get in here, past the security guard? How did he know which dressing room you were in? Was he the person in the hood you noticed this morning? He must be stalking you… Why doesn’t that bother you more? 
He notices your anxiety moving through you. “Don’t worry, I just know the security guard. He owed me a favor. I’m not a stalker” he responds, as if he read your mind.
“That’s… good” you say. 
He drops his arms and strides towards you, slowly as to not spook you. “Well thank you for worrying about me. I’m okay, for now. But, here’s the problem my love,” he draws his finger up your arm, making your hair stand up and bumps form. “You may be in trouble.” 
You aren’t sure what he means. “What kind of trouble?” you ask. “Like legal trouble?” 
You are afraid that maybe one of the idols ratted this place out and the feds are going to come knocking down your door and take you all away. Would Mingi still visit you in jail? Surely not, there’s no lap dances there… 
He sticks his finger under your chin and pushes it up to make you look at him. Drip. 
“Please stop letting your mind get ahead of you, baby. Let daddy speak.” DRIP. 
“A sasaeng has been getting very close to you. Too close. I can’t let you get hurt.” Awe, he wants to protect you. DRIP DRIP DRIPPING. 
“How did they find me?” you ask. 
He leans against the counter as he continues, “I am not sure, I don’t even know how much they know. Sasaengs are insane people with insane complexes. This one has been stalking me since pre-debut. But I’ve always been careful that she doesn’t see me come in here. So how she knows that you are important to me, I don’t know…” IMPORTANT TO HIM??? 
Okay you’ll have to throw these underwear out at this point. 
“So what do I need to do then? To protect myself I mean” you ask him. 
“Nothing, I want you to do absolutely nothing and let me handle it. But in the meantime, you can’t go back to your apartment.” 
Hate to say it, but fine by you. Maybe you’ll save some money by not having to replace your stolen shit anymore.
“Where will I go instead?” you ask. 
“You’ll come stay with me.” Jesus Christ, 20 year old you would be freaking the fuck out. But, it doesn’t make you freak out, in that way at least. 
“What about Lina, what about my job? I can’t live with you, much less San and Seonghwa. I’ll never see you. What if you have to travel for schedules? I’m just supposed to stay in your dorm 24/7? I have a life! I barely even know you! You only ever say 4 words to me, and then fucking leave me in a puddle, how can I just-” 
His hand stroking the side of your cheek cuts you off. “Again with the mind racing, baby. I don’t want you to uproot your life, it will be temporary. I have my own apartment now too, so we won’t be with other members. It will only be until we are 100% sure you are safe to be alone. I will take care of you, I promise.” he reassures. 
You lean into the hand that holds your head, a few tears falling into it. You finally get the courage to look up at him, making eye contact. He has dropped his heavy, dominant demeanor. Instead, his eyes hold only comfort and concern. 
Maybe he wasn’t kidding; maybe you really are important to him. 
After a minute of silence, “Okay, so what do I need to do right now?” you ask.
“Change and pack up your stuff, we are going to the apartment. Make a list of what all you need from your apartment when we get home and I will send a staff to collect it all in the morning.” 
“And take a breath, princess.” You unclench your jaw, which you didn’t even realize was clenched. He kisses your forehead before reaching down to grab your duffle bag that you carry your things in. 
You think in silence as you pack. Take a breath he says… he will protect me he says… Why me? Why is protecting me, a stripper, just some stripper that he barely speaks to. He doesn’t even know my real name…
“Yes I do,” he says from the chair he has sat down in to wait for you. Oops, you must’ve said that part outloud. 
“It’s Cora.” You like the way he flips the “r” of your American name with his Korean accent. 
“How do you know that?” he ignores you. “How do you know I used to live with San and Seonghwa?” “Touche…” you respond.
“All done?” he asks. You nod. He crosses to you and starts stroking your arms to comfort you. 
“I want you to remember though, you still have to be a good girl for me at the apartment, can you do that?” 
You look up at him through your eyelashes, surprised that he still is holding this up even at a time like this. Is it all an act, or is it truly how he is? Either way, you are turned on once again. 
“Yes..” you respond. He cocks his eyebrow, questioning your answer. 
“Yes what?” 
“Yes… daddy.”
“There’s my good girl.”
With his hand on your back, he guides you out of the dressing room and out the back door, where a black hatchback with tinted windows is waiting. He holds open the door for you, and helps you into the car. If only other men treated all their strippers like this…
The car ride home (whatever home means at the moment) is very silent. He has his hand on your thigh the entire way, the other staying steady on the wheel. His thumb rubs back and forth, another attempt at comfort you’re guessing. It works, sort of. 
Just smelling him and being near him your body is relaxed, knowing he will take care of you and wanting to give yourself to him. It’s like you are under his spell, which is crazy. You are usually so independent and self-sufficient. What about him makes you want to grant his every wish? 
“Shouldn’t you be blindfolding me, so I won’t know where your apartment is and so I won’t run away and all that?” you ask, kind of joking. 
“You won’t” he says while keeping his eyes on the road, fully confident in his answer. 
He’s probably right. 
Finally you reach the apartment. You almost drifted off to sleep, even though the drive was only about 20 minutes. He parks right outside the front door of the building and gets out to open your door for you. He offers his hand to help you out of the car. It’s much appreciated because you are still in your platform heels, just throwing a coat over your outfit you were going to wear to perform in. 
He keeps his hand on your back as you walk up to the doors, through the lobby, and up the elevator. It’s a really nice building with a concierge and fresh flowers all over. Sometimes you forget how big Ateez really is, and figure that Mingi bought this place with his own money. 
You wonder if he has neighbors on his floor. Do they know he lives next to them? Does he talk to his neighbors at all? Do they know that he is having his own personal stripper move in with him?
They’re gonna know now, from how loud you are being. 
How you ended up riding him in his dining room chair about 15 minutes later, you’re not so sure. 
He was going slow, too slow, slow enough that you could feel every. single. inch. 
You tried to grind your hips and get him in deeper, but the tight hold he had on your asscheek lets you know that even though you are on top, you are not in control. 
His other hand is holding your face, his thumb hooked in your mouth. You suck and gag on it as much as you can, but it’s hard to focus when he is going this slow. 
You felt high, things were getting foggy. All you knew is that you wanted to please him. 
“My beautiful girl, doing so well. You were waiting for this for a long time weren’t you?” his deep voice sends sparks to your clit and makes you even wetter, if that’s even possible. 
You can only close your eyes and nod. You want to throw your head back, but his hand on your cheek and thumb in your mouth keeps it facing forward. “Now baby, what did I say? Eyes. on. me.” 
He jerks your head a bit, just to make you a little scared. 
You know he would never hurt you. 
Unless you asked. 
You open your eyes like a good girl. How could you not be a good girl for him? 
His breath catches when you make eye contact with him again. His eyes bare into your soul, never breaking. 
You whimper a little when the head of his cock catches someplace you have never felt before. He smirks, knowing. He hits it again, making the upper half of your body keen forward, his thumb slipping out of your mouth. 
Your hands, which were bracing on the back of the chair, move down to his pecs. You are desperate for him, desperate for that feeling that release you dreamt about him giving you. 
You start to bounce since he let go of you, letting his arms hang down and his head fall back in pleasure. You are doing that to him. You are making him let go. 
You grind his cockhead up against your g-spot over and over again, drooling down his neck. 
You wish you could see what you guys look like, his giant body draped over the chair in ecstasy, you sat on his thick thighs bouncing on his perfect cock, licking up and down his neck. 
You’re close, really close, and your walls start to constrict down on his cock. His eyes shoot open and he jerks his head up at the feeling. 
“Hold on princess,” he practically growls at you. 
Hold onto what? You think. 
He grabs underneath your thighs, holding his hands behind your back and lifts the both of you out of the chair with him still inside of you. 
Oh my god, holy shit. 
This was too good, you couldn’t have even dreamt this up. 
You wrap your hands around his neck and he pummels into you as fast as he can, hitting your g-spot every single time as if he has memorized the angle. The sound of his balls hitting your ass covers your cries of his name. 
“Fucking. Take it.” he says, his forehead touching yours. He has essentially lost control of his body, just bouncing you wildly up and down his cock. 
It’s coming, It’s coming. Please, please, please, “please.” You don’t even know what you’re begging for, if you’re even talking out loud. You feel like you are losing your grip on reality, its so so close. 
He stills inside of you, leaving his cock right on the spot you need the most. He just shallowly thrusts, just rubbing your g-spot with his cockhead. Holy shit, it feels like fucking heaven. 
“Now,” he commands. 
And you obey. 
You flutter around him, feeling how his shallow thrusts stutter when you cum. You don’t stop for at least a full minute. 
“Thank you thank you thank you, oh fuck, thank you daddy” is all you can say as your clit jumps in ecstasy. 
His eyebrows are furrowed together, he’s close too. Right as your orgasm tapers out, you tighten your thighs around him and give him 3 bounces. That’s all he needs. 
He pulls you off of him just as he’s cumming, holding you away from him so you can watch the cum drip out of his cock and onto the floor. It’s so beautiful, you think. 
He sets your legs down on the floor, but they can’t hold you up and you fall to your knees. You can barely see straight, and you can’t catch your breath. Holy shit he may really have fucked the shit out of you. 
You keep your eyes turned to the ground while you try and slow your heart, but you see him start to squat down to your level. He picks up your chin with his hand to look up at him. “Baby… you need to clean up your mess.” 
“Wh..What?” you stutter. 
He stands up straight again, looming over you with his giant presence. “Clean it up.” his gaze falls to the ground and yours follows. 
Oh… you get it now. 
Not breaking eye contact, you lean your head down. You stick out your tongue and lick up the cum that he let fall to the floor, as well as some from you that you didn’t even realize had dripped down. He smiles. 
You feel like a pet, like a slave. 
You fucking love it. 
“That’s my good girl.” he praises you. You wipe off your mouth and look up at him through your eyelashes. He squats back down to your level, seeming to have fallen for your puppy dog eyes. 
“Does my baby need help getting cleaned up?” 
“Yes daddy.” 
He bends down to pick you up, which he does with ease, as if you weighed nothing. He guides your legs to wrap around him and he carries you into the bathroom. 
He sets you down to sit on the toilet and turns on the shower to start heating up. Why do you feel so dizzy? You gaze can’t focus. 
“Cora… don’t pass out on me my love.” he holds your face in his hands. 
“What do you need baby?” you grab onto his wrist to try and steady yourself. 
“Just a minute… I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologize, take your time.”
He strokes your hair as you take a few deep breaths to steady yourself. 
“Is the shower ready?” you ask. 
“Yes my love, whenever you are.”
“Will you help me?” you ask.
“Of course” he says as he starts guiding you towards the shower door. 
He lets you step in first and before you can protest that you can shower on your own, he steps in behind you. 
It's a really big shower, with beautiful blue tiles and a detachable shower head. Detachable? Huh…
You lean into his chest, your head barely meeting the middle of it due to his height. One of his arms wraps around your body while the other starts to shampoo your hair. 
Why do you already feel so comfortable with him? As if you have been showering together for years. You literally just licked this man’s cum off the floor and have no remorse about it. Should you feel guilty? 
Nah, you kind of just feel like bragging to other Atiny’s on Twitter. I sucked his beautiful cock!! Suckers!!! Probably wouldn’t be the best idea…
After washing the rest of your body and getting you out of the shower and making sure you brushed your teeth, you are now tucked into his extremely comfortable bed. You don’t usually sleep naked, but it seems right when he is too. 
You turn to face him in the bed. He was already staring at you, it seems. 
“You know, I wasn’t expecting us to fuck right off the bat..” you admit. 
“Me neither, but I am not surprised. It’s hard to resist you.”
“You’ve been resisting me for the past 6 months. You know I always craved more from you.”
“Yes I did know. But I didn’t want to enjoy you in such a public space. I just craved being around you. Its hard to resist you, though, princess. Just know that.”
I guess that makes me feel better, but still… so many things unanswered.
“I know you are probably questioning a lot of things. Just try and get some sleep tonight, okay my love?” he asks. 
“Okay..” you agree in a small voice, knowing that you will wake up tomorrow with even more unanswered questions. 
“Good girl.” He curls his arm around your middle and tucks you into his side, kissing your forehead before drifting to sleep. 
He smells like the same cologne he was wearing earlier tonight. Beautiful, musky, and masculine. You let yourself drift to sleep, breathing him in.
OKAY I DID IT MY FIRST CHAPTER. plz reblog and like.
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jedineedlove · 7 months
LMK MK Thoughts and Theories!
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I just wanted to share my thoughts on this topic of MKS origin With everyone sharing their theories I thought I share mine as well. So to really get into this we should go back to MS Suhbodi by that I mean Memory Scroll Suhbodi. But with what we heard in the memory scroll through his lines of ......
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“Although this was the stone from which Sun Wukong once sprung, it appears, over time, it was used to form another. A simple creature with no past, no family, and no name. ”
“Without question, you were not born from the stone as he was. Who or what you are, even I do not know the answer."
The main words that caught me, about the creation of me were in quote one that the stone that made Wukong was used again to make MK but in quote two not in the same way as before this is where the image of the goddess may be seen as Nuwa and I can agree with that guess.
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With the words I mentioned earlier and the mention of Nuwa who made humans out of clay well think what is clay? Clay is a type of fine-grained natural soil material containing clay minerals. Where I am going with this is that by using the shards of the remaining rock that hatched Wukong, Nuwa used them to create the clay to make MK.
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Like with ceramics the words mentioned in quote one, “It appears OVER TIME” When you are done forming the clay you must let it set out to dry before it is ready to be put in the kiln. This means MKs' clay self was left to cultivate similar to how the rock that acted as a rock womb for Wukongs' egg was cultivated by the energies of the Sun, moon, heaven, and earth. Most likely she used larger shards of the stone egg of Wukong to create a shell to let him dry and cultivate in the power. Like we saw in Mks' own flashback the pieces of the egg coming together around an energy sphere.
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Also with how he was formed was sort of a tribute to the book forming of Wukong. Wukongs' egg was not hatched round but hatched after having heavy and stormy winds form a monkey shape first before hatching. MK was formed with more precision and control than Wukong. That might also explain the broken monkey figure in the memory scroll.
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In the book, there were two rocks that made Wukong the first was larger and acted as a rock womb for the egg when the large rock split open the rock egg came out, and ....
"When the wind blows on the egg, it turns into a stone monkey that can already crawl and walk"
Wukong was formed by the winds and Mk was formed by a godess. However, that would make the rock egg from his flashback the rock womb and the small monkey figure his egg. The broken monkey we see above is the shard from his hatching. It also gives us the already walking and crawling because still covered in mud and dirt Mk is standing and walking. (also seen by the mud trail left behind him.)
Also, that would make MK part stone monkey but more a clay monkey is my main thought. And maybe why he came out with a human form. Nuwa made humans.
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Now all that is left is to find out why. Why would this goddess make another stone monkey after all the first one had done? Along with another thought. Earlier I mentioned the quote from MS Subhodi "over time." This means there is a possibility that MK was formed years and years ago also like Wukong his rock womb was still at the top of the mountain for an unknown amount of time, no one could tell you when it was placed there. So MK could have been made maybe even during the JTTW or any time in between Wukongs' hatching and this image of recent years.
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Tell me your thoughts in the notes :)
Hope you all enjoyed it!
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madisonwritesstuff · 9 months
Hi!!! This is my first time ever requesting here on tumblr lol and I managed to stumble across your fic about Hannibal and Muslim reader! It was nice to read a fic about it since there’s so little fics with Muslim readers 😭😭 anyway, I was wondering if you could write another one with Muslim reader, but this time she DOES wear the hijab and how Hannibal and maybe Will might react to her being a doctor and agent while being maybe 28 or so. (You don’t have to separate it into two, maybe jsut one about them being friends (like a trio) and if they’d be curious about her religion and what not)
Thank you so much and hope your having an amazing week 🤧🤧
★ ; she deserves it. -------------------
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Hannibal Lecter x Fem! Reader x Will Graham.
I hope this is an accurate representation of muslims! lmk if smth is off and have fun reading :3
Tags ; Fluff, besties with will n hanni, trio goals, islamophobia tw, platonically protective hannibal n will :3, subtle hints at hannibal being the chesapeake ripper, yandere-ish will and hanni, but mostly it's supposed to be platonic 💀.
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You fixed your hijab and made sure your hair was neatly tucked underneath, before exiting the women's bathroom and making your way to your patients ward.
He had called you there earlier with a few other people to interrogate one of the rippers victims, and one of your patients. Somehow she had survived, while on the brink of death you were able to resuscitate her.
You walked into the ward, it was a private ward specialised for Jessie herself, which was your patients name.
Will and Hannibal seemed to turn around at the same time at the sound of the door opening, you gave them both a faint smile as you walked up to them both. “How is she?”
“Unconscious.” Hannibal spoke up. “But didn't one of the nurses say she woke up from her coma over a week ago?” Will spoke up, looking between Hannibal and you.
“Yeah no, she did wake up. She's probably just asleep. Which is also weird since that's not up to her sleep schedule. I've been documenting.” You mentioned, right then she started stirring awake.
“Speak of the devil.” Hannibal mumbled as you three watched her open her eyes and blink a few times before sitting up and staring at you three. “Who...?” She spoke up. “Jessie Freeman, right? I'm Y/N L/N, your assigned doctor. This is Will Graham, an FBI agent. And Hannibal Lecter.” I spoke up, motioning to them. Will gave a little wave while Hannibal nodded his head in acknowledgement.
“You're... My assigned doctor?” She spoke up scanning you up and down. “Yes, I assure you I'm the most skilled doctor in the facility.“ You smiled, trying to ease her worries. “No I'm not worried about that it's just... You're...” She trailed off, staring at you.
You were confused as to what she was talking about, but Will caught on, looking over at Hannibal who gave him a look which said „Did she really just say that?„ And Will shrugged back, raising an eyebrow as he stared at Jessie.
“I'm what? I'm sorry if you could clarify it would be a great help.” You smiled politely, trying to be as kind and understanding as possible. “You're a Muslim, aren't you? Look, I don't mean to be rude but I'm really uncomfortable around your kind of people and would just appreciate it if you could assign me a new doctor?”
You stared at her in shock and Hannibal almost regretted not finishing her off earlier. But he'd have more of a reason to now.
You were silent for a second. “Excuse me?” You raised an eyebrow. “You heard me clearly Dr. L/N. I don't like that thing you wear on your head either, it makes you look stupid.” You stared at her with wide eyes, not expecting her to insult you that far. “If you want to be a true woman at least take that stupid towel off your head.”
You walked up to her in fury. “Listen to me, you have no right to speak to me like that. If I wanted to I literally could cut off your life support. You're an incompetent being that has no brain and thoughts other than to insult people who have done NOTHING to you!” You yelled at her in anger, she was surprised to see you arguing back. “Well- I-i Fuck you! You're a terrorist! You're arguing like one too! How dare you threaten to kill me! You murderer!” She screamed and lunged at you, ripping your hijab off.
“Alright, that's enough.” Will spoke up before punching her square in the face, hard enough to knock her out. You were too horrified by the fact this woman just took your hijab off infront of two men to even think about yelling at Will about what he just did. You felt tears swell up as you hurriedly grabbed the scarf from the ground and covered your head, sniffling. Hannibal and Will immediately noticed and turned around, simultaneously.
After you were done you let out a sob. “I... I can't believe she did that.” You whispered, which prompted Hannibal to walk over to you and hug you, letting you sob into his shoulder as he pat your back in a soothing motion. “It's alright. It wasn't your fault. Some people are just born to be... Rude. Rude people get dealt with sooner or later.” He spoke as he stared at the blood seeping from Jessie's nose.
“Hey, if it makes you feel any better I promise I didn't see anything, but I wasn't expecting that either.” Will spoke up tried to comfort you while you sniffled. “Sniff, thanks for um, turning around when I was fixing my hijab. I'm- I'm sorry about crying I just-”
“Hey hey hey, there's no need to apologize, if anyone has to apologize it should be her, not you. Alright? None of this was your fault, you can't blame yourself for crying.” Will retorted, and now it was his turn to hug you.
“I think you should go home now.” Hannibal spoke up from behind. “Will, take her home, I need to stay behind.” He spoke as he glanced at Jessie's unconscious body.
“Alright, you alright now Y/N?” Will asked with a worried expression. “Yeah I'm- I'm alright now, I just wanna go home.” You spoke up with a faint smile. Will escorted you outside the ward.
“-Jessie Freeman, found dead in her hospital bed. Investigators say she was cut open while still conscious and burned to death whie still being conscious.”
You stared at the news on the TV in shock, you couldn't save a ripper victim after all. But was it such a bad thing? She deserved it.
No, what are you even thinking about? She was still a living being. Going through that was worse than what you went. Was it? It doesn't matter.
What matters is that she's gone, whether she leaves alive or dead.
But are you happy with that outcome?
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all rights reserved to © madisonwritesstuff , please do not copy, repost on other platforms, translate, or modify my works without my permission.
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