#there were two lemongrabs
fang11803 · 8 months
Ive been re-watching adventure time
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itsanotheridiot · 9 months
Okay first thing first the two first episodes were so fucking good
-The series being aged up and being rated for 14+ brought so much more flavor and a bit of a unique feel to the story with the language and scenes like finally some blood and gore ALSO HEARING MARCY FINALLY BE ALLOW TO CURSE and I never expected to hear Finn saying suck these nuts
-Seeing all the Human versions of the gender bends characters were so fun and how with every scene or dialogue you could tell who was who (Female Fern hurt my heart cause we all know what happened also the lemongrabs sudden appearance made me laugh)
-I love how we got a bit more lore related to Simon’s life before the mushroom war and magic and weirdness being addressed I love first time we see that happen because Marcy was too young to be established in the world and be aware of society issues and also she half demon so she kinda fits in and Finn was born into the post mushroom war world so it’s not strange to him but Simon is completely out of place and I am loving this storyline very new because even in past episode this was never addressed directly
-I love all the little details in the Normal Human Genderbend world (I find it hilarious how the nightosphere business is a FUCKING VACCUUM COMPANY)
-the bubbline scene my heart they are so cute also that poor tattoo artist bro got the worst customers to tat 
-I love how we can finally get a continuation on the Glob and the Simon & Betty situation cause it was left very opened ended in the final
-REBECCA SUGAR IS BACK SO YOU KNOW WE ABOUT TO GET MORE BANGER SONGS (I need the song that was in the episode on my playlist right fricken now)
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Chained Together Forever
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Summary: You and Prince Gumball get chained, much to his annoyance
You were looking for something specific while Gumball was out. You realized he had it but didn't know where he put it. You might be wondering what 'it' is; All you need to understand is that it's important. You hear the door jiggle and quickly hid under his desk.
You could hear two pairs of footsteps and people talking. It was Gumball and Lemongrab. You covered your mouth when hearing them getting closer to you. You couldn't make out their words, because your mind was drifting in and out and trying to find an exit.
Prince Gumball stopped in front of the desk and you could see his long thin legs stop right where you were.
"You can leave."
At first, you thought he knew you were there and was talking to you, but before you got out, you heard Lemongrab abide Gumball goodbye. You scooted back as his legs reached out further, almost touching you. God, why did he have such long legs?!
"You realize it's not very nice to go through other people's things, Y/n."
Your eyes widened, but you quickly frowned. You were about to speak up, but then realized that he wasn't conscious of where you were; He was trying to get you to speak so he could find you. If you didn't talk he wouldn't be aware of where you were.
"Making a mess out of my things. What were you looking for? That stupid book? I told you I didn't have it. Why don't you believe me?"
He waited for your response, but when not receiving one, he started looking around. First, he opened his pantry and then he looked in some cabinets.
"I know you're in here, so you might as well come out."
You knew he'd find you eventually because as much as you hated it, he was incredibly intelligent, so you decided it'd be better if you just came out. You crawled out from under the desk and peeked at the top.
"You have my book."
He groans, holding his head in his hands. "I don't have your book," he goes through a dresser and pulls out some handcuffs.
"What are you doing with those?" You backed up frightened.
"Since you want to be here so bad, rummaging through my stuff, you can stay here."
"That's unethical-"
"So is going through other's things." He grabs your wrist and pulls you near a pole. He buckles your hand but before he can buckle you to the pole you grab his hand and force it in front of the pole so he accidentally cuffs himself. "Why you little!"
You laugh, while the Prince struggles with the handcuffs.
"You've got to be kidding me-"
"You got stuck with me! What an idiot!"
He frowned at you as you continued to mock him.
"God, I've never met someone so addlebrained."
"Oh, that's a big word. Where did you learn it?"
"Thank you! Marshall introduced me to the word."
"God, why do you hang out with that jerk?"
"He's not that bad... All the time. Why do you care?"
"I don't care!" He quickly defends, causing you to gasp.
"Are you jealous?"
"Of course not. He's just a bad influence for you."
"Okay Daaaddd."
He rolls his eyes, yanking harder on the cuffs, "Don't call me that."
"Oh, you don't like it? Well, don't act like my dad."
"I personally wish you'd surround yourself with better people."
"People like you?"
You frown, "God, you're so pretentious! And an ego-manic."
"Ego-manic? Are you serious! I put my whole life into everything I do! God, you make me question myself sometimes."
"Sooo... You are pretentious?"
"Y/n, do you have... How do I say this? Do you have a more mature side?"
"You cuffed me, which seems oddly sexual, but I'm the problem?"
"You were in my lab!"
"You have my book!"
"No I don't! In fact, I was going to tell you that Fiona had it."
"She got it from Marshall. Your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend," You quickly defend, but the Prince just shakes his head.
"Well, you sure defend him like one. Why, sometimes I'd think you were in love with him."
"What are you talking about? I'm not in love with him and I don't defend him," You look down at his hand, which was so close to yours, "Why do you care so much? You're so mean to him and sometimes you're wrong. Why do you hate him?"
"I don't hate him-"
"Then what's your issue?"
He looks towards you, not saying anything, but he started getting closer and closer. You were frozen and only snapped out of it when he put his lips on yours.
You were surprised, but Gumball speaks quickly.
"She was looking for you to give it back to you. You're lucky he wasn't able to open it."
"Yeahh..." You respond, still confused about what happened.
The cuff falls and he chuckles, "I guess you're the speechless one now."
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 months
i'm losing my mind how are there STILL ACTIVE CATRA HATE BLOGS it's been FOUR YEARS how are you still this mad about a female abuse victim!!!!!! how do you STILL not get it!!!!!!!!!!
I have been in enough fandoms to understand that some of the people who stick around the longest are those who act the most scarred after watching the media. It's like stockholme syndrome. Or it's like hating the thing is what gives them drive in the world.
I have also been on the other side of this. I remained a Homestuck blog for a whole four years after the ending made me depressed about Terezi Pyrope, even lasting an additional year and a half after the dogshit epilogues released, through to the demise of Hiveswap and Homestuck^2, before I realised enough was enough and let Adventure Time give me sanctuary again.
But Homestuck had its Gamzee fans who hated the comic and fandom, Adventure Time had its Lemongrab fans who hated the show and fandom, and it seems She-ra has its fair share of antis.
The She-ra antis consist of the following groups, from my observation:
Former fans who got obsessed with some other show and have to bash She-ra because it ain't cool anymore. Usually Owl House fans but can be from anywhere. Their hate is universally connected to propping something else up, and is never done in isolation.
Hordak fans who hate Catra and maybe every other character and crew member and the show. There are a lot of the reverse, Catra fans who hate Hordak, which is part of why this group is so persistent, as a "counter" to this Hordak hate. However, the Catra fans who are Hordak antis MOSTLY do not hate the show (they are just... out of touch with it and generally have bad takes). I've seen one or two extreme cases of Catra apologists accusing Adora, Scorpia, and even Entrapta of abuse, but they were completely alone in their feelings. The Hordak fans who hate Catra tend to also hate Glimmer, Mermista, Adora, Bow, and say that the show is ableist or whatever, but they do not actually harbor much love for Entrapta. Her victimisation is an excuse for their behaviour and they have no understanding of her chaotic character. Do not interact.
Glimmadora fans (the ones who purely seem to exist to make 'Spop Is Abusive' posts). Why the fuck Glimmadora fans hate the show so much, I do not understand. But these are probably the most In-Your-Face of these three groups. While the Hordak fans mentioned above have a lot of similarity to Homestuck Gamzee fans or Adventure Time Lemongrab fans in the weird way they'll hate on the show for doing their blorbo wrong, Glimmadora fans don't have that evidence because they don't really care about Glimmer or Adora. They have absolutely nothing to say about the show, other than that it is Bad. My theory on these Glimmadora fans is that they really liked the Glimmer and Adora ship on a superficial level, and then the show decided to have its Deeper Themes and give Catra and Adora a messy, complicated relationship. There was a lot happening after season 3 where people went "CATRADORA IS REALLY ABUSIVE AND CATRA IS HORRIBLE AND YOU SHOULDNT SHIP HER WITH ANYONE". This period was SO fucking harmful to the fandom that it never recovered, so much work was lost and deleted from AO3. People would say "Glimmadora is a much better ship anyway". But then when season 4 rolled around and, uhh, Glimmer was acting like a little shit all season (for good reason but she really fucked things up with Adora), and Glimmadora crumbled into ash? Well the Glimmadora truthists felt like the show was working against them and that Season 5 was a grand conspiracy to make the Abusive ship Catradora canon!!! The funniest part of this is I sympathise a lot with these feelings. I used to be a Glimmadora truther myself when I watched the show in fall 2021. I was like, "wow, look how nice this ship is. And they go with catradora in the end?? Fucking HOW???". But then seasons 4 and 5 happened and.... yeah, I was disappointed with how Glimmer and Adora's friendship ended up, but I was ENAMORED by the messiness of Catra's character and how raw her and Adora felt about each other even in spite of all the bullshit. I never made excuses about the show being abuse apologising. I analysed it purely in how believable the relationships were and what the intentions of the characters are.
Of these groups, the ones responsible for the most actual SPOP Anti blogs are undoubtedly the Glimmadoras. The only time I've seen something similar, so many antis appearing, was because of Steven Universe ship wars. You have NO IDEA how petty people feel about Lapidot, Amedot, all the dots, all the amethysts. A crew member was chased off the internet over it, or left the internet over the show's own decisions, depending on whether you believe the """screenshots""" that were taken of Zuke's ""private blog""".
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spicedfink · 8 months
Break down of Lemongrab (or something):
Lemongrab has similarities to PB the way her made up family members (Uncle Gumbald, Aunt Lolly and Cousin Chicle) did but he struggles unlike them. I think PB was trying to make an intelligent candy person and used part of Neddy to make him and when Lemongrab didn't act the way she had hoped she assumed his needs matched up with Neddy's
PB thought Lemongrab needed space, she felt she had failed him because he didn't find comfort in things she thought should be comforting and she couldn't understand him.
PB gave up on making intelligent candy people after Lemongrab because it seemed any candy person who wasn't dumb downed was going to be miserable no matter what
Also parallels can be drawn to Goliad - where Goliad was just doing what she was taught, when she was reprimanded and told she misunderstood/was wrong Goliad decided her way is best and that she must be right (driven by the mixed messages and contradicting information she received). PB deals with her by putting her into a standstill against her new brother
PB, Uncle Gumbald and Lemongrab all have a need for control, it takes different forms and reaches different degrees but the key difference is their motivations: PB wants love, Gumbald wants power and Lemongrab wants order. Though unlike Gumblad the other two have further motivations: PB feels she wants to protect people and Lemongrab wants to understand/be understood by people (there isn't enough time with Goliad to understand her motivations/desires even though she's also shown to be controlling)
Lemongrab was hurt when PB sent him away to live in a castle away from the rest of the Candy Kingdom, she saw him as a failure so he made a point to strictly follow rules - but no matter what he did he was told he was doing it wrong. He bent himself as much as he could just to still be called inflexible and unreasonable. Others couldn't see how much effort he put forward and thus he was treated as if he wasn't trying when he put himself into physical distress just trying to play along with PB's candy ways. So he became resentful
Since Lemongrab 1 was seeking connection with someone who wasn't even there (PB) the joy he felt towards the lemon people was short lived as apposed to Lemongrab 2 who was happy with being connected to the lemon people
The reason the lemon people are different from the Lemongrabs is because they don't have access to the exact ingredients
PB does care for Lemongrab on some level but she has no idea how to express it (and perhaps even fears that if she does he'll see her as weak and try to take her out like Uncle Gumbald did)
While Lemongrab sees PB as a mother figure I don't think PB sees herself as his mother, she created him sure but she assigns roles to her creations that don't always reflect that status
PB disliked whenever Lemongrab acted like her because of her own trauma with Gumbald which leads to some of Lemongrab's confusion (such as when she criticized him for watching her people sleep despite having cameras not just in her citizens homes but also cross boundaries by spying on other kingdoms)
Lemongrab 3 being a mix of the first two felt a struggle against himself, he ignored his conflict by focusing on order because order makes sense. He makes his kingdom into somewhat of a factory as he used rules, order and logic as a distraction from the overwhelming thoughts and feelings he had - similarly to how Lemongrab 1 did before him
When Lemongrab 3 is shown himself via Mathew's vision he is able to finally understand how he is himself, not just PB's creation. It's the first time he really saw himself and that allowed him to accept it (reading him as neurodivergent this could be aligned with getting a diagnoses)
After seeing himself and finding nothing wrong with him Lemongrab 3 starts to feel comfortable exploring more aspects of life instead of just being static and self contained the way Lg1 and Lg2 were (this also reflects how he's no longer letting PB dictate his life)
That exploring new things and actually living his life is what leads to him making a dating profile and meeting LSP (I'm honestly so confused on what the Adventure Time version of dating apps/online dating is since they don't explain if it was via tech or paper or magic or what but LSP does say "on your profile")
Either way Lemongrab is more calm about exploring new things but he also needs order so he is extremally put off by something seemingly small: food on a blanket. (As someone who's cried about a cup being in the "wrong place" I can relate to this intense feeling from something not being done "correctly")
Despite the discomfort and the fact they seemingly only started the date he still tells LSP that it had been nice
LSP thinks he's running away because he can't face his own feelings because she doesn't actually know him yet, they continue going on dates and LSP finds that Lemongrab says what he means. He would have told her if he disliked her without hesitation. LSP is so used to people ignoring her, placating her or lecturing her that she didn't expect someone to communicate in a way she could understand/wasn't condescending towards her
LSP is also pretty straight forward, she isn't great at hiding intention and she clearly states what she's thinking so after she realized she doesn't have to guess what Lemongrab is thinking they actually are able to communicate better then most couples in Ooo
Though LSP and Lemongrab wouldn't have worked out if they met before, they both needed to grow as people - neither of them were actually ready for a relationship before that point. Lemongrab needed to accept and become comfortable being himself/his own person while LSP needed to find out she didn't need to choose weather she wanted to love herself or others, that those things aren't mutually exclusive (if they interacted before it would have turned into the nastiest fight in all of the history of Ooo)
To summarize the 3 versions: Lemongrab 1 longs for PB's approval, he's aggressive and overwhelmed easily and is unable to handle the world being unfair. He is unwilling to take responsibility for himself/his actions and sees himself only as Princess Bubblegum's creation Lemongrab 2 doesn't care about PB's approval, he was made to make Lemongrab happy and he is Lemongrab. After making the lemon people and later Lemongrab 1's abuse he takes on the world view of people need to sacrifice themselves for the survival/greater good of others Lemongrab 3 is able to acknowledge being wrong easier then the other Lemongrabs since he has their residual (if not fully intact) memories. When he sees himself as not just the two before him he's able to start healing. He is now living for himself while realizing the impact he has on others, allowing him to not just be the calmest Lemongrab but the happiest. Unlike the other two he doesn't feel he has to fulfil a purpose
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fukia · 8 months
Fionna & Cake final thoughts , opinions and nitpicks lol
This will be unorganized and random and stinky, sorry
• great pacing first 2 eps
• good ideas
• ignoring multiverse saturation, is p decently done here!
• I miss Neil Patrick’s take on Gary/gumball- he sounded so freakin princely :(
• marshall sounded kinda less mischievous than he used to? Like vocally more down or something- I’m super glad he had the same actor tho lol Donaldddd
• I miss old Prismo voice too but I know why these didn’t work out
• Hunter’s voice either could’ve gone for a deep gravely stoicism or could’ve just been w/ the same actor as Huntress Wizard
• Scarab is ehhh- decent design but feels kinda out of place for adventure time- voice is similarly the same offness too, reminded me of kinda bad anime dub voices, it doesn’t feel intentional to the right extent —- either make a more surreal villain or a funnier one, his presence was rather generic
• the spooky faces and scurrying beetle of scarab was kinda funny
• lemongrab. Why justnonce roiland.
• I will end my life a million aeons over for Orbo - bluey’s dad: “say goodbye to your legs!”
• mmmarceline dress
• bubblegum mmmmilitary
• I wish we saw the fucking MOON vampire
• MOON vs STAR (super cool naming if the uh tarot thing is carried on here I legit don’t know if star is an actual tarot card lemme check)
• marshall n Gary was sweet- but I really wished they played up the bitter exes part before they did just the fluffy dating, bring a bit of parallel consistency
• fionna was good acting! The crying bit made my heart ouches- Character herself was a tad frustrating at times admittedly
• cake is great still - cake and vampire king hilarious
• why no “the star”’s actual dad :(
• BETH SHERMY GIBBON YES YES YES- back to old adventure time: I love the intro theme for Beth and shermy, it’s so melancholic and desolate, cold, with backgrounds that make this so fascinatingly depressing a turn for the land of oo (happy endings impermanent- life goes on kinda deal, so cool, so consistent with adventure time’s own concepts & “everything stays”)
• Simon and Betty made me emotional
• uhh how old was Betty when she starting dating simon? Just offhand lol I’m sure it was fine
• Golbetty had beautiful scenes
• way better simon and Golbetty than that weird adventure time published comic I’m sure some of you read
• the animation is great on some places, other times while well made, feels out of place for adventure time; like it’s trying too hard to be pretty (not the Ice Prince song, stuff like that made sense for adventure time)
• like some bits reminded me of Steven universe’s inconsistencies (same bits that made me really really dislike some of adventure time distant lands’ execution)
• [funny nitpick incoming] like there were points where the characters had really big eyes even tho they r supposed to be dots (not when exaggerating certain emotions cartoonishly, I meant prolonged); adventure time’s deal is keeping them small and kinda hard to decipher
• some bits were just a tinnny too anime that it bothered me, just some! Anime is cool!!!
• I was really expecting or hoping for a Korra styled multi-season just with lesser episodes
• the resolution was… kinda haphazardly handled
• same with some of the final themes, like w/ simon n betty
• adventure time is kinda known for being almost ambiguously optimistic so the whole super happy thing was kinda strange to me
• I know like it shouldn’t have to be the same as adventure time obviously, but that was the general identity of adventure time; the cosmic ambiguity with absurd humor delivered nonchalantly
• like I think of patience st pim’s ice domain during elements and the melancholic quietness of it - also PATIENCE ST PIM WHYYYYY I LOVED YOU (patiencevstheempresscough)
• yes it was a great thing to have this miniseries I enjoyed many parts
• the music was fucking fire!!!
• where was the dr two brains reference ? -3-
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jakesuit0 · 7 months
Too Young Review
“Too Young” finally follows up on the newly deaged Princess Bubblegum, something fans were dying to see after no glimpses of her in the past four episodes. This would have been a more thematically appropriate season premiere, but I do like the building anticipation for the followup. The question of how this new dynamic would alter the status quo of the series going forward hung over our heads. Turns out: not at all. At least not in an obvious way.
Even putting aside the romance aspect, it’s just great to see Finn finally hanging out with someone his own age, something we never get enough of. He’s always hanging out with his older brother, and his other best friends are hundreds of years older than him. As Finn says at the beginning, he can just be himself. I like Finn stepping out to get moral support from Jake. His encouragement of Finn’s pursuit of Bubblegum is finally appropriate! Finn is a little nervous, this is probably his first ever date. But, he is overall pretty comfortable, as there’s still a strong familiarity between Finn and PB. There’s also no pussyfooting around between the two, they are very upfront with their feelings. PB already knows how Finn feels, and she basically tells Finn that he’s hot after he drinks her serum. He admits to not bathing, so it’s a good thing that BMO gets Finn on a bathing schedule by “Holly Jolly Secrets Part 1.” It’s interesting that Finn first asks if she’s trying to make herself 18 again. Part of him thinks this is all too good to be true.  
Not really sure how much I need to introduce him, but Lemongrab! He’s probably the tenth most prominent character in the series, and one of the most well known characters, period. He wasn’t given much of a personality in the outline. Tom Herpich and especially Jesse Monyihan, the storyboarders for this episode, really created Lemongrab. They succeeded in making such a distinct character, and with Justin Roiland bringing him to life with some of the best voice acting of the series so far, he was basically guaranteed to become a recurring character. (I know there’s a massive elephant in the room that I’m avoiding, but it’s just not pertinent to this review. It will be addressed when I get to “Prismo the Wishmaster” and morals will be condemned!) Lemongrab’s very screamy, but he does it in such an alien way that he’s not annoying. He’s introduced with his iconic “unacceptable” catchphrase, which is pretty great and has been memed to death. He was originally going to be PB’s uncle (I assume it would have straight up been Gumbald, albeit in a very different incarnation, since he was mentioned in “Susan Strong”). I’m very glad they didn’t go that direction. They were dangerously close to ruining much of the direction they’ll take PB’s character in. 
Lemongrab is now technically the rightful ruler due to PB’s deaging. I assume Bubblegum created Lemongrab with the intention of wanting an heir, and that stuck in Candy Kingdom law. Similarly to my take on “Hot Diggity Doom”, I don’t think Princess Bubblegum actually cares about the legal technicality, especially since she started creating the kingdom when she was a kid. She just wanted to delay the inevitable. She might also have more respect for the rules as a less jaded thirteen year old. 
The flashback establishes that she created Lemongrab. It’s the first hint that PB created all the candy people, but it could still just be assumed that Lemongrab was an exception. The implications of PB creating life aren’t explored here, but this establishes a trait for her that will be explored a ton. We don’t know exactly when she created him, but it’s implied that it happened a long time ago, possibly hundreds of years ago. My theory is it happened before the flashbacks seen in “The Vault”. PB was used to making candy people dumb on purpose, probably straight up using dum dum juice. It’d make sense to not want her heir to be incompetent, so she’d need a different formula, especially since she isn’t using parts of the mother gum like she did with Gumbald, Lolly, and Chicle. This caused the experiment to “go wrong”. The reason I think it’s before “The Vault”, is because we see a young Peppermint Butler in it, who I don’t think was created with dum dum juice. She must have perfected the formula by then. Pep wasn’t intended to be an heir, as she’s still trying in “Goliad”, but she’ll eventually realize he fits the bill. Calling Lemongrab her “first” experiment to go wrong, is a straight up continuity error due to the Uncle Gumbald backstory. It’s also hard to believe that she didn’t have any other experiments go wrong. I think my theory could recontextualize the line to mean it’s the first one of her experiments with her new formula to go wrong, but it’s a little handwavey. As if this flashback didn’t already have enough interesting implications, we see that PB still has her memories. This raises the question of if she still has the same experiences, is her relationship with Finn still problematic? I argue that it isn’t. She behaves like a child in her new state. Her brain, just like the rest of her body, has less candy biomass, and is the brain of a child. She’s seeing her memories through the lens of a kid. 
Finn and Bonnie try to solve their problems like kids would for once, with pranks. Their relationship is so pure and adorable. Bonnie cuddling up to Finn on the castle roof is one of the most wholesome moments ever in Adventure Time and Finn looks so incredibly happy. It really captures the innocence of a young child’s first romance, and it stands apart from the awkwardness that defines his relationship with Flame Princess and the maturity that comes with his dynamic with Huntress Wizard. At the same time, Lemongrab gets more defined as he tries to laugh and have fun with the pranks after Peppermint Butler’s explanation. He wants to fit in with others, but he just doesn’t see the world in a neurotypical way, so it comes off as forced and awkward, like his bobbing head laughter.
Peppermint Butler tells Lemongrab that food comes from Mars. It’s a weird lore detail that isn’t ever explained, but is referenced again. It’d make sense for a world of talking animals and talking food to get food from an outside source, but there’s plenty of examples of them eating food from Ooo. I’ll assume that industrialized food comes from Mars, and this is considered more civilized. Lemongrab eating the spiced food is a great sequence, and causes him too much pain for him to just laugh off.
Princess Bubblegum finally decides it's time to stop delaying what she knows is inevitable: becoming 18 again. Finn’s upset, but has the ability to recognize the greater good enough to swallow those feelings. This whole experience was more of a well needed break for PB, than a true commitment to a new permanent identity, just like a later arc she’ll have. But unlike later, she doesn’t change the way she conducts her life through learning from this ordeal. Many fans don’t think this episode works with PB’s portrayal in the rest of the series, but I disagree. She sacrifices her happiness for her people, which will be explored as a character flaw later down the line that ends up backfiring for her kingdom anyway. She views having fun as something mainly for children, and work as something that must consume adults. There is no middle ground for her. The pain this causes PB just makes her double down on work as a distraction. Some of that analysis is based on future episodes, but a lot of it can be taken away from just “Too Young”. It’s great to finally get an episode that focuses on fleshing out Princess Bubblegum’s deeper feelings and motivations. It’s really the only episode in the first three seasons with that accomplishment. 
Princess Bubblegum says she needs her lab equipment to engineer more candy flesh, an even bigger hint that she created the candy people. I love the scene of her citizens giving PB parts of themselves. They recognize how selfless Bubblegum is, and sacrifice pieces of themselves like she does for them. Finn uses the power of love to catalyze the re-aging process. He gets to return Princess Bubblegum’s favor in “Mortal Folly” with the like-like sweater! It’s cheesy but it’s such a perfect resolution. Princess Bubblegum’s goodbye to Finn is heartbreaking, and it’s really tragic, especially after seeing how happy they were together. They hug and Finn has his first kiss. It’s a really special moment, and it really should be his only kiss with Princess Bubblegum. Fuck you “Wizard Battle” for taking away a little bit of what makes this moment so special and tragic. 
Bubblegum turns back and is pretty cold to Finn, but I love the contrast of her just saying “‘scuse me Finn” and how much taller she is than Finn. She’s also cold to Lemongrab, calling him a butt, which is even more problematic given the fact she’s responsible for him. The next moment is soooo important. Finn comes on to PB, which I can’t even condemn him for this time given the circumstances, and PB immediately shuts him down. She takes the crush slightly more seriously than just innocent puppy love. I love how awkward Finn asking if she wants to hug more is, really highlighting how this relationship does not work with this age difference. She responds by not humoring him finally, saying “that was like 5 years ago” and “you really gotta move on.” People have criticized Bubblegum for being too cold to Finn. I do understand calling those comments, and her joking about the situation, insensitive. It comes across to Finn like the relationship they had means nothing to her now. I really don’t think it meant nothing to her, as we’ll see by her subtle changes in behavior and a line she has in “Burning Low.”  But, I’m sure it was hurtful and confusing for Finn. I still can’t really blame PB for how she responded. She definitely could have been more sensitive about it, while still clearly turning him down. But, it’s an awkward situation. She was still trying to be kind about it, even if the joking manner came off as hurtful, and she’s very clear in her rejection which is good. She still doesn’t know the true extent of Finn’s feelings.
Season two’s cliffhanger being immediately reversed in one episode is a controversial decision. It’s the first example of one of the biggest criticisms leveled against the series, not committing to interesting status quo changes. Turning Bonnie back to 18 is a decision I 100% support. Yes, it’s sad how much of a more entertaining character young PB is compared to the regular state of her character so far. But, essentially replacing the most boring character of the main cast with an entirely different character would feel like such a lame solution to a problem the series has. Working on making her a more engaging character is the correct path. The path they take Bubblegum on is my favorite aspect of the series, so I’m glad this didn’t stick. It’s just unfortunate that it takes another season for that to happen. It makes reversing back to the status quo more questionable. Also, we can’t lose Hynden Walch! To be fair, restoring the status quo after only one episode is the aspect of this that’s more contentious. I wouldn’t have been opposed to seeing young PB in a few more episodes, but I don’t really see what more could have been done. I think “Too Young” fully explores everything interesting that can come out of this plotline: her relationship with Finn and how Princess Bubblegum acts differently at this age. This also isn’t entirely a reset. Not only does this episode color Princess Bubblegum’s character moving forward, it also sets a clear new dynamic for Finn and Bubblegum. She stops humoring his advancements (except for “Wizard Battle”, but again, fuck that episode). It’s the first of many times “everything stays, but it still changes” is applicable. We’ll see how long that ends up being a good excuse moving forward though. 
Finn calls Jake and he gives Finn some pretty bad advice if you take it as him still telling Finn to keep pursuing PB! To be fair, he doesn’t yet know that Bubblegum is an adult again. But Finn tells him that he got dumped. You could also interpret Jake’s advice as being persistent in finding love in general, not necessarily referring to Bubblegum specifically. His speech was intended to be important and to foreshadow the rest of the series, but I’m not sure if this really panned out. He does defeat a demon lord (whether it refers to Hunson, Ke-Oth, The Lich, or evil in general). Finn definitely warps through several worlds (“Puhoy”, “Crossover”, “Beyond the Grotto”, etc). Walking up the wizard steps could foreshadow Huntress Wizard, even though it’s unclear if they ever get in a committed relationship. The magic key and water world don’t really come to pass, unless you wanna say “President Porpoise is Missing!” I’m probably taking it too literally. I think it’s true meaning is to just be persistent in finding love despite all the obstacles. I think that’s what Jake’s means, so I like the speech. The episode ends with Finn looking at Bubblegum up above. It seems like Finn takes it as advice to keep pursuing PB specifically, as we see in upcoming episodes. A lot of fans took it this way, thinking Finn will just have to wait until he becomes 18 to get with PB. With him aging throughout the series, that does seem like a plausible endgame. But there’s obviously problematic implications with that. The series ends up going in a different direction and doesn’t make romance a central part of Finn’s final arc, so this speech really doesn’t end up feeling as important as it was set out to be. 
This is a really iconic episode with a super memorable story and introduction of a major character, and it’s one of my favorites so far. It’s essentially a what if scenario, the one time we see what Finn and PB could be like as a couple. The one time Finn gets to live out his greatest desire. I’m not a Fubblegum shipper, but I’m glad the shippers get this episode. Shipping them outside this episode is weird, but I’m fully on board with their relationship here. I guess I’ll end with some controversy. You can’t tell me Princess Bubblegum didn’t have real feelings for Finn in this one. I totally interpret her as bi just because of this episode. 
Grade: A
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ninebaalart · 8 months
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Ice Scouts
These two probably intrigued me the most out of all the promotional material before the show started airing. They don't have a huge role or anything but I was a little curious as to how the crew got to this idea originally before concept art was released. Originally I thought they were the Winter Prince's version of the Lemongrabs, but in actuality they're supposed to be the Banana Guards the idea seems to have morphed from having vaguely similar shapes to taking inspiration from Ice King's lightning bolts.
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atla-recluse · 4 months
About That One Moment in "Another Five More Short Graybles":
Content warning: A few references to abuse and abuser-victim dynamics, plus some images/artwork that some may find very disturbing or triggering.
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I truly believe that this moment, and maybe more-so what likely happens after it, are the moment that solidified Lemongrab 1's complete shift into tyranny and unlimited cruelty. When I say that, I'm not just talking about the toy and his anger over it. It's not and was never (just) about the toy (seriously, this dude could and would have snapped over anything).
It's about OG LG's increasingly intense need for control over everyone and everything and his ever-growing layer of extreme rage over...stuff from the past...that is always there. Taking is a bit further, it's actually about how LG viewed himself and his impulsive/compulsive behavior at that point.
So, a lot of people seemed to have thought/still think that LG is lacking in self-awareness, but I think this couldn't be further from the truth. LG is hyper-aware of himself and his actions. He knows there's something "wrong" with him. He (and those around him) just don't know what. So everyone in and out of universe find it easier to just be vague about the problem or not touch it at all.
I'll tell you what I think is wrong with him though: He's can't figure out how best to showcase empathy with others, or even fully decide if he truly wants to at all, so he typically just chooses not to.
Wait, what? I'm actually arguing that LG1 is/was capable of empathy, you ask? YES I am. Because he was. The moments were small, but they were there and were very significant to those who care. OG LG had what I'd call "limited" empathy as well as "optional" empathy. He wasn't the best with others' emotions at initial meetings but he could understand concepts like that of insult, bonding (but couldn't do it himself at first) and not wanting to die or get hurt. (I might finish a post that explains some examples in the near future.) He also chose who it was he would bestow his empathy upon for random and not-as-random reasons. In this sense, he's not that different from many of us. I also feel as though he could have had his sense of empathy increased and smoothed out with proper nurturing. But as we all know, that didn't happen.
(Also, he seems to be naturally more persnickity and "intense/passionate" than others, including LG2 even. At least when it comes to his beliefs and convictions. People irl who are like that can imagine, because of how we sometimes come across to others, even if we're trying to change.)
Conclusion Expansion (1):
We see throughout his arc, that LG1 increasingly worsened over time. Not solely though. For a blip of a period, he seemed to be improving, happy even. That period was of course when he was still close with LG2. Then, the fight happened.
It was so violent, even without showing us the gore. I'm actually a little shocked that there are people who think that scene is mainly or even only hilarious. It's terrifying to me whenever I see it, to the point where I often prefer to avoid it. That scene, to me, was yet another example of how much of an abuser LG1 has become, since his physical or emotional abandonment and/or since his creation. Is that obvious yet? LG1 was not just "lol random11!! hahaha craziiii!". He was insanely abusive. He was arguably abused himself, but that doesn't change the fact that he was an abuser, too. He even showed all the classic signs of an abuser as far back as "You Made Me" but, really, it was truly first shown in "Too Young".
Slight (Noteworthy) Sidetrack:
His brother (Which I think was meant to be seen as being to LG1 whatever you wanted to see him as, homophobes!) along with Lemonhope, got the worst of it and perfectly illustrate two different types of lives and mentalities of many abuse victims. One becomes, in a way, very self-centered and wants to escape no matter what, but stops thinking about what the rest of his family may be going through, also. The other wants to help others going through the same and won't leave them behind until the they have escaped on some level, even if it kills him (assuming he had the option to leave). And tell we don't know plenty of irl examples where other families also went through an older sibling or partner taking advantage of and mistreating a younger sibling or partner. (Don't think too hard about the LG's being "brother-lovers", alright? It's all symbolic, anyway.) Now a big question I and likely others have is this: Is he really "just like that?" Frankly, I think he partially or fully either inherited it or learned it from his experiences. Or someone else... But I digress. So yeah, I don't believe LG was just/solely born that way. Something about him changed sometime after he was born, I feel. But again, I can't quite say what because it was left ambiguous.
Conclusion Expansion (2):
LG has always had issues with his view of self and it causes him much pain. He doesn't know how to express the problem, so he basically just spazzes out. He seemed to have improved once his brother/partner came along, but in fact, this was only an illusion. LG never properly healed from his trauma or bad habits, because no one—not himself and certainly not others—worked with him to treat and eventually heal that trauma and reverse those bad habits. (It doesn't mean they didn't want to, though.) It was only a matter of time before he lost it on his brother and people over something petty. Two beings can never be exactly the same anyway, "twin" or not.
When he attacked his best friend for the first time and in such a gruesome manner... Well...ask yourself how that scene probably continued for the two of them? We actually saw the least scary part. Here's what I now headcanon as being the "right after":
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(I'm not sure what the name of the artist who made this is. It's an amazing and very emotional piece, though.)
So with those awful images in mind, I think LG1 after devouring most of his own partner, may have paused for at least a moment, as LG2 managed to crawl away and look at him with such fear and hurt (perhaps looking like a reflection of himself) that LG1—if his self-awareness was on 100 that day—looked back at the mess he'd made of LG2's body and how their relationship would never be the same now, and decided "Haha wow...I AM a monsteerrrr!!!!". And from there, he decided to just lean into the persona completely. After all, what did he have to lose? What important figure in his life up to this point didn't see him that way, anyway? Now even the partner he once loved and who once loved him, did too. Might as well accept it and just solely act like what everyone already knows him to be. Which to LG means just act like his usual self, btw. Control freaks like him can only relax for so long...
It should also be noted that despite what we see LG1 do to LG2, that he doesn't completely devour him (why, we don't know) and that he gave him (likely created for him) a tool that would allow him to still move around and didn't give him a shock collar. So LG2 is still a cut above the others in LG1's mind, it seems, but that doesn't mean that things hadn't reached rock bottom for them. They just had further to go, is all. LG1 clearly no longer pedestalized LG2 anymore (and vice versa) and on some level likely blames LG2 for how he himself chose to react (pretty on-brand for both of them). Hence why, like some abusers, he seemed to now be withholding affection from LG2, wouldn't hear or accept LG2's own thoughts and opinions, (may have) starved him and why he pushed him down into and kept him in a subordinate position (something we once actually see him physically do to him at the dinner table).
And that, everybody, is why that scene in AFMSG is so significant; and imo, devastating.
Oh and here. Have another self-aware Lemongrab, far beyond post brother-attack:
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"Looking for something? Well, you found me; Fat Lemongrab. - Original Lemongrab
This wild lemon man knew he was the monster/villain of the story at this point. 🍋 🥲
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itsthesinbin · 9 months
I don't know shit about Lemongrab, but I understand the appeal for his sour grace. What are your sfw + nsfw headcanons for him?
How does one even fuck him?
i fucking love lemongrab so much. he's so fucked up. absolute cringefail husband. also im using the final incarnation of lemongrab for this just bc trying to choose between tweedle dee, tweedle dum, and then the third version is weird. so it's just number 3
Lemongrab (Adventure Time)
Okay so. Autistic as FUCK. Do not fucking touch him. Unless he touches you first. THEN you can touch him. But only for a few minutes. Do not cross the line.
The most affection he does on a regular basis is holding your hand. At the very least, you always smell like lemon so like. A bonus honestly, unless you REALLY hate lemon. Although at that point why are you dating him.
Will ask for kissies once in a blue moon. Please do not ignore his requests for kissies or else he will be very upset and look at you like a sopping wet pathetic kitten for the next four hours.
He gets you a jumpsuit that matches his and has the belt and boot accents be your favorite color. If he's feeling REAL frisky he'll also get you a hat! Don't wear the hat too often cause he gets stressed out that you look too different from him/everyone else in his kingdom.
You're the only person that can fold his clothes the way he likes so that's your main duty when you're staying with him. It's the greatest honor, in his eyes.
He doesn't do dates. BUT he will for you, every once in a while. The only place he really likes to go is the Candy Kingdom, and he always insists on visiting Bubblegum before you leave. You jokingly call her your princess in law. You don't think she likes it that much, but Lemongrab likes that you two get along.
Separate bedrooms and private areas. He needs his alone time both just for himself and to get work done. Your bed is big enough for him if he wants to stay for a while, though, and vice versa.
Okay so sex is. Nearly non-existent to be honest. He has a very low drive and has to be in a specific mood to even be touched for that long, let alone to do something that intimate. If you have a high sex drive you might have to take care of things yourself, most of the time.
Very nervous and awkward. He's open to listening to you and figuring things out, but you're the only person he's ever been with and needs help.
You have to be double checked for injuries beforehand because you found out you had a papercut on your hand while you were giving him a handjob and.............. it wasn't fun. Big ouchies and it ruined the mood for you both and he kept apologizing for the next hour.
The ONLY time he gets real quiet. No little moans of stress or grumbles of discomfort. Just looking at you, wide eyed in awe and affection, as he gets that connection to someone he craves.
Very stiff and methodical, so usually you're the one taking the lead and helping him loosen up.
He has to wear a condom if it goes in cause it burns.
If you give him a blowjob be fucking READY for it to be sour as FUCK.
He's a cuddler afterward up until it's time to go to sleep. He can NOT sleep while being too close to someone or something. Usually you two have sex in your bedroom so you can just conk out in your own bed, then he'll get up to head to his room. He always double tucks your blankets and leaves a glass of water- or refills your glass if you already had some- before he exits.
A good partner both in and out of the bedroom, in his own way. Just gotta be patient with him.
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crtter · 1 year
If I were whoever is tasked to find a new voice actor for Rick and Morty, I’d get in contact with Mortysays from YouTube / TikTok ASAP. Not only is he able to do a VERY good impression of these two characters, he can also mimic pretty much all of the characters Justin Roiland has voiced throughout the years, such as the Earl of Lemongrab from Adventure Time. Just listen to him:
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harmonyckrs · 2 months
DAY 5 in Twisted Strangetown: The One in Control
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Today marks the second day of staying with the Curious brothers in order to ease Pascal's worries. Due to this, we've had limited contact with the General, but I will assume that Boss has been able to resume communication with him.
My observations of the Smiths is that they are just normal (bruh). Further observation is needed. There's nothing particularly off putting about them that isn't any more off-putting about everyone else (you spent a whole day observing them with and your conclusion was this? This is why Ajay likes me more LOL). I admit it was nice to see other people with alien descent, though I wasn't a huge fan of the General talking about how all aliens were evil before proceeding to call Chloe and I "the exception." He was quite apologetic when he realized it offended me, however. I suppose he still has a lot to unlearn in regards to his alien biases.
I also overheard Pascal and Lazlo discussing a conversation they over heard Chloe having with Vidcund's kidnapper and her fuming over the riddle that he gave her in order to meet up with him in person. We've come to the conclusion that it might be an art museum, but it'll take some time to figure out which one. Either way, Chloe's recklessness may cause some hardships later (seriously? It ain't that big of a deal). We'll have to claim that the kidnapper was simply just trying to reach out to whichever family member will listen. Hopefully they will buy it.
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C: So how's the subject doing, Aktu?
A: His name is Vidcund, and he's doing fine. I explained everything to him, and I think he's starting to cooperate. How are you feeling?
C: Really tired. And my head still hurts, but I'm sure it'll be gone in some time. What happened to the hat you always wore with that suit?
A: Dropped it by accident.
C: You realize that they could track you with that, right?
A: They couldn't even figure out my riddle! I don't think they're smart enough to use my hat to trace me here.
C: Figuring out who a hat belongs to through collecting DNA from it and solving a riddle require two different skills. They probably have your name already.
A: Well, I...fuck.
C: Just lay low for a while, and don't do anything stupid. If he's calm enough, you can probably just let him go and give him one of the rings we have that'll keep him immune to mind control.
A: Are you sure? We only have so many of those.
C: Yeah. I'm sure he cares about his family, right? We can use him as our mole with the promise of helping the rest of his family.
A: Good point! I'll give that to him as soon as I can.
C: Good. I don't want to use up too much battery on this hologram machine, so I'm going to end our call here. Just remember what I said...
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I don't remember feeling this awful since having to leave Strangetown 20 years ago.
I was just a teenager! What was I thinking, going up against one of the most powerful people in all of Strangetown? And what was [REDACTED] thinking, fighting a fourteen year old for power? For the sake of the Watcher, I'm just a colony drone! I'm not powerful like the Birth Queens or Pollination Technicians!
And that's why I need to keep training. If I won that fight, then everyone would've been safe from [REDACTED]. And maybe I wouldn't feel as though they're always watching, even when we're miles away.
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A: The weather is pretty nice today. Do you want to go outside?
V: Aren't I a hostage?
A: You're a test subject, not a hostage. Plus, you're really far from Strangetown, and Cyd and I have connections in all of Bluewater village from getting rid of the other guy who used to live here.
V: Makes sense. Who was the other guy?
A: Oh, nobody important. Think his name was, like, Malcolm Lemongrab or something. I forgot.
V: Malcolm LANDGRAAB? The heir to the richest family in the world?
A: Oh, shoot! You know him? That explains why the police came by with all those annoying questions. Cyd had to pretend to be Malcolm over the phone and act like he got abducted by aliens in order to get them to go away!
V: ...You're the worst criminal ever.
A: Well, it's my first time. So is that a yes or a no on the outing?
V: Eh, sure. Why not?
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As I'm forced to remain in bed to recharge, I think about [REDACTED] and what they did. A part of me wonders what they have to gain from altering everyone's personalities. Power? Some sense of superiority that they have the ability to control everyone there? Fear of being discriminated against?
No matter. Once Aktu and I are done with this experiment, we'll be able to find a way to release Strangetown from the control of [REDACTED]. Peace will be restored, and Porthos and I can finally rest knowing that we've completed our mission.
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I think I'm ready to meet that subject now! What was his name again...Vincent or something? Ah, I'll figure it out.
Either way, it's a step closer to freeing Strangetown from [REDACTED]'s control.
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spinobsessed · 5 months
AT Last Episode Commentary (in real time)
Finn’s arm was in the ground, some random alien was wearing PBs crown, and these Finn and Jake reincarnates are living in Marcy’s house. This is making me upset
I love how Marcy said good luck that was really good voice acting
“I demand that you deescalate your forces, now”
“listen to yourself, you’re a toddler bonnibel”
I love PB she’s so hot and smart and speaks another language
I wonder if the cosmic owl is gonna appear in the dream
omg I saw the cosmic owl and why did a fish just barf up pb and her uncle
Yay pb and her aunt are gonna be friends
omg they’re fighting the monster mutant thing
pls maja is STILL unconscious
“personal? Emotional? Just like a fanfic!”
Maja is awake! Omg that’s how Finn’s arm was gone
they kissed for at least 3 seconds before the scene changed, and were still holding each other after 🥺 it must’ve been so wonderful and tender and hopeful to have seen that air on screen as a kid. When I see lgbtq stuff/shipping it’s so normalized (in my experience) I forget how simply meaningful that scene was, just two years after gay marriage was legalized. It feels so innocent to see them just love, it must’ve been life changing. I really wish I could’ve seen that on TV, I wish my first exposure to queerness was just something as innocent as a cartoon.
Not to say that the way I found out was inappropriate, but having a classmate come out when I was 11 and then going on tiktok to try and understand isn’t exactly how I’d prefer my future kids to learn. I look back on that memory and it feels really technical and full of words I didn’t fully understand, a cartoon directed at kids would’ve made more sense to me lol
back to the commentary
omg FINALLY Marcy and PB are back in the game like they just stood there, they’re all singing together
simon is back but Betty is gone, SHELBY? Why did Gunter wish that pls also shouldn’t Marcy be burning in the sun? It’s so sad that simon is gonna die someday tho, ig it is better for him to die as himself rather than live forever as a madman
omg it’s sweet pea but he’s giant now, AGAIN. WHERE ARE PB AND MARCY IN THE FUTURE IK THEYRE ALIVE BC OF COMICS (are the comics canon??) omg no, no no it’s the freaking song hole. I’m actually crying now I’m so serious
It took almost a full 2 months, but I have officially watched Adventure Time. All I can do is thank the lord I’m doing this in 2024 where there’s AT: Distant Lands and Fionna and Cake to watch right afterwards. Imagine if I did this before 2020 it’d be so heart wrenching that I had nothing to fill that void
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marinatedegg · 5 months
when my boyf and i were hanging around downtown around new years eve, we went to voodoo doughnuts and the cashier saw my pikmin shirt and complimented it! but i dont think she knew what pikmin was bc she said the pikmin reminded her of lemongrab from adventure time lol anyway i only asked for one blueberry cake donut and when i looked into the bag once we left there were TWO! ✌🏻
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spicedfink · 8 months
Thoughts on Fionna an Cake S1 in general? Curious as to what you think of the new characters (such as scarab or the lemon carbs) + old characters' evolved characterizations (Prismo, Simon, Finn, Fionna. ect) ( if it's not too much of a hassle ofc. )
Absolutely no hassle
I really enjoyed it, the themes were good and some of the lines are just living rent free in my head I do wish it had more time to explore characters or the other worlds but it's understandable why they didn't
(New Characters) Scarab: he's a completely stick in the mud loser, I love him. his whole motivation being he's mad at Prismo for having his dream job but also is so clearly jealous that people like Prismo is great Hunter: he's trying so hard to sound cool and mystical then is just the silliest man you've ever seen - what little screen time he had is 10/10 Lemon Carbs: I'm not sure about them being involved with food career wise, maybe I'm just put off because of Lemongrab's plot. It does bring up the question if Lemongrab 3 has an equivalent as well (or is this saying Simon still thinks of Lemongrab as two people?) Vampworld PB and Marceline: Both extremely cool. Fictional women who can and will kill make me happy. Plus the amount of tragedy each of them have is super compelling Winter King: Good design and made for a good episode but not really my cup of tea Candy Queen: I don't exactly get why she would kidnap Winter King since he doesn't seem to care about Betty (thus losing the princess motivation on his part) and Candy Queen doesn't have that kind of hang up as far as we know - but also she's silly so I don't care too much about the internal logic there
(Old characters) Prismo: Something is just so powerful about happy characters becoming depressed, and it's written so well. The way he talks and acts are still clearly Pirsmo, they didn't overhaul his personality because he's depressed but wrote his personality into his depression Fionna: It was a really good decision to make her defiant. In the AT fanfic episodes Fionna would often be treated as a plot device and have her personality taken away from her so to have her whole deal be her doing what she wants is really good Cake: I think she changed the most personality wise but I like it. Her refusing to read the room is just fun and I think works better for what they gave us then Cake's original more protective personality would have Simon: This seems natural and I like how they wrote him and the themes in his story but Fionna and Cake's add on to his and Betty's back story made it feel weird/uncomfortable. It made it more bitter then sweet for me I guess? Finn: I was a little thrown off by how he tried to help Simon because it felt more like how Jake would help someone then how Finn would (maybe that was the point though?) Farmwold Finn: I adore how serious he is. The juxtaposing of Fionna wanting magic and adventure to this Finn is really good Honestly loved the human versions for everyone else who reappeared in Fionna's world, Gary being a soft dork, Marshal- not helping his friend because he would have to talk to his mom but will call his mom to help a stranger because they're cute -Lee, and Elis P. is genuinely funny
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schatlabsunlimited · 8 months
🍈 Melona and Pina 🍍
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They were young, mismatched teens with a uniquely deepening bond.
All they truly wished for was more time to figure things out, but that's not how things would unfold. Society is the most demanding towards the inexperienced, and so they never would figure out the true extent of their relationship.
Many years passed, and fate was at least merciful enough to let them reunite and see that they both still remembered what good they once had going on; but alas, life had given them other things to be happy about now too. Pina was arranged marriage to a kind and loving man, and had two children whom she adored with all her heart, while Melona became a revolutionary figure in the distant Earldom of Lemongrab.
They've both grown and it can't be helped; they're happy to see each other living good lives. That's all that ever mattered to each other, and so they parted ways once more.
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