#there’s three deltarune mettatons here
paintedhen · 1 year
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sans AU christmas party but its just with the mettaton AUs ive designed
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frankyweeny · 10 months
Ok the people have spoken it's Mettatime (genius abbreviation for Mettaton time) I believe @v0idl1br4ryexe asked me to tag them in this so here u go <3
If I said Mettaton wasn't kinda egotistical I would absolutely be lying HOWEVER, I think people assume that he does certain things because of his ego when I'd argue that it's moreso because he's insecure/ashamed.
Take, for example, him ditching Blooky. A lot of people say it's because "stardom got to him" or something similar, but like. If you look at it in the context of his other actions it takes a new meaning.
- he ditches his cousin and his friend to become a robot tv star
- he starts avoiding his (in my opinion) closest friend, the same girl who HELPED HIM achieve his dream in the first place
- he tries to kill Frisk in order to take their soul and go to the surface alone
- he does not take a single belonging out of his house and proceeds to lock himself out and throw away the key
The first three totally seem like egoism, but the last seems closer to.... self sabotage? Like he's running away from something.
We know (especially with his Deltarune counterpart) that he was DEEPLY insecure before becoming the MTT we all know and (hopefully) love. He calls himself a "nobody," is a total shut in, and seemed to lack the natural charisma he has now considering Undyne couldn't even remember his name. So wouldn't it make sense that he'd want to avoid ever thinking about that miserable time in his life.
So I don't think he took stardom too far, I think he took said avoidance too far. He clearly cares deeply for the people he left behind, particularly Alphys. In the aborted genocide, the last thing he ever talks about is being relieved that you won't kill her. In King Mettaton he looks everywhere for her and when he can't find her he sort of loses it. He pretends to hate you and want to kill you just because she asked him to (on a slightly related note, I find it funny that the song he sings in the musical sequence is far close to his real feelings than half the shit he says in the game, "humans must live far apart even if it breaks my heart" like c'mon). So wouldn't it hurt him to avoid her?
But the thing about Alphys and Mettaton is they happen to be the people who know the most about each other. Mettaton is the only one who knows what Alphys is truly like, and Alphys is the only person (who he still talks to) who knows his secret. So even if he loves her and deeply cares for her, some part of him can't stand to be around someone who reminds him of the past he's ashamed of.
Umm I think that's all.
Tl;dr, Mettaton doesn't do the horrible things he does out of egoism, but moreso because he's scared of acknowledging his past, and despite how he acts he's still very insecure.
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The Ultimate Robot Blorbo Competition
Hello there :3, this has been a brain worm of a friend and I's for the past few days and this account finally got polls!
Entirely inspired by all of the craziness surrounding those fun polls of voting for your favorite character. This is to see out of a collection of 32 (skrinkly skrunk sopping wet cats (robots, if we're being technical here!)) contestants who is the best robotic character!
All brackets and characters have already been decided, as said before, a whopping 32 contestants! Match-ups and who goes where with the brackets was determined with a number generator. To keep bias from us two going into the competition. (I feel the P03 profile picture speaks for itself.)
Voting will begin as soon as we finish with the bracket visuals! Depending on the interaction/ interest this post gets, the voting duration may be a day or longer than that.
The contestants so far:
Gir (Invader Zim)
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2. V1 (Ultrakill)
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3. Closet (Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse)
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4. Wheatley (Portal)
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5. Nick Valentine (Fallout 4)
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6. BT-7274 (Titanfall)
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7. GladOS (Portal)
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8. V2 (Ultrakill)
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9. Yes Man (Fallout New Vegas)
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10. Pathfinder (Apex Legends)
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11. Mettaton (Undertale)
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12. P03 (Inscryption)
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13. Metal Sonic (Sonic)
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14. HAL 9000 (Space Odyssey)
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15. Edgar (Electric Dreams)
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17. AM (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream)
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18. Bender (Futurama)
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19. Hal Strider (Homestuck)
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20. R2D2 + CP30 (Star Wars)
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21. Karen Plankton (Spongebob)
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22. Bastion (Overwatch)
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23. Connor (Detroit Become Human)
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24. Calculester (Monster Prom)
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25. Queen (Deltarune)
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26. Optimus Prime (Transformers)
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27. The Three Robots (Love, Death, and Robots)
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28. Canti (FLCL)
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29. Claptrap (Borderlands)
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30. Tartar (Splatoon)
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The last two contestants will be in a very very short part two, as tumblr only allows 30 images per post!
(if there are any imperative suggestions for characters to be added, we are open to them!)
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mirror-ralsei · 9 months
or, why this pile of rock is going to tear my heart out
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Ralsei is a Titan.
"The unending pillar of darkness that gives my body form" dedication in Ralsei's manual matches Ralsei's description of Titans "tak[ing] form from the FOUNTAINS"
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Ralsei's body completely disappears when downed
Ralsei was first completely shadowy and amorphous within his hooded cloak, then a bit more defined but still shadowy under his hat, before finally settling on a more visible form at the end of Chapter 1
Just before removing his hat, for a couple of frames Ralsei's sprite changes his paw color from black to white. As well, where Ralsei previously had black paws in various animations such as clapping or spell use, they are now white in Chapter 2. These suggest that Ralsei's shadowy appearance is not simply caused by the shade from his hat.
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Ralsei's initial description is a somewhat ambiguous "Dark-World being"
Unlike normal Darkners, Ralsei does not turn to stone and can seemingly teleport between Dark Worlds at will
Ralsei is the sole denizen of Castle Town, an area seemingly abandoned or evacuated, where Titan-like eye marks and darkness covers the land
Ralsei knows a lot about the Roaring
"Do not be alarmed... I am not your enemy." is one of Ralsei's first words to Kris and Susie
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Ralsei wants to redeem himself for participating in the last Roaring by stopping it from happening again.
Again: Ralsei is the sole denizen of Castle Town, an area seemingly abandoned or evacuated, where Titan-like eye marks and darkness covers the land
Ralsei’s portrait/sprite when talking about the Roaring seems haunted
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Ralsei says “I...I’m sorry!!! I repent!!!” in the generally foreshadowy Poppup dialogue
However, Ralsei is an unwitting pawn in a greater villain's scheme.
Ralsei is characterized as overly keen to follow orders.
Poppup dialogue: “Ralsei moved to click on an ad with a bunny on it teaching you how to make friends... ...and accidentally clicked on an ad of a machine gun that appeared over it!” / “Ralsei tried to click on an ad with a castle on it... ...but it was actually an ad for a company that demolishes buildings with bazookas!”
Again: Poppup dialogue: “I... I didn’t mean to do it... I... I’m sorry!!! I repent!!!”
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In order to fix his mistakes or save the world, Ralsei may sacrifice himself, perhaps becoming the Waterfall statue in Undertale.
Undyne states "That statue's been here forever... No one knows where it came from." This description seems similar to Gerson's explanation of the Delta Rune: "That emblem actually predates written history. The original meaning has been lost to time..."
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The statue is greyscale and cracked, like Darkners such as Lancer when turned to stone
The statue has horns, like Ralsei (note that the direction of Ralsei's horns varies across sprites/portraits and concept art, sometimes being turned inward and other times outward)
The statue is associated with the song "Memory," which is associated with Asriel, who appears connected to Ralsei
The statue in Waterfall may have been part of the original Royal Memorial Fountain before Mettaton's statue replaced it
If so: Ralsei is associated with all three concepts of a "Royal Memorial Fountain," being a prince who is made from a Dark Fountain and, as "memory" is a prevalent theme in Deltarune and Ralsei sings its "Don't Forget" motif in battle, with remembrance as well
Other things:
Ralsei appears self-aware in the same way as Jevil and others.
"(SAVE and take a break anytime you want, OK?)"
"Even if it's not real, you can still have fun, right?"
"It seems like it was just a corrupted program."
There may be multiple "Ralsei"s in some way.
“They [two Ralsei plushes] are both correct. Both beautiful.” (Toby Fox on Ch 1 Livestream)
“Every Ralsei is equally beautiful.” (Toby Fox on Ch 1 Livestream)
“I just wonder what... being “Ralsei-like” even is...?”
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Unknown: why does Queen not notice Ralsei?
“How Thoughtful You Two Have Come To Help Me / Kris, Susie / Which One Of You Wants To Be The New Knight”
“Hey Was There A Third Guy?????????”
“I Will Miss Each Of You / Noelle, Your Un-needed Honesty / Susie, Your Foolish Bravery / Kris, Your Chill Vibes / ... / B...Burghley?”
Unknown: why does Ralsei (seemingly) know about the ThornRing?
"..." if given
(screenshots: 1 2)
DISCLAIMER: this is a predictions post, just laying out the predictions that i have currently and my personal reasoning. eg. i am by no means the first or only person to consider titan ralsei rofl
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mavigator · 2 years
listen to me boy. we are going to discuss spamton g. spamton. his two biggest recurring motifs, i think, are 'heaven' and 'the audience'. aside from the scattered religious terms he drops here and there, he references heaven itself three times in the spamton NEO fight: once at the beginning, where he says, '...stand up with our heads in the clouds and look up to heaven', again at the beginning, where he says, 'heaven, are you watching?', and another time at the end, when he asks a variation of the last.
one of the flavor text boxes during that fight reads 'spamton begs to the audience, spamton prays to the audience'. the box after that reads 'there is no audience'. spamton treats the audience like a higher being; he prays to the audience, he puts his faith in the audience. there is no audience––there is no higher being. there is nothing watching over him. his prayers don't just fall on deaf ears; they don't fall on any ears at all. 'the stage lights are shattered'.
spamton's interpretation of religion, faith, etc is intertwined with the concept of 'the audience'. when he was a (smirks) big shot, he was on TV, doing commercials, sponsorships, all that––he had an audience. the reason that he became a big shot is because people were watching, people were buying, people were elevating his life to a higher status. without the audience, he's nothing.
the audience abandoned him at the same time the anonymous character helping him on the phone––another thing spamton probably regarded as a miraculous, near religious being––abandoned him. he'd worshiped the audience, even regarded it as a higher power, because it acted as a sort of biblical miracle to him; then it abandoned him.
the thing is, when he becomes NEO, he's still attached to strings. the audience is gone, the man on the phone is gone––who is pulling on the strings? why is he still held captive? as soon as these strings are cut, he dies. he wanted to be free of them so badly, and without them, he died. he had no faith and he had no friends. all he had were the strings controlling him like a puppet, and when those finally left him, too, he was done for. that was all he had.
it's not a coincidence that the spamton NEO armor is mettaton NEO's armor. i believe it's more than just a fun gag or throwback to undertale. mettaton is another character motivated by the audience. his priorities are audience ratings––his life goal was for people to cheer for him, to watch him, for people to know his name. he stayed in the underground for his audience. spamton, however, doesn't have an audience.
deltarune has a lot of simmering themes about the concept of an audience, and i'm really excited to see where that all goes. i know it was a bit of a jokey line of dialogue, but i've been thinking a lot about when sans says, 'nothing like a captive audience'. spamton's audience wasn't captive; they 'escaped', and he lost everything. i don't know. i kind of want to strangle toby fox for making me put this much thought into a strange little man that jumps out of a dumpster and screams at you but such is the way of the undertale/deltarune franchise
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catboymoments · 2 years
I have story arcs planned for my undertale TE fankids to go through that involve each one of them at the center and involve growing up and changing somehow…. I want to post them somewhere wether it be an animation, a comic series, a fangame or a fic? But it’s three chapters/arcs so far… I’m still working on Riki and Alice, but here are summaries!
FAMILIAL TIES is about Lucida wanting to prove herself as important as the rest of her family, so with his help she uses her magic and her extensive knowledge to pull her friend Dr. Gaster out of the void. She reunites him with his family, but at 24 hours he starts to deteriorate… his body isn’t stable enough outside of the void, and he slowly begins to dust. But he isn’t sad. He’s so proud of her, so so proud, and he’s so happy he got to see his family one more time before he finally rests in peace. Lucida experiences loss for the first time and grows as a person when she realizes that she’s already great- and not everyone can be saved no matter how hard you try.
THE BIG SHOW centers around Petyr. He’s been struggling with his identity as a musician and his relationship with his father; International Monster Superstar Mettaton Blook. His dad is hardly ever around, even though they were close when he was younger, which leaves him to think- “did I do something wrong?” He goes on a coming of age journey when he finally books his first real gig with his band, and as they travel he has his first experience with teenage rebellion, and when he performs, he opens up with a song about how he feels about his dad…. Only to find out that Mettaton was in the crowd the whole time. He’s upset, but more importantly, he realizes that in his quest to make Petyr proud of him, he’s left him behind. This sparks a conversation, a reconciliation, and most importantly brings an end to the hurt between them. Petyr realizes that love has no distance and Mettaton makes a commitment to spend less time on tour- and more time with his family.
STARS AND NIGHT showcases Nephy. The Axolotl has always been wrapped up in their own world, their only friends being their cousins, and is fond of creating stories of fantasy/going hiking where they can escape. One day, they discover an ancient monster relic in the woods- a knife engraved with a prophecy of a dark world, fountains, and most importantly, a quest. They set it aside in their room for later. The next day at school they share their latest original story for their writing class, theatrics and acting included, only to be told to tone it down a notch. This hurts. That night at their weekly dnd session with Lucida and Petyr (as well as frisk, Chara, Alice and Riki who are visiting with alphas and undyne downstairs,) they express that they’ve gotten tired of the world that doesn’t understand them- and they stab the knife on the table, opening a Dark World. This leads everyone in the house on a deltarune-style adventure to seal the fountain, and Nephy is faced with a moral dilemma. They can either choose to run away and hide within their stories… or accept change, grow, and be brave. they learn that hiding in fantasy from one’s problems isn’t the answer, and while they still enjoy their creativity, they decide to step out, make new friends, and experience the world they live in.
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I love incorrect quotes, here's some I have:
These may include: Swear words
The fandoms included are: Undertale, Deltarune, Tf2 and Cuphead.
Sans: Papyrus taught me to think before I act. Sans: …So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Papyrus, laying in bed: Get out of my room. Sans, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
Sans: Hey Papyrus? Papyrus: Yeah? Sans: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false? Papyrus: Papyrus: …What.
Sans: Have you heard of Murphy’s law? The one where if something can go wrong, it will go wrong? Papyrus: Yeah, I have. Sans: Have you heard of Cole’s law? Papyrus: Is this a joke about coleslaw? Sans: …maybe.
Papyrus: Sans told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
Sans: I WOULD DESTROY THE WORLD FOR YOU! Papyrus: Okay, can you do the dishes? Sans: No!
Alphys: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Undyne: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Alphys: … Alphys: You mean ring bearER, right? Undyne: … Alphys: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Alphys: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. Undyne: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train. Alphys: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
Mettaton: You made enough pasta that you could take it to lunch tomorrow. Put it in a container. Papyrus: Shovel the pasta into your face. Do it. Put it in your face. The future is meaningless but the pasta is now.
Papyrus: All snacks are gone. Mettaton: I AM LITERALLY RIGHT HERE?!
Susie: Twilight Sparkle was the main character because she represented the element of friendship— Kris, tied up: PLEASE, I JUST WANT TO SEE MY FAMILY AGAIN! Susie: I'M NOT DONE! Susie: And Rainbow Dash was the sporty girl—
Kris: Kill me nowwwww. Susie: Sorry, no can do. I need your help with my homework.
Kris, drowning: Help! Susie: Don't worry, I heard cowards float.
Susie: You have any sunscreen? Ralsei: You can't get a sunburn from a bonfire— Susie: It's for my marshmallow ya dummy.
Susie: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes? Ralsei: For the dogs. Susie: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs? Ralsei: They don't know how.
Ralsei: Something’s off. Susie: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people. Ralsei: No, but that’s funny.
Spamton: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy. Spamton: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Jevil, if you’re out there—
Spamton, talking to Jevil: With all due respect, which is none…
Jevil: Happy Throwback Thursday! Here’s a throwback to when Spamton ate an entire tube of lipstick. Spamton, whining: But why would it be cherry-flavored if you can’t eat it?!
Demoman: Man, it smells like wrongdog out here. Soldier: ... Soldier: Demoman, are you alright? Demoman: sobs
Soldier: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this? Scout: You sound like the start of a Batman villain.
Scout: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Engineer: What do we say when making bread? Demoman, glumly: That's the dough rising. Medic: And what do we NOT say? Spy, sadly: That's the yeast fucking.
Engineer: I haven’t slept in 72 hours… Demoman: I haven’t slept in 80. I’m the insomnia king! Medic: Ha! I haven’t slept in 90 hours, I’m aiming for an even 100. Spy: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Cuphead: watching their house burn down Cuphead: Cuphead: starts filming Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
Mugman, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?! Cuphead, standing in front of Mugman: bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen Mugman, crying: Please…stop…
Mugman: I trusted you! Cuphead: Why?
Cuphead: Do you ever feel like exploding? Have you experienced the urge to enter the process of combustion? Has your mind created a logical idea, known as thought, to disperse your body into thousands of particles suddenly? Mugman: It’s 3 am, please go back to sleep.
Mugman: Cuphead, I need some advice. Cuphead: You need advice from ME? Mugman: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
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coolestdude101 · 5 months
Delta!Switch Update:
Heya folks!, i know nobody's reading this at the moment really. OR MAYBE YOU ARE OOOO!!!1111, but "Delta!Shift" has become "Delta!Switch" since that name for the au goes better with what its supposed to be. So bassically Delta!Switch is a deltarune au that takes the light world and the dark world and then proceeds to switcharoo the worlds and thier rules. for example: the light world is now the dark world. and the dark world is now the light world (if that makes any sense.) the characters from both light and dark also switch with this. Funny mystery man got bored of the same ol' fairytale and decided to spice it up. but yeah i'll be sharing the character role changes here now: ---------------------------------- Three Hero's: Seam <-> Kris Swatch <-> Ralsei Lancer <-> Susie Somewhat/pretty Important bosses/Secret Bosses: Onion-San <-> Rules Kard Asgore <-> Card King Mad Dummy <-> Jevil Alphys <-> Queen Toriel <-> Tasque Manager Froggits <-> Tasque Mettaton <-> Spamton other: Rudinn <-> Berdly ViroVirokun <-> Noelle --------------------------------------- Here's some concept art i've got made so far, they're W.I.P so changes are possible.
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But yeah that's the Delta!Switch. formly known as Delta!Shift's new news. i'll have more stuff regarding this out sometime eventually maybe. but yeah i hope this intrigues whoever reads this at least!. have a nice day reader
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roseartsandfics · 1 year
ShadowSilver (UT/DR) New Bio
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NOTE: Know that story and bio will change in the future during the meantime
Here is my new design for my Undertale/Deltarune OC ShadowSilver and a new bio to share! Here is her bio here
Name: ShadowSilver
Nickname: Shads, Sil, Silv, Silvy, Mine Princess, Female Mettaton, Miss Spotlight Hogger (by Mettaton, formally), Darling, Dear, Little Twit (by the Spade King), Attention Hogger (by Mettaton, formally)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Alignment: Good
Occupation: Actress, singer, entertainer, musical artist, and stage performer
Species: a ghost once, now a robot, like Mettaton
Personality: kind, stubborn and sassy (sometimes towards Mettaton, now formally, but still sometimes), sweet, caring, lovable, emotional, calm, shy (sometimes) and feisty
Appearance: Like Mettaton, she is a robot as a square-shaped will buttons, ribbon and pink gloves. As her EX self, she has her SOUL as the same location as him, a torso but with pink sleeves without shoulder wings. She also has a pink dress skirt with a belt, and pink high heels. She also has blonde hair, rounded diamond earrings and a headband. In her NEO self, she wears her angel-like wings, knee-high boots, and pink-metal combat torso armor and long skirt, but are not covering her front legs. Like NEO Mettaton, she also has a cyber eye, but placed on the left side of her face, and wears a black headband, and guns that form from her hands, and she wears long gloves. In the chapter 2 version of Deltarune, she wears a wool torso with long sleeves, some skirt, but with sneakers, hair in a bun and glasses (though I don't wear them in real life, but sometimes do when I want to see myself in them ^^;).
Hometown: The Surface
Friends: Kuyar (@MissMoonshadow0501), Mettaton, Napstablook, Undyne (close), Alphys, Sans, Papyrus, The Annoying Dog, Temmies, Toriel, Dummy, Mad Mew Mew, Asgore, Asriel, Queen (to a degree), Spamton (to a degree), Rouxls, Lancer, Susie, Ralsei, Noelle (close), Berdly (to a degree) and Seam.
Enemies: Dummy (sometimes), Papyrus (sometimes), Susie (sometimes), Queen (sometimes), Spamton (sometimes) and Undyne (sometimes), King of Spades, Lancer (sometimes), Berdly (sometimes) and Asriel (as Flowey).
Relationship: Rouxls (lover), Toriel (adoptive mother), Asgore (adoptive father), Asriel (possibly adoptive older brother, unknown if he would be still alive or not), Mettaton (older cousin), Kuyar (cousin-in-law), Napstablook (older cousin), Dummy (possible older cousin), Mad Dummy (a.k.a Mad Mew Mew, possible older or younger cousin), and Alphys (creator).
Likes: music, movies, entertainment, playing her guitar, singing, being on TV, accomplishing her goals in the performing arts and entertainment, working with Mettaton together in their entertainment, coffee, cakes, fast foods, pizza places, milkshakes, being with Rouxls, friendship, being with Toriel, butterscotch and cinnamon pie, broccoli, steak and potatoes, other sweets, vacations, reading and cooking.
Dislikes: being called "Female Mettaton" (which annoys her a lot, she may look like him, not didn't like being called that name), bullies, being underestimated, being teased by Mettaton, fear, Flowey, Berdly (formally), Queen (Formally), being accused of stealing spotlights, dark laboratories, surgeries, pickles and spinach.
Couldn't write the story bio because it was too long and Tumblr won't let me write long texts, and yeah...
But at least I finally got the bio down on DA ^^. This was done three weeks ago, but wanted to add her square robot form ^^;, so this was done two weeks ago ^^.
What y'all think?
Full bio on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/supershadowsilver/art/ShadowSilver-UT-DR-New-Design-and-Bio-949125115
Canon characters, Undertale and Deltarune ©Toby Fox
Temmie ©Temmie Chang and Toby Fox
Kuyar (mentioned) ©MissMoonshadow0501 (https://www.deviantart.com/missmoonshadow0501)
Artwork ©SuperShadowSilver
No copyright infringement is intended
Used: mechanical pencil, Cra-Z-Art colored pencils and 48 pack colored pencils
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gracefireheart · 1 year
Been playing Tomodachi Life (aka crack ships the game) here and there for a few days now, and already got three couples- two of which got married.
The first couple- that also got married first- is none other than Hatsune Miku and Marceline [Adventure Time], which is pretty nice 👌👌👌. The second couple- which was also the second couple to get married- is Connor [D:BH] and god damn Shaggy :’> And the third couple is Ryan [the GTA RP character I draw quite a bit of] and the Batter [OFF].
Other characters that are on the island include; Sidon [LoZ], GLaDOS [Portal], Bayonetta, (prequal) Obi-Wan, Bigby Wolf, Vincent [Catherine], Mettaton [Undertale], Kiryu [Yakuza], Leshy [Inscryption], and Queen [Deltarune]. And yes, I did notice that my tomodachi life island is mostly a sausage fest, but to be fair, I did name the island “Pen Island.”
Oh, and if you’re wondering how I got two female/male characters to become a couple/get married in the game that basically says no to gay marriage, well... I literally just created some of the female/male characters to be of the opposite gender as there’s really not that big of a difference between what gender you give your miis (besides the fact that they start off with either pants + shirt or a dress, and in certain scenes (like when a wedding is happening, when a mii broadcasts on the news, or after your mii has taken a bath) when they have specific gendered clothing.) Especially since all the appearance/clothing options are available for whichever gender you pick out for your miis.
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iknownparadoxi · 2 years
A thought I had, related to the reverse undertale theory.
If Chapter 1 was Asgore and Sans with the King and Jevil, monarchs, hard bosses you have to go out of your way to fight, and Chapter 2 was a digital world where a flamboyant robot and a man who got the NEO moniker relates to Mettaton and the CORE's digital aesthetic, about flamboyant robots and becoming a star/making it big...
With Chapter 3 heavily implied to be TV World it could relate to Hotland in general, Muffet and the various tv sections you did with Mettaton... Mike is related to Spamton just as Mettaton is still a factor in this section of the game. Muffet is a saleswoman. We'll probably have to deal with a purple soul mechanic maybe as well in Chapter 3. Maybe a heavier focus on puzzles. Alphys???
Now stretching out the rest of Undertale to fill three or more chapters could be an issue, and plotting out this far means it's much less likely to be correct, but what the hell, it's fun.
Chapter 4 would then parallel Waterfall and Undyne, constant danger from a hunter interspersed with quiet reflection and bigger lore reveals, featuring the green soul mechanic. Finally breaking away from Mettaton/Spamton as they have little relation. Perhaps Asgore's house as a Dark World? As his flowers are certain to have history to them, related to Kris and their family too.
Chapter 5 then would parallel Snowdin, and Papyrus, possibly a lighter chapter filled with fun and adventure as a cool down from Chapter 4. But if you look closer like with Sans' secret lab and your first experience with Fun events you'll catch looks at a deeper story, with even the silly main boss having deeper depths than he appears to have at first look. This niceness is to lower your guard, because at the end the tension will ramp up like your first steps out of the Ruins, with a moaning silence and a figure stalking you from the shadows. Perhaps you'll even meet the Knight as a cliffhanger like when you meet Flowey as you exit The Ruins. This chapter will also introduce the blue soul mechanic.
Chapter 6 would parallel The Ruins, the first area in the game. I think the last two chapters, released separately as they are from 3-5 will introduce no new mechanics and will be a blend to show what you've learned throughout the game. A place filled with melancholy and sadness with a person who truly loves you, but believes they know what's best for you and will do all they can in the name of keeping you safe. You will meet the Knight again much like you meet Flowey for the first time at the beginning of the game. The person in charge will try and keep you safe but you break their rules to accomplish your goals and explore a new Dark World.
Chapter 7 will likely have no parallel here, as Deltarune will have a finale its own instead of relating to Undertale, and honestly I can barely speculate about whatever happens here. Haven't even mentioned anything Weird and how that changes things. Or Secret Bosses. Or Gaster.
This was a bit of a weak end, but whatever, had to get the thoughts out.
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just-ornstein · 2 years
N and/or T for the ask game? c:
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice): Since I already answered this one for Deltarune I'll be answering this one for my second primary interest, The Sims 2! :) 1. I wish Simmers cared less about what other people think on what they do in their Sandbox game at times. The most interesting stories and gameplays were those of Simmers who just fully played their game the way they wanted to. For example, Alpha CC often gets kinda looked down upon in the Sims 2 fandom nowadays and while the more realistic look definitely isn't my cup of tea I love how much time these Simmers put into their Sims and general enjoyment. Heck my favourite Sims Streamer plays with Alpha CC haha! Or heck, if you want to pair Buzz Grunt with Brandi Broke, please do that, have fun! Who cares how random some of it is.
2. I honestly would love to see more stuff related to Veronaville, Belladonna Cove and Desiderata Valley. The fandom really loves Pleasantview and Strangetown and while I definitely love those towns I feel like the other ones can be quite interesting as well sometimes and do deserve some love.
3. Would love to see more fanart, especially of the spin-off games, who get so little attention but are quite interesting. While it's quite easy to find when you know where to look, there are so many characters that would look so nice in art! :'D
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything): Answering this one for The Sims 2 and Deltarune hehe! I'm always bad with coming up with these from the top of my head so I may be forgetting a few but here are some that immediately pop in my mind:
For The Sims 2: - Tybalt Capp, Hal Capp, Orion Tricou, Annie Howell, Nervous Subject and Tank Grunt are all gay. Nothing can change this for me haha. I refuse to ever pair them with a Sim of the opposite gender. - Daniel Pleasant and Mary-Sue Pleasant both made mistakes in their relationship and will likely never manage to work out romantically. The best option for them is to get a divorce and once they've had the time to work on themselves I can see them becoming very close friends again, but that's also where it stays. - All of the Tricou Sims were Vampires and Jon Smith isn't a good person despite what his personality may tell you. - Veronaville is doomed to follow a similar fate to what they were based on, meaning many people will die. The only difference is that they may be able to write the ending to their tale. - Sims biology works very different, hence pretty much anyone would be able to have a biological kid, regardless of gender. This means two female Sims or two male Sims can also have biological kids. I mean heck, the game gives me this option, why not run with it? Sims 2 biology is way too much fun not to see what kids will look like! xD - Romeo Monty, Hermia Capp, Puck Summerdream, Hal Capp and Unborn Baby Broke (who is named Skippy in my game) are trans. I also really like the headcanon of trans Jenny Smith.
For Deltarune: - Jevil, Spamton, Berdly, Noelle, Rouxls, Diamond King and Swatch are all trans. (Of course Kris, Seam, Mettaton and Mew Mew are in canon, but I'm just mentioning headcanons here). - Darkners are NOT one or two days old. I really dislike the headcanon that they became sentient the moment their fountains were open. I feel like they are all AT LEAST as old as their Light World objects are, if not older. As of right now I headcanon while some Darkners came with their objects, some existed long before them and once an object came into the world with their properties they became connected to it. Upon being connected to an object their strengths and capabilities increase. The Fountains are moreso a bridge if anything that makes it possible for Lightners to properly interact with them or see them. - Spamton and Jevil were in a sense written to be each other's counterpart. A balance so to say. Hence while their first instinct is to dislike each other, they grow especially close and inseparable over time. - Kris is selectively mute and has a form of autism. They are capable of speaking at times, but when they can't they use sign language which most people around them know by now. Ralsei, Berdly and Noelle also have a form of Autism. - Both Spamton and Jevil have a form of Tourettes and ADHD. - The reason Rouxls enjoyed long dungeon walks is because of the fact he got to speak to most of the people King Spades inprisoned. This includes the Diamond King, with who he became especially close. - Rouxls was once married to King Spades. When King Spades turned out the way he did he stripped Rouxls off his title, but a part of him couldn't bear to part entirely with him, hence he got turned into the Duke of Puzzles. - Jevil is the direct cause of Seam's injuries, which happened during a performance and were the final blow that made King Spades decide to have Seam imprison him. - Seam is likely one, if not the most powerful entity we'll ever encounter in the Dark World. - The Weather People from Chapter 3 are siblings, twins to be more specific and I will die on this hill unless proven wrong lmao. Which knowing my luck will probably happen. :'D - Noelle was the one that caused so much destruction to the first half of Chapter 2. It's why Queen knew she was powerful and wanted to protect her from it, she's witnessed it first hand! - Spamton is not and has never been an Addison which is why he always struggled to fully fit in with them or sell properly. He looks an awful lot like them, but he still isn't an Addison. His hair also was never fully white. - Noelle is a lesbian, Susie is bi, Kris is pan, Berdly is bi, Ralsei is pan, Spamton is pan (which with Sweepstakes seems to be confirmed as canon?), Jevil is pan, Rouxls is gay, Queen is bi, Tasque is a lesbian. Aaand I can go on like this for a while haha. - After the events of the game Spamton sort of becomes Kris's adoptive uncle and Jevil Noelle's adoptive uncle. - Kris and Berdly become a couple somewhere in college. - More of a theory as of right now, but I headcanon there are multiple Knights, with there only being one TRUE Knight. - Another that's moreso a theory as of right now. But I think Ralsei is aware of the Player, knows outside knowledge and actively despises us. This is why he wants those moments alone with Kris so he can speak with them, one on one without having someone spying on them. I also don't think Ralsei is evil, but he will end up doing questionable things that will end up hurting his friends without him realizing it. - I refuse to believe Kris and Berdly dislike each other, especially after Sweepstakes. I feel like the two have a rival-like relationship and love to tease each other. But at the end of the day when all is said and done they regularly love playing games with each other and probably have the weirdest Minecrap server out of everyone haha. I mean heck, when you give the gift to Berdly Kris runs over to him of their own accord to hand it over haha. - I like to think Berdly is pretty good at painting and drawing!
Sooooo, that's all for now lmao! If I remember any that I might have missed, I'll post them somewhere over time! xD
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
💕 for Undertale & Deltarune? :3
Thankyou very much for asking!!
I'll be honest here I haven't gotten super into Undertale or Deltarune shipping. I have a lot I like sure but I didn't really go out of my way to find content for any of them like I do for other fandom ships?
That also means anything not mentioned I'm probably neutral towards tho, sense I don't have strong opinions on the one's I like anyway fdkgjdfk
Problematic ships under the cut
Undertale Ships
I really liked Toriel/Sans back in the day, and still reblog it from time to time. They're losers and I think that's funny. Step-Dunkle Sans for the win
In that same vein Asgore/Gaster is so very *chefs kiss* Devoted Royal Scientist X The Depressed Lonely King. My god. What dreams are made of
Because of those two I got really attached to Asriel/Papyrus, just to continue the Goat/Skeleton thing??? fdkgjkdf Mostly tho Post Pacifist Flowey or Souless Asriel. I think they're cute. "I think I'm the evilest thing to ever live" 11 year old mentality X "I think I'm the greatest thing to ever live" 12 year old mentality (Papyrus is a grown-ass man though I am not infantalizing him)
ACTUALLY though Papyrus/Frisk was my OG Papyrus ship, while everyone else was all about Frans and Papyton, I was on the Stupid Little Guys train. I ADORE them. Frisk didn't want their Gender so they gave it to Papyrus
Does liking Alphys/Undyne even need to be stated at this point? It's like the default of Undertale shipping. They're cute. Good for them.
Alphys/Madds/Undyne is INCREDIBLY cute though I hope she gets pulled into the Alphyne polycule so badly she is their little meow meow
There was like a week of my life where I got super hard obsessed with Asgore/Mettaton spesifically because of one artist who drew the thottiest Mettaton with a Biggest little guy Asgore I'd ever seen and I'm still on that. Mettaton deserves to be a Sugar Baby to the King of Monsters
Chara/Asriel is extremely cute they are best friends they are siblings they are partners they kiss and snuggle and one day they'll rule the underground together and Chara is convinced they don't deserve Asriel
I think Asgore/Chara would be a very cute ship but there's probably no content for it. I just think on it sometimes.
Frisk/Chara Queerplatonic body sharers post game is very good to me. I've also seen an AU where Frisk gives up their soul for Asriel to come back and they share a body and I think the three of them should vibe like that.
Frisk/Monster Kid is always appreciated in this house we love Monster Kid content in this house
On that note I love you artists who make the briefly mentioned Suzy an Undertale version of DR's Susie and have her hang out with Frisk. They are buddies and I love them so much.
Deltarune Ships
Kris/Berdly is the only one that actually hard matters to me I love them I love them so much they are gaymers. Especially love it with Transfemme Berdly for no other reason than I love her my baby girl
Kris/Spamton is!!!! So good!!! I love Spamton a little freak an old man who's really weird about this teenager he just met he makes them so uncomfortable I think it's hysterical
Kris/Ralsei while we're on the train is incredibly cute and another instance of a Darkner being very Unnormal about Kris in a way that makes them uncomfortable. Ralsei infantalizes Kris while also putting them on such a high pedestal. Good uncomfy Yandere content
Another probably doesn't need to be said but I think Susie/Noelle is pretty alright. My opinion on it is very same as Alphyne it's fine it's canon gays and it's cute. No complaints from me
Lancer/Susie/Noelle though?? Incredible. Top tier. Susie will go nowhere without her little guy Lancer, and Noelle thinks he's cute as can be and incredibly silly. Is he involved romantically? Unclear but he sure is there
Roulxs Kaard/Spade King was very juicy back when we only had chapter one. The last bit of porn I witnessed before Tumblr fully closed it's doors was some nasty shit of the two of them. RIP the OP of that work they got hard banned four separate times.
Roulxs/Queen has sense filled the Roulxs Kaard malewife shaped hole in my heart however and it is so much funnier than whatever he and Spade King had going on. Queen talks about him like how we all talk about Spamton and I think that's glorious
Queen/Swatch Queerplatonics my dearly beloveds
Are Sweep Cap'n Cakes a polycule? Someone said they were brothers and I cannot remember who or if it was canon. I like them as a polycule. They kiss on the mouth
I love you Jevil/Spamton divorce does it count as a ship if my favorite part of it is they're broken up?
Jevil/Seam is incredibly cute I love them soft I love them angsty I love them devoted and broken and wishing for the old days and I love them together and happy and silly old married couple
Spamton/Addisons any Addison or all Addison I love Spam/Addi ships a lot because it can't be sweet they left Spamton homeless and alone in the streets. The good ol days only kinda ship.
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shinekittenace · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 35,448 times in 2022
That's 22,711 more posts than 2021!
670 posts created (2%)
34,778 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 30,034 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#undescribed - 23,504 posts
#art - 11,894 posts
#undertale - 9,091 posts
#mettaton - 6,107 posts
#deltarune - 3,392 posts
#cats - 1,535 posts
#gif - 1,239 posts
#papyrus - 1,228 posts
#alphys - 1,139 posts
#undyne - 1,030 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#she’ll wake up one morning expecting him to be in his room and he’s just face down in the living room plugged into the wall with 5% battery
My Top Posts in 2022:
idea: "anti-valentines" that have the aesthetic of valentines but say things like "buying each other chocolate won't magically solve your relationship problems" and "communicate or break up" and "why are there so many cartoon hearts get them away from me"
643 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
❗ dailyquests Follow
• Kill Spamton and put his remains in a jar to give to Mettaton
1,155 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
alphys is not mettaton's mother she is his trans healthcare provider hope this helps
1,252 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
The first batch of anti-valentines is here thanks to a collab with @arosuggestions !
First three designs are by me, last three are by him
Tumblr media
See the full post
1,492 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
two aros platonically married for financial reasons call that friends with tax benefits
2,895 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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monstrousmaws · 2 years
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I posted 905 times in 2022
That's 905 more posts than 2021!
38 posts created (4%)
867 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 144 of my posts in 2022
#unreality - 10 posts
#goncharov - 7 posts
#mettaton - 6 posts
#undertale - 6 posts
#danganronpa - 5 posts
#mad mew mew - 5 posts
#christopher pierre - 4 posts
#k1-b0 - 3 posts
#important - 3 posts
#saving for later - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#because i plan to make a group of ut/dr voice actors and then force them to watch me play fnaf and fnaf fangames(they get to backseat game)
My Top Posts in 2022:
To all of my Trans friends, followers, mutuals, anyone, regardless of if you are binary trans or non-binary genders, I want you to know that you are loved. I want you to know that I love you. I want you to know that one day it WILL be okay, even if everything is going to shit right now.
if you ever need to reach out, if you ever need comfort, I’m here for you. I’m giving all of you huge virtual hugs right now, you deserve it.
6 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
We need “putting the characters in British comedy panel shows” to be a fanfic trope.
like, imagine writing fandom characters doing Taskmaster. It would be a hoot. You can figure out which approach to the tasks each one would take. Do they eat the melon with a fork and knife or do they throw it at the ground and eat off the floor? Just seeing fandom characters tackle ridiculous tasks would make my day. Go watch Taskmaster, it’s on YouTube. And even if you don’t want to watch the whole show, just look up and watch “Tree Wizard” from the show. You won’t regret it.
or put them on Would I Lie To You! Where each character is given a card on which a statement about them is written, which is either true or a lie, and they have to convince the other team that it’s the opposite of what it is. You could have canon events there, or headcanons! Would I Lie To You is also on YouTube
@ me if you write these I want to see
7 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
can we as a fandom appreciate Nastasia more?
she literally DIED for a man she knew would never love her in the way she loved him. She dedicated her life to him and he never noticed that.
And then he disappeared and she never coy closure. She’s really tragic if you think about it. Also she’s Bi Ace and Trans, fight me
9 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Since I’m a music obsessed dork have my fandom characters playlists
Mad Mew Mew
See the full post
13 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Have some of my disorganized Undertale thoughts:
I wish there was more content for Alphys, Undyne, and Mettaton. They’re all popular in their own right, but they aren’t as “breach containment of the fandom” popular as the other mains are. And I love them. I like them so much more than the other characters.
also I wish the fandom would look past the mains and the like three extremely minor characters they latched onto and make content of Mad Mew Mew and Muffet, cause both are extremely overlooked. Especially Mad Mew Mew, which is sad cause she’s my favorite.
The genders of Frisk, Chara, Napstablook, Monster Kid, and I’m sure some others I’m forgetting are NOT up to interpretation. Toby has deliberately used They/Them for all of these characters, and saying otherwise is Enbyphobic. This also goes for Kris and Seam from Deltarune by the way.
I want more art of characters who don’t interact in canon interacting. Especially Undyne and Mettaton, Undyne and Mad Mew Mew, and Mettaton and Mad Mew Mew.
ok those were my thoughts bye
13 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
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Do you have any recommendations for Undertale fic? I especially love things focusing on Frisk, Asriel, and Chara. But I’m scared to just dive blindly into the tags on Ao3 or something. ): Thanks!
oh great question! here's some kid-centric fics I like a lot:
Be Good, Alright? by @smells-like-mettaton. Frisk stays with Toriel in the Ruins instead of leaving, and Flowey and Chara are there too. Ongoing and very cute. Contains some references to child abuse. You should probably just follow Tali on tumblr if you haven't already, Tali posts a ton of great stuff.
And Whither Then? I Cannot Say by ohjustdisarmalready on ao3. Frisk get launched across time and space and travels through several AU versions of the underground. This one focuses a lot on AUs like Underfell and the skeleton brothers are a huge part of it, but it's still fundamentally a story about Frisk, and the way they're written is REALLY good, they're such a good kid. Might want to avoid it if you don't want to see Frisk getting hurt though
rename the fallen human by brushstrokesApocalyptic on ao3. The fallen human can't decide on a name. This one is Chara-centric and it's classic. Really funny and sweet.
high score by @knifehecker. The three kids reflect on their time in the underground. This one takes place post-pacifist but it's primarily about the no mercy route. I really like the dynamic between the kids here, and the tone is both funny and poignant.
Risen Up (or, Of Fallen Children and Mountain Kin) by @riverpersonn. Frisk and the gang put on Undertale: the Musical! This one can get pretty intense and gets into Frisk's backstory and some violent routes, but overall it's a really touching story about them and their new family.
i still hesitate in the hopes i'll save some face by Princex_N on ao3. This is a series of snippets about autistic Frisk journeying through the underground. We love autistic Frisk in this house
Frisk Learns Some New Words by Rakkogaki on ao3. Despite the title this fic is actually more Sans-centric but it's the fic I was talking about a couple days ago where Sans goes several weeks without standing up by teleporting between different chairs. It's an absolute classic crack fic.
Floweytale by @andreabandrea. A series of fics about Flowey's resets before Frisk showed up. Absolutely essential reading for all Flowey fans. But watch out because you'll feel every emotion at once. Contains references to violent routes.
My Big Fat Fish Holiday Party also by andrea. You probably know this one if you follow me but if not you should check it out, it's everything to me. Ultimate crack fic.
All We Left Unsaid ALSO by andrea. Frisk ends a no mercy route while fighting Sans, and the underground rebuilds. This one is Flowey-centric, but there's a ton of side characters in it and it's really sweet and sad. If you like Flowey and Sans not trying to kill each other, this is a great example of that.
memeing across time and space by threefourthstime on ao3. Another classic crack fic, this one's about Gaster trying and failing to prank various characters.
If you like the kids I'd also rec a couple of ask blogs! There's @redsoul-kris which is a Deltarune ask blog that involves the Undertale kids in a certain way, and @dont-forget-to-ask which is for the post-paci Undertale kids. @friskibitz also sometimes writes really sweet ficlets about the UT/DR kids on his blog.
This is in no way a complete list, but there ya go!
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