#there's much more to this OC tbh but I'm a little embarrassed
zikadraws · 11 months
I couldn't exactly get what I wanted for Halloween done, sooo you're getting some OC stuff.
Her name is Salomé, and she's been 11 for twelve thousand years.
Happy Halloween.
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porcelain-thyme · 8 months
The Herbalist (Tree Sentinel x fem!OC) - Chapter One
(I put it as OC but tbh it could be a reader insert since I leave the character description light and also she just goes by one name Morte)
My first ever fanfic lol, I saw someone on here lament the fact that there was no Tree Sentinel fanfic and I agree, so I decided to write one lol, this is the first chapter and I will probs be updating every week or so lol. I might write for other characters too. Added a read more so it didn't take up the entire feed cause its long lol
You heaved against the solid wood, the crisp morning mist embraced you. Limegrave's fair beauty, covered with a veil of golden rays, held you still as your eyes scanned the vast field of grass waltzing with wisps of wind. The hushing of the trees lulled the falling Erd leaves to the ground as you hesitantly stepped away from the door.
In the distance you could hear the songs of birds echo and the salty waves crash against fine sand. 
‘It feels too good to be true compared to what they prepared me for.’ you thought.
Scanning your surroundings you noticed the cute little critters hopping around and on the edges of rocks perched some proud birds, both animals you had never seen before. Your own town was too dimmed in an everlasting mist for anything cute to survive, like the gloom sucked out all the fun of living. The shadow of the ruined building covered the left. Bushes and trees scattered around. Beside you, a few steps away, a flower glowing softly stood, swaying in the sea breeze which hit your sinuses, dry and pungent with salt. You crouched down, putting your weight on the balls of your feet. You were enraptured by its beauty,  your gloved hand reaching out to caress the delicate petals. This wasn't enough, so you peel the fabric from your hand to freely examine it. 
It's soft and full of life, nothing like the plants you have back at home, where the endless dull skies leaves the ground barren of flowers. But here is different, you have never felt such a lively and soft material, the small  indents of the veins running the white velvet flesh leaves you giddy with wonder.
Your  head swivelled for more wonderment, finally landing on a group of vermillion star-petalled flowers. You rushed over, breathless with awe, the joy vibrating in your chest, as you once again examined a new specimen.
“I was waiting for you to approach me. Seems like you didn't  even notice, strange considering I'm the only other person here.” A voice from behind you greeted, full of mirth and sass.
You startled so much that as the breath finishes its course out your mouth, you already had your sword ready.
“I would suggest against striking me, Tarnished. It will certainly not end well for you.” His voice lilted with a slightly gravelled tone.
You turned red and heated with embarrassment, this was not how you wanted to greet what you presume to be a fellow human.
“My apologies, Sir. You startled me.”
He huffed lightly, though you couldn't see his face you could see his chest rise and fall. Which relieved you. At least you were not completely alone.
‘You seem to take a while to think, Tarnished. Should I take a seat and wait.”
You eyed this stranger with suspicion, as he took  a seat on the soft grass. There was no harm in keeping your guard up around here.
“Might I ask who you are, Sir?”
“I will once you put down that sword. I have no intention of harming you. In fact, I am here to guide you.” You saw the crinkles around his eyes as he smiled. He sat there, leisurely with no care in the world. You decided to heed his request, awkward and overwhelmed by everything.
“You certainly look different from the other Tarnished that come here. Have you any training at all?” He was looking  at you with  what seemed to be concern, like he can see right through the bulky armour and linen cloth.
“I have been trained, thank you very much. What’s more of a concern right now is that fact that you still haven't answered my question.”
He huffed out another chuckle. The sun had now warmed your skin in comfort at this point, as it climbed to midday.
“Varre. My name is Varre and I'm your one shining hope in this land, despite the fact that you are maidenless.”
His head tilted towards the Erd tree, eyes distant as if this was nothing new.
“Yes, well, you need a  maiden to help you on your journey. A patroness of sorts.”
Your head whirled in confusion as you sifted through your memories. You had heard nothing of maidens from the high priests who taught you.
“You're thinking again, Tarnished. It seems to be a bad habit.” There he goes again. Like the  matter was some joke, like you were a joke.
“I have a name too, Varre.” You were sharp with your retort.
“Oh, yes? And what would that be?” He seemed to have been mocking you still.
“Morte. Seems fitting considering your chosen vocation.” Hazel eyes piercing right through  your armour.
“I… I didn't choose this path. It was chosen for me.” You said heavily, eyes downturned in shame with your  heart layed on top of your guts.
“Oh? And here I  thought all Tarnished  were here for their own selfish reasons.” He seemed surprised.
The sun was past its throne, starting its journey back to his chamber. Like he could feel the ensuing uncomfortable talk.
“The High Priest from my town said it has been my duty since birth to find the Elden Ring. I never wanted this life and frankly I'm too physically weak to even fight a wolf off. But they seemed to have insisted that since it is my duty, that I will find a way.”
He was silent, listening intently with the still physique of a statue.
“If I am to be completely honest, after hearing that I am not the first nor the last I feel as though this path is moot to me now. Surely, there are people more fit  for the task than I.”
He seemed to be in thought for a while, like the cogs in his head were turning.
“It seems that I am not the only one who’s a slow thinker.” 
He let out a small chuckle, mercifully moving his gaze to the ground.
“This situation does seem to need more thought than I expected.” He has straightened his posture, his legs crossed.
“Aha!  Now you know how I feel.”
Things go quiet after that. It wasn't awkward silence but more of a perplexing one.  Around us the world kept its cycle. The moon had started to tuck the sun into bed with blankets of dusk clouds. The shadows were more prominent as they covered the rolling fields and in the distance ruins glowed with slight warmth  from what seemed to be a fire. Still even with the golden veil gone the land before you held its beauty with pride.
“You know… all throughout my life people have directed me, never left me alone. Now that I'm here, I feel lost, even though they gave me instructions. I need to find the Elden Ring, but I just want to explore this place now. It's not like they can find out what I'm doing, but I still fear that they will.”
He was back to staring at you now. our legs were crossed and hands held your head, like a saddened child.
Suddenly he got up, stretched his popping spine and then let out a groaning exhale.
“Follow me. I might know a way to help.”
He's  held out his hand now, keeping a respectful distance as you use his arm to pull yourself up. His hand was warm and his grip firm compared to yours.
The back of your legs slowly forced themselves to straighten after lack of use while you stretched your arms out above your head in a Y shape. Bones and muscles expanded and settled back with a similar exhale. 
He turned around and headed down the slight hill, his footsteps were heavy and his clothing swayed slightly with his confident movements. You followed behind, timid and on edge. Following a stranger could be very detrimental, but that was your best option so far. The further you walked down the more you could see the fields, to the left were ruins of what seemed to be a rounded coliseum. 
To the centre was a path that led to the lit church, which seemed to be guarded by a large armoured man on an even larger horse. You were surprised that you did not hear the thudding hoofs of this majestic beast nor the scrape of metal against metal. 
“It's best to keep your distance from the Tree Sentinels, let them do their jobs and they will let you do yours.” His voice level as though this sight is normal in these parts, and for all you knew, it was.
You continued down the hill to a glowing pile. Wisps of gold gilded around it like a campfire, as you stand next to it. It’s pretty and it illuminated the surrounding environment  and you had this pull to touch it and to know if this light is warm and if it felt like the wind softly caressing your hair.
“Go ahead. Raise your hand towards it and let's see what it does.”
“What happens when I do?”
“It's a site of grace, it will; be able to tell you where you need to go. For most of you Tarnished, if not all that I've met so far, it leads you to Stormviele castle.” He had this tone of excitement, like a child anticipating a treat.
“It won't hurt me, will it?”
“Not in the slightest, Morte. If anything it will feel pleasant.”
So you heeded his wishes and crouched down. This must have been the magic that the high priest talked about. It held warmth to it and in the centre, levitating, was a tear shaped orb. You reached your hand out towards it, not knowing what exactly you were doing. The warmth from the grace site passed through the material of the glove with ease to finally touch your skin. It was like you could feel every particle of grace fit into the imprint of your skin, like gold filling cracks of pottery.
Like wading your hand in a pool of water, you could feel the movement of the grace as your hand shook still.  It was textured like fine sand, almost powdery but the coarseness still gritted slightly against the fingerprints and dried valleys of your hand. 
You focused on the feeling and all of a sudden you felt something shift, like movement in water. Opening your eyes you look over to see Varre staring at you intently.
“It does feel pleasant.” You were breathless, the awe of the situation holting your mind.
He still didn’t answer, but he leaned close to the site, like he was looking for something. Through the grains of grace you felt something, like uneasiness embodied. It felt like the grace of wavering slightly, like his pulsing heart's increased rate was felt by it. You felt nervous now, something was wrong. You realised that he said this would help guide you but you can’t feel nor see anything to suggest a path. If anything it just swirled like usual, only glowing brighter with you connected to it. It felt homely and warm, it was a comfort you never wanted to let go of.
He finally spoke, though there was hesitance and confusion tinting his usual teasing tone.
“I haven’t seen something like this before. How do you feel?”
He was looking at you now. His eyes were intimidating even with the concern behind them. You felt like he should have the answer to this, but seeing someone who has supposedly been doing this for quite a long time look at you like a lost pup had you in a bit of panic. The thumps of muscle against your sternum became more noticeable by the second. You look down at your hand then back up at Varre, then repeat swiftly while you conjure up your answer.
“Great? I’m not in any pain. Isn’t this supposed to happen?” Laced through your answer was confusion and a drop of fear.
“Move aside for a bit, dear.” you were taken aback by the pet name but still did so.
He degloved himself and moved his hand towards the grace. It did exactly what it did to you, only next came a glowing string that danced towards you with, well, grace. It circled around you and when you lifted your hand toward it you could still feel the grains of grace against your skin.
“You're supposed to see something like this, the grace is supposed to guide you on your path. This is different, it was static like you have no path to take.”
You froze when he said this. Though the thread of grace still warmed you, the shivers of anxiety began to wracked your body. This could not be happening, you need guidance. You’ve needed it ever since you were born and now you're being told that there was no guidance left for you. As though it was possible to run out, you used it all up during childhood and now your bank was drained. You took a tiny step back, tears birthing from your wide eyes as you start to feel the air crawl from your lungs.
“No… that can’t be.” 
It came out as a pathetic whimper and the sobbing began. Your frame was shuddering, bones and flesh unsynced as you panicked right in front of a stranger. You felt the grace leave as he got up to move towards you. The hand that was once outstretched towards grace was now stretching towards you.
“Don’t panic, we will sort this out. There is certainly a reason for this, grace sites can not make mistakes.”
He closed the distance with his hand moulding to your shoulder, he had bent slightly to try and catch your pathetic eyes. You were in hysterics, the very reason for your existence was denied from you. How could you ever face your town now? You were to be the high priestess once you acquired the ring and now you will be nothing more than a pariah. You did not know what to do with yourself, you felt drenched in cold water, hands stretched out to your sides slightly, you shook from the very core of your being. Your muscles had already become stiff and crowded, the clothes and armour you wore felt constricted, the very hemming of your collar felt like it was strangling you.
“You still have grace, dear. It just seems to be wanting you to do something different with yourself. It’s telling you that your destiny is not the Elden Ring. Shouldn’t this be good news to you considering your hesitance?”
He was logical, and finding the Elden Ring certainly wasn’t something you wanted.
“But I need to do it. My very existence was created on that fact.”
You were still shaking, but the embers of anguish and wrath had started to glow. It felt unjust to you, that this would happen so late in your journey. All that training since birth, gone to waste.
“Oh Lambkin, It will be okay. Why don’t we talk to a friend? They might know something of this.”
“But I have none.”
“Ah, but I do. Come now, it’s only a short distance. Just down to the church of Elleh.”
You could tell he was panicking slightly, but he tried to keep it in for your comfort. You were a spirit in limbo, all directions felt too far for you, but you still crawled your way out of that burrow of self-pity to take the hand of Varre.
You both trudged down the hill towards the glowing church, the closer you got the more you saw the ruins it was in and the site of grace. But that was not the only thing illuminating it. The warm glow of fire encompassed the back wall of the ruin dancing ever so slightly. It was easy to see in the darkness of the night. Looking up you realised that this is the first time you’ve seen stars. The fog surrounding your home town only allowed for the moon to shine through, but tonight you realised that there was more than just the moon up there. It was close to distracting you from the contortions of your heart and the headache that throbbed at your crown.
You glanced over at the Sentinel making his rounds, you were walking closer to him. This prickled your skin especially with his foreboding helmet of gold following you as you went past. The horse he sat upon was well behaved and only flicked its head slightly to shake away a glowing bug that landed on its nose. You looked around the land, to find specks of glowing bugs everywhere and the soft caress of the moon shining on every surface. The air was chilled, but that was comforting against the heat of your distress. The air filled your lungs with renewal, it woke your mind up from the maorose sea of sludged guilt and bleakness. 
Even with the current circumstances, you had not felt this alive in a while. In fact you never had felt so much in your lifetime. It was like something inside of you was awoken in this land. Like it was breathing with you, and moved with you. You were like a stormy planet, violent swirls of rain and rocks moving across your surface while your core stayed unchanging.
You were now just hiccupping and the cold air of the night had dried your tears for you. The soft cling of grass grounded you and the warm grip of Varre led you to the entrance of the ruins.
Inside was a grace site in the centre and to the very back right corner camped a man and a mule. He stared at you two as you made your way over, timidly you hid behind Varre.
Once you reached the grace site, Varre told you to wait there and play around with it. He continued on to greet the stranger, standing together and talking in hushed whispers.
You crouched down to take off your glove only to realise you left it behind. It stung your heart a bit to have done so but you continued on and reached towards the illuminated wisp. Once again connecting to the pool of grained grace, you felt calmed and comforted. It was like it felt your sorrows and held you close. You tried something different this time, you tried to empty your mind, like the monks back in your hometown. It was hard to untangle your mind from the self-pity and thorns of wrath that caught you, but once you had somewhat cleared your mind it happened.
You felt the pool increase around you, you could feel the boundaries of the walls and the movements of all the livin things around you. In the distance the rocking of the large horse caught your attention, then the slight movements of Varre and the stranger in the corner. You could feel one of the hopping creatures stir in its sleep in the burrow by the ruin. The grass danced in waves and the cool air complimented the warmth of grace. Everything felt alright.
You then felt Varre and the stranger walk towards you, you focused on that movement of grace. It was like you could feel their curiosity, the tilt of their heads and the glances between them.
“I have not seen this before.” It came from the stranger. Just a quiet whisper but it was like the grains were moving his voice closer to you. You opened your eyes to see them just a few feet away staring at the glowing of your arm.
Your arm should not be glowing like that, like the very flesh and bone had been replaced by the ethereal. Disconnecting from the grace site did not stop it either, for it kept glowing slightly, whorls of grace making up your skin and pure gold your bones. The sensations were still there as you tried wiping it off with the linen cloth of your skirt, but nothing came off except for the ever-present glow.
Varre moved closer towards you, you could feel his movements and went to examine your arm. The stranger stood close to him. Varre turned your arm this way and that, he then gave you a pinch.
“How did that feel?”
“Fine, I guess. It didn’t hurt, if that was what you meant.”
“I pinched your arm pretty hard.”
“I felt the force, just not the pain.”
He seemed deep in thought as the stranger went up to have a look. He was gaunt and covered half his face with a cloth. His clothing was strange, red with tufts of white fluff around the borders. His skin was ashen grey dry from the sun, joints and ligaments showing through as he moved his hands.
“This is Kale, he’s a merchant that wonders these parts. I thought that he might have some information to help us, but it seems as though I was wrong.”
“You are certainly a peculiar Tarnished.” His voice was soft and pleasant.
“Her name is Morte. She doesn’t like being called Tarnished, and at this point I don’t think she is.”
“You’re right, Tarnished aren’t usually blessed with powers like this. I heard whispers that near the Erd tree there used to be maidens with similar powers. They would dance around at night and by day they care for the surroundings of the tree.”
“But she’s not from here, so how could she have acquired something like this.”
Kale took a while to think.
“I don’t know, maybe that’s her path.”
“If it was then she would have been led to the Erd tree by a path. It just keeps her there at the sites.”
“Maybe that is the path? Maybe her’s is the land she’s on.”
You were standing there, letting them discuss amongst themselves while you examined your arm. You felt more assured now that you have two people trying to aid you, but at this point you just wanted to focus on something more elating than the point of your existence. So you started to rock side-to-side as you thought of the Erd tree maidens. Their life seemed so joyful and simple, much more simple than finding the Elden Ring. You started to wish that you were born an Erd tree maiden instead of some small girl from a fogged land. To be with sisters with the same goal, dancing around with fits of laughter and murph while by day you took care of the grounds of your home in contemplation and ease.
“Can we continue this some other time? I feel tired.” Your voice was small but they still heard your plea.
“Certainly, Lambkin. Let’s get you some rest.” His voice was soft and warm and you realised that you can still feel everything in grace. It was pleasant.
They wanted to set you up by the fire where you could be kept warm, but you insisted on staying by the grace site to play around with it more. So there you were, sitting cross-legged with your grace arm outstretched. Focused once again. You can feel the familiarity of Varre and Kale’s conversion as they sat by the fire, the very shifting of their bodies could be detected through the grace. You could perceive everything but it was not overwhelming, nor was it confusing. You just could and it felt right.
Just maybe you could exist like this, instead of a high priestess with the Elden Ring. After-all, power never excited you.
You lay down, curled on your side by the site. Eyes fixed on its glow as you felt true peace. The anguish was replaced with assurance and you were fortified with the knowledge that there were people similar to you. Your face relaxed and so did your body as you reached your hand towards the site, playing around with the wisps of grace as you dozed off. Turning your head towards the sky, the stars held your eyes in their celestial hands as the Earth cradled your drifting form.
You woke from your slumber with the tickle of dew covered grass and the light of the waking sun. You still faced the sky and clouds clothed in dawn greet you with a good morning. The birds were chirping and through the tree the wind rushed. The crackling of the fire behind you told you that last night was real. Usually the morning after you cried there would come a headache, but you felt the opposite this time. You felt like you were made anew. Stretching as you sat up, you let out a sigh and looked around. The ruins were just as beautiful in the light. Reaching your new hand to the site you connected with it once again, it felt comforting to do so. You felt the land around you move as you breathed in and out, it felt nice just being able to exist for once. Even though you panicked last night about the lack of a path, you felt better  now and more assured. 
Varre and Kale were snoozing by the fire, you could sense their chests rising and falling. The mule was laying there with his head on Kale’s lap, ear flicking every once and a while. The morning air was fresh and the sunrise warmed your back. You were now under his veil too.
You decided to get up to look around by yourself. You made your way out of the church, running your new hand along the cool stone. Grass covered the ground in clumps that had you walking carefully, the sun had fully emerged from the horizon, its golden rays glittered in the dew drops covering everything. It looked like everything was covered in grace. The sky was clear with fluffy clouds sparse in its field, coloured in pastels that you had never seen before.
There was a rising deep inside of you, as though a metamorphosis ws taking place. The muscles of your heart snuggled together. Your whole body felt the exhilaration of finally understanding what a new day was.
You started to giggle, legs giddy as you pranced around. You grabbed your skirt in your hands and began to sway. Slightly to your right lay the colosseum ruins and before you was the ruins you came from. The wind twirled the locks of your hair between their fingers as you floated around Limgrave.
You felt like you belonged with the roots of the trees and the dancing grass, it felt like you were home.
You pranced around a bit more when you felt a presence behind you, one that was very familiar. Stiffening up you slowly turned around to face the Sentinel. He was even more intimidating up close. He towered over you, armour glistening in the morning sun. His horse was by his side and let out a huff of curiosity, staring and your small form. You did not move a muscle, as if he would not perceive you. It was sickening, the fear you felt, the way your gut contorted and your heart pressed itself against your spine. The horse stretched its head towards you, snuffling the air for your scent. It was gentle as its nose grazed your arms with huffs of air. 
Your eyes were tearing up, you could not die this early. The Sentinel had not moved, but you knew he was staring right at you while his horse investigated. Finally he huffs and a fog of air escapes his helmet. Tugging the lead of his horse, he moved past you. You fell to the ground with relief, the Sentinel seemed to have not been interested in you, a small victory for the morning.
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spotaus · 4 days
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Okay, this was long overdue tbh 😔🙏(N Lore (?) Under the cut!)
I've been meaning to make N a new ref for a bit, so here we are! Since she's my skele-sona I kinda want to do a quick rundown on her design elements for fun, then her in-universe lore!
(Note: I refer to her a lot with she/her, she is technically a she/they/he/it genderfluid kinda girly, but I made her before gender tomfoolery registered in my brain so I default to 'she/her' out of habit-)
Her Halo/Crescent/Horns were initially inspired by wanting her to have metaphorical horns instead of slapping points onto her skull. She's also a shape-shifter, so her human form uses the crescent like a hair clip! Also based on the moon a bit.
The wings/tail are things I ended up w/ in the long run. The wings used to be optional + usually based on specific birds, and the tail was thicker w/ an end piece that looked like a fountain pen tip, but the long windy one abd the black wings were more fun to draw/animate!
Virgin Killer sweater used to be a Grey sleeveless turtleneck, but I just like the aesthetics here better.
Arm Gloves/Leg Socks are half because I hate drawing arm bones, abd half because I thought it brought more dynamic shapes into the design! Also... kibty... (inspired by gloves/socks I own)
Pants: She's always worn snow-pants in her design, and they used to have hanging suspenders, but I removed them. Why they're amarica colored I couldn't tell you... I just like the color combo 😔
Cracks on her face: The forehead crack is inspired by when I tripped and smacked my forehead onto a stair corner as a kid (blacked out, don't remember the hospital trip that followed?). Chin crack inspo is a random scar I have on my chin!
Color on Bones: I actually just added this, but my skin gets blotchy when I'm nervous or embarrassed, and I like the visual that N's magic does that to her Often lol. So! It's like blush! (It's also on her collarbone but you can't normally see it, haha-)
Blue + Purple: I actually don't have symbolism here. Just that I had another oc (B) who was my *other* skelesona insert oc, and *her* colors were blue and purple. N used to have white eyelights I think? Silver? But N and B traded off some traits in a point where I tried to combine them, and the result was this current version of N! Actually...
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Old Art jumpscare...
So, I stole the pattern from her jacket and put it kn her pants, stole the crack in B's forehead and gave it to N, her Halo kept tilting further left, and I revoked shoe privileges?? Idk man, it's been a wild ride.
Oh! Her hands *do* still have holes in them too.
N is less like Me and more like a bossy little minion I custom-made to go harass my ocs. She exists anywhere, anytime, and is only restricted my universal laws if it makes a situation more interesting. Very much a mary-sue. Meant to play almost a 'narrator' role!
She has beef specifically with Ichor (because I put hin thru so so much in the early days-) and is very chill with Phishbone and Pretender. She loves to chill in different aus with different people, but she adores just being obnoxious to my ocs specifically. Objectively, *not* a good person 🙏
And yeah. She looks different in has new clothes everytimr I draw her, but this is a good basic design base!
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 10 months
dionysus xii, m | jjk x ♂wiyllt x myg
pairing(s): jungkook x male wiyllt x yoongi — important: contains m/m pairing— male OC is male whatifyoulivelikethat aka me, the author ;)
summary: The following events are extremely gay. Jeon Jungkook puts himself in a dick 69 (and likes it). Min Yoongi puts himself in a maid outfit (kinda). Also, they share a boyfriend. Not that any of them are gonna admit that straight up. That would just be embarrassing. (They will in their head though, heh.)
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; important! male OC and Yoongi are pansexual and Jungkook is bisexual; I'm warning you: everyone's dick is out; in love and none of them will admit it out loud, classic; JK is a lil insecure and gets his reassurance ofc; Yoongi is just a slut kidding but also not; domestic, tbh; D/s smut (hyung kink, praise kink, spit kink, mild restraints, 69, choking, m-masturbation, cumming on each other, cum eating, crossdressing - maid Yoongi + leather body harness + butt plug, pain kink, m-receiving oral, edging, handjob, hair pulling, unprotected anal sex, cowgirl (cowboy? eh, you get it), missionary anal, creampie); non-idol!BTS - sub!Jungkook x dom!male OC x sub!Yoongi; switches between Yoongi’s POV and JK's POV; for the few people who read this series, um, why? my male self has dirty, filthy sex, smh
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi
“Fuck me. I’m so damn tired of humanity. Does no one have a backbone or ears these days? I don’t get paid enough. Ugh. Patience is a virtue and all that shit. Fuck virtue. I’ve used my last fuck and I just want a damn nap. What about you? You’ve been sitting here all day. I know, aren’t you much comfier since I put you back in the couch?”
Min Yoongi cocked his head.
Commotion? Checked the time. Oh, shit. Did that many hours fly by? He removed the headset from his ears and stood up. Fluttering RBG lighting tried to call him back to the white desktop, but instead he headed to cracked-open bedroom door, past dark gray sheets and a folded black blanket that weren’t his. Yoongi had, however, made the bed. Simply because he had seen the mess.
“I know, bro. You’ve been with me too long to be dumped on the floor like that.”
Yoongi pressed two fingers to the door and pushed it open a little more, craning his head and giving himself a clear view of the living room.
He saw a head of black hair, naked broad shoulders, and a deep scarlet dress shirt halfway off.
what if you
“I’d talk to Jungkook but that guy doesn’t listen to me.”
He could only see half of the back tattoo.
He called out.
“Why are you stripping for the giant plush bear?”
The black hair whipped in a sharp arc, exposing white gold earrings and angular jaw, followed by dark, dark eyes and plush mauve lips in a soft ‘o’ shape. The dress shirt slid down, caught by a flighty hand, but Yoongi didn’t need to see the rest of the tattoo. He knew exactly what it said. He had, after all, run his fingers over it and kissed each letter for many nights.
And that chest.
Fuck, he wanted to make out with it.
The man known to many as Dionysus, but to Yoongi by given name, gawked at him.
“How long you have you been here?” the other male sputtered.
Yoongi caught himself smiling. He usually hated that but, in this case, it added to the teasing. He wasn’t given many chances to tease when it came to his favorite person so Yoongi made sure to take every chance he got. “Couple hours. I wasn’t getting anywhere in the studio today so I figured I would take a break and play Diablo. You said I could use your setup.” He made sure to keep his voice very calm and even despite wanting to burst into laughter.
Those impossibly dark eyes shifted from side to side very rapidly. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Since you started talking to the bear.” It wasn’t true but Yoongi wasn’t above lying when it was for his own amusement. One more sin to add to his already hefty list.
The other man made a pained expression and threw his dress shirt onto the black leather couch. It wasn’t aimed to be sexual but Yoongi appreciated what he was seeing all the same. “Great.” Ah, he really did it enjoy the way irritation made that familiar husky voice even deeper. “Now you think I’m even crazier than I already am because I talk to my plushies. I’ll have you know Mr. Bear has seen some shit.”
“Is that his name?”
“Not really. He doesn’t have a name. I just use him as a backrest when I’m alone and watching television.”
Somehow Yoongi found himself a bit jealous of the two-meter-tall café-au-lait-colored plush bear sitting floppily on the couch. It looked back at him with a partway-open stitched smile. Don’t look at me like that. I won’t say anything when Jungkook inevitably dumps you on the ground again, Yoongi thought to the bear.
The bear, understandably, continued smiling.
The currently shirtless man was going through his black leather briefcase with an annoyed click of his tongue, muttering something along the lines of, “Don’t you fucking tell me that I lost my hair tie too, for fuck’s sake,” with dark waves of black falling past his cheeks. It was longer than how he usually had it, huh? The sides had been shaved as usual, but it seemed that he had left it longer this time, similarly to how Yoongi had his hair now.
Speaking of.
Yoongi carefully tugged the black hair tie out of his hair and put it in the pocket of the sweatpants.
For no reason at all.
The rest of his black hair fell around his neck, the curtain bangs wisping against his cheeks. A step closer to the coffee table, and the other male looked up, defeated, and was about to say something, mauve lips parting and all, giving Yoongi about two seconds to fully appreciate those decadent prominent collarbones and dark nipples and crisp black slacks clinging to delicious hips.
Then the front door burst open.
“Yo, hyung!”
Yoongi twitched in annoyance.
Really? As if surprise was needed. Actually, that tone was probably more akin to seeing an unexpected visitor. Jeon Jungkook had a one-track mind. He also hardly used honorifics – except when he wanted to make it very clear that he was the youngest and seeking attention right now. Now Jungkook closed the door.
“Whoa! You’re naked! Wait. Why are you naked? And in front of Yoongi-hyung? That’s not fair!”
Yoongi stuck his tongue in his cheek and turned to see the doe-eyed, playfully pleading expression of Jeon Jungkook. His black hair was a little shorter now, but neatly parted for once. Surprisingly, he had yet another piercing on the right side of his lip. Half of his arm tattoos were exposed and there was the shadow of the full sleeve under the baggy black t-shirt. Those slate-blue jeans were so shredded that Yoongi was surprised that the denim was still holding on. There was so much leg showing that Jungkook might as well have worn shorts. Or nothing.
“I literally just got home. I was going to change.”
Instant complaint from the younger man. “Why? You look better like that.”
Yoongi felt the directness of those dark, dark eyes asking to provide some confirmational logic. He avoided them and said nothing, staring at the wall next to Jungkook’s head instead. Was that framed print of Jhin from League of Legends always there? Huh.
“I can’t stay naked.”
“You always say that, but you’re wrong,” Jungkook protested, kicking off his sneakers and pushing them against Yoongi’s as he crossed over.
“Don’t tell me you came here to get me to make you dinner again.”
“But, hyung–”
“I was going to make dinner,” Yoongi cut in. “I found black sea bass on sale.”
“I can’t make you cook in my own home,” that deep sigh replied, gazing at him under soft black tresses while one arm was outstretched and holding Jungkook’s chest back. True to his nature, Jungkook flailed about and played along. “I’ll change and help you.”
Oh, really now.
“Your home?”
Yoongi glanced at Jungkook and back to those dark, dark eyes, openly smirking.
“It’s our home now.”
“Is there any fantasy you’ve always wanted but never got to do?”
“Me?” The folding of laundry paused as those dark eyebrows knitted in confusion. “My horny ass? Yoongi, come on. You think I wouldn’t attempt the literal second I had a plausible impulse?”
Hmm. That wasn’t really the answer Min Yoongi wanted. He reached over to try and help but had the back of his hand promptly smacked away once again. He didn’t like feeling useless, but the man who called himself Dionysus at times might have a control problem. Or, rather, with one glance to those dark, dark eyes, he may be feeling a bit guilty still about Yoongi doing random housework as he saw fit.
But that was how Yoongi showed…
With how much time he was spending over here, Yoongi figured he might as well. He didn’t like a messy environment either. Three guys spending too much time in one small apartment were bound to get out of control if they didn’t all work together to keep the place clean.
Still, his host was not letting him get into his business (just his mouth and occasionally his asshole, heh). At least when he was home. Therefore, Yoongi had attempted to distract. And failed, but he knew he would. He still wanted to know though. Mostly because he wanted to be special.
He didn’t just think that.
“Do you mean you only attempt to do things that you know the other person will say yes to, or have you actually tried everything you want to do?”
The other male made a neat stack of folded boxer briefs and frowned. His dark hair curled over his forehead in the most delicious, rolled-out-of-bed way. Mmmm. “Well, no one can try everything. I can’t grow tits to try tit-fucking or switch to a vagina to try triple penetration. Sigh.”
Yoongi jerked his head back. “What?”
“I would have to try and find three guys who can stand to see each other naked and that’s a stretch considering you’re still weird around Jungkook,” he continued, opening dresser drawers to put articles of clothing in their respective places. “Which you never have to get used to, by the way. I am only giving an example.”
“I’m fine with seeing him naked.”
Side eye.
Yoongi shrugged, acknowledging he said that a bit too quickly. “He’s usually without a shirt in your apartment.”
“He’s not the most subtle,” the other man agreed.
A short silence. Yoongi found he enjoyed watching him doing such home tasks. When the taller male got dressed for work, he usually wore tailored pieces such as dress shirts and pants. But at home he wore a loose black t-shirt with a graphic of a grim reaper watching television and fitted track pants from the professional League of Legends team T1. Simple, but showed off his slightly eccentric personality. It was a step down from when he dressed to go out where he tended to be much sexier. This type of comfort meant that they were close.
Well, they were also fucking, but Yoongi knew this was different than the physicality of it all.
“What about crossdressing?”
Yoongi looked up and found dark, dark eyes staring at him, hands frozen in mid-action.
“Me? I don’t own highly feminine clothing currently, but I guess I could find something…”
“No,” Yoongi corrected. “Me. Cross-dress for you. I know you don’t only like men.”
A sudden thrill coursed through him upon seeing the intrigued expression. He maintained his casual, calm demeanor. His boyfriend still hadn’t moved, not a centimeter, but was instead surveying him curiously, as if he was trying to figure out the seriousness of the suggestion.
“You don’t only like men,” the deep voice countered.
“That doesn’t answer the question of whether or not you would be turned on if I wore more feminine clothing.” Yoongi paused for effect. He, too, could be enticing when he wanted to. “If you want to fuck me in a skirt or dress.”
This was supposed to be a shocking kinky proposal but it was backfiring slightly. Yoongi lifted his thighs slightly and thanked his past self for wearing these baggier sweatpants. He shrugged as leisurely as he could.
“You know, bend me over and violate me.”
Those plush mauve lips parted.
“Could be fun.”
Ever quick and always witty response. “Is that why you grew your hair out?”
Yoongi almost snorted. At least his dick stopped perking up. “No. Come to think of it, helps though.”
An open-mouthed smirk.
“And here I thought you were only a musical genius, but you continue to amaze me.”
Past Jeon Jungkook would have never predicted that he would also be deep throating dick when partaking in a sixty-nine, but life had a strange way of making the impossible possible. He probably would have predicted being in handcuffs at the same time though. His porn history was quite telling even if he hadn’t yet had the guts to explore it back then.
If he had thought he couldn’t breathe that well with pussy in his face, well, now Jungkook was beginning to appreciate what other women had done for him in the past when he was the one on top.
This was a lot more difficult than he thought.
Not that he had much time to think about it. Currently, Jungkook was struggling to focus on sucking dick because there was too much going on between his legs. Large hands gripping his tense thighs and pinning them down. Wet. Tongue roughly sliding down the topside of his cock while the underside rubbed against the roof of that talented mouth, the back of that throat squeezing the head with every descent. Tight. He could even feel the measured, warm breath against his balls every time he was swallowed, adding winding sparks to the constant rollercoaster of pleasure. Hot. Jungkook was embarrassed to feel that he was only able to get three-fourths of that hard length into his own mouth but he blamed it on the angle.
His wrists were handcuffed together, but Jungkook could still reach up and run his fingertips over the other male’s lower torso, aching to touch skin on skin.
Well, he had a whole dick down his throat, but you know what he means.
The one above him shifted and the hips rose, giving him some breathing room. Then slowly descended, pressing deep into his throat and mildly suffocating him with his balls. Not that Jungkook minded at this point because the mouth was tightening, changing the expanse of sensation to all over his length, the tongue spreading out and curling around his girth. Little flicks of wet muscle building the ecstasy, heightening the impending apex, making his core tense and his eyes roll up into his head as his hyung thrust slowly into his mouth, using him like the hole he always wanted to be. He did feel bad, just laying there as the other man fucked his throat and sucked him off.
Strong fingers dug into his thighs, hopefully leaving bruises.
He did feel a little guilty.
Mostly, though, Jungkook was so far gone that he couldn’t hold back anymore.
It really was a fitting alias for someone so excessive.
A deep chuckle resonated around his jerking, shivering cock, bleeding into the blinding haze of orgasm, sending another wave soaring through him. Slight shame, sure, but mostly pride at hearing the clear satisfaction. He could feel it too, the swallowing and the hands that gripped his shaking inner thighs, kneading his flesh. Those full lips floated around the base of the still-engorged head of his cock, rubbing back and forth. Fuck. Fuck, it was hard to explain. A suspension of sensation, not the fleeting high of release but a constant bliss that made him want to cry.
The hips rose. Hard, wet cock fell out of his mouth, slapping him in the face and smearing his own spit on his lips and cheek. He gasped, choking on his own saliva, moaning deeper when that mouth went down on him again, keeping him hard, coaxing his want. Jungkook didn’t care. He didn’t care what was right or wrong. Didn’t care what was happening, even as fingers laced around his slippery balls and locked them in a cage. Didn’t care, reaching up and grazing his fingertips over that dripping length, pressing it to his cheek and rubbing it against his jaw. His saliva stuck to his face. His neck. Whimpers bubbling in his chest as nails scratched down his inner thigh, forcing him to spread his legs open more.
The mouth retreated.
And then tongue cupped around his balls, teeth nicking, leaving him a gasping mess of whines as it travelled all over accompanied by a palm closing in around the throbbing head of his cock, gliding saliva over the sensitive skin.
His entire body tensed, succumbing to the wicked rush of sparks and arousal spreading all over.
“Heh, let me get off you,” the husky voice above him mused.
Jungkook had a fleeting thought of, no, crush me, but then it was flood of air and light invading his senses. Ack! He recoiled into the pillows even though it wasn’t even that bright. Just RGB lighting from the computer and the ghost-shaped lamp on the nightstand still aglow. Didn’t matter though, because now he had to face…
Dark, dark eyes looked down at him.
Paired with an amused smirk.
Jungkook wanted to hide behind his hands but they were handcuffed together. He couldn’t exactly be super subtle brushing back his sweaty hair or anything. The other male continued watching him, his black hair curling around his left cheek and ear. Jungkook found himself staring at those shoulder lines and collarbones, finding himself a bit jealous of the natural beauty of them.
The other male leaned down.
Expression dangerous.
“H… Hyung…?”
Then Jungkook yelped as he felt his right leg was raised, pressed against the other man’s chest. He briefly hated himself for not working on flexibility more, but then Jungkook has no more room to think as his boyfriend’s left hand wrapped around his throat, that smirk turning wicked.
His what?
Jungkook choked and it wasn’t because of the hand around his neck.
“Look at you,” that hazy, low voice continued. “How cute.”
He suddenly became vaguely aware that the deep breathing and sound of hand on flesh was not him, but the older male jacking himself off right above Jungkook’s aching, untouched length. Hey! But he couldn’t say it, whimpering, inhale shorting when the hold around his throat tightened, cutting off more blood. His brain felt fuzzy, his tongue thick and unmovable.
“H-Hyung, please…”
“Please what, my darling?”
He couldn’t feel the pre-cum wasn’t leaking all over his inner thigh right now but Jungkook was pretty damn sure it was happening, and his cheeks were heating up, burning, my darling, sputtering, unable to say anything to the rhythmic slapping sound and calm sighs of physical pleasure. He could feel the cool metal on his skin as he crawled his hands down, down.
Fingertips brushing against dried spit and cum.
“Can I… Can I touch myself, p... please, hyung?”
Jungkook could see that self-satisfied smile through his blurred vision and it made his heart race faster, made his core coil tighter, made his mind slip deeper, deeper into service.
“Of course. Such a good boy for asking.”
Maybe he should have been afraid on how easy it was, afraid of how willing he was to fall into this depravity and be this vulnerable, afraid of how that little praise made him lose his mind, but Jungkook couldn’t think about anything. He could only feel. Feel his thoughts bleed out with the lack of blood. Feel his arousal spiking when he touched himself, stroking his length below that moving hand. Feel the whine escaping him as he teased the swollen head of his cock, rubbing his thumb over the thin skin. Blood rushing, muscles twitching, his legs pinned open by another man’s body, and the man who called himself Dionysus when he wanted to be in the shadows grinned at him, like the devil, bringing him unbreakable heaven amidst all this sin.
“You want me to cum on you?” the other man teased, running his index finger over Jungkook’s jaw as he choked him. “Want me all over your pretty cock so you can get off using my cum as lube?”
Jungkook could only moan in affirmation, both because he was being choked and because he couldn’t think straight – as expected with this dick-on-dick action – at such an obscene, arousing suggestion, excitement and exhilaration burning his veins as he saw the tension ripple across his hyung’s chest, jaw tightening, dark eyes darker, biting his lower lip hard.
Messy black hair was hanging down.
The only foreshadowing was one of his eyebrows cocking deviously.
Then Jungkook gasped as the other male leaned forward and shot hot strings all over his hands, his cock, his burning skin, his eyes rolling back as he felt the thick head press down on his shaft and dribble cum down in a painted streak. The grip on his throat loosened, shooting him into a different rise, oxygen swarming into his lungs. His vision reeled, blurry. Controlled, calm exhales washing onto his shaking chest. No remorse. His gaze snapped back, feeling the twitching head burying into his balls, staining them with orgasm.
Those dark, dark eyes dared him.
“Go on. Your turn.”
Couldn’t look away.
Locked gazes, mouth open, gasping for air, gripping himself tightly. No, tighter. The whimpers growing in his throat, jacking himself off hard and fast, pushing for the climax, couldn’t help himself, couldn’t stop himself, slippery, wet, drenched in the heavy scent of sex and the cologne of green tea and marshmallow, herbal and warm, drowning, so good, s-spit on me, hyung, and that little smirk before he did. The splat so visceral, all over his punishing grip and sliding over the pulsing head of his cock, glistening purple-red, and Jungkook threw his head back, unable to look anymore, the hot flush of his cheeks spreading all over, guilty, guilty of being in love.
He came all over his hands and stomach, gasping out that forbidden name.
The hand on his neck left him cold.
His right leg fell, no longer suspended in the air.
Each breath rattling his lungs. His nerves still singing. Movement, but Jungkook didn’t dare open his eyes to know. Then he sucked in a breath, feeling a soft, warm tongue lick around his fingers. His palms. His cock. His crotch. Sucking up the mixture of their cum and spit, feathering kisses and hot breath over his tingling skin.
The sweetness was killing him.
My darling.
Jungkook was pretty sure he was insane and making up everything in his head. He didn’t want to do anything but feel this moment. Hands slipped under his. Sticky, wet, and yet those fingertips traced his palms, laying them down against his abs as that mouth kissed up and down his cock, small licks curling around to flick his balls gently. He wasn’t even hard.
It felt so good.
So good.
He didn’t try to fight it. Couldn’t even if he wanted to. Jungkook let himself get lifted, the forearm against his lower back, kisses up his trembling chest, and then those dark, dark eyes observing him under shadowy lashes, amused. Those plush lips grazed Jungkook’s two lip piercings.
“You gonna get up, lazy bones?”
Jungkook made a noise of disagreement.
He had to be forced to clean up, but secretly (or not-so-secretly) Jungkook enjoyed that.
Apparently, he had tugged on the handcuffs a little too much because there was an indent left on the back of his wrists when they were removed. Oops. He hadn’t meant to do that. He didn’t want to get scolded, so he kept his wrists out of sight the best he could so his hyung wouldn’t notice. He received a silent side-eye, but no comment. Warning him to be careful but not wanting to make it a nagging. His hyung always warned him not to overdo it. Jungkook just… got lost in the moment.
“You okay?”
It was hard to describe the feeling he got when Jungkook looked up to the other man. Maybe embarrassed, feeling disheveled compared to the confident spark in those dark, dark eyes surveying him with amusement. Maybe confused at the butterflies dancing in his chest, envious that the older male seemed so calm shirtless, messy hair, black boxer briefs, drying his hands on a towel before tossing it onto his shoulder like a goddamn movie main character. Maybe…
Those mauve lips curved into a smile.
Jungkook couldn’t define in words what love was, but love was definitely the feeling he felt in this moment, witnessing that smile.
“Did you enjoy that? Anything you didn’t?”
“O… Oh?” It finally clicked in his brain what was being asked. His cheeks seared with warmth. “Um…?!”
Instead of sitting beside him, the man who called himself Dionysus at times smiled wider, giving him the appearance of an endearing trickster. He remained standing in front of Jungkook sitting on the side of the bed. Too close to be mistaken as friends. “I thought I did a pretty good job. You came harder than usual, or what it because I was watching you this time? Guess I can’t tell if I’m too busy swallowing, hm?” Why was he talking about this so calmly? But there was nowhere to run either, caught between a piercing gaze and devious smirk, graceful fingers fanned over one hip like an underwear model.
“I… w-wha… hyung was amazing, I–”
And then Jungkook froze.
Words dead in his throat.
That was right.
The other man bent down and brushed hair out of his vision, but Jungkook was freezing up. Right. Now that the adrenaline was gone, the scent of green tea and marshmallow was as comforting as it was a remainder. Hyung is amazing. Every time, without fail, thinking about every touch and every kiss and Jungkook was only along for the ride.
“Was… Was I okay, hyung?”
“Hm?” Movement, and Jungkook shifted his gaze to see that familiar head tilt teasing him. “What do you mean, were you okay? Did I not show my appreciation well?” A fingertip traced across his cheek.
Chills shimmering all over his shoulders and yet.
“But you only came once.”
A light chuckle. “Uh huh.”
Jungkook felt his vision blur. Shit. Why was he getting teary? He blinked hard, biting his lower lip tensely, the swift pain fighting back the tears. The other man noticed immediately. Of course, he did. He knew everything about everyone. He could read body language like a children’s book, and Jungkook was simply not on that level.
“You didn’t cum in my mouth…” he mumbled, looking away, ashamed. “I’m not good enough.”
Jungkook had been trying not to think about it too much. Everything was already complicated, from how they met to the not-so-straight sexual relationship to the pit-a-pat feeling in his chest at wanting to be called my darling over and over again, but certain rain-cloud thoughts had been persistent, overshadowing everything else. The feeling of not good enough. When it had only been their isolated interactions, Jungkook didn’t think about how the other male slept with other people. Honestly, Jungkook didn’t even care since it was so obvious his hyung made him a priority.
But then there was Min Yoongi.
Watching them together was just…
He felt hands on his shoulders, but Jungkook shut his eyes, shaking his head quickly, the whirlwind thoughts pouring through him. He had no right to be upset. No place to make demands, no idea what were the right words to say, no, he needed to shut up and appreciate that he could even be in this position. “I’m sorry, I’ll try harder next time, I’m sor–”
“Stop saying silly things.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice choked up, cracking in his chest. “I can do better.”
A sharp pain shot over his forehead. It took Jungkook a moment to realize he had been flicked. His eyes snapped open, snapping his head up to gawk, slack-jawed. The older man looked annoyed, looking down at him with a hand still on Jungkook’s right shoulder. He lowered his right hand, shaking his head with a sigh, wave of black hair drifting over his left eye.
“Jungkook, please, can you listen to me for once in your life?”
Rubbing his forehead with his left hand. Less ow but still ow. “What?” Didn’t he listen pretty well? Er, sometimes. But hyung liked the bratty thing!
“You really think I give a shit about quantity over quality?” Even being scolded in that husky voice wasn’t that bad. Those dark, dark eyes narrowed and Jungkook instinctively felt his spine stiffen. Ahem. Right. Listening. “Bro, I’m not keeping count. Every once in a while, I like to discuss about how the sex was and what you liked about it. Me, I don’t stop unless I’m satisfied. It isn’t the number of orgasms or what exactly happens that is the satisfying part for me. The satisfying part is you.”
“But if I was better… wait, what?”
Jungkook pointed to himself, eyes widening. “Me?”
Eye roll. “Yeah, you, idiot.”
And then that face was close, suddenly dropping down. Green tea. Marshmallow. Herbal and warm. Soft black hair, even darker eyes, plush mauve lips in a small smirk. The shine in that gaze, the solidness of that hand on his shoulder, and that expression absolutely not having any of Jungkook’s bullshit.
“I chose you.”
“Is this about Yoongi?”
Jungkook found he couldn’t say anything but he didn’t have to.
Silence was telling.
His hyung nodded. “Whether it is or not. Whether you believe me or not… I’m not comparing. I don’t compare you to him or anyone else. I don’t like people near me. I don’t like doing things I don’t like doing. But I like being near you. I like learning the things you like and I like doing them for you. Are there things you do that aggravate me? Yeah, like this stubbornness you have about not telling me what’s bothering you sooner so I can set you straight. But I chose you. I’m stubborn too, and you’re not going to change my mind.”
Closing the distance.
His left hand slipped away and now they were forehead to forehead, staring into each other’s eyes.
“I… I can do better for you…” Jungkook whispered to the darkness.
 “You’re already loads better than the first time. Couple more loads and we’ll reevaluate.”
The darkness sparkled.
The pause that followed, not uncomfortable but substantial.
A fleeting kiss and lingering words.
“You’re mine. And don’t you forget it.”
“Do you need help in there?”
“No. Shut up.”
Did he have to pull up the listing on his phone to figure out the strap situation? Yeah, maybe. Perhaps he shouldn’t wear the harness? Well, he had already gotten it halfway on. Sigh. Okay, zip this up, straighten this out, lace up these hook-and-eyes, turn it around, put the damn frilly ass apron on, and…
Min Yoongi looked at himself in the mirror.
What the fuck am I doing?
He couldn’t walk out like this.
It had been a stupid idea and now the stupid had gone too far. Was all this really worth the bit? Fuck, he couldn’t even look himself in the eye. Yoongi spied the white ruffled headband by the sink and crammed it on. Ack. Pulled it off and readjusted the front of his black hair to frame his face and then rest the headband behind. Should he tie his hair back? He reached up and collected some of his hair back. It didn’t give a “pretty” look. He left it down, pulling more of it forward. Smoothed out the mid-thigh length black skirt. It was made of a thicker material that had more body and swish to it. He hadn’t liked any of the cheap costume options when he searched around, so instead Yoongi had selected clothing pieces that matched and made his own outfit.
Flowy white blouse with a high collar and large black velvet bow.
Fitted black corset over it.
Black skirt with the added touch of a white ruffled apron and sheer black thigh-highs.
And, under it all, a surprise.
He had thought about buying an easy costume. Trashy and slutty and fuckable. He had even looked into the latex options but reading up on the meticulous preparation and the sweaty aftermath (and the smell, ew), uh, nah. Besides, if he other male had done as he asked, with the silver rings and all, Yoongi would have felt silly in a costume. No, he wanted it to be obvious that some thought had been put into this. He had wanted it to be a conscious effort.
Okay, and also Yoongi wanted to look somewhat hot.
He wanted to be able to pick styles that looked good on him, not throw on some poorly-made get-up. Not that he knew if this was a sexy outfit or not. He didn’t mind seeing himself in a more feminine silhouette. Dare he say his slender frame worked in his favor here? Well, anyway, it was more the implications of why he was wearing it. And what he was going to do in it.
Should he have brought makeup? Shit.
You’re stalling.
“Shut up,” Yoongi mumbled under his breath, snatching his cologne from the counter and dousing his neck. Who cared about makeup? He was still a man. He was only wearing different clothes that he usually did. Yoongi was just trying a different look. His boyfriend didn’t want a different person.
Yoongi abruptly spun around and yanked open the bathroom door. His face felt like it was on fire.
“Oh, good, I was beginning to think you fell in the toilet–”
Dead silence.
Damn, the man who sometimes called himself Dionysus looked good. Sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread open. Dressier than usual, just as Yoongi had asked. Black slacks. Black brocade dress shirt with embroidered white flowers. Pressed, fitted black vest. Long fingers spread out on the bed, each one adorned with sterling silver rings. Black hair swept to the left, longer than usual, brushing against his jaw, exposing his right ear and the thin silver chain connecting one of the helix piercings to the lobe.
Yoongi managed to push his hand away from the doorframe, breathing out slowly.
“Hello… Master.”
The other man was malfunctioning.
“H… Hah?”
Staring at him with a stunned look. Wide eyes and slack jaw included. It actually helped Yoongi stand a little straighter and relax a little bit. At least he wasn’t being laughed at. He frowned and held onto his left elbow with this right hand, unsure what to do now. The pressure of his right forearm over his corseted waist helped ease the nervousness a bit.
He didn’t plan a whole maid roleplay or anything.
The other male sat up attentively. “You didn’t say it was a maid outfit.”
“Well.” Yoongi looked away, feeling his cheeks flush hotter. “It is the most classic S-and-M costume, right?”
“Hmmmm, I’ve never seen this set before. Did you pick the pieces individually and plan the outfit?”
Weird that he noticed so fast. But nice. “Y… Yeah…”
“Oh? How thoughtful.”
Ack, what was this? Yoongi was suddenly hyperaware of the air between his legs and the effect of words. And tone. And… shit. He was doing that thing. He let go of his arm and stuck his hands by his thighs, hiding his balled-up fists in the swish of the skirt. He didn’t notice that the other man was standing right in front of him until it was too late, freezing up as the shadow appeared. Snapping his head up to a familiar smirk on mauve lips, sparkling dark orbs watching his every move with amusement.
“How do you feel?”
Like my ribcage is gonna explode! Just fuck me so I don’t have to say anything!
Racing sparks shot up his spine as an exploring fingertip traced his chin. Yoongi realized he had gotten used to the stripped-down version of his lover. He had gotten used to the t-shirts, the comfy pants, the lack of rings, the messy hair, and the natural sexiness of every move. The other man was mindful of how he held himself, but at home there wasn’t an air of showmanship nor a sharp outfit to hide behind. He didn’t believe in giving it all away at once. After all, this was a man who chose an alias for most of the general public to address him.
Yoongi could tell right away when people were perfectly comfortable in their appearance reflecting who they were inside. He was witnessing it right now. Those fingertips slid down his neck, caressing the velvet bow. Their eyes locked. Darkness to anticipation. Their colognes mixed together at their close proximity. His, citrus, sharp, dark. Melding with green tea, marshmallow, and intoxication.
They called him Dionysus.
But Yoongi called him…
“What did you call me again?”
A half-smile. “You’re taking this pretty seriously, hm?”
Instead of his usual witty response, Yoongi remained calm, aiming to shift the mood into their respective headspaces.
“I always take serving you seriously, Master.”
The playful expression remained, but the air was different now. Hotter. The taller male raised his hands, backing off slightly, looking up and down unashamedly. It was less objectifying than it was a detailed overview.
“You look good in a skirt.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Raised eyebrow.
Yoongi shrugged. “My legs are as nice as any girl group member. Nicer, even.”
A mirthful laugh. Movement. He was unbuttoning the sleeves of his shirt and rolling them back, exposing his wrists and forearms. A heavy silver chain bracelet on his left wrist. “I do like your legs wrapped around me, so maybe you’re onto something.” There was a peek of silver chain around his neck too. That’s right. He had shown Yoongi a necklace he had purchased recently, a heavy sterling silver pendant that could hold a guitar pick, so, naturally.
He had asked for one of Yoongi’s.
“W-What are you doing?”
Small smirk. “Preparing.”
“For what?” he snapped back. Yoongi hadn’t meant his voice to bristle but what how the hell was he supposed to react? He was in a skirt, for fuck’s sake! And an apron! And a damn frilly headband and they were going to–
He froze as a heavily ringed hand gripped his chin.
Insatiable dark, dark eyes.
“For you.”
He couldn’t move as that head tilted, smirk turning into the grin of a devil, and then those lips were on his. Dangerously soft and to the pattern of a pulse, keeping an infuriating distance between them. Yoongi felt himself reach up, but another hand stopped him, tight grip around his wrist, silver rings cutting into his skin and making him gasp. The hand on his chin slipped away, stalking around his shoulder and around his neck, pressing his trapped hand against his chest.
His body tensed.
The leather harness cut into his torso. A breath too tight.
He whimpered into the kiss.
A pause.
Yoongi could feel the taller male staring at him but he didn’t dare open his eyes.
“Something wrong?”
“No,” he muttered immediately.
“No as in yes or no as in I’m not supposed to know yet?” the gentle, stern voice pressed.
Yoongi opened his eyes slowly, not making eye contact but appreciating the shape of those perfect lips instead.
“No as in shut the fuck up and let me do my job.”
He glanced up with a glare.
Playful amusement and deliciously intrigued.
“You know, you’re a really bossy maid.”
Yeah, well, Yoongi couldn’t bring himself do the whole helpless schtick they did in porn movies because that shit would be way too embarrassing, not to mention not his personality at all. Besides, Yoongi knew him well enough. There was no fun in dominating a helpless creature. No satisfaction unless there was resistance.
Also, his boyfriend was obsessed with Jungkook, so he must love fucking a freaking annoying brat.
“And you’re not going anywhere dressed like that,” Yoongi snapped, lifting his hands towards the vest.
Only to get slapped away.
“Oh? Why not?”
Bro, do you wanna fuck or what? He tried not to let his frustration show. “Then where would you be going?” Okay, fine, he would play along. For now.
Casual shrug. “A date.”
Are you serious? His annoyance must have shown, because that relaxed expression became subtly arrogant. “Why would you need to go on a date–” When I’m literally right here! The fuck I put all this on for?!
“Are you implying that I don’t need someone else to touch me?”
Hook, line, sinker.
Yoongi gawked at him, dumbstruck.
The other male raised a finger and toyed with the edge of the velvet bow along his neck. “I can’t say I like the idea either, but masters and maids are supposed to be professional. Lines can’t be crossed. It is better if I leave right now.”
Wait, what the fuck was going on? Where they actually being themselves or roleplaying? How deep were they getting into this? This was a joke, right? There was no way he was just going to up and leave Yoongi in his cute maid outfit with blue balls and go off sucking somebody else’s face. The fuck was that? The anger flared up hot. I’m not your actual maid, you fuckin’ idi–
But before jealousy cloud his vision, a ringed hand covered his mouth.
Swift and with one yank, the velvet ribbon was undone.
“Lines can’t be crossed.”
Why did it feel as if the other man towered over him? He wasn’t so much taller, but there was such an obvious difference between the calm and the fury. A curtain of black hair trapped Yoongi in shadow.
“But there are no rules in this unbreakable heaven, right?” that husky voice whispered, low and dark.
Yoongi couldn’t say anything.
He just nodded, his blood racing in his veins.
Those dark, dark eyes seemed satisfied.
“Hold out your hands, my darling.”
His legs turned to jelly. What? The world was an electric haze. The fuck he just say? His hands raised automatically, gasp tittering in his throat as he felt the velvet wind around his wrists, then pivot perpendicular to tie around itself in the center, knowing exactly that it was the other male doing it with a smile, acting as if he didn’t just create a whole rollercoaster of emotions in less than five minutes.
But Yoongi could do nothing.
Nothing but listen.
“Kneel down for me.”
Obediently, tucking his calves under him, being careful and proper about it. The skirt flared out, covering his legs and feet entirely. Yoongi straightened his back, not wanting to look sloppy. It was impossible to slouch in the corset anyway. He didn’t feel like a different person but there was a strange exhilaration at the wrongness of it all. He settled his bound hands in his lap and looked up.
The other man stood above him, smiling, thumbs in the edge of his slacks.
“I like it.”
His cheeks warmed but Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to say anything because, fuck, he found himself enjoying it too. His fingers curled in the thick fabric of the skirt. Tightness in his core. Desire swirling, radiating. He didn’t break eye contact.
“You don’t like the idea of someone else touching me?” the other male asked again.
Yoongi frowned. “Why would you want that anyway?” he countered sharply. “They wouldn’t be able to satisfy you.”
That piercing gaze narrowed. A heavy hand on his head, tilting it back.
It made his entire body shiver with delight.
“They could learn.”
“He doesn’t count.”
Raised eyebrow.
Now who the fuck are you referring to, Min Yoongi? But he told his brain to shut up, shut up.
“Jungkook wouldn’t do this for you,” he breathed out, shuddering with need.
A penetrating gaze. “It’s not a competition, Yoongi.”
Yeah, it wasn’t.
“Different people are capable of different things.”
Oh, he knew. He could see it. He did see it. And he definitely didn’t mean for it to come out that way, because he didn’t hate watching their entangled bodies. The roughness. His breathing grew rapid and shallow. There was something wrong with him, surely. It wasn’t a competition but Yoongi did love the intense competitive surge he felt whenever he witnessed them together. It made him want to do more.
Be more.
Be his.
“Look at me.”
He didn’t want to look anywhere else.
“L... Let me serve you, Master.”
So calm it was beautiful. The hand on his head left, sending a tingle trickling down his spine as he adjusted the headband to complete the image. Appreciating it. He nodded. Reached down, silver rings flashing in the light, unbuttoning his slacks. It was only then that Yoongi noticed the subtle tent.
Two fingers beckoning him forward.
“Unzip me.”
Under the skirt, Yoongi squeezed his thighs together. Bit his lip and raised his tied hands. He had done this action enough times but this time felt different. Like he had to be better. More subservient. Maybe it was all in his head. He gripped the thin zipper pull, tugging it away from the body to avoid catching onto anything. The prickling of his skin intensified as he realized the other man wasn’t wearing underwear.
He darted his gaze up.
The devil’s smirk shrugged nonchalantly. “Why bother when we were clearly going to get naked anyway?”
Yoongi narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything. Besides, there was an important task in front of him. He ran his fingers over the swelling length, the familiar velvety skin under his fingertips. Fuck, he had such a pretty cock. Due to his hands being bound together, he ended up bracing his palms along the underside and wrapping his fingers around the girth, inhaling sharply as he felt it twitch in his hands.
His own cock was mirroring, but Yoongi couldn’t touch it.
Yoongi looked up again.
His Master was disturbingly collected at being caressed like this. He kept his hands behind his back, not interfering. A regal stance. Must have also collected the hem of his dress shirt as well to hold it up and out of the way.
“Ah uh, no hands. That’s cheating. Back on your knees they go.”
He lingered a moment before obeying. Dancing along the fine line of punishment. Breathe in. Breathe out. The base of his palms touched his knees. It wasn’t that different from their normal sex, but the tension… It was impossible to explain. As if the possibilities that had suddenly expanded became a feeling, a thrill unmatched due to the lack of fear.
Yoongi opened his mouth.
Tongue sliding out.
The strong taste made him moan, closing his lips around the hard length.
This? This he was good at. This was familiar hardness against his tongue, pushing it up to the roof of his mouth, sliding down deep to take it all. Slow, especially against the head, curling lips around it and rubbing slickness to velvet before choking himself again on the thick tip. Fuck, he could die like this. It was wrong on so many levels, the whole scene, and yet it was so right, opening his eyes to see himself being admired from above, the top few buttons of the brocade shirt undone to reveal those prominent collarbones and sterling silver guitar pick necklace. Heavy, weighted.
Always keeping a piece of me with him.
Those mauve lips curved upwards.
“Your mouth is the fucking best, Yoongi.”
One of those ringed hands lowered and skimmed across, following the top of those thighs that the slacks were still trapped around. There was something additionally arousing about still being in their clothes. Their roles still maintained. Yoongi felt something press against his lower lip.
He tipped his head back and flicked his tongue over the other man’s balls, stimulating them each time he went down, heart beating fast as he saw the tension ripple out. It was a real effort to loosen enough to sweep his tongue out and then back to tightness around the head, but a challenge was a turn-on and Yoongi was no quitter, rising a bit on his knees to take in that cock deeper. Paid close attention to his throat muscles and his lip movement, keeping the pressure consistent and forceful, not giving up.
How could he?
Ugh, he was addicted to those low, soft moans. Addicted to the subtle twitch against his tongue, addicted to the hardness and the way that girth stretched out his throat, shivering, feeling pre-cum drip down his own thighs, but he couldn’t touch himself, no, not unless instructed. No hands. He slowed down a bit, wanting to make it last longer, tucking his tongue around each of those balls pressed against his lower lip and chin, strings of saliva dripping down his chin. Didn’t care. Yoongi knew the other man liked it. The cock in his mouth was so damn hard that his jaw ached. He kind of wanted it in his ass right now, but Yoongi was confident that he could get his Master hard again.
After all, his mouth was the best.
The man of excess would know.
He looked up again, intensifying the pace.
He watched those broad shoulders shudder, open-mouthed smirk watching him.
“Fuck, I love your eyes.”
Yoongi could say the same thing, but his mouth was currently full of dick.
He stopped teasing the balls and completely focused on the shaft. Molding it against tongue and lips, wet friction, slick and firm. No hands, so of course he had to be extra careful to use the force of his torso rather than his neck that needed to stay relaxed so he could swallow it all as deep as possible. Closing his eyes, basking in the attention, becoming the pleasure he wanted to give – tight, wet, deep – fast enough to not be ignored but steady enough to build up that inevitable orgasm, close, desperate for the taste, his fingers twisting into the hem of his skirt, whimpering in the back of his throat, craving it, the leather body harness under his clothes digging in to his rapidly rising and falling chest.
So close.
“Don’t choke, my darling,” that husky voice murmured above him.
Then he felt the sudden grasp of his head and the force of hips pushing down his throat. He sure as hell wasn’t going to choke at the rapidly expanding pocket of cum jammed down his throat but, um, hello, did Yoongi just hear that correctly? He was so startled that he griped the bottom of the pants, shivering as he swallowed, gripping tightly. Fire raced over his skin. His nerves singed, alight. Again with the ‘my darling’?! He was delusional. He was hearing shit he wanted to hear. Yeah, that was the only explanation. He kept his mouth closed, swallowing again, shuddering as he felt those hips roll, pushing in and out, remaining hard against his tongue.
Using him.
Yes, this was the safe space, being used.
“Stand up for me.”
Oh, shit.
He stumbled a little, wincing at the pins and needles, but strong hands helped him up. Pulled him closer. Yoongi looked away, busying himself with wiping his chin and straightening his outfit. His headband was somewhere on the floor. Welp. It was the cheapest part of the outfit. He let himself be dragged towards the bed, not saying anything. What was he supposed to say, anyway? Ah he was overthinking this, but how could he not? Was he supposed to act like a girl? A maid? Himself as a maid? Uh.
“H-Hey, what are you doing–?”
“Stand still.”
Yoongi suddenly found his legs sandwiched between two very strong thighs as his Master untied the velvet knot. Oh. He kept his silence as the knot was carefully deconstructed and undone, not making a sound at it was tossed aside. He liked watching those hands work. They were meticulous, treating him with care.
Then, those hands disappeared.
Yoongi raised his head.
Then froze as dark, dark eyes captured him along with ringed fingers closing in around his thighs.
The sharp tone interrupted him.
“My title?”
Up his skirt. Fingertips traced the tops of the sheer, thigh-high stockings. Flicking the elastic, almost making him flinch as it snapped back into place. His hands had involuntarily found their way to those shoulders, gripping them for balance. He didn’t really want to say it so close. The other male waited patiently, squeezing the backs of his thighs but not going higher or more towards the center.
Yoongi swallowed.
The butterflies in his ribcage threatened to explode.
“Yes… Master?”
A devil’s smile.
“You know why I like skirts, Yoongi?”
“… No?”
They were sitting on the edge of the bed, until they weren’t. The other man scooted back a little and then Yoongi nearly yelped when he was grabbed by his bare ass and lifted. Thankfully, he was able to compose himself and not yell, even when the other male forced his knees in between Yoongi’s and made him straddle his lap. Yoongi’s knees now on the bed and he was fully clutching onto the taller male’s shoulders to avoid toppling over.
“Wait, I’m nak–”
“I can touch everything and you still look pretty,” his Master laughed, tickling warm breath against Yoongi’s neck. “Oh, looks like you had the same idea I did. Great minds think alike.”
This ass! “You can’t just violate–”
Yoongi stopped dead mid-sentence.
Those dark, dark eyes sparkled.
“I can’t what?”
But Yoongi couldn’t say anything because he already did.
He simply froze as those hands kneaded him, ring bands indenting his skin, gasping softly as he felt fingertips brush up against the straps along his legs. The bottom of the chest harness connected to straps around the tops of his thighs so it didn’t ride up. Well, it did, but only in the most delicious of ways. There was another strap around his waist and ones decorating around his chest and back, but for right now the leather below was all that was revealed. The issue was that Yoongi hadn’t really figured out if he was meant to wear underwear or not, because he didn’t want to have to take off the harness during sex and he didn’t want to wear boxer briefs over it. That would be fucking weird.
So, he just figured to go commando.
Of course, that also meant his cock had leaked pre-cum all over his inner thighs and the butt plug in his ass was now being played with since it was easily discovered.
“Ah… d-don’t…”
His Master clicked his tongue, disapproving and sensual all at once. He was tugging and pushing the flared base of the metal but plug in and out, creating a slow, maddening pace. Yoongi had picked a medium-sized one. Didn’t know how long he was going to have it in, but wanted to be prepared and all that.
“I do what I want with you, Yoongi. I am your Master, and you are my plaything.”
Fuck, he was so damn cocky but the pleasure was immense, breaking him down. Yoongi hadn’t even realized how the need to be touched had heightened and now the sudden devoted attention was making his jaw clench and his eyelids flutter, a gasping moan escaping him as warm fingers closed around his neglected cock, immediately becoming stiffer at the coaxing strokes.
“I… o-oh, fuck…”
Somehow his arms had slid around to the other man’s back and his head dipped down, forehead against shoulder, his hands splaying over the vest. The corset prevented him from bending over any further, but he couldn’t really see anything due to the skirt anyway. Probably for the best, because if Yoongi saw that hand covered in those rings, he would want to cover them with his cum immediately.
“Our clothes… f-fuck… You’re going to ruin our clothes,” he mumbled, biting back a moan as his cock was choked and the butt plug was fully shoved into his ass with deliberate force.
“You mean you’re going to ruin our clothes.”
Yoongi bit his lower lip and hissed behind his teeth, locking his arms around the other man and trying very hard not to orgasm as the persistent strokes started up again. There was no logic in holding himself back other than his own stubbornness and, of course, prompting his Master to edge him, which he did so happily. Too happily, first driving him so close that Yoongi buried his lips into the other man’s neck and almost screamed, only to be cut off with a firm squeeze to the head, causing his whole body to spasm with need, and then building the second orgasm by dropping his cock completely to toy with the butt plug instead. Holding his ass open with one hand, rings leaving indecent indents, and using his right hand to pull out the plug completely, circling the exposed, shivering hole with the tip, and then shoving it back in, creating a mortifying wet sucking sound that was a combination of lube and his tight ass.
Yoongi was determined not to embarrass himself with begging.
He deserved a reward for merely mewling for release, feeling his cock bob and smack his inner thighs, so close but not close enough.
“What’s that?”
Fuck, don’t make me say it.
Yoongi whimpered under his breath.
“P… Please…”
The response was sweet venom.
“Please what?”
He should have known. This sadist. Yoongi had half a mind to use his real name but he resisted and remained a good little maid.
“Please fuck me, Master.”
It was worth it.
He still had to be patient, of course. Honestly, Yoongi was beginning to enjoy being dragged along a little, held close by the waist as he was placed firmly on top of the other man on the bed. The apron was tossed aside. He held onto the other male’s shoulders as the hook-and-eyes were undone, not quite looking him in the face. Probably had something to do with how hot his cheeks felt right now. The corset was tugged out of the skirt. His blouse fell out with it, covering them in a curtain of white chiffon.
They undressed each other.
Usually, it was faster and with voracious greed. But this time, it was button by button. Dismantling his vest, chancing a moment to raise his gaze and see himself being observed. Not in a discerning way. No, more in a…
Dare he believe it?
Adored way.
I am so fucked.
“I enjoyed the packaging, but you look better naked, Yoongi.”
“… Shut up.”
He leaned down as the zipper of his skirt was undone, pressing his lips to exposed skin. He felt a racing heartbeat under his kiss, heard the soft sigh of contentment above him. There was only a single stray button holding the blouse together, but Yoongi didn’t let the other man access it, instead skimming his lips down that torso, inhaling the scent of cologne and warm skin. He took the skirt with him, untangling it from his legs and pushing it down the bottom edge of the bed. The stockings were loose too, so he got rid of them as well, tugging down the slacks in his descent. The other man got the hint and helped him out, shedding the rest of their lower clothes.
He closed his mouth around his Master’s cock.
“Yoongi… ah…”
He was soft but only for a moment. It was the perfect opportunity to loop his tongue around those balls as he worked that length to its hardest, running his tongue along the underside of the head, popping his lips softly at the ridge, kneading those thighs under his hands. Blowjobs on the bed were a different story. He had the most control here and the help of gravity, pushing all the way down into his throat until he couldn’t breathe and then, again, moaning as fingers tangled into his hair and locked his head in place, those hips rising into his mouth instead, fucking his throat slow and hard.
“That’s enough. Come up here and show me what’s hiding under your shirt.”
Heat rushed into his face. Shit. He tried to resist. Kept his lips locked around that hard cock, but a sharp pull of his hair sent a flare of pain that could not be ignored and he winced, gasping and clawing up the bed as he was decisively dragged up by his head. Saliva dripped down his chin, his mouth open, panting hard as he rose by force, his palms struggling to find footing in the sheets, meeting a cocked eyebrow and impassive expression.
Yoongi was above, but he felt below this dominant energy.
Fingertips touched his stomach.
The inhale caught in his throat.
Those dark, dark eyes did not look away.
No words exchanged. The touch traveled up. Up. Stopping at the leather straps, snapping each one against Yoongi’s skin. He whimpered, still held by his hair, shuddering. He could feel the onyx stones of some of those sterling silver rings. His blouse still held a single button, but it was rising with the forearm sliding up under it. And then.
The buttonhole was a little too big for the small mother-of-pearl button.
The shirt popped open.
For a moment, the darkness remained locked in gaze.
And then the man who called himself Dionysus at times looked down.
Yoongi shut his eyes, feeling the heat of embarrassment creep down his neck. It wasn’t so much the leather harness itself but rather the obviousness of how fucking down bad he was. Fuck, I need to get a grip– but any more thoughts were gone in a snap, his eyes shooting open at the sharp pain, his shoulders flexing to tighten the tension of the leather. Looking down, watching and feeling a thumb rub into his hard nipple, and then, snap! Gasping as the strap smacked back against his skin, excitement pooling down his stomach as another long finger pulled back on another strap, taking it as far as it would go, and moaning as it hit him in the recoil of being let go.
His back was arched so the straps along the front were all taut. His damn ass in the air and all. Fuck. The white blouse had slipped down his shoulders, his torso jerking at the inflicted pain, his hair falling into his face, sweat breaking out along his forehead, his inner muscles clenching around the butt plug.
Fuck it.
Yoongi couldn’t wait any longer.
He reached past the other male and grabbed the towel on the nightstand. Didn’t bother to ask. Threw aside his shirt and reached back, jaw tightening as he gripped the base of the anal plug. It was a little slippery from the lube but, as he always prepared beforehand, it was clean. He was almost lightheaded with hunger as he pulled it out, whimpering at the loss, rolling it into the towel and placing the bundle back onto the nightstand.
Leaving the black leather body harness on.
Naturally, Yoongi wanted to be fucked in it.
“Aw, I wanted to bend you over and make you lift your skirt to show me.”
“Next time,” Yoongi growled back, twitching at the thought. “What position?”
The devil’s smile returned.
“How else? Ride me.”
Yoongi felt the color drain from his face. This sadist really wants to hammer it home, huh. “F… Fine.”
He was already in position. There wasn’t far to move. He just had to position his hips and lift his hard cock to look down and see the other man gripping his girth with his right hand, slowly stroking himself, white pre-cum beading against the dark purple head.
The silver rings gleamed under him.
“Want a condom?”
He shook his head. “I prepped. Don’t worry.”
“I’m not. Asking for your comfort.”
Yoongi glanced up.
Fuck, he was so damn hot. The guitar pick necklace was bunched up, the pendant stuck in between his collarbones. Shirt and vest still clinging around his upper arms. Didn’t seem bothered by it. Yoongi swallowed, lowering himself.
“Not too slow,” that throaty voice hummed. “You’re ready for me, aren’t you?”
Normally Yoongi would tell him to go fuck himself but presently he was too horny and too subservient to care, which was precisely why he held open his own ass, relaxed, and sank down. The other male held himself steady, exhaling deeply as he slid in. Still bigger than a plug, fuck, and Yoongi snapped his head back, gasping at the fullness, letting go of his own cock and gripping his thighs, trying to get used to the size. He figured he had enough experience with anal by now but, fuck, he was so damn hard and thick.
He was given a moment to adjust.
Then Yoongi felt a hand close around his leaking cock.
This sadist had the audacity to raise his free left hand and press his index finger to his full lips.
“Less talking. More moving.”
Yoongi felt the stiff length twitch inside him and he groaned, rocking his hips into it. Their clothes on the floor. The skirt. The stockings. The apron. The blouse. The pleasure mounting with him, filling himself again and again, using gravity and lust to his advantage, tightening his core to make the pleasure radiate. Gripping the sheets next to his calves, feeling the leather straps cut into his chest, his nipples getting hard at the pain, watching himself get jacked off with that hand covered in silver rings, inescapable ecstasy radiating up his spine.
“I… I’m going to… cum all over your stomach…” Yoongi gasped, whining as he hit his favorite spot, fuck, so deep and so full, relishing in being used like a plaything for pleasure while being pushed to his own limit.
His boyfriend grinned like the devil.
“Mhm, that’s the goal.”
It was an obscene scene.
In retrospect, Yoongi couldn’t outline all the details of it. He was too far gone, too turned on and too many sensations deep to remember how long it lasted. Tipping his head back, thrusting that cock deep into his ass, moaning as he felt the strap at his waist being caught, pulled, digging the straps into his back instead of his chest, feeling the tightness around his upper thighs, violent pleasure building between his spread-open legs, his cock throbbing in a punishing grip, closer, gasping.
He tucked his chin down in dismay, groaning while he watched his hips flinch and felt his cock pulse, dripping out a stream of white across the other man’s lower belly. The hand stopped but his climax didn’t, searing him with blinding pleasure as more cum shot out and smeared everywhere, staining the air with the scent of semen. Yoongi gasped, reeling, and then whined. Two hands clasped around his hips and the other male thrust up into him, hard, again, again, sending Yoongi’s eyes rolling back at the roughness, pitching forward and catching himself with his palms, losing himself to the fucking from below, trying to assist, but the orgasm was too fresh and his body was still limp, forcing him to merely hold on and take it, again, again, deep, hard, used like a plaything.
My darling.
Yoongi moaned as he felt the jerking cock spill into him, pumping him full of cum.
The forbidden name escaped his lips, pleading.
Yoongi could never explain how the other male had the strength. Maybe it was some kind of freakish adrenaline. One moment he was on top, still disoriented from the brutality, the next, he was on his back, his own cum sticking to his lower stomach and crotch, arms and hands around his back and ass to hold him in place when he was lifted. The fuck? And the cock was still inside his ass by some miracle.
His Master was still hard.
Yoongi gasped, feeling the cum inside him squish as the other male clenched his jaw and slid back in, slow and deliberate. Pleasuring himself. Instinctively, Yoongi pressed his thighs to the other male’s sides, surprised to feel the brocade shirt was somehow still on. In fact, there was sweat sliding down that chest, which almost never happened. He was usually never hot.
Well, also, Yoongi couldn’t remember the last time he had been creampied and continuously fucked.
He wasn’t complaining though.
He couldn’t say anything at all, desperately panting, the pleasure too much to worry about silly things like breathing, grabbing onto the shirt collar and thrusting up to meet those hips. Both of them moaned in unison, cum sticking between them, lost in lust, forgetting responsibilities and fucking instead, so close, so full, the squishing, slapping sound getting louder and louder.
A low growl.
“I’m gonna cum, Yoongi.”
His words jumbled together and barely made any sense.
“Fuck, yes, in me, fuck, cum in me.”
The hips smacked together.
The rising lust burst, pumping him full of cum again, his eyes cracking open to witness. Lashes lowered, mauve lips parted, the tip of pink tongue over white teeth, carnal satisfaction melting over his features. Weighted exhale drifting out. Warmth spreading over Yoongi’s arms.
Yoongi gripped onto the shirt collar, staring up at him.
There’s no one else for me.
Those dark, dark orbs shifted and looked down at him.
“Happy?” the husky voice panted, smirking slightly.
He had a witty response prepared but he promptly forgot it. “Yeah. That was some of the best sex I’ve ever had.”
The smirk widened, pleased. “You’ve said that before.”
“It’s true every time. You get better.”
A wink. “Helps when you’ve got a tight virgin ass.”
Yoongi felt his eyebrow twitch. He regretted being honest. “Shut up. Get off me.”
“Um, you seem to forget I pumped your ass full of cum.”
“Sounds like your problem.”
“This is our home, remember, which makes it our problem.”
Yes, it was, but Min Yoongi took a leaf out of Jeon Jungkook’s book and remained a brat. His boyfriend liked that shit, as evidenced by the bickering, and the later not-so-punishing punishment of being bent over in the shower to get his ass fucked again because he was being freaking annoying. Ah, love.
Yoongi didn’t just think that. Nope.
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the-uraniumverse · 1 month
Hi it's me again..
I made the oc so here you go Uraniumverse treat him nice he's shy 😭
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Lucas Deniel. Born February 3rd, Aquarius : The 'silent nature'. Favorite ride, The high swings.
Born in Strasbourg, France - Lucas at a very young age had to leave his home country due to complications with his mother and father. Leaving the country of France with his mother to Saskatchewan and all his friends behind, the boy began to develop a more quiet nature not understanding many social cues or canadian exclusive slang said in Uranium city focusing on his studies instead. When he joined Saint Cassian Chamber High school, he imagined another year of simple classes and building his intellectual mind until the choir flyer caught his eye. Deciding to join, playing musical instruments for the choir on the side, he finally began to develop some people he could call his friends.
Lucas Deniel, The 'quietest boy in town'
Relations with the Saint cassian choir 🙀
Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg : He doesn't really like her (for obvious reasons..) but tolerates her because she did help teach him to play some instruments and he respects that. Sometimes he kinda just stares at her like '😕' though
Noel Gruber : They'd bond over France low key. Lucas would tell him facts and stuff about France and Noel would read him poems he wrote about France. Lucas would adore the poems, maybe find some a bit angsty but he likes that about Noel, They are definitely friends. In another universe where everyone is happy and alive they'd probably move to France together as roomies, maybe date? I'm unsure. (Their ship/relationship name would be silentpassion though because its cute and makes sense)
Mischa Bachinski : He listens to his raps and sometimes and gives him advice on his YouTube comments + some rap ideas he thinks people would like. Definitely watched Rupals Drag race with him at some point (probably at the fall fair tbh). Lucas likes Mischa to an extent but not like a best friend more like friends who have a sort of want to go back home, something they both relate to
Ricky potts : Both don't talk, instead they have staring contests. Need I say more? Anyway he'd probably like Ricky but be iffy about Zolar (he didn't have THAT much Internet exposure). He'd probably help Ricky put realistic space facts/pictures into Zolar because I fear Lucas is a big nerd (I'm projecting) and on occasion when confidence is built he writes notes to express his thoughts and regrets it after because he's embarrassed from not being used to talking
Constance Blackwood : I feel like he'd be a regular at the Blackwood cafe just for the cupcakes. When he moved to Uranium he probably found a love for specifically chocolate cupcakes and eats one when he has the chance. Or they both probably take nature walks with eachother like quiet music walks and sit by like a river.
Jane Doe/Penny Lamb : When he meets Jane he'd kinda be like '😟...😨' and be scared. Not because she's like.. A doll but because of the fact she can remove her head. He'd find that scary as shit. Though slowly he'd (overtime) grow to like her after the fact he learned Jane doesn't usually do that and would play with her doll. Unlike Jane, with Penny, Lucas more so is neutral about her but defends her the best he can when people bully her (he's trying!!!)
Uhh also he has situational mutism which is why he doesn't talk often. He still has the ability just is way to nervous. He doesn't have a catchphrase because yk.. 😔 anyway I hope you guys like this little french dude I'm sorry for yapping 🙏 (i WILL do it again and come back)
he’s trying his best 🫶
i really like him lowkey, very silly dude !!
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ilumel · 11 days
i will join you on the floor <3
i have a couple of ocs but not nearly as cool as yours and I ramble a lot so I will keep it short dbdbxjbfbfbf
aada is a mirialan Jedi, part of the ExplorCorps, but was brought into the clone wars after the Jedi corps were militarized. They absolutely love to ramble about all their archeological findings and anything related to artifacts. When they joined the Jedi ranks in the clone wars, I think they were 19(? Idek my own oc'e lore lol), serving under some Jedi general in a clone battalion. Tbh I don't have a whole ton of her story developed but it's been forming more over time since I keep having more thoughts™ about her. she does get severe battle injuries right before order 66, losing their eyesight and left arm, but managed to survive the order and the purge. They live a happy long life afterwards with their twi'lek girlfriend :)
ilem is even MORE underdeveloped ahaha, but I'm actually creating a small comic about him rn. ilem is a pantoran, adopted at 4 years old by a runaway clone and jedi couple, a couple years after the war ended, and lives a slightly hectic life as the family constantly moves to avoid imperial detection. She learns how to work ships from a fairly young age and grows up to be a ship mechanic and owns a small shop on Pantora, returning to his home world to reconnect with his culture and roots.
sorry these are such lackluster descriptions ahdbhff BUT if you ever do post those fics about kaja, I would be ecstatic to read them :D
oh my god i am OBSESSED????? aada sounds so so cool, i think it's extra awesome that you made them part of the explorcorps :) imo it tends to be so underrepresented in canon, so having your oc be a part of it is SO interesting. it must have been a big adjustment getting pulled from science & exploration to all-out war :0
and AHHH i'm already genuinely invested in them & their girlfriend, i'm really glad they both get a happy ending :'))) if you ever want to share more about them i'm all ears!!
ilem sounds so so incredible too......i adore the concept of him being raised by both jedi and a clone, i imagine that gives her a really unique and interesting perspective on the world!! i also really love that he gets the chance to reconnect with his people and his culture, and the profession she chooses sounds so cool too !!!
thank you so much for telling me about them!!!! please treat this as an open invitation to come ramble to your ocs here anytime, i loved hearing about them and these descriptions were all so cool and intriguing to read through!! i find your ocs so so interesting <3
also omg, i am . trying to work up the courage to post some of my kaja stuff so THANK YOU <33 i think the main thing holding me back atm is that kaja is in an oc/canon relationship and i'm a little worried that people will see that as silly or embarrassing LMFAO
tell me about your star wars ocs!
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spookyserenades · 6 months
Bestie you did nottttttt leave us off like that 😭 I knew it had to be either Seokjin or Hoseok to confess to her first! I was worried that Jin would push OC away and stay distant for a while but i’m glad thats not the case. Speaking of Jin that little moment when he was texting with OC and sent her those emojis and said the cat was him was so cute I love him! Also same thing with Tae after the near kiss incident I was so sure he’d completely avoid her and tbh idk if i’m buying the i don’t remember what happened story but i’m hoping he’s telling the truth bc i cannot handle it when the hybrids distance themselves 😭
On a lighter note I will never not laugh any time Hoseok calls Jungkook and Namjoon the ghostbusters he’s such a brat lmao! I love seeing their dynamics unfold more any time we get more paranormal action. I’m curious to see what’s been haunting the Sanders family! I was thinking about how each kid must be absolutely enamored by the hybrids. For Julie it’s Jk like imagine ur mom brings some paranormal investigation group and this tall, handsome, tatted up, and pierced guy shows up to your house??? I’d come out of my room too 💀 and how Ms Sanders said her son loves wolves and how he was looking at Namjoon all starry eyed is so sweet! I can definitely see them way more open to the investigation and discussing their own experiences based on their reactions to the boys alone. It just goes to show how truly important each of the 3 members of the group are.
Ok and let me get into the smut real quick bc i simply cannot help myself. I swear Yoongi makes me want to chew on the table as well 😂 That soft dom energy he was is insane! I give so much credit to OC for not jumping his bones any time he walks into the room. Got me giggling and kicking my feet fr.
There’s so many more moments i’m sure but my little squirrel brain cannot remember them all. I swear i need to start taking notes reporting back 😂 it’s only instances like these I think I prefer wattpad’s design bc imagine how fun it would be to be able to comment on specific paragraphs in that moment. So even if i can’t recall every single moment I love, that made me smile, laugh, want to throw my phone across the room, or chew on tables at the top of my head please know that I enjoy all the little moments in each chapter and your writing is never unappreciated 🥲🫶🏻
fkjalsfjesa I'm sorry bestie!!! Luckily in the next update we pick up right were we left off with Seokjin eeeee 🥺 Seokjin was a little distant, at first, when he found out about Y/N and Yoongi, but mostly because he thought he'd never get to be with her romantically. I think after the cooking class, he just couldn't hold back his feelings anymore! AH the emojis he used 😭 he's such a cutie, just a big kitty!
Ah poor Tae blacked out... def doesn't remember the near-kiss. If he did, I'm sure he'd avoid Y/N like the plague out of embarrassment or shame :( I think he'll take some time to get comfortable with the shifting dynamics, but he's really attached to Y/N, so I don't see him icing her out for too too long.
HA I love that Hoseok is the resident skeptic. Even though he witnessed that ghost in the house, he still doesn't really get it like Namjoon and Jeongguk. Speaking of them, they've struck up an unlikely friendship with their team! I'm super excited to write their investigation scene, and find out what's haunting the family 😉 YESS you're right the two kids took a liking to each of them but gkdalgj YOURE SO RIGHT I'D LEAVE MY ROOM FOR GOTH JEONGGUK TOO. I just I'm so !!! pumped to explore this part of the plot with the 3 of them, I think it will help those two hybrids to get closer to Y/N, since they're the less affectionate, clingy ones.
OOF the smut! I'm being soooo honest I need Yoongi biblically. I'm really glad that you're chewing on the table with me,,,, I have SUCH a thing for soft doms and Yoongi definitely radiates that sooo much. Also fr I'd be in his room NIGHTLY waiting for all of that 💀
LMAOO NOT THE SQUIRREL BRAIN BESTIE!!! As for the Wattpad thought, I've been adding the chapters there and eventually when it's all caught up the monthly updates will go up there too, so if you wanna comment on specific things that might be easier 💜
I love love you!! Thank you so much for being so sweet and kind to me, and for reading Trouvaille, supporting me! Your feedback means so much, and I'm sending you one million hugs 💜💜💜
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bylertruther · 2 years
not to say something super obvious like grass is green and water will get you wet, but ummmm . even outside of dnd, mike and will would 100% roleplay together. they're both creatives with similar tastes, so i can see them coming up with all of their different little worlds and original characters to fill them up. some of them are fantasy, others are more adventurous, and some of them are their own superhero universes similar to marvel n dc but better because it's theirs. will draws their ocs and pivotal scenes and mike tells him they'll totally make a movie together about this one day obviously.
will isn't as confident in his writing, but mike tells him to shut up because of course you're good!!! you're great even!!! and you can draw, too, like talk about being a double threat, will!!! i won't stand for this slander of my best friend! will of course Loves mike's writing and all of the ideas and plots he can come up with at the drop of a hat. he lets and encourages mike to infodump about his characters' backgrounds, the world building, and all of the interpersonal subplots he was thinking they could do, and when mike suddenly peters out bc he's been talking nonstop for a couple minutes straight, embarrassed bc Dear God I'm Talking Too Much And Being Annoying Aren't I, will jus tilts his head and goes "why did you stop? :(" which makes mike pause n bashfully do The Will Smile bc ofc will is listening ofc he actually wants to know and cares abt wht i'm saying of course he does!! (insert butterflies in his tummy here) and so he keeps on going and tells him all about everything he was thinking abt during their super boring history class.
will is a little nervous the first time he shares that one of his characters is gay actually and mike is a little shocked NOT bc of the gay thing but bc will says it so quietly n nervously tht mike is just like ?!?!?!? u thought this would be a problem?! u thought i'd have a problem with this?!?!??! what?! and then before u kno it so many of their characters are lgbt tht they're eventually like ok .... i hate to say it, but i think we need some straight characters too just for diversity points here, which becomes a little inside joke of theirs.
and if one of their favorite ships just so happens to be a knight and a mage that were childhood companions turned lovers then tbh thts Their business and clearly they both really like this ship bc who doesn't love the fantasy element okAY it doesn't Mean anything, lucas, plEAse stop looking at me like tht or i will never share anything with u ever again thank u!!!!!! (said while snatching away will's colored pencil drawing of them n putting it back in his binder [in a plastic sleeve n everything btw] with the reddest face anyone has ever seen in all of human history heheh)
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selfshipgushing · 17 days
I have been enabled I am now going to overshare about an f/o
He's actually a friend's OC who (my oc/self insert for a game au someone made in a discord server) is dating. I didn't expect it tbh, but I ended up being so down bad for him. Even at first sight I became super interested in that guy that I eventually decided to make my character in that rp pursue him instead.
(I'm gonna use f/o to refer to friend's OC and s/i to refer to mine)
When f/o was first new in that place, he encountered s/i's best friend and it turned out they both knew each other already and he has been looking for her (s/i's best friend) for a year after she ran away
Anyways s/i reached out to the bestie and said "woah I didn't know you knew that guy" then she winged them by making f/o approach them lmao.
Some time after, either days or weeks, s/i visits f/o's office after work when he texts them when he usually ends work for the day. They go to his room for the first time, and when it gets late and they end up sharing a bed after he passes out on their shoulder because he hasn't slept properly in ages (horrible nightmares) and so they carry him to bed and all then sleep in one of the chairs. But little did they know they'll be spending almost every evening and night there soon, also because it just gets lonely. (For more context everyone here's currently stuck in a cult in the mountains and the cult followers get one room per person or smth, also it's hard to know who's loyal and who wants to get out there so far and s/i's best friend is cult married to one of the cult 'higher ups' but is also in love with said cult higher up she married. She wants to get out and live life again tho. S/I also trusted the bestie after being given and moving to her room and finding a note she hid somewhere that said she isn't loyal to the cult and wants to get out. She's married at that point tho and now shares a room with her husband that has guards watching her. And after that, it's when f/o enters the picture)
Something happens at some point and they needed to get sent to the infirmary. Also have I mentioned f/o is a doctor? So like, he helps them and since they now have an IV and need to rest and their room is a floor away, s/i then gets to stay in f/o's room. He carries them and then they offer to spoon him when he insists they sleep on his bed.
I didn't know it would take this much to share about the beginning alone so I'll keep the next bits short
So eventually they kiss but aren't a couple yet
Then weeks/months later (the timeline is wonky) it's the bestie's birthday, f/o and s/i bake together, get to know each other more, then bestie decides to send a picture of f/o to s/i that f/o once mentioned he's embarrassed of but bestie has the picture, f/o gets curious why s/i is acting how they're acting, finds out about the picture, gets flustered as well. Later on while they finish preparing the food to give to the bestie s/i asks what f/o thinks of being a couple and he says he'd love that. He gets dipped and kissed for a short time and low-key wishes it lasted longer.
Those two are a super domestic couple and also had a moment where they think of s/i with f/o's last name, or f/o almost sending an "I want to marry you" in his language after s/i attempts learning his language and saying "I love you" and a bunch of other sweet things to him
The problem now tho is they need to get out with the bestie (and her husband because she won't go without him) before a grand thing that the cult leader announces happens, that day is fast approaching so we'll see how it goes >:)
I had a dream I responded to this but ig not. this is very interesting anon.
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bottombatch · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
thanks for the tag @optiwashere!
If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged! But here is one more for the road: @collegeoflore
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Apparently I have 20? That's news to me lol. I would have guessed like 10 to 12. I've used this AO3 account for a while, I guess.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
62,119 words, according to the statistics.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, only Baldur's Gate 3. Before that I was writing lightcanon for League of Legends.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. And They Were Roommates
2. To Muzzle a Gith
3. Misfit and Nomad
4. I Thought About You
5. Workouts in a Winter Hellscape
Damn. Some of these are callbacks.. Not too surprised, though. These either have popular ships or popular fandoms. LoL lightcanon in 1, 3, and 4 make sense to me, even if I'm embarrassed by the writing in them. Continually shocked by To Muzzle a Gith. I guess Shadowzel is that popular? I don't know. I have so little desire to write for them again and the writing in it makes me cringe, tbh. Same with #5 LMAO. You couldn't pay me enough to reread the fics I wrote in highschool.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, always! Well. If someone comments on something really old I might not? But only because im scared they'll ask me to update it lmao. But in general, yes! I love talking and hearing what people liked!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If I'm including the 20 QOTD Challenge fic (and i am because this is my post), I'd have to give it to Nerves, ch19 of that challenge. I mean, its a flashback scene about killing a childhood friend (and maybe lover) for a crumb of an uncaring goddess' attention.
It's pretty much the only piece of angst I've written that doesn't have some overtone of hope to it. I'm hoping to work it into my act 1 rewrite because I like it so much.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
To me, its Savoring Seconds from the challenge. It's bittersweet but after everything those two have been through... It's the happiest I can envision them ever being. Maybe that's just my bias tho :P
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No? Do most people get hate on fics? I haven't had anything of the sort. Hard to imagine what that would even be like..
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. Outside of To Muzzle a Gith, I think I write pretty tame stuff? More emotional than anything.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
A Common Song was really the only crossover, but even then.. it was really just a League of Legends fic with a cyberpunk2077 au. It had some good ideas tho.. maybe I'll return to it some day.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've noticed?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I've helped with brainstorming before but that's really all.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
This.. is tough. I change fandoms too often for something like this 😭 If I had to pick a bg3 ship... Laz/Karlach. Is it cheating to say my OC ship? Probably. But fuck you, its MY post. I've cried multiple times on the bus just thinking about these two, no one else had quite the strangle hold on me. (I was thinking abt Karlach's funeral btw).
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A Common Song. I was cooking on some of those ideas but I was FAR too ambitious lmao
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm... Not totally sure, to be honest. Its hard to read your own stuff and see what's uniquely strong. If you have any thoughts, please let me know!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't think my writing has much rhythm to it. I'd like to work on that. Also my grammar is shoddy at best. English classes were always my lowest grades :,)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
For fantasy languages I think it's fun! It can add a lot of depth and creates a lot of insight to a characters culture. Dabbling with Drowic for example was a lot of fun.
But like, a real language? Naw. I don't know any other languages so unless it was a phrase I knew a character said in canon.. I wouldn't want to risk a shoddy google translate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uh. It was either Invader Zim, Mass Effect, or SAO? I'm not totally sure. This would have predated AO3, when I was in middle school or something. I've tried to find those fics but I think they're genuinely lost.
Probably for the best lol.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Currently, it is Snowfall. Once I post it, I think it'll be the act 1 rewrite.
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
For the character thing. Warren Worthington, Viktor from Arcane, and... the Corinthian
Ooh okay!
Send Me A Character and I'll Give You....
1: sexuality headcanon - oh he's very much bisexual. I'm surprised they haven't made it canon yet tbh 2: otp - canon-wise, him and Psylocke. Though is it wrong to say my own OC too? 3: brotp - I like the idea of him and Kurt making up after the fight and eventually getting to be really good friends 4: notp - I see people shipping him with Bobby and I don't really get it? No harm to those shippers just not my cup of tea 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - hates hospitals and gets severe medical anxiety after what his father put him through in his childhood. Thankfully his healing factor is usually strong enough to avoid it though. 6: favorite line from this character - "Sometimes I feel unimportant, like all I do is catch those that fall. But I look like an angel. People call me an angel. And though I'm not taking names, I'm the one who is most visually saving lives. I'm doing alright, and dammit, I'm an X-Man" 7: one way in which I relate to this character - only one? uhhhhh how about all the rampant unexplained medical issues that first sprung up at age 12 and had me locking myself in the bathroom? among a lot of other things 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - there's one moment in the comics where he's kinda misogynistic towards Jean? It's from one of the very first X-Men runs from the 60s 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - both, and I mean that genuinely. Un-brainwashed he's a bit more of a cinammon roll, but then there's everything in the Apocalypse arc...
Viktor (fair warning I haven't watched Arcane in a while)
1: sexuality headcanon - gay, possibly ace or demi 2: otp - him and Jayce I guess? I don't really have one tbh 3: brotp - Don't really have one of these either. I guess it could be fun to see him and Jinx make friends, since they're both kinda inventors and that could be interesting 4: notp - none? Look After is literally the only Arcane fic I read right now, so I don't really know who he gets shipped with to begin with 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - uhhh everyone has chronic lung problems from the pollution in the Undercity but it affects him worse because he's prone to asthma/bronchitis/other lung conditions 6: favorite line from this character - "We lost ourselves. Lost our dream. In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good." 7: one way in which I relate to this character - Joint problems babeyyy 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - none? Been a while since I've seen the show, don't remember any specific moments 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Cinnamon roll
1: sexuality headcanon - not a headcanon but Neil Gaiman's confirmed he's pan and I like that 2: otp - again, do my OCs count? Nothing compares to Prometheus 3: brotp - don't really have one, but I want him and Hob to dish about Morpheus being a little bitch (/j) 4: notp - Corintheus. I get that it's popular but Dream's technically his creator and that just... gets weird to me. 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - he's got a soft spot for kids and genuinely doesn't want to hurt/scare them, it's the adults he gets fed up with 6: favorite line from this character - "You ever notice that people only ever use your name when you're in trouble? 'Get over here, Jed!'" (it's not the most impactful line of his but I think the delivery is really fun) 7: one way in which I relate to this character - on a simpler note... general Southern-ness I guess? But also the themes of being neglected/seen as inherently flawed by a parent (which... may be a repeat trend for me, just look at Warren lmao) 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - In the comics, when he gets remade the first time and is first relearning about the Dreaming and what happened. It's a great scene overall, there's just something about the way Dream and Matthew talk to him that feels a little weird to me. 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Problematic fave, no doubt
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cellsshapedlikestars · 2 months
What fandoms/pairings did you get into before Jonsa? Or the first work/story that made you discover fanfic?
Just randomly sharing, broke my phone other day and looking for my downloaded fanfics made me look even further back.
😭 Final Fantasy VIII rpg game was 25 years ago and beloved fanfics of it published 20 years ago (still there in internet).
Also realized my love for broody, sulky male protagonists with angry chip in their shoulders and female characters that receive hate just bc they’re “princess”-y, “damsel-in-distress” not-the-strongest type was there too. (Prob started it.)
(we def share a ship preference for broody/princess lol)
It's been so long, I can't remember how I found fanfic. Probably in my Sailor Moon phase (elementary school-ish) because I absolutely wrote Sailor Moon fanfic. (I never posted it online or showed anyone, though. I can distinctly remember writing a Sailor Pluto fic where she's still alive after all the other sailors are killed, and she just stands there as the keeper of time waiting sad and alone for millennia for them to be reincarnated. Really fun and chill story, 12 year old me!) I can't remember any fics specifically that I read, though there was this website that used to MST3K "bad" Sailor Moon fanfics, and I remember reading a lot of those. I didn't ship anyone in Sailor Moon.
If you want to know about any prior ships/fics I wrote, below the cut!
Considering how much media I have consumed over the years, I don't tend to ship very hard. I tend to go with what the piece of media tells me the ships are tbh. Jonsa is the first that wasn't canon.
The first fandom I had a ship for, and the first fandom I actively remember reading fic for. I was big into Miroku/Sango. Never wrote anything for that, though.
Harry Potter
I did vaguely ship Harry/Ginny while the books were coming out, and even wrote a few chapters of an alternate book 2. That was on ff.net and is probably purged at this point. I could not tell you what my username or the fic title were lol.
Later, I dipped my toe into the Marauders/Jily fandom, but never went all out, because by that time, I'd become disillusioned with Harry Potter. Every once in a while, I'll go read a Jily fic.
While this is my favorite show, I didn't ship too much. I kinda shipped Buffy/Spike (have thoughts on it now) and also Angel/Cordelia. I never read nor wrote fic for either of these pairings.
Veronica Mars
Veronica/Logan. Read some fic, never wrote anything.
I wrote a one shot for Sid/Cassie. Posted on my old livejournal and now re-posted to an alternate ao3 account. I don't hate it. I'd probably change some things if I were writing it now, but I think it's pretty solid.
(No, I just re-read it and it's very solid. Kinda proud of this one)
I am SO embarrassed to say this, but I wrote a Rachel/Puck one-shot after the episode where they decide to date because they're both hot and Jewish. It wasn't a super shippy fic and mostly centered around him telling Rachel Quinn's baby was his. I stopped watching Glee after the first season lol and did not repost that fic from my livejournal to ao3. It can die on livejournal.
Carla/Samuel!! LOVE me some poor boy/rich girl dynamics. I got really into them and even read some fic, though there wasn't much out there. Never wrote anything. Have debated writing a Jonsa Elite AU
The Other Fandom
Now. I have hinted in the past that I used to be in another fandom that I wrote fic for.
Oh, the OC. You held my heart for so many years (well. 2 years). I wrote so much fic for you (mostly in the first year, kinda fell off and did more experimental stuff in the second).
That fandom was the O.C.
I'm kind of afraid to say the pairing, because there's only 1215 OC fics total on ao3, and for my pairing is not one of the popular ones, and I wrote about a quarter of those, so I feel like you could find my alt account pretty easily...
I dunno. I'm a little embarrassed about some of the fic I wrote back then. Some of it is SO unnecessarily dramatic (AND IN FIRST PERSON. I HATE FIRST PERSON POV!!). I also wrote a wild amount of smut for someone who didn't really know what the fuck she was talking about lmaooo. I've spoken a lot about how skittish I am about writing smut now, but as a teenager I was cranking that shit out. (ok I actually just looked and it's only 5 explicit fics, but still. That's about 1/5 of the fics I wrote)
I'm probably making too much out of it, because there are some fics I'm proud of, but enough that I'm embarrassed by that I have yet to be able to publicly say what my apt account is
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acacia-may · 4 months
Hiya Acacia! For the ask game; may I ask for 4, 7, 31, and 46 please 🥰?
Hi there, Lyra! Thank you for the ask, friend!! 💜 These replies got really long so I've put them under the cut.
4. What is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
Since I have way too much WIPS, I am going to take a very narrow focus for this question and make myself choose from plot bunnies I have never written anything for (rather than including any existing wips). In which case, I've got to go with my Langris x Finesse Beauty and Beast AU where the Golden Dawn is all turned into the palace furniture (It's based off the Disney movie (loosely) and Alecdora Sandler made an excellent uptight clock, William was a candlestick, and David is particularly hilarious as a wine glass). I wanted to write this one so badly but just never could figure out how to make it into an actual story rather than vignettes of scenes and shenanigans, so it never came to life. 😭
And yes, I feel deep existential dread when I think about all of my wips and the stories I will (probably) never get to write... 🙈
7. Tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
I think I was "writing" fanfiction pretty much my whole life. When I played make-believe as a little kid, it was always continuations of my favorite stories or putting my favorite characters into AUs. I remember writing some short stories about my favorite book and cartoon characters too, but I'm not sure what my very first one was about. I want to say it was Star Wars because my friend and I wrote this whole series when I was about 9 called "The Adventures of Space Cat" (which was my friend's Star Wars OC: a talking cat who was basically adopted by Luke, Han, and Leia and brought on all their adventures after the end of the original trilogy).
When I was in middle school, I wrote what was essentially Ben 10 Alien Force fanfiction for an epic poetry school project and just changed all of the names and some of the more specific details. This absolute gem (I say with total sarcasm) is unfortunately lost to time but my sister swears she vividly remembers this one particular line that was basically, "Character A paused during the battle because of his trauma and confidence issues" (which I think probably says a lot about me & the kinds of characters that compel me even back then...).
I don't think I got serious about writing fanfiction until high school though when I wrote my big, long Secret Garden epic which was 46 chapters and 176,134 words long (and was going to be a duology so was technically never finished even though book 1 has a complete first draft...) The plot was pretty basic. It was a sequel to my favorite book of all time, The Secret Garden, and (believe it or not) a period romance that took place when all the characters were adults mostly during World War 1. It was split perspective and had OCs as major characters too, so it was, honestly, a really ambitious project.
I made so many changes to it after I had a complete draft so I'm honestly very relieved I never posted it anywhere and just shared it with my friends and family irl. They seemed to like it well enough but...it's a bit of an embarrassment for me tbh as I feel my writing has gotten so much better since then. A friend I met in college wanted to read it but I had made so many changes to the draft & had never finished the 2nd draft so it was basically unreadable (i.e. the beginning no longer matched the ending, random plotlines were taken out and added ect.) so I wrote Secrets and Sugar Mice for her as a little taste of my overall ideas and also to introduce her to one of my OCs (and I actually did post that to AO3 (linked here) if you are at all curious).
Writing that story helped me grow so much as a writer, character creator, and storyteller and I'm so grateful for the experience, but I'm not sure I will ever actually resurrect this project, especially since I'm not sure this particular 100+ year old book has much of a fandom.😅
31. Tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
I've answered this here (about one of my OCs) and here (about Black Clover canon characters I enjoy writing), but since we're doing blast from the past here a little, I will give a shout out to very first real OC, Julia, who taught me so much about how to create a character and fit them into an existing world (and as an eventual love interest for an existing character). Some of the most fun I have ever had as a writer was writing her and Colin's quick-witted rivals to friends to lovers plotline. They're both highly intelligent people, strong-willed, and stubborn as heck, and their plotline took place in a hospital (mostly during the war) where he's a doctor and she's a nurse and they are just butting heads about how best to run things at every possible turn. They end up playing up their rivalry because neither wants to admit defeat or that they actually have a lot of respect & admiration for each other and want to be friends. (Secrets and Sugar Mice is about that specifically if you're at all interested).
Here is a short excerpt if I can be completely self-indulgent (just a short little exchange between her and her dad (who technically is a canon character but we know next to nothing about him so he's basically an OC too lol):
Julia stopped abruptly, staring at the medical supply cabinet. It was exactly as she had left it with supplies organized for practical use—bandages next to gauze as they would often be taken together and so on. It only made sense after all—at least to Julia anyway. Some people were of the opinion that it would be better if the supplies were arranged alphabetically.
“Dr. Craven didn’t rearrange the cabinet today,” said a voice from behind her. She turned and found her father, Dr. Louis Cartwright, dressed in his white coat with files in hand. He smiled slightly at her.
 “So I see.”
“He was very busy,” her father explained. “It’s alright if you’re a bit disappointed.”
Her cheeks flushed, but she frowned. “Why would I be disappointed?”
Her father sighed and smiled knowingly at her. “I think you enjoy your little squabble over it.”
Julia could feel a deep blush rising in her cheeks, but she huffed indignantly. She most certainly did not enjoy arguing over the cabinet. It was bad enough that Dr. Colin Craven had somehow convinced her father to move them across the country to work in his hospital, but to then refuse to organize said hospital in a practical manner was even worse. Well, perhaps the rest of the hospital was alright, but this blasted cabinet simply wasn’t practical. She had reorganized it almost immediately, and he had rearranged it right back stubbornly insisting he couldn’t find anything unless the supplies were organized in alphabetical order. She insisted that putting frequently grouped items together saved time and rearranged it again. Then he reorganized it alphabetically again. And so on and so on. This had gone on for months now. It was a matter of pride not something she enjoyed—or at least not something she’d ever admit to enjoying no matter what her father said.
“It’s a matter of principle only, and if this is a sign that Dr. Craven has finally conceded, I would be glad of it.”
Her father laughed—his dark eyes sparkling. “I think it’s more of a sign that he was busy and had lots of patients today. I suppose, we’ll see tomorrow. Unless of course you want to ask him. He hasn’t left yet.”
Julia blinked. As much as she relished the idea of him admitting she was right about the cabinet, she was fairly certain that, as her father had said, this spoke more to Dr. Craven’s workload than to him conceding to her.
“I think I’ll just wait to see. Plus, I think this is a new record for my organization system.”
Her father chuckled quietly to himself but shook his head. “Don’t you think this cabinet squabble has gone on long enough?”
“We haven’t reached a resolution yet.”
“I don’t think you’ll ever reach a resolution this way.” Her father sighed. “I don’t understand why you won’t just admit you want to be friends and find something else to talk about.”
Julia’s cheeks grew hot, but she huffed and shook her head. “I don’t want to be friends.”
Her father raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly at her. Julia fidgeted. He could always tell when she was lying. The truth was she wouldn’t mind being friends. In fact, maybe a part of her did want to be friends—but at the same time she barely knew the man, and the little she did know of him was not particularly flattering. Still, she couldn’t help but concede that he was at least intriguing—this heir to a grand estate who spent his time as a doctor in a country hospital—or at least he would be if he was actually sociable from time to time and wasn’t so stubborn.
Julia huffed again. “It’s beside the point. Even if I did want to be friends, he clearly has no interest in making friends with me.” She sighed. “And besides, even if we did try to make friends, I doubt we would even get on—we so often disagree.”
“I think you’d get on extremely well if you got to know each other a little better. You have lots of common interests.”
“Which he never talks about,” Julia protested.
“He’s just shy and…”—Her father paused as if thinking of the right word—“awkward.”
“He’s very opinionated for someone who’s shy,” she countered her brow furrowing. 
Julia’s father laughed, but he smiled kindly. “He is a bit of an odd duck, but he’s a kind person at heart and very generous.”
“Why don’t you make friends with him then?” Julia teased with a chuckle.
Her father laughed. “I already am friends with him, and it’s quite pleasant.”
Julia wrinkled her nose, but her mouth turned up in the corners in spite of herself. She sighed. “I know that you’re very fond of him, Papá, and I can tell that he admires and looks up to you, but he has been nothing but cold and standoffish to me. Arguing about that cabinet and occasionally discussing work related issues is the full extent of our interaction. It’s not nearly enough to build a friendship.”
“I haven’t seen you try to talk to him about anything else, either,” her father countered pointedly before his face softened. “I know he wants to be friends, but I don’t think he knows how to strike up a conversation with you especially since you’re so set on disliking him.”
Julia sighed. “I’m not set on disliking him, but it is difficult to like someone who is so often disagreeable.”
46. what time are you the most productive when it comes to writing?
First thing in the morning or the middle of the night. But I think it changes based on my health and how busy I am. I am a very slow writer in general so it takes me a lot of time in the drafting/outlining stages before I actually sit down to start writing.
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murmurmurl · 8 months
oc ramble yippee
time to talk about Hiroto and his dynamic with Toshiro!!!! sibling angst, my favorite,,,,
I mentioned this already, but their relationship isn't bad. It's just distant. It contrasts pretty significantly with Seina and her sibling, but I'll talk about them more after designing Taru (the sibling)
Hiroto wants to be a good older brother, he really does! And there was definitely a period of time when the two were very close, where Toshiro would come to Hiroto for every little thing. It was nice, really, especially considering the situation with their parents, who are also pretty distant. However, as they both grew, Hiroto started making more and more excuses, spending less time at home in general, and eventually, it turned into them barely interacting despite even their rooms being right next to each other.
Hiroto doesn't like this. He only recently and slowly started realizing this pattern, but isn't sure what to do. He hangs out with Tsukasa a lot and really admires him for how good of an older brother he is, but is kind of embarrassed about maybe asking for advice on this.
Toshiro seems to almost entirely blame themself. I already mentioned that they tend to put a lot of pressure on themself to be "good enough", and they feel like they just don't deserve for Hiroto to give them as much attention as he used to when they were little.
It's a little awkward between them. Especially after Hiroto does fully realize that, woops, that's not very cool and awesome! He tries to spend time with Toshiro again, but it ends up,, not being very fun. Again, mostly awkward.
I'm all over the place and can't focus properly, but uhm. Realized I'm not talking much just about Hiroto's personality. He's very different to Toshiro, quiet, sometimes seems almost serene, but in reality the guy is just really anxious and most of his almost non-existent expressions are happening in his head. He could be having the worst or the best day of his life, or panicking, but his expression will just stay ":)"
And as I mentioned in the first post about him, he's a big fan of flowers and specifically forget-me-nots! Back when him and Toshiro were still a little closer, he would visit Fumi's family flower shop a lot, and that's what pushed Fumi and Toshiro to get to know each other, though they didn't *really* become friends until H♡L.
Hiroto is someone who looks like he's got everything under control, but he's FREAKING OUT internally. Taru knows about it and is usually the one to handle whatever necessary talking there is. Toshiro also tries his best whenever he has a chance, wanting to be useful. Though his speech tends to be pretty,, abstract.
Hiroto also has a surprising passion for food! He knows all the good places around where he lives and often drags his unit members to try something new. Sometimes he even drags Toshiro along. If you ask him about his favorite food... you will never get an answer, because Hiroto will probably start with saying one or two things, but end up listing off EVERYTHING, every dish he's ever liked (and there's a lot of them).
I also wanted to talk about Surfer (their cat) more because I think it's funny. He fucking DESPISES Hiroto. He's very much Toshiro's cat, but even though Hiroto loves him too, this orange thing does NOT tolerate him AT ALL. It's a mystery for everyone, including Hiroto. And, probably, Surfer as well. He's actually kind of a little shit, but everyone tends to forgive him. He's more sweet with Toshiro, but even with them still acts like the most evil creature you've ever encountered. Somehow, though, Surfer also doesn't mind Matsu. He doesn't exactly love him, but sometimes would show a little bit of affection. Nearly eery time this happens, Hiroto is somewhere near, so maybe the cat just hates him THAT much and wants to show it, no one really knows. It's very funny for me to imagine tbh,,
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scrunkly-cherry · 6 months
Here it is! Some splatfest-screenshots and my overall thoughts!
(warning, I might sound a little cranky at the start, but ofc I'm grateful for the results and had otherwise lots of fun!)
I didn't fight much, the first day atleast, since I was at a convention. I wore a little "Go Team Keyboard"-Sign around me 24/7 tho :D even ran into another Splatoon-Cosplayer! (Had a closet cos of agent 8)
I'm not sure if the complaints are still getting to me, but the amount of times I've lost to spawncamping made the first and ¼ of the second half... Not that much enjoyable. I got pretty heated, to be fair, but it's honestly just a silly squid game, so it's not that deep. I'm tbh a little embarrassed :'] Especially when you lose 3 out of all the 5 10x battles they gave you. It's just not fun to run out of your spawn and get instantly downed again, but it's not something I'd blame a specific team on. (And you shouldn't aswell!) I got friends on both Drums and Guitar (I was almost alone on keyboard :')), so GG to them ofc! Sorry if I got a little toxic in the first half :( (But just saying - having this kind of battle experience, then miraculously winning, only to come online to get insults thrown at your face because youre so "toxic" and "tryharding"... Less fun. But more on that below.)
Alright, enough with the negatives! Let's focus on the stuff I actually liked!
Walking around the plaza, as always, was very fun! I love almost all of the first half songs so much :'D (with the exception of City of Color, which I don't hate, but I love Tomorrows Nostalgia Today too much lmao). I honestly wish I could put more than one video in here.
In the first half I played as my side order octoling "Reed". Need a bit more lore on him. I had a few ideas but wasn't sure on going through with it. Second half however...
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I decided to cosplay as sury! It indeed made things a little more fun, although I had to choose Mel's weapon instead because I couldn't deal with the slow, large splatana :'D
Usually I make OCs out of my Splatfest-Teams, but using preexisting characters is even more fun! Let's see if I can use Mel in the future too :D
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I don't have the oth amiibos
It was at the second half, but I did manage to win some 10xs in the end :] (Which means I've officially heard all three singular idol win themes in-game)
To come back to the results-thing, I expected everyone to be bitter as usual, but everyone was... strangely nice and happy for the win. At first I was kind of annoyed, but if it continues like this, I feel Splatfests might actually get excited for everyone again. (I was actually pretty optimistic and fine with every decision so far, but it's even better if I can actually agree with the fandom lol)
Again, good job to Team Drums and Guitar! And Overall, good job team! Excited for the next splatfest :D 🩷💚💜
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safyresky · 7 months
Oh! It's February 13th, you know what that means!!
Check out Frostmas: Year Two, digitally remastered on ao3, HERE. Now with more swearing and an extra 3k words somehow! I didn't add SHIT so this is very confusing!
Year Two
Trapped by societal conventions, Jacqueline has a contentious dinner with Jack. Jack discovers an unpleasant caveat to his new job.
What to heck is Frostmas?? Have a summary:
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn’t supposed to be Santa; I wasn’t supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack’s reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Interested? Take it from the top HERE on ao3! And here on ff dot net, where it is done up to Year 10. But this ain't ABOUT HER.
This is about Y2 on ao3! Have a delightful little preview under the cut~
Jack’s next sentence took me right out. “I know, I know, it’s a lot to take in, I get it. But this’ll, this’ll make everything better!” I finally rebooted. “Everything better?!” I shot up out of my chair, stirring up enough of a wind for cutlery to go flying. “Everything was better eleven years into the future before you screwed it up again with your little timeline jump! We were okay, finally! I was okay! We actually talked about things and it was really, really, great! Then I wake up and suddenly it's 1994 and not 2006 and Mom and Dad are both upset and nothing is right! Nothing is the way it's supposed to be! And you think it’s better?! Better? This has made everything worse!” “Ah. So you do remember. I had a feeling that you might. Tell me something, Jacqueline,” he paused, shifting in his chair and recrossing his legs. “How much do you know?” I puffed up my cheeks and held my breath, trying really hard not to show how little I knew. My hands gripped the table so hard, my knuckles looked like snow. (Come to think of it, they may have actually shifted into snow. I was angry enough that that may have happened. Ough. Embarrassing.) I let out the breath I was holding. "What do you think I know?" "I think that you know something I thought only I knew.” Jack stood up, serving me with a calculating stare. I shifted unconsciously into a defensive pose. “But given your whodunit questions and how much you seem to know about different timelines and the future, you must also know something I know, no?” He arched an eyebrow, steepling his fingers together. A pulse near my eye started up; it twitched. The temperature in the room dropped. “Well? Silence isn’t exactly an answer, Jacqueline.” I scrunched my nose. UGH. On the one hand, if I told him I didn’t know, he’d have the upper hand. BUT. If I told him I did know, then maybe I’d be able to get a little bit closer to figuring out what he did. Or it’d backfire and he’d still have the upper hand. “Hmm. Seems I was mistaken, then.” He looked relieved in like, a kind of smug way. My nostrils flared. “Nu-UH. The something you thought only you knew is also known by someone in this very room!” Jack dropped his arms. “Interesting. I would’ve thought that the clause—” "AHA! So it's a CLAUSE!" I pointed an accusatory finger his way. "AHA! You DIDN'T know!" he pointed an accusatory finger my way.
Ohoho! the cold front are FIGHTING! I'm surprised it took this long, tbh. How will this go? Who's gonna emerge from this spat victorious? WHAT DOES JACK FIND OUT ABOUT THE JOB? Check out Year 3: 2024 Edition on ao3 HERE for all those answers and MORE! :)
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