#there's no deep reason for this whatsoever
musicmyxiii · 20 hours
I don't think we talk enough about the fact that in season 1 & 2, Colin didn't have a purpose and didn't feel fulfilled so he travelled and at the end of each season he left his family, only to go travel and realize that he missed his family (and Pen), and to return home a couple of months later. He felt not at ease anywhere he went, not at home, not travelling. He was always moving to find this peace, and sense of belonging.
What kept him sane during the long period he was gone (between season 1 & 2), was Pen's letter's. They reminded him of home and whenever he read them he knew he should return, and that she would be waiting for him. But then a year later, Pen didn't reply to his letters anymore. The poor boy had no idea why, but he assumed it was because she didn't need him anymore. The validation he sought and needed was gone.
He thought he wasn't good enough so he turned himself into the man society expects him to be: a playboy, a tough guy. Where in truth he simply just wants validation from the people he cares most about (again his family). Pen is the only person who gives him this validation throughout season 1 & 2, which makes it more heartbreaking when she doesn't reply to his letters. It's like she's moving on from him and doesn't need him maybe as much as he thought she would.
A part of Colin always knew that Pen adored him, looked up to him, maybe even loved him. He brushed it off as merily friendship, but deep inside him he knew it was more.
So when he returns as a 'new man' in season 3, he's looking so much for validation again. He wants his family to praise him for the changes (and Anthony does - which still makes me a little mad, because as an older brother he should have seen it was not Colin who returned and he needed to remind his brother that the family wanted his true self back). He goes up to Pen and when she doesn't seem impressed by his new self, he basically says: "It are just clothes, I'm still the person who I was a year ago" and instead of welcoming him back with a bright smile and friendship, like she did the last year, she gave him nothing but coldness. (Which was honestly the right thing to do since he still hurt her last season, and I wouldn't be able to forget about it that fast either)
Colin realized that something was wrong and instead of ignoring it and just letting go of Penelope. He fought for her and her forgiveness. He started to realize that her friendship, her warmth meant everything to him and make him feel 'seen'. What was exactly what he desired most, being wanted, being needed, being enough.
We finally see him realize that Pen has been his safe place all along, he lets her in and falls head over heels for the girl.
She encourages him to do something with his writing, to find purpose in it and because she believes in him, he's starting to do so as well.
Of course, then the lady Whistledown shakes him up. Who could blame him after his history with Marina? This boy has clearly still trust issues because of it. He fears that it's the same thing all over again, and that he was led on to believe that Pen loved him while in truth it could be that she just needed him as a way to remain Lady W. He was afraid of losing her, of being lied to, of being not enough once again.
But once he starts seeing things from her perspective and realizes that she does love him for all the right reasons, he becomes so incredibly proud of her.
At the end of the season, he's finally found a purpose, a reason to stay, and so he doesn't need to travel anymore. He created a family. He found his forever home and he has no desire whatsoever to leave it.
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grassbreads · 3 months
do you have a non-temperature related long-sleeve/short sleeve preference?
I'm such a short sleeves girl. I just don't wear long sleeves unless it's a sweater.
Even with my button-ups for work, I just roll the sleeves up :p
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kithtaehyung · 6 months
We’re boycotting other kpop groups until BTS rebands. They paved the way for all these kpop groups who are popular now and making money and getting popular in the US. They can’t have a Grammy if BTS doesn’t get one first. Don’t give them streams or money.
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rogerzsteven · 4 months
stress smoker buck you're so special to me
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hellorrglory · 5 months
Some people on social media are so deep in the trenches of identifying with the media they consume that any piece of criticism or even just analysis is taken as a direct attack on their person.
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do you ever just feel ✨ Deranged ✨
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
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seokwoosmole · 2 years
Mark Tuan's solo career does interesting things to my mind cause every now and then I remember that the same man that gets me in my feels balling my eyes out with his soft low voice and heartbreaking lyrics is the same one who said "YoU aRe ApArt of ME. youandme...we are...ONE" And then I think about other idols in groups whose full talent isn't properly showcased the way it should be like huh...it's a brain cruncher
#im not saying that mark is a bad rapper at all or that his sang badly in got7 songs#you calling me name is a one off and very bad example of a song that would best showcase mark's talent as an artist#and I am also a newer aghase than most and haven't listened to EVERY single got7 song just yet#but mark tuan the solo artist & mark tuan the member of got7 are two very different people to me (at least musically/artistically speaking)#like mark has some really good raps in got7 but none that stick to me & leave w/ a lasting impression of WOW...what an amazing rap#idk what position he intended on having initially but I think he's an infinitely more fantastic soft pop singer than he is a rapper#but yeah other idols that come to mind that are similar are...#sf9's chani cuz like yeah he raps fine & his deep voice makes for great adlibs but his talent is excellent & the place#its best showcased isn't even in sf9 songs but in the osts he does for dramas which most of the time are like soft pop & ballad songs?!?!#I swear I had more examples but im drawing a blank for whatever reason#ok on the flipside the rappers being main vocalist memes are really funny but my boy hongjoong has such a good singing voice#the ateez vocal line is not lacking whatsoever & him and Mingi are such a solid rap line so there's rlly no potential being wasted but also#everytime he posts covers on YouTube they're so good!!! numb?? purple rain?? black and white?? all EXCELLENT#call me crazy but if hj had higher range & more breath control he would sound like Jongho and no I cant be proved wrong#idk what my point was with this just idk man#set positions in groups is great for structure and formula but it seems kinda trapping sometimes too#mark#got7#got7 mark#mark tuan#kpop
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shimmershy · 2 years
What are your favourite ships in undertale
I honestly don't have much of an opinion on ships. I prefer platonic relationships personally. So the only ships I care about are usually just ones that are already canon.
That being said, I love Alphyne so much. <333
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luna7822 · 9 days
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remember when a majority of deep cut """"f^^s"""" used to be really chill until a whole ass year had passed before unfortunately being so divisive and hateful cuz some fictional character didnt need to win 24/7 to ne anywhere near """"pearl 2,0"""" or some shit as if its literally just the most cliche thing ever and therefore made frye 5t4n5 even worse and delusional beyond belief than they already are since theyre now completely greedy even AFTER they won like once or twice now if u were to count japan victories too as if both resulta from diff countries still matter?
me too ;-;
even if i didnt start playing splatoon 3 until i got the game a while after i got my switch in christmas of 2022 i feel as tho i wish ppl were better than this and that times would actually be more simpler for once when no1 hated shiver for just simply existing and taking Ws, no1 was begging frye to win 24/7 in the most dumb way possible and therefore taking everything too srsly for no reason whatsoever, and no1 was being an idiot and actively hating the game for no reason too cuz its unfortunate how awful ppl became ever since a harmless go to greeting splatfest happened or some shit like that since it just pisses me off when i feel like ALL deep cut members dont even deserve any kind of backlash or overpraise at all and that they really deserve to be treated like equals for once without some1 throwing pitchforks at shiver and/or big mam for even dare winning only once or twice cuz i hate how these sad indivduals have fallen over the past year tbh when they cant even treat them all with respect for once just as they deserve ;-;
dont get me wrong idc if frye won like once or twice or that the part where she wom again was kinda wholesome too in a sense but im saying this as some1 who thankfully didnt talked abt her 24/7 in the most boring way possible since its in all honesty the frye f^^base thats REALLY at fault here for not only overreacting everytime she just doesnt win as if she doesnt have to do it all the damn time since i feel like it would honestly get tiring if she did but also the fact that i dont appreciate how theyve been unneccessarily harassing any shiver/big man fans at all and also any1 who doesnt pick fryes team 24/7 since these ppl in all honesty are just very petty, overly obsessed with their dumb fantasies for a character that doesnt have to be perfect all the damn time, and hell even going as far to throw a huge ass tyrate over """"""unfair"""""" results screens as well when they cant even do any real math to know how it works besides stacks cuz i think they somehow have some favoratism problem with somehow wanting the same damn idol to win 24/7 cuz even then i barely understand their thought process at all when its literally just complete utter nonsense and also why i despise frye 5t4n5 in the first place for just overall being incredibly delusional and having the most pathetic behavior during turf wars and splatfests too and also why i hope that they lose so badly since they need to understand that their fav is not even anywhere near """"little miss perfect""""" at all and that they should just accept taking Ls for once like a normal human being should as if thats what they should be doing rn instead of getting mad over the most minor ass shit ever
no wonder why most of the oth fanbase is literally chill compared to most of the dc one anyways cuz i srsly think that frye 5t4n5 need to just chill tf out for once and overall just stfu for more than 5 fucking minutes when this ridiculious behavior of theirs has gone off for far too long atp and that i feel like we (ie ppl that are actually normal in a literal sense) should actually do smth abt this for once when the next splatfest happens instead of just letting them be even more pathetically stupid in nature than they already are since i just really want revenge against them so fucking badly u have no idea and i just hope that whenever big man and/or shiver has smth that i can agree with like usual next splatfest then u bet that ill be damn sure to get my revenge against those so called """""frye f^^s""""" one way or another since they really dont deserve anything anymore and ik not every f^^ of fryes is like this but its really rare to see any actual normal frye f^^s that arent miserable for no reason 24/7 tbh when even if i would be on like aliens, milk chocolate, wisdom or whatever without havimg to be on the same team 24/7 then i still wont tolerate their sad behavior at all when theyre in all honesty the reason why no1 cant be normal and have a good time for once unless ur from the japan side of things that i wish was just as chill as here in murica tbh and that its literally fryes f^^base thats THE problem and only the problem when most of the assholes there are unfortunately too problematic to even do anything fun and enjoyable anymore and therefore the reason why ppl need to just step up their game, take Ls like a normal person would/embrace losing, and just treat ALL deep cut members like equals for once without any dumbshit toxicity abt a harmless group of idols that barely did anything wrong other than existing in a fictional squid/octo game series thats meant to be played for fun whatsoever ;-;
basically reason number who knows anymore as to why i think theres no need for any hatred or unneccessary overpraise towards shiver, frye, and big man when ALL of them should be treated like a normal friendly silly trio of bandits for once instead of doing some unneccessary war abt them over quite literally the most ridiculious ass shit ever to the point where its literally no secret as to why most off the hook fans act better than those idiots do anyways if u dont count any idiots who treat shiver and pearl like """"guys"""" for no reason despite being lesbians as if its literally a GIRL ONLY thing and nothing more when it doesnt need to be anymore complicated than shit has already been for a long ass while now unfortunately ;-;
and overall i just hate most of the sploon f^^base in general for being so unneccessarily divded over the funni squid/octo game that in all honesty should be played for the sake of having fun and actually enjoying it for once instead of yelling abt stupid shit that doesnt fucking matter 24/7
this has been another episode of lunas rambles and shit and i hope that nobody throws shades at me over an actual harmless goddamn opinion for once and actually be fucking normal abt it for once istggggggg
#lunas rambles and shit :3#splatoon 3#deep cut#splat3#overall deep cut just deserves better than the hate/overpraise they get for no reason whatsoever since i feel like#most ppl arent even actual f^^s of deep cut to begin with tbh when theyre just completely delusional and just really pathetic in general#yall srsly need to just calm the hell down and just embrace losing and also touch flowers and go outside and smell the#fresh fucking air and LITERALLY take a goddamn breather for fucking once in ur already boring ass miserable lives that#piss me off 24/7 istggggg#u ppl just in all honestly arent even qualified to be real sploon “”“f^^s”“” at all if ur just gonna continue being dumb and miserable#all the goddamn time anyways since i dont think u even deserve to be given that privilege anyways when dont like dont play LITERALLY EXISTS#and yet u ppl are somehow still fucking active despite all of the toxic bs that u idiots have been doing since who tf knows anymore and that#i just hope u lose so badly just as u deserve for overall just being the absolute worst ppl u can be and not even having actual fun for once#and nothing more#might as well fuck off for all i care while ur at it if i were u anyways and that i hope u all quit one day just as u deserve since ur all a#bunch of pieces of fucking shits for overreacting over a goddamn fictional squid/octo game meant to be played for fun of all things#anyway im just gonna post this now and piss off so many idiots who will proceed to see this masterpiece of mine anyways so yeah#stay mad lol :3
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noblerinthemind · 5 months
Some people on social media are so deep in the trenches of identifying with the media they consume that any piece of criticism or even just analysis is taken as a direct attack on their person.
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kamitv · 1 month
Thinking about Gojo who…
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Spoils you like crazy.
He's got so much money and no idea what to do with it so naturally, once he starts dating you he spends ridiculous amounts of money on you.
Plus, every time he buys you something you have that pretty smile on your face that makes his heart ache. He'd go bankrupt just to see you with that smile on your face for all of eternity.
Doesn't believe in personal space whatsoever.
Technically, you picked up on that before the two of you started dating but either way once you're his girlfriend his touchiness only gets worse.
He loves touching you. How could he not? You have such cute reactions when he rests his head on your shoulder or when he grabs ahold of your waist just cause. Plus, you're shorter than him so don't be surprised when he places his hand atop your head because he finds comfort in it.
And even if you were closer to him in height, that wouldn't change anything. You'd be a tree he's willing to climb, a woman he's down on his knees for. Your physical appearance never really matters to Gojo, if you're his-- he's gonna touch you regardless.
Mocks you 24/7.
Especially during sex. He loves your moans but he also loves teasing you when you can hardly speak, making fun of you for not being able to say his name properly as if he's not the reason why. "Toru's cute baby but that's not my name, y'know." "C'monn, you can say the whole thing," He'd taunt while upping the pace of his thrust, fucking you dumb with a smile on his face, "Satoru baby, say Satoru." "Mmh, close but I want you t'say it without stuttering." "Fuck you're so cute mumblin' like that." "Yeah, yeah, that's close enough. S'toru, heh, sounds like you're missin' a letter there, sweetheart."
If you're nagging him about something and facing the opposite direction, he's mocking your mannerisms and hand gestures because he finds them cute.
Follows you around because he's addicted to your presence.
Hungry? He's trailing behind you into the kitchen. Gotta use the bathroom? How convenient, he has to wash his hands and just can't wait. You're on the phone with someone? Well, put it on speaker so he can talk with you!
There's times where you have the nerve to leave him to go to the store alone and Gojo figures it's a simple fix-- he'll just teleport to you, saying something ridiculous like, "I needed to get some more chocolate," after scaring the shit out of you and despite leaving a home with a pantry full of sweets.
Fucks you like a madman.
Well, when you gaze up at him with tear coated eyes and a cute pout on your face, how could he possibly resist fucking you harder?
You’re his woman and he cherishes you of course but in bed he sometimes acts as though he hates you. His cock is so lengthy so he’s always in deep, muttering some nonsense about needed to go deeper despite having you shaking and crying in pleasure beneath him.
From praises to calling you a slut for his cock, Gojo never knows how to shut the hell up either. He knows you secretly like hearing his “annoying” voice during sex so that’s why he’s always talking you through it.
Sometimes his words are soft just to purposefully contrast the way he’s pounding his cock into you.
Knows he’s the strongest but for you, he considers himself weak.
And for you, he’ll tell you over and over how he’s a weak man.
Whenever you look at him, his heart is doing backflips and his stomach is churning trying to figure out the next thing you’re going to say or do so he can react appropriately.
Before you two got together and he was merely crushing on you, he’d get so nervous simply being in the same room as you.
Struggles with self identity and often finds the missing pieces of himself in you
Claims to be scared of women before he met you.
Although he was nervous at first, once he got to know you he suddenly remembered who he was— cheekily flirting with you as soon as you showed the slightest bit of interest toward him.
He’s a dork, really. But he can tell you fell for him that way do he’ll never try to change that about himself.
Is 100% a drama king.
A big pout is almost always on this man’s face over the smallest things. How does someone with infinity stub their toe? You have no idea but Gojo manages to do so just to come pouting and whining to you.
If someone messes up his food order, he’s calling you to take care of it in a heartbeat and then standing behind you with his arms folded as if to back up whatever you’re saying. (Even though he could’ve taken care of this himself perfectly fine).
If you miss even one of his texts or calls, he’s spamming you and then assuming the most outlandish things afterward. You didn’t see his text because you were in the shower? Oh so you hate him and want him to die??
Calls you the silliest nicknames.
Yes he calls you pookie. And yes you laugh every time because it sounds outlandish coming out of his mouth sometimes.
He’ll make shit up too like— my beautiful girlfriend who reminds me of cupcakes with extra sprinkles on top.
As for normal nicknames he’ll settle on calling you baby, love, sweets, or sweetheart in no specific order.
During sex it’s relatively the same but he won’t hesitate to call you a slut or his lil’ cocksleeve whenever he’s really into it.
Occasionally has a way with words that make you gush.
It’d be so random too— the way he’d just look at you one day and tell you something like, “Throughout the heavens and the earth, you alone are the only woman my heart yearns for.”
“You make my days brighter, love.”
“I love the way you laugh, it’s makes me feel like a teenager falling in love every time I hear it.”
“Even in the afterlife, it’s only you I’d ever search for.”
Finds the missing pieces of himself in you.
Gojo’s always struggled with self-identity considering how he’s always been good and anything and everything and how he’s the strongest but after meeting you, it was like he found meaning-, purpose even.
He’s never really had any imperfections so when he meets you, he finds an odd feeling of joy in his heart once he realizes you deem yourself to have a thousand imperfections despite him seeing you more perfect than himself.
Brings you up whenever he can.
Why wouldn’t he? You’re his partner and he loves you.
The conversation could be about the next curse to fight and he’s throwing your name out randomly and talking about how he can’t wait to get home to you.
Smiles at you whenever you’re not paying attention.
Things have always come so easy to him so when he sees that you actually put effort into different activities, he finds it so alluring. How could he possible take his eyes off you when you’ve got your brows furrowed slightly and you’re completely immersed into whatever you’re doing?
Especially if you’re doing something important like work— the way focus takes over your features and you’re immersed into whatever it is you’re doing, he finds it so unbelievably attractive.
Has a smart mouth no matter what.
You could tell him how handsome he looks and he’ll say something like “Oh yeah?” In that cocky tone of his, knowing damn well he’s got butterflies blooming in the pit of his stomach.
“Why are we arguing again?” Is something he’d blurt out mid-debate after you’ve been going back and forth about a specific topic for the past hour or so.
You can try to tell him what to do sometimes but most occasions, he’s scoffing out a, “And if I don’t?” With a brow raised and his arms crossed.
Could get off using a picture of you.
Gojo’s infatuated with you so all he has to do is pull up any picture of you on his phone while his hand is wrapped around his lengthy cock— precum dribbling out his tip at the mere thought of you beforehand.
It doesn’t take much jerking off to a simple picture of you for him to be making a mess all over himself, groaning out your name as if that’ll get you to appear in front of him somehow.
Participates in any and all ridiculous trends you want.
You wanna stack donuts on it? He just so happened to have ordered them already!
Wanna paint your nails the same color as his tip? How convenient, he knows the exact shade for you already.
Put a bow on his muscles just to watch him flex and rip the fabric? He’s got a blue ribbon ready for you to do so.
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A/N: Not proofread so sorry if there’s any errors! Also, this is both in honor of my lovely Satoru returning to us and an anon req from a few anons!! <3
Also, thank you guys for 2k followers here, hello?!?! ^.^
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whenever i have something rocky going on w my mom i think about that one time my dad sat me and my sister down and was like you have to be nice to your mom always because she does so much for you kids and you’re her world. which is a fair point but it would have been more well taken if my father was useful at anything and not actively part of the reason why my mom has to do so much for us
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its-amphicyon · 1 year
giving in to the primal urge to dig a fucking Pit the second i hit the beach
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matryosika · 7 months
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Untitled #9
Wordcount — 1,618 words
Includes — Fem!reader, mentions of contraceptives, unprotected vaginal sex. Dubcon elements (but it is all explained in detail), mentions/fantasies of creampies, use of petnames (baby).
Author's note — Just a little something! I've had this thought for a while now, and I wanted to put it out there. Despite the dubcon elements of it, I really picture both parties being super into it with full consent —for this, the male character just puts up a fight because he considers things risky, but deep down he wants it just as bad. With that in mind, read this if you have no problem whatsoever with some dubcon. If it's not your cup of tea, just scroll!
Just thinking about a forced creampie with Chan.
He had been pretty vocal about how badly he wants to fuck you raw and come inside you, but the overly-reasonable, almost persecutory part of him doesn't let him get loose. Whenever he thinks about coming inside of you, he can't help but also overthink everything that could go wrong.
“Maybe I just need a little push, you know?” He told you right after you asked him what was stopping him from fulfilling his fantasies. “I tend to get too into my head, maybe I should just- I don't know, go for it in the heat of the moment”.
But even in the heat of the moment, Chan holds back. The amount of self-control he has is crazy, so as much as he wishes to get loose, he never manages to do so on his own.
You come up with a plan, but you first make sure that he is on the same page as you —that he wants this just as much as you. So you ask him just that, and the response you get is enough for you to proceed.
“I think about it at least twice a day,” Chan confessed. “I mean, not a day goes by without me thinking about how pretty your pussy would look leaking with my cum”.
So you start off slow —first, you convince him to fuck you without a condom, fully raw. He pulls out every fucking time, much against his lust's will, but you don't mind. At least not when you can now feel every inch of him, every thickness of his veins and the warmth of his bulge. And now, he gets to feel you too —like fully feel you. From your soft walls squeezing his dick, to the sticky arousal that drips out of you.
It doesn't take long for him to get addicted to that feeling, though —despite him “wanting to take things slow”, he soon becomes obsessed and the idea of using a condom ever again is discarded by Chan himself.
So it all starts off with fucking you raw, and it eventually ends up one night with you offering that much needed push to finally allow himself go.
You're on top of him, straddling his lap while his cock reaches the deepest spots inside your pussy. You can feel him twitching inside of you, and if that isn't enough confirmation that he is seconds away from coming, the grimaces of pain and pleasure along with the veins popping on his temple and neck definitely are.
His hands are bruising your hips pretty bad while he guides your movements on top of him —roughly grinding yourself against him, squeezing your walls to provide him with the stimulation he needs to come.
“Just like that,” he groans biting down his lower lip with furrowed eyebrows and eyes closed shut, “come on, fuck yourself on my cock just like that. Make me come”.
Coincidentally, you're trying to do just that. So when he bents his legs against the mattress, and his hands try to push your body away from his, you don't stop.
“Baby,” he groans out your name, whincing in pain the longer he tries to hold his orgasm back, “'m gonna- fuck, I'm close”.
You lean down over his body, placing chaste kisses along his jaw and neck, “give it to me, Chan”.
He squeezes his eyes shut, just as his body stiffens underneath yours, “move, baby”.
“Inside,” you whimper, shaking your head into the crook of his neck. “Come inside”.
Chan's back arches a little, just as he struggles to maneuver your body, but it's all useless —he doesn't have the strength to push you away, and he doesn't want to.
“No, baby,” Chan hisses, gripping your hips as rough as he can. “I can't- please, let me pull out”.
“Come on, Chan,” you plead into his ear, biting his earlobe while your walls clench around his girth, “I know you want to”.
He lets out a painful, exasperated groan in an attempt to hold back the pent up tension between his legs —you can see he is really trying his best not to come.
“Please,” you leave one last wet kiss on his neck before straightening up your body, going from grinding against his cock to fully bouncing on it, “please, come inside me. I need it”.
Chan swears he is going to lose his mind. Between the feeling of your cunt clenching around him, the sight of your pretty body bouncing on top of his, and the lewd words and moans that are leaving your lips, Chan is sure he isn't going to last any longer.
“Let me pull out,” he tells you once again, with no intention of ever wanting you to stop. At this point, Chan still puts up a fight because he doesn't want to give in too easily. But honestly, he is not interested in winning that fight whatsoever, “'m gonna come, baby”.
You press your hands against his chest and increase the pace of your movements, forcing his body underneath yours while caging it with your legs on each side of his body.
His face is flushed, and the painful grimaces and groans he lets out can only warn you that he might not resist any longer.
“Come for me,” you insist, digging your nails on the flesh of his chest, “please, fill me up”.
At one point, he just gives in to his dirtiest fantasies and carnal pleasures. Who is he to deny himself? You're begging for something that only he can give you, and he fucking will.
So the painful moans turn into primal ones, instictual and animalistic. He opens his eyes and stare at you, his hands going from your hips to your neck, choking you ever so slightly as you ride him to his high.
Not only that, but his hips start fucking into yours from underneath —if he is going to come inside you, he is going to have it his way. Meaning he is going to be the one in control, not you.
Your whole body trembles at the unexpected thrusts, and it doesn't take you long to feel a warm, almost hot sensation filling you up.
“You wanted me to come inside you?” He asks through gritted teeth, snapping his hips against yours while your whole body goes limp. Chan hugs you tightly in place, preventing his dick from sliding out of you, “you better not fucking waste it, then”.
He milks himself inside you with each thrust, letting out deep grunts of pleasure in between.
“Chan,” you gasp when you feel his cum oozing out of your pussy and around his cock, all while he is inside you, “fuck”.
Even after a few seconds, he feels he isn't done yet —he is still throbbing and pulsating inside your walls, and he just can't stop shooting his cum into you. This is the first time he comes like this, and it is as painful as it is pleasurable.
“It's dripping out of me,” you murmur when he finally slows down, looking down to where your bodies connect —it's messy, but neither of you can begin to care. At least not when it feels this good to be filled.
Chan lets out a deep exhale, his chest moving frantically as he tries to catch his breath. He feels defeated, and weak, but at the same time he can't wrap his head about how good it fucking felt to finally let go, to be able to fuck you full of his cum until it dripped out of your tight hole.
So much so, that the idea of pulling out and coming anywhere else it's just not an option any more.
And just like he got addicted to fucking you raw, he might be addicted to stuff you full of his cum now too.
He just needed a little push.
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reidmotif · 8 months
And For My Next Trick...
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Summary: Reader is invited to a Halloween party where she doesn't know anyone. Everyone seems absolutely insistent she has to meet a mystery man who'd love her costume ALTERNATIVELY: Reader and Spencer unknowingly match costumes at a Halloween party.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: Reader POV, light mentions of drinking, oral sex (f recieveing), handcuffs during sex, one shitty “now you see me” magic sex reference (sorry), heavy making out, unprotected sex
Word Count: 4.3k
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Why did I agree to this? Who goes to their friend’s company-mandated Halloween party? Who goes to their friend’s company-mandated Halloween party when they work for the damn FBI? 
The answer was of course, summed up with a simple “Penelope Garcia”, a force of nature when it came to swaying people into novel life experiences, as she’d done with me in this moment. 
When I offhandedly recalled that I hadn’t been to a Halloween party since college, Penelope grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me a little, eyes wide like saucers, like she couldn’t believe what I’d said. 
“What?! What have you done since then to celebrate, then?” She asks, watching me intently.
“Nothing.” I respond, plainly, watching as her face morphed into one of further disbelief than before. 
“What can I say?” I say, giving a laugh at her over-exaggerated antics at my admission, shrugging in the face of it. “I just don’t vibe with it.” 
“What’s there not to ‘vibe’ with?!” She says, still holding onto my shoulders, absolutely unable to accept that I may have grown out of Halloween as the appeal of the holiday slowly dwindled with age. 
“Everything.” I respond, still laughing. “I don’t like over-drinking, I don’t like sexy costumes, I don’t like being scared. Halloween’s less fun when you’re older.” I listed and reasoned off the top of my head, as Penelope stood there shaking her head, not accepting my answers in the slightest. 
“Absolutely not. I refuse to let the spirit of Halloween die inside of you so young.” She responds, incredibly serious and unmoving. “You can have fun without all that! Come on! I can prove it to you.” She adds, definitively. 
I raise an eyebrow, watching her with an amused expression. “Can you now? And how’s that?” 
“Spend Halloween with me!” She retorts, instantly. She smiles big, her eyes crinkling in the corners as she grew more and more excited at the idea. 
“Aren’t you spending Halloween with your work friends?” I ask, knitting my brows. “Your FBI work friends?” I say, in that tone, letting her know that there was definitely a part of me opposed to spending any day of mine with people I didn’t know whatsoever. 
“Oh come on! Don’t give me that!” Penelope says, nearly pouting in front of me. “It’ll be fun! They’re my friends and they’re sweet and I think they’d love to meet you! You’ll have fun. Trust me.” She says, looking deep into my eyes as she willed me silently to say ‘yes’ with her expression alone. I stayed silent for a moment, thinking it over before she breaks my thoughts with a, “Please?” and in a quick moment, she’s overcome all my defenses and I nod, weak to her pleas. 
“Okay! Okay! Fine!” I say, smiling a bit. “I’ll go. But I swear, if all I get out of the night is shit-faced drunk with a hangover the next morning, I’m never trusting you with my plans ever again.” I warn, raising an eyebrow and she just shakes it off, smiling wide. 
“Deal. You’ll have fun, I promise.” She reiterates, and I nod, not realizing what I’d gotten myself into at that point. 
So that night, when Penelope pulled up in front of a bar after picking me up from my apartment, I gave her a quizzical look, tilting my head in confusion. 
“I thought this was a work party. You guys have work parties at bars?” I ask, knitting my brows. 
Penelope giggled as she put the car in park, shaking her head. “Oh, my dear. You have no idea.” I stare at her, patiently waiting for her to elaborate, and she does, continuing in her excited fashion without requiring any prompting from my end. “We rarely have time for any ‘parties’ of the sort, given the whole insane schedule thing, so when we get a chance to host a shindig like this, we go all out.” She says, grinning wildly. “Especially when it's Halloween.”
I got out of the car, trying to discern what she meant, but gave up, deciding to just nod and go along with it, knowing more questions would just confuse the hell out of me anyway. 
“Did I mention  I absolutely love your costume?” Penelope compliments, I smile, waving her off. 
“I literally dug it up from my senior year of college. I’m just glad it fits.” 
The number I was wearing, in question, was a sparkly red leotard, with black stockings. A bit of height was added to my figure through the kitten heels on my feet, and adorning my neck was a traditional bowtie, alongside a little top hat with red detailing around the head. On my waist hung a stuffed bunny, adding a bit more intention to the outfit. 
A magician’s assistant, in all its glory. It was a bit showy, but I figured most people would dress up regardless, and I wasn’t about to pay money for another costume for a holiday I rarely paid any mind to in the first place. 
“Whatever it is, it’s working for you.” Penelope says with a wink, leading me into the bar. 
The bar felt absolutely alive, buzzing with energy as multiple people walked around in costume, fog machines set up on multiple fronts to add a bit of a ghastly ambience to the scene, Halloween music playing in the background as people chatted each other up. The lights were dimmed, and I followed Penelope deeper into the party. 
She turned around, handing me a cup with an unidentified liquid, and urged me to drink with her.
“It’s just punch! I swear!” She says to me, over the music, and I down the beverage quickly, glad she was obeying my request of not leaving the party absolutely wasted. It left the distinct flavor of artificially flavored cherry in my mouth, and I looked at her, wondering where she’d take us next, but before I could say anything, a blonde woman dressed as a black cat approached the two of us and Penelope immediately wrapped her arms around her, smiling. 
“(Y/N)!” Penelope says, “This is JJ, JJ, my plus-one for the night, (Y/N)!” She exclaims, excited to introduce the two of us. 
I shake JJ’s hand, smiling. “It’s nice to meet you- I love your costume, black cats are my favorite.” I say, and she grins gratefully. 
“Last minute costume. Can you tell?” JJ responds, and I shake my head. “Absolutely not.” I respond warmly, already feeling a sense of kinship with the woman, her smile and lighthearted nature easing me into the interaction. 
“Your costume.. magician?” She asks, raising an eyebrow as she gives me a look-over. 
“Magician’s assistant, actually, but yes.” I say, laughing a bit. “I suppose in a certain light I may just look like a sexy magician, in hindsight.” JJ laughs at the joke, making me laugh a bit more as well. 
“God, people here are going to think you and Spencer came here together.” JJ says, smirking, pouring herself a glass of punch. 
“Spencer?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. 
“I won’t spoil his costume, but trust me. You have to find him at some point in the night. He’d love your costume.” She says the words with a playful lilt, my curiosity piquing at the idea of this mystery man who’d apparently be enamored by my choice of clothing tonight specifically. 
“I have to find my husband.” She quickly adds, “But it was nice meeting you! Have fun!” She says, sauntering away, and leaving me and Penelope alone. 
“Okay- so I was thinking we could look at the games they have here and then-” Penelope says, but I stop her. 
“Who’s Spencer?” I ask, my interest in the subject not being fully satiated here. 
“I work with him!” Penelope responds, and I laugh at her uncharacteristic briefness.
“Penelope, you work with everyone here.” I say, and she laughs. 
“Okay, okay, but- seriously! I don’t want to spoil the surprise. It’ll be much better if the two of you run into each other.” She says, and my fascination only increases. “So.” She says, trying to segue into another topic, but I shake my head. 
“Pen- if it’s alright with you, I’m gonna try and explore on my own, yeah?” I say, trying to seem as polite about it as possible, but she understood immediately. 
“Don’t worry. I understand completely.” She says, with a wink. “You’ll know him when you see him.” She says, before walking away, and I was left alone, beginning to traverse through the party. 
I met a number of characters that night, engaging in pleasant conversation and accepting some alcohol in small quantities, keeping myself in the right headspace so that I could continue my search for the man that’d been brought up to me before. When I’d bring his name up in conversation, as to get a hint to where the man would be, I’d always get the same reaction. A flash of recognition, and a smile. A “Do you two know each other?” and when I’d shake my head, they’d follow it with a, “He’d love your costume.” 
For God’s sake! I knew he’d love my costume! Every living soul at this party had told me so! I’d love to just see the guy at this point! 
I was just about to give up my search for the man, when I finally spotted a small crowd in the corner of the party that was a bit quieter than normal. I made my way into the group of people, coming to the front to be met with the sight of a man in a costume. 
A magician’s costume. 
“For my next trick, I’ll need a volunteer.” He says, looking around the crowd, and the moment his eyes land on me, I raise my hand above my head, and he nods, gesturing me over. 
He speaks quietly, grinning a bit at me. It’s boyish and sweet as he looks me up and down, raising an eyebrow. “Magician’s assistant?” He asks, with a little bit of laughter in his voice, and I nod, and he responds by nodding back. “I love it.” 
“I know.” I say, laughing. He looks a bit confused, until I say, “Trust me. Practically everyone at this party has been telling me to find you-"
I suddenly realize there's a good chance this may not even be the aforementioned 'Spencer'. "Oh, God, I hope you are him, otherwise this’ll be really awkward.” I say quickly, realizing I hadn’t even described my plight in the first place to the stranger in front of me, before he quickly alleviated my nerves. 
“Spencer Reid.” He says, grinning. 
“Thank god. You are the right person.” I say, with relief. “(Y/N).” 
“Alright, (Y/N).” He says, smirking. “Ready to help me with this trick?” He says, putting on a bit of a performance for the people gathered around us, and I nodded. 
“Pick a card, any card.” He says, fanning a deck of cards in my direction, all face-down. “Show it to the audience, but don’t tell me the card!” He says, dramatically, turning away entirely and covering his eyes with his free hand,  and I found myself giggling at the silliness of it all. I quickly picked a card from the middle of the deck, the two of hearts, ironically, and showed it to the audience, who all nodded in recognition. 
“Have you picked your card?” Spencer asks me, still turned away and I reply. 
“Yes, I have.” 
“And have you shown the audience?” Spencer continues, in the same, climactic tone from before. 
“I have.” I say, with a smile. 
“Alright. Put her back into the deck, and tell me when you have.” He replies, still totally turned away, his eyes shut. 
I place the card back in the deck, nestling it between the cards and he grins as he feels the disturbance to the deck. “The card is in the deck.” I confirm, and he turns back, beginning to shuffle the cards with fast, adept fingers. I watch his hands carefully, before he draws my attention  back to his face by speaking to me. 
“So, (Y/N), what brings you to this party in the first place? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around the building.” He asks, casually, his hands still moving quickly. 
“Oh- what?” I found it impossible to focus on both his hands, and the conversation, so I turned my attention towards the latter. “Penelope.” I respond, after processing the question. “She’s my friend, she told me to come. I don’t know anyone here besides her.” I add, answering his question. 
“Ah.” He responds, cooly, keeping direct eye contact on me the entire time, and I was unable to tear myself away from his gaze. “Do you make it a habit to come to parties where everyone’s a stranger to you?” 
I laugh a bit. “Absolutely not. I mean, everyone’s been nice so far, I’d say, so it’s not half-bad.” I continue, relaxing into the banter with him. His aura was magnetizing. Maybe it was the magician persona he was putting on, maybe it was the fact that he was dead handsome, but I found him increasingly attractive with every passing second. 
He grinned, and I noticed that as our conversation dwindled, his hands began to slow. “Alright. Now, if my magician senses prove me right, is..” He takes a long second, making a show out of pulling a card out of the deck, “this your card!” He finishes, showing a.. six of spades. 
I laugh a bit nervously, “Uh, no?” I felt a blush rising to my face as he seemed to grumble, looking more thoroughly through the deck. 
“This?” He asks, holding up a three of diamonds.  
He holds up a queen. “This one?” 
“Still no.” 
“God, I swear..” He finally shows me the entire deck, watching me intently. “Do you see your card anywhere here?” He asks. 
I scan the deck, expecting to see the two of hearts but didn’t, and I furrowed my brows. 
“Is it not there?” Spencer asks, a specific lilt in his voice, as he grins playfully at me, and I look at him, still confused. 
“No, but I swear- I did put it back.” I say, looking through the cards in front of me one last time. 
“That’s strange.” Spencer responds, beginning to think. “Do you mind if I just..” He suddenly took a step closer, invading my personal space in such a swift manner, I barely had time to process what was going on.
I could feel his breath hitting me from above, as I turned my gaze up at the man in front of me. I could see him clearer, this way. The way his brown eyes watched me as well, the pink of his lips, the way his soft hair fell across his forehead. He reached forward, causing my breath to hitch before he slowly found my hat, lifting it from my head. 
“(Y/N), do you mind checking your hat for a moment?” He says, giving me the article of clothing. 
“Oh, I-” I stutter a bit, before taking the hat from his hands slowly and looking inside, seeing- 
No fucking way. 
I pulled out the two of hearts, which had somehow found its way into my hat. 
“How- You-” I say, before he stops me.
“Show the card to the audience.” He says, grinning, and I do. 
“That’s your card, isn’t it?” He muses, and I nod, absolutely dumbstruck. 
He gives a little smirk. “Take a bow. For being such a good assistant, you know.” He says, and I bow my head a little, still trying to wrap my head around how he managed to do the trick in the first place. 
The little group around us gave small claps and dispersed once the trick was over, leaving me and Spencer alone. 
“So..” I start, but he laughs and interrupts.
“Before you ask me, no. I will not tell you how I did that.” He says, almost reading my mind. 
“Come on!” I say, grinning. “You have to. That’s- that’s impossible.” I stammer. 
“I just did it, didn’t I?” He says, with a bit of cockiness in his voice, which made him even more attractive than before. 
“Okay but- No way!” I say, trying to think. “You must’ve planted it there. Or-” 
“I planted the card in a hat that had been on your head the whole time?” He responds, raising an eyebrow playfully. 
“No ‘buts’.” He says, smiling. “It’s just magic. And a magician never reveals his-” 
“I swear, if you finish that cliched sentence..” I warn. 
He raises his hands up in surrender, that boyish grin still gracing his face. “Okay! Okay! It’s true though.” He adds, and I find myself rolling my eyes.
He notices my displeasure, and laughs a bit. “Okay, tell you what. What if I taught you how to do the trick? That way I’m technically not flat-out telling you how to do the trick.” He says, and I nod, excited. 
“Wait- yeah. I would do that, in a heartbeat.” I respond, and he looks animated at the prospect. 
“It’s a bit loud here.” He says, raising his voice a little over the music in the bar. “I know we just met but- uh. Would you wanna come to my apartment?” He asks, a bit hesitant. “In the name of magic.” 
I watched his expression carefully, and saw the implicit desire painted in his eyes.
Wow. This costume must’ve worked a lot better than I expected. 
“I wouldn’t mind that.” I respond, sweetly. “Lead the way, magic man.” I say, a bit teasingly. There was something exhilarating about knowing that there was a good possibility he wanted me, the same way I found myself wanting him. 
He smiles, offering his arm to me as we walk out of the bar together. He leads me to his car, opening the door of the passenger seat to me like a true gentleman, and I smile, getting in. He starts the vehicle, beginning to drive away from the bar. 
“Have you always done magic?” I ask, attempting to start a conversation with the man next to me, who was still a near stranger at this point. 
He laughs a bit. “Yeah, actually. Before I ever started working for the FBI, I learned as a kid.” 
“What do you like about magic?” I ask, a little lamely, still trying to continue the flow of discussion between us, making an effort to know him better. 
He shrugs, keeping his eyes on the road. “Well, I don’t know. I didn’t have too many friends growing up, so when I did.. I liked to entertain them.” He lets out a dry chuckle, a bit self conscious. I listened intently, finding myself more intrigued by him as he opened himself up to me. “It sounds silly, but I’ve always just enjoyed the feeling of making someone feel.. wonder.. amazement..?” He adds, hesitantly. “It’s just nice.” He finishes.
“That was probably way too personal for a question about magic, huh?” He says, after a moment. 
I shake my head. “No! No. That’s a great reason. Probably better than anything I could ever come up with for any of my own hobbies.” I say, trying to make him feel at ease, the way he had for me before. 
He smiles gratefully. “Thanks.” 
“So about that trick..” I start, grinning. 
“I’m not telling you how I did it!” He says, laughing. “You gotta work for it.” 
“Oh, come on.” I exclaim, before pausing.
“Okay, tell me this. How many ways can you do that trick? Is it only with specific cards?” 
“Nope.” He responds. “I can do that trick 52 ways. It’s all in the hands” He says, a little bit of pride in his voice. 
“52 ways, huh?” I say, grinning. “My god, Spencer Reid. You must be really good with your hands then.” I say, trying to flirt just a bit.
“Oh, you have no idea.” He responds, and for a second, I hear a hint of lust in his voice, and I realize I wasn't insane for thinking he wanted me back. I could feel his tone causing my cheeks to heat up, and my panties getting wetter in an instant.
“Oh?” I respond, my voice suddenly hoarse. 
“Yeah.” He responds, voice a bit deeper than before. 
“I’m sure you could show me once you get to your apartment.” I say boldly, testing the waters and I see him lick his lips, nodding. 
“I’d like that.” He responds, gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter, driving a bit faster than before. 
As soon as we made it past his front door, Spencer was pushing me against the wall, planting his lips on mine in a frenzy, as my hands went to take off his coat, both of our intentions clear at this moment. 
His hands trailed down to my waist, pulling me closer against him to the point where I could feel his erection pressing against my thigh. The sensation caused me to moan, and he took the opportunity to sneak his tongue into my mouth, exploring as we continued to seek pleasure from the other, not paying mind to the consequences of our spontaneity. 
His hands began to move to the zipper of my leotard, slowly pulling it down as my hands went to his belt, undoing it as quickly as I could. I felt something in the pockets of his slacks, and pulled it out to reveal a pair of handcuffs. 
“Not my government issued ones. They're apart of the costume gear” He says, immediately, beginning to kiss at my neck. “We could use them, if you want.” He murmurs, his hot breath right at the hollow of my collarbone. 
I breathed in sharply, nodding. “Oh, god. Yes.” I could feel him pulling me by my hips, his lips never leaving the expanse of my skin as he pushed me onto his bed, caging me in between his arms as he continued with his ministrations. 
I could hear the soft moans of pleasure drawing out from my lips, my eyes fluttering shut. For an instant, I couldn’t feel his presence on me, until my hands were being raised above my head, and the small “snap” of handcuffs could be heard against me. I watched him, his gaze determined and lustful, checking the handcuffs to make sure they weren’t too tight, but that I couldn’t escape. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He murmurs, beginning to kiss my fingertips, and making his way down my arm. He finally manages to pull off my leotard, and in a moment of what I could only describe as carnal desire, he rips open my stockings, discarding them on the floor as he made his way to the growing wet spot on my panties. 
“I’ll buy you new ones.” He growls, his breath hitting my wet heat, and I moaned at the sensation alone. He slid my panties down, leaving me entirely bare while he stayed mostly clothed, only adding to the appeal of our encounter. 
He settled in between my legs, and I watched him, my breath coming out in short, small gasps. 
“I need to taste you.” He murmurs, and I nod.
That’s all it takes, and he’s nearly devouring at my cunt. I can feel his tongue everywhere, languidly working at my sex before circling around my clit. I throw my head back, and feel my hands itching to grab at his hair, to grind against his mouth. It’s like he could feel my desperation, smirking against me. 
“Patience.” He murmurs, and I grumble a bit, but the annoyance quickly dissipates as he moves to suck around my clit, causing an entirely new slew of sensations to rack my body. I can feel myself writhing, and he hooks his hands under my thighs to keep me in place. Before I can even tell him, I’m coming against his face, my body convulsing in his touch as he continued to eat me out like he couldn’t get enough. 
He only stopped when I weakly moaned his name, looking up at me through my thighs, my wetness coating his chin. “Please- I need you.” I say, trying to now fulfill the growing ache that came from being so painstakingly empty. He nodded, understanding me immediately and moving to undo the handcuffs. Immediately, my hands wrap around his neck as I feel him free his cock from the confines of his briefs, and I briefly glance down, taking note of his size, and knowing how well I’d be fucked in a few brief moments. 
He guided his member to my aching cunt, and pushed into me, inch by inch. I could feel my breath snatched away in an instant, as my jaw dropped in a quiet moan. He seemed to enjoy the sensation of entering me as well, his eyes closing in concentration. 
“So warm.. so perfect.” He murmurs, moving down to kiss my jaw. “Can I move? Can I please move?” He begs, the neediness in his voice apparent. 
I nod, feverishly. “Yes. Please.” 
He immediately starts moving in a fast pace, using a strength I didn't know he had in him. I could feel myself shifting up the bed with every thrust he pummeled into me, and every movement of his hips only elicited longer, louder moans. It seemed to spur him on, as he pushed my legs to my chest to gain an even deeper angle, which had me screaming in pleasure at that point. 
“I’m not gonna last..” He moans out, and I nod, indicating we were in the same boat. His hand slipped in between our bodies, finding my clit in an attempt to have me finish before him. 
“Please, pretty girl.” He moans, his movements never letting up. “Come for me.” 
I do, feeling myself tighten around his cock, as my walls spasmed all around. It seemed to push him towards his release as well, as I felt his warmth seep into my deepest point. He pulled out of me, exhausted, laying beside me on the bed. 
His hands reached over for me, and I made my way into his arms, laying my head on his chest, feeling our rapid heartbeats calm down together after our act of passion. His chest rises up and down, as does mine, and we bask in the afterglow of what just took place. 
“We never did get to that magic trick.” I say, finally speaking, my words coming out a little breathlessly. 
I can feel his laughter as he places a tender kiss to the top of my head, as if we’d done this a thousand times before. “After that, I’ll teach you whatever you want. Sure you could teach me a thing or two too, hmm?"  
“Deal.” I say, closing my eyes and relaxing in the warmth of a man that was no longer as stranger than before. 
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wow!! sorry for disappearing on you guys like that!! idk how long it's been since my last post, all i know it's been a while and i'm very deeply sorry!! i hope this makes up for it. i actually wrote this as a submission to @imagining-in-the-margins 's meet cute challenge, so! fun fun fun. please reblog, like, comment, or whatever!! i genuinely love seeing what everyone has to think . just as a warning, my posting may get sporadic for the next month or so, but i promise by december we're gonna be on that weekly fic grind. again, so sorry for the sudden disappearance!!! i appreciate everyone very much for their patience!!!!
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