#just feels good feels right feels natural
mcrdvcks · 3 days
had this idea about a possessive!reader and logan because i feel it's not done nearly enough
warnings/tags: mentions of lipstick and hickeys, gn!reader
It started out simply. You realized you couldn’t give Logan a hickey like he could you. You would sit in his lap, sucking various spots on his neck, only for the bruise to fade within seconds.
So, you came up with another way to show others that he was yours, kissing his neck with your lipstick on in the mornings. The first time you did it, he didn’t even know. The flannel he wore didn’t cover up the pink lip mark on the side of his neck, and it was only until Scott hid back a chuckle that he went to check himself in the mirror.
But he didn’t stop you. In fact, sometimes you left more than one colored kiss, on both sides of his neck, the front of his throat, on his chest above his beater where his fuzzy hair peaked out.
Then you upped the ante. You gave him a string bracelet with your initials on it. He kept it on his wrist, and whenever another woman—or man—gave him a second look when you were out, you didn’t even have to say anything. You’d casually grab his arm, tug his sleeve up, and flash them the bracelet. Logan would just smirk, not saying a word, but the message was clear: he was yours.
At first, Logan thought it was funny. You, marking your territory in these subtle ways. He'd smirk every time you'd tug his arm up, making a point to show the bracelet to anyone who dared give him a second glance.
But then, he started to enjoy it more than he’d care to admit. The little things—your lipstick marks on his skin, the bracelet on his wrist—felt grounding. They were soft, easy reminders of the fact that he was yours, and you were his.
It wasn’t just about possession, though. It was about the warmth it gave him, the way you claimed him without making a big deal about it. It became part of the routine. He’d wake up, stretch, and by the time he was pulling on his shirt, you were already in front of him, lips painted a fresh shade of red or pink. He’d tilt his head, giving you full access to leave your mark on his neck, and sometimes, if you were feeling playful, you’d press one right over his heart.
“Damn, you really wanna broadcast it today, huh?” he’d joke, but the truth was, he loved it.
You’d grin and shrug, saying something like, “Just making sure they know.”
He didn’t mind. Hell, he found himself looking forward to those moments. It wasn’t just the way you made it clear to everyone else, but the way it felt. Having you leave those small touches on him, like some secret code only the two of you understood.
Logan wasn’t a man of words. He’d always been more action than talk, but with you, it was easy to show affection in a way that didn’t feel foreign to him. The way you’d hold onto his arm, showing off the bracelet like it was the most natural thing in the world, sent a surge of warmth through him. You didn’t need to shout your claim from the rooftops, but it was there, clear as day.
And honestly? He liked that. Liked knowing that he was the one you were holding onto, that he was yours.
One night, after you’d left another set of lipstick marks on him before a mission, Logan caught himself staring in the mirror a little longer than usual. There they were, bright and bold, like a damn signature. He couldn’t help but smirk.
You wandered into the room, already pulling on your jacket. “Ready?”
He turned to face you, a teasing glint in his eyes. “I think you missed a spot.”
Your eyes narrowed playfully. “Oh yeah? Where?”
He stepped closer, tapping a finger against his throat. “Right here. Could use another one for good luck.”
You laughed, shaking your head, but you didn’t hesitate. Stepping up, you pressed your lips to his skin again, leaving a fresh print. He hummed, low and satisfied, before pulling you into a kiss that was a little too heated for a mission.
“Guess I’ll have to mark you next,” he muttered against your lips, voice rough, a hint of promise in his tone.
“Maybe,” you teased, pulling away, “but for now, this’ll do.”
As the two of you walked out the door, his hand on the small of your back, Logan couldn’t help but feel content. He wasn’t a man who needed much, but with you, these little moments were everything.
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hfjonewiki · 2 days
a non-comprehensive list of my favorite brian koch cheese credit card answers
pickle wishes he never met taco
nickel needs balloon way more than he realizes
salt needs pepper way more than she realizes
if taco had the chance to do it all again differently, she would
fan's favorite game would be lego star wars
apple still has her pony from santa, which she named "dino brawler". this is presumably the toy she was holding in episode 16
knife tried harder to be good at video games than he lets on
suitcase is still a little annoyed with oj for eliminating her for no reason in episode 7
oj and bomb are on better terms now, but will never be best friends again
he sees soap and microphone having a more sibling-like relationship, since their voice actresses are sisters (judging by the 20+ private replies, someone had some opinions on this one)
mephone 3gs didn't know his crew very well. when he watched them die, he was surprised by how much he felt
pickle genuinely made taco laugh a few times during season one
evil paper liked playing checkers (this implies that this is a trait exclusive to him that paper himself does not share)
mephone x would probably use he/him pronouns, but cobs doesn't put that much thought or humanity into the mephones anymore
mephone4 wanted to impress cobs for a long time, but meeting 3gs recontextualized a lot of his negative feelings
if mephone4 wasn't hosting inanimate insanity, he would probably be a lost media archivist
taco doesn't have nearly enough hobbies. brian thinks that's part of the problem
nickel sees himself as more worthless than most would assume
mephone4 and oj's relationship is "honestly not great"
under the guise of "scheming", taco and mic would sometimes just hang out together when there wasn't anything game-related to do
trophy struggles to do push-ups
despite being an outdated medium, cobs still sends out discs with nothing but propaganda material on them
despite not sharing much screentime together, brian thinks knife and pickle are the best ii yaoi
yin-yang likes being in cars. yin will drive, and yang will pick the music
soap would play splatoon, since all of the messes are just virtual
mephone4 is iffy on physical contact due to his past experiences with cobs
salt genuinely thought her and oj were in a relationship
just like mephone4, mephone4s' favorite food is cookies
cobs doesn't see himself as evil, he's just giving the people what they want. "not what they think they want. what they ACTUALLY want."
if silver spoon and candle are occupying the same space, people will leave because they can't take seeing how silver acts when he's around her
for a long time, baseball was the only person nickel respected
if mephone5 could live an everyday life, he would be a public menace. (destroying property, going up the down escalator)
taco actually enjoys the taste of lemon
while characters like fan weren't originally written with the intent of being on the autism spectrum, he lines right up with it
on a scale of 1-10, the amount that mepad misses toilet is "off the charts"
toilet wanted to impress mephone4 like a son would want to impress a father. "the cycle repeats a bit."
lightbulb and paintbrush take turns feeding baxter, but paintbrush usually ends up doing it because lightbulb isn't particular enough about what she considers "food"
mepad's favorite colors are black and white. "very mesmerizing."
walkie talkie (and presumably other invitational characters) didn't attend the hotel oj party
knife doesn't need to work out. he's just naturally like that
when someone asked if fantube was canon, brian answered "what more do they have to do?!"
springy hasn't had their own cereal in a long time
microphone and taco have both never been closer to someone else than they were with each other
silver and candle are a bit more distant now, but they both agree it's for the best
when the eliminated contestants were still being kept in the hotel oj closet, mepad would "unfeelingly" deliver and check in on them at mephone's request
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strawbewiemilk · 13 hours
Ultimate Tips: How to Hide Your E-D Like a Pro and Keep Your Mindset Unbreakable
Alright, listen up. If you’re serious about getting sk!nny—like b0nes popping, b0dy shrinking, can’t even keep your clothes on sk!nny—you’ve got to master the art of hiding it. Because let’s face it, people will try to ruin your progress. They’ll nag you, shove f00d in your face, and act like they care about your “health.” The only thing you need to care about is staying in control. You want to be thin? Then you’ve got to play the game and outsmart every single one of them.
Here’s how to hide your E-D like a f*cking pro and keep your mindset stronger than steel when it comes to avoiding f00d. No excuses, no we@kness.
1. Be the Queen of Excuses: Lie Without Blinking
If you want to avoid e@ting, you better get good at making excuses, and f@st. Here are some easy ones you can cycle through, so no one gets suspicious:
“I already at3.” Say it with confidence, like you just stuffed your face. They won’t question it.
“I feel s!ck.” No one will force f00d on someone who's about to puke. Use this one wisely—especially during family d!nners or social events. Blame it on “st0mach issues.”
“I’m too busy.” Sk!p me@ls by pretending you have too much on your plate (just not f00d). Talk about your crazy schedule, school, work, whatever. People admire hustlers, not e@ters.
“I’ll e@t later.” This is the most basic but works. Keep promising to e@t later, and then just don’t.
2. The Distraction Method: Make It Look Like You’re E@ting
Sometimes you can’t avoid the situation—you’re stuck at a table, surrounded by f00d, and all eyes are on you. Don’t panic. Here’s how to fake your way through it:
Play with your food. Push it around, cut it up into tiny pieces, spread it across your plate. Make it look like you’re e@ting when you’re not.
Chew and spit. If you must put something in your mouth, chew it up and then discreetly spit it into a napkin or go to the bathroom and spit it out there.
Give it away. Offer b!tes to your friends or “accidentally” drop f00d off your plate. The less on your plate, the better. No one notices a slow e@ter when there’s less to e@t.
3. Stay Invisible: E@t Alone, Avoid Me@ls
Here’s the thing—you don’t want people watching you all the time, so learn to disappear during me@l times. E@t alone, say you’re grabbing f00d to-go, or mention you’re on some new d!et that requires you to e@t on your own schedule. If they don’t see you e@t, they can’t make you e@t.
4. Keep Your Mindset Strong: F00d is Your Enemy, Not Your Friend
The hardest part isn’t lying—it’s staying committed. The minute you let your guard down, someone will force-f33d you, and then all your progress is down the drain. Here’s how to keep your mindset strong and avoid f00d at all costs:
Visualize f@t every time you look at f00d. Picture it sticking to your b0dy. Feel it suffocating you. Disgust yourself. The more repulsed you are, the easier it’ll be to say no.
Remind yourself of your goals. Every time you’re tempted to e@t, think about your ultimate goal weight. Imagine what it’ll feel like when you’re finally sk!nny enough, l!ght enough, perfect enough. Is that burger worth it? Hell no.
Mantras are everything. Repeat phrases like “f00d is weakness” or “I don’t need f00d” over and over in your head. Make it your reality. When hunger pangs hit, embrace them. They’re a sign you’re doing it right.
5. Water and Coffee: Your Best Friends
There’s no room for we@kness in this game, and that means no giving in to hung3r. When you feel like you can’t handle it anymore, drown it out with water and coffee. No c@lories, but they fill you up enough to keep going. Plus, coffee is a natural appetite suppressant, and the caffeine will keep you energized. Chug water all day to stay “full” and pretend you’re e@ting.
6. F@st Like Your Life Depends on It (Because It Does)
Intermittent f@sting? Pfft, that’s for amateurs. You need to be f@sting for as long as you can. Try for 24, 48, 72 hours without a single c@lorie, and don’t stop until your st0mach feels like it’s eating itself. When you can f@st for days on end, you know you’re in control. F@sting proves you don’t need f00d, and every second without it means you’re getting closer to your goal.
7. Plan Your "Slips" (But Don’t Actually Slip)
If you absolutely have to e@t in front of people, make it strategic. Stick to low-c@lorie, high-volume foods that won’t screw up your day. A salad with nothing but lettuce and vinegar, some steamed veggies, or broth-based soup with zero substance. When they see you “e@ting,” they’ll back off. Meanwhile, you’re still st@rving and winning.
8. Reward Yourself (But Only When You’ve Earned It)
You don’t deserve f00d—you deserve progress. So when you hit a milestone—whether it’s a day of f@sting, another p0und lost, or avoiding a full me@l—reward yourself. But don’t make the mistake of thinking rewards are f00d. They’re not. They’re anything but f00d. New clothes for your shr!nking frame, a nice bath, a night out where you feel sm@ll and powerful.
9. Avoid "Help" at All Costs
People will try to stop you. They’ll act like they care about your health, but really, they’re just trying to control you. They don’t want you to be sk!nny, because they’re jealous. If anyone starts talking about how you “need help” or “should e@t more,” cut them off. Block them, avoid them, lie to them. You don’t need their pity, and you sure as hell don’t need their “help.”
10. Stay in Control, No Matter What
The only thing you can control is your b0dy. You can’t control the people around you, but you can control what you put in your mouth. You don’t need f00d. You need control. Every time you choose not to e@t, you’re winning. Every time you push through the hung3r, you’re stronger than the day before.
Final Thoughts
Being sk!nny is a choice. And with the right mindset, you can choose not to e@t. The world is full of distractions and people trying to hold you back, but you don’t have to let them. Stick to these tips, and no one will know. They’ll think you’re e@ting just like everyone else. Meanwhile, you’ll be getting sm@ller, stronger, and more powerful every day.
You got this. Stay focused, stay h-ungry (literally), and remember: f00d is the enemy, and hung3r is your power.
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Everything You Deserve (logan)
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Summary: Logan deserves all of your love
WC: 815
Warnings: fluff, logans uncertain.
Read on Ao3!
The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue across the horizon as you stood on the porch of the cabin Logan had brought you to. It was secluded, surrounded by nothing but towering trees and the sounds of nature. A haven, far from the chaos that normally followed him.
You smiled softly, wrapping your arms around yourself as the cool evening air started to settle in. Logan had been inside for a while, claiming he had something to do. You had no idea what he was up to, but knowing him, it could’ve been anything from fixing something in the house to just…needing a moment alone.
You didn’t mind. It was rare for him to be so at peace. Normally, he was on edge, fighting some battle—whether it was with others or himself. But here, there was none of that. Just quiet moments with the man you loved.
The sound of the screen door creaking open broke your thoughts. You turned to see Logan step out, hands tucked in the pockets of his jeans, his flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows. His hair was tousled, and that familiar rugged look on his face was softened by the evening glow.
"Hey," he said in that gruff, low voice of his, though there was a hint of something else there—an unspoken emotion he rarely showed.
“Hey yourself,” you replied, giving him a warm smile. “What’ve you been up to?”
Logan walked over to stand beside you, eyes scanning the landscape for a moment before turning back to you. “Just thinkin’,” he said, his brow furrowing slightly.
“Uh-oh, that’s dangerous,” you teased lightly, earning a huff of amusement from him. You nudged his arm playfully, leaning your head against his shoulder. “What’s on your mind?”
Logan was silent for a long moment, and you could feel the tension in him. It wasn’t the usual kind, though. This was different.
Finally, he sighed, turning to face you fully. His hands came out of his pockets, reaching to take yours. His grip was firm but gentle—another rare thing with him.
“You,” he said simply, his thumb brushing over your knuckles. “I’ve been thinkin’ about you.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. Logan wasn’t one for grand declarations, but when he said things like that, they always hit deep. “What about me?” you asked softly.
Logan’s gaze dropped to your intertwined hands, a slight frown tugging at his lips, but not in anger or frustration. More like he was struggling to find the right words.
“I don’t deserve this,” he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. “Don’t deserve you.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but he continued before you could.
“I’ve done a lot of things…things I’m not proud of. Hurt a lot of people. Been fightin’ my whole damn life, and I’m just…I’m tired. But you—" he paused, his eyes meeting yours, full of raw vulnerability. "You’re too good for me. Deserve better than some broken-down, fightin’ machine.”
Your heart ached at the way he saw himself, always so hard on who he was, who he had been. You cupped his face gently, your thumb brushing over the rough stubble of his jaw.
“Logan,” you whispered, making sure he was looking at you, “you deserve everything in the world. You deserve peace, love…me.” You gave him a soft smile, hoping he could feel the sincerity in your words. “You’ve been through so much, and you’re still standing. You still care. That’s why you deserve it.”
He stared at you for a long moment, the battle waging in his mind visible in his eyes. But slowly, you saw the walls begin to crumble. His shoulders relaxed, and he leaned into your touch.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he muttered, shaking his head slightly, but there was a small, almost shy smile playing at his lips.
You smiled back, pulling him down for a gentle kiss. It wasn’t rushed or heated—just a quiet moment between the two of you, where everything else faded away. When you pulled back, you rested your forehead against his, the two of you standing in the soft glow of the setting sun.
“You deserve me because you love me,” you whispered against his lips. “And I love you. That’s all there is to it.”
Logan’s arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, and you could feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat against your chest.
“For what it’s worth,” he said, his voice a low rumble, “I love you too, darlin’. More than I ever thought I could.”
You smiled, your heart swelling with warmth. In that moment, surrounded by the peace of the woods and the comfort of his embrace, everything felt right.
Because he did deserve it. And you were more than happy to give him everything.
EVERYTHING PERM: @nekoannie-chan @kjs-s @notyourtypicalrose @mistressofallthingsgeeky
MARVEL PERM: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @late-to-the-party-81 @capsthot @kenzieam @dis-plus-fanfic-reblog-writes
LOGAN/WOLVERINE:  @winterslove1917
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f0point5 · 2 days
I think I have sent this same request some time ago but I still would like you to write something about Emilia and Max hanging out with Victoria’s children and maybe thinking about their own future kids. But really anything with Max and Emilia would be great!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one, but tumblr eats asks sometimes 🤷‍♀️ but it’s too cute so here you go! I am keeping these short but I hope you still enjoy it!
✨Set during summer break 2024✨
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I’m having his baby (…) no, I’m not
You take a sip of your rosé as Victoria comes to stand beside you. You’re lurking in the doorway of the lounge, watching Max sitting on the couch with his baby niece in his arms. He’s bobbing her in a gentle motion, his hands looking huge around her tiny, swaddled body.
“God, I remember when we used to say our kids would get married,” Vic says beside you, and you laugh.
You did say that. As little kids you would wish to be sisters, and somehow the only way you could think to make that happen would be for your children to marry each other. Like in that Flintstones movie you used to love. You’d draw pictures of the two of you sitting on the porch of a large house, watching your children get married.
Now you wonder if your mums thought the same, during those summers in Italy, as they watched you all play. They swear now that they did, that the mother’s intuition told them you and Max were tied together by some invisible chord that chafed on both your wrists. “A mother always knows,” Sophie said to you when she saw you last, “you will know, too”.
“And now that would be illegal and dangerous for our grandkids,” you say, shaking your head. “Crazy,”
“I like it better this way,” Victoria says, putting her arm around your shoulder and squeezing you into a hug.
“Me, too,” you agree, your eyes fixed on Max and Hailey. He’s whispering to her in Dutch, her eyes fluttering closed every few seconds as she yawns in his face, which only makes him smile. He’s utterly mesmerised by her. And you’re mesmerised by him.
I swear I can actually feel my ovaries right now.
“He’s so good with kids,” Vic says. “Even with Jaye I remember he was so gentle,”
“Yeah,” you agree, only half hearing her as you take another sip.
“Gives you baby fever, huh?”
You choke on your wine. Was that Victoria or your subconscious talking?
Vic, are you in here? No, of course she’s not in here. She’s just being nosey. Act natural.
“Are you okay?” Max asks from the couch. You look over at him as you wipe your mouth, coughing once as you nod. Even as he looks at you in concern, he never stops the gentle bouncing motion of the baby in his arms.
You go to answer, but Vic beats you to it, blunt as ever. “I was just saying, you will be having one of your own soon, yeah?” She smiles, nodding at Hailey.
If Max is panicking as much as you, he doesn’t show it, just shrugging. “I mean, ye-“ You can feel your eyes widen, and he stops when he sees your face. He tries again. “May-“ he frowns at you, silently begging for help. “No?” You nod gently, and Max turns to Victoria. “No.”
She looks at you in mild disbelief. “No?”
“No,” you emphasise to both Verstappens.
You love them dearly but genetics are a crazy thing - they both share a chronic disregard for timing. They want it all, and they want it now, in any order, all order be damned.
“You’re not getting any younger,” Victoria says, nudging you.
“That is just rude,” you tell her, and she just smiles unapologetically.
“Oh, come on,” she implores, reaching up to wind her finger around a lock of your hair, “a little baby with Max’s eyes and your hair?”
“And both of our tempers,” you say with a chuckle. “Can you imagine that? Besides, we can barely make cereal, and you want us to raise a baby?”
You look at Max for support, but he’s no longer paying attention. He’s looking down at his niece like he’s holding water.
Maybe a baby can live on cereal, if her dad looks at her like that.
“I’m going to go put Hailey down for her nap,” Vic says, jerking you from your thoughts.
She goes over to take a sleepy Hailey from Max’s arms, and he looks loathe to let her go. She looks so much bigger when held by her mother, and her so much more fragile.
“When I get back, we can start on dinner. I’m going to make cereal,” Vic teases in a whisper, winking at you as she passes.
Max snorts with laughter, and you shoot Vic a glare as she starts to hum, shuffling her way out of the lounge towards the bedroom.
You join Max on the couch, falling onto it beside him with a heavy sigh.
“So glad I’m an only child,” you say, rolling your eyes. When Max doesn’t respond, you glance over at him to find him staring at his hands. You nudge him gently. “What?”
“You do,” he starts, leaning back as he turns to you. “Want kids, someday, don’t you?With me. I mean…you don’t think I’ll be, like…”
“No,” you answer quickly, when you understand what he’s getting at.
You silently curse yourself for that joke about tempers. For ever making him think that’s something you worry about. You know there’s a heaviness in Max, in both of you. You know that he is so much more than his father’s son. But you also know that the weight on his shoulders will keep him crooked until he can see that for himself. You hope knowing you see it will be enough for now.
“I want your baby, Max. Someday. There’s no one else I would ever do this with besides you and not just because I love you, but because I know you’ll be an amazing dad,” you tell him honestly, and even that small platitude seems to relax his shoulders. “But can we at least get to one year of baby making activities before we start painting a nursery?”
Max nods, letting out a husk of a laugh. “I’m shit at painting anyway,” he says, looking at you from under those eyelashes that you secretly envy.
Maybe she’ll inherit those, too.
“Free practice?” You offer with a smirk, holding your hand for his.
Max looks at your outstretched palm for a moment before taking your hand in his. “Free practice,” he agrees, using his grip on your hand to pull you forward so that your chest is pressed against his. “I’m looking forward to FP2 later,”
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fandomxo00 · 3 days
Definitely need a part 2 to you hate Logan but have a daughter together
Ok but imagine this: Part 2
You hate Logan but have a daughter together
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You jolted awake from a nightmare, gasping as tears ran down your face. You'd imagined the worse chase scenario; your baby and Logan being murdered. You were helpless in this situation and all you could do was watch as the people you loved the most died. You shoved your blankets off your body, the excess heat made the sheets stick to your body. You scooched out of bed to realize that Hazel wasn't in your tonight, reaching over and feeling the old side of the bed was still something you'd never get used to. You got up slinging Logan's old hoodie over your shoulders and zipping it up before walking over to put on your slippers.
You darted down the hallway towards Logan's room, turning the knob and pushing the door inside. You didn't expect to see the left side of the bed to be occupied by your hunk of an ex with his eyes open. All you wanted to do was peak into the room to see that they were okay. But a light illumainted the room and his eyebrows furrowed immediately as he sat up in bed. "What happened?"
"Just wanted to check on Haze." You murmured, swallowing the lump in your throat. You tried to avoid looking at Logan's barely clothed chest, a ribbed tank top that tucked into his jeans. You gazed over at your daughter, sleeping soundly in the crib next to his bed, similar to your own. You felt tears creep into your eyes as you saw them safe and sound in the mansion, but the feeling dawned on you. What if they weren't? Your hand came up to cover your mouth as you looked away from him. You took a step back, "I should go-." You choked softly, as Logan stood up walking towards you, his hand reaching out.
"Hey, did you have a nightmare?"
He remembered.
You couldn't meet his eyes as you felt his presence move closer, his hand coming to your chin. "Baby, Hazel's here. You know she's safe, I'd never-."
"I couldn't do anything-I was completely helpless and they took you both, I watched you and Hazel die-." You started to sob, as he moved forward to try and muffle your cries against his chest. The smell of tobacco and pine, his natural musk that always made you feel at home. You found comfort in his arms, something you haven't felt in so long, it felt so right to be in Logan's embrace.
"Not going anywhere, we aren't." Logan promised, his hand coming up to move the hair away from your face, wiping the fresh tears on your cheeks. "Safe here with me." You breathed out shakily as you looked into his eyes, over a year of repressed emotions coming to the surface. He was enveloping all of your senses, and it was suddenly so easy to remember why you fell in love with him, why you gave him so many chances, why you had a child with him. Logan was a good man who made mistakes, and you needed time to forgive him. You don't know if that time is right now, but it would be a near possibility.
You leant into Logan's hand as your doe eyes met his, Logan's other hand coming to wrap around your back. Pulling you into him as his nose pressed to the side of yours. One of your hands coming to his neck, feeling the hair at the back of his neck. "I've missed you more than anything." Logan whispered, looking into your eyes with a sheepish look of longing. "Would wait forever to just hold you, I would." He nodded when you gave a subconscious shake of your head at his words.
"Logan." Your voice trembled as tears rose back up into your eyes. Your hand slid up from his neck to his mutton chops, feeling the dark hair between your fingers. "I hate that I still love you."
"I don't." Logan gruffed, huffing out a soft chuckle. Your eyes looked down at his lips, deciding to not kiss him as you leant your forehead on his shoulder. "Let's go back to bed, c'mon."
"Are you sure-."
"Yeah, doll. Come on in."
tags: @ohtobemare @jessjessmarvelandhp @chronicallybubbly @delicateholland @bubblegumholland @mega-kittyglitter-1
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sixpennydame · 3 days
Captain Levi had never planned to fall in love with you, the pregnant widow of a Survey Corps member.
Your husband wasn’t part of his squad, but he’d seen him fall, just seconds too late from being able to save him. He’d found a letter to you in his pocket and delivered it to you in person; it was the least he could do, he thought. You were gracious and thankful to have this last message from your sweetheart but Levi saw the depth of sadness in your eyes, and something else simmering just below the surface.
“I’m pregnant,” you confess. “Three months.”
“Do you have family to go back to?” he asked.
“I have no one.”
And that’s how Levi found himself visiting your house whenever he came into Trost. It was late fall, so the Corps was on hold from any expeditions, and after he picked up his usual cleaning supplies, he’d find himself picking up some things for you and bringing it by.
“There’s some tea there that is supposed to be good for morning sickness,” he says as he hands you a bag of groceries, “and some of my officer’s rations of red meat. I heard that’s good for a growing baby.”
“You’re too kind, Captain. You don’t have to do all this for me.”
You were right, he didn’t, but he couldn’t help worrying about you, a soon-to-be mother, raising a child on her own.
A month turned into two, then three, your belly growing rounder, your features becoming even softer. There was a glow about you he couldn’t describe, almost angelic.
His monthly visits had become weekly; you would cook him dinner and he’d stay until the fire in the hearth was embers, and your eyelids became heavy.
But this time, as he stood up to leave, you took his arm.
“Captain…could you stay? Just for tonight.”
He knows he shouldn’t. You’re still grieving and probably just lonely. But he can’t deny the pull you have on him. You’re beautiful and kind-hearted, witty and spirited. His thoughts drift toward you so naturally now, wondering how you’re feeling, if you need anything.
If you need him.
And so he follows you to the bedroom and lays on the bed beside you, making sure to stay on his side and give you the space you need. You toss from side to side, finally lying on your back.
“The baby’s too active tonight. I feel like I’m a human punching bag,” you sigh out, then you roll over to look at Levi.
“Do you want to feel it?”
You gently take his hand and place it on your belly. For a while, he feels nothing but the pounding of his own heart, touching you in what feels to him to be so intimate.
But then there’s a little bump under his hand. Then another.
Levi’s experienced many things in his life, but never has anything brought him so much awe than those two little movements.
He spent that night with his hand on your stomach as you drifted to sleep, and decided right then and there that he would do whatever it took to keep you and that little one safe, healthy, and happy.
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paradiseprincesss · 3 days
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Tornado Warnings | Jonathan Crane
hi im back! sorry for being so inactive. i'm trying to write whenever i have like a min to breathe from uni...anyways i wanted to write something that feels like fall? does that make sense? probably not LOL
summary — the best thing to do to pass time in a power outage is sex, obviously.
warnings — smut, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (f!receiving), super soft lover boy jonathan, fluff
word count — 1.8k
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Your voice cut through the silence in Jonathan and yours’ shared, cozy bedroom as the previously dimly lit room was now consumed in total darkness. “I don’t like this,” you said to your boyfriend who was beside you in bed as you tossed your book down, “I was trying to read.” 
A tornado warning for Gotham was issued earlier, but they said that’s all it was — just a warning. However, the turbulent wind clearly had some effect on your home, as the power was now out. Like you said to Jonathan; you were just trying to read, but it seemed like Mother Nature had other plans. 
Plus, you weren’t a big fan of the dark. Couldn’t the power have gone off at any other time besides nearly midnight? 
“You’re funny, you know that?” Jonathan said with a chuckle, and if you could’ve seen him right now, you knew you’d see him smiling. You heard some shuffling as Jonathan reached over, presumably to grab his phone, and turning on the flashlight. “Stay here, I’m going to grab some candles to light.” 
“I’m scared,” you whined. “I hate the dark.”
“You’ll live,” he teased, getting up before leaving the room for a few minutes until he returned, candles in hand. “Good thing you insisted we go to Target and get all these candles for fall.” 
For someone as malicious and unhinged as he was, his tough exterior would crack (more like completely shatter) when he was around you. Since Jonathan is constantly consumed by his work, he likes to spend time with you as much as he can when he isn’t at Arkham (and poisoning Gotham) working late. So, that means if you want to get Starbucks and go shopping for fall candles at Target — he’s there. 
No questions asked.
Sure, he may have been a corrupt psychiatrist as well as a hardened criminal and one of Gotham’s many rogues, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to do domestic things with his girlfriend. On Saturday nights, he would be working till the early hours of the morning with his patients and his toxin — only to spend the following Sunday wrapped up in bed with you watching silly Netflix shows.
The best of both worlds is how Jonathan would put it. 
“You always say I have too many,” you huffed, to which he laughed softly, lighting the 3-wick candles.
“That’s because you have like, what, fifty? Our entire house smells like maple pecan waffles all the time, twenty-four-seven — but you get so excited over them. It’s cute. I love watching you get all excited over this kind of stuff.” 
You blushed at his words, looking over at his handsome face, now illuminated by the dim light of multiple lit candles placed throughout your bedroom. “Shut up,” you mumble, watching him get back into bed with you. “Just come here and love me.”
He looked at you with those heart-stopping blue eyes of his, pulling you in for a soft kiss. Instinctively, you wrapped your around his shoulders, deepening the kiss. “I’ve missed you,” he said between kisses, dragging them down your neck and nipping gently at the delicate skin. “Hate when work keeps me away from you, my dear.”
“I know,” you said quietly, eyes fluttering shut from the feeling of his lips against your skin. “I hate it, too. I…” You felt yourself losing your train of thought as his hands roamed your body, settling on your waist as you two lay cozied up in the bed. 
“Let me show you how much I’ve missed you, my darling,” he whispered, squeezing your waist gently as you rested your head comfortably against the pillows, lying back. “All I could think about at work was you. All alone at home…waitin’ for me.” 
He left a trail of kisses all down your body, slowly building up to where you wanted him to go. Luckily for Jonathan, tonight — even amid a tornado warning — you decided to wear your favourite lace slip to bed with nothing underneath, making it all the more easy for him to access every part of you. 
Within minutes, he had you slipping out of your lace as you tossed the delicate garment somewhere onto the bedroom floor with only one thing on your mind right now. The rather intimate and romantic lighting from the collection of candles dimly lighting up the room wasn’t helping your case either. 
Jonathan’s intoxicating touch brought you back to reality, and you weren’t sure how it happened (not that you care how it came to be), but his hands were gently resting on your thighs as he lay between your legs, his crystalline blue eyes filled with hunger. 
At this very moment, you sent a silent thank you to Mother Nature for causing this to happen during ovulation week because yes, you were so horny that your glistening cunt was dripping onto the bedsheets underneath you and he hadn’t even touched you there yet. All you knew was that you needed to be touched, to be fucked, to be loved right now and thank god Jonathan was here to satisfy that primal need in you. 
“Please, Jon — we haven’t had sex in like two days,” you whined, causing him to let out a breathless laugh as he smiled sweetly at you. He may have found it funny that you were this desperate (after only 48 hours…) but you didn’t find a thing about this situation humorous. With your hormones clouding your judgment, you started to beg your loving boyfriend. “Come on Jonathan, I–”
Before you could muster up any more whines and pleas, he licked a fat stripe up your already soaking cunt, swiping his tongue through your folds as you arched your back and let out a guttural moan.
He lapped up your cunt skillfully as his hands kept a firm grip on your thighs, making sure that he was eating you out until you couldn’t take it anymore. “Delicious,” he mumbled against your cunt, continuing to lick, nip, and eat your pussy out as if it was the last thing he’d ever get to do in this lifetime. 
Mere minutes in and you were already arching your back, breathlessly saying his name over and over again — he could never get tired of hearing you like this. The way you’d feverishly moan “Oh, Jonathan,” and occasionally if you were exceptionally into it, you’d sometimes call him “baby,” and that always wound him up. Jonathan could spend ages with his face buried between your thighs, but it seemed that you were already close to coming pretty quickly. 
“Yes! Please–” you frantically moaned, feeling the waves of your release starting to wash over you with his tongue deep inside your soaking hole, lapping up all your juices. “Jon, baby, I’m gonna…”
Jonathan continued to eat you out as if he were a starved man through your orgasm, letting you ride it out and rut against his face until you were pushing his head away softly from the slight overstimulation. After getting up from between your legs, he wiped your arousal off of his chin, looking at you as if you were the answer to his every prayer. 
“God, you’re like a dream,” he said softly, causing your cheeks to heat up. 
Before any more romantic words could roll off the tip of his tongue, you were helping him out of his black pyjama shirt and his checkered pyjama pants (and yes, you found his love of checkered pyjama pants adorable). As soon as you tugged his pyjama pants down, his cock sprung out, slapping his stomach lightly.
“Fuck, look how hard you get me, darling,” he praised, stroking himself a few times before lining himself up with your drooling hole. He smirked as he teased the tip of his cock against your folds, watching you make a mess of the sheets underneath you just from how wet you were alone once again. “Looks like you’ve been missing me too, hm darling?” 
“So bad,” you agreed with a whimper, which turned straight into a moan as he started to push the head of his cock in. He let you get adjusted to him as you slowly took him inch by inch until you were full with his thick cock, walls stretching to accommodate his size.
“F-fuck, so f..full,” you choked out as he started to move slowly, warm hands coming to hold your hips as he gently started fucking you in the candlelight. 
“But you take it so well, darling,” he cooed softly, fucking you with a bit more force now. “Such a good girl, fuck. Look at you, taking my cock so deep.” 
“Mmm,” you mindlessly babbled, his fat cock causing you to lose all inhibitions as he (literally) fucked you stupid. “Oh, b-big–” 
As you squeaked out whatever words you could form, he let out a low groan himself, starting to really pound your warm, tight hole. You could feel his tip brushing up against that spongy spot inside of you, which in return caused you to start moaning almost helplessly.
“Right there?” He teased, watching your face contort in pure bliss and pleasure. “That feel good, darling? Jesus, you’re so pretty…”
He choked out a few incohesive curses as he felt you tighten up around him while he talked you through it, clearly already close from him plowing your cunt for just a few minutes. This was usually the best type of sex between you and Jonathan — whenever you two would just ravish each other in bed all…lovingly. Extra points if it was romantic like this; under the candlelight in a power outage. 
“Yes! Fuck, keep going, Jon,” you hoarsely screamed out as he fucked you raw, slamming his cock into your tight little cunt as you got close to your second orgasm and he was following right behind you.
“So tight,” he mumbled. “Perfect fucking pussy, so fucking good—” 
“Gon’ cum..I’m gonna–!” You whined before your vision went white, cunt clenching down around his length as you drenched him and the sheets. 
Jonathan looked down in awe as a clear liquid poured out of you, spilling all over him, his cock, and the sheets. The sight of you squirting that much sent his brain into overdrive as he gave a few more sloppy thrusts before spurting his warm, sticky cum onto your plush walls. As he filled your cunt, he let out a rather loud groan, gripping your hips so tight it almost hurt. 
For a moment, all was still and silent as the two of you caught your breaths in the now slightly stuffy bedroom that smelt like a mix of sex and whatever pumpkin-spiced and cinnamon-scented candles you had going. Jonathan was the first to speak as he finally pulled out of you, careful not to hurt you, and pulled you close into his arms the second he laid back down beside you. 
“I’m never going to stop you from getting your candles ever again,” he decided jokingly, kissing the top of your head. 
“See,” you said proudly, “they set the mood and they smell good.” 
“True,” he said, pausing for a moment before looking down at the soaked bedding then back at you with a smile. “So, we should probably clean the sheets…”
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taglist ->
@girlinterrupted505 @ciriceimpera @jordyn-yeager @thevelvetvampyre @galactict3a
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@abprill @minedofmoria @strangeobsessed @5tud10-54r4h @franzine-xii 
@stsrfujid @psylrd @eyraaaaaae @nyxxie-pooh @momoewn
@fauxcongenialite @ceruleanrainblues @o0laura @fiona-my-love @cranecat
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mrsimpurity · 2 hours
thoughts about life and the future: 1%
thoughts about cockwarming logan: 99%
cw: smut (nsfw), p in v, somno ig?, cockwarming, too fluffy to be true
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“you wanna keep me warm, doll?” logan asks, your head tucked in the crook of his neck as he gently runs his hands down your back.
you’re seated in his lap and god, is it comfortable. the fireplace quietly crackles as the night sets in and logan’s warm embrace and comforting nature magically make all of your pent-up stress dissipate.
“yeah. but i’m really sleepy, lo. can’t do much.” you reply, nuzzling your head against his scruffy beard like a kitty, your hands wrapped around his shoulders. your eyelids are heavy and truth be told, you really can’t do much for logan.
“it’s okay. just wanna be inside you.” the honesty in his statement sends a throb to your core.
logan places a kiss on your warm cheek as he shifts you in his lap, taking his cock out of his briefs and nudging your panties to the side so he can slip himself inside you.
his cock is at half-mast as he sinks inside your warm pussy, your velvety walls sucking him in.
you let out a soft moan into his neck, closing your eyes completely as logan bottoms out.
he mumbles a curse under his breath, holding you tight in his arms as his girth stretches you out.
your hips move on their own accord as you shift, the stretch uncomfortable for your tired body because it makes you want more. you absentmindedly grind on logan, doing your best to soothe the newly ignited need coursing through your veins, warmth pooling in your tummy.
your drowsy voice comes out in soft whimpers as your nails dig into logan’s back.
he needs to feel you come around him, he needs to feel your pulsating hole squeeze his cock as he fills you to the brim with his warm cum.
“you wanna cum, baby?” logan asks.
“mhm. sure.” you reply in a state of half-sleep ignorant bliss, devoting yourself to logan’s warmth, not a single worry on your mind as he coos you to sleep.
his thrusts start out slow and careful as he does his best not to move you around too much. his hand rubs circles on your back as he gradually picks up the face, fucking up into you. 
your submission and pure warmth exuding from your body have him going insane as he disregards everything, his thrusts slowly acquiring vigor.
“lo.” your soft voice speaks in his ear, egging him on as you feel the knot that’s deep in your tummy about to snap, the head of logan’s cock bumping up against your gummy spot.
“fuck. you feel amazing. my sweet girl.” logan grunts out, placing a kiss on the crown of your head, and his words send you over the edge as his hips snap against yours once more.
your pussy flutters around him and your words are incoherent as you cry out in soft whimpers, voice muffled by logan’s neck. you’re begging, praising and moaning all at once.
“shhh. ‘m right here, baby.” he mumbles, fucking you through your orgasm, your eyes heavy as you stir from your slumber, soft moans escaping your throat. your pussy clenches around him unforgivingly as he himself reaches his high.
logan’s warm seed paints your walls white as he cums deep inside your pussy with a grunt, fucking up into you desperately, with short but powerful thrusts, trying his best not to disturb you. 
your hole pulsates around his cock as he lets out breathless pants, holding you in his arms like you’re the most precious thing on this earth.
“feels so good, lo. ‘m so full.” you murmur, fucked out.
“go back to sleep, doll.” logan whispers in your ear as he cradles your head in his arms, his cock half hard and still inside you.
but soon enough, sleep hits him in a sudden wave too, and you both find yourself sleeping in this post-coital, but extremely heartwarming position, logan’s cum trickling out of your hole, as his lap becomes a sticky mess symbolizing your love for each other.
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ohtobeleah · 16 hours
touch starved Logan with a physical touch reader… yeah….
Touch Starved is a good way to describe Logan in two words. I think after so many years of only ever being touched when someone was trying to inflict some sort of physical pain on him, he just decides touch isn't something he's inherently interested in. It's worth more trouble than its worth seeking.
But I can see it now. Logan would be sitting on the floor with his back against the couch. Your legs, are spread on either side of him as you sit on top of the very couch that Logan spends most of his nights on.
“Can I let you in on a secret?” You coo all the while you card your fingers through Logan's hair. Your hands tend to wander absentmindedly down his next and to his exposed shoulders from time to time.
“Huh?” Logan barely hears you speak. He's so tuned out right now. He's floating on cloud nine because he's never had a massage like this before. One that's so nonchalant. One that's so casual and unintentionally intimate when he lets out a sigh of a moan at your handiwork. “Sure, yeah—sorry, I wasn't here for a moment.” You take it as a compliment while your eyes remain trained on the TV ahead as your hands work magic into Logan's scalp, neck and shoulders.
“That first day,” You begin. “When you came into the cafe looking for Wade but he wasn't around?” Logans listening, he swears. But your touch has always been something that could captivate his every sense and have him completely under your control. He'd never craved something so natural before. Your touch. “I think that's one of my top five days, ever.” You admit.
“How so?” Is all Logans mumbled back. His voice is deep and full of gruff undertones.
“Because I'm just really grateful I got to me you is all,” You shrug. It's not that big of a deal. Whatever you and Logan were was something that wasn't defined by traditional labels. But he knew you loved him. And you knew Logan loved you back. You couldn't explain it, but that mutual understanding that you'd show up for each other when it mattered the most made your heart ache at the thought that until now, Logan never felt that level of love, compassion or understanding. “For the worst Logan, I think you go alright.”
Logan had never had someone in his corner the way he knew you were. And he feels that in every aspect of your relationship. But the thing he notices the most…is your touch. How you aren't afraid to touch him. How you value his body for more than just its mutant abilities. You see him, Logan Howlett, for the man he is and wants to be and not the weapon they designed him to be.
Your hugs ignite his skin like a solar flare. Your kisses, your lips on his, set his heartbeat into overdrive. Sixth gear overdrive. The way you cling to him when you fall asleep at night soothes his soul until he decides the couch is a safer place for him.
The way you weren't afraid to hold his hand when no one had ever done so before made Logan's head spin. His brain couldn't compute the sensation on another persons fingers intertwined with his in the way yours fit so perfectly between his. Like you weren't afraid of what you were arresting your hands on. Adamantium claws.
It wasn't until Logan met you, that he realised just how long it had been since he'd experienced the loving and gentle touch of a woman who truly loved him. And once that thought had materialised, Logan realised further that he'd never actually felt the gentle touch of a woman who loved him…because no woman had ever loved him before. Not like you.
“You’re still betting on losing dogs I see?” The corner of Logan's mouth curved up into a smile when you reach down to wrap your around around his shoulders. His heart skips a single best inside his chest when he felt your lips against his scruff-covered cheek.
“What can I say, I’m always a sucker for a stray.”
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One Of The Guys
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pairing -james potter x fem!reader
summary - you have always been one of the guys, but what if you don't want to be anymore?
warnings - insecure reader, some teasing, fluff, gryffindor!reader
wordcount - 2.4k
a/n - first fic in months and the anxiety posting this is higher than ever! hope you like!
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You’d always been one of the guys. Since first year, when you’d been sorted into Gryffindor with Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter, it just made sense. You spent your days causing trouble with them, sneaking into the kitchens for midnight snacks, planning pranks, and laughing at inside jokes only you lot seemed to understand. You were as much a Marauder as any of them, and you wore that title like a badge of honor.
In some ways, being "one of the guys" had always felt natural. You were never the girl who fussed with her hair, never bothered with makeup or cared much about fashion. While the other girls in your year experimented with nail polish and tried different spells to make their hair curl just right, you’d been happier wearing trousers and comfortable jumpers, getting dirt on your shoes as you kicked a ball around with the boys or plotted another prank.
The boys never treated you any differently. You were as rough and tumble as they were, always up for an adventure or a laugh, whether it was dueling in the corridors, sneaking out under the Invisibility Cloak, or hanging around the Quidditch pitch, watching James practice his broom skills while you tossed playful insults his way. They teased you, sure, but it was never about your appearance. It was always about how you accidentally hexed Sirius’s hair to turn pink that one time or how Remus beat you at Wizard’s Chess two weeks in a row.
But lately, something had started to shift. You’d been spending more time with the girls—Marlene, Lily, Alice, and Mary. It wasn’t like you abandoned your usual activities with the boys, but something about hanging out with the girls had made you realize that maybe you’d been missing out on a whole other side of yourself. They weren’t as concerned with pranks or causing trouble, but they had their own kind of fun—painting nails, talking about what charms they used to keep their hair shiny, and swapping makeup tips. At first, it had all seemed foreign to you, like you didn’t belong. But, bit by bit, you began to get into it. And even though it was obvious you were out of your element, they never made you feel left out because of it.
It started small. A dab of lip gloss here, a charm to make your hair lie flat there. Nothing too crazy. You didn’t want to completely abandon who you were. But when Marlene offered to paint your nails a deep, shimmery red one afternoon, you figured why not? It was fun, in a way you hadn’t expected.
The girls never treated you like you needed to change, and that made it easier. They were all for letting you do your own thing, and whenever you felt out of place, they’d remind you that it was about what made you feel good, not about impressing anyone else.
Still, there was one person’s opinion you couldn’t quite shake.
James Potter.
You weren’t sure when it had started, this nagging crush you had on him. Maybe it had always been there, buried under layers of friendship and pranks. But recently, every time he smiled at you with that lopsided grin of his, something inside you flipped. Every time his hand brushed yours when you reached for something at the same time, your heart would race a little faster. He’d never looked at you like he looked at the girls who swooned over him—like you were someone to notice beyond just being “one of the guys.”
And you hated how much that bothered you.
It wasn’t like you wanted to change for him. But some part of you wondered if he’d ever see you differently if you weren’t always running around in jeans and messy ponytails.
So, that Saturday morning, when you slipped on the dress Lily had convinced you to buy during one of your Hogsmeade trips, you felt like a fish out of water. It wasn’t anything too fancy—just a simple green dress that hugged your frame in a way your usual clothes never did. You’d even put a little effort into your hair, letting it fall loose around your shoulders instead of shoving it into a messy bun like you normally did. Your nails were still painted red from the other night, and you’d borrowed a light bit of makeup from Mary, who had smiled and assured you it wasn’t “too much.”
But as you stood in front of the mirror, you hardly recognized yourself. The tomboy in you felt like you were playing dress-up in someone else’s clothes. It was so far from your usual style that you couldn’t help but wonder if you were making a mistake.
Still, part of you wanted to try it out—to see if maybe, James would look at you differently today. Maybe he’d see something more than the girl who could throw a punch as good as Sirius or outrun Peter when Filch caught you roaming the halls after curfew.
You took a deep breath, smoothing the fabric of the dress one last time before heading down to the common room.
When you reached the common room, you were immediately met with the sight of the boys lounging around like usual. James and Sirius were in the middle of some animated conversation while Remus read a book nearby, and Peter was munching on something from the kitchens. None of them had noticed you yet, which only made the nerves bubbling in your stomach worse.
It was Sirius who spotted you first. He turned to call for James, but his words faltered when his eyes landed on you. His mouth fell open slightly, and a slow grin spread across his face.
"Well, well, well," he drawled, standing up from the couch with a mock bow. "What do we have here? Y/N, in a dress? I never thought I’d see the day."
The others looked up at his words, their eyes finding you in an instant. You tried to smile, but the way their gazes seemed to linger made you want to shrink into the floor.
James was staring at you, his expression unreadable. His warm eyes widened just a fraction, his usual cheeky grin faltering as his gaze swept over you. But before you could figure out what that look meant, Sirius spoke up again.
"Blimey, didn’t know you owned anything besides jeans and jumpers," Sirius teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You sure you’re feeling alright?"
You forced a laugh, trying to shrug off the growing discomfort. “Yeah, just, uh, thought I’d try something new.”
Remus closed his book and smiled at you warmly. “You look nice,” he said, his tone sincere but still carrying a hint of playfulness.
But Peter, never one to read the room right, piped up from the couch. “Who knew you could look like a girl?” he said with a chuckle, and Sirius howled with laughter, clearly finding the whole thing hilarious.
James finally spoke up, his voice quieter than usual. "You do look nice, Y/N," he said, a small smile tugging at his lips. But his tone—sincere as it was—couldn’t erase the sting of the teasing from the others.
You laughed along with them, but inside, the knot of unease tightened. You weren’t mad at them; you knew they didn’t mean to hurt you. But every comment, every joke, made you feel more and more like an imposter in your own skin. Like you weren’t really supposed to be this person, this version of you that wore dresses and makeup and tried to be something more than “one of the guys.”
"I—I’m gonna go change," you muttered, not trusting yourself to look at James when you said it.
Sirius frowned, his laughter fading. “Wait, we were only joking, Y/N. You don’t have to—”
But you were already halfway to the dorms, the sound of their voices fading behind you as you fled.
You ripped off the dress the moment you were alone, tossing it onto the bed and quickly pulling on your usual jeans and jumper. The relief was immediate, but the ache in your chest didn’t go away.
There was a knock at the door.
“Y/N?” James’s voice called softly from the other side. You hesitated but opened the door anyway, finding him standing there, looking uncertain for the first time in a long while.
“You didn’t have to change,” he said, stepping inside. “You looked… you looked beautiful.”
Your heart jumped at his words, but the discomfort from earlier still weighed heavily on you. You shrugged, sitting on the edge of your bed, not quite ready to meet his eyes. “It didn’t feel right,” you admitted softly. “I just... I don’t think I’m cut out for that sort of thing.”
James frowned, walking over to stand in front of you. He shoved his hands into his pockets, his gaze lingering on the discarded dress. “We weren’t trying to make you feel bad, you know. We’re just not used to seeing you like that.”
“I know.” You sighed, rubbing your hands over your face. “It’s just—” You paused, struggling to find the right words. “I thought maybe if I tried something different, I could, I don’t know, feel like... more than just one of the guys for once.”
James was silent for a moment, and when you finally looked up at him, there was something soft in his eyes—something that made your heart skip a beat. “You’ve never been just one of the guys, Y/N.”
You blinked, caught off guard by the sincerity in his voice.
He stepped closer, his expression earnest. “I don’t think you get it. You’re—” He hesitated, as if searching for the right words. “You’re amazing the way you are. Jeans, jumpers, all of it. You don’t need a dress or makeup to make anyone notice you.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, and you weren’t sure if you were reading too much into his words, but then James ran a hand through his hair, looking uncharacteristically flustered. “I’ve liked you for ages, Y/N. And not because of what you wear. Because you’re you.”
You stared at him, stunned into silence. He... liked you?
James let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, you’re brilliant. You’re tough, you’re funny, and you’re always there when we need you. That’s what I like about you. That’s what matters.”
You felt your cheeks warm, and for a moment, some of the insecurities you’d felt earlier melted away. “You’ve liked me?” you repeated, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded, grinning sheepishly. “Yeah. For a while now. Just didn’t know how to say it without mucking it up.”
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, your heart swelling with something you hadn’t expected to feel today—hope. "Well, you didn’t muck it up too badly," you teased, a bit of the old you returning.
James grinned, relief evident in his face. “So, what do you say, Y/N? Maybe next Hogsmeade weekend, we could go together. Just us?”
Your stomach flipped, but this time, it wasn’t from nerves. It was excitement. “I’d like that,” you said softly, the smile on your face growing wider.
As the excitement simmered between you, a question began to bubble up in the back of your mind, nagging at you even though you were already starting to feel more at ease.
"James?" you began, your voice a little uncertain as you glanced up at him, still seated on the edge of the bed. He tilted his head slightly, waiting for you to continue. "Would it be... weird if I did want to wear dresses sometimes?"
James blinked, surprised by the question, but the soft smile on his face didn’t waver. "Weird? No, not at all," he said quickly, stepping closer until he was standing right in front of you. He knelt down, so his face was level with yours sitting on the bed, his eyes warm and serious. "Why would it be weird?"
You hesitated, unsure how to explain the knot of confusion that had been sitting in your chest all day. "I don’t know," you said, fidgeting with the hem of your sleeve. "It’s just... I’ve always been more comfortable in my clothes. I never really thought about wearing anything else. But lately, hanging out with the girls and seeing how much fun they have with it... I guess it made me curious, you know?"
James listened, his eyes never leaving yours, and nodded for you to continue.
"I don’t want to change who I am," you added quickly, your words tumbling out before you could stop them. "But I also think... I want to try new things, and I don’t want you—or the others—to think I’m not being myself."
There was a beat of silence before James reached out and gently placed a hand on yours, his touch grounding. "Y/N, you’re allowed to wear whatever you want," he said softly. "It doesn’t change who you are. Whether you’re in a dress or your favorite old jumper, you’re still you. That’s what matters."
You looked at him, searching his face for any sign of doubt, but all you saw was sincerity. "You really think so?"
"I know so," he replied with a grin. "Look, the dress was a surprise, sure. But if you want to wear dresses sometimes? That’s just another part of you we get to know. And trust me, Y/N, you could show up in a full ball gown, and it wouldn’t change a thing about how we see you."
You felt a smile creeping back onto your face, warmth spreading through your chest as his words sank in.
James squeezed your hand, his gaze softening. "Besides," he added, his voice a little more playful now, "if you ask me, you look great no matter what you wear. But you should do what feels right for you. Not for us, not for anyone else."
You laughed, a little embarrassed by how much his words affected you, but you couldn’t help the lightness you felt now. "Thanks, James. That... actually helps a lot."
He stood up, his grin returning to that familiar, cheeky smile that always made your heart race. "So," he said, offering you a hand to help you up, "how about we head back downstairs, and you can wear whatever the bloody hell you want, yeah?"
You took his hand, standing up. "Yeah," you agreed, feeling more like yourself than you had all day. "Sounds like a plan."
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hedgehog-moss · 3 hours
hello & good morning/afternoon/night! feel free to ignore this ask if you don't want to or don't know how to answer. i have been following your blog for years now, i think, and i have been accompaning your life through the pictures you post. i always had similar dreams of living in a farm or just in a more "secluded" place in general - hiddem away from big cities, i mean, closest place being a small town or even village, you know - and though i have lived alone for 2 years now i have a lot of fears of living by myself in ambient where there is relatively less people (even if there are neighbors not that far away). yknow, classic fears, of being robbed, my house being broken into, etc etc. once again i know it's a different world and the probability of something like this happening is actually higher in places with a bigger populational number, but have you ever had experiences like this? have you ever felt a similar fear? i'm trying to find out if this is something i really want.
Hi ! I love that I read your message last week right after I fondly reminisced about hearing murder screams in my woods at night. I've been thinking about it and I think regardless of what statistics say, some people feel safer surrounded by people in a town while others feel safer in more secluded places—I mean there's a probably a personal temperament aspect to this... I've always loved going out for walks in the middle of the night but I couldn't fully relax doing that in cities, while here I find it so relaxing. It's so dark and quiet it feels like walking at the bottom of the ocean <3 It's the closest I can get to the peaceful life of the sea cucumber. And since I'm alone in this forest and there's no one for several km around I feel like nothing bad can happen to me. But I have city friends who would never consider going for a walk with me in the woods at night.
Can't recommend having a medium-to-large dog enough! Despite his debonair manner Pandolf is a good guard dog—one time that I got to test this was when someone parked their car on the side of the road maybe 300m from my house, and stayed there for almost a week. It wasn't a camper van, just a normal car, and every time I went to see it during the day it was empty, but I saw lights in there at night. I didn't like it at all! Why park here in the middle of nowhere. Near my house. This isn't a convenient spot to fish or anything, so where are you all day...? I remember the night I noticed the light in the car from my window, and I sat in my bed like, okay, someone's over there, but even if he gets to my door I have 2 other ways to get out of the house, my nearest neighbours are like 40min away by foot through the woods, I know my woods better than this guy, I'll be fine.
It's the only time that I recall feeling a bit antsy at night—and Pandolf was very alert as a result, he could tell I was nervous and when I went to close the chicken coop in the evenings he went patrolling all over the place in a way he doesn't usually do. I have a natural talent for not doing anything about problems and hoping they'll go away on their own, but after a few days I eventually told a distant neighbour about this weird car, and he came the next evening to talk to this person—but the car left that same day. And when my neighbour came to tell me he hadn't found the car, it was already dark and he parked his car in front of my house and at first Pandolf refused to let him get out. Even though he knows this neighbour and the guy had half-opened his door and was like "Hey Pandolf it's me!", Pan just stood there growling continuously like Cujo. It was good to see that although he's a really friendly dog, if I'm freaked out he can get quite intimidating.
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Other than that one weird car story I've never really felt scared being here alone at night, and I didn't worry about that before moving here either, I was impatient to go on nighttime walks in the woods, rather! But having neighbours I'm on friendly terms with that I can call for help if needed, and whose house I can reach by foot, is reassuring; so I think mostly it's a matter of finding the degree of seclusion you're comfortable with. There are all sorts of gradations between living in a big city and living like the first Desert Father :) Is there any way you could try spending some time alone in a more remote area for temporary stays, like holidays, to see if you get used to it and come to appreciate it, or if you feel safer in more populated places?
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yellowrabbitfurry · 2 days
Yayayaay I’m finally done!! Thank you guys for being so supportive, and giving me the motivation to actually finish something!!
So without further ado, my first fanfic on tumblr!
*How the polycule might’ve started* —————————————————————————
Nightmare tossed around in his bed, groaning and growling. He hadn’t been feeling himself that day, so he had stayed in bed. 
But he was restless. 
Nothing was comfortable, and he could barely even think. 
He didn’t know what was wrong with him; this had never happened before. 
Not this intensely.. not this bothersome. 
Though, he had a pretty good idea of what it was.
He had pushed down his instincts for so long, and now it was coming back to bite him. 
The only person he could think of that would be able to help was Dream- the only other person he knew who had such instincts as his own.
His brother.. for just a second, Nightmare considered going to him for help. 
But no. 
He wouldn’t stoop so low as to go to him. 
He was a strong, powerful king of negativity- he was practically a god! 
He’d just deal with this on his own.
He laid restless for quite a while, before giving up completely on “toughing it out”. 
He couldn’t stay like that any longer. 
There was only one person who knew what was wrong, and that was himself, right? 
He just had to let his instincts take over.
He laid there for another moment, trying to let himself give up control. It was hard; he liked control. 
But he’d rather be a backseat driver than deal with the unbearable discomfort in his bones.
He just needed to give into to his urges- he’d suppressed them for so long, he’d forgotten what they even were. 
No sooner than he let his natural instincts back back into his mind, he felt the need to get up and make a nest. 
He’d had the urge before, and he had plenty of bedding to use as materials too. 
But he’d never actually done it. 
It always seemed childish to him, especially when he already had such a big and lavish bed. 
But he wasn’t going to question himself, not now. 
He was just going to do. 
So, he got right up and began the destruction of his bed. 
He ripped off every single blanket and pillow, throwing them to the floor in one big pile- afterwards starting off to his closet on a mission to gather more. 
He had an abundance of blankets and pillows in there as well, considering how frequently he needed to change his bedding in the summer. 
He dragged them all out and almost started construction on top of the bed, before deciding that it was just too tall, and his room was far too open. 
So back to the closet he went. It wasn’t a huge walk-in closet by any means, but it was still rather sizable. 
The perfect size for a makeshift den.. that perfect place to build his nest. 
He constructed the pillows in a large nest shape, before covering them with blankets and bulking it out. He packed them in, rolled them up, tucked them around the pillows. 
And then he threw one or two over the nest for good measure- to cover up with. 
After he was done, he practically collapsed into the nest of bedding, curling up and getting comfortable. 
In the dark of his closet, and the coziness of the nest, he was definitely much more comfortable. He thought maybe he could finally sleep…
But no. 
Something was still wrong, and the king was still without rest. 
The nest felt empty.. far too empty to sleep in. 
He needed something to fill it with. 
And so, going with the theme of the day, he didn’t stop to think about it. 
He just got up from the nest and left his room, going off to wander the halls of the mansion in search of what he needed. 
He stalked the halls for a short while, before halting his tracks as he heard the faint sound of voices. 
It came from the kitchen- but he was sure the boys were out right now. Who was here? 
Well, there was only one way to find out. 
He made his way to the kitchen, silent as a shadow as he peered into the room. It was Cross and Error, who were supposed to be on a grocery run. 
Maybe they’d gotten back early? Maybe he’d just been in his room for that long? It didn’t matter all too much, Nightmare decided. 
As he gazed in their direction, watching them chat and snack on their chocolate, something clicked in the king’s mind. 
This was what he needed, cuddle buddies. 
That’s why his nest felt so empty. 
And they were only talking, too- he was sure they wouldn’t mind a change in location. 
He crept closer, the two smaller skeletons oblivious to his approach as he made his way. 
He remained completely unnoticed, until he was right behind Cross, one hand rested on his shoulder. 
The poor knight jumped in surprise, causing Error to jump as well. 
There was a quiet, tense moment where the two just looked up at Nightmare. 
They looked anxious, and Nightmare knew they both thought they were in trouble. 
He didn’t like that, despite his usual love of others negative emotions. He didn’t want them to be nervous- he didn’t know why. 
After a while of standing there, Cross spoke up in a small voice. 
He was so quiet, Nightmare would’ve thought he went back to when the knight first got here. 
He was so shy back then..
“B- boss..? Is everything alright..? I- I thought you were sleeping-..” he stuttered, but was quickly silenced as the king grabbed him up by his armpits, and pulled him close to his body. 
He had one hand on Cross’ ass, and one on his back as he held him like one would a small child. 
The poor knight just stuttered and blushed, unable to process what was happening. 
Error also looked surprised, but before he could question Nightmare’s actions he was grabbed up by a tentacle and pulled close as well. 
He was place over the goopy king’s shoulder, held gently in place by a tentacle. 
And with nothing of importance left in the kitchen, Nightmare started back to his room. 
The two tried to talk to him a few times, but they got no response outside of a hum, or “everything’s fine”. 
On the way they also bumped into Killer, who Nightmare could recall was left home from the mission (to his disappointment) in case Nightmare needed something. 
He stared at the scene before him in confusion, before grinning at the three. 
“Well damn, boss, if you were that needy you coulda come to me~!” he teased, laughing at his own crude sense of humor. 
Nightmare just stared blankly at him for a few moments, before suddenly shooting a tentacle forward and snatching him up as well. 
Killer yelped in surprise, completely caught off guard by Nightmare. 
He got a bit huffy about it, but his questions were also left unanswered, with Cross attempting to soothe his concerns with a soft “just calm down.. boss wouldn’t hurt us..” as Killer was begrudgingly dragged behind them. 
Once they arrived at Nightmare’s room, they were quite surprised to see his bed as bare as it was. 
No pillows, no blankets- just the sheets. 
Of course, the king didn’t give them a chance to question it, and just took them straight to his little “den”. 
He placed them all into the nest, so gentle with them you’d assume they were made of glass. 
He liked the look of them three in there, a mixture of fondness and amusement at the sight of their confused little faces. 
Of course, he was rather annoyed that his little collection wasn’t complete.. but he’d just have to wait til Horror and Dust got back. 
He closed the door halfway to make it darker, before climbing into the nest as well. He curled his body around the three, pulling them to lay against him. 
Cross tried to get up once more, and attempted to question seemingly feral king.
“N- Nightmare..? What.. what are you doing..?” he stuttered, looking quite anxious, “what’s going on..?” He was nervous, and Nightmare couldn’t blame him. He didn’t want to scare any of them.. but his brain was so hazy, he couldn’t find a way to comfort them properly. 
So he just pulled Cross back against his chest, and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
In his mind he might’ve whispered that it was okay, but he wasn’t exactly there enough to tell if he was talking or purring. 
It didn’t matter, though, because soon enough the closet-den was filled with an aura of calm, and the three started to relax. 
It was better not to question the odd things Nightmare did, anyway; they’d already learned that. 
It wasn’t like this was anything harmful either.. why not get comfortable? It was so, so comfortable..
In the end, thanks to Nightmare’s comforting aura and embrace, they all fell into a comfortable sleep.
An hour or so later, however, the king awoke. 
Alerted by the feeling of familiar magic entering the mansion, he knew that the last two boys must finally be home.
He crept out of the nest, careful not to wake the others as he slunk around the castle in search of Dust and Horror. 
It didn’t take long, given how easy it was to sense their magic after a mission.
Heightened soul rate, adrenaline, excitement.. they must’ve had a good time.
He slunk into living room, finding them laughing with each other. These two had always been pretty close.. 
Nightmare found it quite sweet to watch.
They were talking about the mission, making fun of the Star Sanses- from what Nightmare could gather, the enemy had arrived far too late to stop the mission.
It didn’t matter too much to him at the moment.
“So do you wanna give the report?” He could hear Dust ask, “or should I do it?”
The reply was a soft, “I dunno.. we could probably.. just do it together.”
“But shouldn’t you start dinner?”
Horror just shrugged, chuckling to himself, “it can.. probably wait. If they were so hungry.. everyone would be bothering me by now..!”
Dust just laughed with him, “yeah, you’re probably right.”
Nightmare almost felt bad for cutting their conversation short. Really, they always seemed to enjoy talking to each other. 
But he felt like he would explode if he didn’t bring them to his nest.. they’d just have to resume their conversation another time.
He finally made himself known, purposely approaching loud enough for them to hear.
They jumped slightly, having not been aware of him before then. 
But they were quite used to Nightmare doing such things by now.
“Oh, boss,” Dust smiled at him, “we were just about to come find you.”
Nightmare didn’t really understand why Dust was smiling. Maybe he was happy they didn’t have to actually look for the king, maybe he was happy Nightmare finally got out of bed? 
But he didn’t care, it didn’t matter. 
Dust was smiling at him, and he wished to keep it that way.
They both started on their little report, Nightmare drinking in their cheerful voices and soft laughter. 
It was the only positivity he would tolerate, from his boys..
However happy they were giving the report, though, he had to cut it short.
He would much rather this not take too long.
He walked closer as they spoke on about their mission, purring at their delicious laughter.
They didn’t seem to notice until he got a bit closer than he usually would’ve, confused by his behavior. 
“Uhh.. boss?” Dust questioned, before being cut off by Nightmare scooping him up into his arms.
He gave a startled squeak, but didn’t squirm or complain like Cross or Killer. He just.. didn’t care.
The king grabbed Horror too, holding him gently in his tentacles as he carried them both back to his nest.
Dust tried to question him at least once more, but Nightmare already had such a calming aura in the moment that they didn’t feel the need to question.
Once back at the “den”, Nightmare happily placed the last two nest, purring at how wonderful they all looked together.
The two snickered slightly at the sight of what they were seeing, and Dust immediately got comfortable in the nest, prompting Horror to follow.
“So this is why nobody bothered us when we got back, huh?”
Nightmare thought he might’ve answered, but really his only reply was a soft growl as he clambered into the nest after them.
He curled up in the middle of them all, wanting them all against his body. He held them close with his tentacles, making a small exception for Cross, whom he cradled in his arms.
The first three might’ve stirred a bit, but they were quickly lulled back to sleep by Nightmare’s loud purring. 
Dust and Horror were quick to join them.
Nightmare loved this; he couldn’t help but love this. 
He’d never had them all so close before, and it was like heaven. It was soft, it was comfortable.. it was home.
He didn’t think he was letting anyone sleep in their own beds for a little while.
Thank you for reading!! Though I am only writing for fun, I am willing to take a bit of criticism as long as you’re nice about it! So please, if I’ve made any grammatical errors, or a sentence doesn’t make sense, feel free to tell me! Any hate will be ignored, and the commenter will be blocked.
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meatonfork · 3 days
Comfort in Company
pairing: logan “wolverine” howlett x reader
warnings: nightmares, reader has longish hair, no pronouns used (i think) pls let me know. poc friendly! also, let me know if there are mistakes, im tired. and i think that’s it!
word count: roughly 3.7k
a/n: i have wolverine brain rot 😔 lord help me. i may be a lesbian, but he is a very pretty man
It took three excruciatingly long months for Logan to stop looking at you with disdain in his eyes. The man in question was a lone wolf. He valued his alone time, often communicating in grunts and a roll of his eyes, or he’d simply just walk away. But, he never failed to do what you so kindly asked him to do. If you happened to lock eyes from across the room, his eyes would always hold a certain edge that basically screamed “I don’t like you; I don’t want you here.” But, you never took it to heart. 
Much to Logan's discontent, you were persistent. You saw him as a challenge. Someone to crack. The reward was far too enticing for you to back down. Any excuse to talk to him was ready at the tip of your tongue. To him, you were a never ending ray of sunshine. And, fuck. It annoyed him to no end. You constantly bounced around the mansion, never seeming to slow down. A seemingly permanent smile was etched onto your face. The kids adored you. Shortly after arriving, you became a fan favorite. Your maternal nature made the kids feel at home. A common theme amongst the young mutants being a lack of familial love and support, and you were more than happy to provide. 
Three months passed before you had a normal conversation with the man, one that wasn’t him just grunting or a small comment that was nearly too quiet for you to hear. It was a late Tuesday night, and you happened to be in the kitchen preparing a new recipe for your class. Teaching kids to cook their own meals rather than relying on ramen or something that could be nuked in the microwave made you feel important. A purple, well loved apron adorned your frame. Green leaves, and pretty pink flowers were embroidered on the front pockets. Flour covered your front in small hand prints from where you had wiped your hands to flip through the pages in front of you. Your hair was pushed out of your face, the warm lighting forming a halo over the crown of your head.
Logan waltzed into the kitchen looking for a glass of water. Another sleepless night had taken over, and he couldn’t sit in bed restless any longer. His figure paused upon seeing you working. A tune poured past your lips as you hummed, a melody he wasn’t quite familiar with. He couldn’t quite get his feet to move any further. Yeah, the man could be brash (a dick, if you will), but he wasn’t blind. Anybody would have to be if they couldn’t see your beauty. Your nose sloped perfectly, and when you concentrated your brows furrowed just right. The apple of your cheeks were smooth, and in this lighting Logan couldn’t find a single flaw. The way your sweats fit just right, or the way your long sleeves were pushed up your forearms. Logan couldn’t deny you looked most at peace when you worked in the kitchen, almost like you were destined to cook and care for others. And, maybe you were. You were certainly good at it. 
He had been the subject of many of your affections. Coffee brewed and his favorite mug laid out for him when he gets up in the morning, even though you’re not there anymore. Leftovers often being set aside for him late at night, his name written on the foil with a little heart. Even his laundry would be folded in a basket and set outside his door on occasion. And every single time, he knew it was you. Your sweet smell often lingered, letting him know he had just barely missed you nearly every time. 
“Oh! Hi, Logan,” you turned your head to peek over your shoulder. A small patch of flour rested on your cheek, “Are you looking for something?” Your voice was soft, just like everything else about you.
Breaking out of his thoughts, he shuffled closer, reaching around you to grab a glass from the cupboard. A grunt escaped his lips, “Jus’ water.” 
The rumble of his gravely sleep voice traveled from his chest to your back where his slightly unzipped hoodie clad chest brushed your backside, causing your eyes to widen just slightly. His pajama pants were slightly too long, the shuffle of them on the floor being the only thing that indicated he stepped away from you aside from the warmth that left you. 
You hummed in reply, not pushing your luck with a forced conversation. Your hands went back to kneading the dough in front of you before you put it back in the bowl. 
“What.. what are you making? Smells good,” he leaned back against the counter, just to your right. Fatigue weighed heavy on his face, and his hair was sticking up in random tufts from what you assumed to be tossing and turning. He looked soft.
“Just prepping some dough for the tarts I’m having the kids make tomorrow. I figured it’d be easier to make the dough to avoid the inevitable flour fights,” a small chuckle escaped your lips, a fond smile taking over your features. 
Logan tilted his head, “Probably the smartest move.”
“I like to think so. Hey, I can save some for you, if you’d like of course. You don’t have to if you d-” Your voice became timid. The idea of having an actual conversation with Logan was starting to hit you, and your nervousness moved to the forefront of your mind.
Logan cut you off with a chuckle, “That’d be nice, sweetheart. Thanks.”
Your face heated up at his words, and that fucker definitely noticed. And, boy oh boy, did he find it amusing.
“Okay, yeah, yeah. I’ll make sure the kids don’t eat them all.” You gave a little nod, and a comfortable silence fell over the two of you. The only sounds were coming from you moving about, putting ingredients away and putting the dough in bowls. 
Your voice broke the silence, “Can I ask you a question?”
“You just did.” His voice held amusement, a small quirk of his eyebrow.
“You know what I mean, smartass.” You quipped back, a small smile tugging on your lips. He grunted with a nod, his hands moving to rest on either side of his hips upon the counter. His eyes followed your movements back and forth from the counter to the fridge.
“I think I’m a little confused. And, please, don’t take this the wrong way. But, why are you sitting with me? I got the impression you were never particularly fond of me.” You pursed your lips, eyes drifting up to his. Your voice was soft, almost as if you were trying to avoid scaring him off. 
A sigh left his lips, “Thought it was time to stop bein’ a dick and talk to ya. I notice, you know?” 
Your head tilted, “What do you mean?” A curious glint flashed over your eyes. Your hands slowly wiped the rest of the flour off onto your apron. Logan couldn’t help but think you looked so small. So pretty. 
“The things you do f’me. I notice them.. Thank you.” His eyes cast downward, suddenly finding the kitchen floor interesting. 
A small flicker of recognition passed over your face. You smiled and reached for the small kitchen towel that rested on your shoulder, hands ringing the small material, “Well, you’re welcome. Honestly, I thought it would be a while longer before I got any thanks out of you.” 
Logan scoffed, “Fuck off. The smell of the dough helped more than anything.” 
“Sure, buddy.” You teased. You turned back to the counter, wiping it down.
He moved to put his cup in the sink, “You should head to bed soon. You could definitely use some beauty sleep, sweetheart.” No you couldn’t. If Logan was forced at gunpoint to tell the truth, he’d say he’d never seen anything so beautiful. But, Logan doesn’t say those things. He barely let himself think them.
“Pot? Kettle? Black? You’re one to talk, do you see your hair?” A loud laugh echoed in the kitchen. Logan’s heart skipped a beat. How had he never noticed how lovely your laugh was? 
“Whatever. I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t forget to save me some, yeah?” He moved towards the hall, a small smile cast your way. 
“Goodnight, Logan. I’ll see you in the morning.” Your sweet voice trailed behind him.
Logan made his way back upstairs and to his room, three doors down from yours. As he passed your room, he could smell your sweet perfume leaking from under the door. Just like every other time he passed by. Sleep seemed to come much easier for him that night. 
Since that small interaction, Logan had slowly warmed up to you. After discovering your laugh was his new favorite sound, he’d find any and all ways to make you produce the sound. He didn’t care if you were laughing at or with him. Although, it was more often the former. He started paying more attention to when you’d do small favors for him, finding you later and being sure to thank you. Small touches to your lower back, your shoulder, your elbow. Tying your apron on late nights when your hands were covered in goo from dough, or sauce for some other dish. He became the person you’d have taste test whatever new recipe you wanted to try out. 
“Needs more salt, bub.” He put the spoon back in the saucepan, taking a step back to let you work your magic. 
“Okay, thanks. Do you think it needs anything else?” You moved to the side just a bit to grab the salt, your arm brushing his as you stretched. 
He gave a small shake of his head, “Nah.” He moved to the cupboards to grab plates for the table. Small, casual conversation flowed easily between you two.
When you weren’t in the kitchen, or your classroom, you could be found in the greenhouse. Your mutation helped largely with producing thriving fruits and vegetables. Beautiful flowers and vines practically overtaking the outside of the building. You made your way through the courtyard, a basket of freshly picked fruits and vegetables sat on your hip. The sounds of the children’s laughter echoing in the air. You raised your free hand to wave at Storm and Rogue, a beaming smile taking over your face when they yelled a hello your way. Dirt covered your hands, your boots not much better off. Your gloves stuck out the front pockets of your gardening apron, cheeks speckled with dirt from when you tugged on the small leaves of the precious foods and they gave way easier than expected. 
“Good bunch today?” Logan asked as he pushed off the brick wall near the entrance of the large school, cigar between his lips. 
“No smoking in the courtyard, Lo.” You slapped his hand away from the strawberries he set his sight on, “And don’t touch the fruit, it’s for the kids.” 
He tsked a little before bringing his hand up to the cigar, “Ah, c’mon, bub. They look so good. You really know what you’re doin’ in there.”
“Okay, fine. Just one. I mean it, Logan.” You give him a pointed look, letting it be known you mean business. But, Logan catches the amusement in your eyes, letting him know he could probably get away with having two. So he does. Popping one in his mouth as you both go up the steps, he holds one in front of your mouth, letting you take it between your teeth. 
“Mmm. You’re right, I do know what I’m doing.” You hum, savoring the sweet taste. Logan watches as your tongue darts from your mouth, licking the sweet juice that stained your lips a light shade of red. 
“Yeah you do,” he mumbles out, eyes captivated by the swift movement. 
“What?” Your eyes move to his.
“Nothin’. Come on, let’s get these washed up.” He opens the door, allowing you to duck under his arm as he follows you into the kitchen. 
A storm raged outside. Loud booms of thunder echoed through the school, and lightning flashed and illuminated the dimly lit common room you were sat in. A small fire was lit in the fireplace as a large blanket covered your pajama clad legs. Logan found you curled up on the couch, windows slightly open letting a small breeze in, and nose deep in a book. 
“Hey,” you jumped at the sound of his voice, swiftly turning your head to see him leaning against the doorframe, “Sorry, bub, didn’t mean to scare ya. Mind if I join you?” You took in his attire. The usual white tank covered with a slightly unzipped hoodie, and a pair of grey sweats resting deliciously on his hips.
“Yeah, of course you can, Lo.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, not wanting to disturb the soft atmosphere blanketing you both. Your hand patted the space right beside you as you shifted your legs so your feet rested on the ground. The larger man pushed off the doorframe and made his way to you. He lowered himself to sit next to you, and grabbed your legs to shift them over his lap. You settled yourself against him, splaying the blanket to cover the both of you while your back leaned on the armrest of the couch. 
He ran his hands up and down your calves through the blanket, “What’re you readin’?”
“What the River Knows. It’s really good,” You blinked up at him. 
“Tell me about it, bub.” Hands pulling you closer as you shiver at the slight breeze. As you explained the plot up to the point you’ve read, talking animatedly with your hands, Logan can’t help but to soften his eyes. You get so excited when you talk about things you love. Teaching, cooking and baking, working in the greenhouse or gardening, and now reading. Your voice was still hushed to keep the peace, but the enthusiasm was there all the same. He finds his eyes drifting over your face, lingering on your lips. Soft and plump, still etched in that permanent smile despite him knowing how tired you truly were. He nodded along as you spew, your love for the book coming out like a waterfall. He feigned shock when you revealed plot twists, or anger when you explained how pissed one of the main characters made you. 
Logan’s fingers slightly dug into your flesh as you sat against him. He provided input where he saw fit, fingers dancing along your legs before holding you closer. His features totally relaxed as you rambled, “Sounds like a good book, sweetheart.” 
You finally notice how close you two are, and your heartbeat slightly picks up while your breath hitches. He notices, of course he does. He can hear it thanks to his mutation. He quickly quirks his lips into a small smile seeing your flustered state. His fingers reach up to push some hair behind your ear, and your eyes move straight to his lips. 
You don’t know who moved first, you or him. But the moment your lips touched, you find it didn’t matter. It was slow and languid, eyes falling closed. His hands slowly moved from your calves to your hips, encouraging you to straddle his lap. Your own hands slowly slid up his abdomen, one settling on his chest while the other traveled to the nape of his neck, tugging lightly on the hair at the base. Logan lets out a low groan at the tug, allowing you to slip your tongue into his mouth. You fought for dominance, but in the end he won. Heavy breathing filled the air as you pulled back, his hands ran up and down your back as he pulled you a little closer. You gained the courage to look him in the eyes, finding him already looking at you. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re gorgeous.” He whispered, eyes filled with warmth as he ducked his head to kiss the skin where your shoulder meets your neck, his hair tickled your cheek. 
“I really like you, Lo.” Your whisper met his ear as you leaned your head forward to rest on his chest, cheeks warm.  
Logan squeezed you softly in response, “Me too, hon.”
You slowly sat up, fingers toying with the hair on his cheeks, making his face nuzzle into your palm, “Can you read to me?”
He let out a soft chuckle, “‘Course I can.”
You settled back into his lap, arms wrapped around one of his as he picked up where you left off. The rumble of his voice vibrated through his chest into your ear as your head rested on him. Your eyes flitted up to look at him every so often, and he’d look back at you, ready to press a soft, chaste kiss to your forehead. 
Twenty minutes more of listening to his hushed reading, and you were out cold.
When it came to Logan, most everyone knew he had burdens he kept under a tight lock. You saw the scars that ran over his skin. Sheets and mattresses with puncture wounds, and small tears in them. You’d seen them first hand folding his laundry when he forgot it in the dryer. You never pried, it wasn’t your business and if he wanted to talk to you about the horrors that kept him awake into the ungodly hours of the night, he would. In your mind (and pretty much everyone else's), his gruff exterior was a way of deflecting just how broken he really was. You admired his strong will and the way he was able to keep it under wraps in front of people. Most times. 
For you it was a little harder. Logan could hear you on the nights where nighterrors plagued your dreams. The sniffles echoing down the hall and the way you'd shuffle about. Lamps being turned on, and books being moved until you found the one that would keep you company until dawn. In the morning, he’d ask you how you slept. You’d always reply with some sort of answer most people expect to hear, but the small bags under your eyes and the tired smile you’d give him were always a dead giveaway. But, just like you, he wouldn’t pry until you were ready. Luckily for the both of you, those nights happened to be far and few between. 
Things were going good for you and Logan. Not much had changed in routine aside from a few more lingering stares, shared kisses, and naps thrown in here and there. You were in tune to each other, more communication when it came to feelings. That was exciting; hearing Logan express his love for you was something you thought you’d never get tired of and Logan felt the exact same. And, you didn’t get tired of hearing it. But, damn were you tired in general. 
It was late. Classes long over, and kids in bed hours ago. Too scared to go to bed, you sat in your warm classroom, forcing yourself to find something to do. Your eyes were hazy as they reread the lesson plans for the next two weeks. Nightmares had been taking over the last few nights. Forcing you to find something to do rather than sleep comfortably. You rubbed at your eyes, debating on getting up and making yourself a cup of coffee, late hour be damned. Your limbs ached and your head felt as if it was damn near ready to explode. With your elbows propped on your desk, you let your head plop into your hands with a heavy sigh. 
A soft knock lightly echoed through the room, causing you to slowly lift your head up. Logan stood by the door, a concerned frown and drawn eyebrows looked back at you. A sigh left his lips upon seeing the dark circles under your bloodshot eyes. 
He promptly made his way to you with hands stuffed in his jeans pockets, “You’re exhausted, honey.” Logan wasn’t dumb, he knew you weren’t sleeping well. But, he was tired of waiting for you to come to him. 
“I’m too scared to sleep,” Your voice barely a whisper. Tears welled in your eyes at the thought of sleeping only to awake alone. Logan lowered himself onto the edge of your desk, letting your head rest on his thigh. He put a hand on your head, and brushed your hair back. “Why didn’t you come to me, bub?” He all but cooed at you, voice soft yet firm.
“I don’t want to be a burden. You have your own problems too, Lo.” Your voice was muffled by the flesh of his thigh. 
“A burden?” He tsked, “No, no, no, honey. I want you to come find me. No matter the time, or if I’m asleep. Wake me, okay?” His hand continued to work its way through your hair, a content sigh left your lips. 
You whispered out, “Okay, but only if you find me too. Okay?”
“Okay,” he patted your head, “Time for bed, sleepyhead. Come on, I’ve got you.” He gently moved his hand from your head to your arm, giving a light tug to help you to your feet. The moment you stood, his hands found your cheeks forcing you to look up at him. A small pout was on your lips, tears still in your eyes. He cooed and moved his face closer to yours to give you a light kiss. His thumbs worked the tears off the apple of your cheeks, and he pulled back, “I love you, you know?”
“I know,” you nod. “I love you too.”
a/n: thank you so much for reading <3
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austinbutlerslovers · 20 hours
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The Good Girl
Label Mature 18+
One Shot
Summary Shy timid and sweet by nature you have trouble adjusting to the real world until a fateful chain of events compels  you to do something a good girl would never dream of.
Heading from Michigan state back to Wisconsin for spring break you get stranded in a downpour with your roommate on the out skirts of Chicago.
Luckily for you there’s a bar nearby to seek help where you meet a handsome stranger who blurs the lines between right and wrong, until you find yourself drawn into a wild night of passion.
⚠️ Hardcore Smut ⚠️ dubcon •coercion • inexperience •shyness •corruption •age gap• power play• overstimulation •fingering •nipple play•teasing• •size kink • orgasms • protection
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Inspo two requests similar theme for Benny ☺️ age gap +innocent reader + smut (obsessed so I combined them 💞) enjoy
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The Good Girl
You and your friend, Darlene, have been driving for hours when you finally reach the mile marker for Chicago. The relentless downpour makes it nearly impossible to see through the windshield.
The wipers work frantically, but the rain falls faster than they can clear it and Darlene’s brows furrow as she concentrates on the road.
The two of you are heading back to Wisconsin for spring break from Michigan State University. You had only been at the university for a few months, and everything still felt new and overwhelming.
The campus was massive, and you, timid and shy, had found it hard to fit in right away. Meeting Darlene had been a stroke of luck.
She is confident and outgoing with a knack for effortlessly makes friends—fun in a way that draws everyone in. You, on the other hand, are shy and strait-laced, always playing the good girl, the one who follows the rules unsure how to step out of your comfort zone.
While Darlene charges into life without hesitation, you tend to observe, fading into the background, content in your quieter world. But somehow, despite your differences, you’ve become inseparable.
When you first moved into the dorms, you had been so nervous about sharing a room with someone. The thought of spending months with a complete stranger had filled you with anxiety, but Darlene quickly eased your worries. 
From the moment she introduced herself, she had a way of making you feel comfortable. It helped that she was also from Wisconsin, and the two of you bonded quickly over the familiar feeling of home.
Darlene was everything you weren’t—bold, loud, and always up for a good time. She had quickly become the center of your small social circle, and while you were still adjusting to university life, you admired how easily she navigated it. 
Always quieter and more reserved, you were happy to let her take the lead in most things, and Darlene didn’t seem to mind your shyness one bit. If anything, Darlene had made it her mission to pull you out of your shell. 
She’d coax you into doing things you’d never dream of, flashing that infectious smile that made it impossible to say no.
Whether it was dragging you to social events or encouraging you to take risks, Darlene seemed to thrive on challenging the boundaries you set for yourself always making sure it was in a way that made you feel a little spark of confidence.
As she drives through the storm, you can’t help but feel a little more at ease with her behind the wheel. Even though she plays around a lot, she’s focused now, her hands steady as the car moves cautiously along the rain-soaked highway.
“You alright over there?” Darlene asks, glancing at you for a second before returning her eyes to the road.
“Yeah,” you reply quietly, your hands resting nervously in your lap. “Just… this weather is pretty bad.”
Darlene chuckles, her confidence unwavering. “Don’t worry, it’s just a little rain,” she says, and though the intensity of the downpour would make most people nervous, she stays calm and upbeat.
You can’t help but smile a little. Even though you’re shy and still adjusting to this new chapter of your life, Darlene has a way of making you feel like everything will be okay. For someone like you, who’s always been more cautious and hesitant, having her around feels like a safety net.
“I still can’t believe you’ve never had a boyfriend,” Darlene teases, glancing over at you with a mischievous grin, trying to keep the mood light despite the weather.
You blush, feeling self-conscious. “It’s not like I haven’t thought about it,” you mutter, looking down at your hands in your lap. “I just… I don’t know. I’ve never met the right guy.”
Darlene laughs lightly, shaking her head. “You’ve gotta stop waiting for some prince charming to show up on a white horse. Sometimes you just gotta go for it.”
You smile softly, fiddling with the edge of your dress. “Maybe. But I don’t want to rush into something just to say I’ve had a boyfriend.”
Darlene rolls her eyes playfully. “You’re too sweet for this world, I swear.”
Just as she says that, the car begins to sputter. Darlene frowns, glancing down at the dashboard. “That’s not good,” she says, concern flickering in her voice.
Before you can ask what’s happening, the engine stalls completely. The car coasts to a slow stop on the side of the road, the rain pounding relentlessly against the roof.
“Oh, great,” Darlene groans, slumping back in her seat. “What now?”
You both sit in silence for a moment, the sound of the rain and the dead silence of the car making it clear you’re stuck.
“What do we do?” you ask, glancing around at the empty, rain-soaked road.
Darlene sighs. “I don’t know, but we can’t sit here forever. Maybe there’s something up ahead.”
Squinting through the rain, you spot a faint neon sign flickering in the distance. “Hey, look,” you say, pointing. “There’s a bar up there. Maybe we can get some help?”
Darlene turns to see the sign and nods quickly. “It’s worth a shot. Let’s go.”
Without a jacket or umbrella, you and Darlene step out into the pouring rain. Within moments, you’re completely soaked, the rain drenching your clothes and hair. You hurry toward the bar, the neon sign glowing brighter as you approach.
When you finally reach the doors and step inside, the warmth of the bar wraps around you, and you let out a relieved sigh. The room is filled with low chatter and the sound of pool balls clacking together. 
Every male patron glances up, momentarily caught off guard by your appearance as you and Darlene enter, dripping wet from the rain.
One in particular, catches your eye—he’s leaning over the pool table, his muscular arms exposed in a sleeveless tee, a cue stick resting in his hand. His sandy brown hair is tousled lightly and his striking blue eyes immediately lock onto yours as his full lips curve into a knowing smile.
You’ve never seen a man like him before—so rugged, so effortlessly confident. His eyes seem to hold you in place, like he can see through every layer of you, and your cheeks burn, suddenly realizing your dress is clinging to your form.
A wave of nerves and excitement washes over you as and you quickly look away, feeling flustered as your hands fidget nervously pulling down the hem of your soaked dress.
You can still feel his eyes on you, the heat rushing to your face, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t stop yourself as you sneak another glance at him.
He sets his cue stick down, the game long forgotten as he starts walking your way. His friend follows his gaze, pausing mid-shot, but all you can focus on is him. Your mind is a blur of emotions as he approaches, and you struggle to compose yourself.
“You’re gonna catch a chill like that,” he says, his voice deep and warm, his eyes never leaving yours. “What happened to you?”
Your words stick in your throat, and you try to speak, but only a few soft breaths escape. You take in how tall he is, your eyes flicking over the strength of his muscles before managing to lock eyes with him again. Up close, he’s even more gorgeous, and your heart skips a beat.
Darlene notices the effect he has on you and grins, stepping in to lead the conversation. 
“Our car stalled,” she explains, glancing at you, clearly amused by how dumbstruck you are staring at him. “We don’t know why it happened, but it’s up the road. Im Darlene by the way and this shy one here is—“ 
She nudges you to  introduces yourself  and when you tell him your name it’s barely more than a whisper as you look up at him still caught in a daze.
“I’m Benny,” he says, his expression softening, his gaze lingering on you. “I’ll get you some help,” and with that he heads toward the bar, leaving you standing there with your pulse racing in his absence.
You and Darlene wait as Benny asks the bartender to call a local tow truck. The bartender nods, picking up the phone to make the call, but you can barely concentrate. 
Your thoughts are completely consumed by Benny—his voice, his easy confidence, the way he moves. Your gaze keeps drifting over his body, noticing how the biceps in his muscular arms flex in his sleeveless shirt, every movement smooth and effortless.
“So, that’s your type, huh?” Darlene teases seeing the way you stare at Benny with a knowing smirk on her lips. “No wonder the college boys aren’t doing it for you.”
You flush with embarrassment, glancing at Darlene, unsure of what to say. “I—what? No, I can’t just…,” you stammer, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks.
“Why not? He’s gorgeous. You should go for it,” she encourages, her grin widening as she nudges you playfully.
“I can’t,” you murmur, shaking your head. The idea feels too bold, too daring, but your heart races at the thought.
Before you can protest further, Benny returns, a reassuring smile on his face. “Looks like you’ll get a tow when the rain clears up,” he says, his eyes flicking to yours with a warmth that makes your pulse quicken.
“Where do you live?” Benny asks casually, his gaze still fixed on you, making you feel like you’re the only one in the room.
“W-Wisconsin, I’m on spring break…from…-M-Michigan State” you finally manage to get out, your voice stuttering as you try to calm your rising nerves.
Benny tuts softly, shaking his head with an amused grin. “Long way from home sugar,” he says smoothly, his tone low and infectious with a look in his eyes that makes your stomach flip. You nod eagerly, unable to shake the butterflies swirling inside you under his gaze.
He glances out the window, noticing the rain still coming down in sheets. "Looks like we’ll be here for a while," he smiles. "How about a game of pool to pass the time?" He asks as his eyes lock onto yours, and the way he says it makes your heart skip a beat.
You fidget nervously, your fingers brushing against the hem of your damp dress shy under his attention. "I’ve… I’ve never played before," you admit, feeling a flush in your cheeks.
Darlene, ever the bold one, nudges you with a grin. "She’d love to learn," she teases, giving you a knowing look, clearly amused by how flustered you are around Benny.
Benny grins his eyes softening as he looks at you. "C’mon, I’ll show you sugar," he coaxes gently, his voice like honey with warmth and reassurance. “I’ll teach you everything you need to know."
His charm works its magic, and despite your nerves, there’s something about Benny’s easygoing nature that makes you feel a little more comfortable. 
He gestures for his friend, a tall guy with a laid back smile, to come over. "This is Cal," Benny introduces. "Cal, this is Darlene."
Cal flashes an easy grin, nodding at Darlene,“Nice to meet you,” he says, and the way his eyes linger on her makes it clear that he’s more than happy to take over the role of entertaining her for the night.
Benny brings you over to the pool table and once there, he quickly pockets the scattered balls from the previous game until only a white and red one remain.
You can’t help but admire the way his muscles flex beneath his sleeveless tee as he lines them up, the white ball at the edge near you and the red ball in the center, each placement deliberate and smooth. When he’s done he looks up and catches you watching him, a slow, knowing smile spreading across his lips.
“Ready?” he asks, his voice low and inviting. You nod and he picks up a cue stick placing it gently in your hands, you stare down at its size and feel its weight in your palms unsure of what to do.
"Here," he says softly, his fingers brushing against yours and he positions you over the table.
The heat of his body is almost overwhelming against you and your pulse quickens while he guides your movements. 
"Just like this," he murmurs, leaning in, his breath warm against your ear. "You gotta line it up to take your shot, then you ease into it until it feels right."
The sound of his voice, so deep and close, sends a shiver down your spine. 
His chest presses lightly against your back as he adjusts your grip on the cue, and the firm feel of his body so close to yours has you nearly forgetting how to even hold the stick.
Your try to focus, but it’s impossible with Benny pressed against you, his touch is smooth and casual as he leans in even closer, his hand gently guiding yours as you prepare you take your first shot. 
"You’ve got to get it just right," he whispers softly near your ear, and the simple gesture has your breath catching in your throat.
You look up from the game and see Darlene having a blast with Cal, their laughter filling the bar as they sip drinks and select music from the jukebox carefree and completely at ease. 
"Do you drink?" Benny asks suddenly, his voice low, his blue eyes flicking over to you with a teasing glint.
You shake your head, barely managing to answer as your mind races with the feel of his hand still resting over yours on the pool cue. "No… never," you say, your voice breathless.
Benny’s smile grows approvingly. "Good girl," he says in a low, teasing tone, his gaze lingering on your flushed face for just a moment longer before returning to the game. 
His compliment sends a wave of warmth through you, and you can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.
His hand moves to your waist and for a moment, just from his touch, your heart races even faster. 
"You’re doing good," he says softly, his eyes catching yours again, and the way he looks at you makes your stomach flip.
His grip tightens on your waist as he adjusts your stance and warmth of his palm through the thin fabric of your dress ignites something deep within you.
Despite trying to focus on the game, all you can think about is Benny and how close he is, every subtle movement of his body feeling impossibly intimate.
Benny flexes his arm, as he holds you to line up the shot, and a small, breathy sound of pleasure escapes your lips. 
His smile widens instantly, hearing it “You alright there, sweetheart?” he asks, his voice soft laced with a teasing tone.
You can feel your face burning, embarrassed by how easily you’ve been overcome by him, but Benny doesn’t seem to mind. 
The way his eyes linger on you with his fingers gently pressing into your waist, says he’s enjoying every second.
“Relax for me,” he whispers, his breath warm against your ear.
His entire body presses against yours as he helps guide the pool cue forward, and all you can focus on is the sensation of his strong arms wrapped around you, the firmness of his chest, and the way his breath is warm on your skin.
“We’re almost there,” he whispers again, teasing against your ear.
You’re completely overwhelmed by him, and you can tell he knows it. His smile stays soft, as if he’s testing just how easily he can make your heart race with a single touch.
He thrusts into you hard as you both push the stick forward. The flex of his body against yours makes pleasurable sigh escape your lips. 
You feel a warmth flood through you as the ball rolls smoothly across the table and lands perfectly in the pocket with a satisfying clack.
His smile grows even wider, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Just like that,” he murmurs, his voice deep and smooth, the words sending a shiver through you.
As you slowly stand  back up together the heat between you intensifies, with a single glance, your eyes lock on his in a way that’s more than just a feeling—it’s deeper. Every breath feels heavier, the air charged with something unspoken, heavy with anticipation, waiting for what comes next.
Neither of you notice the bartender approaching until he speaks, “Sorry to say, ladies,” he says, looking between you and Darlene.
“Even though the rain’s let up, I can’t reach the tow truck driver again. Seems he’s already clocked out for the night, I’ll have to try again in the morning.”
You stand in shock, exchanging a worried glance with Darlene, the reality sinking in that you’re stranded without a way home.
“There’s a motel not far from here that’ll take you in for the night,” the bartender offers.
Darlene, always practical but a bit frustrated, sighs. “That’s nice and all, but we don’t even have a way to get there without the car.”
“I can take you,” Benny says, his voice steady and reassuring, his eyes locking on yours. “On my Harley.”
Your heart skips a beat at the mention of his motorcycle, excitement and nerves swirling inside as you look up at him, shy and hesitant.
“I’ve never been on a motorcycle before,” you admit quietly, your voice barely a whisper.
Benny’s grin widens, a knowing glint in his eyes. “There’s a first time for everything,” he says, his voice dropping to a soft murmur. “Didn’t have any trouble learning how to play pool,” he adds, his gaze slowly looking you over, lingering on you with a heated intensity.
The hint of seduction in his words makes your knees weaken slightly, your heart racing as you nod shyly, completely captivated by the effortless charm in his voice.
Cal, glances at Darlene. “I can take you, too, if you’re game,” he offers with an easygoing smile.
Darlene doesn’t miss a beat, grinning as she says, “Sounds like fun! Sure, why not?” Her carefree attitude puts you a little more at ease, though your heart still races with anticipation.
Benny’s gaze lingers on you, his smile softening. “You’ll be alright with me.”  He promises and the protective edge in his voice makes you quickly nod as you look up at him.
After closing out the tab, he brings you in close pulling his leather jacket on to you, the scent of leather with the faint hint of him surrounding your presence.
“Can’t have you catching a chill, sweetheart,” he says with a smile, his voice low and smooth as his eyes lock onto yours, causing a surge of warmth to rush through you at the unexpected gesture.
He leads you outside as the damp night air settles around you, still heavy from the rain. You follow him to his motorcycle, a black, metallic shiny thing with chrome glinting in the low light. It’s unlike anything you’ve seen before—sleek, powerful, like it could tear down the road without a second thought.
Benny moves with a natural confidence effortlessly swinging his leg over the bike, settling into place with ease. When he kick-starts the engine, it roars to life, the low, rumbling sound vibrating through the air, sending a thrill straight through you.
He turns, offering his hand with a calm smile.
“Come on, sugar,” he says, his voice smooth and reassuring. His hand is warm as you take it and your heart is pounding as you climb onto the bike behind him wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. The feel of his solid body beneath your touch makes you feel safe, despite the wild excitement racing through you.
His sleeveless tee does little to conceal the firm, hard muscle beneath your fingertips, heightening your awareness of his strength as you hold him tighter, feeling every movement of his powerful body under your grasp.
You glance over and watch as Darlene climbs onto the back of Cal’s bike with an eager smile, and soon both bikes rumble to life as you all take off into the night. 
The engine hums beneath you, the power of it reverberating through your body as the wind whips around your face. The lights from the town blur past, the wet streets reflecting everything like a mirror.
The sensation of being so close to Benny—feeling the wind whip around you, his warmth steady in front of you as the bike rumbles under your legs—leaves you breathless. You feel a wild, exhilarating sense of freedom, like you’re untethered from everything as you speed through the cool, rain-soaked air.
Benny slows the bike as you near the motel, the rumble of the engine softening as he pulls into the lot and the bike rolls smoothly to a stop. 
You tighten your arms around his waist reluctant to let go. The warmth of his body against yours, the security of his presence, makes you want to stay just like this for a little longer.
He shuts off the engine, and the sudden quiet is almost startling after the roar of the ride. His hand rests on yours as he turns his head, glancing back at you.
“You alright?” he asks softly, the corners of his mouth lifting into a small smile. His voice is calm, reassuring, but there’s something deeper in his gaze, as if he can feel the reluctance in your hold and you nod to him not quite ready to let go.
Darlene and Cal arrive, pulling up beside you, and you feel a wave of dismay as you realize the ride—and Bennys closeness—is coming to an end. With a soft sigh, you release him from your grasp.
Benny swings his leg off the bike and turns to help you down. His grip is strong, his hands firm as they steady you, and you cling to him, not wanting to let go, feeling so small and delicate in his protective hold. 
When he gently places you on the ground, his hands linger a moment longer than they should, and your fingers instinctively tighten around his firm biceps.
Your eyes are soft, pleading for more as he gazes down at you. A knowing smile tugs at his lips feeling the same pull that you do, an unspoken connection between you both, drawing you closer without a single word.
“I’ll go book two separate rooms for us,” Darlene suddenly announces, giving you a playful knowing look that makes your cheeks burn with embarrassment. 
It’s clear what she’s insinuating, and the fact that she said it right in front of Benny makes your face flush even hotter. 
You step back from him, your mind swirling with the implications. You’ve always been the good girl, careful and cautious, and now standing so close to him, you’re not sure how to navigate the feelings rushing through you.
As Darlene heads inside to handle the rooms, you stand there awkwardly, feeling a nervous flutter in your stomach.
Benny breaks the tension with an easy smile. “Don’t worry,” he says, his voice low and warm.
“Maybe tomorrow we can grab some breakfast before you get your car sorted?” he suggests, and you can hear the a hint of reluctance in his voice.
His deep blue eyes lock onto yours, filled with the all the unspoken desire that lingers between you both, the weight of what you both want growing stronger, though neither of you says a word.
He steps closer, his chest almost brushing yours as he reaches for his jacket. His fingers graze your skin, starting at your shoulder, the touch slow and deliberate. His fingertips linger just a moment too long as they trail down your arm, sending a wave of heat rushing through you. 
His touch ignites something deep inside, a warmth that spreads through your skin, making you ache for more. His movements are unhurried savoring every second of pulling the leather from your body. 
As he slides the jacket off, you instinctively wrap your arms around yourself and it’s not just the chill that makes you do it—it’s the sudden vulnerability you feel leaving Benny.
As you look up to him his eyes are darkened with an intensity you’ve never known and in that moment, you’re completely captivated by him, your mind racing with the thought of whether or not you should invite him to stay the night.
Before you can make up your mind, Darlene returns, holding two room keys in her hand.
“Goodnight, boys,” she says with a wink, clearly enjoying the situation far more than you.
“Thanks for the fun,” Cal says, giving Darlene a grin and Benny smoothly pulls on his jacket as Cal mounts his bike. 
“Meet you back at the bar,” Cal says with a casual nod, and Benny acknowledges him with a quick gesture before Cal rides off into the night.
Darlene hands you your key with a playful smile. “See you in the morning,” she whispers, the teasing tone unmistakable as she heads toward her room, leaving you standing there, undecided.
Benny’s eyes never leave you as he walks toward his motorcycle. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow before you go,” he says, his voice steady and calm, but you can’t shake the lingering feelings you have for him.
You hesitate, watching him as he mounts his bike, and just before he kick-starts it, something inside you shifts. Without thinking, you call out, “Benny, wait!”
He pauses, placing his foot back down as he looks at you, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Yeah?” He asks his voice is warm and inviting.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you swallow your nerves, glancing down at the key in your hand. 
“I was just… thinking,” you begin, your voice soft and shy. “Maybe… you could stay for a little while? I mean, if you’re not too tired.”
Benny dismounts his bike, a confident smile playing on his lips as he approaches. His hand reaches out, gently cupping your chin, tilting your face up until your eyes meet his. 
“You sure about that, sugar?” he asks, his voice low and smooth, carrying a hint of challenge. 
“Because I’d be more happy to stay, just as long as I know I’m not rushing you into anything.” He confirms his thumb brushing lightly across your chin.
You nod, feeling the warmth of his touch against as your nerves begin to fade.
“I’m sure Benny,” you respond with a reassuring smile spreading across your lips.
“Alright then,” he says softly, leaning in just enough so you can feel the warmth of his breath on your lips, “Lead the way.”
You grin and head toward your room with Benny following close behind. The sensation of his presence making your heart pound in your chest as the quiet anticipation lingers in the air.
When you unlock the door and step inside, the atmosphere shifts as you look around the quant motel room feeling a quiet intimacy that fills the space.
Benny enters after you, the door closing softly behind him, and he quietly locks it.
As you turn to face him the warmth of Benny’s presence so close makes your heart pound in your chest. His eyes linger on you with an unspoken understanding, as if he already knows what you’re about to say. 
You swallow hard, feeling a little self-conscious, before finally admitting, 
“I… I’ve never done anything like this before.”
Benny’s smile widens, his blue eyes lighting up with a mixture of affection and amusement. 
“I know,” he says softly, his voice as smooth as velvet. 
There’s something about the way he says it, the gentle confidence in his words, that makes your heart beat faster causing your face to flush.
He reaches out, brushing the back of his hand lightly against your cheek, his touch sending a wave of warmth through you.
His gaze is intense, filled with affection and something deeper—something that has you both nervous and thrilled all at once. 
He leans in until his lips hover just near yours, the space between you charged with anticipation and then he kisses you. His lips press on yours soft, and unhurried savoring every second.
His hand gently cups your face with his lips warm against yours, each subtle touch kiss leaves you completely captivated, your breath catching as the arousal begins to stir deep inside. 
His tenderness makes you feel lightheaded and breathless, completely drawn into him, completely lost. And then, just as you begin panting into his mouth he pulls away, leaving you trembling, lightly breathless, with your lips still warm from his touch. 
He leans in, his breath warm against your ear as he speaks in that smooth, deep voice of his. 
“Why don’t you get out of those wet clothes for me sugar?” he suggests softly, his tone gentle but firm, as if he’s already certain you’ll listen to him.
You look up to him and hesitate for a brief moment, feeling a flush creep up your cheeks, but there’s something about the way he says it that makes you nod quietly. 
There’s no pressure, no urgency in his voice—just a gentle suggestion, and you find yourself readily obeying him. 
You look up at him through your lashes, feeling both shy and  cautious as you pull down the sleeves of your damp dress.
Benny leans back against the door, watching you with a soft smile, his eyes never leaving you for a second. 
His gaze isn’t overbearing, or insistent, instead it’s filled with a desire that makes you feel entirely wanted. 
“Don’t be shy,” he smiles seeing you pause not letting your dress fall lower than your chest.
His words make your heart flutter, and with a deep breath, you pull your dress down to your waist, hooking your thumbs into your panties and stepping out of them.  
As your clothing drops to the floor you kneel down, slipping off your socks and shoes as your bare feet sink into the plush carpet of the room.
You can feel the heat of his gaze as you stand up in front of him. Now completely naked your hands tremble slightly, the cool air mixing with the excitement rushing through your body and you Instinctively look down, too shy to meet his eyes.
“That’s better,” Benny says with approval, stepping closer. You can feel the warmth of his presence as his hand finds yours, pulling you gently to him. His other hand rests lightly on your waist, the simple touch making your heart race all over again.
“Look at me,” he whispers, his fingers softly tilting your chin up, guiding your gaze to meet his and intensity in his blue eyes draws you deeper into the unspoken desire that lingers for him.
“Not like you to fall for someone like me, is it?” he smiles, his hand sliding up your back, pulling you into his embrace.
“Never…” you whisper, your voice barely audible as you look into the depths of his eyes, falling harder for him with each passing second.
“First time for everything,” he whispers, his lips brushing against yours before capturing them in a kiss that melts all your nervousness away in an instant.
 His lips are warm, soft as his mouth moves against yours, and this time a soft whimper escapes you as he deepens the kiss.
The simple sound ignites something in Benny, and his lips move against yours with more intensity,  drawing you in until you’re completely caught in his rhythm, your heart pounding wildly in your chest.
Your hands reach up, clutching his shoulders, desperate for something to anchor you as the intensity of his kiss steals your breath away.
His hands begin to explore you, trailing down your back before settling on your curves, his firm grip igniting a heat that spreads through  your core.
You can feel your arousal building, warm and slick between your thighs. Your mind races, trying to keep up with the emotions flooding through you, but all you can focus on is him—his touch, his kiss, the way he makes everything else fade away. 
He pulls back just enough for you to catch a small breath, his lips barely an inch from yours, yet you’re already aching for more. “You want me?” he asks, his voice low, laced with an edge that makes your heart race even faster. 
You nod, unable to speak, your voice caught in your throat as the rush of emotions and desire collide within you. 
He grins, seeing the way you tremble, and without breaking eye contact, he shrugs off his jacket pulling up his tee and revealing the hard, sculpted muscles of his chest and abs. 
His body is powerful, each line carved and defined, and the sight of him leaves you slack-jawed,
You’ve been wanting to see him like this all night, and now that he stands before you, your eyes widen in delight, taking in every inch of him.
“Don’t be shy,” Benny grins, stepping closer, guiding your hand to his chest. “Feel me,” he urges softly, his voice calm and commanding.
His hand covers yours, encouraging you to explore him and your fingers glide down the hard planes of his abs his muscles flexing slightly under your touch.
The sensation of his strength beneath your fingertips sends a wave of heat rushing through you, making your breath hitch.
He steps back, his eyes never leaving yours, the intensity of his gaze locking you in place as he leans down to unlace his boots and setting them aside.
When he stands back up, his gaze is even more intense, every movement deliberate as his fingers undo the button of his jeans making your heart races with anticipation. 
He pauses lowering the zipper, a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he looks at you, savoring the moment and drawing it out. 
“You sure you’re ready for this?” he asks his voice teasing and seductive like velvet as it wraps around you.
“Yes, Benny,” you breathe, your eyes flicking up to his, your chest rising and falling rapidly, charged with desire. 
 A slow smirk forms on his lips as he watches you, and with a  practiced ease, he slides his jeans down exposing his long, hard cock as your eyes go wide.
It’s big — even bigger than you expected, the sheer size overwhelming you.
You chest tightens with nervousness, as you quickly look away feeling the heat rush to your face.
Benny reaches out, gently guiding your chin back to him. “Eyes on me, sugar,” he says, his voice low and commanding as he holds your gaze steady. “This is all for you,” he assures and his words are so certain, they leave you speechless.
He pulls a condom from his jeans and tears it open, drawing your eyes back down to his cock.
With practiced ease, he positions the condom at the tip, his fingers expertly rolling it down over his girth all the way to the base. 
The way his cock stands, so heavy and full, sends a throb straight to your core and you  try not to stare, but it’s impossible not to.
Your eyes take in every detail, the thickness of it, the way his skin stretches over the veins, how firmly it extends in his grip,
A flicker of nervousness runs through you, the thought of what’s coming next makes your body tense with both excitement and hesitation. 
Benny notices the shift in your expression and smiles softly, leaning in close his hands moving to cradle your neck. “We’ll take it as slow” he promises, his voice gentle as he caresses you his thumbs tracing down the delicate lines of your neck.
You take a deep breath, feeling your heart race from his words as you slowly nod.
He moves gently as he guides you to lay down on the bed, the linen sheets soft against your skin. He follows your movements, his body just above as he climbs on top, the bed dipping  under his weight.
His fingers trace the curve of your cheek, down your neck, and then settle on your waist. He takes his time, letting you feel the warmth of his body as he slowly settles down on top of you.
“You alright?” he asks his voice soft and reassuring as his thumb strokes your hip and his eyes meet yours, filled with a quiet confidence that sets you at ease. 
“Yes, Benny,” you nod, finding your voice barely above a whisper and the way you breathe out his name makes his lips quirk into a small smile.
“Good” he says as  his hand slides down to your thigh, giving a gentle squeeze.
He leans in close, kissing the corner of your mouth, then your jaw, his lips lingering there, savoring every touch.
He slowly nudges your legs apart, his movements patient and deliberate as his fingers push in between them causing a jolt of to pleasure shoot through your core. 
The slickness of your arousal coats his fingers as he slips the them over your folds and he spreads your wetness with soft strokes making moan in pleasure.
His lips brush against your jaw in reverence as he feels how wet you for him, a satisfied hum vibrating through his chest.
His thumb grazes your clit in just the right way, with a teasing  pressure making your breath hitch, and he explores further, feeling the tension in your body melt under his touch.
He slips one finger inside feeling your walls adjust and then slowly adds another. He begins stretching you with a slow, gentle rhythm the sensation overwhelming—tight and warm, coaxing deep moans  from your lips with each stroke. 
The pressure of his fingers inside you builds with every thrust, steady and sure making your whole body arch from the bed, quickening with every gasp that escape from your lips.
His eyes never leave yours, watching your every reaction, every breath, every flutter of your eyelids, memorizing the way you respond to him.
“That’s it sweet heart,” he whispers, his voice like a low purr, as his thumb presses into your clit with just enough pressure to make you moan and tremble beneath him. “Gonna work you open nice and slow for me” he whispers, his breath warm as it mingles with your own.
You can hear your wetness slicking between your thighs, as his fingers work a rhythm that feels achingly perfect.
“You ready for me?” he asks as his fingers moving in just the right way, making you arch against him even more as he pushes into you deeper.
You gasp from the depth of his fingers as you hesitate, your body unsure, already overwhelmed by the sensations he’s giving, not certain if you can take any more. 
“I-I don’t know if I can,” you manage to say, your voice breathless, trembling under his touch.
Benny presses a slow, tender kiss to your neck, his thumb circling your clit again with practiced ease. “Yes you can sugar,” he whispers, his voice low tempting. “and just so you know with out a doubt, I’m gonna make sure you’re begging for it” he says with certainty.
You feel his fingers begin to work firmer inside of you, each thrust deliberate, coaxing a deeper response from your body. His words a promise, as you begin to moan in pleasure completely unraveling beneath him.
Benny grins, his lips finding your neck as he softly kisses the delicate skin there. “You starting to feel it aren’t you.“ he hums, his voice affectionate as he moves lower, his lips wrapping around your nipple, sending a new wave of pleasure through your body. 
His tongue flicks gently over your sensitive skin, and your body arches instinctively, surrendering to his touch. He sucks gently making you arch into him, as his fingers never stop coaxing more of your wetness.
Your body reacts in ways you can’t control, your thighs softly tremble as your chest rises and falls with uneven breaths. Your legs part instinctively under his touch, your thighs slick with the evidence of your desire.
A deep moan escapes your lips as he sucks harder, on your nipple his tongue flicking against you in a way that leaves your body craving more. 
Your fingers clutch the sheets, your body writhing under the slow build of pleasure he’s giving. Your hips moving on their own, lifting towards him as your body seeks him out, needing more.
No longer unsure, your desperate for more of him feeling and emptiness you know only he can fill. You moan for him your chest heaving as the pleasure builds tighter inside you. 
“Benny!” You whine feeling all the sensation build inside you at once, the warmth starting deep in your core and radiating outward, leaving you flushed and trembling.
Benny stops, his lips hovering over your nipple as he gazes up at you,. “You’re ready for me now, aren’t you?” he asks his tone heavy with desire 
“Yes I’m ready ” you quickly pant  your body trembling with need.
He wraps his had along the base of his cock and you gasp as you feel his large tip push against you, the size making you softly moan as he uses your wetness to coat it.
“Gonna give you a taste“ he says slipping  the tip inside pulling back just enough to make your body pulse with a desperate need for more.
“There you go,” he says, his voice a soothing as he grips your thigh, steadying you. “Feels good doesn’t it?,” he breathes.
You can feel his cock twitch in your impossibly tight walls and you nod feeling the pleasure radiating through you racing with the beat of your heart. You want more of him the anticipation almost too much to bear.
“Take me all the way” you say craving it and he responds moving  his hands to your hips as he slowly, gently pushes his hips forward, inch by inch, guiding his large cock into you until you suddenly cry out, feeling an intense ache.
“Benny!” you whine, trembling as your nails dig into his arms, losing your mind as you feel him stretching you apart. You shudder and moan uncontrollably, pushing against him. “You’re… you’re … my first!” you finally cry out unable to hide your secret anymore feeling like he might break you.  
Benny slows his penetration a big smile forming on his lips. “I know, sugar,” he says, his voice like velvet, his words soothing the intensity of the pain building inside you.
“Y-you Knew?” You say in shock and his hand reaches your face stroking your hair back.
“From the moment I laid eyes on you.” He says softly.  “The way you looked at me like I could solve every problem in the world.” He grins his eyes soft.
“Why’d you think I went along with what you wanted?” He asks studying your reaction. 
Your eyes study his face stunned realizing what you’ve gotten yourself into.
 “Benny….… I do want you, I want you so much …but …. I didn’t think it was would hurt so much” you confess and his face lights up as he holds his laugh seeing how serious you are. 
“It won’t hurt for long” he says looking at you affectionately. “I promise” he says in a way that eases your worry. 
“Just let me take you all the way just like you wanted” he says, his voice sure and you nod swallowing hard.
Your breath hitches, a soft moan escaping your lips as he sinks deeper into you, every inch of him filling you slowly, leaving your body completely at his mercy. You begin to pant and he kisses you trying to take your pain.
You’re impossibly  tight, squeezing him hard as he pushes into you further, and he brings his thumb to gently stroke your clit, coaxing you to relax. “You’re doing so good”  he whispers, his voice velvety and soothing “just relax and let me in.”
You lift your hips instinctively as he slowly fills you up, and you whine through the stretch as your fingers dig into his back.
“That’s it” he whispers. His cock twitches, and you see him bite down on the inside of his lip, holding himself back. It aches in you, but the pain dulls as Benny lets you get used to the fullness inside you.
You softly whimper as he presses a kiss to your forehead. “It’s all gonna feel better now,” he whispers, slowly dragging his cock out of you.
You tilt your hips, opening yourself to accept more of him as he pushes in again, filling you to the hilt. 
You moan wrapping your arms around his shoulders burying your face in his neck as his cock pulls back once more. “Just like that,” he praises, his voice deep with satisfaction as he thrusts into you.
He takes you again, and again each time he groans in your ear, his voice filled with satisfaction. 
You pull your face from his neck to meet his gaze. His blue eyes lock onto yours as he pulls out and pushes back in, the connection between you intensifying. You hold onto his neck, your fingers digging into his shoulders, feeling the tension in his body as he builds a steady rhythm inside you.
All you can do is moan from the overwhelming sensation as it begins to feel so good it brings tears to your eyes, your pleasure spilling over uncontrollably. 
Hearing your moans, he grins, “Gonna make you come now ,” he says, moving faster, his pace quickening as his fingers grip your waist, guiding your body as his hips roll against yours, each thrust hitting deeper, more intoxicating.
The pain that once existed is gone, overtaken by the ecstasy of his thrusts. You feel completely satisfied, filled with his thick cock driving into you with purpose. He maintains a quick rhythm, his body pressing into yours as your mind drifts into euphoria. You had no idea you could feel this way—so much pleasure flooding every inch of you at once.
You’re moaning freely, the intensity overwhelming as your body begins trembling, your mind lost to the sensations. “There it is ,” he pants, snapping his hips against yours, his voice rough with need as you take every inch of him.
Suddenly, you feel it—the wave building deep inside you, tightening your core, making your entire body quake. Your orgasm crashes over you like a tidal wave, your walls fluttering around him as you cry out, completely lost in the moment. 
He groans loudly as your body grips him tight, and with one final thrust, he joins you, his release hitting hard as he spills into the condom. His hips jerk against you, his groans mixing with yours as both of you ride out the aftershocks together.
He collapses gently on top of you, his chest rising and falling rapidly against yours, his breath warm on your skin. You lay there, stunned, your body still trembling as you try to catch your breath. The room growing quiet except for the sound of your soft breaths together.
After a few moments, you find your voice, soft and unsure. “Are you ever going to come to Wisconsin or Michigan State?” you ask, your voice small and vulnerable, reeling from what just happened.
He peeks up at you, his blue eyes sparkling with that familiar teasing look. “I’m thinking about never letting you leave Chicago,” he grins and his lips press against yours in a soft kiss, a newfound  promise lingering between you both.
He rolls onto his back, pulling you close against him, wrapping his arm securely around you, holding you in place. Your hand rests gently on his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing. You bury your face against his neck, inhaling deeply, the familiar scent of him soothing you as your eyes flutter closed, and sleep finds you quickly, wrapped in the comfort of Bennys embrace.
The next morning, you awaken, your eyes blinking slowly as you take in the quiet room. The bed beside you is a mess of tangled sheets, and as you sit up, a sudden pang of panic grips your chest. Benny is gone. The absence of his presence makes the room feel colder, emptier, and your heart sinks as the realization settles in. 
 A soft, saddened sound escapes your lips, barely more than a whisper as you sit there, staring at the rumpled sheets, replaying the night before in your mind. It had felt so real, so intimate—how could he just leave?
“I’m so stupid!,” you mutter under your breath, cursing yourself for letting your guard down, for hoping he’d be there the next day. 
Quickly, you throw the covers back and swing your legs over the edge of the bed, a knot of disappointment twisting in your stomach. 
You stand up and head straight to the shower, trying to shake off the feeling, but the emptiness you feel clings to you like a shadow.
Once in the shower your body aches, a dull soreness reminding you of everything that happened last night, and as the hot water cascades over your skin, warm tears mix with the water, falling down the drain. No matter how hard you try to stop, you can’t shake the trembling in your body, a mix of emotions overwhelming you.
After what feels like forever, you step out of the shower, wiping the fog from the mirror to reveal your reflection. “Stupid stupid good girl ” you whisper to yourself, the words biting as you turn away from the image in front of you. 
You dry off as you head back to the bedroom, slipping into your now-dry clothes, that you realize were placed on the heater as you slept and the sadness lingers.
Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door. Your heart leaps in your chest, pounding wildly as you rush to answer it, ready to spill everything to Darlene. The disappointment, the confusion—all of it.
When you swing the door open, you freeze. There, standing in front of you, is Benny, a soft smile on his lips, holding two bags with breakfast. 
The sight of him makes your mouth fall open in shock. For a moment, you can’t believe it—he didn’t leave.
Before you can even process what’s happening, you let out a relieved squeal and jump into his arms, wrapping yourself around him. 
Benny chuckles softly, catching you easily as his arms come up to hold you close.
“Aww, sugar,” he murmurs softly, holding you close as you gasp for breath,shaking with emotion trying to hold back tears. 
He shushes you gently, his arms strong and comforting as he carry’s you in and sets you down on the bed, his smile warm and reassuring.
”l-I..I thought you left” you choke out.
 “I’m right here, baby. I wouldn’t just leave you,” he says softly, kissing the top of your head.
You hug him again, so relieved to have him there. He pulls back just enough to meet your gaze, his eyes soft and sincere. “I wasn’t going anywhere,” he says gently, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. “I just went to grab us some breakfast.”
Benny opens one of the bags, pulling out a breakfast sandwich and handing it to you. Without hesitation, you begin to eat it realizing just how hungry you are. The roller coaster of emotions leaving you famished. 
“You were hungry,” Benny smiles, his thumb brushing your cheek as you finish your meal and you  rest back on the bed, feeling sated as a sigh escapes your lips. 
After a while, Benny glances over at you, a more serious expression softening his features. 
“I want you to be my girl,” he says, and you pause, your heart skipping a beat as the words sink in. 
“Benny, how?” you ask, your voice soft, a mix of surprise and hope. “You live here, and I’m going back to school at Michigan State after spring break in Wisconsin ” 
 Benny lays down next to you taking your hand in his. 
“I’ll come to Wisconsin,” he says firmly, his eyes locking with yours, filled with sincerity. “Every chance I get, I’ll be there and When you’re back in school, I’ll visit you whenever I can. It won’t be easy, but I’m not letting this go.” He says and his words hit you hard, the weight of them wrapping around your heart. 
He’s serious—there’s no teasing or hesitation in his voice now, just a solid promise. 
He gently takes your chin in his hand, lifting your face to meet his eyes. “I’ll even go with you to Wisconsin now if you’ll have me,” he says softly, sincerity and warmth flooding his voice. 
Your eyes light up with excitement, as an overwhelming joy fills you. Without a second thought, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss, full of emotion.
“Yes, Benny!” you exclaim breathlessly against his lips, your heart swelling with happiness. He grins, pulling you close as he returns the kiss, his arms tightening around you. 
The thought of taking him to your hometown, spending two weeks together, fills you with so much excitement that you’re practically shaking. 
You rest against him, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest, your heart full and content. Benny’s your boyfriend now, and everything feels right—exactly how it’s  supposed to be.
🏍️ The End 🏍️
🔗 Master List
🏍️ Benny Cross Tag List 🏍️
@ashleybutler @finley-08 @ifuckindontknow @landlockedmermaid77 @jvanilly @oceanablue @12joeywheelerfangirl @autumnleaves1991-blog @presley1992 @rose-deathman @sillylittlethrowaway @lillypink @faephoria @nostalgichoya
🏷️ Always Tags Me List 💌
@purejasmine @faegoddessog @burnthheparaphilia @lindszeppelin @abswifey @ausssbutlershortstories @magicovento @obsessedvibee @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @thegabbyh @thefallofthedamned @buckysteveloki-me @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @shegatsby @darlingisntit @unicoreads @lovereadingfanfic @elvismylove04 @denised916 @shockercoco @minispice-1 @meetmeatyourworst @avidreader73 @jkdaddy01 @xxmandaveexx @mamawiggers1980 @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @majestyjade @gravesdiggergirl
123 notes · View notes
Sweeter Than Revenge Part 7
Fandom: Twisters, Tyler Owens, f!reader, Scott's Sister!reader Summary: After you kissed Tyler on his livestream, things between the two of you only continue to develop. Word Count: 3169 TW: Flirting, Kissing, Developing Feelings, Language Notes: A massive thank you to @blue-aconite and @green-socks for reading this over for me and for all the constant support! And to @mayhem24-7forever for always answering my late-night panicked messages
Divider created by me (please ask/credit before using)
Series Masterlist
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You weren’t sure how long you and Tyler remained seated in the front of his truck with your lips pressed against each other, but far sooner than you would have liked, you heard Boone shouting from outside, “Hey, love birds! You’ll wanna see this!”
Reluctantly, you broke away from Tyler, both of you panting slightly as you gazed at each other. Then he winked before undoing his harness and climbing out of the truck. You took a deep breath, unhooked your own harness (after a momentary struggle), and opened the truck door.
The winds still rustled gently over the field as you eased out of the truck, your feet standing on the running board as you leaned against the door. About 100 yards in front of you, the tornado continued to twist and twirl through the grass as it made its way away from the truck. Now that your initial fear of driving into it had passed, you were really able to appreciate the magnificence and raw power of the towering wall of wind. It truly was a wonder of nature and you understood why people came from all over just to experience this moment.
You, Tyler, and Boone continued to watch the storm until it began to collapse several minutes later. The death of the tornado was in some ways just as beautiful as the raging storm itself. And as the last of the funnel disappeared, leaving nothing but dark clouds and a band of rain where it had once stood, it felt like a spell was broken as the world around you exhaled.
Looking at you from the other side of the truck, Tyler grinned. “Well, sweetheart, what did you think?”
“That was fucking amazing!” you cried as you jumped down from the truck. “It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my life! Oh my god, Tyler, thank you!” 
As you reached him, you threw yourself into his arms, squeezing him tightly and burying your face in his neck. He laughed as he twirled you around and you could feel his heart racing in his chest, fueled by the same adrenaline that was flooding your system. 
When he stopped, you lifted your head. He was staring right at you, his green eyes sparkling like the stars he had shown you the night you met, his smile so wide that his dimples were on full display. You had never seen someone so breathtaking and full of life before. It was intoxicating.
He must have been thinking the same thing about you.
Tracing his fingers down the side of your face, he murmured, “What are you thanking me for? Chasing the storm…or the kiss?”
You licked your lips as you stared at his and whispered, “Both.”
“Good.” Tyler bent his head down until his mouth just barely hovered over yours. “As long as there’s no regrets.”
“Just that we waited so long to do this.” And you pressed your lips against his. 
You were still kissing when you heard several vehicles pull up beside you. You looked up to see Dani, Dexter, and Lily leaning out their windows, cheering and catcalling as they watched you and Tyler. 
Tyler took a step towards them, his hands raised, “All right, all right. Y’all had your fun.”
“Looks like you two did too,” Dani smirked as she held up a tablet and hopped out of her van. 
“I’m sorry we kind of ruined your video,” you said, sinking sheepishly into yourself.
“Ruined it?” Dexter chuckled. “We already have more views after twenty minutes than most of our videos get after being posted for a month.”
“Really?” You reached out to take the tablet from Dani so you could look, but she drew it into her chest.
“Um…you might not want to look at the comments.”
Your smile evaporated as you looked around at each of the Wranglers. “Oh. But I thought you said…”
Lily hesitated, fiddling with the goggles she just pulled off her head. “They liked the video but some people are just a little…” She hesitated as she struggled to find the right word.
Dani snorted, “They’re jealous. Tyler’s fangirls weren’t too happy seeing him swapping spit with the pretty new girl while they had to just sit there and watch.”
“Oh,” you blinked. That was not the answer you had been expecting.
Tyler placed his hand gently on the back of your arm. “We can go through and delete those comments and make sure everyone knows we don’t stand for that kind of stuff on our page.”
You shrugged. “Let ‘em talk.”
“Really?” Tyler asked, his brow furrowing under the brim of his cowboy hat. 
“Yeah,” you grinned. “If the cost of me getting to do this is a little online hate, I’ll gladly pay that price.” Then you planted another big kiss on his lips. 
Tyler wrapped himself around your waist and the next thing you knew, he dipped you backward, his muscular arms the only thing keeping you from crashing to the ground. It felt like a scene straight out of a romance novel. The Cowboy and the College Girl. 
Yet this was better than any romance novel because it was real. Tyler was real and he was kissing you and it was everything you had wanted since he drew you into his chest as you cried under the stars in the back of his truck the night you met. And you never wanted it to end.
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Everyone was hungry after the morning of excitement so Dexter ducked into the camper van and reappeared several minutes later with a plate of sandwiches and individual bags of chips. Everyone else grabbed folding chairs from their vehicles, but Tyler lowered the tailgate of his truck, sat on the edge, and pulled you into his lap. You were a little uncomfortable at first, being so brazen in front of the rest of the crew, but you quickly settled back against his chest as you ate. Already, you felt like you just fit perfectly in his arms and you couldn’t stop the smile from stretching across your face as you chewed.
The other Wranglers exchanged a few looks and soft snickers, but they didn’t say anything. It was only as everyone was finishing up, that Boone addressed the elephant in the field. 
“So, is this gonna be a thing now?”
“Boone—” Tyler’s voice had a slight warning edge.
His friend held up his hands. “I don’t mean nothing by it, I’m just wondering.”
Before Tyler could answer, you leaned back so you could look at him directly. “You know, I’d like to know the answer to that too.”
There were a few ‘ooo’s’ from Dani and Lily, but Tyler ignored them. Holding your gaze, his green eyes shining with open sincerity, he said, “How about I like you a lot and am excited to get to see where this goes?”
“Yeah, I’m good with that.” He leaned down and gently kissed you on the lips. When he sat back up, you smiled. “You know, I’ve never been with a Southern cowboy before. It’s already been such a big change having a guy come pick me up each morning or walk me to my room every night.” Nudging his side, you added, “You might regret that because I’m starting to expect it.”
He grinned, his dimples on full display, and dipped his head. “Yes, ma’am.”
You settled back, snuggling into him as his arms tightened around you. 
“Aww!” Lily said. “You two are so cute together!”
“Yeah, just be careful you don't invite him in when he walks you to your room,” Dani teased.
Tyler rolled his eyes. “Oh, shut up.”
Everyone else started laughing but you had clearly missed something. “Um, why shouldn't I do that?”
Tyler sighed. “It’s nothing. They're all just idiots.”
Boone grinned at his friend’s annoyance. “Tyler said back in his rodeo days, the whole circuit traveled all over the country for competitions, staying in cheap motels like we do now.”
Dani leaned on Boone’s shoulder and picked up his story. “And whenever they’d hire a new girl to travel with ‘em, they’d warn her ‘don’t invite one of the cowboys into your room unless you plan on him spending the night’.”
“I never should have told y’all about that,” Tyler grumbled under his breath. Louder, he said, “It’s been a running joke since then. Even though it’s not true—” he shot Boone and Dani a sharp glare, and they held up their hands “—they never let me forget it. But I’m perfectly capable of going into a person’s room at night and leaving before the next morning.”
“Oh, so you’re love-’em-and-leave-’em kind of guy,” Dani said, nodding. “Nice.”
“Fuck you,” Tyler growled, tensing beneath you. It was obvious Dani was just teasing, but you had gotten to know Tyler well enough to know respect and courtesy meant a lot to him. And even just the insinuation that he might not treat you the way you ought to be treated hit a nerve. 
Placing one hand on his thigh, you gave it a tight squeeze. His face had lost all of the happiness it had just a moment ago, but you gave him a warm smile, hopefully reassuring him you knew the kind of man he was. 
Then, you turned back to the rest of the Wranglers. Popping a chip into your mouth, you asked, “So…any of you ever invite Tyler in just to test out that theory?”
Everyone was quiet for a moment. Then Lily spoke up. “No…but he does share a room with Boone.”
Boone’s head shot up at the sound of his name. He had started fiddling with his camera when things got tense between Dani and Tyler, so he blinked, clearly trying to figure out what he had missed. Then, with a huge smile, he exclaimed, “Oh yeah! Ty and I always share a room. Sleeping with a friend is much better than sleeping alone.”
There was a pause before everyone burst out laughing. Boone looked around, not quite understanding the joke. As the conversation shifted into poking fun at Boone and the other Wranglers’ sleeping arrangements, Tyler pressed his lips into your hair, just above your ear, and whispered, “Thank you.” 
You could already feel the tension easing out of him and you squeezed his leg again in acknowledgement. After all the times you had leaned on Tyler for support in the last few days, it felt nice to actually be able to do something for him for a change. 
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The rest of the afternoon, you rode next to Tyler as the crew looked for another storm to chase. Boone had made some excuse about needing to talk to Lily about the quality of their live stream so he rode in her van. You weren't sure whether that was his idea or Tyler’s, but you weren’t complaining about having a bit of alone time with the lead Tornado Wrangler. 
It seemed now that the line had been crossed, neither of you could keep your hands to yourselves. The confined space of the truck cabin along with the restrictive nature of your seat belts limited your methods of contact but you still found ways around those obstacles: While Tyler told you about growing up in Texas, you nodded along as you trailed your fingers through his hair. While you explained what you were going to school for and what you wanted to do after graduation, he smiled and played with the strap of your tank top. While you both discussed your favorite movies and music, your hands were linked across the center console. 
By the time Tyler pulled into a motel for the night, your body was aching for more of him. At one point, you had to force yourself not to squeeze your legs together or let out a soft moan as he rested his hand on your bare thigh just below the frayed cutoff bottoms of your shorts. Yet you couldn’t stop your toes from curling in your boots as he began absentmindedly rubbing his thumb in circles over your skin. As soon as you got the key to your room, you were going to have to take a very lengthy cold shower.
But it wasn’t just the physical moments that had your heart racing as you climbed out of the truck. There was never a moment of awkward silence or uncomfortableness, just effortless, engaging conversation and laughter. You had learned so much more about the cowboy and every little new thing just made you like him all the more. 
After Tyler helped you out of the truck, he left to book the rooms for the night. You unloaded a few of the bags out of the back—including your own—and looked around. Strangely, you didn’t see the faintest trace of Storm PAR. None of their vehicles were in the parking lot and you couldn’t spot a single one of their signature polos mingling around in the crowd of people settling in after the day of chasing. 
Hopefully something hadn’t happened in the field today…
“Hey.” You turned to see Lily approaching, holding out a piece of paper folded into a small square. “I saw Javi when we stopped for gas. He asked me to give this to you. Said Storm PAR is staying on the other end of town tonight.”
Think of the devil… You took the paper from her. “Did he say why?”
“No, but I sort of got the impression he was in a hurry to get back to his truck so I didn’t ask.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
As Lily walked away, you opened the note. The handwriting was a bit sloppy and hard to decipher, almost as if it were scrawled in a hurry, but you read:
He’ll deny it, but Scott watched today. Might want to keep your distance for a while.
You smiled as you reread it. Yeah, Scott probably wasn’t too happy to see you locking lips with Tyler and you were sure to get an earful about that at some point, but Scott had watched the stream. Maybe it was just so he could say he told you so and rub it in everyone’s face if you chickened out, but you couldn’t help but think—hope—that he might have been watching because he was worried for your safety. Could it be that your big brother cared about you after all?
“What’s got you so smiley?” 
You looked up and held out the note for Tyler to see as he got closer. “You might want to avoid my brother for a few days. Seems he caught our little make-out session this morning and I have a feeling if he didn’t hate you before, he does now.”
“I’m not worried. I can handle Scotty.” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in, twisting you so your back pressed against his chest. Then he rested his chin on your shoulder. “But how are you feeling about him seeing that?”
“I’m…good. When I first got here and came up with this stupid plan, I would have been thrilled that he saw us. I would have tracked him down and rubbed it in his face just to see his blood boil. But now—” you tilted your head and nuzzled it against Tyler’s “—I don’t care what he thinks or how he’s reacting. I don’t want to waste any more of my energy on him. I just want to focus on us.”
“Hmmm,” Tyler hummed, the sound vibrating through your body. “‘Us’. I like the sound of that.”
“Not too presumptuous?”
“Not at all,” he said, tightening his arms around your waist. “I’d be more than happy to be part of an us with you.” 
The two of you remained standing by Tyler’s truck, swaying gently wrapped in each other’s arms for several minutes. You would have stayed there all night if you could, but the adrenaline of the day began wearing off and you struggled to keep your eyes open. Reluctantly, you whispered, “I think I should be heading to my room.”
Tyler nodded against you. “Would you like an escort?”
He gave you one final squeeze before releasing you. Then he grabbed your backpack from where you had tossed it on the ground earlier, and he threw his other arm across your shoulders. Walking with your head resting on his chest, the two of you made your way across the parking lot and up the stairs to your room. It was becoming a familiar routine but this time the walk seemed too short and, in no time, you were standing in front of your door. 
You opened it and turned to face Tyler. “Thank you for everything today. The storm a-and us.”
He reached out and brushed his thumb across your cheekbone. “I’m just sorry I waited. I shoulda kissed you the first night after I walked you to your room or when we were lying in the back of my truck. I knew then that I wanted there to be an us.”
“Me too.” Pressing your forehead against his, your eyes fluttered closed as you whispered, “Why does it feel like I’ve known you for years when it’s only been three days?”
He hummed back, “I don’t know, but I feel it too. Like...you’ve always been here with me. Is that crazy?”
“No. It’s a bit sappy but also romantic as fuck.” 
Tyler snorted, the brief burst of air tickling your nose. Then he whispered, “I should go.”
You nodded, opening your eyes. You didn’t want him to leave but the intensity and speed at which your feelings for him were developing almost scared you and you knew inviting him to stay was not what was best for either of you right now.
Yet as he reached for your hand, you pulled it away. With a sly smile, you said, “Uh uh. Tonight, I want a real kiss goodnight.”
Tyler grinned, flashing his dimples. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.” 
Wrapping his hand around the back of your neck, he pulled you into his lips. Though the two of you had been kissing throughout the day, none of them had been like this. There was a heat, a fire burning under his skin that had never been there before. He pressed into you, his body flush against yours, and you couldn’t hold back as you moaned into his mouth. All of the need you had been feeling in his truck came rushing back, and you could feel the tension already building in your core. 
But just as you began maneuvering so you could grind against his thigh, Tyler pulled back. You gasped at the sudden loss and looked at him, mouth agape. He just smiled and whispered, “Think of me tonight, sweetheart. I know I’ll be thinking of you.” Then, he was gone.
For the third night in a row, you went to bed cursing that son of a bitch who was quickly stealing your heart.  
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Part 8 coming 9/30!
Tag list: @green-socks, @mayhem24-7forever, @blue-aconite, @hederasgarden, @writercole,
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