#there's somethings i want to change but overall i'm happy with it :3
qalrey · 1 year
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my kirby gijinka!
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AITA for not having time to read my mutual's writing?
Met a mutual on here, bonded through fanfic, have been tight with them for a few years with pretty much no bumps in the relationship, just overall had a really good time hanging around them when I could. We both write a lot and share our writing, and occasionally we talk about that writing/workshop it in passing.
In the past few years I've gone through a ton of life changes. Most notably I went from a multi-person household to a single-person one, and I've been living alone in a prohibitively costly city for a while now working 40 hour weeks and barely scraping by. As soon as the transition started I spent the last of my free income on a shitty little laptop so I could still write, putting down words on my bus/train commutes in the morning and quite literally writing on my breaks at work because I feel insane when I can't create. I bring this up to really stress that I don't have the time for the hobby, I force myself to make the time and even then it never feels like enough.
The only thing I can really stand to do with my 3 hours of free time at night is hang out with my moots online. I'm an extrovert so being around people recharges me. If I don't have designated social time I get super depressed and can pretty much feel my soul withering away. I also feel like I should probably mention that I kinda have a slew of mental issues, personality disorders and PTSD and AuDHD and the works. Point being, shit is rough my dude, but I am a person who likes to work hard and face challenges head on and even though we strugglin, we doing it with a positive outlook.
But! I am an incredibly solution-oriented person and I have found what I personally believe to be a good balance. No one should have to live like this, but I do, and I have found a way to be happy. My writing and my social time is all load-bearing. It is not something I just choose to do on a whim, it's all planned and scheduled and I adhere to those routines very strictly because, I cannot stress this enough, I will go fucking bonkers if I don't.
I'm mutuals with a lot of writers obv, and I sadly don't have time to read their work anymore, unless I get some extra time on my days off or something gets cancelled or like, I end up taking a vacation. I carry a great amount of guilt for this, though, even though I logically know it's reasonable. I try to support them where I can, cheer them on when I see them writing and tell them how cool their ideas sound, hype them up even when I can't actually read & review.
One of the things I do is sometimes I leave a kudos on fic I haven't read. I'm not trying to be ingenuine, and if they asked me I'd tell them like 'Oh I didn't read it yet, just wanted to show support!' but to me it's kinda like ripping a paper tab off a poster so that other's feel inclined to do the same. Plus my pals get a little email and a hit of serotonin.
Except one of my acquaintances, the one I mentioned at the start here, saw that I left kudos on a couple pieces another mutual of mine wrote this year. They more or less blew up my DMs with a ton of accusatory (like, literally presented like a 'GOTCHA!') stuff about how I was selective in who's fic I read, more or less implying that I secretly held some sort of grudge or negative feeling toward them and was making the conscious decision not to read or interact with their writing because of. Something, I don't actually know what they were trying to say. They also told me they vented to their friends about this MULTIPLE times, but they never once approached me to let me know they were feeling paranoid or neglected, they literally just took the most bad faith reading of it possible and then presented that to me like it was something I intentionally did, while the whole time I was unaware.
I tried to explain to them the kudos thing, that I didn't do it to every story, just ones I caught/noticed in my busy schedule. And I laid all this out and asked, multiple times, what free time am I supposed to read with? They didn't answer, and doubled down, kept trying to show me 'proof' that I was shorting them and no one else. Once they started to realize how wrong they were they backed down, but they didn't really apologize, or admit they were wrong, and they tried to end our relationship and left every single server we were in together. Because of some other unrelated stuff going on in my life, I didn't really consider them to be a close friend, but they were someone I really held dear and would've walked through hell for if they'd asked.
I still feel like there is something I'm missing here, and that's why I wanted to ask if I'm TA. I'm a pretty good communicator but one of the things I told myself when talking down my disordered thoughts (guilt about this prior) was "no one in their right mind would use reading fanfic as a metric for friendship." Now that I've had that exact thing happen, I'm starting to think maybe those thoughts weren't so disordered. Maybe this IS a big deal, and I should think about it more, but I don't even know what the solution to that would be. I just. Don't have time to read something lovingly crafted and appreciate it for what it is. All the hours in my week are used up, I'd have to lose sleep for this and with my mental health the way it is that is not an option.
Feel free to be a brutal, my skin is thick. Thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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titan-god-helios · 2 months
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hello all !!!
i'm happy to announce that i'll be doing commissions for palestine in the same way that lots of other creators have !! you donate the minimum amount detailed below to a palestinian fundraiser (either individual or an organisation like unrwa) for the type of art you want, provide proof of donation to me, and i'll draw for you !!
please note that the art will be limited to bust shots of characters, as i am pricing it lower than i would a regular commission to ensure as many people as possible are able to donate for some art.
if you aren't able to donate the minimum amounts i've listed under my art after the "keep reading", you're free to donate however much you want, still providing proof of donation to me, and i can doodle something for you (same detail as the little guy in the image above).
if you can't donate, please reblog this post !!! it would help lots :3
WHAT I WILL DRAW: - furries - artistic nudity (nothing sexual however. i am a minor. keep that in mind please) - slight gore - fanart - pretty much anything apart from what i won't draw tbh
WHAT I WON'T DRAW: - mecha - backgrounds beyond geometric shapes and colours - sexual nsfw or very gory art - guns (unless provided with a reference of what you want) - actual animals
please note that i reserve all rights to post and share any art i make, although commissioners of that art will not be named if i post the piece.
again, note that the donations must be made and proved before i start work on the art. for pieces where i keep some of the proceeds (explained below the keep reading), half of the overall payment must be given upfront before i start work.
for pieces with lineart and colours i will send progress pictures of the sketches to you for approval, or to make any changes necessary, before i move forward with the piece.
i will not accept any commissions with a deadline of less than a month (for bigger pieces with either lineart, colours and shading or more than one character, i will need at least a period of 2 months due to schoolwork and other commitments of mine taking up time), i will accept a maximum of 5 commissions per month, and i reserve the right to refuse commissions if i am not comfortable with completing them.
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rough sketch - £10
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lineart - £15
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lineart and flat colours - £25
if you want a piece with more detail or that is full body, i will be keeping part of the proceeds, but will still donate half of the overall payment to a palestinian fundraiser, which i will provide proof of for you. my prices for these are:
rough sketch (same quality as the sketches above, albeit full body and/or with two characters) - £20
lineart (again with full body and/or two characters) - £30
lineart and flat colours (full body and/or two characters) - £50
lineart, coloured WITH shading (full body, one character (examples below) - £70
please note that for every character added after what is specified above, £15 will be added to the base price.
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i'll have my commission slot status in my bio !!
have a lovely day, free palestine !!!!!
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 months
I'm sending you an ask even though I'm not sure I should. I envy you, I think. You seem so happy and confident after transition and I really like to see it, but it also stirs a kind of grief in me that I don't really know how to handle. I'm six foot six and as wide across the shoulders as some people are tall and I have absolutely no hope of looking like anything other than a masculine linebacker. I'm trying to learn how to like it, going for a bear look, but some part of me sees a happiness in you that I don't think I can ever really have. none of this is your fault and though i know it's weird I hope you can still read this as a compliment because I do like seeing that even if it's not something I can do, sometimes people can end up happy with their gender. I think you're a beautiful person and I like seeing your online presence.
sorry for the big ramble wall I'm just going through it tonight. I guess I just wanted to say thanks for being visible.
i am 6 foot 1, and throughout my life people told me i'd make a good football player.
here are the lifestyle things i did (that dont really have anything to do with gender and were just healthy changes and experiments) that let me stumble into getting over this feeling easier:
eliminate soda entirely. no more soda at all. not with fast food, not out of a can from the fridge, none. drink water. its sooooooo fucking yummy.
walk around plenty every day. in circles if you have to. put on headphones, or a speaker if you're inside. listen to music or some books or talk to your dog or your plants or yourself or record a podcast or something, but just make sure you're walking around. the form this comes in for me is walking around outside with my dog for 40 minutes, 3 to 5 times a day depending on how shes feeling.
put on some eyeliner. you dont have to shave or put on a full face of makeup or nothin. just go to the supermarket's generic makeup aisle and get any old 8-dollar eyeliner. nobody's gonna see, you're just trying somethin out in the privacy of your bathroom.
learn to make your hair look nice. it's an often neglected but very important part of your overall silhouette.
pay attention to how you're dressing. are you putting on clothing that you actively enjoy wearing, or do you throw on comfortable pants and baggy tshirt with a design you like? an easy start for this is jackets. theres SO many dope vintage jackets on ebay and in thrift stores, that's how i started experimenting with making something i'd consider a "wardrobe" and not just "clothes".
give this some time and see how you feel. pay attention to how your body feels. if you feel lighter, or like walking around becomes less of a burden, try shaving your beard, and then try on the eyeliner again.
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even a bear can become dainty, if they actively seek it out.
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a-998h · 4 months
hi, may I know the reaction of fatui harbingers to the fact that the creator got pregnant from Dottore? 9 months later, she gave birth to a daughter and called her Olivia
I'm changing the name from Oliva to Feodora due to Sneznaya being themed after Russia from the bit of it we have seen, also because I like the name better.
Two year after you and Dottore's wedding, you started to feel off. You were fatigued, dizzy, and you had killer headaches. At first they thought you just got sick, which sent them all into a panic. Dottore checked you over and you seemed physically fine. But things turned frighting when you messed your period, you start to panic. Dottore cheks you over and then does some math, as he realizes something. One pregnancy test and examination later, you're now discovered to not only be pregnant but you're also 3 months pregnant.
Que the panicking from both of you, mostly you. You both wanted kids, and you were right in the danger zone. Also, you now have to tell a group of people who love you, but hate Dottore, that he got you pregnant. So, you two come up with a solution, don't tell anyone until you're out of the danger zone.
So, you did. It helped you weren't showing yet. But now that you were out of the danger zone, and you had to tell the other Harbingers.
The other Harbingers have been norice how off you and Dottore have been acting. You've been having mood swings, when Childe made you favorite dish you frowned and didn't eat it, and other strange behaviors. Pulcinella was worried so he was going to organize a meeting with you, then he was told that you and Dottore wanted to meet with with them all.
"We have something to tell you," You begin.
"You're a getting a divorce?" Sandrone asks.
"What, no!" You exclaim.
"Then why are we here?" Arlecchino asks.
"I'm pregnant," you say.
There is a deafing silence in the room, and then Pulcinella gets up, and charges at Dottore. Pulcinella is yelling about how Dottore defiled you.
Once you calm everyone done, and make sure no one kills Dottore, your pregnancy has changed.
Arlecchino would be giving you and Dottore parenting advice and might send you baby toys and blankets from Fontaine. She also buys parenting books for Dottore. She takes you baby shopping in Fontaine, or she does the shopping alone and sends the items to you by mail.
Pulcinella is... conflicted. On the one hand, he is thrilled to be a great grandpa, on the other hand he is not happy that the child is Dottore's. But, he tries his best to help. Makes sure deranged followers leave you alone. He also makes sure you stay safe, your cravings are met, and that you have the best doctor possible. He also reminds Dottore to be a good parent of else.
Pantalone is buying baby and nursery stuff. He also just hands you money for the baby. He will spoil this child when they're born. He buys high quality stuff. Will also take you shopping.
Sandrone is now making dolls for the as yet unborn child. She is also planning to teach the kid how to make robots when they're older. She's more hands off compared to the others because children are kind of a fence in a workshop. She is also supply the nursery with books.
Columbia is so excited. She is being the best future aunt se can. She is the once who plays music for the baby in your belly. Writes down which music the baby "likes" and "dislikes". She will sing and pet your belly. You have to pull her away from your belly, she also complies with your cravings.
Scaramouche is not that happy about it, at first. He's just grumpy and children are loud and annoying. But he warms up to the idea. He can't handle your hormones and modd swings. He sneaks you craving foods. Overall just tries to keep his patience from snapping. He will try and stay away from everything because he has no idea what to do and doesn't want to upset you. He well try his best though. He will keep the crazy followers away from you.
La Signora is so excited. She will definitely has rich aunt vibes. She will also do baby shopping with you. She also helps by making sure you have everything you need. She uses her position as a way to keep people from bothering you. Also makes a list of what foods you can and can't eat, along with what foods you're craving. She is the most helpful and makes sure nothing bad happens to you or the baby.
Capitono is more protective over you now. He knew you were already fragile, but now that you're pregnant... he's in overdrive. Whenever you go anywhere, he's going with you. He is worried anything and everything will hurt you and the baby. Other than being a guard dog, he doesn't really do much.
Childe is uncle material. He is super excited. He will also give childcare advice and he might give you hand me down things from his siblings. Is also one of your scary guard dogs. He wants to make sure you and the baby are safe and healthy.
Pierro is lost. He doesn't know the first thing about raising a baby or pregnant women. The only thing he's good for is keeping the crazy people away from you. He is neutral about all this, cause again, he has no idea how to handle you now.
There was much debate over the baby's name. Dottore wanted Sumeru names, Arlecchino suggested Fontaine names, Childe and Pulcinella suggested Sneznayan names, and La Signora suggested Modstandt names. Eventually, you pick a name... Feodora.
Once Feodora is born, everything turns upside down as you all have to get used to having a baby around.
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gudgurkan · 3 months
Got any tips in shading stuff in black and white digitally?
Hi Anon!
You're in luck! I'm currently wrapping up a book which is shaded digitally, so I've been thinking a lot about this recently.
How I do this is by no means the only way, so take from these tips as much or little as you want! When I add grays and shadows to a line art drawing, I try to think about these things:
Preparing the image
I like to work with a file that has a white background and a layer with only line art on top of it. Between these two layers I add new layers where I use the pen tool and bucket to fill areas with black, then I lower the opacity for that layer to get a value that I want.
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This method works well for me, and for simpler pieces I don't need more than 3 layers with different values - light, medium and dark grays.
I work in Clip Studio. Here's a picture of the layers of a recent drawing. Each layer is actually completely black but you can see the opacity percentages by each layer. Lower percentage -> brighter value. This makes it super duper easy to change the value of a layer, no need to repaint it, just change the opacity!
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Value composition
For the best result, do a couple of value sketches with a limited set of values and find something that works well for the image. Getting the values right is what will improve the image the most! Here's a quick tutorial on muddycolors. Muddy Colors is a very nice art blog to check out. Looking at grayscale storyboard drawings or value sketches are great ways to pick up on this too.
I try to group values when working with grays. Take this image for example:
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The character in the foreground has mainly dark grays, which separates her from the background, which has mostly light grays. Then the windows are white and the roof black.
Value composition is a huge and complex area and I recommend anyone wanting to learn to be more conscious about their values and to do value sketches. Analysing art you think has good values is great too.
Not every piece needs shadows, but they can add a lot to an image! I use three kinds of shadows when I work in grayscale.
Inked shadows - these shadows are added during the inking stage and usually show areas where light would have almost no way of getting there, such as under this tent.
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Gradient shadows - these shadows usually represent something getting further and further away from a light source or an area that would bounce light. This tree receives a tiny bit of light from a campfire on the ground and moonlight that bounces on the ground and up, fading as we get higher up in the tree. But mainly I add these gradients in ways that look cool and will help the overall composition.
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Hard shadows - these shadows appear when a strong light casts shadows and can be used on a shape or to cover something. Here's a werewolf with shadows on its back, which gives it a better sense of mass and is interesting visually!
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You can also cover an area in shadow like this, where the tree casts a shadow down on the archer and the cliff.
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I like to add a layer of noise as a finishing touch. In Clip Studio you can create a noise layer with Filter->Render->Perlin noise... Find a balance of scale and amplitude that works for the image, then change the layer mode to "Vivid Light" and lower the opacity of the layer to around 30%. I like how this looks, it's not super visible usually but helps make the drawing feel less artificial and digital.
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I hope that helps! Here are some nice links too:
Muddy Colors
Android Arts
Gurney Journey - Read his books!
Happy drawing!
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seukorei · 9 months
seukorei 2K DTIYS!! (ENDED)
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thank you so much for supporting and enjoying my work this year!! <33 ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ
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here's the artwork!! ^^ details below cut
start time: RIGHT NOW !!!!!
end time: february 15th (?) i'm totally happy with extending it further just shoot me an ask/dm for however long you need (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
you have to be following me to participate
either reblog this post or include the art in your post
pls @ me in the post and use the tag #seukorei2kdtiys
if i don't reblog your submission/you don't think i've seen it shoot me an ask/dm !!
i would like for the general vibe/setting of the work to be kept, i.e. the galaxy background, his glowing eye, general color feel (doesn't have to be exactly the same)
pose can be altered but in some way or another but try to do something with hands covering face (doesn't have to be exactly the same)
angle/light angle and composition are free to change
pm dazai/15 dazai/beastzai(?) are all fair game. just have one eye covered
expression is free to change, just have one eye open + make him slightly unsettling if you can (●'◡'●)
overall, you can probably change as many things as you want but i just want the overall vibe to stay the same!! <3
edit: does not have to be a digital piece, can totally be traditional art
i'm cross-platform hosting this on my insta/twitter as well so i'm gonna pick three winners in total (not necessarily one from each platform), same prize for everyone!
won't be fully-fully rendered because i don't think i can pull that off with three people but more of a sketchy soft style e.g.
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(will probably be cleaner though and while i'll really try to finish prizes in a succint manner i'm pretty busy and it might take awhile to wrap everything up :)
here's the full art piece without the tag!!
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again, thank you so much for supporting me and my art and i hope everyone has a lovely new year !! (≧∇≦)ノ
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kwimii999 · 4 months
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Previous updates : #1 - #2 - #3 - #4
Previous polls : #1 - #2
First off, thank you for 700 followers ! I'm honestly flabbergasted and I'm very happy that I decided to become a sims 3 creator. Sharing content to you guys means a lot to me, and I'm happy to see people truly enjoy what I put out !
It's time for another update
Most of the progress for this update will be focused on the noses, eyes, lips compared to the update #4.
Note : I put the progress of the project in pourcentages on my pinned post, you can always come around and check it out !
Why haven't the heads gotten too much progress so far ?
This project is really overwhelming, if I were to focus on the headshapes flavors at the same time that I was doing the 3 other parts (Lips, Eyes, Noses), I'd be like dead or something. For that reason, I only focused on doing the basegame compatible headshapes for v.2, which is flavor 1 [Check update #4]. That's basically the base of every other flavor.
What will consist the bonus presets ?
Some EA presets that I don't think look bad and that I adjusted to fit the proportions of the replacements ! They will not be default but non-default, basically custom presets. The previews for those will be included on the download post itself.
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Part 1 : Eyes FINAL V.2 (Including World Adventures Presets) Sims : Julius - Idoya
Release date : 10th June
EA's Presets
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My Replacements - Changes : Changed certain eyes from their " surprised " look and " Are your eyes even open ? " look + Their sizes were slightly reduced + their shapes were changed + changed eyebrow shapes as much as I could (sometimes it looked odd on male sims, so I couldn't do too much) + changed the distance between the eyes for certain presets to add diversity mostly for the townies
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Part 2 : Noses FINAL V.2 (Including World Adventures Presets) Sims : Owen - Mélissa
Release date : 11th June + bonus presets
EA's Presets
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My Replacements - Changes : Adjusted the height of the nose + Added many nose shapes as much as I could not completly accurate but enough to be a base
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General fact about presets : male noses are much more larger and female noses tend to be smaller, therefor, some of my replacements may appear larger on male sims but pretty average sized on female sims.
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Part 3 : Lips FINAL V.2 (Including World Adventures Presets) Sims : Nikolai - Edna
Release date : 12th June + bonus presets
EA's Presets
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My Replacements - Changes : removed the smile for certain lips presets + Opted for a more straighter look + changed the shapes [5 big, 5 medium, 5 thin + wa] the idea behind this division is for the townies generation
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Last words
Sometimes when you look at something for too long, things start to look odd and that was the case with me and these presets.
I'd love to get feedback on all 3 parts for version 3 for what can be generally improved or if you think this is nice !
Overall I truly wanted to finish v.2 because I've been working on these for days non-stop and it's starting to become a chore which could prevent me from giving it my all :(
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ikroah · 4 months
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I pushed my soul in a deep dark hole, and then I followed it in, I watched myself crawling out as I was a-crawling in. I got up so tight, I couldn't unwind, I saw so much, I broke my mind… —“Just Dropped In (to See What Condition My Condition Was In),” The First Edition (1968)
It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin’ #28 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding VII
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Transcript:
Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to type those words? "End of Volume 2?" We have been on Volume 2 for just over three years. Obviously it's unfair to compare it to the breakneck pace of Volume 1, because... I got burned out (I got better), I got divorced (I got better), and most importantly, I've spent all three of these years overhauling my approach to art, which is to say, I got better. My canvas size doubled because my initial naive approach of "smaller pages means less art, which means faster art" was holding me back: I wanted more art, and the subjects of too many panels had gotten flubbed due to what was basically a pathetically low rendering distance. I revamped my approach to coloring entirely, leaning into a vibrant, saturated, and faux-comic halftone style that I vastly prefer to my more grounded, gradient-driven work beforehand. I changed IKROAH's font (Unmasked!), I changed Agnes's appearance slightly (she's far less gaunt, which was an early design choice I've thrown away, plus I think I'm much better at drawing her consistently now), and so much more. Comics are a time-consuming artform and while a lot of what made this volume take so long was out of my control, and well worth not pushing myself through, the total reinvention of how I actually make comics was the single best thing to come out of Volume 2.
It's a lot of lessons and groundwork that I'm very eager to take into Volume 3, which I have spent every single one of these years viciously impatient for. Now, it's finally here. See you at the cover reveal.
Original Pencils
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Something that I have been working a lot harder on with my art lately is inking: actual inking, not merely "outlining" and figuring out the rest by the seat of my pants digitally. I've come to realize that the fewer steps of my production process that I try to do digitally, the more fun it is to make art as a whole, and inking was something that I was very intimidated by for the longest time. What happens if I mess up! It's permanent marker, after all! But after all the practice that I've done, I'm really happy with how bold and confident the shadows are on this issue, and they're perfect for how moody and dramatically lit the whole thing is. You can compare the pencils to the inks to the final products and really see how I planned out the overall composition.
INT. LUCKY 38 PRESIDENTIAL SUITE, VERY LATE AT NIGHT. The lights are all off in this luxurious, distinctly pre-war abode. It is almost empty.
RADIO: Welcome back to the program, folks. This is Mr. New Vegas—and I hope I'm not coming on too strong. We've got some news for you, coming right up.
The only real light in the suite comes from the glowing screen of the Securitron VICTOR, standing in front of the private elevator.
RADIO: Tops Hotel owner Benny has been killed by an unidentified assailant. According to his fellow Chairmen, shots were heard in his private suite, and his body was found inside. They are urging all visitors to please keep an eye out for suspicious individuals and behavior on the New Vegas Strip. The new head of the Chairmen, Benny's former right-hand man Swank, consoled mourners: "If I know my pal Benny, he's swinging with the Big Cat Upstairs as we speak. Or he's chasing some angel broad with cans as big as her halo!"
RADIO: In other news—
In a guest bedroom off to the side, ROSE OF SHARON CASSIDY is sound asleep. Her belongings are neatly folded on the dresser, except for the cocktail dress that she was wearing, which has been thrown onto the ground.
RADIO: —refugees at Bitter Springs are giving startling accounts of the legate known as Lanius, who is said to be Caesar's top field commander. One refugee told us the legate took over an underperforming squad of troops by beating its commander to death in full viw of everyone. The legate then ordered a tenth of his own force be killed by the other nine tenths. And you thought your boss was a pain!
RADIO: You know, I think all news, whether it's good or bad, brings us closer together. Don't you?
Directly across from the elevator, across from VICTOR, are the shut doors to the master bedroom.
RADIO: These headlines, brought to you by Vault 21...Vault 21! Everything is better when you experience it...in a vault.
Inside the master bedroom, AGNES SANDS sits on the edge of the bed, wide awake. The RADIO plays from her PIP-BOY, which provides a slight amount of light in the dark room.
RADIO: Gonna play a song for you right now—it's about that special someone, that you can only find once...in a "Blue Moon."
"Blue Moon" begins to play from the radio. AGNES's head remains lowered in rumination.
Suddenly, the radio broadcast cuts out.
RADIO: Has your life taken a turn?
A NEW VOICE speaks on the radio. It's dreamy, seductive.
RADIO: Do troubles beset you? Has fortune left you behind?
AGNES remains in thought.
But then: she lifts her head.
And she looks over at the radio.
RADIO: If so, then the Sierra Madre Casino,
The PIP-BOY displays: 11.09.81, 4:13. <<Signal Unknown>>
RADIO: in all its glory, invites you
AGNES listens.
RADIO: to begin again.
AGNES is now somewhere else.
EXT. MOJAVE DESERT. At sunrise, AGNES SANDS is perched atop a ridge somewhere in the desert. Her overcoat billows behind her, and her shoulder-mounted flashlight beams straight ahead. She looks manic. In one hand, she clutches her duffel bag, full of every belonging she has. Her other hand is wearing her PIP-BOY, and the radio broadcast continues:
RADIO: Come to a place where wealth, excitement, and intrigue await around every corner. Stroll along the winding streets of our beautiful resort. Make new friends...or rekindle old flames. Let your eyes take in the luxurious expanse of the open desert, under clear starlit skies. Gaze straight on into the sunset from our scenic Villa rooftops. Countless diversions await. Gamble in our casino, take in the theater, or stay in one of our exclusive executive suites that will shelter you...and cater to your every whim.
Below the ridge is a pile-up of wrecked shipping containers. One of them opens up toward the surface like a gaping throat of metal. It leads somewhere, deeper into the earth.
RADIO: So if life's worries have weighed you down—if you need an escape from your troubles—or if you just need an opportunity to begin again—
The source of the broadcast signal is coming from INSIDE.
RADIO: —then join us.
AGNES descends into the container, revealing a makeshift staircase of sheet metal that leads into darkness.
RADIO: Join us, let go, and leave the world behind...
The signal from inside the tunnel is now audible. It overlaps with AGNES's PIP-BOY...
RADIO: Join us, let go, and leave the world behind...
Until she sees it.
RADIO: ...at the Sierra Madre Grand Opening.
A pre-war, art deco type radio, sitting on a metal pedestal. It speaks to her.
RADIO: ...at the Sierra Madre Grand Opening.
AGNES stares at the radio, bewildered.
She barely notices the HULKING FIGURE about to grab her from behind.
RADIO: We'll be waiting.
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lit3rallyll0yd · 9 months
hey how are you? I'm sorry to make this personal request but it's my current situation and I wanted to console myself with this in the arms of chuuya x reader
I would like to make a chuuya request with a s/o who went on a trip with her family to the beach, but her family is toxic and usually does things to humiliate her, talk about her body, etc. She pretends she doesn't care about it but it causes her several crises.
when your family is toxic, but you don't show that you care to him
chuuya :3
warnings: mention of a toxic relationships, reader uses she/her, insecurities, mention of body shame, mention of nudity, overall border-line fluff
a/n: hmmm, did i write away from the topic a little bit? maybe, and for that, i'm sorry!!! I did try to get all the components you have asked for anon; also, i'm sorry you're going through all of that! im here to talk if needed.
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this man is not having you lying to his face.
no. no. no. NO!
he's sees right through you, anything you say that you may think is believing-
but not in a mean way :3
erm anyways.
he never really cared that you rarely mentioned your family, until he asked if he could ever meet your parents.
you know, because since you two are dating- he just thought it would be respectful. on his part, at least.
you tried your best to change subjects, but he would catch on quickly and ask if anything wrong between you and your parents.
"hmm, ohno- we just argue sometimes- but that's just life; people argue and people fight- it's normal!"
now, your not wrong? but you seemed to be hiding something about your family to him.
he's literally in the mafia; if you tell him that they're fucking murders on the run and you don't want anyone to know about it- who the hell is chuuya going to tell, mori?? 💀💀
thats not the case, but that's all what chuuya thinks.
you told him a couple of days later you and your family are going on vacation, and he was happy for you.
you needed the break.
you work too hard at your job, and you deserve a vacation.
he would help you pack because none of your relatives helped? that's okay, he'll get you everything you need.
with a kiss on your lips he watched as you entered your parents car and off to your vacation...what he didn't expect was you coming home two days earlier then you said you would be.
"sweetheart, your back?" he would hug you, but you wouldn't hug back they way you usually do.
you dropped your bags on the floor of his doorstep with the door wide open..the time was currently 1:06am and chuuya was in PJ bottoms and a black t-shirt..his hair was tied in a small ponytail.
you hid your face in his neck as he hugged your8 tightly, expecting you to hug back.
you just stood there, arms draped by your sides and your suitcase on the ground.
he couldn't help but smell your hair, then kissed it as he rubs your back as he spoke; "babe, have you showered?"
you shake your head, still not responsive verbally.
he takes you inside his home, taking your bags in with you as he sat you down on the stairs steps; combing his fingers through your greasy hair.
he looked at your face; it was dry and your eyes were dark and your eyelids were purple.
he took your hand and kissed each of your knuckles as he saw tears fall from your eyes, however your face stayed the same.
"could i bathe you?" he would ask, and as he waited for your response, you nod.
gently, he would lift you from the steps and carry you to the bathroom.
he sat you down on the sink and started to run the water to a warm temperature for you to bathe in.
once he filled the tub with water and added a bath bomb of his own, he slowly turns to you and softly smiles; now standing in front of you.
"i'm going to undress you now, is that ok-"
before he could move you grabbed his wrist and looked at him. you seemed scared to show him your body as you tried to close your body together.
he gave you a sad frown, kissing your arm, up yo your shoulder.
"sweetheart, i have seen your naked multiple times, and i've had no problem with what i see; it's almost as if i have a gift from heaven itself.."
you stared into his blue eyes, thinking about what to do in the heat of the moment.
you guided his hand to the collar of your shirt, and nod slowly...allowing him to undress you.
in a way to make you comfortable, he would kiss your bare skin each time he would remove a piece of clothing from your body...
once your body was bare,, he would lift you up and gently play you in the tub and rub your shoulders.
couple of minutes went by, and chuuya had just dumped a handful of shampoo in his hand and started to message your skull with it.
"i take your vacation wasn't so...memorable?.."
he would ask softly, his eyes widening when he heats your soft sniffles.
"i'm'so sorry, my'love..." he would lean down and kiss your shoulders as you hide your face in your knees and sob.
chuuya would just rinse your hair after conditioner and held your body in his arms as you sobbed and sobbed for possibly 20 minutes.
as your crying settled, he would ask you what happened and if you would want to talk about it he would drain the water and help you change, of course leaving you if you would prefer to do it on your own.
sit on the bed, cuddled close together and talking about your family.
you would say how much they take you for granted, and talk about behind your back. your mother would body shame you, saying you eat either too much or too little.
your father would always make fun of your clothing choses and when your out, he would say your too fat for that bathing suit, or you could never fit in that dress unless you start caring about yourself.
both of them would also mention how much chuuya deserved better then to be with a sad, disappointed girl like you-
chuuya would cut your ranting off by kissing you on the lips for about a couple of minutes, a break for breathing if course, and would tell you no matter what your parents tell you, they're just jealous from what an amazing, beautiful women you have become ❤️
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duskyvenus · 1 year
Super Blue Moon: What you need to hear right now
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This is a general intuitive reading meant for entertainment purposes. Take whatever resonates. I am still practicing my intuitive ability so feedback would be really helpful :))
Pile 1
You might be wanting peace, a quiet life. I'm seeing walks in the nature, consuming healthy unprocessed food, lots of fruits. You might like red or orange colored fruits (could be any). I'm sensing changes in lifestyle. Maybe you will relocate or renovate your home (changing your aesthetics and style). Your soulmate(romantic) or current partner or future partner(whatever resonates) is sending you messages of affirmation. Also they might like to stare at you and admire your features lol. I'm hearing: It's all about the little things. Maybe this is something you believe in or it is about to become a theme in your life in the near future. A short trip or holiday might soothe your nerves a bit, preferably somewhere cooler. Overall, I think change is coming your away; there's this picture of letting things go and relaxing in a lodge in the mountains while sunlight creeps in through the window. Yeah lots of sunshine imagery in this pile. It's about how the sun slowly warms you up. Slowly and surely you will be moving to the next stage.
Pile 2
Similar to pile 1, I think you might be in need of some sunlight lol. I'm seeing something about hobbies, so maybe you need to get back to them? You might not have completed a previous painting, book, blanket or whatever. I'm also seeing cakes which means some kind of celebration. It might be your friend's birthday soon. Yeah I'm hearing about a dear friend, someone you think is your soulmate (for some of you, they are :] ). Or maybe a connection where either person has romantic feelings and the other feels neutral. Some of you might be studying hard and preparing for your future job and you're trying to keep a positive mindset. I see so many drawings and scribbles in a notebook. This is the student pile. I'm also seeing baked food and the aroma of cafes. Maybe you like to do your work in a cafe with a cup of coffee and some cake. Also you might be secretive and like to keep things to yourself. Might be a homebody. You are working to chase a reward and you're feeling frustrated because the path is so long. Don't be too hard on yourself. Set small goals and reward yourself for finishing them.
Pile 3
Whimsical and airy vibes for this pile. I'm hearing that you might have witnessed something paranormal? Or something that just can't be real. Hmm existential crisis? Questioning the universe? Questioning yourself? I'm seeing wings. You might be wanting to just fly away lol. Or they could be angel wings. You might be feeling lonely. Recently you might have ended a friendship or relationship OR you might have lost someone so you feel empty. I'm really sorry for your loss :( A big phase of your life suddenly came to an end so you're feeling lost. Old memories flashing in your head. Though I also feel that someone wants to approach you with hopes of making new memories with you. They seem like a very doting person and also calm. 'Calm'; your head is a mess and you feel like you're not able to think clearly. You might be asking yourself, "Am I seeing/hearing things?", "Why am I not able to do such a simple task?" Maybe your spirit guides or guardian angel want(s) to communicate with you and for that I'm hearing lavender and mint. Meditation may also help you to sort out your thoughts.
Pile 4
This is the happy-go-lucky pile. I'm seeing you have so much fun with your friends! You seem like the type to uplift people's moods. It feels empty when you're not around. You might feel pressured to keep up this cheerful image. Lately someone might have been rude to you or accused you of something or just bad-mouthed you. You might have felt taken aback because of this and tried to reflect on yourself. Don't worry, they're just jealous. Maybe you started thinking about the time when your demeanor was very different from now; you were not a cheerful person to begin with, but you started acting this way because you wanted to be treated differently. Now that there has been a sudden rejection that is asking you to re evaluate your choices, you are considering reverting back to your old self. Or maybe you think a lot about your friendships and just feel overwhelmed by the love :( This is so wholesome. You feel deeply and often wonder about the outcomes of your actions. I think that's why you wanted change, you genuinely wanted to be of help to someone. Your friends really appreciate it even though they won't admit openly (for some of you, your friend is a tsundere lol)
Pile 5
An ethereal energy in this pile. Stargazing and being mesmerized. You know that feeling you get when you look up at the stars and wonder if someone is watching you? I think your guardian angels want you to know that they are always there for you. If not a guardian angel then a deceased loved one. You have big aspirations but you often feel intimidated. You may have doubts about the path you're choosing. I just want to say that you have the star quality and you're blessed. I'm hearing fate and good luck. If you have been manifesting, try using candles or star shaped objects. You can even use them as a lucky charm. "You drew stars around my scars" - this may apply to you and someone you know. Something about light at the end of the tunnel. 'Hope' ; someone or something gives you hope to keep going. You're working really hard, you just wonder if you'll get the results. This kind of reminds me of pile 2 so you might want to check that out. "Funny how all dreams come true"
Pile 6
You might be talking to someone and you don't really know where this is going? You can say it's a situation-ship. Or you're crushing hard on someone. Either way this is making you giddy. You might also be transforming yourself and so all the changes are making you feel giddy. A very new feeling. You're trying to look at things differently. You're trying to concentrate. You're craving some form of affection. The message I'm getting is that self care will help you get that faster. Also I'm hearing that you have a vibe that is easy to mesh with. People often find you attractive even when you're not doing anything. "Aphrodite's blessings" - you may get the glow-up you've been waiting for. Similar starry night vibes as pile 5. You're also really good at giving compliments and appreciating the beauty of the smallest things. You are a very loving person if you are given the space to do so. "Hang in there baby." - your future partner could be very devoted to you.
A channeled message for everyone: Please eat well !! And have some good sleep!! Take your vitamins!!
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stop-talking · 7 months
So I'm stuck on this shithole island, and I can't even have a smoke? (pt. 5)
Derek Danforth x fem reader
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Word count: 4k
Tags: 18+, Derek x fem reader, no use of y/n, angst, lots of fluff, enemies, enemies to lovers, fluff, (very) slowburn, sass, banter, misogynistic undertones, (Derek is a prick), suggestive themes, mentions of drug use, withdrawals, rehab, masturbating.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
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To celebrate a week of sobriety, you decide to surprise Derek with a cake.
Of course, since there isn't exactly a bakery on a remote island, you had to bake it yourself.
Which you did. Last night. Now you stand in the kitchen, wondering how exactly you should decorate the damn thing.
And what to write on it?
"Congrats, maybe now you'll live past 40!" No, that's morbid.
"Bye-bye blunts and blow!" Too cringy.
"Happy one-week?" Hmm... that sounds like an anniversary thing.
Damnit. Maybe this isn't a situation that calls for cake after all. You sigh and continue to mumble random slogans to yourself as you slather the icing on nice and thick.
It looks a little messy, but you're not exactly a professional baker. Which is unfortunate, because that's probably exactly what he's used to. Oh well. It's the thought that counts, right?
You just want to show him how proud you are. He really has changed a lot over the past week, surprising you every day with how... normal he can be. When he wants to, at least.
Picking up a piping bag of green icing, you start placing decorative dollops around the edge of the cake. Some of them are a little lopsided, but it doesn't look too bad overall.
What now? You mindlessly lick some stray icing off your wrist and stare down at the gaping blank space in the middle of the cake.
Eventually, you settle on three words.
"Proud of you."
It's fitting. He has a lot to be proud of. Not just the sobriety stuff, but everything.
He's been picking up new skills every day. You smile as you tidy up the cake decorating mess strewn about the counter, thinking back to your first time cooking with Derek.
He'd been cocky and overconfident, and so utterly dumbfounded when that pancake met a splatter-y death on the stovetop.
And yet, he still got back up and tried again. After relentless pestering from you, obviously, but it still counted.
You stand back and survey your work. Cream colored icing, green lettering, and... okay, maybe the hearts were a bit much. Hopefully he didn't get the wrong idea. You're just... proud. That's all.
Now the only thing missing is Derek. He went upstairs an hour or so ago for a nap, mumbling something about a headache. Poor thing.
He's been so damn clingy lately, always touching you in some way or another. It seemed almost subconscious for him at times. A hand on your shoulder, his knee against yours, an arm around your waist... no matter what you were doing, he had to have physical contact.
You smile as you make your way upstairs to his room. Maybe today would be the day you finally give him a proper hug.
Derek is woken from his fitful sleep to the sound of you calling out his name.
Usually, that would be a welcome sound. You're always such a good distraction from his withdrawals.
But right now? He just wants to sleep. No, more than that. He wants to hibernate, to go into a goddamn coma and never have to wake up again.
"Can I have another twenty minutes?" He croaks, lifting his head from the mess of pillows to call out to you.
Apparently he can't, because he hears the door click open, and you peek your head in through the crack.
Derek just groans and buries his face back into the bed. His sheets and blankets are a tangled mess, and he's twisted himself into an awkward angle throughout his nap.
"Come on, It's been over an hour already." Derek can feel the bed shift as you take a seat on the edge.
"Well I'm still fuckin' exhausted." He mumbles into the pillow, not bothering to turn and look at you.
"Derek. You should know by now I'm not gonna let you rot in bed all day."
The almost sarcastic tone in your voice is what finally breaks him. This week has been hell, and you're just mocking him.
He hasn't only given up drugs this week, but all of his servants and staff as well. It was one thing to help you with cooking, but yesterday you'd made him do laundry. LAUNDRY. What the fuck did he look like? A maid?
"Fuck off." He grumbles a little louder, pushing your hand away as you reach to play with his hair.
His sour attitude apparently doesn't deter you any, because he can hear you laughing at him. Derek grits his teeth and finally sits up, glaring at you.
"You're really fucking annoying, you know that? Always pissing me off."
The words leave his mouth before he can really think them through, and when he sees your smile fall he immediately regrets them.
Unfortunately, he's too tired, sick, and stubborn to take it all back. Even while his heart drops into his stomach, he continues to glare daggers at you.
"Alright... twenty more minutes." With that, you slide off his bed and quickly make your way to the door.
Fuck. As soon as the door closes, Derek is left in darkness, in more ways than one.
His stomach twists into knots and he can feel his chest grow heavy. He tries to scramble after you, but gets caught in the tangle of blankets and ends up falling to the floor instead.
God damn it. Why does he always have to be such a fuck up? You aren't annoying. You're the only thing keeping him sane right now, and he goes and pushes you away.
He collapses on the floor, sighing at the feeling of the cold hardwood against his cheek. A few tears roll down his face, and he laughs bitterly as a thought crosses his mind.
Your thighs make a much better pillow than the floor.
Twenty minutes later, you knock at Derek's door once more. He mumbles something incomprehensible, and you take that as permission to enter.
The sight in front of you makes you pause. What the hell is he doing? You flip the lights on just to make sure your eyes aren't playing tricks on you.
They aren't.
Derek Danforth lies on the floor next to his bed, groaning and blinking up at the harsh overhead light.
"Looks real comfortable down there." You tease, setting the glass of water you brought him on his bedside table before joining him on the floor.
He refuses to look at you, throwing his arm over his eyes and groaning.
"You need to eat. And drink. I brought you some water."
Derek stays quiet as you sit next to him and place a hand on his shoulder. His lips are pressed into a tight line, and he's still hiding behind his arm.
"Why are you so goddamn nice?" He finally groans.
"We've already had that talk."
"Okay, then why are you so goddamn nice even when I'm being a prick?"
You move his arm away from his face, and he doesn't fight it. When you finally get a look at him, it's obvious he's been crying.
Derek Danforth. Crying on his bedroom floor. That's a sight.
A sight that really breaks your heart, actually. His watery eyes threaten to make yours overflow as well, so you quickly wipe away his tears with the hem of your shirt.
"You think I expect you to go through three weeks of rehab and not be a prick sometimes?"
Derek actually chuckles at that, and finally meets your gaze. He looks absolutely wrecked.
"I didn't mean what I said earlier."
"I know."
You scoot a little closer, and gently tug at him. He takes the hint, placing his head on your lap with his cheek against your thigh.
Neither of you talk for a few minutes. He just closes his eyes and sighs as you play with his hair. Over the past week, you've learned what he likes. Tug at his curls in just the right way, and he...
Derek lets out a soft whimper and you smile. There it is.
"Wanna make it up to me?" You tease.
He glances up at you, an eager look in his eyes.
"Get rid of this." You laugh and trail a finger along his jawline, feeling at his overgrown stubble. He most likely hasn't shaved since arriving here a week ago.
"What? You don't like it?"
"Do you?"
Derek pouts, pushing your hand away and feeling at it himself. His brow furrows adorably as he considers your words.
"It looks manly."
"There's a difference between manly and cave-man-ly."
He scoffs at that, but when you start poking and prodding at his face where his stubble has grown out, he cracks a smile.
"Fine, fine. You win. I'll shave."
He swats your intrusive hands away, then sits up and stretches.
Now that he's up and moving, you decide it's time to go. On your way out the door, you hesitate, remembering the reason you came to get him in the first place.
"Oh, don't take too long. I have a surprise waiting for you downstairs."
Derek stares at himself in the bathroom mirror, feeling at his stubble. You're right, he does look better with a trim.
He knows he should head downstairs, but his heart is beating a million times a second, and not even from withdrawals.
That little comment about a surprise? God damnit. You're teasing him. You have to be. How could you say something like that and not expect him to get excited?
Derek sighs and tucks his boner into the waistband of his boxers, then looks at himself in the mirror one more time to make sure it isn't noticeable. It's not... mostly.
Damnit. He could probably take a few minutes and rub one out, but he'd absolutely die of embarrassment if you walked in on him AGAIN.
He groans and turns to leave. Oh well. It's hidden well enough, and you'd already seen worse. Plus... maybe if this surprise is anything like his fantasies, he'd have an opportunity to use it.
"Oh, wait wait wait!" You scramble over to him as he trudges downstairs, keeping him from entering the living room.
"Are you gonna tell me what my surprise is?"
"No! Then it wouldn't be a surprise at all. Close your eyes."
Derek does as instructed, shutting his eyes tight. When feels you grab his hand and start to tug him along, he can't help but sneak a peek.
"I swear... if your Idea of a surprise is to walk me into a wall-"
"Oh, shut it." You scoff and clap your free hand over his eyes.
"Just trust me. And no peeking."
Derek grumbles, but he does trust you. A lot more than he lets on. So, he blindly stumbles along as you lead him into the... kitchen? Yeah, he's pretty sure he's in the kitchen.
"Okay, you can look." You uncover his eyes, but keep a tight hold on his hand as you beam at him.
"What do you think?"
What does he think?
What does he think?
Derek chokes up at the sight before him, and has to turn his head so you don't see the way his eyes are watering again.
A cake. You baked him a fucking cake to say you're proud of him. And he called you annoying.
"It's to celebrate being a week sober." You explain, leaning over to try and catch a glimpse of his face.
He squeezes your hand tightly, but can't get any words out.
"A week." He whispers, blinking back tears. Fuck, has it been a week already? It feels like hardly a day has passed.
"Oh, love. C'mere."
Derek lets himself be pulled into your arms. He groans from your touch, melting into the embrace and burying his face in your neck.
God, this is perfect. He's wanted to be held like this for so long, but now that it's finally happening... he can't help but feel guilty.
"I'm such an ass." He mumbles into your neck, lips pressed to your skin.
"Not always." You laugh softly and pull him a little closer.
Too close. He can feel your breasts pressing against him... fuck. Any closer and you might be able to feel what he has tucked away.
"Not always?" Derek scoffs, pulling back just enough to look you in the eyes.
"Is that really the best you've got to make me feel better?"
"What? You want me to lie?"
He stares into your eyes, heart pounding in his chest as he suddenly realizes just how close you are. It takes everything in him not to lean in and bridge the few inch gap between the two of you.
"You look nice like this."
Derek can feel his face heating up as you cup his face with a hand. Shit, If you don't stop soon he might actually just kiss you.
"Like what?" He asks breathlessly, mesmerized by your touch.
"With a trim." You smile and run your thumb along his his stubble, eyes trailing from his jaw to his lips.
For a second, Derek is sure you're going to kiss him. He tilts his head ever so slightly in anticipation, and his eyes flutter shut.
"So... you want a piece of cake?" You clear your throat, suddenly dropping your arms and breaking the embrace.
Of course you weren't going to kiss him. Derek gives you a half-hearted smile and nods, trying to hide just how crushed he feels.
"Yeah, sure. Cake."
"No, love, you're supposed to do the edge pieces first."
You chuckle as Derek angrily fumbles with two puzzle pieces. They quite obviously don't match, but he's trying to force them together anyways.
"Sorry, I wasn't aware puzzles had rules." He scoffs, dramatically tossing the little cardboard chunks across the table.
You'd dragged him out to the porch for a little fresh air, since he insisted he was too tired to make the five minute walk down to the beach.
"Well, they do. The biggest rule is don't throw the puzzle pieces, or you'll lose them." You laugh and continue flipping pieces over so they're facing upwards.
It hasn't been very long since you started the puzzle, and Derek already looks bored.
"Is this supposed to be fun?" He grumbles, helping you flip over pieces with one hand, the other finding it's way to rest on top of yours.
You wonder if he even notices he's doing it again. Touching you like that. You've gotten used to it by now, and usually just let it happen.
"Oh, come on. You gonna let a puzzle get the best of you, Danforth? A child could do this."
Derek makes a face and gestures to the sea of little cardboard scraps scattered across the table.
"A child could do a one thousand piece puzzle?" He scoffs.
"Okay, maybe not..." You laugh and adjust your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
"But I'm sure you can do it."
Derek's face flushes pink, and you aren't sure whether its from the praise or the way you're so casually holding his hand. Probably both. But so what if you're holding his hand? He's the one who started it.
He just mumbles something under his breath and looks back down at the table, suddenly very motivated to help you pick through the pieces.
His hand doesn't leave yours.
Derek wakes up from a deep sleep to the sound of your voice and the feeling of your nails gently scratching his scalp.
He gasps and tries to sit up, but finds he's stuck.
Er, not stuck, just... underneath you?
"Come on, love. You slept through nearly the whole movie." You laugh softly and start to nudge him off your lap.
Derek finally remembers what's going on, and pulls his arm out from under you. Apparently he'd tucked it beneath your knees while he slept, because he sure didn't remember doing it.
"Told you a chick flick would put me to sleep." He mumbles, fumbling to sit up. He finds his other arm is also stuck, wedged in between your waist and the couch.
"Sure made yourself comfortable, huh?" You tease, scooting forward and freeing him.
"Shut up." Derek reluctantly pulls away from you, sitting up and looking at you with a dazed expression. He wipes the drool from the corner of his mouth and groans. That really was a good nap.
"It's just so easy to fall asleep on you." The words come out before he can really think over them, and he freezes in embarrassment. Thankfully, you seem to take it in a different way than he meant it.
"Oh, am I that boring? I put you to sleep?"
"Exactly. I'm yawning already." He teases, letting out an exaggerated yawn that only earns him an elbow to the ribs.
"Hmph. Next time you can fall asleep somewhere else."
"But you're so damn comfortable." He whines, scrambling after you as you make your way upstairs. You can't leave him yet. You just can't.
"Well, your bed is plenty comfortable as well. Go to sleep."
Derek is suddenly struck with a thought, and takes your hand before you can slip away into your room for the night.
"What if..." He starts, placing his other hand on your hip and pulling you a little closer.
"What if I don't want to sleep in my bed tonight?"
You give him an incredulous look, and Derek can hardly believe the words that just came out of his mouth. Fuck, you're going to reject him. He just knows it.
"My bed?" You ask, raising an eyebrow and looking down at the way his hand is gripping your hip.
Derek can hear his heart pounding in his ears. He's being WAY too forward, and probably seems like a creep. Damnit.
"I... I just won't be able to sleep without you. I know it." He stutters, stumbling over his words. It's the truth, though. The only time he's been able to sleep peacefully lately is when he's touching you.
"Derek, love..." You chuckle and start to brush his hands away, taking a step back.
Fuck. He needs to show you how serious he is about this.
"Please? Just for tonight?" He grabs both of your hands, intertwining your fingers with his as he meets your gaze. You said he has puppy-eyes or something, right? Derek does his best to look pitiful.
It's not hard to do. He really does feel pitiful in this moment, begging you so blatantly. He might as well get on his fucking knees.
"Fine." You finally relent, groaning and gently shoving Derek aside as you head into your bedroom.
"But I hope you know I kick in my sleep."
"I don't mind taking that risk."
After quickly getting ready for bed, you settle down under the covers while Derek stands awkwardly to the side.
"Well? You gonna join me?" You ask, patting the spot next to you.
God, how did you get roped into this? Him and those damn puppy eyes. He's so hard to say no to.
"Oh, uh, yeah." Derek scrambles to climb into bed beside you. He looks like he's having just as much trouble believing what's happening.
"Sleeping with you wasn't really in my job description, you know. I'm complaining to your mother after this."
"Please don't." He groans, squirming and getting comfortable under the shared blanket. He keeps his distance, seeming content just to be in the same bed as you.
"You gonna sleep in that?" You lift the blanket to peek at his outfit, a simple t-shirt and sweatpants.
"Yeah? What's wrong with it?" He pouts and tugs the blanket back down, acting self-conscious.
"Nothing, just... You aren't going to be hot?"
"Are you trying to get me to take my pants off, sweetheart?"
"God, no. I've seen enough of that."
Your teasing clearly gets to him, because he rolls over to face away from you, grumbling. You swear his ears are a little pink. Is he blushing?
"Oh, love. I'm just messing with you." You scoot a little closer to him, and put a hand on his waist.
"I know." He whispers, breath hitched.
"Is it okay if I do this?"
He groans when you get even closer, spooning him from behind. Your arm wraps around his waist and you press your entire body against his.
"M-maybe I will get hot..." He mumbles, but makes no effort to push you away. Instead, he completely melts under your touch, relaxing against the pillow.
"Keep your pants on, Danforth."
"Yes ma'am."
Derek has been in bed with you for what feels like hours, (though really only around half of one), and he still can't believe what's happening.
Your arm is around his waist, holding him tight while the rest of your body is pressed up against him. He can feel your breasts pressing into his back, and your lips on his neck.
He almost wishes you'd kiss him, but that would probably send him over the edge.
And God, is he dangerously close to the edge right now.
His heart is pounding, heartbeat in synch with the throbbing in his pants. He's been hard ever since you cuddled up to him, but no way in hell is he going to ask you to stop. Not ever. Even if it kills him.
Scratch that. It is going to kill him. Derek can't help but let out a whimper as his dick twitches in his sweatpants.
Fuck. Your hand is right there, on his stomach. If you'd just slide it down a little...
"What's wrong?" You mumble, giving him a tight squeeze and nuzzling against the back of his neck.
"O-oh. Just... headache... Don't feel good..."
He feels like a total prick for lying to you, but what is he supposed to say? Yeah, totally fine, just horny as fuck? He'd rather die.
"Aww... I've got you, love."
Derek's breath hitches as you throw your leg over him. He can feel your thigh pressed up against his side, and the way you squeeze him feels heavenly.
He whimpers again, and starts to squirm slightly in your grasp. Fuck, if you keep this up he's not going to be able to control himself.
You continue to gently squeeze, rub, and cuddle him, whispering words of comfort with your lips pressed against the back of his neck. He can feel your hot breath on him, your breasts against his back, your hand on his stomach, your leg wrapped around his...
He can feel everything. And it's driving him insane.
Okay, okay, fuck. He can fix this. He just needs a quick release. That's all.
Derek starts to form a plan in his head, fueled by desperation and lust. Once he's mostly sure you're asleep, he slips his hand down into his boxers.
Biting back a moan, he slowly starts to jerk himself off. Painfully slow. He can't risk waking you up.
It's so fucking hard to not go faster, or move, or make a sound. Fuck, it's just so hard. Period.
He didn't really think this through, huh? Asking to sleep in your bed. Next time he'll jerk off first. If there is a next time. Damnit. If you catch him like this, you'll never speak to him again. He's sure.
Trembling, he accidentally lets a small whine slip out. Even with the absolute minimum amount of stimulation, he's close to finishing.
"Hnngh... Derek? You okay?"
Fuck. You're awake.
"Huh? Yeah, just... nightmare..." He chokes the words out, hand still wrapped around his cock as he slowly milks out a steady trickle of precum.
"It's okay." You whisper, holding him even tighter. "I'm right here."
Yeah, and that's the his damn problem. Your words and touch send him spiraling over the edge, and he bites his lip with nearly enough force to draw blood as he comes in his sweatpants.
It's not the most satisfying orgasm, seeing as he could barely touch it... but it still feels so much better than being that fucking horny with no release.
"Thank you..." Derek groans, praying that you don't ever discover the double meaning behind his words.
He had originally planned to sneak away and clean himself up, but with the way you're clinging to him...
Fuck. Guess he's sleeping in wet sweatpants.
─────────────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────────────────
Author's note: Oh my goddd, sorry for such a long wait on this chapter!!! I've been wanting to write this scene FOREVER, but I also wanted to get it right!!
I love putting Derek in uncomfortable situations. Not sorry.
Also its crazy to me that I've written 16 thousand words of fanfic for a character that had 20 minutes of screen time and then fucking DIED 💀
Anyways... expect the next chapter in 2-3 days. Thanks for all the love and support!!!
Part 6
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luneariaa · 2 months
ᯓ★٠ ࣪⭑ UNSPOKEN. ✧ KENJI S. { 𝐈𝐕. }
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✰ — PART 4 • FINAL PART ; overall fluffy moments. decided to end the story just right here bc i'm worried that it may seem as if the story is being dragged + lack of ideas + just wanted the ending to be all sweet and fluffy :") 💌🍡 THIS PART COULD BE READ AS A STANDALONE STORY.
✰ — also, i wanted to thank everyone for your endless support + to those who actually read this story! it means a lot to me 😭💜💜💜
✩₊˚. PART 1 — PART 2 — PART 3.
. dividers by @/strangergraphics ⛓️ !!
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ANY TRACES of bleakness within his monochromatic world gradually fades away— replaced with a brighter, hopeful one, that he's not willing to let go anytime soon.
But does Kenji Sato have regrets? Of course, he has.
Nevertheless, he never regretted the fact that he was able to raise Emi; rebuild his trust and relationship with his dad; having his own happiness.
He never regretted of meeting you.
There are lot of things that he wishes he was able to do with you sometime soon. Perhaps, something like traveling to other places— away from the public eye, or just things that's purely intended to be basic domesticity.
Marriage has never once crossed his mind due to his job and lifestyle, but he knew that he did the right thing when he decided that it was you, when his eyes first landed upon your being.
He knew it all too well that his life is going for a rather drastic change— even after all these years, welcoming all of it with open arms. All the best and his worst sides, you accepted them wholeheartedly. Kenji genuinely wanted to be a better person for you.
Some days are quite difficult to go through, which causes an internal struggle to form within his entire being, not knowing on what to do. Yet, your mere presence made everything seem more lighter and slightly better than before, inferring that he has found his own safe haven— which is with you alone.
Kenji shifts upon the bed he laid on, gradually coming to his senses and realizing that the spot on his side is devoid of warmth— unoccupied coldness being his only company, much to his half-dazed state.
Blinking the somnolence away from his eyes, he slowly brings up one of his hands to brush the empty spot beside him, as if he's trying to sense your presence, any remnant of you in a way. He wouldn't lie, he's a little disgruntled to be awakened, and to find you gone from his side.
"Right here, Ken." You spoke out of the blue in a slightly loud, yet soft tone from the balcony of your shared home nearby, which immediately caught onto his attention— deciding to approach your figure, albeit a little groggily.
His feet padded across the room, trying his best to focus his vision on your familiar silhouette close by; chaperoned by the upcoming daylight from the clear skies.
Kenji, without any signs of hesitancy, rests his head atop of your right shoulder— which prompts you to giggle lovingly at his mere actions, greeting him first while placing your palm on the side of his face.
"Good morning, love."
He lifted his head for a bit, and returned the look that you gave him, humming almost inaudibly while grinning as he started to feel giddy internally, just because of the gaze within your eyes that you've reserved for him.
"Good morning, sweetheart." His voice is evidently still laced with sleep, much to your amusement, yet still understanding.
He effortlessly engulfs your form against his own, allowing his arms to be encircled around your waist, and burying his face within your neck after— inhaling your natural scent that he has grown to love so deeply.
"Have you slept well?"
"Could've slept better, honestly." He murmured against your neck, huffing quietly. "Woke up, only to find you missing from my side. Missed you a lot."
You couldn't help but to stifle a giggle at his remarks, yet feeling the slight feeling of guilt creeping within you. "Aww, I'm sorry baby. I just thought of getting some quick fresh morning air, and didn't want to wake you."
This only made him pout for a bit further, grumbling under his breath, yet you could hear each word perfectly. "Hmph but still.."
"I wouldn't mind, y'know. I would've loved to wake up with you next to me."
"Or if you wanted to just watch the sunrise— I would gladly wake up for you."
"I'll keep that in mind for the next time." You chuckled lightly, taking an instant note of his words before you decided to turn around so that you could give the taller male a proper embrace— tight, yet not uncomfortably so.
"You're still not too late for it though." Kenji merely hums upon the truth of your statement, which made him actually feel content, returning the embrace with an equal fervor once more.
He wishes that you deeply acknowledge that you alone kept him grounded— the sole anchor that kept him away from all the unwarranted, tempestuous things, and even thoughts that he has to face on the daily at times.
Kenji trusts you wholeheartedly.
It's undeniable at this point because it's simply real and the sole truth. One could even tell it from the way he treated you, and even the way he would speak to you— even from his actions alone has shown it all.
He may be so vocal about it, or on some days, he won't, so he shows his love through his actions instead. Maybe it's the way he held you tight after a long or rough day, the way his eyes would find itself to gaze upon your form—
— and it never fails every time.
Even when he's in his Ultraman form— he would use his massive hands to carry you up elsewhere, either for safety reasons or just for fun. You look quite tiny within his palms, and your eyes would lovingly stare up at him because you knew who it was.
You didn't shy away, you weren't afraid of him, because despite his double twice of size changes, his touch remains delicate and meticulous, as if he's afraid of possibly dropping or hurting you.
The view from up above is magnificent, to say the least, getting a worth of free view. You wouldn't trade it for the world ever. A breathtaking sight that you could witness alone, a privilege that's reserved only for you.
And so, you would give him the familiar adoring stare, along with a beaming grin, knowing all too well that he was still the man who held your heart dearly— whom you allowed to be in, even within your personal space.
In spite of everything, he's still him. Whether in his Ultraman form or not, you loved him all the same.
You saved him from his own previous monochromatic world, and filled it with colors that he always, deep down needed.
And so, he did with yours.
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i might not be as active with writing after this ( though i'll try my best to be! ) due to work reasons :")
{ ✰ tags : @mochminnie, @aishallnotbefound, @scarasw1f3, @bakugouswaif. }
@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are welcomed. all rights reserved.
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paradiseprincesss · 4 months
hey, how about a drabble/short fic inspired by the song "paper bag" by fiona apple with neil lewis?
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he couldn't stay | neil lewis
hi anon, absolutely. i hope you enjoy this little drabble! here's something little to hold u guys over while i work on a few other longer requests.
summary: you watch your childhood best friend who you've been in love with for years, fall for someone else.
warnings: angst of course, friends to strangers, overall sadness
word count: 720 words
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you stared at the time on your phone mindlessly, feeling like you had just hit rock bottom. you felt alone and miserable, but also numb at the same time. life was unfair. love was unfair.
3:47 AM.
another sleepless night.
neil lewis had been your best friend since childhood and you thought that would never change, but it seemed that the universe had other plans. you never wanted things to end this way, but your friendship came to a screeching halt in the last few months.
you liked neil since you were in high school. the two of you were inseparable. you thought that your relationship would turn into one of those "friends to lovers" tropes, but it never did. maybe it was his fault, maybe it was yours - i guess you'll never know now, though. you felt like maybe if you had said something before, things could've panned out the way you hoped. but now it was too late.
he was with someone else now - he was with violet.
you remembered when neil broke the news to you a few months ago, and he broke your heart at the same time. you'd gone over to his place like you always did, ever since you were younger, and you two watched a movie together. about halfway through the movie, he turned to you to tell you something important. he called your name softly, causing you to pause the movie and listen to him.
"yeah, neil?" you asked softly, smiling sweetly at him.
"i forgot to tell you," he says, "do you remember that girl i went out on a date with a few weeks back?"
your smile slowly faded, and your heart silently broke as you started to lose hope. this couldn't be happening.
"um, yeah..." you say, trying to sound at least a little bit happy for him.
"i asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes," he beamed, "she's great. i want you to meet her soon."
you thought you were going to go crazy when he said these words to you, but you kept yourself composed even though you wanted to burst out into tears. you plastered the phoniest, fakest, most forced smile onto your face and "congratulated" him.
"wow," you say, feeling your heart shatter into a million pieces, "i'm so happy for you, neil. i'd love to meet her."
and that was the last time you two hung out - months ago. you hoped, and pleaded, and prayed that they wouldn't last, but your prayers went unanswered. they lasted, and on top of that, they were getting pretty serious. you heard from lucien that apparently neil thought she was the "love of his life."
you stopped visiting gumshoe video all together, and jonathan and lucien both texted you to see if you were okay, but after a while, you stopped responding. you started to hangout with your other friends, becoming closer to them and distancing yourself from neil, jonathan, and lucien. it hurt too much to be around neil, anyways.
as much as you tried to force yourself to get over it - you were still struggling to. it should've been you that he ended up with, not her. but you were the one who was too scared to confess your feelings to him; you knew that this wasn't really his fault because you should have said something. but now, you'll never know what could've been between the two of you because he was with someone else.
he was happier with someone else.
you stopped reaching out to him, and he stopped reaching out to you. it's not like he really tried, anyway. he was busy now - with the love of his life, or whatever. so, that was that.
maybe things were meant to fall apart so that they could fall back together again in the future, or maybe not. you hoped that one day your paths would cross again, but for now, you slowly faded into the background and became a stranger to someone you loved dearly, and he became a ghost to you.
even though they say time heals all, it seemed that all time was doing was just crushing your heart even more, along with any hope that you had of neil seeing you as anything more than just a friend.
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@girlinterrupted505 @ciriceimpera @jordyn-yeager @thevelvetvampyre @galactict3a
@xanaxiii @nocturnest @bloodandglitter207 @humbuginmybones 
@oceanstem @futurefamousdeadmusician @jonathancraneslittlepet @dolleyednymphette @kpopgirlbtssvt 
@ll4n4 @ilovetoxicfictionalmen @the-buddy-things @ellebelleshelby @wiseyouthinfluencer 
@aprilsfrog05 @minedofmoria @strangeobsessed @5tud10-54r4h
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pearl-tarotist · 1 year
🌸 Messages from your future spouse 🌸
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{I have not touched my tarot cards in weeks but lately I have had an urge to make this Pac}. Your future spouse wants to communicate with you about something.
I have finally done it...I have surpassed the obstacles and I have reached my goals, but I find myself with palms full of time. The hours that I used to work on them have fallen over me like a weight. What must I do now?
I am content and happy due to my victory but also tired, so I need to rest and recover some energy...but between rests and naps, I can just think of you, my dear future spouse. I can just think about having someone that I can hold in my hands... instead of this void and meaningless empty hand. Something is awaking on me, the need to have someone that I could take care of, someone that I could spend my time with. I have suddenly been dreaming about you...not you as someone with bones and skin but fantasizing about your laugh and your warmness and the softness of your skin when sleeping in the same bed. At my side. I want that close intimacy that one can just get when falling in love.
I have changed because now I want you ...does it sound bad? The idea that I did not want you before? I'm sorry, I don't think I was even aware of this void inside of me while working. I don't know... I just want to hold you and not let you go. I want to kiss your hand and hold your face against my chest... can you listen to my heartbeat?
I am just so ready for this new adventure...not even and adventure if I am being honest. I am just ready for you...and eager too. From one day to other all my focus has changed to your needs. I am ready not just for a relationship but for a life companion...I am ready to bathe you in tenderness and love.
God, I want to fall in love with you so much. Please, come soon. I am waiting for you. Excuse my eagerness and my selfishness but, have you been feeling our connection lately or have you been thinking about me too? Do not say you have not or you will break my heart.
Eagerly waiting for you,
Comments: this man/woman woke up once with an extreme need on their chest. They are full of love and they are waiting for you. I guess this is what they wanted to tell you, that they are ready to commit and take care of you. Some of them want to call you baby, honey, darling, mi amor, amore mio...all type of petnames, but overall they want to pronounce your name so badly but they are unaware of it. They miss you already 😭. I could have keep writing about their feeling for the next 3 days because their feeling are intense but I cannot do that or...should I?
Temperance/ 9 of wands/ 7 of Cups / Wheel of fortune/ 4-3 of wands
I'm confident in us. I have enough trust in the world to know that I will find you, that they will put someone as perfect as you for me. I believe that the world will help us and will put us in the same path and even if they do not...I will search for you. For someone as graceful, nurturing and beautiful as you are.
Lately, things have been going well, I have found some sense of peace and harmony inside of me...I am ready for new adventures, for new people and a new love, that's you bb, ;). I am in an ambitious mode, it feels as if I had the energy to fight against dragons and monsters just to get to you, my princess and my queen. (your fs could call you a princess but see you as a queen).
I do not want to lie, you could think I am a bit of a playboy first as my jokes and flirting could be unoriginal or predictable but I just want you so much that I become of one of those stereotyped knights, just to get to you. What can I do to earn your interest? In those movies the knights were doing incredible conquests, saving kingdoms, being so flirty and sarcastic that the queen can just laugh about it... I want us to became those fantastic and romantic stories, wouldn't you like it?
I mean...you are just like a queen. You are nurturing, clever, beautiful, intuitive...It feels as if you could see everything about me at just one glance with those beautiful eyes of yours and I feel so...naked and seen. Sometimes, I think I'm just not enough so I just want to keep entertaining you with these quests even when it looks dumb from outside. Is it bad that I want you to just keep your attention on me?
I'm persistent, sarcastic and not scared to speak my mind...what a bad combination. I am just lucky and in love with you so much to hope that it is enough.
Always yours to serve you,
The Star/ Knight of Wands/ Queen of cups/pentacles /Knight of Cups/ Strength
From outside it seems that I have everything, as if my life was perfect...I am self-sufficient, I have people to dine with, people to dance with, friends that I can call and family that I spend time with but...I'm not that confident.
Inside of me, I have this recurrent doubt and insecurity....I am still young, I am still learning...I don't want to keep myself into the jail of the known. It seems foolish to some to change my lifestyle and comfortable routine when for some it is to everything they aspire to in life, but is it really that good?
I don't know if the people I involve myself with are the best. Are they trustworthy? Generous? Good people? I don't know.
That's why I think about you, my little ghost, you are present with me when I think about the future. I know we will be good to each other, we both will be young, we will learn about everything with time, patience and love. I have no doubts that we will grow wealthy, healthy and clever.
I think I am allowed to dream when I feel so much for us. Isn't it good that we will grow together and stablish our own bases? We won't copy others, we will be irreversibly us. And that's why I appreciate you so much.
I love you, take care.
10 of Wands/ 9 of Swords/The Moon/ page and knight of pentacles
This reading belongs to @pearl-tarotist.
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darkroomkisses · 1 year
Could you do an extremely possessive Ethan Landry 🙏🙏
You belong to Me (Dark!Ethan Landry x Reader)
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A/N: Omg thanks for the request! yes, love the idea. I hope you enjoy this lil blurb 🥀 !READ TAGS!
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Pairings: Dark!Ethan Landry x Reader
Warnings: NON-CON to DUB-CON, Boyfriend!Ethan, Dark!Ethan, Possessive!Ethan, SMUT, Dark themes, possessiveness, manhandling, Jealous!Ethan, Unprotected P in V, choking, swearing, creampie, toxic relationship, unhealthy behaviors, slut-shaming. Overall toxic.
Summary: Possessive!Ethan Landry, doesn't take it lightly when another man touches you at a party. He makes sure you remember you belong to him.
Words: 1.8k
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“No, you’re not wearing that out” Ethan says firmly with his arms crossed against his chest. You were looking for an outfit for the frat party tonight. You let out a small pout turning from the mirror to face your boyfriend.
“But Ethan, I think this is my best skirt” you stand between Ethan's legs he was sitting at the edge of the bed. You put your hands on his face “Please love?” You give him your sweetest, cutest voice which worked most of the time. Not this time though, Ethan grabbed your wrists hard. You hissed at the harshness of his touch.
“I said NO” Ethan says, with a dark edge to his voice. “Ow, Ethan, you’re hurting me” you cry out, you struggle to get out of his hold, he stands up making you stumble backwards against the wall. “Why do you want to dress like a slut so bad? You want other guys attention or something?!” Ethan spits at you. The crazed look in his eyes scares you a little.
This was different, sure Ethan was kinda needy and jealous and he would get a little grabby when someone gets too close to you. It never scared you before but now you feel uneasy with your boyfriend. “No! Never, why are you acting like this?” Your voice is quivering.
“Because you’re mine!” Ethan practically shouts at you, his chest rising and falling. You flinch back at his aggressive tone. You don’t know what to do in this situation, you just wanted him to calm down and let go of you. “O-okay Ethan, I know I'm yours” you say in a whisper.
“I’ll change, okay? Now please let go” With that Ethan lets go of your wrists, you quickly rub your wrists trying to soothe the pain, You see marks forming. You look at Ethan, the hurt apparent in your eyes. Ethan eyes soften “I’m sorry baby, I really am sorry, I just love you so much”
“I hate when other guys look at you, knowing they are thinking disgusting things, it makes me mad enough to kill”
That look that scared you comes across his face again and his dark words makes your stomach flip. “Uh I get it Ethan, I'm sorry I made you mad” Ethan brings his lips to his wrists to softly kiss it.
“I’m sorry I hurt you” you don’t know if you fully believe him, but you smile at his soft apology and let him kiss you deeply on the lips, his hands roam your body, squeezing your ass through your skirt. He moves his lips to your ears “I only want you to wear this for me, no one fucking else, you got it?”
“O-okay” You stutter out, you felt arousal bloom from the heat on your ear.  
You ended up changing into jeans and a crop top, finding balance with your outfit. You weren’t the happiest about it, but Ethan was okay with your choice but still grumbled about the tightness of the shirt. Ethan and you walk to the party hand and hand.
The party was loud and packed, the lights were dimmed, you could smell the weed and booze in the air. You promised Ethan you wouldn’t drink too much, but after 3 shots and a mixed drink you felt tipsy and Ethan cut you off. He wasn’t too happy. You were cuddled with Ethan on the couch, legs across his lap and his hand tight on your waist.
“I told you not to drink so much” Ethan hissed. You just apologized and kissed his cheek, you really didn't want to ruin the mood.
Chad walks up to you “Y/N Come dance! Why are you being boring on the couch?” Chad reaches for your hand to pull you on the floor. Ethan without a second thought holds you in place his hand on your waist tightens.
You look at Ethan with soft eyes “Please babe? I wanna dance some more and Anika and Tara are on the floor.” Ethan didn’t want to make a scene in front of Chad, but flexed his grip, thinking about letting you go.
“Um sure babe, just come right back” Ethan mumbles, his touch still lingering.  
You let Chad guide you to the floor swaying your hips excitedly. Ethan’s jaw clenches when Chad touches you. You dance with the girls and Chad. Ethan watching every step you take his brows pinched together watching you so intensely.
Ethan tries to keep his cool usually he knows you are naïve to the world and the motives of men, so he must protect you. Lately he's been feeling like you wanted a little space from him, he couldn't handle that. He can usually talk you out of being with your friends or going out late. He wanted you to himself. You were his and he wouldn’t let you forget it.
The music blared and you swayed your hips sexily to the song. Two guys come up behind you, one of them puts their hands on your waist, pulling you against their body, you don’t even struggle for a moment before you feel a tight grip on your arm pulling you away.
Ethan sees red and he grabbed you roughly, pushing the guy with his other hand. “Get the fuck away from her” Ethan shouts over the blaring music. The guy backs up putting his hands up in defense, “My bad didn’t know she was taken, dude” the guy slurs, Chad steps in between “Yeah, move along buddy” The guys scoff and walk away.
Chad looks at you to see if you're okay, you nod. You look at Ethan who still had his you in his grip. There is fire in his eyes, and you didn’t think there was any way to put it out.
“We’re leaving now” Ethan says definitively tugging your arm moving you through the crowd of people. You trip over your feet trying to keep up with Ethan strong grasp. You hear Chad and the girls calling you two back, but Ethan doesn’t stop his stride.
When you make it outside you try to get him to slow down. “Ethan, slow the hell down” you plead with him. He doesn’t say anything until you get to the dorm. Your fear was ramping up as you reached his dorm, he pushed you through the door.
“What the fu-” you start when you fall to your knees. Ethan grabs your hair into a fist pulling you up to push you against the counter. You cry out in pain when your back hits the counter hard. “Ethan what-”  
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Ethan screams in your face, his face is twisted with anger. You were confused and you stumbled over your words telling him you don’t know what he’s talking about.
“Ethan calm down please, it wasn’t my fault” your eyes start to tear up, your voice breaking.
“Yes! it fucking is, I warned you to not act like a fucking slut” Ethan gets close to your face and wraps his hands around your throat, squeezing tight. Your hands fly up to his hands you claw at him.
“How dare you let that guy touch with like that?” he says in disbelief “I bet you liked it too, cause you're a whore” Ethan spits out, he was so close you could feel his hot breath on your face. You shake your head “no” as best as you can manage.
“Please” you choke out. Ethan stares at you for a moment, his eyes roaming over your body before letting go. You cough and try to catch your breath. “I’m sorry I didn’t know he would do that, seriously” you cry out.
Ethan traps you between his body and the counter his hands on both sides of you, you had nowhere to run. You could feel his hard cock pressed against your stomach. He was so hard, and you felt your body tense up at the thought of him getting off doing this to you.
“Yea right, you're just too dumb to know that” like a flip of a switch, a condescending smirk pulls at his lips. “If you wanted to be treated like a slut, you should have just asked.”
Before you can question him; Ethan flips you over, so your ass meets his hips, and he places his hand on your back to keep you in place. You call his name out, worry heavy on your voice. “Dumb slut” Ethan mutters he pulls your jeans down roughly.
“Ethan! Wait" you call out again and you reach your hands out trying to push him back. He doesn’t listen, it’s like he was deaf to the world, not hearing your pleas or he was just ignoring you. Ethan couldn’t contain his rage anymore; he knew one way to put you back in your place.
He needed to remind you that you belonged to him. Ethan pulls your underwear down in a quick motion. “Ethan, I said I'm sorry!” you call out.
“And why the hell was Chad getting involved? Does he fucking like you?” Your eyes go wide “God Ethan no! He's a friend”
You feel a slap come down on your ass cheek, you let out a sharp moan, and another hard slap makes you whine in pain.
“You don't need friends, only me! Am I not good enough for you?” Venom on the tip of his tongue. “Of course, you are, you’re more than enough” Ethan runs his hand on your pussy, feeling your wetness on his slender fingers. “You’re so wet for me baby, you’re never leaving me.”
Ethan moans, your body couldn’t help but react to your boyfriend's coarse touch. You knew it was wrong the way Ethan made you feel. His possessiveness was suffocating you like water filling your lungs but for some reason you didn’t want air.
You hear his pants drop to the floor, and in a quick motion Ethan pushes his way into you. You let out strangled groan. The movement knocking the air out of your lungs and your hips into the counter. Ethan fucked deeper into you, and he wrapped his arm around your neck, so you were flush against him.
“I don’t want you even looking at another guy” He growled into your ear and started kissing your cheek and down your neck. “You’re mine, only mine y/n” each thrust was harder than the last, only making you come more undone around his stiff cock.
The wet sounds and heavy breathing filled the otherwise quiet dorm. You couldn’t hold back anymore, your fear masked with deep arousal.
“I’m yours, I'm yours Ethan” you panted, lust heavy on your tongue. You feel your legs shaking, the unmistakable feeling of cumming hard hits you. You moan Ethan’s name, telling him your cumming.
“Good fucking girl, you were made to cum on my cock baby” Ethan fucks you through your orgasm. Your head feels light, you try to stay upright in Ethan grasp.
“I'm going to fill you up baby, I want you dripping my cum from your tight little pussy” you panic a little. He’s never done that before, usually mumbling how he likes seeing your pretty body and face marked with his seed.
“Ethan wait-wait, please pull out” Ethan lets out a half laugh, he pushes your head down on the cold surface of the counter, you shiver. Ethan drives into you one last time before coating your insides. “Just a reminder on who fucking owns you.”  
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