#there's sooooo many things to do and the map seems huge
the-potato-beeper · 7 months
hello dearly beloved mutuals (and other friends)! does anyone have any beginners tips for Baldur's Gate 3? i am struggling a bit, and would appreciate any help y'all can give!
#key speaks#bg3#baldur's gate 3#i've played for like. four hours now?#my Tav is a tiefling bard (their full name is Octave)#(they go by Tav tho)#i've recruited all the initial companions except for Karlach (can't find her :C )#and gotten into the emerald grove#i'm struggling a lot with fighting#also knowing where to go and what to do?#there's sooooo many things to do and the map seems huge#i tried to explore the ruins but that went... poorly#aka half the party died in the fight against the ppl who were already there#and then i touched the sarcophagus and got us all killed#so i reset my game a bit and went back to the grove and have just been wandering a bit#i did save the one little girl from the snake!#i long rested once too#should i be picking up everything i see? is hoarding ok?#oh yeah should i be worried abt party members leaving bc of low approval?#(Astarion keeps disapproving of stuff i do.)#(i don't wanna lose a party member...)#(or a new friend! he's awful and so goddamn weird and i like him already)#(i'm just affectionately going 'what is WRONG with you' every time he opens his mouth)#(i don't wanna lose that)#(or Lae'zel. i've heard she disapproves of nice things too. she hasn't been out as much tho so i haven't seen it)#(i traded her for Wyll once i reached the grove)#(i'll probably grab her again once i start fighting and exploring more than talking to ppl)#long tangent aside: pls help am struggling#i rly want to like this game but being bad at it is making it not as much fun as i'd hoped#i will accept it if told i'm just gonna have to get used to it and deal with being bad for a while tho
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angeart · 8 months
holy FUCK i love hmtb- i've been following it since rrally early on and its crazy how far it's grown!!! you portray the characters so realistically (i especially love scar's inability to determine which reality he is in, i think it's. a Very Cool And Good theory about how being in a death game might impact someone) and i think the way you showcase the non-linearity of healing is also very awesome and cool!!
out of curiosity, how many chapters do you think are left?
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HI! HELLO! it makes me sooooo happy that you enjoy the story, and it's wild to know you've been there since early on and still love it and follow along! that means soo much to hear!! <3
scar is having a very hard time with grounding, since the world no longer feels safe, and what got him through the life games last time was having grian by his side—the two of them and the home they built—so slipping back there might seem like the only way he knows how to survive. (this thought was random and written out on the spot, something to think about maybe :3)
i very much like to dabble with the non-linearity of healing and touching on how complicated their mental health is. things are far from easy. the bad stuff doesn't just magically go away. mistakes are made. bad decisions are made. a wrong thing gets said. more messes keep tripping them up and getting in the way. sometimes it's too much. mood dips happen and sometimes their own thoughts work against them, even if they want to be better. it's hard. they're trying. (i am very happy if it's coming through right! it's very important to me)
as for the chapters left! this is tricky, because i'm not sure what people want to hear and i don't want to scare anyone off, but. but okay here's the thing.
there is still LOTS of things that are planned for hmtb and will eventually happen. Major Plot Points, too. there is still a huge amount of this fic left.
i don't have things mapped out perfectly, a lot of things happen organically and just sort of sneak up on me, so my plan mostly contains just the Main Bits, and since i never expected to get to the sleepover this late and for it to span this many chapters, i've since long given up on making any estimates.
but it's gonna be long! lots of things to come! things get worse before they get better!!
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protagonistheavy · 3 years
Been watching markiplier's go through the newest fnaf game because Cactus has been watching it. She's pretty familiar with the franchise, but I've never actually played any of the games myself, in fact I've only ever watched the first game... get played by markiplier. So, full-circle.
In any case wow this game seems sooooooooooooooooooo boring. The pacing is just terrible and nothing has worked right in the game to actually create a scary atmosphere. I've noticed this in general that it felt like the series sort of stopped trying to be scary and just be an aesthetically pleasing game that's full of jump scares... and this seems like the real peak of it. All of the animatronics are either too endearing to find scary, or they're sooo over the top in their design to look scary that it just doesn't work. Or they're only around for like, one minute... and then gone.
I mean I guess I am early in this playthrough still, but considering I'm hours in and its been this lackluster, wow. Like, forever ago... the game explained a mechanic about calling the Freddy mech suit over to your location... but then immediately following the instruction on how to do that, Freddy becomes entirely inaccessible... FOR HOURS of game time. Sooo why not wait until the mechanic becomes POSSIBLE before giving it to the player?
And the progression is just all over the place. So many times I find myself listening to Freddy's directions and I'm like, what the shit are you TALKING about. This is hardly an exaggeration of what it feels like talking to him: "I'm sorry, Gregory. But in order to continue, you're going to need the VIP Pass from the door behind me (does not specify which of the five doors behind him he means) which takes you into the laundry room. Use the vents in the laundry room to access the kitchen's bathroom and then take the ladder into the basement, which will grant you level 3 security access to the pizza-making machine, which will give you the VIP Pass." There's NO logical sense of progression, it's just random items located in random places with no rhythm connecting them. And the map design makes this ALL so much worse, the entire layout just reeks of "video game developer architecture" just clearly designed by someone with no sense of how buildings and facilities actually work lol. So almost none the space makes sense in your head, it's so hard to track and wow, I cant believe Mark is giving himself such a hard time for "missing" this one pathway in order to continue... he spent 45 minutes lost, and I cant blame him AT ALL because if this was a WELL-DESIGNED game, the pathway forward would be themed into the map -- you would have lights or camera angles or colors that help guide you to where you need to be. Except this is FNAF sooooo youre just expected to circle around a huge area multiple times until you find the unlocked door....... or, just, the fucking loading zone to trigger the next event lol.
And I cant press enough the fact that NOTHING is scary here. Part of it is because the plot builds NO suspense, it's just unexplained circumstances meant to look eerie and all portrayed from a low POV. But a bigger reason it isnt scary is probably because the horror is just constantly the same. "Don't get caught." That's it. And I imagine this gets better inherently as the plot unfolds, but currently, the only danger, the only spookiness going on... is that things love to grab you by the shoulders. And honestly, since the game is giving me NO other context, all I can assume is that the security is all in the right lol, because it does just sound like a mischievous kid running around backstage. It doesnt seem like anything horrible is happening at all. Why does any of this plot matter.
The humor also takes away from the suspense too. This is something that bugged me a lot of the first game actually, was that the excuse for why all the bad things were happening in an otherwise-standard chain restaurant environment was always "oh the restaurant is just that bad lol, theyre just really bad at being safe and healthy, they have lots of OSHA violations lol." And like they lean on that soooo much in order to deflect any criticisms that would shake anyone's suspension of disbelief. Idk maybe the FNAF universe just isnt for me in that regard, but it's weird that the game is hitting you with these like mostly-comical uhhh yelp reviews? in the middle of all the jumpscare should-grabbing.
Anyway uh I guess the characters are cute and the location itself seems like, fun. Theres lots of cool ideas around here but the execution has not been stellar. Feels a LOT like all they had were cute ideas but no real sense on how to connect things together.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Everything Has Changed (Crystal x Gigi) - Ashley
A/N: Crystal has spent years watching her ex-best friend and next door neighbour, Gigi, rise to the top of their High School food chain, never even uttering a word to her as she waits for the bus each morning. What will happen when Crystal’s house floods and she is finds herself sleeping on Gigi’s floor for a week?
Hello again! I finally jumped on the s12 girls band wagon - hope you guys like. This plot really gave me 2013 Wattpad vibes but I decided to embrace and roll with it. Thanks sooooo much to Meggie for beta-ing! Concrit welcome. Xoxo Ashley
The day began as generic as any other for Crystal. 
A spurt of optimism filled her as she slurped down the last of her cereal and made her way outside - failing to notice the big splodge of milk that would be visible on her shirt until the fourth period. The sun was waving down on her, the slight hum of insects and the sight of her neighbour with a pair of shears at hand reminding her that spring was now in full bloom.
“Morning Crystal,” the familiar voice called over the fence.
“Morning!” She waved back at the woman who she would have once called a second mother, the auntie she had never had.
“When’s your mom back?” Maria asked as Crystal neared the end of the driveway. “I’m due a coffee date!”
“A week on Friday.” Crystal smiled back at her, remembering the days when she and Gigi used to join them on their mothers’ meetings, sipping lemonade and pretending to be sophisticated on the opposite side of the cafe. Remembering how Gigi would always make her laugh and she’d end off spitting her soda out anyway and ruining their facade.
Pulling her headphones out of her bag as she said goodbye, she looked up at the girl whose laugh was currently leaping around inside her head like a carousel, whose grinning face was a portrait in Crystal’s brain as clear as the lakes they used to play in.
Only now she wasn’t grinning quite the same.
Taking her usual seat at the bench, she glanced across at Gigi: her dark hair coiffed to perfection, her lips lined just at the right spot, her jet black beauty mark contrasting against her Snow White complexion. She was the type of girl who needed to be painted.
Their eyes met briefly, as they often did on mornings like this, Crystal darting hers away quickly in a chaotic manner and looking at her phone instead: seven twenty-seven. Her bus would be here in six minutes. Nicky would be here in three.
For a split second, she thought she felt Gigi’s eyes looking back on her but she didn’t dare look.
Instead, she tried to think of ways that she could stop herself from reading the freckles on her old friend’s arm as if they were the dictionary definition of perfection. She thought about how Gig’s mascara may have been left on from the night before, of how she’d seen the straight-A student climb out of her window and down her drainpipe like Catwoman herself to steal away into the night. Of how the Gigi she knew in reality was anything but the flawless girl that was adored around the halls.
Seven-thirty. The familiar horn rang before Gigi went to sit shotgun in her best friend’s car. Crystal let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding along with a sigh of relief that the girl was out of sight and out of mind for the day.
Or at least until they had Chemistry together in the third period.
“Oh my god,” Crystal spoke aloud, her body frozen for a second as she absorbed the scene in front of her.
Like something from a disaster movie, she watched as water sprayed from the enormous hole in her living room ceiling, her socks already damp through her trainers.
Her flight or fight reflexes kicking in, Crystal did the first thing her brain told her to do which was to run next door and ring their bell as many times as she could, managing to slip on her lawn and stain the knees of her jeans whilst doing so.
“Hi?” Gigi looked Crystal up and down, her nose wrinkling with curiosity as she took in the other girl’s dishevelled state, her greeting more of a question than a welcome.
“Hi.” Crystal paused, trying to think of how she could explain to Gigi that she’d simply walked through her front door after school into a foot of brown water, a smell that matched that description almost exactly, and a giant hole in the ceiling that was firing said brown water at her like an army missile.
“Can I speak to your mom?” 
Crystal felt her body relax slightly as she took a sip of the lemonade that was placed in front of her, a twinge of a feeling she couldn’t quite name gnawing at her when she realised that Gigi hadn’t asked what she wanted to drink, simply bringing her what had always brought comfort as a child.
She felt simultaneously overwhelmed and comforted by the sight around her, Gigi sitting in her usual seat as her hands toyed with the couch cushions. Only now an elephant sat between the pair of them, an awkward silence taking over every last air molecule in the room.
Memories flooded back to her as she let her eyes wander: the mantlepiece she had chipped her tooth on, the doors they would prance through as they pretended to be contestants on America’s Next Top Model once everyone was asleep.
Crystal felt her hands starting to sweat, rubbing them against her jeans rather frantically. She’d always managed to cope on a morning or in school - sure, sometimes the sight of Gigi sent her into a spiral of self-doubt and questions, but it was never something completely out of her control, never something that bothered her to such a great extent.
Maybe it was that she’d lost the privilege of her headphones to distract her from her past.
Maybe it was how familiar her surroundings were.
Maybe it was how natural it had first felt as she sat in Gigi’s living room.
Just as she heard the other girl start to speak, attempting to cut the tension that wrapped around the pair of them like thick green vines, they were saved by Maria entering the room again, phone in hand.
“So, your hot water tank has burst!” She looked at Crystal and let out a frustrated laugh. “The plumbers are starting to clear up now but they think it’s going to take a full week. I’m sorry sweetie. I’ve called your Mom and she’s happy for you to stay here with us and is going to try to leave her conference early.”
Maria went on to talk about getting essentials after the day’s work was finished and the logistics of their insurance but it soon became a gust of wind that swept right over Crystal’s head.
“I don’t need to say here, don’t worry!” Crystal smiled at Maria, grateful for her generosity but feeling the prick of tears at the back of her eyes daring to fall. Her eyes looked absolutely anywhere but at Gigi. “I can always go visit my family in Missouri for a week, I haven’t seen them for a while.”
“I dunno how your mom would feel about you missing a week of school, this is senior year now.” Maria placed a tentative hand on Crystal’s, clearly sensing the anxiety that was shooting out of her like flaming arrows. “Don’t stress! Think of it as one long week-long sleepover. Just like old times!”
Crystal couldn’t tell if she was trapped in heaven or hell but she knew one thing for sure, it wouldn’t be like old times.
Crystal found it strange how Gigi’s bedroom was so similar to how it was when they were younger, yet simultaneously different in certain, striking ways.
The antithesis to Crystal’s walls of clutter, Gigi’s room had always been pristine and that hadn’t changed. Placed on her dressing table were framed photos of her and her friends, one of her and Nicky catching Crystal’s eye.
She’d never grown close to Nicky. Even though a part of Crystal disliked her for the shit music she blasted from her sports car and for stealing away her best friend - the other, more loving side of her told her that Nicky didn’t really seem to have a bad bone in her body and that she must be fun if Gigi was so fond of her.
Crystal always found herself trusting Gigi’s judgement even though they were no longer friends, even though that judgment was cast badly upon herself.
Her eyes made their way to the other side of the room, a warm, fuzzy feeling taking over her body as she looked at Gigi’s huge world map that hung in front of her.
Pink pins for where she’d been and blue pins for where she wanted to go. Missouri caught her eye, bright pink straight away, Crystal remembering how excited Gigi had been to change its colour after she had joined one of her visits home in the holidays, how interested she was in exploring the lakes that raised Crystal. She knew Gigi would always be an explorer, it was just a shame that she was no longer the trusty navigator that bounced by her side.
Before she knew it, her hands were running across the books on Gigi’s shelves, stopping on her worn-out copy of Emma.
She never hated Gigi for the fact they were not friends anymore. She knew it happened to loads of pairs like themselves, that it’s natural to drift apart at high school and find different interests. Crystal often prided herself on being mature and understanding, knowing that sometimes there were deeper things in other people’s minds that she just had to accept. Yet at that moment, she couldn’t deny that the sight of the last birthday present she had bought for Gigi sitting front and centre, it’s pages worn and dog-eared, happened to sting that tiny bit.
“It’s not a museum,” Gigi snapped at her from across the room, only for her own face to fall a little when she saw Crystal’s - the slap of instant regret bright red on her cheeks.
“Sorry.” She moved over to the bookshelf, pulling the copy out and holding it in her manicured hands as though it were made of papier-mache. “Can you remember I used to take it out at the library so much? You gave it to me and told me it was so I never had to hide it to stop anyone else borrowing it anymore.”
Crystal’s heart dipped a whole centimetre in her chest.
Of course she remembered.
Silence enveloped the pair yet again as Crystal’s makeshift bed was constructed on the floor, a look on Gigi’s face that Crystal couldn’t quite piece together. 
Trying to fight the awkwardness, Crystal pulled out her phone and began to scroll down her Instagram feed aimlessly, no one she could message even springing to her mind.
“Oh my god, we cannot do this all week,” Gigi blurted out what she’d been trying to contain all in one breath, causing Crystal to laugh at the girl’s inability to remain silent for any given period of time. And before she knew it Gigi was laughing too, the pair almost automatically falling back into that lull that once fell so naturally. Chatting more and more naturally as the drama of Top Model made up their background music.
There, underneath the plastic demeanour, was Crystal’s old best friend.
At first, Crystal didn’t know where she was when she woke up, her body feeling awkward in her jeans. But her confusion slid away at the sight of Gigi at her dressing table, applying the daintiest amount of blush to her pale cheeks.
Looking down she realised she was in Gigi’s bed rather than the one made up for her on the floor, assuming that she must have drifted off whilst watching their show.
“Good morning, camper.” Gigi raised an eyebrow in her mirror and grinned, never fully turning around to look at Crystal.
“Morning.” She stretched her arms in the air, the fact that Gigi must have tucked a blanket around her whilst she slept hitting her like a tonne of bricks. “What time is it?”
“Quarter past seven.”
“Oh. That’s no good!” Crystal jumped out of the bed and began rummaging through her case quite rapidly, Gigi chuckling under her breath at the way Crystal worked as a poster girl for the chaotic good character, clearly seeing some form of adorable in the other girl’s frustration.
Pulling a leopard print shirt out of her bag, Crystal quickly removed yesterday’s jumper and spruced herself up for the day ahead, finding some blue jeans to match and throwing them on whilst Gigi carried on with her makeup in the mirror, her eyes flickering back and forth.
“I think my Mom made some breakfast if you have time. Nicky’s coming for me soon…” She trailed off almost in a defensive way, her eyes glossing back down to the palette in front of her.
“Yeah,” Crystal responded, not sure on what she was agreeing with, before starting to pack her bag for the day. “I don’t want to miss the bus, I guess I’ll see you later.”
Maybe things hadn’t changed as much as she’d thought.
“Ugh.” Crystal found herself longing to throw her pencil across the room in a fit of rage as she failed the seventh time to do the chemical equation in front of her.
“You know, I’m currently sitting at an A in Chemistry.” Gigi waved her hands in the air at the girl from her bed, dog-earing the corner of her book and casting it aside.
“I don’t need you to do my work for me!” Crystal squealed as she moved the paper away from Gigi’s peeping eyes, determined to finish the question.
This was now her third night in the Goode household and she was starting to scare herself at how easily she fell back into place with Gigi when no one else was around. They had spent the past few days catching each other up on their lives, watching crap TV and just being together.
It was safe to say that Crystal was starting to see the beams of a happier Gigi shine through the cracks, a Gigi who wasn’t afraid to be rough around the edges. 
But her hopes were kept low each morning when they parted their usual ways at the social jungle of their high school.
“I’m not saying I’ll do it for you, I’ll just help.” Gigi moved closer and Crystal could feel the warmth of her body on her own. The tiniest contact sending her brain in circles.“Besides, I did this three days ago; I don’t know why you’re hiding the questions.”
“Okay, but only if we do something fun after.”
“Actually.” Gigi paused and gave Crystal the grin of an excited puppy. “I have the perfect game to make up some lost time.”
“I’ll start.” An idea popped into Crystal’s head as she turned to face Gigi with excitement. “Number one: where do you go when you sneak off in the middle of the night?”
“Do you spy on me?” Gigi opened her jaw wide, causing Crystal to go into panic mode before releasing she was simply playing. “Sometimes it’s to meet people by the quarry and have a drink. Sometimes I just like to go get some fresh air alone.”
Crystal could sense she wasn’t getting a full answer but didn’t want to pry, preparing herself for what she’d be asked.
“Hmm.” Gigi giggled to herself as she gave Crystal a once over. Crystal could almost see the lightbulb pop out of her pretty little head when she thought of a question. “Number two: do you think Mr. Charles has a crush on you?”
Taking Crystal by surprise, it took her a minute to gain her composure. “What sort of question is that?”
“A genuine one!” Gigi tried to pull a straight face. “I see the way he’s always staring at you, putting his hand in your hair when he checks your work.”
“Oh my god, you’re disgusting.” Crystal smacked the other girl with a pillow resulting in the biggest scene of dramatics she’d witnessed since their school’s production of Les Mis.
The questions began to roll one after the other, starting off as fun and light-hearted.
“Where do you even sit at lunch?”
“Pasta or pizza?”
“When did you lose your virginity?”
“Was Poland as good as you thought it would be?”
“Do you remember our time capsule?”
But as the sky outside started to darken, their subject matter deepened. It has reached that time of night where boundaries dilapidated and unbreached territory began to be uncrossed.
“Number 10.” Crystal paused, building up the courage to finally breach the topic the pair has shied away from all week. “Was it because everyone called me a dyke? Is that why we’re not friends?”
Crystal watched as her friend winced - wishing so much that she could just pretend that period had never occurred and never to speak about it, but knowing that it was a bridge both she and Gigi needed to cross and it would be much better if they could cross it together, stopping each other from falling between the jagged planks.
“Partly, yeah.” Gigi nodded and looked Crystal in the eyes.
Really, really looked into her eyes.
“I don’t think I thought that at the time, I told myself we just had different interests. But I think that sometimes I just get so caught up in what people think about me, I get lost in what’s right and wrong. I’ve just always wanted to be ‘perfect.’ I lost sight of what that even meant. But I never, ever cared what you thought about me. Not in that way, at least…” She trailed off and Crystal placed a comforting hand over hers, letting her know that she was loved. “I’m so sorry.” A single tear fell down her face. The first time Crystal had seen her cry since they were seven. “Do you hate me?”
“No.” Crystal squeezed her hand tighter.
It was the truth. Even though sometimes she wanted to, she couldn’t have ever hated Gigi even if she tried. 
She knew that her actions were wrong, she knew that she couldn’t make excuses for not being there, for not trying to stop it. She knew that things wouldn’t magically click back to how they used to. But she also knew that Gigi was sorry.
Scars took time to heal.
And they’d still be visible even once they had.
But people say they only make someone stronger.
“If I was you, I think I’d hate me. Feel free to slap me if you want.”
“Do you really want me to slap you?” Crystal raised an eyebrow to the girl.
“No.” Gigi sighed. “And you just wasted your question.”
“Fuck sake.” Crystal found herself blushing for no apparent reason. She guessed that Gigi just brought out the nervous side of her sometimes.
“Number thirteen: what does your tattoo say?” 
Crystal was a deer in the headlights.
Her tattoo - the most genius yet idiotic idea she’d ever had in her life.
Aged 16, still reeling in that high you get from a gig with a fake ID at the ready.
Somewhere nice and hidden where hardly anyone would see, figuring she’d never have to explain it to anyone she wasn’t intimate with, always having the open option to lie about it’s meaning to save embarrassment.
But Gigi had seen it.
She thought of the past few days when they’d both been getting ready for school.
Never really processing it herself, she had peaked at Gigi’s body - slight glances at the way her ribs and clavicle jutted out through her skin.
She didn’t realise Gigi had been looking back.
“One Direction,” she responded after what was probably a longer than socially-acceptable pause.
“One Direction?” Gigi exclaimed back, wrinkling her nose and opening her mouth wide at the girl.
“Yes.” Crystal replied seriously, trying to stop the laugh from slipping through her lips. “One Direction.”
“That is weird on so many levels, Crystal.” Gigi shook her head and started to laugh. “You mean to tell me that when you sit on the bench with that unapproachable look on your face wearing black eyeliner thicker than your wrists, you’re blasting Truly, Madly, Deeply from your headphones?”
“Yep,” she simply stated. Strangely it had never occurred to her before that as she made hidden glances at Gigi each morning, Gigi was taking them back just the same.
“Crystal Elizabeth Methyd, you never fail to surprise me.”
“You don’t need to feel bad about leaving me, I’ve got stuff to do,” Crystal pleaded as Gigi scavenged through her closet like an excited child with their first-ever Barbie doll.
It was Thursday night and the end of Crystal’s impromptu vacation in the Goode household. Her typical night consisted of homework, pizza, and reading old fan-fiction until four AM.
Gigi had different ideas.
“How many parties have you been to in high school?”
“None,” Crystal answered, not even attempting to slip out a lie.
“Exactly,” Gigi replied before settling on a pink latex dress and throwing it in Crystal’s direction.
“You don’t have to feel guilty about me missing out, I’ve never wanted to and we have school tomorrow!” Crystal examined the dress, her eyes widening at the thought of how much skin it would show.
“Maybe I just want you there.” Gigi stopped as she settled on her own dress. “Maybe I just enjoy your company.”
Crystal didn’t need to be told twice.
“Fine.” She responded, resulting in some excited squealing and hand-clapping from the other side of the room. “But I just can’t wear this.”
“Sure you can, just undo the zipper, step into it, put your arms through the sleeves and do it back up again. It’s not that hard. I can help if you’d like?”
Crystal tried hard not to give her the satisfaction of a laugh but once again failed. “You know what I meant.”
“At least try! I spent good money on that and it hangs off my body. You’ve got the curves to fill it at least.”
Trying her hardest not to blush, Crystal gave in and tried the dress on, surprising herself at how good it actually looked.
“See!” Gigi motioned her hands up and down at Crystal’s body. “I know these things.”
It was safe to say that Crystal was waiting for the day she’d win one of her verbal battles with Gigi Goode. Yet she was never really that annoyed when she lost them.
Although a small part of her wished she was curled up in bed with a bag of M&Ms watching a movie, Crystal was enjoying herself. 
Yes, she had spent the majority of the night by Gigi’s side, dancing like idiots and watching people hook up, but she still found herself branching out in smaller ways, taking as many steps as her size fives could - partly because she wanted to and partly because of the smile she saw on Gigi’s face as she conversed with Nicky and the other girls. Although still sceptical around them, Crystal was happy finding common ground with Gigi’s friends, even seeing a goofy side of Nicky that she didn’t even know was there.
Distracted by her thoughts, she hadn’t even realised there was someone next to her at the punch bowl until he spoke.
“Have we met?” He looked Crystal up and down with a smile.
Yes, she thought to herself. We have around 10 hours of class together each week. But being polite and trying her hardest to make friends she didn’t dare say that aloud. “I think I’ve seen you around, I’m Crystal.”
“Josh.” He took her hand and shook it, holding on for maybe a second longer than normal. “Bit less exciting than Crystal.”
“My mom was really into Pokemon during her pregnancy,” she responded. However, before her joke could be processed she felt the red punch from the boy’s hand splash across her front.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” He looked at Crystal apologetically before rushing to grab a dishtowel. “I hope I’ve not stained your dress.”
“It’s Gigi’s so I think you’d be feeling her wrath rather than mine.” Crystal went to reach for the towel only for the boy to start wiping away at her front.
“Oh, I can do that.” She went to swat his hand away when they were interrupted by a familiar cough.
“God, Gigi, you ought to keep that one on a leash.” One of her friends muttered under their breath, just loud enough for Crystal to hear and take a step backwards.
She watched her friend’s face turn at the sight, watched her mouth open and close twice before she spoke. “Do you mind moving away from my friend?”
“Gigi, it’s fine,” Crystal responded as the boy she was talking to leapt away from her and raised his hands in the air. “I can handle myself.”
“Nicky will drop you off home.” She ignored Crystal’s words before turning to leave the room. “I think I’m gonna walk.”
“Wait.” Crystal shouted after her as she made her exit, just the two of them standing in the large foyer, Gigi haphazardly raking around for her snakeskin jacket. “I was just being friendly, I don’t see the problem.”
“That’s because you’re naive. You let people take advantage of you.” Gigi turned to face Crystal, finally finding her jacket and slinging it over her thin frame. 
“Or maybe you’re just a jealous bitch who can’t deal with the attention being on someone else for a second.” Crystal spat back at her, shocking herself with her words.
It was a word that had floated around a lot since Gigi became popular but it had never quite reached the surface. She knew Gigi wasn’t a bitch - remembering the time she spent seven hours making her a friendship bracelet in all her favourite colours, the time they went to the theme park and they rode all the scary rides even though Gigi was terrified of them, just so her friend would be happy. She knew her intentions were good in scaring the boy away, a part of her just wished that Gigi would stop looking at her like the lost puppy she was in freshman year. But that’s what came out of her mouth, and she couldn’t take it back now.
She watched Gigi stop in her tracks. Bending down and resting her body on the shoe rack below her.
“I’m sorry.” Crystal went to join her side. “I didn’t mean that. I know you mean the best, I just don’t need you to defend me.”
“You’re right,” she spoke, clear frustration seeping from somewhere deeper than their current argument, a small crack in her voice. Once again Crystal had hit the wall in Gigi that she was yet to break down. “I just want you to understand.”
“Then help me to.” Crystal reached a hand out to her, squeezing, once, twice.
At first, she remained still, but Crystal then saw the switch flip. Gigi squeezed back.
“I need to steal a shovel.”
The sky around the pair was still dark, their two phone torches shining down on the route that their feet had danced across so many times.
Although Crystal knew that they should probably wait till morning and that Maria would probably realise they were gone, she didn’t want to sacrifice Gigi opening up to her, her heart beating faster and faster as they walked through the meadow.
“I’m pretty sure there’s still another six years till we’re supposed to dig this up.” Crystal shivered, the side effects of the punch she drank starting to wear off. “I can’t believe Gigi Goode is voluntarily breaking rules!”
“Shut up.” She gave Crystal a friendly punch before taking off her coat and wrapping it around her friend’s shoulders, Crystal still feeling a pang of guilt for the way she spoke to Gigi at the party, knowing that she had been nothing but kind to her the past week they had lived together.
“Here.” Crystal stopped, pointing at the signpost marking their spot, remembering the day they buried their time capsule as if it were yesterday.
“Is this a report card?” Crystal laughed as she shone her torch at the paper in front of her.
“Oh my god, yes!” Gigi took the paper in her hands. “I didn’t want my Mom to find out I got a C in music class.”
“Classic Gigi.” Crystal sighed.
Pulling out the friendship bracelet she had made years before, Gigi gasped before grabbing Crystal’s arm and sliding it on. “As if it still fits.”
As the girls waded their way through cinema tickets and keyrings, they found themselves falling back into their old selves more and more - getting lost in conversation as the night faded away and the sun started to rise.
“I don’t remember this being in here.” Crystal pulled out a photograph of the pair of them in Missouri, aged fourteen, grinning like idiots on Crystal’s grandma’s porch.
Flipping it over, she recognised Gigi’s sophisticated scrawl on the back::
This week I finally got to go with Crystal when she visited home. It was so amazing because I hate it so much when she isn’t here, nothing is fun. When I’m with Crystal I don’t have to be perfect - I wish we could grow old together, just the two of us in our own land away from everyone else, everything would be so, so much easier.
There was more but Crystal stopped, looking up to her best friend’s nervous face to realise it was blurry. She hadn’t even realised she was crying.
“Crystal.” Gigi wiped her tears away with her thumb, only leaving her hands on her friend’s cheeks once she was done.
They were freezing yet it made Crystal’s whole body burst up in flames.
Crystal thought of all the sleepless nights and daydreams where she’d pictured this moment.
Somehow it was better than all of them combined.
Their lips touched, soft at first, gentle, afraid to hurt each other. Then their kiss grew deeper, it was hungry, passionate, it had been locked in a cage for years and years only finally to be released.
Crystal didn’t know how long they’d been kissing for when Gigi pulled away, but she wouldn’t have minded if it had been forever.
“I was scared. A scared girl who pushed you away instead of accepting who I was. It’s more, Crystal, you know it’s more. It’s always been more.”
Crystal nodded, placing her hands on the girl’s shoulders as she carried on her choked sentences.
“This past week, as corny as it sounds I didn’t just find you again, I found the old me.”
“Well, we’re both here to stay,” Crystal whispered before pulling the girl into another embrace which somehow dared to be better than their last. “Come on, you’re shivering, let’s get you home.”
Crystal woke with the sun beaming through the window, her body perfectly entwined with Gigi’s.
At first, she thought she had dreamt it: their kiss at the meadow, the way she went to sleep on the floor and felt Gigi’s arm drop down from her bed, her breasts soft as silk and her moans sending Crystal insane. 
But the way Gigi’s head nestled into her collarbone told her she hadn’t.
She wanted to freeze the moment in a frame and relive it forever - the fear hitting her that Gigi would act cool like it was no big deal.
She lay a kiss on her head before making her way for a shower - the first time all week that she hadn’t woken up to Gigi perfecting her makeup or already dressed- the perfect girl’s routine thrown out the window as she lay in bed.
After returning from the shower, she noticed Gigi was awake, rushing to get ready.
“C’mon.” She looked Crystal up and down. “We’ll be late.”
Crystal’s palms became heavy with sweat as she sat next to Gigi on the bench. 
Maybe she regretted it. Maybe it was some sort of sick joke. Why hadn’t she spoken about it? Was she being off with her, or was she just tired?
Crystal felt sick, checking her phone for the time: seven twenty-five.
She couldn’t wait till Nicky got here, the sight of Gigi’s face next to her sending her brain into spirals of existentialism.
She thought about this time on Monday. How much had changed in a week? Or in reality how much it had gone back to the way it was before.
Whatever would happen next she just thanked God/the man who fitted her water heater that at least it happened - the love bite on her neck marking that no one could take this away from her.
Maybe Gigi would go further in denial - Crystal watched her as she tapped her foot on the ground.
“Are you not gonna give me a headphone?” Gigi smiled at her, snapping Crystal’s mind of doubt back to reality, feeling Gigi’s hand fall onto her thigh. “I fancy some One Direction.”
Pulling her phone out in excitement, Crystal’s mood quickly dipped back as she read the time: seven twenty-nine.
“Nicky will be here for you in a minute.” She gave a disheartened smile and put her phone back in her pocket.
“Oh.” Gigi moved her hand over the top of Crystal’s and grinned. “I told her not to come, figured I ought to get the bus today.”
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
What I thought about “Young Blood, Old Souls” from The Owl House
Salutations random people of the internet who probably won't read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons. Today, I am reviewing the season one finale of The Owl House. And by the way, there are zero dislikes that I have for this episode. Any issues I could have are either petty nitpicks, or just not worth talking about. So, for the first time ever, I'm going to share my thoughts unfiltered. No likes. No dislikes. Just my thoughts on why I think this episode turned out as great as it did. And in case you couldn't guess, there are going to be enormous spoilers for the finale itself, and The Owl House in general. So consider this your last warning as we dive in!
The opening narration: I'm a sucker for fairytale esque opening narrations in stories, and that's the feeling I got when watching this scene. Sure, you could say that it's an exposition dump that tells us stuff we already know, but I don't see it that way. I see it as a technique to set the mood of the episode, while also reminding us how much of a threat the Belos can be.
And again, let's ask ourselves: How much is accurate in this small history lesson, and which parts are made up by Belos? Because who's to say that he isn't the one who wrote the book that King is reading?
No intro: This. Was a shock.
Usually shows shorten the intro to it’s first and last portions, or at the very least, flash the opening logo. Never, to my knowledge, has a series straight-up drop both the intro and the logo. To me, that is a good sign of a great episode. Because no intro tells me that the writers had so much to put in, that they didn't want to waste a single second to even flash a logo.
Not that many jokes: The jokes were another appreciated, albeit well missed, absence within the episode. Because this is the season finale. An event that, depending on what show you make, needs to be taken seriously. And while I say that The Owl House is a comedy show with drama on the side, that doesn't mean it shouldn't focus on the drama if an episode calls for it. And an adventure where Luz has to save her mentor from an emperor who turns people to stone? Yeah. That's an experience where drama has to take center stage for the time being.
Luz is serious and angry: Don't get me wrong. I love Luz for her endless optimism and her ability to find fun in whatever situation she's in. But this is not the type of episode that requires that personality. If anything, I was happier to see Luz act more seriously rather than stick to her quirky personality. Because this proves that Luz isn't some oblivious goofball who can't see the darkness in the world. It shows that she understands when to be serious if the situation calls for it. This also reveals that not only can Luz get angry, but she can get downright vengeful. Her desire to make Lilith pay is not only understandable, but it's absolutely justified. Say what you want about her now, but what Lilith did to Luz in the last episode was awful. So I can't really blame her for getting angry at the mere sight of Lilith.
Now, if Luz were to remain with this angsty personality, then I would be less than ecstatic. But it seems pretty clear to me that angry Luz is a situation-dependent side of her personality that will only come out in the more dramatic episodes. This is evident with the fact that Luz's optimism returns after Eda comes back safe and sound. So while I came to enjoy angry Luz, I'm still going to prefer happy Luz any day.
Owl Beast Eda sticks her tongue out: I love the idea that this was a part of the real Eda shining through, just because the thought of Eda fighting a curse to get under Lilith's skin is just funny to me. And Lilith sticking her tongue out too was just icing on the cake.
Belos’ is still terrifying: That's it. That's all I have to say. We get even more of a glimpse of Belos' power, and it just cements how he's the most terrifying villain that Disney has made in years. Because I saw his fight with Luz (more on that later) as Belos holding back. Which makes me wonder: WHAT THE F**K IS IT GOING TO LOOK LIKE WHEN HE'S ALLOWED TO LET LOOSE?!
And if I'm being honest with you guys, I'm a little scared to find out the answer to that question.
Eda is partially the Owl Beast: This was a cheat, but an effective one. It gives Eda a chance to have actual speaking roles, while also nerfing her, so she doesn't escape. Would it have been more tragic if Eda spent the entire episode as an unintelligent monster? Maybe. But it also means Eda couldn't give Luz the portal (the most important thing in the finale) and not get to say goodbye to Luz (the most gut-wrenching scene in the finale). Say what you want about Eda being partially cursed, but I think it was a smart decision.
We meet Gus’ dad!: This might not seem like a big deal, but I certainly enjoyed it. Hell, I always appreciate it when I get to know more about the lives of characters in my favorite media. And finding out that Gus' dad is a news reporter? That's a nice reveal, even if it's not the most important thing to happen in the show.
Petrification: Sooooo, this is basically the death penalty. Let that sink in for a second. Because the world of this show, that's aimed for children, actually has a death penalty. Sure, the writers don't actually use the d-word. But turning people into stone with no way to turn them back? They might as well be dead at that point. And I actually like that The Owl House is allowed to go this dark. It raises the stakes much higher than any episode once we find out that Eda could die if Luz fails. And that's a thought I'm sure no one appreciates. Especially Luz.
Luz and King stepping on the grass: Hey, there may not be that many jokes in this episode, but that doesn't mean it isn't allowed to be hilarious. And, yeah, this got a huge laugh out of me. Both from how King and Luz look as they commit their "crime," and because of the guard's over-the-top reaction to it. It gets me everytime.
Warden Wrath’s high-pitched scream: Not much to say here other than I just thought it was funny. Because what also gets to me is when a "big scary character" does something pathetic like what Wrath did. And if you didn't hear his scream, go back to play this scene again. It's well worth it.
“Draw me a map!”: I don't know why I love this line so much. Maybe it's because Sarah-Nicole Robles' delivery made me laugh, or because it preemptively shuts up nitpickers who would ask how Luz knew where the detention center is. Either way, this was a great line.
Willow and Gus help...sort of: In the grand scheme of things, Willow and Gus didn't really do that much when helping Luz and Eda. Sure they got a crowd to chant about letting Eda go, but that effort didn't do anything to stop the petrification. Even that brief moment of standing up to the Emperor came to an end the second he showed up. Which means that it's an issue that Willow and Gus didn’t really help Luz, right? 
That would true if it wasn't for the fact that Willow and Gus didn't immediately jump at the idea of backing Luz up if she needs them. That makes these two the perfect best friends that Luz could ask for, solely on that loyalty alone. Would it have been better to see them fight alongside Luz? Maybe, but I doubt Luz would actually want her friends risking everything for her vendetta. Besides, I doubt Willow and Gus would really be that much help compared to how quickly Lilith dismissed both of them in the last episode. So while they get a C for contribution and efficiency, they get an A+ for loyalty in my book.
Eda’s goodbye to Luz: Oh, man. And I thought Eda's goodbye in "Agony of a Witch" was painful. This? This actually got me misty-eyed. And I think the reason why it's more heartbreaking this time around is that Eda is fully showing her emotions in this scene. In my "Agony of a Witch" review, I said that Eda was trying to hide how dire the situation from Luz by smiling and playing the thing off as no big deal. She fails because her eyes and her voice cracks give away all of her feelings, but she still tried nonetheless. This time, however, Eda makes it clear how serious the situation is with both her expressions and tone of voice. Probably because the last time she tried to be gentle with Luz, her apprentice threw herself into the lion's den. So as a result, it comes off as more heartbreaking, given the fact that Eda makes it clear how serious their predicament is. And the fact that she not only says a real goodbye to Luz but practically pushes her away?! Add that with the fact that they share "I love you's" to each other, and you got a scene that just tears at the heartstrings.
Luz crying again: NnnnnnnOPE!!!
I already said that the single image of Luz crying was enough to break me. So seeing her just break down and sob her eyes out is more than enough to hurt the soul, man!
“Talk to the glyph, WITCH!”: You know for a FACT that if Luz was allowed to swear, she would use a very similar sounding word to describe Lilith. And I love that implication!
Luz can’t do magic in the human realm: Woah boy! It was one thing when we all predicted it. But to now have visual confirmation that Luz cannot, in fact, do magic in the human realm? Let's just say that adds a whole new level of heartbreak for when Luz has to go home. As well as an overflowing amount of angsty fanfics that plays with that idea.
Lilith’s backstory: ...
I will hold off Fredrick Ulisinsburg for now. For. NOW. Because while Lilith's actions are nowhere near justified...it is clear that she does regret her actions. Lilith said it herself. She thought the curse would last for at least a day, and in no way intended for it to be permanent. It's still crappy of her to willingly curse Eda at all, but at least she didn't want her sister to live a life of torture. Plus, there's a sense of tragedy given the fact that Eda wasn't going to fight Lilith anyway. Lilith underestimating how much Eda truly cares must have made the guilt set in even more. And I hope that the show explores that in season two. Because while I think Lilith is on the right track towards redemption, what she did was awful, and I want her to actually earn her forgiveness. Not just hand it out because of a few acts of kindness (more on that later).
(Also bonus points for that foreshadowing with the sharing-the-pain spell. I did not think it would come up again in the way that it did.)
Baby Eda: Must. Protect. Baby. Eda.
Amity’s parents(?): It's yet to be officially confirmed (to my knowledge) that those students in the bleachers are Amity's parents. But if they are, then it's awesome that The Owl House crew snuck this reveal in the finale. They didn't need to do that, but the fact that they did just make schmucks like me happy.
Luz briefly looking out into the forest: So much is said about Luz with just these few short seconds. The fact that she hesitates going back to the Isles tells me that she's wondering if she should. Because right now, Luz has an out. She could say goodbye to her problems and run home to mami, especially given the fact that that's what Eda wants her to do. Except Luz would never do that. Because Luz has proven time and time again that she will not back down when it comes to helping the people she loves. Eda, Willow, Amity. These are all characters that Luz would do anything and everything for if it meant they would be safe. But that doesn't mean she won't briefly get tempted to escape. So while this moment of hesitation shows that Luz can have times of selfishness, her almost immediately running back proves that she will always choose the path of selflessness.
Lilith willing to be a double agent: This was the first sign of Lilith working her way towards redemption. Her willingness to still work for the Emperor's Coven, and to change it from the inside, is pretty admirable. It's almost a shame that she gets caught almost immediately. Because I would have loved to have seen Lilith's attempts to work against the Emperor to protect Luz and Eda from getting arrested. Not only for character growth reasons but because it would actually strengthen her redemption by having Lilith willingly risk everything for the right people.
Luz vs Emperor Belos: I could have never expected this. At least, not so soon. I always assumed Luz would fight Belos at some point, most likely in the series finale. Never would I have expected this confrontation to happen in the first season. And man, oh, man, what a fight! I'm sure some people are gonna complain how easy it was for Luz to fight back, but to those people: I have a few things to point out.
First off, Belos' line of, "I'll play," tells me that he's going easy on Luz. Nothing he does really looks like it would hurt Luz too badly-at least by his standard. And to me, it seems like Belos is treating the fight in a similar way a teenager lets a toddler "challenge" them. Because when you compare Luz's frantic movements to Belos' calm and calculated ones, it is clear who's the better fighter in this battle.
Second, Luz doesn't do that much. Sure she chips his mask with an ice spell. But that's the equivalent of how Iron Man's finishing move on Thanos only resulted in "a drop of blood." Every other glyph Luz uses during this fight was to protect herself rather than fighting back. And the fact that she barely got a chance to fight back, when the Emperor was going easy on her? Let's just say that it makes me even more terrified for Luz's safety when round two inevitably happens.
Lastly, Luz is someone who has what I like to call: Percy-Jackson-Syndrome. A character who's a bumbling idiot seventy-five percent of the time, a surprisingly good strategist for fifteen percent, and terrifying when angry in the last ten. And Luz has shown in the past that she has a sense of quick wit and strategy when fighting powerful foes. Her plan to beat Willow's inner-self, as well as Luz's plan of escape from Otabin, are two examples that come to mind that prove this. So it's not too much of a stretch that Luz is still alive after fighting Belos, because the one time she got the upper hand was by outsmarting him.
So again, good fight, and I'm terrified for round two.
Luz destroys the portal: This was a heroic sacrifice I didn't see coming, even though I really should have. If you've been paying attention to the episode titles, you'll notice that the first letter of each title spells out the phrase, "A witch loses a true way." A lot of people have been speculating what this phrase could mean. Even I dipped my toe in theorizing the right answer. It turns out the people who thought Luz would lose a "true way" back home were correct. But I don't think anybody could have thought that it would be Luz who would take away her only way back home. Not only is Luz being the one to destroy the portal tragic, but this sacrifice shows how much Luz cares about Eda. Luz is willing to say goodbye to everything she knows, for who knows how long, just so Eda can be safe. Plus, it's another moment of Luz defeating her enemy by outsmarting him. Which teaches kids that you don't need to fight harder. You just need to fight smarter.
Lilith shares the curse: This is another sign that Lilith is on the right path. While I still wouldn't say that I forgive Lilith, I will say this sacrifice makes me want to at least consider it.
Belos is fixing the portal: You want to know what makes a villain even more terrifying? The fact that every victory our hero has is more of a minor inconvenience towards the villain. Which is what this scene is. Because while Luz definitely won the battle, it looks Belos is planning on winning the war.
Eda looks different in the outro: I like this. You know why? Because it tells me that Eda being half cursed is not going to be fixed any time soon. Case in point: Willow was wearing her Abomination Track uniform during the intro and the credits, so as not to spoil the ending of episode three. For every episode after, Willow remained in her Plant Track uniform, and it looks like that's not going to change. So the fact that the crew is committing to Eda's design change, to the point where they change the credits as well, shows a great attention to detail. That also hints at a dynamic shift that will remain for the foreseeable future.
The finale makes me want more: To me, the best finales are the ones that resolve most stories but still opens up more for the next season. Because every narrative and conflict season one opened up has been closed. Lilith wanting to arrest Eda? Closed. Who cursed Eda? Closed. Amity's redemption? Please. That got closed, like, three episodes ago. And yet, this finale left me with more questions that I can't wait to get answered in season two.
How will the dynamic change now that Lilith is added into the main crew? What's the day of unity? Why does Emperor Belos want the portal to the human world? Who's that hooded figure that Belos sends to spy on the Owl House? How is being half-cursed going to affect Eda and Lilith? Can Eda still turn into the Owl Beast? Is Lilith going to turn into an Owl Beast now? Are we going to have an episode where Luz and King are going to deal with TWO Owl Beasts? And most importantly: WHEN THE HOLY F**K ARE LUZ AND AMITY GOING TO KISS ALREADY?!?! DO I SERIOUSLY HAVE TO WAIT DURING ANOTHER SEASON-which I'm totally fine with-TO SEE THESE TWO IDIOTS GET TOGETHER?!
I doubt I’ll ever know the answer to all of these questions, but it sure makes me more excited to see what happens next.
So, yeah. "Young Blood, Old Souls" is a definite A+ of an episode. It had excellent drama, astonishing character moments, some closure to several stories, and even a few well-timed jokes on occasion. However, I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's the best episode of the season. It's definitely in the top five, for sure, but not the best. I'm more than willing to give that title to "Enchanted Grom Fright" just for the importance of it alone. Hell, I'd say that I enjoyed "Agony of a Witch" a lot more than "Young Blood, Old Souls." But, I'm willing to blame that on the same reason why Avengers: Infinity War is seen as the better movie than Avengers: Endgame. Whereas the first part did a great job at lifting up the stakes and tension, that part two pales in comparison from doing its job of giving closure. But that doesn't change the fact that "Young Blood, Old Souls" is a damn-near perfect episode that both hurts and heals the soul.
(And that’s it! It’s going to be another few months ‘til season two hits, and in turn, months until I’ll have to review episodes again...Unless I want to do something crazy like review the episodes I didn’t talk about. But that’ll never happen!)
(...Alright fine. I’ll review them. But not until The Owl House comes onto Disney+!)
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nny11writes · 4 years
13, 16, 18, 43 and 50 for tha ask game please and thank you :P Just, many many numbers lol
13. What is your planning process?
My first reaction was to squint and go “Do I have a process?” which is probably an answer on its own lol!
It depends is the actual answer.
Like most writers I start a fic because of one scene or dialogue or description that I really, really, really wanted to write and then I have to figure out where it belongs.
I almost always start by just...writing. I used to be 100% stream of consciousness writer. I’d sit down at least once a day with a blank document and without ANY forethought or direction I’d start writing a fic. It was always as much fun for me as my readers to see where a story would go because I literally had no clue.
These days, as I’m putting THE THING down on the page my brain is shrieking ideas at me so I start slapping them down too, but I’ve got a better filter so not everything goes down. There’s a lot of [WHAT IS THIS THING PLS PLS FIGURE IT OUT] and [PAST OR PRESENT TENSE MF MAKE UP YO MIND] at this stage.
This is where I actually start planning. I’ve got a bunch of stuff down, a vague direction, and a lot of ideas so this is usually where I sit down to do some planning. Am I aiming to write a short fic or long fic, one shot or multi-chapter, where are we, how many characters, etc. I leave things pretty wide open, while sometimes it’s fun to challenge myself to meet very specific goals it’s usually frustrating to me so nothing is set in stone. Literally. Even when I’ve posted if someone leaves a comment that’s amazing or enough people liked it I’ll usually try to write more in that fic or another fic with those ideas.
How To Quit You is a great example of how my loosey goosey planning works. I don’t know if people realize but that fic was originally supposed to be ONLY that first chapter. I wrote it in an hour tops for 2019 glitra week and all I knew at that point was I wanted to do a western with some romance tropes to it (hence the exes who still love each other thing).
Once I realized how many people seemed to love it and wanted to see more I sat down and planned it out. I first decided how I wanted to write the story (hence going back in time ~15 years) and then I created chapter titles and had vague descriptions for them.  Once it was all down I went through it again and made adjustments, then created a timeline (Micah died in 1868, they meet in 1870, Catra works BMR rails 1870-1880 min, etc etc). And that’s it.  I made an outline and used it as my idea bouncing ground and map and huge parts of it have changed as we’ve gone along. Catra was going to become a drunkard out in [REDACTED] after the timeline met up with chapter one. I scrapped that because it didn’t fit with other details and changes I’d made. I re-wrote the chapter and now I gotta scrap that and re-write it again do to reasons that would spoilers.
Let’s Try This Again is another hilarious example, because chapters 1-6 were meticulously planned and I charted out a whole story around them that I was going to stick to damn it all! And then Palpatine hip checked me and changed the course of the story. I still included a lot from my original VERY detailed outline, but some chapters were nixed completely and others added in too sooooo...
I’m not a true pantser because I do some planning, but I’m not a planner because I leave huge chucks practically up to the whims of fate. I’m a plantser.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
I think some of my best works are from prompts (WHICH ARE ALWAYS OPEN, HINT HINT, NUDGE NUDGE, KNOW WHAT I MEAN KNOW WHAT I MEAN) specifically.
I rarely use sentence starters but I think I’ve done okay when I did.
But fandom headcanons? Oh hell yeah baby now we’re talking!
Can Anakin cook but Padme can’t? Hell yeah!
Togruta have some cat like features so Ahsoka is obligate carnivore and color blind? WOOOOOOOO BOYYYYYYYYYYYY!
"This is not because I like you.” is 100% something that everyone in the Horde says when trying to cover their asses, Catra’s just a useless lesbian and has to use it A Lot More Than Most. Awwwwww yeah, that’s the good stuff!
Glimmer and Catra talk to one another but only have serious conversations sitting back to back post canon. I DON’T MAKE THE RULES!
Like, god, fandom headcanon is practically what my fics live on lol! I’m not great at writing things in canon or sticking to canon, and people are amazing and smart so of course I’m going to steal their cool ideas and then mess with them until they’re my own.
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
...I gotta be honest I have no clue lol. I’ve liked basically every prompt I’ve ever gotten (there’s literally only been 2 that I got and went “...oh.” and of those two I was able to bend the prompt into things I liked a lot! One of them is actually posted and people like it, and then other is currently sitting in the naughty prompt corner for crimes of FIGHTING ME TO A STANDSTILL every time I write a few sentences for it, but I do actually like it now lol).
I think my favorite style of prompt are ones that are open for some interpretation. You know that joke about you know a writer based on how they respond to a one word prompt like “fall” or “cold” or even “love”? I love that kind of stuff! Heck, even things with a more narrow focus are fun to play with. For one of my prompt fics I was able to flip the script and have the character everyone expects the unrequited pining from to instead be the unattainable beloved instead.
*Marge potato meme* I just think they’re neat!
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
None, because I am very loud about what I enjoy and refuse to have things I enjoy ripped away by strangers on the interwebs.
Okay, more seriously, as far as things that others might think are guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
I love a good “morons to repressed idiots to lovers” slow burn. Yes, yesssss, let them be absolute fools and make MASSIVE mistakes that they have no reason to make. There was a miscommunication? Delightful! Oh look, they’re both flirting with one another but think the other one is just joking around with them. I WILL TAKE ANOTHER 200K OF THEM SUFFERING THANK YOU!
I love AUs man, every time I see someone who really hates coffee shop AUs or highschool AUs or modern AUs I end up getting grumpy and I go find some of those AUs to read because I love them. The AUs I love the most change fandom to fandom. Not a huge fan of modern AU for star wars, but an absolute slut for them in She Ra. Palpatine chokes on a bagel and I live, but if that happened to Horde Prime I’d be pissed. *shrug* I just know that some people really don’t like or even outright hate AUs, and I do not understand them at all. Like, good for them and I hope they find the fics they do enjoy! But also, why???????
I think my “cringiest” one is that I actually really like A/B/O as long as they flip the script somehow or delve into how something like that would actually effect the world it exists in. Is sex in public a common and acceptable thing b/c they can’t control themselves? Do jobs and schools give people time off for heats and ruts? Is it considered antiquated and anyone who struggles with their biology is considered lazy or stupid? Do celebrities sometimes get in trouble with fans or even lose their jobs/prestige after showing off their new mating mark? GIVE ME THE WORLD BUILDING I WANT TO KNOW! But if it’s a really boring traditional A/B/O...like, what’s the point there? 
Please don’t misunderstand me here. These three examples are all things that are WILDLY stupid in their own rights, and I love them dearly both because of and regardless of that!
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
It’s All Fun and Games Until...Stop! Stop! We’re Already Gay!
AKA the one where they all go to Mystacor to relax in the steam grotto and have to deal with seeing one another in tight fitting and wet underwear. The thirst is high.
“So…” Bow started conversationally as Sea Hawk put the finishing touches on Bow’s freshly painted nails. “How doomed are they? Are we making bets?”
Mermista and Sea Hawk made significant eye contact before looking at him pitifully. 
“What?” Bow asked, starting to sweat nervously. “What!?”
“Nothing, just-” Sea Hawk didn’t even get to finish.
“You need to get your girlfriend to get her girlfriends under control, and like, I knooooow that’s a tall order or whatever. But uuuuuuuuugggggghhh, we are going to die.”
“Girlfriend!?” Bow’s voice cracked painfully. “Ha! A-ha! Ha! W-who? I don’t, I don’t have a girlfriend, what are you even talking about?”
“There, there my dear. We have survived worse.”
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xmeetyoutherex · 5 years
Dusty Records (c.h.) - Part One
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Word count: 2.5K
Summary: Calum decides to go record shopping and in the end, he gets more than just a dusty record sitting on the shelves.
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to write this. I was busy with finals and all that. This is only part one and I honestly don’t know if there will only be two parts or not, so we’ll see. As always let me know what you think and come talk to me about. If all goes as planned the second part will be up by next Friday. I also made a playlist for this fic so check my masterlist for the link and to read my other stuff. Thanks for reading! (oh and if I tagged you it was because you showed interest in me writing a fic after reading the headcannon, let me know if you don’t want to be tagged or if you do) oh and i didn’t really edit this sooooo sorry:)
Margaret was collecting records and CDs that had just came in that needed to be shelved. They were all newly released albums such as Billie Eilish, Khalid, and some other big artists that she had never took the time to listen to. She worked at an old record shop in the poorer part of the city, better known as the south side. It was a cozy store. She got to know some of the customers very well because they were never really crowded, and it was usually always just regulars. Occasionally someone new would wonder through the doors, but that was usually the only time she ever saw them.
When Maggie first started working there her friend used to joke with her that she wouldn’t make any money because she as soon as she got her paycheck she would go and spend on the record she had been eyeing all week. Margaret had an unhealthily huge record collection living in her apartment. She had started when she was only ten years old and her dad had decided to give her his. He had R.E.M, Led zeppelin, Elton John, and so many more. All comprising of different styles of music that caused Margaret in turn to have no exact genre she loved most. She would always tell people she preferred rock and alternative, but if someone caught a glimpse of her collection, they probably wouldn’t believe her.
But her broad love for music made her perfect for running a record store having been raised on the idea of “appreciating music for what it is and not by the category it falls under.” She was always able to spark a conversation with anyone who came in and help them find the perfect album for what they were looking for. Her broad love for music was also very annoying to her close friends because her playlists in the car can go from soft pop music to heavy metal screamo music. If Maggie is being honest with herself, she finds her taste in music disgustingly broad.
Currently there were only a couple people browsing the sections and none of them appeared to need any help. While she was getting the new records ready to be put out, she was talking to her coworker who was also one of her closest friends. “I’m working every day this week, so no I can’t go on a double date with you.” Leah just scoffed at her.
“You’re just saying that because you already think he’s a dud.” Leah was currently sitting on the stool behind the register looking over at Maggie work.
Maggie could only laugh at her friends comment because it was partially true. She got off work at 6:00 pm, plenty of time to get ready and go on a date. “That may be true, but when are they not duds.” Maggie smirked downward at the records that still needed to be taken out of the boxes in front of her.
“Come on Mags,” Leah sighed, “life is not a cliché love song engraved on one of your records. You gotta go on the cringy dates to finally go on the noncringy dates.” Leah looked genuinely concerned for her friends love life. It was truly a tragic one. None of Maggie’s relationships lasted very long. The longest one she ever had was about four months. She honestly thought something was wrong with her. No one ever seemed to stay long, they all got bored and fast. She was ready to give up on love all together. Her friends used to get mad at her for how negative she was about love, but after she was cheated on for a second time, none them had it in them to argue with her anymore, well except Leah. She was only twenty- two and preparing herself to live a long lonely life. Like Leah said none of it is like the love songs engraved on one of her old dusty records, but she can help but think to herself that if it was love that she was supposed to feel shouldn’t be like one of those old dusty records.
Maggie looked Leah in the eyes and sighed. “I will go on all the cringy dates,” Leah began to smile at that, but Maggie cut her off by continuing with, “but I will choose the cringy person. Okay?”
Leah let out an annoyed huff, “fine,” and slouched back against the wall making sure the stool was close enough so she wouldn’t fall off. Maggie just smiled a small one as she looked back down at the record boxes and picked up the ones ready to be shelved.
             The boys had been on break for over a month and Calum had run out of things to do, to keep him occupied in his free time. Luke, Ash, and Michael were all spending their free time with there girlfriends and in Michael’s case his fiancé. Ashton had tried setting Calum up on a few blind dates, but for those to work Calum would have to show up to the date. So, as different way to pass the time Calum decided to ask Luke for ideas instead of Ashton.  Luke proposed the idea of Calum going to record shop. Calum had never actually been to an actual record shop. He has bought ones online or gone to places like target to buy them, but never went to an actual record shop to hunt for the perfect record. But the issue was finding one. Luke’s girlfriend had sent him an address of one she used to go to all the time, but it was on the other side of town, the side of town he’s not too familiar with.
              So, he set up his google maps on his phone and decided to take an hour trip across town. Calum decided to take Duke with him so the trip wasn’t as lonely. It would be a fun father son trip. Honestly Calum was excited to spend the day out with his dog.
             Before Calum got out of the car he put the windows down a little. It wasn’t very hot out, but he wanted to make sure Duke would be fine. He couldn’t be more than thirty minutes, but that was still long time for a dog to be in the car for that long.
             “I promise I won’t be long,” Calum quickly pet duke’s head and closed his door and looked through the cracked window and continued with, “don’t get into to trouble, okay?” he then laughed a little to himself because people probably think he’s a little crazy talking to a dog.
             Calum scanned the parking lot and noticed that there wasn’t that many cars. Only about four including his. Unless the staff of the store parks in the back, they must not get much business. He couldn’t help but wonder how a place like this can stay in business if no one is here, but then he reminds himself that most people are work eight to five jobs and it is ten in morning. so he makes his way to the doors and check to make sure they are open and the sign adorning the door tells him that they have been open since nine.
             When he enters the door makes a little ding sound and when he looks up, he notices a bell attached to the top to alert the staff when someone enters the store. But when he looked around the store, he didn’t see anyone else. It could be because of the endless aisles and racks filled with CDs and records. It appeared endless. Calum began to roam the aisles, as he looked, he came across so many albums that he forgot even existed. Then he heard muffled talking form the next aisle.
             Calum honestly forgot that there could possibly be other people in the store, considering there was basically no one in the parking lot and he hadn’t even seen a sales person asking him if he needed any help with anything. Ha decided to walk to the end of the row he was in and make his way into the row that he thought the talking was coming form. When he rounded the corner two people came into sight. One appeared to be a much older man, at least in his late sixties or early seventies, and the other was a young girl, not too young she looked about his age maybe a year or two younger, but that could be because she a sort of baby face to her. She was wearing skinny black ripped jeans, they were only ripped around the knee, and a black t-shirt that looked like a shirt one would buy from hot topic. She also had black vans on to match her black outfit. The thing that was drew Calum’s attention the most were the black bands tattooed around her upper arm and right below her elbow. It immediately reminded him of the same ones decorating Michael’s skin. Her hair was short just passing her shoulders and it had a slight purple tint to it indicating that she probably ha dyed it and the color was fading out.
              Calum was pulled out of her thoughts by her voice speaking up again in response to the man standing in front of her. As she spoke Calum busied himself with looking at the records to his left. “If she’s starting a collection, I strongly recommend this album.” He looked up to see what album she was referring to and saw that it was Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, truly one of the best albums he had ever listened to himself. “You said she’s turning sixteen, right?”
              The older man nodded his head, “Yeah, her mother told me she wanted to start a vinyl collection cause apparently it’s the cool thing these days.”
             The girl let out a slight laugh but tried to stifle it so she could talk. “Well then if she’s doing it to be cool this is a great option. It an old album so it will get her a lot of points on the grunge front and if she ever decided to give it a spin on the player, she will fall in love with out a doubt.” She smiled up at the man as she spoke.
             “Well, you look close to her age so I’m going to trust you on this.” The man clearly was joking with her at this point.
             As she began to turn to turn to lead the man to the cash register Calum noticed her name tag said Margaret, and she was turning she spoke, “Okay, lets get you checked out then huh?” the older man only smiled at her and followed her to the front of the store.
             Calum continued looking at the records, but he couldn’t get himself to focus on what was in front of him. Her smile was partially engraved in his mind already. He tried to focus on the Led Zeppelin albums, but then the bell that he heard when he entered the store was ringing again. He looked up for what was in front of him a realized that all he didn’t hear anyone talking anymore. Cal began walking in the direction in which Margaret had led the guy down when taking him to the cash register. On his way in that direction he mindlessly grabbed an album from one of the shelves.
             He noticed Margaret was now sitting behind the register scrolling through her phone and there was also someone sitting next to her that he hadn’t seen when he walked in. It was another girl who looked to be the same age as Margaret, but she was wearing blue skinny jeans without a single rip in them and pair of pink tennis shoes to match the pink flowery shirt she was wearing. As Calum got closer they both looked up from their phones to look at him.
             Margaret gave him a small smile with no teeth, and he noticed how her side swept bangs fell slightly in front of her right eye as she looked up. She immediately tucked her hair on the right side of her face behind her ear revealing multiple piercing on her ears. Once Calum was close enough she began talking, “What can I help you with.”
Calum simply held up the album he was holding and said, “Just this.” She began to laugh a little when she saw the album he was holding; it was same laugh he had heard her stifle earlier when talking to the older man about his granddaughter. He looked down at the what he was holding and noticed it was Taylor swift’s Fearless album and began to laugh himself.
Maggie wasn’t judging him for buying the album she just found It funny that this big guy in a leather jacket was buying an album she used to listen to religiously when she was in middle school. Mags couldn’t help but find it utterly adorable especially when he asked the question, “Is this one good?” the questioning look on his face made her slightly giggle again. She adverted her eyes to the register and began to ring him up.
When Maggie responded she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped with it, “It does have so great classics.” Leah really looked up from her phone to watch the event unfolding in front of her because she couldn’t believe her ears.
Calum was pleased with himself for getting her to laugh not only once but twice now. He tried to level his voice and sound as serious as he could when he said, “that’s why I picked it.” But Maggie and Leah could both hear the underlying amusement in his voice.
“Yeah, Okay.” Maggie’s smiled down at the register and read the price, “that will be sixteen dollars and ninety-nine cents.” She then held out her hand waiting for him to drop his credit card in it to which he did. She then proceeded to ask, “would like a bag?”
Calum took his credit card back and answered her question with a shake of the head. “No, I think I can manage.” He smiled at her then looked over at the other girl who had been looking at them for the last five minutes and smiled at her as well before saying, “Hope you both have a great day.” And turned around and left the store.
Once the bell had rung and the door had shut completely Leah looked at Maggie and exclaimed, “you never giggle.”
Maggie gave a look that could Leah refers to as her “what the fuck” look. “what does that even mean?”
Leah let out an annoyed huff. “It means, you don’t giggle. I have never seen a guy make you giggle, and he did.” Leah motioned toward the door of the shop when she referred to him. “and he is totally your type, and the way he was looking at you make me think you’re his.” When Maggie looked form the door back to Leah, she saw the obnoxious smirk Leah was wearing and couldn’t stop the annoyed words from leaving her mouth.
“In his dreams.”
 tags: @lmao5sosimagines @snowflakegen @lynnskata @lvke-hemmings @notmyvalentyne @the5sosdumpster @calumisanactualangel @singt0mecalum @sweetcherrymike @irwnsrcses 
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lindoig7 · 4 years
Sunday/Monday, 8-9 November
It was a really great day today with some spectacular sights along the way.
Our first excursion from Orbost exactly 6 weeks ago was the Amboyne Loop and we saw a few things on the way home that day that we thought might be good to visit.  We didn’t do the whole loop again, but drove in the opposite direction and did perhaps a third (or a bit more) of it and came home the same way.  But what we saw was really great.
We drove to Buchan – a really lovely drive in my view, quite varied with some beautiful pastoral areas, some forests and all quite delightful.  We drove north from there, heading for Tulloch Ard, but saw a sign for the W-Tree Falls (no idea where the name comes from, but there were quite a few tracks, water holes and so on that included W-Tree in their names) so we detoured there.  The Falls are very pretty and splayed out quite widely across the rocks so they looks quite stunning.  We climbed down from the road to the top of the Falls and clambered around looking for some special Streaked Rock-orchids that are sometimes seen in the cracks between the rocks.  Obviously, we were there out of season because we never saw them (maybe they were all on their Spring break?), but it was a lovely little detour – well worth the climb down to the Falls themselves.
Tulloch Ard is quite a few clicks off the main road and we were the only visitors on the day.  It is supposed to be a 3.4 km return Level 3 walk.  It was certainly Level 3 – very steep and rocky, but our Fitbits both showed the walk to be at least 5 km – well over the predicted 3.4 km.   Incidentally, I lost my Fitbit somewhere late in the day.  It was in my pocket and I imagine it must have been dropped out when I was getting something else out of my pocket – probably my other lens.  Heather had ‘tried’ to lose hers early in our trip, but someone found it for her.  Alas, not for mine though.
Getting to the Lookout at the end of the walk was almost all downhill – so it was a very tiring climb back to the car.  It was worth it though.  The Lookout spread the entire valley before us with the raging Snowy River far below, just visible between our toes.  It was certainly an impressive panorama – a huge valley – but our photos don’t start to do it justice.  The viewing platform hung a little over the edge and didn’t inspire confidence in this little chicken-heart.
It was a sturdy steel structure with various tones available on the rails, the cross-members, the floor and so on and we spent a few happy moments hammering out a tune with our sticks.  Not sure the Currawongs enjoyed our harmonising, but I reckon they would have recovered once we retreated to the track and the climb back to the car. There were quite a few birds singing to us too, but not many showing themselves.  At least we could recognise 5 or 6 of the more familiar calls.  Two of the smallest birds did show themselves and I was able to identify both the Brown and Striated Thornbills.  We also saw more examples of the wildflowers that we have photographed so many times.  Oddly, every time we see a really good specimen, the cameras come out and we add yet another image to our already massive library of ‘perfect’ specimens.  I have given up trying not to duplicate/triplicate/quadruple/quintuple……. pics of particular species on my blog.
We ate lunch in the car while we recovered a little of our energy and then set off for a very short walk on the other side of the road to The Big Tree.  It was definitely a Big Tree but all I can really add is that we saw it.
We drove back to the main road and turned north again to Little River.  The map we were using declared that we were on the McKillop’s Bridge Road, purported to be the most challenging road in Australia.  Rubbish!  When we drove this loop in the opposite direction 6 weeks ago, we noted that the road deteriorated after McKillop’s Bridge, but we have certainly driven of many far more challenging roads before, including many on this trip.  Sure, it was rough, muddy in places, potholed and with rocks and fallen trees to navigate, but not all that terrifying.  Some parts were a teensy bit terrifying for me due to my acrophobia – the edge of the road fell away into the abyss for quite a few kilometres (and the abyss looked like kilometres deep too!) – but we have still driven much worse roads in the past week or twenty.
Not far from the McKillop’s Road was the carpark for the Little River Falls – another spectacular cascade, spreading and falling in numerous rushing runnels between the rocks, before falling into the pool below and continuing its headlong cannonading eventually to join the Snowy River and thence to the sea.  We explored the immediate area and took some photos.  It was impressive but the real thrill was a few clicks further downstream at the Little River Gorge (and it was gorgeous) – another humongous valley with multiple Falls and at least two rivers joining below us.  The Gorge is the deepest in Victoria (or is that Australia?) and is more than 500 metres deep in places – one of which seemed to be immediately below where we stood at the Lookout.  It was a loooong way down and we could see where at least one massive rockslide had occurred across the Gorge – almost from the top to the very bottom.  The signage mentioned the instability of the cliffs and I was just a tad nervous as to whether that included the foundations of the Lookout from which we were overhanging the precipice.
I have often commented that when I saw the Grand Canyon in the US, I was not as impressed as I expected I would be. I think this is because it is sooooo big, that I couldn’t take it in – I found the nearby Little Colorado River gorge much more impressive.  But the Little River Gorge is just the right size to be awe-inspiring without quite losing perspective.  It is massive.  Stupendous, but you can see almost all of it and get a feel for its grandeur – rather than catching many disconnected mini-glimpses of the Grand Canyon. Definitely one of Australia’s iconic features in my book: certainly more impressive than Uluru.  It was the experience of the day in my view, something never to be forgotten.
It was getting late in the day so although we would have liked to take the long way home through McKillop’s Bridge and the rest of the Amboyne Loop, we decided to retrace our steps and enjoy a slightly more leisurely drive home.
We spent the day around the van, editing photos and writing – yes, I will post some pics soon!
We had a series of emails about our 2022 travel plans and sorted our way through all the details for that and locked it in.  We will be doing two more Expeditions with Aurora: the first starting from Tokyo, flying to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (Kamchatka – where we started our 2016 Odyssey) and following the coast, including Chukotka, and across to Nome.  Then back-to-back, we head west again to circumnavigate Wrangel Island, both covering some of the most spectacular and pristine wildlife regions on earth.  It should be fantastic – but we have a lot of other adventures planned before then!
Heather had a kip in the afternoon to recover from our previous day’s excursion and seemed much the better for the couple of hours’ relaxation.
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astalkingirin · 7 years
Alright, Awakening thoughts, they were long so let's put it all on tumblr instead of in more transitory form. I feel like this is something I'd regret but also I don't use tumblr as tumblr so maybe not.
Gross terrible dwarf wasn't that terrible actually for the part of the game he's mandatory but I did ditch him immediately so he was never around the rest of the female companions which is probably why. His banter with the guys is okay, probably because neither of them had any buttons for him to push. I'm still sad I didn't accidentally kill him by staying at the city, though. And why would an alcoholic with a compromised liver do better at the joining ceremony anyway?
I did so much worse at sucking up to everyone this time, because I was trying to continue playing the Warden I'd established while last time I built my personality around someone it made sense to be friends with these guys. As a city elf, I was sympathetic to class issues and generally forgiving of mass murder as long as you promised to not mass murder later unless you really needed to, BUT nobles are assholes and mages are scary and I totally do not regret killing that kid. That dovetailed nicely into gameplay because I was running through the game with minimal strategy/party management, so any time there was an enemy spellcaster I just sprinted at them to deal with it personally and a whole bunch of time I killed the guy only to keel over from curse of mortality.
As a result, I got along best with Sigrun. "I ruined this person's life but I had no choice!!!" Of course you didn't the dwarves are SO MEAN they betrayed me twice over (also they poisoned my sister) and also fuck da police and really you did her a favor by getting her to come to the surface where people are only awful some of the time. I gave her half the alcohol I was still carrying on me from last game. I'm actually not certain I maxed out anyone else. Also, all of her prickliness was for people trying to start conversations with her, and you can't really do that, so she was only cranky and unapproachable to everyone else. Relatedly, I found the whole thing about "hey the casteless took up arms to defend this place!!!" to be deeply uncomfortable and the people who said fuck it, let's make a break for the surface had the right of it. Like yes, they did prove they weren't worthless - but you shouldn't be sacrificing yourself covering the retreat to prove you're not worthless to the people who insisted you were worthless in the first place and left you behind to die. (Also I really can't buy they "accidentally" "forgot about" the casteless during the evacuation. A city's worth of dwarves don't accidentally sneak out of anywhere.) Pick up the weapons to do a fighting retreat toward the surface, let those assholes slow down the darkspawn with their deaths the way they meant for yours to. And relatedly NO SIGRUN JUST DITCH THE LEGION OF THE DEAD YOU OWE THE DWARVES NOTHING! You love the surface! You love everything about being up here even more than you hate everything about being down there, at the very least get yourself killed fighting forest demons or something instead of the deep roads.
Anders just has no standards, so even though my responses to everything he said were along the lines of "mages are scary" and "sounds fake but okay" he was just really grateful I didn't hand over my healbot to someone challenging my and my entire organization's authority (after I had previously murdered the last assholes to try that). I think the problem was that my character is forgiving of actual crimes but cranky about lying while he comes off as someone scared to tell the truth. If he just said, "I think mages should get to kill people!" I'd be all "lol cool I also enjoy murder" but he kept trying to argue they weren't dangerous as the underpinning for his argument so I kept responding with "are so!" So I guess the other half was that he wasn't enough of a killer because I got on great with straight up assassins. I am still not over that you give him shiny stuff to make him like you. What is with mages even. How are you shallower than Zevron. Anyway, I feel bad because everything about him was so sad. It's like he'd lost his inside voice during solitary so now he just babbles whatever's in his head out loud and tried to cope by sounding like he's doing it on purpose as a joke. I don't feel like there's anything my non-mage Warden could ever do to really change anything about that, though - sure, he's grateful for whatever you do for him because he has such awful expectations, but it's for the same reason I can't see him believing I'd do anything more than what I demonstrated. It's not like Morrigan where her low expectations are because she's had limited human interaction so she's willing to accept new data points. Also I would like to throw my hat into the bloodsplattered ring - Anders didn't kill the Templars, because he wouldn't lie if he had. He didn't do anything at all because magic is so bad and they're here to keep him from doing any of it, right? After they were dead, he engaged the darkspawn, which explains why it was such a close thing.
Got on well with Nathaniel once he accepted I was right to murder his dad and take all his stuff (still mad BECAUSE TORTURE CHAMBERS NATHANIEL was not an option), and honestly, he barely even put up an argument before then, he was just mildly huffy no matter how nasty I was about it. Nathaniel is just so much a people-pleaser. Actually, that seems like a thing for the rogues. He made a good stab at friendship with Sigrun that got rebuffed for class issue reasons, then came back for a strong second try by saying he totally understands class issues suck. I'm so sad he rebuffed Anders' one attempt at finding common ground because Anders rejects all overtures coming from other people I could see. Also, like, maybe you could have someone ELSE get those phylacteries, Anders? Maybe a person who not only can't be tracked by those things but can straight up turn invisible? And whose entire skillset is based around sneaking into places?
Justice was creepy as fuck A+++++ I only regret I didn't get more of Polite Spirit In Rotting Corpse trying to talk to people. Also, that bit about the lyrium song was very intriguing, especially since it not only came up with the darkspawn, but the Mother seems to think going to the Fade is tied to hearing it.
I only had Velanna on my side for a bit because I was trying to keep the same people in my party but I thought it was hilarious that even if you make no real effort to be convincing she's just like "huh, a split second of self-reflection is enough to make me realize this does all seem like a total setup, whoops!" Then I went straight to the city so she was still in my party and we went to the merchants to tell them I'd dealt with the problem and she was sooooo uncomfortable. Like, not remorseful so much as embarrassed she'd screwed up so bad. Also she was spamming some spell that changed her skin so it was like she was trying to hide the whole time we were there but ineptly because she was no longer in a forested environment and it was as hilarious as every picture of animals failing at camouflage ever was. I realize this is not supposed to be seen as part of her characterization but that's what I love about videogame canon.
The actual plot...I don't know really. So the Architect wants to free darkspawn, but also he said nothing about making it so the darkspawn stop killing everyone and I don't know how I'm supposed to believe his claim he didn't want to kill the Wardens when there is one alive one left, but with broken legs who dies when I find him. And I'm on the side of blights being good for precisely the reason he points out, they kill off massive numbers of darkspawn. (I think it'd have made sense for the reason this Blight was weird is related to the fact there's been a longer than usual time between them - that means the darkspawn population should be much higher.) If he was talking about peace between our peoples, that'd be great, but no matter how many chances I gave him to say that, he kept avoiding the subject. I let him live mostly because my Warden generally let anybody live who wasn't actually in combat with her, and I feel bad about how I overruled my companions and their completely reasonable WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK opinions on that.
I guess it makes sense that waking up as a broodmother would make you way more likely to go crazy, so it really wasn't any more misogynistic than the initial setup already was, but it still meant there was this whole gendered conflict between the rational man of progress and the crazy woman whose feeble mind broke under the strain. And given the Architect was supposed to be unique, why did he have to be a guy anyway? Given the darkspawn are all getting born of regular race females it’d be plausible that a female one might be more lucid, maybe it’s a more successful clone compared to the male form.
(Why does it make total sense that someone can completely transform into an enormous flesh lump and asexually churn out billions of monster babies by magic, but only if they have a regular uterus first? Men are the ones who produce huge numbers of gametes forever if we're being "realistic".)
I actually really loved the shortness of it - the one thing that actually did bug me about Origins was that, although they did have the one big early event, I kept crisscrossing the map doing sidequests so it took me forever. Having fewer total things makes me less able to fritter away my time and so makes it feel like there's a real time limit, and it also made me stress less about completing sidequests properly since redoing it wouldn't be such a trial. Plus the limited party is less painful when it's actually conceivable to replay the game over and over with different people.
I like the idea of having to choose between the city and the keep, but I don't get why killing a few darkspawn to allow evacuation wasn't an option. It'd be one thing if I had to pick initially to stay/go, but I already walked all the way to the city, I can spare five minutes before setting it on fire. Somehow I'm suddenly at the chantry and people are talking about staying and me routing the darkspawn and geeze, you guys wouldn't let the refugees in because your city was too good for them, I didn't actually mind this place burning down. It seems like the point of tension is supposed to be about saving the city itself (the jewel of the region, etc) vs the keep itself, so I don't think it'd have been too much of an issue to have a third option of letting the people escape and getting to the keep slightly later for a harder battle or something.
I wish there was more talking. I accidentally killed the mages because I accepted the quest to find out what it was and then they started attacking me. Also did I really murder people over moonshine because of a prank letter? It seems like there's mostly the option to resolve things peacefully when that's obviously a bad idea, like with the demons and darkspawn. Maybe I wouldn't have kept letting demons gallivant all over the countryside if I had more of a choice about if I wanted to turn every band of mooks into chunky salsa. (Game could also have used a system where resolving things peacefully didn't cheat you out of leveling and items in return for nothing at all.)
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endorsereviews · 7 years
The Art of Being Prolific
The Art of Being Prolific
Get The Art of Being Prolific right now!
Does This Sound Like You? You’ve Purchased Dozens of Marketing Courses, All The Must-Have Software and Even Have a Great Idea For a Website… But You Still Haven’t Done Anything! Here’s The Good News: I Can Fix That For You I feel your pain. A head full of ideas and good intentions…but little to no action on any of it. Ever.
Actually, I know this pain a lot more than you might think. That’s because for the better part of my life people called me a dreamer, unfocused and my personal favorite, a loser. And this “encouragement” wasn’t coming from strangers, but from family and friends.
People called me these things because I was a world-class procrastinator. I always had big plans, but never followed through. I had stacks of to-do lists that were left untouched. I had partially built websites that I ignored until the domains expired. And I had loads of ideas that never went any further than my head (until someone else would make a killing with the same idea and I’d kick myself – for example, betcha didn’t know that roller blades were my idea).
Today, things couldn’t be any more different. At Web Video University, I create and market an average of 8 new products a year. That’s on top of running 24 other websites, each with their own content and product needs. Along with producing videos for clients. Along with building websites for clients. Along with managing websites for clients. Along with doing business consulting for clients. Along with producing training for my private membership group. Plus doing daily, one-on-one coaching calls with clients. Plus dealing with all the other stuff that goes into running a business. Plus having a personal life. Plus…you get the idea.
And I Do It All Alone
No Virtual Assistants, No Hired Help, Just Me
How is this possible? It’s not because a self-help guru “showed me the light”. It’s not because I discovered some killer time-management app. And it’s not because I’m somehow blessed with special gifts or abilities.
It’s because over the years I developed a system for being prolific. That means I came up with techniques for getting a huge number of things done every day, but without getting stressed-out, burned-out or overwhelmed by it all. And while still being able to have a personal life, where I can pretty much do whatever I want, whenever I want.
Yea, I know this sounds hard to believe. But stick with me here and you’ll see that I’m able to do this because my techniques are very counter-intuitive. They are not what you’re “supposed to do”. In fact, I do things pretty much the exact opposite of how everyone else says you should. For example, with my system for being prolific there’s…
No Goal Setting, No Relying on Willpower, No Productivity Apps, No Spreadsheets and No “Woo-Woo” Self-Help Stuff Basically all of the stuff that’s supposed to make you more productive and less stressed, well, I don’t do it. And that’s because it doesn’t work. At least for approximately 98% of people, myself included (that’s a real statistic).
Goal setting, productivity apps, project planning software, mind-mapping software, spreadsheets and more. All of those things actually slow your progress, cause more stress and simply turn into yet another annoying thing you need to manage…on top of everything else. It’s a lot like someone trying to travel across a foreign country, but they spend more time fiddling with their map (or GPS set to a foreign language) than actually driving.
And the self-help stuff like power hours, power thinking, mantras, manifesting and everything else that’s purported to unleash your true potential are even worse. I know because I used to write sales pitches for that industry. Those products sell like crazy, but they don’t work. The people selling them know they don’t work. And they don’t care. They’re just setting you up to buy their next product, which won’t work either.
If you think about it for a moment, it’s very ironic. Never before in the history of the world have there been more apps, software, tools and methods for making you more productive. Yet, you’ve never been more overwhelmed by tasks and frustrated at your inability to get any of them done.
But I Keep Things Simple and Painless (it’s how I’m prolific) For example, I know that willpower and motivation are not sustainable They’ll maybe last a week and then you’ll go back to your old ways of doing things. So I figured out a way where I didn’t need either of these. A method to get things done that is sustainable, where I can keep doing it every day without becoming drained, bored or hitting a plateau.
I also know that unexpected and uncontrollable things happen all of the time Or as the boxer Mike Tyson said “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”. And when you do get “punched”, up goes the stress, out goes the focus and your project is looking at almost certain death. So I came up with ways to gracefully handle these fiasco’s, where I don’t get stressed-out, everything gets fixed and the project keeps moving forward. And probably even more important, where none of my other projects are impacted whatsoever.
I know that figuring out the first step of any project can be absolutely maddening You end up feeling paralyzed by indecision, in a weird kind of way. “What should I do first…this, that or the other thing?” you mutter over and over. Which keeps you firmly frozen in your tracks. So I developed a trick that puts an end to this dreaded indecision, pretty much on the spot.
I know that finding time to do something (or worrying about how you’ll find time) makes you feel like you’re in no man’s land It creates pressure. This pressure leads to stress. And that stress leads you into just about everything but actually creating the time you need. So I figured out how to “hack” time, so to speak. It’s really a method that allows me to work on multiple projects each day (sometimes over 10), without it ever seeming like actual work. It’s probably the best (or luckiest) technique I’ve managed to create.
I know the “shiny penny syndrome” will cause you to abandon everything so you can chase that sexy, new rabbit down a hole And because that chase is so intoxicating, you then spend most of your time chasing after more and more of these rabbits…and none of your time accomplishing anything that matters. I’ve done this so many times it’s embarrassing. But it’s really not a problem for me anymore, because I use a little trick that sends these rabbits scurrying right past me.
And I know all about the disappointment you feel when a project that should have taken you a week to finish is still sitting untouched after a year Hey, your intentions were good, but things came up that had a higher-priority. At least that’s what you tell yourself. Next thing you know it’s a year later, a lot has changed on the Internet and there’s a slew of new competitors for your idea. I used to be that guy too. But now I use simple, stress-free and “proven-a-hundred-times-over” techniques for getting things done way faster than anyone else. In other words, I use techniques that make you prolific.
My Methods Are Basically So Simple That You Don’t Even Realize You’re Doing Them Again, I get it…that might sound hard to believe. But I say that because for the longest time, I was just trying to come up with ways to get things done so I could silence the critics in my life.
I wasn’t even aware that I was doing anything special. I was just doing what I do. It was simple, pretty much hassle-free and I was getting a lot of work done. No big deal, I thought.
But then people started asking me how in the heck I was so prolific. I was getting emails saying “I’d like to chat with you about your prolific product creation, which is impressive” and “I would like to discuss how you organize yourself so that you essentially kick ass each and every time. Product after product. Great copy after great copy”.
I was kind of taken aback at first and remember thinking “what are these people talking about?”. I didn’t realize how my extreme productivity looked to the outside world. But then it dawned on me that I had completely forgotten what it was like to be a world-class procrastinator – I had escaped that prison. But everyone else was still in it. And they needed help. Like bad.
As a result of that epiphany (and because sooooo many people ask me about it), I’ve decided to share my system on how to be prolific. In the past, I’ve talked about a few small things I do, but I’ve never done a tell-all, this is everything I do from A-Z breakdown of my methods and techniques. I’ve never created a complete, step-by-step system that you can duplicate yourself. I’ve never created a course telling you how to do, what I do. But now I have and I’d like to share it with you.
The Art of Being Prolific
This is the course that shows you how to accomplish more in 30 days than most people do all year. Yea, I know that sounds a bit cheesy, but I can say it because it’s what I do. And once you know how to do what I do, there’s no valid reason why you can’t do the same.
The course contains 100% video training and in each video lesson I’ll walk you through the techniques I personally use to end procrastination, ignore distractions, calmly juggle multiple projects and get one thing done after another. All by myself.
On top of that, I’m also going to walk you through real-world situations on how to apply these techniques. For you, that means you’ll be crystal-clear on how my system works and you won’t have any confusion as to whether you’re doing something wrong or right.
And oh yea, you get unlimited, lifetime access to The Art of Being Prolific. That means you can watch the video lessons as much as you want, anywhere and anytime you want and from any device you want.
The Art of Being Prolific Is All About Action, Action and Then More Action I want to set this straight. I’m not going to tell you to use some magical software or app. I’m not going to teach you how to identify your purpose in life. And I’m not going to give you “feel good” rituals to practice.
The Art of Being Prolific is about taking action. Because that’s all that matters. It’s the only way you will get things done.
You can think about what you’re going to do day and night. Hey, I get it. It’s fun (like really fun) to daydream about where your ideas might take you…and where you might be in a month or 5 years from now. But that’s still just a fantasy and only action will get you there.
You can talk about what you’re going to do until you’re blue in the face, brainstorm endlessly with friends and colleagues or announce to anyone and everyone who’ll listen what your big plans are. Yep, it’s exciting to make others envious of where your big plans will take you. But talking about something doesn’t make it happen. Only action does.
Or you can go the sophisticated route of meticulously planning out every mundane step of your project. Hey, I’ve been there…it makes you feel professional, smart, important and oh-so organized. And sure, you might be closer to actually doing something, but you’re still firmly stuck at the starting gate. Only action will move you forward.
I’m going to show you how to take that action. How to move past thinking, talking and planning and for once in your life (or for the first time in a long time) actually get things done. And not get things done just once, but over and over and over again. To become prolific. And all without stress, searching for time or toughing it out through willpower.
If You’re Ready To Escape The
“Procrastination Prison”
I’m Ready To Hand You The Keys
I’ve already served my time in that prison. It sucked. I had to dig my way out. No one was there to help.
You’re lucky. You have the opportunity to have someone who has been where you are, show you how to get to where you want to be.
The Art of Being Prolific isn’t a time-management course. It isn’t a sales or marketing course. And it isn’t a self-improvement course. It’s an action course.
I’m going to teach you how to take action, regardless of your circumstances (or your excuses). And then how to continually duplicate those actions into becoming prolific. You don’t need another marketing product. You need a course on how to get sh*t done. And this is it.
Get The Art of Being Prolific right now!
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The Art of Being Prolific posted first on premiumwarezstore.blogspot.com
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kaitlinmcandrews · 7 years
If you were to ask anyone when the best time to visit Japan, I bet you anything that many people will say spring. Spring is probably the best know for the cherry blossoms.
I’m kind of torn on what I think about spring. As you probably know, I love love love cherry blossoms. Each year, I take way too many photos of these flowers. I also love the festivals that happen around this time. I also loooove festivals. I love food tents, I love eating outside, I love looking at all the different foods that are offered, and I love that I can just walk around with a beer and it’s no big deal…. hmmm I only named things to do with food didn’t I? Festivals are more than just food! … Or are they….?
Okay, as I said, I’m a bit torn. The biggest reason I think spring is a bit overrated is just because of the weather.
Now, this is totally perspective.
I like being warm. Spring is just not warm enough for me. For a normal Canadian, yeah, it’s warm. I think it was in the teens or low twenties. The biggest issue for me was the huge drop in temperature at night. If you know me and Pat at all, you’d know that we are night owls. I love festivals and would 100% prefer to go to them in the evening. Problem is, not only does the temperature drop as soon as the sun goes down, but the sun goes down so freaking early! I don’t know if a mistake was made when deciding what time zone Japan belongs to, but the sun goes down way too early (and comes up way too early in the morning).
Goodness, that was a heck of a tangent. Let’s just get on with it.  I’ll try to separate this like I did with the other blogs in this ‘series’.
Koishikawa Botanical Garden (小石川植物園 //  こいしかわ しょくぶつえん)
On one of our days off, we headed up to Tokyo since I heard that the cherry blossoms were starting to bloom. Well, I guess the key word was “starting” haha. Oh well, the botanical garden was still quite beautiful. It was a bit out of the way, but it wasn’t too bad.We walked from Hakusan station on the meguro line.
It cost about 400 yen I believe so it was actually quite cheap. I’m not sure if the prices change in different seasons. We were kind of in an off season. I think that going while the blossoms are out would be absolutely stunning. Even going in the summer would be nice when all the trees and grass would be green. When we went, it was a bit grey haha.
Not too much to really say about our day. I really tried to take artsy photos of flowers haha. Enjoy~
un-bloomed sakura trees
I was a bit dissapointed, but I swear that I heard the cherry blossoms were blooming in Tokyo. Since we were already in Tokyo, we decided to walk to Ueno from the garden. Ueno is known for its cherry blossoms. It’s a pretty long walk already, but we made it even longer. On the way, we noticed quite a few tourists heading in the same direction. we decided to check out whatever they were headed to. It was a pretty neat cemetery called Yanaka Cemetery.
Yanaka Cemetery (谷中霊園 // やなかれいえん)
It was actually pretty cool. I’m glad that we took this detour, even if it added another 20 min to our already long walk. It probably took us over an hour to get from the gardens to Ueno. Pat seems to love walking….
Ueno Park (上野公園 // うえのこえん)
Anyways, we had been to Ueno once before, but only at night. It was really cool to see it in the daylight. I’d looooove to see it during the full bloom of the cherry blossoms. Anyways, again, not too much to say.
Just IMAGINE this in full bloom!
It was a nice little day trip. So, if your in Tokyo in the spring, especially during the cherry blossom season, I think these 3 places would be absolutely breathtaking. My only issue with Ueno is how crowded it is. I can’t even imagine how it would be during peak season.
  ~Cherry Blossoms (sakura // 桜 // さくら)~
So, like I mentioned earlier, I really really like the cherry blossoms. Unlike last year at the private school, we actually had time off to go places. We were actually in the middle of our spring break. We had basically all of March off. I was so upset last year because of our awful time off schedule. We were in a place known for cherry blossoms and could barely see any of it! This time, we had a lot more time to look around. Although I wouldn’t say Kawasaki and Yokohama are necessarily famous for cherry blossoms, I knew I would be able to find some hidden gems. Tokyo, on the other hand, does have some pretty well-known places.
Unfortunately, this year was a bit weird. The cherry blossoms almost did things in 2 parts. They seemed to blossom about halfway and then we got some bad weather. The wind and cold weather seemed to halt the blossoms. After a couple of days they rest of the blossoms started, but the other half was dying or had fallen off from the wind. Ultimately, the trees never seemed to be 100% in bloom at any time. They were still really great, just not their best I suppose. Also because of the weird timing, we weren’t able to see much during our spring break, but we had to see a lot of them during our weekends off. Oh well, still better than last year!
If you want to see the posts I’ve made in the past, check them out: 2016 Kansai, 2015 Korea festival, 2015 Korea random
Koganecho Sakura Festival
Pat and I don’t live in Yokohama, but that’s where all the great stuff happens. To be fair, Yokohama is like the 2nd largest city in Japan or something crazy. Kawasaki, where we live, is not too high up on that list. Where was I going with this?
During cherry blossom season, there are sooooo many cherry blossom festivals. Of course. They are scattered in every season at varying times. I highly recommend attending at least one if you are in Japan at the right time. We decided to go to this one in particular was just because our friends lived in that area. Luckily, this area has a large river running through it, so it is so beautiful during the spring. There are cherry blossoms along this almost the entire river and is absolutely stunning. From Hinodecho to Gumyoji is a fantastic walk if you happened to be in the area.
The festival itself was close to hindecho and koganecho station. (I know this means nothing to most of you…. it’s mostly just in case people are on my blog for potential cherry blossom spots).
As I mentioned before, the cherry blossoms this year were a bit strange.
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As you can see, they aren’t too impressive. Like, at all….We did find ONE fully bloomed tree, though! (so, I took 234039843 photos of that single tree….)
The first thing I personally like to do at a festival is seek out festival food. I have a soft spot for food tents, eating and drinking outside, and just eating interesting things. It is definitely a thing I will immensely miss when we go back home to Canada. Here is some food we got!
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yakiika (grilled squid)
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yakiika (grilled squid) // left is the body, right is the legs
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dango (rice cakes with red bean paste)
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sakura umeshu and sake
We got other types of food as well, but it was too hard is to photograph and eat at the same thing. I’d say the most common types of food at any Japanese festivals are takoyaki (deep fried octopus balls), okonomiyaki (cabbage pancake with different sauces), yakisoba (grilled soba noodles), and assorted meat on sticks. They are all so good. None of them are healthy. I highly recommend.
It was pretty hard to get around, so I really didn’t get many photos. It was pretty busy:
This area was an interesting location for a festival. There were tents along the river so there wasn’t anywhere to sit. The roads on either side of the river were closed for traffic, and absolutely packed with people. On the other side of the road were a whole bunch of small izakayas (Japanese pub). Our fiends happen to go to a few of those izakayas on a regular basis, so we have met some of the shop owners. It is a pretty neat experience to be able to drink with the locals and support their businesses. If we didn’t know them, we may have not gone to any of the izakayas. We probably would have not even noticed that they were open.
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As you can see, these izakayas are really tiny. It is a pretty neat experience.
Looking through my photos, it is just us drinking haha. Well, here are the few cherry blossom photos that I managed to take.
  Mitsuike Park (三ッ池公園 // みついけこうえん)
Not too long after this festival, the cherry blossoms were really starting to bloom. I have always wanted to have a hanami (flower viewing) since I heard about it. I mentioned in my last year’s spring blog how I wanted to go, but Pat didn’t know what I wanted and we didn’t really get to have one. Even if we did, since we didn’t have friends in Kyoto, it might not have been that fun.
Well, this year, we have friends!!
Can you believe it?!
Haha, okay, that is a bit dramatic. Well, anyways, we were lucky enough to have a hanami. We went to a park that is kind of in the middle of Kawasaki and Yokohama. We are the only ones that live in Kawasaki, so usually we have to travel to Yokohama if we want to do anything with them. When I was looking for the best place to have a hanami, the results I got were mostly in Tokyo. Tokyo has too many tourists so I try to avoid going there if possible haha.
I really couldn’t find a good place. The best place for a hanami is usually a park. So, I looked at parks in the area that had a lot of cherry blossoms. I decided to check out this park that is near my workplace. I was doing research like 2 weeks before cherry blossom season. Luckily, this was the first place I checked out and instantly thought that it would be perfect.
Here is where the park is on Google Maps:
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It obviously much closer to Kawasaki, but it’s technically part of Yokohama…. so….. I was able to convince some people to come ^-^.
I packed a bag with beer, umeshu and chips and we set off to our hanami. If you want to go to this park, unfortunately it is only accesible by bus. It isn’t near any train stations. You could walk, but it’s an uphill walk. We took a bus at Tsurumi station (near the JR side, not the keikyu side). The park wasn’t too busy
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There are actually quite a few busses that go there. They are all on the same side of the bus depot. Google maps is pretty useful in Japan, so you can just google the bus routes and numbers. (Google was useless in Korea so I always want to give the bus numbers haha).
We were able to find a spot fairly easily. We set up our picnic as soon as we arrived and took turns going out for photos and such.
The weather was …okay… I personally prefer to be warm so a nice spring day is still too cold for me haha. Luckily for us, it wasn’t too crowded. Unluckily for us, we were still a few days too early. I think if we had gone 2 days later, it would have been perfect. I’d say the trees were at 75% bloomed. I think they only had the potential to bloom to 90% because of the strange weather this year.
There isn’t really much to talk about. We just hung out, talked, drank and enjoyed our day. It’s so nice to be able to drink outside. Another thing I will miss when we go back to Canada haha.
There were quite a few different types of sakura at this park. I could only tell the difference between the dark ones and light ones haha.
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Okay, photo time. As always, there are a lot.
The nice thing about this park is the nice lake in the middle. It really add to the cherry blossom photos, in my opinion. There were also a whole bunch of ducks there!
Maybe I just like water, haha, I don’t know…
It started to get really windy, which was a pain. It kept blowing our food and empty drink cans all over the place. Our picnic mat also had to be held down. The wind was frustrating and also made the weather a lot colder than it already was (it wasn’t cold… I’m just a wuss).
It was a really nice day and I’m glad that I can check hanami off of my Japan bucket list.
  Meguro River, Tokyo (目黒川, 東京 // めぐろがわ, とうきょう)
So, because I obviously have an unhealthy obsession, I needed to venture out on my own so I could take 2034983 photos and not annoy everyone. Once the sakura were basically a full bloom, I ventured out to Tokyo once again. I know, I just said that I hate it because of all the tourists….. but….. I really wanted to see this place.
Meguro river essentially runs from shimbamba station to naka-meguro station, but the cherry blossoms are the most heavily concentrated between meguro shinbashi and nakameguro.
I got off at gotanda station and walked along the river and was pretty dissapointed until I got to meguro shinbashi. As soon as I saw the sakura, I started a trail save thing on google maps on my phone.
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So, if you are planning on visiting this famous river, just be aware that the entire river is not as fabulous as it is between the two points shown above.
It’s not a bad walk by any means. From above, you can see that there weren’t many people so I was able to get some nice shots without people in them.
Hmmm… how do I wanna do this…? Do I wanna just spam you with 2304983098 photos? Do I want to seperate them a bit? Ugh, the decisions I have to make for this blog.
I’ll seperate them a bit.
As soon as I got to Meguro-shinbashi, I knew that I was where I wanted to be. I have seen so many photos from this exact spot. I wiiiish that I could photograph them as well, but I’m not so skilled haha. Sorry. I took four of the same photo with different camera settings, but they all kind of look the same haha.
Surprisingly, there aren’t too many bridges along this river so there aren’t too many chances to get photos from this angle. For the majority of the walk (which was stunning by the way), I was walking along the river on a road or sidewalk.
Recently, I bought a small tripod and a remote timer for my camera so I was happy to test them out~
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I definitely got some funny looks while taking those photos. I had to put my camera across the street and zoom in, so I don’t think people even saw my camera. Just me standing by myself haha.
Since I suck at waking up, I had actually gone to Tokyo around 4pm or so. I wish I went earlier so that I could see the sun shining on all the sakura. oh well. I think I missed the rush a bit and I was able to get some nice close-up photos of the blossoms.
Companies definitely take advantage of touristy spots though. I mean, the lanterns do look really cool, but each lantern has a different advertiser on it.
camera setting made it way to light…
As soon as I arrived at the next bridge, I did the same thing as last time: take 012349238 photos of the same thing with different settings.
As I mentioned earlier, I had left pretty late. The one advantage was that I was able to get some day and night shots. The lanterns looked really cool in the darkness, but it was pretty hard to capture it. I swear, I played with my camera’s settings like crazy. I suck.
On that note, does anyone else notice that cameras tend to make it look a lot lighter than it actually is? I mean, those were taken at dusk I’m fairly sure and it looks like the afternoon….
Oh, hey! Did I ever talk about my second obsession: tree caves? I’m100% positive I have. I love them sooooo much. I wish so badly that I could photograph them and show the depth. They are so freaking cool. Here are my attempts:
My best attempt?
It went on for quite awhile. Around this time, it started getting really busy. I quickly found out why. My guess is that people come either in midday or at night. Both times are beautiful and have their own charm.
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Once I got to the last bridge (basically), I was stunned. It was actually sooooo beautiful. I stayed there for about 45 minutes waiting for the sun to completely set. Here is, again, 24-30943 photos of the same thing!
side 1
side 2
side 1
side 2
Both sides of the bride had a great view. I really enjoyed it. I took some photos here and there on my way back.
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I left feeling satisfied about my day trip. If you are a sakura fanatic like I am, I highly recommend this river. Even if you just go to the first and last bridge on the route I shared.
Nikaryo Yosui Canal, Kawasaki ( 二ヶ領用水と大石橋, 川崎  // にかりょうようすい, かわさき)
This is a bit of a weird one… It is in the middle of a residential area of Kawasaki. It isn’t close to where I live, at all. How did I learn of this place, you ask? Well, I take Japanese lessons in that area and they gave me a guide book of things to do/see in Kawasaki. When I saw the photo of the sakura hanging over the water, I knew I had to go. They listed some other spots that looked amazing as well, but I just didn’t have the time.
I went to this place AFTER the prime bloom time. I was hoping that it wouldn’t have been too late, but it was. Most of the blossoms are wilted. But, at least I know that if I went in prime season, it would be absolutely beautiful.
oooh, the hanging type
wow, so pink!
The blossoms were pretty unique. They were the type that hang down, and they were also very pink! It was really pretty. If I am still in Japan during next sakura season, I would definitely go again.
Phew, finally done with the cherry blossoms.
Almost done, guys, almost done. One last activity that we did in spring.
  Ashikaga Flower Park (あしかがフラワーパーク)
I hope this one doesn’t get too long. This could probably have its own blog post, but I figured it would fit in this series….
Every once in a while, I look up what festivals and events are happening around me. I figure that since I’ll probably only be in Asia once, I should do/see as much as I can. So, while I was looking around, I found a pretty cool ‘event’. It isn’t a festival or event really, but a flower park that is famous for a flower called wysteria (the Japanese name is fuji // 藤 // ふじ). Wysteria have a bit of a longer blooming period than cherry blossoms. They basically start to bloom as the cherry blossoms start to wilt. I have never heard of this flower until I found this post. As far as I know, they aren’t native to Canada.
I really want to improve my photography skills, and for some reason, I’m really into flower photography. You may think I only like cherry blossoms, but I swear I like other flowers as well.
Now, as soon as I knew about these cool flowers, I naturally looked at where is the best place to see them. They bloom in various places in Tokyo, but I found a flower park that is kinda infamous for them. It is a place called Ashikaga Flower Park in Tochigi prefecture (NNW of Tokyo). Here is the website if your interested: https://www.ashikaga.co.jp/english/index.html .
As soon as you leave the main metropolis areas, the trains become infinitly more difficult to use. You may have noticed from all my navigation problems we seem to have haha. So, it’s my fault for always wanting to explore outside of Tokyo, but Japan has a LOT to see that is outside Tokyo. I wish more people talked about them. That’s why I do these blogs ^^.
Okay, so lets start with how to get there.
I’ve mentioned before that the best way to find directions in Japan is to go to the website and find a tab that says “access”. They don’t always provide times and such, but it is a good place to start. For example, this website gives this information:
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The access pages aren’t necessarily in English, but this one was, luckily. I mostly used Google Maps to get us there, but it was nice to have this as a reference. I especially like to use these pages when Google maps suggests taking the shinkansen. It took us probably 9months of being in Japan to realize that there is usually a way to get somewhere without the shinkansen (which is way too expensive…). Here is what Google map suggests:
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Unfortunately, I don’t remember what route we actually took, but we definitely didn’t take the shinkansen. We had a weird situation at, I assume, kitasenju station (I really don’t remember where we were, but that must have been it….). There were actually signs for what train to take to get to this flower park, but the train was full! It must be that nikko-kinugawa line. It seemed that you couldn’t use your rail pass (the card that you beep in and out with) and had to buy tickets for this particular train separately. I was a bit confused as to what we were supposed to do, so I asked, in Japanese, “Does this train go to Tochigi?” and he dismissed me by saying in broken English “ticket first” over and over. Like, fuck, what the hell dude? So does it or not? like, you want me to buy a ticket for a train that may not even go where I want to go??
Annoyed, I went to the ticketing area and asked a different train attendant the same question and he luckily answered (nicely) that it was full. Again, fuck you first guy. So, the new attendant showed us which train we could take instead and said that it is cheaper, but next one comes in 40 min. So, we waited. The next train was pretty full, but we got a seat. It took a bit longer than the sold out train, and added that 40 min of waiting time onto our trip. That meant that the already long (almost 3hrs) ride up there was extended by an hour.
Oh well, we got there. It was just a long journey. The local train from Tochigi to the park was crazy packed. Everyone was going to the flower park! It was so packed that I got off before Pat and had to wait like 5 min until he came out as well. We were not standing together and people just push and shove their way off the trains (whoever says that Japanese people are oh so polite have never had to navigate the trains during rush hour or an event….). I tried to take a photo of how many people there were, but it was kinda hard…
As that website mentions, there is a bit of a walk from the station to the park. It was easy to find just by how many people were walking in that direction. We basically just followed the crowds.
This was another place that changed their price depending on what is in season and how fully bloomed the flowers are. We went at prime time for their most famous flower so it was the most expensive price that it could’ve been. It was like 1300 yen (~$15) each or something like that.
Despite how busy it was, this park is actually really big so it was easy to walk around and take photos without it feeling to crowded. Well, once you got out of the entrance way that is…
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Surprisingly, this park had more than just wysteria. It was a really diverse flower park!
Another thing that I didn’t expect was there is more than one type of wysteria. Not only are there essentially 2 distinct colours, but different type of trees. Some hang it bunches, some are seperated. They did some interesting things with them for sure. Here are the white ones in tree form:
They had some in hanging-above form:
They also had some sparsely on a wall:
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I have a feeling the wall one is fairly new, since the ones in the pink/purple variety were much fuller:
Of course, these ones came in regular tree form:
And lastly, the star attraction, the hanging above form:
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Do you see the tree?
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It’s hiding in there
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Sorry, I couldn’t capture how cool the ones that hang from above look…. We noticed later, that those ones that are hanging down all come from one tree! Isn’t that crazy? So, there is one tree in the middle (if you look closely, you might be able to see it) and the bamboo structure supports the branches above you so it can continue to grow. There were actually 2 overhead ones in the purple variety.
I’ll be honest guys, I actually think the white ones are so much prettier.
Anyways, this was a really great place to go if you love flowers. The whole park smelled amaaazing. They sold flower flavoured ice-cream that we didn’t try. One random thing I noticed, this place was very mobility-impaired friendly. I saw a few people in wheelchairs that were able to enjoy the flowers. I think that as a mobile person, I often forget how difficult it would be to go to some of these places.
Okay, with that, I think I’m done talking about spring.
This is definitely the longest post in this series. Part of it is because I have an obsession with flowers, and part of it is that we had a lot of time off during spring and were able to do more things.
  The 4 Seasons of Japan – Spring If you were to ask anyone when the best time to visit Japan, I bet you anything that many people will say spring.
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