#theres more to life there more to india
magnoliamyrrh · 11 months
#i need to stop doomscrolling its four in the morning im so exhausted i technically have school shit i needed to finish and i have to get up#to go to class in a few hours too#it helps nothing either. its horrible to look and its horrible to look away and they both do absolutely nothing past a point just like w th#other endless amount of absolutely horrible things going on in the world rn#theres no new information now either. just the fallout and seeing what comes next#this and no other horrible thing going on in the world is abt us and how it affects us emotionally obviously like that's just specs of dust#on the thing itself#but. yeah. i. i dont think the human mind copes well w going from locally based ape empathy to exposure to every horrible thing everywhere#....... russia has bombed more apartments and civilian buildings too :( ppl caught under the rubble and dead#just. dear god.. i just keep thinking that. i just keep saying that to myself. dear god#dear god oh lord of duamne ya allah yarabbi whatever variation its most of what goes through my mind on loop#while my mind runs through so much of it. palestina and all the videos of dead and murdered and the children the videos from last week of#that tourist girl in israel the war in ukraina whats happening in kosovo armenia the uyghurs and china all the conflict in india and#pakistan the state of afghanistan yamen civilians being tortured by gangs in south america torture in general and the prisons around the#world and the slavery and the torture and the killing and the starvation and the pain and the million other things going on i don't even#know about and the fucking climate jesus christ the climate change???#and my mind just doesnt stop. it goes through so much shit it maps out this horrible web of pain and pain and pain throughout the entire#world ;;_;;#i uh. i desperately need to take more time in my life and for years on end ive needed to tske more time in my life to think#of the good things happening in ths world too. small things big things anything just anything good anything getting better anything thats#working any proof of humanity in this species#i just. .#.#i go through the full range of human emotion from rage to numbness and dissociation to bitterness to shock to nothing shocks me to endless#sorrow to disgust and i end up at the end#feeling like the same kid who wants to cry and ask why can't we just be nicer to each other please. as if its that simple. j wish it was.#god. i wish
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queersatanic · 2 months
you should do some research about the legality of transition in algeria before you claim an algerian cis women getting transvestigated at the olympics cant be tme. theres a whole lot of shit that algerian trans women go through that imane khelif simply does not. hell you should question why there are zero trans women competing in the olympics.
You’re responding to this post, and it sounds like you’re claiming that it’s not transmisogyny unless someone experiences every or maybe just the worst aspects of transmisogyny, even if they experience some aspects.
Because literally, news orgs are calling an Algerian cis woman "transgender," and she's receiving hatred from some of the most prominent transmisogynists worldwide on the false basis that she is trans.
Almost definitionally, this is a woman affected by transmisogyny despite being assigned female at birth and living her entire life as a girl and now woman. This is true even, as you point out, though Algerian trans women have a different experience in Algeria than she has and does.
Again, the original post you're replying to did not say that “transmisogyny-exempt” and “transmisogyny-affected” were useless categories, just that they aren’t essentialist, binary categories. They are not fixed. They are categories some people move back and forth between. The explicit point is that there is overlap especially in different contexts that makes it impossible to use TME/TMA as “legitimate trans women” and “everyone else”.
A skinny white trans fem in Los Angeles or London who has been on HRT for years and able to afford surgeries she wants won’t be exempt from every kind of transmisogyny in the world around her, but she likely would be exempt from some of them by virtue of meeting other standards of (white) femininity, so she might be able to more safely use bathrooms in public than a butch woman with a short hair cut, even if that butch woman is cis (or even straight!). That doesn't make the trans woman less trans or the cis woman more trans. It just means "transmisogyny" is a club and not a scalpel.
It's important to recognize that systems of oppression aren't concerned with locating something real or actual and punishing that real, actual thing; they're about enforcing hierarchies with arbitrary boundaries, and they don't bother to use any consistency or rigor because the whole point of having power is that you don't need to appeal to anything superior to exercise that power.
This is going to seem far afield, but about a decade ago, a man from India visited his son in Alabama and a cop put him into a coma by slamming him on his head into the sidewalk because neighbors had reported a “Black man” wandering suspiciously around in their neighborhood. The man "didn’t comply" because he didn't speak English, so naturally cops assumed he was intoxicated or combative. (From memory, the only person actually punished in that was the police chief who said the cop in question had done something wrong; the cop was cleared of all-wrongdoing.) In India, the father may have had a completely different social status, possibly even one that looked down on Black or African people. He certainly didn’t experience all of the worst elements of anti-Black racism in the white South. But in a white neighborhood in Alabama suburbia, he was dark enough to be treated like a Black man, dangerous and transgressive.
White supremacy, like transmisogyny, isn't concerned with whether you are the ultimate version of a thing just if you’re enough of a thing to be punished. Of course we need to recognize when other people have challenges that are different or more intense than we go through, but our coalition ought to be built on unified resistance to shared oppression rather than policing the boundaries of categories people who hate us aren't even bothered to learn or care about while they hurt us.
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snacho-to-ur-nacho · 2 months
Is the post you made about burr about historical burr or musical? Because if you’re talking about historical then it’s completely biased lmfao. You’re reading Ron chernow so I’m not really surprised you have that opinion but Hamilton was completely in the wrong for his treatment of burr historically.
Disregarding the fact jefferson was one of the most prolific slave owners of the 18th century, and the fact Hamilton advocated for runaway slaves who escaped to Britain to be returned to their US masters and that he bought slaves for his brother-in-law, Burr treated his household slaves very well in comparison to his contemporaries and insisted they receive an education.
The point that he didn’t have an opinion on anything was something false that Hamilton and other federalists used in order to promote their own narrative and careers. Burr had clear and concrete ideals, evident from the way he voted in elections and what he promoted. He did not however clearly associate with a single party which made people think he wasn’t trustworthy and was very flaky which just isn’t true lol.
And what secrets are you even referring to? Is it the manhattan well company or what?
You are just regurgitating 18th and 19th century slander lmfaoo
damn thats a long ask, but let me get into this.
so it was sort of talking about both, i was listening tp the song and found the lyric funny, but it applies to history too.
theres several parts to this, and you got my curiousity spiked so i looked into this:
- 'Early in his political career, Burr also introduced a bill for the abolition of slavery to the New York state legislature; the bill was voted down. However, Burr was a slaveholder for most of his adult life. His parents, grandparents, and wife Theodosia Prevost were also slaveholders. While surviving records are scarce, it appears that Burr often bought and sold enslaved people as his finances rose and fell; the few named individuals seldom appear more than a handful of times in his papers. On the night before his duel with Hamilton, he put his affairs into order in the event that he did not survive. Instead of freeing the enslaved people in his household, he left them to his daughter Theodosia in South Carolina, where they likely would have been sold. So while he was outwardly a manumissionist, he never backed up his words with any actions.'
(roughly paraphrasing from a text)
- as fpr hwo he treated his slaves, i loojed and couldnt find any info about it, can you send me your source?
-now, for the thought that he didnt have an opinion, i will admit i mispoke. what i meant to say that yes, while he had opinions, however loojing at all he wrote he does seem very selfish, doing whatever benefited him the best. i understand why he didnt choose, seeming to only become democratic republican when he saw an oppertunity out of it. even if he did have his own opinipns, it doesnt seem that way to me, or clearly alexander hamilton.
-alexander also did nothing wrong by choosing jefferson over burr, it was a personal choice, he did what he thought was right, you cant bash him for it, esprcially with burr stealing his Father-in-laws seat. he chose wjo he thought would be better for america
-burr was a pretty secretive person overall, but i didnt know about the manhattan well company. however he had a whole secret colored family with a slave from india, and knwoing how slavery was, thers a good chance she didnt havr a choice about it, which might (MIGHT) have been SA or rape. now, this is a small chance, but still, plus having an rntire colored family is quite a secret. then theres also the whole burr conspiracy, and so many others succh things which show burr had so many secrets. clearly, he was a hypocrite, denouncing one thing and doing the same thing in secret. so yea, he had secrets.
also, damn u actually scanned my posts to find what im reading? read it, its good trust me. and, if youre so concerned in what im reading, can i reccomend you a book? its called infinity alchemist and its by kacen callender and the protagonist is a bly named ashen woods eho is chaotic and ramsay thorne is the best fucking character and no its not related but still!!!
(also ps to those who hate on burr, remember he was a real person, and dont make assumptions, he had a gpod sife too, he was a feminist (tho he might have been another one of those male feminists who claim to be so but just gave a tendancy to SA women (neil gaimon)) but he could have actually been a good one idk this is history)
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deadoveater · 19 days
If a fund was started and raised enough money, would you like to take your female family members and leave India? I’m sure it would take time, but maybe it could happen.
There are genuinely kind people I know irl who would help out. I work at a pregnancy center with people who are dedicated to helping women and children specifically. And there must be some well-off people on tumblr based on all the donation posts that are made. I can set aside some money each month till it builds up enough.
No one ever deserves to experience the horrors you’ve described, much less in everyday life.
thats nice of you, but neither I nor anyone in my family would feel comfortable taking donations.
I actually do live outside of japan for a job, but noone else in my family would want to uproot their lives and move. and honestly, its not just my family. every woman in india has to experience similar horrors I described to a lesser or mostly, a greater degree. even if my female relatives were safe, theres still my friends, their female relatives, and theres always gonna be more women who are going thru hell just to keep living.
I try to be there for my sister, I try to donate as much as I can to ngos every once in a while, and honestly it sucks but we all do whatever we can and keep going. if you are able to raise donations, please donate to ngos in india and other countries who work to help women.
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fapper · 1 month
my interesting awesome coworker who lore dropped to me yesterday for 3 hours while on a work call
im not bullshitting or anything but unfortunately she is schizophrenic. like no joke type beat and its ok. she literally said she sees ghosts and feels them touching her inappropriately at night during our WORK CALL and i was just like. Shocked because 1. i was fully believing her and 2. we're supposed to be working rn and 3. it was too much bc she said multiple genuinely insane shit during the call like full on lore drop and i was supposed to keep up with it. just to name a few of what i remember because i need to forget this as much as i can because i lowkey sensed low vibrations and might have fucked something up spiritual wise for myself from this conversation because it kinda freaked me out:
she is convinced her husband of 12 years was paid to be her husband and to ruin her life/ kill her
she is convinced her husband is poisoning her bc ever since she started eating whatever he gave her, she started feeling dizzy and started losing weight
she told me there are >100 people in India stalking her and trying to kill her and her brother
she told me these people killed her mother and father
she is convinced her brother's wife was also paid to ruin his life and is actively torturing his 2 children in order to kill them
she told me her entire house is bugged
her car is bugged
she told me her office is the only "safe place" to talk because theres no hidden cameras in there
she told me she saw 3 angels hovering over her in a video of her sleeping at night
she told me her husband has explicit pictures of over 20000 females on his phone (aka cheating on her)
man i could go on but i dont wanna think about it. she started crying too and i was like damn what is my life rn i was comforting her as much as i can and i kept thinking wow her life is living hell because i was genuinely believing every word she said. but after thinking abt this interaction a bit more, maybe shes going thru smt personally bc how are you mentally sane enough to endure all this and not kill urself like it was just insaaaane u guys. she just kept talking about suspicious encounters with every single person she talked with in person whether its at the supermarket or a phone service company and they would all try to scam her or hurt her. idk man. shit just wasnt clicking but i understood whats happening at the end. damn im fr that coworker ppl just vent to omg 😭 iwas like omg damn ma im just an intern like
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doomsayings · 7 months
Hi hi i sent you an ask a couple months ago about becoming a flight attendant. I’m really considering it now but i have no idea where to start. Do you have any other tips or recommendations? Anything at all would be so helpful thank you again 🖤
good to hear from you!!!! okay this is super general but hopefully it gives you an idea on where to start????
email subscribe to job listings at all the airlines you want to work for! most airlines open up the flight attendant listing for a small period of time before closing it again, since they get so many applications...you can usually do this through their websites so youll know right away when they open
application process for most airlines is online app/assesment -> virtual interview -> in-person interview. when you submit your resume, make sure you keyword match with words used in the job listing. its all computerized! if you want to make it to the next round, make sure the computer can recognize that your resume has relevant experience (most airlines want customer service/safety related experience)
for the in-person interview: its usually a group interview and a one-on-one. what i noticed is they do prefer very friendly and bubbly people, but you dont need to be biggest personality in the room (Actually i think a lot of the interviewers didnt like that, in my experience). just smile a lot and look very professional and put together!! dress standards are pretty strict across all airlines.
if you cant get an interview a mainline airline, a lot of people start at regional airlines and then move to mainline. the thing that sucks about regional is that the pay is worse, you fly to less locations, but there are some pros, reserve tends to be less chaotic, and its easier to gain seniority. it may be worth it to get a foot in the door
you MAY need to relocate for this job. research the bases for each airline, and see if they are cities you are willing to live in. while most airlines allow you to have preferences or eventually transfer….theres no guarantee you'll be placed where you want straight out of training. i didnt get my first choice of city right away. i would highly suggest you start saving money right now because you may end up needing it whereever you go!!! some flight attendants commute/fly to their base city but…i dont really reccomend it, especially if you are on reserve. it makes your life a lot more stressful and can be like a second job
knowing a second language helps! some airlines have language specific job listings BUT - it may limit where you can work. for example if you are a hindi speaker, and the airline only flies to india out of JFK, you WILL be based out of JFK.
i hope this helps a little bit!!!! i wish you nothing but the best on your journey!!!!! lemme know if you have specific questions i know its a crazy complicated process lol
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pinkisopod · 8 months
24 25 🙂
arya youre so fucking real for sending LOL
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
now i get to answer for all four of them <3 theres more but the four i posted about lol
sav - would be a farmer in india if his village hadnt been decimated. he would have developed an interest in plants regardless but it would be more tame. dunno if hed be trans still but probably? would not have transitioned tho. probably wouldnt have learned to read but its not absolutely impossible
ode - unlike my other three, she lacks a significant life defining incident. she was born into this street circus and stayed in it and eventually moved upwards enough to accrue power in the mob world. its the 'ideal' trajectory i guess. i think she really lucked out finding sav tho. she probably would have otherwise gotten so attached to someone who would have taken advantage of her and abused her :c
ananke - dont really know for sure what would have happened had he not been trafficked since it literally happened as a goddamn embryo. he doesnt know this but he comes from a black family in the equivalent of liverpool so he would have grown up in a tight knit community. he would have a hard time due to being a little autistic but i think he would have found a somewhat honest life (whatever that means in this world). worked in some kind of store im feeling pawn shop for some reason
rosie - so if she had not been kidnapped and chimera’d, she’d been one miserable princess (not sure if that’s still gonna be her title) forced to marry one of the royals of england. she understands the importance of this and would not have complained publicly but she would be soooo sad :/ she’s my little baby butch lesbian.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
so a lot of these characters are traits i adore cherrypicked from preexisting characters that have disppointed me LOLLLLLL this amuses me so ill answer in terms of this
sav - tgs jekyll's extreme compartmentalization of his emotions even pre-potion. sav can come off as really cold cause of this but hes more just wary of vulnerability and socially awkward. i love this fucking trait so much man
odetta - UMMMM shes my clasic bpd-coded gal . asuka - eva (monster) - pariston - mariko you know the drill. all time favorite trope probably Lol
ananke - so i make a lot of mean characters but thats cause i just find it so fun to figure out why they are so mean. ananke isnt really mean but he can be nastier than youd expect... and i like that. he's resentful of his circumstances but redirects that anger away from the source of his problems. hes honestly such a nice guy tho generally speaking sorry ananke :( also hes inspired a little by izutsumi, al from fmab, but MOSTLY sans + papyrus from the handplate comic .
rosie - straight up marie antoinette and oscar from rose of versailles combined but in a way that doesnt piss me off so much. shes a little like rapunzel + h+c pariston as well <3 sheltered child with an enormous burden that she only later realizes isnt a good cause at all and certainly not worth destroying her life over. also i just love wings and flying and shes got WINGS and flies
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bookaddict24-7 · 1 year
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Books I’ve read so far in 2023!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
124. Animorphs #1: The Invasion by Katherine Applegate--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I've somehow gone my whole life without reading an ANIMORPHS book, even though I used to watch this show when I was a kid.
I have to say that I was so pleasantly surprised with this book. From the beginning, I was hooked. The simple writing cut to the chase and held my interest. I also like how this isn't like those MGLit older series where you get one different story per book. It seems like you definitely have to read this in order and I'm excited for it.
Also, these villains are hella creepy. I don't know how my generation didn't have more nightmares as kids. Especially with the retro covers of this series.
125. Indigo Ridge by Devney Perry--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
The way this book had a chokehold on me when I first started it and realized how much I was going to enjoy it.
I've been meaning to pick up INDIGO RIDGE because I read another book by Perry and while it wasn't a favourite, it was still a pretty enjoyable read. INDIGO RIDGE, however, was a whole other experience.
I loved the small town aspect of it and how humble and kind this family is. I also loved this enemies to lovers with a heavy dose of sexual tension trope. Ugh, I'm putty for this kind of romance because I'm just waiting for one of them to cave. I'm torn on whether I love or feel eh about how the author didn't do smutty until about mid-book (like there were many fade to black scenes until more detailed scenes were introduced.)
The intriguing part of this book was the mystery at the core of the story. I don't read a lot of romantic thrillers and I was pleasantly surprised to actually really enjoy this sub-genre. I wanted the MC to prove everyone wrong with her skills.
Anyway, this was a great start to the series and I'm loving it so far! Such a pleasant surprise!
126. The Girl in the Lake by India Hill Brown--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
THE GIRL IN THE LAKE is definitely a young reader's horror book, but it was strangely adorable, too? Especially with the twist. But there were definitely creepy moments. With a cover like that, I would expect nothing less.
One of the shining stars in this book, however, is the commentary on the history of racism and the stereotypes (rooted in racism) that have plagued the Black community for decades--like the belief that "Black people can't swim". When one explores the history behind this one particular stereotype, they'll find some pretty eye-opening and heartbreaking truths. The exploration of this generational trauma made this book all the more special.
I really enjoyed this one and if you have a little reader who likes a good horror story with a dose of life lessons and historical lessons and commentary on racism, then I highly recommend THE GIRL IN THE LAKE.
127. Juniper Hill by Devney Perry--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Okay, this one hitttt. I am such a sucker for these single parent tropes, especially when theres a gruff someone who can't help but fall for the parent and the baby.
While I thought the romance was a little too quick in this one, I did love how the MMC was with the FMC. He assured her and remained her strong support system. One of the things I love about these books is the communication that happens between the couples. That alone has me coming back for more.
There were definitely some allusions to the main suspenseful twist in this book. I loved all of it, as twisted as that sounds--it was so fascinating and had me hooked. Maybe I need to read more romantic suspense books...
This was great and I devoured it! Can't recommend this series enough!!
128. I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was such a fun and quick little read.
Sharks scare the living crap out of me, but I've always been so fascinated by them. I knew that a lot of the fears we have of sharks now are based on the events of the 1916 attacks (which spawned the JAWS book and then, the movie).
While I've seen a lot of shows about the attacks and read various allusions to the attacks, it was still interesting and entertaining to read the story from the (fictional) perspective of a child living in that time.
Straight to the point and quick, this was enjoyable and I definitely want to read more of the books in this series!
129. Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I've been wanting to read this book since a clock app reviewer mentioned how at the end of the series Gregor is covered in scars that will follow him for the rest of his life. The reason why this grabbed me was because you don't always see these middle grade fantasy books where the realities of the trauma faced by these children follows them into the real world and have real world consequences.
From the get-go, I knew I was going to enjoy this book because the MC, Gregor, has such a jaded perspective on the world because of his father's disappearance. This is definitely one of those characters who would fit perfectly in a YA novel because of the way he views the world. His character is complex and I'm curious to see how he evolves as a character as the series progresses.
I loved the addition of his baby sister. She was stinking adorable and listening to the audiobook added to her adorableness. I just wanted to protect her with my life. Such a cute and great little addition to a story full of adventure and a situation that, to be completely honest, would probably be too much for a regular pre-teen.
While it wasn't a favourite, it was a pretty great read full of surprisingly dark themes and imagery. I'm definitely going to have to check out the sequel!
130. Her Good Side by Rebekah Weatherspoon--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I went into this book not knowing what to expect. I never expected to find a story that was so cute!! This had so much going for it: Great communication between friends, healthy af relationships with said friends, and an MC with a passion for something that even though she wasn't a pro, she still wanted to learn.
The {fake} relationship was so cute and even I forgot at times that it was fake. The chemistry between the characters was great and I couldn't help but cheer them on. I just wanted the best for them. Even though they had some rocky moments, I loved seeing them grow together and help each other out.
I want only the best for this couple and their adorable selves. Wouldn't mind reading another book set in this school!
131. The Luis Ortega Survival Club by Sonora Reyes--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Big TW for anyone who wants to read this book--the author does a wonderful job of explaining the title of the book at the beginning of the book!
I was a huge fan of Reyes's debut novel, so when I saw this new book, I knew I had to pick it up. Much like the debut, this one didn't disappoint!
This was a heartbreakingly honest and raw portrayal of a teenager who has just experienced a sexual assault. This already traumatic experience is made even more heartbreaking when you learn that she is autistic and has a hard time communicating with those around her. The powerlessness and the confusion surrounding the guilt she feels made me want to reach through the pages and absolutely destroy Luis Ortega.
I think that while the budding sapphic relationship between the MC and her love interest was sweet, and her growing friendships of the other girls who were also survivors of Luis Ortega's predatory assaults, the strongest message (for me) is what goes through the MC's mind after her rape. The guilt. the downplaying, the questioning, the denial--readers who may have experienced something similar, or may have had that mindset at one point in their lives may be able to relate.
This was an incredibly heavy book and it really hits you with those emotional punches, but it's also so incredibly important. It's also a perfect example that SAs can happen to any one, no matter the age--the devastation and the violation has no age.
I highly recommend this book, but please proceed with care.
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts!
Happy reading!
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enchanted-moura · 2 years
I had a question about charts...vedic in particular...
One what does rahu and ketu really signify? If rahu is life path or purpose, then what does rahu (in mrigshira) in 8th house mean?
Plus yk how Vedic charts will either be square or triangles (north/south indian) and theres numbers inside? Are numbers zodiac signs? Because i have a lotta things in my 8th house, as its being shown with like a dark 8 on one side and small 2 in another corner of the house box (Saturn, Rahu, Sun, Jupiter. Saturn (in Rohini) in my atamakarka, i thought atmakarka was purpose, which idk what this placement wants me do...) and all in taurus. I have been hunting around to learn to read it, but the wording confuses me. I have the other three as stellium in another house
There are several dozen even hundreds systems of Vedic because India is huge and every area varies in how they do if I’m not mistaken.
Keep it simple in a way our western minds can understand😂😂Rahu is the north node and Ketu is the south node. Our Rahu is not our purpose but more so we have an insatiable drive for.
So your Rahu in the 8th house means you will be drawn to 8th house fields such as the occult, inheritance, sexuality, darker aspects of life. Mrigrashira there means a lot depending on where it’s Ruler Mars is…but generally Mrigrashira is an endless quest for knowledge, for discovery. similar to Rahu.
Research the Nakshtras and Houses💗
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parkjiminxfloorpt2 · 2 years
get to know me 💫- thank you my bestie @bts-ify C for tagging me!! it really has been very long since i last played a tag game, ily!!
name: jans sign: Cancer (idk all that rising sun and moon things, im bad at zodiacs lmao) time: 7:28 PM IST birthday: July 10 fav band/artist: BTS, Conan Gray, and so many more lol last movie: this is embarrassing but, baby's day out last show- the kdrama called coffee prince, its one of my favs now!! when i created this blog- my first one was in the june of 2021, but this one was i guess november of last year :/ what i post- NOTHING. im not talented enough to create gifs, nor am i creative enough to write, so i do what i can, reblog <3 other blogs- none do i get asks- i used to..omg i remember my sexy whore anon..we used to talk almost every day!! i miss them so much, but rn, i get no asks hehe :) followers- all of them are my moots, my gorgeous pretty moots &lt;33 avg hours of sleep: 7-9 hours Dream job: okay please dont mind it if i get a little passionate here, BUT I LOVE THEATRE!! i love acting and performing on the stage. ive been into it since i was like 8 or smthg lol, uk its just smthg about drama that makes me feel alive.. so an actor it would be dream trip: i really wanna visit Paris atleast once <3 fav songs: counting stars, numb, astronomy, just one day, case 143 and soooo many more lol last song: (C WHAT A COINCIDENCE, MINES FROM INDIGO TOO!) still life, god im obsessed with that song currently reading- a jimin ff called silk sheets, its so well written <33 currently watching- the office :) when was the last time you cried?- hmm i guess last week..do you have kids- nah bro do you use sarcasm: a lot actually, so much to the point even if im saying something with no sarcasm, people think im just kidding, its annoying lol whats the first thing you notice about people: a tricky question, cuz theres a lot i notice..but maybe the way they communicate whats your eye color- black hehe scary movies or happy endings- id legit choose horror on any day. but got a soft spot for happy endings <3 special talents- idk really i guess i can make people comfortable around me.. what are your hobbies- baking!! tho im not good enough to do it by myself :/ where were you born- india do you have any pets- i really wanna adopt that stray ginger cat i see every morning in my apartment..ill just bring her home one day 🤭 what sports do you play- i TRY playing basketball, but i suck so bad fav subject in school- english. one of the easiest subjects 😚
honestly, this was stress-relieving!! really enjoyed writing it, thank you once again, C my beloved <333
tagging anyone who wants to do this!!
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solardick · 3 months
You know the workds gone to
Shit when they start selling poop toys.
“When i was child in ukraine, they used to beat jews to death for fun. “
So as russia continues to strengthen ties with allies who have animosity towards america. Playing the same game they are to them. Increasing their quality of life. In contrast to the opposition.
In this fantasy script, america ismt going to survive with such ample pride. 911 on the twin tower and the moon card. 🙄 . Inhate life.
If card letter Oo(o) is rhe devil card. It would be well suited to be above that perversion on a moon card. Pointing upwards to the enslavement of “ man” as the marseille, Italiano fool. Though the image should play somethign similar the the Ë fool, id it remains as such. With an equally negative sun card. Perhaps to muse.
Lets go take a shit and see if its mucous infested. Perhaps with a tad of blood. It’ll be like a game. Got yo catch them early to enjoy what comes out the other side.
A youngin’ girl pops out of the car in front of me. As if on script. -Like mist times now adays. The unusual a stranger walkign by to get up close. Like an exhibition in a fucken zoo.- Look each other in the eyes and walk side by side into the store. She kept her periphery on me the whole time. Waiting for something, a cue, a confirmation. Ugh… hey look, another trap, that i cant be polite to. My periphery is always on. Comes with 39 years of bs and attacks. And if i so much as fart her direction it will be taken as the confirmation that i am a womanizer or some dumb shit.
So current theory on the russian script tarot. Is in the development of the letter. Functioning like degrees. A letter means one thing quite simply as they are an unusual amount of single letter words. Which hold the major arcana of power. The second letter to fallow is the modifier. Adapting the single letter power of the word with the second letter image. This may be a drastic change in manifestation. From destruction to construction for example. From love to hatred. Some letters hold both positions of primary and secondary and these words play in purity of the original form. As in the Вв(v) words belonging to the “high prietess” or young innocense, or its relegation to its treatment in the delicacy of the mind. As for now. Though arguement abounds about the nature of the feminine as thenpresence of the mind. Agaisnt to pro-active jock-ing of will to cause.
What bitch you ain’t my daughter take your vagina out of my face. Oo.
What? Calling me daddy is better?
So much for being both ways, eh.
Hum the consiqyences of dialogue of “venusian” abuse from outside forces forcing you out of your home, eh. Seems this world im in loves creating disarmony. And then crying wolf. Oh! He’s a bad man. Daddy. Save me. Oops. Too far. What do you think russia? Its coming. She needs a place in the ranks. Of the human being. Soemthign i have yet to experience.
Oh. Daughter! Your vagin is soo tight. Oh. Yes. Give to daddy? What the fuck america. Bitch go read rhe bible its full of pro daddy love. As for the men i suggest the bhagavad gita. Its full of pro masculine will. … or at least the new testament. The old testemant is more directed to the masculine. Because jesus is a woman. I though the ling hair and the dress gave it away. Thats why the bible says no homo sex. Cause its turns you into a woman. Been there done that, got abused the whole time. Suck it.
Thats why india is soo populated. All they do is eat curry and fuck.
Oh well to bad for the ass problems. Looks like ill be single to rest of my days. Not that im not used to it. Kinda robes all social will away. Along with the sex drive. There’ll be no development on that case. And its a half life for the rest of it.
Its ok. I got video games. I guess. I dotn like gaming though. Unless im high. And theres a never wnding supply of both. I was born to soend wvwry waking momentnof it suffering. Cause people suck.
And im never going to even tey to speak to anyone anymore. Proactivyl destructively the outcome is the same. I get fycked with or damaged. Ill just continue doing this and continue to have shadow cocksuckers fuck with ym life.
To such an extent of 39 straight years of being fucked with. I now have a desease.
Apparentlynim going to running my own team. Not thatni care anymor e
Now its a ling weekend of sitting in my appartemtn stairing at a wall. Eactlynhow i spent the first 20 years after adolescentce
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mcl38 · 10 months
why did i think u were british this whole time. i just now noticed the romanian and i have been following u for an embarrassingly long time. omg i'm so sorry.
i was going to ask u if the UK is really this puritanical bc like. i was raised by some right-wingers who taught me that if i even danced with someone i was not married to, i would spend eternity burning in hell, and i still couldn't rlly bring myself to care abt a guy in his mid-20s making sex jokes enough to be offended abt it. but i mean u are not british so that doesn't matter now.
this also begs the question why are ppl getting moral/life advice from multimillionaires. like if lando gets a STD, he just goes and gets treatment. if an american gets a STD, they go bankrupt. u rlly have to put how promiscuous u can be in perspective of ur circumstances unless u want gangrenous genitals from chlamydia. also like if ur george russell or lance stroll or max verstappen or— and u physically harm someone, all u have to do is issue an apology. if ur quite literally a normal person, ur going to jail for that shit like u cannot behave like a multimillionaire under any circumstances unless u are also a multimillionaire bc one of three things will happen: 1) jail, 2) bankruptcy, 3) the end.
sorry for making u read my incoherent thoughts again but i know u appreciate a good landogate. i just don't really get this one. like wow local man in his twenties cracks nsfw jokes w his friends and experiences horniness. did these people never become traumatized by omegle. bc this isn't abnormal behavior for a man in his 20s spotted in the wild online. it's actually quite tame.
hi anon! so like first off ur not entirely wrong abt the british thing - i am romanian but ive been living in the uk for like 4 years now, u mightve seen a reference to that and assumed i was english. but bc ive been living there for a while i can quite confidently say that no, english people are not generally puritanical at all, much less than in america anyways. maybe theres more value put on decorum and politeness but i generally associate religiously-fuelled prudishness with american protestantism lmao. anyways
my thing is ive just come back from a vacation where i had no roaming so i genuinely have no idea whether ive missed smth major lmao. from what i could tell the thing ur talking abt is lando making dirty jokes on stream and ppl allegedly getting upset at that (??) which unless thats all been happening on twitter and i just havent seen it bc i deleted the app (god bless) (likely), the whole 'drama' seems to stem from one clickbait article by a clickbait sports news publication that seems to b based in india rather than the uk. was this abt the way landos (british) friends responded to him on stream? bc from what i could tell they were also participating in the moaning and calling themselves daddy activities. otherwise like what predominantly british public did u see upset? its quite odd as a thing to happen
not saying this isnt a pattern w lando tho - back in 2020 idk if u were around but if u were, u should rmbr how dire the situation was. basically anyone who'd make a sex joke around lando was essentially corrupting god's most darlingest little baby boy, how dare they. theres a certain amount of infantilisation around lando that thank god isnt happening as much anymore but maybe its reared its ugly head again. or, if ppl r getting mad at him for Corrupting His Audience (if theyre getting mad at all - again ive only seen ppl saying it was totally fine and funny), then this just represents his full flip into the whore part of the madonna whore dichotomy. the same reason miley cyrus twerking at the 2013 vmas wouldve been so much more scandalous than another female singer that hadnt previously had a child-friendly teen star image.
i dont rly know how to address the whole life advice paragraph - i rly dont think lando talking abt a girl character in fortnite shooting cream out of her palms or propellers or smth is exactly life advice. lando specifically has quite a complicated relationship w his position as a role model and he often worries abt the 'advice' he gives ppl - smth thats also like, true, hes a v sheltered 23 year old who lacks a lot of normal life experiences bc his professional career basically started around age 7. idrk what to say abt the whole std thing bc like not only have i not heard lando talk actual details abt his potential promiscuity beyond a couple vague jokes, but also bc ive never had to think abt going into debt over chlamydia doamne pazeste. also like idk if i push someone nothing happens but if max verstappen does it on an international broadcast he has to do community service for it so 🤷🏻‍♀️ u win some u lose some. not rly sure of the point u wanted to make if im totally frank lol
tldr like yeah f1 drivers r mainly irresponsible athletes in an extreme sport and u shouldnt model ur life after them. but also op ur life sounds terrifying like 'jail / bankrupcy / the end' sounds like either the way US capitalism works (big up the prison industrial complex) or oscar wilde's new years resolutions in january 1895 lmao
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orthotv · 2 years
🗓️ Date: 1st - 2nd April, 2023 | 🏟️ Venue: Le Meridien, Nagpur
💻 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: https://rb.gy/ywlu0c
💭 Why the Nagpur Trauma Course will be different from other courses / meetings / conferences
✅ Cadaveric Workshop
🎥 Virtual walk thro - First of its kind Setup in  Central India to give us Ctinicianas a  real insight of tissue planes
♦️ Anotomy museum Pathway - A tour which will not only  enlighten you but you will be astonished to see the facility
and of course the Hands on cadaveric course along with learned facility to take you along various approaches
👨‍⚕️  Seats limited to select 50 Delegates only!
🔲 Case Based Discussions "Real Life Situations, Real Life Solutions."
▪️ The Case presenting Faculty will travel thro the journey of case, actively involving the Expert Panel for their opinions, and yes! Indulging the audience too. (12 minutes ) + 3 minutes of further in depth discussion. So everycase presentation is actually getting 15 minutes of Showtime!
🔺 Being relayed from top Premier Institutes of Nagpur. Common surgeries that we encounter every day. Faculty (as Captains of the Ship) are going to hoover round the operating surgeon and keep on suggesting the surgical steps. Some surgeries will happen parallely. Navigators in the hall will take you to the step of each surgery, the part which interests all of us and not the entire wheeling in of patient and skin closure. Thus, in minimal time, we gain maximum surgical Interactive
❇️  Highlight Workshop Workshops on Newer implants and devices. Hands on saw bone models for gaining that proprioceptive surgical feedback while operating. This is typical multi-table situation.
📝 Learnshops
🔸 A totally new concept which is evolving fast in the field amongst Corporate Training.
🔸 These are more intimate Small group discussions which are topic / Implant particular fracture oriented.
🔸 Discuss with your Hacklty your doubts, difficulties. Theres no formal presentation. No foramal lecture here.
🔸 And Finally we are going Eco Sensitive. So No Paper Printing Please-download the App to know all the details you need to know.
🔥 It’s going to be a different meeting🔥
👨‍💻 About us: www.nagpurtrauma.in
▶️Media Partner : OrthoTV Global
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tentaran · 7 years
Best five places to visit in Kovalam
Best five places to visit in Kovalam
A small coastal town south of Thiruvananthapuram, Kovalam is an interesting town in Kerala. The city is known for endless rows of coconut trees and is often known as “Paradise of the South”. Here are the best five places you can visit in Kovalam.   1. Lighthouse Beach     It offers a large number of leisure activities including sunbathing, sea swimming, catamaran cruising, herbal body toning…
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kawaiijellymonster · 3 years
Anyone who really really seriously wants to climb everest needs to stay the fuck away from me
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