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WHAT?! CALEM AS THE PROTAGONIST OF X AND Y IN THIS AU INSTEAD OF SERENA?! WHAT IS THIS FOUL MAGIC?! In all seriousness, here's Calem for the kaijumorpha au!
Calem was what one would consider an oddity amongst both humans and even other fellow kaijumorphs. Born from an romance between a regular human woman and a (now deceased) natural-born Therus father, Calem's very birth was considered something as an omen and a warning by Kalos' legendary duo themselves. Despite this, however, Calem had managed to gain a few friends along his pokemon journey in Kalos. Including a were-vulture named Serena, two demihumans named Shauna and Tierno, and a human named Trevor. And on their pokemon adventure, they would eventually cross paths with team flare and stop the end of the world...
So this was a design I've had floating around for a bit. I kinda had Calem as this megakaiju centaur in my head being in the AU for quite some time. Now originally, back when the idea for this 'verse's name was the "infiniverse", Calem had gained this for after getting hit by the ultimate weapon's power and mutating into what he looks like here. but i decided against it and went on with Calem being a human/therus hybrid when I began to build up upon this au with power kieran and the Paldea pack (name for the three rivals, plus the protagonists', group name in the au).
*WARNING!* there will be body horror here for one of the images so be warned!
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Now as stated, the centaur part of Calem's design is based on the mega kaiju from pacific rim's un-made sequel. Another major insp for calem being a centaur was because of Juno Song's Monochrome DX with lyrics Jumpscare showing Calem and Serena failing (or living eternally for Calem's case)
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Here's the shirtless alt for Calem, showing his top surgery scars, and transparents for a base (cuz he's a trans man here)
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an-unfortunate-bard · 9 months
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What no i don't have a favourite screenshot to take i don't know what you mean
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funny-fella-fantrolls · 9 months
on one hand
I wanna draw my boys more
on the other hand
my dumb ass always ends up spending hours on like
1 line
so it would take so long
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Therus - So you mentioned a lot of one/possible two time situations. Out of all of them, do you have any you particularly remember, or think about on occasion? Do you have a favorite instance?
Hmm... I know it's kindΔ shitty, but Δ lot of the times blend together, just Δ couple lonely trΔvellers just keeping eΔch other compΔny.
Though there wΔs thΔt one time... HΔd Δ job Δ good wΔy out, ruler of some plΔnet wΔnted someone to keep tΔbs on his dΔughter who'd been sneΔking out, Δnd whΔt with her being Δ grown Δss womΔn, she didn't exΔctly tΔke too kindly to being given Δ bΔbysitter. WΔs pretty hostile Δt first, but we eventuΔlly stΔrted tΔlking.
Δfter Δ little digging I figured out thΔt her fΔther wΔs bΔsicΔlly trying to keep her trΔpped so he could set up some kindΔ politicΔl mΔrriΔge. Decided thΔt the pΔy wΔsn't good enough to compromise my morΔls, helped her get offworld, we trΔvelled together for Δ while, Δnd we got up to Δ few Δdventures of our own~.
Δh, good times. We pΔrted wΔys when we found somewhere she'd be Δble to live, on pretty good terms. Wonder how she's doing these dΔys...
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banglakhobor · 1 year
ব্রেস্ট ক্যানসারের চিকিৎসার টাকা জোগাড়ে ব্যর্থ, ৪৪-এ থামল অভিনেত্রীর জীবনযুদ্ধ
আর্থিক অনটনের জেরে ক্যানসারের চিকিৎসা করাতে পারছিলেন না, অবশেষে না-ফেরার দেশে তামিল অভিনেত্রী সিন্ধু। ভানাথা বালানের ছবি ‘অঙ্গারি থেরু’ (২০১০)-তে অভিনয় করে প্রশংসা কুড়িয়েছিলেন সিন্ধু। সোমবার ভোররাতে মৃত্যু হয় অভিনেত্রীর। বয়স হয়েছিল মাত্র ৪৪ বছর। ২০২০ সালে ব্রেস্ট ক্যানসার ধরা পড়ে সিন্ধুর, গত তিন বছর ধরে এই মারণরোগের সঙ্গে লড়াই চালাচ্ছিলেন অভিনেত্রী। অবশেষে সব লড়াইয়ে ইতি টেনে না-ফেরার দেশে…
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whatwewrotepodcast · 6 months
WIP Introduction
Okay! Probably about time to actually introduce some of our writing projects, right?
Pride and Prejudice in Space (Working title)
PPiS is a just-for-fun queer enemies to lovers scifi story. This thing is massive and goes on for ages. It's got no novel structure and is basically what would happen if you turned the Bold and the Beautiful into a written text and also it was gay and in space. I will be posting chapters from PPiS on the blog, so keep your eye out for them!
PPiS follows the adventures of the crew of the space freighter Idalia, as they attempt to run a shipping business while being hunted across the galaxy by the corrupt Andromeda Alliance. It's silly, it's messy and it's super queer. Don't come to PPiS for structure and a clear narrative arc - it's more a long running monster of the week style!
Chapter 1 - Theo
Chapter 1 - Onyx
Chapter 2 - Theo
Chapter 2 - Onyx
Chapter 3 - Theo
Chapter 3 - Onyx
Chapter 4 - Theo
Chapter 4 - Onyx
Chapter 5 - Theo
Chapter 5 - Onyx
Chapter 6 - Theo
Chapter 5: Onyx
The Main Cast
Theodotus Wolfe
Theo is an ex-Alliance pilot who was quietly discharged from service for seeing something he shouldn't have. Having grown up in poverty and disadvantage on the poor, over populated planet of Therus, Theo has a keen sense of justice and a dry, understated sense of humour. He lacks charisma, but is intelligent and brave, even if he comes across as a bit overly stoic and stiff. He's tall, at 6'3, and of distant Greek descent, with olive skin and dark, curly hair. After leaving the Alliance, Theo bought the Idalia with the intention of a quiet retirement running supplies across the galaxy. It . . doesn't really turn out that way.
Onyx Calladan (Rathbone)
Onyx was born into the extreme privilege of being the daughter and heir of one of the most powerful men in the galaxy - the CEO of Calladan Industries, a technology and weapons manufacturer who sold their technology almost exclusively to the Alliance. The Calladans are richer than god, but Onyx, who identifies as non-binary and only ever wanted to be a mechanic, never fit in. They fled their wealthy home and set up a quiet starship mechanic business on a distant station, where things were going great until a certain Alliance captain ruined their entire reputation. Onyx is wickedly intelligent, fiercely loyal, and a bit of a jerk sometimes, but they are also plagued by intense anxiety and PTSD from their upbringing. They're average height, a little stocky, with tanned skin. They wear their hair short, with shaved sides, and dye it a vivid shade of indigo.
Pantheras Wolfe
Pan is Theo's little brother. Having grown up amongst the abuse and and poverty of Therus as well, Pan had a difficult childhood and a harder adolescence after Theo joined the Alliance and he was left largely to his own devices. Pan covers his uncertainty and fearfulness with bravado and charm. He's sweet, kind, generous and friendly, outgoing and charming in a way his brother can never be, but he's also fragile and easily rattled. He relies on his brother and doesn't cope well without him. Pan is tall like his brother, but with none of his musculature, giving him a stringbean appearance. He wears his hair longer, showing his natural ringlets.
Ellis Grey
Ellis is an orphan who was found in a garbage bin in the slums of Ceres. When the orphanage was closed by the Alliance, Ellis was turned out onto the street due to being deaf in one ear, making him unfit for military service. He survived through a combination of resourcefulness, savagery and sex work, and eventually turned to a life of crime, through which he learnt to be an excellent hacker and pilot. As an adult, Ellis took to piracy, conning freighters out of their cargo to sell on the black market. Ellis, belying his upbringing, is camp, exuberant, eloquent and urbane. He has dark skin, black kinky hair, and a wide, winning smile. He dresses extravagantly, and loves bold colours.
The Second Coming Trilogy (Revelation, Anarchy, and The Second Coming)
The Second Coming Trilogy is a modern fantasy set in Brooklyn, New York. Loosely based on the poem of the same name by W.B Yeats, it tells the story of a human girl and her two Fallen Angel allies as they attempt to prevent the second coming - the rising of the son of the devil to take his place on earth. Originally this was a YA story, but subsequent re-writes have landed on a more adult tone. We've been working on this story for well over 10 years, with many iterations. Once it was one book! But it got way too long and had to be split into three. We're currently doing edits and re-writes on book 2, Anarchy, and are querying publishers with book 1, Revelation.
The Main Cast
Merry: Merry is a human girl who was born with the Sight. This ability allows her to see through glamours and lies, but also often gets her into trouble. She's spent most of her life trying to ignore it and the things she sees, but one night she sees something she shouldn't have, and becomes embroiled in the hidden world of angels and demons. Merry is caucasian, dark brown hair and dark eyes, and has a slight, athletic build (she was a gymnast in her younger years). She's head strong, stubborn, and doesn't take kindly to being told what to do.
Ith: Ithuriel is a recently fallen arc angel. Once the Angel of Truth, Ithuriel fell prey to the sin of wrath and was thrown down from Heaven, his wings torn from his back and his divinity stripped away. Having been on earth for a mere few months, Ithuriel is still filled with his righteous desire to root out and punish evil wherever he finds it. He has been hunting the faction of Demons that Merry falls afoul of, and takes her under his wing to protect her. Ithuriel is 6'3, with a broad, strong build. He has fair skin and wavy golden hair, his features sculpted and harsh, and he has bright golden eyes, though he routinely glamours himself to look more human and less otherworldly.
Belial: Belial is also a Fallen, but he fell during the first great battle between the followers of Lucifer and those who remained true to Heaven. As such, Belial is a Prince of Hell, though he long since abandoned the regions of Hell to live on earth, where he has been for thousands of years. Belial walks a careful line between self preservation and his fondness for humanity, but his outlook on the world is grim and pessimistic. He's got tanned skin covered in a thousand years of scars, with deep maroon hair and eyes, and sculpted features just like Ithuriel's, though he is a little broader and stronger. Belial's glamours are particularly strong and there are few on earth who knows what he really looks like.
The Antagonists
Moloch: Moloch is a Duke of Hell and a Demon. Long corrupted by the evil in his heart, his physical being has become corrupted in the same way. One of the first lieutenants of the coming apocalypse, Moloch also runs a series of clubs throughout Brooklyn that cater to hardcore human clubbers amongst the demons who patronise them. To humans, Moloch is a thin, slight, suave middle aged white man with slicked back black hair and a pinstriped suit. To those who can See, he appears as a rotting skeleton, scraps of putrid flesh clinging to pitted bones.
Astoreth: Princess of Hell, Keeper of the Gate. Astoreth is the daughter of Lucifer, a creature of pure evil. She is the Princess of Hell, come to earth to pave the way for her brother. Astoreth is petty, proud, vain and cruel. Half snake, half woman, with long dark hair and skin that has an iridescent sheen, Astoreth is hunting Merry with all of her considerable resources, aware she could be the key to her plans.
Mammon: Son of Lucifer. Spoilers ;)
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sp1derc1der · 2 months
I finished a friendly fire from @ofowlsdinosaursanddragons! We love to see the sauropod Therus Cyrus!!
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mirrorhouse · 8 months
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vex's parents, daphni and therus starvane (+ him without his scars and markings)
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isopodonanescalator · 11 days
(Logan sent me here /silly)
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areazeromybeloved · 21 days
Some new lore retcons to the Kaijumorpha au:
The kaijumorpha au is (somewhat) part botw/totk/rain world/Prehistoric planet/ crossover because I said so. (I’ll explain it later.)
Kaijumorphs are classified into either Werebeasts, Therus, Beastkin, Titans and Amalgams.
The world of Pokémon is more close to the anime depictions with more fantastical depictions of the continents.
Antichthon, the world of Kaijumorphs is pretty much a more primordial earth with all sorts of creatures and paleofauna running around. (Think of the monsters Hunter world mixed with skull island)
While legendary Pokémon both rule the world of Pokémon and Kaijumorphs, the wilds gods and Titans rule Antichthon.
The Terrasque, Zygarde, Necrozma, Eternatus and Ozymandigon are considered the “ancient dragon kings”.
Eternatus is pretty much Satan here.
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just-call-mefr1es · 2 months
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and now for the two that i talk about ALL THE FUCKING TIME, the stars of the Taenarum System, Epimetheus and Kamu (ignore kamus name it was made b4 the name change LOL) Epimetheus and Kamu are both very bigger than our Sun, but half the size of a Black hole. Epimetheus is blind, and uses glasses that Kamu made himself. Epimetheus is the nicest star you'll probably ever meet in your life, always happy to talk to Kamu and the planets. Kamu is sometimes rude, but he doesn't mean ill harm, despite being a vampyr star. Kamu used to be a planet before becoming a vampyr star (his story is very fucking sad ngl) During the Proto-era, they both dressed very differently and acted VERY differently. Epimetheus was very agitated and ruled with extreme authority, and Kamu acted more like a vampyr star; quick, cunning and authoritative. Both of them actually got married IN the Proto-era, which helped them improve their personalities. Kamu also became a lazy bitch (affectionately) due to it.
Both of the stars love eachother very much even after billions of years, and allow the planets to roam freely around the Taenarum System, not bound by orbit Fun fact; if they saw that Sun had confined his planets into restricted orbits, they would actually strip Sun of his Solar System permissions, since they are higher ranking in the celestial star category, and take his planets to their system. (FREEDOMMMMMMMMM) also you forgot to answer Amechania's design i think
stoppp therue so💗💗💗💗💗 im so inlove wit all of these goobers designss dksmkxsm
damn whos gonna be the kamu to my epimetheus fr💔🙏🙏 theyre literally so awesome im BLOWING UP
fr? ill check again, i was busy😔💔
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Yes I made a Prince of Egypt reference within my kaijumorpha au
And yes, the monster in the background IS Calem's father as a Therus.
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Local man with saddest, wettest eyes is forced to go on an adventure
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Judgement thing (again)
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toss me some folks for this man to judge (standard shit, 1 at a time, mutliple reblogs allowed, feel free to judge back if you want)
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Okay so, not entirely sure who to ask specifically (because I don't know), but, does anyone have anything hidden that they would NOT want anyone else to see?
(certain objects, or other stuff iykwim)
Well, I hΔve some geΔr stΔshed thΔt I don't wΔnt folks finding, but something tells me thΔt's not whΔt you're Δsking. WhΔt I cΔn tell you is thΔt our little limeblood friend hΔs Δ couple things hidden ΔwΔy thΔt he's hΔd me go get for him.
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zimbaubwa · 1 year
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Reference sheet for my friend's dnd character Therus
(click here for fullsize)
They travel together with Frederick because Therus is a demon Frederick agreed with previously. Therus was inside Frederick's head for a long time but wasn't able to speak to him which caused severe migraines to Frederick. Only when Frederick was on the edge of death because of betrayal Therus was finally able to reach him and offered a deal in which he would help Frederick survive. Later they managed to find the way Therus could have the material body, but he's still connected to Frederick and can't go far or use his powers fully. The only way is to possess Frederick, but he usually isn't happy with this and doesn't agree.
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