#these are based on hcs with a friend teehee
signedkoko · 7 months
Could I pls get hcs about Vox having a fem! s/o who's close friends with Alastor's GN! s/o?? Like what's Vox's take on this friendship?? Because I feel like this is an interesting cocept lmao. Ty!! <3
Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which your close friend is dating the enemy of Vox; Alastor
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Vox was the looming eyes behind every device in all of hell, so much so that his reach was beyond just pride- psychologically and informationally, at least
He knew everyone's secrets, whereabouts, relationships
Or so he thought
Because it was more than surprising when one late afternoon at dinner, your name was called by a face he vaguely recalled, another sinner who snuck to your table to greet you in a warm embrace
Oh yes, he certainly would remember someone so close to his mortal enemy
" Darling, have I ever introduced you to my lovely best friend? I'm so sorry I never called! It's been so busy since I found this one over here...! "
You pointed to Vox, giggling, though the tv was far from amused at the situation unfolding across the table from him
" Have I introduced you to my new boyfriend? He's super classy! "
As your friend spoke, a looming shadow closed in and wrapped its arm around your friends waist, another hand just inches from landing on your shoulder
That same hand was smacked away with a sudden screech of the heavy table moving and several glasses rattling
The whole restaurant had gone silent as Vox stood over you, claws digging into Alastors wrist and holding it high above your head
" My oh my! Was offering a kind embrace to my beloved's closest friend too much for you? "
Alastors voice was one you, yourself, recognized
So you and your friend had a similar taste for media based overlords
Vox was ticked off more than Alastor seemed to be, so you carefully pushed him away from the deer-like demon and made distance so Vox wasn't so worried about you being near him
" Let's talk later! Maybe we can set something up- just us two! "
Your friend called over their shoulder as they dragged Alastor back to their corner of the restaurant
Vox is just bewildered that of all people in hell, with SO many options, of course your closest friend had to be dating that asshole
" No double dates "
" I figured "
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Author's Note - Teehee hi voxxxx its me koko your favourite writerrr 🖤Thank you so much for requesting!! I was a bit unsure of your request based off wording so I hope I caught it right!
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mao22716 · 8 months
daydreaming abt historical fantasy au..... hcs under cut bc it will be a lot of text although a lot of it is based off canon
ok so maybe not the most creative idea but kurumi comes from a bloodline of witches except their family hasnt had powers manifest for many generations and the most is that they keep their young looks
however kusuo is the only one with powers and it seems that whatever powers previous generations could have gotten has been passed down to him instead (basically he has every power he has in canon)
also kusuo has powers bc hes transmasc lol
in this au there r mages who can control basic elements (fire water earth air wtv) and kusuo disguises himself as one of them bc witches aren't accepted in society
his work requires him to meet many ppl and some of these people get unusually attached to him and they continue interacting with him even though he doesn't say a word back to them
kusuo claims that he has nothing to do with them and they are a pain but somehow finds himself doing whatever he can to make them safe and happy
kuusuke doesnt have any powers but hes extremely smart and became an alchemist after graduating from a fancy school thing (i swear i know the right term but not now how embarrassing)
he spent his whole life trying to limit kusuo's powers and eventually remove them completely (same as canon haha)
he also wants to remove powers from other witches and mages while hes at it teehee (cute girl sticking tongue out image here)
btw he does a lot of experiments and some of them r not very ethical but dont worry about it lol
their grandma (i forgot her name srry :(( ) owns a famous boutique, kurumi works there too
moving on to other characters i was thinking saiko family is a royal family althogh they arent liked by the public bc of their attitude honestly if metori became the king the country is doomed
but that is if he didnt have the power of friendship
metori is the crown prince of the country and nendou is his knight
yes u read that right
nendou became a knight bc of his almost inhumane strength
almost got fired multiple times but hairo, another knight with the best reputation possible helps nendou keep his job
also a very kind person he will drop whatever hes doing to help ppl when they need it
he likes playing with children (fails many times bc his face is scary he is sad) and buying things from them even though he doesnt need wtv tjey r selling
one day nendou invites metori to meet his friends (almost got fired for the nth time. hairo is crying. keep up the good work.) and miraculously metori says yes since he has nothing to do and is somewhat curious about how peasants spend their time
somehow his friends are: kusuo, a mage who is just average but has genius alchemist brother
kaidou who is just some guy who really wants to be both a mage and knight at the same time but cant do both
and aren who came from a mercenary background but decided to become a knight instead and is quickly climbing the ranks
metori is very impressed with these people (except kaidou 💀💀) but it didnt last long when all of them act so god damn weird
they met at a bar, saiki brought a box of dessert from a cafe to eat, kaidou is sitting at a corner muttering something about having a hidden power and that he can destroy the bar rn if he wanted to and aren is normal but sometimes he says something scary every now and then
anyways they definitely hated metori but they warmed up to him after a few times meeting and they get to enjoy rich ppl luxuries
a few months later metori wakes up in the middle of the night in cold sweat when he realises that he is friends with those peasants and that he enjoys spending time with them
congratulations now u have the powers of friendship and character development
ok next teruhashi family is a high ranking noble family
maybe teruhashi family being low ranking nobles who r gaining a lot of popularity would be good too
metori is the crown prince and is constantly sending marriage offers to kokomi but makoto burns every single marriage offer letter from anyone (the only time kokomi is grateful to him)
kokomi and makoto r the most beautiful ppl in the country or perhaps the whole world and the kokomi objectification by men is even worse in this au so shes kinda fucked up inside
but dont worry !!! she does have awareness that she is going insane and makes sure to have some self care hobbies
which is sneaking out and interacting with people she wears a disguise that covers up her beauty so that when she interacts with ppl they respond back like shes just a person and this is important to her because it reminds her that life is not just get married have children and die
interaction with ppl as in just buying random things from whatever store she sees (she has 0 social skills if it isnt acting)
it gets even better for her when she comes across chiyo who is a low ranking noble whos title was bought instead of earned
when they first meet, chiyo deduces that kokomi is a noble from the way she talks and carries herself but doesnt know which family (it doesnt matter to her shes just excited to meet a new friend)
their first meeting is quite awkward bc neither of them know what to talk abt so they just sat together on a bench in silence for a few minutes
well its not that bad in the end bc chiyo decided they can go shopping or eat at cute cafes
kokomi started to get irritated (she was actually anxious bc she has never been treated as a friend before she just doesnt know) so she told chiyo her identity to see if chiyo will start worshipping her
chiyo needed a while to process but shes extra happy bc kokomi revealed her identity and chiyo took it that she wanted to be friends
she also starts talking about herself more and asking kokomi questions
this stuns kokomi as this is the first time someone was genuinely interested in her as a person
unfortunately she feels overwhelmed and goes home to rest (the whole time with chiyo just replays in her head constantly)
anyways they continue meeting outside and eventually go to gatherings and tea parties together
many ppl gossip abt chiyo not being enough for kokomi and when kokomi heard it the first time in public she broke her perfect lady act without thinking to defend chiyo (she almost started beating up ppl but she controlled herself so everythings fine :3)
i think i like kokomi x chiyo a lot do they have a ship name??
queer platonic kokomi x chiyo.....
wow this post is damn long
i actually just wanted to daydream of what kind of witch outfit kusuo would look good in
also im not sure abt kaidou in this au.... definitely a delusional person tho
maybe hes quite smart academically but i just dont have a clear direction of his role in this au
i will be surprised if anyone read this much thank u for reading my brain vomit
if u can tell i dont have much knowledge on historical settings lololol
i havent thought abt other characters much but aiura is definitely a witch who can do fortune telling
maybe imu is the leader of an information guild
akechi is either working in imu's guild or hes a detective
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catchyhuh · 8 months
You know what time is it? It's LupGoe time! Any headcanons for them?
i’m so flattered but DAMN ARE YOU GUYS THIS INVESTED IN WHAT I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR MEOWMEOWS AND STUFF? not that i’m complaining teehee you know i love an excuse to go off <3 let’s get goin' here: 
i haven’t tackled my Brain Sensory Work hcs here yet but i tend to see goemon as someone who’s very sensitive to touch, not like in the sense that he FEELS it physically strongly, he’s probably torn up most of his nerves too much to really be sensitive in that sense, but like, sensory wise. it’s part of why he’s so thrown off guard when pretty girls give him positive attention lmao but my point mentioning it here is that i think lupin’s been kinda giving him exposure therapy with that? obviously not in a “forcing you to be normal” sense, why the hell would either of them want that, right, more in a “see? this is a friendly touch. cuz we’re friends :) we’re buddies. aren’t we buddies goemon? aren’t we close?” and then goemon responds with a flat-faced “can you please stop clinging to my back like a koala”
mentioned it with zeni that goemon is very acclimated to talkative company but lupin is. almost entirely the REASON goemon is so used to it. maybe it’s just because he usually has the smallest roles in the grand scheme of the plans, but goemon absorbs lupin’s speech like a sponge. he’ll remember where everyone is supposed to be and at what time. lupin realized this and joked about utilizing goemon as a personal calendar but goemon told him he would make it a point to be gone whenever lupin had an appointment of some sort. and lupin thought that was funny but tried anyway. goemon disappeared the weekend of lupin’s dentist visit. all jokes aside “talks” and “listens” is a nice dynamic, isn’t it?
lupin in equal measure picks fun at and tries to accommodate goemon’s pickiness. they go to a hotel and he’s like “you want me to ask for a futon lol” but when they go grocery shopping, no matter what country they’re in, lupin does RESEARCH to make sure the ingredients are ACTUALLY up to standard. if this oyster sauce doesn’t have the exact right acidity he’ll blow up this whole publix. or at the very least he’ll click his tongue in disappointment and try to find a better store nearby. 
it’s a strange balance you get with these two. yknow? like. god it’s so hard to put into words but they really just even out each other very well. lupin is excitable, goemon is chill. goemon is not easily impressed by mediocre jokes, lupin will start giggling at almost anything. lupin’s moral code is based on not killing, but goemon’s moral code is based AROUND killing. is this shit not nuts to you!! perfectly balanced scale! honestly!
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hihiiii!! You can call me sob, im 19, I use she/her and they/them pronouns! Either of them are fine with me! Ive got years of roleplay experience and im looking for new partners! But the kind of partner im looking for is someone who can handle mature themes (angst, smut, ect)
I absolutely love love love creating characters/reusing the same characters but ‘changing’ them to fit into a roleplay plot! I love to brainstorm plot ideas with my partners, but more than anything i like to be friends and getting to know my partners before jumping into an rp! That way we can make jokes, share hcs of characters, vent to one another if needed, ask questions, and be friends outside of rp!
Some rules before you get any ideas
*Please be 18+ as ill most likely have mature themes!
*Please let me know your triggers/if anything makes you uncomfortable!
*Be lgbt friendly, dont be racist, homophobic, ect
*I only do double ups!
*I only do fandom-based rps, sorry!
*please dont blow my phone up if i can’t respond right away!
*Dont make your character TOO self centered. Having plot points where everyones affected by your oc at times is fine! But dont make the rp about nothing about your oc and their love interest and give me the scraps for my oc and their interest! If this happens ill give you the same kind of response but vise versa
*please have a oc that ties into the fandom, even if its just a few small details!
Fandoms im currently interested in (most to least)
*Degrees of Lewdity (dol) (game)
*Stardew Valley (game)
*One piece
*Soul eater
*Demon slayer
*Tf2 (game)
*Steven universe
*Mob Phsycho
I love to make oc x cc jokes, im gonna make jokes about balls or something and send funny images teehee.
Like this post, and ill reach out to you! <33
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findyourrp · 9 months
Hihiiii!! You can call me sob, im 19, I use she/her and they/them pronouns! Either of them are fine with me! Ive got years of roleplay experience and im looking for new partners! But the kind of partner im looking for is someone who can handle mature themes (angst, smut, ect)
I absolutely love love love creating characters/reusing the same characters but ‘changing’ them to fit into a roleplay plot! I love to brainstorm plot ideas with my partners, but more than anything i like to be friends and getting to know my partners before jumping into an rp! That way we can make jokes, share hcs of characters, vent to one another if needed, ask questions, and be friends outside of rp!
Some rules before you get any ideas
*Please be 18+ as ill most likely have mature themes!
*Please let me know your triggers/if anything makes you uncomfortable!
*Be lgbt friendly, dont be racist, homophobic, ect
*I only do double ups!
*I only do fandom-based rps, sorry!
*please dont blow my phone up if i can’t respond right away!
*Dont make your character TOO self centered. Having plot points where everyones affected by your oc at times is fine! But dont make the rp about nothing about your oc and their love interest and give me the scraps for my oc and their interest! If this happens ill give you the same kind of response but vise versa
*please have a oc that ties into the fandom, even if its just a few small details!
Fandoms im currently interested in (most to least)
*Fear and Hunger (just started playing!)
*One piece
*Soul eater
*Mob Phsycho
* Sally face
* Danganronpa (1, 2, and 3) (game)
Uuuuuuum literally just think of a mentally queer person on tik tok, humor wise. That’s literally what youre gonna deal with im gonna make jokes about balls or something and send funny images teehee.
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prpfs · 8 months
Hihiiii!! You can call me sob, im 19, I use she/her and they/them pronouns! Either of them are fine with me! Ive got years of roleplay experience and im looking for new partners! But the kind of partner im looking for is someone who can handle mature themes (angst, smut, ect)
I absolutely love love love creating characters/reusing the same characters but ‘changing’ them to fit into a roleplay plot! I love to brainstorm plot ideas with my partners, but more than anything i like to be friends and getting to know my partners before jumping into an rp! That way we can make jokes, share hcs of characters, vent to one another if needed, ask questions, and be friends outside of rp!
Some rules before you get any ideas
*Please be 18+ as ill most likely have mature themes!
*Please let me know your triggers/if anything makes you uncomfortable!
*Be lgbt friendly, dont be racist, homophobic, ect
*I only do double ups!
*I only do fandom-based rps, sorry!
*please dont blow my phone up if i can’t respond right away!
*Dont make your character TOO self centered. Having plot points where everyones affected by your oc at times is fine! But dont make the rp about nothing about your oc and their love interest and give me the scraps for my oc and their interest! If this happens ill give you the same kind of response but vise versa
*please have a oc that ties into the fandom, even if its just a few small details!
Fandoms im currently interested in (most to least)
*Fear and Hunger
*Slashers (Friday the 13th, scream, Halloween, the boy, chucky, ect)
*Soul eater
* Sally face
* Danganronpa (1, 2, and 3) (game)
Uuuuuuum literally just think of a mentally queer person on tik tok, humor wise. That’s literally what youre gonna deal with im gonna make jokes about balls or something and send funny images teehee.
dm if you're interested
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darkdoverpseeker · 9 months
Hihiiii!! You can call me sob, im 19, I use she/her and they/them pronouns! Either of them are fine with me! Ive got years of roleplay experience and im looking for new partners! But the kind of partner im looking for is someone who can handle mature themes (angst, smut, ect)
I absolutely love love love creating characters/reusing the same characters but ‘changing’ them to fit into a roleplay plot! I love to brainstorm plot ideas with my partners, but more than anything i like to be friends and getting to know my partners before jumping into an rp! That way we can make jokes, share hcs of characters, vent to one another if needed, ask questions, and be friends outside of rp!
Some rules before you get any ideas
*Please be 18+ as ill most likely have mature themes!
*Please let me know your triggers/if anything makes you uncomfortable!
*Be lgbt friendly, dont be racist, homophobic, ect
*I only do double ups!
*I only do fandom-based rps, sorry!
*please dont blow my phone up if i can’t respond right away!
*Dont make your character TOO self centered. Having plot points where everyones affected by your oc at times is fine! But dont make the rp about nothing about your oc and their love interest and give me the scraps for my oc and their interest! If this happens ill give you the same kind of response but vise versa
*please have a oc that ties into the fandom, even if its just a few small details!
Fandoms im currently interested in (most to least)
*Fear and Hunger (just started playing!)
*One piece
*Soul eater
*Mob Phsycho
* Sally face
* Danganronpa (1, 2, and 3) (game)
Uuuuuuum literally just think of a mentally queer person on tik tok, humor wise. That’s literally what youre gonna deal with im gonna make jokes about balls or something and send funny images teehee.
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morbid-doodling · 3 years
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hmm i think herbert and crawford are brothers.....
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
YOURE AN IDVER??? its been my hyperfixation since last year (got into it from seeing antonio art, now im a salty rescue main) and u mentioning it in a post sometime back had my heart skip a little with excitement teehee (congrats btw im trying for an andrew badge myself but rank is hard and unforgiving to me)
can i ask for some idv related hcs for korekiyo, kirumi and celeste? who they main, fav costume, fav gamemode, how competitive/if they rank at all etc? its no rush, i know ur busy ♡
when i was first playing idv like a year and a half ago I was a killer c badge martha. I'm so positive the only reason I wasn't like a b badge was because I played freddy on like every map.
i'm mega freddy fan <3
i'm allowing this one
i'm formatting this as a request but not titling it as a request so i can write thing because rule-wise it's not allowed to be a request but i liek talking about idv and this is my blog so i'm allowing this.
-Mod Souda
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Korekiyo Shinguuji
❤ Probably an Antonio main I mean come on. I think he'd be one of the papa ones that are fine with being friendly and carrying around people.
❤ He'd like the character that are based off of real people. William and Marg and whatnot.
❤ Fav costume is Wu Chang's broken blossoms sorry but it's probably true :(
❤ Maybe Kroto too, idk why but I think he'd like marg.
❤ *insert vera joke because of her lore*
❤ I think he's not too competitive. I imagine he wouldn't take it seriously but would definitely feel prideful when he wins.
❤ Probably plays quick match mode the most or 5 player.
Kirumi Toujou
❤ Mains Ada, Emily or Victor. I really see her as a Ada main. She'd be an assist, that's what I'm sure of. For hunter probably Violetta.
❤ Her fav costume is floral sacrifice and for good reason. Figure skating too, probably.
❤ She's not very competitve, she probably only plays with her friends, too.
❤ She's the type of person to have a specific timeframe in which she plays - maybe specifically rank times?
❤ She's a ranker LOL. She wouldn't play if there wasn't a purpose.
❤ B madge martha for no reason except bc I say so.
Celestia Ludenberg
❤ Vera main, frequents Marg if she wins her A skins (kroto), probably fucks with Anne too. I think she'd only play characters with skins she likes.
❤ School mistress Anne main? I think she'd like Anne.
❤ Definitely any gothic-like skin. Fatal affection/black swan/
❤ She would be a mary main but mary mains are too common and also kited a lot so i think that's why she'd go with Anne - Anne solo's a bit more. She plays the duchess skin from that one essence though.
❤ She is extremely competitive LMFAO
❤ Plays tarot the most. She gives me tarot vibes.
❤ Probably blackjack.
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circus-k · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for Lah?
Or some for sonlah
yessssssssss [evil]
lah owns a bunch of different cameras, most being stolen from some unfortunate visitors [her photos are marked with a heart!]
she's tried scaring before but she always gets caught up and starts giggling just like... ohh i'm gonna be scaryyy hehehehee and then she forgets to scare whoever walked in
she 100% calls sonic a bunch of wolf-based nicknames, at the beginning it was 'cause she never bothered to remember his actual name but as they got closer and became friends [[and more teehee]] they became really endearing
in response sonic tries to come up with little ghost nicknames too! he's significantly worse at it!!
after the events of unleashed sonic would "accidentally" stumble upon the haunted mansion during his runs and.. haha might as well say hi. and yk he just sorta messes with the ghosts and stuff he's only there to be a problem, but the more he visits his pestering just sorta turns into. hanging out and yeah him and lah kinda become friends and even su and uh warm up to him
he shows them any ghost song he can find he thinks he's so funny about it, this includes mario boo level music but not even two whole seconds get to play before he decides yk what nvm this sucks i got a better song to show y'all bbgs
lah and sonic are 🤝 on like. starting drama just 'cause they're bored and shit. they'll just say the most obviously incorrect shit and even if everyone around them KNOWS they don't mean it it's still infuriating ["sweet gaia the sun isn't a fucking planet-" "oh yeah??? then how else do you explain the moon being square?" "THE MOON ISNT SQUARE"]
i think someone somewhere had this hc that the ghosts' names were like. the first syllable or something of their names when they were alive and. seems pretty cool i think - i feel like lah's would be larabelle or some shit
since lah can shapeshift i feel like she'd use it to like. be funny or cheer people up yk? like if sonic's upset she'll just say/do the stupidest shit but like. as one of his dark edgy serious rivals grrrr until he starts laughing and is in a better mood
and on shapeshifting; she can pretty much change into anything with the only real limitation being the heart and pinkish-purple hue, but that also means that she has to remember everything about the person otherwise she might forget things and it'll be a dead giveaway that, yup, this ain't whoever it may look like
sonic took one look at lah and just. pretty ghost? "i could fix her"
lah has sharp teeth because i say so, she deserves them
they make up the worst excuses to like,, hold hands and stuff but they're so nonsensical it's so obvious but no one says anything about it since they'll just. make a bunch more stupid lame excuses
i don't want this to get too long so i'll stop here, feel free to check out this playlist that's just. absolutely grasping at straws
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rqnvindr · 4 years
terushima kissing hcs
a/n: i still have some requests to do but i suddenly felt inspired to write hcs for @yumeqo and her boyfriend <33 i hope you like these teehee
-your first kiss was quite spontaneous, in the sense that it happened when you least expected it
-you guys had been dating for a few weeks and decided to go on a date to the local summer fair 
-you know how most guys win prizes for their girlfriends? well, for you it was switched because terushima was the one who asked YOU to win him something
-it’s because he had failed to win it himself, he overestimated his chances of winning these rinky dink games that are just based on luck and lost all faith in his abilities LOL
-but you manage it, and he gets so excited screaming “YEAH THAT’S MY GIRL!” then suddenly kisses your cheek
-it’s the first time he’s ever shown any affection besides wrapping his arm around your shoulder and holding your hand so you’re like :000
-you stand there frozen in shock for a few seconds and he starts to panic, thinking that he had made you uncomfortable
-“(y/n), i’m sorry i got carried away-”
-“no yuuji, i liked it.” you turn to him with a smile, your eyes sparkling as he cups your cheeks.
-“can i do that again, on your lips this time?” terushima grins and you nod eagerly
-you can already tell just from his lips briefly connecting with yours that he was a really good kisser (imagine being both the smartest AND also the best kisser in the series)
-once you guys know you’re officially at the stage where kissing is appropriate, terushima always greets you with cheek kisses
-it’s his favorite spot to kiss you besides your lips because it reminds him of the first kiss awww
-and he’ll also blow kisses to you whenever he sees you across the hallway with your friends, because he knows that it easily gets you shy and flustered FJKDSLKS
-one day when you guys are alone at his house, he turns a small kiss into a light make out session, softly swiping his tongue against your lips to ask for entrance
-i just needed an excuse to talk about the benefits of his tongue piercing 
-make outs feel very refreshing with him, especially with the cool metal brushing against your tongue 
-he’ll take his time caressing every inch of your mouth, making sure you’re satisfied
-and smirks when he pulls away to see your bruised lips as he listens to your soft pants
-kissing him overall feels sweet with just the right amount of spice <3
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smallcrystals · 3 years
I really like your “SciFlash is next door neighbors” headcanon! So what the scenario would be like? Have they been neighbors but didn’t find that out until half way through high school? Or they knew they were neighbors even before FG? Or Flash and his family just moved in next door to Twilight and they are the new neighbors on the block?
AAA i'm glad you do !! but if i remember correctly, that was actually one of my friends' headcanon! i might have posted abt it to add my two cents in but it didn't come from me!
but i can say it's a REALLY cool hc and i'm so down to write a next door neighbours fic if i have the time
so i'll answer your questions based on my personal take of this hc!
i like to think sciflash met each other when they were kids but neither of them remember it well. it was like a one time at a park or one time at a class gathering. i hc that they both come from wealthy families so that's how their parents met!
at some point sci twi n her family had to move to be closer to CPA so they ended up keeping that house as a summer house. this would be around the time where sciflash were kids so, again, they don't remember. they never really visited it after that, too busy with life.
sci twi moves back when she transfers to CHS, so it's easier for her to get to school. this would be probably during or a bit before better together season 1! flash would probably be too distracted to focus on his new neighbours moving in, so he wouldn't notice until a few weeks later.
and that's when they find out! specifically a few days after pinkie pie: snack psychic.
they both live in like sort-of mansions? there is a spare room on the top floor that turns into sci twi's, which turns out that outside, the balcony is connected to flash's bedroom! imagine like a tree growing beneath the bridge that connects the balconies so there are leaves that decorate the balcony, giving it a ~magical~ feel.
when they see each other, they're like.... HOLD UP. WTF???? and they just sort of. geek out about it. sci twi rambles on abt the mechanics and design of the connecting houses while flash listens and adds some of his knowledge in (i headcanon that his dad is an architect so he knows some things teehee)
sci twi insists on going to see flash's room and is like utterly enamoured by how tidy it is. you can probably imagine that's how they become friends.
so they can like,, sneak into each other's room if necessary (like for school, to hang out, in house arguments etc)
but yeah, that's how i see it!!
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findroleplay · 9 months
#bxg #drp #longterm #romance #erotic #gxg #gxb #bxb #erp #advanced
Hihiiii!! You can call me sob, im 19, I use she/her and they/them pronouns! Either of them are fine with me! Ive got years of roleplay experience and im looking for new partners! But the kind of partner im looking for is someone who can handle mature themes (angst, smut, ect)
I absolutely love love love creating characters/reusing the same characters but ‘changing’ them to fit into a roleplay plot! I love to brainstorm plot ideas with my partners, but more than anything i like to be friends and getting to know my partners before jumping into an rp! That way we can make jokes, share hcs of characters, vent to one another if needed, ask questions, and be friends outside of rp!
Some rules before you get any ideas
*Please be 18+ as ill most likely have mature themes!
*Please let me know your triggers/if anything makes you uncomfortable!
*Be lgbt friendly, dont be racist, homophobic, ect
*I only do double ups!
*I only do fandom-based rps, sorry!
*please dont blow my phone up if i can’t respond right away!
*Dont make your character TOO self centered. Having plot points where everyones affected by your oc at times is fine! But dont make the rp about nothing about your oc and their love interest and give me the scraps for my oc and their interest! If this happens ill give you the same kind of response but vise versa
*please have a oc that ties into the fandom, even if its just a few small details!
Fandoms im currently interested in (most to least)
*Fear and Hunger (just started playing!)
*One piece
*Soul eater
*Mob Phsycho
* Sally face
* Danganronpa (1, 2, and 3) (game)
Uuuuuuum literally just think of a mentally queer person on tik tok, humor wise. That’s literally what youre gonna deal with im gonna make jokes about balls or something and send funny images teehee.
Discord: SobFrog#5412
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apexqueenie · 4 years
Hey friend! I didn't know if you wanted something more specific to write about, so how about some SFW Amai headcanons with an s/o who works behind the scenes in film? Thank you!
Teehee, sexy Amai Mask HC’s here we comeeeeee😍
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~Amai has no doubt, probably the biggest fangirl base in the entire world
~But there’s only one girl he thought was more beautiful than the entirety of his fan base, the female heroes, and other female celebrities combined...and that person was you
~You basically ran his entire operation: making sure crew was doing their job, organizing performances, making his schedule, meeting with the film writers, hell, you even took part in helping the big boss producer in hiring and firing employees
~Not only are you beautiful on the outside, you’re beautiful on the inside too. You’re hard working and compassionate, with the looks to match. That’s what drew Amai towards you in the first place. He found it interesting that someone else had managed to achieve a different kind of perfection than he had imagined perfection for himself to be.
~It does sting a bit when Amai goes out to do fan signings and all women, young or old, squeal and gush over him. Some of them go as far as to show off their bare chest in hopes that he’d feel something towards them.
~But when he says his goodbyes to his fans and walks backstage, he immediately seeks you out and holds your figure close. It melts away all the jealousy away every time he squeezes your body up against his toned muscles.
~It’s kind of a no-no for Amai to have a relationship, especially since most of his fans stay fans in far fetched hopes of marrying him someday, so you two are kept a secret...by his PR team.
~He honestly gives no fucks whatsoever, which is his PR team’s nightmare. He’d love nothing more than to show off your beauty in public and in social media, but you love working this job, so it’s also your nightmare to avoid physical contact in front of others.
~In his personal dressing room however, it’s a completely different story. With no one around, he loves giving you kisses. Sometimes slow and loving, sometimes steamy and passionate, other times he likes pecking you all over your face and neck. Regardless of his mood, he tries to give and get as much attention as possible before he’s called out again to discuss business.
~When it comes time to do his makeup, (honestly, he BARELY needs any) he likes you to do it. You aren’t a professional, but you do your own makeup sometimes, so you aren’t a noob either. Still, you can’t seem to see anything that’ll make him look even more handsome than he already is (if that’s even possible).
~He really just likes to look at you while you try to do his makeup. He gets to sit you down on his lap while you study his face intently and find absolutely nothing wrong. Honestly, he thinks your thinking face is adorable.😊
~From now till the end of time, you are probably the ONLY person outside of himself that he would call beautiful. We all know how seriously beauty is taken by Amai, so be proud of yourself!❤️
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sdra2headcanons · 4 years
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Is it almost 5am? Yes. Did I mean to go to bed at 10ish? Also yes. Did I end up getting distracted bc me and a friend made an entire au based on Maki Harukawa? Maybe,, anyways I’m too tired to write stuff for requests so here’s the basic outline of some rpg x sdra2 ideas I’ve had for a while:
Ib x Sdra2
-Sora would be Ib
-Iroha would be Mary
-Yuki would be Garry
-They aren’t main characters but I also had some ideas for a couple of the minor characters/enemies:
-The Lady In Red is Kanade
-The Lady In Blue is Hibiki
-The blue doll thingy is Monocrow
-Guertena is Mikado
-Ib’s parents (or in this au, Sora’s friends) are Yoruko and Setsuka
-I spent like. Twenty minutes explaining why I thought each character fit but it made no sense so I’ll leave it off here aside from this final note: Consider. Iroha in Mary’s outfit. Thanks for your time, onto alicemare babey !
Alicemare x Sdra2
-Allen would be Yuri maybe? I haven’t figured it out completely yet-
-The Teacher would be Setsuka, though if it’s based on the role he played alone and not his personality, he’d be Mikado
-Letty would be Hibiki
-Rick would be Kanade
-Stella would be Kokoro
-Joshua would be Nikkei
-Chelsey would be Iroha
-The Cheshire Cat would be Mikado
-The White Rabbit would be Sora
Misao x Sdra2
-Aki would be Kanade
-Misao would be Iroha
-Library would be Kokoro maybe? Idk
-Yoshino would be Hibiki
-Saotome would be Emma maybe?
-Kudoh would be Teruya
-Tohma would be Nikkei
-Sohta would maybe be Yoruko? Not based off of his personality, but from what I remember of his backstory she’s the closest. Not gonna look at his Wikipedia to check though bc I. Absolutely despise him (I don’t hate Yoruko though)
-While rereading over this I realized Kanade being Aki and Hibiki being Yoshino’s perfect bc of the whole ‘Whoops! Totally forgot to save Yoshino, Teehee~!’ Line (that may not be the exact line but shh)
Angels of death x Sdra2
-Rachel would be Sora
-Zack would be Syobai
-Eddie would be Kanade
-Danny would maybe be irl Mikado? Dude I lowkey need to rewatch chapter 0 bc I don’t remember his personality at all but I see a lot of the whole ‘he’s obsessed’ thing so if that’s canon then he’d work. If I were to go by my own hcs for his personality it wouldn’t though
-I have no idea for Cathy and Gray dhsjdhksh
I planned on doing more but while looking for the dreaming Mary characters to make sure I got them all I saw something that made me?? Highkey extremely anxious??? So that’s all for now babey ! Will I delete this in the morning? Maybe. But it was epic to get all of my random ideas out, so thank you guys for putting up with it dhksdh 💖
-Mod Kanade
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