#these are from feburary and march
carmenpeach · 5 months
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boy x boy dont like dont look!!1!
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puhpandas · 3 months
tarbrab tarbrabb
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 months
Random assorted stuff about the Forgotten Realms setting: For fic and roleplaying needs, or whatever. Brief stuff about language, "I'm going to kill everyone in this party except Wyll, who actually greets me like he lives in this setting," religion, magic, time and the calendar and holidays
The proper name of the world is Abeir-Toril, which translates to "the cradle of life" in an unknown long extinct language. It's abbreviated to Toril in common use. Fourth Edition decided that the Realms to retcon Abeir-Toril into being two sister worlds, Abeir and Toril, locked in orbit but not always connected so that it could force the Dragonborn in. *grognard voice* Even though there were ways to do that without literally blowing up the setting...!
You say hello by saying "well met." It's the default phrase and it's used all the time, despite only Wyll using it, for some reason.
Common is a trade tongue, simplistic so that it can be easily learnt for it to be spoken widely and understood by pretty much everyone. It is not much use for expression or for discussing complicated topics. Most people cannot read common if you wrote it down.
The language spoken in Western Faerûn (including the Sword Coast) is Chondathan, which is something like a romance language in structure. It is not unsimilar to common, but is more complex.
The majority of Faerûnian languages (including common and Chondathan) are written in the Thorass script.
Waterdeep is part of the Sword Coast North - also just called the North, and both Chondathan and the Northern language Illuskan are spoken there. Gale might speak both. (Illuskan is basically a Germanic language.)
Toril's inhabitants are polytheistic. The people worship all the gods who are relevant to their life: You pray to Chauntea for a good harvest, to Tymora for luck, to Waukeen for financial success, to Umberlee for safe sea voyages, to gods like Shaundakul and Selûne for safe travel in general... Generally you pray to the good and neutral deities for protection and help, and the evil gods in order to pacify them so they won't capsize your ship or have their priests sacrifice you or something. Some religious individuals also favour and worship one god above the others, not all of whom are clerics. Most of them are still polytheists, even clerics, and it's unusual for somebody to devote themselves to a god at the exclusion of all others. Apparently gods keep an eye open for undedicated mortals whose behaviours and beliefs align with themselves and often try to sway those mortals into worshipping them through dreams and omens and such.
All magic comes from the Weave (Mystra is the middleman between a god and their priest in this regard) and all magic is the domain of the gods. A ranger or druid must worship a nature deity who they receive their spells from, as paladins and clerics must serve a deity. Arcane spellcasters are not required to worship, and Mystra would only be allowed to cut off a mage in response to literally Earth-levelling degrees of stupidity, but many worship her by choice for similar reasons.
Days are 24 hours long. The equivalent to a week is 10 days long, and referred to as a "tenday" or, less commonly, as a "ride." Most people do not own clocks or other means of telling the time, and nobody really tries to keep track of an hour, mostly getting by through keeping an eye on the sky/light levels, as well as the activity of the people around them, and using habit and intuition.
In human lands (that is to say, pretty much all of Faerûn) the Calendar of Harptos is used. Twelve months long, 30 days in a month. It does weird leap year stuff with an additional five festival days between months, with the celebration of Shieldmeet occurring once every four years. January = Hammer - Midwinter/Deadwinter Day Feburary = Alturiak March = Ches April = Tarsakh - Greengrass May = Mirtul June = Kythorn July = Flamerule - Midsummer -Shieldmeet (occurs once every four years) August = Eleasis September = Eleint -Highharvestide October = Marpenoth November = Uktar - Feast of the Moon December = Nightal
Midwinter: Traditionally a day for making or renewing alliances between the nobility, who celebrate it with parties. If you're a commoner and you live in the North there are no parties and you call it "Deadwinter Day" and it's a day to hope your food stores hold out and that you don't freeze this year.
Greengrass is a festival to welcome spring. Traditionally, the wealthy gift flowers to the commonfolk who wear them or offer them for the gods relevant to summer (Lathander, sun god of renewal, for example)
Midsummer is about music and feasting and also pretty much it's valentines day, with betrothals and new courtships and dancing. If the weather is bad on Midsummer then that's a bad omen.
Shieldmeet is the leap day on the calendar. Traditionally rulers are to open their council to the common folk and listen to their voices on this day. Competition and tournaments (including ones for spellcasters) are a common feature in the festivals.
Highharvestide is, as the name implies, the harvest festival as the crops are all pulled in for winter. It's also the day travellers who haven't already left wherever they're staying leave before winter sets in
The Feast of the Moon is a holiday for honouring the dead and your ancestors.
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the-torchwood-archive · 8 months
Torchwood Timeline (May 2024)
This is my canon timeline for the Torchwood TV stories, novels, and audio productions. It's fairly similar to the wiki timeline with a few small tweaks. It's also completely spoiler free, unlike the wiki timeline.
Some entries have firm dates, some have months, some have general decades, so I've tried my hardest to fit them into where I feel they fit. If anyone spots anything that I've missed or sees any glaring problems let me know and I'll try to suss it out. New stories will be added as they are released.
TV: Tooth And Claw
Torchwood Cardiff is founded
December 24th 1894:
Audio: The Empire Man
Audio: Infidel Places
Audio: Save Our Souls
December 24th 1898:
Audio: The Crown
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Jack joins Torchwood
May 17th 1899
Audio: The Victorian Age
Torchwood Glasgow is founded
Audio: What Have I Done
Post TV: COE Day 5 in Jack’s timeline
Audio: Curios
Audio: The Dying Room
Norton Folgate projects himself to 2016 for Audio: Ghost Mission
Norton Folgate is projected to 2009 for Audio: Outbreak
Audio: Goodbye Piccadilly
Audio: Madam, I’m
Audio: Parasite
Audio: Ashenden
Audio: The Unbegotten
Audio: The Black Knight
Scenes from TV: Children Of Earth Day Four
First contact with the 456
Audio: The Dollhouse
Audio: Double
Torchwood Los Angeles severs all ties
Audio: Dead Plates
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Toshiko’s scenes
16th-22nd August 1987:
Past scenes from Audio: Disco
Alex Hopkins kills his team and Jack Harkness becomes head of Torchwood Cardiff
Audio: Piece Of Mind
Ben Brown hired by Jack Harkness
Suzie Costello hired by Jack Harkness
Ben Brown deceased
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Owen’s scenes
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Toshiko’s scenes
Late 2004:
Audio: Blind Summit
Ianto returns to Wales
Audio: Suckers
February 2005:
Ianto is hired by Torchwood London as Junior Researcher
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Ianto’s scenes
26th March 2005:
Audio: One Rule
Ianto is working as Yvonne’s PA
Audio: The Last Love Song Of Suzie Costello
Audio: Tube Strike
Audio: New Girl
Audio: Through The Ruins
Audio: Uprising
Audio: My Guest Tonight
Audio: Lola
Audio: Less Majesty
Audio: The Law Machines
Audio: 9 To 5
Sebastian Vaughn hired at Torchwood Three
Audio: The Vigil
Late 2005:
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Owen’s scenes
March 2006:
Owen Harper is recruited into Torchwood Cardiff
TV: Aliens Of London
April-September 2006:
Audio: Sync
September 2006:
TV: Boom Town
Jack confines the team to the Hub
September-December 2006:
Audio: Wednesdays For Beginners
Audio: Crush
Audio: Retirement Plan
29th November 2006:
Audio: Moving Target
January-Feburary 2007:
Audio: Locker 15
Audio: Dinner For Yvonne
Present day scenes from Audio: Disco
Audio: By Royal Appointment
Audio: Nerves
Audio: The Rockery
February-March 2007:
TV: Doomsday
TV: Army Of Ghosts
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Ianto joins Torchwood Cardiff
Audio: War Chest
February 2007-September 2009:
Audio: Coffee
Scenes take place between TV: Army Of Ghosts and TV: Children Of Earth Day Five
August-November 2007:
TV: Everything Changes
TV: Day One
TV: Ghost Machine
Prose: Another Life
Prose: Slow Decay
TV: Cyberwoman
Audio: Broken
Scenes take place between TV: Cyberwoman and TV: They Keep Killing Suzie
TV: Small Worlds
TV: Countrycide
Audio: The Great Sontaran War
TV: Greeks Baring Gifts
Audio: Restricted Items Archive Entires 031-049
Audio: Instant Karma
Audio: Ex Machina
Audio: Drive
November 2007:
TV: They Keep Killing Suzie
November-December 2007:
TV: Random Shoes
Audio: The Last Beacon
Audio: The Conspiracy
Audio: Fall To Earth
Audio: Uncanny Valley
Early events of Audio: The Office Of Never Was
18th-26th December 2007
TV: Out Of Time
Audio: The Grey Mare
December 2007-Janurary 2008:
Audio: SUV
Audio: Missing Molly
TV: Combat
Audio: Hidden
TV: Captain Jack Harkness
TV: End Of Days
January-May 2008:
Audio: Zone 10
Audio: Lease Of Life
February 2008:
Prose: Kaleidoscope
14th February 2008:
Audio: Dinner And A Show
February-August 2008:
Audio: Sigil
May 2008:
Torchwood goes to Tibet
Jack returns to Cardiff after TYTNW
TV: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
TV: Sleeper
Audio: Serenity
20th June 2008:
TV: To The Last Man
June-July 2008:
Prose: Something In The Water
Audio: Everyone Says Hello
Prose: Trace Memory
TV: Meat
29th June 2008:
Audio: The Lincolnshire Poacher
July-August 2008:
Audio: torchwood_cascade_CDRIP.tor
Audio The Office Of Never Was
Audio: In The Shaodws
TV: Adam
Audio: Tropical Beach Sounds And Other Relaxing Seascapes #4
August 2008:
Prose: The Twilight Streets
August-October 2008:
TV: Reset
TV: Dead Man Walking
TV: A Day In The Death
August-December 2008:
Audio: Corpse Day
Audio: The Hope
Audio: The Three Monkeys
Audio: Gooseberry
31st October 2008:
Prose: Pack Animals
November-December 2008:
TV: Something Borrowed
Prose: Skypoint
TV: From Out Of The Rain
TV: Adrift
Audio: Believe
TV: Fragments
TV: Exit Wounds
Audio: Expectant
Prose: Into The Silence
Audio: Lost Souls
January-February 2009:
Prose: Bay Of The Dead
Prose: The House That Jack Built
Prose: Almost Perfect
Audio: Department X
February 2009:
Audio: Ghost Train
May-September 2009:
Audio: Dissected
Audio: Rhys And Ianto’s Excellent Barbeque
TV: The Stolen Earth
TV: Journey’s End
Audio: The Sin Eaters
Prose: The Wrong Hands
Prose: Virus
Audio: Asylum
Audio: Golden Age
Prose: Consequences
Audio: The Dead Line
Prose: Risk Assessment
Prose: The Undertaker’s Gift
Audio: The Devil And Miss Carew
Audio: Submission
Audio: Outbreak
September 2009:
TV: Children Of Earth Day One
TV: Children Of Earth Day Two
TV: Children Of Earth Day Three
TV: Children Of Earth Day Four
TV: Children Of Earth Day Five
Late 2009:
Prose: Long Time Dead
March 2010:
Audio: House Of The Dead
Events of TV: The End Of Time and Audio: One Enchanted Evening in Jack’s timeline
March-June 2010:
Prose: First Born
June 2010:
Prose: The Men Who Sold The World
October 2010:
Audio: Poppet
18th-21st March 2011:
TV: The New World
22nd March 2011:
TV: Rendition
March-July 2011:
TV: Dead Of Night
TV: Escape To LA
TV: Categories Of Life
TV: The Middle Men
TV: Immortal Sins
TV: End Of The Road
September 2011:
TV: The Gathering
TV: The Blood Line
September-December 2011:
Audio: Army of One
Audio: Fallout
Audio: Red Skies
Audio: Mr Invincible
Prose: Exodus Code
Audio: Cadoc Point
November-December 2012:
Audio: Dog Hop
Late 2016
Audio: Forgotten Lives
Audio: Visiting Hours
Audio: More Than This
Audio: Ghost Mission
Audio: Made You Look
January-June 2017:
Mr Colchester joins a rebuilt Torchwood
Audio: We Always Get Out Alive
Audio: Night Of The Fendahl
Audio: Smashed
Ng joins Torchwood after this point
Audio: Driving Miss Wells
Audio: Sonny
Audio: Changes Everything
Audio: Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy
Audio: Oor
Audio: Superiority Complex
Audio: Love Rat
Audio: A Kill To A View
June 2017-October 2018:
Audio: Zero Hour
Audio: The Empty Hand
Audio: Poker Face
Audio: Tagged
Audio: Escape Room
Audio: Herald Of The Dawn
Audio: Future Pain
Audio: The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood
Takes place between TV: Superiority Complex and TV: Herald Of The Dawn
October 2018:
Audio: Cardiff Unknown – October 2018
October-December 2018:
Audio: See No Evil
Audio: Night Watch
Audio: Flight 405
Audio: Hostile Environment
Audio: The Green Life
Audio: Sargasso
Audio: Another Man’s Shoes
Audio: Eye Of The Storm
January-March 2019:
Audio: A Mother’s Son
March-August 2019:
Audio: Scrapejane
Audio: Day Zero
Audio: Thoughts And Prayers
Audio: Red Base
Audio: Aliens Next Door
Audio: Colin Alone
August 2019:
Audio: Misty Eyes
Audio: Goodbye Piccadilly, Audio: Ashenden, and Audio: The Unbegotten for Andy’s POV
Early 2022:
Audio: The Red List
Audio: Moderation
Audio: Propaganda
Audio: At Her Majesty’s Pleasure
Audio: Cuckoo
Audio: Pariahs
Audio: How I Conquered The World
Audio: The Five People You Kill In Middlesborough
Audio: A Postcard From Mr Colchester
Audio: Death In Venice
February 2023:
Audio: Doomscroll
Audio: Heistland
Audio: The Apocalypse Starts At 6PM
Audio: Thirst Trap
Audio: Another Postcard From Mr Colchester
Audio: Sabotage
Feb 2024: Moved Audio: The Vigil from 2007 to 2005
April 2024: Added Audio:Another Postcard From Mr Colchester and Audio: Sabotage to 2023
April 2024: Added Audio: Tube Strike to early 2005
April 2024: Added Audio: Missing Molly to early 2008
May 2024: Moved Audio: Wednesdays For Beginners, Audio: Crush, Audio: Retirement Plan from 2007 to 2006
May 2024: Added Audio: Dinner For Yvonne, Audio: By Royal Appointment and Audio: Nerves to January-February 2007
May 2024: Added Audio: Disco to August 1978 and January-February 2007
May 2024: Moved Audio: Hidden from November-December 2007 to December 2007-Janurary 2008:
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cccharc0al · 1 month
Question can we see all of your Harry and Larry art please?
sorry for answering like a month late but heres all the stuff ive drawn with harry and larry (minus the thing ive already posted)! all from feburary and march
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equallyshaw · 9 months
star crossed loves au | connor bedard x kailey hughes au ↳ Connor x Kailey timeline!
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↳ a little more info on the two! ↳ idk if this is like a thing with au's...but imma do it anyway lol ↳ au masterlist.
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first time they saw eachother: at a diner in the loop (12/2023)
first time they spoke to one another: over insta dm's then texting
Spent all of 2024 as friends.
first date: new years eve, going into 2025
date when they became an official couple: 01/04/2025
first game she attended: feburary 2025! (blurb will be written!)
first time she met his parents and sister: april 2024!
first almost slip up to her brothers: march 2024 at the end of her semester and sea about their friendship.
first team outing: april 2024! blurb here.
first friendship break up: july 2024
reconciliation: november 2024
first time the brothers meet connor: janirary 2025! depicted here.
First official break up in july 2025. depicted here.
Second breakup: may 2026
connor goes back home to vancouver after the season, while kailey heads to california to be with cousin maya
kailey begins to date childhood friend, brendan brisson. depicted here.
connor and kailey see one another for the first time in august, when she visits becca, alex vlasic, tessa (alex's fiance) and lukas reichel
connor see's a (ex) friend of kailey for about two months before breaking off with her.
trevor walks in on brenden and kailey, isn't too pleased. (bribes him with coffee dates, because of student loans obviously)
kailey breaks up with brenden in October. (still hasn't told her brothers are this point about him)
goes home for thanksgiving, spills the beans on brenden, no one is happy ofc.
goes to chicago for new years to be with becca and tessa, reichels gf and soon to be wife of alex vlasic!
connor and kailey have a deep conversation, going over everything between the two.
the two get back together that night. 01/2027
kailey and connor only tell their closest friends and teammates in chicago, just to avoid unnecessary drama.
connor and kailey head from california to vancouver in june for a trip to his hometown.
kailey and connor show up to the annual hughes-european trip in july. depicted here a tad bit.
kailey and connor head back to california to pack up her apartment with her cousin, because she now has a finance job in chicago!
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a little breakdown of the timeline!! Just add a year to each year, as I switched it!!
they get engaged in vancouver in 2027, in august right before they head back to chicago. (blurb will be written of him asking her three brothers and dad during the yearly hughes-euro trip (now dubbed, hughes-bedard euro trip))
adopt a dog together in October 2027. (they've only had crosby the infamous black cat, for a few years now.)
get's married in july 2029.
adopts 1st child, in june 2032. (connor is 27 and kailey, 28.)
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hope you guys enjoyed! just a bit of a cheat sheet for me and you lol
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kaija-rayne-author · 1 year
So, it should be pretty obvious by now that I'm firmly against fans boycotting Bioware and Dreadwolf due to the layoffs. I'll put it in business terms. I've worked for Fortune 500 companies, and I speak from that perspective.
The people who made it are hoping, and have said, that they hope people will love Dreadwolf as much as they do. Even when they were laid off.
It would punish the creatives who made the game far more than it would punish Bioware. They likely can't even talk about it due to NDAs unless/until it's released. Can you imagine not being able to talk about a thing you loved and poured years of your life, creativity, and passion into? I can. It would be heartbreaking.
I don't want to be responsible for harming people who love dragon age enough to make it for us. If I boycott, that's exactly what I'd be partially responsible for. I'm usually very pro-boycott, but in this case, I'm not.
So here's the question... we unequivocally live in a late stage capitalist nightmare world. Do you know how many other companies have laid off employees this year?
This type of behavior has been pro forma for corporate for at least 20 years, probably longer.
So, why would people boycott Dreadwolf and Bioware when they're by far not even the most egregious example of mass layoffs?
In 2022-2023, we've had these mass layoffs.
Meat giant Tyson Foods is laying off about 15% of senior leadership roles and 10% of corporate roles, according to an internal memo shared with CNN.
Y'all gonna boycott meat? I didn't think so.
3M announced significant layoffs as part of another major restructuring plan. The brand behind Post-It Notes and Scotch Tape said in a statement it would lay off 6,000 staff around the world.
Gonna boycott tape? Ear plugs? Sticky notes?
Lyft (LYFT)’s move in November to cut 13% of its workforce, citing fears of a looming recession.
Buzzfeed announced a 15% reduction in its workforce, or about 180 employees.
David's Bridal is eliminating 9,236 positions across the United States but did not specify how many stores would be affected.
Walmart is laying off more than 3,000 workers.
And I know many people can't afford to boycott Walmart.
Meta announced an additional 10,000 layoffs across several months on top of mass layoffs in 2022.
You still use Facebook? I personally loathe it and only keep an account for marketing reasons. I can barely even make it work anymore.
Three rounds of layoffs hit Disney (DIS), announced through a March 27 internal memo to employees. Around 7,000 people will be affected by the move over the next several months.
Amazon (AMZN) said in March it would cut 9,000 jobs, bringing the total number of Amazon (AMZN) staffers eliminated this year to around 27,000.
Indeed.com announced cuts of approximately 2,200 employees, representing almost 15% of its total workforce, the company said in March.
Satellite radio giant SiriusXM laid off 475 people, or about 8% of its workforce, as part of a broad restructuring.
Zoom (ZM) said it will lay off about 1,300 employees, or approximately 15% of its staff, in a memo to employees in Feburary.
Dell (DELL) laid off roughly 5% of its workforce, the company said in a regulatory filing in February. Dell had about 133,000 employees, the company told CNN. At that level, the 5% cut represents more than 6,500 employees.
Gonna refuse to use your computer?
Microsoft said in January it would be laying off 10,000 employees, according to a securities filing.
This was only up to around March of this year. There's loads more.
Point being it's ridiculous to boycott a company and hurt the people who made a thing they love just because they got laid off.
This is what corporations do. There is 0 loyalty to the employee at a corporation. It's all about the bottom line.
Maybe all y'all haven't worked in corporate, maybe people are hopping on the 'I'll boycott too' bandwagon. IDEK.
I honestly don't care if I change anyone's mind about it all, but it’s silly. Just outright ridiculous to expect a corporation to do anything but what corporations do.
It's not right. It's awful. I hate that Bioware basically backstabbed the creatives who made them what they are. But it's not new or even remotely rare. Bioware has laid off roughly 125 employees in the past handful of months.
Every company I named laid off far, far more. And if you think I'll believe you're going to boycott Microsoft, you must have a bridge you want to sell me, too.
Here's the source, if you want it.
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Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, N.Y.
Official Release [May 2015]
Music Inn [June 2017]
Antifolk [August 2015]
LIVE IN STUDIO [October 2015]
Backroom Studios [2016]
Brave New Radio [2016]
WFMU [2016]
Coffee Haus Studios [2016]
Boontunes [June 2016]
Live from the Dining Room [August 2016]
Doc Concrescence [2017]
Skate Foundry [2018]
Roxy and Dukes [2018]
Studio Underground [2018]
No Face Studio [November 2018]
Roxy and Dukes [2019]
BBQ [September 2019]
SCENES [2020]
Official 2020 Remaster [December 2020]
Asbury Park [July 2021]
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (The Real Will Wood) [Feburary 2020]
Unknown location [March 2022]
Phantom Power [April 2022] a
Picnic at Foul Rift [July 2022]
Valley Bar [September 2022]
In Case I Die [January 2023]
House of Independents
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spring-into-arda · 7 months
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Minhiriath Midway Step up, step in, let's see what you win! The Minhiriath Midway is full of games and fun!  Spin the wheel, try your luck at the Crablor Grab, and see what prompts you get by the luck of the draw (or keep playing until you find something you like).  You can use the Midway any time during March, and beyond!
Blue Ribbon Exhibition The Prince of Cardolan loves to acknowledge hard work and creativity.  Enter your finest works into the Blue Ribbon Exhibition as an exhibition challenger.  Challengers will compete against others for the title of Best of Cardolan in the categories they enter.  All entries for the Blue Ribbon Exhibition are due by noon on June 1, 2024.
Dappled Dapper Pony Picture Coloring Contest The Dappled Dapper Pony Picture Coloring Contest (D²P²C²) is a very basic coloring contest event. Everyone starts with the same base image, and colors and embellishes their pony in whatever way they choose. 
Dappled Dapper Drabbled Pony Race  The Dappled Dapper Drabbled Pony Race is a team writing event which is being run as part of the Cardolan Carnival, a Back to Middle-earth Month 2024 Event.  For groups of 2 to 6, three races will be run throughout the month.  
Lost Treasures Quest  Part of Back to Middle-earth Month is revisiting works that are already in the world -- old favorites and new discoveries.  For the Lost Treasures Quests, you will be able to choose from leaving new commentary on works posted or written before 2020, making rec lists, working on WIPs (writing or art) that are at least a year old or more, or posting works currently unavailable publicly or at a new archive. 
The Prince of Cardolan's Grand Gala; April 12-14 The Grand Gala is a live event held on Discord.  During the event, winners of the various competitions will be announced (with the exception of the Blue Ribbon Exhibition), games will be played, live readings will occur, and generally, it will be a grand time.
Additionally, B2MEM is an open event where ANYTHING you create during March counts!  Feel free to add works you start, add to, or finish in March to the gallery!  You can also host your own events -- let us know what you're up to, and we'll add your event to the list of festivities!
Timeline of Events
The Midway will open on February 24, 2024. 
The Blue Ribbon Exhibition categories will be posted on March 1, 2024.  Entries are due by noon on June 1, 2024.  Winners will be announced at the Tarnin Austa event. 
The Lost Treasures Quest gameboard will be available no later than Feburary 24, 2024.
The Grand Gala will take place April 12-14, 2024. Cancelled. All activities moved to June. Announcements to follow.
Posting & Viewing Works
Beginning March 1st, 2024, works can be posted to the AO3 collection. This collection never closes, so while the event will wrap by the end of April, you can always add works later as you are inspired and finish them. If posting on Tumblr, use the tag B2MEM24 and @ this tumblr to make your posts easy to find by our team for reblogs!  You can join the Discord at any time! 
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noemilivv · 7 months
Announcement, bitches!
I’ve seen this around in other fandoms I read for, and decided to do it for Hazbin!!
I’m doing matchups for Hazbin characters!
Basically, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you all (yes, you!) would send in any info about yourselves you would like me to know, and I’d match you up with whatever Hazbin character I think you’d be best with!!
I don’t expect this to get much traction, but it’ll keep me entertained for awhile, I’ll be doing these, let’s say until the closing night of my upcoming performance, so today (Feburary 11, 2024) all the up until March 23, 2024
Also here’s a list of info I’d like from the peeps who are interested in this ! : Any gender/character preferences, personality, style, love language(s), hobbies, interests, name and appearance is optional, and anything else you’d want me to know !
For reference, here’s a list of characters who will be included in these: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Alastor, Husk, Niffty, Sir Pentious, Lucifer, Adam, Velvette, Vox, Lute — possibly others, we’ll see
Anywho, thank you to everyone who decides to send in requests, match ups or not, this blog keeps me entertained haha
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vioyume · 1 year
Scraped Cowboy au
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This is some concept art for a cowboy au that I wanted to make, but later on decided to shelve because its gonna be one of those projects that will drag on for a long time for me to fully develop it, which I simply don't have the time for. (Mostly because of irl stuff & I can't keep myself motivated for that long)
The idea came to me after completing RTDLDX, so late Feburary or early March. I was playing too much Kirby on the Draw.
I always had the normal characters in mind but I wanted to try to design some of the gijinka designs as well since its bit more complex to design their outfits. Only got to MK, Kirby, Magolor, and the Lor, but I'm happy that I got to at least get to the Lor's development.
I might want to doodle them sometimes, but that's all I'm gonna do with it going forward.
More info on the au under cut:
DDD was gonna be the Mayor while Meta is the Sheriff and his horse is the Halberd. (Never got to how the rest of the Meta Knights will be)
I took some inspiration from the Dreamy Gears novel, and wanted have Daroach as a Saloon owner but him and the squeaks and are secretly notorious thieves in the town. Meta knows but he willingly keeps his mouth shut.
Magolor is suppose to a travelling merchant with the Lor as his horse and a redesigned shoppe to fit. Marx travels with him as some sort of prankster entertainer.
Taranza is a tailor, he moved into town because he needed a change of scenery after losing his late wife who died because of a sickness.
Susie and her Father are some sort of rich folks. Had trouble debating if technology would introduce or if I should stick to them being traditional engineers.
Magic was an off and on thing in this au sort of like how Dreamy Gears does, though I never fleshed it out. Wanted to make Nova a normal clock that you can just find in the wild, like a box of old stuff or randomly buried in the dirt.
Thought of making the Lor and the Halberd horses in love. It still makes me giggle.
Uh yeah that was all I had plan for this au. If this inspires to you make or add to your own then go ahead and take some of the ideas I had here, you don't need to ask me.
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zombeebunnie · 8 months
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Here's a early Valentines Day present! :]
Hello guys and welcome new followers! This is a surprise that has been in the works when the interest in what I've been working on got a lot of positive reception and continued to do so! From this I decided to extend the demo out even further and allow the rest of Day 3 to be playable!
This [extended demo] will include:
Two full routes that continue out the rest of Day 3.
Revamped dialog and scenarios
Updated and alternate sprites of Noah
New and updated backgrounds
Day and night settings
Animated scenery in certain sections
New music/SFX's
Visual effects that indicate HP loss/immersive play
23 different endings (An additional 10 have been added!)
More interactive choices
A few easter eggs have been added!
The old demo from March 2023 is no longer canon and will serve as an archive since much of it has been changed! If you haven't played it yet and would like to just for fun, here's a link! :]
Please note: If there are CG's/scenes you've seen from past game development posts that aren't in the [extended demo], that's because they are most likely from other routes/paths that contained spoilers that happened too early for my liking and need fixing.
If you have any questions, feel free to send them in my ask box! :]
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Thank you to everyone that has stuck around and believed in me by keeping up with what I've been creating so far, it doesn't go unnoticed and I will always appreciate the support I've been given! :,]
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pinktaeyeon · 9 months
Every month of 2023!
i was tagged by @baekslight, @floweruna & @baekhyunnybyun! thank you 🥺
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
my favourite, and most popular, post from this month was my XG shooting star set. for some reason doing an entire set for a music video is really intimidating to me but i think i did well!
my favourite was this taeyeon weekend set. i wouldn't be tumblr user pinktaeyeon without having this be one of my favs. i think i coloured and sharpened it well. my most popular set was this irene monster set! i'm proud of this one as giffing stages can be SO difficult! i think it came out well.
my favourite was this taeyeon happy performance set! my other fav aesthetic other than pink in general is underwater! taeyeon at the aquarium singing ??? a video after my own heart. my most popular set is this nayeon & sana set from the set me free mv.
this month was the start of exo activities and i felt in my element. my fav set is this one of baekhyun doing the sorry i'm cute challenge. he's just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my most popular set was my le sserafim break the bridge set!!!
my taeyeon fine set was my fav from this month. it's one of my favourite taeyeon title tracks and i think i did well making this set considering the video quality is not ! it ! my most popular set from this month was my aespa welcome to my world set. this is actually one of my favourite songs from this year. it's just so stunning.
june was A MONTH!!! shinee came back, taeyeon was doing concerts and EXO RELEASED LET ME IN AND HEAR ME OUT!!!! my favourite and most popular post was a set from exo's hear me out mv. this mv was just so special to me. seeing the exos having fun and being silly just meant so much. this set is another fav too. kyungsoo eating a donut gif you're so dear to me.
july was peak exo comeback content so i made sooo many sets. it was SO much fun making exo content again so here are a few of my favs 1. chanyeol vs. nails (most popular) 2. chanyeol cream soda mv set 3. exo cream soda performance set from mcountdown (pink shirt, curly haired junmyeon !!!!!!! yeah !) 4. hear me out behind video of baekhyun being a menace
my most fav and most popular was my aespa better things set. i loooved this mv so much they all looked gorgeous and the song was so pretty. i loved everything about this release!
favourite and most popular is this taeyeon got the beat set. this look.... it's just... so legendary... lives were changed.
my favourite post from this month was this set of chanyeol and jongdae in chanyeol's good enough music video. seeing chingu line in yeol's mv really healed something in me. these two sets (cy, ks & jd & chanbaek) are close seconds just bc the good enough mv was so special. my most popular set was this one of taeyeon at the louis vuitton fashion show!
taeyeon comeback month!!!!!!!! i made a few sets for her comeback but this one has to be my favourite. she just looks so stunning!!!!! my most popular set was a taylor swift set from the reputation stadium tour!
i haven't made much this month but this set of taeyeon's fabulous performance video is my favourite and most popular set! yet again she looks stunning. talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before etc.
this year has been a really good one for creating. i've genuinely had so much fun making things and also seeing other people make things for my favs too. being able to create for exo and taeyeon specifically has been so much fun!!
anyway if you've read this far, thank you! thank you for enjoying all my silly little gifs and talking to me about my favs. i've enjoyed it so much. i'd like to get to know people better but i'm v shy! but seeing people say nice things in tags has been so lovely.
i hope you have a fun and safe new years if you're doing anything to celebrate, and i wish everyone a healthy and happy new year. 💖
tagging: @tipannies @jaennie @thankyou-taeyeon @sunghanbin @jftk @bu99erfly @dazzlingkai @suuho @ryudaeng @byunbaekhyunie @jsuh @bethereforme no pressure but if i've tagged you i've really enjoyed everything you've made this year! thank you for making such pretty content!
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tossawary · 2 years
Fandom Trumps Hate 2023
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[Image description: Fandom Trumps Hate. Do you create the Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System fanworks? Help raise money for progressive causes with FTH 2023. Signups open Feb 6! End image description.]
Fandom Trumps Hate 2023 creator signups are open! FTH is an online, pan-fandom fanworks auction, designed to raise money for progressive nonprofit organizations. Fan creators offer works (written works, digital art, podfics, fanvids, fan labor, etc.) to bidders, the winning bidders then donate to the chosen organizations, then the creators create requested works as a gift for that person to thank them for this donation.
A full rundown of FTH, including the auction calendar, can be found through their Tumblr or through their Carrd. Creator signups close on Feburary 19th, 2023. Bidding opens on March 1st, 2023.
SVSSS currently has 12 creator offers so far! And of our sibling fandoms on that list, MDZS has 15 and TGCF has 7! If you’re interested in taking on some prompts from fellow fans in order to support a good cause, FTH can be a lot of fun. I’ve participated in FTH a couple times now (I wrote 4 new SVSSS fics as gifts last year), so if anyone has any questions about my personal experience participating as both a writer and a bidder, feel free to drop me an ask or a message. You can also find the FTH team’s super helpful Signup Tips For First Time Creators on their blog.
Participating as a bidder can be a lot of fun, even if you don’t win. You can find a bunch of new authors, artists, and other creators for your fandoms. If you do win, you can request more fic for your favorite rarepair! (I wrote a Yue Qingyuan / Shang Qinghua fic last year!) You can request more art for your favorite character! If you have an idea that you’ve been itching to see happen, you can ask a fellow fan to finally bring it to life for you! 
You can follow @fandomtrumpshate​ here on Tumblr to stay up to date. Please consider reblogging this post to let your fellow SVSSS fans know or sharing their Carrd on Twitter or in your Discord group! ❤
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The Plan so far
So, this blog was a very spontaneous idea I had yesterday (very late in the evening). So I took some time to think it through today, as well as get some more lists from other Fanders.
The plan now is to first create lists for the separate facets of the Thomas Sanders fandom, i.e. Sanders Sides, Shorts Characters, Cartoon Therapy and Roleslaying with Roman. (I'm sorry that this means I need to split up Remy and Emile for now, we'll get to crossovers later.)
For that to work, I need a comprehensive list of characters first. So this is my call for your help! I'll put a list of who I got so far after the cut and you can reply to this post or send me an ask about more characters I can/should include!
I'm really happy with the positive reactions I got for creating this blog, thank you for your support! 💗💙💖💙💜💛💚
Sanders Sides:
Dragon Witch (unsure if I should include her but if I do, this is where she'll be)
I know King is most commonly used as a sort of fusion of Roman and Remus but for the purposes of this list, I will see him as an entirely separate character and as such include ships between him and Roman and/or Remus.
Shorts Characters
Remy - Sleep
Teal/Teagan - Teacher
Dayd - Dad
Pryce - Prince
Andy - Anxiety
Dice/Anton/Cedric - The Critic
Linda - Thomas' Cowlick
Missy - Misleading Compliments
Nathan - Crimefighter Dude
Detective Sanders (from this series which I found through this post by @loganslowdown4!)
Percy/Magenta - Printer
Harley/Hart - Heart
Immy - Immune System
Brian - Brain
Dean - Denial
Sabina - Spam Bot
Ishmael - Ice Machine
Jasper - GPS
Scot - Scam Likely
Wieland - WIP
Phaelan - Phone
Fane - Fan
Steven - Electric Stapler
Ace - Action Hero that can't catch things
Rian - Rain
Mike - Microwave
Nessy - Illness
Apollo - Sun
Jericho - Moon
Taz / Tucker - Task
Bouce/Boucy - The Bouncing Ball
Anton - Antagonist
Pranks - Disney/Pokémon Pranks
Asher/Rudolph - Christmas
Jasper - Thanksgiving
Jaana - January
Fabian - Feburary
Mara - March
April - April
May - May
Junie - June
Julia/Julian - July
Augusta/Augustus - August
Seth/Ember - September
Toby - October
Nove - November
Demetri/Odessa - December
Ariel/Ari - Aries
Leona/Leonard/Leo - Leo
Candace/Candy - Cancer
Phillipa/Pip/Pippy - Pisces
Schuyler/Sky - Scorpio
Tara - Taurus
Sarah/Sally - Sagittarius
Caprice - Capricorn
Gemma - Gemini
Virginia/Ginny - Virgo
Liberty/Libby - Libra
Quinn - Aquarius
Cartoon Therapy (as far as I know, all the characters in this series are adults)
Emile Picani
Mitchel (I don't actually know if that's how you spell his name)
Roleslaying with Roman
Roman of Reston
??? (Mike)
Bob Normie
Bard King
There are many more characters in the series of course, but I do not know which it makes sense to include here, so please let me know! Also if there is another part of the fandom I forgot to include entirely.
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feliniakattus · 4 months
hmm, shall you share with the people your calendar ideas? they need to see…. the days… of the week…
the plebs shall know about the calendar.
There are 365 days in a year for the Leagues, but only 363 of them are factored into their calendar. There are eleven months to a year, each one 33 days. At the beginning of each season, one holiday or festival occurs, which is not counted as part of the year, or of any month.
Each year is divided into two seasons, cuil (the flooding season) and ceine (the scorching season.) these seasons have two smaller divisions: ceine takes up september-february: hraf-ceine, which would be september-november, and sress-ceine, which is december-feburary.
cuil is made up of rraas-cuil, (march-may) and clach-cuil, (june-august).
The year begins during the first month of hraf-ciene, but the year is only considered to have fully developed after the first fire of the season.
A year is called a ciarall, and is a full cycle from the beginning of hraf-ceine to the end of clach-cuil.
Years are collected in groups of eight. Every eight years is called an Epoch, and eight Epochs are an Age.
So far, there have been 5 ages:
the age of dawning, (formation of the skulk and the pod)
the age of the second sun (formation of the coalition)
the age of joined paws (the coalition's alliance with thorned paw and seasonal holidays. the invention of their modern calendar, specifically with the two off-days)
the age of bloodshed (the coalition begins to migrate, the other leagues attack them to try and take their territory, they are defeated by hamilcat barcat and his son, hannibal barcat)
the age of dayspring (the modern era. peace with the skulk and pod users in a new age of prosperity. the leagues' numbers skyrocket.)
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