#these encourage me to keep writing
bizarrelittlemew · 5 months
top/bottom discourse and dom/sub truthers this and that, none of that can touch me because i headcanon them as vers and switch and whatever is best for the bit and therefore always win. look at all the beauty in the world
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cranberrymoons · 1 year
a love to last past saturday night
here's the first 3,500-ish words of the coffee shop au i've been working on!
There’s a little cafe at the end of Steve’s block that he’s only ever been in once. 
It’s called Corroded Coffee and it’s dark in there and maybe a little pretentious, but not pretentious as in… people reading classic novels or having discussions about French Cinema. Pretentious in the sense that there’s an intimidating collection of vinyl records taking up half an entire wall and they use single origin arabica beans and the scary baristas look at you sideways if you order regular milk in your latte. 
He knows this last part because the one time he did stop in, shortly after he moved to the neighborhood, he asked for an iced vanilla cold brew with cream, and the redheaded girl behind the counter looked him up and down as she punched his order into an iPad. 
“Okay,” she said slowly, disdainful and bored like she was barely concealing an eye roll. “I guess that’s eleven dollars, if you’re sure that’s all you want.”
Steve was sure. He was also sure that he’d never forgive himself for spending so much on a single cup of coffee that he could probably make at home for about fifty cents, but… support local businesses? Use his company card? Also, he was too embarrassed to tell her to cancel the order. 
Anyway, it’s about three months later when he goes in there for the second time. This time, it’s because his coffee pot broke (a shitty off-brand Keurig that he bought on Amazon for about twenty bucks, which for the record is less than the cost of two iced coffees from this place), and he really has to get to work, and the coffee at the office is – fine, actually, but – whatever. 
The coffee in the office is fine, but he’s walking toward the train feeling like his hair and his tie are somehow both on sideways, and a customer pushes out of the café and into the street, bringing with them a wave of caffeinated air, and before Steve has the chance to make a conscious decision one way or another, he’s standing inside the shop, eyes adjusting to the sudden shift to dim lighting.
When he comes to his senses, there’s a brief moment where he considers just turning around and walking right back out, but before he has a chance, the guy behind the counter leans an elbow against the shoulder-height glass pastry case and says –
“Hey man, what can I get you?”
Too late. 
Steve blinks and focuses on him. He’s tallish with long hair that’s been pulled back into a puffy knot on top of his head, dish towel slung over his shoulder, indecipherable band tee, nails painted black, a flock of bats and a long line of perfect crescent moon phases running up his forearm, and – yeah. Steve, in his crisp Brooks Brothers button-up and ironed slacks, is definitely not the right kind of cool to be coming in here.
“You do want coffee, right?” the barista prompts. He raises his eyebrows in question. “I just watched you Pepe Le Pew your way in here, so.”
In spite of himself, Steve laughs. Call it the exhaustion. He takes a step closer to the counter. 
“You saw that?”
The man grins. “You’re hardly the first exhausted corporate zombie to stumble his way through my door.” He reaches for a paper cup, pen in hand. “What’ll it be?”
“Just – coffee?” Steve suggests, then he flushes. “That was dumb. Sorry. I uh – I don’t really know much about coffee. Just a normal one with milk?” Then, remembering last time, he says, “Oat milk. I guess.”
“One drip with oat milk, coming up. You want a muffin or anything with it?” He taps the glass case with the end of his pen. “These just came out of the oven. The cranberry orange.”
“Oh, I –” Steve eyes the muffins in the case, crystalline sugar on top, shiny and perfect-looking. He does kind of want one, but he pictures himself juggling it and the coffee and his phone and – “No, that’s fine. Just the coffee, thanks.”
The man shrugs. “Suit yourself.” He punches a few things into the iPad then flips it around for Steve to pay. “Three seventy five.”
Steve narrows his eyes. That… can’t possibly be correct based on his last experience with the place, but he taps his card and punches in a tip, then nods to the barista as he shuffles off to the end of the counter to wait for his drink. He sends another look toward the muffins, and his stomach grumbles; maybe there’ll be leftover bagels in the office from the morning’s sales meeting?
By the time his coffee is ready, he’s lost in a very detailed fantasy about veggie cream cheese, and the barista has to wave to get his attention to pass him the cup. When Steve takes it, the man produces a little brown paper box and wiggles it in his direction. Steve frowns, confused.
“Oh, that’s not mine. I didn’t –”
The man raises his eyebrows and holds it further toward Steve. “On the house," he says. "Take it.”
Steve sets down his coffee on top of the case and accepts the box, flipping it open to reveal a cranberry orange muffin wrapped in crinkly parchment paper. He closes the lid and gives the barista a smile. 
“You didn’t have to.”
“Obviously I didn’t have to,” the guy says. He rolls his eyes, but it’s not – it doesn’t make Steve feel stupid the way the other girl had. “You looked like you wanted one, so you got one. Now be a good boy and say thank you."
Steve feels his face heat. “Thank you.”
The barista nods in approval then gives him the ghost of a wink before turning to help another customer, and Steve reclaims his coffee, retreating to the door and back out into the cold.
He doesn’t really mean to go back the next day, but – well. The coffee had been good, okay, and the muffin had been really good. And it’s Friday, and he’s allowed a treat, and he obviously hasn’t had a chance to replace his own broken machine yet, so.
He doesn’t really have a choice. He’s here by necessity. That’s it.
“You’re back,” the barista says, eyeing him up and down when he gets to the front of the line. “Was my muffin that good, that you had to come crawling back for more the very next day?”
Steve, more alert this morning than he’d been yesterday, manages to smile like a normal human being. 
“Your muffin?”
“Our muffin,” the barista says. He spreads out his hands in front of himself. “New York’s muffin. The world’s muffin.”
“No, I meant –” Steve laughs. “You made them? It was good.”
“I know it was.” He shrugs, then taps the stack of cups on the counter next to him. “Coffee?”
Steve glances at the menu on the wall. He has a suburban Starbucks level of knowledge when it comes to this stuff, which basically means he knows the difference between like… a cappuccino and a latte, sort of but – not really?
“Just the same again, plain with oat milk,” he says. “That was fine yesterday.”
The barista narrows his eyes. “Fine?”
“Good,” Steve corrects. “It was good. Like I said, I don’t know a ton about –” He waves a hand through the air vaguely. “Whatever.” He fidgets under the barista’s continued scrutiny, then adds, “Maybe sweetened this time though? I added sugar when I got to my office yesterday.” Then belatedly, “Sorry.”
“Tell you what,” the man says at last, apparently taking pity on him. He picks up a cup. “I’ll make you something that I think you’ll like, and I won’t even charge you for it. That way if you hate it, you can just – dump it down the drain or something. No hard feelings.”
“I can pay,” Steve says, frowning. “I don’t want you to get in trouble for giving me a bunch of free stuff.”
“Oh, I won’t. The owner likes me,” the man says easily, already busy behind the espresso machine. A burst of steam comes shooting out in a cloud, and he offers Steve a smile. “What’s your name, by the way?”
“Steve,” he says. He hikes his bag higher on his shoulder where it’s slipping down. “Sorry, you probably needed that for the… the cup, or whatever.”
The barista’s smile widens, and he gives Steve another up-and-down look as he waits for the espresso to finish bubbling into the cup. “Nope. Just wanted to know.”
“Oh,” Steve says, feeling himself flush. He shoves his hands in his coat pockets to keep himself from fidgeting even more than he already is. “Okay, what’s yours then?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Steve raises his eyebrows. “Kind of why I asked.”
The man places the cup on the counter and presses a lid into place, sliding it toward Steve along with another little paper box that, when Steve peeks inside, contains a single croissant. He takes a sip of the coffee, and it’s… delicious, unfortunately, vanilla and caramel and maybe chocolate too? And he’s pretty sure that’s real milk, thank god.
“Come back tomorrow and maybe I’ll tell you.”
“We’ll see,” Steve says mildly, taking another sip. “Thanks for the coffee.”
He gets a teasing little wave in return. 
“Have a good day at work, Steve.”
Robin is aghast when he tells her at drinks later that night.
“You’re saying he’s been there this whole time, and you’ve just been – what, walking past and not noticing?!” she asks, leaning forward in her seat. She takes a distressed sip of rosé and widens her eyes at him. “This whole time?”
“Maybe not,” he says defensively. “Maybe he’s new. Maybe – I don’t know.”
“You don’t just give out free coffee on your second day, Steve,” she says, exasperated. She picks up a fry and jabs it into the little pat of mayo on the edge of the plate, gesturing wildly with it before stuffing it in her mouth. “Free coffee and free pastries! He’s totally been there this whole time, and you were just too chicken shit to go in there and see him for yourself.”
“I literally met him by going in and seeing him.”
“Still.” She groans in frustration. “Ugh, I can’t believe you’re getting seduced via baked good. Literally if I could find one single solitary woman in this city who would give me free baked goods as a mating ritual, I’d let her step on my throat.” She places a hand on his forearm and gives him a very serious look. “My throat, Steve.”
He laughs and shakes her off. “You don’t know he’s trying to seduce me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. You’re right,” she says. She finishes her wine and sets the empty glass on the bar with force. “The hot tattooed barista who keeps winking at you and giving you free shit for no reason is totally just trying to drum up a loyal customer base for his coffee shop.”
“I didn’t say he was hot.”
She gives him a contemptuous look. “Is he hot?”
He pokes at the lime wedge that’s floating in his gin and tonic and doesn’t meet her eye. “Maybe.”
“You’re blushing. He’s obviously hot. I hate you so much.”
“Okay, don’t – we live in the Village. It can’t possibly be that hard for you to find a lesbian who likes to bake.”
She narrows her eyes at him. “Don’t stereotype. Just because we’re ladies and we have breasts.”
“I’m not stereotyping. I’m just saying: go to any plant store, pick a girl with a choppy haircut and a canvas tote bag.” He finishes his own drink and signals to the bartender for another round. “Odds are seventy thirty she’s a lesbian with a chocolate chip cookie recipe.”
“Literally every word out of your mouth just now was a stereotype. I’m breaking up with you.”
She turns her barstool away from him abruptly, and the guy seated on the other side of her blinks in alarm, looking at Steve over her shoulder with wide eyes. Steve gives him an apologetic look and places a hand on Robin’s arm, tugging her back around to face him. 
“Alright, come on, you’re scaring the public.”
She huffs, then gives the stranger a tight smile, then turns back to Steve. “You’re going back tomorrow, right? I’ll forgive you right now if you promise me you will.”
He sighs. “Why do you even care?”
“Because he’s hot,” she says, widening her eyes, “and he has tattoos, and he obviously wants to take you back to his place and do filthy, filthy things to you, Steve, and he knows how to make really good muffins.” She shakes him again. “Steve!”
“Yes!” he laughs, wrenching his arm free of her hold. “Fine, okay. Yes, I’ll go back tomorrow. I don’t even know his name yet. He said he’ll tell me if I do, so – I will.”
“Oh my god.” She buries her face in her hands. “I swear to god, if you fuck this up.”
Steve has always been a relatively confident guy. It’s not that. He’s not normally awkward or even shy. 
If anything, he’s better than average at blending in, even managing to convince his parents that he’s still the same person he was when he was a sports star back in high school: he finished his MBA without flaming out like half his class, he got a good-paying job in the city, he even goes back home to Indiana once or twice a year for Thanksgiving or Christmas. 
He’s normal. He’s… acceptable.
Just – he also knows when he doesn’t know something, and that’s when he gets flustered.
Like now, Saturday morning. He’s been standing in front of the full-length mirror in his bedroom and staring at himself for a long time – probably too long – fiddling with the cuffs of his jeans and the swoop of his hair and the weird little… thing his sweater is doing where it bunches up around his waist. 
Maybe he should change. Or just… not go? Robin would forgive him, right?
Robin absolutely would not forgive you, says a horrible little voice in the back of his mind that sounds suspiciously like the woman herself. She absolutely would not, and then she’d come directly over to your apartment and let herself in and drag you there herself.
Fine. Just go. 
He takes a deep breath and releases it in a sharp huff. He can do this. He can totally, obviously, absolutely do this. It’s literally just leaving his building, walking three hundred feet down the street to the corner, and entering a coffee shop. That’s all he has to do. That’s all.
He does it.
When he walks in, he casts a curious glance around the space since, for the first time in here, he’s not in a hurry. It seems like no one else is either: it’s busy in a different way than it’s been for the past few mornings, fewer people calling out orders and pushing back and forth through doors, more occupied armchairs and tables with laptops. There’s a record playing in the background, something scratchy and smooth, interrupted by the sound of occasional jets of steam issuing from behind the counter.
And behind the counter is – Steve feels disappointment curdle in his stomach. 
The scary redhead. She’s sitting on a barstool with a knee drawn up to her chest, studying her nails and pretending like she hasn’t seen him. He steps closer to the counter, too close to ignore, and she sighs, looking up at him like his very presence is an affront to her. In spite of himself, he feels a little bubble of nervous laughter crawl up the back of his throat, and he swallows it down.
“Yeah?” she asks.
“Just, uh – a coffee?”
“It’s all coffee,” she tells him in a bored voice. “Are you asking for a drip coffee?”
“Yeah, just that, with oat milk,” he says, then adds, “Thanks.”
She jabs at her iPad then flips it around for him. “Eight dollars. Oat milk’s at the end of the bar, you can add it yourself.”
He gives her an awkward smile as he pays, and she just stares back at him impassively. He’s slipping his card back into his wallet and preparing to run away with his tail between his legs when the door behind the counter pushes open, and Steve’s barista – the nice one who gives him real milk and doesn’t glare at him – backs through it, balancing a tray of cinnamon buns in his arms.
He turns, then spots Steve, and his face breaks into a smile. He sets down his tray.
“Knew you’d be back,” he says, tilting his head with a teasing smile on his face. “Max, this is Steve. We like Steve.”
“This is Steve?” She gives him a once-over, then turns to make a face at the other man. “Seriously?”
Now that’s – “Okay,” Steve says. “I’m literally standing right here.”
“Yes. This is Steve, and today Steve would like a white mocha with two pumps of cinnamon.”
“That’s disgusting.” She makes a face. “Anyway, he paid for a plain drip coffee.”
“I didn’t ask what he paid for. I told you what he’s going to get. Can you make it for him, please?”
She glares at Steve’s barista then slips off her stool with a groan and the deepest eye roll Steve has ever seen in his life. 
“Whatever. It’s your shop.”
“Ignore her,” he tells Steve in a voice loud enough for her to hear. “Max likes to think she’s funny, but she’s actually just judgmental.”
She sticks her tongue out at him then sets about ignoring them, disappearing into a cloud of steam. He lifts up onto his toes to lean forward over the top of the pastry case and get a look at Steve.
“You’re very comfy casual today,” he says, dropping back to his own side. He raises an eyebrow. “Cute sweater.”
“Thanks,” Steve says, feeling himself flush. He tugs at the hem of it as he casts another look around the room. “This is your shop? I didn’t realize when you said the owner liked you, you meant…”
“Yep, all mine,” he says. “I can shamelessly flirt with as many customers as I want. No boss to tell me to get back to work.”
Steve widens his eyes. “Flirting with me, and he won’t even tell me his name.”
The man grins at him, resting his face in one hand. “I guess you’ve earned it.” Steve feels his stomach do a flip. “I’m Eddie.”
“Eddie,” he says, trying it out. It suits him, Steve thinks. “Nice to meet you. Officially.”
“Likewise,” Eddie says as Max passes him the coffee and returns to her stool with a huff. Eddie slides it to Steve across the counter. “Your very disgusting sugary coffee, handcrafted with love by our sweetest barista.”
“Thanks,” Steve laughs, accepting the drink. He pries the lid off to peer inside. “Is this the same as yesterday?”
“Nah, I’m still figuring out what you like,” Eddie says. He waits for Steve to take a sip – another winner, maybe even better than yesterday – then says, “Are you busy tonight?”
Steve looks up from his coffee. Eddie is watching him with an amused tilt to his smile. Steve swallows.
“Am I busy tonight?”
“That’s what I asked. Are you?”
“No, I don’t think so.” Steve clears his throat. “No.”
“Okay,” Eddie says as he folds a cinnamon roll into a box and nudges it in Steve’s direction. “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”
Steve accepts the box, and before he can second guess himself he says, “Yeah, okay.”
Eddie’s smile is slow and easy. “Good. I wrote my number on the inside of the lid. Text me your address? I’ll pick you up at seven.”
When he gets home, he calls Robin, freaking out.
“I didn’t fuck it up,” he says by way of greeting when she answers on the third ring.
“Hot tattooed… barista guy,” Steve says, pacing frantic circles around his living room and ripping a hand through his hair. “I didn’t fuck it up. His name’s Eddie, and he gave me a cinnamon roll, and it was really good, and – okay, so it turns out he owns the shop, he doesn’t just work there and –” He stops, staring out the window at the building across the street, unseeing. “And we’re having dinner tonight.”
There’s a beat of silence on the other end of the phone, then a shout, then more silence, and then she says, “Holy shit. What are you going to wear?”
After much debate and two facetime calls and eventually Robin just physically marching the three blocks over to help him decide in person, and then him forbidding her from sticking around to interrogate Eddie – when the buzzer goes at seven sharp, 
When the buzzer goes at seven sharp, no games played, he stares at the box on the wall in alarm, half expecting it to come to life and bite his face off. When it doesn’t, he recovers (barely) and jabs at the button to let Eddie inside. 
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 3 months
The Dragon Prince Au Masterpost
So since i got so many ideas and thoughts for this au, imma just make a masterpost for this since i plan on expanding and adding more to it in the future. Thought it’d make context a bit easier to understand. There's quite a bit so buckle in fellas
Berk is an outpost village that lies along the border of Katolis and Xadia. The people and battalion there are known for their duty to ward off dragons and drakes when they get too close to the border, and they are based right on the edge of the border where both lands meet at the Gulf of Tenebris. 
The events from the first movie still kind of play out. Hiccup shoots down Toothless and hides it from everyone, but after learning about dragons and seeing that they’re misunderstood and that Berk has been provoking them, he then creates a disguise to help the dragons.
Of course, now everyone thinks that there’s a Sunfire elf out there fighting against them and why do they think he’s a Sunfire elf?? Because he creates Inferno in an attempt to mimic a Sunforge blade and paints his helmet to look like elf markings and builds in horns.
Jack is a Skywing elf, and a mage-in-training. He’s doing his best and lives with his mother and sister, Emily. Their village is to the north of the Ruins of Elarion and resides in the mountains.
He's out flying one day when he hears a dragon's roar and when he flies down to investigate he sees a human trying to catch a dragon. Filled with anger he jumps down and pulls up a spell, aiming it at the human, who stares back with his eyes wide and hands raised.
Hiccup was only trying to wrangle Toothless to try and put on a new and improved tailfin when out of nowhere a Skywing elf leaps out and points lightning at him???
So they get off on the wrong foot. But after seeing that Hiccup wasn't harming Toothless and Toothless was friendly towards Hiccup, did Jack lower his staff. He truly thought the human was going to try to kill the dragon to take it apart to send to the dark mages of the Katolin court. He'd heard stories of human "mages'' and their brand of "magic". But no. All that was in front of him was a startled human who had only been wanting to help a creature of Xadia.
and from there, their friendship begins.
Jack tells Hiccup about Xadia and Hiccup tells Jack about his home. They sneak off to hang out and take Toothless out flying. Jack uses Sky magic to make them go faster and higher and blows snow flurries their way to mess with Hiccup.
Hiccup brings pastries and food for Jack to try from home and gets him to try brown morning potion. It ends with Hiccup laughing on the ground and a cup frozen to the ground as Jack sputters in distaste at the bitterness
Jack manages to find a real Sunforge blade and gifts it to Hiccup. "Now you can pass off as a real Sunfire elf. Or at least close enough."
Toothiana is a Skywing elf. One of Jack’s friends and a family friend to the Frost-Overlands. She’s helped teach Jack some Sky magic but it’s not much. She tries to help him by hunting down books, tomes, and scrolls in her free time when she’s not busy
Bunny is an Earthblood elf who doesn’t stay in one place too long. But he does have a place on the outskirts of their village and sometimes lingers for a few weeks at a time before going back to his travels. His real home is in the Uncharted Forest.
Sandy is a Sunfire elf who passes through occasionally and is Tooth's source for magic books for Jack. Sandy lives near Lux Aurea but his work keeps him traveling around. He's a Sun mage and is currently hunting for the source of whatever magic has been corrupting creatures in Xadia and turning them into monsters made of nothing but shade and decay.
North is a human dwelling in Berk. He and Gobber run the smithy and create the defenses for the outpost and take turns running the shop. But North is actually a friend to Xadia (*cough* Bunny *cough cough* Tooth *cough* Sandy). It was the time before he came to Berk and he keeps these opinions to himself until he discovers what Hiccup has been doing in his spare time.
Astrid is the top-cadet in the training program at the outpost. Best in her class and has the highest chance of joining the Outpost Guard right off the bat. She and Hiccup are friends and she has trouble understanding his sudden reluctance to want to fight dragons and keep enemy forces at bay. This is their home. Doesn’t he want to protect it? Surely he must understand what’s at stake if creatures from Xadia were to invade. 
the rest of the teenagers are in the training program a well. Snotlout has aspirations to join the Katolin army at the Breach, Fishlegs just wants to study the flora and fauna of Xadia without it trying to kill him, and the twins... well they're the twins. They want to learn primal magic for pranks and get chased by a drake and cause havoc in general.
Jamie Bennett and his family live in Berk and Jamie has a secret that he's never told anyone. His best friend's an elf.
Jamie and Emily become friends before the events of the story start. And have been friends for months at this point. They've been lying to everyone to keep their friendship. So when Jack starts acting suspicious at home, claiming to go see some friends (he doesn’t have friends aside from her and Tooth) she starts paying attention to what he’s trying to hide. She fills Jamie in on it as well during one of their hangouts and he’s like “Oh weird, you know I've been noticing the Commander’s son has been disappearing as well.”
At one point Jack manages to get his hands on an illusion necklace, and gives it to Hiccup so that he can be fully disguised as an Earthblood elf. He wants to show him the beauty of his home and Xadia without the worry that he’ll get captured or killed and they spend a whole day going through Jack’s village and showing him everything. Emily follows along and keeps a sharp eye on Hiccup. 
She brings it up in their following recap. "So my brother had a friend over the other day... it was an Earthblood elf i had never seen before... he acted really weird." "Huh that's weird... Hiccup was gone the other day... no one could find him..." ".... Hiccup?"
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and Pitch is a dark mage :)
At some point i may add more, but for now this is the base context for the Au. it was hard not to get carried away with adding even more but i think that about sums it up for now! Below is the art that's been posted already. I'll edit it as i post more but for now that's it!
Jack, Hiccup, and Toothless designs
Sunfire Elf Hiccup disguise
Jack's Wing Maintenance
First Meeting (and misunderstandings)
Questions Ask
Ask #2
Jack and His Sister
Astrid, Jamie, and Tooth Designs
Earthblood Elf Hiccup Illusion
Some Plot
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
"give me a fandom and a prompt and i'll give you at least five sentences"
Ok then.
Jazz, Danny and Bruce are in the same age range, and Bruce has been harboring a massive crush on 7'foot tall Jazz since just after he began his training journey.
His kids know about and are mercyless. Danny thinks he's a bit of a fruit loop and 100% knows Bruce has a crush on his sister.
Into the future his coworkers find out that batman has been quietly pining after the Ghost Kings sister for years.
love that this reads as a challenge. Ok then. Write it. i will, let's goooo!
(sorry i kinda took it so that Jazz, Danny, and Bruce were all old friends but in that horrible adult way where you can only hang out with each other once in a blue moon when your work schedules miraculously align)
"Respectfully, Batman, you can take your "it's not necessary" and you can shove it up your arse. There's a demon the size of a skyscraper heading towards Metropolis and we need reinforcements."
"Superman can—"
"Superman can't. You do remember the part of the report I made telling you this, right? Or did your stubborn little bat brain just shut down when I mentioned magic?"
"Actually," Nightwing interrupts from the side, a shit-eating grin on his face, "I think his brain shut down when you mentioned the Ghost King."
"Nightwing." Batman growls in warning, his jaw clenching so hard Constantine can swear he hears the bones creaking.
Nightwing just snickers, and turns away to press a finger to his ear, no doubt letting the rest of the bat brood in on what's happening here... Whatever that is. All Constantine knows is that Batman is standing between him and fixing this mess for no God-forsaken reason.
Luckily, some of the more reasonable members of the League step in to try and talk some sense into Batman. It gives him some time to calm down.
"Batman. We need him. I know you dislike working with unknowns, but he's our best shot."
It actually looks like Wonder Woman might be getting through to him, Batman even opens his mouth to actually explain some things—a huge step forward for this incredibly emotionally constipated man.
Instead, Nightwing snorts and beats him to it. "Unknowns? More like—"
"Nightwing, please."
"Oh, for Pete's sake, get your head out of your arse and let me do this. The Ghost King is our only hope. I'm summoning him, no matter what you say."
For a long second, Constantine thinks that he'll refuse and he might have to resort to more violent methods of persuasion—which, honestly, Constantine has fantasised about many times during the more boring JL meetings—but eventually, Batman relents and steps out of the way.
"Fine. Nightwing, go check in with Red Robin."
Nightwing has the kind of devious smile that makes John glad he doesn't have kids.
"Oh, don't worry about it, B. Red Robin's coming here. So's Red Hood, I don't need to go anywhere."
"Sh, it's starting." So saying, Nightwing then very obviously ignores Batman's protests with a poker face that even Constantine envies. What he wouldn't give to be able to shut the bat out like that.
The summoning goes quickly, thankfully. The lights flicker, the temperature drops, and the chalk circle erupts in green flames. Standard summoning practices, sure. Even the impromptu appearance of Red Hood and Red Robin—"Did we miss him?", "No, not yet! I got 2:37, what about you guys?"—doesn't throw him off.
It does pique his interest, though. Just what the hell is going on with them? Constantine's weighing up the pros and cons of asking them once all of this is over when the ground splits open and the clawed hand of the Ghost King begins to pull himself out of the ground.
John's a seasoned summoner. It's practically his job, he's done it countless times.
The icey fear that grips his heart, that freezes his breath in his chest, is new.
Pure, unadulterated power floods the area and he feels small, so, so small, like a child playing with things he doesn't understand. When he finally tears his eyes away from the portal, he catches a glimpse of the other magic users in the room, the same horror he feels clear in their faces. Even Captain Marvel stares slackjawed.
The pressure rises, death magic screaming in his ears, almost forcing him to his knees, and suddenly he's not so sure this is a good idea.
Too late to back out now, though.
Sickly green light pours from the crack in the ground, growing brighter and brighter as the giant figure rises, until Constantine has to close his eyes and look away. The last thing he sees are eyes, teeth, horns, a crown so bright that it burns an afterimage into his retinas.
When the light dies down and he opens his eyes again, a humanoid man floats in the centre of the circle. The ground is whole, nothing is burning, the man doesn't even have a crown. Instead, other than the wispy white hair, slightly green skin, and the—you know—floating, the Ghost King appears pretty normal. Huh.
Constantine blinks, rubbing his bleary eyes, and checks around to make sure everyone's okay. Most of the League are doing the same as him, taking fortifying breaths and trying to appear as if they've not just been completely blinded.
Most of them, that is, aside from the Gotham vigilantes.
Batman himself stands upright, arms crossed, looking completely unbothered by the whole thing and John's got to admit, he wishes he could do that, too. That was... a hell of a show.
The others, however, are waving frantically with huge smiles on their faces.
There's a brief, taut silence, as everyone else tries to catch their breath.
As much as he would rather take a bit of a breather, John should probably start making introductions. Unfortunately, he only gets as far as opening his mouth before the Ghost King beats him to it.
"Oh, Ancients, hey guys! It's been forever, how are you? Look at you all, so grown up, wow—Nightwing, buddy, do a flip!"
It doesn't take much to get Nightwing going, and he certainly doesn't leave it at one flip. The whole of the Justice League and Justice League Dark watch with open mouths as Nightwing performs for the Ghost King.
What, and John can't stress this enough, the fuck?
As soon as Nightwing rights himself, Red Hood swats him across the back of the head and calls him a show off.
The Ghost King just laughs as he claps. "There's my little monkey, look at you go! And I'm loving that leather jacket, Hood, is that new? Looks good on you, really your colour. Brings out the red in your helmet."
"Thanks, Uncle D. At least someone around here appreciates fashion."
"Are you kidding me, you know I breathe fashion, need I remind—"
"Need I remind you of the Discowing incident?"
"That was era-appropriate and you know it! Uncle D, tell him it was era-appropriate!"
"It was era-appropriate, but so are crocs and it doesn't make them fashionable." The Ghost King—and holy shit, is this actually the Ghost King? Or did Constantine just accidentally summon a deceased family member, what the fuck is happening here?—turns to look at Red Robin with a smile, resolutely ignorning the argument he created. "How you doing, Double R? You get that tablet Tucker made for you?"
"Yes, thank you! It's so cool, how did he—"
"How's Tucker doing?" Batman interrupts, his hands now hidden underneath his cape.
As soon as the question leaves his lips, everyone groans. Red Robin makes a show of lifting up his wrist and staring at it intently.
"Incredible," Red Hood mutters with a shake of his head.
Even the Ghost King seems put out, rolling his eyes and answering in a flat tone as if he knows Batman isn't interested in what he has to say.
Not for the first time, Constantine feels like he's missing something.
"Tucker's doing very well, thank you for asking."
What follows is the most awkward silence Constantine has ever had the pleasure to be a part of.
All three of the Gotham vigilantes, including the Ghost King, are staring at Batman, waiting for something. Batman's cloak shifts as if he's moving his hands, fidgeting. If Constantine didn't know any better, he'd say he was nervous.
"Good. That's good, I'm glad to hear it."
Instead of saying anything else, the Ghost King just raises his eyebrows and continues to stare at Batman. Has he offended him in some way? Are they all going to die because of this?
After what seems like an agonising few minutes but could only really be a few seconds, Batman's shoulders dip and he takes a breath. "And Jazz?"
They all erupt into shouts, the Ghost King being the loudest. The only thing John can make out is when the Ghost King throws his hand in the air to point at Red Robin with a shout of "Time!"
"1:30.91, we got 1:30.91 on the clock, who's closest?"
"Did you even try to hold it in at all, old man? I'm so disappointed in you. People think you're cool. People think you're suave, I don't understand how they could be so wrong."
"Thank you for that, Hood."
"No, thank you, I won. Again. Because you're so predictable. Actually, I had one minute seventeen, so you held out longer than I thought you would."
Batman pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs loudly.
Constantine feels like doing the same thing.
Whatever. He's going to have to interrupt... whatever this is. There's still a rampaging demon heading their way that they've got to bargain for. He can untangle Batman's personal connection to the Ghost King later. Or he could leave it alone and forget everything about it.
Yeah, he'll do that one.
But before he can actually open his mouth to say anything, the Ghost King, again, beats him to it.
"So, B-Man, did you summon me here for a particular reason, or was it really just so you could ask about Jazz?"
There's a beat of silence before Batman mutters, "I asked about Tucker, too. We've not seen each other in so long, it's only polite."
"And I'm sure you meant it, you're the paragon of manners." The Ghost King nods slow and wide-eyed as if he doesn't believe him at all.
At this point, even Constantine doesn't believe him.
"It has been forever, though." The Ghost King muses, bringing his hand to his chin and folding his legs underneath him. "We should all get together sometime! If you get Alfie to make some of his cookies again, I'll get Clockwork to lend us a pocket dimension where we can spend as much time as we want, deal?"
"It's a deal."
No hesitation at all, incredible.
Hold on. Wait. John has to fight the urge to pinch himself, because this has to be a dream, right? Is Batman actually smiling? He didn't even know he could do that.
An itch niggles at the back of John's mind. He's starting to get an inkling of what's going on here and it's... weird, to say the least.
"Oooh," Nightwing singsongs, like a child in a playground tickled by the very idea of romance.
But then, who's he to judge? John's no stranger to strange bedfellows, that's for sure. Whoever this Jazz is, she must be something incredible—she'd have to be, if Batman can't even go two minutes without asking about her.
"Batman and Jasmine sitting in a tree," Nightwing continues, with both Red Hood and Red Robin joining in for the rest. "K—I—S—S—I—"
"Stop," Batman growls, completely drowned out by the Ghost King's laughter, but...
It all suddenly clicks for John.
The Ghost King Phantom.
Her Royal Highness, Princess Jasmine Phantom.
"Holy shit, mate," John breathes, unable to stop himself as everyone looks his way. "You have the hots for the Princess of the Infinite Realms?"
The Justice League meeting room has never descended into chaos quicker.
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Fluff alphabet for Nikolai? You’re one of the few who write for him and he’s my favorite character! Thank you so much!!
Hey there! Really? There aren't many people who write for him? That's such a shame, he's literally such a cool character and I adore him so much! Also, sorry I wrote this relatively late, but life got inbetween! But I wrote it now!
Fluff Alphabet for Nikolai
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
If it was up to him, then you’d be spending most of your days at home, within the safety of your walls. However, he loves doing whatever it is you love. You wanna go on a hike? You wanna have a boxing match with him? You wanna start a book club? Everything is game for him as long as you’re down for it, or make the suggestion. He is the adaptable sort of person who can do just about anything, especially if he gets to spend time with you and make you happy.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
The fact that you can stay with someone like him. Nikolai can be a very cocky man, he doesn’t particularly hide his occasional cruelty either. Sure, he is calm and collected as well, but he could see why you would want to leave him for someone more “proper”. You could likely get anyone in the world, and yet you decide to stay with him? He, who has killed the guilty and innocent alike? Who makes fun of the police whenever he can? It takes a special kind of crazy to want to be with someone like that. He can appreciate that. 
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Since one of his abilities is that he can stay calm under any circumstance, he would likely calmly talk to you, try to talk some sense into you as well. His voice can be rather calm too when he wants it to be. He’ll be your voice of reason while getting you away from whatever may be upsetting you, shielding you from onlookers. When you’re sad he’ll offer some advice, or maybe some distraction, whichever you say you need more at the moment. His advice is actually pretty solid too, he’s been through a lot and isn’t the youngest anymore either.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He has a small country house in the middle of nowhere in Russia, and he’d love living there with you. No more soldier or mercenary business, just you and him living together there, disturbed by no one aside from the occasional bird chirping here and there. He’d chop the wood while you make him a lovely pie. It doesn’t need to be fancy, as long as he gets to spend his future with you, winding down from all the adrenaline he gets on a regular basis, he’s happy.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Surprisingly, he tends to be more passive in the relationship. Though, he could go either way, but normally he just goes along with whatever it is you want. Sure, he can and will flirt with you occasionally, and if you’re on the more passive side then he’ll take charge, but other than that he just goes with the flow and lets you decide. If you can’t decide for whatever reason, then he will. But whatever makes you happiest he’ll do.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He would never raise his voice at you. It’s very hard to anger him in general, he usually believes he’s in the right anyway, which he usually is. He’s calm and collected at all times, but will be more factual with everything when he’s starting to get annoyed with you. However, he easily forgives, regardless of whether you apologize or not. Your relationship isn’t so weak that something like this should make it falter.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Generally speaking, he knows what is and isn’t a given, and he knows to appreciate the things that aren’t. So yeah, he’s a pretty grateful man, even if it doesn’t seem like he’d show it very often. Nikolai knows that you cleaning the house from top to bottom, you cooking him a meal and giving him all the love he deserves and so much more isn’t a given, so he likes to show his gratitude through the small things, such as making sure to take in every new detail about you and always complimenting you, getting you the occasional gift as well. Something small but meaningful.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He runs a PMC, so naturally there are things he can’t tell you about. However, he does believe that secrecy kills a relationship. If it’s something he can talk about, he will. Although he won’t go into detail about how he tortured that man, he will give you constructive criticism on how you can improve your knitting. He’s not one for lying, you deserve to know just about everything. Isn’t the most open about his past, though.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I think Nikolai changed the most during his youth, so likely long before he met you. By the time you met he had already become who he is today. I don’t think anyone or anything could change him that significantly anymore, unless something truly terrible happened. He knows to take care of himself. However, I feel as though he could have become a bit kinder as a result of meeting you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He has faith in you to not leave him. Sure, he gets his spurts of jealousy, but he’s an adult, he doesn’t really act on it all that much. The only thing he really does when he’s jealous is talk over the other person to try and get your attention. He deals with it by either walking away from the situation or trying to get you away from the other person if he can. Again, he trusts you to not stray from him.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s an attractive man, he likely had his fair share of lovers throughout his life, meaning he’s kissed plenty of times. When he was younger, he wasn’t a very good kisser, but he learned to adapt to the likes and dislikes of people. He could likely satisfy just about anyone with a few kisses these days. However, your first kiss with him would have beena a gentle one. He loved you even back then and was afraid of intimidating you. It was short, it was gentle, it was sweet.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It wouldn’t be anything too fancy. He’d get you flowers, some chocolate or other sweets you like and invite you to a lake or something. And then he’d confess his feelings to you in a casual manner and ask you if you want to be with him. If you had said no then he would have made the offer of staying friends, at the very least.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
On the one hand, he does want to get married, on the other he doesn’t want to subject you to all the danger he’s usually part of. I think it would take him an eternity to propose and then it would be something simple as well. He’d test the waters by asking you if you want to marry him first, the ring comes later. Not much changes when you’re married to him. It still feels rather casual, but there’s always the fact you’re bound by your vows now. He’ll make it his goal to relive his honeymoon with you by going on a vacation with you every once in a while.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Милый/милая (my dear, darling), Любимый/любимая (loved one) and Солнышко (sunshine) are his go to. He’s not overly creative, but he sometimes also calls you by the names of cute little animals. Again, he’s more casual when it comes to things like this. More often than not, he calls you by your name. However, he’s not above using terms of endearment in your native language as well. He knows eight languages, and if yours isn’t among them then he’ll simply learn it.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s not obvious at all when he’s in love. Sure, he likes to spend more time with you, but he won’t prioritize you when he’s busy. Sometimes he’ll give you an expensive gift. Knowing fully well you’ll want to repay him, he’ll simply ask for your company and that you’ll pay for the coffee on your little date. He knows how to get what he wants, and if he wants a small outing with you then he’ll get it. He doesn’t express his feelings freely at first, but he’ll call and text you more often to check up on you. That’s about it, he has his feelings in check otherwise.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He doesn’t really brag about his relationship. He only really mentions you here and there in front of his closest friends. The entire world doesn’t need to know about you, so he keeps you to himself for the most part. However, he doesn’t really mind PDA all that much. Sure, he won’t really initiate it, but if you really wanna kiss him, then you can just go for it. Same if you just wanna cuddle up to him under his jacket. He doesn’t really mind that sort of thing.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
The fact that he can stay cool under any circumstance. Even when you’re out to get on his nerves like no other he can stay almost completely neutral. It’s really hard to piss him off, and even then he thinks more rationally than he normally would. He really doesn’t let his emotions get the better of him when he’s in a negative situation. You’ll never have him yell at you, only tell you facts. He can also argue for you in case someone is being mean to you.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s not really a romantic at heart. Sure, there’s the occasional gesture. He’ll gift you plushies, he’ll take you on a walk where you can watch the sunrise together, he’ll also cuddle you on the couch. However, he will also train you, he will take you to his shooting range, you will be sparring with him from time to time. Although it may not seem like much, that’s also another “romantic” aspect of his. He wants you to be able to defend yourself in an emergency, so he’ll make all of it seem more romantic than it really is. Will take you out for dinner, though. He can make some really mean pirozhki.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Naturally. He’s been through so much, he likely has some piece of advice for just about any situation. And even when he can’t give you any advice, he can help you out by either listening to your woes or by paying for whatever it is you need. He’ll always be there for you. Nikolai is a very loyal man once you’ve gotten on his good side. He would never let anyone he’s close with down, be it a friend or a lover. You can bet he’ll do just about anything for you.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
It entirely depends on what you want. He can honestly go either way. Sure, he might not want to spice his love life up by committing a murder with you every day, even if he could, but maybe going on a vacation every once in a while would be nice. While he may be down to try almost everything at least once, he doesn’t mind staying stagnant in that regard either. It’s really up to you. However, he will make you eat certain new foods he thinks you might like. He’s a great cook, his meals are always top notch.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He’s not a very empathetic person. Sure, he can usually tell what someone is thinking, but that doesn’t mean he cares enough about most people to feel what they’re feeling. Even in a relationship he isn’t the most emphatic person, he barely has any empathy for anyone. However, he can easily take notice of even the smallest of changes in your behavior and act accordingly. To him, life is more logical than anything else, not so much emotional. So he will act in accordance with the signs you give him and do whatever he has learned works for you. Either that or he will listen to his intuition. His intuition is great.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
His relationship with you is on par with the friendship he has with Price and Laswell. He knows that you can’t live off of love and air your entire life, so he keeps close contact with both of them as well. While you could not bribe him out of the relationship if you tried, he does sometimes think about cutting ties with you to keep you safe. He wouldn’t go through with it, but he does value a lot of things in life. Any relationship is important to him, whether it be romantic or platonic. So yeah, you wanting him to cut ties with Price or Laswell would immediately raise a red flag with him. He wouldn’t give up either of them either, please understand that. 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He runs so very hot. Out of all the main characters, he has the highest body temperature. Nikolai is very comfortable to cuddle with in winter. He doesn’t mind cuddling with you either, if that’s what you want. But just so you know, he’s a tall man and could likely wrap himself around you almost entirely. He’s also very strong, so he could make you feel very protected as well. That’s one of his favorite things to do, making you feel safe and secure. The more you melt into him, the more you trust him to protect you, the better. He’s a nightmare to cuddle with in summer, though.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
On his own accord he’s kind of like a cat. He prefers to watch you and be in the same room as you to show affection. Once he’s figured out your style of affection, he’ll act in accordance to that. You wanna cuddle? Sure. You wanna be together in the same room? Naturally. You wanna be mushy together and exchange loving words? Yeah, he can do that too, even if he isn’t the most emotional person. Generally speaking, he likes kissing and cuddling, but he doesn’t need to be all over you all the time. The occasional kiss and cuddle is alright, but too much skin contact has the potential to annoy him.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Since he knows that being distracted on the battlefield could lead to him never seeing you again, he tends to not think about you. However, once he has some downtime he likes to replay some of the moments he shared with you. The time you accidentally hurt yourself breaking a mug as he patched you up or when you fell asleep in his arms, he thinks about those moments more often than he’d like to admit. He doesn’t really keep a memento of you, you’re not even on his phone’s background, but he remembers you well. Your smiles, your tears, the way you’d hug him so tightly when he’d come home. He just thinks about you and those thoughts lull him to sleep.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he has killed for you several times already. To answer the question, yes. He’s killed for you, he’s broken the law several times for you. He runs his own PMC, he could technically go to war for you as well. And he would if someone were to take you away from him. He could likely destroy a small nation for you. While he won’t do it if you ask him to, if someone were to kidnap you, he would not hesitate to fight for you. Your safety is a priority of his, so he will do what he can to make sure you’re by his side, forever and always.
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
Life after March '86 is very different from life before.
For one thing, he never almost died before. Nor did he ever have anyone accuse him of murder, never mind murders, as in the plural.
But then again, he didn't have Steve Harrington before either.
Steve is on him as soon as Eddie opens the door to the new, government-funded house on the outskirts of town where he and Wayne now live.
"Whoa, hey, Stevie," he laughs, delighted at the way Steve wraps himself around him like he wants to climb inside Eddie, "it's not even been a day."
Steve kicks the door shut behind them and turns to press Eddie against it. Just before Steve's lips land on his, he whispers, "I know, it felt like an eternity to me too," and kisses him like he can't wait another second.
They make their way over to the couch, mouths never parting, and Steve just about pushes Eddie down before climbing into his lap. He's back to kissing Eddie in seconds and Eddie can't help but laugh again, already breathless from how Steve steals all the air from him. "What's gotten into you?" he says, softening his words by brushing his nose against Steve's.
Steve ducks his head and Eddie sees the rosy color rise in his cheeks. The butterflies in his stomach take flight at the sight.
"I - you just taste good."
Eddie lets out another laugh, loud and carefree, and says, "I thought you hated chocolate mint ice cream?"
Steve's grin is the only warning he gets before Steve's giant hand is on his jaw, holding him still as he licks into his mouth. When he's done, he smacks his lips. "Changed my mind. I love it."
They ruin the blanket on the couch that afternoon, but Eddie thinks he can't be blamed for that. It really felt like an eternity.
Life with Steve is good, but life in Hawkins is not.
It's small things, sometimes. Dirty looks when people pass him on the sidewalk. Whispered conversations behind his back, just loud enough for him to hear.
Other times it's bigger. Like the 35 unanswered job applications, on top of the 17 that came back to him with some kind of rude remarks or even slurs written on them.
The spray paint on the walls of their new house and the broken windows are even worse. So are the slashed tires on his van.
But the last straw is the fucking ambush. They had been playing at the Hideout, one of the few places where people left him alone. Eddie had stepped out for a cigarette between sets when they jumped him. Old buddies of Jason's, jocks who had graduated but still hung around Hawkins.
They were on him before he could scream for help, the first fist hitting his temple, bringing him down to his knees. The blows kept coming after that, his eye (murderer), his mouth (devil worshipper), his jaw (faggot).
The bartender, Phil, saves his life that night when he comes out the back door to take out the trash and finds them kicking at Eddie's helpless body as he lies on the ground with his arms around his head. Phil is a big guy, muscular and tall, and a roar from his massive chest is enough to send them scurrying away like the rats they are.
Phil helps him to his feet and asks if he's hurt. He is, but the shame hurts more than the split lip and black eye ever could.
When Steve sees Eddie's face the next day, he is livid. "Jesus Christ, Eddie! What the hell happened? Tell me who did this. They're fucking dead, I swear I -" Eddie's humorless laughter stops him in his tirade. He sways back as if Eddie had pushed him, his eyes searching Eddie's face and Eddie can see the first flicker of hurt in Steve's eyes.
"You don't get it, do you? Even if you kill one or two, they're like the fucking Hydra. Cut off one head and two more will replace it. It's the town, Stevie, don't you see? This cursed town that's suffocating everything that's," breathing heavily, Eddie wants Steve to listen, to understand what he's trying to say here. "Everything that's different. I don't belong here and they know it. They won't stop until I'm gone, one way or another."
He thought the shame hurt, but it was nothing compared to the look in Steve's eyes. "What are you saying?"
"No, don't Steve me. Eddie, what are you trying to say?" There are tears in Steve's eyes and his voice is thin. He knows what Eddie is trying to say and wills him not to say it.
Eddie wants so much to close the distance between them, wants to step forward and take Steve in his arms and tell him that it's okay, that he didn't mean it. But it's not, and he does. And so he stays where he is, letting the first tears roll down his cheeks.
"I have to, Steve. I-I can't do this anymore, it's killing me. Every day a little more. And I wish -" I wish it didn't have to be this way. I wish I could ask you to come with me. I wish it was enough to love you.
It's Steve who steps forward, closing the chasm between them, and takes Eddie in his arms. He shushes Eddie softly as he strokes his back, and it is then that Eddie hears his own broken sobs. "I know, shhh, I know."
"I'm so sorry. Steve," his voice breaks at Steve's name and his hands clutch the thin t-shirt Steve is wearing in a white-knuckled grip.
Steve leans back just enough to meet Eddie's eyes and there are tears on his face as well, but for Eddie he still tries to smile. It's the most heartbreaking thing Eddie has ever seen. "It's okay, Eddie. It's okay."
They make love one last time. It's slow, drawn out, until Eddie doesn't know where he ends and Steve begins.
They don't talk, just hold each other, Steve on top of him, covering every inch of Eddie he can reach, like he wants to crawl inside him. He doesn't pull out when they're finished, just stays inside Eddie as long as their bodies allow.
The next morning, Eddie leaves. It's still dark, but he feels Steve's eyes on him as he silently packs his things.
His hand grips the handle of his door and pulls it open, but before he steps through and out of Steve's life, he turns back to the bed, helpless not to.
The first light of the day streams in through his window and a beam illuminates Steve's broad back, revealing the moles he loves to trace with his tongue. The light makes the brown of his hair look almost golden and he wants nothing more than to drop his bags and crawl back under the covers with Steve. The hazel eyes watching him from beneath the tousled strands of golden brown hair beg him to do just that.
“Goodbye, Stevie.”
The click of the door behind him is almost deafening, the only sound to be heard in the early hours of the dawning day.
He settles in Chicago when a cousin of Gareth's, looking for a roommate, offers him a place to stay. There is no particular reason. It's not Hawkins, and that's enough for Eddie.
He likes the big city with it's loud noises and louder people. Unapologetic and free, it's what he can finally be here. There is so much going on around him, whole subcultures being born every day, or so it seems. Bands are looking left and right for a guitarist, some even for one who can sing. He auditions, starts playing with some guys (and a girl) who call themselves Dark King's Consort.
Life in Chicago is good, but life without Steve is not.
He misses Steve. Every fucking day. The first few weeks he can't sleep, can't really eat. He sees Steve's face everywhere. Every guy (and, embarrassingly, more than one girl) looks like Steve. When he looks in the mirror, he doesn't recognize the face that looks back at him most days.
It's supposed to get better over time. It never does.
Until one day, six months, two weeks, four days and ten hours after sneaking out of his bedroom with Steve watching him from his bed, he actually sees Steve. The real Steve. In Chicago, on the corner of his street.
He's looking at a piece of paper in his hand, his eyebrows furrowed and his nose adorably scrunched into what Eddie used to call his thinking face. He wants to kiss it.
"What are you doing here?" It comes out accusingly, as if his heart isn't beating so hard it threatens to jump out of his chest and into Steve's hands.
Steve looks up from the paper and his eyes meet Eddie's for the first time in over six months. "Getting my boyfriend back."
Eddie gapes at him, static filling his head, so he says the first thing that comes to mind. "You said it was okay. That I was leaving, I mean."
Steve steps forward and cups Eddie's cheek with his hand, closing the distance between them once again. There's a smile on his lips and Eddie falls in love with him all over again.
"I lied."
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adhdprincess · 5 months
Remember that crazy AU where Tess died? Fuckin brutal. Glad that didn't really happen.
Here's a multi-chapter fic where Tess lives, written in Ellie's snarky POV.
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Summary: Ellie, Joel, and Tess learn to live on the road together without wringing each other's necks in the process. Ellie is feral, Joel is savage, and Tess is trying to get everyone to Wyoming in one piece.
Set during the 3-month timeskip before winter. There are wonderful character arcs and nice campfire scenes, but it gets dramatic as hell—buckle up.
20k words, 3 chapters. I worked on this for 3 months.
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nichiperi · 10 months
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happy birthday to meeee~ ヘ⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ω⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠)
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violetsdaisy · 2 months
I just reached 101 subscribers on AO3 and 10k hits on Opal Eyes overnight 😭✨🤍
I know this is probably annoying for me to keep saying this, but it’s never happened to me before and it just means so much to me.
I wanted to post my notes for OE as a little behind the scenes but apparently I deleted it 😆 So here’s a sneak peak into my new story that’s coming in August.
It’s going to be different than what I’ve written before. Which is funny to me because I say that every time I share a story.
But here it is! I hope you like it. 🌷
boy is mine Chapter 1 sneak peak:
A kid was sleeping in a dueling arena where anyone could come up and do who knows what to him. He couldn’t just let that slide.
Atem walked down the darkened street to the arena and used his access card to get inside. He headed straight for the announcers table to hook up a microphone.
He tried really hard not to let his fury overtake his voice, but he was positive it carried over.
“Yugi! Get your ass down here.”
Silence met his ears, which only fueled both his anger and fear of something happening to the kid.
He lost his patience after five more seconds of waiting.
Footsteps sounded and echoed throughout the arena almost instantly.
Atem lifted his gaze to find a small, delicate boy begrudgingly walking toward him. His head was low, allowing Atem no insight on what he looked like apart from his baggy, dark clothing and extremely unruly dark hair.
The kid stopped a good few feet away from him.
Atem understood why Mana was so protective over him. Atem wasn’t a tall man by any means, but the Yugi was downright tiny and desperately trying to become one with the floor.
Atem cleared his throat and moved away from the microphone. “You must be Yugi.”
The boy nodded but didn’t look up at him. Atem crossed his arms.
“Do you understand how dangerous it is to be sleeping out here all by yourself?”
Yugi nodded again but Atem had a feeling it was more compulsory than actual understanding.
“Then you know that this can’t happen anymore,” Atem told him, leaving no room for arguments.
The boy didn’t though. Not how anyone else would have. But Atem’s keen eye noticed how Yugi scrunched in toward himself, leaving the backpack he wore to seem larger than him.
Atem sighed heavily. “Come on. I’ll take you back to the hotel.”
Yugi went willingly, keeping a good distance from Atem and not looking up at all. It was a wonder how the boy could even see to walk.
Nonetheless, Atem was relieved when he stopped them at the hotel room Yugi had led them to when Atem had requested for directions.
“Alright,” Atem said with a deep frown. Yugi seemed troubled and painfully shy. It was no wonder Keith had singled him out. The poor kid. “Get some sleep. We have a flight to Taiwan in the morning and you need rest. I’ll send Mana to come find you when we land. She was worried about you.”
Yugi nodded and tiny, little pale fingers tightened on his backpack straps.
Atem sighed and then left him there to get back into his room. Atem was exhausted. It was nearly three in the morning and he really needed to sleep. His head was starting to pound.
But first, he stopped off at Mana and Mahad’s hotel room, knowing Mana wouldn’t be sleeping at all with how worried she was. Sure enough, when Mahad opened the door, Mana pushed past him and grabbed Atem by the arms, eyes wide and hopeful.
Atem smiled and rested his hands on her shoulders. “I found him. He’s alright and back in his hotel room. I get why you were worried. He’s a shy kid.”
“He is,” Mana sniffled. “Thanks Atem. I was so scared something had happened to him.”
Atem squeezed her shoulder before releasing her. “Nothing happened to him. But I did find him sleeping in the arena.”
“Arena?” Mahad asked from his stance against the doorway. “He was sleeping there?”
“Yeah,” Atem nodded at them both. “Apparently, the others in his hotel room party all night so Tristan Taylor decided to bring it on himself to send Yugi to sleep there.” He crossed his arms and shook his head. “Anything could have happened to him.”
“But I understand why,” Mana said with a wobble to her lip. “I saw what was happening in there when I tried finding him. I can’t imagine how he’d ever sleep. Yugi just isn’t like those other guys.”
Atem frowned disapprovingly. “Well, he has to, Mana. He signed up for this job and it’s how things are. If he can’t do that then he needs to find another place of employment. Which probably wouldn’t be a bad thing. He’s young and I’m sure he could do a whole lot better.”
“Well all that matters right now is that he’s safe,” Mahad replied, gently pulling his wife backward toward him. “Let’s get to bed now, shall we, love?”
Atem felt the familiar tug of being horrendously single momentarily bother him. He adjusted his stance in the hotel hallway to remove it.
Mana nodded up at her husband and then looked at Atem with a tired gaze. “Thank you, Atem.”
Atem smiled warmly back at her. “What are friends for?”
After leaving the couple, Atem headed toward the elevator to get back up to his room. He ran a hand through his hair and felt his eyes burn. He really needed sleep.
Of course, life had other plans because as soon as he pressed the button of the elevator, he was shocked to see a familiar head of messy dark hair and a heap of black clothing on one of the benches near the wall.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
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loveisnotfinite · 3 months
I am not getting off twitter… cause… well… I mean… when Luke goes all flirty I just can’t.
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wooahaes · 8 days
ngl anytime someone calls me one of their fave fluff blogs im like
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iamespecter · 4 months
Hey I hope you don't mind me shooting you an ask but I just wanted to say I love your Unexpected Reunions fic it's so very cute, I wasn't going to keep going with my Caine fic until I saw yours pop up later and it's inspired me to see it through! I would be honored if you'd like to check it out, but that's completely up to you. I wish you the best with your story! Can't wait to see how it goes?
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Thank you very much for the compliment, but I'm going to have to ask about this... "Caine fic" you are referring to..... I am very much interested......
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daffi-990 · 11 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday 📝
More from the Buddie Slow Dance Fic. This fic is gonna be soft and sappy 🥰💖. The first song these boys danced to (before this lil snippet starts) is Paper Rings by Taylor Swift cos it’s such a fun song and Buck is a Swiftie and would totally drag Eddie to dance to one of her songs.
“Where’d you learn to dance like that?” Buck is finally able to ask as the song begins to come to a close. He’s been told a few times by Karen and even Eddie himself that the man could dance, but he didn’t think he’d be that good.
“My Abuelo and Abuela loved to dance. Swing, samba, waltz, they just loved dance and taught all of us kids. Every Sunday after church we’d go back to their house and have lunch as a family and then dance. After Abuelo died, Sophia and Adrianna stopped dancing, but I kept it up so I could dance with Abuela.” Eddie begins swaying them gently as a new song begins to play. “Dancing always made her so happy, and even though he was gone, I wanted her to have something of him still. Keep the memory of him alive, you know?”
Buck didn’t think it was possible to fall even more in love with someone, but here he is, sinking deeper into the sea of love he has for one Eddie Diaz.
No pressure tagging: @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine @forthewolves @fortheloveofbuddie @callmenewbie @thewolvesof1998 @wikiangela @hippolotamus @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddiediaztho @rainbow-nerdss @try-set-me-on-fire @spotsandsocks @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @loserdiaz @callaplums @captain-hen @monsterrae1 @messyhairdiaz and whoever else wants to share something 😊.
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nahoyasboyfriend · 1 month
Every time someone likes my posts about that creepy dentist my heart swells with joy
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quirinah · 6 months
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oomf was talking about this combi and I remembered the season 25 episode where they interact for like 30 seconds. and then i got progressively more invested
#quirinahdraws#WHATEVERRRR *exploding*#nintama#nintama rantarou#忍たま乱太郎#rkrn#nanamatsu koheita#tachibana senzou#i don’t know if i actually do ship them romantically but it’s a very fun idea to think about#Listen Listen Listen. Can anyone hear me. i just think koheita is way smarter than he looks (crazy person)#BUT REALLY. he’s quite knowledgeable and he’s very sincere and good and reading people but he’s also super intuitive#and makes most of his decisions on the spot based on how he reads a situation and how he feels so he’s difficult to keep up with#it would just be fun to see senzou whos also really smart! but likes being in control and looking unflappable and perfect#falling for a guy who he can’t read but who’s super sincere and encouraging nevertheless… (forlorn)#HE SAW THROUGH SABUROU’S DISGUISE OF SENZOU IN THE 5TH YEARS VS 6TH YEARS ARC CAN ANYONE HEAR MEEEEE (is dragged offstage)#こへ仙#kohesen#but i think they would be a fun duo nevertheless! I can’t write dialogue but i saw someone way long ago talking about how it would be fun t#see senzou as the planner/espionage kind of strategist and koheita as the guy who gets in and gets stuff done…#OR PLANNING TOGETHER I can’t write dialogue but I like to think about koheita already having assessed the circumstance and just#cooking up a plan on the fly…#I do think senzou is kind of like monjirou where he’s a little bit of a softie at heart but he isn’t around koheita all the time like monji#so it might be fun to see him more flustered/being unable to read kohe….i want to see them get along too…. (crazy person)#digital
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I want there to be an animated batman series that focuses on jaybin so bad. I just want it to start like bam this is batman you know him. Here's his second child he just picked up. Now let's watch them go on adventures together
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