#these poses gave me like a mini idea
izayoichan · 1 year
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The picture book 🎶
Flynn: So this is? Hayle: Well, a little welcome home present for you, its both some pictures we had from when your mom was little, and some from when you were little. Flynn: Oh... They had been called to come visit by them both, not quite sure what to expect when they had arrived. A picture book was not quite what he had expected.
Hayle: The first three are some pictures of your mom, the rest we have of him and Hayden you have seen, but these were just of him. Flynn: Wow he liked making messes didn’t he?  Chris: Yeah, all the time, it drove your grampa fairly insane at times. Flynn: Did you ever get mad? Hayle: Often, and he got sad and said sorry, and then two minutes later, there it was again. Flynn chuckled, hearing about this side of his mom, although they were very young at the time, was fun. Flynn: What is this one? Hayle: Oh, thats the one Hayden found in a book, it was the first picture he talked him into taking, the one that started his modeling career. Flynn: Wow.. Chris: He was very uncertain about it, but Hayden was sure, so they sent this and some others, and got asked for more. Flynn: I do look a little l ike him, don’t i? Hayle: You do, but you also have River in there, a good mix I’d say. Flynn smiled, watching the rest of the pictures. Several was of him with either Chris or Hayle, or his dad, and some were of course with him and Fannar being up to all manners of sillyness. Flynn: I wish I remembered this one. Chris: Your dad wishes to forget it forever! Flynn: How long did it take him to clean us both? Hayle: Hours, and still Vy found specs of paint on Fan and asked what had happened. The picture was of the two off them, sitting in the middle of a pile of opened paintcans in all colors, and at best, you could simply say they were both very colorfull. Flynn: Poor dad. Hayle: He did laugh at first though. Flynn chuckled as he could just imagine his dad finding it fun, then realizing Vy might not. He could also imagine how fun it would be to try and wash two unruly toddlers, even with magic.
Flynn: Thanks, I think I want to show this to my dad later.
He stayed a while longer, just chatting with his grandparets, a little about his mom, his childhood, and of course they asked about him and Emil. Then, much later than planned, he made his way home, deciding to show Emil his new treasure first.
(Poses are by @simmireen )
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venusacrossthestars · 2 months
pairing- Lando Norris x fem!reader
wc- 1.3k
summary- You and Lando are too competitive for you own good, so what is a better date idea than a round of putt-putt
a/n: this is a little b-day gift for my bestest friend @arieslost I LOVE YOU BESTIE.
f1 masterlist
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“Babe, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
If someone walked in and saw the look on Lando’s face they would assume that you just kicked the poor man’s dog. But the truth to Lando’s sad expression- your insistence that a mini-golf date was not at all a great idea that Lando chalked it up to be. 
Lando stares up at you from where his head rest on your lap, his lips pouted out, “Why not?” 
“Are you seriously asking me that? Do you remember the last time we went? Or the time we played Mario Kart, Uno, Monopoly. Do you remember anytime we played something that had us competing against each other.” Lando continues to stare at you, as if he has no idea what you are talking about. 
“Lando! Seriously?! We each get pissy at each other. We are both too competitive for our own good.” 
Lando shoots up from were he was laying, startling you. He reaches across you to where his phone lays on the side table, “But babe, you haven’t even seen how cool this place is!” He shoves his now unlocked phone in your face, “See!” 
You move back and take Lando’s phone from his hand. You see that he already has their Instagram paged pulled up. You scroll through a couple of their post. 18 holes, Atlantis themed, has an aquarium, good photo opportunities. 
“It is nice,” you agree. 
“Babe. Please.” 
Your resolve crumbles in a matter of seconds, “Fine, but I have 2 conditions,” you watch Lando’s face fall, “1- You will not, and I mean, NOT, do that spiderman-whatever-it-is pose on the course and 2- If an argument or anythings breaks out and we get pissy at each other I get to say I told you so.” 
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The first ‘disagreement’ of the day occurred not even 2 holes into the course. Lando claimed that you had purposely aimed for his ugly neon green ball. 
“You did that on purpose!” 
You stand there with a bewildered look on your face, “Are you kidding me? Your ball is right in the middle of the damn way. Of course I’m going to hit it!” 
This is exactly why you couldn’t stand playing against Lando. When the two of you played together against other people, you guys were a powerhouse, unstoppable. Putting the two of you against one another, well the results were what you were dealing with now. 
“Lando I swear to God I will leave you here and you can walk home. Remember our ‘deal’? Because I do.”  You wave your golf club at him in a warning manner. 
“You’re right. I’m sorry baby.” 
You sigh out, you could never stay made at Lando when he gave you that puppy dog eyes look, “It’s fine, let’s just try and have a good time.” 
The two of you move through the course, you’re keeping score with a baby pencil on the little piece of paper one of the workers gave you when you picked out your balls, not trusting Lando to put down the correct score. 
“Awww. Babe, look your favorite food,” You point to the fish in aquarium that lines the next hole. 
You hear Lando make a noise and a pinch in your side. “That one looks like you,” Lando tells you as he points to the ugliest fish in the tank. 
You ram you elbow back, hitting him right in the stomach, “You ass. Keep it up and you’ll be sleeping with them.” 
“Come on, we got like, 7 holes left.” Lando grabs you hand and drags you away to the next hole. 
Lando drops his ball on the green, lines up his shot and swings. You watch as the ball bounces off the barrier and rolls right into the hole. “Hole in one babyyyyyy!” He exclaims, club raised over his head. “I’d like to see you do that.” 
“Bet.” Is all you say as Lando walks over to hole to retrieve his ball. He moves off to the side and watches as you line up your shot, a smirk resting on his face. 
You swing, and your ball does the same thing that Lando’s did, resulting in you own hole in one. 
“Hole in one babyyyyyy!” You mimic his early reaction. You do his same winning motion and you watch his smirk fall with a smirk of your own. 
The two of you aren’t the only people in here, there is a family a four ahead of you and another couple behind you. As Lando and you are walking to the next hole you can’t help but glance back at the couple, who, unlike you and Lando, are being all lovey dovey. The boyfriend is helping the girl with her swing, standing behind her, holding her hands as they swing the club together. 
You nudge Lando, “See we could be like them,” you point to the couple, “instead we’re two competitive a-holes.” 
Lando shrugs. “I like your competitiveness, gives me my money worth.” 
“Well be sure to keep that mentality after I beat your ass.” 
“We still have 3 more holes,” Lando points out. 
“Yeah, but with how bad you’re doing, I think I got this in the bag.” 
“Don’t count all your eggs before they hatch.” 
“Chickens, babe. Chickens. It’s- don’t count all your chickens before they hatch.” 
“Wait, then what’s the egg one?” 
“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” You say unclear to which one he is referring to.
“That’s it!” 
You roll your eyes, “You’re lucky your handsome.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” you pat him on the shoulder and start walking to the next hole. 
“No, what did you mean by that?” Lando calls out from behind you and all you can do is giggle. 
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It’s the last hole and maybe Lando was right, you shouldn’t have counted all your chickens before they hatched. Because the past two holes Lando has managed to get two holes in one, you on the other hand were plundering. 
“So, we’re tied right now. This is the last hole, therefore, the tie-breaker.” 
“Do you want to go first?” 
“I guess.” Honestly no, you didn’t want to go first. You rather watch how Lando does first, then try to replicate whatever he did, your strategy you’ve been using the entire game. 
You line up your shot and swing. A very underwhelming delivery on your end. Lando goes and has the same result. Second swing same thing, ultimately closer to the hole before. Lando swings and his ball is just a little behind yours. Third swing, and PLUNK, right into the hole. You hold in your celebration, Lando could still tie. Lando goes for his turn, and he puts to much force in his swing, his ball goes in and right back out of the hole. It’s on his fourth try that his ball makes it in. 
“YES! I WON!” Your shout draws the attention of the couple behind you, you give them an apologetic look. You turn your attention to Lando, who is looking at you with nothing but adoration. 
“Well done,” Lando gives you a little golf clap and you take a bow. 
“I guess I don’t get to tell you I told you so.” You say as the two of you walk in the parking lot hand-in-hand. 
“Wow, we actually had a nice outing and that’s all you can say,” 
You stop and jerk Lando’s hand towards you, “I had a fun time, even if we did get a little competitive.” 
Lando’s hands move to you waist and pull you into a hug, “I had a fun time too, even though I lost.” 
“Don’t be a sore loser.” 
He wouldn’t say anything today, but maybe sometime in the future he would tell you that he purposely swung a little too hard on his third turn so that his ball would bounce out of the hole. But for now he could live with the little white lie, as long as it made you happy.
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@arieslost @customsbyjcg-blog @gr1mes-cc @styl1shl1v @tpwkstiles @hiireadstuff @landoscardotcom @poppyflower-22 @blancastans @katiezdiarysblog @mrsstylez @jamieeboulos @peanutaj @hwalllllllelujah @purple9950 @chaoticpenguindetective @crazymofo-96 @harriesnuggets @georgerussellsgridgirl @luckyladycreator2 @llando4norris @slaygirlbossworld
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
wanna make a movie | kth
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The one time you fucked Taehyung was a fluke, and it will never happen ever again in a million years. Never ever ever. Right? RIGHT??
» pairing: taehyung x reader (from "wanna fuck on camera")
» genre: BTS | 18+ | frenemies to lovers | smut | a bit of fluff kinda
» wc/date: 3.7k | september 2022
» warnings: i meannn they're making a sex tape soooo | cunnilingus | unprotected vaginal sex | fingering | tae's pull out game strong 💪🏽 | cumshot | tae is Annoying but Hot | i definitely didn't edit this LOL SORRY
» notes: shoutout to this person for the video, we owe them big time 🤪 i recommend reading "wanna fuck on camera" first, but this can work as a standalone
» masterlist | ao3 | send me ur thots 👅
» what was jai listening to? movie star - cix
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The Wannabe-Photographer Chronicles (mini-series) Masterlist
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“I already told you I’m not posing for nudes, asshole. Is the one you took of me not enough for you? Hmm?”
Taehyung grinned as he popped out the flip screen on his camera. “I don’t want to take photos of you. I want to film you.”
He was such a piece of shit. He really was. Since your ridiculous entanglement with Taehyung during Hoseok’s birthday party, Taehyung hadn’t left you alone. It was worse than before; he suddenly believed fucking him gave him a free pass to get on your nerves even more than he had to begin with. 
You hated it and you hated him. That was all there was to it. 
Crossing your arms against your chest, you glared at the man as he fiddled with the camcorder. This was infinitely worse than the film camera debacle. You didn’t even want to consider what he’d done with the photo of you cumming on his fingers. The thought of him having it made you shiver. 
“Film me doing what?” You immediately regretted the question when it left your lips and Taehyung’s eyebrows shot up. The smug, shit-eating grin on his face was almost unbearable. 
“Well, babe-” 
“Do not call me that.” 
“Well, Y/N.” He gave you a pointed look. “I need to diversify my portfolio and the only thing I’m missing is erotic art.” 
You scoffed and crossed your legs. At this point, you were a pretzel sitting on the edge of Taehyung’s couch. “You’re disgusting.” 
“Thank you,” he said with a sweet smile. “But I promise what I have planned isn’t as ‘disgusting’ as you probably think.” 
You didn’t trust him for shit, but you liked the idea of hearing what he had to say even if only to shut him down. You were looking for every reason to shit on his massive ego, maybe because you were embarrassed that you gave in to him when you said you wouldn’t. 
It was a fluke, though. A moment of bad judgment. You were thinking with your pussy. But not anymore. Nope. 
Fool me once, shame on you.
“What are your twisted little plans then, TaTa?” You shifted slightly when Taehyung moved to sit down next to you on the couch, forcing you up against the arm of the couch and giving you very little room. 
“Have you ever done a striptease before?” 
“I fucking told you I am not doing nudes.” 
Taehyung swiftly grabbed your jaw and turned your head to face him. The forced action made you gasp quietly, just enough to release a breathy sound when you exhaled. He watched you for a moment with the tip of his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek. “Fucking listen to me, yeah?” 
You could do nothing but nod, your eyes glued to his parted lips. 
“I don’t need you to be naked. I just need some shots of you taking off your clothes.” You opened your mouth to protest, but Taehyung squeezed your jaw tighter. “Headless shots, okay? Nothing identifiable. No nudity. Think of it as like an OnlyFans teaser, but make it hipster. Slap on a grainy, sepia filter. Or maybe a soft pink glow. I haven’t decided yet.” 
You were barely listening to him, most of your focus on how his hand had slowly let go of your face and migrated down to your throat. Your heartbeat spiked beneath his fingers. 
“Why are you asking me to do this?” 
Taehyung pulled away and returned to examining his camera settings. “Everyone I know who’d be down to do this would try to fuck me. Considering the theme, and everything. It would be so distracting.” He looked up at you through his fluffy bangs with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes. “You’re hot and would never fuck me, as you’ve made very clear.” He paused for a moment, tapping his finger against his lips. “Well, not a second time.” 
And there was that stupid fucking boxy grin again. 
“Oh shut the fuck up.” You were tired of playing games. “How much are you going to pay me?” 
“Depends on how good the shots are.” 
“Whatever. Let’s get this over with,” you huffed. 
Taehyung hummed in acknowledgment but didn’t make a move to get up. His fingers brushed along the outside of your thigh until he reached the waistband of your leggings. You fought the urge to squirm in your seat, instead doing your best to mindfully breathe and keep your fists squeezed against the couch cushions. 
“What are you wearing under here?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You challenged him through gritted teeth. 
Taehyung leaned forward until his breath caressed the side of your face. “I’m about to find out.” 
With that, Taehyung stood up and held his hand out for you to take. You swatted him away, perfectly capable of getting up on your own and following him into his bedroom. To say his bedroom looked like a porno setup was no exaggeration. A large studio light stood in the corner, the head pointed toward the bed. Another camera sat on a tripod on the opposite side of the room, though it was pointed away from the bed. LED lights wrapped around the high ceilings cast the room a soft lavender glow. 
“Are you kidding me?” You stood in the doorway with your hands on your hips. 
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Do you see how small my apartment is? I have nowhere else to store my equipment when I’m not using it. Relax and come here.” 
Grabbing you by the shoulders, Taehyung positioned you in front of a standing mirror that stood against the wall directly across from his bed. He took a step back to examine your placement, making a few adjustments until he got you where he wanted you. 
“Satisfied?” Your skin was tingling from his firm touch as he shuffled you around. It was just your body reacting to skin-on-skin contact. That was all. It was just… nature. Science. Whatever. 
“Very,” he said with a wink that you did a poor job of brushing off. The burning heat of embarrassment creeping up your body only intensified as you watched Taehyung sit at the foot of his bed. With his camcorder in hand, he leaned back far enough to get the angle he wanted. It was harmless, really. He was just a struggling artist trying to make his mark in the world, that’s all. And you were half-heartedly helping him. 
So if that was the case, why was watching Taehyung’s biceps flex as he held the camera and his thighs spread making you wet? 
You cleared your throat and looked away from the man splayed out on his bed like he was the one being filmed, not you. “What am I supposed to do now?” 
Taehyung reached up to run his fingers through his hair and flip his bangs to the side. All you could think about was how you knew tugging on those wavy strands would make him moan. 
“Start with your shirt. Wait, no, not like that.”
You had one arm out and froze. “Like what?” 
“Do it sexier.” 
“What the fuck does that mean?” 
“Oh, come on. Stop relying on that silver tongue and seduce me.”
Was it possible to feel like all your blood had drained out of your body and that all the blood in your body had gone to your head? 
“Fine,” you snapped, readjusting your shirt. The positive side to all of this was that as you slowly lifted your shirt over your head, you could revel in the fact that you knew Taehyung wanted you and he could never have you. 
Well, never again. 
But maybe that made it even better. He got a taste and you were denying him more. You had all the fucking power! 
You put in a little more effort to be sensual as you let your shirt fall to the floor. The red lace bra you wore lifted up a bit, exposing the underside of your tits, but you didn’t move to fix it like you normally would. Instead, you ran your hands over your exposed skin, even your own light touches causing goosebumps to form all over. It didn’t help that it was cold in Taehyung’s apartment. You wondered how high quality his camera was. If it was even half decent, it would pick up on how see-through the fabric was over your tits. It left little for the imagination, but Taehyung had already had your nipples in his mouth. 
The little asshole was leaned back again, shifting slightly to capture your best angles as you reached for the waistband of your leggings. You made the mistake of looking at his face rather than the camera lens. His tongue swept over his bottom lip as you slid your leggings down; you quickly looked away. 
This was just a favor. A favor for an art project. That was it. 
Bending at the waist meant you exposed the fact that you were wearing a rather skimpy thong - red lace, just like your bra. Adjusting your stance made your thighs rub together and you fought the urge to look down for fear that your underwear would be stained a dark red from how wet you were. 
A quiet groan from the bed made you look up at your photographer once again. His bottom lip was bitten between his teeth, but he immediately released it when he saw you looking. The two of you locked eyes as your bodies froze. 
“Why are you fucking wearing red lace?” 
You opened your mouth to speak but your brain couldn’t think of any response aside from the truth. And there was no way you were telling him the truth. There was no way you were telling Taehyung that you’d worn a matching set just in case something happened. Because nothing was supposed to happen.
Instead, you deflected. 
“Why are you hard right now?” 
You both looked down at the very prominent bulge that had grown in Taehyung’s jeans. He used his free hand to palm his cock and attempt to adjust it into a more comfortable position. 
“Why are you wet right now?” 
Now it was your turn. You finally dared to look at yourself, not surprised but still horrified to find your arousal soaking through the flimsy material of your thong. 
Taehyung lifted slightly so he was propped up on his elbows, the camera still positioned on you. You really prayed he wasn’t planning to use any audio for this video. Like as if that’s what mattered at the moment. 
“You’re so into this,” he said smugly. 
“No, I’m not.” Your rebuttal was weak, so weak it felt foreign coming from someone with a “silver tongue” like you. But when you watched Taehyung get up from the bed, your rebuttal wasn’t the only thing about you that was weak. 
“You’re not?” Taehyung pointed the camera toward your thighs as he reached down to press his thumb against your clit through your thong. You let out a shaky moan and felt more of your arousal soak your thong. “Sounds like you are. Feels like you are.” Taehyung fully palmed your pussy, pressing his fingers against your entrance. The action made your legs tremble and you squeezed his bicep for support. 
“Fuck you,” you hissed and dug your nails into his skin. 
“Heard that one before.” He shot you a wink. “And to think you got mad about the photo I took of you. If I’d known you’d get this wet for me so quickly, I would have brought this with me instead.” 
His taunting reminded you of the camcorder he still held in his hand. It was pointed downward as Taehyung hooked his finger into the waistband of your thong and pulled it down just enough for his fingers to dip inside your wet folds. 
“Taehyung,” you moaned when he thrust two fingers inside of you. The squelching sound your pussy made was sure to have been picked up by the camera. 
“Yeah, baby? You like that?” He pressed hard into your front wall repeatedly, the fluttering sensation making you reach for his shoulder with your other hand to stabilize yourself. “Like being my little movie star?” 
You wanted to cry when he pulled his fingers out of you, and your entire body shuddered when you felt him wipe his fingers on the inside of your thigh. The worry that he was only going to tease you to rub the whole thing in your face flashed into your mind, but it was quickly squashed once Taehyung was pressing the camera into your hands. 
“Like this.” He positioned you to point the camera downwards. 
Ignoring your confusion, Taehyung dropped to his knees, dragging your thong down your thighs as he went. The camera shook in your hands as he threw one of your legs over his shoulder. You could have came just from the way he looked up at you from between your thighs. How many times had you imagined this moment? More than you were willing to admit. And for all the fantasizing, you were lucky that it was even better than what you could have come up with on your own. He brushed his bangs out of the way and tilted his head so you had a clear view of his face as he ran his tongue flat against your lips. 
“Oh fuck,” you moaned. 
Taehyung reached up to grab your hand, stabilizing the camera. “Hold still for me, okay baby? You gotta hold still.” When he spoke his lips brushed against your skin, causing your arousal to stick in thin strings to his glistening mouth. 
Once your shaking subsided, Taehyung’s hands slid down to grab your ass. With his grip on you tight, he pulled you against his mouth. A hard suck to your clit made your hands tremble. By the time Taehyung began swirling the tip of his tongue around your clit in tight circles, you were shaking again. He had to reach up to hold your hand to stabilize the camera again. 
“I-I-I can’t,” you began to sob and shake your head. You had to wrap your fingers in Taehyung’s waves to focus the pressure of your building orgasm into something other than squeezing the fuck out of the camera in your other hand. Of course, each tug of his hair made Taehyung’s lovely baritone voice moan into your pussy, the vibrations pulsing through every nerve in your body. 
“Yes, you can.” The words came out breathy and hoarse in between hard sucks and kitten licks against your clit. You were close to believing in his faith in you until he slipped two fingers into your soaked pussy. 
“I’m…” You paused to suck in a deep breath as he pumped a mind-numbingly fast rhythm against your g-spot, “I’m gonna fall over.” 
“Nuhh uhh.” Taehyung scooted forward, pushing you backward until your back hit the mirror. 
You leaned against the mirror for support as your orgasm ripped through you so violently you would have dropped the camcorder if it weren’t for Taehyung holding it up with you. He kept his eyes focused on you as he licked one final stripe up your lips, cleaning up your arousal until he was the one messy with it all over his face. 
“God, I wish you’d let me record your face when you cum,” Taehyung groaned into the back of his hand as he wiped his mouth. He reached out to take the camera from you and laughed at the way your hands shook. “You have no idea how fucking beautiful you look.”
You should have been upset. Taehyung now had footage of himself eating your pussy. Sure, no one would be able to tell that it was you, but still… That was something very intimate. 
Yet you couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered when he’d called you his movie star. Hearing “beautiful” come tumbling from his filthy lips wasn’t too bad, either. 
“No chance in hell, creep.” You crossed your arms against your chest to punctuate the statement. You didn’t have a chance to say anything more; Taehyung quickly shut you up with his lips slotted against yours. You allowed him to lick at your mouth and swirled your tongue against his, humming at the taste of yourself on him. 
“Always so difficult.” He tossed the accusation at you as he pulled away. Using his free arm, Taehyung scooped you over his shoulder. “Y’know, the meaner you are to me the more I want to rearrange your guts.” 
You let out a gag as Taehyung tossed you onto the bed, bouncing into place in the middle. “You did not just say that.” Whatever else you wanted to insult him over died on your lips as you watched Taehyung strip. 
“Come on, Director. Take a video. It’ll last longer.” 
He gestured to the camera still recording as he unbuttoned his jeans, his taunting parallel to how harsh you’d been to him at Hoseok’s party. You were mean to him, but only because he could take it. And maybe, just maybe, you had the hots for getting him riled up, just as he did for you. 
It felt unbelievably dirty recording Taehyung as he stood at the end of the bed with his thumb rolling precum around the tip of his cock, but something about it made your pussy flutter to life once again. It didn’t help that he shot the camera a wink as he did one final pump before he was kneeling on the bed in front of you. 
“Turn around,” he commanded, twirling his finger around to direct you. 
“I liked you better when you were crying and begging for me like a good boy.” 
You glowered at him as you turned around. Taehyung’s hand quickly came down to press down your back, forcing your upper body into the mattress and keeping you on your knees. He spread you out as far as he could, the mattress muffling a groan when you felt him hook a finger in your pussy just to make you shake. 
“I can still be a good boy for you like this,” he whispered against your skin as he bent down to kiss along your spine. You shivered in response, biting your tongue to keep in your moans as you felt Taehyung swish his cock around your slickness. “But since you don’t want me documenting your gorgeous face, your fat ass will have to do.” 
Before you could snort another insult towards his disgusting behavior, Taehyung sunk his cock so slowly you could hear the gushing sound when he bottomed out. 
“Fuck, you sound so good, fuck.” Taehyung moaned as he began thrusting into you, each wet slap of his hips colliding with your ass fueling his desire to speed up. 
You twisted around to watch him lift the camcorder to the perfect angle to capture the way your pussy sucked him in with ease, each pullback evidence of how tightly you gripped him. Throwing your dignity to the wind, you decided to play the part. Hooking your legs with his, you ground against him as he thrust into you, forcing your bodies against each other even harder as you established an equal rhythm. 
“Shit, just like that,” Taehyung moaned, removing his hand from your waist and leaning back slightly to let you take over. “Fuck yourself on my cock, baby. Fuck, yes.” 
“Touch me, Tae.” As much as it was a moan, it was most definitely a demand. 
And like the good boy he promised to be, Taehyung quickly brought his free hand around to play with your clit. The stimulation was enough to push you over the edge a second time, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t purposefully scream a little bit louder than necessary just because you were on camera now. If Taehyung knew, he seemed to not care. 
If anything, it made him even more vocal. And maybe he was putting on his own show because instead of releasing inside of you, he quickly pulled out of you to pump his cum all over your ass. 
“Y/N…” Taehyung slowly got up from the bed to get a washcloth to clean you off. You tilted your head to watch him, smug with the satisfaction of seeing that he wobbled a little bit as he walked. Even his hands shook when he worked to clean you up. 
“What?” You sat up once he was done, wincing at the slight ache of your thighs from how hard he’d pounded into you. 
Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed with the dazed look of a man who’d just gotten the soul fucked out of him. “I think I’m in love with you.” 
You snorted, but Taehyung leaned forward to cup your face. 
“I’m so serious right now.” 
“You’re just fucked out.” 
Taehyung pouted, eyebrows deeply creased. “This is post-nut clarity. I know what I’m about.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the seriousness of his expression, especially as he sat with his softening cock and his messy hair, cheeks and lips still pink. It was so unbelievably endearing and you fucking hated it. 
“This isn’t funny, Y/N.” 
All along, your (alleged) goal was to damage Taehyung’s ego. And now that you had the opportunity to, the little creep was tugging at your heartstrings in a way you hadn’t expected at all. 
“You don’t have to love me back,” he said with a sigh. “I just needed to get it off my chest.” 
Reaching for his hair, you tugged Taehyung mid-moan into a slow kiss that meant less about being sexy and more about taking away the stressed look on his face. Your fingers skirted along his jaw, holding him in place as you deepened the kiss. 
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” You kept a hold of his hair even after you broke the kiss. 
“Yes, thank you.” Taehyung grinned and you felt your stomach flutter once again. 
Pulling him close, you pressed your lips against the crook of Taehyung’s neck. The feeling of his strong arms holding you close made you tremble. “You’re lucky I’m into guys who are assholes.”
Maybe it wasn’t the “I love you” someone else would expect, but Taehyung understood you better than you knew.
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The Wannabe-Photographer Chronicles (mini-series) Masterlist
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work  
@taegiblr @aislinnstanaka @bbtsficrecs @coffeebooksandromantics @confusedbansheee @ekjalxd @fan-ati--c @furryfortae @haliiimede @highly-functioning-mitochondria @jeanjacketjesus @jjkeverlast @jlm-ykhw @jwlmnbt @klitklittredge @koobsessed @lemonadecandycandy @mishahs @miss-jupiter @moonchild1 @moonleeai @nch327 @nonbinary-demonbrat @notbotheredtho @notsooperfect @parkdatjimin @polipiper @reliablemitten @rjsmochii @saweetspoiled @seoul-soul-127 @stillinedwardcullenera @sugarwithtea @unsureofwhathappens @veronawrites @wobblewobble822 @xjoonchildx @yoongukie-ff @yu-justme @taerifin
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rainydayz-nstuff · 9 months
Adventure Time
You can probably tell what I’m mostly going to be posting about 🫤 Anyways, this is briefly based on my own AT fanfic that I have.
So here is Finn x Ice Kings Kid! Reader (How you met)
Let’s start off with how you appeared since you’re human. Gunter found you while messing around in Ice King’s ‘research lab’
It was actually Simon’s old lab.
You, with very out dated clothes, were stuck in an Ice Pod where you’ve been asleep for many, many, years.
Ice King heard Gunter’s ‘wenks’ so he found both Gunter and a sleeping human
At first he asked Gunter if he had made a statue, then he opened the pod and you… nearly fell on your face.
Ice King caught you and realized you were still knocked out, and he kindly brought you to his bed and laid you down. He spent the next few hours pacing around the room and staring at you while he ate trail mix
When you woke up, he was chomping away and he was completely zoned out. Like, his pupils were huge.
You stared at him before blinking slowly. Finally, Ice King glanced down at you while letting out a hum. You locked eyes before he shrieked and started choking on his trail mix.
“Oh! Geeze, I’m sorry!” You instantly apologized.
Ice King recovered while taking deep breaths. You were now sitting up and he could tell you were kind of young.
Then, an idea hit him.
“I’m going to adopt you!”
“… You gonna what?
Ice king is now officially your dad (here you go people with daddy issues)
He teaches you how to play the drums, the keyboard, writing fan fiction, ruling the kingdom, how he’s gonna kid nap possible wives-
You just let him rant on and on because he seems happy to talk with you
He’ll also offer to kidnap anybody you may be interested in, he doesn’t judge.
MAKES A CROWN FOR YOU! It never melts, and it looks like a mini version of his!
Cried the first time you wore it in front of him
Okay, onto the rest-
He set up a coronation to officially welcome you to the kingdom as his child.
Sends out posters, invitations, notes tied to rocks, and some people actually showed up (over half are kidnapped princesses because why not?)
Finn and Jake showed up because they found out about this coronation and thought it was a trick to lure in princesses or he kidnapped someone and was going to make them stay in his kingdom forever.
Right as the official Ice crown was to be placed on your head, they kicked the doors open and stopped the ceremony.
Ice King, like usual, got mad and instantly flew in the air to use his powers.
He flew up too quickly and knocked himself out when he hit the ceiling.
Before you could rush over to your dad, Finn grabbed your hand and whisked you away like a bride
He gave you a reassuring smile to try and convince you that you were now safe
It didn’t make you safe
“Hey! Put me down!” You struggled to get out of his grasp. “Seriously, who are you?!”
Finn stopped running before he sat you down. Your shimmery light blue, bordering white, outfit matched the icy floor. “My names Finn, and that was Jake.”
His toothy smile and heroic pose made you stare at him blankly before you turned around. “I’m going back to see my dad.”
Finn’s face fell and he tried to grab your arm. “Hey, wait! Don’t go back there, it’s dangerous!” He tried to warn you, but your brushed him off.
“Don’t care. My dad just got knocked out, and I don’t think Gunter knows how to use bandages.”
After marching back inside, you found your dad mumbling to himself. And Gunter was stuck in bandages.
After getting the little guy out, you helped your dad and picked him up to bring him to his bed.
All the guests had left after the ambush so you changed out of the ceremony attire, and then put on normal clothes only with the crown on this time.
Finn, very interested in who you are, spied on you and noted how… familiar you seemed.
You had never met before, but he felt like you were something he was missing.
Then he realized you were human.
He outed himself when he gasped before he also fell to the ground and made a loud crash.
You stood tall over him while he stared up at you. Your eyes glared down at his nervous form.
“Get out of here.” Your voice laced with venom, but oddly enough… he blushed.
Finn stuttered a bit while you raised an eyebrow. He then quickly got up, grabbed your hand, kissed it, then ran away
You never told your dad what happened, but you still didn’t comprehend what just happened.
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accio-victuuri · 3 months
another xz photoset, another appearance from his trusty 380 yuan mini fan — from his (alleged) mortal enemy/rival — depends on who you ask. lol. he has some other fans in rotation that we see, but this one is truly a mainstay and seems like should always be captured in photos. it definitely holds some sentimental value, aside from the memories, i’d like to think it’s also because of the person who gave it to him.
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as for this next cpn, i’m drawn to it because i like the idea of xz and his team choosing something significant for picture #8. it’s fine if you believe that the placement of photos or even what is chosen is purely aesthetic or random— it’s okay. i just personally like this one. it’s not even featuring zz’s face unlike all the other photos so it really stood out. the red and black? hello wei wuxian combo! it looks amazing don’t get me wrong. i understand why someone would pick this as a good photo to post on social media. a key thing you see is his pose, hand on his hip. which is known to be someone else’s favorite (unconscious most of the time) pose 😏
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tyttamarzh · 3 months
I figured my family portrait needed to be updated, enough changes have happened, the reboot, the new home, the EK, the Tallulah change… so here's my new version.
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Now they are posing from the dock of their new house (the background is horrible, I know, I'm sorry).
Really Phil and Missa's designs are practically the same.
Missa has not changed from his previous designs, with or without his mask.
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(there are some changes in Phil, the most noticeable are his corrupted wings)...
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But the children… ohh! The children had to have changes... I always had a conflict with Chay's design, because I didn't want to do it with black hair (with black hair and his skeleton mask he looked like just a mini Missa without anything else), but I felt bad about making him completely blonde, bc I felt like I was leaving Missa out, but now with Tallulah taking on characteristics from Missa, it's easier to relax with Chay's colors.
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Chay prefers to wear his mask to appear more dangerous, since his face is actually very cute and that is not at all threatening as a warrior. He has the hardcore heart of his father Philza and some details paying homage to his hero Technoblade (the small pink braid in his hair) (AlsoIn my HC they can show or hide his tails or horns and other dragon features).
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This is my Tallulah's design.
The closeness between Missa and Tallulah and the fact that they already have a father-daughter relationship warmed my heart. My previous design of Tallulah never completely convinced me, perhaps because I still felt like she was foreign in some way, perhaps because I had made her only because she was supposed to be there, but in my mind the idea that her presence was something "temporary" prevented me from get completely attached. Now she finally managed to sneak into my chest and it was really fun to design her again, this time giving her Missa's characteristics, because now he is her father completely, as much as Phil and there is no longer any problem of saying it without thousands of voices coming to reproach for it and clarify that they are only their temporary parents.
I decided that the children's colors would be a mix of their parents' in different tones, having a similar color palette. So Tallulah has Missa's hair and Phil's eyes, while Chay has Phil's hair and Missa's eyes (Chay with purple eyes Yay!) leaving their delicate balance between yin and yang intact.
I wanted to give Lullah a striped hat, like Phil's emote, but I opted to merge it with the mushroom hat. I also left the flowers in her hair because I thought they were very pretty. I wanted to give it a style between punk and emo, but I chose to mix it with the boho style and it suits it well. ALSO I gave him a bone flute, because I read somewhere that someone mentioned that Missa had made him a bone flute and I died of tenderness.
I don't know why I'm giving so many explanations about this, it was just necessary to upload the images and say goodbye, sometimes I feel like an obsessive fool for talking about things too much, but anyway…
I just wanted to share this, see you!!
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miaikonartstudio · 3 months
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One picture, two different shading styles!
Remember Lythis? Since her last art was from 2019, it was high time for a redesign in my new-and-improved style. I added a LOT of details, especially in her top and staff.
This is her ceremonial outfit, for adventuring, Lythis wears something less ornate (but is still barefoot most of the time).
Mini lore dump:
Lythis was created because of a meme going around at the time, calling Thrall "Orc Jesus". This got me onto the whole concept of Azeroth's Gods having children. I know about Cenarius, but other than that...
Since I'm obsessed with Night Elves, Daughter of Elune it was. So...
Lythis is believed to be a "blessed soul", getting reborn again and again after she dies. In ancient times, this gave her a special role in the Temple. Nowadays, she's "just" a Priestess. The High Priestesses of the past thought it a bad idea to give power to someone whose only qualification is "being born with a moon birthmark" (and other signs, like picking out things a past incarnation owned). Lythis retains some memories of her past lives, this being more intense when she is a child. As she grows, those memories slowly fade into the background, although she can recall them if she needs to. Knowing she'll get reborn makes her reckless at times, and more likely to sacrifice her own life for friends. Lyhtis' current group of companions do their best to dissuade her from this, since they want the Lythis they know to stick around.
On average, past incarnations of Lythis died young. Partly due to the recklessness mentioned, partly due to her being a target at times. Some people do believe her to have a special connection to Elune, and that she is more likely to answer Lythis' prayers. She's traditionally associated with the smaller moon of Azeroth, the Blue Child.
Pose reference by theposearchives
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tangocardiaca · 6 months
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Featuring Yukari Takeba and Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3. Both characters in this fanfic are 18+ PS: I love this cheerleader outfit    PART 1          Yukari came back home from shooting new episodes of Phoenix Ranger Feathermen R. She was quite exhausted, because last episodes she worked on required many stunt work. But she was glad and happy, that she managed to do it. Doing stunts herself was quite fun for her. After all Pink Argus was her role, so she had to do stunts. After Yukari entered house she switched on the lights and went to kitchen. She grabbed her salad from fridge and started eating. Healthy diet and regular physical activity gave her incredible fitness. After the meal she went to bathroom in order to take a shower. Warm water coming from the shower was truly refreshing and relaxing. She felt like she was massaged and it was very comfortable. After the shower and brushing teeth with brand new Tartarus toothpaste, she dressed up and went to bed so she could go to sleep. In her bed she thought about all that happened today and she thought – “I wonder what Mitsuru is doing right now. She’ll be so hyped for new episodes of Feathermen R”. With that thought she fell asleep.
            It was already noon and Yukari was standing in her room. She looked around and said to herself – “I know I was kinda busy lately, but I’ve gotta do my laundry. No more slacking off” – And she started gathering clothes to clothes bowl, but suddenly, she noticed something. She saw the old cheerleader outfit from Gekkoukan High. It was two piece outfit consisting of blue crop top and skirt. Both with yellow elements on them. – “I wonder if it still fits me” – Yukari decided to try it on. She went to bathroom to get changed and walked to the mirror. – “Who would have thought, that this still looks great on me. You look sexy, my friend.” – she said to herself and made a seducing pose. Suddenly, she had an idea. – “I’ll ask Mitsuru if she can come to me.” – so she grabbed her phone, chose Mitsuru’s number and waited. – “Mitsuru? … Hi, it’s Yukari here. I’d like to ask if you have some free time this afternoon. … Really? Then I’m inviting you to my place. Come to me at 5 PM, I have a special surprise. You won’t regret it. … Okay, see you at 5, ciao!” – She ended the call and thought. – “I’ll have to call Fuuka yet. I’m sure she’ll help me with this one.”
            At 5 PM Mitsuru was at Yukari’s place. She rang the bell but after that she noticed a card slipping through the door. Mitsuru picked up the card and read – “Wait 10 seconds and then enter. Yukari wink wink “ – That was quite strange, but Mitsuru decided to wait 10 seconds and opened the door. – “Hello Yukari, thank you for the invita-… wow! You look… Now I know why you told me to wait 10 seconds.” – Mitsuru said with smile on her face. Yukari was sitting on window sill, striking a glamorous pose, as if she was a model. Of course she was wearing that cheerleader outfit she found, which made her look charming. – “Yes? How do I look?” – Yukari got up from sill and approached Mitsuru with flirting expression. And she didn’t even have to wait for an answer. – “I am kinda speechless at this moment, but… Yukari, you look perfect.” – They both sat on Yukari’s bed and started giggling. Suddenly Mitsuru noticed a box laying on a bed and asked. – “What is in this box?” – Yukari then laid on her bed and told Mitsuru to open the box. The content of box really confused Mitsuru. There was a stethoscope, a mini version of EKG monitor along with wires and leads and an AED. – “I thought that it would be perfect for us to play doctor a little. Do you know what heart it?”
            Mitsuru was confused and she didn’t know what to say. So Yukari continued – “Heart is not only for pumping blood. Heart is a place of love, heart IS love. And that love belong to you today. How about we act like you’re a doctor and you have to save me? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you what to do.” – And she placed her hand on Mitsuru’s hand and smiled. That made Mitsuru relax as she said with a smile – “Very well then. I’ll be your doctor today” – She put stethoscope on her ears a placed a chest piece of stethoscope on Yukari’s chest. Her ears suddenly filled with regular beating sound. It was nice sound to Mitsuru. –“Her heart beats so nicely.”- She thought. –“ But maybe I should do some more analysis.” – She picked an EKG monitor and asked – “Can you tell me how to put it on your chest? I think I’ll need a further check up.” – With Yukari’s help Mitsuru managed to put EKG electrodes on Yukari’s chest under the crop top and she turned the machine on. Suddenly green EKG waves appeared on the monitor. – “Beautiful, isn’t it? That’s my heart.” – said Yukari as she was smiling. Mitsuru read the BPM on the monitor. 100. – “You must be very excited. Your heart rate is 100.” But Yukari planned to have more fun with Mitsuru. to be continued...
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Ramsay Snow, Bastard of the Dreadfort
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"Ramsay. Snow, my wife called me before she ate her fingers, but I say Bolton."
Another horror show for Halloween month. The war game I get most of my minis from just released a Bolton faction, so get prepared for a whole lot of pink and red, and dont hold your breath for... yknow... nice people.
I've painted Ramsay once before, I really like the way theyve kept a very consistent model for him so it feels like the same person in different poses - it also helps compare how my painting has come along! I'm very happy with his splotchy looking skin here, and gave him a nice boil on his cheek to add to the vibe.
He also has his wonderful red helm - I'd had the idea he had a full suit of flayed man armour, but checking the wiki I must have made that up. This actually makes more thematic sense - I can't see Roose commissioning a suit of customised Bolton themed armour for his disavowable asset. I like to think the helmet is a family heirloom Ramsay helped himself to the moment he was left home alone.
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baalzebufo · 6 months
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got my christmas money a little early this year so I could grab some models for my next plan- a Nurgle warband! all roads lead me back to papa nurgle in the end :p
so this warband is based on the four humors, with four blightkings (one for each- sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic) a rotbringer sorcerer (based on the concept of dyscrasia when the humors are out of balance) and this fella- a lord of afflictions (based on the concept of eucrasia, the opposite- when everythings balanced and good) to lead the bunch
I really wanted to try my hand at doing some kitbashing/conversion stuff and this was a perfect chance since I got some milliputt the other day, and i wanted eucrasia to really stand out among the others. so, he's a full blown rotfly centaur now! or, he will be once I get around to adding all his other bits
I just gave him a grub-like body with my putty to attach his humanoid upper half to the rotfly base. also, chopped off and reattached his arm to change the scythe pose (since it didn't fit with the body I used) shortly after taking these pics I also added some putty to smooth out the saddle- he's gonna have a couple nurglings chilling up there, I think
heres a pic of the rough fix on his arm- i'll probably sand it down a bit when its all cured to try to shape it a lil nicer, but the bulging flesh isnt out of place for a nurgle model anyways
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this is kind of babies first 'actual' mini project- all the others have mostly been just sort of painting on a whim, but ive got a handful of ideas for the characters in this band im excited to put together and try to bring to life!
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mr-deblob · 6 months
Hear me out on this: I honestly think Kairi could be the main playable character in Kingdom Hearts 4
Or at least a significant playable one.
I know that it sounds ridiculous to entertain the idea, especially with how badly she's been sidelined for the past 20 years. But taking into account the structure of mainline games and the current locations of our characters, it starts to look likely for both narrative and game design purposes.
Sora and Riku are stuck in Quadratum
First things first- there's no way in hell Nomura's letting Riku rescue Sora in the beginning hours of KH4. They definitely won't just hop back to the Realm of Light when they find each other. He might make questionable plot decisions, but he's not gonna pass up a chance to torture the two of them even more, especially since *something's* going on with Yozora and the Master of Masters.
In a GameInformer interview he gave, he was asked about how much time we'd spend in Quadratum.
I think it will be a pretty good amount of time since it is set as the initial base within the game. You spend time there and then go to different worlds and then go back there. Because the graphics are more realistic this time around, I feel like there’s more of a realistic daily life aspect to Sora’s life. You can see him go in and out of his room and spend time there. I feel like players will get to see more of the day-to-day routines he goes through.
It sounds like Quadratum will act more like an interlude between worlds, where the developments that happen in the Realm of Light (or wherever else) will cause more troubles to pop in the city. We've already seen Sora fighting a giant Heartless(?) that just showed up out of nowhere. There might be more events like that, or even encounters with the mysterious figures staring down from the rooftops. And when nothing's threatening the world, Sora might simply be living daily life with Strelitzia.
I'm uncertain on how much we'll actually get on the nature of Quadratum since it is just Tokyo, but part of me is feeling like the story beats will be more important than the setting on this side.
Kairi can have a blank-slate start
I'm sure everyone who picked Kairi in that final fight was a bit surprised by how aggressive it was. A strike raid teleport and a barrage of light flooding the battlefield were amazing to see in her first time in the spotlight. We know she can fight, so wouldn't those skills carry over to her next game?
But she's been asleep for a whole year to have her memories explored. They could easily explain the loss of former skills. Besides, the reasons for Sora always resetting to Level 1 are basically on the same scale. If you wanted more reasoning, then maybe Aqua's training is having her develop her own fighting style from scratch. It's very obvious she's trying to emulate Sora in her stance.
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We also know that Kairi has her own unique combat pose. They've shown it to us at least twice in DDD and the KH3 opening, but we've never seen her actively using it in-game AFAIK. It sure would be an opportune moment to have her adopt it to signify her becoming her own person independent of Sora and Riku.
If the training time with Aqua seems like it would be too short to warrant Kairi going off on her own, keep in mind that we don't know how much time disparity there is between Quadratum and the RoL It could be synched up or be off by weeks, even months, more than enough to get her through the fundamentals.
Also, a mini-timeskip would give Nomura the chance to give the Destiny Trio new designs again. How Riku gets a new outfit and hairstyle while looking for Sora, I don't know, but he already pushed him through the Shadow Barber Shop. He can probably come up with something.
We still gotta have different Keyblades
Straight-up the title of this section. It's incredibly unlikely that Nomura would cut these, but as before, it's equally unlikely that Sora will get out of Quadratum into the RoL. Disney worlds are confirmed, and unless all of them are entirely new, I don't think there's a satisfying way to justify why he couldn't get help from the inhabitants, try to get off-world, or at least get in touch with someone if he still has his Gummiphone.
So if anyone else could go around to these worlds and collect these keychains, Kairi seems like a good candidate for that.
"But what about Destiny's Embrace?" Fair point. It's still got sentimental value to her and has familiarity. They wouldn't just dump it entirely.
However, I believe (and earnestly hope) that Kairi finally gets meaningful character development now. There's so much we could delve into (and we will later), but her current goal of growing stronger seemingly stems from a desire to determine her fate. For so long she's been carried by the tides of chance, waiting for what will happen rather than actively reaching towards her goals. In the end, it brought her down the path that led to Sora's disappearance, so she can't keep placing her faith in destiny.
Kairi might temporarily retire Destiny's Embrace, or perhaps her new mindset will trigger something in her Keyblade. We've seen that with Riku and the Way to the Dawn. It might be a more basic Keyblade like Braveheart, or she could end up wielding an iteration of the Kingdom Key to represent herself starting anew. Hell, maybe Sora fighting in her place in MoM passed it on to her, or she manifests it from her memories.
It'd be a convenient way to keep giving out new keychains while still making it feel like Sora experienced actual consequences for his misuse of the Power of Waking. They could even have Sora gain access to them through Kairi. His temporary possession of her at the end of MoM could be used as an in-universe way to hand-off the main PoV in a natural-feeling way, and she might be able to send him manifestations of the keychains as memories or something else that could cross over to Quadratum.
Masters and Maleficent will go wild
The KH3 ending brought back the Lost Masters through some unexplained mechanic. It also implies that they'll be the main antagonists of the new arc, but they're currently in the Realm of Light. I don't know how much Sora could do from the other side of reality. Not to mention Maleficent making even more schemes.
So the Keyblade wielders and their allies will have to defend against them and whatever other enemies crop up in their wake. But why would Kairi be the one pursuing their main goal? Why not Master Aqua, or at least one of the battle-hardened wielders?
Depending on the numbers, it'd be easy to say the other wielders are busy defending the worlds from the new threats, that they're spread too thin to take up whatever role Kairi would theoretically take. Maybe her status as a Princess of Heart could come up as another reason why it'd have to be her.
In any case, whatever Luxu has in that mysterious box spells bad news. The fact that there are going to be five ancient Keyblade Masters carrying out the Master of Masters' plan spells catastrophic news. Perhaps the missing Master Ava could work from the shadows to stymie them or to help Kairi on her quest.
Also, the Heartless are still gonna be wreaking havoc even if the Masters aren't. That will practically always be true, especially now that Xehanort's not controlling them all. Maleficent is going to do what Maleficent does best and use this to her advantage. With all these potential villains in the RoL, someone's gotta take care of them.
New worlds can develop Kairi further
Now that KH3 is finished and out of development hell, they're now free to consider new Disney properties, even those beyond 2014. And there's quite a few that could easily be connected to Kairi's desire to grow beyond her past and choose her own path:
Moana - Island girls who want to seize their destinies to see what lies beyond everyday life, both struggling with self-doubt. Also have grandmas who know more than they let on.
Coco - How memories connect us, that we can be together in heart when apart, the pains of love and separation. Fighting for your dream even when you're alone.
Encanto - Especially heavy exploration of breaking from the roles others place on us and that we take on, acknowledging and expressing emotions we hide from others.
Brave - "If you had the chance to change your fate, would ya?" Besides that, accepting that people can grow apart, that we each take our own paths, that it doesn't need to break our bonds.
WALL-E - Be open to change, don't let familiarity keep you stuck. Trust in the future, trust in yourself, break through the limits of your past. Go on even when all seems lost.
Frozen 2 - Self-determination and independence, grieving what has been lost, righting the wrongs of the past. Pain is a fact of life, do not let your fear of it keep you from doing what is necessary.
There's likely other films that could fit or other themes of these movies that parallel with Kairi, but these are rife with potential. Plus, the trend of female protagonists with little to no romantic storylines could let Kairi be perceived as more than Sora's love interest or someone to be saved.
Kairi is finally free to change
I don't think it's controversial to say that Nomura really mishandled Kairi's role in the series up til now. She's been stuck in character limbo, and even if we know more stuff *about* her since KH1, we haven't really gotten much *from* her. She's never had enough focus to really showcase her inner world, but I don't think it's due to disinterest on Nomura's part. Instead, I think that it was a result of very poor planning of her arc and his weakness at indirect characterization.
From the start, he probably had an idea of where he wanted to take Kairi's character. He must've, at minimum, pinned down the major strokes of her backstory involving Radiant Garden given the brief mention of her not remembering her home and the flashback with her grandma in KH1. KH2 and BBS both manage to flesh her out a bit more, and even her portrayal in the first game seemed to hint at something going on beneath her surface. Even so, she still outwardly appears as the same cheerful, kind, caring girl from the beginning of the series. I don't think Nomura decided to completely rip those seeds of growth from her character, but he has at least stifled them up til now.
In comparison to all the other main and supporting characters in KH, Kairi is noticeably lacking in any major character insights. From what I've seen, even people who dislike how the female cast is written can tell that the story is practically avoiding any chances for Kairi to verbalize her emotions. The conversations we do get with her almost always shift focus to the other person's feelings. If it does focus on her, the thoughts she does express tend to explore her relationships with other people instead of letting us know more about Kairi herself. As to why he'd make this writing choice with her, there's two possible answers beyond him just not wanting to deal with her.
The first is that he's trying to characterize her through her lack of characterization, that she's a people-pleaser who tends to put others' needs and wants before her own. We've already seen shades of this in KH1 on the dock and when Sora tells her to stay behind in Traverse Town.
In the former, it comes across as her trying to convince herself to go along with the plan about the raft, telling herself that she's ready to go wherever and holding onto the idea that she can always come back to Destiny Islands. Even so, you can hear a hesitation and uncertainty in those words. The only parts where she lets her fears bleed through are when she tells Sora not to change and arguably when she jokes about just the two of them taking the raft. Kairi tests the waters to see if Sora would be willing to go along with her alone before backing down. I don't think she'd actually go through with it, she's not that type of person. I can't say for certain that she hasn't entertained the thought, even if only half-seriously, but it's clear that she said it to avoid her thoughts on how Riku's changed. Kairi doesn't want to show Sora her doubts, especially when they're so close to setting sail. The only assurance she allows herself is asking Sora not to change, to stay her familiar friend, before shifting to expressing apparent excitement at setting sail.
When Sora and Kairi make their promise with the Wayfinder, she's afraid of how their friendship with Riku will have changed if he comes back. Still, she's willing to go help save Riku after seeing Sora's resolve to do so. When he tells her no, she pushes back, telling him that they have to stick together. She only starts to relent when Sora tells her that they won't be alone even if they're apart, then gives up entirely when he says she'd be in his way. Her laugh almost seems like an automatic response to cope with the hurt that statement would naturally provoke. Before he goes, she makes a compromise between their wants, getting Sora to promise that he'll return her Wayfinder to her- that he'll come back after everything's done. Then she tells him that she's always with him wherever he goes, taking Sora's statement and using it to reassure herself more than him. She doesn't want to inconvenience the ones she cares for, so she changes herself, adapting to their desires and opinions to ease any friction between them.
The other answer would be that Nomura's plan for her required her to retain her starting character traits until certain conditions were fulfilled. From where we are in the story, I'd wager that he she needed to be separated from Sora and Riku and for her to gain a meaningful motivation get stronger, at least according to Nomura's standards. The first half of that has been true for almost the entire series, as sad as it is, but we've only just now fulfilled the second. It's possible that he underestimated how long he would need to keep Kairi relatively unchanged for whatever he had planned in the future, causing her to be a static character for all this time.
Now, she's had to confront her fears head-on, needed to acknowledge the feelings of weakness and inferiority getting shattered by Xehanort gave her. It's Xehanort's fault that Sora disappeared, but she might partly blame herself for needing to be rescued rather than saving herself. Her tendencies of staying out of everyone's way and going along with their plans wasn't enough to keep Sora out of harm's way, to protect him. That failure can drive her to grow strong, to realize that valuing herself doesn't mean having to devalue others, that caring for yourself is an act of kindness for those who care about you.
I will acknowledge that even if these answers are accurate, reasonable intentions still don't excuse a sloppy execution. Nomura has skill in weaving a character's motivation into their actions and personality to add depth. However, he often relies on the characters voicing these out loud instead of letting the audience draw their own conclusions from what's presented. While this works well-enough for the series, it means that any indirect characterization he tries to do often ends up falling flat. Aqua at the Keyblade Graveyard is the biggest example of this. It's clear now that her time in the Realm of Darkness left her with some serious PTSD and that the massive storm of Heartless caused her to freeze up at the sight, but the way it was shown pre-Re:Mind ended up frustrating more people with her inaction instead of having them understand why she didn't act.
I'd argue the same thing's been happening with Kairi throughout the series up until now. A character like Kairi isn't inclined to express their unfiltered thoughts, leaving her to rely on indirect characterization to be fleshed out. Combine that with a weakness at subtle storytelling and a severe lack of focus and screentime, and you'll leave your audience almost nothing to discern about her character without close examination. Not to mention, any frustrations or disappointments or boredom regarding her character would only serve to make people even less willing to engage with her, especially stretched out over two decades.
Hopefully, Nomura feels free to put his plans regarding Kairi into motion now that she's gained the space for agency beyond Sora and Riku. I even think Nomura himself is aware of his struggles with nuanced character writing, something he hopes to fix. If you haven't heard, he brought on Akiko Ishibashi, the writer for Neo: The World Ends with You, to help write KH4. Anyone whose played that game can tell you about the amount of depth and complexity the cast of that game had, and her ability to transform one-dimensional archetypes into fully-realized people. I have little doubt that she'll breathe new life into the world of Kingdom Hearts, and I think that we'll see the start of this change through Kairi first and foremost.
In the future
This all sounds like wishful thinking, and it is, but I hope that it's not entirely unfounded. I'm mainly making this before any major trailers drop because, if this does happen, I can't imagine them hiding it for too long.
Maybe Nomura will finally give Kairi the screentime she deserves, and if he doesn't... well, guess we'll go through even more years of rightful disappointment in Nomura's handling of her.
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griffin-wood · 6 months
family christmas. || kaia.
a/n: (probably) final fic for the year, happy holidays everyone. 💕
well a year ago, who would've thought that there's a new addition to their circle, but as it reaches christmas eve, maia sits by the couch with a small bundle in her arms, atlas while kent is prepping their mini christmas tree.
“do we need more ornaments?" She asks giving somewhat of a helpful hand, as she rocks the little boy gently in her arms.
"no, I don't think so." he adds as they gaze upon the decorations, it's simple but it's theirs.
and at the sound of Kent's voice, atlas begins to coo for his daddy. The sound of it alone makes her smile, "hey, someone misses his dad."
Kent places the boxes aside and hold atlas gently, despite almost being 1 year old; he still feels the fragility and often gets nervous when he was asked to hold him. he never told anybody that, but the smile that atlas gave him was enough to calm his nerves down.
"hey kiddo." he whispers gently and rocks the little guy in his arms gently. Atlas opens his eyes gently and coos happily at the sight of his dad, making Kent smiles too. The crooked teeth of his visible to the peripheral vision, and those who know - that's when you made the kent zarneki smile.
"anyone called for uncle nick and gray, because we got presents from the north pole!" The one and only nick wiseman begins to shrike as she sighs.
"hey nick-nack." She says as she pulls nick into an embrace. "You're all early, we're supposed to meet at mom and dad's tomorrow no?"
Nick nods at the statement, "well, I'm playing Santa and I wanted to surprise my nephew. Right gray?"
The nudge nick gives to gray as he gives a polite smile pulling Maia into a hug. "Merry Christmas eve maia."
"thanks gray, forgive my brother for dragging you into his ideas." She adds with a playful smile, as gray just shrugs.
"so, where's the little guy?" Nick asks excitedly, wanting to see his nephew. he already planned in advance all the cooking lessons, and everything he wanted to teach atlas as he grows up and despite her chuckle hearing those, she wouldn't have it any other way.
And on cue, Kent steps into the room with atlas in his arms. A small smile before nick and gray coos over the child, "do you wanna hold him?"
gray shakes his head at that before nick tried to convince him, "hey, it's okay, you can do it. C'mon, hold out your arms."
And gray did as told, and atlas is safely tucked against the arms of Grayson black. "See, you can do it." Nick says in a positive light, smiling.
Kent and maia stands back and then, watches as the two of them coos over atlas.
"atlas already got everyone wrapped around his finger, he's gonna steal Christmas this year." She says with a smile, as she lays her head against his shoulder feeling his arms wrapped over her waist.
"it's his first Christmas out of many, he's gonna steal the show." He says straight to the point and there's truth in them, as she watches how gray and Nick is interacting with him, made her heart flutter with gentleness and love.
Her eyes fall onto gray and nick together, as maia looks at him. "Well, it's gonna be one hell of a Christmas party then."
Kent chuckles, the sound feels like symphony to her in agreement. It's gonna be one hella of a Christmas party tomorrow, and she can't wait.
The next day; the day of the christmas dinner.
"do we really have to wear it?" Kent asks quietly, staring at the matching sweaters that's splattered over their bed.
"it's Christmas, kenzie." Maia says softly as atlas is sleeping quietly in his baby bed.
She begins to slip into the sweaters, as Kent just watches; both intrigue and amusement.
"see, proper christmas energy." She poses and then passes him the sweater.
Kent just cocks an eyebrow his way, a protest of some sort. But, deep down he knows he'll wear it. He just likes seeing her try.
"or do you want me to put it on for you, love?" She proposes which cause him to smirk at the suggestion. He just nods, as Maia returns the gesture with a smile.
She pulls off Kent's black t-shirt off and toss it to the side, her eyes trying to not stare at his chest. But, failed anyways; which brings out a chuckle from him. Her hands slowly gesture over her chest, slightly; enjoying the view. The quietness drown over them, as the slight intimacy was captured between them. It's Christmas, she shouldn't be thinking of unholy thoughts this early morning - but, she's human. She feels his hand tips her chin upwards, as she stares into his eyes.
The smile he has can be compared to a Cheshire cat, knowing and playful. He closes the gap between them, as their lips met. Every kisses that Kent gives, it wasn't the sloppy kind. But it ranges from the feeling of melting into a puddle to the feeling of wanting to be [redacted].
Their tongues battle slightly from the kiss, until she pulls away remembering their itinerary for the day. "We have to go to my parents, love."
Kent cradles her face gently in his hold and chuckles, "I know." But neither of them move truly, and that's the thing. They can be fashionably late and they wouldn't mind.
She breaks into a chuckle at that, and puts his sweater on. "Keep the sweater on, and you might get to redeem your gift."
And that is enough for him to nod in obedience. As Maia grins at his behavior, the sound of small cries break their moment.
"our little boy has awaken, let's get him ready for his first Christmas." The words bring a new excitement, it's atlas's first Christmas with the family too.
Nick's home has become the venue for the Christmas dinner, as everyone has arrived. The place is decorated with fake snow, and a large Christmas tree with presents surrounding it. The smell of food filled the place and chatter, everyone is prepared for the festivities.
"the party has arrived!" Maia says excitedly as the family was greeted by the rest. Kent follows behind with bags of gifts ready, which they wrapped beforehand. Greetings were exchanged while atlas has been kidnapped by the Wiseman's family members.
John is holding his grandchild with a wide smile, blowing raspberries. Hope is sitting by the side, in awe at the little baby. Gray is there chatting quietly with Daphne by the corner, his arm wraps gently over Daphne's waist a subtle move. Maia notices the matching sweaters and the sight of it make her smile, a reindeer matching ones. Adorable.
Nick is still prepping the food, as she squeezes into the kitchen. Kent is talking to the phone with Ferro, who's back at his mom's home, but promises to be back by new year to celebrate it together.
"need any help, nick-nack?" She muses with a smile as she glances at the trays of food.
"ah, button. Can you help me with the dessert?"
She nods in command and helps to pour the cream on top of the cake, as it ends up spectacular. "Done, as always."
Nick returns with a smile, as he takes off his apron. "Where's the little guy?"
"no, hello and how are you my amazing little sister?"
He chuckles and then holds her hands up, "fine, so how is my amazing little sister?"
That brings a smile to her face, "she's doing good, mother duties and graduation. It's a hassle, but..I'm feeling good."
Nicholas observes her sister for a moment and then nods. The voices out there in glee chatting and catching up, as the kitchen is contrasting.
"I know..it's been a difficult year button. But, I'm always proud of you, for everything. I know I told you this a lot, and well I'll tell you until the end of time if I could. I'm happy to see you glow again." Nick says quietly, and then turns to look at her.
Maia tries to hold back her tears by groaning instead, "nick..don't make me cry on Christmas!"
He breaks into laughter, and then raises his hands up. "That's my job since you were born, button. I got the extra cookies to cheer you up, and I can pack some specially for you and Kent later if you want?"
She gives him a smile at that, and hugs him. "Thank you, nick-nack."
Nick returns the hug too, "anytime."
And they both returned back to the living room, as dinner has commence.
Kent and Maia took turns in holding Atlas as dinner begins, and fortunately, the little guy loves the attention. Everyone keeps giving atlas funny faces and love the whole day, making him feel welcome.
Maia watches for a moment as Kent holds atlas in his arms gently, making funny faces. She fell in love with him much much harder, and it's impossible not to fall in love with him at this very moment. She takes a sip of her glass of wine before taking a picture of them both together, it definitely will make it's way to the Christmas dump of the year.
"now, dessert courtesy of miss maia wiseman." Nick announced her name as all eyes on her, the cake was presented and everyone begins to dig in.
"and now..presents!" Nick says once more as everyone get their own slice.
After unwrapping it, the record holder of the most presents fall upon the main character of the dinner. Atlas himself, a variety of toys, books, clothes, and many baby stuff were given to him.
"I have a special gift for my nephew!" Nick announces excitedly as he brings a box to the pair, Kent holds atlas gently in his grasp as Maia unbox it. It's a soft kitchen set.
Maia chuckles at the sight of it, "is this early training for him to he a chef, nick-nack?"
"indeed it is, he'll grow up to be my assistant in the kitchen. A fellow family member of mine must be splendid at the kitchen." Nick smiles proudly at his own words, as Maia rolls her eyes earning a bunch of laughter in the room.
"maia is quite a cook, Nicholas." John pipes in between the conversation.
"dad..she almost destroyed my kitchen." Nick retorts as Maia hides herself behind the couch pillows, while Kent just chuckles. He remembers Maia telling him that.
"dad.. nick..don't embarrassed me on Christmas please?" She groans as the rest laughs in amusement.
"that's Christmas in the Wiseman's for you." Nick winks before pulling her into a hug.
She turns to look outside the window, snow on Christmas day. Perfect. Everyone's attention fall upon the view.
"Merry Christmas everyone." John says in enthusiasm, as Maia smiles in awe at the sight of it. Everyone else is hugging each other, she saw from the corner of her eye; gray, daphne, Sally and Kent in conversation, smiles together.
She pulls away from Nick and hugs the girls, their bond. The year comes to an end, and she's grateful for this year. The hardest but..she got everyone she needed.
They said their final goodbyes for the night, before stuffing the gifts in Kent's mustang. And they finally went home.
Baby atlas slept on the way home, as she rests her head against Kent's shoulder on the way home. The intimacy feels familiar, but this time around there's a new addition in their small family.
As they arrived, he helped her out of the car before carrying the gifts for them all. It was filled from everyone, from her mom and dad, nick, gray and daphne together, sally. but the star of the day receive the most gifts.
She carries atlas and place him in his baby cot and turns in the baby monitor before returning back to help Kent with the rest of the presents. As everything is done and dusted, the snow thankfully is not too heavy on the road. They manage to arrive safe and sound.
She plops herself against the couch of their home, and sighs. "That was a fun dinner, don't you think?"
Kent takes a seat beside her and nods, "it's quite a Christmas."
She heard the solemn tone in his words, and then takes his hand giving it a squeeze. Christmas can be hard for some families, and she hopes her family and friends can give him the comfort of a good Christmas to him.
His gaze softens at her hold, and when words failed them both. The actions speaks louder, thousand times louder; when he leans closer, his lips land against her forehead pulling her close.
"we did it, together as a family." She whispered softly and then caress his face gently. And the word family feels..new to him, a foreign concept. One where he wasn't expected to be perfect, to fit a certain narrative. And this Christmas was just that, a whole lot of love that he couldn't express properly through his words, but deep down his heart is full. She always calls him a part of her family, and her parents already accepted him as their family too. And with atlas, they're definitely a new family.
He'll try his best to keep his family protected in his own way, love and cherished. As she pulls away, they we're greeted by enthusiastic shih tzus.
"oh! I forgot my present for our little furry kiddos. Both of you girls aren't forgotten." Maia says excitedly pulling a box passing it to Kenzie.
He opens it to reveal a bunch of doggie sweaters custom made. "It will boost their petpix account! They almost reached 500 followers no?"
And that's it - the little things. As his love for her grows more and more everyday. The pups jump excitedly and licks maia's cheeks in excitement, despite not understanding of the situation. He smiles, crooked teeth and all on display for them. This is...what Christmas is all about to him, he got a new meaning to this. Something to look forward to.
"Kenzie?" She calls our for him.
His attention swift's back to her, "you alright? You seemed to be out of the loop tonight, love."
He squeezes her hands gently and kisses her knuckles. The words, when you know..you'll know hits different now. Because he knows now. But he changes the topic right away, "I kept the sweater on, what's my gift?"
Her cheeks grow red at that, and then she smiles. "Indeed you have."
She stares at the baby monitor, and atlas is sound asleep. Her enthusiasm betrays her, as she pulls his hand as they disappear to their room for the night to fulfill her promise, apparently one of their many many festivities of the day.
"merry Christmas kenzie." She whispers lovingly before her eyes begin to close, slumber land calls for her.
As he holds her close his lips hover over her forehead, everything feels perfect for their first family Christmas.
It was indeed merry.
( tags for kaia lovers out there heehee: @wayhavenots , @yakov-vasilyev , @ambrosykim , @thedeadthree happy holidays guys mwah!)
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
The Photoshoot (Part 34)
Cillian Murphy
Series master list Part 1 (2014), Part 2 (2015),
⚠️ Honeymoon Smut 🔥
This chapter was on my mind since the beginning, I always knew Cill and Yael would go to Greece for their honeymoon and then, life has some funny ways to put people in the middle, right where you needed and @2000snostaalgiia provided the best trip tips around ✨💙 thank you so much Maria for helping me out with the Greek insights, and the beautiful poem ♥️, this part wouldn’t be the same without your guidance. And also @heidimoreton for the back to reality idea provided! Please know my inbox is always open for anyone who wants to suggest something; a photo, trip, idea… 💕 also thank you @peakypoet /SeleneShelby for the beautiful edits and collage you made! 💛
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“Come on.” Yael pulled Cillian’s hand to guide him behind a bougainvillea tree. “I wanted to try this pose with a couple while I did their engagement photos a long time ago but she didn’t like my idea.”
Cillian chuckled but followed her instructions. “Separate your feet an inch, right there.” Then setting her camera on automatic, she rushed to the steps and positioned herself behind the tree too, in front of Cillian.
“Am I supposed to do something?”
“Kiss your wife?” She suggested and saw Cillian licking his lips.
Yael walked again to check the camera and pressed the shutter one more time.
“If you place your hand lower it will look nice in the shoot.”
“Here?” And he cupped her bum in his palms.
“No! Perv it’s a sweet photo!” While he kept laughing, Yael got the camera ready one more time.
Even though their faces couldn’t be seen, she wrapped her arms around Cillian’s neck and gave him a little peck on the lips, she lifted her leg and his hand slide down… looking into each other’s eyes and completely forgetting about the rest of the world. She loved running her hands through his curls and he loved the way she purred against his mouth.
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Everything was perfect until they heard a deep voice that seemed to be angry. Walking down the steps, they found a woman throwing their things and personal belongings into a black bag.
“No! No, no that’s my camera.” Yael tried to explain.
“Trash!” The woman was fuming.
“Wait.” Cillian tried to intervene.
“These are my bags… see?” She showed the woman a small purse she got from the market. “We were taking a photograph over there by the flower tree.”
She saw the woman extend her arm towards Cillian and made her a sign that Yael preferred to not ask what it meant.
“Check the camera.” They both exhaled relieved when they saw that the camera landed over a scarf Yael bought, walking down the street as far as they could go, they saw the woman sweeping angrily mumbling something they couldn’t understand.
The whole five minutes’ walk to the restaurant they were laughing until their stomachs hurt. It was a funny moment they would never forget.
“Still don’t get why was she so angry, we weren’t vandalizing the wall or her steps, I just put our things there.”
“Two more minutes and you almost lose your camera.” He chuckled again.
Entering the restaurants area, they couldn’t stop smiling. Cillian was teasing her for the things she was willing to do to get the shoot that she wanted.
“Love.” Someone said out loud, making them stop. “I see love.” And then the woman pointed between them.
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Kissing her hair, Cillian agreed. “Lots of it.”
“Come in to the best Greek restaurant.” The woman invited them.
As they were following her, they were surprised to find a secret hall behind the restaurant, it was like a mini street in an open area that connected the restaurants in the back, the “ceiling” was made of tree branches intertwined from side to side, flowers and lights provided a beautiful and cozy place to have dinner.
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“Here I was thinking the cottage and the island were my favorite places…”
Playing with her fingers, Cillian admitted; “you’re my favorite place.”
“Stop you’re always telling me mushy things.”
Tickling her ribs, Cillian teased her. “Oh, and now you don’t like it, Mrs. Murphy?”
The smile reached Yael’s eyes. “I do, Mr. Murphy, I do.” She scrunched her nose and that made her husband smile as well.
“Should we order different dishes and share?” He asked, but he wasn’t surprised to see her nodding before he finished his question.
“Oh! They’ve Pastitsio! It’s the one we wanted to try when we arrived but chose the Mediterranean salad.” As Cillian looked at her confused, she elaborated her point. “It’s like the Greek version of lasagna, Cill.”
“All right, I’ll go with the Kleftiko then.” Yael’s eyes sparkled as she read it consisted of lamb infused with olive oil and lemon juice. It sounded mouth-watering and she adored that the menu included a small section explaining the origin of each dish.
“Can we get the Ti-Tirokroketes?” She frowned at word.
“Are you going to share them this time?” He winked at her, instead of ordering it as an appetizer, she decided to make the fried cheese balls her main dish. She loved the combination of the different kind of cheeses like feta and gouda but he only got the remaining crumbs.
“I asked you four times if you wanted to try them and you said no” She defended herself in a faked shocked tone.
Cillian shook his head. “Doesn’t matter if I say no, you should’ve shared with your husband.”
As their drinks arrived, the kind woman brought them something else.
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“Ugh, it’s too bad I don’t understand a word.”
“To say no to love, it’s like frowning in front of a flower that’s ready to bloom. It’s like cursing at the light that showed you the world.” He whispered in a deep voice that got all her attention.
“How…-” Taking the card between his fingers, he turned it around, so she was watching the translation now.
“Never let the light go out.” Ophelia, the woman advised them and left with a smile to get their food.
“We got enough cheese for a lifetime.” He felt so full even after walking back to Vassilis’ home.
“Mr. Murphy?” He had his back at her.
“You didn’t let me order dessert.”
As he finally turned around, Cillian saw her touching the hem of her floral dress and take the piece of fabric off through her head, revealing a set of lingerie he was sure he had never seen before, a pale pink transparent fabric decorated with tiny flowers embroidered, he could see everything thru it. Swallowing hard, he walked towards his wife in a bee-line, like an obedient pet.
“You’ve been wearing this all fucking day and I didn’t know?” Yael nodded biting her lower lip. “Next time, you show me before we go out.”
“Maybe.” She teased Cillian and her lips went straight to his neck, he couldn’t move fast enough; he tried to open his trousers and pull her underwear down at the same time, once she was free from her clothes from the waist down, Cillian lifted her easily and walked until her back hit the wall, her legs wrapped tightly around him, his lips just finished kissing her neck and immediately moved to one of her breast still covered by the flowered bra.
“I want you to get this in every color.”
Yael nodded and wriggled her hips. “I’ll remember that.” A moan escaped her lips. She was trapped between his body and the wall, so close, yet so far away from what she wanted. Trying to move down a little bit, she gasped as her entrance brushed against his tip. “Cill…” She pleaded and moved a little more, using his shoulders for support, her body shook as she rubbed against him one more time.
“Busy.” He answered, biting lightly her skin, running his palm over her free breast.
“Just… Ah.” She managed to get the tip of his cock into her entrance, but his body still was keeping her tight against the wall, there wasn’t any room between their bodies. Yael closed her eyes as her husband thrusted up a little bit, his lips were kissing the space between her breasts and she pulled at his locks enough to make him groan both of pain and pleasure, finally she could see his beautiful eyes. “I want you.”
Cillian finally moved back about an inch and Yael felt the tip of his cock inside of her, there, just teasing her body. The sound she made wasn’t human, swallowing hard she tried to move only to find out that his body was pressing against her one more time.
Opening her eyes, she found Cillian looking at her with a smile, enjoying her frustration. “Having fun?”
“Can’t complain.” And he let her slide down his hard member a little more.
Huffing, she placed her hands on his shoulders to try to wriggle down. “I swear if you-” Finally, Cillian let her slide down for her own weight, Yael moaned loudly feeling half of his cock inside, her body welcoming him immediately. While she was still adjusting to the sensation, Cillian started to walk towards their bedroom with his wife connected to his body, quickly reaching their bed, he placed her gently in the middle enjoying the view under him.
“Fuck.” Was all he could say as she pulled him down, but before he started to move again, Cillian pulled out from her body.
“Hey!” Yael protested leaning on her elbows to look at him, struggling to get rid of his clothes, kneeling in the bed, Yael helped Cillian to remove his shirt while he got the rest, once he was free, she pulled him so he was laying on his back and soon she was straddling his hips. “Keep moving like that.” He mumbled against her lips, as her movements were speeding up Cillian’s fingers found the clasp of her bra to take it off.
Chests rubbing, the sound of flesh against flesh, moans and deep breaths while their eyes locked, soon they were lost in the land of pleasure, both trying to win the race, but one Cillian’s hands moved between them to find her most sensitive body part and pressing his digits against it, he saw Yael close her eyes while her mouth opened, her upper body thrown back… her movements stopped as the ecstasy took over her. Taking a seating position to face her, he felt his own release.
Moments later tucked in bed, tangled legs and sheets, Yael kissed his chest. “Can we go tomorrow to Naxos?”
Cillian made a face. “I don’t know, I wanted to stay in and rest.”
“Rest? You don’t know how to rest, you can’t stay still for five minutes.”
Pulling the sheets up, Cillian wrapped her legs around him. “Let’s see how long you can stay still.”
It took the ferry a little over an hour to arrive to the island of Naxos, equally beautiful to Syros. Perfectly white houses and business welcomed them as Cillian and Yael strolled the cobbled streets of Naousa. Yael already found a small shop known for selling everything natural; cosmetics, soaps, scented candles. Following the route, Yael suddenly pulled at his hand.
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“This is incredible!” Excitement running through her. “Look.” She pointed at a wall decorated with a lot of eyes.
“For protection.” The man in charge offered and showed her around, different kinds and sizes of the famous blue eye from bracelets, keychains, necklaces, the list was endless.
“Babe let’s go.”
“Give me a sec, I want to get Violet something now that she’s waiting for her baby and something for Lee-Anne and Kayla too.”
He didn’t believe in this kind of protection, but Yael was listening intensely to the explanation the owner of the store was giving her, he offered her a discount and after some time, she finally picked her gifts, “for you.” He gave her a small bracelet with blue beads and a single eye after all the things she got.
After stopping at a ceramic store, Maria the sweet owner gave them a complete explanation of why they had to visit the Apollo temple and other places that guarded a lot of history, Cillian stopped on his tracks, the view was more than breathtaking and he had been growing a particular interest of taking photos of his wife.
“Give me your things and go over there.” Cillian instructed his wife pointing at the windmill.
“I love this place. Everything is so pretty.” As she played with her red dress, Cillian snapped a photo of her.
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“Did you know these still work?” Some of them were still used to mill wheat, while some others were kept for decorative purpose, the process was artisanal.
“There’s the Harvest Festival in September at Mykonos with locals sharing traditional storytellers it’s one of the family-run mill, the girl at the ceramic store told me.”
“Festival huh? Sounds interesting.”
“Hmm with traditional music and dances, food…”
Cillian chuckled at the tone of her voice. “And let me guess, you want to come back.”
They didn’t even want to leave.
Cillian caught Yael looking at her reflection in the mirror, she was wearing the white dress she got at the local market the previous day.
“Fuck… you look like a Greek goddess.” He admitted leaning against the doorframe looking up and down at her.
“You just want another round.”
“Actually yes… but we need to go out and I got you the perfect complement for your outfit.” Cillian went then to search inside his bag to get a small box. “Yesterday at the vintage jewelry shop you kept looking at this set over and over.”
He had teased her about buying presents for everyone in their families and barely getting anything for herself but the set of seven gold bracelets got her attention so when she was distracted with something else, he bought it for her.
Surprised, Yael looked at him. “How…?” But instead of asking him about his mind-reading powers, she pulled him down for a kiss. “Thank you, Cill.”
And he assured her she had nothing to thank him for. After all this was his honeymoon present for her, she already got him a silver Greek coffee set.
“I’ve to admit I was unsure of the sandals but you seem to be really comfortable wearing them around.” They were walking after lunch and she still had energy to keep going.
“Told you I’ve heard wonders of custom made sandals here.” Yael made a pose for him to show her the local sandals she got handmade made using an artisanal process, the seller showed her part of the traditional methods they used to make the shoes, since 1935 in his family making customizable models.
“Then run over there to take a photo of you.” He pointed at the scenic lookout, as Yael was walking away from him, he called her; “hey beauty, are you free tonight?”
Yael turned her head over her shoulder to smile at him and she found him pointing the camera at her. “Let me ask my husband.”
He took another photo of her walking over the ocean.
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“Come over here so we can have one together.”
There wasn’t anyone around but soon a couple of tourist walked past them so Yael asked them to take a photo and in return she took one of them and promised to email the image as soon as she could.
“Why do you trust anyone with your camera? They could easily take it.” He asked as they reached the vehicle they rented.
“Did you see their faces? They don’t seem to be looking for cameras to steal.” Starting the engine they moved to go back to the hotel they were staying the ferry would take them back to Syros in a couple of hours after their two day stay at Naxos.
Cillian heard her humming something. A song he could easily recognize the tune.
Rolling his eyes at her with a funny face, he told her: “go on… I know you want to play the song.”
Yael pretended to play the fool. “What song? No… I haven’t thought of that.” But of course she laughed and started playing the Mama Mia! Song on her cellphone. “You can’t come to Greece and not sing the song, Cill.”
“Ugh woman. What will I do with you?” He asked in a faked tired expression, truth is he would never get tired of the excitement she showed over the smallest things, it made him see things in a different way.
“Love me?” Yael started kissing his cheek playfully, until her cellphone announced she got a message. “Aww look, Lee-Anne took Scout to the doggies daycare and he made a card for us.” She showed him a photo of the paws decorated as flowers.
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“Bet he’s having fun with his dog-mates.”
“Yeah, stealing their toys and barking at her noisy neighbors.” Yael imagined the scene.
“What’s the departure time again?” He asked stopping the car in the parking lot of the small hotel.
“The ferry leaves to Syros at four o’clock.”
That meant they still had plenty of time to enjoy themselves in the private pool they had, and as they made their way inside of their bedroom Cillian made sure to let her know of his plans, they still had four more days to enjoy another island, probably Paros would be next…
But sometimes life shows you different plans for the original ones you had and forces you out of your comfort zone, and that’s exactly what happened when Cillian got a call from Ireland to let him know that his son, Sean was admitted to the hospital in the emergency area due to a severe allergy and there was an issue with the insurance information under his name.
They needed to take a 30 minutes flight from Syros to Athens and then they agreed Cillian would fly straight to Ireland while Yael would go to Manchester to pick up Scout and the rest of their belongings.
And just like that reality burst their honeymoon bubble after spending the most perfect days getting to know one of the most magical and beautiful places on earth. They got to say goodbye to the breathtaking island surrounded by mythology and incredible traditions they both wished to get another chance to enjoy.
A/N: if you like this, remember your comments make the difference 💕🥰
The Apollo temple inspiration:
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lulu-nightbon · 1 year
@alienembers why do i see assassin bandit revealing her mystic powers with this like- she sees lucia practicing stances while listening to this to control it (obv lucia's got a longer loop than this but this was the best i could find, it'll also mostly if not all be the "slam your body down and wind it all around" bit), takes off her cloak, and goes over next to her. she slaps her with her tail to get her attention while showing her the correct pose and lucia just corrects herself and they go through the motions together. lucia gets a bit distracted but bandit has her eyes shut and blocks out everything but the music, even mouthing the lyrics after a while, going through the poses while becoming a small flashlight while standing on tendrils of shadow and mini platforms of moonlight. when the loop ends she does open her eyes, which glow brightly for a second before going back to normal, and at one point when she first brings the shadows into it, she makes an almost banishing motion with them as they swirl up around her before suddenly bursting outwards and dissipating. lucia actually manages to start to unlock her powers, with a small flickering light of the hamato clan symbol and chains lifted up around her- she actually moved on them for a moment but got distracted and had to restart, keeping her eyes closed this time and struggling to keep her focus while the chains just kinda floated and moved with her. once the song/practice is over she races back to nyx's side and hurriedly puts on her cloak but its a cute moment (maybe she didn't like seeing incorrect stances lol) it also gave me the idea of some of the others seeing and mikey asking her to teach them, to which she says no- a surprise, and while it is a small sign she's healing, that she can say no, it's not the answer they want. she'll state that her ability to safely use her magic has atrophied from years of disuse, and that she's not able to be a teacher. she'll add on "not to mention, you aren't ready to wield light and shadow magic, or have you forgotten how you almost died opening a portal with your brothers taking a large amount of the strain for you?". she'll argue when pressed on it, but she's put her foot down. she also has a minor fever but nothing to really be concerned about. it also helps with getting her to actually practice her magic again
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middysrants · 2 years
New Ambrosia Redesign: The Birth of Ambrosia Ignis
I've previously redesigned Ambrosia of The Phoenix, from the upcoming visual novel Beauty and The War: X Playing Pieces, but I believed that my redesign could use some improvements, so I ended up revamping her Present Day and First Act outfits, as well as giving her Don't Take This Risk counterpart a makeover.
Don't get me wrong, she has some good traits, like being a caring person and a maternal figure of sorts to her cousins, but some aspects of her personality could be polished. One of them is the fact that Ambrosia is basically pushed around by everyone, and her family is not an exception. Also, her situational awareness is nonexistent. For someone who has been incarcerated, far away from home, she doesn't seem fazed by it.
Another grievance is her wardrobe. I understand that the developers want an attractive lead for their Otome, but I feel that Ambrosia's attires are out of character for her. Her clothes are too revealing for someone who is canonically shy and doesn't want to draw attention to herself. Thus, I believe that she needs clothes that make her feel more comfortable and adjust to her current situation.
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Outfit 1: Prisoner Ambrosia
When Ambrosia is introduced, she lands on X's lap and kisses him, with the tight, white kimono she is (seemingly) given by the "pervy guards" at the prison. Her golden lace mask is a power suppressor, apparently to prevent prisoners from escaping/rebelling, if my memory serves. All of this makes it look like she fell in love with X in a masquerade, rather than asking him for help to escape from a prison where "The Strike Master" rules with an iron fist.
Because of this, I decided to give her a more terrified and saddened expression, as well as a pose that showcases that she has her guard up. I also wanted to add bruises and scars since she is too unscathed for someone that "got in trouble with the Strike Master". Her cuffs and earrings replace the mask as a suppressor, with gems magically charged by someone who has the special ability to "block" the powers of others. This is heavily inspired by the magatama in the Ace Attorney Series, which needs to be filled with spiritual energy so Phoenix can see the Psychelocks. The cuffs also make it difficult for Ambrosia to move, adding more powerlessness to her predicament.
For her kimono, I wanted to give her something that covered her up a bit more. I made the skirt just a little above the knee so it would be appropriate as prison garb and showcased the places where she was hit. As for her hair, I wanted it to look a bit messier, held together by a single strap. It doesn't show in the final result, but I made her use the choker from her First Act outfit as a hair tie. I also wanted to make her look older since, in my version of the game, she is 27 years old during the events of Present Day and 21 in both the flashback and Don't Take This Risk.
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Outfit 2 - Ambrosia of The Phoenix
I initially wanted to give her a kimono similar to Maya Fey's, but I ended up going for an attire that resembled the minimalistic designs of a phoenix that I used as inspiration. Her influence still remains, since I gave Ambrosia a similar gesture to hers, making our girl look approachable.
I wanted the Phoenix to distinguish themselves from the other tribes, like the four nations in The Last Airbender. Therefore, a combination of reds and oranges felt right, as well as a mini-dress that resembles the feathers of the mythical creature. I also had the idea of the members of the clan going barefoot, using bandages to protect their heels and arches.
I honestly don't have a deep explanation for choosing a mini-dress. The Phoenix have blood with healing properties, which they constantly need to draw out to help the wounded. In the demo, Ambrosia mentioned that she dressed the way she did to have easy access to it. Because of this, I figured it would be better to give her a mini-dress that covers her enough but leaves her arms and legs exposed. I wasn't expecting the skirt to look like Tinkerbell's and I'm living for it!
Ambrosia's choker and earrings are gold to complement her fire theme, as well as the dusty pink strap. For her hair, I decided on a braid that would prevent it from getting dirty while tending to the wounded, something that I carried onto her outfit for her Don't Take This Risk counterpart. All of this is heavily inspired by Callimara's Haruka Azami, as well as the nurse theme and outfit for Ambrosia.
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Outfit 3 - Nurse-In-Training Ambrosia Ignis
(For those who haven't played Don't Take This Risk, it deals with dark and triggering subjects.)
I wanted to give her scrubs since her being a Nurse-In-Training would suit her DTTR rendition, given the healing powers she has in BTW. Also, I believe that she would choose a career that allows her to help people. I think this was also mentioned in the comic? It has been so long since I've read it, so I could be wrong.
Ambrosia would be studying to become a nurse, so she would be doing an internship at the hospital where Unknown just happens to be. This is mainly to explain his infatuation-turned-into-obsession since neither the original game nor the comic gives us a reason as to why he would call her number and how he got it. To make a long story short, he would have fallen in love with her after she tended to his life-threatening wounds.
I decided to give her an oversized, dusty pink sweater to complement her blue scrubs. It also matches her heart-shaped pin and her marine blue backpack. Of course, she would be wearing this when she finishes her shift. Since Ambrosia would, without a doubt, take her job seriously, she would follow the dress code to a tee. This is also the reason why I gave her loafers.
As a nod to her necklace in the First Act, I wanted to give her a flame-shaped pin that matches her earrings. I took the silver from her Present Day outfit and incorporated it into her DTTR design. I felt that it would go well with the cold colors I was going for, as a contrast to the warmth and gold of her Phoenix clan attire.
I gave her the "Ignis" surname since it alludes to the Phoenix's fire theme. The pins with her initials were going to be markings with permanent ink but I decided to turn that into pins. In my original sketch, she was wearing a dog tag with the initials "A + D" ("Ambrosia + Dev") since I have the headcanon that Dev collects military paraphernalia and they would wear matching necklaces, but I forgot to include it in the final line art.
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fedor-bortnik-p2 · 2 months
Week 4 - Monster. Rigging, part 2.
With time running short, I did my final touches on the monster by animating it.
Before doing real animations, I did some quick tests to make sure it would work in Unreal Engine.
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Despite I had to do some adjustments to the scale, it worked smoothly.
I proceeded with making the animations in a traditional fashion. I decided to make 4 animations: Punch, Idle, Roar, and Grab. I wanted to make the animation of the monster getting out of water, but I had to start with these at first since they were needed the most.
To create the animations, I did a quick re-read of various material from a book named The Animator's Survival Kit, made by Richard E. Williams (2009).
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I like to read this book from time to time and so far I have reached to the middle of it. I stopped reading it this semester since I had to re-arrange my priorities in what I study, but I still plan to finish it whenever I can.
Anyway, with this book I learned more how to do animations and, most importantly - I understood the energy of animating. And while it is not possible for me to produce a best-quality hand animation in such a short time, it still gave me more essential tips to focus on.
One of the examples from the book is a way how you can construct the frames.
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First, you place essential keys, which would dictate the core movement. Like a monster preparing to walk in the order of 1 - Anticipation of the movement. 2 - Raising the limb. 3 - Placing the limb. 4 - Inertia dumping.
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Then, you begin placing various layers of keys, to make the animation more smoother, more dynamic or to add more detail to the specific part of the animation. At first, I placed the waypoints in the middle of each sequence and placed the monster's pose in the desired way. Then, I adjusted the pose and played the animation to see how it looked. After, I just tweaked the waypoints and pose position to make it look as smooth as possible.
The important rule in animating is to keep it as simple as possible. since the challenge in animating of the sequences is not just 1 or 2 scenes, but rather making hundreds, or even thousands of them and keeping it all looking on the same level.
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While it is not necessary to do the 2nd layer of sequences, as I could just go into the graph editor and adjust the timing of each frame like that, I still decided to add extra waypoints, so that I could make some tiny changes to the animation - Like a very small inertia between the poses, or maybe the body shaking or reacting to the swing.
This is how I animated all sequences for the monster.
When doing the grab animation, I wasnt sure how to do it - I could make the siblings being grabbed already in the animation, by shrinking them into 0.001 scale until they get grabbed, or I could just keep it blank and let Leon or Lou to do it...
I talked with Leon about how he would prefer me to animate it - and he asked me to animate without the siblings. And I proceeded with that.
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As for the monster walking - I used simple cubes to mark where the monsters feet should be, so that I can move the median point of the monster freely and later simply correct the feet's movement and make it look in place.
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It's also a good idea to use boxes to mark how fast something moves, to then see and adjust the tempo of the character, or for anything else.
With that, I finalised the last task of making the rigging and animating the characters.
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 Richard E., (2009) The Animator's Survival Kit: Expanded Edition. Fayetteville, TX, U.S.A.: ‎Faber & Faber. Paperback – 5
Anna Mini Jayan (2024) Monster - 3D model [Digital Art]. University of Hertfordshire.
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