#these scenes ive made up in my head are so canon to me that’s dangerous
taeiris · 1 year
byler brainrot still going strong
i see ONE (1) byler edit to same old love and suddenly get inspo
these byler st5 made up screencaps of mine go crazyyy
edit: i love combining fandom theories with my own as little tiny easter eggs in these
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it was about the coffee
edit 24/11: rip miracle blocker theory, my love
but possibly not the way we thought it was. this is going to sound so convoluted but bear with me here (and big thanks to the anon that precipitated this theory, and major apologies that writing this theory is only going to delay my answer to your ask even further💕)
a major plot-point for me in s2 was this bad boy:
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which i think we can safely say is a very op power for demons to possess for it not to come up again later on in the show? it's almost like a parallel to the book of life on that front - which is mentioned in the bookshop in ep6, but we've all agreed is pretty much going to be a major chekhov's gun in s3, right? well, what about the miracle blocker?
why wouldn't shax think of getting one either from furfur or from beelzebub when storming the bookshop? well, could be that shax didn't think of it. true - but i do wonder if something iffy was in fact going on in ep5/ep6 showdown, right up into the Final Fifteen.
let's start here: aziraphale has got some reality-bending bullshit going on, which i think is possibly just naturally emanating from aziraphale himself (im not wholly convinced it's entirely in-character for him to purposefully fuck with people's heads and autonomy) and perhaps the dancing/outfits/emotions etc is just the image he wanted for the dance, and his magic (?) essentially made it happen, so much so that he was potentially taken in by it too... hence why he was so readily resistant to crowley's pleas to listen to him about the danger? idk, getting sidetracked.
but anyway, then the demons come, and we see the below where... randomly, aziraphale's miracles/magic doesn't work. and there's no given reason for it:
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soon after this, aziraphale opens the portal; one thing on reflection? that portal opens damn fucking fast. sure, the peril is high, certainly higher than s1 when he had to pray and practically beg to speak to someone... but if the portal is more or less for metatron's direct use, and the metatron is so damn busy, being the voice of god... why would he be sat there waiting for a call?
s1, the time between aziraphale starting to pray/dial 9-1-heaven, and the portal opening (excluding where he shouts to shadwell that the shop is closed) is just over 31 seconds. s2, from "hello, is there anybody there" to portal opening is just over 5. a very short cut-down for a retired, traitorous angel, regardless of whether they're under attack (which, tbh, would be in heaven's interests, right? for aziraphale to get Got?). the explanation for that can only be, in my book, that metatron has been watching... and possibly has been since the first time the portal opened.
anyway, we then move on to metatron arriving at the bookshop, and offering aziraphale the coffee. others have reported a miracle chime, and tbh i too can hear at least a faint, high strong, that sounds out of place in the ambient sound of the scene. video below, where ive marked out where i can hear it:
we know that aziraphale doesn't drink coffee. tea, hot chocolate, wine... but he's never, as far as we've seen, canonically drunk coffee. he must have tried it at some point, crowley likes it/drinks it, so why wouldn't aziraphale have tried it at some point? well, i think he probably has, and didn't like it. i think he tried to change it, in front of the metatron, so he could take a sip and not be offensive. but... it doesn't work. aziraphale's reaction is awkward. and metatron's reaction is smug. i think metatron has a miracle blocker.
aziraphale is not stupid. i think he knows possibly from that moment, or very soon after, that metatron has been up to something. i think he knows that metatron might have eyes and ears everywhere. i think aziraphale has worked out that metatron is not in fact A Nice Old Man, and knows it right through until he gets in the lift (which im going to talk about more in the aforementioned anon ask). i don't think aziraphale has been overtly threatened, because the metatron has worked so hard in this scene to be non-threatening. but he has underestimated how smart aziraphale actually is.
making the offer to reform heaven appeals to aziraphale, there is no doubt on that. and aziraphale is desperate for crowley to be with him - not only on the layer of wanting to be together, or another layer of crowley deserving to have heaven make amends to him, or even the layer wanting to protect crowley under his status as supreme archangel... but because if aziraphale walks away, without crowley, crowley has nowhere safe to go. the bookshop has been compromised, and it is no longer safe. metatron with his almond syrup has Eyes and Ears everywhere. when crowley refuses, aziraphale has to get to heaven, and to metatron, before they get to him.
i do completely believe that aziraphale wants to help heaven, and possibly seek any way in which he can return it to what he thinks or believes was god's original purpose for it - to return or make it into the place that was always meant to stand for good and justice and love. but i also believe that now, more than ever, aziraphale teeters on the edge of giving heaven a chance - or being burnt to ashes, literally or figuratively. idk about you, but i have a gut feeling on what option he, in this moment, would be inclined to take.
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aquilapolariz · 1 year
never made, never broken (portgas d. ace x reader)
Summary: In the kindest way possible, Ace fails to make a promise- and you don’t even realize it until it’s too late.
Notes/ Warnings: spoilers for events that lead up to Marineford, there's some light angst, follows canon; i originally wrote this to be a part of a series that featured law x diplomat! reader x ace, but i quickly realized i can't commit to multi-chapter works ;((
Word Count: 1.4k | Read below the cut or on Ao3
You looked in horror at the scene in front of you. Thatch’s blood spilled in the dead of night and Blackbeard nowhere to be found.
You turned to your left, Ace standing next to you, his teeth clenching in anger. He’s the one who guided you to Thatch’s quarters at your request, after you heard the awakening chaos of the aftermath.
“Ace, what are you thinking of doing?” You asked, afraid.
“(Y/N), you already know the answer to that question. And you know why I’m about to do it. You can’t talk me out of it.”
“We both know that I actually can talk you out of it-“
“That’s why I’m tryyyying to drown you out as much as I can, but that’s really difficult because it’s YOU!”
“Ace, Thatch wouldn’t want this. Teech has a very dangerous fruit-“
“We can’t know for sure what Thatch would have wanted. And that’s why we have to strike back now- Teech can’t be an expert in this fruit yet, he’s still gotta be learning.”
You were very clearly shocked by his logic.
“Yeah, that’s right,” he flaunted, “I learned a thing or two from you, (Y/N).”
You didn’t know whether to be angry, proud, upset, but the absurdity of the situation almost made you laugh.
“We don’t know what we’re up against. Who knows how long Teech has been planning this plot of his. There’s too many unknowns.” He didn’t even give you a second glance. “Andddd you’re not even listening to me.”
“IT’S PART OF MY TACTIC!” Ace reasoned walking to his own quarters, ready to pack a bag. You didn’t notice him slip your wanted poster into the outer pocket. After zipping it up and seeing your genuine concern, he paused, collecting his thoughts. “I can’t let myself be stopped by you, I’m sorry.”
He marched up to the deck, filled with many of the crew, all of them reeling from the events of a couple hours ago. The fire burning in Ace’s eyes was blinding. Every crew member was trying to extinguish it, telling him to calm down. Ace was yelling back, “If I don’t do anything about it, Thatch’s spirit can’t rest!”
Whitebeard, hooked up to his IVs said his name. “It’s okay. This is an exception…I have a bad feeling about this.” You, too, had a bad feeling about this. If you weren’t the only one, something was definitely not right.
“He killed his crewmate and ran away. He had been loyal to you for decades and then he threw dirt in your face!” He turned away, moving his hat from behind his neck to the crown of his head. “And above all, he disgraced my father’s name. I can’t allow that.”
The Moby Dick fell eerily silent. You wanted so desperately to stop him, or at least go with him, but you knew that would only hold him back. Your words were your weapons, but they were rendered useless in a fight like this. Not when Blackbeard so brutally killed Thatch, all for a devil fruit. Part of diplomacy is knowing when to stop the talking, and knowing when to take action. You knew this was one of those times. But it had to be carefully thought out action, not whatever impulsive thoughts Ace was thinking. But his determination was as overwhelming as the heat of Alabasta. As much as you believed in Ace and his strength, this seemed too risky.
If Ace wouldn’t listen when you spoke from your head, or if he wouldn’t listen to his crewmates, he would listen if you spoke from your heart, right? “Don’t leave me!” you pleaded, a final act of desperation. “Ace, Thatch just got killed. If something happens to you too, I don’t know what-“
“Hey, come on,” his face softened whenever he looked at you. He was scared this would happen, that his resolve would waver and crumble to ashes if he spared you even a single glance. He pulled you in for a hug, his arms around your waist, causing your arms to be sandwiched between your chest and his. “Trust me, I’ll be back before you know it. Like I said, I wanna live without any regrets. If I don’t go now…I’ll regret that for the rest of my life.”
You pulled away from Ace to look at him. Ace’s conviction for this ran deep, the stories he’s told of his birth and past that he trusted you with were coming to mind. Memories of his newfound devotion to Whitebeard as father came flooding in.
“I know. But what if…what if I’m the one who ends up regretting letting you go.”
“How can I ease your worry?” Ace’s voice was gentle, but steadfast and determined.
You leaned in and whispered into his ear as his arm snaked its way around your waist, not wanting anyone else to hear the sacred words of a promise. “Promise me that you’ll come back to me, immediately after you deal with Blackbeard. Right away. And that you won’t pull another stunt like this in the future. That you’ll obey Pops once you step back on this ship.”
“Okay.” Ace could see how serious you were. How your brows creased, and right below those arched eyebrows, your eyes were watering up. Even in distress you were beautiful to him. But he hated seeing you so sad and even more, being the cause of your worry. For you, he would agree. He’d be satisfied after killing Blackbeard. After this he wouldn’t need to do something so drastic ever again.
You held out your pinky, ready for his own to wrap around, sealing a promise. He removed his right arm from your waist and instead of grasping your finger, he grabbed your entire hand and kissed it.
“Ace-?!” Flustered, you pulled your hand back.
He chuckled. It would be a while until he saw you again, so he wanted you to be wearing a smile.
To everyone right now, he was a ball of fiery energy, unstoppable and hot to the touch, but to you, he was just Ace. Always just Ace. So you couldn’t help when you broke into a smile.
“Look at you, going from sad to happy in seconds.” He loves seeing your smile, or rather, he hates seeing you so close to crying.
You rolled your eyes. “Just because I smiled for two seconds doesn’t mean I’m not worried.”
“Yeah, yeah. Hopefully I’ll be able to find Teech quickly. I’ll head toward the Red Line.”
“Yeah he couldn’t have gone too far…Alabasta might be a good bet.” The crew was shocked you were letting him go. But it was clear to you, just as it became clear to Whitebeard minutes ago, that nothing in this world could stop Ace.
“What would I do without you?” Ace asked.
“You’d get lost,” you deadpanned.
You just barely heard the mumbles of the crew: “we gotta stop him,” “he’s too far gone..”
“Just be safe, Fire Fist, at least for my sake if not yours.”
“Anything for you, Fire Fly.” Ace sat at the edge of the ship, ready to jump into Striker. “I’ll see you soon. I can’t stay away from you too long even if I tried.” He turned to take a solemn look at the sea ahead. “This is just another mission, don’t worry about me,”
“Kick his ass, Ace. I’ll see you soon.” With a thin smile, you saw him off.
“Will do, (Y/N),” He picked up his bag, filled only with the necessities, “I’ll take care of this!” He yelled to the entire crew as he jumped down to Striker.
The chorus of “wait” and “come back” from the crew didn’t reach your ears. You waved as he let flames consume his back, his devil fruit powers activating Striker, propelling him forward, never looking back. As Ace said, it was just another mission, another everyday task of a pirate. But was it that simple?
Thinking back to the promise you made with Ace just minutes earlier, you realized it was never sealed- Ace never wrapped his pinky around yours.
You watched as Striker approached the horizon, and so did Ace, his Whitebeard tattoo getting smaller and smaller in the distance until it completely disappeared.
You sighed wistfully; a promise never made is a promise that can never be broken.
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crossovereddie · 3 years
Actually, here is an alternative thing for you to occupy your time with, and a question I have been meaning to ask you for a while. I have finished 911 finally! So I'm ready for the new season. And I wonder, realistically, what do you think the roadmap would be for a buddie endgame?
I absolutely see how their story has been framed and filmed in a lot of parallels to how a romantic storyline would be set out. But there has been no outright mention of either of them being bi - although the conversation about Maddy setting Buck up with whassisface was very casual and could very easily have been an example of canonically bi Buck - and they are both at the end of season 4 in 'relationships' with women.
So, in your estimation, what's the timeline? What's the transition? How do they go about this and how long does it take? I wanna know your thoughts 👀
okay yes i have lots of thoughts on this and it's actually one of my fave questions i get asked. I've always watched a lot of tv shows so I'm just estimating on what I've seen before and what I would personally do. IMO this love story is a slow burn. We only have four seasons so far and only three of those seasons have Eddie in them. This unsurprisingly got long so ill put it under the cut.
So I'll go by seasons bc to me its important to look at everything that has happened so far by seasons and by love interests and not as a whole. Its the best way i can form a timeline that I think would make the most sense and why
S1: So we don't get any hints at Buck being anything other than straight and I think this is because he was supposed to be. They hadn't planned for Eddie yet and they definitely hadn't planned for the chemistry Oliver and Ryan were gonna have. S1 Buck was this reckless kid who didn't take anything serious. He was definitely super immature. Then he meets Abby and he starts to get serious about his job and his love life. I'm not gonna say "Abby changed him" because she didnt. He saw the person he was and the person he was becoming and decided on that change himself.
S2: Eddie!!!! So we get introduced to this army medic turned firefighter in the least heterosexual way. Then Buck is angry because Eddie is hot and really good at his job. they work together and Eddie compliments Buck and now they're smiley bffs. Seriously wtf was all that? Anyway this is all sus bc from what ive seen before in other shows when a main love interest leaves and a new main character replaces them, that means something. JLH replaced Connie Britton as far as big name actress but i really believe Eddie replaced Abby as far as importance in Buck's life. Do i think they brought him in with the intentions of turning him into a LI? No but they sure fueled the narrative from the get go. I think they saw fans reactions and started testing the waters.
Moving on to LIs in this season. We find out Eddie has a kid and the mother is not in the picture (eddie made sure buck knew that right away). Then later on we find out he's technically still married. shannon comes back and we get Eddie finally getting to confront this head on. He tries to get his family back together for the sake of his son. Its big for Eddie's character bc all he does and all he's ever done is for his son. Then Shannon asks for a divorce then she dies bringing this arc to an abrupt end and leaving eddie heartbroken.
meanwhile Buck is still waiting for Abby. Then he finally accepts that shes not coming back and decides to move on. He goes right back to being "Buck 1.0" with Taylor and feels bad about himself because that really isnt him anymore. He wants a real relationship. So then Ali calls and asks him on an actual date and he agrees. This is his first try at a relationship after a heartbreak. in tv these don't usually work out but are used to develop the main character's growth. We don't really see much of her but she breaks up with him so.
S3: This is Eddie finally dealing with his feelings/guilt season. This is also the season I think we really see how important Buck is to the Diaz boys. S2 had cute buckley-diaz family moments but those could still be interpreted as a best friend and his best friend's kid. This season though... after the tsunamic episode was when i really started to fully believe buddie was going canon. This season is solidifying their bond not only as Buck and Eddie but as Buck Eddie and Christpher. As I'm writing this I realized neither of them really has a love interest in this season do they? Ana is introduced but then is clearly presented as definitely NOT the right choice for eddie and especially for Chris. Then they counter that with Buck helping Eddie build a skateboard for Chris that he can use as opposed to Ana's ablest remarks about how he can't do it so just move on to something else. Then we get Buck's reaction in Eddie Begins. Buck has seen his team his friends his family get hurt on the job before but he has never reacted the way he did when it was Eddie in danger. Again solidifying just how much these two mean to each other. Don't even get me started on this season being when Eddie changes his will offscreen. Anyway we get Abby back and Buck finally gets the closure from that relationship that he needs to move forward into a serious relationship.
Now S4: jfc s4....IMO this is the only logical season to get the ball rolling on Buddie and they sure did that with 4x14 despite everything else. So i never thought they would be the first serious relationship for each other after the heart break theyve both experienced. It wouldn't be fair to their character developments. Buck tries dating Veronica and that clearly doesnt work but we know hes now open to dating again. We get Buck Begins where we see why Buck is the dare devil he is. The only way he got his parents attention as a kid was to put himself in danger. They bring back taylor and how to they ultimately get together after she friendzones him? She thinks hes in danger and suddenly wants him. As much as i hate it this is really gonna be a relationship where Buck finally stands up for himself and sees his own worth and realizes he deserves more. He deserves someone who sees him and loves him for who he is. He deserves to be chosen, something Abby Ali his parents dont do and what i think taylor wont end up doing. I feel like shes gonna choose her career over him. Maybe not in a "I'm breaking up with you" way but maybe she takes a new job and want to do LD (hes tried that twice and it didnt work for him. hes not gonna want that) or she could ask him to go with her but he wont. His family is in LA. His job is in LA. Eddie and Chris are in LA and he won't leave them. Then we have Eddie finally deciding to move on and try dating again so they bring back ana. To me it's not gonna work out so I'm not bothered at all lmao. It's interesting that they'd choose her though. Someone we already know Eddie doesn't trust with his son. There's also more buckley-diaz family scenes of them being coparents. The hildy episode, Chris running to Buck when hes mad at eddie, Buck being the one to tell Chris Eddie got hurt, then Buck staying with Chris and taking on the guardian role without him even knowing just how much that role really does belong to him. He didn't do it out of obligation. He didn't do it because he was asked to. He did it because he thought it would be best for Chris. Finally to 4x14. This is by far the biggest "Oh shit this is it. This is the beginning of buddie". We find out Eddie changed his will a year ago and has just been sitting on this info. I think Eddie knew back then what it meant but he wasn't in the right mindset to accept what it means so he kept it to himself. I think he finally started allowing himself to go there during treasure hunt. The man was jealous yall. Carla coming back and her comment about doing whats best for him and not chris is his oh shit moment. I think he wouldve broken up with Ana a few days after that if he had the time lol. He gets caught up in the mother/son sl then this poor mf gets shot by a sniper. The way that whole scene was filmed btw was not in a bff way. That was a lover watching his beloved almost die in front of him. Buck again puts himself down and Eddie decides this is the moment. He needs Buck to see how important he is. He wants buck to know how loved he is. So he sits there talking himself up to it and finally lets Buck know just how big of a part he is in Eddie's family. Buck's previous scene is him saying he wants someone who wants him back then here is Eddie saying he needs him...Chris needs him. wtf.
So with S5: I think Eddie knows and Buck has a feeling but he's not sure so what i would do is spend s5 with Eddie basically showing Buck his feelings but not exactly getting in the way of Buck's new relationship because Buck has to be the one to make that choice. Id also have chris feeling the different shift with buck having a gf like he did with Eddie. This newfound info wasnt just dropped on us for a "Aww so sweet" moment. This will business is gonna be a part of a bigger storyline. I'm hoping its with Eddie's family during maybe 5b.
So what I think would be the best timeline for canon buddie is 5a eddie already having either broken up with ana or is gonna break up with her, Buck choosing himself and ending things with Taylor by midseason finale, them bringing in Eddie's family in 5b and maybe then being when Eddie confesses his feelings for Buck. Then 6a we could get them walking on egg shells around each other not really knowing what to do bc this is all so new for both of them. This could bring just the right amount of comedy and angst especially them awkward and flustered around each other at work. A big blowup can happen between them for added angst (maybe an arguement before one of them or both of them is put in danger) then a midseason finale kiss. Then trying to find the balance between their personal relationship and their work relationship during 6b.
I don't know how long Fox shows last but procedurals can last a long time. I'm not sure thats gonna be the case for 911 especially with all the main cast staying that long so i think this would give us at least a whole season (S7) of canon buddie.
As far as then being presented as straight, there's been more seeds planted about buck being bi. A few i can remember off the top of my head: all of 2x1 lmao, maddie's comment about bucks boy crush on eddie, buck hinting at thinking eddie is cute when he thinks maddie is talking about him, the christmas elf, the comments on the instagram livestream, idk if youve watched it or not but TK's comment to Buck in the crossover episode, and like you mentioned Maddie's casual comment about setting him up with Josh. All we really know about Eddie's love life is he married Shannon when they were young and is trying with Ana so it could turn into a whole storyline for him.
I'm so sorry this is so long and took forever but i I hope i actually answered your question and didnt just get lost in rambles lmao.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 1
a/n: this is a mini-series that are based off of your asks and once i,,,,, finish,,,, my seijoh phase, i will also do this for the other schools but pls take these offerings in the meantime as i work on the next part of my manager!seijoh and the time traveler au 
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
anon request: 
Wow, your series of Seijoh managers is so cute.🥺👉👈 After starting to read, I can only think about Oikawa and y / n on a Saturday night seeing mean girls, painting nails, taking care of the skin and the another day Oiks rubbing the face of everyone who spends much more time with his dear businessman LMAOO Anyway, congratulations on your work 💕💕 seriously, I LOVE this series omg-
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yep lets start the pilot
so basically, oikawa was being oikawa again
what might i mean, you ask
well, he was starting to work much harder than before since this was his last ever inter-high and his last ever chance on beating ushiwaka 
even though they finally have the team assembled avengers assemble! with kyo back on the team, he still felt lacking and wanted to use every single free time to work on becoming better
yall fun fact about me, oikawa is actually my favorite character bc of how hard he works and the pain i have in that once scene during the karasuno match when he slammed into the tables and was struggling to get up bc of his knee----NO IM SOBBING AGAIN
iwa noticed him doing this again so he sent you out to drag him out and distract him from this 
‘cmon oikawa-san-’
‘no, the only thing you have to do is spend time with me bc i miss you and i want to have that movie you kept talking about’
bahahaha he is so whipped that a single ‘i miss you’ from you will literally make him break his back and bend for you
it was successful and you were in your room, your parents understanding oikawa and his antics since youve complained about it before, and he was sitting on your floor while looking through movies
‘y/n-chan, do you have no alien movies in here? or barbie?’
you laughed from your spot on your bed and shook your head
‘no, oikawa-san. natsu took all my barbie movies and i get scared of alien movies’
he pouted but continued to look until his eyes literally lit up
it was like god took a picture of him and you saw the flash
he shrieked but you shrugged
‘meh. katsuki, natsu’s boyfriend, gave it to natsu as a joke but he gave it to me instead bc he cannot stand regina george’
you reasoned while picking out nail polish colors and looking through the ingredients of your face masks
omg hes so loud but i am too so we compatible
ugh i hate my logic
then later,
as the movie played, you were arguing with oikawa as he refused to wear the unicorn and wanted the panda one, which was your favorite
you sucked in a sharp breath before relenting bc you wanted oikawa to be relaxed per request of your beloved senpai
‘fine. but i get to paint your nails’
he nodded eagerly and you handed him the packet, to which he simply stared at it
‘y/n-chan, can you,,,, put it on me?’
he sheepishly asked and you gave him a confused and bewildered look
‘oikawa-san, have you never put these on yourself?’
he shook his head, cheeks flushing and eyes focusing on the blue blanket
‘my sister always put it on for me. or iwa-chan’
‘IWA-?! wHAT-?!’
but you nodded anyways and he made you sit on his lap to put it on
‘um, oikawa-san, this position-’
he smiled at you, a gentle and real smile, not the ones for his fangirls
‘nuh uh, its fine, y/n-chan. oikawa-san loves you so he likes you right here’
he mumbled, blushing and wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer making you giggle and nod
‘okay. close your eyes then, oikawa-san’
he excitedly nodded, expecting a kiss from you but you flicked his forehead making his eyes fly open and wince at the pain
‘so perverted, oikawa-san. pervert-oikawa-san’
you scolded and he pouted
he said something but you didnt listen, instead placing the mask on his face and smoothing it out
his fringe was about to touch the wet material so you hastily grabbed a clip and held his hair up
he looked so cute that you couldnt help but reach over and snap a picture of him
‘ara ara gomen did y/n-chan just take a picture of oikawa-san?’
he teased but you shook your head
‘no. what are you talking about?’
he did the same thing to you and now you were both painting each other’s nails, ofc staying loyal to your school mint green and baby blue on the ring fingernail
lmao dont blast me for not being exact w the school colors but it looks mint green to me
he finished yours first and omg?? hes so??? good?? like what???
you were holding his large hands with your small fingers and his heart started thumping really fast at the simple touch 
‘thank you,,,,, y/n-chan’
you looked up to him with large eyes, still unfamiliar with the softness of his voice
it was such a contrast compared to his usually loud and obnoxious, mocking tone
‘oikawa-san is not a really good captain since he burdens and bothers everyone but you always fix it all and keep everyone together. so, sorry for everything’
he mumbled and the eye holes from the mask let you see his sad eyes, genuinely sad about himself
you made the last paint stroke and capped the nail polish before leaning forwards, hands on his thigh so you could be closer
oikawa ofc freaked out because wow youre so much prettier up close and he doesnt?? deserve you??
your eyes blazed with anger and he stuttered your name but you cut him off
but he cut you off, placing a chaste kiss on your exposed nose
yall really thought it was the,,,, speaking function part of your face
nahnahnah that is only for the doggie
oop what
 you stopped, flustered at the sudden action but oikawa smiled
‘i love you, y/n. i really love you so give me a chance, okay? i will wait, no matter how long it takes but,,,, let me catch up and for now, think about me, okay?’
you tilted your head to the side, confused
she is deadass naive like bls protect her
‘a chance for what? you want to catch up for what? youre already good, oikawa-san’
then he laughed
so much more different than the ones he let out in public
it was so,,,, beautiful
you found yourself grinning with him and he calmed down, brushing away the stray hairs that is in danger of getting stuck on your mask
‘come on, y/n-chan. lets go take this off’
he stood up and offered his hand which you took
after the moisturizing and final touch-ups for your skin, you finally settled on the blanket fort and dozed off, the movie still playing but you were too comfortable in oikawa’s arms that you didnt even notice the credits rolling
the next day, you didnt feel the need to mention it at all
but oikawa did and it was still truly an accident
iwa heard about him staying late again and you having to drag him out of there and he was hitting him and kicking him again
you were so used to this that you were just writing down your notes at the corner, oblivious to oikawa’s crying
finally, he had enough of it
um, sire what did you just say
that was completely taken out of context and everyone, omg, especially iwa and kyo just froze
‘what,,, did you just say?’
iwa asked in a dangerously low voice and you shrugged
‘you told me to distract him, iwa-san, so i did. he was happy and satisfied and thats all that matters, right?’
you shot them a smile and oiks had such a smug smile when iwa looked at him and he was about to hit him when kyo just came out of nowhere and YEETED the smile off of his face
oikawa screamed
just a wittle blurb about this bc i totally love this :( and he totally needs more love and some of my readers love oikawa and want oikawa manager content so here it is!!! feast on these crumbs!!!!
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tomatoscribbles · 4 years
Oh, I am very interested in your abduction AU, and I only just saw your post with the scene of Crow and Yusei running after Jack. I want to know what Jack's feelings are when the worthless Goodwin abducts him, and how hurt and horrified Crow and Yusei would be seeing their brother taken from them. I am a loser for found families, and am very much interested and relieved seeing people write these three as brothers. I love the boys, and look forward to more of your abduction AU!
first of all thank you!!! i keep getting tags like this, people thanking me for making brotherly content rather than shipping, and honestly im living for it. this community is handed found family on a plate and so many people IGNORE IT, smh.  we (cause ive pulled multiple people into this who are consistently helping me out lol) are still working thru everything, and i have a much more fleshed out version of this in my head, but i would like to do more comics and such with this au! im glad you like it so far!
secondly, “worthless Goodwin” made me WHEEZE. ill get into it more later, but i actually appreciate him a lot more as a character since working on this! his complicated relationship with Jack and how it changes over the years is the cornerstone of all of this. thirdly, i already had this drawn up, so you can have it here ;P
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the way ive got it, Goodwin had strong suspicions that Yusei could likely be a Signer, and so when he found that Jack was one, he made a point of Yusei knowing what happened to him, so like in canon, he’d make his way into Domino emotionally charged one day. so he and Crow both get to see Jack being taken away, but thats ALL they get to see
Goodwin explains some of the Signer stuff to Jack when he finds him, cause he’d much prefer to have him come willingly, and Jack almost does honestly. but since he hasnt grown apart from the others or had his falling out with Yusei at this point (hes around 10, even), hes much more hesitant to leave them behind.
he ALMOST goes with him voluntarily - until Yusei and Crow finally find them again, and Jack cant go through with leaving them behind, despite everything. but when Goodwin grabs him by the arm when he tries to back away, he realizes he never had a choice in the first place.
so hes horrified honestly. even though he has a lot of reasons for WANTING to go (Satellite sucks, promise of a better life, Satellite and the world being in danger if he doesnt follow his destiny, his brothers being in danger if he stays cause he’ll be hunted down, etc.), being alone and away from his brothers is the LAST thing he wants. and so are Yusei and Crow, not understanding anything that’s happened or WHY Jack is being hauled off by a rich man from the city.
the only thing they know is that he was taken away, and he clearly didnt WANT to be - and now hes farther away from them than he has been his entire life. they’ll probably never see him again.
they have to drag themselves home and sob to Martha about what happened, but honestly it doesnt set in for a few days that Jack just. isnt coming back. they resolve to get out of Satellite and get him back one day, but that dream doesnt come to fruition for 9 whole years, nearly 10. 
so then our show starts, with the half the stage set differently ;P
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petri808 · 3 years
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Bakudeku canon divergent, vampire quirk AU
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
For the next several days, Bakugou stopped in towns along the train route that were in the easterly direction to see if any other strange reports had been made. He wasn’t sure if the first man’s attack had anything to do with his friend, but in the towns, he was able to confirm a sighting of a green streak, there were coinciding reports of attacks in the days preceding them. Always a similar story, late at night, didn’t see the attacker, and bite wounds on various parts of the body such as the arm, shoulder, or even neck. The other thing they had in common, were the victims were found in drunken stupors. Was it a coincidence? What was another coincidence, is after the first victim, the rest were all what police classified as problems. With or without quirks, they were bad men who had lists of crimes under their belts. That meant whatever was causing the attacks now appeared to have a specific target.
Bakugou stood in the Ena township police station, tapping his foot to release some of the pent-up energy. “Yesterday,” he questioned the desk sergeant, “are you telling me that attack was just yesterday evening?”
The man nodded. “The victim is still in the hospital being treated for low blood levels. They’ve had to keep him sedated through the IV infusions because he wouldn’t stop screaming about a man with green eyes.”
“And there’s no other incidences?” The officer shook his head. “That means the attacker could still be here.”
“Wait, do you know who it is?”
Bakugou shook his head no. He wasn’t about to tell some beat cop who he suspected it could be. “It’s just based off the pattern I’ve been tracking. There are usually a few attacks over the spans of one to three days, and then they just end. So, if this was the first, it means there will be more.”
After speaking with the cops and getting a map for the area of the latest attack, Bakugou staked out the scene. There are no traces left behind to say who or what had caused the attacks, but what he did notice of the area is it was a seedy side of town. The victim said he’d been pulled off the main street into an adjoining alley way around 1 am, too quickly to even get a scream out. He remembered the time because the bar he’d just left had hit its closing time. The alley was narrow, and empty save for a few dumpsters for neighboring shops, no doorways or lighting, perfect for hiding in.
‘Tonight, is still a new moon…’ Bakugou noted, which added to the dark cover of night. After his reconnaissance, he went back to his tiny hotel room to get a few hours of sleep. It was going to be a long night.
It was a decision he didn’t know if he would come to regret someday, but in the end, the blonde hero realized that his flashier costume would make him stand out way too easily. So, after foregoing his costume, Bakugou dressed all in black for the undercover work. He climbed to the roof of a building, dead center of the area the attacker might choose in the hopes that the green lightning seen by eyewitnesses will be the tell-tale sign he’ll be able to use to track the person. Patience wasn’t exactly his virtue, but it was the only way he was gonna catch the guy.
The first night’s stakeout yielded nothing. No sightings, no attacks. Which could mean anything or nothing. Previous attacks didn’t always take place every night in a row, but it could also mean the attacker had moved on. Did they catch-wind of him being there and fled? Damn he hoped not! This was the closest he’d come to catching up to the green lightning! Two nights later, Bakugou was growing disillusioned. Every day he checked back with the authorities to make sure no other sightings had been made in town or in surrounding cities, and with the answer being ‘no’ each time, there was a small glimmer of hope he was still in the right place at the right time.
But as he laid on a rooftop on the night of day 4, a lot of thoughts were plaguing him because there was nothing to do while waiting but think. Sometimes he would run the events of that AFO fight though his mind trying to remember any little details that may help him. Other times, it would be about Midoriya and what could have possibly made the man run off like this. Those thought’s either left him broken or wanting to strangle the guy for causing them so much pain. Midoriya better damn well be ready to do a hell of a lot of apologizing to their friends and family!
Bakugou grimaced at the last thought. Such personal emotions he would rather lock away into some box deep within the recesses of his soul than to admit the truth. He told himself he was doing this for their friends. He tried to convince himself that he was doing this for aunty Inko and to make All Might proud. These were a part of the search, yes… but not the full reason. The blonde had to admit he missed the stupid nerd. Midoriya was his childhood friend, and no matter how much shit he gave the guy, he was the one person he could count on. He was still determined to beat the mouse and become the Number one hero… but he was also proud of how far Midoriya had come in the last three years. It would be a shame for it all to be thrown away now.
Just as he was ready to call it a night, Bakugou heard a muffled scream from a nearby street. He rushed over as quickly as possible, racing into the alley way just as the unconscious victim’s body is being laid down. Bloody hell he was right all along!
All he could see was the person’s back, but he’d know those red shoes anywhere. The mousy green hair looked even wilder than normal. Midoriya still had on his costume, but it was torn up with a raggedy cloak swaddling his upper body. Simply put, his friend looked like a homeless man off the streets. The figure froze for a second, then without turning to face off against Bakugou immediately flashed with green and took off into the sky. Green lightning!
“DEKU YOU, FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!” Bakugou blasted off after the man. Damn it, his gear would have helped with the propulsion! He couldn’t remember him being so quick before, what the hell was going on? Midoriya was streaking away, zigzagging along roof tops, and heading towards a section of industrial warehouses. If it wasn’t for the quirks electrical output to tell him where to go, he could easily lose sight in the darkness.
He gritted his teeth and pushed his quirk to its limit. There was no way Bakugou was going to screw up this opportunity. So, if he couldn’t catch up, he could knock the nerd out of the sky! “ARRGHH!!!” He sent repeated AP-Auto shots towards Midoriya at medium power, growing angrier as the man dodged the first few volleys. “THAT’S IT!!!!” In his rage, Bakugou increased the spread like buck shots of crackling fire ringing around the fleeing figure, and he kept up the pace in rapid succession.
The scream pierced the night and Bakugou saw several hits knock the man off course, barreling the body straight for the ground. It wasn’t his intention to hurt, but damn it, Midoriya shouldn’t have run in the first place! He turned on the turbo and reached the man just as he was trying to get back on his feet.
“Don’t fucking think about it!” Bakugou grabbed the man’s shoulder and whipped him around. “Goddamn it Deku! What the fuck is your problem?!”
“K-Kacchan, wh-wh—”
“Don’t you Kacchan me, you bastard!” He gripped tightly so that Midoriya can’t squirm away easily. “Did you think I wouldn’t come looking for you idiot!”
It was as if the wind had been knocked out of him. Okay, he should be surprised by that answer. When had he ever acted like he cared when it came to Midoriya? But that didn’t mean such a quick and blunt response wouldn’t hit him like a brick to the head. And you know what, he has shown he cared in his own way. Damn it! When has he ever just left the man behind? His fist balled up and cocked back, striking Izuku hard on the chin and sending him back to the ground. “Stupid fuck!” Bakugou spat the words out before dropping to his knees on top of the man. “I ought ‘a beat the crap out of you right now for even thinking that!”
But Midoriya shoved back trying to push the man off. “What the fuck are you talking about?! You don’t give a shit about me, never have! When the hell did you start caring?!” He kicked and twisted, fighting the larger male. “Get the fuck off me! I can’t stay here!”
“You are coming home with me Deku whether you like it or not!”
“NOOOOOO!!!” Midoriya activated his quirk up to 70% and bucked Bakugou off him. “It’s too dangerous, Kacchan just get away from me!” He took a stance to spring himself back into the air, but the blonde scrambled and jumped on top of him, pushing him back to the ground. “Get off, I don’t want to hurt you!” Midoriya screamed. This was getting out of control. Exhausting so much energy on Bakugou was stirring up his hunger and if that happened, he didn’t know if he could control himself.
“What the fuck ya gonna do, drink my blood too? What the hell is going on with you Deku?! Goddamn it tell me what the fuck happened in that forest!”
“Y-You know about that?”
“How do you think I tracked your ass down?!”
The pain is his stomach was rising fast. Midoriya winced as the rush of blood sounded off in his ears and other tell-tale signs progressively made its entrance. This was not good! “Kacchan please,” his voice whined and pleaded through the aching throb in his core, “let me go before something happens.”
“I don’t care what it takes Deku, I can’t lose you again.”
“I-I’m so sorry Kacchan.”
Bakugou’s eyes widen as he saw a dark red sheen enveloping the whites of Midoriya’s eyes. Is this what happened when he’d attacked all those men?
Every last nerve was fighting against control. It was an option Midoriya didn’t want to use, but if he could control it just a little longer, all he wanted to do was give himself a head start. “Please,” he begged one more time, “just forget about me Kacchan.”
“Get it through your fucking head! I’M NOT LEAVING YOU!”
That was the last thing Bakugou remembered…
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Hi! Ive got a bit of a long Deku-centered analysis in case you're you're ree sted to read! I was thinking about the recent manga chapters involving Deku's reaction's to Katsuki nearly dying back when the guy got his body literally pierced, as well as the fact that he's literally bleeding out at the moment, all with the moving around and saving people.
At first I was...dissapointed in Deku's reactions throughout the chapters. Because, you see, while we got the whole super scary looking "take that back!" scene, a "Kachan" here and there- we didnt get much more of a reaction out of Deku apart from that. True, he has his hands, and uh-limbs, quite busy atm, but since when has that stopped him before? He looked more angry at AFO for insulting Katsuki's efforts...than worried for Katsuki's actual well-being, not even now when the guy could've been dying right now. And the thing is-Izuku has never cared to hide his worry, and we know he does care, so what's going on? And then, it kinda hit me.
Katsuki could have died. Could die. (though this is a shonen manga so-doubt)
But in Izuku's mind, that isnt even a possible outcome. I bet he hasn't even thought about it, not even fully registered it as something that could happen.
Because Kacchan always wins. Kacchan will always win, and Kacchan is always here.
This is not something he has to think of, it's simply a fact. Kacchan is here. Period.
Even now, with everything going down,I dont think that Izuku has been able to accept the fact of Katsuki not being there anymore as a possibility, so he's not even deeply worried. He simply carries on.
I thought of this because I've gone through some sort of a similar situation myself, and it hit me how familiar and realistic it felt. You have so high regards of this someone, right? You look at them as if they've hung the entire universe, and they're always there, so even when you're faced with the totally real possibility of this person simply- not being there anymore, no matter how real it all is, it doesn't register. Because as long as this person is here, everything will be alright. And this person cannot not be here of course, they always are! That's just...how it is!
So. What do you think? Is it to far of the rope for it to be canon?
I mean.....it is canon. And now I’m super fucking emotional cause you just hit the nail on the head, like holy shit.
We know it’s canon that Deku cannot imagine a world without Kacchan. Kacchan has always been there, he has always been prevalent and important in Deku’s life, so he has to be around no matter what. It makes total sense to believe that Deku just...couldn’t even fathom the idea of Kacchan ever dying. 
Even with him being aware of the situation and knowing the dangers and understanding everything, he can’t picture it. Because Kacchan has always come out on top, so he always had to come out on top, and Deku has never let himself see otherwise. We know this from way back during their training together against All Might, and when Kacchan tried to give up.
Deku refused to let it happen. Refused so strongly HE PUNCHES KACCHAN IN THE FACE FOR IT. 
So yeah...wow...you’re spot on my dude. This made me so fucking emotional lmao 
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when-a-humble-bard · 4 years
what my heart just yearns to say
Word Count: 5575
summary: Jaskier’s a romantic at heart. So you would think he falls in love at first sight. But... when he falls in love with Geralt, he falls very, very slowly. Or, ten moments where Jaskier falls a little bit more in love with the Witcher, until he's really not sure when it started in the first place.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff, injuries, vomiting, mentions of death, nonconsenual almost-groping by a patron, shipping lens on a canon scene, near-drowning, cursing (of course), first kisses, feelings confessions, Jaskier yearns so much oof
A/N: In which I continue to be amazed by the other creators in this fandom, inspired by them, and also wanted to further explore these two. I hope you enjoy it! A companion piece is in the planning stages already... Heh. Edited by yours truly, so all mistakes are mine.
Read on AO3
“They said it’s a water nymph?” Jaskier asks the Witcher one evening.
A fire crackles in front of them, sparks shooting up into the night sky. Stars peek between the breaks in the forest canopy above them. Geralt glances at the bard, then sighs and turns his attention back to the fire.
“That’s what they said.”
“But you don’t buy it,” Jaskier says. It’s not really a question. He can tell from Geralt’s tone.
Geralt’s lips press into a thin line. “Rusalki and some bruxae share a number of similarities in terms of appearance. The rusalki they described has pale skin and dark hair.”
Jaskier’s fingers twitch with the sudden desire to grab his notebook. “And… rusalki don’t look like that?”
“They can,” Geralt replies, glancing at him, “but so can bruxae. They also have similar tastes in prey.”
Jaskier purses his lips as he remembers what the townspeople had told them. “Men.”
Geralt nods. “Which is why you’re going to stay here with Roach tomorrow.”
Jaskier glances over towards the horse grazing a few yards away, then looks back at the Witcher. “So what’s the difference?”
He doesn’t know if the question tumbles past his lips because he’s genuinely curious about the answer or because he just really likes hearing Geralt talk. The Witcher’s subdued cadence was stubbornly persistent. Often when Jaskier made a concerted effort to engage Geralt in conversation, his responses were brief, clipped, and straightforward. A staccato drum against Jaskier’s lilting melody.
But apparently, Geralt was a fountain of willing knowledge when it came to monsters. And Jaskier could listen to him for hours.
Geralt’s brow quirks in surprise at the question. “To start with, bruxae are of the vampire family. They lure men to their death so that they may feed on their blood. Rusalki are, usually, much more amenable. They lure men to them for procreation, and rarely intend death.”
Jaskier’s brow furrows. “Which is why you think it’s not rusalki. You think it’s a bruxa.”
Jaskier feels something twinge in his chest. “How do you kill a bruxa?” He tears his gaze towards the fire as he feels Geralt glance at him.
“They’re susceptible to silver, like most monsters. Igni is also useful. Bruxa tend to hunt in packs, so its unusual that the villagers here have only seen one.”
“Have you fought them before?”
“Are you nervous? About tomorrow?”
A pause. “No.”
Jaskier huffs and offers a faint, uncertain smile. “That makes one of us.”
“I told you you’re not coming with me.”
“Yes, but that’s quite beside the point, isn’t it?” Because Jaskier isn’t nervous about himself.
Geralt’s head snaps over to the bard in surprise. “Jaskier—”
Jaskier waves him off. “So tell me, dear Witcher,” he says, because he just wants to hear Geralt talk as much as he can tonight. “Why does silver work so well on monsters?”
Jaskier watches him. The early spring air tugs gently at the loose strands of his white hair. Birds twitter happily in the canopy above them. The stream nearby is still. Mid-morning sunlight filters through the leaves and branches, leaving a mosaic of light around them.
Geralt breathes.
Kneeling in a patch of grass with his hands resting on his thighs, the Witcher has his eyes closed and just… breathes. Jaskier watches the steady rise and fall of his chest. The way it expands with each inhale, the way the ever-present tension in Geralt’s shoulders eases just the slightest bit with each exhale.
Jaskier knows he’s not asleep. Sleeping and meditating are different things. But he thinks that Geralt actually looks more peaceful like this. Jaskier had spent many nights in the bedroll near the Witcher and knew all too well that when Geralt slept, it was usually fitfully. But when he meditates like this…
Geralt is still.
Jaskier can’t help but feel like he’s getting a rare glimpse at who Geralt was—is—beneath the layers and layers of training and mutations. He knew Geralt didn’t regret what he went through to become a Witcher. At least… not exactly. Can you regret something that wasn’t your choice to begin with? Had been his rhetorical response when Jaskier had been brave enough to ask him one evening. But the bard knew that no amount of trials and training could erase the parts of Geralt that was still—sometimes painfully—human. Geralt held within himself a carefully balanced dichotomy that seemed, at least to Jaskier, to be a storm built on regret and guilt and (in his darker moments) self-loathing.
But watching Geralt meditate—the steady breath, the perfect stillness—makes the bard wonder if the storm metaphor isn’t quite accurate. Because really, when Jaskier thinks about it, Geralt’s humanity is perhaps more like the coastal waves. Relentlessly returning to the shoreline no matter how many times it’s sent away.
Jaskier watches Geralt meditate and feels something tighten in his chest. He’d follow that tide to the end of the earth, he realizes. He’d call the waves back to shore for as long as Geralt would let him.
Geralt’s eyes blink open and Jaskier unapologetically meets his gaze.
He arcs his eyebrow. “Composing, Bard?”
Jaskier offers a small, sincere smile. “Something like that.”
“I’d rethink that move.”
If he’s being honest, Jaskier is almost as surprised as the patron when Geralt seems to materialize out of the crowd and grab the man’s wrist in a vice-like grip. The man’s other hand is still fisted possessively in the waistband of Jaskier’s trousers, uncomfortably close to his crotch.
“What,” the patron spits with a sneer full of rotting teeth, “unwilling to share your whore, Butcher?”
Jaskier grimaces. Butcher made his skin crawl, and he knows that Geralt didn’t take kindly to that term either. The bard had learned that very early, and very quickly.
Geralt growls low in his throat, his eyes flashing dangerously. “Call him that again and I’ll slit your throat.”
The threat makes Jaskier freeze instinctively. Call him that again… Him.
As in Jaskier.
The patron roughly lets go of the bard, who stumbles a step from the suddenness of the motion but still hasn’t taken his eyes off Geralt. In truth, Jaskier really hadn’t been particularly bothered by the term itself. He’d been called it before, and been called much worse than that several hundred times over. But Geralt took issue with it, evidently.
Geralt was defending him. He’d never had someone who’d done that before. Not even his own family.
“Not worth it,” the patron says gruffly. Geralt releases him with a shove to send him stumbling away from Jaskier. He staggers a few steps, muttering something under his breath. Jaskier doesn’t hear it clearly—something about his voice and screaming as pretty as he sings—but Geralt evidently does hear it, quite clearly. Something bright and furious ignites in his gold eyes.
“Geralt,” he says quickly but quietly. “Let it go. It’s fine.”
For a moment, the Witcher looks torn. Jaskier places a hand on his forearm, and Geralt levels a withering gaze on the other man. He rushes through the crowd and out the tavern. It’s not until the door closes behind him that Geralt turns his attention back to the bard. The hot anger in his eyes evaporates slowly into something that Jaskier almost wants to call… soft. His gaze flickers—quick and calculating—over Jaskier’s form. Looking for signs of injury.
Geralt’s gaze meets his again in a silent question. Jaskier offers a reassuring smile and slight nod in answer. I’m okay.
Geralt shakes his head, but Jaskier doesn’t think he’s imagining the tinge of relief under the veil of exasperation. “You really ought to learn some self-defense, Jaskier.”
Jaskier offers an affronted scoff. “I can defend myself perfectly fine, thank you very much.”
“I can! I’ll have you know, he is hardly the first over-enthusiastic fan I’ve dealt with.” Jaskier tries not to wince at the way Geralt’s expression darkens, and rushes of add, “And I’ve fended off unwanted advances just fine. He just happened to be particularly, ah, insistent.”
“Hm. And what happens when you can no longer talk your way out of such situations?”
Jaskier’s flippant smile wavers, then stays in place. “Are you offering to teach me, Geralt?” He’s mostly joking.
“Yes.” Geralt’s answer is immediate and unflinching. Jaskier tries not to think too long about why that sends a flutter through his stomach.
The kitchen of the small house on the outskirts of the town has barely enough room for the three of them. Geralt, beside him, reeks of death and decay and monster guts. In front of them, the young boy—who couldn’t be older than 16 by Jaskier’s best guess—hoists his baby sister up further onto his hip.
“Truly, Witch—ah, Geralt?” At Geralt’s slight nod, the teen smiles. “Truly, Geralt. Thank you. I, um…” he trails off, turning to rifle through a drawer behind him. The middle sibling, a young boy of about six, runs around the corner and nearly barrels straights into the two of them in the entryway.
“Oi!” the teen snaps. “Slow down, will ya?”
“Sorry,” the younger boy mumbles, and then is off like a flash the moment Geralt takes a step to the left to let him through.
His brother watches him with a certain fond exasperation, even as embarrassment colors his cheeks. “Too much energy for his own good,” he says. Jaskier realizes then that he has a small pouch in the hand that isn’t supporting his baby sister’s weight. He extends it out to the Witcher. “It’s not much. Certainly not nearly enough for disposing of the monster that took our parents, but...”
Geralt shakes his head, making no move to take it. “No payment necessary.”
Jaskier glances at him and feels something unexpectedly soft warming in his chest.
“Please,” the teen says. “I insist.”
“Keep it.”
“My father taught me to never accept charity.”
Jaskier thinks of the empty cupboards around them in the kitchen and feels a small tug in his gut. He remembers all too well singing for literal scraps. Barely surviving. He knew desperate times. And he also knew that some people still ranked their pride higher. The bard figures he can’t really fault him for it, and besides, the poor kid had just lost the very father he’d spoken of. Grief did funny things to people.
Geralt stares at the boy for a long moment. Jaskier sees the tension work in his jaw before he holds a hand out and lets him deposit the coins into the outstretched palm. Twenty ducats fall from the piece of cloth.
“It’s all I have—” he begins apologetically.
“It’s plenty,” Geralt interrupts, folding his fingers over the paltry sum. It does not escape Jaskier’s attention that he doesn’t slip the coins into his own pouch.
The infant in the teen’s arms shifts and makes a distressed noise. “I… I should put her down for a nap, I think.”
Jaskier can hear the uncertainty in the boy’s voice and offers an encouraging smile. “We’ll see ourselves out. I’m sure a bit of rest is exactly what she needs. As a matter of fact, I could use a nap myself.”
Geralt rolls his eyes, but Jaskier sees the relieved smile pull at the boy’s mouth. “Right. Well… Thank you. Again. I… thank you.”
He disappears up the rickety wood stairs. On their way out, Jaskier sees Geralt discretely drop the ducats into a partially-opened drawer by the entrance to the kitchen.
That soft, warm feeling in Jaskier gives an aching, happy tug.
Jaskier watches, fascinated, as Geralt’s eye twitches. The music that fills the tavern is not coming from Jaskier, and while the other bard is clearly less experienced, Jaskier seems less bothered by the amateur display than the Witcher. Which is odd—really odd—to Jaskier. Because he had been certain that Geralt really couldn’t give a rat’s ass about music.
Jaskier looks at the Witcher over the top of his wine glass as he takes another sip. “What’s troubling you, Geralt?”
Geralt settles an irritated golden gaze onto Jaskier as the bard (the other one) starts another song. It takes only a few seconds for Jaskier to realize it’s the same simple, mundane chord progression and structure as the last song played. Jaskier doesn’t miss the way Geralt’s gaze flickers lightning quick to the lute beside him.
Jaskier stifles a grin. “Don’t tell me you’re already missing my serenades.”
Geralt isn’t looking back at him, instead watching the other bard parade around the room with a look that is very nearly a glare. “At least your songs have some… complexity.”
That sends a very unexpected surge of warmth through Jaskier’s chest. He sits up a bit more, leaning forward. “Musically or lyrically?”
“Music,” Geralt replies, almost absently. “The… chords?” The Witcher’s gaze flickers uncertainly to Jaskier, who can’t help but feel like he’s clinging to every word. He gives Geralt a slight, encouraging nod. Geralt shifts. “They’re better than this shit.”
Jaskier stares at him. Sure, the Witcher didn’t have the same musically-inclined vocabulary, but even that couldn’t hide the fact that Geralt listens to his music. Really listens.
Geralt tears his gaze away from Jaskier’s after a moment, taking a long pull of ale from the tankard in front of him. “Your lyrics,” he continues, “are little more than inaccurate stories.”
“Ah, my dear Witcher, ordinarily I would balk at such a baseless accusation—”
“It’s not baseless.”
“—but you cannot hide the fact any longer.” Jaskier cannot contain the grin that pulls at his lips any more than he can contain the surge of a warm, fluttery feeling in his chest. He points a finger at Geralt. “You listen to me.”
Geralt looks back at him and—though he knows Geralt would deny it—Jaskier swears he sees a twitch to the corner of his mouth. “Impossible not to,” Geralt replies dryly, “what with you filling every damn second with song.” He takes another swallow.
The thinly veiled deflection does nothing to diminish Jaskier’s smile. “And you like it.”
This time, Geralt can’t quite contain the tilt to the corner of his mouth. “Hmm.”
Jaskier knows it’s a hum of agreement.
Jaskier’s heart still hasn’t stopped pounding, even though they’d finished the treacherous part of the shortcut around an hour ago. The image of Borch, Téa, and Véa plummeting—their bodies disappearing into the mountain mist below—still leaves Jaskier with a slight roll to his stomach and an ache in his bones that had nothing to do with the long day of foot travel.
It’s close to dusk. The chill of evening mountain air begins to stiffen the bard’s fingers as he sets his lute down beside his bedroll. The dwarves busy themselves with setting up camp and starting to prepare a meal, but Jaskier can’t help the way he keeps watching Geralt.
Geralt, who hadn’t said a thing since Borch let go of the chain.
Jaskier kneels by his bedroll and pretends to adjust it, but he watches the Witcher sitting on a boulder a few yards away. He gazes out over the jagged terrain off the cliffside. He is still. But Jaskier feels his chest knot with concern.
Geralt was perhaps the single most selfless person that Jaskier had met in his 40 years of living. But that came with its pitfalls too—especially as it related to how Geralt tended to view himself. There had always been splintered shards in Geralt’s soul that Jaskier didn’t know how to begin to dig out. But he can still picture the way Geralt had stayed kneeling for a moment on those wooden planks, his head bowed like the weight of the world had—for just a moment—dropped on top of him.
Jaskier fears he knows that body language, and the weighted silence that had followed that moment. He fears that his 22 years of traveling with the Witcher means that he really does know Geralt. And that Geralt feels that he has let them down somehow, despite all he did to try to save them. Even at great risk to himself, Jaskier remembers with a bit of a wince, hearing the creak of those boards under Geralt’s feet.
The Witcher could never catch a break, it seemed.
With a sigh, Jaskier stands and crosses to him. Geralt makes no move to acknowledge his presence, not really, but his stillness is a sign of recognition in and of itself. The bard sets himself carefully, gingerly, on the boulder beside him.
“You did your best,” Jaskier tells him softly, the words managing to push through his slightly tight throat. “There’s nothing else you could have done.”
Jaskier looks at Geralt as he says it. The Witcher had spent more years constructing a mask of passivity and stoicism than Jaskier had been alive, but the bard knows him. And when he sees Geralt’s gaze drop by a few degrees, he knows he’d been right about where Geralt’s thoughts had been.
Something in Jaskier’s chest pulses with an ache that he cannot name. Geralt has carried too much for too long and Jaskier desires fervently to ease that burden. To find a way to let Geralt breathe and be and exist without quite so much heaviness.
“Look, why don’t we leave tomorrow?” he offers, his fingers fidgeting in his lap against the sudden desire to take Geralt’s hand. “That is, if you’ll give me another chance to prove myself a… worthy travel companion.”
It’s a weak, flimsy attempt for a smile. Geralt doesn’t, but there’s just the slightest tug at the corner of his mouth when he hums in response. Geralt glances at him briefly, and though Jaskier doesn’t meet his gaze, that aching in his chest gives a sharp lurch with hope.
“We could head to the coast. Get away for a while,” he adds softly. He’d never said the words aloud before, but they resonate with a certain familiarity. “Sounds like something Borch would say, doesn’t it? ‘Life’s too short. Do what pleases you… while you can.’”
Jaskier swallows, setting his hands on his thighs because they are only getting more fidgety with each pulse of that sharp warmth in his chest—more insistent now. Harder to ignore.
“Composing your next song?” Geralt rumbles quietly.
Jaskier looks down at his hands. “No, I’m just, ah—” I love you, he thinks without daring to look at him. “Just trying to work out what pleases me.”
They’re half a mile out of town when it starts to rain. The starting sprinkle lasts just long enough for Jaskier to think he’s glad he invested in a case for the lute before the sky opens up and it starts to pour. Then he’s also glad he bought some decent boots at the last town they were in.
“Fuck.” Jaskier knows that tone. Geralt is annoyed. The bard glances at the Witcher beside him, a faintly amused smile pulling at his lips and a teasing quip on his tongue, but… it dies on his tongue .
Because Geralt meets his gaze, and for a moment, Jaskier forgets how to breathe.
He doesn’t know why, really. The rain soaks Geralt’s white hair, causing some of it to fall into the man’s face in damp, loose strings. His dark shirt is quickly becoming plastered to his broad shoulders from the downpour, having left his armor to be cleaned during their quick trip to the woods to collect some medicinal herbs. Jaskier thinks it’s something about the Witcher’s eyes. Maybe it’s something to do with the way water droplets cling to his lashes. Or the way his golden eyes seem so much brighter in the downpour. Maybe it’s something else entirely.
Jaskier is a man of many words and many metaphors. But he finds words failing him entirely now, and he can’t explain why. Except that he’s left with the sudden, clear sense that looking at Geralt feels a lot like being called home.
Geralt tilts his head slightly, the way he usually did when he was about to ask a question, but Jaskier blinks and jumps in before he can.
“And you thought the lute case was a poor investment. Well, how do you feel now, Geralt? We still have half a mile to go before shelter, and such time for a lute to spend in rain like this…” Jaskier shakes his head. “It would be nothing short of an absolute, irrevocable tragedy.”
“Hmm.” Geralt looks away from Jaskier then, squinting briefly up at the sky. Not squinting, Jaskier realizes after a beat. Glaring.
“Not a fan of the rain?” he asks, mostly rhetorical. Geralt rarely vocally complained—usually Jaskier did it enough for the both of them—but the slight crease between his brows is a familiar look of displeasure. Jaskier pulls the lute case off his shoulders and shrugs out of his doublet.
“It will make it harder to track—what are you doing?”
Jaskier rolls his eyes as he slings the lute case back around his shoulder. “You left your cloak back at the inn, and I know, though you will adamantly deny it, that the real reason you hate the rain is because it gets into your eyes and makes it harder for your sensitive, Witchery eyes to see. So, here.” He hands the purple doublet out to him, looking very pointedly down the road where they can just barely make out the silhouette of the edge of the town.
“Jaskier…” A hesitation. A surprisingly heavy one.
“Honestly, Geralt, you’ll be doing me a favor. Wet doublets are dreadfully heavy, and as I am already saddled with carrying the weight of this lute and your reputation…” Jaskier looks back at the Witcher then to flash him a smile.
Geralt stares at him for a long moment, then takes the garment. As he does so, Jaskier swears he sees a twitch to the corner of Geralt’s mouth.
The bard quickly spins around and rushes a few steps in front of him, arms outstretched to welcome the rainfall, feeling a little breathless again.
Jaskier jolts to awareness with a desperate, strangled gasp. Bile surges up his throat and he barely has the wherewithal to roll away from the person beside him—whose presence is more sensed than seen. Jaskier groans and shuts his eyes against the rolling nausea and the oddly briny taste it leaves in his mouth.
“Fuck,” he mutters, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. He feels a hand rest between his shoulder-blades, so gently it almost seems hesitant.
When Jaskier takes a breath, it trembles. More bile—salty and acrid—rushes up his throat. When the second round of nausea abates and the coughing that wracks his lungs eases, Jaskier feels something cool and smooth pushed against his lips. He instinctively jerks away.
“Damn it, Jaskier,” snaps a rumbling voice. It’s weirdly familiar, even if the strain in it sounds foreign to the bard’s ears. “There’s not—”
Whatever the voice was saying is drowned out by a beautiful, echoing melody. It whispers promises of safety and warmth and love, and something in Jaskier’s chest gives a near painful lurch towards the sound. It’s also not until then that Jaskier gets a sense of his surroundings: the lake in front of him, the grainy sand sticking to his sopping wet clothes, the slate gray overcast sky above him. There are ripples in the lake and that song is calling to him from the water.
Overcome, Jaskier scrambles towards it.
Something thick and heavy grabs around Jaskier’s torso and pulls him back. The bard’s back hits something solid and firm but Jaskier’s chest is still pulling, pulling, pulling towards the water, towards the song.
The cool, smooth thing is pressed to his lips again. Jaskier wrenches his head away. But then he can hear something, barely, rumbling like distant thunder beneath the lilting song.
“Drink it, Jaskier. Please.”
The “please” sounds… odd to him. Strained and choked.
Jaskier lets his lips part in response, and a cool liquid floods into his mouth. It tastes of honey and cotton, washing away the briny taste that had been lingering in his mouth. He swallows it down.
A second later, the song fades away. So does the sound of the lake and the dusk breeze brushing past his ears. Just… silence. Jaskier feels the pulling in his chest release and the bard nearly goes boneless from the sudden relief.
He blinks a few times as clarity starts to trickle back into his thoughts. He’d been… traveling. Tracking a siren, or a mutation of one anyway. Yes, that was right. But he’d been with someone. Specifically…
“Geralt?” he asks, his own voice sounding odd in his head with the rest of the world muted. He realizes as soon as the name leaves his lips that Geralt is the thing that’s holding him in place. Jaskier cranes his neck to look at the Witcher, who still hasn’t relaxed his grip. Bright gold eyes meet his blue ones, then flickers over his form with panicked speed.
The stoic, collected look the Witcher usually wore has splintered, just a bit, and Jaskier thinks he can see a glimpse through the cracks that Geralt is frantically trying to piece back together.
He’s… afraid, Jaskier thinks. Or he had been, a moment ago.
“I’m okay,” Jaskier tells him, if only because he has the feeling that maybe Geralt needs to hear it.
The Witcher doesn’t reply, instead swallowing thickly and sinking his head to where Jaskier’s neck meets his shoulder. And if Jaskier traces Geralt’s arm around him to find his hand and lace their fingers together, well. Geralt doesn’t seem to protest.
Jaskier is about halfway through the song about the vampiress when the door to the tavern ricochets open with a loud crack. Geralt staggers a step into the room—and it’s the fact that he staggers that makes Jaskier stop mid-song. The Witcher’s entrance is less than graceful, but Jaskier watches closely as Geralt grits his teeth, straighten his spine, and step fully through the threshold. Geralt’s eyes flicker over the room like he’s looking for something, or someone—perhaps the woman who had hired him—when they settle on Jaskier.
The bard gracefully, if quickly, jumps to his feet and slings the lute in his hands around his back. Geralt is hiding it now behind sharp eyes and a rigid posture, but something is wrong. Jaskier can tell.
“I hate to cut a performance short,” he says to the crowd as he maneuvers through them towards the Witcher, mostly in an effort to break the sudden silence in the room, “but alas, I must bid you all adieu for the evening. Geralt, shall we?”
Geralt doesn’t argue. Doesn’t even hum. But he follows Jaskier as the bard carves a path through the crowd towards the stairs. Jaskier flashes patrons reassuring smiles despite the way his own throat is tightening with concern.
They make it to the room—barely—before Geralt’s steps falter again. Jaskier steadies him by grabbing his arm and bracing a hand against Geralt’s chest.
“Easy,” he says softly.
“Here. Let’s get you sitting before you end up face-first on the floor, because if that happens then we’re both out of luck because—Melitele’s tits—” Jaskier yelps  when he staggers for a second under Geralt’s sudden weight. “Okay. I’ve got you. Here we go.”
Jaskier is rambling as they cross the small room to the bed. He helps Geralt sit, kneeling in front of him as the Witcher sinks to the edge of the mattress. Geralt grimaces tightly and pitches forward into the bard, his head landing on Jaskier’s shoulder. His weight sinks a bit more, as if too weary to pull away. This close, Jaskier can feel the echoes of faint tremors wracking through his body.
Jaskier swallows the rising panic down. “Potions?” he asks in as level of a voice as he can manage.
“Out,” Geralt answers. “The venom isn’t lethal just—” Another shudder and a tight grunt. “—hurts like a fucking bitch.”
Jaskier releases a faint breath. He supposes he should feel relieved that it’s not lethal, but he can’t help that the tightness in his throat doesn’t quite ease. “What can I do?” he asks, because of all the things Geralt could have done and all the places he could have gone, he chose to find Jaskier when in immense pain. He wants to live up to that display of open trust.
He feels Geralt fist a hand in his shirt. “Just… stay.”
“My dear Witcher,” Jaskier says thickly, and if his voice breaks just a little, at least Geralt doesn’t seem to notice. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Jaskier doesn’t think about it. He sees the mage thrust a hand out in Geralt’s direction when the Witcher’s back is turned and Jaskier lunges on nothing but instinct and the acrid taste of fear on his tongue.
A bolt of sharp green slams into his chest. Something cracks when Jaskier hits the forest floor, something that the bard doesn’t think is magic. His head snaps against the ground, his vision swimming. Heat and sharpness tears through his chest.
Someone screams. Maybe it’s Jaskier. He thinks he hears his name shouted, but it sounds far away.
He is drowning. Can you drown without water?
The bard gasps, desperately, searching for air that he can’t seem to drag into his burning, burning, burning lungs.
His eyes sting. He doesn’t know how much time passes.
There’s a hand on his shoulder—and Jaskier tries very hard to let that tug him from his haze of thoughts. When the hand pulls at him, rolling him onto his back, Jaskier can’t quite contain the choked whimper that releases in the back of his throat. He grimaces, his eyes squeezed shut.
He definitely knows that voice. Jaskier blinks his eyes open, setting squarely on Geralt above him. It occurs to him that he’s never seen Geralt’s eyes quite so wide.
“Fuck,” Jaskier wheezes. He grimaces again. Is he dying? He doesn’t know.
“What the fuck were you thinking, you goddamn idiot?”
“My dear Witcher,” Jaskier replies, pretending he doesn’t notice the way Geralt’s voice very nearly breaks. Jaskier voice is tight with pain—his lungs are throbbing—but soft. Unapologetic. “You’re quite lucky I love you, or else I might be insulted.”
He’d never said those words aloud before—I love you—but he means them. He thinks perhaps he’s meant them for quite a long time. Long before even the thought had occurred to him on that mountain all those years ago.
And he thinks Geralt knows this, from the way his eyes widen, and then his whole expression crumples.
“Jask,” he says, a hand cupping the bard’s jaw, his thumb skimming Jaskier’s cheekbone. “You can’t—you… fuck.”
Jaskier takes a breath to reply but cuts off with a wince at the sharp jolt it sends spiking up through his ribs. But he realizes then that the burning in his lungs is easing—gradually, but quickly—and the bard’s next exhale trembles with relief, even as his vision blurs with tears. Whatever spell the mage had sent at Geralt, it seems like one meant to briefly incapacitate and not kill outright. With a quiet grunt of effort, Jaskier presses a hand against the wet leaves beneath him and pushes to sit up.
Geralt looks startled, but he helps nonetheless. The hand on Jaskier’s jaw slips back to cup the back of his neck and the other grabs his free hand to ease him up. The bard sees Geralt’s gaze flicker over his form.
Jaskier tosses him a shaky, wan smile. “Not a lethal spell, it would seem.”
“You didn’t know that,” Geralt snaps, like that should have made a difference in Jaskier’s decision to jump in front of it.
“A moot point, really, Geralt.”
Something bright and pained flickers through Geralt’s gaze. He takes a breath as if to reply, then stops. A crease appears between his brows a second later. “You’re still hurt.”
“Some broken ribs,” Jaskier replies dismissively. The fact that Geralt is still gripping him like he’s afraid Jaskier might just dissolve into smoke in front of him doesn’t escape the bard’s attention.
“Hmm.” He sees Geralt swallow. Watches the way his pupils flicker over the bard’s chest and refuses to meet his eyes.
“Geralt.” The gaze snaps to his own, wide and splintering. Jaskier takes a shallow breath, his gaze as steady as the words that leave his lips. “I meant it, you know. I do. Love you, I mean.”
Though Jaskier can’t be sure—his ears are still ringing a bit—he thinks he hears Geralt’s breath catch.
“Jaskier,” he says, and the bard doesn’t know why his name sounds choked in Geralt’s throat. The Witcher leans forward until his forehead rests against Jaskier’s, and he’s clutching the bard’s hand to his chest like it’s a lifeline. “I… fuck. Fuck.”
And then Jaskier feels Geralt’s lips brush against his own—soft and careful, warm and asking. And Jaskier kisses him back with answers and promises on the edge of his lips.
It feels like coming home.
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imsorryimlate · 3 years
Specific references in Pomegranate Seeds, sorted by chapter
Title of work: Pomegranate Seeds
A reference to the myth of Persephone and Hades, where Hades is the god of the underworld who kidnaps Persephone – the daughter of Demeter, goddess of agriculture and harvest – and makes her queen of the underworld. He gives her a pomegranate to eat, and for every seed she swallows she has to spend a month with Hades in the underworld. During the months she is with Hades, she is gone from her mother, and that’s why autumn and winter exist (since Demeter is grieving the loss of her daughter). Spring and summer are the months when she is back with Demeter, and Demeter is once again happy. The myth has lots of interpretations, but my favourite is the one where it is said to be based on the trauma of both daughter and mother as they are separated when the daughter gets married and enters a new household.
Even though Giorno’s mother didn’t treat him well, her death was most likely traumatic to him. He enters the new household of Dio (Hades) and every time they touch each other in a way that isn’t befitting father and son, one could say that Giorno swallows another pomegranate seed, and it binds him to the underworld. In this case, the underworld would both represent the criminal world, but also the trap of their incestuous relationship that he then cannot leave, should he want to.
No specific references in chapters 1 & 2.
Chapter 3:
Demetra – Giorno’s mother doesn’t have a name in canon, so I made one up. Demetra is the Italian version of Demeter, which is the name of the Greek goddess of agriculture and harvest. The goddess is the mother of Persephone, and the title of this fic – Pomegranate Seeds – is a reference to the myth of Hades and Persephone.
The biblical paintings in the church – John the Baptist (martyr) was beheaded, and Judas (traitor) hung himself. The imagery around Eve, the snake and the red apple, well… depending on how you interpret the story in the Bible, this could mean that the scene doesn’t represent a fall from grace, but rather that it was God’s intention to have humanity step into the broader world.
Dio’s books – I mostly just had a look at my own bookshelf, but I purposely included Nabokov, Machiavelli, and Plato. Nabokov, of course, references his infamous novel Lolita. Machiavelli was an Italian politician and philosopher during the Renaissance, and he’s most famous for his book The Prince, where he gave rulers quite… devious advice, not shying away from unethical and corrupt means. Therefore Machiavelli and the derived term Machiavellian often denotes (political) deceit. And Plato, well, in his text The Symposium he speaks of the ancient practice of pederasty in a very positive manner, and claiming that it is the purest form of love.
Aniara – I picked the book because it’s my sister’s favourite. It is a book-length epic science fiction poem that narrates the tragedy of a large passenger spacecraft carrying a cargo of colonists escaping destruction on Earth veering off course, leaving the Solar System and entering into an existential struggle. This is the “space-travel” Giorno later reflects on while in the bath.
No specific references in chapter 4.
Chapter 5:
The next reference to Machiavelli – Giorno thinks about Machiavelli and the question if it is better to be feared or loved, which is something Machiavelli writes about in his book The Prince, where he states that it is better for a ruler to be feared than loved, if they cannot be both.
No specific references in chapter 6.
Chapter 7:
Reckless – Giorno notes that Dio wants him “recklessly, passionately”. This is one of the two times the word “reckless” is used in this story; the only other time being in the first chapter when Giorno’s mother dies after her car collides with a reckless truck. Dio’s desire for Giorno is tied together with that accident, as if it’s equally dangerous.
Jewel – “Yes, Giorno would like something like that; to show Dio that he was a prized jewel, cut to fit perfectly in the curve of his palm.” This line directly references the Song of Songs 7:1 “Your rounded thighs are like jewels, the work of a master hand.”
Eden – “How truly unfortunate, that the most tempting fruit should be found in the middle of Eden.” The garden of Eden, in the Bible, is where life is first created by God. It can therefore also symbolise family, where life also is created. So what Dio essentially says here is “what a shame the most fuckable person is found in my family”.
Draconic tendencies – Giorno having “draconic tendencies” is a reference to his earlier thoughts about Abbacchio hoarding Bucciarati like a jealous dragon.
Chapter 8:
Buttercups – Giorno picks a bouquet of buttercups for Dio, and buttercups have traditionally been associated with childhood. It is meant to express that Giorno, no matter how mature he himself is convinced that he is, still has a childish edge to his affection. As a fun aside, the Latin name for buttercups is Ranunculus, which means “little frog”.
Leda and the Swan – the painting Dio has in his study. It is, of course, an erotic yet controversial motif in itself, but there are some references to the Greek myth it is based on. In it, Zeus disguises himself as a swan and copulates with Leda. It is not entirely clear if it is by rape or seduction. Zeus, of course, is known for his sexual escapades, his violent temper and jealousy, but here he disguises himself as a swan, which is an animal that in European culture often has symbolised love and fidelity. This story of a shady person disguising himself as someone loving, to enter a relationship where consent is dubious at best, well… I think the implications are clear. As a fun aside, the name Zeus and the name Dio are directly connected.
Uneasy lies the head – the whole quote is “uneasy lies the head that wears a crown”, a saying from Shakespeare’s play Henry IV, Part 2, meaning that someone with great responsibilities won’t be able to rest properly.
The prodigal son – it’s a reference to a parable in the Bible, from Luke 15:11-32. The story goes that a son requests his inheritance early, spends it all irresponsibly, and then returns home to beg his father to let him work for him. His father, however, welcomes him home with open arms and throws a feast, which indicates that he has hopefully waiting for the son to return.
Nakedness – the scene in Giorno’s room, where he lowers his duvet to display his “nakedness”, the word choice here is important. Except for Genesis 42, all biblical occurrences of the common idiom ”to see the nakedness of” or “to uncover the nakedness of” are explicitly sexual, usually referring to incest. The Classical Hebrew word 'erwā is not “nudity” but “nakedness”, in the sense of something that is unseemly or improper to look at or expose; often used to denote forbidden sexual relations.
Chapter 9:
Wine-dark – Dio’s eyes are described as wine-dark, which is a reference to the use of “wine-dark sea” in Homer. It’s an epithet used in the Iliad and the Odyssey, of uncertain meaning. What exactly does it mean that the sea is “wine-dark”? Is it a reference to the stormy sea being unpredictable, like someone who’s drunk on wine? Or does it tell us something about how ancient Greeks perceived colours, where maybe depth and opacity levels were more important than hues?
Ambrosia – Giorno compares the taste of Dio’s seed to ambrosia, which is the food and drink of the gods in Greek mythology.
Lollipop – Giorno is sucking on a lollipop while he’s out shopping. This is a shameless reference to the most culturally recognised image of Nabokov’s Lolita, where Sue Lyon, the actress who portrayed the character Lolita in Stanley Kubrick’s film adaption of the novel, is sucking on a red lollipop while wearing heart-shaped sunglasses. It’s worth noting, however, that the character Lolita doesn’t eat a lollipop in the novel or Kubrick’s film, and the images were only used for promotion. Either way, the lollipop has nonetheless become a symbol for playful, youthful temptation.
No specific references in chapter 10.
Chapter 11:
Dio’s alarming beauty – Giorno reflects on how beautiful Dio is, that he is alarmingly beautiful. This is a reference to a quote from The Secret History by Donna Tartt: “Beauty is rarely soft or consolatory. Quite the contrary. Genuine beauty is always quite alarming.”
Chapter 12:
Kisses – there’s a lot of descriptions of kissing in the beginning of this chapter, and it is all a reference to the biblical book Song of Songs. “Honey-sweet kisses that melted his tongue” is a reference to Song of Songs 4:11 “honey and milk are under your tongue”. On a more complicated note… “those kisses, Giorno drank them from his mouth like they were life-giving water” is a reference to Song of Songs 1:2 that should be “I want to drink kisses from his mouth”, however, most translations will read “let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth”. It’s really complicated as to why I and others would translate it differently, but in general it has to do with the manuscript and the Masoretic editors’ vocalisation, which in turn has a lot to do with evaluating Classical Hebrew grammar and poetic conventions… I am going to spare you that lecture, but I still wanted to let you know that you won’t find that wording in most English translations of the Bible.
The garden, Eden, and juvenile sex – this all ties together. The garden of Eden is, in the Bible, where life is created and before “the fall of man”, it is a place of peace and innocence. Now, it might seem strange to refer to innocence in a story like this, but there still is a certain kind of innocence to their relationship, especially on Giorno’s end. They are described as “easy and unafraid, in full view of God”, which again is a reference to the biblical creation story; after “the fall of man”, when Adam and Eve have sinned, they are suddenly afraid of God and tries to hide from him, and for the first time shield their nudity, since they have now lost that innocence. So, Dio and Giorno being unafraid in full view of God is another reference to them being fairly innocent. At least that’s how Giorno conceptualises it.
Satyriasis – a word for excessive sexual desire, and an outdated term for hypersexuality. The word was developed in relation to the satyrs of Greek mythology, who were lustful woodland gods.
Nipple play – Giorno sucking on Dio’s tits, well… quite obvious reference, but if you missed it; it’s a reference to breastfeeding and nourishment.
Sunlight – in Stardust Crusaders, Dio tells Polnareff that he too has pain in his life because he can never see the sunlight, since he is a vampire. In this story, Dio isn’t a vampire, but I still wanted to include this pain. Dio’s love for the sunshine, and the depravation of it in his childhood, is my attempt to reconceptualise it.
Chapter 13:
Ice cream – elder flower sorbet has a tendency to taste like laundry detergent if you’re not careful, so Mista definitely picked the wrong flavour that time.
Know thy enemy – “know thy enemy” is a famous quote from The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
Chapter 14:
Paradise burning – more Eden references, they never truly stop.
Loins – in Classical Hebrew, one specifically emphasises that a child has sprung from someone’s loins to indicate that it is a biological child rather than an adopted one.
Deadly sins – Giorno notes that one of the seven deadly sins, sloth (that is, excessive laziness and indifference), doesn’t come as naturally to him as others would (such as lust or pride).
Know thy self – another reference to the famous quote of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.
Companion – Giorno thinks about how the universe has blessed Dio with a companion that can keep up with him, which is a subtle reference to the creation myth in the Bible. There, God creates the first human, Adam. Adam attempts to find a companion amongst the other creatures, but cannot find an equal until God creates another human – incidentally, God creates another human from Adam (by his rib), which of course parallels with Giorno being created from Dio, since he is his biological child.
Clay – the dream Giorno has of Dio forming him out of clay and breathing life into him is another direct reference to the creation myth in the Bible, where God forms the first human out of clay/soil/dust from the ground and breathes life into his nostrils. Similar creation myths are found in several ancient Near Eastern religions. If you want a little more “fun” fact, the first human is named Adam, a name he gets from the Classical Hebrew word for “man” (as in human – not male), which is adam, and the word for “ground” is adamah, which ties to all together quite nicely.
Nakedness – Dio uncovers Giorno’s nakedness, and just like in chapter 8 it’s a biblical reference. Except for Genesis 42, all biblical occurrences of the common idiom ”to see the nakedness of” or “to uncover the nakedness of” are explicitly sexual, usually referring to incest. The Classical Hebrew word 'erwā is not “nudity” but “nakedness”, in the sense of something that is unseemly or improper to look at or expose; often used to denote forbidden sexual relations.
Chapter 15.
Cuddling – after having breakfast, they cuddle, and their position is described as Giorno resting his head on Dio’s left arm, and Dio draping his other arm over Giorno’s waist. This position is a reference to the biblical book the Song of Songs 2:6 “His left arm is under my head, and his right arm embraces me.”
Angel lust – Dio gets hard after Giorno chokes him, which he says is a perfectly natural reaction to being choked. Which it is! “Angel lust” or “death erection” refers to the phenomenon of men executed by hanging having an erection, because of the increased downward blood flow. After observing this, doctors in the 17th century started prescribing choking sex to men with erectile dysfunction, and that’s partly where erotic asphyxiation comes from.
England – the phrase “lie back and think of England”, alternatively “close your eyes and think of England” is an old-timey reference to unwanted sex that one doesn’t enjoy – specifically used for sex within a marriage, which at least back in the day was more of an economic arrangement than a love affair. Disgustingly, it means “just lie back and endure it”.
Bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh – this is another reference to the creation story in the Bible. The specific verse is Genesis 2:23, when God has created another human to be a worthy companion of the first one. Adam, the first human, has searched for a companion among the animals but been unsuccessful to find an equal. But when he meets the newly created Eve, the second human, he exclaims “At last! This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (since she was created from his rib). That “at last!” is very sweet – and fits in this story too! Dio has finally found a worthy companion to share his highest highs and deepest lows with.
Chapter 16.
Roses – Giorno buys a bouquet of roses for Dio. This is intended as a contrast to the buttercups he picked for Dio in chapter 8, being that roses are a much more “mature” flower than buttercups, therefore showing that Giorno has matured. Also, the fact that he buys the bouquet of roses while he picked the buttercups indicate a certain loss of simplicity and naturalness in their relationship.
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boy-above · 4 years
Please, anymore thoughts on Kokichi?? I'd love to hear you infodump :) love your content btw
aaa omg :0 it’s a little embarrassing infodumping publicly aaaa but i’ll do it, here’s some thoughts abt him.
for starters! i think kokichi is locked into position of antagonist very early on and doesn’t really have a chance to fight it. this is partly his fault of course, i believe the reason he’s so rude and hostile is so he keep his distance from people as he doesn’t trust any of them. he reiterates many times that this is a game of suspicion and he will not let himself fall victim to someone by trusting them. he doesn’t want to appear vulnerable either so he doesn’t allow anyone even a glimpse of his true feelings most of the time, he lies so much so even when he does express true feelings, you’ll never know if he’s being serious or not.
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but this also means that no matter what he does during the game, even if it’s an action that has good intentions or is for the better of the group, it will be met with hostility because everyone assumes from a very early point that he does not have their best interests in mind. this means he would literally be unable to redeem himself in their eyes because they’ve already decided that he’s a bad person no matter what. even if he started acting nice and doing everything right, people would continue to think hes scheming and is up to no good.
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for example, kokichi reveals to everyone that maki is the ultimate assassin, but the others kind of treat him like an asshole for it. kokichi was doing the right thing here! everyone deserved to know that there was a professional killer among them, someone who was guarding an entire room full of weapons!! but he’s vilified for doing this. also, something big that always makes me upset, is the fact that people routinely disregard kokichi’s safety and well-being. someone he just outed as a murderer is standing there strangling him and nobody does anything to help him. then of course there’s the scene where he’s busted his head and is covered in blood and very obviously woozy and not okay, but everyone is just annoyed with him and nobody helps him. he doesn’t deserve that. everyone hates him so much.
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and it comes to a point where kokichi weaponizes everyone’s hatred and mistrust of him against the mastermind, by trying to convince everyone that he Is the mastermind in his plans to hopefully end the killing game. and everyone eagerly believes it because they’ve already all got huge hate boners for him, it seems obvious to them. everyone is willing to believe he orchestrated the whole situation they’re trapped in and that he’s a remnant if despair, despite the fact that there’s actually very little evidence for it. everyone except shuichi, who later goes out of his way to prove his suspicions that kokichi isn’t the mastermind nor a remnant of despair to clear his name. which brings me to! why kokichi hates kaito and why he feels that he can trust shuichi.
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kokichi is a very logic over feelings type of guy, and feels that blindly trusting people just because you think they’re your friend is a very dangerous mindset to have, in this situation at least. this is why he butts heads with kaito a lot. kaito is someone who even got mad at shuichi for accusing gonta in his trial, even though gonta Was the culprit and everyone else would be executed if they voted incorrectly, all because kaito’s belief in trusting others was so strong. kaito is very feelings over logic. kaito has a very firm stance on what he believes is right and wrong and he’s Stubborn as fuck about it. that’s part of the reason i don’t really care for kaito, he can get very preachy at times and let’s his feelings get in the way of finding the truth. he seems to feel morally superior to people in a game where morals are simply not black and white in the way he thinks they should be.
which brings me to why kokichi feels he can trust shuichi and only shuichi!
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kaede was shuichi’s closest friend in the game and he did not let his feelings get in the way of naming her as the culprit. if he had blindly believed in her and refused to name her as the culprit despite all the evidence pointing towards her, everyone would have died. it completely tore shuichi up inside to send kaede to her death, it absolutely devastated him, but he did it for the sake of the group. it’s this moment where i think kokichi started taking an interest in shuichi. this is someone who understands the game and understands what has to be done to protect everyone. you can’t get everyone there killed just to protect one person, no matter how close with them you are. i think it’s from here that kokichi slowly started gaining a crush on him as well. i headcanon that kokichi didn’t have much interest in him before he actually saw him in action during the trial, when he entered “detective mode” and got all serious.
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i don’t think this is a complete lie! i don’t think he’s saying he’s in love with him or anything, but i do think it’s true he likes shuichi most out of everyone there. he thinks shuichi is the most interesting and trustworthy and probably does think about him a lot. he does a lot of thinking, the gears in his head are always turning, i get the feeling he doesn’t get a lot of sleep with how much he’s always thinking. it honestly makes me pretty sad thinking about him staying up all night thinking about his situation and trying to plan how he’s going to end the game, all while being super isolated from everyone else and not having any true friends.
which takes me to another point!
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kokichi ouma is a super tragic character. i don’t care what anyone says, i don’t believe having this interpretation of him is “woobifying” him or anything similar. this right here? he’s telling the truth. nobody would care if he died, and nobody Did care when he died. everyone was sad about kaito, there was hardly any talk about kokichi. kokichi died a sad, lonely, unceremonious death. nobody cared when he had blood oozing from his head, nobody cared when maki was strangling him, nobody cares about him.
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he was right. kokichi was always alone, through the whole game. he died alone. and i do think that this coming from shuichi probably hurt. shuichi was the only person there who he thought he could maybe trust. and kokichi did get what he wanted, he needed Everyone to hate him so they’d all believe he was the mastermind if he wanted his plan to work, including shuichi. but i don’t think he was prepared to hear shuichi say this specifically, i think it really hit close to home which is why it shut him up the way it did. and remember, kokichi Did try to ask shuichi to be in on the plan!! during chapter 4, as they were exiting miu’s vr world, he did attempt to ask shuichi to be his accomplice in a very roundabout way, but shuichi ignored him and exited the program. there could have been a world where kokichi and shuichi worked in tandem to try to end the killing game.
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which brings me to why i ship saiou. i love saiou a lot. it’s my comfort ship and it makes me very happy. part of it is that kokichi is my comfort character and i project very heavily onto him. as ive mentioned above, i think kokichi trusted shuichi, was interested in him and he was kokichi’s favorite. i think he had feelings for shuichi and it’s very comforting to imagine shuichi returning his feelings and kokichi getting to be happy. i love aus where kokichi has friends and people actually try to know him and see through his lies, don’t accept them for face value. that’s also why i think kokichi liked shuichi, everyone else took him at face value and didn’t try to look below the surface at all. shuichi was interested in kokichi, interested to know what made him tick and why he did the things he did. he cared enough to want to find out. towards the end of the game shuichi did get very tired and couldnt find any logic in his actions anymore, and ultimately did give up, but once kokichi was gone his conviction to know kokichi’s true intentions came back again.
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I think overall kokichi actually was lonely and wanted someone to care about him. i know the ftes aren’t technically canon but they Are canon compliant and are in character. kokichi’s feelings for shuichi are obvious. kokichi wants to spend time with shuichi and do silly things with him like playing yugioh and having tea parties. kokichi played Rock Paper Scissors against shuichi One Hundred times and shuichi kept playing. and at the end when kokichi got all giddy when shuichi was bandaging his cut, i think he was so excited because someone cared about him. someone cared about him enough to bandage his cut and just that little thing is enough to make him bashful and happy because he isn’t used to being cared for. that’s why i ship saiou, i just want kokichi to be happy and shuichi can make him happy. out of everyone shuichi tried the hardest.
anyway i think that’s all i got! please nobody @ my about my interpretations lol
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cescalr · 3 years
4: Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it?
Usually abandoning a work is because I'm not sure where to go with it. All abandoned works of mine need a rewrite for obvious reasons (a few years have passed and my writing has changed, in both style and level of skill), so... there's that. The one I'll talk about is RRT. It says 'on hiatus'; this is a lie. I'll be changing that tag soon when I feel emotionally ready to do so a;lkgaj;slkdg god damn it.
62 186 wasted words, Published: 2016-12-06, last updated: 2018-03-25.
That's 3 years. It's abandoned. God damn it.
So. Where did I go wrong? Why'd I stop writing it?
Well, first off; I left it too long. I can take a year to write a chapter, but if it takes me a year to start writing a chapter, It means I've forgotten all the shit I didn't write down about where I want to go with something. My work ethic is poor and my planning skills are poorer, so.... whoops. It's something I'm working on now, but I really didn't know what I was doing back then.
Another thing Is power creep. I kind of had an Idea :tm:, but not exactly where I was going with it. Have a looksies at this comment, which I think is accurate;
'Frankly though u story is good its stiles and malia are starting to sound less like themselves and more like how u want them to be and how u view them. Espeically that scene with stiles talking about angels age when there was plenty of that in teenwolf. And again vamps are just as tough as weres and u that shadow stiles again again makes it sound like every dark xander mary sue fanfic . I can see great potential in ur story if u stay away from some of these things ive stated. Not trying to insult u.'
I was fifteen at the time of writing, so it explains some of the issues (kind of ooc, incorrect power balancing, etc.)
For example, in response to the comment;
1) Correct. I wasn't happy exactly with their characterisation in the show at the time, so I just went whatever way I wanted to. This is not really great practise, and it's made things a little awkward for me in terms of continuing the fic.
2) There was an unfortunate amount of statutory r*pe in both fandoms. Stiles was not very nice to Derek about it, and he was the victim, so canonically Stiles is a piece of shit and I'd probably slap him, but ic, the commenter's right. Nobody would give a crap about Angel being (some-hundred-and-)26, while Buffy was 16. God damn it. Hate that shit.
3) I can't say for sure whether TW's weres are the same strength as Buffy's vamps. But they're certainly not stronger than buffy herself, and I didn't keep that in mind. Whoopsie.
4) yeah, it does kind of sound like every dark!xander mary sue fic. Whoopsie.
5) That last line was very pleasant, and I made sure to thank them for it when I replied.
So, there's some reasoning. If I were to redo RRT, I'd change a few things. Probably put them in a different season, change the power levels, and I'd update the characterisation to match how I currently portray them. There are a few elements I do still like, of course. Stiles and Theo's dynamic, Stiles and Malia, Peter's general existence/presence within the fic. Making Giles act a little more responsibly after a wake-up call could've been handled better, but I do enjoy it. Buffy/Faith. Avoiding the cheating storyline. WillOz. Xandelia. Etc, etc.
'"I was supposed to get the claws for Malia, so she could depower her mother. She knew they might kill her, but didn't seem to mind all that much."
"Alright," Stiles allowed, "Say that's true. Those are the glowy blue claws, right? What do they do?"
"Steal power," Theo said. Informed. "They take power from a supernatural to give it to the supernatural who's wearing the claws."
"Alright," Stiles said. "That sounds dangerous in the wrong hands. Were you planning on using them?"
"... Yeah." Theo admitted. Properly, this time. Genuine.
(He's going to have to lie to make up for it.)
"Who were you going to maybe kill?"
"I was going to do it when it wouldn't kill them," Theo said. "A specific moon. It powers down the supernatural aside from Chimeras, since we aren't really supernatural beings in that sense."
Stiles' lips twist, mockingly amused. "Bet you like that, don't you?" He said. "Being a fake magical being that could die at any second."
"That's where you're wrong," Theo said, grinning to himself in the dark. "I'm the first Chimera. The first one to work. I'm no failure."
Stiles pulls his lips between his teeth and then - "Depends on who you ask."
Right. Theo supposes Stiles would consider Theo a failure. A failure as a friend, a failure as a brother, a son, as a person that could care about anything except himself.
But that's from Stiles' perspective. Over here, on Theo's side, the same could be said for Stiles.
(Maybe if either of them had said or done something, all of this would have turned out different. Or maybe it wouldn't, and they'd be here still, but more bitter. Maybe - in a world only Theo would imagine - It would be Stiles that was 'locked up' and Theo with the significant other who'd run away from a 'mistake' he'd made.)
(Theo's the only one who thinks it's only Theo that imagines that scenario.)
Theo sighs and looks out the window. It's late, still - really early morning - and he shakes his head.
"It's late." He says. "You should get some sleep."
Stiles didn't look all that great (in comparison to how he normally looks, which... well -), and Theo...
He's not sure. He cares, he supposes, in a roundabout way. He wants void Stiles, that's for certain, but he wants Stiles to want that, not to be possessed again. If he's tired, if he's weak, then maybe that would happen. Who knows here, who knows in a world like this one, with strange demons and vampires and all manner of creatures wandering the streets.
Theo cares. He doesn't like that, of course - but he does. They were friends once, these two. That's not easily forgotten.
(And maybe Theo thinks of him in a way that's vastly more complicated than friend. The way that means he doesn't want Malia and Stiles as a package deal, the way that means he's honestly just jealous of Scott.)
(But that's speaking in strictly maybes. For Theo... well. That wouldn't help, is all. It would hinder.)
See, some of it's salvageable. I kind of like that. Anyway! Yeah. That's it. And that's why. :)
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justalitlecreacher · 4 years
I’m here to prove that Andrew Garfield’s portrayal of Spider-man/peter parker in The Amazing Spider-Man is objectively the best love action adaptation of the character. In this essay I will....(yes this is really happening)
Edit: 10/20/20- i want to indulge myself in spiderman content but finding non mcu spiderman content is exhausting so imma update this instead
Andrew Garfield is my favorite of the 3 Spider-Man actors. TAS’s Peter is more fun and dynamic than the cookie cutter “shy introverted nerd that has a crush on a girl who’s way out of his league” Peter in Tobey Maguire’s movies. I enjoy Tom Holland’s portrayal of the character, but hate the way Disney has written the movies.  I enjoy the characters, plot, and humor of The Amazing Spider-Man far more than the other 2, and i deeply wish we had gotten the third movie with the canon BIder-Man of Andrew’s (and my) dreams.
  Most arguments against Andrew Garfield’s Spidey( AG’s from now on) begin and ends with “he was a good Spider-Man but a bad Peter Parker”. This references an outdated post comparing all three Spidey actors.(Id attach the image here but i dont want the post to be too long(thats a lie this is so long what am i doing with my life)) The post also claims that Tobey played a good Peter and a poor Spidey; and that Tom is good at both “roles”.(Honestly I think it seems silly that this seems obey the “third time’s the charm” rule but thats just me).  Most people using this seem to be Tobey stans who have forgotten or ignored the rest of the post funnily enough, but the ones that go further into the WHY AG is a poor Peter are also incorrect. This argument also ignores the idea that there can be more than one version of Peter Parker which is blatantly incorrect.  Just look at Into the Spiderverse or the PS4 game; these provide 4(5 if you count the pig) versions of Peter themselves, and that doesnt even include the comics. 
 Arguments that go further in depth claim that the AS Peter is too cool or well liked by his peer to be a “true” Peter Parker. The evidence for this seems to be that Peter has a skateboard.(which what? didnt realize that having a skateboard would instantly make you cool brb guys). Adding to that i dont really see where people get the idea that Peter is popular or well liked. While looking for complaints i found this qutoe from reddit(theyve since deleted it looks like but i’ll add a link in the notes) “He's angsty, pretty socially awkward, has an aptitude for science, and is kind of an outsider. He gets bullied by Flash and he gets his ass kicked after trying to stand up to Flash. He isn't a "cool" person in any way (until the ending, in which he's best buds with Flash, so I'll give you that). While Maguire is more accurate to the 60s comics where Peter in high school is just a fucking loser with basically no friends, in the ultimate comics, Peter is more of the kid who has a small amount of friends, but isn't popular.”. Honesty i fully agree with this because once again, other versions of a character are allowed to exist. You can dislike one version, but its silly to dislike something for not being exactly like another thing.
Ive also heard that Peter isnt “nerdy enough” in this movie which really doesnt make any sense considering the entire plot happens because Peter was looking into some of his parents’ research. If he wasn't interested in looking further into his father’s work what reason would he have to go to Oscorp where he’s bitten by the spider? Why would he have become Dr. Conner’s assistant? If he wasn’t intelligent how did he develop the web shooters?(something that Tobey!Peter doesn't have to do out of plot convenience might i add).  
 Another complaint i see is that the quips he uses in the movie(the first one specifically it seems) makes him seem like an asshole. Honestly thats a fair complaint, but i think its a good bit of characterization; espcially if he does get better about it in the second movie like the internet suggests.The Peter in this movie is a rightfully angsty teen; of course he acts a bit of an ass to criminals(also i feel like its important to mention that he’s like that to criminals? its not like hes being a dick for no reason).
  Compare this with the Tobey Maguire(TM) movies. Like i said i haven’t seen these in awhile but as far as i’m aware TM’s Peter doesn't really do anything particularly nerdy in the film? I may have forgotten something( ok in the scene before he gets bitten he knows a cool spider fact) but he doesn’t have to invent the web-shooters because they came with his powers and he’s only at Oscorp in the first place because it’s a school field trip that he appears to be taking photos for. This Peter does fit the definition of outcast(friendless and bullied for it), but honestly i just dont like him. He’s weird and something about the character makes me feel like i should be a little grossed out every time he looks at MJ at the beginning of the movie.  
   I honestly don’t have any complaints for Tom Holland’s(TH’s)Spidey. Tom is a great actor and from what ive seen i enjoy his portrayal of the character.( He made me cry when i character i actively dislike died).  
  I cant really say much for TAS story. It’s interesting but nothing special really. However, there is one scene that i don’t think i’ve seen anything like since( the closest would probably be the train scene in the original trilogy). 
 The crane scene. Early in the film Peter saves a boy from a car that has fallen off of a bridge, and at the end of the movie this becomes relevant again when it is uncertain that Peter will be able to get to the lizard to stop him in time.(as Peter is already injured and pretty far from the lizard’s location). The boy’s father is then revealed to be a construction worker who recognizes that Spider-man is going to need help to get to the lizard; he remembers how Spider-Man saved his son and organizes the rest of the construction workers to build a path out of crane arms for SM to swing from. All of them are putting themselves in danger by not evacuating, but SM’s actions in the first act of the film motivate them to do what’s right. 
  I love this scene primarily because it highlights something that i think is a really important part of Spider-Man’s character; his connection to the people he saves. SM is often shown interacting with and chatting with the people he has saved after the fact. One comic shows Peter accidentally scaring some bullies and then taking the time to ride the bus to school with them to continue their conversation and educate the students on bullying.( There’s definitely more but this is off the top of my head).
  Another scene in TAS that i love is shortly before the crane scene when Peter is originally attempting to make his way across the city to stop the lizard, and he is shot down by the police. They manage to unmask him before Peter comes to his senses( he had just been shot and fallen pretty far out of the sky in his defense). From there Peter is able to deal with the police while keeping any of them from getting a good look at his face. The one cop he cant take out happens to be Gwen Stacey’s father who had previously had an argument with Peter about Spider-Man(Peter obviously on SM’s side and Mr. Stacey against SM). Peter turns and allows Captain(?) Stacey to see his face. I believe that this is an example of an unwilling identity reveal done right. i really enjoyed this moment because Peter had just shown that he likely could have gotten out of this encounter with his identity in tact as he had just taken down however many men. This implies that it was an active choice on Peter’s end to trust that Captain Stacey would ultimately do the right thing and allow Peter to go fight the Lizard, rather than a final desperate attempt to get away unscathed. Whether or not this interpretation of the scene is correct or not it still gives the character a bit more agency than some versions have done with their identity reveals.
  In Spider-Man 2 Peter starts to lose his powers because he’s having internal conflict about wether or not he should be Spider-Man. Honestly thats kinda neat and i might want to give that a rewatch. As for the one i have seen i don’t have any complaints. I do however prefer the way that Peter was bitten in TAS because it was a result of him poking around where he shouldn’t’ve been rather than him just happening to be standing in the right place for a spider to land on him. 
  Onto TH’s movies; the way Disney has treated Spidey in the MCU is why TH’s is my least favorite version of the character. I feel like too much of the story revolves around Iron Man; Iron Man made Peter’s suit and equipment, Iron Man introduces Peter to the MCU(via blackmail but thats another rant for another annoyingly long post), its Iron Man that “makes” Spidey in this universe rather than Spidey being self-made. In Homecoming(which remember i havent seen outside of clips so bear with me) most of the conflict is cause directly or indirectly by Tony’s refusal or inabilty to communicate with the teenager he’s meant to be mentoring
 For one the entire incident with the ferry could have very easily been avoided had Tony bothered to communicate with Peter enough to tell him that the situation was being taken care of. On top of that at the moive’s climax Peter is shown trying to get in contact with Happy(from what ive picked up isnt he a chauffeur? like idk his deal i just know he’s someone Peter got pawned off onto after Civil War). Peter even goes as far as to somehow hack into Happy’s phone(i think thats what happened it was a weird tech thing that shouldve been a red flag that the call was important though) but instead of listening; Peter is ignored. If this was a different kind of movie Peter literally could have died and itd be the fault of Happy and Tony like..... A large portion of conflict comes from characters being incompetent and not communicating and thats just poor storytelling.
Before this turns too much into an anti mcu rant id also like to say that the way they did Civil War was really dumb considering that Peter defects to Cap’s side in the comics, but whatever.
 Also i loathe the way they handled the identity reveal at the end of Far From Home. With MCU movies most people know to expect an end credits scene by now, but typically that scene is not important to understand what’s happening in the films; they just aren’t important. Putting an identity reveal here makes it seem significantly less important than it is. On top of that i dislike their use of J Jonah Jameson for this scene.
  JJJ is a character who has been repeatedly shown to have a genuinely good heart. All of his anger comes from a place of love for his city(he even says this hemself in the ps4 game when May writes in to tell him that he needs help). He hates Spider-Man because SM reminds him of the masked man who killed his wife; JJJ has never been able to get past that( and Peter’s antagonism of him definitely doesnt help) However, JJJ has been shown to care for people; he has a son who he often brags about, and one comic shows that JJJ is paying Peter for “amateur” quality photos because he knows that Peter is having a hard time and “just need some help”. JJJ has even learned Peter’s identity before and kept his secret for him(seriously though i cant remember the name of the comic but its defiantly worth the read), and in the original trilogy when Goblin threatens JJJ he claims that he doesn’t know who sends in the photos of Spidey because he does it via email( this is a lie). The MCU will have a very difficult time convincing me that JJJ would ever out a teenager’s identity and put him in danger like that. It goes too far against his character.(this could be hypocritical of me to say considering how i just insisted that multiple versions of a character can exist but whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) 
This is accidentally turning into an MCU rant but id also like to say that i hate the lack of a TH!Spidey origin movie because it gives you no motivaion for Peter becoming SM or explanation of his powers; most people will know these things but if youre unfamiliar with the character its bound to be confusing(and im a sucker for origin movies)
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Star Wars Ramblings #3 - The Dark Side
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Damn it Star Wars. 
Liking a villain is not a new concept. I have heard people talk over and over about how quite often the villain is the most interesting character in the story. They are the ones with the most complex motives and backgrounds and they are often the ones who you are left wanting to find out more about once the story has ended. It seems we are fascinated with the dark side. While I totally understand that view I have not ever, until now, really experienced that for myself. 
If you had asked me about the dark side pre my voyage into Star Wars I would have simply have dismissed them as a bunch of evil dudes in masks who go around attacking people. I would have also gone as far to admit that I was absolutely terrified of them! I have never experienced fear quite like the imposing, 6 foot 3 figure of Kylo Ren stood over me questioning my allegiance to the resistance in Disney’s Star Wars launch bay! I was very nearly in tears!! But what Star Wars seems to be able to do is to totally take those perceptions and turn them on their heads. There is absolutely no denying that these characters are not nice people and they should in no way be totally redeemable but I can’t help feeling some kind of emotion towards them that isn’t outright hate. 
I had very few feelings/opinions on Darth Vader for the majority of the original films yet when he died I got very emotional. I had such adoration for the rebellion that shouldn’t I have been celebrating when  they were finally able to defeat the Empire? Instead I found myself flooded with upset, not happiness. Darth Vader presents a very blank emotionless presence throughout these first three films and yet I still managed to feel some sort of sadness for him. The minute that his helmet was removed I found myself screaming at the screen that he was not evil, just misunderstood, and he didn’t deserve to die. Surely a connection like that should not have been my reaction. 
Fast fowards 30 years and there is a new brooding villain on the scene. Before I knew much about Star Wars my feelings towards the character I simply knew as the Kylo bloke with the funky lightsaber was how utterly ridiculous I thought he was. One of the things I loved about the villains in Star Wars was the fact that both the leaders and the storm troopers all wore these identity wiping masks and armour which only served to increase that air of fear and coldness surrounding them. It was this detachment from humanity that made them appear scary to me. Having heard talk of how attractive the internet appeared to find Kylo Ren I was confused. How could you possibly find someone who takes fashion/facewear advice from Darth Vader attractive? So when my friends joined this club insisting that we must meet Kylo Ren whilst at Disney because he was ‘fit’ I started correcting them. What you mean to say is that you fancy Adam Driver I insisted because yes, let’s be honest, his face is above average. That was very quickly denied while images from the movie were thrust in my face to me depicting Kylo Ren not only without his helmet but without his shirt! This is Star Wars am I right? A film series I knew for its action and adventure and not for its sex appeal. I was absolutely outraged that this was how they had chosen to depict this new villain. The whole illusion of these masked characters seemed slightly shattered to me. 
Believe me I have had many rants over my feelings towards Kylo Ren and his lack of clothing (I mean I still stand by the fact that losing the shirt is a little much). He is a character I really wanted to hate and damn you Disney - by taking off that helmet I am ashamedly melting a little inside towards the character I know is going to cause me so many emotions beside the hate I so know I should feel! In interviews Adam often refers to Kylo as being both reckless and unfinished as well as remarking that villains should not be seen as outright evil. They should instead be seen as someone who believes they are doing the right thing and this is what makes them all the more dangerous. From the outset I think it is clear that Kylo holds a lack of authority when it comes to the dark side. In episodes VI-IV it was Vader and no one else giving the orders and more fool anyone who questioned him. The dynamic within the first order however is totally different to that. It is both Hux and Snoke who appear to be the ones giving the orders around here which Kylo is expected to follow. While he may look tall and menacing that appears to be where it stops. A look behind the scenes reveal that it is really Hux who appears to be pulling the strings. 
It was however his interaction with Han that absolutely broke me and honestly made me such a firm believer in the fact that there is still light in him. Han is most definitely my favourite Star Wars character and I feel like his death should have been the one thing to upset me in that scene. What affected me most though wasn’t his death but the words Kylo says when he is reunited with his father. The minute he started to tear up I did too. It was like the whole Darth Vader situation all over again. Kylo tells Han he knows what he has to do but doesn’t have the strength to do it. He truly believes that by killing his father it will make him more connected to the dark side and I think that proves how conflicted and unsure of himself he really is. He previously remarks that he feels the pull to the light and that he needs Vader to show him the darkness, proving that he potentially doesn’t 100% believe in what he is fighting for. While he may believe it is the right thing to do it doesn’t mean he has to totally agree with it. We all do things we may not want to but we do them because we feel they are the right thing to do.
The prequel films did an excellent job of highlighting the transition to the dark side and what Anakin showed was someone who truly believed they were doing the right thing. He was convinced of what he wanted and how he was going to get it and he was going to let absolutely nothing stand in his way - hence the anger, destruction and hate so commonly attributed to villains. When comparing Kylo to Anakin they could not be more different. There is no doubt that by the end of Episode III Anakin is the embodiment of the dark side and those traits are absent from Kylo’s personality. He also remarks that he is ‘being torn apart’ and ‘wants to be free of this pain’. To me they definitely don’t sound like the words of somebody who feels as if they are in the place that they should be. By the end of this scene I was in tears and not because Han Solo had died. Yes that was upsetting but I found myself crying for Kylo, not because of him. I believe he is so conflicted within his own mind and that is what makes him so dangerous. He is a loose canon. While he appears to be the puppet Hux and Snoke are using as the face of the first order he is also acting on his own thoughts. This is evident in the scenes between him and Rey. Bringing Rey (and not BB8) aboard was his little moment of defiance and humanity. It is through the conversations they have together that you can see him cracking a little and his emotion finally beginning to surface. Rey also appears to bring out the more reckless side of him. During their lightsaber fight in the forrest Kylo continues his attack on Rey with pure drive and anger, even once he is injured. His moves do not appear at all tactical or thought through. All he appears to be doing is blindly wielding his lightsaber in her direction with only anger behind it. I do actually know where the story for these two characters is heading and I am very excited for her to bring out more of this human side to him. 
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terribluh · 5 years
i wrote this for me
ive got this zadr au in my head ill never do anything with and its not particularly special bc every iz fan comes to this inevitable zadr au lmao
this got very long and probably ooc lmao rip dont worry u dont have to read it in fact please dont read this i did not format this at all and i did not proofread 
basically dib and zim are dating and dibs home situation has deteriorated, and in light of irkens managing to escape the florpus hole, they kinda go, “lets be young and free and run away together” and so they go to space!!! i feel like these self serving jackasses probably wouldn’t join the resisty straight up?? theyre too dumb for that, like yea dib has a hero complex and zim would probably love to be incharge of people but alas, dibs actually an asshole and zim probably wont hurry to align himself with irken enemies despite kind of being one himself.
so they float through space. things r kinda bad kinda good, but theyre surviving. the irken armada isnt exactly after them, but i imagine they probably have a run in with irkens who just start trying to kill zim and realize avoiding irkens is something they should do. the idea that zim terrifies the tallest is hilarious bc then they operate on a, ill avoid u if u avoid me basis and thats such a concept bc im thinking dib and zim become space pirates. will be honest, got a lot of inspiration from ravagers in gotg bc thats an aesthetic and i was way into kragdu at some point in my life. also im a slut for space operas.
they r in space, kinda keeping to themselves and stealing things. they become space cryptids. i love the idea that they become space cryptids lmao. zim is just such a small irken and dib is this tall gangly human and no one knows what the fuck a human is. lots of humans are fucking weird to other aliens stuff. also i love the idea of them in a fight with space bounty hunters or something, and dib gets shot and just keeps going. this strange lanky figure in a dark coat with blood spilling from his injured shoulder just not going down. and zim as an irken is functionally immortal anyway so theyre like an unstoppable team. i love battle couples! 
i like the dynamic they could of had in canon, someone made a post once, where zim wouldve been the one to fight and dib wouldve been mission control, but i think in this au, it would be the other way around? or more equal idk. zim has to learn to do the talking bc dib dont speak alien, and dib has to protect zim a lot. and then over time they just pick up each others slack lol. i just like the idea of dib being kinda intimidating looking, which when paired with zims shit eating grin is such a combo. 
theres probably a scene where an alien is like ooh scary bounty hunter that even the fucking irken armada avoids and is scared shitless but its just dib. and dib, never having seen this kind of alien before, starts asking a million questions and is just kinda offputting/adorable lmao and then zim has to drag him out. 
anyway things keep like this, they hash out a living on stealing and trading. their number 1 priority is avoiding the massive and any irkens out there. maybe dib misses earth. maybe zim misses… something. the ship they have is kind of scrap and very much homebrewed, all stolen parts and mishmashed pieces and it was originally zims voot lmao, but zim is a genius and dib is a membrane and it still works. zims house computer is in the ship now and minimoose lives in the vents.
and then theres gir. i love gir but also i feel like theres a lot of untapped gir related angst like, gir is essentially scrap??? shit breaks 
they shut him down a lot for his own good bc he malfunctions sometimes and its awful bc zim loves gir. 
and then one day, zim and dib making a run for it, dib scooping zim up and hoofing it with the alien in his arms shooting over his shoulder and yelling at dib at the same time. and someone or something hits gir hard enough he shuts down, eyes dimming into black and collapsing mid giggle and zim loses it, destroying the attacker while dib grabs for gir and checks his internals and has no idea how to fix him because nothing seems wrong. 
and this is something like the breaking point. things were ok, but now things arent. maybe zims pak is broken, has never worked properly, is dying, and they get by with scraps and parts but its very borderline. and the ships basically scrap and supplies are always tight but they make do. 
but then gir shuts down, and suddenly they cant keep living on scraps and avoiding the armada. bc they need to fix gir no matter what  
maybe theyre like theres no parts enough to fix him oh no, but look theyre right around the corner from the massive and it just so happens the resisty are attacking so zim and dib are like. “were really doing this arent we” and the computers like sigh ok 
they really intend to grab a random sir unit and cannibalize it for gir and jet but zim cant keep his mouth shut and suddenly theyre arguing, fighting their way through some irkens that are really just doing their jobs and had the misfortune of running into zim and dib making their escape and its really strangely easy. zims kind of an op destructive force and dibs so used to fighting zim at this point these irkens are like ants and theyve been in space for like a decade at this point, and theyre always in danger anyway, and its easy to get into the swing of it. shoot shoot stab kick yell at zim blast an irken. 
and next thing they know theyve busted through the door to the bridge where a showdown is happening between the tallest and the resisty leader and everyone deer in the head lights. 
both parties yell “ZIM????” like the beyonce meme and zim instinctively goes “yes it is i ZIIIIM” and dib facepalms behind him the tallest are like panicking and the irkens milling around start gunning for zim and the resisty in equal amounts and theyre severely outnumbered and zim and dib start fighting for their lives foreal this time 
and zim yells, “computer! bring the ship around!!!” and dib is like “zim if i die like this-”, “you won’t zim guarantees it.” and its kind of romantic but theres plasma beams everywhere and a deactivated sir unit in zims arms and theyre both hurt but thats what its like, thats what its always like for them and honestly they wouldnt change it for anything. 
maybe dib gets zim to go on ahead and escape without him with the sir unit, or zim goes on ahead himself all i have a plan. and dib is mistaken for a resisty agent bc he obviously isn’t irken and unwittingly teams up with then and then all hope seems lost and dibs like “we’re screwed- “
and gir blast through the glass of the ships bridge all, “Maaaryyy i missed you!!!!”
“gir youre ok!”
and then gir barrels into dibs arms, dib jolting back from the impact with an oof 
“i died but im ok now!” gir screams as he cuddles into dibs neck  
and its v cute but dib is kinda preoccupied with not dying and hes just like “thank fucking god get us out of here” and girs eyes flash red and he salutes “yes sir!” and jets off by grabbing onto dibs back with his tiny hands and thats when the ship pulls up. zim is in the drivers seat and everyone fucking sees him because hes screaming, why is he screaming? hes zim, of course hes screaming. they get away all well and good but lmao their interference was enough that the resisty was able to escape with far less casualties than they wouldve had. 
bc they were losing, real bad lmao zim and dib saved them but they dont even care because that wasnt what they were going for but to the resisty theyre heroes and to the irken armada theyve declared war. and dib and zim are just like “our actions will not have any negative reprecussions no siree.” bc theyre idiots!! 
their actions have negative reprecussions. 
and then they join the resisty. 
and at some point dib goes home and reconciles with his family and gaz kicks his ass 
anyway i just love the idea that zim and dib dont do nothing on purpose but every damn thing they do affects something big. like some kinda cosmic karma, i amn jus standing herr kinda thing lmao a lot of coincidences and pure luck shenanigans. 
an overarching theme of “everything in zim and dibs lives suck except for how much they love each other” 
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yavinceremony · 5 years
put this off for so long and i have no idea why? i’m bad at expressing my thoughts :/
send me a character and i’ll list-
favorite thing about them?
i could go on for days about things i love about luke skywalker. i think now though, after seeing the sequels; i have a lot more respect for his unconditional love for those around him. he doesn’t even have to think, he just cares! he just loves! people he doesn’t know anything about, he cares!
something that immediately comes to mind is luke seeing del meeko struggling, crying out for help... in his imperial uniform. and yet, luke didn’t hesitate for a second to help him.
this is something super important to me because that is such an important personal belief of mine, and i think a lot of that might have to do with growing up watching star wars: we have to love other people. and luke does, and i love him for that! 
least favorite thing about them?
there’s nothing now that i don’t like about him (keep in mind, i don’t count the sequel trilogy. i just can’t.), so i’m just going to say what i thought as a child: i never saw why everyone liked him so much! like yeah, he’s great and i liked him, but i was always so confused as to why princess leia wasn’t the face of star wars (as a child), because she was truly a badass and as a kid i thought luke was kinda a pussy. also i thought han solo was far more interesting, and was always upset that (growing up as the prequels were coming out) the only original trilogy toys we would see at the store would be luke and vader. i just didn’t get it. now, obviously, i’m gay and i understand :)
favorite line?
god these questions are so hard. i mean there are lines that i definetly think are important to his character (”I can not leave you here, i’ve got to save you.” etc), or certain scenes i tend to favor (the “take care of yourself, han” scene in iv, checking to see if dak is still alive before the at-at crushes the speeder), but there isn’t a specific line i like the most?
edit from while i’m working on questions further down: when he yells “Han? Leia!” and falls, and of course right after “but they’re my friends, i’ve got to help them!” definitely ties back into how much he loves other people (especially his friends, even if his love puts himself in danger), and his loyalty. something i was thinking about the other day is that there are a total of three scenes in episode v where he interacts with han (one of which he’s practically dead, and the other is mostly spent just looking at one another), and yet, you never get the feeling that they’re growing apart, or moving on, have better things to do etc. 
 i love how close luke and chewbacca get in even just the course of the first movie! i’m also always a sucker for luke and leia being like best pals even before they knew they were twins. I love the idea of them just like chillin’ in eachother’s room. not even really talking, just maybe leia is doing some paperwork and look is reading or something. we love to see it.
i’m a skysolo bitch, i’m sorry. I just think they work so well together! even not in a relationship way, it’s hard to not think that they came into eachother’s lives at such an important time for them- a time when that’s exactly what they needed. it’s something i think about quite a lot, that let’s say for whatever reason my boy george made luke and leia both girls. there’s not a DOUBT in my mind that luke and han would have been the most popular “ship” at the time of it’s release. idk. i think about it. come talk to me about skysolo please! or better yet, send me a fic request! (absolutely no nsfw requests though.)
that being said, if we’re going off of canon and not the one that has been filtered through daydream after daydream for 10+ years, and that han/luke’s relationship is never established, here are a few of the people that i think luke had a relationship with: biggs, wedge, del, definitely lando at some point. idk. luke’s got a lot going on, LOVE that for him!
leia/luke, obviously.
random headcanon?
i day dream about star wars a lot. i have so many. I think my favorite though is that tattooine has really intensely spicy foods! luke would definitely be that guy who puts tabasco sauce on everything. I have this whole theory that han solo, while he loves other cultures and foods from other planets, just absolutely can not stand even a little spicy- it kills his stomach. one time, luke was casually eating roasted veggies and offers one to han and it was so spicy that he nearly threw up. luke never let him live it down, and insists that it “wasn’t even that bad”
on the other hand, leia eats spicy food (though she doesn’t really care for it), but is always sure to decline luke’s offer whenever he offers her any sort of snack. she makes fun of han too much to be caught in a similar situation.
unpopular opinion?
okay. hear me out. i think luke is obviously an amazing jedi and i love him to bits, BUT. i don’t think he’s as powerful as everyone makes him seem! like yeah he absolutely is more powerful than most jedi ever, but there’s not a doubt in my mind that leia was the mor advanced one when it came for force sensitivity. i can’t imagine luke doing weird force things as a baby (while i absolutely can with leia. just like imagine her spinning the crib mobile above her head as a baby!)
if y’all ever saw doctor sleep, i always imagined luke as a child more like the baseball kid. he just gets a feeling about things sometimes! which is great! 
this was honestly more of a hc than an unpopular opinion. but anyway. i’m right. can’t wait for the kenobi show. all i’ve wanted since i was a kid was a show about luke and leia growing up! glad we’ll get to see it!
favorite picture of them?
y’all i literally just spend half an hour trying to find at least one picture from this photoset. and i found one single one. here it is.
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the black shirt with han’s pants? we love to see it.
also, one im not in the mood for finding: the behind the scenes one where he’s got the blue t shirt all torn up? iconic.
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