#these two couples as a joint dynamic is so funny
loving-jack-kelly · 2 years
Jack and Race drinking beer and bitching abt something in the living room while Spot and Davey enjoy a calm glass of wine and pretend they're not listening and/or also bitching about something in the kitchen fifteen feet away
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aria-ashryver · 4 months
Luca's past relationships / hookups
Here I am, still thinking about Avalon era Luca and some of their exes and stuff! More about Luca's exes below 💘
(Under the cut bc of sexual content)
ALEX DE VRIES | Their first serious boyfriend was another dance major, Alex, who absolutely sucked, and who I talked about a bit here (<- cw dubious consent). Luca's first experiences with bottoming were with Alex, and while Alex treated him with care physically during sex (at least at first) the same cannot be said for the emotional side of things. Just a big ol' "ew, stick him in the dumpster where he belongs" type experience. Utter garbage bag of a man. 0/10, not the best start to exploring their sexuality.
VIKTOR IVANOV | Okay, I will admit that these two have had some moments, yes. Viktor had a bit of a crush on Luca when they first met (which died down… and then re-emerged again… and died down again. Viktor gets crushes a LOT lol), and there was one brief period where Luca thought maybe they had a crush on Viktor -- funnily enough, the timing of their crushes never coincided. Their relationship has never really been one of strong, mutual romantic connection, but they have experienced sexual attraction.
The first time they got together was not too long after Luca had broken up with Alex -- Luca was reflecting on how much safer, more respected, and more loved they felt spending time with Viktor compared to Alex, and were kicking themself for being such an idiot who dated this complete tool in the first place.
Luca was pretty down about the whole thing, and Viktor was struggling with his depression; they were just hanging out in their dorm room one night being real sad, when Viktor asked (mostly as a joke, but also completely seriously)
"Wanna just split a joint and suck each other's dicks already?"
Luca stared at him for just long enough that Viktor started to panic (and was about to blame it on his Tourettes) but then Luca, very firmly and confidently said, yeah, actually, he'd like that. So… they did! And they had a fantastic fucking time! (Or, a fantastic time fucking? W/E lol.) They hooked up a few more times after this, though it was more often in a group context than it was them just having sex one-on-one.
PARTY HOOK UPS | Viktor and Luca getting physical shifted the overall dynamics of YBA -- soon it became pretty unremarkable for the band members to just be in the room with each other when folks were hooking up at parties, or for them to actively get involved as well (Yay, performing arts students lmao). Please enjoy an entirely superfluous infographic!
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Bonus fact! Between the members hooking up with people both in and out of the band and the resultant love triangle having so many sides, there was a point where the band went by the name "Fucktangular Love Shape".
AVA CUNNINGHAM - Luca had sex with Ava once while they were both figuring some stuff out about their respective sexualities. While they both enjoyed themselves, the best way I can describe it is that it was something of a << Kombucha Girl .GIF>> moment for both of them? Ava definitely had a moment of "yeah, pretty sure I'm gay" afterwards haha. It wasn't awkward; they found the whole thing funny and still do.
TE AROHA KING - Ugh, here's the charming one 😊 Luca met Te Aroha (theatre major, he mostly goes by TK) when he moved from Australia as part of Avalon's exchange programme -- they have a sister school in Australia where the academy was originally founded.
Viktor was the one to introduce them -- Vik met TK when they were both still living in Aus, and all three became pretty close. The first threesome Luca had was with Viktor and TK, where Luca wound up topping (Vik) for the first time. Te Aroha was an absolute sweetheart, and he proved to be a really good person to help Luca feel more like himself in a relationship following the BS with Alex. TK made Luca feel like he had agency and respect.
They kept their relationship open for a couple reasons.
1 - Luca was still a little raw from the Alex stuff and they wanted to take it slow before getting into a serious relationship again.
2 - TK was an exchange student. He always knew he'd have 6 months in Scotland, max, before going home again. Neither wanted to do long distance, so they tried real hard (failed) not to catch feelings.
Luca and Te Aroha existed in this lil situationship where, yes, they hooked up with other people sometimes, especially at parties; TK slept with Viktor a few times; they had a foursome with Vik and Cal, etc. But everyone kind of knew that Luca and TK were a "thing", despite their not wanting to put a label on it. They went on dates. It got super romantic. They supported each other. They listened to each other. Helped each other grow. By the time TK was due to fly back home, it wasn't a bittersweet parting. Their relationship was what it was; it brought them happiness for a time, and that was enough.
CHRISTOPHER WU - Chris is SUCH A CINNAMON ROLL oh my god. His primary mode of communication is ruthless sarcasm but he's also like… so soft. So kind. (He's also the person I imagine Luca did that contemporary piece with in CH13!)
It took these two a while to get together -- Chris is a ballet student too, and was transitioning around the time they were studying together. They used to role swap all the time -- their teachers would give Luca all the traditionally male parts, and Chris all the traditionally female parts, and the second they got into a practice room unsupervised, they'd be swapping parts immediately.
They were really good friends before things ever got romantic or sexual, and Luca was super confused for a while about the whole thing? It all started to make a lot more sense when they had a conversation one day that was essentially like:
Luca: …I was so sure I only liked guys? But I really like you. Chris: ...Dude, I'm pretty sure I am a guy. Luca: Oh. Oh, that makes sense, yeah! Wanna kiss about it? Chris: psh, obviously.
Things between them ended amicably -- Chris got an advance placement with a touring ballet company, so they knew that when the year ended, he'd be leaving, and they decided to pump the brakes on their relationship (and then Luca wound up moving to Crimson Beech a few months later anyway). Luca does still keep in touch with Chris and TK, but its sporadic -- they aren't as close as they once were, but they wish each other well 💛
Was Luca ever in love with any of these people? I think if they'd had longer together, he probably would have fallen in love with Te Aroha. Whose name (ironically enough, bc I didn't plan this at the outset) means "the loved one" in te reo Māori. But with the way things panned out? The first people Luca ever fell in love with were Gabriel and Cas 💖✨
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hyukassubi · 2 days
A couple months ago, I have read, dare I say, the most dramatic fic I've ever laid my two eyes upon (in a good way!!).
It was (nearly) everything I thought I would NEVER enjoy: situationships, flawed main character, drama.
Yet here I am... Absolutely pleased with the drama-filled, humourous rollercoaster of a romance that supposedly had no chance of growing into something more.
Warning, this review is bound to contain spoilers so if you haven't read @moamidzyism 's 'Gross!' yet, read it here! Now that that's out of the way, ON WITH THE REVIEW!!!
Yes, you can like unlikable characters, actually!!
Never would I've thought in a million years I'd end up rooting for a 'bad' main character. I assume a good chunk of us have been shoved in the face countless of times by the media what 'good' main characters are supposed to look like. Like we were programmed by society to like the good heroes and pull out our stakes and pitchforks for the evil villains.
I was in a reading rut for the longest time (I still am tbh 😭😭) and I always thought perhaps the stuff I was reading didn't fit me anymore? Was it the genre? The writing style? No. None of that. I was simply bored of always reading 'perfect' stories with 'good' characters and expecting plot lines.
It is genuinely so very astounding how, in my lifetime, I stumbled upon a 'badly written' y/n and still ended up enjoying her journey and the overall plot of the fic. Moral of the story aside, 'Gross!' has absolutely helped shift my perspective on 'reading what I enjoy' and 'enjoying what I'm reading'.
Character dynamics
I love how everyone has their own little friend group and super top secret bestie groupchat convos, definitely adds to the drama and complexity of the story as a whole.
All the friend groups are so different and although the 'yeonjun-taehyun-yuck!yn' gc is my favorite of them all (a buncha sassy silver-tongued fellas (ESP YUCK!YN, what's not there to love?) I LOVE THE 'B🐶s WHO BRUNCH' SO MUCH TOOOOOO.
I can definitely learn a thing or two from them too, growing up as someone who's always taught to 'love someone for their gains' which can be partially true but that's not the trajectory of healthy friendships!! You can be besties with a complete Mary sue but if you're not they're biggest hypegirl then literally what's the point????
Notable scenes that devoured, left no crumbs and did the dishes!!
Sungchan being right but we all still mutually despise his character in the fic purely because he's Gross!y/n's ex... Something I never knew I needed until now. Ex-boyfriends are typically portrayed as candy-stealing 🍑 holes (which he was!!) but to have them actually spit facts that are right and raw and brutal but he's right???? My new favorite trope ✍️the 'bad but right but we still hate him' Ex✍️
Every. Single. Kai and Yuck!yn cameo. Couple goals. *Throws hands in the air* COUPLE GOALS!! IM TRULY NOT EVEN TRYING TO BE BIASED, THEY CAN BE CHARACTERS IN A NOVEL AND I'D STILL FIND THEM SO SO CUTE!!
THE GC INTERVIEWS!! THE GC INTERVIEWS ‼️‼️‼️‼️ (ps, Fay you wrote yourself so we'll here 🫶🫶🫶 talented author AND interviewer wowowow your talent is BEYOND me 👏👏👏👏👏👏)
Gross!YN'S miscellaneous items: Spotify playlist, notes about YJ and THE BLOODY VOICE CALL GAAAAAAAAAH
This segment does not need any further explanation.
I loved making the 'video essay' on 'Yuck!' A couple months back and so ofc I'm back making yet another compilation (2 WHOLE MINUTES BTW) for this lovely work indeed 🫶🫶🫶 (Fay, if you're seeing this, take this as a late birthday present ^3^)
(if your guys' short attention spans lasted all the way to the very end, you'd see what I'd be on for the next couple of months moving forth nyehheheheEHEHEHEHEHE MUAHAHHAHA TYUNNING HERE I COMEEEEEEEE)
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
hey. kingcade person. you ruined me. anyways any thoughts on a legion ending where the two bond over militantly defending new vegas from the legion. I'm so underslept rn but you did this to me so
omg. hi. you're welcome >:3
also imo they don't even need a legion ending or near-ending for that; they can already just make a fun weekend out of it whenever. take a couple days off work and smash some skulls on the outskirts of town. BOYS NIGHT!! you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one of those roving death squads that's always hounding blue so i'm sure they'd have no trouble bumping into some good targets and saving a couple would-be kidnappees in the process.
arcade is soooo sassy and snide with blue whenever they're in combat; i have a hard time imagining he wouldn't be twice as snarky with the king if they ever ended up in a fight together. i'm not sure how long arcade's been in the area relative to the kings taking control of freeside, but you would probably be forgiven for thinking the king is mostly resting on laurels and doesn't have a lot to personally back up his royal title, especially given his reputation for being so accommodating... and well dressed. he definitely has that "i'm a lover not a fighter" energy about him. it would be funny if arcade severely underestimates the king's ability to handle himself, and there's a lot of very amusing ways he could get proven wrong.
if you want to see a similar dynamic with lower stakes, i'm working on a fic here and there about the king showing arcade the ropes of basic hand-to-hand combat. maybe i could have arcade put his skillz to the test on a legion spy...?
ANYWAY... even though it wasn't my intention to convert people to kingcade it's DELIGHTFUL to see it happening regardless. doing PR work for rarepairs has been my brand on this site for over a decade at this point so i certainly have credentials and experience. and if anyone's going to get people weirdly invested in mr the king and a ship involving him, it's gotta be me, the chick who once cried real, actual, eye-stinging tears to Love Me Tender while bussing tables at a 50s themed burger joint. CREDENTIALS, I TELLS YA!
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(I am also bored and cheerful 😄)
thank you @polutrope!!
i love them. i love them so much. they're so funny. just two guys trying to reinvent themselves by the water and they're foils and also they should hate each other. but they don't. i think, mostly because maglor has crossed the project-hatred phase and daeron does not do hatred. he can mimic it, he can sing it, but he is not hateful by nature, he is not a warrior, he is not someone who destroys. even when he wants to be! guy cursed to be a creating force, also apprenticed under a creating force (possibly melian's tutelage has oath-ish implications...).
this has zero to do with maglor's deserving of it or not. which they both know. a fun dynamic!
i do think they are together, at the end, the very end of the world. a good time before then, too, enough to be the oldest married couple in ME for a long, long time - so ancient their songs blend together, and they are solidly terrifying, and a little bit too solidly connected for healthy elf-marriage standards.
that takes many many ages to happen, tho. until then they keep meeting through the ages and running the gamut from furious dueling to amiable fish-barbecues to, idk, joint meditation on the Music with erotic undertones.
they're in absolutely sweeping mutual resonance love since the first meeting and that never changes, regardless of how much they do alter. they can both look through each other in a way no one else can! they read each other in the same language! absolutely terrifying and heady (and sexy) stuff. this doesn't make things easier at all, but it never changes.
also from the first, maglor keeps offering to murder people daeron deslikes on a whim and that's flirting but also it's vr earnest. he does have maglor kill at least one guy, but daeron hoards his cards carefully. for a very very long time he is very very blatant about not wanting any of maglor's guilt-devotion.
until the time passes and they grow and keep meeting and turns out it's just plain devotion now <3 but he did say his denial first, and that's important. also makes the getting together part needlessly full of hesitation on both parts, and not even just because of pride. only mostly! #growth.
oh! at some point daeron lets slip he was the guy playing courtly lute accompaniment to thingol's petty dwarf hunting parties, and maglor is so so so unbearable about it.
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inchidentally · 6 months
god I wish xkit still had the inbox features - but I'm gonna screencap all the stuff under tricky asks and save them for later so I can see the fun asks and not have them get buried <3
gonna do a few of the more recent ones now and then from there bundle them every couple weeks!
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I've mostly just fallen out of interest w the ship apart from the way I enjoy it (which isn't popular lol) for a few reasons but mostly the misogyny toward real life gfs. I still enjoy it for myself and I'm even writing it rn but I'm just not motivated to go crazy over it anymore <3
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oh babe I'm a massive complainer about McLaren's new media approach meaning we don't get the fun, regular teammate content that we used to but truly there's no motive for actually keeping them apart! the carlando challenge was F1TV and I actually can't tell who pushed for the Oscar/Esteban RC car challenge but it makes sense bc they've chatted a fair amount during down time since Bahrain. I think there's a casual friendliness there.
but also this kind of cross-team content isn't unusual at all and tbh it's a coincidence that feels annoying mainly bc it coincides with McLaren sm deciding to go all slick edits rather than spontaneous and fun content.
and first anon if anything it felt like Oscar put himself in time out for well, actually slightly stalking Lando in the preseason and Bahrain kasgfkaflsagfslja I'm... mostly joking
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oh listen, Carlos and Lando absolutely are friends - and I don't wanna jump down your throat if you're not saying they aren't - but don't get me wrong, I enjoy carlando for what it actually is and not the 'secretly in love/fucking/relationship/actually gay for each other' version. ironically the reality is a lot sweeter and more real than desperately ignoring everything about Carlos to pretend he's gay or to pretend that Lando and Carlos rank even in the top 100 of people closest to them. sorry but to me the reality of baby Lando latching onto Carlos for support in F1 and Carlos quite liking this funny little dude fluttering around him even when they have nothing but driving, golf and beautiful women in common - like, that's sweet to me!! sorry ?? it's the whole imprinted on each other but we wouldn't normally be friends thing that happens in these little brother/big brother scenarios.
the fact is tho that carlando is indeed a major popularity and engagement spinner for everyone from F1 official to sponsors to Lando and Carlos themselves, and they both know that hanging out and documenting it can serve two purposes at once. the Australia stuff was all probably a bit too cynical but they wouldn't do any of it if they didn't actually enjoy spending time together! plenty of these sports bromances do similar things it's just that of the F1 bromances, carlando caught on with the 1D rpf conspiracy theorist pipeline by ticking every box. you'd think they'd catch on that it's all the ones they're convinced are RealTM that end up flopping butttt
but yea I remember the ask linking to ppl saying that landoscar and charlos are PR and to this day it's like did they just want to face a deluge of constantly being proven wrong or ??? esp the fact that Charles and Carlos get absolutely zilch out of their dynamic this season (and forever after that) - especially Carlos who could easily decide to just be blandly polite to Charles and focus on buddying up to a hopeful new teammate if charlos was purely PR. even when they play it up, it's not cynical and they make it clear. but the way they've chosen to deal with this whole circus in a joint way is like damn. they're not besties or anything but they respect the fuck out of each other and talk a lot about how to deal with being friends and also teammates.
and landoscar literally has no bromance content, no fake gay, not even excessive touching or physical proximity, Oscar isn't remotely interested in being camera friendly, they don't document any of their time together when it's not official media, and they don't remotely play up to the cameras together. the ship literally exists bc two guys like to watch each other with sweet dopey smiles, they are on a freakishly similar wavelength, have immense respect for each other, Oscar has observed and learned Lando to almost worrying degrees, and Lando has no filter so when he keeps having horny verbal burps about Oscar's body that make the people around them uncomfortable or awkward - and that Oscar just blushes and giggles through. it's absolutely not planned or strategic bc what a horrible strategy to try and convince fans to ship them like carlando and dando askflgsajlgflaf.
like, everything about Lando and Oscar's real life dynamic and friendship is one of the few cases where they're categorically known to not cynically try to promote it for fans and they don't play up to the cameras for engagement. literally they like each other and get on well and it's just. like that !!
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For ‘Fleishman Is in Trouble,’ Claire Danes and Jesse Eisenberg Say I Do
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In “Fleishman Is in Trouble,” Claire Danes and Jesse Eisenberg play two halves of a splintered couple.Credit...Thea Traff for The New York Times
The actors share a doomed union in this new FX series. In a joint interview, they discuss their own marriages and how it felt to depict such a contentious one.
By Alexis Soloski
Nov. 4, 2022
Marriage, the actress Claire Danes insisted, means sacrificing certain freedoms.
“That’s one of the great gifts of it,” she said. “But sometimes that shoe feels a little snug. There are moments when you’re like, ‘Actually, I would go in a different direction here.’”
“For me, I’m just so happy to have a shoe on,” said Jesse Eisenberg, her work husband.
In “Fleishman Is in Trouble,” FX’s limited series adaptation of Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s 2019 novel, Danes, 43, and Eisenberg, 39, star as Rachel and Toby Fleishman. Long married and recently separated, the Fleishmans — she’s a high-powered talent agent; he’s a hepatologist — inhabit the upper echelons of Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The first two episodes arrive on Hulu on Nov. 17, with a new episode each Thursday for six more weeks. (Brodesser-Akner, who wrote seven of the eight episodes, is a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine.)
On a recent afternoon, Danes (“Homeland,” “The Essex Serpent”) and Eisenberg (“The Social Network,” “When You Finish Saving the World”) met in an office at FX’s Manhattan headquarters with a “Fleishman”-like view of mid-rises and water towers. Danes is married to the actor Hugh Dancy, Eisenberg to the educator Anna Strout. But for about six months — despite having met only once more than a decade before, when Eisenberg was extremely high — they had to pretend to be married to each other in a show that shadows one union from early courtship to eventual implosion and beyond, tracing its breakdown with granular specificity and occasional double vision.
The novel argues that “beyond your point of view lies an abyss with a bubbling cauldron of fire, and that just beyond that abyss lies your spouse’s point of view.” And so the show stages some scenes from Rachel’s point of view and some from Toby’s. (The pilot was directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, executive producers who are themselves married.)
How was it playing a couple locked in a cycle of neglect, reproach and retaliation? “Very comfortable actually,” Danes said, kicking off her Jimmy Choos. Eisenberg, on the opposite end of the sofa, agreed: “She’s the greatest.”
They had a terrific work marriage, Danes confirmed, while “depicting a very bad, unhealthy, unnatural one.”
In an hour’s chat, as the autumn light outside the window turned the city golden, the two actors discussed marriage, divorce and dodgeball. These are excerpts from the conversation.
Did you know each other before this?
CLAIRE DANES I didn’t remember.
EISENBERG It’s a funny story.
DANES Tell the story.
EISENBERG My [future] wife took me to some benefit thing in Brooklyn, probably 15 years ago. I was the most stoned I’ve ever been. I was just talking to this woman, and I’m like, “I’ve met my soul mate.” I ran over to Anna. I was like, “That woman is amazing.” She was like, “That’s Claire Danes, good luck.”
So you met once. Then suddenly here you are, married. This show is such an intimate appraisal of a marriage. Can anyone on the outside ever understand what goes on inside a marriage?
DANES I think the people in it barely understand, and it changes over time. It is an astonishing invention. It’s imperfect. But I personally don’t have a better model. I am attracted to it and fascinated by it and find it a very worthwhile pursuit. It’s a way to continue exploring who you are and where you are.
EISENBERG It’s also an attractive prospect for me. The alternative is not interesting or desirable. My wife and I have had probably the same dynamic for the many, many years we’ve been together, the same arguments and the same joys. The TV show presents that. Except that this is a doomed marriage.
DANES In my actual relationship, when we were met with a certain level of stress that we were ill equipped to cope with, we had to develop techniques and strategies and skills to become a better functioning couple. Our characters were not able to do that. They got swallowed by points on their continuum that were just too hard. And they didn’t have the self-awareness or the self-possession or the guts to be honest with each other. They just retreated further and further.
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When you were preparing for these roles, did you sit down and map out what this relationship had been, what their history was?
DANES Not really. We had a few dinners with Taffy and the cast, which were valuable. And we had rehearsals, abbreviated but dense, which were really effective because of these exercises that Jon and Val offered us. Writing exercises, primarily, which was very annoying, because Jesse is an actual writer and an excellent one. I was like, this isn’t fair.
EISENBERG I thought iambic pentameter was appropriate!
DANES But it did provide a lot of insight. Then we played dodgeball. I was wearing clogs, which I don’t recommend.
What do you think Rachel and Toby saw in each other in the first place?
DANES They do, actually, really like each other. They have easy, happy chemistry. They probably share a sense of humor. And they did have similar values once upon a time. He was her first true friend ever. I don’t think she would have left him had he not insisted on it.
EISENBERG The thing that attracts you to the person is what’s different about them. But that’s also what becomes their undoing, because the chasm between my character’s value system and hers is too wide.
DANES Are your parents still together?
EISENBERG My parents are married.
DANES My parents, too. They’ve been married for 55 years or something like that? They met at 18. At RISD [Rhode Island School of Design]. And they’re still very in love.
So how was it being married to each other for the camera?
DANES Very joyful. I love working with Jesse. He’s very gifted and very present and profoundly, almost pathologically generous — truly, really. And just an amazingly playful partner. It was so much fun tearing into each other.
EISENBERG That felt right, too. It felt good.
DANES What’s extraordinary about the novel, and now this interpretation of it: It’s very comic, but it’s also quite raw and wrenching. Threading that needle is fun, but a challenge. Rachel was tough for me, because she was so intensely polished in some ways and so profoundly fractured in others. Figuring out how to coordinate that was the trick of it. There are episodes where we hear his account, then we get hers. We shot those scenes, one after the other — that was very strange. It was like an acting exercise. It’s a matter of degrees.
EISENBERG Exactly. She would be 10 percent more hateful, more stubborn. Then my character would be more aloof and unaware of her pain.
So these were small changes.
DANES But consequential.
Do you think you could be married to each other in real life?
EISENBERG When I met Claire at that benefit, I immediately ran over to tell my wife that yes, I could be married to that person.
DANES And he was right, in a way. A little prescient there.
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Parts of the show are very light, very funny; other parts are more intense. Did you take any of that home with you?
DANES It’s funny: With “Homeland,” the character was so very other, so alien, it was easy to compartmentalize. I got a little cocky about it. This one was a lot closer, a lot more reminiscent. Playing a married person with kids, I was at greater risk of taking it home than I have been with other projects, which surprised me. I had a couple of fights with Hugh, and I was like, “Whoa, this is not to do with us.” So that was humbling. And mildly distressing. But once I became aware of it, it was fine.
EISENBERG I had the exact same thing. I would have these arguments that end with, “You’ve always done this,” which is how Toby accuses Rachel. You spend 12 hours a day having a certain very specific resentment. You take that home and the circumstances overlap enough to the point where you might accuse your loving, sweet partner of the same thing.
DANES But the appreciation for Hugh was also so heightened, because I was living in this hell. It was so painful and so terrifying, deeply destabilizing. We really do need relationships. We can’t really cope in isolation. It’s just not how we function. There’s something very moving about that.
EISENBERG As actors, you sometimes get to run these social experiments, playing a character that might overlap with you enough to give you a sense of what you would be like in these circumstances. This was a great example, because I’m quite similar to Toby.
DANES It’s a real privilege to be able to explore those particularly daunting, intimidating, scary zones, but in the land of make-believe. So relatively safely.
So did you perform the thought experiment of what life would be like if you were suddenly single?
DANES Very, very rarely. I don’t know. Doesn’t seem good.
EISENBERG I was just thinking about it because in terms of the show, he’s dating again. And he’s completely untethered. It didn’t feel tantalizing in any way — it felt exhausting and unsatisfying. I didn’t experience singleness in the modern era, where you’d be using technology to meet people. It increases both the options and paranoia.
DANES I would find that particularly intimidating. And unnerving. I don’t think I would do that very well.
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mochibdsm · 3 months
on protocol in a D/s dynamic
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Protocols in a D/s relationship are a set of rules and concepts agreed upon by both parties and set in place within their relationship to provide organisation, structure and even a peace of mind.
But if you’ve found my site, are curious about the lifestyle and you haven’t had a chance to dig deeper as of the moment you read this– well, hopefully I can shed some light on some of the areas protocol can cover in a D/s relationship.
First off all, I think the most important thing you can do before hand is to have a conversation with your better half, about each other’s needs and wants. See what they are interested in or opposed against, as there may be certain things you can tweak, like the name you give each other, or special unique rituals you share. Maybe there will be a compromise you have to make with certain areas, such as physical interaction if your partner as sore joints or a medical condition.
The Introductory Phase
When you first begin implementing some of these concepts, keep in mind to work through the aspects slowly.
If I may use my own experience here – things can get overwhelming fast and the mind has a funny way of twisting any forgetfulness of concepts and turning that into a false sense of personal failure. My own partner experienced this when she forgot aspects when we first entered into a D/s relationship and even when she realised an aspect wasn’t to her liking after all months after training.
We all learn and adapt and grow and change in different ways, so it’s always worthwhile to approach learning something like this radical change – with patience.
Body, Behaviour, Attitude
When you think of body and behavioural aspects in a D/s relationship, chances are one of the first things you’ll think of is kneeling. There are A LOT of kneeling positions and stances a submissive can take in different circumstances but I couldn’t even begin to tell you about them because it’s not something I’ve personally explored beyond a couple of basic stances. So as much as I’d love to say I am well versed in names and positions, I would recommend a little research into some positions and such that you’d like to explore.
I think you’ll find that your attitude and behaviour and the way your body wants to react will come to you naturally. Maybe it has and someone out there has put a name to it already! The important thing is to trust yourself and your thoughts, no matter how abstract and wild they seem.
The right look in a submissive or dominant’s eyes, a beautiful way to stand for your partner – these are all erotic aspects that charge a relationship. Hell, the look my lady can give me sometimes, that I know is a surrendering of her self and senses to me, is enough to drive me wild and insatiable.
Speech Protocols
Speech Protocols are concepts designed to train the submissive to speak according to the specific D/s relationship – a concept chosen and customised by both the Dominant and the submissive.
It can begin with the Dominant and the submissive finding what speaks to each other personally when they come to addressing each other and when or how often? The boundaries are there for them to decide – and this can extend to other areas in their life, such as if they want to maintain speech protocol in public where their kinky sides are hiding in plain sight.
When it comes to addressing each other in a social setting that won’t draw attention, you can get creative. Think of subtle ways in which you can address each other – a casual hand on the shoulder, a gentle tug on the ear lobe. The possibilities are endless!
But speech protocol doesn’t end there – it can tap into other aspects of behaviour, such as if the submissive mishears something the dominant says and will ask a pardon instead of a ‘Huh?’ or a ‘What?’. Perhaps the two personalities will come to an agreement where the submissive refers to herself in third person and in a pet name, e.g ‘This pet had a good day, thank you Sir.”
When I mentor people and this topic comes up, I always like to ask folks what speaks to them personally, deep down in the gut. What ideas tickle their stomach and cause them to laugh nervously?
Personally, I have found that asking them that helps them mull it over and think about what they’d like to be addressed as and what they’d also like to address their dominant.
Dress Protocol
A dress protocol can be a thrilling protocol to experiment with one another. Not only that but it can mean control and order and peace for both personalities and can centre the relationship and the dynamic in both minds.
Speaking personally, there’s a wonderful sense of ownership and control that can come with the various degrees of dress protocol. You’re suddenly in control of someone’s life and wellbeing. There’s responsibility there, but also an intoxicating edge to explore and experiment with dress codes.
How can you dress your submissive around the house? Around work? Parties? Dinners? What if you want to be geeky and buy her some DC comic-themed underwear? It’s all about finding a balance for the dress code in her life, or your life together – but always be open to negotiation
Rituals in a D/s relationship are a fun way for both personalities to feel fulfilled and centred throughout their day and week.
From formulating and preforming a mantra – a passage of words that serve as positive reinforcement, while also serving as a type of affirmation to health, mind and relationship of the submissive to themselves and their world – to little gestures such as the submissive asking if they can share the bed of the dominant, asking if they can visit friends, leashing a submissive of the evening as a form of relaxation to even doing household chores.
These rituals come down to what the two of you would like to explore in your relationship in terms of cementing each others’ presence in your lives, either when you’re together or apart from each other.  Have a think about what you want to explore with someone, or with each other. Have a think on the ways in which you want to explore your Dominant / submissive side? What tears at your skin, claws to get out?
Things to consider…
Be patient with one another – this is a time of growth and of learning and sometimes that can take a few tries to perfect and to master.
Be open to change and to suggestions and to new experience – especially new experiences and most importantly, make sure that everything you have agreed upon together is safe within the realms of negotiation.
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girltomboy · 9 months
End of the year answers
Song of the year?
Track 10 by Christine and the Queens has been the soundtrack of many moments this year
2. Album of the year?
None other than Paranoia Angels True Love
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
A friend got me into Mon Laferte and she became one of my top artists in just a month
4. Movie of the year?
It wasn't released this year but my bf and I discovered The Medium and it's definitely the best movie I've watched all year (Banshees of Inisherin is a close candidate)
5. TV show of the year?
I actually have a top 3 for this question; number three would be Yellowjackets, I would've put it on two if the second season had been at least as good as the first one, but they fumbled it. Number two is Severance, so the creators of that show had better sorted their shit out by now because that show is meant to BE, fr. Number one is Succession because it was just deluxe on all levels: writing, acting, score, production, just great. And a finale that sunk the earth beneath my feet.
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Ouuu I wouldn't say it defined the year, but I remember being very impressed with Flight of the Bumblebee/Yellowjackets.
7. Favorite actor of the year?
Sarah Snook 100%
8. Game of the year?
I haven't played many new games this year, but I managed to finish A Little To The Left and it was a highly satisfying experience (and that soundtrack DAMN)
9. Best month for you this year?
I think March was a very fun month, so many cute moments with my bf and friends, nice weather, the feeling of revival was overwhelming.
10. Something that made you cry this year?
To be honest I didn't cry much this year, not as much as in other years at least. Missing my best friend was probably a consistent reason for crying. Even at the beach I was emotional and in need of her presence.
11. Something you want to do again next year?
Meet my best friend :) this time I have a gift for her too. And I wanna knit her a little alien. I want to spend more time with her, this time just us and more than an afternoon. Maybe have a little weekend getaway somewhere, like my bf and I did for our first anniversary.
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
Not a particular friend per se, but my manager has been working very hard and consistently on bringing us closer as a team; she's been making these groups and stuff, trying to make us befriend each other more, making the dynamic of our work team more informal. I really appreciate that, it's been so fun connecting with my coworkers and discovering their personalities. They're so likable in their own unique ways and my lovely Aquarius manager has been amazing at uniting us a lot more this year.
13. How was your birthday this year?
My boyfriend RAN to the store a couple minutes before midnight (cause we'd been out all day and then napped, and he didn't have time to stock up in advance) and bought me a mini cake which he stabbed with a lit up joint so I could have a candle to make a birthday wish 💀 it was so funny and sweet and it made me so happy. And he got me a piggy plushie I had seen in a store window and pointed out to him just DAYS before my birthday (the day before we passed by that store again and it was gone; I didn't say anything but it DID get me thinking) and now I squeeze it against my chest at night. And we went to the mall and looked around the toy store, and ate ice cream by the lake. It was really lovely and I was straight up glowing
14. Favorite book you read this year?
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, I practically devoured that book
15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
Umm smoking cigarettes in social circumstances? I mean it's by no means a new habit, but this year it's gotten worse because my work bestie has been getting me out of the house plenty! I've given it back up easily cause it was so poisonous, but that's cause I've been away from smokers in general for some time. I need to get back into chewing a ton of gum. I need to become gum girl again
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
17. Post a picture from the end of the year
18. A memorable meal this year?
Gawd damn my friend cooked for us one time in April, and he made mashed potatoes with meatballs and sauce. It was all so damn good, it tasted like cartoon food. It tasted like the word "food". I kinda miss his cooked food, I'm not gonna lie. My stuff comes out so dry and sad, and his stuff is always so rich and filling.
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
Seeing my grandma again, maybe getting a nose piercing, traveling, the beach, my friends, those last 3 things combined (or maybe just my boyfriend, that's fine too)
20. What’s something you learned this year?
I find it hard to pinpoint a specific thing I learned this year, but I think I remembered and realized more things about my past, which is maybe ironic and counterintuitive. That includes my family's past, my past in relation to other people, I've managed to sharpen the lens of the past even more than I could before. And it's constantly mesmerizing and ridiculous at the same time, it makes me feel like Shauna playing with Jackie's frozen corpse, trying to breathe some life into something that's already dead
21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
I have this new comforter that really cozies up my bedroom and I even started paying more attention to my bed (making it more carefully, not leaving it unmade for too long, matching the fabrics and stuff as best as I can) ever since I got it. And I also got these colorful lights hanging above my bed, my mirror, and my bedroom door that I put up "for christmas" (they're halloween-themed but whatever, I wanted lights in my room) that I'm definitely keeping up.
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
My bf, friend, and I went on a really long walk one day this year; we walked through the cemetery and then kept on walking further around the neighborhood. It was a long adventure and it tired us out but such a nice day together, we got soda and candy afterwards and walked back home. I miss having days like that
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
I'd warn myself to not dye my hair in the summer, that orangey shit was really hard to cover up and even though I rocked that look I'd have felt much more comfortable with a different shade. Also plan the holiday better, and I have my reasons to say that
24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
I didn't have any, BUT I started doing yoga this year, a bit more consistently than last year's workout attempts. And I'm proud of that because it makes me feel really good when I do have the energy for it
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
None that aren't based on real people and that I didn't have before lol
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demadogs · 2 years
Yeah I think it’s strange that Noah is always with Millie in interviews, and not the others, bc this season Will has more to do with the cali road trip crew than El. I do think tho that Millie was meant to be separated from them in these interviews, since she spends a bit of the season away from the road trip crew, but she probably wouldn’t have had anyone from her main storyline to join her bc I don’t think Jamie or the other actors involved in the lab story were really included in these group interviews. I feel like a couple of reasons why they had Noah join her is because they’re close friends and maybe they thought people would like their friendship dynamic. Also, Millie seems to be really comfortable with Noah and she said recently that she sees him as her emotional support person, so maybe that’s a part of that as well.  But I think a massive part of this is also because they seemingly don’t want Noah and Finn in the same interview group. The only time Noah’s been included in the cali group interviews is when Finn wasn’t there. They all seem to be quite positive about each other, so it’s not like they’re separated because they don’t like each other, I think the main explanation is that they’re not wanting to spoil things too much regarding byler.
yeah i agree. i kinda love that they put millie and noah together bc they are so fucking funny together i love them so much. there was one where they were talking about laughing really hard in an interview and millie said “i dont know why netflix paired us together for press” so maybe it was just netflix who decided and they didnt wanna have millie be alone.
it also wouldnt have been great if she was with finn bc theyd be asked so many mlvn questions. i think the decision was made bc theyre besties and a lot of people watch their joint content bc theyre so funny together, but also if noah was with finn they might spill too much about byler.
im really hoping after volume two theres some interviews with just noah and finn. i need to know how long theyve known about byler.
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blind-band-geek · 2 years
I crave Máximas Matanzas/Talía and Paolo hcs because these blorbos plague my mind :,>
Máximas Matanzas Hcs:
• The band has a very family dynamic, atleast with Talía and Paz. She sees him as a younger brother she never had. And while he wants to be something more with her he’s fine with her calling him hermanito every chance she can.
• In turn Paolo is like Paz’s stern older brother. He isn’t much for nicknames and only really called him ‘Bicho’ because Paz had asked him. But if Paz asked Paolo would call him hermano.
• They have whole days dedicated to remaking merch. They’ll pile in Paz’s home and have shirts and stencils and paint all across the floor. Music will be blasting and they’ll definitely not be sober by the end of it. Defect shirts tend to be more adored by fans anyway.
• Each member has their own MM shirt. Talías is covered in blue paint and handprints and is wore and teared into a crop top, just how she likes it. Paolos is just simply an oversized sleep shirt and Paz cut his for the back panel for a jacket.
• When not in the immediate danger of battle the three can often be found on Paz’s deck high sharing whatever Paz got from his dealer that week. It’s some of the more gentler nights at camp when the three are laughing and telling stories. It’s a good break up from the day to day stress of the war.
• Talía happily refers to Paolo and Paz as ‘her boys’
• Many times when Talía ‘fights’ with Paz or Paolo she’s overstimulated and stressed and will be lashing out because she needs the conversation to end so she can go to her room and breathe. Paolo is good at recognizing this but has to sit Paz down and explain autism to him. Their always there for eachother no matter what.
• If Paolo is away Talía will cuddle up with Paz on the couch as they share the same pair of earbuds hooked up to his phone. It’s his way of telling someone he loves them.
• Though Talía is a photographer herself Paz loves to take photos of the couple around camp. One of his photos was even repainted for an album cover. Most are posted on social media because nothing brings in more fans like a relationship.
• MM is very alive on social media and all three members has access to the main account while having side accounts for personal use. You can always tell who’s posting by tone. Paolo is a little more dry, Paz posts a thousand and one exclamation points and Talía will more often be interacting with fans and posting behind the scenes content (and borderline simping over her boyfriend.)
• They also together bully FND generals, María and really anyone they can on social media, it’s a game of how many burner accounts they get banned before they get a reaction out of them. It’s fun for them to get stoned and tag María in thousands of messages saying she sucks. Is it a bad look? Maybe, is it funny as fuck? YES
Talía and Paolo Hcs:
• Paolo and Talía share EVERYTHING, food, clothes, hell they’ll even share the same joint/cigar at parties
• They both would take one hit of their shared joint/cigar and kiss eachother while giggling how gross them other tastes.
• They are very touchy especially after Talía was kidnapped, Paolo is extremely protective of her. They’ll always be holding hands, cuddling, and when sitting Talía will always be nestled in his lap. Physical touch is very important for both of them.
• They have a hight difference of about half a foot or so with Talía being much shorter than Paolo. But it really just makes her perfect little spoon size.
• Talía will steal Paolo away from his work quite a lot to spend time with her alone. And when he comes back he’ll always have a myriad of lipstick stains on his face and body. Only wiping them off when people point them out.
• Talía is the more outgoing and excitable of the two, making her a little more popular with the fans but him more loved at camp. She’ll rarely do alot of work instead hanging off Paolo while he takes care of projects and finances around the camp. She just makes sure he dosent overwork himself like he’s use to doing.
• Talía has some major ADHD and Autism and can and often dose get distracted by the smallest things but Paolo can always bring her back to whatever their doing with a kiss. (His favorite way of doing so). And if he kisses or touches her just right she’ll squeak or squeal happily. It’s one of his favorite things about her.
• He can always tell when she’s in a good mood if she dosent tell him he can tell because she’ll rock on her heels or play with her hands until she can wrap herself around him. Everytime she sees him in a good mood it’s like little stars glow in her eyes.
• Paolo also has a touch of the tism and despite being a DJ has very sensitive ears in terms to loud noises. His headphones have a noise canceling feature so he can de-stress after shows while his girlfriend happily signs things at stagedoor.
• Concerts often get intense for these two, a lot of emotions are in the lyrics, and music, and air. So often if the FND doesn’t break up a concert the second they are off stage they’ll be all over each other. It’s clear what their up to backstage because Paz will hurry out and tell the fans the two are …. Busy …. And probably won’t be out for the night.
• Talía has a tounge piercing, use your imagination.
• Talía also has naturally sharper canines than Paolo, she’s very proud of them and just thinks their a badass feature of herself. Also use your imagination.
• They will make frequent visits back to Fort Baleceras to sit on the roof of the crumbling building and watch the sun set across the ocean. It’s quiet and so far from the rest of Yara that they like to pretend their the only people on the island.
• Talía and Paolo only really fight when their stage personas clash. They rarely scream at eachother and their ‘fights’ are just disagreements that end in someone walking away and then making up (and making out) later.
• Talía also try’s to keep her stage persona on around her people to try and seem strong and cool and collected, but it often just ends up with her lying down exhausted on her bed. Her being angry and agressive is her form of masking and is exhausting. She belives masking is the only way to survive and for her it was for a long time. After being shot she masks less and less as time becomes more precious to her and life seems different.
• Talía also is very freaked out by death. She will kill if she has to for saftey but kills like María sent her into a spiraling state. She will cry if she has to watch people get shot or killed. Even in the war she never wanted to kill anyone, all she wanted to do was create music. That’s why having a trained soldier like Paolo is so good for her. He can keep her safe and protected and close her eyes when he has to shoot someone.
• Paolo doesn’t mask often because his base personality is that of a soldier. He’s cool and calm and will tell you if your pissing him off. But he dose need his time to recharge.
• They are EXTREMELY domestic, more than anyone would imagen. She’s often the one helping shave down Paolo’s undercut and sides while he got taught by her how to braid her hair. She can do it herself but Paolo took the initiative to learn and she was more than happy.
• They make sure to block out time for eachother in their day to day lives. Be it, cooking breakfast, afternoon nap, dinner, proper date or just cuddling together in their little nook behind Paolo’s deck with the music lowered. Just little things to destress from life.
• The little nook behind Paolo’s deck is THEIRS no one is allowed in it. It’s got Paolo’s guitar and one of the more comfortable couches in the camp. There they will often nap together or simply lay down and take in each other’s presence as someone scrolls on their phone telling the other news or showing them cute pictures.
• Clara got her obsession with Polaroids from Talía. She loves taking photos to make sure she remembers everything. She loves to print out her favorites (or uses polariods) and scribbles dates and names on them so she remembers exactly when and what happened. (Adhd fucks with her memory and especially after the academy she has some memory problems.) and if she forgets to take a photo Paolo will do it for her.
• They both have easily thousands of photos of each other in their phones. Talía has more photos of them together while Paolo has cute photos he took when Talía wasn’t paying attention. He always comments that she could be a famous model if she wanted to be. She always giggles and thanks him for his complements. He truly belives she’s the most gorgeous woman in all of Yara.
• When they met he was still in uniform as he looked specifically for clothes in Talías apartment. She was armed (with no bullets) and she freaked out when she saw him. But he looked so broken down and something about his eyes encapsulated her. It was truly love at first site.
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bl0ss0mlily · 3 years
opinions on shipping in carmen sandiego?
The reason I love Carmen Sandiego is because it almost barely focuses on any romantic aspects and so it's up to the fans to interpret any couples as they will!
In fact, most of the ships I like are thanks to the lovely people on AO3 with their amazing fanfics (sometimes paired with amazing visuals!)
Here are the ships that I prefer/mainly ship:
Jeantonio (Whose isn't?)
ZackDash (Zackhabery? Haberzackary? It's a complicated name haha)
Anything Mimebomb, notably Slimebomb and Cracklebomb (Thanks to fanfiction!)
Carulia (Cute interactions within the series!)
Chaseulia (It's the 'bi wife energy' audio for me)
Tigerstar (A couple of chaotic gals)
CleoBellum (Well... I mean they're pretty close and it's cute.)
Paperbomb / Tigermimestar - Basically Paperstar and Mimebomb the unhinged duo with Tigress as the babysitter.
NealDash - I like the thought that since Countess Cleo/Dr. Bellum often have joint-missions, they're often paired. That and the thought that maybe they were in the same class together when they were younger is funny. I see them as the "insult each other but care very much about each other" friendship.
IvyDash - Same friendship dynamic as NealDash except Ivy does more of pushing around LMAO
Chasebomb - Chase is, for the first time, the rational one out of the two. It's the 'Let me see what you have - A KNIFE! - NO!' energy for me.
ChaseShadow - Tired dads. That's it, that's the tweet.
MechanicBruntDriver - It's the two chaotic beings and one rational one for me.
Any ships I haven't mentioned are simply because maybe I do like them, but not enough to make it on my list or they're ships I haven't actually considered!
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everlarkficexchange · 4 years
Hold Me Up
Prompt 42. Group of friends. Economic disaster, no jobs; eventually in desperation someone in the group suggests making a porno for $, the idea takes off, as they work on a script and put out ideas, a lot becomes clear, like who has kinks, who has tried a lot, and that one is an inexperienced virgin. Does the writing experience have consequences to the group dynamic, will they actually film and sell it, will they stay friends? Are any couples or siblings part of the group? Are secrets revealed through brainstorming?
Submitted by @567inpanem
Author: JLaLa
Rated M
Summary: “What the hell are you suggesting?” Gale asked.
“I thought it was obvious,” the woman next to him said. “I’m suggesting we make a porno.”
Strapped for cash, a group of friends—plus two strangers—decide to go all out.
Multiple pairings, and of course, Everlark. 
“Hold me up in the palm of your hand Lying to you is a river of sin Your metaphors, your silent calls Your feelings are too real…”
Hold Me Up
Part One
Katniss closed her eyes as the rush of hot water hit her face. It had been a hell of a day.
Her boss cut her hours at the record store due to the lack of sales. She had done everything short of offering to blow the man—wouldn’t have worked, he was gay—to get as many hours as possible. However, everyone was suffering due to Panem’s economic disaster and Heavensbee’s hands were tied.
All she wanted to do tonight was eat the leftover Chinese in the fridge, binge watch Bridgerton for the hundredth time and use her vibrator until she climaxed to the image of Simon Basset eating her out—
“Katniss!” There was a quick knock before the door opened. “Sorry, but I have to piss like a racehorse—”
She pulled back the shower curtain to the sight of her roommate and friend, Peeta, unzipping his jeans.
“Seriously, couldn’t you do that somewhere else? Like, maybe get a plastic cup or do it in the sink?”
“Last time I did, Gale totally flipped out on me,” her friend replied. “It’s not like you haven’t seen my dick before. You’ve seen it plenty of times, most of the time it was erect.”
The peril of living with two boys was that you always seemed surrounded by morning wood…any kind of wood really.
“Fine.” Katniss closed the curtain. “Try not to be loud about it though.”
“How am I loud while I pee?”
“‘Oooh fuck, finally…I’ve been holding that in all day!’ Katniss mimicked mockingly. “You’d think that you were doing something else instead of emptying your bladder.”
“Honestly, sometimes a good pee is better than sex,” Peeta retorted. “I don’t think that I’ll be able to stop it once it starts so just sing something really loud or you’ll be hearing me hitting the porcelain pretty hard.”
Katniss walked under the shower to rinse her hair and belted out the first song that came to her.
“I got a new life
You would hardly recognize me
I’m so glad
How could a person like me care for you?
Why, why do I bother
When you’re not the one for me
Is enough enough?”
“I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes…” Peeta sang along and Katniss giggled hearing his melodic baritone. “I saw the sign…life is demanding without understanding—”
“We should start a group,” she offered as she turned the nozzle and the water stopped. “Especially since I’ll likely be laid off soon.”
“Oh shit! I’m sorry, Katniss.” A hand peeked through the curtain, holding a towel and she took it, quickly wrapping it around herself. “We’re all taking it up the butt, aren’t we?”
She pulled back the curtain and stepped out. “What do you mean?”
“Haymitch and Effie will probably have to close down with everything happening,” he informed her. “The rent for the bakery space is just too much for them. I mean, we still have our regulars, but they’re not making enough to pay me to make a dozen danishes and scones.”
“That sucks.” Peeta was still wearing his apron around his waist, a red bandana covering his blond locks, along with his usual baking uniform of a fitted white tee and jeans. “I know how much you love that job. Not to mention, Haymitch and Effie are pretty kickass.”
“Well, at least we have Gale,” her friend replied as he opened the door, letting her step out first before putting a companionable arm around her waist. “Old reliable Gale—”
There was a cough and they found Gale sitting on their couch lighting up their emergency joint.
This was bad.
“My whole department was pretty much eliminated,” Gale explained once he stepped out of his daze. “They led us in, one by one, into that small office and gave us the whole spiel about making cutbacks before handing us our severance checks. This will hold me for about six months of my piece of the rent—”
“This is probably the worst time to tell you,” Katniss started. “But Heavensbee reduced my hours at the store and I’ll probably be getting the boot soon.”
“Effie and Haymitch can’t afford to keep me at the bakery,” Peeta told him. “They’re also likely to lose the business, too.”
Gale nodded, elbows on his knees and hands clasped together. “Well, we’re fucked.”
“Now there’s that positive attitude that we know and love,” a sharp feminine voice said.
The three looked up to find the rest of their friends stepping into the apartment led by Johanna, who lived across the hall from them. Madge, her roommate, followed in with a pizza box and the group was finished out with Finnick, who lived downstairs and was—until today—Gale’s teammate.
“Well, we’re fucked!” Gale repeated, his voice hitching up at the end. He looked to Johanna. “Good enough?”
“We’re all getting it,” Madge said, sitting next to him calmly. “The Forever 21 I’m working at is closing. So, I’m screwed, and I won’t even have severance like you and Finnick.”
“I have thousands of dollars in debt over the camera equipment I just bought,” Finnick told her. “I’m supposed to be working on my documentary.” Their friend was a budding director. “Now, I’ll be using the rest of my severance to pay it off.”
Johanna plopped down in their lone seat, putting her feet on the table.
“Not that I don’t love you guys, but I’ve been out of a job for months, so your sob stories mean nothing to me,” she said. Grabbing the joint, their friend took a long inhale and breathe out in relief. “The job market is non-existent at this point.”
“God, maybe I should’ve pushed on blowing Heavensbee,” Katniss muttered.
Finnick snorted. “What?”
“He’s gay, but probably not getting any,” she replied, next to Peeta. “If you close your eyes, it feels the same.”
“You might have something there,” Johanna suddenly said, her oak eyes contemplative.
Peeta glared at her. “Not funny. You really want Katniss turning tricks for rent?”
“Hardly,” their friend replied. “No offense—” Johanna looked to Katniss. “—you alone have no sex appeal, and this is coming from a full-fledged lesbian.” She turned to Madge. “She would—with the pouty lips and the big titties. Not to mention those golden locks. Put a little red hood on her and you’ll have those Fairy Tale freaks begging to see what’s underneath.”
Katniss crossed her arms. “Well, thank you for telling me that I’m undesirable.”
“I didn’t say that.” Johanna looked between Katniss and Peeta. “I said you alone would have no sex appeal but put you with him—” She nodded at Peeta. “—or her.” A hand waved over at Madge. “People will pay big money to see that. A nice little ying and yang.”
“What the hell are you suggesting?” Gale asked.
“I thought it was obvious,” the woman next to him said. “I’m suggesting we make a porno.”
Several beers in, the idea started to make sense.
“Babe, if this thing took off, we could pay off the camera equipment,” Annie, Finnick’s fiancée, said. She had joined them a little after the major freak out over Johanna’s idea. “Also, you could get some experience in handling the equipment and I could get experience with the boom mic.”
“That is true,” Finnick mused.
“Guys, do you know how many different types of porn there is out there? How would we make one that people would be interested in?” Gale asked. His voice had taken on a rough slur, five bottles in, as he leaned against a drunken Madge.
“Simple,” Johanna smirked. “We do our research. This neighborhood is full of not-so-reputable places; it’s why rent used to be freakishly low. We can ask what men and women would like to see. Also, we’re all decent looking.”
“What about the fact that you’re talking about us having sex with each other?” Peeta asked, eyes bloodshot. Katniss laid on his lap, singing along to the music on her phone. “No offense, but I don’t want to have sex with you. You scare me a little.”
“Well, who would you want to have sex with?” Madge asked with a buzzed grin.
“Easy.” Peeta looked at the giggling woman on his lap. “Katniss.”
“Really now?” Finnick leaned forward in interest. “Why her?”
“I’m comfortable with her,” he explained. “We were each other’s first kiss, granted we were only five—but also, she’s seen my dick plenty of times.”
Katniss drunkenly waved her finger at him. “I’m not scared of it…”
“Dude, why aren’t you together?” Annie asked.
Peeta shrugged. “Seemed better to stay friends.”
“Those two are such chickens,” Gale called out. “They just tiptoe…and tiptoe…and it’s all like ‘I think Katniss is beautiful’…or ‘I want to have Peeta’s babies’…and I’m just like why don’t you just fuck already?”
“Fine.” Katniss slid onto the floor and held her hand out, palm down. “We’ll do this. I get to fuck Peeta because everyone is so invested…but we all have to be in this.” She looked at the rest of the group, her eyes landing on Peeta. “Do we agree?”
Johanna placed her hand over Katniss’. “I’m in.”
Madge followed immediately. “Me, too.”
“Fine,” Gale muttered before his hand landed on the pile.
“We’re down,” Finnick said, adding his hand.
“But only as the filmmakers,” Annie added before placing her hand on top of her fiancé’s.
Katniss looked to Peeta; nervousness laced in her grey eyes. “And you?”
He examined her, almost losing himself in her gaze before placing his hand down to seal the pact.
“Let’s do this.”
“Do you like oral?” Katniss asked the scantily-clad waitress. “Giving? Getting?”
“Yes, to both,” the pretty blonde answered.
Johanna and Gale had gotten to work quickly, both making up the questionnaire that they were using for research. While that was happening, Annie and Finnick put up an ad looking for available actors and actresses to add to their production.
Two days ago, their questionnaire had revealed that threesomes, double penetration, and girl-on-girl were high on the list. Unfortunately, they didn’t know who would be doing what except for Katniss and Peeta.
“And anal?” Katniss continued as Peeta joined her at the table.
“Sure,” the woman answered. “I’m pretty open. Me and my ex used to film ourselves all the time.” She looked at the two. “You two looking for tips?”
“Maybe,” Katniss replied. She turned to Peeta. “Did you want anything?”
“Coke, please,” he told the woman. “I’m still recovering from the past few days.”
“Coke for him and a Lagavulin for me,” Katniss told the waitress.
“You like the good stuff.” She gave Katniss a saucy wink. “I’ll be right back with your drinks. I’m Delly, by the way.”
“Katniss.” Katniss gestured over at Peeta, who gave Delly a light wave. “Peeta.”
She nodded. “Nice meeting you.”
As soon as Delly walked away, Katniss turned to her friend. “What do you think?”
“Decent rack, sweet face, and she has experience apparently,” Peeta replied. “Thoughts on having her on the team?”
“Well, she seems friendly,” Katniss replied. She eyed him. “Would you do her?”
“If I had to…sure,” her friend replied. “How about you?”
“Me and Delly?” Katniss looked to the woman at the bar, awaiting their drinks. She was pretty with wavy, shoulder-length hair and wide eyes. Not to mention, her body was banging—the bejeweled bustier made her breasts look incredible—and her personality was easy. “Sure. Why not? I mean it will make me more…desirable.”
“Are you still pissed off that?” Peeta asked. “Johanna loves to rile you up.”
“I hate that she can.” Katniss sighed. “Are we really going to do this?”
“Haven’t you ever been curious?” Peeta’s gaze fell warmly on her. “How it might feel like between me and you?”
“Sometimes,” she admitted. “We kissed that one time, but nothing came of it. I thought maybe you didn’t like it…or me.”
“I do like you. I love you.” Peeta reached for her, pulling her onto his lap. “I guess we were just both too scared to explore what kind of love we could’ve had.”
Her arms wove around his neck as Katniss pressed her forehead to his. “I love you and I like you, too.”
“Your drinks, lovebirds.” Delly approached them, a bright smile on her face. “Anything else I can get you?”
“Actually.” Katniss stood up, pulling out the business card with Johanna’s number on it. “I have a proposition for you.”
“What are your special skills?” Johanna asked as she looked over Delly’s resume.
Delly gave the group a bright smile, her eyes landing on Katniss with a wink.
The group gathered the following day for auditions for the two additional actors at Finnick and Annie’s place.
Currently, Annie and Peeta were reviewing resumes and headshots in the hallway while the rest of them assessed the auditions.
The group had agreed to hold them at Finnick and Annie’s since it looked the most professional. The couple’s apartment was stylishly decorated thanks to Annie’s chic but budget-friendly taste—most of their furnishings from Target and IKEA.
“Can you look into the camera?” Finnick asked from where he stood in the center of the living room.
“Sure.” Delly looked straight into the camera, smiling into it. “Well…I can do a handstand and suck dick at the same time.”
“Can we see?” Madge asked from where she stood next to Finnick.
“The sucking dick part or the headstand?”
“How about we just see how it looks?” Finnick suggested. “Have Annie bring the next male audition in.”
Gale stood from his seat. “I’m on it.” He quickly came back, followed by a tall, dark-skinned man who flashed them all a handsome smile. “Everyone, this is Thresh. Thresh, why don’t you join Delly in front of the camera?”
“Sure,” he said easily and walked over to Delly, holding out his hand. “I’m Thresh.”
Delly shook it, her mouth widening in a grin. “Delly.”
“Okay, whenever you’re ready,” Johanna told the two.
Nodding, Delly bent over, pressing her palms to the floor. Then as she steadied, the woman easily lifted her hips…then her legs…before straightening them, her toes pointing in the air.
“Amazing,” Madge whispered.
Next to her, Gale nodded in agreement.
Katniss stood from her seat, going to Finnick, and looked at the camera’s viewfinder.
Delly and Thresh made a strikingly good couple on camera. They were at ease, chatting as if Delly wasn’t in front of the man’s crotch and at a perfect angle to go at his junk.
“Thresh, any special skills?” Gale asked, handing Johanna the man’s resume.
“I can get an erection on command,” Thresh told them.
“Okay, we all need to see this,” Johanna said. “Someone get Peeta and Annie in here.”
“Delly, you can get off your hands now,” Katniss said.
“Let me help—” Thresh held her hips as Delly eased down. As she did, the crotch of her leggings met his groin, and she wrapped her legs around his to steady herself.
“The perfect standing wheelbarrow,” Finnick remarked from behind the camera. “Bravo!”
Peeta and Annie stepped inside as Thresh helped Delly onto her feet. She smiled gratefully, kissing his cheek before dashing over to where the rest of the group was gathered.
“Even if you don’t hire me, I need to see this,” she told them.
Peeta joined Katniss’ side. “What are we looking at?”
Finnick signaled Thresh. “Whenever you’re ready.”
The man simply undid the top button of his jeans, unzipped, and holding the sides of his jeans lowered them down.
Taking a deep breath, the man closed his eyes, as the group watched his cock—a rather thick one—go from half-mast to full in less than a minute.
“Well, that deserves some applause,” Peeta told everyone and began to clap.
The group quickly joined in, but not before hiring both Delly and Thresh.
“Okay, two things,” Gale announced, going to the easel and whiteboard that he had set up in their living room. He wrote out ‘Location’ and ‘Plot’. “First, location. Any thoughts?”
“We can’t just do it in one of our apartments?” Finnick asked.
“Would you want to sit on your living room couch thinking that Johanna ate Delly out on it?” Gale asked him. “Or Katniss and Peeta on your kitchen counter—”
“True,” Annie said. “Let’s not shit where we eat.”
“Maybe we can rent out space for very cheap,” Thresh said. “I might know some club places where I work security that might be in our price range.”
They learned that Thresh was a part-time security guard and a returning student at the local community college. He was trying to get his Business degree and planned to open a gym after he graduated.
“Great idea,” Gale wrote down, ‘Thresh-club spaces’. Anyone else?”
“That bar I work at might be willing,” Delly told them. “I might have to give the owner a boost—”
“No way,” Peeta interrupted. “We don’t want you doing those kinds of favors just to get us a workspace.”
“Definitely,” Katniss agreed, smiling at the girl. “We’ll figure it out together.”
“Okay, what about a plot?” Johanna went to the board. “Every porn needs one to entice an audience. Why don’t we do a round robin and everyone says one thing that turns them on? I’ll start.” She turned around and wrote on the board—‘A clean bush’.
“Doesn’t everyone like it to be clean down there?” Finnick remarked before looking to Annie. “I mean you keep it pristine—”
“No need to tell everyone about my cat, love,” his fiancée retorted.
“I mean, I don’t mind it being wild down there,’ Gale told the group. He took the marker from Johanna and scribbled, ‘Bossiness’. “I like a dominating woman.”
“Definitely a good BDSM storyline,” Madge remarked as she walked up to the board, writing ‘Rough play’. “I like manhandling and being manhandled. I worked with this guy and we use to hook up all over the office. Once after everyone left, we were going at it and he takes me and lifted me—” She mimicked her lover with her hands. “—onto the copy machine before pounding the living daylight out of me.”
Everyone stared in shock at the seemingly sweet blonde twirling a tendril of her hair.
“Come Monday, everyone was trying to figure why there were a hundred copies of someone’s bare pussy on the copy machine tray,” she said in a daze.
“Damn—” Gale swallowed harshly. “—thank you for your contribution.” His gaze went to the person sitting next to Madge. “Katniss?”
“I…I…” Katniss bowed her head. She wasn’t thrilled with everyone knowing just what got her going. However, at some point, they were all going to be seeing her being thoroughly fucked by Peeta. “I like…dirty talk.” She shifted in her seat, aware that next to her sat her soon-to-be co-star. “I don’t have any experience, but when I’m…masturbating, the voice in my head is usually whispering very depraved things in my ear.”
“Care to expand, sweetheart?” Thresh asked from where he sat across.
“Well—” Katniss folded her hands in her lap. “The voice will tell me how much he loves feeling his fingers being squeezed by my cunt, how drenched I am around his dick, how he wants to fuck me until I can’t feel my legs…sometimes he talks about fucking me in both holes…his dick in my pussy and his thumb in my asshole—”
Peeta suddenly jumped from his spot. “I’m going to grab some water from the fridge. Anyone?”
He quickly disappeared into the next room before anyone could even answer.
“You just gave Peeta a boner,” Delly cackled from her seat on the carpet. “Why aren’t you dating?”
“Because—” Katniss searched for a reason, finding herself unable to answer. “—let me check on him.”
She found him bent in front of the fridge.
He pulled back sans water and turned just as she stepped in.
“We ran out of water.” Peeta met her eyes fully, watching as she approached. “I didn’t mean to run off—”
“Peeta, what turns you on?” she found herself asking.
Katniss stopped in front of him and her gaze took her friend in—swept-back blond waves, a firm jaw, and blue eyes…hazed with arousal. They never really talked about the fact that they had admitted to their friends that they were curious about fucking one another.
To be entirely truthful, the voice in her ear, the one that spoke such deliciously sinful things—was Peeta’s voice.
She didn’t know when the mystery man had morphed into her best friend, but sometimes the image of him—in his usual uniform of a pair of jeans, a tee, and an apron—would cause a heat that threatened to burn her to the very core.
However, this precipice between friendship and whatever it was, scared her.
So, Katniss held back.
Peeta shook his head. “It’s kind of stupid.”
“I just told everyone that a mystery voice gets me wet with talk of double penetration.”
He laughed roughly. “That is true.”
Meeting her eyes, Peeta leaned back against the door of the fridge.
“I like sex in different places…the element of danger…of being caught.” His golden complexion tinged with pink. “It’s a major turn-on.”
She nodded, toeing in closer to him. “Have you ever—"
“No, just fantasies,” Peeta said. “Compared to the rest of our friends, I’m pretty daisy fresh.”
“Tell me the last place that you’ve fantasized having sex in,” Katniss said. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“I know you wouldn’t,” he replied, his hand reaching to cup her cheek.
His thumb grazed the corner of her mouth and she resisted the urge to take it into her mouth to taste.
“The bakery.” His gaze fell to her lips. “Specifically, against one of the ovens as it’s warming up and y—whoever and I just get so caught up in the smell of sugar…of rye…and one another that we don’t know where the heat is rising from—”
Katniss suddenly straightened. “Ohmigod…the bakery.”
“The bakery,” she repeated.
His eyes widened in realization. “The bakery.”
This will be multiple parts, not sure how many though.
Yes, before you ask, this is loosely based on Zack and Miri Make a Porno which I think is a hilarious movie with some great music.
Speaking of music, the title comes from Live’s ‘Hold Me Up’, which was used in the soundtrack of Zack and Miri. It also plays during a pivotal scene.
Other music used: ‘The Sign’-Ace of Base
I hope you’re enjoying it so far—as if now, I have just completed the second part.
Thanks for reading!
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little-ideas · 4 years
Mankai Dumbasses
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THIS IS ALL I’VE GOT FOR NOW BUT THESE MORONS ARE SO FUCKING FUNNY!!! 🤣 Their dynamic is glorious. Keep at it you fools ❤
These assholes are dense as fuck and almost don't get together. Almost
Taichi has definitely complained about the tension between these 2 multiple times
It's a miracle he hasn't just shouted it at them, but he's probably scared of what the 2 of them would do
Omi has a surprising mean/playful streak and there's no guarantee he'd intervene on Taichi's behalf
Sakyo won't step in unless things get bad
The handcuffs have happened more than once
It's never any more pleasant these later times. They may notice some weird feelings/reactions -they just think it's their disdain for one another Fucking morons
Sakoda has taught Banri some techniques for when he tries to engage in physical fights with Juza. Juza always wins anyway
Izumi and Sakyo question their rooming of the two all the time
However, they are pretty respectful of each others' stuff
This is mostly from a bad experience whereupon the 2 made a truce
The truce ONLY applies to their possessions
Banri draws dicks on Juza's scripts
It doesn't matter what they say, their families (sans Kumon) only see them as best friends. They've met the other's parents after a show, and now Banri's parents and sister give Juza their regards whenever Banri calls them
Juza and Kumon will end up bringing back extra sweets for Banri from their mother.
For all the shit Banri gave Juza about his motorcycle, he loves to ride on it
Juza is probably one of the safest/most cautious drivers in Mankai
The two have definitely had the cops called on them when riding together though
May have raced each other once or twice
Omi oversaw it might have even suggested the location so they don't get caught 
It was because of Sakoda's encouragement and he wanted them to be safe
Juza has strawberry flavored toothpaste and Banri won't shut up about it
The two got banned from the kitchen once when Juza wanted to make sweets and Banri decided to prove he was better. They ended up with ingredients everywhere. No one ever saw Omi angry before then. If the two don't have someone else around, they're required to cook in different kitchens.
Banri is a petty bastard who holds grudges
Juza is quick to forgive everyone BUT Banri
They have logs where they chronicle what the other's done to bother them this time
Izumi made them get rid of them when she found out
Banri still keeps one and eventually entries start including things like "He looks almost as good as I do when he smiles and "I keep challenging him to fights but am still losing" + something about Juza's muscles
Have had competitions where they try to out-romance the other, claiming they'd be the better partner
Only stopped because the entirety of Summer Troupe yelled at them to "get a room"
That anime where the students try to scientifically figure out what love is? That was them
They now have some results + feelings to think over
For all their bickering, when the other is truly down, they can tell and will leave the other alone or awkwardly try to do something nice
As their feelings develop, they'll start doing nice things for each other
Juza leaves Banri some sweets (he still refuses the kamebuns) or pick him up from school
Banri helps Juza study
Izumi makes them do tons of trust/partner exercises
They either nail or fail them. There is no in-between
Banri tried to get Juza to unsuspectingly eat wasabi kitkats, but failed because Juza could immediately tell what kind it was by the color
Muku, Sakyo, and Omi get involved with Juza's figuring out his feelings
Muku is flustered but holds it in since it's Juza
Omi is supportive and listens
Sakyo doesn't understand why Muku insisted he be present, but he is and listens
The one who flat out identifies Juza's feelings as romantic
Banri is more stubborn and it's not until his sister or Itaru say something that he confronts his feelings
Juza might wait around forever, but Banri doesn't, so as soon as he's come to terms with his feelings, he approaches Juza
Probably looks pissed off as hell and Juza prepares to fight him
Nope. Just Banri bitching about what Juza does to him and demanding he kiss him "I'll punch you on the lips with my lips!"
Once they're an item, the dorm grows to fear any argument containing the phases:
Oh yeah?
Prove it
Make me
Shut up
What are you going to do about it?
I hate your fucking face
Stop being so goddamn hot
Basically anything that involves the 2 yelling at each other
Because it always ends with them making out
Unless they start when Muku or Kumon are in the room -Juza has enough self-awareness around family
Kumon is so conflicted when Banri and Juza reveal they're a couple
Kumon's probably the only one who's shocked at the news
Azuma, Yuki, and Citron win the betting pool
Juza's so red. So is Banri but he kind of finds it funny
Banri is whipped for Juza
Will still tease Juza for his love of sweets, but definitely didn't spend hours watching videos and reading recipes to make and decorate a cake for him. Of course not
If Banri is somehow still receiving Valentine's chocolates, will give them all to Juza
Juza purposefully picks out some of the most gaudy attire for Banri and he always loves it wtf Banri
At this point Juza's taken it as a personal challenge to find something even Banri won't wear
Juza doesn't wear Banri's clothes, but Banri will steal his. The first time he did it, Yuki wept with joy thinking Banri had finally seen the fashion light. He wept again upon learning they were Juza's clothes and now tries to bribe Juza into arranging Banri's outfits
Tenma refuses to go to karaoke with only Banri and Juza. They literally will not stop unless kicked out because Banri thinks Juza's voice is hot as fuck
Karaoke is the only time he'll admit this
Tsuzuru is constantly conflicted on whether to write a romance with Banri & Juza as leads
Itaru sometimes calls Juza over to distract Banri when they're gaming. Has a 50/50 chance of backfiring as Banri wants to showoff in front of Juza
Unless Juza initiates any sort of skinship with Banri, then Banri short-circuits
Banri usually initiates any form of affection, so becomes super compliant and soft if Juza does it
Banri gets a little less self-centered as he gets older, but especially at the beginning would attempt to encourage Juza/refute his negative thoughts by saying things like, "Well I'm good at × and you’re just slightly better at it than me, so you're good at it too!"
Aka Banri really sucks at encouraging people
If Banri refuses or doesn't care about celebrating his birthday, Juza will get Mankai to help put together a joint party for Banri and him
They only tell Banri it's for Juza (of course they gave Banri gifts/did something small on Banri's birthday so he knows they care about him)
Banri doesn't cry what are you talking about?
They have joint celebrations every year since then
They both have secret stashes of shoujo manga & romance books for ideas on dates and how to be "proper" partners to each other
Kamekichi outs them
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floraisann · 4 years
ateez reaction: you’re addicted to animal crossing: new horizons
➣ requested? ✓
➣ genre: fluff, humor
➣ masterlist
sorry that some of these are kinda dry 😔 i am try
❥ kim hongjoong:
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lets you do your thing tbh
you’ll probably just be vibing in the living room with the switch hooked up to the tv and everything’s great when hongjoong just,,,, moves his work over without saying anything
you’re just ???? and he’s just :)))) the “just another tuesday” grin, you know?
after long enough if you ask him why he moved, he just says he “likes the soundtrack” like bro we do be bopping to the animal crossing ost out here in this quarantine joint
watches you play, only making comments when a villager says something REALLY cursed
really likes marshal— he’s funny
not the type to hate villagers either except chops, fuck chops
once yunho shows him how the custom qr code outfit designs work you’re about to have the most stylish lil mayor that ever roamed the earth
probably also borrows your switch to make your town jingle
overall is just confused by the game dynamic, but likes the music and how happy it’s making you :)
you’re gonna have to put the switch down on your own honey, he’s too caught up in bopping to the music while doing his own work to realize you’ve been playing for eight hours
❥ park seonghwa
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has the game too, probably bought it for you so you could build “couple islands” and be THAT cute gamer couple
still probably nags you for gaming too hard if too many hours pass and you’re ignoring basic needs to like,,,, get lolly on your island or something of the sort
but lolly’s cute give him 5 mins to fall in love w god cat
sends you cute in-game love letters when you’re headass six feet away from each other in real time
but it’s ok they’re cute and he likes making you blush
brings his pretty flowers to your island he also steals yours but that’s okay
dumbfounded by your blatant aggression towards certain villagers
offers to “trade” villagers with you to make you happy and marshal scares him please take marshal from him
yes he’ll bring you cute snacks as if you were studying
overall happy that you found something you enjoy together, but will make you take frequent breaks so you don’t put off whatever you actually have to do too much
❥ jeong yunho
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didn’t get the hype at first. bought the game since he thought it had to be super fun if you were ignoring him for hours at a time to go bug catching LMFAO
yet when he downloads it there’s a catch
mr epic gamer, unlike you, has the luck of a god and generates an actual island paradise and probably gets a ton of shooting star fragments too 😔✊🏻
you’re the one stealing from his island, but it’s okay he loves you 💕
and he doesn’t quite understand the game yet
gives you star fragments because you can’t get any and he doesn’t want you all sad because you can’t make a wand!!
has all the cute villagers, but if any try to move will give them to you
pays off your tom nook debt because with his luck it probably takes him less than an hour to get filthy rich in game
also figures out the qr code outfits early on. yes he’ll try to make you one, yes he’ll make himself match
overall, he gets the game because of you but does it better because it’s yunho why wouldn’t he xoxo
still makes sure you’re doing what you need to before you go off to work on your island for six hours; the type to offer game rewards he magically obtains as a prize for you after you finish your daily work
oh to be jeong yunho
❥ kang yeosang
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the president of the epic gamer club
probably persuaded you to buy it with him so he could rob your island of all your goods
makes you both reset the game until your islands both have good items but are different
so he can steal your fruit :D
“y/n, you— no, restart. you can’t have peach trees, i already have peach trees!”
“dates” where you guys lie on his bed with your consoles, literally just exploring each other’s islands
y’all practically end up sharing two islands. that’s how much you play together
invites you to go raid the other members’ islands
cursed humor carries into the game; like he’ll send you crackhead mail when you least expect it and the content WILL be something that’s only funny because it’s Yeosang
“you make me so incredibly happy, y/n. almost as happy as when tom nook first handed me my nookphone. almost”
celebrates with you when you’re both rid of the ugly villagers
overall impartial to your obsession, rather he’s glad he has someone to steal from share with
still will make you take breaks with him. he loves that you’ve got a pretty island but you need to take care of yourself sweetie
if you don’t listen he will randomly come on your island to beat you up with a shovel xoxo yeosang luvs u 😘
❥ choi san
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would not mind the game at all if it weren’t making you IGNORE HIS NEED FOR CUDDLES >:(
tbh san would probably whine about being attention starved for an eternity 15 mins until he realizes his whining isn’t working, and he has no choice but to cuddle up to you while letting you do your thing
by that i mean he’s backseat gamer all the way, no i do not accept criticism
he’d probably just plop down next to you and cuddle into your side or lay on top of you— just positioning himself in some way that he can see your gameplay
the type to cling to you while you play while bothering you until you accept his game opinions as fact
can and will make you kick out the villagers he thinks are ugly
“i just want you to kick that smelly limberg out, is that really too much to ask?”
probably spent 10 minutes absolutely losing his shit over the animal crossing language
takes the next half hour to learn how to speak it
so next time you play too long and ignore him, will shut off your switch then lay down on you and scream acnh villager language gibberish in your EAR
"you didn’t have a problem with that voice three hours ago when you were talking to that cat rosie!!” :(
if you really ignore him and never stop playing NOTHING is stopping him from being dramatic and saying smth like “y/n, i can’t take this anymore! choose, me or him!”
“him” is tom nook
why the fuck would you pick tom nook
❥ song mingi
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knows the game is popular but wasn’t bothered to try playing
so when he sees you, curled up on the couch in the same position he saw you two hours ago just with one less family sized bag of chips, he quietly sighs to himself and sits next to you
“is the game really that interesting?”
when you nod, he ends up like san and kind of chills with you, backseat gaming mode
except he isn’t yelling at you to kick out the ugly villagers, he can already see you trying on your own
gets shocked when the first tarantula appears and you get bitten
occasionally gives input on what he thinks you can do to have a better island
makes you go on an island tour so he can see what you headass just spent the last week making
actually is impressed by how much work you put into your virtual island
congrats! you’ve unlocked an achievement! : gaming livestream date for song mingi
will decide for himself who the cutest villager is then act cute and ask if he looks like them. it’s probably gonna be kid cat. tell him he does. please, Tell Him he looks like kid cat
basically i don’t think he’d be that put off by you getting addicted to the game because!!! acnl is the most relaxing game ever he likes to watch you while he unwinds after a long day
if you play too long though he won’t really say much, just sit by you pouting like :(((( “lov me”
pls love him, the big babie 🥺
❥ jeong wooyoung
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another member that probably has the game, but isn’t as obsessed as you
will beg you for shooting star fragments if you get any though. please get this man a wand
does not get WHY you’re trying so hard on your island layout. literally only wants one villager, his island can go to shit so long as he has that one villager
that one villager is probably gonna be molly or something
another member who learns how to imitate animal crossing speak, except his voice is already in the correct pitch
makes fun of you complaining about a villager you hate but it all comes back to bite him in the ass once moose shows up on his island and he gets it
you guys are having a competition to see who can get sprinkle on your island first
spoiler alert: he wins, he stole her from seonghwa
(he steals a lot from seonghwa)
overall happy with the fact that you guys have a game to play together
but if you grind too hard on your own and ignore him for hours at a time can and will invade your island to steal your fruit and trample your flowers. AND send you spam mail
❥ choi jongho
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doesn’t care for the game, and he’s mostly chill too so he’ll probably just vibe in the other room while you play, waiting for you to finish so he can do something with you
comes out a few hours later when you’re (still) lying on the couch, angrily button mashing while muttering curses to yourself
he’s really confused tbh, he’s seen yeosang play, he knows you don’t gotta go that hard to be a successful mayor, so he HAS to ask what the fuck you’re so mad about
“i’m TRYING to catch a blittering at the moment, but i keep getting these stupid carps!!! i have a debt to pay off, god!!”
becomes infinitely more amused with the game after that point
he thinks its so funny how someone could get heated while playing through probably the most relaxing game ever
watches you fish; he enjoys the puns and seeing you get frustrated when you keep catching those goddamn carps
probably takes the switch from you at one point to try his hand at it and catches a koi fish in his first five minutes
“i guess you just suck at fishing, y/n”
overall pretty unbothered by your love for the game until you start ignoring him
then he will threaten your in-game apples, saying he’s .2s away from stealing one of his members’ switches just to brawl with your trees
and we all know who’s gonna win between jongho and apples
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7-wonders · 5 years
How about Xavier and the reader smoking (weed) in his van and y’all just start making out? (It can lead into whatever you want lol)
Let’s try this again!
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To many, the van parked in the back corner of the aerobics studio parking lot would barely warrant a second glance. If somebody were to look again, it was often to chuckle at the license plate proclaiming the van the “Vanta-C,” or to wrinkle their nose in disgust at such a junky old van. It was inconspicuous in all the right ways, which is what made the Vanta-C the perfect place to unwind after class…and sometimes before class.
Xavier, you have to admit, has some of the best weed you’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Luckily for you (and everybody Xavier’s friends with), Xavier believes in sharing his stash, claiming that smoking alone is too depressing for him. At least once a week, some variety of your friend group will pile into Xavier’s van, listen to music, and share a couple of joints. It’s a fun time no matter who’s there with you, but your favorite days are when it’s just you and Xavier in his van.
You’re sitting in the back of Xavier’s van, leaning against the cool seat and allowing the air conditioning to cool you down after a heavy aerobics class. A joint lies beside you, unlit, as you flip through Xavier’s extensive collection of cassette tapes. The man in question leans over the center console, switching out one tape in his cassette player for another. He’s mumbling under his breath as he stretches his lithe arm towards the play button, finally hitting it and starting the tape.
The familiar sounds of Journey’s classic synth music fill the air, and you eagerly bob your head to the rhythm as Xavier sits down opposite you. “Finally, some good music,” you note approvingly.
“What, you don’t like the regular music we play?” He holds out his hand for the joint, striking a lighter and expertly getting it started as he takes a few quick puffs.
“Correction: I don’t like Ray’s music.” You gratefully accept the joint, letting the sweet smoke fill your lungs and watching as it filters above you in delicate shapes. “His idea of a mixtape is just different George Michael songs, and I’m pretty sure I’ll end up cutting my ears off if I have to listen to ‘Faith’ one more time.”
“What do you have against George Michael?” Xavier asks jokingly, watching with hooded blue eyes as you take another hit and hold the smoke deep in your lungs before exhaling through your nose: a trick you had learned from Xavier himself.
“‘Dunno, probably the stupid earring,” you tease, flicking Xavier’s cross earring that’s a direct imitation of George Michael’s.
Xavier whistles lowly, stealing the joint from you and holding it between his slender fingers. “Harsh, (Y/N). I share my stash with you and make you a mixtape, and this is how you repay me?”
“You made me a mix? Is that,“ you point to the speakers at the front of the van, “what this is? My very own mixtape?” You’re laying the teasing on pretty thick, but you can’t help it when you know it makes Xavier’s cheeks flush a beautiful shade of pink.
Lately, things have been different between you and Xavier. Not in a bad way, but just in an unexpected way. Ever since the night last winter where you had found him throwing up in some dingy bathroom at a house party, unknown troubles that you didn’t both to ask about sending him straight into the arms of alcohol poisoning, your dynamic had changed.
Suddenly, he wasn’t just Montana’s cocky ex who you only tolerated because all of your other friends adored him. He’s funny, and introspective, and a lot smarter than you originally gave him credit for. You can talk with him for hours about almost anything, although your conversations usually deviated towards music and pop culture. He understood you on a different level than any of your other friends.
He’s also devastatingly handsome, which doesn’t help the small crush you’ve developed on him.
“It’s nothing, really,” Xavier shrugs nonchalantly. “You have a really good taste in music, and I wanted to make something for you to listen to.”
“Thanks, Xav.” You’re touched by this unexpected display of friendship, the man in front of you not really known for doing nice things for people.
Xavier fidgets with his earring before thrusting the joint in your direction, not quite sure what to say to fill the silence. “Here, it’s your turn.”
You both fall quiet as you listen to the music and pass the joint back and forth, your movements getting slower and more languid as the drug begins to take effect. You can feel your veins thrumming with the relaxing heat that begins to spread through you, watching Xavier through the hazy smoke that fills the van.
“What are you thinking about?” you ask quietly, leaning your head back against the side of Xavier’s van.
What Xavier wants to say is that he’s thinking about the way your eyelashes flutter as you try to follow the smoke with your eyes, or how pretty your lips look wrapped around the rolled-up paper. Instead, he plays it safe. “Mmm, just life. Plans for the summer.”
The blue of Xavier’s eyes is nearly swallowed whole by his blown-out pupils, giggling at how freaked-out his dilated eyes make him look. Staring at the smooth planes of his face as your fingers tap out the beat to an AC/DC song, an idea starts to form in your mind. Normally, if you weren’t high, you’d never even consider what you’re thinking. Being high, however, silences the part of your brain that reminds you how disastrous your ideas can be.
Flipping the joint so the cherry faces you, you slowly place it between Xavier’s full lips, smirking lazily when his breath hitches at the contact. His eyes are glued to your hand, watching as your fingers linger against the soft skin of his lips. Breathing in deeply, he makes a move of his own when the warm smoke escapes his mouth as he blows it in your face. You stifle a cough, looking away like you didn’t just try to come onto Xavier.
Across from you, Xavier is internally freaking out. Was that unintentional, or were you trying to seduce him like he hopes you were? For his sake, he really hopes that you were attempting to make a move on him.
“Can I try something?” Xavier asks suddenly, making you look down from the ceiling.
“Sure?” Your eyes are pleading with him for answers, but he refuses to budge.
Xavier takes a couple of deep breaths from the joint, filling his lungs with as much smoke as possible. Winking at you, he shuffles forward and places his hand on the nape of your neck, pulling you towards him and pressing his lips to yours in a heated kiss.
There’s hardly a moment’s hesitation as you eagerly reciprocate the kiss. The smoke travels from Xavier to you as he slips his tongue inside your mouth, giving you no choice but to breathe it in. Your hands, desperate to grab onto something, tangle in Xavier’s beautiful hair. He doesn’t even complain about you messing up his precious locks, instead setting down the joint on a stray ashtray so it doesn’t set the van on fire and wrapping his other hand around your waist so he can lay you down against the floor.
Your back meets with the carpet of his van, and you stare at Xavier through the hazy air in ecstasy as he slides your shirt off of your body. Rolling his hips against yours, you can feel his sizable bulge already through his shorts.
Xavier’s hands, large and veiny, pull your bra down your chest to expose your breasts. “I fuckin’ knew your tits would be gorgeous, even when you’re wearing your workout clothes I just knew.”
He continues to kiss you as his hands explore your body, moaning his approval as your hands start to mimic his actions. His lean body fits perfectly against yours, and you take your time to explore each and every curve of his muscles as he sucks your bottom lip into his mouth and pulls slightly.
You need more, crave more, and you begin thrusting your legging-clad hips against him to the heavy, slow beat of the song booming from the speakers.
“Fuck, Xav,” you pant from under him, kissing him again. “I want you.”
“Yeah? Tell me what you want.”
“Want,” you pause to moan when he begins to suck a hickey against your neck, “want you to fuck me.”
Xavier nods, lifting away from you to allow you to sit up on your elbows so he can unclip your bra. He winks at you as he seems to move in slow motion, kissing you once more and humming along to “Still Loving You.”
“It’s a good thing you like The Scorpions, ‘cause this is a perfect sex song.”
“Actually, there’s no ‘the’ before Scorpions. A lot of people think there is, but the band is just Scorpions.” The words escape before you can even think to stop them, your eyes widening in embarrassment.
“Fuck, it’s so hot that you know random shit like that,” Xavier leans down to kiss you again, fingers playing with the waist of your leggings.
You’re both so wrapped up in each other, the weed and the euphoria of the situation making it almost impossible to focus on anything else, that neither of you notice the door to the van sliding open until an excited squeal has both of you scrambling away from each other. The sunlight filtering in does nothing to reveal who’s standing in front of you at first, the two silhouettes taking a moment to become a smug Montana and an embarrassed Chet. Xavier covers you with his body, but you still grab your shirt and hold it in front of your chest for some semblance of modesty.
“I’m so sorry, guys, I just needed to pick up my gym bag?” Xavier’s eyes flicker to where Chet is pointing, seeing the red, white, and blue gym bag that Chet had asked to stash in the van prior to class. Xavier nods slowly, avoiding eye contact with everybody as he pushes the bag with his foot, allowing Chet to snatch it up.
“Well, I guess we’ll let you two horny lovebirds get back to it,” Montana says gleefully.
“‘Tana,” you whine, pleading with her to stop as you wish for the ground to open up beneath you and swallow you whole.
“Alright, alright.” She holds up her hands disarmingly, grabbing at the handle of the door and winking at you as she starts to close it. “Wrap it before you tap it, babes!” Montana shouts before the door closes.
Xavier’s only able to mutter a stunned “oh my God” as he stares at the space where his friends occupied only moments ago. Turning to you to make sure you’re okay, he’s momentarily concerned when he finds you with your head in your hands and your shoulders shaking. When he hears your near-hysteric laughter, he can’t help but smile.
“What the fuck just happened?” you gasp out between peals of laughter, tears nearly streaming from your face as you begin to put your bra back on: a sight that makes Xavier worry.
“Y’know, we don’t have to stop just because of a little interruption,” Xavier trails off, placing his hand on yours in an attempt to get things back on track.
“How did that not kill the mood for you?” you chuckle, pushing his hand away and sliding your shirt over your head. “Aw, don’t look so sad! There’ll be another chance for you to score, I’m sure.”
Xavier sighs, picking up the joint and sadly taking a hit. “Fuckin’ Montana.”
Quick Tag List: @ccodyfern @1-800-bitchcraft @divinelangdon @lvngdvns @wroteclassicaly @tcc-gizmachine @xavierplympton @michaelsapostle 
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