#theseus is so cute
ak-dolly · 5 months
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beautiful man appreciation post
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freedomforthewin · 1 year
Brotherly Closeness—An Imagine
Imagine Theseus is sitting next to Newt and starts to get tired. He decides to use Newt’s shoulder as a pillow to take a nap on. Theseus lays his head onto Newt’s shoulder and gets himself settled. The older brother falls fast asleep.
When Newt realizes this, Newt looks at him, a little unsure at first. But then he smiles at his sleeping brother. Newt leans the side of his head against Theseus’s and relaxes into the closeness. The younger brother falls asleep.
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stillgotme · 1 year
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A Moment in the Corridor Pt. I (ft. @salemsimss)
When the new girl on the ship pickpockets you and steals your black tourmaline crystal from your pants so you go find her to get it back and the both of you end up getting to know each other and now you don't want her to leave when she's needed back at security
Part 2 →
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nereb-and-dungalef · 1 year
i love you darning i love you visible mending i love you sashiko i love you embroidery i love you clothes that are more patch than not i love you upcycling i love you punk fashion
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bloomingbluebell · 2 months
*plays hades 1 for 2 minutes* i miss melinoë :(
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ancientgreekyuri · 11 months
im glad it's generally agreed upon that Theseus' face turns red when he gets mad btw
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thefirstvessel · 10 months
The way I had to be spoiled on the ENTIRETY of Land of The Lustrous so far to actually have ANY interest in it, only to be absolutely enamored conceptually with Phos?
OH- I need to read that manga now
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sneaky-tank · 1 month
Working on building a cutie a new body.
Walking them through the configuration process of their new skeleton, taking measurements like a tailor, fine tuning offsets and sizes via VR motion tests.
Either ship of theseus conversion of their brain or taking a scan while holding their hand.
Helping them build the skills to control peripherals from limbs to sensors.
Starting the print for their brand new skeleton, nerves, and the tooling for molding their soft features.
Watching their body slowly coalesce from different lentil-like plastic pellets used artfully and intentionally.
Installing and sealing their brain into their skeleton, so they can feel and enjoy the process of being freed from their soluble support structure.
Manually washing them down with solvents to melt away all the support scaffolding, freeing up their joints for the very first time and testing their range of motion before they even have their motors installed.
Taking them out of the spray down station and dutifully bolting each of their motors in place, crimping ferrules onto the leads, and connecting their motors and encoders for the very first time.
Giving them a few moments to amble around on their own, doing the pre-overmolding checklist to ensure they can hold the right position as their soft features are molded on.
Finally, you lead them gently by the hand to the molding machine, they stand in place, and a suit of armor specifically tailored to them assembles around them to have the spaces filled with their soft artificial skin.
Indecent for the first time in their new life, you kiss them on the cheek and dress them in the standard hospital gown and guide them to the auto-tailor that has already sewn their new outfits of choice to perfectly match their new form.
For the first time in their life, everything fits. Perfectly. Not a single hitch or tear, everything just as tight or loose as they want it. They fill out their outfit perfectly and you stand there in awe even though this is your 6,735th time. It really never gets old.
This time is special though, because you'll be spending the rest of your unnatural lives together. This is the last hour of your last day, and you walk out for the last time. For the first time hand in hand with your gorgeous handsome beautiful cute adorable pretty breathtaking perfect partner.
It's time to enjoy eternity, together, no need to worry about 'in sickness or in health', and death will never do us part.
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room-surprise · 2 months
PSA: There are no Dungeons in Dungeon Meshi! They're labyrinths!
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When the characters in the manga talk about dungeons, in Japanese they are actually using the word 迷宮 (meikyū) which means labyrinth. The connotation based on the kanji used is a palace or castle with many confusing rooms. The word “dungeon” (ダンジョン, danjon) is only every used in the manga’s title, when the narrator of the manga is referring to the title ("ahh Dungeon Meshi!"), or when Kui discusses dungoniums (ダンジョニウム/Danjoniumu) which she describes in the world guide as miniature dungeons, built to emulate a labyrinth.
The English loan word “dungeon” is most likely intended to catch Japanese reader’s eyes because it is foreign and exotic, and lead them into a false sense of security because of the Japanese pop culture perception of “dungeon” as a relatively harmless place where characters have formulaic adventures and gather resources as part of a game, or a game-like story.
“Dungeons” in Japanese pop culture can be sinister, but they have come to mean something as innocuous as “level” or “environment.” The early story of Dungeon Meshi is lighthearted and full of comedy, which reinforces this idea and leads readers to believe that the labyrinth in the story is just a generic backdrop with little inherent importance, like it is in many fantasy stories. However, Kui repeatedly suggests the labyrinth is not benign, that it is itself a monster and that anyone foolish enough to go into it is at risk of becoming food, and being devoured.
Before the word dungeon came to generically mean “place to exploit for resources” in fantasy fiction and gaming, its primary meaning was prison. So then the title “Dungeon Meshi” actually means “prison meal.” But who or what does the prison in Dungeon Meshi contain? Of all the people in the dungeon, who are the prisoners? And what does a “prison meal” really mean? A meal eaten by prisoners? A meal cooked by prisoners? A meal cooked using prisoners as ingredients? All of these meanings are implied and hinted at in the manga.
The characters in the story call the dungeon a labyrinth, which is a word that means a maze-like prison, specifically one that traps innocent young people and a man-eating monster inside. Both the monster and its food, the people, are prisoners… But which of them will die and be eaten? Who will escape the labyrinth in the end, and what will it cost them?
You’ll have to read Dungeon Meshi to find out!
But so, you may ask, Mushroom, aside from all that stuff you just said, why does the dungeon/labyrinth distinction matter?
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(Using the cute version here to protect anyone with arachnophobia)
These are giant spiders that the elves use to produce silk, which they use to make the armor the Canaries wear. Though we don’t know for sure, it’s likely the spiders are domesticated in order to make farming their silk easier.
Ariadne is the name of an Ancient Greek mythological character, and may be derived from the Ancient Cretan dialectical elements ari (ἀρι-) "most" (which is an intensive prefix) and adnós (ἀδνός) "holy", but the exact origins of the name are unknown. It may be pre-Greek and not from the Indo-European language family at all.
Ariadne was a princess of Crete that helped the hero Thesus escape from the maze/dungeon that contained the minotaur by giving Theseus a ball of magic thread. 
The spiders in the manga have a pattern on their backs that looks like a maze, and their silk thread is the thing that protects the Canaries while they’re in the dungeon, and allows them to make it back out alive. The elves may consider the spiders “most holy” because they provide the means for them to protect themselves in battle.
Having the elves use a giant spider as a type of livestock might also be a playful reference to the drow (dark elves) of Dungeons & Dragons, since they worship a spider goddess, and Kui’s elves probably don’t worship the spiders if they’re using them as livestock… Though it’s also possible that they have a reverence for the spiders similar to the way cows are worshiped in parts of India, since some of elven culture appears to be based on South Asia!
Minos, Ariadne’s father, prayed to the God Poseidon to help him defeat his brothers and become king. He was sent a snow-white bull as a sign of the God’s favor. Minos was supposed to sacrifice the bull to Posiedon to show his gratitude, but because it was so beautiful Minos kept it, and sacrificed a different, inferior bull instead. 
To punish Minos, Poseidon made Mino’s wife fall in love with the bull, which resulted in her mating with it and giving birth to a half-man, half-bull monster, a minotaur that could only survive by eating human flesh. King Minos constructed a labyrinth to hide the proof of his family’s shame and keep the minotaur trapped inside it.
In order to avoid war with King Minos, the people of Athens made a bargain, and every few years they sent 14 youths from their noble families to Minos as a sacrifice. These young men and women were sent into the labyrinth, where they became lost and trapped, and were eventually eaten by the minotaur. This continued until Ariadne fell in love with one of the Athenian youths, Theseus, and gave him a ball of magic thread which allowed him to kill the minotaur and escape the labyrinth.
There’s many ways this tale parallels the story of Dungeon Meshi. The ancients used the demon to accomplish their goals, and eventually their use of the demon’s power and their failure to control it led to them having to imprison the demon in a maze, and conceal its existence from the rest of the world. Now the elves, the descendants of the ancients, regularly “sacrifice” some of the children of their noble families to the dungeon, in an attempt to keep the demon from breaking free and destroying the world…
(This is an excerpt from my Dungeon Meshi essay.)
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hellenhighwater · 8 months
I know it's a typo, but you calling the smallest minotaur minitaur is so cute.... and then I remembered Theseus ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ
It's not a typo! He's very small.
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freedomforthewin · 1 year
Theseus Feeding Baby Creatures—An Imagine
Imagine Theseus Scamander has one of Newt’s baby creatures in Theseus's lap. He bottle feeds the baby creature, smiling down at it and being very tender with it, as it looks up at him lovingly.
CUTENESS. OVERLOAD. 😊😊😊 And I think Newt would agree with us on that :)
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stillgotme · 1 year
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𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕜𝕚𝕤𝕤
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sits-bound · 5 months
Bound: Exposure
(and Complete: The GallaPlacidia series*)
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This one is slightly different from the rest - I ran out of the blue canvas I bound the rest with, so I used some faux leather (from the dollar tree!) instead. I can pretend it’s because I wanted to make the last one extra fancy. Also I splurged on the expensive "artisanal" (eyeroll) paper from Joann's.
And this completes my series of GallaPlacidia binds!
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*Ok, there is one I chose not to bind because I don’t love love it.
My first bind was Ship of Theseus and it’s fun to see how far I’ve come since then.
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I didn’t know what would happen if you got glue on your cover. (And judging by the pic of all the spines, I didn’t really learn from my mistakes.)
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Check out the typeset! The spacing between paragraphs and the left justification. Awww! Cute. I also learned a lot about the moisture from glue and how to keep your pages from wrinkling. Also paper grain.
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I’m happy to have this project done. It looks so nice all lined up on my shelf!
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dionysism · 1 month
what are some of your favorite greek myth artworks? (doesn't have to be made in ancient greece i mean from any time)
oh i'm so thrilled you asked me this. buckle up though because i love way too many pieces just to pick a few so this may get long lol
starting with some john singer sargent paintings because man i love his mythos works i'm obsessed with his style i wish he painted odysseus
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atlas and the hesperides by john singer sargent
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perseus on pegasus slaying medusa & orestes pursued by the furies both by sargent
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the judgement of paris & chiron and achilles by sargent
and also what my curent pfp is from:
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apollo and the muses by sargent
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circe by frederick s church
i posted this a few days ago actually but it is one my favs so i'll include it again here
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the reconciliation of helen and paris after his defeat by menelaus by richard westall (right)
not sure where the variation from the left comes from, but i like it a lot too so i'm putting both
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this is from ancient greece i'm pretty sure, but when i reverse image search it i don't get much. but i adore this pottery art her little puffed out cheeks she's so cute.... and why the dude to left side eyeing her!!! what a hater i bet she's playing a lovely tune!!
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the judgement of paris by paul altherr
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clytemnestra by john collier
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bacchanalia, the battle of love by paul cezanne
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bacchus, venus and ariadne by tintoretto
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theseus and the minotaur by edward burne-jones
love theseus's cunty bob here and obsessed with how cute the minotaur looks they're playing hide and seek actually guys. they're best friends don't even worry
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reunion of odysseus and telemachus by henri-lucien doucet
this one gets me so bad guys. just fucking look at them oh my godddd the way he;s holding him... the kiss to the cheek... i'm on the floor
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the meeting of ulysses and penelope by john francis rigaud
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odysseus and penelope reunited by newell convers wyeth
not a big fan of blonde odysseus but i do adore the penelope here and their pose
there's more i want to include but this is starting to get long so i'm going to add some statues and be done
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this statue of orestes and electra. i admit i don't know who the artist is i just love the way they're holding each other and the fact that she's taller than him. and her short hair (which i know is because of mourning, they're infront of agamemnon's tomb, but also my butch elektra agenda... you get it)
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apollo and daphne by bernini
i would kill to see this in person. like please gods if i could only see one more famous statue in person in my life time let it be this one
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psyche revived by cupid's kiss by antonio canova
a basic answer but i mean come on. this statue is so fucking beautiful i might get it tattooed
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sleeping hermaphroditus (artist unknown, mattress by bernini)
love this one the statue is actually from ancient rome while the mattress is from the 1600s
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another one i've posted before but roman statue of odysseus escaping polyphemus' cave beneath a ram
hope this wasn't dreadfully long but thanks so much for this ask i love going into mythos art!! maybe i'll do a separate post for my favorite pottery arts made in ancient times at some point
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ancientgreekyuri · 5 months
My love, do forgive my unannounced arrival — but far be it from I to hold myself from accompanying my heart whilst she undergoes a trying time. Only an honorless fool would be so callous; long have I proclaimed that you will forever have my arm in support, and support is what you shall have, both of mine and of good Asterius. The blessed bonds of our union are stronger than all else, I know this to be true — and you know this also, beloved heart. Call upon our aid whenever you wish, and Asterius and I will be with you. Our strength is your own, as it always shall be.
— Theseus, Hero of Athens, Champion of Elysium, and yours in eternity.
ohhh.......oouuuu....... thank you for such the lovely and kind message....... im sorry that im mentally ill in a way where i had to actively psyche myself up to read it.......... it's very sweet and it means a lot to me, truly.......
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leclerc-s · 6 months
so american
series masterlist
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logansargeant posted a new story
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hey! this pretty girl has 5 extra songs coming out soon! go stream or else!
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liked by lilymhe, maejonesverstappen, logansargeant and others
zoyatorres we're so american
tagged: logansargeant
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logansargeant POOKIE I LOVE YOU!
↳ zoyatorres NO POOKIE, I LOVE YOU!
user92 see we knew the song was about him but the caption is still so cute.
lilymhe when is it my turn to get a love song written about me?
↳ zoyatorres this just means alex_albon needs to step up his game!
↳ alex_albon how am i supposed to compete with 'he's like a poem i wish i wrote' i can't!
logansargeant keep this shit up and i'm going to marry you
↳ zoyatorres logan sargeant are you proposing to moi?
↳ charles_leclerc i sure hope that's not on how he plans to ask you.
↳ jensonbutton as do i. i taught you better than this logan.
↳ logansargeant IT'S A LYRIC IN THE SONG!
user45 no one is doing it like them.
irisapatow okay, i guess you guys are cute.
↳ logansargeant POOKIE! I GOT THE APPROVAL!
↳ zoyatorres LET'S GO! IRIS I LOVE YOU!
user31 those are my parents guys!! they're so fucking cute!!
user20 it's such a cute love song for a girl who's never released a love song before. (i'm not talking about gross!)
rhysjones just two americans in love, for once. everyone seems to love dating people from different countries.
↳ isabellaperez i would argue against but it seems to be true. they are the only couple from the same country.
oscarpiastri you wrote a love song about the guy who tripped over air and ended up covered in mud before your first date?
↳ isabellaperez it's okay logan, he almost shit his pants the first time he met my mom and brother.
↳ oscarpiastri do you hate me?
maejonesverstappen this is so cute. the song is so cute, i'm obsessed one could say.
↳ rhysjones that was a horrible joke, never joke again.
↳ maejonesverstappen i will revoke your paddock passes.
user04 i sincerely hope logan knows how lucky he is to be dating zoya.
↳ logansargeant i am very much aware.
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not taggable: @Mimolovescookies @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @Smnthnclj @melissayalene @nothanqks @ragioniera @anytimeanywherebitchblog @burberryfilms @lorenaskaspersen @My-fangirling-outlet
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i am devastated about what williams decided to do, but that is because i have a soft spot for my fellow american, so this is what happens. it's a little short but that's okay. lastly, manifesting points for williams tomorrow. hope their decision works out for them.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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