husbandomail · 2 months
Congrats on the move! Hope you have a lovely dayyy!
May I be one of your first requests on the blog~? 🥹
Idk if you still do HCs or Scenarios or the like, but, whatever you have that’s fun for you -- Can i request for ygo zexal’s Black Mist 💜✨ With a confident but gentle nb implied reader? Who teaches Mist how to have their first lil kiss? >:3
this actually was one of the first new requests to land lmao, sorry for the wait!! typing this up on my phone so I hope the formatting behaves nfghdlk
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"—c'mon now, focus."
Dark Mist huffs as you croon at him; he's heard you use that same tone on stray cats, and he's not sure he appreciates the implications. "I'm a free being," he scowls and crosses his arms. "If you'd like my attention, try to be more interesting than the cherry blossoms."
"Well, that's a bit of a tall order." Your voice is almost lost to the sounds of summer— Heartland may be heavily artificial, but the sakura trees in the park are very, very real. On one of your rare days off, you've found a nice shady spot to spread your blanket and unpack your lunch. It seems most of Heartland had the same idea, because you're surrounded by life; bugs and birds chirping from amidst the bright pink blossoms overhead, families with young children playfully kicking through gathered piles of fallen petals.
And in the middle of it all drifts Number 96, a sentient dark spot in the middle of the brightest day all year. You pat the soft fabric of your picnic blanket once more. "C'mon, come down here, with me."
Dark Mist rolls his eyes but floats down anyways. He scowls in the direction of a particularly loud child, and then at you when you laugh. He wrinkles his nose and sniffs dismissively. "I don't see why humans enjoy this so much."
You shrug, glancing from his face back to the flowers. "Oh, y'know. The miracles of life and nature. Limited-time events that only happen once a year. Fleeting moments of connection with strangers. And," a teasing smile ghosts across your face, "it's romantic."
The alien shudders at that, but he can't hide the way his glow flares, and you know you've caught his attention. "Romance," he makes a face as if the word is sour on his tongue. "What a strange thing to be such a driving force in humanity. One might even be compelled to call it—"
You roll your eyes and, before 96 can get lost in his superiority monologue, you lean over and press your mouth against his.
It takes a moment for Mist's mind to catch up with him; still getting used to a physical form, the sheer sensation of you is almost overwhelming, all his new senses flooded with a warmth and comfort he's never had the chance to experience in his mimicry of life. Even after you pull back, he's stiff and wide-eyed, his natural glow tinged a shade of pink you're not sure you've ever seen.
"D'ya get it now, hmm?"
Your voice jolts him out of his daze, and Dark Mist quickly paints another scowl across his flustered face. "Of course not," he huffs. "That wasn't nearly enough experience to form a cohesive opinion."
"Oh?" You playfully flutter your lashes in his direction. "Are you saying we need to try that whole thing again?"
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husbandomail-archive · 7 months
iN HONor of your trip to Build-A-Bear the other week, may I pls request some HCs for an person who takes either Astral or Number 96 there? And gets them their own friend ;v;?
(no pref on who, just whomever of the floaty boys you think would have funnier reactions lmao)
this turned into a thing of its own so I hope this is okay!!
It’s not uncommon for you to drag the aliens along without explaining yourself; Dark Mist has learned not to ask many questions anymore, so Astral asks enough for the both of them. You would think that he’d be better at narrowing down possible locations by now. “The grocery store?” He floats alongside you, studying your face as you respond to each question; Dark Mist just scoffs and shoots every guess down before you can with an “Obviously that’s wrong!”
Eventually you arrive at the mall, and no matter how many times you bring them both here, they light up like children— even 96 can’t hide the curiosity or excitement on his face as he flies past other people, trying his best to swipe food off tables in the food court and scowling as his hands phase through everything. Astral has given up trying to keep the other one on a metaphorical leash, but you do catch him rolling his eyes as he stays by your side.
And then, finally, you lead them through the entrance to the shop you’ve been looking for— Build-a-Bear. The store’s setup hardly ever changes; the walls by the door are lined with unstuffed plushies, although a few are stuffed and dressed and on display. Immediately, Number 96 crossed his arms, scoffing; he’s deeply out of place, a living shadow floating amidst bright splashes of color. He’ll complain, of course— “what’s the point of so much time and money spent on such dull things?”
Of course, hovering near the plushies, Astral has a long and vaguely complicated answer. “Humans have a propensity to develop attachments for inanimate objects,” he points out, trying to scoop up a toy with fur as blue as he is. “It stands to reason that contributing to the creation of a stuffed toy—”
“Enough,” you sigh. At this point you’re so used to their presence, you almost forget to lower your voice; you’re the only one here who can see them, after all, and more than once you’ve been caught ‘talking to yourself’ in public. You glance over your shoulder and fix them both with a pointed stare. “I just want a nice trip to the mall— you two are going to get along for at least two hours. Now, c’mere and help me pick.”
Astral is more than excited to help put together a stuffed animal; even though he’s not usually capable of touch, it’s thrilling to have something that belongs to him, especially knowing you’re the one putting thought into it for him. The shelves are lined with all sorts of animal options— bears of all colors, naturally; the iconic axolotls you’ve seen online; a handful of Sanrio characters that rotate with the seasons. Unsurprisingly, he’s incredibly indecisive, drawn to practically everything in the store. He eventually decides on one of the alien bears, and you can’t say you’re surprised.
Also unsurprisingly, 96 doesn’t feel like cooperating. He turns his face away every time you hold up one of the plushies for his opinion, and there’s only so much you can do before you start to draw attention— but then you grab what turns out to be a dinosaur, of all things. A pterodactyl. And Dark Mist’s eyes light up in an expression you’ve never seen on his normally-sour face. When you grin at his obvious excitement, he scowls and turns away again. You saw that tiny grin, no matter how much he tries to deny it.
When you bring the two toys over to the big stuffing machine, Dark Mist is absolutely cringing at the little heart-warming ritual. Rub the fabric heart on your forehead, warm it in your hands, hold it to your own heart and make a wish— be grateful nobody else can see or hear him, because he’s gagging. For his part, Astral will have a lot of questions about it later— at the moment, though, he’s busy phasing through the glass of the stuffing machine and watching the fluff tumble around him.
After the two toys are stuffed and sewn shut— you’d made a point to make a loud, goofy wish as you’d warmed the heart for Dark Mist’s dinosaur, and he’d made an ugly face back at you— you start wandering through the displays of clothing for the stuffed animals. Your two boys hover close behind you, although Astral is clearly so excited that you’re almost convinced you can feel him vibrating at a different frequency than usual. Still, he does his best to remain respectful and not let his energy overtake him. “—you can choose whatever you want, y’know,” You keep your voice quiet, but Astral flickers to life anyways, immediately diving towards a bright pair of high-tops for his bear alien. Number 96 stays staunchly at your side, arms crossed, face fixed in a deep scowl. You’ll have to get through to him some other way.
You follow after Astral as he point out clothes; he does have a vague understanding of human money, so you find him debating between three shirts because he doesn’t want to empty your wallet. Wandering away on your own, you pick over the other end of the tiny clothing racks; not many things here are dinosaur-shaped, so you can’t blame Dark Mist for his lack of enthusiasm. You grab something random off the shelf and hold it up for him. “This one buttons up,” you point out, “so you could get it over the lil guy’s big head.”
96’s scowl deepens. “My dinosaur isn’t some kind of dweeb,” he hisses, swatting at the toy shirt in your hands. You just snicker at him. “Show me what you’d rather he wear, then. Or I’m putting him in the worst outfit I can find.”
Dark Mist knows he’s being goaded. Astral knows he’s being goaded. You know he’s being goaded. But you win the stare-down anyways— grumbling under his breath, Number 96 reluctantly waves in the direction of a different shirt, and then maybe a few accessories. You’ll have to take whatever you can get with him.
At the end of the day, once you and your aliens and your empty wallet are home, Astral is very open about enjoying his new stuffed animal. “What’re you gonna name it?” your question is casual, but he takes it seriously, staring into the bearlien’s large eyes. “I shall need time to deliberate,” he admits eventually. “I do not believe I’ve ever had such a large responsibility before.”
“It’s a toy, dimwit,” Dark Mist hisses from his spot above the couch. “It doesn’t even need a name. It doesn’t mean anything.” Despite that, he refuses to move away from where his bright blue pterodactyl is nestled among pillows in front of the television. You fix him with a flat stare. “In that case, I’ll keep yours, since you don’t seem to want him.”
The aura that permanently surrounds Dark Mist flushes an unusual shade of pink for him, but he holds your gaze with just as much determination. “Don’t you dare—!”
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shifuto · 2 years
Happy New Year! For the character bingo! I bring an easy one~ (No.96)
And one that might be a curveball? (V/Chris)
Oh, thank you!! Here's the original if other people wanna send in some
96 is my avatar here and have been for a while, you can imagine how much I like this dude lmao
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V is alright? I mean.. it's really sad that he could've had such great characterization but he got reduced to some tall guy with a pretty face ): ):
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numercnnightingale · 4 days
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I guess it goes to show (does it not?)
We've no idea what we've got (until we lose it)
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itsana004 · 8 months
Here's another pierce low quality meme for ya afshshsg
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aygozineproduction · 6 months
KATTOBINGU! Zexal Zine Line Up!
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Hartland City welcomes you to the most exciting event of the year, and we're honored to introduce our exciting and talented lineup! Come check them out!
@6amcoffe | @angeat | @bassomega | Cera | cinnamonconi | @cyberdragoninfinity | @imaginarystormz | Koko | @laststrix | madicham | MoltenGates | NiaLumin | Njike | @onegroovyrose | @popflythesky | @thesilverlock | @thetrainticket | @warchord | @zakurarain
EvilBalwan | @pleuvoire | Sorrel | @darkxyzduelist
@ayabit | jadenyugi9 | Kiya | @justanotherotakuandartist | RheaLightning | Rukuluc
@borreloadsavagedragon [COSPLAY] | Veguito [COVER]
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roseycanvas · 17 days
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Amazing art of my OCs (the Shingetsu family) by @thesilverlock
I can't say enough how much I love this! Might be changing my pfp later
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thesilverlock · 4 months
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There are also some ZEXAL Boys inspired phone wallpapers up on my shop for a limited time! ❤️🩵💜💛
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ygocookbookzine · 7 months
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Here’s one of our talented merch artists, @thesilverlock !!
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cozymochi · 7 months
9 people you’d like to get to know better
I GOT TAGGED BY @idaaliis probably a billion years ago, but I only saw it now by happenstance 🫡 THANKS THO, EVEN IF IM A LIL’ LATE!!! Ever dug through the tag of your own url?? You either find gold or mistakes. This was gold rn.
1. Three ships: 🪷 x Whoever I feel like in the moment. That counts as 3. Wait maybe i have others but I’m gonna just hold off.
2. First ever ship: Legitimately don’t remember. I was never a strong shipper, NOT TO SAY THEY DIDN’T EXIST I just can’t remember anything at the moment! I think I’m more casual about it now.
3. Last song: The songs are going by real fast but it’s the entire Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack
4. Last movie: Legally Blonde
5. Currently reading: at the moment nothing, but I’m perusing potential victims (ACTUALLY MEANT TO FINISH READING THE PUMPKIN QUEEN LOL never did though)
6. Currently watching: Nothing- WAIT I THINK I’m on/off trying to finish Phineas and Ferb. WHY??? Idk. Never saw season 3 and 4 😭 so this is unknown territory for me. I should be watching normal things, not revisiting something I watched 10 yrs ago, but, maybe I wanna be versed before the revival drops.
7. Currently consuming: Nothing, a homie is at work 😔😔
8. Currently craving: SOME RESPECT
9 people to tag: @thesilverlock @pallotdip @oddberryshortcake @dbzebra @akai-joou @irafuwas @the-trinket-witch @llondonfog @atwstedstory ….
none of u have to do this 😩 🩷 heck tagging might be OFF LIMITS for all i know
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cyberslasharpie · 1 year
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Into the depths....✨☄️ A cell style com for @thesilverlock, thank you!
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pallotdip · 2 years
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🌗 happy birthday @thesilverlock !! 🌗
it’s your day today weehee! i hope it has been well! love ya lots and lots!!! 🥳🥰💞💞💕💕 i’m so thankful i’m your friend! you’re such a wonderful person to be with and i love spending time with ya! <33
you 🤝 me
rambling about the blobs for HOURS 🌗
it’s honestly super fun how we bounce off each other like that >:D exchanging thoughts very fast moment ™
drawing the patterns was so fun????? i must revisit this someday, it was all sorts of fun madness XD
i love youuuuu! >:] 💙💜
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Hello! Hope you’re okay♡! If you are still accepting requests, I have one after all this time agshj
I was wondering if I could please get either a headcanon post Or a scenario one (whichever is easier and more fun for you to do nowadays, honestly! I know you have a lot on your plate, and I’ll love either <3) with Yuma Tsukumo?
About a protective and gender neutral MC with a kinda ‘sixth sense’ for knowing when the boy needs comforting? And has a habit of sudden appearing outside his window at odd hours of the night to give comfort snuggles to him?
Thank you so much, and hope you have a lovely weekend ♡
you have fantastic timing bc I was struggling with everything else in my drafts dfghgfds
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For someone so outgoing, Yuma has always had a problem with keeping his feelings to himself. You’re constantly catching him in the middle of someone else’s personal troubles; helping to find lost pets, challenging strangers to duels to figure out why they’re crying in the park. On the outside, through all of this, he seems fine— his smile is as bright as ever, his voice still a bit too loud. But on your nightly walks home together— and he has to walk you home, no matter how much you insist you’ll be fine by yourself— something feels off. 
“...how’ve you been lately, Yuma?” For a moment you’re not sure he even heard you; he’s walking a few steps ahead, humming something loud and tuneless as he marches in the general direction of your house. But then he glances back over his shoulder at you, a grin painted on his face. He keeps marching.
“I took Astral to the pet store and showed him the hamsters!” Yuma snickers at the memory, and then brings one of his hands up to start counting off on his fingers. “I went up a tree to grab a kid’s kite yesterday— it got all tangled in the branches, but I was able to get it down without cutting the string. And this one kid said I’m really lucky, so he asked me to open his new pack of cards so it’d have something good, and you’ll never guess wh—!”
“That doesn’t answer my question, Yuma.” 
Yuma’s voice trails off for a moment; he doesn’t meet your eyes, but he flashes a grin and sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. “I’ve been fine,” he says, although it’s much quieter than everything that came before it.
The two of you finally come to a halt in front of your home. Instead of hanging around to talk, Yuma only holds your gaze for a moment this time before he bows and says goodnight. You watch him walk away— at the end of your street he turns, looking back at you over his shoulder again, cracking another grin and waving as he finally steps out of sight.
He does it again the next night. You ask him about his day, and he dodges the question.same story the night after that, too— before you know it, a week has gone by, and Yuma has refused to tell you anything. Well he’s not getting away with it tonight.
You’ve been to the Tsukumo household plenty of times, so you had no trouble picking Yuma’s window out of the lineup. He tends to be a heavy sleeper, so you’d gotten there quickly, hopeful that he hadn’t dozed off quite yet. Standing under one of the trees in the yard, your shoes crunch on the grass, and you kick your sneakers around a bit until some gravel comes loose; finding a handful of decent-sized pebbles, you begin to toss them one at a time, watching them rattle and bounce off the glass.
Eventually, a glow forms in the window, a blob of light that pushes its way through the panes and forms more solidly above you. It’s Astral, rubbing his eyes as if you’d woken him too. He brightens once he recognizes you.
“Why do you not come in through the front door?” He asks in his soft voice, watching you stretch on your toes until you’re able to get a grip on a tree branch and pull yourself up.
You let out a strained laugh as you hoist yourself into the tree. “The house is dark, Astral,” you say, “so I’ve gotta do this the more interesting way, or Kari will have my head and Yuma’s.”
Astral seems shocked at that, his eyes widening as he floats alongside you, scrambling your way through the branches until you’re finally outside Yuma’s window. You knock against the glass, but nothing else stirs inside, so you turn back to Astral. “Let him know I’m here, will you?”
He nods, his face still twisted in contemplation as he phases back through the glass. Within moments, a faint pair of muffled voices is audible; finally you can see vague shapes moving through the panels, and the window rushes open, Yuma peering up at you. Despite the exhaustion clear on his body, he grins.
“Fancy meetin’ you here,” he snickers, pushing the window open farther so you have room to swing in. You jump, landing hard on the wooden floor, one of your limbs knocking against a stack of trinkets that had been left in a very inconvenient place. You gasp, Yuma hisses, Astral fumbles forward as if his ghostly hands have a chance of stopping it— none of you are fast enough, and everything tumbles to the floor with a resounding crash.
Everyone stops. Yuma’s wide eyes are fixed on the door to his room. You’re straining your hearing, waiting for the tell-tale thud of Kari’s footsteps or shriek of Lillybot’s alarms. It all stays quiet.
You and Yuma both sigh in unison, relieved that you’ve gotten away with sneaking in. He smiles up at you, unashamed of his messy pajamas or the state of his bedroom— he’s just happy to see you again, even though it’s been hardly a few hours since your last conversation.
“That’s the smile I was missing,” you whisper quietly, taking a few steps forward. Yuma’s face blinks into confusion, but you keep talking before he can say anything. “I know you don’t want to talk about whatever’s been bothering you, but—” you wrap your arms around him and pull him into what you hope is a comforting hug, “I’m here if you need me for anything, and I just wanted to remind you.”
For a moment, Yuma doesn’t move— you’re not even sure he’s breathing, pressed to your chest like that. But then his hands come up and take a tight hold of the back of your shirt, and he nuzzles his face against your neck until he can’t get any closer. His voice is muffled. “...Thank you.”
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cosmicellis · 2 years
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Re-draw of dis:
Because these two as office workers is just tickles me
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scattered-irises · 1 year
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Hi sorry this is probably the last time @thesilverlock will let me commission her because I use it for idiotic purposes such as this
No, episode 2 of season 1 isn’t even half finished
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itsana004 · 8 months
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Got you some low quality meme agsjsgshab
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