#thevius raccoonus
mychemical-andie · 9 months
missing sly cooper does any1 kno if i cna play it on pc . please
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djdavyg · 25 days
Recently ripped the thevius raccoonus out of bentley's hackpack
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legoless1 · 1 year
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I have spent the past 7 months or so digging through old hard drives looking for a copy of an old Flash game I backed up in 2009. Thievius Raccoonus is a collection of 5 minigames created by Sony Entertainment Europe in February 2003 to promote the PAL release of Sly Raccoon for PS2. The game was an executable that could be downloaded from the old SlySchool website. I distributed it for a couple years via Legoless's Fun Pack but later took it down. In the intervening years, it seems that the game was lost, and it became something of a white whale for Sly archivists. I was dismayed to discover that the game was considered lost media, and doubly so when my backup could not immediately be found. Luckily—eventually—it turned up. I present to you the Thevius [sic] Raccoonus: https://archive.org/details/thevius-raccoonus.-7z I'm currently in touch with the folks at Flashpoint to get this game into a functional state so that it can be properly archived. Unfortunately, the original exe doesn't play well on modern systems. Fingers crossed this obscure chapter of Sly Cooper history won't be lost again 🤞
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Hello, Darlings and Devotees!!! Thank you so so so much to everyone who came yesterday to watch the FINALE of Sly Cooper and the Thevius Raccoonus!!! Beyond frustration, I had an absolutely amazing time! We also added 16 more snacks to our tent!!! Can you find the new ones? Thank you to our lovely donors for feeding us all. I'll see everyone tomorrow for our Mystery Flavor stream!!!
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“Along with the Mz Ruby boss fight, I don’t get the hate for the level! It’s honestly my favorite one out of the whole game. I love the design, enemies, and the whole atmosphere of it all (excluding the chicken chasing and piranha crushing lol).”
Confessed by:  vzqz48
(Bro, same!! It’s one of my favourite episodes in the whole series! ~Mod)
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historioddity · 5 years
It never fails, no matter how many times I play the first Sly Cooper game, I will always inevitably end up failing a dozen times against Mz Ruby and even more so against Clockwerk. Never. Fails.
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pastelbrachypelma · 4 years
All right, I just watched Hazbin Hotel.
So that means it’s AU time! Hazbin Hotel/Sly Cooper AU/Crossover, anyone? Here’s what I’m thinking so far.
Carmelita is a fox demon, similar to a kitsune, with electricity powers replacing the usual fire powers kitsune seem to have by association. In life, she was a policewoman who played too many dirty cards one too many times and ended up a demon in hell. She deeply regrets her life choices and wants to redeem herself by fighting other powerful demons and overlords to prove that she was always a “good cop.” (I’m basing this off of the idea that cops aren’t actually good Bcs of corrupt systems, so I’d imagine Carmelita feels bad for backing other cops when she could’ve spoken up, or taking hush money to stay quiet...stuff like that.) She’s about a level 5 or 6 demon, so the other overlords usually run her out of their territories. But she’s set her sights on a small gang of demons who have claimed a sizable territory for themselves.
Sly, also known as “The Ringtail Demon,” was a master thief in life. After completing many exciting heists, he was killed in a fight with one of his father’s men. There are rumors in hell that he is responsible for his gang taking over so much land and always able to hold onto it in the turf war. He’s generally considered to be annoying by other demons, particularly wealthier demons, as he and his gang are still happy to commit heists in the afterlife. Sly is actually quite a powerful demon, as his ancestry of thieves gave his soul something of an extra power boost as it entered hell, but it’s unknown exactly how powerful he is, and to what extent, because he hides his powers from pretty much everyone.
Bentley and Murray are lower level demons, who ostensibly work for Sly, though Sly considers them more friends than lackeys. Bentley forged documents in order to make it appear as if he had multiple degrees in life, until he was shot by a jealous ex, and Murray led a life similar to Angel Dust until he was killed for being queer. It’s unclear if even they know the true extent of Sly’s powers, though they probably have a better idea than most.
Carmelita, in doing research on Sly, discovers something that the Ringtail Demon would rather keep under wraps: that his family gained their wealth and reputation not only by stealing from other thieves, but by being Robin Hood, helping out poorer communities and stealing from large corporations. Obviously, she wants to convince him to “go straight” with her, and try to Rise to redemption. But Sly is just having way too much fun being a thief in Hell.
I’ve got some ideas for Sly’s powers. Definitely heightened agility, which he shows off often, and invisibility. I’m also playing with the idea of him having some sort of time manipulation powers, though I’m thinking those are more fitting for Vox, or a camera demon. (I was laughing to myself imagining Sly going, “hold on, back up,” and twirling his finger to make time rewind, have Carmelita repeat herself and then go, “hey! I just said that! 😡” Though I think I want his powers to focus more on thief stuff, like from the Thevius Raccoonus.)
I also want Sly to have some inner conflict, because his soul is sort of torn between heaven and hell, due to many of his actions being more chaotic good than outright evil. Maybe using his “true demon form” makes him feel some kinda way; perhaps ill, or maybe it gives him the unnatural hunger that you might expect from an overlord like Alastor (I.e. cannibalism)? But if he’s “too good,” then that also hurts him, because his soul can’t fully Rise due to him technically belonging in hell due to his past, and his ancestors’ pasts.
Not everyone in the Cooper family were Robin Hoods, after all. And now, Sly carries the burden of their sins...
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Whoa, my Sly 2 manual looks completely different! It didn't come with a headset, and the manual itself looks like an older Thevius Raccoonus. The headset feature is SO DANG COOL, I wish I could see how well it worked! The fact that they always have to say the headset's full title is hilarious. "Sly! Do you want to hear how to use the USB Headset (for Playstation©2)?" "How did you do that with your voice,,"
I kinda assumed so! On top of there usually being differences in that kinda stuff between regions, I noticed that my version of the manual does not claim that Arpeggio broods “every fortnight”, an error that’s been brought up by his... fans. I’m glad my manual still contains Neyla Facts(tm), though, that’s my special interest
But while we’re on the subject, let me tell you a story about the USB Headset (for Playstation®2), anon!
I caved. I never used it on Sly 2, but after beating Sly 3 a couple times, I caved. I begged my parents to purchase a USB Headset (for Playstation®2). And it was pretty fun! All it does is summon guards if you yell something, which is... of limited utility in a stealth game? But the novelty was enjoyable. Best use I got out of it was transforming into a rock as the Guru and just screaming, amassing a crowd of very confused guards
But then it happened. In my childish impatience - my arrogance - I ignored the very clear advice given by Bentley in the instruction manual. I plugged the USB Headset (for Playstation®2) into the Playstation®2 while the Playstation®2 was still on. It was a genuine error, as I recall, I just did things in the wrong order. But man, that warning’s there for a reason.
Because I had committed a taboo against audio, the cost extracted from me at the alchemical Gate of Truth was auditory in nature. My original Playstation®2 copy of Sly 3, to this day, does not play any sound at all during cutscenes. Gameplay is fine, but the animated segments and Bentley’s presentations are unnervingly silent. It’s a bad time.
Long story short, all you were missing out on was mild novelty and the potential to permanently damage your disc. To this day, I rue the USB Headset (for Playstation®2)
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rbwholesalers · 2 years
SlyCooper And The Thevius Raccoonus Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2) 2002 Disc Only USED
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mychemical-andie · 2 years
i’m watching sly cooper thueves in time now. the art style changed they really did murray dirty af. but tbh its a lot higher quality animation at the loss of the signature art style. sly looks hella different. its weird
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raielx · 2 years
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commenter2 · 7 years
Sly 5 story ideas
I kinda liked writing how the R&C series should end so thought I do it again, this time about how Sly Cooper should end, especially since its been hinted that a 5th game is in the works.
For those who don’t know what Sly Cooper is, it’s a stealth platforming game about a Raccoon name Sly, a thief from a long family line of thieves and with the help of his friends Bentley and Murray pull off heist on criminals. There latest game Sly 4: Thieves in time, which came out in 2013, ended in (SPOILER ALERT) a cliffhanger involving Sly ending up in past Ancient Egypt.
If I had the chance to make the story for there next game this is what I would do.
First off this would be the last Sly Cooper game in the current series as I think one more game is enough to please the fans as well as wrap up the series nicely. Another thing is that it would be similar to R&C A Crack in Time as for part of the game, at least half of it at max, would consist of Sly having his own own storyline while Bentley and Murray would have there own.
The story would be about how after months of searching, Bentley finds a clue on where Sly is and after getting Murray and Carmelita (who would/could replace Sly’s role in the team) and maybe a few other characters together, they would start looking for the pieces they need to go back in time and get Sly but along the way they have to deal with Penelope who is trying to stop them from bringing Sly back. They eventually succeed but after hearing Penelope say she has other plans, they quickly get to Sly in order to get him to help them stop Penelope.
Meanwhile in the past, though its been months in the present Sly has only been in Egypt for a week or so, and was laying low to not change history but when he sees a young Slytunkhamen (the first recorded Cooper thief) get arrested, he saves him and a grateful Slytunkhamen takes him to his hideout where Sly meets his crew which consist of Bentley and Murray’s ancestors who are a lot like there decedents, a female Raccoon who’s another one of Sly’s ancestor who is a bit strick, and her boyfriend, a magic using panther (who I’m going to call Steve) who is the frenemy/rival of Slytunkhamen whose main goal is to be famous. Its there that Sly finds out that his ancestor is a really bad thief and fearing that his legacy and present might change, he decides to teach him a few thing about being a thief, which come in handy cause after the female Raccoon get taken by a corrupted pharaoh, Sly helps save her while also helping his ancestor commit heist written in the Thevius Raccoonus to teach his ancestor how to be the thief he is destined to be.
The two stories eventually come together as Bentley and the others finally go back in time and get Sly who just finished saving the female raccoon but with the cost of losing Steve, and after saying goodbye they go back to the present. When they get back they start there plans on stopping Penelope from completing her unknown plan and after doing a few things they eventually catch up to her, but are shocked to not only see Penelope unconscious but also Clockwerk in the room who escapes but after that happens Penelope wakes ups confused and tells the gang what happened.
It turns out that before Clockwerk was destroyed in the first game, he uploaded his spirit/mind onto the internet where he laid dormant for years but came back online around the time between the 3rd and 4th game and after learning that his body was destroyed he decided to get someone to make him a new one and Penelope was perfect for that. So using a bit of hypnotism (maybe the hate hypnosis tech from Sly 2) he subconsciously made Penelope hate Sly Cooper and secretly tricked her to make a new body for him, but he knew it would take time and he couldn’t do it with Cooper being around so he decided to distract the Cooper Gang by causing the events of the 4th game (by that I mean he either convinced or hypnotize Le Paradox into trying to destroy the Cooper lineage in order to stall for time) and after his body was finished, he unhypnotize Penelope and attacked her as payment. I know the hypnosis thing is a cheap explanation to Penelope being evil, but still a lot of people were against her turning evil in the first place so at least, its a way for the developers to try and turn her back into a good guy again, which I think they should in the next game somehow if this idea doesn’t workout.
Penelope then tells them that she might know where he is going so they quickly go there and see that Clockwerk is already starting his plans to get back at Cooper as well as become famous but they foil it leading to one last fight between the Cooper Gang and Clockwerk but not before its revealed that Clockwerk is really Steve from the past. Turns out he survived his incident in the past but as a result had to permanently take the form of an owl and to make things worse not only did he discover that his rival became famous and married his girlfriend, plus realizing early on that Sly was a descendent of Slytunkhamen from the future (who was the one that failed to save him) declared vengeance on the whole Cooper clan which results in Clockwerk.
However they defeat him for good and the game ends with a small epilogue which explains what happens after, some idea I have are Bentley and Penelope get back together as well as Sly and Carmelita who eventually get married but they still act like there on the opposite side of the law and at the end maybe we could see an older Sly and the gang give his child (or children) the Thevius Raccoonus who like his father and uncles goes out committing crimes with his/her team consisting of Bentley and Penelope’s child and a older Murray.
What do you think? Anything here you wish will happen in the next game? When do you think Sly 5 will come out?
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kombatkraze-blog · 8 years
What are some things that used to scare the hell out of you as a kid
For the sake of it I'll just a few of mine Madam Gasket's chop shop from Robots(I swear to God that place is like Robot hell or something). That oh so infamous scene from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Same goes for the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory infamous scene. The episode "Remains to be seen" from Happy Tree Friends. The ending to "Eww that's growth" from Dexter's Lab. The ending to "That's life!" From The Fairly Oddparents. A lot of Courage the Cowardly Dog. Clockwerk from Sly Cooper and the Thevius Raccoonus.
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“Sly 1 was my favorite game as a kid. Sly 2 gradually became my favorite as I got older, but I still have a really special place in my heart for Sly 1!”
Confessed by: Anonymous
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thefourthvulpix · 8 years
Screw tumblr discourse. I'm restoring the Thevius Raccoonus.
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alexriteartblog · 6 years
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the best Thevius Raccoonus.
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