#they are fighting a war and it is not keith's fault
It’s a stupid thing to be hurt about. Lance knows it is. He knows absolutely firsthand, now, how much worse things can be; hell, he has been through objectively worse! Several times! He was blown up! It gave him brain damage!
His eyes burn, anyway, and the lump in his throat is impossible to choke down.
“It doesn’t fucking matter,” he mutters harshly to himself, voice hoarse. “It doesn’t — it’s not serious. Chill out.”
He’s been repeating the same mantra to himself on and off all day. Longer than that, really.
But this time it doesn’t work. He knows why, but he thought he was — he’s supposed to be okay with this. He’s an adult. He’s eighteen years old! It all feels so — stupid and juvenile, and he’s not stupid and juvenile, and it’s not even anyone’s fault and there’s no fucking reason to be mad, except that he’s four goddamn years old, apparently, and can’t fucking handle a situation without crying like a stupid fucking toddler.
It’s just that he —
He clenches the quilt tightly in his hands, squeezing his eyes shut.
He’s been working on this for over a year.
They don’t have a ton of free time, as paladins. They’re constantly on missions or training or planning or spending hours in the healing pod as a result of the missions and training and planning. There’s always a million things to do. But there are moments, here in there, when at least one hand is free, when there’s time to wind down, have some time to yourself.
Lance has been using his rare pockets of time to collect scraps of fabric, from worn curtains to torn flight suits to beautiful decorative things gifted on diplomatic missions. It was something he did with his Abuela at home, from when he was barely big enough to see the sewing machine from her lap, and the sound of the piercing needle and weaving thread is a comfort, now, something familiar he can do with his hands, something to remind him why he’s on this haunted castle in the dead of space, billions of lightyears away from home.
He’s proud of it. It’s by no means the first quilt he’s ever made and it shows in the straight lines of the stitching, the swirling patterns of the patches. It was a calming process but a difficult one, too, and he’s poured his heart and soul into it, seeing together the reds and blues and greens and yellows and blacks to make something solid of their frantic time in space. He’s been too excited to keep it to himself, even, mentioning it here and there, bringing it up during conversation at dinner.
He hadn’t expected everyone to drop what they were doing and write a fucking poem about it, obviously, but he had — he thought there’d be something. Anything. When he draped it pointedly over his lap during movie night, tracing the stitches with his pointer finger, he’d expected someone to say, woah, cool, you make that yourself? You were telling us about it!
His face burns hot with shame, and he swipes angrily under his eyes. How fucking arrogant. It’s just a — it’s a fucking blanket made of worn scraps. They’re fighting a war. He can’t believe he expected a fucking — fluffing of his ego, or whatever. It’s embarrassing. It’s a child whining for their mother to watch them do half a cartwheel.
He balls up the fabric, resisting the urge to rip it to shreds, and stomps down the hallway, blowing past a bewildered Keith. He nearly slams right into the wall as he rounds the corner, staggering to the side at the last minute, yanking open the hatch of the garbage chute and stuffing the quilt in.
“Fucking — come on.” The stupid fucking quilt is too bulky. He slams both palms flat against the bunched fabric and shoves, but his arms shake, and the harder he presses the more frustrated tears well up and steam down his face, and the weaker his arms gets. “Go — in!”
He rears his fist back and slams it into the ball of fabric as hard as he can, but the stupid thing stays jammed. With a shout of frustration he kicks the side of chute, hard, but all that does is damn near break his toe, so he pounds the quilt with his fists again and again and again and —
“Fuck off!” he screams, kicking the stupid chute one more time before giving up and slamming the lid back down on it. It doesn’t do anything but make the whole thing look a thousand times more pathetic; his stupid childish quilt stuffed in a garbage chute where it belongs but refusing to slide down like the ugly eyesore it is. The sobs that he’d been choking down since the beginning of that stupid fucking movie tear their way out of him and there’s not a goddamn thing he can do to stop them, so he turns and flees, leaves the ugly thing behind him, sprinting all the way to his room, furiously wiping his eyes. He throws himself on his bed at full speed and nearly cracks his head on the wall when he bounces on the mattress. He snatches the nearest pillow and hugs it to his chest, shoving his face so deeply into the down that he can hardly breathe, sobbing so hard he has to choke down vomit.
He’s a fucking idiot. A fool. A goddamn child.
He cries until he passes out.
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
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Basic Information
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Physical Appearance
Eyes: green
Hair: dark blond
Skin: White
Tattoo(s): on his back, he has the Perseus faction sigil tattooed
Scar(s): faded scars from previous battles, but none too major.
Face Claim: Scott Eastwood
Description: Keith has sharp features, thinning green eyes (much like his father’s) and dark blond hair. It is short at the sides with some length on top - it is always styled with a couple stubborn strands that fall over his forehead. His cheekbones sit high, with a sharp nose and thin lips. 
He tends to prefer wearing stylish 3 piece suits, looking crisp and professional wherever he may go - only when he is expected to go on a mission does he opt for more suitable, breathable clothing. 
He trains regularly and has a decent muscle mass. 
Like(s): intelligence in people, having the upper hand, winning, charming women, whiskey, cigars, the colour red, that rush of adrenaline when he manipulates people, being in control
Dislike(s): being shown up, being shown up by a woman, children, stupid people, people asking him too many questions, being questioned, not knowing what’s going on, Jodie Hall, the west, western ideology, his parents
Strength(s): intelligent, perfectionist, confident, sees fine details
Weakness(es): untrustworthy, self-absorbed at times, manipulative, can be a bit sexist, gets a thrill out of hurting people, controlling
Parent(s): unnamed American mother, unnamed Russian father - hates them both.
Sibling(s): none
Friend(s): not really friends, more like acquaintances, but it would be operators within the Perseus faction
Spouse(s): doesn’t chase after love
Children: would rather kick one off a cliff than be a father
1933 - Born to American mother, Ruth Wells, and Russian father, Stanislov Tarkovsky, Keith Wells was raised mostly in a loveless household. His mother was entitled, apathetic and somewhat overbearing, often babying her son and patronising him well into his teens. The relationship with his immigrant father was more like a General berating a soldier, always finding fault with him, whether that be his stance, his clothing, his hair, the way he spoke. 
In his teen years, Keith grew interested in his Russian heritage, wishing to learn more about the homeland his father had come from and expressed his wish for his father to teach him the language. Reluctantly, his father did, but would often remind him that just because he could speak Russian did not mean he was Russian. If anything, Keith's father drilled into his son that he was more American because he was born and raised there and had never seen "my homeland". 
Keith also learned that Stanislov was what many Americans referred to as a White Russian; Stanislov used to be an Imperial Officer, having fought in the White Army in the Russian Civil War, but had decided to flee to America in 1920 when the Red Army had defeated the White Army on most fronts. 
Learning of this left Keith feeling resentful, hateful and unfulfilled and felt somewhat cheated of his heritage. He believed his father was nothing but a coward, having turned tail and ran in the face of defeat; Keith said that had he been in his place, he would have been proud to stay and die for Russia. Alas, his father would again remind him that Keith's only connection to Russia was the blood that ran in his veins, the blood his father had given him, so to shove his entitlement.
From then on, however, Keith gained a keen, covert interest in the ideologies of the Soviet Union.
1952 - Keith Wells, now 18, joins the US Army as an infantryman. He fights in the Korean War until its conclusion in 1953. Whilst posted here, Keith earns the rank of Corporal. 
1956 - He is recommended to join the Counter Intelligence Corps. Whilst at the Counter Intelligence Centre, Keith hones his Russian language skills and receives training to further his skills in battle techniques, photo interpretation, prisoner of war interrogation and censorship. 
1960 - Keith is recruited into the CIA where he continues to grasp at gaining more power. His skills are admirable and he is a model officer. His first assignment is to venture to Vietnam and gain intelligence on the growing tensions between the North and South. It is here that Keith's interest in Soviet ideology strengths, unbeknownst to the CIA.  
1961 - Takes part in leading a paramilitary force to attempt a Cuban Invasion. [Rest of the paragraphs are redacted.]
1962 - [Paragraphs have been redacted.]
1965 -  Officer Keith Wells joins the Special Activities Division. [Paragraphs are redacted.]
1967 - assigned to MACV-SOG alongside Special Officer Russell Adler and Lawrence Sims. He is there to study any intel gained on Soviet involvement in any conflicts within Vietnam. Their contact is minimal. [Paragraphs are redacted.]
1968 - Keith studies intel gained by Adler and Sims during Operation Fracture Jaw. Here, he learns of legendary KGB agent codename Perseus. With his growing ideologies matching that of the Soviet Union, Officer Wells utilises this information to reach out to Perseus with hopes of discussing him joining his ranks. By the end of '68, Keith had covertly joined the ranks of Perseus. His role within the faction is kept strictly between himself and Perseus. Keith is now a mole within the CIA, who's job is to relay/confirm government and military secrets, find potential new recruits for the faction and ensure that any potential traitors to the faction are signalled to Perseus. So, despite his loyalties now being aligned with Perseus, due to matching ideologies, Keith remains 'loyal' to the US and remains a Special Officer.
1969 - Special Officer Wells looks into the files the CIA has on Rebirth Island, studying the raid and confirming that Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin could be a potential recruit into the faction. He highlights Stitch and the Nova 6 project to Perseus. 
1976 - [paragraphs are redacted.]
1979 - Special Officer Wells is contacted by Perseus Operator Nadežda Pugachev, who expresses that she has information that would be vital to the CIA. She is reluctant to give the information over at first, but Wells convinces her that she is in safe hands. 
Over the next year, Wells collates evidence of Nadežda's betrayal; he plays mental chess with the woman. It is implied that they may have entered a brief relationship, something Wells used to solidify her trust in him. Additionally, he informs her that there is a suspicion that a mole has infiltrated the CIA and so any information she shares must only be done so with him, less they risk the sensitive information reaching the mole and heading straight back into enemy hands. 
1980 - Early in the year, Wells lies to Nadežda that her brother's family will be relocated to America and protected by the CIA, in the face of "learning" that Perseus ordered her brother's death and they would be the next targets if the faction ever learned of her betrayal. By this point, he has completely earned her trust. 
Later that year, Wells finally hands over the proof of betrayal to Perseus, who states that she will be dealt with accordingly. By December, Wells in safe in the knowledge that Perseus plans to eradicate Nadežda, leaving open a space for him to take by Perseus' side. In order to fully commit himself to the faction, he fakes his own death so that all previous ties to America have been severed. 
His CIA file classifies him as presumed KIA, no body ever recovered. 
1981 - Keith moves up into Perseus' high ranks following the capture of Nadežda. Though he does not think she will last long in the hands of the CIA given he never left any proof of their communications over the last two years and so any claim she could make to know him would fail on deaf ears. But he also knew that his little lady would be smart and not reveal their communications, just in case that fake mole might be listening. Keith has successfully ensured Nadežda's betrayal of Perseus failed. 
@walder-138 Keith Wells Artwork [X]
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ria-777 · 14 days
There is not enough letters in the alphabet for me to tell you how much I love you
D - Danger
Keith was angry. And sad, but he didn't want to admit this.
It wasn't his fault.
Why did they all have to act like it was?
If only it was possible, he'd take that part of himself that he wasn't even aware existed until recently, and delete it in an instant.
Like he was sure Allura would absolutely love.
Losing Shiro, getting kicked out of the garrison, finding Shiro after he suddenly fell down from the stars and then the blue lion, being roped into fighting a war that was thousands of years old...
And now, discovering he was half-galra, making the people he was beginning to see as his family act so... weird toward him.
Even Pidge. Was he really that stupid to think they had something special going on? Was he really that delusional? Was he-
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Who could it be? Should he answer? What if whoever stood on the other side of his door was only there to insult him? Or to ask if him hiding in his room was a Galra thing? What should he do?
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Keith, I know you're in there." Her voice softened. "Can we talk?"
Pidge. What did she want now? Did she finally process the truth and was there to scream at him? After all, the galras were what caused her family to be torn apart. He wasn't sure if he wished to take the risk and let her in. Viewing the hatred in her eyes would make his heart ache way too much.
More than anyone could.
"Please. I know you're hurting and that it's partially my fault. I'm here to help you as much as I can... If you want me to."
She sounded genuine, but what if the others started distancing themself from her too after seeing them hang out? As if she could read his brain from the opposite side of the door, she responded to his question. Maybe it was thanks to their paladin's link. "I don't care about what anyone has to say concerning me. I just want to be a good friend to you."
Friends. Right. Keith remembered Shiro telling him you could always confide in those who are precious to you when there are things plaguing your mind. "I'm not sure what I want to say." He could hear the smile in her voice. "That's fine, I brought my computer so we can view movies. No need to talk to me about anything if that isn't your wish."
When Keith finally opened the door, there stood Pidge, a gentle grin on her face that was so... her. "Ever watched ParaNorman?"
He smiled back. "No, I haven't."
Not a word was exchanged between the teammates since they settled down on Keith's bed, not as close as they usually would. Should he say something? The boy knew he didn't have to, but wouldn't it be considered rude if he just ignored her generous offer to help ease things off his mind in the middle of the night.
What if, for once, she was planning on sleeping, but her concern over his well-being overtook the urge to rest?
The thought made his face flush.
Opening up to someone, even if it was only a little bit couldn't be that bad? Right?
"Pidge." She hummed but paused the movie to look his way when he didn't add any other words. "Don't you believe I'm a danger for your safety and the others? You know, since I'm half-galra and all."
She stared at him for some ticks. Did she agree? Did she find him stupid to specify why he could be a danger? Finally, she reacted and out of all he imagined her to do, Keith hadn't expected Pidge to outright laugh in his face and then proceed to lean her head on his shoulder after she scooted closer.
"Keith, it's not like you knew all along and chose to keep it a secret from the rest of us. Plus, who your parents are doesn't define what type of person you'll grow up to be. And, if the blade belonged to your mother, then doesn't this mean that she was fighting on the right side of the war? Even if she wasn't, you're still, in my eyes, our emo Keith. Whatever race you descend from has no importance for me."
Quiznack, he actually felt like he was about to cry and for some reason, the thought of Pidge seeing him in such a vulnerable state didn't bother him at all. How the next words came out of his mouth while being accompanied by tears would forever be a complete mystery to the boy. "But the Galra took away your family..." "Exactly, them, not you," responded Pidge with absolutely no hesitation.
She realized he wasn't persuaded yet. "If I followed your current logic, does that mean that you were involved in them kidnapping Shiro too? »
Tears were beginning to escape from his eyes as he shook his head. "I promise I will keep convincing you I have nothing against your heritage for as long as you need me to. Whenever you feel doubts, my door will always be open for you."
She reached for her laptop and closed it before setting it on the floor. Then, Pidge arranged the pillow and cover on his bed before lying down, patting the spot next to her.
At any other time, Keith would have hesitated. Was he really comfortable sleeping with someone so close to his personal space? Is Pidge actually okay with this? Is this appropriate for him to do? Does she feel forced to do this?
His mind was completely empty as he rested his head on the pillow, melting into her embrace as her arms didn't waste a second wrapping around him, bringing him impossibly close to her small body.
Keith knew his heart was racing at an unhealthy pace, being this close to Pidge, his face practically buried in her chest was definitely not proper between two friends, but he didn't care that much.
She didn't say anything as his own arms brought her closer by holding her waist tight.On the contrary, the girl sighed calmly, she probably longed for this too. Shiro vanishing must be hard for her too. He was the only hope she had that her father and brother were alive and now...
"Pidge, thank you. If you ever need to talk, I'll be there for you just like you are for me."
She moved to be able to gaze in his eyes before placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
"Thank you."
(Posted on Wattpad and ao3)
Note: Guess who’s still alive!! Hope you liked it and sorry if there’s any mistakes <3
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midnighmoonligh · 8 months
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Voltron Legendary Defender
Keith ; 21 ; He/They ; Little
Lance ; 18 ; He/Him ; Cg
⚠Content Warning⚠
Themes of War, general Voltron things. Probably cursing.
Plot Summary
Despite not being out of headspace fully, Keith is thrown into combat. He does his best, but the mission goes wrong. He blames himself while Lance panics over loosing Keith.
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Keith had began to run down the hallway to his lion. Lance tried his best to pull him out of little space, however he was scared he still was too close to the headspace to be in this battle. He wished he could have someone else fly the red lion, but currently he couldn't. He had to just pray and think big thoughts. That's normally what worked for him. He slid down the slide right into red. The seat pulled into place and everything began to light up. The second the lion rawred he took off. He quickly caught up with the rest of the team, listening to them, mostly Shiro, scold him for taking so long.
" You took forever Keith! What's wrong with you? "
" Nothing, I'm just a little sick is all, " Keith gave the excuse quickly as he took off towards the battle.
" That's not a reasonable excuse Keith, we are at war, " Allura proceeded to scold the smaller.
He felt so close to tears. His eyes were starting to burn. He felt like every time he came onto the field that everything he did was just a huge mess up. He nodded slowly before focusing onto the fight. The more Keith had the more his mind forgot about what was upsetting him. The team formed voltron and continued to fight. He felt like he was in the clear of his little space until the team had been hit hard. The power of the castle had gone out and even voltron broke apart and the lions went offline. Most of the team was knocked out.
Keith was the first to wake up. He slowly blinked his eyes open and watched ress lights flickered on. He looked over to the castle that now had power again. His eyes scanned over to the other lions. He was panicking. This is his fault, isn't it? He was late, he rarely went to team training, he always ran away from meetings, he barely was even close to the rest of the team. Wow, this really was his fault. He took off his helmet as tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't help but start to cry as he was yanked right into little space.
He tried to get the teams attention, yelling and screaming, but eventually gave up. None of the other lions had turned on, so he figured their pilots are still out cold. The fleet that had attacked them were long gone by now. He hoped everyone was okay. He tried to make a private channel with Lance, and the blue lion. He tried over and over until suddenly the blue lion turned on and it connected. His eyes lit up, though he couldn't help but cry at seeing the barely conscious Lance. At least he is okay, that is all he could ever ask for.
" Daddy? " he cried.
" Please.. " he whimpered and pulled his legs up to his chest, hugging them close.
He buried his face into his knees and cried. His body trembling from how much he was crying. He just wanted this to be over. He wanted to go back to bed and curl up and sleep forever.
The intercoms crackled and popped. Static filled Keith's ears, but it only made him slip further. He felt so scared. He failed, didn't he? He failed as a paladin. He wasn't sure why he thought he could do this with his strange younger headspace, let alone being so close to it like he was. 
" Keith?? Baby?" 
The little jumped slightly at the voice he craved so much. He looked around before seeing Lance's face pop up on the fuzzy screen in front of him. Keith sobbed and made grabby hands towards Lance, watching as the taller cried back. He wasn't sure if either of them were crying from relief, or from worry. 
" Baby! Are you okay?? Can you take red back to the castle?" 
Keith shook his head and hiccuped fairly hard. He didn't think he was in a big enough headspace to take red back to the castle. He watched Lance nod and think with this panicked expression. It was all his fault he was like this, he knew that. He couldn't shake the thoughts going through his head either. He couldn't stop blaming himself. Then again, if he had acted his own age this wouldn't have been an issue. Voltron wouldn't have failed if it weren't for him. 
" Can you ask red to take you back?" Lance suggested. 
He hadn't thought about that. He sniffled and wiped his face with his arms. He hiccuped and shifted in his seat, sitting more properly now. 
" That's it little one, I'll be right here. " 
He nodded and closed his eyes. He focused on his connection with red, then asked if she could take him home. It wasn't difficult. He heard her purr soothingly towards him, calming him down in a way he wasn't sure why it worked. Maybe because his mother was able to purr? Actually, Keith wasn't even sure how he remembered that either. He opened his eyes and watched as Red took them both back to the castle. 
" I'll be there as soon as I can bubs, I promise," Lance reassured. 
Keith nodded more, hiccuping, though calmer. He curled up in his seat, watching as the image of Lance faded away. He wanted him back. He felt safer being able to hear him there. It made him so happy. He buried his face into his knees, listening as the lion purred in a parental way towards him. He could feel shifts and movements as Red took them back, but none was enough for him to lift his head from his spot.
The second blue landed Lance darted from the lion and down the hallways. His shoes slid across the cleaned floors, tripping him a few times. He darted by Hunk and Pidge, not even giving them a glance or returning the greetings that they offered. There wasn't a point. He was too distracted with the safety of his little. Well, they weren't really official. More babysitter title for Lance, but it didn't matter. He loved that he had a little again. He missed it so much, like a craving to hold and care for someone. He knew it had gotten bad when he tried to care for the other paladins and got these strange looks in response to it. He scanned his hand and watched the doors slide open to the large room that the red lion was kept in. He rushed himself to the lion, through its mouth and into it. 
" Keith!?" he shouted as he looked around
He yelped as Keith jumped onto him, startling him more than anything. He chuckled and pulled the little up into his arms. He tucked his forearms under Keith and held him against him. He pressed him close to him and squeezed him into his arms. The smaller paladin trembled against him, crying freely and fairly loudly. It broke his heart. He knew he couldn't bring Keith into the hallways like this. It would be impossible to sneak him past the others. He sat down against a wall, gently rocking the smaller back and forth in his arms. He paused after some time and ran his fingers through Keith's messy and long hair. 
" It's okay bubs, I'm here now," he whispered quietly to him. 
Keith nodded, burying his face into Lance's chest more, but he didn't mind it at all. Lance held him closer, tightly. The pressure seemed to work for Keith and help him. He rubbed his back with one hand, his other arm wrapped around Keith's waist and holding him close. He cried and cried, not that Lance could ever blame the little for crying so much. He is scared, he knew that much. He wrapped his arms fully back around him and rested his head on his shoulder. 
" You're safe now, with me, I promise," he reassured. 
He was trying his best, though he knew the others would be looking for the, normally, chaotic pair soon. It was something he was worried about, and that rushed him to calm Keith down. He just hoped he was able to calm him before the rest of the team found them.
Keith felt so terrified. The type if terrified that they didn't know what to do besides crying. He had gotten so scared to the point he thought he really did loose Lance, or the team. He shook and clung to Lance, but the more he cried the more sleepy he felt. A mission is a lot for a little already, and getting beaten as they had didn't help. He slowly was calming down, the need to sleep overpowering his need to sit there and cry until he passed out. Though, it felt like a very good option to the little. It really was not as uncommon as most would think for him to cry himself to sleep. Most nights, it's how he did sleep.
" It's okay baby boy, just get some rest, " Lance would whisper, which didn't help.
His back rubs, soft words, and overly amazing cuddles were so comforting. He's so good at this and, honestly, he kinda hated him for it. Of all people who found out about his regression, why did it have to be this sharp shooting idiot. Keith just buried his face into his chest and curled up. As he began to doze off, Lance carefully scooped him up and carried him on his hip, though he kept his arms tightly wrapped around him to keep him feeling safe. Keith really appreciated it, more than he could really explain even in big space.
He could hear the teams shouting and yelling bouncing around in the halls as the castle was attacked. He truly hoped it wut be okay, though it probably would be. It normally was, right? Lance brought Keith to the mullet heads room and set him down on to the bed. Apart of the little wished he had some sort of little gear, even a stuffed animal would help him truthfully.
" Stay right here, okay? Change too while I'm away baby. I'm gonna get some things for you, " Lance explained, leaving a small kiss on his head before scrambling out of the room.
Keith sat there pouting and sniffling, half asleep too. He tried to get his armor off, but it didn't end well. He was able to get the arms off, but almost fell off the bed trying to get the legs off. He smacked his arm on the bed frame trying to get the chest piece off. So he just sat there and quietly cried until Lance came back. It made him happy to see him back too. The blue paladin looked stressed and worried that something happened, but Keith just gave a hug.
" Helps, pease? " he asked quietly, getting a hesitant Lance nod in response.
As Lance helped with the armor, he looked to see what the taller had brought. It was some clothes to change into, his blanket from his bed, and some sort of strange cow looking thing. It looked soft and squishy, but the little one kept his hands to himself. Lance helped him get dressed and get under the covers before offering the strange cow thing. Keith took it, of course, but he's confused by it.
" It's a cow stuffie. I don't normally use her, so you can, " Lance elaborated with his usual dumb lopsided smile that Keith hated how much he loved.
He nodded and cuddled the stuffie close while Lance went to go change in the bathroom. He sniffled and is surprised that his guess on how soft it was is right. It is a lot more squishy than what he had thought too. He smiled to himself and curled up under the covers, now having two blankets on the bed. It's so warm and toasty, he loves it. When Lance came back, he laid down and cuddled Keith. The little didn't protest, rather, he curled up against the taller males chest. It wasn't even ten minutes before Keith fell asleep there, the soft sound of Lance's humming sending him straight to sleep with his new cow friend in his arms.
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monstersinthecosmos · 5 months
god what voltron episode(s) should i rewatch. and what to look out for
sdjgklasd gosh idk recently I've rewatched the second half of S2 a few times, from the BOM Trial to Shiro's disappearance because I want to like really nail down the timeline and make it make sense. I am also just studying Keith like he's a bug.
Full disclosure that I actually haven't watched the entire series all the way through except for the first time, I mostly just watch The Sheith Movie, but sometimes I wanna zoom out and see the bigger context of the episode, or see some of the Keith scenes that The Sheith Movie didn't include. Like Hunk & Keith's mission for scaultrite in the next episode and the fallout between Allura and Keith when she realizes he's part Galra and starts treating him like shit!
I love watching the way he gets frustrated by everyone making a big deal about it, especially after the emotional climax of the Trial was him accepting himself and deciding he knows who he is--it leads him to learn something HUGE about himself, but he stays steadfast in "I'm still me" afterwards, and doesn't want anyone to make a big deal about it. Like, Hunk is teasing him a little but still friendly and still accepts him, but Keith doesn't even want to talk about it, vs Allura who sort of affirms all his fears by judging him and icing him out.
And even after all that, leading into their big fight with Zarkon, they know this could be it, that if they succeed the war could be over, and he thinks it might be a good time to go find his family. There's something, HMM!, kinda twisty & crunchy about this concept to me, about KNOWLEDGE OR DEATH, and kinda feels a little bit DBT-ish to me, sort of radical acceptance, realizing his sense of self and learning to be okay with it, but also open to the quest for knowledge. Like "I am me, for all the faults and bullshit and trauma, my dad died and I never knew my mom and Shiro saved me" IS A COMPLETE PACKAGE, that's who Keith is! He accepts it! It's no longer "I don't know who I am because people abandoned me and I can't be myself unless I can find this nebulous external validation." So anyway. Yes, he's Keith, he's himself, this is it, YOLO, whatever, but. He is still open to the knowledge of finding his family.
The BOM Trial episode is really so so good though. It's like such an incredible battle for him to accept his identity and the truth of his lived experience, all the while TRIANGULATED BETWEEN HIS THREE FATHER FIGURES, i mean is it an accident that he passes out in the penis hallway?
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(last time I raved about this, I had to look it up to grab the picture LOL)
also SOMETHING SOMETHING Shiro fully connecting with the idea that Zarkon used to be the Black Paladin and how really facing his trauma and accepting it head on GETS HIM KILLED. lmao i have to lie down.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 35: Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics Season 1, Episode 36: Lotor's Clone
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Episode 35 Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics I realized the text was hard to read in the long post so here's some color so you can tell which episode is being watched
wild that whoever made the choices for the space Olympics really thought hard and said "yes we're absolutely having it on Arus, where it's currently at war and has a weekly occurrence of giant fucked up robots fighting each other"
Is soccer actually an Olympic sport or is the world cup the biggest even for them?
Oh so doom IS actively boycotting the space olympics, I know It's for evil reasons but i have to agree just based on the fact THAT ITS ON A PLANET IN ACTIVE WAR AND ROUTINELY HAS GIANT MECHA FIGHTS
why are the boys in an army barrack 😭 the castle is right there is it not
Allura this is why you KNOCK walking in on the team showering in only towels is your fault entirely LMAO the boys are ragging on nanny for trying to make it their fault svsiodv woman just sit down and leave the food at this point
"I'm sorry I meant to surprise you!" "You did!" Keith that was adorable omg, I know you guys can't hear it, but his tone was the cutest
I love this show because in every other one it's hunk looking after Pidge, but originally it was Lance instead T-T He's currently very concerned about Pidge eating two kabobs at once, at least he isn't talking with food in his mouth
I'm sorry when did haggar get blueprints to voltrons wiring??
are they about to make a decepticon out of the beefed up bulldozer the team has outside to build the stadium?? Oh my god they are
man the only reason the team finds out about lotors plan is because one of the kids that was tagging along with hunk this entire time needed to take a leak outside 💀
haggar described her weird virus for that bulldozer as like a chip,,, it is not a chip it's a tiny robeast that takes over the entire machine just by standing onto the hardware i know they were making it easier to understand for kids but c'mon that had to be confusing for them, kids are real smart anyway
The boys: kid you were dreaming, nothing attached itself to the bulldozer (bulldozer proceeds to turn on and wreck their barrack) the boys: O-O guys please listen to the children, they're so upfront with everything they see its wild
PIDGE WHY ARE YOU JUMPING STRAIGHT ONTO THE BULLDOZER well at least he found out nobody was driving it UNTIL IT THREW HIM OFF, he's a gymnast (ninja) though so of course he lands on his feet anyway like a goddamn CAT
why do they always make hunk grunt like that? wild somehow they figured out it was lotor, i mean i feel like itd be obvious once they knew nobody was in it but still
WHY IS HE SO LONG IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT, IT LOOKS LIKE THE PASTED HIS HEAD OVER LANCES BODY he didnt even stop the thing i think lotor just told it to stop to lull them into a false sense of security
that same kid was yelling about not being listened and immediately punched the control panel with started up the bulldozer again 💀 I think you're old enough to know how to regulate your emotions my dude oh also he and two others are trapped inside now, dire stakes indeed
hunk and pidge got thrown off the bulldozer, how high up were they?? ft older brother lance again because he was making sure pidge was okay in the background
at last a lion comes out to actually do something NOT BEFORE THE BOY GOT BURIED ALIVE THOUGH WHAT THE FUCK THEY SHOULD BE DEAD
I don't think this is the first time lotor has told allura his plans for her, but it's good that he actually tells her so she doesn't get a worse idea
the team is free after allura creates a goddamn tsunami in the stadium ft MORE OLDER BROTHER LANCE BECAUSE HES HOLDING PIDGE NEXT TO HIM IN THE WATER
immediately after being freed the kids just sit there and do nothing UNTIL THEY GET TRAPPED IN IT AGAIN god this show makes so many characters stupid
all-scan?? Are you telling me you fuckers could've done that before, and you just haven't?? I'm gonna say you just recently learned it for my own mental health
the kids are out after Hunk bashed his way inside without a lion i love seeing scenes like these because the pilots are actually skilled outside of being inside the lions!
Ooh so I was right, it was a mini robeast who could interact with machines, and then it just combines with it to make it an actual robeast well they could've just said that earlier >:/
voltron is formed and definitely is spewing propaganda for the olympics but at least hes able to damage the robeast LMAO
holy shit easiest fight ever, they barely even did anything to the guy before pulling out blazing sword and skewering it
time to rebuild the stadium and gym using the lions my question is why they only gave one of those beefed up bulldozers to the team
/episode end
Episode 36 Lotor's Clone
Episode opens with Zarkon yelling at Lotor, this oughta be good lol
"quit sending robots to arus and destroy voltron yourself!" my guy how the FUCK is one dude gonna do that, you kind of need another big guy to help weaken him first
"you mean really lead? Like from up front?" "Where else you idiot!" LMAOO
I know they make the doomites robots so the show can skirt past ratings but do not give robots that much sentience and still say they're not people these fuckers were talking about defecting and living on Arus!
oh so this episode's robeast is just another lotor because he doesn't actually want to do the work HAHAHA
"but beware, whatever you know he will know" foreshadowing?
onto planet arus, the team is doing some lion training
Pidge: it feels like my head is on backwards! Keith: I always knew that! THE KID JUST FELL OUT OF THE SKY KEITH BE NICE LMAO
Pidge: did you know your nose wiggles when you're upset Keith: my fist wiggles too! KEITH PLEASE-
mystery power surge huh, at least we can tell that the castle actually has employees since they're running around trying to fix stuff
oh never mind the drules have an actual robeast that's fucking with the castle, the lotor clone is just so lotor doesn't have to do any of the work expected of him LOL
Keith has a plan but i can't remember the sleds/boats he mentions having used before with the team maybe they're just making it up to show that the pilots actually hang out on their off time fnvsdoi
"some of these parts are older than nanny!" GET HER ASS LANCE
it's good to know that the pilots are all slightly mechanically inclined, definitely a skill they gotta have to actually stay alive on Arus
Not lotor complaining that his clone isn't working hard enough for his hero image 💀 no wonder this man always gets his ass kicked
secrets out, keiths been fighting the clone this whole time and because of lotor having a telepathic argument with it, he knows it's not the real him anymore
Damn he was so offended by the clone calling him Lotor used the robeast to blow his ass up 😭 Keith's right, this was his only chance at winning
did they just fix up that sled thing to not actually use it?? What a waste of time oh never mind lance is using it while the others use the lions
"if you're gonna lie around the beach all day I'll come back later" i don't think any other show can replicate the absolute sass dotu lance brings
I like that hunk is the defacto leader when its him pidge and allura, I know allura has no experience so she wouldn't be but i wouldn't be surprised if they tried to pull something like this with pidge lol
voltron is formed, haven't seen lion head attack in a while so it's nice to see it back man that robeast just stoof there and took the beating, are they just giving up at this point soidns
ooh scene reuse, this is definitely from the bridge episode that i cant remember the name of, everyone is joking about how another clone of them would be good for the universe lol
/episode end
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vetsami · 1 year
The topic I chose on this is America, even with faults, here is a greatness and these artists culminate the differences of views within their music. In Eminems song “White America” he maintains what I like to call a marching tempo with a clear beat. Eminem sings the problems he sees in America, such as race issues and the issues with the education system and how he was not given a chance until he met another specific rapper. The tone of the song illustrates a frustration contributing to the message being sent to anybody that is willing to listen to the art.
The next song I chose is Johnny Cash “Ragged Old Flag” being that it is not necessarily a song, but a poetic story with an instrumental background. Johnny Cash mixes the music around with a military style drum to a soft sound that transfers back to a military drum with a banjo. The story starts off with Johnny Cash meeting a member of the little town of the courthouse he was walking up to. The story of the flag represents the American flag and the history of it, the different wars and battles that it has been carried through and who commanded the troops each conflict the flag stood through. The tone is meant to develop a sense of pride in the flag and country patriotism.
The next song is “American Woman” by Lenny Kravitz, the song is a rock cover of the original by Guess Who. The song is widely misinterpreted with may thinking that it is an attack on American politics, but was actually about the women of Canada being preferred to women of America due to women seemingly to age faster in the United States. The version Lenny Kravitz did was a little slower and softer than the original but added a guitar solo that is signature of his style.
The next song I chose is “Fight the Power” by Public Enemy in the hip hop genre from the early nineties with a bouncy rhythm the artists channeled their tension from the justice system that was seemingly institutionalizing racism. This song was an act of defiance to the government to send a message to Generation X to get some of the black heroes on the wall of fame.
The next song is “It’s America” by Rodney Atkins with an up-tempo beat and a banjo backing, the song lists the good things of living in America, after stopping at a lemonade stand that would make a perfect post card. Along with the seeing people volunteering to help out the community they live in, driving in an American built vehicle traveling down back roads.
The next song is “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue” by Toby Keith, this song was inspired by the passing of his father and then the 9/11 attacks. The song maintains an up tempo beat after the beginning of the song where Toby Keith started slowly with a tribute to the American People. The lyrics develop a high sense of patriotism and became the anthem of many service members that were in the military or were about to be serving the country upon completion of boot camp.
The relevance of this topic to me, besides being in the military, is that this was my motivation to join the military after the 9/11 attacks when I was in my sophomore year in high school, I decided that I wanted to be a part of the protection of the United States, because I want everybody to enjoy the freedoms we have.
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whump-protocol · 2 years
A drabble featuring Shiro and Keith in need of rescue. This is mildly uncomfortable and contains alien crystals, coughing up blood, and people saying "I love you."
Shiro feels like he walked through a meat grinder. 
His clothes have been practically shredded, and dozens of bruises bloom on his back and chest. A few of the deeper scratches are still bleeding. Moving hurts; he regrets the need to breathe as his lungs complain about the effort involved.
The genetically engineered beasts responsible for the carnage — escapees from the enemy lab — are nowhere to be seen. Not that Shiro is doing a great job of keeping an eye out. He’s barely alive, and doesn’t have any energy left to fight. If the twisted creatures make another appearance, he’ll be in a world of trouble.
But, he knows he’s safe because Keith is sitting beside him.
On the surface, the Blade looks somewhat better than the captain of the Atlas. His suit held up admirably against the beasts’ assault, and he’s strong enough to carry Shiro practically one-handed. The monstrous jaws stood no chance against him.
Even now, as he sits beside Shiro, he’s scanning the horizon.
Keith puts a reassuring hand on the older man’s forehead. His calm and focused demeanor soothes Shiro’s fears. Meanwhile, their rescue beacon stands on a ledge a feet away, beeping softly as it transmits their coordinates to the Blade ship circling the planet.
“How’re you holding up?” Shiro rasps, voice hoarse. Their target had been some kind of medical and research facility, and he’s breathed in a lot of dust and dirt in there.
His companion merely shrugs and makes a noncommittal gesture. It’s not an answer, but the captain will take what he can get. His gaze settles on the man he loves, and he can’t help but smile at the hard, angular face silhouetted by the slowly sinking star.
“That mission went south,” he adds. “I think I’m half to blame for the mess. That was, uh, not exactly my finest entrance.”
Keith shakes his head and strokes Shiro's overheated forehead with a gentle, soothing hand. He knows that none of this is Shiro’s fault — the captain had followed the mission’s orders to the letter.
“The map intel was appallingly terrible,” the older man grumbles. “Even by our exceedingly low standards. I know you didn’t have a choice about taking the mission, but…” His voice cracks and he clears his throat before adding, "I'm just glad you're alright.”
The Blade beside him smiles warmly, indigo eyes soft and gentle as they watch Shiro. "Love you," he signs as his vision briefly blurs.
Only then does Shiro realize that something isn’t right, that he hasn’t heard Keith's familiar voice since they’d said goodbye during the mission brief. He doesn’t know what happened to the younger man while they’d been separated in the enemy compound, and that scares him.
Shiro's stomach drops out with unfettered anxiety.
"Are you injured somewhere I can't see?" he demands, trying to sit up.
Keith puts both hands on Shiro’s shoulders and that’s enough to keep him still. Shaking his head, the Blade sits back and closes his eyes. He’s fluent in sign language — the Blades adopted it in the years since the end of the war — but Shiro isn’t. They're sitting on hard, barren rock, and he's not about to explain himself in blood. 
Shaking his head, he strokes Shiro's arm reassuringly. 
"But you haven't said anything."
That earns Shiro an accepting nod. That much is true.
Whatever destroyed his vocal cords had been set up to attack anyone who entered the target base. The whole place had been an ambush custom-tailored for the Blades, and Keith knows it. Speaking is out of the question — there’s only unyielding agony when he tries — and he can feel a grating itch in his throat. He suspects it has something to do with the crystalline structures that cover much of the research facility.
Most likely, a healer will be able to help.
"They'll be here soon," Shiro whispers, his own fear gnawing a hole in his chest. "They have to be."
Keith doesn’t have the heart to disagree.
A few minutes later, the Blade coughs up enough blood to cover his palm in crimson. He shivers as he looks at the mess — there’s nothing he can do now except wait for rescue. They have no medical supplies on hand, and even if they did, his body feels weak, and it takes far too much effort to raise his arms. 
He doesn't think he's getting up again.
"Love you," Keith signs again. If there’s one thing he wants Shiro to know, it’s that. 
"I love you, too," Shiro promises for all he's worth, sitting up now that Keith can't stop him. 
Large, comforting arms wrap themselves around the slender man. Keith presses his face into Shiro's warm chest, heedless of the injuries there, and basks in the safety of Shiro's embrace.
The rescue vessel arrives nearly an hour later. By then, Keith is unconscious and barely breathing. Small, glowing crystals pulse beneath the skin of his throat, and his skin is pale and clammy.
Shiro is terrified, helpless and angry. So, so angry.
"Let's get you both aboard," says the young Blade whose name Shiro can't remember as he sprints toward them. "We need to get him to the healing chambers. You, too, sir."
The younger Blade scrambles to help Shiro stand, but he pulls himself up. Cradled in his arms is the most precious cargo imaginable, and Shiro has no plans of letting go of his lover, not now — not for a long time to come.
Days later, when Keith finally wakes again, Shiro is hunched over in a chair next to his bed, asleep. 
“Love you,” Keith signs and smiles.
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damnlance · 3 years
21 please
Klance prompt #21
21. “Where did you get all these bruises from?”
Summary: Keith shows Lance his bruises and tells him where and when he got them.
It’s been eight days since the mission with The Blade.
The failed mission.
Keith can’t stop thinking about it. It's deep in his head. Flashes behind his eyes every time he closes them. It’s all over his body. Literally.
Dark purple and black bruises decorate his arms and legs and torso. Cuts and scrapes on his face. He deserves it, though. It’s his fault the mission went so badly. He swore he had everything under control. He said all the right things that he rehearsed over and over before landing on that freezing cold, yet weirdly humid, planet. He was calm and straightforward, but not demanding in any way. Or.. at least he thinks he wasn’t..
He still doesn’t know when everything went wrong. They were there to make peace with this planet, called Nagara, and offer them all the food, water, and supplies they needed to rebuild their planet after all the destruction and damage from the war 3 years ago. It was Keith’s job as the frontman and spokesperson to provide the aliens of the planet with a state of peace and safety since the war was over now.
But.. somewhere along the lines, Keith said the wrong thing. Or he did the wrong thing? Or he.. said and did the wrong thing at the same time and it made the Nagarians angry? He doesn’t know and he won’t know. His ears are blank to his own voice and words when he tries to replay the moments, seconds, before everything went wrong.
It doesn’t matter. He will never forget the way his mother looked at him after everything.
Her face was filled with pure rage. A look Keith has only ever seen if she was fighting the enemy. Never looking at him. And Kolivan? Oh, don���t even get him started on Kolivan.
Because what happened was so bad, Kolivan put Keith on a temporary suspension. Meaning he would sit out of all things ‘providing humanitarian relief to other planets’ and so on. That meant no meetings, debriefings, or socialization of any kind involving their mission to restore peace, and he would have to watch a four hour long video on what and what not to do during peace negotiations on otherworldly planets.
He was on complete lockdown and it was fucking pathetic.
Not only did he not bother to watch that stupid, long video. Instead, he kept himself locked in his room on the giant galra ship, not interacting with a single galran soul. Including his mother and Kolivan. He couldn't handle the scalding glares or the whispering in the hallways whenever he left to try to get some type of food in him. It was too much. And it’s what everyone was expecting of him. But not as Keith himself. As a mixed breed; a half galra, half human.
After six days of being temporarily suspended, Keith couldn’t handle anything anymore. It was too much and he was tired of literally everything, so he packed up all the shit he could gather, grabbed his trusty space wolf, and left in his galra cruiser without notifying anyone.
Now, here he is, a day out. The ride down to earth is.. pretty uncomfortable to say the least. His cruiser isn’t as big as it looks and with Kosmo tagging along and his giant duffle bag, it’s a little cramped. But it doesn’t matter, because he’s almost to his destination, and he can’t wait to land. Because yeah okay, he’s suspended temporarily, but that doesn’t mean he can’t get away for some quality Keith time. A little vacation never hurt anyone. And he knows just who he wants to spend his free time with.
knock knock knock!
Lance jerks awake. The first thing his tired eyes land on is the ceiling. It’s dimly lit and as his pupils unblur from the sleep still in them, he can hear the static of the tv that’s still on from some boring action movie he decided to watch. The once fresh bowl of popcorn on the coffee table has run cold long ago and the pitter patter of water droplets hitting the roof from the outside can be heard as well.
Lance sits up slowly and stretches his arms above his head, a yawn slipping its way out of his mouth as he tries to register reality around him. It takes him a few seconds to wake up and when he does, he remembers that it was a knock that woke him in the first place. He carefully stands, slipping his bare feet into the slippers on the floor just next to the navy blue colored couch, and walks over to the front door, hugging himself.
As soon as he opens the door, the pouring rain is louder. And Keith is standing there. Soaking wet with a big duffel bag in one hand and a leash that’s connected to the collar on Kosmo’s neck in the other hand.
“Keith!?” Lance is ten times more awake now as he quickly moves aside to let Keith and Kosmo in. “Oh, shit man, you’re soaking wet! Let me go grab some towels!”
“Thanks,” is the first word out of Keith’s mouth. It’s shy and embarrassed but Lance doesn’t pay any mind to it as he rummages through the towel closet next to the hallway bathroom. He comes back and wraps a big towel around Keith’s shoulders, taking the duffle bag from his hand and setting it next to the smaller couch by the bay window in the living room. Lance takes the other towel, kneeling down to begin drying off Kosmo. Kosmo licks his face as he does it and it makes Lance smile, tossing and turning his head away from the alien wolf’s freakishly long tongue. Once he’s finished, Lance stands and finds Keith on the couch, discarding his wet clothes. He walks over and sits on the coffee table directly in front of him.
“Keith?” He asks, the tone in his voice full of wonder and confusion, but also worry.
“I’m fine,” Keith answers, a sigh leaving his lips. He looks at Lance through his long, wet bangs and sends him a weak but reassuring smirk. “I decided it was time for a.. a small break.”
Lance doesn’t look convinced, sitting there twiddling his thumbs. “How small?”
Keith shrugs, losing their eye contact. “Couple weeks, tops.”
“Weeks sound like a long time to be away..” Lance bites his lower lip, his bed head, or couch head in this situation, making Keith want to reach over and pat his hair down. “I feel like there’s something else I’m missing here.”
A sigh. “Later, Lance, okay? I’m tired and wet and cold, and I just want to shower and lay down, if that’s alright?” He finally looks back over to those dark blue eyes in the dark living room and then, a small nod and a smile.
“Sure,” Lance says, this time with more confidence, but his eyes scan over the scrapes and scratches on Keith’s face. “Let me help you out with your suit.”
They both stand and Keith turns around for Lance to unzip it from the back. He moves his long wet hair over his right shoulder and puts his head down. The literal second that Lance grabs that zipper, Keith remembers how his body looks. And if Lance thinks his face is bad, just wait til he sees his body. Keith jerks away and it startles Lance as he almost trips over the coffee table.
“Keith!? What the he-!?”
“I-I just remembered!” Keith looks everywhere but Lance’s eyes now. “I smell horrible underneath this suit a-and I really don’t want you to smell me, so I’ll just head to the bathroom now!”
“What??” Lance scoffs. “A-are you sure?? I don’t mind a little stink, Keith, I’ve smelled you right after a fight with the-!”
“I’m sure.” Keith nods. He sends a nervous smile towards Lance and quickly leans forward to plant a quick kiss to his cheek. He grabs his duffel bag and b lines it for the guest room, closing the door behind him. Lance watches his every move, then turns back to look at Kosmo who is looking right at him.
“What was that about??” He asks the wolf. Kosmo tilts his head, ears popping up. Lance sighs and begins his walk towards his kitchen. “Come on, boy. You must be hungry.”
Keith wipes the foggy mirror with his hand, exhaling a breath of relief from the heavenly shower he just took. He takes the smaller towel from around his neck and dries his hair, ruffling it up in the process. His eyes scan his tired face and exhausted body. The bruises that decorate his pale skin are of dark purples and blues and blacks. They’re eight days old, but they still hurt like crazy. Keith eyes the one right below his left pec. It’s purple with yellow blotches and he presses down on it just to see and the pain that zips down his spine is more than enough warning to tell him to stop. A deep sigh leaves his mouth as he pushes his hair back and ties it up in a messy bun.
knock knock! “Keith? You okay?”
Keith nearly jumps at Lance’s voice. “U-uh, yeah! I’ll be out in a second.”
“Okay.” The concern in Lance’s voice eases. “No rush, though.”
Keith sighs again. He has to tell Lance. Has to show him. Sure, he’ll freak out and never want him to leave again but.. if he gets it over with, there won’t be any more surprises if Lance wants to touch him again.
A soft smile graces Keith’s lips as he thinks about the man just on the other side of the door. They’ve been through a lot. Individually. Together. And even though it’s only been three years, they still suffer through the after effects of the war. They all do.
Lance gets nightmares. About a lot of things. He says his nightmares feel so real, and sometimes it’s hard to decipher if his nightmares really happened or not. It scares him and has left him very vulnerable in more situations than he likes to admit. There’s a lot more than just the nightmares; flashbacks in the middle of the day, jumping at loud noises, never leaving his home because he feels like everywhere he turns, some species-less threat is gonna come out and attack him, Allura’s sacrifice. Yeah. It’s a pretty long list. But with therapy, his family and friends’ support, and Keith, he’s come a very long way to recovery.
Keith on the other hand got most of the paranoia. Even though he still works in space with his galran colleagues, he still can’t help but get that itch underneath his skin that someday, someone will turn on him and try to attack him. It could happen at any time. Any day or night. Anywhere. Because of this fear, he doesn’t get much sleep, and is very overprotective of his friends. Of his mother. Even his space wolf. His knife has become like a permanent extension to his hand, he never goes anywhere without it. Keeps it underneath his pillow, in his back pocket, in his boot, anywhere that’s easy enough to reach so he can defend himself if need be. He’s even accidentally pulled it on all of his friends at least once. Even on Lance, who barely even flinched at the time. It’s safe to say that no one can ever sneak up on him.
And somehow, through all their damage, Keith and Lance still found each other. It wasn’t right away. And it wasn’t planned, either. It’s just.. happened. They barely talked after the war ended, and unpurposely drifted apart. Keith busied himself in his work with The Blade, and Lance distanced himself away from everyone.
But one year ago, around Christmas, Keith came back to spend the holiday with Shiro and Curtis. Little did he know, they were gone for the holidays, so Keith, and Krolia, decided to stay with Lance and his huge family. Lance was so happy to see him, he couldn’t dare to say no. ‘The more the merrier,’ his mother Rosa said. So, while Keith and Lance spent the time shopping together and baking cookies and wrapping gifts and getting drunk on eggnog, Krolia learned a lot of the Christmas Earth traditions and Cuban recipes from Rosa and even got a few surprise presents from Lance’s niece and nephew. She cried because she didn’t know what else to do. Happiness always makes Krolia cry. Keith bought Lance a red Paladin mug with his face on it that he saw at some flea market on one of their stops on some random planet, and Lance bought Keith a giant blanket to keep him warm while he was away in space. The emotions were flying, the eggnog was settling and long story short, they ended up sleeping together, with every ounce of consent they could muster. It’s still one of the greatest nights of Keith’s life.
They’ve been together since then, five months, and even though they don’t have a label on what they are, Keith is happy this way. He likes being label-less with Lance. He likes having a home to come back to, with a warm kitchen, a warm bed, and a warm body. He likes the open space and how much Kosmo and Kaltenecker get along. He likes how much Kosmo adores Lance and his homemade space wolf food, just for him. He likes that Lance buys stuff for him to have when he’s away so he has new things to come back to. New slippers. A new comfy robe. New matching pajamas. A new toothbrush. Keith likes Lance. And everything that they are in the moments they’re together. And although he knows Lance is still grieving over Allura and that it could take a couple more years until he’s ready for a real relationship, Keith would take this over anything. Any day.
As he emerges from the bathroom, he doesn’t bother putting on all of his clothes, just his red paladin boxer briefs. He and Lance have seen each other naked plenty of times, and he’s very comfortable in his skin around Lance. Lance has that effect on him. So when he walks out in just his boxer briefs and a white cotton towel around his neck, he’s got absolutely nothing to hide. Except, maybe not giving Lance a heart attack tonight. Keith hides behind the wall just before the entryway to the living room and curses himself for what he’s about to do.
“H-hey.. Lance?”
“Yeah?” Lance says, something like food in his mouth. “Where are you, man?”
“I’m…” Keith sighs. “Can you just.. cl-close your eyes for a sec.. please?”
“Uh,” Lance shrugs, Keith can hear from his clothes rumpling up. “Sure.”
Keith peeks around the corner and sees that Lance’s eyes are sealed shut. Kosmo is on the floor next to him, sound asleep. His tongue is hanging out just the slightest bit as snores leave his mouth. Keith smiles at the sight and looks back to Lance. He’s so beautiful. This guy has done some much for him and more. Before the war, during, and now after. He’s the greatest guy that Keith could’ve asked for.. greater than that. With that in mind, Keith steps out from behind the wall and walks over to Lance before his brain tells him that this is all a bad idea. The living room is still dim, only illuminated by the television and the lamp next to the couch Lance is sitting on, but it’ll be more than enough light to see Keith’s battered body.
Once Keith is in front of Lance, he closes his own eyes, fists clenched down by his sides.
“Okay.. now on the count of three, you can open your eyes.. but don’t freak out. Got it?”
Lance lets out a small snort. “Yes, Keef, I got it.”
Keith rolls closed eyes and sticks his nails into the palms of his sweaty hands. “Alright.. one.. two.. three..”
Lance’s eyes open. The breath that gets caught in his throat is enough to send Keith’s gut dropping out of his ass and into the floor.
“Holy shit!” Lance is up, eyes roaming Keith’s entire body. “W-what the fu-!?”
Keith opens his eyes and is face to face with Lance. They’re almost the same height, Keith’s got him by a few inches easily, and the look on Lance’s face is enough to send Keith into cardiac arrest.
“I-I’m fine, Lance, really-”
“No, you’re not!” Lance cuts him off, wanting to reach out but too afraid to do so. Keith’s tone, muscular body is a canvas of dark colors and spots of different shapes. No wonder he jumped earlier, Lance could have hurt him even more than he already looks. A shaky breath leaves Lance’s mouth as he meets Keith’s dark eyes. “What happened to you, love?”
Love. The pet name actually sends Keith’s into cardiac arrest, he’s sure of it. But as soon as Lance cups his face with both of his big, warm hands, it’s over for Keith. His eyes begin to water and his throat closes up on him so that he can’t talk. Tears fall down his cheeks as he looks down to the floor between him and Lance. His bottom lip quivers and when Lance tilts his head back up to look at him again, a sob slips its way out of Keith’s mouth.
“Oh, Keith,” Lance coos, bringing Keith into a big, gentle hug. Keith hugs him back, sobbing into his shoulder. “Baby..” Lance whispers.
Keith just continues to sob. He didn’t even know he had been holding back for so long. But here, in Lance’s arms, he can feel everything that’s been bottled up coming out of his throat and from his teary eyes. Lance only continues to hold him, rubbing his soft hands up and down Keith’s pale bruised back.
Keith doesn’t know how long this goes on. How long he cries. How long Lance holds him. But somewhere in the middle of it all, they’ve moved to Lance’s room. Keith sits on Lance’s bed, wiping his red, teary eyes and snotty nose with a tissue. Lance rummages through his bathroom drawer for some numbing ointment that he recently bought for his back and feet from working out on the farm five days a week. When he returns, Keith is done crying. He sits up straight and removes the white towel from around his neck. Lance stands in front of him and kneels between his open legs. He stares at them. At the bruises and scratches and scabbed gashes.
“I..” he starts, clearing his throat from what has to be a lump forming. “I got this.. numbing cream. It’ll help a lot.”
Keith stares down at him as he talks, his voice is so quiet and gentle.
“Can I..?” Lance asks, looking up to meet Keith’s red eyes.
“Yeah.” Keith nods.
Lance uncaps the ointment, squirting a good amount into the palm of his hand. He sets the tube down and rubs his hands together. Then, he gently, gently, places them on Keith’s bruised thighs and begins rubbing the ointment around.
Keith clenches his jaw, hands fisting in the comforter on Lance’s bed. He lets out the air from his nostrils and feels the pain slowly turning into relief. He looks down and watches as Lance works his hands in circular motions, gently rubbing the ointment onto Keith’s injuries.
“..keith…?“ Lance whispers, eyes focused on his hands covered with ointment that’s slowly making his hands numb.
“Yeah..?” Keith answers back, looking at the ceiling of Lance’s room. Those glow in the dark stars are still there.
“How…” Lance clears his throat. “W.. Where did you get all these bruises from?”
Keith sighs. “..blade mission.. gone wrong..”
Something in Lance’s eyes darken. “What? W-when?? How?? W-Where!?”
“Um..” Keith can’t even look at Lance anymore. The worry in his eyes is too much. “A.. Week ago.. on some planet called Nagara. It was.. all my f.. my faul..” The tears are back. Keith blinks them away and sniffs quietly, looking down at his hands in his lap. He can feel himself sinking back to that day, to that mission. He remembers it all so clearly.
They landed on Nagara. The planet was really cold. He and The Blade were greeted by a tall figure who looked similar to an earth bear. They were big, round, had dark eyes all around, sharp teeth and a snout. Three rows of antenna grew out of their foreheads as well as horns of all shapes and sizes going down their backs and spines. And giant sharp claws for fingers. They looked vicious. And they made it very clear that they didn’t like the Galra.
Keith made the first move. He spoke in a calm voice and made his intentions clear; he and The Blade were only there to help and provide the planet with anything they needed. They had food, water, clothes, and building supplies ready on their ships and were 100% committed to fixing up this planet and its species from the after effects of the war. But their King, King Arxuan, wouldn’t let them go any further until they explained what they were doing there. So Keith did.
He explained it all. Voltron won. Zarkon dead. Princess Allura saved the universe. Keith is the red and black Paladin. The Blade of Marmora is good. The Blade of Marmora is here to help. But Keith being Keith.. he’s not too good with his words. Everything sounded fine in his head. And when it came out of his mouth? Completely different.
“We are The Blade of Marmora,” Keith started. “We’re here to provide supplies to your helpless planet that has clearly been affected by the war and-”
Record scratch. Yeah, poor choice of words on Keith’s end. But they left his mouth so fast that his brain couldn't keep up. The King and his subjects didn’t like it one bit and before Keith could keep up with his offensive word vomit, the Nagarians drew their weapons and like a firework, everything went up in flames.
Keith didn’t mean to offend anyone.. and he didn’t mean it like that. But the Nagarians didn’t know or care how he meant it. They attacked within seconds of Keith’s poor choice of words and thank god for his team’s fast reflexes, otherwise his head would not be on his shoulders and he wouldn’t be sitting here on Lance’s bed.
Legs criss crossed on Lance’s bed, the strong minty scent of numbing cream filling the room.
His fingers locked with Lance’s as Lance rubs his thumb over Keith’s fingers.
Keith feels warmth bloom in the pit of his stomach as he stares down at Lance who’s sitting on the floor in front of him. Those deep blue eyes staring back so affectionately. Altean markings just barely glowing in Lance's dim room.
Lance swallows and squeezes Keith’s hand. “Are you alright?”
“I am now..” Keith shrugs, looking at the floor. “But these last few days have been hell.. and the guilt I have for almost killing my team has.. been..”
Lance nods, understanding. He comes up off of the floor and sits next to Keith. The second his arm goes up, Keith is there leaning into his side, nuzzling into his neck. His cheeks are wet with tears again and quiet sobs leave his throat.
“It’s okay, Keith,” Lance nods, planting a gentle kiss atop Keith’s head. “We all make mistakes. Some worse than others. but.. what matters now is that you’re here. You’re alive. And safe.”
Keith nods, sniffling as tears and snot run down his face. He’s had everything balled up until this very moment. The guilt. The shame. The way Kolivan and his mother looked at him. The way the other Blade members blamed him. None of that mattered anymore. Because here, in Lance’s heavenly embrace, he was fine. He was gonna be alright.
“You’re safe, love..” Lance reassures him. “I’ve got you.”
And he does. Lance holds Keith tight, holds him close. Lance lets him cry and doesn’t judge him. He’s just.. there for him. And it’s everything Keith needed.
Keith wakes up in Lance’s bed.
Blanket crowding his entire body. His long hair is literally everywhere around his face and neck and shoulders. The golden sun is shining through the blinds of the window, making him squint a tiny bit, and the pain from the bruises on his body are somewhat bearable..
There’s a smell hitting his nostrils that makes his mouth water and stomach grumble in a hunger he didn’t know he had. When he sits up, Kosmo is right there beside him, curled up in a ball, staring at him. Keith smiles at the space wolf and reaches to pet his head.
“Hey there, boy.” He rubs behind Kosmo’s ears, chuckling a little when Kosmo nuzzles into his hand. Suddenly, flashes of last night come flooding back to Keith’s mind and he groans out, covering his face. Sure, crying his eyes out all night long and being comforted by Lance, his friend-boyfriend-whatever-they-are was nice, BUT crying your eyes out all night long and and being comforted by Lance, his friend-boyfriend-whatever-they-are took a lot out of Keith. He’s tired. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. He just wants to spend the rest of his time away from work relaxing with the only person he wants to be with in the entire universe. And Kosmo.
And as if on cue..
“Keith?” Lance’s voice is soft. “You awake, yet?”
Keith looks over to the door and sees Lance popping his head into his own room. When their eyes meet, Keith can feel the undeniable spark between them and it causes his heart to do something funny beneath his rib cage. He smiles a bit shyly and brings his legs up to a criss-cross position, Lance’s puffy space themed blankets bunching up around Keith’s waist.
“Morning..” Keith answers, tucking his long hair behind his ear.
Lance’s eyes never leave his as the Cuban boy finally enters the room, two plates full of food in each of his hands. Keith eyes the food and his stomach grumbles once again. The noise overthrows the silence in the room and Keith has to put his hands over his stomach to silence the sound. It didn’t work.
“Good morning to you, too,” Lance chuckles, setting Keith’s plate into his lap. “Guess I don’t have to ask if you’re hungry, huh?”
“Shut up..” Keith flushes and looks down at his full plate of food. Organic eggs, two fluffy pancakes, sweet turkey bacon and a buttery biscuit with strawberry jam decorate his plate beautifully. All of his favorite breakfast foods right there in front of him. Made by the man right beside him with a matching plate of food for himself.
“Dig in!” Lance says, his mouth already full of food. Keith doesn’t waste a second and obeys the words from Lance's mouth. They eat in a comfortable silence, Kosmo moving to the ground to collect any scraps they throw his way. After a while, Keith clears his throat and musters up the courage to look at Lance’s beautiful face.
“H-hey, uh.. Lance?” He whispers.
“Yeah?” Lance is staring at him now, blue eyes boring into him again.
Keith can’t breathe and he finds himself having to take a really deep breath before he continues.
“Thank you,” he pushes out of his throat, “for everything. For letting me cry in front of you, and.. for not judging me for it.”
Lance stops chewing and swallows. Keith quickly takes him all in before he gets caught; Lance’s messy brown curls, his gorgeous tan skin all over his bare torso, those cute little freckles all over his body, his Altean marks. Everything about him is so breathtaking and Keith can barely keep his heart at bay.
“You don’t have to thank me,” Lance says, breaking Keith’s thoughts. Their eyes meet again. “I’m here for you no matter what, Keith. You have to know that by now.”
“I-I do,” Keith nods, tucking his lower lip between his teeth. He sets his plate onto the bedside table next to him and scoots closer to Lance. As if completely on autopilot, he grabs Lance’s face and forces their eyes to meet once more. He stares deeply into those ocean blue eyes and fights the awkward urge to look away.
“Lance,” he starts, exhaling a breath that smells like eggs, bacon, and syrup, “I love you, so much. Thank you for always comforting me and being my right hand man.. you.. you are the light in my life, and I..”
Tears fill Keith’s eyes and to his surprise, Lance also sports some in his own eyes.
“I know,” Lance whispers, gaze moving from Keith’s eyes, to his lips, and back. “Like I said, you don’t have to thank me. I would do anything for you. Because.. I love you, too.”
The second Lance’s plate is out of the way, the two boys are kissing so fast, the air in their lungs can’t keep up. Lance pulls Keith close by the oversized t-shirt around his torso and clings to him for dear life. Keith does the same and cups Lance’s cheeks. Their kisses are full of passion, desperation, and love. And when they part, Lance is trailing those same kisses down Keith’s jaw, to his neck and his collarbones, kissing every visible bruise he can reach.
“I’m so happy you’re safe, my love,” He says between kisses on Keith’s neck. As he pulls back, Keith is smiling like Lance is his whole world.
“Me, too, Lance,” Keith answers, kissing the corner of Lance’s syrupy mouth, his cheeks and neck flushing red. “Me, too.”
(send me a klangst prompt)
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astralscrivener · 3 years
'“I—I don’t know,” Keith admitted. “Just—down on yourself. Stop that. Or if you’re gonna, just talk it out with me, alright? If I have to come get you when I want to run, then you have to come get me when you’re getting like that. No secrets.”
“No secrets,” Lance echoed, frowning and nodding.
Keith finally let go and they walked back to the castleship, side-by-side in silence.'
This seems like an interesting thing to ask about- the section overall made me cry i just couldn't fit it into the ask
stealing our own place in the sun: chapter 16: 6.04: adaptive optics
OKAY SO first of all. i am pushing the klance agenda here, we all know that, jot that down.
basically, there are a lot of complicated emotions here on both of their parts, but especially lance. deep down, lance is falling for keith, and he's maybe aware that there are some funky feelings inside of him when he thinks about keith, but overall he's just kind of oblivious to it. he just knows that keith is really important to him and he wants to protect him, but he's still having trouble differentiating his romantic feelings from his platonic feelings for the rest of the team. he is definitely not aware of how much time he is spending with keith or how strongly he's coming off, and especially the implications of him basically saying, "hey, like, i know you don't handle people well and you really need alone time sometimes, but it's dangerous, so maybe be alone with me? i'll keep you safe" like. he does not comprehend the enormity of that
the other emotion here is extreme guilt. deep down lance really does genuinely think that the fact that they are paladins on the front lines of the war is his fault. he just had to butt in on the night keith was rescuing shiro. he didn't know then that keith and shiro are brothers, but now that he knows that he really feels like he intruded on a private moment for them and stuck his nose where it didn't belong, and he ended up awakening this ancient entity that took them to space and went "okay, fight a war now," and so lance believes he is single-handedly the reason they're all traumatized and fighting for their lives and the universe at large
and so those are the two secrets he's harboring, which is why he frowns when he says "no secrets." he has complicated feelings he really can't even begin to verbalize and doesn't really have time to analyze, and he's just. super fucking guilty
keith is NOT good at words. he is thinking back to the bedroom scene in season 3. he knows that lance is having a rough time, but he doesn't know how to verbally help him. keith's love language is acts of service. but he knows lance needs to hear words and by god he is trying so hard, which is why he's tripping and stumbling like that. and he has watched the clone kind of talk back to lance and dismiss him, and the others mock him for his crush on allura and think he's overreacting to everything, but he knows lance is smart and capable. he wants to show lance that he trusts him and values his input, and if lance says, "hey, i get the sense that people are trying to play you and that you're in danger and i want to protect you," then keith is going to listen to him, especially because lance is the only person who really challenged his leadership position and forced him to be better, forced him to listen to the team and not immediately do the reckless thing just because he could.
he knows he has a secret, that he has a crush on lance and that he fully does not expect lance to like him back, even though all of lance's actions keep igniting this little glimmer of hope in his chest, but he sets that aside because he wants to honor that little pact they made about backing each other up and not keeping secrets all the way back in 4.04. and his actions are absolutely not driven by "i have a crush and i want him to like me back," but "i value lance as a person and i want him to know that he's good, he's got a good heart and he's good at what he does and he deserves the universe." keith knows he likes lance but doesn't know yet that he loves him, romantically. he knows that he would die for lance, he would hang the stars and the moon for him...man. he's just in love and doesn't even know it.
at the very least, they both know how much they've come to trust and rely on each other, and so when lance says something that big like, "if you want to run to no one else, run to me," and keith says, "come to me when you're feeling down about yourself so we can talk about it," it doesn't scare them. they're vulnerable with each other and this scene is one of those things that works to cement that
anyway. that was longer than i thought. they're in love.
pick a passage of 500 words or less from my writing and get dvd-style commentary
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petalsbloomed-a · 3 years
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✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚     It had been some time since their argument, and in all honesty, Keith had spent the majority of his time thinking about everything he had said to Pidge instead of considering leaving for good.  Everything he had called her a disgrace for he had only ended up doing himself...and he had wanted to do it again.  Stabs of SHAME repeatedly hit him in the heart, and he had been mulling over doing this for quite some time ;  deep down he knew that it was the right thing to do.
     He was one of the  ( pseudo- )  responsible adults of the team, and he had a responsibility to create a leadership role.  He also didn’t want to have any long-lasting grudges against anyone he considered an ally to him in this war.
     There was a steady knock at the green paladin’s door, and he was instantly met with those glaring amber eyes.  ❝ Look...I know I’m probably the last face that you want to see right now, ❞  he began somewhat awkwardly.  ❝ But...a lot of what I said earlier...it was unacceptable and hypocritical.  So...I’m sorry.  ...For everything. ❞  He genuinely meant ‘everything’ ;  more times than average was it his fault for putting his team in danger, and it sucked that he had taken this long to figure that out.  Guilt coursed through him, and he had to fight not to visibly bite his lip from how much unbridled shame he was feeling.
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Eighteen (Crazy) Ch. 6
— read the other chapters here
--- --- ---
Shiro is the first of the team to reach Lance and Keith. He ignores the rest of the team cheering and screaming behind him, pumped up by the win. He runs right up to them, grabbing them both by their arms, inspecting them up and down for damage or injuries. He doesn’t see any, but not all injuries are external, maybe –
“We’re fine, Shiro,” Lance says softly. 
“You don’t know that, what if you hit your head –”
“We’re fine,” Keith reiterates, and his eyes are just as soft. 
Shiro exhales deeply, closing his eyes briefly and letting some of the terror whoosh away. He loops his arms around their shoulders, crushing them both against his chest. 
“I was so fucking worried,” he breathes. 
He doesn’t need to see Keith’s face to know the boy is rolling his eyes. 
“We were fine, you worrywart. We knew what we were doing.” 
(Lance, wisely, keeps his mouth shut.)
Shiro pulls back, raising an eyebrow. 
Look, Shiro loves his kids. Really. A lot about his current situation sucks – being forced to be a gladiator? Sucked. Non-consensual body modification? Sucked. Fighting in a war he didn’t sign up for? Sucks. – but he honestly would not go back and change things. Not if it meant losing his kids. His kids are brave, they’re smart, they’re good and kind and wonderful and thoughtful and strong. 
They’re also impulsive dumbasses who Shiro occasionally wants to smother. (Okay, maybe a little more than occasionally. In his defense, if they did less stupid things, he would want to kick their asses less.)
Lance and Keith are the prime examples of this phenomena. Like, Shiro could go on and on about how proud he is of them. He could also go on and on about how the rest of his hair is also turning white, and it is at least ninety-four percent their fault. 
Seriously. Pod racing?! On a planet famous for dirty deals and lawlessness?
“You sure you guys are fine?”
“Yes,” Keith says, exasperated. 
“Good. Then that means I can do this.” 
He reaches over and slaps them both upside the head.
“Ow!” Keith exclaims.
“Saw that one coming,” mutters Lance, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“What were you two thinking?” Shiro shouts. “I like to think I’ve done a decent job keeping you safe! Both of you, but especially you, Keith! I’m pretty lenient, sure, and maybe I should have nipped that demolitions obsession in the beginning, but overall I think I’ve done okay!”
Keith has the good grace to finally start looking guilty, but Shiro’s too worked up, now.
“Fucking pod racing! Did you plan this out, thinking ahead? No. Did you have a contingency plan for if and when someone decided they weren’t gonna play by the rules? No! You made it up as it happened! Which –” Shiro falters a little. “Well, it was a good plan, but still!”
“We’re sorry, Shiro,” Lance says, reaching up to hug Shiro tightly. 
Keith nods. “What he said.” He reaches over next, wrapping his arms around his brother just as tightly. 
Shiro sighs. 
Yes, his kids are impulsive dumbasses. Yes, they stress him out. Yes, he can still feel the terror pumping through his veins, and he’s likely going to have nightmares of the Electrifier charging up and shooting at the two for months. 
But, like. Objectively. They really kicked ass. 
“I’m proud of you two,” he says, sagging into their embrace. 
Lance giggles. “I knew you thought it was cool.”
Shiro rolls his eyes, pulling away. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t do it again.”
“No promises,” Keith teases, grinning, making Shiro pinch him. 
“Are you done lecturing them, Dad?” Pidge complains from behind him. “I want to go collect their winnings! And then I want to see if I can find a lightsaber!”
The word ‘lightsaber’ draws Keith and Lance’s attention so quickly that it’s comical. Shiro sighs, shaking his head fondly. He could grow a set of arms out of his ears and do a cartwheel and that wouldn’t get their attention, anymore. Dragging them – any of the kids – away from a conversation about lightsabers is going to be impossible. (Not that he wants to draw them away, that is. As long as they stick to the buddy system Shiro’s happy to let them explore around. Also, he won’t lie – he’d kind of like to see if they can find a lightsaber, too.)
“We won’t find a lightsaber, Pidge,” Lance argues. “It’s Tatooine. Not the Jedi Palace. Besides, we don’t know if this is actually Tatooine. It could just be a planet that resembles it.”
“Well, I mean, we could look.”
“Yeah, fair. Hey, let’s check that place out –” 
“Buddy system! Please do not wander off alone!” Shiro calls as everyone starts to split up. 
Allura rolls her eyes, teasing, before grabbing Hunk and Pidge’s hands to drag them off somewhere. “Okay, father.”
Shiro pretends that doesn’t make him feel all warm and fuzzy. He is fooling no one. 
Keith and Lance, who have a lecture fresh in their minds, are a little less testy.
“We’ll stick together, dork. Quit worrying.”
“We’ll keep our comms on! Love you, Shiro!”
Soon, only him and Coran are left just outside the racetrack, carefully watching the rest of the kids run off until they’re no longer visible. 
“I have not seen them so free of stress for many varga,” Coran notes quietly. “It’s good to see them so happy.”
“It is. I wish they were less happy doing dangerous things, but. You know. Teenagers.”
Coran snorts. “I do know. Allura was not the first child I have reared, but she was the most stressful. She went through a phase in her early teenhood where she was convinced she was foing to work in a circus, and attempted on more than one occasion to juggle luxite blades.”
“Oh, I feel you on that one,” Shiro says, picking a random direction and starting to walk. Coran does not hesitate to come along. “Keith’s obsession was demolitions, which was about as stressful as you’d expect.”
The two paternal figures of Voltron continue on their walk, sharing stores of various ridiculous and terror-inducing situations they’ve found the paladins in. Shiro tells Coran of the time he caught Lance attempting to parkour off Blue’s snout – 40 feet in the air – with zero safety equipment. Coran, in return, tells Shiro of the time he found Hunk and Pidge shocking themselves with various foreign batteries, to attempt to discern their voltage by feeling. 
Shiro feels like he’s finally joined a single-dad support group, something he’s secretly wanted to do since 11 year old Keith stole his car for the first time. (Adam would be so proud of him. The thought makes him melancholy, as usual. He misses his partner. He hates that he doesn’t know what Adam is to him, anymore. He wishes they’d at least had the chance to break off on better terms. More than anything, though, he wishes he could see Adam again. Differences or no, anger or no – Shiro loves that man, and will until he dies. It’s genuinely painful to know Adam is not in his life.)
Coran lays a kind hand on his shoulder. “You’ve gone morose, Number One. Anything you’re comfortable sharing?”
Shiro stops walking, right in the middle of the street. 
Is he comfortable sharing? Is Adam something he’s ready to disclose? This team is his family, in every possible way. He trusts them more than anything. But Shiro has a responsibility, as their leader. He’s supposed to be the one they rely on, not the other way around. Shiro has to be strong enough to handle himself. 
The truth is, though, he’s really not strong enough. As much as he feels like he ages a year everyday, he’s really only twenty-five. (Twenty-six, really. Twenty-seven? Who knows. Time is weird.)
Coran notices his hesitation and turmoil, pulling him gently to the side of the dirt road so they’re not creating a massive block for all the foot traffic. 
“You know,” he says after a moment, “you are only a person, Shiro. You are not a mindless drone, a soldier to the Coalition. You are a living person with thoughts and emotions and stressors, and you are allowed – encouraged, really – to feel these emotions. We want you to express yourself, Shiro. We don’t want you to bottle yourself up. You may be the leader, child, but you are still very much a part of the team, which means you can lean on us as we lean on you.”
Shiro takes a deep, shuddering exhale. His eyes close, his hands shake, and he does everything he can to keep himself upright. 
“I can’t let anyone down,” he chokes out, right as the tears give way. “I can’t, Coran, they need support, they need –”
“They need you, Shiro, as you are. Just as you are.” 
Shiro sobs, and Coran catches him as he collapses forward. Goosebumps erupt over his skin, and his flesh burns in every place that Coran touches. A feeling bursts in his chest, and some of the terror he’s been holding with clenched fists finally leaves. 
He cannot remember the last time he’s been held so protectively. 
“Let it out, child,” Coran soothes. “Let it out.”
Shiro stays in Coran’s arms, for minutes, hours, days. He doesn’t know how long. All he knows is that the foreign feeling shooting through his body is safety, and he’s been deprived of it so long that he had completely forgotten how quiet it makes his brain. For the first time in what feels like forever, he can hear thoughts in his mind that aren’t crowded in panic. 
Shiro quickly pulls away, trying desperately to wipe his eyes even though he knows they must be red-rimmed and swollen. 
“Lance. What happened to the buddy system? Where’s Keith?”
“He just left to join everyone else, I saw you before he let me go. We were safe.” He steps forward, placing a gentle hand on Shiro’s arm. “What’s wrong, Shiro?”
Shiro does his best to plaster a reassuring smile on his face, but it’s flimsy at best and Lance is no idiot. “I’m fine.”
Lance flits his eyes to Coran. “What’s wrong? Why is he upset?”
Coran, bless his heart, shakes his head. “Not my story to tell, Number Four.”
“Shiro,” Lance says, voice firm, “before I say anything else, I need you to understand something. Look at me.”
Shiro has no choice but to obey. Lance’s tone leaves no room for argument. 
“You are loved, do you hear me? I love you. I fuckin’ adore you, Shiro. We all do. I am so proud of you that it is truly ridiculous. Do you understand me?”
There is nothing he can do to keep his face from crumpling all over again. Somehow, in spite of not hearing a word from Shiro, Lance read him like a book and knew exactly what to say. 
“Aw, Shiro,” Lance says, pulling him into his third major embrace of the hour. Lance gets on his tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his cheek and making a loud ‘mwah’ noise. “It’s okay, Shiro. Take some time. Here.” He moves one hand back from Shiro’s shoulders, rummaging through his bag. He grabs a water bottle, handing it over. “Drink this, or you’re gonna get a headache.”
“Thank you,” Shiro rasps, realising suddenly that yeah, holy shit, he’s parched. He resists the urge to chug the whole damn bottle down, taking a couple sips, but gives in when Lance raises an eyebrow. 
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, lad,” Coran says, patting him on the back. 
Shiro shoots them both a small smile. “Yeah, I am. Thank you. Both of you.”
Coran returns his smile, but Lance squints at him, contemplative. 
“Hm. No. We are not done here. Hold on a second.”
He turns around, pulling out his comm and dialing someone. “Hunky-bear, light of my life! …Yeah, yeah, okay. I do need something. Has Keith dragged you guys to that knife stand again? …Yeah, thought so. Did you see the booth before it? …I know! You know who needs that place more than anyone else? …Mhm. I’m with him and Coran now. Meet us there in five? …’Kay! Love you.”
Shiro exchanges a look with Coran. Lance's plans are kind of a hit or miss. Plans going awry isn’t really the problem – his ideas almost always go exactly as planned, as Lance is an excellent strategist. The problem lies in the ideas themselves – sometimes Lance forgets that, unlike him, most people fear death. 
Lance is already speedwalking away, though, so Coran and Shiro trip after him. (Buddy system, Lance, Jesus!)
“Where are we going?” Shiro asks after a couple minutes of powerwalking.
Lance smirks at him. “You’ll see.” And there’s nothing else Shiro can get from him in the short walk they take to the rest of the team. And it is a short walk, as it’s only been a few minutes and Shiro can already see the rest of the kids standing off to the side of the road.
“Shiro!” Everyone calls his name in unison, facing literally lighting up, and –
Shiro swallows the lump in his throat, tears threatening to bubble right back up, but they’re happy, this time. Gods above, he loves his fucking team. 
Before he has a chance to greet them back, Lance pushes him gently through a purple curtain that serves as the door to – well, to somewhere. 
“Lance, where are you talking me, seriously –” 
Shiro whips his head up. 
No. No way!
Bark! Bark! Bark!
In front of him, in a giant, fluffy pile on the stone floor, are more puppies than he can count. Dozens of ‘em. Blonde puppies, curly-haired puppies, puppies big and small. Yipping puppies and puppies sitting quietly. Every puppy you can possibly imagine, tussling and crawling on the floor. 
“Oh my God,” Shiro breathes. 
He hears various giggles from behind him, and Lance lovingly shoulder-checks him. 
“You like?” 
“Oh my God!” Shiro can no longer hold himself back – he rushes forward, landing on his knees with his hand outstretched in front of him. At first one by one, a couple puppies amble forward, sniffing his hand curiously before yipping excitedly and jumping all around him. Once a couple establish that he’s safe, the rest come stampeding over, running jumps from every angle that knock him flat on his back. The puppies are undeterred, continuing to crawl all over him. 
“This is the best day of my life,” Shiro says, muffled under two puppies wrestling on his face. “I love you guys. You guys are the best.”
Various ‘Love you too, Dad!’s chime out, before Shiro hears six people shuffle forward, presumably to join him in the puppy pile. Shiro has never felt so safe.
Hours later, when the Tatooine suns are low in the sky and they decide to trek back to the Castle, Shiro hangs at the back of the group, pulling Lance back with him. 
“I wanted to say thank you,” he starts. “You really helped me, Lance. Seriously. I needed to hear the words, and they were especially meaningful coming from you. I’m sorry you had to deal with that on your birthday, though.”
Shiro is expecting a few different responses to that, and he can honestly say that a punch to the arm is not one of them. 
“Were you not listening to me? What part of ‘we love you and want you to be healthy, Shiro,’ did you miss?”
“I got that. I just… I dunno. Isn’t your birthday supposed to be about you?”
Lance softens. “Shiro. First of all, it’s just a day. Yeah, it’s an important day, and I’m happy to celebrate it, but really and truly – it is simply a day. Secondly – and I want you to get this through your thick skull – there is nothing in this universe more important to me than my family. Nothing. And you are my family, Shiro. I want to know that you are healthy and happy, and if you’re not – which is fine and normal, remember that – I want you to be better. That’s it. There’s no greater gift to me than my family.”
“...You’re a good kid, you know that?” Lance flushes, and Shiro wraps an arm around his shoulders, pressing a kiss to his har. “A good fucking kid, Lance. I love you.”
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taags-old-account · 3 years
Should I be sorry? Yes. Am I Sorry? No.
There's A Lotor Redemption Arc In Ba Sing Se
Shiro is lost. Shiro remembers nothing but concepts. He doesn’t know if it’s something that the Galra did to him or not. But now he has to lead his (former?) protege and four other teenagers into a ten thousand year war that only they and a giant robot can stop. All Shiro knows now is that he has a mission. Save the universe. Even if it means he’ll lose his life in the process.
Lance is excited. Not only does he get to meet his long-time hero. He also gets to go to space, pilot a giant blue lion, and meet aliens! But now Lance has to work with his team of rag tag cadets, his rival, his hero, and a bunch of space elves to save the whole freaking universe. Hey, this is better than doing those papers that are almost due...
Katie is determined to bring her family back together. She lost both her brother and her father. And the Garrison are covering things up. And she’s dead-set on uncovering it. Even if it means she is going to run away from home, take on a new identity, and eventually go to space. Good, Matt and Dad were there anyway. Plus, space tech is cool.
Hunk is worried. And thrown into a war that he didn’t really feel like participating in. Especially being on the front lines fighting. Diplomacy was a much better suite for him. Making people happy and safe was a much nicer thing. But right now, Hunk didn’t have much of a choice, so he’s going to work with it.
Keith is angry. At almost everything in fact. For these aliens taking his (brother… no friend… no) mentor. For the Garrison covering up everything, and kicking him out (though that was partially his fault). At Shiro for leaving… But Keith no longer had time to be angry like that. He’s now in a war, piloting some robot lion, under some space elf’s orders. And now that he has his mentor back he has a war to win. If it weren’t for the whole Lotor and finding Shiro situation… he’d be fine… right?
Ember is hell-bent on figuring this war thing out. She was hell-bent on getting into the Garrison and staying there. Against her best wishes, of course she ends up in space. She’s now the strategists of Voltron for some reason. She mise well win this war while she’s up there. But dark things linger in front of her. She trusts her instincts. And those she keeps getting told who to trust can’t be trusted. And those who she’s told not to trust can be. She didn’t expect many things to happen in space. But getting adopted by a purple space Loki was not on the list.
Adam is ignoring his problems. Per usual. He tried to ignore Shiro leaving, it kind of worked out. Shiro going missing. Adam was totally fine. But Shiro coming back… he didn’t think he could ignore it. Now he’s in space. With a bunch of teenagers, Shiro, Keith, and space elves. Adam can no longer hide and shove his problems away.
Allura is exhausted. 10,000 deca-phoebes she had been in that cryo-pod. And now she had a war to win. Though some children and two adults were not very satisfactory paladins. She had no choice. Voices like to whisper in her head, telling her things. At first she ignored it, the voices were wrong. Until they were right.
Coran is intrigued. Never before had he seen these ‘humans’ before. Quite interesting to say the least. But they were the Paladins of Voltron now. And as time went on the princess started to act less and less like herself. Coran isn’t sure what to do but keep going.
Lotor is prepared. He’s been waiting for 10,000 deca-phoebes for the opportunity to take the throne from his father and lead the empire on a better path. He has his generals, a plan, and eventually the help of Voltron. But the Paladins are just children recruited by a slipping princess. And now Lotor has a side mission, make sure the Paladins come out alive. He didn’t plan on sort of adopting them…?
Dad!Lotor is the best Lotor, Allura Corruption Arc, & me adding an OC for funsies.
Should I be working on Tales Of The Avengers? Yes. Am I? No.
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willadisastercry · 4 years
Slow and steady... breathe.
tw: severe blood loss, needles, self surgery, loss of conciousness.
Lance wasn’t particularly aversed to needles, he just didn’t want to have to willingly stab himself with one, ya know? Everyone is distraught once they realize Lance is hurt and that they can’t be there to help him because they’re in the middle of nowhere and can’t leave their lions, so talking him through stitching himself back together is the best solution they have. If only Lance can stay awake long enough to fix himself up so he makes the journey.
“Is everyone alright?”
Keith’s voice jolted Lance from his slumped position after his body had gone lax with exhaustion and his mind wondered off. He almost didn’t catch Keith’s question with how intently he was staring at the floor in front of his pilot chair where a sizable puddle was beginning to form.
“Didn’t really account for having to bail so soon without checking in and we have a long way to go before he get back to where Coran had to move the castle...”
He wondered vaguely what he could’ve possibly spilled as he shrugged off the weariness from the battle they had just narrowly escaped. They were all spent after things went pear shaped and had to evade the hail of fire from galra blasters all the way up to their lion’s ramps.
Everyone ushered their respective ‘yes’s though, even Lance, but Keith decided to do a sound off for damage control anyway since they had a bit of a journey before they made it back to the castleship.
“Pidge? Did your shield hold up?”
Shield. Hmm. Lance knit his brows together as he forced his brain to work through the fog that addled it.
“Yeah, it did. I’m not hurt.”
Unlike Pidge, Lance wasn’t as lucky and his had cracked almost immediately in his one on one with the galra soldier that had discovered him. He’d taken post in a makeshift sniper hole between some storage crates to cover his team as they made their eacape.
“Good, how about you, Hunk?”
Lance wondered what else he was forgetting about the battle they’d just fought, maybe that’s why he felt so strange and out of it, why his mind was so slow.
What the fuck happened back there?
“—saw you take a few hits in close combat at the end there, you alright?”
Lance’s heart fluttered sadly as he recalled how he had been lining up a shot for the soldier that was advancing on Hunk when he’d been caught.
His scope had just zeroed in on the soldier when one that Lance wasn’t aware of made his own surprise attack, clutching the armor around his ankles so painfully that he was afraid it’d crack before yanking him backwards and away from his position.
He had cried out more at fact that he hadn’t gotten the shot in because that meant that Hunk would have to fight and he hated fighting. The guy was a goddamned pacifist in the middle of an intergalactic war, but his build made him look like a formidable threat and attracted unwanted attention during battle all the time.
Lance just wanted to spare his friend from having to engage in the thing he hated so much. But he couldn’t. He’d failed.
“I’m dandy, nothing more than a couple of bruises Coran’s special cream can fix.”
Those bruises were Lance’s fault. He had failed to protect him from that soldier, to protect him from having to do the thing he hated. It took all of him to stifle the broken sound that erupted in his throat as his stomach clenched with guilt.
“Okay, let me know if anything changes.”
Lance breathed shakily as he blinked back tears, but even when he wiped the wetness under his eyes they remained blurry, unfocused.
“Allura? You were with me but you had the quintessence—”
That’s what this entire mission was about...
Stealing a powerful vat of quitessence Pidge had been keeping tabs on with intel she’d stolen from a galra battleship en route to occupy a peaceful planet in the nearby solar system. Shiro wanted them to intercept the delivery so that there would be less catastrophe when they formed Voltron to defend the planet.
It was more than vital that they succeeded and Lance was determined, ready to do whatever he could to prove himself as a sharpshooter and make sure they secured what they were after.
“You can be at ease that I am uninjured and the quintessence is in tact.”
This bit of information did little to ease the rapidly increasing feeling of wrong that was consuming him. They had succeeded and he had done his job relatively well aside for one mistake, but that mistake had gotten Hunk hurt, and he was having a hard time reconciling that to make the success feel like a victory.
He was also having a hard time staying focused on Keith as he spoke with each of them, all of their voices as they recounted the battle muddling together, lost behind the ear piercing ringing that only he seemed to be affected by.
His breathing picked up and he was vaguely aware that he had started sweating, realizing he’d zoned out again just in time for his turn to check in with Keith.
“Great, and Lance? I know you were in a bit of a scuffle, are you all good?”
Five minutes ago he would have answered with a resounding yes, but as soon as he’d sat down in Blue the pump of adrenaline through his body slowed and the weariness had dripped away bit by bit to reveal that he actually felt incredibly weird. Of which was doubly confirmed with the near constant waves of concern Blue was sending him.
“Uhhm,” Lance paused, his mind blank.
For the first time in literally ever he had no idea what to say. His mind was in a thick haze as his body continued to try and come down from the massive high of combat and so he found he couldn’t really grasp what the strange feeling was exactly.
“I... I think I took a couple of direct blows after my shield... maybe my head because I sort of feel... I don’t know actually, just-just weird I guess...”
“Wait, your shield crapped out while you were fighting that soldier?”
Lance was slower to respond this time.
“Yeah, it cracked, my shield...” his words came out between increasingly ragged breaths.
“Well, that’s not promising. What do you mean by weird, do you think you might have a concussion?”
“Concussion...” he mused aloud, not really understanding why that was a concern before he reminded himself that he was fully missing a few key events from the end of the mission. He was faintly aware of worried fussing from Hunk and Allura as he racked his brain.
“Pidge, can you pull up a full visual of Lance?”
“On it!”
“...I don’t think I hit my head though. I mean, yeah, I guess I do feel a little dizzy maybe... and lightheaded... everything looks kinda strange too,” Lance rattled off as he took in his surroundings.
The lights of the panels and screens in front of him blurred and stretched if he moved his eyes too fast, so he tried to keep still and focus on just Keith’s face for now. It was pinched with concern but his voice divulged nothing but calm.
He could feel Blue nudging him, clearly worried over something because she had been withholding control of the steering for a while and was doing most of the piloting then.
“Easy girl, I’m alright,” Lance whispered.
He was becoming more lightheaded by the minute and his movements were now so sluggish he wasn’t sure he’d have been able to steer straight much longer anyway.
“Full screen visual should be popping up—
“Oh, crap!”
“Lance, what the hell?”
“Lance?” Keith’s voice was steady, breaking through the sea of concerned remarks pointedly.
For everyone else the entire view of Lance’s cockpit was now visible and so was the red that painted the front of his armor and much of the floor.
“Lance... do you know how long you’ve been bleeding?”
“Huh? I’m not-I didn’t get... wait, what do you—woah,” Lance had looked down to examine himself, certain there would be nothing.
But there was. And he was really confused because he hadn’t felt a thing but the sheet of red cascading down his armor from his side said otherwise.
He swallowed thickly, head swimming from the angle as he peered down at the grizzly sight. With the threat of passing out now a very real possibility, he brought his head back up to rest against the back of the chair and looked elsewhere as he fought the blood rush that threatened his ability to remain conscious. Something about seeing that much of his own blood was making him sick to his stomach.
“-nce! Lance, focus! Good, okay, so did the soldier have a sword or a blaster?”
He knit his brows together as he thought back on it. He remembers glinting metal that swooped down on him in short, swift arcs. The solider had a very long and very serrated knife, not a blaster. He didn’t even have enough time to transform his bayard before the soldier descended on him, his shield not lasting more than four hits before it shattered.
“A knife, he-he had a knife...”
He tried to ignore the resurgence of worried questions from his friends.
“Okay, can’t be that bad if you didn’t even notice, right?” Keith tried to put him at ease but it wasn’t really working.
He hadn’t noticed when it happened because he was quite literally battling for his life, losing a significant amount of blood in the time that had passed since then. And that scared him.
Because he wasn’t phsyically with the others, he was bleeding out and basically alone.
He was going to die... and his friends would get to watch.
“Lance, stop worrying and just focus on me okay?”
“R-right, sure. Um, what-what do I do though? We can’t just pull over... we’re in the middle of nowhere in outer space and the castle is too far... what if—I don’t want t—I can’t-can’t—“
“Lance! What did I just say? Stop worrying and listen to me!”
He dragged his eyes from the hole they were burning into Blue’s dashboard to meet Keith’s purple saucers.
“You’re okay. You’ve got a med kit in the cargo hold and we can talk you through how to patch yourself up, yeah? You’ll be fine.”
“Fine. Right, I-I’ll be fine.”
“Do you think you can stand? The med kit is on the wall behind you.”
“I can try...”
Lance scooted to the edge of the pilot chair and braced himself before rising onto his legs.
The world spun before him as the new orientation produced another swell of blood from the comprised bit of his armor where he’d been... he didn’t even know what he’d been yet but he knew it wasn’t good.
He forced himself to take a deep breath, blinking away the static before starting for the back of the cockpit, using the wall to keep himself upright.
“Kit’s on the left.”
Walking felt weird. His legs were weak and didn’t seem to ever go where he intended, but they held his weight even when he’d acquired the bulky med kit and had use a bit more effort to lug it back to his pilot chair.
His friends were in the middle of a discussion Lance hadn’t heard and continued when he returned. He had to set the kit down before maneuvering carefully around the puddle to get himself seated in his chair.
He began tugging off the top half of his armor, starting with the gloves and elbow guards which came off painlessly. It was only when he moved to the top most pieces that he ran in to some issues. He inhaled sharply when tugging on his right shoulder guard pulled at whatever was waiting beneath his armor on his side.
“Hey hermano, just breathe, you’ve got it,” Hunk offered when Lance stopped.
He nodded and took another deep breath before continuing.
The left shoulder guard came off with little incident when he approached it with more caution, but now came the chest piece. He separated the clasps at the bottom and sides before leaning forward to slide the back piece out, the front piece falling away when he leaned back in his chair.
He gasped and was sure that his friends had too when they saw the gash in his side. It was long and wide, deepest towards his back and tapering off on his stomach just above his belly button.
Lance remembered it now. Once the shield finally shattered, he threw his hands over his head and rolled out from under a hit that would have killed him.
The soldier seethed at the evasion and launched at Lance again, giving him barely enough time to deploy his bayard before he was on him. Twisting around was all he could do to get more distance between them so he could take his shot, but he wasn’t quick enough. He caught the impending strike in his side anyway, the blade cutting into him due to his own momentum even after the soldier had stopped swinging and fell to his knees lifelessly.
He thought his armor had held, not aware of the splintering crack where the blade broke through the joint at the midsection.
“Okay, okay, hey! You’re still okay! You’re going to fix it and we’ll walk you through it, yeah?”
He nodded. The air in Blue seemed to be warmer than usual but it didn’t stop him from shivering now that his armor was off. All of the heat in his body seemed to be drawn to the hole in his side.
“Pidge, do you think—“
“Yeah, I’ve already patched Coran in and he’s got a whole set of medical diagrams pulled up... okay Lance, you ready?”
He attempted a ‘yes’ but his mouth was so dry he wasn’t sure he could separate his lips to speak so he hummed instead, his eyes wide and searching as he combed over the contents in the open kit below him despite the mounting pressure behind his eyes that made keeping them open a challenge.
“There’s a vial of yellow liquid and a syringe, grab those... also the sheers because you’ll need to cut away what’s left of the suit around the wound.”
He grumbled at the thought of stabbing himself with a needle but seemed to shift into a sort of auto pilot after that, moving methodically and ignoring the agony of the pulsing wound on his side now that he was aware of it.
His face paled visibly once he held the syringe up in front of him. The needle was big and the liquid in the vial looked like acid than it did medicine.
It was Allura interrupting his inner turmoil this time, her voice full of fear but sure.
“Lance, you can do this. It will hurt, but you will be grateful once you’ve administered it, trust me.”
“Whatever you say, princess...” he smirked meekly and Allura almost laughed.
Once he’d cut away a haphazard square from the material left around the entirety of his wound, Pidge explained how much of the liquid to pull into the vial and how much he should inject each time and where.
He figured he’d need to get a move on with all of this from the way that everything seemed to be spinning and steeled himself for the first of numbing injections. It was to go right above his hip below the deepest part of the wound.
He waited for an inhale and went for it before he could panic.
Turns out the needle going in wasn’t what he should’ve been wary of because the altean medicine burned. He squirmed and cursed as he pushed in the allotted dose, practically seeing stars at the thought of administering five more of them.
“Relax buddy, you can do it.”
He pushed the next shot in quickly, starting with another before his body could protest and did that with the rest of them all in quick succession, not letting himself focus on the seering fire until he was done. Throwing his head back and doing his best to keep from writhing as much so he didn’t make the wound worse.
“Gah! Fuck, fuck, what the fuck is wrong with altean pain medicine?! Hurts-hurts more than the freaking knife wound—“
“Shut up, you’re okay. You won’t feel anything soon. Hard parts over, but now you gotta relax, freaking out on us is only gonna make things worse.”
Keith’s stupid for being right, but he is.
Don’t freak out. You can do this... you have to do this.
“Okay,” he huffed, “no freaking out.”
His voice was trembling almost as much as his hands as he let the empty syringe fall mindlessly to join the puddle of his own blood on the ground.
The pain in his side was diminishing now, the burning of the numbing medicine becoming a cool sting and then smoothing out into a hollow warmth. He tested the skin around it with his finger and couldn’t feel a thing, perfect.
“What’s next?”
“Ha,” Pidge laughed grimly, “now you have to put your money where your mouth is and thread an actual needle.”
He couldn’t help but laugh at that too, the movement made something around the wound on his side twinge but he couldn’t really tell where or why with how numb it was now, which was probably a good thing.
“The pack of needles is in the sleeve... look for one that’s curved... size 3–yeah, that’s it. There is a clamp to guide the needle and a tweezer type tool to help tie it off, grab those. Now you need a couple packs of gauze and tape... the spool of polyester blend thread—wait how do atleans also have polyester? Right, focusing now, sorry! Okay, next is the antiseptic... yeah it’ll probably hurt but you’re not croaking over galra germs if we can help it... sorry Keith, you definitely don’t have galra germs.”
Keith just pinched the bridge of his nose but Hunk seemed to be amused by it, his light chuckle taking the edge off the intense worry written all over his face.
“We sure one of you can’t just do a little space walk over here?” Lance asked as he held up the bottle of antiseptic, “seriously don’t know how the mullet isn’t jumping at the opportunity to torture me, like come onnnnn! I know you’d enjoy it!”
“Shut up and listen to Pidge, the castle is still really far and Coran hasn’t been able to triangulate our location yet, so we’ve gotta keep moving.”
He grumbled pitifully but looked to Pidge’s face on the dashboard in front of him.
“You ever threaded a needle before? The sewing kind not the almost killing your friends trying to show off your piloting skills kind.”
“Ha-ha and no, but i’ve seen my máma do it... something like this I think... hey, I got it!”
“Damn, he really can thread the needle.”
“Thank you Hunk! Finally some recog—“
“Both of you be quiet. Lance, listen to me very carefully because now you have to stab yourself with it. Lock the clamp at the end of needle, you’ll hear a click. You won’t feel it when you start stabbing—stitching, probably just the motion, but you’re still bleeding so you’ve gotta hurry.”
Lance was well aware that he was still bleeding. His body wouldn’t let him forget. The color had all but left his face and he was drenched in sweat. And he seemed to shake steadily now no matter what he did to try and calm down, no doubt a side affect of half of his blood being beneath him instead of inside him. But he ignored it all and put his remaining energy into listening to Pidge.
“Start at the back where it’s deepest and hold the skin together... yep, good now bring the tip of the needle just below—left more, perfect. Coran says to angle it in the direction you want it to come out the other side... go as deep as halfway down the wound and don’t push too far in on the other side where it’s coming out... kay, now push it in, shit. Lance! LANCE!”
As soon as he had the needle situated as deep as it needed to go he lost the battle with how lightheaded he’d become. It had him slow and sluggish before but was now severely impeding his ability to remain conscious for his self surgery.
It wasn’t so much as the actual piercing his own skin that culminated with everything else for him to faint. More of the way he could feel it moving inside of him, like he could feel that the metal was cold by how it stood out against the heat of the wound, just not the actual cold of it or the pain part.
He didn’t know how long he’d been out when the voices of his teammates registered in his head again. They seemed worried, some of them distraught. Like Hunk, he was really scared about something, sounded a little mad the harder he listened.
“...if he doesn’t come around soon I’m going over there—no, I don’t care!”
“Just give him a minute!”
“Wait guys he’s moving.”
“Lance can you hear us?”
Everything seemed so loud but muddled and indistinct all at the same time.
“Ugh, stop screaming...” he slurred, his head still hurt and he felt even lighter than he had before.
“Open you eyes, bud. You’re almost done, come on,” Keith urged.
Almost done his ass, he’d passed out just after getting the needle in, not even finishing the first stitch. This was going to be hell.
“The needle stayed in, you just have to get it through the other side and tie it off. Coran says you can space them out and skip a few, you just need to get it closed to staunch the flow.”
He hummed again and pried his eyes open wide to blink around wildly before he tried to sit up. But his limbs were so heavy even lifting his arm was hard, so he stayed where he’d slumped down, shoving his legs out farther to get his middle straight.
“J-just through the other side?”
“Yes, where you have it now is fine... just like pinch the skin and coax it through and don’t stab your finger like your about to, you’ll feel that!”
He wanted to laugh, he really did. Because this was so ridiculous. It was probably the dangerous amount of blood he’d already lost but he just found this so amusing.
Having to stitch a knife wound up while a lion flew him back to a castle that wasn’t really a castle—in space! All in space!
He wondered what he would’ve been doing back home if he weren’t here right now, probably nothing nearly as ridiculous.
“Lance, stay with us,” Hunk’s low voice pulled him from his mental tangent.
He rubbed his eye with the back of the hand holding the tweezer, it was covered in blood.
“You’ve got to tie it off now, so pull the thread through until just a little is left, like an inch—stop! Now unlock the clamp and grab that last inch, wrap the end with the needle around a couple of times, not tightly. Release the lock on the clamps but keep a hold of the end of the thread, grab where it comes out the other side and pull through then pull tight and cut, good, done!”
He took in mouthfuls of air like he’d just finished a race.
Shit, he could cry. This was hard and he just wanted to close his eyes and forget about everything. It didn’t hurt anymore. But he just wanted to be asleep and not have to focus so hard on stitching his own wound closed while his friends tried to make him feel better.
Because they couldn’t. Because this sucked and they couldn’t help him.
“You’re doing amazing Lance,” the princess remedied, her voice firm but soft all the same.
His heart felt warm with that, it was something he could hear his máma saying.
“Few more and then you can rest, bud.”
“Y-yeah, okay...”
It got increasingly difficult to keep his hand steady and after the fourth stitch he’d sort of gave up on trying. He resolved to do them quickly like the injections once he’d gotten the hang of it. But his energy was leaving him faster than he could stitch.
And then his heavy breaths and shaking hands made it hard for him to hold the skin together long enough to get the needle through, so eventually he resorted to holding his breath and stabbing wildly.
His friends grimaced every time he did that. They all felt horrible that they couldn’t be there to physically help him but also knew they needed to get to the castle as quickly as possibly.
So Pidge continued to guide him through each stitch and everyone else praised and encouraged him each time he finished one. Their voices pulling him back when he’d drift off into the pull of darkness that continued to tease and toy with him.
“-ng so good.”
“Keep going, bud.”
“-re so strong, Lance.”
“Only a few left... Coran says it looks good.”
He coughed on the dryness that had made its way down his throat and almost into his lungs with how tired every part of him was. Breathing hurt because he had absolutely nothing left on his body that didn’t, made so much worse with the strain of having to withhold air so he could get the needle though.
The wound was practically closed now and not bleeding much through the gaps where he’d forgone some stitches. He was at the part where it tapered. Pidge said it looked like one more would do and so he held his breath and shoved, whining when he poked his hand by accident, not even hearing what his friends were saying as he tied it off almost robotically, the muscle memory of having done it a dozen times now taking over as his mind remained elsewhere.
“-n you hear me?! Lance, Lance listen to me! You’re almost done, don’t go just yet.”
He forced his lidded eyes to look at Pidge, he could barely make out her face with how blurry everything had gotten.
“Open the gauze pads and place them over the wound... tape the bottom and only the bottom down completely then rip off a long enough piece for the top and sides... pour the antiseptic onto another piece of gauze, dab it over the wound, and press it all down before you pass out... got that?”
He huffed wearily and thought he did something of a nod, but it probably didn’t look like it because Pidge asked if he’d heard her again. He had. He was just done. He tore the gauze pads free form their packages and placed them over the wound before taping them down.
None of it looked pretty. Not the sutures, not the bandaging, none of it. But it would have to do. He opened the antiseptic and lost the cap in the process but couldn’t find it in him to care.
He looked up at the screen of worried faces in front of him.
“Go on, bud. It’ll only hurt for like a second and then you can sleep.”
“You can do it, you just stitched your skin back together, this is light work.”
“Once again, altean medicine hurts like hell, but it works. Trust me, Lance.”
Yeah. Trust the princess.
He closed his eyes and waited for it. He really wasn’t sure how anything could top the fire that was the pain medicine, but somehow the antiseptic achieved that. His vision whited and he thought he could hear himself screaming, but he felt too far away to be able to hear that.
He didn’t remember covering the wound with the gauze but apparently he’d gotten three sides stuck down before his head lolled to the side and gentle waves of assurance washed over him from Blue as everything faded to black.
He couldn’t be sure how much time had passed between then and the next time he woke up, but he didn’t have the energy to ask. He just knew that he was still in Blue from the pulse of assurances that surged back up again as soon as he came back to.
“Coran says he’s picking up Black on the radar, he’s making a worm hole now. I’m gonna fly next to Blue to be ready to grab her just in case she doesn’t get the memo...”
He must’ve groaned because someone was talking to him then.
“Oh! Not dead, that’s so good, hi Lance.”
Freaking Pidge. He might’ve laughed. He couldn’t remember.
“Hey dude... nah don’t try and move, just stay there.”
“Thanks for listening to us for once.”
“Lance, you’re so brave, you should be proud of yourself that you were able to do that.”
“Course, princess. Any-anything you say...” he smirked and tried to hold up his famous finger guns, earning some laughs from his teammates that faded quickly.
Blue was the last thing on his mind when he passed out again. She was proud of him too.
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asirensrage · 3 years
For each of your OC pairings, pick three songs that show the progression of their relationship or just three songs that fit their relationship. (I told you I’d think of a music ask. It just took me all day lol)
Okay, I see how it is... lol Despite you giving me three songs and not one, I think this is still going to be hard. But let's try!
Sam & Michelle (not in order. I think. and based only on Crossfire)
Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone / Honey, if you stay, I'll be forgiven / Nothing you can say can stop me going home
Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons But it was not your fault but mine / And it was your heart on the line I really fucked it up this time / Didn't I, my dear?
The One That Got Away - The Civil Wars I never meant to get us in this deep / I never meant for this to mean a thing / Oh, I wish you were the one / Wish you were the one that got away
(ahahah this seems super angsty. More than I meant for it to be. Whoops) The rest is under a tag because this got long
Dean & Kelly
Supalonely - BENEE I know I f- up, I'm just a loser / Shouldn't be with ya, guess I'm a quitter / While you're out there drinkin', I'm just here thinkin' / 'Bout where I should've been / I've been lonely, mm, ah, yeah
Slow Burn - Kasey Musgraves I'm alright with a slow burn / Takin' my time, let the world turn / I'm gonna do it my way, it'll be alright / If we burn it down and it takes all night / It's a slow burn, yeah
Beyond - Leon Bridges I'm scared to death that she might be it / That the love is real, that the shoe might fit / She might just be my everything and beyond (beyond)
Kate & Steve
Naked - Ella Mai Might be a bitch in the morning so catch me at night time / Some of my friends think I'm moody but I think I'm just fine / I could be pissed but I act like I'm not / I really remember when I say I forgot / No matter how hard I try / To run away from love at the end of the night
Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon I can't fight this feeling any longer / And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow / What started out as friendship, has grown stronger / I only wish I had the strength to let it show / I tell myself that I can't hold out forever / I said there is no reason for my fear / Cause I feel so secure when we're together
Lost in Love - Air Supply You know you can't fool me / I've been loving you too long / It started so easy / You want to carry on / Lost in love and I don't know much / Was I thinking aloud and fell out of touch? / But I'm back on my feet and eager to be what you wanted
Amelia & Eric (AoS version)
Time is Running Out - Muse Our time is running out / You can't push it underground / You can't stop it screaming out / How did it come to this? / Oh / You will suck the life out of me / Bury it / I won't let you bury it / I won't let you smother it / I won't let you murder it
Addicted - Kelly Clarkson It's like I'm running from you all the time / And I know I let you have all the power / It's like the only company I seek is misery all around / It's like you're a leech / Sucking the life from me / It's like I can't breathe / Without you inside of me
What Have You Done feat. Keith Caputo - Within Temptation I've been waiting for someone like you / But now you are slipping away / What have you done now? / Why, why does fate make us suffer? / There's a curse between us, between me and you
(bonus: A Study in Intimacy version: Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars)
Cassia & Varro
She's So Hard - The Jezebels I'm all out, for the war. / I guess love wasn't what I'm looking for. / I don't care when you cry. / I think self-pity is a state of mind. / I'm so hard. I'm so hard. I'm so hard. / She's so hard. She's so hard. She's so hard.
Love Love Love - Of Monsters and Men And these fingertips / Will never run through your skin / Those bright blue eyes / Can't only meet mine across the room / Filled with people that are less important than you / 'Cause you love, love, love / When you know I can't love you
Everything - Lifehouse And how can I stand here with you / And not be moved by you? / Would you tell me / How could it be / Any better than this? / Cause you're all I want / You're all I need, / You're everything, everything.
Quest & Eric
I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation - Destroy Boys Like seriously, what do you think you're doing? / Your hands are so big and you're so tall, wow!
Say So - Doja Cat Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment / I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so? / Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with / You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so
Genghis Kahn - Miike Snow I know there's no form / And no labels to put on / To this thing we keep / And dip into when we need / And I don't have the right / To ask where you go at night / But the waves hit my head / To think someone's in your bed / I get a little bit Genghis Khan / I don't want you to get it on / With nobody else but me
I don't have songs for Ava and Eliot rn. they're still new
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delaneytveit · 4 years
Hold me Close, and Let It be
Annnnnndddddd she’s back. Uni is up and running again and I had to take care of some personal stuff, but here is a new little ficlet for ya’ll to enjoy. Hope you like angst with a little bit of comfort. 
Today was definitely not a good day. Lance woke up to the blaring alarm of his phone, a piercing screech that on any other day would have earned no more than a disgruntled groan before a quick press of a button. Today however, it received a string of curses as the Blue paladin rolled over and away from the device, stuffing his head under the pillow to muffle to sound to no avail.
With another few choice words, he reluctantly withdrew himself. Sitting up with little grace and all the annoyance he could probably use to fuel the ship for decapheobes. Lance was pissed.
After spending all day the day before training and failing and training more, chores upon chores in the infirmary, his own solo missions, and meetings with the team he was once again forced to find each and every paladin and put them to bed at a reasonable hour. God forbid they be able to pull themselves away from whatever they were doing to do so themselves. Okay, forced wasn’t the right word. No one was holding him at gun point, threatening his family. But his team was hurting. They weren’t taking care of themselves. And he would be damned if he let his second family spiral when he could so easily stop it.
So he spent each night hunting down each paladin, getting them to eat, drink, rest. Usually taking hours before he was finally able to do the same for himself. Of course that meant that while the rest of his team got to bed at a reasonable hour, he was far from it.
He stumbled lazily to his ensuite bathroom, quick to wash his face and brush his teeth before returning to his room to dress in his paladin armor.
Allura had announced the night before that they would be attending a diplomatic celebration on a planet Lance had no hope of ever being able to pronounce. On any other day, Lance would have jumped at the idea of such a mission. Celebrations meant parties, and if anyone liked to party, it was Lance. But over this past pheobe or so, he’s lost any and all emotional capacity to do more than train.
Coran had told him to come to him when this feeling started. Knowing what the missions were asking of Lance, and how heavy they would weigh on the Paladin’s mind. As grateful as Lance was for the Altean’s words, he couldn’t shake the thought that it would just be better if he didn’t. The less people traumatized was better, and these missions were confidential for a reason.
So, there he was, drained, exhausted, and irritable. Dreading the day before it had begun as he entered the bridge.
To his surprise, he wasn’t the last one. In fact, he was the first of the paladins to reach the bridge. Though he probably shouldn’t have been as surprised, he had been getting pretty good with his time management if he did say so himself. The room was only occupied by Coran and Allura. They quickly shared good mornings, Allura in her excitement already briefing Lance on the celebration. A day-long party followed by a dinner with all of the planet’s officials. Easy enough. Lance just had to act like he wanted to be there, and not like he wanted to crawl inside a hole and hibernate for the next decade.
The room was quickly filled with the noise of the other paladins, bright and lively as they entered. They didn’t seem to notice Lance as they bickered, Shiro stepping in a few times to keep it out of hand.
“Where is Lance, is he late again?” Pidge joked, earning a scoff from Keith before both of their eyes landed on the Blue Paladin already standing at the console with the Alteans, their conversation seemingly interrupted by the outburst. After the briefing, it was little over a varga before the castle landed on the planet and the Paladins were greeted by its inhabitants. Music and excited shouts filled the air as the group marched from the castle to the large civic center that was to house the celebration.
To Lance’s joy, Hunk stood with him the whole time. His friend finding exciting food for both of them to try as they mingled with some of the natives. As exhausted as Lance felt, his smile never faltered, and in all honesty it could have been much worse. He just wished that whatever alien was practically hanging off of his arm could let off a bit.
It was smooth going throughout the party, all the way up until the dinner. Nothing could have ever prepared him for this dinner.
Well, could anyone really prepare to be seated across from the most beautiful alien he had ever seen. Her skin a dusty pink that seemed to aglow in the candle light, her long flowing hair dark as night and hung in long curls where it wasn’t plaited in the most intricate braids. But her eyes, her diamond like eyes could have put the most precious stone to shame. The way he could see almost every colour in them shook him to his core.
She was beautiful, strikingly so.
He almost hadn’t realized he had been staring until he felt the elbow of his best friend hit his ribcage. But he couldn’t bring himself to look away.
The girl sitting in front of him looked up with such sad eyes, it made him want to cry just looking at her.
“You carry much pain with you, Blue Paladin.” her voice was soft, but the sentiment in it struck an arrow in his chest. It seemed her words had silenced the entire table as eyes turned towards the two.
“Though you crave to return home the most, you know that you will not. Not in your lifetime...and yet you remain.” she took a shuddering breath, reminding Lance that he hadn’t breathed since she sat in front of him. “I will not ask you why. For your silence is all the answer I need, but I must ask. You are scared are you not?”
“That’s enough Nalena.”
But all she did was hold a singular slim finger to her father, an action that silenced him yet again.
“Yet you brave the fight, the war that you are convinced you will not survive.” She moved her hand to cover his, offering him the slightest squeeze of comfort.
“You fight because though you may not return, you will do all you can to make sure that they,” she dropped his gaze finally to pass her eyes upon his team before those kind diamond eyes returned to his once more, “they may. You lay awake at night, haunted by the prophecies of your demise, yet you continue. You rise every day, answer every call, knowing that it could be your last.”
He could feel the pain in her voice be mirrored in his heart, and knew the tear that fell from his eye matched that on her cheek.
“Alejandro, you have committed many sins in your effort to protect your team. Though they will never truly know what you have done, what plagues your mind every waking moment, know that they could not have a more devoted nor more loving paladin. Your heart will never be hardened, your efforts never in vain. You carry the curse of the Blue Paladin, and take it in stride. Your loyalty knows no bounds. Know this Alejandro Serrano-McClain, if they do not let you into your heaven it is not your fault. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but it is their loss for not honoring the hero you have become.”
Blue eyes stared, unlooking into the vast expanse of the stars hidden behind the glass. His mind still reeling relentlessly vargas after his encounter with the princess Nalena. Her words played in a continuous loop in his mind. Keeping him awake.
So here he stood, arms crossed, dressed in only a pair or dark sweatpants and his lion slippers  shielding his feet from the ice of the cold castle floor. He was so wrapped up in his own mind, he hadn’t heard the doors whoosh open, nor the light footsteps that followed to where he stood.
Startled he turned around, eyes wide when they settled on the violet ones belonging to the red paladin.
“Keith...what are- are you okay?”
They both stood in silence, Keith dressed in his pajamas seemed colder than Lance did, shuddering a little in the dark of the observation deck.
“Shouldn't I be asking you that?”
Lance shifted on his feet, not really sure where this was going, but dreading it nonetheless. “What do you mean? I’m fine.”
“Are you? I mean, after what happened today, I wouldn’t be. And I-” Lance watched as Keith fidgeted with the sleeve of his shirt, his eyes refusing to meet the blue paladin’s in front of him. “I don’t know. What she said. It seems like you haven’t been okay for a while.”
Lance wasn’t sure why he was so surprised, after all the whole team had been there to witness the incident. They weren’t blind. Of course they’d be concerned. He’d be worried out of his mind if the same thing happened to Pidge, or Shiro, even Allura. But he had to admit it was a little weird having Keith, his self proclaimed rival- not rival, genuinely worry about him.
His first instinct was to deflect. Hell, this wasn’t something that a few kind words could fix, and the last person he’d want comfort from would be the boy that only bickered with him. But that wasn’t right. Keith was standing in front of him because he wanted to help, because at the end of the day they were a team, friends. And he genuinely did care.
Lance sighed before holding out his hand, gesturing for the other boy to come and join him in front of the glass, only turning back to the stars when Keith finally stood next to him.
“You’re right.” he said, breaking the long drawn out silence, his eyes never leaving the stars he had grown so accustomed to. The stars that he knew he would live and die fighting in. “I don’t think I’ve been okay for a long time.”
He could feel the smaller boy’s eyes on him, studying him and if the conversation hadn’t weighted so heavily on him, he probably would have blushed.
“I used to look up at the stars, and dream about flying through them. I wanted to be the best pilot out there, traveling farther than anyone ever had. Even when we were brought into this war, I couldn’t help but dream of doing great things. It's all I've ever wanted to do... fly.”
“All I ever wanted to do was fly.” He repeated softly, as he looked down at his feet, shaking his head at his own ignorance. No, not ignorance, naivety. All those years ago he was a naive 17 year old who would have given an arm and a leg to travel the stars.
“Now I’m here, fighting a war my family has no idea even exists. And all I want to do is go home. I want to hug my mom, argue with my siblings, play with my niece and nephew.”
“You will, Lance. We’ll go back to Earth, and you can do all that, and more-”
“Will I?” he interrupted. There was no harshness, no anger. Just a reserved sadness that Keith would have done anything to never hear from his friend’s lips again. This wasn’t Lance, Lance was supposed to be loud and happy and...not hurting like this. Lance deserved to be happy.
“It doesn’t scare me any more, the thought of not going home. At first I used to be terrified, of getting hurt, dying, leaving my family to wonder what happened to me. As bad as it sounds... I don’t feel that way anymore.”
“I used to spend hours imagining how I would die, getting gunned down by a Galra soldier, or saving one of you, or… I spent so much time imagining it, that I couldn’t even imagine going home if I wanted to.”
Keith had turned completely now, facing the taller boy, tears in his eyes as his friend struggled to talk. How could he have not known about this? How could any of them not have known? They were supposed to be a team, and when one of your team is hurting, you help. They didn’t seem like a team at that moment, neglecting their Blue Paladin. The one person who was holding this team together was completely falling apart and none of them could see it.
It made him want to wrap Lance up in the biggest hug he had ever known, and Keith was far from a hugger. But seeing the boy stand before him, speak about how accepting he was of fucking dying? That was not okay. None of this was okay. They had grown up fighting a war, and if there was any indication that it had taken its toll on the teens, Lance was it.
“She was right.” Lance said finally. Breaking Keith out of his stupor.
“Right about what?”
“I’ve done horrible things for this goddamn war. I’ve killed people Keith, not droids, or senteries. Living, breathing Galra. Not just Galra, but anyone who would cross the coalition. I-” his voice cracked as he placed his head in his hands, stifling a sob that threatened to escape him. “I don’t want to be remembered for that. I never wanted to be a hero, but here I am pretending to be one, knowing all the things I’ve done.”
Any self control that Keith had once had evaded him in that moment, as he lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Lance. Pulling him close, as if he was afraid to lose him if he didn’t.
The action only made Lance cry harder, no longer hiding it as he clung to the Red Paladin. Keith guided them to the floor, and there they remained until Lance had cried himself out, Keith releasing a few tears himself.
It was some time before either of them spoke again. Neither one really wanting to break from the safety of the silence, but knowing that more had to be said. In the end, Keith waited until Lance pulled away before speaking.
“Lance, war brings out the worst in all of us. We’ve all done things that we’re not proud of, but we can’t let it define us. What we do is to help the universe. Voltron exists to help the universe.”
Lance scoffed at that, the disbelief held in his voice only pushing Keith more.
“I’m so sorry that you’ve been forced to do those things. But I’ve also seen you do some amazing things as well. I’ve seen you carry children out of a collapsing building, I’ve seen you push Pidge out of the way of a shot, I’ve seen you talk Shiro down from his nightmare induced panic attacks. Hell, you literally drag me out of the training deck every night to make sure I actually sleep. Lance, you care for this family.”
Before Lance could get a word in, Keith cupped his cheeks in both hands, angling him so that their eyes met.
“I know me listing all of the good things will never outweigh the heaviness of the guilt you carry. All I ask is that you acknowledge that you are more than that, because you are. You are Lance McClain, the Blue Paladin of Voltron. A hero, a fighter, a friend. The scar on your back is a testament to how true that is.”
He let the words sink in, let Lance just have time to feel them. Because he meant every word.
And he’d be damned if he let Lance go on believing that he wasn’t worthy of being here. He defined what it meant to be a paladin, and though he may not be their leader, he still managed to instill it in each and every one of them.
“Lance, I-”
“Thank you. I think I’m gonna go to bed.” Lance pulled back before moving to stand up, popping the cricks out of his shoulders.
“...Just think about what I said, please.”
Lance turned then, a small smirk replacing the broken expression that plagued him just the minute before.
“Yeah, I will. Thank you, Keith, really.”
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