#they are having a grand time in the gracious hand vaults
bearlytolerant · 5 months
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He is tired of the talk. The playful power exchanges that slip off her tongue. As her mouth stills, words silenced, he urges himself upward, stretching that small distance between them to meet her unwavering gaze.
And he thinks of her. Only her.
Thumb barely brushing her chin, he bridges the gap between them. Her lips are soft, and his kiss is almost chaste. A hesitant separation, his eyes roam her face with uncertainty. Hands curling up into the collar of his robes, she shoves him back down onto the chair before straddling his lap. She attempts to remove her jewelry but he covers her hand with his own.
“Leave it.”
A smile pulls at her lips and gently she combs through his hair with those cool metal claws and nips at the nape of his neck. A groan slips free and she softy rasps, “do that again.”
Tagging whoever sees this and wants to share ☺️
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Trading Favors
Summary: It starts with a chocolate eclair and ends with angel and demon trading favors back and forth while Crowley tries to figure out what he could offer that would be worth his angel making love to him. (2110 words)
Notes: Written to include @drawlight's '31 Days of Ineffables' prompt 'caroling', along with a few others. No sexual content - just a lot of warm fuzzies and some dancing at the end :)
Read on AO3.
“Goodness gracious I would give my left arm for a chocolate éclair!” Aziraphale sighs, his cheek meeting his palm when he props his elbow on his desk, the rest of his body sinking so completely into the gesture he looks nearly boneless.
“Isn’t that vivid? You could always miracle yourself one,” Crowley suggests, less than helpfully since he knows how Aziraphale feels about miracled food.
“Yes, but it’s never quite the same.”
“So you keep saying,” Crowley mutters into his partially drunk glass of merlot. He’s only had the one, poured more out of lack of anything better to do than actual want for inebriation.
Crowley’s in a bit of a pickle.
He wants to hang out with Aziraphale. More than anything. That’s why he came over. Doing nothing here in Aziraphale’s bookshop is preferable to doing nothing alone in his dark, empty flat.
But he’s bored.
So bored that the thought of getting up off the sofa he’s planted on and getting his angel an éclair sounds close to a grand adventure. But he can’t make it seem like Aziraphale is the one doing him a favor. He wants something out of it for himself, and an éclair doesn’t appeal to him right now.
Decisions, decisions, decisions …
He takes a sip to deliberate over - a kiss of alcohol against his lips to warm his mouth. It doesn’t quite do the trick since it’s barely a mouthful and he swallows too quickly. He licks his lips at the same time Aziraphale licks his, and smiles when he thinks of something that could warm him better.
“If I went down to the bakery and got one for you, can I have kiss?”
Aziraphale perks up, turning towards his husband and raising intrigued eyebrows. “What kind of kiss?”
Crowley shrugs – a jumble of uncoordinated joints moving independently of their owner. “Just a kiss.”
“Oh … well … I was thinking … on the lips?”
Aziraphale chews on Crowley’s offer while he nibbles his lower lip. He’s not about to say no, of course. A chocolate éclair for the price of a kiss? That’s two treats in one! Only an idiot would turn that down!
But he can’t let it seem like Crowley is doing him that big a favor.
He fakes a yawn while he pretends to think, bouncing his eyebrows nonchalantly.
“All right,” he says. “If it’s not too much trouble, that is.”
“No, no. No trouble at all.”
“Then it’s a deal.”
“You know what I could go for right now?”
“Mmm,” Aziraphale hums around a generous bite of light pastry and thick cream, but with the smooth finish of merlot-flavored kisses clinging to his tongue, “what?”
“A glass of Midwinter Nights Dram.”
“Oh my!” Aziraphale chuckles after a swallow. “I haven’t had a glass of that in ages!”
“Yeah. Warmed up on many a cold night with that stuff …” Crowley gazes dreamily up at the vaulted ceilings of the bookshop as though his last memories of throwing back a bottle of Christmas whiskey is floating there amongst the beams. If he had a bottle, he could more than likely persuade Aziraphale to share it with him. Then maybe, just maybe, he could beg another kiss off his husband.
Alcohol on his husband’s breath, he has happily discovered, tastes much better than from the mouth of a bottle.  
Aziraphale chews the end of his éclair, thoughtfully watching his husband go silent, eyelids closed, a peculiar smile bunching his cheeks. “If I happen to have a bottle,” Aziraphale says, “could I bother you to help me with a chore?”
One of Crowley’s eyelids pops open, fast enough to compete with the speed of light. “What chore?”
“Move a few things upstairs?”
Crowley looks disappointed, but not enough to turn Aziraphale down. “How many things?”
“A dozen. Maybe less. But they can’t be miracled upstairs. They’re magic sensitive. They have to be carried.”
Crowley wonders if one of those items could include his angel but decides not to ask. “Sure, all right. If you have it.”
Aziraphale reaches underneath his desk. His hand goes straight for a cabinet by his knee, opens it, and pulls out the exact bottle Crowley was thinking of. Without even shifting his gaze to check, Aziraphale holds the bottle up for Crowley to see, and gives it a teasing shake. “Is this what you were hoping for?”
Crowley grins. He had no doubt Aziraphale had it. If he didn’t, Aziraphale would have miracled it up.
Which puts Crowley in line for another kiss, one that tastes of plum pudding, mulling spices, dried fruit, and vanilla.
But also Principality.
Crowley rises eagerly from the sofa, reaching for the bottle, but Aziraphale pulls it out of reach.
“Work first,” he says, setting the bottle back in its cabinet, impish grin twisting the corner of his mouth. “Drink afterward.”
Crowley, left reaching, his hand still hovering in the air, saunters sideways, eyeballing his flirt of a husband. He flexes his fingers and smacks his lips - his mouth dry, craving a hundred Christmas-flavored kisses. And they wouldn’t need to be on his angel’s lips. Midwinter Nights Dram would go great anywhere – Aziraphale’s shoulders, his spine, the bend of his elbow, the soft skin behind his knee … “I’d better get started.”
“Oh blast!” Aziraphale erupts, snapping Crowley out of his mellow dwam supplied by his second glass of whiskey.
“I was supposed to have this book wrapped up and ready to ship before two!” Aziraphale says, glaring at a leather-bound book resting beneath his right hand as if it’s a rodent he’d killed days before that has somehow returned from the grave.
“And …?”
“It’s 3:15! How in the Hell did I miss the post man?” Aziraphale twists in his chair, looking out the window in search of him, to check if, by any luck, he might still be around. “I’m going to have to run it down to the post office myself!”
“Whatever for?”
“I really need it to go out today!”
Crowley is going to take it for him. He knows he will. It’s the husbandly thing to do.
Still …
He looks at his glass of whiskey and frowns.
He’d gotten the drink he wanted but he’s yet to get another kiss. He thought he might be on the road to getting one. Aziraphale had asked for a glass of whiskey. Things were looking bright.
There it is, on his desk, untouched.
Crowley assumes he’d been reaching for it, which is how he stumbled across the book.
It’s sitting directly in the path his hand was traveling to reach his glass.
Crowley doesn’t want to outright ask for another kiss, especially not now. He might end up with a peck on the cheek and no more talk about it. He wants to work up to it, tempt it out of his husband … and possibly a little more.
“If I take care of it, can I get a shoulder rub?” Crowley asks, rolling his right shoulder. “Humpin’ all that stuff upstairs (nngh!) really put a strain on the old muscles.”
Aziraphale rolls his eyes but agrees, “Absolutely.”
“A shirtless shoulder rub?”
Aziraphale manages to look unamused and amused at the same time. “You shirtless? Or me shirtless?”
“I’d prefer both of us shirtless, but just me is fine.”
And despite being in front of the eight ball, Aziraphale’s eyes sparkle at the thought. “Then I’d say, in this case, we both get a reward. Chip-chop! Hurry up!”
God rest ye merry, gentlemen Let nothing you dismay Remember, Christ, our Saviour Was born on Christmas day To save us all from Satan's power When we were gone astray
“Ugh!” Aziraphale’s head drops to his desk, his forehead making a soft thump when it connects with the wood.
“What?” Crowley asks, lounging on Aziraphale’s sofa with his feet up and his head lolling off the cushions, his manhandled muscles melting into the sumptuous, velvety fabric. His shirt made it back on but barely, the buttons undone down the front, his skin tingling in the winter chill.
“We have carolers!”
“I know!” Crowley groans sympathetically. “And they’re singing the worst Christmas song ever! I wouldn’t say Christ saved the humans from Satan. It was more of a draw.”
“I am not in the mood right now!” Aziraphale snaps into his paperwork.
“Oh. Sorry.”
“Not you. Them!”
“Oh.” Immediately seeing an opportunity, Crowley shimmies up on the sofa. “What will you give me if I take care of them for you?”
“What do you want?” Aziraphale moans pathetically.
Crowley leans forward, relaying his request in a husky tone he prays might put him back on track towards seducing his husband. “Dance with me, angel?”
“Yes, all right,” Aziraphale agrees without a single thought, no objection whatsoever, aided by an offensively sour soprano note that might have come about with a hint of demonic assistance. “Just … get rid of them!”
“Will do!” Crowley launches out of his seat and hurries towards the door, but halfway there, he stops. “Promise not to question my methods?”
“Yes, of course. Just … please …”
“On it.”
Aziraphale sighs with relief, lifting his head and straightening the papers on his desk. That’s when he realizes – he sent a demon to get rid of Christmas carolers … and he gave him carte blanche on how to do it! “Wait a minute!” He pushes away from his desk and hops to his feet, following Crowley to the front door. “Hold up! Crowley? What do you intend to …?”
But the familiar growl and shrill screams coming from outside his shop tell him he asked a second too late.
At last My love has come along My lonely days are over And life is like a song …
The vintage vinyl spins smoothly under the needle of Aziraphale’s gramophone as he sways slowly with his husband, in the circle of his arms. He inhales deep, his demon smelling bitter and sweet: of cloves and spice, whiskey and wine, cranberry and chestnut, of crisp winter air and the new falling snow from when he stepped out the door and, for a split second, transformed into a monstrous, fire-breathing serpent to clear away the carolers.
Aziraphale didn’t entirely approve of this technique, but he can’t help himself giggling at how a dozen men, women, and children dressed in matching red tartan shirts and wearing wool pompom hats leapt five feet and scattered like mice in a dark room with the lights flicked on. But Aziraphale made sure to bless them as they ran, made certain that little Ryan Weathers would find that bike he wants under his tree, that Molly Stevens would get the game system she asked for (seeing as she was nearly trampled by, of all people, her mum), that Pastor Dorney (the leader of the gang) would find an uptick in attendance at his small church on Christmas morning, along with donations, and on and on. Maybe Aziraphale wasn’t in the mood for carolers at the time, but he can’t blame them for their service. They were only trying to spread Christmas cheer, after all.
Considering the cynical times they live in, it’s truly a noble cause.
Aziraphale hugs his husband tight and Crowley reciprocates. But they’ve been dancing for half an hour and Crowley hasn’t said a word. Aziraphale doesn’t think he feels guilty about what he’s done, but he is curious.
“You sure have gone quiet,” Aziraphale points out, peeking up at his husband, a hair’s breath from his lips. “Still mulling over the frightened faces of those poor carolers you scared down the street?”
“No,” Crowley replies, but a tiny smile slips onto his face. “Well, yes, but … I guess I’m just wondering …”
“Hmm? What?”
“What I have to do to get you to make love to me.”
Aziraphale smiles. “My dear boy. You don’t need to do anything. Just ask.”
“Really. Making love isn’t something you need to trade favors for. It’s something I enjoy. I hope you know that.”
“I do.”
Aziraphale presses a kiss to Crowley’s cheek and rests his head on his husband’s shoulder. They continue to sway, caught in the spell of Etta James’s rich contralto voice, till it hits Crowley that he may not need to do anything, but there still may be something he can do for his enamored angel.
Because he loves him.
“And another éclair?” he asks.
Aziraphale rolls adoring eyes up at his demon. “One for after would be lovely.”
Crowley kisses Aziraphale on the forehead. “I’ve got you covered.”
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acediian · 5 years
—𝓉𝑜𝓋𝒶𝓇𝒾𝑜𝓃'𝓈 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝑔𝒾𝒻𝓉 (𝓋𝒾𝒾.)
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thanos x original character fanfiction  |  pre-infinity war  |  2.5k words +
a/n: ahhh, the beautiful marital bliss that awaits these two. but at least thanos is getting what he wants out of this whole situation so one of them is kind of happy. c;
chapters  i.  ii.  iii.  iv.  v.  vi.  vii.
Aerendis’ fingers played idly with the pendant around her neck as she sat beside her husband at the long table that overlooked their grand wedding feast. More Tovari were in attendance now than had been at the ceremony itself. The great hall was overflowing with noblemen, merchants, and everyone in between.
Jolly guests bumped into one another while touting full goblets of wine and ale. Palace servants weaved among them, carrying entire platters of meat and bread and Tovari delicacies. A band of musicians accompanied all of the activity in the hall, enticing a select few of the attendees to dance.
It was a joyous event, no doubt, but not for the two who the occasion was celebrating. Aerendis had merely sipped on wine all night, with hardly an appetite to persuade her to eat a thing. She had not seen Thanos eat anything either. He had spent the reception thus far with a sullen expression, tapping his fingers impatiently against the armrest of his chair.
All evening, the two of them had been fielding short visits from well wishers and those who offered their gratitude for Tovarion’s enduring safety. Some had even come bearing gifts for the newly wed couple. Trinkets, mostly - all of them handmade from the many artists and artisans that called the planet home. Aerendis appreciated each one, even if she knew that the sentiment held little meaning in this, merely a political marriage.
“The Lord and Lady of Weyrhall, your highnesses,” the queen’s hand announced, drawing Aerendis from her thoughts and into the hall once again.
The pair bowed before them. “Princess,” the woman said with a nod.
“Lady Haela,” Aerendis replied, flashing a kindly smile at their guests. She had known the lady and her husband since her youth. They hailed from a great house with ancestry that dated back to Tovarion’s earliest days.
The Lady looked to Thanos next, eyes almost fearful as she bowed her head. “My… lord?” she considered. “No, that isn’t right, is it?” She looked to Aerendis.
“Technically, by marriage…” the princess began, turning to her husband. “You are prince of Tovarion.”
Thanos seemed unimpressed by the mere thought of it, as correct as Aerendis was. “Those who serve me refer to me as ‘sire.’ That will suffice.”
“Sire,” Lady Haela repeated, bowing once again. “My husband and I congratulate you on your marriage. We have brought gifts.” She gestured to their servant, who stepped forward with a gleaming silver bow and a quiver to match. “For you, princess, to take and use in your far away travels. May it protect you always.”
The princess’ eyes were wide as she watched the flames of the torches in the hall flicker in the smooth surface of the bow. “Thank you, my lord and lady. I look forward to drawing it for the first time.”
Another servant stepped forward with their second gift, one that Aerendis immediately recognized. She shifted in her seat, feeling an unwanted warmth flood to her cheeks. “We also present you a naming blanket, your highnesses,” Lady Haela said. “That the gods may bless you with a healthy child.”
Aerendis’ smile tightened. It was tradition for at least one wedding guest to present the new couple with a naming blanket for their future child. She knew not what the gods had planned for her, but she was certain that she would find no family aboard a warship. “Thank you again. You honor us with your gifts, my lord and lady. Please enjoy the festivities.”
With another bow, the two retreated to their table once again, leaving Aerendis and Thanos alone at their own table. The princess swiftly reached for her goblet, taking a much longer sip from it this time.
More well wishers followed with more gifts for them - all the while, the princess smiled at each individual and offered thanks from both her and her husband. As the well wishers tapered off and resumed their frivolities, Aerendis slumped back in her seat. She had never known a Tovari affair to be so tiring, and had certainly never known herself to not enjoy such a raucous feast. Still, the wine kept on flowing and the music kept on playing, so it was not all bad, she supposed.
Eventually, a pair of women that Aerendis didn’t recognize approached the long table, stopping to kneel before her husband.
“Ah,” Thanos remarked. “Daughters.”
Aerendis’ head snapped towards him, brow creased. How… unexpected. Nearly every aspect of this union seemed to be.
“Father.” The dark-haired woman rose to her feet first, followed by the one with the piercing all-black eyes. Aerendis looked them both over with interest. The one had skin a beautiful hue of green she had never set eyes on before and the other had skin of a pale blue and seemed to be made partly of machine. Neither one resembled Thanos. They did not even resemble one another. Perhaps they took after their mothers.
Thanos turned to her. “Princess, I present my daughters. Gamora and Nebula.”
“I am pleased to make your acquaintance,” Aerendis replied, flashing a kindly grin towards the two women. No such smile came back her way. “I... suppose we shall be seeing quite a lot of one another.”
“Not likely,” Nebula said flatly.
Gamora noticed the slightly wounded expression on the princess’ face and turned to her sister, frowning. “What my sister means is that we are seldom on the ship, princess.”
“Your father must keep the two of you very busy.”
“Yes, we do a great deal for father’s cause.”
Aerendis’ head tilted slightly. She’d dealt in diplomacy long enough to know exactly how to read others, and there was something in Gamora’s tone that conveyed a certain displeasure with that fact.
“Well, you can both relax and enjoy yourselves tonight,” the princess continued, her warm smile returning. “At least, I hope that you are. Please do let me know if there is anything that you need. I will have someone arrange rooms for you for the night, as well.”
“You are a gracious host, princess,” Gamora said, as she and Nebula bowed their heads.
Aerendis watched the pair retreat into the hall, disappearing amongst a sea of Tovari and offworlders alike. She turned to her husband. “They are lovely.”
“They are formidable warriors,” Thanos corrected her. “Gamora more so. They have trained their entire lives.”
“I am sure they’ve flourished under your tutelage.”
“I would have accepted no less.”
Aerendis felt a knot form in her stomach. It was one thing to be a harsh leader, but to be a harsh parent was something else entirely. She could not imagine such an upbringing for a child.
“Are they your only daughters?” A reasonable question, she thought, if only for her own sake. By law, she was stepmother to any child that called him ‘father.’
“I have many children,” Thanos replied. Noting the way her eyebrows raised, he continued. “Orphans that I took under my wing.”
“Ah,” Aerendis hummed. “I look forward to meeting them.” A half truth. There was nothing to look forward to in her future, aside from a prosperous home planet and many years spent floating through the beauty of the cosmos.
Husband and wife fell back into their previous silence as the night wore on. The guests grew more boisterous and rowdy the more they drank. The music grew louder as more joined the dancers out on the floor. Aerendis watched them intently, eyes wistful as she looked upon their joyful faces and saw how they danced without a care in all the world. It gave her hope to see them.
There was a time not long ago when she would have joined in their gaiety, danced the night away in their midst. But the nerves simmering inside her left her as still as a statue beside her new husband. Her goblet of wine never left her hand, even as Illaria stepped in every now and then to fill it to the brim once again. As strong as Tovari wine was, it was not enough to give her more than a feeling of warmth and a slight flush in her cheeks. She doubted that she had drunk even half as much as those who now found themselves stumbling over benches, tables, and one another. Even so, all the casks on Tovarion would not have been enough for her on this night.
All evening, Aerendis sensed her husband’s growing displeasure at being made to wait any longer for the stone. The festivities showed no signs of slowing down, let alone stopping. She knew they would continue for long after they departed.
As some of the partygoers began to slump over the long tables, their drunken haze carrying them off into a deep sleep, Aerendis heard Thanos let out a great sigh before rising from his seat.
“Are you retiring for the night?” she asked, turning her gaze upward toward his face. A grin tugged at her lips, forming a single dimple in her flushed right cheek. “Or have you finally decided to have a dance?”
Evidently, her joke was not well received; the lines of his face deepened in a scowl. “I do not dance, princess.” He sounded almost offended as he turned to meet her gaze. “I upheld my end of our deal. Take me to the stone.”
He gave her no time to respond as he moved swiftly past her. She quickly rose to her feet, glancing to the nearest table where her mother and brother sat. Her fingers pressed the black amulet between them; a signal to the queen that the time had come. A nervous look passed from mother to daughter.
“Follow me,” she said, hurrying to keep in stride with her husband. “It is a bit of a descent into the vaults.”
“I don’t care.”
Husband and wife proceeded through the palace halls, which were eerily silent in the absence of all the noise of the wedding feast. All but the odd guard seemed to still be there; Aerendis had never known her home to feel so utterly empty. There was only the two of them, the sound of their footsteps, and the soft rustling of her gown.
Before long, they came upon the beautifully carved wall that held the staircase into the lower vault behind it. Was Thanos about to become only the fourth person alive to know of this door’s existence?
“I don’t see the stone, princess,” Thanos began, exasperation lacing each word. “Don’t think that you--”
Aerendis tsked, glancing over her shoulder at him. “This is no trick. You shall have your prize.”
Removing the necklace, she mirrored her mother’s exact movements from the night before. The pendant fit perfectly into its place at the center of the relief, in the exact spot where each of the gods’ hands connected. The same white light flickered to life from where the stone sat, following each line of the image until the entire wall cast a bright glow on them and the room behind them.
As the staircase behind revealed itself, Aerendis gestured for her husband to proceed down the stone steps. “This is where the stone has been kept hidden all these years,” she said, slowly following him down the winding stairs. “I did not even know of its presence until last night. I can’t imagine how you came to know that it was here.”
“I have been searching for the stones all my life, princess,” Thanos replied. “I find the information I seek… eventually. In this case, you have a loose-lipped Asgardian noble to thank.”
“Loose-lipped? Or subjected to torture?” Aerendis asked bitterly.
The small chuckle that left his throat caused her heart to sink. “He served his purpose.”
The weight of his words was enough to silence her as they finished their descent. The room was the same as it had been the previous night; vast and empty save for the orb that housed the power stone and the pedestal that held it. But the air in the great chamber felt heavier today. Aerendis wondered if her husband could hear her heart pounding as he stepped away from her and towards the orb.
A large hand extended, plucking the object from where it hovered with little hesitation. It seemed such an innocuous thing as it rolled into his palm. Yet the princess knew of its destructive properties; knew that many had likely sought its power over the millennia. Thanos had been the only one mad enough to take it for himself.
Aerendis moved to his side, enraptured as she looked upon the orb. “You know… in all my years, I’d always thought that the Infinity Stones were no more than a myth. Yet one was right here, beneath my very feet.”
“And now you will behold it with your own eyes. I doubt even your mother has done so,” Thanos replied, his other hand settling on the top of the orb. Fingers tightening around the object, he pulled it apart into two identical halves.
A blinding purple glow emitted from the orb’s interior, the light reflecting off of Aerendis’ colorless irises. There lay the power stone, humming, pulsating with energy. It was such a small thing, but one that she knew carried utterly dangerous properties. She and Thanos must have been the first to lay eyes on it in millennia.
“It’s different than I had imagined,” Aerendis breathed, her eyes wide and mouth agape as she stared at the stone. It was as beautiful as it was frightening. She had never beheld anything like it. Not even the rarest Tovari jewel could compare.
“And more powerful than you could know,” Thanos replied, a satisfied grin on his lips. The sullen disposition that had followed him the entire day had melted away, leaving behind an unmistakable twinkle in his eye.
“Clearly… why else would my people and the Asgardians have gone to such lengths to keep it hidden all these years?”
“It is no longer their burden to bear.” His smile remained as he turned away from her, long strides carrying him toward the exit of the chamber.
“Where are you going?” Aerendis asked as she rushed after him.
“Bringing the stone to my ship.” Thanos stopped, barely looking over his shoulder at her. “Enjoy your feast, princess. Get some sleep. We depart in the morning.”
Brow furrowed, Aerendis drew in a breath to reply, but he moved quickly and deliberately up the staircase that would lead him out of the vault once again. He was far enough ahead that she did not catch even a glimpse of him as she, too, exited the vaults, and found herself in the palace halls again. This time, there was not a soul around aside from her.
The feast felt like no place for her on this night, so she soon retired to her chambers, where she slumped into her favorite seat on the balcony that overlooked the sprawling city below and the vast night’s sky above. She could think of no better place to spend her last night on her home planet than the spot where she could take in all of its beauty.
Tagging: @kurochan3 (let me know if you’d also like to be tagged in future chapters!)
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
Loving Interactions meme
The instructions had been so simple, there was no possible way for Sonia to misinterpret them: to put on one of the dozens of gowns that were otherwise collecting dust in her wardrobe and come to the main hall at seven. Perhaps in another version of her life, she might have found it impertinent that, as Queen, she was taking orders from someone else. But frankly, she was simply too tired: tired of every nightmare, every memory, but mostly, trying to conceive of every possible reason to spurn him and his company, which now had lingered in the castle for months on end.
But her express order to rid her room of every reflective surface larger than her cosmetics mirror now proved a challenge: standing in her underwear and a face of makeup she’d applied herself that had turned out nicer than she thought it would, she now faced a rainbow of sparkle, satin, and shine of varying necklines and skirt widths with no idea of what to choose. Except, of course, anything that reminded her of her time as a princess and that hideous ruler that had nearly destroyed everything she held dear: white, cream, red, and pink were all now no good. And as much as she wanted to lean towards the opposite, her comfort color since her return to Novoselic, Sonia only ran her hand down the black sequin one-shouldered gown before pushing the hanger aside. That didn’t suit the mood either.
“Mint, blush, lilac, lavender, magenta...none of these are right,” She muttered, pushing more hangers to join the one holding up the slinky black gown, their sound scraping against the metal bar that held up the weight of her formalwear. It was nearly a lost cause and the clock was ticking fast, the sun already sinking low in the sky just beyond her balcony. Sonia had nearly reached the back of the closet and while she was determined not to be late, especially due to a crisis of fashion, she couldn’t help but worry that it was going to be inevitable. Pale shades didn’t feel right, reminding her of the princess she was, and anything that could bring her memories of those horrid gowns, constructed to show and hide blood for various situations were not viable options. Letting out a heavy sigh, Sonia leaned against the empty wall beside the rack of dresses, sliding down to a sitting position just beside her pair of glittering silver heels. Careful not to cast her gaze downward, she reached up to grasp at the velvet tray of jewels she’d summoned from the royal vault: diamonds she hadn’t seen since her parents were alive, when her mother wore them for state dinners only after Sonia begged to try them on first. They’d sparkle even in the faintest of light: the set of earrings, the bracelet, and tiara made to resemble woven flowers and covered with hundreds upon hundreds of stones. While she didn’t feel that hairbows and flowered bands suited her anymore, it was a gentle nod to the optimistic, kind girl she used to be.
Picking the tiara up with trembling hands, it would be the first time she’d wear one since the New Years Day address, and all of the emotions that had swirled within her as she’d tried to speak in confidence and with a smile and had just barely succeeded, downing an entire bottle of wine by herself almost as soon as the cameras stopped rolling. That crown had felt so heavy in comparison: this one was surprisingly light and slightly whimsical, the first accessory she’d seen and held in a long time, smiling as she was reminded of the life that flourished inside the castle and throughout the country before everything had gone so wrong. Pink lips formed into a smile as the overhead lights of her closet allowed the diamonds to twinkle back at her, as well as something else...something her left arm was brushing against. Turning to face the mesh that now tickled her skin, Sonia’s gaze came face to face with layers of tulle with an embroidered floral hem that covered an opaque silk layer underneath. Setting the tiara down, Sonia quickly scrambled to her feet to pull the gown from the rack with a deep breath: not quite black but not quite bright either: midnight blue with full skirt with thick straps that would rest just off her shoulders. It would be more than suitable.
Removing it from its hanger and stepping into the pool of skirts at her feet, Sonia pulled it up with relative ease, zipping up the side closure before she had a chance to fixate on the scars the silk hid beneath it. The jewelry and shoes were added after, the tiara highlighting one other attribute she could finally, confidently, wear again: her hair, still long and having regained most of its body and luster since she’d left the island, down her back, not an updo in sight. In the cosmetics mirror, it had already brightened up her complexion, another hint of who she used to be.
Standing straight, Sonia didn’t need a mirror to know that it was all a bit princessy, the sort of fantasy her classmates had always dreamed she lived. But now it hardly mattered. Now, she thought, she was ready to dream a little.
There was an eerie sort of quiet throughout the halls as she exited her room, taking the most direct route to the main hall. This time, with her permission, he’d dismissed most of the staff for the evening, save for whatever he had in mind. This she couldn’t fault him for: even with her family long gone, privacy was still a luxury she didn’t often have, from questions from ministers and parliament to the royal household. Even a queen hated and reviled by much of her people was still a queen in demand. And besides, that was how the stories went, didn’t they? On nights like this, the fairy tale heroes were never bothered unless it was the most opportune moment.
The click of her heels against the floor only paused once she’d reached the top of grand stairwell. Grasping the banister, she slowly took the stairs one at a time, inhaling deeply. It was silly: there was no reason to be nervous, they already knew so much, had done so much, she wasn’t meeting a stranger, not really. She was meeting someone she hadn’t come across for many years, since their time at school and due to circumstances they only wish they could have controlled more efficiently, they’d changed into people unrecognizable from their former selves, presences they had to banish from their hearts and minds both comatose and in the context of their darker, changed reality. Exhaling, Sonia stopped at the bottom of the stairs where he waited. There was no second-guessing her answer now: her decision to arrive on time and properly dressed only solidified that there was only one way she wanted her life to go: forward. It was time to stop being consumed by the past.
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“I hope I’m not late,” She smiled softly, her way of announcing her arrival, “Though I have been brought up to understand that a queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early, no matter my country’s customs.”
But he’d had another way of greeting her, beyond a verbal assurance of her punctuality. Before she had a chance to react, one of Gundham’s hands reached for her own, bringing it to meet his lips. If she was attending a grand ball, Sonia would have found such a gesture to be the norm, acknowledging it with a gracious smile before making the small talk she had memorized prior. But this was entirely unexpected, causing her cheeks to flush light pink as a shiver went down her spine. Two things she hoped he didn’t notice as he straightened his posture and focused his gaze on her. He hadn’t needed to do that, both due to their night hardly being an official event and their rekindling friendship of sorts. Sonia didn’t really know how to define it: what did one call another whom they once loved emotionally and intimately, then hurt, then deserted, and now loved again? At least, as far as she knew, Gundham was ignorant of the last part.
“Thank you,” She continued, her own gaze meeting his as her smile, Sonia felt sure, now bordered on giddy entirely due to his kiss, “for arranging this. It’s so difficult to spend more than an hour or two with you without interruptions now and I’m so grateful.”
She didn’t know quite what was in store, but with the staff given the night off it was safe to assume that they weren’t leaving the castle, at least not dressed the way they were. On the streets of Novoselic’s capital, she was a glowing, sparkling target for acts of hatred. But within the castle walls, the possibility of a formal evening without the guests, the responsibility, and the stress was becoming more and more likely.
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thegremlinofransei · 5 years
Welcome to the Family | Ch. 6
Resident Evil 7 AU
Fandom: Split, Glass
Rating: M (strong language, intense violence)
Word Count: ~3K
Summary: Casey narrowly escaped death at Dennis’s hands. Now, she must puzzle her way out of the Smith house of horrors—but not without some help.
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Casey sprinted as fast as she could to the iron doors of the main hall, crest in hand. She was still operating on the adrenaline from the skirmish with Dennis, guided by the promise of some sort of reprieve in the next room. The gilded body of the centaur fit neatly into the indentation, hitting every trigger, and she stepped back as the crest spun on its axis, pulling the enormous slide bolts from their locked positions. 
Kerrrrrr-chunk! Creaaaak…
Casey pushed the door open and stepped into the main hall, which seemed to be but a shell of its former glory. Tiles and litter were strewn over the worn floorboards, and a dusty table with a crooked lamp, shining sporadically through a running fan, lit the large room. Two staircases, one on either of the walls parallel to the girl, ascended and met at a balcony above. On the perpendicular walls were, to the right, one open door with a golden light streaming out and, to the left, a closed door with an entryway.
She scavenged the nearest side of the room for materials, finding only a small bag of aloe leaves on the center table and a magazine of bullets under a dresser. Before she could heave her sigh of frustration, that taunting electronic ringing sounded from near the door that presumably led outside. Snapping her gaze up from the floor, she could make out a faint orange flashing from the entryway, causing her to leap to her feet and rush to the faded desk where it sat. Casey lifted the phone’s receiver, awaiting her next instructions from Jade.
“Did my daddy give you a hard time?”
While she had expected this revelation, Casey still couldn’t believe there was any connection between the immortal man in the garage and the calm girl on the phone. “That’s your father?”
“He used to be.”
“I’m sorry, but…he’s, uh, he’s dead now.”
Jade let out a small, intrigued chuckle. “Hm, you just might be able to pull this off.”
“What? Pull what off?”
“There’s something I need you to do, but I can’t explain it right now. You may need some sort of keys to do it, but find a way out of the house. I’ll be in touch.”
Casey gently replaced the receiver and looked up to the door residing at the end of the entryway. Hand on her gun, the paranoia that any more of Jade’s disturbed family members could appear still fresh, she approached the door. A crest of Cerberus adorned it, but three indentations resided where the mythical dog’s three heads should have been.
Goddamn it.
Agitated once again by the elaborate system of triggers in the door, Casey stepped away and started toward the wall opposite of where she had entered. In the nearest corner resided a copper door, embellished with a wreath small spikes and a plaque shaped like a scorpion. She tried the door’s handle, but it was held shut by a lock with a square pit surrounded by a light circular indentation.
Next to the door was a grandfather clock. Casey noticed that the pendulum was loose and pulled it off for closer examination. The pointed end was the size of a small key, so she put it in her pocket, hoping it would lead somewhere with the missing pieces of the crest.
Trying to ignore the newspaper lying on the floor, which was emblazoned by the announcement of Over 20 Missing In 2 Years, Casey glanced in through an archway. An unfinished painting hung on the back wall, and a light shined on it from a makeshift projector across the room. At the midpoint of this contraption was an oak podium.
She continued on, not concerned with the new puzzle and picking up a new container of antibiotics from a chair. Finally reaching the lit door on the other side, her heart fluttered.
A metal statue of a soldier sat on a podium next to a flag, holding a shotgun. Casey ran in and carefully lifted the beautiful weapon from its resting place, grateful for the heavier firepower.
The podium raised through the floor about half a foot, and Casey whipped around to the heavy noise behind her. A vault door had closed her into the room. She stepped to it and, upon finding it locked, dejectedly returned the gun to its place.
Realizing her moment of solace in this room, she pulled out the pendulum key and examined it. On the back, there was a grimy piece of tape with a messy scrawl on it.
Living Room
There was another clock in the living room, she recollected. That was locked…are they hiding some keys in there?
She opted to test her theory and power walked back to the iron double doors. Pushing through them, she did a quick glance around the hallway. It was devoid of life- and the thought of even calling her gracious hosts that made Casey snicker lightly- so she trekked on.
Casey took the new shortcut through the destroyed closet and wound around to the living room, fixated on the grandfather clock. There was a small keyhole behind the bare pendulum swing, and she shoved the key in. 
Bong! Bong! Bong!
As the clock continued its choked chime seven more times, the old swing retracted upward and a new one took its place. Its end was adorned by a flat metal carving of a white dog’s head.
She took the piece of the crest and gingerly stepped back, darting her gaze around to ensure that nobody had sought the sound’s source. There was no sign of movement, so she exited through the wrecked dining room and strode back around the winding corridors to the main hall. Seeing nowhere else to search on the bottom level, she rushed to the front door, placed the dog head in the middle indentation, and hurried back to ascend the nearest side of the grand staircase.
At the top of the stairs, Casey was startled by Grandpa, who sat in a dark corner in his wheelchair, staring blankly at her. How…the hell did he get up here? It was probably when I was fighting with Dennis, but…there aren’t any wheelchair ramps…did Luke bring you up here or something?
The confusion flooded her head as she approached the elderly man and peered at his face closer. His complexion was still sickly, which was accentuated by the pale moonlight filtering in from a nearby window. He made no movements, so Casey turned to the door next to him, eager to escape his creepy gaze.
The door opened into a clean, warmly-lit hallway, and she shut the door softly behind her with a sigh of relief. Finally! A normal-looking room! she joyously exclaimed to herself, freed from the clutter of the rest of the house. She trekked forth on her excursion to find the remnants of the crest.
Casey made her way out to an enclosed veranda on her right. The boards beneath her feet were worn, but not rotted, and she could see the front yard through plywood lattice. It wasn’t much of a view, save for the wildly overgrown lawn and a white aluminum trailer. That must be where Jade is reaching me from.
A bright yellow light glinted off of the trailer’s frame, and Casey stepped back from the lattice. From behind the presumed safe shelter, Patricia teetered through the tall plants toward the house, carrying a lantern. The girl, her guard back up, tiptoed onward over the veranda, hoping the woman wouldn’t hear or see her from below.
At the other end, a few magazines of bullets sat in an open box. Casey huffed quietly, frustrated by the growing lack of room for resources, and reorganized her cargo. Her wallet went into her bra, her gun supplies into her belt loops, and the knife and ointments into her pockets. Should have grabbed Kevin’s backpack when you had the chance, she chided herself before turning to an archway, which led back into the house.
The remains of a staircase allowed light to filter into this dark segment of the hall from the downstairs area by the garage. Casey wound through the corridors, visible by this glow and a few scattered lamps, with her knife raised and ready for action. In a short while, she came to a well-kept oak door and curiously pushed it open.
A warm recreational room, sparkling from a chandelier, had awaited her, furnished by a pool table, a bar, an old television, and two other doors. One led in the direction of the veranda, and the other had windows peering into another room. Casey glanced around to make sure it was safe and crept in, approaching the door with the windows. It was decorated with the same scorpion and spikes as the identically locked door in the main hall, but she spotted a cracked shotgun leaning against a window.
Now just to find this dumbass scorpion key, she retorted internally as she circled around the room. It wasn’t until then that she noticed the VCR tape resting on the bar, picked it up, and read the neat handwriting on the label.
Stole the camera from Mama when she wasn’t looking and saw the footage on it. I hope he’s okay.
A chill ran down Casey’s spine, as she knew exactly who this note was talking about. She fully realized it was probably a dark web torture tape, but even so, she needed to see his face again. She walked back around to the TV, popped the tape into the VCR player, and leaned on the bar to watch.
A frazzled Kevin, tousled brown hair matter with sweat, stared into the camera. Prominent scars resided on his neck and face, indicating where Casey had wounded him earlier. He anxiously glanced around him, huddled behind a bush. After a few painstakingly long moments, he began to walk, keeping the camera aimed at his face as he spoke between shallow breaths and through welling tears.
“Casey, if you find this…I know I can’t expect anything from you…not after what happened. After what I did. But, I just want you to know, that wasn’t ME! I don’t…God, I don’t KNOW what happened!”
“There you are!” someone yelled from behind him. Kevin turned his head and shifted the camera, revealing Patricia standing in the distance, holding her lantern. “You gave us quite a scare, young man!”
In one swift motion, Kevin turned the camera to show his view of a boardwalk and pushed through an iron gate. He started to sprint down the wooden path, panting, “She can’t catch me again.” At the end, he came to a pair of barn doors, bulled through one side, and kicked it shut behind him. He slowly approached a white door to his right, but it drifted closed and its lock clicked.
Kevin turned around to go the other way, revealing a chasm between the ledge leading to an open door on his side and the rest of the room opposite him. He crept up to the door, careful not to get too close to the shattered support pillars.
“Over here, papa!”
The young boy’s singsong voice echoed from across the chasm, and Kevin pivoted to look at its source. His figure, outlined by curly locks and baggy sweats, stood hauntingly in the shadows, the only light making him visible streaming from a stairwell behind him. However, the young man took a deep breath and ventured forth, despite being obviously fazed by the child.
The doorway led into a long room, lit by flickering candles and turned into a maze by giant columns of hornet nests. No buzzing sounded from any of them, and Kevin continued onward. Each set of candles he passed blew out, and his racing heartbeat was now audible, even on camera. Eager to get out of that room, he made a few long strides to the opposing door, quickly and quietly passing through and closing it.
Kevin rounded a corner in time for a door at the end of the corridor to creak open. As stealthily as possible, he backpedaled behind a small cabinet and stood flushed to the wall as the lantern light and Patricia’s menacing voice drew closer.
“I am growing tired of this bullshit, boy,” she calmly proclaimed, her tone dripping with venom. “Why are you putting me through this? WHAT have I done to deserve this except open my home to you?”
Kevin watched fearfully as she opened another door and exited the confined space, pondering, “I don’t understand you at all. This! This is a gift!” Once she was gone, he took the opportunity to sprint to the other end and hustle through the door she had entered from.
Rounding a wall of crates, he came into a room equipped similarly to the projector room in the main hall. The only difference was the complex statuette resting on the podium. Kevin reached for the statuette, but his respite didn’t last, as he heard Patricia continuing her composed tirade from behind the door.
“This house…it has seen more than you can imagine, and it KNOWS…”
Kevin lightly ran out the archway on the other side onto a small porch and ducked behind open the door, gazing in through a broken window. “You just don’t understand,” Patricia continued, “or is it that you just don’t care?”
When she came into view from around the crates, he took a few steps back into the deepest corner of the porch. “I know you and Jade are plotting,” she accused her invisible target. “I KNOW you are scheming. You think I don’t know what you’re planning for that girl, Casey?”
Kevin craned his neck to catch a glimpse of Patricia, who was pacing circles around the room. As she turned back around, he crouched back, staying barely out of her sight. She began to stroll toward the archway, and he whispered a prayer that she wouldn’t come over to him. 
The lantern shone onto the long porch and started to head in the opposite direction, and Kevin took his opportunity to act. He tiptoe-ran inside as silently as he could, around the barrier and through the open door. At a hurried tempo, he glided to the doors at the other ends of the corridor, but both were locked, and he had to turn back to that dreaded projector room.
Kevin his behind the same cupboard as before as Patricia’s hushed scolds changed into frustrated shouts. “We open our home!” she spat. “We open our hearts! And what do you do?" 
She exited through the same door as she had the first time around, and Kevin returned to the projector room, firmly closing the door behind him. He lifted the statuette and began to rotate it, shifting it slightly until it made the shadow of a spider on the half-finished painting. A sea of bumps raised through the canvas in the area of the shadow, and segment of the wall behind the painting silently opened on a hinge.
A narrow passage awaited behind the secret door, and Kevin shimmied through as best as his muscular body could. Within a minute or so, he popped out on the other side of the chasm at the building’s entrance. He approached a corner by the opposite wall, but reeled back and crouched behind a crate the second he heard Patricia’s continued tirade.
"He loves you. He wants us to be a family, goddamn it.” She huffed, and her voice reached a pained scream. “All you have to do is accept his fucking gift!”
Kevin crept around the crate and glimpsed the opening he so desperately desired. Once he knew Patricia was out of his path, he sprinted for the corner. “You’re not escaping your share of the blame!” she shrieked at him, but he had already jumped into a crawl space. He tiptoed over the hard-packed mud to a hatch door at the far end, but it forcefully slid shut, and he was trapped in the cluttered cavern, lit only by a dying candle.
Kevin made sure to rotate the camera view, giving a good look around the tiny space. A tarnished crank laid haphazardly on a pile of stones, and a small photograph rested on a deteriorated cardboard box. It depicted a young man with perfectly-coiffed brown hair, wearing a polo and jeans, with a large boat in the background. Next to him stood a young boy with fiery ginger hair and prominent freckles, wearing a navy blue tracksuit.
After what felt like forever, the candle blew out, and Kevin gasped sharply. The camera view was plunged into darkness for a brief period, then cut to a close-up of Patricia’s grimacing face.
“Where do you think YOU’RE going?” she asked forcefully, holding Kevin’s arms behind his back with little effort. She wrestled him away, the last noises before the video cut out being his pleas for mercy.
Wiping a few small tears from her cheek, Casey asked, quietly yet with a newfound resolve, “What did they do you, Kevin?” She vowed that she would scour this godforsaken house for Kevin, because the man in the video was the man she loved. Not the maniac that sawed her hand off earlier, but the gentle survivor’s soul that left her a video map of another building on the property. The man whose boss had trusted him enough to let him take the executive’s beloved son- Hedwig, right? I can hardly remember the story with that…- on a zoo errand overseas.
With one last look around, she saw a book, slightly opened, sitting on the ledge of a cupboard. Casey took note of how the cover was unevenly raised and approached the book. Pulling it open to the middle, she found a blue dog’s head crest.
These people need to get better at hiding their shit, she jested drily, hurrying out of the room toward her next step to freedom.
A/N: Hell yeah, procrastination nation! I’m sorry it took me so long to upload this one! I was on vacation, and then my sleep deprivation caught up to me. BUT!!! Here it is! With Normal Kevin and not Murder Kevin! Remember, folks: like, reblog, comment, and ask for tags! 😘
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therickrolland · 7 years
A fanfiction for Starco Week 4: Prompt 1 (First Date)
Marco walked out of his room in Butterfly Castle and carefully closed the door behind him. After making sure the door closed all the way, he turned and headed towards Star's room, which was on the same floor, but on the other side of the castle. About halfway down the hallway, Marco stopped and turned to the left in order to look at the view outside of a large heart-shaped window in the middle of the wide corridor. At first glance, the teenager noticed his own slight reflection in the glass pane and inspected his attire to ensure he looked as handsome as he could. He made sure that his white shirt was tucked in properly, his crimson red bow tie was straight and level, his black slacks were adjusted properly, his black shoes were free of scuffs, and his black blazer was free from lint.
Marco then focused his eyes on the grand view outside the window. Since he was roughly four stories above the ground, he could see the castle gardens, a village a mile or so out from the castle gates, and several miles along the horizon. The sun had almost set, so out of curiosity Marco decided to check the time. According to the watch he wore on his left wrist, it was 6:55 p.m. It felt a little early for the sunset, but Marco shrugged it off to the time zone change and different calendar Mewni used compared to Earth. The planet's three moons had begun to rise to their usual positions in the evening sky as well. The largest of the three moons, which was eight or so times larger than the Moon, had large chunks of debris circling it and cast a long shadow over the capital village. The second moon was half the size of the first and slightly to the right of it. The smallest moon was a quarter the size of the second and on the opposite side of the sky. All three were much closer to Mewni than the Moon is to the Earth and although they were marked with craters and lunar maria, they still appeared to be more lustrous than the Moon.
As Marco observed the beauty of the Mewnian landscape, he began to visualize the events of the last week or two in his head. It was something he did frequently so he could reflect back on important events, and the events he was thinking about now were no exceptions. About two weeks ago, Star had ended her relationship with Tom after realizing that her relationship was negatively affecting both of them emotionally. Their romance had begun mainly out of an emotional impulse—Star's fear that she had lost Marco in the wake of his return to Earth—and the relationship served to fuel Tom's largest insecurity, that he had to prove himself "worthy enough" to be with her. It was difficult for Star and Tom to end their relationship, but they eventually agreed that it was the best option to take. They also agreed to remain friends in spite of the breakup. Marco had learned of this when a downcast and morose Star came to his room later that evening to talk to him about it. Upon seeing how Star was feeling, Marco immediately offered his assistance, both as her "squire" (by helping her out with her ever increasing duties as Princess of Mewni), and as her best friend (by spending more time with her and helping her regain her happiness). After a week or so, Star was chipper and gregarious once again and her trust in Marco had strengthened even further. To show her appreciation for helping her get back on her feet, Star offered Marco the prospect of eating a private dinner together in the dining hall one night. The teenage boy quickly accepted Star's gracious invitation before embracing her in a heartfelt hug.
As his flashback of the past few weeks ended, Marco's attention drifted back into reality and he finally made his way across the hall until he was outside Star's bedroom. Upon reaching the door, he knocked on it twice softly with his right hand.
"Star?" asked Marco. "Are you ready for dinner?"
"Of course, Marco!" shouted Star enthusiastically. "I'll be there in a second!"
A few seconds later, Star opened the door and stepped out into hallway.
"Hey Marco, I just finished getting ready. How are you doing?" inquired Star curiously.
Marco scratched his head and smiled. "Um, well... fine! You know, I was just waiting for you and all... how are you?"
"I'm feeling great! Especially since I'm done getting ready, which took like two hours, or something." said Star. "I hope you like my outfit!"
Star's outfit of choice for the evening was the same dress she wore to the Blood Moon Ball, but she had on snow white flats instead of boots, wasn't wearing gloves, and wore a corsage made with red roses on her right wrist. Star's long blonde hair was done in a long French braid with her trademark red devil horns headband placed just behind her large, silky blonde bangs. Marco couldn't help but take in her spectacular beauty and smile even wider.
"You're gorgeous, Star," beamed Marco.
Star's cerulean eyes sparkled in the dimming light of the sunset. "Aww..." she cooed. "You look good too, Marco."
Marco looked down at Star's feet and pointed to the small pink hearts on the toe ends of her white flats.
"So, uh, is there any particular reason you're wearing flats tonight?" he queried, changing the subject as he tried to hide the growing redness in his cheeks.
"Marco, have you ever tried wearing boots for hours on end?" asked Star.
"Well, no..." admitted Marco. "I'm a guy."
"Well, now you know why I'm wearing flats!" exclaimed Star. "Also, before we go to dinner, I need to do one thing, first."
Star ran back into her room and disappeared from view. After a couple seconds, she returned outside with a plastic box in her hand. She opened the box slowly and revealed what was inside: a red rose the same color as the one on her corsage.
"Star? What's that?" asked Marco.
"It's a rose." answered Star plainly.
"I see that, but, like, what is it for?" questioned Marco again.
"My mom said that I'm supposed to pin it to your suit," replied Star.
"Oh, gotcha!" realized Marco. "Just be careful when you're pinning me, all right?"
"I'll do my best," affirmed Star as she rose her hands up, with the rose in her left hand and the pins in her right. "But in all honesty, there's a fair chance I might prick you anyway. So I apologize in advance."
"Well that's reassuring," retorted Marco sarcastically.
Star carefully took the rose and placed it against the right lapel of Marco's suit. She then gingerly inserted a few pins through the rose in order to attach it to the lapel. Fortunately for Marco, none of the pins went too far in, but nevertheless the teenage boy would occasionally flinch as Star did her work. Once she was finished, Star returned the now empty box to her room before returning to Marco.
"Now that we're ready and all, should we go to dinner?" asked Star.
"Of course, Star," answered Marco affirmatively. "Let's take the stairs, it'll be a bit more scenic."
"Scenic?" giggled Star. "What's so scenic about a couple flights of stairs?"
"I mean, it's longer and more dignified than taking an interdimensional portal," explained Marco.
"Yeah, I suppose," agreed the blonde princess. "Let's head for the stairs, then."
Star and Marco walked towards the entrance to the castle stairwell. In contrast to most of the castle, it was unremarkable in appearance, with small, plain, brown stairs fashioned in a spiral around a brown, cylindrical pillar. There were numerous cuts, scratches, and gouges in the sides of the pillar, indicating it had been a part of the castle's structure for a long time, perhaps even centuries. After looking around for a while, they both stepped into the stairway and began making their way down the stairs at a leisurely pace.
"So... how's dinner going to work tonight?" asked Marco.
"Manfred's going to serve us a multi-course meal of our favorite foods," explained Star.
"That sounds pretty fancy," admitted Marco.
"It kind of is, but there are some more casual things we're gonna eat," she elaborated.
"Does this mean that Marco's Super Awesome Nachos are on the menu?" suggested Marco.
"Maaaaybe..." supposed the teenage girl.
"I take that as a 'yes', then?" inquired Marco.
"You'd be right about that," Star replied.
As Star and Marco descended the next couple of stairs, they noticed a corridor leading outwards from the stairwell. They both turned their heads to look down it, and saw the entrance to the dining hall about fifty feet from the stairwell exit.
"I guess we're here," said Marco flatly.
"We should enter the dining hall, then!" approved Star. "After all, Manfred is probably waiting for us, and..."
As she went to finish her thought, Star felt a surge of surprise and warmth within her. She inexplicably looked down and saw that Marco had taken her right hand into his. Though on the inside she was curious why Marco was holding her hand, she opted not to ask him about it, lest she create an awkward situation.
"And, the food should be tasty!" resounded Marco as he walked with Star out of the stairwell.
"Wow, this is really nice!" praised Marco as he walked with Star inside the dining hall. "I've haven't seen something this fancy in a long time."
"Marco, remember how in history, they were talking about the seven wonders of the ancient world?" asked Star.
"Of course, Star," acknowledged the teenage boy. "Any particular reason why you're asking?"
Star beckoned towards the center of the room. "Well, Marco, this place is one of the seven wonders of Mewni."
The royal dining hall was a massive room with vaulted ceilings two stories high and countless paintings of royals hanging on the walls. Numerous flags, including the Mewnian flag and flags of neighboring kingdoms, hung from a balcony at the very top of the hall. A servant was seated at a grand piano in the back of the room, softly playing pieces written by Chopin. Normally, an immense, rectangular table, capable of seating thirty people at once, would be in the center of the hall, but tonight was different. Instead, a much smaller, square table was positioned in the middle of the room, with two padded, throne-like chairs on either side of it.
"Let's take a seat, Star," suggested Marco. "I'm pretty hungry!"
"Me too," seconded the blonde princess.
Both teenagers walked over to the table and sat down in their chairs. Two sets of service were on the table, consisting of two fine china plates, each with a blue cloth napkin to the left of the plate, a glass of water to the right of it, and a smaller plate next to it. A knife, fork, and spoon were all placed on top of the napkin. A short while after they took a seat, Manfred walked over towards the table, with a dark blue towel draped over the right forearm.
"Good evening, Your Royal Highness, and Marco Diaz. Your dinner à la française should be ready any minute now."
"Dinner à la française? What does that mean?" asked Marco.
"It means all of your savory dishes will be served at one time," elaborated Manfred. "In the meantime, would any of you care for something to drink, other than water? Perhaps ale or some tea?"
"I mean, this is Mewni, after all," began Marco, "But if you guys had Coke or something, that would be great."
"Mr. Diaz, I have never heard of a drink by the name of 'Coke' before," said Manfred, puzzled. "However, I will try by best to get what you seek. Is there anything else you'd like to drink, Princess Butterfly?"
"I should be good with water," said Star.
"Very well," said Manfred. "I will return with your drinks and food momentarily." He then made his way back to the kitchen.
Marco picked up his glass and took a sip of water. "So, Star... what's all being served at dinner tonight? Is there, like, a theme to the meal?"
"Kind of," admitted Star. "From what I know, the theme our meal tonight is 'favorite foods'."
"Favorite foods?" asked Marco. "That sounds really good!"
A somewhat mischievous smile appeared on Star's face. "Yeah! I think it's going to be great!"
"Um, Star?" questioned Marco.
"Yes, Marco?" inquired Star.
"Is there something you need to tell me?" inquired Marco.
"What do you mean by that, Marco?" asked Star as she tried to stifle a few giggles.
"Well, I mean, you're smiling real wide," reasoned Marco, "and you seem like there's something else to this dinner I don't know about."
Star's smile gave way to a fit of laughter. "Well, there is one thing I didn't tell you. I kind of had to tell the kitchen what your recipe for Super Awesome Nachos was, since I wanted them on the menu! You know, so they could make some!"
"Wait, what?!" sputtered Marco, in a voice two octaves higher than usual. "You revealed my secret recipe?!"
"Well, to be honest, I kinda did, but they promised me they wouldn't leak it to anyone else," said Star insistently.
"Ah, I guess you kinda have a point there, Star," realized Marco. "Besides, it's not very likely many people here know what nachos are."
Manfred approached Marco and Star's table once again, this time carrying a tray with Super Awesome Nachos, crab rangoon, orange chicken, and club sandwiches on it. On the top right corner of the tray, there was a small glass filled with ice and Coca-Cola.
"Mr. Diaz, after some searching, I found the drink you asked for among some Earth food we had stored up," declared Manfred as he set the tray down on the table.
Marco reached out and took his Coke from the tray. "Thanks, Manfred."
"I hope you are delighted by your meal," said the royal servant as he walked away from the table, back towards the kitchen.
Star immediately took to the nachos, shoving three or four of the heavenly, triangular crisps in her face before commenting on their flavor.
"Marco, you have to try these nachos!" exclaimed Star. "They're nearly as good as the ones you make!"
"You think so?" queried Marco. "I'll try some, then!"
Marco set down the club sandwich he was eating and took a nacho in his hand. After inspecting the chip for a couple seconds, he placed it in his mouth. Almost instantaneously, the savory flavors of the nacho surged within him.
"You're right, Star," said the teenage boy after consuming the nacho. "These are great nachos!"
"Yep..." sighed Star blissfully. "I can remember the first time you made them for me. That was a pretty good day."
"Because we went to the Bounce Lounge with Pony Head, or because we had nachos?" asked Marco.
"Both, obviously," said Star. "I mean, Pony Head was taken to St. O's and all later on, after all, but... it was still a really nice day. And I found out you were a great cook."
Marco smiled. "Thanks, Star."
Star then took her fork and began eating some of the orange chicken. As soon as the sweet and spicy flavor of the sauce hit her tongue, more memories sprang forth in her head.
"And remember the last time we ate Chinese, Marco?" asked the blonde princess. "Like, eight months ago or something like that?"
"You mean, when you opened those ominous fortune cookies and then we fought Ludo and Toffee later?" questioned Marco as he ate some of the crab rangoon.
"Yeah...!" yelled Star. "It was really weird how that all lined up. But at least we had an exciting day!"
"It sure was!" agreed Marco. "I kinda miss the days of fighting Ludo all the time. Don't you?"
"In a way, yes," admitted Star as she ate some more nachos. "Even though he was, admittedly, weak and pretty stupid, I enjoyed battling him. It helped me learn how to use my wand better, too, so I didn't set Echo Creek Academy on fire or something like that."
"Just out of curiosity, Star, how do you exactly set entire things on fire at once?" asked Marco.
Star smirked and began laughing a little. "I don't even remember how! Maybe I might have mispronounced some spell my mom told me about, or something, but I'm not sure!"
Over the hour and a half, Star and Marco continued to recount their past experiences and memories together, eat food, and share plenty of laughs. Time flew by for the both of them. At around 8:30 that evening, Manfred returned to their table, seeing that their food tray was nearly empty.
"Your Highness and Mr. Diaz, what is your evaluation of the food this evening?" he asked.
"It's really, really, good," described Marco.
"It's just wonderful, Manfred," added Star. "Could we have some dessert?"
"I don't suppose any of you are fans of homemade chocolate pudding at all?" inquired the royal servant. "It's quite flavorful, and many people who we've served it to have scraped the sides for their bowl to make sure they ate it all."
Marco squinted in disgust upon realizing what Manfred was referencing. "No thanks, I'm not really in the mood for pudding right now."
"That's quite all right," said Manfred. "In that case, are there any special requests for dessert, Your Highness?"
Star began tapping her fingers against the table. "Well, I've kinda been in the mood for cake lately, so it would be great if you could bring us some."
"Sounds flavorful," said Manfred as he picked up the main dish platter. "I'll return with your dessert selection shortly."
Several minutes passed before he returned, carrying a platter that had a cake covered in white, vanilla-flavored frosting on it.
Manfred set the platter down on the table. "Here is your dessert, Your Highness."
"Wow..." marveled Star. "That is one beautiful-looking cake."
"Shall I slice it?" asked Marco.
"Yeah! Go ahead," exclaimed Star.
Marco cleaned off his knife and held it above the edge of the cake. He then slowly and gingerly pressed the knife through the cake until he reached the bottom of the platter. After sawing back and forth a few times to make sure the cut was clean, Marco gently nudged the piece off of the platter and onto the small plate next to one Star had placed the food she ate during the main course. Then, whether by chance or by purpose, the piece of cake flipped on its side, showing its design: the seven colors of the rainbow side-by-side in a sequence of vertical lines.
"It's rainbow cake," said Marco. "The same kind I made for your surprise quinceañera, Star!"
"Y-Yeah..." stammered Star, her expression shifting to one of regret and her smile fading off her face.
"Um, Star?" asked Marco in a concerned tone.
"Yeah, Marco?" answered Star.
Marco's excitement quickly changed to concern. "Star, are you feeling all right?"
Star folded her arms and sighed. "Marco, I..." she began, before pausing.
"Uh, you were saying?" inquired Marco.
Star folded her arms and sighed. "Seeing that rainbow cake reminded me of how I acted towards you and everyone else back on Stump Day, and... I'm really sorry for that. I didn't realize the lengths you all went to in order to make me have a happy birthday."
"It's okay," said Marco apologetically. "We all have our moments where we're not feeling like ourselves, and I totally understand that. I forgive you, Star."
A partial smile returned to Star's face. "Thanks, Marco. I just wanted to say that because, you know, I should have apologized earlier. It's just that... certain feelings I had were holding me back."
"What kinds of feelings?" asked Marco.
"I'll get to that in a little bit," explained Star. "So after that blow up between you and Tom on Stump Day, I was feeling kinda weird about my relationship with Tom. I didn't really know what it was, but something wasn't right. So after you all went to bed... I talked about it with Eclipsa."
"E-Eclipsa?!" shouted Marco. "But she's evil! And she's about to be put on trial! How can you trust her?"
"Eclipsa's not completely evil, Marco," explained the blonde princess. "She really seems to understand how I'm feeling right now, so sometimes I talk to her about how I'm feeling."
"And what did she say?" questioned Marco.
"Well, Eclipsa said that based on things I was doing, it was saying things about how I was feeling," elaborated Star.
"And what were these feelings?" asked Marco.
Star locked her fingers together and continued. "For one, I'm afraid; afraid of my future, having to accept lots of responsibilities, having to take care of the kingdom once I become queen, stuff like that. The second is that I am concerned with how others view me, and that I'm afraid people look down on me because of my age or how I act. And the third one, the biggest feeling of all, was..."
Star's words trailed off as she thought about how she was going to word what she was going to say next.
Marco smiled a bit wider. "Star, don't worry. I'm not gonna judge you or look down on you because of what you're afraid of. I promise."
The blonde princess took a deep breath and swallowed before continuing on.
"My biggest feeling of all is my fear of losing you, Marco..." sighed Star.
"Star, it's all right," consoled Marco. "You're my best friend and nothing will ever change that, ever."
"But Marco..." mumbled Star, "There's a bit more to it then that. There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now, and... I really hope saying this won't make you feel awkward about me or anything..."
"G-Go on, Star," stammered Marco, his heart rate nearly tripling in speed.
Star sat at the table, struggling to come up with what to say. "Marco, I..."
Marco got out of his seat and walked over to where Star was, and helped her out of the chair. "It's okay, Star."
"Marco, I... I love you," said Star with a sigh. "You're the most handsome and amazing guy I've ever met... you have the cutest eyes and hair, the sweetest voice, and I love those hoodies you wear all the time... you've always been there for me, too, and you care so much about me, and you've put up with all the bad things I've done, all the times I've acted like a jerk towards you, and..."
The teenage boy's eyes widened. "S-Star, I never knew that—"
"I'm so sorry if you don't feel the same way..." continued Star. "I just hope that... if you don't feel the same way, our relationship won't become awkward or anything..."
An awkward silence filled the room for several seconds, before Marco chimed in.
"Star, I... I have something to tell you, too."
"W-What's that?" wondered Star.
"Well... over the last month or so, since I broke up with Jackie, the time came to pass that I realized I liked her for the wrong reasons. She was pretty and all, but... there was something big missing in our relationship. That missing 'thing' was a deep, emotional bond. It's these bonds that bind relationships together, kind of like how The Force works. You're the best person I've ever met and you've changed my life in so many ways. There's no one else I'd rather spend so much of my life with."
Star's cheeks turned crimson. "Aww..."
"Now, one thing that my mom once pointed out to me," continued Marco, "is that you'll know you truly care about someone once you can no longer bear to be without them."
"Marco..." said Star. "What does all of this mean?"
Marco smiled. "What I'm trying to say is that I... I love you too, Star."
Star immediately perked up. "R-Really?!"
"Absolutely," affirmed Marco. "And that will never change."
Star smiled the widest she ever had and placed her hands on Marco's cheeks. "Hey, Marco? Do you mind if we, um..."
"Become smooch buddies?" asked Marco. "On the lips? I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."
Marco placed his hands on Star's petite hips and the two teenagers slowly inched towards each other. After Marco slightly rotated his head, as to keep his nose from from bonking into Star's, they both closed their eyes and very gently pressed their lips together. Star's cheek symbols instantly lit up in a bright red color as the passion of the embrace flowed between them. As the two lovers stood close and shared their love for each other, they both knew that even in the new chaos and heightened responsibilities of the world they lived in, there was one thing that would never, ever change—the deep emotional bond between them.
(A/N: I actually had to write this story in a fairly short time frame since I only found out about Starco Week 4 a week before it began. I'm planning on revising this fic and then uploading it to Fanfiction.net at a later date. I'll post a link to it when I'm done with that. I hope you all have a fantastic Starco Week!)
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dfroza · 4 years
the closing of a Letter
as well as a simple “hello” is seen by Paul with Today’s reading of First Corinthians:
The churches here in western Asia send greetings.
Aquila, Priscilla, and the church that meets in their house say hello.
All the friends here say hello.
Pass the greetings around with holy embraces!
And I, Paul—in my own handwriting!—send you my regards.
The Letter of 1st Corinthians, Chapter 16:19-21 (The Message)
and the whole chapter in The Voice:
Now I call you, just as I did the churches gathering in Galatia, to collect funds to support God’s people in Jerusalem. On Sunday, the first day of the week, I want each of you to set aside an amount, as God has blessed you, so the funds will be collected by the time I come. When I get there, I will send those you recommend by your own letters to carry your generous and gracious donation to Jerusalem. If you think it seems appropriate for me to travel with them, then we’ll go together.
Get ready. I will come your way after traveling through Macedonia. For I’m just passing through Macedonia and will probably stay with you through the winter so that you may provide for my next journey (wherever that may be). I want to reconnect with you, not just pass through; if the Lord is willing, I hope to stay awhile. But until Pentecost, I plan to stay in Ephesus because, not only has God opened a significant door here for me to serve, but also there is a lot of opposition against me.
If Timothy comes, see that he is comfortable and untroubled; his work is the Lord’s, as is mine. No one should treat him badly. Send him on to meet me in peace because the brothers and sisters here and I are looking for him. You shouldn’t expect to see our brother Apollos, although I tried to persuade him to come to you with the rest of the brothers and sisters, because now is not the best time for him to come. When it’s his time, he will come.
Listen, stay alert, stand tall in the faith, be courageous, and be strong. Let love prevail in your life, words, and actions.
Finally, brothers and sisters, I call on you to follow your leaders. People like those in the house of Stephanas—you know they were among the first believers in Achaia, and they have devoted their lives to serving God’s people—I urge you to submit to the authority of such leaders, to every coworker, and to those who offer their backs and shoulders for the work. I celebrate the arrival of Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus, as they have supplied me with what you could not. They have been a breath of fresh air for me as I know they are for you, so respect and honor those like them.
The churches in Asia salute you. Aquila and Prisca send a heartfelt greeting in the Lord along with those who gather at their house. The entire family in faith here sends their greetings. Be sure you greet one another by a holy kiss.
This closing greeting is written by my own hand—Paul’s: May those who have no love for the Lord be cursed. Maranatha, “Our Lord, come!” May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to you all in the name of the Anointed One, Jesus. [Amen.]
The Letter of 1st Corinthians, Chapter 16 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is chapter 22 of 2nd Samuel that contains the words of a song (and prayer) by King David:
David prayed to God the words of this song after God saved him from all his enemies and from Saul.
God is bedrock under my feet,
the castle in which I live,
my rescuing knight.
My God—the high crag
where I run for dear life,
hiding behind the boulders,
safe in the granite hideout;
My mountaintop refuge,
he saves me from ruthless men.
I sing to God the Praise-Lofty,
and find myself safe and saved.
The waves of death crashed over me,
devil waters rushed over me.
Hell’s ropes cinched me tight;
death traps barred every exit.
A hostile world! I called to God,
to my God I cried out.
From his palace he heard me call;
my cry brought me right into his presence—
a private audience!
Earth wobbled and lurched;
the very heavens shook like leaves,
Quaked like aspen leaves
because of his rage.
His nostrils flared, billowing smoke;
his mouth spit fire.
Tongues of fire darted in and out;
he lowered the sky.
He stepped down;
under his feet an abyss opened up.
He rode a winged creature,
swift on wind-wings.
He wrapped himself
in a trenchcoat of black rain-cloud darkness.
But his cloud-brightness burst through,
a grand comet of fireworks.
Then God thundered out of heaven;
the High God gave a great shout.
God shot his arrows—pandemonium!
He hurled his lightnings—a rout!
The secret sources of ocean were exposed,
the hidden depths of earth lay uncovered
The moment God roared in protest,
let loose his hurricane anger.
But me he caught—reached all the way
from sky to sea; he pulled me out
Of that ocean of hate, that enemy chaos,
the void in which I was drowning.
They hit me when I was down,
but God stuck by me.
He stood me up on a wide-open field;
I stood there saved—surprised to be loved!
God made my life complete
when I placed all the pieces before him.
When I cleaned up my act,
he gave me a fresh start.
Indeed, I’ve kept alert to God’s ways;
I haven’t taken God for granted.
Every day I review the ways he works,
I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together,
and I’m watching my step.
God rewrote the text of my life
when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
You stick by people who stick with you,
you’re straight with people who’re straight with you,
You’re good to good people,
you shrewdly work around the bad ones.
You take the side of the down-and-out,
but the stuck-up you take down a peg.
Suddenly, God, your light floods my path,
God drives out the darkness.
I smash the bands of marauders,
I vault the high fences.
What a God! His road
stretches straight and smooth.
Every God-direction is road-tested.
Everyone who runs toward him
Makes it.
Is there any god like God?
Are we not at bedrock?
Is not this the God who armed me well,
then aimed me in the right direction?
Now I run like a deer;
I’m king of the mountain.
He shows me how to fight;
I can bend a bronze bow!
You protect me with salvation-armor;
you touch me and I feel ten feet tall.
You cleared the ground under me
so my footing was firm.
When I chased my enemies I caught them;
I didn’t let go till they were dead men.
I nailed them; they were down for good;
then I walked all over them.
You armed me well for this fight;
you smashed the upstarts.
You made my enemies turn tail,
and I wiped out the haters.
They cried “uncle”
but Uncle didn’t come;
They yelled for God
and got no for an answer.
I ground them to dust; they gusted in the wind.
I threw them out, like garbage in the gutter.
You rescued me from a squabbling people;
you made me a leader of nations.
People I’d never heard of served me;
the moment they got wind of me they submitted.
They gave up; they came trembling from their hideouts.
Live, God! Blessing to my Rock,
my towering Salvation-God!
This God set things right for me
and shut up the people who talked back.
He rescued me from enemy anger.
You pulled me from the grip of upstarts,
You saved me from the bullies.
That’s why I’m thanking you, God,
all over the world.
That’s why I’m singing songs
that rhyme your name.
God’s king takes the trophy;
God’s chosen is beloved.
I mean David and all his children—
The Book of 2nd Samuel, Chapter 22 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Wednesday, november 11 of 2020 with a paired chapter from each Testament along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A post by John Parsons about our time in this world and the hope we need to cling to:
It is written in our Scriptures: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit (i.e., ruach nishbarah: רוח נשברה); a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise" (Psalm 51:17). We are "in" but not "of" the world, so that means that we share in the common hardships and sorrows of this world. However, the difference is this: We do not suffer alone, for God's love surrounds us with comfort. For those who know Yeshua, suffering does not demand an intellectual answer to "why" we suffer as much as it evokes the heart's cry for God's presence... In the midst of our troubles the Spirit groans within us: "My soul clings to you and your right hand upholds me" (Psalm 63:8). We come to God in our brokenness, holding fast to his promise of comfort, and God upholds us with his hand. "This is my comfort in my affliction, that your word gives me life" (Psalm 119:50).
God is not indifferent to our plight, chaverim, and indeed, that is the basic message of the cross... Indeed how can we believe in God's love apart from the cross? How can we know the truth of his heart? God knows those who are broken and contrite (Isa. 57:15). The LORD is full of comfort; he loves the afflicted, he has grace for the humble, he forgives the fallen, and he revives the heart. Compassion is his nature - as the cross of Yeshua reveals - and therefore we can come to him in our need, in our affliction, as those who are "poor in spirit" (Matt. 5:3). God loves us even when we feel forsaken, all alone in our private struggles. The Spirit impels us to cry out for deliverance and experience consolation in our distress. This is a common experience in God's people: in our sorrows we seek him, and then we rediscover his mercies and great compassion. Great is his faithfulness (Lam. 3:23). [Hebrew for Christians]
11.10.20 • Facebook
Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research:
November 11, 2020
The Good Fight
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)
The beautiful National World War II Memorial in the nation’s capital was dedicated in 2004, honoring the more than 400,000 who gave their lives in that conflict (including the writer’s younger brother). This particular holiday, of course, originally known as Armistice Day, had been established many years before to commemorate the end of World War I and to honor the veterans of that war.
There have been many other wars in our nation’s history and many who have served and many who have died. They all “have fought a good fight” and “kept the faith” of our nation’s commitment to establish “liberty and justice for all” and to maintain this ideal in every generation. They fully merit our honor and heartfelt gratitude.
There is another good fight going on, of course, every day in the life of each believing Christian. The apostle Paul never served as a soldier in any human army, but he was often called on to “endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3). As a matter of fact, each of us must remember that “unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Philippians 1:29).
That suffering may be actual persecution, or even injury or death on a battlefield, but it could also be poverty or sickness or some other “messenger of Satan” (2 Corinthians 12:7) sent to test us and alienate us from the Lord. But then we can hear the Lord say, as with Paul: “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Whatever comes, may God help us to be able to say in that day: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” HMM
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abadmeanman · 7 years
Secret Santa! @do-the-fandom-mash!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays, @do-the-fandom-mash! I’m your secret santa! My Adrien/Rose fic is below, and I’m going to post it on AO3 at this link, too: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13088808. 
Not That It's A Competition Or Anything
With a flash of lightning, and a clap of thunder, the akuma struck Ladybug with a jolt of electricity. Her pigtails briefly stood on end and her skeleton briefly become visible, cartoonishly. She blinked, shook herself, swung out of the way on her yo-yo as a thin plume of steam rose from her head.
“I can’t believe Aurora got akumatized again! I didn’t even know that could happen!” she shouted to Chat Noir, as he pole-vaulted Rose Lavillant away from the park-cum-crime-scene. “And as basically the same akuma!”
“And same park! It speaks to Hawkmoth running out of ideas, my Lady,” he said, as Rose’s floppy sun hat and picnic basket flapped in the akuma-related turbulence. Juleka had already been safely spirited away by Ladybug, pre-zappage. “How else would he land on Stormy Weather 2: Electric Bugaboo?”
Ladybug paused, mid-swing. Which is to say, she kept swinging, but turned to stare at him, incredulous.
“How long were you waiting to use that pun?!”
“ALL DAY,” he shouted over his shoulder, alighting on a rooftop and setting Rose down gently. “There you are, Ro--I mean, citizen with whom I am unfamiliar.”
“Chat Noir, haven’t we met like, seven times?”
Chat Noir simply grinned and shrugged, turning back to re-enter the fray.
And then he made a little cringing sound as he saw that her picnic basket had tipped over during his landing. He scrambled to set it back upright and replace the no doubt delectable confections therein, except…
“Hey… is this picnic basket just full of flowers?”
“Of course!” said Rose, chipper despite the mortal peril. “It’s a romantic picnic date, after all!”
“Uh, very good, citizen,” said Chat Noir, batonning off back into the fray. “Carry on! Stay safe!” He threw her a wave with one hand, which she returned with a smile and a blown kiss.
And meanwhile, in his own private monologue, he kept repeating to himself: Damn. That’s romantic.
Once Stormy Weather 2: Electric Bugaboo had been defeated (using same lucky charm, it turned out), Ladybug and Chat Noir went stealthily back to the Louvre to detransform.
“Hey Marinette… if I were, to, say, ask Rose out…”
“Do I think she’d go for it?” replied Marinette. “Oh definitely. She’s just about the only person who could manage to out-romance you, I think.”
“Part of me wants to take that as a challenge, but my heart is aflutter regardless.”
“Well don’t use up all the magic,” said Marinette, slipping her hand into his. “But I doubt anything could beat when you learned how to bake for me. You are my king of romance, after all.”
“So sweet, my lady,” he said, pulling her up into a kiss. “Put in a good word for me in the girls’ group chat?”
“Oh babe if you think she doesn’t already know all your tricks you’ve got another thing coming.”
The date was off to a promising start as soon as both Adrien and Rose brought flowers.
It went like this:
Working up to it, Adrien was a little nervous about bringing roses to a date with a girl named Rose. But what can you do--romance traditions are heady things, after all, and what was an impressive first date without roses.
He went with one dozen, pink. A little off-brand, as you’d expect the color red to do the heavy lifting in the romance department, but bonus points for being her favorite color, Adrien thought. And given that Marinette’s favorite color was also pink, he already knew a guy who could get him the good stuff, and by good stuff he meant pink roses.
And so he found himself, hand-on-the-back-of-his-neck nervous, holding a dozen pink roses, standing in front of Rose’s door, blushing.
Rose, for her part, practically bounced in her pumps as she opened the door, one dozen red roses in hand, with a blush almost exactly matching the pink of Adrien’s bouquet. Nice, Adrien thought to himself. Nailed it.
“We match!” said Rose, leaving to the interpretation of the viewer whether she meant the flowers, or them both blushing, or her blushing matching his flowers, or what. It worked on multiple levels, but then again, so does… rrrromance. And nothing is more romantic than matching your bouquet to your date’s blush. He’d picked that trick up with Marinette on like, date two.
Not that it was a contest or anything, but Rose: 0, Adrien: 1.
“Oh Adrien! These seats are perfect!”
What’s an evening on the town without some theater? Adrien had managed to score some primo matinee seats at the (AUTHOR’S NOTE: look up a famous French theater and put it here) (EDITOR’S NOTE: this omission was intentional, as a gag). Front row, center, with plenty of legroom. One could practically high-five the comic relief.
“Oh!” said Rose, folding down her theater seat to find yet another bouquet of flowers decorating the velvet. Red, this time--Adrien had figured he’d cover all the romance-color bases. Rose picked them up with a grin, and read the note aloud.
“My dearest Rose,” she read. “I hope that a gift of more of your namesake will bring you as much joy as I have in accompanying you. Oh you scamp!” she said, slapping his arm lightly. “Double roses! I am impressed.”
“I can’t get enough rose in my life, I suppose,” he said, smirking. At last. The five days of puncrafting pay off in this moment.
Rose made a sound somewhere between a squeal and a squeak, and kissed him on the cheek, sweeping up her new bouquet and settling onto the cushion. “You scallywag! What a line,” she said. “Well don’t just stand there! Join me! I’ve got all of these knees, and no free hands to squeeze them with.”
Adrien obliged.  
The play that evening? A romance, of course.
Well, a romantic comedy. Twelfth Night was technically one of the Bard’s comedies, but it carried its weight in raised eyebrows and kissing and innuendo and what-have-you.
The perfect kind of play to see while holding hands with a lovely young fashion model, or an adorable young parfumier. And if Rose’s foot happened to slip up Adrien’s calf a little bit during the final few acts, and if Adrien’s hand squeezed a bit northward of the knee, well, that’s no problem at all. After all, Shakespeare was a dirtybird, as we know.
Adrien did, however, receive the start of his life when, after the cast had done the curtain call and taken their bows, “Viola” stepped forward and announced that the performance was dedicated to the most striking man in Paris, who happened to be in the audience that very night: Adrien Agreste.
Not that it was a competition or anything, but Rose: 1, Adrien: 1.
Adrien was very proud of himself for his next trick.
Modern restaurants are generally equipped with electricity, for a variety of reasons--candle-only illumination had gone the way of the dodo back when France had an emperor. But, if one happens to be the scion of the Agreste fashion empire, it’s a simple matter to reserve an entire restaurant for a night, and have the whole place lit with candles.
Rose gasped, putting a dainty bisexual hand up to her lips. ��Oh Adrien! So romantic.” She reached to her left (daintily shifting her many bouquets to the crook of one arm) and pulled on a velvet rope that Adrien hadn’t noticed. “It matches the chandelier!”
His heart skipped a beat, with a surge of anticipation making his fingers buzz. Directly above their table, a panel opened in the ceiling and a glittering glass chandelier, illuminated by dozens upon dozens of pink candles, descended to light their meal. The flames danced in the shape of a heart.
Adrien, for his part, gawked. Now that was romantic.
“Thank you,” said Rose, and kissed him on the cheek, gracefully accepting Adrien’s silent compliment. “Now, what did Monsieur Agreste select for the wine pairing?”
Not that it was a competition or anything, but Rose: 2, Adrien: 1.
The problem was (and it wasn’t really a problem) that Rose was incredibly, unbelievably, dramatically romantic. She was an elite, and Adrien had never before been truly challenged, in the romance department.
He was sweating under his cravat (blue--matched her eyes), and dabbed lightly at his temples as his next romantic maneuver was wheeled out. It already seemed so weak, so tawdry compared to the various glories of romance that Rose had devastated him with.
The waiter placed the chocolate fountain on their table, and Rose clapped excitedly. That was simultaneously the best and worst part. She was soundly defeating him in romantic firepower at every turn, and yet she also sincerely and earnestly enjoyed and appreciated every gesture he made. No matter how she’d outdone him.
By god, she’s gracious in her victory, he thought. And I’m just getting competitive as Kim trying to keep up. I should… I need to live in the moment. And with that, he picked up a fork, speared one of a curated assortment of tidbits to envelop in liquid chocolate, and began to truly enjoy the decadence of the chocolate fountain.
… Until he unfolded his napkin and discovered a small, folded piece of paper under it, which contained a poem that she had written for him.
And it rhymed.
Adrien sat back, eyes drifting to the glimmering chandelier above. I am absolutely destroyed.
Not that it was a competition or anything, but Rose: 3, Adrien: 1.
But Ladybug never gave up and dammit neither did he.
Adrien thought he had Rose on the romantic ropes when an attendant wheeled over the grand piano. Nothing is more romantic than playing a song you wrote for your lover true.
“I was so happy you said yes when I asked you out, Rose, that I couldn’t help but compose a little song. If you’ll indulge me, I’ll--wait.” He looked around. Where had she gone?
“Oh Adrien,” said Rose, reclining slinkily atop the grand piano, flower clenched between her teeth. She somehow maintained perfect diction with a mouthful of stem. “How you do go on. I’d love to hear your song!”
How did she… damn, thought Adrien. There is nothing more seductively romantic than a woman draping herself over a grand piano, or at least that’s what all the midcentury black and white movies implied. But… I haven’t unleashed my art yet.
He grinned as rakishly as he could up at Rose, who beamed around the flower in her teeth, and fingered the first chord of his--
And someone had put a note reading “I hope that chord isn’t the only thing getting fingered tonight” in the middle of his handwritten sheet music.
He played, because there was absolutely nothing to do but serenade her. Even if she’d absolutely devastated him, romantically. Even if he was helpless silly putty against her powers of seduction. How had she even gotten to his sheet music?
Rose stretched languorously, or as languorously as a very short French girl can stretch, arcing her back up from the piano, as the perfect aperitif to the last resonant notes of Adrien’s song. She removed the rose from between her teeth, and, holding it at arm’s length, prodded him on the nose with it.
“How did you even…” he began, but couldn’t continue.
“I’m exquisite,” said Rose, by way of explanation.
And she was.
Not that it was a competition or anything, but Rose: 4, Adrien: 1.
But Adrien mentally rolled up the sleeves on the romantic leather jacket of his imagination. He wasn’t nearly done romancing Rose.
Red velvet carpet muffled their steps up the stairs as the doors to the Agreste mansion parted, and the string quartet started playing. Rose gasped, and Adrien felt her hand (which he was carefully clasping as he led her up the portico) squeeze his, in an involuntarily clutch of delight.
One of the advantages of being filthy rich (or as they would say in France, crasseux riche), is the fact that the atrium of your mansion becomes a ballroom if you simply add an orchestra. And oh, Adrien knew a great orchestra.
After all, if you’re going to take the most romantically inclined gal in Paris back to your place, one simply must do it in style.
He might not be able to outdo her at romance activities in a restaurant, but something must be said for having a private ballroom at one’s disposal. And so they laughed, and spun, and Rose found out just exactly how much she could feel like a princess all in one night. Adrien had nailed it.
Not that it was a competition or anything, but Rose: 4, Adrien: 2.
As Adrien and Rose made out on their way to the boudoir (which is French for bedchamber), bouncing off of the walls at irregular intervals and giggling, a corner of Adrien’s mind was congratulating himself for absolutely and literally romancing the pants off of the most romantically-minded girl in Paris. She had been sneaky--romantically sneaky--during their dinner and during his piano recital, but oh, a ballroom dance is a pièce de résistance before which no romantic heart can fail to melt. Or, as the French would say, a pièce de résistance before which no romantic heart can fail to melt.
In anticipation of this eventuality, Adrien had made some preparations. The pathway to the bed was lined with candles, a cheery fire glowed softly in a fireplace he’d had specially installed, and he’d done some decoration on the bed itself.
Just in case.
(It was more rose petals)
… But how the fuck had Rose managed to scatter rose petals in a pathway to the bed?
… And how the fuck had she managed to surround the bed with candles in the shape of a heart?
… And how had she managed to install a hidden reservoir of rose petals which would gently shower over two people in a bed when you pulled on a velvet rope?
“How did you--” he began, surrounded by a cascade of petals. Because he had to know. But before he could complete the thought, he was interrupted by the soft plap of a pink tulip plapping against his lips.
“Shhhhhh, shhh shh, my darling,” said Rose, raising one hand to cup his cheek as she whispered. “Let the romance find you.” She tugged him gently, but insistently, to sit upon the bed.
Aha! thought Adrien, who had also prepared for this eventuality. He plapped an orange tulip of his own against Rose’s lips, even more gently, shushing her, but in a romantic way.
“Shhhh, quiet my love, let the emotion overcome you…” he whispered, around the tulip, delicately cupping her chin, and reclining further on the bed.
“No no no, shhhhhh,” replied rose, plapping him in the eyebrow with a second tulip, red this time. “We need no words.”
“But I must express what I feel,” said Adrien, who felt like he had just aced that delivery. Pure rom-com dialogue, right there. He stroked his second tulip (pastel yellow this time) down the line of her cheek and lips as they lay down on the bed.
“Shhhhhhhh,” said Rose. “Our love is so much more than we could ever say,” she said, as she plapped a third--
Wait a minute.
Adrien took a quick inventory: One tulip plapped against his lips, another against his eyebrow, both of which Rose was still holding in her dainty, pinkly manicured hands. And a third tulip plapped against his nose, held by…
He looked down his and Rose’s reclining figures, to see an appealingly bare length of Rose’s leg extended from her hiked-up dress and bent up towards his face, the third tulip daintily clutched between her toes, plapping it onto his face. Adrien turned back to her, phenomenally impressed.
There is nothing more romantic than softly holding someone’s face and plapping them with flowers. And Rose had done it thrice.
His admiration must have shown on his face, because Rose blushed the perfect amount, averted her eyes a tiny bit, then brought them back to gaze full into Adrien’s own extremely fucking emerald orbs, and giggled softly.
“I’m very flexible.”
And at a certain point on a date, that is one of the most romantic lines you can say. Rose had undoubtedly, unbelievably vanquished him with romance.
Not that it was a competition or anything.
And, cinematically speaking, the rest of the night gently faded out on a soft-focus shot of the fireplace.
“What’s the final score?” asked Marinette, cuddled up with Juleka under a blanket in front of a horror movie.
“Looks like Rose: 23, Adrien: 2, from Alya’s latest update.”
“Sweet. I beat the spread,” said Marinette as she popped another piece of popcorn into her mouth, and fed another one to Juleka.  
“Honestly, I’m surprised he scored at all,” said Juleka around said popcorn. “Rose is phenomenal.”
“What can you do? Bringing flowers to the door is a power play, and so is a ballroom dance. Those were his aces in the hole,” said Marinette. “Plus, I think we both knew he was going to… score.” Marinette emphasized her extremely mature joke by elbowing Juleka in the ribs. Juleka giggled, and elbowed her back, which started a brief elbow fight that ended with them getting yet snugglier.
Juleka sighed, and tilted her head into the crook of Marinette’s neck. “It was awfully sweet of Alya to spy on them for us. How extra do you think they’re being right now?”
“At least extra extra, we’re in 2X territory absolutely.”
“Maybe even extra extra extra?”
“Oh definitely possible we’ve hit 3X.”
“Well, I for one know that Rose was definitely hoping for it to get a little triple-X at the end.”
They giggled at that for almost the rest of the movie.
When the credits were rolling, Juleka got a little smirk on her lips, and ran her hand up the back of Marinette’s neck, very gently. She whispered into Marinette’s ear:
“I’m, uh… a little scared after that movie. Maybe you could… escort me back to my room?”
Marinette smiled and nodded, walking back to Juleka’s boudoir still wrapped in the blanket. After all, who said Adrien and Rose got to have all the romance?
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doppeldonger · 7 years
It starts out with a bus. The barren planes of the lonesome planet she's recently arrived on flying past, she observes the other passengers through a critical gaze: A silent Truxican lean and slick as the sniper rifle he carries on his back, wild like the huge bird perched atop his shoulder. A thick and tall wall of a man, too gentle for his size and loudness, with fists as big as bricks. A soldier so stiff and firm, his skin the color of the dark brown mountains lounging across the horizon.
She knows, without even bothering to catch their amazed gazes, that they're staring; she figures she would, too, if she were just a simple man who saw a powerful Siren for the first time in his life.
How wonderful, they think, awe inspiring. Beautiful like a statue emerging from the depths of marble. Fascinating and captivating like a Shahmaran. Dangerously interesting and interestingly dangerous. To their pondering gaze, she’s nothing but her enticing figure and terrifying powers, an animal behind bars, up for observation. She’s used to it by now, the hunger in people’s eyes; she can see past it into their lustful, greedy thoughts.
Yet, she remains. Despite the feeling of utter irritation, she persists. Nobody knows how lonesome it is, how she has to explore herself all by herself, how there is lack of guidance, lore.
So, she rocks along with the bus, sitting in the seat at the back and still watching the scenery for the sake of ignoring the inquisitive eyes. The dry wind caresses her hair, hiding her eyes behind red locks. She pulls them aside with a flick of her tattooed hand and breathes, deep and slow. She’s here to learn more about herself since no one seems intent on helping her out, maybe earn some money and find valuable loot, then she’ll be on her way, alone once again.
Days stretch into months, and they’re getting close to the fabled Vault, with the capital V because it’s that important and it’s that mythical. The bulky, dark-skinned soldier decides to ease his own solitude with her, and she doesn’t mind; she’s bored, and an occasional fling could work on both of their frayed nerves. The cold desert night reverberates with their pleased moans.
Turns out, there really is a Vault (multiple Vaults!), and this one comes with a disgustingly huge and ugly monster straight out of some long lost mythology. The fight is easy, the loot more than adequate, but she still can’t sate her hunger for knowledge with whatever the Vault has spewed and sputtered on them.
The soldier suggests a trip to Pandora’s moon, Elpis. She laughs, not that she finds his offer funny; she’s simply entertained by the idea of Hope existing so close to Pandora. Life is full of lies and shitty mythological references, she decides, and accepts his offer. Maybe Elpis can offer her the rumors and hope she needs.
Their little vacation is fun, the sex more than adequate, but she finds herself wrapped in ennui instead of the soldier’s sleek ebony arms.
Then there’s another chance to sate her insatiable curiosity, in the form of a gangly nerd of a man going by an everyman’s name, begging for their help as he’s stranded on the space station revolving around the moon revolving around a planet; Helios, the wondrously bright progeny of Hyperion.
She doesn’t mind, despite the ravenous inspection the programmer gives her, despite the feeling of something unholy and unwanted hanging in the air whenever they exist in the same room. She does mind, but she doesn’t care. She stopped caring long ago, bullied one too many times to find it in her calloused heart to notice the signs.
It’s all fun and games until the bossy programmer decides to throw a bunch of innocent scientists out the airlock right in front of her eyes. She realizes this was never about her self-exploration, that she was just a tool in the programmer’s finely-weaved con; so she decides to play double-agent along with the soldier from then on, working with the programmer’s ex. Her intentions seem no more real than her gracious bosom, but at least she doesn’t seem like a sociopath.
Their plan is simple. Her part in it is not. As she slips through the portal and into the Vault, she’s struck with the feeling of déjà vu; the colors are off, so are the Vault Hunters around her, but the gaze is the same. The loneliness is the same.
The electricity in the air, the gentle hum of the inside of the Vault kisses her hair that is seemingly aflame in the violet hues. She tugs it aside with a flick of her tattooed hand and breathes deep and slow. She struts forward with confidence in her quick steps, going unnoticed by the hysterical man lounging in his stony throne.
She smiles a sultry, pleased smile.
She throws a punch, her fist strong and sturdy.
There blooms a supernova of light and fire; the painful screams of the scarred man are only enjoyable for a short while, as she has to flee. That was the plan, after all. Once again, she’s alone, bereft of any knowledge she deserves to fondle.
She runs. There’s a madman after her and she has nobody to seek help in. She’s used to it by now, the mistrust people have in such a dangerously violent woman like her; she can see past it into their frightened, biased thoughts.
Bandits swarm her, worshipping her like a fearsome god of a forgotten religion. They call her the Firehawk, forming cult after cult after her name and burning themselves to crisp piles of bodies as sacrifice. Nobody knows who she is, but then again, she doesn’t know who she is, either.
Who are you?
What a frigid bitch.
How much do you think a night with that tattooed chick would cost?
A Siren? They don’t exist.
When she sheds the dark cloak of her Firehawk persona, it’s a great shock to many; but Ouranos in the golden crown remains calm and cool, never a good sign for a trigger happy tyrant.
He knows, just like she does.
They call her the Firehawk. She calls herself the Phoenix, reborn from her ashes, sacred like the Bennu of the sunny lands, and her comeback is just as grand.
Ouranos tests her patience, hunting after people who were seemingly close to her. She lets flames of fury consume her, only making her stronger; she’s not angry because of the Truxican’s dead bird or the brick wall of a man’s lost town. She was always alone under people’s observant gaze- because of mistrust, because of fear, because of underestimation. She doesn’t care about these people who killed and stole along with her, but she cares about the man trying to steal her spotlight.
Throughout the years, she learned to twist that hungry gaze to her own liking, letting it inflate her ego.
The way he murders the soldier stings a little, if she’s being honest with herself. She guesses the sudden shock that seizes her comes from the shared time she has (had) with him compared to the others.
What a mistake.
Ouranos chains the Phoenix like a wild animal, controlling her powers to his liking. But she’s not afraid, she knows her limits and her abilities. A lifelong solitude has ultimately made her depend only and only on herself; they can push her down, but they can’t keep her subdued.
She plays the Vault Hunters like Ouranos once did, a virtuoso pulling at all the right strings. Despite the chains weighing her down, she struggles, his voracious gaze never once leaving her.
They weaken him, making him run around while throwing weak threats. He summons his very own Cerberus, and it fits the hellish scenery. They slay it, opening the gates of the metaphorical underworld that is the Vault. She watches, this time her hungry gaze sweeping on others- what a magnificent change.
She scrutinizes him, her curious eyes settling upon the fallen god still screaming bloody murder. As she approaches him, slow as a prowling tiger, the others are watching her watching him.
Just like the first time she confronted him in a Vault in front of a group of Vault Hunters, she faces the man with a sultry smile on her cracked and swollen lips. Her tattooed hand frees her eyes from the curtain of crimson locks draping over them. She pulls back, widening and securing her stance. Ouranos sways on his sneakered feet, fresh blood bubbling from his downturned lips.
She throws a punch, her fist strong and sturdy. He goes down, painful death looking smooth and easy. She looks down on the crumpled body of the fallen god, and she smiles a genuine smile.
The first woman who is equal to those around her, who became the subject of the hungry gaze, whom people hoped to subjugate. The woman who refused to bow to the imperious, who survived on her own, who was powerful to take on the universe.
Her name is Lilith, and she is the most powerful siren in the universe.
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Richfield, OH
3798 Harold Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $160000
Welcome home to this hard to find Richfield ranch in the Revere School District. Sitting on almost an acre lot, you will feel the pride of ownership as you walk through. Upgrades have been made throughout the home including new roof, siding, insulation and reverse osmosis in 2011. Electric was updated in 2010 and hot water on-demand and water softeners were both added in 2014. This charming home also features a covered porch off the back and a large storage shed. (Wood burning stove has been removed but is on location and can be reinstalled). You don’t want to miss this one!
3575 Hawthorne Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $174900
Wonderful home with many updates to enjoy. Two new bathrooms! Master bathroom has stunning “subway” tile shower! Hardwood floors in family room and master bedroom. Master bedroom has generous closets. 2 wood burning fireplaces with gas starters in family room and recreation room. Floors are heated on the first floor. Updates in 2016 new water treatment system and master bath. 2015 new air conditioning. 2014 new forced air and boiler furnaces installed, hallway bath, hot water tank, picture window in living room, kitchen door, and glass block window. 2011 new roof Timberline with 30-yr. ltd. transferable warranty. Neutral paint throughout. Updated kitchen with all appliances remaining including 1st floor laundry washer and dryer. The backyard is serene for you to enjoy the peacefulness of the pond surrounded by water irises. Home also has an outdoor shed and attached storage room accessible from the outdoors as well as a basement room. The street is nicely situated in Richfield with minutes access to I-271, I-77, and the turnpike. Outstanding Revere Schools!
3105 Farnham Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $699000
Office building nestled on 3.2 acres with over 15,000 square feet of prime office space conveniently located near I-77 and Ohio turnpike. Constructed in 1996 and expanded in 2007, this building features private offices, open work areas, approx. 70 parking spaces. Forced air gas heat and central air. Onsite Kohler generator installed. Mineral rights can be sold at a separate negotiated price. Amazing opportunity for expansion in an outstanding location. Staff kitchen, waiting room private offices and plenty of storage. Owner may finance with acceptable down payment, and acceptable c redit. Terms and conditions to be discussed. Call today to schedule a private tour of this magnificent opportunity.
3407 Southern Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $269900
Remodeled kitchen with glazed cabinets, granite counter top, bamboo wood floor in dining room and kitchen, living room with bayed window, stone fireplace, slider to large deck, updated bathroom, finished rec room with nature stone floors, many updates, large outbuilding with electricity – on approximately 2.6 acres.
4098 Everett Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $189500
3 bedroom Ranch. Total make over!! Fresh colors, some new flooring, some hardwood (2016), new windows (2016), new roof (2015). Electrical updates, new water softener (2016), foam insulated. Lots of curb appeal on 1.44 acres and partial fenced yard.
3881 Humphrey Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $114300
HUD CASE #412-611833. Home being Sold “AS IS”. Seller will NOT make repairs. Buyer is responsible for cost/completion of any/all inspections and responsible for due diligence and inquiry of all property information/condition. This home is FHA-IE (Per HUD it can be FHA financed or 203K eligible). Pre-approval or proof of funds must be presented with offers. Buyer to assume any and all expenses for inspections. Visit Sage Acquisitions and HudHomeStore websites for more information and property disclosure. Great opportunity to own a 3 bedroom home in the heart of Richfield Village. Wood fl oors throughout. 2 Cedar Closets in Master Bedroom. Check it out! Equal Housing Opportunity.
3506 Hawthorne Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $149900
Large ranch sitting on 1.52 acre of land in Richfield. Living room has a WBFP and 1.5 baths. Huge fenced in area for your pets. Addition to home is living space with additional kitchen and 2 bedroom/1 bath. Home is being sold AS IS. Needs some TLC located on dead end street. Owner will look at any reasonable offer.
5320 Everett Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $429500
Rare opportunity to own private secluded 15 acre property with 500+yards of paved drive way – leading to immaculate 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home, with newer kitchen and mud room. Outstanding separate barn structure is purposed as 12 car garage(double loaded) with epoxy floor/ car lift- and second floor space that can be heated. The lot is nicely wooded and offers plenty of room for additional building if desired. Enjoy the escape from hustle/bustle at the same time home is located close to shopping and within 25 minutes to both Cleveland and Akron Airports.
Mill St, Richfield, OH
Price: $50000
Vacant lot in Richfields’ Historical District, on the corner of Rt. 303 and Mill Street. Bring your own builder and build your dream home! Public sewer and all utilities are available at the street. This lot offers 0.61 acres.
Everett Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $184900
Here it is! 12.06+- Acres vacant land located in desirable Richfield, Located near Metro Park System! Excellent Revere School System! Very PRIVATE setting with 2 ponds on property and abutting 2 Horse Farm properties! Surrounded by trees that buffer highway noise! Partial clearing already done! There is currently a newer 30’x48′ Steel Outbuilding with Overhead Door and with Electric on property, Call for details and to schedule walking this beautiful lot today.
3660 Scotswood Cir, Richfield, OH
Price: $389900
New construction now under construction with an estimated completion date of Summer 2017 by Petros Homes. Located in The Woods of Glencairn in Richfield, this single opportunity two story cluster home offers a master and guest bedroom/den on first floor and a bedroom, full bath and loft on the second floor, 3 full baths and a desirable walk out basement that will be rough plumbed for future finish. Open warm and inviting 1962 square foot floor plan with large family gathering room with gas fireplace and large transom and picture windows on back wall. Designer kitchen with upgraded appli ances and upscale finishes adjoins a informal dining room. Split master and guest bedroom design offers privacy. Large Master Suite has a tray ceiling, walk in closet, dual vanities and custom tile shower. First floor guest bedroom has an adjoining full bath accessed off hallway. Split stairway with iron spindle and box newell post leads to second floor that features a private guest suite with bedroom, full bath and loft overlooking the great room. Open rail stairway leads to basement. Beautiful 16’x16′ composite deck overlooks semi wooded lot and is perfect for casual outdoor entertaining. Front and rear yard sprinkler system. Builders new home warranty. Selections will be made at Petros Homes professional design center in allowance with time of purchase/remainder of time until completion.
3600 Robert Burns Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $1200000
Magnificent custom built home with unsurpassed quality abound! Once in, you are greeted with the inviting, grand foyer featuring wood & marble inlaid,custom floors. Formal Dining room provides built-ins and double tray ceiling displaying custom ambient lighting. Gorgeous gourmet kitchen is every epicure’s dream boasting all high end appliances (Viking range and oven, SubZero fridge) Amish built cabinetry w/hand applied finishes, gorgeous granite counters & tumbled marble backsplash;center island/ breakfast bar w/adjacent butler’s pantry. Cozy morning room employs built-ins and a tranqui l view to backyard; perfect place to curl up with a morning cup of coffee. Two story great room w/ limestone fireplace surround, floor-to-ceiling arched windows & door providing access to Trex deck. Handsome library has built-ins w/ rich, dark millwork. Immerse yourself in luxury w/the beautiful first floor Master retreat w/ glamourous en-suite bath. Stunning staircases w/custom railings. Second level offers three generous en-suite bedrooms with spacious closets including a finished, tandem bonus area. Spacious open hallway completes the second level. Exceptional views from every window. Walk-out lower level includes a Family recreation area w/ fireplace, kitchen/ bar, exercise room, theater room, in-law suite w/full bath. 4 car rear facing, heated garage & additional parking pad. Beautifully maintained and luxuriously finished w/ a neutral palette. Call today for a private tour!
4740 Berkley Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $304900
Enjoy the country feeling, w/space, land & mature plantings, just minutes to shopping & highways. Beautifully constructed, 1 owner 4 level split home is waiting for you. Gracious vaulted living rm welcomes family & guests w/its large bright windows & sandstone wd burning frplc. Spacious dining rm enjoys the see-thru fireplace, side board/wall of built-ins to display your favorite china & glassware plus all your family photos & books. Enjoy the ever changing seasons thru large patio sliders stepping out to a deck. Family sized kitchen boasts cabinets galore, gt counter space, newer S/S g as range & microwave, & adjoins mud room w/addtl cabinet & pantry storage. Just a few steps up to your master bedrm suite w/its own private deck overlooking your serene yard. 3 addtl bedrms, all finished w/hardwd flrs plus another full bath completes the upper level. Now wander down to the huge family rm, perfect for all family occasions. It offers handsome wd wainscoting paneling, an entertainment bar area, plus walks out to your patio. Another full bath is located nearby. Enjoy the finished lower level game rm w/fireplace, perfect place for your pool/ping pong or game tables. A large fruit cellar or cold storage area welcomes your home made products or extra pantry items. Do not miss the addtl storage garage/barn that includes 2 addtl car garage, workshop w/loft plus attached shed section. There is also a 14×12 storage shed w/wd flr. Updates incl: C/A, hot water tank, appliances.
4532 Forest Brooke Ct N, Richfield, OH
Price: $695000
Amazing, one owner, Custom built two story colonial with abounding quality in the prime Kings Forest subdivision! Backing to a 340 acre Heritage Preserve parkland/conservancy area. Many upgrades, dual staircase! Fantastic Cherry cabinetry in kitchen, French doors leading to large deck, then paver patio with fire pit! Live in nature! Granite, dual sinks plus bar/prep sink on island, raised breakfast bar, 5 burner Thermador gas range, and double ovens! Warming drawer, too! Bosch dishwasher, Subzero, microwave built in. Tile backsplash, truly a Chef’s kitchen! Dining room has hardwood floo ring! Extra wide crown moldings in many rooms throughout the home! Family room, 27×18, with vaulted ceiling, fireplace, lovely mantel and windows galore. Formal living room for quiet time or entertaining! Library on first as well as smaller office and great back hallway and mud room adjacent to the fabulous four car garage! Laundry on 2nd floor! Delightful Master suite with vaulted ceiling, huge walk in closet, deluxe shower, jetted tub and dual vanities, Zodiac counters. Remaining three bedrooms up, two share a Jack and Jill bath and one is a private suite with its own bath. Lower level finished with wine cellar plus 105 gallon fiberglass hot water heater, two zone HVAC, security and sprinkler system. Too many extras to mention. You will love this home!
4660 Berkley Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $399900
Fabulous 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath colonial on 2+ acres in Richfield Village. Built in 2000 on a dead end street and loaded with high end finishes. Welcoming 2 story foyer with side entry hardwood staircase to second level. Soaring ceilings featured in the great room with gas fireplace flanked by floor to ceiling windows and wired for surround sound. Formal dining room with trey ceiling and hardwood floors. Living room off foyer could be first floor office. Spacious kitchen with maple cabinetry, center island and ceramic floors. New slider off eating area leads to deck and backyard with stock ed 20+ ft deep pond. First floor vaulted master suite with walk-in closet, and bath with h/h sinks, shower and jetted tub with ceramic floors. Convenient first floor laundry. Stunning finished walk-out lower level with full kitchen with Viking stove and stacked stone bar perfect for entertaining. Expansive family/recreation area, office and full bath with ceramic floors and shower and vessel sink plus spacious storage. Three roomy bedrooms and full bath with dual sinks on second level. Three car garage and extra wide concrete driveway. Several new windows and both sliders (2017). Mineral Rights to convey with an acceptable offer. Home Warranty included. Make this your home today!
3529 Hamilton Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $798000
Call Laurie Chervenic at 330-990-7980 to view this home! Fabulous custom ranch to be built on a 1.52 acre lot in upscale Glencairn Woods. Open floor plan and spacious rooms with large windows to overlook the scenic creek and wooded valley. The breakfast room, kitchen, and lodge room are centrally located and include a wood burning fireplace and vaulted ceilingsgreat for entertaining! The Glencairn community includes 120 acres of green space, a playground, 2 tennis courts and a pavilion which seats 70 with a huge stone fireplace and natural waterfall. Call today for details. Interior pictures include some individual owner upgrades not included in the base price.
3642 Whitethorn Cir, Richfield, OH
Price: $299000
Charming well built cedar home located on 2.17 acres. The first floor features formal living and dining rooms with a wall of windows overlooking a private treed lot. The custom kitchen offers Cherry cabinets, large dining area with a see through fireplace, Cherry cabinets, marble countertops, appliances and a breakfast bar. The second floor features a large master bedroom, master bath and two additional bedrooms plus a main bath. The lower level features a large family room, full basement for additional storage and a two car attached garage plus a 24 x 36 detached garage.
3357 Revere Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $544900
If you are seeking privacy this is your property! Located approximately 1,500 feet off street. Borders the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Summit Metro Park. ½ mile of walking trails through your private forest. Lake privileges for swimming, boating, relaxing, and fishing on the stocked lake. Designated Wildlife Habitat Property. Free gas to heat home with income royalties. Forestland tax reduction reduces taxes greatly. Horses and hunting permitted. Many newer updates and neutral decor. Three wood burning fireplaces. Wrap around 2,186 sq. ft. deck with new maintenance free decking. Private swimming pond off kitchen deck. Home was designed to overlook forest, fields, ravines, & ponds. 23 panels of fixed & sliding glass doors. New front windows in BR 2 & 3. A/C & Furnace 7/13. Easy access to Akron/Cleve. Market. Quick access to I-77, I-271, and turnpike. Very intriguing home on 15 acres!
3860 Briarwood Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $265000
A unique opportunity to purchase your own Lodge, located on 4+ acres in Richfield. Private setting, pond, 30’x25′ outbuilding, tree house, & private sewer system are just some of the extras for this custom built, rustic cabin-style home. 3 Bedrooms. 3 Baths. Soaring Family Room with stone Fireplace with insert. 2nd floor Master. Two 1st floor Bedrooms have access to balcony deck. 1-car & 2-car attached Garages. Stunning views! Recent updates include: Furnace (2014), H2O Tank (2015), Outside Staining (2016), Upper Drive (2015), 16 replacement windows (2015), & more. 2 large holding tanks in the 1-car garage are for water, which can be delivered or used with cistern. For the Great Outdoors Individual! Property being sold AS IS. Please view disclosures before setting appointment to tour the property.
5031 Stone Ridge Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $584900
One-of-a-kind contemporary style home boasts open floor plan w/captivating countryside views from almost every window! Nestled on almost 10 acres, this property offers ultimate seclusion & privacy. State-of-the-art kitchen features all amenities including SS appliances, double ovens, extensive cabinetry, granite counters/backsplash, & skylights. Separate eating area w/wall of glass. Step down, engaging great room highlights vaulted ceiling, floor to ceiling stone fireplace , & sliders to balcony deck. The spacious entertainment wing presents a theater room, family room, & access to balc ony deck. Winding spiral staircase w/ stunning chandelier leads to tranquil master suite showcasing fireplace, skylights, glamour bath w/2 person jetted tub, & walk-in shower. Attached meditation room overlooks spectacular grounds. First floor laundry room w/shower & private deck access, full bath, & two generously-sized bedrooms complete the main level. Walk-out lower level boasts additional living/in-law suite w/full second kitchen, dining area, & family room w/ fireplace. Two bedrooms, full bath, & additional laundry room complete the finished lower level. This home also offers an elevator, radiant floor heating, & 4+ car garage. Inspiring wooded backdrop w/chicken coop & fresh water spring w/UV filtration system. Close proximity to the Metro Parks & expressways. Must see to truly appreciate!
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-richfield-oh/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158169342700
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dfroza · 5 years
the fear of God (who is Love)
is not the same as the fear of man and of this world.
“there is no fear in Love”
but there is reverence.
and so we are not to fear this world or its people, but rather place our trust as children of Light in the eternal Hands of our beautiful mysterious Creator who originally made the heavens and garden earth as pure, and who has promised to restore it all at some point.
(A grand end of time)
and we learn of God, who is illuminated by the Spirit within and in the sacred writing of the Scriptures, of which reveals grace as a New Covenant through the Son.
with Today’s reading of the Psalms clearly pointing to this, beginning with the lines of Psalm 19 that coincides with november 19 and that speaks of Heaven’s silence on earth just as we witness the stars of the heavens, although in Heaven God our Father and Son certainly speak aloud, yet here on earth exists His Spirit (His silence, His Heart and thought-life) and His written Word by which we as His children are inspired to think in the truth of Love and to speak words aloud.
the ancient writing by King David of Psalm 19 as translated in English:
[God’s Witnesses]
For the Pure and Shining One
A poem of praise by King David, his loving servant
[God’s Story in the Skies]
God’s splendor is a tale that is told;
his testament is written in the stars.
Space itself speaks his story every day
through the marvels of the heavens.
His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky,
showing his skill in creation’s craftsmanship.
Each day gushes out its message to the next,
night with night whispering its knowledge to all.
Without a sound, without a word, without a voice being heard,
Yet all the world can see its story.
Everywhere its gospel is clearly read so all may know.
What a heavenly home God has set for the sun,
shining in the superdome of the sky!
See how he leaves his celestial chamber each morning,
radiant as a bridegroom ready for his wedding,
like a day-breaking champion eager to run his course.
He rises on one horizon, completing his circuit on the other,
warming lives and lands with his heat.
[God’s Story in the Scriptures]
God’s Word is perfect in every way;
how it revives our souls!
His laws lead us to truth,
and his ways change the simple into wise.
His teachings make us joyful and radiate his light;
his precepts are so pure!
His commands, how they challenge us to keep close to his heart!
The revelation-light of his word makes my spirit shine radiant.
Every one of the Lord’s commands is right;
following them brings cheer.
Nothing he says ever needs to be changed.
The rarest treasures of life are found in his truth.
That’s why I prize God’s word like others prize the finest gold.
Nothing brings the soul such sweetness
as seeking his living words.
For they warn us, his servants,
and keep us from following the wicked way,
giving a lifetime guarantee:
great success to every obedient soul!
Without this revelation-light,
how would I ever detect the waywardness of my heart?
Lord, forgive my hidden flaws whenever you find them.
Keep cleansing me, God,
and keep me from my secret, selfish sins;
may they never rule over me!
For only then will I be free from fault
and remain innocent of rebellion.
So may the words of my mouth, my meditation-thoughts,
and every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing,
acceptable before your eyes,
my only Redeemer, my Protector-God.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 19 (The Passion Translation)
and mirrored in The Voice:
For the worship leader. A song of David.
The celestial realms announce God’s glory;
the skies testify of His hands’ great work.
Each day pours out more of their sayings;
each night, more to hear and more to learn.
Inaudible words are their manner of speech,
and silence, their means to convey.
Yet from here to the ends of the earth, their voices have gone out;
the whole world can hear what they say.
God stretched out in these heavens a tent for the sun,
And the sun is like a groom
who, after leaving his room, arrives at the wedding in splendor;
He is the strong runner
who, favored to win in his race, is eager to face his challenge.
He rises at one end of the skies
and runs in an arc overhead;
nothing can hide from his heat, from the swelter of his daily tread.
The Eternal’s law is perfect,
turning lives around.
His words are reliable and true,
instilling wisdom to open minds.
The Eternal’s directions are correct,
giving satisfaction to the heart.
God’s commandments are clear,
lending clarity to the eyes.
The awe of the Eternal is clean,
sustaining for all of eternity.
The Eternal’s decisions are sound;
they are right through and through.
They are worth more than gold—
even more than abundant, pure gold.
They are sweeter to the tongue than honey
or the drippings of the honeycomb.
In addition to all that has been said,
Your servant will find, hidden in Your commandments, both a strong warning
and a great reward for keeping them.
Who could possibly know all that he has done wrong?
Forgive my hidden and unknown faults.
As I am Your servant, protect me from my bent toward pride,
and keep sin from ruling my life.
If You do this, I will be without blame,
innocent of the great breach.
May the words that come out of my mouth and the musings of my heart
meet with Your gracious approval,
O Eternal, my Rock,
O Eternal, my Redeemer.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 19 (The Voice)
and this day (day 323 of the year) coincides as well with the reading of Psalm 23 which when working at Love envelopes we made an envelope with Psalm 23:1 printed on it from the New Century Version of the Bible:
The Lord the Shepherd
A psalm of David.
The Lord is my shepherd;
I have everything I need.
He lets me rest in green pastures.
He leads me to calm water.
He gives me new strength.
He leads me on paths that are right
for the good of his name.
Even if I walk through a very dark valley,
I will not be afraid,
because you are with me.
Your rod and your shepherd’s staff comfort me.
You prepare a meal for me
in front of my enemies.
You pour oil of blessing on my head;
you fill my cup to overflowing.
Surely your goodness and love will be with me
all my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 23 (New Century Version)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Tuesday, november 19, the 58th day of Autumn and day 323 of the year:
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dfroza · 7 years
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welcome to the 19th day of Autumn October 10 of ‘17 being day 283 of the year. and the Psalms that coincide with the day in my personal reading of the Scriptures that of 10, 19 and 133, along with Proverbs 10 for the day of the month. and the paired chapters with a single chapter from each Testament currently at Ezekiel 36 and Luke 17, from which in the chapter of Ezekiel we see a promise of rebirth for the land of Israel, similar in nature to the promise of rebirth for the earth at some point. and the number 36 is seen on the Oklahoma license plate of my former Saturn Vue [036 AKO] with the Psalm number 133 equaling the alphabetic number of the words “Chevy Lumina” of which coincides with the 283rd day of the year with the book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution. and a ‘91 Lumina being another former car of mine that i drove back when i worked at Love envelopes, inc. in Tulsa from ‘04 to ‘06 and as it relates to cars, a recent odometer reading of my ‘03 Impala is seen pictured above which reflects upon the address of the bitter end coffeehouse at 752 Fulton street west in grand rapids where i departed from 7 years ago Today on a roadtrip in my Saturn Vue. in 7 years of time, from ‘17 to ‘10 as a mirroring of my studio Apt. #1710 where i stayed in ‘09 on 7th street, downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma (my view from 17 stories) and with this, a twin reading of the ancient Psalm 19 for this 19th day of Autumn from both the Message and the Voice translations which David wrote as a song about things in nature as well as the instruction of God’s Word and the humility it takes to trust and believe in a crazy world: [Psalm 19] A David Psalm God’s glory is on tour in the skies, God-craft on exhibit across the horizon. Madame Day holds classes every morning, Professor Night lectures each evening. Their words aren’t heard, their voices aren’t recorded, But their silence fills the earth: unspoken truth is spoken everywhere. God makes a huge dome for the sun—a superdome! The morning sun’s a new husband leaping from his honeymoon bed, The daybreaking sun an athlete racing to the tape. That’s how God’s Word vaults across the skies from sunrise to sunset, Melting ice, scorching deserts, warming hearts to faith. The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together. The signposts of God are clear and point out the right road. The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy. The directions of God are plain and easy on the eyes. God’s reputation is twenty-four-carat gold, with a lifetime guarantee. The decisions of God are accurate down to the nth degree. God’s Word is better than a diamond, better than a diamond set between emeralds. You’ll like it better than strawberries in spring, better than red, ripe strawberries. There’s more: God’s Word warns us of danger and directs us to hidden treasure. Otherwise how will we find our way? Or know when we play the fool? Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh! Keep me from stupid sins, from thinking I can take over your work; Then I can start this day sun-washed, scrubbed clean of the grime of sin. These are the words in my mouth; these are what I chew on and pray. Accept them when I place them on the morning altar, O God, my Altar-Rock, God, Priest-of-My-Altar. The Book of Psalms, Song 19 (The Message) [Psalm 19] For the worship leader. A song of David. The celestial realms announce God’s glory; the skies testify of His hands’ great work. Each day pours out more of their sayings; each night, more to hear and more to learn. Inaudible words are their manner of speech, and silence, their means to convey. Yet from here to the ends of the earth, their voices have gone out; the whole world can hear what they say. God stretched out in these heavens a tent for the sun, And the sun is like a groom who, after leaving his room, arrives at the wedding in splendor; He is the strong runner who, favored to win in his race, is eager to face his challenge. He rises at one end of the skies and runs in an arc overhead; nothing can hide from his heat, from the swelter of his daily tread. The Eternal’s law is perfect, turning lives around. His words are reliable and true, instilling wisdom to open minds. The Eternal’s directions are correct, giving satisfaction to the heart. God’s commandments are clear, lending clarity to the eyes. The awe of the Eternal is clean, sustaining for all of eternity. The Eternal’s decisions are sound; they are right through and through. They are worth more than gold— even more than abundant, pure gold. They are sweeter to the tongue than honey or the drippings of the honeycomb. In addition to all that has been said, Your servant will find, hidden in Your commandments, both a strong warning and a great reward for keeping them. Who could possibly know all that he has done wrong? Forgive my hidden and unknown faults. As I am Your servant, protect me from my bent toward pride, and keep sin from ruling my life. If You do this, I will be without blame, innocent of the great breach. May the words that come out of my mouth and the musings of my heart meet with Your gracious approval, O Eternal, my Rock, O Eternal, my Redeemer. The Book of Psalms, Song 19 (The Voice)
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Richfield, OH
3798 Harold Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $160000
Welcome home to this hard to find Richfield ranch in the Revere School District. Sitting on almost an acre lot, you will feel the pride of ownership as you walk through. Upgrades have been made throughout the home including new roof, siding, insulation and reverse osmosis in 2011. Electric was updated in 2010 and hot water on-demand and water softeners were both added in 2014. This charming home also features a covered porch off the back and a large storage shed. (Wood burning stove has been removed but is on location and can be reinstalled). You don’t want to miss this one!
3575 Hawthorne Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $174900
Wonderful home with many updates to enjoy. Two new bathrooms! Master bathroom has stunning “subway” tile shower! Hardwood floors in family room and master bedroom. Master bedroom has generous closets. 2 wood burning fireplaces with gas starters in family room and recreation room. Floors are heated on the first floor. Updates in 2016 new water treatment system and master bath. 2015 new air conditioning. 2014 new forced air and boiler furnaces installed, hallway bath, hot water tank, picture window in living room, kitchen door, and glass block window. 2011 new roof Timberline with 30-yr. ltd. transferable warranty. Neutral paint throughout. Updated kitchen with all appliances remaining including 1st floor laundry washer and dryer. The backyard is serene for you to enjoy the peacefulness of the pond surrounded by water irises. Home also has an outdoor shed and attached storage room accessible from the outdoors as well as a basement room. The street is nicely situated in Richfield with minutes access to I-271, I-77, and the turnpike. Outstanding Revere Schools!
3105 Farnham Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $699000
Office building nestled on 3.2 acres with over 15,000 square feet of prime office space conveniently located near I-77 and Ohio turnpike. Constructed in 1996 and expanded in 2007, this building features private offices, open work areas, approx. 70 parking spaces. Forced air gas heat and central air. Onsite Kohler generator installed. Mineral rights can be sold at a separate negotiated price. Amazing opportunity for expansion in an outstanding location. Staff kitchen, waiting room private offices and plenty of storage. Owner may finance with acceptable down payment, and acceptable c redit. Terms and conditions to be discussed. Call today to schedule a private tour of this magnificent opportunity.
3407 Southern Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $269900
Remodeled kitchen with glazed cabinets, granite counter top, bamboo wood floor in dining room and kitchen, living room with bayed window, stone fireplace, slider to large deck, updated bathroom, finished rec room with nature stone floors, many updates, large outbuilding with electricity – on approximately 2.6 acres.
4098 Everett Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $189500
3 bedroom Ranch. Total make over!! Fresh colors, some new flooring, some hardwood (2016), new windows (2016), new roof (2015). Electrical updates, new water softener (2016), foam insulated. Lots of curb appeal on 1.44 acres and partial fenced yard.
3881 Humphrey Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $114300
HUD CASE #412-611833. Home being Sold “AS IS”. Seller will NOT make repairs. Buyer is responsible for cost/completion of any/all inspections and responsible for due diligence and inquiry of all property information/condition. This home is FHA-IE (Per HUD it can be FHA financed or 203K eligible). Pre-approval or proof of funds must be presented with offers. Buyer to assume any and all expenses for inspections. Visit Sage Acquisitions and HudHomeStore websites for more information and property disclosure. Great opportunity to own a 3 bedroom home in the heart of Richfield Village. Wood fl oors throughout. 2 Cedar Closets in Master Bedroom. Check it out! Equal Housing Opportunity.
3506 Hawthorne Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $149900
Large ranch sitting on 1.52 acre of land in Richfield. Living room has a WBFP and 1.5 baths. Huge fenced in area for your pets. Addition to home is living space with additional kitchen and 2 bedroom/1 bath. Home is being sold AS IS. Needs some TLC located on dead end street. Owner will look at any reasonable offer.
5320 Everett Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $429500
Rare opportunity to own private secluded 15 acre property with 500+yards of paved drive way – leading to immaculate 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home, with newer kitchen and mud room. Outstanding separate barn structure is purposed as 12 car garage(double loaded) with epoxy floor/ car lift- and second floor space that can be heated. The lot is nicely wooded and offers plenty of room for additional building if desired. Enjoy the escape from hustle/bustle at the same time home is located close to shopping and within 25 minutes to both Cleveland and Akron Airports.
Mill St, Richfield, OH
Price: $50000
Vacant lot in Richfields’ Historical District, on the corner of Rt. 303 and Mill Street. Bring your own builder and build your dream home! Public sewer and all utilities are available at the street. This lot offers 0.61 acres.
Everett Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $184900
Here it is! 12.06+- Acres vacant land located in desirable Richfield, Located near Metro Park System! Excellent Revere School System! Very PRIVATE setting with 2 ponds on property and abutting 2 Horse Farm properties! Surrounded by trees that buffer highway noise! Partial clearing already done! There is currently a newer 30’x48′ Steel Outbuilding with Overhead Door and with Electric on property, Call for details and to schedule walking this beautiful lot today.
3660 Scotswood Cir, Richfield, OH
Price: $389900
New construction now under construction with an estimated completion date of Summer 2017 by Petros Homes. Located in The Woods of Glencairn in Richfield, this single opportunity two story cluster home offers a master and guest bedroom/den on first floor and a bedroom, full bath and loft on the second floor, 3 full baths and a desirable walk out basement that will be rough plumbed for future finish. Open warm and inviting 1962 square foot floor plan with large family gathering room with gas fireplace and large transom and picture windows on back wall. Designer kitchen with upgraded appli ances and upscale finishes adjoins a informal dining room. Split master and guest bedroom design offers privacy. Large Master Suite has a tray ceiling, walk in closet, dual vanities and custom tile shower. First floor guest bedroom has an adjoining full bath accessed off hallway. Split stairway with iron spindle and box newell post leads to second floor that features a private guest suite with bedroom, full bath and loft overlooking the great room. Open rail stairway leads to basement. Beautiful 16’x16′ composite deck overlooks semi wooded lot and is perfect for casual outdoor entertaining. Front and rear yard sprinkler system. Builders new home warranty. Selections will be made at Petros Homes professional design center in allowance with time of purchase/remainder of time until completion.
3600 Robert Burns Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $1200000
Magnificent custom built home with unsurpassed quality abound! Once in, you are greeted with the inviting, grand foyer featuring wood & marble inlaid,custom floors. Formal Dining room provides built-ins and double tray ceiling displaying custom ambient lighting. Gorgeous gourmet kitchen is every epicure’s dream boasting all high end appliances (Viking range and oven, SubZero fridge) Amish built cabinetry w/hand applied finishes, gorgeous granite counters & tumbled marble backsplash;center island/ breakfast bar w/adjacent butler’s pantry. Cozy morning room employs built-ins and a tranqui l view to backyard; perfect place to curl up with a morning cup of coffee. Two story great room w/ limestone fireplace surround, floor-to-ceiling arched windows & door providing access to Trex deck. Handsome library has built-ins w/ rich, dark millwork. Immerse yourself in luxury w/the beautiful first floor Master retreat w/ glamourous en-suite bath. Stunning staircases w/custom railings. Second level offers three generous en-suite bedrooms with spacious closets including a finished, tandem bonus area. Spacious open hallway completes the second level. Exceptional views from every window. Walk-out lower level includes a Family recreation area w/ fireplace, kitchen/ bar, exercise room, theater room, in-law suite w/full bath. 4 car rear facing, heated garage & additional parking pad. Beautifully maintained and luxuriously finished w/ a neutral palette. Call today for a private tour!
4740 Berkley Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $304900
Enjoy the country feeling, w/space, land & mature plantings, just minutes to shopping & highways. Beautifully constructed, 1 owner 4 level split home is waiting for you. Gracious vaulted living rm welcomes family & guests w/its large bright windows & sandstone wd burning frplc. Spacious dining rm enjoys the see-thru fireplace, side board/wall of built-ins to display your favorite china & glassware plus all your family photos & books. Enjoy the ever changing seasons thru large patio sliders stepping out to a deck. Family sized kitchen boasts cabinets galore, gt counter space, newer S/S g as range & microwave, & adjoins mud room w/addtl cabinet & pantry storage. Just a few steps up to your master bedrm suite w/its own private deck overlooking your serene yard. 3 addtl bedrms, all finished w/hardwd flrs plus another full bath completes the upper level. Now wander down to the huge family rm, perfect for all family occasions. It offers handsome wd wainscoting paneling, an entertainment bar area, plus walks out to your patio. Another full bath is located nearby. Enjoy the finished lower level game rm w/fireplace, perfect place for your pool/ping pong or game tables. A large fruit cellar or cold storage area welcomes your home made products or extra pantry items. Do not miss the addtl storage garage/barn that includes 2 addtl car garage, workshop w/loft plus attached shed section. There is also a 14×12 storage shed w/wd flr. Updates incl: C/A, hot water tank, appliances.
4532 Forest Brooke Ct N, Richfield, OH
Price: $695000
Amazing, one owner, Custom built two story colonial with abounding quality in the prime Kings Forest subdivision! Backing to a 340 acre Heritage Preserve parkland/conservancy area. Many upgrades, dual staircase! Fantastic Cherry cabinetry in kitchen, French doors leading to large deck, then paver patio with fire pit! Live in nature! Granite, dual sinks plus bar/prep sink on island, raised breakfast bar, 5 burner Thermador gas range, and double ovens! Warming drawer, too! Bosch dishwasher, Subzero, microwave built in. Tile backsplash, truly a Chef’s kitchen! Dining room has hardwood floo ring! Extra wide crown moldings in many rooms throughout the home! Family room, 27×18, with vaulted ceiling, fireplace, lovely mantel and windows galore. Formal living room for quiet time or entertaining! Library on first as well as smaller office and great back hallway and mud room adjacent to the fabulous four car garage! Laundry on 2nd floor! Delightful Master suite with vaulted ceiling, huge walk in closet, deluxe shower, jetted tub and dual vanities, Zodiac counters. Remaining three bedrooms up, two share a Jack and Jill bath and one is a private suite with its own bath. Lower level finished with wine cellar plus 105 gallon fiberglass hot water heater, two zone HVAC, security and sprinkler system. Too many extras to mention. You will love this home!
4660 Berkley Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $399900
Fabulous 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath colonial on 2+ acres in Richfield Village. Built in 2000 on a dead end street and loaded with high end finishes. Welcoming 2 story foyer with side entry hardwood staircase to second level. Soaring ceilings featured in the great room with gas fireplace flanked by floor to ceiling windows and wired for surround sound. Formal dining room with trey ceiling and hardwood floors. Living room off foyer could be first floor office. Spacious kitchen with maple cabinetry, center island and ceramic floors. New slider off eating area leads to deck and backyard with stock ed 20+ ft deep pond. First floor vaulted master suite with walk-in closet, and bath with h/h sinks, shower and jetted tub with ceramic floors. Convenient first floor laundry. Stunning finished walk-out lower level with full kitchen with Viking stove and stacked stone bar perfect for entertaining. Expansive family/recreation area, office and full bath with ceramic floors and shower and vessel sink plus spacious storage. Three roomy bedrooms and full bath with dual sinks on second level. Three car garage and extra wide concrete driveway. Several new windows and both sliders (2017). Mineral Rights to convey with an acceptable offer. Home Warranty included. Make this your home today!
3529 Hamilton Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $798000
Call Laurie Chervenic at 330-990-7980 to view this home! Fabulous custom ranch to be built on a 1.52 acre lot in upscale Glencairn Woods. Open floor plan and spacious rooms with large windows to overlook the scenic creek and wooded valley. The breakfast room, kitchen, and lodge room are centrally located and include a wood burning fireplace and vaulted ceilingsgreat for entertaining! The Glencairn community includes 120 acres of green space, a playground, 2 tennis courts and a pavilion which seats 70 with a huge stone fireplace and natural waterfall. Call today for details. Interior pictures include some individual owner upgrades not included in the base price.
3642 Whitethorn Cir, Richfield, OH
Price: $299000
Charming well built cedar home located on 2.17 acres. The first floor features formal living and dining rooms with a wall of windows overlooking a private treed lot. The custom kitchen offers Cherry cabinets, large dining area with a see through fireplace, Cherry cabinets, marble countertops, appliances and a breakfast bar. The second floor features a large master bedroom, master bath and two additional bedrooms plus a main bath. The lower level features a large family room, full basement for additional storage and a two car attached garage plus a 24 x 36 detached garage.
3357 Revere Rd, Richfield, OH
Price: $544900
If you are seeking privacy this is your property! Located approximately 1,500 feet off street. Borders the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Summit Metro Park. ½ mile of walking trails through your private forest. Lake privileges for swimming, boating, relaxing, and fishing on the stocked lake. Designated Wildlife Habitat Property. Free gas to heat home with income royalties. Forestland tax reduction reduces taxes greatly. Horses and hunting permitted. Many newer updates and neutral decor. Three wood burning fireplaces. Wrap around 2,186 sq. ft. deck with new maintenance free decking. Private swimming pond off kitchen deck. Home was designed to overlook forest, fields, ravines, & ponds. 23 panels of fixed & sliding glass doors. New front windows in BR 2 & 3. A/C & Furnace 7/13. Easy access to Akron/Cleve. Market. Quick access to I-77, I-271, and turnpike. Very intriguing home on 15 acres!
3860 Briarwood Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $265000
A unique opportunity to purchase your own Lodge, located on 4+ acres in Richfield. Private setting, pond, 30’x25′ outbuilding, tree house, & private sewer system are just some of the extras for this custom built, rustic cabin-style home. 3 Bedrooms. 3 Baths. Soaring Family Room with stone Fireplace with insert. 2nd floor Master. Two 1st floor Bedrooms have access to balcony deck. 1-car & 2-car attached Garages. Stunning views! Recent updates include: Furnace (2014), H2O Tank (2015), Outside Staining (2016), Upper Drive (2015), 16 replacement windows (2015), & more. 2 large holding tanks in the 1-car garage are for water, which can be delivered or used with cistern. For the Great Outdoors Individual! Property being sold AS IS. Please view disclosures before setting appointment to tour the property.
5031 Stone Ridge Dr, Richfield, OH
Price: $584900
One-of-a-kind contemporary style home boasts open floor plan w/captivating countryside views from almost every window! Nestled on almost 10 acres, this property offers ultimate seclusion & privacy. State-of-the-art kitchen features all amenities including SS appliances, double ovens, extensive cabinetry, granite counters/backsplash, & skylights. Separate eating area w/wall of glass. Step down, engaging great room highlights vaulted ceiling, floor to ceiling stone fireplace , & sliders to balcony deck. The spacious entertainment wing presents a theater room, family room, & access to balc ony deck. Winding spiral staircase w/ stunning chandelier leads to tranquil master suite showcasing fireplace, skylights, glamour bath w/2 person jetted tub, & walk-in shower. Attached meditation room overlooks spectacular grounds. First floor laundry room w/shower & private deck access, full bath, & two generously-sized bedrooms complete the main level. Walk-out lower level boasts additional living/in-law suite w/full second kitchen, dining area, & family room w/ fireplace. Two bedrooms, full bath, & additional laundry room complete the finished lower level. This home also offers an elevator, radiant floor heating, & 4+ car garage. Inspiring wooded backdrop w/chicken coop & fresh water spring w/UV filtration system. Close proximity to the Metro Parks & expressways. Must see to truly appreciate!
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-richfield-oh/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158147353500
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