#they are made for each other they share one brain cel
ben-the-hyena · 1 year
It's funny how I see a lot shitting on the King of All Cosmos for being the worst father ever but never anyone shitting on the Queen of All Cosmos
Because yes she loves her son as much as her husband does and her description says she is very proud of him, support him behind the scenes and is concerned about him, and she doesn't punish him or insult him like he does when he fails
But she still can be very demanding and critical when he fails rolling up enough people in We ♡ Katamari and it seems like she too thinks maybe too much about fans and their requests like "Oh hon, I can't say I'm thrilled. It's not nice. Make sure you roll everyone up next time, OK?", "Roll in more fans, for Cosmos' sake!! Names of the crew? I certainly don't want to see those. This is a game, after all. Amuse us!", "I'm a little disappointed. What do you think you're doing, refusing to roll up these poor people? It's boring to just have the credits!", "Everyone seemed to enjoy being rolled into a Katamari, but... There must be more Katamari fans around somewhere! Don't just believe what's in front of your eyes!". And if you do reach the maximum she says "All the fans look so happy ♥️ They're all rolled up in a Katamari, after all. That was another one of my ideas. Isn't it dreamy?" implying fulfilling all these requests may be her idea she inspired the King to have all along ! She may support her child, she is still all for him to reach excellence and will be critical if he doesn't (Asian parenting am I rite ?)
And she seems like an airhead. She does nothing when her husband is an ass to the Prince, but one could say that either she is not aware or that she always makes him pay after for hurting her baby (I mean he canonically IS afraid of her when she is angry so it means she has a temper and does not hesitate to stand up to him when she thinks he does shit). However, supposing she doesn't know, it would mean she is unaware of the obvious, and if she knows but since we see she is as demanding as her husband to her 5 cm tall son when it comes to rolling it means she could also approve or be like "none of my business" about the punishments
But that's not all when I say she is an airhead. She is also accidentally innocently neglectful. The whole plot of Katamari Forever is she doesn't notice all the danger happening to her son and his cousins because she is busier tending to her comatose then amnesiac husband and she doesn't even notice they built the Roboking to replace him nor that he goes on a rampage and she forgets where her son is or about him quite a lot
And the plot of Katamari Online is how she and the King accidentally unplug a black hole and flee à la "UH WE DIDN'T DO IT LET'S LET OTHERS FIX" leaving the Prince and his cousins do it while they could fix it better like cowards or people who didn't want to ruin their vacations when they knew the kids could do it anyway (STILL)
She always has her priorities straight it seems !
I doubt it is malicious, she just seems... forgetful, easily distracted, with a touch of being irresponsible like her husband
We see also she is clumsy since she often trips and spills her cookies and when she was a teenager she met her future husband because she was late at school because she was too busy enjoying herself eating bread. So easily distracted not paying attention to what goes on around her (do maybe she is not an airhead which can be pejorative but just has a form of ADHD ?) and a touch of only wanting to have fun, being a better wife than a mother as much as qhe loves her baby and is relatively better and kinder with him than his dad and could potentially, for what we know, be mad as fuck against her husband if he goes too far (or physical, maybe she is fine if it is verbal but physical she goes into Mama Bear mode)
Speaking of her teenhood... she was a teenager, and yet seemed to live on her own. She had her own cottage, we never see her family or hear about them, in fact all the cousins are on the King's side, and as soon as the Emperor accepted her she went to live with them in the castle
So either she was an orphan who did her best on her own not knowing how it is to be raised and so had a hard time repeating it, or she had parents who gave 0 shit about her and never visited and essentially abandonned her there never coming back and only sending her a postcard for her birthday and Christmas (like Soos' dad or Lola's mom) and potentially never even knowing she married into royalty and had a kid and keep sending postcards to her old address not knowing or caring if she reads them anymore or not, so while trying to be and IS much better than them she can't help but but repeat the neglect she had to a lesser extent the same way the King repeats to a lesser extent the harsh education he had. She is a free spirit and knows how to have fun and cook and do chores by herself which habits she kept evn as a queen probably after years of taking care of herself, but she also lacked an adult guidance to help her mature in some topics so she can be irresponsible for other topics notably motherhood which she hardly experienced and just like how he wants to catch up all the free and fun time he lacked growing up she just goes on living by her rules à la "WOO NO PARENTS I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT" (probably developped as a coping mechanism not to feel sad and alone) forgetting she IS the parent now. And both wanting to spend time together plus how she may want to make sure her son is capable and independant to live on his own like she was so can be exigent because we never know if one day he will be an orphan like she was or just thinks that would be a good experience to be an adult so she agrees with her husband letting him do it all himself if it is doable indeed
As for supporting her husband with his will to fulfill all fans requests, could be because she herself is supportive in his dream to be loved since she met him when he was very lonely and feeling unloved and doesn't think it isn't the mature way. Both of them are essentially still teenagers in their head who do stuff because "OMG THAT'S SO COOL"
And they rule the universe lmao help
So in conclusion : she was neglected or orphaned (I will go with neglected, that's why she has a roof over her head), repeats it accidentally at times on her own son not helped with her being easily distracted and focused or unfocused and forgetful which could be because of ADHD, wants her son to best himself always more to make sure he is independant like she grew to be and will be a good king like his dad, and just like the latter is essentiallty a better spousr than parent as much as she means well and loves the Prince so much
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❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings (Stockshop. I know you have good headcanons there!)
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Lots of asks for a wonderful writer and better friend!
❄️ ⇢ What's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Man, I do NOT know. I think whatever theme/plot I get really into, I'm gonna write it best, right? Because it's in my brain a certain way. Which is not to say "I'm the best at writing anything," more like, sometimes the most satisfying a fic can be is when you write it for yourself.
🍓 ⇢ How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Uhh I don't remember exactly, cuz there was a lot of stuff it could've been, but I think I discovered "xReader" style fanfics on DeviantArt and wanted to write them better. Nobody was writing xReaders I could like, relate to? And also there was this bad habit of describing what the "you" character looks like, which is obviously gonna make it less fun to read. And tbh I was like, twelve, so mine were also terrible, but at least they made me laugh and I had fun writing them, so y'know!
And tbh to this day I looove writing fics in second person POV, I have to do it more often....
🥤 ⇢ Recommend an author or fanfic you love.
Oh we could be here all day. For you specifically Cel, I don't really have any recommendations, we've both read all the Stockshop stuff, we're reading each other's stuff in general. But like for anyone coming across this ask... let me check my bookmarks..
Ahem. Yeah and i think anybody can read it regardless of if you know anything about the game, just know you're playing a little dino running away from the crashing meteorite. The fic kinda provides a wider concept and it's great. And by coincidence it's also written in second person POV! :D
🍄 ⇢ Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings (Stockshop. I know you have good headcanons there!)
Sigh. Well, you do have me pinned on that front, hehe. What's one I haven't had a chance to share yet, hm...
I think that both of them would detest the idea of being soulmates, or of being meant for each other. For one, it takes away their autonomy and choice, but also... If Bishop hadn't been abducted and if Baxter hadn't been kept alive against his will, they wouldn't have ended up together. So calling them soulmates implies all that pain, all that torture, had to happen. It was always meant to happen and they couldn't stop it. Which is a horrible concept to them, I think, that there is supposed to be like deep meaning in their traumas.
🦋 ⇢ Share something that has been on your heart and mind lately.
I recently FINALLY blocked a shitty ex-partner, and I keep thinking about blocking my other two exes from the same polycule too. Can't decide if I want to cut ties with them this way or at least say my goodbyes, though. And there's probably not a right answer, so I keep going back and forth on it :/ the three of them are still dating and whenever I think about it for too long it pisses me off, which sucks ass /lh
🦴 ⇢ Is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Ohhh not a singular one but most often it's music, yes. Every so often I will hear a song and so clearly see a story in it, and then I have to go and write it, or draw it if writing takes too long. There will be multiple future chapters of Taking Pawns that are inspired by different songs, and I have a small Zixx fic idea based on Kaisarion by Ghost.
🐝 ⇢ Tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them!
Ahh well of course there's you, my Stockshop brainrot buddy, but I'd like to compliment you on like, being willing to ask questions about stuff you feel you don't know about. Never stop doing that, I think everyone should be allowed to ask about stuff they're new to, and it's important to be able to do it.
There is also, of course, @violetvulpini, The Bishop Guy™, who I deeply appreciate for bouncing a ton of ideas off of. One of, if not my biggest enabler.
The real biggest hype people though are @awzominator and Axo (who I don't think has a Tumblr..?) who are almost ALWAYS there when I post any of my bullshit, whether it's art or fics, and I loooove them. Absolutely delightful. I hope to be as much of a hypeman to my artist friends as they are <3
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Alcina Dimitrescu x gender neutral reader 
Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu
Summary: Can’t anyone get any sleep around here? 
Warnings/tags: restlessness, midnight snacks, a possible threat, worrying about dying, Lady D comforts you
You sighed as you once again tried to get comfortable. It’s not like sleeping in a luxurious bed cuddled up with a nine foot tall vampire wasn’t comfortable, it just so happens you were restless that night. Normally when you were having trouble falling asleep you would snuggle in close to Lady Dimitrescu. You would listen to her breathing or put a hand on her chest and the motion of her chest rising and falling would put you to sleep. Sometimes an incoherent mutter would escape the lady’s lips leaving you to chuckle. But tonight you just couldn’t seem to turn your brain off. However, there was a reason. You had overhead Lady Dimitrescu and Mother Miranda talking about a mysterious incoming threat. It’s not like you were scared per se since the girls had started teaching you how to fight the best way a human could. You were more concerned with loosing Lady Dimitrescu or one of her girls in an effort to save your life. You didn’t want to be the reason any of them died because it would rack your soul with such a deep pain. Just the thought of that made you want to be sick. You shook your head getting up and exiting the bed doing your best not to wake the lady of the house. She stirred for a moment before she began her sleeping breaths again. You slipped into your cardigan and made your way to the kitchens. Maybe some tea would help you sleep? Milk and honey? Perhaps. You reached the door to the kitchen and noticed a dim light coming from under the door frame. You furrowed your brow before pushing the door opened. 
“Daniela?” you asked as the redhead turned around a scrap piece of an organ hanging out of her mouth and her hand in a glass jar with other scraps. 
“Hi y/n,” Daniela said her words distorted by the snack in her mouth. There were a few candles lit in the kitchen giving it a dim yet cozy atmosphere. 
“Can’t sleep?” You asked folding your arms. “Something on your mind?” You probed hoping she was worried about this mysterious threat as you were. 
“Nah I’m just hungry! I haven’t eaten all day, too busy catching vermin,” Daniela said with a wicked smile as she chewed on another piece of an organ.
“I see,” you replied making your way over to the tea cabinet. 
“Are you ok?” Daniela asked noticing your demeanor.
“Oh I’m fine, just annoyed I can’t sleep is all,” you lied picking a raspberry tea from the cupboard and you started to prepare it. Daniela shrugged as she continue to snack on the bloody scraps. Voices outside the door made the two of you whip around.
“Are we late for the party?” Bela mused as she and Cassandra entered the kitchen. You and Daniela laughed.
“Nope you’re right on time,” you said as you added sugar and honey to your tea then sliding up on the counter sitting with your legs crossed. 
“You guys hungry too?” Daniela asked her sisters.
“I’m hungry Cassandra is thirsty,” Bela replied dipping her hand into the same jar Daniela was snacking out of.
“Mhmmm raspberry tea! You have the right idea y/n!” Cassandra exclaimed heading to the same cabinet you had previously. You stirred your tea. ‘Great.’ you thought. ‘None of them are restless for the same reason I am.’ Not that you wanted to girls to be worried you just needed some validation. The four of you sat on and around the island chattering lightly with the occasional laugh. You were just starting to feel more at ease and dare you say sleepy when the very recognizable footsteps of Lady Dimitrescu were heard approaching. 
“There you are draga mea!” Alcina said dipping under the doorframe. The four of you smiled up at the matriarch of the family. She surveyed the scene. “Nibbling are we?” Lady Dimitrescu asked lightly chuckling. 
“Yes honey,” you replied finishing the last of your tea. 
“I was practically famished,” Daniela said placing the jar back on the self seeing as her and Bela had had their fill. 
“Y/n and I just wanted a spot of tea,” Cassandra chimed in in an overly exaggerated English accent. Alcina laughed. 
“Oh my sweet little ones,” she said as the girls laughed but she cut her eyes to you as you placed your cup in the sink without as much as a smile. Seeing Alcina had made you start to worry again which was odd because she normally had the opposite affect on you. “All right, I think it’s time for all of us to think about sleep,” Alcina said with a yawn picking you up and holding you on her hip. The girls simply nodded in agreement each letting out a yawn. You and Alcina bid them all a good night as they swarmed away to their respective rooms. You rested your head and hands on Lady Dimitrescu’s shoulder while your outer leg swung lazily by the knee. Lady Dimitrescu didn’t ask you what was wrong while she made her way up the steps and back to your shared room but she had every intention to. She knelt under the doorframe not letting you down only taking a few strides to arrive at the bed. She sat down still holding you to her hip. You didn’t make a move to get off just staying on her side. 
“What’s wrong my dove?” Alcina asked tilting and turning her head to look at you. 
“That was convincing.” 
“I’m fine Alci really.” 
“Again so convincing,” she said taking you in both her hands so you were now facing her. “What’s wrong drag mea? Tell me please so I can make it better.” You let out a deep sigh realizing there was no way out of this. 
“What were you and Mother Miranda talking about the other day? Should I be worried?” 
“Draga mea, there’s always threats present. Of course any lesser family wants to overthrow the four lords. Not that we must be worried but on alert. Does that make sense my love?” Alcina explained lifting your chin so you were looking at her. “Oh don’t cry Iubirea mea! No need for tears, it’s nothing serious I promise you.” Lady Dimitrescu reassured as tears now fell from your eyes. 
“I always worry when I know Mother Miranda has warned you about some looming conflict. I’m so afraid........I don’t want you or one of the girls to get hurt or....d-...die protecting me because I’m so weak and I can’t defend myself!” And with that you started to absolutely sob. You realized how much this had been eating away at you that your own sobs surprised you but it was too late to suck your tears back in so you just went with it. 
“My poor sweet y/n! It’s ok, hush hush, oh my dear y/n.” Alcina pulled you in close your tears staining her nightgown as you gripped onto it for dear life. “I would be glad to lay down my life for you and I know the girls would to.” 
“That shouldn’t matter! I should be able to defend MYSELF and the girls can only teach how to fight to a certain extent!” You were bawling now and couldn’t get any more words out. 
“Shh, draga mea, calm down, come now,” Alcina said in a steadying voice scooching back so she could lay the both of you on your sides. “Y/n!” Lady Dimitrescu said in a stern yet still comforting tone. This caused your sobs to subside enough to listen to her. “When I took you into this castle and into my life that meant something. If I die protecting you then I would have done my job. Same goes for the girls. You ARE a Dimitrescu and this family prides itself on loyalty. So I don’t want to hear you say anything of the sort ever again....understand me cel mic?” Alcina finished her tone softening again. 
“Yes...Alcina...Iubirea mea, thank you,” you sighed. She cupped your face in her hands and kissed your tears away. You allowed your body to relax and when you did you were finally ready for sleep. She pulled you close to her so your cheeks were gently pressed together. You tossed your leg over her waist and she placed a hand on your thigh while her other wrapped under you resting on your shoulder. You wrapped both of your arms around her neck resting your hands on the back of her head. You fell asleep with a sense of relief knowing your presence wasn’t a liability but a joy. 
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keybladeciel · 3 years
KHUX Week Day 6- Tragedy on the Fated Land
Synopsis: If only the Dandelions made it in time... (Set in a hypothetical scenario where both the Player and Strelitzia die) (From Ciel's first person view until the end. Then it shifts to Celeste's viewpoint.)
Themes: Keyblade War, Heartbreak, Sacrifice.
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Language, and Death.
Synopsis: If only the Dandelions made it in time.
(Ciel) I found myself looking at the scattered hearts flying up in the sky. This is what hell looks like and I never want to head back here after this war. I lasted against all the Foretellers and I was still standing. I was about to celebrate until I got impaled by a Keyblade. I quickly healed myself and whatever organs were damaged were easily healed... which have been none at all. "That ain't fair... CIEL!" I stood my ground against my opponent. It was kill or be killed and this was the bastard who killed Strelitzia. "No... YOU KILLED MY GIRLFRIEND!" I was about to kill the threat when Celeste showed up.
She tried to stop the rogue Keybearer from killing me, but was sent back after the rogue broke her ankle. "You ruthless... heartless... bastard! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR HURTING MY SISTER!" I'm pissed and I wanted to take revenge as soon as possible. But then I realized, what if revenge won't ease the pain of losing Strely? I accepted the truth and decided to disable my sister's attacker. But then he spoke. "You'll rue the day you messed with me, little girl. Nobody makes a mockery of a Knight of Bahamut." I instinctively threw myself into whatever Bahamut (what I'm calling him from now on) was about to throw at my sister... and then I heard a squelching sound. I looked down and found a Keyblade jammed into my chest. "Ciel!" Celeste screamed as I was recovering from the stab. I turned to Bahamut as he dove the Keyblade into my chest until my shirt was drenched in my blood. I didn't care. I slashed at Bahamut, pulled his Keyblade out of me and charged at him, slashing and stabbing wildly. I landed a fatal blow by impaling him with my own Keyblade.
Bahamut was dead as I saw his heart fly towards Kingdom Hearts. I won, but at what cost. I hobbled over to Celeste to tell her something. "I did it, Sis... I avenged... Strelitzia." I began to cough up blood. I tried to cast Curaga but to no avail. My magic was out. I then realized that I was dying. "You're dying, Ciel." "Cel, I never wanted a part in this Goddamn war to begin with. What's the damage?" "Hold on, Brother. I'll take you there." Ephemer and Skuld showed up and rushed me to the hospital.
"How bad is it?" "Very bad. He's got a punctured lung, a ruptured gallbladder, and his stomach has an ulcer. Miss Lumiere, I'm afraid Ciel might die." "No... I AM dying. I want to spend whatever time I have left with her." I made my point clear. I wanted to die with Cel in the room. "Celeste, tell Mom and Dad that I went down with a fight." I'm fighting my fatal injuries until I can fight no more. We took a walk to where Strelitzia buried her time capsule. Her will entrusted me to uncover it after the Keyblade War in the event she died. "Cel, this is the spot where... she buried her time capsule. Her will entrusted us to unearth it should she... die." My breathing was labored and I was getting colder. I can't do the deed myself. We headed back to the hospital where my friends where waiting. Everyone but Ètoile, Mog, and Lily were there. "What's wrong?" Soleil asked me. "I'm dying, Sol. I took a fatal blow for Cel during the war and-" Before I could finished I coughed up blood. I had to rest somewhere. Carina offered me her lap. "Ciel, she wants you." She might be Sol's girlfriend, but she still loved me as much as I loved her. "I love you." "I love you too... Carina." We shared our only kiss with each other and I rested my head on her lap. My temperature was at it's coldest and I saw Strelitzia extend her hand towards me. "It's time to come home, Ciel. Place your trust in Celeste to unearth our time capsule." I closed my eyes as my heart left my body.
(Celeste) "Time of Death: 7:30 PM" The doctor said as he witness Ciel close his eyes in happiness. He died on his own terms... but why? I pondered why my little brother would give his life for me without warning. He was covered everywhere in blood and he used the last inkling of strength he had to plan out his last requests. Ciel's final requests were to unearth a time capsule he and Strelitzia had buried, to take care of my family and friends, to watch over Ven, Lily, and Mog, and to let the world know he died a hero who believed in maintaining the balance of light and dark. We all cried as Ciel died before our eyes. I then realized that Ciel would be willing to die to protect the people he loves. Ciel loved me and he knew that I had to survive long enough to alert the Dandelions when I rushed in to save him. "Bury him with Strelitzia," I told my friends. "Ma'am, you're making a grave mistake." "Brain, let it go. Ciel was like a brother to me." "He's right. Celeste is making the right call. If she wants her brother to be with Strelitzia, then we'll bury him with her." When Daybreak Town finally fell and Scala ad Caelum was founded, I told my family the truth. "Ciel is dead. He fought until he bled out. He took a fatal blow for me when I rushed in to save him. When we returned, he showed me his last requests." I remember what Ciel told me. "Unearth the time capsule. Then bury me with Strely one last time." "Strely" being the nickname we used for Strelitzia. "Lastly, take care of my party, Cel. You are now a Dandelion Leader." With those two dead, the remaining Dandelions elected Alouette and I to take those positions. "Ciel died in what he believed in, Mom," Ètoile said tearfully. She then broke down. "He sure did," Mom replied. We all mourned as we had a wake and grand funeral for him and Strelitzia. Ciel had his normally messy hair combed until the wake was over. The coroner then restored his hair to it's curly state. We chose white for the my brother and his beloved, symbolizing their place in the light.
"Ciel was a heroic young man who found a heroic young woman in Strelitzia..." We all gave our speeches at the funeral until it was my turn. I was wearing a black dress that was appropriate for the setting. The weather was sunny, yet cold and wintery. "Ciel was the best brother I could have. He fought for what he believed in and did so with his dying breath. I was there when he took a fatal blow. While my knee has recovered since the War, the wound of losing my brother didn't. He dated a real cute girl too. Strelitzia, who had her shy demeanor replaced by a more social one when she dated my brother. I considered her a sister just as much as she considered me one. We acted and fought like sisters and we loved each other." I began to cry. "And I know that when she died, Ciel was angry. He wanted justice... and in that hellish war he did. He saw a threat to the Dandelions when the Unions were falling and he took out that threat with thr fury of a brother willing to protect his big sister. Even to this day, I remember his smile whenever Mom sent us her dipped madeleines or whenever we bought sea-salt ice cream. I remember Strelitzia's giggle whenever Ciel tickled her or when something funny happened. And I want to see and hear those two things again. Ciel and Strelitzia didn't die in vain, they died as heroes and as boyfriend and girlfriend. Death did them apart until Ciel sacrificed himself for me. And I'd do the same if he was about to die while unable to fight due to a bad knee." I stopped as I was about to be a blubbering mess when Mom hugged me. Then Lauriam hugged me, seeing me as a sister to him. Then his mom and dad hugged me before Dad hugged me. "I miss them, Mom." Somehow, I could sense Ciel and Strelitzia's soul. "Thank you, Sis. Mom, I love you... and I'm sure as hell gonna miss you while I'm gone," Ciel said. "Son, you saved all of us. You made me proud," Mom replied. She knew that it was his heart speaking. "Ciel, come on! We got a dance to tend to!" Strelitzia called out. The two are together in death... Ciel's afterlife could never be happier. I love you brother... and I know we'll be there soon. I placed a marker where Ciel was buried. "Here lies Ciel A. Lumiere. Beloved son, brother, and boyfriend. Renowned hero of the Dandelions" I then updated Strelitzia's grave "Here lies Strelitzia R. Evergreen. Cherished daughter, sister, and girlfriend. Heroine of Fairy Tales." Rest in peace you two.
(This is one of my saddest entries to date. Ciel and Strelitzia die and the story ends with the couple's funeral. The ending is bittersweet compared to the other enteries' endings being happy or light hearted. Sure, Ciel and Strelitzia die, but they are reunited in the Final World until the Replica Program occurs or their Heartless and Nobody die. This was the hardest story to write for this week, as it deals with the aftermath of the Keyblade War. Ciel sacrificing himself to save his sister and living long enough to detail his last request is a fitting end for a hero like him. Luckily, this is an alternate universe where neither he nor Strelitzia survive. So Ciel will be back for day 7.)
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 151
Moving the patreon names a good idea but changes to structure take up more brain space than they should. I hope they keep the reminder they moved it as a substitute, at least for a while. The rest of the structure is the same and I can feel my shoulders coming away from my ears as the theme plays. I choose to interpret that as Alex saying his players being fine is his highest priority. Borb Under the sea bed🎵. 1)its great when I barely start a thought before a player says the same thing 2) we will get our musical one way or the other 3)I know they're from an improv background but it never ceases to delight how joyfully they support each other's unexpected bits. 4) Alex seems like he gets a kick out of playing up his annoyance at the musical idea more than actually being frustrated it keeps coming up. I thought so but nice to confirm. Bless this cast, it wouldn't have been a huge deal if they let Alex's description stand but its so nice they not only corrected it, they did so without hesitation and Alex seemed to appreciate the help in getting to better phrasing rather than take it as an accusation. Not that I thought he would but feeling grateful for RQ not falling into behavior I see elsewhere. Also hearing everyone chiming in; with Bryn being the one to name check the trope instead of it being on Helen to always take the lead is nice to hear. "he was very encountered" Have I mentioned lately that I love literally everything about this show? Even when he thinks he knows exactly what the party is going to do and certainly knows what he is guiding them towards Alex checks instead of putting anyone in the position of having to derail. Cel! I wonder if cis people get anywhere near my joy in Cel having that kind of control over their body. I mean its just objectively cool even without the gender aspect so I hope they at least enjoy that much. I need cancan art. Did Alex know how delighted Lydia would be with the image of being popped out like a cork before he said it? Coo coo ca chu, thank you Ben Zolf remains 200% done and doesn't bother checking the door Ben don't! 92 HP, well that would be comforting if it wasn't Zolf. Like I don't think it's actually a death wish/that he is suicidal but well, see not checking the door. He is far too comfortable with the idea of being hurt. Alex:Chill sea dude Ben: sounds of objection Lydia: chill environment neutral dude Still love Alex's set design. A person! Bryn sounds alarmed about implications of the walk ways. Cel can shield themselves. Yes Hamid can armor himself! Also casts fly on himself & Azu. Thank you Ben/Zolf. This show does get deep into moral quandaries sometimes but unless these guys are as drugged as the Kobolds they objectively need to die. The dice love us Altruism run Darn it Alex, are you hinting they are drugged against their will? Azu feels tapping their shoulder then killing them is better even if they don't have a prayer of defending themselves. Oh I see Helen has our back and is checking for mind control before we do Kobolds 2: the guilt continues. Well yes they are surprised Bryn sounds so pleased as goes through exactly how many ways the odds are in Hamid's favor. Then he rolls 6,6,5,5 on D6s for 26 damage so no kill like over kill. Watsonian explanation: emotion is at least partially fueling Hamid's magic especially anything fire/desolation aligned, and there is no way he isn't overflowing with emotion after the last few hours. Zolf is happy to let Azu handle the last one and uses his action to ask if Cel knows what (something, the equipment in this room?) does. Cel determines its a notification board for the cell cavern. So these guys were directly aware and involved with the mistreatment of the Kobolds. I officially am dropping the last tiny part of me that cared if they were drugged/otherwise forced into the work. If they were cognisant enough to read that and still did it then its time to find Zolf's old bucket. Glad the table is having fun! I wonder what the face Alex pulled looked like.  Raw terror? The equivalent of a neon sign reading "I'm screwed"? I shouldn't have implied Alex would leave the listeners out, this is a wonderful description. Helen is more thorough than I am. There you go, time to die. Oh episode name drop. That's my Zolf, killing who needs killing doesn't mean we ignore collateral damage. And Cel just invented the departures board. Zolf: not worth destroying? Cel: If you'd enjoy it Priorities Heading towards the shore I like how Alex sounds pleased they broke his dungeon Vital info for visualizing this. Poor Azu is trying to swim while Hamid & Cel are zooming elegantly and Zolf is walking because boots or no he is ungainly. Hamid enjoying flying & Azu being adorable even under the circumstances is endearing. Correction Cel is walking Lockers & propaganda posters I can't put it in words but there is a connection being made between how little these mooks care about messing up shared spaces & the rest of the mundane evil that led to them being bucket worthy. Thank you all for the taking water breathing potions I'm not sure how I feel about Alex giving us stuff for free Oh Dear! Are the mooks heading to the village? Zolf is reassuring Never over the little touches Alex has to make the world feel more real like the water proof flares Oh Cel dear, 1)you don't know that, you don't need mourn your village while they yet may live 2)what kind of trauma have they been through? "Again"? Lydia gets a quick dig in about the party not being allowed to sleep. Cel shifts into a creature who can see. ~Break~ Nevermind just enlarge person Somewhere Babs is begging for a simple answer. I don't think we got a simple answer Hamid is reassuring Cel. Something both relateable and possibly a bad sign that "don't worry they have been spending all their time preparing to kill us, so they can't be attacking your people" is legitimately both the line Hamid took and probably the most effective possible. The others help too. I love how they openly care, reassuring Cel without telling them to repress or that they are wrong to experience the emotions in the first place. Lights and colors flashing in the water. The dice seem to be favoring Bryn today. There's a fight up ahead. They all run to the fight, Cel leaves them in the dust. Hamid flies after Cel since he couldn't catch up on foot The dice do know I promise I will appreciate the set design on relisten,  but for the love of god who is fighting who? Mooks vs who? Humans Yes! Alex hasn't quite gotten there but the cast sound convinced its Barnes & Carter. Ah is Wilde with them? Did Wilde tear his hair out worrying then send back up the second Zolf was overdue? Bleeping Carter Barnes sounds like he is having fun Carter is throwing knives at people. Odd knife & dagger are basically synonyms but not getting Sasha feels 2 vs 8 Ben points out Carter stole Sasha's gimmick Ok warming to Carter will take a minute but I already like Barnes Natural 1 on bomb throwing. Thank you Alex for not being a "death by nat 1 is funny" GM Alex keeps forgetting what a bad bum Cel is. Giblet heavy day Moving quickly past possible misgendering of Cel. Best way to handle that I think, no distracting corrections but Lydia doesn't let it stand. Thank you for being safe Hamid! Hamid protects Barnes. Love the extra extra pew. Finger guns! Alex is 3rd person level stressed Cel gets out the crossbow and punctuates their correction on pronouns. I love this podcast. I really, really, love this podcast and stuff like that shows they love their listeners back. Cel: Pronouns. Are. They. Them Helen: the dice say they/them rights Not sure if dead but 13 damage against one misgendering mook Hamid continues to shoot very well in support rather than endangering himself needlessly. Azu, spotting Carter: You! You? Accidently restarted the episode when I unpaused and now my phone is acting up, and is doing strange things when I try to fast forward to where I was. The annoyance at the above is cancelled out by hearing "Pronouns. Are. They/Them" 4 times Zolf: great seeing you again I love Barnes Alex the fandom appreciates this description Ah Zolf got Barnes into the Campbell books And they attempt to flee badly Carter finally rolls decently but not impressively Cel shoots one in the neck they're still moving Hamid mutters in draconic:  this is for the Kobolds Thank you Bryn Barnes successfully seduced <Azu> Helen I love that the trained mathematician is the one who participates in dice superstition Ben! Huh patreon names still make my brain happy. Wonder if it's something deep about community or I just got pavloved by it being before RQG & TMA for so long
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polandspringz · 5 years
“Apply pressure, i’ll be back soon.” I'm just letting you pick ocs at this point
Okay so this story isn’t going to make much sense cause I rushed it and it takes place in the middle of the narrative I’ve been drafting for my real OCs, like the ones I keep mostly under wraps because I have been planning and working on a full series of work for them. Also, it’s self indulgent so it’s really not like my best work, just me trying to cram all my ideas into one scene. 
My hands brushed against the fabric of my skirt, dusting off dirt as I got to my feet. His gray eyes were staring up at me wide, shimmering with worry so uncharacteristic of him. I felt my skin grow tight when my lips parted and my stiff voice rasped out-
“Apply pressure, I’ll be back soon.”
I trudged away with my fists clenched at my sides, leaving him alone beside the log and the campfire. The shelter we had found was a small clearing amongst the barren, scraggly trees of autumn, mowed down by travelers from the past who had dragged logs over to form the circle to sleep in. They were most likely people I had never encountered before, people who had lived long before us, groups of them over time who had paved it for the next nomadic group to rest. I reached the end of the clearing where a tall, dried out piece of brush stood in my way. The fire crackled behind me, the wind brushed my cheek.
Still, I liked to imagine that maybe this place was made only by us, for us by our numerous runs at this world.
I stepped over the sticks and found my way back through the forest, searching for the tracks that led to where the cultists had run off to. I was foolish thinking that I could do right in this timeline, if anything, my thoughts were more cluttered than ever, the voices of the other two fading in and out whenever some event lined up with me. 
Like now, I could feel a searing headache come on and I had to take a knee as I leaned against a tree for support. There was a twinkling behind my eyelids, something pale, silver, with a hint of blue that I could hear chiming as her voice came through.
“Dreil, it’s happened, hasn’t it?” She was crying.
“Torinoko,” I coughed weakly, “Yeah, I… I guess that’s the one thing I can’t fix… haha…”
“We could always try another route… We could try it again and maybe-”
“No,” another voice cut in, and the pain tripled in my brain. I bit back a scream and instead sunk deeper against the earth, leaning forward as I clutched at my scalp with both hands, “That is not the promise you made to me. You said this would be the final time.”
“How nice of you to join us, Rell,” I hissed out. Now there was white flashing behind my eyelids, but opening my eyes was too much effort, even if the darkness of the night sky and shadowy woods would have been much more calming. 
“You both promised me this would be the final run. That my friends and I wouldn’t suffer anymore after this. You would help us be free.”
“Yes, and that’s the plan, Rell, but-”
“You realize that they remember times we don’t, don’t you? We can only remember a handful, but they’ve been getting tortured and ripped apart every round, they’ve had to watch their friends die and their own vessels stabbed and shot and clawed open without peace. We have to do this for them, we have to stop it now or else-”
“Rell,” Torinoko’s voice had an edge to it, although it was still warbly with her crying, “Oniy and Alzol aren’t the only ones who have suffered.”
She hesitated, and I could almost see her behind her house, holding that basket outside staring up at the blue dome that domed over the metal walls of her homeland. 
“Of course I know that, but they’ve been the ones who have to endure the most every route and each time I see it and-”
“Then don’t go!” I shouted, slamming a fist against the trunk of the tree, “You don’t have to go and watch! You can just stay in your little house, stay oblivious and excommunicated from everyone with your fake little family and let Torinoko and I handle it.”
“You know very well that it won’t work like that.”
“Who are you to say anything?” I managed to crawl along the forest floor, continuing on my path, “I’m the one who gets Alzol and Oniy sent to the prison in the capital, it was always my own stupid panic that caused it. I just won’t do it this time. You can stay in your little house and they’ll stay away from jail. Mierre won’t get her deranged hands on them anytime during this route.”
She scoffed, voice shaking, “You really think that’s all it’s going to take?”
“I’m almost at the capital city, I’m going to do my best to stop Yule and hopefully protect both Sawako and Aaya. But, if we can stop this all before we ever have to go to the capital, that’s better for me. I’m sick of seeing Cel flinch when we get near, of seeing Shi die under rubble I sent crumbling.” Torinoko reported.
“Then it’s settled,” I said, “Now get out of my head, I have work to do.”
“You’re delusional,” Rell cried, “You’re both so foolish!”
“Shut up already. What makes you think it’s not going to work?”
“Because Mierre has already been visiting my house! She’s going to take me north whether I want to or not! Because she already targeted your town! She already had her soldiers wipe out everyone! Torinoko and Shi’s ‘deaths’ have already happened! Nothing’s changed from before!”
“Things have changed, I know how to control my powers so-”
“You’re lying. If you already knew how to control them, then why did you let Xir and Vei die?”
Red exploded around me as I flared up, exploding as a wave of power surged out from me and two trees came careening down. I had punched the earth and a black vortex opened up, the moonlight reflecting on it and making it sparkle inside.
“Shut up, you don’t know anything about me.”
“Oh? And here I thought we all shared a soul? You yourself said that it was the ‘one thing you couldn’t fix’, but you forgot about everything else-”
“I fixed Torinoko and Shi’s disappearance. I didn’t let it weigh me down and I helped Seio cope with Mierre’s disappearance. We started our journey a month earlier-”
“Oh, a month? What a big change!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“There shouldn’t have even been another journey, Dreil! If you really wanted to stop everything, really wanted to end it all, you shouldn’t have even let them leave, shouldn’t have let Mierre roll her plan out! You shouldn’t have done anything!”
“What are you saying?”
“Don’t you realize it?! As soon as you woke up, you had a choice. You killed those men in the shelter again, maybe that was preventable, but you didn’t have to go with Seio, you didn’t have to go to the house, you didn’t have to become another cog in Mierre’s plans.”
“If I hadn’t gone with them, she still would have gone after you! I have to be in the capital to stop her from using you-”
“No, you’re using me. Don’t you realize it, Dreil? All of this could have been stopped if you just talked to her, stopped her, grabbed her before she ran out of the house and started her charade and parade of fire. If you had just stopped her before everything was set into motion, then nothing would have happened! But, no you had to go and-”
She stopped suddenly, and I felt myself freeze up when her voice came back with a sinister sounding, “Oh.”
“Rell? What’s wrong?” Torinoko tried, but was ignored.
“I get it. I see now. You want this to happen.” 
“What? Of course not!”
“Yes, yes you do. You don’t want to help anyone, you only want to help yourself. I see it now. Even back at the house, you were saying how Seio wasn’t really giving you the time of day, things were falling into place even back then, and you knew that! You knew things weren’t changing even though you were smarter now, showed your prowess earlier, you realized everyone was still fulfilling the same events, but you didn’t do anything to stop it because you wanted this!”
“You think I want to see my friends, all of you die?!” I balled my hands up in the wet dirt.
“No, but you want to reach Smokeflake, don’t you?”
My heart stopped. I felt Torinoko’s connection spike for a moment before it came crashing down. Rell continued, her voice carrying a sinister smile with it.
“If you reach Smokeflake, if you go to Smokeflake, you get all the time in the world with him. With your family. Sometimes it’s six months… sometimes it’s two years… Sure, you have a fight for moment, but after that, you two are practically like a married couple! You’re ‘learning how to use your powers’ right? So you have to stay there, and if you stay there, Seio will communicate with Mierre and she’ll hold off on enacting her plan fully until you have reached your potential because she wants to make sure she gets all of the power embedded in me… You were planning on staying there and pretending your power wasn’t ever controllable forever weren’t you?”
“Not forever!” I slapped my hands over my mouth, but it was too late, “That’s a lie… Do you really think I would do such a thing and let you suffer for that long?!” 
It was Torinoko’s voice this time.
“Dreil, I… you went and did it to Seio’s arm? Didn’t you?”
I stiffened, turning around. Seio was standing behind me, his hair bloody and stained brown in the moonlight. He was holding some cloth over his left arm, now engorged flesh rippling with spasms and something powerful pulsating underneath it. 
“Are you alright? I heard shouting and… did you knock down those trees? Did someone attack you?”
He started towards me, but I held up my hand, stopping him. I steadied my breathing, letting my power slowly drain away. Washing over me, my skin darkened back to its normal color, my hair dyed itself back to that light brown instead of the ghostly white. My eyes took longer to adjust, but eventually the red fell away too and I was left with the cold feeling of the night around me. I sighed and looked up at him properly, and managed a smile even though I saw the fear still lingering. I glanced at his arm, and moved towards him, trying to be slow enough and ignore the way he stepped back.
“I just got a little spooked in the dark, sorry.”
“Are you feeling better now?” He said as I reached out to touch the flesh I had ripped apart. Even though I had tried to stop it, like every time in my memory, when Xir and Vei fell and then Seio began to stumble, I erupted, and even though I ripped through the flesh of our enemies in the same amount of time in the same way, even though I felt Seio approaching me, I still let my anger ripple through him and up his fingers, his hand, and into his arm. I hadn’t thought of it at the time, but maybe Rell was right. Maybe subconsciously, I had selfishly done it all so I could relive our time in Smokeflake again.
I had sacrificed my two friends I had longed to save just so I could live in dreamworld a bit longer.
“Dreil, are you okay? You’re crying!”
“Huh? Oh, am I? Sorry about that, I… I just…” I quickly wiped my eyes with the back of my sleeve, “I know that you must be feeling much worse than I but I promise you if you give me a bit I’ll be able to reverse whatever I did to your arm and-”
Seio shook his head, and reached forward with his good hand, pulling me close to him in a hug, tucking my head under his chin. I was careful not to lean too close to his injury.
“I don’t want you to feel guilty about this, we’ll go to Smokeflake and meet the person my father knew who can help. You don’t need to feel obligated to fix this, Dreil.”
“But, I-”
“It’s not your job to fix this. You don’t have to fix anything. Just rest.”
My hands twitched behind his back for a moment, before I leaned in the rest of the way, and fisted them in the fabric of his torn cape and sobbed.
Later that evening, I tapped into our connection once more, reaching out when I was sure Seio was asleep and we were both lying down inside our shared tent. I only felt Torinoko register from the gray specks floating around.
“Where’s Rell?” I whispered.
“I don’t know, I can’t feel her either. I think she might have…”
“This is all my fault, I’m sorry. I was selfish, and everything she said was right and-”
“Dreil, I may be upset with you, but… I can’t blame you, because I’ve also made some choices this time that have set us up on the same path. I’m starting to wonder if these things are things we can stop or if they really are inevitable. Maybe our goal was too lofty when we said we would save everyone.”
“Heh… Maybe…”
“But still, even if Rell has decided to leave us, I won’t leave your side. You’ve done too much for Shi and I, and I still remember how we… well, you felt when you thought we had died for the first time. I know you love me, and I love you too. I won’t fault you for taking extra time in Smokeflake. It seems like no matter, events are locked into place.”
I tossed my arm over my eyes and rolled onto my back.
“Sorry, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Dreil. I’m sorry.”
I woke up in the morning to Seio shaking me and trying to heave me out of the tent with one arm. Blearily, I thought we were being attacked, and snapped into my awakened state, but froze when I heard other voices surrounding me, mingling outside.
Seio’s morning greeting blurred into the background as did his smiling figure as I clawed past him and the tent door out into the daylight, rolling out into the embrace of my two scratched up, bloodied, but alive friends.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” I blubbered helplessly as they clutched at me.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You saved us, don’t you realize it? You healed us.”
“It just took a little bit for the power to settle in and do its work.”
“I’m dreaming. This has to be a bad dream, a cruel joke. I don’t… I don’t deserve this when I-”
“You’re awake, and we’re all alive, I promise,” Xir laughed, leaning in next to my ear as his voice changed slightly, “It seems you will have us joining you in Smokeflake too this time. I hope you don’t mind.”
“No,” I sobbed as I wrapped my arms around his neck, “No, that’s a welcome change, believe me.”
Seio still didn’t let me heal his arm, but it was pushed to the back of my mind for now. I was too elated and shaky from the revelation that I hadn’t failed, that had saved two of my friends, that I had changed something. Rell and Torinoko were wrong, things were changing, this was the route we were destined to be on, and it was possible.
We we’re going to save everybody, even if it wasn’t immediate.
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We recently moved to a new training hall. :D 
So we thought we'd show it by sharing a little footwork game we do every other training session. 
The students are split into two rows at each end of the room. 
They are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. (starting from the side wall to the windows in this case), both students in a line, face to face, receiving the same number (so there are two number 1s, one at each end etc.). 
When they hear their number called, they have to move to the center of the room as quickly as they can and make a choice:
A. grab the glove and retrieve it to EITHER their initial starting side OR the opposite side to win.
B. wait for their opponent to touch or grab the glove, in which case they can touch the opponent's fencing mask to disqualify them and win. 
Extra rules: 
- the one that grabs the glove can only defend with the other hand that is not holding the glove
- the one that hasn't grabbed the glove can attack the opponent's mask with both hands
- if either of the students even TOUCHES the glove, they are fair game to be attacked at the mask and disqualified; meaning that if one of them grabs the glove poorly and drops it or just touches it and doesn't manage to grab it, he/she can still be attacked; if after this scenario, the OTHER student does the same, he/she is ALSO a valid target; 
- touching the opponent's mask before he/she has actually touched or grabbed the glove (either by mistake or intentionally) is NOT penalized and is a valid strategy for deceit and feints;
- other feints (like slapping the floor) are also allowed; 
- if both students reach the center of the room but none of them picks up the glove for a long time (to be decided by the instructor supervising the drill), they receive a countdown from 5 to 0; if none of them picks up or touches the glove until the count reaches zero, they are both disqualified; 
There are 4 footwork variations for the drill. 
1. The students start left foot forward and are allowed to use only half-steps. 
2. The students start right foot forward and are allowed to use only half-steps.
3. The students start with whatever foot they feel like and are allowed to use only full steps. 
4. The students start with whatever foot they feel like and are allowed to use both half-steps and full steps.
Of course, 1 and 2 can be compacted into one single variation by instructing the students to start left foot forward, then start with the different foot after each iteration when they have heard their number. 
And gathered step can be implemented as another type of step and make more variations. 
Ideally, the students should always maintain good posture (straight back, no collapsed knees etc.), even when grabbing the glove, in which case, they shouldn't bend from the waist but change stance from high (or medium) to low. 
But the main objective of the drill is to practice half-steps and full-steps WITHOUT focusing on them mechanically, while also taking care of other tasks that consume brain processing power and also defining an overall strategy to win. 
Hope you enjoyed it! Cheers! :D 
Ne-am mutat recent intr-o sala noua. :D 
Asa ca ne-am gandit sa v-o aratam impartasindu-va si un mic joculet de antrenat jocul de picioare, pe care noi il folosim o data la doua antrenamente. 
Cursantii sunt impartiti in doua randuri la fiecare capat al salii. 
Ei sunt numerotati 1, 2, 3 etc. (in acest caz incepand de la zidul lateral la cel cu geamuri), cu toti studentii care se afla pe o linie, fata in fata, primind acelasi numar (asadar sunt doi numarul 1, la fiecare capat, etc.). 
Cand aud numarul lor strigat, ei trebuie sa mearga spre centrul incaperii cat pot de repede si sa faca o alegere: 
A. sa ia manusa si sa o aduca FIE in partea din care au plecat, FIE in partea opusa pentru a castiga. 
B. Sa astepte ca adversarul lor sa atinga sau sa ia manusa , caz in care ii pot atinge masca pentru a-l descalifica si a castiga. 
Alte reguli: 
- cine ia manusa se poate apara numai cu mana libera, care nu tine manusa
- cine nu a luat manusa si ataca, poate ataca cu ambele maini
- daca oricare din ei macar ATINGE manusa, este o tinta valida pt. a fi atacat/a la masca si descalificat/a; asta inseamna ca daca cineva ia manusa slab si ii cade sau doar o atinge fara a reusi sa o ia, el/ea poate fi atacat/a; daca dupa acest scenariu, celalalt cursant face la fel, si el/ea poate fi atacat/a; 
- atingerea mastii adversarului (fie intentionat, fie din greseala), inainte ca el/ea sa fi atins sau luat manusa, NU este penalizata si este o strategie valida pt. fente si inselaciune; 
- alte fente (cum ar fi lovirea podelei) sunt permise; 
- daca amandoi cursantii ajung in mijlocul salii si nici unul din ei nu atinge sau ia manusa pt. un timp indelungat (la latitudinea instructorului care supravegheaza exercitiul de decis), atunci ei vor primi o numartoare de la 5 la 0; daca nici unul din ei nu a atins sau luat manusa pana la 0, sunt amandoi descalificati; 
Sunt 4 variatiuni de joc de picioare pt. acest exercitiu: 
1. Cursantii incep cu piciorul stang in fata si au voie sa faca numai half-step (pas adaugat)
2. Cursantii incep cu piciorul drept in fata si au voie sa faca numai half-step (pas adaugat) 
3. Cursantii incep cu ce picior doresc in fata si au voie sa faca doar pas full-step (intreg, sau "normal")
4. Cursantii incep cu ce picior doresc in fata si au voie sa faca atat pas full-step (intreg, sau "normal") cat si pas half-step (adaugat). 
Desigur, variatiunile 1 si 2 pot fi compactate intr-una singura dand instructiuni cursantilor sa schimbe piciorul pus in fata la pornire dupa fiecare iteratie, dupa ce le-a fost strigat numarul. 
Si pasul gathered-step (greu traductibil in romana, sa-i zicem "pasul strans") poate fi implementat ca alt tip de pas pt. a face mai multe variatiuni. 
Ideal, cursantii ar trebui sa aiba mereu o postura buna cat lucreaza la acest exercitiu (spate drept, genunchi necolapsati etc.), chiar si atunci cand iau manusa, caz in care nu ar trebui sa se aplece din talie, ci ar trebui sa-si schimbe inaltimea posturii din inalta (sau medie) in joasa. 
Dar obiectivul principal al exercitiului este ca ei sa exerseze half-steps si full steps FARA sa se concentreze asupra acestor concepte mecanic, in timp ce gestioneaza si alte activitati care consuma din puterea de procesare a creierului si in timp ce isi dezvolta o strategie pt. a castiga. 
Speram ca v-a placut! Salut! :D”
Made by the  Iron Will HEMA Academy and posted in  Kunst des Fechtens Technique Discussion here.
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kukvlkan · 2 years
Josie I'm sorry I haven't written a comment on your yt au, I read it this morning before work and it was a great day to start the day, too bad I was quite busy to give you my thoughts but here I am!
This is now one of my favorite fexi au fics, full of fluff and just so cute overall. I really liked how you described all of their backgrounds, not only for fexi but also ash, rue, and even Faye. They all felt like a family since the nye scene.
The thought of fez watching lexis videos and trying to bake her recipes had me all blushing and giggling.
I really loved the fic, but if I had to choose something that loved the most it's probably ash and fez interactions, they do act like brothers and ash giving him shit for watching lexis pride and prejudice review was golden and the whole "I was talking to God last night, and he said to stop being a lil’ bitch face and ask her out alread" favorite line hands down!!! I laughed out loud with that scene, I find that writing comedy/funny parts is always the hardest but you nailed it here. ASH IS HILARIOUS what are you talking about fez?
And you also gave us jealous lexi, one of my favorite tropes tbh, it was small but I loved that fez reassured her immediately that he wouldn't be flirting with her if he had a gf💜💜
Lexi and Faye is also something that we don't get enough on fics, it just made me so happy having them together in her vlogs, maybe a collab in the future for them too?
And the ending, everyone together having dinner, and ash calling lexi her sis, it was just so wholesome.
Ok I'll stop now but thanks for sharing your writing with the fexi hive!!! I'll be patiently waiting for your next fic 👀👀
oh my god cel you don't know how much this means to me. omg pls never apologize! life is busy!! i'm just glad i was able to help with having a good start to your day!! it's an honor. not gonna lie i've read this msg like three times since you sent it earlier just to make myself push through work. it was such a shit day today and just reading ur kind words really help me make it to the end of the day. if i had to hide in the bathroom and cry over this for a lil thats our secret!!
thank you so much !!! ahhh to be one of ur faves fexi au's means so much to me. i really love found family fics where its not just the boys and lexi but also rue and faye. they honestly warm my heart so i'm glad you liked this as much as i loved writing this.
pls !! both ash and fez tried to make her recipes and failed. i know they set off the fire alarm once or twice.
i have a really close relationship with my siblings! like probably closer than some people just bc we basically had to raise each other like fez and ash have so i'm really glad they come across as true brothers. unfortunately i'm not as funny as ash BUT that's actually something my brother has said, recently he's been all about "talking to god." and the first time he said it i knew i would have to sneak it into a fic. i truly did not think so many people would love it but i'm glad you did !!!
honestly ??? maybe controversial opinion?? i def think lexi has a bit of a jealous streak in her?? like yeah she's really sweet and forgiving and everything BUT she has been living in her sister's shadow and even rue's. i feel like she would definitely be jealous before she liked forced herself not to be.
FAYE! i love her so much?? her friendship with lexi in this fic basically wrote itself. faye probably hasn't had very positive female friendships in her life and i really wanted lexi to be that for her. i wish i had added more of them in the fic but i had been working on it for around two weeks already and anything more felt like i was really pushing it ?? idk my brain is weird! if a second chapter ever pops on that fic tho, don't be surprised. i have an idea to maybe add a chapter or two of just lexi basically doing videos with her friend. no plot just vibes. as an avid reader myself i really wanted her to read a book with faye and have them review it. i was thinking maybe it ends with us by coho bc it deals with spouse abuse, domestic abuse, emotional abuse and i feel like custer was a shit boyfriend and faye would def benefit from like reading a book like that and talking it out with lexi ??? idk i have ideas but no time!!
ahhhh you don't have to stop! we could talk about these babies for as long as you want!! thank you for sending me this lovely msg you have no idea how much it means to me. you already know what i’m working on next!! i just hope you like it as much as this one !!! so SO sorry to be so long winded with my reply. thank you so much fr!! ily.
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loadlonestar494 · 3 years
Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple Ova 12 Release Date
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Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple Ova 12 Release Date 2
Kenichi Ova Episode 12
Shun Matsuena's Shijō Saikyō no Deshi Kenichi manga already inspired TV anime
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This year's 47th issue of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine is announcing on Wednesday that an original video anime (OVA) project of Shun Matsuena's Shijō Saikyō no Deshi Kenichi (History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi) manga has been green-lit. The anime studio Brains Base will produce the project. More details and the release date information will be provided in future issues of Weekly Shonen Sunday.
Hey has anyone heard any news about Kenichi: History's Strongest Disciple ova getting a dub or if there will be anymore, i have done a little looking but found nothing on the matter and really don't know where to look. I just finished 1-50 and it was soooo good and i want more haha, so is there any news on 51+ or the the ova getting a dub. Short Special bundled with the Fourth and Fifth OVA episodes. History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi: Specials Special 12 (0) OVA Special 1. Just announced History's Strongest Disciple OVA 10 coming soon. Shogakukan will ship the limited edition bundle in Japan on May 16. Kenichi the mightiest disciple ova op full - Duration: 3:52. Mar 14, 2012 OVAs of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi bundled with volumes 46, 47, 49, 53, 54, 55, & 56 of the manga. Alternate Titles: 史上最強の弟子 ケンイチ, Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi, 'History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi' Genre: Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, School, Shounen, Sub Type: TV(Fall 2006) Status: Finished Airing Number of Episodes: 50 Episode(s) Views: 1370 Views Date: Oct 7, 2006 to Sep 30, 2007 MyAnimeList Score: 8.16.
The manga already inspired a television anime series that Funimationreleased in North America.
(Via Manga News)
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Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple Ova 12 Release Date 2
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Kenichi Ova Episode 12
Kenichi STORY:ShirahamaKenichi is an average 15-year-old high school student who has earned the nickname 'Weak Legs' fromalways getting bullied. One day he meets a cute girl named Furinji Miuwho helps him build the courage to begin training at a mysterious dojowhere she lives. Here Kenichi faces intense training from masters of manydifferent martial arts styles as he attempts to become stronger. Kenichi eventually becomes a full disciple of Ryōzanpaku, and becomes enamored of Miu. Subsequently, Kenichi's daily routine is divided between training under the six masters of Ryōzanpaku, and his fights against the members of 'Ragnarok', a gang of bullies trying alternately to recruit or to vanquish him. After Ragnarok is disbanded, Kenichi andMiu are targeted by Yomi, a group of disciples personally trained by a master of an organization rivaling Ryōzanpaku, Yami. While the masters of Ryōzanpaku and their allies follow the principle of always sparing their opponents' lives (Katsujin-ken), the members of Yami believe that any means of defeating an opponent is valid, including murder (Satsujin-ken). In the struggle between the two factions, Kenichi, Miu, and their allies fight the members of Yomi, while his mastersconfront the members of Yami.
A pretty snazzy character selection screen, that is.
ABOUT: ShijouSaikyou no Deshi: Kenichi (literally translated asHistory's Strongest DiscipleKenichi) is a 3D fighting game developed and published by Capcom, based on the manga and animeseries of the same name. Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple began as a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Syun Matsuena. The first tankōbon was published in August 2002. An anime adaptation made by Tokyo Movie Shinsha aired from October 2006 to September 2007 and had 50 episodes. The Kenichi PS2 fighting game was the first ever videogame based on the Kenichi series, releasing only in Japan in March 2007.
Kenichi features 12 selectable characters, each representing their unique fighting styles seen in the original manga and anime. Modes include Story, Versus, Practice, Score Attack, Time Attack, Survival, Mission, and Gallery. For each character,you can choose two battle styles 'Quiet' and 'Motion'. Quiet focuses ondefense and counter attacks, while 'Motion' focuses on attacks and explodeanger (super combos). During battles there are 3 types of attacks: shockskills (strikes), truth skills and return skills (counter attacks). Shockskills are stronger than Truth skills; Truth skills are stronger than Returnskills; and Return skills are stronger than Shock skills.
https://loadlonestar494.tumblr.com/post/657336202910908416/firefox-os-x-104. Download Old Version of Firefox for Mac for Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger (PowerPC) Skip Development Versions tead. 13 March, 2012 (9 years ago) 18.77 MB. Mozilla Firefox 3.5.19. 28 April, 2011 (10 years ago) 17.84 MB. Mozilla Firefox. I'm running Mac OS X 10.4.11 'Intel,' TenFourFox doesn't help with that. Whenever I load Firefox it tells me to upgrade to 12.0 for security reasons. 12.0 is most definitely not compatible with the version of OS X on my MacBook Pro.
Where have I seen this stage before?
In more ways than one, Kenichi resembles Capcom's well known 3D fighting game series starring high school stereotypes, Rival Schools. From the cel-shaded 3D graphics style of Kenichi to the stylized anime characters, Kenichi is an attractive looking PS2 game for the time. The fighting stays mostly on a 2D plane, but there are somesidestepping techniques as well. The gameplay is comparable to several Capcom fighters, but focuses more on martial arts techniques and less on projectiles. The gameplay isn't nearly as solid or deep as comparable fighting games of 2007, but features plenty of fan service for those familiar with the manga and anime series.
Page Updated:January 29th, 2020Developer(s):Eighting Co.Publisher(s):CapcomPlatform(s): PlayStation 2 Release Date(s): March 2007 Characters: Kenichi, Takeda, Miu, Ukita, Siegfried, Hermit, Nijima, Valkyrie, Thor, Loki, Freiya, Berserker, Odin, 20
Featured Video:
Related Games:Project Justice, Rival Schools, Fate/Unlimited Codes, Hokuto No Ken, The King of Fighters 2006, The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact Regulation A, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, Virtua Fighter 5, Virtua Fighter 5 R, Battle Fantasia, Sengoku Basara X, Martial Masters, Sunday X Magazine
Gameplay EngineStory / ThemeOverall GraphicsAnimationMusic / Sound EffectsInnovationArt DirectionCustomizationOptions / ExtrasIntro / PresentationReplayability / Fun'Ouch' FactorCharacters
Final Words:
Kenichi is one of the few fighting games with 'Capcom' written on the box that I haven't played. (Although, the game was developed by Eighting.) Out of many of the 'me too' anime fighting games that spawned in the mid / late 2000's (and after), Kenishi seemed like one of the more interesting ones. The series seems like aperfect fit for a fighting game. From whatI've seen, the animation quality is rather decent. I've only caught a few episodes of the anime, and it's actually not too bad from what I remember. Some of the character designsare a bit stale, in my opinion.. but others are worth checking out. Honestly what I like most about Kenichi is that the characters seem like they could share the same universe as Rival Schools. Anyway, I don't have a modded PS2 in order to play this game.. but ifever get around to it, I'll give this game a proper review. ~TFG Webmaster
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projectalbum · 6 years
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177. “Hail to the Thief,” 178. “In Rainbows,” 179. “King of Limbs,” 180. “A Moon Shaped Pool” by Radiohead
Here we are. At that point where I have to defend my previous assertion that Hail to the Thief (#177) is closer to my heart than the widely-beloved Kid A. And here we go…
There are 14 tracks, far more than any other Radiohead album, and I only dislike one of them. And it’s not “We Suck Young Blood” (it’s “The Gloaming”). Like, “Blood” is a creepy, chain-rattling chiller with deliberately cracked vocals and that cool little jazzy breakdown between the verses. “The Gloaming” is like a ghost taking a nap.
Even stranger, my favorite songs are all in a little clump in the last third. Right after the aforementioned downers, this suite of winners begins with “There, There,” the lead single. Featuring one of the loveliest, slightly gritty guitar lines in the catalogue and a chorus lyric (“Just ‘cause you feel it, doesn’t mean it’s there”) that stings, if not like a knife in the heart, than maybe like a sharpened icicle in the lower abdomen. “I Will” is one second shy of 2 minutes, but there is beauty in the utter simplicity of gently-strummed electric guitar and three-part Yorke harmony. It’s the soundtrack to staring into a dying fire. And it transitions right into “A Punchup At a Wedding,” slinky and pissed-off at once, sitting next to “You and Whose Army?” as the straight-up coolest piano numbers. One of these days, mark my words, I will master it, because it’s just fairly repetitive chords. But the distinct rhythm of the pounding on the keys has always slightly eluded me.
The escalating tension of this killer suite boils over in crunchy, foreboding synth and aggressive drums on “Myxomatosis.” “I— don’t— know— why I— feel so— tongue… tied” is, I believe, the exact cadence of the chorus, and I can identify with those moments when the churning chemical processes make articulate expression impossible.
15 years on, Thief remains hard for people to pin down. Though there are a few “angry” songs, the material is not explicitly about political leaders or Blair or Bush. That title pun was read as a pissy, middle finger salute as on-the-nose as a Banksy, despite any statements made by the band members to downplay that interpretation. Unlike the albums that made their name, this collection of songs lacks an over-arching thematic focus, which may still hurt its legacy. But I will continue to argue passionately for the music’s inherent strength. The follow-up, released four years later, requires no such defense.
In Rainbows (#178) was my introduction to Radiohead. It has and will probably fulfill that same purpose for a lot of others. From 2007-2010, I was in college, majoring in film production and spending a lot of time in a windowless room filled with iMacs. I give you the range of years, because I’m not positive just how fresh the surprise late-’07 digital release of that album was when my friend Seth handed me the thumb drive in that iMac editing lab. College is a time to experiment with new experiences, you see, and I really only followed that credo when it came to dadaist TV comedies and ponderous rock bands. So in that sterile environment, when I should have been working, I put in earbuds instead.
“15 Step” began with clapboard beats played through a glitchy hard drive. Thom lamented another repeat of the vicious cycle. Then Jonny’s guitar came in, soft and inviting as your pillow, bolstered by Colin Greenwood’s nimble bass. A sample of schoolyard cheers, and then we stepped off the sheer drop. The rest of the album was what I saw as I fell and hit the ocean’s surface, a sort of “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” if the man dreamt of the noose tightening anyway. “Nude” is the haughty confirmation of the protagonist’s fear in “There, There”— “Don’t get any big ideas, they’re not gonna happen” is the lilting, falsetto admonishment. It shares DNA with R.E.M.’s “Tongue” from 1994’s Monster, to the point of sibling rivalry. But Michael Stipe’s feminine protagonist on that tune feels like an amusing pose in comparison.
To continue both the R.E.M. connection and the falling man’s dilemma, the split title of “Weird Fishes/Arpeggi” acknowledges the rapid, repeating guitar technique that that band’s Peter Buck made a staple, but here it sounds like water rushing overhead. I’m sinking deeper, but I’ve determined that the way out is through. By the time the clacking boneyard beat and flickering piano of “Videotape” laid the album to rest back in that college computer lab, I felt like I’d been through something. That some synaptic pathways had been rewired by a piece of art in that way that becomes neurologically harder and harder to achieve again as the years go by. The hypnotic draw of this series of songs is impossible to shake even after an ensuing near-decade of revisitation.
By the time The King of Limbs (#179) leaked onto the web in 2011, Radiohead had been taking over my brain one used CD purchase at a time. As I collected the discography, marveling at OK Computer and puzzling at Pablo Honey, the security blanket melodies and instrumentation of In Rainbows wriggled in ever deeper. So the murky production, polyrhythmic grooves, and murmured vocals of Limbs were not immediately arresting. “It’s a grower,” I gently warned people when handing them a burned CD-R. Meaning over multiple listens, not over the course of the album: at 8 tracks and 37 minutes, it’s as fleet as a couple of their EPs.
Opener “Bloom” is like the score to a Biblical epic as listened to through a glass pressed to a hotel room wall, all muted horns and a vocal that sweeps like sun rays. “Morning Mr. Magpie” and “Little by Little” are statements of Limbs’ groove-focused identity, and melody-wise tend to blend into each other with little resistance. Where the guitar on Rainbows was a hand to guide you, here it’s another rhythm component, along with the doubled-up drum kit: as the band took the songs on the road, they enlisted Clive Deamer to join long-time drummer Philip Selway. Four hands were better than two to create the beds these compositions required.
“Feral” jettisons pop song structure completely as a cut-up chord collage dashed against unstoppable train drums.  “Lotus Flower” is 2/3rds floor-rattling bass, 2/3rds hand-claps, and 2/3rds crystalline falsetto: as mathematically impossible as Yorke’s dance moves in the video. The album closes out with three pastorally pretty and almost terminally mellow numbers: the deep embedded roots of “Codex,” the treetop birdsong of “Give Up the Ghost,” the late Sunday morning wakeup of “Separator.” The melodies are sweet invitations, but I can understand if they sound, in their final produced form, like rock n’roll Ambien. The live arrangements, like those recorded for the “From The Basement” special, are generally thought to breathe extra life into the tunes. The recent Hans Zimmer/Radiohead reimagining of “Bloom” for “Blue Planet 2” makes that song’s cinematic ambitions more readily apparent, as well. But I’ve got a soft spot for any and all versions, and don’t feel any sting of disappointment that TKOL wasn’t In Rainbows Part 2.
The 4-5 year gaps between records has proven an energizing practice for the band’s members as they explore their own projects. Jonny Greenwood created an impressive body of work as Paul Thomas Anderson’s film composer of choice, Yorke (with producer Nigel Godrich in tow) collaborated with Flea on Atoms For Peace and indulged DJ-focused electronica on the self-released Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes. Where Rainbows had drawn inspiration for its sonic approach from the close-miked intimacy of Yorke’s solo record The Eraser (more on that next time), 2016’s A Moon Shaped Pool (#180) has Greenwood’s stellar orchestral composition work threaded throughout. 
Any hazy production cobwebs from TKOL are swept aside by the Bernard Hermann stabbing strings and depth charge bass line of “Burn the Witch,” the true paranoid opus of our surveillance state age. “Red crosses on wooden doors, and if you float, you burn,” Yorke hums and coos, deliberately juxtaposing his trademark vibrating falsetto against the dire warnings. “We Know Where You Live,” stated the cryptic postcards sent to fans, and it was true, because we’ve offered our whereabouts freely to whoever will listen. “Daydreaming” follows its own somnambulant trajectory, with piano that ambles along until periodically the notes catch a long wind, to paraphrase the Feist song, swirling like cel-painted animated leaves. The video closes the gap between Jonny’s prestige film work and his longest-running gig with P.T. Anderson helming a low-key gorgeous M.C. Escher puzzle of Thom moving purposefully through an endless series of doors, spaces, environments.
Before the album dropped, I saw a live clip of Yorke debuting “Desert Island Disk,” just he and his acoustic guitar. The studio version does little to distract from that simple backbone: it’s a sweet, dexterous garden party riff bolstered with gentle drumming and subtle synth washes. “Glass Eyes,” the shortest, most melancholy track, has taken hold like an itch in the mind. Watery electric piano and Yorke’s murmured phone message verses slip through like a dream you struggle to remember the details of, until suddenly the exact angle of a cold gray street corner sparks a complete deja vu, and the heart-rending string section swells.
I’ve taken to playing “The Numbers” at inappropriate volumes, lately. Symphonic rock is nothing new, but it’s rare to hear such a mid-tempo acoustic groove be so suddenly opened up by falling stomach cello courtesy of London Contemporary Orchestra. “We call upon the people / The people have this power / The numbers don’t decide / The system is a lie” is the undeniable political exhortation, and the strings are the wielded tools of revolution: if “Burn The Witch” was a warning against mob rule, “The Numbers” is a rallying cry for positive upheaval.
“True Love Waits,” and there’s no better evidence for that sentiment than the official release of this song from the era of “The Bends.” Live performances and bootlegs through the years featured variations on acoustic guitar or Rhodes piano. Repeated attempts in the studio every few years yielded nothing wholly satisfying. In its final version, closing the album, reverb-laden grand piano and Yorke’s ghostly yearning is joined by glittering ice crystal notes that steadily accumulate. In my head I see the scene from A.I. in which the artificial boy, David, patiently and gratefully beholds the Blue Fairy, as his systems freeze into a thousand years of sleep. Melancholy become manifest.
In the next entry, I’ll jump out of alphabetical order to revisit two of Thom Yorke’s extracurricular activities.
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allyinthekeyofx · 8 years
Fading Light - Part 4 - 1/4
PART ONE  -  Chapters 1-6
PART TWO  -  Chapters 1-6
PART THREE  -  Prologue & Chapters 1-6
PART FOUR  -  Prologue
We made the remainder of the trip back to DC without further head-injury-induced incidents. In fact, we made it back to DC without really anything at all.
We had finally left our position by the lake and returned to the warmth of the cabin and while Scully had seemed a little quiet, even introspective, I didn’t really think too much of it. I put it down to the emotional rollercoaster she had spent the last few weeks riding around and around without the benefit of a safety harness, not to mention the punishing days and nights she had spent keeping vigil over me and the egg sized lump that was still visible through my hair.
By unspoken agreement we both wound up in the king size bed. Scully’s curtained alcove and small single was downgraded unceremoniously to a place to dump our luggage and I spent the next six or so hours with my arms wrapped around her feigning sleep as right beside me she did exactly the same. I wondered briefly if she was pissed that I hadn’t made any kind of move on her; but I quickly nixed the idea. Scully is a doctor, none practising sure but a doctor nonetheless and she is as adept at reading my state of health as she is at cataloguing the stomach contents of a recently deceased stiff, right down to individual pizza topping and whether they had a preference for thick crust or thin and crispy. And given the magnitude of the headache I’d experienced earlier which still echoed distantly behind the four-hourly pain meds she had insisted I took whether I felt I required them or not, I think we both knew that my brain needed all the blood it could get right now and to send it rushing south would in all probability cause me to pass out. 
Not exactly how I wanted to reintroduce myself to her it was fair to say.
But as the night wore on, the emotional connection we had shared just a few hours before as I held her beneath the stars, began to fade, in fact I swear I could actually hear the sound of bricks clinking together as she quietly and thoroughly began building her walls back up even as she laid there beside me; the patented Dana Scully fortress that she is so adept at hiding behind, throwing up the drawbridge and readying herself to defend it from both friend and foe; effectively shutting herself off.
But for the life of me I couldn’t figure it out because the feeling I got from her as that long night wore on, the vibe if you like, was achingly similar to how she had been right back at the beginning of our partnership; the way she had resolutely set her jaw and insisted over and over again that she was fine. Always fucking fine and it’s a pattern that has repeated itself more times than I care to remember over the years, the difference being though that as time has wore on I have always been able to see past her denial and to a certain extent ignore it; my analytical mind able to see inside hers and break down her tightly guarded emotions in to easily manageable chunks to work on individually until her defences eventually crumble. She has always given me that at least. Until that night, as I held her in my arms, soft and pliable against me, for the first time in our long and complex relationship, I couldn’t read her. So completely had she retreated from me that she may as well have been in another room rather than breathing quietly beside me.
And even when I had whispered her name, a question in my tone that pierced the silence between us and hung in the air, awaiting some kind of response from her, there was nothing.
I had hoped – no expected – that by the time dawn heralded the coming of a new day, she would have had a chance to process; to start to catalogue recent events in that singularly perspicuous way of hers. Using her rationalisation like a protective shield to explain her own version of the unexplainable; but truthfully she seemed as empty and as lost as I have ever seen her. To an outward observer she would have appeared completely normal in the way she fussed over me; ensuring I ate, drank, took my meds. Her hand on my forehead checking me for any signs of fever, lightly berating me when I admitted to feeling a little nauseous during the drive home because I hadn’t mentioned it earlier.
Stopping the car so we could take a walk in the fresh air, entwining her hand in mine because it was what she felt was expected of her, not because she wanted to and all the time she smiled that smile at me with her lips but not her eyes. 
Oh yeah, normal didn’t really cut it right now.
By the time we arrived at my apartment, my apartment not hers, she looked like she was about ready to break into pieces in front of me. Fatigue had begun to strip away her carefully created facade of normality and truthfully I think that maybe, just maybe, if I’d pushed hard enough I might have got to the core of what was bothering her so deeply that she felt the need to shut me out completely. But knowing her like I do I was also painfully aware that if I even went just the tiniest degree over what she might be comfortable divulging, that she would rebuild those damn walls quick time this time replacing bricks with reinforced steel girders and then there would be no reaching her at all.
So, trusting my instincts in the complete absence of anything else remotely tangible I backed right off. Both physically and emotionally; giving her the space she obviously desperately needed.
And to a certain degree at least, it worked. She became slightly less guarded over the following days although she still kept me at arm's length, calling every few hours to make polite small talk as to how I was feeling, was I sleeping, eating, taking care of myself? And I was slightly heartened to hear the genuine concern in her voice. Whatever was going on with her, I was pretty sure I wasn’t exactly the cause – at least not in any obvious way.
She had returned to work a couple of days after we returned from Tennessee, a decision that didn’t sit too well with me. Because I knew, oh yeah I knew, that the minute she arrived in our office, she would gravitate straight to the damn filing cabinet and pull out the file that bore her name, a file that had continued to thicken as the years went on, neatly type-written sheets that coldly catalogued just what the cost of my quest had been on her. The abduction, her coma, her sister, her cancer, the children created from that which had been stolen from her even as she came to terms with never becoming a Mother herself, the insidious way in which her life had been invaded, casually used and then discarded as though she were merely a lab rat to be experimented on, a pawn in a game that seemingly had no standard principles of behaviour; or at least not in any tangible way.
She had read through the file before, several times, and each time I had seen how it affected her as she resolutely refused to discuss it with me. I had never pushed her; maybe I should have.
Even better than that, maybe I should have removed the fucking thing from the office and burned it long ago. Because whatever she might feel whenever she read it, she could never be defined by what was in that file, that she was more, so much more than a fucking X- File. I should have removed it; destroyed it. But I hadn’t. In fact, that piece of folded cardboard now bore witness to the events of the last seven months by the new reports I had added. And by doing so I had added substance to her fears that everything that she would ever be was all bound together in that terrifying bundle of photographs and paper.
She would never tell me she had read it; of that I was fairly certain. But I just knew. I just knew that she would use this opportunity to pore over it whilst I was out of the picture on medical leave; waiting for my battered brain to stop playing depth perception tricks on me and for the headaches to abate.
So in all honestly, as much as I had hoped it wouldn’t happen, I was unsurprised when her tightly constructed armour began to unravel and she went in to freefall although I was slightly surprised at the methods she had chosen.
My cel had rung at just before eleven o’clock and initially, since I couldn’t immediately think who else would call me at all, let alone at such a late hour, I had assumed it was Scully. As it turned out I couldn’t have been more wrong because actually, the voice on the other end of the phone belonged to Mike Calvert, the owner of Callahan’s – a bar that Scully and I often frequented after a particularly trying day, a way to unwind before heading home. We generally didn’t stay for much more than an hour at a time – just enough time for me to down a beer and Scully to daintily work her way through a spritzer or tall glass of something feminine and Scullyesque. Neither of us were big drinkers.
Yeah right.
Mike sounded vaguely embarrassed as he apologised for calling me, explaining that he had pulled my number off Scully’s phone and would I mind coming and picking her up because currently she was too drunk to stand and well, he needed to shut up shop for the night.
She was drunk. Not tipsy, not gently inebriated or wobbly on her legs.
No, Scully was apparently drunk enough to be gravitating towards unconsciousness or the back of a police cruiser, whichever happened to come first.
I was off the sofa and grabbing my car keys before he had even finished speaking.
Christ almighty Scully what the hell are you doing?
Continued chapter 2
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jackpot807 · 5 years
Hardman pt. 3
The armor-clad soldier pressed his hand down on Hardman’s shoulder, forcing him to his knees beside his family. His mother, father and brother were there along with the rest of the town, and they were all at the mercy of the Union’s army of ‘peacekeepers’.
  Before him was their commander. His military dress, shoes, hat, and his cloak were all white.
  Hardman thought it was a disgusting mockery. How can a man so evil wear that color?
  The commander was flanked by his androids, the lithe and fast super soldiers that tore Czechoslovakia to pieces the past several months. Their white, unchanging faces were perhaps the most frightening visage the child Hardman had ever seen. The cold look in their eyes will be burned into his memory forever.
  “The war is over! Today marks the day humanity is finally united!” Commander Redfield shouted over the crowd.
  Redfield was the regional commander of the Human Union military. He reported back to the general staff of the old UN. Hardman and his people have been the biggest thorn in his side all these years, and for them to finally fall…
  That son of a bitch just had to be here to watch them squirm, didn’t he?
  Hardman was scared. He was furious. He was defeated, and dejected and ruined and devastated and humiliated and hopeless and every other word in the book at this very moment, on the ground with the remnants of his people.
  His mother was whispering to them, “Keep your eyes down. Don’t say a word, Jack.” She said with particular reference to Hardman. He was very foul mouthed at the Union, but those days are long gone, now. He didn’t have the spirit for it, anymore. It’s been strangled out of him.
  Now all that’s left is a hollow shell of a child at the mercy of…
  Hardman looked down and forced the tears back into him.
  My family…
  The Commander’s victory speech fell on deaf ears as Hardman fell into himself.
  My people…
  The Commander raised an arm, Hardman barely registered him speaking at this point.
  Some of the soldiers came into the ground and took most of the people away. Hardman was catatonic by the time they came for his family.
  “NO! PLEASE DON’T I HAVE TWO K-” he heard his mother scream before she saw Hardman’s own brother was being taken as well.
  His mother.
  His father.
  His big brother.
  He looked up and saw them all being taken.
  By the men in white.
  He looked up with wide, empty eyes. Bewildered and lost.
  “JACK WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!” His mother yelled amongst the chaos of families being torn apart.
  They lined them against the wall.
  “CLOSE YOUR EYES, JACK!” His father shouted.
  He closed his eyes…
Hardman shot up in his bed. He forgot where he was for a moment, the residue of that damn nightmare washing over him like fire.
  In a moment the moaning and the smell brought him back to reality. Which one was worse?
  He was in the stadium where they used to play football. Only now it’s been made into a triage center for all of New Pangea. And it was clearly not doing any good. He suppressed the urge to throw up right there. His ribs and his arms burned with his motion.
  But he had to get up.
  He had to help these people.
  He wrapped his arm around his ribs to keep them from moving too much. He had to find the autoDoc or maybe some medical paste. Something to get himself fixed up. Because nobody hear clearly has any idea what they are doing. Maybe all the doctor’s are dead. But then where are the droids?
  He forced himself to not acknowledge the horror that was surrounding him.
  The dead.
  The dying.
  The screaming and the crying.
  People hung limp with missing arms and legs. Others shivered like leaves as infection tore them apart from the inside. Some people just stood in the middle of it all, wandering about like lost children.
  Hardman tuned it all out, and yet his heart was still racing from it. The suffering in the air was so thick he could feel it wrap around him like a horrific coat of heat, its hellish breath aching his bones and raking his mind, no matter how hard he tried to shut it out.
  He walked as fast as his wounded legs could carry him without buckling. He would run to the exit if he could have. It was all he could do to just get away from it.
  He looked up and the door was in front of him. He threw it open and slammed it shut behind him. His skin was pale and he was sweating. The two men keeping the door guarded looked at him, confused.
  “Who’s in charge?” He asked.
  “Uh…” One of them said.
  It took them a moment to discern who had a semblance of leadership in this mess. Perhaps it was because they both knew that nobody had any organization going whatsoever. Hell, this triage was only made because of them and a couple other people.
  “I guess that would be Morpheus.” One of them said.
  Hardman could only look at him, Who the hell is Morpheus?
  He knew just about everyone on this ship that had some position. And that name wasn’t in his memory whatsoever.
“Where is Morpheus?” He asked.
  One of them looked down the hallway, saying “Head down there, take the first right. Keep going and you’ll see a building with a sign on it that says NP Archives and Neuro Ops”
Wait, they can’t really mean…
  “Okay, thanks.” Hardman said. He quickly made his way down the hallway and into the street that it opened up into.
  Looking up, he saw the dome of New  Pangea was cracked, but intact. The buildings, though, were another problem. He saw that the taller of the skyscrapers were gone, likely slipped over from what he assumes was a crash landing onto the planet. The only thing likely keeping the whole city from collapsing was probably the reinforced carbon beams that he himself engineered.
  Still, though, the damage was extensive. It will take months for things to be cleaned up. And that’s with the cleaning droids and drones. Smoke rose up from various places in the city, dissipating far before they could reach the dome. He could hear various people all around him, coordinating rescue missions and whatnot.
  He knew exactly what building the man had directed him to. The Archives. The base of all of the Giant Leap’s knowledge and the home of the fleet’s neuroaugmentation bays. He regularly checked in there to have his implant tuned. He and most of the doctors there were…
  Well, they shared similar views on the Union.
  He and the head doctor, Ryan Stess, were on good terms. Hardman might even call him a friend. They were both augmented and enjoyed discussing the finer points of wiring a brain to work at its maximum efficiency. The difference between Stess and Hardman, though, was that Hardman’s own implant was a highly illegal processor that gave him superhuman intellect. Stess simply had a neural uplink to his CEL cradles, which could, in essence, read minds.
  I hope he’s okay. He thought.
  It wasn’t long before he was in front of the building. Three stories tall and expanding away from the street out of view. Though most of it was underground, so it was likely protected from most of the crash, as New Pangea’s underside was made of hardened carbon.
  The door’s were blown out, though. They lay stacked on top of each other to the side, moved there by someone. Hardman stepped inside.
  Inside was a bustle of talk and movement. Able bodied men and women hustled about with purpose. Some were running. Off to the side Stess was there, instructing a crowd of people CPR. He had a dummy on a table, and he was pressing down on its chest rhythmically.
  “...So the goal here is to jumpstart the heart again. If you can keep a repetitive pace, the blood might circulate enough to get the critical systems of the body to work again.” He was finishing the lesson with all the articulation and precision that only a man with his years could achieve. Hardman propped himself against a wall, doing his best not to look like he was grievously wounded, and watched.
  Stess noticed him the moment he came in, but continued his lesson.
  “...But it’s a crude method. One that should only be used as a last resort. Use the defibrillators that my people have distributed. It will provide an electrical current to the heart. It has a much better chance of getting the heart itself to work, not just to get the blood flowing. Two birds with one stone, yes?” He said with that Georgian accent that he did so well to hide. But Hardman heard it.
  The crowd all nodded.
  “I need to attend to something. Jessica, I need you to take over.” He said.
  One of his aids came and took his place. Hardman remembers her face. She was a nurse, if he remembers correctly.
  Stess was coming over to him. His greying hair was clinging to his head from the sweat. Hardman could see the creases forming around his eyes from where he stood. He clearly hasn’t slept for days.
  “Jack…” He said, extending a hand out.
  Shaking it, Hardman replied, “It’s good to see you, Ryan.”
  “I thought you were dead. Nobody saw you for days and we all just assumed you didn’t survive the crash. What happened?” He asked.
  “I was in the Palisade building when things got bad. I was taking the staircase when the whole building just came down on all of us.”
  “Shit. That’s a lot of building to be trapped under. I’m sorry to hear that.”
  Hardman wondered if anyone else in the building got out, yet.
  “Do you know what happened?” Stess asked.
  Taking a moment, Hardman replied, “I haven’t had time to get my people together and assess what happened, but I’m positive there was some catastrophic failure in New Pangea’s engines. Tethys probably got us out of a dive and we crash landed on Atlas.”
  “Yea, Tethys. I can’t get her. I think her network was severed by the crash.” Stess said.
  Nodding, hearing him, Hardman said, “Okay. She’s my next stop. I’m going to see if she can use the intercoms so I can get all of my people regrouped.”
  Stess nodded back.
  “I should go now. The sooner the better.” He said, turning to leave.
  “Jack.” Stess said.
  Hardman stopped where he was, turning to look back at the disheveled doctor.
  “Be safe out there. These people need you.” Stess told him.
  Hardman looked down at the dirty floor. It used to be so clean you could see yourself in it…
  “Thank you, Stess. I’m very glad that you are still here with us today.” He said.
  Giving a solemn smile and a firm nod, Stess turned back to his work. Hardman left for the central network, deep in the guts of New Pangea.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Macross and Escaflowne Creator Shares the Secrets of his Genre-Defining Creativity
Shoji Kawamori may be the most famous name in mecha, having invented one of the most famous franchises of the genre in Macross, as well as one of the rare western mecha hits in Escaflowne, and designing mecha for everything from Eureka Seven to Patlabor to Outlaw Star to the Armored Core franchise. Approaching the 40th anniversary of his anime  debut, and with another original anime in Juushinki Pandora soon to premiere, Kawamori visited Otakon 2018 as a guest.
  The ever-industrious creator used the opportunity to deliver two panels, the first was a fascinating look into his creative process, inspirations, and creative philosophy based on the concept of transformative ideas titled “Originality & Mecha Design” and the second a comprehensive “History of Macross.” I also had the pleasure of interviewing Kawamori. By the end of the weekend I had over four hours of recorded audio of Kawamori providing an autobiography of his creative life. I’ve gathered notable points from all three events into a rough chronology including the highlights!
  Kawamori began both panels by touching on his early life,born in the rural Ecchu Gokayama in Toyama Prefecture where he lived until he was three. He experienced a shock when his family moved to the city of Yokohama and he first saw a train, which he credits as the moment he became interested in machines. The story bore a strikingly similar to an aside from one of Kowamori’s anime Earth Maiden Arjuna, in which the chief of a nuclear power plant claimed witnessing a train as the moment he developed a passion for science that lead him to become a nuclear technician.
You may be familiar with a certain film inspired by Thunderbirds' style
  When it comes to his fascination with mecha, Kawamori’s recounted watching Thunderbirds as a child. He jokingly claimed his preference for transforming mecha may have come out of necessity. His father bought him Fischertechnik blocks which, while more versatile than many of it competitors in the toy industry, were prohibitively expensive. Left with a limited amount of materials that provided many points of articulation eventually resulted in him building designs that had multiple variations to maximize their use.
  Kawamori’s inspirations were diverse and unexpected, often credited both aesthetically and holistically contributing toward some aspect of his eventually design philosophy. Kawamori was impressed with the Isuzu 117 Coupe, designed by a legend of the automotive industry, Giorgetto Giugiaro, and credits that specific model with his realization that a designer can have influence over the final product. Another personal inspiration was the ambition of the Apollo project, which he watched on TV in the 3rd grade.
  He was very open about his desire for originality and revealed an intensely competitive mindset, not only with other creators, but also himself. Too proud to build the pre-designed model kits of his peers, he learned to make his own out of paper. Kawamori recounted that he and Kazutaka Miyatake were locked in competition for over a year that ultimately lead to the design of Macross’ unique GERWALK. Kawamori also shared how near Macross had come to ending in 1987.
  Having made a TV series, movie, and OVA, Kawamori felt he’d touched on each possibility for the franchise and didn’t want to cover old ground. With the encouragement of a friend and several years worth of pleading by Studio Nue to continue the franchise, Kawamori decided he’d give himself a week to either completely revolutionize the series or let it die if he was unable to come up with any ideas.
  Describing the outcome in almost apologetic terms, Kawamori admitted he came up with not one, but two ideas. In his last effort to avoid returning to Macross, he demanded Nue allow him to make both or threatened he would make neither. To his surprise, they enthusiastically agreed, leading to Macross 7 and Macross Plus as two completely new takes on the core concept. Kawamori mentioned that, at the time, his peers joked about the idea of a virtual idol becoming popular, to which he believes hisstory has shown that they "vastly underestimated the power of otaku."
  Despite working creatively on everything from settings to narratives to the literal nuts and bolts of their robots across mediums including anime, video games, and toys, Kawamori has managed to find enough time to ponder the nature of creativity itself. He described what he believes are the two types of originality, which he referred to as “Inspirational Originality” essentially a foundationally transformative idea that inspires others and “Unique Personality” which involves putting a personalized take on an existing idea.
  Perspective was one of his described necessities for design, with him going so far as to stand up on his chair as an allegory to how climbing in a tree as a child provided him with a unique viewpoint, something is entourage seemet do disapprove of. He claimed his new position allowed him to look at the same things in a different way, adding that the inherent risk of falling tends to drive the brain into a mode of dynamic thought.
  Practically, he used the example of his original design for the GERWALK. Again using a physical example, he ran to either side of the stage to display what had inspired the design, getting into his bent-leg skiing stance, he said that he realized mechs have only been given straight leg designs up until that point and he eventually settled upon a digitigrade “reverse-knee” model to give them a unique silhouette.
    In a more general sense, Kawamori has taken steps to develop his unique viewpoint. He spoke of many trips he has taken to the different corners of rural Asia. Originally meant as an escape from the overwhelming amount of media he was assaulted with during his time in America, he found many of his perspectives about the world challenged during his original visit. During a power outage in a village, he noticed the children seemed happier playing on their own than they had looked watching television, causing him to wonder if the introduction of modern amenities was truly improving quality of life as we believed.
  He also described something of a spiritual awakening over the years, witnessing individuals who seemed to have perceptions that couldn’t quite be explained by modern science: sherpas that could spot the expression on a mans face when they were little more than a speck in the distance, or martial artists who seemed to be able to read things about other people through sight alone.
  Kawamori spoke of the role he believed the subconscious plays in creation, believing that the iconic design for the TIE fighters of Star Wars must have grown out the mind from the constant view of the similarly-shaped rear axle of semi-trucks on American highways. Later, he discussed the concept of synchronicity, again in reference to Star Wars, as the reverse-legged AT-STs were being developed around the same time he was originally creating the GERWALK, leaving an open question to the audience. How could two people, separated by thousands of miles, be inspired to create the same design at nearly the same time?
  For all of his higher concepts about the origins of creativity within the human mind, Kawamori has developed a remarkably practical framework for his approach to design work. He pulled up several slides (regrettably photography was prohibited) on considerations regarding the purpose, setting, and medium of the work he will be designing for, listing off concepts like location, culture, physical laws, level of technology, story themes, and the purpose of individual mechs when ideating their designs. Focusing on these differences lead to the more realistically aerodynamic Valkyries of Macross vs the excess of the magically powered Vector Machines in Aquarion.
  Taking it a step further, he also spoke of the medium that his design work would be in. For toys the transformations would need to be realistic and simple enough to easily performed by anyone. Designs for anime required as few lines a possible to make drawing thousands of cels a simpler process whereas manga had fewer limitations. With video games, he spoke of his work with Armored Core, where he paid special attention to the array of boosters on the back of each mech since that’s the part the player would be staring at for the majority of gameplay. Every project has unique opportunities and limitations.
  Along with his panels came a demonstration of the transformation from one of his designs in Juushinki Pandora from motorcycle to mech without compromising the cockpit. He held up a model he’d made out of legos and other materials which served as his prototype. In our interview, Kawamori he admitted he’s a rarity among mech designer making 3D models, mentioning Gundam’s Ogawara as the only other creator he knew of to use this method.
  Kawamori’s panels were enlightening, their structure and his articulate thoughts regarding the nature of creativity showing an individual of exceptional mental meticulousness. When presented with a task, he’d break down every aspect, consideration, and approach, to determine the best course toward a solution, even stepping back from this mental feat to asses his own thought processes and similarly deconstruct them in his relentless pursuit of optimization.
  Matching his intelligence is a relentless work ethic that has evolved into a massive ouvre over the course of his nearly 40 years in the industry. If you’re a fon of anime, it’s nearly impossible not to have been exposed directly to his work. He touched almost all the greatest hits of the Suncoast-era ‘90s anime boom, including Outlaw Star, Ghost in the Shell, and Cowboy bebop. Into the 2000s Kawamori's work continued to appear in high profile anime such as RahXephon, Eureka Seven, and even his own Escaflowne. Kawamori’s original work Macross could be described as just the sort of transformative originality he discussed in his presentation, becoming one of the most recognizable franchises in anime. If you’re planning on playing Devil May Cry 5 next year, he designed the V's robotic arms, the "Devil Breakers."
  It was a rare treat to see Kawamori stateside and he truly went above and beyond in putting together his own panels for the trip, seeming to enjoy the opportunity to discuss his past and his process. Despite his nearly four decades of work, he still moved around the stage with an excess of enthusiasm and energy. Just watching him for five minutes, it’s hard to imagine he’ll be stopping any time soon.
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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Denver Celebration Bus Rental Offer The Very best Solutions For Visitors
Limos arrive in diverse can make, types, dimensions, and colors. Whatsoever is the purpose, be it a marriage, a day, a corporate function, there is a particular variety of a limo that will go well with your wants. So, if you are organizing to get together it up, do not wait to hire a Denver Get together Bus Rental. There is a extensive assortment of party bus limos in which you can pick from. Limos are great for specific events. This elegant and elegant car is a legend. Although not several people have the possibility to very own a limo, there is an reasonably priced and useful way to have a classy ride with limos. Thanks to limo solutions and rentals. The open area in a Denver Celebration Bus Rental allows every person else to stand and functions are mainly about standing. Unless it is a sitting down party, folks will social gathering it up dancing and touring just about everywhere. For celebration animals out there, loud and bright leisure methods are celebration requirements. There is definitely nothing cooler than partying in a elegant celebration bus limo at evening. Parties are packed with routines, vitality, and exciting. That is just not feasible, nevertheless, in a reduced roof limo. That is why there are celebration bus limos specifically created for this objective. These are a great deal far better than a conventional limo for parties. It is usually sensible to plan a route and pick 1 which is less tiring. Some Denver Party Bus Rental makes too many stops, which could be practical for some even though not comfortable for others, who have a prolonged distance journey. It is crucial to plan this simply because often going straight to the destination can be tiring if the journey is extended. Make positive that you tell your bus rental firm and the driver of your expected tour. Just before you choose a Denver Party Bus Rental service, safety should be your principal problem as there may possibly be youngsters and family members on the bus. The doors and windows of the bus should have a excellent locking program and stability. Also a single need to verify the driver's document and license prior to booking the bus on rent. A ideal bus rental provider need to be the one particular that guarantees passenger protection and a relaxed ride to the spot on time. The prom is possibly the most awaited moment for substantial faculty college students. All teens want to go their promenade in type, which generally includes driving or renting a nice auto. Leasing a limo is a excellent concept since you can share it with other pals and conserve money by splitting the value. There is Denver Limo Rental for prom night time on the market place and you ought to know how to pick which rental is excellent. Initial of all, figure out the maximum quantity you and your pals are willing to commit and agree on the pickup level so that every person can meet up with there. This is important to help save time and keep away from extreme charges. Talk about and choose about the sort of limo the team desires to hire. Check out the neighborhood promenade Denver Limo Rental to see if any of them have the desired limo and establish if the rental price fulfills your spending budget. If you do not head likely with any type of limo, as prolonged as it is in very good situation and cost-effective, then you can start browsing to see the limos they have and decide which one particular you want. When planning to use a limo, or a number of automobiles for the duration of an function or situation, it's essential that the shopper finds one particular that delivers the most competitive or cost-effective Denver Limo Rental support. Although you never want to reserve your possibilities based on price on your own you also need to make confident that the automobiles you hire would be in ideal operating condition, to stave off any undue problems or worries. The Denver Limousine Rental solutions had been acknowledged to serve the wealthy, substantial course people, celebs, carrying the president or chief visitors and sometimes the newlyweds. Nevertheless the concentrate shifted and now limousines are obtainable for a wide range of events. Organizations frequently have to transportation their clientele, visitors or might want to vacation to some meeting. To make a first perception extended long lasting you should employ the service of a limousine rental services. Numerous limousine rental providers now have agreements with golf equipment and they will just take you from night club to evening club and you can take pleasure in their specialties. The usual limousine used by party goers is a hummer limousine which is equipped with disco lights, high tech audio method and other feats that make it a night club on wheels. You will uncover by yourself in an unending realm of fun all night prolonged. Limousine solutions supply an in depth array of alternatives for all individuals not just abundant and company course. You can have a limousine that fits the function you are choosing it for by deciding on the exterior and the interior styling. You will easily identify the greatest Denver Limousine Rental providers you need for that best transportation on the internet any time of day or evening. Prior to you e-book one you need to see the limousine images, the facilities on supply, the gown code for chauffeurs, the timings, everything that is incorporated in the package deal. As soon as you are content then e-book a limousine early or you may miss the best cars around your marriage ceremony dates. Proms are held in spring so if you are location a date in spring much better have a booking earlier. Wedding is the most unforgettable day of any couples lifestyle. For many months the only factor that retains them hectic is how to make the marriage much more specific. Apart from every thing thing else, a limousine will incorporate some additional flavor to all the specialties they arrange. Marriage ceremony limousines specifically embellished for the job are a component of Denver Limousine Rental. The standard limousine deal will of system have a driver and some beverages for the bride and groom nevertheless there are still things that you should be ensured of such as the driver will be on time and he will be properly dressed. Navigate to this website for getting far more data connected to Denver Celebration Bus Rental. Have a strategy in mind to enjoy a luxurious and elegant experience? No issue what variety of journey you are seeking for, the first factor that strikes in brain for this kind of a ride is a Limousine. Hiring a Limo is a challenging activity. Occasionally folks misjudge in deciding on the correct Limo provider and may stop up compromising with what they have acquired. There are numerous aspects that need to have to be deemed even though picking Limo provider. Proper from the variety of celebration to the type of Limo you are searching for. Searching for an unforgettable evening for you and your close friends? Go out for a night on the city and rent a party bus. Avoid driving whilst consuming with a much better option that will give absolutely everyone you know a night time to keep in mind. With your spot in mind, get prepared for the journey of you and your buddies lives. Celebration bus rentals are a far better option than limos and a great deal a lot more exciting. Give us a phone when you are ready to discuss about renting Get together Bus providers! Choose what sort of encounter would like to get on a joyful support and share the same with the Limousine support. Whether it really is liquor or using tobacco, pickups or drops, typical route or some other route, share all your ideas with the provider company so that they will aid you satisfy your needs. Check if the Limo is comfortable or not. When the function is nearing, contact the services and validate your reservation. No matter what you requested for, get everything in creating just before you use your credit history card. A agreement should be manufactured such as all the particulars you questioned for and what they would be offering. Selecting the appropriate Limo typically relies upon on the sort of celebration. Limo solutions quote charges depending on the occasions. No subject what type of celebration it is, Limo support is there to give you joyful experience. For each and every celebration, Limos are custom-made as for each the occasion. Limo also offer you discount deals based on the function you are seeking for, so do not hesitate to ask for it.
Usually when you contact, our buyer treatment division will definitely at first ask you the working day and also time in which you call for solution. This will help us drastically because of to the simple fact that we could tighten it down each 1 of your obtainable options. After that, we could even much more winnow down the alternatives accessible based mostly upon your other selections. After we have offered you with your quotation you will definitely have the selection to ebook or, you could shop all around. Additionally, we urge you producing a check out in advance in and also examine out our social gathering buses. We want you to understand exactly just what you might be obtaining well in advance of your actual answer day. cheap limo rental near me Limousines are regarded enjoyable as effectively as extravagant. There are a number of reasons individuals prefer to work with a limo services. Whether or not, it is for senior promenade, a wedding occasion, a funeral provider, or merely easy riding in style, folks like to have the elegant of driving in a Limo. There are Limousine providers that you could employ the service of. However, when it pertains to utilizing a limo provider, it comes down to a few items the good quality of the limo, the cost, as effectively as the remedy of the limo answer by itself. Your limo must search as wonderful as you do on that specific exclusive celebration. A limo can make you seem and truly feel like a millionaire and it gives you included area in the car and also a secure journey. Limo companies are chosen. So, you will surely intend to book Limo solution when you can. The a lot quicker you could routine the limo, the much more possible you are to have a constructive limo experience. Your occasion is distinctive, so selecting the perfect limo answer is essential. Obtaining the acceptable limo answer will take some time and also analysis. If you have the moment to do the perfect analysis review, you will definitely uncover the proper limo answer. cheap limo rental near me No issue the celebration or dimension of the social gathering, there is a limousine that is appropriate for you. Not just that, most limo motorists are trained to offer with special teams this kind of as junior proms, and above the leading wedding occasion functions. Most limo motor vehicle motorists are educated to deal with special activities exactly where alcoholic beverages consumption and unruly conduct will be included. That's why when you are deciding on Limousine for employ you must inspect the historical past of the chauffeur. Verify how significantly time they have in fact been a motor vehicle driver, have they had a DUI's or a thoroughly clean driving document. You intend to make confident the limo provider you make use of is legit and also has no statements compared to them. When seeking for the suitable Limo provider, ask your loved ones and buddies associates for referrals. Folks who have truly employed limo services in the past and also are genuinely totally content with services are the very greatest type of ad for the limo answer. Denver Limousine Rental Your loved ones and friends customers will be ready to explain to you relating to their limo knowledge, and any man or woman who has ridden in a limo will undoubtedly bear in head the encounter. They will surely constantly have the two positive and adverse points to tell you about the limo. Inquiring your loved types participants for limo tips is the best location to start when you are contemplating a limo resolution for your transport requirements.
We have the best and best alternative of Social gathering Bus and also Limos in our location, and source the most effective resolution close to! Our automobiles are at your disposal, no subject the situation. We find that one of the most well known events that may very best use a Party Bus or Limo would be wedding activities, a evening out on the town, birthday parties, bachelor and also bachelorette parties, sporting functions, performances, as properly as a whole lot a lot more. There has not previously been an celebration but, that we couldn't source excellent provider for ... We furthermore offer price cuts as nicely as exclusive bundles based upon the moment, situation, or season. Give us a contact at any time! At Party Bus support we lease celebration buses and also limousine buses all throughout the location. Our provider location includes Washtenaw and bordering regions. If you have a particulars issue associating with which places we run, or if you remain in the location and want to ask about celebration bus rental, do not be reluctant to give us a contact today!
Make a decision for how many hours Limo provider is essential. Most of the Limo companies charge on an hourly foundation. If you are searching out for a party bus to go for a extended trip, then program for the amount of several hours essential. Denver Limo Best Party Bus Rentals in Denver Colorado It is critical to decide how several men and women will be making the most of the experience. Limo can accommodate four to five passengers and some up to twenty travellers. If you are seeking for a deluxe and substantial-class ride, then decide for a best a single and request your pals if they would like to share. We put a good deal of time and hard work into making an inexpensive and memorable journey for you, and there are so numerous variables that go into that procedure. We commence off with the optimum top quality buses, and that certainly makes a big difference. Due to the fact our functioning costs are decrease, so are your total rental charges. This allows you to get benefit of all of the savings! We also verify all the Social gathering Bus companies' costs and remain underneath them so you will not have to commit time studying prices. And ultimately, we adore to share funds-saving guidelines with our clients. If you give us a get in touch with we'll allow you know the very best days and occasions of 12 months to book Party Bus vacation to save money! And we are going to also probably have special offers for you, depending on the time of year and the type of celebration that you are arranging. We suggest that you give us a get in touch with correct now to talk about the ideas you have, and we can notify you a handful of approaches in which you can conserve even a lot more funds whilst performing so. Limousine is a party bus organization that has been serving this spot for several years now, supplying large top quality transportation service to all sorts of functions including large faculty and school graduations, birthday functions, bachelor and bachelorette events, weddings, anniversary functions, sweet sixteen get-togethers, quinceaneras, and so significantly much more. We work so difficult to give a unforgettable expertise for our buyers, and we hope that we will be capable to depend you amongst that number of happy buyers quite shortly! Our fleet of buses is extremely comprehensive — just normally takes a look at our cars page to see pictures and data for every single and each celebration bus that we own. Limousine has worked hard to maintain these buses managed in beautiful condition, and we insert new buses to our fleet as usually as we probably can. We're also always upgrading the features in our buses and incorporating new benefits and extras for our customers. We have been in a position to run a productive company for all of these several years with no advertising and marketing, many thanks to the term of mouth of our customers. It truly is exceptional to have that come about in company today, so we want to prolong our many thanks to all of you for all the sort words above the years. Even with all the extravagant attributes that we offer you, it looks that the most important factor to our consumers are the insurance policies insurance policies, the checks that our chauffeurs have to go just before we employ them, and all of the protections that we place into place to make certain that you are secure on the road. Each time you are ready to talk to us about booking your social gathering bus excursion, just give us a get in touch with at the variety at the prime of this page. You can also send out us an e-mail, and we will be positive to get back to you as quickly as possible. Thanks for going to, and remember to bookmark our page so that you can often locate us every time you require us!
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