#they are so tiny and cute
love-is-a-pearl · 4 months
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a small collection
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phasmophobie · 10 months
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Wann bin ich je verschwunden?, hatte sie gefragt. Jedes Mal, hatte er antworten wollen. Jedes Mal, wenn er sich nichts weiter als ihre Nähe gewünscht hatte, war sie ihm entglitten. Jedes Mal, wenn er die Augen aufschlug und aus einem schweißtreibenden Albtraum erwachte, war sie verschwunden. Jede Erinnerung an sie war trotz ihrer Anwesenheit qualvoll gewesen, denn es würde nie wieder so sein. Er hatte sie verlassen, statt eine Lösung zu finden. Er hatte sie nicht wirklich retten können. Dies war bloß eine Flucht, so wie es Feiglinge taten. Seine Unfähigkeit sich zu behaupten, hatte ihm sein Augenlicht genommen und aus ihm einen Idioten gemacht. Er konnte nichts sehen und wäre so erst recht nicht in der Lage, sie so wirklich beschützen zu können. Pavel überkamen viel zu viele Ängste, die er nicht ordnen konnte. Er war wütend über sich selbst, er war noch immer wütend über Billy, er konnte nach wie vor das brennende Fleisch riechen und spüren, die Stimmen erinnerten ihn an sein Versagen, und er fürchtete, dass Daria ging. Es gab diverse Gründe, weswegen er ihr dies zutrauen könnte. Einerseits, weil er sie nun nicht mehr vollumfänglich beschützen könnte, weil er nun bloß vor sich hin jammerte wie ein erbärmlicher Verlierer, weil sie sich vor ihm fürchten könnte, weil sie glaubte, dass sie schuld war, weil sie behauptete, ihn so schützen zu können. Vielleicht, ganz gleich ob er übermäßig eitel war oder nicht, wäre er nun nicht mehr das, was sie lieben könnte. Er liebte sie zwar nicht wegen ihres Aussehens, konnte aber das Bedauern nicht unterdrücken, sie nicht mehr sehen zu können. Er liebte sie in Gänze, das schloss ihre braunen Locken ein, ihre Sommersprossen, das Silber in ihrer Iris. All die Monate waren umsonst gewesen, nur weil er Gnade walten lassen wollte. Weil er gezögert hatte. Weil er Billy verschont hatte — bis er ihm keine andere Wahl gelassen hatte, richtig? Er hatte es so gewollt und er bekam, was er verdiente, wenngleich Pavel den Tod noch für zu gnädig hielt.
Words cannot describe how happy I am with this piece. Another commission by Oriato for another alternate universe @caughtbetweenworlds and I are writing. It's a rather sad one and more than once we paused the writing due to massive angst. #belasto As last time: do not steal or repost or copy or whatever. These two cutie-patooties are Daria and Pavel and no one else. <3
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phantasos-talks · 9 months
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nikkinelson1313 · 5 months
which view is your fav?
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futurebird · 5 months
Wasps so tiny you will question everything.
Imagine being so teeny tiny that you are an endoparasite on *leafhoppers* Leafhoppers are already in the "so small they go unnoticed" category, and you're just a little pest on a minuscule thing.
Of course the group that's most likely to choose this life? The wasps Wasps are some of the smallest insects. There are "fairy flies" that are parasites of the eggs of certain insects.
They are so small that air is "thick" to them and their wings have feathered edges are are oar shaped.
Some fairly flies are so tiny that their neurons are cells without nuclei. They got rid of them to save space. They can still think though... presumably the tiniest little thoughts.
Photo by Alexey Polilov, 2012
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They lay their eggs inside of the eggs of 1-2mm long crop pests.
And... read the article to see what the males are like... they are even smaller somehow, but it's ... disturbing.
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deadeery · 8 months
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egophiliac · 5 months
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I've had a beast of a cold for the last few days, but I wanted to get this out before the new year! while I've sort of made my peace with my first take on Lilia's UM poster, I really wanted to do a version with the new context that chapter 6 gave us. because. c'mon.
(don't worry, Lilia can carry ALL HIS KIDS AT ONCE)
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little rats
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puppetmaster13u · 21 days
Prompt 310
Shadow core Danny? Shadow core Danny with Hazmat AU? Indeed, with a hint of a twist. 
See that hazmat helmet beneath the hood? Yeah that’s erm, that might be his actual face now. It might be able to split open into a proper maw, as he found out during one of the early fights. He thinks it might be a shadow-core thing though, because Fright Knight has something similar, along with the Keeper. Who's apparently a ghost that keeps track of other shadow-ghosts, which, cool. Cool library covered in flesh, nothing spooky there. 
He mentions this? Because apparently even if all ghosts partially feed on emotions, shadow cores need Fear the most. Which, thankfully shadow cores are apparently more rare than he’d expect, so he’s not going to go into a territorial frenzy or something on a bad day, yay! 
But uh, he might… count as a ghostling since he’s only a year dead- in fact he’ll continue to be as such until he’s at least 100 years dead, since he didn’t die as an adult. Which in turn… means he needs even more fear, at least until he’s old enough to generate it on his own. 
So what’s a ghostling to do? Take a trip to one of the most fear-soaked cities in the world, y’know, just a little weekend trip every month. Gotham isn’t that bad, and he can stay invisible- mostly! What’s going to happen, he run into a vigilante? Ha… oh no.
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Girlies will look at the most powerful, most feared by their enemys, most talented, strongest, bravest and basically unbeatable warriors known to mankind in full armor and will go like:
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My 🎀babygirl🎀 my cute little pooksie wooksie baby bear🎀💞🌸🎀
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wltsquareih · 25 days
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Tiny Genya 😭🤏
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crocchompers · 2 months
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nikkinelson1313 · 2 months
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ready to swim?
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noah-price · 3 months
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rainbow-nerdss · 2 months
Buck goes over to Tommy's place late one morning, coffees in hand. They agreed to go out today, maybe go for a walk in a nearby park or something, no solid plans for the day other than spending it together.
When Buck gets there, though, he feels something is wrong. The curtains are closed, for one thing. And when Buck knocks, he doesn't hear any immediate movement towards the door. Usually, Tommy opens the door before Buck even makes it up the drive.
But today, Buck knocks, and he waits.
Had Tommy gotten held late at work? Buck knows he had a shift that was supposed to end a few hours before, but maybe he got stuck with overtime and didn't have a chance to call or text. But his car is there, in the same place it always is, and there hasn't been anything on the news about any major disasters.
Buck knocks again and considers calling or texting when he finally hears shuffling on the other side of the door, then the jingle of keys before the door opens.
Tommy is... A mess, honestly.
His hair is sticking up in every direction, old sweatpants with a hole at the knee, and a worn out old hoodie which Tommy shoves his hands back into the pockets of when he sees Buck.
"Hey, Evan." He swallows, voice think with some heavy emotion. "I'm so sorry, I... I forgot we had plans today, I—" he's hunched into himself, and he looks smaller than Buck's ever seen him.
"Tommy," Buck reaches for him with the hand that isn't holding the coffee cups. "What happened? Are you okay?"
Tommy shrugs, hesitating before stepping aside to let Buck in. "Rough shift," he says after an extended silence. "Everyone... The team all made it out, but... We lost someone. I lost someone."
Buck sets the coffee cups down on the entrance table and pulls Tommy into a hug, tucking his head into his shoulder and holding him tight. Slowly, Tommy's hands raise enough to wrap around Buck's waist.
"I don't think I'm gonna be much company today," Tommy sniffs after a while. Buck can feel a wet patch on his shoulder, but doesn't mention it.
The fact that Tommy trusts him enough to be this vulnerable with feels like something sacred, something he's been searching desperately for. Up to now, Tommy has been the one adjusting to make space for what Buck needs, but it's time for Buck to step up, to be there for Tommy.
"I get it, but I'm here." Buck kisses Tommy's cheekbone, just below his eye and he tastes the salty tang of tears there. "If you'd rather be alone, I-I get it. I can go home, and we can reschedule this. But, Tommy, I don't care if all we do is sit on your couch in the dark, okay? Whatever you need, I'm here."
Tommy holds Buck tighter for a moment.
"Evan," he says, in the same way he always says it. Like it's a something precious and delicate and wonderful. Buck's not sure where it came from, but he adores it.
"What do you usually do after a bad shift?' Buck asks.
Tommy sniffs, and it takes a while to answer. "Usually..." He clears his throat. "Usually I curl up in bed or on the couch and watch a rom-com. I know, it's a little—"
"Don't you dare say it's embarrassing," Buck warns, cupping Tommy's jaw and running his thumb over the stubble there. "Go make yourself comfortable, drink your coffee, pick a movie. I'll make us some snacks and join you in a minute, okay?"
Half an hour later, Buck settles on the couch—the coffee table full of popcorn, chopped vegetables and dips to snack on.
Buck reclines against the arm, and pulls Tommy on top of him, head on his chest. It's a tight fit, but from the way Tommy settles into him, Buck knows it's what he needs.
Tommy hits play, and Buck smiles at the opening monologue. "Love Actually?" He asks.
Tommy makes a sound, a soft sort of hum. "It's... kind of my favourite," he admits.
Buck smiles and kisses the top of Tommy's head, then replaces his lips with his fingers, running them over Tommy's scalp.
"That's really cute."
Tommy nestles in closer to Buck's chest, and neither of them say anything else for a while.
"Thanks," Tommy says, when they're about halfway through the movie. "For staying."
Buck kisses his head again, and Tommy lifts himself up a little so he can turn and kiss Buck on the lips, instead before settling back against his chest.
"Thank you, for letting me stay. For letting me look after you."
The words are on the tip of his tongue as he looks down and watches Tommy turn his attention back to the movie, watches him mouth along to a handful of lines.
I love him, he thinks. He doesn't say it out loud, not yet, but the realisation is soft, and warming, and perfect. And he will say it, soon. When the time is right. And he hopes Tommy will say it back.
For now though, Tommy is like a weighted blanket on his chest, comforting and warm, and Buck's content to just stay here for as long as he can.
They'll put on another movie, finish the snacks, maybe order takeout for dinner later, and Tommy will smile again, will laugh again, will kiss Buck the same way he says his name.
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souvenir116 · 2 months
kissing his baby 🥹
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