#they are the reason i got sick with an autoimmune disease when i was 14 and they still didn't change
scorpion-flower · 1 year
Oh, so my stupid and abusive parents and brother are fighting like crazy for the last couple of months, and my mother got up and left? Lol, see if I care.
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nitr0m-nik · 1 month
Ok I'm gonna rant
I love how my government has made it nearly fucking impossible to live as someone who is disabled and unable to work
I want to move out of my mother's apartment. I want to get away from the giant fucking mess that follows her and my sister everywhere we go. I want to get away from their bullshit. The negativity. The fucking screaming and punching holes in walls. The stomping around because they're angry bullshit. The slamming shit down. The snapping every rime you talk to them. The constant criticisms for talking too quietly or too loud, walking to quietly or too loud, for being depressed or anxious. Having to constantly listen to them complain about everything in life and not being allowed to say that it might be their fault, or that they might be in the wrong, because God forbid someone says anything that insults them. Not being able to be in MY bed in MY room because my sister and I share a room, and she and her boyfriend fight constantly, and she can't control her anger. I've been sleeping on my mother's couch for 3-4 years. I haven't had my own space since 2018. I had a job and was working on getting my own place. I was saving up my money. Then the fucking pandemic happened and I got laid off. A couple months go by, and then BAM I now have an autoimmune disease that's eating away at my nerve ending, which eventually fucking paralyzes me. Now I'm fucking permanently disabled worse than I was before I got sick. Now I have to wait on approval for housing, and that'll take a nice couple of years. I've been getting progressively more and more fucking depressed over the past 6 years, and I feel like it's gotten as bad as it can.
I went online to see what I can do do speed up the pieces of shit in the govt to give me the voucher or something, and there's nothing! If you're disabled by something at some point, but you don't have some sort of already established support system, you're basically dead. They want us to fucking die. There's no money in providing for the disabled, so why keep us alive?
I've talked to 2 different therapists, both of them tried to find ways to get me into my own place for the sake of my mental wellbeing. There's literally nothing they can do. I have a care manager. He can't do anything.
The only advice online for disabled people in need of a place to live is to get some roommates and a job. I can't fucking work. I am not living with anyone after I get away from my family. Why THE FUCK should I have to deal with people IN MY HOME when the reason I want to move out is because there are two fucking slobs that I ALREADY SHARE A HOME WITH??
Mess makes me anxious and depressed. Grime makes me anxious and depressed.
Dirty carpets, smelly ass cat litter boxes, piles of dirty laundry, out in the open, on the floor. Mountains of shit that's being hoarded. Dirty, sticky counter tops, piles of dishes in the sink, on the counters, and on the tables. The holes in the walls from both of them punching and kicking them. The puncture marks from my sister stabbing the wall with scissors. The loose hairs that are everywhere. The piles of my mom's shit on every flat surface that she can find, including the ground.
I've wanted to get away from it for so, so, so fucking long, but now I probably won't be able to. I wanted to be able to live my 20s out happily since I had such a shit childhood, but nope. I feel still feel like I'm 14, trapped with my mother and sister in the same shithole apartment we've lived almost my entire life.
I get told to pray, like I haven't been praying for the same thing since I was a child. Nothing happens. Nothing ever helps. God doesn't listen to me. It doesn't feel like he listens to anyone who actually needs the help. The only people to live happy, fulfilling lives were born into well-off families in wealthy countries. There are people in multiple different countries who are undergoing a genocide. There are millions of homeless people, and those who aren't homeless are on the verge of being homeless. There is a not insignificant amount of people starving to death all around the globe. Multiple countries tipping towards being fascist.
Whatever man I'm so fucking done
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quaranmine · 3 years
sometimes i see very victim-blamey not-very-well-scienced articles that say that the only reason people have autoimmune disease like mine is because they had a trash diet and ate too much fast food. never mind that i was 14 years old when i got sick, and my mom rarely let me eat fast food and normally homecooked meals. of course it's my fault, you see? it's easy to blame dumb americans who eat too many big macs (an actual quote i read once. i have never had a big mac in my life.)
then i go to work in my environmental science field, where my work deals with toxic chemicals, and i read news articles that say stuff like "17% of people [in the US] live near toxic release facilities" and "1 in 6 americans live 3 miles from a toxic waste site." millions of people live in places with lead or other heavy metals contamination in their water or paint or dust in their house. each year more pesticides get banned or restricted as their toxicity for people and the ecosystem is questioned. as of 2010 up to 60% of buildings in the US could have PCB products in it, which is a banned chemical that's a known carcinogen among other awful health affects. there may be 3.1 million PCB-containing fluorescent light ballasts in schools and daycares, and 70% could be leaking and contaminating the air and wood and concrete and bricks of the buildings. many of these toxic chemicals have known affects on people's immune systems, and some have been investigated as potential sources of autoimmune diseases
but it's easier to just blame the individual, isn't it?
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sometimesrosy · 3 years
Rosy, I have been feeling unhappy with my life for a long time now but am not quite sure what to do.
I work at a study center for part time, so from 10:30 to 12:30, then 14:30 to 16:30. I also teach there, so most days I end up going home after 7pm. Some days I go home and teach some more classes for the same study center through the computer, meaning I finish work after 8pm.
Most days I am so tired and just “numb” that I don’t do anything at home. I don’t feel motivated to read, to watch movies, to be with my boyfriend. He cooks, because if he doesn’t, we probably won’t eat.
At the weekends, I normally don’t work but it has happened. I’m usually with huge headaches or feeling sick. Yes, I have the tendency to be sick on the weekends, when I have time.
Most people will say I have a very comfortable life. It’s true, I go in late, have 2 hours for lunch, barely do anything during the part time. But it annoys me so much to not have time for myself... maybe it’s just me who doesn’t know how to manage time. I’d gladly go to work at 8am and not have lunch time if it meant leaving work earlier. I got a bit heavier (I was skinny) during confinement and now I don’t like to look at myself in the mirror but hey, I don’t have time nor energy to go to the gym during the week and during the weekend I’ll be sick!
Honestly I’m not sure what I want to ask. I like to have time to take care of myself, to relax. I want to be able to read and to not feel tired all the time. I was always very sedentary, but also needed super active days at the same time. I signed up for some courses after work, and will try jiu jitsu classes, but I’ve been so tired I don’t know how I’ll keep it up. I don’t want to have a breakdown but I know those things will be healthy for me. Sigh.
I have to tell you that what you are describing doesn’t sound like “being unhappy” with your life. It sounds like depression. Or possibly chronic illness. 
Now depression might be easy to spot here, right? And depression does cause exhaustion... but that’s what I thought I was dealing with for years and it turns out depression was a SYMPTOM for me of chronic illness. I have hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and as I look back over my life, I think I had it the entire time, but it didn’t get critical until recently for... oh... all sorts of reasons. One of the things I had to do was give up gluten-- because it exacerbated my autoimmune issues and also gave me HUGE headaches. I mean, every day. And sometimes laid me out. If you have a tendency to get sick on the weekends when you are off work, it might be your body crashing. And it doesn’t sound like you are overworking, so there might be an issue you need to look into.
I’m not saying that you have hashimoto’s. But I’m saying you should go to the doctor and get tested. Chronic fatigue is real thing, and it might not just be depression or not being happy with your life. And if it is depression, maybe it’s a matter of chemical imbalance, not going to the gym. Not that exercise doesn’t help with depression... because it also does.
Sometimes depression and exhaustion is a matter of changing your perspective and moving forward on your goals and taking care of your body with a good diet and water and sleep and exercise. Sometimes you’re actually ill, and need to see a professional. I wish I had realized that earlier, because my condition got worse while I was thinking I could ‘good habit’ my depression away, and since it’s an auto immune disease, it can actually lead to other, even worse conditions.
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sickcyclist · 5 years
When people ask my what I “do” I talk about my contract work or my volunteer work or my Etsy shop. I never say that there are some days when my only “job” is keeping myself alive. I’m posting this rant because a) it’s therapeutic and b) it shows just how easily the fucked-up medical system can compound the problems of the sick.
Today I woke up with blinding chest pain. This isn’t a new problem—according to my former rheumatologist it’s probably the beginning stages of my autoimmune disease attacking my lungs—but my meds have been working really well to keep it at bay. I’ve been unusually sick for about a week, but I’m sick so often that I generally try to solve the problem myself before going to the doctor. Luckily I have great doctors who work with me to plan in advance for the various common ways that my disease flares. For whatever reason this illness isn’t responding to any of the normal strategies.
I knew there was no way I would get into my GP, today, so I called her nurse practitioner. Turns out they are both out of town for a conference. Kind of a bummer that there’s no backup for the backup person. Urgent care isn’t really set up to deal with my type of illness, so I scheduled an appointment for Monday with the plan to go to the ER this weekend if necessary.
What I really need is to see a rheumatologist, but mine left in July and I don’t get to establish with a new one until January. And I can’t schedule a sick visit until after I’ve had my intake appointment.
So the plan for today became pain pills and rest. But then I realized I’ve been so sick this week that I almost fell behind on filling my prescriptions. I take 5 medications daily and 8 that I use as different problems flare. I credit these meds for saving my life (see above comment about lupus attacking my lungs), so I DO NOT skip doses.
After I submitted the refills I got a notice that my insurance said one was too soon for refill. Upon investigation, I found that my last prescription was wrong. I’ve been on the same dose for years, but this time it was entered as 1 pill per day instead of 2. I know my doctor would fix this in an instant, but if course, she is out of town until Monday. As is her backup.
This med has big time withdrawal problems, so I contacted my pharmacy asking for SIX pills to get me through the weekend. I spent a hour chatting with various representatives on the web and on the phone. I pointed to my rx history and reiterated that I only wanted six pills and would straighten out the rest on Monday. I asked them to look up the information on sudden withdrawal for this drug.
Three people told me no. Finally, a very exasperated pharmacist said I could have the pills for $14. Apparently he was saying no not because it was out of his power to give me the pills, but rather because he thought I wanted them for free. I almost cried at the absurdity.
I have amazing insurance and the best doctors in Helena. I’m educated and organized. I literally get paid to teach people how to be persuasive. I know how to advocate for myself. My husband makes enough money that I don’t have to work (I WANT to, but I don’t have to). We can pay for therapies not covered by insurance and things like grocery delivery and housekeeping so that I don’t feel like a total burden. When I do start to feel better, I won’t have to play catch up. I’ll get to jump right back into running and hiking and traveling and hanging out with my loved ones and doing as much “real work” as I can. I think I might be luckiest sick person on the planet.
But today in turn wore me down, made me want to scream, and made me feel almost paralyzed by my powerlessness.
I desperately want to create something that would help. I dream of a company of care coordinators for those with chronic illness (cancer patients sometimes get this—the chronically ill have less access). We’ll plow through days like this so that the sick person can just try to heal. We’ll only hire sick people because they know better than most how to chip away at the system and, more importantly, they have developed a deep sense of empathy that’s hard to achieve if you haven’t lived with pain (with the exception of close loved ones of sick people—I know you see it). We’ll figure out some creative employment model so that people can work from home with flexible hours when they’re well and keep health insurance (and dignity) when they’re not. We’ll only make as much money as we need to help as many people—employees and clients—as possible. We’ll take care of each other when we’re down and lift each other higher when we’re up.
I know I could make this dream come true if I tried. I just don’t know when I’ll have enough good days to try.
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And on TODAY’S episode of “RHS overanalyzes every little detail about Raven’s existence”....
If Raven’s soul-self protects her from pathogenic illness, and she doesn’t just have A Serious Immune System: it’s an astral protection, somehow. Through some mysterious mechanism, Raven’s soul-self (specifically named as the functional component in this mechanism) prevents “disease” from affecting her.
Yet also canonically doesn’t protect her from the pains she absorbs, or the effects of a bad drug trip. She can’t “absorb” a “disease” from someone else.
Conclusion: it’s specifically Illness-Causing Microorganisms it protects her from, exclusively those In Her Own Body Only.
So I started wondering: What about her gut flora?
Like, you know: natural microorganisms? The built-in bacteria that help with digestion, immune health, stress tolerance, inflammation, and probably a whole lot more we just haven’t discovered yet?
I mean, I’m the fucking adult Poster Child for it, but empaths are Known to Have Digestive Struggles when they’re overwhelmed / not grounding / generally just Being Empaths Around Other People. She probably needs all the good gut health she can get.
But anyways, how does the whole “my soul-self protects me from illness” thing work? Because obviously it doesn’t indiscriminately kill microrganisms or cells. 
Obviously, she has a human digestive system (she does eat, and she does canonically have Blood Type O, which Requires Intestinal Digestion to carry nutrients.)
I mean, arguably you could say demons don’t need gut flora. 8F But even cats and dogs are known to need healthy gut flora. (It’s a Big Thing in modern veterinary studies lately. Also a commonly-prescribed treatment for recurrent digestive distress.) Herbivores are known to need A Lot More gut flora to help break down plant matter (and she IS vegetarian in the 80′s comics), so she can’t rely entirely on digestive enzymes and juices.
How does an astral form discern Healthy Cells from Invading Cells?
Does she get sick if she gets a transfusion of A/B/AB blood types? Is Raven immune to germs in ALL regions, planets, and dimensions? Food poisoning? What about bad cellular developements in her own body? Nerve damage? Autoimmune disorders? Cancer?
As far as my personal headcanon goes: Yes, she’s immune to all of that. Her body IS in a human shape; though she DOES exist separately, her body and soul are STILL both connected parts of her. If her soul gets corrupted, so does her body. If her body gets corrupted, so does her soul. Obviously, they’re connected. And canoically: her soul protects her body. And what is her soul? “The part of her that is Trigon.” So: Her soul comes from an interdimensional conqueror, and obviously he couldn’t be stopped by a bacteria from another dimension crippling him for life. So by hereditary necessity: she has a more ferocious immune system that conquers a wider, stronger range of bodily invaders.
Really, the only reason humans get “sick” is WAY more from our own immune response than what the germs ACTUALLY do to our bodies. Fever, whole slews of digestive issues, body aches, sweating and chills-- they’re all caused by our brain going, “this doesn’t belong here. We’re going to try getting rid of it! INCREASE THE TEMPERATURE; kill it with fire! Increase bloodflow, thus bringing in more troops to kill it! Increase sleep to batten down our energy reserves!” You know: The things we identify as “getting sick”. It’s actually our own body doing that. The only invaders that ACTUALLY make us sick are internal parasites eating our food and causing malnutrition, microbes that cause nerve damage (and even that’s more often caused by High Fever than directly from microbes), and viruses like rabies that actually alter the way neurology and brain functions work. Most of our Symptoms are just from the way OUR BODIES REACT to microbes, not caused by the microbes themselves!!
So what I’m saying is, maybe Raven doesn’t “get sick” because her immune system JUST “destroys” the invader, without her brain centers going, “there’s A Disease here, so we’re going to try killing it by inflaming the area, raising the body temp, and generally making the body feel gross”. She doesn’t have that in her DNA. Maybe it doesn’t take a lot of energy to destroy the invaders for her. Or maybe it takes more to do it without the help from Brain Stuff-- but it gets that energy from her immense astral reserves rather than her body.
I mean, if the girl can teleport between dimensions, suck neurological signals (pain and inflammation) into herself and basically force someone else’s body to Stop Experiencing That and Feel Better, channel the power of both Trigon and a thousand souls plus an almost-goddess through her body, and generally defy physics in a great many mystical ways? She’s got a LOT of energy.
A little thing like “destroy 1-20 microscopic cellular or viral things that Are Recognized by The Body as Don’t Belong There” doesn’t seem so far-fetched. Hell, regular HUMANS are capable of that; we just have bodies that Give Us Symptoms because it takes us a goddamn 1-14 days to do!
What I’m saying is, I think her immune system is Magically Enhanced and her neurology is Different, so it’s probably doing all the same Recognition and Identification of Intruders that our regular immune systems do. Just, super buffed up so it’s faster and doesn’t require Fever or Inflammation to do it.
This is one of those things i’m Kinda Burning to ask Marv Wolfman about, but on the other hand, Suspension of Disbelief is a thing.I’m just, yeah, hi medical student here, and a Curious one at that........
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
14 Best Ways to Gain Weight (Without Harmful Effects)

Gain Weight Without Making Yourself Sick
Move over “GOMAD” (Gallon of Milk A Day) and searching Dr. Google for the answers “how to gain weight fast”…Let these 14 essentials light the way. 
So you want to gain weight, but you “can’t.”
Some people call it a “hard gainer,” others call it “genetics,” others call it “not eating enough” or “working out too much,” and others wish they had your problem.
No matter what your theory is behind why you CAN’T seem to gain weight…it sucks.
While the majority of America is seemingly hyper focused on weight loss with 1 in 3 Americans overweight (1) (and more than 85% of all people overweight by 2030 if trends continue, 2), for those who struggle with putting weight on (or keeping it on), it can feel equally disheartening. Being underweight can affect your body image, strength and often times even health.
I get it.
“I’m a Hard Gainer” (Story of my LIFE)
For most of my life I’ve struggled with my weight.
Early Bloomer
My pre-teens were characterized by being a healthy “early bloomer”—one of the tallest in my class, the first to shave my legs and wear a sports bra by age 9, and ranking in the top percentile on the BMI charts for my height and weight.
Chronic Dieting
By age 10, I forcefully put a dramatic halt to this—wanting nothing to do with womanhood, and more than anything, wanting to be considered thin, pretty and popular. My adolescence, teens and early 20’s were spent battling my weight and destroying my metabolism through malnourishment, subsisting on fat free yogurt, baby carrots, apples and deli turkey. I counted calories and fat grams as if it were my job, and there was a time I even feared water.
Force Feeding Weight Gain: Hypermetabolic
Doctors sent me in and out of treatment centers and hosptials, like I was on vacation, and my weight forcefully yo-yoed, as protocols forced me to sit on a couch for 3-9 months at a time, eating Egg McMuffins, Ensure shakes and Pop-tarts to put weight on and keep me alive.
My nutritionists were always “shocked” at how my body would respond to the “absurd” amount of calories and large meal plans they’d put me on, telling me I was “hypermetabolic” due to the years of starvation and metabolic disruption to my system.
Eating a Michael Phelps’ Olympic Diet
Come age 24, when I chose to recover from my 15 years of anorexia and orthorexia, this once more meant fluctuations in my weight—rebounding up from death’s doorstep at 79 pounds and feeling like the walking dead, to a “healthier place” where my body could do things a normal 24-year-old body should do (like menstruate, think clearly,and sweat in yoga class).
Nevertheless, as I once more began the classic re-feeding “weight gain” diet, my body still struggled. At the time, I was in eating disorder treatment, and being fed the equivalent of what Michael Phelps ate to win his dozens of Olympic Medals—from takeout pizza, to milkshakes, ice cream, Snickers bars, peanut butter crackers, bagels and waffles—without burning a calorie or swimming a stroke my metabolism was super fast, and yet the my gain weight process was SUPER SLOW.
For almost a year, constipation and bloating were my daily nemesis, I rarely saw a green vegetable of any sort, and no one cared that I was both lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant, with underlying autoimmune diseases that wreak havoc on the body when fed inflammatory foods. However, as forceful and painful as it felt, I did gain weight, and everyone else (but myself) were happy with the number on the scale.
Confused: Health vs. Unhealthy Weight Gain
Despite wanting to be healthy and also restore healthy weight myself, inside I felt awful. Why did “getting healthy” and having a “healthy body” have to be such a painful, forced process? Why did my body have such a hard time to gain weight? Not once did anyone talk to me about the real reasons why my body struggled so much to put healthy weight on—and be in a healthy place for my body.
Redefining a Healthy Body & Weight for ME
After I got out of treatment and back to the real world, in my new 40+ pound heavier body, I felt like I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz— not in Kansas anymore. In my new skin, and world of new opportunity before me (instead of standing face to face with death), I knew I had one of two choices—move forward or go back to my old ways.
I had no idea what “maintaining” my weight looked like—since for the past 15 years, my world had seemingly revolved around others wanting me to gain weight, and me fearing it so much…but I knew I did NOT want to go back down the road I had traveled.
In my new skin, I did my best to accept myself just as I was, with a few more rolls and much fuller face, without letting the old diet mentality slip back in—making me fear every morsel I put into my mouth.
Thankfully, at this time, I found an amazing CrossFit community that showed me the beauty of being strong, self-confident, and eating real whole foods. I decided to finish my Doctorate in Occupational Therapy and later furthered my education in Nutrition—both of which gave me realistic insight and truth about what holistic health is all about. And my faith and belief in the fact that I am truly fearfully and wonderfully made and here for a greater purpose than my body helped me stand firm.
Weight was seemingly no longer my issue!
Weight Issues Strike Again
Fast forward to age 28-30, my freedom from body image and the never ending struggle to gain weight came back with vengeance. This time, not in the form of an eating disorder, but a little something something known as IBS and SIBO—small intestinal bacterial overgrowth—gut dysfunctions where I could not keep food and nutrients in my body, no matter how much I ate or how healthy I ate. While I was no longer eating a steady diet of baby carrots or the opposite treatment extremes (fast food) at the time, everything I put into my mouth, ended right back up—in the toilet.
Bloating, gas, loose and watery stools and chronic diarrhea struck and lingered for a good 6-months until I really realized something was up beyond “bad digestion.”
In that time, I lost a good 10 to 15 pounds of redefined healthy muscle and feel-good body image I’d begun to find post-treatment and anti-eating disorder.
I felt horrible—inside and out—and self conscious, like people who looked at me, and knew my back story of my eating disorder, saw me right back “there”—at square one in the thick of “ED.”
Several people commented, “You should put on weight.” Others talked about me behind my back, “Lauryn has no right being on a stage talking about her eating disorder past. She doesn’t look healthy and she’s obviously still struggling.” And still others told me straight to my face, “Lauryn, if you’d put more weight on, your words and work you do to help others heal from their own food and body struggles would have more weight.”
An “angel investor” wanted to give me $100,000 to drive my bigger vision forward of helping people on a global scale and opening up a functional medicine center in the heart of Texas…until he met me face to face. He knew my back story—my recovery from a death gripping eating disorder and had seen my news feature on CBS—but after meeting me, he said he’d only fund my business on one condition—I gain about 15-20 pounds.
Will I ALWAYS Struggle with Weight?!
This set me over the edge—frustrated with my body and my weight.
Once I really realized that the SIBO and IBS had taken a toll on my body, I went to work on gaining weight…like it was my full time job.
More than anything, I wanted to help others and see my vision through, and if the only thing I had to do was put on 15-20 pounds….I could do anything right?
Weight gain proved to be harder than ever. No matter how much I ate—upwards of 3000 calories—the weight would not go on. And more and more came out.
About this same time is when I began to get more serious about the practice and art of functional medicine, and I threw myself into both self and formal study—training under some of the top leaders in medicine and the evolving functional medicine field.
Functional medicine is ALL about helping people get to the root of the health struggles, understanding what is going on “under the hood” or what is holding them back from being the healthy, vibrant person they want to be.
And as I began studying to help others…I also began learning and studying and discovering the answers to also helping myself…
Long story short, I discovered several reasons—real reasons—my body has struggled to gain weight for a LONG TIME…and several reasons why your body probably also struggles with weight issues too—both weight gain or weight loss.
You DON’T Have to Struggle with Weight Forever
No matter your personal history and relationship with your body and your weight; and whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, you don’t have to struggle forever—especially when you better understand the root causes driving weight dysfunction for you in the first place.
While I am not 100% where I want to be yet, I am getting there—up almost 8 pounds—and gradually healing the underlying mechanisms that have kept my body from being the optimal healthiest version of myself for YEARS.
If you’re tired of fighting your weight, here are 14 REAL reasons you can’t gain weight (beyond just being a “hard gainer”) and 14 essentials to reverse your struggle.
1. Your Gut Microbiome is Unhealthy
The gut is the gateway to health (healthy weight included). Your gut is home to trillions of gut bacteria (100 trillion to be exact). Your gut bacteria and digestive system as a whole are responsible for: helping your body digest and absorb every single nutrient you eat, using every vitamin and mineral in your food, detoxifying every single toxin that comes in contact with your body, boosting your immune system, telling your neurotransmitters how to “think,” and governing how fast, slow and healthy your metabolism and hormones function.
Gut bacteria can be “good” (healthy), “bad” (pathogenic, infectious) or “commensal” (neither good nor bad.  In the case of the weight gain dilemma, if you have a chronic gut infection (like parasites or unhealthy bacteria), bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), yeast or fungal overgrowth, or other “gut problems” (like low stomach acid, IBS, “leaky gut”), then weight gain will be an uphill battle.
Poor gut health is related to malabsorption, nutrient deficiencies, cortisol imbalances (i.e. stress) and a super slow or, in your case, a super fast metabolism. 
While most studies around gut bacteria and weight tend to show the healthier your gut bacteria, the healthier your weight is (particularly for those who are overweight and obese), clinical and empirical practice also shows the opposite to be true: the more unhealthy your gut bacteria, the less healthy your body composition and weight (3).
If you are genetically predisposed to be a “hard gainer” already, you can bet your bottom dollar that you will struggle more with your weight if your gut is not healthy in the first place.
Weight Gain Essential: Boost Your Gut Health
Boost your gut health in your daily life with these steps:
Take a daily soil based probiotic and prebiotic
Take 1-2 digestive enzymes with meals
Add apple cider vinegar to water to boost stomach acid, and eat 1-2 spoonfuls of sauerkraut or fermented foods with each day
Consume natural herbs and compounds that boost gut function and heal leaky gut such as: ginger, cilantro, oregano, raw Manuka honey, peppermint, collagen, colostrum, and L-Glutamine powder to add to water.
Eat home cooked meals as much as possible, chew your food
Test, don’t guess. Work with a functional medicine practitioner to look into underlying gut dysfunctions holding you back from being in the healthy body you want to be. This may include stool testing, organic acids urine testing, SIBO breath testing, blood work or a mix of testing essentials.
2. You’re Not Maximizing Your Meals
Eating to gain weight can leave you stuffed—wondering how you can fit more “in”—especially when it seems like your weight is not budging. Everyone has their “sweet spot”—the right amount of foods that their body is able to utilize towards gaining weight, and it can be easy to undershoot this when it seems like you’re already eating all the time.
Your solution? Just suck it up and eat it! When I’ve hit this point, I find that instead of trying to fit in a whole other meal or snack, I instead look to maximize the meals I am already eating—and gradually add just a little bit more, so that my body and gut doesn’t feel overwhelmed.
Weight Gain Essential: Add Just a Little Bit Extra
Boost or maximize the meals you are already eating. Add:
An extra tablespoon of coconut oil to your veggies
A quarter of a cup more of sweet potatoes or squash
An extra ounce of protein
5-6 more raw nuts
A tablespoon of raw honey to your bedtime tea,
Or (my personal fave), a heaping spoonful of Keto-friendly ice cream or homemade coconut ice cream after dinner. Little things can make a big difference.
3. You’re Counting Quantity (Not Quality)
Calories and macros are only half the weight gain battle. Most blogs and articles on weight gain, and even personal trainers, will tell you to focus on “eating more,” “eating big,” “carbing up,” “getting lots of protein,” and healthy fats, but rarely do they talk about the quality of the foods you are eating. You can eat all the Tyson (hormone and antibiotic) raised chicken, pesticide-laden broccoli, and carb-rich rice or pasta in the world, but if the food sources are poor quality foods, you may as well be eating, but starving (at a cellular level).
Perfection and 100% organic foods are not the goal here, but a nutrient-dense diet is. For instance, the time broccoli makes it from the farm to the grocery store shelf, it has already lost well over 70% of its nutrients (4).
What this means for you in your weight gain journey? The less nutrient dense your diet, the less vitamins and minerals your body is able to use to “build on” towards your metabolic goals, at a cellular level, and the less likely your body is to absorb that food in the first place.
Weight Gain Essential: Aim for Quality Nutrients
Choose the best quality foods you can afford and vary up the foods within your diet often. (Eating the same things leaves your body and metabolism starving for certain nutrients—even if you are hitting your calorie or macro goals). Nutrient dense foods include:
Pasture-raised poultry
Grass-fed meats
Wild caught fish
Organ Meats
Bone Broth
Organic “Dirty Dozen” at least
Consume veggies within 1-3 days of buying, if possible
Cooked and sautéed veggies (digest best)
Dark leafy greens
Prebiotic fiber rich veggies & tubers (cooked and cooled potatoes/sweet potatoes, cooked and cooled white rice, green plantains, asparagus, onion, garlic, jicama, rutabaga, fennel)
Fresh Fruits
Especially antioxidant rich and digestive boosting fruits like:
Bananas (green tipped)
Healthy Fats
Avocado (1 small, 1/2 Medium, 1/3 Large=serving)
Avocado Oil
Beef Tallow
Coconut Butter
Coconut Flakes Unsweetened
Coconut Milk (additive-free; organic caned best)
Coconut Oil
Coconut Yogurt
Duck Fat
Egg Yolks (pasture raised, organic)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Fatty Cold Water Fish (Salmon, Sardines, Cod, Halibut)
Fatty Cuts of Meat (grass-fed, organic, pasture raised)
Flax Oil
Goat’s Milk Butter
Grass-fed Butter
Grass-Fed Dairy* (Yogurt, Cream; No sugar, no additives, full-fat, plain; Limit amounts)
Grass-fed Goat’s Milk
Lard, Non-hydrogenated
Mayonnaise (Avoid brands with canola oil or sugar)
Palm Oil, Red Palm Oil
Palm Shortening (for baking)
  Fermented Foods
1-2 condiment sized servings per day
Fermented/Pickled Veggies
Fermented Condiments (Mustard, Ketchup, Relish, Horseradish, Salsas, etc.)
Kefir (Water, Coconut)
Kombucha (low sugar like Health Ade brand—only 2 grams of sugar, or make your own)
Kvass (Beet Kvass)
Miso & Natto (fermented varieties, no-additives)
Yogurt (Coconut Yogurt; full-fat grass-fed dairy with “live and active cultures only)
4. You’re Eating Foods You’re Intolerant To
Food intolerances can go undiagnosed for years. Unlike allergies where you get a direct reactive “histamine” response (wheezing, sneezing, watery eyes), food intolerances are less overt—manifesting as other signs and symptoms like malabsorption, bacterial overgrowth, fatigue, chronic stress, skin breakouts, lowered immunity, and metabolic disturbances, including difficulty gaining or losing weight).
Even “healthy” foods can be “trigger foods” for food intolerances if you’re immunity or gut function is not able to handle them. For instance, eggs, nuts, grains, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and even broccoli (FODMAP) are common irritants to individuals with underlying gut issues.
In addition, while foods like gluten get a “bad rep” and many people have chosen to avoid it (because it seems “healthier” all around), there are dozens of other foods with high cross-reactivity to gluten, such as: instant coffee, dairy, rice, buckwheat, tapioca and quinoa (in fact, many of these ingredients are often found in gluten free products).
Weight Gain Essential: Experiment with Foods that Work for Your Body
If you are struggling to put on weight and tend to eat the same things most days, experiment with food variety or eliminating questionable trigger foods for you to see how your body (and weight) respond. The top gut irritating foods many people find they are intolerant to include:
Dairy (especially conventional dairy)
Artificial Sweeteners Note: Don’t forget that “cutting out” doesn’t mean “restricting.” Instead replace these foods with other foods, such as tigernuts, pumpkin seeds, sunbutter, and coconut butter for nuts and nut butter; starchy tubers (like butternut squash, sweet potatoes or plantains) for grains; raw honey, xylitol, or pure maple syrup in place of most commercial sweeteners (in protein powders), and coconut milk/yogurt or full fat grassfed kefir and yogurt in place of conventional dairy.
5. You’re Forgetting Vegetables
Just because you’re in “weight gain” mode doesn’t mean that veggies have to go off the table. Vegetables provide your body (and gut) with essential fibers and prebiotics for digesting your food in the first place, as well as help ease digestion (and prevent bloating and constipation). Many people neglect veggies, especially on a weight gain diet, thinking that carrots and greens means eating like a bird. However, the opposite is true. Without veggies in your diet, your body does eat like a bird (not getting the well rounded nutrients you need to build into your cellular function and metabolic processes).
Weight Gain Essential: Taste the Rainbow
Aim for 1-3 veggies with each meal—especially dark leafy greens, prebiotic and soluble fibers (like cooked and cooled potatoes/sweet potatoes, roasted squash, carrots, beets). Preferably cook, sautee, steam or roast your veggies to enhance digestion (and prevent over fullness from raw veggies).
6. You Have a “Hollow Leg” (or Metabolic/Thyroid Imbalance or Mitochondrial Dysfunction)
Do you ever feel like your have a hollow leg—like no matter what you eat or how much you eats, your food goes nowhere? Although this is a funny expression that Uncle Joey used to joke with you about over Thanksgiving turkey, it may not be too far off if you have something else going on “under the hood.”
We briefly discussed the importance of gut health in point #1, but beyond the gut, an underlying dysfunction in your thyroid (metabolic mothership) or mitochondria (cells and cellular processes) can also challenge your weight gain efforts—especially if your body has ever been subjected to chronic stress. Stress wreaks havoc on your body as a whole—from circadian rhythm dysfunction, lack of sleep, poor quality foods, eating the same things every day, overtraining or under-training, antibiotic use, long-term medication use, a history of disordered eating and toxic chemical exposure.
For instance, in a study of individuals in recovery from chronic eating disorders (i.e. individuals with long term stress on their bodies), the subjects’ resting metabolic rate increased upwards of 20% for their height and weight—some needing upwards of 5,000 calories to gain and maintain their weight (5, 6).
This is significant since eating disorders are highly associated with chronic stress, thyroid and mitochondrial disturbances (3). Another example: toxic burden from overexposure to the 85,000+ unregulated chemicals in our plastics, cleaning and hygiene chemicals, toxic beauty products, heavy metals, mold, medications, tap water and pesticides can also wreak havoc on your body at a cellular level if you’ve had your fair share (7).
What this means for your metabolism? If the “balance” of your body’s processes is thrown off, then the last thing your body may want to do is “build” or gain weight. In fact, for some thyroid disturbances or mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to skeletal muscle breakdown, nutrient deficiencies and even unwanted weight loss, as your cells and hormones can become starved at a cellular level.
Weight Gain Essential: Get a Complete Blood Panel Run + Additional Testing (if Needed)
Look under the hood. Work with a practitioner to assess your metabolic health. Get blood work completed, including a complete thyroid panel, as well as complete iron panel (since iron overload and deficiencies can also influence metabolism). Your practitioner should be able to guide you for any further testing as well for things like: mold, autoimmunity, organic acids, and heavy metals if warranted.
Here are the ideal ranges for thyroid markers:
TSH 1-2 UIU/ML or lower (Armour or compounded T3 can artificially suppress TSH) Free T4 >1.1 NG/DL Free T3 > 3.2 PG/ML Reverse T3 less than a 10:1 ratio RT3:FT3 Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPOAb) & Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb)  < 4 IU/ML or negative
Here are ideal ranges for iron markers, depending on the season of life you’re in:
Serum Iron Men: 40–135 μg/dL Pre-menopausal Women: 40–135 μg/dL Post-menopausal Women: 40–135 μg/dL
Serum Ferritin Men: 30–200 ng/dL Pre-menopausal women: 30–100 ng/dL Post-menopausal Women: 30–100 ng/dL
Transferrin Saturation Men: 17–45% Pre-menopausal Women: 17–45% Post-menopausal Women: 17–45%
TIBC Men: 275–425 μg/dL Pre-menopausal Women: 275–425 μg/dL Post-menopausal Women: 275–425μg/dL
UIBC Men: 175–350 μg/dL Pre-menopausal Women: 175–350 μg/dL Post-menopausal Women: 175–350 μg/dL
Soluble Transferrin Receptor Men: 14.5–25 nmol/L Pre-menopausal Women: 13–25 nmol/L Post-menopausal Women: 14.5–25 nmol/L
Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content (CHr) Men: 24.5–31.8 pg Pre-menopausal Women: 24.5–31.8 pg Post-menopausal Women: 24.5–31.8 pg
7. You’re Eating on the Go
Optimal digestion happens in a “parasympathetic state” (rest and digest). Eating on the go, in addition to standing up while eating, distracted eating (watching TV, checking your phone) or eating out at restaurants, (more than eating in) is stressful for the body’s digestive system.Often coupled with this is also the dilemma of not chewing your food enough. The result? Poorly digested and poorly absorbed foods…and lack of weight gain.
Weight Gain Essential : Rest & Digest
Slow down at meal times. Eat your meals seated and preferably not on the go. Cook and prepare your foods as much as possible. Chew your food (really well), and mindfully enjoy your meals (i.e. refrain from distracted eating).
8. You’re Meal Timing is Off
The human body loves balance—especially circadian rhythm balance. Every human has an internal biological clock that operates in tandem with the sun—ideally, we have more energy in the morning as the sun rises, plenty of gusto and energy during the day, then a bell curve dip in the evening, ready to “tuck in” and wind down as the sun goes down. However, if we disturb this circadian function—including our meal timing, then our body and metabolism can get off as well. While there is no perfect time to eat, there are general guidelines and hours during which your body is able to digest best. Eating at the “wrong” time windows also affects your metabolism.
In one study, aimed at determining if time of day affected weight loss in mice, researchers from  UT Southwestern Medical Center found: Mice on a reduced calorie plan that ate only during their normal feeding/active cycle were the only ones among five groups to lose weight, despite consuming the same amount as another group fed during their rest time in daylight (8).
Weight Gain Essential: Eat with Your Circadian Rhythms
Eat in tune with your circadian rhythms to maximize the fuel you eat.
Here’s a general guide:
6-8 Breakfast/First Meal
10-11 Mid-Morning Snack (if you eat a snack)
12-2 Lunch
3-5 Afternoon Snack (if you snack)
6-8 Dinner
9-10 Bedtime Snack (if you snack)
These guidelines fall in line with the way your body metabolizes food thought the day.
9. Your Body is in “Catabolic Mode”
Catabolism stands for “break down.” Anabolism is exactly the opposite: building up or weight gain. Together, catabolism and anabolism are integral and opposite parts of the metabolic cycle that require ideal balance to maintain a strong body, healthy weight, and muscle mass. If these activities are not in balance, the body can be in a catabolic state. The culprits to balance? Chronic stress, overtraining, prolonged fasting or restrictive diets, chronic infection, such as Lyme disease or H. Pylori, poor quality food intake, major surgery, burning a candle at both ends, lack of sleep, lack of water  (dehydration), and beyond.
Excessive or prolonged stress, resulting in catabolism (without adequate compensating anabolism or recovery) has negative consequences for your weight gain goals.
Muscle tissue along and essential body fat throughout the body can become depleted. Without the sufficient anabolic process, the process of growing and repairing tissue doesn’t happen, sending the body into a net negative energy state, defined by gradual weight loss, reduction of muscle mass and healthy body fat.
If not reversed early on, chronic catabolism happens—making you a “hard gainer” with your body constantly trying to catch up and locking your metabolic cycle into a deficit with low energy, failure to gain weight despite excessive caloric intake, unexplained weight loss, hypoglycemia, shortness of breath and inability to take deep respiration, and more.Translation? Adrenal fatigue or “HPA Axis Dysfunction.”
Is this you?
Weight Gain Essential: Don’t Push Your Body
When your body is in a catabolic state, typical measures for weight gain, health and nutrition are not always tolerated. Your body is highly sensitive and may not be able to accept BOTH natural or synthetic anabolic compounds or hacks that have stimulating properties. This may mean taking a step back from high calorie loads, inflammatory foods (dairy, grains, nuts), hard workout sessions and nutritional supplements—all of which can be a “good thing” but cause more stress than good in the catabolic state.
A common error of trying to use more calories or more supplements to reverse the catabolic cycle prematurely (when the body is still in catabolism and yet to stabilize), is that programs that focus primarily on aggressive tactics often fail. In catabolic mode or “adrenal fatigue,: the body is trying to slow down in order to conserve energy because it perceives danger and a threat to survival.
Forcing more food into the body requires the body to use more energy for digestion and metabolite breakdown. And even though nutritional supplements may seem harmless to” boost your adrenals” or immunity, if your body is in “break down mode,” these measures can trigger adrenal crashes. Instead of trying to push your body out of catabolism, here’s how to approach restoring your body to a place where it’s ready to be “pushed” towards health instead:
Step 1: Prevent Catabolism from Worsening
Use basic whole foods nutrition, juiced vegetables, basic movement (walking, yoga), rest and cutting out unnecessary commitments and obligations.
Step 2: Focus on Essential Nutrition
Let food be thy medicine. Before pushing forward into high caloric meal plans once you have a stable foundation, the goal of step 2 is still gradual restoration of total health and function. This is best accomplished by focusing on eating micronutrients through nutrient dense foods (fresh vegetables and fruits, organ meats, fatty fish, grass-fed and pastured proteins, essential fatty acids), and customizing the exact nutrients to your needs. A one size fits all dietary plan is not possible here because of great individual variance. Consider working with a nutritionist to build a balanced, restorative meal plan for you.
Step 3: Proper Supplementation
Once a baseline of health and function is restored and the catabolic state has slowed, supplements may gradually be integrated to boost overall function. Some helpful supports may include: adaptogenic herbs (like ashwaganda, rhodiola, cordyceps or reishi mushroom), essential fatty acids (like cod liver oil), immune-boosting supports (Vitamin C, liposomal curcumin, glutathione and resveratrol). Work with a functional medicine practitioner on this one.
10. You’re Not Recovering Properly
Perhaps you are not all the way into catabolic mode…but you’re heading that way fast if stress (and lack of recovery) are your “norms.” You can eat all the sweet potatoes and ice cream in the world, but if your body is in “stressed out mode,” then you won’t see the labors of your high calorie intake work like they should. Beyond calories, quality sleep, hydration and workout habits are essential for a balanced bod (that can readily accept weight gain). If you under sleep, don’t hydrate or overtrain, then you won’t get anywhere (fast).
Weight Gain Essential: 
Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night
Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of filtered water each day (bonus: add lemon)
Balance your workouts: Daily movement is not a bad thing, aim for 3-5 days of strength training, 1-2 days of power (HIIT), yoga or flexibility training, and
11. You’re Trying to Be Arnold
Your body is your body. Arnold’s body is his body. Cindy Crawford’s body is her body. Every BODY is different, and one of the biggest “get ups” in the weight gain game is keeping your eyes everywhere else, but on your own “ball.” The more we look to others’ bodies and characteristics as our own ideal (instead of determining our own), the further from our goals we will continue to be (because we will never fully get there).
Weight Gain Essential: Clearly Define Who Thriving YOU Is
Who is thriving, healthy, body confident you? What does he or she look like, act like, feel like, think like? If you could be the best version of you—not someone else, who would that be and qualities would you possess? Get a clear picture of that girl or that guy. Bullet point your top qualities of who you want to be in your healthy body and healthy mindset, then… put on the “as if” mindset in your own weight gain journey. The “as if” mindset is like putting on a superhero cape or princess dress as a kid and believing you were totally Superman or Belle from :Beauty and the Best.” So as we think therefore we become.
12. You’re on the Wrong Supplements
The supplement industry is a black hole with everything from protein powders to weight gainers, adrenal supports, multi-vitamins, probiotics and beyond. However, not all supplements are created equal, and most all supplements are unregulated—leaving those who are unfamiliar with the differences in strains, types, potencies, company reputations and overall quality of supplements in the dark about the “best” supplements for you.
Hate to break it to you, but many sups are nothing more than placebo effect, overheated during processing and manufacturing, not potent enough to make a difference and/or half-baked marketing lies.
For instance, it’s been estimated that upwards of 90% of probiotics on shelves do not contain the probiotics they claim.While supplements can be beneficial for getting in extra micronutrients you don’t get in your diet, or supporting underlying deficiencies or dysfunctions (such as poor gut health, poor thyroid or metabolic function, “adrenal fatigue,” etc.), it’s best not to go too crazy or depend on supplements too much as the “answer” for your weight gain success.
Weight Gain Essential: Invest in Quality Supps & Get a Plan for You
Less is more, and here are my top 5 weight gain supportive supplements most people can benefit from:
Soil Based Probiotic: Megaspore Biotic (use code “THRIVE” to be able to check out under the Register Tab as a patient)
Prebiotic: Sunfiber (helps digest your probiotic)
Digestive Enzymes: Transformation Enzymes Digest
Quality MultiVitamin: Metabolic Synergy by Designs for Health (use code LAURYNLAX at checkout to have access to check out)
Clean Protein Powder: Equip Foods Prime Protein  , Vital Protein CollagenConsult with your healthcare practitioner or get a custom supplement and nutrition plan for you     
13. You’re Stressing Out (About Your Weight)
Did we mention stress is the number one culprit working against your weight gain efforts? It is.
Weight Gain Essential: Enjoy the Journey
Health is about the journey—not the destination. Along your weight gain restoration, enjoy the journey of building into your healthy lifestyle, body and mindset. You will get there. Focus on one day and one positive action step at a time.
The post 14 Best Ways to Gain Weight (Without Harmful Effects)
 appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/14-best-ways-to-gain-weight-without-harmful-effects%e2%80%a8/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
04/11/2021 DAB Transcript
Joshua 3:1-4:24, Luke 14:7-35, Psalms 80:1-19, Proverbs 12:27-28
Today is the 11th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it's great to be here with you on the 101st day of the year as we greet a brand-new shiny sparkly new week that we get to collectively push the door open on and walk through and just see the splendor of the. It's just out there. We haven’t messed up anything yet. It’s just out there waiting for us to live into and we don't have to make a mess of this week. Like we can choose in advance as we often…as we often bring to mind at the beginning of a new week that we have a choice here. Everything doesn't have to be a reaction to something else. We can be proactive in our lives and one of the ways that we do that is exactly what we’re doing right now, stepping out of the chaos, finding some solace and serenity around the Global Campfire with our brothers and sisters and allowing God's word to become a part of the fabric of this day and this new week. And, so, let's dive in. We began some new territory in the Scriptures yesterday. We concluded the Torah or the Pentateuch when we concluded the book of Deuteronomy and we got our badges if we’re using the Daily Audio Bible app and then we talked about the new book that we were moving into called Joshua and then we read the first couple chapters of Joshua. Basically, where we’re at is that Joshua is now the leader of the children of Israel, and these tribes are preparing themselves because Joshua has told them to prepare themselves that within three days they will be crossing into the promised land. We, as readers of the Bible, we haven’t been in the promised land for a long time. It was since Jacob left for Egypt because of the great famine that we left that land and at that time it was a promise land, but it wasn't going to become the land of the children of Israel. Now it is. We’re centuries later, over four centuries later. So, that's how long we’ve been out of this land in the biblical narrative and now we’re at the banks of the Jordan River. This would be in modern-day Jordan, the country of modern-day Jordan. It would be on the east side of the Jordan River outside of Jericho looking toward Jericho. So, there in the desert and they’re gonna cross the Jordan and head…head toward Jericho eventually. So, let's pick up that story. We’ll read from the NET Bible, the New English Translation this week. Joshua chapters 3 and 4.
Thank You, Father, for Your word. Thank You for bringing us into another week together and day by day step-by-step we continue our journey asking for Your Holy Spirit's guidance and leadership. Holy Spirit, come lead us into all truth. This is what we seek. And continue to enlighten our lives and illuminate the path that we are one…that we are on, that we might walk in Your ways. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
Community Prayer and Praise:
[singing starts] open the ears of my heart Lord that I might hear your voice and open the eyes of my soul as I look at the sun and rejoice. For whatever I may go through or experience today I know who I am is found in you and whatever may say. Oh Lord it hurts to go through these trials and this pain. My fickle heart wants to doubt the truth and give in to shame and blame but I trust your love and I receive your grace come and heal this little lost lamb. I put my expectations and my trust into the great I am [singing stops].Thank you so much Brian for…pastor Brian for your sermon on today which is Wednesday the 7th about what it means to trust in God and not give in to reasoning or facts or fears because I feel like I've just been in this fleshly fog for about three years, you know, right before the pandemic hit and through the pandemic and I'm learning to trust in the Spirit more and I'm so grateful for you pastor and Daily Audio Bible because every day you make us stronger and stronger in Jesus.
Hi my name is Lacey today's April 7th I have been listening to you DAB I want to save for about two or three years but this year I've been a lot more committed than I have been the past years. Today a girl named Emily I believe called in for her mother and she was asking for prayer for herself her mother and her whole family. And, so, I just felt moved to come to…to come pray for her in the DAB publicly and I…I know we all have people that we know probably that aren’t believers in Christ but it's a much more real when they're even closer to you than just a far-off friend or someone you see walking in the hallway. And, so, I can't imagine how hard that must be. And, so, I just wanted to pray with her, and I’d appreciate it if you would all pray with me. So, Lord you know Emily and you know her family and mother and I just pray that you would help them in every single way possible and I pray that her mother would just realize that she needs a savior and she cannot do this without you anymore and that she would just come to you and you would…she would ask for forgiveness and you would forgive her because you are faithful and just and I pray that you would just give Emily peace and the rest of her family peace no matter what happens. Lord we pray that she does accept you as her savior forever and ever. We pray that for everyone else as well. Lord, I thank you for just everything that you've done for us so far. Please continue to do wonderful miraculous miracles for us. I pray that you’d do a miracle in this family. I thank you Lord. Amen. Bye guys have a good rest of your day. God bless.
Hey everyone, I'm Anya I'm calling from Slovenia and I just want to first of all say that this app has been such a blessing. Thank you so much Brian. Thank you, community. I started this year and it's just so wonderful like going through scriptures together and praying for each other and yeah, it's amazing. I have a prayer request. It's for my cousin Barbara. She is a new mom. Her baby was born premature but she's now almost two months old and she's doing great, but Barbara isn't. She has been sick in the past and doctor said she will never be able to have children. So, this little baby is a miracle in itself. It's such a blessing but Barbara, the pregnancy such had a bad effect on her body and her health is really not good. She…she's in hospital right now. Her heart is failing. There was water in her lungs and her kidneys are very affected as well. It's some kind of autoimmune disease…diseases. I'm not even completely sure but I know the Lord knows and I would really appreciate you praying with me that the Lord really works a miracle in her life and heals her and strengthens her and her family and that His glory would just…just be shown through this for everyone to see. In Jesus’ name I pray this. Amen. I love you so much. Thank you so much. Bye.
Hello, my DAB family this is Sharon in Southern California. I've been debating back and forth whether or not I should share this small…prayer…answered prayer that the Lord gave to me because…because like I said it's small, I didn't even realize I was…I had a prayer for it. But I was listening to today's podcast on April 7th. There are so many sad prayer requests and my heart goes out to them and I'm thinking that maybe this small…and it may…what God does isn’t small and I’m not saying it was but maybe this will offer some encouragement for those who are waiting for God to answer a prayer. I have an elder brother an older brother who's…who was incarcerated for 34 years and a couple weeks ago he was released from jail. He had received 25 years to life and God saw feet to release him and it’s been a joy in my heart to have my brother home with me and with us as a family. And I didn't realize I was praying for…for my brother to come home. Of course I wanted him to come home but I just felt like when he was released it was an answered prayer for our…for me especially and for our family. So, I just want to encourage those of you who are listening and…and wondering if God is listening. Yes, He is. He's listening and He's more than willing to answer your prayer and we just have to remember to be patient and know that God is working on our behalf and things will come to fruition in His time. So, please be encouraged. I love you. Bye.
Hello daily audio Bible family this is Diana is Dearly Beloved in Minnesota. I just listened to the April 7th podcast and Caitlin came on at the very end and she explained that her husband of seven years just I let her know that he wants a divorce, and they have four small children and she's devastated of course. And I just…I just pray for you and your family Caitlin. All of the things that you requested that God be with each one of you. I…I've also prayed that your husband would reconsider, and that God work mightily within his heart and that God upholds you and your family and shows you His mighty power and love and peace and joy. I pray for protection over you and your children, and I pray that again that God works mightily within your…each one of your lives. I have been through divorce. It was about 10 years ago now and it's very difficult but I also know that I have had a very very bright tunnel at the end of mine and God has worked miracles that I could have never imagined before. So, I'm praying for you. I will hold you in my prayers. I love you sister. Take care.
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
They Tested Negative for Covid. Still, They Have Long Covid Symptoms.
Kristin Novotny once led an active life, with regular CrossFit workouts and football in the front yard with her children — plus a job managing the kitchen at a middle school. Now, the 33-year-old mother of two from De Pere, Wisconsin, has to rest after any activity, even showering. Conversations leave her short of breath.
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Long after their initial coronavirus infections, patients with a malady known as “long covid” continue to struggle with varied symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal problems, muscle and joint pain, and neurological issues. Novotny has been contending with these and more, despite testing negative for covid-19 seven months ago.
Experts don’t yet know what causes long covid or why some people have persistent symptoms while others recover in weeks or even days. They also don’t know just how long the condition — referred to formally by scientists as Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, or PASC — lasts.
But the people who didn’t test positive for covid — due either to a lack of access to testing or a false-negative result — face difficulty getting treatment and disability benefits. Their cases are not always included in studies of long covid despite their lingering symptoms. And, sometimes as aggravating, many find that family, friends or even doctors have doubts they contracted covid at all.
Novotny, who first became ill in August, initially returned to work at the beginning of the school year, but her symptoms snowballed and, one day months later, she couldn’t catch her breath at work. She went home and hasn’t been well enough to return.
“It is sad and frustrating being unable to work or play with my kids,” Novotny said via email, adding that it’s devastating to see how worried her family is about her. “My 9-year-old is afraid that if I’m left alone, I will have a medical emergency and no one will be here to help.”
Data about the frequency of false-negative diagnostic covid tests is extremely limited. A study at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health, which focused on the time between exposure and testing, found a median false-negative rate of 20% three days after symptoms start. A small study in China conducted early in the pandemic found a high rate of negative tests even among patients sick enough to be hospitalized. And given the dearth of long-hauler research, patients dealing with lingering covid symptoms have organized to study themselves.
The haphazard protocols for testing people in the United States, the delays and difficulties accessing tests and the poor quality of many of the tests left many people without proof they were infected with the virus that causes covid-19.
“It’s great if someone can get a positive test, but many people who have covid simply will never have one, for a variety of different reasons,” said Natalie Lambert, an associate research professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine and director of research for the online covid support group Survivor Corps.
Lambert’s work with computational analytics has found that long haulers face such a wide variety of symptoms that no single symptom is a good screening tool for covid. “If PCR tests are not always accurate or available at the right time and it’s not always easy to diagnose based on someone’s initial symptoms, we really need to have a more flexible, expansive way of diagnosing for covid based on clinical presentations,” she said.
Dr. Bobbi Pritt, chair of the division of clinical microbiology at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, said four factors affect the accuracy of a diagnostic test: when the patient’s sample is collected, what part of the body it comes from, the technique of the person collecting the sample and the test type.
“But if one of those four things isn’t correct,” said Pritt, “you could still have a false-negative result.”
Timing is one of the most nebulous elements in accurately detecting SARS-CoV-2. The body doesn’t become symptomatic immediately after exposure. It takes time for the virus to multiply and this incubation period tends to last four or five days before symptoms start for most people. “But we’ve known that it can be as many as 14 days,” Pritt said.
Testing during that incubation period — however long it may be — means there may not be enough detectable virus yet.
“Early on after infection, you may not see it because the person doesn’t have enough virus around for you to find,” said Dr. Yuka Manabe, an infectious-disease expert and a professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
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Novotny woke up with symptoms on Aug. 14 and got a covid test later that day. Three days later — the same day her test result came back negative — she went to the hospital because of severe shortness of breath and chest pressure.
“The hospital chose not to test me due to test shortages and told me to presume positive,” Novotny wrote, adding that hospital staffers told her she likely tested too early and received a false negative.
As the virus leaves the body, it becomes undetectable, but patients may still have symptoms because their immune responses kicked in. At that point, “you’re seeing more of an inflammatory phase of illness,” Manabe said.
An autoimmune response, in which the body’s defense system attacks its own healthy tissue, may be behind persistent covid symptoms in many patients, though small amounts of virus hiding in organs is another explanation.
Andréa Ceresa is nearing a year of long covid and has an extensive list of symptoms, topped by gastrointestinal and neurological issues. When the 47-year-old from Branchburg, New Jersey, got sick last April, she had trouble getting a covid test. Once she did, her result was negative.
Ceresa has seen so many doctors since then that she can’t keep them straight. She considers herself lucky to have finally found some “fantastic” doctors, but she’s also seen plenty who didn’t believe her or tried to gaslight her — a frequent complaint of long haulers.
A couple of doctors told her they didn’t think her condition had anything to do with covid. One told her it was all in her head. And after a two-month wait to see one neurologist, he didn’t order any tests and simply told her to take vitamin B, leaving her “crying and devastated.”
“I think the negative test absolutely did that,” Ceresa said.
Fortunately, among a growing number of physicians specifically treating patients with long covid, positive test results aren’t vital. In the patient-led research, symptoms patients reported were not significantly different between those who had positive covid tests and those who had negative tests.
Dr. Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, a rehabilitation and physical medicine doctor who leads University Health’s Post-COVID Recovery program in San Antonio, said about 12% of the patients she’s seen never had a positive covid test.
“The initial test, to me, is not as important as the symptoms,” Gutierrez said. “You have to spend a lot of time with these patients, provide education, provide encouragement and try to work on all the issues that they’re having.”
She said she tells people “what’s done is done” and, regardless of test status, “now we need to treat the outcome.”
This story was produced by KHN, which publishes California Healthline, an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
They Tested Negative for Covid. Still, They Have Long Covid Symptoms. published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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gayforthemoon · 7 years
I was told by a friend it is healing to write out all of my experiences the past nine months out so I’m going to literally write out everything that’s happened in the way of my illness here and shout it into the void.
Last October I tried to give blood. They rejected it six weeks later, informing me that I tested false-positive for syphilis. Crazy, if you know me. They asked me if I had any autoimmune disorders or if anyone in my family did. No, I don’t recall, I told my doctor, but it was the beginning of it all.
Shortly after that, in my last month of fall semester, I got tired. Not normal tired, and even more than my usual depression tired. I was sleeping between 12 and 14 hours a night. Getting up in the morning was the hardest thing I could do. I missed activities I wanted to go to simply because, come six or seven in the evening, I simply couldn’t keep my eyes open. My parents were worried. They got me an appointment with a big kid doctor (bye bye pediatrician) and I went to him to ask him why I was so tired. Before I could even get there, on New Year’s Eve, I threw up. I don’t normally throw up. Even when I had the stomach flu I kept it down. Just another thing to bring to my doctor. 
He asked me about four times whether I was pregnant. Each time I answered I got shorter with him. I am a virgin, do I have to scream it for you to understand?? He ran blood tests, which came back when I was at school. My iron was low, he told me, which is likely from your period (insert eye roll here), but the stomach pains aren’t as normal. Let’s test your poop to see if there is blood in it. You could have a bleeding ulcer. Either way, take some iron pills. I guess he didn’t make a note that I was already on iron pills. By now, I was seeing a doctor at school who told me my poop was simply poop, no blood. But my increasingly painful stomachaches could be from an ulcer. He started me on the medication, and I started throwing up.
Every day, no matter what I ate, I threw up. Salad? Nope. Chicken? Big nope. Milkshake? Definitely not. I called my doctor back home for an urgent referral to a gastroenterologist. He complied, and within a week I had an appointment in Grand Rapids. All the quizzes online were telling me to “seek care immediately” but still I waited. Because I could still get up, go to school, look normal. I didn’t look sick. But climbing up stairs shouldn’t have left me panting, and going for a walk across campus shouldn’t take me twice as long as it did last semester. 
My first GI doctor visit was a whirlwind. He, too, asked me if I was pregnant. I should have been prepared for it, yet I vainly thought that a male doctor would trust me when I told him I was feeling ill and not ask me about my uterus. I felt like I was going to throw up in his trashcan. He talked a lot at me, felt my stomach, and ordered an ultrasound and an endoscopy. I got the ultrasound done right away. I believe they were mainly looking at my gallbladder and liver. Both were fine, but I was still sick daily. The endoscopy happened in February, about a month after I started getting sick all the time. They told me after that my stomach was inflamed, likely due to all the throwing up, but everything else looked fine. No ulcers, no tumors. Just stop throwing up and you should be fine. Why am I throwing up though? They had no idea.
My next GI doctor visit he told me to have scheduled a gastric emptying exam. I was given a radioactive meal to eat and they watched it move through my stomach. They ended the exam early for some reason, and while the results showed my stomach moved food slightly slower than normal, it wasn’t slow enough to be super concerned. However, they couldn’t give me any medicine for it because it would strongly react with my antidepressant, which I needed more. The test was four hours long and I got no answers.
Next on the list was a HIDA exam. They injected me with some radioactive substance and watched it move through my gallbladder. Another two hours in the machine, and no answers. The people at Holland Hospital started to know me, chatting with me every time I came in. Still no answers. After that test, my GI doctor told me there was nothing more he could do, keep taking your medicine, and call our office if you get any worse. He was a shit doctor and I went back to Lansing to get a referral to a new one.
My home doctor, when asked about my newer symptoms, tried to tell me I threw up after working out because I ate too soon to the workout. Me, a triathlete, a lifeguard, didn’t know how to balance food and exercise? I don’t think so. My mom and I pushed back, saying a healthy 20 year old should be able to swim a 200 without throwing up, or go for a run, or be able to climb the stairs without feeling woozy. Again, I got the pregnancy question. Even my mom had asked me at some point. I was livid. But we pushed and pushed, and got a referral to a doctor at the University of Michigan Health Clinic. Supposedly, they were the best.
My UMich GI doctor is much better than my Grand Rapids one. I’ve only had one appointment with him, but he quickly proved the other one wrong when he said there was nothing more to be done. He ran a battery of blood tests and ordered an MRE (special kind of MRI) and a head CT. I missed school to spend more than three hours under heavy machinery. The head CT, while a long shot, showed clear, which was no surprise. The MRE took pictures of my whole abdomen and imaged it, from my stomach to my ovaries. The only abnormal result was thickening on the lower portion of my small intestine. No cause for concern.
My UMich doctor also set me up with a dietician. She immediately put me on a low FODMAP diet. Still not exactly sure what it does other than take out 75% of what I eat, but I’ve been doing well on it, even if I have lost nearly ten pounds in the month and a half I’ve been on it. Something about fermenting in my stomach? Anyway, the only areas of concern have happened when we try to add things back in. Then my tummy doesn’t like me, and I get sick after a day or two. It isn’t supposed to be a forever diet, which is why we’re adding food in. She wants to use me as a case study with new dieticians to show them how the diet can have really good outcomes.
The blood tests came back. Of them, it has been determined that I do not have Celiac’s Disease and that my iron is still low. I also tested positive for autoimmune antibodies as seen in 11 autoimmune disorders. I have to follow up with that, and I’m doing it at school. At this point, it’s likely that this unknown autoimmune disorder is causing all my problems, the next step is figuring out which one(s).
The hardest part about being sick is that I can easily pass for healthy. I get classmates asking me if I’m going to run the triathlon with them, but how do I say I’m sick, I physically can’t do it? The other side of that is that to some people, I’m not sick enough. I’m no longer throwing up every day, so I must be getting better. I’m able to go to classes and do my homework, so I must be fine. Limiting my food has helped, but you don’t develop an allergy overnight, what is the underlying cause?
I will post updates as I get them. School can be hard, DM can be hard, but I’m getting through it. Hopefully soon I’ll be getting through it and also feeling healthy, but one can dream.
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carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Omg guys! I am SO SORRY! I am so sick but I’m trying! Hopefully I’ll be able to get one out tonight! But I figured I might as well get the queue out! It’s updated! For the next couple of weeks things got shifted around, but for the most part everything stayed the same. I’m really sorry guys! 
Also please get me your Oilers facts! I’m starting the powerpoint tomorrow as well! It will be out Friday!
Tomorrow- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
                Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
               Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
Friday 6/9- William Nylander- playoff beard
                Freddie Andersen- smut
                Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
               Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
Saturday 6/10-Jordie Benn- expecting first child
                Morgan Rielly- smut
               Charlie McAvoy- free reign
Sunday 6/11- Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
              Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
Monday 6/12- Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
              Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
Tuesday 6/13- Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
              Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Wednesday 6/14- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
              Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
Thursday 6/15- Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
               Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
Friday 6/16- Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
              AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
Saturday 6/17- Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
               Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
               Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
Sunday 6/18- Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
               Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Problematic Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
              Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
               Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
              Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
Friday 8/4- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
              Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
Saturday 8/5- Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
Sunday 8/6- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
              Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
Monday 8/7- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
Tuesday 8/8- Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
Wednesday 8/9- Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
              Ben Hutton- smut
              David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
Thursday 8/10- Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
              Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
              Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
Friday 8/11- Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
                 Nico Hischier- smut
                 Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
Saturday 8/12- Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
              Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
              Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
Sunday 8/13- Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
              Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Monday 8/14- Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
              Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
              Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
Tuesday- 8/15- Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
              Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
              Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
Wednesday- 8/16- Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
              David Pastrnak- reader gets wisdom teeth out and recovery
Thursday 8/17- Auston Matthews- Fire and Desire by Drake
              Tom Wilson- Trainer for Caps smut
Friday 8/18- Alex Nylander- baby and baby names
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Auston Matthews- reader is ace
Saturday 8/19- Alex Nylander- introduced to parents but mom doesn’t like her
              Artemi Panarin- fight and makeup smut
              Auston Matthews- coming home giggly drunk
Sunday 8/20- Mitch Marner- parents are getting married and siblings
              Nico Hischier- high school AU
              Beau Bennett- drunk hook up, bond next morning
Monday 8/21- Sidney Crosby- son from other relationship and first Mother’s Day
              Morgan Rielly- clubbing and see him after breaking up
              Timo Meier- free reign
Tuesday 8/22- Tyler Seguin- Ben Bishop’s best friend meet through him
              Willy/Alex Nylander- problems with self harming
              Dmytro Timashov- cooking/cleaning when stressed Dmytro doesn’t know why
Wednesday 8/23- Colton Parayko- honored for military service at game
              Sebastian Aho- friends teasing about you and Aho in bed
              Auston Matthews- they surprise you for Mother’s day
Thursday 8/24- Morgan Rielly- wear black and boys tease about being too badass for Mo
              Jesse Puljujarvi- soft smut
              Alexander Wennberg- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Friday 8/25- Leon Draisaitl- can’t sleep, helps you fall asleep
                Andre Burakovsky- shower smut
                Dylan Strome- has crush on you but you aren’t interested
Saturday 8/26- Andre Burakovsky- Finnish rap music and chirping
              Kasperi Kapanen- girlfriend is a soccer player
              Alex Nylander- first sleepover and seeing her dressed down and no makeup
Sunday 8/27- Colton Parayko- work for the Blues and Hutton catches you kissing
              Sidney Crosby- Small Bump by Ed Sheeran
              Alex Nylander- comes to your dance competition
Monday 8/28- Geno Malkin- go on a cruise and he takes care of you after you get sun poisoning
              Connor McDavid- takes care of you while you’re drunk/hungover
              Tom Wilson- someone insults her and he defends you
Tuesday 8/29- William Nylander- makes banana pancakes
              Mitch Marner- Canada playing home country and Canada wins and y/n is mad
              Carter Hart- snuggling and listening to the rain
Wednesday 8/30- Auston Matthews- bring child to family skate/practice
                 Jake Virtanen- vacation in a cabin first time smut
                Zach Werenski- takes puck to face and bummed but he gets to spend more time with you
Thursday 8/31- William Nylander- cute ringtone for gf and boys tease and possible proposal
              TJ Oshie- takes you home from club smut
              Auston Matthews- you have a bf and he seduces you to cheat
Friday 9/1- Mitch Marner- chipped tooth vs Finland
                 Leon Draisaitl- smut
                 Brayden Schenn- free reign
Saturday 9/2- Willy Nylander- active about Bell Let’s Talk cause you struggle with mental illness
              Auston Matthews- before game smut
              Willy/Auston/Freddie/Mitch- short and nerdy
Sunday 9/3- Brady Skjei- BFFs and secretly in love with one another and you confess
              Auston Matthews smut- friend of WAG and  hookup after game then he asks you out
              Auston Matthews- buy a puppy together
Monday 9/4- Jordie Benn- dating but kept quiet cause shes shy, but he lets it out
              Brayden Point- dirty smut
              Carey Price- Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Tuesday 9/5- Auston Matthews- bff and comforts you after a guy wants to use you as rebound
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Morgan Rielly- son’s draft day
Wednesday 9/6- Jesse Puljujarvi- Eyes Closed- Halsey
              Cliff Pu- meet on vacation and lose touch but moves to Canada for school
              Teuvo Teravainen- Supersankari by Laura Närhi
Thursday 9/7- Sebastian Aho- nopsajalka by lupaan olla
              Tom Kuhnhackl- takes her to Germany to meet family
              Marco Scandella- getting divorced, but Marco convinces her to give him second chance
Friday 9/8- William Nylander- celebrating making semi-finals
              Auston Matthews- listening to music and dancing surprise smut
              William Karlsson- fluffy free reign
Saturday 9/9- Anders Lee- free reign
              Auston Matthews- mom doesn’t like you and speaks to him in Spanish, but you are fluent in it
              William Nylander- So Wrong part two
Sunday 9/10- Sebastian Aho- proposing
              Nick Schmaltz- smut
              William Nylander- high school AU king and queen at dance
Monday 9/11- Sidney Crosby- wedding day fluff
              Connor Brown- smut
              Alex Nylander- watching Willy play in the Worlds and spending time with his fam
Tuesday 9/12- Auston Matthews- Worried his teammates don’t take you serious because you’re younger than him and in college
              Trevor van Riemsdyk- gets jealous over teammate talking to you at club smut
              Leon Draisaitl- with kids or pregnant gf/wife
Wednesday 9/13- Phil Kessel- pregnancy or children fluff
              Auston Matthews- Because You’re Mine by Kitty Kallen
              William Nylander- y/n leaf interviewer and Willy flirts with you
Thursday 9/14- Mitch Marner- gf plays hockey and gets in a fight and he’s worried/thinks its badass
              Pekka Rinne- work with charity but first time meeting team as his GF at a game
52 notes · View notes
clarencebfaber · 6 years
14 Best Ways to Gain Weight (Without Harmful Effects)
Gain Weight Without Making Yourself Sick
Move over “GOMAD” (Gallon of Milk A Day) and searching Dr. Google for the answers “how to gain weight fast”…Let these 14 essentials light the way. 
So you want to gain weight, but you “can’t.”
Some people call it a “hard gainer,” others call it “genetics,” others call it “not eating enough” or “working out too much,” and others wish they had your problem.
No matter what your theory is behind why you CAN’T seem to gain weight…it sucks.
While the majority of America is seemingly hyper focused on weight loss with 1 in 3 Americans overweight (1) (and more than 85% of all people overweight by 2030 if trends continue, 2), for those who struggle with putting weight on (or keeping it on), it can feel equally disheartening. Being underweight can affect your body image, strength and often times even health.
I get it.
“I’m a Hard Gainer” (Story of my LIFE)
For most of my life I’ve struggled with my weight.
Early Bloomer
My pre-teens were characterized by being a healthy “early bloomer”—one of the tallest in my class, the first to shave my legs and wear a sports bra by age 9, and ranking in the top percentile on the BMI charts for my height and weight.
Chronic Dieting
By age 10, I forcefully put a dramatic halt to this—wanting nothing to do with womanhood, and more than anything, wanting to be considered thin, pretty and popular. My adolescence, teens and early 20’s were spent battling my weight and destroying my metabolism through malnourishment, subsisting on fat free yogurt, baby carrots, apples and deli turkey. I counted calories and fat grams as if it were my job, and there was a time I even feared water.
Force Feeding Weight Gain: Hypermetabolic
Doctors sent me in and out of treatment centers and hosptials, like I was on vacation, and my weight forcefully yo-yoed, as protocols forced me to sit on a couch for 3-9 months at a time, eating Egg McMuffins, Ensure shakes and Pop-tarts to put weight on and keep me alive.
My nutritionists were always “shocked” at how my body would respond to the “absurd” amount of calories and large meal plans they’d put me on, telling me I was “hypermetabolic” due to the years of starvation and metabolic disruption to my system.
Eating a Michael Phelps’ Olympic Diet
Come age 24, when I chose to recover from my 15 years of anorexia and orthorexia, this once more meant fluctuations in my weight—rebounding up from death’s doorstep at 79 pounds and feeling like the walking dead, to a “healthier place” where my body could do things a normal 24-year-old body should do (like menstruate, think clearly,and sweat in yoga class).
Nevertheless, as I once more began the classic re-feeding “weight gain” diet, my body still struggled. At the time, I was in eating disorder treatment, and being fed the equivalent of what Michael Phelps ate to win his dozens of Olympic Medals—from takeout pizza, to milkshakes, ice cream, Snickers bars, peanut butter crackers, bagels and waffles—without burning a calorie or swimming a stroke my metabolism was super fast, and yet the my gain weight process was SUPER SLOW.
For almost a year, constipation and bloating were my daily nemesis, I rarely saw a green vegetable of any sort, and no one cared that I was both lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant, with underlying autoimmune diseases that wreak havoc on the body when fed inflammatory foods. However, as forceful and painful as it felt, I did gain weight, and everyone else (but myself) were happy with the number on the scale.
Confused: Health vs. Unhealthy Weight Gain
Despite wanting to be healthy and also restore healthy weight myself, inside I felt awful. Why did “getting healthy” and having a “healthy body” have to be such a painful, forced process? Why did my body have such a hard time to gain weight? Not once did anyone talk to me about the real reasons why my body struggled so much to put healthy weight on—and be in a healthy place for my body.
Redefining a Healthy Body & Weight for ME
After I got out of treatment and back to the real world, in my new 40+ pound heavier body, I felt like I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz— not in Kansas anymore. In my new skin, and world of new opportunity before me (instead of standing face to face with death), I knew I had one of two choices—move forward or go back to my old ways.
I had no idea what “maintaining” my weight looked like—since for the past 15 years, my world had seemingly revolved around others wanting me to gain weight, and me fearing it so much…but I knew I did NOT want to go back down the road I had traveled.
In my new skin, I did my best to accept myself just as I was, with a few more rolls and much fuller face, without letting the old diet mentality slip back in—making me fear every morsel I put into my mouth.
Thankfully, at this time, I found an amazing CrossFit community that showed me the beauty of being strong, self-confident, and eating real whole foods. I decided to finish my Doctorate in Occupational Therapy and later furthered my education in Nutrition—both of which gave me realistic insight and truth about what holistic health is all about. And my faith and belief in the fact that I am truly fearfully and wonderfully made and here for a greater purpose than my body helped me stand firm.
Weight was seemingly no longer my issue!
Weight Issues Strike Again
Fast forward to age 28-30, my freedom from body image and the never ending struggle to gain weight came back with vengeance. This time, not in the form of an eating disorder, but a little something something known as IBS and SIBO—small intestinal bacterial overgrowth—gut dysfunctions where I could not keep food and nutrients in my body, no matter how much I ate or how healthy I ate. While I was no longer eating a steady diet of baby carrots or the opposite treatment extremes (fast food) at the time, everything I put into my mouth, ended right back up—in the toilet.
Bloating, gas, loose and watery stools and chronic diarrhea struck and lingered for a good 6-months until I really realized something was up beyond “bad digestion.”
In that time, I lost a good 10 to 15 pounds of redefined healthy muscle and feel-good body image I’d begun to find post-treatment and anti-eating disorder.
I felt horrible—inside and out—and self conscious, like people who looked at me, and knew my back story of my eating disorder, saw me right back “there”—at square one in the thick of “ED.”
Several people commented, “You should put on weight.” Others talked about me behind my back, “Lauryn has no right being on a stage talking about her eating disorder past. She doesn’t look healthy and she’s obviously still struggling.” And still others told me straight to my face, “Lauryn, if you’d put more weight on, your words and work you do to help others heal from their own food and body struggles would have more weight.”
An “angel investor” wanted to give me $100,000 to drive my bigger vision forward of helping people on a global scale and opening up a functional medicine center in the heart of Texas…until he met me face to face. He knew my back story—my recovery from a death gripping eating disorder and had seen my news feature on CBS—but after meeting me, he said he’d only fund my business on one condition—I gain about 15-20 pounds.
Will I ALWAYS Struggle with Weight?!
This set me over the edge—frustrated with my body and my weight.
Once I really realized that the SIBO and IBS had taken a toll on my body, I went to work on gaining weight…like it was my full time job.
More than anything, I wanted to help others and see my vision through, and if the only thing I had to do was put on 15-20 pounds….I could do anything right?
Weight gain proved to be harder than ever. No matter how much I ate—upwards of 3000 calories—the weight would not go on. And more and more came out.
About this same time is when I began to get more serious about the practice and art of functional medicine, and I threw myself into both self and formal study—training under some of the top leaders in medicine and the evolving functional medicine field.
Functional medicine is ALL about helping people get to the root of the health struggles, understanding what is going on “under the hood” or what is holding them back from being the healthy, vibrant person they want to be.
And as I began studying to help others…I also began learning and studying and discovering the answers to also helping myself…
Long story short, I discovered several reasons—real reasons—my body has struggled to gain weight for a LONG TIME…and several reasons why your body probably also struggles with weight issues too—both weight gain or weight loss.
You DON’T Have to Struggle with Weight Forever
No matter your personal history and relationship with your body and your weight; and whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, you don’t have to struggle forever—especially when you better understand the root causes driving weight dysfunction for you in the first place.
While I am not 100% where I want to be yet, I am getting there—up almost 8 pounds—and gradually healing the underlying mechanisms that have kept my body from being the optimal healthiest version of myself for YEARS.
If you’re tired of fighting your weight, here are 14 REAL reasons you can’t gain weight (beyond just being a “hard gainer”) and 14 essentials to reverse your struggle.
1. Your Gut Microbiome is Unhealthy
The gut is the gateway to health (healthy weight included). Your gut is home to trillions of gut bacteria (100 trillion to be exact). Your gut bacteria and digestive system as a whole are responsible for: helping your body digest and absorb every single nutrient you eat, using every vitamin and mineral in your food, detoxifying every single toxin that comes in contact with your body, boosting your immune system, telling your neurotransmitters how to “think,” and governing how fast, slow and healthy your metabolism and hormones function.
Gut bacteria can be “good” (healthy), “bad” (pathogenic, infectious) or “commensal” (neither good nor bad.  In the case of the weight gain dilemma, if you have a chronic gut infection (like parasites or unhealthy bacteria), bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), yeast or fungal overgrowth, or other “gut problems” (like low stomach acid, IBS, “leaky gut”), then weight gain will be an uphill battle.
Poor gut health is related to malabsorption, nutrient deficiencies, cortisol imbalances (i.e. stress) and a super slow or, in your case, a super fast metabolism. 
While most studies around gut bacteria and weight tend to show the healthier your gut bacteria, the healthier your weight is (particularly for those who are overweight and obese), clinical and empirical practice also shows the opposite to be true: the more unhealthy your gut bacteria, the less healthy your body composition and weight (3).
If you are genetically predisposed to be a “hard gainer” already, you can bet your bottom dollar that you will struggle more with your weight if your gut is not healthy in the first place.
Weight Gain Essential: Boost Your Gut Health
Boost your gut health in your daily life with these steps:
Take a daily soil based probiotic and prebiotic
Take 1-2 digestive enzymes with meals
Add apple cider vinegar to water to boost stomach acid, and eat 1-2 spoonfuls of sauerkraut or fermented foods with each day
Consume natural herbs and compounds that boost gut function and heal leaky gut such as: ginger, cilantro, oregano, raw Manuka honey, peppermint, collagen, colostrum, and L-Glutamine powder to add to water.
Eat home cooked meals as much as possible, chew your food
Test, don’t guess. Work with a functional medicine practitioner to look into underlying gut dysfunctions holding you back from being in the healthy body you want to be. This may include stool testing, organic acids urine testing, SIBO breath testing, blood work or a mix of testing essentials.
2. You’re Not Maximizing Your Meals
Eating to gain weight can leave you stuffed—wondering how you can fit more “in”—especially when it seems like your weight is not budging. Everyone has their “sweet spot”—the right amount of foods that their body is able to utilize towards gaining weight, and it can be easy to undershoot this when it seems like you’re already eating all the time.
Your solution? Just suck it up and eat it! When I’ve hit this point, I find that instead of trying to fit in a whole other meal or snack, I instead look to maximize the meals I am already eating—and gradually add just a little bit more, so that my body and gut doesn’t feel overwhelmed.
Weight Gain Essential: Add Just a Little Bit Extra
Boost or maximize the meals you are already eating. Add:
An extra tablespoon of coconut oil to your veggies
A quarter of a cup more of sweet potatoes or squash
An extra ounce of protein
5-6 more raw nuts
A tablespoon of raw honey to your bedtime tea,
Or (my personal fave), a heaping spoonful of Keto-friendly ice cream or homemade coconut ice cream after dinner. Little things can make a big difference.
3. You’re Counting Quantity (Not Quality)
Calories and macros are only half the weight gain battle. Most blogs and articles on weight gain, and even personal trainers, will tell you to focus on “eating more,” “eating big,” “carbing up,” “getting lots of protein,” and healthy fats, but rarely do they talk about the quality of the foods you are eating. You can eat all the Tyson (hormone and antibiotic) raised chicken, pesticide-laden broccoli, and carb-rich rice or pasta in the world, but if the food sources are poor quality foods, you may as well be eating, but starving (at a cellular level).
Perfection and 100% organic foods are not the goal here, but a nutrient-dense diet is. For instance, the time broccoli makes it from the farm to the grocery store shelf, it has already lost well over 70% of its nutrients (4).
What this means for you in your weight gain journey? The less nutrient dense your diet, the less vitamins and minerals your body is able to use to “build on” towards your metabolic goals, at a cellular level, and the less likely your body is to absorb that food in the first place.
Weight Gain Essential: Aim for Quality Nutrients
Choose the best quality foods you can afford and vary up the foods within your diet often. (Eating the same things leaves your body and metabolism starving for certain nutrients—even if you are hitting your calorie or macro goals). Nutrient dense foods include:
Pasture-raised poultry
Grass-fed meats
Wild caught fish
Organ Meats
Bone Broth
Organic “Dirty Dozen” at least
Consume veggies within 1-3 days of buying, if possible
Cooked and sautéed veggies (digest best)
Dark leafy greens
Prebiotic fiber rich veggies & tubers (cooked and cooled potatoes/sweet potatoes, cooked and cooled white rice, green plantains, asparagus, onion, garlic, jicama, rutabaga, fennel)
Fresh Fruits
Especially antioxidant rich and digestive boosting fruits like:
Bananas (green tipped)
Healthy Fats
Avocado (1 small, 1/2 Medium, 1/3 Large=serving)
Avocado Oil
Beef Tallow
Coconut Butter
Coconut Flakes Unsweetened
Coconut Milk (additive-free; organic caned best)
Coconut Oil
Coconut Yogurt
Duck Fat
Egg Yolks (pasture raised, organic)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Fatty Cold Water Fish (Salmon, Sardines, Cod, Halibut)
Fatty Cuts of Meat (grass-fed, organic, pasture raised)
Flax Oil
Goat’s Milk Butter
Grass-fed Butter
Grass-Fed Dairy* (Yogurt, Cream; No sugar, no additives, full-fat, plain; Limit amounts)
Grass-fed Goat’s Milk
Lard, Non-hydrogenated
Mayonnaise (Avoid brands with canola oil or sugar)
Palm Oil, Red Palm Oil
Palm Shortening (for baking)
 Fermented Foods
1-2 condiment sized servings per day
Fermented/Pickled Veggies
Fermented Condiments (Mustard, Ketchup, Relish, Horseradish, Salsas, etc.)
Kefir (Water, Coconut)
Kombucha (low sugar like Health Ade brand—only 2 grams of sugar, or make your own)
Kvass (Beet Kvass)
Miso & Natto (fermented varieties, no-additives)
Yogurt (Coconut Yogurt; full-fat grass-fed dairy with “live and active cultures only)
4. You’re Eating Foods You’re Intolerant To
Food intolerances can go undiagnosed for years. Unlike allergies where you get a direct reactive “histamine” response (wheezing, sneezing, watery eyes), food intolerances are less overt—manifesting as other signs and symptoms like malabsorption, bacterial overgrowth, fatigue, chronic stress, skin breakouts, lowered immunity, and metabolic disturbances, including difficulty gaining or losing weight).
Even “healthy” foods can be “trigger foods” for food intolerances if you’re immunity or gut function is not able to handle them. For instance, eggs, nuts, grains, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and even broccoli (FODMAP) are common irritants to individuals with underlying gut issues.
In addition, while foods like gluten get a “bad rep” and many people have chosen to avoid it (because it seems “healthier” all around), there are dozens of other foods with high cross-reactivity to gluten, such as: instant coffee, dairy, rice, buckwheat, tapioca and quinoa (in fact, many of these ingredients are often found in gluten free products).
Weight Gain Essential: Experiment with Foods that Work for Your Body
If you are struggling to put on weight and tend to eat the same things most days, experiment with food variety or eliminating questionable trigger foods for you to see how your body (and weight) respond. The top gut irritating foods many people find they are intolerant to include:
Dairy (especially conventional dairy)
Artificial Sweeteners Note: Don’t forget that “cutting out” doesn’t mean “restricting.” Instead replace these foods with other foods, such as tigernuts, pumpkin seeds, sunbutter, and coconut butter for nuts and nut butter; starchy tubers (like butternut squash, sweet potatoes or plantains) for grains; raw honey, xylitol, or pure maple syrup in place of most commercial sweeteners (in protein powders), and coconut milk/yogurt or full fat grassfed kefir and yogurt in place of conventional dairy.
5. You’re Forgetting Vegetables
Just because you’re in “weight gain” mode doesn’t mean that veggies have to go off the table. Vegetables provide your body (and gut) with essential fibers and prebiotics for digesting your food in the first place, as well as help ease digestion (and prevent bloating and constipation). Many people neglect veggies, especially on a weight gain diet, thinking that carrots and greens means eating like a bird. However, the opposite is true. Without veggies in your diet, your body does eat like a bird (not getting the well rounded nutrients you need to build into your cellular function and metabolic processes).
Weight Gain Essential: Taste the Rainbow
Aim for 1-3 veggies with each meal—especially dark leafy greens, prebiotic and soluble fibers (like cooked and cooled potatoes/sweet potatoes, roasted squash, carrots, beets). Preferably cook, sautee, steam or roast your veggies to enhance digestion (and prevent over fullness from raw veggies).
6. You Have a “Hollow Leg” (or Metabolic/Thyroid Imbalance or Mitochondrial Dysfunction)
Do you ever feel like your have a hollow leg—like no matter what you eat or how much you eats, your food goes nowhere? Although this is a funny expression that Uncle Joey used to joke with you about over Thanksgiving turkey, it may not be too far off if you have something else going on “under the hood.”
We briefly discussed the importance of gut health in point #1, but beyond the gut, an underlying dysfunction in your thyroid (metabolic mothership) or mitochondria (cells and cellular processes) can also challenge your weight gain efforts—especially if your body has ever been subjected to chronic stress. Stress wreaks havoc on your body as a whole—from circadian rhythm dysfunction, lack of sleep, poor quality foods, eating the same things every day, overtraining or under-training, antibiotic use, long-term medication use, a history of disordered eating and toxic chemical exposure.
For instance, in a study of individuals in recovery from chronic eating disorders (i.e. individuals with long term stress on their bodies), the subjects’ resting metabolic rate increased upwards of 20% for their height and weight—some needing upwards of 5,000 calories to gain and maintain their weight (5, 6).
This is significant since eating disorders are highly associated with chronic stress, thyroid and mitochondrial disturbances (3). Another example: toxic burden from overexposure to the 85,000+ unregulated chemicals in our plastics, cleaning and hygiene chemicals, toxic beauty products, heavy metals, mold, medications, tap water and pesticides can also wreak havoc on your body at a cellular level if you’ve had your fair share (7).
What this means for your metabolism? If the “balance” of your body’s processes is thrown off, then the last thing your body may want to do is “build” or gain weight. In fact, for some thyroid disturbances or mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to skeletal muscle breakdown, nutrient deficiencies and even unwanted weight loss, as your cells and hormones can become starved at a cellular level.
Weight Gain Essential: Get a Complete Blood Panel Run + Additional Testing (if Needed)
Look under the hood. Work with a practitioner to assess your metabolic health. Get blood work completed, including a complete thyroid panel, as well as complete iron panel (since iron overload and deficiencies can also influence metabolism). Your practitioner should be able to guide you for any further testing as well for things like: mold, autoimmunity, organic acids, and heavy metals if warranted.
Here are the ideal ranges for thyroid markers:
TSH 1-2 UIU/ML or lower (Armour or compounded T3 can artificially suppress TSH) Free T4 >1.1 NG/DL Free T3 > 3.2 PG/ML Reverse T3 less than a 10:1 ratio RT3:FT3 Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPOAb) & Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb)  < 4 IU/ML or negative
Here are ideal ranges for iron markers, depending on the season of life you’re in:
Serum Iron Men: 40–135 μg/dL Pre-menopausal Women: 40–135 μg/dL Post-menopausal Women: 40–135 μg/dL
Serum Ferritin Men: 30–200 ng/dL Pre-menopausal women: 30–100 ng/dL Post-menopausal Women: 30–100 ng/dL
Transferrin Saturation Men: 17–45% Pre-menopausal Women: 17–45% Post-menopausal Women: 17–45%
TIBC Men: 275–425 μg/dL Pre-menopausal Women: 275–425 μg/dL Post-menopausal Women: 275–425μg/dL
UIBC Men: 175–350 μg/dL Pre-menopausal Women: 175–350 μg/dL Post-menopausal Women: 175–350 μg/dL
Soluble Transferrin Receptor Men: 14.5–25 nmol/L Pre-menopausal Women: 13–25 nmol/L Post-menopausal Women: 14.5–25 nmol/L
Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content (CHr) Men: 24.5–31.8 pg Pre-menopausal Women: 24.5–31.8 pg Post-menopausal Women: 24.5–31.8 pg
7. You’re Eating on the Go
Optimal digestion happens in a “parasympathetic state” (rest and digest). Eating on the go, in addition to standing up while eating, distracted eating (watching TV, checking your phone) or eating out at restaurants, (more than eating in) is stressful for the body’s digestive system.Often coupled with this is also the dilemma of not chewing your food enough. The result? Poorly digested and poorly absorbed foods…and lack of weight gain.
Weight Gain Essential : Rest & Digest
Slow down at meal times. Eat your meals seated and preferably not on the go. Cook and prepare your foods as much as possible. Chew your food (really well), and mindfully enjoy your meals (i.e. refrain from distracted eating).
8. You’re Meal Timing is Off
The human body loves balance—especially circadian rhythm balance. Every human has an internal biological clock that operates in tandem with the sun—ideally, we have more energy in the morning as the sun rises, plenty of gusto and energy during the day, then a bell curve dip in the evening, ready to “tuck in” and wind down as the sun goes down. However, if we disturb this circadian function—including our meal timing, then our body and metabolism can get off as well. While there is no perfect time to eat, there are general guidelines and hours during which your body is able to digest best. Eating at the “wrong” time windows also affects your metabolism.
In one study, aimed at determining if time of day affected weight loss in mice, researchers from  UT Southwestern Medical Center found: Mice on a reduced calorie plan that ate only during their normal feeding/active cycle were the only ones among five groups to lose weight, despite consuming the same amount as another group fed during their rest time in daylight (8).
Weight Gain Essential: Eat with Your Circadian Rhythms
Eat in tune with your circadian rhythms to maximize the fuel you eat.
Here’s a general guide:
6-8 Breakfast/First Meal
10-11 Mid-Morning Snack (if you eat a snack)
12-2 Lunch
3-5 Afternoon Snack (if you snack)
6-8 Dinner
9-10 Bedtime Snack (if you snack)
These guidelines fall in line with the way your body metabolizes food thought the day.
9. Your Body is in “Catabolic Mode”
Catabolism stands for “break down.” Anabolism is exactly the opposite: building up or weight gain. Together, catabolism and anabolism are integral and opposite parts of the metabolic cycle that require ideal balance to maintain a strong body, healthy weight, and muscle mass. If these activities are not in balance, the body can be in a catabolic state. The culprits to balance? Chronic stress, overtraining, prolonged fasting or restrictive diets, chronic infection, such as Lyme disease or H. Pylori, poor quality food intake, major surgery, burning a candle at both ends, lack of sleep, lack of water  (dehydration), and beyond.
Excessive or prolonged stress, resulting in catabolism (without adequate compensating anabolism or recovery) has negative consequences for your weight gain goals.
Muscle tissue along and essential body fat throughout the body can become depleted. Without the sufficient anabolic process, the process of growing and repairing tissue doesn’t happen, sending the body into a net negative energy state, defined by gradual weight loss, reduction of muscle mass and healthy body fat.
If not reversed early on, chronic catabolism happens—making you a “hard gainer” with your body constantly trying to catch up and locking your metabolic cycle into a deficit with low energy, failure to gain weight despite excessive caloric intake, unexplained weight loss, hypoglycemia, shortness of breath and inability to take deep respiration, and more.Translation? Adrenal fatigue or “HPA Axis Dysfunction.”
Is this you?
Weight Gain Essential: Don’t Push Your Body
When your body is in a catabolic state, typical measures for weight gain, health and nutrition are not always tolerated. Your body is highly sensitive and may not be able to accept BOTH natural or synthetic anabolic compounds or hacks that have stimulating properties. This may mean taking a step back from high calorie loads, inflammatory foods (dairy, grains, nuts), hard workout sessions and nutritional supplements—all of which can be a “good thing” but cause more stress than good in the catabolic state.
A common error of trying to use more calories or more supplements to reverse the catabolic cycle prematurely (when the body is still in catabolism and yet to stabilize), is that programs that focus primarily on aggressive tactics often fail. In catabolic mode or “adrenal fatigue,: the body is trying to slow down in order to conserve energy because it perceives danger and a threat to survival.
Forcing more food into the body requires the body to use more energy for digestion and metabolite breakdown. And even though nutritional supplements may seem harmless to” boost your adrenals” or immunity, if your body is in “break down mode,” these measures can trigger adrenal crashes. Instead of trying to push your body out of catabolism, here’s how to approach restoring your body to a place where it’s ready to be “pushed” towards health instead:
Step 1: Prevent Catabolism from Worsening
Use basic whole foods nutrition, juiced vegetables, basic movement (walking, yoga), rest and cutting out unnecessary commitments and obligations.
Step 2: Focus on Essential Nutrition
Let food be thy medicine. Before pushing forward into high caloric meal plans once you have a stable foundation, the goal of step 2 is still gradual restoration of total health and function. This is best accomplished by focusing on eating micronutrients through nutrient dense foods (fresh vegetables and fruits, organ meats, fatty fish, grass-fed and pastured proteins, essential fatty acids), and customizing the exact nutrients to your needs. A one size fits all dietary plan is not possible here because of great individual variance. Consider working with a nutritionist to build a balanced, restorative meal plan for you.
Step 3: Proper Supplementation
Once a baseline of health and function is restored and the catabolic state has slowed, supplements may gradually be integrated to boost overall function. Some helpful supports may include: adaptogenic herbs (like ashwaganda, rhodiola, cordyceps or reishi mushroom), essential fatty acids (like cod liver oil), immune-boosting supports (Vitamin C, liposomal curcumin, glutathione and resveratrol). Work with a functional medicine practitioner on this one.
10. You’re Not Recovering Properly
Perhaps you are not all the way into catabolic mode…but you’re heading that way fast if stress (and lack of recovery) are your “norms.” You can eat all the sweet potatoes and ice cream in the world, but if your body is in “stressed out mode,” then you won’t see the labors of your high calorie intake work like they should. Beyond calories, quality sleep, hydration and workout habits are essential for a balanced bod (that can readily accept weight gain). If you under sleep, don’t hydrate or overtrain, then you won’t get anywhere (fast).
Weight Gain Essential: 
Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night
Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of filtered water each day (bonus: add lemon)
Balance your workouts: Daily movement is not a bad thing, aim for 3-5 days of strength training, 1-2 days of power (HIIT), yoga or flexibility training, and
11. You’re Trying to Be Arnold
Your body is your body. Arnold’s body is his body. Cindy Crawford’s body is her body. Every BODY is different, and one of the biggest “get ups” in the weight gain game is keeping your eyes everywhere else, but on your own “ball.” The more we look to others’ bodies and characteristics as our own ideal (instead of determining our own), the further from our goals we will continue to be (because we will never fully get there).
Weight Gain Essential: Clearly Define Who Thriving YOU Is
Who is thriving, healthy, body confident you? What does he or she look like, act like, feel like, think like? If you could be the best version of you—not someone else, who would that be and qualities would you possess? Get a clear picture of that girl or that guy. Bullet point your top qualities of who you want to be in your healthy body and healthy mindset, then… put on the “as if” mindset in your own weight gain journey. The “as if” mindset is like putting on a superhero cape or princess dress as a kid and believing you were totally Superman or Belle from :Beauty and the Best.” So as we think therefore we become.
12. You’re on the Wrong Supplements
The supplement industry is a black hole with everything from protein powders to weight gainers, adrenal supports, multi-vitamins, probiotics and beyond. However, not all supplements are created equal, and most all supplements are unregulated—leaving those who are unfamiliar with the differences in strains, types, potencies, company reputations and overall quality of supplements in the dark about the “best” supplements for you.
Hate to break it to you, but many sups are nothing more than placebo effect, overheated during processing and manufacturing, not potent enough to make a difference and/or half-baked marketing lies.
For instance, it’s been estimated that upwards of 90% of probiotics on shelves do not contain the probiotics they claim.While supplements can be beneficial for getting in extra micronutrients you don’t get in your diet, or supporting underlying deficiencies or dysfunctions (such as poor gut health, poor thyroid or metabolic function, “adrenal fatigue,” etc.), it’s best not to go too crazy or depend on supplements too much as the “answer” for your weight gain success.
Weight Gain Essential: Invest in Quality Supps & Get a Plan for You
Less is more, and here are my top 5 weight gain supportive supplements most people can benefit from:
Soil Based Probiotic: Megaspore Biotic (use code “THRIVE” to be able to check out under the Register Tab as a patient)
Prebiotic: Sunfiber (helps digest your probiotic)
Digestive Enzymes: Transformation Enzymes Digest
Quality MultiVitamin: Metabolic Synergy by Designs for Health (use code LAURYNLAX at checkout to have access to check out)
Clean Protein Powder: Equip Foods Prime Protein  , Vital Protein CollagenConsult with your healthcare practitioner or get a custom supplement and nutrition plan for you     
13. You’re Stressing Out (About Your Weight)
Did we mention stress is the number one culprit working against your weight gain efforts? It is.
Weight Gain Essential: Enjoy the Journey
Health is about the journey—not the destination. Along your weight gain restoration, enjoy the journey of building into your healthy lifestyle, body and mindset. You will get there. Focus on one day and one positive action step at a time.
The post 14 Best Ways to Gain Weight (Without Harmful Effects)
 appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/14-best-ways-to-gain-weight-without-harmful-effects%e2%80%a8/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
14 Best Ways to Gain Weight (Without Harmful Effects) via https://drlaurynlax.weebly.com/
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elizabethbgrimes · 6 years
14 Best Ways to Gain Weight (Without Harmful Effects)

Gain Weight Without Making Yourself Sick
Move over “GOMAD” (Gallon of Milk A Day) and searching Dr. Google for the answers “how to gain weight fast”…Let these 14 essentials light the way. 
So you want to gain weight, but you “can’t.”
Some people call it a “hard gainer,” others call it “genetics,” others call it “not eating enough” or “working out too much,” and others wish they had your problem.
No matter what your theory is behind why you CAN’T seem to gain weight…it sucks.
While the majority of America is seemingly hyper focused on weight loss with 1 in 3 Americans overweight (1) (and more than 85% of all people overweight by 2030 if trends continue, 2), for those who struggle with putting weight on (or keeping it on), it can feel equally disheartening. Being underweight can affect your body image, strength and often times even health.
I get it.
“I’m a Hard Gainer” (Story of my LIFE)
For most of my life I’ve struggled with my weight.
Early Bloomer
My pre-teens were characterized by being a healthy “early bloomer”—one of the tallest in my class, the first to shave my legs and wear a sports bra by age 9, and ranking in the top percentile on the BMI charts for my height and weight.
Chronic Dieting
By age 10, I forcefully put a dramatic halt to this—wanting nothing to do with womanhood, and more than anything, wanting to be considered thin, pretty and popular. My adolescence, teens and early 20’s were spent battling my weight and destroying my metabolism through malnourishment, subsisting on fat free yogurt, baby carrots, apples and deli turkey. I counted calories and fat grams as if it were my job, and there was a time I even feared water.
Force Feeding Weight Gain: Hypermetabolic
Doctors sent me in and out of treatment centers and hosptials, like I was on vacation, and my weight forcefully yo-yoed, as protocols forced me to sit on a couch for 3-9 months at a time, eating Egg McMuffins, Ensure shakes and Pop-tarts to put weight on and keep me alive.
My nutritionists were always “shocked” at how my body would respond to the “absurd” amount of calories and large meal plans they’d put me on, telling me I was “hypermetabolic” due to the years of starvation and metabolic disruption to my system.
Eating a Michael Phelps’ Olympic Diet
Come age 24, when I chose to recover from my 15 years of anorexia and orthorexia, this once more meant fluctuations in my weight—rebounding up from death’s doorstep at 79 pounds and feeling like the walking dead, to a “healthier place” where my body could do things a normal 24-year-old body should do (like menstruate, think clearly,and sweat in yoga class).
Nevertheless, as I once more began the classic re-feeding “weight gain” diet, my body still struggled. At the time, I was in eating disorder treatment, and being fed the equivalent of what Michael Phelps ate to win his dozens of Olympic Medals—from takeout pizza, to milkshakes, ice cream, Snickers bars, peanut butter crackers, bagels and waffles—without burning a calorie or swimming a stroke my metabolism was super fast, and yet the my gain weight process was SUPER SLOW.
For almost a year, constipation and bloating were my daily nemesis, I rarely saw a green vegetable of any sort, and no one cared that I was both lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant, with underlying autoimmune diseases that wreak havoc on the body when fed inflammatory foods. However, as forceful and painful as it felt, I did gain weight, and everyone else (but myself) were happy with the number on the scale.
Confused: Health vs. Unhealthy Weight Gain
Despite wanting to be healthy and also restore healthy weight myself, inside I felt awful. Why did “getting healthy” and having a “healthy body” have to be such a painful, forced process? Why did my body have such a hard time to gain weight? Not once did anyone talk to me about the real reasons why my body struggled so much to put healthy weight on—and be in a healthy place for my body.
Redefining a Healthy Body & Weight for ME
After I got out of treatment and back to the real world, in my new 40+ pound heavier body, I felt like I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz— not in Kansas anymore. In my new skin, and world of new opportunity before me (instead of standing face to face with death), I knew I had one of two choices���move forward or go back to my old ways.
I had no idea what “maintaining” my weight looked like—since for the past 15 years, my world had seemingly revolved around others wanting me to gain weight, and me fearing it so much…but I knew I did NOT want to go back down the road I had traveled.
In my new skin, I did my best to accept myself just as I was, with a few more rolls and much fuller face, without letting the old diet mentality slip back in—making me fear every morsel I put into my mouth.
Thankfully, at this time, I found an amazing CrossFit community that showed me the beauty of being strong, self-confident, and eating real whole foods. I decided to finish my Doctorate in Occupational Therapy and later furthered my education in Nutrition—both of which gave me realistic insight and truth about what holistic health is all about. And my faith and belief in the fact that I am truly fearfully and wonderfully made and here for a greater purpose than my body helped me stand firm.
Weight was seemingly no longer my issue!
Weight Issues Strike Again
Fast forward to age 28-30, my freedom from body image and the never ending struggle to gain weight came back with vengeance. This time, not in the form of an eating disorder, but a little something something known as IBS and SIBO—small intestinal bacterial overgrowth—gut dysfunctions where I could not keep food and nutrients in my body, no matter how much I ate or how healthy I ate. While I was no longer eating a steady diet of baby carrots or the opposite treatment extremes (fast food) at the time, everything I put into my mouth, ended right back up—in the toilet.
Bloating, gas, loose and watery stools and chronic diarrhea struck and lingered for a good 6-months until I really realized something was up beyond “bad digestion.”
In that time, I lost a good 10 to 15 pounds of redefined healthy muscle and feel-good body image I’d begun to find post-treatment and anti-eating disorder.
I felt horrible—inside and out—and self conscious, like people who looked at me, and knew my back story of my eating disorder, saw me right back “there”—at square one in the thick of “ED.”
Several people commented, “You should put on weight.” Others talked about me behind my back, “Lauryn has no right being on a stage talking about her eating disorder past. She doesn’t look healthy and she’s obviously still struggling.” And still others told me straight to my face, “Lauryn, if you’d put more weight on, your words and work you do to help others heal from their own food and body struggles would have more weight.”
An “angel investor” wanted to give me $100,000 to drive my bigger vision forward of helping people on a global scale and opening up a functional medicine center in the heart of Texas…until he met me face to face. He knew my back story—my recovery from a death gripping eating disorder and had seen my news feature on CBS—but after meeting me, he said he’d only fund my business on one condition—I gain about 15-20 pounds.
Will I ALWAYS Struggle with Weight?!
This set me over the edge—frustrated with my body and my weight.
Once I really realized that the SIBO and IBS had taken a toll on my body, I went to work on gaining weight…like it was my full time job.
More than anything, I wanted to help others and see my vision through, and if the only thing I had to do was put on 15-20 pounds….I could do anything right?
Weight gain proved to be harder than ever. No matter how much I ate—upwards of 3000 calories—the weight would not go on. And more and more came out.
About this same time is when I began to get more serious about the practice and art of functional medicine, and I threw myself into both self and formal study—training under some of the top leaders in medicine and the evolving functional medicine field.
Functional medicine is ALL about helping people get to the root of the health struggles, understanding what is going on “under the hood” or what is holding them back from being the healthy, vibrant person they want to be.
And as I began studying to help others…I also began learning and studying and discovering the answers to also helping myself…
Long story short, I discovered several reasons—real reasons—my body has struggled to gain weight for a LONG TIME…and several reasons why your body probably also struggles with weight issues too—both weight gain or weight loss.
You DON’T Have to Struggle with Weight Forever
No matter your personal history and relationship with your body and your weight; and whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, you don’t have to struggle forever—especially when you better understand the root causes driving weight dysfunction for you in the first place.
While I am not 100% where I want to be yet, I am getting there—up almost 8 pounds—and gradually healing the underlying mechanisms that have kept my body from being the optimal healthiest version of myself for YEARS.
If you’re tired of fighting your weight, here are 14 REAL reasons you can’t gain weight (beyond just being a “hard gainer”) and 14 essentials to reverse your struggle.
1. Your Gut Microbiome is Unhealthy
The gut is the gateway to health (healthy weight included). Your gut is home to trillions of gut bacteria (100 trillion to be exact). Your gut bacteria and digestive system as a whole are responsible for: helping your body digest and absorb every single nutrient you eat, using every vitamin and mineral in your food, detoxifying every single toxin that comes in contact with your body, boosting your immune system, telling your neurotransmitters how to “think,” and governing how fast, slow and healthy your metabolism and hormones function.
Gut bacteria can be “good” (healthy), “bad” (pathogenic, infectious) or “commensal” (neither good nor bad.  In the case of the weight gain dilemma, if you have a chronic gut infection (like parasites or unhealthy bacteria), bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), yeast or fungal overgrowth, or other “gut problems” (like low stomach acid, IBS, “leaky gut”), then weight gain will be an uphill battle.
Poor gut health is related to malabsorption, nutrient deficiencies, cortisol imbalances (i.e. stress) and a super slow or, in your case, a super fast metabolism. 
While most studies around gut bacteria and weight tend to show the healthier your gut bacteria, the healthier your weight is (particularly for those who are overweight and obese), clinical and empirical practice also shows the opposite to be true: the more unhealthy your gut bacteria, the less healthy your body composition and weight (3).
If you are genetically predisposed to be a “hard gainer” already, you can bet your bottom dollar that you will struggle more with your weight if your gut is not healthy in the first place.
Weight Gain Essential: Boost Your Gut Health
Boost your gut health in your daily life with these steps:
Take a daily soil based probiotic and prebiotic
Take 1-2 digestive enzymes with meals
Add apple cider vinegar to water to boost stomach acid, and eat 1-2 spoonfuls of sauerkraut or fermented foods with each day
Consume natural herbs and compounds that boost gut function and heal leaky gut such as: ginger, cilantro, oregano, raw Manuka honey, peppermint, collagen, colostrum, and L-Glutamine powder to add to water.
Eat home cooked meals as much as possible, chew your food
Test, don’t guess. Work with a functional medicine practitioner to look into underlying gut dysfunctions holding you back from being in the healthy body you want to be. This may include stool testing, organic acids urine testing, SIBO breath testing, blood work or a mix of testing essentials.
2. You’re Not Maximizing Your Meals
Eating to gain weight can leave you stuffed—wondering how you can fit more “in”—especially when it seems like your weight is not budging. Everyone has their “sweet spot”—the right amount of foods that their body is able to utilize towards gaining weight, and it can be easy to undershoot this when it seems like you’re already eating all the time.
Your solution? Just suck it up and eat it! When I’ve hit this point, I find that instead of trying to fit in a whole other meal or snack, I instead look to maximize the meals I am already eating—and gradually add just a little bit more, so that my body and gut doesn’t feel overwhelmed.
Weight Gain Essential: Add Just a Little Bit Extra
Boost or maximize the meals you are already eating. Add:
An extra tablespoon of coconut oil to your veggies
A quarter of a cup more of sweet potatoes or squash
An extra ounce of protein
5-6 more raw nuts
A tablespoon of raw honey to your bedtime tea,
Or (my personal fave), a heaping spoonful of Keto-friendly ice cream or homemade coconut ice cream after dinner. Little things can make a big difference.
3. You’re Counting Quantity (Not Quality)
Calories and macros are only half the weight gain battle. Most blogs and articles on weight gain, and even personal trainers, will tell you to focus on “eating more,” “eating big,” “carbing up,” “getting lots of protein,” and healthy fats, but rarely do they talk about the quality of the foods you are eating. You can eat all the Tyson (hormone and antibiotic) raised chicken, pesticide-laden broccoli, and carb-rich rice or pasta in the world, but if the food sources are poor quality foods, you may as well be eating, but starving (at a cellular level).
Perfection and 100% organic foods are not the goal here, but a nutrient-dense diet is. For instance, the time broccoli makes it from the farm to the grocery store shelf, it has already lost well over 70% of its nutrients (4).
What this means for you in your weight gain journey? The less nutrient dense your diet, the less vitamins and minerals your body is able to use to “build on” towards your metabolic goals, at a cellular level, and the less likely your body is to absorb that food in the first place.
Weight Gain Essential: Aim for Quality Nutrients
Choose the best quality foods you can afford and vary up the foods within your diet often. (Eating the same things leaves your body and metabolism starving for certain nutrients—even if you are hitting your calorie or macro goals). Nutrient dense foods include:
Pasture-raised poultry
Grass-fed meats
Wild caught fish
Organ Meats
Bone Broth
Organic “Dirty Dozen” at least
Consume veggies within 1-3 days of buying, if possible
Cooked and sautéed veggies (digest best)
Dark leafy greens
Prebiotic fiber rich veggies & tubers (cooked and cooled potatoes/sweet potatoes, cooked and cooled white rice, green plantains, asparagus, onion, garlic, jicama, rutabaga, fennel)
Fresh Fruits
Especially antioxidant rich and digestive boosting fruits like:
Bananas (green tipped)
Healthy Fats
Avocado (1 small, 1/2 Medium, 1/3 Large=serving)
Avocado Oil
Beef Tallow
Coconut Butter
Coconut Flakes Unsweetened
Coconut Milk (additive-free; organic caned best)
Coconut Oil
Coconut Yogurt
Duck Fat
Egg Yolks (pasture raised, organic)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Fatty Cold Water Fish (Salmon, Sardines, Cod, Halibut)
Fatty Cuts of Meat (grass-fed, organic, pasture raised)
Flax Oil
Goat’s Milk Butter
Grass-fed Butter
Grass-Fed Dairy* (Yogurt, Cream; No sugar, no additives, full-fat, plain; Limit amounts)
Grass-fed Goat’s Milk
Lard, Non-hydrogenated
Mayonnaise (Avoid brands with canola oil or sugar)
Palm Oil, Red Palm Oil
Palm Shortening (for baking)
 Fermented Foods
1-2 condiment sized servings per day
Fermented/Pickled Veggies
Fermented Condiments (Mustard, Ketchup, Relish, Horseradish, Salsas, etc.)
Kefir (Water, Coconut)
Kombucha (low sugar like Health Ade brand—only 2 grams of sugar, or make your own)
Kvass (Beet Kvass)
Miso & Natto (fermented varieties, no-additives)
Yogurt (Coconut Yogurt; full-fat grass-fed dairy with “live and active cultures only)
4. You’re Eating Foods You’re Intolerant To
Food intolerances can go undiagnosed for years. Unlike allergies where you get a direct reactive “histamine” response (wheezing, sneezing, watery eyes), food intolerances are less overt—manifesting as other signs and symptoms like malabsorption, bacterial overgrowth, fatigue, chronic stress, skin breakouts, lowered immunity, and metabolic disturbances, including difficulty gaining or losing weight).
Even “healthy” foods can be “trigger foods” for food intolerances if you’re immunity or gut function is not able to handle them. For instance, eggs, nuts, grains, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and even broccoli (FODMAP) are common irritants to individuals with underlying gut issues.
In addition, while foods like gluten get a “bad rep” and many people have chosen to avoid it (because it seems “healthier” all around), there are dozens of other foods with high cross-reactivity to gluten, such as: instant coffee, dairy, rice, buckwheat, tapioca and quinoa (in fact, many of these ingredients are often found in gluten free products).
Weight Gain Essential: Experiment with Foods that Work for Your Body
If you are struggling to put on weight and tend to eat the same things most days, experiment with food variety or eliminating questionable trigger foods for you to see how your body (and weight) respond. The top gut irritating foods many people find they are intolerant to include:
Dairy (especially conventional dairy)
Artificial Sweeteners Note: Don’t forget that “cutting out” doesn’t mean “restricting.” Instead replace these foods with other foods, such as tigernuts, pumpkin seeds, sunbutter, and coconut butter for nuts and nut butter; starchy tubers (like butternut squash, sweet potatoes or plantains) for grains; raw honey, xylitol, or pure maple syrup in place of most commercial sweeteners (in protein powders), and coconut milk/yogurt or full fat grassfed kefir and yogurt in place of conventional dairy.
5. You’re Forgetting Vegetables
Just because you’re in “weight gain” mode doesn’t mean that veggies have to go off the table. Vegetables provide your body (and gut) with essential fibers and prebiotics for digesting your food in the first place, as well as help ease digestion (and prevent bloating and constipation). Many people neglect veggies, especially on a weight gain diet, thinking that carrots and greens means eating like a bird. However, the opposite is true. Without veggies in your diet, your body does eat like a bird (not getting the well rounded nutrients you need to build into your cellular function and metabolic processes).
Weight Gain Essential: Taste the Rainbow
Aim for 1-3 veggies with each meal—especially dark leafy greens, prebiotic and soluble fibers (like cooked and cooled potatoes/sweet potatoes, roasted squash, carrots, beets). Preferably cook, sautee, steam or roast your veggies to enhance digestion (and prevent over fullness from raw veggies).
6. You Have a “Hollow Leg” (or Metabolic/Thyroid Imbalance or Mitochondrial Dysfunction)
Do you ever feel like your have a hollow leg—like no matter what you eat or how much you eats, your food goes nowhere? Although this is a funny expression that Uncle Joey used to joke with you about over Thanksgiving turkey, it may not be too far off if you have something else going on “under the hood.”
We briefly discussed the importance of gut health in point #1, but beyond the gut, an underlying dysfunction in your thyroid (metabolic mothership) or mitochondria (cells and cellular processes) can also challenge your weight gain efforts—especially if your body has ever been subjected to chronic stress. Stress wreaks havoc on your body as a whole—from circadian rhythm dysfunction, lack of sleep, poor quality foods, eating the same things every day, overtraining or under-training, antibiotic use, long-term medication use, a history of disordered eating and toxic chemical exposure.
For instance, in a study of individuals in recovery from chronic eating disorders (i.e. individuals with long term stress on their bodies), the subjects’ resting metabolic rate increased upwards of 20% for their height and weight—some needing upwards of 5,000 calories to gain and maintain their weight (5, 6).
This is significant since eating disorders are highly associated with chronic stress, thyroid and mitochondrial disturbances (3). Another example: toxic burden from overexposure to the 85,000+ unregulated chemicals in our plastics, cleaning and hygiene chemicals, toxic beauty products, heavy metals, mold, medications, tap water and pesticides can also wreak havoc on your body at a cellular level if you’ve had your fair share (7).
What this means for your metabolism? If the “balance” of your body’s processes is thrown off, then the last thing your body may want to do is “build” or gain weight. In fact, for some thyroid disturbances or mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to skeletal muscle breakdown, nutrient deficiencies and even unwanted weight loss, as your cells and hormones can become starved at a cellular level.
Weight Gain Essential: Get a Complete Blood Panel Run + Additional Testing (if Needed)
Look under the hood. Work with a practitioner to assess your metabolic health. Get blood work completed, including a complete thyroid panel, as well as complete iron panel (since iron overload and deficiencies can also influence metabolism). Your practitioner should be able to guide you for any further testing as well for things like: mold, autoimmunity, organic acids, and heavy metals if warranted.
Here are the ideal ranges for thyroid markers:
TSH 1-2 UIU/ML or lower (Armour or compounded T3 can artificially suppress TSH) Free T4 >1.1 NG/DL Free T3 > 3.2 PG/ML Reverse T3 less than a 10:1 ratio RT3:FT3 Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPOAb) & Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb)  < 4 IU/ML or negative
Here are ideal ranges for iron markers, depending on the season of life you’re in:
Serum Iron Men: 40–135 μg/dL Pre-menopausal Women: 40–135 μg/dL Post-menopausal Women: 40–135 μg/dL
Serum Ferritin Men: 30–200 ng/dL Pre-menopausal women: 30–100 ng/dL Post-menopausal Women: 30–100 ng/dL
Transferrin Saturation Men: 17–45% Pre-menopausal Women: 17–45% Post-menopausal Women: 17–45%
TIBC Men: 275–425 μg/dL Pre-menopausal Women: 275–425 μg/dL Post-menopausal Women: 275–425μg/dL
UIBC Men: 175–350 μg/dL Pre-menopausal Women: 175–350 μg/dL Post-menopausal Women: 175–350 μg/dL
Soluble Transferrin Receptor Men: 14.5–25 nmol/L Pre-menopausal Women: 13–25 nmol/L Post-menopausal Women: 14.5–25 nmol/L
Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content (CHr) Men: 24.5–31.8 pg Pre-menopausal Women: 24.5–31.8 pg Post-menopausal Women: 24.5–31.8 pg
7. You’re Eating on the Go
Optimal digestion happens in a “parasympathetic state” (rest and digest). Eating on the go, in addition to standing up while eating, distracted eating (watching TV, checking your phone) or eating out at restaurants, (more than eating in) is stressful for the body’s digestive system.Often coupled with this is also the dilemma of not chewing your food enough. The result? Poorly digested and poorly absorbed foods…and lack of weight gain.
Weight Gain Essential : Rest & Digest
Slow down at meal times. Eat your meals seated and preferably not on the go. Cook and prepare your foods as much as possible. Chew your food (really well), and mindfully enjoy your meals (i.e. refrain from distracted eating).
8. You’re Meal Timing is Off
The human body loves balance—especially circadian rhythm balance. Every human has an internal biological clock that operates in tandem with the sun—ideally, we have more energy in the morning as the sun rises, plenty of gusto and energy during the day, then a bell curve dip in the evening, ready to “tuck in” and wind down as the sun goes down. However, if we disturb this circadian function—including our meal timing, then our body and metabolism can get off as well. While there is no perfect time to eat, there are general guidelines and hours during which your body is able to digest best. Eating at the “wrong” time windows also affects your metabolism.
In one study, aimed at determining if time of day affected weight loss in mice, researchers from  UT Southwestern Medical Center found: Mice on a reduced calorie plan that ate only during their normal feeding/active cycle were the only ones among five groups to lose weight, despite consuming the same amount as another group fed during their rest time in daylight (8).
Weight Gain Essential: Eat with Your Circadian Rhythms
Eat in tune with your circadian rhythms to maximize the fuel you eat.
Here’s a general guide:
6-8 Breakfast/First Meal
10-11 Mid-Morning Snack (if you eat a snack)
12-2 Lunch
3-5 Afternoon Snack (if you snack)
6-8 Dinner
9-10 Bedtime Snack (if you snack)
These guidelines fall in line with the way your body metabolizes food thought the day.
9. Your Body is in “Catabolic Mode”
Catabolism stands for “break down.” Anabolism is exactly the opposite: building up or weight gain. Together, catabolism and anabolism are integral and opposite parts of the metabolic cycle that require ideal balance to maintain a strong body, healthy weight, and muscle mass. If these activities are not in balance, the body can be in a catabolic state. The culprits to balance? Chronic stress, overtraining, prolonged fasting or restrictive diets, chronic infection, such as Lyme disease or H. Pylori, poor quality food intake, major surgery, burning a candle at both ends, lack of sleep, lack of water  (dehydration), and beyond.
Excessive or prolonged stress, resulting in catabolism (without adequate compensating anabolism or recovery) has negative consequences for your weight gain goals.
Muscle tissue along and essential body fat throughout the body can become depleted. Without the sufficient anabolic process, the process of growing and repairing tissue doesn’t happen, sending the body into a net negative energy state, defined by gradual weight loss, reduction of muscle mass and healthy body fat.
If not reversed early on, chronic catabolism happens—making you a “hard gainer” with your body constantly trying to catch up and locking your metabolic cycle into a deficit with low energy, failure to gain weight despite excessive caloric intake, unexplained weight loss, hypoglycemia, shortness of breath and inability to take deep respiration, and more.Translation? Adrenal fatigue or “HPA Axis Dysfunction.”
Is this you?
Weight Gain Essential: Don’t Push Your Body
When your body is in a catabolic state, typical measures for weight gain, health and nutrition are not always tolerated. Your body is highly sensitive and may not be able to accept BOTH natural or synthetic anabolic compounds or hacks that have stimulating properties. This may mean taking a step back from high calorie loads, inflammatory foods (dairy, grains, nuts), hard workout sessions and nutritional supplements—all of which can be a “good thing” but cause more stress than good in the catabolic state.
A common error of trying to use more calories or more supplements to reverse the catabolic cycle prematurely (when the body is still in catabolism and yet to stabilize), is that programs that focus primarily on aggressive tactics often fail. In catabolic mode or “adrenal fatigue,: the body is trying to slow down in order to conserve energy because it perceives danger and a threat to survival.
Forcing more food into the body requires the body to use more energy for digestion and metabolite breakdown. And even though nutritional supplements may seem harmless to” boost your adrenals” or immunity, if your body is in “break down mode,” these measures can trigger adrenal crashes. Instead of trying to push your body out of catabolism, here’s how to approach restoring your body to a place where it’s ready to be “pushed” towards health instead:
Step 1: Prevent Catabolism from Worsening
Use basic whole foods nutrition, juiced vegetables, basic movement (walking, yoga), rest and cutting out unnecessary commitments and obligations.
Step 2: Focus on Essential Nutrition
Let food be thy medicine. Before pushing forward into high caloric meal plans once you have a stable foundation, the goal of step 2 is still gradual restoration of total health and function. This is best accomplished by focusing on eating micronutrients through nutrient dense foods (fresh vegetables and fruits, organ meats, fatty fish, grass-fed and pastured proteins, essential fatty acids), and customizing the exact nutrients to your needs. A one size fits all dietary plan is not possible here because of great individual variance. Consider working with a nutritionist to build a balanced, restorative meal plan for you.
Step 3: Proper Supplementation
Once a baseline of health and function is restored and the catabolic state has slowed, supplements may gradually be integrated to boost overall function. Some helpful supports may include: adaptogenic herbs (like ashwaganda, rhodiola, cordyceps or reishi mushroom), essential fatty acids (like cod liver oil), immune-boosting supports (Vitamin C, liposomal curcumin, glutathione and resveratrol). Work with a functional medicine practitioner on this one.
10. You’re Not Recovering Properly
Perhaps you are not all the way into catabolic mode…but you’re heading that way fast if stress (and lack of recovery) are your “norms.” You can eat all the sweet potatoes and ice cream in the world, but if your body is in “stressed out mode,” then you won’t see the labors of your high calorie intake work like they should. Beyond calories, quality sleep, hydration and workout habits are essential for a balanced bod (that can readily accept weight gain). If you under sleep, don’t hydrate or overtrain, then you won’t get anywhere (fast).
Weight Gain Essential: 
Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night
Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of filtered water each day (bonus: add lemon)
Balance your workouts: Daily movement is not a bad thing, aim for 3-5 days of strength training, 1-2 days of power (HIIT), yoga or flexibility training, and
11. You’re Trying to Be Arnold
Your body is your body. Arnold’s body is his body. Cindy Crawford’s body is her body. Every BODY is different, and one of the biggest “get ups” in the weight gain game is keeping your eyes everywhere else, but on your own “ball.” The more we look to others’ bodies and characteristics as our own ideal (instead of determining our own), the further from our goals we will continue to be (because we will never fully get there).
Weight Gain Essential: Clearly Define Who Thriving YOU Is
Who is thriving, healthy, body confident you? What does he or she look like, act like, feel like, think like? If you could be the best version of you—not someone else, who would that be and qualities would you possess? Get a clear picture of that girl or that guy. Bullet point your top qualities of who you want to be in your healthy body and healthy mindset, then… put on the “as if” mindset in your own weight gain journey. The “as if” mindset is like putting on a superhero cape or princess dress as a kid and believing you were totally Superman or Belle from :Beauty and the Best.” So as we think therefore we become.
12. You’re on the Wrong Supplements
The supplement industry is a black hole with everything from protein powders to weight gainers, adrenal supports, multi-vitamins, probiotics and beyond. However, not all supplements are created equal, and most all supplements are unregulated—leaving those who are unfamiliar with the differences in strains, types, potencies, company reputations and overall quality of supplements in the dark about the “best” supplements for you.
Hate to break it to you, but many sups are nothing more than placebo effect, overheated during processing and manufacturing, not potent enough to make a difference and/or half-baked marketing lies.
For instance, it’s been estimated that upwards of 90% of probiotics on shelves do not contain the probiotics they claim.While supplements can be beneficial for getting in extra micronutrients you don’t get in your diet, or supporting underlying deficiencies or dysfunctions (such as poor gut health, poor thyroid or metabolic function, “adrenal fatigue,” etc.), it’s best not to go too crazy or depend on supplements too much as the “answer” for your weight gain success.
Weight Gain Essential: Invest in Quality Supps & Get a Plan for You
Less is more, and here are my top 5 weight gain supportive supplements most people can benefit from:
Soil Based Probiotic: Megaspore Biotic (use code “THRIVE” to be able to check out under the Register Tab as a patient)
Prebiotic: Sunfiber (helps digest your probiotic)
Digestive Enzymes: Transformation Enzymes Digest
Quality MultiVitamin: Metabolic Synergy by Designs for Health (use code LAURYNLAX at checkout to have access to check out)
Clean Protein Powder: Equip Foods Prime Protein  , Vital Protein CollagenConsult with your healthcare practitioner or get a custom supplement and nutrition plan for you     
13. You’re Stressing Out (About Your Weight)
Did we mention stress is the number one culprit working against your weight gain efforts? It is.
Weight Gain Essential: Enjoy the Journey
Health is about the journey—not the destination. Along your weight gain restoration, enjoy the journey of building into your healthy lifestyle, body and mindset. You will get there. Focus on one day and one positive action step at a time.
The post 14 Best Ways to Gain Weight (Without Harmful Effects)
 appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/14-best-ways-to-gain-weight-without-harmful-effects%e2%80%a8/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ 14 Best Ways to Gain Weight (Without Harmful Effects)
 via https://drlaurynlax.blogspot.com/
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lev--i · 6 years
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Is Defeating Diabetes Kit, a program by certified nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author Yuri Elkaim price your cash? Browse this review to the top and find out why Contra Health Scam is not thus thrilled about this program even though it's not a scam! Elkaim claims that his product has the ‘life saving’ information for those plagued by Kind a pair of Diabetes and pre-diabetes. His pitch page essentially centers on selling data about some ‘super starch’ which has the potential of fully reversing your Sort 2 Diabetes while not having to require any medicine or insulin shots. But before I go more, lets initial of all verify Elkaim’s identity, shall we? Who is Yuri Elkaim? yuri elkaim defeating diabetes kit review e1466031963619 Defeating Diabetes Kit Review: Is Yuri Elkaims Product Price It? Yuri Elkaim could be a certified Holistic Nutritionist and fitness skilled who has been practicing for regarding 13 years currently. He holds High Honours degree in Physical Education and Health/Kinesiology from the University of Toronto. He additionally was a former soccer player however had to quit because of unexplained bouts of fatigue and alternative health issues. But through it all, he mustered the energy to coach himself to be healthy and match … and for 7 years he served as the strength & conditioning/nutrition coach for the University of Toronto men’s soccer team. Per his Amazon profile, Elkaim has authored ‘over 130’ workout programs. His book All-Day Energy Diet may be a New York Times bestseller. He has conjointly been featured in several reputable news shops like Huffington Post and may be a contributor at US News & World Report. He is also the owner and professor of Super Nutrition Academy, a program that claims to supply the ‘essential’ health data that people really would like for smart health. It is from this academy that Defeating Diabetes Kit is being marketed. I can additionally confirm that he is the owner of the merchandise. What is Defeating Diabetes Kit? Like I earlier stated, Defeating Diabetes Kit is centered on a ‘super starch’ that has been scientifically proven to reverse the course of Type 2 Diabetes and prevent its progression. Elkaim says he got the motivation to search out this remedy after watching his father suffer from the disease for a lot of than 5 years. Elkaim now claims that his father is so healthy that ‘you’d never recognize my dad had ever been diagnosed with diabetes,’ thanks in part to ‘this mysterious super starch.’ Defeating Diabetes Kit isn't just about the ‘super starch’ though. It consists of four books particularly:     The Super Starch Solution: This eBook shows you the simplest natural sources of the ‘super starch’ and the way to harness its diabetes-defeating powers. Real value: A ‘grossly underestimated’ total of $27.     A way to Eat to Defeat Diabetes: This forty three-page book contains 14 ‘diabetes-friendly’ recipes, a ‘7-Day Rapid Results Diabetes-Friendly Meal Plan’, an ‘updated’ list of diabetes-friendly foods, supplements and herbs … and therefore the so-called ‘ analysis’ on the $64000 explanation for diabetes that trendy doctors do not understand. Real value of the book: $250.     20 Delicious Diabetes Recipes: This is a separate book that contains 20 ‘no thinking required’, ‘mouthwatering’ recipes that are diabetes friendly. Real price: $seventeen.     Iso Burn ‘No Movement’ Workout: Elkaim claims he personally invented this workout that, consistent with him, is based on ‘isometric coaching’ and will NOT require any movement the least bit. ‘No bending. No twisting.’ You practically keep at one place and burn fat as if you were running a treadmill or doing squats. This program comes in audio and video format. Real worth: $twenty seven. All these books represent the Defeating Diabetes Kit, that you'll be able to get at a 1-time worth of $thirty seven. If you are not proud of the merchandise, you'll request a refund among sixty days of purchase. Therefore What are the Professionals of Defeating Diabetes Kit?     The biggest pro of this program is that its owner, Yuri Elkaim is real and is really who he says he's. You'll easily verify his existence and expertise on nutrition and health … and that i’m confident that he has indeed helped a ton of people in maintaining smart health.     The ‘super starch’ he is talking regarding – which is raw potato starch, btw – has indeed been scientifically proven to be of benefit to those battling Kind a pair of Diabetes. This starch is understood in the medical world as ‘resistant starch’ as a result of it's not digested by the body. Consuming resistant starch exerts its health edges to  Type a pair of diabetics by increasing insulin sensitivity. In other words, resistant starch helps the body to recognize and use insulin. [Precision Nutrition] These two pros alone are the main reasons why Defeating Diabetes Kit is not a scam. HOWEVER… Why Contra Health Scam Will NOT Like Defeating Diabetes Kit 1. Scammy Advertising The primary impression I got when I stumbled on Defeating Diabetes Kit’s pitch page for the primary time was that it absolutely was a scam by an identity thief. This is because the method it's presented appearance no totally different from all the scams already exposed on this blog. Initial of all, I don’t understand why I will’t leave the page in peace if I’m not fascinated by watching the video. Why not add a link to the text version on the video page instead of using a pop-up to block me from leaving before showing me the text version? 2. This Speak Regarding ‘Big Pharma’ Conspiracy. In preference to go on to explaining how his program will help them defeat Diabetes, Elkaim instead decided to scare his potential purchasers by telling them of the harmful effects of the present sort two diabetes medication … a common psychological tactic often used by scammers against people with chronic, life threatening diseases. He even went as way as alleging that pharmaceutical firms don’t care concerning your health as a result of they are public corporations whose stocks are being traded on the Stock Exchange market. Yes, they are crooks in every industry, as well as the health trade. But the reality is that the first issue doctors recommend to sort two diabetes patients is lifestyle and diet changes, NOT medicine! In drugs, medication like Metformin are not seen as 1st line therapy for sort two diabetes, however are rather seen as a last resort treatment for people who cannot maintain adequate diet therapy. three. Insults the Medical Profession Judging from his personal web site and how Defeating Diabetes Kit was presented, Yuri Elkaim loathes doctors. In his website, he says he visited doctors for seven consecutive years over his health issues (autoimmune alopecia, extreme weakness) and all they did to him was to inject his head with medicine. ‘…not a single doctor had any idea of what to do alternative than to inject cortisone directly into my scalp…’ he writes. ‘Not one doctor or “specialist” ever speculated on what would possibly have caused my health issues to start with or what could be done to unravel them…They were more interested in obtaining me on experimental pills and steroid creams or injecting my scalp with who knows what.’ Don’t get me wrong here. It's utterly fine for Elkaim to dislike doctors because of the unpleasant expertise he had with them. However implying that doctors are idiots who recognize nothing about curing health issues other than loading their patients with ‘big pharma’ medication is wrong. It's a slap in the face of the medical community, who work harder than anyone else in the health business to confirm that sick folks are nursed back to health. Is Defeating Diabetes Kit Worth It? Defeating Diabetes Kit is focused on resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate Elkaim claims is ‘rarely mentioned.’ Well kind ‘resistant starch’ on Google and click ‘search’, and you’ll see that ‘resistant starch’ is very well mentioned. Heck, it even features a Wikipedia page! The sources of resistant starch are numerous. Even the white bread you eat has resistant starch. However some foods have more resistant starch than others. Raw potato starch is currently touted as the best source of resistant starch. [Authority Nutrition] Thus if Defeating Diabetes Kit is all concerning telling you about resistant starch, then it's positively not price your money as a result of that information is already everywhere on the web, free of charge. Elkaim apparently knows this, that is why he added the extra books and also the bonus ‘The All-Day Energy Diet Community Diet Cookbook’ to create his provide worth considering. Had it been he didn’t add them, Defeating Diabetes Kit would have been worthless. PONDER ON THIS QUESTION: Why is Yuri Elkaim offering FIVE books supposedly value $368 at simply $thirty seven? Final Recommendation: You'll Strive Defeating Diabetes Kit Check out Defeating Diabetes Because of the very fact that this program has a lot of cons than execs, I will not add it to Contra Health Scam’s Whitelist. Right now it's hanging from a cliff … and solely your feedback can confirm whether it makes it to the Whitelist or be tossed into the dustbin as a scam. So if you've got used Defeating Diabetes Kit, please share your experiences with us in the comments section. Thank you!
0 notes
motorsport619 · 6 years
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Is Defeating Diabetes Kit, a program by certified nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author Yuri Elkaim value your money? Read this review to the top and see why Contra Health Scam is not therefore thrilled concerning this program while it is not a scam! Elkaim claims that his product has the ‘life saving’ information for those affected by Kind two Diabetes and pre-diabetes. His pitch page essentially centers on selling information regarding some ‘super starch’ which has the potential of completely reversing your Sort 2 Diabetes without having to take any drugs or insulin shots. However before I go further, lets first of all verify Elkaim’s identity, shall we? Who is Yuri Elkaim? yuri elkaim defeating diabetes kit review e1466031963619 Defeating Diabetes Kit Review: Is Yuri Elkaims Product Price It? Yuri Elkaim may be a certified Holistic Nutritionist and fitness professional who has been practicing for about 13 years currently. He holds High Honours degree in Physical Education and Health/Kinesiology from the University of Toronto. He conjointly was a former soccer player however had to quit thanks to unexplained bouts of fatigue and different health issues. But through it all, he mustered the energy to coach himself to be healthy and match … and for 7 years he served as the strength & conditioning/nutrition coach for the University of Toronto men’s soccer team. In step with his Amazon profile, Elkaim has authored ‘over a hundred thirty’ workout programs. His book All-Day Energy Diet is a New York Times bestseller. He has also been featured in several reputable news shops like Huffington Post and could be a contributor at US News & World Report. He is also the owner and professor of Super Nutrition Academy, a program that claims to supply the ‘essential’ health data that folks actually need for smart health. It is from this academy that Defeating Diabetes Kit is being marketed. I will also ensure that he is the owner of the product. What is Defeating Diabetes Kit? Like I earlier stated, Defeating Diabetes Kit is centered on a ‘super starch’ that has been scientifically proven to reverse the course of Kind two Diabetes and forestall its progression. Elkaim says he got the motivation to seek out this remedy when watching his father suffer from the disease for a lot of than 5 years. Elkaim now claims that his father is therefore healthy that ‘you’d never recognize my dad had ever been diagnosed with diabetes,’ thanks in half to ‘this mysterious super starch.’ Defeating Diabetes Kit is not just concerning the ‘super starch’ though. It consists of four books namely:     The Super Starch Solution: This eBook shows you the best natural sources of the ‘super starch’ and the way to harness its diabetes-defeating powers. Real price: A ‘grossly underestimated’ sum of $twenty seven.     How to Eat to Defeat Diabetes: This forty three-page book contains 14 ‘diabetes-friendly’ recipes, a ‘seven-Day Rapid Results Diabetes-Friendly Meal Plan’, an ‘updated’ list of diabetes-friendly foods, supplements and herbs … and also the thus-known as ‘ research’ on the real reason for diabetes that fashionable doctors don't know. Real value of the book: $250.     twenty Delicious Diabetes Recipes: This could be a separate book that contains twenty ‘no thinking needed’, ‘mouthwatering’ recipes that are diabetes friendly. Real worth: $17.     Iso Burn ‘No Movement’ Workout: Elkaim claims he personally invented this workout which, in keeping with him, relies on ‘isometric training’ and will NOT need any movement in the slightest degree. ‘No bending. No twisting.’ You practically stay at one place and burn fat as if you were running a treadmill or doing squats. This program comes in audio and video format. Real value: $twenty seven. All these books represent the Defeating Diabetes Kit, that you'll be able to get at a one-time price of $thirty seven. If you are not happy with the merchandise, you can request a refund among 60 days of purchase. So What are the Pros of Defeating Diabetes Kit?     The biggest professional of this program is that its owner, Yuri Elkaim is real and is very who he says he is. You'll be able to simply verify his existence and experience on nutrition and health … and that i’m assured that he has indeed helped a ton of people in maintaining good health.     The ‘super starch’ he's talking regarding – which is raw potato starch, btw – has indeed been scientifically proven to be of benefit to those battling Type 2 Diabetes. This starch is understood in the medical world as ‘resistant starch’ as a result of it is not digested by the body. Consuming resistant starch exerts its health edges to  Kind 2 diabetics by increasing insulin sensitivity. In other words, resistant starch helps the body to acknowledge and use insulin. [Precision Nutrition] These 2 professionals alone are the most reasons why Defeating Diabetes Kit is not a scam. HOWEVER… Why Contra Health Scam Will NOT Like Defeating Diabetes Kit one. Scammy Advertising The primary impression I got after I chanced on Defeating Diabetes Kit’s pitch page for the primary time was that it absolutely was a scam by an identity thief. This is because the method it is presented appearance no completely different from all the scams already exposed on this blog. First of all, I don’t understand why I will’t leave the page in peace if I’m not inquisitive about watching the video. Why not add a link to the text version on the video page rather than employing a pop-up to block me from leaving before showing me the text version? a pair of. This Speak About ‘Huge Pharma’ Conspiracy. As opposed to go on to explaining how his program will help them defeat Diabetes, Elkaim instead determined to scare his potential clients by telling them of the harmful effects of this type 2 diabetes drugs … a common psychological tactic typically utilized by scammers against people with chronic, life threatening diseases. He even went as way as alleging that pharmaceutical corporations don’t care concerning your health as a result of they are public companies whose stocks are being traded on the Stock Exchange market. Yes, they're crooks in each industry, including the health business. But the truth is that the first issue doctors suggest to sort two diabetes patients is lifestyle and diet changes, NOT medicine! In drugs, drugs like Metformin aren't seen as 1st line therapy for type a pair of diabetes, however are rather seen as a last resort treatment for people who cannot maintain adequate diet therapy. 3. Insults the Medical Profession Judging from his personal website and the way Defeating Diabetes Kit was presented, Yuri Elkaim loathes doctors. In his web site, he says he visited doctors for seven consecutive years over his health issues (autoimmune alopecia, extreme weakness) and every one they did to him was to inject his head with medication. ‘…not a single doctor had any idea of what to try and do alternative than to inject cortisone directly into my scalp…’ he writes. ‘Not one doctor or “specialist” ever speculated as to what might have caused my health problems to start with or what could be done to unravel them…They were more curious about getting me on experimental pills and steroid creams or injecting my scalp with who knows what.’ Don’t get me wrong here. It is completely fine for Elkaim to dislike doctors as a result of of the unpleasant expertise he had with them. But implying that doctors are idiots who grasp nothing concerning curing health issues apart from loading their patients with ‘big pharma’ medicine is wrong. It's a slap within the face of the medical community, who work harder than anyone else within the health industry to confirm that sick people are nursed back to health. Is Defeating Diabetes Kit Price It? Defeating Diabetes Kit is centered on resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate Elkaim claims is ‘rarely mentioned.’ Well type ‘resistant starch’ on Google and click on ‘search’, and you’ll see that ‘resistant starch’ is very well discussed. Heck, it even features a Wikipedia page! The sources of resistant starch are varied. Even the white bread you eat has resistant starch. But some foods have a lot of resistant starch than others. Raw potato starch is currently touted as the best source of resistant starch. [Authority Nutrition] So if Defeating Diabetes Kit is all concerning telling you about resistant starch, then it's positively not worth your money because that information is already everywhere on the internet, freed from charge. Elkaim apparently knows this, that's why he added the additional books and therefore the bonus ‘The All-Day Energy Diet Community Diet Cookbook’ to make his provide worth considering. Had it been he didn’t add them, Defeating Diabetes Kit would have been worthless. PONDER ON THIS QUESTION: Why is Yuri Elkaim providing FIVE books supposedly price $368 at simply $37? Final Recommendation: You may Attempt Defeating Diabetes Kit Check out Defeating Diabetes Thanks to the very fact that this program has additional cons than execs, I will not add it to Contra Health Scam’s Whitelist. Right now it's hanging from a cliff … and only your feedback can verify whether or not it makes it to the Whitelist or be tossed into the dustbin as a scam. So if you have used Defeating Diabetes Kit, please share your experiences with us within the comments section. Thank you!
0 notes
hearteyesmonroe · 6 years
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Defeating Diabetes Review
Is Defeating Diabetes Kit, a program by certified nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author Yuri Elkaim worth your cash? Scan this review to the top and discover why Contra Health Scam isn't so thrilled concerning this program while it's not a scam! Elkaim claims that his product has the ‘life saving’ information for those tormented by Sort a pair of Diabetes and pre-diabetes. His pitch page basically centers on selling data regarding some ‘super starch’ that has the potential of utterly reversing your Sort two Diabetes while not having to require any medicine or insulin shots. However before I go further, lets initial of all verify Elkaim’s identity, shall we have a tendency to? Who is Yuri Elkaim? yuri elkaim defeating diabetes kit review e1466031963619 Defeating Diabetes Kit Review: Is Yuri Elkaims Product Value It? Yuri Elkaim is a certified Holistic Nutritionist and fitness knowledgeable who has been practicing for about thirteen years currently. He holds High Honours degree in Physical Education and Health/Kinesiology from the University of Toronto. He conjointly was a former football player however had to quit due to unexplained bouts of fatigue and alternative health problems. But through it all, he mustered the energy to train himself to be healthy and match … and for 7 years he served because the strength & conditioning/nutrition coach for the University of Toronto men’s soccer team. In keeping with his Amazon profile, Elkaim has authored ‘over a hundred thirty’ workout programs. His book All-Day Energy Diet may be a New York Times bestseller. He has conjointly been featured in several reputable news retailers like Huffington Post and may be a contributor at US News & World Report. He is additionally the owner and professor of Super Nutrition Academy, a program that claims to produce the ‘essential’ health info that individuals actually would like for good health. It is from this academy that Defeating Diabetes Kit is being marketed. I can also make sure that he's the owner of the merchandise. What is Defeating Diabetes Kit? Like I earlier stated, Defeating Diabetes Kit is targeted on a ‘super starch’ that has been scientifically proven to reverse the course of Type 2 Diabetes and stop its progression. Elkaim says he got the motivation to find this remedy once watching his father suffer from the disease for additional than 5 years. Elkaim currently claims that his father is thus healthy that ‘you’d never know my dad had ever been diagnosed with diabetes,’ thanks in half to ‘this mysterious super starch.’ Defeating Diabetes Kit isn't just about the ‘super starch’ though. It consists of 4 books specifically:     The Super Starch Solution: This eBook shows you the simplest natural sources of the ‘super starch’ and a way to harness its diabetes-defeating powers. Real value: A ‘grossly underestimated’ add of $twenty seven.     The way to Eat to Defeat Diabetes: This 43-page book contains 14 ‘diabetes-friendly’ recipes, a ‘seven-Day Rapid Results Diabetes-Friendly Meal Plan’, an ‘updated’ list of diabetes-friendly foods, supplements and herbs … and the thus-known as ‘ research’ on the important reason for diabetes that modern doctors do not apprehend. Real worth of the book: $250.     20 Delicious Diabetes Recipes: This could be a separate book that contains twenty ‘no thinking required’, ‘mouthwatering’ recipes that are diabetes friendly. Real price: $17.     Iso Burn ‘No Movement’ Workout: Elkaim claims he personally invented this workout which, in step with him, is based on ‘isometric training’ and will NOT need any movement at all. ‘No bending. No twisting.’ You practically stay at one place and burn fat as if you were running a treadmill or doing squats. This program comes in audio and video format. Real value: $27. All these books represent the Defeating Diabetes Kit, which you'll get at a one-time value of $thirty seven. If you are not pleased with the product, you can request a refund among sixty days of purchase. Thus What are the Professionals of Defeating Diabetes Kit?     The biggest professional of this program is that its owner, Yuri Elkaim is real and is really who he says he is. You'll be able to simply verify his existence and expertise on nutrition and health … and that i’m confident that he has indeed helped a lot of folks in maintaining good health.     The ‘super starch’ he's talking regarding – which is raw potato starch, btw – has indeed been scientifically proven to be of benefit to those battling Sort two Diabetes. This starch is understood within the medical world as ‘resistant starch’ as a result of it's not digested by the body. Consuming resistant starch exerts its health advantages to  Sort a pair of diabetics by increasing insulin sensitivity. In other words, resistant starch helps the body to acknowledge and use insulin. [Precision Nutrition] These 2 pros alone are the most reasons why Defeating Diabetes Kit is not a scam. HOWEVER… Why Contra Health Scam Will NOT Like Defeating Diabetes Kit 1. Scammy Advertising The primary impression I got when I found Defeating Diabetes Kit’s pitch page for the primary time was that it absolutely was a scam by an identity thief. This is as a result of the manner it is presented looks no different from all the scams already exposed on this blog. 1st of all, I don’t understand why I can’t leave the page in peace if I’m not curious about watching the video. Why not add a link to the text version on the video page rather than employing a pop-up to block me from leaving before showing me the text version? two. This Talk Regarding ‘Big Pharma’ Conspiracy. Rather than go on to explaining how his program will help them defeat Diabetes, Elkaim instead decided to scare his potential shoppers by telling them of the harmful effects of this type two diabetes medicine … a standard psychological tactic often utilized by scammers against individuals with chronic, life threatening diseases. He even went as so much as alleging that pharmaceutical companies don’t care concerning your health as a result of they're public corporations whose stocks are being traded on the Stock Exchange market. Yes, they are crooks in every business, including the health industry. But the truth is that the primary factor doctors recommend to kind two diabetes patients is lifestyle and diet changes, NOT medication! In medicine, medication like Metformin don't seem to be seen as 1st line therapy for type a pair of diabetes, however are rather seen as a last resort treatment for those that cannot maintain adequate diet therapy. three. Insults the Medical Profession Judging from his personal website and how Defeating Diabetes Kit was presented, Yuri Elkaim loathes doctors. In his website, he says he visited doctors for 7 consecutive years over his health issues (autoimmune alopecia, extreme weakness) and every one they did to him was to inject his head with drugs. ‘…not one doctor had any plan of what to try and do alternative than to inject cortisone directly into my scalp…’ he writes. ‘Not one doctor or “specialist” ever speculated on what may have caused my health issues to start with or what might be done to solve them…They were more fascinated by getting me on experimental pills and steroid creams or injecting my scalp with whatever.’ Don’t get me wrong here. It's utterly fine for Elkaim to dislike doctors as a result of of the unpleasant expertise he had with them. However implying that doctors are idiots who apprehend nothing concerning curing health issues aside from loading their patients with ‘big pharma’ medication is wrong. It is a slap within the face of the medical community, who work tougher than anyone else in the health trade to make sure that sick people are nursed back to health. Is Defeating Diabetes Kit Worth It? Defeating Diabetes Kit is targeted on resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate Elkaim claims is ‘rarely discussed.’ Well type ‘resistant starch’ on Google and click ‘search’, and you’ll see that ‘resistant starch’ is terribly well mentioned. Heck, it even contains a Wikipedia page! The sources of resistant starch are numerous. Even the white bread you eat has resistant starch. However some foods have additional resistant starch than others. Raw potato starch is currently touted as the best supply of resistant starch. [Authority Nutrition] Thus if Defeating Diabetes Kit is all regarding telling you about resistant starch, then it is undoubtedly not worth your cash as a result of that data is already everywhere on the web, freed from charge. Elkaim apparently is aware of this, that is why he added the additional books and also the bonus ‘The All-Day Energy Diet Community Diet Cookbook’ to make his offer worth considering. Had it been he didn’t add them, Defeating Diabetes Kit would have been worthless. PONDER ON THIS QUESTION: Why is Yuri Elkaim giving FIVE books supposedly value $368 at simply $thirty seven? Final Recommendation: You may Strive Defeating Diabetes Kit Check out Defeating Diabetes Because of the fact that this program has a lot of cons than execs, I will not add it to Contra Health Scam’s Whitelist. Right currently it is hanging from a cliff … and solely your feedback can determine whether it makes it to the Whitelist or be tossed into the dustbin as a scam. Therefore if you have got used Defeating Diabetes Kit, please share your experiences with us within the comments section. Thank you!
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