#and has severe anxiety over financial stuff
scorpion-flower · 1 year
Oh, so my stupid and abusive parents and brother are fighting like crazy for the last couple of months, and my mother got up and left? Lol, see if I care.
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URGENT: Save Hamood's life!
I've talked about Hamood Asfour before, but I would like to bring him to your attention again. He is a 14-year-old Palestinian teenager, and he is starving to death.
He and his family are in extremely urgent need of help. They need money for food and medical care, but donations have been trickling in very slowly. They have received only 6 donations in the past day, and at $9,265, they are not even at a fifth of their goal yet!
So I have a challenge for you all: let's get Hamood and his family to $10,000 by the end of the week. Do your best to match the donation I made yesterday!
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[Video description:
An instagram video in which Hamood's brother speaks to the camera. He says:
"As a pro-Palestinian, the least you can do for me is to hear this video till the end. Hello everyone. I'm here to talk about my family in Gaza, where the situation is dire and they are struggling. It's been 4 days since I heard from them, since the last displacement from Khan Younis."
Footage of displaced people standing outside of a bombed-out building is shown.
"My family is facing severe shortages of food, clean water, and medical supplies. The ongoing conflict has destroyed their home, so they have nowhere safe to go."
Footage of another bombed-out building is shown.
"In addition, my brother Hamood, who is only 14 years old, has Down syndrome and is starving to death, as well he has been traumatized by constant bombings, and now suffers from severe anxiety."
2 photos of Hamood are shown, followed by various videos of bombing, people standing in line to receive food, and a truck filled with items.
"They desperately need financial support to buy some food and some special stuff for Hamood and find safe place to stay in, as you know all the areas over there are overcrowded and it's not easy at all to find free space to stay and so please, if you can give this it will make a huge difference."
Another photo of Hamood is shown - he looks exhausted, has visibly lost weight, and is holding a sign that says "I need help to get out."
"I can see a lot of comments from pro-Palestinians through social media trying to provide help, so here's the chance; the least you can do is to press the 4 buttons on the screen and make long comments, not only heart chains or emojis, to make this video go viral.
And remember: the big mountains are made of small stones so please don't underestimate your contribution. Thank you so much for listening their story, your help and support means the world to them.
Remember, every little bit helps - thank you."
/End video description]
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AITA for wanting to spend a night out with a guy?
I'm twenty, study in university and still live with my parents. I've been planning to move out since I was eighteen, but they told me to keep living at home and not get a job so I could focus on studying while they take care of me financially. This arrangement has worked mostly well in the past years save for a few small conflicts, but it's escalated in the past 3-4 months.
The issue is my time schedule. I have a very active social life, am active in the local art scene, do political work and a lot of extracurricular stuff for university (I'm a straight A student, I might add!). Because of this, and because I'm a natural night owl, I usually come home late several days a week (between 10pm and 2am) and stay out all day for most of the week. This means I can't do a lot of chores, and usually there's a lot of housework because my mum has a bit of a cleaning anxiety and wants to make sure everything is spotless 24/7.
Enter this guy, I'll call him Tim. I met him at a festival last summer and we became long distance friends. Tim has visited me for a day several times before, but this weekend he offered to come over for two days and we agreed to spend the night stargazing together without sleeping. I loved the idea and immediately said yes. It was gonna be just us, a couple energy drinks, and some bench in the city center, and I was really looking forward to it.
The thing is, my mum does not like Tim. Like, at all. She thinks he seems very sleazy and generally distrusts him because he feels "too nice" for her. Mind you, he's just a somewhat shady looking guy who is generally pretty anxious he might make a bad impression, so he overperforms the whole "respectable member of society" act a bit around new people. I've introduced him to my friend group and even the more sceptical people absolutely love him and think he's a very sweet, helpful person. In basically every stressful situation I've ever seen him in he's been deescalating, protective and helpful, and he has on several occasions been my first source of comfort when things went to hell.
Today I told my mum in an offhanded comment that I won't come home between Sunday and Monday and the situation escalated completely. She was crying, accusing me of ruining her month, saying I didn't care about this family, it got ugly. The main point she had was that I was staying out all night with someone who's a total stranger to her and she doesn't trust him at all. In the end we compromised that Tim and I would spend the night awake, but not in the city, at home.
I feel really humiliated by this whole situation and honestly, kind of betrayed, because I was promised stuff like this wouldn't happen, and it just hits in a much safer situation than ones I've been in before (I used to get blackout drunk and sleep at parties a lot.). I'm a legal adult, have been for years now and it's so disappointing that my parents still treat me like a child sometimes and are so judgy towards my friends too. At the same time, I'm wondering whether I've acted wrong too by not telling her about this earlier and not taking her concerns that seriously. I forget sometimes that I talk to Tim every day for hours, but my parents only briefly ran into him once, so of course their view of him is skewed.
PS: I should add that when I told him about this, he immediately apologized, asked if I needed anything or wanted to change the plan and decided to dig out the least offensive outfit he could find so he'd make a good impression on my parents. So he's definitely trying his best.
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How’s everyone doing? I’ll go first, I’m bad!
I have been ~*~struggling~*~ since mid-September and in the last two weeks it has just gotten unbearable. I feel like I’m drowning all the time. I’m having trouble keeping up with and reaching out to people I want to talk to. And that’s like, on top of always having been bad at getting back to people. *stares forlornly at the ask Chaz sent me like, literally two years ago that I think about daily but just. haven’t. RESPONDED TO.*
Things are just. Closing in on all sides unfortunately. I’ve been sick several times. I bounced this month’s rent check. A thing I had NEVER DONE BEFORE IN MY LIFE before this last move. My job is literally never going to pay me what I’m worth. Or anyone what they’re worth, frankly. I broke down in front of my boss the other day and just sobbed for an hour because after I pay my bills every paycheck I have just enough left over to buy groceries for two weeks, if I’m careful, and little else. Which means I’m putting stuff like gas on credit cards, which isn’t helping the debt that makes me feel like drowning in the first place.  I’ve been at this job SEVENTEEN YEARS. A steady, corporate job. And I’ve never once in my entire time there made an actual cost of living raise!! The cost of living just keeps raising without me! (And also everyone else, I know!)
I’m super overdue on getting people the art they commissioned from me, but my brain just hasn’t been in a good enough place to create much of anything, and I keep thinking I have to get this done and then thinking they deserve better than this, around and around on a loop ad finitum. And there are a couple of other things going on personally that just fucking blow that I don’t know how to fix and I’m just gonna choke on it.
I haven’t done any fandom stuff since NYCC. I haven’t written on my WIP. I haven’t read fic. I don’t check in on the madness happening on twitter. I’ve barely popped my head into my favorite pirate group chat over the last five months or so. I miss doing all of that so much and my stupid brain is so broken that even when I try I can’t enjoy it.
Shit. I’m having a hard time getting work work done. I just sit down at my desk every day, answer emails, and then spend five or so hours frozen with anxiety because there’s too much to do and doing nothing is only making it worse every day.
I need to be back in therapy ASAP, but unfortunately you can’t eat therapy so I can’t pay for it!!
And I feel guilty saying any of this to almost everyone I would usually talk to. (Congrats and condolences to the rest of you!) Because they’re having a harder time than me. Or because they’d just want to give me a bit of money about it, which would fuck me up even more. Or because it’s just tedious and boring and no one wants to listen to me talk about this over and over again, even though it’s all my brain does every hour of every day. It’s a wonder I’m ever able to talk about anything else.
My boss is pretty great, in spite of it all. She’s constantly supportive (to the extent she can be), and she just. She tells me all the time how creative and wonderful and smart and cool to know I am. And every time I just like, tear up, because none of it feels true. But I also tear up when my friends and my partner say those things too. Because to me, a full grown adult without a savings or a 401K or the ability to like, go get drinks just because I want to, I feel like a complete and utter failure.  So like. Whatever I guess!!
I need to find a new job that pays me way more. Then I can get a therapist to fix my brain and save money to pay down my debts and have money to have fun with my friends and not feel like a constant financial burden on everyone. Then I can have the brain power back to maybe work on my fic or complete that art or like, I don’t know, talk to the people who actively want to talk to me. You wouldn't think that part would be so hard, but it really, really is.
I’m working on it. I’ll keep working on it. I have LinkedIn open right now. I’m gonna fucking sob through it, but that doesn’t mean none of it will get done.
In the meantime, if anyone knows of a good way to make a quick $30 grand, I’m all ears.
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thelastspeecher · 4 months
eregyrn-falls replied to your post: “I've been watching a lot of tornado related...”
tornadoes are something that terrified me as a little kid, no doubt due to television. (i can remember a nightmare from early childhood about a tornado.) i grew up in eastern PA, where at the time we didn't have any. so it was the IDEA of them that terrified me. honestly, it still does. i would very very VERY much prefer never to live in a place that gets them with any regularity.
​i realize they're old hat for you, and that's true for anyone who lives with a natural phenomenon. you come to respect it, rather than be terrified of it. but for me, i can't get past the suddenness of them. the fact that they can strike in the middle of the night when you might have almost no warning at all. while they aren't completely unpredictable (obviously there are observable weather fronts and stuff), to me, they feel that way.
the natural disasters that i can deal with are hurricanes, and blizzards. both of those are things you see coming for DAYS. you can get out ahead of them. you can take steps to protect your house and your pets and yourself. (i mean, both of those in theory, assuming you have the means and the financial situation.) earthquakes and tornadoes are too sudden for me and that's why they scare me.
oh you're not the only one who's had a tornado nightmare! one of the worst nightmares I've had in my entire life was a tornado nightmare!
I think that what allows me to continue living in a tornado-prone area despite my general anxiety over like, idk, life, is two things: 1) tornado predictions give a crazy amount of warning nowadays, and 2) I live in a tornado-prone area, I've had a few close calls, but it's not like I live in Moore, Oklahoma lmao.
most tornado warnings aren't even that a tornado has been spotted by someone or confirmed by radar. most of them are "radar indicated rotation", meaning that a thunderstorm with a rotating cloud has been detected on radar. which doesn't mean tornado. it does mean a storm capable of a tornado and more likely to produce one, but it doesn't mean a tornado. or even a funnel cloud!
very VERY rarely are people caught off guard by a tornado anymore. FEMA says the average amount of time between a tornado warning being issued and the tornado or storm striking the area is 10 to 15 minutes. plenty of time to grab your emergency kit and go to your safe place. we have tornado watches if the weather is favorable and often know days in advance whether we'll be hit by weather conducive for tornadogenesis.
and even when we don't know in advance, like I said, we still have plenty of warning! about a week ago, I woke up to sirens, then ten minutes later, heard them again. which I knew likely meant a tornado warning had been issued (the first time, I checked my phone and saw it was severe thunderstorm and just rolled over to sleep some more lol). and before I could check, my phone went off, blaring the same alarm as an Amber Alert. which I knew 100% meant tornado warning. and it was. my roommate and I had time to use the bathroom, grab the dogs and emergency bag, and even take the dogs outside really quick to pee before the storm hit us! and we didn't have a tornado watch in effect. there weren't supposed to be conditions for tornadoes that morning.
and like I said, I don't live in Moore. if I did, I wouldn't even DREAM of living somewhere without a basement. as it is, I fucking hate that my best option is a hallway on the first floor. we've gotten tornadoes before. some have gotten close to me. one literally lifted over a building I was in. but thankfully, we're not as prone as other locations in my state; the storms tend to lose some steam by the time they reach here. and the tornadoes that do spawn tend to be lower level, again, because of the storms losing steam by the time they get here.
I know a lot about the science of tornadoes and grew up in Tornado Alley (or adjacent, depending on what graphic you use), so I know that our current methods are so flipping good at protecting us. we DO have warning. not as much as for a hurricane, but generally speaking, enough to, like I said, use the bathroom and grab the pets. earthquakes...yeah those don't typically give much warning, but that's something scientists are working on. buildings in earthquake-prone areas are built to withstand them (much like many buildings in tornado-prone areas are built to withstand severe storms), and people grow up learning what to do in an earthquake. (which is find a table to hide under, essentially, btw.)
no, what scares ME the most are wildfires.
you're flat-out fucked over by those.
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moookar · 8 months
could you tell me about ur ocs? i don't know like anything about them at all but they seem super cool! /nf
GWAAH thank you for the ask <33 i love any opportunity to infodump, this made my night
all the important stuff is here! that's the short version, it mostly focuses on characters which i recommend reading first i think. It's kind of out of date though </3
i figure i can go over some of the plot here :] but first some lore notes: generally 1820s-ish, takes place in a kingdom named Wralan, magic is a thing although im in the middle of redoing it
the first Important plot thing that happens is the duke and his eldest daughter's death. Caparal is left in line for succession, but he *really, really* doesn't want to do that--he suffers from really severe social anxiety & never expected this & is currently mourning & is genuinely not good at the skills needed for this & & &.
*Lionel*, on the other hand, has wanted literally nothing more than to make a difference his whole life, and is actually a competent, intelligent charismatic person--a strong leader.
(He's also 19 years old and has severe anxiety, paranoia, and isolation issues.) (He's a better duke, but it's not healthy.)
Caparal giving this role to his younger brother made him a mild laughingstock at best, embarrassing to be associated with at worst.
Caparal and Lionel were really only close when they were younger teenagers. (oooh i wrote a short story about them at this time, after i finish the 3rd draft i could DM it to anyone curious). They strongly drift apart after Lionel becomes duke, partially due to the massive amount of stress Lionel is under (his #1 coping mechanism is isolating himself) and partially due to the fact Caparal is extremely busy with his work in alchemy and is hoping Lionel will come to him if he needs help.
4 months later, after Lionel has established himself as duke and realized that he is frankly Fucked because of how irresponsible with money his father was, a very polite person representing a prolific bank in Wralan very nicely offers to help him :) out with this rough financial situation :) just giving him a little money to help him get on his feet :) (bold faced bribes. Lionel is near forced to accept, and so begins his fraught relationship with Tiguuak Prasad, evil bbg of the century)
8 months later, lionel comes to believe caparal is planning to usurp lionel's place; Lionel genuinely doesn't understand why Caparal wouldn't want to be duke, for one, and assumes it's some sort of 3 steps ahead move he doesn't understand, but more importantly he thinks he has evidence. i don't know for sure what this "evidence" is yet--it's contingent on me finishing the magic system--but it's something that Lionel, someone who was already expecting something bad, can make a hasty judgement about.
Caparal remains.. completely unaware of this. He completely misses every cue. sorry king
So like. when Caparal turned down being duke that kind of messed up his social standing right. so ahaha his fiance's (Andrea Munteanu) family doesn't want to form that connection with him anymore. but terminating that relationship would be a boldfaced insult so their marriage is just kind of ???? indefinitely postponed
MEANING. Lionel literally cannot just kick Caparal out. Caparal moving somewhere else without his fiance's family's consultation would also be seen as terminating that relationship which is a blow Lionel Really can't take right now so they're kind of just ? stuck in the same fortress??
Anyway Lionel's fear gets much much worse over more months and basically just boils over into you know what FUck this. He hates being in this limbo. He's just going to kill him first.
So while Caparal is out on a trip, out of Lionel's sight (and therefor a death he can't see), he hires an assassin.
VERY MUCH unfortunately for Lionel a person named De Witte would very much like to fuck over the bank that's bribing him (for reasons I will not go into because this post is getting way too long)
So they hire a merc company to make sure Caparal doesn't get assassinated :) and the mercenaries on the job (well, more like mercenary) are Delayne and Rye! our other two protagonists!
And around here is where book 1 begins!
<3333 thank you for the ask mwah mwah mwah. I love political intrigue if you couldn't tell. anyway i shall leave you with 1 song that i think describes the characters lyrically
Lionel: Ship in a Bottle. Caparal: Good as it Gets. Rye: Worst Case Scenario. Delayne: Numb Little Bug.
Rye and Delayne are the fan favorites (/j, they are my friends' favorites though) and I did them dirty here <////3. Sorry guys. I'll post more about them soon i prommy
you can find all art of them in the "#exiled ocs" tag! <33
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bakurapika · 6 months
My boss has been awesome but I got in trouble for overlooking something several weeks ago that, real talk, I think is probably heavily due to how I've had some big memory issues lately which I think is related to my lack of med management. But I'm sure as hell not gonna say that for multiple reasons (1 of which being, I think she has similar issues herself and would think it's BS, and 2, if she DID believe me then she'd question my ability to do my job to a point where it'd be worse than believing I was intentionally a little negligent).
And right after that, I was late for a meeting because of 1) those same memory issues, and 2) some tech issues. Where it looked like I was being intentionally negligent again.
And I'd just recently asked if she would still be a good reference for me if I had to get another job becuase of financial issues she was already fully aware of (and she's been the kind of person who I trusted to be supportive with this information despite being a boss), so it's been pretty transparent that she thinks I'm slacking off on purpose.
I thought that all got settled but now she's been interpreting normal situations that would usually be like "oh yeah, we'll clean this up no problem" or even not have any identified issue at all, where it would just require a little paperwork on my end to fix - and seems to just be looking for evidence that I don't take my job seriously. I'm really on edge whenever she talks to me now, because this situation has played out before at the same job with a really bad boss, and things got reeeeally shitty right afterward.
I feel inclined to be like "lol! it's just my anxiety! i'm projecting!" but I genuinely don't think I am, and so far my instincts have been pretty spot on about this kind of thing.
And it fully sucks because she became my boss specifically to get me out of that situation of a sucky boss who interprets everything I do in the worst faith possible.
But anyway, so I've been having breakdowns at work whatever. But everyone gets a day off on the day of the week we normally have a private boss-employee meeting. I was really relieved about that. But literally last minute of today, she rescheduled it to be at the end of the day tomorrow, right before the long weekend, and it's gonna suck and I'm not sure if it's better to dread it all day or to have "gotten it over with" and have a sucky conversation that made the entire day awful again. Not that I have a choice.
So basically I need to go into this conversation and lie like a rug. Because being honest and taking accountability for my actions has gotten me treated with suspicion because she thought I was lying and admitting to anything that's "off" before it becomes a problem for other people (though it may not have been pointed out as an issue I caused - or a problem at all - if I let it lie) has itself become a chance to evaluate what I've done as laziness or doing bad work. Even if the actual thing being discussed took place ages before I was applying for other jobs.
Hence lying like a rug. I just need to be polite and accept any blame she gives me without taking it personally or letting it affect my actions (since yesterday at work, I got next to nothing done because I was crying all day, compared to today, where I decided Fuck It and chilled most of the day and was able to focus on my work like a normal person afterwards, without needing to text anyone for my own safety or anything at all). And basically I need to roleplay someone who's not emotionally invested in my job at all but is distantly professional.
But I'm really shitty at lying in that kind of situation so it'll probably take about 45 seconds to break me, and I'll wind up being like "I WAS SOBBING IN THE OFFICE ON WEDNESDAY BECAUSE OF AN OFFHAND REMARK YOU MADE" which would be taken as utter manipulative, lying horseshit. And it's a half hour meeting and she's definitely gonna confront me about stuff that, real talk? Was at least as much her fault as mine, if they're even situations that you feel like you need to identify anyone being at fault in at all - and again if I even hint at that being the truth, I'm f u c k e d.
God someone please like this post to tell me I'm not alone even if you just skimmed it because I'm struggling. Maybe send me a message about the worksona I need to develop and how I should be able to keep it together for like 2 full minutes.
Like if she hates me at a personal level now, she won't want to talk for long either, right??
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balkantroll · 6 months
The stages of possession:
1. Infestation. This is "haunted hive" type stuff: footsteps, voices, apparitions, furniture or other objects moving without troll agency, odors with no discernible source. Rather than directly affecting people, infestations affect only property, objects, or even animals.
2. Oppression. Activity steps up with physical attacks, sleep disturbances including regular daymares, frequent and severe illnesses, major depression or anxiety, severe financial or employment problems, and quite the relationship troubles. While these things happen in the normal course of life, all of them happening at once or in rapid succession could be a sign of otherworldly presence.
3. Obsession. As the name implies, at this stage the afflicted person has a hard time functioning, being constantly preoccupied with thoughts of their demonic activity commandeering his or her life. Sleep becomes nearly impossible.
4. Possession. Contrary to popular belief, possession is not demons entering a person's body and taking over his or her soul. A person's free will is never removed, only severely compromised. In possession, a person is so physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually broken down by going through the other three stages that demonic spirits are able to seize occasional control over that person's actions.
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Personal and mental health stuff under the cut. Lots of not pretty relationship stuff. It's not drama, just two married people working through things.
Okay so finally spoke up to my wife about the things that have been bothering me for the past several months. She initially took it pretty okay, thanked me for bringing it up and said she had to think about it before she would really have an answer to some of it - which, given the nature of what I brought up, is perfectly fair - but... well.
One ongoing issue in our relationship is kink. She has gotten more and more negative on it as time has gone on, going from openly hostile to curious to ambivalent to closed. That recommends to suspicion that the openness was not ever really a thing, that she was forcing herself there out of a desire to please me, and that trying it was never going to work because she fundamentally believes that hypnokink is nonconsensual and her statements in her first angry rant to me that she questions my morality because I am interested in it, questions her safety because I'm interested in what she views as rape... are in some quarter of her mind still her truth. That is only confirmed - or if not confirmed, because this is a conclusion based on an absence of evidence, then recommended to suspicion - by deliberate word choices and omissions in our conversation after that. Specifically, the things she would say she thought I was not and the things she didn't say that she thought I was not.
And, the other major problem is that while she emotionally and vocally supports my transition... the more I do, the less connected to her I feel. The less she reaches out, the less she seeks any sort of physical contact or connection, and the more we feel like Roommates+. I voiced this to her, and yeah she said she'd have to think about it, but also later voiced anger that I was open about exploring and researching aspects of my transition but hadn't talked with her about them, that I sounded like I'd made a decision (specifically regarding HRT) and hadn't talked to her about it. I have not made that decision and was just doing research to confirm a point brought up by a gender therapist I was talking to on the phone regarding my insurance specifically not covering anything related to gender dysphoria, and was looking at what that meant for any future options I might have. I have done some research regarding HRT, but nothing remotely resembling a decision has been made in that regard and yeah, I'd talk to her before anything like that was made.
Still, that she was mad about that and, like... the tone of that... it bothered me. The post she was referring to only happened maybe five hours prior to our conversation and I was at work the whole time, so we'd not seen one another in the interim or had an opportunity to talk about it. Of course I would not make a decision in a couple hours, that is just not who I am. Add to that, that she then pivoted to other medical issues going on right now that I well know about - dental stuff that badly needs to get handled but which is expensive because ✨LuXuRy BoNeS✨ - but which legit do make kissing me somewhat unpleasant. I get that, and I also feel really self-conscious about it. I also want to fix it, but when the cost of fixing it is such that it would financially cripple us and render us unable to pay our rent, car note, etc... yeah, I just don't.
Of course it sucks, and it hurts a lot, and it might kill me. I know all that. I'm the one feeling the pain and facing the risk so I know that quite well... but she has been unable to get a job because of crippling fear and anxiety and I'm doing the best I can with what I have, so here we are. I need to keep a roof over our heads for as long as I can, food in the fridge for as long as I can, and the lights on for as long as I can, and if medium-term needs have to be sacrificed in the name of that then that's a trade I have to make and deal with the consequences of when they happen. I don't like it, but I have no other options. I have been prodding her to varying degrees for maybe three years now about jobs, and now she's in therapy for this specific issue, but TBH although this issue has improved a little everything else has suffered at the same time. I'm basically doing 2/3 of the housework in addition to making 3/3 of the income right now, because her mental state - I don't know what or if it relates to a specific diagnosis - is such that she spends most days sleeping and/or sewing, watching YouTube, stuff like that. When I wake up I manage both of our meds, feed the cats, make coffee for both of us, wake her up the four times it takes to get her to wake up, and dress and get ready for work. Then I work all day, come home, do the dishes, clean the apartment, and manage our meds for the evening. On the weekends it is similar but I also handle vacuuming and/or the cats' litter boxes. She handles grocery shopping and dinner most nights, though a lot of nights - probably too many - we order in.
I love her deeply, and want her to be happy. I give more and more to this relationship, but it feels like the more I give the deeper the well gets. I just don't know where to go from here. That's not even getting into the sexual side of things because that's a can of worms unto itself... anyway I'm just... yeah.
Last night I expressed that I felt lonely and tired, that I noticed she was growing more and more disconnected from me, and more and more distant. That she only sought out touch when she wanted me to help her sleep or it was her habit to hold me hand in a given situation, and she routinely ignored when *I* asked for the same thing, or gave it in only perfunctory amounts. So, I stopped asking, because it was clear it was a burden to her and not something she actually enjoyed doing. Which is what led to the whole conversation. I wanted to know why she had disconnected from us, and she said she needed to think about that.
Which, now that I've written all that down, kinda scares me. I'm going to let that fear settle down for now and give her space to think before I react, though, because that's the fair thing to do. Still... I feel how I feel, and how I feel is very not great right now.
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pupstim · 1 year
Sam had to do a double take as Danny and Ellie strolled into the room. They were covered in what to be golden rings, hanging from their wrists like bracelets, some looped over their head and a few around their neck. Danny even had one around his waist like a belt.
She was about to question them when a yellow two tailed anthropomorphic fox looking creature followed after them, chattering excitedly to Danny about schematics for what sounded like an engine.
“Danny, whatcha got there?” Tucker asked from behind her, staring hungrily to the golden shine of the rings.
“A smoothie,” He replied easily, giving them a cheeky grin as he raises his Nasty burger smoothie.
Dannymay Day 27: rings
It has BEEN A DAY. I usually don’t talk about this stuff but we had to give 3 of the kittens we’ve been fostering for like almost the past 3 months to another foster because of financial reasons. And we were wholly unprepared for these babies when we found them. But I still feel awful because I’ve gotten attached and like I’m abandoning them even though logically I know that’s not true. Then I’ve had to go to a graduation party and pretty much sit alone for two hours surrounded by people I do not know. I’ve got some severe social anxiety so it really wasn’t all that good. It’s not been a bad day just a super duper overwhelming day and I am on the verge of a meltdown.
SO I did this little funny story and sorry I cannot add that many parts to it but I just wanted to get this one specific image in my mind down on a word doc. I want to draw this but I just am already so far behind :’) I’ll come back to it maybe on the free day.
Bleh Anyway, I got this idea because although I wanted to do Saturn’s rings, I also kept thinking about Sonic, he’s got those funny golden rings and with the infinite realms being well infinite, I figured it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to have Danny meet Sonic. I think they’d get along alright but I feel like Danny would get on very well with Tails. I always headcanon Danny as being quite the engineer and I bet they would get really into talking about Tails’ plane and various inventions. It’d be fun. Ellie is there because I love her. She could be the one who led Danny to the Sonic universe. The rings are just so shiny and look pretty :)
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magicalgirlagency · 6 months
I know this is magical girl blog, but i wanna ask, what's your opinion on pizza tower game?
You're only asking me this because of the The Noise Update that came out just recently, aren't you? Come on, be honest.
Anyways, I absolutely adore the aesthetics of that game. It's just so absolutely bonkers and it oozes lots and lots of passion. Those five years of hard work were worth it. I haven't played it yet, but once I get myself a potent and faster PC, I'll try it! So, I'll just talk about the aesthetics!
I like how Peppino is a Wario-expy, but not in personality. Sure, he is fat and ugly like that greedy garlic-munching goon, but his personality and life are totally different: He's a stressed middle-aged man, who struggles financially and constantly oscillates in anger or anxiety. Totally the opposite of Wario, who's absolutely confident in his brute strength and will take stuff without any awareness or care of the consequences that'll soon follow.
Also, did you know that "Peppino" is a legit real life name? It's a nickname of "Giuseppe" (an italian version of the name "Joseph"). And the person behind Funiculi, Funiculá (the funny pizza meme music) was named Peppino. Giuseppe "Peppino" Turco.
While the gameplay is obviously inspired by Wario Land 4, its visuals take cues from those Gross Out medias from the 90's/00's (Earthworm Jim, Cow & Chicken, Ren & Stimpy, etc.), which it really helps in the shaping of the game's identity. Not to mention how the game was projected to give major priority to speed mechanics, hence why the reason why it was firstly showcased at Sonic Amateur Games Expo.
Another interesting thing about it, is that this game almost became a Horror game! It almost became a FNaF copycat! But for some reason, Tour de Pizza felt the need to change the concept into a Wario-like midway, BUT! The Horror elements still remained with Don't Make a Sound and Fake Peppino (the game is one year old already; everyone already knows of Fake Peppino by now).
One interesting thing about FP, is back when the game has made its official debut, people made vows of not spoiling his Boss Fight, as TdP would keep him under the shadows in the development vlogging/lives. An addendum: This happened at the same time Hogwarts Legacy came out, and people were spoiling its ending on purpose! Meanwhile the froggy abomination (affectionate) was carefully kept a secret until the time was right.
...even though FP was already spoiled in WAR, but that's just me...
And the MUSIC. Oh my God, the music. It's so divine. Some of them feel severely out of place with the goofy aesthetics of the game, and I wouldn't have it any other way. The use of leitmotifs is clever and adds a lot of charm to the player character. They didn't have to go hard on the Ha Ha Funny Pizza Man Game, but they did it.
Also, the Final Boss has given me the adrenaline rush and catharsis that no modern-era Shounen has managed to do for me. No items, no power-ups, just pure, raw, and italian strength and blood-boiling rage (and the occasional tag-teaming of good ol' Gustavo).
As for The Noise Update, it's still pretty fresh, so I won't spoil anything major about it. However, I'll say that he is different than Peppino in every single way, not just in gameplay. While Peppino functions on Fight-or-Flight mode and is only concerned about getting things done and over with, The Noise does stuff for the shits 'n giggles, and WILL shamelessly gaslight you into getting the highest rank. And also with violence. Lots 'n lots of violence.
Also, The Noise's full name is "Theodore Noise" (yes the "The" in the name is not a definite article, it's short for his birth name). But I guess everyone already knows that, too. Just felt like remembering it, just in case.
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alice-steel · 1 year
Every time I start feeling bad about myself and really want to be held tight and told that I'm okay, my partner always just limply lies there only as tight around me as I've managed to pull them (which is never very tight at all) and blames themselves. Even when I assure them that it's not them, that's making me feel bad they just keep laying there blaming themselves and not really comforting me at all.
I'm in the middle of the process of trying to get disability because between people's lack of understanding for how my mind works from autism and the transphobia in this area I can't maintain a job anymore. Being in the middle of that process I can't really do much to help financially or afford to separate from them even if I wanted to... I'm pretty sure I love them, but I'm getting less and less sure every day.
When we first started dating I told them I'm a little and needed a caregiver and they said they'd be happy to be there and explore that with me. It's been months, starting to get close to a year even and I haven't been able to be small without almost immediately getting pulled out yet. They're always so distant when I get small and when I ask why they just say that it's complicated or that they don't understand and even when I'm big I don't know how to explain it for them.
We're living together, alongside one roommate who they don't fully trust because she had some takis in her room one day just after telling them that their takis had gone stale after being left open in the kitchen for several weeks so they think she stole their takis.
My partner has been working tons of hours at the nearby burger joint to support us, our roommate already has disability and is paying half the rent and a solid portion of the groceries such that we only really need them to get like 25-30 hours per week to keep the budget in the black but they've been stressing themselves out and working 40-55 hours a week. They basically wake up, get dressed, and head to work then when they get home they play on their phone and complain about their coworkers to me for a couple hours before going to bed to start over again the next day. I've basically been having to play the role of a therapist for them because despite the fact that they admit that they definitely need help with depression and ADHD and anxiety related stuff I can't manage to convince them to go to a proper, trained therapist. They definitely have a few untreated physical issues too but I can't get them to seek treatment for those either.
I just don't know what to do anymore. I've looked for advice in a few Discord servers and facebook groups before but been basically just ignored or else given empty platitudes. I honestly don't expect any more than that here now either, but a girl can hope I guess.
That's not even all the details of my issues right now but it's all I can manage to put into words right now.
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fluffy-critter · 2 years
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
To My Future Husbands:
I am broken
I am brokenhearted
I am beaten
I have trust issues
I've been abandoned
I'm crying right now
I have crying spells
I empathize for the world
I have a big heart
I've been used
I've been taken advantage of
I've been mentally abused
I've been emotionally abused
I've been physically abused
I've been raped
I've been molested
I've been shunned in church
I've been spiritually abused
I've been financially abused
I've been let down
I've been misused
I've been misunderstood
There are often times I think about death
I've been mistreated
I feel like the current people who I live with are just using me for money
I may be homeless with my dog soon
I physically disabled incapable of bending and straightening my arms
I have crippling anxiety
I suffer from severe depression
I am bipolar so I deal with mood swings and manic energy
I also have hypotension which I feel drives my depression and anemia
I have anemia so I deal with severe fatigue
I have severe fatigue
I have unfathomable and unexplainable tension and pain all throughout my body due to juvenile to rheumatoid to osteoarthritis
I believe I'm wcizophrenic
I also believe I have Adult ADHD
I have focusing problems
I listen to sad music
I listen to love mueic
I have a hard time getting over stuff that hurts me
Yesterday is a painful word and song (ask why)
I drown myself in work so I can forget about life
I'm a writer
I'm an author
I'm a poet
I fear fear itself
I fear I will lose everyone in life
Once again pointing to abandonment issues
I have a fear of being fit into a box
Claustrophobia maybe
I've recently grown a fear of flying on a plane or maybe
Flying and being in the window seat
I'm painfully annoying
I call a lot
I'm clingy
I'm needy
I love hard
Often times too hard
My cousin told me that my fatal flaw is caring too much
She I call my twin cousin because we were born exactly a month apart
I don't talk to my family
I talk to my dog
Her name is Cocoa
And yes
She's a sweet as Hot Cocoa
Or Hot Chocolate
Whatever you wanna call it
I am non confrontational
I want everybody to win
I've been broken by many guys and a girl
I've been going through an identity crisis lately
I'm gay
I want a polycule relationship with multiple twink guys (ask me about it)
I try not to forget peoples birthdays or important things in their life
I am legally blind
A disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa
I'm scared of my own vouce
I'm scared of my own power
I'm scared of my own pain
I'm scared of all my ailments
I'm scared that they will cripple me more than they have
My voice has been called annoying
I took that to heart
So I've been dealing with finding my voic3
I want to be the focal point in our polycule relationship
For all the above reasons
I am driven
I am goal oriented
I am a dreamer
I am a lover
I believe in a better world
The person who raped me I loved
I've given myself sexually to too many men who did not want my heart only a hole to use
I am peaceful
I am profound
I am strong
I am loyal
I am faithful
I believe in love
I believe in you
I believe if you made it this far then
I thank you for that!
I want to crawl into a shell and either
Run away
Everyone who I've fallen in love with previously
It pains me to admit
I still love them
But I know that I deserve love
So if you are one of those people who may fit the
Fair skinned
Cute beyond all reqson
Younger than 34
Goal driven
Career oriented
Not all about sex
Identity confident
Family oriented
Wants a family
Animal oriented
Wants animals
Serious at the right times
Able to distract me positively
It'd be great if one of the seven of us has a car lol
It'd also be great if we can live together haha lol
No but for real
No debt
Intelligent (doesn't necessarily mean know big words and be book smart)
No argumentatives
Preferably black, blonde, or brown hair
Preferably straight, wavy, or curly
Again wants kids
Slim to thin
Thin to fit
Fit to athletic
Athletic to toned
No body builders
No old heads
No young'ns
18 to 33 ONLY
Six fair skinned twinks
Wants an interracial family
Doesn't mind sharing
Someone who is caring
Unconditional love
Not going to throw anything back in mine or any of our spouses faces
Doesn't look at me or us as an inconvenience
Believes me
Believes in me
Believes in yourself
Believes in us as a whole
Spiritual not religious
Says I apologize
Instead of I'm sorry
Sends little love notes or texts or calls to remind each other of our unapologetic love
Baseball player
Basketball player
Country boys
City boys
Self confident
Self loving
Self caring
Keeps a clean houee
Keeps a clean body
Not too tall
Cut off at about 6'3"
Healthy eater
Not asking for all salad eaters
High blood pressure is in my family
Grandpa had a heart attack
No smokers
Social drinkers
No getting shit faced
I do like to have a good time
There's a big difference
Yet again
No recreational drugs
Believes in theirs, mine, our spouses, our kids, and others dreams
Doesn't talk shit about people
Wants to heal the world
If you made it to the end
And you fit the description of guy I am looking for
And you have read
Are acceptant NOT TOLERANT
Of my Rap Sheet
Then message me
Must be committed as well
Not tolerant
I cannot express loving and trustworthy enough
I want a polycule relationship
If you don't know what that is
Look it up
And then
Get back to me
I want multiple people in one and as one relationship
Where we share each other's love
Oh! Must be motivational and inspirational
Also shares a house
Sex is with any partner of the entire family that you so choose
It could be one
Whatever variation that you want
Sex IS NOT and WILL NOT BE the frontrunner of our spousal relationship
Sex is great
So is conversation
So is sharing stories
Sharing experiences
And making memories
New memories
Positive times and vibes
If you are a shark trying to take advantage of me or anybody else then
Wanna know more yet?
Well, go ahead and message me if you fit the bill
And remember I said I have trust issues so it's gonna take a lot before we can meet or especially have sex
There is no rush if I am one of the ones for you then you can wait just like I have and can for you
Trust builds over time
Not in a night
I don't care if you cuss
Just no cussing at any one of your spouses
Or the kids
Or the pet kids
I don't do that honey
Please God please
Know how to cook
That helps too
Cause we do have to eat
And eating out is great
But so is a home-cooked meal
I will have a home Healthcare aid to take care of me until we either
Get you to become an RN,, CNA, or i believe it's called a PCS
Someone who is qualified in taking care of me
And no I just don't want you to take care of me in one way
Not just for business purposes
But take care of me in personal purposes too
If you are a nurse
You're already ahead of the game
Please have a job
And or a career
Dreams and aspirations of your own
Goal oriented I cannot stretch enough
Non argumentative
Supportive in all ways
Not looking for a sugar daddy
I don't need your money
I want a life in and of love.
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zhangsanhzgb · 11 days
After a sluggish cryptocurrency market, I published the third part of a series of articles. This article is called "The Universal Quiet Exit", and previous articles include "There is No Excuse That This Stuff Works or Will Work" and "Financial Nihilism: The Zeitgeist of Young America". These articles have sparked widespread discussion, especially in the cryptocurrency community, and they accurately captured and predicted the current market conditions.
The Universal Quiet Exit
Recently, I have noticed a new trend in the cryptocurrency community - "quiet exit". This is a relatively new concept that describes the phenomenon of people choosing to quietly withdraw after losing confidence in a certain field. This attitude is partly derived from my two previous articles, which explored the actual application of cryptocurrencies and their future potential.
The cryptocurrency space has experienced a period of extreme optimism in the past few years. From 2017 to 2022, the market was full of hope for the future of cryptocurrencies, and investors and users believed that these technologies could solve real-world problems and gain widespread application. However, over time, many projects that were once seen as the future pillars of cryptocurrencies, such as decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, stablecoins, etc., have failed to change the world as expected. Even as Bitcoin adoption and prices rise, many people are beginning to question the actual achievements and future potential of cryptocurrencies.
This skepticism became more pronounced during past bear markets. Even at the most pessimistic times, enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies remained. However, the current situation appears more severe. Many people have gradually realized that the actual progress and effectiveness of many cryptocurrency projects are far below expectations. The Memecoin craze and the points-for-airdrop activities are seen as meaningless attempts, reflecting that the market's confidence in these projects has been shaken.
The Dilemma of Cryptocurrency
In the cryptocurrency field, the phenomenon of "quiet exit" is particularly evident. Many people are no longer willing to invest time and resources, although they may still hold some crypto assets. The reason for leaving is not only disappointment in the potential of the project, but also anxiety about the future prospects. Even if some people choose to stay in this field, their motivation and confidence have obviously weakened.
In this situation, some people choose to continue to pay attention to cryptocurrencies, mainly because they still believe that the long-term returns of cryptocurrencies are attractive relative to other investment options. Although this view seems contradictory, it actually reflects a complex psychological state: despite disappointment with the current situation, there is still hope to find valuable opportunities in the future.
Market Status and Future Outlook
Currently, the main focus of the cryptocurrency market has shifted to emerging areas such as decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN). However, in addition to DePIN, there is a lack of other breakthrough applications worthy of attention in the market. At the same time, the cryptocurrency venture capital investment environment has also been criticized. Venture capital often obtains high returns through early investment projects, which may fail to make substantial progress in their intended use. This misaligned incentive mechanism makes some investment behaviors in the market increasingly irrational.
In general, the current "quiet exit" phenomenon in the cryptocurrency field can be explained by the general disappointment with the current market status and future prospects. While some people in the market still have hope, many people are disappointed with the actual achievements of cryptocurrencies and choose to reduce investment or exit. Future opportunities may emerge in emerging areas with practical application prospects, such as DePIN. If the policy environment changes, it may further promote the real development of the altcoin market. Therefore, despite the many challenges at present, it is still necessary to pay close attention to these potential development directions.
How to buy BTC
How to buy cryptocurrency on the exchange
Investing in BTC has never been easier! Registering on an exchange, verifying your account, and paying by bank transfer, debit or credit card, with a secure cryptocurrency wallet, is the most widely accepted way to get cryptocurrency. Here is a guide on how to buy cryptocurrency on an exchange.
Step 1: Register on OKX (click on the link to register) You can register by email and phone number, then set a password and complete the verification to pass the registration.
Step 2: Identity verification - submit KYC information to verify your identity
Please verify your identity to ensure full compliance and enhance your experience with complete identity verification. You can go to the identity verification page, fill in your country, upload your ID, and submit your selfie. You will receive a notification once your ID has been verified successfully, bind your bank card or credit card to start trading.
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I know that upper, middle, and lower class as parts of a political ideology aren't exactly all that great and miss potential nuance but they're the dominant way in which current government structures think about class so I'm going to use them real quick.
I hate the middle class? Like kind of genuinely?
There's something genuinely frightening about the extent that "the middle class" takes up political rhetoric in our society. It feels like (and let's be real it probably is lol) a way to deplatform the concerns of people who are poor, people who struggle with poverty, the working class people who aren't in an industry where they can turn around and exercise their power over others.
Middle class people often sound and feel a lot more financially paranoid than lower class people do. It's the post about "being poor in the 1980s meant you owned a house" (LOL?). A lot of middle class people I've talked to will often start doing something I called poverty LARPing? It's where they just start to claim that they really do understand the struggle and life was hard for them too. Listen, I grew up poor. We didn't have it the worst, but we were definitely poor. I remember the meals of pasta and rice because we had run out of food in the house and weren't able to get anymore because our EBT had run out. I remembered the electric bill not being paid, or not being able to afford oil, and having to huddle around a space heater. I remember having to boil water on the stove for heat.
We were homeless, twice, because the source of income walked out on us. Just full on left. I slept in a tent and tried desperately to keep the stuff I owned that was keeping me sane dry during thunderstorms. We had to scare off bears, twice. Most of my wardrobe for a long time came from my teenage years. Even while I went to college and found work I enjoyed, I didn't have the financial ability to really do anything. We were underpaid, and I had to watch as other people, people whose families had given them the support structure needed to succeed, were able to do the stuff that I couldn't.
I have to mention all of this because if you listen to middle class people talk about their economic anxiety, it almost always sounds way different. A lot of the time these people owned their house and weren't in any danger of losing it. Maybe they couldn't enjoy all of life's luxuries, but they knew there would be food on the table, they knew they weren't going to have to wear clothes that were several years old and had holes in them. Some of them were vegan and will furiously try to explain over you why even though you knew your family couldn't afford being properly vegan, their family could and they "struggled".
It always feels like the middle class is desperately afraid of becoming poor, of becoming the kind of person who has to live in the "bad parts of town" in an apartment. They want to enjoy the trappings of wealth and have just enough money to do so, nominally, but know they could lose it, so money becomes a huge financial concern. When you're poor, your money goes to your essentials and whatever you need to remain sane, but there's not the same anxiety there. It's not money you might "lose", it's money you never had.
Middle class people also know the best way to avoid this fate is to become richer and wealthier. They'll start businesses and start employing people under them to exploit their labor. They start supporting policies that punish lower class people and denying them the things they would need to succeed, because imagine a poor person being given help they don't qualify you, but wink wink definitely need more than them.
So yeah, I don't know, I hate the middle class. I hate the doctor making six figures a year. I hate the family in Watertown making $65k a year who are staunchly Republican. These people aren't our allies in fighting for equality, they would put the gun to our heads in a heartbeat if it meant they could be rich.
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