#they carpool
one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was carpooling with Walt Disney and he claimed that Disneyland was the greatest American creation ever and got highly offended when I suggested that the national parks system was just as great.
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
Honestly, Eddie doesn’t know why it had taken so long for him to realize his and Steve’s children could understand the shit that came out of his mouth.
(It took an embarrassingly long amount of time).
Even when Moe’s third or fourth word was fuck, he didn’t realize it (and she was using it mostly correctly too, which should have been a serious flag, but nope).
What made him realize it was when they started repeating the shit that came out of his mouth. 
To strangers.
In public.
The first time Eddie had been really caught off guard by something one of his daughters said was when Moe, who was three at the time, had proudly announced to an unsuspecting grocery store cashier, “Daddy says my Papa’s a DILF!”
And, like, Eddie had just heard the term for the first time, and obviously he was goddamn delighted by it because…duh. Steve. 
It just hadn’t occurred to him that his toddler might have caught it too, but little pitchers have big ears, or so the proverb suggests, and Eddie had taken it as a wake-up call that Moe isn’t a baby anymore (tragic as it may be).
He’s not the only problem though – Steve is just as bad, (if not worse, because he really doesn’t bother to check where their kids are before he starts running his mouth).
One particularly damning incident was at a restaurant, which is something they don’t even do all that often because, seriously, going to a restaurant with very young kids should be an Olympic event or something.
(The last time they all went out to eat, Nancy and Robin had made a drinking game out of all the times Steve and Eddie had to take a child to the bathroom and ended up so far gone that Eddie had needed to drive them home).
The incident started with the waitress asking, “Can I get you started with anything to drink?”
And it had ended with four-year-old Moe confidently announcing, “My Papa needs a fucking margarita.”
Thank god, the waitress had been a twenty-something college student and thought it was hilarious, but Steve had still been completely mortified.
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This has most definitely been said before, but we were robbed of the core four quarantining on-screen together at Buck’s place. ROBBED I say
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f1-stuff · 8 months
scuderiaferrari Carlos & Charles take a look at their new 2024 race suits!
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leclercskiesahead · 8 months
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When was this??
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trek-tracks · 11 months
Space, the final frontier.
That is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to explore
The strange new worlds of our outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a five-year mission
And, by opposing, end it. To go—to seek,
Once more; and by “to seek” to say we find
The new life and new civilizations
Where man has gone not: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To go, to seek;
To seek, perchance to find—ay, there's the rub:
For in these voyages what dreams may come,
When we have boldly gone whence we have not,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes a mission of so long a life.
For who would bear the Enterprise of time,
The starship’s wrong, admirals’ contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy treks,
When he himself might make his voyage on
With a bare warp core? Who would tribbles bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the hope of something to be found,
The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
We travel and return, puzzling our will,
And makes us wish to solve those ills we have
And fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience makes explorers of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is glistened o'er with the stars of thought,
And Enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents warp ahead
And seize the name of action.
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toffoliravioli · 1 year
jack was definitely the passenger princess
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lostremind · 2 years
Me too Katy, me too
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webs4ribs · 2 years
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All aboard Odyssey-San!
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jolteonmchale · 1 year
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Carpool Karaoke - Alison Brie, Danny Pudi, and Joel McHale
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ghostpajamas · 7 months
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bit the hand that
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stardust-sunset · 28 days
I HC that Darry has chronic pain from all the work he does and he still doesn't taje time off when he should
He definitely does-the only time he usher in pain is when he has deep deep DEEP pressure on his muscles-sometimes he’ll just ask soda or pony to sit on his back for a minute to loosen his muscles. or he’ll ask soda for a back rub. those work like a charm and he’s always more than thankful whenever soda does do this-i kinda have this headcanons that pony has a morbid curiosity with the human body and anatomy in general (me core) and he reads all about chronic pain and ways to help. but he’s twenty and his brothers both feel awful that he’s so young and already has the back of a fifty year old man. sometimes long and soda will literally force him to stay at home like they’ll get genuinely mad if he tries to get up. usually his forced day off is a saturday and while soda is at work pony will literally just sit with darry like “if you get up i’m not speaking to you for a week” and he’s so serious. one time darry tried to leave and pony literally didn’t talk to him for a whole week and that bugged darry endlessly.
poor boy just needs a hug. pile in guys, i’m driving to tulsa to hug him.
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pinkflyingtiger · 3 months
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burningsoftly · 2 months
im actually very offended Larys didn’t invite Alicent to leave town with him and aegon. they could’ve carpooled. And if they brought Helaena and jaehaera too, we could’ve gotten a full family road trip style subplot next season a la we’re the millers. We literally could’ve had it all
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My sister sent me this yesterday and I agreed with it and now today when I missed her cue to stop asking her something, she flashed her screen at me with this image on it 💀
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drykoolaid · 1 month
I think it’d be so very very dandy if khan becomes the hot DILF he was meant to be :33
Also I’m liek rlllllyyy excited to see more Thad bc he chill asf man like I fuck heavily
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I drew this a while ago 🥰
It would be supa fun if v comes back in liek core form andddd seeing the trailer thumbnail Ltrlly just fueled that thought sooooo yea 😇🙏
I’m kinda sleep deprived so I’m gonna stfu
Uhhhb expect redraws??? Idfk
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Some more lil doggy treats
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