#they could do so much with this fame and success and money they're making
omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
I do think people who work in the field should roast the show because it was supposed to bring attention to some kind of realities that get ignored more often than everything else and it became a soap opera instead but consider. I like it.
#no ok listen i have thoughtstm#as someone who admittedly ignored the aforementioned realities and is trying to learn more about them after watching the show bc it opened#my eyes#you have no idea how difficult it is to find information about juvenile prisons#it is difficult enough for normal prisons but juvanile ones? it's like they don't exist#and they have so many fucking problems#so many#every time i try to explain what i found out i get mad#jesus christ they're kids and no one cares about them#and i hoped the show would do the same thing to other people as it did to me ie open their eyes about those problems#(I'm not saying it's realistic. it's just a rai fiction after all they didn't even have money to make s1 come on but it made me say 'let's#see how things really are' and then i got mad about it bc i thought they were better and they're not)#it didn't#the kids keep being ignored. the problems are still there. people literally cross the street in front of jails as if the 'unworthyness'#could be passed to them through osmosis or something#they could do so much with this fame and success and money they're making#but they do nothing and this scary because the original aim was to raise awareness not romanticize#s1 was very clear on this aspect it was horrible and crude it wanted to say hey kids. these dynamics are bad and will get you killed#now it's very different#and i get why organizations are mad#but i still think that if what happened to me happened to a few other people than the show worked and I'm grateful for it#i do have names of organisations if anyone is interested#and I'll write an article on the actual situation one day
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onsunnyside · 1 year
ok so i've been trying to come up with a mafia trope for this ask by the bestie @bimbofawn: now this isn't a full-blown mob fic, but it has a few elements
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The Camerons have all the wealth, influence and success anyone can dream of. They come from a long lineage of fame and riches, now running the parent company of many subsidiaries with power all across the country. It's no surprise they're involved in a few shady businesses, yet it's all kept tightly under wraps.
As the heir to a vast dynasty, Rafe grew up under a lot of pressure to be the best in what he does, and his ego is proof of that. He's in the tabloids, the ivy league graduate by day and the wild bachelor by night, landing himself in more scandals than ass-kissing articles.
The Camerons are known for their prestige and (heavily manufactured) picture-perfect image. So Rafe's sleazy, immature behaviour just won't do. Although he's doing good with the shady side of the family business (bc ofc he's into violence and drug trafficking/manufacturing), he needs to do better with the public side. To give his son a motive for cleaning up his act, he gives him an ultimatum: lose it all and get disowned or settle down.
Now, he has a few months to find someone, but his ego won't let him settle for just anyone. The headlines aren't any comfort either: Pleasure Over Business: Is Rafe Cameron responsible for the fall of the Cameron dynasty?
This is very off-to-the-races coded: you drift into his sector on his friend's arm one night. He shrugs you off, expecting there to be a different girl the next time they go to the clubs (because there always is) but nope, you show up again and again.
It’s hard for him to ignore someone so kindhearted and naturally alluring. He can’t look away from you sipping on the straw, your calm gaze locked on his, making him stumble over his words like a teenager with a crush. He dreams of you every time he falls asleep, your pretty face burned on the inside of his eyelids as if you belonged there.
But one night his friend shows up with a different girl.
"Her rates got too high, and my folks were getting suspicious so I had to let her go, unfortunately." He exhales, his arm around the other woman kissing up his neck.
Now, did he predict you were an escort? Not at all. It catches him off guard and he almost spits up his drink. "You paid her to date you?"
Topper glares, "you don't have to say it like that. We did more than just make appearances together if that's what you're asking. All consensual, of course, but you do have to pay extra for private um... sessions."
me senses... a sugar-baby proposition: "I'll take care of everything, all expenses, your rent, and an allowance on top of that. Anything you want you can have."
You're still apprehensive, you've taken clients who've heard of you from word of mouth before, but this was new. They were best friends who routinely saw each other, you'd hate to stir the pot. "Won't it be weird?"
"You with Top was just business and so is what I'm offering." Perhaps that was a little white lie, but you didn't need to know that. "No harm, no foul. In my hands, you could live better than this."
"I like my home." You mutter, hugging a pillow to your chest, it was one of the many mismatched cushions that littered your old couch. "I worked hard to get it this way."
He nudges the wobbly table by the door, the picture frames rattling on the surface. "For thousands of dollars a night, I would've expected some sense of luxury, or a stove with actual knobs." He says and quirks a brow, "where'd all that money go?"
"Oh... I had to give my boss his cut."
"How much is that?"
"80 percent." You admit, ducking away when Rafe frowns, "I know, I know... It wasn't my fault, my daddy—" Your voice cracks, "My daddy got involved with a bad man after he gambled away all our savings and my college fund. And he still couldn't stop after my mama left. I had to—I had to help somehow."
You still remember returning from campus to see him bruised and battered on the living room floor, crying for your mother who was halfway across the world, now a happily divorced woman. The memory brings tears to your eyes and they stream down your cheeks.
Rafe bites his tongue, rethinking his decision to show up here in the first place. Your unlucky life only made you more perfect, and as terrible as it sounded, he knows he won't find anyone more fitting for his circumstances.
He refused to leave until you agreed.
"What's his name?"
You don't hear him over your sniffles and rub your nose into your pillow, "huh?"
He crouches by your feet, placing a hand on your thigh. "What's the big bad man's name, sweetie?"
"Why—Why are you asking..."
The blue in his eyes seems darker, but it could just be the dim lightbulbs you haven’t changed yet. He blinks up at you with thick lashes, a slow smile crawling onto his face.
"I'm going to prove to you that when you're with me, you've got nothing to worry about."
And the next night, he shows up at your door with a fresh bouquet of flowers and bruised knuckles. You don’t get one word out before drops a heavy duffel bag on the floor, “here’s the money you deserve for your work, and extra for your troubles.”
You glance at the bag and then his face, your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth. “What—What did you do?”
He smiles, cocking his head to the side. “Nothing you have to worry about, sweetheart.” He says, wiping toothpaste from the corner of your lip. “Now, are you going to invite me in?”
Rafe is very possessive, he doesn’t care that you dated/slept with his friend because you belong to him now. He buys you a gold necklace with his initial on it, parades you around the city for all the nosy paps to see, and brings you home to meet his family. And yes, you do get the gold seal of approval from his father.
well this is just a mash-up of different tropes 🫡 fake relationship, sugar daddy and mob, with rafe's signature "you're mine" mindset. me has a few slutty and soft ideas for this au too hehe
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simpliao · 2 years
Hi! I just started following you and oh my god you JSchlatt fics are so good, I can’t get enough!!! If you’re taking requests right now, I’d like to ask for a little protective Schlatt! With the internet being what it is, I can imagine that maybe it wouldn’t be to kind to Schlatt’s SO. Or maybe you might have another scenario in mind? Again, thank you so much for all your writing, it makes my day!!! ❤️
i will shoot you dead ; (irl) schlatt x reader
summary : he couldn't give a shit what people say about him; what actually irritates him is when those assholes involve people that have nothing to do with whatever they're bullshitting about. he's made it a point not to involve his personal life, but when it gets leaked and his s/o gets targeted; he isn't fucking happy.
info : swearing, protective schlatt, pet names, she/her, afab reader, mentions of harassment and death threats, and fluff.
a/n : this was such a good idea i couldn't pass up ah, thank you so much for enjoying ! i am and attempting to post around every two/three days but school is just starting so i'm unsure how well i'll manage. to everyone else that requested, still working on it so apologizes that they are semi-late ! hope this also lives up to your expectations.
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Being rich at twenty-three was a blessing and a curse, since he acquired all his wealth from being an Internet personality so to speak. Having what should have been a hobby bare so much fruit wasn't without its issues, and the drawback was most definitely the fame. People in his business, attempting to figure out his name and address, outraged from jokes and pretending that they understand him to a personal level; he was grateful for the normal ones, but one outspoken psycho made him rethink all his life choices.
It was never the audience's right to know or interact with his private life, to the creators that do let their fans have that window into their life was a privilege, not a right. So he never did tell anyone past his close circle of friends of his lover, Y/n, a blue collared worker not high up within her company but making good money to be independent. To Schlatt, she was his own little slice of heaven, always giving him the right kind of realistic advice while could always acknowledge and take in account his own feelings.
To some: she might be considered perfectly average, but he saw beyond the rest, she was more than just a pretty face anyways. He adored her ambition to work her hardest and larger than life aspirations. Despite knowing of the kind of money her boyfriend possessed, she never dared asked for a penny; he appreciated that she wanted her own individual success that came from her and not from outside sources. Being that she was also probably one of the most appreciate human beings he's ever had the chance to meet just added to her charm; she never let him so much as pay for a coffee without him hearing a thousand and one thank yous. She was his to love and adore, no one else should have been mixed up in their lives.
She had absolutely zero internet presence, and he liked it that way. Since she wasn't big into the public sphere she wouldn't be caught up in all the bullshit that followed him. Many people despised him despite not having spoken to or even knowing him beyond his flamboyant internet persona; it was fucking stupid, usually they never really bothered him no matter how much they so desperately wanted to cancel him and throw him off the internet. That's where he thought it ended, they despised him, they couldn't logically harass people that possible know him, right? Wrong.
'uh, schlatt? I'm getting a lot of emails about you coming to my work email. Did you tell people about my job or anything?'
Being that for almost the past decade most if not all of his friends had taken to calling him by his last name it eventually became used more or less so by everyone in his life more than his real one. It wasn't that his girlfriend didn't know his name or hadn't asked, she also enjoyed the sound of it and ended up being the default thing she'd call him.
The text itself was unusual, he wasn't even sure if he knew her work email let alone tell it to other people.
'What? No. I don't even know your email. What are they saying?'
'I have it in my LinkedIn profile, they're asking what's my relationship to you. Some are threatening to message my higher-ups claiming I'm a racist? They keep linking me back to Twitter. I can't work when my important emails are drowned out in this. I had one threatening to come where I work and hurt me.'
'Listen, sweetheart, I'm so sorry I really didn't think that they'd find you. I'll do my best to fix this, I'll come pick you up from work today too so don't leave the building until I arrive.'
A spark of rage ignited from within him, he was sure to be careful about not revealing her identity or even mentioning much about her. He knew how bad these people could get and how low they would stoop because they had no lives and just wanted to get the better of him; he wanted to protect her and now all he felt like was a failure. He was quick to log into Twitter and type in 'Jschlatt Girlfriend' and it was almost immediate that he found the thread of the asshole that went as far as to dox him and figure out who and where Y/n was. "He is a bad person that deserves all the things coming to him." It was written with such conviction, as if dragging unrelated people into a stupid ass controversy about another testing-the-line joke he told. He didn't care what they did to him, but threatening to hurt those closest to him struck a nerve that made him want to do some... Fairly illegal things to these people.
So he hoped that most people had some common sense left, screen shotted the thread and the text from his lover and was quick to make a comment about it.
Say whatever the fuck you want about me. But actively try to dox and threaten my girlfriend when she has nothing to do with any of this bullshit online and I will shoot you dead. Fuck you.
He knew these saggy fuckers wouldn't dare try anything, not when they'd know he'd be right there waiting for them. Was he serious when he said he'd shoot them dead? Only half so. He wasn't scared to use the firearm that he kept at home for protection, and neither was he scared to do what he needed to for the sake of protecting the only bright spot in his life. She didn't deserve this. He knew the hate for him could get damn strong, and who knows who amongst them would be crazy enough to act on those words. He wasn't going to test it and he would clearly set the boundary; don't fuck with him in real life, or you have to deal with him in real life.
It can be said he was not in a good mood as he waited outside the glass skyscraper building for his girl, since the few hours that he tweeted out about the situation public opinion turned more into his favour. Although he still had those that were adamant that he was said bad person, vast majority agreed that the original poster of her information was the biggest asshole. The thread was deleted but he saved all the screenshots and had the username burned into his mind, may god save that asshole's soul should Schlatt ever get his hands on him.
Once he saw her exiting the azure-tinted building he was quick to slip his phone into his pocket and get out of the car, running up to the door to greet her. A sheepish smile graced her lips as she gave him a soft wave, he noticed how she wore his favourite blazer and skirt set and how gorgeous she looked in it, but a more important question left his lips first. "Are you okay?" A worried one captured her features, "yeah I am, you look so stressed out. I'm sorry if I worried you." He shook his head and took hold of the hand that reached up to cup his face, "don't apologize, if anything I should. Being involved with me got you in this." A sympathetic look flashed her features as he walked side-by-side with her, a soft smile growing to her own face.
"Don't beat yourself up about it, I reported it to HR and although it took a while to explain they made sure to notify security about it and I had one guy follow me around when I went out for lunch, he was nice about it too. I had to ask help how to set it so they'd all go to spam but we worked it out eventually. So, please, don't worry too much; I'll be okay I promise." He looked down to see her reassuring smile, he knew she'd worry more over him than her own safety. He knew working himself up was an overreaction, he doubted anything would happen; but should something do he wouldn't ever forgive himself. "So, don't shoot anyone?" His eyebrows shot up at this, "you saw my tweet?" Last time he checked this girl had an issue figuring out how to change her profile picture on instagram.
"Well, other people did. A lot of people caught wind that I was getting death threats so I ended up having to explain who you were and they found your Twitter. Please uh, don't kill anyone on my behalf?" An airy chuckle left him, as he knelt down to kiss her temple, "and leave you behind to go to jail, toots? You're gonna have to try harder than that if you want to get rid of me." Seeing his ease and cheeky grin come about, a sense of relief washed over her. "So then, you wanna go out to–" "no." "Huh, why?"
She separated from him for just a moment so she could get into the passenger's side of the car. "We can go out when this whole thing blows over. Until then I don't want you running out of sight." It may have sounded slightly demanding, but she knew that his anxiety must have been through the roof; overthinking was one of his flaws that they worked through together. It wasn't like it was all that big of a deal, chilling out at the apartment sounded just as nice. "Movie night then?" Her enthusiasm was infectious that he couldn't help but break a smile. "Yes, please."
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Astrology Observations #5!!!
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This one is shorter :^] the next couple of posts are gonna be more focused on silly lil things like healing and art and maybe money. Also I'm NOT! a professional this one is the goofiest of all take it with like salt but a tiny tiny lil speck. Not even a grain.
Mars in 8th house may naturally be able to make money. Transiting 8th house is a good time to make/deal with other people's money, and in your solar return it can point to getting money from others. The sign can tell you how.
Jupiter in 2nd house also has a knack for getting money. Jupiter can imply a jack of all trades, so hopping from thing to thing in order to make money.
Aquarius Placements can be fans of hyperpop. Like I kinda associate Leo with pop, so Aquarius is the same just more eccentric.
Fixed Star Regulus (Leo 29°) points to fame/naturally attracting attention. Specially if they're conjunct* a planet. But it can also point to it flipping if you abuse your power. For example, if your sun is conjunct Regulus, you may garner attention easy due to your personality and natural glow, however if you let your ego get the better of you and abuse your power, people will hate you for said personality and think that you're a terrible person period.
(This will probably get a separate post) but Venus can tell where you should do your art. Example: Venus in 4th house can mean you'd like to be at home/do home decor.
On the same note, If you're an artist (or would like to be one and don't know where to start), Venus can tell you your art style. Example, Venus in 2nd house Sagittarius can point to having an art style that takes a lot of inspiration from overseas artists, along with having multiple art styles (and since the house is ruled by Taurus, and Taurus rules Venus, it could be very elegant no matter what style you go with).
Mars in 12th house natives refuse to be mad. They may also refuse to let people see them upset (Example asking "did I talk to much" or "sorry I'm just upset" at tiny things). The same goes for Synastry and Composite charts. In Synastry it can show the planet person refusing to get angry at the house person for the first couple of years. Composite can show extremely passive aggressive fighting/the silent treatment.
North Node in 6th house will always do acts of service, even if they fight it. They may end up in a job where they protect someone from something, or end up taking care of the elderly. Even if you're an author, it will still be servicing to entertain other people. It's one of the most inevitable North Nodes imo.
Uranus in 3rd can indicate being bullied by peers in earlier school (pre-high school) and finding success after traveling for college/higher education. You may also may go into technology based jobs. Especially social media based.
South Node can tell you about your past life, and aspects can tell you a lot about it. Using my chart as an example, I have 11th house Pluto conjunct my South Node, sextile my Venus in 8th house, and every astrologer I've seen joked that I was a witch burned at the stake.
Squares to natal chart Neptune can tell you where your illusions are/where you may work hard to break illusions. For example, Neptune in 11th square your Mercury could mean that you have illusions about how your friends see you/talk about you, and their opinions on your dreams. It could also mean you work hard to prove your goals are worthy in the eyes of others, and aim for verbal praise.
Venus square Ascendant may have a fashion style/beauty standards that aren't the standard for the time.
The house Jupiter is in can show where your natural glow is. Jupiter in 10th can show a natural glow in your career/you get more attention than your peers. 4th can show you glow the most while at home or get the most attention in your family.
Pallas in Virgo can show a a talent for listening and paying attention.
Okay this one was literally just getting the last random of stuff off my mind. Next post will be Chiron then Art :)
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youremyheaven · 7 months
Despite being celebate revati placements are often assumed as fboy/fgirls and promiscuous too.
I got one question tho.
Are revati and punarvasu both the strongest wealth naks and are they the only wealth naks?
Oh i got one more question.
What are the fame naks?
Your observations and posts are very entertaining please continue to do so.
im not saying they're always celibate
theyre not the type to be promiscuous which is to say, have several sexual/romantic partners at the same time. the number of partners may be fewer but the quality of their experiences are wilder or deeper, many Revatis are into crazy stuff (BDSM, knife play, primal kink etc) they seek a certain intensity with their sexual experiences and this is not something you can easily find with people. That sort of chemistry, connection and compatibility is rare, which is why Revatis tend to be celibate, its either crazy mind blowing euphoric ecstatic sex or nothing at all.
Some Revatis could very well be "fuckboys/fuck-girls" but it probably does not satiate them at all. They love the chase, the thrill of it but the experience itself probably underwhelms them since its impossible to experience ecstatic orgasmic bliss with every random person you sleep with. this requires a certain depth of connection and emotion.
Revati & Punarvasu are very strong wealth giving naks but they are not the only ones.
The thing about the abundance of Revati & Punarvasu is that they acquire a lot even in positions where they are not expected to.
Angelina Jolie has a net worth of $120 million, Rihanna of $1 billion, Kristen Stewart of $70 million, Cardi B $80 million, Pink (the singer) $200 million. All of these women have either Revati Sun or Moon.
Miranda Kerr $60 million, Drew Barrymore $125 million, Shakira $300 million, Cameron Diaz $140 million, Keanu Reeves $380 million, Mariah Carey $520 million, Jessica Simpson $280 million, Sofia Vergara $180 million. All of them have Punarvasu Sun or Moon.
Other than Cardi, none of them are actively working per se, they have different ventures and investments and generate a whole lot of passive income. This is what I meant by how they make money even in positions where they're not expected to make as much. Many of the above listed singer makes millions of dollars from royalties alone. They dont have to work as hard as others to make money. Perhaps their journey to success is difficult but once they get there, everything flows easily for them.
Other nakshatras associated with wealth are Jyeshta, Swati, Hasta, Pushya & Dhanishta.
Nakshatras associated with fame are harder to narrow down because one can be famous for many reasons.
Cancer rashi women are famous for their beauty, desirability and personal appeal.
Sun ruled men are famous for their masculinity and symbolize male virility and power. They're the poster boys of the "guy/dude films/aesthetic."
Venusians are famous for the art they make
Jupiter natives are famous for their abundance, high principles, values and ethics. Their regal & elegant conduct is also notable.
These are just a few examples, fame can manifest in many ways (and even negatively).
Also thank you💛🙏🏻I'm working on a new post<3
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Do you think having to model would have been damaging to Adrien when his mother was still with him?
Potentially controversial take here, but no, I don't think child acting is a terrible thing that should be illegal and child models are just a variant of child actors. Acting in commercials or movies is arguably more serious than something like community theater or local ads, but the risks aren't actually all that different. No matter the level of the production, the risk for abuse is there. It's not something limited to Hollywood. So I have no issue with child stars as a general concept. I think I've only ever hinted at this in my stuff, but I can actually picture a scenario in which Adrien got into modeling as an act of love.
His mother was a professional actress and Adrien very clearly enjoys acting. I could absolutely see Emilie recognizing his talents and getting him involved in commercials and modeling shoots for the company so that he can try acting in an environment that she can fully control (which is not concerning given that Adrien has clearly been modeling for several years, so he started young.)
I think most "good" parents would be super hesitant to let a little kid work with people they don't know, but with Emilie's connections and the success of Gabriel's company? Adrien going into an acting career actually makes a lot of sense. Especially if Emilie acted as his agent and was always on set to make sure he was okay.
Adrien being a model only becomes concerning when we get things like the super creepy Alliance AI-Adrien. Stuff that Adrien clearly isn't okay with and that should never have been considered to begin with (you literally see the model in his underwear when Soquline is showing off the fact that you can dress him up in Jubilation.) If Adrien was actually enjoying the work and the work was all ethical? Then it wouldn't be a problem.
Creative fields are rife with abuse and poor working conditions, but they're also a source of joy for many. Minors working in these types of fields is an incredibly complex topic, but I can't view it as inherently bad. I've known too many kids who legitimately loved acting or playing sports or whatever creative thing they were into.
Oh, and random side note, but it's super weird how the show plays Adrien's fame. He's fashion model, not a movie star. He would not be as famous as the show tries to make him. I actually researched this a while back to make sure France didn't have some sort of model-obsession and I couldn't find anything (btw, please let me know if I missed something and this is wrong).
I mention all of this because I think fashion modeling is potentially a much safer way to let a kid do some acting. Commercials and one-off fashion shoots are much smaller commitments than movies and TV shows and they carry way less risk of super star fame. I actually get distracted when fanfics have Gabriel constantly pulling Adrien out of school for fashion shoots for two reasons: first, that appears to be highly illegal in France. Second, how much marketing material is the Gabriel brand supposedly producing??? Especially since Adrien seems to just be a teen model and not model for the adult line, which would be standard for the industry. You don't really become a full fledged model doing things like runways until you're at least 16. (Btw, guess what age I often scale Adrien up to? There's a reason for that.)
As far as I can tell, most models have to work with multiple brands and companies to make good money. An exclusive deal with a single company should mean that your schedule is pretty relaxed, which is another reason I could buy a loving parent letting Adrien model. Modeling, commercials, and voice acting are actually a fantastic set of options for someone who wanted to do some acting work while still going to school. It is incredibly easy to take the setup the show gave us and use it to make Adrien a child star who wasn't exploited.
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hyenahunt · 3 months
Obbligato: The Devotion to Tatsumi Kazehaya - 13
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, three years ago
Characters: Kaname, Tatsumi, Jun
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & honeyspades (ENG)
Translation: Peace & hyenahunt
Tatsumi: The root of all misfortune lies in inequality and injustice. They are the root of all unhappiness. That is why they must be corrected.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Kaname: ... I feel the same as Sazanami. If the fame and shine doesn't belong to my own name, then there's no point to it.
But... Still, it seems as if "Tatsumi Kazehaya" is doing well for itself.
Maybe I should learn from it. Throw away this pride of mine and ensure success through that.
All so I can become the sparkling idol I've always dreamed of being.
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Tatsumi: Haha. If you so wish, then we are able to help you in a number of ways. We offer idol practices, studies, and can even help you find work — all free of charge.
In fact, I pay everyone who comes to one of my gatherings an equal part of my own wages.
Kaname: What do you mean...?
Tatsumi: You see, I have no interest in money. All of the money that "Tatsumi Kazehaya" accumulates is thus given out in equal shares to those gathered here.
No matter how much you've done, or what you've helped with, you're given the same amount of pay as the person next to you.
Hence, I've asked them to help me with the work I've received as much as possible.
Kaname: Are you for real? You're the one paying them?
It isn't the other way around? They're only managing to catch rays of the limelight because of you, aren't they? And yet... you're paying them?
Tatsumi: That's right. I likened it to a company, didn't I? Anyone who becomes a part of "Tatsumi Kazehaya" is offered the same regular pay as everyone else within it.
It's only natural to reward those who work a reasonable sum, isn't it? I would never ask someone to do my work for free.
Such a thing would be against our doctrine— nay, against human decency itself.
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Jun: Ohhh, I get it now... I see just why these guys don't care for working on their own and are perfectly content just being "Tatsumi Kazehaya's assistants.”
They can just kick back and let their earnings pour in that way. Why wouldn't they? The cash they earn through this kinda fixed income is definitely gonna be way more than whatever an idol with no accomplishments could get through independent work.
And on top of that, Kazehaya-senpai's so brilliant at what he does that his work's a huge success every single time. Thanks to that, these guys get the chance to shine while avoiding any risk of failure or injury, or of being thought of as useless.
Sure is a dream job — one fit for morons.
Kaname: And on top of that, if I'm understanding correctly, you pay those a fair wage even if they haven't worked at all?
Tatsumi: I do. We don't discriminate here, you see. All are equal.
Jun: Mmm, well, I’m not that educated so I might be wrong, but this whole arrangement'spretty much that thing, isn't it? Starts with a c and ends with ism....
Our country's a capitalist nation, so y'know, the opposite of that —
Tatsumi: There's truly no need to go that far. I only wish to treat everyone as equally and fairly as possible.
Such a world would be ideal, wouldn't you agree? I want to make it a reality.
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Tatsumi: Everyone is treated equally, given the same opportunities, and is paid fairly for their work. That way, everyone is able to live a happy, fulfilling life.
The root of all misfortune lies in inequality and injustice. They are the root of all unhappiness.
That is why they must be corrected.
There is a distinct disparity between the Special and Non-Special Students here at Reimei Academy. I'm doing what I can to close it.
It doesn't matter who you are, what you are, or even where you came from: you will be treated equally. Everyone will carry the same weight, walk the same amount of steps, and reach the same destination.
Everyone finishes at the same time. Everyone will be granted the same first place result, fairly and ideally.
And that is how we'll stop needless fighting over who's won and lost, we'll cease begrudging others for what they have, and we'll share the same happiness with one another.
That is the ideal world I dream of.
To bring it even slightly closer to reality, I'm doing what I can— though at the moment, this small sphere is all I'm able to influence in such a way.
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Tatsumi: One day, I will take all those who inhabit Reimei Academy, the teachers and Special Students alike, as well as those in the idol industry, in this country, in this world...
And change their ways so we may live in such an Eden.
No, it's more than that. That is my mission in life as the Voice of God, as someone born within a family who teaches His words.
I truly believe that, and so I will live by that faith.
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Tatsumi: May all of God's creations be blessed. Amen.
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agent-calivide · 1 month
Figured it was high time for me to actually share some of my IEYTD Oc's that I love to pieces and.... never talk about really-
These are all pure headcanon/silly things from my/my friends' brains, so pardon anything that seems a bit out there or just. Isn't how something works-
Agent Feline
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Agent Feline is a fresh agent on the field, a rookie with this whole EOD and TK thing, but she's doing her best at getting a hang of things on the fly.
Agent Feline, civilian identity Katrina Praestar, joined the EOD to make a difference, but not for the world. A difference between herself and her fraternal twin, Vivian.
Growing up, Vivian was the golden child, a child actor who flew out to Hollywood with their mother to star in movies and get enough money that their parents could retire before the girls even got out of highschool, but that made life a bit of a challenge for Kat. Not being able to go through a single conversation without "Praestar? Like the actress?" and getting hounded about her sister wasn't a pleasant life, leaving Feline in the shadow of someone who lived several states away.
It was frustrating, especially when it lead to her father growing paranoid something would happen to her for being related to her sister. He enrolled her in self defense classes and helicoptered over her constantly, and between that and attention that she only got when compared to her "much more successful" sister, Kat wanted nothing more than to sink into the shadows and stop getting all the unwanted attention that came with her sister's fame.
So, the prospect of a job where everyone uses pseudonyms and disclosing your real identity was strictly forbidden for safety felt like a dream come true, and it only got better when she discovered that her whole job was to be unseen.
In a terrible, wonderful way, it was everything Katrina wanted.
While she struggled through the EOD training, a lot of struggle with getting in arguments with her trainer and multiple attempts from others to transfer her to more seduction based courses when she wanted to do stealth work, eventually she got to the rank of Secret Agent and she finally felt like her life was hers to live, even if it entailed a lot of dodging death. Having gotten her first chance to truly live for herself recently, she isn't sure who she is as a person, and is currently trying to figure out what she wants as someone who's never had full autonomy over her identity before.
While she does prefer to stick to the shadows, she isn't afraid to get in someone's face and pick a fight if she feels they're doing something wrong, especially if it's just being a dick.
Such spunk is what made her initially loathe her office neighbor, Agent Fox. A smarmy know-it-all who was convinced she wouldn't last a week with her "loud mouth" and "lack of tact." But where many would be discouraged, Feline got spiteful, throwing herself aggressively into her work and getting fast, clean results in record times.
After sufficiently proving herself with results, she took every chance she could to rub it in the bastard's face. The two couldn't stand each other and took every chance they could to get on each other's nerves, from "this could be a bomb and you'd be dead" letters hidden around each other's offices to passive aggressive gift baskets that were full of "advice" on how to survive that was mostly just passive aggressive "in case you didn't know, poison is bad" comments, they got along like oil and water.
A problem the EOD caught onto fast, and one they tried to rectify by forcing the pair to be partners. Either they'd get over it, or they'd die, either way the problem would be resolved. But, working on the field together showed them both unexpected things.
They were very similar, both people with soft hearts hidden behind walls of insults and sarcasm, and, while it wasn't instantaneous, over time they grew to come to an understanding. Currently their arguments entail a lot of banter that borders on flirting, but both are unsure if the other is actually flirting. More so, they're not even sure if they like each other like that even if the other does. They're down bad. And denser than rocks.
Agent Fox
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Agent Fox was part of an... experimental EOD program. Zoraxis is known for destroying families by killing agents, but sometimes children are left with no family and no one to turn to as both parents died in the field and they have no extended family to speak of.
While the EOD usually just lets the kids to go into the foster system or witness protection now, there was a window of time that concerns about Zor harming the children of deceased agents or inducting them into Zoraxis, so they did what they felt was a... rational response. They took the children in and tried to raise them to be able to defend themselves. Private tutoring, training on self defense, and even some training on bomb defusal and reconnaissance in the name of enrichment! How fun!
Fox was one of the kids brought into this program, raised in the EOD to be an excellent agent from the age of 11. While his parents didn't work at the EOD, they also were nowhere to be found. Homeless and on the streets, initially the EOD were unconcerned with him. He was a problem for CPS or the police, not secret agencies.
But, when in hot pursuit of an operative that was integral to an operation the EOD was trying to make progress on, the unfortunate Operative made a B-Line for the homeless kid's hideout. While Fox wasn't one for people messing with his way of life, he was more than happy to help those he could when possible and frequently gave shelter to small families overnight and would direct them to proper shelters and resources in the morning.
So, when an armed man stormed into the abandoned building Fox was squatting in that had other children hiding out for the night out of the weather, he did what he had to.
He tackled the stranger to the ground and raised hell, swinging, biting, and scratching until the agent that was chasing the operative arrived on scene.
The kid's strong sense of justice and willingness to put his life on the line caught the agent's eye and, though his parents were not part of the EOD, he was taken in an inducted into the EOD childcare plan. Thanks to his early introduction into the EOD, he was able to become a jack of all trades in the division. Good at stealth, recon, infiltration, deception, quick thinking, engineering ways out of traps, he was a damn good agent with little to no flaws in his performance.
Now 21 with the life experience of a 40 year old agent, Fox is rather.... cynical. He thinks all rookies are just numbers on the casualty counter and he's more than willing to say that to their face, as many visits to Shawn in HR that may entail.
He made such known quite clearly when Agent Feline stepped onto the scene, finding her brash behavior and cocky attitudes both annoying and dangerous. But, over time, he found himself enjoying their arguments, and it infuriated him to no end.
While he's still cold and standoffish to Rookies, and everyone else frankly, he wasn't able to keep his walls up forever. It was a lonely life, being a solo agent, and eventually he found himself letting the ridiculous, brash, short tempered Feline into his heart.
They still bicker, or as Feline likes to call it banter, frequently, but there's no hostility or hatred behind it. Just the two of them poking at each other just enough to not set anybody off for hours on end. Despite the fact that he's a jack-of-all-fields, Fox more often than not will pair up with Feline on missions and cover a blind spot on the Operation to make sure things go smoothly.
The Vixen
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The Vixen is a Zoraxis Operative who specializes in keeping relations between Zoraxis and the public in the positive-to-neutral range. Having been a local sweetheart known for her theater work in the Praestar home, Vivian wanted to go big. She desperately wanted to be a child star, and while her parents thought the goal was a bit ridiculous, they agreed to give her one summer to try.
This was mostly so they could say an attempt was made and to try and redirect Vivian into a more realistic life goal without crushing her dreams with their own hands. So, they saved up and Vivian and her mother flew out to Hollywood for a summer long trip, leaving her father and sister in their hometown.
Unfortunately, things didn't go as the Praestar parents intended, as certain eyes had caught the reoccurring name that was frequenting any child acting auditions. A child with no official roles on record, and no sponsor.
That was something that could be fixed easily... with the right connections. And find them they did, the most popular brand on the market right now! Known for selling things from snacks to clothes to engineering resources to anything and everything in between, when a letter arrived from Zoraxis, it was practically a sign from above in the eyes of the child diva.
She begged her mother to accept the sponsorship, and while Mrs Praestar was apprehensive, even going to the lengths of hiring a lawyer to look over the contract Zoraxis had proposed to make sure there were no questionable caveats, she couldn't come up with a decent reason to reject it.
The pressure of the practically single mother, with no way to contact her husband in reasonable time to discuss the matter as they didn't have a phone at home and letters took ages to communicate with, Mrs Praestar folded and signed the consent forms.
Once Vivian had the sponsorship from Zoraxis, she was being booked in gig after gig after gig. She was a rising star in Hollywood by the end of the year, and her career only grew bigger and better after that. She was the hottest commodity to have in your films at all times, Zoraxis sculpting her image perfectly into the image of Hollywood's perfect sweetheart. Sweet, pretty, no scandals getting caught drinking, smoking, or with a fella (though that was due to her personal disinterest more than anything) she was the painted into the perfect image of what "young ladies should be." She was an international hit, Zoraxis paying for her to be in their ads, putting her at A-List parties, and even paying for full-ride education at a prestigious school in California.
She had won, she was the second biggest name in all of acting, save for John Juniper, and she could do no wrong in the eyes of the media. So, nobody thought anything of it when she started asking... odd questions.
Prying for gossip, personal information, some things bordering on blackmail even. But she was Vivian Praestar! She was just bubbly and chatty, many young ladies are at her age. When Zoraxis competitors fell, when big name actors that encouraged unions and worker's rights suddenly couldn't get any roles, when entire productions that raised money for good causes got shut down, nobody thought anything of it. That's just how things are after all sometimes!
Nobody would suspect sweet Vivian Praestar of gathering intel, that sounds so malicious! Nobody thought she'd be handing blackmail over to Zoraxis, that was illegal! Miss Praestar wouldn't even smoke, much less commit crimes such as that! Sure, that initiative to help clean out a poisonous pit of water that was swirling with lethal metals due to a Zoraxis mining accident got shut down because the head spokesperson died from being poisoned with the same toxic metals in the very hazard site they were speaking at, but they must have gotten too close to the water without protective gear! Surely the water bottle Miss Praestar passed them at the event she also spoke at wouldn't have water from the very site the activist was trying to get Zoraxis to clean mixed in.
It was the least the Vixen could do for Zoraxis. After all, they made her a star.
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uhhhitsme · 14 days
hi! distraction time! i really need to talk to you more i don't actually know any of your interests outside of saf so,,,, tell me about something (could be a piece of media, could be an au, really anything) that you haven't really gotten to talk to people about
im just gonna dump a silly little headcanon i have for canon curt (as someone who doing research fears, so is probably one hundred percent historically inaccurate. i apologize in advance. i also really like smytherines take on curt's childhood, so you should definitely check that out!!!). this is in fact novel length. im so sorry.
from what we know in canon, curt's dad takes off when he's really young. so i think it's actually probably safe to say that he didn't have the easiest childhood. mama mega would be a single mother supporting herself and her son, in the 1930/40s. they definitely weren't living in the biggest house in the block. curt probably grew up alone a lot of the time, because his mom was too busy trying to make enough to support them. so obviously, out of boredom and loneliness, he digs up an old hunting rifle he finds in some random storage box, and learns his away around a gun. multiple guns, in fact. he passes so much time at their local gun range, that people have started notice the sheer talent that this random stocky teenager has. started to comment on it. he starts getting a little small town fame.
and then curt's mom is, entirely unexpectedly, laid off from her job. the two of them are struggling to stay afloat, and curt has to watch as his mother works herself to the bone---taking public transport at the crack of dawn to places two towns over in search of new work---and feeling absolutely and utterly helpless. unable to do anything to make any of this better. and with his grades, it's not like he's going to be the most successful businessman to ever lived anytime soon. he's wallowing in anxiety and guilt and general self-hatred and coping with it by spending even more time at the gun range and drinking his sorrow away... until one day, a woman approaches him.
offers him a down payment of---well, lets just say, a shit ton of money in exchange for a favour. that all transportation and equipment will be provided. that all he has to do is show up. and sixteen year-old curt---he's desperate. he's tired of not being able to do anything for his mom, who works so hard and deserves so much. he's tired of feeling useless and pathetic and like he'll never amount to be anything. so he takes it. and he keeps doing favours, again again, until it spirals into him being offered a job for the CIA.
this also sort of translates over to why curt idolizes and excuses so much of what his agency does, when we meet him in the show. because in all honesty---he sees them as his saviours. the agency offered him an escape out of a meaningless life. they recognized that something, inside curt, had been valuable. had wanted him, when he's probably never felt wanted ever before. they're the reason that his mother now has several huge safehouses and all the time in the world to do whatever she wants. they've done so much for curt, for his family, for his future---so they have to be good, right? what else could they be?
(of course, he doesnt realise how many strings cynthia was pulling in the background. of course, he doesn't realise the real reason they were struggling in the first place. and he never will, so deeply entrenched in propoganda, so convinced that they care about him. welp.)
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wanderingmind867 · 4 months
My take on Blue Beetle (Ted Kord):
Ted Kord is known as the Canadian Bruce Wayne. Well, maybe not explicitly by that nickname, but that is the type of character he shall be. He's less dark than Bruce, but you know what I mean, I hope.
Ted Kord is the head of famed manufacturing company Kord Industries. Known around the world for it's research skills and for it's work in the development of new technology, everybody knows the Kord family. They're like the Rogers family, except without a monopoly on telecommunications. But based on the behavior of CEO Ted Kord, you may not always know that they're such a successful company.
Ted was always a shy boy. Early in his life, people around him began to notice just now precocious the boy was. Shy, lonely but incredibly creative and intelligent, ted was head and shoulders above his peers when it came to academics. But he never excelled socially. Ted has almost never had any friends, and his father was a cold, distant rich miser. With his mother having died when he was very young, Ted never really had anyone who cared for him in his life.
To cope with this loneliness and isolation, Ted loved to spend time alone reading. Ted fell in love with old fantasy and adventure stories, as well as with superheroes and superhero comics. Specifically, Ted loved the semi-fictional adventures of The Blue Beetle, otherwise known as archaeologist Dan Garrett. (The stories were semi-fictional because Garrett was a real archaeologist and adventurer in the 1920s and 30s, but he never had a magic scarab or secret identity as the Blue Beetle).
For Ted, these stories were an escape from his lonely life at home. They helped him deal with his cold home life and lack of friends. Ted began to dream of one day becoming a real hero, just like the Blue Beetle he fell in love with.
As Ted aged, he began to feel disillusioned by his family's work. He used to hang out with his dad's assistants and with the factory staff. He got to see how hard their lives were, and how much of their problems could be traced back to his dad. His dad hoarded money, was rude to his workers, refused to let them unionize or get raises, etc. Eventually, something explosive was going to happen. And something explosive did indeed happen.
When ted was around 20 or so, the factory workers went on strike. Around the same time, a bunch of the key organizers of the strike began to go missing. Suspicious, ted began investigating. And what he found really shocked him. He found out that his father was hiring someone to sabotage the strikes by injuring the strike organizers. Outraged, Ted knew he had to do something. But what? And then it hit him: this was his chance. He now had a chance to become a hero, like his idol as a child.
So ted got to work designing a costume and an arsenal of weapons to help take the attack to the saboteur. And just like that, The Blue Beetle was born! He took out the saboteur and helped bring his father to justice! And now Ted Kord lives two lives. Sometimes he's Ted Kord, CEO of Kord Industries, dedicated to making amends for his father's actions. While other times he's the Blue Beetle, one of Canada's most famous Superheroes!
The Blue Beetle was one of the founders of the Justice League of Canada. Naturally so, since he's one of the most famous heroes Canada has. People even know of the Blue Beetle in America, which is shocking considering how often americans forget Canada exists. He was a natural choice to help found the team.
PS: If you're waiting for Booster Gold, I can try and do my take on him too. I'm not sure if I want both of these characters to be introverts who open up around each other (like having Booster Gold really be very shy and his persona is a bit act), or if I want Booster to be more extroverted and Ted more introverted, making them an odd couple kind of deal. I'm leaning towards the first one, but both would work I suppose.
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ceofjohnlennon · 4 months
Hi, I'm kind of "new" to beatles lore and even though I've always listened to the music, I've never read much about the members. I couldn't help but notice that people always talk about John in a negative tone and I don't really know what exactly they're referring to when they say he's a "bad person" or something like that. I saw that you wrote this on your carrd "i condemn john lennon's mistakes", and I was wondering why exactly people think this about him? And what is your opinion on this? I loved your blog, thank you!
Hello, anony! First, welcome to the fandom. Liking the Beatles is an adventure, for sure, so focus on the good things to make this adventure as positive as possible. :) Thank you for trusting me to ask this because, I believe, it is something very delicate and any wrong comma can create a commotion lol. So let's go!
I, as a person, do not believe in "good" X "bad" people. And, as a history student, I see the contexts for judging something deeply. John himself is complex, very complex. He had a turbulent childhood and became a rebellious teenager, typical of a movie, but he grew up and achieved a fame that many dream of and few achieve. People tend to call him bad because his mistakes and flaws are as transparent as everything related to his name. John was explosive, he swore at people who shouldn't have been insulted, he was physically aggressive towards women and men, he was a meannie, he made jokes about things he shouldn't have, he had an acidic sense of humor that bordered on prejudice and, in short, things that I can explain in detail later, if you want. But the older he got, the more mature he became. He helped thousands of people with his privileges (whether with money or with the issues he started to fight for, with and without Yoko who also helped him a lot), he even gave allowances to needy people, donated to institutions for disabled children, he fed homeless people, asked for forgiveness for his mistakes and he himself said: I'm a violent man trying not to be violent and I want peace. See how complex it is? I'm not going to defend him, the mistakes WERE mistakes even with their conditions and people have the right to hate him, just as I pay a lot of attention to his successes and qualities because I believe he always wanted to be the best he could - that's why I'm his fan and I have the right to love him.
What I recommend to you is to research everything you can and have your own opinion: If you think he has crossed your limits and you don't like him, that's okay. If you see it and like him like I do, that's okay too. Just be honest with yourself, that's what John wanted from everyone, regardless of how they felt about him.
Thank you for liking my account! I love being here! Much love to you. ♡
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ask-serendipity-sky · 9 months
I love Jungkook as much as a fan can love a celebrity but I gotta agree with your anon who said they're kind of bored of this era of Jungkook. Because I also agree with them that Jungkook is going through a period of rebellion and trying to find himself and trying to come across as more adult. And I feel like the persuit of trying to look more mature kind of showcases how immature he kind of still is. Because it seems like his idea of mature and adult is smoking and cursing and singing about sex. And I think that's a very shallow view
And that's why I just sit and laugh at people defending everything he's doing because give it 3 years and he'll be looking back and cringing. Not to say there's anything wrong with smoking and drinking and singing about sex. But this feels very performative. Like he thinks this is what he SHOULD be doing and not what comes naturally to him.
And I think this also applies to his dream of becoming the biggest pop star ever. Because why would someone who has the fame and prestige BTS has even want that? What would that grant him? The only thing I can think of is that that would make him essentially untouchable and not at the mercy of a company or a specific music market. He could do whatever he wants. And I think that "whatever he wants" is coming out as queer without the huge hit to his career. He wants to be known for his music before he becomes known for being a queer guy in BTS. It's either that or he wants even more fame and money but why?? It's already global. I guess to get out of the niche? But what's so wrong with the niche? What is the obsession with breaking into the west? Especially when he already has world wide success? I guess it might feel different solo than in a group.
This was a little rambling but I hope it made sense lol. I love Jungkook and I'll continue to love him through his growing pains like a parent with a teenager lol. But I don't have to love everything he does and I don't think that makes me a bad fan.
I don't think you are a bad fan. You are making observations like we all do. And it's ok to not love everything an artist does.
Yeah, at that age we are all trying to figure out stuff. Your 20s are something else. And to that we add different life changes and we got the perfect mix for relabeling and figuring yourself out.
Perhaps Jk is really trying to let people know that he is not the old Jk so he's pushing harder? Since we know goofy shy Jk, our perception of him is different. But if a new fan encounters him, they won't know he is the guy with lots of emotions who gives piggy back rides to his mimi.
He will break out of the niche and be untouchable. Less criticism and judgment from people who don't compare him to his previous self. Perhaps this is all he wants? To be free.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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crow-caller · 2 years
do you think if your youtube/ book blog stuff took off hypothetically and a publisher approached you about wanting to rep and reprint your good angel books that you'd go for it?
Yeah, I would. Not a small press- I love small press but with GA it's already out self published and a press wouldn't offer me much since the vast majority of the work of publishing (cover/editing/digital files/print files) was done by me. So a small press wouldn't offer much beyond I guess paying for exclusive rights, and the money there would be nice, but less in the long run.
I still want to be published in the mainstream. I don't have an agent- I'm not querying atm because just busy, but I'll go out looking again soon. Agent wise I'm pitching my much more mainstream-friendly YA book One Dead Girl, but if it did very well reprinting previous books would be potentially viable- yes, they're been out a while, but they likely would have broader appeal if brought to a broader market, and most of the work has been done already. It'd just depend if
I'd proven myself as a viable author with 1dg/ my epicz youtoberz fame*
they felt it did have broader market potential if rereleased
(*I feel jazzed but a bit annoyed that me getting youtube success means I might have better odds with agents after years of trying. It makes full sense but also feels a bit like cheating)
Angel radio too could be reprinted- my contract with HIP was 5 years, and now it's a rolling that can easily be renegotiated, giving me full rights if I pulled out. So it'd be very easy to get my books reprinted and repped if someone was interested, and it's not unheard of at all if an author goes from indie to successful mainstream.
I would really love to see GA/BE distributed fully because... more readers = yay, but also you could make a hell of a pretty hardcover edition........ it'd also true with old books it's not like it'd be a 'risk of integrity' to agree to sell the rights, as one likely wouldn't change the interior contents particularly.
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Legendary rocker Sammy Hagar told Fox News' Neil Cavuto in a new interview that his music and business accomplishments have exceeded his wildest dreams.
"I've had so many dreams that I never dreamt, you know, come true," he said. "I, of course, all I really dreamt about was someday being a rock star, rich and famous guy, you know, and being able to take care of my mother and my family well, have a beautiful home, beautiful cars. That was it. You know, a gold record maybe on the wall."
The former Van Halen frontman went on to say that he's made his decisions without putting too much emphasis on the commercial aspect.
"My gut is really what guides me," he said. "If I feel something's right, I do it. If I don't, I don't do it. I'm not interested in doing things just for money. And I think that's part of the success. I'm passionate about what I choose to do with my time, especially at my age now. I'm going, 'How much time do I have to live?' I wrote a song called 'Father Time'; it's on my latest record, 'Crazy Times'. And it's all about that: how much time do I have left? I need to do things that are important to me now. I'm not success-, money-, fame-and-fortune-driven. Now I'm driven by things that I've never done that I wanna do."
In "Sammy Hagar's Paradise", Fox Nation and TMZ unite to deliver exclusive access to Hagar's 75th birthday bash while chronicling his success as a singer and businessman. The TMZ special, available for streaming on Fox Nation, covers Hagar's childhood, which included growing up in poverty, dealing with an abusive father and more.
This past November, Hagar admitted that he was thinking about how he will eventually retire from performing live.
The musician, whose raspy, soulful voice has been one of the most recognizable sounds in hard rock, from his early hits as a member of Montrose and a solo artist to his multi-platinum run as Van Halen's frontman in the 1980s and 1990s, discussed his plans for a possible retirement from the road during an appearance on SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk". He said: "I've thought about it long and hard. And that's one of the reasons why I don't want to go out and tour too much next year, because it could be the last one, and I don't really know. My thing is I would never — I'm saying never say never. Well, right now I'm gonna say I will never announce a farewell tour, go do a big, long tour and then keep going and keep going, like all these other people do. It makes me sick to do that. I would rather not say nothing and just… when I do my last show, it's my last show. I might say it then, but I'd rather not make no pre-announcement, in case I wanna keep going."
"I'm so glad you asked that question. It's been on my mind real hard," he continued. "How do you go out? Do you just go away? I don't know. I'm too public of a figure and I have too many businesses and things to where I can't just go away; somebody's gonna catch me somewhere. They're gonna say, 'What are you doing?' So it seems like I almost have to make an announcement, but I'm not solid with that yet, and it's not time yet. But I am thinking that way. How am I gonna do it when it's time? And I don't know. I'd rather just say one show, 'You know what? That's the last show. I'm done. I can't do it anymore.' I'd rather just say that."
When host Eddie Trunk asked Hagar to confirm that he will not do any "money-grab" farewell tours, Sammy responded: "The day I do something just strictly for money at this stage of my life, you can call me a greedy piece of shit. I do not need money, and it's not why I do things. I don't blame some people for doing things for money — you have to; you've gotta make a living, for god's sakes — but I don't have to. So at this stage of my life, no money grabs."
Hagar's second studio album with his Billboard chart-topping supergroup The Circle, "Crazy Times", was released in September via UME. The LP found Hagar, fellow Hall Of Famer and Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony, Grammy-winning drummer Jason Bonham and Grammy-winning guitar virtuoso Vic Johnson traveling to Nashville to record the album with eight-time Grammy Award-winning producer Dave Cobb at Nashville's historic RCA Studio A. The follow-up to their much-lauded debut "Space Between", a multi-category No. 1 Billboard-charting album, includes 10 songs, nine of which Hagar wrote or co-wrote, along with a notable cover, "Pump It Up", a 1978 song by Elvis Costello and The Attractions. The song "Crazy Times" was written by the whole band along with Dave Cobb and recorded live.
For more than five decades, Hagar has been recognized as one of the best and most accomplished lead singers and songwriters in rock music. From breaking into the industry with the seminal hard rock band Montrose, to his multi-platinum solo career, to his ride as the frontman of Van Halen, Chickenfoot and his latest best-selling supergroup, The Circle, Hagar has amassed 25 platinum albums on sales surpassing 50 million worldwide. Along his journey, he has set the tone for some of the greatest rock anthems ever written with songs like "I Can't Drive 55", "Right Now" and "Why Can't This Be Love", and earned the highest respect of the music industry with a Grammy Award and induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. Since launching his flagship Cabo Wabo Cantina in 1990, he's turned a lifelong passion for great food, music and spirits into a thriving and iconic lifestyle brand. A pioneer in the spirits industry, Hagar's development and nine-figure sale of his Cabo Wabo Tequila to Gruppo Campari in 2008 is widely credited as the start of the celebrity-owned spirits trend. His portfolio of spirits now includes Sammy's Beach Bar Rum, Santo Tequila and Sammy's Beach Bar Cocktail Co., as well as several restaurants. Never one to hit the brakes, he's also found success in publishing, TV, radio and beyond, including five seasons of his hit TV show "Rock & Roll Road Trip with Sammy Hagar" and as host of "Sammy Hagar's Top Rock Countdown", his syndicated radio show that's broadcast on over 90 U.S. stations. He's also a New York Times bestselling author, a dedicated philanthropist and since January 5, 2022, the first Honorary Ambassador to Los Cabos, an honor he was bestowed in recognition of his longtime investment in the people and economy of Mexico.
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junkbbykow · 2 years
Hello! I'm here with your reading. I've been exchanging for some months now and I mostly use intuition.. sometimes it's cartomancy.
KJB's Destined Person
I got bestfriend vibes. I feel like your future bestfriend could be your destined person. I got a tall person hitting the short person on the head, like a smack on the head like a bestfriend would give. So that says bestfriend to lovers. I think your destined person is a bit shy, or reserved. They carry a nervous energy.. and it could be that currently, they're in school or still studying..or they could be younger than you, or just carry a pensive or timid energy. They're that cute , clumsy human being.. they remind me a lot of Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter, and also how Neville transformed from a cowardly ,nervous, shy student to one of the bravest. The energy of this reading strongly reminds of a kdrama where the main character is introduced while riding a bicycle. It's a crazy feeling..as if a freedom or happiness. Just being free should be highlighted. Could be the circumstances when you meet your destined person. I think your destined person looks or has very innocent face/energy. They often 'look' clueless..tells me they could have Pisces rising or Neptune prominent. They could look super cute and like a puppy pouting. They have kinda a model type of walk and they like listening to music probably. This person is much more into arts(music, dance) and high possibility is that they belong to some other country than yours. They might have a philosophy of doing everything to the best..like whatever they take up, they give their 300% to it..and try to do it with all the power. They could have the quality of finishing one project and only then, jumping up to take next. Probably has a lot of patience. Overall, I wouldn't lie, but it seems like your destined person knows how to cover their energy.. or their energy seems to be closed off, Mysterious. They keep a lot to themselves probably.. and that's why I'm unable to catch up things very strongly.
But I hope I hit some accuracy! If i didn't , I'm ready to do another question, because I don't like to receive a reading when mine's not accurate! Please provide honest feedback!
My question would be - What sacrifices do I need to make to achieve my goal? (My goal is related to money, power, fame and career) . My initials are TK , I'm a Virgo sun :)
Yea my destined person’s energy is very mysterious and I feel like nobody can read him. Even I only get what they want me to see tbh. But this reading was great! I feel like I learned more about who they are not just their career and stuff. (I lowkey think he hijacked my PAC just to talk to me 😭) Also the foreign aspect resonates too because people ALWAYS say that lmao. I wonder what he’s studying rn 👀 I also felt the same way in college so I get why they would be experiencing the same thing.
For starters this question gives Virgo lmaoooo 🤭. I think the sacrifice you need to make is letting go of the status quo. What do you TRULY want and how does that align with fame, success, power, and wealth.
I feel like your putting efforts to this goal but maybe not feeling them in the physical. It’s in transit hun you gotta wait on it. To quench that thirst for the physical, I would do a meditation/visualization of what is coming to you.
Ground yourself and look at what is manifesting in your life. Avoid visualizing what you want. Release and sacrifice control of the situation. The universe almost never does things as we ‘plan’ them because apart of life is enjoying the unpredictable nature of it all. Respect the universe and show gratitude for how it’s working in your favor. Recognize that everything happens in divine timing and patience is key here.
Love popped into my head. Specifically romance. I would say do some shadow work and try to understand the relationships you’re currently in or want to be in. State your boundaries to yourself. As they come into mind throughout life write them in your notes app or something. Just a list of ways in which you respect yourself and how others should respect you.
Another prompt i recommend is something I saw earlier this week- List three goals or manifestations you want to achieve and state why you want them and what will happen once you get them.
Remember these manifestations are the start of something not the finish line.
I channeled a song for you. Let go of insecurities and the need to over protect yourself. You have to let someone in eventually. You’re going to have to collaborate and connect to get to where you’re going.
Hope you liked the reading! Please leave feedback 💕
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roselynflame · 2 years
i cant tell you how excited i am that you are a very cool person who also happens to like the ufc the same way i do (and that you share so many kind comments on my excessive posts lmao 😭)
i have to ask: who are your favourite fighters and why?? :D
IM SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO ANSWER OMG!! so many things came up like my bf and his wisdom teeth removal and i finally went to the DMV FOR THE FIRST TIME!! and also i have medical stuff going on and school is starting up again soon WAHHH so MUCH!!!
i am so honored that you're in my inbox for the second time (SO SORRY FOR NOT RESPONDING THE FIRST TIME) and WAAHHHH to ask me about my FAV FIGHTERS???? AND WHY I LIKE THEM??????? QHAHHAHHJFHKEFJEWJFLEWKJLJ tumblr user verawhisk i feel so blessed that you exist
you are so cool and i LOVE ALL YOUR POSTING and im so so so glad i scoured tumblr for ufc content and found you :)))
as of my favs.... oh me oh my
strap yourself in this is gonna be a long one
first of all. i love brandon moreno. i have not been a fan for long, only about three weeks now, but he has earned my number one spot and is keeping it, forever. i could scream and cry and pee my pants talking about him, but i will keep calm because... wow. brandon moreno. he is just. everything that is wonderful about the world personified into one man.
i find his attitude in this line of work so refreshing, he's so respectful of other fighters and so kind while also being a complete badass and holding his own ground. and the fact that he's SUCH A SWEETIE???? HE MAKES HIS MONEY BY GETTING INTO A CAGE TO FIGHT ANOTHER PERSON AND BE TELEVISED DOING IT AND HE'S SUCH!! A SWEETIE!!
he collects legos and is married to a woman he's been dating since (i think) 18 and together they have three beautiful children and they're all GIRLS!! and he's so kind to his wife and his kids and so genuinely wholesome while being so mature and grounded and grateful for everything in his life.
also i find him so hot. he's such a baddie bro.
my bf was the one who got me into mma/ufc, and i have a running joke with him that i only like characters in media that are hot, so i asked him to show me hot fighters and well. brandon moreno was the second one he showed me lol!
the first one?
charles oliveira.
OH MY GOOOOOD charles was my introduction into ufc!! the first fight i ever watched was charles v. dustin and it was a great one to start with!! i love charles's fights because you're always guaranteed excitement and flare!! he's always moving in and being bold, and i truly adore how all of his fights go.
also he's so soooo fucking cute with his daughter oh my god???? he loves her so much and i can't fucking handle it
i love him so much... i also love how, like moreno, he came from a struggling background and how he had to struggle to become successful. no nepotism babies in my house! i think he's made such great strides, and i love seeing an underdog become a champ it’s so good. he deserves everything he's gotten.
do i sometimes question how humble he really is?? yeah. do i sometimes think maybe just mayybeee the fame and glory gets to him? mhm, yeah. do i also think i would be super cocky if i won against dustin and michael and justin and TONY FERGUSON??? oh definitely.
i love charles so much, it's just that now that i know more fighters and see other personalities, i feel conflicted about him bc i don't really know anything about his personality lmao.
i know the basics because you can always tell the basics, but i don't speak portuguese dawg i can't just go and watch interviews for him to see what he’s like 😭😭 not unless they're translated which... rarely they are from what i've seen 😭
it just feels harder to deep dive for him lol but im trying to make it work bc i love him :))
anyway i think he's super hot. he takes selfies like it's still the early 2010s and does not know how to pose for shit but he has a very nice body and the blond hair does him wonders. and the SHORTSSS WITH THE SLITS???? bro he has me SWOONING I SWEARRRR!!! i love early photos of him when he still had brown hair and that weird mohawk and the glasses bc his sight is so bad bc... what can i say i love me a loser. or well at least someone who looks a bit nerdy lol
i love charles!! he is second to moreno now, but he's my first ufc love and he was my first fight :))
anyway, those are my big two favs and the ones i keep up with the most, but i'm starting to branch out into other fighters too!! i will admit that i only really know lightweights and flyweights though lmao…
i love justin gaethje a lot!! when you started posting him with chandler it really boosted that love bc yay!! gaethje content!! i love his face so much, i think he's just such a cutie. his eyes really get me, and like charles, i love seeing older photos of him with his glasses!! i love seeing fighters look like losers because man oh man you'd never expect that they fight professionally haha
i think he's so cute and so silly and he reminds me of a little dog that's just a bit too clueless for its own good. he is so precious to me.
but his FIGHTING??? oh my god gaethje is such a powerhouse, and i love when you see him pull out the wrestling moves bc for someone who was an ncaa d1 wrestler, you don't see him use it a lot lol. but his STRIKING??????? holy moly i think i’d pay to get punched by him
i will admit that i have yet to watch more full fights of his, i've only seen him against charles (and we all know how that went...) and then some clips (mainly of michael and tony but a few dustin ones), but i love what i've seen
also his backflips? god he's so lovable. i wish he would post more on social media lmao.
speaking of tony, i also love him a lot!! tony is one of my boyfriend's favs, and i just... i love him so much. his social media captions are... really weird and i hate but love how he signs every instagram story with -CSO- and then the american and mexican flags 😭
i wasn't around for it, but i wish he did get the opportunity to fight khabib. ppl say that charles v islam is gonna be the tony v khabib we never got and i can get behind that thought process, i really can.
tony's 12 win streak ending because of gaethje is so bittersweet because i love both of them. i hate that tony is on this downward spiral, but you know, you only go for so long in this type of work. 38 isn't that old when it comes to life, but when it comes to mma... idk sometimes you just gotta know when to call it quits and i hope he doesn't push himself :/
also i think tony is so hot... idk how to explain it lol... he really is something else. ALSO THAT VOICE YOOOOOOOWEEEEEE!!!!!!
i also have a super soft spot for kai kara france!! i think he's a genuinely good person and him and his wife and son are a super cute family. i love seeing supportive spouses wahhh it makes me so happy.
kai is such a sweetheart and he deserves so much more. i talk about it with my bf all the time: kai deserves to be champ, he really does, but even if he beat moreno and went on to figgy, i think he would have lost. :/
figgy and moreno are just... leagues above the rest of the division, and yes them going against each other for the fourth time is lowkey repetitive... but like not really. all three of their fights have been so fucking engaging and it's crazy to see how equally matched they are. they're destined to fight. enemies to lovers slowburn soulmates.
but kai is amazing. just not... ready for figgy i feel yknow? i'd happily watch him and moreno fight again though.
okay this is going on for so so long lmao... honorable mentions are dustin bc i'm trying to get into his content more and michael chandler bc your posts made me go and stalk his account. and kim jiyeon. she's new and i know nothing about her... she's also on a losing streak lmao... but she is HOOOOT. and i'm asian so i have to love other asians in ufc.
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