#they deserve all the goo d things
adellovesrowan · 1 year
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can you even imagine falling like i did?
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illithilit · 8 months
I actually managed to find that Drow name chart, so I am here to share the breakdown of dear Daxie's name.
His first name translates to "legendary wanderer" ( or renegade, but I doubt his parents would have selected that particular meaning. ) It's.... Certainly something to name your child, and frankly, to me it reads as his parents being fully prepared to keep him as a sort of foot soldier; they didn't by any means expect him to have any semblance of standing in the house, and to make it even more transparent, it's not any kind of compliment. It's a nicer way of naming him red-headed step child. He has his uses, ofc, particularly when his house has traditionally placed a great deal of importance on bloodline -- but that's, uhh.... About as far as it goes, since it's not exactly smiled upon in Vhaeraunite culture to cull healthy children.
His house's name translates as "raiders from the web." The name dates back to the house's origins under Lolth's rule, but has long since undergone a perception change since they're too proud of themselves to deign to change it. ( That being, 'from the web' is viewed as returning home from raiding Lolthite society. )
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
Y/N’s guide of an ornate box turtle mutant
fluff :)
(Rise!Mikey x reader)
gn reader, romantic leaning but can be read as platonic
In which Mikey stumbles upon your documentation on himself.
Donnie’s version Leo’s version Raph’s version
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☻Subject of interest
Ornate Box turtle mutant; humanoid turtle man
Special note: subject appears to have developed several personas
☻ Diet:
Pizza, sweets (favors cupcakes), fruits, Dr.Pepper (likes to try new things; bring specimen new snacks?)
☻ Likes:
Orange, baking + cooking, stickers (reminder: buy goo gone), painting, emotional vulnerability (Donnie warns; be cautious of ‘Dr.Feelings’), horror films, romance films (subject cries?), cuddling (nts: subject holds tight), helping others (even if they don’t deserve it, not going to name any names they know who they are), Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games)
☻ Dislikes:
Being snuck up on (will cause turtle to refuse to come out of shell), lying, seeing people sad (note: subject is concerningly good at reading emotions),
——> subject does not seem to dislike many things. subject is very, strangely optimistic.
☻ Tail language ❌leave tail alone, do not startle the subject.(will hide in shell) he is sensitive and sassy❌
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, upset. not very common, but can soothe turtle with (gentle) shell scratches.
wagging: excited, happy, energetic. typically while talking about Jupiter Jim? and other likes? (see above) (tip: will increase w/ shell scratches)
still and loose: relaxed, sad. very rare, specimen is very energetic, only relaxed when asleep. sad turtle most soothed by being held???
Mikey smiled happily to himself, laying on his plastron in his room. He read your words carefully, really taking it in. You really have this crime-fighting silly little ninja giggling and kicking his feet.
It just felt so good knowing you cared so much about him. Not that he didn’t know before, but it’s always nice to be reminded just how much you really, truly did. Him. Not Leo, or Donnie, or Raph. Just him.
Of course Mikey had noticed you acting a little sketchy around him, and had even asked you what was up but with the same response of nothing every time. He was a little relieved this was all it was.
The guilt slowly poured into him as he realized this was probably a violation of your privacy. His curiosity got the better of him when he saw the folder in your backpack with his name on it after you left it in his room. He totally betrayed your trust!
After some very nervous thought, he knew he needed to make it up to you somehow…right?
☻Subject of interest
Ornate Box turtle mutant; humanoid turtle man
Special note: subject appears to have developed several personas. such as Dr.Delicate Touch, Dr.Feelings, and Dr.Positive. what does this mean? is this normal? Of course!
☻ Diet:
Pizza, sweets (favors cupcakes), fruits, Dr.Pepper (likes to try new things; bring specimen new snacks?) Oooh, I’ll make you a list!
☻ Likes:
Orange my life color, thank you, baking + cooking, stickers (reminder: buy goo gone) you took them off? D:, painting it’s easy when I have such a beautiful muse!, emotional vulnerability (Donnie warns; be cautious of ‘Dr.Feelings’) Whaaat? Donnie doesn’t know what he’s talking about anyway.>:( horror films, romance films (subject cries?) They’re just so sweet!, cuddling (nts: subject holds tight), helping others (even if they don’t deserve it, not going to name any names they know who they are) it’s what I do, baby! Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games)
☻ Dislikes:
Being snuck up on (will cause turtle to refuse to come out of shell) I like when you carry me Ha ha very funny, lying, seeing people sad (note: subject is concerningly good at reading emotions), (to be continued???)
——> subject does not seem to dislike many things. subject is very, strangely optimistic. Dr.Positive will see you now!
☻ Tail language ❌leave tail alone, do not startle the subject.(will hide in shell) I can’t help it! he is sensitive Nuh uh and sassy❌
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, upset. not very common, but can soothe turtle with (gentle) shell scratches. I agree, the subject would like that very much.
wagging: excited, happy, energetic. typically while talking about Jupiter Jim? and other likes??? (see above) (tip: will increase w/ shell scratches) Maybe you should test that hypothesis again! Just to be sure. ;D
still and loose: relaxed, sad. very rare, specimen is very energetic, only relaxed when asleep. sad turtle most pacified by being held??? Again, you should probably continue to test that theory.
Beautiful work! But, I would keep in close contact with the subject. You know, for research purposes.
Love you!
- Mikey🧡
p.s. I’m really sorry for looking through your stuff
(also I’m still working on requests, and they are still open)
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wooataes · 9 months
Real Eyes, Fake Lies (Part Nine)
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Pairing: soulmate!Lee Jihoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.2K
Warnings: Hanahaki!au, angst, alcohol consumption, swearing, jihoon has a panic attack, tears, nothing else too drastic this chapter 🙏🏼
Summary: What do you do when you find out the one person that was created by the universe to be yours doesn’t want you back?
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS, DEAR READERS! Omg it’s been so long and I apologize for that! Hopefully this can tie yall over into the new year! 🥰 I hope you all got spoilt over the holiday period and enjoy this new chapter! 🫶🏼 ALSO shoutout to my girl Wei for pretty much cowriting this chapter with me 💜
- Tae 💜🌸
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“It’s you, isn’t it?”
Jihoon stares at your brother’s soulmate with wide eyes.
“Is what me?”
“Don’t bullshit me, Lee.” Jeonghan frowns, arms crossed tight across his chest. “Y/N. Are you her soulmate or not?”
Jihoon’s heart skips a beat as he pauses.
“What makes you think that?”
Jeonghan notes his avoidance of the question. “It all adds up a little too well. She found her soulmate the day you were supposed to walk her home. She avoids you like the plague unless she has to be near you. She can barely look in your direction but you stare at her like a lost puppy. I see you smiling about her when you think no one is looking. But… you have Ji-ah.” Your soulmate grimaces. “And knowing my Ladybug, which I do, she would never want to separate a couple if she can help it. She’s too selfless for that. She would give her worst enemy the shirt off her back if she thought it would help.” Jeonghan’s eyes look glazed over, tears filling them. “All of the evidence I’ve seen concludes that you’re her soulmate and she is tearing herself apart to keep you happy.”
“How do you know she is hurting?”
“She is drinking.” Jeonghan mutters. “She only ever drinks if she’s really upset about something. This is the only thing I can chalk it up to. Am I correct?”
“No. You’re wrong.” Jihoon lies through his teeth.
“I hope I am.” Jeonghan retorts quickly. “Because what I’ve heard from Soonyoung about you, you’re a great person.” Your soulmate winces as he feels the guilt seep in again. “I know someone wouldn’t willingly do this to someone as sweet as her.”
“You don’t know me.” Jihoon’s voice is small.
“You’re right. I don’t.” He agrees. “Look, I don’t care if you are or if you’re not. All I care about is that girl back there. If you are her soulmate, you need to stop giving her goo-goo eyes while you’re with another girl and giving her false hope. You need to cut the tether. Let the girl heal in her own way because you two being around each other is giving her hope of a relationship that will never happen.”
“You don’t think I’ve tried that?” He hisses. “I have tried to fucking avoid her and let her heal and let her forget about me!” There are tears in his eyes now.
“If I could change how it turned out, I would. I’m her fucking project partner and her best friend is my best friend. This stupid invisible force keeps drawing me to her and I’m hating it.” His words keep spilling out, the tears beginning to fall.
“I feel her cry every fucking night and I can’t do anything about it and help her without hurting someone else! And the worst part is that still despite everything, she hasn’t told anyone because she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to me! I don’t deserve her! I want to stop her suffering and leave her alone but I can’t! What am I supposed to fucking do?!”
Jeonghan sighs and stares at your soulmate in tears before him. “Is it stupid to say follow your heart?”
He chuckles. “Then I say make your choice and make it quickly. I can’t stand to see that kid go through any more pain than what she has been through, you better be fast.” Jihoon winces as he watches Jeonghan turn around and begin to walk away. “Jihoon-ssi, Consider yourself lucky that it was me that noticed and not her brother. If it was him, you’d be dead where you stand. Do you understand?”
“Yeah.” Jihoon whispers, running his fingers through his hair slowly.
“Good. I hope I don’t have to tell you to stop hurting her again.”
Jihoon stares up at the starry sky as Jeonghan makes his way back to the campsite, tears still falling down his cheeks. His mind is running a mile a minute, his lungs squeezing as he tries to control his breathing.
What the fuck is he going to do?
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It takes Jihoon another 20 minutes before he makes his way back to the group, his brain just as jumbled as it was before. He is no closer to a solution than he was before being confronted by Jeonghan, and he is sure he isn’t going to have it by the end of the night. He looks to the picnic table first, looking to see you still wedged between Jisoo and Seungcheol, sipping from your third bottle of soju. Your eyes are glazed over as you lean quietly into Jisoo’s side, a dopey smile on your face as you laugh at Soonyoung. Jisoo’s arm is kept tightly around you, rubbing your arm soothingly as Seungcheol speaks in hushed whispers with his soulmate.
Jeonghan’s words have planted a seed of worry in Jihoon’s brain as he spots Seokmin watch his soulmate with adoring eyes, who is currently fawning over you. He really should figure out what to do with his fucked up situation, but for now, he makes his way to his housemates and his not-soulmate. He plants himself down in the camping chair next to Ji-ah, who doesn’t seem to notice his arrival. Instead, she is staring at her phone with a little smile forming on her face.
“Did your sister send you some dress ideas, babe?” Jihoon asks, the pet name leaving a bad taste in his mouth.
His presence startles Ji-ah, yelping and almost dropping her phone. “Huh?”
“I just asked if that was your sister.”
“O-oh.” She laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Uhh.. yeah, just talking about cake flavor ideas.” She shoves her phone quickly into her pocket before he can see, cheeks flushed. Jihoon simply hums and nods as he leans forward slightly to listen in on Mingyu and Wonwoo’s conversation.
“No~!” Jihoon hears you whining as Seungkwan takes Seungcheol’s spot beside you. “I want it, Boo.” You jutt your bottom lip out as Seungkwan holds the bottle of soju above your head.
“Ah-ah. No.” His voice is firm. “That is bottle number three when you have had no food in you. It’s time to eat.”
“Why?” You sigh dramatically.
“Because you’re going to get alcohol poisoning.” Jisoo tries to encourage you.
“Maybe I want to get blackout drunk.” You huff.
“Maybe,” Seungcheol agrees with you, leaning against Seungkwan’s back as he held the alcohol high above your reach. “But in this family, we drink responsibly. You will get this back when you eat at least one bowl of rice and some meat.”
“Come on, you,” Soonyoung sits atop the table in front of you, holding the chopsticks full of food towards you. “One bite at a time.”
“No.” You grumble, turning your head away from him.
“If you eat, you get the soju back, Goober.” Jisoo encourages beside you, still rubbing at your arm as you look up at him. Your frown is still visible as he smiles down to you, nodding eagerly. After a long sigh, you open your mouth obediently as Soonyoung puts the awaiting food into your mouth.
“There we go!” Seokmin grins and claps happily at you.
“Good girl.” Jisoo praises, and your cheeks turn red as a small smile forms on your lips, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by your soulmate.
Soonyoung wordlessly offers more food to you, which you take eagerly with Jisoo’s praises, but Jihoon can’t help but stare at your blushing cheeks and dazed smile at your brother's friend with each bite. For the upteenth time that night, Jihoon pushes down the uncomfortable feeling that settles in his stomach as he tries to remember Jeonghan’s words to tell him to move on from you.
Within five minutes, almost the whole plate is finished by you, your rosy cheeks puffed up as you look hopefully to Seungkwan. “I did good?”
“Hmm~” he hums appreciatively. “You sure did.” He grins, patting your head sweetly as he passes the soju to Jisoo.
“Now, you can have this back, but you gotta be good and drink slowly. Okay, Goober?”
“Yes, Shua-‘ppa.” You chirp through your last mouthful of food, and giggle gleefully as he passes the alcohol to you.
Jihoon purposely attempts to keep his back to you to avoid the temptation to keep an eye on you. You’re clearly tipsy at best, and too many nights of handling a drunk, clingy Mingyu have conditioned him to want to try and keep an eye on you to see if you’ll be just as destructive as your friend.
To his surprise though, for the rest of the night you stay by Jisoo’s side, nestled delicately against him. Jisoo doesn’t mind, on the contrary, he has kept up his conversations with the others well as his arm absentmindedly keeps you close, stroking your shoulder as he talks. You stay happily curled up, fiddling with a box of beads and string that Jisoo has brought for the trip, making bracelets as you hum drunkenly to yourself.
“Hyung,” Mingyu is whispering to your brother, standing by the fire near Jihoon’s seat, who can’t help but listen to his housemate speak. “Are you sure you should be letting Y/N-ie drink?”
“She’s not hurting anyone, is she?” Seungcheol deadpans, raising an eyebrow. “Look at her. She’s fine.”
Jihoon follows the line of view with Mingyu, observing you. You’re smiling quietly as you delicately place a purple flower bead onto the small plastic thread, Jisoo leaning down and whispering something in your ear, making you giggle and nudge his side before testing the length of the bracelet around his wrist.
“Aren’t they a little too close?” Wonwoo comments, a frown of concern on his face as your soulmate keeps his eyes on you tying the end of the bracelet around Jisoo’s wrist securely.
“If you’re trying to insinuate my friend would make a move on my sister, you’re wrong.” Seungcheol hums nonchalantly, taking a swig of his beer. “We were all close as kids. This is exactly like how they were.”
“Is Shua single, babe?” Jeonghan asks your brother, loud enough for Jihoon to hear. Jihoon frowns deeply, knowing what he is trying to do.
“I mean, he has a soulmate.” Seungcheol responds, Jeonghan keeping his eyes on Jihoon. “He hasn’t seen them for a long time, but he has one.”
“Interesting.” Is Jeonghan’s only response, sipping his drink as he eyes your soulmate’s obvious grimace.
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Your giggles filled the comfortable silence for most of the relaxed evening as you watch Seungkwan nag to Soonyoung, wagging his finger in his face as the older boy starts to imitate him. The night has begun to quiet down now, nearing close to 1am as some of the group have retreated to their tents for the evening, leaving only Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Soonyoung, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Jihoon and yourself left awake. Although, you are clearly losing the battle of consciousness.
You’re currently on your upteenth bracelet of the night, blinking blearily as you place the rainbow beads carefully onto the thread as Jisoo, who now hasn’t left your side almost all evening, joins in as he seems to be making a necklace. Jihoon has been preparing to go back to his tent for a little while now, but he finds himself not able to rest until everyone else has. He stays put in his camping chair as he watches you and your friends wind down for the evening.
“Hey, you.” Seokmin leans over you, making you lean backwards against his front, relishing in his warmth as you hum in content.
“Hi.” You smile sleepily, watching as Seokmin reaches down to tie the bracelet against your wrist.
“Ready for bed, hm?” He smiles down to you as you begin to pout. Before you can speak, though, he laughs. “Come on, Bug, we are going into the city tomorrow to go to the beach. We need to rest so we can have a fun beach day.”
Jihoon can see the gears ticking in your head as you process his words, lip still in a deep frown. It’s cute.
“The bracelets will be here for you tomorrow, y’know.” Jisoo chimes in with a charming smile. “And we are all going to bed now so you won’t miss out.”
“Mm…Kay.” You yawn.
“C’mon.” Soonyoung coos, taking your hand as you rise, reaching up and rubbing at your eye tiredly. He wraps you in a fluffy blanket as he leads you to the large inflatable pool. He glances at Seungcheol and Jeonghan as he passes them, whispering. “Do you have the painkillers for tomorrow?” When they nod, he nods with approval before scooping you up and settling you down on the pillows beside his soulmate who takes you carefully.
“Ready for some stargazing?” Seokmin smiles as you nod silently, already leaning back and looking up at the clear, starry sky as Soonyoung lays down beside you. Your eyes begin to tiredly flutter closed, your head falling and resting against your best friend’s shoulder.
“I thought you said she wasn’t affectionate and cuddly with soulmated people?” Jisoo asked your brother curiously as you snuggle with your friends.
“Normally she isn’t.” Seungcheol hums.
“She’s been drinking, that’s why.” Jeonghan chimes in as he cleans the last of the rubbish on the table.
“Did you end up finding out why?” Your brother asks quietly. “She only ever does when something has really hurt her.”
Jeonghan pauses with a quick glance to Jihoon before shaking his head, a pang of guilt building inside him. “No. She wouldn’t tell me.”
“She will tell you about it when she’s ready, I’m sure.” Jisoo replies sagely with a smile that makes Jihoon almost scoff. He has known you for five minutes.
“Yeah, but…” Seungcheol sighs.
“Hey, no buts.” His soulmate smiles, pecking his lips. “She’s in the safest hands she could be in. And like Joshuji said, she will tell us when she is ready.”
After the others all made their way to their tents for the night, (and after a stupid longing stare at you resting in Soonyoung’s arms) Jihoon heaves a sigh as he steps into his small tent to see Ji-ah sitting straight up on the mattress, looking as if she’d seen a ghost.
“Babe?” The name leaves a bitter taste in his mouth that he chooses to ignore. It causes Ji-ah to jolt, not sensing his presence. “Is everything alright?”
“Jihoon,” she sighs nervously. “Something has happened. I… tomorrow when we go to the city I need to go home.”
“Wait, what?” Jihoon’s eyes widened as he crawled onto the mattress beside his not-soulmate. She tenses. “What’s happened? Do you need me to go with you?”
“No!” She insists quickly, making Jihoon jolt in shock. “I mean… no,” she takes a shaky breath and laughs awkwardly. “No.. it’s fine. I just need to get home as soon as I can.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come?” He reaches for her hand, which she hesitantly takes.
“Yes, I’m sure, babe.” She smiles, although to him it almost seems like a grimace. He pauses for a moment before nodding.
“Okay. I’ll get Jeonghan-ssi to take a detour on the way to the beach tomorrow.”
“Thank you…” she smiled again, a bit more genuine this time as they both moved to lay down to rest, although Jihoon doesn’t think he will be able to sleep any time soon - the memories of Jeonghan’s words and your heartbroken face playing over in his head on loop.
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At the ripe time of 8:14am, Jihoon steps out of the tent with Ji-ah’s suitcase in tow, wincing at the bright sunlight shining through the trees on the campsite. He rubs at his eyes tiredly, glancing around at the state of the others.
At the early hour, only a few are awake and making breakfast for the (most likely) hungover others who are still resting. Jeonghan and Seungcheol man the barbecue, Jisoo putting all the food onto plates for everyone once they wake. Jihoon can’t help but frown a little at Jisoo before he glances over to where he knows he shouldn’t look.
Seokmin and Soonyoung are awake, sitting up and talking quietly to each other with a still resting you sleeping against Soonyoung’s chest. Your face is hidden from everybody, buried against the soft fabric of your best friend’s hoodie, protecting you from the brightness of the sun. Soonyoung is patting the back of your head as he speaks intimately with Seokmin, who is scratching your back absentmindedly. Jihoon watches for a moment, nose scrunching up slightly before he turns to make his way to your brother and his soulmate.
“Umm, Jeonghan-hyung,” Jihoon starts nervously. Hyung is fine, right? It’s respectful enough. “Can I please talk to you for a second?”
Jeonghan looks genuinely surprised at your soulmate standing before him, looking dare he says… scared? He’s amused as he watches Jihoon glance at your brother nervously for a split second. Your brother pays him no mind, still tending to the food so it doesn’t burn.
“Sure, give me a second.” He smiles, stepping out from behind the barbecue to the picnic table a few meters away, Jihoon trailing behind awkwardly.
“I’d like to ask a favor.” He can’t look Jeonghan in the face. If he was honest, his chat with him yesterday scared the crap out of him at the thought of your brother’s wrath. “It isn’t much, really…”
“What is it?”
“Ji-ah has had a family emergency come up.” He gestures to her suitcase by their tent. “I just wanted to ask if it was okay if we could pass by the train station on the way to the beach today? I can cover for fuel and-”
“Oh!” Jeonghan lets out an airy laugh. “Is that all?” Jihoon’s shocked at the change in his tone. “I thought you were going to tell me that you were going to do something stupid like ask me how to woo your soulmate.”
Jihoon gasps audibly as he quickly turns to look around to see if anybody overheard Jeonghan’s words.
“It’s fine, Jihoon-ssi.” He smiles. “Half of the guys are planning to go shopping in the city while we go to the beach anyway. No sweat.”
He releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Oh.. thank you, hyung.” He nods slowly. As he turns away, he jumps slightly at the feeling of Jeonghan’s hand grabbing his wrist.
“It’s no problem.” His voice is suddenly icy. “But, for future reference, don’t think about asking me about how to win Ladybug’s heart unless you’re 100% serious, you hear me?” A small jolt of fear runs through him as he nods worriedly. And just as quick as he came, Jeonghan’s expression changes back to his happy demeanor. “Perfect! We are on the same page then! Good talk.” He claps him on the back before making his way to the food. “Now have some breakfast before it gets cold.”
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The others are uncharacteristically quiet as they all climb onto the bus for the quiet ride into the city due to the copious amount of alcohol consumption from the night before. Seungcheol is amused at the sight of a hungover you climbing onto the bus and planting yourself down on a seat.
You pull a pair of sunglasses over your eyes, leaning your head on the headrest as you immediately attempt to curl up and get comfy. Seokmin sits beside you, smiling at you as you grab his hand, placing it directly on top of your head with an intelligible mumble. Seokmin seems to understand, though, as he carefully pulls what hair he can back, starting to braid it delicately and neatly as Seungkwan chuckles with Mingyu at how adorably clingy you can be when you aren’t worrying so much.
Jihoon is unfortunately in the seats directly behind you both with Ji-ah, a small frown on his face as he tries to not stare at you and your hair. He’s so close he can hear you almost purring with content as you start to drift off once more, his stomach twisting in pain as Jeonghan starts the bus to take off.
“Thank you again for keeping her company, last night, Jisoo.” Jihoon can hear Seungcheol murmur to his friend, who is sitting beside Soonyoung.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” He chirps happily, the alcohol’s after effects clearly not bothering him. “I’ve missed my little Goober.” Jihoon scoffs quietly, glancing out the window to try and ignore the conversation but feels his blood run cold for a moment as Jisoo’s voice grows softer.
“Besides, she needed that last night - to be carefree and have someone be there for her the way someone who loves her can, even if it was just for a night.” Everyone understands what Jisoo is implying, including Jihoon as he spots your brother’s soulmate stare at him for a moment through the rear view mirror. He winces, glancing away from the intense gaze, opting to stare at the scenery that is his first home town for the remainder of the short drive.
“Thank you again for dropping me off here, Jeonghan-Oppa.” Ji-ah smiles politely as she stands by the door of the bus. “You could have dropped me with the others at the mall, I would’ve found my way here.”
“Don’t be silly,” Jeonghan smiles at her, having got out of the bus to stretch his legs for a moment. “It’s no trouble at all. I would have rather known you made it here safely and in one piece. I hope your emergency is able to get sorted out quickly.” He gently pats her arm as she smiles sweetly at him.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you in?” Jihoon asks her quietly, and she shakes her head with a smile.
“I’m keeping you guys enough as it is. Go enjoy the beach, kay?” She smiles. Jihoon nods with a little smile.
“Alright then. Message me when you get back home?” He leans in to peck her lips, only to be surprised when instead of her lips, his own meets her cheek.
“Will do, Hoon. Bye!” Ji-ah is quick to grab her suitcase, dashing towards the entrance to the station, leaving Jihoon dumbfounded at the foot of the bus.
Did she just dodge his kiss?
“Jihoon-ah.” Jeonghan’s voice calls to him. If he noticed anything unusual, he doesn’t comment. “You coming?”
Jihoon blinks out of his daze, nodding quickly before climbing back up into the bus and back into his seat.
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Jihoon has always loved the beach. Even though he was, as Soonyoung would call it, a certified hermit, as a child he would always find himself spending his weekends at the beach with his parents if the weather called for it. He takes in a deep breath as he tastes the familiar salty air, a small smile of content on his face as he watches the waves lull lazily against the shore.
Only a small number of the group decided to join Seungcheol and Jeonghan at the beach, including himself, Seokmin, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Hansol, Jisoo and yourself. He was more than happy with anyone who decided to join them, with the plan being the whole group meet up for dinner at a hotpot restaurant to celebrate Seungcheol’s actual birthday before taking the party back to the campsite for drinks and games.
Seungcheol, Soonyoung and Mingyu are already in the water as Jihoon sits down on his beach chair under a large communal beach umbrella where he and the others have set up for the day. He watches as Seokmin sits with Seungkwan and Hansol, happily making plans for a large, elaborate sandcastle while Wonwoo and Jisoo sit quietly on their towels, having a quiet discussion together. He glances down at his phone to see if Ji-ah has texted him yet, and sighs quietly when he sees no notifications.
“Are you seriously not thinking about getting into the water today, Ladybug?” Jeonghan’s hums in the distance, drawing closer to Jihoon and their things. “I think the cool water would make your hangover better, wouldn’t it?”
“Nope.” Your voice is dull and monotone, mirroring the way you feel. “There are sharks in that water, I refuse.”
“Sharks wouldn’t come up to where the water meets your hips, pabo.”
“I refuse to take that chance.” You wave him off, Jihoon hearing your voices getting closer. “I like swimming in bodies of water that are condensed and clear enough so I know what I’m getting into.”
“Then why are you wearing the bikini if you don’t plan on getting in?” Jeonghan retorts. Jihoon gulps.
“Because I need the tan.” You bark back, Jeonghan simply chuckling as he tickles your sides, causing you (and Jihoon) to jolt and yelp.
Jihoon knows he shouldn’t. He really shouldn’t.
Against his better judgement, he turns his head towards where your voice is coming from, choking on his own spit as he sees you; hair braided and sunglasses covering your eyes. You’re wearing a pastel blue and white striped bikini, the little galaxies of your collarbone on full display as you make your way to a beach chair near where Wonwoo is situated.
Jihoon is so fucked.
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Real Eyes, Fake Lies Taglist
@vixensss @ldysmfrst @hemmingsness @lizzymizzy-blogg @breakfastburritosattiffanys @im-gemmy @friendlywraith @devinkelsey19 @kameko-ko @mar-627 @woozieeeee @milopenne @stellauniverse @addicsvt @changbinisms @phenomenalgirl9 @lanatheawesome @maidachi @jeanjacketjesus @sunnynapp @jihanniee @jaeminsbuckethat @sweetchelly @claireleem @hotricewoozi @sumzysworld @lavayeon @unusuallyshy @woozixo @mirxzii @seventeenthingsblr
Permanent Taglist
@misshale21 @etaerealboy @kawennote09 @im-gemmy @loveless-lie @lixiel0ver @keymins @nen-nyy @i-dont-give-a-fok @miriamxsworld @jojowantstocry @roe-sinning @sun-daddy-yoriichi @coveyland @side-angel @rinalouu @flwerrchild @apobangpowrld
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 11 months
Hey I love your work is the best if your not busy can you the humans are cute AU we’re the cons meet a baby human for the first time and can’t help but coo and snuggle the little baby?
The Nemesis was a busy ship. There was always something that needed to be done, orders to follow, repairs to be made. That's why Megatron found it increasingly odd that he couldn't find a single decepticon as he stalked through the hallways.
It was quiet, with only the low groan of the bulkhead echoing through the halls. Megatron punched the door to the medbay but when he looked inside he saw no one, not a trace of that scam of a medic Hook.
He frowned and continued down the halls when he heard it. The distant sounds of multiple voices, soft and gentle.
Two words that definitely didn't belong on a warship.
Worried what foolishness his decepticon warriors had found themselves in now, Megatron marched down the hallway until he found himself at the command deck. Of course they had all gathered here.
The door opened and Megatron found most of his soldiers huddled together, backs turned and hyper focused on whatever they were surrounding.
The corner of his mouth twitched as he heard someone make the most ridiculous, nonsensical sound he had ever heard in his 4 million years of life.
"Ah goochie goochie goo, goochie goochie goo!"
"What the frag are you idiots doing?"
As the leader of the decepticons and a warlord responsible for the deaths of billions, Megatron was used to getting the respect he deserved, be it fear, admiration or awe. So when a dozen or so faces turned around, frowning, and shushed at him, he immediately felt the energon rush to his head in anger.
"You dare-" Megatron declared, taking one step forward before Skywap of all people turned around, held his hands out and shushed him.
"Shhh! You're gonna scare it!" he whisper-yelled.
Megatron frowned even harder and continued stomping forward. "I want an explanation and I want it n-" The crowd of decepticons lightly parted, allowing Megatron to finally see what they had been so entranced by.
He blinked. Then manually reset his optical feed to make sure they weren't malfunctioning. Nope. It was still there.
Lying in a yellow stroller was a human infant. Pudgy cheeks, big, bright eyes and the softest looking hair Megatron had ever seen. Only it's face and arms could be seen, the rest of its body covered by a knitted blanket as it was wearing a pale blue jumpsuit covered in white dots.
"What-" he cleared his throat, voice oddly high pitched. "What is the meaning of this?"
Ramjet, who was closest to him, looked up. "We just wanna take a look at the baby, sir. Most of us have never seen one in real life before and well..." He looked back at the baby who just at that moment decided to laugh, causing all the gathered decepticons too coo at it. "It's just so fragging damn cute!"
Scrapper slapped the back of Ramjet's helmet. "Don't swear in front of the baby!"
Instead of reacting with anger and a retaliating strike back as he might have in usual circumstances, Ramjet bowed his head in apparent shame. "Ah, sorry about that."
Megatron stared at the baby and the baby, attracted by the sudden noise, met his optics. For a couple of seconds, the baby and Megatron simply stared at each other.
Then it smiled.
Megatron had to manually lock his joints together to stop himself from reaching over and pinching its little cheek. He had an image to uphold!
"And how," he forced himself to look away from the adorable infant, "did it get here?"
There was a notable lack of answers. In fact, it became eerily quiet. Looking up, Megatron saw that none of the decepticon's would meet his optics. Swindle was still dangling a stolen wallet above the baby but his face had gone pale. Megatron felt his anger grow as slowly things started to click into place.
"Whose baby is this?" he growled. The decepticons exchanged various guilty looks. Megatron grit his denta. "Who stole the baby?"
At that moment, the door to the command deck opened. In strode Soundwave, carrying a crib. Behind him were his cassettes, holding a variety of baby formula, toys, clothes and diapers. Upon seeing Megatron, they all stopped at the door, optics wide. All except for Soundwave who was reading a datapad that he was carrying in his other servo, focused on whatever was written on it.
"Soundwave: has returned. Thanks you for watching-" Soundwave looked up and froze mid step. Megatron crossed his arms, frowning. Behind him, the rest of the decepticons were owlishly staring.
"Anything you want to tell me, Soundwave?" Megatron asked.
Soundwave's gaze flickered from Megatron, to the baby and then back to Megatron again. For a bot with both a visor and a face guard, he managed to look extremely guilty. "Megatron: has already met Soundwave Jr. then?"
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somin-yin · 11 months
Tag Game - 10 fandoms 10 characters!
Thank you for tagging me @agonydearest, this was very fun to do ❤️ Let's see who all your favorites are! These are mine:
Ratan Vaish - Romance Club: Best RC character and LI ever imo, he's a very multifaceted character ❤️ stanning Ratan is EXCELLENT TASTE
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Kang Yohan - The Devil Judge: My toxic trait is I might kin him. No, I won't elaborate. He wasn't in the wrong 🤷‍♀️
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Light Yagami - Death Note: I have conflicting feelings, I kinda see where he was coming from, did he do it the right way? Absolutely not. Power corrupted him as it would corrupt any human being. It's kinda sad because he had a brilliant future ahead, anyway a very complex character and my DN favourite after all.
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Goo Seung Hyo - Life: On my knees for him, big D energy, fits into the category of #GuysIwouldFallFor even if he's morally grey 😂
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Cho Sangwoo - Squid Game: Misunderstood, he played the game well all things considered and I will stay on this hill 🤷‍♀️ a very complex character too!
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Avasarala - The Expanse: GIRLBOSS, the truest queen of Earth, on my knees for her ❤️ I ship her with Bobbie 😂
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Berlin - Spanish Money Heist / La Casa de Papel: A psycho but I like his rants, specially the philosophical ones, I also like his sense of humour, he makes me laugh 😂
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Gaius Augustine - Choices Bloodbound: I can't help but feel empathy for him 🤷‍♀️
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Colin Ritman - Black Mirror Bandersnacht: He's awesome and I love his demeanor, big D energy too ❤️ I ship him with Stefan
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Angelo Lagusa - 91 days - He deserved better ;-; I ship him with Nero
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Not me liking all kinds of red flags ;-; or perhaps I just like my men in suit and my women girlboss 😂
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Tagging: @beware-of-the-year-2181 @itissnowing @ihatesnitches @jellyjinx @violentinecrl @fantasyoverreality98 @rf-rida @justanotherrcblog @reznorty3 @b1p0lar-yagami @rei-tatsuki @consuelomagdaleno @unsettlingconclusions @nikki-2406
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declinlalune · 10 months
@closingwaters replied to your post “[pm] Hey Andy. I’m sorry if I caused you any...”:
[pm] Andy, I’m okay. I just want to know how you are. There’s so much I’ve missed and I’ve gotta catch up. [d: Two whole mon How do you Don’t think about me Just] We have a new roommate. Another fae. She scurries around so you probably won’t see her, but she’s staying in the attic.
​[pm] I'm fine. I wasn't stuck in solidifying goo. I repaired things with my sister, but I'm not [...] I don't remember if you were around for that. Working on it with my cousin.
Another fae? That's great, I'm glad you met another. I'll be keeping out of the way, anyway. I'm thinking of going back to work soon, especially with the holidays rolling around. Jonas is going to need all of the help he can get, and I've taken a long enough break. That being said, I'll probably start staying home, too. You and Arden deserve your alone time, you know.
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sparkbugs · 10 months
Ep 105 of jrwi liveblog!! My thoughts and reactions under the cut :3
The psa is so real good on you jay
Skip to like 20 mins in cause I forgor to write-
The egg joke was great LMAO. Also BIRD BIRD :D also. They left the tortle to die???? Oopsie I fucking guess??
Underground town :o chip pls just follow bird bird mannnn
I’m still so worried about Early Drey and Finn on the boat oh my goddddddd (THANK GOD THE SHIP IS SAFE WAA)
Bird bird my bestie… they better save everyone on this island man like I get it’s their home but they don’t need to be stuck here anymore
HOLYYY SHITTT 7’2… who is this… artists I kiss u /p you’re so fuckin talented and the art you’ve made is so so pretty
This woman. I want to be her friend.. ZAMIA :D BE MY FRIEND PLS YOURE SO COOL
I love how they’re arguing in front of these people LMAOOO “you lot are crazy, man” yea igneous. They’re a bit insane but it’s ok!!
“We’re the weird kind of pirates that throw our money off the boat and save things” 💀 yea well.
Well they’re gonna go beat up bad pirates that are killing these people and something bars gonna happen cause when does it ever go right!!! Haha. Ha. (Referencing a Spoiler I know that happens but I have no idea When it happens)
Group huddle moment!! Bring all these people on the ship I don’t care :) save them all somehow
Gilly nugget of wisdom. He’s smart I agree with him
There’s a lot :( just. Aaaag
God taking out the corruption on their own is going to be. Terrible.
Yeaaa gillion you. Need to stop dying please <3
GILLION JUST LIKE ME FR brother you cannot save everyone I understand. I get it man but you cannot save everyone you have to look out for yourself
Hallow spell :o time to google what the spell means- aw hell yea protection spot
GOO DRAGON… chip praying? Never thought I’d see the day- oh he. Corrupted nvm
Whomst was taken. They’re gonna get her back
Oh they have a boss that was taken :(
Just noticed puppy behind grizz :o they eepin
Zamia :( SO MANY SAPPHICS IN JRWI I love them all.
“We’re gonna help as best as we can but we also need help getting around here” seems like a reasonable request as they brought Knock back anyways.
Zamia I love you already :( you deserve the world, y’all gonna get out of here don’t worry
RABBIT! RABBIT!!!! And fox… ogghhdjs everyone on this island. They’re my favorites ever.
GIVE AWAY THE PANTS!!! QUEEN YEAHHH MAKE THEM NEW CLOTHES :D give them hope. This is so good I love this sm
Petlen!!! Trinket friend. MAGIC ROCK! Rock. Love rocks… OMG GIVE THEM FOODS FEED THEMSSS
HAJDJDISH switch blade.. AWEJDIS PETLEN :( I love them
ALICE? What how do you say her name. Smithy… “I saw you smithing from across the room” yeah I would’ve said that too tbh
This is we’re Knock gets the “yuh” from too-
Uh ohs. Jay. The map!!!! Huh hahdjgdja map??? What. Uh oh. Wuh oh
Corruptionnnb aaaaaa
LMAOOO “you see something bad? You RUN!”
17 ac finally jeez.. yay armor and upgrades
Spider webs… haha this is gonna go terribly
Ohhhh who fucked up- GRYFFON NOOOOOOO
Everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine the scuttling means nothing everything is fine everything is fineeeee
Queeeeeennn aaaaaaaahshsgaia
AAAAA spider that’s not a friend that’s not a friend uh ohssss ahahahaaa VORTEX WARP HELL YEA SMART MOVE- oh the web. RUNNNNNN A FUCK
This is fine :) I wanna be where the people areeeee I wanna seee wanna see em dancing.
Petrol.. patrol. Same thing…. (Also currently making burger while watching so I’m multitasking this is fun)
Gillion. You what. I mean yea but also haha that’s terrifying haha please be careful
Backstreets back ALRIGHT! Haha uh oh “what you don’t see” uh. Hehe there’s a heart or something.
“Like nuts” … Charlie please.
… haha! Uh oh!!!!! Hahahahdjdhgsja
This episode was great I’m so nervous. For what comes next! Hahaha!!!
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babycatlix · 2 years
content creator year in review (tag game)
i was tagged by @petrichor-han​​​ i love your user btw ​and thank you for tagging me! i’m so honored that i was one of your fave gif makers 😭💖 i’m a little late doing this, but i worked both new years eve and new years day, but better late than never!
first creation & most recent creation:
so ethereal 🥰 – april, 2022: i thought this was just so pretty and this was when i started to have the mindset of “if i like this moment perhaps, someone else will also like this moment!” 
cutie in blue 💙 – january, 2023: this was the first thing i posted for the new year, but it’s not technically my most recent creation... but i love this set so much! he’s so cute and i love his mullet!
one of your favorite creations:
the duality 😳 – april, 2022 & lovely tingle interview boy 🐣  – may, 2022: i love both of these so much! i love the tingle interview one so much that i recently remade the gifs so that they look even better now. 
a creation you’re really proud of:
my sunshine mv series – may, 2022 – present: this was my way of catching up on stray kids content. i made a little series doing all of felix’s moments in their mvs.
a creation that took you forever:
count down to felix’s birthday: D-3: Favorite SKZ Player – Up All Night – september, 2022: this one took so long simply bc of the text that is overlaying across the whole set. someone did ask about it when i posted it, which i answered here and i explain how long it took.
the creation that received the most notes:
some soft hyunlix – july, 2022: as of posting this set has 1,513 notes. it was honestly a silly little set i made and posted for @jinniebit​ bc i thought it would make her feel a little better 🥺
a creation that you think deserves more notes:
not to sound like that person, but i honestly don’t think any of my creations “deserve” notes. sometimes things flop and that’s okay. are there creations i love? of course! that doesn’t mean i think they deserve more notes just bc i love them. i’m happy and grateful for the notes i do get!
a new fandom you joined & a creation you made for it:
so ethereal 🥰 – april, 2022: might be cheating to use my first creation again, but that’s literally what this one was lol
a creation you made that breaks your heart:
post concert high – crying version  😭 – august, 2022: i hate seeing felix cry, BUT he’s so cute here... so i couldn’t help but gif this moment.
a “simple” creation you really love:
fire bender felix – june, 2022: i was browsing the #lee felix tag and someone said that they would love to see “fire bender” felix using his moment from the end of thunderous and the new moment from the circus mv. this creation took me... maybe, 15 minutes? but i love it alot!
a creation that was inspired by another one:
count down to felix’s birthday: D-6: Favorite Lyrics/Verses – september, 2022: i can’t really place which cc it was that inspired me to do this prompt like this, but it was one of my mutuals... i wanna say it was @agibbangs​ but i can’t remember specifically which set of hers it was that inspired me.
a favorite creation created by someone else:
i don’t feel like this is a fair question lol, i have so many favorites from so many different cc’s! plus it’s been such an eventful year, i don’t think i could pick just one anyway.
favorite content creators from the year:
i’ll be tagging mostly artists, gfxs, and gif makers (just in alphabetical order): @agibbangs, @changbeens, @chanrizard, @chanstopher, @cheekyquokka, @geniaparadox, @ggthydrangea, @hanjesungs, @hyunchanz, @jerirose, @jinniebit, @jisungs, @juiceofmoons, @jisungsjaistandjeekies, @khairemisthios, @lee--felix, @leenow, @minzbins, @missyedits, @nevoono, @quokki, @seo-changbinnies, @skz-films, @snug-gyu, @sunnishine, @winterfloral and @yonglixx 
whew we made it! i won’t specifically tag anyone, i know we’re all probably tired, but if you wanted to do this you can! i love you all, i hope you had a good new year! stay safe out there and stay hydrated my friends! 💖
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dirtyvulture · 10 months
😎Oh you didn’t bother me with asking questions and I loved answering them anyways Vulture! Also so what I am hearing with the whole Esther Hudson and R’s true feelings and or relationship was lost to History…….. * Que the 🎶 “ History Hates Lovers” Song 🎶 *
In all seriousness I think that Esther was Wolvie R’s first love ( Esther Hudson is basically the Rose O’Hara of this universe, Wolverine’s first love but they never were together. Rose was set to marry someone else and Wolvie had to stand aside and watch it happen - They were on the run under the story of being cousins and While Rose fell in love with another Wolvie had just wanted Rose happy- ). Esther was either already married or met someone while nursing in the War and they had children ( again before or very shortly after the War) but again the husband could have been a beard or Esther was bi / another flavor of the rainbow 🌈 and could have been silently pining  admiring, and being in love with R from a far like R was as R just wanted Esther happy. Esther wanted the same for R ( regardless of if she loved R romantically or platonically) . The more I think about it it just fits so well and could have been a very strong possibility of it being a mutual love… of them being in love with the other but both convinced it was just a one sided affair. Esther keeping a journal or writings of her true feelings and love for R as well as all her pining and admiring but kept it secret and away from the “ How to take care of your Wolverine”book and other things that was passed down to the later Hudson clan . She also had letters she wrote and notes that were for R …. Love Letters and Notes that were never sent and stayed with everything else.
R and Esther were never together romantically and never hooked up ( in a one night or a couple of nights stands or as a friends with benefits type thing) and what I wrote on them hooking up was basically a what if and how it would have or could have happened if they admitted their feelings and possibly it was some fantasies that they both had about the other. Esther also wrote down the ✨Fantasies ✨ she had about being with Wolvie . As Stated before Esther was a Christen ( a Roman Catholic) and as you stated before Vulture the views of this was HIGHLY FROWNED upon back then and add that to CATHOLIC GUILT or ✨RELIGIOUS TRUMA✨….. yeah Esther wasn’t going to admit or act on anything. R on the other hand I think she was with women left right and center but was VERY CAREFUL about keeping it hidden and if shit hit the fan then R took all the heat for it ( Because what were they going to do ? They couldn’t execute or kill her and she doesn’t age so spending time in jail isn’t going to do much for her) but R wasn’t in love or had strong feelings for any of them but treated them all very well and was a gentleman Casanova. So not only was R hunted for being a “ witch” ( for being a mutant) but for being a “ temptress or a  siren call of sin” that “ tempted and corrupted good up standing young women of god” ( for when she and the young woman in question were caught as two consenting adults and R is taking the heat and the woman can get off Scott free ) .
But for Esther Hudson she loved R silently and from a far for the rest of her life ( R was the love of Esther’s life) and R loves her until “ the sun and constellations burns out , until the earth is nothing but a barren wasteland , and the oceans have all turned to dust.” R loves Esther until “ her lungs , heart and body gives out” . R gives Esther Hudson the love of an immortal being ….. of Always and Forever . A love that she has turned to all of the Hudson clan and will never stop giving them and ( tries to anyway) to stay with them until each one passes. Esther wanted to give R something that will out last her and give R the love and care that R deserves but Esther wouldn’t be able to give after she is gone so she gives R the entire Hudson clan . Esther was happy with her life and with her family in the end ( whether or not she was IN LOVE with her husband is still up for debate but she did love him and he loved her and was very good to her and was a great father to his children) . If anyone has seen Dr Who it was very much the same  situation as the Dr ( David Tennant) as “ John Smith” the human and that one school nurse in the episode “ The Family of Blood” . Same era of time too.
Now moving on to the Sergeant Beef AU .
Nat has obviously has known Kate Bishop since they were kids if Yelena and Kate were child hood best friends, probably even babysat them when Nat was younger or She just saw Kate around with her being friends with Nat’s little sister. Maybe even views Kate as a other younger sister as well. Then there was a chunk of time that Nat hasn’t seen either Yelena ( I am putting a pin in this bit , it is important for a separate thought in a different post) or Kate when Nat turned 18 and enlisted in the military and later on with her own thing , rising up in the ranks of the military. One day she is having a drink with her Air Force buddy Clint Barton and He is going on and on about this kid that he is has taken under his wing and just how she is a total natural at it , a “ real whiz kid truly” .
Clint pulls out his phone showing her the picture of the “ Whiz Kid” and Nat feels her heart stop because even though She sees two young women one bright blonde hair and wearing a Marines Military Uniform ( With the name tag Belova on it ) with her arm around a black haired woman in a Air-force flight suit with an Airplane painted with Kate “ Little Hawkeye” Bishop on it , Nat still sees the two little girls that always followed her around and looked up to Nat before she left home . It really squeezes her heart seeing the beautiful young woman that her baby sister turned into ( or baby sisters of Nat saw Kate as her little sister too) but missed out on witnessing it first hand and this was the first time in years that she saw either of their faces. Nat shut her eyes tight before more ….. unpleasant memories resurfaced of that time. ( Another pin for later).
I also love the idea that Nat also has one or a few Russian pet names for SB like Yelena has for Kate both of whom have no idea what the Eastern European Siblings are saying. And one day Nat and Yelena hears the other call their person their respective Russian pet name.
Nat : “ So” * rises eye brow and says in Russian “ Little Hawk , Little Bird , My Little Bird” * ( Dealers choice on which one )
Yelena: * Also rising an eye brow and replying in Russian Nat’s pet name for SB ( You get to decide on the pet name ) *
Nat : * 🤷‍♀️* “ Touché Lenny Touché”
All of the thoughts above have brought about even more thought that I will add on in a different post. I will say though that R was in love with her “ old friend” the same way she was with Esther and it would be the same for anyone else that R falls in love with ( possibly a certain red head 👀👀👀) but Esther has the added bonus of being wolvie’s first love and you never forget your first love ( and at times never stop loving them ). Another little bit is Nat bears a striking resemblance to Esther Hudson and not just because they both have the same shade of red hair and the same shade of green eyes but truly LOOK ALIKE.
I will say this for the thought I had on R yelling Natalia …… I didn’t know that R was still unconscious and didn’t hear the RR call out Nat’s real name . We can just say that it was Nat freaking out from her name being yelled out ( it also doesn’t help that R’s voice was not only guff and raspy - because it has been  stripped out with the whisky and smoking and R probably drunk and smoked again since they got to the school, away from the kids and Nat of course - but also had a  animalistic like growl because like R stated it was driving R crazy not remembering the name . Nat wasn’t thinking straight ( then again does she ever with R around ? 🤔😏) and thought that R might have learned it from the RR agents because THAT was the ONLY EVER time her birth name was said . And R was just over here thinking of the little girl that repeatedly and brutally stabbed her with a toothpick  pocket knife when they first met and giving Nat a heart attack when R finally remembered the kids name . R didn’t know nor realize that was actually Nat’s birth name . R rise her hand wanting to reach out and hug Nat to comfort her after startling her while giving her the sheepish smile but lowered it thinking it was better not to….. all those touches shared with Nat before this were necessary or accidental and R didn’t want to overstep boundaries or make Nat uncomfortable. R also thinks she will just fuck it up like she fucks up everything . R shakes her head and scolds herself for scaring Nat and then sidesteps around Nat to keep on walking.
I have a quick question then I will end this post. Does Wolverine R like men too? What flavor of the rainbow is R and while we are asking flavors of the rainbow might as well add the others into it too. What flavor of the rainbow is Wolvie R , Nat ( In the Darkest Knight and SB AU because there is No universe where that woman is straight) , Jean , Esther Hudson , Yelena and Kate ( In the SB AU , again no universe where those two are straight) ? I guess I might as well ask about what flavor of the rainbow SB is too.
Excellent, I will be sure to bother you with plenty more questions in this post as well :)
Yes, history books would have said Esther and R were good friends :)
Do you think R would have ever recovered these lost love letters written by Esther? Perhaps another member of the Hudson family saved them and sent them to R without realizing their contents.
Casually thinking about R being involved in witch trials and then having to move to a new village every time so people don't know she survived their murder attempts.
Your quotes are so poetic. 🥺 I can't imagine how devastated R must have been once Esther passes. Even if Esther "gives" R her family line, R will never forget the happiness Esther brought her and will spend the rest of her existence missing her. :(
I'm sure Sergeant Romanoff was also nervous for Yelena and Kate to be serving in military branches, especially with her own experiences of being harassed and discriminated against for being a woman.
I think Nat's Russian pet name for Sergeant Beef would be "говядина." 😉
Wolvie!R just has a thing for redheads. That is all I can say. 😂
Are you trying to imply that Nat was the little girl that R got the pocketknife from? 👀
All I can say is that Wolvie!R's sexual identity is whatever the reader decides it is (since she is an extension of them) (and same goes for SB). I have my own personal HC of how she/they identifies, but I wouldn't want that to get in the way of how my readers see her, so I'll leave it at that.
I think Darkest Knight!Nat has probably had more experience with men than women, but clearly she is into R so she definitely goes both ways. And it's probably the same for Sergeant Romanoff as well. Jean in my AU is confirmed bi because she's currently with Cyclops but had a thing with R in the past. Since Yelena and Kate haven't technically made appearances in the SB universe yet, we'll just leave theirs unknown for now.
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dudeseducer985 · 2 years
New writing blog
I hope this is put together well enough by the end of it.
Hello! I’m quite new to writing on tumblr, or really posting on here in general, but I wanted to make a bit of an introductory bit.
Some stuff about what I’ll do
So basically this blog is for me to write fan fiction as a way of improving my writing skills and for fun. Since this is for me to improve, I will take criticism :). So if more experienced writers have any tips for me I will gladly take them. Other than writing I may post a few things about my interests, but nothing much else.
Rules for requests ig
Things I will write
Romantic fics
Cheesy romance fics (we all deserve a bit of cheesy romance in our lives)
Angst & Hurt/Comfort
Things I won’t write
Sexual fics (I don’t know how to write them and I’m not very comfortable with writing them anyways)
SA (very few exceptions for this)
Teacher x Student, Boss x Employee (Basically power dynamics, you get the idea)
Fandoms and characters I will write for
The Scream franchise
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Luke Alvez (once I catch up again)
The Batman (2022)
The riddler
Suhyeon Kim
Hajun Gu
More will be added once I re-read
Daniel Park (both)
Euntae Park/Vasco
Zack Lee
Jake Kim
Samuel Seo
More can be requested because I forgot some of them
Viral Hit
Hobin Yoo
Wangguk Han
Taehoon Seong
Hyeonsu Lee
Yeonu/Yeonwoo Ji
Seongjun Baek
Requests for reader
I will mostly do everything ambiguous reader unless specified, however most of my writing is aimed towards non-women.
Things you can specify for reader in a req
Cis or Trans male reader
Non-Binary Trans reader (basically anything other than trans man)
Reader of a certain race or ethnicity (specificity is appreciated so I can do my research)
Reader with Disabilities (specificity appreciated for same reason as the last one)
ND and Autistic reader (anything specific to you can also be requested)
Reader with a particular style (punk, gyaru, scene, etc.)
Arospec/Acespec readers
I think that’s all I needed to disclose
You can do asks about non-fanfic related things if you’d like, but nothing too specific :D Enjoy my blog <33
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
To start off with,I think George and Charles are your clingiest boys,they never want to leave your side , ever. And Alex and Lando tease them relentlessly (I see Alex as more of a Switch than a 24/7 dynamic, while Lando doesn't need as much physical contact as these two) but Alex Lando and Charles will be trying to do something (they're chaotic , they're always doing something) and George will just be there buried in your chest because he doesn't wanna doooo anything he just wants to cuddle ,that's his mindset 24/7, same with Charles.
And on the topic of switch Alex! I feel like he absolutely preens under your attention and helping out with the other 3 (acts of service) so he's the responsible one while your at work (you can't take 4 subs to work every day,so they have a schedule made up courtesy of George) so he'll be like step in when your at work,making sure the other 2 are okay and updating you if they're not (Lando is a disaster and George is too stubborn to ask if he needs anything) so Alex has to do it for them.
Sleep arrangements must be a nightmare as well (Lando and Charles always get first pick over the bed,because it was Lando's bed first and Charles will cry if he doesn't get to sleep with you) and the bed really isn't big enough,but you always end up with all 4 of them piled on anyway because George sneaks in during the night because he couldn't sleep ,followed by an exasperated Alex.
YES MORE POLY!QUARTER LETS GOO!! Also remember this AU is in the sugar d/s au so they’re all sugar babies and submissives. But all these thoughts are just SO good I love them so much.
I fully agree that Charles and George are your clingy subby boys. They really just want love and attention at all times and are happiest when they can just be subby babies. George loves kneeling for you while Charles loves curling up in your lap.
I also think that George is the least like an actual sugar baby? He won’t even accept an allowance. He loves gifts of course, but he’s not there to be your sugar baby, he really just wants to be your sub.
And yes george absolutely hides in your chest while Charles, lando and Alex cause chaos.
I think often the three of them will play games? Sometimes it’s a couch co-op game and sometimes it’s literally just a board game or a card game.
So the three of them will be playing and you and George will cuddle on the couch.
George used to play with them but honestly he gets a little too stressed? They’re a little too loud and competitive and he has much more fun when he can cuddle with you and watch the three of them cause some chaos.
And I love the idea of switch Alex? Though I do think that he would rarely Dom and even he does, he’s always a soft Dom.
I also think that he works so well domming Charles? He just has the calmness around him that Charles absolutely adores and so whenever he feels like being a Dom, he immediately goes to Charles because Charles loves it so much.
He also takes looking after everyone VERY seriously. And I actually think that Alex doesn’t want to go with to work? He just loves being a stay at home service sub at all times, looking after the others and the house and just being a good boy.
He doesn’t want to go into work with you and kneel at your feet and be that kind of good boy, because if he did that then who would make dinner? Who would look after the subs at home? Who would change the linen?
And he just… he’s genuinely so happy at home?? He loves it so much. And of course he gives you a debrief the moment you walk through the door about what happened during the day.
Oh god sleeping arrangements would be a nightmare. I fully agree with lando always wanting to sleep in the same bed as you.
Lando doesn’t get jealous very often, because he loves the other three so much as well. But the one thing lando is testy about is the fact that he was your first and that he deserves to always share a bed with you because of that. That’s the only thing he demands.
And of course the other three always respect that, because they understand that it’s very important to lando.
I think you’d end up with a big bedroom that has two separate beds? One king sized bed and one double bed?
You’re always in the king with Lando, and then one other person joins you (there isn’t a schedule, because if someone has a bad day and needs to sleep with you then they always can, but you do try to make sure everyone gets a fair shot).
It used to be a problem because Charles would also be very needy and want to sleep with you all the time, but that stopped when you moved another bed into the bedroom because he’s happy when he knows he’s in the same room as you.
So yeah. So they’re all handfuls in their own ways but you love them all so much.
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wrenthemoralfander · 2 years
Crowfitti (Artist x Nea)
A nest of comfort
Part One of Saved by the one who kills.
When Nea gets her leg broken during a trial with Hag, she is saved by the lady who commands the crows.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Nea wasn’t thinking, as things didn’t go as planned. The plan was to pallet stun/blind the killer, this being Hag, do anything to piss her the hell off. Nea would do this so the others could get shit done.
They spawned at the Pale Rose. The plan was simple. But… the plan changed when Jane realized she had Lightborn. Fuck.
Ok. She could just pallet stun her.
Bad idea.
Mikaela realized she had Hex: Blood Favor. All pallets in a 32 mile range were blocked by the entity. Nea wasn’t able to stun her, and Mikaela realized Hag was playing the long game.
First Jane, who was sacrificed.
Then Jeff, who was left to bleed out.
And then, Mikaela, who was downed and sacrificed trying to save Jeff and Nea.
It was just… Nea. Nea wasn’t doing too good. The exhaustion was uncomfortable and she hated being injured.
‘Ugh. Why didn’t I take Self-Care?’ She thought to herself. She was up on the ship looking for Hatch, she couldn’t hear it. Nea looked over the edge to see if it was there.
She must’ve leaned over the edge too far because the next thing she knew she was plummeting. Nea fell, and didn’t land as gracefully as she normally did. She fell on her face, hitting a sharp rock on the way down.
It took her a moment for her to process. Nea shook her head. What the fuck just happened?
She then heard it. The Hatch!
Nea attempted to stand up, only to scream in horrendous agony when sharp pain came from her leg. She took a look at her leg and her eyes widened. Her leg was swollen quite badly and bone was sticking out of the side.
Her leg was broken.
“DAMMIT!” She screamed. Knulla, this leg… it hurt like hell.
What did she done to deserve this? Aside from try to work gens… and try to piss Hag off, Nea couldn’t think of anything else. 
She attempted to stand again, but Nea was not only greeted with agonizing pain, but, with a sudden sensation of weakness, like her body was losing strength. She felt the strength leaving her body. Not wanting Hag to win, she attempted to push herself to hatch, but to no avail. She ended up falling down.
Her heart started pounding faster and faster. Shit. Nea couldn’t move, the pain felt so bad, it was almost too much. But killers like Hag, didn’t care. Nea had just enough strength to crawl… barely.
Hag closed the hatch before turning to Nea. A gargle could be heard, and Nea swore up and down, Hag was mocking her. The Hag was about to Mori her.
Hag didn’t notice the leg nor did she notice the crows swarming around her. The Hag, jumped on Nea and almost bit into her neck.
Hag was then thrown off.
Nea, with what little strength she had, looked to see who saved her. It was a woman in red and black. Her hands were less thick but were as goo-y as the mud that covered the grounds… crows swarmed her…
It was the Artist.
The Artist swung her claws at Hag, knocked her back. She then picked Hag up, clawing at her, causing her to be injured severely.
Knowing she wouldn’t win the fight, Hag retreated.
Nea was terrified. The Artist, was she… going to kill Nea?
“D-don’t touc-” Near try to speak but shushed by Carmina. She took notice of the swollen, bruised area of Nea’s leg. Looking down, Carmina saw the injury. The blood, bone sticking out, he and she saw how battered the leg looked. It looked bad. 
Carmina picked her up gently, and carried her.
Nea felt cloth get wrapped around her wound. Nea had no strength to fight, as she just couldn’t stay awake and so, she fell asleep, comfortable in the arms of The Artist. 
Nea’s woke slowly, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the light. Normally, she would hear voices, but all she heard instead was the cawing of murder.
Several crows.
Wait. There were no crows at the campfire, which made Nea realize she was nowhere near the campfire. She shot up, as she found herself in the nest, the same nest that resides in the forsaken graveyard. 
Nea felt ink like hands tap her on the shoulder. Standing right behind her, was Carmina with a plate of delicious food. 
Hard Boiled Eggs, with sliced fruit surrounding it, like water surrounding an island. Carmina walked around and sat down with the tray food. Nea was greeted to a card with two words on it.
“¡Buenos días!” The card said. Nea had to remember. That was Spanish for… Good morning. She was lucky to have paid enough attention in Spanish class.
“Morning. Let me guess. You brought me here because you thought I was in danger? Well thanks but I didn’t need the help.”
Artist smiled, before handing Nea her food. Nea took a bite, and suddenly the pain and her bad mood seem to slip away. Holy shit, this tasted good.
It had eggs, fruit, and a bit of… something else, bitter but not too bitter it had some sweetness. It tasted so good.
“This is delicious. What the hell did you get this from?”
“Coldwind!” A crow cried out. Nea’s eyes widened. She was not used to that.
Carmina used a sketch to explain that since she couldn’t talk, the crows would be her communicators.
Nea sighed. That didn’t sound too bad.
She then used a sketch to explain there was dark chocolate in there as well. That explains it. The rich, bitter, but sweet texture she tasted.
Nea looked at her leg. Instead of an infected wound, there was a cast in its place.
“Treated by Nurse! Very Nice.” The crows cawed. Honestly, she’d didn’t know whether to feel comforted or to feel afraid. “W-Was the Doctor involved?” She asked.
Carmina shook her head no. She then gave Nea a picture of that doctor, with words seem to them such as ‘Madman’ ‘Horrible’ ‘Scary’. Nea looked up at the artist and saw her shaking looking away.
Maybe… Maybe she wasn’t so scary. Just… Lonely. She couldn’t believe she actually was gonna agree with Claudette but… The proof was in the pudding.
“Hey… he can’t hurt you.” She said. “Look, my legs busted. I can’t go anywhere… So, you want to just draw all day? And maybe when my leg isn’t killing me, I can show you how I spray paint?” She asked.
Carmina looked at her, tilted her head like any crow would and nodded.
Carmina then handed her a drawing. It was Nea, in a lake… with a scythe in hand.
“The Lake is magical. It’s spray paint.” A crow spoke.
Nea smirked before she looked at Carmina. “Really? A lake of spray paint?” She looked back. “This, is so cool. Do you want to tell me how I got there? Into that lake?”
Nea didn’t notice the blush forming on Carmina’s face. Carmina wished she could tell Nea how she felt about her; Artist wished she could kiss the graffiti artist. Nea was so inspiring and amazing.
Maybe one day…
However for right now, the best she could do was communicate through her crows and drawings. Artist started to draw the story, and Nea became intrigued. The crows began to help narrate.
After an hour of drawing, and crows telling stories, Nea got comfortable inside the nest and fell asleep on Carmina’s lap, Carmina stroking her hair, while putting a blanket over her and letting her sleep.
Carmina would return it to campfire when her leg was healed completely. Until then, Nea would know no pain as she stayed in a nest of comfort.
Knulla = (Swedish for fuck)
¡Buenos días! = (Good morning in Spanish)
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Katfl commenthough, part 7
The lore, the loooreee
HAL labs cut the pause-screen descriptions out but to compensate they just straight up put all the lore right in front of us this time (…still miss the cute ability descriptions tho)
The one time the maxim tomato before a boss was needed, and thank the void for that tomato
Going in with fire dragon Kirby!
Also hold on wait a minute why was Kirby authorized to use that elevator that bought us here in the first place-
Oh thats fucked up actually
(Didn’t get spoiled about this fella though so that’s nice to know)
Does the lion guy know "half“ refers to 50%? Equal parts? 1+1 = 2? Because Elfilin sure isn’t big enough for that
They went to a "Land of Dreams“…Dreamland.
Wait…is that why the big one‘s ear looks all shredded..? Because that chunk is Elfilin…? D:
LEOPOLD oof that’s kinda goofy a name
This lion is shooting void-lasers out his mouth, help- also glowy aura, struggling at some points when attacking, aforementioned lasers- smells like possession
Even if I hadn’t seen spoilers, that was just. Way too easy to not have the thing shoot out the background when I go collect Elfilin- also Elfilin!!! My buddy!! I missed you so much!!
The calm lullaby version of the main theme that’s playing in the background is nice though :]
Called it :)
You can see all of them in the goo, you can see them with those soulless half-dead eyes all mushed up together oh that’s so messed up
And why is the part that used to be Leopold‘s face so…fleshy and red? Did the goo burn it off when it absorbed him?? Does it act like acid to melt its victims inside itself like a horrifying Venus fly trap it’s prey??? Oh void I‘m looking too much into this and the eyes are still staring everything about this feels so wrong and twisted
This definitely explains the PEGI warning for fear
…There‘s no music. There is. No music.
All abilities to choose from. This is it, isn’t it? Fire it is.
It’s a truly beautiful sunset outside. Perhaps it marks more than just the end of the day.
There is music, and it has a choir
It still looks as uncanny as when I first saw it, yet in a rather weird way…also beautiful?
"Ultimate Lifeform“…Shadow the Hedgehog?
Second half- the sky darkened, the music switched, the choir gained one clear voice (that goes high with the notes holy-)
Seriously. The music. It is just. You’d think it were from an epic dramatic PS5 game or something similar from its sound, yet it’s Kirby. And it absolutely deserves all of it. Just goes to show another reason you can’t judge the quality of a game by its age rating. Such a good soundtrack.
Oft of course that’s how we save Elfilin-
Oh shot
oh shot
Oh that’s a cool shot with planet pop in the focus while Elfilin and Kirby are out of focus in the foreground
AND WITH A REMIX OF THE INVINCIBILITY CANDY MELODY with a whole chiptune part thrown in between too, absolutely amazing
Ngl this part is genuinely quite epic
Nooo ;-;
???? :D?
:D !!!!!
Hell yea, credits! This is really just an anime outro lmao - these pictures are adorable
Wait, there’s a hidden HAL room here too? Huh
Ayo?? To be continued?
Post-game?? Guess there‘ll be a few more parts of this then!
Man this game was fun as heck, HAL labs wasn’t holding back huh, they absolutely nailed their first attempt at 3D!
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lesbianhotch · 2 years
thinking about your faceless hotch set specifically this one 😵‍💫😵‍💫 we were talking earlier about polo x rolex sugar daddy hotch and my brain won’t stop! the stance on the top right is driving me insane! arms crossed v hot! and i just had to come scream for a bit aldjsk
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linked here -> 💌 i hope the link works aldjsks
so. ill be clear that i didnt intend to answer this ask with a whole ass fic underneath it but, here we are :)))
(for the sugar d*ddy hotch truthers. sfw, gn reader, oh my god i cant believe ive done this. also tagging @leftoverenvy !!)
The server brings you tea and fresh fruit, along with delicate pastries that look like they’re worth more than the rent you pay on your apartment. 
Aaron thanks them kindly, grabbing the bowl of sugar cubes and dropping one into his cup. He drops two into yours without question, and you heart flutters at the simple gesture of him remembering how you took your tea.
You grab the cup, enjoying the warmth seeping into your fingers. While the spring sun did wonders at keeping you warm, a slight chill still hung in the air. You’re glad you brought yourself a sweater when you heard you’d be dining outside. Aaron, who ran hot like a furnace, was content to sit outside sans jacket in just his polo.
He’d gone with crisp black today, a choice some might find odd for a Saturday morning, but you didn’t find yourself complaining. The way it fit around his chest, snug against him, black fabric pulled taut around his biceps. His sunglasses completed the look, sleek aviators that accentuated his handsome nose and strong brows. 
When Aaron picked you up that morning, he’d told you that you looked beautiful. You couldn’t help but think the same thing about him.
You were deciding on which pastry to dive into first (a toss up between the lemon scone and the strawberry tart), when your phone buzzes in your bag. You reach on instinct to get it, but Aaron stops you.
“Come on now, we agreed. It’s a weekend.”
Your boss asked too much of you, you knew that, but it was your dream job. Well, that wasn’t quiet true. It was a step in the right direction towards your dreams, and it was also good money. Between bills and rent and grad school loans, you were swamped (even with Aaron helping you out along the way). 
You bite your lip, resisting the urge to open your bag. “I mean....it’s probably only one email.” 
“And that one email can wait.” Aaron pluck a pastry from the tray, setting it in front of you. Lemon scone. “You work too much. I want you to relax sweetheart.”
You can’t help but smirk. “Pot calling kettle black, don’t you think?”
Aaron’s tongue darts out between his lips, and you giggle at a man who realizes he’s been caught. Many a day out between you two has sadly been interrupted by urgent calls from the BAU. 
“I would agree. But I’m getting better. I like to be able to give you all my attention when we’re together.” 
You try to hold it together, to not turn into liquid goo at his words, but it isn’t easy. 
Your relationship, your companionship, wasn’t physical. Aaron had assured you that wasn’t what he was looking for, which you were fine with at the beginning, but this man seemed so determined to romance you within an inch of your life that not jumping his bones was becoming....well, rather difficult. 
Spending time with him was no hard ask. He was kind and sweet and attentive, and you liked to believe that you could even call what you two had ‘friendship’. You just wish the man who realize that money or no money, you were sort of falling head over heels for him. 
You take a sip of your tea, no longer burning hot, and you can feel Aaron’s eyes on you.
He hums thoughtfully, chin propped up in his hand. “We should go shopping after this.”
“Aaron-” You sigh. “You’re buying me breakfast.”
He nods in agreement, eye’s still focused on your face behind his sunglasses. “Yes, but I want to get you something else. I like buying you things. You deserve something nice.”
This man. Did he really not realize the affect he had on you?
He reaches for your free arm, gently taking your wrist in his hand. His fingers trace around the skin, pushing up the sleeve of your sweater. 
“I’m thinking something delicate. A tennis bracelet might be nice. Something that won’t get in the way while you’re at work.”
Your cheeks must be burning, they have to be, but you set down your teacup in fear of it shaking right out of your hand. 
“Maybe uhm. Maybe something that goes with your watch.” Your eyes flick down to the Rolex on his wrist. This one is black to match his shirt, with silver accents. 
Aaron grin is big and toothy, and it makes your heart flutter again. “You’re a genius.” 
He lets go, returning his attention to his own breakfast as he asks you about your work week, your latest projects. You manage to talk about it all despite the thumping in your chest and the goosebumps on your skin. 
You eat your breakfast with the phantom feeling of him on your wrist and visions of Tiffany blue shopping bags in your head. 
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beeindaclouds · 3 years
Hi! Could you do a request if the DSMP members and their pets meeting reader's husky-pit mix named Machina?
Your writing is amazing! Keep it up!
Hallo, thank you for requesting!
The dog is pretty specific but I love husky's and mixed husky's so I'll do it u.u
Hope you enjoy <3
DSMP & pets reacting to your husky-pit mix, Machina
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude, C!Slimecicle
Click here before requesting, please <3
❝ Dream ❞
I feel like Dream would befriend your dog pretty instantly
He has that kind of friendly nature, so Machina likes him
Patches on the other hand takes a while, cause she's a cat
But after some time she gets comfortable enough to fall asleep on Machina, which you and Dream found adorable
*insert many photo clicking noises*
❝ Georgenotfound ❞
George had a dog, and a cat, so he knows how to play with them
But for some reason I feel like Machina would just want to jump on George, for funzies
So big cuddling pile on the floor between you three
So the british man is crushed underneath your dog, but has no intention of getting up cause he's comfy and loves the warmth
❝ Sapnap ❞
Machina is not your dog anymore, it's now Sapnap's
He will hug the husky-pit mix and never let it go, his life depends on them now
Don't even try to pull Sapnap away, he will get pounty and sad
"Sap let go of my dog"
"OUR dog"
He's the type to get offended if the dog moves away lol
❝ Badboyhalo ❞
You and Bad are parents of two now :D
Machina and Rat started getting along pretty quickly
And you two love every little interaction they have, from barks to nose boops
Sometime you'll both switch dogs so you get to hang out with Rat while he gets Machina
❝ Skeppy ❞
You cannot tell me that Skeppy wouldn't go all "Oh but MY dog is better"
Which would start a whole debate between you two lol
In the mean time your dogs are playing in the backyard, while having the time oft hwir lives
Then when you go find them, they're just sleep-cuddling, and you put a truce to the "who's dog is better" thing
❝ Quackity ❞
I 100% think that Machina would be scared of Tiger. 100%.
Like they'd bark at the cat and the cats would retaliate and all of a sudden you have a dog hiding between your legs
Quackity has apologised many times for the things Tiger does to your dog
But after a few weeks they started to get comfortable with eachother
❝ Karl Jacobs ❞
Karl would squish the shiz out of Machina
Man loves any kind of animal, so he would coo at your dog everytime he sees him
Machina steals your place in cuddling, cause Karl loves the warmth of the husky-pit mix
You fake being offended but join them anyway u.u
❝ Wilbur Soot ❞
For some reason I see Wilbur being more of a cat person
But he doesn't mind Machina, cause they're pretty and adorable
Wilbur, for some reason, likes to play with the dogs ear. He just flaps them up and down for his own entertainment
❝ C!Philza ❞
Phil loves animals, any kind
So the second he sees your dog he's on his knees to give it all the love it deserves
You're just laughing on the side as the dog gets interested in Phil 's wings and starts to sniff and play with them
❝ C!Technoblade ❞
Man has a whole army of wolfs, so he knows how to treat Machina
Your dog also seems pretty fond of the piglin, they're always nuzzling their snout into Techno's hand
Machina also has fun playing with the other wolfs, who don't dare hurt your dog because of Techno
Steve and Carl are also very fascinated my Machina and love to play with them from time to time
❝ Nihachu ❞
Zuko seems like a pretty chill cat
So he wouldn't react a lot to Machina, but does enjoy the warm cuddles
Nihachu also likes your dog a lot and has fun playing with them whenever she visits you
❝ Eret ❞
Machina is very energetic around Goose, but the cat tries to play with them whenever it feels like it
Eret thinks that your dog is too energetic for his own good, but enjoys their company anyway
So while Machina is tackling Eret to the ground, you're in your little corner cuddling Goose
❝ Punz ❞
I feel like Punz would love to play with your dog
He plays a little rough with them, but Machina enjoys it anyway
Also you have found them cuddling on the couch many times
And Machina loves to steal Punz food, which is hilarious for you hehe
❝ FoolishGamers ❞
I feel like Machina and Athena would get along pretty well, they are of the same breed after all
They do get pretty loud tho
Bentley also joins from time to time in the chaos, but stays reserved most of the time
Foolish absolutely loves to be drowned with the three dogs and you enjoy seeing the man giggling away happily
❝ Awesamdude ❞
Sam would get along pretty well with Machina
Loves to pat them, cause their soft and warm
And Machina loves to lay themself on Sam's lap whenever he's sitting lol
❝ C!Slimecicle ❞
He at first doesn't understand what kind of creatures it is
But he likes to play with Machina
Even if the dog licks him
So technically he's licking slime...?
Idk how it would work :'D
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