#they do have clothes of some sort this is just the barbie doll version
rhobi · 8 months
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The Audi
Homeplanet: Aodilea (Frontier) Habitat: Temperate Coastal Lifespan: ??? Diet: Mesocarnivore (50-70% meat consumption)
Evolving from ancient oceanic odontocetes off the northwestern coastline of the Frontier supercontinent, the Audi are gentle giants and reknowned for their pride, curiosity, and hospitality. Audi have exceptional hearing and tactile awareness to offset their incredibly poor eyesight that gets worse the older (and larger) they get. They also sport a handsome melon to assist in their own form of echolocation, a frequency too low for the human ear to parse. Species with more delicate hearing have often complained of Audi cities being the one of the most audibly overstimulating experiences due to this rumble being incessantly present.
Audi lack any form of dymorphism, as every individual has the capabilities to become pregnant and induce pregnancy.
More about the Audi life cycle under the cut.
The Audi are (assumedly) the longest-living species of sentient lifeforms in the Laurelai Galaxy. It is difficult to pinpoint age in any Audi due to their complete lack of any calendar system; Audi view time as constantly moving forward instead of cyclically repeating, and age records were never anything of value.
Because of their lack of birth dates, Audi categorize their lives into phases. Their first official phase is childhood, with their lack of an 'infant' category caused by the species having two fetal incubation periods: the first organic and the second synthetic. Audi give birth incredibly prematurely due to their narrow pelvic gap, and, to prevent damage and even death to the parent, birth is induced within a two-to-three month time period. Full fetal growth is achieved at ten to eleven months, with the second incubation period done with the asisstance of advanced medical technology that simulates a natural womb. Due to this technology, Audi's infant mortality rate went from 80% down to 25% with three out of four Audi infants reaching childhood.
The second phase is adulthood. What criteria needs to be met for this phase is up to speculation, as Audi seem keen on keeping that information private. What can be assumed is that it's personal for every Audi, and every Audi reaches adulthood at different times. Height ranges anywhere from 6'8" (203cm) to 9'11" (302cm) on average, with older individuals being on the taller end due to Audi constantly (albeit slowly) growing their entire lives.
The final phase is She, a coveted example of Audi excellence and potential. Reaching the phase of She takes an impossible amount of time and physical growth. Every She, of which there are currently six, has a leadership role, ranging from cultural preservation and the arts to science and engineering, with each She taking a 'mastery' of one of these core values of Audi society. An interesting note is that every She is referred to as 'She', making it difficult for outsiders to deduce which of the six She is being referenced. She cap out the Audi height range at an even 10' (304cm), though why this is considered maximum height or how they suppress growth past this point is still being studied.
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firespirited · 4 months
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Ugh tumblr ate the better post in favour of the draft. I'm sorting from 5 different places down to 2. Pictured: all non listed dolls (minus a couple I forgot). Next task: get down the 'body box' and see if there are any matches to heads. After that, clothes and accessories.
Yellow box is current bait/just pay postage.
The hair in the bags was harvested from Nera and Hamonique Mermaze, my attempts to carve the eyewells out failed due to wrong tools, probably not using heat and not cutting open the head (woven rooted hair unravels). I would very much like to try with Nera again, making custom eyes. The clay and eyechips version was messy but she was very cool.
Nera's hair is kiwi nylon midnight blue (easily found on aliexpress - as seen on Ladybug) with excellent pops of mauve. Harmonique is a metallic shimmer pink, the first time I saw it on a doll hair site I made a Licca from it. The streaks are a deep candy pink. Both bags have enough to root two small head barbies each.
I was very tempted to give Ursula big long hair but crafting is 40 minutes every few days. In 2024 we focus on building those atrophied abs and dorsals on the days they're not too cramped to move.
For some reason I haven't been able to list those Skippers, they feel incomplete, I'd wanted to do Japanese style side glance eyes, I need to just bite the bullet and get them to new homes.
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destinylordoffreaks · 2 years
Random barbie questions / thoughts part 2
1: why does prince Nalu from fairytopia look like a Peter Pan reject
2: Why do we not see any other puff balls until magic of the rainbow and the only other one we see is a puffball that very obviously had some sort of you nosy producer, or Director going no no it Hass to look obvious that it’s a girl we can’t possibly have Bibble be in love with something that doesn’t looks like it isn’t obviously a girl
3:Why are all of the other fairy guardians understudys absolutely annoying. Selfish unlikable pricks like the enchantress wouldn’t have just taken one look at these students and been on like no go pick someone else 
4: Also, do you notice that some of the guardians changed colors between the first Fairytopia and the third one like I am all for diversity but it is a little weird However do I give them props for just not mentioning it at all they’re just like oh yeah, they have different skin tones now deal with it
5: In Barbie Rapunzel mother Gothal is the only mother we see in the entire movie we don’t see Rapunzels real mother, or her princes’s, just there Dad’s 
6: Also, who else is it annoyed that we never got like dress up expansion packs for the rapunzel Barbies that had all of the other dresses she drew
1: And why do we not have 2000s Barbie nostalgia merch yet? Where is my T-shirt with Barbie Fairytopia on it dang it
 2: who else had Barbie dolls with stuck on clothing on them and has result grew up  to hate Barbie Dolls was stuck on clothes on them but also we’d still track down and buy the those same dolls we had has a kid 
3: also, does anybody else have a teenage sister who just loves Barbie princess charm school because Porsche is hysterical to them mine is convinced that she’s high
4: And Barbie life in the dream house is a literally just one giant Barbie meme and as a result, even though it’s really stupid, I just can’t hate it 
5: nd we should be getting like a nostalgia releases of the Barbies from the early Barbie movies like where is Claire has the sugarplum princess Rapunzel Odette from Swan Lake Elena from fairytopia, Annalise and Erica from princess and the pauper could you imagine fully articulated versions of these Barbies? It would be so cool.
6: And does anybody else appreciate that for years Barbie has released multiple different versions of their main character dolls from the Barbie movies in different ethnicities. And if you ever pointed it out like they’re trying to earn brownie points, or something they just been like oh yeah, there are multiple versions of this doll so that all of the girls can feel included. I love that. 
What are your thoughts? 
Also, all of this was written  speech to text, so is there any spelling or grammar mistakes I’m sorry.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
I relate to Bridget in a trans way, but like, in the opposite direction. Please forgive me for the amount of oversharing I am about to do, I apologize for the wall of text.
When I was a kid, I was the only daughter amongst my siblings. So my mom, ever since I was young, wanted me to be sort of a miniature version of her. Tried to get me to like makeup, dresses, Barbies, the kind of music she liked, you get the idea. Hell, for my first three Halloweens, I was a cheerleader. But my grandmother gave me plastic dinosaurs and my dad gave me his old rock CDs, and I took to playing in the mud and bugs instead of hanging out with other girls, and suddenly it became apparent, even from a young age, that I wasn’t going to turn out to be like her.
And honestly? I think she still resents me for it. She always bought dolls instead of dinosaur toys, and even until college she controlled my entire wardrobe. I couldn’t buy anything without sending her a picture first. She controlled everything I ate because she didn’t want me to get fat, and for a period of time made me weigh myself before I could eat dinner. Entire sections of the pantry were off-limits to me, and only me. She’d force me into makeup and girly clothes whenever we went out, and if I refused, would threaten to cut my long hair because “I obviously didn’t want to look like a girl”. I wasn’t even allowed to be what I wanted for Halloween (a werewolf or anything scary) because she would always break the costume if she didn’t like it.
Even today, there’s a point of contention between us. She loathes the fact that I was able to get myself a suit, loathes the fact that I wear a binder. Says I’ll be mutilating myself if I ever get top surgery, and that I was so, so lucky to be born pretty, that I’m an idiot for wanting to throw that all away. Tells me that, if I do “think I’m a man” that I should tell her now so she can “start to grieve”. Says no one will ever see me as a dude regardless if I don’t cut my hair, and that “people like me” will never get a good job, and that I’ll just end up some “creepy boss’s whore”.
I can relate to that in Bridget, in being forced into something since you were small because your parents thought that would be best for one reason or another. Wanted something else out of you that was never in you in the first place. My relationship with gender is a weird one— I don’t call myself “trans”, just “androgynous”— but in those old lines where he said that he was a boy, I fucking got it. I got repeatedly telling others that it didn’t matter what you looked like, it didn’t matter if your hair was too long or your favorite color was too girly or whatever. It didn’t matter if I didn’t want to change my presentation too much, because I knew who I was inside and I knew how I wanted to be perceived by others, and dammit even if no one else saw it in me, I’d make sure to tell them anyways.
So like, seeing him be forced to be trans by the writers, and hearing that his abusive parents were “always right” in a sense? That maybe he’d figured out he was trans, but “wanted to explore that in his own way”, even if it was entirely fucked up that he was basically pressured into being like that since he was small? Hearing everyone celebrate that because being a girl is somehow “better” than being a guy?
It feels really fucking bad.
First of all, thank you for sharing this, Anon. The way your mom treated you was supremely fucked up; your life was your own, not a vehicle for whatever issues she has. I hope you're doing better now.
You hit the nail on the head. Bridget was never trans, but instead represented something more complicated that applied, like tofu soaking up the surrounding flavors in a pan, to different people all across the spectrum of gender nonconforming things. Like a lot of characters that have ended up in the same boat as Bridget, Bridget represented the feeling of being forced to present as something you weren't, of how ridiculous society could be. He wasn't exactly angsty about it, but the fact that he'd been forced to grow up presenting as a girl (or be in danger) when he didn't see himself as one had undeniably fucked him up a little, to the point where he wore a handcuff representing it, which comes off in the Jam endings. But he always knew exactly what he was, and he was loudly, boldly, unapologetically who he was, which was a guy. For a lot of us, he was our first taste of all of this.
There's this extremely cruel narrative that only "porn sick femboys" are upset about the Bridget retcon, but for a lot of those guys, Bridget was the first one to ever tell them that wearing a skirt didn't make you less of a man. Androgynous people like you related to Bridget. Trans guys like me related to Bridget.
To be told (by a good chunk of people who never touched Guilty Gear before Strive no less) that it's fine if a little kid grows up the way Bridget does, that it was good for it to happen? To be told he was never ours in the first place?
That's so, so fucking shitty.
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Pls just more Ben smut, any idea that comes to mind for the blurbs thingy, all your work are some of my favs and there can never be enough Benny 😫🥵😍
ahhhh thank you! And you’re so right, there can never be enough Benny.
This idea has been in my head for the last week-ish, so i decided to use it and ended up writing like 2.7k for it lmao i hope you like it!
warnings: Smut, dollification, dom!ben, oral (m receiving), and a little bit of biting
Advent Blurbs: Day 12
“Urgh, what else is on?” Ben asked, juggling his dinner plate as he reached for the TV remote. He flicked through some channels but it all looked as boring as the rest. Finally, he settled on the second half of an episode of Britain’s Got Talent. It wasn’t what you usually watched but Ben had already said he didn’t want to get invested in anything on Netflix because he had some work to do after dinner and didn’t want to be distracted from it. It was partway through an act when you switched it on, some sort of acrobatics thing, mildly impressive but not so much that you couldn’t talk through it between bites of your food. The next act was a very pitchy singer and the one after the ad break was some sort of magic act, but you barely noticed them. Ben certainly didn’t have any issues with ignoring the show in favour of your conversation either. Until a woman stepped out on stage dressed up in a puffy skirt with a wind up gear on her back. She danced, her movements intentionally stiff as if she were a music box doll that had escaped. Ben was entranced, his fork hovering above his plate as if he’d forgotten he was about to take a bite. His eyes never left the screen for the entirety of the performance. You were more amused by Ben’s reaction than the performance itself but as the dancing came to an end and Ben returned to his senses you agreed with his appraisal of her.
“She was good,” he said, adjusting his plate over his lap.
Ben ate a few more bites before taking his dishes to the kitchen. He dropped a kiss to the top of your head as he passed back through the living room.
“I’ll be in the study if you need me.”
You nodded and reached for the remote to find something better to watch.
 You didn’t see Ben again until you were heading to bed though at one point you got up to use the bathroom and heard a muffled groan from behind the closed door to the study. You figured he was grappling with a particularly difficult script or something like that and left him to it. As you were settling into bed with a book, Ben entered the room. He joined you on the bed but plucked the book from your hands as he kissed you. 
You broke off with a breathless sort of laugh, “what was that for?”
“Can I not just kiss my girlfriend for the hell of it?”
“I s’pose that’s allowed,” you giggled as Ben caught your lips again. But Ben was clearly in the mood for more than a kiss, nipping at your neck as he settled on top of you. And it didn’t take him long at all to get your pants off.
Both of you slept well that night and you thought nothing of it until a couple of days later.
 You were watching TV again while Ben was out with some friends but looked around at the sound of the door opening.
“How was it?” you asked as Ben dropped onto the couch beside you.
“Yeah great. Had a few games of poker which was fun.”
“You win any?”
“Not one,” he laughed, “But I di-” Ben paused, his attention drawn to the TV as an ad for Britain’s Got Talent started. It featured clips from the doll dancer’s performance and once again Ben seemed to be completely entranced by it for the duration of the ad. They showed her doing a move that involved lifting her leg up high and Ben let out a soft groan. You waited for the ad to finish and Ben’s attention to shift back to you. 
“What was I saying?” he asked, giving his head a little shake.
“Do you think she’s hot?”
“The girl dressed as a doll.” You clarified.
“Babe, no,”
“No, I’m not upset. You’re allowed to find other women attractive. I’m just curious cause every time she’s on screen you sort of get lost in it.”
“No, it’s not her, not exactly,”
“What does that mean?”
Ben filled his cheeks with air and slowly let it out, “It’s the way she’s dressed.”
You waited for him to explain further. 
“You know Jessie in Toy Story 2? I had a pretty big crush on her as a kid and then as a teenager it kind of sparked a few, um, well… I got off to her a lot.”
You had to giggle at that and Ben laughed softly too, his cheeks flushed. 
“Yeah, kinda silly but it started cause she was a cute cowgirl and I was horny all the time and so it was just like the natural thing to do.  But then, as I learnt more about sex, I started thinking about fucking her too. And it all kind of snowballed.”
“So that’s why you think the doll dancer is hot? Cause of Toy Story?”
“Kind of. There’s a bit more to it. See, um, one of my mates from high school had a hot older sister. Red hair she used to wear in a plait. Might have had the hots for her cause she reminded me of Jessie. So then I started getting off to the thought of fucking her. Except there was all this doll stuff mixed up in there too.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Like the idea of posable limbs and, um… Cause with Jessie, right, she’s a soft ragdoll type of doll, yeah? So a lot of what I’d imagined with her was like a human sized version of her that would lie there like a limp ragdoll while I fucked her. And that was sort of where it started with the idea of the hot sister but then I hit phases where I thought about other sorts of dolls more. As a joke one Christmas my brother got me a off brand Barbie so after that in the fantasies she’d be like a posable plastic doll who I could position how I wanted. Sometimes it was like a wind up doll who had limited movement when I wound her up. Sometimes she’d have a voicebox and I’d press a button or pull a string and she’d say something dirty, ask for it harder or moan or whatever.” Ben looked at you nervously, “I know it’s weird. But…yeah.”
“It’s not that weird,” you said, grabbing his hand between both of yours, “I think I kind of get why it’d be hot. Would, um, would you ever want to do that with me?”
“Babe, you don’t have to do that. I only mentioned it because you asked, I wasn’t trying to get you into it or anything.”
“No, I know. But would you? If I wanted to would you be into that?”
“Well, yeah, I would be into it. I mean, not gonna lie I have kind of thought about it before.”
“Really? Dressing me up and posing me?”
“That’s kinda hot,” you giggled again and Ben seemed to relax.
“I’m glad you don’t think it’s too weird, but I’m serious, you don’t have to indulge this idea at all.”
“Okay. Thank you for telling me though.” You pulled him down into a soft kiss that you hoped would reassure him that you weren’t freaked out by his confession, but already your mind was spinning with ideas.
 The next day you dug through your wardrobe and found your most suitably doll like dress. It wasn’t as ruffled as the dancer’s skirt had been but it was short and felt like something a slutty doll might wear. You decided to forgo underwear since most dolls didn’t have them and slipped the dress over your head. Following a youtube tutorial, you did your make up so your eyes would look bigger and doll like and used a soft pink lipstick to shape your lips before adding a little blush to your cheeks. You gave your hair a brush through to make sure it was smooth and then took a seat on the edge of the bed, holding yourself stiff with your hands in your lap, and called out to Ben.
You heard his footsteps approaching and then the bedroom door swung open.
“Oh my god,”
You had to bite your cheek to keep from smiling too much.
Ben took a few tentative steps towards you and then stopped, taking in the sight, “I can’t believe you did this,” he said softly, “fuck I’m lucky.” He stepped closer, running his fingers though the hair around your ear. You shivered slightly as his fingers traced along your jaw, coming to rest at your chin. He tilted your head up and leaned down to kiss you softly.
It was hard to sit still as Ben ran his hands down your shoulders and towards your breasts. He spent a while just fondling you, squeezing your breasts and tweaking your nipples. You could feel your nipples stiffening and fought the urge to arch your back and push your chest against his hands, though you couldn’t quite hide the soft whine the rose up at the attention. Ben didn’t mind though. You saw him smile at the sound, and the tent in the front of his pants was evidence enough that he liked your surprise.
“What should I do with you?” he muttered to himself as he began to undress down to his boxers. He stepped in close again once the extra layers had been removed and placed a hand on the back of your head, pushing you towards his crotch. A damp patch had already begun to form on the front of his pants and it only grew as he rubbed his clothed cock against your face. You focused on breathing to keep from moving though all you could smell was his musky arousal. When he finally sat you back you unconsciously licked your lips, able to taste his precum on them.
“Let’s stand you up Doll,” he said, pulling you to your feet and repositioning your legs so they were parted a little wider. He moved your arms too, still bent at the elbow but raised higher so he could freely lift your dress. The sight of your bare pussy pulled a growl from Ben and he wasted no more time, licking his fingers and rubbing them along your slit. You were already a little wet (it surprised you just how much of a turn on the whole thing was) but the way he roughly grabbed your arse in one hand as his other explored your cunt soon had you even wetter. He pressed the heel of his hand against your clit as he teased your entrance with his fingertips, sinking them in and pulling them out again.
“That’s a good fuck doll,” he said as he pressed his fingers deeper and you bit back a moan. When he was satisfied that you were ready he pulled his hands away. Turning you around he repositioned your limbs again, unfolding your arms so they stuck out in front of you. He pressed on your back, bending you forward at the waist so your arms were braced against the mattress and readjusted your legs. You waited, trying to keep steady and not whine as you listened to his underwear drop. And then he was right behind you, one hand on your hip as he slid into your cunt. You hadn’t realised just how into it Ben would be but the whole doll scenario had turned him feral. He didn’t give you much time to adjust, just started fucking you hard as growling noises rose in his throat. One of his hands moved to your hair, holding it in a vice like grip as he leaned forward and bit down on your shoulder. You gasped at the sudden spike of pain but it was gone half a second later, the imprint of his teeth left as evidence. Your legs shook with the effort of holding your position and the force of Ben’s thrusts. Suddenly you felt empty as he disappeared from your cunt. He wrapped his arms around your waist and nearly threw you onto the bed, making you squeal in surprise. He pushed you onto your back and repositioned you so that one leg was strait up in the air, the other bent towards you and both of your hands placed on it to hold it. He leaned against the edge of the bed, placing one knee onto the mattress so he could sink into you again, letting you rest the leg that was in the air against his shoulder. He didn’t reach quite as deep as he had when you’d been standing but the position let him watch your face. You kept it as impassive as possible though you couldn’t keep from opening your mouth and moaning as he dropped his thumb to your clit. He leaned forward, pressing your legs closer to your body as he fucked you.
“Cum for me Doll,” he commanded, pressing harder against your clit, “cum all over my cock.”
It didn’t take much longer for you to reach your release, moaning as Ben kept fucking you. He pulled out of you again and readjusted you once more, pushing your arms aside as he pulled  you to sit up, bringing your head forward. He squeezed your cheeks to keep your mouth open as pressed his cock between your lips.
“Taste yourself Doll.” He pushed you further down his length until you gagged and then pulled back out again, gripping your hair and rubbing your face against his cock, smearing your face with saliva and your own juices, before slipping it into your mouth once more. “Taste all that creamy cum you made,” he snapped his hips forward, fucking into you, his cock twitching against your tongue as he neared his own orgasm. He growled again as he came, replacing the taste of you with his own.
 You weren’t sure if he’d want to do more so you sat there, cum pooled on your tongue, keeping yourself as still as possible though breathing heavier than before, waiting to be moved around again. Ben tentatively sat beside you on the edge of the bed and stoked your hair again, watching closely.
“I’m done,” he said softly, “You don’t need to be a doll anymore.”
You sighed and stood, reaching for the box of tissues that lived on your nightstand.
“Are you okay?” Ben asked, biting his lip, “Sorry if that was too much, I shouldn’t have told you about it.”
You shook your head before pressing a tissue to your lips and spitting the cum into it, “Ben I’m okay, I promise. You know I don’t like swallowing.”
“Oh,” he gave you a shy smile and a small laugh, “Yeah, should have realised.”
You took the place beside him again, entwining your fingers with his as you leaned your head on his shoulder.
“So, you really are okay? That wasn’t too much?”
“Are you kidding? That was so fucking hot!” you laughed and lifted your head to look at him, “I’m very very very glad you told me.”
“And I wasn’t too rough? I mean I bit you, are you sure that was alright?”
“Ben, stop worrying. That was a big part of what made it so hot. You don’t get rough very often so seeing you like that, feeling you grab me and position me and all that, was fun.”
“Yes! You know I’d tell you if it didn’t feel good. I’ll just have to make sure I don’t wear anything sleeveless until the mark clears up.”
He laughed again and wrapped and arm around your waist to pull you in close, “That makes me feel a lot better. Thank you for doing that for me too, you’re an incredible girlfriend.”
“I am,” you bumped his shoulder with yours, “but you’re an incredible boyfriend too.”
Ben kissed you again but this time you kissed back, glad you were able to.
“We should probably clean up, babe,”
You nodded and stood up, hand still in Ben’s, pulling him along with you as you headed to the bathroom, “Next time we should try the ragdoll thing,”
“Next time?”
“Well I assume you’ll want to do it again. I definitely do.”
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spoonful-of-puns · 3 years
I watched Barbie Princess Adventure yesterday and before I watched it I made sure I was going in as unbiased as possible. I tried to let it be its own movie, to not compare it to the other 3 switching lives type movies Barbie has come out with (Princess and the Pauper, Princess and the Popstar, and Rock'n Royals). I wanted to give it a fair chance as a standalone film unburdened by the rest of the franchise, and here's my thoughts after watching.
Target Audience
the main thing I learned from watching this movie is that this Barbie is not the same Barbie I knew while growing up. with the rise of social media, Mattel had to adapt, doing so through YouTube. Barbie is now a vlogger with a YouTube channel, and even does video collaborations with real people. Princess Adventure is the first Barbie movie in which vlog Barbie is the protagonist of the movie, which was a shock to me but I wasn't necessarily opposed. this is what made me realize that Barbie is still a kid-targeted character and now she's targeted to kids who are growing up with the internet, with tablets and phones. Mattel is adapting to keep up with the modern world, and that's okay. the movies don't have as much magic and fantasy as they used to with the introduction of technology, but that doesn't have to stop them from being good movies, especially for the technologically-geared kids watching.
Characters & Plot
Here's where I start to have an issue, and where I have to compare this movie to the other movies to get my point across. Something both Princess and the Pauper and Rock'n Royals succeeded at was having a plot that showed us why the protagonists switching lives was important, how it affected them and what they did with the information of the other person's life. Princess and the Popstar and Princess Adventure both have their own ways they fail to meet this goal. in Princess and the Popstar, the girls want to switch simply because they're bored with their lives. which in theory is fine but the way it's written makes it seem like they're justified in not handling their responsibilities- the Princess, simply to write a speech for an event, and the Popstar to write her own music. this is a stark contrast to PatP, where the girls are straining against sacrificing their personal wishes to fulfill their financial duties, and RnR, where the girls are trying to solve a feud between their two worlds. in Princess Adventure, the problem is not why they switch. in fact, their switch makes sense! Barbie needs to leave her comfort zone so she can expand her vlog material, and Princess Amelia feels burdened by the pressure to be perfect and wants to escape. the problem however, is that we get almost no screen time with them experiencing each other's lives. most of the plot is Barbie talking to her friends, and not much happens with her or Amelia, but by the end of the movie they're thanking each other for all they've learned. how did they learn anything? if they did it was entirely off screen which is my main issue. the characters supposedly grow, but we don't get to see it happen, so we're left (or, I am personally left) not caring much about the happy conclusion because it hardly feels earned.
I also have a problem with the rushed writing. aside from the fact that we don't get to see much of the switching lives part of the plot, the movie is a musical that spends time on songs that don't advance the plot, namely King of the Kingdom, which is a relatively minor character singing about ruling the kingdom. he has no real motivation to do so, and honestly if you removed him from the movie entirely pretty much nothing would change. (to be honest, none of the friend characters matter as individuals and I can't even remember their names, even though i just watched the movie.) this is quite frankly a waste of screentime, and the song is reprised later when the prince of the movie is revealed to be a twist villain. again, we don't get to see Amelia and Barbie's lives very much throughout the film, so to spend time on a twist villain is not only unnecessary for the plot, but it's also incredibly rushed, coming in at the end of the movie with absolutey no foreshadowing. some may argue that since its a kid's movie it doesn't need to have good writing but I disagree. kid's aren't dumb and unless Mattel is trying to move their target audience from 9-12 years old to 3-9 years old, they could stand to write stories that have better messaging and better writing overall. this is, after all, the same company that produced Princess Charm School, which tackles classism and economic inequality, with enough grace to make it understandable for children and still and enjoyable princess movie, and with a twist that's foreshadowed well.
I will admit that I don't hate the animation of this movie. in fact, I love it! I think Barbie looks so pretty here. it's not my favorite necessarily as I am still partial to the look of the early 2000s classics, but Princsss Adventure is definitely a step up from Puppy Chase for example, where the characters look like cheap plastic. my issue though is even though the character models look good, the outfits don't. costume design is as important as any other part of a movie, and plainly put, Princess Adventure very much fell victim to the cheap way Mattel now produces Barbie dolls. anyone who grew up watching the classics remembers the dolls made for Princess and the Pauper, for Diamond Castle, for Rapunzel, and many more. the dresses were beautifully detailed with multiple layers and multiple textures. small tulle and lace designs and tiny fabric flowers were common. today I own a hairdresser Barbie who has what's meant to be a shirt, skirt, and apron... but it's all just printed on a single straight dress, printed to look like different pieces. the dolls also no longer have joints, which- excuse my language- is a pain in the ass while trying to dress or pose them, and would certainly make them less fun to play with, for me at least. the quality of the dolls has gone so downhill over the last few years (I can't help but think it's cutting costs to balance out the cost of diversifying the body and hair types and skin tones). Mattel's primary goal these days is selling dolls, not making good movies, and this shows through unmistakably in Princess Adventure. even animated, the clothes look cheap. there's no detail in them, and most of the outfits are shirts with some sort of inspirational word slapped on it, and a glittery skirt. there's no variation is style from character to character. bringing up Princess Charm School again, there are 4 characters (Blaire, Isla, Hadley, and Delancey) who all have different variants of the same uniform, which have differences that show their personalities. there's no such differentiation in Princess Adventure. the clothes all look like slightly different versions of the same outfit, meant to be swappable between dolls instead of showing a character's personality.
In Conclusion
this was all very train of thought, written at once with no planning. I'm sure there's things I've missed but these are just my primary thoughts about the movie. I think this new age of Barbie where she's a vlogger has a lot of potential, especially because I've seen some of her YouTube videos and actually really like them and think they're a positive role model. this movie however, falls very short of the quality plot, writing, and character design that Barbie movies have had in the past.
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leviathanswingman · 4 years
Touch Up; Solomon/Asmodeus
TW: eating disorders, body image issues
Asmodeus was lounging on the couch, lost in thought in the middle of flipping through a fashion magazine as he felt the most peculiar feeling. It was uncanny, an unbearable tickling filling him from head to toe, prickling almost to a painful degree.
Almost immediately, he knew he had been hit by a magic spell. Although judging from the way he was feeling right now, he could safely say that the culprit hadn't been Solomon. He had been spelled by him a couple of times already, and could safely say that Solomon's magic felt entirely different after all, more intoxicating and not this clumsy. The spell Asmodeus had just been hit by gave him the impression of a toddler taking its first shaky steps.
He sighed deeply as he put down the magazine, stopping dead in his tracks as his gaze fell upon his hands. Instead of seeing slender hands with perfectly manicured nails, he was now faced with slightly more pale, rougher hands, the purple nail polish that was decorating his nails chipping away roughly.
„What in the,“ Asmo mumbled as he rushed towards his full body mirror. What he then saw choked the air out of his lungs.
The only thing that had remained closest to its original form was his face. His body however, had been badly compromised.
Asmodeus studied himself with wide eyes. Going off the clothes he was now wearing, there was no mistaking it. Whoever had hexed him had put him in Leviathan's body, switched out like someone had ripped off the head of a mattel doll and sloppily glued it onto a no brand barbie's body.
„This can't be,“ he muttered in terror. A certain kind of anxiety took a hold of him, heavy and dark, weighing him down so much more intensely than his own occasional bouts of panic would do. His heart was beating up to his chest as shaking fingers travelled over that body that wasn't his, taking note of dry hands, gangly limbs and ripped abs.
Not that Leviathan had a bad body, he was surprisingly ripped for a hikkikomori, and after all, Asmodeus had no problem finding beauty in any kind of body, no matter the shape or form. However, even though he knew how hypocritical it sounded, Asmo couldn't apply those principles to his own self.
As the demon of lust, he was known across Devildom as the most perfect demon to walk the grounds. So to maintain this title, he was stuck in a circle of strict training regimens, daily weigh-ins and caloric restriction to keep up this unattainable perfection. Asmodeus stuck to the perfect calculations of a weight slightly below average, followed by immense guilt and shame whenever it surpassed a certain point. After all, he knew everyone desired him the most when he looked tiny and dainty.
For the majority of his life he had believed otherwise, had clung to the assumption that he would be loved, no matter what, but after a certain incident, his mind had been reset.
The imagine in the mirror looked disturbed to him. Sharp collarbones and slender hands with small wrists, a slightly protruding ribcage and soft yet firm muscles were nowhere to be seen. Asmodeus could practically feel his self worth going down the drain. Everything he had worked for so passionately and desperately was gone. How could people love him when he wasn't the poster child of perfection?
With shuddering breaths, he touched his face, his imagination already painting pictures of decaying skin and rotting teeth.
He stayed like that for a minute, just staring at that version of himself in the mirror, so common yet so painful.
Then, he suddenly heard noise coming from the common room. He took a deep breath, picked himself up and headed towards the door. Considering the fact that he himself had changed so drastically, it was quite logical to assume that he wasn't the only person this had happened to. In the least, Leviathan had to be compromised as well, judging by the fact that Asmo was currently residing in his body.
Before he could even reach the common room he already heard his brother's voices overlapping in a chaotic chorus.
As he entered the room, the first thing he saw was Yuuta trying to calm down his brothers. They all looked incredibly messy.
Mammon was clad in Lucifer's clothing, his body looking more broad and less lanky, looking incredibly inappropriate. He was currently arguing with Satan, whose body had apparently been switched with Asmo's. Levi, sporting Satan's ugly lime green sweater was eyeing the books on the shelves with an uncharacteristic sort of interest.
Asmodeus turned his head, looking for the rest of his brothers. Beelzebub and Belphegor were sitting next to each other in comfortable silence, observing the room, their bodies switched out as well. They seemed to be dealing with this strange situation the best.
Yuuta was standing in the middle of the room as he cleared his throat nervously, looking properly ashamed. “Guys!” he brought out, his voice cracking slightly. “Ahem, guys,” he repeated himself, this time with a sturdier voice. “So I don't really know too much about what happened, but it's my fault, I'm so sorry! Solomon taught me a spell which was supposed to make you switch bodies with the person in front of you.” He worried his lip as his eyes darted from brother to brother. It didn't really work out the way it was supposed to, I'm really sorry.”
Satan sighed in slight annoyance. “It is what it is. Nothing much we can do about it now, so don't feel too bad. Speaking of feeling bad though, shouldn't he feel more guilty?” Satan pointed his finger in the direction of the accused. “Solomon, why did you go ahead and teach Yuuta something like that? Such a spell practically begs for trouble.”
Sitting on one of the couches, one leg crossed over the other, Solomon chuckled quietly. “Hmm, you could say I did it out of  childish curiosity. Anyway, I didn't expect it to turn out like this either. What an an interesting development.”
“I just want my own body back, FML!” Levi cried, looking decently uncomfortable. “Lucifer, fix this please!”
Lucifer, who had just entered the room, not perplexed in the slightest, looking completely out of place in Mammon's bad boy attire, crossed his arms and tilted his head to one side in exasperation. “Levi, I can't just snap my fingers and fix everything. Besides, I already attempted to reverse the spell. It did not work.”
“Even Lucifer can't fix it? Then it's that serious?!”
Leviathan pulled at the edges of that horrid lime green sweater which, in Asmo's humble opinion, deserved to be burnt to the prettiest pile of ashes. “Man, this dumb normie sweater is so itchy! I think I need to- Huh?!” Levi stopped in his tracks, pulling at the sweater once again. “ Stupid piece of crap! I can't take it off!”
Lucifer sighed once again. “At least that gives me some kind of reassurance that none of you will cause the bodies any harm.” For one reason or another, Lucifer's gaze was locked on Mammon as he mentioned this.
Asmodeus pulled on one of his sleeves testingly. The fabric really did not budge.
His heart was still racing to his chest and he could feel cold sweat running down the small of his back. In a state like his current one, he couldn't help feeling unclean, dirty.  All he wanted to do was lose himself in the routine of his facial care or the familiar warmth of a bath until he felt perfect and pure again. Then suddenly, realization hit him.
“Wait a sec,does that mean I won't be able to take a bath? There's no way I'm taking one with my clothes on. This hoodie is so heavy, I'd probably drown in it anyway,” Asmo ranted, throwing  himself onto the couch next to Solomon in a moody little fit. “How much more cruel can life get?”
As he sat down he shuffled uncomfortably. He was hyper aware of the feeling of his stomach when he was sitting down and it made him nauseous to the core. Subconsciously, his fingers wrapped around his wrist, measuring the width of it, checking whether his thumb and his pointer could touch.
Instead of sitting normally, Asmo changed his position and leaned against Solomon instead, his body sprawled partially over the couch and partially over Solomon's body.
Lucifer watched his little brother and cleared his throat with a raised eyebrow. At this point, Asmodeus was pretty sure Lucifer had caught on to the fact that there was something going on between Asmodeus and Solomon, but was kind enough to not ask about it. Even if he did ask about it, Asmodeus probably wouldn't know what to say. His relationship to Solomon was special and not easily definable.
“That leaves us no other choice.” Lucifer's eye twitched slightly. “Solomon, if you're not too busy putting your hands all over my little brother, would you mind telling us if there's a counter spell you could use?” he asked as he was tapping his foot on the ground impatiently .
Solomon smiled at Lucifer as he threw his arm around Asmo's shoulders and inched even closer, that challenging smile still on his face. “There is no counter spell, I've already tried everything I could.”
In response, Lucifer's finger's twitched in warning as a dark look crossed over his face. Although surprisingly, he kept quiet in face of Solomon's obvious teasing.
Sensing the weird atmosphere, Yuuta quickly cut in. “Isn't there any other way for them to get their normal bodies back?” he asked Solomon.
For a moment, Solomon simply sat there, thinking about the possibilities they had. ”A way to return everyone back to their normal selves...” he mused. “The best option would be to let those affected know that you care for them, no matter how much their bodies and personalities may have been temporarily altered. In this case, honesty is key. If you lie it won't undo the spell.”
Lucifer nodded his head in understanding. “So what you're saying is that we have to convey our true feelings? That sounds simple enough.”
Asmodeus perked up, his head shortly lifting off Solomon's shoulder. “Oooooh! It sounds like something straight out of a fairy tale,” he gushed half-heartedly. He had spent the last five minutes of their conversation slowly and inconspicuously slouching lower and lower until his head laid on Solomon's chest, listening to his heartbeat. It helped distract him from his own mind when he listened to the rhythmic thumping. To his brothers, it would just look like he was being clingy, which was nothing new for them. After all, in the same way that Asmodeus attracted attention, he was also suspiciously good at evading it.
Belphie rolled back his shoulders to ease any sore muscles, apparently not tired for once. “As long as it's not too much of a hassle. Let's all give it a try.”
For a moment, silence filled the room and the brothers eyed each other awkwardly. “Yeahhh, no. I don't think that's' gonna happen,” Mammon threw in and Beel nodded.
“I don't think we're capable of expressing stuff like that, I agree with Mammon.”
“I don't know if I can agree with you two,” Asmodeus threw in. “But I think someone in this room certainly cares enough about us to be fitting for the job.”
The room was filled with silence as most of their gazes shot to Yuuta. Solomon was busy checking his fingernails as the brothers sat there in momentary awkward silence.
“Why is everyone looking at me?!” Yuuta panicked. “Stop looking at me like-” he paused and then pointed at his chest, eyebrows lifted high. “Do you mean me??”
Asmodeus made finger guns towards him. “Bingo, it's you! It's safe to say that we're all counting on you to break the spell!”
They all started talking all over each other again until Lucifer announced that the first turn would be his. He lead Yuuta out of the room, his hand hovering inches apart from Yuuta's back, both of them looking quite uncomfortable.
“Damn, I would pay good money to see this,” Mammon drawled as he leaned against the door frame, looking after the two. “Lucifer better not try to do anything dirty to my dearest Yuuta!”
Picking up a book and putting it down almost immediately after, Satan chuckled. “There's no one more emotionally repressed than these two. I can ensure you that the only thing happening over there will be awkward small talk. Anyway, I don't feel like wasting my time waiting, so I'm heading out.” He waved with one hand as he left the room.
Slowly but surely, they all trickled out of the room, minding their own business.
In the end, Asmodeus and Solomon were the only people left. A heavy sigh left Asmo's lips as he snuggled against Solomon for a moment more, taking comfort in his warmth.
“Will you now tell me what's been bothering you?” Solomon eventually asked as he slowly let his fingers run through Asmodeus' hair.
The demon went stiff in his arms and suddenly sprung up. “You're imagining things!” he quickly brought out, turning his back to Solomon. “There really is nothing wrong with me, I just remembered I need to be somewhere, that's all!” he yapped on before turning around for a second, flashing Solomon a blinding, yet obviously put on smile. “I have never been better!”
“Asmod-” Solomon started, but Asmo had already bolted out of the room.
Although Asmodeus was dazzling in person and character, he was a terrible liar, had always been one and would always stay one.
Perhaps, Solomon had grown used to the demon after having spent so much time with him, had grown used to deciphering the hidden messages which were out in plain sight and had learned to figure out Asmodeus' true character, not the persona he put up so effortlessly.
After all, he could tell that Asmodeus was not coping well. He had been twitchy and on guard ever since the spell had gone backwards, a state that seemed rather unusual for him.
With all of their bodies and possibly also parts of their personalities swapped, Solomon knew he wouldn't find Asmodeus at one of his usual spots. He had to find him though. Solomon reached inside his pocket and pulled out his spell book. Of course, he could just summon Asmodeus through their pact, but something told him that that wouldn't be the correct approach at the moment. He flipped through the pages, looking for the tracking spell he knew had to be in there.
After having fled so cowardly, Asmodeus found himself taking refuge in Levi's room. He couldn't tell what had led him there, but he found himself feeling slightly less panicked over there, alone and encased by four stony walls, the room softly illuminated by the giant aquarium. Pulled over his head was the thickest blanket he could find, bringing him a childish sense of security. He tried not to think as he trembled under the weight of his thoughts.
If there was one thing he couldn't deal with, it was his emotions. Usually, he'd carefully repress them, wouldn't think about them on purpose and lose himself in the safety of a warm body worshipping him. Now, that safety had been taken from him, mixed in with Levi's feeble state of mind, forming a whirlwind of disaster.
Without thinking, Asmo grabbed a controller that was near him on the ground and switched on one of Levi's consoles, almost as if he'd been doing this for all his life. Mindlessly, he started playing a game which didn't require too much attention, thankful for the distraction.
After a while, he heard footsteps behind him and paused the game, pulling the blanket further over his head as he took his knees closer to his body. Maybe if he stayed like this the intruder would mistake him for a rock or a gigantic pillow and just leave him be. All of a sudden, he felt someone touch the blanket on his head, hand resting there before the person stepped around Asmo's body.
The first thing Asmo saw were boots, followed by legs clad in their school uniform. Then, the person kneeled down in front of him, hands grabbing either side of the blanket that had been framing Asmodeus' head.
“I think we both interpret 'there's nothing wrong' in different ways,” Solomon said as he stared at Asmodeus' face. “You look like there's plenty of things wrong, so don't fault me for being worried.” Carefully, he placed his hand on Asmo's cheek, only for Asmodeus to turn his head away from it.
“Stop it with the act,” he mumbled, letting go of the blanket and hugging himself tightly before dropping his hands quickly down onto his lap. “I'm disgusting, aren't I? It must take you so much effort to even look at me. I wish nobody could see me like this, I'm a nightmare!” he forced out, limbs trembling as he shook his head. “See?! How can I live looking like this! I am the Avatar of Lust, and look at me! I am not perfect, my skin is breaking out and my hands are dry! I am the definition of a disaster! How could people ever love me when I'm not the picture of perfection? I worked fucking hard to have the perfect weight, the most agreeable personality and the most alluring of presences. No one can lift the spell when I'm like this! Everyone-”
Solomon inched closer as he shushed Asmodeus, eyebrows drawn together. “No one will think of you any different. Your emotions are being negatively influenced right now since you are in Leviathan's body. If you would just-”
Terror was painted on Asmo's face. “If I would do what? What, if I would just calm down everything will be alright? Is that what you're trying to say?” A dry laugh escaped his lips as he tilted  his head backwards, staring at the ceiling. He took in a shuddering breath to calm himself. “Do you know what happened the last time I got sidetracked and let myself go a bit?” he asked, his lips trembling. “It was all over the tabloids. The whole thing was more of a scandal than that one  time someone had secretly taken a photo of Lucifer sneaking into Diavolo's chambers late at night. All the magazines were all over me, saying the same thing over and over. Asmodeus is losing his charm! The Avatar of Lust has gained weight! Asmodeus is looking more healthy and less thin these days?!” A tear rolled down his cheek and he wiped it away furiously. “ There's no pleasing them, no matter what I do I am not enough. So excuse me if I can't believe you when you say blatant lies like you're worried about me. I've learned and I now know better. People love me for my body and that's it. They see what I want them to see and whatever's left just doesn't matter in the end.”
Solomon gripped Asmodeus' face, forcing him to look him in the eyes. Asmodeus blinked back at him out of teary eyes.
“Look at me, Asmodeus. We are in a pact, aren't we?”
“And you know me. Would I form a pact out of grossly superficial ulterior motives?” Solomon asked bluntly.
Slowly, Asmodeus shook his head. “You would never do that,” he muttered as Solomon started to stroke his cheek. Subconsciously, Asmo leaned in to the touch.
“You're right. After all, I formed a pact with you because you are powerful and dangerous. The way you look couldn't bother me any less. You are charming and you elude the most alluring of energies, that's why I find you so irresistible. What other people say does not matter, they don't know you like I do,” he said firmly. “They don't need you like I do.”
In the blink of an eye Asmodeus threw his arms around Solomon, burying his face in the crook of his neck. Wet tears started to stain Solomon's clothes, yet he remained in place, putting his arms around Asmodeus as a soft light started to surround them and the spell finally lifted itself.
“There, there,” Solomon mumbled as he softly let his fingers run through Asmo's hair. For several minutes the demon didn't move an inch. He simply took solace in the comfort of Solomon's body. Eventually, he lifted his head again and distanced himself a little.
Solomon took Asmo's hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it lightly. “All better now?”
Asmodeus simply stared at Solomon until his gaze wandered over to his hand. Now, he saw nothing but his perfectly manicured nails,chipped purple nails nowhere in sight. He had changed back.
“How-” he started, but then froze in place as realization hit him. His eyes widened. “Solomon...” he whispered as the man in question still held his hand softly. “Did you just-”
“Use magic? No.”
“Then why did I change back?” he asked reluctantly.
Solomon froze in place and shifted slightly uncomfortably.
He was one of the greatest sorcerers the world had ever seen, yet dealing with intimacy and most of all honesty was incredibly difficult for him. He generally preferred to be seen as a mysterious, unreadable man. For Asmodeus however, he had to make an exception and jump over his own shadow. “I figure the requirements to lift the spell have been... fulfilled,” he finally said and Asmodeus' face lit up reluctantly.
He already felt much better, taken the fact that he was back in his own body. His thoughts were still racing, his insecurities much too obvious, but the missing presence of Levi's anxiety helped alleviate his mood a whole lot.
For a moment, Asmo pondered over Solomon's words. The wheels in his head were turning until he finally came to a conclusion. “Oh!” he exclaimed softly, feeling uncharacteristically shy. Slowly,he reached out towards Solomon, grabbing the jacket of his school uniform. “Can I-” he nodded towards Solomon's chest.
Solomon simply nodded. “Go ahead.”
Quickly, Asmodeus took off Solomon's coat before starting to work on his shirt, hands that were still shaking undoing the buttons skilfully. Seconds later, Solomon was sitting there, chest exposed, countless of sigils littering his skin. On his chest,right over his heart was the one Asmo had been looking for; the sigil that had sealed the pact between them.
Carefully, he let one finger run along the dark lines as he felt a light buzzing running through his body. Looking at the sigil, at the sign that depicted the importance of their bond, filled Asmodeus with the gooey-est feeling of pride. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he lowered his head to plant a soft kiss on Solomon's chest, right over his heart where their sigil was. He planted a few more butterfly kisses all over until he pulled himself up, one hand on Solomon's shoulder, the other on the base of his neck.
“Thank you,” he mumbled as he closed in, brushing his lips against Solomon's in an innocent manner. Solomon smiled against his lips in relief.  
“My pleasure,” he simply said, knowing that when he was with him, he didn't need to explain himself for Asmodeus to understand. They didn't need big words or empty phrases. Their bond was strong and alive. As long as they could support each other without any limits, they would be fine, since from the moment they met, they'd been connected by the string of fate.
Asmodeus deepened the kiss, his hands roaming over Solomon's body lazily. Time around them seemed to slow down as they simply relished in each other's company. Solomon parted ways with Asmodeus' lips as he made his way down his neck, leaving soft kisses before he started to softly suck on the skin, taken over by a certain kind of possessiveness. Noticing what Solomon had in mind, Asmo simply tilted his head to the side, granting him better access.
After all, Solomon found himself to be quite possessive when it was about Asmodeus. He wanted to mark him all over so the world could see how loved he was and how appreciated he was, no matter what everyone else thought or said. Asmodeus was, after all, perfect in every way and deserved to be treated accordingly.
Just as Solomon brushed his tongue over a big hickey he'd just left, someone knocked on the door and they both jumped a bit in surprise. Seconds later, Yuuta entered the room. “Asmo?” he asked  before his eyes zoomed in onto Solomon and Asmodeus.
For a split second, they all just stared at each other without saying a word, Yuuta standing in the doorway, Asmo straddling a shirtless Solomon who had one arm wrapped tightly around Asmodeus' midsection and the other on his neck. None of them moved.
“I- I guess I'm not needed here!” Yuuta finally blurted out, slamming the door behind him as he rushed out of the room.
Solomon and Asmodeus stared at each other, perplexed for a moment before breaking out in laughter.
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toast-connoisseur · 4 years
ALL of the Ask Me Stuff questions
* 1: Full name: For safety purposes I’ll shorten it: Maria Barbara Gonzalez (yes, that’s the shortened version. I’m Mexican lol)
* 2: Age: 25
* 3: 3 Fears: Being buried alive, anything bad happening to a loved one, SPIDERS
* 4: 3 things I love: My family, my friends, movies
* 5: 4 turn ons: soft touches, kissing, making me food, a confident personality
* 6: 4 turn offs: Overly cocky people, racists, chewing with your mouth open
* 7: My best friend: I’m lucky to have several and I love them all with the individual pieces of my heart they each own
* 8: Sexual orientation: Queer/Gay
* 9: My best first date: I don’t think I’ve ever really gone on one tbh lol
* 10: How tall am I: 5’1 (barely make it to the 1)
* 11: What do I miss: Bars/clubs and Disneyland. Hugging people. Not losing so many people on a daily basis...
* 12: What time was I born: 3:38AM
* 13: Favourite color: Blood red (NOT maroon)
* 14: Do I have a crush: I always crush on random girls
* 15: Favourite quote: “Seduce my mind and you can have my body. Find my soul and I’m yours forever.”
* 16: Favourite place: It was once Disneyland now, I don’t really have a place lol
* 17: Favourite food: All of it. Of course Mexican food takes the top of the list though
* 18: Do I use sarcasm: Noooo, you think?!
* 19: What am I listening to right now: I’m watching Buffy
* 20: First thing I notice in new person: What vibes you’re giving off
* 21: Shoe size: 7 for the most part but sometimes I can fit into size 4 kid shoes
* 22: Eye color: Dark brown
* 23: Hair color: naturally: dark brown, right now: black
* 24: Favourite style of clothing: comfortable but more on the lines of retro/rockabilly
* 25: Ever done a prank call? Yes!
* 27: Meaning behind my URL: I love toast
* 28: Favourite movie: I have so many but one is Saved!
* 29: Favourite song: Lots, but Guilty Pleasure by Cobra Starship
* 30: Favourite band: Avenged Sevenfold
* 31: How I feel right now: Mellow
* 32: Someone I love: my nephew
* 33: My current relationship status: single
* 34: My relationship with my parents: could be better, but it’s there
* 35: Favourite holiday: Halloween
* 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: I have two piercings on each ear, my bellybutton pierced, and 6 tattoos (R foot, R ankle, L thigh, L wrist, L bicep, R bicep)
* 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: I want most of my body covered in tattoos so I have a long way to go. As for piercings, I want at least two more per ear.
* 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: my friends said it would be a good time
* 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I wouldn’t say hate, but we’re not friends anymore
* 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? Yes!
* 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? No
* 42: When did I last hold hands? It’s been too long :(
* 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? I work from home now so 0 minutes
* 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Yes
* 45: Where am I right now? In my bed
* 46: If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? My best friends
* 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable usually. I have very sensitive hearing.
* 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? They actually live with me, but it’s temporary.
* 49: Am I excited for anything? My upcoming move
* 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Yes, two actually
* 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? -I work Monday-Friday
* 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? -OOF
* 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Hot
* 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? -Everyone has different trust levels tbh. My best friends hold top tier.
* 55: What is something I disliked about today? I had to work
* 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Beyoncé!
* 57: What do I think about most? The future I want
* 58: What’s my strangest talent? I honestly don’t think I have one? I guess being able to mimic certain voices/accents sometimes but I wouldn’t say I’m pro
* 59: Do I have any strange phobias? I don’t think they’re strange, I just hate feet
* 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind
* 61: What was the last lie I told? “I’ll work on that”
* 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? It depends who I’m talking to, but phone tbh
* 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Both are very real
* 64: Do I believe in magic? Yes
* 65: Do I believe in luck? To an extent
* 66: What’s the weather like right now? Nice and cold
* 67: What was the last book I’ve read? I strictly read fanfiction lately
* 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Don’t love it, don’t hate it
* 69: Do I have any nicknames? Barbie, Barbs, whore, homo... you know, cute stuff
* 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I split my eyebrow open and had to get stitches
* 71: Do I spend money or save it? Por que no los dos?!
* 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? No, but my best friend can and it’s so cool!
* 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? My sweats are pink
* 74: Favourite animal? I love animals but wolves are pretty top tier
* 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Sleeping
* 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Sexy. Mr. Sexy.
* 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? -I Wanna Get Better by the Bleachers
* 78: How can you win my heart? Be nice to me and have good conversations to me and occasionally buy me chocolate
* 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? The entire lyrics to Act Up by City Girls
* 80: What is my favorite word? Motherfucker
* 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I honestly bounce to and from so many. There’s no way I can only pick 5. All the ones I reblog from are so great!
* 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? STOP GOING TO PARTIES
* 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Not that I’m aware of
* 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? I can turn invisible
* 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? None really tbh
* 86: What is my current desktop picture? I made it into a winter wonderland for the holidays
* 87: Had sex? “It’s been 84 years...”
* 88: Bought condoms? I’m gay
* 89: Gotten pregnant? See above
* 90: Failed a class? I think in middle school maybe?
* 91: Kissed a boy? Yes
* 92: Kissed a girl? Yes
* 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Sadly, no
* 94: Had a job? Sadly (but also thankfully since I need money)
* 95: Left the house without my wallet? No
* 96: Bullied someone on the internet? No
* 97: Had sex in public? Yes
* 98: Played on a sports team? Yes
* 99: Smoked weed? Yes
* 100: Did drugs? Yes
* 101: Smoked cigarettes? Yes
* 102: Drank alcohol? Yes
* 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No
* 104: Been overweight? No
* 105: Been underweight? Yes
* 106: Been to a wedding? Yes
* 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes
* 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yes
* 109: Been outside my home country? Yes
* 110: Gotten my heart broken? Sorta but I bounced back pretty quick so idk if that counts
* 111: Been to a professional sports game? Long ago
* 112: Broken a bone? No
* 113: Cut myself? I’m very accident prone
* 114: Been to prom? Yes
* 115: Been in airplane? Yes
* 116: Fly by helicopter? No
* 117: What concerts have I been to? So so so many. I miss them.
* 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? I’m gaaaaaaaay
* 119: Learned another language? I’ve been bilingual since I was a child
* 120: Wore make up? Yes
* 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? No
* 122: Had oral sex? Yes
* 123: Dyed my hair? Yes
* 124: Voted in a presidential election? Yes
* 125: Rode in an ambulance? I worked for an ambulance company so just for fun
* 126: Had a surgery? Besides oral?
* 127: Met someone famous? I live in LA, so yes lol
* 128: Stalked someone on a social network? No
* 129: Peed outside? Yes
* 130: Been fishing? No, I’d like to!
* 131: Helped with charity? Yes
* 132: Been rejected by a crush? Fifth grade was a tough year for my love life...
* 133: Broken a mirror? No
* 134: What do I want for birthday? To be able to see all my friends in a safe environment
* 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? I’d like as many as I can comfortably afford. I’d have to discuss with the (future) wife about names
* 136: Was I named after anyone? The Virgin Mary (la Virgen Maria) and some Spanish actress named Barbara something...
* 137: Do I like my handwriting? No
* 138: What was my favourite toy as a child? I loved dolls
* 139: Favourite Tv Show? Bewitched
* 140: Where do I want to live when older? California forever unless properly convinced otherwise
* 141: Play any musical instrument? Used to play trumpet and alto sax. Can’t play anymore lol
* 142: One of my scars, how did I get it? See Q70
* 143: Favourite pizza toping? Pepperoni. I love all sorts of toppings but that’s my fav
* 144: Am I afraid of the dark? No
* 145: Am I afraid of heights? Yes
* 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Yes
* 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Daily
* 148: What I’m really bad at: Focusing. In my defense, I have ADHD
* 149: What my greatest achievments are: graduating college, getting promoted at work, buying my own car, purchasing a home
* 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: I once got told “good luck on the short bus” by a guy that was upset I make more money than he does
* 151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: take care of all my bills, invest, and then try to help as many of my loved ones as I could with theirs
* 152: What do I like about myself: my resilience
* 153: My closest Tumblr friend: @itssofragile
* 154: Something I fantasise about: My future
* 155: Any question you’d like? Nah, I think we’re good!
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Plastic Heart - Part 12
Namjoon x Reader Author: Mo Summary: When you get the highly-anticipated BTS dolls for Christmas, your life takes a turn in a way you never could have expected. Note: Today’s chapter is a little short...I miiiiiight post part 13 if you ask in the replies really nicely <3 Warnings: Little bit of angst in this one, but mostly fluff. Word Count: 1.1k
Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
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After lunch, you caught Namjoon’s eyes wandering to the movie theater, where a stream of people was leaving after some movie had let out. He was too busy watching them to hear you ask him if he wanted to go.
“Do you want to go see a movie?” You asked again, laughing at the adorable confused look on his face. He had a little mayo from his sandwich caught in the corner of his plush lips. “You’ve got a little...Here, let me get it.” Reaching across the table, you used a careful thumb to get it.
“Thanks.” He looked at you with a galaxy swirled into his irises, a million stars gleaming at you. Between him kissing your cheek and holding your hand and now, looking at you like you’d hung the moon with your bare hands, it was really hard NOT to catch feelings for him, although you knew that was exactly what was happening.
Every minute you spent with him, every fleeting touch or soft smile, even just the sound of his voice was driving you insane. You didn’t know how much more of this you could take until you just fucking tackled him and kissed him senseless.
“I’d love to go see a movie with you.” He smiled warmly. “What movies are they showing?”
“I guess we’ll have to find out.”
Once you two were all done eating, you walked over to the box office to peruse the titles that were showing. There was a cheesy rom-com, some huge blockbuster, a horror movie, and a documentary about a firefighting dog. You let Namjoon pick, and he grinned shyly as he told you he wanted to watch the rom-com. So, you bought two tickets, but the next show was in like an hour, so you had time to kill. That was when you spotted Namjoon’s eyes wandering to the toy store.
“We can go in, if you want.”
“I want to.” He nodded, not taking his eyes off of the colorful shop as he took your hand, intertwining your fingers with his. That was the first time he’d taken your hand, you noted. Until then, you had always had to initiate. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe you were reading too much into it. He just didn’t want to get lost again. Yeah. That must have been it. For sure.
As soon as you walked in, you were bombarded by bright colors and shapes. There were toys of all kinds: teddy bears, Barbie dolls, tinker toys, board games, toddler toys, Funko Pops...Namjoon made a beeline for the dolls, tugging you after him, and he started immediately sorting through the clothes to find some that would fit the guys.
“Jin has been wanting new clothes for a while.” He explained, looking through outfit after outfit until he found a handful that would work. You helped him carry them, taking a few while he searched for more, but when he looked up, he came face to face with the lifeless plastic face of another Namjoon doll. He stumbled back, dropping the little outfits in his hands, eyes wide, face pale.
At his reaction, you traced his line of eyesight to the doll in front of him. The doll that at one point, could have been his twin. Or more accurately, his CLONE.
“Joon are you okay?” You reached out to touch him, but he took a step back, avoiding your hand. He ran out of the store, leaving the clothes on the floor. You hastily picked them up, set them on the display along with the ones you were holding, and then ran out of the store after him, only to find him sitting on the floor right outside, breathing heavily with tears running down his cheeks.
Slowly, you knelt down in front of him, watching him sob for a few seconds before saying anything.
He looked up at you and sniffled, tears still running down his cheeks. He averted his gaze, a frown settling on his plump lips. “God, I’m sorry. I...I just...I can’t be in there. I thought I could and…”
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.” You spoke softly. “Do you want to go over to the food court and talk about it? Sit somewhere more comfortable?”
He thought for a moment before nodding and standing back up. You didn’t try to take his hand, instead letting him initiate. He didn’t take your hand, only putting a tentative one on your back in an attempt not to lose you. You pulled him into a booth so you were both sitting on the same side, and turned to face him, waiting for him to say something. He was still crying a little bit, but not as heavily as he had been a few moments ago.
“I…” He exhaled a long breath, his eyes flicking up to yours before quickly looking away again. He played with his fingers nervously. His voice broke and he whispered, “I’m just so scared…”
“Scared of what, Joon?”
“I-I don’t want to--I CAN’T go back to being...t-to being THAT.” He confessed, bottom lip quivering. “I’m j-just terrified that I’ll...go to sleep tonight and…”
“Hey, look at me, okay?” You slowly reached for his hand, giving him plenty of time to pull away, but he didn’t this time, letting your little hands hold onto his much larger one. Tentatively, he made eye contact with you again. “You mean so much to me, Namjoon. So, so much to me, alright? I’m never going to let something like that happen to you. I promise.”
He didn’t know how to respond to that, so instead, he found refuge in the crook of your neck, crying a little and nodding as you held him as tightly as you could. He clung to you like a lifeline, like if he let go for a single second, you’d disappear. It took a while, but eventually, he calmed down, taking a few deep breaths before pulling away to look at you. His eyes were red, his face puffy. He sniffled, trying out a tentative smile. You cooed and plucked a napkin out of the metal dispenser sitting on the table, helping him get rid of his tears.
Namjoon admired you for a few quiet seconds. How had he gotten this lucky? What had he done in his short plastic little life to deserve a human like you? One who was so positively beautiful inside and out, so patient and caring and gentle and understanding, who accepted him for who he was even when he had been no more than a toy. He was human now, though, and he was determined not to take it for granted, even if he was afraid it wouldn’t last forever.
Namjoon Kim, or at the very least, the formerly plastic version of him, was madly in love with a human girl, and he was going to let her know it if it was the last thing he did.
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @lilgaga98, @catbugsugarpea, @demonic-meatball, @backtonormalthings, @kbowen9, @honig-bienchen, @coolcat494, @ffantasylandd, @feed-my-geek-soul, @ayoo-bangtan, @xxqueenwxtchxx, @cap-lu20, @finninpoposu, @coldbookworm, @sitkafay, @daniawinchesters21, @okaysoplshelpme, @zamirayinyue13
75 notes · View notes
Run From Me: Chapter Eight
Summary: There aren’t many solutions to escape becoming a member of The Mad Titan Thanos’ harem. All you can try to do is to run and pray he doesn’t find you.
Word Count: 5,515
Chapter Warnings: The beginning of plot, some degrading stuff, some sex talk
Run From Me Masterlist
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I hummed softly to myself as I sat on the floor with Alice in Wonderland propped in my lap. My back was to the couch, and I reached up to the coffee table to grab another bit of cheese to nibble on. My legs stretched out under the table, feet swaying back and forth to the beat of the song in my head. 
The last week had not been completely horrific, surprisingly. Yes, I had zero privacy anymore besides when I was both going to the bathroom and hiding in the bathroom from Thanos when I was going stir crazy from not being let outside, but otherwise I was doing fine. He made a point of having Maw bring me a stack of Earth books from the library to keep me occupied, which worked very easily and I appreciated. Most of the time I completely ignored Thanos as he came and went. He would try to start conversations with me, but they never lasted long as I found ways to drop the subject. Ultimately he realized it was easier to leave me alone than to start a fight.
Not to say there weren’t fights. Our main one over the past few days had been a matter of my wardrobe. He insisted that I wear the dresses he provided for me, these long flowing gowns that made it difficult to move around in. Many of them were a halter dress style with an open back. My chest was covered but I felt far more comfortable in pants and shirts. That and I refused to be his little Barbie doll for him to make up and dress as he pleased. 
So he compromised. I could wear what I wanted in his room, but outside I would have to wear dresses. And considering that I hadn’t been allowed to leave his room for a week now meant I could enjoy wearing my leggings with a long sleeved shirt while I lounged around doing pretty much nothing. Besides being nagged periodically to talk to him, it wasn’t too horrible.
Except there was one thing. One teensey weensie thing. Thanos and his casual attire. It was incredibly infuriating and distracting all at once. He would only wear casual attire in his room, and I was subjected to it. Sometimes he would wear a loose fitting t-shirt that would still somehow show off his muscles. Or he would be completely shirtless, and those muscles would be completely on display. It made for incredibly conflicting emotions running through my brain. Which was why I engrossed myself into my reading as often as I could.
I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard Thanos stir at his desk and I quickly stopped humming. He passed in front of the couch and stopped, regarding me for a moment. He was wearing only a pair of high waisted training pants, baggy enough to be comfortable for normal wear. He was shirtless otherwise, his massive physique incredibly daunting. 
“Why did you stop?” He asked.
I looked back at my book, ignoring him. “Because I didn’t realize you were there.”
Thanos let out a soft grunt but didn’t push the subject further. Instead, he opted to cross the space and sit down in his chair, resting his chin on his palm and tilting his head slightly as he looked down at me. After a few moments of feeling his eyes drill into the side of my skull, I shut the book with a loud thump and turned back to him. “What?” 
“Rather irritable today, aren’t we?” He asked. He didn’t even move an inch, instead looking rather bored.
“Well I would have no idea why I would be irritable, of all things,” I said sarcastically. “It’s definitely not because I’m being kept prisoner in this fucking room and have been sleeping on a couch for a week straight.”
Thanos sighed. “Well, besides offering you a place in my bed, I don’t know what else I could suggest. I know you wouldn’t agree to that anyways. So what’s the point in arguing about it?”
“Because I want my own bed and my own room! Duh!” I said. “But you know, no point in arguing about it because you won’t give me either of those things.”
Thanos sat up and gave me a tired look. “Well then, perhaps I shouldn’t bother telling you that Proxima will be here to take you on a walk shortly-”
I suddenly sprang up onto my feet. “Wait what? Excuse me???”
A small smirk crept onto Thanos’ face. “You heard me. Unless you couldn’t bear to be apart from me.”
“Oh don’t fucking play that game you know you don’t have to offer a way out of here twice.” When Thanos narrowed his eyes, I scoffed. “Don’t look at me like that. You walked right into that one.”
Thanos let out a heavy sigh and then gestured with his hand. “Go get dressed. You’ll be her problem for a while.”
I grinned and turned to walk towards the closet Thanos had set up for me. The halter dresses didn’t even matter at this point. Even if it was only for an hour or so it was still an escape. “Mister I-Have-Patience-in-Spades needs to hire a babysitter huh?” I asked.
When I turned towards the bathroom to get dressed, he said, “Even I need a brief period of respite.”
I shut the door behind me with a smile. I wasn’t sure what I had done to earn such a reward, but I wasn’t going to question it. Yanking off my clothes, I stepped into the dress and adjusted the strap behind my neck. The fabric was soft and flowy against my skin. It felt so foreign from my normal clothes. I had a pair of sandals I was wearing already, so there wasn’t much to do besides walk out of the bathroom.
Thanos’ eyes gave me a once over as I exited, and I immediately felt the need to cross my arms over my chest. I couldn’t help the feeling that he was checking me out even though there was nothing to see. What I really wanted was my jacket and boots, but I promised I would dress how he wanted me to. And he was letting me out for a bit so obviously that meant that listening to him occasionally gave me special privileges. 
Before I could make another comment, there was a knock on the door. Thanos stood before telling them to come inside.
Proxima walked through, wearing a more casual version of her armor, which looked more like a regular black bodysuit. She bowed her head respectfully, uttering, “My Lord,” as she did. Thanos nodded, and just as Proxima stood back up to her full height, someone else walked through the door. 
Elsy. My brow furrowed in confusion as she stepped in front of Proxima and bowed to him, only she regarded him with, “Master.”
When Elsy stood up, she locked eyes with me. She gave me a big smile, and mouthed the word “Hi” as she raised her hand up a little in a half wave. She wore a purple gown that made her yellow skin pop, and she had tied her tentacle hair up in some sort of a bun that confused and intrigued me. 
“You may go now,” Thanos addressed me. 
I looked back at Elsy and then back at him. “Why didn’t you tell me Elsy was coming with us? You told me Proxima and I were going somewhere.”
“Elsy not going with you,” Thanos said firmly. 
I stared at him. He stared at me. I looked at Elsy whose smile was slightly faltering in embarrassment. I looked at Proxima, who was currently dissociating as a way to ignore having to be a part of this conversation. I looked back at Thanos.
“Are you telling me… This walk isn’t a reward?” I asked slowly. “It’s just an excuse for you to get laid???” 
Thanos glared at me as he crossed his arms over his chest. “What I do is none of your concern.”
“No it’s cool. It’s fine,” I said, waving my hand as I stomped off to the door, Proxima finally looking over at me as I approached. “No you go ahead, do your thing, you totally didn’t just insult my intelligence or anything. No that’s cool.”
I turned back towards Elsy, who gave me a pained look and whispered an apology. I spoke up again. “No Elsy, it’s no offense to you because you are a lovely ray of sunshine that hasn’t done anything wrong.” I pointed to Thanos. “But you get ALL of my offense. All of it. Fuck you. Don’t wait up. I’m going to live my best life. You know. Tied to a short leash like a dog. It’s fine.”
I stomped off while Proxima followed behind, closing the door behind her. Fuming, I grumbled curses under my breath as I picked up the pace. Before I got too far, Proxima’s hand gripped my bicep, pulling me back against her body.
“I’ll remind you that I’m the one taking you on a walk, whore,” Proxima hissed. “So you follow me, understand?”
I scoffed. “You’re still going to call me whore even after all that?” I asked. “I’m not even fucking him!”
“Perhaps if you had a name other than whore to provide, then I would refer to you by that instead.” Proxima released my arm with a harsh push and began to walk. I followed close behind.
“If this is some trick to get me to tell you my name so you can tell Thanos, then I’m not fooled,” I said. 
She snorted. “As if I care about your feud with him. Other than it meaning that I have to babysit you when he grows tired with you.”
“What a terrible burden.” We walked in silence for a moment as I continued to stew. Finally, I spoke up again, “I can’t believe he kicked me out so he could have a booty call.”
Proxima stopped walking and glared back at me. “Are you done?”
“No. I never am.”
Proxima inhaled deeply and stared down at me with her red eyes. “Why my father hasn’t murdered you yet is beyond me. You’re too much work for a fuck.”
She began to walk again and I followed. “I’m just that great, I suppose.”
“No. Hardly. Only a desperate man would keep pursuing you after this long. And Thanos is hardly desperate.” She looked over her shoulder. “So far my theory is that your only purpose is as a toy for him to amuse himself. He wants to see just how long it takes to break you. Make you dependent on him. And after a few fucks he won’t care anymore and go back to his other whores or find another pretty new toy.”
I blinked. “You’re saying I’m pretty then?”
She shook her head. “You truly are exhausting.”
After a few moments of silence, I spoke up again. “Where are we going?” I didn’t recognize the area where we were headed, and I assumed this was a private area of the ship.
She suddenly stopped at a door and I had to double back and turn around to face her. Proxima opened the door and ushered me inside. I stared around the room, a large industrial space with various hubs installed on the floor. It was cold and expansive, spanning the size of perhaps a large cafeteria. There were also various levels in the room with platforms and bridges between sections that provided a bit of a drop. 
I leaned over one of the edges and peered down, gulping when I realized that while a skilled fighter might be able to land the fall, I sure as shit wouldn’t. Proxima ignored my trepidation, instead gesturing for me to follow her across the bridge. She came to a stop beside a hub and I watched as she pressed down on it with her foot and a control panel rose from it. 
I watched for a moment as she tapped the controls before asking, “Why the hell did you take me here anyways? Did you need a sparring partner or something?”
Proxima scoffed. “No. I certainly don’t need a partner. Especially not you.”
“Then why-”
I shrieked as the floor suddenly shot up into the air out from under me, raising me up a good ten or so feet off the ground. When it finally stopped, I continued to clutch the sides of the platform for dear life, shaking like a leaf as I watched her grin smugly up at me.
“That should keep you from running off while I train.” 
“You bitch!” I screamed down at her, afraid to even sit up in case it decided to move again. 
“Thank you,” she said, smirking. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go punch things and pretend that it’s you I’m punching.”
My mouth hung open as she turned back around and ignored me. Just like that. What a bitch! God, I wanted to be like her. 
After touching commands on the screen some more, a couple of other hubs in the room began to rumble to life. Blue lights shot up from them and holographic creatures emerged, screeching in rage. I quickly sat up and pulled my feet up from the edge of the platform. They were nasty for holograms; Lovecraftian beasts that oozed, growled, and hissed. There were eyes, pus, tentacles, claws, teeth, and I was trying to figure out which parts of them I should be more terrified of.
Proxima, on the other hand, stared at them with a look of boredom. She tilted her head to the side, her neck cracking loudly as she did. She repeated with the other side before rolling her shoulders and letting out a deep sigh.
Then she ran at them. Bare handed. 
I watched in awe as the holograms appeared solid enough for her to land a kick right in the middle of one of them. It roared in pain, staggering back a bit. The other creature tried to lunge at her, but she stepped to the side and shot her hand out to grab one of its many arms, yanking back hard as she planted her foot against its back. A sickening crack reverberated through the room, the creature howling out as his arm came off clean in her hand. When she tossed it to the side, it slowly faded out. 
As I watched Proxima mindlessly hack away at these creatures with only her hands, my mind began to drift back to my own anger. Thanos got to have the time of his life balls deep in Elsy while I had to sit up on a platform with no way to get down if I didn’t want to break my legs in the process. Well, maybe not break my legs but definitely twist something.
But why did I care so much? I pondered for a moment. It certainly wasn’t jealousy. As long as I didn’t have to fuck Thanos, I was perfectly fine with the arrangement. A part of me was more hurt by the fact that I thought I was doing so well earning his trust that he finally let me out of his room. Without being under his watch, no less. 
But again, why did I care about his approval? I didn’t need his praise or his rewards. I was a prisoner. I shouldn’t want my captor’s approval, and yet I did. I just felt so… insulted. I did what he asked. My fights with him were less scream filled and had turned into annoyed banter. I thought that would have pleased him.
My face scrunched in disgust. The fact that I was even upset about this infuriated me. It meant I was getting soft. I wasn’t going to let him get what he wanted. But I had to in order to escape. That was the worst part of all of this. I wasn’t sure what part of my feelings were fabricated in order to trick him and which ones were actually genuine care for what he thought of me. 
“Sister,” a new voice called out, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I turned to the source of the voice. Two women now stood in the room, one green and one blue. The green woman tapped on the control panel, causing the beasts that Proxima was stomping into jelly on the floor disappear. The blue one glared at Proxima, who was currently looking annoyed at having to be brought out of her training. 
“Nebula,” Proxima said, addressing the blue woman. She turned and nodded to the green woman. “Gamora. What a pleasant surprise. Did you miss us so much that you had to come visit?”
“Hardly,” Nebula shot back, a scowl on her face. When I looked closer, she had something going on around her eye that I couldn’t quite make out. 
“I have some concerns from The Accuser to relay to our Father,” Gamora said.
Proxima cocked her brow. “Then why not call him?”
“It’s more complicated than that. I felt we needed to see Father in person.”
Proxima only nodded in response. 
As Nebula opened her mouth to speak again, her gaze traveled up the podium I was sitting on top of. When she finally met my eyes, her mouth hung open in confusion before turning to Proxima and yelling, “Who is that!?”
“Our Father’s newest acquisition,” Proxima replied calmly. “She refuses to give a name because she detests making life easier for herself.”
“Sup,” I called down.
Nebula looked visibly enraged with me, while Gamora only looked at me with a quizzical expression on her face.
“Why is she up there?” Gamora asked.
“Because Proxima’s a bitch that’s why,” I said. 
Gamora raised her eyebrow at Proxima who only shrugged in response. Gamora in a hushed tone continued, “And Father is allowing this?”
“His whores usually keep their mouths shut and their legs open,” Nebula hissed. “This one does neither.”
“The Maw brought her here as a gift,” Proxima said. “He thought a spunky little Terran slut would put up a fight for a few days and then calm down. Instead our Father is taking his sweet time breaking her and all of us suffer because of it.”
“You love me though,” I told Proxima. She glared at me but otherwise said nothing.
Nebula scoffed. “What does Father need more whores for? The Maw meddles with things he has no business meddling in.”
Proxima stepped forward, causing Nebula to flinch and stand up straighter. “That might be so. However, he is more trusted by Thanos than you, sweet sister. He has earned that privilege when you have not.” Proxima smirked. “And I am surprised that you are so confident to speak ill of Maw considering he always seems to know everything that happens even when he isn’t around.”
Nebula puffed out her chest in defiance but said nothing in retort. It was then I began to notice what was around her left eye. It was some sort of mechanical component, and I wondered if it was a cybernetic enhancement. Not too many people took to upgrading with cybernetics, but it’s a huge underground scene in the black market. It showed not only how tough you were but often gave an unfair advantage in fights. Aliens with different enhancements would fight each other to prove whose upgrades made them the most skilled, for prize money of course. I wondered if that’s why Nebula had them.
Gamora made a noise in her throat, calling everyone’s attention back to her. “This isn’t the time for petty bickering. We need to speak to Father. Where is he?”
I snorted loudly, causing them to look up at me. “Something tells me he doesn’t want to be bothered right now. Even if it is urgent.” I pondered for a second. “On second thought, please do disturb him. I hate seeing him happy.”
Nebula’s nose scrunched in disgust. Gamora’s gaze flit to the side for a moment to avoid my gaze but her face still held firm. It seemed as though their father’s proclivities for harems weren’t something they favored. Not that I blame them. I didn’t care for it either. 
“There are ways to pass the time,” Proxima spoke up, shrugging slightly. 
Nebula’s piercing stare found Proxima as her head whipped around. Her back straightened and she took a step towards Proxima, closing the gap. “I wouldn’t say no to that.”
“We don’t have the time for this.” Gamora crossed her arms.
“If you keep turning down opportunities to spar you won’t be Thanos’ favorite for long,” Proxima said. Nebula snorted at that.
Gamora narrowed her eyes at the two women and shook her head. “That tactic might provoke Nebula, but not me. I don’t care about your opinion of me.”
Nebula growled slightly under her breath but Proxima spoke up before Nebula could spit an insult back. “So what? You’re going off to bother our father anyway? Or go report to The Maw?” Proxima gave Gamora a knowing smirk. “You simply can’t get off your high pedestal for a moment to socialize with us?”
Gamora’s lips pressed together in a thin line. It almost looked like she might have given in if not for the shrill ring breaking the silence. Immediately I put my hands to my ears, hissing in pain at the suddenness of it. Gamora cringed slightly, while Nebula turned to the control panel. Proxima smirked and swiped her finger to the right, silencing the sound. 
Another hologram flashed into view from the hub on the floor. I grimaced at the sight.
“Maw, splendid timing, as always,” Proxima said with a smile.
The transparent blue Maw tapped his fingers in front of him with a slightly irritated look on his face. “I am quite aware.” Maw’s gaze fell to Nebula as she crossed her arms over her chest. His eyes fell upon Gamora next. “Lord Thanos has been informed of your arrival and wishes for your counsel with him in his throne room.”
“Oooooooo y’all are in troubleeeeeeee,” I called down, reminding everyone that I too existed here.
“And what am I supposed to do with that one, huh?” Proxima asked, gesturing up to me. “I got stuck with babysitting duty.”
Maw looked off to the side for a moment, as if he was listening to someone we couldn’t see. He then turned back to us, his pale green eyes staring up at me as he spoke, “Lord Thanos says to bring her with you. On the condition she behaves herself.”
I looked around in fake confusion and then pointed to myself. “Who, me? I always behave myself.”
“Don’t dawdle.” Maw’s figure suddenly flicked away, and I was left back in the room with the three other women. 
Without a word, Gamora turned on her heel with Nebula following close behind her. Proxima looked up at me and sighed, her fingers hovering over the control panel.
“Please don’t slam it down again,” I said, trying my best to sound pitiful. If I could get out of falling that would be great.
She stood there for a moment, fingers wavering before finally clicking the button. The panel I was sitting on moved slower this time, but it was still a bit of a rush as it sunk back into the ground. I smiled at her but she only rolled her eyes in response and walked after them.
It was a start.
Proxima and I entered Thanos’ massive throne room right after Gamora and Nebula. Maw, Cull, and Corvus had already arrived, watching the four of us approach. They stood in front of Thanos’ throne, placed high above them as Thanos lorded over us, as if he wasn’t tall enough already. I didn’t feel that same fear I felt seeing Thanos on his throne for the first time, but it was still an unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I couldn’t help but smile to myself at the look of subtle irritation in Thanos’ eyes as he looked down at us. Serves him right. I mean, sucks for Elsy if they got interrupted but I felt there was some kind of justice in Thanos needing to step away to take care of some meeting.
Gamora and Nebula passed the three already standing beside the throne and knelt before him. They both called him Father as they paid their respects to him. Thanos nodded, before saying, “Welcome back, daughters.”
As Proxima held my arm, she guided me to kneel down beside Gamora. When she stepped forward with me, Thanos turned his gaze to us. “Come here.” I knew it was me he was commanding, his finger urging me closer.
Before I had the chance to look at Proxima, she let me go and pushed me towards the steps of his throne before taking her place beside Gamora. With apprehensive steps, I made my way up the stairs, feeling the eyes of everyone stabbing through my back.
When I stood in front of him, he leaned in, making sure I was focused exclusively on him. In a low voice, he asked, “Does this please you? Being trusted enough to listen to our business?”
I stared at him, confused, for a moment. Was he trying to make up for kicking me out earlier? Did he really understand the reason why I was pissed off and was letting me be here as a way of rectifying the situation? It surprised me to say the least. 
“Yes, Master,” I said, not realizing how quickly the word ‘Master’ fell off my tongue anymore.
“Good,” he said, a soft grunt in his voice. “The next time you act up, I won’t be so eager to reward you. Now sit down.”
I looked around for a brief moment. “But there’s no-” He gestured to the floor beside him, and a flash of anger ran through me. “You want me to sit at your feet?” I hissed.
Thanos responded back with only a cold stare. I bit down hard on the inside of my cheek to keep from causing a scene. He will never fucking change. He will continue to push and push until he either breaks my spirit or drives me to snap. 
So, with the nicest smile I could muster, I turned away from him and knelt down on the floor beside his legs. I sat down with my legs folded under me, thankful that the skirt of my dress was long and billowy enough to comfortably sit how I wanted.
The rest of them barely glanced at me. Like it was a common occurrence to see a whore at Thanos’ feet. Almost like a decoration that you barely notice in the room because you’ve been in that room many times before. Just a pretty object, a trinket, nothing more. Serving no value other than to be a display of the power Thanos had over myself and everyone else. We were all pawns for him, whether we were willing or otherwise. 
It made me sick.
“Rise,” Thanos commanded as the three women now stood before him. Proxima stepped back to Corvus’ side while Gamora and Nebula remained. “Daughter, what is your report?”
Just as Nebula parted her lips as if to speak, Gamora spoke up in place of her. “Ronan believes he’s found the location of the Orb.”
If the room was quiet before, this was a step beyond that. It was as if the atmosphere in the room changed. The Black Order now all looked to Thanos, shock and a hint of excitement showing in their eyes. I felt Thanos shift beside me, leaning forward in his throne. I didn’t dare look back at him, because I knew that if I looked back I would see that same deadly expression that had been haunting me ever since I’d witnessed it.
“Then why are you two still standing here?” The question was piercing, and Nebula immediately bowed her head slightly in shame to avoid his gaze. 
Gamora didn’t look as shaken up by the question, but still showed discomfort in bringing the news. “Ronan first wanted confirmation that your reward for the Orb still stands.”
Thanos inhaled sharply. The hair at the nape of my neck was standing straight up. I take it back. This was the scariest I had ever witnessed Thanos, and I couldn’t even see his face.
“I have allowed Ronan the privilege of serving me. He had the honor of assisting the training of the both of you. And I’ve allowed him to utilize the both of you in order to find the Orb.” Thanos paused for a moment. “And now you tell me that he thinks my promises are mere empty words? That he sends the two of you here to ask for verification makes me question his integrity. If he has concerns he can come to me personally and raise them. Is that understood?”
“Of course.” Gamora bowed her head. “I will call him immediately.”
“See to it that he knows of my irritation and pray he finds a way to quell it.” Thanos leans back slightly, relaxing a bit more into the throne. “You all may leave now.”
The group didn’t spend any time dawdling, and I watched as they all left me behind. I attempted to leave with them, but Thanos’ hand brushed against the back of my neck, urging me to stay behind. I couldn’t help the shiver that rose in me as his large fingers brushed gently through my hair, waiting until everyone had left in order to speak to me.
“I was not expecting such a tense discussion. You should not have been here,” Thanos said softly.
“What is so important about this Orb?” I asked, knowing full well he wouldn’t tell me.
And he didn’t, instead rubbing the tips of my hair between his fingers. “That is something you need not worry yourself about. It will be resolved soon enough.”
I sighed deeply. It was a struggle for me to attempt, but I knew this was one of the few moments I might have to lull him into trusting me more. And to do that I needed to make myself vulnerable. Make him feel like I needed him and that I couldn’t live without him. All of the things he so desperately wanted me to be, I needed to fabricate for him so he could tell me more. 
“This Ronan guy wouldn’t try to attack us or anything, right?”
If Thanos noticed a change from my normal behavior, he didn’t display it. His fingers brushed under my chin and gently tilted my head up to look up at him. His expression was neutral, but I noticed a tiny smirk on his lips. “I have not known you to be the kind of woman that scares easily. Other than our introduction in this very room.”
I ignored his last comment. “Well, that was a rather intense conversation about this Ronan and this mysterious Orb so you know,” I shrugged. “Sounded like he’s a bad guy to me.”
Thanos leaned forward a bit more, and I shifted myself to where I was facing him so I wouldn’t have to crane my neck backwards anymore. Thanos’ fingers lingered along the side of my face, drifting down to outline my neck. “Let me tell you a secret about Ronan,” he said with a knowing smile. “He has had his entire world stripped from him. All he has known is the life of a Kree Accuser, and when the Accusers were disbanded after they failed to succeed in the Kree-Skrull War, he held onto that title like a child’s security blanket. He is nothing but a petulant child throwing a tantrum. And battles are not won by children.”
Thanos’ thumb gently brushed over my cheek, grazing my bottom lip in the process. These soft touches were murder on my system. I wondered if he could feel the pounding of my heartbeat through my veins when his fingers touched my throat. Fear, hatred, and a tinge of arousal all fighting inside of my mind trying to vie for power. And I was the one stuck in the middle.
“So there is no need to worry about Ronan or any other being in the Galaxy.” Thanos began to stand up, offering me his hand as he pulled me up alongside him. “Because even if someone was suicidal enough to try to storm my ship, they would never be able to reach you or any of the others before my men slaughtered them where they stood.”
I simply nodded, and allowed him to walk beside me with his hand resting against my back, urging me to follow him. I wasn’t fully certain if this conversation helped break some more of the boundaries between us, but at this point I was too desperate to not at least try.
And I couldn’t waste any more time.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Laws of Motion / Chapter 4 (Trixya) - DenDenMonMon
A lot is going to happen in this chapter, and I mean A LOT.
I would like to formally apologize in advance.
For your attention, thank you.
 AO3 Link
Chapter 4 - White.
Katya liked to keep herself busy. A mind as hyperactive as hers needed a specific task to focus on, otherwise, she would be a burning ball of unrestrainable energy. So, she liked to concentrate her efforts into a series of small chores that, as a whole, would contribute into something bigger. It wasn’t always easy to keep her head in the game. More often than not she had to be railed back on track. Ginger was an expert on doing that, but Ginger wasn’t around anymore. Now, she needed to get herself in check, and it wasn’t easy.
That day, as any other, she went to her yoga class first thing in the morning. That was the beauty of Los Angeles, Angelinos were so concerned about their fitness that it wasn’t hard to find work out classes at, pretty much, any hour of the day.
With her energy channeled for the day, or at least for the next few hours, she drove to her favorite coffee shop. She liked Priscilla’s because it looked like a bookstore more than an actual café. The decorations were earthy and warm, and there were always a lot of dogs. The best part was that it wasn’t right in the middle of the city, with too many people coming and going to allow her to concentrate. The twenty minute drive over the hill was worth the calmness of Toluca Lake.
And she needed calmness today, of all days.
She sat down on a table outside, bringing a coffee cup and a cigarette to her lips, alternately. If she had to die of something, it better be of this insanely satisfying combination.
Files were not supposed to leave the station, everybody knew that, but Katya had taken a few pictures out. The first one was the blown out image of the card they had found at the first crime scene. She knew she had seen that before, just couldn’t remember where. It was right there, in a compartment of her imaginary, but she couldn’t find the right vault. And she pictured herself, running in the hallways of her head, guided by smoke and fueled by caffeine, pulling all the imagery she had saved throughout the years, yet never picking the correct one. It was right there, and she couldn’t get a hold of it.
It was like seeing someone, that Katya knew she had met before, but couldn’t remember their name. Then spending the entire day wondering where she knew them from, coming up with nothing.
The anxiety of the situation kept making her skin crawl. She closed her eyes and tried a few meditation techniques to ease her nerves. It didn’t work very well. That was when the second cigarette came.
She picked up her phone, the white stick still secured between her fingers, and started texting. It was risky, she shouldn’t be doing it, but she didn’t know what else to do.
Another picture Katya had with her was of one of the crime scenes. The girl had her eyes lost in the middle of nowhere, and her mouth was slightly opened. Her skin was pale, since all the blood had been drained from her body. It looked like an image taken out of a scary movie, which intrigued Katya even more. There was something about this particular criminal that she simply couldn’t wrap her mind around.
One of the reasons why she was so good at her job was because she was able to canalize the killer’s instincts. Her coworkers would joke about Katya having the mind of a killer, but not the guts to actually do it. They were probably right. She could usually feel it in her bones. She could feel the motive behind the actions, the rush of the preparation, the satisfaction of actually doing it; in a weird way she was familiar with all of those. Nonetheless, her mind was empty when dealing with The Puppeteer. It was an unnerving feeling that she had never experienced before, and she didn’t like it at all.
Her phone was silent until the butt of the third cigarette found the ashtray. The affirmation had come. It was time to get things moving.
The message she sent Trixie was very vague. Trixie read it many times, even showed it to Jasmine, to see if they could figure it out together. From what they gathered, Katya was picking Trixie up that night, she needed to be wearing civilian clothes because they were going to some sort of party. All of that also meant they wouldn’t see her at the precinct all day. Trixie wanted to be mad, she knew Katya was extremely talented. Trixie had never met anyone as smart as Katya before, never. Yet, Trixie felt she was the only one really working the case while Katya was out and about, taking a day off to herself.
Jasmine, in her very understanding nature, told her to give Katya a chance. She always knew what she was doing. Trixie was advised to trust whatever Katya had in mind, that it could be a little out there, but it would surely get the job done.
Violet chimed in, and with a dry tone she told Trixie not to judge Katya’s process. It hadn’t been a request.
So, that was what Trixie did. In the early evening, she waited for Katya at the back of the building, as she had asked, wearing a short dress, white denim jacket and white go-go boots. Her makeup was exaggeratedly done, making her look more beautiful than ever.
“Hello, Barbie doll,” Katya greeted her as she pulled up next to her.
Trixie rolled her eyes and got in the passenger seat. “This better be good.”
They drove for a few minutes. The sun was still shining, even when the clock was about to hit seven in the evening. The sun rays hit their faces as they moved down Laurel Canyon. Trixie was still sulking in her seat, after having to work alone all day. Katya was unbothered, singing to every single song that came up on the radio. Her voice was loud, and incredibly off key. She changed the words constantly. Trixie could never get behind such crude bathroom humor, but Katya seemed to love singing about taking dumps in inappropriate places.
It was hard to keep up with the made up lyrics, especially when Trixie needed to pay attention to the road for both of them. The path was narrow and the turns were too close together. Katya behind the wheel was already dangerous by itself, having her distracted by the radio in such delicate road, felt more than Trixie could take.
They were about to reach Hollywood Boulevard, the residential side, not the one with the big neon lights and tourists filling the streets, when Katya took a turn and stopped the car in an alley. The walls around them were covered in beautiful graffiti. Trixie got lost in the eyes of a gorgeous fairy before she realized they had parked.
“Did I ever tell you…” Katya stopped, flickering her lighter a couple of times before she could light up her cigarette. “Did I ever tell you why I became a cop?”
Trixie shook her head. They both knew she hadn’t.
Katya blew the smoke out the window before returning her attention to her. “I had an amazing childhood. My parents were the most supportive. They never censored anything, not the music we listened to, nor the TV shows or movies that we watched. Picture the most perfect environment for a kid to grow, and I still managed to screw things up.”
It was like a vision. The sun was setting behind them, the smoke leaving Katya’s mouth was enchanting, and the serious tone of her voice was freaking Trixie out. She didn’t say anything, though, she allowed her to continue.
“I love drugs,” Katya said with a groan. “I fucking love drugs, Trixie. Every drug under the sun, you name it, I’ve done it. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me. They also almost got me killed,” she ended her sentence very matter-of-factly, which was a complete contrast to Trixie’s shocked expression.
“Oh, wow,” was all Trixie could let out.
Katya shrugged her shoulders. “Almost, that’s the keyword here. That was a really long time ago. I’m all good now. All clean.” She took what looked like a coin from the cupholder, toyed with it for a bit and put it back.
Trixie had enough knowledge to recognize it was an anniversary chip from AA.
“I went to rehab,” Katya confirmed Trixie’s silent assumptions. “Got my shit together… well, as together as I could.” She laughed dryly at her own words. “And then decided to fix my wrong doing by helping others, so I became a detective. Call it a Step Nine taken too far.”
All that information was taking a moment for Trixie to absorb, but she nodded her head. Maybe the full depth of the situation wasn’t really something she could understand, but she wanted to let Katya know that she was there for her.
“Now, about tonight. I had to make some phone calls,” Katya continued. “Reconnect with people from my past. We are about to meet them now, and they may say things about me.”
Trixie felt her eyes widening with each word that left Katya’s mouth. “Are you going to use again? Because, Katya, no case is worth your–”
As cute as this protective version of Trixie was, Katya had to interrupt her. “No, don’t worry, I won’t. There may be people using, though, and we can’t arrest them. They can’t know we are cops. My contact is already waiting for me, it should be a clean in and out situation. I just…” There was a pause, Katya tried to find the right words to describe what she was thinking. “I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t want you to hear it from someone else. I don’t know.”
“I get it. You are fine.”
They shared a smile, an air of comprehension filled the space between them. The engine was brought back to life, and Trixie pressed a reassuring hand on Katya’s thigh as they drove away.
It was only a few blocks before Katya stopped the car again. Apparently, there was nobody on the street. They stayed there in silence for a moment. The car was idling and it was getting dark around them. Trixie knew better than to ask any questions, even when she was growing nervous by the minute.
Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. Trixie didn’t know if the girl had been there the whole time, hiding on the left side of the building, but she was now making her way to them. The girl was short and her hair was long. She stomped her feet hard against the pavement as she walked around the car and leaned into Katya’s window.
“Hola, Mami,” the girl addressed Katya with a side smile. “I ain’t see you around here for a while.”
Katya, playing the role, moved a hand to run up and down the girl’s arm. “Hi, mija.” Katya returned the smile. Her fingers getting covered in glitter, transferred from the girl’s skin. “Soon, baby,” she promised. “Right now I’m looking for la güera. Is she around?”
The girl’s face fell immediately. With a tiny role of her eyes, she pushed herself back, yelling a name that Trixie wasn’t able to catch. “You and I used to have so much fun. What happened, baby? Now you only go for flaquitas y güeritas, eh?” The girl pushed her chin towards Trixie.
She didn’t know any Spanish, but Trixie was pretty sure she had just been insulted.
“Nada de eso, mamá. You know you will always be my favorite.”
Just then, the car door opened, and a girl got, not so gracefully, into the backseat.
“Beat it, Vanjie. These are my bitches now.”
The girl stepped aside, her mocha-colored skin shining under the streetlamp. And Katya drove away. Silence once again reigned during the ride. The only occasional noise came from the girl in the backseat, who loudly chewed gum with her mouth opened.
Katya then pulled into a motel. In some kind of drive-through arrangement, she requested a room. The window to the cashier was covered in tinted glass, preventing them from seeing their face. It actually made things a lot easier. They were given a room number and they found their gate right away. It had some sort of garage, the metallic door closed automatically behind them when the car went in.
They got out of the car and nobody said a word still. Trixie only followed them up the small staircase that led to their room. Going behind them also gave her the chance to look at the girl, to really look at her. Her makeup was applied perfectly, Trixie could recognize that right away. She was extremely beautiful, with long blonde hair and legs that seem interminable underneath her tiny skirt. She had a white tank top with chinese lettering on the front.
As soon as Katya heard the front door getting closed, she couldn’t take it anymore. She jumped in excitement and hugged her friend tight to her body. They hadn’t seen each other in so long, which was a good thing, because it only meant that none of them had gotten into trouble.
“I missed you so much,” Katya whispered into the blonde curls.
“I couldn’t believe you had called me. How are you? Are you okay? Can we trust her?”
Something suddenly clicked in Katya’s head. “Oh, God. Shit. Sorry. This is Trixie, my new partner. Trixie, this is Willam, he… well, she– wait, which one is it?”
“You are a man?!” Trixie looked surprised, to say the least.
Katya couldn’t help but laugh at her. She knew Trixie meant no disrespect, and Willam did too, who simply continued to chew on the same piece of gum.
“What? Didn’t you know? Some women have dicks these days,” Willam said so chilled, so casually, that it only elicited another round of laughter from Katya. “And I don’t mind. Either is fine.”
“Oh, bitch, you are a woman.” Right then, Trixie seemed to realize what she had done, she physically shook her head, trying to land back into the conversion. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude,” she said walking to Willam, extending her hand to greet her. “It’s just that… oh, my God. You are really pretty.”
Willam shook her hand, and played with her own hair with the other. “I know. I have a mirror at home.”
Katya let out a wheezing laugh from behind them. “Glad to know the undercover work hasn’t changed your nasty ass.” Katya chuckled before taking a somber tone. “How is that going, by the way?”
Willam got on the bed, bouncing a couple of times before crossing her legs. “It’s hard. You know, nobody wants to trust you when you are this beautiful and give better head.” She kept playing with her hair while Katya laughed at her words yet again. “Yeah, no, I’m getting places,” she finally spoke seriously. “This goes way deeper than we thought, Kats.”
“Oh, shit,” Katya said genuinely concerned.
She took a seat next to her friend. She could only imagine all the things that Willam had gone through these last few months. The undercover mission was only supposed to last a few weeks. Willam was meant to collect intel among a group of trans-girls being forced to do sex work, and then come back to do her regular job. Nobody had planned for the small case to turn into such a big deal. Katya wasn’t nervous about Willam, she could take care of herself, she just hoped she could do more to help her.
“I was following one lead, one, but it’s a full net,” Willam offered. “There are so many more branches, though. I’m gonna need more time.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. That’s not what we are here for,” Katya assured her. “You are still on the case. I just need your help to identify something. The Puppeteer is back.”
Willam’s jaw fell open. “What?”
Katya turned to Trixie, who had been extremely quiet the whole time. In a way, Katya was grateful for the private moment she had just gotten with her friend, but they needed to get to work. She didn’t want to risk Willam’s status by keeping her for too long.
Trixie got the hint. She took the card out of her purse, still wrapped in the evidence bag. “We found this in four of the seven murders. We don’t know what it is. It has no name or address or phone number, just these stupid white lines forming a rose.”
Willam took the plastic bag in her hand, moved it around to get a better view of the piece of paper, recognition filled her features right away. “Oh, this is Luzon’s brothel.”
“You know what this is?” Katya asked, her voice filled with hope.
“Yeah, you see these lines here.” She pointed to the middle of the flower. “That’s the letter M, for Manila, Manila Luzon. Everybody knows who she is, and if you don’t then you probably can’t afford her. That’s why there’s no info on the card. She’s an eccentric bitch.”
Trixie looked at her with confusion. “What do you mean eccentric?”
“She has a dungeon, a classroom for role play, and things like that. Her girls are super talented, she hires only the best ones.”
“Do you know where we can find her?”
They got all the information about the place from Willam and, a few minutes later, they were dropping her off at her corner. Katya made sure to yell obscenities as Willam got out of the car, promising to come back and do more indecencies next week while they drove away.
It didn’t take them long to reach the brothel.
Trixie double checked the address once Katya was finally able to parallel park. She kept mumbling something about women’s brains, saying they didn’t develop the parts that calculated distance and space as much as men.
“If you think about it,” she continued, even when Trixie wasn’t paying attention. “It’s not at all misogynistic when people say women can’t drive, it’s a scientific fact. We can’t. We can do a lot of other things better than men, but driving, oh, Momma…” The tone of her voice changed when she looked up at Trixie. “And you are not paying attention.”
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Trixie asked, not even pretending she was listening to Katya.
They stood in front of an old building, but yet again, every building downtown was old. All the lights seemed to be off, and no sound came from the inside. Both looked up, spotting the large windows that didn’t indicate any movement happening on the other side of the glass. It had all the telltale signs of an abandoned building, and there they were, pulling the stained glass door to walk in.
A light bulb blinked above their heads, providing soft, intermittent lighting to the entry hallway. At the end of the corridor, an elevator waited for them.
Katya was the first one to walk inside the small cubicle. “If Willam sent us here to get killed, I swear to God…”
“Look!” Trixie pointed at the buttons of the elevator, successfully stopping Katya on her planning of bloody revenge. “It’s the same rose.”
The intricate design they had found on the cards replaced the number of the last button of the row. Trixie pressed it and they allowed the metallic box to take them to the top floor.
It would’ve been a good idea to come up with a strategy on their way up. Yet, they didn’t. Even if they had, though, they couldn’t possibly be prepared for what encountered them once the door slid open. Everything looked immaculate, upscale, expensive. A complete opposite to the first floor that had received them. The flashy furniture somehow made sense, as if it was meant to be put together. Even the blonde behind the tall desk belonged there just fine.
“Hello, welcome to Madam Luzon’s House of Pleasure. How can we take care of you tonight?”
Katya read the tag on the receptionist’s chest. Detox. Katya hardly doubted that was her real name, but it fitted her perfectly. Her lips were big, and there wasn’t a single wrinkle on her face. The tight dress showed off her perfectly sculpted body, if not by the gods themselves, by a group of doctors throughout many years. The face and body could be fake, but there was something very real about her smile. The contrast was verging on funny. The name Detox definitely suited her.
“Hello, sweetheart.” Katya flashed her a smile as she folded her arms on top of the desk. “We are here to gather some information.” She put as much effort as she could to make her voice somewhat alluring.
Detox giggled. Maybe it worked, maybe it was her job to respond like that to clients; but Katya felt proud of herself.
“Of course! Are you two pretty ladies looking to be a part of our team, or simply join the club?”
“What’s the difference?” Trixie asked.
Katya made yet another mental note, she had to talk Trixie into being more approachable. Half of the job was making people feel comfortable when talking to them. That entailed a lot of flexing the tone of their voices, and the ability to sound open and friendly, attributes that Trixie seemed to live without.
In an attempt to save the moment, Katya laughed exaggeratedly. “This beautiful lady is assuming we are hot enough to work here,” she spoke directly to Trixie before returning her attention to the receptionist. “Actually, we were hoping you could help us with something.” She fumbled with her phone for a moment before pulling up the picture that she needed, it was of the latest victim before being attacked. “Have you seen her? Has this girl worked here?”
Detox shook her head right away. “Nope. Why? Is she missing or are you trying to arrest her?”
She was very relaxed. Detox had by then understood that they were cops, that they were there to do an actual investigation, and she seemed unfazed. Katya was having a hard time reading her. Any person working at a place that literally had the words ‘House of Pleasure’ in the name, would be shaking in their boots in the presence of the police. She must have gotten good training on how to dissuade any law enforcer from what they actually did, or the paperwork was made up in such a way that they wouldn’t be able to prove what really went down there. Katya didn’t care, not really, not right now. She wasn’t there to shut down a sex house, she had a murderer to catch.
“Neither, actually.” It looked like Trixie had gotten the hint, her voice sounded just a little bit softer. “Is she a member of the club?” A head shake answered her question. “Is there anybody else we can ask about her?”
Detox’s perfect customer service smile shone brightly. “Sure. Please, excuse me for a minute.”
Trixie and Katya looked at each other as the girl went through a door on the side. Katya wanted to tell Trixie to relax, to keep her chill, and act normal. She wanted to let Trixie know that they were there to support each other; that they were going to get in there, get as much information as they could and go from there. She didn’t have to. After a few seconds of holding her stare, Trixie nodded. She understood.
“Madam Luzon will see you now,” Detox spoke a few feet from them, holding the door open so they could walk in.
Frantic music received them as soon as they entered the big office. In the corner, who they could only guess was Madam Luzon, rapidly moved a brush against a large canvas. She wore what seemed to be plastic cover in the form of a puffy dress. A white streak of hair bounced at the top of her head when she looked down to her paint palette. The strokes were long and thin as she moved to the rhythm of the quick tempo. She changed colors a couple of times, but didn’t stop until the music came to a dramatic end. That was when she finally turned around to face them, a wide smile on her face.
“Hello! Welcome. How can I take care of you tonight?”
She put the brush down and took a towel. She wiped her hands but all the stains remained on her skin, leaving her with big freckles of different colors.
“Hi. Thank you. We were hoping you could help us.” Katya took a step forward, her extended hand holding the phone in front of her. “Have you seen this girl before?”
Madam Luzon squinted her eyes, clearly pretending to take a better look of the image. “I don’t think I have, no. Is she in any trouble?”
“Not really.” Trixie shrugged nonchalantly. “Dead sure could be considered kinda troublesome, I guess. Very inconvenient, for sure.”
“Oh, geez.” Madam Luzon pressed a hand to her chest. “Poor girl, and so young. She had her whole life ahead of her.”
Katya wasn’t buying the performance, not for one second, but she decided to go along with it. She wanted to see how far this could go.
“We found your card at her place. Any idea how it got there?”
A hand was waved to dismiss Katya’s question. “If the kid was talented, I may have offered her a spot here at some point. I only hire the very best. She probably didn’t make the cut because, sadly, I don’t think I remember her.” The phone rang besides her, giving her enough excuse to end the meeting. “Why don’t you give Detox your phone number, I’ll let you know if we remember anything else. Or, I don’t know, maybe we could talk business.”
The conversation ended with a wink as she placed the phone to her ear.
Walking out of the office felt like a defeat. They had gone in there with such hopes and came out with nothing. Katya still didn’t trust the crazy painter, whose eyes got crossed when looking at the phone. There was something off about her, but Katya couldn’t identify what it was. The last thing she needed was something else to nag at the back of the head. Her anxiety was already through the roof as it was.
Just like they were told, Katya provided her phone number to Detox, who wrote everything down in the computer.
“She offered you a job, didn���t she?” The receptionist asked, leaning forward on the tall desk in conspiracy. “You know, you and I could easily do some sister act. I wouldn’t mind getting freaky with you.”
Katya laughed. “Oh, believe me, I wouldn’t either. Maybe some other time?”
The smile thrown her way seemed to be enough for Detox, who then lifted her eyebrows in Trixie’s direction. “What about you? We have a beautiful doll house that would be perfect for you.”
Lacking Katya’s everflowing seductive skills, Trixie simply shook her head. “Right now, I’m just a little busy with the whole catching killers and all, maybe next time.”
“Ah, maybe next time,” Detox repeated. “You will come around for sure. Nobody says no to Manila Luzon.”
They thanked the girl for her time and left the building, Katya offered to dropped Trixie at her place, claiming she was pretty sure she remembered the way. Almost. If anything, Trixie could guide her around, but she didn’t. As soon as they got in the car, Trixie focused her sole attention on her phone, leaving Katya to figure out the directions by herself.
Loud music came from the device. Katya tried to see what was playing on the phone but, every time she looked at Trixie, she encountered a long curtain of hair blocking her view. Trixie would make disapproving noises before closing a video and opening a new one. The scene was repeated a couple of times before Katya finally decided to ask.
“You really do hate when people have fun, huh?” She directed her attention to the passenger seat for a second, enough to see Trixie’s Instagram getting closed.
“It’s just my roommate, Kim,” she answered, putting the phone back in her purse. “She has people over and I don’t feel like dealing with them.”
“Why? Don’t you like them?” Katya asked without looking at her, her eyes set on the road in front of her.
Trixie scuffed softly. “I do, sorta. I mean, who doesn’t like to hang with beautiful fashion models that make you feel insecure as shit?”
Katya fully looked at her. “Oh, you are not being serious. Trixie, you are, like, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life.”
With the corner of her eye she saw how Trixie shrugged, disregarding the topic. It wasn’t a typical sight. She hadn’t known Trixie for long, but she did know how much she liked her body. She was proud of her curves and knew exactly what to wear to highlight them. Her makeup abilities were something beyond Katya’s comprehension. She simply couldn’t understand how someone could literally transform the topography of her face just with brushes and beauty products. The most important part was, Trixie knew she was beautiful. More than once Katya had heard her replying with an ‘I know’ when someone complimented how good she looked.
“You know?” Katya suddenly found herself asking. “It’s still kinda early, and my apartment is not far from here. It’s a bit of a mess, but at least it’s not filled with your friend’s friends. Wanna crash for a bit? At least until you know the coast is clear.”
Surprisingly, Trixie agreed and allowed Katya to drive them to her place.
Her apartment was small, and disorganized. Katya made sure to let Trixie know that as they walked up the stairs. She had been living there for a long time and was constantly moving the furniture from its place. Just to see how things would look, but usually gave up halfway through. That was the reason why, when they walked in, Trixe spotted a recliner in the kitchen, and the dining table sat right between the TV and the couch.
One thing that Trixie did find fascinating, was the type of art that adorned the walls. It was weird, bizarre even, but all the uncommon pieces somehow managed to perfectly represent Katya. There was even a series of pictures hanging on a thread from wall to wall, they were all famous paintings that had Katya’s face photoshopped into them. They were odd, and strange, and completely Katya.
“Sorry for the mess,” Katya apologized as she ran around the living room, picking up clothes that were spread around. “I don’t usually have visitors.” She carelessly threw everything in what seemed to be a closet and came back, her hands clapping nervously. “Do you want some coffee?”
Trixie had to chuckle. “If I drink coffee now I won’t be able to sleep at all.”
Katya brought her hand to rub at the back of her neck. “Right. Right. Well, I have tea as well. I think.”
“Really, I’m fine, thank you.”
They walked to the living room and sat on each end of the couch. There was silence for a moment, it wasn’t uncomfortable, it wasn’t tense, but Trixie felt like suffocating. There was something pressing on her chest, preventing her lungs from expanding properly, and she knew the only way to breathe again would be to talk. Since earlier that night, when Katya had opened up about her life, Trixie felt the need to do the same, but it was very unlike her. She could joke about her rough life all day long, but really talking about it wasn’t easy for her.
With a deep sigh, she prepared herself to let it out. She could only hope Katya would understand and appreciate what a huge step this was.
“Wanna–” A small cough cut her off, but she was determined to continue. “Wanna know why I entered the force?”
Katya nodded enthusiastically. “Always.”
“I’m from the deep country. I’m talking cows, and outhouses, and an hour drive just to reach the nearest McDonald’s. I never met my dad, he bailed before I was even born. For a while, it was okay, but Mamma couldn’t really put bread on the table. So she married this guy who - he was okay, I guess, at first. He was a good provider. Then my sister was born and things turned ugly. Suddenly, I wasn’t his kid anymore, so he refused to treat me as such. He was drunk all the time, but, like, all the fucking time.”
Her eyes closed as she pronounced those last words, memories of how things used to be filled her head.
“He started hitting me, because I would misbehave; then my mom, ‘cause she couldn’t keep me in check. I couldn’t stand it. And there was nothing I could do. Standing up to him only meant making things worse. I got out as soon as I could, but I couldn’t help my mom. She had to wait until the bastard died of alcohol poisoning to be free. I don’t wish that on anybody. If I couldn’t help her, at least I can help others.”
All the words poured out of her at once, fearing that if she even took a second too long to pull air in, she would lose the courage to keep going. Katya didn’t say a thing, her mouth opened and her eyes had stopped blinking.
“Trixie, I–” she started.
“Don’t,” Trixie interrupted her. “You don’t have to say anything.”
“No, no, I want to.”
In a fast move, Katya was right in front of her. A soft hand landed on Trixie’s cheek and that was when she realized she was crying. Katya’s touch was delicate, Trixie couldn’t help but close her eyes and leaned into the warmth of Katya’s palm.
“You are so brave,” Katya said, forcing Trixie to open her eyes. “Not a lot of people have it in them to get out of shitty situations. Hell, even I love to go even deeper into my shit. But you… you are such an amazing woman. You are strong and smart and-and funny and I am so fucking proud of you. Knowing that you went through all of that only makes you even more of a badass, if you ask me.”
Trixie laughed tearily. “I wasn’t asking, really.”
A light chuckle left Katya’s lips but she didn’t say anything back. She simply kept rubbing soft circles on Trixie’s cheek with her thumb. The makeup was probably going to be ruined, if not by the touch, from all the crying, but Trixie didn’t really care at this point.
“That’s why this case became such a big deal, I guess.” Trixie hadn’t even considered it until the thought left her lips. “That could’ve been me, you know? One wrong decision and I could’ve ended up like those girls.” An abrupt sob cut through her throat and, before she knew it, she was crying uncontrollably in Katya’s arms.
It could have been a few minutes, it could have been hours, days even. Trixie felt like she had cried every emotion she held inside her. It was a freeing feeling. Soon, she was able to pull air back in without choking.
When she noticed Trixie was breathing normally, Katya pulled away a little to look into her eyes. “You feeling better?” A small nod answered her question. “You are not those girls, okay? And he’s not going to be on the loose for long. We are going to catch this guy.”
Trixie looked at her with big, pleading eyes. Her face had softened to a point that Katya couldn’t stop herself.
“Can I… just… I need to…”
She didn’t have to ask for permission, not really, because as she started to lean forward, Trixie closed her eyes. Katya kissed her right eye, tasting salt and glitter.
“We are gonna catch him,” she promised before moving to the left eye. “I’m gonna do it…” There was a kiss on the nose. “For you.” And then their lips found each other.
The kiss was slow and cautious. Lips smoothly wrapped around each other. They right away initiated a rhythm that allowed their movements and breathing to balance out perfectly. As their mouths explored one another, hands started to roam across their bodies. Trixie placed her hand on Katya’s nape, pulling her closer. Katya had a hand lost between the curls of Trixie’s hair, and the other one rested on Trixie’s thigh.
It was intimate, it was soft, and it was getting hotter by the minute.
It took one quick move for Katya to be sitting on Trixie’s lap. Each of her legs straddled Trixie’s as the kissing became deeper and deeper. Trixie’s hands found their way to Katya’s ass, and she pushed her slightly, starting a rocking motion. Katya didn’t complain, the complete opposite, she liked how Trixie was taking the lead. The feeling of Trixie’s hands kneading her flesh, mixed with the slow movement of her hips, had her already turned on beyond herself.
Katya quickened the pace. She lifted her hips and her hands went down to pull up her own skirt. She needed as much contact as possible. Their lips parted, giving room for moans and whimpers to fly freely. Among the noises of building pleasure filling the apartment, a cell phone brought everything to a halt.
Trying to catch her breath, Katya pressed her forehead against Trixie’s. Their stares met. Katya gave her a moment, trying to figure out if the interruption was enough to break the charm, and make Trixie regret what they were doing.
“Yours or mine?” Katya asked with a side smile.
“Mine is right here,” Trixie said, tapping her pocket before stealing a quick kiss.
With a grunt, Katya stood up and followed the sound to the front door, where she had dropped her purse when they walked in. The screen was still lit when she pulled it out, but the device wasn’t ringing anymore. Ginger’s nickname appeared under the label of missed calls. She stared at it for a moment, pondering what to do. If it had been an emergency, the phone would have rang again by now, or at least that was the excuse Katya gave herself to not return the call. Ginger probably just wanted to catch up. Katya missed her friend, but she had a turned on goddess on her couch. The dilemma answered itself.
Katya sent a quick message indicating she couldn’t talk at the moment, with the promise to ring Ginger in the morning. She stuffed the phone back into her purse and practically ran back to the living room. The short period was enough for her to find it empty. She looked around frantically, but Trixie was nowhere to be found. She couldn’t have left, she was right there just a moment ago, and Katya had been standing by the front door.
A muffled sound came from the bedroom, Katya made her way there and found Trixie. She had thrown to the floor all the crap that Katya had left on the bed, and was already pulling her dress above her head.
No more time was lost. They helped each other out of their clothes and stumbled on the bed. They continued to kiss as fingers rolled nipples and nails scratched backs. It was primitive, it was urgent, it was extremely hot. Katya could feel every inch of her skin burning in desire, and the flames would quench only by the touch of Trixie’s hands.
Katya’s back landed on the mattress, Trixie lied on top of her, settled between her opened legs. She took a nipple between her teeth and Katya’s back arched to the touch. It was worlds apart from the first time they had done it. Trixie was running her tongue on Katya’s breasts, giving both equal amount of attention.
“Thank you,” Trixie spoke against her skin. “Thank you for understanding.” Her head then moved up, facing Katya completely. “Thank you for being such an amazing partner.”
“It’s my absolute pleasure, Barbie doll.”
She held Trixie’s face in her hands, making sure she didn’t lose eye contact as their hips started to move again. They started pressing against each other, rubbing their more intimate areas with fervor. Katya knew it was physically impossible, but the position made her feel as if Trixie were actually thrusting hard inside of her. With every push of Trixie’s hips against hers, Katya’s walls clenched around nothing.
They moved faster and faster, the rhythm becoming erratic as each of them got closer to their own orgasm.
It took one of Trixie’s high pitched moans to send Katya over the edge. She saw white flashes in front of her eyes as waves of earth-shattering pleasure hit her relentlessly. In the high of her ecstasy was that everything suddenly became clear.
“Oh, my God. I know who did it!”
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dat2ndaccount97 · 5 years
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Doll Inventory Part 12: My Main Doll Box
The last 9 dolls from my my doll box, though most of these shifted down towards the bottom as I was taking out and sorting through my dolls for these inventory posts. 
- 1st row Right and Left side are both Liv Dolls by Spin Master. I always really liked these dolls, liked their, by default, articulated bodies and the wig swapping system.
- 2nd row Left side is a Mattel Harry Potter Ginny Weasley doll. her proportions are weird but I like her. Her hair color looks great!
- 2nd row Right side is a Hasbro Star Wars Episode 1 Ultimate Hair Queen Amidala Doll. I got her at a thrift store and she was surprisingly complete save for her instructions which makes figuring out how to do any of the “ultimate hair” stuff a little tricky.
- 3rd row Left side is a Mattel Aquaman Movie Mera Action doll. Her Proportions are weird, I think she uses a WWE Divas body, and her face just looks… off. I’ve always had a hard deciding if this is just Mattel Quality control at it’s finest or if she’s supposed to have this wonk look to her.
- 3rd row Right side is a Mattel Aquaman Movie Royal Gown Mera Action doll. Same face and proportion issues. Her outfit is nice though the big blue thing on the back makes it difficult to store her, and her outfit gets glitter EVERYWHERE.
- 4th Row Left Side is a Mattel Barbie Signature Justice League Movie Mera. The Aquaman Action doll mera looks a little more like amber heard, but this doll came out much much better, and personally I like her more armored justice league look a lot more.
- 4th row Left Side is a Marvel Rising Secret Identity Gwen Stacy/Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen doll. I really spider-gwen, and was super happy when these dolls got announced. Unfortunately I could never find the regualr Gost spider doll in retail but saw the less articulated Secret Identity version and got her immediately. I Cut her har shorter to more closely resemble the Comics and Into the Spider-Verse. Kinda not a fan of her face and definitely not a fan of that side glance.
- 5 row doll is a Jakks Pacific 1999(?) Holiday Elegance doll (in some fashionistas clothes because it was 5:30 am and I was tired lol). The Holiday elegance dolls are pretty much just off brand holiday barbies that I think were only sold at Toys R Us. I found her at a thrift store about a year ago and her hair was a nightmare. A few months ago I decided to cut her hair short because I just couldn’t deal with her nightmare mane. Really happy with how it came out though I might need to flatten it out a bit. I actually really really like her off brand barbie face, it looks really cute IMO.
These are last photos I took for now, I still have the dolls in their own boxes outside of my main box, My backpack of fixer upper, future reroot, and other Misc. Barbies and heads, my Box of Frozen dolls (mostly Dolls of Princess Anna), and some other action dolls I have scattered about.
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azeher · 6 years
The Boob dilemma (totally a clickbait title)
One of my favorite things about the outrage and discourse that arised back when the character design for She-ra, from the 2018 She-ra reboot, made their debut is how on one side of the argument we had men in their forties complaining at how the new design completely destroyed their prenotions of what the character of She-ra should look like, hence feeling like an ultimate attack from the millenial generation toward the pop culture of their youth in an attempt to strip them from what once was part of their identity while at the same time appropiating that identity. And they were also mad that she looked like a boy.
And on the other side of the argument we had a group of very strong voices expressing their content at the fact these men could not get any sexual satisfaction from this character anymore.
What entices me the most about this argument is how they don’t seem to even be arguing against each other, but at some sort of nondescript enemy. By the time the original She-ra came out, He-man was already a phenomenon among boys and girls alike, and we know this because little girls love action-adventure shows and that was exactly why Mattel wanted to cash on this fact, by releasing new girl-oriented characters in the MotU toyline. And that’s how Filmations’ She-ra the Princess of Power came to be. And being the first ever created action-figure series for girls, she was groundbreaking in every way. What they didn’t expect tho, was that boys became invested in this new show as well, because we all know boys love inspiring heros regardless of their gender, and she actually got to be more popular among them than among girls at the time.
So, seeing as the audience of these two shows and that the target market of these toys were children, it’s safe to assume these boys weren’t really getting any sort of sexual satisfaction from the design of the characters. And I can hear what you’re saying: But these boys grew up! They became creepy men that sexualize teenage female characters and complain about boobs!
Those are very acceptable points, but following that idea, we have to take in mind that by the time these kids reached puberty, these characters became part of the sexual awakening and identity for a lot of them, girls and boys alike. Not to mention, the idea for She-ra and He-man was that they were full adult versions of Adora and Adam, and that shows in the designs and animation. Adora and Adam themselves didn’t look that younger either, probably because a lot of animated shows from the 80s had 15 y/o and up teenagers looking like they were in their 30s (Saint Seiya), and probably so they didn’t have to fabricate very different doll molds for the toys production (okay, we know this is the reason).
But She-ra wasn’t a sexual icon any more than Barbie or Xena were. And the one thing Xena and She-ra have in common aside from being badass warrior princesses AND fashion icons of the fantasy genre is that they sported what I like to call the short short skirt, which takes me to my next point: The clothes.
The clothes design for the new She-ra is casually pretty, casually comfortable and casually fit of the teenage character she fully represents now. And she also wears shorts. That called my attention because there was not a single scene in which you could see under the skirts of any of the two aforementioned ladies. In fact, there was a law stablished by the Executive Producer and the Animation Coordinator of the 80s She-ra that prohibited any shot of her panties, no matter how high her leg went up or if she was doing acrobatics. While there was always a black shadow under the heavy layers of leather Xena wore whenever she threw one of her famous kicks. Anyone could still argue these outfits were “slutty”, but the negative note in this statement would contradict the notion that girls are allowed to feel comfortable with their bodies and sexuality while expressing themselves and shouldn’t be ashamed for what they choose to wear, also, that their clothes shouldn’t influence at all the way men react and behave around them, so I’m gonna assume people who use this argument are just tired of seeing these costumes in Halloween.
Now onto my second to last point: Boobs. Yeah, no, I’ve got nothing here. Some people are just obsessed with boobs, even in cartoons. No boobs, no woman, apparently. Imagine WonderWoman without boobs. I guess she’s suddenly a guy. Having the words ‘woman’ or ‘she’ in their hero names aren’t indicative enough of their gender.
Which allows me to address my final point: Body diversity. MotU lacked this one, mostly so Mattel could save money on toy production costs (and maybe also animation costs for Filmation, that got to reuse and redraw many frames), which makes the character design of the 2018 reboot an evident and refreshing improvement. But often, when I see The Discourse play out, a popular counter argument against 80s fans is brought up: That She-ra’s new body is simply better because it actually reflects her age and because she looks strong instead of traditionally feminine, no longer having a thin waist and hourglass figure which are sexist features. The core problem of this argument is that girls like this exist. The idea that one body type is inherently better than another is already incorrect, but there are young girls whose genetics make their bodies develop faster. Are these girls reinforcing sexism? And what about femininity? Is there only one right way to exercise it?
There really isn’t anything wrong with the original She-ra (aside from the one body-one face syndrome the characters were subjected to). It was a happy and colorful show that taught girls and boys alike valuable lessons like having confidence in themselves and doing the right thing, and also had silly mascots. 
The 2018 She-ra seems like a refined version of this, with diverse characters and a central conflic that explores the close relationship between love and hate, childhood abuse, trauma and the way stereotypes are used as a war tactic to take down entire populations. While staying goofy from beginning to end despite all that.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, it’s possible to enjoy both versions. Actually, it isn’t if you’re younger than 30. The pacing and stiff animation of the 80s one had me falling asleep every episode. But my point is that the original She-ra is not bad because of the reasons people like to use, and that a lot of 80s fans, mainly the ones not obsessed with boobs, just feel alienated from a franchise they used to know so well but that was reformed.
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phoukanamedpookie · 6 years
Some personal ish about gender and stuff (warning: discussion of dysphoria, misogynoir, lesbophobia)
Note: Since I can’t trust Tumblr to treat this with the delicacy it deserves, please ask before reblogging. Also, please refrain from gender policing in the comments and tags. Non-cis women are women, non-cis men are men, and there are more than two genders. Please keep all comments to the contrary away from this post.
I'm not like other girls. No, I don't mean this as a badge of pride because of a disinterest in supposedly frivolous things, but in the sense that my sense of myself as a woman does not conform to societal expectations of what “woman” means.
In looks, I take after my dad. My hands are big, my shoulders broad, and my hair short. My legal given name is generally thought of as a boy’s name, and people who haven’t met me often call me, “Mr. Surname.” Truth be told, I'd rather not have a uterus, as I don't want kids, and my menses is just a painful mess due to endometriosis, but the expense and side effects of a hysterectomy give me pause. 
My choice in clothes trends toward comfortable than decorative. Only recently have I come to “discover” the freedom of a long, flowing skirt. I can’t stand the way makeup feels on my face (nevermind being unable to wear eyeliner because that’s too close to poking myself in the eye).
As a child, I was called a tomboy, and I tried on a lot of different things girls aren't "supposed" to do like peeing while standing up or facing the toilet (As a result of my experiments, I've come to the conclusion that such things are not for me). I preferred action figures to Barbie dolls. Instead of playing house or tea party, liked to dig in the dirt and pretending that sticks were swords. I’ve never been particularly interested trappings of femininity.
As an adult, I'd most likely be described as butch, stud, masculine of center or androgynous, though I identify as none of those things. I've interacted with women who identified as butch, stud, ag and masculine of center, and those things are not me. I've interacted with trans men and non-binary people who skew masculine, and those things are not me.
I’m emotionally reserved, incline toward autonomy, and resent it when forced into a caretaker or maternal role.
Yet, at no point in my life have I ever doubted that I was a girl/woman, and few things insult or distress me as much as being misgendered or being described as male, masculine or manly in any way. I was teased and bullied for it too, though I thankfully don't remember most of it. 
Most people don’t know this about me, but for the vast majority of my life, I’ve lived with mild dysphoria. Not because my interests and my presentation made me feel less womanly, but because everything around me told me that to be a girl or a woman means being decorative, being desired, being acted upon. If I fantasized about kissing and fucking women (or rather, being kissed and fucked by women), it must've meant that I was the "man." That's how it works, right?
I sometimes wonder if I'm really a woman, or if I'm fooling myself into thinking I am. Does misgendering bother me because it's a lie people tell me, or because it's the truth I refuse to recognize? If I'm really a woman, why do men fucking men feature in my orgasmic dreams? (Though nowadays, my most memorable orgasmic dreams are powerful, assertive women who take the lead sexually.) If I'm really a woman, why does it feel so strange to do the things women are supposed to do and not want the things women are supposed to want?
I used to imagine a different me, a me with a flat chest and a dick where tits and pussy used to be, and while I'd welcome the freedom of not needing a shirt on a hot day, finding clothes that comfortably fit my body (with pockets!), my desire to want and fuck women being seen as natural and to walk into a space and simply be a human being and not some sort of weirdo or deviant or otherwise "wrong" for existing, that version of me feels false.
Being a Black woman of size on top of that means that I spent a lot of time uncomfortable in my own skin. I hated my nappy hair, wishing for long, flowing locks. I hated my brown skin with dark scars and scratches on the arms and legs. I hated my wide hips, my big titties, my thick thighs, my belly, wishing for a willowy physique like a Russian ballerina instead of this bear or buffalo body of mine. I hated seeing my father in my face. I was called ugly by my peers, and teachers told me to expect being misgendered if I look and act like a boy. My mother told me I was beautiful, but I couldn't help wondering if she was lying.
Looking back on it, it's a wonder that I'm not more damaged than I already am.
Nowadays, I wonder how much of this has to do with misogynoir and the Black unwoman meme. Sometimes I'm angry about it. How dare they! HOW DARE THEY! Who the fuck died and made them chief of the gender police? Who gave them permission to try to force me into a straightjacket because they lack the imagination to conceive of being a woman who is not a virgin, a mother or a sex object? Who decided that a desire for freedom and comfort is the same as a desire for manliness?
Most often, though, I'm just tired and sad. Why can't I just be myself without people trying to slap a label on me that I never asked for? Why can't I just do what I do and like what I like without it being an embrace of masculinity or a rejection of femininity? Why does different have to mean wrong?
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dakt37 · 6 years
The long, long character breakdown of my super self-indulgent Toy Story-style Star Wars AU, “Destiny Dollhouse.” (Some doodles are here) My apologies if the cut doesn’t work.
Other than perhaps a brief moment of Buzz-style confusion for Jyn (“Oh my god I died, the planet blew up, is this purgatory?!” “Oh Honey no that was just a movie and you’re just a doll.”), everyone is aware of their situation. And while dolls of the same character are usually similar in personality, they also each lean on different traits and end up distinctive. For the most part, they address each other with surname initials to avoid confusion.
The Leias:
Leia C (Ceremonial) - The most regal/calm/mature of the Leias, she tends to act as their de facto leader. She has somewhat limited articulation and moves like Toy Story’s Barbie. From the 1999 Portrait Series, Leia C spent something like 15 years in storage as a collector’s item. She’s glad to now be out of her box, but is still very cautious about keeping her hair and clothing neat.
Leia O (Original, or Organa I suppose) - AKA Buff Leia. From the 1996 Hasbro line, she is the oldest in the dollhouse. But in the “cool biker aunt” sort of way. She sometimes doffs her dress and just hangs out in the bodysuit she wears underneath. She’s strong and can be jovial, but also has zero time for anyone’s bullshit.
Leia H (Hoth) - Youngest of the Leias along with her identical twin Leia E. They’re sometimes referred to as “The Destiny Twins.” Leia H is a great mission leader, but also the most hot-tempered doll in the house. She enjoys swapping clothes and weapons with her roommates, but Do Not touch her hair.
Leia E (Endor) - The looser of the Destiny Twins. She had most of her original braids undone so that she could actually use her helmet, a move that scandalized many of the other dolls. Adventurous and personable, she often goes on recon missions with the 3D Fireteam and is one of the few to have become close friends with Rey J. For a while, Leia E was the only doll to wear colors other than white, black, brown, red, and gold. She’s always enthusiastic about meeting dolls with new colors, and (like her twin sister) loves swapping clothes. She also has a little Ewok friend, Wicket.
The Amidalas:
The Queen (Red Senate dress) - Democratically elected leader of the dollhouse, she lives on the top level with her second-in-command, Sabe B. Like Leia C, she was in storage for years and tends to be careful about her appearance. She’s not particularly active, due to limited articulation and many heavy clothes. She’s not lazy, it’s just a hassle you know?
Amidala (Red palace dress) - AKA Gay Padme, she’s entirely disinterested in any talk of Anakin Skywalker (“I’m from TPM anyway, he’s just a little kid??”) and is instead dating Sabe R.  Amidala is somewhat sassy compared to her sisters, and very experimental in her fashion. She tries to be mindful of her carefully styled curls, but is often too enthusiastic about trying on new outfits and then needs her girlfriend to fix them up after they get caught in velcro or squished under accessories.
Padme (Pilot outfit) - [I don’t actually own her yet, but she’s next on my “to buy” list.] The most impulsive of all the Amidalas, and the most smitten with Anakin. She often goes on missions with the Destiny Twins and the 3D Fireteam, but just as often needs to be rescued by them when she starts off on some investigation on her own and then gets into trouble.
Sabe B (Black dress) - Marketed as Amidala, but is actually Sabe playing decoy. She and Queen are close (though not as close as Amidala and Sabe R), and spend most of their time discussing the running of the dollhouse and managing each other’s physical upkeep. Sabe B is the most fastidious of all the dolls, and the most protective of everyone’s appearances (most especially of the feathers on her own headdress). She’s the house seamstress, though due to limited mobility she delegates the collecting of tools and supplies.
Sabe R (Red dress) - Also marketed as Amidala, but actually Sabe playing decoy. Sabe R is dating Amidala, is a bit of a gossip, and is by far the most experimental with her own hair. Where Sabe B is the expert on mending clothes, Sabe R is the expert on hair. For most of the dolls her work is limited to fixing squished updos and taming flyaways, but Sabine and Leia E let her brush and braid to her heart’s content.
The Reys:
Rey J (Jakku) - The most adventurous loose canon of all the dolls, she often wanders off on her own to scavenge for things around the apartment at large. She’s socially awkward and slow to trust, but very enthusiastic about showing off her treasure once she’s sure you won’t steal it. Her twin sister Rey R knows her the best, but she’s also managed to befriend Leia E and Ahsoka. Leia H has banned Rey J from official dollhouse missions because she never sticks to the plan. Rey J’s favorite thing in the whole apartment is the spider plant.
Rey R (Resistance) - Still a little rough around the edges socially, but more clued-in than her sister. Rey R tends to act as the “big sister” of the pair, despite them being twins. BB-8 (who hops rather than rolls) is most loyal to Rey R, acting more or less like her pet dog. Rey R and Ahsoka became fast friends (especially after Ahsoka managed to befriend Rey J), and do lightsaber training together.
Ahsoka - The most acrobatic of the dolls, despite not being able to raise her arms at the shoulder due to some bizarre design decision by FoD doll creators (seriously wtf??). Extremely chipper and gregarious, Ahsoka makes friends with everyone she meets, even if sometimes it takes prolonged and dogged determination. She hates being left out of things. She also considers herself a good luck charm, as she arrived on the day that the Star Wars Celebration 2019 hotel blocks opened and was standing watch over the computer when I managed to defy the odds and actually snag a room in the chaos of thousands of people all trying to get on the same website at the exact same moment o_e Oh also she has a pet lothcat for some reason.
Sabine - One of the newest arrivals. I don’t actually know super much about her canon personality yet beyond that she’s artistic and probably pretty badass. So the doll version loves to play with the chalkboard and whiteboards in the kitchen, and is the least intimidated of the cat that shares the apartment with them. She immediately develops a crush on Ahsoka.
Jyn - Another of the newest arrivals. Might have slight Buzz Lightyear Syndrome to start out with. She tends to be the straight man, comedicaly speaking. Tired, angsty, and somewhat insecure, she can be abrasive at first and butts heads with authority figures. She eventually becomes good buddies with Leia O, and likes to join Ahsoka and Rey R for sparring practice and Rey J for climbing excursions.
3D Fireteam - Four 3D-printed action figures of Padme, Sabe, and Eirtae from the battle of Naboo. Two are Padmes technically, but one is nearly twice the height of the other three figures. They behave rather like the green soldiers from Toy Story, complete with the feet-stuck-to-base waddle. I’m not sure what their exact chain of command is, but in general they take orders from Leia H. I’m also not sure how they refer to each other; maybe just by military ranks?
LEGO TFA Trio - Rey, Finn, and Poe. They’re dating. Goofy, fun-loving, and a bit mischievous. They love the winter holidays because they are technically keychains, and therefore get to be Xmas tree ornaments.
Obi-Wan Kenobi - A little crochet doll who can’t speak, as he has no mouth. Somehow he manages to be extremely sarcastic anyway.
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wildfcress · 6 years
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"never have i been a calm sea // i am a storm” storm - fleetwood mac
“fire in her bones // honey in her soul // she is sweet when she has to be // and fierce when she needs to be” - unknown
Full name: 
Lily Josephine Evans
Lily (English): Lily flower. Pure. The symbolism of a lily is innocence, purity, and beauty.
Josephine [Jo-SUH-Feen] (French): May Jehovah add. Named after her grandmother on her mother’s side, Josephine Campbell.
Evans (Welsh): Son of Evan; Gracious gift of Jehovah
January 30th, born and raised in Cokeland 
Cokeland is located in the Midlands in England, so I think that in a real geographic perspective she grew up in what would be our Copeland, England.
Blood Status 
Zodiac Sign: 
If it’s new, radical and rebellious, Aquarians are all over it. The fact that these folks can think so creatively and inventively is one of their greatest assets. Water Bearers are all about progress and technology — they love the latest gadgets, gewgaws, computers, and next-generation technologies. Thanks to a genius that borders on insanity (!), those born under this sign have the unique ability to present ideas that will revolutionize the world. Their approach in doing so may be unpredictable, impersonal and at times cold.
Generally, that means ample space, since Aquarius traits tend to be freedom-loving and individualistic, these folks need to roam (and yes, they do enjoy travel). While Aquarians are generally sympathetic and compassionate, they like it when things go their own quirky way. Some might call their behavior eccentric (and they would be right), but when you consider that the Aquarian’s heart is truly in the right place, a few oddities should be overlooked. In their own way, Aquarians treasure their many friends and acquaintances and want to give back as much as they can.
At play, those born under an Aquarius sun sign like to surround themselves with lots of people, preferably family and friends. When it comes to love, this star sign will also be playful, even flirtatious. While they play for keeps, it won’t necessarily feel that way, since these folks are the opposite of jealous. The great strengths of the Aquarius-born are their vision, intellect and humanity. They are determined to make the world a better place and to help everyone they can along the way. They are truly the trailblazers of the zodiac.
(+) Affectionate,  Progressive, Humanitarian
(-) Temperamental, Aloof, Uncompromising
What’s their family life like?:
Her mother Aisla (Elle-sa) Evans (nee Campbell) works as a seamstress and her father Christopher Evans owns a convenience store. Her older sister Petunia Evans is currently going to Imperial College London for Communications and Public Affairs. 
She’s always been really close with her mother, but her and her father have never quite seen eye to eye. Her and Petunia used to be attached by the hip until Lily started to display magic. Losing her sister was like losing part of herself; being as close as the two were, she struggled to find herself again after that loss. To this day she refuses to lose hope that they’ll reconnect one day.
When did magic first begin to manifest itself?:
She was nine and she was playing in her grandma’s garden and accidentally crushed her lavender plant. When she picked it up it rebloomed in her hand.
Wand Characteristics:
10 1/4 inches, Willow, Dragon Heartstring, Swishy
Willow; those with willow wands are known to have unwanted insecurity and great potential. Lily hates how insecure she could get. She tries to hide it, mainly through studying and making sure everything is as perfect as possible. They perform strong non-verbal spells and often goes to those who feel they have a lot to learn. A proverb in the Ollivander family says “he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.”
Dragon Heartstring: The only thing on the face of the earth as temperamental as Lily. When she first got it it would not. Stop. Blowing up in her face. Literally and metaphorically. So she started working even harder to make sure that a stupid piece of wood wasn’t beating her, and she eventually learned how to get it under control. Wands with a dragon heartstring core are known to produce the strongest magic. They can also change allegiance when won in a battle, and it bonds fiercely to its owner. Whenever someone in her dorm tried to use it...well, the walls were pink for weeks.
How long did it take the wand to choose them?:
She found it on the seventh wand. She thought that was normal, but then the person after her found theirs in one shot so she was like....a LIL OFFENDED TBH.
How long did it take the sorting hat to sort them?:
Five minutes. It had a hard time deciding whether to sort her into Gryffindor or Slytherin, because of her strong leadership, bravery, and ambition. But ultimately it decided on Gryffindor because of her brashness beat out everything else.
How do they feel about their common room/dorm?:
Loves them! The colors and overall atmosphere of the common room are so fucking comfy to her, being in it always puts her in a good mood. She practically lives in front of the fireplace. As for her dorm, she’s decorated her space with tons of posters, letters, polaroids she’s taken through the years, and fairy lights around her bed, so it’s pretty much a safe haven.
If they could go to another school, where would they go?:
Beauxbatons! She’s a hopeless romantic, so she’d love to actually live in france and go to school there!! Like, wow!! Two birds with one stone!! Their uniforms are much cuter, and she’s heard nothing but amazing things about their academics. Or Ilvermorny, because she’s interested in the fact that it was originally just a homeschool, which turned into a small group before eventually evolving into the school it is today. 
Best classes:
Charms, Potions
Worst Classes:
Transfiguration, Divination
Doe. Like a doe, Lily is observant, protective of those close to her, nurturing, gentle, and determined.
Memory they’d use to conjure it:
Her seventh birthday. Her favorite aunt, Marabell, surprised her at her grandmother’s house with the astronaut Barbie doll she wanted. There was snow covering the ground and they explored the forest by her grandmother’s house until it started getting dark. When they went inside they had dinner (chicken franchise - her favorite) and after they were done cleaning up she helped her grandmother made lemon cake.
What does Amortentia smell like to them?:
Lemons, a woodsy smell, and a third scent she really can’t recognize
Are they in any clubs?:
Slug Club & Dueling Club
Did they bring a pet? If yes, what?:
She brought a white cat named Priscilla (Petunia named her, she wanted to name it Snowball)
How often do they get packages from home?:
All. The. Time. Her parents always send her newspapers, magazines, and candy from home.
Do they earn detentions often?:
If she got caught doing half the shit she does, she’d be in detention a lot more. BUT she’s good at hiding it. Some rules are meant to be broken, and being a prefect sure as hell has its perks. 
Are they the type to gain or lose house points:
Would they go to the Yule Ball? Who would they ask?:
You bet your ass she would. And she’d probably definitely go with Mary. Their actual dates can come too.
Do they play quidditch? If so, what position?:
Not currently, but she’s thinking about trying out for chaser next year if there’s a spot open.
Favorite color:
Describe their aesthetic in 3 words:
Black flower Doc Martens. Messy hair. Overly sized sweaters.
Theme song:
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Top 5 songs in their playlist:
Dog Days Are Over - Florence and the Machine
Edge of Seventeen - Fleetwood Mac
Long Live - Taylor Swift
Now I Can Talk - Two Door Cinema Club
Nights - Frank Ocean
Vine that fits them: 
x x x x
3+ wanted connections: 
frenemy: someone that just grates her nerves. there’s no obvious reason as to why she doesn’t like them, but something about them makes her want to drive her head and theirs through a wall.
old flame: based off this song, something beautifully unofficial. lily has a huge heart and falls easily, so maybe something that was supposed to be nothing ended up being a lot more? possibly one sided? who knows. 
drinking buddies: can be multiple people! when shit gets real someone she could just drown her problems away with.
sass masters: this friendship is a lot of banter, light hearted insults, and teasing. they’re just having fun tbh.
quidditch: she wants to try out for quidditch next year, so someone to help her train and actually figure out what the fuck she’s doing
tutor: someone she tutors. simple as thAT
child: lily has taken this person under her wing and will do absolutely anything to protect them. she’s going all mama hen
unlikely friendship: lily can befriend a wALL. okay. so this is a friendship that you absolutely wouldn’t expect but it’s here 
fight club: she ALWAYS argues with this person. like every word out of their mouth just pisses her off immensely. even their presence makes her want 2 cry
internet: hogwarts is a big school, so i think it’d be fun to play with her befriending someone online and like just not knowing who they are in real life. they know each others name and houses and whatever but they’ve never actually met.
enemies: very self explanatory
more tba probably
Miscellaneous (Anything else you want to add): 
headcanon time!!
during school breaks she gets jobs around her town. not only does it give her muggle experiences that she wanted to have when she was younger, but she also feels guilty asking her parents for money every couple of months.
 she has two sets of school notes. one is the chickenscratch she takes during class, the second is a neater version of it that’s highlighted and bulleted and annotated. 
she’s HUGE into bullet journals
or just journaling for that matter. she thinks it’s fun
professional stealer of clothes. ur shirt missing? lily has it. ur pants? also lily’s. you probably won’t get it back.
her favorite candy is sugar quills (the white ones cause she’s basic)
the better her mood, the more sugar she puts in her coffee/tea
prefers coffee over tea
she knows every word to every one direction song
would much rather not wear shoes 
always has muggle pens and papers on her because you never know
she can NEVER have her nails done. she can for like a night but she’ll always end up picking it off
super cuddly. will more than likely fall asleep on you
is pretty much a cat
if she’s close with you, you have no faults. she will ignore everything wrong with them until she’s absolutely forced to face it. but once that trust is gone, it’s gone for good
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