#they don't show that much but that's even worse it's fucking brutal and when you play the game more than once you Know when it's coming
izzy-b-hands · 1 year
I played Bleeding Out tonight, so naturally I’m having Boss/Gat/Aisha thoughts and wound up writing another ‘Eesh has died, but Johnny is out of the hospital now and back home with Boss, and no one is equipped for this emotional upheaval but it’s here all the same’ thing.
Using one of my more recent Bosses, Ellis. If you’ve happened upon any of my SR stuff from the past year or so, you’ve probably read something with him in it already kladsfldjsa
“Thought we weren’t doing rings,” Ellis remarks, silver band in hand.
“Yeah,” Johnny mutters. “Well. I bought us rings. Wear it or don’t.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Johnny won’t look at him, and the third ring sits between them on the coffee table.
“Gonna give it to the funeral home?”
“Not sure yet. She didn’t get to wear it, so what would be the point in keeping it to wear myself, right?” Johnny asks. A hand worries at the bandages under his shirt.
“Don’t fuck with that.”
“It itches,” Johnny grumps. “I survived being fucking vivisected damn near, if I want to itch the fucking thing-”
“I don’t want you in the hospital again,” Ellis interrupts as gently as he can. “That’s all I meant.”
“Do you think she’d want it?”
“To be put on her in the coffin?”
“At all,” Johnny’s eyes are stuck to the ring.
“You know she would have said yes. You’d talked about it, and we’d worked out how it would work with me-”
“Should have just gotten two.”
“Would it help if I do it?” Ellis asks. “You tell me if you want it at the funeral home, and I’ll take it there. If you want a chain for it so you can wear it like that, we’ll do that.”
He doesn’t expect Johnny to move and join him on the couch, or to lay down and set his head in his lap.
But he plays with Johnny’s hair, and rubs his back. “Take the night and think on it. They said we could bring anything we wanted to go in it damn near up until the burial itself.”
“Think they could put me in there?”
“Don’t fucking say that.”
“You blame me for wanting it?”
“No. Just don’t like hearing it, since I damn near had to bury you with this,” Ellis replies, hand lingering down lower, at the bump of the bandages under Johnny’s shirt.
“Yeah, I fucking did,” Ellis insists. “You didn’t have to sit there and watch yourself nearly bleed out while that fucking asshole-”
“Trent did his best,” Johnny sits up slowly and wraps an arm around him. “His route, I’m told was-”
“Bad. He’s banned from driving right now, as a result,” Ellis sighs. “Because who the fuck thinks, ‘oh, we need the hospital immediately, but we’re being followed by rival gang members, let’s fucking do a jump from the road to the roof of a building below it, and-”
“I’m okay,” Johnny interrupts. “I’m breathing. He did fine.”
“Any room in that coffin for me too?”
“We’ll have to ask. Eesh would be pissed though.”
“At having to share, or us giving up?”
“Maybe a little bit of both,” Johnny muses. “It’s not a big coffin, so maybe the sharing. That’s why she had us buy that new mattress-”
“Because we either replace it with a bigger one, or Ellis is gonna keep falling out of bed,” Ellis quotes. “She was right. It is really nice, not falling out of the bed because it’s too small. Kind of too big now, isn’t it?”
Johnny peers around the house, and his voice catches in his throat. “Would you hate it if we went to your place near the hideout, maybe?”
“No,” Ellis will never say it aloud to Johnny, but every day and night they’ve spent in Aisha’s place, what had been their place, all three of them...
He sees it. Over and fucking over again.
The chair she was tied to and her body limp in it, and the blood on the walls, and the flowers cut and tossed to the floor, and her head-
“Should we call Pierce or Shaundi to come get us?” Ellis asks.
“I don’t think I can handle any questions,” Johnny says. “If Carlos was still here-”
“He’d pick us up and not say a single fucking word if we asked him not to,” Ellis gives up and buries his face into Johnny’s neck. “I don’t wanna undo all the work we’ve done. But if I could have two things, just two-”
“I know. We don’t get that though. But we can get revenge.”
“Maybe some sleep first?”
“Never thought I’d hear you say that,” Johnny chuckles, but there’s a bitter note in it. “Have you been sleeping at all?”
“You know I haven’t. I keep coming down here at night,” Ellis murmurs against Johnny’s skin, just loud enough to be audible. “Because it feels like she’ll be down here. And I’ll untie her, and she’ll shout at us for fucking up, and then she’ll come upstairs to bed.”
They wind up taking the train, where they stay until the sun rises, sleeping as the cars follow their endless loop around the city.
0 notes
stvrnzcherries · 7 months
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c. sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: Chris got into a fight with his girlfriend Paige and you comforted him until things led to another...
warnings: dom!chris, angst, smut, fingering, degrading kink, make out, pet names, cheating, alcohol, use of y/n, throwing up, toxic relationship.
not proofread!
You were at a house party that a few friends of the triplets organized. You were near the drinks table with Nick and Madi while Matt, Chris, and his girlfriend Paige were on the other side of the house. The thing is that you’re drunk right now and you can't help but stare at Chris, the way he caresses Paige's waist, the way he leans to whisper dirty little things to her, you want that, you want to be the one that he says those things, you want to be the one he can touch, love, crave for.
And it killed you that she was perfect and you felt like you would never be like her.
Little did you know...
“Y/n!” Nick snaps you out of your trance waving a hand across your face.
“Sorry, sorry! What were you saying?” You asked while you kept glaring at Chris’ direction.
“Do you want to play beer pong with us?” He asked once again
You nodded and that's when you saw Chris leaving with Paige upstairs.
This shouldn't be affecting you this much, but it hurts like hell. You can’t even recall when you started to feel this way about him, but it drove you crazy.
“Sure, but I kinda need some water…” And that’s when you felt it, your stomach turning, feeling the lump forming in your throat, this was the moment where your decision to get drunk would make you suffer the consequences for it. Kneeling on the floor, wrapping your arms around your stomach, feeling the acid making you gag, your first instinct was to pick up your cup and throw up on the inside, If you were going to humiliate yourself, the least you could do was to not make a mess on the fucking floor.
Feeling the sensation wear off slightly after literally throwing up your intestines (or at least that’s how it felt) you tried to stand up. Failing miserably, causing Nick and Madi to pick you up and rest your left arm around Nick’s shoulders and your right arm on Madi’s shoulders, trying to carry you to the bathroom as fast as they could.
Chris' POV
I went upstairs with Paige since she needed to talk to me. I think I’ve never felt so anxious in my life as I do right now. That’s when we got there and the conversation in reality was just Paige complaining about a trip I was going on with my brothers in a few days. “I just don’t understand why can’t you stay here with me!” she yelled.
“I already told you a few weeks ago that I’m not canceling another trip with my brothers just because you feel like not letting me go, you’re not my fucking mother to tell me where I can go or not, what I can do or not! Because guess what, Paige, I can do the fuck I want.” I snapped back, making Paige turn around and slap me harshly, leaving a red mark across my cheek.
I held my cheek, not feeling slightly shocked anymore since this started way back ago, I could tell by her face that she regretted it instantly.
“Chris, baby…” she tried to place her hand on the spot where she marked, making me pull away from her touch.
“And now you just gave me more reasons to go on that fucking trip,” I added between sobs, trying to hold back the tears, turning my back to her.
"Please, don't leave me… I can fix this..." She gripped my arm.
"As far as I remember, you mentioned the same thing last time we fought." The resentment showed up in my voice, but I couldn't help it. How could someone so perfect turn into a complete monster? How can someone hurt someone they love?
And when I left the room, I would rather not see her face or hear her voice.
Y/n’s POV
You were in the bathroom throwing up while Madi was making you a ponytail and Nick rubbed your back. This night couldn’t get any worse. “Shit,” Nick murmured as you let your head rest on his shoulder, feeling way better than how you were.
“What?” Madi asked, her voice sounding tense.
“Matt just texted me we’re leaving right now.” You sat up straight, panicking, “What do you mean? I thought we all agreed to go until 1:00 AM…”
He scratches the back of his neck, “Yeah, well, there’s a change of plans.”
You checked your phone, and it was only midnight, “You guys should convince Matt if we can go in 30 minutes?”
They looked at each other and then back at you, “We won’t leave you here, y/n.”
“I’ll be fine, guys don’t need to worry about me.” You smiled at both of them.
Nick shook his head. “I’ll just text Chris to ask him if he can try to convince Matt to let us stay a little longer.” He spoke as he started to type on his phone. “We’re not leaving you here alone, end of the conversation.”
"Alright, Dad," you replied jokingly, having as a response an eye roll from Nick as he was about to laugh.
Thirty minutes had passed, and the three of you were still inside the bathroom waiting for Chris’ answer. “Did he text you already?” You asked as you rinsed your mouth with some mouthwash to get rid of the disgusting sour taste you had.
"Yes, and he's giving me a headache already!" Nick answered as he kept texting back and forth with whom you supposed was Chris, "He won't stop being a fucking baby, and it's bitch complaining to me that Matt keeps insisting that we have to go now."
"Well...maybe we should try to—" You got interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door, you all looked at each other confused.
As you open the door, you see a long-haired brunette and a pair of pretty blue eyes.
It was Chris. His eyes seemed puffy and a little red as if he were crying. “Is Nick here?” Anger was plastered on his face.
That’s when Nick stood up and opened the bathroom door, “What the fuck, Chris? Can’t you do a simple task?” causing Chris to scoff “And you clearly can’t read. I texted you back saying that Matt didn’t give a shit about you guys needing more time. He wants to go now.”
“Did you explain to him that y/n is not feeling well right now?” Nick snapped back, crossing his arms.
Chris rubbed his face with both his hands before scanning your entire face. “Isn’t she okay now?”
“Chris! She could barely walk by herself a few minutes ago, why’s is it so hard for you to do a fucking favor and ask our brother to give us some time?!” Nick answered, his voice rising.
“Because I don’t understand why the fuck you guys need more time, y/n look completely fine, and you’re making a huge fucking deal out of it!” Chris’ voice also got a little louder.
“Because it will be a fucking huge deal when she’s throwing up all over the fucking car!” He shouted.
Chris’ jaw clenched.
“Then why don’t you ask Matt, since it’s such a big deal, huh?”
“Fine, I’ll fucking go and instead you and y/n will stay here while Madi and I sort this out since it’s so difficult for you.” Nick left the bathroom, Madi following his pace as Chris moved out of the way so they could get out.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to—” Chris shut the door behind him and looked at you, tears forming in his eyes. Your first instinct was to hug him.
He just cried as silently as he could. You guessed that alcohol hits him differently than it does to you. He dragged you closer by wrapping his arms around your waist, and you began to stroke his hair. “Everything’s going to be alright, Chris.”
“No, it’s not, I’m a fucking burden to everybody and,” His sobs getting louder than before. “First, I fought with Paige and now Nick.”
You pulled back to look at his face, pulling his chin up so he could look at you, “You’re not a burden to no one, Chris.” You said, “You’re like the sun, and when the sun comes out, everyone smiles.” You kept talking, caressing his right cheek with your thumb, “Besides, whatever you and Paige fought about was just because she was drunk, it’ll pass.”
He just nodded and then rested his face on the crook of your neck and kept crying a little.
A few minutes had passed, you and Chris were sitting on the bathroom floor, laughing and talking a little.
“You know, If I’m being honest…I kind of envy Paige.” You said while looking up at the ceiling.
“Why?” Chris replied, furrowing his brows slightly
“Because she’s so beautiful and I’m not…” You admitted.
“Well that’s not true, you are really beautiful too.” He looked at you and smiled.
Beautiful, he called you beautiful.
A buzz sound came from Chris’ phone, he picked it up and looked at the screen. “It’s Nick.”
“What he said?”
“Matt accepted to stay a little more.”
“Excellent! This means I can finally get out of this bathroom.” You stood up and fixed your dress a bit, offering a hand to Chris.
He took your hand and stood up, as he was looking at you. His eyes shifted from your eyes to your lips.
And that’s when you noticed how your faces were just inches apart, feeling his breath hitting your face softly. “Chris…”
His palms were resting now on your cheeks, your mouths almost touching, “Do you want to kiss me, hm?” He suggested, grazing his lips against yours teasingly, causing you to shiver a little.
Of course, you wanted it, but was it right? Will he regret it? Will you regret it?
Something snapped you back from reality, cold hands running on your lower back down to your ass, gripping it slightly, “I asked you something.” His voice shifted to a demanding tone.
Fuck it.
You crush your lips against his. At first, it was sloppy, both fighting for dominance, he kept his grip on your ass, gripping it harder. Making you gasp.
And that’s when he gets the chance to slide his tongue inside your mouth, taking control of the kiss. Your body pressed against the cold marble sink that was right behind you, his hands now resting on the sides of your hips. Chris picked you up from your thighs and sat you up on the bathroom sink. Lifting your dress to reveal your black laced panties.
His hand snaked down to your inner thigh. His kisses lowered from your mouth to your jaw and then to your neck. His fingers finally got to your heat, your panties soaking wet. “You’re so wet for me.” He whispered, causing you to whimper a bit. He pulled your panties to the side and began to rub in circles your sensitive nub, whimpers coming out of your mouth. Shaking breaths, your hands gripping on the sink, your knuckles getting white.
“You fucking like that, don’t you?” Chris asked through gritted teeth, applying more pressure on your clit. You nodded but that made things worse, “You better use your fucking words, y/n. Or else I’ll stop and leave you all alone.”
“Y-yes, I l-like i-it.” You handled letting out. Chris smirked and kept stroking your clit. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back, your head resting against the mirror wall, feeling the wave of pleasure consuming you. “Fuck…”
But then, the pleasure stopped. You opened your eyes and looked at Chris, he was smirking at you while he sucked his fingers, guiding them back to your throbbing pussy. Slipping them inside you, painfully slow. Your walls clench around his fingers, your legs squeezing with each other, a loud gasp coming out from you. Chris began to pick up his pace, thrusting his fingers in and out of you “Just like that, keep making those pretty noises for me like a good girl.” He groaned, intensifying his speed with each thrust.
He looked down where his fingers were working their way to bring you over the edge, you let pornographic moans out of your mouth, giving Chris what he wants.
“You look so fucking pathetic right now.” He grabbed your chin with his free hand and forced you to see him, his eyes darkened and full of desire. “Don’t you think I haven’t noticed the way you look at me? You fucking slut.” Chris whispered to you, pumping his fingers mercilessly in and out of you. “You wanted this? You wanted me to finger you?”
You nodded desperately, feeling the well-known knot forming inside of you, you were about to come. “I-I’m so c-close,” you mumbled. “What was that?” He gripped your chin tighter. Your hands grasp tighter on the bathroom sink, your climax getting closer and closer with each thrust. “Don’t stop, fuck.” You spat, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt finally getting to the edge.
“I won't.” He replied, getting closer to leave a few hickeys on your collarbone and the crook of your neck. That's when you felt your release “Fuck!” a loud moan coming out from you, your walls clenching around Chris’ fingers. Your juices flooded all over his fingers. Chris took out his fingers, a popping sound as he did. Your chest goes up and down violently, and your breath is heavy.
He looked at his fingers then at you, “Open your eyes, now.” You open your eyes slowly to get the view of Chris cleaning out his fingers until there isn't a single drop of your juices around his fingers. “You taste so fucking good, ma.”
What the fuck was going on tonight.
You were in the backseat with Nick and Madi, gossiping about tonight's party “It was fun.” Nick admitted.
“Yeah, I think I’m not going to parties anymore,” Matt added.
And there was Chris, glancing at you a few times before they left you at your apartment.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow, alright?” You said to them as you waved at them.
You're finally in a quieter place, where you can think about what just happened tonight with Chris.
It finally happened, you finally got what you wanted with Chris and even more.
But it wasn’t enough, you craved for more.
But then, reality hits.
He was still with Paige, and you were just a distraction to him.
Or that’s what you thought until…
You got a text from someone.
It was Chris.
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a/n: not the best one-shots ever but here you go!!! Lmk if there’s any mistakes!
Tag list: @sturniolossss @tillies33ssss @chrisloyalgf @alorsxsturn
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
So I got this idea of an Idia Reader who is an overlord (making some high tech prosthetic or another things that Vox himself can’t make easily) and forced to go attend an overlord meeting and imagine the panic attack he would have if Alastor or worse Valentino interacted with them.
Probably locks themselves in a their room for three months after the meeting.
Gender : GN
Pronouns : None
Message of Raccoon : I can just imagine Vox and Idia!Reader being two bestfriends that have rivalry for fun.
Info : Idia!Reader being an overlord in the Vees.
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General Headcanon
You were one of the Overlords of the Vees.
But compared to the others, you didn't like the attention.
The recluse of the Vees, that's who you were.
You hated leaving your room, preferring to use your tablet to see/talk with others.
But one day, you were forced to show up at one of the Overlords meetings. Irl.
When you entered the room, all the overlords asked you who you were.
"Who are you ?" -Carmilla.
"The one who almost doxxed all of you. Idia!Reader." -you, already wanting to go back to your room.
It was the first time they saw you, like really saw you. Not through a tablet, but irl.
You sat between Rosie and Alastor, a mistake.
The two kept talking and adding you into the conversation. You wanted to die again.
They were nice and polite, yes, but you didn't like socializing. You preferred solitude and calm to having to socialize.
You regretted having taken this place instead of putting yourself next to Zestial, who is calm and silent.
"Oh ! Did you hear about what Jack did ?" -Rosie.
“No, what did he do ?”-Alastor.
"He fucked his wife's sister, then ate the said sister. His wife found him and then ate Jack." -Idia!Reader.
If there was tea, it would have been perfect.
Carmilla give you a look that can be translated as "Good luck, we're not together."
You will doxx her later as punishment for not helping you.
The meeting was pretty good, except for the moment you had to talk and socialize.
Your social anxiety suffered greatly during this meeting.
When you entered the Vees tower, you wanted to go to your room but the others Vees stopped you.
Valentino and Velvette congratulated you for coming out of your shithole room.
But you know what was the worst ? When Vox saw you, he asked why you had placed yourself next to his enemy, Alastor.
Vox gave you an hour-long lecture on why what you did was wrong.
You just wanted to stay cooped up in your room for the rest of the eternity.
But you couldn't.
Why ? Because Rosie and Alastor have come for you.
Apparently you have become their friends, without your consent.
Once a week you had to go out and spend time with Alastor and/or Rosie.
And you couldn't even run away because the two always know where to find you.
You are gossip friends. I will not accept otherwise.
You have the pass to touch Alastor. You use it to touch his ears because DEER EAR !!
You do the same with his tail, because DEER TAIL !!! (He tries to hide his tail from you)
I headcanon that you have a picture with you, Rosie and Alastor on it.
Let's pretend you were there during the meeting about the angel.
Carmilla paid you $3000 (or whatever the money is in hell) for not talking about her killing an angel.
You took the money before telling to Rosie and Alastor everything.
If she ever finds out, you're dead, but don't worry, it was worth it.
I headcanon that your hair (or at least a part of your hair) is made of fire, and that the Vees, Alastor and Rosie want to touch it.
Alastor and Rosie love seeing your hair changing its colors depending on your emotions, it always betrays you and they find it amusing.
Alastor using the Aromantic charm on you to see you get frustrated and see your hair changing its color is canon.
Alastor has already brought you to the Hazbin Hotel..
When I say that you said what you thought out loud and you were brutal with your words, I don't think you realize how much that was-
You were banned from the hotel by Vaggie while Alastor was just watching and laughing.
You felt hurt, betrayed by your friend.
“Oh yeah, that’s how it is now, every man for himself.”
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speedycoffeedelight · 6 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery:Where you reveal a bit of your past and go on a shopping trip with the girls (And Pentious).
CH-14 :Past memories and a shopping trip
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Tw: domestic abuse.
"When I was six, me and my mom went to live with mom's brother, my uncle and aunt. They had a daughter and a son, Melody and Skylar.
Melody was younger and more timid than me. I gradually realised that Melody was almost like a puppet to her parents. They gave all their focus on Skylar. Which would make sense since he was a kid then. But they took it too far.
They would never try to discipline Skylar. It was clear her parents had a soft spot for him. Skylar understood that very clearly and would abuse that."
You sighed, remembering what used to happen in that household.
"Skylar would scream and hit Melody whenever he wanted and if we as much as raised our voice on him, he would cry endlessly in front of his mom like we hit him brutally. Before you say anything, he would only do that whenever his parents were around to hear, so that little shit knew what he was doing.
And of course his mom would believe him every fucking time. So since I couldn't make him behave, the best course of action was to lock myself up in my room so he couldn't get in and cause trouble for me."
"That sounds horrible...." Charlie gasped.
"That's not the end of it." You sadly smiled. "I haven't even told you why I'm hated."
"I hated how they treated Melody from the bottom of my heart. I would speak up for her since she couldn't.
She would often seek refuge in me and stay in my room away from everyone. I read her my different storybooks, showed her my favourite shows and shared my experiences. Gradually she began to think for herself. She began to stand up for herself. Her parents hated that.
They blamed me for corrupting their sweet child with my venomous company. They were mad they couldn't control Melody like before.
Their scolding and hitting got worse from then. There were times we would stay locked in my room for hours while her mom kept shouting all shitty things she could say about me. She even told Melody, A child, to live with me instead of them if she liked me that much."
"Please tell me you guys did something about that later..." Vaggie almost pleaded.
"When things got worse and I couldn't take it anymore, I finally told my mom one day after she got home from work. I didn't want to tell her at first before cause I didn't want to make her worry. My mom and aunt had a huge argument then. Later finally, we rented a small house for ourselves."
'But what happened to Melody?' Angel quickly asked and Charlie translated it just as fast. Everyone had the same question in their mind.
"She...stayed back. I asked her to come with me but she smiled and shook her head. She said she wanted to stay and make that place better."
'Ya gotta hand it to the kid. She had some real guts to stay in a family like that'
You nodded at what Husk said after Vaggie translated it.
"She really had. We did get to see each other from time to time in our family gatherings and such and kept in contact through texting and calling sometimes. But I'm glad to say our bond ever wavered no matter how long we are away from each other "
You said with a small smile looking at everyone.
"Melody has learned to be her own person since I left despite still being in those harsh conditions. And even after all this time, I've never gotten close to her parents for this reason."
You finally finished talking and looked at them for their reactions. Charlie almost immediately tackled you into a hug.
"I knew you were great person! Thank you thank you thank you!"
"Thanks for what Charlie?"
"Nothing don't worry about it!"
Charlie was relieved that you were actually a good person. She doesn't have to feel guilty for defending you. She hugged you tighter in happiness almost choking you.
"C-charlie, can't breathe-"
"Oh sorry sorry"
She quickly let you go and smiled brightly at you. "You're a nice person (Y/n)." Vaggie gave you soft smile.
Everyone in the room was thinking the same thing. The earlier suspicion on you vanishing in an instant.
"Yeah well anyways" you scratched your neck while blushing from all this attention you're getting plus seeing all their eyes on you. "We should eat dinner and go to sleep. I plan on going shopping tomorrow. I want Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty accompanying me since they turned human."
"We get to hang around in the human world?" Niffty said excitedly. You chuckled noticing her enthusiasm.
"Yes you can plus we'll be doing job hunting for you guys. We don't know how long it'll take to find a job so we should start searching from tomorrow "
With that, you all slowly went around cooking while chatting, making jabs at one another. Angel was almost thrown into a cooking pot by accident but Charlie noticed it immediately. Other then that, everything was fine.
After sleeping again in previous positions, you woke up to Vaggie calling you this time. You smiled at her and went to the bathroom to freshen up.
After you finished,you went to the kitchen to see Charlie cooking this time with her tongue out a bit upwards as she was flipping pancakes very carefully. It was honestly quite adorable to watch. Vaggie was about to call you but you put a finger on your mouth, making Vaggie go quiet.
You slowly tiptoed behind Charlie making Vaggie look at you confused. Just as Charlie finished flipping a Pancake, you went 'Boo' in her ear playfully. But you didn't expect what happened.
Charlie let out a surprised yelp as she let go of the pan. A bright golden light engulfed her as something fell to the ground in a thud.
As the light disappeared, there was Charlie again, but in her sheep form.
'Oh no, oh no, oh nononono! I'm not getting stuck in this form again!'
She started to scream in panic with sheep sounds and ran around. Vaggie quickly tried running after her to try and calm her down. She picked up a very scared Charlie and held her close as you looked over with guilt.
"Hun calm down, breathe." Vaggie patted Charlie as she looked looked up at her girlfriend teary eyed. "Try to see if you can become human again okay?"
Charlie nodded and calmed her nerves as she tried to imagine herself as human again. After some time, a golden light engulfed her again as she again reappeared as human in Charlie's arms.
"Vaggie, I'm human again! I'm human!" She said shaking Vaggie. "Yes, I can see that...but what happened? Can we turn to our human and animal form at will?" Charlie shruged, not knowing. You came forward looking down.
"I'm really really sorry Charlie. I didn't mean for that to happen.." you said meekly.
"It's alright... It just gave me a little shock that's all" Charlie said nervously laughing. "But at least I turned back again."
'What happened? Why are you all looking so shaken?' Husk said stepping into the room alongside Angel and noticing the pair on the floor holding each other as well as you looking at them apologetically.
After Vaggie told him his eyes were wide open. 'Wait, no shit? That actually worked? Let me see if I can try.' Husk and Angel both tried to imagine themselves as humans but nothing happened. 'Guess it only works with those who already transformed..' Angel sighed.
"Make sure to let others know about this and oh-" Charlie's nose picked up a burning smell. "MY PANCAKES!" She quickly ran towards the pan to salvage the food before it's fully wasted.
You volunteered to eat the slightly burnt pancake as an apology and after that, it was time to go shopping. You, Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty all dressed up in your clothes. Vaggie gathered all the animals before going.
"I'm leaving my front door open in case you all need something. But for this reason, I'll need you all to stay close to the house as well to guard it." You said looking at all of them.
"Especially you Alastor, you're the only one that can do something if a burglar comes by." Since you saw how Alastor could fight even in this form in the woods, he was the best option.
'Yes, yes, I know you can't do anything without me. You girls can go ahead without worry. I'll keep watch." Alastor said in a bored tone but inside he was fuming with pride that you relied on him the most.
"Now then, we shouldn't take too much time. Be safe you guys. You're free to go." With that you went to get the car ready as your three companions waited patiently.
Sir Pentious was about to slither back to the cabin but stopped seeing Cherri head towards your car. Being confused he quickly followed her. Cherri jumped into the car's open trunk while you weren't looking and Pentious did the same.
'Misss Cherri what are you doing here? We're supposed to be back at the cabin!' Pentious whisper shouted.
'Wha- Hey what the fuck man. Don't creep up on me like that!' Cherri was a little spooked seeing Pentious behind her. She thought she was being discreet.
'And I'm going to the town with them! I can't wait till I've transformed see what the world is like now since I'm the last. So I'm hitching a ride!'
'But isn't thiss a bad idea? What if sssomeone sees uss?'
'Oh quit your yapping. You can leave if you want.'
But he could not even if wanted since the trunk closed on them followed by the car starting. Cherri had a grin on her face and Pentious had a look of worry.
Niffty decided to sit next to you on the car and Charlie and Vaggie sat behind. While driving, you started some songs for everyone to enjoy.
All three of them were enjoying the sight of human world as they were practically glued to their windows. Especially Charlie since she spent her entire life in hell. Even though they went outside in your cabin, it was nothing compared to driving through various places like this. The sight of them made the corners of your lips turn up.
"By the way Niffty, did you get any powers like us?" Vaggie asked suddenly remembering.
"Not really, no. Me and mr.Alastor tried really hard to see if I had any type of powers but nothing worked." Niffty answered while her eyes were still glued to the window. "But I can turn into a dog again at will now!"
"I see..oh and (Y/n). Can I request something..?" Vaggie asked sheepishly.
"Hm,yes? What is it?"
"Can I get some glasses? I think my eye sight has lessened.."
"Oh yes sure! We'll get your eyes checked then!"
Finally you reached your place. You parked the car and you three finally stepped outside. Suddenly Niffty started sniffing the air with her ears moving.
"Niffty? What's wrong?" Charlie asked concerned. Niffty didn't answer as she stepped behind the trunk and opened it.
"Uh-huh! Found you! I knew I heard some weird sounds coming from the back!"
"What? Who's there?" You went to stand beside Niffty and found Pentious and Cherri red handed.
You quickly pulled the hood down and looked around see if anyone was starting at you. Having a squirrel was fine but people might report you to the police if they saw you have a snake in your car, thinking you're a poacher. And the worst thing is they'll take him away to who knows where.
"What the fuck are you guys doing here? You guys should be at the cabin!" You hissed through your teeth at them.
'What? Taking a stroll couldn't hurt! Plus this dumbass followed me here himself.' Cherri said looking at Pentious. 'I wass only trying to ssee what you were doing!'
You sighed. You couldn't leave them both here. Who knows what they'll start doing if they're left alone. You don't want to have any more trouble in your hands. Rummaging through the car, you found a big shopping bag that you usually use for groceries.
"Jump in here and not a single peek from either of you got it?" You said holding the bag in front of them.
'Got it!' Cherri grinned as she jumped inside and Pentious followed. You gave the bag to Niffty.
"Niffty can I ask you to take care of this bag? Make sure none of them peeks their head out of try to come out okay?" You requested her with worry. "Can you do that for me?"
"Mam,Yes Mam! I'll make sure of that!" She copied military style and gave you a salute making you chuckle a bit.
"I'll hold onto that then"
After that was over, you guys went to buy foods and two extra mattresses for now. Then you guys went to buy clothes. They didn't buy much since they could just wear your clothes for the most part as you suggested and bought personal items. You'll have to spend more money on the boys clothes when they turn human. And finally on Vaggie's glasses.
After a successful trip, you four bought some ice creams as you headed towards your car. Cherri did try to sneak out a couple of times but Niffty made sure she couldn't. Some people on the street thought the three of them were cosplaying and wanted to take selfies  but you quickly declined.
You also collected some informations on the places looking to hire right now. You decided to sort through them later. You led them through a shortcut to reach the parking lot faster. You spent more time than you planned on getting sucked in the fun hanging out with them.
All in all it was a successful shopping trip. That was until you turned a corner while walking and bumped into someone making you spill your ice cream over them.
"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" You quickly yelled out looking at the shirt that now had a stain and some bits of ice cream falling to the ground from the shirt.
"Oi look where you're going bitch!" The guy yelled out pushing you away from him. You would fall to the floor if Vaggie didn't catch you in time. "Careful!" She yelled out.
As the guy started to come closer Charlie moved in front of you defensively. "She said sorry already! So please stop this!" She pleaded as you stood up again.
"Fuck no. That bitch ruined my shirt and now she'll have to pay for it!" The guy shoved Charlie aside and grabbed your collar making you look at his face.
Niffty was standing behind Vaggie still holding onto the bag as the scene transpired in from of her. She started growling unknowningly as she took a step ahead.
Sir Pentious and Cherri were listening to everything that was transpiring outside.
'Shit, something very bad is happening outside!' Cherri said looking a bit nervous.
'It sounds like (Y/n) is in trouble..' Pentious said as they both peeked out of the bag just as you were grabbed by your collar.
'(Y/n) no..I can't let anything happen to her!' Pentious said as he jumped out of the bag. Niffty finally noticed him. "Pentious you're not supposed to be out!"
'She helped us all these time, fed us, took care of us. The least I can do is protect in danger!'
His body began to grow bright yellow. Vaggie who was about to jump onto the guy, stopped and looked behind her.
The man's disgusting breath hit your nose like a tornado. He raised one hand to hit you as you quickly prepared yourself to defend. But a hand came from behind you, catching the attackers raised one.
"I don't think it's in proper manner to hit a lady."
A.N: So I've realised that I should probably make the chapters longer otherwise there's gonna be a huge number of chapters by the time I'm finished.
So yeah, heads up for that! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
Also I didn't tell here before, but I'm planning on a QnA if I reach 1k votes and kudos in ao3 and wattpad. I already reached 1k on wattpad and now for the ao3 (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
You guys can ask the cast or me any questions during that. But of course, no telling spoilers.
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150
@darifes @aria-tempest
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some-stars · 20 days
brutally stalled on my three main WIPs due to logan voice being so fucking difficult, so i wrote most of a brief confection in always relaxing wade pov, and it will be probably be finished tomorrow. a preview:
It's not like he wants to be making things worse. And how the fuck is Logan not more bothered by this, anyway? "How the fuck is this not bothering you?" Wade hisses. "We can't even die here. If they don't dig us out, this is going to be eternity. Are you prepared to spend eternity trapped in a box with me, standing so close together we could be on a nineties buddy cop show? In 4:3 resolution," he adds. "Forever."
"It was only a three-story building," Logan says, and looks at him thoughtfully. "You're really fuckin' scared, huh?"
"What the fuck clued you in, cupcake?" Wade very nearly shrieks, but doesn't. But it's close.
It's not like he can't see every movement Logan makes right now, but somehow he still jumps a little when Logan's hand lands on his arm and squeezes gently.
"They're gonna dig us out," he says. "It won't take more than a couple days, once they know there's people trapped. You want a distraction?"
He talks so evenly, at such a measured pace, that Wade feels his nervous system starting to fall in line, enough that he can take a shaky deep breath. Logan watches him start to get a grip, nothing but patience, thumb rubbing little circles on Wade's bicep, through his suit.
"Sure!" Wade says, only a little too high-pitched this time. "Sure. Yeah. Distract me."
And, you know what, he'll give Logan this much: closing the infinitesimal distance between them, pulling Wade's mask off with firm yet gentle fingers, and shooting Wade a crooked little half-smile before kissing him is an extremely effective distraction.
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ceoofhelaegon · 3 months
Otto sucks. Alicent sucks. They calling Jaehaerys "that child" and trying to use him as tool. Only Aegon and Helaena cares about his son's death
Otto angrier at Aegon for hanging some ratcatchers but not Aemond who killed his nephew starting a bloody war is baffling. Even just last episode Otto was sympathetic to Aemond after he killed Luke and giving Alicent shade over not letting him send Kingsguards after Rhaenyra. Now this episode he apparently relearned how to care about the optics enough again, and gives more of a shit about some rat catchers than the death of his own great-grandson.
Nonnies, I will have to rinse Otto and Alicent here.
I used to be ride or die for Alicent and even used to defend Otto against people that said he didn't care about his family, but it seems that they were right.
The absolute 180 Otto did about optics, was infuriating. And I have no idea why the WHOLE of Kingslanding would turn against Aegon? I can see the families, but the Prince was brutally murdered?! People don't forget that easily, they SAW his little body, and that scene was so sad.
That was absolutely disgusting, Aegon was correct, they shouldn't do the funeral. Both mother and father didn't want this, but they used Aegon's grief and pain to manipulate him into doing what they wanted and the fact that Alicent only interjected when Otto said that Alicent would be there as well? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
The fact that this was the first time we've seen Helaena voicing her opinion and go against something, she is not listened to and has to do something completely out of her comfort zone.
And then, after all of this shit show Otto has the AUDACITY to say that Viserys was good king?! EXCUSE ME?! Do you mean the absolute waste of oxygen that was the reason WE ARE ALL IN THIS MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE?! I cheered when he was fired.
Using Aegon's most vulnerable weak spot, after his dead son, to say that Viserys was right about Aegon?! RIGHT ABOUT WHAT?! Did Viserys even acknowledge Aegon besides when he was a baby? He was right about Aegon not existing?!
Otto was a straight up psychopath this episode and I have no idea if I will like his character again, I will enjoy seeing him because Rhys Ifans is great, but other than that? Nope, to the bin with Otto.
Oh, and my girl Helaena...suffering so much and has to listen to her mother talking about having sex?! Literally NO ONE cares, I have no idea what they are doing with Alicent this season but I am not liking it.
And now to the worse scene I have seen, Alicent leaving Aegon whilst he is breaking down about his son being butchered in his bed. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! And I cannot take the 'she never got it from her father, that is why she can't do it' excuse because she CAN comfort Helaena, she CAN comfort Aemond as we've seen before, and Otto did try to comfort her, he puts his hands on her shoulders and SHE rejects him. So she IS capable of comforting people just not Aegon?
Surprisingly, Criston is the least bad of the bunch. He wasn't responsible for Helaena and the children and the WHOLE FLOOR having absolutely NO ONE, not even a maid is a plot hole, it doesn't matter what the writers say. As Aegon said, at least Criston has acted, even if it wasn't the best plan in the world, but it almost worked?
Otto acting holier than thou about the plan, when his dumbass didn't ask Westerling to do the EXACT SAME THING?! The HYPOCRISY?!
Yeah, but we need to get helaegon and Jaehaera away from this whole mess, let them grieve in peace and have Maelor.
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asmutwriter · 6 months
The Gangsta's Wife (Part 7)
DESCRIPTION: You decide to give Tommy some big news at the reopening of the Garrison
A/N - I had a dream about Thomas Shelby last night. He was chasing me through a mansion and I had to hide from him. It was very intense. Guess thats what happens when you watch Peaky Blinder highlights before going to sleep
From Beginning / Previous / Next / Master List  
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WARNINGS: swearing, talk of violence, mild threat of violence, pet names (love), drinking, smoking, pregnancy, smoking whilst pregnant (social norm for the time period), Inspector Campbell being himself
This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
This story does not follow the timeline of the show
Not been proof read
It had been a couple of months since your meeting with Harry Thompson. He kept his word. Leaving Birmingham soon after your blackmail. Since then the Shelby family has been more kind towards you. By that you mean you don't feel like they want to kill you every time you enter a room.
You'd attended a few more family meetings as well. But most issues or problems were being resolved within the main family circle. You were appreciative of attending the discussions though. They were certainly more open towards you. Polly even asking how your day has been - on more then one occasion!
But then Thomas got attacked. Horribly. Brutally. You’re surprised he’s still alive to be honest. So sure that he’d die at the hospital where you sat with him until he gained consciousness. When he did, he told you to 'stop fussing and fuck off'. Glad to know that the attack didn’t change him. You left him to heal.
He went to London for a few days. You weren’t sure why. But he left Polly in charge of all Peaky business. You tried questioning her on why Thomas had left but she only responded with 'its none of your business'. Looking back on it you don’t think she knew.
It was a Tuesday morning. Scrubbing the mud from your sister's dress (she had fallen over right into a puddle) in your kitchen. Opening the back door you go and hang the newly washed dress up on the washing line in the garden. Going back inside the house you shut the door. Turning around to go back to the living room, you jump as you see a figure. Gripping at your chest as your husband stands in the door way. A smile of amusement coming over his face as he realises he made you jump.
"Jesus no need to scare me like that"
"I’m sorry love. Wasn’t my intention". A silence filling the room. You go over to a cabinet. Taking out a whiskey bottle. He grabs out two glasses, placing them down by you. You speak as you pour.
"I’m glad to see you looking better"
"I don’t think I could’ve looked much worse" you chuckle slightly. Putting the lid back onto the drink before sliding his glass to him. Him standing next to you but sideways on as he picks up his drink. You take yours. Turning towards him as you hold your drink in one hand. The other folding over your torso.
"Where did you go?"
"Did Polly not tell you?"
"I know you went to London but that’s all she told me” he nods. Taking a sip of his drink. “I just wondered why?"
"I had some business to attend to regarding Ada"
"Is she ok? I know that she got attacked too"
"She will be. She’s a strong willed woman. Plus I’ve given her a new home and protection for her and her son" you nod. Watching as he downs his drink. "I also had to do some business with Alfie Solomons". You furrow your brow at the name. It ringing a vague bell from when you lived in London
"Runs a Jewish gang correct?" he nods. Turning to face the counter as he places his glass back down on the side. Taking the whiskey bottle and pouring himself another drink.
"Have you met him before?"
"No. I only know the name in passing. Got told to stay away from him as he bad news and couldn’t be trusted". Tommy pauses in his actions. Hand around the glass but still on the counter top as he takes in your words. He goes into his pocket. Taking out a few coins and placing them stacked up on the side near you. You look at the small pile.
"I want you to buy a new dress"
"For what occasion?"
"The grand reopening of the Garrison" you stay silent. Thinking over your words before speaking.
"Mr Shelby... is opening the pub a good idea given the recent events? Would it be best to wait until the current threwat is dealt with before rebuilding?". He sips his drink again.
"I want those to know that the Peaky Blinders can rise from any downfall they have" he turns to face you. Drink still in hand as he points in the direction of the pub. "This is the way that we show those fuckers that it'll take a lot more to take down the Shelby family". He downs his drink. Placing the glass onto the table.
"So I’d like you to go out and buy yourself a new dress for this special occasion" he brings a hand up. Resting it onto your cheek as he meets your eyes. Yours soft as you watch his piercing blue orbs. "Lets show those bastards not to fuck with us, eh?". A soft smile comes over your lips as he drops his hand.
It took about a month to rebuild the Garrison. It was hard work but my goodness it payed off. Tommy had shown you it before anyone else. Before the big reopening he took you to see the grand building. Standing tall and proud.
It was the day of the reopening. You’d done as your husband had asked you to do. Gone out and bought a fancy new dress. So here you were. Sitting at the bar. Cigerette in hand as you watch your husband talking with his guests. You snuff out your smoke in the ashtray nearby before going over to him. Gently resting your hand on his arm. He looks at you. His smile softening in feature as he meets your gaze.
"Can I talk with you? Alone?" he nods. The smile seeming to fade marginally at your request. You take his hand. Leading him to a back room. Shutting the door. He watches you. His eyes filled with a confusion as you take his hand. Leading him to a table. You sit down. Him sitting opposite you.
"What is it love?". You look down. Fiddling with your wedding ring. His hand gently takes your chin. Bringing your head up to meet his eyes "what’s on your mind?"
"I’ve been thinking about it and I-" you cut yourself off. You dart your eyes over his features before asking "Can you teach me how to fight?". The request seeming to shock him. Before he can respond you carry on talking. "I saw what they did to you. I know what they did to your sister. And she lives hundreds of miles away. I’m concerned that myself and my sisters are at risk here. I’m sorry I’ve only just brought it up now but given the current situation I-".
"Hey" he moves his hands. Cupping your face as he makes you look at him "So long as you remain a Shelby then you have the protection of myself and the Peaky Blinders. I know I was gone for a while but you will always be safe. I promise you that"
"I would feel safer if I could fight... rather then relying on you to keep me safe..." his eyes dart between yours. Trying to read your expressions. Before he can say anything else you speak again. Quieter this time. Voice barely above a whisper. "I’d like to be able to keep the baby safe...". He stays silent. His eyes flashing with emotions. So quick you can’t read them. Them darting downwards to look at your stomach before coming back up to your features. Mere seconds feel like hours as silence consumes you. You bring your hands up. Holding his wrists as he continues to hold your face. "Please say something".
"It is my duty as your husband to keep you and our child safe. So long as I live I will ensure that. If you wish to learn to fight after our child is born then I will teach you. But you won’t learn whilst you are carrying my babe". He leans forward. Kissing your forehead. You shut your eyes. Nodding as you feel him watch you again. "You are safe Mrs Shelby. I promise". You open your eyes as you feel him stand. Looking up at him as he drops your face. Taking your hands with his. Pulling you up. "Shall we go and tell everyone else the news about the new family member?" he smiles. You nod. Taking his arm as he leads you back out into the crowd.
You wait for the other guests of the party to leave before informing your in-laws. Your sisters are the first to hug you. Wrapping your arms around them both. Tommy's siblings congratulate him first. Ada coming over to you and hugging you too. After your sisters finally let you go. Her giving you affection isn’t shocking. What does surprise you is when Arthur hugs you.
"Well done girl" he says. Genuine joy and happiness in his voice as he hugs you close. You smile at his affection. More due to the symbolism of them accepting you as a family member rather then the hug itself. He moves away. Seeing John Boy practicly hitting Thomas's shoulder as he congratulates him. Your youngest sister takes your arm in hers.
"You know, Mary is a very good name" you roll your eyes
"You can’t suggest your own name” Luz says. Turning her attention from the youngest sibling back up at you “But, on the topic of names, Elizabeth is a very good name" Causing you to laugh.
"You two are as bad as each other" you say. A smile on your face as you contiue to talk with them. You meet Polly's gaze. Cigarette in her hand as what appears to be sadness glazes over her eyes. She nods slightly at you. You give a soft smile and a nod in return before your sisters drag you back to their conversation.
The time flew by. You were around 5 months pregnant. At a small party that was hosted by one of Tommy's aquaintences up in London. You knew your purpose for this party. An accessory to make your husband look good. To make him look approachable. So you stuck by his side the whole party. Your arm linked with his as people came and chatted with you both.
That’s when you noticed a shift in his demeanor. His friendly persona he had on changing. Feeling his arm tense under yours. Although you were getting better at figuring out your husbands thoughts and feelings you still found him incredibly difficult to read. You look at him. Following his gaze. It falling onto a middle aged gentlemen with a cane. You look back at him. You may struggle to figure out what’s going through his head. But you knew that he must know this man.
"Mr Shelby? Is everything ok?"
"We should be going Flo" he turns his back to the man. Forcing you to turn with him as your arm remains on his.
"Who is that man?" you whisper.
"Someone who I reluctantly do business with. Who I'd much rather put a bullet between his eyes then engage in small talk". You look at your husband. Mild shock filling you. He rarely uses violent language around you. He swears a lot but he never talks about violence or commiting violent acts towards people whilst in your prescence. Not even in a joking manner. So for this to be said you know he must be quite a character.
"Lets leave then. If you’ve finished all the other busniness you need for the day" before either of you can make a decision you hear an Irish voice speak.
"Thomas Shelby". Turning to face the man. Him having walked over to you both. You follow suit. Standing slightly behind your husband. Arm interlocked with his as you feel his body tense mildly. "I'll be damned to see you here. You’re a long way from Birmingham aren’t you?"
"I could say the same about you" the man smiles. His eyes falling to you. Raking over your body.
"And who is this pretty thing you’ve got with you?". Thomas clenches his jaw slightly. Watching the man as you cling to him more.
"Inspector Campbell this is Florence Shelby. My wife" he holds a hand out towards you. You take it. Shaking it as a way to deem polite.
"Its a pleasure to meet you ma'am” his eyes fall to your stomach before meeting your eyes again “I can see that a congratulations are in order. What with the marriage and the pregnancy" he motions towards your belly. You half smile.
"Thank you Mr Campblell. We really shou-"
"I never pictured you as the marriage type though Mr Shelby. Not with your reputation"
"Time changes people" he says. Eyes boring into the man. You could feel the testestorone start to build. Turning slightly to your husband. Your hands tightening around his arm.
"I need some air. Come join me" he drops his death glare off of the man. The stare softening as they meet your calming eyes. He nods. Excusing yourselves from the man as you head outside. You sit on a small bench. Hand resting on your stomach as you shut your eyes.
Hearing the soft strike of a match you open your eyes. Tommy lighting a cigarette. Resting it on his lips. You hold your hand out. Him taking a puff from it before placing it in your hand. Watching as you inhale the smoke. Resting your hand on your knee as you exhale. Looking back at the room where the party is.
"Do we have to stay for much longer? Im growing tired"
"We'll stay for a little bit longer. It’s not ideal the detective being here’s but I still have some business left to do” you hold your hand up. Letting him take the smoke from you as he takes a drag from it before speaking again. "If you’re tired then stay out here. You’ve done more then your far share today. You should rest for a little while" you nod. Half smiling at him
"I'll come back inside in a bit. Just want to have some fresh air" he nods. Gently squeezing your shoulder before handing you the cigar. Heading back inside as you take a few more puffs. Placing the butt on the ground. Snuffing it out with your shoe. You watch as you see the crowds of people inside. Spotting your husband talking with someone. The main person you know he wants to make a deal with.
You go to stand up. Wanting to go and help make a good impression. Struggling slightly as you push yourself up. "You ok there Mrs Shelby?" you hear a familiar voice say. Turning you see the inspector. You nod, a soft but half genuine smile on your face
"I’m fine Mr Campbell. If you excuse me I need to go find my husband" turning away you hear him speak.
"You know" he comes over to you. "I can help you". You talk as you turn to face him again.
"Excuse me?". A few more steps. Any closer and he’d be touching you.
"A young, pretty woman such as yourself being dragged into the world of Thomas Shelby. I can’t believe that it was due to your love or affections for him" you go to say something but he cuts you off "I know what your going to say. That you love him and that he cares for you. But I know the truth. That he somehow pulled you into his world of fighting and gangs and you can’t get out” another step closer as his voice darkens “I can give you a way out. Let me help you" he brings a hand up. Going to stroke your cheek. You step back. Shocked by his forward tone. Your hand going to your stomach as a form of protection to your unborn child.
"You know nothing about me or my husband and the life that we have together. We trust each other wholeheartedly and I would never do anything to get rid of that"
"He'll never love you. You do know that, right? You might think he does. Or that he will. That you can change him. But you can’t. You will always be just an object for him to manipulate to his own advantage".
"And what? You think you could give me a different life?" You keep your eyes steady and fixed on his. His eyes remaining on yours as you keep your ground.
"I could give you the affection and love he isn’t capable of showing you. Care for you in a way that a man like him won’t"
You take a step towards him. Anger flashing through your eyes as you spit your words at him. "I am going to go back to my husband. The man who’s child I am carrying. I will be leaving with him back to our home. To our shared bed. Do you understand me Mr Campbell?" He watches you. Nodding. "Good. Goodnight" you turn. Walking back to your husband as he continues to chat with his soon to be new business partner. Linking an arm with him as he introduces you as his wife.
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@whorecrux-of-slytherin @kkrenae @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo
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azulock · 11 months
shidou and aiku NSFW headcanons??
Oh boy, my two faves, thank you for this ask, babe <3
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Ryusei Shidou NSFW Headcanons
⟳ Switch king, big time kinky, not even afraid of showing it. He knows what he wants and he can be pretty straight forward about it. Will be noisy about asking you what you like and want from him too. Big into communication, aggressive communication maybe, but still.
⟳ He really is whatever on the whole dom or sub thing. By his choice he will be changing up pretty constantly, but he can adapt to your rhythm. Shidou is pretty flexible on what role he is playing and how he is doing it. Though, be it dom or sub, he will be teasing you, he can never stop running that fucking mouth.
⟳ Tits man, and it doesn't matter if it's muscular manly tits or soft femme tits, just tits, this man loves sucking on them. Wanna see him crazy? Wear something with a low neckline, show some cleavage and he'll be running up walls. Might just have a lactation kink.
⟳ Loves getting his hair pulled, likes pulling on yours too but really into getting his hair pulled. That's an easy way to get him hard pretty much straight away, just tug on his hair. But watch out: he moans loudly when you do that, so maybe don't do it in public.
⟳ Pretty loud in general, what to expect from a guy who starts his day screaming naked from the balcony? If he is subbing you can try to put a gag on him, or wrap something around his mouth, but otherwise, good luck.
⟳ Likes biting, and leaving hickeys all over you, and he likes receiving both of these as well. You'll be left with a ton of bite marks, but if you ask him not to mark certain spots he will respect.
⟳ Will cross dress for you if you want him to. Tho if you think he will do it as a sub you are very wrong. You can get him into a maid dress but he is going to hammer you to the bed with force while dressed as a maid. The frilly little dress won't stop him from drilling into you brutally until you are a crying mess. He likes the mixed signals this gives, it's fun.
⟳ Is a "try anything once" type of guy, and honestly he can do a lot, though his limits are hard limits, he knows very well what he doesn't like. But here is a incomplete list of things he like: free use, bondage, sensory play, overstimulation, edging, ruined orgasm, cumplay, body writing, primal, anal play, dacryphilia, somnophilia, intox, role play, the occasional threesome, etc.
⟳ Walks around naked in the house. Not even sexually, tho he is going to fuck you into every piece of furniture he owns, but he just likes being naked. So, if you have a problem with casual nudism, you'd better lose it. Like, for a guy who can be so sexual he also has a very "a body is just a body" approach to being naked. He likes taking showers and baths together too, doesn't even need to fuck just likes to wash you and for you to wash him, especially his hair.
⟳ He is clean shaven, which just makes it even more obvious that this motherfucker is hung. Has got fucking undoubtably great length, not too thick but thick enough to feel good and look proportional. Not really veiny, keeps more or less the same thickness all over the shaft, more of a shower than a grower too, so he is always stuck with a bit of a bulge. Also I like to imagine he has a Jacob's ladder.
Oliver Aiku NSFW Headcanons
⟳ Slut, we know he got around, so he has enough experience to know what he is doing. Which is worse cause he is hot and a good fuck, simply unfair. You are guaranteed satisfaction and a good fucking time, but not much more than that.
⟳ A dom, and mostly a pleasure dom. Doesn't mean he is gonna be all nice and soft, but even when he is mean he is driving you insane with pleasure. He can be a bit of a tease but you're guaranteed a lot of praising, and all of it spoken in this smooth and deep voice.
⟳ Very vocal, not loud but vocal. Lots of grunting, groaning, growling, moaning and even some whimpering. He is a talker too, be it muttering curses under his breath or saying something nasty to you. Worst part is that the bastard knows he has a sexy voice and will use it in his favor.
⟳ An ass man, a lover of tiny shorts, tight pants, mini skirts and anything else that can put a nice ass on display. He is a very touch oriented person so expect groping, slapping, and for Oliver to just generally have a hand on your ass on any way. Loves hitting it from behind cause that gives him a nice view, loves seeing an ass jiggling as it bounces on his cock.
⟳ Loves getting scratch marks on his back, he takes them as positive reviews, so you can go crazy on that. You'll end up with some finger shaped bruises tho, cause he loves some manhandling and his hands are pretty strong, so he might bruise you without even noticing.
⟳ Thigh riding, thigh riding for days. He has got massive fucking thighs that are pretty much all muscle and he loves to have someone riding them. Will manhandle you through that if he needs to, holding onto your hips dragging you over his thigh until he is satisfied.
⟳ Contrary to fuckboy expectations, not the type of guy to be in a rush. Likes to take his time, start of slow, kinda edging both himself and you with that. Not tat going slow makes him go easy, it's slow and hard, slamming all the way in with force, but not speeding up until he feels like it. Might have you begging him to go faster, his reaction will depend on his mood, he might keep it slow to tease you or give into your pleas.
⟳ Loves oral, both giving and receiving, though he knows receiving can be a bit hard cause of how thick his cock is. But he really loves giving, not afraid to get down and dirty, thing that if he doesn't end up with half of his face sloppy he didn't do a good job. And good thing he is like that too cause once again his dick is thick, so it's important he can do a good prep.
⟳ Has got a big free use kink, he has a pretty high sex drive, which leaves him horny all the time so its useful too. Loves the freedom of being able to just come up behind you and bend you over, already grinding his hips into yours or getting down on his knees to give you some head. Or maybe even coming up to you when you are sat down on the couch, his pants with a big and clear bulge that he is almost rubbing into your face the minute he finds you.
⟳ Somno, it comes with the free use really. Oliver is a morning person, and sometimes he doesn't want to disturb your sleep when he wakes up hard but he still wants to fuck you. So why not just let him fuck you in your sleep? He promises to be nice about it too, always has a bottle of lube on his bedside table so he is gonna make sure he is covered in it to slide in nice and easy. Or even if he doesn't manage to get in, he'd be happy to just fuck himself with your thighs until he cums between them. He likes the idea of coming inside you, or on you, while you sleep, leaving a surprise for when you wake up.
⟳ He keeps himself trimmed rather than clean shaven cause he likes the visual of the happy trail, it leads very nicely into that big ass cock he has. He is in the longer side of the spectrum, but not the longest of the bunch, tho he more than makes up for it in girth. Sure he is long but the standout feature is just how thick he is, that thing is gonna give you a stretch that you'll feel the next day (and maybe the day after). Is thicker in the middle, and the head is small, which makes him look even bigger, pretty damn veiny too.
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What type of yandere do you think jouno and tecchou are?
I can answer this!
Masterlist (Request are open)
Saigiku Jouno (Yandere Idea)
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Jouno is a cold hearted yandere, I feel like he's a yandere in canon too.
You wouldn't expect him to be as dangerous as he actually is due to his facade. He shows himself as calm and composed, when that may be true to some degree, it's not 100%.
Would be kidnap you? Maybe, it depends. He's a hunting dog, the strongest one in his mind, he knows he can protect even when you're not tied to a bed in his house, but it's just a precaution.
Jouno is blunt, he will purposely be mean to you and be very honest about stuff he doesn't like about you. Talents, emotions, anything. Jouno is the kind of yandere to break you down into nothing purely for his own entertainment and for a power trip.
He's extremely possessive. He will literally whisper on your ear all the things he'll do to you, ranging from sexual to down right disturbing, all because you were talking to Techou for a bit too long. He doesn't get why you want to talk to that useless waste of space, and he's very open about that fact.
Punishments from him are brutal. Whenever you fuck up or you're caught doing something you weren't supposed do he'll look at you like this.
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You're left shaking and crying, covering his your own blood, bruises, cuts, everything. He'll leave you gagged, tied and naked on the basement, him smiling at your cries. Jouno loves your pain. The race of your heartbeat, the sense of fear he feels, your screams and begs, it all gives him a rush. Jouno however doesn't get carried away too often, so he knows when to stop so you don't die. He'll leave you down there for days, and when he sees you again you backing yourself into a corner while he kneeling Infront of you with that fucking smile on his face, asking you if you were done with you little rebellion.
He degrades the shit out of you, it's even worse if your a hunting dog. He'll moan and groan about how weak, pathetic and untalented you are, and how he's surprised you hold any use to them. Does he mean this? Most likely, whole heartly. Him degrading you turns him on, along with your tears. Sometimes he wishes he could see your face, just so he can see your tears, he bets it'll be adorable.
Jouno got no time or room for your disobedience. He doesn't like broken darlings however, he'll get rid of you due to you not being entertaining anymore. He wants a pretty strong willed, slightly disobedient darling, just so he has the excuse to pretty much torture you.
Despite this however, he loves you, well, more like he's obsessed with you.
Oh yeah. Hiding isn't a thing with him. You can lock yourself in a room to just avoid him, but he'll just appear Infront of you.
The thing is too, he acts like nothing happened after he punishes you.
Day to day life with him is full of fear, you can't read him. You're scared you'll mess up, what if he pins you to the floor and slowly breaks every bone in your arm again. He traumatizes you to such a degree that you can't even escape, mainly due to him being a hunting dog, but also because he's conditioned you with so much fear that if you got the chance to beg someone for help, you wouldn't take it.
Tetchou Suehiro (Yandere Idea)
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Techou is definitely one of the better yanderes out of all the yanderes in BSD.
He'll never put his hands on you, never. He doesn't like torture and he's not sadistic like Jouno. I feel like his punishments consist of being locked in your room with no food for a few days.
Techou would be pretty protective and he would do anything to make you happy. You want to go to mall sure? Sure, he'll buy you anything. Local cafe? Yes. Want to wear his clothes? Cute...
I feel like Techou would threaten you, but they're all empty. Techou wouldn't do anything to hurt you on purpose. If he gets mad and accidentally hits you, he's hugging you and crying for you to forgive him and that he didn't mean to.
Techou is pretty serious and he wants to have this relationship go well. He can go hours just staring at you.
I feel like you could have an actual good relationship with Techou if you ignore some of his red flags.
Techou would do anything for you. And he means it whole heartly.
A mad Techou however is a dangerous one.
I feel like he's way more on guard and lack some self control. So it you two were fighting he woke hit you and like pin you to the couch while staring at you with coldness and rage in his eyes before he realizes what's going on.
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bietrofastimoff23 · 2 months
Here's the thing that really gets me. Objectively speaking, Aegon in the original story is not a good person stretch of the imagination. He's unfaithful to his wife, he's a lazy drunk, he's spiteful to his nephews, and he becomes a crueler person as the civil war spirals out of control. And he is kind of a fucking loser if we're being totally honest. He's clearly out of his depth when it comes to military planning, and happily goes along with ideas by Criston Cole that he perceives to be "manly" ways of fighting a war. With even his victories being pyrrhic ones that see him receive crippling injuries.
So like...this is not a character who you should be able to do dirty, right? But somehow they keep finding a way! The writers are so insecure about their affection for Rhaenyra that they go out of their way to invent new scenes and flaws to add extra humiliation to a character that already got pretty brutally humiliated in the original story. Taking the one account for Mushroom that we're pretty much told outright was likely bullshit (since he literally wasn't even in King's Landing), and somehow making it even worse. And making up that nonsensical dragon pit scene for his coronation just to have Rhaenyra's side make him look impotent. People try to defend these changes with the excuse that the historical records might have missed subtle details, and I'm just like fuck right off with that bullshit. People would remember a fucking dragon bursting out of the ground and killing a hundred civilians (something that gets completely glossed over, while the Ratcatcher mass execution is dwelled upon as an atrocity).
I thought at first that maybe they were slowly improving things a bit with his depiction in Episode 2. Because bless the actor, he's fucking trying with what he's got to work with. He nailed the raw emotions of a parent that's just had their child get brutally murdered. But no, they're regressing yet again. And rewriting Criston's plan just to make Aegon look like a moron who derails everything for his own side. A rewrite that when you think about it for literally 5 seconds actually makes Criston and Aemond look like idiots. A 2v1 ambush plan is objectively a smarter and safer strategy for taking out Meleys than a 1v1 ambush plan.
Sorry to keep you waiting. I agree with everything!
The writers' favoritism is so obvious in the parallels between Rhaenyra and Aegon, where they can both do stupid things, but in Rhaenyra's case it is presented as heroism and sacrifice, and in Aegon's case he is exposed as a worthless idiot. Rhaenyra can order the torture of her mutilated brother and the murder of an innocent servant in order to legally have fuck with her uncle, and it will never be mentioned again. but when Aegon hangs the rat catchers because they can't identify his son's killer, they talk about it in a negative way in every episode and even include it in the opening.
In fact, Aegon didn't even mess up the plan in RR. Aemond could easily have joined him and their victory would have been quick, but the writers decided to spoil that for the sake of unnecessary drama.
They could easily make Aegon the bad guy of this story without trying to make him look pathetic in every damn scene. We don't have a single triumphant moment for Aegon. Even his coronation was not only depicted as gloomy and dark, but it was also spoiled for the sake of Rhaenys' girlboss moment (a mass murder that the fandom prefers to ignore). No one respects Aegon, does not appreciate him, everyone tries to manipulate him, his own council does not tell him about the plans, his mother does not care about him, his brother betrays him. And the few good things he had that made him happy (Jaehaerys, Sunfyre), he loses on the same day when hotd bothers to show them as an important part of Aegon's life.
They just can't let Aegon have anything good, because even when his character is at the very bottom, he remains one of the most interesting.
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wxnheart · 2 years
𝐅*𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐮𝐭, 𝐄𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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Morgott - This is really the gist of your dynamic. You've fucked around so many times that Morgott was bound to snap. And snap he did. Time to find out, Tarnished. Next thing you know, you found yourself on the ground, looking up at the Omen's enraged face. And his angry, leaking dick. Oh. Oh. Need a little help there, Morgott? Guess he did, what with the way you're practically loving on it.
Mohg - You thought you were cute trying to fuck around but Mohg showed you he was cuter by making you find out. Too bad it comes with a side of orgasm denial and making you ride him ceaselessly as he reclines on his throne. Hah. Thought you did something there, didn't you?
Godrick - Fuck you, Godrick, okay? Just... fuck you. You don't know who's worse, you or him, but what you do know is that you tried him one too many times to the point that his multiple arms and hands practically rip your clothes off you and make you scream and beg for more. Bonus points for Godrick making you suck on two of his fingers to 'shut you up'. Not for long, you spineless bastard.
Godfrey - Um... lmao. Why would you even try him, love? He's a grappler at his core and you don't even try to wrestle yourself out of his grip. Your entire being goes slack when feel the telltale signs of his arousal press against you and by the Erdtree. No wonder Marika liked him so much...
Radahn - Well, you don't even finish fucking around before he has you suspended in the air, his tongue and fingers doing stuff to your body that you never thought possible. He told you he'd have you screaming his name. Don't know why you didn't believe him.
Radagon - He's soft-spoken as always. But there's an edge to his voice that makes you shudder, doubly so as he thrusts into you brutally. Ferally. The walls of your bedchamber reverberate with the sounds of his name. And all who has ears to hear knows Radagon has claimed his prize.
Varré - Varré is an ass so why not bother him? And so you do. And his response is to... not fuck you. Because that's what you weren't expecting. And so it turns into a game of cat-and-mouse and you're more than 1000% sure you two are going to hatefuck in the near near NEAR future.
Patches - In this scenario, it's the reverse. He fucks around because he wants to find out. He wants YOU to fuck HIM. He's glad you got the hint (finally) but did your epiphany have to happen while you're fucking him silly?
Godwyn - He's an adorable golden retriever that you never really took seriously until he fucking snapped. You didn't think the man was capable of fucking you senseless, did you? You were very pleased. And very satisfied. You also reveled in the love bites he blessed you with. And poor Godwyn is so flustered but you can't help but love the way his blush deepens when you flash him a lecherous grin. You'll have to do this often.
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toomanythoughts2 · 1 month
saw someone on twitter say that mtl was normalizing pedophilia because of the whole dr. rockzo saga
although not liking the show is fine, did we even watch the same show? It seems like that episode satirized the sexual coercion between rockstars and baby groupies in the 70's-80's?
am i seeing things that aren't there?
"Dethzazz" is one of those episodes where, if you don't know the show, the creator, or rock n' roll history, the symbolism and the message get skewed and misinterpreted. Twitter is, unfortunately, the wild west when it comes to reading comprehension. Tiktok isn't too far behind.
Brendon Smalls has gone on record saying that:
He does not try to make Dr. Rockso good in anyway and is a piece of shit.
He is Brendon's Least Favorite character.
" We want to make sure it’s [Dethklok's World] still based on some sort of exaggerated reality." x
"We scrutinized everything pretty hard, especially in this third season ["Dethzazz" Season 3, Episode 9] where a little more concentration is on story because we’re doing a half hour now." x
Dr. Rockso is based off of Steven Tyler, Paul Stanley, Axel Rose, and David Lee Roth.
The people who are unable to recognize that either need to rewatch the episode or look up an analysis. The episode has never nor will ever normalize pedophilia. In fact, it highlights just how fucking strange it is, and that in the episode, Dr. Rockso's whole career came tumbling down after the truth came out! The world in Metalocalypse did not normalize it, they actually punished him way more than I think our world would have. But the exaggerated reality is that these type of stars do get away with it and their lives (While Dr. Rockso is much worse off now than in his prime) can still make a come back. The biggest exaggeration is that Dr. Rockso even got kicked out of the band or that the cops actually went after him. You're not seeing things that aren't there, they just have poor reading and listening comprehension.
You don't gotta like Dr. Rockso or even his arch in "Dethzazz" but I'm personally glad that Smalls was even gutsy enough to put that in the show. That shit is real and it's a part of the subculture, I'm just glad that Dr. Rockso got more shit for it than a real person.
And yeah, the show is about brutality and metal but even brutality and metal have limits. Look at "Dethkids" when Dethklok is ashamed at Toki's outburst about hating children, or how the group hangs around Juliette while Toki is having his own arch. Dethklok is full of assholes but they aren't assholes enough to sexually assault a child.
Don't listen to Twitter. They clearly have not done any research on the show whatsoever.
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judasgot-it · 1 month
Can I please get a headcanon of Mushitaro with a reader who has a clingy cat that doesn't like him? Lmao
The cat tried to sneak into the reader's side before Mushi could and tried to get/steal the reader's attention away from him. Sometimes if he tried to touch the cat, it hissed at him.
this hurts, I love cats. also, what a cockblock.....like fr i would be crying bro (i would deadass beef with a cat idgaf)
Scenario: Mushitaro has beef with your cat. You don't really notice it, though...
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Today was Sunday.
The day of the sabbath - the day where you both were free, and where Mushitaro could finally spend the night at your place.
Usually you would stress yourself out when he did this. Always trying to be accommodating, there were twenty different ways you would try and make yourself die of a heart attack by trying to be perfect.
Mushitaro tried to ease your fears.
He helped you clean, he brought you dinner, and hell, he even did your laundry when you forgot about it because you were so stressed about him visiting.
Your perfectionism was sweet. You cared so much.
Mushitaro wished you would just sit down and relax, though. It was as if he was on an endless uphill battle. Maybe watch a show and just...enjoy the moment.
Somehow, your cat did that better than him. The cat seemed to do everything better.
You didn't mean to do that, obviously. But when it came to affection, your cat was always first.
Cuddling? The cat was there.
Hugs? The damn cat got in the way.
Kissing? Trying to even hold your hand? Well no, fuck that, because your damn precious cat had to start singing the song of his people.
God. He hated that cat.
What's worse? You named it Spoon.
How is he supposed to get mad at an asshole named Spoon? The idiot looked adorable with his weird face, but he was a jackass named Spoon.
Mushitaro couldn't compete. Not when you were cuddling him right now, when you had a perfectly good boyfriend right there. He was third-wheeling his own girlfriend and her stupid cat named Spoon.
"Mushi? What are you doing over there? Come join us."
You sat up from the couch, cradling your precious spoon as if he were a baby and not a disgusting mongrul who had been licking his balls only an hour ago. He didn't even bother to look at the man, instead chewing on your hair as if it were his own personal chew toy.
"Oh. Sorry, got lost in thought." He didn't want to admit that he was thinking about his rage towards your feline friend, but it was whatever. He could deal with it. The man dealt with a lot of things, and an annoying cat was not even close to the top of the list.
Striding over, he awkwardly positioned himself on the couch, taking what little space remained from between the armrest and your feet. As cheeky as you were, you yawned and stretched, scorching a little closer until your legs were firmly placed across his lap.
The man smiled and rubbed your calf, feeling the scabs of one of Spoon's brutal attacks from a week ago.
You loved too much. It caused you a lot of pain.
Leaning down, he kissed along the thin dotted line, smiling as he felt your skin turn into goosebumps at the feeling.
"I'm kissing it better."
He looked up at you, seeing your face flush at his actions. He tried his best to ignore Spoon, who had started to paw and knead at your stomach as he tried to have any moment with you.
God. Spoon needs to learn when it was the right time.
"C'mere. Please? I wanna cuddle you."
Your arms were wide open, fingers tapping along your palms as you tried to pull him closer to you with invisible puppet strings.
For once, Spoon might have gotten the message, as he stepped away, leaving Mushitaro grinning as he pulled you into his arms, placing his face right into your chest.
Your hands travelled up along his back, and he felt a sigh escape his body - almost like a whine, and it made him so grateful that you couldn't see his face right now. God, it was embarrassing what you did to him. How uneasy you unravelled him.
Somewhere he heard the little bell, but he ignored it as focused on your touch and on your smell - how your hair was so soft against his forehead, and how your body was made to perfectly fit against his.
God. Your cat could not ruin this right now.
I lowkey feel like I fell off lmao. Again. Idk university is about to start so lets hope I somehow find time to write 😭
also tagging @seizuki , any other mushitaro fans like and subscribe fr gotta find all 12 of you so i can tag you in my fics
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chainsandmorechains · 16 days
I still don't fully understand why, but some people love rape threats, more than loving them they beg for it.
I'm not judging them, nor you for liking it if you love it, after all, everyone has their own tastes, I, for example, have some reprehensible tastes too possibly worse than yours but it's all a question of opinion here, also I like to think that I matured over the mentality of a 3-year-old child that disrespects someone for their differences no, no, I'm not judging anyone for that nor will give any excuses if I do.
If I want to disrespect someone, or you reader, I probably won't ever use anything of that sort, no if I want to disrespect you I'll do it, without hiding behind any kind of excuses or differences you may hold.
Why would I do that?
Because I want to of course, what else?
You may ponder why I'm talking about that right now when I'm only supposed to talk about rape threats and to answer your restless mind let me simply tell you that the reason I did that was to introduce you to the rest of that message, it was to establish in your mind the fact that if I want to do something no matter how dumb or insane it is, as long as it isn't a danger to my survival well I'll probably fucking do it.
That's why you shouldn't question why I suddenly want to become the best pokemo-! I mean the best rape threatener(?)in the world, well I want to be the person on earth who send and creates the best rape threats.
Why would I want that? Like I said you really shouldn't question it if you don't want to start getting mad, my incredible thought process is way out of the league of mortals like you.
But if you really need some answer well yes, it may be because I have a small obsession with becoming the best at everything I do, and yes it may also be because I want to assert my dominance maybe, just maybe.
What's sure however, is that I shall need to practice to reach my goal of unofficial best… rape-threatener in the world, let's call it like that shall we, measuring progress is also simply essential for my goal, and that's where YOU come in, Yep you, the best way to measure how amazing my rape threat is by showing them to someone who loves rape threat and seeing if they get horny.
But I'm too lazy to send one rape threat to multiple people and then measure their level of arousal, that's why I shall use this post as a way to potentially gain attention and test my rape threats on you all.
Now let's start for real, if you're not interested in hearing my great being threatening you, well firstly you're missing something there, and secondly…why are you still here? It's time for a strategic retreat.
If you're still there, shut up, go grab your favorite beverage or put your hand on your privates, and let me use you like a good little lab rat, test subjects are hard to come by these days.
Cough cough
I could try to start this threat with some beautifully woven words, but considering the fact that I currently just want to grab your head and slam it against the nearest piece of furniture before raping your holes, I won't. I wouldn't hesitate even for a measly second to fuck you until you're a drooling mess that can only mutter "sorry" again and again pathetically, the only thing I would hesitate on would be between abusing your warm and moist lips on your face or abusing your pluckable asshole, so many choices, what a hard dilemma, but don't worry too much about waiting for too long while I do my decision, I'll keep you busy by choking you with your own underwear, can't have you screaming around.
I want to rape you with animalistic violence that almost none could replicate, I want to ruin you, I want this to be both the worst and best experience of your life, I want those contrary thoughts to corrupt your mind and mold it into something, something else, something new, something better (only for me), I want to ravage you so brutally that you would associate this situation with rock bottom, I'll feed myself from the despair in your eyes and I'll be sure to teach you a very important lesson.
When you think you're at your worst, everything can still get much much worse.
I'll teach you that by kidnapping you in a place where no one could ever find you, it's simply the natural step forward After doing something like that, can't have you run away or believe that you will sagely and docilely submit to me after making you suffer only one traumatizing experience, No for myself to be convinced of your submission I need a secure place for me to throw you in and fuck you every fucking day, every fucking hour, every fucking minutes, and every FUCKING seconds of your new life.
Don't worry about stopping, It's been a while already since I mastered orgasmic control, a pretty neat trick it helps get rid of a pesky thing you certainly know under the name of the refractory period, I mean it doesn't actually change the refractory period of an individual, and it has the little side effect on me not being able to cum if I want to lose my streak but don't worry about that, if you're worried about my pleasure well it's actually way more pleasurable for me to fuck like that, and also it's not like you will really be able to reflect on that when your mind is overflowing with pain, pleasure, and despair, or whatever else your twisted mind has created.
You shouldn't have the time to focus on anything else but my dick slamming in your holes, oh maybe you will be able to sense all of the different positions I would put you in tough.
But don't you even worry I may be evil but I have no intention to let you die, nope, I'll give you enough nutriment in the form of food covered by my cum, it will even be in a dogbowl, aren't I'm generous? I'll make sure to make you worship my feets in order for you to understand how charitable I am.
Oh, don't you need to drink too, don't worry I'm too damn awesome to have forgotten about that, I'll be sure to spit water or juice in your mouth when I hydratate myself.
Yeah I know I'm a magnanimous man.
May teach you some tricks too, I always wanted a pet, how does a cat cosplay sounds like? Want to have one while you're chained down under my desk and worshipping my dick? No? You don't want it? Whatever I don't care I'll still make you wear one and force you to clean yourself with my cum as if you were a cat cleaning itself.
Ohhhhh I should give you oversized paw gauntlets…this right here is a genius Idea.
Even if that sounds like a bad fate you should focus on the positive, with how much sex is a streneuous activity, you will be fit as fuck when everything is finished.
Well not like there would be an end.
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byalexisness · 1 year
☆sharing? nah.
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Otoya Eita x gn! reader x (slightly) Karasu Tabito
content warning: yandere themes, con-> dubcon, mentions of kidnapping, polyamorous 'relationship', reader is 'stolen', mentions of otoya wanting to kill karasu, he is a greedy bitch who doesn't respect his promises <3
sharing wasn't exactly otoya's favorite thing.
his ego was always getting the best of him and it made him become greedier day by day.
the second he and tabito made the agreement of 'sharing' you, letting you love both of them at the same time, otoya felt his jealousy grow.
he hated the way you clung onto tabito a little too tight, the way you always smiled at him and smooched his cheeks, cuddling him all day long while he got nothing. in his opinion, at least.
you honestly saw nothing wrong, you always thought you treated the boys the same, showing both of them equal parts of affection and giving yourself to them fully.
but otoya didn't see it like that. not at all.
and he thought knew how to hide it.
he kept repeating to himself that this was okay, that you didn't love karasu more than you loved him, that you were affectionate to him too.
until he noticed a message popping up on karasu's phone while his friend was at the bathroom and you weren't home.
you know what they say, curiousity killed the cat. however, this time, his curiosity made him want to brutally kill his friend.
he grabbed the phone and aggressively tapped in the passcode, his green eyes darkening when he saw the photo of you in a cute lingerie. one that was clearly meant only for karasu, and not for him.
otoya's brain went dumb and he felt rage filling his veins as his hands trembled. this couldn't keep going on, he refused to let it.
he made his decision. you were his and his alone, fuck karasu, fuck sharing you.
he had to take a few deep breaths to calm down and he gently (not so) put the phone back in its place, pretending to scroll through his as he laid back on the couch.
the next day, when tabito came home from practice, much to his panic, otoya was gone.
worse was that, he took you with him.
your eyes fluttered open as you looked around the unknown room. you wanted to stretch your body but you found yourself unable too, the sound of chains dinging making you more aware of your surroundings.
you gasped in surpise when you saw that both your legs and your arms were chained up to the bed and panic started to fill your senses as the cold metal touching your skin made you more aware of your situation.
you started squirming around, pulling at the chains in a futile attempt to escape.
"don't even try." a cold voice could be heard and you froze in place when you realized who it belonged to—one of your lovers.
"e-eita...?" your voice came out barely above a whisper as you saw the tall, white-haired man stepping in the room with a small smirk on his pretty lips.
"yes, my darling?" he looked at you in a sickingly affectionate way, the look in his eyes making you shiver.
"...w-what's happening? w-where are we? w-where is ta-..." you were about to ask but a slender finger made its way on your lips and you suddenly saw otoya standing above you, near the bed.
"don't. don't say his name." he growled softly and kissed your forehead. "you are mine. only mine. no more of him, alright, sweetie?" he asked in a sickengly sweet tone, caressing your cheek.
your brows furrowed and you blinked confused. "w-what do you..."
"shh." he whispered. "mine. say you are mine."
knowing the look in his eyes, if you didn't do what he said, you would be in big trouble. "...i a-am yours, eita..." the words came out of your mouth automatically.
"good, that's what i wanna hear." otoya almost moaned out and he pressed his lips against yours hungrily. you didn't know what has gotten into him, but honestly, it was better if some things were left unspoken. you melted into the kiss and, the more you kissed, the more you fell under his spell, almost forgetting about your second beloved.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
for horny hours
older eddie or rokkstar eddie and their breeding kink 😨
ya know... I've touched on older!eddie's before (baby, I'm yours if you're feeling a little horny tonight) so let's do rockstar!eddie. minors dni 18+
also for timeline, she's pregnant with the twins but before she knew it was the twins. very early into the pregnancy.
"eddie, please." you groaned, exhausted and far too tired for whatever bullshit he was about to try with you. judging by the stiffness you felt on your ass, you knew what he was up to.
"c'mon," eddie rasped, lips pressed to your jaw, trailing in a sloppy, hot wet kiss down your neck. "please, baby. you look so good right now."
you did peel your eye open to huff, looking over at him challengingly. good would be the last thing you'd describe yourself right now. in sweats and one of his t-shirts, wiped out entirely from the girls and the pregnancy hormones. first trimester was always hard for you, always zapped energy and sick beyond measure. for whatever reason, this one was brutal, worse than persephone or kensington.
despite the acne on your chin that was angry and clustered, or the fact that you had thrown up twice before bed (morning sickness was a myth this time, it was around the clock sickness), eddie was insatiable.
"stop." you huffed, rolling away from him entirely. "'m too tired for this."
eddie's face fell, eyes rounding delicately at you, but he knew better than to try and coax you more. he'd learned that the first time around. "'m sorry, princess." eddie muttered, hand reaching out to stroke your hair. you curled into him, his soft touch soothing and sweet. he grinned. "you just look pretty, baby. you know I can't help it when you look this good."
you snorted, rolling your eyes at him. "please." you scoffed. "I'm bloated, and sick, and I look like shit."
"you don't look like shit." eddie frowned. "you look so good."
"you don't have to lie to me, ed." you glared at him lightly. "I'm aware that whatever demon you've put in me this time is the one that's gonna take me out."
eddie grinned, hand rubbing down the swell of your abdomen, where you'd already started to swell. a tiny bit, unnoticeable to most, but he knew. he knew your body better than you did, every change went unnoticed to him.
"I would never lie to you, baby. you know that." eddie hummed, fingers curling lightly to cradle your stomach. "just look so good like this. can't help myself."
you lifted a brow, a little teasing. "you really like me pregnant, hm?" you leaned towards him, arm propped on the pillows.
"uh, yeah." eddie snorted, shaking his head. "why do you think I keep you knocked up so much."
you rolled your eyes, shoving him lightly. "you're annoying."
"you're beautiful." eddie purred, pulling you closer to him by your waist. "most gorgeous woman on the planet, you know that?"
"hmmm," you hummed, a soft sigh when his nose brushed yours. "I've been told a few times before." you grinned.
lips cradling yours, pressing you into the soft, feathery pillows, eddie's groin pressed into your hip, rolling against you. you snorted, pushing him back lightly. "you're actually turned on?"
"yeah. did you think I wouldn't be?" eddie challenged lifting a brow. "told you, you look fucking hot like this. look even hotter when you really start showing."
"you're sick." you giggled.
"no, what's sick is how good you look right now." eddie growled, teeth pulling at your bottom lip in a soft nip that had you whining. "please? I'll fuck you how you like. nice and sweet, no teasing."
you sighed, looking up at him. "only if I get to lay on my stomach." it was your favorite position, eddie knew that. when he'd truly lay on top of you, hips grinding and snapping, rutting into you, his hands intertwined in yours, chest to your back so you could feel the full weight of him.
"fine," eddie nodded. "but a pillow under you. I don't want to smush my boy."
you scoffed, pulling your tshirt off. "boy? it's a boy?"
"definitely a boy." eddie boasted confidently, his own sweatpants kicked off onto the floor. "'m sure of it."
you rolled your eyes, but didn't argue, rolling onto your tummy, pillow pressed to your abdomen while eddie kissed down your spine, tongue diving between your legs to tease you.
you spent the remainder of the night, face pressed into the mattress, praying the girls wouldn't knock on the door, eddie's hips snapping into yours, face tucked into your neck to muffle his own moans.
by the time you did start to show, eddie was only right about one thing: that he did like you when you swelled more and more. he swore you tasted sweeter... you were certainly wetter, and you blamed the hormones. luckily for the both of you, he spent the majority of your third trimester with his face buried between your legs to keep your pregnancy rage at bay. even when you got so big you couldn't see his mess of curls from over the rounding of your tummy, he'd always give your his hands to hold since you couldn't reach his hair. he couldn't get enough of you like this, something so primal and deep inside of him lurching and roaring to life when he saw you waddle around.
but he was wrong about the boy. very wrong. the ultrasound tech assured you if that when she showed you not one, but two specks on the screen; twin baby girls. eddie had nearly fainted.
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