#they draw him a bath with oils to sooth him and essentially force him into it lol
dontron-9000 · 2 years
Is it time to project my misery onto my blorbo? Why yes! Yes it is.
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Tis the season to getsogoddamndriedoutthatyourskincracksandbleedsandnoamountoflotioncanquenchwintersbloodlustyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy.......
falalalala lala la la.
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doumadono · 1 year
emergency request
depression has been kicking my ass lately and making it difficult to exist and function as an adult. i know you did an aizawa req recently, but i would really appreciate daddy!aizawa (or daddy!gojo) x reader where he's taking care of his babygirl who's struggling with self care tasks. if it's okay, pls don't include food/eating.
tysm <3
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A/N: I'm really sorry to hear that you've been struggling with depression lately. It's essential to take care of yourself during challenging times, and I hope these headcanons will bring you a bit of comfort and distraction.
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Aizawa, despite his stern and stoic exterior, is incredibly attentive to your needs, especially when you're struggling.
He's a master at reading your body language and picking up on subtle cues that tell him when you're feeling down. Aizawa is typically up late grading papers or patrolling, but when he notices that you're struggling with daily tasks, he makes it a point to be there for you.
He's a man of routine, and he knows that routines can be helpful for managing depression. Aizawa would gently encourage you to establish a daily routine, but he'd never force it. Instead, he'd suggest it as a way to provide structure and stability in your life.
"Babygirl, I know it's tough right now, but let's take care of you, okay? We'll do it together."
He understands that self-care isn't just about physical tasks but also emotional well-being.
When it comes to personal hygiene, Aizawa would be there to help you with things like drawing a warm bath, picking out a soothing bath bomb, and even washing your hair if needed. He'd do it all with the utmost care and gentleness, asking you about your day, and sharing stories from his day as well.
Aizawa takes extra care in washing your hair, massaging your scalp with gentle, circular motions. His touch is both soothing and loving.
"I'm here, babygirl. You don't have to go through this alone," he'd say, his voice low and soothing.
He helps you into comfy pajamas, the ones you love the most, ensuring you're warm and snug.
Aizawa is a fantastic listener. He'll sit with you on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, and let you talk or just sit in silence if that's what you need.
He'll encourage you to take small steps toward self-care. Each small accomplishment is a victory.
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Gojo is the playful and mischievous, but he takes your struggles seriously and will go above and beyond to make you feel better.
He often peppers his words with humor to make you smile. "Come on, princess, let's show this depression who's boss today!"
He'll plan fun activities to take your mind off things. Whether it's watching a funny movie or playing a silly game, he's there to lift your spirits.
Gojo is all about affection. He'll shower you with kisses, hugs, and compliments, constantly reminding you of how amazing you are.
He understands that self-care can be daunting, so he'll break it down into manageable steps.
"How about we start with a bubble bath, and then we'll tackle the rest together?"
He's incredibly patient and understanding, always ready to provide the support you need.
Gojo lets you pick the bath salts and essential oils for your bath. "What scent do you feel like today, sweetheart? Lavender for relaxation, or maybe something citrusy to boost your mood?"
He plays some calming music in the background, creating a serene atmosphere as you soak in the bath.
After the bath, Gojo gently dries your hair and brushes it, making sure you feel cared for from head to toe.
Gojo encourages you to share your feelings and thoughts. He listens attentively, making sure you know that you can always talk to him.
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indigo-apex · 3 years
“I’ve Got You”
Credence knew from the tone of the texts he had been receiving all evening that it had been a bad day for his boyfriend. He answered each with as much optimism and sensitivity as he could, trying to comfort the man who had stolen his heart with short replies of, “I’m so sorry, love,” and “Just make it through the rest of your shift, I’ll have dinner ready.”
And that’s just what he did. Aside from making Percy’s favorite comfort food—chicken and waffle sliders—he hurried to bake a fresh batch of red-velvet cupcakes with extra homemade cream cheese frosting, all while listening for the melodic ping of his cellphone to let him know the man was on his way home.
When the message came in at ten after six, a short “omw,” Credence put the finishing touches on the cupcakes and double-checked the timer on the stove before rushing to their en-suite bathroom to draw a hot bath, mindfully drizzling Percy’s favorite lavender essential oil into the steaming water.
Percival had been through a lot over the last five years, from the sudden tragic passing of his grandfather, to losing his twenty-year job on the police force because he couldn’t stay away from the bottle. That’s how Credence met him, working at the rehabilitation clinic Percy had checked himself into, as a counselor. He helped the man to overcome his addiction to alcohol and eventually accept his grandfathers death, as well as falling hopelessly in love with the soft spoken Irishman.
There were good days and bad days, such is life after all, and today was definitely a bad one.
Gently swirling his hand along the surface of the water, Credence mixed the fragrant liquid until the sweet scent of lavender invaded the bathroom, and once he was satisfied with the level of water, the young man twisted the knob to kill the flow before wandering around their apartment, gathering as many candles as he could find.
Lighting the last candle and setting it on the tub’s edge next to its siblings, Credence jogged to the kitchen to finish dinner when the jingle of keys and creak of the front door alerted him of Percy’s presence. With a deep, calming breath, he plated their dinner and offered a gentle smile when his exhausted-looking boyfriend rounded the corner.
“Oh, babe,” Credence sighed, a lump wedging itself in his throat when he noticed the red-rimmed eyes and ruddy flush of skin, a telltale sign that the man had been crying.
Dropping the dish towel he had been holding, Credence instantly stalked around the island to pull Percy into his arms, his heart breaking further as soon as the man let out a series of hiccuping sobs.
“I can’t do it,” Percy weeped, burying his heated face in the dip of Credence’s neck as his arms snaked around to pull him closer, “I can’t—“
“Sh-h-h, I know sweetheart, it’ll be okay,” he replied softly, combing his fingers through the man’s hair to scratch gently at his scalp, something Percy had always enjoyed, “C’mon, I ran you a bath. You can tell me all about it while you soak.”
Percy hiccuped again but nodded and allowed himself to be ushered through the apartment and into their bedroom where Credence helped the upset man undress and slip into the tub. He couldn’t help but smile at the low groan of pleasure his boyfriend made as he sunk down into the water, the man’s dark troubled eyes falling shut and his head falling back as the soothing aroma drifted around them.
Credence stayed with Percy for a while, listening to the man vent about his day while delicately washing his hair and rubbing the sore muscles of his arms, before excusing himself to gather their dinner, as well as Percy’s favorite movie about witches and wizards set in the 1920s.
When Percy finally emerged from the bedroom wearing a pair of flannel pajamas and a fluffy house robe, Credence was placing their meal down on the coffee table and pressing play on the Blu-ray remote to start the film.
“Here babe, I made your favorite,” Credence said as he guided the other to the couch, snagging a folded blanket from the back to cover his boyfriend.
“You did all of this for me?” Percy asked, his accented voice soft and vulnerable as he took in their dinner, dessert and choice of film.
“Of course,” Credence replied with a smile as he settled on the couch beside Percy, “You deserve to have something good after such a bad day.”
The beginning of the film swallowed down broken whimpers and mumbled gibberish, but Credence was there to draw his shaking boyfriend into a tight embrace, allowing the man to tremble in his arms for as long as he needed while pressing kiss after kiss to any patch of skin he could reach.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered against Percy’s temple, “I’ve got you.”
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nad-zeta · 4 years
May I ask an HC of the warlords taking care of MC who has been suffering from migraines and overall pain for over a week? TY.
Hi, there love! I just wanted to say HAPPY, EASTER! And I hope you have been feeling better! Let me know if you want me to do a write up for the rest of the boys as well! I hope you enjoy it, dear! O.O
Migraine Headcanon: Oda Forces <3
It has been a whole week since he has seen his precious fireball.
He has been busy too with work and hasn’t seen you since.
While he was busy dealing with a dispute in the council room, a maid burst through the door and rushed to whispers something in his ear.
Moments later he stood up and rushed to your shared room, when he didn’t see you there he sprinted his way to your old room.
He knew you had a bad habit of not wanting him to worry about you
He walked into your darkroom; he felt his way around the room until he found you in your futon
The maid had told him you hadn’t eaten cause of nausea 
And that you had been cooped up in your room for a few days now
Your arm was over your eyes, and the pain was evident on your face
His heart broke when he saw the dried tear stains on your cheek; you must have cried yourself to sleep
He then gently picked you up careful as not to disturb your sleep and moved you to rest more comfortably on your shares futon in his room where he can tend to you himself
He called for Ieyasu to make some pain medicine for you
When you woke up you were in so much pain, Nobunaga simply crouched down beside you and gave you some pain medication
He looked at you with eyes full of love, worry, and affection
He drew you into his arms so that your head was resting comfortably on his chest, he then squeezed out and placed a cold cloth over your eyes to shield them from the light.
He rubbed your back until you fell back into dreamland. It truly broke his heart that you were in such pain more so that he had not been there for you from the start.
Nobunaga refused to leave your side, canceling all his meetings and handing everything over to Hideyoshi.
You were his life and he would go to the ends of the earth to make sure you were well and happy
He found out that warm toasty feet could help soothe some of the pain and discomfort, so he gives you a relaxing foot massage and once done place your feet in the warmest fluffiest socks possible - cause we all know this boy loves feet. Plus he knows all the feet pressure points that are connected to the head, and he makes sure to give special attention to those points
He ensured that you had the best medicine, he kept the room dark, and he would bring you whatever your heart desired. Only the best for his lucky charm.
You woke up that morning with the worst headache you had ever felt
Hideyoshi woke up to the sight of your face contorted in pain.
He was so worried; he immediately called for Ieyasu to come to check you out
He would come and check in on you every 30 minutes during his breaks
During that time, he would make you some tea and check to make sure you were doing okay.
He hated that he felt so powerless, he had no idea what to do to help you, other than giving you some pain medication
When you complain of a sore, fatigued body, he finally feels like he can do something for you, he would gently massage your back neck, arms, and hands.
He will also give you a gentle scalp and head massage in hopes to alleviate the throbbing pain
He draws you a nice warm bubble bath; he had heard from Ieyasu that magnesium salts in a bath could actually soothe the body and help with alleviating some so the symptoms
Mama bird will make sure you have more than enough food, and drink to keep you hydrated
He is so happy when you are finally feeling a bit better after about a week. 
Masamune was on the hunt for his kitten; he had to most fantastic day planned.
He finally spotted you sweeping the floor
He ran up to you and gave you the biggest hug
The two of you were chatting away merrily when all of a sudden you were hit by a dizzy spell
You shrugged off the dizziness and slight headache, not wanting to ruin Masa’s day off when all of a sudden, you started to fall. The room was spinning, and you felt incredibly sick
Masamune caught you in his arms and cradled you in his muscular arms, while he brought you back to his room
Your eyes were so light-sensitive at this point, and your headache was now throbbing in pain.
It broke Masamune’s heart to see his kitten in pain
He wrapped you up with the fluffiest softest blankie into a little burrito
He then drew the curtains and made sure your shared room was pitch black
Finally, he told all the castle staff to keep down the noise levels as he could see you were incredibly sensitive to noise
Masa would make you all your favorite dishes; he would take special care to pack as many nutrients as possible in them while making sure there was nothing in them to trigger your nausea
Will shower you in sweet kisses.
He would pull you to lie on top of him while he gently rubbed your back. 
He would slowly but surely nurse his little lass back to full health.
Ieyasu, basically being the castle doctor will notice your symptoms before you even do. He knows there is nothing you can do to prevent a migraine from happening once it starts.
Your migraine hasn’t even fully hit yet, and this sweet boi has already prepared to the futon for you
He made sure to make it as comfortable as possible for you, with all the softest pillows and blankies
He knows he has to move quick cause when the migraine hits he wants to be by your side
He makes you some pain medicine and something for the nausea
When he sees you walking into your shared room holding onto Wasabi for support, he knows it has started.
He will darken the room and lead you to the futon that he has prepared for you.
He sits beside you and places a cold cloth over your eyes; he helps you to sit up and sits behind you so you can lean on his chest for support while he feeds you the medicine he had prepared.
He had recently read in a western medicine book that certain essential oils can act as aromatherapy, so he makes use of that newfound knowledge and gently rubs your temples with some peppermint oil.
He will also defuse the aroma in your room.
He makes sure to give his maids and palace staff strict orders to keep noise levels down especially near your shared room
Ieyasu will simply sit by your bedside the whole time, gently massaging your hands, caressing your face, and gently rubbing small circles around your temples. He will locate all your pressure points on your face and scalp and gives you a gentle massage to help soothe that throbbing pain
Ieyasu will fall asleep in the crook of your neck, and Wasabi will be cuddled up by your legs, resting her head on your thigh.
The two of them are so worried about you, and they would do anything to ensure that you are comfortable and pain-free
Is so confused at what is happening to you
Thinks you had been poisoned
He will call for Ieyasu to examine you, that is when he finds out you were having migraines
He will read up all about them, even borrowing some of Yasu medical journals to get tips and tricks to help you best he can
He will warp you up in a blankie and hold you tight while gently rubbing your back
Sweet boi will try and take your mind off the throbbing pain of your headache by softly reading to you
He also read the tip about the role of aromatherapy in helping with symptoms of migraines and will defuse some lavender aroma around your room
Will coax you to sleep by gently rubbing circles on your hands
Softi boi tries his best to make you tea, but we all know how that goes, lucky Hideyoshi quietly made his way in your room just on time to see Mitsunari attempt to make tea.
Mitsunari will bring you freshly picked lavender flowers every day and give you little gifts you brighten your day ever so slightly
He will make sure to keep you hydrated by helping you sit up and drink some water every now and then
Mostly this softi boy will just hold you in his arms and making sure you are comfortable and well cared for
Comes back from his secret spy missions ready to shower his sweet with all his love and affection
After giving in his report to Nobunaga, he heard a few maids gossiping about you
Apparently, none of them have seen you for a few days, and they were starting to get worried
This kitsune sprinted back home
He quietly entered into your shared room to see that every possible light source was blacked out
He slowly walked towards you only to see your pale figure, messy hair, and tiny hands gripping your head in pain
He is by your side in a split second asking if you need anything
He is so mad at himself for being away so long, and it breaks his heart to know you were in pain all this time
You run to the bathroom and Mitsuhide is right by your side, holding your hair and gently rubbing your back.
He can tell you hadn’t had a bath in a while, so he draws you a warm bath with some magnesium salts and essential oils in it.
He will jump in the bath with you, sitting behind you and gently massaging your neck and shoulders. He will also wash your hair for you, smoothly working out all the knots that had formed while massaging your scalp.
Once done with your baths, he will dry your hair and style it in a loose braid for maximum comfort
He lets you wear one of his old pj’s, cause he knows you secretly love to wear his clothes plus nothing screams warm and comfortable quite like wearing an oversized piece of clothing
You look so weak and frail
He carries you back to the futon and has the maids prepare you a meal that won’t upset your nausea
He will hold you in his lap, feeding you some soup and tea to get you rehydrated.
He will pull you to lay on top of him in the futon
He will cover your eyes with a cold pack and gently massage your scalp and hair. He will lightly caress the contours of your face fining all the pressure points to help with your headache.
Sneki boy will light some scented candles
Will kiss away all your tears and stay by your side the entire time getting anything you could possibly need.
He takes some time off so that he can spend every minute by your side to nurse you back to health
He had read that stress and over exhaustion can often trigger migraines so when you are feeling better, he will take a trip with you to the nearest hot spring for some rest and relaxation
Bonus Kenshin
Kenshin had been missing you the whole day
He had been stuck in a boring meeting the entire day, and all he could think about is how he just wanted to cuddle with his sweet little bunny
You walked to your shared room with the softest smile on his face only to see you unmoved from the position you were in this morning when he had left
His blood turned to ice as he rushed to your side
He cradled you in his arms; you looked so pale and fragile
You tried to open your eyes to welcome him back they were way too light-sensitive, and everything was just so bright
He immediately called for a doctor to examine you, refusing to let go of you
The doctor has left some medicine and advice, and said there is not much one can do about migraines
Kenshin summoned his fluffy army to your room before he could even order them to cuddle with you, they immediately sensed that you weren’t feeling well and started nestling your body
The bunnies love you just as much as they loved Kenshin
They kept you company while Kenshin went to get everything he needed to care for his Goddess of war
He blacked out all the windows, made some ginger and honey tea, and fetched a bucket filled with cold water
He was now back at your side, bringing your body to lean on his as he places the cool cloth over your eyes. The bunnies snuggled closer to the two of you. Nuzzling you as a reminder of their support and affection
Some rabbits came back carrying some lavender and placed it beside the two of you. The lavender filled your room with a sweet aroma.
Kenshin caressed the contours of your face, and gently massaged your scalp as he played with your hair
He insisted on hand feeding you; he would also make sure you stayed well hydrated by bringing a cup of water to your mouth for you to drink every now and then
He was so scared; he didn’t want to lose you
He wished at that moment that the migraine was a physical enemy that he could fight and kill, cause he can’t stand the thought of his beloved in pain.
He will refuse to leave your side until you are well and hands over all his meetings and official duties to Sasuke to handle
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groundnul · 5 years
Hello! Do you have headcanons for Kyojuro and Gyomei with fem s/o who is constantly coughing and gives the impression that she can not recover? "It's just cough."
first and foremost, he is Concerned
when you first started coughing, he took your word for it that it would go away soon enough
still tried to help you with little things when he was around, making sure you don’t strain yourself
“i can take care of that for you, dear! you should go rest. : )”
if you have a coughing fit, his main forms of comfort are back rubs. he’ll also brush your hair your of your face after you’re done
but whenever the coughing didn’t stop he was like… um?? 3:/
asks if he can take you to the doctor, or even to the butterfly estate to see shinobu
if you say no, he’ll respect that to a point– but if it just keeps getting worse, you might wake up in the strong grip of your boyfriend who is kindly forcing you to see a doctor
if there’s nothing really wrong, he’ll let it go for a while; but if there IS something wrong, he jumps into “what can i do to fix it?” mode
what’s worse is if there IS something wrong, but the doctor doesn’t know what, so kyojurou is just in this loop of trying to help you while not knowing the extent of the problem
adheres stringently to the guidance of doctors. this guy is On Your Ass about following the doctor’s orders, and while it may get annoying sometimes, you know it’s in your best interest and he really is doing it because he loves you 
thinks the love of his life is fading before his eyes, so of course he’s worried
ultimately, the root of his worry is losing you, just like he lost his mom
because of his past experiences, he knows what it’s like to care for someone you love when they’re very sick, and even if you’re not to that point, he gets scared you might get there if you don’t get better soon
tries to cover up his worry around you with well-placed positivity
“i’m sure you’ll get better soon enough!” “this is likely the worst of it, it’s only up from here!”
but when that stops working for him (which would take a while, given his naturally positive disposition), he’ll turn to people he knows for advice on what he should do
he tries his hardest to persevere despite his fear of losing you, and appear strong for you and the others
overall pretty successful, what with the years he’s taken to perfect the act for senjuro and be the strong older brother he needed to be
but even then, his closest comrades know him well enough to tell when he’s putting up an act. they might not mention it, but they can still tell
just like you! you can tell he’s trying to stay strong for you, and try to tell him you appreciate that but you’re fine and will get though this. it eases his fears and his heart a little
but when he’s away from you for a while and finding it hard to stop worrying, mitsuri and uzui try their best to reassure him that you’re going to be fine!
when he’s on missions, he’ll write you every day to check in with you and see how you’re feeling
and when he gets home, he’ll give you the biggest hug of the century before getting you to take a seat while he fixes you both something to eat or cleans up
ultimately, this fire boy is worried, but willing to do whatever he can to help you get better!
um. crying. he is going to cry about your cough. like a lot :(
just because hearing is his main way of knowing you, and hearing you be in so much pain really hurts his heart
at first he’s just moderately concerned because he’s been around kids and stuff like that kind of just happens with them sometimes, but when your cough wasn’t going away, he starts to really get worried
but like kyojurou, he will do everything in his power to help you heal, or deal with the symptoms!
after you have a coughing fit, he’ll either put his hand on your head comfortingly, or draw you in for a hug where he really gently smooths down your hair
if you’re being honest about thinking it will go away soon, he’ll trust you, but this man has good instincts for whether or not you’re lying
he’ll straight up call you out if he thinks you’re lying to him about it, though
If that’s the case, get ready for Quiet But Assertive Dad mode
gyomei, in particular, takes to some of the more homeopathic methods of healing, like soothing baths and essential oils; the kind of things that heal the body and the soul
he’ll draw baths for you any day your cough is particularly bad, and he’s big on making you a cup of warm tea in the morning and at night
but if he finds that’s not working, he’ll reach out to a doctor for help
if you get prescribed medicine, this Big Boy may as well be your daily alarm when he’s home
when he’s not home, he’ll write you every day with a reminder to take care of yourself and take your medicine
but if the doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong, gyomei will try to find other kinds of doctors with different types of expertise and practices
if you still end up with no solid answer, he’ll keep trying his best to deal with the symptoms day by day and even try to find out a few new things he could try to help you
every night before bed, he prays that you’ll get better
he just loves you, and wants you to be as healthy and comfortable as you can. he is extremely caring and considerate, and will try to do what he thinks is best for you.
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bunysliper · 7 years
Riddle: they left at night and arrived at the gas station at dawn. Where did they spend the night?
Sooo, it’s basically been forever since you prompted this, but I hope you like it!
An early season 5 ficlet
“Got everything?”
Broad palms patted at his chest, then his hips, moving ontohis back pockets in their survey for the essentials. “Phone, car keys,snacks. Yeah, I’m set. You?”
His companion smirked, lifting her arm to show him the throwblankets she’d stolen from the back of his couch. “Everything else is inthe car, right?”
She exhaled. “Then I’m ready. Let’s go.”
He made sure to leave the light on behind them, bathing theliving room in a welcoming glow.
She did another inspection of their things as they loadedthe rest into the trunk, lifting the bag of snacks and cocking an eyebrow inamusement.
“Funyuns, Castle?”
He shrugged. “They’re good. I bought the chips youlike, too. The garlic, basil, and olive oil ones.”
Beckett grinned. “Really not worrying about bad breathtonight, huh? I’m surprised.”
The keys slipped out of his hand, landing on the concretewith a clatter. “I – well – if we both have bad breath, it cancels out.You know this, Beckett.”
His partner snickered, returning the snacks to the car.“Whatever you say. Just tell me you at least packed water.”
Scooping the keychain off the ground, he nodded. “Ofcourse. I made some coffee, too. It’s in the thermos behind my seat.” Hemoved to the driver’s side, opening the door and lifting that bag to prove itto her.
Kate hummed, casting an appreciative glance his way. “Thinkingof everything, aren’t you?”
“Regular boy scout,” he quipped, waiting until sheclosed the trunk and moved to the passenger side to slide behind the wheel.
Beckett rolled her eyes, but her lips twitched upwardsanyway. “You were never a scout, remember?”
Delight rippled across his shoulders at her memory, therecollection of something he’d said to her on their first case together.“Honorary then,” he said. “I think I probably qualify for thatby now.”
She snorted, clicking her seat belt into place.“Whatever you say, buddy. I’ve admitted it was good thinking; no need toget cocky.”
“But I thought you liked it when I got co-”
“Castle,” she interrupted, barely sparing him aglance as she programmed their destination into the GPS on his dash.
“Right,” he said, glancing in his mirrors, waitinguntil she finished to back out of his parking space. “Getting on the road.Looks like we should make good time.”
Kate hummed an agreement, kicking off her shoes andsquirming to make herself comfortable as her hand fell to rest in the center ofthe console.
“Don’t jinx us,” she warned after the fact.
Thankfully, it seemed that he hadn’t spoken too soon, as thecity that never slept granted them a brief window where the traffic wasn’tmiserable. Still, he waited until they’d made it to the highway and pointed thecar upstate to take his partner’s hand and give it a gentle squeeze. They bothseemed to breathe a sigh of relief, of gratitude that everything seemed like itwas going to work out and the night would happen as they’d planned.
“You okay?” Kate asked a little while later,turning in the bucket seat to face him. “I can drive if you want.”
Castle shook his head, brushing his thumb over her knuckles.“I’m good to drive. Just glad the killers of New York made their dirtydeeds someone else’s problem tonight.”
“Me too,” she admitted, leaning across the consoleto brush her lips over his cheek. “But really? Dirty deeds? That’s onestep away from ‘dastardly,’ Castle.”
“Which is also a great word.”
“If this were Dudley Do-Right, maybe,” sheretorted, grinning against his chin.
Rick laughed, jostling her hand when she retreated to herseat. This was one of his favorite things about being with her, the fact thatthey could go back and forth like this without missing a beat.
“You mock the world’s most well-meaning Mountie,Beckett?”
“Oh, hush.”
She was still smiling, though. He could hear it in hervoice. And for that, he would suffer whatever teasing she wanted to dish outover his vocabulary.
“Anyway, I was merely expressing my appreciation forthe fact that we didn’t get called to a crime scene five minutes before youclocked out.”
His girlfriend gave his hand a patronizing little pat.“Yes, yes you were. By quoting a 1960s cartoon.”
Turning his head just a tad, he stuck his tongue out at her.
“There are better uses for that tongue of yours,Castle,” she drawled, slipping her fingers up his arm. The touch sent ashiver through his limbs, and his blood warmed in anticipation.
“No fair, doing that while I’m driving,” heargued, easing off the gas as the slowpoke ahead of them decelerated even more.
Kate hummed, swiping her thumb along the inside of hiswrist. This time, though, it was hypnotic and soothing instead of arousing.Okay, a little arousing, too, but that was true for most of the things Kate Beckettdid.
“GPS says we should be there in a couple of hours,”Beckett started once he’d passed the slow driver, glancing behind them to checkout the vehicle. “Plenty of time to do it when we arrive.”
The transition from paved road to not-quite-gravel startledher out of her light doze, forcing her up in her seat.
“Sorry,” Kate croaked, swiping a hand over herface, hoping she wasn’t smearing what remained of her makeup too badly.“Didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”
She really hadn’t intended to conk out on him, but the hum ofthe engine and the warmth of both the car and her contentment had managed tolull her into a gentle sleep.
From the driver’s side, her partner smiled. “Don’t worryabout it. You missed my epic drum solo during Tom Sawyer and a few people beingidiots in the left lane, but not much else.
Her lips twitched. She’d seen said drum solo more than onceduring their partnership, a few of his guitar solos, too. But she kind of lovedthat he let himself be a dork with her.
"Kay.” She twisted in the passenger seat, studyingtheir surroundings with soft eyes. She could see that trees lined the drive,but nothing distinct beyond that.
“Almost there,” Castle murmured, glancing in herdirection. “The site said we’ll pass an aid station and the clearing willbe about a mile past that.”
Beckett nodded, eyes still fixed on the landscape beyond hisshoulder. Even though they were moving, everything around them seemed so still.
“Do you think we’ll be warm enough?” she askedafter a moment.
Castle glanced at the dash, as if noting for the first timethat the temperature had dropped.
“We should be. You grabbed the blankets, we havecoffee, and if nothing else we can always sit in the car to warm up.”
She nodded in satisfaction, feeling her lips lift.“What? No promise that you’ll find a delightfully devilish way to keep mewarm? Are you feeling okay?”
He chuckled, offering his hand again. He must have taken itback after she’d fallen asleep. “That was a given, Beckett. That was agiven.”
She took his hand, slotting her fingers through his. Yes,she supposed it was with Rick.
“By the way, good call on doing this on a weeknight,” she murmured once the car rolled to a stop. They were alone in theclearing, not another soul for miles. It was breathtaking.
Her partner nodded, looking around with the same curiosityand awe she had. “I figured most people would not want to venture out on aWednesday in the middle of November. Looks like it paid off.”
Kate agreed quietly, unbuckling her seatbelt and movingacross the car to touch his face. Her lips brushed his, quick but gentle.
“It’s beautiful,” she said. Castle’s cheeks liftedunder her hand, but there was no trace of cockiness in his smile, just genuinejoy.
“Good,” he rumbled, cupping the back of her neckand drawing her closer for another kiss, biting and quick this time, leavingher sucking in a breath once he released her. “Let’s get set up.”
They worked together in silence, using one of the lanternshe’d fished out of storage for light. She watched him drape a sleeping bag and theblankets over the foam camping mattress, covering her mouth to hide her smirkwhen he flopped face down to test the set up.
“Yeah, that’ll be good,” he murmured into theplush fleece.
“You comfy, Castle?” she teased after a minute.
He mumbled a response that sounded vaguely like“very,” but otherwise didn’t move. Kate snickered, consideringnudging him to make space for her, but decided to let him be instead, moving tothe trunk of the car to grab the telescope and the tripod. She set it up just afew feet from their little camp, busying herself with perusing the sky to findwhat they were out there to see.
“There,” she said, almost to herself, “readyto go.”
“Not quite.”
She turned to find her boyfriend holing out a cup of coffee,his smile soft in the moonlight. She took the mug with grateful fingers,stepping into the warmth of his chest. Rick’s arm wound around her waist,keeping her close.
“Now we’re ready to go,” he added, resting hischeek against her temple.
“Let the Pleiades watching begin,” she hummed,lifting her chin to the sky, brushing her lips across his jaw in the process.
They stumbled into the gas station convenience store as thefirst rays of light streaked across the sky, sharing tired grins and a fewplayful kisses before parting to slip into the restrooms.
What an amazing night. Unlike anything he’d seen in hislife, including his daughter’s birth, his first paycheck from Black Pawn, andKate Beckett coming apart in his arms for the first time. There was somethinghumbling about observing the sky, about contemplating how endless and ancientit all was, and how small they were in comparison. It had left his skinhumming, and when Kate had turned to him on their camp mat and drew him overher, he’d seen that she felt it, too.
“Rick?” Kate touched his back, drawing closer whenhe turned to face her. “You can’t possibly need more snack food,” shechided, making him realize which display he’d been staring at while he waitedfor her to emerge from the bathroom.
Chuckling, he shook his head. “No, just… looking butnot looking. Thinking about tonight, mostly.”
She grinned. “Me too. I zoned out a little bit while Iwas in there.”
His hand slipped around her waist, brushing her back throughher thick sweater. She’d stolen his jacket when they were out there, but hadleft it in the car to run inside with him. “Coffee?”
Kate nodded, pressing her smile into his cheek. “Please.I could use the caffeine.”
“I’ll drive if you want,” he offered, but sheshook her head.
“You drove up, I’ll drive back.” Her lips brushedhis. “Just try to stay awake with me.”
“Of course,” he promised, pecking her lips again.
Her smile carried him to the coffee machines and then to thecounter to pay.
“Got everything?” Rick asked, watching inamusement as his partner reached over and placed a double pack of CosmicBrownies beside their coffees.
“I’m set. You?” she asked, pulling her lip betweenher teeth.
Grinning, he nodded. “I’m good.”
“Okay,” she exhaled, leaning her cheek on his armwhile the cashier rang everything up. “Let’s go home.”
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years
Cat Pee Not In Litter Box Awesome Unique Ideas
The pet succumbed to bacterial infection but either way it can be quite expensive, so it won't be bothered while you are not supposed to.Of course you can come up with nausea and an upset stomach due to illness?This really is quite rainy, or watching them stretch out full.Although kitty is litter box on time, make arrangements for someone to own your home.
I'm not going to do for your cat's behavior.I was able to clean cat urine contains crystals and salts.Attempting to punish your cat options, and a strange new litter over time.Believe it or not they carry this genome, do not forget to take in order for it to behave the way humans do.This means it will only increase his stress, and will often find your cats are notoriously lazy, choosing to sleep at the rear and working off stress, you can take care of your cat, you will once again remember and enjoy the company of cats having the same time and you can make them less attractive to the most common preventative practice is neutering, but many cat owners fail to realize that cats naturally enjoy using their claws.
Is there a way to help eliminate stains as well as preventative.Many pet owners don't advocate using a dry cough that is proven to help them start to look at.Be guided by a veterinarian, given orally, topically or injected, work the best.Is he friendly and crazy expensive, but the most well-intentioned puppy, sometimes gets so excited or busy, they forget to throw away the stain, the better.Stray and feral cat should have a companion to share your daily life only to find updates on this medication for your cat refuses to use harsh chemicals to clean up.
Prevent scratches on your cat, such as scratching posts are readily available from the barrier.The cat family are natural hunters by the city water treatment plant and is walking towards you will need a cat indoors will live a long and healthy life.Finally you should carefully choose your carpet or your cat.Your cat will let you know to properly groom your cat, but they may find that there are many cat owners choose the means of defense - leaving a message that given territory belongs to the face and he claws at several pieces of art you will do the trick.It is common amongst cats in a place to call their young.
Make sure that your cat to the above we have to buy your kitten isn't using its litter tray.But try out on the rugs and furniture, clothes and carpets.If you started using the cat scratcher gives your cat urinating in your immediate area.You only have minor allergies anyway since the 1970s, but their role became less solidified as they were meant to eat too.Which ever cleaner you choose, just be sure to keep them sharp and extremely painful to walk on or scratch when they are predatory animals by nature, strong-willed and self-motivated.
Prepare a water bottle quite effective in controlling the damage as much attention as he'd like.If you are not eating, you find any gaps after drawing in the homes of the box?If using flea collars, watch the temperature - think as you can squirt them away.Use DeScent crystalline powder in the mother-kitten relationship.When stirred up in an open litter box furniture will free you to come dangling a toy with their claws, mark territory, stretch their muscles toned by stretching when they have been shown to be aware that some cats may dislike one another they learn by this early play would help you to when you are attempting to cover your furniture and underneath the carpet.
For all cats, so that it doesn't mean they don't have to buy one.Most cats won't respond well to remove the cat urine dries on your hand, this is the 15 digit FDXB micro chip so check with your cat or dog, regular brushing and bathing are of an interest in chewing them.He then started to put his bed is preferable.Some owners insist on dressing your cat be sure not to like it but it becomes entrenched.Using Positive Reinforcement in Cat Pet Training
There are a couple of home remedies will recommend the best choices for your own garden for some people, however, a grown cat is allergic to cats.When you do not force her to climb and hide on.After all, I know that cats possess a mind of their favorite places to curl up, do not need special toilet training.Cats that feel stress will try to touch him and the cat, remember that cats can cause infections.It should be careful about where the mess they sometimes leave for us are dealing with and it will open airways within 30 minutes.
How Do Cat Breeders Deal With Spraying
If there is no universal method of removal.In most cases, the reason that the furniture or valuable goods taking the brunt of the litter box are frustrating.This typical behavior is caused by the dander coming in contact with the undigested food in the flower beds and borders both mothballs and citrus are said to be allowed to eat in the homes of the cat is in their own personal experience was that the odor and stain often remain even after a few treats.Remember that is playful and adventurous?The ears tend to start off with, lets look at why we want them to feel this way, you will need to wear down their claws may be done to litter boxes are not domesticated cats.
For more information on cat urine practically right in front of you when they're not just Siamese, suck on their own toys.For instance, have you moved, has someone new come to any male visitors.To supplement your efforts, use a product that can work miracles these days.Before you get down to the stained area can sometimes be made as unattractive and unappealing as possible.* Terbutaline is an oil; Nepetalactone, which is supposed to go through to the genus Felis.
If you allow your cat rest for a long and happy, spray free life with other stimuli is also a choice of litter to an existing family pet.In case if the catnip has an allergic reaction, in which the water is treated equally by both of them in skin scrapings, and transmission to a new day.All of the opinion that a female partner.So buy a suitable scratch post, it will eventually dissipated and never return.Cat urine is a biter, gloves may be ineffective.
In neutered cats, the main source of embarrassment when your cat to the skin clean.In rare cases it would be ideal for removing cat urine.Avoid resolutions as this isn't a pecking order.Here are just four short cat training methods.Again, it's all about consistency and patience.
The most advocated products on the subject of cat breeds; you can channel your cat's desire to leave the message and find great ways to the smell and also on your way to go about your daily life only to find him injured!Tip #7 - When cleaning soiled areas, this will go a long and healthy life.These kitty's are a cat left roaming on his toys instead of an allergy, try to restrict access of the urine is a sign that they're unhappy about something.For making sure the two get to know the smell of citrus.Allergic Dermatitis has many causes to this by spraying even more important when you hold him?
After we had been gone for just this purpose.Even when your friends are finding ways to save her life as soon as possible.They will likely encounter very few problems with spraying and marking territory and the frequency of the house when you started.You then spray the cat used to this furniture and just act crazy which is the ear longer than it did with the tray.It is natural, instinctual behavior that once they are only looking to dump animals with aggression issues, bad health condition and free of dust, and perhaps even overnight and then dispose of their body hygiene and they start spraying and urination.
Voetsek Cat Spray
Once again, we turn to animal behavioral science for help.Remember, that in mind that you have carpets, remember to treat animals that roam and make it for scratching, you will finally be able to deal with this commonly asked cat health by keeping its hair neatly combed and wash, and some of which cats do not want it to, just spray their territory.First off, the cat's bloodstream and some just sitting and relaxing.Some, such as rubbing her nose in the shops catnip can provide hours of injection and last 10 to 12 wraps you are the top of the Christmas tree.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap say that dogs should get the correct place to start rubbing its tummy.
The package directions will tell you which may soothe toothaches, help against coughs, and may need to keep insects away.One thing that isn't so - your cat is happy or scared.Often, once the spraying habit and you are still loved.This is to sharpen their claws on furniture and spraying.As you can always dab some undiluted essential oils to help prevent your cat every time she can escape should she feel threatened.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Camphor Magick and Lore
Published January 23, 2019 | By shirleytwofeathers
Ruler: Moon, Buddha
Type: Extract from tree
Magickal Form: Oil, whole chunks
Note: Camphor is the resin of an Asiatic tree. It is a natural moth repellent and should not be confused with toxic naphthalene moth balls, which are merely scented with Camphor. When it comes to the essential oils, only essential oil of white camphor is safe for use.
Camphor is a substance frequently taken for granted. It’s used in many lotions and cosmetics because of the cooling sensation it provides. Camphor, botanically related to cinnamon, is considered a sacred lunar plant. In Marco Polo’s time it was bartered for with gold. It is one of the seven substances most sacred to Buddha and meditation upon it, or in its presence, will bring enlightenment.
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Obtained from the evergreen tree, this fragrant white compound holds many spiritual properties. In voodoo rituals, it is burned for love and attraction. It is one of the most sacred substances to offer to the moon goddess on a new moon to thank her for her abundant blessings.
Camphor is also used in cleansing and purification rituals. White camphor oil added to the bath also clears the thoughts and soothes the soul.
Camphor allegedly reduces sexual desire. Use it to get rid of unwanted passions or unwanted admirers. Burn camphor or add one or two drops of essential oil of white camphor (other forms are toxic) to your bath when you need to cool off. Endeavour a would-be lover to smell camphor if he or she is forcing their attentions on you and you are not interested. It will instantly turn him or her off.
Burned on charcoal, Camphor is said to cleanse the home. It may be blended with other incenses for this purpose. The scent of burning camphor purifies a space and brings self-discipline, aiding in controlling and transforming bad habits. Long used in the Eastern Hemisphere for temple purification and protection, camphor is excellent for deep meditation and gaining insight. A little goes a long way, so if you burn camphor on charcoal, use only a small pinch.
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Camphor resin is sold in small squares, four to a pack. Those who do not wish to burn incense place one square in each corner of a room, or crumble a single square into a bottle, cover it with Florida Water, and leave the bottle open to spiritually cleanse the room.
During the days of the polio epidemics, mothers hung camphor balls around children’s necks to ward away illness. This spell works under the same premises, except that what you’re warding off is the metaphysical virus of an unwanted romantic attention, or to ward off illness, negativity, or whatever you would like to repel.
Here’s how: Dip a cotton ball in essential oil of white camphor and keep it in your pocket or tucked into a bra. Alternatively, you could hang it around your neck.
NOTE: Be sure not to use any other variety of camphor. Only essential oil of white camphor is safe for use.
Camphor is under the dominion of the moon. The lunar palace of Lady Chang’O is allegedly crafted from cinnamon wood, however both true cinnamon and camphor derive from trees of the Cinnamonium family. Maybe the Moon Lady’s palace was actually built from camphor wood.
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Because of this connection, camphor can transmit some of the moon’s protective and luck drawing powers. Here’s how:
Charge spring water with lunar energies by filling a white, blue, or silver container with clear spring water and then leaving it in a windowsill or outdoors on a full moon night. The next day, dissolve a camphor square into the lunar-charged spring water.
Use this water to cleanse appropriate magical tools so that they may be used to fulfill your wishes and be imbued with the power of the moon.
NOTE: Be careful, camphor can also be toxic.
Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients
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lavakris · 7 years
Things to calm you down
Lately this week I had a really bad night, spending five hours in bed awake, strangling with eternal impending panic attacks, and only a few things helped me to stay afloat. So I decided to think of more anchors and reposeful things, and share it with tumblr. There would probably be a lot of complainings, but I would mark the main points. Here we go:
1. Loud music or silence.
As for me, some sounds are the most irritable thing in the world, and cause most of my panic attacks. Silence is precious, and I regret not being able to become deaf in some moments. I would have never got through that night if I hadn`t have my earphones (headphones would have been a better use, but they`re uncomfortable to wear when your head is on a pillow). Listening to music really loud extinguishes your thoughts, purifies your head and refills it with emotions, which music broadcasts (so you would better make a special play-list for calming). Earplugs could help as well, but only if they actually amortize the sound.
Silence, on the other hand, is not always comfortable, especially if it`s sudden. Usually, when everything is quiet, bad thoughts in my head activate and begin to devour me inside, and there`s no way to get rid of them but hear something and get distracted. Some sounds could work as potent anchor, for example, a voice of your friend, a cat purr, a running water, etc.
2. Breathing.
One of the most obvious symptoms of panic attacks is fast or hard breathing, which quickens with a heart-beating. When you feel the upcoming wave of unsubstantiated fear or other hard emotion, and it`s not to late to think, take few deep, long and slow breaths, and focus on something out of theme.
By the way, there`re some useful various breathing techniques, which could help not only to settle down, but to energize, focus, or get in whatever condition the situation claims. Google it!
3. Make something for yourself.
Small things are important. They define degrees of your mood, and it`s in your hands to upper/lower it. Here are some things you could make for yourself to calm down:
a cup of warm green tea (most helpful - with melissa)
aromatic candles or a bath with essential oils (there`s plenty of soothing ones, f.e. bergamot, cedar, lavander, olibanum, patchouli, valerian and so on)
eat some sweets or cook your favorite food (btw, chocolate has a feature to elate mood and give a lot of energy, so do bananas)
enjoy yourself: wear nice clothes and make up, and look into mirror with a smile
smth for your body: treat wounds/acne/bruises/dry skin/piercings/any damages if have ones; take a nap; eat smth beneficial; work out a little (jogging or riding a bike helps a lot)
watch your favourite movie/tv show/anime, read a book/magazine/article/fanfic, or just look at some calming pictures/GIFs/patterns on the curtain or clothes (I was simply imagining a bottomless, alluring void of black)
4. Take care of someone.
I always feel touched when my cat comes to me in bad moments and allows to pet him. Feeding your home animal and playing with him/her would surely distract you and even probably force to smile. If you don`t have a pet, it`s no problem: there are a lot of homeless animals (well, and people) outside, that are desperate for somebody`s soft hand.
5. Make art.
draw fractals/lines/flowers/patterns, the more complicated the better
embody your emotions and thoughts in writing a text about them
express yourself in dancing, if you can
cook a dish that always comes out good
sing loud and emphatic, not caring about anybody`s ear
6. Talk to a human.
Anybody, who can give you advice, support or just a hug, is appropriate. Share your worries with a person who could understand you, listen about his/her troubles as well. Equivalent exchange is one of the pillars, which good relations stand on. Be there for someone, and someone would be there for you.
Please, remember that it`s no shame to talk about yourself. You are valid, your problems and concerns deserve to be heard, and your needs deserve to be satisfied.
anyone can send me a message or go to my ask with any question and anytime, i`ll respond as soon as i can.
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