#cracked and bloody skin all day everyday
dontron-9000 · 2 years
Is it time to project my misery onto my blorbo? Why yes! Yes it is.
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Tis the season to getsogoddamndriedoutthatyourskincracksandbleedsandnoamountoflotioncanquenchwintersbloodlustyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy.......
falalalala lala la la.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 5 months
solace-2* (famous!harry x masseuse!y/n)
summary: part 2 to this (tq for 1k notes!)
words: 5.2k+
warnings: fluff- so much of it. smut. p in v sex, sex in different positions, creampie, kissing, dirty talk.
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Harry didn't reveal the full truth about the Italian coordinates tattooed on his hip. Instead, he simply smiled and changed the subject whenever Y/N tried to probe further about their meaning.
Y/N tried to shake off her nagging doubts about it too, but the sight of those precise geographic coordinates seemed to bore into her mind. She knew her boyfriend too well - he never did anything without intention or deeper meaning.
Over the next few days, she found herself scouring Harry's personal effects any time he left the room, searching for any other clues about what he could be hiding. Paranoid or not, she had to get to the bottom of this mystery.
Harry's laptop was password protected, as were his phones and tablets. Y/N briefly felt a pang of guilt going through his devices behind his back like this, but the need to uncover the truth overrode her hesitation. She tried every important date, nickname, and phrase she could think of based on their years together, but nothing seemed to crack his codes.
In his planner and calendar apps, she found no unusual appointments or Travel arrangements corresponding to those Italian coordinates. Harry's work schedule was booked solid for the next few months with the usual recording sessions, interviews, and meet-and-greets.
Rifling through his desk drawers, closets, and travel bags yielded no other obvious clues either. Just the typical miscellany of everyday life - old ticket stubs, charging cables, a modest collection of simple jewelry he favored.  
The more Y/N searched fruitlessly for answers, the more unsettled she became. Just what kind of explosive secret could Harry be keeping from her, going to such lengths to conceal it?
Harry, for his part, seemed to be going out of his way to be extra attentive and loving towards Y/N over those days. Bouquets of her favorite flowers in full bloom arrived for no reason. He suggested romantic home-cooked meals filled with all her most beloved comfort foods. At night, he initiated lovemaking with an almost frantic passion, settling between her thighs and worshipping every inch of her body like a man desperate and touch-starved.
"You know you're everything to me, don't you,dove?" He would pant against her sweat-slicked skin, emerald eyes burning with an intensity that simultaneously set her ablaze and lodged a kernel of anxiety in her chest. "You're my whole bloody world and then some."
It was like he could sense her pulling away on some subconscious level and was determined to overwhelm her with affection and reminders of their connection, reeling her back in before she could drift any farther. The more Y/N felt herself falling under the intoxicating spell of Harry's doting lover persona, the more unshakeable her doubts became.
What was he fighting so hard to distract her from? And more importantly, could their relationship withstand whatever seismic truth he was keeping from her?
A week later, Harry said he had an important audition for a new movie role. He needed to fly to Milan for a few days. As Harry packed his bag, Y/N felt that gnawing doubt and curiosity come back.
The moment Harry left for the airport, Y/N opened her laptop. She searched for the coordinates from his tattoo. The coordinates pointed to a small town called Bappino near Florence in the heart of Tuscany's wine country. More specifically, they pinpointed a large villa estate surrounded by vineyards and olive groves.
Y/N stared at the beautiful scenery on her screen. Her mind was spinning. Could this Italian villa be what Harry inherited from his family, like he had started hinting before changing the subject? If so, why all the secrecy and obvious desire to surprise her?
Y/N's thoughts kept circling as the days went by with no word from Harry about when he would return from his "audition" in Milan. She tried not to read too much into his silence, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something big was happening behind the scenes.
Five days after Harry left, Y/N woke up in the middle of the night. Her sheets were tangled and her chest felt tight. In the quiet flat, she could no longer ignore the persistent urge to take action and find out the truth about that location.
It was impulsive, maybe even crazy, but Y/N made up her mind. If Harry was truly keeping a surprise about this Italian villa from her, then she was going to travel there herself and uncover the truth firsthand. No more waiting in suspense for him to tell her.
Within a few hours, Y/N had booked a flight to Florence and packed a small bag. She didn't bother leaving Harry a note about her spontaneous trip. After all his secrecy, he didn't deserve that courtesy right now.
The long flight passed in a blur of nervous anticipation and fitful napping. As Y/N's plane began descending towards the rural airstrip near the villa's coordinates, her heart pounded in her throat.
What if she was flying all this way just to satisfy her own fanciful assumptions, only to find some reasonable explanation? Or worse, what if Harry's surprise was something she hadn't braced herself for at all?
The small rental car agency in the village center of Bappino was empty when Y/N's taxi dropped her off. Within twenty minutes, she had the keys to a sleek black Fiat.
Y/N checked the GPS for the coordinates to the villa. The dusty backroads leading into the hills were quiet. Cypress trees and grapevine trellises lined the roads. Y/N watched out the window, trying to stay calm. She was used to the noise and crowds of London, not this peaceful scenery.
When the villa's gates finally appeared around the next bend, Y/N felt like she couldn't breathe. The estate was even more beautiful than the photos - with terracotta roofs, ivy-covered walls, and elegant arches. It looked like a Renaissance painting.
Y/N pulled up to the tall iron gates feeling nervous. Her hands shook on the steering wheel. What if this villa was the surprise Harry had been keeping secret? How could she just show up unannounced?
Just then, an older woman in a flower-print dress came out of a side door. She squinted at Y/N's idling car, like she was expecting someone.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N got out and approached the gates on shaky legs. Up close, the woman seemed friendly despite her stern look. She smiled warmly and used an old key to let Y/N inside.
"Welcome, miss!" the woman said in English with an accent. "We've been awaiting you. Welcome to Villa Arca del Cielo."
Y/N blinked in surprise at the warm welcome. "There must be some mistake," she stammered. "I'm actually more of a...surprise visitor myself."
The woman studied Y/N carefully for a moment before nodding.
"Of course, of course," she replied pleasantly. "We've prepared everything for your arrival. Leave your car and follow me, dear."
Though still utterly confused, Y/N did as she was told. The woman led her through stunning gardens filled with bright blooms and cozy benches along the winding paths.
Eventually they reached a spacious courtyard centered around a bubbling stone fountain. Y/N's breath caught when she spotted the man lounging casually on the fountain's edge.
"Harry?" she gasped before thinking.
He looked like a living Renaissance statue - handsome in linen and tailored clothes. Harry's green eyes found Y/N's, shining with some unreadable emotion.
"Why hello there, darling," he purred in that deep, velvety voice she loved. Rising smoothly to his feet, his lopsided smirk made butterflies flutter in her stomach. "Fancy meeting you here of all places."
Y/N opened and closed her mouth, a million questions spinning in her mind. But before she could speak, Harry was crossing the courtyard towards her. In one fluid motion, he dropped down on one knee and pulled out a small black box...
Y/N felt like her heart stopped as Harry opened the little black box. Inside was the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen. 
"Harry...what are you doing?" she gasped, barely able to speak.
Harry looked up at her with those bright green eyes and gave her that lopsided smile that always made her knees weak.
"I'm doing something I should have done ages ago, my love," he said in that deep, rumbly voice. "I'm asking you to marry me. Will you be my wife?"
Y/N's hand flew up to cover her mouth as she let out a shocked little cry. She couldn't believe this was happening! She thought for sure Harry must be hiding some huge secret. But instead, he had planned this incredibly romantic surprise proposal!
"You...you want to marry me?" Y/N finally managed to say. "Here at this incredible place?"
Harry's smile stretched even wider across his handsome face. He gave a small chuckle and shook his head happily.
"Yes, darling. More than anything, I want you to be my wife," he said sincerely. "And what better place than my family's historic villa? This estate has been passed down for generations upon generations."
He swept his free hand out, gesturing to the beautiful terracotta buildings, lush gardens, and rolling vineyards all around them.
"When I received word that I had inherited the villa, I knew immediately this was where I wanted us to start our lives together. This place is filled with so much love and tradition. The perfect fresh start for our new adventure."
Tears blurred Y/N's vision as she stared down at the man she adored. She felt silly for doubting him, even for a moment. His pure heart and romantic spirit shone through in this amazingly thoughtful proposal.
"So what do you say, my love?" Harry gave the ring box a little shake with a wink. "Make me the happiest man in the world and marry me? We can build our happily ever after together right here in this paradise."
A joyful giggle burst out of Y/N's chest. She launched herself at Harry, sending them both tumbling onto the soft grass in a tangle of limbs. She peppered his face with kisses, cradling it in her hands.
"Yes! Yes, a million times yes!" she exclaimed between delighted laughs. "I can't think of anything I want more than to be your wife!"
Suddenly a cheer went up around them. Y/N looked up in surprise to see the courtyard was now filled with a small crowd of smiling people - couples, families with children, and elderly folks. These must be Harry's relatives from nearby, brought in to secretly witness this magical proposal.
Harry easily regained his feet, pulling Y/N up into his strong embrace. He slid the dazzling diamond onto her trembling finger as the crowd burst into applause again. Someone popped open a bottle of crisp white wine from the villa's own vineyards and began passing out glasses.
As the well-wishers surged forward to hug and congratulate the beaming couple, Y/N pressed herself against Harry's side. She gazed up at her new fiancé with eyes shining with love and happy tears.
"You brilliant, wonderful, maddening man," she said through her megawatt smile. "You really had me going there for a while with all your secretive ways!"
Harry's deep laugh rumbled against her cheek as he kissed the top of her head. "What can I say? I do love a good dramatic surprise," he drawled unrepentantly. "But I promise, from here on out, no more secrets between us. Just you and me, partners for life, building our forever in this little slice of paradise."
Y/N felt her heart swell to overflowing with love and joy as Harry pulled her close to sway among their joyfully celebrating new family. Whatever surprises the future still held, she knew they would face them side-by-side, heart-to-heart. This enchanting Tuscan villa was now their eternal home - an oasis of beauty, heritage, and boundless devotion between two soulmates. And really, what more could anyone want than that?
It was Harry's big wedding day and he was super nervous. He was getting ready in one of the fancy rooms at the beautiful Italian villa where the wedding was happening.
"I can't bloody well do this," Harry groaned, struggling with his bowtie. "What was I thinking, putting all this together?"
His best friend Niall gave him a look through the mirror they were standing in front of. "Don't start getting cold feet on me now, mate. You've been dreaming of this day forever!"
Harry took a deep breath, trying to calm down. It was the morning of his wedding to the love of his life, Y/N. After he surprised her with his proposal a few months ago at his family's villa in Italy, they quickly started planning an intimate but fancy ceremony right there in the villa's pretty gardens.
Now as Harry stood there in his perfect tuxedo, he felt really anxious bubbling up inside. What if something went wrong? What if he messed up his vows or the weather turned bad suddenly?
"It's not the marriage part that's scaring me," he tried to explain to Niall, sitting down on the old couch. "I've never been more sure of anything than wanting Y/N as my wife. It's all this..." He waved his hand around at the luxurious room.
"This huge romantic, over-the-top destination wedding at a historic Italian villa. With all the family flying in from everywhere and the crazy timing to coordinate, it all feels a bit...overwhelming."
Niall raised an eyebrow at his lifelong friend. "And whose genius idea was it to have your wedding at this place again?" he said flatly.
Harry smiled a little, knowing Niall was right. He'd admitted before that he could be quite dramatic, especially when it came to being romantic with Y/N. But part of him worried that Y/N might think this whole destination wedding was too much or too showy.
"I just want everything to be perfectly perfect today, you know?" he sighed, running his hands through his styled hair. "Especially for her. Y/N deserves to have the most magical dream wedding after everything we've been through."
Just then, the door burst open and Harry's sister Gemma came in, looking beautiful in her robe with her hair and makeup done. She gave Harry a look, hands on her hips.
"There you are, worrying over nothing as usual!" Gemma fussed, pulling Harry's fidgeting hands away from his hair. "Honestly, H, with all this huge production you've planned, someone would have to be crazy to doubt how much you adore that girl."
Harry felt himself relax a little at his sister's gentle teasing. Gemma always knew how to put things simply and lovingly. He made a face at Niall, who snorted with amusement.
"Alright, alright, you've made your point, Gem," he said with a little laugh, kissing her cheek. "I'm just going to take a few minutes to myself to get centered, yeah?"
Gemma nodded briskly and shooed Niall out so Harry could have some privacy. Her warm eyes shone with real affection as she gave Harry's arm a reassuring squeeze.
"We both know today is going to be one for the books, love. Just focus on that feeling of pure joy when you see your bride walking down the aisle and everything else will fall into place. I believe in you."
Then Harry was blessedly alone with his whirling thoughts. He went over to the windows, breathing in the fresh spring air from Tuscany while trying to focus his energy. Gemma was right - none of the little details mattered in the big picture. The only important thing was honoring his everlasting love for the extraordinary woman he loved more than life itself.
Straightening up with renewed determination, Harry glanced at his reflection one last time before heading out to take his place. He was about to marry his soulmate in the place they would start their new life together, surrounded by their most cherished people. What could possibly be more magical than that?
Y/N could barely breathe when she saw the breathtaking wonderland that had been created for her wedding in the villa's garden. What was once a normal pretty garden had been totally transformed into something from a fairytale.
Everywhere she looked, there were vibrant splashes of jewel-toned flowers beautifully arranged into lush garlands, bouquets, or delicate sprigs woven into the soaring archway where she and Harry would exchange vows. The warm evening air was filled with the mingled sweet fragrances of peonies, roses, freesia, and sweet pea blossoms that drifted on each gentle breeze.
Overhead, thousands of twinkling lights were suspended amongst gauzy fabric and greenery stretched across the entire garden. As the golden Tuscan sunset faded into dusk, the effect was like being surrounded by a shimmering canopy of fairy lights and stars.
"Y/N, sweetheart, are you ready?"
The familiar gentle voice of her mother came through Y/N's dreamy haze and she turned, fresh tears pricking her eyes. Her mum looked impossibly elegant in her sleek champagne gown, eyes shining with barely contained emotion as she took in her only daughter.
"Oh Mum..." Y/N choked out, feeling a rush of euphoria and disbelief that this day had finally arrived. "I don't think I'll ever be ready enough for the honor of marrying someone like Harry."
Moving carefully so as not to disturb the delicate lace and tulle of her wedding dress, Y/N hugged her mother tightly and allowed herself a quiet moment to simply bask in the surreal joy. She had spent years picturing this day in her mind, imagining every possible detail down to her shoes and makeup. Yet now that it was really happening, she felt even more awestruck and humbled.
A gentle knock came and Y/N's dad was there, looking so handsome and proud in his suit. He cleared his throat roughly, but his watery smile gave away how sentimental he felt.
"Sorry to interrupt, but...it's just about time, petal." His warm fatherly gaze took in every inch of her bridal look - from the shimmering crystal-embellished bodice to the delicate beaded sleeves and sweeping skirt fanning out around her. "You look...well, I've never seen anything more beautiful in all my life."
Y/N hastily wiped beneath her eyes, careful not to smear her makeup. Not that it truly mattered, of course. She would happily embrace any imperfections if it meant getting to marry her other half at last.
"Shall we, then?" she managed to say, linking her arms through her parents' and falling into step with them.
The walk down the villa's arched galleries leading to the main gardens felt both endless yet over in a blink. Y/N focused on drawing deep, calming breaths as she absorbed every sublime detail - the glow of the ornate lanterns, heady jasmine fragrance, and cheerful chirping of crickets.
Finally, she rounded the last archway and her gaze was instantly drawn to the man she had chosen to walk life's path alongside from this day forward.
He was standing beneath the towering archway covered in flowers, hands clasped loosely in front of him, full of nervous energy. For a single heartbeat, their eyes met and locked - shimmering forest green and sparkling hazel exchanging entire paragraphs of adoration, promise, and reverence in one penetrating look.
In that crystalline moment when their eyes met, everything else fell away. The decorations, the assembled guests watching, even the balmy Tuscan evening - it all faded. All that existed was Harry's reverent, loving gaze drinking her in like she was the most precious gift he'd ever received. A look that spoke straight to Y/N's soul, whispering 'you are my forever' without a single word.
As she glided down the petal-strewn aisle on her fathers' arms, Y/N took in every delicious detail of how heart-stoppingly handsome her groom looked. His polished boots shone, his tuxedo hugging his broad shoulders and narrow waist perfectly. The subtle patterns of his trousers and ivory vest added a dapper touch.
But it was Harry's soft, glowing expression that made Y/N weak - those bright green eyes sparkling with happy tears, pink lips curved in a radiant smile, cherub curls framing his chiseled jaw. In that moment, he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.
Y/N barely registered her parents passing her to Harry's waiting hands under the arch, or the hushed scrape of the officiant clearing their throat to begin the ceremony. She and Harry simply stood transfixed, holding each other's gazes as the familiar words of the marriage rite washed over them.
Harry was the first to break the reverent trance when it was time for them to exchange their vows. He took a deep, steadying breath and squeezed Y/N's hands in his large, ring-warmed grasp.
"My darling Y/N, I knew from the very first moment you walked into that massage room that you were someone really special, sent just for me. Do you remember how nervous and shy I got just looking at your beautiful face? I tried acting all cool and confident like I usually do, but you saw right through that act." He gave a little laugh. 
"You looked me straight in the eyes and said 'Cut it out mister, just be yourself. That's what I want to get to know.' And that moment changed everything for me. As your strong but gentle hands started rubbing out my muscle knots, it was like you were untying the knots around my heart too. You made me feel free just to be my real, imperfect self with you, no need to pretend."
Harry took a deep breath. "Our life together hasn't been perfect, babe. We've been through a lot of hard stuff that nobody should have to deal with. But through it all, you've been my one constant. My guiding light when I'm lost, my warmth and sunshine after the darkest days."  
Tears shone in his eyes. "You are my true home and safe place, Y/N. Where I can always find love, laughter, and acceptance, no matter how beat up I am. Choosing to spend forever with your beautiful spirit is the greatest gift I could ever get."
He squeezed her hands tightly. "So on our wedding day, surrounded by everyone we love most, I vow to cherish you, my endlessly patient and loving wife, through every happiness and struggle life brings. I'll always be your safe harbor to come back to. This is my sacred promise to you, my soulmate."
Y/N had to blink back happy tears as she squeezed Harry's hands. "My dearest Harry, my whole life changed that day you walked into my massage room too. You came in acting all charming and cocky with your messy curls and those gorgeous green bedroom eyes." She grinned at him.  
"But I could see right away I wanted to know the real you, not just some act. And that's when you truly captivated me - by wearing your heart wide open and feeling every emotion so deeply. Your childlike wonder at small joys, your kindness to all living things, your ability to empathize...that's when I knew you were someone who could break through all my walls."
Her chest felt ready to burst with love as she gazed at him. "This man standing before me is the rarest gem. You're boundlessly talented and creative, yes, but also so humble - using your art to uplift people and shine light into the darkness. Over the years you've uncovered the most beautiful soul, and I'm so honored to nurture that forever."
Y/N took a shuddering breath. "You are my safe haven too, my love. The place where I can let all my vulnerabilities show without fear, knowing you'll protect my fragile pieces as fiercely as I protect yours."
She raised their joined hands and kissed his knuckles gently. "So here, in our new beginning place, I vow to spend the rest of my days delighting in your spirit's brilliance. I'll nurture and endlessly celebrate your exquisite soul. Walking peacefully beside you is the greatest privilege imaginable. I'll make sure you never forget that."
His mouth was crashing over hers in a searing, all-consuming kiss that brooked no argument. Y/N melted into the hard planes of his body with a shameless moan, all thoughts of their reception and revelling guests evaporating like rain on desert sands.
They barely made it to the longue before articles of clothing began puddling at their feet in reckless abandon. All that existed for Harry and Y/N in that breathless, eternity was finally, surrendering to the long-anticipated unionn they had fought for.  
"Tell me what you want, love," Harry husked into the heated space between their mouths. "Want to give you everything."
Y/N whimpered at the gravel of her husband's voice, dragging him down into another searing kiss. She licked fervently into his mouth, savoring the smoky, masculine taste that was purely Harry. She craved him.
Harry growled in approval, palming Y/N's breasts roughly before giving the peaked buds a sharp pinch. She cried out, arching into his touch as liquid fire lanced straight to her core. Not to be outdone, Y/N rolled them with surprising strength until she was straddling Harry's muscled thighs.
His gaze followed the path of her hands as she slowly, teasingly trailed them down the sculpted ridges of her own torso. Y/N threw her head back with a breath when her fingertips grazed the slick, throbbing bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs.
"Jesus..." Harry bit out, hips punching up instinctively when Y/N began working herself in tight, frantic circles right in front of him. "You're so bloody gorgeous, darling. Don't know how I got so lucky."
Y/N hummed breathlessly, catching Harry's stare as she continued touching herself shamelessly in clear view. Her other hand drifted lower to wrap around his thick, achingly hard length. She gave him a few firm strokes, smearing around the pearly bead of moisture leaking from his tip.
"Want you inside me," she rasped without preamble. "Need to feel you stretch me wide open, baby."
A low, guttural sound tore from Harry's chest as he instantly surged up into a seated position, cupping Y/N's bum and grinding against her slick entrance. She keened at the prod of him nudging insistently between her folds.
"Yeah?" he husked against the swell of her breasts. "You want this thick cock filling you up, love? Fucking you raw until you're sobbing my name?"
"Yes!" Y/N hissed out on a broken moan, rising up on her knees until just the bulbous tip of him caught on her soaked entrance. "Now Harry, oh my god, please!"
Harry snarled something incoherent before crushing their mouths together in another all-consuming. He swallowed Y/N's shrill cry as he abruptly surged up in one slick, powerful glide - burying every thick, throbbing inch inside her with a lewd grunt.
"Fuck YES!" Y/N sobbed out, throwing her head back as her inner walls fluttered wildly around the stretch and burn. "Oh god, just like that..."
"Bloody fucking perfect," Harry gritted through clenched teeth as Y/N rolled and clenched around him experimentally. "Grip me so damn tight, sweetheart."
Both spurred into a frenzy, they instantly launched into a rapid, frantic grind atop the rumpled sheets. Y/N rose up and dropped back down with shameless abandon, chasing the euphoric drag of Harry's girth splitting her open over and over. Her nails left crescent-shaped indents across the muscles of his straining shoulders and back.
"Yes, yes!" she chanted breathlessly, meeting Harry's brutal upward snaps with her own. "That's it, baby, fuck me just like that!"
"Jesus, the noises you make," Harry gritted out, his large hands flexing around Y/N's hips hard enough to bruise as he guided their filthy rhythm. "So fucking sexy, love. Gonna come just from hearing you."
Y/N keened in delight at his ragged words. She somehow managed to yank him even closer, savoring the rigid press of his abdomen rubbing against her swollen, aching clit with each punishing grind. Her breasts bounced with the feverish motion, nipples pebbled and aching for her husband's mouth.
Seemingly reading her mind, Harry latched on with a snarl, laving and sucking at the tender peaks with focused intensity. The pleasure arrowing straight to Y/N's center had her throwing her head back on a broken wail.
"Oh shit, shit yes!" she babbled frantically, legs beginning to shake and tremble. "Right there, Harry, fuuuuuck don't stop!"
Lewd sounds of flesh on flesh echoed throught the room, paired with their moans and grunts as they made noises freely. They didn’t care about their guests listening to them, because, well, they owned this place.
"Stay right there," Harry suddenly grunted through clenched teeth, halting Y/N with a bone-crushing grip on her hips. He then snapped his hips up once, twice, burying himself to the hilt on each brutal thrust.
Y/N screamed as she finally came around him, every muscle seizing up in pure bliss. Her back contorted sharply as shockwave after shockwave of pure bliss blitzed through her nerve-endings. She could barely draw breath, completely shattered by the force of her release as it gushed hotly around Harry's relentless possession of her core.
"Oh FUCK," Harry roared out, head tossed back as Y/N's clenching finally dragged him over that edge as well. His whole body strained, tendons in his neck and arms flexing as he erupted torrentially inside Y/N with a long, drawn out moan.
They clung to each other throughout their shared ecstasy, trapped in an endless cycle of crashing between blinding highs and soft lows.. Harry's mouth was persistent, soothing across Y/N's damp hairline and temples once coherent thought became possible again.  
Finally, when the last ripples had faded away, he gently manoeuvred them onto their sides without separating their bodies. His now-lax biceps flexed around Y/N's hips, pulling her even closer so he could nuzzle fervent kisses beneath her jaw.
"You're everything," he murmured in a voice gone coarse and raspy from their cries. "My whole fucking universe, you understand me?"
Y/N shivered at his words, craning her neck to slot her mouth over his in a deep, intoxicating kiss. She matched his confession with one of her own without breaking the languid back-and-forth of their kiss.
"Forever, baby. You and me forever."
tell me if you like this! and also if part 2 lived up to the expectations lol.
please reblog or comment if you like, it makes my heart happy :)
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taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @prettythingsworld  @chesthairrry @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs   @hisparentsgallerryy   @storyschanging  @selluequestrian   @islakp217 @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hermoinelove @chronicallybubbly @angeldavis777
solace taglist (y'all asked to be tagged in part 2!): @lhhlver @mysteriouslydecaffeinatedfox @fangirl7060
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waltwhitmansbeard · 9 months
5 (gentle prompts) for the twins?
5. "Are you warm enough?"
Vax knows danger like the hare knows the fox. He feels its lurking presence, always just out of eyesight, keeps a sizeable portion of his everyday awareness to keeping track of it. It's why he's so certain that Vex, only ten minutes or so later than she ought to be, is in trouble. Normally he'd wait, annoyed that she's taking so long to get back with whatever her catch of the day is, but not today. Today, something is wrong.
He sets out from the small, abandoned cabin they're holed up in, his threadbare cloak knotted tight around his neck. Yesterday's snow is mostly sludge now, but he stomps through it, tracking the footprints more familiar to him than his own. He loses her a few times, the trail obscured by another creature's snuffling or fresher snow sent down from branches above. He's starting to lose feeling in his fingers, the tip of his nose, when a small shuffle about twenty yards toward his left jerks his attention. He brings his dagger up, prepared to sink it into the hide of whatever man or beast is sneaking up on him—
—but then he sees it, a dot of blue in a sea of white: her damned feathers, just poking up from the underbrush. He stumbles toward her. "Vex'ahlia!" He crashes through the bushes until he sees her properly, and his heart, already hammering in his throat, comes to a complete stop at the sight of her. Her skin is nearly translucent, her lips icy blue. Her eyes droop heavy and stare outward at nothing. The angle of her right leg stretched out in front of her is sickeningly, horrifically wrong.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Vax whips off his cloak and wraps it around hers, which seems to have been torn mostly off. He is careful not to touch her leg, which is, at best, broken. "Stubby, look at me!"
Vex creaks her head up toward him and smiles. "Hey," she breathes. "Fancy...seeing you here."
"What the bloody hell happened?" Vax strips off his outer layer, leaving him in a thin cotton undershirt. He wraps Vex's hands in it, hoping to stave off frostbite.
"Fell...from there." Her eyes swing up to look at the tree just across from where Vex is propped up against a rock, and when Vax looks, he can see the broken branches that evidence her fall. "Sorry...no...dinner."
As if he cares about dinner. "How long have you been out here?"
Her whole body is one giant tremor. "N...not sure. Got cold. Slept some."
Fucking hell, it's a miracle she's alive. "Alright, Stubby. This is gonna hurt like hell, but I've got to get you out of here."
"M...my bow..."
"Damn your bow, Vex'ahlia! You could die out here!"
It takes some negotiating, not helped by the shiver now settling into Vax's bones, but he manages to scoop her up, wincing as she yelps in pain when her broken leg swings low. "Sorry, Vex." He kisses her forehead and then sets off back toward the cabin. He moves as fast as he dares without letting himself slip, since a tumble in any direction would surely spell disaster for his sister. It took him about half an hour to find her, but nearly twice that to get back, and by the time the cabin is in sight, Vex is asleep and whimpering in his arms.
He lays her on the floor in front of cracked hearth and sets to work. Arms still shaking from the effort of carrying her, he grabs anything and everything they have—thin towels, an old crocheted blanket, cushions from the one chair, the meager clothing they have between them—and pile them on top of her, covering as much of her body as he can. He then darts back out side, cursing at the cold, to pick up kindling. It's all wet from the snow, terrible for starting a fire, but he has little choice in the matter. He uses the pages of a book left here by the cabin's previous occupant to get the flames going, and then tosses the sticks on after.
It takes an hour or two for Vex to wake up, and Vax spends every minute sitting on the floor, her head in his lap. With every rise and fall of her chest, he feels like the luckiest bastard on the planet. When her eyes flutter open, he curls over her, searching her face for distress. "Are you alright? Is your leg in a lot of pain? Are you warm enough? We don't really have any food, but I can go get—"
"Vax." Vex coughs, then says, "I'm fine. You saved my life."
He's not going to fucking cry. "Yeah, well, when you have a dumbass for a sister, you learn how to do that quick."
"Without your dumbass sister, you'd starve."
"I'm starving now."
She snakes a hand up from under the pile of stuff on top of her and pinches his leg, and yeah, she's going to be okay. Vax lets out a full-body sigh, and leans all the way down to kiss her forehead again. "Can you not scare me like that again?'
Vex's eyes slide shut and she hums. "No promises." And just like that, she's back asleep, just as annoying and just as alive as always.
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cozycryptidcorner · 5 months
Monster Match #6
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Commissioned by a lovely, anonymous user!
I’m bi, afab, and my personality is INTJ-A, can act more extroverted when I’m around friends/other people. I’m average height and leaning a bit short, would love to have my monster tower over me ♡. Currently residing in an area with plenty of rain, which is sometimes a bit too much, especially in the winter when the sun goes down super early. On days like that, I like to stay nice and dry indoors with a mug of hot tea, extra kudos if the mug is made by Coco (´ ᵕ `). Other indoor activities I like to do are playing video games, reading, and going shopping if my budget allows. I also like to visit natural sceneries close by (such as a lake, a forest or the foot of a mountain) from time to time, just to chill and admire their beauty. I’m looking for a monster who is patient, quick-witted, and affectionate like a typical cat, and is okay with me being like a brat just sometimes (your girl needs some spoiling after working her ass off everyday Ծ‸Ծ).
You find them on the ground, branches overhead broken and scattered over the forest floor, like they fell through the foliage. The impact crater, if you can call it that, isn’t large, but you still have to slide down to investigate fully, mud and rocks clinging to your shoes and pants. The air smells electric, the tangy aftertaste of battery acid settling uncomfortably on the back of your tongue as you breathe. 
It takes you a few moments to realize that the objects outstretched around their body aren't… fallen foliage, but bright, feathery wings. With a shaky finger, you touch one, the jewel-like, oil slick sheen glittering in the setting sun. Carefully, you look around, maybe for another creature, or any sign of where this one came from, but the forest is strangely silent. 
When you look back down, you see that their eyes are open, irises a deep, quiet blue that you mistake for brown at first, until the clouds part for a brief moment. The sun flickers across their tawny brown face, their thick lashes fluttering as they blink against the light, before the clouds overtake the sky once again. 
As they sit up, you back into the impact wall of broken roots and dirt, unsure of how to react, now that you’re certain they aren’t dead. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t move,” you say, hesitantly, “we don’t know how-”
“We?” They ask, wings fluttering. 
“-how injured you are,” you force the sentence out, trying to read their body language. “You- I assume you’ve fallen.” 
“So I have.” They narrow their eyes, slightly, craning their neck to look upwards, lips pursing in a thoughtful pout as they regard the slip of sky breaking through the foliage. Then they look at you, with an intensity so severe your skin itches, scanning from your dusty shoes all the way up to the flyaways in your hair. 
Then they hold out a hand, one that must have been gently manicured at some point, skin still soft despite their cracked and bloody nails. “Help me, child of man, and I will ensure your future generations will be blessed with riches.” 
Well, you were planning on helping them anyways, so you suppose the promised riches are a nice bonus. You grasp their hand, pulling them up from the dirt, their thick, black curls covered in dust, leaves, and twigs. They stand tall, the top of your forehead barely meeting their chin, and they move their shoulders back and forth, testing their sore muscles. 
A Parī is a creature of the sky, dimly related to the djinn. Some folks confuse the two, but this Parī is very clear that both are wildly different, their mouth twisting in impatient disgust. They served some kind of monarch, you’re not entirely sure the language translates correctly, but the monarch seemed like less of a king, more of a benevolent eternal dictator, ‘voted for’ by others in a council. 
All it took was one quiet, underhanded compliment that the monarch wasn’t supposed to hear, and the Parī was launched from the heavenly kingdom and plunged downward to toil on earth. Though they don’t think they were supposed to survive the fall. 
Besides a couple of sprains, semi-mild cuts, and bruises, they’re alright. You clumsily manage to make them a brace out of an old sheet after watching a couple of youtube videos, and they heal a lot quicker than either of you expect. After a couple of exercises and two weeks, their arm was right as rain, and most of their bruises diffused. 
Given the eternal nature of their damnation, they seem to settle into your home with little complaint. After serving such a demanding patron hand and foot, day and night, sharing space with someone who just wants help with household chores seems infinitely simpler, and they don’t seem to want to leave. 
And there isn’t a lot left for them up above. They aren’t fond of talking about it, but it seems like they, so fair of face, became a servant at a young age. Traded, by their parents, for a few sacks of goods and quickly forgotten, growing up surrounded by opportunistic cutthroats. After a few weeks of carefully observing your behavior, unable to even sleep in fear of an unfamiliar environment, they begin to warm up. 
Though they don’t seem to want to fly, their wings still stretch out first thing in the morning, catching the sun whenever it’s out. You assume they can use their wings, but don’t press the issue, especially since it seems sensitive. Maybe the fall created some kind of trauma response to heights? 
You aren’t a threat to their safety, and all you want from them is some assistance making food and cleaning up. Though you aren’t swimming in riches, you still seem to treat them with a kind of unfamiliar respect that they stop jumping every time you unexpectedly creep into their peripheral vision… though the creeping is unintentional, you’re just quiet with your movements and don’t loudly announce your presence. 
They start finding themselves wanting to do nice things for you, especially since you don’t expect much in return for your own kindness. And even though the dynamic is foreign to everything they’ve been taught, they find themselves wanting a more deep relationship than awkward roommates. 
You don’t catch their strange emotional change for awhile. You’re too damn busy, going from work, to friends, to hobbies, coming back home and collapsing into your bed with a thud. And once you do take notice of their odd behavior, you don’t quite understand the meaning behind it. The flirting culture the both of you are used to doesn’t translate well, so you’re left confused by the gestures and they’re frustrated about the lack of response. 
After a couple of bizarre conversations, it mentally clicks for the both of you. They understand that their ways are more alien to you than not, and you suddenly realize that they have romantic feelings that they struggled to express. And suddenly, suddenly, it all makes sense. 
And even though you began to like them in that deep, warm, romantic way, you crushed those feelings inside of you because you didn’t want to make them uncomfortable. They’ve already been through so much that you didn’t want to add the odd pressure of your affection that you completely missed any signs of their own emotional struggle. 
Now, though, the two of you can work on creating something a little more. 
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
What’s Eating You?:
Tw: Eating Disorder and other mentally Ill thingz™️
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It had been two days, two painfully long days since I woke up. Everything felt like the crescendo of a symphony, but instead of a mellow and bittersweet end, it crashes like a grand piano being throw from a rooftop. The sun was too bright, my skin was too cold, the silence was too loud. The earth smelt like Petrichor and iron and sickly sweet flowers and smog. But the taste, taste was what I was scared of.
It hurt, in every way imaginable. There was no time to sleep anymore. No more being blissfully unaware of my problems while my brain thought up puppies and movie nights and first kisses. No more turning off my brain for hours to espace the reality of my situation. Everything was painfully vivid now. Every memory of my life playing over and over on loop, every waking second of everyday, seemingly, now, until the rest of forever.
I never asked for this. No, I’m fact, I begged for the opposite. I begged to be let go, forgotten, hurled violently to the past, pushed to the back of your mind, in the deepest, darkest corner. But my pleas fell on deaf ears. Ironic right? Since you used to be able to hear my heart beat from a mile away, you could pick it out in the crowed and focus in on the sound. The way it made you feel, almost as if yours would beat again.
I was your obsession, and of course you were mine. Swapping one drug for another, replacing the hole in your heart, with the one I had still beating. Drinking in my scent as I drowned in your cologne. Tasting the sweat on my skin, as I craved your stone cold touch. It always cooled my fevered head, my flushed skin memorising the delicate touch of your fingertips. You trusted me with your biggest secret, so I shared with you mine.
We were so different back then. Some thought that was why we worked so well. But they didn’t really know, did they? They only saw us on the surface, the painstaking performance we put on every morning to satiate our primal need to fit in. To be normal… to be perfect at it. But the harder we tried, the stranger we seem. All eyes were on us. It was uncomfortable but we grew used to it back then.
But now the only eyes I could see were yours. Everyone else was off limits, taken away until I learned to behave. Your family’s fear of me lashing out in the ways that you sometimes do. They pity you, don’t you understand? They can’t seem to comprehend how hard it must be for you, to be you. They’ve never felt your hunger.
And not just in the literal sense. They’ve never witnessed the way you used to devour me with your eyes. Despite your lack of human reactions, your pupils would still dilate vastly. I never noticed it at first. Why would the hottest guy in school look at me? I was nothing special. I wasn’t pretty like other girls, with their tiny waists and sharp cheekbones. I didn’t have flawless hair, in fact mine was thin and shedding. My nails weren’t manicured, instead torn and bloody. And my clothes hide my body, as far away from peeping eyes as physically possible.
The skin beneath my eyes was a dark purple. The flesh their sunken in slightly, making my eyes look tired and devoid of consciousness. My lips were cracked, so dry they sometimes bled. And my teeth were yellow, despite the obscene amount of time I spent scrubbing them each day. Nobody else dared give me a second glance, so why would you.
But then you said hi. That two letter word that hardly showed of your sweet southern accent. And I said it back, with less conviction, but a strange interest. But I grew to love that accent, the one that whispered sweet nothings in my ear at the most inopportune times. Behind me in class, on the couch with your siblings, in my bed at night when my parents where just downstairs. Making me blush like a foolish woman. And I fell for it, hook, like and sinker. Bite on the hook, and being violently ripped from the world I knew. The world I was comfortable in.
I remember last summer. We spent most of it, just the two of us. We hung out with your siblings more at first, your parents concerned you couldn’t control yourself. Of course, I didn’t know that at the time. That’s when we shared our souls, you told me about your curse and how it made you suffer, and I explained my affliction. Opposites. You, the vampire with binge eating disorder, and I, the human with anorexia.
What an odd pair we were. But we figured we could help each other. At least that’s what we tried to do at first. I held your hand at school and kept your mind from wandering to those nasty thoughts. The ones you had of tearing into the throats off half the school and not being able to stop yourself. And you held mine back, keeping me distracted while I tried to eat my lunch. And things were good for a while, until the pressure got to much.
You couldn’t stand Carlisle and Esme always on your case about your diet. It was driving you insane how little faith they had in you. And it hurt. But you couldn’t tell them that, they wouldn’t understand. And I got more sick, skipping lunches when you stopped showing up cause you couldn’t handle your hunger. You all but disappeared. I asked Bella about it, and she said it was because you nearly attacked her at her party. And I hated her for it, blamed her for you leaving me, but that wasn’t fair.
But then you came back. And seeing your face made my stomach flip. You’d snuck into my room that night, having to see me after you came back home. And I should have screamed, any girl would have. But I wasn’t any girl, and you weren’t any boy. The first half of the night you stayed on the other side of the room, trying to control your hunger. But I could see how much pain it was causing you, and I wouldn’t allow it. So I coaxed you near, hushed your worries and offered you a solution.
“Drink from me.”
You objected at first, insisting I’d gone insane. Lost my mind, that I needed help, and maybe I did. But I was so damn in love with you, that nothing else mattered. I needed you to be ok Jasper. I promised you it would be ok, and with hungry eyes you watched as I cut my palm. It didn’t hurt, cause you didn’t bite me. You couldn’t, you insisted it would change me and I was perfect just how I was.
So that’s how it went for a while. You’d sneak into my room late at night and we’d have our little feeding sessions. Something you would never tell your family about. But as your hunger grew, you began to forget mine. It was so easy to slip into old habits. To distract you from my plight by giving you what you wanted, what you needed. You were addicted to the feeling of my blood sliding down your throat. And I was addicted to the feeling of losing it.
It made me feel light. Both physically and mentally. I couldn’t explain it, but our feeding sessions made me feel thin. They made me feel beautiful, the way that you could crave me so much. So deliciously, it was like an aphrodisiac. And it quieted my brain for a whole, making me feel all fuzzy. I’d fall asleep in your arms, and everything was perfect.
Until you snapped out of you. As we got more intimate you saw more of me. Keeping the lights off never helped. You were a vampire, you thrives in the darkness, and you could see everything. You could see my bones, and feel them beneath your cold, dead fingertips. And my skin didn’t hold the same warmth anymore. I insisted I was fine and that I’d try tomorrow. But tomorrow turned into next week, and next week turned into next month.
And next month, was it. You found me, in my room that day, when you snuck in as usual. I wasn’t on the bed and you came around the side. And panic flooded your system when you saw me on the floor. There was no time for ambulances, no time to get better. That should have been it, I could have gone happy, knowing that you loved me in a way nobody else ever could. But just like me, you were an addict. Only your drug was me.
So you bit into my skin, somewhere no one would see. And you made the decision for me. You threw my lamp to the ground near me, knowing the noise would draw in my parents, and you hid just outside the window. Watching as my parents discovered my “dead” body. You convinced them to hold the funeral the very next day, knowing there wouldn’t be much time before I woke up again. But they had to believe it, you had no other choice. It wouldn’t be safe for a fledgling to be near their family.
And the very next day you dug me up. You had asked my parents if you could have some of my things. And they agreed because you were my loving and respectful boyfriend, who was grieving me just as much as they were. You wanted me to feel comfortable, and safe, surrounded by a few familiar things. You were the first thing I saw when I woke up, and the only thing I wanted.
But as I began to understand my situation, it all became overwhelming. I was a vampire now. My parents and everyone I knew thought I was dead, and we all had to leave forks. I’d have to stay hidden inside until Edward could Marry Bella, and the family would have a proper excuse to move away. I rolled my eyes, annoyed that yet again, she was coming first. And I was petty, stubborn. Your family kept trying to convince me to hunt, learn how to do things their way, but I refused.
Eating was always something I could control. It was a constant in my life, that felt comfortable and safe. I needed it, I was nothing without that unhealthy obsession. And it felt different now. Of course I couldn’t gain wait, I was a vampire, I was stuck how I am for the rest of forever. During the transition I had plumped up a little, as Carlisle explained it was my body trying to correct itself to be in its most “healthy” form. Despite now never being able to get sick, vampirism sadly didn’t cure the brain.
I was still just as sick as I was before, but now there’s nothing I could do about it. I was stuck. And the longer I went without blood, the more I felt. The intense hunger I hadn’t felt in so long, I almost forgotten what it felt like. Of course I wanted the blood, every cell in my body now craved it more than anything else in the world. But I didn’t want to give in. And it was driving you crazy. There was a knock at the door.
“Sugar, Can I come in?”
“It’s your room Jasper, you don’t have to ask.”
You walked through the door, sitting next to me on the floor as I looked out the window.
“It’s our room.” You corrected.
I smiled at that, a real genuine smile.
“Darlin’ you have to-“
“Feed, I know. I know. Just give me one more day.”
I could feel you tense next to me.
“That’s what you said last time.”
I felt awful. God I wish I could cry, but that was another thing that was no longer in my control.
“Jasper, I never meant to hurt you. You know that.”
You nodded.
“But you’re stronger than me, you always have been. I always believed in you.”
You stopped my rambling, turning my head to look at you. Your hand gently cradling my skin. Your touch still so soft, despite me being sturdier now. You couldn’t break me like you used to be so afraid of.
“I won’t watch you make yourself sick again. I can’t. If you’re not ready to do it for you, could you perhaps do it for me? For us? I have the woman I’m so insanely in love with, say before me, looking stunning as ever. Yet she has a perpetual frown on her face. I can feel her every emotion, yet she constantly tries to hide from me. I know your desires, and your fears, I know you. And I know that you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. You, Darlin’, are a force to be recon with. And I want nothing more than to spend eternity by your side.”
If I could blush, my cheeks would have been bright red. You always knew what to say, even if maybe you were saying it a tad late. But I suppose you said it with your actions first. I was mad of course, but now I saw it for what it was. A desperate plea from a lover. My lover. My beautiful Jasper.
“Will you come with me?” I asked.
“I would follow you anywhere.”
Maybe drinking blood wouldn’t be all that bad. If I meant I had forever with you. To learn and understand every part of you. To help each other like we originally planned, and do it right this time. Besides, I had a new family to get to know. To learn to trust, and to confide in. And a new town wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe it was the perfect time to start over. To recover. Most people didn’t get a second chance, and I would be foolish to waste it. I wanted it. I wanted to to taste Happiness.
An: Sorry for the major angst post lol. I haven’t written for twilight in a while and I wanted to write something. But I’ve been in my feels all night, hence this disaster. Gotta love edgy vampire teen romance. Anyways, don’t be like the person in my story. Get up and eat something, even if it’s just one bite, you’ve got this! I believe in you! Stay safe y’all, love you ❤️
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eflorescent · 2 years
zeus  001 .
arrogant  little  girl ,   who  lives  as  a  god ,   who  is  a  god .     she  who  tears  her  own  skin  like  bone  beast ,   she  who  opens  her  mouth   &   out  comes  an  ocean  of  blood   &   impudence .     she  wonders  if  what  comes  out  truly  matches  her  heart  or  head ,   make  a  monster  of  greatness  into  the  childhood  failure  of  a  girl .     &   maybe  nothing’s  ever  felt  right  to  her  hands ,   but  nothing  these  days  does  either .     there’s  this  small  voice  nagging ,   that  she  knows  as  her  own  because  of  how  quiet  it  is  ;     it  tells  her  that  she  should  be  prepared  to  always  feel  this  way ,   feel  like  everything’s  matched  to  the  wrong  puzzle  visual ,   like  even  the  fitting  pieces  aren’t  the  correct  pieces .     wrong  voice  to  the  wrong  face  to  the  wrong  hands  to  the  wrong  eyes  :     her  brothers  are  convicted  in  their  anger  that  warms  itself  on  her  tragedy   &   she  doesn’t  want  to  blame  their  rage  to  the  right  reasons .     they  break  the  world  in  their  worlds ,   &   she  holds  the  sky  together  like  it  shatters  apart  everyday  without  her  palms  help  up  to  it .     papers  hold  invisible  light  as  glass  as  bits  of  pieces ,   &   her  lips  bleed  chaste   &   dried .     this  thing  begin  in  her  hands  as  the  greatest  idea  attached  to  the  greatest  responsibility   &   now  her  body  aches  like  an  atlas   in  the  previous  life .     she  says  this  :     i  am  tired  of  being  tired   &   tired  of  being .     i  am  tired  of  this  burden  of  a  man  in  my  mouth  ;     i  am  tired  of  trying  to  swallow  this  like  the  yolk   &   whites  cracked  into  orange  juice .     i  am  tired  of  this  second  voice  that  has  my  voice  that  doesn’t  sound  like  me  at  all .
her  legs  are  always  moving ,   &   her  feet  never  stop .     &   she’s  always  moving  because  it  is  just  like  men  as  a  race  to  force  her  without  rest ,   her  mothers  have  never  opened  their  mouths  in  front  of  her  or  where  she  stood .     her  fathers  have  always  been  the  antagonists  of  every  story  she’s  read ,   blind  heroes  who  shaken  when  they  kill  their  role  models  who  have  never  been  role  models .     carnage  is  but  an  expectation  when  your  hands  have  learned  the  mark  of  violence ,   when  your  hands  have  conditioned  themselves  to  blades   &   clenched  motions .     the  beginning  of  a  feast  is  a  gutting ,   given  or  received ,   bloody   &   cruel   &   thoughtless  with  teeth   &   mouth .     to  glutton  yourself  is  to  understand  that  you  are  both  sinning  against  another   &   yourself ,   to  glutton  yourself  is  to  understand  that  you  are  taking  an  excess  that  was  never  owe  to  you .     this  is  what  water  feels  like  today ,   like  her  hands  grabbing  everything  around  her   &   ignoring  all  warning  signals   &   tags .     if  she  cannot  have  it ,   then  why  does  it  belong  in  front  of  her  without  her  hands  ;     she  thinks  this  is  what  the  second  man  in  her  head  wants  to  say  but  says  it  like  how  she  says  the  opposite .
crescents  shape  in  her  palms  like  divine  light  under  her  teeth .     he  tells  her  that  hunger  is  very  human   &   very  selfish   &   gods  will  always  do  what  humans  will  but  better   &   severe .     human  history  is  never  quiet ,   but  the  history  of  gods  will  always  be  erased   &   stamped  back  in  ink .     the  green  beneath  us  will  always  reset ,   &   gods  will  never  listen  t o  everything  inferior   &   foolish  that  isn’t  what  they  dictate .     when  a  child  weeps  of  who  knocks  at  their  closet  door  in  the  nearly  dead  night ,   she  means  to  say  that  god  speaks  to  to  her  the  way  that  her  mother   &   father  do .     that  his  hand  touches  her  soft  underbelly  like  her  mother   &   stabs  it  as  quickly  as  her  father  does  when  he  says  that  this  is  a  lesson  she  has  to  learn .     they  say  :     what  is  the  use  of  a  living  child  if  she  cannot  give  them  everything  she  is   &   even  more  than  that .     even  more  than  she  can  give .     if  she  cannot  accumulate  the  debt  she  is ,   then  what  use  does  a  child  carry  in  a  world  full  of  weight   &   power .     &   then  that  smaller  voice  says  behind  them  that  he  won’t  win  without  blood  under  her  nails   &   smeared  into  her  hand ,   says  that  a  docile  girl  is  as  good  as  a  dead  girl .
“   it’s  too  quiet .   ”          i  mean  it’s  never  quiet .
“   i  know .   ”          i  know  you  do .
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white-poppie · 2 years
𝐖𝐞 could’ve had it 🅰🅻🅻
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Part 1:  S♡ul-mate
Characters: Dabi x Gn! reader  
Genre: ANGST, Soulmate-au
Warnings: blood, death, family issue, gore, violence, vomiting
Writer: @ white-poppie  
A/N: Reader is a civilian, more specifically a medical student with a Claw-quirk. They have retractable claws like lion.
My Hero Academia (僕のヒーローアカデミア)  
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They say even hell forgives those who turned due to  pain, but heaven doesn’t let them become the patron saint of someone’s demise. 
So they just linger, hauntingly, between the crevices and cracks of the earth. In places where the freaks rule, in places where people who never truly received love roam.
Dabi shared an uncanny appearance with his mother, he carried her tenderness and her insanity too. They both had the same eyes; exhausted, tired. But his rage, his mother never wore rage--it is something that he got from the wretched old man of his.
The anger that turned him into a monster, a walking morgue.
“Y/n,” he repeated the name like it was a chant. Skin burning where they had touched in the dream; his hands. Those scabbard and blood clad hands. Dream was a different thing, to see an abomination like him in real life? They would run away.
‘I don’t mind Dabi at all, he is just a product of this gangrenous society who failed to protect Touya.’
“Fuck,” he breathed out shakily, hands shivering from the burden of being so vulnerable with someone. 
He walked up to the lavatory, splashing water on his face, he stared at his dull reflection, tired and sleepless, for he was too scared to sleep and face you again, he would rather be awake. But now his body was begging him to rest, limbs straining under the weight of his misery.
He let out a growl and smashed his fist into the mirror. The shimmering shards fell down like cosmic dust in the dark, abandoned motel: his home.
Crimson blood stained his knuckles. He shook his hand and dried it with his towel and climbed in his bed. What is a little blood anyway? The last thing he heard was the sound of his heart palpating against his ribs as he fell into a deep slumber.
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“Touya,” he heard his name being whispered like the most tender thing in the world. He could almost feel how their lips parted as they spoke the syllables.
His eyes slowly adjusted to the scene, the marbled background over his head. He was laying down. A presence was beside him, they sat next to him, a watery-smile etched on their face. A little melancholic, a little forced, a little painful.
He sat upright and looked at them, savoring the contour of their face. He wanted to remember all of it like it was something he would see everyday.
“Y/N,” he said, but a faint rasp, his hand automatically cupped their face, thumb rubbing circles on the apple of their cheek.
“You are killing me,” you choked out, “does it bring you joy to see me tormented?”
“No. No, never,” he gulped and shook his head, chest heaving up and down, ”I’m just scared y’know, not used to being so close to someone. To let my walls down.”
“You don’t have to act strong around me,” you pressed your forehead against his, “let your guard down for once, I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you--ever again.”
“Pretty big words coming from a doctor with a villain as a soulmate,” he laughed, his breath hitting your face like the warmth of cocoa on a winter day.
“Villains aren’t born Touya, they are made, and I won’t forgive anyone who did this to you,” you pulled away, but your touch lingered. Your eyes fell on his bloody hand and a gasp left your throat.
You cradled his much larger palm in yours, examining the bruise, “did you hit someone before falling asleep?”
“Something,” he corrected, “punched the mirror.”
You huffed and flicked his forehead, “Idiot, I told you that I would take care of you when others hurt you. Now I have to take care of you when you hurt yourself too.”
His cerulean eyes suddenly fell dead serious. Like gentle lapping of tides against the land, “Y/N..may I...kiss you?” The words felt bitter on his tongue. He was sure you would decline, it had been barely two days you had known him.
“Touya,” you laughed, “why’d you even ask?” His eyes widened in surprised.
“Even though we have known each other for the least time; our souls are entangled, we can never be unloved by each other,” you whispered.
It was euphoric how your lips interlocked perfectly, drawled and soft lingers like a whispered-curse echoing in your mind, making you crave for more. It was like all the circuits in your brain had fused and you were becoming putty under Dabi's gentle caresses.
When he pulled away you didn't feel breathless, it felt so natural that the kiss was supposedly like a gentle gust of air.
You felt the realm fading away, an indicator that your time was up
“I want to meet you in real life,” you answered, “when, Touya?”
“Tomorrow,” he said, “4 PM, near the twilight motel.” Were the last words you heard as you were forced into awareness.
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You checked your outfit in the mirror for what seemed like the nth time, heart pulsing in your chest; you were beyond nervous or happy--you were petrified yet elated. Locking the door of your house behind you, you checked the time on your phone-- 3:35 PM, you had enough time to reach.
The abandoned building of twilight motel was a walking distance from your house, you just had to cross through the city centre. 
It was eerie how awfully quiet the area was. You could hear your breath echo from within the surrounding buildings. Where was everyone?
Before you could even let out a scream, you felt yourself being pushed into the glass of one of the buildings, a strangled gasp left your throat and eyes blurred while you tried to focus on what was in front of you.
A hero, oh no. You were caught up in a conflict with no escape. “Run!” the hero shouted just as he suffered another hit from the villain who payed no mind to you. 
Your legs were awfully numb as you tried crawling way from the fight. A little more, towards the main road, then you would be safe. You stood up and picked your pace, ears ringing in fear and desperation. You couldn’t hear the car honk that came towards you, flashing lights that danced in your vision as your eyes widened...
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Touya was beyond scared when you didn’t come even when it was around 5 PM. His mind revolted yet his legs were carrying him out at this point. This area was clad with lowly scums who would pounce on any docile prey such as yourself.
He checked around the alleys, to find nothing but rats. He went back to his room to get a jacket and covered himself up till his neck, he ran towards the city centre. Eyes meeting with a crowd of unruly passers, all gathered up whispering around something. His heart dropped to his stomach, sweat formed in his hands and yet he walked towards the people, shuffling a bit inside, apologizing for bumping into people.
As he reached the centre of the hoard, bile rose to his stomach and he felt like vomiting. He kept a hand on his mouth to avoid barfing, tremors ran throughout his body and his knees were close to buckling. 
To think the first time Dabi would have seen in you in real life would be the last time too.
People like him don’t deserve a soft epilogue. People like him drag everyone around them, down. Burn to dust. It was his fault, all his fault. He was going to make the heroes pay.
He walked away from the people and saw you being carried into a ambulance. Entering one of the alleys he puked into one of the dumpsters, eyes burning with rage and tears that streamed down. He slid down a wall, sobs echoing from between the walks, hands shivering and throat hoarse from screaming.
Guess some people are just born with tragedy in their blood.
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My Hero Academia (僕のヒーローアカデミア)  
Tags:  @rintaroubby​ @nanaseishiro​ @idowritingandstuff, @bakaface​ @denkis111​, @jazzylove​, @maybeleftoverjourneys​, @lordmypantsaresocool​, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle​, @kristaline2dmensimp​, @oikawatoorupdf​, @thegrayladyislookingforyou​ @katsukichu​
People who requested a part 2: @lunatsunachan, @darlingely​
Kind people who reblogged part 1: @justforfangirlingmoment​, @hailstorm888​,  @mirayasimpinghard,  @idunnomaname , @faaabs
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Tik Tok Leggings
Summary: Time to test these Tik tok leggings.
Warnings: swearing, Fluff, Cheeky Henry, Suggestive Themes, Plus sized reader
A/N: Just wanted to do something different thinking of maybe having a mini TikTok onshot series but unsure yet. Either way I hope you enjoy and happy Easter to those who celebrate  and those who don't? Have a brilliant Sunday xx
Taglist: will be in comment/reblogs
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You eyed the package wearily... just how the fuck were you meant to pull this off? Slowly but surely the confidence  and 'fuck it' attitude was waning. They looked small.... very small.
You huffed a sigh looking at yourself in the mirror eyeing your form. You swear you'd gained some more weight, just a few pounds maybe? But you felt huge. Slowly you unravelled the leggings, it had been a good idea at the time but now you wasn't so sure. They were expensive and even thought you bought them as a little prank you did hope they would boost you confidence or at least be comfy enough to wear around the house.
Being a larger girl it was hard finding comfy clothes and you had to be comfy now that your boys were running around the house like headless chickens. You thought the terrible twos with trainers were bad? Your four year olds had scooters!
You grit your teeth and decided to try the leggings on gearing up for an all put war with the waist band but was pleasantly surprized. The fabric was firm and tummy controlling without feeling you feeling caught by a bloody boa constrictor! A comfy tight not spandex tight. You casually wondered about seeing if the company did bras, this shit would stop the girls from trying to knock you out on the stairs!
You pulled the material setting the... elasticated seam in your ass crack and winced... Okay that's a little strange... but not unpleasant and almost thong. You spun around eyeing yourself in to mirror. You didn't look to bad, if you said so yourself. Sure you wasn't magically strim and fit, you were blessed with a nice thick ass... but unfortunately had the thick hips and large thighs to go with it. You'd never be petite or dainty, but then again henry was huge behemoth of a man so you didn't need to be. As he said on many occasions he wanted a woman as thick as him... and you definitely fit that bill. His thighs were only slightly bigger then yours.
You turned around a few more times. Fuck okay hello there~ you grinned. You may not be the perfect sized woman but fuck if your ass wasn't glorious in these leggings~ this just might work.
You grinned and pulled on one of Henry's tshirts, the grey marines one it was snug and would ride up a little over your tummy showing off your bubble but that you felt was your best feature. And then padded downstairs, henry. Was in the large garden trying to teach the boys how to play rugby... Wanting to start them young.
You pottered about the kitchen chopping up the salad for tonight. Contrary to what people thought you were not large because you ate to much or did little exercise, you had always been bigger and admittedly since having the boys you had gained a little more weight but not ridiculously, you wasn't dangerously over weight.
You hummed looking out the patio door seeing henry jumping for joy as his boys and Kal played 'rugby' darting across the garden to the tiny rugby post at the end. Moving to Jersey to raise the kids was a brilliant idea, you had a huge country house with the land to go with it. Flat and immaculate that spread around the house in nearly four acres the lawn was mostly to the back and side and cornered off with tall hedge rows then beyond it a cornered off veggie plot and greenhouse and a work in progress chicken coop. Soon there will be a decent sized pond and some ducks... Henry didn't know yet, but if he was allowed to have a stables built four god knows how many horses you were allowed your ducks god dammit.
You grinned watching as henry ran around both the boys with his phone out cheering them on as they tor across the garden wrestling each other for the ball. You had panicked when you were told twin boys but you should have known henry would be able to handle it. It was perfect, days like this when he was home and strived to make his sons lives as magical and fun as he could, everyday was a holiday when dad was home.
You shook your head seeing the boys both lay on the floor in the shade completely tuckered out from the mornings fun. Henry can into the kitchen and you held your breath quickly bending over the counter a tad more then normal hoping to get a favourable reaction from your husband. But you couldn't help the tinge of doubt  what if he didn't like them? Or thought you looked bigger then you were?
"Hey sweetheart are the boys fruit shoots in the fri-oh sweet baby Jesus" he coughed cutting himself off  and took a half step back as he came in the kitchen. You giggled and turned to him then nodded your head to the fridge.
"Yeah their in there love" you said smirking and blushing as you saw him eyeing your ass tilting his head slowly down trying to get a better look at your ass making you bite your lip.
"Err yeah yeah... I... hold that thought" he said snapping out of it holding a finger up at you and looked to his phone.
"You just stay right were you are- no nope over bend over again babe... fuck me how did I get such a sexy little mama~" he growled one hand swiping over his screen. You flushed and wriggled our hips a little as you leant forward feeling on top of the world as he openly gawked at your ass. For a second you thought he was taking a photo and made to move wanting to snap up right but he napped his fingers to you pointing for you to get back down and brought the phone to his ear.
"Henry what are you?-" you tried standing once more but he crossed the kitchen pressing himself up against your ass and rocked slowly making you mewl as his bulge pressed against your ass half hard already. Henry huge hand pressed you down on the counter before him and winked then he spoke as who ever was on the phone answered.
"Hey mum, hi can you come get the boys?" He asked and you gasped at him shaking your head at him laughing. He wasn't palming the kids off to their grandparents because he wanted a midday fuck! Not that Marie-Ann would mind, she loved hosting the kids and frequently showed up out of the blue and took them out for the day. She was adamant that both you and henry still had alone time.
"No, no everything's all right I just- somethings come up~" he smirked and you laughed loud shaking your head at him, he was a little bugger! He wriggled his brows at you and nodded then flushed stuttering for a few comments.
"I.. No no of course not mum... muuuum stop- well yeah... yes I know you were young once-oh shit no I didn't mean of course your still young! Your in your prime! Okay yes, yes I promise to try my hardest... yes okay, see you in ten okay love you bye... bye mum I will. Yes I will mum bye" he muttered slowly moving through being embarrassed, shy and strangely confident before hanging up.
"Soo the boys are going out?" You giggled finding the way he reacted ridiculously cute. It wasn't what you expected, maybe a kiss on the cheek and a slap on the ass. But not him shipping the kids off for the day.
"And staying over night" Henry muttered moving both hands to your ass and squeezed and rolled the cheeks about making you squeak and try rising on your tip toes but he just growled following pressing a kiss to your neck.
"And what have we agreed to for this mighty generous gift? What have you promised?" You said arching back into him with a teasing tone knowing Marie would make henry pay for the 'young once' comment.
"Oh you know nothing too big just another grandchild, which wont be hard with these in your closet" he chuckled pinging the fabric that clung to your ass like a second skin. You flushed gasping out at him batting him away slowly. But it was a hard fought battle, Henry won easily sliding the cutting board back then let you spin to face him. He quickly hoisted you up onto the counter top behind you and kissed your lips moaning into you before pulling back and pointed at you.
"Right you stay- right here. Don't you move a muscle Mrs Cavill" he said seriously and backed away from you still pointing making you laugh and kick your feet biting your lip before nodding. Henry backed up to the back door and called out to the boys.
"Boys come on! Your going to grandmas for a sleep over! Go pack a bag, jammies, tooth brush and clothes for tomorrow! Come on mush hop it or cop it!" he called you smiled hearing two high pitch excited voices squealing at the thought of grandma. She spoilt them rotten. They dashed into the house quickly running past the both of you giggle as henry tried playfully nudging them on the bottoms with his foot when they ran through the kitchen to dart up the stairs and pack an overnight bag. Henry slunk out of the kitchen following the boys but kept glancing back at you.
"Remember right there babe, been too long since we fucked in here~" he growled making you flush remembering the last time you'd made love in here. It'd been when you were pregnant, the day you moved in before you redecorated you'd had Chinese take out and then made love in every room in the house.
"I'll be right here love I promise, now... You might want to sort yourself out before answering the door to your mother~" you teased pointing to the large lump in the front of his shorts making him grunt and cup himself trying to reposition himself and left the kitchen to help the boys pack.
You can safely say, these leggings were a success. You were definitely leaving a five star review... You did however regret not filming his reaction for tiktok. Honestly you didn't even have the app your sister in law had shown you and you thought it'd be something fun to try with Henry. You may just get more than you bargained for though, not that you minded... You just hoped you had a girl this time, it was about time to try and even things out a bit.
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geminil0vr · 3 years
something you shouldn’t have been doing (part II) | fred weasley
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check out part one in my masterlist, or you might be a tad lost!
summary; still reeling over what happened with fred, you end up pushing everyone away and making up excuses. when you go to ron's dorm to apologise and reconcile, you don't expect his brother, fred, to open the door instead, and invite (pull) you in.
tagged; @weasleyswildin , @avengersassemblee
word count; 5.1k
content; smut, embarrassment, lying, reader has fucking ptsd from being caught PLS, ron being soft but also annoyed at reader, pranks, fred being hot, making out, anticipation, oral (female receiving), teasing, flirting, joking, missionary sex.
a/n; hi, here’s the long awaited (by like, two people) part two that's been sitting, half-finished, in my drafts !! tbh i’m not too happy about my characterisation of fred in this considering he’s usually always cracking jokes and is never this serious, but at the same time when i tried to use more humour it didn’t really fit this style of fic !! sorry guys. and also sorry for the low quality gif :( i listened to the album wasteland, baby by hozier on repeat while writing this YES. also god i'm way happier with my writing in this i spent hours and hours on it fuck
you hadn’t been able to look him in the eyes since it happened a week ago. since he came into your room and caught you. since he came into your room and left you with the fading memory of his hands on your skin. if you weren’t so humiliated, that would definitely have been going in the wank bank. but you hadn’t dared finish or touch yourself since then, just in case. though it was becoming a real struggle when all you could think about was him, and his bloody teasing, and his bloody hands, and his bloody face.
in the great hall you hardly spoke anymore, and during free periods you preferred to hide out in the library than somewhere he could find you. fred always found a way of bumping into you, especially many times after the ‘incident’, but you said you were slammed with homework, 'maybe another time'. it had been weighing on you a little, since with this you also ended up distancing yourself from your best friend, ron weasley.
speaking of which — three quiet knocks sounded from your dormitory’s door and you braced yourself, just as anytime someone knocked these days. well, at least this person had more social decadence than fred. you gave the few remaining girls in the room a nod, a silent offer to get up and see who it was so they wouldn’t have to.
thankfully, as you swung it open, your best friend was there, lanky arms swinging by his side nervously. he’d always been terrified to knock at the girls dormitory. ‘what if someone’s naked in there?’ he once told you, burying his head in his hands after he’d just shouted your name repeatedly from the common room to coax you out. and you clipped him ‘round the head, letting him know that ‘if someone was naked, then no one would open the door’.
peeking around the corner to assure that he wasn’t interrupting anything, his nerves faded and he crossed his arms over his chest. “y/n, fancy seeing you ‘ere.” he said, bitterly.
“well... it is my dorm room.” you narrowed your eyes playfully, but you knew exactly why he had an attitude.
“just would’ve thought, since you’ve become such an expert in avoiding me, that you’d somehow — well, avoided me!”
“i don’t know what you’re on about.” you shrugged bashfully. you definitely did.
“bloody hell, y/n, you‘ve been avoiding me and you — you bloody well know it!” he exclaimed, and you looked back at the curious girls in your dorm before putting your hands up in defense to him, stepping out and shutting the door behind you.
“no, i bloody well haven’t! just been busy, is all!” you whisper-shouted, ignoring the eyes peering up at you from the common room sofas.
“we used to eat lunch everyday together! you, me, fred, george, ‘mione, harry, even lee sometimes —”
“merlin, yeah, i get it, i'm —”
“but now, you rush in to get a piece of toast and run back out again with some borin’ excuse!” he huffed.
“i’m really, truly sorry, ron. but i’m not lying! it’s just... work has been getting on top of me.” you lied straight to his face. but what else could you tell him?
‘hey bestie, your brother came into my room while i was touching myself and he teased me and now i can’t stop thinking about him and his dumb, fucking, stupid, idiot, face!’. yeah, surely that would go down perfectly.
“are you even listening to me?” you snapped out of your daze, only to realise ron had been talking to you. but he hurriedly pushed past that. “i was just saying that if you need to talk, i’ll be in my room. or go to hermione. just stop acting weird, alright?”
with that, your best friend walked away, leaving you with a pit of guilt churning at the bottom of your stomach. you tossed and turned that same friday night, thinking of the usual ways to make him less pissed off with you. if it were you, he'd buy you hot chocolate. and for him, you'd... perfect! when saturday afternoon came around, you figured the hogsmeade weekend would give you the perfect chance to catch up with ron, buy him a bunch of sweets from honeydukes, and all would be forgiven.
knocking on his dormitory door twice, you were relieved for a second when the door opened and you saw a flash of ginger hair. until you realised which head it belonged to.
“fred?” your eyes widened.
“y/n.” he tucked his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
clearing your throat, you looked into the room behind him and ran a hand through your hair anxiously. “is ron here?”
“no, but i am.” he grinned.
finally meeting his gaze, you gave him a suspicious look and attempted to push aside the tightness in your stomach. just act casual. casual. casual. that word spinning in your head sounded less and less coherent each time you thought of it.
“why are you here? this isn’t your dorm.”
he leaned his shoulder against the door frame with a smug smile, crossing his arms over his dark green, knitted sweater, and crossing his legs for stability. “brilliant observation, y/n,” fuck. if he kept saying your name you’d be obligated to jump him right in the doorway. “i’m actually just waiting for him to get back.”
you didn’t quite believe him, but whatever he was doing in there, ron could surely deal with it. you didn’t need to spend any more time with fred than necessary, not these days. “shit, he left already? uh, i suppose i’ll just wait in my dorm; just let him know i knocked.” you nodded curtly.
“you like pranks, right?”
“did you even hear a word i said?”
“shit, he left already? uh, i suppose i’ll just wait —” he mimicked you, and you shot a glare at him.
“yeah, yeah. so, let him know.” you smiled tightly and moved to make your way back to your dorm, but he grabbed your forearm tightly.
turning and glancing down at his grip, cheeks burning, you looked up at him. “i need an answer. pranks: yes or no?”
to shut him up, and to stop from going into heatstroke, you decided against telling the truth. “no.”
“brilliant!” and with that, he pulled you into the room and shut the door, pulling away as quick as he had first touched you. the red curtains were still drawn, making it a little dark inside, and you squinted to look around. shite. now you were stuck, inside a room, which had beds, and additionally, fred fucking gideon fucking weasley.
“i need an absolutely unbiased prank review. i’m trying to scare the shite out of ron.” you bit the inside of your cheek so hard you thought it’d bleed.
“and what makes you think i’m qualified, fred? i’m his best friend, i can just warn him, and everything’ll be ruined.”
“yeah, but, you wouldn’t do that to me, would you, y/n?” he grinned cheekily, rushing over to ron’s bed and gripping one of the four posters. he was right. but nevertheless — how on earth were you going to get out of this one? he seemed relaxed, maybe he’d forgotten about it already! a guy like fred always had a lot of experience, he probably mixed you up with someone else in his mind, or just didn’t care. now that, was perfect! he’d forgotten everything, and you could just be casual!
“okay, watch this.” fred snickered. “i charmed his bed so that when he lies down, it’ll feel like he’s on water.”
your eyes widened. “fred! that’s awful! you should know how terrified he is of the ocean!”
with not even a smidge of acknowledgement, he flopped onto the bed on his back, and you watched in disbelief as the mattress rippled underneath him and his body swayed along with it. magic still astounded you sometimes.
“where on earth did you learn this?” 
“lee taught it to us!” by ‘us’, he was surely speaking of him and george, like usual. it was as if he wasn't aware of the pronoun ‘me’, “he did it to his grandma a bunch of times. almost gave her a heart attack.”
“his grandma?” you gaped, before you realised who you were speaking to. of bloody course. you rubbed your slightly clammy palms against your skirt and adjusted your black sweater, taking the opportunity to look away from him and around the room.
noticing your lack of focus on him, he hopped off the bed and approached you to gain your attention, whereas you stepped back. he frowned, but recovered.
“try it.”
“try what?”
“the bed. actually feels nice when you’re expecting it.”
“you’re not getting me in that bed if it’s the last thing i do.” you shook your head, before realising the euphemism you created, heat flushing through your entire body.
“i’m not?” he gave you a smug yet challenging look.
you cleared your throat, “no.”
“i’ll throw you onto it.” you swallowed. if he went anywhere near your waist or your hips, you’d surely die. glancing around for any possible escape routes and coming up empty, you sighed.
“fine.” having no other option, you marched over to the bed, pulling down your mid-thigh skirt and cursing yourself out for wearing high socks instead of tights. lying down cautiously onto the mattress, you gasped as it rippled beneath you, and couldn’t help but chuckle. you crossed your legs and pulled down your skirt once more, closing your eyes. “it is kinda nice. yeah.” fred swallowed, eyeing the movement of your hands.
“for once, you’re not being stubborn. can’t believe that the y/n y/l/n actually admitted that my prank is pretty cool.” at the sound of his voice, you opened your eyes and sat up as the bed swayed beneath you once more.
“i said kinda nice, but whatever helps you sleep at night, fred.” you smiled softly, eyes creasing. until you actually thought about fred, and what he did when he wasn’t sleeping at night, and your face fell.
“so, now that’s done with — are we gonna talk about how weird you’ve been acting?”
you almost choked on your own saliva. “you what?” your whole body went stiff, as you slowly swung your legs over the edge of the bed and planted them firmly on the carpeted floor.
“you know what i’m going on about. you haven’t looked me in the eye for two weeks.” 
“already been over this with ron,” you glanced away and at the door behind him, “i’ve been busy with homework."
he stepped closer and your cheeks flamed, standing up shakily. “and, what work is that, y/n?”
why did he have to say your name like that? you had to get out of there. now. 
quickly stepping away from him and the bed, you turned so your back was to the door, hands behind you. what were your chances of just bolting out of it and not having him come running after you? and of course he had to have those fucking long legs, like a bloody horse. he'd outrun you by 25 miles per hour. that was how far a horse could run. git.
“you know, transfiguration, potions, defense of care of magical thingies.”
“hmm?” he hummed, making another step towards you. you stepped back, closer to the door now. “is that right?”
“uhuh.” you croaked.
“uhuh.” he nodded skeptically.
“and like, a bunch of other important things, too.”
“yeah, i get it.” he had a gleam in his eye. “but let’s say, let’s just theorise here, that, that wasn’t the reason why you were avoiding me. that it was something else.” the corners of his mouth quirked up.
“not avoiding, busy. and i really should get going.”
he stepped closer, again, and you shuffled back a little until your back hit the wooden door, and your eyes went wide. you gripped the doorknob behind you. “right. but, if it was something else, then would you think it’d maybe have something to do with what happened in your room, last week? maybe?”
you sucked in air through your teeth, wincing and shaking your head. “i don’t recall.” you swallowed.
“oh, you don’t, do you? awful shame, you want me to recount it or —”
“no, no, that won’t be necessary!” you gulped, avoiding his gaze, your voice now coming out meekly, "you didn't tell anyone, did you?"
he furrowed his brows in slight confusion, "'course not," then tilted his head, "preferred to keep it to myself. wouldn't want anyone other than me thinking of you like that."
you gulped again and twisted the doorknob, until he stepped even closer, and his hand went up to stop you, gently grasping it.
his voice came out in an almost desperate whisper. “don’t.”
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. fuck.
you found the bravery to look into his brown eyes and clenched your jaw. from this angle, his features looked almost chiselled, and he had one strand of messy hair that had fallen out of place.
“i could also give you a more hands-on reminder, if need be.” as his voice went even quieter, he leaned down and loosened his light grasp on your hand. you could feel his minty breath on your face again, he was so damn close. and you closed your eyes and his lips brushed against yours. but he wouldn’t close the gap.
he was going to make you do it.
“fred...” you pulled just millimetres away and opened your eyes to look up at him -- his opened too at the sound of your voice. you bit your lip nervously.
“if you wanna go, you can.” his voice was raspy.
you shook your head sheepishly. “no.”
“no.” you whispered and leaned up, enveloping his lips in yours gently. they moved in sync as he wrapped his arms securely around your waist and you tightened your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his hair, the kiss becoming much more startlingly passionate than you’d expected. but, it was fred, after all.
he stepped forward to press you up properly against the door now, and you arched your back to lean even further into him than you thought possible, gasping when his hands found their way underneath your jumper. merlin, the boy worked fast. he used your shock as access to slip his tongue inside your mouth; tongues intertwining, you pulled against his hair gently as he leaned down, fingertips blazing across the skin of your waist. merlin, this felt like bliss. you were trembling with endorphins and need and disbelief that you’d gone and kissed him yourself. though he’d practically urged you to do it.
“fuck.” he groaned, causing you to whimper quietly as he pulled away from you, but you quickly went quiet when his lips touched against your jawline and neck, feverishly nibbling at the skin. you were terribly mad at yourself for not doing any of this sooner. his teeth grazed lightly underneath your earlobe and you let out a quiet moan. sure, you’d never had previous partners to compare him to, but this was fred weasley, and you were sure that he'd be the best you'd ever have in your life. perhaps a rash, impulsive decision, powered by lust, but when he somehow had the power to make your knees impossibly weak, and make you whine at the slightest touch, you were adamantly sure of it.
maybe it was the built-up anticipation and longing that made it all feel so good — because, merlin, the heat between your thighs pulsated from such a long time of waiting. for him. you lifted a leg around his waist to feel him closer and he groaned once more against the skin of your collarbone. you could feel him hardening in his jeans now, flush against your own heat, and you took this distraction to grab his jaw and pull him back to your lips once more. he was so addictive, you couldn’t think of anything else but his hands, his lips, his skin. when his fingertips skimmed inches away from your bra, you pulled back slowly and he looked down, eyes filled with lust and worry.
“shit, sorry if i —”
“no, no, it’s just,” cheeks flushed and lips swollen, you swallowed and bit your lip again, smiling, “are we really going to do this in your brother’s bedroom?”
he’d forgotten where he was for a moment. you two could’ve been in the common room and he would’ve been too distracted by how pretty you looked in your little skirt, thigh around his hip, love bites scattered across your neck. he hadn’t meant to leave one, nor two, nor the third one, but it wasn’t his fault. you were too distracting.
breathing heavily, he grinned at you. “my room is empty.”
you straightened out your clothes and hair, glancing quickly in the mirror, yet he just stood there, grinning, red hair ruffled, cheeks burning from the rush of kissing you. you turned to look at him critically. he was looking back.
"get over here right now, fred." you ordered, still breathing heavily.
his grin grew wider, advancing towards you, "you don't have to tell me twice," until you put a hand to his chest.
"i meant to sort yourself out. in the mirror."
he rolled his eyes, shaking his head, grin faltering. "fine."
once you both looked like you hadn't been having the most passionate makeout session of your lives, and fred's cheeks had made the improvement from red to pink, you walked out from ron’s dormitory, heading across the landing to his. as casual as possible.
but as soon as you'd stepped inside and the door was shut and locked, you were back on each other, kissing, panting, touching, first against the wall, then making your way to his bed. he pushed you back onto it, and you braced for impact in reminiscence of his little prank from before. he chuckled before hovering above you, forearms pressing into the mattress, fingers grazing your thigh and your clit pulsing in response. he looked down at your little skirt that had risen a little too high, and let out a throaty groan.
“you’re so beautiful, y/n.” you flushed and he kissed down your neck once more, leaving even more hickeys (this time, on purpose, though was it really an accident last time?) and gentle bites as he went down. "you don't know how many times i've replayed that image in my mind, of your skirt all hiked up around your waist, thighs pushed together for me." he pulled at your jumper and you obliged, leaning forward slightly to remove it, meeting his lips again with fervour caused by his lewd words as his hands explored your waist with free reign. his knees were either side of your body and you pulled his shirt off in a flash, hands roaming over his chest and to his back, fingernails pressing lightly into his skin as fred unhooked your bra.
he eased it off you slowly, sliding the straps down your arms before tossing it down to the side, and gawking at you.
you shied under his gaze. "stop looking at me like that."
"can't help it," he rasped, cupping one breast while looking up at you, the rough texture of his hand making you arch your back.
"shit, fred," reaching down, he swirled his tongue over your other nipple, his previously occupied hand meeting the inside of your thigh, and you felt like you'd fucking implode. "please."
he licked over your other nipple before moving back up to your face and kissing you sweetly.
"please, what?"
"you know what." you whined.
"say it."
"don't make me say it, please, just..."
"i'm not making you say anything. i could, if i wanted to."
the repetition of those words made you once more weak in the knees as you threw your head back in embarrassment (a feeling he loved to incite in you, amongst other ones). you closed your eyes, "do you keep a book of your best quotes and practice them in your room, or what?"
he grinned cheekily, "no, just a natural. i prefer to do other things in my room, anyway."
"like what?" you look up at him.
"like fuck you."
you flushed red and he caught your lips in his again, smiling against them until you wrapped your legs around his waist, causing him to grind into you.
"fuck, y/n."
luckily he didn't make you plead any longer, hooking his fingers in your panties and pulling them off your legs. he didn't bother with the skirt. you looked much too pretty in it, after all.
guiding his hands to your hips, he pulled you to the edge of the bed, getting on his knees right on the carpet and hooking one of your legs over his shoulder before flipping up your skirt.
"so wet for me, hmm?"
you bit your lip, furrowing your brows as he swiped a thumb over you.
"is this how wet you were when i came into your room?"
you didn't reply, breathing even heavier as he kitten licked over your clit, making your whole body jerk.
"you gonna reply to me?"
"yeah, i — i was —" he licked over you again, firmly, swiping his tongue to dip a little inside of you. "shit!"
"i already told you i don't speak gibberish, y/n." he looked up at you.
you sighed deeply, gripping his hair as he licked at you even more. then you tried to speak again, voice trembling, "i was — fuck, i was thinking about you, fred."
his movements stopped and you whimpered, needing his tongue on your heat again. "you were?" eyes never having left your face, he groaned as you nodded sheepishly. "fuck." and he was back on you, feverishly eating you out, sucking at your clit and occasionally dipping his tongue inside you, making you arch your back and grip at his air, cursing and whining. for once, you were speaking gibberish.
until he paused. "tell me what you were thinking about, love. was i between your legs, like this, hmm?"
you bit your lip, pushing yourself up on your forearms and biting your lip. "no, n-- no, you were... we were in my room."
"yeah?" he raked his fingers over your inner thigh.
"and you had me up against the wall." fred grew even harder thinking of that.
"and what was i doing?"
"you were... fucking me, against the wall."
fred almost groaned again, "shit," and he resumed his actions, eating you out expertly.
you did try to keep your thighs open for him, but they were shaking so much that they moved together automatically. fred moaned into you as you wrapped your other thigh around his shoulder, pulling him even closer into you.
"fuck, fred, gonna cum!" your thighs squeezed tighter around his face, and he hooked his arms firmly under your legs and around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer and making you cry out as he sucked at your clit. your orgasm racked over your entire body, your hips bucking up and down into his tongue as he dug his fingers into your hips, easing you down from it. he rubbed soft circles over your hip with his thumb, as your legs slowly stopped trembling, then got up to kiss you softly with a grin on his face. this boy could never stop grinning, even with his chin drenched in your cum. tasting yourself, you moaned into the kiss, getting up onto your knees and unzipping your skirt.
sitting back on the bed, he watched the slow movements, biting his lip as the white fabric dropped and pooled around your knees, before looking up and into your eyes. "are you sure, y/n?"
you made your way closer to him, throwing your skirt to the side and taking the button off his jeans, zipping them down, before pausing and looking at him again. "i prefer to do other things in my room, anyway. like fuck you." you mimicked him playfully, pecking his lips.
"i wasn't lying." he smiled cheekily, dragging his thumb over your cheek before taking off his jeans. you began to climb on top of him, but he held your hips.
"no, no, no, no, not for your first time you won't."
you bit your lip. "how did you know it was my first time?"
"y/n, you told the entire common room that you were a virgin like two months ago, when you were piss drunk at the ravenclaw house party."
"i did?" you paused before laughing as he moved you onto your back, head resting on the pillows, "well, i could've had sex since then."
"hmm, really?" he tilted his head, smirking, "'could've' being the key word."
fred raked his eyes over your body, legs open to accommodate his body between your legs, skin all flushed, nipples pert, and groaned before kissing you hard again, and taking off his boxers. as he pulled back, you gaped at his firm cock, swallowing.
"you think that's gonna fit?" you said, eyes wide.
"relax, i'm not gonna break you." he grabbed a condom from his bedside table, sliding it on as you kept your eyes glued to his movements.
"you could, if you want." you teased.
jaw clenching, he dug his nails into your hips as his cock twitched. "fuck, don't say that, please."
you snorted, but all amusement flew out the window when he slid his fingers through your wetness, inserting one into you easily and pumping it into you nice and slow. moaning, you gripped onto his wrist. "fred, i thought you were gonna... you know."
"can't say 'fuck me' either, huh?" you blushed, "i just need to get you ready, first. should've done it before but i got a little... carried away."
"oh — okay!" your voice went considerably high-pitched as he put in a second finger, stretching you out even more, but not granting you much discomfort considering he'd made you cum just before. then, a third, and as his fingers hit a spot inside of you that made your hips jerk, you furrowed your brows in desperation, "freddie, please, i'm ready now."
with one last teasing pump making you whimper, he took his cum-soaked fingers and glided them over the condom. his hips bucking up into his hand was definitely the hottest thing you'd ever seen. hovering over you, he placed one hand on your waist, using the other one to guide his cock to your entrance. "'m gonna put it in now, love."
"okay." you gulped as he slowly and carefully slid inside you, wrapping your legs around his waist in discomfort. he let out a low groan. he was trying so hard not to sheath himself all the way inside you, and fuck you stupid, and his cock tried to jump at the thought but was easily stopped by your tightening walls. merlin, you were so fucking tight. so tight.
"you alright? want me to stop for a sec'?"
you took a deep breath, shaking your head, "no, i'm okay, just keep going." your eyes watered as he went further, and each time you thought he couldn't possibly have any more to give you, he slid in even more of his cock. finally, he paused, fully inside you, giving you time to adjust and restricting himself from slamming into you.
it took a minute, but you gripped his shoulders tighter. "you can move." as he did, pulling out slowly, you practically squeaked when the curve of his cock brushed against your g-spot. your reaction made his eyes flutter shut, biting at his bottom lip.
pulling almost all the way out, he then pushed in once again, making you arch your back, the strong discomfort slowly fading and being replaced by pleasure.
"can you — uh, fuck, can you please go faster?"
well, those were the words he'd been dying to hear. still making sure you were comfortable, he picked up his pace, grasping at your hips and looking at his cock push in and out of you. "fuck, y/n." he leaned down to kiss you, again, speeding up a little more while groaning. you tried to kiss back properly, but the way his dick was hitting all the right places made you moan into his mouth. and then he went even harder, and you gasped, and your foreheads were pressed together as you panted into each other's mouths, and fuck it was all too much.
"fuck, gripping me so tightly." he groaned, snapping his hips up to meet yours as you ground down into his thrusts. he brushed a thumb over your clit, wanting to make you feel good, and you held tightly onto his shoulders.
"freddie, shit, i think i'm gonna cum again, don't stop," you whimpered, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck as your orgasm shot through you again, moaning loudly every time he pounded into you.
he could feel you pulsating around him, and thrust into you harder, making you cry out. he reached over and grabbed his wand from his bedside table, casting 'muffliato' before tossing it the side, landing merlin knows where. "as much as i want everyone to know how good i'm fucking you, we don't wanna be too loud, do we?"
you shook your head hurriedly, pushing down onto fred, hair splayed out over the sheets, the light sheen of sweat over your forehead and chest glistening in the light shining in through the windows. this sight made him groan again. "i'm gonna cum, fuck."
swiping his thumb over your clit again, your body convulsed, pussy clenching around him. fred came hard, as did you, coming down from his high by harshly pumping a few last times into you, slipping out with a moan, and rolling onto his back beside you. you both tried to recover, panting. you threw your arm over your eyes, taking deep breaths, and fred wiped the sweat off his forehead. a silence enveloped the space between you, fred pulling the condom off and putting it in the bin beside his bed, then throwing on his boxers and turning on his side, hand propping up his head.
"so. better than the showerhead?"
"oh, go fuck yourself." you grinned.
"nah, i prefer when you do it."
before you could counter back, a long, high-pitched yell echoed from one of the boys' dorm rooms.
you raised your brows, "i think ron's back."
"would appear so, yeah."
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thotsome · 3 years
Harry Potter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Harry's been on edge for too long and after dropping off the kids, he can't wait to have you all to himself again ;) minors DNI
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), being grown ass adults?? Having kids, The tiniest daddy kink. Definitely NSFW, FLUFFY ending <3
Word count: 2.1k
Requested by: here's the request, by @anyqueen008 I hope you like it! Sorry it took so long!
Tags: @brod16 and @swiftssss <3 ~ DM to be added! ~
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You wiped a tear off your eye as you said goodbye to the mischief makers who made up three-fourths of your life. You turned to the most important quarter as you waved to the kids. They were all so grown up, even though sometimes you didn't feel the same way about yourself and your husband, and certainly not your marriage. It was an extended honeymoon period all along. You loved it, and you were sure you would never stop feeling like this for Harry.
The smile he gave you as he waved to the three still made your stomach flip. He'd worn his auror robes, he had to go to work just after. You loved seeing him in those sexy robes, but you hated what came with it. Him going to work, risking his life, everyday.
You looked around at the station you'd known so well, ever since you were a little girl of 11. You smiled fondly at remembering how you'd met Harry at this very station. It really was a charm, station 9¾.
As you looked back at your husband, you caught him already staring at you and you blushed. The way he was biting his lip was very inticing. You'd have loved for him to have you at this very spot, but you both knew why you couldn't. Stupid ministry job.
Reign in the horny, y/n, you told yourself
"So... um, Harry, I'll see you tonight?"
What the bloody hell was wrong with you? You were his wife of almost twenty years and you'd just acted like a nervous fifteen year old.
Harry smirked at your nervousness. "See you too y/n" and gave you a passionate kiss goodbye that had you yearning for more. But you couldn't keep Harry any longer. You gave him a small smile and apparated to the house.
The house was so empty without the kids. You felt both relieved and sad. You loved having them here during the holidays but it gave you and Harry less alone time.
Well, atleast you could do what you wanted now. You decided to do something completely wild, something a mom could never do. You stripped off your dress and decided to spend the day in your underwear. No one to see you, and no one to take care of, except yourself.
You put on some music to pass the time, and decided to bake some cookies for Harry to surprise him when he came back. He really did love chocolate chip ones, you remembered, and smiled.
You moved your hips to the song blurting out of the radio and sang along while mixing the batter, not even noticing a sharp crack sound because you were too engrossed in trying to twerk and put the cookies inside the oven at the same time. Once you were done you set the timer to thirty minutes from now, and turned to exit the kitchen. Only you didn't.
Because there stood Harry, with a gigantic smirk on his handsome face.
"H-Harry!" You exclaimed.
Oh merlin, how long had he been standing there?
"What's the matter, dear? You look like you've been caught being naughty"
He still referenced something that happened in your school days ever so often, and you'd turn scarlet each time. You had had your hands down your pants when you were waiting for him in 7th year. But it was all his fault! He teased you so much.
And right now he was advancing slowly towards you. You needed to say something. You swallowed and finally said
"How come you're home? No work today?"
"Actually, I thought I needed to do something more important at home today"
You noticed how he put emphasis on the 'do'.
"And what may that be?"
"Something rather scantily dressed."
He had you pressed against the kitchen counter by now. He was so close to you, you wanted to reach out and touch his collar and pull him towards you and kiss him senseless. But before you could move, Harry had claimed your lips.
He was such a great kisser. It had surprised you that night in Hogwarts and it still did. He tasted so good. As his tongue glided over your lips, you opened your mouth and gave him access to yours.
You could feel Harry's member pressed against you, already hard. That, combined with how Harry's hands were teasing you, caused you to moan inside his mouth. Oh, how you'd missed this!
Harry moved his hands to your ass and cupped it, picking you up and setting you on the counter. You split your legs so Harry could stand as close to you as possible. You felt like your body was on fire. Merlin knows how he still had that effect on you.
Harry pulled away from the kiss with a cheeky grin. You didn't have time for that now, you needed him inside you.
"Harry, please" you moaned.
"Not yet, sweetheart" and saying that he slid down to his knees so that his face was level with your already wet cunt. You widened your eyes as you blushed. You hadn't been eaten out in so long.
Almost too eagerly, you spread your legs wider on the counter and Harry hooked them over his shoulder, making it easier for you. He really was the sweetest, you thought as you entangled your fingers in that wild, messy black hair you found so appealing.
But a jolt of pleasure brought you back to reality
Harry was rubbing your pussy through the thin material of your panties. He looked up at you and gave you a lopsided grin.
"Who could've guessed my prim, proper wife's cunt would still drip like this for me?"
"Harryyy" you moaned. You needed him to do more.
He pulled your panties down roughly at that and brought his lips closer to your waiting clit, teasing you and making you wetter by the second.
"You little slut, you're so wet. Such a good slut for me."
You could feel his breath on your clit. You nodded, trying to get him to give you what you needed so desperately. But he looked unsatisfied.
"Use your words, darling."
"Your slut, Harry. You make me so wet" you were barely able to choke out, since at hearing you say that, Harry had almost started attacking your pussy with his mouth. He swirled his tongue around your clit making it harder for you to breathe, and finally sucked it while you could only form half intelligible sentences.
But Harry liked it when you were verbal.
"Love, you're doing it so right... feeling so good.. ahh" was the best you could do.
When Harry pushed his tongue inside you, you let out a small scream. You panted and gasped as you gripped the counter's edge to keep yourself steady.
Harry kept muttering about how sweet you tasted and how he could eat you all day long as you moaned.
As Harry ate you out, you could feel the knot in your stomach growing and your knuckles turned white as you held onto the counter. You moaned Harry's name and said
"Harry, m' gonna cum"
Harry licked your labia one last time while toying with your clit with his thumb and pulled away to say "Then cum, y/n."
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you released with a moan all over Harry's face and blushed as you saw how sexy he looked like that. He licked you up to clean you, while you came down from your high, and sighed happily.
You realised your bra was still on, and it was hurting your hardened nipples. Your breasts felt so restricted. You took the bra off and your boobs spilled out, finally free and very full (as the result of three pregnancies). You weren't complaining though, Harry was totally a boob guy.
Harry looked up from your pussy and almost growled at seeing your perky breasts teasing him. He got up and took them in his hand to massage them as you moaned. He enveloped your mouth with his as he squeezed your boobs and pinched your nipples, making you gasp as he chuckled into your mouth, then brought his lips down to suck on your nipples and you threw your head back at the wonderful feeling. He bit down on your nipple softly, causing a jolt to go all the way to your core.
"Harry, I need you now" you said as you gripped his shoulders and started to unbutton his sexy auror robes.
"These stay on" Harry commanded as you raised your eyebrows. They were really tight robes, and you could practically see his bulge and the muscles on his chest through them.
"As you wish, Mr Potter" you whispered in his ear as Harry lifted you up with barely any effort and set you down on the kitchen table nearby. You didn't care that you ate on that bloody table
You laid down as Harry stood at the edge, near your opening. You lifted your knees up and allowed him better access to your swollen pussy, the result of your previous orgasm.
Harry took his incredible dick out of his unbottoned pants and stroked himself as you admired him. After a few more strokes, he positioned himself at your opening and looked at you for approval. You nodded as you thanked Merlin this man was yours. As he slid into you, you let out a scream as he grunted and moved inside you.
"You're so tight, y/n, fuck" he managed to say while you whimpered.
"Haven't... had sex...in a while now" you said as you tried to get used to the incredible feeling of being filled up completely.
"I'll have to fix that" you heard Harry say before all you could hear was your moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin.
Harry loved seeing you like this. How your back would arch as he hit a deep spot inside you, how your hair was spread everywhere, how you'd open your mouth to make soundless moans of pleasure and how your hand instinctively clutched your breasts.
He continued to pound into you, his hands holding up your thighs as you felt the knot in your stomach tightening. Your walls squeezed Harry's dick uncontrollably as he moaned and praised you. Your pussy was already sensitive from your earlier orgasm and the way Harry's balls hit your labia was driving you insane.
"So tight for daddy, you're so beautiful y/n"
You bit your lip and nodded before your eyes rolled back once again from Harry hitting your g-spot.
"Fuck Harry, I think I'm gonna, m'gonna-"
You screamed while you coated Harry's cock with your juices and he fucked you through your high, making it all the more intense. As you panted in pleasure you noticed that Harry's dick was bigger inside you and he was close to his own orgasm. As he was going to pull out you protested
"No, daddy! Cum inside me!"
Harry, hearing that, moaned and a moment later you could feel ropes of his hot seed inside you, filling you up and shooting deep into you.
Best. Feeling. Ever.
As Harry leaned over the table to kiss you, he asked, "Did you take your pills?"
You shook your head and smiled at him "I think I'm ready, love" you told Harry truthfully.
Harry smiled widely and kissed your neck "Round two, then?"
As you drove up to the station to pick the kids up, you couldn't help but be nervous. You hadn't told any of the three about your new month- old baby girl, and you hoped they would love her just as much as you and Harry did. Harry put his free arm around you and kissed your forehead briefly before turning his eyes back to the road.
You looked down at Belle. She really was so beautiful, you thought, as you snuggled her in your arms.
The train arrived soon after you reached the station, and you prepared yourself for the worst
As soon as Lily ran towards you, she broke out in a smile "Hey mom! Hey dad!" and then nearly screamed in delight "Oh my god, who's that!!!"
"That's your new baby sister" you told her, smiling, as Harry picked Lily up in his arms.
Albus and James were close behind Lily and James made a joke about how she was cuter than all the girls in his year as you laughed.
Albus gave the baby his pinky and Belle's little fingers wrapped around it. "I like her" he said, as you almost sighed in relief. Harry beamed at you and you couldn't have been happier as you all turned to go home.
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kelieah · 4 years
wicked witch of the west
dad!tom holland x mom!reader. fluff + crack. language. main masterlist. tom holland masterlist. taglist.
“please do sweetheart, you deserve a day off,” tom murmurs as he lies in between your legs. he kisses your shoulder and trails his lips all the way to your exposes belly.
“mm, is that so?” you whisper softly and thread your fingers through his hair. 
“it very so. mummy’s gotta take breaks more, alright?” he gently holds your hips and caresses you lovingly. you bite your lip and nod in response, giggling as he blows raspberries into your lower torso. 
a faint cry suddenly erupts from down the hall. “i think she’s awake,” he murmurs, continuing to press kisses against your skin. “that’s my cue.”
“have fun,” you tease and tilt your chin up as he leans over your body to connect his lips with yours.
“of course,” he chuckles and glares at you playfully. “let me know if you need anything darling. whether it be to go to the shop and get those pad thingies, or maybe some snacks?” he cups your face, giving your cheek a gentle squish as he speaks.
you stifle a laugh and push him away playfully. “thank you, tommy. i will let you know. love youu,” you say as he dramatically pulls away from you.
“if i die, know i love you more,” he cries out and closes the door. you giggle to yourself and shake your head, moving off of the bed you share with him. you recently got your period, and given you just gave birth to your second child not too long ago, they’re supposedly a lot more painful than usual.
you and tom have two beautiful children, a sassy two year old girl and a quiet baby boy. lila and august. lila definitely has tom’s attitude and dramatic antics, but you honestly couldn’t get enough of it. she’s a little him, constantly running around and mimicking your silly husband. august who is only a month old is already beginning to look like you and you’re both more than excited to see how he turns out.
you already had some breakfast that tom made for and brought to you while you you were in bed. you swear you could never stop falling for him. to you, it’s as if you manage to fall in love with something about him everyday. you tidy up the bedroom and walk off to the bathroom to freshen up.
“daddy?” lila cries out loudly while sitting up from her bed.
“good morning flower, i’m here. what’s wrong? c’ mere,” on time he enters her room and rushes over to her, sitting down on the floor next to her bed. 
she sniffles and lies her head against his shoulder, “i had a bad dweam. one where mummy a witch and she had this green face, it was scary. spider-man didn’t save me!”
“aw baby,” tom chuckles and cradles her head carefully, rubbing her back. “i’m spider-man, and look i’m here!” he grins at her.
she smiles slightly and sniffles, pulling away. “but where’s your suit?”
“i’ll show you soon, don’t worry. now c’ mon, breakfast baby,” he swoops her up in his arms. 
“but where’s mummy?” she whines and holds onto him, playing with his face.
he chuckles and kisses her forehead. “mummy is resting for today, i will be watching you and august, mk?”
“okay,” she murmurs as tom takes her to the kitchen.
throughout the day you attempt to try and help by doing some chores but tom immediately sends you back into the living room or bedroom, or wherever you prefer relaxing. eventually you oblige and decide to do some self-care, take a bath, put on a mask and watch some netflix.
after lunch, tom manages to put august asleep but eventually dozes off as well. lila giggles at her snoring dad and looks around cluelessly, losing interest in the show that is playing on the tv. “i miss mummy,” she pouts and crosses her arms with frustration. her dad’s words, let mummy rest, flash through her mind but she smirks and brushes them off.
she waddles over to the pantry and pushes the door away, due to it already being open. she smiles widely when she notices a favorite snack of yours on the lower shelf and walks over to grab it. she squeals quietly and runs off toward your bedroom, said snack in hand.
“mummmy?” lila calls out quietly, knocking on the door.
you were dozing off until her gentle sweet voice fills your ears. you pause your show and sit up. you walk over and open the door, looking down at her. “yes, honey—?”
she lets out a terrified scream and drops the snack, running away from you. “DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!” she wails piercingly while making her way toward tom and august. the two jump awake, startled by the noise and look her way. august begins to cry at the commotion and tom quickly cradles him, rocking him back and forth.
“lila! what is it? are you okay?” he stands up and places august in his playpen, giving him a pacifier. august easily calms down and focuses on sucking the toy, looking around the place with wide curious eyes as his bigger sister continues to cry hysterically. you blink repeatedly to process what just happened. you lean on the doorframe and glance at your family, eyebrows knit in concern. 
“m-mummy! it’s mummy, she’s got eaten by a witch, see i told you!” she cries and points at you accusingly. it then hits you that you’re wearing your green mud mask and instantly burst out laughing. in her poor, innocent ears your laugh imitates a witch’s laugh and she screams louder. 
tom picks her up, holding her close while rubbing her back. “darling, what are you...?” he looks over in the direction she’s pointing and lets out a startled yell. “bloody hell, the hell is that! we gotta go!” he gasps and begins to run off. 
lila sobs and you gasp too, glaring at him as he scurries away, flipping him off while his back is turned. “daddy, you forgot august!” she cries from her room.
“shit, you’re right! stay here, i’ll be right back,” he says hurriedly and rushes off to grab august. he picks him up securely and sticks his tongue at you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“oh mummy!” she wails and sits on her bed, waiting for tom and august to come.
“that was scary wasn’t it,” tom heaves, closing the door behind him as he sits next to her. she sniffs and nods, cuddling up to him. august is still clueless yet mindlessly sucking on his binky. tom and lila freeze at the sound of a knock on her door. 
you shake your head and open the door, mask still on with an amused expression painted on your face. “seriously?” you cross your arms.
lila yelps and hides behind tom, as he begins to laugh loudly. you walk over and kneel down, holding out your hand. “baby girl, it’s me, mummy.”
your soothing voice puts her at ease and she pops her head out, smiling sheepishly. “oh.”
“no, it’s the wicked witch of the west,” tom covers his mouth while whispering back to her. you smack his forehead and he winces, holding the spot you hit. “just kidding!”
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eggfryneno · 3 years
Bakugo x reader (angst-comfort)- Part 1
TW!!!: Mention of self-harm, Depression, drugs, suicidal thoughts , suicide attempt
you have been warned, proceed with caution. If you are uncomfortable with the things mentioned above, or it triggers you, please scroll, I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable.
 A/N(Author’s note): This fanfiction is for comfort of depression. I don’t claim these characters as mine, they belong to their rightful owners
 Characters: Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, Ururaka Ochako, Mina Ashido,...
 You are a student in UA high, your quirk is however you prefer, you are in class 1A. Bakugo is your childhood friend, so is Deku.  ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 
who am i?
 “ y/n, Wait up!” You heard a famiiar voice panting behind you as you were walking towards the exit of Yuuei.” Ochako, your classmate, was fowarding to you. You stopped in your tracks. Waving at her with a soft smile. “ Hey, Ochako.”  The girl huffed as she bended down to her knees for support. “ W-wanna go.. to the ... convinience store, with us?” Ochako offered, catching her breath. “ We don’t have homework today so we could go around for a little.” Deku sheepishly said, now appearing behind Ochako. You stopped, doing the thinking motion before apologzing. “ Sorry guys,... I’m a little busy today. But i will try my best to hang with you guys more.” Ochako’s smile faltered. “ Are you sure? You don’t look so good... We just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” Deku eyed you worriedly, his gaze dodging yours. You chuckled lightly. “ I’m alright.” Deku and Ochako looked at you with an anxious expression. Before they spoke up “ If you insist... we’ll be heading off now.” And so, they walked away. 
 A mistake. 
 That’s what you thought of yourself, when the sharp blades of the kitchen knife in contact with your bare, fragile skin. You hated yourself. So much. It was no denying that you wanted to vanish from existence, to end it all. You had thought about meeting up with a professional, but you didn’t want anyone to be worried about you when you didn’t show up in class. How is that life so unfair? You slowly felt as if the world surrounding you had slowly collapsed into a pile of dust. Perhaps you didn’t feel like crying anymore. The only thing you felt was an endless train of numbness that always present after you cry. But lately, that sort of feeling stayed. Day by day, you put on a smiley face, play dumb so  that people wouldn’t look at you with those pityful gaze. But as you could feel it, the mask was falling apart. Your empty eyes were blinded by the sudden wetness that flowed down your cheeks. You dropped the bloody weapon on the floor as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Flaws, all of the thing you saw were flaws, everywhere, you hated your body, you hated yourself, perhaps it was more of the disgust you had for yourself. There were mutiple scars on your wrists, legs, thighs. They were too noticable so you corvered them up with your long sleeved shirt. That empty space in you grew when you distance yourself from people, you seemed more... exhausted, hostile and your smile had cracked. 
you had enough.
You muttered, exiting your dark, messy room. You could feel the wind howl just by standing near the entrance of the rooftop.
The door opened.
You walked over to that one spot you have stood everyday. Everyday you told yourself ” No.” But today was an exception. You let your body led you to the edge of the building.
“ I’m sorry, Everyone.” Muttered before giving yourself a tired smile, tears formed, you slightly hissed at the itchyness of the sallty element running through your raspy skin.  You loosened up, closed your eyes and let yourself fall for once and all.
 You were startled when a pair of large, muscular arms pulled you in back to the cold solid ground. Wide-eyed, you looked up to see the figure of someone familiar. It was, Katsuki Bakugou. Your childhood friend. With fear and regrets, you cried “ I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to..” Frantically, you covered your face shocked, when you found out, Bakugo was uncontrolably shaking, his large arms huddled you close, yet so gentle , as if you would vanish if he touched you. To your surprise, his eyes were watery. “ WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!” He angrily exclaimed, his voice was shaking. Then, he noticed your scars, you went quiet for a moment. He cursed under his breath before glaring at you straight in the eyes. “ YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME WHAT WAS GOING ON! YOU WORRIED ME SO MUCH, DON’T YOU SEE IT?!” Bakugo scolded you, Hugging you tight in his arms. You didn’t answer, it was too much of a pain, that you didn’t want to talk about it anymore. After awhile, you managed to mutter an apology, only to be scold about it again. “ I love you. Listen to me, I. LOVE.YOU.” Bakugo spatted, his eyes still watery. “So don’t you dare leave me. Tell me all of the things you are worried, sad about and we’ll go through this together.” His voice gradually softened. Hearing him  say that made something in you burst, and so, you held on him tightly while you sobbed into his warm, comforting chest. 
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wondernimbus · 4 years
breaking point — draco malfoy
pairing: draco malfoy x female!reader
summary: draco reaches breaking point.
a/n: i wrote this for @nebulablakemurphy​‘s writing challenge !! congrats again and i hope i did your prompt justice <3 the prompt was “i had no choice” and will be in bold (also can i just say this was so sad to write .. draco just needs a hug my dudes)
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[Y/N] knows every inch of Draco better than she knows herself. Knows all of the quirks that he thinks are flaws, all his little insecurities, his habits and his innermost secrets and all the worries that plague his head even before he tells her about them.
But she doesn't know how long he has been like this. She notices, though, that the light in Draco's eyes has begun to dim; he is losing some of his color, the bags under his eyes deepening, the frown lines drawn across his face growing more prominent. The worst part is that she doesn't know exactly when this started—how long he's been like this—but one day she knocks on his dorm room, when all of his roommates are home for the holidays and only a few Slytherins have chosen to stay.
When she pushes open the door, Draco is alone, hunched over at the edge of his bed with his head in his hands, bowed down like he's trying to become as small as possible.
She stops in the doorframe. 
"Draco?" she says softly, rapping her knuckles against the open door as she steps inside the room. It's dark. The lanterns are off. "Why weren't you at dinner?"
Draco doesn't respond. Only as [Y/N] draws nearer does she realize that Draco's hands are trembling in his hair, and [Y/N] panics a little, feels her breath catch in her throat with dread as she pauses halfway to him.
"Draco?" she asks quietly, tentatively, stepping forward and reaching out a hand to touch him—
But then Draco recoils like he's been struck, standing up so suddenly [Y/N] lets out a quiet little gasp.
"Get out," he whispers, eyes wide but not quite meeting hers, and his voice—he doesn't sound like himself. Doesn't look like himself, either; he looks more tired than ever, like he's aged a thousand years older, his face gaunt and sunken. [Y/N] stares at him, at a loss for words.
Since when had it gotten this bad? She'd known for a while that something was up; something he wasn't telling her. Something she couldn't figure out. But she thought she was helping him by not bringing it up and by giving him space.
Guilt blooms inside of her chest. Should she have tried harder? Found out what exactly it was so she could help him properly and not just sit by the sidelines, thinking that she was helping, but in reality she'd watched him get worse?
Like a ticking time bomb, she thinks to herself. And I just let him explode. 
She takes a hesitant step forward, hand held out before her as she says, gently, (and yet there is only so much she can do to mask how her voice shakes), "Tell me what's wrong, Draco."
"Get out."
"Darling," her breath rattles in her throat. "Let me help."
[Y/N] pauses several feet away from him. He has whipped out his wand, pointed it directly towards her, and [Y/N] freezes in place.
"You can't help me," Draco says, breathing ragged. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," his voice cracks, his wand shaking in his hand. "Get out. Please."
[Y/N] inhales sharply. But even then, she doesn't stand down. She isn't afraid of Draco; she could never be. She should see a dangerous boy with his wand pointed at her, capable of doing anything he wants to to force her out of the room, but instead all she sees is Draco. The boy she has loved for so long, who, for some reason that she doesn't yet know, is in so much pain.
"You're not going to hurt me," she says. There isn't a sliver of doubt in her voice.
Draco makes a frustrated noise, his lips curling in a way that lets [Y/N] know he's trying to hold it together. "You don't.. you don't know that. You don't know what I'm capable of, [Y/N]," he says, and it should sound threatening, but all she hears is anguish. "You don't know what I've become."
[Y/N] risks another step closer to him. Five feet away. The hand holding his wand stays up, pointed directly towards her, but she knows, the same way she knows that the sun will rise and fall everyday, that Draco wouldn't hurt her.
"Draco," she begins, fighting to keep her voice steady. "Just let me help you. Tell me what's wrong."
And then Draco does something that knocks the breath out of her throat—roughly, he pulls up the sleeve of his robes, revealing the skin of his left arm.
A tattoo of a skull, with a serpent protruding from its mouth.
The Dark Mark.
And all of a sudden everything makes sense.
[Y/N] blinks and forces herself to breathe again, mind untangling bits of logic, stringing them around her throat, pulling tight. "Draco—"
"I had no choice!" he screams; a guttural sound. Something so pained it doesn't even sound like him anymore. But he doesn't look or sound or seem angry at her—no, the way he tugs at his hair in frustration, the blazing look in his eyes all suggests that he is more angry at the world than anything. Angry at himself, even. But not at her. "He said he'd kill everyone I loved if I didn't take the bloody mark—he said he'd murder my entire family—and [Y/N], he knows you, I don't know how but he knows you and he—"
A cut-off sort of choking noise leaves Draco's lips. "He said he'd force me to watch you die."
“Oh, Draco.”
She rushes forward just as he sinks to his knees, face contorting as he begins to cry—heartbroken sobs that surge straight through the spaces between her ribcage and sink into her heart. But the pain she feels as she wraps her arms around Draco and holds him close no doubt pales in comparison to what he feels.
"It's okay, it's okay," she whispers into the crown of his head, letting him cry into her shoulder. And it hurts, how this is the only thing she can do to help him, and it's excruciating—it's torture, how his chest lurches with the force of his sobs, how he tries to stifle the whimpers that leave his lips and he keeps choking out apologies as though this human show of vulnerability is something to be ashamed of. And it's not. It's not.
“It’s fine, Draco,” she murmurs, raking her hands through his hair, pressing comforting little kisses to the top of his head. “It’s okay. You can cry. It’s okay.”
She can't rid him of all his pain. God, she'd love to—if she could only reach straight into him and pull all the pain out, even if it means she has to bear the weight of his burdens herself, she would do it. With zero hesitation.
But she can't, so all that she is left to do is hold Draco as tightly to her as she can, his tears soaking into her collar. At some point—she doesn't know exactly when—she realizes that her own cheeks are wet, and that salty taste on her tongue is likely her tears, but this isn't about her. This is about Draco and that blasted mark on his arm and everything that he has been forced to endure. So she presses her lips together into a tight line, holding back her own sobs, silent tears dripping down her chin and onto Draco's hair.
She holds him until she loses track of time, sitting curled up on the floor as she waits for Draco's sobs to turn into quiet sniffles. When they do, she feels his shoulders sag as the fight in him dies down, replaced only by weak sort of defeat that has his head hanging low, leaning still on the crook of her neck, shoulders hunched over.
[Y/N] stays silent. She knows this isn't about her. So she waits, rubbing circles into his shoulder blades and carding her hands gently through his hair because she knows that it calms him. She waits for two, three minutes, but she doesn't count the seconds as they pass; just stares out the window of the Slytherin dorm room, watching the water ripple just behind the glass.
And she waits.
And waits.
And she knows she will wait for as long as it takes.
Finally, after some time, Draco makes a move to lift his head off of her shoulder. She lets him, slowly, hands sliding from his back to cup the side of his face as he draws away to look at her.
Draco stares at her through bleary eyes, and oh—[Y/N] feels more tears stinging at the back of her eyes, burning at her throat. He looks even more tired from up close. So, very tired. His eyes are swollen and his cheeks tinged pink from all the crying, but what has [Y/N]'s tears spilling over again is that sad frown on his face—and [Y/N] realizes, with yet another horrible rush of guilt, that this isn't the first time she has seen this look on Draco. It's the same expression he has worn every single day that [Y/N] convinced herself wasn't something to worry too much about, but now she sees it clear as day: that look of resignation, as though he's been through so, so much and just wants to rest. To have it done with.
So, so tired. And so sad.
And it's that sudden realization—that she might not know Draco as well as she thought she did, that he has been here, struggling, all of this time, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders without anyone to help him bear it, and [Y/N] has never realized—it's the realization of that that has her whispering, "I'm sorry, Draco."
She leans forward, pressing her forehead against his, the tips of their noses just brushing as she closes her eyes and rakes in a deep, shuddering breath. "I'm sorry, darling. I should've known. I should've helped sooner."
But Draco is patient and loving and good, so much more than she deserves, so all he does is shake his head and say, quietly, "It's not your fault." Her eyes are closed and she misses the way Draco is staring at her—like he always has, like the entire sky is opening up after weeks and weeks of rain. "It's not your fault," he repeats, voice scratchy, but he finds the strength in him to lift a hand and cup the side of her jaw, thumbing at the tears that have fallen on her cheeks despite the ones on his own.
[Y/N] swallows down the lump in her throat, squeezes her eyes shut for a few more moments, then opens them again. She pulls away and moves her hands to hold his lower arm—the one with the mark—and gently, she makes Draco hold the tattoo up between the pair of them. Her breathing is still erratic, but she says, her hands cradling his arm, smoothing over his skin, "This doesn't change anything."
Draco's eyes swim with all sorts of conflicting emotions—anger and guilt and disgust and sadness—as he stares down at the mark, lips turned down into a frown.
"Draco, listen to me," she whispers, urging him to look at her. "If you think that this stupid mark makes you any less of a person, you're wrong. You are still the same boy I fell in love with. The same boy I'm still in love with, and that's not going to change, Draco, do you hear me? You're—" she pauses as a tear slips down her cheek and onto his arm, landing on the Dark Mark. "You are brave," she says, voice laced thick with emotion as her grip tightens. "And I love you."
And Draco is still scared. Still so terrified of what's to come. The mark on his wrist isn't going away—no amount of regret will ever have it fade—but sitting here, sharing the same breath as the girl who makes his heart feel like everything is going to be okay, no matter how bleak things may get, no matter how hopeless life may seem, Draco allows himself to think, even for a few, meager moments, that everything is going to be okay.
taglist:  @dancing-in-the-moonlight3 @kalimagik @alittletoomanyobsessions @hariosborn @obsessedwithrandomthings @emcchi @sxrensxngwrites @enjoying-fantasyland21 @masterofthedarkness @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @bforbroadway @hufflefluff-writer @summer-writes @chaotic-fae-queen @firewhisky-kisses @dracosvftie @heloisedaphnebrightmore @idont-knowrn @dreamer821 @peachesandpinks @slytherinprincess03​ @chocfrogaddict @nebulablakemurphy​ ​
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skzfairies · 3 years
tag list: @shinyddeonghwa @ateezjuliet
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okay so that live was very chaotic.. and even tho the members prevented anyone from showing their butt on making gestures w their hands, yuri was too quick for anyone to pull her down 😭
shes a runner shes a track star 🎶
ANYWAYS she was sitting in the back, so she quickly like backed away from the table, and the members were too busy arguing to even notice her rip
but she stood up quickly and turned around and went “one CHEEK, TWO CHEEK, ONE BUTT.” she deadass pointed to each of her buttcheeks and then circled around her whole butt 😭
the boys were like 😳😳YURI SIT DOWN
she just rolled her eyes and sat back down, some can hear her say “i’m too hot for this” or “idiots”, but it’s too quiet to rlly hear her 😭😭
hongjoong and yuri were doing a vlive and hongjoong was reading comments while yuri was drawing on her hand, we don’t know what she was drawing but do we want to know is the question 😀
hongjoong and yuri were doing a vlive and hongjoong was reading comments while yuri was drawing on her hand, we don’t know what she was drawing but do we want to know is the question 😀
hongjoong read the question, “is there anything you ‘re really interested in lately?” hongjoong gave his answer and looked over to yuri and she was.... still not listening
so hongjoong was like .... YURI and he repeated the question and she was just like “girls”, it was a while until yuri realized what she just said ... and hongjoong was trying his hardest not to laugh 😭😭 she slowly looked up and looked at the camera then hongjoong like 😳😳 and then 🤭
“i meant it interested in girl groups, i really like red velvet recently...yeah...didn’t complete my sentence. i don’t speak korean very well... sorry.”
yuri is still pulling the “i don’t speak korean” card even though SHE HAS BEEN LIVING IN KOREA FOR 5 YEARS NOW 😭😭😭 bestie we know the truth
she read that comment aloud in english... and she looked up in the camera in a disgusted face but was like 😕 quickly after cuz she’s an idol yk 😭
she looked at the camera for awhile, and then she looked at the ceiling for awhile, literally complementing her life rn, she sat there for like, three whole minutes
she was like .... did i really move almost 6,000 miles away from my home just to be asked to show her feet to the camera ???
she quickly moved on from the subject and never addressed it again 😭
ateez was doing a vlive together and everyone was sharing their tmi, and it was finally yuri’s turn so she was like 😏😏
“i met the love of my life the other day” she said, looking at the camera and back to reading the comments, ignoring the looks of suprise the boys were giving her, she was hiding her laugh behind her sweater paw hand until hongjoong was like “you need to explain more than that!”
she had to laugh for awhile until she was like “i met blaise’s cats the other day, and both of them are literally my soulmates. i don’t think i’ll ever meet someone who will ever make me as happy as them. besides atiny of course.” yuri chuckled, smirking when all of the boys rolled her eyes
“cant believe we were replaced by cats...” mingi grumbled.
ANOTHER group vlive
yuri is so chill in her solo lives but when she’s with her members... she says a lot of stuff that never will be real to me 😭
all of them were just reading comments and yuri said “i look so hot today and it’s literally a crime that none of you are complimenting me. atiny, ateez, your status from being my favorite person is being revoked.”
THE BOYS LITERALLY IGNORED HER until jongho was like “it’s a crime that we have to see your ugly face everyday”
“yeah, and you’re so annoying too. how do you think we feel?”
“shut up, without me, you wouldn’t know how to crack an egg without getting the shells every where.” yuri huffed, causing mingi to scream in denial, while san just whistled ... because it was true
yuri took matters in her own hands and walked up to the camera and showed off her beautiful outfit and then she posed for atiny to take screenshots for awhile, before sitting back down and acting like nothing happened
she even pretended to not hear wooyoung say “atiny please save us, shes like this everyday. i don’t know how much of her ego i can handle.” but she for sure tackled him when they got home
so yuri was walking into a vlive that seonghwa and hongjoong were doing (she always interrupts them, only to be called the problem child 😳)
so she was skipping into the view waving and smiling when she missed her step and she went BOOM right onto the floor on her face 😀
you could hear a loud smack to the ground and seonghwa panically turned around to make sure she was okay, only to find her laughing hysterically
she ended up getting a bloody nose and she didn’t even realize until she stood up and looked in the camera
“um...i’ll be right back guys.” she left and you can hear her yell in the hall “THAT WAS SO EMBARSSING OH MY GOD I CANT ANYMORE.” i’m english and both hongjoong and seonghwa had to hold in their laughter 😭😭
she came back and was like “atiny, i’m okay! i think i about scared seonghwa and hongjoong out of their skin though.” she laughed and stayed with them a little longer, until she finally ditched them once mingi was done doing something
she was like “peace out losers💪”
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lonely-harts · 2 years
Content Warnings: Injuries, captivity, caring whumper, intimate whumper, creepy whumper, noncon touch, noncon adminstering of medicine, drugs, the signs of possibly breaking
Whumpee sat slumped in the chair, his eyes focused on the door. He didn’t even know if Whumper locked it anymore.
The sunlight from above flickered as the trees outside swayed in a gentle breeze. It was nearly summer, Whumpee realised. Nearly summer but he hadn’t let that beautiful name escape from his lips.
Whumper pushed the door open, his eyes like those of a concerned doctor or nurse as he entered the room with a syringe full of something. His long jeans drank up the water that sat in puddles around the room as he crouched down in front of Whumpee.
Whumpee didn’t look down though, instead he carried on staring forward at the open door.
“Do you know what this is, Whumpee?” asked Whumper, holding Whumpee’s broken hand in his. He softly rubbed the hand bent and maimed by him as he waited for Whumpee to respond.
Whumpee didn’t break his gaze as he shook his head.
“Its a painkiller,” whispered Whumper. “I would love to give it to you, take away all this pain you feel. And all I need is one small word, a name. It won’t have to hurt anymore.”
Whumpee shook his head, his eyes trying count the steps he would have to take to be out of this room. Ten.
Whumper bit his lip and shook his head. “Please, I...” he muttered, tears trickling down his cheeks. “I hate seeing you this way, you make me hurt you every day... hurting me every day.”
His heartbeat quickening, Whumpee shook his head again. Just trying to move his legs to stand was impossible, but it was so within reach.
Whumper stood up and looked back at the open door. He moved between Whumpee and the door, forcing him to look up at Whumper’s red and pained face. “You haven’t been listening to a thing I have said, have you?” croaked Whumper, taking a step forward. “You’re cruel.”
Whumpee swallowed, and tried to move his cracked bloody lips. Nothing came out. But what could to make Whumper stop, other than his boyfriend’s name?
But through tears, Whumper smiled. “But I am not, Whumpee,” he mumbled. Tenderly, he held Whumpee’s twitching arm still, for that was all it could do now after months of being twisted, stabbed and smashed.
Whumpee looked down at his arm as the needle pierced his bruised and bloody skin and felt the liquid flow into his body.
“I am not cruel, if I were yours...” breathed Whumper, pushing himself closer into Whumpee. “He hurts you and me everyday. Unlike him, you wouldn’t have to hurt for me.”
For the first time in months peace washed over Whumpee’s mind, the painkiller flowed through his body, cradling his broken body. Cradled like when Whumper lifts him from the floor. Love after so much pain.
@scp-1296 @painsandconfusion
A kind of continuation of Day One of the Merry Whump of May
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lewdbabies · 3 years
~My pet~
warning:/ Nsfw, 18+ MDNI, degradation, Choking, raw sex, rough sex, gore, explicit language and content
sukunax reader smut
part 2 is posted on my page enjoy 😉
The sun relentlessly beats down on your exposed flesh above the water, A thick blanket of fog covers the surrounding area making it nearly impossible to see in the distance. You close your eyes sinking deeper into the hot spring allowing it to swallow you all the way up to your neck. Day time baths weren’t a regular reoccurrence of yours, you preferred bathing under the stars under the protection of the night sky. Just The thought of someone catching you NAKED made your face red hot. You were alittle insecure about your body growing up in a village where beauty was The foundation for your future added a lot of pressure onto your self esteem. It was drilled into each and every young woman if their body was not perfection they’d live a sad life with an awful husband. You never let others see how much this bothered you, you held your head up and radiated confidence even if it isn’t how you truly felt.
A branch. Your head snaps at the sound your arms impulsively reaching for your exposed chest.
“What do we have here” a monstrous voice hisses behind the fog.
Your heart is beating out of your chest, you scramble out of the water grabbing your satin robe from the ground.
“Who are you?!” You stumble backwards deeper into the lush wooded area. Your feet scream in pain with each step.
“No need for introductions, I am here merely for a day time snack” the voice is closer now. You can make out a towering silhouette it’s frame oozing with demonic cursed energy. You spin on your heels ignoring the stabbing pains shooting through you. You run aimlessly desperate for any chance of escape, The curse chases after you with murderous intent destroying all life that stands in its path.
Growing weaker you take refuge behind the nearest tree pulling your knees to your chest and desperately covering your mouth.
“It isn’t polite to play with your food come on out ,my sweet” you here a strained gagging before a foreign red liquid burst from behind striking the tree opposite of you. The tree began to melt and decay instantly turning into a bubbling rotten liquid spilling into the surrounding plant life.
‘If that touches me...I’m dead’ You think to yourself thinking of the best possible plan for survival.
You could stay hidden in hopes he will give up and leave or you could make a run for the temple. As far back as you can remember the elders have always reminded you to never enter the temple. The temple is a forbidden place but no one ever talked about why that is. You’d always wondered what resided in that temple ,you guessed it had to be some sort of demonic entity. Logically speaking big fish eats little fish and if you could lure the curse there you might be able to escape while it is distracted by they mystery monster. It was settled, the plan was reckless stupid even but it was your only option.
You dash forward zigzagging through the trees, you could see the temple right ahead of you so close yet so far.
You begin to yell so loud it feels like your throat is being ripped apart.
“HELP IS ANYONE HERE PLEASE HELP ME PLEAS-“ Burning. Deep excruciating Heat seeps into the entire left side of your body. You’ve been hit. The red liquid bubbles up chewing away at the fabric covering your skin and burrowing itself into your now exposed flesh. You let out a blood curdling screech clawing at the bloody exposed wound.
“I am trying to rest!” A voice booms through the air. You fall to your knees locking eyes with the male figure you can barely make out.
You reach towards the figure whispering “Run” before falling unconscious.
Tap. Tap. Tap. ‘Is someone... pacing?’ You question internally. You’ve been Aware for a while now listening carefully and analyzing each and every sound. So far You’ve been able to make out voices, Female voices Talking amongst themselves gossiping about the ‘mystery woman’ as they changed the water near your bed side. This presence was different it was cold and silent, observing your every movement. Tap. They are coming closer. Tap. Your body tenses. Tap. A shiver runs down your spine. You clench the sheets beneath you praying.
“I can smell your fear...” a rough calloused finger trails your cheek sending a current through your core.
Your eyes dart underneath your closed eyelids tears brimming, you attempt to swallow the lump lodged in your throat.
“Speak.” He growls low and deep.
You’re conflicted, You’d have to face him sooner or later playing dead can only last for so long. If he wanted you dead you’d be dead by now.
You peek through your eyelashes, and become face to face with...A man?
With further inspection you notice the strange markings lining his porcelain skin.
His Ivory robe hangs slightly open giving a clear view of the Dark lines decorticating his entire torso. His eyes are locked on you staring menacingly through his strawberry locs. You gaze into his pools of honey drowning in them. Despite the fear deep in your chest blood rushes to your cheeks in an instant.
“Who are you” his breath tickles your face.
“I-uh my name is Y/N”
He inches closer exploring every inch of your face, you scrunch your nose in protest.
“Who are you” his voice grows darker sending chills through your body.
“I already told you who I am” you bite back.
“ Well let me rephrase my question...What...are you”
You take a moment and think to yourself ‘what am I? What kind of question is that’ you raise your brow a look of frustration washes over your face.
“I don’t understand what you mean” he squints at your response.
Your attention suddenly averts to your arm , the last thing you remember was clawing at your own melting flesh yet there was no pain at all. Your arm is completely bandaged but you were certain they weren’t necessary. Your arm felt...healed, how long had you been here? You begin to panic wondering how much time had gone by.
“No human could sustain such an injury and survive now I’m going to ask you once more what...are you” his voice is dripping with viciousness it flows through you sending heat between your thighs.
“I am y/n a poor village girl who sells art in the city, my father is a farmer, my mother is dead, I live in a small run down home surrounded by land that is near impossible to harvest, I am regretful to say but I am human.” He sighs raising his hand to your throat claws grazing your neck. A warm droplet of blood trickles down your throat you swallow back the lump forming.
“Do you know who I am?” You stare at him watching the chaotic energy grow around him consuming his entire form. It swirled violently in a tsunami of Darkness stronger than any cursed energy you’d seen before.
Curses plagued your village all the time it was apart of your everyday existence but this was on another level. Each year official’s would come and host a challenge for the villages most “gifted”. A test to figure out who was gifted with spiritual abilities that could help the disposal of curses. You always knew you were gifted you could see past the blanket of reality, but you were weak physically unable to protect yourself and others on the battlefield. You decided to stay home and live out your days in the village with your father after a few failed attempts at the test. During these exams you’d seen many terrifying creatures but him...He was the embodiment of destruction nothing you’d ever witnessed before.
“You’re a curse...” His laugh rumbles deep within his chest,You grow irritated.
“My pet...” he brushes your cheek with the rough pad of his thumb.
He leans down lips brushing your ear,his breath fanning your skin.
“Ryomen Sukuna” he whispers.
Your eyes widen as your body paralyzes with fear. The strongest Demon to ever walk the earth is standing inches from your face. He smirks at your reaction his tongue tracing his bottom lip in approval.
You always seemed to stumble into misfortune situations but this... this is otherworldly.
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