#they even were each other’s wingman/wingwoman
vintage-bentley · 11 months
First Kill set my gay/lesbian solidarity expectations very high with Ben and Juliette’s friendship. Good Omens has a tough act to follow…
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ashwhowrites · 2 months
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! reader, Eds and Reader don't know each other, but Max and Dustin know both Eddie and Reader, and they both think that they would be a great couple so they try to get them to know each other but it never works. But what if Reader goes to the trailer park to take care of Max, or help her with homework but on her way to Max's trailer, Reader falls and Eddie sees it and helps her, after some time, Eddie and Reader start dating and it made Max and Dustin happy but they argue about who made that it happened? (I hope this make sense! I just imagine Max and Dustin seeing how similar Reader and Eddie are in some aspects so they're like, yeah, they would be a great couple, but for some reason, they can't make them like meet each other or even see each other! you can change some things if you think it'll be better!)
I love writing Max as a bestie. This idea is adorable. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting♥︎
Wingman vs Wingwoman
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Max was surprised to find herself being friends with a cheerleader, granted it was forced in the beginning. Max's mom has been on an insane level since everything happened with Billy, so she refuses to let Max be alone. Y/N became Max's babysitter, Max wasn't warmed to the idea at first but now it was more of friends hanging out compared to babysitting.
Y/N was way more chill and interesting than the other cheerleaders, shocking Max. They talked, watched horror movies, shared comic books, and went to skate parks. With all of Y/N's badass interests, Max realized she might not be the only one who would adore her. Max knew she had to get Y/N to meet Eddie.
Dustin fell in love with Y/N the second she walked into the student council. Dustin's mom wanted him to engage in more school activities ( apparently hellfire wasn't real enough. ) But the student council wasn't horrible when Y/N was the president. Dustin was a love-sick puppy when it came to her and he practically was her vice president with how much he did for the club. Or for her. With her leading confidence and how high she held her head, Dustin couldn't help but see a bit of Eddie in her. That's when it snapped in Dustin's head that Eddie would love to meet this girl.
Max was rushing Y/N to Hellfire with a purpose in mind.
"I'm gonna be late for the student council!" Y/N groaned as Max dragged her arm down the opposite hallway.
"I know! I just need to show you something." Max said, a tiny smirk on her face. Her blue eyes lit up with mischief.
Max cheered as they reached the door, Y/N looked at her confused for two reasons. One, Max was excited about something, and two it was about a door with hellfire written on cardboard.
"What the hell is this?" Y/N asked, Max didn't answer, so she yanked open the door.
Max's smile and mood fell when she didn't see Eddie. Just the same losers she always saw.
"Where is he?" Max demanded, her foot stomped against the glossy floor.
"Dustin, dude, we can't be late for this campaign. The rest of the sheep are already set up." Eddie scolded but Dustin didn't listen. Just yanking Eddie down the hall.
"Just one minute!" Dustin groaned. He sighed at the lack of patience Eddie had.
"Where are we even going?" Eddie huffed.
"Tada!" Dustin cheered as he yanked open the wooden door. Eddie peeked in over Dustin's head and felt confused.
"Tada? It's a group of nerds talking about the school."
"It's called the student council, and she's not here!" Dustin growled. Where the hell was she?
Max and Dustin had no idea they were trying to get Y/N and Eddie to see each other. And they had no idea they were backfiring each other's plans.
"No! I need Eddie, I've been trying to get him to meet this girl for weeks!" Max snapped at Dustin, her icy blue eyes glaring straight at him.
Dustin felt himself shivering in fear but tried to stay confident.
"I don't care. I've got a way better girl for Eddie to meet."
"Mine's better, just watch." Max scoffed as she raced off on her skateboard.
"What did red want?" Eddie asked as he walked to his van.
"No clue. But look, I need you to drop me off at school early tomorrow, student council meeting." Dustin lied, Eddie huffed but agreed as he started the engine.
"Max, what's up? Dustin said he needed me this morning." Y/N asked as Max kept looking up and down the hallways.
"I just need to see something!" Max said as she looked into the parking lot. She saw Eddie's van but she couldn't find him at all. She checked all the rooms she knew Eddie knew but nothing.
"Dude, we've been here for ten minutes, when does this meeting start? We are the only ones here." Eddie sighed. He could have gotten another hour of sleep but this damn kid.
Dustin checked his watch with a pit of anxiety in his stomach. Y/N said she'd be here and she is nowhere to be seen.
"Whatever. I'm going to have a smoke." Eddie said as he walked out the door.
Not even two minutes later Y/N walked in with a grumpy Max.
"Of fucking course," Dustin said as he shook his head.
Max and Dustin were slowly wanting to give up. Every plan they had was backfired. Somehow Eddie and Y/N were always at the wrong place at the right time.
Y/N groaned as she walked through the muddy trailer park. She regretted wearing her nice shoes. A huge van came speeding down the road, frightening her into slipping in the mud.
She groaned as she landed on her ass. Now her clothes were as muddy as her shoes.
The van slammed on their breaks and a boy came running out.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." The boy apologized, he kneeled next to her as he softly helped her stand up.
She went to scream in his face but once she took in his face, she was silent. He was the most gorgeous boy she's ever seen. His soft skin, bone structure, nice jaw, and flowing brown curls rested on his shoulders.
"Oh, that's alright." She shrugged off with a smile. She was sure she'd have fallen for him the same way if he still wasn't holding her up by the waist.
Eddie didn't hear a word she said. Too amazed at how beautiful the girl was. He didn't even realize he was still touching her until she shifted.
"Shit sorry." He apologized again as he removed his hands. He took in her muddy clothes.
"This will sound so creepy, but can I drive you to my trailer to get you new clothes? I feel awful." Eddie smiled as she laughed.
"It is super creepy, but I also don't want to babysit in these clothes." So she agreed and they rode off to his trailer. Only to connect the dots that Max was right across the way.
"Here! It's just an old shirt and some sweatpants." Eddie said as he handed Y/N the clothes.
"Do you want me to drive you to the trailer you need?" Eddie asked as they stood at his front door.
"It's actually just right there so I can walk. Thank you, what was your name?" She asked.
"Eddie Munson, and you?" He asked as he held out his hand.
Max eyed Y/N as she walked in covered in mud and clothes in her hand.
"What happened to you?" Max asked as she got off the couch.
"Slipped in mud, but I got new clothes so gonna change!" Y/N said she walked into the bathroom, with a smile on her face.
A month passed and Max was preparing to give up. No matter what she did, she never got Eddie and Y/N in the same room.
"Why can't you come tonight again?" Max asked, Y/N walked beside her down the hallway.
"I've got a date, but your mom is staying home," Y/N explained.
"Where is the date? I've got a guy for you and I bet he's way better than whatever loser you picked yourself."
"Rude, he is not a loser. I appreciate in a weird way that you want to set me up, but I'm fine. We are going to the movies."
"Dustin, I can't! I'm going to the movies for a date." Eddie sighed as he searched for an outfit to wear.
"Waste of time, bro. I've got the perfect girl for you. Just cancel, then come be my wingman at the diner then I'll set you guys up!" Dustin argued.
"First, I am way too old to be your wingman. It's creepy. And second, this girl is hot, I'm not ditching."
"Come on dude! You are my only ride and my mom said I needed a babysitter. Steve is working so please?"
"She's here, see ya," Dustin said as he ran to an empty booth with his date.
Eddie picked a seat where he could see the back of Dustin's head.
He smiled when Y/N took the seat across from him, blocking Dustin.
They dived into a conversation and the time flew by in seconds.
Dustin said goodbye to his date and walked over to Eddie, he noticed Eddie was alone.
"Stood up?" Dustin mocked as he pointed to the empty seat.
"Bathroom, now beat it," Eddie said, but Dustin sat down instead.
"I've got nowhere to go, you are my ride." Dustin shrugged, grabbing a fry from the plate in the middle of the table. "Plus, my girl would be so much better for you."
Max walked into the diner, and her mom drove her to pick up dinner. She waited near the counter as she waited. She gasped when Y/N walked out of the bathroom.
"What are you doing here? I thought you had a date?" Max asked, her arms crossed.
"I do! We changed it to her because he had to babysit." Y/N explained.
"Babysit? Can't get a real job?" Max mocked and rolled her eyes.
"Watch it. I'm a babysitter." Y/N declared as she glared at the younger girl.
"Is he still here? I want to meet him so I can prove my guy is better."
Y/N sighed but agreed, walking Max to the table.
Eddie looked between them confused, "you two know each other?"
"How the hell do you know her?" Dustin spazzed as he looked at Eddie with huge eyes.
"EDDIE IS THE GUY!" Max squealed, and Y/N was confused about her showing a positive emotion.
"What is going on?" Eddie and Y/N asked at the same time.
After Dustin and Max explained their sides, they left the couple alone. Dustin walked Max out to her car, killing time until Eddie was ready to leave.
"I so did that." Dustin bragged, he nodded in improvement as Eddie slid his arm around Y/N as they walked out.
"They didn't even know you were trying to set them up, plus she met him because of me!" Max argued
"No, she did not!" Dustin fought back.
"Yes huh!"
"No huh!"
"It's kinda cute they wanted us together so much," Y/N said, walking out of the diner.
"I'm surprised Dustin thought I was in your league." Eddie chuckled, his arm still over her shoulder.
"I'm surprised you'd even like a cheerleader," Y/N replied.
"When they look like you? Yeah, I like the cheerleader." Eddie teased, but his heart raced as she laughed and swatted at his chest.
He might have to give Dustin a praise for this.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger
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kwnnys · 1 year
— kyle, eric, & kenny w a dirty minded reader (platonic) !
hcs : g/n reader a/n : this idea was haunting my mind and I js had to write it 😓😓 also I originally wanted to add stan but I had no ideas for him sorry 😭😭 warning(s) : nsfw mentions
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— kyle broflovski
you and cartman are the reason why hes this close to going insane
you love bothering him with silly jokes that make his face as red as his hair, bursting out laughing as he pinches the bridge of his nose
especially in public. you two would be sitting beside each other in the assembly hall when you randomly get a dirty thought. grinning evilly as you whisper said thought in the gingers ear.
his head will immediately cock towards you and he'll give you the most DISGUTING and STANKIEST expression known to man.
you only laugh it off.
you also like to bother him with 'does the carpet match the drapes?' questions, to which he always refuses to answer.
physically gags whenever he sees you staring at some person all drooly.
you draw dicks on his homework when he isn't looking. in pen.
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— eric cartman
one of the few people that actually tolerates your shitty humor.
he snorts at most of your jokes, and he considers you as his 3rd best friend after butters and kenny.
you two like tag teaming against stan and kyle whenever they get TOO close, much to the disappointment of the duo.
"I love you, kyle" "I love you too, dude" "jesus, why don't you two go and makeout at this point." "yeah, grind on each others dick while you're at it!"
usually ignores you when your gawking at some hot person, but occasionally tells you to shut up.
he does get annoyed sometimes when you're restless and joke around too much for one day.
HATESS whenever you make jokes about his mom. will literally throw hands and tell on you.
calls you a horny virgin
used to rip on you 24/7 till you 'jokingly' said you were into it.
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— kenny mccormick
the most iconic duo ever.
the only person that understands you and your dirty mind 😞
you guys CONSTANTLY ogle at random hot people, whispering and giggling to each other as said person just stares at you two in concern.
you both also exchange playboy magazines all the time. and you two are hella sketchy when doing so.
"got the goods, ken?" "yeah, got it right here"
the group thought you were doing drugs at first tbh.
you and kenny are always fueling dumb ideas and questions into each others minds
you two are also each others wingman/wingwoman 🤝
you guys made a pact a few years ago that if at 35 you were both still single, you'd get married
jokes about who has the bigger dick constantly (even funnier if you're afab)
kenny is probably the kind of guy to moan randomly during class, you both think its the funniest shit ever.
you guys like to buy flavored lube and rate it. probably also fed it to cartman once telling him it was some candy.
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fawnfictions · 9 months
Could you do platonic headcanons for Mei with a female reader? I love the monkie kid team but Mei deserves to have girl friends!!
dragon girl besties
— mei & fem!reader
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u are actually so right!!! mei deserves more love from ALL of us, and away from those stinky boys /j
serious for a moment tho—it makes me sad to see quite a lot of the fanbase don't like her? which, i sort of get to some degree, but c'mon!! its silly dragon girl!! shes so cool!!!
;; platonic, just besties being besties, girl moment with no warnings.
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- she would be SO EXCITED to have another gal in the group.
- as much as she loves her friends, hang outs with only girls hit different, and she's never really gotten the chance to experience those 'girl only' sleepovers or (platonic) dates.
- so, she's deciding a time and place the MOMENT you're free to hang out.
- would definitely take you to the arcade, and doesn't let MK come despite his complaints.
- eventually, though, you and Mei would be besties with MK and Red Son.
- just.... let Mei make up for lost time, first, yeah?
- she'd be dragging you around, showing you all of the best arcade machines, encouraging you to play them with her, whilst getting your ass handed to you every time.
- very determined to make you her friend, so she's pulling out ALL the stops.
- taking you to the coolest hangout spots, buying you snacks, showing you her favourite songs.
- and sleepovers? ARGH
- she is doing ALL the classic 'mean girls' sleepover tropes.
- painting nails? check, watching cheesy romcoms? of course, gossiping? ABSOLUTELY.
- at one point, MK tries to sneak in when the two of you were gossiping while painting each others nails.
- when noticed, he got a face full of pillow-attacks. it was safe to say, he wouldn't try to join in the 'super secret girls-only sleepover' ever again.
- then you go back to giggling, whilst pointing out attractive actors in the movie playing on screen.
- i feel as if her parents would be glad that she's got a girl friend, too—like, hanging out with men constantly is fine, but the friendship between two girls can be more healing and relaxing.
- plus, she's able to be less boyish around you, able to let her inner teenage-self out.
- i feel like shes actually really good at styling your hair,, she'll happily sit behind you and braid it, or put it in cute buns, whatever you want!!
- she becomes lowkey protective of you?
- not in the possessive or too-far sorta way, but in the girls-gotta-stick-together sorta way.
- just always looks out for you, and is probably to first to come to your aid, or realise if you're missing/something is wrong with you.
- and, of course, you'd do the same for her!
- if you had become friends BEFORE the Samadhi Fire events, you definitely would've had a helping hand in calming Mei down, and getting her to control the fire within.
- she definitely seeks comfort from you if MK isn't around, or if it's specifically not for his ears.
- she'd tell you a lot that she wouldn't feel comfortable confiding in MK for, which tends to strengthen the bond between you two quite a lot.
- ABSOLUTELY becomes your wingman wingwoman if she finds out about any possible crushes/love interests.
- she is, surprisingly, really good at keeping secrets sometimes.
- but, if you want to be really good friends with her, you've gotta get along with MK, too.
- she'll be so happy if the two of you get along REALLY well—now, she has two bestfriends!! (not including Red Son, but hes there too ;)) )
- overall, Mei as a bestie would be so fun!! and it'd make her so happy!! to have a good female friend—even if she is a tad overwhelming with it, at first; she's just excited at the opportunity :(
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selfcestmovies · 4 months
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Wingwoman Carol Danvers x Carol Danvers (mentions of Carol x Maria) Wordcount: ~2800 Warnings: fluff, smut, first time, experimentation, prequel, one night stand, carol is a bicurious mess, selfcest
~ * ~ * ~
Carol had joined Project Pegasus not knowing much about the organization, but she knew they had the fastest planes and were eager for new recruits not afraid to try out experimental tech. Carol couldn't sign up fast-enough when given the chance.
And it was... fine. The gear was top-notch and her fellow recruits were just as hot-headed as she was, which was nice. Carol had hoped that this type of fast-paced environment would finally make her happy, and it did, for a time. But just as she had felt in school, and in college, and in every circle she had entered before in life, the pain was there. Like a splintering in the back of her soul. Like she wasn't who she wanted to be.
Carol pretended like she didn't know where the emotion came from, but she was smart enough to make an educated guess. She knew the pain swelled the most after she hooked up with guys; the experiences left her feeling fake and empty, without fail, and yet she convinced herself the problem was always with the men being substandard. "Never my type," she'd joke with her friends, like Maria Rambeau, her fellow recruit.
The emotions around Maria were different. A dull type of ache, like Carol had felt before around any amazing woman that she had befriended over the years. These moments always left her feeling unfulfilled, untapped. Like she wasn't living up to her potential.
Pegasus offered plenty of distraction. Carol buried herself in the work.
She had only been with the program for four months before they approached her for something that her handler deemed "out of the ordinary." It was called Wingman. The US government had been working on technology to create quantum duplicates of their pilots to allow for seamless synchronous coordination during flight patterns.
Carol brushed off a lot of the jargon. In fact, she brushed off a lot of everything: the ethical ramifications, the risk of strain on her body and mind, and even several long disclaimers about side-effects (including death) if the quantum cloning were to go haywire. She just wanted to take on new risks and move up in the ranks quickly. She nodded, signed the dotted line, and asked for her orders.
By next morning, there were two of her.
"Holy shit." "Holy shit." They both spoke unison from across the small room; their appearance was identical, down to the stitching on their uniforms. Like a true reflection in a mirror, they removed their aviator glasses and approached for a better look. They were perfectly and completely identical.
Their handler explained what to expect: that the two would be monitored closely, both during training exercises and just around the base if they ever interacted. They would have separate — albeit, identical — living quarters. They would both respond to "Carol" or "Private Danvers" if asked.
"She doesn't get a different name," one Carol asked, gesturing to the clone.
"I was about to ask that," the other huffed and crossed her arms. "But I agree, won't that get confusing?"
The protocol was clear: since they were both Carol Danvers, down to every micron, they both maintained equal claim to the identity. It might be confusing, but it was what she signed up for.
Carol didn't like it one bit.
They never really... spoke, at all. Over the next week, they were in plenty of joint meetings and briefing sessions. When they were assigned to run drills together and fly in formation, they did so masterfully. The two were on a flawlessly matched wavelength, anticipating each other's movement and intentions without the need to check-in, brainstorm, or question motives. The brass was impressed.
And Carol found herself confused, mostly. She tried to talk to Maria and process her feelings. "I think I'm too competitive," she struggled to voice the words. "I don't like seeing another person as good as I am, I guess."
Maria just laughed. "Yeah, the other Carol told me that yesterday."
Fuck. She couldn't even talk to her closest friends without feeling far-too-evenly-matched with the double. It didn't help that every time she spotted the other Carol around base that she'd stare idly in her direction, only to avert her gaze the moment the clone saw her looking. Carol tried not to cast blame, though, since it wasn't uncommon for Carol to catch the other woman staring back at her, too. It was just bizarre to look at herself from the outside; clearly she and the clone were both transfixed by the out-of-body experience. They never talked about it. They'd just steal glances whenever the chance allowed, knowing full well that the other Carol was guiltily doing the same.
Why she was so fascinated with the other Carol confounded her. She had seen her body in the mirror perhaps tens of thousands of times; but she never leered like this, though. Maybe it was the competitiveness, or the jealousy. Carol found herself thinking, in rare moments, that she was impressed by her double — the way she carried herself around her peers. How good she looked from certain angles. Despite the envy, it was a confidence boost to be sure, seeing herself as the world saw her. She could only assume that was why the other Carol stared, too.
The cycle lasted for a full month: jealousy, observation, confusion, competition, obsession. Carol couldn’t tell if she hated the other woman, or if she had just become disoriented by the constant presence of “another her” in her life. One evening, it finally felt like too much. She needed to clear her head, but being under constant surveillance by the Wingman observers made it tough to get any alone time. She snuck out the rear of her dorm, triple-checking to make sure she was undetected, before trekking the short quarter-mile down the road to the local pub.
The walk was nice. Carol could make due in just a her bomber jacket and jeans, plus a baseball cap that she convinced herself made her appear less conspicuous. It was late by the time she reached the bar, but still a few hours from closing time. Still, she was pleased to find it mostly empty — precisely the vibe she was hoping for to collect her thoughts.
Except for one person, sitting in her favorite booth, with blonde shoulder-length hair and a ratty baseball cap, wearing a bomber jacket that matched Carol's down to every detail. She felt almost betrayed that her double would dare come here on the same night that Carol had craved some time alone.
She sighed, and tried to dispel the resentment. Of course the other Carol would need to clear her mind too, and of course she would pick that booth, in this bar, on this evening. They truly did share a brain.
They had already made eye contact. Carol nodded cordially, and from across the bar, the other Carol did the same.
“It would be weird for me to not go say hi,” Carol muttered to herself. “We’re the only two goddamn people here.”
Wordlessly, uncomfortably, Carol walked over. The double gestured if she wanted to take a seat.
"Thanks," Carol spoke flatly.
"Don't mention it," the double replied. "We're the only two goddamn people here. It would have been weird for us to take two separate booths."
Carol laughed. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing."
They tried to talk. Ordering beers helped — two hazy double IPAs. "Good taste," Carol quipped, and the double agreed.
"It's weird, seeing you — sorry if that sounds harsh, I just wanted to get it out of the way. And I'm sorry I've been such a bitch to you."
Carol agreed with every word. She made that much clear. "Why do you think it is, that we kind of can't stand each other?"
Carol shrugged. Their beers came and they both took long, healthy sips in silence.
She decided to state the obvious: "We're competitive. We probably should have realized that before allowing the US Military to create another pilot equally as talented as us," she smirked. And then dove deeper. "And I'm sure we stare at each other because it's tough to grapple with the sense that we're impressed by each other." She took another sip of her drink.
"Really? I stare cause I think you're hot."
Carol almost coughed up her beer.
"Sorry, I had to—" The other couldn't stop laughing. "I'm just messing with you."
"I know," Carol was wiping up her spill, smiling. "You got me. Although," she shrugged. "If we're being honest..."
The other Carol shrugged too. "Yeah, I know." For the first time, they were admitting to themselves the silly, unavoidable truth to the matter. They did think they were hot. Odd how she had never put that together until now. "Nice to finally admit that to ourselves, in a way. And I'll take the flattery."
"Likewise, hot stuff," Carol offered a cheers with her beer. "Just a bit of really healthy narcissism."
"That, and..." the other raised her eyebrows. "I suppose if it's just us Carol's here, why keep lying to ourselves?"
"I see your point," the other nodded. She had never said it out loud. Christ, she had never even admitted it to herself in secret. But with this other Carol eyeing her, egging her on, she wanted to say it once and for all. "Since we probably like girls."
"Bingo," the other nodded. "Feels nice to finally say it."
"It does," they took another sip. "Kind of fucked up that our first legit girl crush is on ourselves."
"We like Maria too though, right?"
"Oh for sure, damn that's fun to finally admit out loud. She's gorgeous."
"Ain't that the truth."
The night went on, the beers kept flowing. It felt so, so good to finally say these things out loud to another living soul, even if it did happen to be Carol's exact copy. They talked about all the women over the years who they had liked; all the men over the years who they didn't; all the times that they had felt the hollow, inexplicable pain of being incomplete, and finally realizing that it stemmed from never being honest with herself about who she was.
"Okay, tell me," Carol took a deep sip. She was feeling tipsy. "Best ass on a woman?"
"Oh man," Carol wracked her brain, digging through her memories. "Probably that bartender in Reno—"
"Christ, yes!" Carol beamed. "We fantasized about her for like, a full year! Although she might be just second place to me—"
"Who else?"
Carol just nodded. "I think we take the cake, my dear."
They burst out laughing, nodding, agreeing that it was impossibly hilarious that they found their own ass to be out of this world. They ran down the list: tits, lips, eyes, all the parts of their body they could finally admit they found attractive in themselves.
"Christ, we're exactly our type."
"So much for healthy narcissism, Carol Danvers," the other teased. "This borders on pathological."
After two more beers, it was closing time. They agreed to split the tab — very tongue-in-cheek, after they realized they shared a bank account — before making the walk home slowly. They talked more about girls, about Maria, about sex, about relationships. Carol had never been this open with anyone. Ever.
By the time they reached base, it felt obvious to both Carols that they still had energy to chat. One Carol's dorm was significantly closer, so it wasn't much of a discussion; they both snuck in the back, giggling like school girls.
"Another beer?" The host Carol asked once inside, not really needing to hear a reply before assuming the answer and heading to the fridge.
"It's so weird," the other Carol looked around. "Everything here is the same as mine — even the dishes on the counter. Damn we really are wired the exact same up there," she said in awe, flipping her cap backwards and running her hands through her hair. "And yes to the beer." She leaned back against the kitchen island and felt her gaze drifting over her clone, grabbing two beers from the bottom of the fridge. "Damn, I'm hot," Carol whispered, biting her lip. "So do I have to play coy about checking you out, now?"
"Definitely not," the other Carol looked over her shoulder. "I was giving you a show."
"I'm such a bitch," Carol laughed and approached the other woman. She knew full well that if their roles were switched, she would have been just as much of a tease. It wasn't often that she had her buttons pushed this effectively. She liked it. "Come on," she reached out to grab the other Carol by her jacket, pulling her away from the fridge. Her competitive edge was showing. "If it's just us Carols here, I should let you finally get what we really want—" She took a hold of the other Carol's wrists and brought them to her waist, wrapping them around to her backside. "Why just stop at looking?"
The other Carol laughed. The tangle of hands and legs was clumsy, and both Carols being four beers deep didn't help much, either. "Fucking finally," she joked, not holding back her hands from grabbing and smacking her twin's ass. "And it lives up to the hype." They pulled each other close, laughing, teasing, touching playfully, stumbling around the apartment and vying for dominance and the best-possible angle for attack. It only took a few seconds of frivolity for the two to grow out of breath, needing to pause to collect themselves — and finally realizing how closely they were standing.
"Do you..." One finally whispered. Her eyes darted down to the other Carol's lips. "Do you have any... reservations, I guess?"
The other shook her head. "No," she whispered back. They weren't speaking everything out loud — there was no need, after all. Despite their newfound comfort, they didn't quite want to put into words how deep the attraction went. How nice and warm they felt in each other's presence. How natural it felt to touch each other. She reached up to take the other Carol's cap off her head and toss it to the floor before moving her hands down to her waist and slowly, sweetly leaning in.
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They took their time. Each brought their hands to the other's ribcage and gripped tight.
"I'm nervous," one whispered against the other's lips.
"Me too."
Their kiss was soft and gentle, both scared about letting go — letting themselves want this type of intimacy with another woman. But they did: they craved it, and it felt electric.
Before long, Carol had pinned her other self against the wall, kissing her with deep, wet, synchronous moves of her mouth and tongue. "Harder," she panted into her twin's lips. "Faster, baby. Please." The other woman had brought her hands back down to Carol's ass, pulling them close, forcing friction to their hips as they ground against each other. Carol meanwhile had slid her hands upward to grip the other woman's chest — "You're missing out," she cooed. "Christ we have amazing tits."
Neither was holding back by the time they collapsed to the sofa; jackets had been long-since stripped off and jeans in the process of being unbuckled and slid down to their ankles. One Carol finished first and sat back to watch the other remove her final articles of clothing. She slipped a hand into her panties, licking her lips and staring up at the other body. "I'm so fucking hot," she moaned.
The other smiled, leaping onto her, attacking her mouth again. It wasn't long before she took control — "You're mine," she purred before pulling the other's body against her. She had wrapped one hand around the front of the other woman, and one hand around the back, giving both access to Carol's pussy from both angles. Her mouth, meanwhile, had enveloped Carol's breast, her teeth and tongue and lips trading off in rapid circle's around the other woman's nipple. She enjoyed making Carol scream her own name in ecstasy.
By the time the two exhausted all their energy and fulfilled all their desires, it was into the early morning. The sun was peaking through the corner of Carol's blinds. They had tried to fall asleep hours ago, changing into pajamas, only to find themselves again on the sofa with insatiable appetites. The two panted, heavy, sweaty, entwined in each other's arms.
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"I think we do like girls," Carol joked. The other laughed and kissed her temple.
"Or," she teased, "We just like ourselves. But probably the latter."
"You think we'll get discharged for this?"
"Nah," she shrugged, letting her hands roam across Carol's shoulders and neckline, down to the curve of her breasts. "But they won't be too happy, I'm sure. I do think we should both call in sick today."
Carol nodded and kissed the other woman. "I agree, although..." She trailed off.
"I am really excited to fly with you again."
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miss-andromeda · 7 months
For the sappy ship game 💕
For Donnie and Andi 💜🩷
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
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I got you 😌
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
(Only sticking with the season 1 crew, so no Casey 😌)
Okay, let's start with the elephant in the room; April is the de facto wingwoman. Always trying to get Andi and Donnie to have some kind of alone time together, hyping the other one up in front of their crush, she goes the whole nine yards.
The boys on the other hand are a different story. The closest one I could think of being a wingman is Raph, but even still, it's not often that he acts like one. He mostly sticks to teasing the two of them about confessing their feelings - mostly Donnie, because it's easier to tease him than Andi. Mikey doesn't tease the two of them, but he does often join April in admiring them, even if they're doing something innocuous like talking. Leo often joins Raph in the teasing, but it's less like Raph's "just shut up and kiss" approach and more "you two are adorable, but I'm never gonna let you live down how dorky you can be."
As for Splinter? He's quietly observing the whole thing with a smile...while also planning out the wedding in his head.
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
Heck yeah they want to have kids! Once they figure out the technicalities behind it (and if Andi can even be pregnant with a child with both human and mutant DNA,) they absolutely want kids.
And in case you were wondering, they would have twins - a boy and a girl, named Marie and Isaac. 💛💙
Marie would be the more outgoing one - think Mabel from Gravity Falls, except more sassy. She's bright, cheery and loyal to her core - but she's quite direct and is not afraid to call someone out if they're being mean or dumb - or both. She's also not afraid to get into a little bit of mischief, especially with their Uncle Mikey. And she's the only one who can make Raph dress up and play tea party with her.
Isaac is more reserved and polite, but he can still be direct if he wants to be. He's the one constantly telling Marie not to do something since she can get in trouble, but on rare occasions, he'll join in on her shenanigans. He's sometimes partial to brag that he's the older one since he was born first (about 5 minutes before Marie was,) often earning a whine of protest and "shush, Izzy!" from her. (Side note, she's the only one that can call him Izzy - everyone else gets a glare. In response, he calls her Rie-Rie.) He also idolizes their Uncle Leo, so much so that he often asks to participate in meditating with him, and even asks when he can start learning to use a katana.
As for how Don and Andi would be as parents? Let's leave it at; they both would be overprotective as hell, and Andi would be very partial to threatening anyone with her gun if they dared to even look at her babies the wrong way. But when it comes to the kids themselves? Supportive as all get-out and will never fail in making them feel loved and appreciated, but can be strict when need be - like if they break something in the lab or get into a fight with each other.
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
Hmm, what's a good domestic bit I could discuss...?
Got it! How 'bout we discuss their birthdays?
I am a firm believer that the boys' Mutation Day is the same day the show first aired - September 28. So when their birthday rolls around, Andi will work together with Splinter and April in throwing them an awesome birthday party. The music will be a bit all over the place, but it's the spirit that counts, you know? And of course, she'd get them all gifts - and then sneak Donnie away for a bit of alone time...😌
Not like that, ya pervs 😅
She'd bring him to the surface and take him somewhere fun and private - the Hayden Planetarium (when it's closed, of course 😌), a walk through Central Park, or she'd just bring him to her apartment for dessert and a movie.
And for her birthday? Well, as we saw in Andi's birthday chapter, he will go all out as far as her gift goes. He can and will make her something meaningful and useful - jewelry, a CD player, a new computer (if needed,) anything she mentions she'd like or something he thinks would be a good gift is hers.
And like her, he'd totally arrange something private for the two of them - a rooftop picnic, stargazing, or he'd make a mini projector and put a screen up so they could watch a movie on the roof. Whatever makes her happy. 💜🩷
Thanks for the ask, bestie 🩷
@tinkabelle19 @happymoonangel @kikithedreamerwriter @jasminarts01 @raphsmuneca @thelaundrybitch @m1dnyt3-w0lf @margoteve
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zapgraptrash · 7 months
42, 4 ocs of your choice :)
as in 42 (x4) times? i'll do that and do number 4 just in case i misread lol
42. Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say?
slyger: WHY is it that OTHER ANIMALS can eat their own kind and it's accepted as part of NATURE, but when I do it, i'm A CANNIBAL and a MENACE TO SOCIETY? i'm not even fully human by the arbitrary standards! i'm sure PLENTY of other people would think this is STUPID if they too were to eat another human. it's not like i even do this ALL THE TIME either??? it's all STUPID, FUCK SOCIETY, HANNIBAL LECTER WAS RIGHT.
dom: why do Hot Dogs come in Package of 10 but the Buns come in Package of 8? for the People who don't have a Bun with their Hot Dog people might say. but a Hot Dog with no Bun is just a Sausage. if you want Sausage, why would you buy Hot Dogs? there is no Substance to a Hot Dog Sausage alone. the Bun and the other Filling is part of the Dog as a whole. if you want Sausage alone, that is when you get Bratwurst or something. it makes no Sense to Dom why Buns come in 8 and Hot Dogs come in 10.
jeffrey: it's sooooo hard to be surrounded by MORONS all the time! in fact i have dedicated a paragraph of crticism to each of these empty headed freaks i am forced to be surrounded by, day in day out-- thaddeus: nobody has time for that. jeffrey: babe no i need to-- thaddeus: send post.
4. What is the thing they like the most about their friends and what is the thing their friends like the most about them?
grappler can answer this since blah blah his colour is the Harmony colour in the pride flag
i mean what's not to like about me right. i'm a fuckin riot, i'm the coolest person they know.
do i gotta give a reason for all of em? well ok i guess. they're not listening right? this shit is so lame.
uhh granox. he's hilarious and he doesn't even try to be. just the way he says shit and when it takes like 3 seconds for his brain to catch up that's hysterical.
ricky now that she isn't like our boss anymore, she's actually cool as hell. ultimate wingman. wingwoman whatever. she'll literally big anyone up and make em believe they can do anything. everyone needs someone like that in their life y'know.
dom, if you like ever wanted a friend who will dish out the physical affection, she's the one. i know it sounds big cringe but her hugs rule. and she like hangs on to your every word, she like remembers the smallest of things
thaddeus i mean uh have you seen him? yeah he's hot as hell and oh my god he sure knows how to [REDACTED]. ok but like fucking aside, he like knows a ton of shit? once you get him talking he'll talk your ear off about something and it's like, so cool to listen to? always the quiet ones.
does masuyo like consider me a friend? well i hope she does i guess. she's badass. like in the effortless way. not many people can pull that off.
slyger sucks ass hahaha he's a big fuckin baby. (is he listening? no? ok well you know the animal people he draws? what the fuck that's awesome man.)
i'm not gonna talk about zapper fuck him haha. he like knows how annoying i think he is already.
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jungle-angel · 2 years
This Is How We Roll
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Summary: The guys and their girls all decide to keep up practice even when their on the East Coast.....even if it’s in the most unconventional way possible
Note: Wanna listen to the song that inspired this fic? Well here ya go, it’s here
P.S: @strawbxrrybuxky @flyinlove​ if you guys read this, I hope ya’ll enjoy it, I know you guys really love this fandom 
McRory Land
Tybee Island, Georgia
Time Read: 9:09 am
“Good morning Angels,” Maverick joked as he met the gang outside of the run down looking garage. 
“Good morning Charlie,” they all replied collectively without missing a beat. 
“You all seem to be enjoying furlough, however with furlough, often comes a dilema,” he explained. “Said dilema involves pilots being on long furlough and then returning to the field ill prepared for training exercise. So today we have a little special something planned to help us get back in the swing of things when it’s time to go home.” 
Everyone looked at each other, a little perturbed, a little bit curious and a little apprehensive all at the same time. With Maverick, the unexpected was always to be expected. 
“We’ll be doing an exercise this morning that our hosts like to call ‘Four-Wheel Dogfighting’,” Maverick explained further. “You’ll each team up with your wingman or wingwoman and ride the marked course through the marsh. One man drives while the wingman or wingwoman collects the checkered flags on the sides of the path. Whoever collects their flags and makes it back to the house first is deemed the winner. Gretchen’s grandparents will be watching the GPS tracker from the porch. Aunt Karen and Uncle Rainy will be following behind in case someone needs first aid. We ready?!” 
“READY SIR!” everyone replied eagerly. 
“Alright guys,” Maverick said as he placed his helmet firmly on his head. “Let’s get to it. Penny, you’re with me. Care to do the honors?” 
“I’d be insulted if you didn’t let me,” she chuckled, handing him the keys to the four wheeled ATV. 
Everyone readied themselves, each one fitting their helmets to their heads with their call signs grazing the forefront. A huge grin crawled across Hangman’s face when he saw the word “Apache”, Gretchen’s call sign in the aptly named Top Gun Family, printed across her black helmet in bright pink letters. 
“Hey babes?” he asked, the motors of the other ATVS loudly starting. 
“Yes Jakey?” 
“Remind me again why your family call sign is ‘Apache’?” 
“You’ll find out in about two seconds,” Gretchen chuckled. 
With a rev of the motor and a billow of dust, Maverick and Penny were the first ones off with Rooster and Rusty following close behind. Phoenix and her husband, Cole “Bullfrog” Rossington, shot off onto the trail with Bob and Moira following in their wake. Hangman revved the engine and kicked up a huge billow of dust, clouding any view of Payback and Aasha, Fanboy and Jewel and Coyote and Raquel who were the last three teams to follow them. Gretchen let out a thundering rebel yell that would have shook every tree in the marsh, her arms wrapped tight around Hangman’s waist and her long, dark ponytail flying behind her. 
Off they went along the muddy trail, the engines roaring like the jets they flew, the mud and swamp water sloshing and flying beneath their wheels, cutting through the cattails and tall grasses. It was a hell of a ride that no one wanted to miss. 
“Rooster!! Rooster c’mon he’s gonna get the first one!” Rusty shouted. 
“I see’em!!” Rooster answered. 
They were neck and neck with Maverick and Penny, barely a space between them and the wheels dangerously close. Rusty leaned over the side, one arm still holding fast to her husband and the other reaching for the checkered flag that lay just within her reach. As soon as she had it, Rooster sped up, the mud splattering the front of Maverick’s helmet. 
“Ok kid,” Maverick muttered under his breath. “You wanna play this game? I’ll oblige. 
Maverick revved the engine and floored it through the muddy terrain with the other teams gaining speed behind him, desperately trying to catch up to Rooster and Rusty. 
“Babe, c’mon we’re right behind’em!” Cole urged, tapping Phoenix on her shoulder. 
“I’m on it hon!”
Phoenix gripped the gas and the vehicle sped forward, the marsh water kicking up in a white-water spray and soaking her and Cole. 
“Babe it’s right there! Flag is right there!” he shouted. 
“Lean in! Lean in!” 
Cole leaned over, reaching out his long, muscular arm and snatching it right up, howling with victory as they sped on to catch up with the other two teams. Hangman and Gretchen came up right beside them just seconds later, a flag in hand and teasing them with a few rude hand gestures. 
“Hey! Up yours Bagman!” Phoenix shouted. 
“You’ve got it wrong honey!” Hangman teased. “I’m on your tail, not the other way around!” 
Natasha stuck her middle finger right in the air, in plain view for him and everyone else to see. 
Hangman laughed and spotted the next flag near the path that led to a rickety little bridge over a pond, reveling in his soon-to-be triumph when a thought suddenly hit him. “Hey Phoenix!” he called. 
“What up?!” 
“Where the fuck’s Baby on Board?!” 
No sooner had he asked than he heard that familiar, angry rev of the ATV close by. “HOLY SHIT!!!” Hangman exclaimed as Gretchen’s arms clenched a little. 
Bob and Moira swung around the corner in a torrent of mud and dirt dust like a SWCC boatman, turning tight into the hairpin turn and scaring the ever living shit out of Hangman and Gretchen. Bob sped ahead fearlessly, passing them with ease and snatching up the flag without a second thought.
“Go! Go get’em baby!” Gretchen cheered. 
Off they went, but there was no way in hell the others would be able to keep up. The terrain was getting a bit rough, but that didn’t stop any of them from pushing forward. 
Loud cheers, yells and screams of pure ecstatic happiness came from the pilots and their spouses as they caught up to one another, a mess of mud, marsh water, sweat and b.o that didn’t bother any of them in the least. Not since “Dogfight Football” had any of them had as much fun. 
“Holy shit!!!” 
“Fuck man!!”
“Did Bob just pass everybody?!” 
Nobody could believe it! Bob was well ahead of everybody with Moira collecting flags like no one’s business! Even Maverick was in shock at how well he was doing as a huge grin and a proud laugh escaped his throat. “Sneaky fucker!” he laughed.
“Bob! Robby honey, bandits at our six!” Moira announced. 
“Copy, engines are a go! Let’s turn and burn Angel!!” 
The wheels spun furiously, the mud splattering his jeans and shitty steel toed boots as Bob raced ahead. He fearlessly turned into the hairpins, surfing a wave of mud before speeding down the straighter, more narrow paths that led to the trailhead’s entrance. 
In no time at all, the trailhead spilled out into the familiar little cove near the water’s edge where the McRory house lay. Gretchen’s Meemaw and Pepaw waved as the ATVs all pulled to a stop, Bob and Moira being the first ones back with the most flags in hand. 
Maverick and Penny pulled to a stop close by, hopping off and putting their helmets on the back of the seat. “Jeez Pete,” she said, still breathless and excited from the race. “You race like it’s the Indy 500.” 
Maverick took her in his arms, laughing as the exhilaration of the race began to wear off. God they were a mess, every one of them. 
They both looked over to see Bob being hoisted onto Rooster’s shoulder’s, the whole team chanting his name over and over again as though he had just won the Olympic Gold. Maverick and Penny were proud regardless. It was moments like this that they lived for, each and every day. 
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doubleaspectrum · 8 months
School Days Anime, Analyzing the Real Tragedy
About 4 months ago, I got around to watching the notorious School Days anime. And boy, was that unpleasant. If the words “despairfest hellscape” don’t sum it up, nothing will.
That being said, there are some things of value there. It is arguably the most realistic depiction of a harem protagonist and harem storyline. Also, even if the male lead has all the sympathetic qualities of a serial killer who targets Muppets, the female leads were still interesting characters with sympathetic qualities.
Anyways, my topic was about the idea of Tragedy. Well, I looked it up on TV Tropes and that wiki points out that Tragedy isn’t defined in a literary sense as something that makes the audience sad. It’s more about the self-inflicted fall of the protagonist. And that does fit the School Days anime to a T.
Think about it. School Days is about a psychopath named Makoto Itou who wants to have sex with a pretty girl. With some “help,” he ends up getting exactly what he’s looking for, and then some. However, his psychopathic tendencies leave him with a lack of conventional morals. To be more specific, he’s a whiny, irresponsible manchild who can never stop cheating because he’s incapable of seeing himself as being wrong. By the end of it, he finally crosses a line by running away from the girl he supposedly impregnated and insisting that she gets an abortion that she doesn’t want. The end results? He’s a corpse.
It really is a Tragedy since Makoto Itou rose to the top as a master of his own harem, but he loses it all, and (despite his attempts) there really is nobody to blame but himself. However, it’s not a Tragedy in the literal sense because I’m not sad that he died. Makoto Itou deserved every moment of his murder, and every subsequent moment burning in Hell.
And here’s where I stop setting the details and get to the point. You see, I took notes when I watched the anime, so I was able to remember a key moment in the eleventh episode that was an eye-opener for me. I was able to determine that there was another Tragedy in School Days, and it actually made me sad.
And that eye opening moment? This line from Kotonoha.
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To set a bit of the context with this line. It’s during a scene where Kotonoha is sitting on a swing while talking to her phone, with the phone responding that she can’t reach Makoto’s number. It’s ultimately a sad and terrifying scene that shows how Kotonoha has gone insane in her attempts to believe that Makoto didn’t betray her for Sekai. But it’s also the moment that I realized where the real tragedy was.
You see, Kotonoha is well-aware that Makoto was cheating on her with Sekai, and she chose to blame Sekai for it, but here she is wanting Sekai back in her life. That’s when I realized how similar they both are, and where they went wrong.
Both of the female leads are insecure, mentally-damaged people who only want to be loved. Both of them also had their fulfillment right at the start of the show, before they end up losing it.
Kotonoha was able to feel like a better person because Sekai offered her friendship while also making sure that Kotonoha would hook up with Makoto. But when both of them betray her, Kotonoha goes crazy in her attempts to believe that she was never betrayed.
Meanwhile, Sekai is able to be the confident wingman(wingwoman?) at the start because she had Setsuna to look out for her, and when Setsuna moves away, Sekai shuts down until she latches onto a phantom pregnancy in the hopes that it’ll force Makoto back into her arms.
I think you already see where I’m going with this. The realization I had was that Sekai and Kotonoha never needed Makoto to be their boyfriend. They needed each other! Both of them understand that being alone sucks! And they both valued their friendship with each other until they tore it all apart in the name of Makoto “I can’t rot in Hell fast enough” Itou! And the reason I feel sorry for Kotonoha in her swing scene is because this is the closest Kotonoha came to that realization, and she still misses it!
Speaking as a biased asexual, I can tell you exactly why Kotonoha and Sekai never decided that their mutual emotional validation was worth more than a philandering psycho. The answer? Amatonormativity.
One of the things that sickens me nowadays is the idea that somehow getting into a relationship can automatically make you better. That’s an insult to the concept of character development, and the unique individual natures of the human race!
This is a lesson people need to learn fast. People aren’t better because they’re in relationships! You can’t “fix” your lover! And you can’t better yourself by getting a relationship! Maybe you can put the effort to change for the better because you value a relationship, but that’s more because of your efforts! RELATIONSHIPS DON’T FIX PEOPLE! PEOPLE FIX THEMSELVES!
That’s the lesson I try to take away from the depairfest hellscape that is the School Days anime. And the lack of that realization is the flaw that leads to Kotonoha and Sekai’s downfalls. The real tragedy isn’t that some philandering psycho got what was coming to him. The real tragedy is that two girls who could have been great friends tore each other apart for nothing.
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xoteajays · 10 months
Exactly. Regardless of what the antagonist thinks, they would've said and done whatever they wanted to get what want. They're always like that. Despite the fact that most of the Sannoh boys do not even have proper education - besides Noboru, the original trio are still the smart ones of the group. Yet another reason why I love these boys. Unlike all the other guys in Sannoh who're completely stupid about everything.
I know, I know.. The reason why that happened was to introduce a lot of the other gangs like Rascals and Rude, because of Dan's actions of the story. And because Chiharu, Oya was also introduced in the story too. Only because Sannoh and Daruma already had their history from before these events took place. But, yeah... I was cheering on Rascals when they cornered him in the parking lot, beating him with asps and Koo almost broke his legs beating him. I wish Koo broke Dan's legs.
Go fuck yourself, or fuck everybody else. Whichever you decide to do. Literally.
I can see Kizzy spilling secrets about the Rascals, especially about for Rocky. Kizzy's his wingman. Wingwoman? Either way. When she does try talking up Rocky's crush to her, she does have to be so convincing enough in a truthful way. Just so Rocky and girlfriend get together.
And to also prove the Strawberry Girls wrong. That the Rocky they do think he is, is not the Rocky she has known him to be. Not even close.
"Like telling all the Rascals that Rocky’s a lightweight." Only for any of the Rascals who didn't already know about Rocky being a lightweight anyway. I wonder ho Rocky would react to him finding out Kizzy's the one telling his secrets to everyone else though. It's a funny thought.
Rocky went broke in just a few hours. That was his fault for giving his credit cards to Kizzy. It's always a horrible idea for everyone involved.
Kohaku is tall. Akira's 6'0 (184 cm). He's another one of the more taller characters in the series. I know those four characters are the tallest.
That's fine. Most the time I'm even never sure what people mean to say, especially on sites where you're communicating through screens like this. But if it makes you feel any better.. I don't know what J, SRS, or any of that even means. I don't really use internet slang whenever I message people, I write the full words, so I'm completely clueless any time that happens. I'm probably the only person who does that too.
I might have trivia about my characters if you're interested..
But these little trivial facts about my characters are minor facts about them, no major facts yet. And you already know some of these facts.
I'm still figuring out my characters though.
Her signature color is blue.
Comes from a big family. She's the middle child of five children. And she is close to her siblings, especially towards her sisters.
Despite not being fashionable, she knows her way with fashion from sewing premade clothes to creating designs for her own clothing line.
Out of the color coded characters, she is the tomboy who wears a lot of casual clothes. Like jeans, shirts, hoodies, jerseys, boots, sneakers. You'll rarely ever see her wearing any dresses or skirts.
Since Orange and her were born in the same year, they're like sisters to each other since they grew up together.
Is somehow associated with the Oya and Sannoh gangs.
May have some connections with Murayama, Seki and Furuya; might also have connections to Cobra, Yamato, Noboru and Naomi (also the Mugen gang) through Orange.
Her and Orange over indulges in food and drinks. One of her favorite foods is definitely burgers, and also pizza is another favorite food too.
Some of her hobbies include music, fashion, television. She considers her hobby as Netflix since she enjoys watching shows and movies.
Since her color is blue, I associate her fragrances being fruity or floral - or fruity and floral blend - if you were ever curious about her scents. Think of blue fruits and flowers.
Her signature color is orange.
The reason why I chose her to be born in November, autumn month, is because the colors I associate her with are autumn colors.
Out of the color coded characters, she is the baby of the group which makes her my youngest character for this fandom.
And because she's my youngest character, she has the most youthful personality. She has the most childish and childlike personality.
Since Blue and her were born in the same year, they're like sisters to each other since they grew up together.
Out of the color coded characters, she is the shortest.
Is associated with the Sannoh gang.
May even be childhood friends of Cobra, Yamato, Noboru and Naomi.
Might be Cobra's love interest.
Her and Blue over indulges in food and drinks. And one of her favorite foods is pizza. Like Cobra (and Rocky), she has a sweet tooth so you'll see her eating a lot of sweet food. Candies, cakes, brownies, pudding and ice cream.
Some of her hobbies include singing and dancing, music, and movies (especially horror movies).
Since her color is orange, I associate her fragrances being citrusy and woodsy, maybe occasionally floral if you were ever curious about her scents. Think of orange fruits and flowers.
Her signature color is red.
She might have a sibling but that is still undecided at the moment.
Out of the color coded characters, she is the oldest.
Might be associated with Daruma Ikka gang.
Might have a connection with Hyuga.
Some of her hobbies include music, fashion, television. Her favorite movies are horror movies, Chucky is one of her favorite franchises.
Since her color is red, I associated her fragrances as fruity and floral if you were curious about her scents. Think of red fruits and flowers.
Yes. Koo needs a vacation. So does Rocky, but we'll talk about him at another time. At least let him man have a hot bath after a long day, he needs some self care for himself so he doesn't breakdown mentally. If not a bath, maybe spa days. Or something. Maybe a cabin the woods away from people. Koo is the most stressed tolerating people like any person working retail with stupid customers. Especially in the video... The video of the guy from Doubt harassing Koo about how unsafe his life is after his confrontation with Dan, even though he's a trafficker. Actually, I'm curious. How long as Koo worked in Rascals? Because I'd know he started after Kizzy and Kaito went to America, but maybe he started working there around the time the Golden Bomber boys did? I don't know. But Koo did start sometime after Kizzy and Kaito though. So who knows long that was then. But definitely a long time for Koo.
Exactly. Everyone Kuryu wants people dead, they'd just hit them with a car every time. That loses it's meaning to me. They need to be more original with killing people. The only main characters who actually did die was Tatsuya and Smoky too, but Smoky died from chronic illness.
Rocky's like a genie in a bottle. Instead of rubbing a lamp, just saying a stupid misogynistic phrase like that would make Rocky appear from out of nowhere. Canes you to death, tells you to respect women, then leaves. That would be an interesting thing to witness if you ever did.
If Rocky still hates the Golden Bomber boys after everything. Rocky's girlfriend is definitely persuasive enough to change his mind about all the boys. They might even get their jobs back. They were willing to be risking their lives, asking for help from other gangs, to help them. So.. Rocky has to change is mind after that. If not, his girlfriend won't be a happy lady at all. Y'know.. "Happy wife, happy life." So there's that too.
Have you actually listened to Golden Bombers music? Very eccentric. If I'm being honest.. This is just my personal opinion if you'd have ever seen the Golden Bomber boys without makeup, the real man who did play Shimura in H&L is actually very attractive but with a bizarre style though. Some of those boys, some are more attractive than others if you've ever seen them without makeup. But this is just my opinion. And I hate to be that person, because I would also get annoyed when people comment on women's appearance with and without makeup. So I'm being slightly hypocritical about this. I try not to be though.
I can see the Daruma boys having a higher tolerance for alcohol since they're the party boys. Parties, festivals. There's always a lot of drinks at these events. So Hyuga, Kato, Sakyo and Ukyo won't surprise me... But the Daruma babies need to control themselves when they drink, I have to say they're really still amateurs with alcohol at the moment.
Actually! If any of the older teenagers and adults in Rude drink any bit of alcohol, I could see them drinking alcohol to warm themselves up - like in the colder seasons. But not to get drunk. And, whenever they'd have alcohol, they'll use alcohol for injures instead of actually drinking it. Because you do see a few scenes where that happens with Rude.
Cobra and Rocky drinking together could be a good or bad thing, but, y'know.. That depends on their moods. Sometimes I can also imagine them laughing, crying, arguing, playing, all of the above. Like how the snake boy is with his Sannoh and Mugen friends. I don't know why.
"cobra and rocky drinking together are borderline belligerent and they’re loud and slurring and fighting just a lil bit. at the end of the night koo, yamato and noboru have to go collect their respective idiot." Is that before or after Kizzy takes pictures and records videos of them acting like this for blackmail reasons. Because this is Kizzy, and I can imagine Kizzy doing this for her own reasons she may have.
I can't remember.. My brain is blank. What is Hyuga smoking again?
I have a thought. A serious thought about White Rascals. You know all male Rascals won't harm women, Kizzy might only harm women if it's a situation that requires it (like self defense during fights or if they did make an attempt to steal Kaito away from her). Anyway.. What do you do think would happen if a female coworker, friend, or lover - like with Rocky's girlfriend - was in abusive relationships with women. Like any women instead of men. Let's the her family is abusive like her mother, sister, aunt, cousin. Or the female coworkers or even female "friends" who use and abuse her in whatever way. How do you think Rocky and the Rascals would help her in that situation? Obviously Kizzy may just help in any way she can, she may even get physical if she needs when in a situation like this. But what about Rocky? The Rascals? I'm not so sure what they might do about the situation if women were abused in this way by other women. So that made me think of what will happen.
Oh! I found out something. So for the Bloodhounds show, obviously it is based on the webtoon comic series like other Korean series I enjoy. Anyway. So apparently... The main actress of the show ended up with a dui from drinking and driving, severe accidents, and everything else involved in the situation. They had to rewrite the script for the ending of the show, at least for the last three episodes. I didn't know that just happened last year. I'm curious about what the original ending was.
noboru is like. the smartest one obviously because he was the one that got good grades and was going to be a lawyer. cobra and yamato aren’t the smartest, but they have good street smarts. they can wrap their heads around issues and see the bigger picture. dtc are dumbasses.
yea, like thanks for introducing the rascals and rude and oya, but also Go Away Now, Dan And Chiharu. let koo break dan’s legs, it’s stress relief.
if it’s like a really big secret that the person is serious about nobody knowing, then kizzy won’t tell anyone (except kaito). but if it’s just something embarrassing or funny, then she’s telling people. she’s wingwomaning, she’s matchmaking. any of the rascal guys who like someone come to kizzy like ‘help me 🥺’. except for rocky, who did not ask for help, but kizzy is here anyway and she’s actually being helpful.
rocky just has the older brother reaction to finding out kizzy is spilling his secrets: exasperation and eye rolling and ‘stop it’. kizzy is doing some lil sister antics.
kizzy’s like ‘whoops!’ and then goes off to show kaito all the things she’s bought. koo’s beside rocky just ‘……i told you that was a bad idea’.
i think /j is ‘joking’ and /srs is ‘serious’ but /s is also sarcastic? it’s very confusing so i don’t really use it. i only use a bit of internet slang stuff, but not a lot. i just hope my intentions come through with what i’m typing.
ooh, i love the tomboy aesthetic for blue! my hobby is also netflix ahsjdkl. i’m very bad with fragrances, but it’s still interesting to know! i have no idea what my ocs smell like.
autumn girl! since orange likes sweets, has she and cobra ever run into each other while buying treats? like when cobra was buying a cupcake from the twintowers? is she a gore-horror fan or a psych-horror fan or both?
if red does have a sibling, are you thinking of making her be an older or younger sibling? and since red and orange like horror movies, does blue as well?
if you’re interested, here’s a few ryuko and hinami facts!
she had a rotation of tutors her entire life and never went to actual school.
since she didn’t get out much, she’d watch a lot of dramas and movies. probably watched a lot of horror stuff she shouldn’t have at a young age.
she knows her mother isn’t actually dead, but doesn’t care because that means her mother left her - and left her with her father, no less.
ryuko has a pretty girly fashion sense (she’s a princess~). a lot of dresses and cute jackets and long sleeves, she’s pale and sunburns easily. she mostly wears blue, white and black. also. lotta accessories.
she can’t handle spicy food. every thing on the milder side please. also her dad didn’t really let her eat desserts or sweet treats as a kid, so she absolutely gorges when she’s finally able to. murayama is happy to indulge her.
ryuko is the shorter between her and hinami, but only by about an inch.
i associate ryuko with plum blossoms because i read they symbolise perseverance and hope in japan.
it was raining the day her parents abandoned her. takeshi was the one to find her after he and pi heard someone crying in the rain.
she collects glass marbles and ohajiki pieces. half because she thinks they’re pretty, half because she uses them in her slingshot.
hinami reads to the younger kids when she has the time. she’s very good with kids.
isn’t overly feminine, but she wears skirts just because it’s easier with her prosthetic. she wears bike shorts/tights with her skirts though. she wears a lotta olive green and layers like the rest of rude.
her and takeshi have a lot of secret spots in nameless that the others don’t know about.
for hinami, i associate irises, that symbolise elegance, happiness, and loyalty. (i also associate her with plants growing through concrete, but that’s purely vibes).
i’m just imagining if koo had been at the onsen place in dtc instead of the smg boys. he’d be so annoyed with dtc. do not bother him, it’s his vacation! he’s not sticking his nose in these people’s business! leave him be!
kuryu feels slighted or betrayed and they go pick out a car with tinted windows. just beep beep. time to run over a person! if they don’t die, they’ll at least be in a coma and out of commission!
i haven’t watched any of the golden bombers stuff yet, but i’ll probably end up checking out. they’re all decently attractive dudes, not necessarily my type. looking them up though, i just saw the guy that played enari had an affair recently. so that’s the second guy from h&l that i’ve found out had an affair (the other being bernie’s actor). hate that. especially since that sours enari for me and he was my fav of the original rascals quad.
the older darumas absolutely have excellent tolerances. the babys, not so much. kato says he’s not looking after them if they get too drunk but he’s lying. he’ll make sure they don’t drink too much and get home okay. he’s got older brother energy after having to look after hyuga when be was growing up.
i don’t remember those scenes tbh, but i do really need to go and rewatch h&l at some point. i was planning on jumping through episodes and movies for the rude boys stuff, just to get more of a feel for their voices since i’m writing this hinami/takeshi fic.
kizzy is taking pictures and recording videos and koo disapproves but i can imagine yamato or noboru being like ‘hey send me that, that’s funny’. yamato wants to show naomi and have a laugh.
i think i remember him smoking something from a pipe, but honestly, i just kinda blank out the scenes of anyone smoking because it’s a personal dislike of mine.
i think they’d definitely try and get her out of that situation as soon as possible. they obviously wouldn’t hurt the abusive woman - well, maybe kizzy would if the woman swung first - but they would probably try to intimidate her. i think it might rattle rocky a bit if he hadn’t considered that women could do something as vile as abuse in the same way men can. i think he’d make sure that everyone at club heaven was okay and that there weren’t any bully women there and let all of the girls know that he’s there to talk to if anybody is making them uncomfortable, male or female.
i don’t know if you’ve seen it, but i wonder how rocky would feel about the female bullies in the glory. since they were totally awful. i think he’d admire the main character’s strength and resolve though.
it’s always a shame when stuff like that happens. i wonder if they’ll release the original ending’s script or something, just to show how they intended for it to end. probably like the webcomic, but idk much about the comic and what changes they made for the show.
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sarah99jain · 2 years
5 Premium Wedding Gift For a Friend
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As the year ends, the wedding season begins. And that’s the beauty of saying goodbye to a year that gave you a lot of memories, good relations, good health, something/someone to be grateful for, and gave your friend a beautiful soulmate!
But if you are from gen Z and are unaware of what to gift your friend on their D-day, then you have landed at the right place my friend! Let us guide you to find some premium wedding gift for friends.
What is the Best Wedding Gift for Friends?
Well, let’s start with the basic no-brainer if you don’t have enough time to get a gift because you were too busy prepping up for their D-day, handling all the last-minute decorations, and were a part of the core team responsible for the wedding preps, then this one is for you-
1. Cash Envelope AKA Sagan
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This is one of the traditional wedding gift in India specially. Your friend won’t mind some extra cash in place of a premium gift because they know that you’ve been holding the fort for them to make their D-day even more special. And if they are genuinely your best friend they might give you a gift instead of making all of it happen for them (Haha just kidding, but you wish, right?)
Yes, it might not be a premium wedding gift for them but you can surely think of something thoughtful on their 1st anniversary or maybe when you meet after the wedding! You’ve got some time, you can consider the rest of the below-mentioned options 😜
2. Sponsor their First Night-Out
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If you truly are their wingman/wingwoman then you would know that they have been going through an emotional roller coaster throughout their wedding (Because a wedding ain’t no joke kids! It’s a life choice!!)
And you can make their first night with their better half even more special by gifting them a night stay at their favorite hotel so that they can just relax, be with each other, and thank you later by treating you with a Chardonnay maybe! (*Double Winks*)
3. Spa for the Soul
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Just an add-on for point number two. If for some reason you see that they can’t manage to escape for an entire night because of the post-wedding rituals, then a “couple spa” can be the best wedding gift read more.
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envirae · 3 years
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SUMMARY: when an innocent agreement to become his wingwoman turns into having to pretend like you’re his girlfriend, Mark suddenly starts to see you in a new light. he tells himself it’s nothing big, but are the two of you really just faking?
PAIRING(S): mark lee x fem!reader, platonic!kim jungwoo x reader
GENRE: fluff, angst, college au, fake dating au
WARNINGS: swearing, jealousy, kissing, alcohol usage, mark and reader are kinda dumb
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“No way!” You censured, crossing your arms as you glared at the boy in front of you. You begin to pack up your bags, ready to leave the empty bleachers and the football field in general, but he grabs you by the hand.
“Please, bro.” He pleaded one more time, watching as your face soured at ‘bro.’ “I just need you to come and help me out! It’s not that hard.”
Mark was your old acquaintance from highschool. The two of you never interacted much, considering how different your crowds were. When the two of you moved onto college, you’d simply send a nod in the hallways or a small wave as you passed each other by.
So when Mark comes up to you with this crazy proposal to help him out at a party on a school night, you’re more than a little taken aback. “Why me though? Just ask one of your frat boys or something. I’m not wasting my Friday night sweet talking to some girl.”
Sighing deeply, Mark runs a hand through his hair as he explains the ‘plan’ once more. “Okay, first of all, she’s not some girl! Yuri is amazingly gorgeous. Second of all, I need a girl friend- mind the space between the two words, to come and help me out at the party. Make me look good, compliment me, wingman me, you know? I can’t ask a guy, then it would be too obvious.”
Your agitated expression remains as your bottom lip turns up into a pout. “And you ask me? Out of all people? We didn’t even talk to each other back in High School.” You point out, clearly not entertained by his far fetched plan.
“Yes, exactly!” He points out, somehow even more convinced you are the only person fit to help him out. “Since we went to high school together, you’d be a more credible source, you know?” He questions, a stupid grin on his face.
“A credible source? Mark Lee,” You start, going into lecture mode as you stand up and clear your throat. “I am not a source, I am a human. And I have things to do, why would you just assume I’m free?” You cock a brow, slightly offended.
“Well, are you not?” He asks, slightly bewildered. He gets his answer as you look away, slightly flustered.
“That’s not the point! I’m saying that you can’t just assume I am!” You reprimand, upset that he can be so stubborn.
“I’ll do your bio homework for a MONTH” He offers, looking almost as if a light bulb just went off in his head. He’s well aware of how you two both hate the subject, and he looks victorious when he sees you tilt your head to consider it.
Weighing the pros and cons, you ultimately put your bag back down onto the bleachers and sit. “I’m going for thirty minutes maximum. I refuse to talk to anyone other than this stupid girl, and you are going to be my ride home. Deal?”
“You’re the best!” He cheers, throwing his hands up in triumph and doing a little victory dance as he does.
“Do you remember the plan?” He asks, practically bouncing in his seat in anticipation. The two of you are in his car, going over your stupid rules for the nth time.
“If I’m being honest? Not really.” You chuckled, trying to make it very clear you did not want to be here. He shakes his head in annoyance, but eventually says ‘fuck it’ and drags you out of the car.
The heavy stench of alcohol and extroverts hits you as soon as you walk in, making your expression turn sour. “Where is this girl anyways?” You yell, struggling to communicate over the loud music that blasts in your ears.
“I’m looking for her, will you be patient?” He responds, squinting as he examines the room. “Here, go get a drink or something, I’ll call you when I find her.”
Dragging your feet towards the direction of the kitchen, you straightened uncomfortably. Evidently, you were not good with socialization.
Uninterested in the display of alcohol which was arranged on the table, you opted for a bottle of water instead. Lost in your thoughts, you don’t seem to take notice of the tall blonde who approaches you.
“Drinking water at a college party? Lame.” He snickers, seeing you give him a skeptic look. “Kim Jungwoo, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ms. l/n.”
“How do you know my name?” You query, puzzled, yet intrigued by the man.
“Well as of recently, the whole party knows your name.” He responds, a breathy chuckle coming out. “You don’t just show up on Mark Lee’s arm and expect no reaction.”
“Oh that?” You canvass, shaking your head. “We’re just friends from high school. It’s really not like that” You defend, but Jungwoo doesn’t buy a single word.
“That’s not what the look in his eyes is telling everyone.” He jeers, watching you get flustered.
“What look in his eyes? We barely know each other.”
“If you say so” He shrugs, and before you can get a chance to defend yourself further, he’s called over by some of his acquaintances. “I’ll see you around, cutie.”
Shoving back into the crowd, you avoided men like the plague and kept your eyes glued to the floor. When you finally found Mark through the large mob, he had a sour look on his face. “Are you alright?” You asked, wondering what could possibly happen in the short moments you were apart.
“We’re leaving.” He insisted through gritted teeth. “I’m sorry I dragged you to this stupid party in the first place.”
Befuddled as you tried figuring out what was wrong with him, he drags you into the car and rests his head on the steering wheel. “Hey Mark, what happened?” You ask, genuine concern in your voice.
“It’s stupid, really. When I found her, she had her tongue down some guy’s throat.” He confesses, wearing a solemn expression. It’s probably the shots he took, but he doesn’t feel embarrassed to speak to you. You’re just so easy to talk to.
“Hey, it’s not stupid.” You reassure, reaching out your hand to cup his shoulder. “I know you really liked her, I’m sorry.”
“I shouldn’t have asked you to come in the first place, it was a stupid idea.” He blames himself, and you can’t help but pity him. “I’ll still do your bio homework for a month.” He smiles, watching as you shake your head.
“Actually, I have a better idea.” You suggest, a look of mischief adorning your expression. “We pretend to date!” You enthusiastically propose, watching as his glum look turns to shock.
“What?” He’s sure he’s misheard you, and the few shots he took earlier are definitely affecting his awareness. “Did I hear you right?”
Your face heats up at his reaction, suddenly losing confidence. “We don’t have to if you don’t want, it was a stupid idea anyways-”
“No! I like it!” He cuts you off, eyes still slightly widened. “I mean, I think it’s a good idea, but do you really think it would work?”
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed lightly at the question. “Of course it will work. Girls always want what they can’t have. Trust me.”
Common sense tells him to drive you home, ignore all of it, and pretend this party never happened. The idea was idiotic, after all. Why would he even consider it?
But the look in your eyes pulls him away from logic, and all he can do is nod.
“Okay then, let’s do it.”
“How are we even gonna do this?” You ask, suddenly feeling sick to your stomach. The two of you were walking towards your first lecture, suddenly feeling sick to your stomach at the thought of dating Mark Lee.
“It was your idea, wasn’t it?” He asks, disbelief that you’re backing out now. “We just go in there, and make people think we’re dating.”
“I’ve never been in a relationship, Mark. I don’t know how.” You bashfully admit, playing with your hands as your eyes meet the floor.
“It’s okay, I’m here.” He smiles softly at you, and for the first time, you don’t think he’s so bad. He gets out of the car first, quickly rushing to your side to open your door and grab you by the hand.
Mark Lee is disgustingly optimistic, and you aren’t sure whether you admire him for it, or pity him.
As soon as you’re out of the car, Mark goes full boyfriend mode. His hand is slung across your neck, grabbing your hand from the other side and interlocking your fingers. His other arm comes up to cup your shoulder, sending a reassuring gesture your way.
You trudge towards the entrance, hoping Mark misses your increasing heart rate. Nothing could have prepared you for all the stares you’re currently getting, no matter how much you should have expected them.
Yuri is nowhere to be found, making Mark visibly annoyed. Your grip on his hand tightens as you walk into the building, trying to be reassuring in any way you can.
What you didn’t expect, however, is for Mark to place a chaste kiss on your lips right before dropping you off. You’re stunned as he walks away, still a little discombobulated.
You just gave your first Mark Lee your first kiss.
You’re walking to your next lecture when you’re pulled away by someone, who you soon recognize to be Jungwoo, from the party. “You and Mark are just friends, huh?” He queries, calling back to your first conversation. “Didn’t take you for a liar.”
“I’m not a liar.” You huff, “We aren’t dating.”
His jaw goes slack for a second before laughing in your face, seemingly not believing a word you say. “So Mark Lee eating your face before the first lecture was a friend thing?”
The tips of your ears go red, and you’re at a loss for words for a second, before ultimately deciding to trust him. “It was just a small kiss. And besides, it’s an act.” He cocks a brow for a second, urging you to explain further. “He wants to impress some girl, so I’m pretending to be his girlfriend. There’s seriously nothing between us.”
“I don’t know, cutie. That’s not what it seems.” He teases, a smirk on his face.
“I didn’t expect him to kiss me. It caught me off guard.” You bashfully admit, your cheeks reddening.
“Wait…” He trails, “Was he your first kiss?” He asks with a knowing smile on his face. Your silence gives him his answer, amusing him. “You gave your first kiss to your fake boyfriend?”
“I’ll see you later, Jungwoo.” You deadpan, refusing to entertain his delusions any longer.
After an uneventful first day, you offered to take Mark out to a local diner to prepare a game plan. Mark, clearly disappointed, slips into the seat wearing a frown.
“This is a stupid plan.” Mark huffs out, his bottom lip turning up into a small pout. “Nothing even happened today, Yuri doesn’t care.”
“Woah woah woah,” You start, “Why are you so dejected after just the first day? Maybe she was sick. Or busy, there’s a lot of factors here, Mark.” You point out, trying to cheer up your old friend.
“This won’t work.” He persists, laying his head down onto the table. You’re desperate to lift his hopes, but it’s evident that you aren’t really good with comforting people.
“Well you won’t know if you give up now. Keep your head up, Mark. She’ll come around.” You alleviate, finally getting him to send you a small smile.
“You think so?” He asks, the small glimmer in his eyes beginning to come back.”
“I know so.”
There’s a special kind of silence that sits between the two of you, not calling for anyone to say anything or do anything. You simply enjoy each other’s presence for a while, and that’s enough.
And despite his own logic, Mark decides he can try out your plan for a little longer.
The two of you seem to be a hot topic on campus, and it would be almost impossible for news to have not reached Yuri yet.
Mark is desperately trying to catch Yuri’s attention, seemingly to no avail. With no further reaction than a glare and a whisper to her friends, it seems that Yuri’s got more important things to do.
Usually, this would be a good place to pull the plug on your little plan, but Mark decides to hold on.
There must be some divine force that’s pulling him towards you, because it seems he’s enjoying the fake boyfriend thing. Maybe a little too much.
But still, when you agreed to help Mark study for his quiz, you didn’t know it would be this bad.
“What don’t you get?” You plead, losing count of how many times you’ve asked him this question by now.
“All of it!” Mark grunts in frustration, flipping through his textbook and groaning loudly. “I hate biology!”
“You’re the one who asked me to help you learn this concept.” You remind, not letting him miss the fact that he got himself into this situation. “And if I recall correctly, you’re supposed to be doing my homework.”
“Yeah, but I’d rather study you.” Mark teases, a wry smile moving onto his face.
Your heart skips a beat for less than a second before you return to your senses, clearing your throat to collect yourself. “You should use that on Yuri, I’m sure she’ll notice you then.” You respond, flashing a tight lipped smile.
His smile drops and his attention is turned back to his book, confusing you slightly. It seems Mark loves that, sending you mixed signals.
“Another party? Are you sure this is a good idea, Mark?” You press, feeling uneasy about doing that whole debacle again.
“She’ll be there, for sure. Just please come with me. We can make her jealous, you know?”
He’s in your room, sitting on your bed and begging for you to go. If you really wanted, you could just tune him out and continue studying, but you figure you’ll do him a favor, just for tonight.
“This is the last time.” You assert. He knows you’ll probably agree no matter how many times you ask him, but he’s thankful nonetheless.
“You won’t regret it!” He’s smiling ear to ear, but you’re still suspicious.
“That’s what you said last time, and I severely regret it.”
You’ll never quite be used to the reek of popularity and bad decisions, but you recognize it quickly.
Frantically searching the rooms of the house, he’s dragging you around by the arm whilst still trying to act lovingly.
You catch Jungwoo’s stare across the room, a knowing smile adorning his face. You choose to ignore him in favor of Mark, whose grip on your arm only gets tighter once he finds who he’s looking for.
“Yuri!” He calls out, watching her eyes go wide when she sees you on his arm. “It’s been a while.”
He’s trying to act cool, but you’re sure his heart rate is through the roof by now. “Hey, Mark.” She greets, a small smile creeping onto her face. “And who’s this?”
She looks you up and down, eyes boring into your soul. “This is my girlfriend, Y/N.” You both watch her expression shift as he says the word girlfriend, clearly getting irked.
Clearing her throat before extending her hand for you to shake, she introduces herself, as if you didn’t already know her. “I’m Yuri. I think we have a lecture together, or something.” She looks uninterested, and almost disgusted by your presence. In Mark’s eyes? A win.
“I hope we can be good friends.”
There’s more mindless banter for a few minutes before Mark finally pulls you away, squealing like a small child. “It’s working! It’s really working!”
“I told you it would.” You reassured sagely, his arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace, catching you off guard for a moment.
“You’re the best. I seriously owe you for life.”
Less than two weeks into your little show, and Mark has been over the moon.
After your interaction at the party, Yuri’s been clearly peeved, and word is she hasn’t gone out with anyone since.
Mark likes to imagine she’s being driven up the walls right now, which honestly, you don’t doubt. He even thinks that you two could end this whole fake dating plan soon enough. It’s a bittersweet thought, but you swallow hard and accept it.
So no matter what small part of you wished to be happy Mark was getting what he wanted, you pushed it down. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to lie to yourself, but you never really believed it.
“What’s got the little cutie all down in the dumps?” Jungwoo asks, a pout evident on his face. “You okay?” His tone is a little more serious as you don’t respond, but you aren’t interested in entertaining his fantasies, not today.
“Depends.” You answer, trying your best to be vague. A venomous glare is shot his way, which intimidates him slightly.
“Depends on what?”
“On how well I can convince myself that I am.” You rush away to your next lecture quickly, leaving Jungwoo dumbfounded, and slightly worried. He won’t ask any follow up questions, he knows better than that.
There were only three things in this realm that scared you. Spiders, Thunder, and Love. And while you had managed to avoid these for a while, it’s at Mark’s dorm that a thunderstorm so conveniently strikes.
It started as heavy rain, nothing more than the soft taps of rain on Mark’s window filling the air. “You know, my friend Johnny told me that Yuri was asking about me yesterday.” He grins, eager to tell you any and all updates.
“That’s great…” You mumble, trying to distract yourself from the loud commotion of the rain.
“It’s raining like hell” He mutters, peeking out of the blinds for a second. You tense, trying to clear your mind. You can’t have Mark view you as weak.
You seem to have lost track of time, for it’s well past 10 that you finally check your phone. “Shit, I need to get back to my dorm.”
“In this weather? No way.” He nags, concern tinting his gaze.
“Mark, I’m not a child. I’ll be-” Your sentence is interrupted by a loud rumble from the storm, startling you as you let out a small screech. You attempt to play it cool, clearing your throat and collecting yourself.
“Not a child? You’re scared of thunder, aren’t you?” He teases, a small smirk on his face. When you open your mouth to object, another loud strike comes, causing you to let your guard down. Mark comes to hug you, rubbing small shapes onto your back. “I’m here, you’re fine. Nobody’s gonna hurt you.”
You put your pride to the left for a minute, simply enjoying Mark’s comfort rather than pushing him away. There wasn’t much for either of you to say, so you just let him stay with you.
The quiet hum of birds rings through your ears as sunlight floods into the room, waking you up gently. You definitely recall falling asleep in Mark’s room, but he’s nowhere to be found. Like the gentlemen he is, he suggested he sleep on the couch. You shuffle groggily as you pull yourself out of bed, peeking through the rooms to find him.
You find him in the kitchen, humming a tune as he prepares breakfast. He’s annoyingly cute as he does, and it makes you want to throw up. “Oh, you’re awake!” He beams, that same stupid smile on his face. “Did you sleep well?”
You hum in response, rubbing your eyes to wake yourself up. “I think so.” You respond, a little grumpy, as you always are at this hour. There’s something bothering you in the back of your mind, and you simply can’t calm down. “How’s the whole thing with Yuri? You said she was asking about you.”
His face visibly drops at the mention, and you can’t help but wonder what happened between last night and this morning to so drastically change his mood. “It’s fine.”
“Is everything alright?” You ask, sensing the shift in the air. “Did something happen?”
“Nothing happened, it’s fine, really.” He reassures. One thing you’ve learned in the past few weeks? Mark Lee is horrible at lying. “I have a lecture soon, so I’ll get going. I’ll text you later, okay?”
You’ve no time to respond before he’s out the door, dumbfounded. Like you’ve mentioned before, Mark Lee loves to send mixed signals.
“He’s so confusing, Jungwoo.” You huff, eyebrows knitted tightly together as you slump onto his couch. He had invited you over earlier in the day, but he wasn’t expecting you to be so moody. “He acts fine, he holds my hand and tells me jokes, and then the moment I bring up Yuri he’s uninterested. I mean, that’s why I'm helping him, aren't I?”
Jungwoo gives you a doubtful look, letting out a light chuckle. How could he be laughing at a time like this? “For someone so arrogant, you sure are dense.”
You tilt your head slightly, huffing. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
He simply lets out a weak chuckle, shaking his head lightly. “He probably likes you, dude.”
Your eyes widen incredibly, as you begin to cough from the initial shock. “What are you on about? He likes Yuri. I’m just helping him out for the meantime, haven’t we gone over this?”
He looks at you slackly, letting out a small scoff. “From what you’re telling me right now, the man is down bad.”
“You’re deranged.” You deadpan, “Let’s talk about something else, anything else.” You try to steer the conversation, but Jungwoo is just so interested in your life.
“So if not Mark, who’s been catching your eye recently?” He asks, fidgeting with his hands.
“What are you on about? I’m not interested in anyone right now.” You respond with a huff. Why did he even wanna know?
“You sure? Because...it seems like you are. You look more bright and energetic these days. Isn’t that a symptom of love?” He asks, tilting his head.
“A symptom? It’s not a sickness, Jungwoo. You’re being ridiculous.” You shoot back, lightly hitting him in the arm.
“Just a guess.” He comments, shrugging it off.
At first, you’re torn deciding what to do.
You tell yourself that it’s for the best, but your stomach starts to hurt as you knock on Mark’s door.
You’re confused, however, when his roommate opens the door. “Yo, you’re y/n, right? I’m Johnny, it’s so great to finally meet you.” He extends a hand towards you, which you accept. “Mark has told me all about you”
“He...he has?” You echo, a small chuckle coming out as he nods.
“Oh yeah, he almost never shuts up about you. The dates you guys went on, the movies you guys saw, literally everything. It almost makes me sick.” He quips, “But I can tell he really likes you, so treat him well.” The comment makes you even more uneasy.
“I will.” You reply, an uncomfortable laugh coming out with it. “So uh...where is Mark?”
“He went out to do laundry a couple minutes ago, he’ll be back soon so you can just chill here.” You nod in response, sending a small thanks to Johnny as he walks back to his room.
Mark arrives less than 10 minutes later, pleasantly surprised to see you in his living room. “Hey! Johnny let you in, I assume?” You nod in response, trying to lighten the atmosphere. But Mark doesn’t miss the look on your face. “Is everything alright?” He questions, an uncomfortable smile on your face.
“Yeah...I’m fine.” You respond, voice trembling. “I just have some...concerns.”
He cocks a brow at your enigmaticness, but plays along. “Concerns? About what?”
Taking a deep sigh, you decide to stop beating around the bush. “I don’t think we should do this anymore, Mark. I think it’s time to shut it down.”
“But why? Did something happen?”
“We’ve been doing this for months now, Mark. Aren’t you tired of it? Maybe the only reason Yuri isn’t talking to you is because she thinks you have a girlfriend.” You point out, trying to conceal your real motives.
“Where is all of this coming from? I thought...I thought we were doing well.” He trails, beginning to come up with excuses.
“It doesn’t matter. I’ve made up my mind, Mark. This whole fake dating thing was stupid, anyways.” He doesn’t say anything, just puts his head down. You’re out the door in a matter of seconds, leaving Mark perplexed and upset. Why would you pull the plug now?
There’s not a lot of words that can describe the way you’re feeling right now, since you don’t really know yourself. One one hand, a weight has been taken off your shoulders. You don’t have to lie to anyone anymore, and you can go back to your old life. The life where you didn’t go to big parties, or go out every week, and nobody knew you. You could go back to being invisible.
You were meant to feel relieved, but you didn’t. You felt regretful and distressed. Instead, you swallow hard, pushing down any remaining anguish you felt.
“What do you mean you broke up with him?” Jungwoo hollers.
“We didn’t break up! We were never even dating.” You shoot back, the words leaving a bitter taste on your tongue.
“Oh my god,” He starts, rolling his eyes. “When will you stop saying that? I’ve known from day one that Mark doesn’t just see you as that, so stop lying to yourself, y/n!”
You simply frown in response, not daring to argue any longer. “Jungwoo, I messed up.”
“Why?” He looks at you teasingly. He knows why you messed up, you know he knows too. But he wants to hear it come from you.
“I fell for Mark Lee.” You finally admit, a deep sigh coming out with it. “And then, I pushed him away.”
You look like a dejected puppy, Jungwoo quickly coming to comfort you. “It’s okay, it’ll be okay.”
Slowly, everything falls back into its place. You pass by Mark in the halls without as much as a glance, which is how it should be. Looking back, it was foolish to think you could ever be more. You and Mark were from two different worlds, he deserved someone like Yuri. And you? You deserved something less than Mark.
Day by day, it got easier to be without Mark. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss having someone drop you off, pick you up, bring you food and listen to you rant. But this is the way things were meant to be.
“Y/N!” Your head whips around to see Jungwoo grabbing you by the arm, leaving you quite confused. “You need to see this.”
He takes you to the courtyard, where Yuri is approaching Mark. You’re about to leave, but Jungwoo forces you to stay. You can barely make out what they’re saying, but you make out the last part.
“So, would you like to go out some time?” Yuri asks, batting her eyelashes. The sight makes you sick, but Mark’s expression confuses you even more.
“Actually, I don’t think we should.” He responds, trying to avert her gaze. “I like someone else, Yuri.”
You let out an audible gasp, making Mark turn towards you. He isn’t able to meet your eyes, however, as you had already run away. You aren’t sure why you decided to run, whether it was anger or jealousy, or maybe even both.
“Y/N!” You could hear faint call outs of your name in the shape of Mark’s voice. You ignored them, finally taking a break near the bleachers, where the whole thing started. Much to your dismay, however, Mark shows up not long after. “Let me explain.”
“I don’t care if you have a crush on someone, Mark.” You deadpan. “I’m upset that I put so much time into your stupid plan when you were just gonna turn her down. It’s frustrating, you know.”
“Hear me out,” He breathes out, slightly out of breath from running after you. “I really did like Yuri, at first. And then I met another girl.” He starts, but you seem uninterested. “And this girl, she’s really something. She’s funny, and sweet, and a little rude sometimes- but I love that about her! She’s thoughtful, and pretty, and smart, god, she’s perfect.”
You remain expressionless, letting out a ‘tsk’ as he finally finishes. Although you feign disinterest, your feelings were a little hurt hearing him talk about this girl. “I’m glad you found a girl you like, Mark. But I don’t care. You wasted my time.”
Mark rolls his eyes before turning to face you. “Are you always this dense?” He asks, making you recall your conversation with Jungwoo. “It’s you, y/n. The girl. I like you.”
The world seems to still for a moment, and nothing seems to matter other than you and him. “M- me?” You do a double take, pointing at yourself.
“Yes, you.” He responds, before he finally leans in for a chaste kiss, which you gladly accept. The scene looks cinematic, and all your lingering doubts about Mark have suddenly faded away.
It was fake anymore, you didn’t have to play pretend. Especially not with Mark. It was you two against the world, and you could take anything coming your way.
Still, there were three things that scared you. Spiders, thunder, and whatever would have happened to you had you not gone to that party with Mark Lee. It was useless imagining it, because you were here now, and that was all that mattered.
This was fate. Mark Lee was what you deserved, now and forever.
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MARK taglist (batch one): @youreverydayzebra @rae-blogging @so-jays @icywhatim @sseyk @iuwon @yeoforce @bluhr @heebabyy @athena103 @tyongolden @yjwfav @baekhyunstruly @enhacolor @eternallyhyucks @definitely-not-kyuzu @tyongishs @missyouraccent @aliceu @ryu-naa @aishiohs @mora134340 @cutecutepsycho @cookydream @orangegyu @bhebeleng @alymii @eggoyu @ellie-idk-anymore @tbhidkwhatimdoing @deryderydery@chitaphrrrr @frickyratz @huangberryyy @navoeur @d1nne @t-toodumbtocare @arishaechan @tyongf-sunflower99 @skuezk @yerminie @Shawkneecaps @kkzldk @waffledaisy @marinaandtheunicorns @lovekyr @pagindak @neoculturetingz @aaasteroidsky @koishua
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i'm 100% certain that this anon is the same sklasksk,, but i expected this kind of request too ^_^ so, i'll just be putting them in one post :)
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Shinichiro is a thoughtful guy, so he doesn't want to burden his friends with his "love problems". But, his wingman and wingwoman are his siblings. Mikey and Emma.
He knows how much you like kids, so he bribes his siblings with chocolate and candies to hand you letters and presents almost every day.
In one of his letters he said,
"I wish I was a camera, so I would be able to stop time and capture the most beautiful moments with you. However, I'd rather be the one making you smile behind the camera. I know you are aware of my feelings for you, but someday, I hope you feel the same way too."
I headcanon Shin to be a very poetic guy. His love language is literally words of affirmation. So, he uses words for you to know how much he truly adores you. AND YOU FELL FOR HIM BECAUSE HE ALIGNS HIS ACTIONS WITH HIS WORDS.
But, take note of this. No matter how busy he is, HE WILL ALWAYS MAKE TIME FOR YOU. It doesn't matter if he's looking after his siblings, or if he has some matters to attend to when it comes to his gang, or if his bike shop was busy. He's truly the epitome of, "if he wants to, he would."
Every night when he thinks of you, he thanks whoever god is behind the biggest plot twist of his life: you. He's so grateful that he got rejected 20 times because if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't be able to encounter an amazing person like you.
To be honest, he was so tired after his 20th try. But, his misery was replaced with hope. And, hope took form in a bright and cheerful girl, which was you. He didn't want to try again, but for you, he'd risk it all.
You are the only person who would ever find out about his deepest and darkest secret. His weakness. Everything. He trusts you that much. You were the only one to whom he truly opened up to. The guy that you thought had a strong will actually have lots of problems. And, you made it your duty to always be there for him.
Your boyfriend is the president of the most prominent gang in all of Japan, and it means that you're going to live with a lot of privileges yet you have to prepare yourself for a lot of challenges.
Shinichiro is the type of boyfriend that would never give you the silent treatment or act cold when he's mad at you or when you two had an argument. He wants to fix things immediately since he feels bad whenever he sees you in pain all because of him. I swear arguments with him won't last for an hour. After all, he's the oldest out of his siblings, so this man's patience is so big.
Oh, when it comes to meeting your parents? He instantly charmed your mom, but your dad? He had problems with him since he's the leader of a gang (and your man smokes). Read this headcanon I wrote for more context about Shinichiro meeting your parents.
He will never fail to remind you how much he loves you even when you're doing the most mundane of tasks, or whenever you're at your worst. He wants you to know how much he appreciates you.
He gave you a necklace, almost similar to his (the silver chain, but he got you the same necklace in gold). He'll also be the type of boyfriend who would love for you to make him that bra strap bracelet. This man is clingy and wants the whole world to be aware that you're his.
You and Emma are the only girls who would be able to ride behind his motorcycle!!
Oh, and Emma and Mikey loved having you around. You made their brother happier ^_^
Remember that Shinichiro will always stick around with you until you're both senile to remember each other's birthday. He loves you, and he's dedicated to staying in love with you.
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨'𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬' 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
He is and will always be Shinichiro's best friend and childhood friend. So, he's the one who knows your boyfriend best. Actually, he was genuinely happy for his best friend. He had to bear all of Shin's sadness whenever he gets rejected. Dozens of cigarettes are wasted in a night when they're unoccupied. But, because of you, Shinichiro was slowly changing to become a better man and a person in general.
He's the person that Shinichiro goes to whenever he needs some help. Whether it'd be looking after Emma and Mikey for the night or being the one to look after Shin's shop, he's always there.
Takeomi, a guy so skeptical of love believed in it when you came to the life of his hopeless romantic best friend.
This guy is also the one that Shin tags along with whenever he buys you presents. He always needs his best friend's advice and thoughts.
Of course, before you two started dating, Takeomi interrogated you. Asking you if you'll be there for Shinichiro through thick and thin. You smiled, thinking how lucky you are that your boyfriend's friends are someone to be trusted too.
It might've taken a long time for him to warm up and accept you, but who is he to deny Shinichiro of happiness and love? When you're the only one who could give those things to his best friend.
Yep, Shinichiro was worried you'd like Wakasa even when you're dating him. But, you reassured him that you have already fallen in love with him.
And when you eventually met Waka, you only thought how he looked so cool, that's it.
He thought what on Earth came to your mind when you decided to date his friend. But, he can see the love you hold for Shinichiro through the way you looked at his friend like he's some kind of priceless art.
He liked seeing you with Shinichiro. You were that extra bundle of sunshine in his life. And, Wakasa noticed how you genuinely loved and cared for his friend.
Wakasa saw Shinichiro as a loser in both love and fight. But, you made Waka realize that Shin will always be the winner of your heart. That Shin will love you and fight for you no matter how hard things get.
He appreciates you bringing food for everyone whenever you visit Shinichiro. He likes the hamburgers you make!!
All in all, you trust Wakasa and he trusts you too.
Like from the Wakasa headcanon, Benkei is so accepting of you that he makes you feel like you're a part of their circle.
All he could think about was, finally, Shinichiro found someone who treasured him for being him. Someone who finally accepted the love that Shinichiro was so willing to give and how you reciprocated that love.
Benkei bombards you and Shinichiro with the most random questions like, "When will the two of you get married? I want to wear some wedding suits, you know?"
"Okay, practice your wedding vow with me, Y/N-chan. Let's make sure Shinichiro would cry buckets of tears."
Will tell you the craziest adventures he had with his friend. From the way he was so weak when fighting but managed to bring together the strongest of people.
And, he reminded you that when you came along to the picture, Shinichiro stopped doing things he used to do. Because to quote Shinichiro, "I want to live a longer life for Y/N and for our future family. And, who would take care of my siblings?"
Through Benkei's stories, you can't help but fall deeper in love with your boyfriend.
In the end, Benkei won't hesitate to be there for you and Shin.
ᴇᴍᴍᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍɪᴋᴇʏ
Those kids are the two little people that keep Shinichiro going. They are the two small beings that showed him his purpose in life.
They didn't hesitate to call you their "onee-chan", and they're also the reason why you always have a hard time saying goodbye whenever you come over. Because these two cuties wanted you to stay.
Of course, they love you like you are their real sister. Mikey, who was ever so carefree even pointed out, "You'll be the mama of my future nieces and nephews." Shinichiro spits the water back out of his mouth while you were aggressively blushing. But, Emma was quick to react and smack Mikey in the head as she said, "They have to get married first. Then onee-chan would become Mrs. Y/N Sano, right?"
Ever since that day, you thought that it wouldn't just be Shinichiro who would be heartbroken in case fate separated you two, but his siblings would be sad too. After all, you felt attached to his siblings too.
You and Shinichiro always take the two of them out. It was always a nice date with the two of them. It's just a little more pricey because you and your boyfriend would have to pay for another two people.
Emma and Mikey will love you very much. And, they will welcome you to their family wholeheartedly.
And, they're also one of the factors why you can't wait to be officially and legally a lifetime partner and lover of their brother.
In conclusion, Y/N, you're lucky as heck to have this man!!! He has his entire future planned, and you're a part of every bit of it. DO NOT LET GO OF HIM!!!!
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kneewaze, here's a shin edit i made for y'all! the lyrics in this edit are from this song
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soupbabe · 3 years
Heard you wanted to be spammed with requests-
So uh- Idk if you do platonic headcanons but- maybe platonic Stardust crusaders with a pillar crusader? Doesn't matter what,,, gender the bby pillar person is,,, just,,, sweet pillar babe who's tall af- and totally acts like a doofus at times---
You dont have to do this tho uvu
Stardust Crusaders + Pillarman! Reader HCs
It says Pillar*man* in title, but reader will be gender neutral, I think that's just the species (?) name! Also I like doing platonic requests so I don't mind doing this at all ! <3
Joseph Joestar
He met you around the time he met Santana
You were stuck in the same Pillar as the youngest pillarman, also playing the role of a guard dog before you were turned into stone
The main difference between you and your (uh forced adopted?) brother is that your face broke out in a huge smile and giggles filled the room when he booped your nose and told you to be happy
You were loyal to Kars, but throughout the time in Battle Tendency that decreased due to the realization that he never cared about you and did abandon you without thought
Joseph was there to comfort you through it and you helped in defeating Kars in return
After BT, you were sent to be studied at the Speedwagon Foundation and years later they were able to replicate the red stone of Aja for you
Ultimate Y/N ! Ultimate Y/N !
Sunburn no more
You became a nature deity, similar to Kars
First thing you did when the study was done was prank Joseph into thinking that the Ultimate Lifeform came back
Although it didn't work all too well, your forced down smile and stifled giggles definitely wasn't a sign of Kars, despite the mighty wings you sprouted
You lived with Suzi Q and Joseph for the majority of your new life and you adored being apart of their lives
Also they did make you babysit Holly numerous times even though you had no idea what a human baby looked like until now
Should've learned their lesson when one time you were caught making a rough sketch of what would have been a traditional pillarman tattoo on a 10 year old Holly, claiming that it's needed for her to grow up big and strong like you
Although you weren't a stand user, you had experience fighting ancient supernatural beings stronger than some stand users and you were a deity among men. Joseph didn't wait to take you with him when he found out that Dio was making a return
When Holly got sick and it was clear the crusaders had to go to Egypt, you didn't hesitate to sign up. It was a rare time that you were serious and your loyalty to your aged best friend shined through. You loved his family and you saw Holly grow up, of course you'd be there for him
Throughout SDC, you mostly just laughed at him (mostly during the fight with Mariah) and cracked jokes with him to ease tense situations
Also that bit at the end of the show where he pretended that Dio possessed his body?? He got that from you and you both laughed while Jotaro gave you both a glare
Oh my god you barked back.
Y'all gossip with each other in dog, you're a nature deity, of course you can understand him perfectly
Added bonus of your powers is that he naturally relaxes with you
Sleepy gremlin
Jotaro Kujo
It took him a while to warm up to you
You were raised by Kars and Esidisi, dealing people who come off as cold and have occasional outbursts of anger come natural to you
He first doesn't think of you as anything when he first saw you
It wasn't until you sized him up, easily towering over the 6'5" teen, his eyes widened in astonishment a little
He has no problems with you, you're respectful to his mother and you respect his privacy for the most part
You're real bonding moment was when you made a lame, but fairfly obscure, fish pun when beating up the stand user of Dark Blue Moon
You both talked about marine life, he was genuinely interested in your experiences with ancient marine species and types of life before evolution made them what they were today
Although he doesn't like the happy go lucky types of people (they remind him of his annoying fangirls) you'll be the exception
A moment you both really became friends was in the Steely Dan fight
You shot your hand up in excitement, offering to aid in beating the hell out of the cocky bastard that mistreated Jotaro and Joseph
It was a good moment for you both to have light hearted banter and you ended the fight with a smile and a high five
Although persuading Joot to do the high five went more like: "Jotaro please" "No." "Pleassseeeeeee" "*sigh* Leave me alone after this."
I thank that you can't see stands. I can only imagine the endless lighthearted fights you and Star Platinum would have, you both giving each other proud smiles of how strong your friend has become
Noriaki Kakyoin
You gave a welcoming and cheerful aura when he woke up at the Kujo household
Out of all Crusaders, I do like to think that you would think of Kakyoin as more of a little brother
Probably because you miss Santana a bit tbh, red hair and a more reserved personality?? Easy for that to happen
Although you do make sure to keep that distinction between the two separate beings, gotta be healthy bby
You were one to always encourage him to get more out of his shell and be the friend he deserved
He would encourage you to speak about Pillarman society/culture when you both roomed together
One time you pranked him by giving him a handful cherries and giving him a tiny jumpscare when the cherries actually did turn back into your hand
Sometimes you both make fun of Polnareff together </3
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
,,,,big tall gentle giant? Oh my god he would've melted for you at first
He flirted with you first thing after the fight with Avdol, only to be immediately shut down with your laughter
It's not the first time someone hit on you, but his attempt was so cheesy and bad that it was funny
Don't worry he didn't keep on flirting with you though, it was clear that you weren't interested
That and you told him that you were over 1000 years old
You both were outgoing so it wasn't a big surprise that you two got along so well
He actually enjoys your tales of past fights and how it was like not being able to be in the sun for the longest time
That and he asked for hair care tips, your hair is very beautiful to him and to keep it as such even when you were turned to stone? Impressive
You both are dumbasses together, but you're the one to save his ass all the time
Especially during the first fight with Hol Horse, guns can't kill you and even then your skin can create a harsh shell to soften the blow
You just laughed it off, said that it tickled, and encouraged Polnareff to chase after the (now) frightened cowboy
You and Polnareff also have a lot in common too and you both are able to be for each other when it comes to Polnareff's grief over his sister and you technically being the only pillarman alive
Omg Y/N I can't believe you have yourself an emotional support himbo I'm jealous
You're also a wingman/wingwoman for him, years and years of experience (and using Joseph in his younger years as a "what not to do" reference) led you to being the perfect helper in getting whoever Polnareff wants
Muhammad Avdol
He's read about the Pillarmen, but he never thought that they were actually real
So when he met you he was flabbergasted
You and Avdol's friendship is like him unintentionally parenting a 7 foot 5 year old on one of those kid leashes
He knows that almost nothing can cause you great harm, but he still worries
Because of that his favorite form of hanging out with you involves chatting over tea or showing you foods you might not be aware of
In all honesty, it's greatly appreciated since your diet switched from vampires and humans to absorbing like 2-3 raw cows every other week. Your "palate" is not as expansive as you may think
While in India, you were able to buy some Henna and Avdol was very open to you giving him a mock Pillar tattoo
He wore it with pride and was very greatful
Sometimes when he gets homesick you make your arm into a chicken, and although it isn't the real thing, he appreciates it
You also show him ancient Pillar rituals too and it's his favorite thing to listen to
In return, you bother him to show you how to read tarot and tell him about (in your words) "occult business~"
You balance each other out and Avdol cherishes you greatly
When the mission to Egypt was over, he did name a chicken after you btw
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movingoncyaa · 2 years
it makes me slightly annoyed that there isn’t a soudam fic that doesn’t have the entire process for enemies to friends to lovers.
(this is gona be long)
like most of the time it’s just, timeskip gundham and kazuichi are all lovey dovey now, or just oh your actually not that bad.
but you see, i wanna see legitimately them slowly start seeing each other for who they are. like it could start off with kazuichi finally getting the hint by maybe finding out Sonia’s into girls and apologize and make it up to Sonia. I wanna see the progress they make each step of the way. maybe I just like long ass slow burn fics— the early parts are bit rough but slowly they become friends and then slowly Kazuichi’s making friendships with Sonia and Gundham. and overtime Kazuichi would see tiny parts of Gundham he finds nice, cute even. but no the confession doesn’t come yet omg— that’s way too fast for my tastes. okay so i headcanon kazuichi to have internalized homophobia, i feel like he has to through that, i feel like Hajime would definitely help lots in that department. and Sonia will make an amazing wingman— wingwoman? but anyway Kazuichi is the most closeted bisexual i’ve ever seen. a lot of time needs to be spent here, you can’t just recover from that easily; the internalized homophobia probably came from his home life with his father or maybe his classmates— both even; and having that drilled into your brain at an early age, that’s hard to take apart after built on for so long. after that’s taken care of, events have them to start seeing the good in the other but Kazuichi still refuses to acknowledge his fondness for Gundham because they were on opposing sides for so long, but then no matter how hard they try Kazuichi tries, he can’t ignore the festering feelings he has for Gundham and the tension just keeps brewing and despite himself, Kazuichi finally came to terms that, yes, he actually likes Gundham. i wanna see Kazuichi awkwardly trying to impress— court? Gundham, like giving gifts, making stuff for his animals, trying to indirectly ask for information; like Kazuichi would either try to get Hajime or Sonia to find out Gundham’s favorite flower and if that doesn’t work, in class he could ask a couple students what their favorite flower is and then ask Gundham so it wouldn’t be noticeable; then giving Gundham the flowers when he eventually confesses— not yet but like he’s planning to. And throughout all this, Gundham is completely oblivious. I’m not saying Gundham’s stupid, far from it, he is a clever man. His plan to take down Mechamaru is very well orchestrated, he would’ve gotten away with it if Fuyuhiko wasn’t there or if he didn’t drop any hints during the trial but I can tell he doesn’t have any experience with love at least, so he completely wouldn’t notice Kazuichi’s advancements; but I feel like Gundham would still develop a liking towards Kazuichi. Then there’s just this back and forth between them hanging around each other, spending time and getting to know each other, their friends supporting them all the way, through the messes, the awkward and sweet moments. AND THEN finally Kazuichi decides to confess after much and many planning. BUT MAKE THE LINE “I think I can love you”
muah, right there that is what I wanna see, and if you by chance know a fic like this or is making it, TELL ME, TAG ME, PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU
but yes, i just wanna see the process and the slow ass burn, the cute and awkward exchanges kskKkskskssjdwkdn and honestly I just want more soudam content, i practically read every fic in ao3 already, i am starving
i also have 2 crappy old soudam fics that i deleted but i still have it in my notes, if anyone wants to read it, tell me😌
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
Ch 2: Guys and Galentine’s Day
“What are you making?” Asks Peter.
“Etouffee,” I say. I’m bent over the stove, stirring the pot.
“Mmm I’m gonna have to come back here, when you’re done.” He picks up Mugo. I walk across the kitchen to see them out.
“Yeah, I’ll make you some to take home.” I scratch behind Mugo’s. “Be nice to the vet.” He purrs, leaning into my hand.
“Thanks, Ging.” Peter’s quiet for a moment. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah.” I’d make a joke if he wasn’t being so serious. He knew he could ask me anything.
“I’ve been saving up to buy something nice for Gwen but I don’t really know what she’d like. She’s really practical doesn’t like jewelry or anything like that.”
“You might be better off asking MJ then.”
“I know but we haven’t really hung out since you moved in with Harry. I miss you.”  
I couldn’t keep that stupid smile off my face. He always knew just what to say. I have no choice. “You’re right.”  
Me and Peter are traversing through the long list I’d prepared for our outing. Actively avoiding Peter meant I didn’t know much about his girlfriend. I had to cast a wide net. “Are you doing anything for Valentine’s Day?”
“Yeah. I guess me and Harry are going on a date.” I wasn’t sure if that was a joke or if that was actually happening.
Peter’s eyebrows press together in what I’d call disapproval. “What’s going on there?”
“What?” Did everyone think there was something going on between us? “Nothing. It’s just a friend thing.”
Peter nods but he doesn’t say anything else.
Harry walks into my room with a steamy cup of joe. “A beautiful man bringing me coffee in bed,” I say. “I’ve had dreams that start like this.”  
“I’m flattered.” Harry perches himself on the edge of my bed before handing me the mug.
“What’s all this about?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day.”
“You said we were going to practice dating.”
“I just wanted a date to the spa.”
I take a sip of my coffee. I nearly choke it’s so bitter. “Fuck, Harry. Have you ever made coffee before?” He makes a pathetic face. “Oh, you absolute man child. How were you allowed to live alone?”
“That’s what I have you for.”
“That’s Peter’s job. I refuse to take responsibility for you.”
“Oh, Peter texted me last night. He wanted to know if we were free for lunch with him and Flash.”
I place the poison on the night stand. “Do we have time?” We had a lot planned for today.
“Dinner reservations aren’t until eight so if we push our movie back, we can meet them at two.”
“Okay.” I shrug.
A man is digging into my shoulders, beating my knots into submission. “You have a lot of tension in your shoulders.”
“Yeah, I’m a college drop out.”
Harry laughs but I can’t see him or the woman massaging him.  
“This feels strangely intimate,” I say.
“We can’t even see each other.”
“Yeah, but I’m naked and I know your naked.”
“Speaking of naked-”
“Oh my gosh no.”
“We have to talk about it.”
“No, we don’t. You could certainly mind your own business.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Ginger. Who are you hiding us from, if you're not pining after our resident genius?”
There it is again. “Why’s it so hard for people to believe I’m just taking some time for myself?”
“Okay that’s no reason to go celibate.”
I am hyper aware of the other people in the room. “I’m taking a break from that too.”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t had any since Louie. It’s been like six months.”
“Some people don’t live off sex, Harry?”
“That’s why you’re such a horrible wingman.”
“What!? I’m a great wingwoman.”
“You only point out women I’ve already been with.”
“Because I know your type.” I point out. “It’s not my fault you’ve slept with the entire eastern seaboard.”
“Are you slut shaming me on our Valentine’s date? I brought you coffee. I took you to the spa.”
“You virgin shamed me first. Why are you so focused on me? What’s going on with you?” I gasp. “Are you seeing Liz again?”
Silence. Got him!
“Oh my gosh. How dare you keep this from me! Tell me everything.”
Harry sighs. “It's nothing yet.”
“Did you even go home with that girl we were entertaining?”
“Oh my gosh. You liar. I can’t believe I didn’t see this sooner. When did this start up again? Were you with her last week?”
“I didn’t lie. Liz wants to take it slow. Things didn’t go so well last time. She texted me over break.”
“Oh my gosh. That was two months ago. You liar! What’ve we even been doing all this time?”
“Don’t tell anyone okay.”
“What? This would totally make people get off our case about dating.”
“You set me up with another girl last night and Gwen and MJ still think we’re having some weird tryst.”
He’s right. “This date probably isn’t helping.”
“Who cares what they think?”
I attempt to shrug against the table. My masseuse says, “Please remain still.”
“Are you trying to leave?” Asks Harry.
“Hell no. Henry is working magic over here.”
“He’s the best male masseuse in Manhattan.”
Henry finally gets the knot out of my neck. I whine. “You’re a really good friend.”
Peter and Flash had already found us a seat at the dining hall by the big window.  
We sit down across from them in the uncomfortable chairs. “I don’t miss this,” I say.
“Yeah, this place is kinda gross,” says Harry, looping his arm around my chair.
“You guys are so bougie,” says Flash.
We all give him a look. “If me and Harry are the bourgeoisie, you’re the Russian King.”
“Was that supposed to be an insult?” Taunts Flash.
“Somewhere it just got lost,” I ponder. “I love you too much.”
“Aww,” Flash gives an exaggerated swoon.
“How’s your date going?” Asks Peter.
“What?” Asks Flash.
“Me and Ginger just got back from a massage.”
“That she had to take off work for,” Peter slides in. Okay that’s petty as fuck.
Flash thankfully jumps in. “Oh, that’s why Ginger’s so relaxed. I was wondering.”
I raise my hands in exasperation. “I literally can’t even breath without getting bullied.”
“It’s the truth,” Flash shrugs.
“Yes, which is why I think she needed a break.” Harry says.
Peter opens his mouth to respond. “Please,” I interrupt. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here. I decided to take off.”
“Let’s get in line.” Flash says, standing up.
Flash went straight for the pizza. Me, Harry, and Peter get in line for the subs. “Anything you want,” he points up the buffet, “on me.” Harry winks.
“Shut up.” I push him down the line.
Peter grabs my wrist. “Ging, I’m serious. Are you anywhere close to paying your mom back?”
I slouch. “Do you have to bring that up, right now?” I pull my hand away. “This day’s salary wasn’t gonna put dent in the tens of thousands of dollars I still owe her.”
Peter rethinks his words. “I’m sorry.” But my mood is already soured.
We sit back down. Flash is already devouring his first slice, cheese hanging out of his mouth.
“My goodness,” I pull out a napkin from the dispenser on the table and wipe his face.  
“You're such a mom,” Harry comments.
Flash swallows his last bite. “Thank you. So how was the massage,” before stuffing more pizza in his mouth. The cheese and grease I wiped away immediately replaced.
“I’m pretty sure our masseuses think we broke up during our couples massage. You won’t believe what he said to me-”
“No. No!” He wraps his hand around my mouth. “You might not wanna be divulging secrets right now.”
I swat his hand away. “I hate you.”
“You told me you loved me this morning,” Harry argues.
“Don’t be fooled, Harry.” Says Flash. “She says that to everyone. She’s for the streets.”
My mouth falls open.  
Peter’s eyes harden. “Flash-”
“How dare you speak against our Virgin Queen,” says Harry.
I press my face into my hands.
Flash places his hand on mine. “Hey, I was just joking,” he apologizes.
“No. I know.” I assure him.
Harry flashes me an apologetic look.  
Flash turns to Peter. “Casanova, what are you and Gwen doing today?”
Peter smiles to himself. “We’re gonna go ice skating and go to the coffee shop she likes.” Peter is so attentive.  
“Aww how sweet.” Flash playfully mocks.
“Shut up, Flash.” I say.
“Are you going to any of your classes today?” Asks Peter.
“We haven’t even gone to our movie yet,” says Harry. “We pushed it back to see you guys.”
Peter rolls his eyes.
“Oh my gosh!” Exclaims Flash. “You two have planned a whole day.”
“Yep, and we have dinner plans after,” I say.
“This is a lot of foreplay,” Flash says.
“Yep,” I chime. “We’re both going to sleep with blue balls tonight.” Me and Harry high five.
We pull up to Bagatelle right in front of the door. Paparazzi are waiting outside like it’s a red carpet. I can’t believe I’m about to go inside. Harry reaches across me and pushes the door open. “Their waiting for the big celebs.” I step out but don’t move further. Our car drives off. I grasp Harry’s hand. He starts to pull me forward, when we’re swarmed by flashing lights.  
“Oh, you mean like you.” I shield my eyes as we push through.  
“Harry, what do you think about your dad’s new plan to expand overseas?”
“Harry who’s the new girl?”
“Is this your new girlfriend?”
“Does she go to ESU with you?”
“How’s your Valentine’s Day going?”
“Did he buy you something expensive?”
I don’t realize that I’m in the restaurant until after a few blinks and we’re already being seated.
“You could’ve told me that was gonna happen,” I say.
“Sorry. Sometimes I forget everyone’s not used to that.” Harry pulls out my chair and I sit down. I still see the lights, when I blink. “I could’ve told you to wear glasses though. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know if that’s the best movie I’ve ever seen or the worst,” Harry ponders.
“I loved it,” I say.
“Of course, you would.”
“I told you that Cyber Love would be a special kind of trash.”
“A Sci-fi love story because that worked out so well for Luke and Leia.”
“Eww why would you say that. You sound like Peter.”
“You know when people tell Harry Potter fans to read another book.”
I giggle. “You know Peter’s an old movie buff.”
“I was shocked, when I saw his collection. You’d never know he’s ever seen another movie.”
I took a moment to catch my breath it had been such a fun day.
“Seriously Ginger. I won’t tell Peter.”
I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter.”
“He’s had girlfriends before.”
“This time is different. He’s been distant. He’s never... She’s more important than me.”
“Peter’s my best friend. No one’s more important to him than you. He almost bit my head off at lunch.”
“He loves her.” I wipe my eyes. It hurt physically to even think. What if they got married? I felt bile in my throat.
“Maybe. But we live together. Peter isn’t the one I’ve seen being distant.”
“I can’t see him with her. Or know that he’s with her.”
Harry looks at me with concern. “You need to get out. You’re too in your own head. You’re making yourself miserable.”
“What else should I think about? My none existent acting career.”
“I think you should hook up with a stranger and let him or her sort that out.”
I sigh. He’s not even the third person to give me that advice. “I can’t. I don’t like it.”
“Hooking up. I’m demi I guess.”
“You have to get emotionally attached first?” Harry asks.
Now Harry sighs. “Well, that is a different problem.” He leans back. “I could help you with that if you want.”
I’m not sure if he’s joking or not. “What makes you think you could?”
“You don’t have to act like you don’t want to. It’s just biology.”
“Slow your roll, rich boy. I was the bio major.”
I certainly did go home with blue balls that night.
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