#helping each other with their love lives just like the husbands will apparently be doing for the ladies
vintage-bentley · 1 year
First Kill set my gay/lesbian solidarity expectations very high with Ben and Juliette’s friendship. Good Omens has a tough act to follow…
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vampirehoon · 5 months
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w.c. ⟢ 1.1k
pairing ⟢ husband!sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis ⟢ it’s been a battle between your new kitten and your husband, sunghoon being bothered by the bundle of joy and him not understanding “shoo” and understanding “play”. one evening it is apparent that sunghoon wasn’t adoring his son which you have to make him understand that he is a cat dad now.
a/n ⟢ hi! i’m new to this fanfiction world on tumblr but from the looks of liking of my last post i thought to try and post a longer fic i’ve been working on. thank you so(x2) much for the likes and i hope i can create some more content for the engenes to read. thx again! ✮⋆˙
“love, could you grab this cat?” your husband calls from his office, his voice communicating irritation.
you head into his office from the kitchen to witness the cutest interaction. sunghoon is trying to shoo away your new family member but the kitten thinks he’s playing with him.
you make your way over to them, kneeling beside sunghoon’s arm chair.
“you know,” you hold the kitten in your hands. “he is your son.”
sunghoon scoffs. “he looks nothing like me.”
“oh really?” you turn your head, repositioning yourself to be turned towards him.
the kitten sits in your hands as you raise him to be right up to sunghoon’s cheek. their cute faces are identical. you fond over the resemblance.
“identical.” you smile ear to ear.
sunghoon watches at you, admiring secretly. he doesn’t let that adorable smile on your face ruin his stubbornness.
“son’s take after their mothers.” your heart flutters, only slightly, as sunghoon takes the kitten into his hold. His hands could almost crush him but his hold is gentle. same as you did to him, he presses the cat up against your cheek, amused already.
he nods to himself while he ping pongs his eyes between you two.
“same nose,” He taps both of your noses.
“same eyes,” He looks at both of your eyes.
“same whiskers.” he plays with the kittens, and pretends you have them as well.
“whiskers?!” you scoff, which sunghoon broke into an adorable laugh when he realized he teased you successfully.
you steal the kitten back.
“you meanie.” you give his shoulder a soft push before striding away, offended.
“you enjoy it.” you hear the smirk in his voice as your back is turned.
“yeah right.” you return back to the kitchen, definitely sulking, and letting your kitten sit on the counter top with you. you pet the kitten and he purrs as you mumble that you don’t and will never have whiskers.
later in the evening, sunghoon had finished his work in his office and came out to find you preparing dinner. you looked huggable but he knew he couldn’t startle you so he asked what you were making before he approached.
“something simple.” you kept it simple in replying as well. sunghoon could tell he bothered you earlier and eased his way over behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on the shoulder.
“forgive me, my love.” he says this with a deep sigh. the last thing he’d want to cause is an argument between the two of you or a distance. he loves to get a rise of you and see your cute reactions but he knows he can be unaware of how it affects you.
and that is why you’re always back in his arms every night, kissing his moles and insisting that he’s the most perfect human being. you turn your head to meet his lips, kissing him sweetly. a kiss where you close your eyes to really feel each other’s lips. you speak over his lips, the breath tickling his lips. “i always do.” and another peck, just for good measure.
sunghoon knew you were watching what you were cooking but couldn’t help wanting to kiss you longer and somewhere more comfortable.
his hands took your legs to lift you on his hips. you held your legs around his back and had your hands grip the back of his neck. he walked you from the kitchen to the couch, ignoring the dinner plans, and made you lay down below him.
you looked unreal. the moonlight shined through the windows of the living room and painted you a soft blue with the moon in your eyes. he wouldn’t have been able to let himself stop if it wasn’t for a cry from the bedroom.
groaning, sunghoon drops onto in the couch, letting you run to get him but you dragged him with you. sunghoon and you end up at the door, your kitten was crying for his parents. sunghoon focused his eyes on where the kitten was and it was crawling from his side of the bed with what looks like a small blanket covering him.
to say he was unimpressed that a cat got its own blanket before he fully ever got one at night was an understatement. H
he scoffed at the kitten’s baby treatment.
“he has his own bed, love.” and in your defense, you let sunghoon know it was just this one time.
you go claim your kitten and hand him over to sunghoon.
“take him to his water bowl or our dinner is going to be ruined.” you smiled softly at the two of them and patted sunghoon’s shoulder as you walked past him in the doorframe to get back to the vegetables.
now father and son are sitting at the water bowl. sunghoon watches as the kitten’s tail wiggles when he drinks. sunghoon laughs to himself, pulling out his phone to take a video. dinner is ready and you wipe your hands dry and go to call over sunghoon but catch the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
sunghoon’s tapping his nails on the ground like a spider for the kitten to attack. smiling brightly at the cat he, earlier, wasn’t the biggest fan of. this sure brings tears to your eyes. you speak up a big grin.
“father-son bonding time i see?” you tease, expecting sunghoon to get defensive but he picks up the kitten and makes his way over to you.
“i guess i never understood cats. they are quite cute.” he places the innocent fur ball on the counter and watches it walk, being extra cautious of the edge of the counter.
you have never been so proud to see this flip in him. you come around the counter and plant a kiss on his cheek.
“i knew you’d come around, you’re a natural.” sunghoon kisses you back and you two begin dinner.
the night ended with sunghoon putting the sleeping kitten to bed, placing the tiny blanket over him. he crawls into bed and into your arms. like tradition, you run your fingers through his hair and kiss his moles.
“i. love. you.” spacing the sentence with kissing a new mole. sunghoon hums with a soft smile. he opens his eyes slowly and gazes up at you. adoring his wife in front of him, he takes his fingers behind your ear to push back your hair and gently rubs your cheek.
“i love you so much.” “and your ability to keep me this in love with you.” sunghoon said as he leans into you. your noses brushing against each other as you stop right before connect his lips with yours.
“you’re the hottest cat dad i know.” you say, to possibly continue the kiss that could have happened on the couch.
“oh really?” the way he spoke those words sent chills down your spine and giggles up your throat. he meet your lips, kissing them satisfyingly.
𓉸ྀི ©vampirehoon
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Three Four, That’s the Magic Number - Hangman
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin / Wife!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog is 18+ Only!
Warnings: (Unplanned) Pregnancy; (Failed) Vasectomies; Humor; Suggestive Language; Marital Disagreements; Threats of Kicks to the Balls; Female Reader with No Description, No Y/N, Second Person POV, Use of "You"
Summary: You thought that three kids was it. But apparently your husband, Hangman, didn't have as successful of a vasectomy as you initially thought.
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Holding your head in your hand, you tried to quell your sudden nausea as your husband continued to drive you and your family across town to the Bradshaw family home for a Dagger pool day. Your head was pounding and you swore that your body was naturally swaying on its own and your kids fighting in the back seat was not helping your mood. 
“Hey!” Jake barked when your son kicked the back of your seat, causing all three of your kids to jump. “Sit down and apologize to your mama right now, Charlie.”
“Sorry, Mama,” Charlie mumbled out quietly.  
“Thank you, baby,” you replied softly, still feeling out of it. 
“If you three don’t stop fighting, we’re not going to the pool,” Jake warned your three kids. Coming to a stop at a red light, he turned around to shoot them the classic ‘do not test me today’ look that your kids knew to not test. “So, if you want to go to the pool and play with your friends, you’re going to stop fighting. Got it?”
“Yes, Daddy,” the three of them chorused together. 
Turning to shoot you a concerned look, since you hadn’t looked like yourself for what felt like days now, Jake started driving again when the light turned green. Pulling into the Bradshaw driveway, you slowly got out of your seat and moved to pull your kids out of the back. Jake grabbed the food and took Liam and set him on his hip so that you could walk in without any extra weight. 
The Bradshaw house was packed with the Daggers and their families. The years since the uranium facility mission had only made the Dagger relationships stronger and even though they didn’t all live near each other anymore, they made efforts to get together when they could. Especially with a lot of their kids being around the same age. 
Your three kids quickly joined in the activities with the other Dagger babies, letting you get a brief moment of peace. You and Jake stepped out into the backyard with Jake resting a concerned hand on your lower back, as if he was worried that you’d collapse on him. 
“Are you sure that you’re fine?” Jake asked worriedly.
“I’m fine,” you assured him, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. “I probably just need to eat and drink some more water. That’s all.”
“Go sit down. I’ll grab you something.”
Jake reluctantly parted from your side and headed inside again while you made your way over to where Phoenix and Payback’s wife Dana were sitting by the pool. The direct sun caused your head to pound once again. 
“You look horrible,” Phoenix commented, causing you to sigh and drop onto a chair. 
“I feel horrible,” you muttered, shifting the umbrella over to block the sun. 
“Are you sick?” Dana asked, sitting up. 
“No. I don’t have a fever or anything like that. It’s probably just some stomach thing or just me being exhausted.”
“You’re nauseous?”
“Only sometimes,” you replied with a shrug, lying flat on your back. 
“Have you been sleeping well?”
“No,” you sighed, rubbing your eyes and blinking slowly. “Liam’s still sleeping in our bed most nights and he usually kicks one of us awake. Mostly Jake, actually.”
“Eh, Hangman probably deserved it,” Phoenix muttered, shrugging her shoulders. 
“Love you too, Phoenix,” Jake muttered, arriving on the scene. 
He offered you a plate of food and a cup of water. You took the offering from your husband and shot him a small smile. In return, Jake leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips. 
“Thanks, baby,” you told him, smiling softly. 
“You’ll let me know if you need to go home, right?” Jake asked you, shooting that look that he always did whenever you over-exerted yourself. 
“Yes, Commander Seresin,” you replied sarcastically, shooting him an exasperated expression. 
“We don’t need to be here for your foreplay,” Phoenix stated from behind Jake, causing Dana to burst out into snickers. 
“Daddy!” Annie called, causing Jake to immediately spin around to see her standing on the steps of the pool with Bob right beside her. “Come play in the pool!”
“I’m coming, Princess!” 
Jake peeled off his shirt and handed it over to you. Shooting you one last concerned look, Jake headed over to join Annie in the pool. You folded his shirt up and set it beside you before reaching for your water. 
“How long have you been feeling ill?” Dana asked as you sipped at your water. “Jake seems pretty concerned.”
“About a week,” you replied quietly, reaching for the food that he brought you. 
“You made an appointment?”
“Not yet. But I’m worried that he’ll make one for me if I drag my feet anymore,” you stated honestly, popping a grape into your mouth. 
“Are you telling me that we’re in for another classic Hangman freak out?” Phoenix sighed, taking a long sip of her beer. “I haven’t had enough drinks to deal with that yet.”
“I think that Annie’s keeping him distracted for now,” you responded, smiling as Jake tossed Annie up in the air and caught her. Annie squealed as Jake pressed a kiss to her cheek and tossed her in the air again. “She’s got him wrapped around her finger at all times.”
You moved to eat some crackers and cheese, keeping everything lighter and stomach friendly. But when your caught a whiff of potato salad that all seemed to be for nothing. Plugging your nose, you quickly set down your food and sipped at your water to try and keep your stomach from rolling dangerously. 
“Do you need Jake?” Dana asked, sitting up.  
“You look like you’re going to throw up,” Phoenix added, sharing a look with Dana. 
“I’m fine. And stop looking at me like that or Jake is going to notice.”
“I’d make that appointment soon,” Phoenix told you honestly. “Not much gets by him. But don’t tell him I said that.”
“No, you’re right,” you sighed, leaning back in your chair. Staring up at the umbrella over your head, you sunk a bit more into your seat. “I’ll make the appointment.”
“Any allergies?” the nurse asked you. 
“No, none,” you replied, sitting up on the exam table of your doctor’s office. 
“Any changes to your medication?”
“When was your last period?”
“I don’t know, probably three weeks ago or something like that,” you replied, not entirely sure. You hardly kept track of it anymore at this stage in your life. 
“And any chance that you could be pregnant?” she asked, causing you to shake your head. 
“My husband had a vasectomy.”
“But are you still sexually active?”
“In the last few months?”
“Then, we’ll need you to take a urine test,” the nurse assistant replied, pulling out a plastic cup from the cupboard. “It’s standard procedure.”
Reluctantly, you took the cup and headed down the hall to the bathroom. After what felt like twenty years, your doctor finally entered your exam room. 
“How are we doing today, Mrs. Seresin?”
“I’ve been better,” you replied, swinging your legs back and forth. 
“Yes, I understand that.”
Your doctor asked you a series of questions, did a quick physical exam, before returning to the computer in the corner of the room. Typing in your answers and some notes to herself, your doctor turned back to you. 
“Well, I think with all of your symptoms and your test results, there’s one clear cause of your illness—you’re pregnant.”
“That’s funny,” you laughed off, but your doctor remained serious. 
“Mrs. Seresin, you’re pregnant. Your urine test came back with clear results. Based on your hormone levels, I’d put you somewhere around six to eight weeks.”
“But my husband got a vasectomy,” you insisted, as if that changed anything. “There’s no way that I’m pregnant.”
“Do you use protection with him?”
“No,” you replied, as if it were obvious. 
“Might I suggest making an appointment with your obstetrician?” your doctor spoke softly, causing you to sink into your seat. 
Making dinner that night, you swore that you weren’t seeing or thinking straight. Your doctor’s words kept echoing around head and stole any smidge of sanity that you maintained. Your kids were running around causing a ruckus as they always were and Jake still wasn’t home, which only added to your inner turmoil. 
You hadn’t told Jake about what the doctor told you. It didn’t feel right breaking that kind of news over the phone or text. And frankly, you were torn between stressing about Jake’s reaction to your news and wanting to have the upper hand so that you could jump out strangle him the second that he got home. 
“Daddy’s home!” Charlie called, setting off a chain reaction. 
You looked up to see the kids run over to the door to greet Jake. Trying to not get too caught up in how excited the kids were to see their dad, you focused on getting the table set up for dinner. The door swung open and Jake stepped inside, immediately dropping his bag and holding out his arms. 
“You’re all here for me?” he teased, pulling your three kids in for a hug and kiss. “Well, aren’t I just the luckiest guy?”
Sniffling, you set down the plates full of food for the kids before turning back for the kitchen to get started on the dishes. Jake usually did them after dinner, but you just needed to do something to steady yourself. Jake released your kids, telling them to go and wash their hands, before turning to you. 
“Hey, Mama,” he greeted you, playfully tapping your ass. Wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you away from the dishes, he pressed a kiss to your shoulder and then your neck. “How was your day?”
“Oh, I just found out some news,” you replied, seemingly calm. 
“What kind of news?” Jake asked curiously. 
“The kind that will have you sleeping on the couch tonight,” you stated, a bit more aggravation seeping into your tone. 
“What? What’s wrong?” Jake questioned, confused and looking a bit like a kicked puppy with your harsh tone. But that look wasn’t going to do him any favors today. 
“You didn’t keep up your end of the deal.”
“Honey, what deal?”
“The one where you promised to not knock me up with another one of your heavy, always late, big-headed children!”
“Wait, you—you’re pregnant?” Jake breathed out, inspecting you closer. “Really?”
“I could easily knee you in the balls right now,” you warned Jake, eyes narrowing. “Maybe I need to since your ‘vasectomy’ clearly didn’t work!”
“What’s with the air quotes?” Jake asked, grabbing your hands. “Honey, you were there.”
“Not in the operating room.”
“Were you supposed to be?”
“Jacob,” you warned him, shooting him a look to shut up. 
“Mommy, Liam was trying to eat the soap again,” Charlie complained, causing you to look away from Jake. 
“For the love of—Liam, what did I tell you about eating soap?”
“I got this,” Jake told you, turning to walk over to the bathroom. “Just . . . sit down and breathe.”
Jake walked off to grab Liam while you scrubbed away at the dishes again. Charlie sat down at the table, closely followed by Annie and then Jake carried out Liam and sat him in his chair. Turning to see you still erratically scrubbing at the same pot, Jake sighed and approached you. He called your name, but you didn’t look up. 
“Honey,” Jake tried again, “let’s just eat and I’m sure that you’re exhausted and probably just want to shower and go to bed.”
“I made an appointment with my obstetrician and with your urologist,” you replied, changing the subject on your husband. 
“My urologist?”
“About your ‘vasectomy’,” you stated, adding passive aggressive air quotes again around vasectomy. “It’s in a month.”
“When? I have a bunch of—”
“—I already called your secretary and picked a time that fits into your schedule.” Turning to shoot your husband a look, you wiped off your hands on a towel. “You’re going.”
You stormed past him, leaving no room for argument. Jake winced and watched you walk over to the dinner table with your three kids. And although you looked just about ready to rip his head off and could very possibly read his thoughts, Jake couldn’t help but think about how much better the dining table set would look with six chairs instead of five. 
But he wasn’t going to talk about that right now. He wanted to wake up tomorrow morning. 
Jake sat on the exam table while you paced around the room with your arms folded across your chest and your purse in the optimal position to swing it and whack your husband. You were already starting to show and your appointment with your obstetrician was the week before. You and the baby were perfectly healthy despite the fact that you were in ‘advanced maternal age.’ 
Your husband slept on the couch after that appointment too just because you were feeling spiteful about that. 
Jake was still dressed in his uniform, on a short break from work to attend this appointment. He met you at the doctor’s office while Dana Fitch invited your kids over for the afternoon. And although he tried to brighten your mood by promising to grab dinner on his way home and maybe something extra, you face was permanently screwed into a frown since you arrived at the office. 
A knock on the door caused you to stop pacing and turn as the urologist slowly stepped into the room with a kind smile. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Seresin. How are we?”
“Pregnant,” you stated bluntly. 
“Yes, I heard. Congratulations,” the urologist replied somewhat awkwardly before taking his seat. “Though I’m assuming you’re wondering how that’s possible.”
“You read my mind,” you responded calmly and not at all sarcastic. 
“Well, I should inform you that you’re not the first couple to have a pregnancy after a vasectomy. While it’s not common, it can still happen.”
“And in this case?”
“I’m not entirely sure without any additional tests,” the urologist replied honestly. “And in this case, I think that starting with a sample is the best course of action. Once we have those results, we can discuss whether or not another vasectomy is necessary.”
“Another one?” Jake asked quietly. 
But he instantly tried to bite back his words when he caught the way that your head snapped around to shoot him a glare. 
“Oh, that must be so inconvenient and painful for you to have to deal with,” you drawled sarcastically, causing Jake to wince. 
You left the room to let Jake talk with the urologist privately and to check in on the kids. Glancing at the door to make sure that you were in fact gone, the urologist turned to Jake. 
“I’m not trying to overstep and cause any trouble but we often ask men in this position if there is any possibility of them wanting a paternity test,” the urologist offered, causing Jake to chuckle. 
“Not necessary,” Jake replied, laughing off the absurdity of the urologist’s suggestion. “Just some strong swimmers. That’s all.”
Jake headed out to the parking lot to see you sitting on a bench in the shade of the building, furiously typing away at your phone. Approaching carefully, like he was approaching a wild animal, he slowly sat down beside you. 
“They’ll call me back with the results in a few days,” Jake stated, causing you to nod and put away your phone. “Are you okay?”
“I still want to kick you in the balls,” you stated, shooting your husband a look. 
“Have I mentioned that I greatly appreciate your restraint?” Jake offered, causing you to scoff. “Honey, I can’t read your mind. Please just tell me what’s bothering you.”
“I just . . . I can’t believe we’re those people,” you sighed, holding a hand to your head. 
“What do you mean by those people?”
“You know, those people. Those couples who were dumb enough after having three kids to not know what birth control is. Those couples that can’t keep their hands off of each other and just fuck around like a bunch of animals and there’s evidence for all of it! I mean, who sets out planning to have four kids?”
“Baby, who gives a shit about what other people think about us?” Jake replied seriously, grabbing your hand. “It’s none of their business about how many kids we do or don’t have. And I’m not going to apologize to anyone for maintaining a healthy sex life with my wife after three kids. Are you?”
“No,” you huffed, folding your arms across your chest. “Of course not.” Pausing for a moment, you turned back to Jake. “I kind of rubbed it in stupid Gina Denison’s face that we’re still banging a few days ago.”
Gina Denison was one of the moms of Charlie’s friend group. Her husband was a tool and looked like he hated his life every time he showed up.  And Gina was always so flirty with Jake, grabbing his arm and complimenting him on everything, that you contemplated kicking your son’s soccer ball straight into her face. 
“She did look pretty glum actually,” Jake mused, rubbing your knee. 
“Then what’s there to worry about?” Jake asked, causing you to sigh. 
“There’s the whole bedroom situation first of all. Unless we want to turn the guest room into the nursery, the kids are going to have to share.”
“We’ll just convert the playroom upstairs. Easy fix. A new coat of paint and moving some things around and we’re fine.”
“And we can only fit three car seats into the back of your truck.”
“Then we’ll take the other car for family outings,” Jake pointed out softly, rubbing your knee again.
“And Liam’s still coming into our bed most nights. What happens when I’m eight months pregnant and there’s no room?”
“I’ll have a talk with him about it,” Jake offered, causing you to raise an eyebrow. 
“You’ve talked to him about it a hundred times already. What’s changed?”
“I have my ways.”
And by ‘his ways,’ Jake was quietly referring to the fact that when you were heavily pregnant, you snored. Loudly. And now Jake had never told you that when you were heavily pregnant you snored because he wasn’t an idiot. It was like complaining about how uncomfortable the chairs were in the delivery room. Only a fucking selfish pathetic loser complained about that stuff to his pregnant wife. 
And he already had a slip up with the whole second vasectomy thing in there and he was trying to quickly recover from that. 
Turning to you and gently cupping your cheek so that you turned to him, Jake leaned in and rested her forehead against your own. 
“Honey, you know that I’m here, right? You don’t have to go through this alone and you don’t have to hold all of the stress about it. We’re fine. We have the money. We have the space. We have the extra hands if we need babysitters. And for anything else, just tell me about it. I’m here for you and our four babies. Anything you want, you let me know, okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed softly, pressing a kiss to his lips. Smiling up at your husband through your eyelashes, you suddenly grew serious. “I want you to get another vasectomy.”
“Yeah, I thought you were going to say that,” Jake sighed, wincing a bit again. 
Jake was turning forty this year. The big 4-0. And it only seemed fitting to him that he got to have his four kids by his side for this birthday. But since it happened to fall on a random Tuesday that Jake had to work, you and the kids just put together a small party for him. You cooked him his favorite dinner and the kids gave him the card that they made for him. And then it was time for the cake. 
“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Daddy, Happy Birthday to you!” you and three of your kids sang along. 
But little baby Hazel, who was about a year and a half now, was more focused on trying to touch the cake with her finger than singing. Jake smiled and grabbed her hand, shaking it to distract her long enough for you to take a photo. 
“Alright, time to blow out the candles!” you called, holding up your phone to take the photo.
“On three,” Jake instructed your kids. “Ready? One . . . two . . . three.” 
Your four kids, who were all seated or standing next to Jake, blew out the candles with him. You snapped a few quick photos before putting your phone away. Jake started clapping, causing Hazel to giggle and clap along too. You quickly grabbed the cake and cut it up. Passing around the slices of cake, you smiled and pressed a loving kiss to your husband’s lips. 
“Happy Birthday, Jake.”
“Thank you, baby,” he returned, shooting you a wink. 
Your kids talked excitedly with Jake about the upcoming weekend. Jake’s parents were flying in for his birthday and you were going to take a short vacation as a family. Jake listened and talked intently with your children before it was time to start the bedtime routines. You and Jake worked together to get Hazel and then Liam and then Annie and Charlie all ready for bed. 
And once the kids were all asleep and tucked away for the night, you grabbed Jake by the hand and pulled him into your shared bedroom. In about three seconds flat, you had Jake on his back and straddled him. 
“Happy Birthday,” you grinned, pressing a set of needy kisses to his lips. 
“Are you my present?” Jake asked coyly, kneading your hips with his hands. 
“Sure am, Cowboy,” you replied, pulling off your shirt and tossing it onto the floor. But before you kissed him again, you quickly cursed and got up to lock the door to your bedroom. Smiling apologetically at Jake, you quickly hopped up onto the bed again. “Don’t want to risk the kids walking in on us.”
“It’s my birthday. Tonight, you’re mine. All mine,” Jake agreed, pulling you in for another kiss. 
And with assurance that his second vasectomy was successful, you happily started on your birthday gift for him.
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roosterforme · 4 months
Covering the Classics Part 11 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: When Anna hits rock bottom, she knows she needs to figure out how to put herself back together. But she also knows that leaving Kevin behind once and for all will require her to give up the only thing she wants from him. Maybe a shot at happiness with Bob would have been worth it.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, 18+
Length: 4400 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more!
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If this wasn't rock bottom, Anna didn't want to know what was. She spent Sunday night laying on the floor next to her bed alternating between crying and hyperventilating. Apparently she couldn't do both at the same time, because her body kept giving each activity its full attention before switching again. When she finally started to fall asleep around three o'clock, her ribs were aching so much, she didn't see how she would be able to teach in a few hours. But it didn't matter. She wouldn't be going to campus anyway.
When she woke up at six, she crawled to her computer and emailed everyone in her classes, informing them that she would not be in today and to work through the syllabus independently until their next class with her. All of the other professors pulled this kind of thing all the time, but she still felt guilty which triggered more tears. If Kevin somehow cost her a full time tenure position along with her happiness, she didn't know what else she had that he could possibly take from her.
When she thought about Bob, it hurt so badly she had to run to the toilet. And when she thought about Advanced Calculus and Advanced Physics, it hurt almost just as much. She was in love with so many things in San Diego, but she'd dragged her past here along with her even if she didn't want to acknowledge that fact. She'd brought this dark shadow along that tainted everything and left her wondering if she could fix any of it at this point. If she could even figure out how to start.
As she hiccupped alone in her bathroom, she knew she needed to mentally backtrack to New Jersey for the first time in a long time before she could focus on San Diego. When she crawled back toward her bed, she located her phone and found the contact information for her lawyer's office. It was late enough on the east coast that someone answered after one ring, and soon Anna had to use her scratchy, raw voice to try to communicate.
"When will my divorce be final?" she managed to ask as she propped herself against the wall. She left herself hungry every day, and she was living in this tiny room simply so she could pay these people to help her sort out her life, but the response she got was not ideal.
"Ms. Webber... your husband still has three days left to comply, but he has not done so yet."
Anna wanted to scream, but her throat felt like it was constricting. Why wouldn't he just let her have the one thing she wanted? She wasn't asking for anything extra, just the thing she worked so hard to make her own. She didn't even care about all of the money. But he wouldn't let her have it. Even though she didn't want to fight for anything else in the house, he still wouldn't comply. He was making hundreds of thousands of dollars now, and she wanted none of it back, but he knew that her manuscript was the one thing meant something to her. He would happily drag this out until she had nothing left.
She knew she needed to wait it out. It was her fault she hadn't filed sooner. She let Kevin's words destroy her even when she knew he was sleeping with Alyssa. She let him convince her that she needed him for way too long. "What happens in three days?" she finally asked.
"If he doesn't comply, then you can restructure your end of the divorce agreement, and we can try again."
Anna knew what that meant for her, but she didn't know if she could pull the trigger. Restructure it? There was only one thing she could remove. Kevin would come out clean as a whistle, and she would lose everything she hadn't already.
When Bob knocked on the door at seven in the morning after barely sleeping at all, Jessica looked concerned when she opened it, and Jake looked annoyed. "What's wrong?" she asked, reaching out and running her hand along his stubbled cheek. "Why haven't you shaved? Why do you look so upset?"
"Why are you even here?" Jake called from the kitchen where he was cooking breakfast in his uniform.
"I need to talk to you," Bob croaked, and Jessica pulled him inside and gently guided him toward the couch. She rubbed his back and didn't rush him as he sat there, and Jake even stopped turning to glare from in front of the waffle iron.
"Did you know Anna's married?"
Bob could tell by the sharp intake of breath and the way Jessica's hand came to a screeching halt on his back that she had no idea.
"She's what?"
"Married," he repeated without any feeling whatsoever. The handful of hours he'd spent around her were some of the best of his life, but he would have never let his friends try to push them together if he'd know. He should have let her keep him in the friend zone when she tried to let him know that's what she wanted. Mutual attraction be damned, she'd made marriage vows to someone else. He just wished he would have known.
"No," Jessica said adamantly. "How? She's got no rings, and she said she lives alone. She mentioned an ex before, but I'm virtually certain he's still in New Jersey. She... struggles with certain things, and if she was married, someone would be helping her make ends meet. I don't know where you came up with this, but no."
Bob took his glasses off and set them down on the arm of the couch while he ran his hands over his exhausted eyes. "Jessica. She told me she was."
"Well," his friend said as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders, "I'll ask her about it at lunchtime today. There must be some sort of miscommunication."
"I don't think so," he groaned softly. "We... slept together, and those were her parting words as she ran out of my house."
"You slept together?!" Jessica practically shrieked. 
"It's about damn time!" Jake called from the kitchen, clanging his spatulas together and whooping loudly.
But Bob was shaking his head and staring at the floor through his slightly fuzzy vision. He had his phone in his hand all night, trying to decide if he should call or text her, wondering if she went home to climb into bed with her husband. Scared that this was the reason why she squeezed herself into her apartment door before closing it abruptly when he drove her home.
"I should have backed off when she friend zoned me the first time. I should have never believed that I could be with a woman like her." A woman that inspired the best poetry he'd ever written in his life. A woman who made him want everything.
It finally dawned on Bob that there might be an irate husband in his future, and he would just have to take whatever came his way. Because there wasn't a chance that Anna didn't have her spouse wrapped around her fingers. Even if she had a lapse of judgement when it came to Bob, Anna's husband would know how good he had it and want to fight for her. Bob would just have to take it on the chin.
When Jessica kissed his cheek and whispered, "I'll try to sort this out," he just nodded with his shoulders slumped and his elbows digging into his thighs. But there was nothing to sort out. Anna would never be his, and now he would have to pay the price for the way she told him she was married about an hour too late to take it all back. Honestly, he never thought accidentally sleeping with a married woman was something he would ever have to deal with in his wildest dreams, and now that he was forced to do it, he was getting pretty mad.
Anna managed to give her Classics lecture on Tuesday morning with a sore throat after screaming into her pillow off and on for most of Monday afternoon. She hadn't eaten in days, and if anyone noticed her puffy, red eyes, they didn't mention it to her. She had quizzes to grade and reports to read, but when she went back to her office, the overwhelming scent of bread from the cafeteria made her gag.
There was a pack of peanuts in her desk along with a room temperature can of ginger ale, but she had no appetite yet. She was just in survival mode until she decided what to do when Kevin's time was up. Until she worked up the courage to talk to Bob and apologize.
He was the sweetest man she had ever known, and her lapse of judgement was going to cost her any chance with him in the future as well as her friendships. In fact, none of them were ever going to want to speak to her again, and that's what she deserved. If she would have just been honest with Bob, she wouldn't be in this mess. But San Diego was like a balm for her senses, making her feel normal where she knew she wasn't. Maybe Bob would have been willing to wait a few more months until she figured out her next steps. Maybe he would have accepted that she was legally separated from Kevin if her husband would just sign the fucking paperwork.
Tears were burning her eyes again just as someone knocked on her office door. She sat perfectly still, silently begging them to go away, praying that everyone would leave her alone until she could sneak out and go home later.
She knew that voice so well, and she was shocked to find that it sounded more concerned than angry.
"It's just us," came the second voice, and without another thought, Anna was on her feet, wrenching the door open as she started to sob. "Oh, Anna," whispered Jessica as she collected her into her arms.
Anna stood in the middle of her tiny office and cried and cried in Jessica's arms while her other friend studiously locked the door and dimmed the lights before reaching for the box of tissues on the shelf. "Here," she whispered, and Anna accepted a wad of tissues from her.
She tried to mop at her face, but it was a lost cause. Jessica pushed the loose strands of her red hair back from her eyes as she said, "Anna, we're here for you, but I think we need to talk. For real."
"We have some... concerns."
Anna tried to take huge gulps of air into her burning lungs as she gasped, "I'm really not okay. I hurt Bob."
Her friends looked at each other before Jessica said, "I think it's time you backtracked a little bit. Maybe all the way back to New Jersey."
"I hated it there," she told them immediately, wiping at her eyes as she sat on the edge of her desk, bracing herself for the interrogation to come. 
Advanced Calculus eyed her sympathetically before a look of steel locked in her gaze. "Are you married?"
Anna nodded slightly, cringing as she pictured Kevin's face. "Technically, yes."
"Anna!" Jessica exclaimed. "You slept with Bob!"
They knew. They knew everything. Bob told them, and they knew what she'd done. She cradled her forehead in her hands and said, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I hate Kevin. I don't think we were even married two years before he started cheating on me. I'm trying my best to divorce him, but he just won't fucking let me."
"What do you mean he won't let you?" Advanced Calculus asked, cutting off Jessica before she could screech again.
"He is ruining my life," Anna whispered, finally starting to feel more anger than anything else. "Like an idiot, I've let him ruin my life. I put him through medical school. I dropped out of Princeton to work two jobs to put my husband through medical school." Her voice faded into a soft yet harsh whisper. "Kevin promised he'd take care of me after that so I could finish my Ivy League PhD. But then he started cheating on me because I was always tired and boring and no fun. Because all I was doing was working to pay his tuition for four years straight while he fucked another medical student between classes. I caught them having sex in my car."
"No," both women gasped at the same time. But she just nodded as the memories she had tried so hard to keep at bay since she moved to California came roaring back.
"That's not a marriage," Jessica practically growled, reaching out for Anna's hand that she hadn't even been aware was shaking. "Not really."
"You're right," Anna agreed. "I'm a joke." She honestly felt like one. Images of Bob's face and the memory of his kind voice flooded her system. The way he looked at her and touched her felt like love. The things he wrote about her had her almost convinced he could love her back.
"You're not a joke, Anna," her friend told her. "You're a smart, capable woman who should have come to her friends months ago with all of this information."
"I hate Kevin!" Jessica shrieked before biting down on her own fingertips, and it was so comical, Anna might have laughed if she was in a better frame of mind.
"Yes," Advanced Calculus agreed. "Kevin sounds like an asshole. But you know who isn't an asshole? Bob. But right now, he kind of feels like one."
Anna closed her eyes as the tears started welling up faster. "I tried so hard. You have to believe me. But Bob is perfect. And he didn't think I was boring. But I wasn't planning on falling in love ever again."
"You love him?" Jessica snapped loudly. "You love him? Because Bob thinks you are in a loving marriage with your spouse!"
"Jessica, go sit in the desk chair and calm down," the other woman commanded, and Anna watched the petite, bespectacled blonde stomp around her desk. "Now, Anna, why didn't you explain this all to Bob before you rocked the man's whole world and then ran off into the night like Cinderella?"
"I freaked out," Anna whispered, swallowing hard. "He's the perfect man. He did everything exactly right, and he was exquisite." She looked down at the floor as she said, "I haven't been touched like that in years. Like I was worth something. I'm not even thirty yet, and my husband ditched me for someone else while actively bankrupting me." She was mortified by what she was telling them, but she couldn't stop herself now. "Kevin always said I should dye my hair, and he loved it when I wore makeup. But Bob... he likes my hair and my freckles. He likes the books I read. He thinks I'm smart." She felt her face warm up as she thought about his poems. "We had sex, and then he was looking at me, and he started talking about us. I can't be an us with someone when I can't shake Kevin."
Anna could practically feel Jessica freaking out in the chair behind her, but she kept her eyes on the floor. "If you need help with Kevin or money for a lawyer or something-" Jessica said, but Anna cut her off.
"No. I'm fine. But he's going to force me to decide if I'd rather have my freedom or my self worth. And right now, I can't decide what I want to let him get away with when he already took so much."
"Hey," her much calmer friend said softly, and Anna finally met her eyes. "We're here for you. Anything you need, okay? But I need you to promise you'll talk to Bob. The sooner the better." Then Anna watched her reach for her tie dye lunch box which she apparently brought in with her and pulled out one of her fancy containers. "Bradley made you some hummus, and I packed you crackers and veggies to go with it. Please make sure you're eating. And please talk to Bob. I need to go teach Differential Equations, but I'll text you later. Jess, you have Physics III in fifteen minutes."
Anna received two hugs that she barely returned, and when the two women were gone, she sank into her chair and managed to eat some of the hummus without gagging. Then she texted Bob, because if nothing else, she needed him to know how sorry she was for running out on him. How sorry she was for all of it.
Anna wanted to talk to him on Thursday evening. Bob had to fight the urge to offer to pick her up on campus and save her from having to take an Uber to his house, especially after the few details that Jessica told him about her finances. She confirmed that Anna was married. She also promised him that there was no angry spouse waiting to jump him in the In 'N Out parking lot. She also told him that he needed to give Anna a chance to clear the air. So he agreed. He was free on Thursday. It wasn't like he'd been doing anything except going to work and coming straight home all week, even avoiding Suzanne as much as he could. And he wasn't going to break his promise to Jessica, even though Nat told him to delete Anna's number.
Bob sat in his living room, staring at his new bookshelf in disgust. He'd let himself fall into a fantasy where he imagined someday Anna's books would get mixed up with his on the shelves. Where all of her dog eared novels would live alongside his pristine ones. He'd been subconsciously thinking about it since he met her.
His insides were churning with anxiety. Part of him wanted to scream at her that none of this was fair to him, but the other part knew that no matter what, he still didn't want to see tears in her brown eyes. He couldn't let her take all of the blame for this anyway. He'd even told Jessica that she pushed a little too hard and that she shouldn't do that again in the future.
When there was a knock on his door, it was hard for him to stand up. How was he supposed to do this? He dragged himself across his living room to his front door and carefully opened it to find Anna with the saddest expression imaginable on her face. She looked somehow smaller and paler than she should. She looked like she hadn't slept. And that's when Bob realized he must look the same way to her.
"Hi," she whispered, brown eyes darting around his face nervously. She held out a small bouquet of blue flowers and the books she had borrowed in his direction, and Bob noticed her hands were shaking. "Um, I got these for you. They look like the flowers on the cover of the Whitman poems, and I thought of you when I saw them at the store."
"Anna," Bob groaned as he took them from her along with the books. He moved out of the doorway so she could come inside, and somehow he still couldn't decide if he was angry at her or not.
"I'm sorry," she gasped, turning to look at him once she was halfway across the room. There were several feet of space between them, but he could smell her hair. She was wearing the jeans she wore last time she went to the Hard Deck. He knew what that shirt felt like between his fingers. He could tell she was trying not to cry as she said, "I'm just really sorry."
"Why didn't you tell me you're married?" he snapped, unable to hold back. He knew his tone was harsh as he added, "Why didn't you tell anyone?"
"Because I should have been divorced by now!" she practically shouted, and Bob was instantly more soothed by that sentence than he should have been. "You think I want to be married to the worst man I know?" He had so many questions already, but something told him to just let her keep going. "That's why I'm here. In San Diego. He was supposed to sign the papers so I could get on with my ridiculous life, but he won't!" She sucked in a deep breath before she said, "And it's eating me alive knowing what I kept settling for when you exist! Knowing that I could have been with a man like you."
Her lips were moving like she was shivering, and her eyes were wide and watery. Red blotches covered her freckled cheeks, and Bob just knew she was going to panic again. She made a helpless noise and rushed forward, ready to run, but this time he caught her in his arms, the books and flowers falling to the floor. He let her struggle for a few seconds as she cried, but he held on tight.
"Anna," he said softly. "You can't keep running."
Her body slumped against his. She looked up at him as he held her, and a few seconds later, she let her cheek come to rest against his chest. She nodded against him as she whispered, "I don't really have anywhere to go anyway."
Bob kept his distance while also somehow always being nearby. Anna knew he was probably expecting her to vanish again if he turned his back for too long, but she was too mentally and physically exhausted to move from his living room couch while he fixed some tea. It was getting dark outside, and it was nearly impossible to try to think about anything other than Sunday night when she felt truly free for the first time in years. 
Similar thoughts must have been on Bob's mind, because he was still occasionally looking at her like he used to. Then his cheeks would turn pink, and he'd duck his head before showing her a completely neutral expression. She took the mug of tea he handed her and whispered, "Thank you," as he sat down as far away from her as he could. She cleared her throat as she looked into her drink and said, "You're one of the kindest, most generous people I've ever met." She forced her gaze to his face. "I'm sorry I took that for granted. And I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you and the ladies."
Bob nodded but didn't speak for a minute. His voice was as gentle as always as he eventually said, "I'd like it if we could talk."
"Yeah," she agreed softly now that she felt like the fight inside her was gone and the tears had finally dried up.
"Where's your husband?"
She pictured Kevin standing in the perfect kitchen in the beautiful house on the cul-de-sac. "In New Jersey."
"Right," Bob replied in a reassuring tone. "You said you should have been divorced by now, so does that mean you don't want to be married to him?"
"I hate him," she whispered, back to staring into her mug. "And I'm sure he hates me, too. No, I don't want to be married to him any longer."
"You're separated?" he asked softly.
Anna shrugged, wishing more than anything that she could scoot a little closer to Bob and feel his hand on hers. "Not legally. He won't sign anything."
"Right," Bob repeated again. "Would it be too much for me to ask what happened? Because I really don't understand. I'm trying, but I'm still so confused, Anna."
Her brain was screaming at her to start crying again, begging her to fall apart or hyperventilate, but she didn't even have the energy for it. She took one long sip of her perfect cup of tea before setting it aside and turning to look at him. Even now, he had sympathy in his eyes. Whether that was because he now knew she and Kevin weren't really together or because he was always this sweet, she couldn't say. But he was everything she wanted and would never have again. 
"The short version is that I put him through medical school while he cheated on me. The long version is that he used up every bit of my money, let me work myself ragged, prevented me from finishing my PhD at Princeton, belittled me, and flaunted his extramarital relationship in my face. It was humiliating knowing he was cheating. It's humiliating eating sandwiches and peanuts for every meal now. But the worst thing is that he is holding my manuscript hostage, and no matter what I do, he won't let me have it back."
"Jesus, Anna," he gasped, making the slightest move like he wanted to reach for her before pulling back.
She slowly stood, and he looked up at her, trying to gauge what she was going to do, but she just looked down at him as she tucked her shaking hands behind her back. "You're perfect," she whispered. "You're Sky Writing. You're the handsome man from the bookstore who smells like tea and soap. You're Bob, the guy my friends knew I would fall in love with as soon as I met them." She took a step back, barely able to handle how he was looking at her like she still mattered. "But I don't know how to be an us with you. I know that's what you want, but I never wanted to fall like this again. I tried my best not to. I can't do this with Kevin's shadow behind me all the time. And I'm just really sorry I let it go as far as it did. Because now that I know so much about you...."
That's when the tears arrived, and that's also when Bob stood up. "Anna, I feel like-"
When he cut himself off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air for a few seconds, she took one long, last look at him and whispered, "I'm going to go." He didn't stop her from stepping over the flowers, walking out the door, and heading to the end of his street where she waited for a ride as the night air made her shiver, and her tear streaked cheeks finally started to dry again.
Oh, they both fell for each other. I'm not sure if Bob feels better or worse now. Kevin is an absolute dick, and we will hear from him in the next chapter. Keep fighting, Anna. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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carelessflower · 2 months
On Testing and Qualifying Magnus Lightwood-Bane's Sugar Daddy Behaviors - An Analysis
Multiple arguments have been made against the current High Warlock of Brooklyn, superficially regarding whether this gentleman's reputation as the current Consul of the Clave's sugar daddy is underappreciated or exaggerated. This study aims to dissect the argument with the support of textual evidence throughout the couple's appearances in the series
Paying for their first date
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Taking care of the bill like a gentleman. From this instance, one can assume he takes his gentlemanly courting ritual very seriously, as he also reached for the meal cheques in other occassions
Conjuring and pelping to pick fine clothes for Alec
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On their famous Europe vacation, it is shown Magnus has a habit of magicking tuxedoes, suits, and well-made sweaters for Alec. Now, if he could upgrade that GAP scarf to a Burberry one, it would be much appreciated
Gentleman behavior
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Even though his boyfriend is supernaturally strong with biceps to bite for days and hunts bloodthirsty demons for a living, Magnus would still rather pay someone to carry the heavy luggage than his darling
Luxurious accommodation only
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There has been a previously published study on the expenses for all these places here, so this article will be repeating the same key points:
one night at Istanbul Grand Suite on the Orient Express: $26,000
suite in Belmond Hotel Cipriani: $1,056
suite in Palazzo Manfredi, Rome: $729
It is understandably relatable when one pulls Alec Lightwood and wants to do everything in their power to woo him. For Magnus, it apparently includes never letting Alec stay in any place less than five stars
Letting Alec drive the Maserati
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It costs around $10,860 to rent a red Maserati 3500 GT Vignale Spider for one day. Therefore, it speaks volumes to Magnus's affection for his boyfriend that Alec almost crashes them and the expensive car off a cliff is just a "tiny accident". It is also very likely he buys this type of car later, seeing his husband's fascination with them
Living together in Brooklyn
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Months into the relationship Alec has already possessed a literal key to Magnus's home and proceeds to move in after weeks of getting back together. For other poor souls who are looking for a 3-bedroom brownstone in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, the rent would be estimated at around $5000 per month. For the Consul, it certainly would involve a different type of payment method
Alec's magically money-full pocket
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The consul carrying energy bars in his duffle bag instead of using the 15000$ in his pocket guarantees the funniest mental images one could possibly imagine
Enchanting Izzy's whip for Alec's birthday
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Knowing Alec's top wish is to keep his family safe, Magnus chooses to tip his boyfriend's sister's whip in a prized potion to help her on the battlefield. Loving someone to the point you want to protect what else they love
Assisting shadowhunter without payment
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This element may prove to be the strongest supporter of Magnus's claim as THE sugar daddy of the shadowhunter chronicles universe title, seeing how he used to overcharge shadowhunter on their business (deservingly so), and now he is willing to do all kinds of crazy shenanigans without an ounce of money. Whoever's in charge of the Clave's budget better send Alec the biggest, freshest, most expensive fruit basket
Final note
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In conclusion, this research paper does not provide a definitive answer to the argument but encourages readers to draw their own perspectives. Nevertheless, it is a great possibility that in his report, the consul stated he used 10-20 dollars each week while he was traveling across the world, going to Japan when he craved sushi and staying in the finest places, all thanks to his generous husband
tag list: @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @hoezier-than-thou @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43
@khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart @raziyekroos @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward
@noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks @deliciousdetectivestranger @delightfullyterrible
@kita-no @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @goldendreams3 @cityofdownwardspirals
@i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag @cam-ryt
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tarjapearce · 7 months
Mama's Pick up Lines (Pt. 1)
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Warning: Fluff, a bit of rizz ~
Summary: Mama looves rizzing up Miguel.
(In honor to Valentine's day a lil blurb jskjs)
If there was something that you loved, was watching Miguel a flustered or surprised mess. Mostly of the time he was the one that always provided the right amount of rizz to have your cheeks flustered or a trembling mess underneath him.
But this time, you were set into switching the roles. Sundays meant he'd spend the day at home, being a dad and a husband. Your perfect chance.
You'd grown to learn the sound of his heavy steps, and he approached, probably to serve another cup of coffee. As soon as he entered the room, you rushed to close the kitchen's curtains, leaving the space a bit darker, he quirked a brow at your sudden energy ourburst.
"Mi reina?"
"You okay?"
He put the cup on the counter island, reaching for the coffee machine.
"Yeah... Just... These damned suns are too bright today."
His brow knitted together in brief confusion, "There's only one sun, mi vida."
If something had him baiting, was inaccurate science facts. It ground his gears to no end. A total nerd through and through.
"No, no. I mean, one is outside" He blinked at your words, truly wondering if you were kidding or not
"And the other one is about to get himself some coffee."
It took a couple of seconds longer for it to click on his brain. You giggled at his speechless reaction, but his wide and unbelieving eyes and the bashful smile he gave said it all.
With a giggle you kissed his reddening cheek, letting the compliment to sink in properly.
Miguel wasn't one for crafts or anything that involve glitter or intricately cut shapes. Hands too big for  the scissors. The living room's floor filled with paper and other material's leftovers.
And still, he would never say no to his kids. He was helping Benjamin to cut some things for a gift to one of his classmate's school birthday party
You entered the room, watching him.
"What are you doing?"
"Uh... wrapping this, apparently?."
"Oh, can I do that? I wanna wrap it."
He dropped the scissors in the coffee table, grateful that you were to save him of some stress. But to his surprise, your legs went around him, clinging on him and securing around his waist like you'd do in the privacy of your room and kissed him briefly while he was sitting on the couch
His brain froze for a moment, and he blinked as you removed your legs off him, an impish smirk on your face.
"Wha... What was that?"
"I asked if I could, so I wrapped it."
You ran away with a screech before hearing the hefty steps tailing after you. You were so in trouble.
Miguel was picking the vitamins for the kids in the monthly shop of them, He had Rosie secured to his chest within the pink baby carrier, bee shaped pacifier on her mouth, staring at everything that moved.
"I think..." he mumbled while taking another look at the list, "We've got them all."
Benjamin was helping Gabriella to pick the snacks in the other aisle.
"No, not all of them."
He frowned.
"What do you mean?, We've got complex B, Omega 3, your biotin, Iron, melatonin for us and the kids." He pointed at each bottle as he spoke
You shook your head. "I haven't had my vitamin D yet"
And oh boy... His face went through the five stages of grief in a couple of seconds, specially when you purposely bit your lip subtly. Cheeks flushed as another couple gave silent titters as they passed by you both. They had heard it all. He heaved a deep exhale and waved a warning finger to you, a deep shade of pink in his ears.
"Compórtate. O no te la doy." (Behave, or I won't give it to you)
Sometimes, you'd wake up earlier than everyone and would find him in the kitchen, brewing his coffee or chugging down his water bottle after running some laps around the block.
You'd get some cereal and waited for the kids to join. But you frowned and scrunched your nose at the taste of the cereal.
"You alright?" He sipped the coffee.
"No. This milk tastes weird."
His brow quirked, ready to see the carton for any expiration date
"That's why I rather yours."
He spat the gulp of coffee as you laughed silently to then smirk
"You ok, Papa?"
"Ya vas a ver." (You'll see.)
"Miguel, mi amor, can you get me the salt please?"
You wiped Rosie's chin off the smeared puree, he turned around to grab the little square shaped salt container, and you seized the chance to take a soft hold of his chin and turn his head around to give him a deep smooch.
He blinked a couple of times and cleared his throat as Benjamin and Gabi jeered.
"Papa's got pink cheeks!" Benjamin teased, and Rosie gave a bubbly laugh
"See? till got it."
You definitely did.
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vettelsvee · 5 months
AFTERGLOW | Mick Schumacher
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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mick schumacher x vettel!reader
summary: mick's girlfriend knows that something's wrong with him. after talking to her dad and her stepmother, she decides to face her boyfriend.
word count: 2956
warnings: angst. bad language. mick being aggressive. use of y/n.
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback, as well as comments and reblogs, are truly appreciated!
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If Sebastian's retirement announcement had hurt you, the way you boyfriend had been acting towards you, for no apparent reason, hurt even more. 
You were on you father's terrace, with your legs stretched out on a chair in front of you and the sun shining on your face as you watched the latest news about Taylor Swift. Beside you, Hanna was tending to her baby, who was in her arms playing with a small plush toy you bought her that surprisingly become her favorite. Sebastian appeared out of nowhere carrying a tray full of snacks and drinks, which he carefully placed on the table before immediately caressing the heads of the women in his life. The German sat beside his wife facing you, his eldest daughter.
As much as you enjoyed visiting your family for no reason, today's visit had a reason with a name and surname: Mick Schumacher. Since both of you had finally decided to start a romantic relationship, everything had been a bed of roses. However, the past few weeks have been hell. The boy's behavior towards you had changed radically. What used to be a daily routine filled with laughter, gratitude and support had turned into distance and avoidance, as if they you college students living together during the school year because they had no other choice.
Before starting to speak, you poured yourself some lemonade that Vettel had made hours earlier with her, and took a slight sip despite being really thirsty. You felt nervous as you began to initiate the conversation, but the warm looks you father and stepmother were giving you helped you relax.
"I need to share something with you," you began, "because if I don't tell someone, I feel like I'm going to end everything I've fought for all this time. Plus, I feel like you're the ones who can help me the most in this regard," you added.
The couple exchanged curious looks, not knowing what you were referring to. Any idea passed through Hanna's mind, while the Aston Martin driver could only think of the possibility that his little one might be pregnant. Hanna could see the panic in her husband's face; she simply placed her free hand on the German's thigh and gently caressed it, trying to calm him down. They shouldn't jump to conclusions too quickly, and that seemed to be what his wife was telling him as she gave Sebastian a glance.
"I've noticed that Mick has been behaving very strangely lately," you began to explain. "I don't know what's going on in his head, but we hardly talk, we don't usually go out of the house like we used to and... well, let's say we don't show as much affection to each other anymore," you said apologetically, trying not to get angry at the laughter your father was making. "I feel like the Mick I've known all this time has been just a mirage, and I don't know what to do about it."
Sebastian and Hanna exchanged knowing looks, and the woman let him speak first.
"Y/N, I understand what you mean, but you have to know the pressure Mick faces daily," the blonde explained lovingly. "Formula 1 is like that: it doesn't just drag you, but also those you love the most. Your boyfriend has many eyes on him, and as if that weren't enough, he bears the responsibility of carrying on his father's legacy."
The older blonde agreed with her husband. She passed the little one to Seb, got up quickly and sat next to you,now cry out of frustration, and started to caress your hair lovingly as a comfort.
"Your father is right, Y/N, and I have to agree with him because I've been with him for almost twenty years," Hanna commented. "Every person has a completely different way of dealing with stress. Sebastian used to yell at me every time he breathed, and look," she pointed at him, "here we are. Some people open up to anyone they meet, and others shut themselves off to avoid worrying those they love the most," she stated. "Just because Mick isn't like he was a few weeks ago doesn't mean his feelings towards you have changed. Sometimes, they just need space and a little time to silence the demons in their heads."
You nodded, taking a sip from the glass you held in your hands to calm your nerves. You let out a sigh you had been holding in for quite some time, worried about the possible reaction the two in front of you might have. They continued to talk about more trivial matters, and that conversation, although short, had been very meaningful, was set aside, although not for the girl, who continued to torture herself wondering what she could do to make Mick feel better while listening to talk about baby care and nurseries.
"Thank you, dad. Thank you, Hanna," you replied, getting up from your seat and looking at the adults. "I guess I needed the advice of someone who might have gone through the same thing as I am right now," you objected. "I promise I'll do my best not to despair anymore. I'll let you know when I know more."
The couple got up shortly after you, already heading towards the door, possibly to return to the apartment you shared with Schumacher. Sebastian, still holding the baby, opened the door, unable to say anything else. Hanna, on the other hand, smiled warmly at you and gave you a hug.
"Remember, we're here for you, sweetheart," your father's wife said kindly. "Communication is key in any relationship. If you see that Mick is still not ready to talk about it, give him space, but don't forget to remind him that you're there for whatever he needs."
You nodded and left the residence, leaving the driver and his wife somewhat worried about what could happen between you two.
You opened the door to your home with trembling hands, feeling a pressure in your chest from the concern about the scene your eyes would encounter as soon as you entered.
The first thing that greeted you was the sound of hooves scratching the parquet floor, which soon grew louder as Angie approached rapidly to welcome you home again. You bent down, leaving your belongings aside, and took some time to caress your furry friend, whom you had grown fond of since the moment her owner introduced her to you. While admiring the way the animal's tail moved, you began to hear the running water from the shower, a sign that Mick was home, as you had hoped.
Sitting on the couch and staring at the TV, whose screen was filled with deceptive advertisements for food and clothing, you heard a door open and steps that seemed to be approaching you. You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for what was about to come when you saw her boyfriend walk past you, wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist, drying his hair with another smaller towel.
You decided that things couldn't go on like this, so you approached the boy more angrily than you thought, who was preparing dinner, obviously, just for himself.
"Yes, love, I had a great time with Seb and Hanna. Thanks for asking how my day went!" you shouted sarcastically.
Schumacher turned around, leaving the wooden spoon on the bowl in which his salad was being prepared. Your face was fully red, and your aggressive demeanor reminded him of Sebastian's moments of fury at Red Bull. The German looked at you coldly, and you only felt his blue eyes radiating hatred, something you had never seen in the boy before.
If you weren't up for games that night, neither was Mick.
"I don't care how your day went," the blue-eyed one responded disdainfully, "but if you had such a great time with your perfect family, maybe you should consider moving in with them."
The driver’s statement hurt you more than if you had been stabbed in the stomach. You couldn't believe the words coming out of the mouth of the one you considered the love of your life. When you opened your mouth to reply and yell a thousand worse things at him, the words got stuck in your throat. Schumacher made a move to leave, but you reluctantly took his hand to keep talking to him. For you, things weren't going to stay like this. 
"After everything we've been through to get here, is this how you're paying me back?!" you exploded, releasing all the anger you had accumulated. "Is this the way you planned to treat me from the beginning?"
The driver turned to you, his jaw tense. His arms were crossed, and he was squeezing his clenched fists tighter and tighter.
"I don't know what you're talking about, blondie," he spat with disdain. "If you feel so bad, maybe you should reconsider what this relationship means to you."
You approached him with fury, and began to hit him in the chest with your hands. You were tired of, at any point in your life, the people she loved the most ending up hurting her.
"You have no idea what you mean to me!" you got closer and closer to Mick, who seemed to feel small compared to you. "You became my everything when I had nothing, but now you've become a stranger with whom it would seem ridiculous to say that I've shared traumas from my life that no one knows."
"You have no right to judge me, Y/N!" roared the boy with a voice filled with aggression. "You don't know what I have to face every day: criticism, expectations, my father, you, the team..." He raised his hands in the air as he spoke. "Do you think it's easy being in this messed up world?"
"It's not just about you, Mick!" you exclaimed, tears starting to blur your vision. "It's about us and everything we've been through together!"
Words continued to fly in the room, laden with pain and anger, exchanged between the couple as if in a tennis match. You had reached a point where the argument wasn't focused on trying to resolve whatever was happening between you, but on hurting each other with hurtful comments, fighting to see who could inflict more damage.
"This makes no sense, Y/N," Mick shouted in frustration. His gaze was filled with panic and accumulated anger. He felt it increasingly difficult, at that point in the argument, to contain his rage.
"Love, please, calm down," your voice trembled. "We're not getting anywhere, just giving the neighbors a free show that we'll regret later," you pleaded.
Schumacher didn't relent. He felt a wave of helplessness washing over his body. He reached out his muscular arm and grabbed the first object he could find, a frame with a picture of him with you and Angie on a day you spent in the mountains, and threw it against the wall mercilessly. The sound of impact and shattering glass echoed throughout the room, accompanied by the sobs and gasps of air from the young woman.
You couldn't help but step back, feeling increasing pressure in your chest and filled with fear. You knew the boy was losing control of the situation, and you were afraid it would escalate to physical violence against you. You had experienced that kind of abuse with your mother, and you didn't want to relive it with the same person who once told you that love didn't hurt.
"Mick, stop, this isn't you!" you cried out in anguish. "What's wrong with you?"
The German clenched his fists tighter.
"I've already told you, Y/N: you don't understand! You can't possibly understand. The pressure, the expectations... it's all overwhelming," he sighed anxiously, "and I feel like it's going to break me at any moment."
You approached him slowly, but at a safe distance, in an attempt to calm him down that you hoped wouldn't be in vain.
"We're in this together, sweetheart. Why don't you confide in me instead of shouting at me like a madman in an asylum?"
"Because I don't want you involved in this," Mick looked at you with a mix of anger and pain. "You've had enough worries in your life already."
You went cold, speechless in response. The blonde seemed to have calmed down. Now, his gaze begged you to keep speaking because, if not, he would go crazy at any moment.
"Mick, I love you," you continued as best you could, "and that means I want to be there for you, even in the toughest moments. You can't expect me to walk away when you need me the most."
"It's not that simple, Y/N," the driver paced back and forth, seeking a way to remedy everything he had caused during those weeks of tormenting Gunther. "The pressure is overwhelming, and the comparisons with my father are becoming less bearable," he confessed. "People don't care how hard I try. They always end up making me feel like I’m not good enough."
The blonde took a deep breath, struggling to keep calm while seeing that the root of the problem was surfacing:
"And how do you expect our relationship to work if you shut yourself off? I can't guess what's going on in your head if you don't tell me," you said in a barely audible whisper.
"Because I don't want to be a burden to you!" he retorted. "I don't want you to see me as a failure."
Determined to end all the fuss, you took a step forward and, despite the boy's protests, ended up taking his hands and directing his gaze to yours.
"Mick, you're not a failure: you're human," you said. "Making more or fewer mistakes is completely normal, and I'm here to support you and make you see that," you expressed sincerely. "I don't care what people think or say about you. To me, you'll always be the best at what you do, and there won't be a comment that will change my mind."
He looked at you. Angie had clumsily approached the boy's leg, stroking him and causing him some tickles with her fur, something that made you laugh in that moment of tension.
"What do you want me to do, Y/N? How can I move forward with all this?",
Feeling her resistance beginning to dissipate, you rushed to give him a hug, something the boy didn't reject. You both had missed each other, and the gentle caresses you shared in that brief moment were proof of that.
"Start by trusting me. Share what worries you and what you're afraid of. You don't have to fight alone: you know I'm here for whatever you need."
Mick, with his eyes full of tears threatening to fall, held you tightly to his chest, trying not to hurt you.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he whispered with a trembling voice, "for everything. My contract with Haas... it's over. Gunther doesn't trust me for next year."
You quickly pulled away from Mick. You had been left in suspense, and your boyfriend's pale face had already given you many clues, such as why he had told you before the cooling of your relationship that he didn't want to continue racing, or how Seb's retirement didn't affect him as much as you had thought it would.
Mick had faced very painful and traumatic experiences, such as his father's accident. However, although his dismissal might seem less significant than the former, for his girlfriend, it was more serious because there was nothing worse than someone compromising your mental health, and that was exactly what Gunther Steiner had been doing to her guy.
You approached him with slow steps and hugged him once again.
"Darling..." you whispered, trying to sound as understanding as possible. "It's okay, alright? Gunther doesn't deserve you. Besides, I'm sure that when something bad ends, something better begins."
Schumacher collapsed into your arms, tears finally escaping from his eyes. The mask he had been wearing for all the previous weeks had finally shattered, revealing a vulnerable version of himself that he didn't want you to discover.
"I feel like a failure," the blonde sobbed with a choked tone due to the tears. "I've fought so hard, I've given everything I have even when I couldn't anymore... and it seems like it's never enough."
You hugged him tighter, tenderly, hearing the boy's quick heartbeats loud and clear.
"You're not a failure, Mick," you revealed to him. "You have so much talent and you can do great things, it's just that you started your career in a crappy team with even crappier treatment," the boy laughed, music to your ears. "This is just a bump in the road, and you and I are going to get through it together."
"I don't know what I'd do without you, love," Mick looked at you tenderly, mentally regretting his behavior over the past few weeks.
"I'll always be here for you, truly," you continued, gently stroking his cheek. "You're so much more than race results, and I won't stop telling you until you believe it, even when you get tired of hearing me say it so much!"
You ended up laughing heartily, initiated by Mick. Maybe you weren't the perfect duo in the eyes of others, but you were for yourselves and those who knew you best.
If the invisible string theory was real, you and Mick were proof of it. You could even say the same about the multiverse hypothesis: in this one, and in millions more, a stubborn blonde couple, no matter the problems you had to face, would end up together, whatever it took.
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tremendously-crazy · 4 months
Ranting about ACD Johnlock because these Victorian husbands need to be happy for me
What the hell happened between Holmes and Watson in 1902 and 1903?
Context: 3GAR is described as happening in July 1902, and ILLU happened in 1902. CREE and BLAN happened in 1903.
In 1902, Holmes and Watson were inseparable.
I don't even need to elaborate when I mention 3GAR. "It was worth a wound" should be enough to remind you of why. I was so touched when I read Holmes seeing his Watson injured and rushing to his side. He is terrified at the thought of losing his friend. It was amazing to read this seemingly cold, distant, and unemotional man threatening to murder the man who almost killed his best friend. There was loyalty, there was love, and it was beautiful.
According to ILLU, in 1902, they're also frequenting Turkish baths together. (which, I might add, was a common place for homosexual men to gather, do with that knowledge what you may) They're lying side by side on two couches with nothing but a blanket on either of them as they dry off. Watson hears Holmes is injured and nearly passes out, and he rushes to Baker Street to see him as soon as possible. He is terrified at the thought of losing his friend. He gingerly sits at his bedside to ensure that Holmes is okay. These are all very intimate things to do between friends. Indeed, this even suggests the possibility of the two being lovers.
IMAGINE that. These two are inseparable. Clearly, these two stories help to build on the idea that they love each other (platonically or romantically. To me, they seem romantically involved, but even as friends, they do love each other. It's all up to personal preference.) Their relationship is so strong, more than anything we have seen before. These stories showcase their love for each other and how passionate they are for each other.
Now, flash forward to 1903, when CREE and BLAN take place, and we are given an entirely different narrative. Watson describes himself as one of Holmes's "habits" in CREE, saying he felt as though he was an accessory to Holmes. Their relationship is "peculiar," and he is only called over to Baker Street as some kind of tool Holmes can talk to or use on a case. Holmes can rely on Watson, and he is, in a way, taking advantage of his reliability. Throughout the entire story, we can feel the tension between these two (remember how Watson had to stress over his practice in order to join Holmes on the case, and Holmes seemingly did not care at all). It seems partially resolved by the end, but there is still a feeling of bitterness that was fully apparent to me while I was reading it. It seemed like their interactions were angsty and passive-aggressive.
In BLAN, Watson does not even live with Holmes anymore, around a year after 3GAR and ILLU. Holmes explains he has "deserted" him for a wife, which he described as "the most selfish action I can recall in our years of association." Holmes was alone. In the story, Holmes cannot stop talking about how much he misses "his" Watson.
These four stories have such a sharp contrast. They have been absolutely terrorizing my brain a lot as of late. I feel like them being so close in ILLU, and *the* moment in 3GAR are some of their strongest moments together. They are both so terrified to lose each other. How is it that a year later, according to the canon, they are barely on speaking terms? My question is, if we are to trust the canon dates, what happened during those months that caused them to drift apart so terribly? How could Watson leave his Holmes for a wife so recently after these frightening events?
Another point about this supposed second wife. I don't think she even existed. (I do think Mary was really Watson's wife, and I might've reblogged a post about it somewhere) But about the second wife. As far as I'm aware, she's mentioned one (1) time in one (1) story by Holmes, and it was likely just a ploy by ACD to separate them (oh well, I'll just give him a wife. That'll separate them good enough.) It's easily enough ignored for that reason. Watson was, in fact, away from Baker Stret, but the idea of a wife was, in all probability, just made up by Holmes as an excuse for his absence.
I'd like to add my personal headcanon because the continuity in Sherlock Holmes is actually so messed up. John is called James in one story (TWIS, if you want to see for yourself.) October 9, 1890, is called a Saturday when it was really a Thursday (REDH) There's a story set in 1892, when Holmes was supposedly dead... etc, etc. Given the known unreliability of dates in these stories, would it be so unreasonable to suggest that the dates of the four I have talked about were swapped? That, in fact, CREE and BLAN were a falling out in their relationship and that ILLU and 3GAR was their healing? That the former were set in 1902 and the latter, in 1903? I can understand that after knowing someone and living with them for so many years, you may start to take them for granted. But after you narrowly lose them, you would not do such a thing again. (Especially not only a year after such a traumatic experience!!) Therefore, I believe CREE and BLAN were examples of how their relationship was beginning to fail and were actually set in 1902 (or some other date in the latter days of their relationship), and ILLU and 3GAR were reminders of how much they meant to each other, and they happened in 1903 (or, more simply, a year after CREE and BLAN).
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. I know this is completely incorrigible and nobody's gonna read it but I just wanted to get it out there.
TL;DR: Late Sherlock Holmes canon sucks. No way that they had both near death experiences in 3GAR and ILLU, and less than a year latery they can barely stand each other in CREE and BLAN. My personal headcanon says CREE and BLAN were moments of stress in their relationship and that 3GAR and ILLU happened afterward to remind them of how much they appreciated each other and help reconcile them.
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black-aurora-nora · 1 year
New Baby Pt. 3 | Platonic!Yandere!Todoroki Family x Reader
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Every morning you were given your medication by Rei with the supervision of Enji. Then you'd get dressed for the day and head to the living area, where everyone would usually be waiting for you.
And despite the fact that you had grown used to the routine, the Todoroki's could still tell that you were holding onto the belief that your parents would one day come back.
How sad, they all thought.
Little did you know that they had been threatened to hell and back by Enji to ensure that your parents would never attempt to try and gain custody of you again.
They were in far too much debt and had no power against the #2 Pro-Hero of Japan.
Enji and Rei had been hoping you'd be easier to manipulate but you were so stupidly hopeful of the future like any other child and while they loved that about you, it wasn't helpful in their situation.
You were currently watching the Natsuo and Shoto play a card game against each other. When they finished a few rounds, they looked to you with encouraging smiles.
"(Y/N), you want to play?" Natsuo asked, raising his eyebrows.
A shrug left your shoulders, "Not really..."
Enji and Rei sat nearby on a couch. Rei looked at her husband, conflicted on whether she should say something to you. She didn’t want to scare you like she had previously.
Softly, she spoke, “(Y/N), why don’t you try playing one game? If you don’t like it, then we can find something else to do.”
Your lips pursed in distaste but you scooted closer to the brothers and allowed Natsuo to deal you your hand.
You quickly finished a round and gave the cards to Natsuo, unimpressed. “I’m going to my room.” You announced only for Enji to block the doorway.
“You need to stay out here, (Y/N). Tucking yourself away in your room isn’t healthy.”
With pursed lips, you timidly sat back down to watch the boys.
Shoto spoke up, noticing your souring mood, "Do you want to play a different game instead? It doesn't have to be a card game, it can be whatever you want."
You weren't in the mood to play anything but it appeared that you had no other choice and you didn't want to sit around doing nothing.
"Ok... that's fine." You chose a game to play and after a few rounds you spoke again, "When does Fuyumi get home?"
It had grown apparent to everyone in the house that Fuyumi was your favorite person in the house. In the past two weeks that you'd been here, you'd been at her side as much as possible.
If Fuyumi was in the kitchen cooking, you were there to help her. If you were watching TV, you would ask her to come watch with you.
It got to the point that Enji forced her to take extra hours at work so that they could get a chance to bond with you.
Having a relationship with your siblings was important, but not as important as having a relationship with you mommy and daddy.
Enji answered when no one else would, "She'll get here when she gets here."
Frowning, you slumped your shoulders slightly. You knew that meant that she wouldn't be back until dinner which was a few hours from now.
Natsuo stood up, patting your head sympathetically. He was jealous for sure. How had you bonded with Fuyumi so easily?
Hell, Enji had to force you to play with him and his brother.
You moved away from his touch and he bit back the anger that burned inside of him. What could he do to get on your good side?
Before he could ask if you wanted to do anything else, you walked over to Enji and Rei, eyes shifting around nervously.
"What is it, sweetheart?" Rei said, smiling sweetly.
"Um..." You trailed off. Any questions about your parents were off limits, but it'd been two weeks now and you still hadn't heard anything.
“I want to know how my parents are doing?”
The room stilled at the question.
Enji looked to the boys and they both left without another word, only glancing at you with something akin to pity.
“Did I not tell you those questions are forbidden, (Y/N)?”
You shriveled into yourself, “I just want to know if they’re ok.” And when can they come take me from this place.
Enji closed his eyes with a deep sigh, “(Y/N), you’re a smart girl. Isn’t it obvious what’s going on here?” He asked you condescendingly. "I thought you would've understood by now since you'd stopped asking."
You blinked, wondering what he meant by that.
Rei smiled sadly, “Oh, (Y/N), you’re parents don’t want you anymore.” She didn't sound sad despite the look on her face. You didn't miss the misplaced happiness in her tone.
She rose from her seat to give you a hug, “I’m so sorr-!” She jolted back when you shoved her with all your might.
Tears stung your eyes and you eyed the two strangers in front of you darkly, “My parents would never leave me! Don’t say stuff like that!”
Enji huffed, rising to tower over you.
You trembled but held firm, looking him in the eyes. Resolute in your declaration that your parents hadn’t left you.
But Enji had planned for this.
“How about we call them?” He said, pulling out his phone, “So they can tell you themselves.”
You swallowed your anxiety down, “Ok.”
He typed some numbers on his phone and held it to his ear, “ Hello? (Y/N) wishes to speak with you two.”
Enji passed the phone over and you gladly took it, smiling wide when you brought it to your ear.
“Mama? Daddy?” You called, beaming when you heard them respond, “I miss you guys a lot! This family is taking really good care of me…” you trailed off before starting again. “But I really want to come back home… But Mr. Todoroki said you didn’t want me… that’s not true though, right? When are you guys gonna come get m-“
“Look, (Y/N)… you’re too heavy of a burden. We can’t afford the medical bills.” Came your father’s voice.
“We don’t want you anymore… don’t call us anymore. We’re trying to move on with our lives.” Your mom added.
“Please don’t say that!” You wept, “I miss you-“ You felt your heart tear when the phone call ended.
A thick silence filled the room. Only your quivering breaths emitted through the air.
You could feel yourself breathing but your chest felt too tight, there was no way this was happening.
There was no way your parents could just abandon you like that. How could they?
The day before you were taken to the Todoroki house, you were supposed to go the movies and have popcorn with lots of butter and a big soda.
And now, here you were, under the guardianship of two strangers that want to be your new parents without asking if you were okay with that.
“It’s unfortunate, but I promise everything will be ok, Y/N).” Enji’s voice barely reached your ears, “so long as you see us as your mom and dad.”
But they weren’t. You couldn’t forget that major detail.
The “I know it’s painful, baby,” Rei cooed beside you. Her arms leeched around you, entrapping you in her embrace. “Mama will make it all better.”
No, she wouldn’t.
Rei of all people wouldn’t be able to make this better.
“Breathe, (Y/N), you’ll make yourself pass out.” Enji warned, but you couldn’t.
You didn’t want to breathe.
What was the point?
You were stuck with this weird family that treated you like you were five.
Your parents sold you off because you were a burden.
What was the point?
Just as Enji had said, your knees crumpled beneath you but instead of falling to the ground, you stayed held up in Rei’s arms and she slowly lowered you both to the ground.
A smile bloomed upon her face when your breathing evened out, head rested in her lap with a tear-stained face.
You’d be sad for a little while, but that didn’t matter.
Your new parents would help you out.
You’re the baby after all.
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
Actress!Y/n Talking About Harry in Interviews Over the Years(2018-2022) Part II
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 A/n:so, this is the second part, and I really hope you guys like it .
Jimmy Kimmel Live!, September, 2018
“I am so happy to have you here again.” Kimmel said, as they sat down. “You’re no longer my neighbor.”
“Unfortunately.” The woman agreed. “I miss you, Molly and the kids, we don’t have neighbors anymore.”
“You mean the house next door isn’t ready or…” 
“We literally have no neighbors, we bought fourteen acres ‘next door’ to a preserve, so it’s amazing views and a huge amount of privacy.” She explained. “Which when you have a job in the industry, and two young children is amazing.”
“That’s right, you had another baby!”Jimmy said as if he didn’t already now. “How far apart are they?”
“So, we had Atticus in January last year, and eleven months later we had Talulah,” She paused giving the audience time o cheer, “we wanted them to be close in age, which is a decision a lot of parents make, we didn’t know it would happen so fast, but apparently we are very fertile people,” She paused again, letting the people go crazy, “Yeah, so of course, we didn’t factor in our decision Harry’s tour, my album release, all my projects, and a very cranky baby, Atticus is physically all H, but he’s bad temper is all mine.”
“You went on tour pregnant and with a baby?” The host asked. “That must have been a crazy experience.”
“It was something.” She agreed. “But I was the boss’s wife, so everyone took good care of me, made sure I was comfortable, helped around with the baby, and H created an amazing environment with his whole team, it was lovely to witness.”
Met Gala 2019 With Liza Koshy| Vogue
“You co-chaired the Met Gala back in 2016, how is like to be back, and this year your gorgeous husband is co-chairing the event.” Liza asked Y/n as soon as they finished greeting each other.
The camera was zooming on the naked Gucci gown made of black lace, sequins and feathers the superstar was wearing, totally complementing her husband look.
“It is amazing, I am so proud of H, this is such an amazing honor, and is his first year, so I am happy we get to share this with each other.” Y/n said in a soft voice.
“What is ‘camp’ to you?”The you tuber asked.
“Just be yourself, whatever you want no matter what, be bold, be crazy, it’s camp.” The actress said moving her colorful feather boa/cape situation. “I think there is no limits.”  She had almost Rapunzel long hair extensions and a spectacular floral and feathers arrangement on top of her head.
“What was your inspiration for tonight’s spectacular look?”
“I just wanted to match H, tonight is all about him, and have fun, so I let Alessandro do as he pleased, and Ale being Ale didn’t hold back.” she shared. “My youngest didn’t even recognized me.”
“You look one hot mama, it’s hard to imagine you have two babies, does Atticus and Talulah know they have the coolest mother?”Liza asked.
“H is the cool parent,” Y/n admitted with a found smile, “Atticus has some idea that his daddy is a rockstar, so Harry’s definitely the coolest in his eyes.” 
The Late Late Show | Team USA v. Team UK- Dodgeball w/Michelle Obama
“I am here to support Harry,”Y/n said to he camera as the teams stretched in the background, “he’s not a very gracious loser, and I mean, he’s in James’s Team against Michelle Obama, there is just no way that they are going to win this game.” 
“Babe, “ Y/n called from the sidelines after watching Harry be hit in the ‘1D’ “Are you okay, honey?”
“I want more kids… in the future,” the actress blushed slightly looking to the camera.
The Kelly Clarkson Show, Jan, 2020
“How old are your kids know?”Kelly asked.
“Atticus is three years old, and Lulah just turned two, the terrible twos, funny enough, Lulah doesn’t suffer from it, but Atticus haven’t got over it yet…”Y/n said with a smile as pictures showed up on the screen, her children faces always blurred or hidden.
“People say terrible two, but threenager is a real thing,”Kelly said seriously.
“Yeah, that’s what I heard,”The actress said. “But Lulah just turned two, and I think it might not have fully catch up with her yet, because as I was leaving the house today, she threw her first temper tantrum.” Y/n commented. “She was just, on the floor, crying her little heart out, and of course, Atticus didn’t like to be outdone, so he threw himself at the rug screaming bloody murder, and I just left them there for Harry to deal,” The young woman told Kelly. “I sounded so bad right now, but really, I am that mom that keeps trying to calm them down, and things just get worst because it becomes a competition between the two toddlers, while Harry is just chill, he sit on the couch and just watches them unamused until they organically stop.”
“They lay it on sometimes, like ‘why are you leaving me’”
“I thing is worst with Harry,”Y/n confessed, “I have no problem in admitting H is the favorite parent, like, they come to me for comfort and all the ‘mommy’ things, but Harry is their favorite.” She said with a smile.
“And you don’t feel jealous or anything…”
“No, because, to me, it just shows how much of na amazing daddy he is, and I just feel like: damn! I made a really good choice.”The crowd cheer. “It’s really validating and I am just proud of myself for my choice in partner and baby daddy.”
Hailey Bieber | Who’s in my Bathroom? April, 2021
“Do you get uncomfortable by the amount of female attention your husband’s get?” Hailey asked as they sipped their margaritas.
“So, I have two answers for those questions: I don’t get uncomfortable with his fans showing their love for him, it’s lovely to see the amount of love and devotion he inspires, and they have always been so welcoming to me.” She said looking at possible the only other woman in the planet that understood the level of craziness it was. “But I do get uncomfortable with women in the industry hitting on him, I am not even talking women our age, it’s like: cougar level, and very recently we had a very awful situation, where it was in a working environment with a power imbalance, and it just got too much, more people got involved, media attention happened, and at the same time we had to deal with this as a couple and as a family.”
“Does you ever wish you guys just had normal jobs and careers?”Hailey supports her face in her hand. 
“Never, no matter what, I can’t imagine Harry not doing what he does, and I would never no make the career choices I did, I love acting, I love singing and songwriting, and I love directing.” She says with conviction. “For me it was life changing, I came from nothing, my mom was a single mother waitress, raising three kids on a small wage salary and tips, Disney changed my life, it paid for our first house, for the seed money in my mother’s organic company, it paid my sister college.”
“Is it surreal that your children have a childhood so different from yours?”The blonde asks with a smile.
“They’re extremely privileged, my four years old the other day was like: mummy, why do we have so many houses? And Lulah was complaining the size of the Jet, because she wanted the ‘big plane’, and H was like: sugarcube, you don’t know what your are asking for.” Y/n said with a soft smile. “My children…they have a lot of rich people problems.”
The Drew Barrymore Show, Aug, 2022
“Oh My God, you look even more gorgeous in person.” Drew said as they created each other. 
“Thank you, thank you, have you look at yourself? I was obsessed with you growing up, it’s so amazing to be here.” Y/n said with a big smile, arranging the skirt of her dress as she sat down.
“You’re the face of a Dior perfume, a brand ambassador for Gucci, multi- award winning actress and musician, your under thirty with two Academy Awards, which is historical, you have two successful companies, you just came back a few months ago from a very glorious passage through Cannes where you  debuted Top Gun: Maverick, your own movie and you own Camera d’Ore for your debut feature, also: 14 minutes standing ovation, for a movie produced, directed, written and starred by women,” she stopped for a moment to allow the crowd to applauded the guest, “and then, your also a mom, to three children, and you’re married to Harry freaking Styles, the world’s biggest rockstar, and most wanted man according to Rolling Stones.”
“You just made me sound so cool.”The younger woman said with a small smile and flushed cheeks.
“You are cool.”Drew affirmed. “How do you balance it all?”
“I have a great team working with me, and I have just the greatest partner, and this is really important.”Y/n said crossing her legs. “We plan things in a way that the children will always have one of us 24/7 and in a way that we can always be together, his career is never more important than mine and vice-versa, we’re on tour now, Harry’s Love on Tour, I am a non-touring artist, but H really loves touring, is his thing, and it was important for him to have me and the kids together  with him on the road as his support system, and the children just love going to all the different museums, and seeing new things, and eating different stuff, but, during his tour break we’re moving to Australia because I have a movie that is going to be shoot there.”
“What is like going on tour with three young children under five?”
“It’s chaos, Atticus and Lulah have some understanding that this is daddy’s job, this is Atticus second tour, but for them is just fun, Riley is just a baby, she’s with me 24/7, shes our calmest child,” Y/n said. “She’s actually the same age that Atticus was during Live on Tour.”
“Riley is your quarantine baby…”
“I found out I was pregnant in February last year during Where the Crawdads Sing pre-production, so yeah, she’s kinda of my Covid baby.”
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sinfulpanda16 · 10 months
Breaking The Ice
Shoto Todoroki x fem reader
A/n: Characters are aged up
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You and Todoroki never argued. There's was never anything to argue about. He loved you and you him. You trusted him and him you. Throughout all those years you two have been together, from being boyfriend and girlfriend in UA to being husband and wife, fights have never been an issue.
Enji Todoroki has always been an issue though. He never approved of you in fact you're sure he hates you. Todoroki says he does not care what he thinks but there are times where it doesn't seem that way. Your huge fight was about that, the disrespect you get.
You both said shit you didn't mean. It sounds so cliché but its true. Anger is a powerful emotion that makes you do and say stupid shit. He called you a pain in the ass for thinking he sides with his father, and you called him weak for not being able to put him in his place. So, with that for the past two days there's been a thick atmosphere when you guys are together.
You guys are married and you work along side him at his agency. You're together 24/7. The tension was always there and neither of you did anything to break it.
Even the number 1 hero, Deku, felt so uneasy when he walked into Shoto's office happily only to be met with an atmosphere thicker than quicksand. Apparently, there's been a villain on the lose for the past few days and there's difficulty tracking him and taking him down. They need both you and your husband to help with the situation. You both agree and thank Midoriya and then go back to doing paperwork.
That night and for the last two its just been eating in silence for dinner, doing your nightly routines alone, and wishing each other a cold "good night" before falling asleep. How long will this last?
The next day, you both go off to work to finish your paperwork and then go out to patrol the city in hopes to capture this villain. There hasn't been any sightings of him for a while and the city has been growing restless for this. You yourself didn't like that this villain still hasn't been caught and is running lose like a dog. You're sure Todoroki also hates the situation as much as you do. You both don't say much to each other, but you've learned to read his face and body language.
Before long the sun begins to fall and the stars start to shine. You and Todoroki are headed back to his agency. You're walking behind him its officially been three days since you both had that nasty fight. You look up at him, his half red half white hair blowing in the wind and his broad shoulders moving back and forth with every step he takes. You miss him, you wish you could just go back in time and prevent this avoidance from ever happening.
You sigh and muster up the courage to tell him how sorry you are but before you could do anything he stops walking causing to you to stop in your tracks. You're confused why did he stop out of nowhere?
"Shoto? Are you ok?" you ask quite worried.
Shoto turns around to look at you. Your (e/c) eyes looking back at his. It's been a while since Shoto has seen them under the moonlight. He turns his full body towards you. "Y/N" he says apologetically.
Out of nowhere there's an explosion behind you. causing the city to cry and scream in fear. You both turn to look at the cause of the explosion. There he is the villain who's been disrupting the lives of the innocent. He's covered in straps full of bombs for weapons and takes a little one off his belt. He laughs manically and throws it a child who's crying in fear. You however, thanks to your speed, were able to get the child out of harms way and get him to his mother. Where they run safe.
That was a child! Oh, now he's in for it! You've always had hatred for those who harm children. You speed off toward the villain and begin to attack him with your strength. Todoroki caught on and also began sending ice attacks to the villain. You and your husband have always made a great team, you distract the enemy (sometimes land a few good hits) while he burns them up or freezes them or does both even.
You guys had things under control but the suddenly he disappears. An invisibility quirk! That's why he's been so damn hard to track! Now you break in a sweat. Invisible people have always been difficult to fight against they can easily attack out of nowhere. You stay alert and sure enough the villain sends a punch your way from behind, but you were fast enough to block it with a force field. However, the pressure from his punch sends you flying back and causes you to hit one of Todoroki's ice walls. You land on your back hard resulting in a crater being made in the ice and you falling unconscious. Your vision becomes blurry, and you fall down to the ground.
The villain groans "Stupid bitch." to your unconscious body and walks away.
Todoroki saw the whole thing happen with wide eyes. You laying down hurt brought flashbacks of his mother laying on the ground after his father hurt her. His damn father. He looked at the villain who's back was facing him. The villain had the same built as his father. Then he looks back at you. He hurt you and now he is furious!
"Hey!" Todoroki says clearly adding anger to his tone. The villain turns to look back at him with blue eyes. The blue eyes that are the exact same as his father. A flashback of Enji Todoroki disrespecting you came back to Todoroki. That bastard!
"NO ONE!" he yells and sets fire on the villain's right arms causing the bombs to blow up, making the villain scream in agony.
Todoroki's teeth are gritted hard. "DISREPECTS!" he yells setting the villains other arm on fire causing the bombs on that arm to go off.
The villain is about to run away but Todoroki wastes no fucking time. With one final breath he yells at the top of his lungs "MY WIFE!!" and with that he sets the villains whole body on fire causing to bombs to explode on him.
There is smoke everywhere, the villain is still standing in it but not for long when Todoroki appears with his Ice and freezes the damn villain. The fucking villain that has hurt so many innocent people including his wife.
Then it's over.
You open your eyes and see that Todoroki has handled the situation. You sit up with a hurt head. The scenario in front of you shows just how strong Todoroki is. The whole scene was due to Todoroki defending you and speak of the devil there he is making his way towards you.
"My love! Are you alright?" he asks crouching down to holding you.
You lay you head on his chest "Yes, I'm ok don't worry" you smile. Todoroki smiles back at you before picking you up bridal style to help you get to the paramedics while giving you a kiss to your forehead.
Afterwards, you were able to go home from the hospital and Todoroki has taken good care of you the entire time. He's been treating you like you were royalty or something. Like, it's not that unusual but recently he's been acting like he would die if he didn't treat you like so.
He comes into your shared bedroom with a comb in his hands. He's smiling and sits next to you "I got it, now, turn around my love." You do as your told and he begins brushing your hair gently.
He continues to brush your hair for a while, both of you sitting in comfortable silence before you finally begin to speak. "Shoto, I'm really sorry about how I treated you the other day." you say causing your husband to stop.
You continue "You're not weak. That's not what you are at all and that is proven by how you handled that villain attack." You think about how you passed out during the fight, how maybe Enji Todoroki is probably right, and tears begin to fall. You speak with a shaky voice "Maybe your father-"
No? He repositions you to face him and holds both your hands. He looks in your eyes "Listen to me, I don't care what my old man says or thinks. I love you so much and if he never approves then he can suffer for all I care." He wipes away your tears before continuing to speak "My love, I'm so sorry for calling you a pain in the ass you are far from being that you're my beautiful princess, and I'm also sorry not sticking up for you the way I should've." The scene of you landing on his ice comes back to him. "Believe me when I say I will never let anyone disrespect you ever again. Ok?" You're shedding more tears but Todoroki smiles and wipes those away too. "You deserve the best my love." he say holding your face.
"Thank you." is all you say before you lean into him for a kiss to which he happily returns.
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smoothielenny · 1 year
I’ll do it
Ao’nung x Omatikaya!Fem!Avatar!reader
Summary: You left the cleaning to Ao’nung and he accidentally discovered your secret box.
Warning: heavy smut, characters are aged up(Ao’nung-27, Y/n-26), sex in human body
Note: pretend you don’t need the mask and breathe the same air.
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Last warning: Heavy Smut, Don’t read if you can’t handle it.
Few years since you moved to Awa’atlu helping out the Metkayina after the battle, you found yourself being annoyed by the Chief’s son. Constantly bickering towards each other whether your out of your avatar body or in your avatar body. Since it his first time seeing a human of course he won’t miss the chance to taunt you and apparently only you. Eventually you both grew feelings towards another and it did bother the Tsahik knowing her son has a liking to a demon, but as far as she have seen, you were the opposite of what she think humans are, kind , loving, and caring . Also a doctor, though she can’t teach you (mostly your human form) about healing as a tsahik—in human form, at least you know some thing about medicine. And she then approved both of you.
Now you both are mated before Eywa and leading the clan after Tonowari’s retirement. Both of you living your lives not leaving each others side unless if necessary. Being with Ao’nung when he receives his tattoo, being with him when hunting, picking ingredients for medicine, dates, flying with tsurak, etc. Both of you love each other’s company.
Lately both of were receiving some questions about when you both will have a child. Though you both are at age of having a children, you weren’t ready to have one yet. Ao’nung seem to be confident being a father, but he never forced you to have a child and he understands that it is your body and your choice.
“Ma’nung, I’ll bring my (avatar) body back at the lab. I’ll come back with my human body for the time being.” You said. You stand up from your place and remove your jewelry off you and placed them in a wooden box.
“Is there something wrong with your body?” He walk closely to checking every part of your body.
You giggled from his touches, “No, It’s just Norm will add something to this body, like an upgrade.” He was confuse, but didn’t ask further.
“Anyway m, I need some help on the cleaning. I haven’t finished some of it so will you finish them while I’m at the lab?” You asked. He nodded and gave you a peck on a cheek.
“Alright, but don’t take too long. You know I won’t last without you near me.” He said whispering the last pat as he give a kiss on both of my hands. You smiled and nodded then left.
He looked at your boxes full of random things and sighed. He first took out some books out of the box. Recently he’s been learning english so he could also talk to the people in the lab—though some already knows how to speak Na’vi, but it doesn’t hurt learning your language.
He opened the book which is full of information about forest plants and its benefits using it for human medicine. Seeing these makes your husband proud, having a wife that is dedicated when it comes to medicine even now, it makes him smile. He continued to open more books and he opens a photo album where you were still in Earth receiving your PhD. It made him giggle seeing how different you look from before, glasses and all making you look like a nerd. He then placed the books on a new shelf that Ao’nung made which you requested.
It’s almost evening and finally done with cleaning your stuff. He plop himself on a hammock relaxing himself. He pout to himself, you still weren’t here and it made him feel lonely.
After a few seconds minutes he stand up. He plans to visit you in lab, he want to hold you now. He’s craving for your hugs and kisses. As he was about to leave he saw a small box laying beside the empty ones. He sighed to himself, he really thought he was done. He walked to it and open the box revealing a—
“Hey Ao’nung, I’m back—“ you saw him holding a vibrator on his hands.
“Oh, yawne. Welcome back. What is this—“ you quickly ran to him and grab the toy from him.
“Uh uhm, nothing. You don’t have to know about it.” You put the vibrator in the box.
“Why not? Is it that bad?” He tilted his head.
You you inhale and exhale slowly and slowly look at him, “it’s uhm a toy…for pleasure.” You whispered the last part. You look down not wanting to meet your husband’s eyes out of embarrassment. You should’ve have stowed it before Ao’nung sees it.
“Hmm…what kind of pleasure?” He asked. You could here that teasing tone from him. You bit your lips, cheeks warming up.
“S-sexual pleasure…” you look away and turn back. You heard him giggled. You could also feel him smirking at you. You felt his warm body getting close to you. He embraced you tightly and kiss your nape. His boy breath tingles your ear.
“How do you use it?” He whispered. Now your body is in full heat. Hearing his voice near your ear is enough to make you wet. He noticed that you weren’t moving at all so he placed you on a mat and pulled out another toy for you to play with.
“C’mon baby, show me.” He licks your ear making you shiver. The dildo he is holding us very tempting. Imagining him watching you while you use it somehow turns you on. You hesitantly grabbed it from him removing your clothes off. You rubbed the tip of the toy on your clit biting your lip from the small pleasure. Your mewls were ringing on Ao’nung’s ear. He couldn’t believe he is seeing his wife this lewd specially in your human form. You both rarely have sex when you’re in your human body and so seeing this was a treat to him.
After some few rubbing, you suddenly squirted from the pleasure. You dropped the toy beside you and relax your body on Ao’nung, “Damn baby, you came so fast from that?” He combed your hair with his fingers. You honestly comes easily and you just wanna end this embarrassing discovery that Ao’nung made. Well the favor wasn’t yours toningt.
“Hmm, what is this, (y/n).” He pulled out a leather leotard and a headband-bunny ears. You were really kinky. Seeing those items on Ao’nung’s hands you could die in embarrassment.
Before you came home, he saw another photo album. He wasn’t expecting his wife used to take a picture of herself naked. Even seeing pictures of you in a very kinky outfit—including the bunny outfit. Obviously he got hard seeing them and has a field day with it.
You refuse to see his face covering your whole frame with your hand. He could see how red you are right now. It was really a mistake leaving your things to him. All you could think is that you are a dumbass.
“It uhm… a bunny costume,” he was confused, “clothes.” You responded. He hummed.
“Will you wear it for me?” “Eh?”
His sly smile made you blush. Seeing you in front of him wearing the lewdest thing, he could thank Eywa a million times. You haven’t worn the outfit for few years so obviously it was a bit tight and your curves are very visible. Though the zipper that uses to close couldn’t do it job from how much you got bigger.
“I think this is the only human invention I approve.” He fondles with your breast, bit your nape and licking it.
“Mmm…’Nung… too much.” You breathed heavily. His hands are big, it like he’s kneading a small dough. He starts rubbing your perky nipples biting his lips, it was tempting, he wants to suck it so bad.
“My baby bunny is adorable~” he cooed. Now that your nipples are red, he starts sucking them, licking, and biting. You covered your mouth refraining yourself to moan louder, but Ao’nung and caught them and cuffed your wrist which surprised you.
“H-how did you get—aah!.” He inserted one finger inside you and rub your g-spot. You kept moaning loudly tear and and drool are coming out because of pleasure. It’s been awhile when you received this type of pleasure from your husband because of your duties as a leader. Just with Ao’nung’s finger is enough to make you cum.
While distracted from the sensation, you felt a vibration inside you. You look down seeing Ao’nung on inserting a vibrating dildo inside you. Your voice became louder, tightening and loosening around the toy.
“Waah! Ma’nung, make it stop—mngh.” Your clit is already swollen from the toy’s vibration.
“But you look cute right now, I can’t miss this chance.” He licks your lips and kisses you. You melt from the kiss.
He finally took the toy off you. You sigh in relief, but then felt Ao’nung’s tongue licking your juices off you. He then unties his loincloth revealing a very hard dick pointing at your pussy. He teases your clit by rubbing his tip with it. You squirm around wanting his dick inside you, but nonetheless your husband didn’t give you want you wanted.
“Be patient, baby.” He put his shaft between your legs and starts thrusting slowly. You could see his dick going up and down from your thighs.
“Ahh~ Ma’nung, fuck me already!” You complained. His grin get wider seeing you so frustrated, oh how he loves to tease you.
“Alright alright baby girl.” He line up his tip to your entrance and slowly put it in. Since your in your human body, you could feel how large he is. With his big dick, he could easily reach your special spot.
You grip hard on his arms feeling euphoric from his movements. Your head is almost emptied only left with how much you feel good at this moment. Saying gibberish words, as your body feels warms from his dick. You kept moaning his name and telling him to be faster and rougher and he did as you said.
“Ao’nung! I’m close!” You yelled. He then went faster with his thrust sucking your nipples. Finally both of you released together. He pulled out his dick releasing the cum inside you.
“W-we should clean up.” You sat up, but you were stopped by Ao’nung pinning you down.
“Who said we’re done?” He gave you a playful smirk. You gulped from his words, it gonna be a long night.
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judysxnd · 1 year
Proofs that Pedro Pascal and Y/n Y/l/n are dating, (part 3)
I had this in my drafts since, well April. No! I actually started in march. The dates are actually when I wrote those little moments. I wasn’t confident enough to publish it but now I care less so I’m publishing it anyway (before I chicken out). I’m trying to be more active and change my mind! It’s not easy these days.
Here is part one and two !
23.04.23, in the morning, around 11am
It’s actually two different times, but it’s after y/n posted a video that day that the fans made the connection. A week ago approximately, Pedro posted a story of him talking about a new movie coming that one of his close friends was in. He was in bed. We could see the covers, grey with white dots. Nothing much, yet. But it’s on the 23rd, that it changed. Y/n posted a video of new clothes she bought. She put them all on her bed, to try and show everything. And that’s when we saw, again, the same cover, grey with white dots. How strange. Their fans immediately made the connection and went crazy about it. But neither Pedro nor Y/n said anything.
24.03.2023 in the afternoon, around 3pm
In a interview a while ago, as she was asked what was her nighttime routine before bed, y/n said that she was reading short stories, that it was helping her relax and get lost in her imagination, which led her to fall asleep very quickly. “That’s also why I only read before bed, because I will fall asleep if I read, so it’s not so good to do it any other time” she said. It might seem innocent and unrelated to Pedro, but bare with me for a minute.
On the 24rd, y/n was bored, and decided to start an Instagram live. At some point, she saw that Pedro was in the comments and told him to join her. So he did. Fans were asking them lots of question, but at one point, this one popped up “what are you guys currently reading?”. Y/n answered and said that she was reading “Kiss kiss” by Roald Dahl.
“Short stories are my fav” she said. “And there’s this one story that I really liked, about a woman murdering her husband” Pedro laughed as she summed up the story.
“Oh yeah I remember that one! We actually read it together” Pedro added.
It’s then on Twitter later that day after the live ended, that we could see videos from that old interview y/n did, but only the part about reading short stories before bed. Their fans instantly linked those two moments. They are dropping hints!!!
29/30.04.2023: during the night
A few people tweeted about seeing Pedro and y/n in a bar with some friends. Apparently they were sitting next to each other and were seen being pretty close.
“We were two tables away from them and we could see y/n leaning on him, there was some frequent touching , arms and thighs, they seemed really close”
“When they left, they were holding hands”
03.04.2023 in the afternoon
A new interview featuring Pedro Pascal and Y/n Y/l/n just dropped today in the afternoon. A new movie is upcoming, in which they are together. As Pedro is known as the daddy of internet, he obviously got asked at some point if it was bothering him or if he still liked it.
“I love it! It’s funny, I don’t know where it is coming from since I don’t have kids, but I love it. I’ll be their daddy forever” he said, looking straight at the camera
“Forever? At some point you’ll be their grandpa” Y/n said laughing. Pedro faked being shocked.
After a few questions, he was also asked if he had already read fanfictions about himself.
“No I haven’t, as I have already seen some tik toks about me, I never actually read anything and I don’t want to” he laughed
“I did” Y/n added out of nowhere
“I’m sorry what?” Asked Pedro, this time not faking the shocking expression.
“You read fanfictions about Pedro?” The interviewer asked Y/n
“Yeah! I’m curious.”
“What kind did you read?” The woman asked Y/n. She started to blush, which kind of revealed what she had read. “Okay from your expression we sense what you read” they all laughed.
“No no! I mean, maybe one or two pretty heated ones but no, there were like normal. It’s just my curiosity, it’s not like I read hundreds of fanfictions, it was just for fun. And it’s also really surprising to see how accurate they are actually” she laughed
“Wait, what do you mean accurate?” The interviewer asked. Looking at the woman who was interviewing them, you could see she was sensing that something between Pedro and Y/n was happening. And when you looked at Pedro and Y/n it seems like they realized what Y/n had said and what was going on. They seemed surprised and a little nervous.
“Hm- well, I mean, how- well, the way they make him talk, parts of his personality.. I also read a few about Joel and Peña, and well yeah, they’ve never seen Pedro but they write about him, and it’s.. well.. accurate” she laughed awkwardly.
“Oh okay, I thought about something else” the woman laughed. “I’ve read some and it was- heated” they all laughed
“Please I don’t want to know about it” Pedro said. (It was a close one)
10.05.2023 during the afternoon
Pedro and y/n were seen at the mall. Y/n was in line waiting for her drink order at some coffee shop. Pedro was waiting outside, smoking. Some fans came to ask him pictures. One took a video of their interaction with him. We were only seeing Pedro talking to the fans.
“What happened to your neck?” The fan asked. We can see Pedro confused.
“My neck?” He touches his neck to see if he could feel something but nothing. “Do I have something on my neck?” Another fan showed him the picture they took a few minutes before. We can clearly see that he has, in fact something on his neck : a hickey. Which he wasn’t aware of. “Oh” Pedro said, suddenly becoming red. He laughed awkwardly. Before he could add anything we can here a woman’s voice, it was Y/n. The video then showed her, talking and smiling to the fans here. Then the video ended.
This interaction went viral on Twitter (not really surprising). It raised even more suspicions, if they aren’t making it official, people are doing it for them. Proofs are piling up, it’s becoming difficult not to see it now.
12.05.2023, around 1pm
Pedro and Y/n have been spotted in a restaurant with another person. They were sitting next to each other while their friend was sitting in front of them. A fan posted a video of them from another table, and in the video, we can see Pedro kiss Y/n’s shoulder. They are not even hiding anymore! Or.. they are pretending?? Playing with us? We need an official statement!! We can see them going out together more and more, what is going on?
21.05.2023, around 10pm
Pedro and Y/n were seen entering a hotel. It was late, they only had one luggage and a backpack, and apparently a member of the staff of the hotel said that they only took one room. Is it true? They may have separate beds but we will never know. This is suspicious…
24.05.2023, 9:12pm
As we know Pedro was at Lux’s graduation. But, what we didn’t know until the hotel part, was that Y/n was there too. She apparently wasn’t at the graduation, but an interesting Instagram story appeared during the weekend. It was just a simple video, as many as there are, of Pedro dancing, in what seemed to be Lux’s apartment, dancing with her, and there was a third person dancing right behind them : Y/n. In the middle of the video, we see Nicolás, Pedro’s brother, entering the room, laughing at the scene. The story was on Lux’s Instagram and was captioned “this one was almost deleted. I would cherish that day forever 🤍” as she tagged Pedro, Nicolás, Y/n, and another person.
26.05.2023 at 11:47pm
Pedro posted a story of Y/n. They were apparently watching a movie together, but we can see in the video that they were in bed, next to each other. Even more suspicious! In the video, he is trying not to laugh, as he films Y/n, as she was extremely focused in the tv show they were watching. She was frowning, and not taking her eyes off the screen. He captioned “she is so focused in the tv show she apparently didn’t find interesting at first”. The next day Y/n finally saw the story, and reposted it saying “well, you’ve never seen your face! I’ll get my revenge you bastard”. They were in bed together! That’s all we are going to remember.
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thek1ngtalks · 2 years
Percy Jackson
Youre a bit of an oddball in camp. You were 15 when you were found, completely by accident. A saytr protecting another kid ran into you and that's the only reason he noticed you were a demigod.
You're,,, painfully normal, actually. Which, in a world of demigods and monsters, is in itself weird.
Being normal isn't a bad thing though. It's kept you and your parent safe, which is why they didn't put you on an immediate evac out to camp.
Sadly, your no monster streak was ruined as a frizzy red headed girl and a boy who looked like he tried to skate as a job while graffiting walls on the weekend broke into the band room you were trying to practice in
Great way to start off your highschool years, I assure you.
The redhead gives you a once over but deems you unimportant and starts trying to wedge herself between the wall and a bass drum.
The skater glanced between you and the red head before reluctantly joining her, hiding behind a bunch of bongos. They start whispering to each other, though it fails since you're pretty sure the red head's never whispered before
Your face pinches as you listen to them talk and like any normal person, you assume they're both crazy. Greek myths, what a joke.
Then, as the skater boy is about to reveal whatever big secret he's keeping, two cheerleaders step into the room. You vaguely remember them welcoming you in, although they called you a fish and stared at you funny.
Blah blah, they attack you, the skater boy– who the evil vampire ladies conveniently tell you the name of, Percy saves you both and then the school is on fire. Whoops?
Anyways, Percy brings you with him to camp, very shortly shows you around before things start getting crazy. Some centaur dude is on trial, Percy leaves for a quest and is dead for a little before he crashes his own funeral, overall a weird couple weeks.
After hiding in the Apollo cabin during the fight, handing things to the healers as they work, things seem to settle for a little.
He does come to see you to apologize for not being a very good guide and offers to show you a more detailed, and far more fun, intro to camp
That's when you start getting to know Percy more. His quirks, his skills, even his odd love of blue food.
He seems to seek you out often, answering only once that it's because you make everything so average.
You realize that with Percy's luck, everything is in extremes. When you're around though, he gets a break. If you can give him even a few minutes of peace, you don't really mind him calling you average (okay you still kinda do)
When you both inevitably start dating, no one's surprised. A few seemed disappointed they lost the apparent bet on Percy's love life, but no one was shocked considering how much Percy doted on you when you were around.
He also called you his good luck charm more than a few times, especially when you weren't around
Nico Di Angelo
You were a young mortal, emphasis on were. You had been a follower of the Chthonic Gods and with a life devoted to them, you got a bit of a cushy death.
You became a servant to Persephone, who had only needed a few extra hands temporarily and didn't care to dismiss you when things calmed down again. Obviously you don't remember much of your life but you were living a good death, so you weren't upset.
You had become an almost right-hand to her majesty, still a strong devote to her husband gave you a bit of a leg up in that regard.
And as her right-hand, she often gave you tasks she knew you could handle, you just weren't expecting to have to take care of a dandelion.
It definitely isn't one of the harder tasks she's had you do but it is more confusing. She had expressed that if one petal were to fall from it, Hades himself would send you to Tartarus, which is definitely NOT on your To Do List, so you've wisely took them to heart
You made sure to take it with you everywhere, taking care to keep the soil moist and talking to it often. You're not sure if it's helping but not a single petal has fallen yet, so you're positive that you're doing something right.
It's only after two weeks of this schedule that Persephone calls you to her room and tells you to bring the plant. Of course you listen
You're more than a little embarrassed when she turned the dandelion back into a broody teen, one who refuses to look back at you as he begins arguing with Persephone
Persephone dismisses you and the brooding boy takes that as his cue to leave with you, still avoiding your face
He thanks you for taking such good care of him and offers his name ��Nico— but nothing else before he shadowtravels away
Over the next few weeks you find small trinkets from the overworld left in your room, in the spot you had left Nico's dandelion form.
After a month of this, you are walking with Persephone as she heads to her garden and are faced with 3 demigods
Your eyes meet Nico's and he seems embarrassed again before he begins arguing with Persephone again
You are ordered to help them navigate the underworld in search for Hades's newest symbol of power and Nico actually starts looking at you, talking to you, and being normal
He's quite nice and he doesn't seem to hold anything against you, which is nice. You get along a lot better when he can actually respond and after retrieving the sword, you ask Nico to drop his gifts off in person so that you can actually see him more.
It's barely a few years later when Nico leads you out of the Underworld in the midst of Thanatos being missing, apparently having already gotten Persephone's permission but oddly tight-lipped about how (he coughs up petals for a week)
As a human you begin aging again with small parts of your past coming back. Nico is delighted when you remember your name and makes sure to say it to you at least once a day in case you ever forget it again.
You follow him wherever he goes, even to Tartarus, and all of his friends are surprised when you announce your dating, only because they thought you already were
Nico has apparently been horribly obvious in his adoration of you and you're much the same
[I was supposed to write a platonic soulmate shortfic with like 10 characters and accidentally wrote this instead. Congrats, I guess. (I'm still gonna write the other one, you can't stop me)]
[L0v3, k1ng]
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hlficlibrary · 1 month
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✤ Alpha Louis Fics ✤
A series of posts with the top five fics of each category by kudos plus five more hidden gems from that category! Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find the library's other recs here.
- Top 5 H/L Fics -
1️⃣ Face Your Fears by @sadaveniren {E, 92k}
Harry is a single father, pretending to be a beta after his alpha mated him and left him. He’s getting by just fine raising the twins when Louis walks into his bakery. Too bad him and Louis will never be a thing.
2️⃣ Seeing Blind by zedi {E, 46k}
Louis finally turns his head in Liam’s direction, knows his face is showing the longing he’s been aching with ever since it took root in his chest. “What the fuck do I do, Liam? He wouldn’t want me like that, but I want-” his voice cracks, and he turns his face back downwards. “What do you do when you’re not perfect for the person who’s perfect for you?”
OR the one where Harry’s an independent omega who likes to have his fun and Louis is the blind alpha that changes Harry’s priorities.
3️⃣ Pretty Please (With Sugar On Top) by @angelichl {E, 113k}
Harry is a sugar baby omega who cons rich alphas for a living. Louis is a rich alpha with too much self-control.
4️⃣ the beast you made of me by orphan_account {E, 4k}
The bell tinkled, and Harry froze as an overpowering scent, musky and thick, crisp and slightly sweet, yet utterly masculine, delightfully tickled his senses. Harry's eyes slowly slid up to see the source of this wonderful scent, and his breath was taken away at the sex god before him, all muscled and compact and utterly screaming of Alpha. Icy blue eyes stared him down, set off by sharp cheekbones, a stubbled jaw that looked yummy enough to nibble on, and caramel hair, which was lazily gelled, a few pieces falling over his forehead. His skin was tan, his hands strong and steady, his biceps still clearly visible even through his jacket. Every fiber of Harry's being stood at full alert.
The one where Harry's a vanilla-sweet Omega and Louis walks into his bakery one day.
5️⃣ Say Something by @kingsofeverything {E, 105k}
At fifty years old and recently divorced, Omega Harry Styles isn't interested in dating. When his doctor suggests a heat and rut matching service, he signs up out of necessity. It’s the only use he has for an Alpha in his life.
Twenty-eight-year-old Alpha Louis Tomlinson aims to change that.
💎 Feels Like Snow In September by louisismycat / @liminalkitty369 {E, 75k}
A mysterious teenager shows up at Louis' door claiming to be his daughter...with an omega he hasn't seen in 16 years, whom believes their secret love child to be dead.
💎 Pathema Proteleia by @persephoneflouwers {M, 53k}
A few years ago, Omega Prince Harry left his husband and mate Alpha Louis without any apparent reason. When enemies of the Royalty make an attempt on his life and threaten to hurt Omegas, Louis has to ask the Prince for help.
Or The Greek Tragedy AU (but with the happiest ending).
💎 Ocean Wave Blues by babyhoneyhslt / @babyhoneyheslt {M, 49k}
After the gruesome death of his Alpha, Harry takes over as the Captain of the Rose Arrow. Trying his best to uphold her reputation as being the most dreadful pirate ship to sail the Seven Seas.
With the help of his alpha-quartermaster Niall, he manages to keep his secondary gender hidden from everyone except his most trusted crew, as he operates under his late Alpha’s name. Captain Payne.
Everything changes when his ship is taken hostage by Pirate Captain Louis.
To keep his crew, and himself, alive, Harry must play the part of dutiful Omega who’s waiting for his Alpha’s return.
💎 never just the tip by journeytothepast / @suckerforhome {E, 6k}
Harry believes alphas can't control themselves. Louis proves him wrong.
💎 As one we are everything/We are everything we need by louloubaby92 / @louloubabys1992 {M, 5k}
Harry finally marries the love of his life. He's got the mating mark, he's got Louis' ring on his finger.
And now, he's on his honeymoon. Louis is but a door away, waiting for him.
Honestly, he doesn't understand why he's nervous.
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art-ro-vert · 4 months
I need a Gigolas fic where they make love on emotions after the final battle.
And Legolas decides to hide (or rather ‘not mention’) the fact that “to bed is to wed” for an elf.
Because it will definitely ruin the mood, and like, how are you supposed to tell someone in the heat of the moment that if you proceed you will be legally married?
So, he decides that it is of no matter, because for Gimli it is not a marriage act. And Legolas himself can just ignore the fact, because he is not among his fellow elves and no one will actually know. And surely it is just an elven tradition and nothing will really change if they just have a one time thing.
He soon finds out that the whole “making love” thing does not just get you married in the legal terms for the elves, but actually creates a bond between you and your partner. Which apparently is hard to ignore and, Legolas assumes, impossible to revoke…
And he goes though a crisis and ignores Gimli though the next days, because now they are married and he cannot just ignore it, as he feels the bond burn bright in his heart every second. And it makes it almost painful to be away from Gimli even for a short time.
And he is in a freaking panic mode, because how is he supposed to tell Gimli that they got married without his consent? And how is he supposed to explain why he forgot to mention the fact when that was actually happening?
So yeah, they both brood. Legolas because he is an idiot and does not know what to do, and Gimli because they just made love and now Legolas is avoiding him, so definitely he should regret it.
The fan part starts when Gimli shares his worries with Aragorn, who immediately understands the whole picture (and facepalms in his thoughts). But it’s not like he can just explain everything to Gimli, because it should be Legolas’ choice to make.
And Legolas talks to Gandalf out of desperation as he is literally considers just drowning himself at this point.
To Legolas’ luck it turns out alright. They have a hard conversation, but Gimli loves him already and decides that this must be their true destiny, to spend every living breath by each others side as husbands.
Does anyone know a fic like this? Or maybe wants to write one? Or could help me to write one?
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