#they got each other and even tho neither will ever be normal
canthelpit0 · 5 months
Enemies (With Benefits) PT3
Pairing: Cold!Chris x Reader
Word count: 3.9k +
Summary: Chris and reader have always been enemies ever since they’ve known each other. neither knew why they had this burning feeling in their gut. So one day they decide to fuck it out. Until, eventually doing it regularly
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of weed, (implied) RichKid!Reader, jealous!Chris, pet names (cherry), choking, humiliation, heavy degradation, sub!Chris, dom!Reader, I think that’s all.
(A/N: I got this idea from this request. Tysm for the idea & inspiration. Hope this is good.)
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I haven’t talked to Chris ever since that party.
wich wouldn’t be too shocking, since we hate each other. but I’ve been ignoring him fully. I wasn’t even responding to his mocking or arguing with him.. just…
The entire situation of us, two people who hate each other so much, and have for so long, hooking up, is extremely toxic.
And I’m self aware, I know that.
It just never bothered me before... But he was treating me like shit. And I’m done with it.
It’s been a week now, and I don’t think he cares that much honestly. At first he went on like normal making witty remarks trying to start arguments and disagreements, but since I didn’t respond he started to do it less and less.
It feels so refreshing not to have a headache everyday.
Only con is, that we share most classes. So i have to see his face all the time. Tho I just ignore him.
At first I saw him walking a round with charlotte, and honestly I don’t know why she is still talking to him after almost hooking up.
I don’t know what he was trying to achieve with that. But if the point was to make me jealous he is so bad at it.
I’ve been talking to Ethan a lot though.
And like I thought, he’s a nice guy, and he always shares his weed.
Even though I have enough friends, most of them are ‘lunchbox friends’. Well except for Matt and Nick, but I can’t really talk to them often considering I’m trying to avoid their brother.
I feel like most of my friends are fake. Wich they are.
We’ll talk and have fun in school, but if I walk past them at the mall they will act like they’ve never seen me in their entire life.
Ethan though. Ethan is nice. His skater friends not so much. Well I guess they’re just critical. After all I’m not any type of alternative at all, and I frankly, don’t know how to skate.
But at least they respect me. Probably because I’m wealthy but ih well.
Ethan and I haven’t done anything.
Other than kiss.
I walk out of history class, a class I share with Ethan. We walk down the hallway side to side.
When we get to my locker- wich is only two away from Chris’ -I unlock it to put my books in it.
All this time Ethan had been complaining about how his next class would be math and whatnot. I had noticed that Ethan was skipping less and less classes now. I never realized how many classes we shared because he was always skipping. But now he wasn’t. And the lack of tobacco in his system was making him itchy and I could tell.
Once you got to know him he actually got quite talkative.
I look over my shoulder to look at Ethan but see Chris in the corner of my eye.
Without thinking I grab the collar of Ethan’s sweatshirt roughly crashing my lips onto his.
Ethan, having not expected it, doesn’t do anything for a moment, before he kisses back.
Pushing me against the lockers behind me roughly. His tongue finds its way into my mouth as we start to make out.
In the middle of the hall.
My arms wrap around his neck holding him close.
He was kissing me like i was the only source of oxygen. And it felt good. I could tell he liked kissing me, and he wasn’t bad at it.
“Gonna suck face in the hallways now too?”
I pull away slightly. My breath was coming out in short and harsh pants.
I ignore the voice. Chris’ voice.
Instead I stare back into Ethan’s eyes. I try to focus on the way his hands feel on my waist as he holds me against the lockers.
His grip isn’t too tight, but it was firm. His forehead pressed against mine as I stare back into his dark eyes.
I look over at him at the disgusted tone. I scoff. My eyes lock onto Chris’ and it feels like electricity shoots up my spine.
Ethan looks a lot like Chris, but he doesn’t have the blue eyes.
The blue eyes that I-
I pause all the thoughts leaving my brain as I hear Chris let out an irritated huff.
And suddenly the feeling of Ethan’s hands on my clothed skin feels too hot. Even tho he unironically resembles Chris a lot, he isn’t Chris.
And god when did my standard become: Chris.
I tare my eyes away from Chris’ gaze. My eyes locking back onto Ethan’s dark eyes.
While Chris’ seem cold and icy, Ethan’s are warm and welcoming. But I don’t want to be welcome and the warmth seems too hot.
It feels like going out in a hoodie on the hottest summer day.
“Fuck off Chris. You’re not any better”
I say to Chris, while staring back at Ethan. But before I can hear Chris reply the bell rings.
I let out a breath. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Chris slam his locker harshly and leave. And once he does I leave a peck on Ethan’s lips.
I slide out of his grip chuckling.
“Imma go now pretty boy, I’ll see you later” I smile at Ethan.
I quickly take out my stuff for my English class and speed walk past him.
★ ★
I’m late to my class but I can’t help but not care.
I share this class with none of them.
Not Ethan, not Chris, not charlotte.
Wich was a relief. Because I don’t know what that was. Ethan has never done anything to make me feel uncomfortable.
Chris had.
So why am I comparing them.
Why do I feel like the lack of just simple bickering with Chris is giving me withdrawal? Why does his glare burn through my soul? Why does it feel wrong being near Ethan when Chris was there? And why the tell did it feel like Ethan’s touch burned?
Why did I want Ethan to be Chris?
Well no let me rephrase that.
Why did I want Chris to be nice to me.
He’s always been rude and mean. I knew what I was getting into. And I liked it, and it felt great. So why am I missing the attitude.
Am I that much of an attention whore?
My eyes trail around the room. I take in the whiteboard none of the words written on it register in my head. I look over the students, mostly only seeing the back of their heads, since I sat all the way in the back
I’ve never felt so loved, alone and hated at the same time.
I know Ethen likes me, and it feels like I’m using him for escapism. To distract myself. I’m leading him on..
I feel so alone. Literally the only people I would usually tell, are the brothers of the problem.
And I’ve felt hatred so intense from Chris. And I know he hates me, and I know that’ll never change
★ ★
He days seem to pass so fast, yet so slow. And at this point I don’t know what I’m doing.
I stick to Ethan. Sometimes I’ll make out with him other times I’ll just stay close to him. Especially when Chris is around.
And I can see that he is getting more and more pissed off.
I’ve been wearing more revealing clothes. Atleast as revealing as it can get with the dress code and all. Mocking the fact that Chris can’t do anything about it.
I was hanging out at home. Alone since my siblings were once again at a sleepover. It wasn’t like they were always at one. And I feel like they’re too young to party and I trust them.
I trust that they aren’t lying to me.
Anyway, since they’re only one year apart they share some friends. So they both went to a sleepover birthday party from one of them.
I’m sitting on the couch, for once enjoying the pice and quiet. I have a movie playing, but I’m drowning more in my own thoughts than watching the movie.
I pause when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring.
I think that maybe it could be my siblings? No neither can drive yet.
Maybe it’s a package. Did I order something? But no it’s midnight they wouldn’t still be delivering orders at midnight..
I get up anyway trading over to the door.
I mean if it’s a killer and I go out this way…. Oh well.
My eyes meet Chris’ as soon as I open the door.
I go to slam the door in his face, but he catches it roughly throwing it open.
“Cherry, please” he huffs. He walks in his sharp eyes trained on me. Chris closes the front door behind him.
“Chris get out” I sigh. I purse my lips glaring right back at him.
If he stays i don’t know for how much longer I can control myself. I feel like I’m having withdrawal symptoms. I miss the way he hates me.
“Cherry, listen” he snaps slightly. I raise an eye cockily. I shift on my feet and cross my arms. My glare doesn’t let up.
But Chris is looking at me different. He doesn’t glare, he looks at me with… desperation?
“What?” I snap back harshly.
“Cherry, please? Literally give me anything?”
Oh, so he is as desperate as he looks.
“Give you what?” I play dumb. My arms stay crossed. I keep looking back at him, his pathetic state only serving to piss me off more.
He can’t even drive, how the fuck did he get here. Nobody knows were fucking so he probably didn’t ask Matt. But Ubers are expensive at this time.
“You know what I mean. Cherry, I’ll literally get on my knees right now and beg.” He says that slightly jokingly. He doesn’t actually think he’ll have to go that far, but if he needs to he will.
“So, get on your knees than, Chris” I mock back, thinking that he wouldn’t actually do it.
But before I can blink he’s going down on his knees right in front of me.
I raise my eyebrow staring down at him.
He dramatically puts his hands together making a begging motion. “Please, please, please cherry??”
I look down at him. He looks so cute when his eyes don’t look like they want to bore through me.
He actually looks desperate and needy right now.
I know I said I wouldn’t hook up with him, and I’ve been doing good at ignoring him for almost a whole month. But god he looks so cute, so… god
I thread my fingers through his messy long hair. His wavy brown hair. And I suddenly pull him up. He winces at the harsh treatment, but he lowkey deserves it for being an ass.
I hate how he stands just a little bit taller next to me.
I crash my lips on his and it feels like fire works go off. I’ve kissed Ethan so many times these past few weeks but it never felt this good.
My arms wrap around his neck. My fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Chris’ hands instinctively go to my waist. He holds me flush against him and I feel so comfortable under his touch.
I pull off of the kiss scoffing. My hand wraps around his neck harshly. I pull him down to my eye level while slightly choking him, and he just lets me.
“Hm? Did you not get your dick sucked by someone else?” I mock him, my tone is harsh and condescending.
“Did she not do it as good as I did?”
“Don’t flatter yourself” he grumbles under his breath. He has the audacity to roll his eyes at me.
My grip on his neck tightens and he lets out a sharp breath, one that almost sounds like a moan.
“And yet you still came to my house, got on your knees and begged for me?”
He falls silent at the harsh words. He purses his lip staring back at me with what looks like shame in his eyes.
I move him harshly, changing the place where we stand so I’m close to the door. I harshly squeeze his neck before letting go.
“Go to the living room, I’ll be right there” I nod to the living room behind him. Chris eagerly nods before going to the living room.
I sprint up the stairs and with in a minute I’m back again.
“You’re so fucking pathetic you know that?” I glare at him while towering over his sitting figure.
I go to slowly straddle his lap. His back is pressed against the back of the couch. He looks up at me with ever so pleading eyes. Looking at me like he was desperate, wich he was.
“Such a pathetic bitch. Going to your enemies house and begging to be fucked” I say harshly. My grip goes back to his neck as I choke him slightly. Not enough to actually choke him, but enough to make him lightheaded.
“Sorry, sorry” he closes his eyes for a moment before opening them again.
His eyes meet mine and he looks purely submissive now. It’s funny to me how he is so needy. Maybe I need to ignore him and make him submissive more often, because I like this sight.
I pull him closer by his neck kissing him again. His hands ghost over my sides not daring to actually touch.
I pull away abruptly, listening to his whine.
“Undress.” I says simply standing in front of him.
While I watch him undress I turn off the TV fully. The movie had been paused, but I hadn’t paid attention to it anyway.
He does as I say. He slips off all of his clothing. He’s left fully nude in front of me for me to look at.
He squirms under my harsh gaze. But he is turned on. It’s obvious by his rock hard dick. It’s already red and swollen, leaking pre cum, looking for some release.
I pull out the vibrator from my pj pants pockets. I had gotten it from upstairs. Chris never let me use it on him, unless he was being really submissive.
And since he was, I might as well have fun.
I press it to his tip gently, not turning it on anything yet. I look back at him. I capture his mouth in a kiss. And then turn the vibrator on. He actually flinches at the sudden stimulation.
The kiss is messy, mainly because Chris can’t focus. But The vibrator is literally on the lowest level.
I pull away from the kiss listening to Chris whines and moans. He keeps his hands at his sides. He knows better than to try to get it away. But he looks like he’s itching to just push it away, overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure.
“You look so stupid right now” I chuckle.
I put the vibrator on the secound lowest level. But that alone is high enough for Chris to physically hold himself back from flinching. His moans and whines turn into breathless whimpers.
“Answer.” I scoff. And before I knew it I slap him across the face harshly. The clap echos through the room.
I was letting my pent up enger out, but Chris was enjoying it. As soon as I slap him, his mouth falls open in a silent moan.
Chris didn’t seem like the type. But he had a raging degradation kink.
The sting of the slap traveled right to his dick. His length was twitching in my hand. He was sinking further and further into the couch. He was enjoying this.
“I know-“ he breathes out. But I cut him off by turning the vibrator on higher.
His body practically jolts forward in pleasure. He tries not to come right then and there.
His hand grabs my wrist, the one that was holding the vibrator. “I’m close-“
“I don’t care Chris. If you come now you’ll have to go through the rest overstimulated.” I shrug. Then I abruptly turn the vibrator to its highest setting
He tries to curl his body in on himself but I push him back. And within seconds hes coming all over himself.
I keep the vibrator situated on his tip. I watch how he stays rock hard. His dick starts twitching as his whines get louder and needier.
He weekly pushes my hand off. But after A moment I take it off fully.
While he heaves for breath, I start to undress. I straddle him. When he feels me sink down on his tip his hands go to my waist out of instinct.
I sigh at the feeling. We haven’t fucked in what feels like ages. The stretch hurts. But still I purposefully clench around him to make it even tighter.
His eyes are clenched shut. He’s a moaning mess.
“Chris open your fucking eyes” I slap him again. His eyes flutter open.
“You look so cute all submissive” I taunt. I’m only half way down and I’m struggling. But he doesn’t need to know.
Before he can whine in answer I ram myself down. I wince at the feeling. But Chris’ moans are louder.
I start to gently bounce on him. But he is growing overstimulated quick.
I keep on doing that, my glare focused on Chris. Chris’ eyes shut tightly for a moment. He breaths harshly.
His eye meet mine again. He looks purely submissive. His head tilted down slightly, mouth slightly agape.
“Handsome boy, all needy to get fucked like this hm?” I wait for him to answer but he just whines and moans in response to my movements.
“Can you talk baby?” I ask, huffing. I grab his face, slightly squishing his cheek together with one hand. “Hm? You like getting fucked like this?”
He gasps when I speed up the pace. He blinks a few times, halfheartedly throwing back his head.
Another slap echos through the living room. His head is turned to the side his eyes wide. His mouth is agape as he tries to hold it together. “I told you to fucking talk Chris”
One of his hands goes to his cheek. He grits his teeth trying to formulate words.
But before he can, my hand goes to his neck gently squeezing as I start to ride him harder.
“So good- fuck-“ he breaths out harshly.
His eyes are half lidded. The rough treatment only serves to turn him on even more.
“Yeah, you like that?” I scoff. My hand snakes from his throat to his neck. I pull him in for a sloppy kiss. He can barely focus on anything, every sense in him overwhelmed.
I pull away from the kiss. My hands both move to his shoulders, To use as leverage to ride him harder.
Chris throws back his head, his eyes shutting. He only gets increasingly louder. My movements get harsher and more relentless.
I take one of his hands from my waits and position it at my clit. “Rub it” I demand. And as soon as I do he starts to rub it vigorously.
I clench around him, feeling my release wash over me. Chris’ hand on my hip gets harsher and harsher. I keep moving though, until I feel him twitch.
I quickly pull off an hover over him.
I sit down on his thighs, then start to jerk him off harshly. I put the vibrator back to his tip and turn it on.
Chris’ body harshly jerks forward. I put a hand on his chest and push him back.
And within a few seconds Chris is coming all over himself again.
We both pant as I stare at him. I keep sitting on his thighs as I watch him for a moment.
I lean down and leave a peck on his forehead. I pull him into me. My arms wrap around his neck, putting his face into the crook of my neck.
I pull away from him and slowly get up off of him. I pull on my panties, and pj pants again. As well as my top. Quickly getting dressed again.
I really don’t want to, but he needs to go. As much as I missed him, I made it a point to not hook up with him.
And now that I have, I might as well treat him like he treats me.
“You have to leave.”
He pause looking at me questioningly, It’s like he hadn’t expected me to tell him that. Like he expected us to just hang out and cuddle or something.
Which is not going to happen.
“What?” He questions, his tone sounding blunt, almost harsh.
“Christopher, I want you to leave” I say more sternly. I overpronounce every word to make sure his stupid brain understands it.
“Why” he scoffs frustrated. He stares at me like I’m crazy. Like I’m crazy for telling him to leave when leaving is literally all he ever does.
“Christoper.” I grit out my tone more harsh and serious.
I can’t help the loud scoff that I let out. I walk to the nearest bathroom. I grab a towel halfheartedly dampening it.
I walk back to the living room, where Chris sits mildly stunned. I throw the damp towel on him watching as he awkwardly cleans himself.
“What’s up with you” he sasses me. His gaze is judging.
“I hate you, Chris. I always will.” My words are harsh. And the more I talk the more I can see him narrow his eyes at me in anger, growing more upset by the second.
“Just because we fuck, doesn’t mean I like you. You’re a shitty person.” I take in a deep breath. I feel like I could say worse than that.
“I hate you, and you should leave.” I purse my lips. I watch his expression shift. His jaw clenches, and I can see that he looks like he is about to blow up on me.
The withdrawal symptoms of not fucking me were too much, but now he feels the rage. He remembers why he hated me so much. I can literally feel the hatred and anger radiating off of him.
His already sharp jawline only seems accentuated by the way he clenches it. He swallows his Adam’s apple bobbing.
Chris’ eyes narrow at me, but he just gets up and puts his clothes back on. He looked furious.
I hate him, so why would I let him stay, why would I forgive him. He got the Sex he wanted, so why was he so pissy about leaving?
Now fully dressed he walks closer to me, not touching me.
“What’s wrong with you?” He scoffs. His mood was now definitely sour.
“That’s how you always treat me Chris. Now leave” I snap back at him, getting just as angry as him.
“Okay cherry, have it that way” he gives me a halfhearted sarcastic nod. He then brushes past me to the door, opening it, before a loud slam echoes through the house.
I had sworn to not hook up with him anymore. And if I did that I’d treat him like he treats me. But why do I feel so shitty now?
Can’t a girl have sex and then he all giddy and want to cuddle?
Yes but Chris’ presence irks me. It’s disgusting. He is disgusting.
A/N: requests are always open. pls give me ideas on how to continue this <3 comment if u wanna be on the taglist
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos
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mingi-s-dimples · 2 months
splash of desire - wooyoung
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pairing: enemy & teammate!wooyoung x fem!reader
rating: 18+ (filth)
genre: enemies to lovers, filthy smut (mdni ty)
summary: your captain makes you share a room with your death enemy, who also happens to be your teammate.
WC: 3.1k
warnings: non idol au, dystopian (strictland), brat dom!wooyoung x even brattier!reader, cocky!wooyoung, cursing, cussing out, threats (once or twice, death threat once and knife once), size kink, shower sex, overstim, orgasm control, ruined orgasm (twice f), oral (m), foreplay (f & m), blowjob, choking (both by dick and by hand), handjob, hair pulling, pet names ( ), making out, deepthroating, slight dacryphilia, one scene with pleading/begging, completely consensual, unprotected (booo use protection irl!!!), death enemies to lovers, completely unedited & might edit later, totally forgot to mention something.
Author's Note: Enemies to lovers... shower sex AND Wooyoung? give me 14 thank you. I wrote this in ONE DAY... like 4 hours or something? I think it took me longer to actually re edit/write the entire fic rather than initially writing it 😭. My utmost fave part was when Wooyoung said he wouldn't back off if he kissed her !?!??! I'm afraid I'm in love with how I wrote this fic keisjs (I always say this). Anyways, enjoy my fic ! 🫶🏻 (also I'm on the rollll I'm still on vacation LMAO I got really bored.. and horny so, once again, enjoyyy) - wrote this together w my bestie, she chose a plot - i only had the smut in mind upsi - tysm Lis for helping me ajisebs love youuu .
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction & does not represent in any way the reality of the member.
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You were apart of ATEEZ, a well known group of outlaws, rebelled against the Strictland Government. They were some.. entities, which distrupted the initial normal world with all of their activities. Hongjoong, your captain, suddenly decided to part the whole team on small groups, of 2 people, because the latest mission almost failed tragically. He thought that it happened because we were too many in the same place. In the end, he chose Wooyoung to team up with you and.. neither of you were happy about it. In fact, you started bickering with both Hongjoong and Wooyoung, because for some reason Hj thought that you's be better off on a mission with Woo. Little did he know that you'd actually kill him even before the mission started if you had the chance.
You looked at Hj in disbelief.
You let out a heavy sigh, giving a piercing stare to Wooyoung.
"WHY HIM, OUT OF ALL PEOPLE? Captain. Please... please... put me on another team.." you said pleading, almost begging Hongjoong, but to no avail.
"Nope, end of discussion. You are going to do as I said. You both have one hour to prepare and pack things. I already made a reservation for a hotel hot too far from here. We gotta stay united but not in the same place, it's too risky."
"Guess we'll need to tolerate each other, y/n. I won't try to kill you, I promise." Wooyoung said, giving you the death stare with a smirk.
Hongjoong left the room, giving you a stare. He tried so hard not to burst out laughing, knowing you were pissed at him for pairing you with Wooyoung.
And here you were, in your own, nice and little room... but private. In 2 hours you were gonna live with your death enemy, which happened to also be your teammate, in the same hotel room. Ironic, isn't it? How much you hated him, his face, his cocky and bratty attitude. Everything about him made you curse at him on a daily basis. But now, you were gonna be closer to him than ever. You didn't even know what to say about it... you were just.. in disbelief.
*2 hours later*
"Oookay guys. Here is your room, you only have one bed tho, we can't afford a bigger room for now. Please don't fight, don't try to kill each other and please, for fucks sake, don't bomb the place. Enjoy your time" Hongjoong said, letting out a small chuckle.
He knew sth you didn't know.
"Okay. Dissappear, please. I don't want to see you this early in the morning." you said to Wooyoung, staring him down. You took a cigarette out of your pocket and lit it, going om the balcony to ease your mood.
"We both know you love me, y/n, don't act like this" He said teasingly, approaching you slowly.
"Fuck you, don't piss me off. Go away! " you said, pushing him away.
"Fine. I'll be in the room if you need me" he whispered.
"Fuck off you bitch" you whisperer, not letting him hear you.
You took your phone out of the pocket and dialed Hongjoong.
"Joong please! I can't live with this brat! We've been in the same room for 3 minutes and we already started bickering! Please change the layout... " you pleaded.
But you didn't hear anything. Instead, he hung up in you, giving you the final answer.
"Oh cmon, you fucker" you said to yourself.
*several minutes later*
You decided to go back in the room after smoking quite a few cigarettes. After all, you were trying to distract yourself from the situation.
But it didn't last long.
"Huh? where the fuck did he go?"
"Well, better for me, I won't see his face for a while. Maybe he's planning to kill me? I wouldn't be surprised"
You later decided to go take a shower to ease your muscles after the mission you had 2 days ago, but to your surprise and horror.. you met Wooyoung's gaze in the hall, right besides the bathroom's door. He was halfway naked, t-shirt on the floor and only in his briefs. You were trying to look away but.. froze. You stared him from head to toe, stopping at his collarbones, then at his waist... his underwear. He was.. packing.
"For fucks sake, Wooyoung! What are you doing?" you finally said, after eye fucking him for a long minute.
"What does it look like I'm doing? Chill, I wanted to take a shower. Unless you wanna join me?" he said laughing, but seeing your flustered face made his gaze darken.
"Oh.. maybe you want to join me after all, judging from your stare, hm?" he said, approaching you.
"Fuck off! Don't you touch me, what the fuck!" you said and slapped him, looking horrified in his eyes at what you just did. You always bickered and fought with him but never in your right mind thought about hitting him.
"Ouu, feisty." he said and slammed your wrists to the wall, right above you.
"The fuck are you doing?!" you said trying to escape his grip but to no avail. He was strong.. and besides being strong you made him mad.
"Oh kitten, I've seen your gaze. You've been eye fucking me for a while, is that right?" he whispered right into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
He closed the door with his left hand. You had nowhere to go. But... did you want to leave?
"Wooyoung it's not funny, I hate everything about you."
He tilts his head at your words.
"Come again, darling? I didn't quite hear you."
"You're fucking annoying, don't get on my nerves" you said, squirming and trying to get away from his grip. But with every word and every sentence he was saying, your force dissipated and you were starting to give in... maybe you wanted him after all?
You had a window of freedom and took something out of your pocket.
"Ouuu, a knife? Are you trying to perhaps flirt with me?" he said smiling, tightening his grip on your wrists.
"Drop it. I can't guarantee your safety with that shit around me, y/n." he said and took it from your hands.
"Shut the fuck up"
"Make me, love"
You gulped. You never thought that your... death enemy would turn you on but.. here you are, arousal pooling in your panties and trying to keep your composure and not jump on him in that instant. He was staring you down, you could feel how his eyes were eating you right there. He closed the gap between your bodies, you could feel his briefs getting thighter against your thighs.
"Wooyoung.. ? The fuck are you doing?" You said flustered, looking at the bulge forming in front of you.
"Perhaps I want to fuck you or... leave you hanging? Either way... it's so much fun seeing you this flustered... you've never been like this. It makes me go insane" he said, leaning in, hovering his lips over your collarbones.
You didn't try to run away now. You almost fully gave in but... there was still something holding you back. Was he always like this? Was he.. always into you.. like this? All these thoughts were driving you insane as you felt your cunt wetting your jeans. Did you want to give in? Did you want to leave? Your body was telling you something.. while your mind was telling you otherwise. But... you wanted to give in. Truth is... you've always wanted to fuck him. To fuck the cockiness and brattiness out of him. To see him flustered, to find out why he's always been bratty with you and only you.
Though.. he continued before letting you say something.
"You know... the problem is.."
He said as he leaned in, staring at your lips with hunger and thirst.
"If I touch you... or kiss you... I don't think I'll be able to back off."
He said... waiting for the slightest response from you.
"Wooyoung -" you mustered your courage to say, touching his lip with your thumb after he loosened the grip on your hands.
He took that as a yes.
Wooyoung leaned in for a kiss, one of his hands holding your wrists above and the other one on your waist, all touchy.
"To be honest with you, y/n"
He stopped for a moment.
"I've always wanted to do this"
He said as he leaned in for a deeper, sloppier kiss. His hand going down to your ass, trying to feel you up in every way possible.
"I hate you, Wooyoung."
"No. babe. You hate the fact that you actually want me" he said, planting a kiss on your neck.
And that was it.. you were making out with your death enemy. Tongues interlocking, lewd sounds being heard in the whole room. His hands going down to your pants and your hands on his shoulders, he took you in his hands and put you on the washing machine in the bathroom. In the meantime, you could feel his hands all touchy around your waist. He was not that shitty, after all. He was waiting for you to fully give in before making any move that would make you uncomfortable. But as he said... you'd been eye fucking him for a while now.
You unzipped your pants and he took them off. His hands going back to your ass, now tugging at your panties. As soon as he touched your thigh, really close to your cunt, you flinched.
He stopped.
"Hm? why did you stop"
"You flinched. All good w me all over you?"
"Okay, good girl" he said. smiling.
"Fuck you, Wooyoung"
"Oh yes, please." he said and went in for a wild sloppy kiss, biting your lower lip while he took of your panties and bra. You were already bare in fron of him while he still had his briefs on... which you took care of in a second. You first started touching his tip through the cloth, feeling how hard it has gotten these past few moments. He didn't lie, after all. He really wanted to fuck you... judging from all the pre cum leaking through. You tugged at them and took them off only halfway before his cock sprung up out of the enclosed briefs.
You gulped.
"Hm? did you say something, love?"
"Are you... perhaps.. surprised?" he said, chuckling at the view he had. Your hand was resting on his dick, which was halfway out of his underwear. He was right... you were fucking surprised at how big he was.
"N-no" you said flustered. He could see the look on your face. You wanted to fuck him right there.
He left you sitting on the washing machine.
"Where the fuck are you going? Don't piss me off, you started this" you said, staring at him.
"Wait a moment, I'm just gonna do something" and as he finished talking, he turned on the shower.
"Oh, my fucking god." You gasped.
"Wooyoung.." you said but couldn't finish your sentence as he took you in his grip and dropped you off in the shower, the water dripping off your collarbones.
"Didn't you want to take a shower, woman? The fuck you looking at" he said before one of his hands went straight to your neck, receiving a choked whimper from you.
"Ooh, you're a cocky one, hm?" he said as you stopped showing him how much you wanted him.
"You're one to talk, Wooyoung" you said and right after you finished your sentence he pushed you on the wall, your breasts against the wall and your back arched for the man behind you.
"Stay still, babe." he said as he slapped your ass, holding onto it for dear life. He was resting his dick on your folds, rubbing against them for a moment.
"Fucking god.. y/n. I hate how good you feel"
He said as he pushed only his tip in.
"It makes me want to destroy the fuck out of you"
He said as he pushed himself fully into your cunt, receiving a loud moan from you.
"Wooyoung ! " you shouted, trying to hold onto something. He had other plans. He took your hair into a fist and with his other hand he held onto you, bottoming out with every single one of his thrusts. It hurt but oh god... you never thought he'd fuck this good. You were holding on for dear life, the wall slippery from the water running on you and your knees weak.
"I'm not even - oh"
"Sweating yet, babe." You said, stopping in the middle because of one of his thrusts.
"Is that really all you - g-got?" you muffled.
"Hm? You want more, huh? What a needy cunt you have." he said, burying his face into the nape of your neck, still holding on your hair, pulling it back. "Isn't this good to you, darling? Hm?" he said as he slowed down his thrusts, but going deeper as ever.
"Oh - my god" you whimpered, arousal dripping from your folds, as he pulled out for a moment.
"The fuck are you doing" you said annoyed, cause he stopped you from catching your high.
"You said you didn't even sweat so I stopped. I thought you meant I'm not good enough to you"
"You're a damn nuisance, Wooyoung. I can see your dick throbbing. Did you really want to stop?" you said, smiling at the view.
"Not your damn business. Quite a mouth you have, it seems like you need someone to put you in your place" he said as he manhandled you. He turned you around and pushed you on your knees, his cock on your cheek, rubbing on it while his hand was holding your hair.
"Got something to say, y/n? Are you finally.. quiet?" he said, looking down at you.
"Never, you fucker"
"Ohh, bratty. I love it" He said as he pushed his dick in your mouth, feeling it right in the back of your throat, tears swelling in your eyes. His dick was girthy... you could feel how it stretched your mouth so well. This brat also didn't let you adjust to his size. Having no room to breath, you were choking on his tip, but little did he care. He loved seeing you helpess, fucked dumb and being sucked by you.
When he pulled out for a short second you coughed, gasping for air.
"You're.. cute" he said chuckling, stroking your head while you had his dick on your lips.
"You bet" you said and you softly bit his tip, receiving a moan from him.
"Fuck you, y/n. This is how we are, hm? Fuck that hurt" he said, looking down at you, plotting something.
He kneeled and pushed you around. He wanted you to sit on all fours.
"Ass up, babe. On all fours. Turn around, on a side. Now." he said and even before having time to move, he manhandled you how he wanted. You were now sideways on your knees and hands.
And you obeyed. But little did you know he had completely other plans that you were bound to find out as soon as you felt the free hand, the one that wasn't holding your hair, on your spine right down to your ass. He used two of his fingers to spread out your wet, dripping folds. One of it rubbing on your clit, the other one slowly finding it's way in your cunt. He curled his finger inside you, making you arch your back and stop sucking him off. You gasped at the sensation.
"Damn, I never thought you'd be this hot sucking me off like the little whore you are. Wanna cum, hm? I can see it on your face. All flustered up and weak for me" he said, pushing two fingers inside you.
He was right, you were so close to finishing, barely standing on your knees. Your hands were slipping, trying to hold yourself up on his thighs.
"Stop" he said.
"W-what why" you said angrily, looking at him and gasping when he pulled out his fingers, your cunt clenching on nothing.
"You fucker, it's the 2nd time you've fucked with my orgasm. What's your problem, want me to kill you?" you shouted, weak in your knees as soon as he put his hand on your neck.
"Hmm.. maybe I love seeing you so desperate for me. For my dick, for my fingers. But... did you just say you'd.. kill me? Is that right, babe?" he said as he choked you, staring you up and down.
"We'll see about that. Get up and face me. Now." he said, waiting for you to obey.
He then lifted you up right on his dick, placing your hands on his shoulders. One of his hand was holding you from below and with one he was leaning against the wall, not letting your head hit the hard tile in the shower.
"Wooyoungh-h, I gotta-" you muffled.
"Use your words, pretty. I didn't quite understand"
"I gotta, mhhm, c-cum"
"Like, now" you said and let out a muffled moan, trying to look back at Wooyoung.
"Nu-uh babe, I didn't yet."
He stopped for only a second.
"Let's make a deal. Cum at the same time as me. Won't be that hard, right? I can see on your face that you're out of it. Now... cum." he said and started wildly thrusting into you, with so much speed and deepness, with the hand he was leaning against the wall on your clit, rubbing circles on it while closing the distance between you two.
It was like... what? the 3rd time you we're close to it and he was playing with you. But he wasn't a brat until the end and you both came, still thrusting into you so you could take up his load right up your cunt.
As both of you were coming down from your highs, he leaned down to put you down in the tiles and sat besides you.
"Y/n... I never thought this would happen but.. oh my god. You felt so good..." he said while giving you soft kisses on your forehead. He hovered the shower over you, washing you up. You've never seen that side of him. The nice, loving one.. but you loved it.
"Wooyoung.. when I tell you I GULPED when I saw you in the hallway. I was going insane !"
"Then.. up for a round 2?" he said laughing.
"Shut the fuck up, it's late and we need to wake up early as fuck!" you said, scoffing.
"Fine, fine. I'll pass on it tonight. But... what about tomorrow night? We could try the bed, too. It looks pretty sturdy." he said smirking.
"Wooyoung, for fucks sake! SHUT UP!" you said running out of the bathroom, your cheeks flushed from what he just said.
"Dammit, this fucker"
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
one nail drives out another / joão félix
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summary: it had all started as a mutual favour: you weren't over your ex, and neither was he. but the old saying one nail drives out another proves to be true. author's note: had this in the drafts for too long and just needed to get it out, even if i just couldn't finish it in a way that i liked :( hope it's still good tho.
warnings: smut with a plot. wc: 2.2k words
the deal was simple: he calls you when he feels alone, and you do too.
in reality, it's simpler to say that you call him to avoid calling your ex. this is what you said to yourself every time: it was for a good cause, really. anything to help you avoid the man who broke your heart several times. 
joão was one hundred percent better than that man could ever be, and you knew it was safer: at least, he wouldn’t break your heart. above every single adjective he could be described with, he was kind. and after knowing him for such a long time, you also were aware of how hard it was for him to let his past relationship go, no matter if he knew it wasn’t good for him, no matter how much she actually hurt him. he was in the same situation as you: heartbroken and on the verge of falling, again.
the kiss was heated, tongues meeting and battling each other for dominance, while letting you taste him. you still could feel the vodka on his lips, intoxicating, although you doubted if what was making your brain go into overdrive was the alcohol, or joao’s ragged breath. “i need to stop thinking about her for a second,” he pleaded, warm brown eyes normally turning a shade darker. he continued the trail of kisses, messy and wet over your neck. “please, help me”.
tonight, it was your turn to call joão.
you were about to call your ex, again, for the second time after six months, until you thought otherwise. it wasn't rocket science to understand that you were feeling alone. the flat in which you lived in now was the same one you once shared with your ex boyfriend, and sometimes, no matter how many hours you try to spend out of the four walls, you can't forget what happened. how it all went wrong, so suddenly. the doubts start to creep in when the sun sets, and you start doubting whether it maybe was your fault, after all. surely, nothing you could have ever done could excuse his cheating, but why weren't you enough?
[12:11] you said: are you awake?
[12:11] joão said: yeah
[12:11] joão said: i was just about to text you
[12:12] you said: mind if i come to your house?
[12:12] joão said: it would be my pleasure
it's been a few weeks since you've seen him, with the international break getting him away from you and his schedule just being crazy in general. and even though you were thankful for it, as a way of getting your feelings on check, you also found yourself missing him. which made everything worse. after almost four months, he knew you like the back of his hand. knew how to rile you, how to touch you, what you liked. you craved him in a way no other guy would fulfill. 
you had tried it.
you barely make it through the door before joao's planting his lips on yours fiercely. it's been too long, he thinks, while sinking his fingers hard onto your hips and backing you onto the main door, hard.
"you don't know how much i missed this," he says, and the warmth starts to seep into your bones, not only where you would expect it to when a pretty boy like him has his hands on you. the effect he has on you it's incredible, and you can only moan in response, legs almost giving up when he sinks a bit to grab the back of your thighs, signaling you to jump. you've got your legs clamped around his waist while he gets both of you into his bedroom.
he lays you onto the bed carefully, with him on top of you while the heavy makeout session continues. his hands roam your entire figure like he has forgotten the trace and wants to remember it. as if he could ever forget, he thinks to himself, before focusing right back into your taste. "do something, joão," you beg, your hands going to the top of his head and slightly tugging on his hair when he starts to trail down his kisses, wet lips tasting all the exposed skin he has available, before growing impatient and pulling the end of your shirt softly. although he's desperate to taste you, he remains calm, helping you take the clothes off before he proceeds to do the same.
he cups your heat through your underwear, and your hips bucked instinctively against his hand. he smirks, the little devil, when he feels how wet you are for him, even though your core remains clothed. you know it's been too long, and you're chasing this fix like he was the most addictive drug. "you're so wet, princesa, so needy. is this all for me?".
he wants to edge you, he wants to make you beg for him, but who's he kidding? joao's almost as desperate as you, not even being able to take off your undergarments fully, and instead, moving it to the side. he slides two fingers inside of you at once, your slick coating his fingers instantly as he feels you clenching around his digits. soon enough you're almost there and he notices, instead taking your fingers off your entrance and savoring your taste in his mouth, humming contently. he wants to feel you tightening around his length instead of his hand, and he hurries to extend the condom over his hard on.
your lips part when you feel his tip at your entrance, right where you need him most, and your fingers grab onto whatever skin he has close to you to remain grounded. his biceps are the ones suffering the attack of your nails on them, pleading him silently to, finally, make his way into you. he's slow at first, with you so tight after a few weeks apart from each other, and his eyes flutter shut, trying to maintain his composure until he bottoms out. you can't even think straight at this point, small whimpers leaving your mouth pleading him to move. joao finds the rhythm that has you moaning his name nonstop soon enough, like he always does, and you grab him by the nape of his neck to get him to kiss you and swallow your desperate noises.
“i won’t last long,” you warn, voice barely audible while your back arches away from the bed, creating a gap from the mattress. “go ahead,” joao encourages, keeping the pace that is driving you mad, and soon enough, you come undone under him. he helps you ride out your high, and thanks to how you’re clenching around him, he lets go too, not long after you. 
the air is tense once the moment has seemingly broken, both your staggered breaths, the only sounds heard through the four walls. joao knows he has to say something about the elephant in the room, but still, he doesn’t know how. you’re the first one to move, not sparing him a glance as you start to collect your things to leave, wanting to avoid the question repeating in your head. what the fuck are we?
"why do you never stay over?" he asks instead, resting his back over the bed frame. his hands pillowed under his head in a relaxed gesture, but he’s anything but calm while the question floats in the air. 
"what?" you call, not having heard his ask: you were too busy trying to find your underwear to pay attention to what the portuguese was saying. still, he continued. "it's like you run away from me every time,” he says, frowning at the thought. 
once he realizes that he won't be having an answer until you find what you're looking for, he focuses on your surroundings, scanning the poorly lit room until he finds your undergarments. they're dropped by his side of the bed, serving as a reminder of what had occurred between you two not too long ago. 
joão hooks the piece of lace cloth on his fingers, catching your attention, before you go and take them from him, slipping them on almost effortlessly. “is there a problem with me?".
now, with you not completely naked, you can answer him, although still refusing to dive into his warm brown eyes. "absolutely not”.
“and here you are, running away,” he laughs bitterly while getting up from the bed to grab his shirt. god bless, you think. the mere sight of him, laying on his bed, in just his black calvins was almost enough to get you back on the bed. but you can’t, you remind yourself. 
“i thought it was what you wanted, no?” you counteract. it’s like joao doesn't remember the talk you had before it all began. “part of the no feelings attached thing you talked about," you remind him, and he huffs annoyed, before going back to being seated on the edge of the bed, back towards you. 
you can see the marks your fingernails made on his tanned skin, still red from your doings. you’re tempted to bring it to his attention, maybe to avoid his teammates catching them tomorrow morning when he has to go back to training, but the words die on your throat.
he mutters lowly, gripping his hair like he’s about to pull some strands off. "you don't think we fucked it up already?”.
"what are you talking about?".
of course you know what he’s talking about. the deal made it clear that it was just sex: but you were friends first and foremost, and you couldn’t avoid your friend group, which you shared with him. you couldn’t avoid the questions they asked. who has you smiling so big lately, y/n? are you seeing anyone? no, of course not. i can present to you a friend, then. 
the mere thought of you with someone else made joao see red, and that's how he noticed something had changed, and that he had to do something about it before what he feared became a reality. he initially had said he had enough of relationships, and just didn't want the complications it brought. and after what he went through, it was safe to say his trust issues were at their worst. just like yours. that's why it was such a good deal at first: to get the benefits of a relationship without the problems of actually keeping one. 
“i missed you while i was away,” he begins, and your stomach turns when you hear what he has to say next. “you don’t see a problem?”. you want to say that you missed him too, but the question leaves you feeling uneasy. of course it’s a problem for him, you think. he has grown attached, like you have, but doesn’t want any of it.
“good thing that i’m leaving then, no?”.
joao's quick to stand on his feet and go over to where you are, almost turning the knob and exiting his bedroom. “stay. please," he begs, hand softly grazing your wrist to avoid you getting away from him. at this point, you're confused and hurt enough to start regretting even getting here in the first place. “you’re not making sense right now, you know, right? saying that this is a problem and then asking me to stay the night”.
 through your years being friends, you realized that joao wasn’t the best one at explaining his emotions with words. maybe, because the words weren’t truly his -having to find the words, in a language that wasn’t your own, sure made things more difficult than they needed to be-. "you and i not being together is the problem", he gets to say, almost like a last resource to get you looking at him again. "what about what you said before? that you're not ready for another relationship?".
it work in his favour, because the sentence previously muttered by joao as you turn to face him again. you’re looking into his eyes now, trying to find even an ounce of doubt that would make you leave again. you didn’t want to force him into being with you: you knew the risks when you accepted this fucking deal. you didn’t want him to feel trapped into a relationship he had never intended to start.
"i guess i'm ready when it's you,” joao smiles, softly caressing the skin of your cheek with his thumb. you feel yourself melt under him, his sweet touch and his thoughtful words. “i know you're not her. and i'm not him. but i get it if you-".
the kiss is needy, again, like it had been when you first arrived, but this time you are the one to initiate it. your hand found its way into his hair, and you pulled him impossible closer, hoping that this would clear up all his doubts without you having to say anything. of course you knew he wasn’t him. you had never dared to make the comparison, not even for a second. once the kiss is over, you rest your forehead against his, before softly whispering onto his lips. “we can take it slow. i just need you, nothing else”.
“whatever you need, princesa”.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
alone together // colby brock
A/N: happy valentine's day ! i've been wanting to do a fluffy fic about colby ever since his cancer diagnosis. i just wanted something that would brighten up everyone's day. so today felt like the best time to do it. this is only a blurb but i think it's a really nice, comfy fic. i've been feeling a bit lonely recently, and something like this just hits me in the warm and fuzzy. hope you enjoy ! i made it gender-neutral so that everyone could enjoy it. lmk what you think <3
prompt: you and colby finally had a day to yourselves, and this was exactly how you wanted to spend it. || gender-neutral!reader x colby brock
trigger warning: SUPER FLUFFY, literally nothing else
word count: 862
It wasn't often you got to just relax with Colby. He was always busy: whether with phone calls, meetings, travelling, photoshoots, or any other business dealings. That man didn't know how to have time off. And you were in the same boat. His work ethic inspired you immensely, but also made you ridiculously tired.
You craved for the days where you two could just sit and do nothing. They were far and few between, but when they came... you knew how to spend them well.
And this was one of those days.
You had the house all to yourselves - Sam and Kat deciding to head out to LA to hang out with some friends. They weren't going to be back for a while, so you knew you had plenty of time to just be alone.
And while the prospects of being alone together sounded like the perfect time to get intimate, that wasn't what either one of you wanted right in this moment.
You guys were relaxing in Colby's bedroom. Yes, you did have the whole house to yourselves, but his room was always your favorite place to hang out. The lights were low, the bed was cozy. You two had just finished making a homemade pizza - well technically you made it. Colby stood there and supported you morally. God knows that man doesn't know how to cook anything but a grilled cheese.
Colby had turned on a random movie, one that neither of you really were paying attention to. Your body rested against his, cuddling into him. You absentmindedly traced his heart tattoo with your right hand. His skin was warm under your fingertips. His breathing was rhythmic and slow. Deep within his chest. You would have assumed he was sleep with how deep he was breathing, but you could see out of the corner of your eye he was staring at the screen. His one arm was wrapped around you tightly, rubbing your exposed waist.
You craned your neck back to look up at him. His blue eyes almost looked white from this angle, his pupils wide. His jawline was relaxed but sharp, something you always thought was super attractive about him. His cheeks had a light flush to them, his lips slightly pouty. They looked so soft, and they were, and all you wanted to do was reach up and kiss him. A barely noticeable five o'clock shadow was growing in, causing him to look just a little bit older in the dim light.
He glanced down at you, his eyes meeting yours. Your heart skipped a beat for a brief second. How he was able to still do that even after all this time surprised you.
His eyebrows raised, his eyes almost glimmering, "What is it, babe?"
You felt his voice rumble through his chest under your hand. His voice was only just above a whisper, but still incredibly low. Somehow his more hushed tones always sounded so much deeper than his normal voice.
"Nothing. I just wanted to look at you." You murmured, your eyes still looking into his.
"Like what you see?"? He asked cheekily, a light smirk on his face.
You giggled. "Of course."
Colby's hand cupped your face for a moment, brushing your hair back behind your ear. Now, it was his turn to look at you.
You watched him watch you. His eyes studied your face, every single part of it. You could see his eyes take in every bit. You wished you could hear what he was thinking. You could almost see how each part of your face was affecting him, his eyes telling a thousand stories at once. He drank in your face until he was drunk. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was just too drunk to speak.
You worried for a moment if he saw the flaws you'd pick out easily, but the moment his eyes landed on your lips and smiled, you didn't care. He had told you many times in the past that there was not a single flaw on you that he did not like. Everything about you to him was amazing. Everything about you was fascinating.
"Like what you see?" You repeated, your hand rubbing his arm.
His thumb dragged across your jaw softly as he spoke. "How do you keep getting more beautiful every day?"
You felt your face heat up from his words. You were tempted to roll your eyes at him, but instead you just responded with "Luck, I guess."
"Then, I am the luckiest man ever." He stated sincerely.
You held your breath for a moment, his tone surprising you. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss.
Time felt frozen right then. All you could have hoped for was to stay like this forever. And you knew deep inside, past your insecurities and doubts, that Colby felt the same way as you.
That man loved you, more than you could ever fully understand.
Colby pulled away; his forehead still pressed against yours. His eyes still closed, he breathed deeply.
"I love you." He whispered.
You hummed; your heart full. "I love you too."
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lionmythflower · 6 months
Headcannons. Alastair and Chase Redford.
ily rhakdbakdnw ty for the ask :D
Ok ok
Let's do this (this is based of the show plot line bc I can't remember the book plot line and I don't even think Alistair and chase were in the books)
Pausing my music for this
Ok so first how Alistair came to wonderland for a bit of background info
Heard sm1 say that smth bad was happening where he lived and his mother told him to follow a white bunny cuz she was the Alice before him
And blah blah blah he goes to wonderland and such but then he doesn't go back to where he came from bc of whatever bad is happening
I hc that he was from like our world so there's no magic from there
and he meets everyone in wonderland and becomes friends w Kitty, Maddie,Lizzie, bunny and chase
And probably at some point Alistair realizes he has feels for chase and most likely goes to Maddie to talk abt it
And Maddie is completely normal abt it cuz shit like this is normal in wonderland
but anyways when chase realizes he likes Alistair he goes to Lizzie and Lizzie is js like bro idk js ask him out?
Lmao so he does and Alistair is like gnskfbskfbns
And then they date
and they'll probably like middle school age when they start dating
(Bunny is js casually in a qpr w the rest of their wonderlandian friends (Lizzie, Maddie and Kitty))
The land gets cursed by miss evil queen aka raven's mom lol
And the mad hatter, Lizzie , Maddie and Kitty escape
But bunny Alistair and chase don't
And the three of them basically js form a very close friendship (besides Alistair and chase) and help each other deal w their friends being gone
Alistair mostly comforts bunny when she's sad abt not being w her partners
And chase and Alistair help eachother get through it
And one day a few years later
bunny and Alistair are being the sillys that they are and exploring Wonderland for the 5th time that week
And they find the story book of legends and such, blah blah y'all know what happened w that and the Cheshire cat kitty's mom
And cue them trying to figure out ever after high bc this place is so weird
And people hitting on both Alistair and bunny and their oblivious asses js not noticing 😭😭
Anyways everyone thinks they're a couple bc even tho everyone in wonderland acts like that w their friends it's not normal in ever after
But bunny gets reunited w her partners:D
And now Alistair is separated from his
And they're co-dependant on eachother so neither of them take it well
I'm sorry ( no I'm not) but Alistair would 100% go off on headmaster grimm for being rude to him or any of his friends
Alistair is just going of at grimm with a bunch of wonderland cusses and our world cusses (lmao this is the real reason why grimm doesn't like Alistair)
But anyways
Alistair seeing darling and being like oh hi darling! 🥰 bc darling has 100% caught Alistair almost getting killed by some of the cards and helped him out lol
Anyways the rumors that bunny and Alistair are dating went away when Alistair mentioned his boyfriend and Maddie kissed bunny in the cafeteria lol
But then imagine w the wonderland episodes
They would probably go differently lol
w/ chase helping the girls bc that's his bsfs
alistair would be so happy to see chase again when raven broke the curse on wonderland
But anyways
They all lived happily ever after
Alistair is a very fidgety person and also has anxiety and ADHD (and panic attacks)
And chase has sensory overloads and anxiety attacks (he has autism and anxiety)
(Cuz I said so got both of the last two bullets)
Alistair gives asexual vibes and probably js gay
And chase give demiromantic and maybe bi??? Idk
Chase is indecisive as fuck and Alistair is impulsive as fuck
They balance eachother out
Alistair rambles so much
And he doesn't think most of his friends listen
But then Chase will remember smth he said in a ramble a whil ago and alistair is ill js be like :D
Chase calls Alistair, Ali and he says he hates the nickname but he secretly loves it
Alistair is lalalala and chase is okokokok
Alistair gets sick so easily it's not even funny anymore
Chase takes care of him when he's sick
Alistair is the friend that has a bag w literally anything and everything in it
(Lizzie made it and Maddie somehow made it like her hat where you can take anything out of it)
Alistair is an introvert that acts like an extrovert and then he goes and hangs out w chase and is silent for like 3 hours as he recharges w his bf
They take naps together:) <3
Alistair steals chase's clothes bc chase is taller so they're rlly baggy on him and he likes that lol
Chase more often than not has earbuds or headphones on to block out noise
chase is the kind of person that you'd think would be rlly scary and then you see him curled up on a couch with Alistair and it's js like oh!
Also the kind of person that everyone things is homophobic and then it turns out he has a boyfriend
Alistair makes playlists for all his friends and has made so so many for chase lol
Alistair gives trans vibes tbh like ftm yk?
idk what chase is but there's no way he's cis
Alr that's all I can think of
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bleachbleachbleach · 11 months
tbt to that time someone in the Seireitei had a candlemaking side hustle
where the draw was that each candle was meant to evoke different types of reiatsu, as described by the traditionally florid prose of candle/perfume descriptions. There was some press around the candles' potentially homeopathic effects, and though the 12th put a stop to that pretty quickly, some shinigami had standing orders for the candles because some users swore that burning the candles could help augment one's own reiatsu. (One wing of the 3rd Division barracks did burn down, but that's neither here nor there.) You could commission custom blends if you paid for a reiryoku reading, which the candlemakers then used to whip up a candle specialized to you.
Where things got really tricky was when the founder of the Gotei Candle Co. tried to step it up and offer a limited edition Gotei Captain candle set, where each candle was meant to describe/evoke the reiatsu signatures of, well, the Gotei Captains. You can't normally brand things like that without express permission of the Council of 46 (though notably not the Captains' individual permissions, which don't factor into this at all, officially), but the Gotei Candle Co. knows that the SWA gets permission to run their calendars every year, and they thought if they did a Gotei Candle Co. x SWA collab, it would be a real knockout event.
BUT photo calendars are one thing and reiatsu signature candles are another, and when this went to the Council of 46 they found that they DID actually have to consult the Gotei, to determine whether or not the candles constituted a breach of military security. And this had to go to a Captains' Meeting vote. The voting was split across several positions:
captains who believed the candles constituted a breach of military security because anything COULD be a breach of military security
captains who realized that believing that would mean greenlighting the idea that the candles were accurate to their reiatsu in any way, which might tacitly confirm the notion that the candles had actual homeopathic validity, on which grounds they refused
captains who believed in the candles, actually
captains who were willing to say the candles were a breach of military security and all that other stuff just because they did not want the candles to exist
captains who had no real opinion on military security or science but disliked the candles, yet still refused to tarnish their principles by pretending the candles were legit even if it meant they had to be a candle
In any case, the Council of 46 refused to make a move without evidence-based deliberation from the Gotei, so they had to spend hours and hours sniffing candles as part of the process. And the 12th wanted to run a test so there'd be science-backed proof that the candles did/did not accurately type Captain reiatsu, because they did not believe captains sniffing things constituted actual evidence-based anything. There was some pushback against this, but ultimately the 12th prevailed and the REASON the 12th has all the captains' reiatsu typed--and having this done is now part of any captains onboarding, even post-candle debacle--is because OF THESE DANG CANDLES.
Eventually the Gotei decided, fuck it, these candles are a no-go, I don't care. But then Sasakibe brought up the fact that to deny them outright was technically a violation of the Commercial Clause of 1457, which states that when military procedure infringes on free trade within the Seireitei, it must offer an alternative enterprise as part of the sanction. After all the candle business, having to deal with this hangup was the closest the Gotei has ever come to executing mass ritual suicide in Yamamoto's office. Strange but true. The candles, man.
Anyway, at some point Byakuya leaks this to Shirogane, because He Cannot With This, and Shirogane suggests "okay no candles but what about eyewear tho" and Byakuya brings this to the next Captains' Meeting and Byakuya is, briefly, a HERO to his peers, and Shirogane is a HERO and that's why they let him leave the Gotei entirely and open up a glasses store.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 2 months
as the #1 mn/tx lover i got you don’t even worry. i always kick my feet and giggle at the thought of minnie putting on tex’s hat without knowing the rule, and texas thinks he looks so cute in it. and when they hold hands minne goes “your hands are so soft !” and texas is offended and flustered at the same time. and minne likes when texas has his shirt slightly unbuttoned lower than normal while he’s working/warm. minne tries to teach texas to braid so he can do his hair, and when mn does tex’s hair to demonstrate tex falls asleep. and they love each others cooking. texas says “hot dish” to make minne happy. minne keeps extra blankets and a space heater in his room for texas when he visits. they share sweatshirts. minne takes texas with him and the midwest to go up to the lake, and makes sure he wears a life jacket in the boat, and keeps the others from making fun of him for wearing it. they love watching shows like american pickers, antique shows, and home design shows, and they want to get a fixer-upper house to work on together. i could go on for days.
Minne taking Texas’s hat and Texas thinking it’s adorable will never not be the cutest thing ever.
"your hands are so soft!" awww minne 😭❤️ Texas being halfway offended at that is hilarious but so is the other half where he’s flustered (honestly- it’d be adorable if he made it a point to wear lotion and stuff after that cuz he knows that minne likes his soft hands 😭🙏).
Minne always make sure to stare VERY respectfully whenever Texas’s shirt is half unbuttoned 🙏 (he doesn’t, but neither does Tex whenever Minne is chopping wood)
TEXAS FALLS ASLEEP WHENEVER HIS HAIR IS PLAYED WITH 😭❤️ he probably finds that feeling very comforting considering that he also has migraines 24/7 from how much he works in the hot sun <3
I imagine them both to be very good cooks, and since Texas has a giant farm there’s always fresh ingredients for them to use <3 tho it’s usually Texas cooking and Minne being attached to Texas and doing everything in his power to distract him.
Sometimes when Texas comes over to Minne’s house, especially during the winter, he’ll just walk in and look around for Minne. Before getting very majestically blanket-burrito’d by the silly hot dish boy. He then gets dragged to their room where there’s blankets, a heater, snacks, and drinks ready 😭
It’s super hilarious to think about Texas’s hoodies being a bit tight-fitting on Minne, cuz I love the idea of Minne being this absolute MOUNTAIN of a man even if he’s shorter. And then Minne’s hoodies being like giant blankets on Texas cuz he isn’t as muscular (still pretty strong tho). Minne definitely teases him for this.
Minne taking Texas to the lake with him and the Midwest….Awwww 😭❤️
^imagine if Texas didn’t actually need the life jacket but Minne didn’t know that Texas can actually swim if needed 😭 Minne just didn’t hear Texas out cuz he thought that texas was trying to say that the others will make fun of him, when in reality, Texas was trying to say that he can actually swim-
I can 100% see them getting a fixer-upper house to work on together that’s actually so adorable and wholesome <333
Please do feel free to send more if you want to!!! :D
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ubtendo · 4 months
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Wait an AU in my AU? Nooo never! Unless...
OK so this is dumb but I literally couldn't get tge Villan Kids AU out of my brain the whole day at work, you can literally ask me questions about the AU I wanna talk about it so much it not normal😫😭
And since I can't write up a coherent story right now and I don't know if I'm ever motivated to write about this again, here are the usual bullet points:
• Basically Eggman attacked Sonic & Co when Soda was still a very young child, causing a buch of explosions and crumbling, they lost sight of Soda who escaped fairly unharmed but that means she lost sight of everyone else too, she did find a weird flying ship tho
• Turnes out that this was actually Eggmans ship, oops
• He finds that weird child, and obviously wants to cast her out immediately, but he isn't that heartless to throw out a baby in the middle of nowhere, so he decides to let her staiy just till she can fend for herself
• Eggman obviously doesn't know Sodas name and she isn't that good at talking yet, all he understood that her name starts with an S, so Eggman decides to call her "Sola" conveniently (and correct me if I'm wrong but I think to remember that "sola" as an adverb was the female version of "solo" and ment something along the line like "alone" and/or "lonly", and I think that's really clever)
• in the regular AU Soda doesn't really realise her potential as a mechanic and engineer way later, (Earth time till back to Mobius kind of later) with nothing else to do tho "Sola" impresses Eggman with a robot she built out of spear parts
• seeing this Eggman sees her potential as a possible underling to help him construct his Eggman Empire
• since Scout isn't born in this AU the robot replaces him (tho I think regular Scout would be thrilled to find out that he is a robot in a different universe), still "Sola" gave him his name just like in the original AU
• She didn't have enough paint to make the Scouting Unit fully black, and also accidentally switch up the LED lights for the eyes while changing them, since then Metal Sonic had Scouting Units red eyes and vise versa
• "Sola" actually wanted to give Scouting Unit red eyes so that they would match hers
• due to an programming error Scouting Unit sees "Sola" as the main command giver and only follows her commands
• since "Sola" never got stuck of earth her quills and marks developed at a normal speed, she is 14 in the drawing
• Due to an accident at the construction from a ship her hands are partially paralysed, her gloves give her electric stimulations so that she can use them normally (these are gloves she would design for Scout in the regular AU, where she would be the main strength of the team but can't always go with Scout on adventures due to her job at the scrap yard, they would give Scout strength from the electric stimulation, she gave them to him as a birthday present)
• tho neither Eggman nor "Sola" see each other as family they have a deep mutual respect for each other, Eggman even making her second-in-command
• "Sola" still has her bangs but she combs them back to look more serious
• in reality she still would be sweet, but she is deeply misguided and trusts in Eggman and his goals
• she doesn't remember her life before being a part of the Eggman Empire, that includes her parents
• when/if redeemed "Sola" still wouldn't see Sonic and Shadow as her parents, she takes true to her name
• sometimes "Sola" wishes she had more friends than robots
(How did I do more character building for this than the main AU😫)
(Also here is a version without "Sola"s outfit, I didn't know which looked better)
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ok i wanted to do something for croma week rlly bad and since i'm not that confident in my art skills i wrote a fanfic :) its only about 2k words, i've never really done this before tho so i hope it turned out ok lol (ignore that it’s a day late)
“Did Lord Death really need to rent a venue this far away?”
“Maka, keep your fucking eyes on the road!”
“I wouldn’t need to keep looking back and forth if you read off the directions like you were supposed to!”
Soul grumbled something about the ‘straightforward’ instructions under his breath in reply. When Maka glanced at him, his dirty sneakers that he had insisted on wearing were smudging the dashboard and he was very clearly watching a Minecraft parkour video. Despite the lack of space in the back, she was regretting giving him shotgun privileges. She could have made room somewhere. Overlooking the trunk was too generous a move.
In the rearview mirror she checked on her passengers. Kid sat in the middle seat – the ‘bitch seat’, as Patti refused to stop calling it. Liz and Patti sat on either side in matching white dresses. Their outfits had been painstakingly planned out by Kid weeks in advance. On each side of his chest he wore a perfectly positioned white boutonniere.
“Kid,” Maka asked into the mirror, “why is your dad going to all this trouble? Couldn’t we just do this on school grounds?”
“He mentioned something-or-other about wanting to do ‘something normal’ for the student body. I believe all of this is wildly unnecessary, but… you know Dad.”
“Maka, that’s – that’s the turn. You’re missing it. Get the – no, the sign with the balloons on it. Maka!”
“I got it! Stop yelling in my damn ear, Soul!”
The venue that Lord Death had chosen was rectangular and beige, with large cardboard letters that spelled ‘PROM’ adorning the entrance. They weren’t lit up and so they loomed in the darkness above the students. Even though the little parking lot, too, was dim, it was clear that most of the spots were taken.
“Maka, your clock reads eight-o’-four,” chirped Kid from the back seat. “Prom started at eight o’ clock. Your clock is fast, right?”
Soul sighed. “Calm down, Kid. Ever heard of being fashionably late? It’s cool.”
“I don’t see what’s ‘cool’ about being late.”
“Yep, that checks out.”
“Frankly, I don’t need somebody who wears Air Jordans to a formal event lecturing me on what’s ‘cool’ and what isn’t.”
“Both of you please shut up.” Maka swerved into a free space at the end of the lot and the jolt, thankfully, quieted the bickering men.
Black Star and Tsubaki stood outside the entrance and greeted the group when they arrived, by leaping up and down and waving, respectively. Soul ran ahead and ended up in a headlock, his friend shaking him around like a dog with a toy. Maka chuckled under her breath. Black Star was Soul’s reason for showing up at the micro-event. Neither of them could miss such a cool, super-cool gathering of coolness.
As soon as Maka stepped inside, she was snow-blind. Had Lord Death decided on ‘the color white’ as the theme? White streamers, white paper lining the floor, and was that a cutout of a polar bear in the corner? It had to be. The disappointment that hit Maka did not seem to affect Soul and Black Star in the slightest. Both of them trotted off to explore. Tsubaki, now separate from her friend, crept up to Maka.
“Hi, Maka.”
“Hi, Tsubaki! How did getting Black Star up here go?”
“He tried to wear one of those dollar sign necklaces. He… has a sense of style!”
Maka grimaced. “He sure has one.”
“Crona is already here, by the way. I saw them in the window while we were waiting for you.”
Maka would have been content staying at home studying the whole night. Crona was her reason to go. Prom was nothing more than an excuse to see the people you adore, after all, and the more time she spent with them, the more her affection grew.
“Really? Where are they?”
“Over there.”
Tsubaki pointed to what appeared to be a snack bar. Crona stood crooked beside a wide punch bowl, observing the dancers on the floor. Tsubaki giggled and threw Maka back to the present. She had been staring.
“Tsubaki, look at them. Look at their bowtie. They’re so cute, I’m… my hands are so sweaty. Ew.” She laughed to herself.
“They really do look nice. You go talk to them. I’m going to say hello to Liz and Patti.”
“Got it. Wish me luck.”
“Good luck! You’ll do just fine.”
Crona spotted Maka after she was already speeding toward them. They jolted and offered an awkward wave hello.
“Crona! Hi! Is it okay if I give you a hug?”
“Oh! Th– that’s fine!”
Maka threw her arms around them in a bear hug. She wasn’t sure if the lavender smell on them was the work of false fragrance or a real plant in their pocket, but she loved it all the same. Their jacket itself was soft. Very soft. She buried her forehead into their shoulder.
“It’s so good to see you!”
“It’s good to see you, too. I, uh… missed you.”
“God, you see her all the time. You saw her two days ago, dumbass.”
Maka forced a smile. “Hi, Ragnarok.”
“Ignore him,” Crona whispered. “Do you like the decorations? It was mostly Marie and me setting them up.”
“They’re nice. I’m, uh… not sure I understand the theme.”
Crona lit up and snatched a solo cup from the table beside them. They filled it with the punch and handed it to Maka.
“Try it. It’ll make sense, I promise.”
“...Oh, it’s coca-cola.”
Crona pointed to the cutout of the polar bear. Up close, Maka could see that someone had draped a scarf around its shoulders.
“Oh my God, is the prom coca-cola bear themed?”
They nodded vigorously. “Marie came up with it after Lord Death bought nothing but white decorations.”
“That’s adorable! I… don’t think anybody’s going to get it, though.”
“Yeah. That’s why I’m over here, so I can explain it to anyone who doesn’t know.”
Maka squinted. “Your plan is to be over here, pouring soda for everyone the whole time?”
“Um… yes?”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather tag along with me instead?”
Maka saw Crona begin to blush. The abundance of black blood let off a gray color instead of the typical red. Crona looked back and forth; the confidence that they once held had evaporated into the stuffy room.
“Are you sure that I wouldn’t bother you, or anything?”
“Of course you wouldn’t bother me. Actually, I’d really like to spend time with you.”
Crona agreed, thankfully, because Maka’s face burnt and she was not entirely sure what she would say if they had any other doubts. Together they said hello to the chaperones – Marie, Sid, Stein, and Naigus, each of them commenting on the secret theme and Crona’s involvement – and bounced between Tsubaki’s group and the snack bar. Despite the attractions and the people to spend time with, Maka’s attention remained consistently fixed upon Crona.
They had been engaged in this routine for an hour until the dj’s cacophonous dance music was abruptly replaced by some 80s love ballad that Maka couldn’t remember the name of. From the snack bar, they watched groups break off into pairs or cluster at the back of the room.
“The music’s quieter now,” noted Crona.
“Yeah. It’s so that everyone who brought a date can, well… have their date. It’s the whole reason couples come here, anyway.”
She took a deep breath and wiped her palms onto her dress. “Do you want to dance with me, Crona?”
Crona froze, their mouth open, a small pretzel still in their hand. “Are you- are you sure that you want to? With me? I - I’ve never really done this before and I don’t want to ruin–”
“I’m sure. I’ve kind of been hoping that I’d get to dance with you since I got here.”
Crona’s whole face bore smudges of gray, like charcoal. They scratched the back of their neck and, with great care, held out their hand for Maka. She took it.
“Awh, your hands are sweaty, too!”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay! I don’t mind, I promise.”
After a few failed attempts at a traditional dance, the pair decided that the best course of action would be to follow the precedent set by the other couples and rock back and forth holding each other. Maka could hear Crona’s heartbeat even over the music. Every once in a while they asked for some form of confirmation – was Maka comfortable, was she still okay with it, and so on – and each time, she reassured them.
“I’ve been having a really good time with you,” she whispered during the song’s closing solo.
“Yeah. This is really nice… thank you for dancing with me, Maka.”
“Mhm! Like I said, I really wanted to.”
Crona just smiled and pulled Maka closer. What was once a loud growl of dozens of people talking throughout the room had died down to a distant humming. She could focus on them, their texture, their smell, everything. Nobody else existed.
The song changed from classic rock back to modern pop and the roar started up again. Maka looked around at the groups of friends reclaiming the dance floor, and among them, she spotted Black Star and Soul dancing – perhaps they thought that they were on fire and they were flailing in fear. That would explain quite a bit.
“These idiots,” she scoffed.
“Hey, Casanova,” Ragnarok sneered, “Why don’t you take your lady friend upstairs?”
“Oh, no, they said not to go up there.”
“Come on, I’m trying to do you a favor here!”
“Ragnarok, shut the fuck up.” Maka looked from the vile little ghoulie back to Crona. “What’s upstairs?”
“Oh, it’s just the roof. Marie said not to let anyone up there because someone could fall.”
She side-eyed Black Star, who was doing some sort of dance that involved clenching his hands into fists and wiggling his arms very very fast. “Did she name any names?”
Crona seemed to see, too. They winced. “I guess that rule was probably for him. It’s so loud in here… we can go up there, if you want. So we can hear each other better. I don’t think that would be against the rules.”
They snuck through the stairwell door after Crona revealed its location – obscured behind one of the bear cutouts. Outside, nothing could be heard of the party except for a muffled beat. Nothing could be felt except for a cool night breeze. Against the horizon, turbines whirred valiantly in the darkness. Both of them sat down side by side in the middle of the roof.
“This is much better,” sighed Maka.
“Are you okay?”
“Just happy. This past…well, everything has been really nice. Thanks for hanging out with me, Maka.”
“Of course. You don’t have to keep thanking me.” She grinned and nudged their shoulder.
“Sorry. Habit. I just don’t know how to say it. Being with you at the DWMA has been… I’ve been happy. Especially because of you. You’re amazing. I really… I really like you.”
“I really like you, too. You’re one of the bravest people I know.” She was smiling. Her face hurt from it. “Hey. Crona. Look at me, okay?”
Maka leaned in. She waited, in case Crona wanted to pull away, and when they only leaned closer she held their jawline and kissed them. A second later it was over, and she was staring into their eyes again. Those eyes sparkled like lightning in the desert.
“Hi.” They said after a sizeable trail of stammering.
She giggled. “Hi.”
For a time – there was no way to be certain whether it was minutes or hours – Maka leaned against their shoulder and the two of them spoke in whispers while they looked at the stars. The kiss seemed to give Crona a second wind of courage and they had their free arm caressing Maka’s.
“The others and I are going to go to my place after this and watch a movie,” she said. “I’d really like it if you came.”
“Are you sure they wouldn’t mind?”
“Are you kidding? They all like you. Even Kid.”
“Mm.” They smiled. “I’ll come with you, then.”
A coyote cried out somewhere in the distance.
“All of this really has been great. Even the shitty music and the coke bear theme.”
“Your lips tasted like coke when you kissed me.”
Maka laughed. “Well, there’s worse things, I guess.”
It was almost midnight when Soul and Black Star lost their energy at the dance. They were some of the last to leave apart from the chaperones themselves. What this meant was a lot of barefoot waiting in the car for Maka, Crona, Kid, Liz, and Patty.
“Okay, we’ve gotten through… fourteen songs waiting,” sighed Liz. “Any requests for the fifteenth?”
“I don’t think I know any more songs,” said Crona.
“Really? That’s tragic. Liz, play something classic,” Kid ordered.
“Classic or classical? I can never tell with you.”
“Wait, hold on!” Maka gripped the steering wheel. “Here he comes!”
Soul walked across the parking lot, his tie undone and his shoelaces spilling over the pavement. He was a mess. He staggered to the shotgun door and opened it, only noticing too late how it was occupied.
“What? Crona? Huh. Would you mind moving over?”
“Sorry, Soul. You snooze, you lose.” Maka smiled. “You’ll just have to sit somewhere else.”
“Wh–? There’s no more seats. Where am I going to sit?”
“Well, there’s always the trunk.”
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salmiakkisaatana · 13 days
hey i desperately need to know more about sakari and asta btw
Ask and you shall receive!
I came up with them bc I was obsessed with one of my other oc's (Alex) and realized he needed parents.
At first I wanted his mom to be a single parent so I came up with Asta. She's an icon, the moment, a queen uknow the basic stuff. She's great mom, a dentist (she recently graduated to a doctorate), sometimes she acts in amateur plays, and she's a vintage fashion enthusiast/collector/repairer. She has a nice house, a car and Sakari to fix any problems with it (even tho Asta is also fully capable of solving them herself) and a close group of friends made up from Alex's friends' parents. Her life's maybe a bit grey, but it's a nice life and she enjoys it.
But yeah. You do need a second parent to have a kid (and I already have too many characters with unexplainedly vanished parents) so I made up Sakari. He's a little rat shit who couldn't be a husband. Fumbled the most smartest and most beautiful goddess that there is. Great job buddy. He CAN behave and be nice and charming. But usually he won't. He's a great car mechanic (that's his job, but still) and a no nonsense guy (except when it comes to Asta). He's not a bad dad (surprising for my characters), he just doesn't really know how to be a dad. He met his kid monthly or so after the divorce but neither he or Alex has ever felt that much of a father-son relationship between them. He's finally starting to kinda (?) figure out how to be a dad when the kid's what, 21 years old- And he's unfumbling the most smartest and most beautiful goddess that there is. Great job buddy!
This is a longass post so I'm putting the rest under the cut lol
The thing with these guys is that they both tried to see other people after their divorce, and most of the new partners were great and there was chemistry and stuff, but somehow the relationships all ended. Asta was the first to settle with the tought of being single.
They were together from 2000-2012, ages 17-29. They were high school* sweethearts and both of them are hopeless romatics which caused them to try and cling to each other as long as possible. They both had given so much to the relationship and supported each other (they had a kid, Sakari had mostly supported their finances when Asta was in dentistry school etc), whic is probably why they lasted so long even tho the first bigger problems started to arise pretty soon after Alex's birth in 2003 (yeah they were 20 when he was born, whoops) and they even got married in 2006 despite the problems.
Nowadays they're very attached to each other, probably even more than before now that their relationship has mostly healed from being veeeerry messy in the 2010s. They're still not getting back together, bc they know that they'd be a catastrophical mess. They're a mess even as friends. They get on each other's nerves often and bicker about stuff that doesn't matter, but they still have each others' backs
*well, the kinda equilavant of hs in Finland which is lukio
Elaborating this post:
I reblobbed this thinking about how Sakari was feeling after the divorce. He's a romantic little rat shit and he was truly feeling the loss of the most smartest and most beautiful goddess that there is. His mortality being taken in the divorce is just him being a dramatic little bitch playing with symbolism. Sorry, he's not actually immortal! Only normal ass humans here (unless it's one of my fantasy AU thingies).
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that-starry-freak · 18 days
Starry please
i’m turning notifs on for you
ramble to me more about MoonChips /nf /silly
i’m so normal i swear
-💥 (i swear everyone knows who i am when i sign off as this but idc, you know who i am, others don’t lmao)
I know who you are what when??? I was under the assumption I was the only one who didnt-
Oh my goodddd. I didn't like the ship very much before because of Moon being aroace, but what he said in the episode today completley changed my mind. Not only am I more interest in expiremntally shopping him with more characters, but eccpecially Eclipse!!! With how Moon said he'd want to try dating someone sarcastic and sadistic, a lot like him. And the way he described it fit Eclipse perfectlt!!!
And oh my god did that idea just open up so many possibilities to me. Eclipse si a lot more dry in his sarcasm, and Moon is a lot more sassy in it, and I feel liek thatd clash and compliment in such a cool way.
The way theyd make small comments to each other. Theyd be such asses but it wouldn't be in bad faith (at least not too much, but there would always be a bit of underlying emotion there)
There's the opportunity for comedy and interest and emotion with how it'd be new for both of them. Neither of them have ever dated before, and I doubt either (eccpecialy moon) would know if they would like it. I can see them figuring out what tkijd of dates they like, and both realizing they prefer secluded and at home dates because they can't stand people. They probably wouldn't want to kiss or anything, and the one time they did they probably promised never to do it again (though maybe as time goes on and they heal and become closer they become more welcome to it?? Maybe??). It would just be shocking to the family and im sure Solar would have plenty of comments about it (and im sure someone would make a joke about if Solar was going to date Nexus now and they'd have 2 Moon x Eclipse pairs lmao).
Eclipse would be such a tsundere and Moon would just find it funny and be having none of his bullshit. Like if Eclipse wanted to hold his hand and kept glancing at it and looking away and grumbling Moon would just take it and call him a dumbass. Like they'd insult each other so much but it'd be almost affectionate most of the time.
It would also be SO toxic tho. Like oh my god?? Moon is literally who caused 85% of his trauma (bm and a few others get the rest of that credit, tho bm exists because Moon put his code into Sun-). Moon still is rude to him even if he literally has done nothing wrong. (I almost started ranting about how unfair that was but I have to stop myself and backspace cause I was getting off track lmao) they HATE each other and yet I feel like they could heal. Moon could prove that he'd changed and Eclipse could prove that he's not the same person. They could learn to move past their biases of the other and heal!! And it wouldn't be perfect, maybe not even healthy ever. There would always be underlying hatred and regret and apprehension and distrust. But it would at least be kind of functional, it'd work well enough.
There's just so many opportunities for comedy and fluff and angst
And ohbmy God don't even get me started on what happened if it happened from the beginning! If Eclipse started resenting them and then Moon made a deal with him. And he got a new body and there was a lot less angst and stuff. But possible still unhealthy caus eomg what if Eclipse looked up to Moon?? And moon was kind of using him??? Idk im tired
And also V2 Eclipse x Old Moon cause they already had a deal. Imagine if Moon had made him a body and they'd gotten closer during the deal and started experimenting together- snsusnshnaa
There's probably more that I missed that I'll think of later, but yeah!!!
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theoblivon · 2 years
Tumblr media
Hi, this is my first fanfic ever. Also English is not my native language so please ignore the mistakes.
I might turn this in to a series, telling how the reader and Matthew met etc.
Summary: You and Matthew had been friends for a time. Both of you loved each other but neither of you admitted till today…
TW: Fleabag season 2 spoilers, angst with a happy ending
Word Count: 2,325
Song: Emotions by Brenda Lee and So This Is Love by Ilene Woods
Emotions by Brenda Lee
I was halfway through season 2 episode 6 of Fleabag when he appeared at my door. Turns out this was one of those rare occasions where both of us had a free night.
— "Hi, hope I am not interrupting something."
He said with a smile on his face.
— " You know you're not. Are you hungry? I was just making pasta."
— " It smells delicious. You are a saint (Y/N)."
— " That's blasphemy, Matthew."
I joked. He let out one of those majestic laughs of his. I wasn't a believer nor was I raised as one. Tho it would be a huge mistake to say that I was raised at all. We were now in the kitchen. He sat down on the long counter that I was also using as a table.
— " What were you watching before I arrived?"
— " Do you remember the show that I made Franklin watch?"
— " The one that he talked to you about for days? How could I ever forget? It was called Fleabag right?"
— " Yep, that's the one."
— " You must really love this show."
— " Yes, I do. "
— " Well, let's watch it then."
I panicked because I knew I would cry if I continue. So I lied hoping it wouldn't be caught on his radar.
— " I only have 10 minutes left to finish the entire show. You would hear so many spoilers."
— "I don't mind."
He said with a smile that indicates that he knew I was lying. I had no choice now. I would never admit that I would cry if I continue. Emotions are not my thing. He learned that thus far. I was cold and an incredibly distant person. Tho I was different when there were only two of us. I never cry in front of people. But I did cry in front of him twice. But those times were different. Nevertheless, I was going to hold myself. I could do that. I've been in situations where I had to hold back not only tears but any emotions. But just not with a human hound dog around me who can easily smell my tears.
— " Suit yourself."
I said while handing him a bowl of pasta. I tried to calm my breath down. I was normally good at that but then again everything was different when it comes to him. Sat down next to him with a bowl of pasta myself. I gave him a summary before I hit the play button. We were now at the wedding scene where The Preist was talking about love. I was trying to make the lump in my throat go away by shoving pasta in my mouth but when we got to the part where Fleabag was confessing her love, I couldn’t eat even if I forced myself to. Now the show was over. I tried to stop my eyes from forming tears afraid that he would pick up on it. But I was too late.
—" You are about to cry, I can tell." 
He said with a sad smile.
— "Will you just fuck off and be like a normal blind person for a second." 
I tried the joke, my voice full of emotions other than happiness. Knowing he can understand it as well made me furious but also made me feel a similar feeling whenever I was alone with him: Wanting to let go. I wanted to open myself up to him. Even tho he got a glimpse of who I am -from the small windows he discovered in my walls that I built to hide my true self - I wanted to tell him everything. But I couldn't. I got up and tried to walk away from him and my feelings. But before I can even stand he pulled me back to the couch, much closer to him than before. Couldn't help but steal a glance at his lips but only for a second. Cause I was afraid if I stared a bit longer I might give in and let my lips show the words I can't speak...
— "Don't do that." He said. "Don't walk away from me. Ever."
— "I wasn't walking away from you. I was going to the bathroom-" 
He instantly cut me and said:
— " You know your heartbeat doesn't change very much when you lie like most people. But I don't need to hear your heartbeat to know that you are lying. Because I know you. Even tho you don't let me."
I wanted to tell him that I do want to let him know me. But I couldn't bring myself to speak. I couldn't dare to open my mouth cause I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to close it till there were no walls anymore.
— " Speak to me (Y/N)."
I looked up at him. His gaze focused somewhere on my face. Warmth was visible in his unseeing eyes. His hand still holding mine from when pulled me back to the couch. One of his legs is curled on the couch so that his body fully faces me. Head tilted aside and leans towards me. Ready to listen. He was too close. Not because of the physical proximity but also because he was dangerously close to my true self. Day by day, brick by brick, he destroyed my walls and some voice in my head whispered that this was the last of it. So I took a deep breath. And started to speak.
— " I love this show so much. And not because of its brilliant absurd-comedy writing of course it's an element but-" 
I paused, doubting if I should go on. We sat there in silence for a second. He realised my hesitation to speak.
—"Go on." 
He said with an assuring tone.
—" The reason why I watch Fleabag over and over again, especially season 2 is because of the love story between Fleabag and The Preist."
— " But you always say that you hate love stories."
— "Yes. Yes, I do but you see I hate love stories because I don't relate to most of them. But them, them I relate. Fleabag is much like me. She built these walls around her to survive. And she chooses sarcasm, humour and sex as her defence mechanism. She also does this thing where she looks at the camera from time to time in between the conversations by breaking the 4th wall. And when she does that she is herself. Her true self I mean. Beyond the walls and masks and defences. Likewise, The Priest has walls and masks. But unlike her, he chose his defence mechanism as religion. There is a scene where he says: " I can't have sex with you because I'll fall in love with you and if I fall in love with you then my life would be fucked." 
I paused. Not because I was lost for words. On the contrary, I knew precisely what I was going to say next. I just couldn't bring myself to say it. Cause if I do then there was no going back. I looked at him and I knew whether I say it or not there was no going back.
— "And... well... I relate to that wholeheartedly."
I watched his gaze change. I felt like if I would wait a bit longer then he would say something or worse do something. So I continued.
—"Now here is the part that gets me: The Priest can see when she speaks to the camera. So that means he can see her true self beyond her walls."
I took a deep breath, my voice threatening to break at any moment.
—"And that is... that is just... so fucking beautiful."
I took another breath in, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.
—" But even tho they understood and saw each other beyond all the deception in the end they ended up all alone. And what's worst is they now know what it feels like to be truly loved."
The fight that I had between me and my tears was lost. Now they were falling from my eyes. I could see on his face that he was fighting with himself not to wipe the tears off of my eyes and pull me closer to him. Looking at the ceiling, hoping it would stop my tears from falling I continued.
—" I relate and understand both of them completely. She let go and said "I love you" right out loud and he let his guard down and fell in love with her. But after sacrificing everything to survive he knew that love was a luxury he can not afford. You see I spend the majority of my life trying to survive. So just like them, I built walls. Just like them, I played a character to anyone and everyone I knew. The only difference is I chose my defence mechanism as sarcasm and being a heartless bitch."
I lowered my eyes from the ceiling to capture his eyes, knowing he could feel my gaze on him.
— "But you know what?"
— "What?" 
He said now his eyes are watering as well.
— "I am not heartless Matthew, I just had to learn how to use my heart less to survive."
Tears shamelessly rolled down my face. I tried to quiet my sob by taking a deep breath which I failed miserably. Hearing my sob made his tears fall. He grabbed my other hand as well to squeeze it. He knew I wasn't done speaking, so he didn't interfere. Now looking at our hands I continued.
— "So I have only three options: One, I would put myself out there like Fleabag but to the wrong person or at the wrong time and end up heartbroken. Or just like The Preist, I would be afraid to let go so I'll miss the opportunity of love by turning it down and end up heartbroken. Or I will continue as I am which means I'll die unloved and untouched"
That was the last drop for Matthew. Without wasting another moment he grabbed me by my cheeks and kissed me with a force that was enough to suffocate me yet there was a delicacy to his touch that said more than words ever could. His lips were soft yet his facial hair was rough on my skin. When I melted into his touch - which was extremely quick- I pulled him closer by his shirt and kissed him back. And at that moment there was no one else in the world other than us. No other thought was in my mind other than Matthew. He broke the kiss by tugging at my lower lip. I let out a moan. He rested his forehead on mine. Now the reality was crawling back to me. The harsh truth is that I couldn't afford love.
— "You don't have to die unloved and untouched (Y/N). We can make this work."
I turned my head to my side. Fighting to urge to cry.
— "Hey (Y/N). Listen to me."
He gently grabbed me by my jaw and made me face him.
— " Listen to me. We can make this work."
He paused, took a deep breath, and opened his lips to say something. I knew what was coming. I want to stop him from saying it but I was also yearning for him to say it as well.
— "I love you (Y/N)."
I gasped. Not hearing those words for so many years. Not from the people that mattered. And he mattered. More than anyone or anything.
— " Ohh, Matthew." I said with sorrow in my voice. Grabbed the side of his face then watch him lean into my touch.
— " I... can't. I can't do this to you. You see not one person in my entire family has a happy marriage or a happy life. Not one. Not on my mother's or my father's side. When I was growing up I thought we were poisoned. But then I realised that... that... that we are the poison. You deserve so much better than me." I said tears falling once again. A sharp pain in my chest.
— " (Y/N), there is no one for me other than you. There never will be. And it's you who deserves better than me."
—" That's not true, that's not true Matthew. You know that I had to shut down all my feelings to survive. That includes love as well. So now if I say those words back. If I open my feelings back up. That means unlocking Pandoro's box. A tsunami of emotions will come down on me. On us. And I can not do that. Not to you"
— " Then will fight it away. Just like we always do. We fight it together. Because I love you. And I swear to God I will never stop loving you. I don't care if your family was poisoned or not. Because you are my cure (Y/N). "
So This Is Love by Ilene Woods
Feeling that I started to relax in his touch with his words, he leaned in more and whispered on my lips with the tiniest smile.
— " And I love you (Y/N)"
— " I love you too Matthew."
—" This might be the death for both of us."
I said.
—" It might. But it's a risk worth taking. Wouldn't you agree?"
He said with a smile that made me smile as well. He didn't need to hear the answer to know that it indeed sounded like heaven. Our lips were connected once again. And I knew he was the home that I never had. He was my religion. And I was a true believer.
PS: Well this was my little story. Again sorry for any mistakes. I am thinking that I will write multiple stories of Matt x Reader and then put them into chronological order and make them a series but will see. Let me know what you think about my idea and my story. I would love to hear your thoughts and reviews. I am also open to requests. I am a film and series junkie so you can request for me just about anything. I would write smut as well. Just so you know ;))
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ghostbeam · 1 year
The snippet about the seashell was so good if Dabi was real it would’ve made me call him back up lmaooo. Also I’m an enabler always, please speak more on the rinoz dynamic?
SERA hiiii omg thank u….i am obsessed w him (dabi Not rin) but I did in fact type up this whole thing abt me and rin but that does NOT mean he won!!!!!!!
Rinoz dynamic is complicated and weird and BAD and terrible. I think I meet him when were pretty young and I meet him BEFORE sae that’s important for our dynamic bc even tho I knew rin first I hung out with sae more and rin acts like that didn’t bother him but he does feel like I chose sae over him not that he cares abt what I do at all of COURSE not!!!!!
He’s the only person I know who will see scary movies with me but we disagree every time we discuss it afterwards. He takes every chance he gets to insult my taste in movies (even tho he agrees sometimes he just would rather die than admit it).
We know more personal shit abt each other than anyone else in our lives but neither of us know it like we both think someone else is probably closer to each other but it’s NOT true. I think he’s so beautiful that it makes me mad so I make fun of his hair and his eyelashes and his sad little eyes and he says mean things about my freckles and my chubby cheeks and my thick eyebrows we are both incredibly attracted to each other and it’s mortifying
I tell him I hate him constantly he tells me he hates me more. When he goes out and I’m at his house he comes back with my favorite snack and everyone who is ever there when he does this thinks it means something but I’ll deny it forever. He doesn’t know when my voice started soothing him to sleep more than the gore he watched before bed but he calls almost every night. The conversations are normal and nice and even pleasant but that ONLY happens after 1am and we never talk about it.
I kiss him first because someone puts it into my head that he likes me and he pushes me away and wipes his mouth and leaves me alone. He tries to go back to how things were but I’m like genuinely hurt by it and won’t talk to him and rin spends every night awake thinking about that kiss and he texts me over and over again just dumb shit like he used to and he’s very tempting when he talks shit about Stephen king’s It and Saw because he knows I might get angry enough to reply but I never do. He calls me late at night like I’ll answer him but I of course never do. I don’t even talk to sae bc I know whatever I say would probably get back to rin and if I’m not even taking the opportunity to get back at rin by hanging out w his brother he knows he fucked up
He comes over one night completely empty handed bc he knows if he brought me flowers or something I’d throw them in his face I try to slam the door on him but he puts his hand in between it and hes got this bright red mark on the top of his hand where the door crushes it in between and I feel bad so I let him in and now hes mad at ME and were yelling back and forth bc who puts their hand there when I’m slamming the door???? And it finally gets quiet and he says sorry and I ask him for what and hes like for saying mean shit about the character of richie tozier over text and for pushing me away when I kissed him even though he’s wanted to since we met and I’m like I thought u hated me and he’s like I do hate u and I’m like oh…I hate u too and so then sometimes we make out and he’s terribly possessive of me and jealous but we still won’t admit that we have any feelings for each other ever<3333
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katatty · 1 year
Sims Tag
I was tagged by @charmandersims​! I might have been tagged earlier by other people too but can’t remember for the life of me. Thank you, tho!
What’s your favourite sims death? I’ve always thought death by flies is fun, although I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen in normal gameplay!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis match, I guess. Although I guess I do use “alpha” hairs, alpha doesn’t really mean anything with TS2...
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope, I don’t think my Sims really do gain weight all that often, it’s hard to over-feed them in vanilla gameplay! Unless they’re doing a lot of gardening and eating the sparkly foods. I usually welcome weight gain since it’s rare to have “fat” sims :D
Do you use move objects? Yes, decorating without it is a pain in the ass lol!
Favorite mod? At the moment I’d have to say Story Progression for how much it changes the game! But my real favourite is probably the Sim Blender. So simple but useful :D
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I think I got Nightlife and University together with the base game when I first played? I like University the most :D
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE. I think of live mode as being like TV, like “we’re live!” That said I don’t think I even say “live mode” all that often, I always refer to it as having the game paused/unpaused 
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Ever???????? Gosh, maybe Duncan Huckleberry or Emmie Aisling? Neither of them are even that interesting facially, I just find them both really fun to write. In terms of face, maybe Lin Mori from Nekojima?
Have you made a simself? Yes, a few years ago! I remember doing quite a ute photoshoot with her, though I haven’t ever played with one in years
What sim traits do you give yourself? Excitable, cat-lover, slob, lucky, loves the outdoors
Which is your favorite EA hair color? I dunno, brown I guess?
Favorite EA hair? I like the one Nina and Bella use, especially all the dyed variants you can get in the mirror! I also really like the one that’s like half up and quite messy (that Lin Mori & Grace Linguine wear), apparently it’s called updo?
Favorite life stage? Young adults! I just love getting all that extra time with them. College is sooooo fun to me
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Haha, I would say I am a builder but ultimately I am in it for the gameplay! Every build I make is with actually playing it in mind, and even if my building stuff “does better” on here I'm more invested in my gameplay and devote a lot more time to it :D
Are you a CC creator? I guess! Builds are kind of a type of CC, and I share those fairly regularly
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I don’t know, haha. I have a few simblr friends! But not really a “squad”. I find the idea a bit offputting lol
What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) 2, of course!
Do you have any sims merch? Nah
Do you have a YouTube for sims? No, but I have considered it. Maybe when I get a new computer so I can actually do screen recording without my PC crapping out lol
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I don’t know if it’s really changed that much, haha, I’m a creature of habbit! My gameplay style is quite different between each save/hood, but my visual style hasn’t really changed since 2015, haha!
What’s your Origin ID? I don’t have Origin, lol!
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Ooooof, whenever I get asked this I opt not to pick one, haha!
How long have you had a simblr? Since 2014, apparently! So nearly 10 years, yikes!
How do you edit your pictures? I usually don’t edit them at all, but when I do I use an old photoshop action by @sterina-sims
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? hahahahahaha
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? I dunno, I think all of them add some value! But I do really love seasons, it adds so much beauty to the game and I love the gardening mecchanics! :D
I feel like I’m pretty late to the party on this one and I’ve seen everyone do it already... feel free to consider yourself tagged if you want to!
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izthepup · 1 year
Thrúd Catchup
———If you were a Valkyrie———
- She would absolutely respect you 
- She'd train with you— a lot
- She is curious about how your face looks
- She'll ask every once and a while for you to take your helmet / mask off
- Once she sees it, she will wanna see more
- If she's in a bad mood, and you guys are alone, she'll snatch the helmet / mask off your head
- and then she realizes that was kind of mean and apologize
- Otherwise she respects your privacy 
- You and her train without her mothers knowledge
- in fact, her mom, dad, and Odin probably don't even know about you
- She did ask to go on a fly once
- she thought it was cool
- but she didn't really wanna go on another fly after that
- she acted like she didn't care about the softness of your wings
- but she kinda did like the softness
- most of the time she sneaks out to meet you
- "Thrúd, where have you been?"
- "I was... training."
- I mean
- She wasn't completely wrong 
———Your best friend & friends———
- Maybe Atreus?
- Well at least Atreus before Ragnarök
- He would encourage Thrúd becoming a Valkyrie
- He would teach her archery
- You would be taught it too, if you didn't already know it
- Heimdall maybe
- Neither of you really like him
- He's the one who's just... 
- there
- but he isn't as cruel to you two as he is to others
- he does act pitying as though he knows Thrúd isn't gonna become a Valkyrie
- If you weren't a Valkyrie 
- Maybe Thor could be an.. eh friend
- He mainly just watches you
- He did give you a talk about 
- "If you ever hurt my girl, I will  smash your skull."
- So uh
- I dunno if that counts as friendship
- But he doesn't threaten you as much as he does threaten others at least?
- Some other Aesir are friends.. of some sorts
- Mainly just your normal friends are your friends
- kinda makes sense tho
- Skjöldr maybe
- He does act a little sad sometimes
- He acts really kind to Thrúd
- Kind to you too, just not quite as  kind
- Still really kind tho
- Probably cause he had a crush on Thrúd
- But he respects her choice and wants her to stay happy
———How you cuddle + hug———
- She doesn't really care if you guys cuddle in front of others or not
- She's confident
- Buuuuuut not confident enough to cuddle in front of her parents
- She's not too used to hugs and cuddles
- But she got used to them quickly
- She might give you a bear hug
- The friendly one ofc-
- She might just give you a hug with one arm
- Like a parent would with a child
- Another way she could hug is running into you, then wrapping her arms around you
- This ofc knocks you down so-
- She might wrap her arms around your neck when this happens
- Or like if you are sitting
- She might come up from behind, and wrap her arms around your neck
- In this she might kiss your forehead, too
- If you run into her arms, she might spin, holding your arms from well- by your pits, I suppose
- this will turn into a normal hug as she pulls you closer
- Or she'll just hug Y'know
- Normally?
- I dunno, depends
- Anyways
- Her cuddles depends
- If you both are sitting, she'll just go behind you and wrap an arm behind your neck, onto your shoulder
- If you two are laying down, she'll probably pull you into her arms
- Her nose will probably be pressed into your forehead
- Basically imagine a mother cat pulling in her kitten
- Sometimes she'll just lean into your shoulder
- Or vice versa
- Those are the main ways you two cuddle at the very least
- Eskimo kisses
- Nose kisses
- Forehead kisses
- Head kisses
- Face kisses overall
- Hand kisses if she wants to make you feel special 
- Sometimes lip locking 
- When you two do lip lock, she probably pulls you into a hug and starts it
- She normally kisses normal speed
- Sometimes, slow and passionate
- Other times, just normal
- If she has to leave somewhere, she'll give you a peck on the cheek before leaving 
- She might aim for your nose tho
———Do you wear each other's clothes?———
- She likes her clothes perfectly fine.
- But she has taken your clothes once.
- She was just curious
- Don't get me wrong here, but for some reason she likes your smell
- Unless you stink 
- If you stink bad, she'll probably push you into a pool of water-
- If you caught her, she wouldn't show any embarrassment 
- In fact, she might even seem proud
- "Your clothes look good on you, I was just curious how I looked in them."
- If she caught you, she'd be amused
- "You really like my clothes that much?"
- She might've teased you once or twice
- She didn't care if you kept them or gave them back
- But if you kept them, she wouldn't give you any more pairs of those outfits
———If they heard you sing———
- She would stand where she was 
- She wondered how you sung so well
- Somehow she knew right when you were about to stop or look towards her
- She got out of there before you even knew that she was ever there
- But she would hang out around your room / walk by your room every so often to hear if you were singing again 
———When they get jealous———
- You were chatting with Heimdall
- Well he forced you into a conversation 
- He was the only one who wasn't afraid of messing with you and Thrúd
- A sly smile suddenly appeared on his face when he saw Thrúd behind you
- He began flirting somewhat with you
- This made Thrúd mad
- She came up even closer to you
- Lightning bolts were coming off of her
- She probably lunged at Heimdall, who of course, dodged her
- You dragged her off before she got in trouble
- "Thrúd, were you jealous?"
- "Absolutely not."
- Absolutely yes
- "You know he was just trying to make you mad, right?"
- "Yes. And it worked."
———If they walk in on you changing———
- She probably wanted to tell you something
- She asked the closest Aesir where you were
- Unfortunately, the closest Aesir was Heimdall
- He knew what you were currently doing at the time, as he looked into your eyes for a moment 
- He decided that this would be entertaining for himself-
- He told her ofc, she went, and he followed- just far enough to see her reaction, and not see you
- Least that annoying dude is somewhat polite about not seeing you undressing-
- Thrúd went right in, as she wasn't expecting for you to be changing
- She just stood there for a second before realizing what happened 
- Her face turned a little red
- She was probably trying to beat up Heimdall now, since she knew that he did know what you were doing
- There were laughing sounds from outside your door- probably Heimdall
- Once you came out, she apologized
- "Sorry Y/N. Next time, you lock the door, and I'll knock."
- But she couldn't resist adding
- "By the way, you have a good looking body."
- She seemed to have lost her moments embarrassment 
———Everyday life / Sorta Headcanons———
- She fights with her parents quite a bit
- Sometimes, fights shake her
- She doesn't show it in front of others though— unless it's anger
- she'll only show her sadness in front of you
- you might have to comfort her sometimes
- You two train
- a lot
- Thor and Sif watching you two
- Making sure you don't hurt their girl
- She seems all tough most of the time, but she shows her softer side with you
- She's not too good with nicknames, unfortunately 
- Sometimes you have to drag her away from people
- Mainly Heimdall tbh-
- If you know archery, you'll probably be teaching her archery
- she wants to be the first— or one of the first— Valkyrie archers.
- If you get hurt, she'll beat up whatever hurt you
- probably
- and then she'll tend to your wounds as much as she can
- she has little knowledge of healing
- If you get badly hurt, she'll panic
- She'll likely either
- 1) Beat up the enemy really quick
- 2) Ignore the enemy and try to help you
- Or if Thor is there
- 3) He'll beat up the enemy while she takes you somewhere
- She'll take you to the closest person who knows how to heal
- Unfortunately, that's probably Heimdall
- I dunno how he knows but he just does
- He knows some healing stuff and when to pop up-
- Whoever is there would quickly wrap your wounds
- Even Heimdall might be quick, he can be kind.
- sometimes.
- alright, rarely
- Or Heimdall will tell Thrúd what to do and how to do it
- He might get annoyed by her and help wrap the wound
- otherwise, she'll wrap it
———After his death———
- I mean Thrúd doesn't really know him
- But she did realize how cruel her grandfather could be
- "...He murdered  an innocent dwarf?! But... it must  have been for a good reason, right? It.. it had to be! He stole one of grandfather's most prized possessions! But he was also tricking them..."
- She sounded like she was trying to convince herself
- She was very conflicted
- Sindri, luckily, didn't blame either of you
- Sometimes he might hang out with you
- He probably met you guys before brok died, from knowing Atreus
- He was broken though...
- He knew that Atreus and the others would probably never think to look for him with you guys
- He would talk sometimes
- Other times, he'd just sit there, glad to have company of people he can somewhat trust
- Thrúd apologized for her grandfather 
- the main reason why he didn't trust you guys too  much is because Odin is Thrúd's grandfather
- Thrúd would be more careful around Odin
- After her father died, she and Sindri trusted each other a little more
- they both knew how it felt to lose someone, now
———If you were sick———
- She wouldn't know what to do
- she probably had to ask Heimdall, or Skjöldr
- Heimdall probably had the knowledge SOMEHOW
- How tho-
- Skjöldr because he's probably had experience?
- I dunno
- Once she knew what to do, she did it
- But she didn't really know how to make soup or anything like that
- she probably asked a cook how to make soup
- then she learned how to make soup
- she actually made pretty good soup-
- she stayed close to you
- for some reason she seemed to think that if she was away from you for longer than an hour you would just suddenly die-
- luckily, being a god, she didn't get sick
———During your period———
- Do goddesses even have periods?
- If they do, she'll know what to do
- she would get you your supplies
- she learned how to make tea, surprisingly, from her mother
- her mother taught her when she first got periods
- Your periods probably matched up to be at around the same time
- When she's on her period, she snaps at almost everyone
- but not you
- she's like an angry cat
- she probably punched someone
- If they don't have periods, she won't know what to do
- "What's a period? Like, do you mean the end of a sentence, or... And what would be needed for one?"
- Once you told her, she was mildly concerned yet kind of proud
- "So you're completely sure that you aren't dying?"
- you reassured her
- "Wow, mortals must be tough for it, huh?"
- she did get you what you needed tho
———Soulmate AU———
- She did believe in soulmates
- at first, she wasn't sure that you were her soulmate
- "Soulmates, huh? It could be coincidences that we happen to feel the same emotion- never mind, that sounds dumb."
- You two were friends, and then she realized she did love you
- it didn't matter too much if you were soulmates or not, but she counted it as being soulmates.
- Your connection: You two feel the same emotion as the other.
- Ex: When Thrúd's father died, Thrúd was shocked, sad, and angry. And even if you didn't see it, Y/N would feel shocked, sad, and angry.
———If you almost died———
- She quickly murdered the enemy— or whoever hurt you this severely 
- She quickly carried you to a safe place
- Luckily, she knew how to tend to wounds after Heimdall had to show her
- "Y/N, please.. please, hang in there. You gotta stay, c'mon.."
- she sounded like a little kid who lost their mom in a forest
- one of the few times she might be crying in front of others
- You don't die:
- She'd be absolutely relieved
- she was sitting next to you, rubbing her eyes
- "Y/N! You didn't leave me!"
- she really wanted to hug you but she wasn't sure if she should, seeing how delicate you were at the moment
- She would keep you inside for a little while, staying with you
- but when you would fight, she would go with you, and keep a close eye on you
- If you died:
- "Y/N? Y/N? Y/N! NO, YOU HAVE TO STAY! C'MON, YOU HAVE TO BREATHE! PLEASE... Please... no... no!"
- She'd be horrible
- Whenever her parents would try to comfort her, she'd push them away
- basically imagine sindri after Brok's death but not quite as bad- and Thrúd
- She'd snap at others a lot
- She would fight even more fiercely than before
- She would train to be a Valkyrie even harder than before
- "This is for you, Y/N."
———Their reaction to a hybrid———
- One day Heimdall had come up to you and Thrúd
- He had a strange bag
- The bag kept moving, for some reason
- Heimdall looked very annoyed
- "Look, this is for you two. Gulltoppr decided to mate with a dragon, and now there's... this thing. Don't take this as me being nice. Or, do. This is the one time I'm giving you something."
- He plopped the sack in Thrúd's arms
- "And, don't let it make a mess! Have fun training it."
- Then he walked off without further explanation
- Out of the bag came a baby Gradungr
- "Thrúd, have you ever seen anything like this?"
- "Nope, but it's... interesting. I never knew that Heimdall would give us something- just kidding, I know you're talking about the animal. The part about Heimdall is true... but, now we have a pet?"
- She seemed... mildly interested, but happy to accept it without too much of an explanation.
———Piggyback rides———
- I mean she might give them to you
- really depends
- She might carry you bridal style
- she would say no to riding on your shoulders, though
———Big spoon, Little spoon———
- Definitely a big spoon
- She likes protecting you
- sometimes she'll be a little spoon
- only a little spoon if her mom and her had a argument about Thrúd becoming a Valkyrie.
———If you came back as an Einherjar———
- She had been watching the Einherjar train, downcast.
- But then she saw some new Einherjar come
- One of them was you
- Odin had restored their memory, and they were about to leap down into the training arena
- But she ran forward and grabbed your arm
- "Y/N? Is it you?"
- You turned and froze
- "...Thrúd?"
- You didn't leap into battle
- You two hugged each other
- It was probably the longest hug you two had ever done
- Thrúd might have almost been crying tears of joy
- Odin had been watching, and Thor was nearby
- "Thor, what's wrong with your daughter? Why is she hugging the Einherjar?"
- Thor seemed shocked too
- "It appears that the Einherjar was— or is— Thrúd's love. They had died a little while ago.."
- Odin's face had softened, as he remembered what it was like to be in love
- For once, he was kind
- He let you live a life as though you were alive- with Thrúd
———When you're drunk———
- she saw you and gave you a both shocked and disappointed look
- "Y/N! Do you really want to turn out like my father?"
- She definitely poured out the bottle
- she didn't want her father getting any ideas
- It depends, she might send you to bed since she saw her father start a bar fight...
- or she'll let you walk around your room, watching you be all wobbly and silly
———Sleeping with each other———
- it took her a little bit to get used to sleeping with you
- but once she got used to it, she would snuggle up to you and wrap an arm around you
———When you're jealous———
- Some Aesir was talking to her about Valkyries
- But they were also flirting with her
- she got annoyed with them, but was trying to continue the conversation 
- "Stop that, I already have Y/N."
-  But they didn't, and would put subtle hints in like- every single sentence
- she saw the look on your face, and luckily that person had just finished talking about Valkyries.
- she quickly said bye, and came and checked on you.
- "Y/N? Are you alright?"
- then she realized
- "You were jealous, weren't you? Don't worry, I wouldn't leave you for anybody. "
- She might have teased you a little
———If you were the child of a strong enemy———
- it wouldn't make too much of a difference for her
- "So we're both children of someone tough? Your parent is (enemy name), and mine is Thor. Huh, I guess we just have a thing for strong people."
- Atreus might have told her about killing that enemy
- she was worried at first about telling you
- but she decided to tell you
- it was probably best hearing it from her instead of someone else
- she comforted you if needed, even if you didn't need it she'd be trying to keep you happy
———When they're drunk———
- She's not even 18 or 21 or whatever the age to drink is-
- But if she was?
- Still wouldn't drink.
- Nope
- No way to get her to drink
- She learned from her father's mistakes
- The only way to get her to drink, I guess, is by mixing it in her water or whatever she's drinking at the moment-
- She would be more aggressive 
- Basically imagine drunk Thor but Y'know- Thrúd
- Sparks of lightning would almost constantly coming off of her
- She would snap at anybody who talked to her
- Other than you that is
———When you have a nightmare———
- she doesn't really know what to do
- she'll be very soft- as in voice, her face...
- "Y/N? Are you alright? What's wrong?"
- she sounded worried
- "Do you need anything?"
- if you did, she'd quickly get it
- even if it was in the middle of the night
- "Do you want to talk about it?"
- she'd let you vent
- she was probably rubbing your back to try to calm you down 
Sorry I don't really know how to write Thrúd, so she may be out of character!
Rahh, sorry it took a while. It's 3,156 words
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safyresky · 1 year
Hello, it me.
I'm bothering you yet again so that I can hear you talk about your amazing characters >:)
This time specifically The Season Sisters! Spring is in FULL SWING where I'm at and I just wanna know more about them tbh. I'm craving fun facts about each of them, anything you can tell me I will gladly consume like the finest meal. Please and thank you.
Well THIS is gonna be fun!
As much as I WANT to start with Summer, I'll start with Spring since you're right! Spring IS in full swing! Everything is BLOOMING and my nose is so runny every morning on the way to work I hate it :)
And of course, obligatory read more bc this. got out of hand. OF COURSE.
Tries way too hard. WAY too hard. While her other sisters came to being outside of Mother Nature's Garden, Spring formed there!
Because of that, she had a front seat to all of Gaia and Tara's business leading up to the Call, and even though NEITHER of them EVER said anything like "EVERYTHING IS UP TO YOU" or "YOU MUST BE THE BEST AT EVERYTHING YOU DO" or "YOU'LL TAKE OVER FOR US ONE DAY SO MAKE SURE YOU'RE WORTHY OF IT", she fully believes sentiments like this and will go above and beyond to please Mother Nature and the other seasons
Despite all of them telling her to chill out for 5 seconds and Mother Nature never putting more weight on her shoulders than any of the other seasons.
She doesn't think she's good enough ): And doesn't think she should be the season to take over if Mother Nature ever retires ):
What she doesn't know is that all three sisters were ADAMANT that Tara pick her over them bc they felt she was best suited! Her sisters love her very much! Even Winter!
Spring gets a lot of shit from humans about allergies during her season, so she totally sympathizes with Winter's plight of runny nose complaints (unless it's March/April or August/September. then they're beefing. No room for compassion when ur FIGHTING TO THE DEATH FOR UR DAMN SEASON TO TAKE OVER FOR IT'S DESIGNATED TIME SLOT)
Is very intense, especially when it's someone she really loves (see: the invasion of PLANTS in Frost Manor)
She just cares a LOT and of course, goes way over the top to show it, disgruntling Winter and Summer a lot!
She and Summer bond over florals! Summer can also do a bit of floral work (some things bloom in summer, not spring, after all) and she and Spring have fun times hanging out making flowers and petals and such!
She is the smallest season at about 5"0-5"3 (152-161cm)
Hair is constantly shedding flower petals :\
She's very good at embroidery!
Her love language is DEFFS gifts (see: Winter's plant filled house, yet again)
We know she BEEFS with Winter when they switch seasons, but what about the season after her? Well, she and Summer do NOT beef as much, but Spring is always perplexed at how sudden Summer weather tends to creep in
"It's May, and it's 27 degrees," Spring says, low key annoyed.
"I know about as much as you do, sis," Summer says with a shrug, just as perplexed but not terribly upset about the heat
LOVES the heat lol, the hotter the better
Is very upset about climate change for all the obvious reasons AND bc it's giving heat a bad name and, as previously stated, she likes the heat
Is the tallest Season Sister, at about 6"0 ish, 6"1 ish
Is BUFF! Is NOT a gym buff tho, lol, she just does a LOT of sports. every sport. Loves sports. Plays all the sports. She is a VERY ACTIVE SEASON, always somewhere doing something, helping out somewhere, even on vacations she's pretty active!
Vacations every year with Winter! Usually in May! On occasion in October :)
Wishes she could have all of September but is fine with sharing it with Autumn, really, she swears (does not care as much for February. Thinks September is a Neat Month)
She swears, as an aside. Likes the F-Word a normal amount
Is everyone's favourite Aunt! She's just really laid back and chill and the most extroverted out of all 4 siblings!
Was the first of the seasons Mother Nature and Spring found post-Call! Spring did not need to be found bc Gaia and Tara knew she was floating around for the longest time lol
Summer found Winter post-call :)
MN really wanted to go check on the Princes bc she had NO IDEA if The Call took the King and Queen as well, but she needed to find the Seasons first, so Summer went let's divide and conquer, I'll go North, you go not North and North ended up being on the money
Summer is very good at compromise but rather leave it to Autumn who is very good at being level-headed. Not that Summer isn't level headed; she's just a little sassy and very blunt and is not afraid to speak her mind. And sometimes. Does not think before she speaks.
Or thinks and goes "fuck it, imma say this thing! if this person can't deal with it then that's their problem!"
Is TECHNICALLY, in body, the oldest season. When MN "adopted" (found) them, Summer was teen-sized. Spring and Autumn were kid-size. Winter was toddler-size.
Summer absolutely ADORES all her niblets, yes, even the (formerly) evil one, and is always happy to teach the what she knows! Blaise has got it, but Summer LOVES teaching and he knows and appreciates the help (both he and Winter do tbh)
Would always happily take the kids from Winter to give her and Blaise a break. She has the BEST sleepovers
More often than not, Spring and Autumn partake in these sleepovers too. Summer's FUN and has a great way of making you feel at ease and okay and carefree and not worried!
When Fiera goes to her upon turning 2000 to ask her to give her the full summer sprite curriculum she almost cries she's so happy
Taught Blaise the full Summer sprite curriculum since his parents didn't actually go that far and she thought it was a DAMN SHAME the only other summer sprite she knew of didn't know ALL the things!
(Blaise doesn't do the sunlight thing though as he doesn't want to cross into her domain :)
She can also make it rain! And THUNDER. She's great at thunder and lightning, makes Mother Nature proud lol
Has a green thumb for fruit trees and fruiting plants! Makes GREAT wine (has a personal preference for reds)
Is my favourite of the Season Sisters (don't tell Winter I said that)
She is very level headed, laid back but in the opposite way from Summer (Summer is extrovert laid back; Autumn is introvert laid back)
Except for one time of year: HALLOWEEN
October comes and she is on some next level of energy, my god. Scares the shit out of Summer by creeping up on her a LOT, usually with decor or costumes or weird shit in general
Summer takes it with a grain of salt lmao
Outside of Halloween, Autumn does have a bad habit of sneaking up on most people. Not on purpose, of course! It just happens!
She always kinda creeps into Summer like this meme:
Tumblr media
Apples are her favourite fruit (all of them)
Makes a great cider!
She's got the veggie green thumb, but her pumpkins are AMAZING.
Is the most introverted out of all four siblings
She is also very wise; very inquisitive. She's like a quiet learner, and often will shock people with what she knows
And shocks people as well, sometimes she gets a little static-y
Can ALSO make it rain! Her rainstorms are weirdly calming sometimes?
Can ALSO do a bit of Frost! Winter had fun teaching her that :P
Would have silent competitions with Jack with frosty designs on grass, windows, etc. (he won more often than not, after all, it's his SPECIALTY and he does most of the Frost, Autumn only does a little bit :)
Her range of powers also includes the ability to make things decay. It was a hard one to get the hang of when she first formed, but she got the hang of it easy enough!
I'm not saying that she could touch someone and kill them dead, but I'm not...not saying that 😶
She's very good at puzzles!
Has too many books to read ):
Lives in cozy sweater dresses
Has offered to help Spring not shed petals everywhere (since she had the same problem with Autumn leaves), but Spring declined bc she actually likes raining petals and low key does it on purpose (the aesthetic!)
She's plump and is about average height (5"6-5"9, I'd say)
Loves farming! Her crops are BOUNTIFUL which checks out as one of the sprites responsible for her creation was known as Harvest :)
She, Spring, and Summer worked together closely to get farmlands/crops/food production to boom after the monarchy was disbanded, post Civil War
Like Spring, she is a planner! Instead of vacationing with her opposite season, the two of them get together weekly in the off season for hot chocolate and tea and such, and planning sessions for their next bout of season-ing!
Autumn works closely with the animals, anthropomorphic magibeans, and forest dwelling magibeans on the daily
May have a fling of sorts with a Faun 🤔
Likes astronomy a normal amount
Ha. Bet y'all thought I wouldn't go off about Winter Fucking Frost, eh?
Since she has the MOST content so far out of all her sisters?
Winter is the baby of the family so you can see why all three seasons were so. Hover-y after the Day of Darkness
She's also always been the most motherly out of all of them, weirdly enough! You'd think, you know, given being the embodiment of the coldest, most barren, HARDEST season, she'd be very cold herself, right? WRONG. Winter's always been very motherly.
Winter falling in love and getting married kind of shocked all of the Seasons AND Mother Nature? None of them had thought about any of the seasons "settling down" so this was a very brief moment of "oh, wait, that's a thing?" followed by "oh of COURSE that's a thing!"
After Winter got married and moved out, the other Seasons found/made their own places!
MN was sad to have the Garden empty but also, kinda enjoyed having the place to herself again, and found she quite liked when the kids or her son in law or her grandkids would pop in suddenly for visits!
Winter is the most chaotic out of her siblings. She mellowed with age, but it is still there. Brewing. She will do chaotic things if the need arises, and Blaise deffs does NOT discourage her unless it is not a workday
Summer joins in on the chaos. Spring activates it unintentionally and gets mad about it. Autumn diffuses the chaos.
Winter was lanky as a kid but filled out when she was older; is weirdly lanky and curvy at the same time. It is perplexing. Second shortest season clocking in at about 5"4.
Weirdly enough, she seems to have a penchant for growing evergreen trees. This confuses her quite a bit given that winter isn't really known for being a tree growing season, and yet!
She loves the sunrooms in her house because plants can bloom in it! One of the traits you pick up when your Mother is Mother Nature: appreciation for flowers and plants!!!
Her vibe check is always accurate. If someone is iffy, she knows
And some fun facts about all the seasons:
Spring lives in a little cottage in a lovely meadow exploding with wildflowers on the edge of Quartz Forest, in the Western Province
Summer has a cliff side, beach side villa way up the hills in the Southern Province
Autumn has a nice chalet in the Eastern Province, surrounded by apple orchards and pumpkin patches and sunflowers and cornstalks and just on the edge of the Scar, aka, the Forsaken Forest, which got it's name bc Mother Gaia scorched the earth, cursing the land to never grow.
Autumn low key guards it
Spring, Summer, and Autumn's power domains overlap quite a bit; Autumn and Winter's overlap a tad as well.
They all kind of overlap given that seasons do overlap on occasion and they could all, in theory, become Mother Nature
When Blaise asked Winter to marry him, the other seasons worked together to make a beautiful ceremony THAT NIGHT since Blinter was so excited they committed crime just to get married right then and there
Spring planned a big wedding bash for them later in the year. Blinter was very relieved when they had to leave it ASAP bc baby #1 was upset about not being at the party and decided he was gonna come then and there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Spring immediately attempted to plan a baby shower, despite Winter saying NO, and had to be tackled down and talked down by Summer and Autumn (in that order)
ANYWAY I hope these were some fun fun facts! If ever you want any deets or me to elaborate please don't hesitate to ask! (This goes for EVERYONE :D). I think the Season Sisters are some of my most underdeveloped characters, and asks like this really help me think about them and what they like, what they do, how they interact, etc :)
And of COURSE, as ALWAYS, ty for the ask Andie!!! I love and appreciate every one and will wallpaper a room with them if given a chance to do so 😍
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