#they got to the mf bath scene
boinin · 10 months
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sapphirebluebird · 2 years
my mom really was like "you're watching Shanghai Knights again?!!" and it's like. Yeah man why would I watch Jackie Chan with his handsome self carry out some of the coolest choreographed fight scenes WITH long hair are you kidding me? and Owen Wilson to boot come on now
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allisonlol · 2 years
Can I request a Fyodor Headcanon of his s/o and him being caught in the rain? he’s so flawless I couldn’t see him caught in the rain lol. Please take care <3
a/n: this is adorable yes yes yes. added some of my other favs just cuz!
warnings: none!
(Fyodor, Ranpo, Jouno) Getting Caught in the Rain With Their S/O
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i agree that he's almost too perfect to imagine in this situation BUT
the two of you had been out for a date, and it was on the walk home that the sky had turned cloudy and grey
rain hadn't been in the forecast so neither of you were really prepared when it started pouring
you hear fyodor curse under his breath while he quickly takes off his coat and throws it over your shoulders <3
i feel like he really hates the rain. specifically, the getting wet part cuz we know his anemic ass is gonna be freezing
does that thing where he pulls you close to shield you more from the rain
^benefits of having a bf who is tall asf i guess!
y'all just huddle together and try to speed walk towards the nearest place for shelter
y'know those pictures of cats where they get wet and look all pathetic and pissed off? yea that's what he ends up looking like
you've been too busy laughing at that and he's just shooting you the nastiest glares while literally trying to squeeze the water out of his clothes bye
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so this time, y'all KNEW it was going to rain but had still tried to plan your day around it
unfortunately, you severely misjudged the timing and ended up getting LOST in the city when it started storming
remember that scene of the gif i inserted??
you would think he'd be prepared like that again but nah, no umbrella this time
instead, ranpo give you his little cape (?) thing but it gets all soggy and deadass weighs you down so you throw it back at him PLS
wrings it dry-ish and holds it over both of you as a makeshift umbrella
and then y'all take off and start BOLTING down the sidewalk in search of a directory or something to tell you how to get back home
(think of that meme with the two people in the jacket running in the rain and just screaming AAAAAA)
needless to say you guys are still lost and end up calling kunikida with ur literal waterlogged phone
bro has to drive around until he finds y'all and to top it off you guys get water all inside his car??
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oh lord. you guys already know how this is gonna go down
so. you and jouno like to go for walks in the city, right? y'know holding hands n all that cute shit that he pretends to hate
today the forecast was supposed to be good, but jouno wouldn't shut up about how he "can sense rain coming"
you're just like "ok sweetie, whatever you say" LMAO
but he was actually right and like 30 minutes later it downpours
jouno hates the rain (cuz it messes up his hair or some shit) so he's immediately gonna start bitching
starts walking super fast and dragging you after him
you're all like "oh i WISH i'd brought a coat so i wouldn't get all wet" in a subtle attempt to get him to give you his but
mf just goes "no shit, you really should've" petty ass
LOL dw he does end up giving it to you but claims it's cuz it "got so drenched it's not even worth wearing" yea mhm ok
you guys wind up sheltered in some random shop and jouno terrorizes the owners to let y'all stay past closing till the rain has stopped
usually you'd be like "bro stop" but you let it slide this time since he looks so cute. like when you give a kitten a bath and it's all soggy and miserable <3
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @dreaming-of-ambedo @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @irethepotato @serenareiss @thescrunkly @ashthemadwriter
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kyros-tha-soldier · 7 months
⚠️Spoiler alert⚠️
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This... this is disheartening, this is sad, messed up and disheartening... honestly if Luffy doesn't exterminate every single CD then I'm dropping OP forever. Let's get to the sauce:
-the chapter starts with the revolutionary army having a battle, and Kuma assisting in it despite Ivankov telling him not to go and that he was being reckless.
-since Ginny's disappearence, Kuma has gotten a lot more violent on the battlefield and has even fought against the enemy on his own and won.
-the revos receive a call from someone and when they pick up, the person tells them that they're sorry, and that their whole troop has been killed. This person of course, is none other than Ginny.
-Kuma tells his comrades that he will go rest on the ship since he was pretty exhausted from the battle, a battle that lasted three years that he single handedly won.
-two years after Ginny's disappearance, the revos receive a call from her, we can hear a baby crying in the background and she tells Kuma that she may not make it because she was seriously ill, she also tells him that she had been forced to marry a celestial dragon (we're not told who this CD is) and that he threw her out with her newborn baby after They both got the disease. She tells Kuma that she is Currently at the church where they used to live together. and that she made it over there by sailing under the sun and shielding her own baby using her own body.
-the sapphire scale disease is a very rare disease that causes the patient's skin to turn into a hard crystallized scale-like state upon contact with any natural light. So Ginny travelling to get back home while exposing herself to the sunlight and moonlight was literally a death sentence.
-Upon hearing that she's at the church, Kuma goes to find her, right before she says her last words "I have always, always loved you, Kuma..."
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GODDAMIT are you happy now????? You made Ginny die a terrible death, and the only man she ever loved didn't even hear her saying that she had always loved him!!!!! Fuck this shit god holy fuck!
-Kuma arrives at the church, it's empty, and we can see him kneeling in front of Ginny's dead body, we only see her hand and foot, they are badly damaged by the disease. Kuma starts Crying and holds her dead body in his arms before putting her into rest at a grave, the grave marker has her name on it, which is confirmed to be Ginny.
-Kuma takes it upon himself to raise little Bonney (he didn't name her bonney, it was Ginny who named her) however he is clueless about so many things regarding parenting, we see him asking the elderly for advice on how to make milk for Bonney 🥺 (they say that they would gladly help him but that he should put her in a cage so he won't crush her during his sleep... BROOOOO THESE ELDERLY MFS ARE SAVAGE AS HELL 💀💀💀)
-Kuma starts to balance between his work as revolutionary and a new surrogate parent. We see him holding the milk bottle so little Bonney can drink, and she chugs it in no time. Kuma calls her "a big eater" just like he used to do for Ginny.
-We see a montage of Bonney growing up, and she calls Kuma "papa", to which he burst out in tears (he reminds me of Kyros in this scene.... WHAT'S WITH ODA AND BIG SOFT DADS BEING ALL TEARJERKERS ?????) We see him assisting in revolutionary battles and training Sabo as well as taking care of his daughter in his hometown, scenes of him bathing her and sleeping next to her
-however it's not all fun and games (Oda: of course this is Kuma's flashback, it has to be messed up to the max!) And we see Gyogyo and his friend (Bonney's two future subordinates) come to the church, and Kuma orders them to lock the door. They comply and close it but notice that he had also closed the windows completely shut with woodbplanks, they ask him why he did that and he tells them that it's because Bonney shouldn't be exposed to light (he shows them a small spot of crystalized scales on her face near her cheek where she will have her piercing in the future). He tells dragon and iva that he will quit being a revolutionary so he can take care of Bonney
-The kids bully Bonney and call her a vampire, she beats them and gives them the middle finger, and when she tried to get out Kuma stops her, fearing she might get exposed to sunlight. Instead he brings her books from all around the world to read.
-Kuma takes Bonney to so many other doctors, some of which mis-diagnosed her with the amber-lead disease (the same disease law had)
-a doctor diagnoses her with the sapphire scale disease and tells Kuma that even though she didn't get exposed to natural light, the illness will still kill her slowly and she won't make it pass 10 years old
-Bonney overhears them and Kuma lies to her that the doctor said she will be cured in ten years, he calls her Jewelry because of the small patch of sapphire scales that she has on her face
-the two of them start dancing. Kuma asks Bonney where would she like to go and she tells him that she dreams of travelling the world and going to skypia and drum island.
-News about the return of King Beckori to the throne, and the elderly people tell Kuma that the king wants to exterminate those who oppose him, Kuma is shocked by the news, and the chapter ends.
Okay, overall impression of the chapter:
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I am at a loss of words... I am appallled I'm... I'm...
and to think that we're not done and we still have more!!!!! KUMA WILL STILL SUFFER MORE AND MORE AND EVEN MORE!
but for now, I want to clear the air with some cute panels, if we gone remember Kuma, might as well remember him for the big softie he is:
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people said Oda didn't draw well in this manga like, Nuh uh this shit looks AMAZING than whatever scribbles he used to give us! the dark undertones and shadows, wow, just WOW!
on a sidenote: Bonney is confirmed to be twelve, yikes oda....
Edit: I'm a dum dum bum bum and I mistook Bonney saying she wants to visit Fishman Island with her wanting to visit drum island
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
↱ opposites attract ↰
➘ summary : (y/n) is an avenger in training, she works closely with Steve rogers and Bucky Barnes because she too is a super solider, one of the newest types hydra has created. She can reach faster speeds, has stronger scenes and even powers. Unlike the two men she was grown in a lab and taught their ways from a young age but now that she’s under the avengers belt they’ll do all that they can to make sure she further grows up using her her abilities for the greater good; only problem with that is she’s no longer in their timeline much less their world. Tony’s newest invention sends her to another world known as pandora, now how ever will she survive on her own without her two super soldier guardians by her side. Will she make it on her own? Is she even truly alone in this mysterious world? And why is this blue boy constantly following her around?!
➘ a/n : we doing this shit mfs, we on a whole chapter one now
➘ chapter one : potential
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The room was bathed in a soft, ethereal light, casting gentle shadows on the intricate talismans and sigils that adorned the walls. The air held an almost palpable sense of magic, woven seamlessly into the very fabric of the space. (Y/N) sat on the edge of the bed, her gaze fixed on the mesmerizing patterns that danced across the walls.
Since arriving at the Avengers' facility, (Y/N) had been confined to this unique room, a space that was more like a blend of a cell and a bedroom. Stark technology and mystical wards collaborated to create an environment where her abilities were contained, yet her comfort wasn't compromised.
Footsteps echoed in the corridor outside, and the heavy door swung open to reveal Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. They entered with a warmth in their eyes, a silent understanding of what it was like to grapple with a past riddled with experimentation and manipulation.
"Hey, (Y/N)," Steve greeted with a reassuring smile, sitting down beside her. "How are you holding up?"
(Y/N) managed a small smile, appreciating their consistent visits. "I'm… adjusting, I guess."
Bucky leaned against the wall, his gaze steady. "It's not an easy transition, but you've got the best people in the world watching over you."
As they talked, their conversations ranged from shared experiences to hopes for the future. Bucky recounted stories of his own struggles, offering advice on how to navigate the complexities of newfound powers. Steve, on the other hand, provided a steadying presence, fostering a sense of security that had been absent from (Y/N)'s life for far too long.
In the following days, it became a routine. Visits from Steve and Bucky were punctuated by appearances from Wanda Maximoff and Vision. Wanda's empathy was a balm for (Y/N)'s wounded soul, and Vision's unique perspective on humanity provided a refreshing outlook on her circumstances.
One afternoon, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Wanda entered the room with Vision by her side. They both settled on the bed, the glow of the room enhancing Vision's otherworldly aura.
"You know," Vision began, his voice carrying a hint of warmth, "while we all come from different backgrounds, we share a bond forged in the crucible of adversity."
Wanda nodded in agreement. "We've learned that our past doesn't define us. It's what we choose to do with our abilities that matters."
(Y/N) looked from Steve and Bucky to Wanda and Vision, a mix of emotions swirling within her. Gratitude for their presence, a glimmer of hope for what lay ahead, and a lingering fear of her own potential.
Over time, Steve's role evolved into something more than just a mentor. His unwavering belief in (Y/N)'s ability to rise above her past began to form a bond reminiscent of a protective father figure. While the talismans and sigils were symbols of containment, Steve's presence was a beacon of guidance and possibility.
As days turned into weeks, (Y/N) gradually found herself embracing the connections she had forged. Sure she had been raised by hydra but they didn’t have this sort of bond she sees with avengers
Unexpected one day a new member stopped by for a visit and it happened to be the infamous Tony Stark. Tony's visits had been anticipated, yet when the heavy door swung open to reveal him standing there, the atmosphere grew tense. (Y/N) shifted uncomfortably on the bed, her eyes flickering to the floor.
"Hey," Tony greeted, his tone carrying a mixture of uncertainty and forced casualness.
"Hi," (Y/N) replied, her voice a little softer than she had intended.
There was a silence that hung between them, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of past actions. Tony's gaze settled on the talismans and sigils that adorned the room, his expression inscrutable.
"Pretty impressive decorations they've got here," he remarked, attempting to break the ice. The room didn’t have much in it, a 80 inch tv on the wall, a queen sized upholstered bed lined with dark blue and a mixture of white sheets, a simple desk in the corner with a chair used for when (y/n) wanted to write down about her day - Steve suggested that activity and a closet that held not that many clothes but enough to where she can pick out something different for the whole month.
(Y/N) nodded, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her shirt. "Yeah, they're… something."
Tony cleared his throat, his discomfort palpable. "Listen, about everything that happened before… with Hydra and all, I just want you to know that I… I made some bad calls."
(Y/N) glanced up at him, her eyes searching his face for any sign of sincerity. "Yeah, I know. It's just… hard to forget."
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Look, I didn't have all the facts back then. I acted based on what I knew at the time."
(Y/N) nodded slowly, the tension between them slowly easing. "I get that. But it doesn't change what I went through because of those decisions."
During her first time arriving at the base Tony was what people would call “an hardass” regardless of what she was doing he also made a comment on it in a way that brought down her self confidence which was funny because as the literal embodiment of evil she was nothing like what one would expect.
Tony's gaze shifted away, his guilt evident. "No, it doesn't. And for that, I'm truly sorry."
More silence settled between them, but this time, it felt less stifling. They were both grappling with their own regrets and their own attempts at making amends.
"I didn't come here to offer excuses," Tony admitted, his voice softer. "I just… wanted to make sure you were doing okay."
(Y/N) met his gaze, a mixture of emotions playing across her features. "I appreciate that. And I'm… trying to be okay." It was true she was trying, she attended weekly meetings sessions with Dr. Bruce Banner and many other scientists who would draw her blood and make sure she was in good health whiles also testing her abilities, she was unknown and unlike anything they’ve ever encountered before which was an understatement.
Not many people could say they had a literal demon inside of them.
He nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Well, you're stronger than you think. And you've got a good support system here."
They exchanged a small, understanding smile, the tension between them slowly dissolving. The awkwardness remained, but it was mingled with a sense of possibility – the possibility of forgiveness and growth.
As Tony turned to leave, (Y/N) spoke up, her voice tentative. "Thanks, Tony. For coming."
He looked back at her, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "Anytime kid. We’re all in this together, whether we like it or not."
And with that, he left the room, leaving behind a lingering sense of connection that had begun to mend the fractures of the past. It was awkward, it was imperfect, but it was a step forward – a step toward healing the wounds that had festered for far too long.
(Y/n) and Natasha, who is known as Black Widow, had a training session together, weekly at that. Even though Natasha didn’t agreed with her team matés decision over time she begin changing her mind, (y/n) was much like her. A young girl raised at the hands of evil individuals for their own sick pleasure, sure this young girl had a demon or something of that sorts bonded inside of her to her every being and self but that didn’t make her any less of a victim so Natasha offered to help (y/n) refine her powers and combat skills.
Whiles Wanda helped her with magical abilities and occasionally Dr.Strange when he wasn’t busy, Natasha thought that it would be good to bond with the girl over something mutual; sparring.
One morning, as sunlight filtered through the window, (Y/N) found herself in the training area, a space equipped with various equipment and padded mats. Standing across from her was Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow, a formidable and highly skilled member of the Avengers.
"Ready for this?" Natasha asked, a hint of challenge in her voice, she remembered the first time the female across from her and her sparred against one another. It was the day of the mission and Natasha wasn’t proud to say that she got her ass handed to her so really this would come in handy to them both.
(Y/N) nodded, her heart pounding in anticipation. "Yeah, let's do it."
They began with a series of warm-up exercises such as push ups, sit ups and stretches, gradually increasing the intensity until, they moved on to sparring. Their movements fluid and calculated. Despite her powers, (Y/N) quickly realized the depth of Natasha's combat experience. Each move Natasha made seemed perfectly timed and executed, making it clear that she was a force to be reckoned with but (y/n) wasn’t one to be taken lightly either. Aside from being given powers she was trained since the young age of three to be able to fight in multiple styles and learn to adapt in order to survive.
(Y/N) ducked under a swift punch from Natasha, countering with a telekinetic push. Natasha gracefully dodged the attack, her movements a blur of grace and precision. Their sparring continued, a dance of power and strategy.
Natasha parried (Y/N)'s strikes with a skill that only came from years of training. "You've got potential," she commented between exchanges, her tone encouraging. "But you need to blend your powers with your physical moves. It'll give you an edge."
(Y/N) absorbed the advice, her determination growing. She focused on combining her telekinesis with her punches and kicks, finding a rhythm that was uniquely her own.
As the session continued, Natasha's guidance became invaluable. She showed (Y/N) how to anticipate her opponent's movements, how to use her powers to control the flow of the fight, and how to exploit weaknesses. Despite the intensity of the training, there was an underlying camaraderie between them, a shared understanding of the challenges they both faced.
After what felt like both an eternity and a fleeting moment, they finally paused, catching their breath. (Y/N)'s muscles were tense, her body aching from the exertion, but she couldn't help the sense of accomplishment that washed over her.
Natasha smirked, clearly pleased with (Y/N)'s progress. "You've got potential," she repeated, this time with a hint of a smile.
(Y/N) returned the smile, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thanks, Natasha. I couldn't have asked for a better teacher."
Natasha's gaze softened, and she gave a nod of acknowledgment. "We all have our strengths. Learning from each other is how we grow."
As they left the training area, (Y/N) felt a newfound determination to refine her abilities and become a more capable member of the team. Natasha's mentorship had opened a door to a world of possibilities, reminding (Y/N) that she was more than her past – she was someone who could shape her own destiny, with the guidance of those who believed in her.
After the training session, (Y/N) returned to her room, still feeling the pleasant burn of exertion in her muscles. She was lost in her thoughts when a knock at the door drew her attention. She opened it to find Steve Rogers standing there, a warm smile on his face.
"Hey, how was training?" Steve asked, his blue eyes reflecting genuine interest.
"It was good," (Y/N) replied, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "Natasha's been helping me refine my skills."
"That's great to hear," Steve said. "Listen, we're having a team dinner tonight. Thought you might want to join us. It's a chance for everyone to relax."
(Y/N) hesitated, feeling a bit uncertain about the prospect of mingling with the team outside of training. "I appreciate the invitation, but I'm not sure..."
Steve's smile was reassuring. "It's alright, take your time to think about it. We'd love to have you there, but there's no pressure."
As Steve turned to leave, (Y/N) took a breath and spoke up. "Actually, I think I'll come."
Steve turned back, his smile widening. "That's great to hear. We'll be in the common area when you're ready."
Later that evening, (Y/N) found herself in the midst of the team, gathered around a large table laden with food. The atmosphere was a mixture of camaraderie and light-hearted banter. (Y/N) felt a bit out of place at first, but she forced herself to relax and engage in the conversation.
Clint Barton, known as Hawkeye, leaned back in his chair and looked over at (Y/N) with a mischievous grin. "Hey, (Y/N), you remember the first time we met? Heard you gave my team mates quite the ass whooping."
A chuckle rippled through the group as (Y/N) couldn't help but blush at the memory. "Yeah, I guess I was a bit... defensive."
Sam Wilson, also known as Falcon, chimed in with a laugh. "Defensive? More like super-powered butt-kicker."
"True story," Natasha added, a playful glint in her eyes.
(Y/N) couldn't help but smile, the tension of the evening dissipating. "I didn't exactly make the best first impression, did I?"
"No, but you definitely made a memorable one," Clint replied with a wink.
The stories flowed, each teammate recounting their initial encounters with (Y/N) and the unique challenges she had posed. The awkwardness (Y/N) had initially felt was replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences.
Steve raised his glass in a toast, his expression earnest. "To (Y/N), a valuable member of our team and a force to be reckoned with."
The clinking of glasses filled the room, and (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a warmth in her chest. She had come a long way since her arrival, and as she looked around the table at her newfound friends, she realized that she was no longer defined by her past – she was defined by the present and the potential she held within herself.
As laughter and conversation continued to fill the air, (Y/N) knew that she had found a place where she truly belonged – among a group of individuals who saw her for who she was and believed in her capacity for greatness.
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fyodorloveclub · 2 years
ive been in a soft / self-care mood today so heres some soft dazai stuff <3
dazai being convinced to wear a facemask because of you. in the 10 minutes or so he needs to wear it before washing it off he goes crazy complaining about the stinging. after he takes it off his skin is super fucking soft. you peck kisses all over his face, and pay a little more attention to the scars, not that he minds of course.
next dazai sees you working on your nails. youre pushing back your cuticles and trimming them so you can paint them. naturally, dazai wants you to do this to him, so he starts indirectly talking about how amazing it would be for his nails to be painted. naturally, when painting his nails, you picked out a color. he would likely enjoy black or red the most, but i wanna see his face with pink nails, i think it would be adorable.
taking a bath! lighting candles that are either marketed to men (man wood coffee musk) or incredibly flowery and romantic, like roses. theres a bath bomb that turns the water pink, rose petals, wine, and classical music playing. ignoring the sexy direction this could turn since i promised soft stuff in this writing, it would be so relaxing laying on his stomach, with him playing with your hair after massaging it with shampoo. he would actually take off his bandages and let you change them after. naturally, you leave many hickeys over his scars that would normally be covered, its not like anyone would see them anyways ;)
and finally, cuddling. maybe youre both reading books while laying on the couch, limbs entangled. you both gasp and make small comments on what youre reading, including an incredulous "WHAT THE FUCK" after a particular plot twist. or, maybe youre watching a movie together. sharing popcorn, a blanket covering your legs, and osamu's hands wandering around a bit too much for whats supposed to be a relaxing movie (show restraint or youll NEVER finish it). if youre watching a horror movie or a mystery, he will know exactly whats going on, and he will comfort you if youre scared. mf will tease you to hell in back if you jump while being in his lap. if a spicy scene comes on youre screwed (literally). any sort of emotional scene, happy or sad, he deserves an oscar for how well he is portraying the socially acceptable reaction unless of course youre around. the only time he'll ever cry during movies is when theres a scene where a mentor dies (think dumbledore or gandalf). he wont cry loudly, but youll notice a single tear rolling down his cheek. and of course, rom-coms, romance movies, and comedys all give him ideas on how to mess with you and the rest of his friends.
-☕️ anon
PLSSSSSSSSSSS he'd so want to be a part of every single step of your self care but then complain about every one kalfskljflsd like you said he wouldn't like how the face mask felt, he would HATE getting his eyebrows tweezed, he would honestly complain abt even washing his face and how water got everywhere he's so annoying.
and he'd so be sooooo dramatic about you pushing back his cuticles and act like it hurt so fucking bad kdaljfklasdjflk but he'd literally be so adorable with painted nails he'd be like omg babe im pretty just like you :")
god taking a bath with him would be so fucking sweet akldffsljsjfk like you'd basically just be laying on top of him surrounded by pink water and bubbles and he'd have his arms around you, pressing kisses to your forehead and combing his fingers through your wet hair. he'd hum in your ear as he massaged your scalp with shampoo, mumbling about how much he loves you. he's just soooo soft with you always there's tears in my eyes TEARS IN ME EYES
dazai is SO the guy to talk through an entire movie (me too dlkafjaskl) like literally nothing can happen without this mf making a comment
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onlyswan · 6 months
what is the lover boi thinking about???👀👀
i would sell my kidney to pet his hair
of course that boi loves to torture his senses joon said it years ago 💀💀
poor bam's sleep and oc's sassiness lol
“these days, there’s something i’ve been thinking of a lot… i’ve been researching here and there, too…” ma boi u sound like 18 year old me trying to convince my parents about my dream since 7 years old to get piercings
“yes. because then doesn’t that mean you no longer care about me?” they are so in love im shitting tears
your outspoken interest makes jungkook’s face light up like a christmas tree. ma parents thought i couldnt smile more bigger until the day of piercing, they still laugh about it
“why me?!” i can imagine his tone and face and im cackling oh god WHAT IF GET BORABIKE??? THEN HE IS RIDING ARMYS HJGTNDRV HCLISCLIU SHUT UP I HATE (love) MY MIND
bend over ... right now BOI SAY WHAT
“nope!” you reply without a second to spare. “for fashion, i never get cold.” A HOE NEVER GETS COLD SLAYYY BITCH BE HOT AND NEVER GET COLD BE A MATERIAL GIRL AND THE COLD NEVER BOTHERS YOU ANYMORE
hold on this sounds like a possible jingle/ad if a slay clothing line
“how about let’s wear one each?” thats soo cute and FUCKING SMART
the contrast of his black t-shirt with the rainbow makes you crack a smile, reminiscent of the countless memes you’ve seen on the internet YES LIKE HIS BIG BAD STOMPER BOOTS AND CUTE SOCKS OR TOUGH BAG WITH CUTE SPEAKERS, BOX, POUCH LIKE AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
“why is everyone breaking up all of a sudden?” cuz rose met them IM SORRY I HAD TO LOL
i love the way the man just loses his train of thought, for me i still have the train of thought but the trains get suddenly empty leaving me miming words out or just saying rest of the words lol
brb taking a bath with my lovely date, toaster
your positions are switched before he can comprehend it— you’re now on all fours on top of him. his head is trapped in between your arms and your gold necklace is dangling over his face and you’re straddling his lap and now it’s getting harder to breathe and not picture obscene images that involve you worshipping his body. OHHXHDVZSTV MY CA FUCKING LORD IM NO BETTER THAN HIM mommy, i doubt he can concentrate right now
he lifts off the helmet, ruffling his hair to tame it. and as he brushes his stubborn bangs away from his eyes STOP U THIRSTY HOE DONT THINK ABOUT IT *thinks about it and remembers all similar gifs of kook AAAH
oh no she got me worried *sends hugs
oh she was soo worried about him *tears up
THE PUPPY IN THE BASKET AAH oh no they could have done it with bam NO BAM IS TOO BIG AAAH wait he could have but baby bam on bike BUT THEN BIG BAM WILL BE SAD CUZ HE CANT GO ON BIKES ANYMORE 😭😭😭 tiny baby bam with tiny googles and jacket AAAH TOO CUTE IM A PUDDLE
this was soo lovely and amazing i think this is my new fav aaah take care bye im going to bed now
OHHXHDVZSTV MY CA FUCKING LORD IM NO BETTER THAN HIM mommy, i doubt he can concentrate right now
the ramblings and reactions to every scene lmao this seriously made my entire day i can’t stop giggling. i fucking love you
ma boi u sound like 18 year old me trying to convince my parents about my dream since 7 years old to get piercings
LMFAOHDKSHDJD LEAVE HIM ALONE HES NERVOUS. but also me when i told my mom i’m movinf out
i’m so glad we are on the same page <3
“yes. because then doesn’t that mean you no longer care about me?” they are so in love im shitting tears
same 🥲🥲🥲
THE PUPPY IN THE BASKET AAH oh no they could have done it with bam NO BAM IS TOO BIG AAAH wait he could have but baby bam on bike BUT THEN BIG BAM WILL BE SAD CUZ HE CANT GO ON BIKES ANYMORE 😭😭😭 tiny baby bam with tiny googles and jacket AAAH TOO CUTE IM A PUDDLE
STOPPPP UR SO CUTE IM IJBOLINF 😭😭😭 justice for tiny bam and big bam </3
this was soo lovely and amazing i think this is my new fav aaah take care bye im going to bed now
love how you made me laugh then cry at the end 🥹 ahhhh yay i’m so happy it’s your new fav !! love you smmmm !! 💜
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rosesfox · 2 years
To what that Anon said, beware im about to get some of similar complaints about ACOSF and Nesta’s growth too storm!
GOD I’m dreading Elain being ruined the way Nesta was for me too especially after how she developed her in ACOSF. Nesta being a warrior can fit any cold female character sure but a character who hasn’t gotten off her ass in the longest suddenly becoming this warrior, joining the blood rite, not having enough scenes with her sisters specifically Feyre and not getting a more in depth apology (Amren’s ass who didn’t even consider Nesta a friend and disrespected her like shit on a boot got a heartfelt apology from Nesta. ON HER MF KNEES. the hell did she do to deserve a better apology than Feyre, was saving her life supposed to replace proper apology dialogue? I guess so 🥴) suddenly knowing archery and it just made her look worse for doing nothing so what was it added to her for and after this long of no one mentioning she could do that? not even believably written, calling Elain a dog, suddenly being passionate about dancing, there being more smut than any Cassian growth or how it overshadowed the plot and proper relationship growth, disrespecting the honor of how and who joins and wins the Blood rite when with the Bat boys it was acclaimed to be so incredibly difficult and they just..won it with hiding “using logic that the men don’t” and magic bracelet manipulation by the queen as a cop out to give them Illyrian titles. I think she made Nesta’s friendship seem YA af too, they acted like middle schoolers in an…adult book. “let’s read smut hehehe” like what series am I reading? A bubble bath and baby Pegasus? Am I reading Percy Jackson or adult fantasy? Too many plot holes, retconning and just poor decisions that she apparently seems oblivious and careless about. Was the editor asleep and just let her write what she wanted to? Apparently yall 😵‍💫
I adore Elain and am worried I won’t like her growth or the way SJM writes her part of book…I’m expecting the same amount of girl bossing and smut as Nesta had no matter what we’ve known Elain to be like. I’m not saying she can’t be freaky but having her do too much does NOT fit her more modest personality. Because I know damn well she’ll write Az incredibly sexual probably even more so than his brothers considering his masterbaiting to even just a gift from Elain, MEDICINE for christs sake. Him being known to have secret lovers and SJM’s bestfriend hyping SJM up for super freaky Az? It’s going to be nasty in their book and let’s hope it makes sense and isn’t overdone like Nessian was and overshadowed proper growth and plot smh. Elain seems super secretive and I hope she doesn’t upset anyone and we have drama in the fandom over her.
All in all, SJM wrote a book I’ve never read so many inconsistencies or flaws in so yeah, I’m nervous that I’ll dislike Elain too. Feyre had the best damn trilogy and growth and I so badly want to love Elains but she seems to be writing worse now, even CC2 had a lot of cringe things, the oversexualization of Bryce and people claiming she’s meant to be a Queen when her maturity and communication and selflessness is barely there..
I went off 🥲 I’m sorry admin but so many people complain about this that imagine how cringe she can write Elain. I don’t even want to see her become a High Lady of Dusk like everyone so badly wants because…hy the hell would my girl become that? What has any other sister besides Feyre done to deserve their own court aside from being a Lady? I love Elain and can say that if she becomes a High Lady I will sell my book and only claim Feyre and leave fandom. This isn’t hate for Elain! that quick ass growth to a High Lady just makes no damn sense. Bring dusk back to life possibly that’d be exciting, heal it bring it back to life sure or do something to the prison but please SJM don’t make her a damn High Lady. That’s it..
i agree with everything you said. i hate it when they make acosf look like a decent book or as if nesta is sarah's most developed character when there are all these inconsistencies and sarah has managed to make the relationship between the sisters even worse.
all your concerns about elain are perfectly understandable. i'm also afraid that sarah's going to make a cheap, disgusting porn like she did in acosf, and that she'll ruin azriel like she did cassian. when we compare it with acosf, it's really scary. i hope she stays true to the personalities of both azriel and elain, as they both exude romanticism and affection and not just sexual energy (since, come on, nessian doesn't have the slightest romantic involvement and there's only sex in the book.)
i also find the oversexualization that sarah has with the characters disgusting and unnecessary. It's not empowering, it's just embarrassing. bryce definitely wasn't fit to be queen and it's not even the kind of development she's had. also, i don't think elain will become a high lady because that theory doesn't make sense and doesn't fit anywhere. helion is more alive than ever and i find it very difficult sarah to kill him for nothing.
my theory is that elain will discover herself as a seer, she will have to interact with azriel and do quests for night court while she makes her own decisions. i want to remain confident that sarah will respect the characters she has created and developed over the years and that it won't change everything.
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archive2394934 · 1 year
OK, HI I’m here for more brain dump posting. This post is more possible MF theory bullshit and OTHER me brand insanity that I feel I picked up from the canon that I could be wrong about but I find it interesting anyway so I’m gonna keep talking about it because I do feel like the Duffers were in the same/similar place I am and I know JCB is right here with me so! Yeah, the girls who get it get it the girls who don’t don’t, but lets talk some more about it. Apologies in advance for the seven layers of autism all my shit is marred with that I’m not even trying to hide anymore tbh. Also warning up front I’m going to mention some stuff some people might hold scared and thus find sacrilegious of me, particularly regarding the Bible and Christianity some of the themes there. SO! I’m starting with Mr.Clarke saying “All living things, from complex mammals, to single cell organisms, instinctively respond to danger. Expose a bacterium to a toxic chemical, and it will flee. Or deploy some other form of defense mechanism. We’re very much the same. When we encounter danger, our hearts start pounding. Our palms start to sweat. These are the signs of the physical and emotional state we call fear.”  This is laid over the top of a scene where Will approaches a warm bath, having been possessed by the “mindflayer”, which obviously perceives warmth and heat as dangerous to it. But I also find it it interesting how Mr Clarke is specifically talking about bacterium. Because it likens the MF to a type of bacteria. Which is interesting given what we know about bacteria. 
Bacteria are ubiquitous, mostly free-living organisms often consisting of one biological cell. Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats. Bacteria are vital in many stages of the nutrient cycle by recycling nutrients such as the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere. The nutrient cycle includes the decomposition of dead bodies; bacteria are responsible for the putrefaction stage in this process. 
Bactria are responsible for decay, just as it seems the presence of the MF and UD is literally decaying Hawkins. Bactria serves the nutrient cycle, breaking things down to recycle them back into useable energy, just as it seems this is being done to absorb the life from the environment and strengthen the MF and/or Henry. Which further adds to the whole idea that the MF is literally consuming our dimension, as it also seems it could have done that to other dimensions before. RE: me mentioning how the upside down Henry “explored” when he was originally banished there looks like a completely destroyed world that is utterly devoid of most life outside of the MF, the Vines and the Demo-creatures. In this way it takes on a nearly HELLISH aspect and imo, there HAS to be a reason only those things exist there. In fact, I think I’ve mentioned this before but I love repeating myself so let me mention again. ACCORDING to the VR game, (Which as a side note I have speculated on whether or not we can treat it as canon but I’m going to for now) HENRY was the one who “Shaped” the Upside Down. 
There's a popular kind of headcanon/theory that Will was the one who did this but I’ve never fully brought that because how could Will have shaped it when it was “like that” when Will got there? Will literally describes it as like Hawkins but cold and dark, essentially. This was what it was like when Will got there. In the VR game, we can kind of see Henry using his powers somehow to imprint(?) Hawkins on the Upside Down. Why exactly is uncertain but I think its more true that HENRY “shaped’ the upside down than Will did. 
Also RE: I’ve mentioned, it seems, according to Vecna himself, he was de-powered somehow/someway for the first few seasons of ST and couldn’t really get back into the game until he stole power from Eleven. Which is why we have that shift from the earlier seasons to season 4, where suddenly Vecna’s a thing personally. I don’t know why it doesn’t feel relevant to people that Vecna only starts acting personally in S4. If he could do what he did in S4 all the time, why didn’t he do it in any of the earlier seasons? Anyway, the point is if Henry was somehow lacking his own power as he literally claims, that means he lost it somehow between being sent to the UD and the start of season 1. (We’ve already established the psychics are like batteries and can run out of charge) We also know Henry wasn’t the one who opened the initial gates so it wasn’t that. So what did he do that was so exhausting? It seems if Henry shaped the entire UD that could be the thing. 
BUT WHY would Vecna change the UD to look exactly like Hawkins?
Well, honestly, I couldn’t say why. But as the resident “”apologist"” I feel like some part of it has to do with the fact Vecna is, or was, and still is in some ways, a human being. He was a human with thoughts, feelings and dreams. I think its curious that as soon as this was done apparently “big bad evil psychopath” Vecna retreated to his childhood home and hid himself in the attic of it just like he used to do as little boy. So there is that. But I also feel like this had to do with the just making sense for map purposes. Like, if Vecna and his beasties are gonna plan attacks on Hawkins hes gonna need to know what exactly is where. Its probably a good idea to have the entire place set up looking like Hawkins in order to properly gage where things are exactly. But thats just a theory. 
Anyway back to death/decay/the MF.  
Humans fear death. Its not uncommon for humans and cultures to demonize death. Humans fear things that bring death. Often, people think of this as a form of evil and yet, death is as natural and normal as life. It doesn’t have an alignment. Predators kill and eat not because they are evil, but because they too must do what is natural to them and do what they must to survive. So with that in mind, is it possible that the MF is some type of destroyer/death “god” and this is its natural process? 
In this way I feel like Henry and the MF are “using” each other, if that makes sense. Henry has “weaponized” the MF, so to speak, to serve him as a tool in his conquest against Hawkins and the corruption of human civilization/society (Which could be kind of symbolic to the way the MF/UD’s presence actually literally is rotting/dissolving the environment), but at the same time, if this is the MFs natural process, and it is normally a being that facilitates ‘death’ and ‘destruction’, is it really just HENRY’S plan and HENRY’S connection with it that drives it, or is Henry just assisting it to carry out its own natural design as well?  Thats where I’ve personally been leaning on how what works and why. 
This goes together with the heavy suggestions that the MF somehow reached out to and communed with Henry as a child. I’ve literally been describing the way this took place as ‘subconsciously’, explaining how Henry suddenly seemed to have these powers and know these things that it feels strange for him to be able to know just “randomly” as a little kid in the 50s. (More detailed here, Drop down to the MINDFLAYER section in particular) 
This rings true if Wills experience with the MF is anything to go off.  Will describes the MF as a “feeling”. When asked by Hopper how he knows the things he knows Will says he doesn’t know, he just knows. He somehow just knows things he never did before and he cant explain exactly how. He says its like “old memories in the back of my head, but they’re not my memories.” He also says he doesn’t think they're old memories. He says he thinks “They’re now memories, they’re happening all at once.” He says “Its like they’re growing, and spreading. Killing.” 
This perfectly describes whats going on in Hawkins as the MF’s influence spreads and consumes things, presumably also assimilating them into itself, perhaps taking intelligence and making it part of the ““hive mind”“ and this makes me think of how Henry says when he kills people with his powers that theyre not really gone They’re still with him. If Henry’s powers came from the MF then it feels like maybe we could reason that even before Henry got to the UD, he was sort of connected to the hive mind and thus the “hive mind” is really this, like, divine, cosmic collective of assimilated consciousness. 
In a way this would make the “hive mind” the source of vast, nearly infinite knowledge, and would explain why/how someone like Henry could get these absolutely insane powers. Including the ability to read minds and Vecna’s suggested precognition in season 4. This could also be why Vecna ‘connects’ to the ‘Vines’ in the upside down in order to amplify his powers, giving him a sort of omnipresence. We know Henry was/is a human being, he wasn't always some monster, and therefore this explains the type of “divinity” he now has. 
I also want to point out some things I’ve mentioned before as well from DnD in regard to lichs and how they work: 
No wizard takes up the path to lichdom on a whim, and the process of becoming a lich is a well-guarded secret. Wizards that seek lichdom must make bargains with fiends, evil gods, or other foul entities. Many turn to Orcus, Demon Prince of Undeath, whose power has created countless liches. However, those that control the power of lichdom always demand fealty and service for their knowledge.
I also mentioned that as far as DnD lore goes, when a lich traps the soul of a living being the soul is fed to the lich’s phylactery. This is the lich’s power source. Once fed to the phylactery, lich can than draw on those souls for power. 
So this all also takes me back the entity of the Serpent, which we can easily assume the MF heavily represents. Once again, the Serpent is a god of vast knowledge, depicted as cloud and lighting (yeah), and the reason Vecna has been able to call himself the “God of Secrets” and to indeed ascend to “god” status in the DnD lore. 
The Serpent spoke to Vecna while he was still mortal, and revealed to him great secrets powerful magic, including the path to lichdom, the location of Citadel Cavitus, and the true nature of beings including the Lady of Pain and the dark powers of Ravenloft.
Again, this also feels to me to represent of the MF in Stranger Things being a “hive mind" of sorts that is a source of all this inexplicable knowledge and power which it is able to pass to others who are able to commune with it- which unlocks some form of dormant conciseness within the human mind and hence gives them powers. 
RE: The post I made briefly touching on LSD and MK ultra, etc.
In DnD it is the Serpent from which Vecna is able to attain and manipulate knowledge and power, which the Serpent gives to Vecna willingly. For some reason Vecna and the Serpent have a very close bond. No one else has this kind of bond with the Serpent. Vecna is special to the Serpent for some reason and it seems he acts as its will in some way. Vecna is the serpent’s chosen hand. 
I feel this is reflected in Stranger things with Vecna and the MF. This is kind of what I was thinking about when the biblegate (is that what they called it, idk) posts went around, talking about the father the son and holy spirit. I think I deleted the post on my blog bc I upset the OP with my tags, woops, but I loved the post, I just disagreed with them on who represented who. I placed the MF as god, Henry as the son and Vecna as the Holy spirit, essentially. 
And I’ve also mentioned the references to Hinduism, occultism and esotericism being obviously present in Vecna’s character. He’s related to the Goddess Kali with Henrys counterpart character literally being named Kali, and herein there is also the concept of the Left Hand Path. 
The Left hand and Right hand path basically refer to magical/supernatural/religious belief sets that adhere to two sets of district and opposing qualities. I’m not gonna free write all of this myself because I’m lazy so if you never bothered to look into these things here we go this is the basics that I’ll pile together for you. ALSO note this is NOT comprehensive and it is always going to be slightly bias because that is just how it works with these things and I’m left leaning. I recommend actually looking into this kind of stuff yourself, because the is SOOO much to it and it spans across pretty much all human culture and existence.  But anyway here is the bare basics: 
The Right-Hand Path: is commonly thought to refer to magical or religious groups which adhere to a certain set of characteristics: They divide the concepts of mind, body and spirit into three separate, albeit interrelated, entities. They adhere to a specific moral code and a belief in some form of judgement.
The Left-hand Path: those aligned with the left hand path often reject societal convention and the status quo, which some suggest is in a search for spiritual freedom. As a part of this, LHP followers embrace magical techniques that would traditionally be viewed as taboo, for instance using sex magic or embracing Satanic imagery. They often question religious or moral dogma, instead adhering to forms of personal anarchism and they often embrace sexuality.
Basically, “The right-hand path seeks union with and thus dependence on God while the left-hand path seeks a “higher law” based on knowledge and power.” The Left hand path is the way of self-empowerment and true freedom. It began with ancient Hindu and Buddhist sects. (RE: Kali, the goddess of Hindu mythology, and the related Vamachara, etc) 
Voodoo and particularly Hoodoo is also considered an example of the LHP. Both Hoodoo and Voodoo were HORRIFCALLY demonized, particularly by white supremist leaning Christians as these were belief systems practised by African slaves who were already suffering severe dehumanization and abuse by their racist and ignorant captors. Displaying their spiritual beliefs too, as exotic, monstruous, perverted and evil was just a no brainer. But the point is, enslaved Africans held on to their traditions and beliefs in spite of their captors and of course it pissed white folk right the fuck off. So they instantly labeled hoodoo and voodoo as evil and “”satanic”” and used this as justification to hate crime folks associated (Which still happens today, btw) Heres is some stuff Ira Lowenthal, an anthropologist who studies Voodoo in particular said in regard to slaves who practised Voodoo and their relatives today: 
““They were treated as cattle. As animals to be bought and sold; worth nothing more than a cow. Often less. Vodou is the response to that. Vodou says ‘no, I’m not a cow. Cows cannot dance, cows do not sing. Cows cannot become God. Not only am I a human being - I’m considerably more human than you. Watch me create divinity in this world you have given me that is so ugly and so hard. Watch me become God in front of your eyes.
These people will never be conquered again. They will be exploited, they will be downtrodden, they will be impoverished – but you can tell not a single Haitian walks around with his head down … They’re more human than the people who enslaved them. They were better than their masters, able to live in another realm. There’s no other more articulate response to oppression than that. And that’s why Vodou is here – because Vodou is the soul of Haitian people.””  
The point is, contrast to the lie of popular depiction, the Left Hand Path and all its associated religions and practices, is not evil. Its a part of human psychology, typically born from a resistance to political, religious and hierarchical systems that seek spiritual and bodily oppression over us. It is born from a deep-seated desire to be free, independent, and in control of our own destinies, which is actually the only natural state of being for humanity. 
The concept of individualism and ‘difference’ is evil and wrong (left) while collectivism and ‘similitude’ is good and just (right) has been HEAVILY enforced by religions like Christianity as a big example, and political and social systems that use this as justification for the abominable treatment of anyone that falls outside of “the like-minded heard,” whether the individual is consciously differentiating themselves or was just born with the misfortune of not fitting the designated “normal” (Gay people, POC in predominately “white” regions, ND people this particularly applies to).
Anyway, continuing on some other relevant info that I need to add because it is actually more aligned to my personal take on everything is the concept of the “middle path” BUT for me personally I tend to lean this more toward “Left” than the “Middle” because I have no fear of the left and as I said there is some EXTREME bias against the left path due to typical portrayals of it being an inherently evil thing and therefore some people, even those who only study the aesthetics and don't actually engage in the spiritual aspects, tend to avoid the left path even if they are in fact way more aligned to it and this has sometimes resulted in this ‘middle path’ being promoted as the sexy hot alternative when a lot of it is actually just left path repainted. THAT SAID, Buddism as the first one to put forward a middle path and it has also existed somewhere between the two for as long as the two others have existed but yeah anyway: 
“”Many medieval stories provide us with a middle path between those that lead to Heaven and Hell — the path to Fairy Land. Fairy Land is a liminal space where magical things take place in a more complex environment. This path is neither easy (like the path to Hell) nor extremely difficult (like the path to Heaven), but is between these two, through the thick, green forests where the mind and monsters dwell. This middle way provides us with the great stories. It is the source of poetry and poetic truth-telling. 
The Middle Way is a more complex pathway, a liminal space, on the boundary land of order and chaos, where creativity happens. It is the place where you are neither obeying the rules (Right) nor violating the rules (Left). When you merely blindly obey or violate the rules, that means you are taking the rules seriously and, thus, are really playing the same game. But when you are both obeying and violating the rules, that means you are rather challenging and questioning the rules, understanding the degree to which the rules could be other than they are, no longer taking the rules seriously, even as you appreciate what can be done with the rules, especially good rules, and where play takes place for the sake of place, where truly new things are and can be born. 
This is the Middle Way. It is where the poets (poets in both the narrow sense we use it and in the broad sense the Greeks used it, as “makers”) live. Which is why Shelley said, “poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.” Those who work in the liminal space, the Middle Way between the Right Hand Path and the Left Hand Path, are the creators, creating new worlds for us to live in, creating new technology, new institutions, new works of art, new ways of doing things, new ways of living. They are the makers of the law, and can make it only because they don’t take it so seriously.” 
The middle way is cute and becomes kind of relevant, I think, particularly in social environments that have already opened themselves up to political and spiritual freedoms (Such as a good part of the modern world in the west) but in environments and periods in history where the “Right” (again often considered and propagandized as the good and default) reigns supreme you NEED to lean to the left, or even, I dare say, “embrace” the left to get to the middle, if that makes sense. 
This concept of the dark and the light requiring coexistence to achieve TRUE equality and TRUE enlightenment is actually what Baphomet (Essentially similar to Kali in a different culture) who is considered the patron figure of the left hand path represented. Baphomet is the winged, horned, half goat half human, half man half woman, who has since been and is often falsely identified as “the devil” and wrongly considered to be an evil deity.  
This ties into why Henry and Kali both have the same radical left leaning (especially in that time) political and social ideologies and why Vecna thinks he’s ultimately good. Because, he is-- I KNOW WILD TAKE-- but its true. Vecna isn’t actually evil, not in his personal ideologies, its the rage and extremes he’s felt driven to accomplish his otherwise “noble” goals that make him “evil”, but he is not inherently or even necessarily ‘evil’ in why he’s doing what he’s doing. 
But lets also cut back to the animal kingdom for a second where the same type of “logic” applies to certain animals. Typically animals like SHEEP and RABBITS for example (reference wheelercore’s rabbits and spiders post) are considered to be benevolent animals, as is the case of most herbivores as a lot of them are, unlike carnivores/’predators”, animals who adhere to a type of “”collectivism.””  or something that resembles it that comes across as appealing, just and understandable to Right leaning society and spirituality. It is the predators/carnivores who therefore more represent “individualism” such as spiders and snakes, and are routinely seen as “evil” animals as a result. This is not true of all animals in each category but you’ll probably notice it applies to the majority and where animals fall on the “alignment” chart in human perception, particularly in the west, has a lot to do with this and how much collectivism vs individualism applies and HOW OFTEN collectivism is considered benign while individualism is labeled evil and wrong in contrast.    So this brings me to sheep and goats. In particular, sheep are considered pure and holy while goats are considered evil and perverse and why. What makes this distinction between two otherwise similar animals?: 
Sheep are dependent on their shepherd. They have a reputation for not topping the lists of the most intelligent animals. They trust and depend on their shepherd. Sheep represent a drive to follow a leader unquestionably and even against their own individual interest/saftey. This is what makes sheep and lambs holy. 
Goats on the other hand have a reputation for self-reliance and stubbornness. Goats are most like humans in the sense that they can be solitary if needed, even if they naturally prefer the company of others.
So there we go again. Its also speculated the goat is given this evil rep dating back to the Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur or “day of atonement” which employs the “azazel” goat. Essentially, the azazel goat would have all sins symbolically placed on it when the high priest laid hands on it. Once the sins “were placed” they would drive the goat out into the desert, thus driving out Israel’s sins into the desert as well. 
The azazel goat in this scenario represented satan, or something evil. This is speculated to be why Jesus found Satan in the desert coupled with the fact deserts have represented cursed places. This is also basically where the term “scapegoat” comes from.
Cut to Henry who was in fact the ‘scapegoat’ of his family, and on a greater narrative scale, who we ALSO see wandering around the desolate, barren planes of the upside down, (A place that invokes “hell” like imagery) upon being ‘cast out’ by Eleven, who deemed him “evil” after failing to comprehend or perhaps simply rejecting Henry’s truths about Papa and the reality of the situation the two of them had been forced to live in. 
Henry’s justified rebellion against the power (Brenner and his government sanctioned facility) that tortured abused and exploited him, and Henrys perception and knowledge of the inequality and injustice from within the current social/political/cultural system that allowed this, was judged as evil by Eleven, who was too naive to actually understand at this at the time. Eleven saw the “death” of her “flock” (The other subjects) and her “Shepard” (Brenner) and saw this as frighting and evil, in spite of the fact that her flock and her Shepard had every intention to sacrifice her, and that this show of individuality and rebellion from Henry was necessary to her and his protection. (Btw this is not blaming Eleven, at this point she had been RASIED to think this way.) 
Eleven represents the sheep here. Henry is the goat. He is not evil, but he is not a naive follower. He stood up for Eleven and for himself. Henry placing value on Eleven’s life and his own life was thought of as evil by Eleven who couldn’t completely understand the true scope of her situation and the reality that everything Henry said about Brenner, the other test subjects and their society at large was true. 
Henry’s differences, Henry’s understanding of the inequality of the world around him particularly toward individuals like himself who ARE different, who DO fall outside of the status quo, has always been the true qualities within Henry that has resulted in Henry being unfairly labeled as everything from “broken” to “evil”.  Henry does represent the LHP, the “devil” and other “demonic” figures, but not because he is EVIL, rather because he represents individuality, self empowerment and rebellion, which, by the context of his life and the show, is coming from a very meaningful and fairly justified place.  So this is the part of the post where I go “sympathizer” again woops! But anyway more about Henry/Vecna, his morality and his “role” in the story so to speak. 
We could call Henry a serial killer because he killed multiple people but he doesn’t fit the generally recognized criteria for serial killer which is: "The unlawful killing of two or more victims by the same offender in separate events” as much as the anti’s don’t want to admit it, Henry’s killings were not unlawful. In a court of law he could easily prove he A) Was suffering severe psychological and even physical distress and B) Killed people because he had no other choice (or at least thought he had no other choice). I cant imagine an unbiased jury convicting him of actual murder and not recognizing the severe abuse he suffered (physically, emotionally and mentally, and jfc if some of the current theories/hcs are to be believed, literally sexually as well like yeah you're not gonna demonize him to me with that lmao) but the fact is Henry would never go to court because the GOVERMENT would NEVER want ANYONE in the population to know what THEY allowed Brenner to do to Henry (and others), which just makes Henry’s situation all the more dire and justified. He had literally no other way to escape this, he literally didn’t have another choice. And folks can say all they want “Ok he should have left the kids alive,” but  the thing about that is those kids were as much weapons that would be used against him as any guard, orderly, baton, fist, taser, etc, and the most powerful ones were literally hostile and brainwashed as hell. 
As tragic as it is, he was on a mission to strip his near life-long abuser and captor of the tools he used and needed to ever abuse and imprison him (and Eleven) again. 
Next up. Vecna’s killings are not Henry’s killings as such. Vecna’s murders ALSO have a motive and that motive is absolutely not “Joy and pleasure”. There is a heavily supernatural aspect of these killings and the victims are specific for a reason. I’ll repeat myself as much as I have to but Vecna was shown to have some type of precognition, he can see the future of sorts, he targeted Chrissy, Max, Patrick and Fred not because they're “queer” and he’s “homophobic” (idiotic take even as a joke), he targeted them because the entire thing was an allogory for suicide in and out of universe. It seems Vecna knew these particular 4 had a future of committing suicide and therefore he used that trauma and “guilt” to collect their “souls” for his crusade against a world that hurt them to such an extent because he KNOWS their pain. He asks them to “join him” for a reason.
Although we could say that Vecna was indirectly responsible for what set Max on her path, he views his actions merciful and ultimately benevolent. This is Vecna’s problem. For Vecna he is completely blinded by rage and he has somewhat deluded himself into thinking that his ends will justify his means. He is one of the many horror genre answer’s to the tragic villain described as: “ A particular Deconstruction of the villain, a Tragic Villain is completely aware of their evil but takes little to no pleasure from it; in fact, they could very well resent the evil they are committing. Rather, they were driven to villainy due to circumstances beyond their control. In many circumstances they are the Tragic Monster, perhaps an innocent person transformed into a mindless monster, or simply created to be a monster; either way they have no choice in the evil acts they commit and are as sympathetic as their victims.”
He also heavily fits the “Well intentioned extremist” trope:
“A villain who has an overall goal which the heroes can appreciate in principle, but whose methods of pursuing said goal (such as mass murder) are problematic; despite any sympathy they may have with their cause, the heroes have no choice but to stop them. Taken to extremes, they may fully believe that Utopia Justifies the Means. Such an idealistic extremist is likely to be either a Totalitarian Utilitarian or a Principles Zealot, depending on whether they’re aiming For Happiness or For Great Justice. The most well-written examples of this trope are the kind that the reader/viewer stops just short of agreeing with. Other times, the villain may be out for simple revenge against a person, corporation or other entity that has undeniably wronged them. Again, the heroes may sympathize with their plight, but are obliged to stop them because they care not who gets in the way of their planned revenge.”
Woobie, destroyer of worlds also applies:  
This is a character with omnicidal and/or Ax-Crazy tendencies, or a character who wants to destroy everyone in the story, and is suddenly in a position to do so (on a small or large scale); but in contrast to other characters, he/she has some plausible, outright tragic reason to do so. In some cases, the other characters outright sympathize with this one (whether or not the audience does too is out of the equation here), all the while accepting that they must be stopped. Sometimes, the character is even portrayed as likeable, just... not with the right mindset.  
And if we go back to the eerie references to religion, occultism and esotericism, Henry could also be considered a messianic archetype of sorts. 
In media, the Messianic Archetype is a character whose role in the story (but not necessarily personality) echoes that of Christ. They are portrayed as a savior, whether the thing they are saving is a person, a lot of people or the whole of humanity. They endure a sizable sacrifice as the means of bringing that salvation about for others, a fate they do not deserve up to and including death or a Fate Worse than Death.
Particularly, he’s my favorite type of dark inversion of this trope which blends satanic / demonic imagery with the traditional holy and tragic, and draws further from the aspects as aesthetics associated with that of the LHP rather than the right. Which all takes a lot of root in the age old debate about Lucifer himself and the pretty obvious text that can lead to views of him as, in fact, the original scapegoat which I’ve already covered the relevancy of with Henry.  EDIT BC TUMBLR ATE SOME OF MY POST AGAIN: We also have the existence of the Leviathan, depicted as a Giant serpent, a dragon or multiple headed hydra 
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Theres A LOT here to that y’all can go look up and dig around in for yourselves but I’m just gonna put down some things I think are relevant here. This is cutting back to my MF theory bullshit with it representing the Serpent of DnD and its relation to other monstrous deities that are pared up with various other iconic horror characters that were used to create Vecna as a character in stranger things.  The Leviathan (note, ONCE AGAIN, this is the also the name of the deity that pinhead serves, and pinhead was one of the biggest sources of inspo for Vecna) is the god of “chaos” and “death” its described as a creature of beastliness, of terror and of undiluted evil. Due to its “demonic” presence in a lot of mythology it has been related to Satan but there is a whole debate about whether or not they're the same being and/or are actually related-- and occasionally if it wasn’t actually “satan” that took the form of a snake and offered the apple to Eve but rather the Leviathan itself that was responsible for this and thus the one who essentially tempted / corrupted humanity with evil. 
We know in the ST universe we have a lot of concepts that surround negative emotions and feelings and how these emotions apparently act as massive amplifiers for the powers of the psychic in the show.  ALSO RE: the post I made about the possible link to the psychics powers and the MF cloud.  And I also mentioned the suggestion of the Original Sin back on the Holy Trinity post and how that feels like it could relate to the whole corruption/infection aesthetic the MF seems to have going on and its symbolic relationship to the evils of human nature, etc, which all once again goes back and adds to my theory about the MF in general potentially being a greater force/influence than people give it credit for. 
The Leviathan is also thought to represent the sin of envy, the most “poisonous” human emotion. Its also been thought of as the creature that separates the human/material world from the world of the divine by residing in the realm between. The Leviathan is also depicted as an eater of “lost souls” and it is also considered responsible for generating all intrinsic evil into the world. Further, in demonology the Leviathan naturally represents water and we know there is a lot of water symbolism going on with the upside down which further ties all this together. 
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bearsbeetsbeskar · 1 year
Mando Ep 4 Thoughts
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I was trying to live post as I watched the new episode this morning but I was also logged on remotely for work so I figured it would be best to do one post overall, but it looks like this season is picking up speed slowly and laying some groundwork for Dins arc!
Din continuing to show that loyalty to Karga after so many cycles like YES THATS OUR SPACE DADDY
I was foaming at the mouth when he stepped out from behind the other mandalorians, cause I distinctly remember that scene from the trailer - and can't get this idea out of my head for a fic cause imagine if you were part of the covert as Dins riduur just to see your husband walk out like that amongst the clan and lose your shit agsdhjkgashkdhksadjla
when Paz Visla got up to speak to the group I was 🙄🙄🙄 cause what is this mf gonna say now to undermine or dispute Dins POV but when he sided with them it was a nice surprise
CARSON IS BACK!!!! I am glad they brought him back because he did play a significant role throughout s1 and s2
it was very cool seeing the other mandalorians fighting together as a team and how coordinated they can be, we haven't seen much of that since s2 with Bo Katan and the other nightowls, such a contrast to Din's lone wolf MO
I think we all kind of knew that Moff Gideon escaped because even Giancarlo Esposito made it clear in interviews that he would be coming back so not that big of a surprise
has Din not walked both ways considering he revealed his face when he lost Grogu??? And he came to her seeking redemption and did what was asked of him by bathing in the mines of Mandalore??? And he also has the Darksaber??? And he provided for the covert when he was still bounty hunting as part of the guild??
Like Bo is there for all of 5 seconds and all of a sudden its like yes, she is the one to lead us, even though we have barely known her for that long and before that she was helmetless practically all the time
and naturally of course cause Din is Din, and he literally does not want any of this power for himself and he is happy to help as part of the covert, he is like yup thats cool with me, let her take the lead ashdjgasjkdhsahd
Either way, I feel like this is setting up a very good plot point for what will hopefully be the arc for season 3, for the conflict that will occur between Bo and Din, cause we know she will need the Darksaber to rule, and planting the seed that Mandalorians somehow had something to do with helping Moff Gideon escape was a nice touch
How is everyone else feeling about this episode and the season overall??
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sunfl0wer-h0ur · 2 years
headcanons for you ♡♡
Finn 💚
listens to dodie and liana flores probably
enjoys old classic fairy tales!! has those really thick books full of brothers grimm stories
you'll occasionally find him outside sketching the landscape or pretty scenes in the garden
sleeps relatively early and insists you do the same (on working days at least)
tears up at least a little bit when he feels any powerful emotion
owns some sort of forest animal or amphibian as a pet!! maybe a hedgehog or turtle?
loves ghibli movies!! favors totoro but enjoys all of them
pleasepleaseplease kiss his face. literally anywhere there he'll die (affectionate)
Seth 🤎
stargazes regularly; just sitting on the roof and looking at the stars with you is one of his favorite things
let him be your little spoon!! he loves holding you but wants to feel protected too ♡♡
catches fireflies in jars just to look at them for a bit (there are holes poked in the top and he lets them go don't worry)
has really bad handwriting. like genuinely illegible; it's just how he is
dry hands; you have to FORCE lotion onto this mf
kinda clumsy tbh
"no, sugar, it's fine i got it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aa-ZIXJdDW4"
(ohhh i love bullying all of them sometimes i'm sorry 😭😭)
Alphonse 💖
chews gum/eats mints and wears lip balm CONSTANTLY just for you
wears socks to sleep because he's insane (it's not that bad i'm being dramatic so i can make fun of him)
smells like snow fairy from lush (i'm pretty sure yuuri said this himself? just repeating it cause i like the idea lol)
sends a lot of reaction images over text
owns many little trinkets that clutter his room (keychains, good luck charms, etc.)
self-care nights!! bubble baths, face masks, movie marathons- you name it he'll probably have it
REALLY skilled with makeup and will do yours if you'd like!!!
the occasional slow dance in the kitchen if he's feeling particularly sweet <3
Auron 🖤
smells like an expensive, subtle cologne; either that or he just smells like nothing
ik i said he's probably (physically) cold in my last set of headcanons but other times i look at him and it's like if room temperature was a scent
fancy nights out on the town!!  linking arms and admiring the views down the city streets whuajwakfsdfakd (i love him)
doesn't get drunk too easily but gets really philosophical and talks your ear off when he does (dramatic mf)
eventually goes silent for a bit and falls asleep; gets a nasty headache when morning comes! please take care of him
NEVER takes his glasses off unless he's going to sleep; genuinely he can't see anything without them
if you show him something on your phone he'll do the mom thing where he squints and brings it closer to his eyes
Faust 💙
eats a lot of junk food probably (cute packaging is very enticing)
has a good eye for interior design! i just know his room is the most coordinated thing ever (in terms of theme)
coordinated does NOT equal neat. he'll only tidy his house if you tell him to and promise to help
owns a lot of jewelry; checks what kind of gold or silver suits you more and will buy you whatever you like <3
very fluffy hair!! he puts a lot of effort into caring for it and appreciates when you notice
blushes noticeably and goes into denial if you bring it up (bonus points if you kiss him or call him cute when his face flushes; he'll go insane)
Charlie 💛
i CANNOT say this enough he's such a loser and i love him for it
takes pictures of animals he sees in the streets and sends them to you (dogs on walks, squirrels, birds, etc.)
also very clumsy, but he does his best not to be! (ends up failing half the time but it's the effort that counts)
a bad cook so he just orders takeout for your home dates (appreciates it if you wanna teach him! or if you both don't know how you can learn together; it's a mess but it's fun)
sunburns pretty easily. get my boy his spf❗️❗️
started cleaning himself up all nice and putting more effort into looking neat after he met you, before you even started dating
side note: he reminds me of this
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hope you like these!! my dms are open if you wanna talk more ♡
Omg I fucking love these <33
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shazzeaslightnovels · 2 years
Youzitsu 8
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Author: Syougo Kinugasa
Illustrator: Tomoseshunsaku
Label: MF Bunko J
Release Date: 25 May 2018
My Score: 3/5
English Release: Seven Seas Entertainment is currently releasing this series in English under the title of Classroom of the Elite.
It’s the start of the new semester and Class D has moved up to Class C. But on the first day of the semester, they are put on a bus and taken to a boarding house which will be the stage for their next trial. This time, they will be forming small groups including students from different classes. Then, the small groups join up with groups from other year levels to make a larger group. For the next week, these groups will have to work together with students that they have been trained to see as the enemy to score highly on certain trials or face the risk of being expelled.
This one took me a few months to get through and I think that’s largely due to the slow start. Usually, these books will have a bit more set up before starting to explain the trial of the volume that allows me to get invested in the character dynamics before the explanations start. This one starts right with the explanation of the trial and the explanation itself was very tedious and overly complicated. I really struggled to get interested it. Once I got past all that, the volume became a lot more engaging, but I would call it one of the weakest volumes so far. Despite the fact that the groups contained multiple year levels in them, most of the book was spent focusing on the first years to the point that I questioned what the point of this set up was. There is some pay off to it but it felt unnecessary. I also missed seeing my girls in this volume as it’s very focused on the guys and I wish we had more from their POVs.
What I did like about this volume was the focus on Koenji. Koenji is one of those characters that I was very intrigued by when I watched the anime and I’m glad to finally get some more understanding of him and what makes him tick. I have a feeling we’ll waiting for a few more volumes before he becomes an ally to the class but this was a great start. I also liked seeing the fallout from Ryuuen’s defeat in volume 7 and how the dynamics of Class D (formerly Class C) have shifted. And while I missed my girls, I do think that this volume showcases how the guys in this series can be just as interesting and likeable as the girls which shouldn’t be a rarity in harem series but it is. I also think that Nagumo is shaping up to be far more of a threat than Ryuuen was and I enjoyed the reveal of his plan. Finally, I thought the scene where the guys compared their dicks in the bath was hilarious.
Cover characters this time are (Former) Student Council President Horikita and Tachibana. They’re key to the climax of this volume but they don’t show up a whole lot and we don’t learn much more about Tachibana herself, but we do learn more about their year level and how they see Horikita so that was at least interesting.
I’m going to take a bit of a break before I dive in to volume 9 to catch up on the backlog. First on the list: Lycoris Recoil: Ordinary Days!
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based on the leaks, do you think sbpg will make it to hawkins in time for the climax? or is it all happening kind of remotely, with el using the salt bath to join the fight? i know they'll be there for the epilogue, but the thought of jonathan, will, and mike just standing around and not really being able to participate in helping the big fight bums me out.
No so they seem to arrive in Hawkins p late in ep 9 and after Creel House Battle (but not by too long—idk maybe later that day or the day after?). The leaks suggested that and the timestamps really help confirm it imo—I think the piggybacking refers to El in the salt bath in Nevada essentially entering via the void into the lair and/or mindscape. The thing is it’s already been directly said nothing goes to plan with Creel House Battle. I also don’t quite get when the earthquake is and if damage is caused to Hawkins during Creel House battle or after or both. I mean if the school is set up to receive the injured, it seems to imply something affected Hawkins during the battle? But there will be some reunion scenes. Idt there’s an epilogue bc it was supposed to end on a cliffhanger, so I’m wondering if it’s something like it seems like they got Vecna and then at the very end he (and maybe the MF) sorta rise again and cause chaos and all the portals open or something. But all that last stuff is just a guess; I’m v curious what the cliffhanger will be (in addition to Max) and I hope they leave a big cliffhanger.
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pale--monster · 3 years
Felix: hey I'm taking a bath wanna join-
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rebornologist · 2 years
Asdfgkhkajsb kinky headcanon… may I please request some for Reborn, TYL Hibari, and Dino?
I... have such mixed feelings abt Hibari bc he's so insufferable and also the sexiest man alive (I blame my bias towards his VA Takashi Kondo is my angel on earth loml). I appreciate your keysmash bc it really encapsulates a vibe hehehe thank you for rqing & enjoy the ride dear ♡
♡ Kinky KHR Headcanons (yet again)*:・゚✧
WARNINGS: 18+!! kinks (duh) mention, dom/sub, bdsm, breeding, biting/marking/possessiveness, sadomasochism, blood, public sex, prey/predator, DUBCON and weapons!!! g*ns!!! madness, truly..
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♡ Reborn
Big on costumes and roleplay, yet again; He likes acting out little scenes to get his head in the game hehe... he also acts all coy when he's fucking someone's brains out and they can't even stay in character anymore
"Now why can't you answer this simple question? Cat got your tongue..?"
Or some line like that as he's got them pressed up against a wall and he's sliding in and out of them or between their wet thighs
Weapons If and only if his partner is okay with it, he'll consider playing a bit of cat and mouse with an unloaded gun, he loves the feeling of overpowering his partner and intimidating them, holding them down, and by dragging the cold weapon up their bare skin. He'd only go as far as nudging it between their trembling lips before he'd get too impatient and replace it with his cock
He's quite good at aftercare, since some people I can imagine would really need it after some more intense nights.. he's no husband material but he provides exactly what his partners need to recover, some drinks some snacks, a bath if they must, and some nice clean sheets to cuddle up and sleep in; The biggest misfortune is that he is usually up and gone the next morning before they stir, with a note written in his very small handwriting
'Breakfast downstairs. Till next time, my dove. Ciao'
And they go downstairs to find there's coffee and pastries for them :) We love a responsible and caring hitman
♡ Hibari Kyoya
Tbh I think Hibari is ace but in the case that he does want to get down and dirty with people, he's one kinky mf
Huge on prey/predator kind of dynamics, do let him chase you around and by the time he eventually catches you and pins to down between his legs, he's got a throbbing hard on lol
Biting in the literal sense, he's got an oral fixation and his partners' bodies will be littered with teeth marks, especially on hotspots like the neck and shoulders, and inside of their thighs
He likes leaving these where they're highly visible, kind of like marking what's his.. if a few drops of blood run, he'd just lap it up; What's worse is when he goes in to kiss them after.. you learn to love the metallic tang every so often ♡
Now this guy likes restraining his partners, seeing them helpless at his disposal to do what he wants with them, and he's a tease that will play coy and ask them what they want from him, even if they're clearly shaking and dripping under his touch
He hates having his own senses deprived, but wouldn't mind doing it for someone else; He relishes in the upper hand that he gets from it, and will prod and tease all the sensitive spots on his partner's body before giving them a real taste
He's generally a private person, but in his younger years (like, college days :) he found himself getting into physical situations in empty classrooms, or the corner of the library or study hall; He doesn't get off to the idea of being somewhere semi-public, but he also just couldn't be bothered with moving somewhere else
Kyoya also had the upper hand in these situations because he's not a loud individual, and loved seeing his partners struggle to keep in their moans
♡ Dino Cavallone
He has a thing for domesticity, I fully support this; He just loves the thought of a stable and healthy long term committed relationship, just thinking about being in love and ooogh starting a family?!?
Bam, breeding kink.. Even if his s/o or partner is unable to have a kid or they're not actually trying for one, he'll whisper dirty things in their ear about filling them up with his seed and putting a baby in them
If you flip the switch and mention that in your dirty talk to him he gets soo riled up, it's like he goes feral lmao
This might not be a kink specifically but he loves watching the reactions on his partner's face, maybe hooking their knees over his shoulders so he can push himself into them and just marvel at how their expressions change with pleasure
He'll have sex like anywhere that's his own private property, but he's actually kind of shy and wouldn't want to be watched; He would, however, blush furiously when he remembers what went down in the back of the car, or on the pool table, or the kitchen island...*
I don't know why I get these vibes from him but he kinda.. likes when his partners sit on his face, especially if they're curvier and he can just grip their plush thighs and hips and hold them down even if they wiggle and squirm from his ministrations
He doesn't have a size kink per se, but he almost does when his partners struggle to seat themselves fully on his big dick; His eyes are glued to the way they sink themselves down inch by inch, and the way they stretch around and hug him close.. oh, he could cum right there with that
It just means a lot to him to be so intimately connected with someone he cares a lot about :) He's a wholesome guy duhh hehe
*my fave. :)
Anyway I feel like I write a lot for Dino so I'm kind of out of ideas now; I've got a phat evo paper to write that I've rly been struggling with, so I can't believe I'm finishing this instead to post... rip me. Enjoy the thotty thoughts though, lovelies :) Til I post again xoxo
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So episode 9 ripped me to shreds...let's unpack this rollercoaster...
First off, YiDiao Nation how are we doing? Bc I'm 50% dying and 50% living like...can Nat just fight in every show he so good??? I am rooting so hard for Diao this whole show and the way he conveys his anger, disappointment, worry, anxieties, sarcasm is just ?!?! *chefs kiss* 😤
I was screaming at the top of my lungs for the entire dinner scene like YES KING TEAR THIS MF APPART🤪
On a lil side note...how we feel about Diao's parents? Bc currently I'm so on the fence about it... also does this mean Diao DOES remember this "terrible thing" that happened? I need answers just like Diao needs em from Yi. The kitchen scene was short with little dialogue but it conveyed so much Nat's body language for Diao is absolutely spit on and is a different Diao from the start of the series (yes character progression) and Max's delivery of Max stuttering was the cherry on top. The dog scene had me confused like, Yi you think getting him a dog is gonna fix all your problems??? But maybe itvhas smth to do with this accident from the preview, well have to see...
On to KueaLian...listen...what the fuck. It was 90% the absolute cutes most wholesome shit I've even witnessed. I was so happy parts 1-2 and I was like "I'm sure noting could possibly happen even if its ep9" (*note absolute sarcasm) and of course it happend...*sigh*... But I'll get to that, first:
They have me in a choke hold - they chemistry is insane both in physical displays and just plain old romantic/platonic shit. The way Zee delivers Lian's bomb ass love confessions left and right just absolutely sell the idea that Lian absolutely adores Kuea through and through and shit this man is smooth AF I was squealing like a mF through out all their scenes their so fuckibg cute immmmm- 😭😭😭
The bath scene was so adorable and made me tear up with the discussion...too real man. 🤧😭
Side note Foei is amazing and Poppy breathes so much life into his chacter with legit just his facial expressions, I can't help but smile every time hes on screen. King shit👑
And then it all crashes down into a million pieces by something that's been foreshoadown for like the past 3 episodes; this whole thing with the lands and owner ships of Kuea's family fortune? (I dont think I understand it that well tbh)
Now on the one hand, I'm pissed that this happened bc Lian had been set up to do the proper thing and explain all of this to Kuea, bc there is no way in gay hell this wasn't done for him IMPOSSIBLE and then they said - "oops no he finds the papers" just on Lian's desk???"
Your telling me this man has hidden the fact he has low key high key stalked Kuea and all that jazz and he just leaves for smth tells Kuea to go to his office and leaves those there??? Mf are u stupid???
This is all gonna be a misunderstanding™ and I honest to god hate those bc its all just frustrating as hell...bc it even looks like his mom is aware of all this jumbo like...*bangs head against wall* 😫
On the other hand, by very little I'll add, this might be some good Kuea development in both bad and good. By the preview hes going to jump assumptions and think that Lian is using him for his money or some shit like that, which feeds into is insecurities yes very on brand and he's then gonna realize that he hurt Lian's feeling by thinking he would do such a thing or smth they kiss happy ending (can you tell I'm dreading his whole thing)💀💀💀
BUT I've decided to remain optimistic about it, 1) bc I'm invested anywyad but mainly 2) bc I'm hoping this gets resolved as quickly as the whole Kilen drama (relatively)
Please for the love of gay Jesus I just want them to be in a happy loving healthy communicating relationship is that too much to ask?? I already gotta deal with YiDiao's messy family drama 😭
Finishing off on a lighter note...SynNuer y'all Y E S ALL OF IT YESS. While their whole scene was short I'm really happy it was there. The whole football bit was hilarious gotta love the 3 lil Shit™ energy so fun and annoying in the best way possible. Nuer is a friend now and it seems both him and later on Syn realise shit is up with Kuea - straight up communicating through their gazes just AH they are so AH (Syn looking at shirtless Nuer okay👀👀👀) they just have such nice energy around then as a pairing I'm hoping they get some development even if were nearing the end...partially BC imma need a pallet cleanser if I gotta deal with YiDiao and KueaLian's shit next episode god dam...
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