#opposites attract series
zapreportsblog · 11 months
↱ opposites attract ↰
➘ summary : (y/n) is an avenger in training, she works closely with Steve rogers and Bucky Barnes because she too is a super solider, one of the newest types hydra has created. She can reach faster speeds, has stronger scenes and even powers. Unlike the two men she was grown in a lab and taught their ways from a young age but now that she’s under the avengers belt they’ll do all that they can to make sure she further grows up using her her abilities for the greater good; only problem with that is she’s no longer in their timeline much less their world. Tony’s newest invention sends her to another world known as pandora, now how ever will she survive on her own without her two super soldier guardians by her side. Will she make it on her own? Is she even truly alone in this mysterious world? And why is this blue boy constantly following her around?!
➘ a/n : that’s a mouthful I know but with great reason, I needed you guys to understand that what’s to come before I actually start writing this story
➘ prologue : the creations beginning and end
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The Avengers gathered in the high-tech conference room of the Avengers Compound, their attention focused on the large holographic screen at the front. Director Nick Fury's stern image appeared, his eye patch a testament to his years of experience and dedication.
"Avengers," Fury's voice carried an air of gravity, "we've received intel indicating that Hydra has established a new pop-up base in a remote region of Eastern Europe. Our sources indicate that this base is linked to experiments involving advanced weaponry and genetic manipulation."
Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, leaned forward, her eyes narrowing as she absorbed the information. "Any specifics on their objectives?"
Fury nodded, and the holographic screen changed to display a series of images and documents. "Hydra seems to be developing a bioweapon capable of targeting specific individuals. We believe they are using advanced genetic manipulation techniques to create enhanced soldiers for their cause."
Steve Rogers, Captain America, frowned. "This sounds like a significant threat."
Fury's gaze hardened. "It is. We've managed to infiltrate their communications network, but we don't have much time. We need to strike now before they can finalize their experiments."
Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, glanced at the images on the screen, her brows furrowing. "How do they plan to deploy this bioweapon?"
Fury tapped a button, and a map of the pop-up base's location appeared. "Our satellite imagery shows that the base is situated near a major urban center. We believe Hydra intends to use the bioweapon in a populated area to cause chaos and sow fear."
Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, clenched his metal fist. "We can't let that happen."
Fury's expression was grim. "Exactly. The safety of countless lives depends on your success. Our objective is to infiltrate the base, disable the experiments, and extract any valuable intel. However, we have reason to believe that the base is heavily guarded, and its defenses are no joke."
Thor, the God of Thunder, leaned back in his chair, his gaze contemplative. "What of their leadership?"
Fury's lips curled into a thin smile. "That's where things get interesting. We've learned that Baron von Strucker, a high-ranking Hydra operative, is overseeing the operations. Taking him down would significantly weaken their hold."
Vision, the android with a synthetic soul, raised an eyebrow. "Our strategy?"
Fury's image nodded. "You'll be split into two teams. One will focus on infiltrating the base and disabling the experiments, while the other will target Strucker. We'll provide you with tactical support and the latest technology."
Clint Barton, Hawkeye, spoke up. "And what's the timeline?"
Fury's expression was stern. "You leave in 48 hours. Prepare yourselves and coordinate with your respective teams. This mission is high-risk, but your success is crucial."
As the holographic screen faded, the Avengers exchanged determined glances. The stakes were high, but they were a team forged in the fires of adversity. With each member bringing their unique skills and unwavering resolve to the table, they knew that they would stop at nothing to ensure Hydra's plans were thwarted and the innocent lives were protected.
As the holographic screen faded, the Avengers remained seated, their expressions resolute and focused. The weight of the mission hung heavily in the air, but their determination burned brighter.
Steve Rogers, Captain America, broke the silence. "We've faced Hydra before, and we've taken down their operations. This won't be any different."
Tony Stark, Iron Man, leaned back in his chair, his trademark smirk playing on his lips. "Plus, I've been itching for some action. Time to test out the latest upgrades on the suit."
Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, nodded in agreement. "We'll need to coordinate carefully, gather as much intel as possible, and strike at the right moment."
Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, raised her hand, her fingers glowing faintly with energy. "I can use my powers to create distractions and disrupt their defenses."
Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, clenched his jaw. "I'll be on point for the infiltration team. I've got experience with their tactics."
Vision, ever analytical, spoke calmly. "I can analyze the base's security systems and provide real-time updates to the teams."
Thor, the God of Thunder, swung his mighty hammer to his side. "Fear not, my friends. We shall bring the storm to their doorstep."
Clint Barton, Hawkeye, twirled an arrow between his fingers. "And I'll be picking off any targets that come our way."
As the Avengers discussed strategy and tactics, their camaraderie and shared purpose were palpable. Each member brought their unique skills and strengths to the table, and their bond as a team was unbreakable.
Director Fury's voice came over the intercom, breaking into their planning. "Get some rest, Avengers. You've got a big day ahead."
Over the next 48 hours, the Avengers prepared for the mission ahead. They underwent intense training sessions, reviewed blueprints of the base, and fine-tuned their equipment. They gathered intelligence and analyzed every detail, leaving nothing to chance.
The day of the mission arrived. The teams assembled in the hangar of the Avengers Compound, suited up and ready for action. Their expressions were resolute, their determination unwavering.
Fury's image appeared on a screen, addressing them one last time before they departed. "Remember, the world is counting on you. Good luck."
With a final nod, the teams split up and boarded their respective aircraft. The engines roared to life, and the Avengers took to the skies, bound for the remote region in Eastern Europe.
As they neared the pop-up base, their hearts raced with a mix of anticipation and adrenaline. The mission was dangerous, the odds stacked against them, but they were the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, and they would stop at nothing to ensure Hydra's plans were crushed.
The battle ahead would test their mettle, challenge their skills, and demand their unwavering resolve. But together, as a united force, they were ready to face whatever Hydra threw their way.
The Avengers infiltrated the pop-up base with precision, their teamwork and skills in full display as they fought their way through Hydra's defenses. Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, and Wanda Maximoff moved in sync, taking down guards and disabling security systems with calculated efficiency.
As they advanced deeper into the base, their attention was drawn to a hidden stairway at the end of a dimly lit corridor. The faint sound of eerie whispers seemed to emanate from the depths below. Intrigued and cautious, the group exchanged glances before descending the stairs, their weapons at the ready.
The stairway led them to an underground chamber, its walls adorned with ancient sigils that pulsed with an otherworldly energy. Talismans hung from the ceiling, casting an eerie glow that illuminated the room. Blood stains marred the floor, leading their eyes to a heavy metal door at the far end.
Steve's brows furrowed, his heightened instincts sensing danger. "This doesn't feel right," he muttered, his voice low.
Natasha's trained eyes scanned the area, her senses alert. "Agreed. We need to be cautious."
Bucky's grip tightened on his weapon as he eyed the talismans warily. "These symbols... they're definitely tied to something supernatural."
Wanda's powers tingled with recognition, her connection to the mystical realm allowing her to sense the hidden forces at play. "There's magic here, ancient and potent."
As they approached the metal door, they noticed the deep grooves of blood-stained trails leading to it. The door itself appeared to be reinforced with heavy locks and bolts, a barrier that held secrets they could only imagine.
Natasha leaned in to inspect the blood stains, her jaw set. "Someone—or something—was dragged through here."
Steve's jaw clenched. "We need to find out what's behind that door. It could be connected to Hydra's experiments."
With a collective nod, Bucky took the lead, using his enhanced strength to push open the door. The hinges creaked ominously, revealing a room shrouded in shadows.
As they stepped inside, their senses were assaulted by a cold, oppressive atmosphere. In the center of the room, an intricate ritual circle had been drawn, its lines pulsating with a malevolent energy. Candles flickered along the edges, casting dancing shadows on the walls.
Wanda's eyes widened as her powers reacted to the magical energy in the air. "This is dark magic, ancient and forbidden."
Natasha's gaze focused on a heavy, ornate table in the corner, upon which rested a blood-stained book. "That book... it might hold the key to what's been happening here."
Steve's expression hardened. "Let's secure that book and gather any evidence we can. We need to stop Hydra's plans."
As they moved to collect the book, their every movement seemed to disturb the unnatural stillness in the air. The atmosphere grew more oppressive, and the shadows seemed to writhe with an unsettling sentience.
Suddenly, a sinister voice echoed through the chamber, sending shivers down their spines. "Intruders, you trespass upon sacred ground."
They turned to face the source of the voice, their eyes narrowing as a figure stepped out of the shadows. Clad in tattered robes, the figure's eyes glowed with a malevolent light, and its presence radiated power beyond their comprehension.
As the Avengers faced this new threat, the air crackled with tension. The sigils on the walls seemed to pulse with renewed vigor, and the battle that loomed ahead promised to be unlike anything they had ever encountered.
The figure in the shadows proved to be a formidable adversary, their dark magic and otherworldly strength putting the Avengers on the defensive. Bucky, Steve, Wanda, and Natasha fought valiantly, their combined skills and teamwork allowing them to hold their own against the sinister force that opposed them.
As they clashed in the dimly lit chamber, the air crackled with energy. Bucky's metal arm clashed with the figure's conjured shadows, Steve's shield deflected bursts of dark magic, Wanda's crimson energy met the malevolent aura head-on, and Natasha's precision strikes tested the figure's agility.
Amidst the intense battle, Tony Stark's voice crackled through their comm devices. "Guys, I've got some information for you. We managed to dig up a profile on your opponent. It's not looking good."
Bucky grunted as he blocked a surge of dark energy, his eyes narrowing at the figure. "Spill it, Stark."
Tony's voice was grim. "The subject was created using a combination of dark and arcane magic, along with accidental magic events. They've got a body strong enough to contain what's described as the most powerful demon from the underworld. Subject designation is 666, but they've given her the human name (Y/N)."
The revelation hung heavy in the air as the Avengers continued their fight. The figure's sinister laughter echoed through the chamber, mingling with the clash of combat.
Wanda's eyes glowed with a fierce determination as she used her powers to create a barrier against an incoming onslaught. "If she's housing a demon, we need to stop her before it's unleashed."
Natasha's voice was determined as she landed a powerful kick. "Then let's end this."
Steve's shield shattered a burst of dark magic as he spoke over the comm. "Tony, find us a way to neutralize that demon. We can't let it be set loose."
Tony's response was swift. "Already on it. Just focus on taking down (Y/N)."
As the battle raged on, the Avengers pushed their limits, their determination unwavering. They knew that their opponents' dark power was unlike anything they had faced before, but they were the Earth's mightiest heroes for a reason. With each strike, each coordinated move, they fought not only for their own lives, but to prevent the demon within (Y/N) from wreaking havoc upon the world.
The chamber echoed with the clash of forces, shadows dancing across the walls as the fate of their mission hung in the balance. With Tony working on a solution and their combined strength, the Avengers were determined to emerge victorious and thwart Hydra's dark plans once and for all.
Exhausted but determined, the Avengers managed to land a series of precise blows on (Y/N), eventually knocking her unconscious. The chamber echoed with the sounds of their efforts, the eerie energy slowly dissipating as the battle came to an end.
Bucky knelt down beside (Y/N), his gaze fixed on her unconscious form. "We can't just leave her here," he said, his voice tinged with concern.
Natasha, standing nearby, crossed her arms. "Barnes, she almost killed us. We can't afford to show her mercy."
Steve stepped forward, his expression thoughtful. "Bucky has a point. If she's an experiment of Hydra's, leaving her here could come back to haunt us."
Wanda added her perspective, her voice calm yet determined. "We could take her with us, place her in a cell with the same sigils and talismans Hydra used. It seems to have contained her before."
Natasha's gaze hardened, her skepticism clear. "If this backfires and she escapes, don't come crying to me. I'm all for stopping Hydra, but dealing with an unstable, powerful individual like her is a whole other level."
As a team, the Avengers made the decision to bring (Y/N) with them. With caution and care, they bound her securely, ensuring that she would pose no immediate threat. They placed her in a specially designed containment unit, etching the same sigils and talismans onto the walls to mimic the binding magic that had been used in the chamber.
As they prepared to leave the base, Steve's voice carried a note of caution. "Let's make sure she's monitored at all times. We can't afford any surprises."
With their captured adversary secured, the Avengers retreated from the underground chamber, making their way back to the surface. Their expressions were a mix of weariness and determination, knowing that the battle might be over, but the larger conflict against Hydra's dark experiments still raged on.
As they emerged into the dim light of day, they carried the weight of their decisions, aware that they had taken a dangerous being into their custody. The road ahead was uncertain, and they would have to face the consequences of their actions. But as the Earth's mightiest heroes, they were committed to doing whatever it took to protect the world from the threats that sought to tear it apart.
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thebigbadbatswife · 1 year
Opposites Attract Masterlist
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Read on AO3
Summary - The World’s Greatest Thief and an upcoming vigilante. It shouldn’t work… right? (All fics in this series can be read as standalones.)
Rating - Explicit
Pairing - Selina Kyle x F!Vigilante!Reader
Warnings - 18+ content, Minors DNI, Smut, Language, Bisexual!Reader (Read warnings on each one shot!)
💎Night At The Museum
💎Catch Me If You Can
💎Dance With Me
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Carry on with the Opposites Attract series
Part 5 is currently in the works. 😊
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superbat-love · 8 months
Good Cop/Bad Cop
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littlexdeaths · 2 months
precious - e.m.
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y2k eddie munson x girly reader
warnings: oral (fem receiving), fingering, spitting, eddie is a menace… but a cute one.
opposites attract masterlist
word count: 1k
a/n: another repost from my opposites attract series. i missed our feral, goblin boyfriend. so i hope you all enjoy xx.
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He’s been in between your thighs for the better part of an hour, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers now long forgotten in the background.
You had gotten Eddie the box set earlier that day as a surprise gift. So of course, your boyfriend wanted to spend the whole day having a movie marathon. And you were more than happy to oblige.
But the only problem was you.
You in your short pleated skirt and pink top that seemed to leave very little to the imagination. You were driving him absolutely crazy, despite not meaning to.
The brunette somehow managed to make it through the first film without caving. But each time you shifted positions, your cotton candy perfume would engulf his senses completely. Reminding him how sweet you were, and just how bad he’d missed tasting you.
So could you blame him for being too distracted to appreciate the gift?
After popping the second film in the dvd player, you joined him back on the sofa. The darkness of the room concealing the boner he’s been struggling with for the past three hours.
So when his hand started drifting up your bare thigh, you didn’t think anything of it. That is until his fingers began tracing the outline of your panties, snapping the elastic against your skin.
His head dips, lips grazing against the shell of your ear.
“We wants it, we needs it…”
Eddie’s voice had dropped an octave, gravely as he did his best impression of the creepy, crawly creature from the film.
You lightly smack his shoulder as he starts laughing, the sound filling the small room. But once he sees the look on your face he settles, nuzzling his face into the skin of your neck.
“Alright, alright I’m sorry, sweetheart. Let me try that again,” he hums as his lips trail further down to your collarbone, nipping lightly at your skin.
A small gasp leaves you as he begins sucking, tingles shooting straight to your core.
“Wanna taste you, doll… can I?” He asks, his voice just as deep as before— but the silliness of the previous moment is gone.
Only desperation laces his tone as his fingers slip underneath your panties. The male groans at the wetness he finds, the sound leaving you a little breathless.
“Please,” you whine, lips jutting out in a small pout.
That’s the only answer he needs before he’s detaching himself from you. Grinning mischievously as he slides off the sofa, working himself between your thighs. Your panties are removed almost haphazardly, making you giggle at his eagerness.
Eddie quickly tosses your legs over his shoulders, diving in immediately. Despite how eager he seemed, he slowly dragged his tongue through your soaked folds. Your boyfriend wanted to take his time, to savor each and every drop you were giving him.
Flash forward to almost an hour later, your fingers are tangled in his dark curls as he continues to lap at your overly sensitive cunt. Eddie was being a tease, getting you closer and closer to the edge before slowing down again.
It was his turn to drive you absolutely crazy. While simultaneously turning you into a needy mess under his skillful tongue. He suddenly pulls back for a moment, the glow from the tv highlighting the juices smeared across his chin.
The male gathers some of it on his fingers, eagerly sucking the digits into his mouth with a deep growl.
“Mmm, my precious.”
Before you have time to scold him he’s back between your thighs, a crazed cackle leaves him as he sucks harshly on your clit. Eddie eagerly slips those same fingers that were just in his mouth, back inside you. He curls them up to brush against your sweet spot, causing you to cry out as he increases his pace.
Any semblance of taking things slow is now thrown out the window, as he licks and sucks at you like a starved animal. Your fingers find their way back into his hair, nails digging into his scalp.
“That’s it, such a good. fucking. girl.” He growls each word pointedly, thrusting his fingers in tandem with his vulgarity.
Your walls clench harder around the digits due to his praise, greedily grinding your hips down against them. A whimper escapes you as he leans back, spitting onto your already soaked pussy. But he doesn’t give you much time to process as his tongue begins to mix his salvia with your slick.
He slides a third finger into your tight heat, the sounds of your arousal now over powering the film still playing on the television. Your body is buzzing as your thighs begin to tremble around his head.
“Squeezing me so tight, baby, fuck. You gonna cum for me?” His voice is muffled as he puts more pressure on your swollen clit.
And in that moment, you can’t find the words to answer him— only a high pitched moan leaves your lips.
Eddie chuckles against you, the vibrations bring you that much closer to the edge. Your hips begin to buck up wildly, desperate for that promise of release.
But your boyfriend is quick to force them back down with his free hand. Preventing any further squirming as he drills his fingers into your needy cunt, taking everything he’s giving you in stride.
“Gimme all your cum, sweetheart,” he groans deeply, finding yourself unable to hold back anymore.
After being edged for the better part of an hour, your body convulses as you finally fall over that precipice. Crying out his name repeatedly as he continues to work you through the most intense orgasm he’s ever given you.
Your body suddenly slumps against the sofa, completely spent. A soft whine leaves your lips as you tug on his disheveled curls to lift his head. His dark eyes lock with your half lidded ones, that mischievous smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Eddie gladly crawls his way up your body to press a sloppy kiss to your lips. You can taste yourself on his tongue, your juices now smeared across your chin.
You can feel the sticky, warm denim of his jeans pressing against your thigh. The sudden realization has you giggling into his mouth.
“Mmm,” he hums, “Precious is pleased?”
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softiedingo · 7 months
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oh yes, this scene, one eating like a hungry man who hasn't had a good pie in months and the other doing the same thing but with the elegance of a true english lord
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topguncortez · 2 years
Code Baby- J. Seresin
➣pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x shy!wife
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➣word count: 4k ➣warnings: child birth, mentions of a miscarriage, Rooster being a total himbo, cursing. ➣synopsis: Elliot Lewis Seresin has decided to take his sweet time coming into the world. But then he realizes he's Hangman's son, and finds the need for speed early. ➣Opposites Attract Masterlist || Masterlist
It was literally going to be anyday. The little boy in her belly was running out of room, and driving his mother crazy. Y/N had always carried right to term with her older two babies. Ella and Alex had been punctual, showing up on their due date. But for some reason, Baby Boy Seresin decided he didn’t want to come on his due date. He was comfortable right where he was, sitting high up in his mother’s belly. Y/N had let out a curse when she went to her 39 week doctor's appointment, and Dr. Carpenter had told her that her baby was yet to drop. 
Jake’s mother, Jolene, had told Y/N this is exactly what happened when she was pregnant with Jake. Jake was her third baby too, and for some reason, the most stubborn one. He had decided to stay tucked away inside her womb for two whole weeks, and Jolene had to be induced, and even then, Hangman still took his time. Y/N found it comical that Jake was so late, because he had a thing against being late to anything. 
“I am tired of this!” Y/N groaned, as she sat down on the couch, “God, can you speed it up please, you’re past your eviction,” She poked at her belly, receiving a nudge in response. She was, just like Jolene was with Jake, two weeks overdue, and growing impatient by the day. Doctor Carpenter said that if Baby Boy didn’t come by the end of the week, then they would be inducing her on monday. The only good thing was that she wasn’t pregnant in the summer. It was February now, and the wilted roses Jake had gotten her for Valentine’s day were still sitting on the counter. 
“At least it’s not hot out,” Jake said, walking down the hallway, and placing a kiss on her forehead, “I gotta head back to work. Elles is napping.” 
“Thank you for stopping by during lunch,” She said, and tried pushing herself up from the couch, which was a lot harder now with her belly in the way. She let out a huff of air and Jake smiled, helping her up from the couch, “And thank you for helping me get off the couch.” 
“Anything for you, sweets,” Jake kissed her lips, “Phoenix said she’ll be by this afternoon to pick Ella up for dance, Rooster and Bob are gonna get Alex from school. I got a late hop this afternoon.” 
As much as Jake had grumbled about, he loved the fact that his kids were in dance. Jake had done dance as a child, and he swears that it helped with his agility as an athlete and now as an aviator. And, his kids were pretty good at it, which made it even more fun to have them enrolled. Y/N usually took them to dance, and Jake picked them up. But with her being about ready to pop, the other members of the Dagger Squad had volunteered to take the kids. Y/N waddled behind her husband, walking him to the door. 
“Bye,” Jake said, and kissed her again. He then squatted down to be eye level with her bump, “Bye to you too, better not show up while I’m at work.” 
“Doubtful,” Y/N rolled her eyes and rubbed her belly, “If the sex and spicy food didn’t kick start his eviction, I don’t think sitting on the couch watching Supernatural reruns will either.” 
“You never know,” Jake shrugged and stood back up. He kissed his wife one more time, before reluctantly heading for his truck. Jake had gotten a new truck when Y/N said she was pregnant with baby number three. The truck had basically become Jake’s third child, with the amount of time and care he put into it. Y/N waved at her husband as he pulled out of the driveway, and once his truck disappeared down the street, she walked back inside, and back down on the couch. 
The rest of her afternoon went fairly smoothly. Ella napped for about an hour and was ready to bake cookies for the Dagger Squad when she woke up. If you thought Y/N Seresin was impatient, you clearly haven't met Ella Monica Seresin. Ella was excited to be a big sister, and was taking the role of  it well. Jake and Y/N had been a bit nervous, knowing the bad rap that middle children got. But Ella was a good sister, and got along well with Alex, and was head over heels in love with the idea of having a little brother to dress up and play tea party with. 
“How much longer until Baby is here?” Ella asked as Y/N helped her get in her tights and leotard for dance. 
“He’ll be here soon, Elles,” Y/N said, and helped put her tutu on the little girl, “You’re gonna help me with him right?” 
“Of course! He’s my baby too!” Ella smiled, and ran out of the room. 
Y/N sighed as she leaned back in the rocking chair, and took a deep breath as she felt another jolt of pain through her body. She had been feeling some contractions for the better part of the past month. But Doctor Carpenter only said she was a centimeter dilated at her appointment last week. She groaned as she felt her stomach tighten, and closed her eyes. Ella came running back in, and stopped in the doorway sensing something was wrong. Ella was smart like her dad, and could tell when something was off even though she didn’t really understand it. 
“Mommy? What’s wrong?” Ella asked, and slowly made her way to her mom’s side. 
“Nothing baby,” Y/N smiled, and ran her hand over Ella’s cheek, “Just your brother is moving around. Probably so he can get ready to come and meet you soon.”
Ella smiled, and laid her cheek on Y/N’s belly. Y/N ran her hand over her blonde locks of hair as the doorbell rang. Ella perked her head up and went sprinting down the hallway. Y/N pushed herself up from the rocking chair, pausing as she felt a wave of pain ripple through her back. She carefully got up on her shaky feet, and walked down the hallway, keeping one hand on the wall, and one on her belly. 
“That’s so cool-” Phoenix’s words were cut off as Y/N walked into the living room, “Ella, why don’t you go wait outside with Uncle Bob.” Ella nodded and went running off, as Y/N finally made it to the couch, “Is it contractions? Do I need to call Jake?” 
“No, not contractions,” Y/N said, brushing her off, “Not even close yet. He was still sitting up too high three days ago.” 
“Yeah well, he looks like he’s dropped now,” Phoenix said, as Rooster walked through the door, a look of concern on his face. 
“Ella said something is wrong,” Rooster said. 
“Nothing is wrong! Can you just. . .” Y/N took a deep breath as another contraction rippled through her body, “Phoenix, can you take the kids to dance, please.” Phoenix and Rooster shared a look, but they both knew better than to argue with Y/N. Phoenix nodded and got up off the couch. 
“She starts going into labor or her contractions get closer, you call Jake and then me,” Phoenix said and Rooster nodded. 
Bob walked into the house as Phoenix walked out, and his eyes widened. He had grown up on a farm, he knew a laboring mom when he saw one. He opened his mouth to say something, but Y/N shot him a death glare that made the back of his neck turn red. Instead, he walked over to the couch and sat down next to her, grabbing her arm and looking at the watch on her wrist. He counted the seconds until she released a slow breath. 
“Thirty seconds?” Bob asked, and Y/N nodded. 
“Every fifteen minutes or so. This isn’t labor, so shut up,” Y/N demanded and Bob nodded, “When is Jake off?” 
“Not sure,” Rooster said, “They wanted to get some night training in. My guess is maybe nineteen hundred.” Y/N looked at the clock and saw that it was only 4 in the afternoon. It would be another three hours until Jake was home with the kids. She groaned and leaned back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. 
The moment of bliss didn’t last long. It was about an hour after Bob and Rooster had arrived that Y/N’s contractions had gotten worse, and closer together. Rooster looked on the verge of a breakdown as Bob added counterpressure to Y/N’s back as she stood at the counter trying to make dinner. 
“I think we need to go to the hospital,” Rooster said. 
“No!” Y/N said, and took in a short breath, “I’m fine.” She sniffled and stood up straighter, pushing Bob’s hands away as she walked back over to the vegetables she was cutting. Rooster shot Bob a look of complete helplessness. Bob knew that Y/N would go to the hospital when she felt ready to. She had two babies before this and knew what labor was like. If she felt more comfortable at home for a while, then she was going to stay at home. They would have to take her when she made up her mind. 
“You heard her,” Bob shrugged and went back to helping her cut veggies. 
“You two,” Rooster pointed between the two of them, “Are insane.” 
Y/N and Bob laughed at Rooster, as he finally sat down in a chair instead of pacing a hole into her kitchen floor. Bob kept an eye on Y/N, timing how long her contractions lasted and the break in between them. Bob was a little nervous, but he tried to keep his nerves at bay, and did what he could to help Y/N through them. Everything seemed fine, as the three of them carried on a conversation about Rooster’s failing love life with Phoenix’s sister, Dragon. Every so often Rooster would pause and get that jolt in his bones as Y/N would grasp on to the counter as he belly tightened with a contraction. It all seemed to be fine. . .until she felt her water break. 
“Oh okay, listen, we’re going now,” Rooster said, standing up from his chair, and going to her side. She grabbed onto his arm, feeling dizzy from the onset of sudden pain. She looked up at Bob, and he looked like a deer in the headlights. His calm flyboy demeanor went out the window when he realized that look on her face. 
“We’re not gonna make it,” Bob said. 
“The fuck you mean ‘we’re not gonna make it’” Rooster said mocking Bob’s accent. 
“Hey! Not nice,” Y/N said. 
“Sorry Floyd,” Rooster said. 
“I mean, she’s not gonna make it to the hospital. Rooster, get her to the bedroom. Y/N, where are your towels?” Bob asked, moving quickly down the hallway.  
“Last closet on the right!” Y/N called out, and pushed herself away from Rooster, who was trying to comprehend what he was just told. 
“Oh my god, you mean it literally,” Rooster moved, and offered his arm to Y/N. He slowly lowered her down to the bedroom floor. Bob came in with towels and started spreading them around as Y/N tried breathing through contractions. The rush through her body let her know that Baby Boy Seresin had made up his mind, and he suddenly had the need for speed. 
“Oh my god!” She cursed, as she felt her baby drop. Rooster felt like he was going to pass out or throw up, or both, “Oh it hurts!” 
“You sure we can’t get to the-” 
“No time!” Y/N gritted out, cutting Rooster off. 
“Call 9-1-1, and then Jake,” Bob said, as he got down on the floor in front of Y/N, “Are you okay with this? We can wait.” 
“No! Bob, I need to push!” Y/N groaned, “Better you than Birdboy.” 
“The miracle of life is not for everyone, Y/N!” Bradley yelled, as he looked up from calling the paramedics. He put the phone on speaker as it rang and set it down next to Bob, “You know what you’re doing?” 
“I delivered cows before,” Bob said. 
“Did you just compare me to a fucking cow, Floyd!” 
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” Bob was saved by the operator answering. 
“My friend is having a baby,” Bob said, as calmly as he could. He remembered from the times he did deliver cows, that you being nervous didn’t help the mom at all. 
“What’s your name sir, and is she crowning?” Bob looked up at Y/N, and she nodded at him to remove the shorts she wore. 
“My name is Bob, and yeah, she is.” 
Rooster gagged at the sight in front of him, “Oh god, that’s not normal.” 
“Rooster, fuck off,” Y/N groaned feeling the overwhelming urge to push, “I need to push!” 
“That’s good,” The operator said, “One that next contraction I want you to push, okay!” 
“Okay,” Y/N said as she tried to sit up a bit, “Rooster, get behind me.”
“Y/N, please don’t make me,” Rooster whined, but if looks could kill, Rooster would be dead on sight. In this moment, Bradley Bradshaw was more scared of shy, quiet Y/N Seresin than he had ever been in his whole Naval career, and he had barely survived the Uranium Mission. Bradley gulped and moved to sit behind her, having her back against his chest. 
“Fuck! Okay, I’m pushing!” Y/N cried out, as she bore down, gripping onto Rooster’s hands tightly as she pushed. Bob did his best to encourage her, while Rooster closed his eyes at the pain of her grip. He didn’t know how she got so strong. 
“What do you see, Bob?” The operator asked. 
“His head,” Bob said, “N-no cord, that’s good right?” 
“That is!” The operator said, and Bob smiled, “Since there is no cord, momma just needs to keep pushing until the baby’s head is born.” 
“Come on, Y/N, push!” Bob said, as he watched the woman’s face contort in pain as she pushed. Bob’s blue eyes were wide with fear and wonder as he watched her. He had seen the miracle of birth before, but this was a whole nother level, “Okay! Head’s out.” 
“Gross,” Rooster gagged. 
“Okay, that was the hardest part,” The operator said, “Ambulance is fifteen minutes out, but this next part will go quickly. Bob, you need to support the baby’s head and position them upwards. Do you have a shirt, or towel to help you catch them?” 
“Yeah, I have a towel!” Bob said, and grabbed a spare towel from the side of him, and draped it over his arms. 
“Next contraction, I need momma to give it her all, okay?” 
“I’m fucking trying!” Y/N cursed. Rooster grabbed a cloth and wiped the sweat from her forehead, “Fucking Christ!” This was probably the most either man had heard Y/N curse, but neither one blamed her. 
Bob did what the operator told him, angling the baby upward as Y/N pushed with all the strength she had. Y/N could feel the searing pain in her body and then the relief as Baby Boy Seresin left her body. She gasped and leaned back against Rooster, who’s brown eyes were wet with tears as he looked at the newborn in Bob’s arms. 
“Bob, you need to clear out their nose and mouth airway,” The operator said, and Bob nodded, grabbing the bulb syringe he had found in the nursery. He did as directed, “You need to get him to cry.”
“Come on,” Bob said, as he rubbed the baby’s back, “Come on!” 
“Why isn’t he crying!?” Y/N called out, “Bob! What’s wrong?” 
“He’s just. . .” Bob kept rubbing the baby’s back, trying to get him to cry. He could hear Rooster, Y/N and the operator calling to him, asking him the same question: why isn’t he crying. Bob felt his heart beat in his ears as he repeated for Baby Boy Seresin to cry. The second that cry broke, Bob sighed in relief, “Stubborn.” 
“Oh my god,” Y/N said, and leaned back. Bob handed Y/N her baby, placing him on her chest. She rubbed his back gently as he cried, “Hi, buddy. You’re not supposed to be here, but we’re happy you’re here.” 
— — — 
Jake smiled as he walked into the locker room after his hop. He had successfully shot down the top two pilots in his current class. Jake loved being an instructor. He said it was as rewarding as being a father. Opening his locker, he was met with the various pictures of his family, and it made his heart swell with pride. He grabbed his phone, turned it on and sat down on the bench. He was one of the few who didn’t take his phone up with him or into the classroom. He said it distracts him. But now, he was wishing he took it. Jake stood up quickly, reading the messages, and felt his heart beating out of his chest. He didn’t even grab his bag as he ran out of the locker room. 
“Seresin!” Admiral Bates yelled as the blonde pilot ran into him as he left the locker room. 
“S-sorry!” Jake yelled as he ran down the hallway towards the doors. He quickly dialed Rooster’s number as he jumped into the truck, turning it on quickly and pulling out of the parking lot. 
“Hello?” Rooster answered. 
“The fuck you mean she had the baby!?” 
“Oh like, Bob is holding your son right now.” 
“And no one thought to fucking get me?! Where are you?” 
“Memorial Hospital. And we were kinda busy with the fact that your wife had him on your bedroom floor.” 
“She fucking what?” 
“Is that Jake?” He could hear Y/N’s voice from the other side, “Hang up and tell him I’ll fill him in when he gets here.” 
“Rooster, don’t you fucking hang-” Jake’s threat was cut off by the end tone of the call, “Fucking dammit.” 
Jake probably broke every traffic law as he got to the hospital in record time. Rooster was in the waiting room with Alex and Ella, the two little Seresins running over to their dad as he walked in. Jake looked a mess, a layer of sweat covering his body. He had tried to calm his nerves, but he wasn’t sure what the status of his wife and newborn were. He assumed because she was telling Rooster to hang up, that she was okay. Rooster didn’t say much as he walked Jake down to Y/N’s room other than the fact he is surprised he didn’t pass out. 
“But you should’ve seen Bob, he was amazing!” Rooster said, as he opened the door to the room. Y/N turned her head from the WSO who was sitting in the rocking chair next to her, and smiled at her husband. 
“Hey,” She said, and Jake looked exhausted, “You kinda missed a lot.” 
“I see that,” Jake sighed, as he set his daughter down, and walked over to his wife. He kissed her and caressed her cheek, “You okay?” 
“I’m fine. Little sore, a little traumatized, but I’ll survive.” 
“I might not!” Rooster said from the doorway. Y/N gave her kids a look and then a nod. 
“Attack Uncle Birdy!” Ella said, and turned around shoving Rooster out of the door, with Alex doing the same. Rooster laughed as they pushed him out, and he picked them both up in his strong arms and carried them down the hall to the waiting room. 
“So that’s him,” Jake said, looking over at the newborn in Bob’s arms, “You delivered my son, Floyd?” 
“I did, Bagman,” Bob said, and looked up from the baby. He gave Y/N and Jake a little half smile, before looking back down at the baby. Bob was amazed at the tiny human in his arms. He had never held a baby before. He was always too scared to hold Ella when she was younger (she was also really squirmy so it didn’t help), but Baby Boy Seresin was sleeping peacefully in his Uncle Bob’s arms. Jake walked over to the other side, and looked over the WSO’s shoulder at his son. 
“Here, you should hold him,” Bob said, and handed the baby to Jake, “I’ve had my fair share.” 
“You’re welcome to hold him anytime you want, Bob,” Y/N said as Jake sat down next to her, “We have you to thank for getting him here safely.” Bob blushed and scratched at the back of his neck. Y/N and Jake shared a look, an unspoken agreement, “Would you be Elliot’s godfather?” 
“You really mean that?” Bob asked, his eyes filling with tears, “I mean, you don’t have to because I helped deliver him. Any of us would’ve done it. Maybe not Bradshaw because he looked close to death.” 
“We mean it,” Jake said, “You gotta make sure he gets into UT.” 
“Or Yale,” Y/N said, and Jake rolled his eyes. 
“Being a longhorn is cooler,” Jake whispered to his son, and kissed his forehead. 
“I can do that,” Bob nodded and smiled, “Thank you. I promise, I won’t let you down.” 
“We know,” Y/N said and let out a yawn, “Now get out of here, go have a drink for me. I know you need it.” 
“Yeah,” Bob said, “Gotta call my mom and tell her.” 
Y/N giggled as Bob left the room, leaving the three of them alone. It felt like when she had Alex all over again. Just the three of them cuddled on the bed together. They both looked over the features of their beautiful boy. Eli already had Jake’s beautiful green eyes, just like his siblings. Y/N and Jake had determined that Eli was probably going to be like Jake, stubborn and hardheaded, but now that he was here in their arms, they were seeing how he was like his mother. 
“This is our last baby,” Y/N said, sadly, “Our rainbow baby.” 
“You really want this to end?” Jake asked her. 
“See, if you asked me during labor, I would’ve said yes,” Y/N laughed, “But I’m not sure now. This is our last newborn phase. I’m not sure if I am one hundred percent sure to be done with it yet, but knowing how hard it was to get to this point. . . I might be okay with it.” 
Jake lifted his baby to his nose, and took in a sniff of his scent, “God, I’ll miss the way they smell when they are babies. Ella always smells like jet fuel and worms.” 
“Hey!” Y/N laughed, hitting her husband’s shoulder gently, “She’s like her handsome father, adventurous.” 
“And Alex is like his beautiful mother, a kind soul,” Jake said, and kissed his wife, “And who will you be like, mister Elliot Lewis Seresin?”
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 7 months
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Opposites Attract
Y2K!Steve x MallGoth!Reader Masterlist
This AU is a Collab with my honey @reidsbtch we’ve put a lot of thought into this little universe. You can find the masterlist to her y2k Eddie stuff here.
This is a series of blurbs/one shots about Steve’s life with his goth girlfriend in the 00s. Updates will mostly be on holidays with content here and there in between. As always my blog is 18+MINDI Divider used is by @firefly-graphics 🖤
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One shots:
Living Dead Girl (Halloween fic, this is when Steve and his girl first meet.)
Darling Don’t Be Afraid (The first time Steve tells you he loves you.)
Steve & Reader
Y2K Steve
Eddie & his girl
Y2K Eddie
Eddie’s girl
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Bucket of Sunshine Part 2: Polite
Masterlist: Here
Tag List: @aheadfullofsteverogers @robyn-118 @emma77645
A/N: This is a mini series so there’s only 3 parts left so hope y’all enjoy this intro into Eddie’s personality☀️
*Eddie needs you to know he’s not a nice guy but you’re just not buying it*
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trace-owo · 4 days
Sex isn't the only thing that's on the spectrum here ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
↱ opposites attract ↰
➘ summary : (y/n) is an avenger in training, she works closely with Steve rogers and Bucky Barnes because she too is a super solider, one of the newest types hydra has created. She can reach faster speeds, has stronger scenes and even powers. Unlike the two men she was grown in a lab and taught their ways from a young age but now that she’s under the avengers belt they’ll do all that they can to make sure she further grows up using her her abilities for the greater good; only problem with that is she’s no longer in their timeline much less their world. Tony’s newest invention sends her to another world known as pandora, now how ever will she survive on her own without her two super soldier guardians by her side. Will she make it on her own? Is she even truly alone in this mysterious world? And why is this blue boy constantly following her around?!
➘ a/n : we doing this shit mfs, we on a whole chapter one now
➘ chapter one : potential
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The room was bathed in a soft, ethereal light, casting gentle shadows on the intricate talismans and sigils that adorned the walls. The air held an almost palpable sense of magic, woven seamlessly into the very fabric of the space. (Y/N) sat on the edge of the bed, her gaze fixed on the mesmerizing patterns that danced across the walls.
Since arriving at the Avengers' facility, (Y/N) had been confined to this unique room, a space that was more like a blend of a cell and a bedroom. Stark technology and mystical wards collaborated to create an environment where her abilities were contained, yet her comfort wasn't compromised.
Footsteps echoed in the corridor outside, and the heavy door swung open to reveal Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. They entered with a warmth in their eyes, a silent understanding of what it was like to grapple with a past riddled with experimentation and manipulation.
"Hey, (Y/N)," Steve greeted with a reassuring smile, sitting down beside her. "How are you holding up?"
(Y/N) managed a small smile, appreciating their consistent visits. "I'm… adjusting, I guess."
Bucky leaned against the wall, his gaze steady. "It's not an easy transition, but you've got the best people in the world watching over you."
As they talked, their conversations ranged from shared experiences to hopes for the future. Bucky recounted stories of his own struggles, offering advice on how to navigate the complexities of newfound powers. Steve, on the other hand, provided a steadying presence, fostering a sense of security that had been absent from (Y/N)'s life for far too long.
In the following days, it became a routine. Visits from Steve and Bucky were punctuated by appearances from Wanda Maximoff and Vision. Wanda's empathy was a balm for (Y/N)'s wounded soul, and Vision's unique perspective on humanity provided a refreshing outlook on her circumstances.
One afternoon, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Wanda entered the room with Vision by her side. They both settled on the bed, the glow of the room enhancing Vision's otherworldly aura.
"You know," Vision began, his voice carrying a hint of warmth, "while we all come from different backgrounds, we share a bond forged in the crucible of adversity."
Wanda nodded in agreement. "We've learned that our past doesn't define us. It's what we choose to do with our abilities that matters."
(Y/N) looked from Steve and Bucky to Wanda and Vision, a mix of emotions swirling within her. Gratitude for their presence, a glimmer of hope for what lay ahead, and a lingering fear of her own potential.
Over time, Steve's role evolved into something more than just a mentor. His unwavering belief in (Y/N)'s ability to rise above her past began to form a bond reminiscent of a protective father figure. While the talismans and sigils were symbols of containment, Steve's presence was a beacon of guidance and possibility.
As days turned into weeks, (Y/N) gradually found herself embracing the connections she had forged. Sure she had been raised by hydra but they didn’t have this sort of bond she sees with avengers
Unexpected one day a new member stopped by for a visit and it happened to be the infamous Tony Stark. Tony's visits had been anticipated, yet when the heavy door swung open to reveal him standing there, the atmosphere grew tense. (Y/N) shifted uncomfortably on the bed, her eyes flickering to the floor.
"Hey," Tony greeted, his tone carrying a mixture of uncertainty and forced casualness.
"Hi," (Y/N) replied, her voice a little softer than she had intended.
There was a silence that hung between them, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of past actions. Tony's gaze settled on the talismans and sigils that adorned the room, his expression inscrutable.
"Pretty impressive decorations they've got here," he remarked, attempting to break the ice. The room didn’t have much in it, a 80 inch tv on the wall, a queen sized upholstered bed lined with dark blue and a mixture of white sheets, a simple desk in the corner with a chair used for when (y/n) wanted to write down about her day - Steve suggested that activity and a closet that held not that many clothes but enough to where she can pick out something different for the whole month.
(Y/N) nodded, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her shirt. "Yeah, they're… something."
Tony cleared his throat, his discomfort palpable. "Listen, about everything that happened before… with Hydra and all, I just want you to know that I… I made some bad calls."
(Y/N) glanced up at him, her eyes searching his face for any sign of sincerity. "Yeah, I know. It's just… hard to forget."
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Look, I didn't have all the facts back then. I acted based on what I knew at the time."
(Y/N) nodded slowly, the tension between them slowly easing. "I get that. But it doesn't change what I went through because of those decisions."
During her first time arriving at the base Tony was what people would call “an hardass” regardless of what she was doing he also made a comment on it in a way that brought down her self confidence which was funny because as the literal embodiment of evil she was nothing like what one would expect.
Tony's gaze shifted away, his guilt evident. "No, it doesn't. And for that, I'm truly sorry."
More silence settled between them, but this time, it felt less stifling. They were both grappling with their own regrets and their own attempts at making amends.
"I didn't come here to offer excuses," Tony admitted, his voice softer. "I just… wanted to make sure you were doing okay."
(Y/N) met his gaze, a mixture of emotions playing across her features. "I appreciate that. And I'm… trying to be okay." It was true she was trying, she attended weekly meetings sessions with Dr. Bruce Banner and many other scientists who would draw her blood and make sure she was in good health whiles also testing her abilities, she was unknown and unlike anything they’ve ever encountered before which was an understatement.
Not many people could say they had a literal demon inside of them.
He nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Well, you're stronger than you think. And you've got a good support system here."
They exchanged a small, understanding smile, the tension between them slowly dissolving. The awkwardness remained, but it was mingled with a sense of possibility – the possibility of forgiveness and growth.
As Tony turned to leave, (Y/N) spoke up, her voice tentative. "Thanks, Tony. For coming."
He looked back at her, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "Anytime kid. We’re all in this together, whether we like it or not."
And with that, he left the room, leaving behind a lingering sense of connection that had begun to mend the fractures of the past. It was awkward, it was imperfect, but it was a step forward – a step toward healing the wounds that had festered for far too long.
(Y/n) and Natasha, who is known as Black Widow, had a training session together, weekly at that. Even though Natasha didn’t agreed with her team matés decision over time she begin changing her mind, (y/n) was much like her. A young girl raised at the hands of evil individuals for their own sick pleasure, sure this young girl had a demon or something of that sorts bonded inside of her to her every being and self but that didn’t make her any less of a victim so Natasha offered to help (y/n) refine her powers and combat skills.
Whiles Wanda helped her with magical abilities and occasionally Dr.Strange when he wasn’t busy, Natasha thought that it would be good to bond with the girl over something mutual; sparring.
One morning, as sunlight filtered through the window, (Y/N) found herself in the training area, a space equipped with various equipment and padded mats. Standing across from her was Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow, a formidable and highly skilled member of the Avengers.
"Ready for this?" Natasha asked, a hint of challenge in her voice, she remembered the first time the female across from her and her sparred against one another. It was the day of the mission and Natasha wasn’t proud to say that she got her ass handed to her so really this would come in handy to them both.
(Y/N) nodded, her heart pounding in anticipation. "Yeah, let's do it."
They began with a series of warm-up exercises such as push ups, sit ups and stretches, gradually increasing the intensity until, they moved on to sparring. Their movements fluid and calculated. Despite her powers, (Y/N) quickly realized the depth of Natasha's combat experience. Each move Natasha made seemed perfectly timed and executed, making it clear that she was a force to be reckoned with but (y/n) wasn’t one to be taken lightly either. Aside from being given powers she was trained since the young age of three to be able to fight in multiple styles and learn to adapt in order to survive.
(Y/N) ducked under a swift punch from Natasha, countering with a telekinetic push. Natasha gracefully dodged the attack, her movements a blur of grace and precision. Their sparring continued, a dance of power and strategy.
Natasha parried (Y/N)'s strikes with a skill that only came from years of training. "You've got potential," she commented between exchanges, her tone encouraging. "But you need to blend your powers with your physical moves. It'll give you an edge."
(Y/N) absorbed the advice, her determination growing. She focused on combining her telekinesis with her punches and kicks, finding a rhythm that was uniquely her own.
As the session continued, Natasha's guidance became invaluable. She showed (Y/N) how to anticipate her opponent's movements, how to use her powers to control the flow of the fight, and how to exploit weaknesses. Despite the intensity of the training, there was an underlying camaraderie between them, a shared understanding of the challenges they both faced.
After what felt like both an eternity and a fleeting moment, they finally paused, catching their breath. (Y/N)'s muscles were tense, her body aching from the exertion, but she couldn't help the sense of accomplishment that washed over her.
Natasha smirked, clearly pleased with (Y/N)'s progress. "You've got potential," she repeated, this time with a hint of a smile.
(Y/N) returned the smile, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thanks, Natasha. I couldn't have asked for a better teacher."
Natasha's gaze softened, and she gave a nod of acknowledgment. "We all have our strengths. Learning from each other is how we grow."
As they left the training area, (Y/N) felt a newfound determination to refine her abilities and become a more capable member of the team. Natasha's mentorship had opened a door to a world of possibilities, reminding (Y/N) that she was more than her past – she was someone who could shape her own destiny, with the guidance of those who believed in her.
After the training session, (Y/N) returned to her room, still feeling the pleasant burn of exertion in her muscles. She was lost in her thoughts when a knock at the door drew her attention. She opened it to find Steve Rogers standing there, a warm smile on his face.
"Hey, how was training?" Steve asked, his blue eyes reflecting genuine interest.
"It was good," (Y/N) replied, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "Natasha's been helping me refine my skills."
"That's great to hear," Steve said. "Listen, we're having a team dinner tonight. Thought you might want to join us. It's a chance for everyone to relax."
(Y/N) hesitated, feeling a bit uncertain about the prospect of mingling with the team outside of training. "I appreciate the invitation, but I'm not sure..."
Steve's smile was reassuring. "It's alright, take your time to think about it. We'd love to have you there, but there's no pressure."
As Steve turned to leave, (Y/N) took a breath and spoke up. "Actually, I think I'll come."
Steve turned back, his smile widening. "That's great to hear. We'll be in the common area when you're ready."
Later that evening, (Y/N) found herself in the midst of the team, gathered around a large table laden with food. The atmosphere was a mixture of camaraderie and light-hearted banter. (Y/N) felt a bit out of place at first, but she forced herself to relax and engage in the conversation.
Clint Barton, known as Hawkeye, leaned back in his chair and looked over at (Y/N) with a mischievous grin. "Hey, (Y/N), you remember the first time we met? Heard you gave my team mates quite the ass whooping."
A chuckle rippled through the group as (Y/N) couldn't help but blush at the memory. "Yeah, I guess I was a bit... defensive."
Sam Wilson, also known as Falcon, chimed in with a laugh. "Defensive? More like super-powered butt-kicker."
"True story," Natasha added, a playful glint in her eyes.
(Y/N) couldn't help but smile, the tension of the evening dissipating. "I didn't exactly make the best first impression, did I?"
"No, but you definitely made a memorable one," Clint replied with a wink.
The stories flowed, each teammate recounting their initial encounters with (Y/N) and the unique challenges she had posed. The awkwardness (Y/N) had initially felt was replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences.
Steve raised his glass in a toast, his expression earnest. "To (Y/N), a valuable member of our team and a force to be reckoned with."
The clinking of glasses filled the room, and (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a warmth in her chest. She had come a long way since her arrival, and as she looked around the table at her newfound friends, she realized that she was no longer defined by her past – she was defined by the present and the potential she held within herself.
As laughter and conversation continued to fill the air, (Y/N) knew that she had found a place where she truly belonged – among a group of individuals who saw her for who she was and believed in her capacity for greatness.
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blacksapphicguide · 4 months
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First Kill (TV series)
2020s TV series | 1 seasons (Cancelled). Fantasy, drama, romance.
Plot points:
Vampire x vampire killer trope.
Vampire fantasy.
Supernatural world.
Family dynamics.
Enemies to lover romance.
Teen-high school romance.
Interracial lesbian couple (main).
Black sapphic characters:
Calliope "Cal" Burns [lesbian] Imani Lewis
Calliope x Juliette - Calliette (interracial lesbian)
Sex & Nudity - Mild
Violence & Gore - Moderate
Abusive parents - death threats, choking, and slapping their children.
Drinking of blood from (vampire) victims.
Profanity - Mild
Use of the word fuck, bitch, hell, etc.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking - Mild
Alcohol: social drinking.
Underaged drinking.
Teen drug use.
Frightening & Intense Scenes - Very Mild
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strangerinthelight · 5 months
Kinda grown to love the constant nausea I feel about Lokius. Oh we may never see them again? That was there ending? Absolutely fantastic love it
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catoscloves · 9 months
enemies to lovers isn't "he's generally an unpleasant person to be around, he constantly puts other people down and disrespects/condescends/ostracizes them, he's cruel and a bully... but his one redeeming quality is that he looks attractive" like. bestie that's not a redemption arc!! or a redeeming quality!!! a person can and should control their behaviors, but how they look literally has no bearing on their worth as a person!
like... this trope is about an initial misunderstanding and miscommunication that leads to mild conflict and resentment of each other,but eventually they move past this rocky start by revealing to each other their humanity and good qualities, and communicating what happened the first time they met so that they can clear up that situation, and slowly becoming good friends who enjoy spending time with each other and eventually become really close, and the realization that one accidental mishap/slip in behavior/aashole mistake isn't what defines a person and sometimes your first interpretation of them is sometimes wrong!! an entire opinion of someone should be formed based on their behaviors, values, actions, and morals, and quality time spent with this person, not because they have nice cheekbones.
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littlexdeaths · 2 months
blondes do have more fun - e.m.
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y2k eddie munson x girly reader
warnings: robin and reader get so drunk, reader is too clumsy for her own good
opposites attract masterlist
a/n: another edit and repost of this y2k series. this was the second blurb i ever wrote for them and it was heavily inspired by that one scene in 10 things i hate about you, iykyk. enjoy babes 💕
word count: 1.2k
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It was an impulse decision.
So of course he would be surprised.
If you were being honest, you were a little scared to see Eddie’s reaction. Which was why you asked Nancy to tag along with you to the hair salon. Knowing she would give you her honest opinion either way.
It took over two hours to get your locks to the bleach blonde perfection you desired. Keeping your eyes off of the mirror during the entire process due to your nerves. So when the stylist finally spun your chair around, you were genuinely shocked as you fell in love upon meeting your reflection.
You had never done much with your hair over the years, besides the occasional haircut. But you were itching to try out something new. Finding yourself inspired by your latest obsession, Legally Blonde.
You had dragged Eddie to see it with you in theaters more times than you cared to admit— but he never once complained.
He had actually enjoyed it, even making a comment or two about how he thought Reese Witherspoon was pretty. Which got the wheels in your head turning, leading you into a salon chair with bleach covering your head.
“It looks amazing, hun,” Nancy gushed as you left the salon, arms linked together as you ventured deeper into the Starcourt Mall.
There was a new air of confidence about you as you walked, sipping on Orange Julius’ smoothies. You all but dragged her into Wet Seal to help you find the perfect outfit for later. Steve was hosting yet another rager, which had become a recurring weekend event amongst your friend group.
After many trips to the fitting room (and an impromptu fashion show), you eventually walked out of the mall with a mini black dress and matching pair of platform sandals.
You decided to keep this new look under wraps for the rest of the day, waiting until Steve’s party to reveal it to everyone.
As you walked into the male’s home you kept your head high, pushing through the crowd of tipsy college kids to find your friends. Eddie was going to meet you here after band practice had wrapped up. But you couldn’t help but feel your nerves stirring in your stomach.
What if he hated it?
Logically you knew it didn’t matter, it was your hair after all. But you still wanted him to like it nonetheless.
You spotted Robin and Steve in the living room, bounding over to them with a smile. They were clearly in the middle of a squabble of some sort, but Robin’s face lights up once she sees you.
It was quite obvious she was already wasted, her cheeks thoroughly flushed as she stumbled towards you. Steve’s eyes widen in surprise, attempting to reign her back in but she easily shrugs him off.
“Oh my god, Nance told me it looked good. But it’s way better than I could’ve imagined!” She squealed, pulling you into a hug as you just laughed.
She leans closer to your ear, hanging onto your arm for support, “Dude… Eddie is gonna lose it. It’s giving Pam Anderson and Elle Woods— you look hot.”
You felt your cheeks warm from her words, as Steve is finally able to tug her off of you with an annoyed expression. You hadn’t even thought about that, taking a glance down at your attire. It was very reminiscent of an outfit you’d seen Ms. Anderson sporting on the cover of one of those trashy tabloid magazines recently.
Robin was right, per usual but it only makes you more anxious for your boyfriend to arrive.
You make your way over to the kitchen to pour yourself a drink, nearly chugging it in an attempt to make your nerves disappear. But one drink quickly turns into four and having not eaten much before you arrived— you became very drunk, very fast.
So drunk that you didn’t even notice when Eddie finally did arrive, after a very concerned phone call from Steve.
The brunette was already having to babysit Robin, but now he was struggling to keep you both in check. Chasing the two of you around his house, your chorus of giggles barely being heard above the bubbly pop music. Eddie arrives soon after that phone call, searching frantically through the crowd of people to find you.
However it didn’t take him very long to do so.
A crowd had begun to form in Steve’s dining room, as you pulled Robin up onto his table with you. Both of you dancing drunkenly on the top of it, letting the heavy bass pump through you. The both of you ignore the whistles and shouts from the crowd, raising your hands above your head.
Eddie had finally pushed his way to the front of the crowd, watching in amusement as you got a little too into the gyration of your hips. Not a care in the world as you tossed your head back. Seemingly forgetting about the large chandelier that hung behind you. That amusement turns to slight horror as the back of your head smacks right against the light fixture.
A combination of the impact and the alcohol has you feeling lightheaded, your knees start to wobble. Robin gasps in shock, attempting to grab on to your wrist but fails miserably as you lose your balance. Letting you fall back into the crowd and right into a pair of strong arms.
Your vision is blurred and your head starts to spin as the person quickly carries you out of the room, cradling you against their chest. In your inebriated and dizzy state you don’t realize it’s the metalhead you’ve been waiting to see all night.
You squirm in his arms, attempting to get him to put you down, “Excuse me— I have a boyfriend.” You huff, pushing against their denim clad shoulder, “Put me down!”
The pout adorning your lips causes him to chuckle, immediately recognizing the sound. You blink your lashes rapidly as your boyfriend’s face finally comes into focus. That pout is quickly replaced with a toothy grin, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning up to kiss him.
Eddie kisses you back gently, kicking the door shut behind him. He sits you both down on the bed, now in the comfort of Steve’s guest room. You snuggle up into his chest immediately, playing with his dark curls.
“Glad you’ve finally come back down to earth, love,” he hums, "Is your head feeling okay?”
You sigh happily, nodding as Eddie begins to feel the back of your head. Carefully inspecting it to make sure you haven’t done any significant damage. You wince as he finds a tender spot, the male pressing a light kiss to it.
“So you dye your hair and go completely off the rails,” he sighs, shaking his head. “I’m just glad I got here when I did.”
His concerned tone makes you giggle nonetheless, leaning up to press a sloppy kiss against his jaw. The room had finally stopped spinning, and you felt ready to get back to the party.
“You know what they say, Eds, blondes have more fun.”
Eddie just rolls his eyes at you fondly, ruffling your freshly dyed locks.
“Uh huh, sure they do, sweetheart.”
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gazkamurocho · 3 months
Omg the IchiZhao in your style from the last ask!!! Needed that for my soul thank you, I've been thinking about them a lot since I've been playing LAD.
Heehehe thank you so much Soup, I'm happy that you like them! ❤❤ Glad to see we have another Ichizhao shipper emerging among us 👀 Their Drink Links are what got me interested in them~ But there was this part where I was in a boss battle (can't remember which one) where Zhao got KO'd, and then I made Ichiban use his "Hero's Vigor" (it revives a fallen ally). Ichiban goes something like "No! You can't give up, Zhao!", Zhao revives, and then HE LETS OUT THE MOST PURRING AND ADORABLE "Arigatou~❤" I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE. This may seem really random but it was then and there that my heart have become a Ichizhao shipper jhgdjskfsjk I just love them so much ;;❤❤❤
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