#they grow downy baby feathers again!
bimobuddy · 7 months
I'm back :]
SFW Hazbin tk fic
Lee!Lucifer, lers: basically everyone else
CW: God is a character in this, however I'll try not to refer to him by name, in case that makes anyone uncomfortable. Also Swearing.
The God I have in mind is similar to (but not exactly) that fan-design with the four floating eyes, look it up, it's great. I am making my own design of him though that I might post if y'all want me to. He's a total dad in this btw, I wanted something fluffy and comforting.
Summary: it's just various moments throughout Lucifer's life when he's had his wings tickled
"Lucifer, darling- Hold still! .. Shi- Darn."
He sighed, watching his youngest son half-fly-half-scramble away. Sure he was -The- Father, but he was still -A- father. And right now he was trying to catch one of his most difficult children to preen his wings. Luckily, Lucifer couldn't get very far with his wings still being small and mostly soft downy feathers. And being a very predictable child, his father knew exactly where he was going.
The deity left the palace and headed out toward the garden. It was still a work in progress, not quite ready for earth yet, so while he worked on it, he kept it in Heaven for his children to play in. Lucifer loved it, especially for a certain animal he had recently been allowed to create.
And sure enough, the youngest angel was by the pond, laying on his tummy, gleefully watching the ducks. His father shook his head in amusement. "Lucifer-" He started, but before he could finish, the child squeaked and jumped up, trying to run again. However his father was quicker, easily approaching him in just two steps and scooping him up.
"I believe we were in the middle of something, son?" He said, shifting his hold on Lucifer to carry him in one arm. The young angel pouted. "No thank you." He said, earning a laugh from his father. "I know it tickles, but it needs to be done. You're growing out of your baby-feathers, and soon you'll have big-kid feathers growing in, and you want them growing in neatly right?"
Lucifer frowned, as if really thinking about it. Finally he nodded. "Yes." His father nodded in return, "Good. Let's get started then." He took a moment to sit down in the grass, knowing his son would just run off again when they were done.
As he started to gently run his fingers through his son's wings, he winced a little when a shrill squeal rang out. How can something so small and sweet make such an aggressively loud noise? He couldn't help but chuckle as Lucifer frantically flapped all six of his little wings, trying to get away, giggling his heart out.
Soon enough, they were done. The second the deity pulled his hands up and released his son, Lucifer was off, running back to the pond, where a couple of his brothers were. The father thought it was sweet until Lucifer tackled one of them for getting to close to 'his' ducks.
He sighed and went to separate them. "Kids will be kids, I suppose."
- - -
Lucifer flew through the clouds as if his life depended on it. "Come back here, Luci-Loo!" Came the voice of his older brother, Michael.
The teenager took a sudden, sharp dive toward the lake, hoping to lose his brothers. Yet again, it was preening season. Their father had since given up on Lucifer the moment he really learned how to fly, and left that job to his older brothers, who were better at keeping up with him.
As he approached the ground, he angled his wings to pull up at the last second. By the sound of a loud splash, followed by the voice of Uriel yelling after him, he knew his trick had worked, even if just on one brother. He glanced behind him to see both Michael and Gabriel still hot on his trail.
What he was not expecting, however, was to almost crash into his eldest brother, Raphael. He flapped his right wings to turn, but due to his speed, he just narrowly avoided his brother and crashed into the ground.
Raphael sighed, "Seriously, Lucifer? You're 116 and still running from preening? Honestly, you're acting like a fledgling, just sit still for it."
Lucifer was about to argue, only to be very violently tackled at high speed by his immediate older brother, Gabriel, so hard it left a dent in the grass from where they skidded. Michael landed next to them. "Nice going, Gabe, now his wings are even dirtier." He said, though his face clearly showed amusement.
The two youngest brothers wrestled on the ground for a bit, Lucifer desperately trying to get away while grinning in anticipation, and Gabriel trying to pin him face-down so his wings were accessible.
Raphael crossed his arms, though a slight hint of amusement played on his own face. "Lucifer, is it really that bad?" "YES! MICHAEL'S MEAN ABOUT IT!" The eldest turned to Michael, grinning a little. "Are you mean about it?" "Maybe just a little. I learned from Azrael after all." He said, elbowing Raphael before sitting on the back of Lucifer's legs.
Gabriel had Lucifer face-down, sitting in front of him while he held his arms down, knowing the youngest was a fighter. Producing a comb, Michael got started, using his left hand to hold a single wing down while his right ran the comb through Lucifer's feathers.
Immediately, his other five wings started to flap rapidly, a couple even hitting Michael square in the face by accident. The poor angel was squeaking in a poor effort to not laugh.
Raphael rolled his eyes and decided to help. He sat down and pushed all sets of wings down, holding them in place. "Alright, Michael, hurry up, you know the longer this goes on, the harder he's going to come after us, when this is over."
Knowing this was true, Michael got started, running the comb through his feathers once again. Lucifer snorted and practically exploded with loud, bubbly laughter. "NAHAHAHA! NOHOHO! FFF-" "Don't curse," Raphael warned. "I WAHASN'T GOHOING TO!"
"Liar." Gabriel grinned, holding his wrists down with one hand, using the other to gently scritch at his ribs, causing Lucifer to screech and bury his face into the ground. Raphael gave his brother a look. "Don't overwhelm him, Gabriel, his wings are bad enough already. You know he's had trouble breathing in the past with you two taking it too far."
Gabriel stopped, looking back at Michael. "I would have stayed in my room if I knew Raph was going to take us on a guilt-trip." He grumbled, earning a laugh from Michael.
Once they had gotten his wings fully preened and combed out, all three sat back and let him up. Lucifer lay there panting, still giggling occasionally. Raphael reached out to pat him on the head, as he usually did with his brothers after a preening, only to be stopped when Lucifer suddenly sat up.
"You all have five minutes to run and hide."
Alarmed, all three took off.
- - -
Lucifer lay there, in the arms of his wife, solemnly looking up at the pentagram sky that separated him from all he had ever known. Lilith could only imagine how hard it was for him to be cast out and separated from his family and childhood home. She hadn't had a family or a childhood to miss. But as far as she was concerned, Lucifer was her family now, and she hated seeing him in so much emotional pain.
She ran a comforting hand down his back, between his wings, only to be startled as he sharply inhaled and flinched. She pulled her hand away quickly, "I'm sorry, are you hurt?" She asked, easily lifting him under the arms to look at him (which really flustered the short angel.)
"No, no, darling, I'm not hurt, it just.. it tickled." He said. As Lilith set him back down in her lap, he blushed and looked down. "You can...." He looked back up at her, "You can keep going... If you want to, that is.. My brothers used to do it.. I guess it's comforting in a way."
Lilith smiled softly, running her hand through his hair, loving the way he leaned into it. "Alright, my love." She whispered, gentle hands returning to his wings. Lucifer laid back down in her lap, arms around her waist, as his wings twitched and lightly fluttered, giggles flowing from him like music.
Maybe eternity like this wouldn't be so bad after all.
- - -
That morning in the Hotel had been complete chaos. It started with Charlie chasing Vaggie around, having discovered her wings were ticklish. The girls continued to play for nearly an hour before Charlie finally got her girlfriend tapping out.
The princess easily scooped up her angel and kissed her cheek, while said angel was practically pouting. "It's not fair, I'm a soldier, I'm not supposed to have such a weakness. Imagine if someone outside the hotel found out-" Vaggie didn't get very far before Charlie set her down. "Oh come on, it's okay that you have tickwy wittle wings~" She teased, causing her girlfriend to blush.
"Besides, the Devil himself is way worse, watch." She grinned, looking over at a very startled Lucifer who had apparently overheard everything. As Charlie ran at him, he spread his wings and flew upward to jump over her. The more his daughter chased after him, the more he turned it into a game, because of course he would.
Everytime Charlie got close, Lucifer would laugh and leap out of the way, even jumping off the walls to keep out of reach. "You're gonna have to try harder than thAAT!?" He yelped, feeling something wrap around his ankle and yank him to the floor. When he got a good look at it, he saw it was one of Alastor's shadows.
"Oh come on, you fucking-" "Oh, I do apologize, your highness, but I can't have you getting your disgusting shoe prints on my walls." Alastor grinned, clearly enjoying the scene before him.
Lucifer was about to snap back, but was cut off by Charlie sitting on top of him, immediately burying her fingers into his wings, causing the devil to shriek, a couple of his wings beating the floor. He had forgotten how ruthless his daughter was.
"See, Vaggie, even the king of Hell has ticklish wings, it's completely fine that you do too." Charlie said casually, as if she weren't absolutely wrecking said king.
Lucifer's laughter shot up an octive as he felt those damned shadow tendrils burying themselves under his feathers under all six wings. He started kicking his feet against the floor and trying to push Charlie's evil hands away.
"FAHAHAHAHACK! FUHUCK OFF, BAMB- NOHOHOHO WAITWAITWAHAIT!" Lucifer squealed like a child as he felt another shadow emerge underneath him, swiping at his spine. right between his shoulder blades. All six wings furiously beat at the floor in an attempt to get those tendrils away from him, but it didn't work.
Charlie grinned, gently scritching right into the 'wing pits' of his middle set of wings, having been told by her mother that it kills him. And sure enough, the king practically screamed. His legs stopped kicking and his wings stopped beating as he could only lay there and take it, laughing loudly.
It wasn't until his face got red that she stopped. And it wasn't until Charlie stopped that Alastor did as well. He personally would have kept going, but he figured Charlie would have his head if he pushed her father any further.
Lucifer panted heavily, unable to stop himself from giggling, a little loopy from it all. He looked up at Charlie. "G-Grohounded." Charlie grinned, "You can't ground me, I'm an adult." Lucifer shook his head, "Nuh-uh."
She got off of him and helped him up. Alastor came over and 'innocently' placed a hand on Lucifer's back as a 'friendly gesture,' resulting in the angel snapping his wings shut and de-summoning them.
And being one for revenge, Lucifer lunged at the radio demon, starting the cat-and-mouse game all over again.
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hazbinshusk · 1 month
Hello, I know this may be very, very strange but I hope you don't judge me, I would like you to do a NSFW or +18 headcanon about Husk getting a blowjob from Y/N
not strange at all! I've written a couple of fics about blowing husk. you can read them here and here. there will definitely be more in the future, too. I've combined this one with a kiss prompt because they worked so well together. anyway, enjoy!
prompt #31: a kiss to the inner thigh.
Husk chuckles as you push gently at his chest, urging him to lay back on the bed. You smile down at him almost indulgently, leaning down to catch his mouth with yours. The bartender groans quietly into the embrace, his fingers coming up to fumble with the buttons of your shirt for a moment before you pull away with a wider grin.
He almost whines as you straighten, even as his eyes burn with curiosity when you press his wrists back against the mattress beside his head.
He bites his lip, smirking. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Shut up,” you laugh, trying to maintain a serious, lust-filled expression.
The sound Husk makes as you press kisses down over his stomach is something between a groan and a purr, and his claws slide through your hair as you map out a path from his navel to his thighs. You unfasten his suspenders as you settle on your knees between his legs, continuing to kiss your way down over the sensitive, downy fur that covers his pelvic bone as he lifts his hips so you can tug his pants down his thighs.
“Oh, sweetness…” he murmurs, voice all whiskey and warmth, his claws almost careful as they brush your hair away from your forehead. His head falls back against the blankets as you palm his erection, curling your fingers around the length of him. “Oh, fuck…”
You smirk as you continue to press kisses over his hips, squeezing his cock briefly as you tease your lips over his thighs. Husk moans quietly as you slide your fingers up and down his cock at a glacial pace, squeezing the base of him on each downstroke. He exhales heavily as you swipe your thumb over the head of it and nip playfully at his inner thigh.
“Be kind to me, baby,” he mutters, chuckling breathlessly. “Be kind…”
You kiss the same spot softly, feel his flesh jump under your lips. “When am I anything but kind, minou?”
The next moan Husk gives is much louder, the sound of it drawn out as you sink your mouth down around his erection. His claws curl in the sheets by his sides, the feathers of his tail tickling against your calf. You suck, curling your tongue around the underside of his cock and hollowing your cheeks as you pull back again, lingering around the head before releasing him with a quiet ‘pop’.
“I’m waiting for an answer, baby.”
“Mmm… I’m thinkin’,” he manages, and you giggle as you take him into your mouth again. Husk pushes his hips up into your touch, his thighs twitching with the effort to stay still for you. You blow him slowly, enjoying the way he reacts to each touch you give him.
The way he hisses when you let your tongue linger at the barbs at the base of his cock.
The way his breath catches when you take him in far enough that you gag and he can feel your throat flex around him.
The way Husk moans, low and rough in the back of his throat when you scratch your nails through the fur covering his inner thigh as you suckle at the head of his cock.
The way he murmurs your name, a breathless prayer, when you alternate between a sucking pressure and kittenish licks along the length of him.
The way his thighs tense and the muscles in them quiver as he fights the urge to thrust up into your mouth.
Husk groans as he grows closer to release, claws scratching over your scalp. You moan around him and he whimpers at the feeling of it, finally giving into the urge and fucking himself up into your mouth. You smile around him, drool dripping down the length of him as he fucks your face as a steady pace.
When you tease your fingertips over the base of his cock, carefully flicking along the barbs where they’re most sensitive, he cums down your throat, groaning your name in a long, drawn-out breath.
You suckle gently at his cock until he’s spent, until his hips jerk under the sensation, pulling back with a smile. You press a kiss to his hipbone, resting your elbows on either side of his hips, your chin in your hands as you watch him catch his breath.
“You’re pretty satisfied with yourself right now, aren’t you?”
Your smile widens. “I am content, yes.”
Husk laughs quietly, grunting quietly as he pushes himself up onto his elbow. You move to meet him, and he wraps around a paw around the back of your neck as he pulls you into a kiss.
“Your turn?”
You grin. “My turn.”
send me a prompt and either husk or blitzø
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shuckinbeanz · 1 year
My Incubus!Boyfriend: Hawks
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warnings/notes: NSFW, quirkless(basically quirks are demon powers)?fantasy+modern!au, fluff and smut, Hawks is literally an aphrodisiac, reader has a clit and a womb, enthusiastically consensual, Incubus!Hawks, Incubus!Hawks goes into a rut(lol Shark Week), ya'll been dating for awhile now, breeding, light suggestion of multiple bbs in one pregnancy at the end, knotting, bonding, mating for life, wingplay, feral hawks, cumflation, reader dips into somft subspace Hawks is so sweet to reader 🥺, overstimulation, its Incubi = Loyal Love Demons who thrive on love, mutual pining, the hot sex that follows, and the relationship that grows bc consent is a huge thing in dis hous. As an Incubus, he produces so much cum and he stays hard so he can go for days it's no easy feat to milk him dry 😩 he's made for loving the reader and he's got so much love to give 🥺
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
Tags: @dynamightsdaydream, @zephyrr-x
The sound he lets loose as his fat cock gushes even more baby batter into your womb has you creaming even more rings around his thick, heavy knot; a mix between a debauched low moan and a deep guttural growl devilish in nature vibrates through your completely fucked out, cum-frenzied being, directly from the Incubus holding your overwhelmed squirming form into a mating press.
You're far too gone at this point, stomach distended from all the cum his balls kept producing in copious amounts. His vermillion wings were on full display as he whined and kept rutting into you, powerful hips desperately chasing relief for his instincts, pleading for more as you barely hung onto your last threads of consciousness, pawing weakly at his soft downy feathers.
Begging you to stay sane for him, to let him plant his brood in you, perfectly up your hot tubes and fertilizing all the eggs he can. 
Feathers incessantly stroked your clit and played with your perked pretty nipples as he babbled on and on. 
"You're s'gorgeous, pretty baby, s'perfect, fuck, I can't- -I can't stop, hen, take it, take it, yeah, take it all, fuck!" he howls, filling you up even more, sloppily grinding against you, more of his telekinetic feathers plucked from his beautiful wings in his ecstasy, hovering protectively above yours and his nest. The aphrodisiac your Incubus lover produced has long since soaked through your gummy insides, into your body, saturating through even your bones.
Your womb might as well be a second clit at this point, his thick, hot, slimy seed expanding your inner walls, his knot locking in every last drop. 
Again, you squirt on him, your mind nearly broken from all the pleasure despite your best efforts to give the man you loved what he desperately needed. 
Lovemaking-breeding like the last two lovers in the world, down to its most emotional, purest form.
You were a real trooper, too; having endured the brunt of a feral Incubi's instinct thus far, and you'll be damned if all that sex you had with him for months before this didn't raise your endurance enough for him to bond you, as planned.
Your legs were numb at this point, and your arms have long since felt like jelly, weakly swirling his sensitive feathers between your fingertips, making him croon.
You can only stutter out your love for him, your sweet mews grounding him, sharp molten golden pupils dilating as he finally lets up.
He's panting harshly, kissing all over your face and neck, the slow grinding of his hips barely restrained, the bulbous tip of his cock mixing up your guts. His cum burned your insides in the most pleasurable of ways, making you cream around his cock for the nth time, your whole body shuddering wantonly. 
"Yes." he hisses as your hole milks him, "Fuckin' jus' like that, pidge, birdie, baby, m'broody hen." comes his voice, husky from sex, sweetly encouraging you as you melt into a subspace, tears gathering around your eyes as he kisses them away.
You loved him, so, so much.
"Went overboard, hah?" he pants, kissing your eyes, his brows furrowed. You choke on a weak sob. Mate. 
" 'm sorry, pretty baby, stupid bird-brain, says keep cummin'." he whines with each grind of his hips. Mate, you hiccup tearfully.
A birdlike chatter reverberates from his broad chest. "Wassat, hen? 'm'may be a good listener, but y'gotta speak a li'l bit louder, baby." he inquires in a worried slur, hips still grinding against your welcoming heat, lending his ear to your pretty lips.
At least his feathers mercifully ceased attack on your overstimulated body.
"Mate." you finally manage to squeak out pitifully, clinging onto him with what little strength you can muster, tears streaming from your eyes, non-stop.
"Ah, fuck." you hear his grimace, "Didn't mean to, baby. Didn't mean to." he starts apologetically. "I know I promised, pidge, fuck me. You jus' feel s'good." you know he mentally kicked himself, from his pitiful whines. 
"Jus' one more, pretty baby, jus' one more?" he pleads, his large calloused hands cupping your cheeks, thumbs wiping away your fat tears. "Can y'take it, hen? If y'can't, s'okay, I'll- -" you shake your head as vehemently as you can, his pupils blowing wider than before at your reaction, his hips briefly stilling. 
"...y'sure?" he asks gingerly, and you nod as best you can.
Quivering wings fold and lower, protectively encircling your form, as his hips resume rocking against you. The feathers hovering above shudder in tandem with his desperate grinds, rut-drunk babbles escaping him.
You could feel his heavy, needy cock jolting inside you as his knot seemed to grow even more excited. His balls were incredibly hot and swollen, pressed up against your ass, more of his seed locked, loaded, and leaking you swore, his name passing your lips in a squeal as his weight sends you over the edge yet again.
"Yes, baby, milk me, milk me." he begs, his molten hues nearly rolling back into his head, despite his best efforts to see you broken down beneath him. "Mate." he releases a breathy growl, propping himself upwards on the headboard, his brows furrowed as his hips sloppily chase one more release. 
"Make you mine, mine, mine." a devilish growl escapes him, and when you reach for and tug a particularly sensitive feather, you have him howling again, "Mine!!" for one last time, as he pumps you full with his final load.
His cock throbs enthusiastically with each gush of cum, your gooey insides stretching to accommodate every last drop as you cream around his knot, his breathy growls evening down to blissful shudders while tears start gathering around his eyes, all the overstimulation finally catching up to him. His feathers form a protective layer on your bulging tummy, littered about the rest of your form as he blinks the wetness away to take in the fruits of his frenzy.
Out of breath, completely limp, your features tear-streaked, utterly fucked out, your heavy eyelids threatening to tear away what consciousness you had left.
You love him so, so much. He can see it. He can feel it. You know this, the last thing you see being him licking his lips, and the last thing you hear before blacking out;
"Delicious, hen. Sleep now, pretty baby."
The next time you wake up, his feathers had bonded to you, resembling tattoos; very mobile proof of your love for each other which only other love fiends and their bonded sweethearts could see. They lingered around your tummy, protective of the life you conceived with him.
He'd plucked his own wings for you, the now much smaller appendages flapping happily as he embraces you, temporarily rendered unable to give flight.
"They'll grow back, broody hen." he promised you when you asked him, your worries about him being completely unfounded.
Though, maybe, you should worry about his high fecundity.
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mainsprop · 2 years
Puffin penguin
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They are excellent swimmers that use their wings to stroke underwater with a flying motion. These birds live most of their lives at sea, resting on the waves when not swimming. Puffins for more about these amazing birds! Watch a YouTube playlist all about penguins.Atlantic puffins have penguin-like coloring but they sport a colorful beak that has led some to dub them the “sea parrot.” The beak fades to a drab gray during the winter and blooms with color again in the spring-suggesting that it may be attractive to potential mates. Their modified wings help propel them through water instead of air. They're powerful and graceful in the water, with torpedo-shaped bodies that pierce through the water. Like other penguin species, Adélies are excellent swimmers. They plunge into the sea, and start hunting for food on their own. By March, when Adélie chicks are about nine weeks old, their downy baby feathers have been replaced by waterproof adult feathers. These groups of young Adélies are called crèches. At that point, both parents may leave to forage for food while the chicks gather in the safety of a large group of other young penguins. Parents take turns caring for their youngsters after they hatch until the chicks are about three weeks old. They feast mainly on krill, tiny shrimplike animals, but also eat fish and squid. While one stays behind keeping the eggs warm and safe from predators, the other parent heads out to sea to eat. In the Antarctic winter, the Adélie penguins live at sea. The female usually lays two eggs in the nest. Adélie penguins build nests by scooping out areas in the ground. In September and October-springtime in that part of the world-thousands of Adélies gather on the rocky Antarctic shoreline. Puffins for more about these amazing birds!Īdélie penguins breed and raise their young on the continent of Antarctica. By the time the puffling leaves its burrow, each parent will have dove 12,420 times. The puffling swallows the fish head first and whole. In one day a parent may dive 276 times, bringing back 10 fish each time. A puffling eats so much food that both the mother and father have to supply it with fish. They won’t return until it is their turn to lay eggs. Born on North Atlantic islands, pufflings leave their burrows after 45 days. As it gets older, it will grow sturdy and smooth feathers to help it swim and fly. When it first hatches, it looks like a furry ball of feathers. A baby puffin is known as a chick or puffling. They line the burrow with feathers and grass before laying the egg that will incubate for 42 days. Using their beaks and claws, puffins build their burrows between two boulders or in a rocky crevice. The pair often uses the same burrow they used the year before. They show affection by rubbing and tapping beaks. At the ages of 4-6, pairs of puffins often become mates for life, finding each other at their breeding colony year after year. They stay in colonies to limit their chances of being eaten by the herring gulls that fly overhead. In the spring and summer, thousands of puffins gather in colonies on the coasts and islands of the North Atlantic Ocean. As a puffin matures, its beak and feet change from a dull gray color to bright orange. They flap their wings up to 400 times a minute, speeding along in the air at 55 miles an hour-as fast as a car on a highway (How many times can you flap your arms in one minute?) . Well adapted for their home in the water, puffins are also speedy in the air. They generally stay underwater for 30 seconds or less, but are able to dive 200 feet deep and stay down for up to a minute. Puffins eat small fish-such as sand eels and herring-which they hunt underwater. As they swim, they use their webbed feet to steer, much as a boat uses a rudder. They fly through the air like most birds, but they also "fly" through the water, using their wings as paddles. Atlantic puffins are birds that live at sea most of their lives.
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babblable · 3 years
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Fuzzy Baby is BACK!
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gaysimpsstuff · 3 years
Accidental Turn-Ons; Hawks x Dom! Reader
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Genre: angst to fluff to smut
Type: Oneshot
Summary: Hawks returns home from a mission, clearly exhausted, and you take the time to give him a little massage! However, it doesn’t quite have the effects you expected.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: minor dub-con (Y/n doesn't know that what they're doing is sexual for Hawks), stress, minor injuries, Keigo's adorable bird tendencies, sexual innuendo, dom y/n, wing play, feather play, nicknames, edging, dacryphilia, handjobs, aftercare
Other: Yo this might actually be my best smut yet
Inspiration: This was actually inspired by my own piece of work, MHA Characters + Their Biggest Kinks where I spoke about Hawks’ wing and back kink and how it relates to his avian traits.
Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy @catcherisvibin @thesubtlewhore @popcatx0
You paced the living room, glancing between the TV and the door. The news station had cut away from the fight five minutes ago, which meant your boyfriend was either in the hospital getting treated for any injuries he might have sustained, dealing with fans, dealing with paperwork, or on his way home.
Your phone buzzed and you raced to grab it off the couch, fearing an incoming call from the hospital, or a news alert about the well-being of the man you loved.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you realized it was just an email from work, not even marked important. You tossed your phone back onto the couch with a groan.
Wasted build-up. Your mind grumbled
Your eyes flicked back to the TV, watching as the reporter rambled on about yet another stupid thing America had going on as you waited for something, anything to happen. Right when you were getting ready to pick your phone back up from the couch cushions when you heard a light tap tap tappity tap against the thick glass of the sliding glass door that led to your balcony.
You dashed across the living room, accidentally knocking a chair over as you raced to reach the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. You'd recognize his special knock any day, even if he changed it all the time whenever he forgot it. You always had patience with him, you knew he had too many things on his mind with Hero Work to always remember a random knock.
You grabbed the handle, yanking the door open with a wide grin, finally laying eyes on your bird boy. He had a hand stuffed in his pocket, the other rubbing at the back of his neck.
"Hey, Y/n. So sorry I'm late, been flying all day so naturally I'm a little sore. No excuse for missing movie night but-"
"I'm just so glad you're here!" You exclaimed, taking his cheeks in your hands and rubbing at his cheekbones. "I'm so sorry you're hurting, come inside I'll get a heating pack, or a cooling pack, maybe some lotion and I could give you a massage." You babbled, tugging him inside.
"A massage and some cuddles sound great," he sighed, eyes tired. You never liked the fact that Keigo was a hero. He worked too hard, too much, and for so long. He was still young, he should be appreciating life and spending time on himself and with his lover and not with the commission. "Oh I uh, I found this for you."
He took one of your hands off his face, taking his other hand out of his pocket and pressing something cold and smooth into your palm. You opened your fingers, a soft smile growing on your face at the sight of a smooth pretty white rock with grey and black speckles.
"Oh, Kei, this is beautiful. I love it~" you pressed a kiss to Keigo's cheek, loving the way he trilled. He was always so excited to pick up random items he found pretty or interesting, and he'd always give them right to you. It was truly adorable, you loved his gifts. His wings fluttered in happiness for a moment before he winced slightly in pain, happiness vanished in a reminder of his stress from the day.
"Ouch, okay, sitting down time," he muttered, stumbling past you to flop down on the couch. You grabbed the lotion from the kitchen counter (you kept it there for whenever he came home with sore muscles). You set the stone down on the coffee table, tapping it twice in a small show of affection before sitting next to Keigo.
"Shirt off Birdie," you said, squirting some lotion into your palm before rubbing them together.
"Hey, at least buy me a drink first," he chuckled, tugging his jacket off and peeling off his tight hero shirt. You sighed, deciding not to comment on his tacky flirting, knowing you'd been dating for almost a year now.
He turned his back to you, crossing his legs. He folded his wings, lowering them to give you access to his shoulders and shoulder blades. You pressed your fingers against one of his shoulders, finding a large knot almost immediately. You heard him hiss, and your frown increased.
"I know it hurts but it will hurt a lot less when I'm finished," you told him, pressing a gentle kiss to the nape of his neck. The hair there rose against your skin, a shiver shooting down his spine. You blinked, confused at his reaction. Maybe it was uncomfortable for him. You resolved not to kiss there again.
You continued to rub against his tightened muscles, listening to his soft hisses and groans. You pulled away after about six minutes, picking up the lotion bottle and squirted some more into your palms.
"Hey, when you finish with mm~ when you finish with that shoulder could you do around my wing joints? Down my spine, y'know?"
"Are there muscles there?" you asked, most people didn't have muscles down their spines, usually it was just the ridges of said bones.
"Yeah, I do," he explained quickly. You nodded pressing into his knot, slowly working down when it eased up. You moved your fingers downwards, feeling his shoulder blades and spine before reaching his wings joints. He shuddered, similar to when you kissed his neck, but a little larger. You hummed, pressing your fingers down and finding another knot, right where his skin turned to bright red feathers.
"Oh, yeah, yeah right there that's perfect." You glanced back up at him, confused, he didn't usually speak when you massaged him, he'd also never asked for a massage so close to his wings, he was usually very cautious about having his wings touched. Maybe he'd just gotten tired of dealing with wing pains by himself, it was probably a lot different from other knots.
"I'm so sorry you have to deal with this," you cooed. "You really deserve a break, it's not healthy to work this hard all the time."
"I know, Little Feather, but it's nng- n-not my fault. The citizens need me." he panted. You sighed, moving your other hand to work out both wings' knots at the same time.
Keigo's head flopped forward, and his hand flew up to slap over his mouth, holding back a soft whine. You lifted an eyebrow in suspicion, there were only a few times when you heard him make noises like that.
Slowly, you pressed your fingers down closer to the underside, right over a few of his downy feathers.
"Oh fuck~" he hissed.
"Okay, that's it." you lifted your hands away from them, holding them in the air. "What the hell's going on with you?" His head whipped around so fast you were surprised it was still attached to his neck. His golden eyes widened, pupils blowing out, nearly completely covering the honey iris.
"W-what?" he exclaimed, feathers puffing up.
"I'm sorry if I seem mad, I'm not, I'm just- very confused. You're literally moaning. I am giving you a massage and you're moaning. Explain."
His cheeks dusted over in pink, and his eyes fell down to his lap.
"Okay uh- fuck I- this was not how I planned on telling you, erm- I promise I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"
"Keigo, it's alright, I'm not uncomfortable, just confused. Take a breath darling,"
"Okay, okay, okay." he took a deep breath. "My wings and back are... sensitive, like- in a sexual way. It's why I never let you touch them, I didn't want you to get uncomfortable with that."
"Oh Keigo, you should have just told me, it's perfectly alright, you know I love you, and I love your bird traits. I'm not uncomfortable with this." you smiled sweetly, pressing a hand to his cheek.
"You're- you're not?" he glanced back up at you, golden eyes filled with hope.
"Not in the slightest. To be honest, I don't see why anyone would be uncomfortable with it. It's just another erogenous zone, like someone's neck, ears, or nipples would be. And lots of people keep those bits on display."
"Thanks," he murmured, rubbing his nose against yours. "That does make me feel better, but uh- there's something else.." he trailed off, nervous.
"Your obvious boner? I was gonna leave you to take care of that yourself, but I'll gladly do it for you if you'd like."
"Oh uh-" his cheeks brightened as if attempting to match the tone of his wings. "I would very much like that," he admitted, offering you a slightly nervous smile.
"Anytime, Birdie~" you stood up, hands landing on either side of his waist as you pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "But I would very much like to experiment with those wings of yours, see what we can do with them. Just how far can we go?" You smirked at him, tongue darting out to moisturize your lips. Keigo let out a soft breath, shifting against the couch to make room for the tent in his pants.
"I- I have thought about using them before- my feathers can move fast, so they can act as a vibrator if I focus, but I could never use it on myself. I know I'd get distracted, then the feather would stop moving, then I'd have to start all over again. I'd basically just be edging myself all night. I know I'd just give up and jerk off."
"I can work with that~" you pressed your lips against his, surprising him. He whined into the kiss, hands flying up to fist your shirt.
Unfair. He thought, he already had his shirt off, and he knew he'd be naked in just a few minutes, but you hadn't taken anything off yet. Knowing you, you would stay clothed just to tease him. The most you would do was lift your shirt a little to show him your stomach before quickly covering it again. That was what you usually did when you dommed. At least for the foreplay.
You pressed the tip of your tongue against his lips, pushing past his defensive barrier of shiny white teeth, perfect for the press, and you licked along the top of his mouth. His whole body shuddered against yours, his hips jerking upwards.
You grabbed his thigh with one hand, squeezing. A warning, he knew, against bucking up again, against disobeying. He tasted your saliva, feeling it pool onto his tongue. His eyes finally drooped closed, enjoying the taste of leftover's from last night's dinner on your tongue.
He whined against the back of your mouth, feeling you move your other hand up towards his back. He already knew what you were going to do. Without pulling away from the kiss, you plucked a feather about the size of his hand from his wings, running a finger down the stem, brushing it against the little red bristles. Soft against your finger, yet forcing Keigo's restrained cock to grow even harder than he ever thought possible.
You slowly pulled back from the kiss, taking his lower lip hostage between your teeth, tugging it as far as it could go before finally releasing it. You felt Keigo's hot breaths fanning out across your face, and your grin only grew. You loved breaking him apart, the strong, well-put-together Hawks was an act only for the cameras, only you could ever know the real him, the horny, whiny, needy baby he truly was.
"Look at you, falling apart already? I've barely done shit to you."
"Fuck- that's just 'cause it's you~" he purred
"Flattery won't get you anywhere, doll." Your shit-eating smirk only grew, and Keigo could feel himself melting into the couch cushions. "C'mon, take 'em off, you're a big boy, I'm sure you can do it yourself."
He nodded, hands flying away from your shirt and grappling with his belt buckle faster than you could say 'Hawks.' He tossed his belt behind the couch, not caring if it hit anything, and quickly shimmied out of his pants and underwear, letting them pool around his ankles. His cock slapped against his stomach, six inches and throbbing.
Looks like his prediction was correct. He was naked. You were not. You didn't look like you were planning on undressing anytime soon, which left Keigo feeling slightly disappointed. However, any negative emotions vanished the second you ran his bright red feather down his nose, over his lips, then under his chin. He knew immediately you were trying to lift his face with the feather, despite the single feather not being strong enough by itself, not unless it was under his control. But he was not in control, you were, and fuck it if that wasn't the best part.
"Good boy~" you praised him, sliding a hand up his bare thigh, brushing it carelessly close to his dick. He bit his lip, eyes flicking between your hand and your eyes.
"Please, please touch me," he whispered, slightly embarrassed by the situation. It had been a long while since you'd last had sex, and an even longer while since you had been the dom. He'd all but forgotten how to properly beg. You could tell.
"Come on, doll, I know you can ask me nicely, or at least better than that." He groaned, hands gripping your hips and attempting to tug you into his lap, a plan formulating in his head that ended in an amazing thighjob. But his plans never worked, not at least with you involved. No, you were too stubborn, one of the many things he loved about you. But not really in this precise situation.
"Nah ah ah~ hands off the merchandise." Your hand squeezed his thigh again, twice this time. That was all he needed to let go. He found purchase in a nearby pillow, moving it behind him and tugging on the little dangly bits on the corners. He forgot what they were called but he was ninety-five percent sure it started with a 'D' or something.
"Fuck, please, I need it, you know I need it, I-I've been nothing but good all day, please touch me, please~" He whined, eyebrows furrowing. That plus his reddened cheeks made just the cutest face. You couldn't wait to make his eyes go crooked and for him to drool.
"That's it, good boy~" You ran the tip of the feather up his cock, circling the tip. He shivered in response, biting back a loud moan. "Come on, don't make me mad, vibrate yourself with your feather~" you cooed, teasing tone making his stomach churn in the best way possible.
He bit his lip, looking down at the feather slowly circling the tip of his dick. It had already nudged his foreskin downwards, leaving the red skin fully exposed. He took a deep breath, trying to block out your presence, and how hard he was, just focusing on the single red feather, twirling around in loops.
He felt it twitch against his skin, before finally starting to shake, then at last it was vibrating. He twitched it away from his dick, slightly nervous about how it might feel. You sighed, pressing it directly onto the little hole at the tip.
"Ghhh- oh fuckkkkk~" he moaned, pressing his head against the couch cushions. It felt better than he ever possibly could have imagined. Feeling the feather on his dick, his dick against his feather, it was double the pleasure. He whined loudly when the vibrations suddenly stopped. "Nooooo I want it, bring it back, please," he begged, looking up at you with wide eyes.
"Doll I didn't even do anything. You lost focus. You gotta try a little harder." you said, tapping the feather against him again. Pre-cum stuck to it, making red glisten with a little bit of white. He cursed at the sight (and feeling) of his own pre on his feather.
Soon enough, it started to buzz again. And you put it back on him. This time, you traced it up and down his base, running it over the tip again. One of his hands flew up to his mouth, knuckles pressing against his lips. His hips bucked up against the vibrating feather.
"Ooooohhhhhh fuckfuckfuckfuck so goooood~" he moaned loudly. Again, the buzzing stopped without warning. "Nooo fuck no! I need it please fuck!" He looked like he was on the verge of tears- no way it was really that good. You'd have to ask him to use his feathers on you sometime.
"I know baby, I know," you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly. His breath hitched, golden eyes filling with tears of pleasure. "But you gotta focus to get it done, okay?" he nodded, wiping his tears, but he only managed to spread the warm, salty liquid over his face, making him appear even more debauched.
How cute
You wrapped your hand around his dick when it started to vibrate again, the feather curled up between your palm and his dick. Slowly, you began to jerk him off, feeling the feather vibrate faster than you'd felt any toy vibrate, and his dick throbbing and pulsing against you left you feeling like you just might cum in your pants.
"FUCK!" he shouted, back arching off the couch. One of his legs flew upwards, toes curling around the air. He was shaking at this point, looking like he was just on the verge of cumming. "Oh, Godddd fuckkkmeeeee~" he wailed, tears overflowing and falling down his flushed cheeks.
"No god's gonna fuck you, darling, only I will because you belong to me. Isn't that right?" You pulled on his hair and his moans grew louder, the vibrations intensifying, which you thought was impossible at the rate it had been buzzing against your skin and his.
"Youuuuu fuck- I- I belong to youuuu~" he moaned, hiccuping a little.
"Fuck, you're so fucking cute like this, so adorable when you fall apart beneath me, gonna break soon?" He sniffed loudly, nodding. His moan broke out into a disappointed wail when the vibrations stopped again. He tried to get it to move but it just wasn't going to. You opened your palm, revealing the feather, the stem bent awkwardly. Hawks sighed, sadness filling his eyes.
"I was just 'bout to cum too..." he whimpered.
"Oh, you'll still cum. We don't need anything else between us anymore~" you tossed the feather aside before spitting into your palm, beginning to jerk him off again. It certainly didn't feel nearly as good as it did with the feather, but at this point, he was so close he just couldn't give two fucks about how good it felt, just that it would get him where he needs.
"Oh yes yes yes fuck yes more more- gonna cum gonna cum ooooh fuck baby you're gonna make me cum!" He cried out, bucking up into your hand, sobbing as pre ran down the sides of his dick and onto your fingers.
You pulled him to you by his hair, loving the loud moan he let out from the pain. You pressed your lips right up against his ear.
"Then fucking cum, my baby boy~" you purred seductively. Moments later, his whole body spasmed, legs shaking violently and wings flaring outwards. He wailed, screaming as he finally came into your hand, white ribbons landing on his legs, stomach, and even a little on the couch. Subconsciously, he knew he'd have to clean that up later, but he was not about to worry about that right now.
"Godamn! If that wasn't the hottest thing I've ever seen!" you exclaimed, truly in awe at just how good his orgasm looked. He had gone limp, flopped back against the couch, and panting. You pulled your hand away from his dick, licking away the bits of cum from your skin before sitting down next to him, tugging his body closer to you.
"Unf, that was the best damn orgasm of my life," he murmured, voice a little hoarse.
"Looked like it, you alright darling? Can I get you anything? Water, blankets, bath?" You worried a little, hoping you didn't completely brain-fuck him.
"Jus' some cuddles." his head flopped down on your shoulder, eyes fluttering shut as he yawned.
"Hey birdie, don't fall asleep on me," you chuckled. "We still gotta get you all cleaned up and put in bed."
"Not... a problem..." he whispered, breath tickling your skin as he nodded off.
"Heh, that's a problem," you smiled affectionately. He deserved his rest. You resolved to stay still for a little while, then clean him up as gently as you could before carrying him to bed. He wasn't that heavy, after all. "I love you, my darling Keigo~" you whispered, resting your head on top of his and closing your eyes.
Maybe the mess could be cleaned tomorrow, you were also very tired.
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
monster harpy silco 🥺😈😍🥵
you're right Sher, and this is gonna get a full fic for it later, but for now, we get fluff and very cute family dynamics
Harpy!Silco x f!Reader Tags: Domestic fluff, baby Jinx, Jinx is Reader's and Silco's baby, monster romance, just a cute family thing before we get into
"Silco, she's fine."
"You're sure?"
You offer a smile, "Yes. Look, she's barely woken up."
The few days old babe only gurgles, half-asleep still with her blue eyes barely open. Human hands grip the blanket you've covered her in, while her wings were laid out behind her. Fluffy and downy, baby blue feathers covering them.
Silco did not seem convinced, talons hovering close to the babe's place in your arms. Frowning, his mismatched gaze locked onto the sharp tips of his fingers. "Violet was more feathery, less skin. This one is going to get cold."
He is fretting. Large, black wings flutter, before curling behind you. Unusually dark for a harpy, they are supposed to be more colorful. Like Vi and Jinx's hair and feather colors.
Not that you mind, as you lean into the curl with the knowledge of it. "We will keep her warm."
He frets still, circling you until his chest is to your back. Arms hovering around your own and wings folding around both you and the babe. Impossibly tall, he glances down at you. "I will help."
You can't argue, not when he is very warm and nice to learn your back against. It doesn't take long for him to lead you to bed, though the blankets you note have been strewn about. Creating a nest.
"You were nesting again?"
He helps you into the nest, grabbing blankets to ensure both of you are warm. "There's not sticks in it this time."
"Thank Janna for that."
He frowns, not even slightly amused, especially seeing you are. The slightest hint of bare, sharp teeth. "So cruel to me, darling."
Your finger runs over the soft little forehead of your daughter. "I apologize." Then you actually gaze at the nest and nod approvingly. "It's very warm and soft."
His face brightens a little, shoulders slumping. "I'm glad." Silco leans forward, touching his forehead to your own. "You're alright?"
You nod, brushing your nose against his own. "Just tired."
"Rest." And he draws you down with him, daughter coming down to. "Sevika will bring Vi soon. She's excited to see her new sister."
"I miss her." You did, but it was for the best to have the both of you adjust to the new babe first before introducing Vi to her. The logic was sound of it, but it didn't ease the ache.
"I do too." His wings curl around you, and you adjust the babe between you. Harpies did not put their children in cradles or swaddle them, the babes were left to rest in nests with their parents, crawling about and bonding further with the parents. Their nests however were usually more widespread than the large bed of your home, wich is why you also have a bassinet. But for right now, you lay with your daughter and mate, and enjoy the soft feeling that swarms in your chest.
Silco takes the little after a few moments, a small noise emerging from the babe. Blue wings flutter, the soft feathers held in Silco's talons, as he holds her carefully. "We need a name for her."
You hum, knowing that was true. It had been a few days, ensuring that the little one would probably survive. "Nothing to do with blue."
"We both thought Violet's wings would grow purple, the pink was a surprise."
"No blue."
There's a sigh, and you watch him adjust. The babe against his chest between the two of you. "Powder?"
The baby began to whimper, Silco is quick to run a talon over her back, until she calms. "Not powder." You whisper, brushing your own hand over her back.
"What? It's a perfectly fine name. We could call her Winky."
You shake your head, rubbing your hand over the tiny back, the soft wings twitching against your wrist. "How about, Jinx? A good omen for us."
"Jinx?" He looks ready to object further, but the baby interrupts him. An approving gurgle, that has him pause before shrugging his shoulders. "Jinx it is then."
You smile, and rest your eyes for a moment, knowing your mate would watch over the child and wake you if she needed to be fed. It's even easier to fall asleep as his wings tucked behind you, drawing you closer.
Your tiny family, is safe and warm. And there is nothing you could ask more besides that.
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mariaofdoranelle · 2 years
TOG Anniversary day 5: Queen of Shadows
I think you gathered by now that I’m just writing scenes we were robbed of. This is Rowan cutting his own hair.
Word count: 1,2k
CW: self-haircut trauma
Rowan looked at himself in the mirror and took a deep breath. His ship to Rifthold was leaving tomorrow morning and he only had one task left.
Give himself a haircut.
Even in the wars he had fought, there were always some soldiers who used to do this for others, but Rowan couldn’t say he was one of them. However, his lack of experience wasn’t going to stop him. He was a warrior. Incredibly skilled with blades. He could cut his own hair.
After studying all of his knifes, he decided to go with one that was pretty well sharpened, but small enough to make his cuts precise. He thought of making it shoulder-length like Gavriel’s, but that wouldn’t do. He needed it to be effective in battle. He needed it to be short.
It didn’t matter that Rowan had kept his hair long since the last war Doranelle fought, several decades ago.
I didn’t matter that Rowan have begrudgingly eaten honey ever since Fenrys told him it makes the hair look shinier.
No, he didn’t care about that at all.
He was cutting his hair for a better world.
For his Queen.
For the most painstakingly beautiful creat—
No, he wasn’t going there again.
Rowan’s shoulders were slumped when he started to feel his chest tightening. Enough stalling. He snatched the blade with all of his Fae speed and cut the first strand. Like ripping a bandage. And then another. And another. And another. Until he really analyzed his work and realized he was looking awfully like a baby hawk. A very awkward baby hawk who only has downy feathers, before the real ones start to grow. But that horrid look wasn’t going to stop him. In fact, it motivated him to go further.
When Rowan saw his shape-lacking hair, he knew exactly what matter of short style he was going to do. Very short, but bigger at the top because Aelin liked to play with his hair when they were in bed. And then he put his blade down and clenched his teeth until his jaw felt as tight as his heart. There could be no platonic cuddling in bed this time. Specially when he didn’t want it to be platonic. The worst part of it was knowing Aelin had wanted it too. He could spend days just thinking about the taste of Aelin’s blood or the way she smelled when he made her aroused but, at the end of the day, he actually couldn’t. Aelin knew better than pursuing anything with him, and Rowan knew better than hurting himself by thinking about her this way.
He splashed water on his face like it would cease his existential agony. After judging Lorcan for crushing on his queen, it came back to bite Rowan in the ass.
Rowan continued trimming his hair short on the sides, cutting himself behind the ears at times, and used his wind magic to make his hair stand so he would know the exact length to do. He was kind of enjoying it now, the process of cutting hair became almost too easy once he got the hang of it.
But when Rowan stopped focusing on sections and looked at himself in the mirror, he realized his hair looked like a blood stain. Shapeless. Some parts were bigger, others made him wonder how he didn’t scalp himself. He took a deep breath. That definitely wouldn’t do.
Rowan had fought wars. Leveled cities. Learned how to dance. After more than three hundred years of accomplishments, he needed to put his pride aside and admit he was bad at cutting hair. In fact, Rowan had ruined his hair completely. He was so fucked. If Aelin saw this, there would be no end to the jokes she’d make. She’d laugh at him in the afterlife.
Sighing at the mirror, Rowan put his very hooded cloak on and went outside to finish his task, avoiding people at the streets. Once a Fae wrote a song that mentioned Rowan’s looks were as polished as his sword. That was what he was aiming for. He was the only blood-sworn Aelin had for now, the most appealing creature he had ever met. As much as he didn’t care about what people thought of him, she deserved to have someone at least worthy of her by her side.
Entering a door that wasn’t familiar, but he heard about before, Rowan was greeted by a Fae with very good-looking hair.
“Good afternoon! What can I help you with?”
Rowan lowered his hood and the Fae gasped. After taking his time to swallow and take a deep breath, he said, “Okay, I can work with that.”
Oh, he was the hairdresser, then. “You need to leave the top bigger.”
The hairdresser flared his nostrils, smelling him, and smirked, “Your female likes to play with it, huh?”
Rowan glared at him.
“S-sorry, it’s just that this isn’t an unusual request. Sit down.”
It was unnerving to stay sat while someone walked around you, analyzing you just like a bird does to their prey. When Rowan started getting too impatient, the hairdresser concluded, “I’ll have to shave it.”
“Go bald? Absolutely not.”
“But there’s bald parts.”
Rowan took a deep breath. He had close to a month in the ship, but it wasn’t enough to stop Aelin from recognizing his hair mishap. But someone could do a better job than making him bald, right?
When he mentioned to leave, the hairdresser pointed out, “You’re not going to find anyone better than me. I’m used to do haircuts for traveling nobles from Doranelle and Wendlyn.”
Rowan was well aware of that fact. Feeling powerless, he went back to the chair and tried to grow his hair back with healing magic, but didn’t achieve much by the way the hairdresser grimaced.
“It’s still pretty bad, but better.”
He sighed. “Do the most decent without making me bald. And leaving the top bigger.”
As he got his hair trimmed, Rowan realized he couldn’t complain much about the hairdresser. The blade he was using was so thin any warrior would be at least impressed. His skills with it were just as stunning, the precision he used to do each chop could make anyone wonder if this Fae’s eyes were better than a ruler.
By the end, Rowan carefully assessed his image, and the result was acceptable. Adequate for Aelin’s court, but there was still a chance his eagle-eyed Queen would notice the disaster. “It’s too short on the sides.”
“I just performed a miracle. Get over it.”
A small nod. “How much was it?”
Rowan could feel his stomach dropping when he heard the amount of money he’d have to pay. He thought he avoided fancy hairdressers to not bump into Doranelle’s nobility, but now he had a new reason why. Besides, he wasn’t a wealthy prince who could spend his coins like this anymore.
Rowan mentioned to get his money, but when he bended his head to look down, there were no strands of hair brushing against his shoulders.
He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.
For the war.
For his Queen.
For a better world.
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cactus-green-clay · 2 years
Oh No! They’re both Stupid!
read on A03
word count : 883! fluff! set in session one!
   Tango was going to rip his arm off if the thing didn’t stop itching. He had been furiously scratching at his forearm for the past five minutes to no relief. If he wasn’t so busy scratching he’d tell himself to later thank Impulse for reminding him to file down his claws and to wear his one of his thicker jackets. 
   Granted if he didn’t have the itch he’d be annoyed with how heavy his beetle like wings felt, they twitched with the urge to stretch out and fly as he thought about them. It was one of then many commands Grian had put in place place to make it a more fair fight. Tango understood that but that didn’t mean he had to be happy about it.
   Idly he realize the end of the session was drawing near. Meaning soon they could all go back to their own servers and/or solo worlds. Void, Tango missed his own bed. Even the thought of curling up underneath the thick blankets after eating a lovely and filling meal made his wings flutter. But before he could dream about being back on his beloved sever Jimmy shouted his name.
   “Tango!” Jimmy shouted once more, his voice was muffled. He must be underground with the animals they brought back, Tango realized. Tango quickly rounded the side of their house, the door creaked and heaved as he pushed it open. He added “get a better door” to the slowly growing mental checklist. Before he could begin descending down the ladder Jimmy’s head poked out from the small hole and startled upon seeing his soul bound partner. 
   “Tango I have claws!” Jimmy sound absolutely panicked as he thrust his hand towards Tango. The claws were similar to Tango’s, being same shinny and red color as his. However they were significantly shorter and looked more like long fingernails then claws. Jimmy was speaking again, saying something in an ever more panicked tone but Tango didn’t listen. No, he was far more focused of the fact that Jimmy’s teeth definitely weren’t that sharp earlier.
   “Oh! You have fangs too!” Tango shouted once the realization set in. Jimmy immediately spun around and went to grab his sweater that Tango only now noticed he wasn’t wearing. And he probably wouldn’t have noticed if not for Jimmy’s yellow, baby bird like wings fluffed up and twitched in panic. Or at least Tango assumed it was panic, Grian’s wings would also fluff up when he was feeling strong emotion.
   Jimmy fish out his communicator from the sweater’s pocket and turned the camera on. He dropped it a moment later and paled. Tango would have gone to comfort him or message Grian about whatever’s happening to his soul bound partner but the itch had come back. Decided that it’d probably be best if he actually looked at it, something he definitely should have done earlier, he tugged up his sleeve. A clump of small yellow, downy feathers was growing out of his forearm, just above his elbow.
   Tango stared at his arm for a few long moments, his mind was whirling with thoughts. Trying to grasp onto any ideas for why and, more importantly, how this was happening-
   And then it clicked. 
   Tango laughed, void he was stupid. Grian had reminded them shortly before they joined the server that this could and he still forgot. See the thing about soul binding is that whoever or whatever you’re bound to will take on some of your physical characteristics and vise versa. It’s the reason why Scar’s pupils dilate and constrict just like a cat’s, because Jellie’s soul bond to him. And the reason why Wels is a dragon hybrid, though Tango has no idea how that works.
   Jimmy looked at Tango for a long moment, glancing from the feathers on his arm and then back up to Tango’s weirdly relaxed face. And then it clicked for him too. His eye widened and he straightened out his back from where he was hunched over his communicator. Jimmy bonked himself on the head with the palm of his head and laughed.
   “We’re such idiots!” He fussed but there was no anger is his voice, if anything he sounded a little embarrassed. And Tango agreed, laughing along with him. Their communicators buzzed at the same time, a signal that the session was over, probably at least. They buzzed again a moment later, Grian was calling the usual end of the session meeting, probably. 
   And when the meeting opened with Grian reminded them again about that changes that may happen to them and their partners now that they’ve been soul bound, Tango’s face flushed with embarrassing. Thankful for him though they weren’t the only one who had forgotten. Ren let out a big sigh of relief and Bdubs looked incredibly confused about the whole thing. 
   Tango shared a look with Jimmy who snickered quietly to himself. Maybe they weren’t the only idiots here, probably not though, but it’s a nice thought.
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cozzzynook · 2 years
I don’t know if i’ll talk more about this but i’ve been watching fruits basket again 🥹😍🥹
And now i’m thinking of Touya sleeping with Keigo who is apart of a family of people who can change into an animal that represents their clan. I’m changing it up a bit because I don’t want to change or disrespect the Chinese zodiac in any way since its not my culture.
He sleeps with Keigo who he didn’t know was apart of the clan of the Hawk until after. He woke from their one night stand maybe? And Keigo wasn’t there and his side of the bed was cold already so he must’ve been gone for quite some time.
Touya’s heartbroken because they’ve known each other since they were kids and he liked Keigo since but he never said anything because of both their bad family backgrounds? For angst purposes Keigo was still with his family his dad didn’t go to jail but his mother couldn’t love him like its often seen in the Soma family.
Touya wasn’t a Soma but he came from a clan that once could manipulate fire and ice in ancient days? Maybe? Maybe they can still do so now but only under duress?
I’m thinking about him spending days and week heartbroken over not seeing Keigo and Keigo making no attempt to answer his calls so he stops trying. Only for him to start feeling sick a few days later. He can’t go one evening without throwing up or getting sick and he dan barely tolerate the foods he used to love.
He goes to a family doctor only after passing out at work. His best friend Tenko forces him to and he finally agrees only to be told, “congratulations your pregnant.”
He is in fact not feeling congratulatory because he’s pregnant by a man who doesn’t love him back who happened to be his childhood friend for years who he lost after one night. He’s devastated but knows he can’t stay because while male pregnancy is no longer new, its still rare and heavily scrutinized in their clan and district so he leaves.
Only tells his best friend why and his siblings that he can’t stay anymore and he’ll come see them when he’s ready. He doesn’t leave a forwarding address in case his dad comes looking for him and he never thinks that it could hurt Keigo because he ghosted him.
Cue almost ten months later, for some reason his child took longer to come out than most, again switching it up here, and he’s finally given birth at home with the help of a private doctor and he finally holds his babies, surprise surprise. She was hiding behind her sister, only to hold them close to his chest and they transform and have hawk like features.
Red and gold wings with specks of brown, downy feathers on their legs and arms and face and neck and back and across their chest and stomach. Sharp talons on their hands and feet and he can’t see them but he’s sure they’ll grow fangs. They have a crown of red and gold feathers in their golden hair and when they open their watery blue eyes they stop crying and reach for him.
He couldn’t feel anything but love for them and a need to run and protect because how did this happen? How did they come out like this? What was in his genetics that messed them up? Was it the same genetics that made him unhealthy? He didn’t think about Keigo being the reason until later. He thankfully didn’t have to worry about the doctor telling anyone because Chisaki had seen far weirder things happen that Touya didn’t feel like asking about. He was taken to a new place with Chisaki’s help and he stayed in a small apartment above a library working from home until he healed.
He told his best friend Tenko about the kids being born and Tenko came by two days later to see them while he was still recovering. Tenko freaked out very little and made stupid game references that made him want to slap him silly. Tenko stayed for a bit and when he was heading to leave a knock on the door scared them both. Touya grabbed his daughters and shuffled to hide while Tenko answered the door only to be pushed out of the way by Touya’s siblings who followed him.
They demanded to see Touya who eventually came out with his two daughters and his siblings finally understood why he just abruptly left. They were hurt that he didn’t tell them until he told them, “I wasn’t risking their life or mine if Dad found out.” That made them shut up and understand. When they asked to hold his daughters and he was hesitant he made them promise not to tell anyone of course they were confused but promised.
He held his daughter by the head and butt when Fuyumi held her but nothing happened. She was insulted thinking her brother thought she was careless and didn’t know how to hold a baby. But then he let Natsuo hold her and she transformed again. Of course they freaked out and thankfully Touya was holding her but Tenko and Touya immediately realized they transformed when the opposite sex held them.
Of course the siblings did calm down after awhile and promised not to tell a soul. They got used to holding them transformed and not transformed when they were swaddled and held carefully. His daughters didn’t like the cold and he understood why if they were more bird like which is why the heat was a bit high, thankfully he ran cold himself so he was fine.
Tenko didn’t see a reason to stay now that they were patched up so he left. The siblings stayed learning about Touya’s pregnancy and when the twins were born and their names. Akari the older twin, name meaning light, and Himari the younger twin, name meaning sunshine, both looked just Keigo and the only question his siblings had for him is if he was going to tell Keigo or come back home.
“..if i can get in contact with him..yes, as for coming home.. i am home.”
The siblings didn’t try to convince him and when Touya started to get tired and the twins were ready to be fed he asked them to leave. They promised to visit again soon and to call when he needed help. He was still recovering and the twins were still newborns. He said he’d think about it and soon his siblings left. Of course nothing ever stays hidden.
A week after his siblings left when he was still recovering and confined to his apartment he got a knock on the door. Of course he would get a knock on the door when he was covered in the twins spit up and finally got them to sleep. He didn’t even get to open the door fully before he saw him. He tried to slam the door shut but his dad has always been a big guy and Touya’s always been smaller than most. The baby weight he hadn’t even begun to shed didn’t even help him and his dad opened the door with ease coming inside and shocked at the sight of him.
“Get out.”
He was not about to let his dad see them he didn’t want to see him, didn’t want him to even know they existed.
“I- this is why you left. What? What happened? Who did this?”
He hated when his dad played the caring act now that he’s “realized his mistakes.”
“Leave. Get out. I don’t want you here.”
He tried pushing him back but that did nothing, it only tugged his stomach and body uncomfortably and his dad had to catch him. He hated it and he hated it when the man sat down beside him checking on him. “Shut up…you’re going to wake them.”
He was wise not to comment on how big he still was but he didn’t hide his shock at the word them. “Twins..”
“Don’t get any ideas, stay away from them!”
He didn’t mean to raise his voice and make his kids cry, he couldn’t hide the fear in his eyes when he grabbed his dad’s hand impossibly tight ready to fight if needed. He may not win, but he wouldn’t let him get close to them without taking him down with him. “Don’t.”
The pathetic sad look on his dad’s face twisted him more than he cared to admit and Touya relaxed when his dad didn’t move or follow him when he limped bent over to go see them. Of course they were still in their typical form until he hugged them but he loved seeing them in both forms and couldn’t help smiling at them, cooing in what he hoped was a good enough imitation. Of course Enji just had to come in and stick his nose where it didn’t belong.
Touya held them closer, grabbing the knife he’d hidden under their crib and stared at Enji with fear but prepared. He wouldn’t let him take them away. They were his kids, not some science project or mistake that needed to be hidden away from the world.
“You’re holding it wrong.”
“What..” Enji’s shock had worn off and he walked over calmly and showed Touya how to properly hold the knife. “Hold it this way, it’ll be more versatile and help protect you three better.”
Touya was more in shock of how his dad was this calm and why he hadn’t freaked out.
“I’m not knew to this, not by a long shot actually..come. Let me tell you the history of ancient clans that lived many years ago.”
So Touya followed his dad more out of shock and need to sit down from exertion than anything else. He learned of how his clan could wield fire and ice freely something he already knew and how his clan along with the Bakugou clan, a former dragon kin clan that could still transform albeit into forms like that of his children and not like those of the past into gigantic dragons, both formed a large amount of lands to live on near the other with much space between them. The Todoroki clan helped their clan hide until the hunt for the Bakugou’s ended.
It was then their ancestors discovered the Midoriya clan mixed of rabbits and sheep, the Aizawa clan with multiple types of big cats, the Shimura clan with large bats and finally, “the Takami clan of the Hawk.”
“Takami…Keigo Takami..”
“Yes, this didn’t come from our side, it came from their side. I knew Keigo’s father when I was younger and saw him transform on accident and helped hide him. He was hugging Keigo’s mother, this is when they were younger..before she,” Enji cleared his throat and continued. “That’s why i’m not surprised at their form. I’ve seen quite a few, though its hidden better these days which is why you kids haven’t seen any. Until now.”
“You followed them didn’t you?”
“Yes..I needed to know you were okay.”
“Well i’m fine, we’re fine… please leave now.”
“Thank you for telling me. Now, just leave.”
“Touya, its not safe here. Someone could see them, something could happen. You can’t defend them or yourself here.”
“Come back to the estate.”
“Are you crazy?! No, I don’t want anything to do with you! With mom! No! I don’t want or need your money or your pity! Get out!”
This time Touya did raise his voice and he winced at the pain it caused but didn’t back down. That’s something he hated about himself because his father shared the same sentiment.
“Please, Touya. You won’t live with us. You’ll be in your own place. Far from us as you want and close to your siblings still. I don’t pity you. I want to make sure you and my grandkids are safe. Please. I won’t hide them from the world or you. But I need to know you three will be safe and i know you want that too.”
“Get out.”
Touya didn’t back down but he was thinking about it. “I call you when i’m ready..now leave.”
Enji nodded, looking over his grandkids one more time who were looking at him curiously before turning to Touya and wiggling. The smile on his sons face was worth the yelling and arguing and he left after a moment of watching them. He did however have his guards watch over the house and Touya. “No one is to lay a hand on them or bother them or get into the house.”
“Yes sir.”
It was a few weeks later that Touya called his sister and asked for their dad. “Tell me, will this place have everything they need? A good doctor on call too?”
“Yes. I did some digging,” Enji said, “of course you did,” touya said rolling his eyes.
“His names Chisaki, he’s worked on other clans like Takami’s so he’s very trustworthy in this department. “Thats why he didn’t freak out.”
“Yes, he’s a doctor but only for our clans, our bodies aren’t exactly like others either.”
Touya knew that very well, his dad burned hotter than any normal man could handle and his brother and sister and mom were colder than any normal human should be. Shouto was “normal” because he inherited both but Touya got the bad end of the deal. His body got extremely hot or used to before the surgery. His body was built for ice but housed the fire side as well, he could use the ability when he was younger, but it burned him inside out and his parents immediately got him surgery to remove the fire. The toll it took on his health was great but he wouldn’t burn alive.
Touya was thankfuk his kids didn’t inherit that from him and he found himself even more grateful when Chisaki was waiting for them at his new home back at the estate. His twins were still healthy though he needed to actually go on bedrest and since his siblings were there he did—forced him they forced him— go on bedrest.
By the time the twins were three months old he was more than ready to leave the house and go walking with the twins. He had them in their stroller and their diaper bag packed. He was dressed for the cool weather and the twins looked so adorable in their little onesies and yellow duck hats. Their red coats and baby gloves looked adorable and after taking maybe twenty pictures or more he finally headed out.
In his time back at the estate he didn’t really get to go outside nor did he care to pay attention to the rumors of his own clan talking about him being back or the rumors speculating who he had children with. He was more focused on resting and taking care of his babies and figuring out how to tell Keigo.
Was he very late in telling him? Without a doubt. Did he worry that if he told him Keigo would reject them or take them away? A big part of him did which he was shamed to admit. He pulled the cover down on the twins stroller to shield them from the wind when he finally made it to the gate entrance of the estate. He nodded at the guards who told his dad he was leaving. It made him roll his eyes and push forward not waiting for the okay.
He was heading to the baby store to pick up some new toys and plushies for them, their talons would shred the others and he needed to find teething rings that wouldn’t break so easily or didn’t have gel in them for when they started teething. He was walking into the store when the wheel got stuck in the door and someone was nice enough to help him.
“Sorry about that, still getting used to using a stroller.”
“No problem, I remember those days I couldn’t even figure out how to unfold them the first time I helped my sister with hers.”
The two laughed and the man smiled at him which made Touya blush, he was handsome and he wouldn’t lie and say the man wasn’t his type but, “i should get going in now, thank you,” he smiled back before heading inside only for the man to follow.
“I’m sorry but, this is forward but i do want to ask, are you um, are you seeing anyone?”
Touya blinked surprised, the man was cute he was, but he wasn’t Keigo and he wasn’t putting his kids in danger. Nor did he feel he should be getting this much attention when he barely lost any baby weight and still looked like he was pregnant. To be fair he really wasn’t worried about losing any right now since it helped him breastfeed but he wasn’t about to mention any of this.
“I um, i’m sorry i’m not really looking right now.”
The man looked a little down but smiled and nodded. He waved goodbye and was off, Touya was thankful he understood no and continued on. He left the baby store and stayed at the park for some fresh air for a moment, heading home when the twins were getting starting to get fussy.
It took a bit longer since he was tired but he finally got to the gate and was buzzed in immediately. Walking inside and heading to his home. When he got there something felt a little off but Akira started crying and he hurried to close the door and put the bags down. Taking his coat off and opening the hood of the stroller picking Akari up and bouncing her, lifting Himari not long after.
Of course they transformed but they were in their home so it was fine. He kissed both their feathered cheeks and bounced them. Himari was starting to whine, something she barely did, Akari was the crier, something she took after him while Himari was quiet, he assumed she got that from Keigo.
“Its okay, its okay, why are you crying huh? Are you cold is that it? Ya hungry already?”
One thing that sucked about breastfeeding besides the pain if he didn’t feed on time, was the leaking. He sighed but smiled at them when they stopped crying and whining. They were looking behind him and did a small eye roll back to him before latching onto his chin and sucking. “I guess you are hungry huh?” He laughed a little and turned around walking towards the kitchen he caught a glimpse of a jacket over his kitchen chair and rolled his eyes. “Dad how many times do i have to tell you don’t just show up unannounced to see your grandkids? Just ask like Yumi Natsu and Shou.”
“I would’ve asked had I known I had any kids to see.”
Touya stopped and so did his heart at the sound of the voice and person standing in his kitchen. Keigo looked the same somewhat, more tired and less put together, his hair wasn’t the natural wind blown look anymore and he looked like he hadn’t had a decent nights sleep in months. His body wasn’t sun kissed like before and his eyes looked so sad compared to the last time he’d seen him.
He swallowed on nothing as he stood shocked and when Keigo looked down at the twins he instinctively held them closer and frowned. It made Keigo’s eyebrows shoot up and something akin to longing and happiness even? Flashed through his eyes quickly.
“Been awhile Hotstuff? So this is where you’ve been hiding?”
“No,” he finally spoke, still on guard, “i left town for a while.”
“I heard,” Keigo said moving from the counter revealing two empty baby bottles behind him, “i also heard you came back with two kids. Gotta admit, I was hurt you went off and had some family with someone else. But then i happened to see one of our, daughters, faces and I got to thinking. The timeline that you left, the blonde hair, your dad cutting communication with both me and my dad. You being hidden from the public even and your siblings and best friend not taking my calls. Your dad banning from coming here which is why I had to fly in,” he said the last part looking at his daughters wings who twitched.
Himari was whining but she kept her eyes on Keigo and her talon got sharper making him wince a little. Keigo noticed too and when he reached an arm out Touya moved back. Hurt flashed in his eyes again but Touya saw something like, pride?? Flash across as well, Keigo was quick but never too quick for Touya’s eyes. “So i decided to come see for myself if they were mine. Judging by how young they still are and the obvious pregnancy weight, they definitely are mine.”
Touya frowned but nodded at him.
“So tell me,” he said walking closer to Touya standing right in front of him, “why didn’t you tell me?” He looked hurt and Touya couldn’t argue he had every right to be. Sighing he told the truth. “At first i was more focused on leaving than anything else. Male pregnancy isn’t exactly welcomed in our town nor in my families district. I needed to leave to a safe place so I did. At the time I couldn’t get a hold of you before I found out so I figured I wouldn’t after. Don’t forget, Keigo,” He said his name with a bite he didn’t know was bubbling within him for so long, “I did try talking to you but you ghosted me and I did try..once, while I was pregnant to talk to you, but you hung up on the first ring.”
Keigo did look guilty at that and he didn’t deny it. “So i figured, might as well try after their born. Figured you couldn’t deny her then but some things happened and then there was two of them and i held them and well..you know how it works.”
Keigo looked down but nodded. “My siblings are nosey and my dad is overbearing so its easy to see how I ended up coming back. If not by choice he would’ve brought me back while I was asleep if I didn’t answer him any sooner.”
‘If only he’d been like this from the beginning we wouldn’t be working on fixing things now,’ he thought annoyed as he huffed and sat down. Keigo tried to help him but Touya glared at him and made him stop.
“Sorry…I uh, didn’t tell you about them for another reason. From the moment they were born i knew I couldn’t let other people see them change and I didn’t know if my side held this gene too or just the elemental side. Of course my dad told me it was your side and that solved my problem of explaining this to you but then i realized you could come and take them once you knew. Which is probably why dad kept you from coming near me.”
Keigo looked affronted at the accusation and Touya knew it was wrong to assume but he couldn’t help it. “I’m sorry for assuming that but..I wasn’t going to lose them.”
Keigo could admit it hurt knowing Touya feared that of him, it hurt seeing him give their daughters the love his own mother could never give him and it hurt to know he was part of the reason Touya went through this alone. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, as he watched the twins start to whine and squirm, little cries coming out before one started crying loudly and the other softly. Keigo watched Touya sigh before looking around.
“What is it?”
“Grab that blanket over there,” Keigo looked around and grabbed the blanket off the counter and walked back to Touya. “Hold it up and don’t look,” he said frowning with a blush. When Touya shifted the twins Keigo saw the wet patches on his shirt and blushed lifting the blanket.
“I said don’t look!”
“I mean, i’ve already seen you naked,” he said turning his head but still looking. “Yeah but not like this,” Touya grumbled as he set one twin in his lap and lifted his shirt. He carefully lifted the two to his chest and the crying stopped. Keigo took in the sight of the stretch marks that looked painful, the round belly that houses their twins, the gentle way Touya looked at them as he held them. How loved they were and how beautiful they were. They looked just like him in his form, minus the white on their bodies that was from Touya. The pattern on their feathers was different as well, it resembled the feathers of birds that belonged in cold climates. They must’ve inherited that from Touya as well, Touya probably had to guess they didn’t have like the cold judging by how warm the house is.
One thing he noticed Touya miss is very few feathers that needed to be preened but he did fantastic for not having any himself. He should file down their talons a little too. He figured Touya probably didn’t touch them yet but he could understand why. That was a sensitive area and he probably didn’t want to hurt them on accident.
‘Good mate,’ his mind said again. It always said that when Touya was involved and he always felt afraid of it. Afraid he would drag Touya into the problems of his clan and put him in harms way of his family problems. That he wouldn’t make a good spouse seeing as his father fell apart when his mother left. He didn’t know if he could love Touya the way he deserves if his own mother couldn’t love him. His father tried but he couldn’t always look at Keigo because he looked so much like his mother. Keigo didn’t want to be a problem for Touya so he distanced himself and tried to forget him that night.
He wanted one night to be selfish and love him, one night where he could finally hold him the way he’s always wanted but never allowed himself to. But he couldn’t forget Touya and the times he ignored his calls hurt him more than he imagined and when he found out Touya left he was heartbroken. He went searching but couldn’t find him and when he learned he came back with kids, he was unconsolable. Until he saw them.
He held on to desperate hope that they were his and tried to see Touya which got him nowhere. Enji had strict orders to keep him out and to keep from exposing his clan he left. It wouldn’t do him good to be seen in his other form committing murder to get to Touya. So he waited until he could sneak inside. He watched his family come and leave to see the twins and waited until Touya would be alone to break in and wait for him and it was worth it.
“I told you not to look,” Touya said not looking up from the twins.
“What are their names?” Hawks said bending down in front of them, hand finally touching the soft down on both their backs. Little feathers twitching but going unbothered, they know who he is.
“Akari,” Touya said looking to one, “and Himari,” he said looking at the other. “I would’ve used your last name had I known it before then.”
Keigo looked sad for a moment but his daughters wings twitching again tapping his hands made him smile.
“Can we start over?” He whispered.
Touya was silent for a long time but he eventually did give him an answer. “Be in their lives first then we can work on whatever this is.”
Keigo could accept that, though, he knew he would do everything in his power to be more than just a friend and to be the best dad they could ever have.
Okay i know i turned this around but i went with the flow so hope you enjoyed. Not sure if i should do more with this 🤷🏽‍♀️.
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keilemlucent · 4 years
a nice break
hawks | takami keigo x reader
word count: ~3k
keigo really is just such a good boy for you, isn't he?
warnings: peggings, strap ons, wing kink, praise kink, spit kink, sub hawks, soft hawks, light religious imagery in the literal imagery, aftercare
enjoy some subby hawks pegging ;^))) 
Keigo had the prettiest voice.
Fuck whatever ‘bird of prey’ act he put on, the man was a songbird like no other. Perhaps not always, but it wasn’t particularly hard to get him to sing either. Unabashed pleasure would send Keigo into fits of cries and lamentations.
“Oh fuck, please—!” Keigo’s voice broke above you. He was straining so hard to keep any semblance of usual composure despite his wrecked state. It wasn’t like it was doing him much good with how beyond fucked out he was, but you appreciated the effort.
How long had you had him bouncing on your strap? Long enough that he had begged you to let him rest, his wobbly legs growing weak despite their tone and muscle. Yet, not long enough to award him a moment of respite. You had rolled your hips up, jamming your metaphorical thick cock against his prostate as his eyes rolled back in pleasure.
Keigo’s face had grown bright red, freckles dimming with the flush of his cheeks. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, drool escaping from the corners of his lips. He occasionally tried to wipe up the bodily filth on his face, but the action only served to make him even more of a mess. Keigo didn’t mean to, but his subtle, cute actions just debauched him more.
Keigo had a tendency to be a brat. That was just his private personality. Effortlessly laid back charm was a face he wore incredibly well for the public, but in the solace of his penthouse apartment, the man was a raging devil.
He typically took the lead on things. Throwing you up over tables and counters with the help of his wings, fucking you stupid without a second thought.
You loved it. Immensely.
Nothing made you soak yourself more than being on your knees for Keigo just before he would fuck your face in earnest, cooing and praising about how well you took his cock. He loved to see you sloppy for him, demanding and pushing and pulling you whatever way suited his pleasure (and yours as well, of course.)
But you also loved seeing Keigo sloppy. You relished getting to break him down, picking at his crafted facade with personal pleasures you made all for him, and you made sure to tell him so.
Keigo loved to praise you, any time, not just in bed. He’d tell you what a good girl you were while spanking his hand on your backside for the umpteenth time, you teary-eyed and half-sobbing. He’d coo about how beautiful you were while he fucked you into yet another orgasm with his crooked fingers. He’d smooth you over and tell you how proud he was of you, how good you were for him, as you cuddled into each other, fucked out, boneless and brainless. He’d come up behind you while you cooked dinner, kissing at your neck and whispering about how kind of partner you were. He’d grab your hand in public to lay gentle kisses over your knuckles, speaking lowly about how he cherished you and the time you were able to spend together.
It took you a while into your relationship to realize that Keigo also fed off praise. He showered you with love and compliments and craved receiving similar affections.
And, you weren’t one to deny him.
“Come on, Kei’, you can do it, you’re such a good boy,” You crooned, pushing your hips to press the thick dildo deeper in him.
Keigo sputtered, his hands flying to your chest for purchase, lip wobbling. His eyes flicked to meet your own, widened and pleading.
You just smirked.
“Keep going if you want to come.”
He cried out, lowering his head and wiping at the different smears of fluid that wetted his face. Slowly, he raised himself up, thighs trembling with exertion and exhaustion.
You tucked your arms behind your head, truly getting off on the beautiful sight before you.
Keigo looked god-like most of the time, all feathered and blood-colored. He was sculpted like a marble statue; sometimes, you felt unfit of touching him. Yet, you debauching him was one of your favorite acts. Turning Keigo into some defiled deity riding the silicone cock of a mortal, divine, crimson wings a backdrop to ambrosian pleasures that only the two of you knew. Despite how bratty he was, he loved falling apart while you fucked his cute little hole numb.
Keigo rode your cock so well, he knew it, you told him so. Despite how much his body ached and how he was chasing orgasm but never catching it, he tried really, really hard to make you happy. You could see it in the way how each of his actions was followed by an expectant look, delivered to you with puffy, kiss-bruised lips.
Who would’ve thought Hawks was a crybaby when getting fucked so well?
Below him, you smiled, languidly playing with your own sex while drowning in Keigo’s image. Your own slick coated your thighs, wetting your puffy clit as you stroked yourself slowly to Keigo’s display.
His cock was swollen, bright red, and weeping preek. The ring at its base was wet with lube, tightly holding Keigo back from any sort of proper satisfaction. All the while, his cock was so much more sensitive, not to mention how you’d been teasing him for what felt like hours. You wondered if Keigo felt edged or overstimulated. You could only hope that it was both.
You wrapped your fingers around his cock, moaning with Keigo in tandem. He wailed, voice shattering into pleads and begs for “more, please, more!” as you fucked his cock with your hand. He was so slicked and hot, weeping for release in more ways than one.
You removed your fingers from your own sex, frowning.
The slick covered fingers pressed at Keigo’s parted lips. He opened his mouth for you, letting you fuck his mouth with the digits, pressing gently on his tongue and the back of his throat. You felt the vibrations of his suppressed cries so well, it made your cunt ache. 
“Good boys don’t talk with their mouths full, do they?” You taunted, pressing harder and pumping your hand faster around Keigo’s cock.
Keigo screamed against your fingers, sweaty locks falling over his eyes as he shook his head. With all of his hero-refined skills, his thin hips couldn’t figure out how to both fuck down on the strap and fuck into your hand. The infuriating amount of stimulation without a thread of relief made tears leak from Keigo’s eyes anew, running rivers down his cheeks and drip onto your torso.
“Aw, baby, why are you crying?” You loved teasing Keigo like this. He’d never let you do this shit to him unless he was this fucked out. You knew he liked it too, based on how the degradation made his cock throb in your grip.
You squeezed, rubbing a thumb at its leaky head. Keigo sobbed around your fingers, “Pweaze! ”
“Pweaze’? ‘Pweaze’ what, baby? Use your words.” You sneered, watching spittle drip from his mouth onto your lap. To taunt him even more, you pressed your drenched fingers onto the back of his tongue as he tried to speak. Unintelligible, garbled syllables were all he could produce beyond chest sobs.
He just looked at you helplessly, nails digging into your sides.
You relented, removing your fingers and wiping them onto Keigo’s swollen dick, still pumping it slowly.
“Please, let me come, please!” Keigo’s voice curled so well when he begged. You fucked up into him sharply, Keigo’s hands clawing into your ribs as he screamed in white-hot pleasure. His spent thighs trembled around your own, wet with sweat and shaking with exhaustion.
You ran a hand through his hair, feeling the layer of thin sweat and boiling heat. He leaned into your touch immediately, doughy and glassy-eyed.
Keigo was art, sculpted all for you. Any bits of his public, bastardseque persona had been ground away with pleasure and coaxing. He had fallen apart for you, gently pleading for release like it was a hymn to his god.
You crooked a smile.
“I don’t know, baby. Have been good enough to come?” You hummed, grinning smugly as Keigo’s expression fell. His lips moved in horror as he began blubbering, fucking himself again on the strap, harder, faster, and with more vigor than before.
“I have b-been, I’ve been good!” Keigo sobbed, rubbed at his eyes as one of his legs gave out no a particularly rough thrust. Your hand slid up to support the spent muscles, knowing he was beginning to reach his limits.
“Tell me how and you can come, Keigo,” You said his name so sweetly, you felt another flood of pre dribbled sticky from his cock, “Tell me how you’re such a good boy, for me, Keigo.”
He shook his head, breathing harshly, but still managing to fuck himself half-heartedly. He bit his lip as he looked at you with red-rimmed eyes, wings fluttering at his back.
It gave you an idea.
You’d pay for it later, but that was a future problem.
All contact with Keigo’s cock and body went away, holding your hands on your chest, slowly rolling your hips and strap into Keigo’s tight hole.
You stilled for just a moment, drinking him in.
Your hands shot out, just brushing against Keigo’s sides before burying themselves at the tender roots of his wings.
“F-Fuck!” Keigo wailed, bowing his back and falling against your chest, unable to hold himself upright.
You adjusted your legs, allowing yourself to still fuck into Keigo. Even better, this position perfectly allowed you to ram his most sensitive spot, sobs and cries muffled into the skin of your chest. He pawed at one of your tits half-heartedly, but you knew he didn’t really have it in him.
Pleads and cries for mercy spilled from his lips as you massaged at the base of his wings. The downy feathers were petal-soft, all the betters for rubbing deep into as Keigo twitched and wailed.
“Just tell me why you’re a good boy, Keigo, you’re so close,” You encouraged him, shifting so that his head was pressed into your neck. You felt his cock, hard and hot against your stomach. With this position, Keigo could rest his body to some degree. But, it provided an absolutely obscene amount of friction that would be damn-near brutal mentally.
His wings splayed out above the two of you, cocooning you in vibrant reds and scarlets as you thumbed at individual feathers. Keigo finally found his voice as you dragged the strap back from his hole.
“I-I ate your pussy really good,” Keigo’s voice was high, stumbling on his words.
You hummed appreciatively, scrapping your nails down thin bones of his wings. He arched against you, hands flying your hair and pulling. He broke into bawling, tears wetting your neck and the sheets beneath you.
You fucking loved it.
“I l-let you sit on my face, and let you fuck- ME!” Keigo howled as you dug into his feathers, tsking lightly.
“Up, baby. Sit up for me,” You commanded, though softly. Keigo slowly righted himself, shaking like a leaf. You could tell by the way he shifted his hips that he was more than a bit sore and overworked. Not to mention that his cock was turning darker red and bulging hotly by the minute.
“Those are all good things you did, but that’s not why you’re a good boy,” You trailed one of your hands down one of the lovely curves of his lower back, cupping his ass and squeezing.
He sputtered, shaking his head, rubbing at his eyes, “Please, I’m sorry, just let me—”
You’d done this song and dance enough with Keigo to know the way to really get to his cock. After so much mental conditioning and training, parts of him were still left raw. To touch and stroke them just right was an art you had taken upon yourself to master and perfect. You’d do anything for Keigo, anything to help him chase pleasures that could be too fragile or fear-filled to voice.
“Keigo, you’re a good boy because you’re you,” You massaged at his aching, sore parts with warm hands. “You’re such a good boy for me, Kei’. You ride me so well. Can you just a little more?”
If Keigo hadn’t been fully crying, he was now.
He tearfully nodded, bouncing himself on the strap again, sending loud moans far and wide.
You helped him along, rolling your hips, “You’re such a sweet boy, Kei’. You sound so pretty when you wreck yourself for me.”
He keened.
The hand that wasn’t helping to hold him up went to palm at the head of his cock, “You are so sweet and so beautiful when you’re fucked out like this. All stupid for me, right, Kei’?”
You trailed a finger up his shaft as he drooled, eyes struggling to focus, “So good at listening and following my rules. Do you like being a good boy?”
He was fucked too silly to manage anything other than a nod.
“Do you want to come, baby?” You pumped his cock with your slick hand, almost mockingly.
“PLEASE!” Keigo screamed, nails breaking the skin of your breasts, but you could hardly care. His head bent forward as a mix of his tears, snot, and spit dripped between the two of you.
Keigo really did deserve it. You relented.
Your fingers dipped slipped the cock ring off in one motion, grabbing his face by the cheeks with the other hand, “Then, come for me, baby.”
And he did.
Keigo fucked himself down on the strap one final time before screaming in divine rapture.
He collapsed on top of you, crying out and curling into you as his cock sprayed your chests and thighs. Thick spurts of creamy cum dripped between the two of your bodies as Keigo rode out his orgasm, your hand still on his cock, milking him for all he had. Any words he tried to babble out were broken and meaningless, only serving to help Keigo release his pent up need for relief now that it was finally squashed.
You kept your hand wrapped around his cock, rolling your wrist from base to hip as Keigo rattled on top of your own sweaty frame.
He sniffled, pressing into your neck and weakly pushing your hand, “T-too much.”
You released him easily, shushing Keigo when he tried to move or assist you. You carefully slipped from his tight, lube-slicked hole and undid the harness of the strap on. Your own hips ached from exertion, skin bruised by the biting of the straps, but you were sure it was nothing compared to Keigo’s full-body ache. You’d had him every which way throughout the course of the night, you were sure he wouldn’t be standing correctly for a few days. You mentally patted yourself on the back.
You fell back with Keigo, pulling him to your chest. His head fell against you as his wings spread haphazardly and unsupported. For a moment, you worried he’d passed out, but a short groan and gentle squeeze proved you otherwise.
You set upon his trembling form with all the love you could show him.
“Oh, Keigo,” You peppered his forehead and hair with kisses as he hid his face at your sternum. “You did so well, you took me so, so well, baby. I’m so proud of you. I love you so much, 'Kei.”
He nuzzled into you, making small noises with not much sense to them. You gave him a sympathetic smile, rubbing circles into his lower back, “Would you like some water, baby? Or do you want to wait a little longer?”
Keigo shook his head, weakly kissing the top of your breasts, “N-now, please.”
You grabbed a bottle on the nightstand, pre-chilled in preparation for the inevitable outcome. Keigo slowly rose when you offered the bottle to him, hardly going far before downing mo of the liquid in a few gulps. It was obvious he needed it with the harsh flush of his face and the sweat growing cold on his skin.
He passed the bottle back to you, nestling back into you as he did. His wings quivered as they covered your forms, plumage soft and twitching as Keigo sweetly came down from his overstimulation and mushy mental state.
You set upon him with more sweet kisses and enough praise to drown a man with an ego smaller than Keigo’s. It was all gentle, coaxing him from his mental fog with lots of obvious love and attention. Keigo didn’t fall into submissive headspaces easily and that made it all the more imperative to be deliberate and ginger with helping him out.
You started blowing and leaving kisses around his ears, making him jolt and giggle at you. It was something high and airy, a side only you got to see. You loved how it sounded and felt so close to you.
Keigo gently cupped your face, returning your affections, albeit weaker. With his sagging eyelids, he was clearly spent.
“Was all that okay? I know it was intense,” You asked, pressing into Keigo’s gesture. You needed a bit of extra attention too, and Keigo was more than willing to lavish you the best he could in his state.
All gooey himself, Keigo shook his head, wrapping his arms and legs around you in a tight embrace, “Very good. Still kinda fucked out though.”
“I can tell,” You laughed. You kissed into his honeyed hair, tangling your fingers to the scalp to massage and work any tension out of his neck. “Take all the time you need. I’m right here.”
Keigo purred around you, breaths evening out and slowing.
You silently slipped from the bed, running to the bathroom to wet a washcloth to clean him. When you re-entered the dimly lit room, Keigo was sitting up, rubbing at his eyes and finishing his water.
Keigo cracked you a smile, as you came back to kneel on the bed. His voice was hoarse with its prior activities and expletives, “You know, I’m gonna get you back for all of that. Even worse.”
You rolled your eyes, “I look forward to it.”
You pressed a kiss to the corner of Keigo’s mouth, urging him down to the sheets.
He didn’t fight you, but you were sure he would.
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prof-peach · 4 years
So I’m your opinion as a professor that is good with grass-types how would one handle a newborn grass type like a chespin or a rowlet
hm, well each baby grass type will need different stuff. I’ll just focus in on the two you mentioned, otherwise i’ll be here all day.
So chespin needs a netted shady area, so they get partial sun. Too much at an early age burns their greener plant-like areas and you end up with a pretty miserable pokemon. They require a well balanced but high volume diet, with lots of nutrition, as these pokemon need a great store of energy to grow and eventually evolve should they want to. Even when very young, new hatches, these pokemon can tolerate the cold frost of winter, and stay active all year round. I’d not be surprised to see them running about in snow without much issue. They're a tougher grass type for sure. These pokemon’s teeth come in early and they'll chew on all your furniture if not given chews or branches to gnaw on. try to avoid them eating anything thats got a lot of lacquer or varnish on, pretty gross tasting and can make them sick. Theyre born quite blind and stay that way for a couple weeks, so keep them in a cosy small den space until they get sight and become brave. 
As for Rowlet, different stuff, they need to sun in full, direct sunshine in the day, sleep a lot to develop their huge brains, and at night you’ll see them become a lot more active. This can switch as they age, but some do prefer to bump about at night as it gives them cover and advantages in hunting. They need a surprisingly high energy diet, lots of carbs and sugars, but otherwise dark leafy greens. They do take a short while to get into flying, so helping them practice is important, so set up a tall perch they can hop up to, and try to get them to glide to you, slowly increasing distance until theyre more confident. Unlike Chespin, this species cannot tolerate frost and will be very sick, if not perish if left out in winter. They shed a butt load of feathers at their early years, starting life with more downy feathers, getting their notable smooth coat after a few months of slowly growing them in. 
You selected two pokemon who are quite normal in form and habits, and don’t behave at all like other grass types, so this information isn't quite useful if you were to use it on say, a sunkern, or a bulbasaur, who again, need quite different care and notably develop at different rates. 
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writing-wrxngs · 4 years
Tommy’s Wings
(Just a heads up, this may not look like it at first, but it’s angst. You guys are gonna hate me for this one but I saw some fanart and got evil evil thoughts. Trigger warning for blood and implied violence.)
Tommy, unlike his two older brothers, was born with wings. They were one of many similarities Phil shared with his youngest son, but it was the one that made him the proudest. When he was young, they were downy, like a baby bird’s. They were little at first, naturally, but as Tommy grew, so did they. Just by looking at them, Phil knew he’d have a decent sized wingspan when he grew up. He just couldn’t wait for the day Tommy’s flight feathers came in. Neither could Tommy.
Phil helped the boy when he molted and his real feathers came in, so excited that soon his youngest could fly. He explained to him that it was going to be a strange process, and that it would take time. Tommy was impatient, ready to be able to soar through the skies like his father, but Phil reminded him that molting took time and he couldn’t rush it. Slowly but surely though, the soft down fell away, revealing feathers the color of rain clouds, a paler gray than Phil’s own wings, and gorgeous nonetheless. He happily picked up the down feathers wherever they fell, knowing that each one was a feather closer to his son being able to fly.
When they came in, Phil made sure he taught Tommy how to take care of his wings first. All of the preening and preparation, every little tip and trick he knew to keep the wings looking their best. He made sure Tommy knew how important it was to do this. Tommy, for once in his life, didn’t brush the advice off. Of course, Tommy was also just as enthusiastic about the wings as Phil. And knowing Tommy, he also loved the idea of showing them off. You can’t show off wings if they aren’t in tip top shape. Phil also made sure Tommy knew how to be safe with his wings, and how the bones were delicate. How he’d have to be aware of his surroundings when spreading them open. Of course, he told Tommy that a broken wing was treatable, too, but not to let that be an excuse to be reckless. He knew Tommy would fail his first few flights, but after that, he’d hope that nothing would hurt the boy on his new adventures.
After that, of course, was teaching him to fly. Those were some of the best moments. Phil could see how enamored Tommy was with the idea. Phil was equally enamored, but there was just something so fulfilling about looking at Tommy and seeing the wonder in his eyes, and watching how intensely Tommy listened to his instructions. The boy had passion, and it was just so nice to see. His exuberance was enough to make Phil feel young again. Like he had predicted, Tommy crashed a couple of times, and unlike with a lot of things, his ego didn’t bruise. In fact, he’d pop right back up and insist on trying again. Phil would tell him he needed to rest a bit after, or try and make sure Tommy was hurt, but the boy would always protest. He wanted to get flying as fast as possible. Every day he got better and better. Every day he got more and more exuberant. It was an amazing sight. It was an even more amazing sight when Tommy was finally able to fly perfectly on his own. He came down to a perfect landing and immediately began celebrating. In all the cheering and hollering from his son, Phil couldn’t help but shed a few tears of joy. His son could fly. Just like him.
In the following years it became normal, but it still was something that had bonded the two quite closely. Neither of Tommy’s brothers had wings. It made him special in the family. If they felt like it, they could just take off and enjoy the skies together. It was something just they could share. If Tommy ever wanted to tell just Phil something, or talk about something personal, they could fly far away and all about it. Total privacy. Every moment like this was one Phil treasured. He knew Tommy probably didn’t think of them the same way, but he hoped that he at least remembered them fondly.
The only time they didn’t share these sort of moments was when they were apart. Tommy had gone off on his own with Wilbur. They were off doing their own thing in the little nation they had, L’Manburg. Phil missed being able to fly with Tommy, but knew someday this would happen. The baby of the family was growing up. It was sad, but also satisfying. Of course, he knew that someday, they’d fly together again. It’s not like Tommy being grown would stop him from spending time with his father. All Phil could do was hope those days would come soon.
Upon Phil arriving in L’Manburg, Tommy sadly explained that flying technically wasn’t allowed, Dream had banned it. However, Dream couldn’t watch them all the time, and it was practically impossible to enforce such a rule when you can’t catch the rule breakers. Tommy knew his father needed something familiar and comforting like flying with him after what happened to Wil. Every once and awhile, under the cover of night when no one could see, they took those flights. They did make Phil feel more at home, but it couldn’t cover up how he felt about Wilbur’s death. He knew that doing this made Tommy feel better, too, though, and together they used their usual bonding method to cope with the hole left in their family. Nothing would make it ever feel better, but this was as close as it could get.
And then, Tommy was exiled from L’Manburg. They were separated once again. Phil was sure it wouldn’t last. Not with Tommy’s spirit. All Phil could do was wait for when Tommy would come flying back, even if it was brief, to try and get himself home permanently.
The morning after the exile, Phil found a note from Dream on his front step. Underneath the note and stained with blood, sat Tommy’s wings.
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enochianribs · 4 years
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Chapter 2 of the Cabin AU is up now!
Read on Ao3 here, or under the cut. 
(Reblogs appreciated!)
The roof had a leak. Dean woke up to a growing wet spot on the pillow next to his. He laid still, eyes crossing as he stared at the ceiling, watching the bead of water run across one of the unfinished boards, suspending itself for an entire minute until it plopped right next to his head. Slowly, his mind pulled itself out of his dream, though the haze lingered.  The roof had a leak. Dean woke up to a growing wet spot on the pillow next to his. He laid still, eyes crossing as he stared at the ceiling, watching the bead of water run across one of the unfinished boards, suspending itself for an entire minute until it plopped right next to his head. Slowly, his mind pulled itself out of his dream, though the haze lingered. 
 “Mmm...great.” Another item on his to-do list. 
 Dean was willing to bet there were more leaks in the living room. 
For a moment he debated allowing himself to be lulled back to sleep. It was all too easy to slip back to that dream again: blurry hands, soft mouths, quiet murmurs, everything he missed and everything he’d never had. Not really. 
 Rain gently pattered against the outside of the cabin, the storm grinding in from the East and then settling its haunches right over the hills to stay for the night. The sun was rising, and the pink sky cast shadows from the drops on the window pane, little spots phantom dripping down his sheets. 
 It was the first morning since he’d gotten to the cabin that he’d slept in past sunrise. Sluggishly, he sat up, diggin the heel of his hand into his eyes as a yawn fought its way out of his chest. He turned his head, and reached out with a hand to wake his companion, before reality caught up with him and his hand fell to the mattress, going through the ghost.
 That’s right , he thought. His mouth tasted like ash.
 If he laid there any longer his chest would become heavy, and his breaths ragged, so he tossed the covers off, and trudged over to the shower. The cold water bit through the fog better than anything else could, and he leaned his temple against the glass door waiting for it to heat up and fill the room with steam. 
 Normally, he’d air dry, but it was chilly and an urgency hung around him. He grabbed the bleach-spotted towel hanging sadly by the door towelled off quickly. 
He wandered idly, picking his daily morning tasks up and dropping them before he’d complete them. Something pulled him around the house. He was forgetting something.
Dean was midway through folding the quilt and draping it on the sofa arm when they caught his eye. 
Two large feathers sat in the middle of the massive dining table (he still wondered who had built and what they’d been thinking—  the thing could seat the knights of the round table if necessary). Tugging the fridge door with one hand he reached blindly for the pot of coffee he kept iced, and nudged it closed with his knee, never taking his eyes off them. 
They were captivating. He continued to stare as he poured himself a cup, spilling some of the coffee onto the counter. He’d forget to clean it up, and it would stain, but that was okay. If they asked, he was experimenting with wood staining.
Dean could examine them once he made himself some kind of breakfast. Those were the rules: remember to feed yourself, and then you can do whatever you want to with your day. Breakfast ended up being toast and jam, and he plopped it down at the end seat of the table, and reached for the feathers before he took a bite. 
The color on the first one was so dark it looked heavy, but it was as light in his hand as any feather should be. He held it up and squinted, twisting his wrist back and forth. It caught the light and reflected a shimmering oil slick back at him. The colors shifted, hues iridescent.
 At first glance it could be a raven’s, but it was at least four times bigger than that.
 The second one was more muted, the black towards the base of it dappled into a brown and white, and it was downy soft where the other was sharp and precise. Yesterday he’d thought it was grey but better light proved that it was a grey-brown.
He’d assumed that it was from the same bird—  creature , but now he wasn’t so sure. Dean didn’t know the first thing about birds. However, he knew several people who did. 
“Hey, Bobby. Can I talk to Rufus?”
“He’s kinda in the middle of some’in’, Dean.” The roll of his eyes was audible, as someone yelped in the muffled background. “Can I call you back?”
“Please?” Dean asked, grinning cheekily even though he wasn’t there to warm Bobby over in person. 
Bobby made a disgruntled noise and paused, before sighing. “You’re doing the face aren’t you?”
“Fine. You never want to talk to me .” 
“You know that’s not true.”
“Hm.” Bobby replied. Out of spite, he kept the phone next to his face as he shouted for his attention. “Rufus! It’s Dean.” 
Ouch , Dean mouthed wincing at the volume, as he listened to the sound of two old men grumbling at each other before fabric shifted, and Rufus picked up the phone. 
“He lives.”
A smile burst its way through Dean’s concentration. “Hey Ruf, gotta question for you.”
“Coulda called us sooner. We were beginning to wonder if you’d sold the cabin and moved somewhere warmer with pink flamingos.”
The image made Dean snort. Him at the beach? Unlikely.
“Nope.” Dean quipped. “Still here and freezing my ass off. You guys ever think about installing a damn heater?”
“And pay that bill? Hell no. We added a fireplace, what more do you want from us.”
Good ol’ crabby Rufus. “What do you know about birds?” 
“A lot.” As per usual, he was being obtuse.
“Know of any big enough to leave behind two foot feathers?”
Rufus whistled. “Not in North America, unless you’ve got ostriches running around.”
“That’d be a negatory. So there’s nothing you can think of?”
“Nope. Did you find something, kid?”
“Holding one right now.”
“No shit.” He could hear the bewildered tone of his voice over the shitty connection. “Well, I guess keep an eye out. It’d be real hard for something that big to hide, and even harder for it to sit comfortable in those pine trees with the branches so dense. I’d say you’re about to make the biggest zoological discovery in North America in the past century. Keep us posted?” 
“Will do.” Dean said, and he heard Rufus handing the phone back over to Bobby. 
“Hope everything’s okay up there, Dean.”
“Everything’s peachy, honestly. Anyways—” He checked the clock on the stove. 8:30. The hardware store would be open in a half hour. “I’ve got some errands to run, so I’ll leave you to whatever it is a couple of old farts do in retirement.”
Dean grinned to himself. “See ya, Bobby.”
“Take care of yourself.”
“I will.”
The line went silent, and Dean shoved his phone back into his pocket, bobbing his head to the side in thought. Though he didn’t get a definitive answer, at least the call had eliminated the options of native fauna. 
At nine in the morning, Dean was usually one of a small line of people waiting outside Lafitte’s Goods to needle Benny’s brain for fixes and tools of the trade. Pamela was waiting against the brick wall, hand shielding the summer morning sun from her eyes, reading a 99 cent paper back with interest. 
“Hey, Pamela.”
“Dean-o. Call me Pammy.”
“No, of course not. But Pam works. I’m not your mother.”
“You call your mom by her first name?”
“Fair point. What’re you here for?” She nodded her head and bounced off the wall, as Benny unlocked the doors. A couple of grizzled old men shuffled in ahead of them, beelining it for the plywood. 
Porch season. 
“Roof’s got a leak.”
“Leak season.”
“Apparently. This is the third one since I got here.”
She squinted at him, like he was omitting something important, and popped the bubble of gum in her mouth. Dean started to itch under her scrutiny. He hated being studied like a lab rat.
What was the woman? A witch? Why was she peeling back layers of his get-up without warning.
Dean coughed, and used Benny’s presence as an excuse to wiggle out from under her gaze. “Gotta—  yeah, see you.” Turning on his heel he fled towards the adhesives, face contorting with embarrassment. 
Holy fuck, somehow he’d gotten even more awkward. 
Dear god, help me. 
Benny never pried unless Dean seemed interested in offering up information, and for that Dean was actually incredibly grateful. Most days he didn’t want to talk about anything, certainly not his past, but Benny and his bushy beard and warm eyes had managed to wiggle through his walls, just a little. 
Benny stared at him from behind the register, inquisitive expression considerably easier to cope with than Barnes' hungry expression. A friendly smile danced across his face as he assessed Dean’s no-doubt rosey cheeks. 
“She’s got her claws in you, huh.”
Dean ducked his head, glancing sideways at the brunette woman still looking at the different kinds of rope. A tramp stamp peeked out from under the bottom edge of her tank top. Dean tapped his fingers on the pock-marked wood counter and turned his attention back to his friend. “Is she always like that?”
“Sure is,” Benny drawled, ringing up everything Dean had haphazardly shoved onto the counter in his escape. “You just happen to be the newest, prettiest , plaything in Pringle.” The burly man winked.
 Pink crawled up Dean’s neck  from his collarbones and spread into his cheeks once again. Christ, there was no escape from these people. Still stammering, Dean practically ran back to the Impala. 
 The phone vibrated in his back pocket. By the third ring, Dean had parked Baby in her usual spot, and he struggled to tug it out of his pocket, checking the Caller ID. 
He pumped the window down, the air getting warm inside the car, and he flipped the phone open, inhaling sharply. He should have called before now. Shouldn’t have let so much time pass. In the fall, he’d be too busy to take any of Dean’s calls anyways. 
Several seconds of too-long silence passed between them. 
“Where have you been?”
Dean swallowed, thick, guilt permeating the small space. 
“Sorry, I just—” He didn’t have an excuse. “I didn’t know what to say.”
“You still could’ve picked up the phone. I tried to call you about six times. You don’t always need to have something to say, y’know…  It just would’ve been nice to know you’re still breathing.” His brother’s voice was basically a whisper at the end. 
“I know.” Dean closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing shakily. “I know.”
“I had to hear it from Bobby. Dean—” Sam’s voice pitched up to that octave it always did when he was upset. “Dad’s gone again.”
“And that’s fine. It’s not like I’m ten and incapable of caring for myself but I thought—  I thought he’d be back by now. It’s been a couple of weeks.”
“Shit, Sammy.” 
“I think he’s fine. He sent a vague text a couple of days ago, it’s just with school starting in two months I get worried. Not even for him, just for us. I can’t pay for school myself, and I can’t afford to miss anything because of Dad. If my grades drop, I’m out.”
“I know.” God, Dean knew.
Sam was a late bloomer for college. The kid was brilliant, but he’d been dealt a bad hand, and it was a miracle Rufus and Bobby had invested in a saving fund for the two of them decades ago. At twenty-two, Dean knew that he’d already had trouble securing the scholarships. Stanford wanted the best and brightest, not the kid with seven schools on his high school transcript and an overabundance of unexcused absences. 
The guilt piled up and perched itself on his shoulders until he sagged into his seat under the heaviness. It was his job to keep John out of trouble, not Sammy’s. And instead he’d run away from that responsibility. 
The repair materials sat in the backseat, and his heart twisted in his chest. The meadow sat peacefully in the late afternoon sun, just across the short distance of woods, and it still kept its secret. He didn’t want to go back. Not yet. Not until he’d had his fill of independence.
“Look,” He could kick himself for how his voice cracked. “If John doesn’t turn up by the end of the week, I’ll come back. I’ll help. Promise.”
For what it was worth, a facet of his brother’s relieved sigh sounded apologetic.“Thank you, Dean. I don’t know how to do this without you.”
“Okay then.”
“Talk to you soon, Sammy.” Dean’s jaw clenched involuntarily, as he flipped the phone closed and tossed it against the passenger door. His frustrated shout echoed between him and the trees, but he didn’t feel better.
Always this .
Historically, John would do something stupid and irresponsible and Dean would drop everythign to clean up the mess and no one would thank him. Not really. That was fine.
Family was supposed to break your heart. 
 The leak proved to be an easy fix. 
Dean fought the attic door that led to the roof, following the small staircase up until he was on the balls of his feet, head sticking out as he pulled himself onto it. The shingles were rough, cracked and damaged from the winters, and he scrapped the length of his arm against it.
 The source of the leak took only a minute to find. Five or so shingles were missing, leaving nothing but the wood underneath, which did nothing but absorb any and all precipitation. The rubber sealant smelled terrible, and he gagged dramatically, almost dropping the metal can in the process. Done applying, he plopped his ass down, determined to see it dry properly before he went back inside.
Half assing things had always resulted in a stern talking to in the least, and it had been something he’d struggled with growing up, his mind yanking him a thousand directions until his head was spinning and John was disappointed. 
Dean grit his teeth, purposefully dragging the raw scrape against the rough roofing, the burn biting through the thought, bringing him back down from that far off place he so frequently wandered to. He didn’t even know how he got there, but he found himself lost, shrunk down, smaller than the hand-me-down leather jacket he tried to fill.
From the roof he could see almost everything. It turned out that Rufus and Bobby’s cabin foundation was built onto a gentle slope.
The rain clouds had dissipated, migrating to the flat plains further south, and it left a crisp atmosphere behind. The sun poked through the remaining gargantuan cumulonimbus clouds, sunbeams gently caressing the grass. Grey mist rose from where the creek beds greedily absorbed the heat. It reminded him of the paintings of cowboys, sitting on a stallion, bathed in golden light, their backs to the audience, all the edges illuminated and throwing everything else into stark purple shadows. 
 The burn of the scrape subsided as a sense of peace settled Dean, his body melting into the shingles. An hour passed before his stomach growled, and he climbed back down for lunch.
Tapping at the window pane only inches from his face. 
Groggy and only slightly encrusted (gross) Dean opened his eyes and was met by dark blue ones, a tawny human hand pressed up against the glass. 
 Dean’s soul evaporated out of his body, back pressed to the headboard as he scrabbled for the small knife he kept under his pillow. Before he could look again, it was gone.He launched himself out of bed, so very entirely grateful that he’d had enough sense to go to sleep in his boxers and his worn-out threadbare Kansas shirt. 
Holy hell.  
Fingers trembling, he opened the window, leaning almost all the way out, hovering a few feet above the ground.A single feather slowly came to rest soundlessly on the pine-needle carpet. The view from the window remained unyieldingly motionless. 
Black-eyed susans had begun to sprout in the shade, despite themselves, and now they quivered where they grew between the pine-roots even though the morning wind had not pierced through the woods yet. 
Craning his neck, he glanced up, half expecting the last thing he’d ever see to be a terrifying bird man staring down at him like he was lunch. Nothing. 
Dean practically fell out of his room, chanting under his breath in a poor attempt to calm himself down as he stumbled down the short hall to the living room. 
It’s human.
“No,” Dean spoke to the picture frames on the walls. He had no idea what he was denying, but the situation begged to be denied. He paced back and forth in the living room, no doubt wearing the floor down despite the fact that he was wearing socks—  the ones with the holes in the heel. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
Oh my God, it was so very not okay. 
Suddenly, the couch seemed like the perfect place to suffocate himself to unconsciousness. Someone else could deal with this. 
 No , he thought. You wanted this to happen, you dirty liar. Stop panicking and deal with it. 
Wings was human- or at least partially human. He looked like a man. Dean’s thin eyelids fluttered closed, and the image was painted on the backside of them with crystal clarity. Square jawline, arrow-straight nose, curiously arched eyebrows…  and the eyes . They were so blue. And they had been looking right at him. Watching him. 
It was entirely ridiculous that his eyes overshadowed the massive lurking darkness behind him, of what had to have been his wings. 
A human with wings. 
This was crazy. Everything was crazy.
The way he saw it, there were two directions this could go: he could pretend he hadn’t seen anything, and this would be tucked away into the delusion box that he kept under lock and key at the back of his mind and he could grow old being none the wiser of whatever breach of reality this was, or he could go find it. 
The first option was sounding real nice. Normal. Well adjusted. 
He was well adjusted. 
Besides, Dean wasn’t entirely convinced it wasn’t a dream.  this entire thing was a fever dream and he was in some hospital bed back in Lawrence, stuck in a coma. Dean pinched himself, viciously and stared at the white marks left on his forearm, helpless. 
“Okay.” He barked out a laugh. 
He should call Jo. 
After a few more minutes of pacing and hyperventilating, he decided against it. He would tell her—  of course he would! —but when it came up.
The Harvelle’s were good people and they’d shown him nothing but kindness. 
The situation had to be broached with care, or the small home he’d built in the life he wanted to live would topple in on itself, and the rubble and dust would drown him.
Trust issues were a problem of his, and he’d been aware of them since high school, when he’d had too many secrets to keep and any semblance of a support system was states away. 
God, he knew the way he clammed up was obvious, but sometimes he surprised even himself. If he was being honest, there was a lot more to it than a strong need for privacy. Didn’t matter though. In the end, after all the nit-picking and self beratement, it boiled down to fear. 
Jo could keep her mouth closed, but there was always a chance she’d accidentally tell someone, and there was a high chance it would be the wrong person. If he let it slip that this thing existed, who knew what would come packing. And he knew sooner or later, someone would bring the heat. Words got around easily in a small town like Pringle and he knew everyone would be at his door, wanting a chance to see the freak of the week. 
Which… was a thing that existed. A human with wings, that called the small clearing his home.
His heart skipped a beat at the thought. He felt protective over the man, almost ferociously so. 
The day’s hunting trip wasn’t happening— now Dean was paranoid.
What if he accidently shot him? Or scared him off permanently? 
His stomach churned, acid and bile climbing their way up his throat. The burn was familiar. Half his childhood had been spent subsiding panic attacks and anxiety, calming down Dad or Sam or both at the same time. 
The tin echo of a gunshot managed to penetrate through the thick log walls of the cabin.In a heartbeat, he was scrambling for the ancient shotgun. The front door swung open, the little voice in his head told him to close it behind him, but his feet carried him quicker than his mind and so he left it swinging on its hinges at his back. 
An anguished scream gargled its way from somewhere deeper into the woods, due south of the cabin. Rocks dashed the soles of Dean’s feat and he swore out loud, having forgotten his boots at the door. 
Shit shit shit.  
Someone was nearby, and they were ballsy enough to fire a weapon despite the illegality of hunting on private property. His mind raced at the same speed he ran towards it, a limp skewing his gate every few steps. Stray branches caught the sleeves of his shirt, tearing through the fabric as he refused to slow down. 
It’s just a deer. 
He knew better. 
They’re just after a deer, or a bison that wandered away from the heard or an elk or something—  
Another blood curdling scream erupted from amongst the pine, this one loud enough to rattle the crows out of their nests. They cawed, the sound of dozens of pairs of wings taking flight muting the pained groans. 
He knew better. 
Please—  please. Not Wings.
He faltered over a boulder, panic overtaking muscle memory and skidded to a halt at the crest of a ledge. The scene below knocked the breath out of his chest, leaving a vacuum in its wake. 
Campbell, one of the more elderly hunters of the area was standing over another tawny body. Giant black wings sprawled out, twisting and twitching in the dirt and mud, feathers slightly splayed underneath his back. 
Campbell’s face distorted in pain, a tense moment passing before his wild eyes landed on Dean, the whites of his too visible, even from ten yards away. Blood pumped out from a wound on his neck, and he had a hand clamped down onto it, slick with red, he held a shotgun limply in his left hand, the butt of it dropped heavily to the ground. 
Semi-satisfied that Campbell didn’t seem interested in shooting again, Dean fixated every ounce of attention on Wings and his breath hitched. Smeared across his mouth and chin was a copious amount of blood. He’d bitten Campbell. Dean’s heart swelled with pride.
Good . 
His short encounter with Campbell prior had proved that the man was a bag of dicks, cocky and far too keen on the killing aspect of hunting. It skeeved Dean out then, and it certainly did now. Campbell was still looking at Wings like he was prey. Though no component of the scene begged to differ: the man was naked, teeth bared, but he was incapable of escaping, the gunshot wound in his abdomen bleeding him dry. 
Dean leveled the end of his shotgun at Campbell’s head. “Get the fuck away from him.”
Campbell backed away from Wings, the muscles in his right arm tensed, like he wanted to put it up defensively, but it was necessary he kept pressure on the wound. It looked like Wings had gone for the jugular. “It attacked me, Winchester.”
“You’re fucking crazy.”
Dean would put money on the fact that he looked the part, he could feel his chest heaving, something akin to dull rage pumping through his veins. He prayed the tremor in his hand didn’t betray his hesitation. “I said move .”
Obeying his orders, Campbell stepped back, never taking his eyes off of the strange man. Agony flashed across his face where he laid in the dirt.In his hands, he held a silver blade. Wings looked from Campbell to Dean, expression visibly softening.
“Give me your coat.” Dean didn’t have much time, glancing at Wings, he saw that a red gleam of blood was starting to trickle from the corner of his mouth and his eyes moved frantically. He slid down the slope and went to take off his jacket and remembered his was only in his boxers. “ NOW .” 
Campbell shirked it off and threw it at Dean, staying exactly where he was. Moving quickly, Dean pressed the thick fabric to the wound, moving his other hand to the back side to see where the bullet went. There was no opening there, and he was thankful that Wings was naked. He could skip the sometimes detrimental process of removing his clothes to assess the wound better.
 He tied the jacket around him and slid one arm under his legs and the other across his shoulder blades, lifting him up carefully. Dean had to get him back to his house immediately, before Wings lost too much blood.
One last time, he regarded Campbell. He felt the sneer tug his lip up, his voice like acid trying to eat through the other man’s bones until he was nothing. “Get the fuck off my property. And don’t tell anyone about this. He’ll be fine, not that you care. But you won’t be if I see you here again, or if I hear about this from anyone. Do I make myself clear?”  
Samuel’s eyes darkened clearly at war with Dean’s threat, but his skin was taking on a pallor akin to lethal blood loss. He nodded curtly, acknowledging the agreement, at least for the moment. 
Reasonably satisfied that Campbell wouldn’t shoot them in the back, Dean turned and left, the body draped over his shoulder too warm.Dean’s hand wrapped around, hand feathering over his taut side, avoiding the wound. He could feel his fingers wet with blood. 
Wings was whispering something feverishly, though Dean couldn’t catch a word of it, his eyes glazed over with pain, searching the sky for something with a fervor of a religious man with hell hounds on his heels. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” Dean murmured, straining to carry the both of them the distance to the cabin. “I’ve got you.” 
Wing’s head lolled to the side, and his body went slack. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, but Dean couldn’t afford to cry now. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to get them inside safely. He swallowed the terror. He ducked and wove through the undergrowth, fearing that the drooping wings would catch on a branch or boulder. 
The time it took until he could lay Wings down on his dining room table felt like hell had manifested on Earth, keenly able to feel life slipping away in his arms.
Once Dean managed to put Wings on the table without his head smacking the wood, he tore the kitchen apart for salt and a bowl of water and some clean washcloths, and sprinted to the bathroom, yanking the drawers out and emptying their contents onto the counter and sink until his eyes landed on the tweezers and isopropyl alcohol.
It wasn’t a perfect med kit, but there was no other choice. It had to do. 
Dean approached the table cautiously, worried that too much movement would set him off. The dark wingspan spread out almost three feet on either side of the table and Dean swallowed a stone.
He had no idea what to do next, not really. The closest experience he’d had to being a doctor had been treating John’s stab wound when he was thirteen and John had come home more beaten than usual.  
He stared helplessly down at Wings.  
“He...help.” Wings voice was like a ghost’s, he barely heard it, and he was standing right next to him. He looked up at the cobwebbed chandelier lighting like it was something holy and mesmerizing and Dean realized he was losing him. 
“Shhh… it’s okay.” His forehead was sticky with sweat and drying blood, and Dean pushed some of the unruly black wisps from his eyes, humming low. “I’m gonna help you.” 
Wings hand shook, following the edge of the table, feverishly searching for something to hold onto. Tentatively, Dean slid his fingers between his, feeling his calloused palm against his own. “Wings. Wings, you gotta listen to me. Wings, please . You have to lay still.”
He had no idea if the man understood a single word he was saying, but it seemed to do the trick. Over the span of a terrible minute, his breathing slowed down, and his grip on Dean’s hand went from frail to almost bone crushingly alive. 
Wings’ blue eyes were on him, flickering a little in the low light. Dean waited, untrained, unable and unwilling to play operation on him while he was still conscious, eyes desperate to look at anything but the daunting task before him. 
Eventually, he passed out, his painful grimace replaced by a soft one, and Dean began to remove the shrapnel bullet, praying to anyone who was listening that it had not shredded his insides beyond repair. 
 At some point in the night, Dean had gotten up to draw the curtains and lock the door, willing to sacrifice only a moment to seal them away from the rest of the world. 
 Now, sunlight pierced through the cracks, illuminating them both in thin lines of white light. He watched Wings toss and turn, his face gnarling into pain each time he moved.
 What if Dean had fucked it up? What if the next breath he drew was his last? His mind raced, punishing him for every moment’s hesitation that could very well lead to his death. 
 Dean caught himself following Wings jawline, examining the stark contours of his face like he would never see them again. Please, just please make it out alive.
 “Don’t die on me, Wings.” The words slipped out subconsciously. “Please, God, don’t die on me.”
 Dean had the decency to cover him up with the quilt. The two’s hands were still tightly entwined long after the heartbeat in Wing’s wrist lulled Dean into sleep, tumbling heart over head. 
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2lim3rz · 3 years
Rating Primarchs By How Possibly Hairy They Are
Thank you @solruthis for your wonderful ideas NOW! To explain: Again, some/most of these Primarchs I’m like, completely in the dark on, so I’ma try to do this. This is all, of course, the opinion of a thirsty dumbass for some most of these! Also including personal headcanons like I did with the smell thing. Honestly, these things might as well all be headcanons tbh
I’m also changing it up in just completely leaving out primarchs I have no idea on what to write on
Rating System: 1 [For once not a bad thing but this just means they SMOOOTH as FUCK] / 10 [HAIRIER THAN A POMERANIAN] so not opinionated this time!
Lion El’Jonson - 4/10 - This bitch can’t seriously bear the moniker “the Lion”. I will eat an entire canister of cotton candy in an hour if GW personally tells me the Lion has not one spick span of hair aside from his head and beard. Anyhow, yeah, I imagine he does have a degree of body hair, but he gives me a vibe that it’s maintained
Fulgrim - 1/10 - It’s.. It’s Fulgrim. He look s mo o th like.. not butter.. what’s a smooth thing.. like.. uh.. As smooth as a Dark Angel Veteran funko pop. It’s a REALLY specific description, but trust me when I say it’s super smooth
Perturabo - 1/10 - Perty.. Perty you makey me s add, but yeah I don’t doubt that he doesn’t let a smidge of hair grow tbh. Upsetti spaghetti.
Leman Russ - 9/10 - He’s not super duper hairy, but VERY close to it. I don’t even think I have to explain it too much, but his hair’s definately very coarse feeling
Rogal Dorn - 5/10 - I don’t have to justify this, we all know Dorn has some arm hair, I can’t be convinced otherwise.
Konrad Curze - Either 1/10 or 2/10 - I just.. physically can’t see Konrad having a lot of body hair at all?
Sanguinius - 4/10 - Very similar to Lion, except he doesn’t have facial hair, hi m s oft though, any body hair he has is soft like downy feathers. Man’s body hair feels like a baby chicken’s feathers SOFT AS HELL!
Ferrus Manus - 2/10 - I can’t quite see him with body hair, but at the same time I do?
Doing these guys different
Lorgar Aurelian, Vulkan, Alpharius Omegon
- -100/10 - Lorgar has all those tattoos and clearly deems all body hair as a no, Vulkan’s is burnt off more than likely, and Alpharius Omegon just don’t strike be as dudes that’d have much body hair if they even let themselves have any
Angron - 3/10 - Fight me. He has some hair.
Roboute Gulliman - 6/10 - This man has fucking arm and leg hair, I will die on his hill. NOW, it may not be a lot, or not really easily seen since he’s blonde [oh I hope I’m getting this right] but yeah, I just thing the king of himbos would and should have some degree of body hair. It’s also walking the fine line of coarse and soft
Mortation - 2/10 - Uhh.. Yea. Fight me.
Magnus the Red - ??/10 - Magnus is a cheater cause he uses magic but I’d settle on.. maybe 4/10?
Horus Lupercal - 3/10 - figh t m e I’ll die on this fucking h i l l
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prismatales · 4 years
I absolutely love your writing! Any chance we can get some more brother Keigo? Maybe the reader gets pretty hurt during a villain attack and he finds out? I hope you have a great day! Take care of yourself 🥺❤️😊
The first thing that came to my mind was that scene from Harry Potter. Take care too my friend! and all of you reading this as well! 💖
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So your relationship with your brother has slowly started to get better, his messages and calls are no longer ignored which is a relief for him.
...And Tokoyami, since he doesn't need to text his mentor every four hours anymore.
*Insert relieved Robert Downy jr. meme here*
His overprotective tendencies haven't calmed down a bit though. And that became pretty clear the day you got injured during a mission.
Hawk's taking a break at his office and watching the news about a villain attack at the town's square, and behold as he realizes his little sister and her mentor were the ones fighting this group of villains.
Actually, your mentor's the one doing most of the fighting, you're the one in charge of evacuating nearby civilians who happened to get too close to the fight.
Until one of the villains starts targeting you, Hawks knows being a hero is not a walk in the park, but he can't help feeling worried when you start struggling to dodge the villain's quirk, which makes them being able to summon energy whips from their arms and extend them at will.
The worst part comes when said villain eventually manages to grab you by wrapping his quirk against one of your ankles and Takami sees your mentor struggling against his own foe.
He starts seeing red the moment you're violently pulled back from the sky and slammed against a building, if that doesn't make his blood boil the way you scream in pain after your back gets violently slammed against the wall definitely does.
Specially once he sees the way your wings are twitching in pain from being slammed into said wall, with one being slightly bent into an uncomfortable shape due to the impact.
The only thing his sidekicks are able to see is a blur of red before he's out of the building with such speed that there's papers flying everywhere all over the place while they watch his boss fly off, not even the potted plant at the front desk is safe from the sharp gust of wind, too fast for any of them to even process what just happened.
The villain seems to have a death wish as they start gloating about taking down the sister of the Number two hero while you make an attempt to crawl away despite the pain.
One of their feet slams with force against your already bruised back, but to their disappointment you refused to make a single noise and proceed to glare at them with rage.
They only start laughing in mockery before slamming their feet down once again this time landing on one of your wings, the less damaged one to add sat into the wound, but you still refuse to make even a single pained groan despite the agony as said wing is now broken.
They're already pulling their arm back, ready to land the killing blow when a red mass comes barreling out of nowhere and knocks them away at the exact same time someone lands in front you.
That's when they come face to face with the winged hero himself, pointing one of his feather blades towards the bastard who hurt his sister while giving him a dark, murderous stare.
"Not my sister you bitch!"
That villain would have better chances of survival swimming in shark infested waters while wearing a meat collar than fighting an enraged Hawks.
By the time your mentor finally manages to defeat their opponent they come rushing to check up on you, and come to the sight of the villain laying on the ground beaten into a bloody pulp.
All while Hawks is by your side, making sure you're still conscious while examining your wings to make sure is not permanently damaged because of the villain who dared lay their dirty hands -or feet- on you.
You bet Takami's going to visit you every single day while you're staying in the hospital. He'd have to be dragged out either by the hospital staff, your friends or should everything else fail Aizawa and All-Might have to come take him away. He'll eventually leave albeit begrudgingly, and only after you use your own feathers to push him out of the room.
For obvious reason you won't be allowed to go on missions for some time while the injury is healing, physiotherapy will also be needed before being able to go back to business.
Takami won't hesitate to help out with it, he probably had his fair share of injuries growing up so he either helps out himself and/or hires the best help he can get to make sure there's not a permanent handicap with your wings.
You can bet the news of the winged hero protecting his baby sister made it to the news, and everyone watching was losing their heads when Takami did that Harry Potter reference.
@t-amajiki @undead0relived @shoobirino @bnha-ra @godtieruwu @mysticalite
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