#oh well its cold as balls so we need SOMETHING to keep em warm!
babblable · 3 years
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Fuzzy Baby is BACK!
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mythicalgemwrites · 3 years
Selkie x F! Reader (Linn) Part 1
Sorry for not posting earlier guys! I've been very busy with online classes.
Warnings: mentions of drowning. Pics are not mine, all credits go to the owner!
M! Selkie X F! Reader
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Living on an island your whole life has its perks. From the fresh scent of the salty ocean air to the calming sounds of the waves crashing lazily, it never failed to wake you up with a serenity that could be found nowhere else. You had lived alone with your Toller pup for the past couple years, in the house that your grandparents had left for you. You grew up with them, as your parents always had to move from town to town due to their profession. They were both marine biologists and had taken up a job at a top secret research facility when you were 12, so they decided to let you stay with your beloved grandparents. However, on a stormy day a couple years ago, when you were 19, both your grandparents got caught in a storm while they were out fishing, and they never came back. During the funeral, you had found out that in their will, they had stated that you should get the house, in the event of something tragically happening to them.
And that’s how you got the house three years ago. When it became too lonely, you decided to adopt a Toller puppy for company, and you had named him Sam, which was your grandpa’s nickname. He provided good company and unconditional love, which is important in every home. The house had its own dock leading to the beach, so every morning, after your walk, you’d put Sam’s retriever genes to good use and play fetch with him, fetching the ball from the ocean was one of his favorite past times. Whenever you brought him to the beach, you sometimes feared he was going to be the reason why someone almost drowned. To date, you were grateful nothing like that had ever happened, but you sometimes couldn’t brush off that fear. You were a writer, and sometimes, you couldn’t control how far your imagination went, and sometimes, the words you put on paper would be some of your worst fears, if they were to come alive.
As the days go by, and the weather gets chilly, you would often take Sam on a walk to the nearby cove, usually in the warmer months it would be filled with children playing by the beach and in the waters, but as the weather got cooler, it was mostly couples going on romantic walks, or some who preferred the solitude, just came to enjoy the sunset. On this particular day, there weren’t many people by the cove, just a couple strangers. It was around 6:15 when you threw the ball the last time, and waited for Sam to retrieve it. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, fully inhaling the chill autumn air, when you heard a whelp coming from the water. Opening your eyes, you saw Sam caught on a wave, and struggling to get back to you. In a panicked state, you took off into the water, not worrying about the growing current, but more worried about your faithful companion, struggling in grasps of strong waves, at least for a dog his size. As you grab him by his collar, attempting to pull him out, another wave comes crashing into the two of you, causing you to go under. Trying to call for help, and failing, as the water fills your lungs, you stop struggling, knowing it might make your situation worse, however, Sam starts barking, with his head barely above the water.
Suddenly, you could feel yourself being pulled out of the water, and being held against a broad chest by strong arms. Once you reached the water, you looked at your savior, beautiful greenish-blue grey eyes met yours, and you saw a cute familiar face looking back at you. It was Linn, the barista in the cute local café. You had to admit, you’ve always had a crush on him, but from afar. You didn’t know anything about him, except that people claimed that his family had lived on the island for years, centuries even.
He had shaggy brown hair, and small freckles were scattered along his face. With his help, you got up from the ground and called out to Sam. “Are you alright? I saw you getting pulled under and saw your dog barking. Do you want me to call someone?” he asked , in a boyishly deep smooth voice. Gaping like a goldfish out of the water, it took you a few seconds to process what was said. Coughing, you rasped out “ Yes… I’m fine, thank you! My dog , Sam, got caught in the waves, and I tried to get him out.” you started babbling like a lost child. “ Can I call someone to come get you?” He asked again, a hint of concern in his eyes. “ oh, no… no it’s okay, I live alone, well with Sam. There’s no one to call.” you said, trying not to act like a 15 year old who just couldn't help but be nervous around her crush. “I’ll be fine, really, I just need to walk home and dry out. Thanks again for helping!” you exclaimed. Calling Sam to you, the both of you started to walk home. “ Hey! Wait!” you heard Linn calling from behind, “ I’ll walk you home, if that’s okay. It’s getting dark anyway. I’ll see to it that you both get home safe,”. Before you could say anything, you felt him putting his jacket over you, helping with the chill. You didn’t realize you were freezing until he wrapped his jacket around you.
When the three of you reached your home, Sam was happy to be back in the warm embrace of his bed. Standing by the door “ Would you like to come in? Maybe a cup of coffee… or tea or anything else, if you prefer?” quickly giving him the option of whatever he preferred, to make sure you didn't seem ignorant. Sure, he worked as a barista in the local café, but that doesn't mean he loved coffee, right? “ Um, sure! Anything will do,” he said, as he followed you in. Looking around, you kicked yourself in your head, not keeping up to the schedule you set yourself for cleaning up around the cottage. Sure, it was decent, but paper everywhere? A heaping amount of mugs were strewn around your coffee table, as you sat there working on your next work.
Quickly picking them up and moving them to the sink, you filled up the kettle and turned it on to boil. “ There’s tea and coffee in the cabinet above the kettle, feel free to help yourself. I’ll go get dried up,” the words left you, as if you were telling them to an old friend, hoping to not make a fool of yourself anymore, you gave him a sheepish smile and made your way upstairs to your bedroom.
(Linn pov)
I made my way to the cabinet, looking through the various tea blends. Something which would help with the cold temperature would be nice. There in the right corner of the cabinet, was a box of peppermint tea. It would definitely help make her feel better, since she was soaked to the bone. I can’t help but feel a sense of concern for her. This beautiful strong woman that I always encounter in the café I worked in, and possibly have a crush on, I can’t believe I never spoke to her. I’ve always seen her writing in the corner of the café, in her spot, as my coworkers and I have labeled it. She always seems so sure of herself, and always seems ready for anything, but today, out in the water when I saw her struggling, something came over me. I had to save her, felt a sense of protectiveness for her, hence why I offered to walk her home. Taking two bigger than average mugs from the cabinet, I filled them up with the boiling water, after placing a tea bag in each and placing them on the coffee table before the couch. Her dog was in front of the heater, longing for some warmth and hoping to dry off. I heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.
As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw Sam laying before the heater, trying to get warm. Making my way to the tiny laundry room, I picked up Sam’s towel. Making my way to him, from the corner of my eye I saw Linn, sitting on the couch, two steaming mugs of what seemed to be one of my teas in front of him.
“ I made some peppermint tea, it helps with colds, we don’t want you to catch one now do we?” grinned Linn.
Thanking him, and taking the mug he held one, I sat next to him on the couch. Keeping some distance between us, I asked him if he wanted to use the bathroom to clean up.
“ If you have any spare clothing that might fit, I’d like that! It’s okay if you don’t though!” he nervously exclaimed. “ I do have some spare clothing that belonged to my grandpa, they should fit. Gimme a sec! I’ll go grab ‘em, and a towel too!” I exclaimed, leaving the cozy embrace of the couch.
Making my way to my room, where I kept a spare drawer full of my grandparent’s clothes, I dug out a jumper and a pair of pajama pants which belonged to my grandpa.
When I went down, I saw Linn drying Sam with the towel that I had left by his dog bed, and Sam being the belly rub loving dog he is, happily accepted Linn drying him with the towel, belly rubs being a necessity. Letting out a chuckle at the scene before my eyes, I held out the spare clothes and a fresh towel to Linn.
“ There’s a bathroom two doors left from the stairs upstairs,” I exclaimed, reaching for the doggy towel he left by the couch and chucking it in the laundry room. “Thank you,” he exclaimed, leaving to go to the bathroom.
Once Sam was dry enough, I picked up my mug of tea, making myself comfortable on the couch. Looking out the living room window, rain droplets trickling down the class, I sip on my tea, waiting for my guest to arrive from the bathroom. A couple minutes passed, looking up when I heard soft footsteps heading towards me, I offered Linn a smile and patted down the space next to me on the couch. “ Here, you can leave once the storm stops,” I handed him the mug.
We both sat beside each other, talking about what we remember about my grandparents and how we never spoke to each other when we were younger. Sam sitting at our feet. The dying fire casted a warm allure on his face, illuminating the soft scattered freckles. Hours passed as we enjoyed each other's company over another mug of tea, laughing at all the brief mutual moments that were shared between us. He mentioned that he would always get excited to see me whenever I visited my grandparents by the docks. I didn’t want to admit it, but I always loved to catch a few glimpses of him, whenever he wasn't looking as well.
I laughed at his words, tired but somehow feeling rejuvenated. It had been a long time since I last laughed with someone. It felt good to let go.
His expression of awe paused me mid laughter. He was gazing into my eyes, as I his. For a brief moment, his gaze averted to my lips. Moving his gaze up to my eyes, as soft as a whisper “ May I kiss you?” he asked, a foreign emotion lingered behind his now soft eyes.
Giving him a gentle nod, I felt him place his hand at the nape of my neck. Inhaling a deep breath, his scent which reminded me of the sea with a hint of musky peppermint enveloped my senses.
Linn leaned in, gently bringing my face towards his. He closed his eyes, and for a brief few seconds I admired him until mine shut involuntarily as I felt his lips on mine. After a few seconds, he pulled away, still gazing into my eyes, “ I’ve been wanting to do that for quite a while now,” he said, with a sheepish grin, before kissing me again.
He deepened the kiss a little, giving my bottom lip a light lick before pulling away. “ I regretted not telling you how I felt about you earlier… I did ask permission from your grandpa before he passed. The last thing he said to me was, he’d be happy if you chose me,” he paused for a second, a hint of sadness and regret casting a shadow on his blue eyes. “ I… I need to tell you something. I might … might not be who you expect. And I understand if I’m not who you want,” he stammered. Grunting, “ The rain’s about to stop. I should probably get going,” he said as he started to get up.
Grabbing onto his hand, “ No...don’t! Please… It’s late, you should stay!” I stopped him. “And I’ve had a silly little crush on you too… I just never knew how to tell you” I whispered. He sat next to me, slowly, as if I were made of fine china. That, at any moment, I might crumble. “ You did?” he breathed, his breath close enough that I could feel it on my face.
“ I also know what you are. Grandpa made sure to educate me on myths, and he said some were not myths. I’ve seen you carry your pelt around sometimes,” I closed his hand between mine. “I know you’re a selkie, Linn. I don’t want you to hide that from me.” I breathed, gazing into his eyes. I could catch a glimpse of adoration in them. “Thank you… for not running away, even when you knew what I was,” he sighed. I gazed at his lips, before catching them with mine, a soft peck, to let him know I accepted him for who he is.
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volleychumps · 4 years
hiii! i rlly like your writing, it’s so cute! lol could i get hcs for the karasuno bois where their s/o is kind of like emergency relax person. like when they get super nervous or they’re under a lot of pressure during a game ukai, takeda or kyoka calls them over and helps their bf calm down. ofc you don’t have to if you don’t want to, anyways love your work! 💕
Helping Karasuno While they’re in a Game 
-Father Daichi was giving off a certain atmosphere that was making the whole team feel uneasy
-No like actually Asahi might’ve shit his pants
-You were nervously watching from the sidelines, seeing him become more and more irate as the other team won’t stop jabbing him where he knew he was lacking
-It didn’t make it any better when you saw him glancing at you as if he was ashamed to play this way in front of you
-aw dad no 
-Daichi starts making mistakes even a beginner doesn’t make in his blind fit of anger, and you see Takeda-sensei waving you down with both arms
-You point a finger to yourself, slightly blanching, Me? 
-When you walk out onto the sidelines of the court, Suga looks at you with a look that screams please save us what if he kills someone
-Ukai pulls him out of the game for a second, Daichi’s jaw tightening as he walks off and takes a seat on the bench
-From behind him, you wrap your arms around him loosely, surprising him. Your chest presses against his back and your face emerges next to his, smiling as he arches an eyebrow in your direction, the angered expression leaving almost immediately. 
-”(Y/N), what are you doing-?” 
-The coaches visibly relax when they see Daichi’s jaw and stature loosen as you place a single chaste kiss on the side of his neck, ignoring the stares you were getting from people.
- “If you love to play, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t.” Is what you murmur in his ear, rubbing circles on his back. “I’m proud of you no matter what.”
- His hand reaches up to grab yours that was resting lax against his chest, tightening slightly before standing and giving you his signature kind grin, ready to jog back out with a clear head
- “You’re pretty great, you know?” 
- “Knock em dead, Dai.” 
-The other team pales when they see you glaring at the member who was successfully trying to mess Daichi’s game up, eyes more heated than ever as Daichi chuckles and leads you away by the shoulders. 
- “Be afraid of her. Be very afraid. She’s my secret weapon.” 
-And shit, the other team didn’t manage to score for the rest of the game because Daddy Daichi is the foundation 
-When they line up in front of the audience, you blush when Daichi’s eyes lock with yours, mouth moving to form silent words
- We made it. 
- “What if I mess up?” “Suga you won’t-” “I’m not as good as Kageyama, I don’t think-” “Suga, calm down.”
-Asahi nervously glances at the score, seeing they had to make this point in order to stop the set from coming to a deuce, currently on their last timeout. 
-the nerves of the usually leading Setter were beginning to spread, prompting Kiyoko to look up at the stands and scanning the crowds before her eyes rest on you
- You’re down there in an instant, walking up to your boyfriend with a bounce in your step as he nervously seems to rock back and forth in place
-”Suga~” You stop in front of him, looking him straight in the eye as you place a hand on his cold cheek. 
-You smile when he exhales deeply, his once rigid shoulders relaxing. “(Y/N).”
- “And just why does my handsome boyfriend look like the world is ending?” 
-”(Y/N), I can’t mess this up! Not in front of you, defintely not in front of you…” His hand reaches up to hold the hand that was resting on his cheek, hazel eyes full of insecurity. “Kageyama would-”
-”Hey.” You force him to lift his chin to meet your eyes straight on. “I don’t care what Kageyama can or can’t do-No offense Kageyama don’t look at me like that-you know why?” 
-You press your forehead against his, feeling his breathing even out. “Because there are things only you can do, love.” 
- The team gapes as Sugawara’s eyes suddenly harden, fist clenching before pumping the air full of determination, a smile now set on his face that was brimming with gratitude
- “Let’s do this.” 
- “I’ve never felt more single than in this moment-” “Noya SHUT UP.” 
-When they win the set, Suga makes a show of pointing at you directly in the stands, winking flirtatiously as you mockingly roll your eyes with a smile on your face
-Thank you for being by my side. 
-Poor soft boy gets beaten down when his spikes just won’t go through
- As a result, he keeps hitting against the blocks and forgetting to pay attention to where the blockers were in a fit of frustration
-Gets subbed out after losing four consecutive points, and shoves Daichi and Suga off when they try to offer words of comfort
- “Kiyoko, why are you calling my phone? Wait, I’m allowed down there?” 
-Within the next few minutes, Daichi and Suga are looking at you with pleading eyes when you walk out onto the sidelines towards your boyfriend
- “Even Noya can’t calm him down, and some are just afraid to approach him” “Nah, don’t worry I got this.” 
-Asahi is hunched over on the bench, an expression of frustration evident on his face as he glares down at the floor
-You kneel in front of him, grinning lopsidedly when his dark eyes meet yours, the tension around his eyes softening almost immediately
- “I…I can’t do this.” His voice is hushed as his eyebrows furrow together, causing you to stand from your kneeling position and run a hand through his hair. 
- “Asahi, who’s number am I wearing right now?” “…Mine.” “Why do you think I’m wearing it?” “…I don’t know…” 
- You tilt his face up to look at you from your standing position, giving you a rare height difference as you run a finger along his jawline relaxedly. His face turns beet red when your lips quirk up into a smile.
- “Because I believe in you, Asahi.” 
-”…you do?” how does that soft a voice come out of your big boyfriend he’s so precious ugH
- “I do. Now get out there, and don’t let them have their way with you.”
- Daichi and Suga look at you in thanks when Asahi makes his way back out on to the court with flames of determination on his heels, causing you to wink jokingly
- “I told you I got this.” 
- When your precious soft boy scores the winning point, he makes direct eye contact with you before smiling hugely, a blush on his features
- Thank you for believing in me. 
- “Shit!” “Noya, you need to calm-” “I’m sorry! I’ll get the next one, I promise!” 
- The worried expression is evident on your face as you watch your boyfriend’s next attempt of getting the ball up fail, his fist slamming down on the gym floor in a fit of rage
- You don’t need to be told twice when you rush down there with the permission of Coach Ukai, seeing your libero boyfriend tapping his foot impatiently with a heated expression on his face as he stood with his other teammates on the warming bench 
-Ennoshita and Hinata both step away from the heated boy simutaneously when you approach, smiling as if nothing were wrong
- “Babe.” 
- “(Y/N)?” Noya’s expression of anger turns into one of confusion when he sees you standing in front of him. “What are you doing on the court?” 
- You ignore his question, raising his arm with a click of your tongue. “This won’t do.”
- you pull out a bandaid from your pocket with a little rabbit on it before placing it on one of his bruises, a small smile on your face as you look up at him 
- “This band-aid has my luck in it. Don’t take it for granted.” You sternly say as Noya looks at you with a shocked expression before relaxing into a smirk 
- “Well, I can’t lose now, can I?” 
- “Definitely not.” To top it off, you place a quick kiss on his cheek before beginning to walk off with a bounce in your step, waving backwards
- “If you win, I’ll give you as many kisses as you want.” 
- You don’t have to turn on your heel to know that Noya had entered a frenzy filled with determination, fire lit in his pupils as he rushes back into the game
- “does that mean to play my best, I need to get a girlfriend-” “No, Hinata.”
- a content smile makes its way onto your face as you high-five Kiyoko on your way back to the stands 
- when his playing becomes significantly better and they take the set, he races up to the stands after bowing to the audience, the audience members making way for him in confusion as his sweaty form jogs up to you
-You laugh when he peppers your face in kisses, pushing him away slightly as he grasps your wrist from doing so, eyes playful 
- “You better keep your promise, cutie.”
- oh boy
- this boy’s anger was on the brink of fury as you watch from the stands with a sweat drop, glancing at his older sister worriedly as she sighs
- “He’s letting them get to him again.” 
- When Tanaka hits the ball into the net with his next spike, he gets pulled out of the game and gets set on the bench to calm himself down
- Takeda-sensei murmered something to Coach Ukai, who nods before making eye contact with you and making a hand motion, asking you to come down
- You walk onto the court before casually taking a seat on the bench next to Tanaka, startling the furious boy when you did so
- “What…(Y/N)?” 
- “Ah. Don’t mind me, it’s easier to see here. Plus I wanted to be closer to you.”
- When you rest your head on his shoulder, you feel him physically relax from your touch as you hum, smiling when he wraps an arm around you
- “Better?” You ask him after a few moments, turning your head to see that Tanaka’s face had turned from irate to flushed, his eyes looking everywhere but you 
- You laugh a little when he buries his face in your hair, breathing in your scent before standing up all of a sudden, a renewed vigour in his eyes
- “(Y/N). Watch me.” 
- “Only if you promise to win.” You wink as he jogs back into the game when time alotted, Tanaka’s control becoming more stable when he did so
- “What?” you blanch when you see him picking a verbal fight with one of the players on the other team
- “You mad I have a cute girlfriend and you don’t?” 
- You see that little comment have a pretty big effect on the player previously messing with him, making you sigh at how childish your boyfriend could be before smiling
- He glances back at you before Kageyama gives him the next spike, slamming it down successfully before clenching his fists with a roar
- Watch me, (Y/N).
- “Do I need to kick you again-” “Kageyama, don’t-” “He’s too riled up! Come on, just one kick-” “Kageyama nO” 
- pouty boy gets taken out after the other team successfully finds a way around his quicks, making Hinata go back to making common errors due to his frustration
-so when Coach Ukai makes eye contact with you in the stands, you laugh a little, having done this before 
-when you get down there you hug him tightly, pulling him in by the jersey while  feeling him tense up before gripping the back of your shirt in his fist
- “Calm me down…please.” 
- “You do know you’re being counted on, right? The other guys on the team respect you as a regular, dummy. No need to let them blocking your quick get to you.” 
- “They…respect me?” 
- You sweatdrop. “Did you think they didn’t? You have the right to stand on this court,” 
-when you pull back to kiss his nose, he flushes. “Don’t waste it.”
- As soon as your adorable boyfriend begins bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, waiting to be put back in, Ukai flashes you a thumbs up while sighing in relief
- “How simple-minded.” “Tsukishima, don’t be a cynic.” 
- “Oho? The Great King? Making mistakes? Never thought I’d see the day.” 
- The conversation on the court went unheard in your ears, but you visibly saw the look of irritation pass your boyfriend’s face as you sweat drop
- When he misses the next jump serve he delivers, Ukai calls a timeout before the other team scores the winning point 
-so when the team huddles, Kiyoko waves you down from the stands 
- “You can’t lose your cool like that. It’ll mess up any chance of momentum this team can build up.” Ukai tells your boyfriend straightforwardly, and you see his jaw tick at the pressure
-you sneakily pull his wrist away from his teammates while no one was noticing, spinning him around playfully to face you
- “Is that a frown I see, Kageyama?” 
- “He’s always frowning-OW!” “Hinata not right now” 
-okay maybe not so sneakily
- blue-eyed baby would insist he’s okay as you stare him down, not believing him 
-it barely takes a second for him to realize you had hugged his torso, burying your face in his chest as he flushes when you hit him with a cheesy pick-up line, taking his mind off the frustration purposefully
- “You might be number 9 on the court, but you’re number 1 in my heart.”
- Tanaka and Noya start cackling at the dead-serious expression on your face
-Those words seemed to hold a lot of meaning to the usually introverted boy, and he puts a hand on top of your head, nodding slightly
- “A-alright. I get it..!”
- blue-eyed boy is blushing when he makes his way back onto the court, and the team is relieved to see him visibly more calmer 
- “Kageyama, you’re number one in my heart too-!” “Tanaka shuSH.”
- You cross your arms triumphantly when your boy leads the team to victory, Kiyoko sighing at how simple it was to turn the tides in the first years
- “Must you say embarrassing things in order to diffuse me?” Kageyama grumbles when you jog up to him after the win 
- “Well, it worked, didn’t it?” 
Tsukishima (slight suggestive themes, Tsukki you cocky bastard)
-Uh oh, the king of cynics dishes it out easily but easily gets triggered when it comes time to take it 
-lightning strikes between him and another player who was his least favorite kind of spiker
-the rest of the team feel like they’re in danger with the air Tsukki was giving off
- well except Yamaguchi, I wish someone would support me that much wtf
- so when Takeda-sensei makes eye contact with you in the stands, you jog down there nonchalantly to see your boy wiping furiously at the sweat gathered around his forehead in frustration
-blonde boy sighs when he feels you press a rag against his head for him “Y/N you’re not supposed to be down here.” 
- “I don’t really care, mister.” You continue to help dry him off, ignoring the sour expression on his face. 
- Tsukki’s eyes narrow when you begin to smirk, bending now to murmur in his ear 
- “you’re the tallest person on the court right now, and you’re letting that nobody have their way with you? you know that slot’s reserved for Hinata.” 
- others on the sideline gulp, thinking you made the situation worse until Tsukishima sighs, glancing off in the opposite direction 
- “fine.” he glances at you dangerously as you smile in response, unfazed as he catches your hand once before tightening his grip, letting go a second later
- “just for that, I’m having my way with you later.”
- shit wait whAT
- “well, that certainly motivated him-” “Narita your nose is bleeding” 
- Tsukki glances back at you with a smirk at your flushed features as the rest of the team nod at you in thanks, the atmosphere becoming more cocky than deadly
- so when he confidently blocks the player who was obviously getting him riled up on purpose and takes the set, he’s pulling you out of the gym a split second later 
- “Tsukki you still have to bow-”
- “Don’t care. You got me fired up back there, and for what?” 
- “NariTA your nosE-” 
- poor baby boy is psyching himself out before he has to come in as a Pinch Server 
- “(Y-Y/N) is watching.” he stutters to Ukai, head bowed. “she…I don’t want to fail in front of her! Please…I can’t-”
- Baby Yamaguchi is biting his lip in frustration until someone flicks his head, making him look up in surprise to see you with a frown on your face with your arms crossed
- “And who here is telling you you’re going to fail, Yama?”
- At his silent response, you sigh before grabbing his trembling hands, your lips soft upon the part you flicked him 
- “Hey. Look at me. No, don’t look away-” 
- forcefully have to tilt his head to look at you
- “You can do this. You’ve practiced so hard, Yama…don’t let it all be for nothing.” Your voice becomes soft and soothing as Yamaguchi takes a steady breath
- “And when you land this, land it for you. Not for me, not for anybody else. You don’t need to prove to me that you’re worth it because I know that you are.” 
- when his rigid shoulders lose their tension, you see the glint in his eye that makes you smile
- So, you spin him around so his back is facing you before leaning up to whisper in his ear-
- “Oh, and I love you, you know that?” 
-Cutie becomes a stuttering mess as you push him out onto the court, hearing Coach Ukai sigh with his head in his hands 
- “you know you either made or break him, right?” 
- “I’m betting on the former”
- When he scores with his serve consecutively, he punches the air with a winning expression on his face before running up to you and hugging you
- “See? Told you.” you grin at Ukai over your boyfriend’s shoulder 
- Coach Ukai defintely encourages you to come to more games 
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meigh-day · 4 years
Mine (Bokuto x F!Reader)
Title: Mine
Pairing: Time Skip Bokuto x F!Reader
Characters: Bokuto, Atsumu, Hinata, Sakusa, Female Reader
Warnings: Mild swearing, Mild angst to fluff
Status: Complete
Word Count: 5k
"Hey, Y/N?"
The sound of running water and a voice at your side brought your hazy thoughts back to the present. You hummed a response as your eyes focused, widening at the sight of water overflowing into the basin. "Ah, shit..."
"You ok?" Atsumu tilted his head at you, concern lightly pulling at his features. He watched you hurriedly turn off the tap and replace the cap on the bottle before giving him your attention.
"Mhm, I'm fine." A smile trails onto your lips, as you offer up lies of reassurance. You were fine. Sorta. Good enough to be at practice anyway. Sure, your head was dully throbbing and you felt far too warm on such a cool day. But yea you were fine. The blonde setter made a small sound of disbelief as he pressed his hand to your cheek.
"Fine huh?" He frowned down at you. "Do ya think I'm an idiot? What are ya doing here when yer sick?"
He had a point. Why were you here when you were sick? It wasn't like this was an official practice. Some of the jackals had wanted to get in a little extra practice over the weekend and it's not like you had to even be here. So why had you taken time away from your days off to come? Well that was easy. A certain grey haired spiker was going to be there and the two of you just so happened to have plans to hang out later.
"Who else is going to take care of you guys?" You laugh, gathering up the bottles but before you can lift them they are already up and off the floor. "Hey..."
"Ya know it's a good thing Sakusa isn't here today... he'd have yer sick ass outta here so fast..." Atsumu settles the bottles into his arms and looks down at you as you stand.
"I know..." Your eyes shift to the side, your expression looking fairly pathetic.
He sighed. "Look if ya promise to take it easy then ya can stay for all I care."
You look up at him, a smile brightening your features. "Really?"
"Yeah yeah... I'll take care of water for the guys. Just relax and take notes or something."
"I will. Promise. Oh uhm... Atsumu?"
A pair of golden eyes watched the two of you from around the corner. Watching as Atsumu gently caressed your cheek. Watching as you smile up at him. It was difficult to hear what the two of you were talking about, especially with Miya's back to him, but that way you responded spoke volumes. And if what he saw wasn't enough, the words that did reach his ears, sealed the deal.
"Hm?" Atsumu turned back to you as his name left your lips.
"Don't tell Bokuto."
Bokuto stood, arms crossed and a look of irritation all over his features. The two of you were supposed to be hanging out together later. In fact the two of you had been spending quite a bit of time together outside of the team. At first the two of you just found yourselves together during team outings and before you knew it that had lead to exchanged numbers and a generic 'we should hang out sometime' sentiment. However, that sentiment had actually become a reality and soon the two of you were texting every night, having dinner together or going to a movie. Sometimes you'd just walk together after practice was over for the day. The time spent with you had started to become special to him but it was obviously not as special to you. Not with the way you had been smiling up like a lovesick puppy at that damned Miya idiot.
"Huh?" He turned at the call of his name but it was too late. He watched as the ball sailed by him and dropped to the floor, rolling under the net.
Hinata went running after it as Atsumu turned, hands on his hips. "I dunno what yer daydreamin about but if yer not gonna spike my sets then I'll send 'em to someone else."
Bokuto grit his teeth, turning wide angry eyes at the blonde setter, ready to let him have it but before he could get out a word he was interrupted.
"Ah, damn it. Hold that thought." Atsumu was watching you from across the court, gathering water bottles like the rebel you were. He proceeded to march past the angry grey haired spiker and over to you before he unceremoniously hauled the bottles from your arms.
"Ah, ah... We talked about this." You huffed at him, trying and failing to grab at the bottles while he easily swatted your hands away.
"Now settle down or else." He smirked at you as he glanced over to Bokuto and then back at you.
You followed his gaze, his implication clear. Consider your attention grabbed. With a pout, your hands drooped to your sides in defeat. "Yea yea, I'll just sit here and do nothing I guess..."
"Good." He smirked down at you and proceeded to give you a head pat before briskly exiting the gym.
With a sigh you picked up your notebook and pen, intent on at least taking some notes for the guys. Normally you tried to be more involved in their practices. Making sure they had enough water and towels, taking notes and even tossing balls for them. Just anything they might need. You really cared about each of them and wanted to see them all do well, so it was annoying that you couldn't do much else except take notes and sit down without Miya noticing and mothering you. Though there was a small part of you that was thankful for his watchful eye, just gathering the water bottles had kinda taken it out of you and you were starting to wondering if it had really had been a bad idea coming today.
As you turn back to the court you are met by a pair of crossed arms and a frown. A smile immediately spreads across your lips. "Hey Bo."
You couldn't help the way your lips parted as the corners of your mouth turned upwards, your eyes lighting up, whenever he was near. What had definitely started as a friendship had started to turn into something else, at least for you. You always had so much fun with him, didn't matter what you were doing, you were just happy to be with him.
He does not return your smile, in fact his frown only seems to deepen at the sight of it. "So you're getting Miya to do all your work?"
"What? No. He...uh...just..." You stammer a little trying to think of a plausible excuse without exposing the fact that you were sick to the one person you were trying to keep it from.
Bokuto let out an annoyed huff as he looked away. "I really don't care. Just try to keep the flirting to a minimum."
"Flirt... What? Bo it's not like that."
"No? Then why are you even here today? It's just an extra practice, no reason for you to have come in the first place." Your expression fell at this words. While making plans to hang out you had offered to come along to practice since you were free anyway and, at the time, Bokuto had eagerly agreed. Now it seemed like he was regretting any and all enthusiasm he'd once expressed at the idea.
"I just wanted to help you guys out today." Your voice came out a little quieter than normal. It was true, your intentions weren't totally selfless for being here. You took every chance you could to be around Bokuto, even if it was merely watching from the bench as he practiced. He was such a beautiful person inside and out but there was something special about watching him playing that made him really glow. However, your doubts at coming today began to flood back in as he questioned your presence.
"By what? Sitting around doodling in your notebook? Honestly, y/n if you aren't going to do your actual job then you should just go home. We don't need you here."
We don't need you here...
Don't need you here...
Don't need you...
Go home.
His words felt like a bucket of cold water being dumped over your head. "You don't..." The rest of the words died on your tongue as you saw his irritated expression staring you down. "Oh." You nod, biting the inside of your cheek as your eyes lower, willing the tears that were stinging your eyes not to fall.
You take in a slow breath as you slip the notebook into your bag. This was not how you had seen your day turning out. You'd wanted to spend time with the team and do your best to help them. Then you'd hoped to end the day with Bokuto, someone who had become really special to you, but now you were left holding back tears as you turned back to him. "I, uh, " You feel your voice waiver and think better of whatever you had been about to say. " Sorry..." The apology is quick, almost as quick as the bow you offer up before hurrying out of the gym.
There are two pairs of eyes watching as you leave and both are confused. Bokuto lets out a sigh as he rakes a hand through his hair. He was already regretting this. It's not like you were his girlfriend and yet here he was being a total ass to you just because you were getting friendly with Miya. It shouldn't bother him so much but it did. He likes you. Liked you? Likes... Shit. After a moment he turns and start across the gym, his mind in disarray.
Atsumu wanders back in several minutes later, water and towels in hand. He sets them down on the bench, noting your absence on the bench as well as within the gym itself. Hinata grins at the blonde as he picks up one of the bottles. " Thanks Atsumu!"
"Mhm. Shoyo, where's Y/N?"
Hinata freezes a moment, opens his mouth and then closes it before quickly glancing around. Atsumu isn't sure what the hell this kid is doing, its almost like he didn't realize she was gone and is frantically looking around. Hinata was in fact looking around, but not for Y/N, he was merely making sure it was just the two of them before he spoke. "Oh, uh, she went home."
"Oh yea? Good. She shouldn't have come in the first place." Hinata went to open his mouth, an objection ready on his lips but then Atsumu continued. "She must like him an awful lot to come here sick on her day off..."
"Sh... Wh... Huh? Y/N is sick?!"
Atsumu looked down at the surprised red-head. " Yea. Isn't that why she left?"
Hinata pressed his lips together as his gaze travelled across the gym.
"What the hell is wrong with ya?!" Bokuto glanced up in time to see the approaching blonde heave a bottle at him, a curse falling from his lips as he fumbled to catch it.
"I.. what?"
"Don't pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about! I heard what ya said to Y/N you ass!" Atsumu yelled as he followed up the bottle with a towel.
The towel sailed across the small space between them and hit Bo square in the face, the larger man just having managed to get his hands on the bottle. "Knock it off Miya!" Bo grumbled as he pulled the towel off his head before tossing it onto the ground.
"Where do ya get off talkin to Y/N like that? Sendin' her off like she's some huge inconvenience."
Bokuto lets out a huff, muttering something under his breath as he turns his face away from the setter. Atsumu narrows his eyes at the man before him. "What the hell do ya have to be grumbling about you big idiot! Yer not tha one who got yelled at. She only came in today to try and help and ya sent her home like she'd done some terrible thing!" Atsumu crossed his arms, annoyance clear all over his face as he started to turn away." I don't get why she likes ya so much... Comin’ here on her day off... and sick too."
Bokuto was already feeling badly about what he had done even before the setter had come over to scold him. He hadn't meant anything he'd said. It didn't matter to him why you had come in, he was just happy to see you. He had been looking forward to seeing you after practice to hang out and maybe finally tell you how he really felt. But he'd let jealousy rear its ugly head and his harsh words had sent you away.
He watched as Atsumu started to walk away, the setter’s final words hanging heavy on his shoulders. You were sick. Sick?! Bokuto's eyes widen, his feet moving as he grabbed for the other man. "Sick? Y/N is... sick?" Atsumu turned, his annoyance softening a little at the stricken look on Bokuto's face. "Yea. I tried to get her to go home earlier but she was keen on stayin'... Wanted to see you..." He paused as he pressed his lips together and shook his head as he looked Bokuto up and down. "...for some reason." Bokuto let his hand fall away, the setter merely sighing as he gave him a pat on the shoulder before striding across the gym.
A moment later the doors to the gym open to reveal a rather damp Sakusa. He stalks into the gym, swipes a towel off the bench and starts drying himself off. "What happened to you?" Miya smirks at the man who simply returns a glare. "It's fucking pouring outside you dumbass." Atsumu tries and fails to catch the wet towel before it hits him in the face.
"Raining?!" Bo appears before them, worry etched into his features. Sakusa merely offers a grunt of affirmation before disappearing into the change room. The two men left behind exchange glances before turning their gaze to the doors.
You had managed to make it out of the gym and almost a whole street away before tears started to slowly trail down your cheeks. Today was supposed to be special. You were going to go to practice, hang out with Bo afterwards and maybe, just maybe, finally confess your feelings. But now you were walking home, kicked out by the very person you had gone to see, and now you were crying. It felt like everything good about the day had turned sour and now all that was left was a bitter feeling that seemed to grow heavier with each step. In fact it seemed so heavy that you almost felt like you were having trouble walking. It's not like you were sick and probably had a fever and because of that your steps were much more sluggish. Nope, definitely not.
You wiped at your tears with your sleeve, letting out a heavy sigh as you trudged along the side walk. A moment later you felt one and then another slide down your cheek and you wiped those away too. It did strike you as a little strange, you were pretty sure you had stopped crying. As that thought struck you another drop fell on your cheek, and then another, it was only when you looked up that you realized it had started to rain.
Within a few minutes the small droplets that had started to fall turned into a downpour. You were running, your bag held over your head, as you tried to search for some shelter to wait out the rain. You're apartment was too far to keep going in this weather and your body was starting to feel fuzzy. Well your head was at least. Despite the cool air and even cooler rain that feel you felt too warm.
Finally, a small bit of luck came your way in the form of a park. There were several large trees that would do rather nicely to at least partially shelter you from the rain. You hurried under the nearest one, leaning against it as you let your bag drop to the ground and try to catch your breath. With each sharp inhale more dots began to dance in your vison. Your shaky legs deposited you at the base of the tree and as your vison goes black, your body going limp, you swear you hear someone calling your name.
Heavy footsteps pound on the sidewalk as Bokuto frantically searches for you. He knew the route you took home each day, he's walked it with you enough that he could practically walk it blindfolded. He had tried calling and texting you before racing out of the gym. Even now, in the rain, he had his phone to his ear in another attempt to get a hold of you. With each failed attempt the guilt dug further into his stomach. The things he had said kept repeating in his mind. How could he say such mean words, such lies?! Truth was the team did need you there. He needed you there. It didn't matter if you just sat on the sidelines doing absolutely nothing, just you being there was all he needed.
With a sigh he taps the call button one more time. " Please… please answer." He begs to the air as the ringing starts again. A small distance away, a melody can be heard playing in time with each ring in his ear. At first Bokuto thinks nothing of it but as it gets louder with each step he finds his already fast pace increasing. A moment later he sees you, huddled under a tree to hide from the rain, but the tiny moment of relief he felt is gone in an instant as he sees you collapse. The only thing he utters is your name as he runs across the grass, dropping to your side and pulling your trembling body into his arms.
"Oh my god. Y/N?!" He takes in your appearance, drenched from the sudden downpour and cheeks flushed against your otherwise pale skin. Bokuto can feel tears in his eyes as he looks down at you in his arms. It was his fault you were out here in the first place instead of warm and dry inside the gym. Hell if he'd bothered to actually pay attention to you today instead of wallowing in jealousy maybe he would have seen you were sick and you'd be home, safe and comfortable. Because of him you were much worse off. Bo shook his head and grit his teeth. This was not the time to be floundering in self-pity. He needed to get you somewhere safe and now. So with that goal in mind, he scooped you up into his arms and took off.
Every time you opened you eyes you saw him. It was like your mind was playing some awful joke on you yet you couldn't help but feel comfort at the sight. Your eyes wouldn't open long but when they did you were greeted by Bokuto's face, concern carved into each feature. Sometimes it almost felt like he was really there, his large hands gently pressing against your cheek or forehead, his normally boisterous voice gentle and soft as he reassured you that you were going to be ok.
Finally, your eyes did open and they stayed open. The room was dark except for a soft light coming from the table lamp beside you. As your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, confusion and panic started to eat away at the sluggishness you had been feeling. This was not your room, not your blanket and, when you look down at yourself, not your clothes.
"What the fu--" You pause, your eyes settling on the figure at your side. Bokuto's large frame was hunched over the side of the bed, his head resting on the crook of one arm the other outstretched, hand resting over your leg. One more quick inspection confirmed this was Bokuto's room, his blanket and.... oh my god... his clothes. After a moment he started to stir, his yellow eyes slowly opening as he yawned.
"Morning..." You say quietly. He hums in response but then freezes, his eyes traveling up to yours and then he's on his feet. "Y/N?! You're awake!" He cries out, hand pressing against your cheek and then forehead before he grabs you by the shoulders. "I was so worried!" Before you can do or say a thing you find yourself crushed against his chest as he pulls you into a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said those things to you. We do need you, we always need you. We'd be nothing without you!" Bokuto relaxes his hold on you and you can feel him take a deep breath before speaking again, his voice coming out softer this time. "But as much as the team needs you... I-I need you." He whispered, pulling you tightly against his chest, one large hand firmly against your back while the other cradled your head. You relaxed into him, cheek pressed against the top of his shoulder as he whispered apologies into your hair while you softly trailed your hand up and down his back.
You felt your cheeks grow red from his confession and were thankful your face was hidden against him at the moment. "I hope you can forgive me Y/N. I was.. Well... I got jealous when I saw you talking to ‘Sumu and took it out on you. You don't deserve to be treated like that and I get it if you don't want to be friends or anything anymore but I promise I'll be better from now on."
He paused, almost holding his breath as he waited in the silence that followed. When you said nothing he felt his poor little heart breaking but he understood. He had been so mean to you and for no reason. After a moment he started to pull away, certain this must be a very awkward position to be in, when he felt your arms slide around his middle, your hand pressing into his back as you return the hug.
"Oh.. Uh.. You don't ---" Bokuto stammered before your slightly muffled voice broke through. "It's ok Bo. But you're right... I don't want to be friends anymore." You could feel his body stiffen in your arms at your admission and you could only imagine the heartbroken expression he must have on his face. You kept your arms around him and continued on. "I don't think I can keep being just your friend... I want to be more to you than that."
Bo released his hold around you, pulling away as he looked down at you, his own cheeks flushed at your confession. " You mean it?!" He looked so uncertain yet hopeful, like one word from you would break him down or build him up. You finally lean back and look up at him, a soft smile on your lips. "Bo, I've liked you for as long as I've known you. One bad day isn't going to change that." That was it, you could have simply nodded at him and he would have been elated but in just a few words you simultaneously filled his heart with joy and relief. Tears started to well in his eyes as he sniffled and you could feel your own tears wanting to fall.
"Hey now, no tears." You smiled up at him through your own glassy eyes, gently swiping a thumb across the apple of his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning into your soft touch before his own smile stretch across his lips. "Like you're one to talk." He peeked down at you before mimicking your action, his thumb coming away wet.
The two of you sat in each others arms a little longer, relishing in the new warmth and comfort your confessions had brought. As your thoughts began to settle, a new question began to bubble to the surface and curiosity begged to have it answered. "Uh, Bo?" You lean up and away a bit so you can see his face. He sits up as well, his arms releasing their hold on you only to have his hands searching for your own. "Hmm?" He looks at you expectantly but you find yourself a little distracted as you gaze down at your intertwined hands.
"Oh, uh right." You look down at yourself a moment, taking in the shirt and shorts that were obviously too big for you, before looking back up at him. "These are yours, right?" He nods in affirmation, a small blush on his cheeks as he notes how cute you look in his clothes.
"Uhm, " You pause, the question poised on your lips has your cheeks turning a dark shade of pink. " How...uh... That is to say.. Uhm... How did I... get in them?"
Bo smirked, watching you stutter through your question, almost too distracted by how adorable you are to really listen but after a moment his expression shifts to confusion. "Huh?"
You fidget around a little, not really wanting to repeat it. "How did I get in them? I... I don't remember changing myself so... did... You. Or?" You let the sentence trail off, too embarrassed by the implication of what you had said.
"What? No!" Bo laughed and then froze when he realized what you must have been thinking. "Oh my god!! No No no!! I didn't! I swear!" He was frantically waving his hands in front of him, his face red and eyes wide. "I would never... I mean not that I don't want to see.. Shit I mean not like this... Oh my god shut me up." He covered his face with both his hands in an attempt to hide just how embarrassed he was from the sudden word vomit.
You on the other hand were highly amused and trying not to laugh. "Bo. Bo?" You pull at his arm to try and reveal his very red face but he doesn't budge. "Hey, It's fine just tell me what happened. Honestly, the last thing I remember is being in the park. After that it's all a bit fuzzy." He peeks at you through his fingers and finally relents after you aim a sweet smile his way. He goes on to tell you how he found you and carried you to his place since it was much closer. How he wrapped you in about three blankets while he called one of his sister's over to help. She had been the one to change your clothes and dry you off while Bokuto paced like a nervous wreck in front of the bathroom door the entire time.
You made a mental note to thank her in the future but for now, with your curiosity sated, you felt the pull of sleep at your body. Bokuto noticed it too, watching as your eyes started to droop. "You should get some more rest. You're not fully recovered yet and I want to take my girlfriend on a date as soon as possible." His words had you nodding slowly, you knew you weren't fully recovered yet and sleep did sound nice, a date sounded even better. Wait. You pause and glance up at him, the drowsiness momentarily paused. "Girlfriend? On a date?" He grinned down at you, the soft sleepy smile on your lips warming his heart. "Mhm, now get some rest."
You can't help the silly lopsided grin on your face as you start to lay back down, sleep already tugging at your mind. "Bo?" He pauses, body halfway standing as he moved to get off the bed. "Stay with me?" You request has his heart squeezing. "I'm not going anywhere." He says as he starts to move back into the chair. "No.." You mumble, peeking an eye open at him and pointing beside you. "Here." Bokuto just about trips over himself when you make your request all the more clear. Both of your eyes open when you hear him stumble, the chair stuttering across the floor as he braces himself on it. He looks down at you to see you peering up at him, a small little pout on your lips. "Please?"
He drags a hand across his face and through his hair, his nerves feeling a little frazzled. "I- are you sure?" He finally asks, already noting how easily he's caving into to you. A smile breaks out across your sleepy face as you reach out to him with grabby hands. Well, how could he resist? Bokuto crawls into the bed beside you, a little unsure how much space to give you. You on the other hand are quick to wiggle over until you are nestled up against him, sleep and sickness throwing any shame you may have normally felt out the window. Taking a cue from you, he slips an arm under you and pulls you closer, your head now resting on his chest. He lays there listening to your breath start to even out, his free hand carefully pushing your hair away from your face, fingers gently twirling the ends.
This was not how either of you saw your day ending, or how you had planned to confess but somehow it seemed to work out just right. Maybe in the morning, when both your brains had recovered with some sleep and inhibitions were back, there might be lingering embarrassment from waking up in the same bed, from words you’d said or sleepy demands made. Though, none of that would matter. Not when, in the end, he gets to call you his and you get to call him mine.
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch eleven
read ch ten here
an; hey friends. the world is very tense right now and my heart is broken. please be safe in whatever you do. please stand up for what’s right and support those who’s voices aren’t being heard. i hope this chapter can be a short little escape for you today. lots of love.
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 5k+
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edie's pov
i'm gonna be completely honest here—i really like peter.
i'm kicking myself in the shin because it took me so long to realize it. the dorky boy who would follow me around like a puppy is now someone i find so incredibly attractive and strong and sexy and yikes i need to slow down. but, like it always does, a small pebble of doubt finds its way into my shoe and i can't ignore it.
we're nearing the end of june, meaning it's almost one third of the way through summer. i hate to think that maybe things will change when we go back home. maybe he won't want people to think we're a thing. wait- are we a thing? gosh, we haven't even had that conversation yet. i mean, i definitely wouldn't mind being with peter. ah, peter parker! who would of thought?
i'm laying smack dab in the middle of my bed with my arms and legs splayed out like a starfish. i'm sure i look like an idiot, just staring at the ceiling with a dopey smile on my face.
after i finished my phone call with mr. stark, it was practically dinner time. when i got back, peter was gone. but this time it didn't bother me, now that i know what’s truly up with him, and i’m sure he had a situation to take care of. i made dinner for myself and flopped on my bed, which is where i've been for the past hour.
footsteps sound off down the hall and i smile impossibly wider. i glance at the clock and notice it's only ten pm, but my excitement to see peter overshadows my concern. the footsteps stop outside my door and a soft knock raps on the wooden surface before it swings open slowly.
i raise my head to see peter standing straight up with both arms behind his back. he cocks his head and speaks, "hey you, did i wake you up?"
i shake my head and smile at him. i'm already growing impatient with his distance and i extend my arms out to him, making grabby hands with my fingers. he just chuckles at me and takes a few steps into the room.
peter is no longer in his suit and has changed into black joggers and a grey t-shirt. i let my eyes wander over his chest and shoulders. i blush when he clears his throat.
"i uh- well i guess you're curious why i'm back so early. um, so, this- is why." peter stumbles through his words before bringing his arms from behind his back and cradling the smallest kitten i've ever seen against his chest. the small fluff ball stares curiously at the room and lets out a small meow in my direction. i sit up completely.
"holy shit. that’s s a cat." i say, quite dumbfounded at the current situation. peter nods his head and lets out a breathy 'yeah' as he shifts his weight back and forth on his feet. "well bring it here!" i continue with a incredulous chuckle and a small grin. peter pads over to my bed with haste and plops the kitten on the comforter gently.
it wobbles on its feet for a few seconds before arching its back in a thorough stretch and settling into the mattress. i raise my hand and softly rub the kitten between the ears. peter is still standing next to my bed, his hands now in his pockets. i look between him and the cat and tilt my head slightly.
"where...did you get her? erm, him?" i question. he pulls his hands from his pockets and lifts one knee to lean against the bed.
"some people were messing with 'em and i don't know...i didn't know what else to do." he says with a shrug and lowers himself to rest on the bed with me. i look back to the cat and move to hold one of its paws, i smile when it doesn't pull away. with hesitant movements, i softly grip the animal under each arm and lift it up to get a look at its underside.
"um, i think it's a female? maybe?" i mumble as my cheeks flush and i place her back down on the bed. she pads over the peter's leg and nuzzles against his knee. i smile at the interaction between the two. peter runs his fingers down her spine and coos at her with the sweetest voice. he looks back up at me and shrugs.
"can i name her?" he pleads.
i look at him with fake hurt on my face, "and give me no say? i hardly think that's fair!" i gasp. peter rolls his eyes.
"i'm the one who found her. that kinda makes me her dad. so i think it's perfectly fair." he replies with a knowing smirk. i shake my head at the boy and gesture for him to continue.
"okay, okay, what's her name?" i push. he looks down at her and bites his bottom lip in thought. i think about how i want to run my thumb over it.
"how about 'cinder'? cause like she's grey and cinder is kinda grey i guess and i don't know. if you don't like it you can pick some-" i cut him off.
"that's cute, peter. cinder it is." i say with a wink as i move to pick her up again. she stares into my eyes with her own golden ones. i rub the back of her neck and she leans into my hand, making me chuckle at the little creature. perhaps she's just what we need around here. someone to take care of, someone i can take care of when peter is out.
"wait, do we even have any supplies for her? don't we need like, a litter pan? and food?" i ask, nervous that we don't have the proper things to take good care of the little thing. peter just shakes his head, "i already got it all. i had to sneak her around the store, but we got it all." he smiles at me. i return the gesture.
"now gimme, i wanna see her! gimme!" peter whines and reaches out to take her from my arms. cinder immediately lets out a low meow and wriggles around in peters arms. he struggles to keep a grip on her as she pushes against his chest and squirms like a worm in his hold. with one soft hiss, she bats a paw at peters chest and he lets her go with a high pitched yelp. she lands on the bed next to me and her tail twitches before she finds a comfortable spot on the mattress once again.
i turn to peter with a shocked face, "pfft, damn! doesn't look like she likes her dad very much." i tease before i take in his condition. a small line of red seeps through his white shirt a few inches below the collar. it's a thin line, but enough to make me want to take back my words, "oh shit, she got you good, pete." i point to his chest and pull his shirt down to take a closer look.
he furrows his eyebrows and tilts his chin down to look at the scratch, "ah, she's gonna be a momma's girl i guess." he mumbles, defeated. i perk an eyebrow up at him and withdraw my hands from his shirt.
"are you insinuating that this is our child?" i point to cinder who is curled in a tight ball, "i'm not ready to have children right now, if ever, mr. parker." i challenge jokingly, but the last part isn't too far from the truth. growing up without seeing my dad for long stretches of time made me realize a few things— i never want to not be there for my children and i never want to leave my partner behind to take care of them alone. and taking care of the city and working with mr. stark is something i love, i don't see myself giving that up any time soon.
"well- n-no! i mean, yes? but it's just a joke, obviously we haven't had sex or anything yet. ah! not that i expect us to, well i guess id l-like that but pfft what am i talking about, yanno? what do i know?" peter rambles and shuts his mouth tight when he's finished. i lower my head, sharing the awkward moment with him and look up at him through my lashes. he gulps. i take a deep breath in.
"let's clean you up, yeah?" i say, desperate for a new topic. he nods his head vigorously and leans his body in towards mine. my chest squeezes at his closeness. my thoughts linger to the future and what it might be like if peter and i were together. would we get married? would we fight crime together? does he want kids?
i force my body to move and i stumble over my feet to my bathroom, leaving peter on the bed. my hands shake as i grab a hand towel and run it under warm water. i also grab an alcohol wipe and a bandage before stepping back into the bedroom. peter stares at me patiently.
i offer him a tight lipped smile as i make my way back over to him. he naturally angles his chest towards me as i nestle myself between his legs and pull down on the collar of his shirt.
"i-i can take it off. i-if it's easier." he suggests. i blush, but nod for him to do so. peter snakes his arms around his frame and grips the hem of his shirt on either side before pulling it over his head. i try to suppress the gasp that leaps up my throat and it gets caught there.
what i had done to peter earlier in the day was simply to mess with him. i was too focused on making him squirm than actually paying attention to what i was doing. it now dawns on me that i was so close to him, so close to parts of him that made me shiver. i want peter, and i'm sure he knows that, but i don't want to give myself away too easily. i internally frown at myself for possibly giving away the wrong impression.
i toss the thoughts away, "okay," i whisper weakly. my hands move to dab the warm, wet cloth over his scratch. i see him flinch at the contact, "is it cold? i tried for warm water." i explain, mocking his reaction up to nothing but the temperature.
"n-no. it's good." he says breathily. i smile, but keep my eyes on his chest and the subsiding blood. i set the hand towel down and pick up the disinfectant wipe, tearing it open with numb finger tips.
my eyes flutter back up to his briefly, "it might sting a little." i warn softly. he nods his head. with featherlike touches, i clean the scratch and i can feel myself relax a little into his legs.
"what are you so nervous around me?"
i freeze at peter's question and lower my hands down, "i'm not?" i say, which comes out as more of a question.
"you are." he insists.
my stomach flutters at the softness of his tone, letting me know he's not speaking in an accusatory way, but that he's simply curious. i don't know if i have an answer though.
i end up shrugging, "i've always gotten nervous around people i like." i conclude, choosing to be honest with the boy before me. his eyes never leave mine as he smiles and pushes a piece of hair away from my eyes.
"you don't have to be nervous, hun. i'm the one who has a right to be nervous," he jokes. then he reaches for my empty hand and raises it to his chest, placing it right above his heart, his hand is warm over mine, "don't you feel it?" he asks, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. but i do. i feel his heartbeat beneath my fingers as it beats a mile a minute. his warm chest rises and falls slowly as i trace my pointer finger in circles on his hot skin. i reluctantly pull my hand away from him.
"thank you." i whisper, curling in on myself and taking a small step back. peter tilts his head, "for what?" he asks, eyes wide and confused.
"for being the sweetest man in the whole world." i say with a toothy smile, which he returns. it goes silent again as i open the bandaid and place it over the already better looking scratch. then without a second thought, i bring my hands to his cheeks and hold them gently. his skin is cool to the touch, but slowly warms under my hold. i lean down to his level and place a delicate kiss on the tip of his nose.
before i can pull away, peter places his hands over mine to keep me there. our eyes flicker over each other's faces as we appreciate the soft moment together. i lean in again and ghost my lips over his, but i don't connect them completely. he whines when i slip my hands out from under his and move to clean up the scraps of the bandaid and toss it in my bedside waste bin.
"let me see you." he mumbles and grabs me by the hem of my cotton shirt. i resist against his tug and plant my feet.
"see what, peter?" i ask, my senses catching aflame at what he may be asking. he cocks his head and stares at me with his warm, dark eyes. they show no intent of harm or malice and i kick myself for ever thinking they might. his hands slip under the hem of my shirt and rest gently on my hips. before i can protest, he's pulling my top up under my breasts to expose my entire side, but i don't cover myself.
"it looks good, like it's really healing." he chirps, bringing a smile to both of our faces.
"well i'd hope so."
our heads snap to the open doorway of my bedroom. peter's hands drop from my body, i go cold.
"hey, kids." mr. stark greets, leaning against the frame of the door with an all knowing grin on his face.
when i said getting stabbed was the closest i've ever felt to death- i lied. it's right now.
right now in this frozen moment, the three of us flicker our eyes between each other, afraid to make the first move.
tony stands in the doorway, arms crossed and a hip popped out to the side. his face is stoic and tense, aside from his left eyebrow that is arched in question as the scene that was about to unfold in front of him. i don’t even know what that would have been. that’s a lie, yes i do. maybe.
peter still sits on the bed, his hands cup over his naked chest as if he doesn't want anyone to see him. he's breathing deeply and is as still as a statue. his eyes never drift to mine, even as my own beg for him to look in my direction.
then there's me- arms pulled in front of my torso, fingers tangled together as i pull the edge of my shirt down past my belly button. my head reels as i take in the situation before me. the room flashes red as my brain deems it a code red, all with the awful sirens blaring to match my beating heart.
"well i can't say i'm surprised." mr. stark tuts with his tongue and continues to look at peter and i like he caught us drawing on the wall with crayons, "and peter- stop doing that it's weird."
peter snaps his hands away from his chest and sets them in his lap, lowering his eyes to watch his thumbs fumble over one another. i look at him expectantly, hoping he will come to my rescue and make this all go away.
when he doesn't, and continues to sit there and shut down, i internally sigh and take charge.
"peter was just checking up on my scar, mr. stark. like you asked." i say plainly, pushing the sirens and frantic heart beats to the side. peter raises his head at my voice and nods numbly in reply. tony brings his hand to his chin and rubs it while tapping his foot. he's fully entering parent mode now and i want to roll my eyes.
"right, yes, of course! how silly of me! walking in here to see two of my best pupils nearly shirtless and touching each other! harmless check up between two pals, for sure." he rambles and flails his arms about the stuffy room.
"it wasn't anything more than that, sir." peter mumbles, his voice soft. my heart feels heavy in my chest and my eyes linger on peter before turning back to mr. stark with empty eyes and an empty feeling in my stomach.
"if you say so, kid. i just...i don't want you guys to get caught up in some- what is that?!" tony changes lanes quickly as he points to cinder, who is still laying in a tight little ball in the middle of my bed. i move towards her and scoop her up in my arms before taking her over to him.
"this is cinder. uh, peter found her while on patrol." i explain and hold her out to him. mr. stark reluctantly takes her into his arms and tucks her against his chest. he lowers his chin to look down on her fluffy body and rubs her cheek, she leans into him. i can see him soften at her and i hold back a smile.
"oh, okay. she can stay. yeah, you can stay." he practically coos in her direction. he turns on his foot and looks over his shoulder, "go to bed you two. in your respective rooms." he eyes us before walking away. he cradles cinder in his arms and continues to coo down the hall, "and you're coming with me, little lady..."
i angle myself towards peter and offer him a smile. he doesn't meet my eyes as he swiftly leaves my room and makes his way towards his bedroom.
it's the next morning when a knock on my door wakes me up. i stiffly sit up in bed and mumble a 'come in'.
mr. stark enters the room and shuts the door behind him. i rub my eyes with my palms and wait til my vision adjusts to say anything.
"uh, morning?" i say with a groggy voice.
he turns to face me and i can't stifle the laugh that leaves my mouth. tony stands there in a dark t-shirt and jeans. his shirt is covered in cat hair and his eyes are tired as he stares at me. cinder is perched on his shoulders, her head on one and her back legs hanging off the other.
he sighs, "get this thing off of me. she won't leave me alone. i don't know what else to do." he takes large strides over to my bedside and reaches his hands around to pull the kitten away from him. she digs her claws into his back and clings to him while he lets out a string of cuss words.
i roll my eyes and swat his hands away before picking cinder up. it proves to be a true struggle as she continues to claw at tony's back. he yelps when i finally get her off and she plops her tiny body onto the bed. my abrupt wake up is making me irritable, and tony notices.
"sorry to bother you, your highness, but we have some things to discuss." i roll my eyes again and open my mouth to speak.
"mr. stark, peter and i weren't doing anything i swear-" the man cuts me off. my eyes flare at him.
"oh really?"
"yes, really. he was just looking at the scar and-"
"cause peter says otherwise."
i shut my damn mouth, "what?"
tony sits on the edge of my bed and props his chin up on his hand as his elbow rests on his knee. he begins to flutter his eye lashes obnoxiously and tilts his head to the side, "peter said he loooves you." he draws out the words and they seep into my brain.
"i'm just kidding, kid, lighten up." my face falls and i can't help it. if i could have one wish, it would be to have the ability to hide things from tony. my only goddamn wish.
his face softens, "ah shit, wolfie. what's going on?" he sits up straight and leans in an inch to show he's here and listening. i gulp and look away from his worried stare. the way peter left me last night sends a chill down my spine. one that doesn't make me smile or sigh in relief, but one that makes me scared for the future.
"i- um, i guess peter and i have gotten closer?" i say it as a question. i never thought of how to put everything that's happened into words for someone who had no idea about peter and i. i take a deep breath, "and i guess we're a thing?" tony's eyebrows fly up to his hairline, i try and back pedal, "well, wait i don't know actually- i mean he may not want to be, but i thought that maybe that's where it was going. b-but now that someone knows about it, he doesn't seem too happy." i trail off and rest my throbbing head in my hands.
after peter left last night, i spent hours in bed, staring at the ceiling. my body felt cold and brittle, like my bones would snap if breathed too hard. peter's speedy retreat hurt, and it gave room in my heart for the seed of doubt to grow and blossom.
tony's voice brings me back, "i did talk to peter. last night. and kid, i'll tell you what- that boy has some weirdly intense feelings for you." he chuckles, but i don't join in.
"but you said at the beginning that you didn't want anything to happen between us. and i'm so sorry that i let it-" he cuts me off and i groan.
"edie, i don't care if you and peter get funky while i'm not around. you're adults for christ sake! and do you really think i didn't see it coming? i pretty much know everything." he says with a smug face by the end of his lecture. i shake my head and hold back the few tears that threaten to spill.
"yeah, yeah i know you do." i laugh through all the emotions that pass over me and allow one tear to fall. tony gestures to nothing, "see? you know i know. all is well now."
i nod my head slowly at him, but i don't meet his eyes. part of me is embarrassed for making a big deal out of nothing, but to me it wasn't nothing. we're talking about peter here, a boy that i adore and it would've broken my heart if tony didn't approve.
"thank you, mr. stark." i say, forcing myself to finally meet his eyes. he gives me a soft smile and a curt nod before he begins to stand. i stop him, "when can i go out again?" i ask. tony halts his movement and sinks back down into the mattress.
"that depends on how you're feeling." he says simply.
"i feel fine. the pain is gone. it's just numb now." i explain with wide eyes, hoping to convey my honesty. he sits there, thinking for a few long seconds. my mind goes in a million different directions as i wait for him to say something.
he does with a tight lipped smile, "give it a few more days, kid. we'll get you back out there soon enough. i promise." he stands up again and ruffles my hair teasingly before walking away.
"mr. stark!" i call out to grab his attention and he turns back around, "how long are you staying?" i ask.
he shrugs, "just for tonight."
peter's pov
the wind pushes against my body as i swing past building after building, all of them muddling together. the sky is pink and orange, the sun slipping down below the horizon once again. i slow down and pick a rooftop to land on. i lower myself down into a sitting position and watch the sky change colors as stars begin to poke out in the dark.
the night is quiet. no disturbances needing my attention, which gives me ample opportunity to continue looking for the pair that hurt edie. i close my eyes beneath my mask and focus on my surroundings. the air is chilly and nips at my arms and legs. the only noise prominent enough is the droll of street traffic below me. my fingers lay flat on my thighs and i drum them over my suit. i take a deep breath and engage my enhanced hearing.
i hear the thud of boots and the clacking of heels on the sidewalk. i hear mumbles and tired voices scattered throughout the streets. i can pick up the faint music that plays from someone's headphones. and i can hear someone's heartbeat. it pounds from the alleyway below and i notice the slight palpitations that skip through the rhythm every so often.
i hone in on the sound, it's loud and sporadic. i open my eyes and stand up quickly, surveying the alleyway, my eye catches movement to my left and i peer down onto the scene before me.
a young girl is whispering harshly at a man, spit flying from her mouth. i narrow my eyes and try to focus on her words and movements. suddenly her body stills and she gives the man a pointed look before changing her personality completely and taking on an insecure outwards appearance. her shoulders slump and her arms wrap around themselves simultaneously with the man who straightens his body to cower over her. he begins to whisper crude things to the girl, words that make me uncomfortable.
a rustle from the end of the alleyway grabs my attention. a dog fumbles through, happy and running. behind him is a man. he's flustered and sweaty and his heart beat is pounding in my ears. the oblivious dog runs out of the dark side street and around the corner. the tired man slows to a stop a few meters from the couple, cautious of the situation. the tall man ignores the presence of the sweaty man and raises his arm to hit the girl.
i watch the next moments in horror.
the intimidating man slaps the girl across the face and her head snaps in the direction of the hit. the tired man runs to jump on the guy and struggles to tackle him to the ground. he does, and the girl scurries away and out of sight. the two men struggle with each other, the tired man maintaining his hold on the other. out of the corner of my eye the woman returns and i see an object shine in her hand. before i can do anything, she brings the object down on the stranger and stabs him in the back. he sputters and gasps and rolls onto his side. the woman speaks.
"don't you just hate being stabbed in the back?" she takes long, heavy steps around the bleeding man, "well, that's what you get for taking the risk. helping a stranger isn't as luxurious as it seems."
it's then that everything i've just witnessed makes sense, as horrible as that sounds, i've found edie's attackers.
with an outraged cry i jump down from my position on the building and land in front of the two attackers. they flinch in surprise before the woman straightens up and a devilish smile breaks out onto her face, "ah! my little spider boy, you've finally found us."
i ignore her words and shoot a web at her hands, hoping to cuff them together. she moves at the last second and my attack hits the man in the crotch and he doubles over in pain. i shoot another web at her and it pins her foot to the ground. in one smooth swoop, she bends down to cut the web away and straightens back up to throw the knife at my head. i dodge the weapon and stumble over the bleeding man. the knife just nicks my forearm, but damn it stings.
my attention snaps to the man on the ground and my body is leaning down to help him. my brain is telling me to keep fighting, but every other part of my being needs to help this man. i flip him onto his stomach and rip away the shirt on his back.
"sir, i need you to stay with me okay? sir? just keep breathing, don't move. oh god." i can't stop myself from focusing on the blood. there’s so much blood. i use a web to close up the wound and apply pressure. the clunk of footsteps fleeing the scene makes my blood boil as i make a move to go after them. but i'm stopped by the man, laying before me, his hand grabs my wrist and he chokes on his words.
"please. please don't go. i don't want to die alone. you can't leave." my breathing slows and my head fills with conflicting emotions. i want nothing more than to run from this man, going against everything i've ever been taught, and chase down the bastards that attacked the only person that truly matters to me. i know i should stay, call for help and comfort the injured man, but my feet are already moving and i'm shooting a web to the top of the nearest building and swinging away.
i turn on my comm, "mr. stark? it's peter, i need you to come out here to an alleyway between 34th and 11th. there's a man, he's been hurt. i gotta go after edie's attackers. i found them. i found them, mr. stark."
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit @kitykatnumber @franksholland @goddamnit5sos @thehugslut @fandom-phaser
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rowanthestrange · 5 years
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How To Make A Build-A-Bear Dye Without Killing It:
Me: If this is Paddington, why is he white?
Build-A-Bear: Oh my god Rowan, you can’t just ask why Paddington’s white!
Paddington is currently one of Build-A-Bear’s cutest and plushiest options. However he’s also significantly lighter-furred than either the recent movie, the classic television show, or even the original illustrations made him. My sponsor being a fan of the Paddington TV show, I was asked to experiment to see if I could correct this by dying him, in a long-lasting, no rub-off way, whilst maintaining the gorgeous fluffy texture of the fur.
And shockingly...yes. Yes, you actually can.
(Instructions and more adorable pictures under the cut)
Now as far as I can tell, if you can do it with this plushy baby, you should be able to do this with any Build-A-Bear. Probably any bear full-stop, but I’m not responsible if you re-dye that toy tiger you’ve had since you were a baby and it crozzles into a little plastic ball. Be smart, be responsible, be sure you can buy another one of whatever you’re dying in case you screw up. Remember even if it all works, you might still not get the colour you want. Dying’s a lottery.
Disclaimers over, you will need,
A Bear.
Rit DyeMore Synthetic in the colour of your choice. (Cocoa Brown if you’re doing this Paddington).
A big metal pot than can go on the stove. Bigger than the one you’re thinking of right now.
A cooking thermometer is highly encouraged - look you’re buying the dye, you might as well spring for this too, you’ll find uses for it.
Nice smelling washing-up liquid.
Rubber gloves if you’re not an idiot.
A big wooden spoon that can reach the bottom of your pot.
Basic sewing supplies (don’t panic, nothing arduous)
Ideally an extra person in case of emergencies (these include: when it turns out you can’t stir a pot continuously for over thirty minutes, when you splash yourself with scalding-hot dye and need someone to stir while you hold your hand under cold water, when you apparently don’t have the coordination to stir, check temperature, and keep track of time all at once, etc.)
And before you begin, offer a prayer and thanks to @tokozdragon whose own experimentations allowed me to stand on the shoulders of a giant. Theirs was one of the most helpful bits of information I came across in my research, and is how you’re gonna hopefully keep that fluff nice and gorgeous.
So. Build-A-Bears are seemingly synthetic top to bottom. Certainly this one is. I couldn’t find any tags saying anything other than 100% polyester, man-made fibres. Now this is a bad thing when it comes to dying, because the dyes can’t penetrate and hold in the same way. You wash it, everything’ll immediately rinse out. But Rit Synthetic Dye, does work. The only catch is, you’re gonna have to get it to just below boiling point. And if you’ve ever left a cuddly toy against a radiator before, you might know that these things do not like heat.
But there is a trick to this. You’re gonna diverge from your dye instructions just a little bit, but it’s going to work so long as you’re really on the ball.
First of all, check to see that your bear will fit in your pot - physically put it in there - and check if it could move freely and be covered with water. No? Then you’re gonna do what I did, and frankly what I suggest: You’re going to unstuff your bear. Get a clean box, find a seam (the BAB tag is perfect for this if it’s still got it on) pull until you see threads, have courage, and snip. You can put them back together, I promise. I left the head and arms stuffed for Paddington because it would fit, and they’d be more difficult to restuff. You might want to as well. Keep your heart (and tracking barcode) safe, as well as all that stuffing. Now you may have someone who looks like this:
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Next, it’s bath time. No, don’t skip this step. Get a little of your nice washing-up liquid, just a small drizzle, and some warm water. Nothing hot, not close to hot - baby bath temperature. Give your bear a gentle wash, to remove any coatings or oils or dirt, and rinse them out well under more warm water. Make sure to squeeze it through any remaining stuffed bits too. You don’t need to go overboard though, a bit of soap left over is gonna be fine.
While you’re doing that, you’re going to heat up your dye to just below teddy bath temperature.
This is where we start to deviate from instructions.
You’re gonna put that dye in right away, while it’s still cool. I needed about 5 litres of water for my pot, and used about a quarter of a bottle of dye (somewhere between 6-8 tablespoons). You can see how Cocoa Brown turned out here. Obviously if you want a weaker colour, use a few spoons less. If you don’t get it perfect straight away, don’t worry about it, you can add more later if you have to, but again remember your ideal colour is not guaranteed.
Then add a small trickle of washing-up liquid to the dye. Less than a teaspoon, but it’s going to help the dye catch.
When your dye is just about bear-temperature, still really low, you are going to immerse your bear, while the temperature’s still going up. That’s right, we’re doing it now. What we’re trying to do is not shock the fur by giving it a sudden temperature change - plunging it into 90°C dye like you’d usually do. Instead we’re gonna boil it like a frog in a pot.
You are gonna stir this baby continuously, and treat it like a video game level you can’t afford to fail. Bits that float, squeeze em and squish em back down. Nothing stays still. You stop stirring? You’ve failed. And never, ever, ever, let it touch the bottom of the pot for even a second without you moving it away. Treat this early temperature where you can still put your hand in it as your test, and get a rhythm up. Using your gloved hands (or not, but it’s gonna make your nailbeds look weird for days), squeeze the dye thoroughly through your still-stuffed areas, make sure everything’s evenly covered, because once this dye goes past 50°C you’re going to be using your spoon only.
Then just keep stirring. If your arms get tired, this is why you have your emergency standby buddy. Check the temperature occasionally. When it gets up to about 80°C this is when the dye will actually start activating. Keep the heat going, but check your time. If you can’t easily see a clock and don’t have a buddy, you definitely can’t afford to stop stirring now, so start counting one-Mississippi, two-Mississippi, up to about 240-Mississippi. For everyone else, go to about 4-5 minutes, maybe having your buddy check the temperature as you go. If you hit a boil - you’re seeing bubbling - turn the heat off. What we’re aiming to do is give it about 4 minutes in the 85-max 95°C range, so you choose when to shut your heat off - you know your cooker better than I do.
After your heat is off keep stirring as it drops its temperature, remembering it’s just as delicate a procedure as when you were heating it up, it still can’t touch that hot metal for too long. When it gets down to about 60°C, if you or your emergency buddy can easily (and I mean easily, with no difficulties at all) lift that pot to put it in a cold water bath in your sink, you could do that, but if your wrist suddenly gives out or something that is a hell of a lot of hot water that will mess you up. If in doubt, you gotta just keep stirring for as long as it takes for the pot to cool back down to bath temperature. Don’t try and lift the bear out and put it in the sink early, just do it properly.
Once you’re down to relatively cool again, lift the bear and squeeze the dye out. Then transfer them to your sink. Run water at about the same temperature, and rinse them thoroughly.
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When the worst of the dye stops coming out, then it’s time for bath time yet again. More of that nice smelling washing-up liquid, soap them up good, and watch that sink get all colourful again.
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Then keep rinsing them, replacing the water until it stays clear and free from soap.
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And then all you need to do is wait for them to dry!k
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(If you don’t have a hairdryer that works on a cool setting, then just squeeze them with paper towels to get the worst of the water out, and fluff em up a little bit every now and again, moving that fur, and making sure it ends up roughly in the direction it should be so it doesn’t dry too oddly.
Then the next day when they’re dry, brush them up a bit, and give them a re-stuff, making sure to give that heart-wish a little booster when you put it back in. (And put that odd little barcode you probably found in there right next to it - that’s one of the ways a lost bear can find its way back to you. You never know). Then to stitch up the hole, use a ladder stitch. Google it to find instructions that work for you, but that’s the clever invisible stitch you’ll need. And if you can’t do that last bit for any reason, I’ve never found a Build-A-Bear shop that won’t help fix up a bear (and they’d probably be interested in your dye test. You could probably even get a scent put in if you’re good at sweet talking).
And voila, one spiffy bear.
Who in this case, had all his stuffing given a rub down with sweet orange essential oil, the perfect scent for any bear who carries an emergency marmalade sandwich.
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Of course if you’re going the full Classic Television Paddington, then a bit of work with some black felt and ribbon is still required. The red hat should be enough for you to mirror a pattern. I suggest 2mm or 3mm thick felt (and you’ll need a metre/whatever rather than A4 if you want to do the...sticky-up-bit of the hat all in one go like the red hat). And 1.5-2cm ribbon (but I had 1cm so that’s what I used). The brim is about the size of a dinner plate, and you could cut the circle for the top out of the middle of that if you’re trying to conserve materials.
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Bonus cuteness: I think Orlando the Thirteenth Doctor Bear makes a very good movie Paddington.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
MM Anon 6
Jan 1, 2020
MM ANON ……… “ I don’t want to go back!!!”…… “ get him a title”………… “ a monthly periodical” ……… “mental health and well-being” ……… A brief synopsis LG……… “ I’ve prepared a small dossier ma’am”…… “One has no choice”……… “I’ll contemplate it”………… “ Somewhere warm Catherine”……… keep a low profile ………… he’ll do what he’s told!!!! ………… perhaps a state visit??………… “springtime with Boris in harmony” ……… “Mmmmmm, god help us”
Jan 2
MM ANON ……… Drip, drip drip……… Drop ,drop drop……… back to school soon 🏫 ……… a successful 🌍 ……… Sophie steps up…… a stable stable ………a tad overconfident ……… “ sooner she falls off the better!!” ……… “ Mmmmm, quite the young man!!”…… “resuming play” ……… it’s the open!! ……… “a bit of an obsession!!” …………”it’s another course Catherine” ……… “be careful!!”…… “ we’ll have to send an envoy ma’am”. ……… “yes, it’s a disaster “.
Jan 3
MM ANON …… “They will return… eventually!!”…… “mummy, it’s school Monday!!”……… cry-sis, 😭😭what cry-sis…… “from our house to Bauhaus”……” there together sir”………… “ one needs the quiet time “……… take the pulse of the populace ……… “ overwhelming support ma’am” ……… “football George,football!!”…… “O god!! He’s on another planet”………… “ A quiet few weeks would be welcomed” ……… I received the memo. ………” poison chalice old boy, poison chalice”
Jan 3
MM ANON, The Suck-sexses are said to be contemplating a return to the UK, I don’t think so, they have made it quite clear that they have nothing but contempt for the BRF and its citizens. They probably will visit LA and try to get some free PR via OW. Nutmeg will begin to blab more word salad about her “Snoozpaper” and how she’s living this perfect life with archificial and himself. WHO PAID FOR HER SIX WEEK VACATION???? THE BRITISH TAXPAYERS
Jan 3
MM ANON , Mmmmm ,RA has a point, no recipes from Harry except (photoshopped images) ? My own gut instinct is that all the misinformation has muddied the waters of confusion. As you say this site is for “ entertainment purposes” and your unique in that respect. No body posts the amount of information that crosses your blog from anonymous sources to real time situations, even the national press visit “Skippy” to fuel its veracity for copy. As they say “A diabolo,qui semia dei”
A diabolo, qui est simia dei. Where god has a church the devil will have his chapel.
Thank you MM Anon😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 4
MM ANON ……… a list of all her discrepancies!! ……… sex, lies and video tapes, my god!!……… metoo Monday …… “actually darling it’s now the safest local”…… “I’d love to play in a tournament” …… “ great backhand!! “ ……… Duty calls…… first things first!! ……… “an environmental tour??” ……” eventually,with the children” ……… no chance to cry racism ……… no protocol left ……… maybe frog cott?? ……… we start building in the spring ………” it won’t last long”.
Jan 5
MM ANON, ……… 🎼I’m ready, ready ready ready,I’m ready🎼…… “No your not”………… vinegar and brown paper ……… activate the broken record ……… same old, same old ………” from my window I can see Frogmore House” ……… A short reflection on residency ……… home delivery …… another Sunday service , beautiful!! ……… she’s got this one in the bag. ………”The children aren’t participating!!”……A REASON, A SEASON A LIFETIME. ………
Jan 6
MM ANON … RICKY , RICKY ,RICKY!! …… respect!! …… A HANK-kerchief full of platitudes …… 🎼a speech full of sugar helps the Meganson go down🎼……… 🎼Oh happy days 🎼………… “SHE CAME, SHE SAW, SHE CONNED-CURD…… …”………… “ this must end soon !! very soon”…… We have the technology ……… “Ahhh , The elusive tape”……… Timing is everything!! ……… DM loading it’s guns……… print and be dammed!!
Jan 6
MM ANON, Ok , a sycophantic visit to Canada 🇨🇦 House tomorrow in a packed London, they’ll be met by the Ambassador and no doubt Harry will be the customary three steps behind his 43 year old companion who will smile on queue and fake waves to nobody watching. After the same old same old they’ll disappear into the same car and return to the elusive residence somewhere in England. Don’t expect a rush towards the crowd.
Jan 7
MM ANON, ……… she’s the (arm) pits……… go home Yank…… he’s a stone lighter ……… get off my f#@£%land ……… “ come to my birthday, never!!” ……… A state of emergency …… who dares bins ………… 🎼return to lender🎼……… “ it’s a struggle old thing”……… “ stop swearing at the tourists”…………… “ bloody tourists” …… Sydney!!……… “ I’m looking forward to next series” ……… “new stamps??”
Jan 8
MM ANON ……… 🎼”And she must face the final curtain 🎼 The problem with NOT WEARING your wedding ring opens all conversation towards conjecture ………… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the firm always wins. Numerous whores and courtesans have tried to put a dent in the Monarchy over the past 2000 years most were decapitated. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jan 10
MM ANON. .…… GSTQAOBC …… don’t rock the bloat. …… pain-t stripper …… past, present and future ……… hide-a-Weymouth ……… W&K rule……… make a list ……… common- wealth……… nutmegs strange grandiosity ……… feed the handbitten …… king baby ………… love in a cold climate ……… NO MORE MONEY ……… a fall from race ……… Harry has left the building
Jan 10
MM ANON, BP has just denied that M&H were frozen out. And where did she accumulate £500 million. Something really really stinks. All her life she’s grifted and whored. TPTB should take her down before the BRF are involved in her elaborate deception. DM poll on side of RF and PH, want MM to leave Britain and never return.
Jan 11
MM ANON ……… blowing up a GAIL……… “ it’s like de-programming sir” ……” better have them inside the tent pissing out……… “it’s her pattern of behaviour” ………… back in the day ……… W&K step up……… William refuses to play ball……… that’s weak Charles …………” it’s all about money with her”……… “ all I’m saying is,you’re powerful family “ ………” another snifter LG”……… “ hold the calls Sydney”. 
Jan 12
MM ANON ……… 🎼I don’t like Mondays🎼………” turn her bloody ugly face orf”. …… “ your call William!!” ……… bad advice ……… A military absence ……… “ yes,Pontcius Pilate” ……… Charles, The weakest link ……… “ your over generous ma’am”. ……… “ let them go, f**** em” ……… The taxpayers won’t like it ……… Canada caves……… RCMP……… BO offers a net- flick……… 🎼money,money,money 🎼…………… royal dis-appointments. ………… a tabloid tornado looms.
Jan 13
MM ANON …………… take it or , take it!!……… no negotiation ………… Harry walks out ……… threats and lies ……… no comment…… tabloid carnage ……… more talk,talk. ……… commonwealth ambassador??? ……… no loss of financial support ……… MM gives up title ……… Harry keeps HRH. ……… archificial tells all……… W&K hold a huge party 🥳 🧣🤣🥳🥳🥳👀……… PP gives Sydney a knighthood ……… PP& Sydney get drunk. …………George bakes a cake. ……… Lottie has another sleepover. ……… Nanny gets a surprise
jan 14
MM ANON ……… para-sight……… “ O ma’am, cunning very cunning”………… “ William is made of sterner metal”……… ( behind every great man) ……… spring offensive, the children!! …………” Lotties the key”……… the holy trinity ……… “freeze them out”………… “it’s all a smokescreen sir”…… “ yes, full steam ahead, ask Camilla “ ………… “ circle the wagons LG” …………” Burn that f**** olive branch, once bitten”………” a Canadian tour , with the children, OMG! Touché!!……… inde redire eruditionis Habes
Jan 14
MM ANON … She new well in advance of Markle V Markle, that’s why she ran , doesn’t want the dirty laundry washed in view of a few hundred yards of BP. HARRY, You married trash. Trash whose father is going to testify against her. Goodness sake Harry, didn’t you see this , or weren’t You briefed by the intelligence service about her family and sordid history.
Jan 15
Jan 15
MM ANON, MARKLE V MARKLE, won’t get to court, she will not Dare. She won’t bring the firm into disrepute. Unless she really wishes to harm the royal family and that’s a possibility. Will she permit her resentment for her father to drag her dirty washing through the royal courts of justice in the Stand. Is she that psychotic. Yes , I think she is, will Harry approve, I don’t think so.
Jan 16
MM ANON,……… sea-plane PR. ……… where’s Harry?………… “ leaves 15million mansion visits poor shelter 🤣🤣🤣………… so broke,(woke)……… Paternal hurricane ……… Royal courts of Justice ……… “ write me a roll”………… “what Megan wants, Megan forgets”:……… Calipornia politics? ………… “she can be the new AOC” ……… she’ll campaign for Dems……… “OW ,tell all coming”. ……… negotiations,negotiations!!! …… W&K kill it !!!
Jan 16
MM ANON,……… laugh and carry on……… isolation desperation ……… W&K leapfrog ……… not jaw jaw …… pseudo Trudeau ……… re-distribution …………” just scrapping by ,sausage” ……… LA NA. ……… gizza job……… ahhhhh’ the ubiquitous tape……… brotherly shove ………… “ the tour will proceed” ………… Diamond Dogs……… 🦂🦂🦂………… twice shy
40 notes · View notes
queen-scribbles · 5 years
The Weather Outside is Frightful
Some self-indulgent as all hell,‘because I can’ Ederity fluff, initially prompted by this, but it, uh, GREW. I regret nothing. Oh, and I sort of borrowed @risualto‘s OCs for a mention. Merry Christmas? :D
There were few things that could change your plans for the day quite like waking up to discover three foot deep snow drifts outside your window.
“Well,” Edér chuckled as he wiped a clear spot where his breath had fogged the glass, “guess I’m not makin’ it into town today...”
Charity tucked herself under his arm and whistled at the sheer white of the scene outside the window. “An’ I thought Peycg was jokin’ about her achy hip meanin’ this’d be a bad one.” She wrapped an arm around his waist. “Pretty sure Dyrford can get along without its mayor for one day.”
“Y’think?” he asked, pressing an amused kiss to the top of her head.
“Yeah. An’ all your paperwork will keep,” she said matter-of-factly. “You know a great way to spend snowy days?” Her fingers slipped under his shirt to trace light circles against his skin.
Edér’s breath caught even as he grinned. “Shovelin’ ?”
Charity rolled her eyes. “I mean, if you’d rather do that than cuddle your wife, sure.”
“Ah, well, if that’s an option on the table,”he kissed her temple, “it sounds much more fun.”
Even as she opened her mouth to reply with something flirty, a realization struck Charity and she instead buried her face in his chest with a groan. “Actually... that’ll hafta wait. I promised Bethyn I’d come check on Gjeorun today; his fever’s been stubborn-”
“Char, that snow’ll be hip deep on you,” Edér protested. “Higher where it’s drifts.”
“And? I’m not breakin’ a promise to check on a sick kid, Edér. Not for somethin’ that’s at most an inconvenience.”
“I’ll go,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose before he stepped away to start getting dressed. “Pretty sure I can at least tell a fever as well as you can.”
She thought about protesting, but it really would be an easier trek for him, and they weren’t yet to the point where treatment options would be complicated, and he had that look in his eye saying he was ready to be stubborn about this. “Ain’t gonna argue myself out of gettin’ to stay in the nice, warm house,” she said with a playful shrug.
Edér paused in pulling on his boots. “On second thought...” he teased.
“No, no, you volunteered already,” Charity laughed. She crossed her arms and pulled out her best look of mock-censure. “How will the  people of Dyrford trust you if you don’t keep your promises, Mayor Teylecg?”
“That’s fightin’ dirty, darlin’,” he complained, throwing a balled up sock at her.
She caught it and threw it back. “I think you’re gonna need that, don’t you?”
Edér shook his head before pulling on the sock and the boot that went with  it.  “Fightin’ real dirty, Char.”
“I learned from the best,” Charity said sweetly. She plunked down on the bed next to him. “In all seriousness, though, I do appreciate this.” She kissed his cheek. “An’ I know Bethyn will, too. Oh!” She pushed back to her feet. “If you’re goin’ I need to give this to you...” The small bottle was still sitting on the table from when she prepared it the day before. “It’s for if the fever’s not down,” she explained, pressing it into Edér’s hand. “Slightly stronger combination of herbs than what Bethyn’s been usin’ so far. Hopefully his fever broke on its on, but if she needs it...”
“Better I don’t need to make two trips,” Edér finished for her. He slipped the bottle in the pocket of his coat and kissed her on the nose again. “Stay warm.”
“I think that’s more of a concern for you,” Charity said wryly as she retrieved his hat and scarf from the mudroom. She made sure to tug the hat all the way down over his ears. “Given that you’re gonna be wadin’ through snow an’ all.”
His eyes twinkled as he wrapped the scarf around his neck. “I’ll just think of you, it’ll keep me plenty warm.”
She rolled her eyes and whacked his arm. “You better get goin’, who knows how long it’ll take you to get there in this.” The Spackholms didn’t live that far, but wading through three feet of snow was going to slow him down. 
“Alright, I’m goin’,” Edér chuckled, stealing one last kiss before he set off.
Charity shivered in the brief whirl of cold air when he opened the door, but still stood by the window to watch until he’d disappeared from view. She really should start at the very least clearing out a path to the chapel. But even that small taste of the weather inclined her toward finding more indoor methods of filling her time. She shuffled back toward the bedroom, smiled at the sight of Sunshine and Sparrow curled up atop the blankets she and Edér had pushed aside when they rose.
“You two look comfortable,” she chuckled. Sparrow yawned and Sunshine’s tail wagged against the covers. “Don’t worry, I won’t make you move. Or share. I love ya, but the one I really wanna snuggle just walked out the front door so I didn’t hafta.” She plunked on the edge of the bed and scratched Sunshine’s ears. “I should do somethin’ as a thank you, shouldn’t I?”
Sunshine let out a happy dog groan and leaned into her hand.
Charity laughed and scratched harder. “Is that a yes? Well, then, what should I do?”
He just wagged his tail again, letting his head sink to the covers, and Sparrow was so deep asleep her whiskers were twitching as she dreamed. Charity nibbled her lower lip in thought. It only took a moment to hit her. What would be a better reward for trudging through thigh-deep snow than to find hot cider and fresh-baked cookies when he got back? The weed in the flowerbed, of course,  was her utter inability to cook. But surely there was some cookie recipe in their possession easy enough even she couldn’t mess it up. She knew they had ingredients aplenty; Edér made sure they were well-stocked by midway through Early Autumn.
“Baking’s different than cookin’, right?” she asked the snoozing animals. There was no reaction from either; Sunshine had drifted back off with the head scratches.
Charity smiled and pushed off the bed, tying her hair up in a messy bun as she headed toward the kitchen. It couldn’t hurt to try. After all, what was life without a little risk? Edér would probably tease turning her loose in the kitchen was more than a little risk, but he wasn’t here to stop her. She started humming to herself and pulled the recipe box from the shelf, thumbing through in search of the desserts. Really, how hard could it be?
An hour later, she was ready to eat those words, partially because she wasn’t sure if she or anyone else could eat the lump of dough sitting in front of her. It was supposed to turn into cinnamon-dusted cookies, but it didn’t taste quite right to her. 
Charity’s face screwed up in a frown and she tugged a lock of hair that had fallen loose during her travails. She wasn’t sure it was worth taking the time to bake these if it was only going to confirm her suspicions that she was no good at baking, either. On the other hand, if she wanted to have some done before Edér got back, she’d really need to get them in soon. Even as she stood there, torn, there was the dull thump of someone knocking snow off boots outside, which made Sunshine bark, and the door swung open.
“Started snowin’ again,” Edér called as he stepped inside and hastily shut the door behind him.
Charity leaned back around the doorframe and grinned. “I can see that. There’s snowflakes in your beard,” she informed him, “even if they weren’t all over your coat and such.” 
“Yeah, looks like it’s gonna be pretty decent, on top of what we already got.” He cocked his head as he stripped off his gloves. “Char, what’re you doin?”
She tried to look innocent, but was too close to laughing from his suspicious tone. “Baking. Or tryin’ to, I think I did it wrong...” On impulse, she scooped a fingerful of the questionable dough and crossed the living room. “Doesn’t taste quite right to me.”
Edér looked between her and the sample of cookie dough, clearly picking up the unspoken request. He smirked and leaned down to kiss her instead, fingertips briefly cold against the back of her neck, lips freezing against hers. “Perfect,” he chuckled, cleaning a smudge of something(probably flour) off her cheek with the side of his thumb. “An’ now if I die” --a nod toward the dough-- “least I got t’ kiss my wife one last time.”
“Too many of those jokes and maybe you will,” Charity grumped, but there was no real weight behind the threat.
Edér just grinned and took the dough. “You’re just a little shy on sugar, Char,” he informed her after tasting it. “These are th’ cinnamon dusted ones Gjyra makes?” When she nodded, he shrugged. “Just add some sugar in with the cinnamon when you’re dustin’ ‘em and it’ll be fine.”
She brightened. “Y’ mean I actually made somethin’ edible?”
He laughed as he tugged off his hat and unwound his scarf. “Only time--an’ the oven--will tell.”
“True,” she conceded with a wry laugh. “While I get the first batch in the oven, there’s cider warmin’ by the fire, an’ then I’ll join ya so we can get in some of that cuddlin’ we mentioned earlier while the cookies bake.”
“Sounds like a plan, darlin’,” Edér grinned, dropping his hat to slip his hands under the back of her shirt. “I need a lot of warmin’ up.”
Charity yelped at the shock of cold skin against hers and swatted his arm.  “Edér-!” But she couldn’t resist giggling all the same, as she tugged him closer by the uneven pale blue scarf draped around his neck. “You owe me for that,” she whispered, before pushing up on her toes to kiss him. His lips were still cold, and there was melting snow in his beard and all over his coat, but she didn’t care.
He was grinning when she finally stepped back. “Only fair when you put your cold feet on me every night,” he murmured playfully, “But that seems a pretty good start.”
“Yep. A start,” Charity emphasized, patting his cheek and not even dignifying the other part with a response before she disentangled herself and headed back toward the kitchen. “Get outta your wet stuff, get some cider, and I’ll join ya in just a couple minutes.”
“Yes, dear,” he said mischievously, and she rolled her eyes but kept walking. The faster she had the cookies in the over, the faster she could join him. And on a cold snowy day like this, few things sounded better than snuggling her human furnace of a husband. 
Bet he didn’t even get cold on the way to Bethyn’s, she thought as she started dropping cookie-sized lumps of dough on a baking sheet. Which brought another thought to mind. “How’s Gjeorun doing?” she called out as she worked.
Edér grunted, probably pulling off his boots, before he replied, “Fever broke last night just ‘fore he went t’ sleep. I left the medicine anyway; ‘case it comes back or one of the girls gets it.”
Charity winced. “Good idea, but hope not. They have a separate room, an’ Bethyn and Dannith have been good about keepin’ them away while Gjeorun’s been sick.”
“Yeah, but you know how Ilaine loves her brother...” Edér pointed out. There was the clink of ladle against mug, then the couch creaked.
“We’re gonna be optimists about this,” Charity retorted as she slid the cookies in the oven. “Or at least I am,” she said ruefully as she joined him. “Thank you for goin’.”
“You’re welcome,” Edér said easily, holding one arm out so she could join him.
Which Charity was all too happy to do. She snuggled in next to him. “Gods, Edér, how are you so blazin’ warm?!”
“Not all of me’s warm,” he countered mischievously, running chilly fingers down her arm and under the hem of her shirt(again).
Goosebumps prickled up her spine and she grabbed his hand to sandwich between her own. “I think this’ll work better.”
“Less fun, though,” he teased, brushing his lips against her temple.
She snorted. “For you, maybe. Don’t let me forget about the cookies. Wouldn’t wanna burn what might be my first success story where food’s concerned.”
“Cross m’ heart.” He went to kiss her temple again, but Charity tipped her chin up to catch it on the lips instead. Edér chuckled. “I was workin’ that direction, darlin’.”
“Not fast enough, you weren’t,” she mock-grumbled. 
He grinned. “I can fix that...” He tugged his hand free of hers and instead curved it along her jaw as he kissed her properly.
“Much better,” Charity murmured when they parted. She snuggled in closer against his chest, tucking her head under his chin.
Edér chuckled and pressed a kiss to her hair as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and settled in as well. “Glad you approve.”
She just hummed happily. This was the way to spend cold winter days, she mused. It could snow as deep as it liked outside; she was perfectly happy right where she was.
Even when they forgot about the cookies.
(The second batch turned out just fine.)
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nonoahstop · 5 years
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@derpam Oh, it's no problem, I’m always up for writing one of these❤ I decided to go with one child per LI so I could keep the length the same and not pick a favorite, I hope that's okay? And thank you so much haha I struggled to try and make everyone different so I appreciate that❤ In this I tried to use different reasons a kid would get bullied such as how they interact and even medical conditions.
The guys + Asra’s reaction to their child getting bullied and how they’d handle it
All three of you were heading home after picking your child up. You both hold one hand each, a parent on each side.
You noticed your child is a little bit more quiet than usual. They just walk along aside you both silently not even attempting to kick a rock about or go running off to pick up a cool stick.
You throw Asra a knowing look and mouth the words “Something is wrong” in which he gives you an agreeing nod in return.
Asra initiates calm supportive parent mode.
 “Hey... Anything up? Your a little quiet...” they give a small shrug.
“There is a meanie at school, they keep talking about my white hair and how it's too fluffy... They keep calling me a bunny, I thought they would stop... I don't look funny do I?” your heart sinks in your chest.
Asra kneels down. “Of course not! I have fluffy hair too, it's just like yours. I think that bunnies are adorable just like you” he ruffles their hair and gives them a warm smile.
“I also know they can jump reeeeeally high!” you both take hold of their hand again and start swinging them.
“One... Two... Three!” You all laugh along on your way back home hoping Asras little pep talk was enough to take it off their mind.
That night as you both tuck in your little one, you agree that you would meet with the headteacher to go over things and see what can be done.
“I don't think we should go to the parents I don't want them to feel as if we're looking down on their child, I know we can talk to their teacher and have a little talk. These things happen, they don't really understand yet.”
You get ready for the day and find Faust snuggled up in blankets with the little one and call Asra too have a look, you both watch in awe.
...Okay back on track!
As you both drop off your kid in the morning you pull aside the teacher before the day starts.
“Oh, the Alnazars, is everything alright?” they step outside the classroom with you both closing the door behind them.
“If you wouldn't mind, I was hoping we could talk about a little situation we’re having regarding a bully.”
“Oh, of course!.” You both talk about your troubles and how you're concerned about the wellbeing of your child.
“Oh wow, I’ll have a little talk with them. I promise to take care of the situation.”
“Thank you.”
A few days pass and on your way back home you ask how everything is doing again.
“Has that bully said anything to you so far?” They turn back smiling.
“No, I don't know why because they thought it was funny? Also, I found out that rabbits are really cool! The teacher was telling the class about all kinds of bunnies.” you give Asra a knowing glance.
“Just saying if they ever start on you again, blast ‘em!” Asra gives them a few finger guns.
“What!? No- don't do that!
You whisper to Asra “You know what happened last time they decided to, ‘blast ‘em’...”
You have flashbacks to when you were both called in because your child accidentally set the book corner up in flames...
Asra gives you a wide grin and a nudge to the side.
You walk behind as Julian play fights with your child, gently poking them with the stick here and there and even doing a few dramatic death scenes but of course...
“I can never die!” and he comes back as a ghost and dies again... and again and-
It’s a fun journey back home and nothing seems to be the matter.
That day you went to Portia's for dinner to have a family get together.
After dinner, you sit out on the porch for a while hoping to let out some pent up energy before its time to head home and go to bed.
All three of you sit on the steps as you watch the sun fall over the garden, you feel a tug on your arm as Julian signals too your child.
You see them sitting there head in their hands looking of somewhere a sad smile across their face.
“Kiddo, what wrong?” they lean over resting their head on Julian's arm.
“Is there something wrong with me? Why do people make fun of me for being happy?”
Julian's eyebrows furrow as he puts on a serious face now wrapping an arm around his child.
“What do you mean sweetie?”
“Well this kid thinks it's weird I run around more than everyone else, they told me I’m what their parents call ‘too much’...”
Julian shifts in his seat. “My dear, you are a ball of energy that can’t be contained and that's what makes you special... They aren't cool like you, you know what they have?”
They give him a small smile. “What?”
“A cold heart and nobody wants that.”
Upon arriving home you go to tuck your child in for the night as Julian scans his patient books for the families name.
“Let's have a talk with them it will be fine I just need to explain what's going on because it’s not fair our child should be bullied for having ADHD...”
You meet up with the parents before school the next day and ask if they would like to come to dinner to talk over things.
You both calmly go over the situation and explain what's going on. The parents end up being embarrassed about their actions and apologize that the situation happened in the first place.
“I’m sorry that happened... I apologize for our words and the effects they had on our child...”
“Thank you, we really appreciate that...”
You finish the meal and wave the couple on their way, the mess now over.
“Charmer...” Julian turns and gives a wide grin.
“Well, who else will give them a checkup? I’m their doctor, after all, I don't think they want to get on my bad side.”
You notice more of a spring in your child's step as well as them slowly slinking into their old self not feeling self-conscious of their actions and it brings a peaceful feeling over you both.
You go in to collect your child as Muriel waits outside by the gate away from the school ground.
Everything seems okay as your leaving until you hear soft little sobs as you make your way over to Muriel.
You can see the shock in Muriel's face as he kneels down pulling them into a hug.
“... Do you want to talk about it?...” they shake their head as they nuzzle into him.
“Maybe later?” they give a small nod before Muriel scoops them up wrapping them in his cloak.
You give a light kiss to their head as well as one to Muriel’s cheek and head home walking in silence.
You pick up the blanket you left by the fire and crawl into bed wrapping your child up. Muriel heads over to bed too.
“Are you feeling up for telling us what's wrong?” they snuggle closer to the both of you.
“Why can't people leave me alone? I just want to be away from everyone, I keep getting made fun of because I have no friends...” they begin to cry again.
 Muriel wraps an arm around them giving them a soft kiss to the head.
“Don’t worry I know how you feel, it's not nice... When I was little I just wanted to be on my own too, it's not weird.”
They let out a few sniffles. “It's not? Then why am I being made fun of?”
“People just don't understand...”
The conversation ends there and you slowly comfort your child till the fall asleep leading to you slipping into sleep as well.
On your way to school that morning Muriel tells you he wants to come up to the classroom this time and it makes you smile.
“I think they would like that” and you both share a glance at your child looking off to the distance walking in silence.
When you arrive you see a child staring at Muriel; a hulking 6′10 man littered with scary scars and huge muscles holding onto your small child.
Your child gives a light tug to Muriel's cloak and points over at the bully.
Muriel turns an annoyed painted on his face.
The child's face is stuck with horror as they turn to run, tripping over themselves and skidding on the floor in an attempt to run to their parents.
Muriel looks back at you blushing obviously feeling guilty.
“I uh... I didn't mean too...” he looks away in shame.
You let out a small laugh resting a hand on his back.
“I know Muri.”
“I think I'm too scary for the kids...”
“Maybe to some but they don't know what your life. Your a soft sweet man”
You plant a kiss to his now blushing cheek reassuring him.
Needless to say, the kid didn't want to pick on your child now knowing what was in store for them on the other side
You both stand outside waiting for your child to get out of school.
You hear a temper tantrum range near and you and Lucio both look over confused.
You see your child chucking things around and kicking the wall causing a scene.
“Woah, hey, it's alright”
They continue to throw a tantrum as the teacher stands there helpless eventually retreating to the classroom.
“Hate who?” they point over to a child getting ready for home time.
“What did they do?”
“They were trying to spread rumors about me! They said I shouldn't have any friends because I’m stuck up!” Lucio lets out a loud and dramatic gasp.
“They said what!?” Now furious he stomps over to the parents.
“Lucio no- Don't go over to the... Oh no...” you see him shouting up a storm at the couple accusing them of having bad parenting skills.
The parents look over to you in a plea of help.
Lucio ends up storming into the class shouting at the teacher now.
“You should put your teaching skills to good use and show all of them some manners!” he points back at the parents still going off on a tangent.
You cover your face in shame not being able to look the couple in the eye.
The three of you end up inside the class in chairs too small to accommodate your large figures, your knees almost up to your chest.
Despite the embarrassing situation, the one funny thing about it all is the way Lucio looks sitting in the tiny chair so compressed yet he still chooses to cross his arms in a huff.
He’s just one big man child...
Throughout the whole meeting, all you can hear from him is huffs and tongue clicks, you eventually have to jab him in the side to stop him from glaring at the child.
The meeting ends and the family quickly rushes away, you catch Lucio giving the child an “I’m watching you” hand gesture out of the corner of your eye and you swat his hand away.
You sigh and pinch your brow. “Lucio I love you but you can’t go about treating situations like that.”
“Well, it worked didn’t it?”
“I- Yes... but you still can't do that...” he shrugs his shoulders and turns to your child.
“See papas got your back! Now, how about we go out and do something fun?” a bright smile crosses their face as Lucio lifts them up and sits them on top of his shoulders.
Honestly, you don't know who acted more like a child in this situation Lucio or the actual children, but I guess you see who they get their attitude from...
You add that to the book of unforgettable things and try to sweep it under the rug.
At least for the moment, you can appreciate the bond they both have. Maybe he’s so protective because he never had the same care and emotion from his parents?
Either way, no matter which way he shows it you know his love is unconditional.
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cocoisbestgirl · 5 years
Fanfic I can’t think of  a name for pt 6
Magda looked around the frozen garden, she didn’t see anybody. She wasn’t sure if she even wanted to. She just savored the alone time like the finest wine, which she had also had today. She thought it was just fruit juice until her head started to fuzz up. Apparently, she could hold her alcohol at least fairly well according to noble standards. She quickly got over the thought and continued to walk. She didn’t even notice how frozen it was outside. 
She sat down on the side of a fountain that wasn’t running due to the freezing cold.  She took a deep breath before finally relaxing her back. If only she could take the corset off, even for a minute. She could barely breathe much less move with the stupid thing on. The earrings Magda wore made her ears itch from being so cold. They almost felt like they were burning. 
She didn’t even care anymore, she grabbed the earrings and took them out. She didn’t know where to put them so she sat them down beside her. She massaged her earlobes with her index and thumb for a few seconds before standing up.
She wanted to go back to the ball, she really did. She just ...couldn't for some reason. Something was holding her back. So, she just sat back down. She looked down at the snow-covered earth. She used to hate winters. It was always...so...so cold. She always had to huddle up with other children, and sometimes Orens for warmth. Now she was willingly sitting in the cold. But this time around she had a full belly, clothes, jewelry. What was she to be upset about? She got her wish. She had a job...kinda.. and a nice home. She didn’t know what she was missing so much.
What about her childhood did she forget? Why was she so selfish? She had NOTHING and now she had more than most people could ever dream. Yet, she still was missing something. Magda’s thoughts raced and a few tears came to her eyes. 
Her tears had no reason to be there. She wasn’t sad, frustrated, or even happy. She just...was. Magda took off her glove and wiped at her eyes. She had no makeup on, so she had nothing to worry about. 
Magda came out of her trance when something snapped, she whipped her head around.
“Ah! Sorry sorry! I didn’t mean to sneak up on you!”
Magda sighed in relief it was just Alan, who had put his hands up at she looked at him. 
“Oh! Please, don’t worry. I’m fine.” Magda felt another warm tear go down her face but didn’t want to wipe it and bring more attention to herself than needed.
“Err...were you-?”
“Yeah, It’s just a lot to take in.” Magda interrupted.
Alan gestured next to Magda, “Is it okay if I- Ah! Sorry! What’s wrong?”
“I-I,” Magda stuttered to get her words out, “I have no idea. I’m sorry. I’m a mess.”
“No! Don’t worry you’re fine. I’m sure finding out your whole life has been a lie has been difficult! I have to say I really admire you..”
“Hmm?” Magda looked at the boy sitting beside her.
“Well... I’m from the slums too... and I grew up even better off than you did. Ah! I didn’t mean it like that! Sorry...”
“Don’t worry. It’s fine. you’re completely right I didn’t grow up with much.”
“And yet...you turned out so well. You’re amazing, Magda!” He smiled brightly at Magda, making her blush slightly.’
“I only did what I had to do to survive. I have some regrets of course..”
 Alan smiled, “I’m kind of sad we didn't know each other as kids. You’d have probably been my friend.”
Magda slumped down a bit, he really didn’t remember her.
“Wh-why did you come to look for me?”
“Well, I wa...I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Magda felt a smile creep up her lips for a second.
“People noticed you not being there, so they came to me. ”
The smile went away.
“Oh.. I should be getting back, It’s getting late..” Magda stood up, “Goodbye.”
Alan tried to get another sentence out to her, but all he could muster was a small-
The blonde boy looked at the earrings laying abandoned on the fountain.
“It feels weird. It tingles.”
“Yeah, it does that. Means it’s cleaning your pores.” Felicity said as she applied another layer of the face mask onto Magda, “This stuff is not cheap.”
Magda’s face was covered in a pink mud-like substance, which she had never seen before. Mud masks were fairly common in the slums, but pink masks? She had never heard of them even once. 
“If it starts to burn, tell me immediately. I don’t want you getting hives.”
“When are we gonna get rid of my scars?”
“Ah...yeah...about that..” Felicity started as she put down the container that held the mask in it down on her vanity, “You’re...keeping them.”
“W-what? But you said-”
“Magda, I know what I said, I’m sorry. Scar stuff is super expensive. Like.. a lot of nobles can’t afford it. We barely can, We’ve had one container for around 10 years. Mother said that unless it's disfiguring we can’t, and shouldn’t, do anything. In her own words, we need your scars to make the story sound more realistic.”
“B-but that’s not fair..”
“Life isn’t fair. I know how you feel.”
“You don’t though…” Magda whispered to herself.
“Uh...um... So..”
“Miss! Miss!” A maid knocked on the door and came in, “Miss Magda! You have a letter!”
“Oh...thank you,” Magda said as the took the letter out of its envelope.
The maid quickly left and Felicity looked over Magda’s shoulder. 
Felicity barely had to even look at the letter to recognize what it was for. The stamp was from a lower noble family that had nearly fallen off of the radar but somehow kept its place in the social circle despite almost nothing being spoken of the family. When it came to nobility even bad gossip was more likely to keep your family high in the social circle than no gossip at all. 
‘If you want to be important be memorable.’ Felicity thought to herself as she leaned over Magda’s shoulders.
“Geez Magda, already a proposal?”
“That’s how nobles propose? Sending letters?”
“Sometimes yes sometimes no, it may be a love letter,” Felicity shrugged her shoulders, “Come on read it!”
Magda laughed a little bit and covered her mouth.
“Oh, now you have to tell me!” Felicity tried to snatch the letter away from Magda, but Magda avoided it.
“Well,” Magda started.
She dramatically cleared her throat and stood up.
“Dear Magda Ellenstein!” Magda spoke in a male impersonation that was meant to make fun of the letter’s sender, “I humbly offer you my love and devotion! When I saw you at the ball today I couldn’t help but fall for your grace and beauty!”
“Beauty, yeah sure I guess. Grace?! What is that man thinking!” Felicity chuckled.
“Felicity, be quiet! I’m getting to the good part!”
Magda continued reading the letter, it was filled with some of the most cringe-worthy...well they were probably supposed to be compliments anyway. Half the things in the letter made no sense. It was also filled with little doodles of hearts, and a bird...for some reason.
“Wow, So can I start called you the slum noble now?” Felicity mocked the letter.
“Absolutely not! You are to call me the noble in the shadows from now on!”
The girls burst into laughter in near unison.
“This can’t be real! It has to be a joke! There is no way!” Felicity laughed loudly and stood up from her seat, “Man, Magda. Thanks for the laugh. It’s getting pretty late though.”
The girls looked out the window and saw the dark sky dotted with stars.
“Yeah, I suppose so.”
Felicity handed Magda a rag to wash her face off with.
“Yeah make sure to bundle up tonight!” Felicity said giving Magda a wink.
Magda tilted her yeah and nodded before heading back to her room. She had never felt so happy to get rid of clothes before. She grabbed some of the thickest sleepwear she had and slipped right into bed.
The cold night seeped in through her window, but she knew that it wouldn’t help if she closed the curtains. She liked the sight of the moon, anyway.
“Magda. Maaagda. Magda!”
“Ah!” Magda shot up in bed before rubbing her eyes.
“I didn’t mean actually go to bed. Just pretend.”
“It’s,” Magda looked over at her window, “It’s late Felicity.”
They both whispered to each other to not wake up Eliza.
“We are gonna sneak out.”
“W-what? Won’t Mis...Mother get mad?”
“Worst she can do is ground me, she won’t do anything to you. Yet. At least right now you're her star child.”
“What would we even do? It’s too late for most things. I’m sure all nobles are sleeping.”
“We don’t really have to do anything. Just sneak out. Do our thing. Everybody does it. Besides the civilians in the slums are some of the best!”
Before Magda could respond Felicity pulled her out of bed, and picked her up.
“Wow you’re light,” Felicity blushed a little “A-anyway. I hope you like gardens.”
Magda had to admit the gardens were quite pretty at nighttime. Sure it was winter, but the trees themselves were very nice. The girls had snuck into the Ellenstein Garden. It wasn’t really even sneaking out, but it was a bit of an adventure.
“So! See anybody important making googly eyes at you, hm?”
“A-ah...no. Not as far as I know.”
“Do you have googly eyes for somebody?”
Magda blushed slightly and looked down. 
“He...doesn’t care for me. I’m sure he wants to befriend me but nothing more..”
“Who is he? I’ll beat ‘em up if you want!” Felicity joked, only to look at Magda’s face and realize. Magda was...definitely not in the joking mood.
“No, he’s nice and all. It’s just...he doesn’t seem... he doesn’t seem to... Well, it’s just a feeling.”
“Magda, girl-code! You can’t not tell me!”
“Girl-code? Is that a book?”
“Uh...um...no..yes? It’s unspoken rules basically. Like if a girl had lipstick on their teeth you tell them.”
“Well if you want to know that bad, who do you have a crush on?”
“I asked you first!”
“I asked second!”
Felicity grumbled for a few seconds, “Barris...happy?”
“Barris Sakan?”
“Yeah, yeah I know-”
“I hope you have good luck with him! You two would be cute together!”
“N-nobody's ...thank you Magda. Anyway, I have your love interests narrowed down by now.”
“It’s either Alan,Ivan, Balfey, or Xavier.”
“I only know one..” Magda admitted.
Felicity stopped in her tracks as they were walking,and did a little squeal.
“I knew it, Magda! I knew it!”
Felicity ran to Magda and jumped up and down.
“I planned a date for you, Magda! That’s the real reason I snuck you out!”
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 75)
📷 manip cred @southsidequeenie
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Colson wakes up groggy on the back of The Bus. Reaching for Luna with his eyes still closed, he's irritated when he remembers she's not there. Pulling his phone out, he looks to see if she called or anything. Nothing.
"She's always off somewhere...." He sighs, thinking to himself. Appreciating that Luna's independent but also feeling a bit lost himself when she's gone. Finding her was like growing an extra limb. When she's not near, his body has a phantom ache for her. "Lemme hit her up." He decides.
Shooting her a quick Snap, he sees his laptop sticking out of one of his bags. He pulls it out and digs through his red LV travel bag. Finding the things he wants, he settles back onto the bed.
Popping the flashdrive in that Luna gifted him for his birthday, he opens the file.
Sliding his hand down his pants, he starts stroking his cock in anticipation. Colson jerks off to himself fucking Luna for the first time. Watching himself with her. How they move and talk with each other. Her dominance and submissiveness, driving Colson to the brink. Throwing himself back, he explodes when his mind wanders to her warm mouth sucking his dick the morning she had given it to him to watch.
"God Damn, Loons..." He thinks of his future wife as he chuckles to himself.
Still sexually pleased by her. Even 3K miles apart.
Landing at LAX there's an unseasonable chill to the air. Luna pulls on a soft gray sweater. Knocking her bandana off. Shoving it into her bag, She pulls out a pair of sunglass.
Hopping an uber to Frannie's, she notices a Snap from Colson. He looks miserable.
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"What an Asshole..." She laughs to herself. Snapping him back with sass and love.
"OH MY GLOB! OH MY GLOB! OH MY GLOB!! OH MY GLOB!!!! Paris burts out, squeezing Luna.
Luna having told her and Frannie about her engagement. P let's her go, wanting to pop a bottle, asking Frannie if she has champagne. Luna and Frannie laugh as they hug and Frannie gives P directions. Still holding tightly onto Luna. Her bestfriend's a bit cynical and rightfully so, considering her own current divorce.
"I'm so happy for you!" Frannie gushes to Luna.
Knowing her Soul Sister all too well, Luna pulls out of the hug. She winces a bit, forgetting to take any pain meds for her gunshot wound.
"What was..." Frannie goes to ask.
Luna interjects. "Buuuutttt....??" She asks with eyebrows raised.
"But don't make the same mistake I did. I don't care how much you love him. Get a prenup. At least for your family's history." Frannie sighs, advising from knowledge.
Luna pulls her back into their hug. Squeezing Frannie tight. She had half expected this.
"I hear you, Frans." She says softly in her ear.
Both girls squeeze each other. Over a decade of love, life, pain and understanding passing through them. The pop of the champagne bottle startles them as they break apart, laughing.
"LOONS IS IN LOOOOOVE AND GETTING MARRIED!!!!" P shouts, handing glasses off.
The three bestfriends cheers and laugh together. Luna asking to keep it kinda low key until she tells her grandmother and Colson his daughter. Her two friends nodding.
The girls have lunch. Talking and sharing champagne. Admiring the sweetness of her ring. Luna telling them the plan to get married in TownHall before the first weekend in August. Inviting them to both the intimate affair and the weekend rager. Frannie and Paris laugh at Luna's usual unconventional way of doing things. Excited about the festivities. They share a joint before Luna has to go. She has a performance with Ashley tonight.
The three bestfriends hug when Luna's uber arrives. Congratulating her again. Giving her Love and Kisses with their See Ya Soons.
"Spill it." Paris says to Frannie once they've waved Luna GoodBye. "It's just quick. We seen 'em together, what? Once? And we were tripping balls. Everything's glorious when you're tripping balls." Paris throws her arm around Frannie's shoulder as they walk inside. "Then let's hang out with em. AND." She snaps the fingers of her free hand. "We gotta start planning her birthday party soon. Soooo... We're gonna need to talk to him anyway." P makes very valid points with her grin. Heading inside Paris can't help but ooze for her friend. She loves Luna and she love Love. Pulling up an old picture of them, P Congraulats one of her bestfriends on the sly. Or so she thinks.
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"The peanut butter to my jelly. The Rock to my Roll. I love you and am over the moon!!!
The Boys are in Philadelphia staying in Rittenhouse Sq. Right in the heart of the city. Colson, Slim and Baze have friends who live off of Lombard. Ashleigh hangs back, glad to be rid of their madness.
Walking over Colson gets a Snap from Luna.
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Laughing, he plucks a flower off a bush. Popping it behind his ear. Grinning as he Snaps her back.
"What up, Dawg!!"
They're greeted by their friend Tyree. Finding LaMar in the kitchen rolling up. Its Dark and Hell is Hot blares through the Philly condo. Cracking beers, slamming shots, they burn and catch up.
Soon heading to Cheerleaders, a stripclub/sports bar close by.
"You got something you wanna tell me?" Ashley blurts out to Luna.
"Well, Hello to you too, Pal." Luna responds laughing.
"Why's Paris BooLoven' you on Insta?" Ashley questions her.
"Seriously? What's it say?" Luna sighs.
"Nothing really but that she loves you and is Over the Moon" Ashley air quotes.
"Okay... Listen, I didn't call you because it literally happened last night and I wanted to tell you in person today..." Luna begins to explain.
"Okayy..." Her bestfriend peers at her.
Holding her phone in her hands so that Ashley can't see her fingers, Luna continues.
"Colson asked me to marry him last night." Luna tells her.
Stunned, Ashley says "Noooo..." With wide eyes. "What did you say?" She asks.
Luna shrugs before breaking into a grin. "I said Yeah."
Ashley squeals, grabbing for Luna's hand. Looking at the contraption on her left hand.
"What is this shit?" She asks bluntly.
Laughing, Luna explains how he forgot the ring but made her one out of his guitar string. And to shut the fuck up because she loves it.
"No... That's really... REEALLY You&Kells." She laughs, grinning.
Ashley pulls Luna in for a tight hug. Congratulating her bestfriend, telling her how happy she is for the couple. They link arms as they head to the stage to rehearse for tonight. Talking wedding plans along the way.
Cheerleaders is loud. Colson paying more attention to the Indians game than the girls.
Slim noticing the difference. Still his normal goofy, loud self, Colson interacts with the girls, talking and signing autographs but declines them on his lap.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Mar notices it also.
"He's getting maaaarried...." Baze teases Colson.
"YOOO!??" Ree flips around entering the conversation. "Tell me it's to that sweet piece of ass you did Bad Things wit!"
"Who???" Mar jumps back in.
Colson laughs, pulling a picture of Luna up on his phone. It's a simple sideshot of her.
"Damn, she got more tattoos than you do, Son!!" Mar exclaims.
"She looks like a fucking badass, Homie. How your lanky ass score that??" Ree busts Colson's balls.
"She knows what it is." Colson smirks.
Slim, Baze, Benny and Rook burst out laughing at him.
"Yo. LunaTic will fuck you up, Kells!" Rook calls him out.
Slim turns to their friends, explaining how Luna does NOT take anyone's shit. Including Kells. Joking that in the last two months that she's been around, he's seen her open more cans of whoop ass than Stone Cold Steve Austin could've ever ordered.
The Guys laugh hysterically at Slim's reference. Benny, Rook, Baze and Colson knowing it's true.
"Yo! So, you got a RIDA!? When we gonna meet Mrs. Homie?" Mar asks.
"She's in Cali right now performing but she'll be back before tomorrow night. Come to the show. We'll kick it after." Colson tells them.
Both men nod in agreeance. Wondering about this LunaTic who seems to have tamed such a Wild Boy.
They carry on drinking, laughing and teasing Colson.
"HOW YOU FEELING, WAZZMATAZZ?" Ashley asks, stalking around the stage.
She's the Headliner of the concert. Opening with Now or Never, Colors and Eastside. She nails a stripped down version of Closer before bringing Luna out.
"I SAID HOW YOU FEELING!??" She screams to their roars. "I did a song with my bestfriend. It's currently sitting at #1. And I'd like to think that it's because it's the truth." She continues, adjusting her earphone as she walks the stage. "All art is based on some sense of truth, and if our art is number one, it's because WE'RE NOT THE ONLY TWO PISSED OFF!!" She screams to the energetic crowd. "So I've got her with me tonight. The ONE, THE ONLY, THAT BROOKLYN FUCKING BIIITCH!!" Ashley screams introducing Luna to the venue's  explosion.
Luna comes out in a plain white tank and black skinnies.
"Did I hear people are pissed off?" Luna asks excitedly as she comes onto the stage. "FUCK right we are!!!!" She bellows to the audience's screaming agreement. "Let's show 'em how angry!!" She shouts looking at Ashley as the opening chords play.
Both girls begin to bounce with the melody, swinging their arms and legs wildly. Ashley blasts into the opening chorus as her band nails the chords. Fire exploding in the background.
🎶Keep a record🎶
🎶Of their wreckage🎶
🎶And their lies🎶
🎶We're starting to recognize🎶
🎶The weapon in our minds🎶
🎶They talk shit🎶
🎶But we won't take it 🎶
🎶This time🎶
🎶As I realize🎶
The band drops out as Luna comes in strong. Unyielding.
🎶I'm out for blood🎶
🎶And it won't be sweet🎶
Ashley's band picks back up as Luna sings. Bouncing and jumping around the stage, using her hands to express her points. Dipping low to touch fan's hands.
🎶Tired of having the rugs🎶
🎶Pulled from beneath our feet🎶
🎶Done trusting lies🎶
🎶Done trusting Men🎶
🎶Picking each other up🎶
🎶And putting ourselves🎶
🎶Back together again🎶
The masses chant with her. Growing louder as Luna calls out Society's standard of women. Luna dead panning certain lyrics.
The Girls cross paths, tossing their mics to each other as they hit separate corners of the stage.
🎶Come on Little Ladies🎶
🎶Give us a smile🎶
🎶No we ain't got nothing🎶
🎶To smile about🎶
Ashley and Luna rip through the lyrics as the lights pop and smoke billows. Belting together how they don't owe You a God Damn Thing.
Ashley kicks back in hard with the chorus. The stage explodes again with fire. The crowd venting along with the two bestfriends.
🎶Keep a record🎶
Ashley continues as her and Luna bounce and jump across the stage. Grinning and tossing each other satisfied looks as the crowd rages with them.
It's a volcanic experience as Ashley and Luna dance and sing across the stage with each other. Filled with passion and genuine resentment.
🎶I'm no sweet dream🎶
🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Ashley taunts before Luna slides in.
🎶No I won't smile🎶
🎶But I'll slow you my teeth🎶
🎶And I might let you speak🎶
🎶If you just let us breathe🎶
Luna squats, bouncing up and down. Singing her lyrics. The Band dropping so Luna and the audience can scream together.
🎶We're tired and angry🎶
🎶Digging up The Hill🎶
🎶So scared🎶
🎶Is what you should be🎶
Luna and Ashley come face to face taunting the other to smile. Telling each other there's nothing to smile about. Fire igniting and lights blaring as they let loose about how they don't owe anyone a God Damn Thing.
Ashley singing about keeping a record of all wreckages and lies. Firing exploding as the two artists bop around the stage, screaming about injustice.
Playing and pushing off the other. They really are a force to be reckoned with. On and off stage.
The keytar comes on solely as Luna and Ashley hit MidStage together. The loud room singing with them claiming Luna's heart's desire.
🎶Women like me🎶
🎶Can be real nightmares🎶
🎶Completely aware🎶
🎶But I'd rather be🎶
🎶A real nightmare🎶
🎶Than die unaware🎶
🎶Women like me🎶
🎶Can be real nightmares🎶
🎶Completely aware🎶
🎶But I'm glad to be🎶
🎶A real nightmare🎶
The Girls both kick their limbs out while changing the last lines. Luna dipping down in front of her.
🎶So, save us🎶
🎶Your fucking Prayyyyerss!!!🎶
Before slaying the chorus together. Bouncing, grinning, bopping and jumping as the floor ruptures on fire around them with crowd.
Watching them, the two bestfriends are magnetic. Knowing each other's range, limit and place. They perform together as if they were back in Luna's bedroom. Jumping off of props instead of beds. In hindsight it's a beautiful thing to see how far they've both come. Never losing their core.
Grinning at each other, they storm into the chorus with the crowd. Thriving off each other on stage. Tossing mics as they pass, dropping them to signify certain lyrics.
Finishing the chorus together, Ashley goes first as The Girls hit separate corners of the stage.
🎶I'm not sweet dream🎶
🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Luna singing after her. Ending the song.
🎶No, we're no sweet dream🎶
🎶But we're a hell of a night🎶
Coming back together, the bestfriends laugh and thank the crowd before Luna heads off.
Luna FaceTiming Sean as Ashley closes out the show with a hitting performance of Without Me.
"Heeeyyy!" She grins into the screen.
Chuckling, he asks what she wants. Luna explains how she's at WazzMaTazz. Ultimately, asking if she can borrow his jet tonight to get back to Philly for Colson's show tomorrow.
"What's in it for me?" The business man asks.
Luna laughs at Sean, replying that he'll have the pleasure of not feeling her foot up his ass.
"Alright, alright... You little Brooklyn Bitch..." He agrees with a laugh. "When you need it?" He asks.
"Uhhh.. Gimme like 2-3hrs?" Luna asks.
Diddy agrees, telling her he'll text her the details. Thanking him graciously, Sean warns her to stay out of trouble. Shaking his head as she smirks that she'll try, they say GoodBye.
Hanging up Luna sees she has a Snap from Colson.
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She opens it, thinking of how much she loves him.
Once Ashley's OffStage, they hang out with the other performers. Luna especially enjoying her conversations with Fletcher and Ellie Goulding. Luna being fans of theirs and vice versa.
Before long, Luna's saying her GoodByes. She's off to the hanger. Flying from CA to PA. Across the country for the second time in less than 24hrs.
The Adderall finally wearing off, Luna's feeling the weight of the day. She pops two 30s and sips on an Old Fashioned.
Sleeping for most of the 6hr flight. She arrives on the East Coast as the sun begins to rise. Luna has to look at her phone to figure out what day it is. Surprised that it's Tuesday.
Finally at the hotel, Luna takes a quick shower. Managing not to wake Colson until she wants to.
Crawling into bed with him, Colson's on his back. Luna kisses his cheek. Then his jaw. Down his neck to his collarbone.
He starts to stir as she lightly drags the tip of her tongue down his body. He doesn't have any clothes on. Luna kisses the top of his mound, his short pubes tickling her face.
Kissing his inner thigh, Colson reaches for her. Running his hands through her blonde hair. He calls out her name with a groan as she swirls her tongue around his hard cock's head.
Taking him in her mouth, Luna sucks Colson's dick, sliding and her gently twisting her wet hand along his base. Letting her free hand roam his body.
It being early in the morning and her suction firm and steady, Luna only needs to deep throat Colson a few times before he oozes into her mouth.
Both satisfied with her work, Luna swallows his load before washing her hands and climbing back into bed with him.
Laying on his chest, Colson strokes Luna's hair as he asks about CA. She gives him the details of her day. Him talking about how she'll meet Tyree and Lamar tonight.
They come up with the idea of flying Casie out to NY on Friday. He's thinking lunch with her, Patti and Emma. Telling them all together. Luna thinks it's a smart idea. They drift off together, cuddling.
Don knocks on their hotel room door around 11A. He doesn't bang anymore.
To be continued.....
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leah-halliwell92 · 5 years
I Double Dare You
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Summary: You are Roger’s baby sister who happens to have a huge crush on his best friend Brian, who is also your best and closest friend. Roger notices the crush and decides to get involved despite not knowing how Brian feels about you. 
For @bowieandqueen11 writing challenge! I.e the last one.
“Come one Brian!” Roger said as they made their way out from the studio John and Freddie following both men quiet but with ears wide open.
“No Roger, its not right,” Brian said voice soft yet firm.
“Its just one date mate ONE, what’s so bad about it?” He asked frustratedly.
“It’s a BLIND date Roger! Do you really think I’m going to go out with just anyone!?” Brian said annoyed with a roll of his eyes.
“No but I also know a bird that just wants one outing and is terribly shy about approaching anyone she likes! Which in this case, is you,” Roger said fighting to stay calm and push through his idea for the date. And this way theres a 50/50 chance at having something with Bri...or not.
“No Roger,” Brian said with finality in his voice.
“I double dare you!” Roger said with a hint of smirk on his handsome face, “To go on this date OR you’ll find your Red lady not where you left her last night.”
John and Fred shared a look shock evident as they held back a gasp. They all knew not to mess with the Red Special.
Brian paled and would have punched the shorter man but knew he wouldn’t get his guitar back if that was the case.
The tall astrophysicist sighed and said, “Fine, ONE date. You can kiss your shag nights good bye.”
Roger’s grin fell and nodded reluctantly accepting the consequences of threatening the man’s guitar.
Brian left to go on a walk and try and calm down before heading home.
John left soon after leaving Roger and Freddie on their own. 
“Who are you going to set Bri up with anyway Rog?” Freddie asked with a smile as they walked to a pub for lunch and a drink.
“(Y/N) of course!” The blonde said with triumphant cheer.
Freddie to his credit didn’t hit Roger upside the head for the idea and let the him bask in what Rog believed was an amazing idea.
Two Days later...
Roger, Freddie and John were all in Freddie’s apartment. The apartment you shared with Freddie when Roger kicks you out of yours for a shag. Planning out the details of what will be your date, blind date, with Brian.
Last night was a night for you, Rog proceeded to kick you out of your flat around midnight forcing you to go to Freddie’s. The only difference here is that Roger thinks you left for your last class of the day...on a Sunday. Freddie figured that this is why Roger came over. He, also knowing how you feel or Brian, warned you that Roger is planning something. Freddie didn’t tell you what, he just told you to stay in the bedroom until Roger left. You’d agreed reluctantly...dammit Roger what are you doing?
Freddie had called John over more for moral support for you in the aftermath of Roger’s brainstorming than anything. That and Freddie’s certain John doesn’t know who Roger wants to set up with their lead guitarist. 
“So who are you going to be setting up Brian with Roger,” John asked curiously. 
Roger said it was you and proceeded to regale the men sitting on the sofa about the date he is setting up for them.
You sat on the floor by the closed door tears falling down your cheeks as disbelief coursed through you. The date sounded too good to be true. Dinner, ice cream, and star gazing. Very Brian things...but it isn’t real. None of this would be real.
Roger left after an hour of “planning” saying he had his own bird to tend to.
You heard two sets of footsteps come towards the room and open the door. You looked up to see Freddie and John coming in.
“Oh darling it’s alright,” Freddie said as he sat beside you and pulled you into a hug.
“I’m expected to go on this date tomorrow and believe that he feels the same!?” You cried into his shoulder as John sat on your other side and took one of your hands in his quietly offering his own support.
“No dear. You will go on this outing to spend time with Brian, you control what happens,” Freddie said firmly but kindly.
You knew you would have gone anyway, you weren’t one to not give your brother the benefit of the doubt. But not in this case...in this case Roger is forcing something that isn’t there. Plus Brian is your best friend, you can play Cinderella for a night. 
“Can I ask a favor though?” You ask voice small.
The boys nodded.
“Please keep him busy, I don’t want to see Roger anywhere near to what we are  doing,” You say firmly. 
Date Night...
As promised, you dressed up for the ‘date’ as you would have done if there was any chance that Brian would ask you out on a date. A tasteful dress that can be seen as an all occasion dress. A good dual purpose choice if you get the chance to stargaze with him before the clock hits midnight.
Freddie helped you with your makeup being mindful to use minimal eye makeup, in case of tears, and makeup that enhanced your natural beauty. He kept a close eye on you as he did your makeup noticing how your eyes would light up to then dim substantially until a dead look took over. He wondered if it had been a bad idea to have you there when Roger burst in his plan in tow. Or if he should have let you walk into this as blind as Bri is.What’s done is done, now they all would need to reap what sewed. 
It had been agreed by all parties involved that Brian would pick you up at Freddie’s, you also reserve the right to kick Roger in the balls and bar him from your flat when this plan of his blows up in his face. You weren’t hopeful that this would go anywhere, a friendship would deepen and a heart would be broken. Nope, no hope.
You heard a quiet knock at the door Freddie went to the door and welcomed Brian and Roger, who sounded more smug than happy, into the apartment. 
“(Y/N)!” Brian said surprised to see you there.
“Surprise!” Roger said smile on his face.
You pushed a smile, playing your surprised role well, and pressed yourself onto the hand on your back; looking to your left you saw Freddie there. This spared look towards Freddie caused you to miss the look Brian was giving you over Roger’s head.
Freddie being Freddie didn’t miss it though and practically pushed you and Brian out the door.
“Alright lovebirds out you go,” Freddie said nodding to John who “accidentally” bumped into Roger causing both men to fall into a heap on the floor.
Brian and you walked out of the complex still perplexed at who your blind date is. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Freddie asked looking down at the heap.
“After em’,” Roger said as he fought to stand up. 
“No you’re not mate,” John said as kept Roger from getting up.
“You’re staying here with us darling,” Freddie said voice hard as he looked down at the blonde, “You didn’t see the look on her face when she found out that this is a farce.”
Roger’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull and he yelled, “She was at school Fred! She couldn’t have known!”
Freddie and John both rolled their eyes at him.
“You idiot, what’s today!?” Freddie asked.
“Monday...meaning yesterday...oh shit,” Roger said letting himself fall back onto the floor.
“Exactly. So you better hope this so called date gives her hope for something more with Bri because if she comes home in tears it’s you John and I will be coming after,” Freddie said seriously and went to get them all a beer. 
You walked a bit before Brian stopped you. 
“There’s something I need to tell you,” he said looking more than a little uncomfortable and anxious.
You felt your heart crack. This is where he lets you down gently...and you’re not wrong.
“Rog told dared me to go on a blind date in exchange for the safe return of my guitar,” he said and began scratching his neck.
‘Oh, so this is why he agreed,’ you thought sadly.
“Um...Bri?” You said clearing your throat from the ball of tears that had begun to form, “I saw Rog with a guitar case a few days ago. I had no idea it was your Red Special, we can go and get it if you want.”
You saw the relieved grin on his face and felt your heart lighten just a bit. At least you had assured him that everything was going to be fine on that front.
“Oh thank god,” he said breathing a relieved sigh.
You looked down at your feet and wrapped your arms around your middle letting out a small shiver.
“You ok?” Brian asked noticing your shiver.
You shook your head still not looking at him feeling ever so small and insignificant. 
‘Have I always been this small?” You wonder to yourself trying to distract your mind again.
Your musing was put to a halt when you felt something warm cover your shoulders.
“Here,” he said kindly as he put his jacket around your shoulders and adjusted it, “You looked cold.”
You grinned gently and nodded your thanks.
“Come one (Y/N/N),” he said throwing an arm over your shoulders and pulling you close to his side before starting to walk again.
You wanted to stop this nip the fantasy in the bud before anything went too far.
“We don’t have to do this you know,” you said quietly as you walked beside him, “We can go get your guitar and go home. I mean we all know Roger’s an arse who thinks his ideas are better than anyone else’s.”
You pause to gather what ever little back bone you have and said, “I mean...uhh—”
“You don’t want to do the date?” He asked quietly, too quietly. 
“Not if you don’t want to,” you said honestly.
He stopped and pulled away brow furrowed in confusion.
“Why wouldn’t I want to?” He asked.
You breath a laugh and say, “I’m your best mate’s sister for one not to mention we’ve been best friends for just as long and I’ve never seen you show any interest in me than that of just friends—”
Brian yanked you close and pressed a kiss to your lips. 
Your shocked gasp turned into a soft moan as your deepened the kiss ever so slightly.
“Rog tends to see what he wants to see,” Brian laughed softly, “He say you had a crush on me but didn’t even ask if i had feelings for you.”
He went to kiss you but you pressed a finger to his lips a small grin playing at your lips.
“Then how were you told of this crush I have on you?” You asked fighting the grin.
Brian laughed and pressed a kiss to your finger before saying, “Freddie was waiting for me when I got home from recording and filled me in. Well more like made me realize a few things.”
“I’m giving him a fat kiss tomorrow morning,” you laugh happily.
Brian laughed with a nod and pulled you in to another tender kiss before wrapping a slender arm tenderly around you. 
Looks like this Cinderella found her prince after all. Here he is your Prince of the Universe...
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aftgficlibrary · 6 years
best fics of 2018?
This is so subjective so some of our staff are gonna put our 2018 favs here below!!
This is my favorite fic ever and the author just started updating it again so im in tears all the time 
i’m here right now (just be here right now with me) by Talls (M | 27,606 | 3/7)
Neil first meets Andrew with a racquet to the stomach in a locker room when he’s eighteen. Andrew first meets Neil with a hushed conversation on a beach in California when he’s five. They still manage to meet on rooftops, fall in love, find family, and heal together, just not quite at the same time and definitely not in the same order.
(In other words, Andrew is the Time Traveler’s wife.)
This fic is so soft and pretty
Translation Errors by SensationalSunburst (Not rated | 3,127 | 1/1)
“Andrew doesn’t love me,” Neil said simply, “So if he has a love language, I don’t know it.”“Oh, honey.” Allison drawled, “You don’t actually believe him when he says he hates you, do you?”
Lucky by sunrise_and_death (T | 4,328 | 1/1)
At thirteen, he’d lived in eleven different cities, gone by as many different names, and seen his reaper twenty-eight times. Some people would have called him lucky.
Live Once More (This Time Will Be Better) bypurpleeyesandbowties (T | 2,457 | 1/1)
Very carefully so as to not wake his roommates presumably sleeping off a night of regrettable choices, Andrew pulled a notebook towards him and opened to a fresh page to make a list. Two lists, actually. Changes to make and things to keep the same. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to sort out what was important.
To change:get off pillsno Kathy no Seth dying (Neil was upset)no Thanksgivingno winter at Evermoreno Baltimorekill Riko soonerkill Nathan myself
Keep the same:get Neil to the Foxes
changing tides - titanic au by missbolton (M | Incomplete | 4/5)
When Nathaniel Hartford boards the RMS Titanic, it is a death sentence. He will be shipped to New York with his brutal father and his soon-to-be wife, Lola. There’s no escape.
Until he meets third-class artist Andrew Minyard.
if you’re lost you can look (and you will find me) by paleromantic (T | Incomplete | 5/?)
Neil Josten jerked awake, his cigarette falling from his fingers as he did. The frigid air bit at his arms, his neck, his face, but he didn’t notice, too busy looking around.
“What the fuck.”
Neil and Andrew wake up back in Millport, and get the chance to start over.
I’m Just Killing Time by thesaroscycle (T | 10,666 | 1/1)
He was sat in the most comfortable armchair in the back, the book in his lap closed but well-worn and dog-eared, one of the things that annoyed Bee to no end. His glasses sat on the table next to him, along with the hot chocolate Bee had made earlier in the morning that had gone cold. He stared out the window into a cloudless blue sky, squinting at the late morning sun and blurry trees. It was getting warm enough outside for the frost to melt on the grass, and late enough for people to start coming in. He couldn’t wish more for fall, when the sky would be gray and the chill would last all day rather than just early morning. Everything seemed to be holding its breath for the coming summer, for longer days and warmer mornings. Andrew couldn’t be less excited for summer; of all their town’s 70-degree-high summers, it was still hot enough for Andrew to melt in his stubbornly consistent black wardrobe.
Paper Skies by exybee (T | 4,662 | 1/1)
Andrew’s a quiet librarian who treats his library much like how he treats his person. He spends his time searching for the color blue in hopes of finding something real, but when he meets Neil Josten, he finds that maybe blue isn’t the only thing out there.
Or, Neil’s a kaleidoscope of colors, and Andrew gets a lesson in self-care.
Honey, we should run away by allyasavedtheday ( T | 8,836 | 1/1)
“We’re moving on soon,” his mom says casually as she’s plating up their food. As if it’s an inconsequential detail and not something that rocks Neil to his core.
“Why?” he asks, keeping his voice calm and measured like she taught him to do if he was ever taken.
“We’ve been here too long,” she says like it’s obvious, setting down a plate of pasta in front of him.
“It’s only been ten weeks,” he can’t help pointing out. Ten weeks with Andrew. Ten weeks that aren’t enough.
“That’s over two months,” she retorts, neatly spearing a piece of pasta with her fork. “Two more weeks and we’re leaving. Just as soon as I have everything organised.”
Andrew and Neil meet when Neil is on the run with his mother.
Show Me How You by smokesprite ( Not Rated | 6,825 | 1/1 )
“They thought they would stop the show; they thought they could cut the act, but Neil had been sulking around too long now to not know where all the necessary equipment was. He was a ghost, and he would do the ghost dance, goddammit.”
Neil is a ghost with a house to haunt, but the Moxie Foxy Burlesque Troupe refuses to be chased off. If you can’t beat em…join em.
stay as long as you need by lolainslackss (T | 2,955 | 1/1)
The soulmate timer counts down to your soulmate’s death. Apparently, Andrew’s soulmate doesn’t have long to live.
Oh, Catastrophe by TheKingIsDead (witch_lit) (T | 1,447 | 1/1)
Aaron and Katelyn are at a concert and Aaron can’t shake the feeling that the drummer is familiar.
it’s a long way down byionlyloveyouironically (T | 6,506 | 1/1)
The sound of rushing water, the moon overhead, bare feet on a muddy riverbank, and a weeping woman reaching a dead hand out. 
A Mewment Like This by fuzzballsheltiepants (T | Incomplete | 9 Works)
tenuous by undertow (cendal) (M | 7,431 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is trying to learn to be a normal person. He has an apartment and a cat. He goes to therapy every Wednesday. He has friends and attends their study group regularly. He eats lunch with his best friend’s brother.The hardest part is letting people in, but he thinks that one day he’ll get there.Series: Part 1 of all of me wants all of you
The Continuing Adventures of the Nine-Nine by gluupor (G | Complete | 10 Works)
A series of short, ridiculous, mostly plotless stories featuring the Foxes as the cops of the Ninety-Ninth Precinct.
Back to the Start by fuzzballsheltiepants (T | 29,277 | 11/11)
Andrew has been on his pro team for 6 months when he takes a ball to the head. Neil flies to Boston to see him - only to find that Andrew doesn’t remember him.
Funky Happenings with the Fox Family by dobbypussypopper (Not Rated | Incomplete | 17/?)
naughtygayweedcrime: did I rlly just see neil say woke
naughtygayweedcrime: what a surreal timeline we live in
dumbfool: allison is trying to teach me how to meme so I can get hip
naughtygayweedcrime: bless your poor soul
davidwymack: sometimes I regret living
davidwymack has muted exyllent, damnwilds, + 7 others for 30 minutes
The Real Folk Blues by moonix, nefelibata (E | 42,365 | 4/4)
Captain David Wymack and the bounty hunter crew of the Bebop spaceship might be a little out of their depths chasing down the infamous hacker and notorious runaway Neil Wesninski, whose bounty exceeds even Kevin’s wildest dreams. Worst of all, Andrew might actually enjoy it.
/Graphic Depictions of Violence
a world alone by ephemeralsky (T | 54,850 | 6/6)
“It will not be cheap,” Andrew finally says.
“I know,” Wymack says. “Two bottles of Johnnie Walker sound good to you?”
“Four,” Andrew says without missing a beat. He thinks about having to deal with Nicky later on, about the additional work he has to do, and decides that he will not do anything for less.
“Three,” Wymack argues.
“Four or we have no deal.”
Wymack mutters something about blood-sucking hooligans under his breath before he concedes with a, “Fine.”
(or: a High School AU where only some of them are high-schoolers)
224 notes · View notes
piperjistic · 3 years
Fanfic of the events following House, a horror game involving g a little girl (Tabby) escaping her home. (After House [the game])
It's been years since I lived in that damned place. Now I live in a apartment with my new cat, Itty. Our old one died a few years ago, she passed peacefully in her sleep; a good way to go out.
It's been such a long sense I felt any type of really life-threatening fear or sadness, which is good. Even the reminder of it doesn't heighten enough fear in my body to cause me to paralyze.
I still have occasional dreams of that place rather than nightmares, because I know it's not real and defeated the evil that lived there. Plus it's nice to have my left arm back time from time.
I step inside and remove my coat & scarf, leaving me in my teal sweater and sweat pants.
Itty wanders through my legs, rubbing me with her furry little tail. I crack a small smile, squatting to pet her; she purrs in response.
Unlike the house where light flickered and dimmed, the need to check every corner rumbled in your gut, shadows would lurk, the need watch you back and pick up the pace through every corridor or open space.
I didn't have to worry about whether or not I could trust the walls, the carpet, the toilet or even myself. I didn't need to worry about the darkness of those walls flooding and swallow me whole to never reach daylight again.
Here I was safe, everything was warm and fussy. Bright lights, birch cabinets, pastel shaggy carpet and a comfy fuzzy couch in front of the TV.
Itty leaves to do whatever cats do as I kick off my shoes at the door way and plop on the couch; rubbing my face into its soft exterior. A sigh escapes my mouth, the weight of work melting off my shoulders.
Moments of peace like this, was always my favorite. No one or entity around, it's just me, myself and I, the comfortable silence and the knowing not only that I'm safe, but I'm safe to live life and cherish every moment while every object around me reassures that safety.
I glance at my prosthetic arm, casually flexing it and messing with my fingers. It was abnormal and weird at first, compared to the rest of the things I faced.
From the old doll that was alive and mocked me, to a giant rat whom I tamed and that damned place "facial" features. The large crab eyes in my parent's bedroom, they weren't a threat but they would just stare. Iris dilating and following me where ever I ran. Then there's the mouth consuming whatever that was laying upon it and would race to catch me in it's jaws, to chomp me in half in our basement. Heh, until I smashed a bowling ball into its disgusting crooked teeth. The bulky human fingers sprouting out the ground like wild grass to crush me like a soda can in the music room. Finally, that giant fleshy beating heart, pumping with so called life; it feed off of suffering so it couldn't be life, more like death. A shutter goes down my spine, I shake it off.
However constantly seeing me and my family die or suffer numbed most of the anguish or filled me with determination to destroy the evil coiling around our bodies and mind. Through thick and thin I stuck to my guts, my wits, my abilities and my body. That was all that could save us, I couldn't trust it but using them were the only way to for me to progress and win.
That was until I lost a part of me, a physical part of me anyways.  It didn't bother me I couldn't use things normally such as wave or holds heavy things, nor waiting until my family were put in the right hospital to treat me correctly and give me a prosthetic arm. My arm would be replace with an indifferent cold heartless attachment but even then it was just a reminder.
It was the fact it was no longer there and I had to sacrifice a piece of myself in order to defeat the "house". The final detachment.
My phone rings, breaking me from my trance. I pull out my phone and squint at the screen; okay, yeah, it's too bright.
Once readjusting the brightness, the alert reminds me of visiting my family. First there's Melody, the mom and lastly... dad. Letting out a heavy sigh, I sluggishly roll off the couch, landing on the shaggy carpet.
My hands outstretch, fingers gliding across the carpet and fiddling with the carpet shrubs.
I chuckle at myself, I can't believe I'm here rubbing and playing around on a carpet. I even told myself I would be done with carpets after the creeping death carpet that impaled my chest using spikes the instant I came in contact with it.
Itty plants herself in front of me and meows. She tilts her head, I follow. My smile grows as I reach out to her, she crawls over and purrs into my hand, rubbing her soft neatly brushed head all over my hand. Soon enough, she's resting in my arms, slowly wagging her tail in delight take the long slow strokes to her fur from me. I prop my head on her and stare at the white fluffiness, counting each strand shining in the light....
I'm still cautious and methodical, being thorough and keeping everything tidy. Grinding for every detail and seed of information on a given subject or project to make sure there aren't any surprises. It can be annoying to people but thanks to my dry sense of humor they seem to let it by. Yayyyyy.....
My phone rings again, times up already? Sighing, I get up, letting Itty hop onto the couch, and head to the front door. I grab my needed items and dress appropriately. Whistling, Itty grabs "her" scarf and runs out, where I quickly flip on off the lights and dash out without looking back, door slamming behind me.
I take a few breaths, my heart accelerating a little, before locking the door.
"Itty, come on..!" She follows me as I make my way down the apartment building second level sidewalk and stairs. We cross the road and stand at the bus stop.
I open the door to Melody's hospital room. There she lies in bed, staring out window; unknowing of my presence. Itty doesn't go to my sister yet, my eyes wander to the doll... Itty stood defensively, hissing, looking back and forth between me and the doll; waiting for me to make a move. She even knew this so called- doll was bad. It doesn't really resemble one or should. The only reason why I give it the profligate to be called that is due to a lack of better words. She had the supposed doll out once again.
There was no face, rather three dots aligned like it was a bowling ball. The was stitching all across her face and neck, where I went "crazy" on her as one would say. Tattered faded dress, pale worn out doll skin. I could never connect with it, nor shall I. Been a while since I've seen that thing.... the only reason why it's not burned is because Maddy loves it. No matter how much it taunted me, watch me died, just sat there when I was being dragged to my death, it did nothing but sit there. Yet when I brought a day to a close, it would mock me and ridicule the ending I got no matter how good or bad it was.... However Melody doesn't know that, no one does.. but me.
"Hello there Tabby... Oh and hello there Itty..!~"
She breaks my trance as I quickly step forward to respond. Itty hisses at the doll once more before scurrying and climbing to Melody. Once she embraces her, Itty forgets about being my cat and rubs herself all over my noirette sister.
Always more affection with my cat once again. I sigh again, letting go my twinge of jealousy escape.
"You seem to love my cat more then me." She cattle's curtly while stroking Itty all over who adores every one.
"As if, you know I love you more on a deeper level...." She smirks. "But it's more fun to give her more obvious affectionate love than you, I mean after all you don't need it~"
I shake my head, chuckling a little. She sighs, scheming grin fading, shifting over to look at the window once more; snowflakes fluttering gently down.
I glance back over at that old creepy doll. It... didn't move did it? It's not going to mock me again? It's just a regular creepy doll....
Itty's purrs brings me back to reality, I shake off the past once more. It can't hurt me nor interact with me anymore. Maybe in my dreams, our dreams, but not here in real life where darkness can not roam and my family is safe and I finally have a comfy home. It left a scar, a deep one; it doesn't define me however it still causes a shudder to pass or heighten my alertness.
I sit on her bed and hold her hand, squeezing it gently. She stares at me, eyes sharp yet sad and concerned; her hand squeezes mine tighter. "T-Tabby..? I.... feel as if I'll have a dream of that place tonight, and I-"
I could see her heart rate quicken without the monitor, the primal fear in wide eyes as she swallows and blink rapidly.
Foiling, I keep my calm demeanor on display; patting a hand on top of ours. "It'll be alright."
"I don't know how you did but again, thank you Tabby. I love you so much." I plant a kiss on her forehead and smile as I pull back.
"I love you too Melody. Now relax and get some rest. I'm going to be visiting mom and dad afterwards, so might as well get comfy while I visit." She covers her mouth to hide her laugh before nodding along with a rare bright smile.
"Alright Tabby, you know best." I nod and pick up Itty, who nuzzles her cheek on more time before curling up in my chest. "That's right. See you Melody."
"Bye~" I close the door behind me and head to the Coma-ward. Once I arrive and gain permission, I wander into a lit up room. There lies my mother resting on the white sheeted bed.  No word, no movements and no irregular reading, as expected from anyone in a coma.
"Hey mom... Don't know if you can hear me, but uh..... Hope you do... Melody doing great today... Haven't uh.. visited dad yet... He's probably good... I.... I miss you... You and your sandwiches..... I miss em...." Itty meows and rubs against my leg affectionately. Feeling something wet at the edge of my eyes, I blink a few times before rubbing them. I stare at her hand and reach out, taking it in hand and rubbing it with my thumb.
For a moment, I stood there quietly. I don't know what to say or do. If only I could of done something more to help mom.... Maybe she wouldn't of ended up like this. It may have been a few years so far, but she's been doing good. Her warm peach skin hasn't paled once nor could I feeling her bones without flesh. The doctor have kept me up to date with her condition so she'll wake up, there's a high probability.
I glance at her face and move a strand of her head- I jump and move back; eyeing my hand.
Mom..... S-She squeezed my hand... Reacted to me and squeezed my hand... ever so gently... I could barely feel it, like if a bug landed on me yet I still felt it. I know I'm not completely crazy.
"M-Mom? Is that you? Are you.... there..? Well just know I'm doing great and I love you, a lot! I'll always be here and visit." I press my lips to her forehead gently and squeeze her hand tightly in return; smiling.
I arrive to the psychiatric hospital and head up to my father's room. He rests on his bed, hands resting on his stomach faced up & staring at the ceiling. I lightly knock on the glass, not trying to smudge it too much.
"Dad." He snaps his attention over to me, his lips forms a wide yet slightly eerie smile. He unfolds from his bed before me and lumbers over. "Tabbyyy... Hello there my little girl... How are you...?"
"Good, so is Melody & mom." He nods along, rumble through something under the glass and stands back up, still managing to tower over me regardless of the years I had to grow. In his hand there was a pamphlet. "Did you visit the museum I told you about yet?"
Twirling the pamphlet around behind the glass and pressing it, maybe too much, against the window. The Silvermist Museum, it does seem fun. "No I haven't, but I plan to."
He presses his face against the glass, practically staring into my soul. His voice got deeper and more jaded, eyes gleaming darkly. "Are you lying to me?"
"No." He chortles to himself, spinning and there he stood in his regular demeanor. He slide the pamphlet through the slot, smiling to himself. Eyes practically screaming his excitement and whatever else he had left.
"Heh heh... Of course you aren't. You're my little girl and would never lie to me." I pick it up off the floor and fold my arms.
"Yeah." I sigh.
Sadly, out of everyone, dad got it hit the worse. Probably due to being the one to buy the house... anddddd attempting to kill everyone once he came home; including the giant rat. Oh yeah and he was controlled by the evil puppeteer so that might have something to do with it.
"Did you receive the gifts I sent?" He looks behind him and waves his hand as if he was beckoning me to come in.
"Of course, and I cherish each & every one." He scoots over and I see a shrine. Books, flowers (dead and alive) , sit on a shelf where they surround a old picture of the entire family. My mouth twitches up slightly.
"That's good, is therapy going too hard on you?"
"No, you're father can handle this. I mean after all, my lovely daughter Tabby is visiting me often." I nod. He smiles back, his eyes relax as I see how tired he was. I may not see him exactly the same, but I love him and care. I smile small and place my hand on the window, he grins brightly, gratitude circulate his gaze as he repeats my gesture. "Love ya dad."
"Love you too Tabby. Now go run along, I know you have to work in the morning." I nod again.
Finally, I make it back home after visiting Melody one more time. Nighttime had fallen upon the town. I remove unnecessary articles of clothing until I'm wearing shorts and t-shirt. I whip up some hot cocoa, turn on the TV & get comfy in a blanket with my coco in hand and Itty. I rub my cold faint red nose before sipping my hot chocolate. Sooo good...
I sigh and take a moment to look around me; pictures hanging from the wall of my family, a tv, large window to the snowy outside, fridge/freezer decorated in magnet letters, next to the birch counters and cabinets holding my food and items. A sink where a cloud sponge hangs, beautiful bouquet of flowers on the island and finally the fuzzy white couch with the fuzzy white carpet, a few feet away is a glass coffee table where I'm resting my sock covered-feet on.
Itty on my lap and cocoa in hand....
The surrealness was unreal.
This really is home. This really is my life. This is all real. I smile. So when I sleep tonight, I'll still know that house, that walls of darkness, that bubble of evil, is not my home and never will or could be, because it's gone and I have a life to live.
0 notes
The New Neighbor- (Leaves Ain’t the Only Thing Fallin’)
This fic was written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  Seasons of Love/ Colors of Fall challenge.  My picture was
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You sat morosely at your neighbor Kelsey’s kitchen table, tossing back your third margarita and trying not to feel sorry for yourself.  The only thing that was gonna get you through this sucky night were your friends and alcohol.
“Keep ‘em coming, Kelse.” You told her, sliding your glass across the table.
“Your better off without him, Y/N, you really are.  I know it hurts that your wedding isn’t today, but what if you’d actually married the cheating bastard?” Kelsey asked quietly.
“I know, but….”
“But nothing.  Your single and pretty, and there are other fish in the sea.  Speaking of which, have you met your new neighbor yet?” Kelsey said with a sly look.
“Ohmigawd! Trina slurred drunkenly.  “Have you SEEN him? He’s super hot!” She fanned herself dramatically.
“No, I haven’t met him yet. I’ve been busy.” You muttered defensively.
“Y/N, your gonna wanna MAKE the time, trust me,” Vicki said with a wicked grin.
After drinks, gossip, laughter, and a raunchy game of Cards Against Humanity, you stumbled toward your house.  You were so focused on not falling on your face you didn’t see the huge dog that came out of nowhere until it knocked you flat on your ass on your lawn.
The next thing you knew your face was being thoroughly licked by the huge ball of fur who grinned at you stupidly. “Yuck! Quit it! Look dog, your cute and all, but we just met.  No kisses on the first date.”
“Sadie! Come! Shit! Are you okay?” A tall guy you didn’t recognize offered you a hand and helped you to your feet. “I’m really sorry. Sadie is still getting used to the neighborhood, and she just took off.”
You squinted at the stranger.  You would have remembered seeing him before.  Then it hit you. “You must be the new guy. I’m Y/F/N  Y/L/N, I’m your neighbor. I’m sorry I haven’t been over to introduce myself, things have been crazy.”  
He smiled at you, showing deep dimples.  “I’m Sam Winchester.  It’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N. Do you need help getting to your door?  You seem a little……unsteady.”
You grinned at him. “What I am is drunk, Sam. Let’s be honest.  Just coming from a girl’s night down the street. I’m fine really, mortified, but fine.”
“I’m the one who should be embarrassed.  My dog almost killed you.” Sam said with a chuckle.  Damn, he WAS attractive.  And you were a drunken hot mess with grass in your hair.  Life wasn’t fair.
“Well, I should go.  It was nice to meet you too. Welcome to the neighborhood.” You said before patting Sadie’s head and crossing your lawn.  You felt Sam’s eyes following you as you walked away.
Halloween night was a fun time in your neighborhood.  Even though you didn’t have kids, you still enjoyed it. Everyone sat in their driveways giving out their candy, and many people had firepits and wine.  It was one big party.  And this year Halloween fell on a Friday night, which made it even better.
You were sitting in your driveway in front of a roaring fire, candy bowl in your lap, enjoying a beer when you noticed Sam walking across your lawn.  “Damn it’s cold! Mind if I warm myself by your fire for a minute? I didn’t know I needed a firepit.”
“Yep, it’s a requirement.  Your welcome to hang out here.  Just go turn your light off, or they will never stop knocking.  They are relentless.  Want a beer?”
He flashed you that dimpled grin, and you felt your face flush a little. “Let me go grab a chair.” He jogged back to his house and came back with a chair and a six-pack. “I don’t want to drink all your beer.”
You flipped open the cooler next to you.  It was full.  “This isn’t my first Halloween, Winchester.” You joked.
The two of you drank beer and chatted in between groups of kids.  Kelsey came around with her daughter, and eying Sam, gave you a knowing smirk.  When Trina came around with her kids, she almost choked on the wine you know she had hidden in her coffee cup when she saw him.
“WTF?” She mouthed to you.
“Later.” You mouthed back, miming texting on your phone.  Trina was the most notorious gossip in the neighborhood.  You knew for a fact she was already texting everyone telling them Sam was in your driveway.  Your phone, which was sitting in the cupholder of your camp chair, began to beep with text alerts.  You turned it off.
Sam had grossly underestimated the amount of candy he would need.  His bowl was empty with a good hour of trick-or-treating left to go.  Luckily you always bought extra, so you bailed him out.
“I didn’t realize there were so many kids in this neighborhood,” Sam commented, stealing a candy bar from your bowl.  His long fingers brushed against yours, making you smile.  “But you seem like you know them all.”
“Everybody knows everybody else’s business on this street, Sam.  You’ll find that out soon enough.” You told him. “This place runs on wine and gossip.”
“Is that so? Are they saying anything about me?” He asked, staring at you a bit longer than necessary.
“Are you kidding? The fact that your sitting in my driveway will be all over the neighborhood by tomorrow morning. By Monday  people will be texting me asking me if we are dating.” You said with a snort, jumping up to give some candy to an adorable ladybug who could barely walk.
“Your kidding, right?” Sam said with a laugh.
“I wish I was.  They mean well, but ever since my engagement ended……..it’s hard sometimes being the only single person.” You said with a sigh.  “That night when I was drunk and Sadie knocked me on my ass? That was supposed to be my wedding day.  The girls were trying to take my mind off of it.”
“Well I still feel bad about Sadie knocking you over, but is it wrong for me to say I’m really glad you didn’t get married?” Sam asked softly, his eyes boring into yours.
Eventually, the number of kids milling around began to lessen, then stopped altogether.  People began turning off their lights and things began to quiet down.
Your fire had died down to just embers.  You stood up and stretched.  “Well, that’s another Halloween in the books.”
Sam turned to you.  “Do you want to come to my place and hang out? We could watch a movie or something?”
You smiled gently at him. “I think we’ve given the neighborhood quite enough to gossip about for one night, don”t you?”
He frowned at you. “What do you mean?”
You pulled out your phone. “I have 17 texts, all from people who “heard” the hot new guy is giving out candy in my driveway.  Like I told you, news travels fast here.  Goodnight Sam.  I enjoyed talking with you.”  You gave him a wink as you picked up your cooler and carried it inside.
Sam finished his beer, making sure your fire was out before he folded up his chair and headed home.  He looked back at your house once before smiling and shaking his head ruefully.
You surveyed your leaf-strewn backyard critically.  The huge tree next to your house had shed most of its leaves, and the piles of orange and gold had reached epic proportions.  You’d put this job off for weeks now, and it was time to just suck it up and do it.
You began sweeping the leaves into a bunch of small piles, and then the small piles into one large pile.  It was backbreaking, hard work but you had some music playing as you hummed along and tried to make the best of it.
Eventually, you had an enormous pile of leaves ready to be bagged.  When you realized you had left the leaf bags inside, you turned toward the house.  But then you stopped.  That pile of leaves was calling you.  When you were a child you used to spend hours jumping in the leaves while your father raked them.
What could it hurt? You took a running start and dived headfirst into the pile of leaves. It was exhilarating, and when you came up for air you were surprised to see a pair of boots standing in front of you. “Oh hey!” You said nonchalantly looking up at Sam who was grinning down at you.
“That looks like fun.” 
“Why am I always on the ground when I run into you?” you said grumpily, half to yourself. Sam chuckled as he held out a hand and helped you to your feet as you brushed yourself off. 
“You missed some.” He said, pulling leaves out of your hair.
You were adorable at that moment, your hair in a wild disarray, your cheeks flushed, with bits of leaves and twigs stuck to your face.  Sam reached over and pulled your hair out of your face, and tucked it behind your ear.
You gave a soft little sigh, and Sam’s eyes darkened at the sound.  You suddenly realized just how close he was standing, and your gaze dropped from his eyes to his full lips.  With a frustrated groan, his fingers closed around your arm as he pulled you to him and kissed you hard, knowing he was overstepping but not being able to stop himself.
But then you were kissing him back as your arms slid around his waist.  You kissed until you were breathless, and then you finally pulled away, panting.  But you were smiling.  “That will give them plenty to gossip about, huh?”
“What?” Sam said in a daze, not following.
“Look behind you.”
He turned around, and froze as your neighbor April, whose yard butted up to yours, was sitting on her patio to no doubt sneak a smoke.  April told everyone she had quit smoking, but you saw her out back sneaking them often.  In fact, the cigarette in question had fallen from her mouth as she stared at you and Sam in open-mouthed astonishment.
“Hi, April!” You said cheerily, not the slightest bit embarrassed.  She waved weakly without responding before heading back inside her house.
“She is texting as fast as her fingers can move, I bet.” You said with a cheeky grin.
 “I don’t care if you don’t.  Will you go out with me, Y/N? I’d like to take you to dinner.  What do you say?”  As Sam waited for you to answer, your phone in your pocket began to beep with one text alert after another.
Part 2
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it @pinknerdpanda  @atc74@jayankles  @notnaturalanahi @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals @winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog@essie1876 @bohowitch@just-another-busy-fangirl@jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis @oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278@stylinson531@valynsia @dr-dean@theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester-blog @samisimportant @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @kay18115@milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth
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yevonscribbles · 7 years
Home for the Holidays Pt. 1
In which Gideon and Nick get a surprise gift that lift their Christmas Spirits.
Nick let out a contented sigh as he held a cup of coffee between his paws while he watched snow gently fall outside the small house on the outskirts of Bunny Burrows. The fox officer was used to the climate controlled areas of the sprawling metropolis in Zootopia and he often forget the simple joy of changing seasons. In the other room, Nick could hear his partner humming to himself and the aroma of fresh scones wafting through the home they sometimes shared.
“Mmmmmm, oh Gid those smell wonderful!!!” Nick called from his cozy spot on the couch covered in blankets. Normally, he prefered to hang around the house in his boxers but on cold days like this, the slender fox was glad he kept a few old tee shirts and pajama bottoms at the baker’s house. The nappy head of the chubbier fox poked out of the kitchen with a smile.
“Few more minutes on the scones babe! Need any more coffee?” The baker fox asked with a warm smile. He wore his own pajama set with an old pink “Gideon Grey’s Really Good Baked Goods,” apron. Gideon loved having someone to spoil with his cooking and was happy to have his boyfriend home for the holidays. This would be the pair’s first Christmas together and they had big plans to do absolutely nothing but cuddle and watch the snow.
Gideon went back to the kitchen to finish cleaning. Since opening his bakeries the business owner rarely had any took time off. The past few years his holidays were spent either alone or volunteering; anything to keep the fox from feeling lonely. Gideon’s family had long moved away and cut ties due to his “lifestyle choices.” The fox tried to shake the bad memories from his mind, “No sense on dwelling on the past and the things you can’t change.” Gideon thought to himself. With a ding, the scones were ready to cool.
After a light breakfast and a few more cups of coffee, the fox pair wrapped themselves in blankets and were cuddling on the couch. Nick sitting upright reading articles off his smartphone, while Gideon rested his head on his lap reading a book. The larger fox had taken to reading biographies during his free time. A gentle knock on the door caused them to look up from their distractions.
“Expecting company Gid?” Nick asked, with a tilt of his head. “Hope they don’t mind pajamas because I refuse to put on real pants.”
“Ah don’t think anyone was coming over… Ah was all ready for lazy cuddle day.” With a grunt of protest, the baker moved himself from the couch and went to open the door. Another few knocks, a loud whine could be heard from the other side.
“Cheese and crackers you two!! It's COLD!!!  Let me in!!!” Judy Hopps did not sound happy to be outside in the elements. The rabbit officer tended to visit her friends whenever she could get away from her family or needed an excuse to get away. She even had a few spare clothes and personal effects around the house.
Chuckling to himself Gideon unbolted the lock and opened the door. “Well that'll learn ya not to come over without texting us first!  Come in, we still have some coffee if ya need some. Even have some leftover scones. If ya can convince Nick to let you have ‘em!” Gideon motioned for the cold rabbit to come inside. With some grumbling, the officer marched into the kitchen, dragging a few oversized shopping bags and removed her heavy coat while she made a straight shot to the coffee maker. The rabbit poured herself a cup in her personal mug, a white ceramic item with “World’s Best Wife” in bold type. The mug had been a gag gift from Nick a year ago.
Judy grimaced as she took a drink of the coffee. “Gid! Why didn’t you tell me it was paint thinner not coffee!?”
Nick had moved the couch and leaned in the doorway of the kitchen. “Fluff, you just don’t know good coffee.  What brings you out to our humble den on Christmas Eve?”
“I needed to get away from the family for a few hours. There is only so many times you can be asked why you're still single from relatives,” Judy took another swig of the hot beverage. “Also Mom and Dad wanted me to invite you over for Christmas Day.” The foxes shot each other a worried look. A look that didn’t go unnoticed by the officer.
“Umm, Carrots, not to be rude or anything but I don’t think a pair of gay foxes would be welcomed with a few hundred traditionally-minded rabbits,” Nick held up a paw in defence. Judy shot her partner a glare. “No offence but I don’t think we are even on the Christmas card list.”
“Oh please Nick! My family loves you both and you know it! I actually have some early presents from them.” Placing her mug back on the counter, the rabbit began to rifle through one of the bags. Judy produced two roughly wrapped gifts then handed one to each of the foxes. “It’s kind of a tradition that my Mom does once a family member finds a mate, go on open em!”
With a nervous look, the pair of foxes open their gifts to reveal matching sweaters with their names stitched to the middle of the garment. They both would win an ugly christmas sweater party on its own. Bright green and red zig-zag patterns covered the sleeves and tassel balls hung from the collar of the sweaters. Gideon felt himself warm a bit with joy. He had not received a present in years, much less a home-made item. The baker turned to face his partner, only to find the slender fox had already pulled his sweater over his head and was marveling at himself.
“Ah it’s just as itchy as it looks!” Nick said with a little too much excitement. “Well go on Gid, try yours on!” The fox officer was so excited he couldn’t control the wagging of his tail. With a sigh, the larger fox pulled the hand-knitted sweater over his head. He felt silly, itchy, and warm. But there was something else that he couldn’t put his paw on. Judy had taken a seat on the fox sized countertop and watch her friends be the adorable dorks they were. The rabbit smiled, pulling out her phone and took a few quick photos to tease her partner with later.
“Nick yer tail is wagging like crazy! Why are you so excited?” Gideon chuckled at his partner. Normally the officer tried to seem disinterested and aloof, but deep down he could act like an excited kit. The last time Gideon saw Nick this excited, the baker had surprised him at work after a month of working out of town.
The officer took a moment to try and compose himself but he couldn’t stop his tail. With a shrug, he wrapped his paws around the pudgy baker and pulled him into a hug. “Oh Giddy, it’s been ages since I got excited about Christmas. My Grandmother made me a sweater before she passed and I wore it every Christmas until I- Well until I got too big… But this sweater feels just like I remember.’” Gideon nuzzled his boyfriend’s neck.
“Ah am gonna have to ask ye Maw for photos of happy Christmas Kit Nick…” Gideon teased rubbing his partner’s head.
“You will not ask that woman for anything-” Nick began.
“Oh I already got them! I was going to save the kit photographs for blackmail butttt…” Judy waved her phone at her friend. The baker leaned on the counter next to where the rabbit was seated, and looked at her screen. A few second later, Gideon and Judy were making identical cooing baby noises.
“I regret letting you meet my Mother, Judy Hopps…” Nick said with mock irritation.
“Ah don’t be like that babe, ye were a cute kit! And yer Maw is an amazing vixin.” Gideon said with a smile. Though they had only met a few times, the female fox had taken a liking to the Gideon and they kept in contact.
“So what do you boys think?  Wanna come to my home tomorrow and thank my Mother in person for your gifts?” Judy said with a smile.
“What do you think Gid? Cuddle all day or spend the day with an adoptive family full of rabbits?” Nick asks with a shrug.
“Aw hell, why not go see how the Hopps spend Christmas?  Whats da worst that could happen?” Gideon laughed to himself.
YAY CHRISTMAS!!!  Not really my personal favorite holiday BUT it’s a good time for a story. This is a three part story with much bunnies, much gay, and some wow.  Please enjoy and feel free to give me some feedback; I know I have some room to grow!
Shout out to my editor (who is also learning) Brad and my boyfriend Erik for dealing with my crazy and how excited I am about writing.
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