#they have their own agency to get a card that means you get to insist on sitting in this seat
vocalchvrds · 1 year
❛ i’m not giving up on you. ❜
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He’s struggling to breathe; every breath and Shinsou feels like his ribs are going to break. He’s had another nightmare, another moment where he thought he had everything under control and yet there he was, heaving and trying to draw breath into his lungs that had just suddenly forgotten how to work. He has no idea what triggered it; it was a relaxing evening– Bakugou teaching Shinsou how to make his favourite comfort meal with minimal fussing between the two. He remembers falling asleep about five minutes into having the blonde play with his hair; those fingers carding through damp indigo locks, blunt nails scratching at his scalp as some animated movie played on his television. He had done everything right– why was his mind punishing him again? 
Katsuki found him at the foot of the bed, on the floor, with his knees drawn to his chest and a hand tangled in his hair. His face was hidden in his knees, tears threatening to fall; he was rocking back and forth as he tried desperately trying to suck in air that he knew – logically– he was getting but he felt as if he was being smothered. He knows this must be tiring for the blonde; to wake up once every few months to find his .. what was he to Bakugou?.. Partner (?) on the floor, or locked in the bathroom, breaking down in public settings, just… breaking in general. He felt as if he burdened Katsuki with his episodes; he hates calling them that but Bakugou insisted that putting a name to something means that he couldn’t ignore it. He hated that it made sense. 
Katsuki was always understanding; he knew that the two of them were heroes on different ends of the spectrum. He remembers how Katsuki’s eyes watered when Shinsou told him, in such a nonchalant way, about the body of a fifteen-year-old they found in the river: cleaned out like a goddamn pumpkin and stuffed and sewed back up full of quirk-enhancing drugs that were expected to be distributed to the topside population, but Hitoshi and his team had intervened. He remembers how Katsuki came home, frustrated and angry with himself about not being able to save two citizens and how it took days for Bakugou to forgive himself. Shinsou never rushed his grief, like his agency did. He knew Katsuki was allowed to grieve, but he was also expected to pack that shit up and be ready to be in the public eye again– Katsuki, in turn, knew that Shinsou didn’t get time to grieve or process what he sees, what he lives through– because he has no choice but to act like it never happened before he’s getting thrust into another mission. 
“I'm not giving up on you.” 
Hitoshi lifts his head, blinking back tears so he doesn’t look as pathetic as he feels. He swallows, throat strained and aching ever since he came back from his mission. He’s not gotten time to heal his vocal cords, the strain of the persona chords making his voice raspy and barely unusable when he came home. He can feel Bakugou’s hand covering his own, the one in his hair, and slipping his thumb into his grasp so he could redirect his hold– he was going to give himself a headache if he kept pulling like that. He lets Bakugou take his hand, fingers gripping the other’s wrist before a sniffle makes his shoulders shake– a sob rips from his chest and he can’t stop the tears this time no matter how hard he tries. He doesn’t want to keep crying, he feels the time to grieve what he saw had run out; he’s been home from the mission for two weeks now and he had such a tight lid on everything!
There’s a shushing noise and he realises that once again, that Bakugou is reading his mind; he knows Hitoshi is beating himself up because he put up such a good front. He smiles softly, that soft little twitch of his lip before sitting down beside Shinsou and with the grace that only Katsuki possessed, he hauls the quivering hero into his lap. He guides Shinsou’s head to his shoulder and Hitoshi hides his face into the crook of his neck, one arm wrapping around his shoulder before curling up against the very warm body he’s trapped against. His free hand rests against Katsuki's chest, right above his heart. He already knows what he’s going to tell him. He whispers it, letting Katsuki know he was still present, enough to follow their routine and talk Bakugou through what he’s taught Shinsou in these times.
“Count the beats…” 
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merelyplxyers · 1 year
Mail order bride
open to f plot: mail order bride for a hard-working farmer (is planned for a modern setting, but can be adapted for a historic AU if wanted) character: Cole McKenzie is a fifth generation rancher in Montana, mainly working with cattle and horses. The path of his life was planned out for him long before he was born, and he would have never wanted a different life for himself. He’s always been great with horses, training his first own horse when he was still in elementary school, finding cutting as his favourite sport. By the time he was in high school he started his own breeding program and the only reason why he finished school is that his mother insisted.
He knew that when his friend's suggestion of a mail order bride to fulfil Cole's wish of a family of his own was meant as a joke more than anything else, but he couldn't shake the thought either. With Maggie being hell-bent on never having children, it was up to him to continue the long line of McKenzies tending to their ranch. To even consider this felt like a defeat for him. He could breed and train the best ranch horses in all the state, if not the country, but not court a woman, let alone compel her to marry him. And one lonely night when he fired up the computer to do some research, he found the horror stories. Women who were forced into marriage and subsequent sex slavery to their husbands just for a green card, and as desperately as he wanted a family, he would never lower himself to become such a monster. He turned off the computer filled with disgust that night, washing down the bile that had risen while reading the articles with more beer than he should. It was only when Cole received a card from a school friend, announcing the birth of their third baby, and he sat there in his living room, all on his own… finally caving in. He spent the entire night looking for an agency that was both reputable and that made clear that this was not a sugar situation or pure companionship. He needed a woman who wanted to be the mother of his children first and foremost. And he knew that this was a tall ask to begin with, but it also came with being a rancher’s wife. And no matter what the sales of romance novels suggested that he stumbled over, making that kind of life a reality was not the dream of many women. Cole was fully prepared that he would only get one match, if any at all, but not even a week later he had a pile of dossiers to look through. And Cole chose his wife the way he chose a horse. Gut instinct. Two weeks later, she arrived at his doorstep with a suitcase, NDA and the agency's version of a prenup signed and an appointment at the civil register office to make their marriage official. “I know that things are going fast and a stranger telling you this probably won't mean much, but I want you to know that you are safe here with. No one will hurt you or our kids", his voice sounded sincere, knowing that this was a lot to take in for anyone, and he was still not sure if she came here fully on her own accord or if she had been pushed down this path by someone or something.
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“But to stay true to this, I need you to be honest with me. Can you promise me that?”
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adminbryantsaki · 18 days
Chapter 22: Forest Training arc part one
(This Au will follow the main events of the canon. In this AU, the tropes of fantasy and Omegaverse apply. The dynamics that can apply to people are Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Omega. The main ship is Erasermic x oc. I do not own the characters of My Hero Academia. Horikoshi Kōhei does. I also don’t own any of the fast-food franchises or any of the other references to other super hero movies or groups.  I own Bryant Saki. Here is her info Please do not steal.)
(These are the Headcanons. Please read these before the fic.
WC: 6,284
TW: This has mentions of pregnancy, Oviposition, breeding kink, slight stomach bloating, use of aphrodisiacs, weight gain, stomach stuffing, feederisim, and voyeurism, along with the usual stuff,Omegaverse Shenanigans, polygamy, PTSD, Breeding kink, Breeding, trauma, fear, ED (eating disorder). Prologue Chapter Twenty-One ~ Chapter Twenty-Three.
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Admin Falcon and I had been summoned to observe these variables. Since I hadn’t caught up with my sister in a few years, I decided to take this opportunity to catch up with her and do a little more shopping for the training camp. I watched the students plan out what they wanted to buy and they all dispersed, leaving Midoriya and Ochaco in alone together. I watched as Ochaco left to looked through the stores and that’s when Falcon stood up and told me to come with her as she was looking at her tablet.
“What’s going on?” I asked. “Shigaraki is going to interact with him soon. We should be out of the area so he doesn’t spot either of us, especially you.” Falcon spoke, recalling that Shigaraki saw me and would probably remember who I was from the USJ.
“You’re right. Do you want to get some lunch or go shopping first? From what I remember, you’re going to the mating side of the training camp too from the list of people that are going.” I spoke. I saw a blush spread across my little sister’s face. “Yes, I am. Since I know you’re going to ask, I’m going with Gang Orca.” Falcon told me as she put her tablet away and walked into a plus-size clothing store to pick out something that we thought our bond-mates would like. I stuck close to my sister as I wanted to know more about her relationship with the Pro hero.
“How long have the two of you been together?” I asked as I browsed some of the pajama sets and looking at one. “Ever since I arrived just before the beginning of the school year. We met since one of his sidekicks found me and took me to his agency where we met and I’ve been staying with him since he insisted I stay with him.” Falcon spoke as she found some knee-high socks that she put into her basket. I was happy she found someone that makes her happy. She was only a couple years younger than me at twenty-three whatever age gap she was okay with between her and her mate was up to her and I was to not interfere unless it was unhealthy in any means. I thought that Kugo Sakamata was a good match for my little sister. I kept looking at some larger sizes of lingerie since I knew they would be giving me one last feast once we were in the mating cabin before they would make me their mate. I picked one out and placed it in my basket too, quickly heading to the front of the store until I saw a kinkier side of the store with items on display such as wrist cuffs, rope, and a beer bong that could be used as a feeding tube. I slip some cuffs, blue bondage rope, a set of black belts, and one of the beer bongs that had a valve on the tube and went to the register with a blush on my face as I paid with the card that they gave me that morning telling me to get what I wanted at the mall while they were at the school working today. I grabbed my bag and went to the doorway to wait for my sister. I hid my face with one of my hands until she came out.
“What’s got you so flustered?” She asked in a teasing tone. “None of your business. Do you want to go to another shop or get food?” I asked as I felt my large stomach growl and make me even more flustered. Falcon’s stomach growled too and we decided that it would be best that the both of us get lunch to keep our weights up for our mates. We find a ramen shop that also served bubble tea and we went inside. I got a shrimp ramen with a coffee flavored bubble tea while Falcon got a chicken ramen with a strawberry bubble tea along with extra rice for the both of us, knowing that I liked to soak up the broth with rice. We waited at a table for our food and talked amongst ourselves.
“Rumor amongst the Admins is that you’re planning to mate with both Present Mic and Eraserhead even though they’re a married, mated couple? Isn’t that scandalous?” She asked as she sipped at her water. I sighed and looked at her. “It is said in their profiles that they plan to have a pack. Yes, they are married but they want to have more than just the two of them in a relationship, I happen to be a person they picked. I am not a homewrecker or the other mate or whatever, I am becoming a member of their pack at the camp.” I explained. I had grown tired of explaining this by now and I wanted to get the mating over with so I could just show off their mating marks and that I belonged to them both in a pack. “That makes sense. Do they plan on having a fourth member? If so, will you marry them?” Falcon asked as our food arrived. I thought back to the mention of Oboro in their files but I knew this wasn’t the right time to bring this up.
“It depends on who that is and if the right person comes along.” I said and looked down to my food which looked and smelled amazing.  I thanked the waiter and chef for the meal before I ate. “Makes sense. Ember and I always knew that you’d have more than one mate when you reached mating age.” Falcon spoke as she took some bites out of her ramen. “I’m glad to know that you approve. I hope Gang Orca is taking good care of you.” I say and eat more of my food.
“He is. Don’t worry, he’s nothing like the previous guy.” Falcon spoke, mentioning her toxic ex from a previous dimension that hurt her badly. I wanted to exact revenge on him for what he did to my baby sister but this wasn’t a time for revenge, it was a time to heal and start anew. I looked over to my sister as she ate, I felt an uneasy feeling and I looked at my tablet to see that a variable was playing out.
“Quick, look at your tablet.” I said and held Falcon’s hand as she pulled her tablet out to see Shigaraki talking with Midoriya in a calm, collected manner about how people are so obsessed with Stain and what Shigaraki can do to change the people’s minds to fear him and who his target should be since he feels like he is failing with the League. Midoriya foolishly tells him that the people look up to All Might as a symbol of peace and safety over the community and that some people agreed with Stain’s convictions about some of the Pro heroes that he deemed to be ‘fake’ should just be doing the job of stopping villains and saving people just for glory on the media and the amount of money they are receiving for the villains they take down. Shigaraki finally understands who he needs to target and thanks the young student as Ochaco came back to make sure he was okay.
“Get out of there.” I say under my breath as Shigaraki still has hand around Midoriya’s neck. “This must be the little Omega I was told that you liked, it would be a shame if she was to turn to dust along with all the innocents here just going about their day.” Shigaraki spoke in that chilling tone he used at the USJ. “I hope some Pros show up. Mostly All Might, then I can have a rematch from the USJ. I plan to kill him. He is such an annoyance, don’t you think?” He asked. Midoriya chose to agree with the villain to keep his life safe. Soon the villain thanked the student and blended back into the crowd, disappearing out of sight. I shut off my tablet as Ochaco and Izuku agreed to call the police. I looked to my list and saw that I needed only a couple more things while we were here.
“Do you have anything else you need while we are here? We should stick around incase we need to tell the cops anything.” I spoke and finished the rest of my rice and ramen. “I need to get a sleeping bag and some nesting materials that I can have Kugo scent before the camp and I was thinking of getting some looser clothes since there’s going to be a heat wave while we’re there and when I’m in heat, I usually run a fever.” Falcon spoke as we walked into a plus size clothing store that looks like it had some summer clothes on sale.  As Falcon and I were in the store, my phone rang and it was Shouta.
“Are you alright? I just got a call from Tsukauchi that there was a villain at the mall.” He asked as he was a bit out of breath. “I’m fine. The villain did nothing major. He just talked with Midoriya and a little bit with Uraraka. They are both fine, I am fine, and Falcon is fine the cops probably will ask us any questions and I’ll tell them what I can. They will also look for any entry points that he could have gotten in here discreetly too.” I told him, handing my basket to Falcon so I could step out and talk to Shouta privately. I went into an alley between shops and spoke.
“The villain was Shigaraki. He was here to find out why the civilians are so obsessed with Stain and what he can do to turn their attention off Stain and back onto the League of Villains. Midoriya told him about how the people look up to All Might and Shigaraki now has a big target on All Might. Some of the Admins and I are working on how we can protect All Might further since there are future variables that involve him and Midoriya and a more complex plot.” “Alright, as long as you and your sister are safe. I hope this won’t have you distracted from our plans at camp.” I heard Shouta tell me.
“Don’t worry, we will form this group after camp. Most of the Admins are getting mated or bonded at this camp so most of them will be sidetracked and some will be unable to work for a few days. My attention will be on the both of you.” I told him with a smile. “Okay, I’ll be there soon to pick you up. I hope you didn’t spend too much while you were there.” He spoke. “I didn’t. I got things that you and Hizashi will enjoy. I should head back into the store before Falcon worries where I’ve run off to. I’ll see you in a bit.” I told him and hung up. I walked back into the store and found Falcon who gave me my basket back. “Who was that?” She asked.
ried about me, that’s all.” I said and found some cute tank top and short sets and some thinner summer pjs before checking out and heading to the courtyard where the police had arrived and began questioning people. As we were walking down to the courtyard, my gaze was caught by a maternity store right next to a baby store. I glanced inside and smiled, dreaming of the future as I looked at the items in the store. “Do want to look inside for a bit?” Falcon asked as she was caught staring at some items too.
“Maybe for a little bit?” I spoke. We went inside and I managed to find a set of boy and girl onesies and a soft sea turtle plush. Falcon found a boy and girl set of onesies too and an orca plush before we left and went down to the courtyard where we were questioned by some of the police officers. We held back on the variables we knew and told them that we only saw the hooded figure walking away from the students and nothing else. That was until Tsukauchi walked up to us. “I know that the two of you are Admins and you know more than what you’re saying. You can tell me what’s going on. I can keep a secret.” He told us. I looked to Falcon and she nodded. “Alright. Shigaraki came here essentially looking for a way to change the public’s eye from Stain back to the League of Villains. I have a hunch that he will be putting a giant target on All Might.” I spoke. “Thank you, Admin Bryant. I hope you and Admin Falcon have a good day.” The Detective spoke and left us be. That’s when I saw Shouta off in the distance and hugged my sister goodbye and walked over to him. Shouta pulled me into a hug, not caring who saw. “Are you okay? I saw Tsukauchi talking to you and your sister.” He asked.
“I am fine. I was just telling him what happened. Evidently he knows that the Admins know more than what normal civilians would know.” I told him. “Right. He can keep a secret, I know that first hand.” He spoke and gave a nod to the detective who tilted his head back to Shouta as he was getting statements from other shoppers. I gave the debit card back to Shouta and he tried to peek in the bags I was handing off to him since he insisted that he carry my bags back to the car as a couple of girls from Class 1-A walked over to me looking a little nervous. “Admin? Can we talk to you about something?” They asked. I looked over to see that all six girls from Shouta’s class had approached me looking nervous.
“Of course. What is it that you want to talk to me about?” I asked. “Do some of us have to live with the fact that some Alphas will be gross around us our entire lives? None of the boys in our class are like that but we were getting some clothes and the man at the register said that some of the girls smelled good.” Momo spoke for the others. I sighed and walked over to them. “Sadly, that’s the truth, I deal with it too. But you can learn to stand up to them and push them away if they get to close.” I told them. “Comments like that make us feel dirty in a way.” Jiro spoke up. “I know. Most Alphas and other men in general say things like that because they don’t see a bond mark as anything important or choose to ignore mating marks. Some also ignore bonding marks entirely as those marks are known to fade if the relationship ends or breaks off between whoever was in the relationship in the first place.”
“But some of us have bond marks.” Mina spoke and each of the girls that had bond marks went to a part on their body that had the bond mark. The only ones that didn’t have bond marks were Momo, Ochaco, and Tsuyu. I couldn’t quiet tell if Hagakure had a bond mark but I saw her arm move when Jiro mentioned bond marks. “Some Alphas don’t see bond marks and some completely ignore them, especially with Omegas or Lunas in heat.” I said as I sat down on the bench. Some of the girls looked down. “Why would they ignore bond marks on say an Alpha or Beta?” Momo spoke. I thought over the dynamics of the girls in front of me, remembering that the only Alphas and Betas in this group were Jiro, Momo, and Hagakure. That left Mina and Tsuyu as Lunas and Ochaco as the only Omega in the group. 
“I’m going to be honest with you, some male Alphas find female Alphas to be disgusting and betas are not to be bothered with since they don’t experience a heat putting them in a submissive and vulnerable state where they could take advantage of them and do unspeakable actions to them. Some Alphas also find Lunas to be confusing and too much for them to handle with alternating heats and ruts. But, this doesn’t apply to every Alpha out there. There are some Alphas or even men with other dynamics are good and will hopefully treat you young ladies the way you deserve.” I spoke. The girls shivered a little but took the information in. Mina wrung her hands nervously.
“What if someone wanted to mark someone and make them theirs?” She asked and Jiro looked at her as if she seemed to know what she was talking about. “I don’t think any of you are ready to do any markings past bond marks. It's advised that you all focus on your careers as Pro heroes for the time being before you reach adulthood since the tradition with giving mating marks has to do with intercourse and I don’t think any of you are ready to have a baby.” I said. Tsuyu raised her hand and I called on her. “Is there no other way around mating without having a baby?” She asked. “There are forms of safe sex and protection. This is done with communication, consent, condoms. You can also ask Midnight about this too, but condoms are something a guy wears to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. You ladies can talk to your parents and doctors about birth control. But there are other forms of sex that don’t have to do with penetration too. Ask your parents about that too. But don’t be afraid to ask me about anything, okay? I’m not as scary as the media puts us Admins out to be.” I spoke as Shouta walked over, seeing me talking with the girls. “We should get going, Hizashi is waiting for us back at home.” He spoke and looked to the girls.  “Alright. I’m almost done here.” I told him. “Thank you so much, Admin Bryant. We will be careful in the future.” Momo told me.
“You’re welcome. Feel free to call me Bryant outside of the classroom or school, okay? I have a feeling we will be seeing more of each other.” I told them before I stood up. “Of course. We will see you at camp, Bryant.” Momo spoke before leading the girls back to the entrance of the mall and away from sight. I looked to Shouta and stood up slowly, arching my back, revealing the bottom curve of my stomach peeking out from the bottom of my shirt. Shouta blocked me from the view of the others and pulled my shirt down. “You’re outgrowing your clothes very quickly, darling. I think you should change your shirt before we get to leave tomorrow for Camp.” He told me and held my hand discreetly as he walked me out to the car. “I thought we were leaving today. It’s Sunday, love.” I told him and his eyes widened. “Shit. You’re right. Makes sense why Hizashi was rushing to pack things before I left to come get you. Let’s go home so you can finish packing what you need. Then we need to load up the bus and head out.” He spoke and got in the car to drive back to campus and got out of the car, helping me inside and letting me pack what I needed on my own.
Once we had packed all our things and loaded up the bus, we climbed into the back of the bus so none of the students would try and sneak off back here to make out amongst the suitcases and sleeping bags.  Hizashi sat in the window seat as I sat next to him. I pulled out a pair of a scent patches and Hizashi stopped me. “You don’t have to do that.” He spoke. “Yes, I do. I don’t want my scent sending some of the students into Rut.  I also want to sleep for a bit as the drive will be a few hours. These will help me relax a bit.” I spoke and applied them to my neck.
“Too bad, I was hoping to have some fun before we arrived at the camp.” He spoke and kissed my cheek. “The two of you better behave back there while I’m driving. I don’t need you two being a bad example to my students as we travel to the camp.” Shouta spoke as he carried his duffel bag and sleeping bag to the back of the bus and placed them next to Hizashi. “Don’t worry, we will.” I responded as I leaned back and pulled Shouta’s sleeping bag over me to stay warm and cover up my scent. I leaned into Hizashi, ready to take a nap. “How are you feeling, Honey?” Shouta asked quietly as he could see his students arriving at the bus with their items in tow. “I feel full and empty at the same time, hungry, slightly horny but that feeling is growing and getting harder to resist as I’m trying to hold back my heat because of the teenagers that are going to be on the bus soon, and I have a growing desire to be immobilized.” I said quietly. Shouta smiled as he kissed my cheek before going to let the students on the bus.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be immobilized soon enough.” Hizashi whispered in my ear and held me close as the students placed their items near the back of the bus and claimed their seat as Shouta was communicating with Vlad as to what was going to happen when they arrived at the camp and agreed. Shouta climbed back into the bus and addressed his students as to what was going to happen. “Alright, we are heading out to the training camp. I expect you all to behave yourselves on the trip.” He spoke and took a seat next to me and put his arm around me and pulling his sleeping bag over him as I cuddled into him.
“What else can I do for you?” He thought. “I don’t know, everything I can think of isn’t appropriate to carry out right now on the bus in front of your students.” I responded and let out a deep sigh.  “I see, you’re going to have to wait until we’re at the camp to do all those things you’re thinking of.” He told me and I nodded, letting myself drift off to sleep since I knew this was going to be a long bus ride and I would need the rest for later. “One of you wake me when we get there.” I spoke before I let sleep take me. ~~~~~
I was laying on Hizashi as we rode in the back of the bus that was headed to the training camp. Shouta had moved to the front of the bus as we were approaching an area where he would let his students off to fight their way down the mountain. He looked back and told his students to not fool off but then realized this would be the only time that they could relax and be kids before the training began. The bus stopped and I nuzzled into Hizashi’s chest since I was laying on him as I slept. I heard everyone getting off the bus to stretch and see what was going on and I felt Hizashi’s hand on my back.
“Time to get up, baby. We’re here.” Hizashi said and pushed hair out of my face as I looked up at him grumpily. “I don’t wanna. You’re too comfy and Pixiebob in heat is too exuberant.” I told him and hid my face in his neck. He chuckled and he held me close, looking up to Shouta as he approached us. “You two can stay here until we get down to the mating cabin. The Pussycats are waiting and I can tell from here that Pixiebob is in heat and looking for a mate.” He spoke as Hizashi slowly pried me off his body so I could look at Shouta in a disgruntled manner. “I know she is. I read their files before we left and it said in big, bold letters that Pixiebob is looking for a mate and would be in a manageable heat when we were here this week. I do not want to meet her right now as I’m not fully awake for her energy right now.” I told him and held onto Hizashi as he sat up and let me cuddle back into him.
“I think you’d want to meet Mandalay at least, She’s calm and a telepath like you, honey.” Shouta told me. I looked to him with a raised eyebrow. “Fine, I’ll come. I would need you or Hizashi to be a barrier between Pixiebob and I. And when we get to the mating cabin, I require cuddles from the both of you.” I told him and set the sleeping bag to the side as I followed Shouta to the door of the bus.  Hizashi and Shouta got off first as I checked my hair in the rear-view mirror. I turned to Hizashi and asked him how I looked as I wanted to give a good first impression to the hero group. He looked me up and down before giving me a thumbs up. “You look great. But you’d look even better with nothing on at all~.” He told me quietly, causing my face to turn a bright shade of red and I froze up all over. “C’mon, little listener, let’s go catch up with the others.” He told me and held my hand to pull me in close and kiss my head as Shouta found us hiding behind the bus. “How was the ride? I saw that you were sleeping the whole trip.” He said and brushed a few strands of hair from my face. “It was fine. I am a bit restless though.” I told him and looked up to see that Hunter, Shelby, and Falcon were all watching the students of Class 1-A and 1-B receive instructions before beginning their first test. I waved to Falcon subtly and she smiled back in my direction. I pulled my tablet out to see the variables of the test and saw that we had a few hours before the variables of the next day were put into play. After I finished the preview, he looked up to Shouta. “Should we wait for you or head down to the mating cabins?” He asked.
“The two of you can take the bus down, get settled, nested, whatever the two of you need. Ragdoll and Tiger should be there since 1-B is here too. But since Pixiebob is fixated on giving instructions to the students and using her quirk to keep them engaged in the fight, this would be a good time for you to meet Mandalay.” Shouta told me and I agreed. I did want to talk with my sister too but she was getting into a car with Gang Orca and they sped past us to the mating area of the camp.  I sighed. “I guess I’ll catch up with her later. Which one is Mandalay?” I asked as Shouta led us out from behind the bus to meet them. He gestured to the woman in a red top and skirt with electronic cat ears, a long cat tail and giant paws on her hands. The woman looked to Shouta before looking to me.
“Hello there. I’m Mandalay. Who are you?” She asked me telepathically. “I’m Admin Bryant. It’s nice to meet you and know that there’s another telepath here. I’m a friend of Eraserhead and Present Mic. I came to help the other Admins and teachers with the students.” I introduced myself. Mandalay giggled.
”I know you’re here to mate with Eraser and Mic. Don’t worry, you’re safe here and no one will judge you. I’m happy to see that they’ve found another mate to add into their pack. They look happy.” She spoke and looked to the forest as shouts and explosions coming from the forest as they made their way down the mountain. I leaned into Hizashi a little and blushed a little as she knew I was in heat but doing my hardest to keep it under wraps.
“Yes, we plan to be quiet about it. don’t worry.” “Alright. In case the three of you can’t seem to be quiet, the rooms are sound proofed from the first time that those two were here. There’s a room prepared for the three of you in the mating cabins already. Ragdoll will help you get checked in when you head down there. There is nothing wrong with the three of you coming here to mate. it’s a safe place for anyone to come and do so, just keep any major affection or mating rituals private and in your cabins.” She spoke and sent me a reassuring feeling.
This helped me relax a bit and wonder what Hizashi and Shouta did to make them need to sound-proof the rooms. Another woman in a similar uniform to Mandalay’s but hers was light blue walked over to her. “You and Kota should head down to work on dinner for these kittens. I’ll keep them busy in the meantime.” She spoke. “Alright, Pixiebob. I’ll head down. Eraser, are you coming with us or heading down with your mates?” Mandalay asked. “I think I’ll go with them. Bryant seems a little nervous and I want to help her relax.” He spoke and looked back to me. I nodded and covered my nose as I could smell the stuffy scent of lavender and roses and pheromones that made me want to run for the hills.
“Is that smell coming from your teammate? Is she okay? She’s emitting a lot of pheromones and its almost too much.” I asked.
“Yes, that’s Pixiebob’s scent when she’s about to go into heat or it’s started today. She’s ready to mate now and I have a feeling Tiger’s going to help her tonight while Ragdoll and I are on duty.” She told me and I nodded before grabbing onto Hizashi’s hand and leading him back onto the bus with Shouta in tow. Hizashi sat near the front of the bus as I retrieved Shouta’s sleeping bag and sat next to him as Shouta sat on the other side of me. We rode the bus down to the mating cabins side of the camp and unloaded our things there. We carried our things inside where I saw a woman and a man in the same uniform as Mandalay and Pixie bob. The woman looked up at us and smiled cheerfully.
“Welcome to the Wild, Wild Pussycat’s Safe Haven! I am Ragdoll and I’ll help you get checked in.” She spoke and Hizashi stepped forward as Shouta held me close. “There should be a reservation under Aizawa.” Hizashi spoke. Ragdoll typed away at the computer and found the reservation. “There you are, it’s just the three of you, correct?” She asked and looked up to us. Hizashi nodded and Ragdoll gave us three keys to the room. “You’re in room 3. I hope you enjoy your stay!” She spoke and watched us leave. The giant man behind the desk, checking in another couple was the only person I thought to be Tiger. I waited until the couple rushed off to their room when I piped up. “Are you Tiger?” I asked the man and he looked at me. “Yes, I am. You must be Mic and Eraserhead’s new mate. It is nice to meet you.” He spoke and nodded in my direction. “Nice to meet you too.” I said before I was carried out of sight by Shouta.
“I can’t wait to have you all to myself~.” He whispered into my ear. I hid my face under his capture weapon and into his neck. “Someones shy already. Do you want to nest, baby?” He asked as Hizashi pulled our suitcases into the giant room that looked like a mini apartment. There was a large open area where a small pyramid of packaged bedding materials was stacked with a note on top in Japanese. Hizashi picked up the note and read it out loud. “Congrats on finding the new mate, I hope you have a good time and be safe. The requested food is already in the refrigerator and cupboard and nesting material has been provided, thank you for staying at Safe Haven.” He said and I wiggled down from Shouta’s arms and pulled my suitcase, briefcase, and backpack into the nesting area and looked out the window to the private Onsen we had right outside our cabin. I could see the steam rising up from the water in the hot spring and watched it for a couple seconds before the urge to nest took over my mind and I went back into the nesting room, pulling my suitcase down and pushing it into the corner of the room next to the closet, knowing that Hizashi would want to make his nest inside of the closet. I claimed the far corner of the room next to the closet and found the bedding on the tatami platform bed in the center of the room and took a sniff of it before leaving it there as it had a notable flowery scent like Pixiebob’s scent. I went to the suitcases we brought that had all the bedding we brought from home and scented. I began by laying down a fluffy blanket and building a perimeter wall of my nest
I pulled large, thick, and fluffy blankets to the nest and began arranging them in the way wanted them. Hizashi had changed into his naga form and slithered into the nesting area and began working on his own nest. Shouta wondering where we had gone off to and he found us nesting. I looked at him and asked him to bring two chairs from the dining table so I could make a tent over my nest. He nodded and brought the chairs into the nesting room and I incorporated them into my next and draping a sheet I brought from home over the top and securing it into the nest so it wouldn’t go anywhere. I then connected my nest with Hizashi’s since he was nudging me to do so. I merged a wall to meet with a wall of Hizashi’s nest before I dragged my sleeping bag into my nest and added the pillows and blankets that I wanted to be all cozy under between sessions of being bred full of eggs and their cum. I opened the sleeping bag and laid in it, getting all cozy and looking to see Shouta chuckling at me.
“You are too damn cute, baby.” He told me from his seat by the door to the nesting area. He was on the floor with a bag of plain, salted chips watching Hizashi and I make our nests and get comfortable to rest up one last time before the mating would begin. Hizashi finished setting up his nest in the closet before he took his shirt off and coiled into the nest and laid out on his coils, looking at me. “You look cozy. I think its time that we give you the cuddles you requested for getting off the bus and meeting Mandalay and Pixiebob.” He spoke and pushed himself closer to the barrier that separated our nests and rested his head on the pillow that acted like a wall and looked at me. “Do you want to come in? You’re practically begging to come inside.” I told him. “Is it okay if I do come in? I don’t want to intrude on your space.” He told me.
“Get your noodly ass in here and cuddle me already.”  I told him and he chuckled and pushed the pillow aside before slithering in and coiling around me. I looked to Shouta who was watching us still, having put his bag of chips aside, and seeming to be waiting for an invitation to enter my nest. “I’d invite you in but the students will be down the mountain soon and you need to be there to tell them what’s going to be happening this week.” I told him. I sighed as he was reminded of the other reason why he was here. “Alright. Do you mind if I at least put my sleeping bag in here? I think the two of you will like it.” He spoke and lifted-up the item he was talking about from where it was resting on top of his duffel bag. “Yes, hand it over. We will keep it safe while you go be a teacher.” Hizashi said and held his hand out to receive the yellow sleeping bag and promptly curl up inside of it and cuddle against me for body heat. “Have a good nap, you two. I’ll be back later. Don’t start without me, okay?” He spoke as he went to the door to put his boots back on to talk with his students. “We won’t! Hizashi called after him before laying down and sleeping.
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rentalziscam · 9 months
RENTALZI (Rentalzi.com Scam?)
Who are they?
After taking a look at their website, it shows that they do not fall under any regulating agency. That is a MAJOR RED FLAG!! That should be enough for you NOT to invest with them. And they also work with websites that offer “Automated trading software” which is another red flag, as these kinds of websites are notoriously famous for scamming schemes.
So Rentalzi is just another unregulated forex broker, which means the customers are not protected, and it is highly likely they will get away with your hard-earned money and there will be no regulating agency to hold them responsible.
In today’s forex market flooded with scam brokers, traders must tread every online financial trading company carefully. You must be particularly aware of shady brokerage firms like Rentalzi that are anonymous, do not hold any trading credentials, and provide poor services based on deception.
If you have come across the Sundell- fx broker, you will soon realize how fraudulent this company is. So, continue with our Rentalzi review for more information about this investment scam.
On top of that, we seriously recommend you not invest in the fake brokers BCH Advance, iToroStocks, and WiseFXPr. Do not trade with these unlicensed brokers if you want to save your money!
Broker status: Unregulated Broker Regulated by: Unlicensed Scam Brokerage Blacklisted as a Scam by: N/A Owned by: N/A Headquarters Country: Australia Foundation year: 2022 Supported Platforms: Web Trader Minimum Deposit: 2,500 USD Cryptocurrencies: Yes (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple) Types of Assets: Cryptocurrencies, Forex Maximum Leverage: 1:100 Free Demo Account: No Accepts US clients: No
How does it work?
Usually, unregulated forex brokers work in the following way. They will call people to persuade them to make the initial minimum deposit while trying any conceivable method in order to make that happen. They will offer deals that sound too good to be true like we will double your initial deposit or you will make $100 per day easily. Please don’t fall for anything they say!!! It is a SCAM! After making the initial deposit, people get transferred to a smarter scammer, called a “retention agent”, who will try to get more money out of you.
Withdrawing funds
You should submit a withdrawal request ASAP because your funds are never safe with an unregulated broker. And here is when things get tricky.
If you want to withdraw your money and it does not matter if you have profits or not, they will delay the withdrawal process for months. If they delay it for six months, you won’t be able to file a chargeback anymore and your money is gone for good. It does not matter how often you remind them or insist on withdrawing your money, you will NOT get them back. And if you signed the Managed Account Agreement or MAA, which is basically authorizing them to do anything they want on your account, they will lose all your funds so there won’t be anything to request anymore.
How to get your money back?
If you already deposited your money with them and they refuse to give your money back, which is very likely to happen, don’t worry, it might be a way or two to get your money back.
First of all, you need to keep the emails as proof that you have been requesting the money back from them but they don’t give it to you, or they delay the process for too long, with the intention of not refunding your money.
The first thing you should do is perform a chargeback! And you should do this right away! Contact your bank or credit card provider and explain how you were deceived into depositing for a trading company that is not regulated and refuses to give your money back. This is the simplest way of getting your money back and is also the way that hurts them the most. Because if there are many chargebacks performed, it will destroy their relationship with the payment service providers. If you haven’t done this before or you are not sure where to start or how to present your case to your bank or credit card company, we can assist you in preparing your chargeback case.
What about wires?
If you sent them a wire, there is no way to perform a chargeback on a wire. For this step, you need to raise the fight to a different level. Tell them that you will go to the authorities and file a complaint against them. That will get them to rethink the refund possibility. Another thing you can do is prepare a letter or email for the regulating agencies. Depending on the country where you live, you can search on google to find the regulating agency for Forex brokers in that country. After that, you can prepare a letter or an email describing how you got deceived by them. Make sure you show this letter or email to them and tell them you will send it to the regulating agency if they don’t refund your money.
Is Rentalzi a Licensed Forex Broker?
Forex trading is a heavily controlled industry by financial regulatory agencies closely cooperating with governments and ensuring that every broker complies with relevant legislation.
When a phony broker like Rentalzi doesn’t state its headquarters or any information about the company’s registration, it is hard to determine its jurisdiction. This is done with the purpose to cover up the fact that it is an unlicensed and unregulated business.
The only info about Rentalzi available on its website is a telephone number, which is an Australian phone number according to the dialing code. That brings us to the assumption that this broker might be based in Australia, which is one of the most stringent jurisdictions.
If it is the case, it is impossible to be a legitimate broker without being authorized by the Australian financial authority, ASIC. Not unexpectedly, Rentalzi is not licensed under this or any other financial market regulatory agency.
Why Is Trading On a Licensed Broker’s Platform Preferable?
Unlike unauthorized brokers, certified companies can be trusted with money since they adhere to a strict code of conduct – especially forex providers regulated by top-level supervisory bodies like the Australian ASIC, British FCA, and German BaFin. For example, ASIC’s eligibility conditions stipulate a broker maintain a minimum operating capital of 1M AUD and keep its and traders’ money separated (segregation of funds).
Additionally, traders of licensed brokers are protected by indemnification programs run by supervisory agencies. For example, ASIC covers traders with a 100,000 AUD indemnification in the event of a broker’s bankruptcy. On top of that, legitimate companies implement a range of risk management measures to mitigate trading risks, such as offering negative balance protection (a trader can lose more than deposited), cooperating with first-rate banks, providing reliable trading platforms, and ensuring propitious trading conditions.
So Rentalzi GLOBAL ICM a Decent Broker or a Scam?
Rentalzi is an anonymous and unregulated broker running online trading scams and cheating traders from the UK, Canada, Australia, the US, and Sweden.
What Trading Software Does Rentalzi Offer?
Speaking of the Rentalzi portal, a trading platform available here, it is a web trader with limited functionality. This unscrupulous broker claims that its web trader fits the needs of both beginners and experienced traders. However, we are dubious about that since it has generic functions that can’t ensure profitable trading.
As far as that is concerned, your best option is the latest trading programs – MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, cTrader, and Sirix – providing advanced tools such as expert advisors, stop loss, fast execution, unlimited pending orders, copy trading, and more.
Make sure you leave reviews about Rentalzi on other sites
Another way to hurt them and save other people from falling victims is to leave bad reviews on other sites, and describe shortly what happened. If you have fallen victim please leave a review and a comment on this site in the comment section. Also, when these people change their website they tend to call the old clients, so if they call you from a new website please write it down on the comment or let us know by contacting us. That would be really appreciated by us and families all over the world. Also if you get phone calls from other companies please put the name of these companies also in the comment or send it to us. We will expose them too.
Rentalzi Review Conclusions
Making the Rentalzi review is actually a pleasure for us, and we hope to save as many people as possible from losing their hard-earned money. A good rule of thumb is to carefully review all the Forex companies and any other company for that matter before you perform any transaction. We hope that our Rentalzi review has been helpful to you.
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us-times · 9 months
RENTALZI (Rentalzi.com Scam?)
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Who are they?
After taking a look at their website, it shows that they do not fall under any regulating agency. That is a MAJOR RED FLAG!! That should be enough for you NOT to invest with them. And they also work with websites that offer “Automated trading software” which is another red flag, as these kinds of websites are notoriously famous for scamming schemes.
So Rentalzi is just another unregulated forex broker, which means the customers are not protected, and it is highly likely they will get away with your hard-earned money and there will be no regulating agency to hold them responsible.
In today’s forex market flooded with scam brokers, traders must tread every online financial trading company carefully. You must be particularly aware of shady brokerage firms like Rentalzi that are anonymous, do not hold any trading credentials, and provide poor services based on deception.
If you have come across the Sundell- fx broker, you will soon realize how fraudulent this company is. So, continue with our Rentalzi review for more information about this investment scam.
On top of that, we seriously recommend you not invest in the fake brokers BCH Advance, iToroStocks, and WiseFXPr. Do not trade with these unlicensed brokers if you want to save your money!
Broker status: Unregulated Broker Regulated by: Unlicensed Scam Brokerage Blacklisted as a Scam by: N/A Owned by: N/A Headquarters Country: Australia Foundation year: 2022 Supported Platforms: Web Trader Minimum Deposit: 2,500 USD Cryptocurrencies: Yes (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple) Types of Assets: Cryptocurrencies, Forex Maximum Leverage: 1:100 Free Demo Account: No Accepts US clients: No
How does it work?
Usually, unregulated forex brokers work in the following way. They will call people to persuade them to make the initial minimum deposit while trying any conceivable method in order to make that happen. They will offer deals that sound too good to be true like we will double your initial deposit or you will make $100 per day easily. Please don’t fall for anything they say!!! It is a SCAM! After making the initial deposit, people get transferred to a smarter scammer, called a “retention agent”, who will try to get more money out of you.
Withdrawing funds
You should submit a withdrawal request ASAP because your funds are never safe with an unregulated broker. And here is when things get tricky.
If you want to withdraw your money and it does not matter if you have profits or not, they will delay the withdrawal process for months. If they delay it for six months, you won’t be able to file a chargeback anymore and your money is gone for good. It does not matter how often you remind them or insist on withdrawing your money, you will NOT get them back. And if you signed the Managed Account Agreement or MAA, which is basically authorizing them to do anything they want on your account, they will lose all your funds so there won’t be anything to request anymore.
How to get your money back?
If you already deposited your money with them and they refuse to give your money back, which is very likely to happen, don’t worry, it might be a way or two to get your money back.
First of all, you need to keep the emails as proof that you have been requesting the money back from them but they don’t give it to you, or they delay the process for too long, with the intention of not refunding your money.
The first thing you should do is perform a chargeback! And you should do this right away! Contact your bank or credit card provider and explain how you were deceived into depositing for a trading company that is not regulated and refuses to give your money back. This is the simplest way of getting your money back and is also the way that hurts them the most. Because if there are many chargebacks performed, it will destroy their relationship with the payment service providers. If you haven’t done this before or you are not sure where to start or how to present your case to your bank or credit card company, we can assist you in preparing your chargeback case.
What about wires?
If you sent them a wire, there is no way to perform a chargeback on a wire. For this step, you need to raise the fight to a different level. Tell them that you will go to the authorities and file a complaint against them. That will get them to rethink the refund possibility. Another thing you can do is prepare a letter or email for the regulating agencies. Depending on the country where you live, you can search on google to find the regulating agency for Forex brokers in that country. After that, you can prepare a letter or an email describing how you got deceived by them. Make sure you show this letter or email to them and tell them you will send it to the regulating agency if they don’t refund your money.
Is Rentalzi a Licensed Forex Broker?
Forex trading is a heavily controlled industry by financial regulatory agencies closely cooperating with governments and ensuring that every broker complies with relevant legislation.
When a phony broker like Rentalzi doesn’t state its headquarters or any information about the company’s registration, it is hard to determine its jurisdiction. This is done with the purpose to cover up the fact that it is an unlicensed and unregulated business.
The only info about Rentalzi available on its website is a telephone number, which is an Australian phone number according to the dialing code. That brings us to the assumption that this broker might be based in Australia, which is one of the most stringent jurisdictions.
If it is the case, it is impossible to be a legitimate broker without being authorized by the Australian financial authority, ASIC. Not unexpectedly, Rentalzi is not licensed under this or any other financial market regulatory agency.
Why Is Trading On a Licensed Broker’s Platform Preferable?
Unlike unauthorized brokers, certified companies can be trusted with money since they adhere to a strict code of conduct – especially forex providers regulated by top-level supervisory bodies like the Australian ASIC, British FCA, and German BaFin. For example, ASIC’s eligibility conditions stipulate a broker maintain a minimum operating capital of 1M AUD and keep its and traders’ money separated (segregation of funds).
Additionally, traders of licensed brokers are protected by indemnification programs run by supervisory agencies. For example, ASIC covers traders with a 100,000 AUD indemnification in the event of a broker’s bankruptcy. On top of that, legitimate companies implement a range of risk management measures to mitigate trading risks, such as offering negative balance protection (a trader can lose more than deposited), cooperating with first-rate banks, providing reliable trading platforms, and ensuring propitious trading conditions.
So Rentalzi GLOBAL ICM a Decent Broker or a Scam?
Rentalzi is an anonymous and unregulated broker running online trading scams and cheating traders from the UK, Canada, Australia, the US, and Sweden.
What Trading Software Does Rentalzi Offer?
Speaking of the Rentalzi portal, a trading platform available here, it is a web trader with limited functionality. This unscrupulous broker claims that its web trader fits the needs of both beginners and experienced traders. However, we are dubious about that since it has generic functions that can’t ensure profitable trading.
As far as that is concerned, your best option is the latest trading programs – MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, cTrader, and Sirix – providing advanced tools such as expert advisors, stop loss, fast execution, unlimited pending orders, copy trading, and more.
0 notes
sajonoselfstorage · 2 years
Choosing a Self Storage space Company
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self storage fort McMurray
If you need to clear up space at home and work then do it yourself storage can be the answer. Self storage factories are secure storage space sites where people rent a product to store ones belongings. You can connection your belongings as soon as you want and increase or remove solutions from storage whenever you need. The person storage industry comes with expanded quickly within the last few years with innovative facilities springing standing on the edge of numerous urban areas so it is crucial for you to choose a reputable corporation. Self storage solutions are generally low cost nevertheless when choosing a home storage provider, you ought to ensure that your belongings are generally safe and extremley unlikely to be damaged, sacrificed or stolen.
self storage fort McMurray
Different kinds of self storage There are actually different types of self storage devices facilities from motive built warehouses together with converted buildings to help shipping containers. Motive built buildings may well look the most skilled but shipping box storage can often be inexpensive and just as protected. Shipping containers have been originally designed for hauling consumer goods and tend to be therefore secure and additionally weatherproof.
Warehouse safe-keeping sites often supply a range of unit designs from small units to secure bedrooms.
Outdoor storage can be a suitable option if you're storing vehicles, indications or belongings which were not affected by conditions. If this is the condition then you need to make sure that storage area is firmly fenced, padlocked in addition to access restricted.
Looking into self storage agencies Search online for storage area sites near you. Test combining phrases enjoy "self storage" along with similar keyword words with your location. Some sort of convenient location probably will make it easier that you access your items.
When choosing a do-it-yourself storage facility you might want to consider what you will end up storing and the amount of space you require. Staff members at the storage online site should be able to offer recommendations as to the most suitable size unit. Most self storage will be general objective but there may be specialized storage that would fit the bill, for example paper store stores or surroundings conditioned units. It can be a good idea to visit probable sites to check their own security and get some sort of feel for the businesses. Look to see when there is a manned office environment and ask to view this storage units before you purchase. Are there plenty of CCTV cameras located in the storage site together with does it feel safeguarded?
You want to be able to download and unload ones own unit easily which means that check vehicle entry and ask if you will have staff available to allow if you need assistance. Check into access hours and additionally whether you can get your unit outside the standard opening circumstances. Many storage amenities provide 24 hour or so electronic access applying swipe cards and also fobs.
Check if your primary goods are covered during storage in addition to what this insurance coverage covers. If insurance plan is not included in that case it may be an extra charge so make sure the costs are transparent. A few self-storage companies might charge extra with regard to locks and to discover your belongings.
Several self storage businesses will insist that you really rent for minimum amount period but some others will offer flexible terminology. Ask what docs is required, accepted charge methods, if lcks and packing supplies are included of course, if there are any limits on what can along with can't be stored. That will make moving in much simpler and avoid any excessive complications.
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seijorhi · 4 years
Pretty Young Thing
A yandere Erasermic commission for an anon, I hope you like it bby!!
Aizawa Shouta x reader x Hizashi Yamada
TW non-con, breeding kink, pregnancy, surrogacy, pregnant sex, smut, age-gap, nsfw
“Don’t you think she’s a little young, ‘Zashi?”
“It’s up to you both how involved you are during the first stages and the overall pregnancy. Normally we suggest an initial meeting with the potential surrogate for all three of you to get a feel for one another and decide if you want to proceed with the arrangement, but should you wish, we can–”
“No,” he interrupts, sparing Hizashi a fleeting glance. “We want to meet her.”
Beneath the desk, his husband squeezes his hand. 
Hizashi quirks an eyebrow, pausing midway through fixing his hair in the mirror. “Whaddya mean, babe? She’s in her twenties ain’t she?”
He’s not wrong, but that’s not the issue. They picked you, they both picked you, but there’s this lingering unease that he can’t seem to shake. It’s not so much your age specifically, he knows that you’re only a few years younger than the majority of the other women whose profiles they’d seen – you’re old enough to understand what you’re getting yourself into and agree to it, at any rate – it’s just that he doesn’t quite understand why somebody your age would want to do this.
And there’s something different about you, it’s just a feeling of course – he hasn’t yet had a chance to confirm his suspicions, but he wants to meet you and decide for himself.
“We do have a number of potential surrogates with promising Quirks if you’re considering pursuing that option for your child,” the Doctor told them, smiling as they flipped through page after page of profiles.
Hisako, 35, Quirk: Sun-flare
Nozumi, 26, Quirk: Mimic
Koharu, 28, Quirk: Seismic Wave
Chiyoko, 33, Quirk: Golden Whip
Yuzuki, 32, Quirk: Silencer
There’s dozens of them – which is more than he expected. 
Aizawa knew coming in that this wasn’t normally the process, that this agency catered specifically to Heroes – was recommended by the Hero commission – but it still feels strange, just browsing through pages upon pages of potential candidates to carry their baby. 
Was he supposed to be feeling some kind of emotion looking at these profiles? The women were all healthy, each of them attractive, in their own ways (nothing but the very best, the Doctor had reassured them with a smile). This woman, whoever they picked, she’d be carrying their baby, yes, but that was the extent of it. She wasn’t going to be a part of their lives beyond that, so what did it matter if she was nice or liked to cook or play tennis?
There were stats, of course. Their education and IQ’s and little snippets of history, but they were all impressive, otherwise they wouldn’t have been included. Were they supposed to choose based on their Quirk? One that might compliment his or Zashi’s? Quirks were troublesome things to begin with, and–
“Wait-wait, Shou, hold up,” Hizashi’s voice cut through his musings, long fingers wrapping around his wrist midway through turning the page. “Go back one.”
He does as he’s told, flicking the page back.
Y/N, 23, Quirk: N/A.
A lone eyebrow lifts. Quirkless, huh? A blank slate.
But that’s not what caught Hizashi’s eye.
“She’s kinda cute, don’tcha think, baby?”
It feels weirdly like a first date, nervous jitters and all – though he’d like to believe he’s better at suppressing that now then back when he was a teenager. Aizawa hasn’t bothered to shave, but his hair’s tied back in a loose bun and he’s pulled out a suit for the occasion – he’s even wearing a tie for fuck’s sake. Beside him, Hizashi’s ditched his usual leather jacket and ripped jeans for, well, nicer jeans and a button up floral shirt.
And then there’s you. Standing in the doorway of the cafe glancing around like a little lost lamb, he recognises you instantly from the picture on your profile, but the moment your eyes meet his he’s struck with the realisation that the picture didn’t truly do you justice.
Because you do look young (at least compared to their thirty odd years) and it might just be the hesitant smile adorning your face as you start to make your way over, or the charming little summer dress falling to your mid-thigh, swishing hypnotically with every step, but Shouta feels something catch in his chest the more he stares. You really are… what was the word ‘Zashi had used? Cute?
Yeah. You were cute. 
The agency had offered to host this little meetup at their clinic, and while he hadn’t particularly cared one way or the other, Hizashi’d been insistent. He’d wanted this to feel ‘natural’. 
‘I don’t really wanna meet our potential baby mama for the first time in some boring, sterile office, d’you?”
He’d only bitten back a sigh at the time, shaking his head. It wouldn’t have been worth upsetting him by reminding him that the girl was technically a glorified incubator. He had every intention of being involved in this process, but this initial meeting was to establish two things. Firstly, that after meeting them, you still felt comfortable with carrying their baby, and secondly, he wanted to make absolutely certain that you weren’t trying to get anything out of this.
Oh, he knew you were getting paid, handsomely, he’s sure, but the thought that you, or any of the women the agency had fobbed their way might not all be in this for altruistic reasons had crossed his mind. 
You were just so young.
But he was more than happy to determine those two things in a ten minute meeting at the agency. 
Hizashi was not, and so here they are. 
Ten minutes in, and he finds himself glad of his husband’s insistence. Hands wrapped around your mug of coffee (you should enjoy it while you can) you chatter away with Hizashi, beaming and blushing, tripping over your own words in your nervousness. 
You’re about as dangerous as a kitten, and he allows himself to relax enough in his seat to enjoy watching the blonde charm you. 
“So why don’t ya tell us a little about yourself, songbird?”
“There’s really not all that much to tell,” you say with a sheepish laugh, but they listen as you talk anyway. It’s nothing the profile hadn’t already told them, nothing spectacular that would make you stand out in the crowd. 
And yet, an hour and a half later, you’re trying in vain to distract him and Hizashi both so that you can slip your card in with the bill to pay for lunch, and Shouta finds himself oddly amused.
There were other candidates – ones with impressive Quirks, smarter than you, more accomplished than you, older than you–
“Ya sure you don’t want a lift, sweetheart? It’s no trouble.”
You smile again, demure little thing, and shake your head. “Oh no, really it’s okay. It’s not far and… I like the walk. Thank you, though.”
– but none nearly so endearing, he thinks. 
And when they watch you disappear into the crowd, one final wave thrown over your shoulder, Hizashi’s fingers lace with his once more.
“So she’s our baby mama, huh?
He’s silent for a moment. “I suppose so.”
The agency recommended, at least in the initial stages before the implantation procedure took place, that any communication between the three of you should go through them. 
Hizashi had your number programmed into his phone before you’d even left the cafe, and he’s been texting you every day since – to the point where it wasn’t unusual for Shouta to come downstairs and find Mic chuckling to himself, fingers dancing across the keyboard on his phone as he replies to whatever message you’ve sent. 
Shouta, for his part, tends to message only to check in.
How are you feeling? Any side effects from the meds?
Your response comes a little slower than usual, and it’s almost an hour before finally he receives it.
Sorry they’re cracking down on us using our phones at work :( 
Everything’s good so far! The doc said i should be on track for our appointment next week!
… is it weird that I’m a little excited haha?
His brow furrows at that. You hadn’t mentioned a job – at least not to him, he’d have to ask Hizashi later whether you'd said anything to him. 
Why on earth were you still working? He’d seen the contracts, he knew exactly how much you were getting paid for this little venture, wasn’t that enough to support you?
He makes a brief mental note to make sure that whatever job you were working at, you stopped long before the baby was due. You might just be a surrogate, but he’d be damned if his baby was put in jeopardy because you were needlessly exerting yourself. 
Nevertheless, his expression softens somewhat as he reads the second part of your message. You were excited, hm? 
Well, that made three of you.
Both he and Hizashi’d been willing to come along to the clinic with you – he’d even submitted a formal leave request to take the day off from UA, but the Doctor had assured him that it wasn’t necessary.
“The procedure is quick and relatively painless. She’ll be home within a few hours, and so long as she remains off her feet and doesn’t undertake any strenuous activity, she will be perfectly fine.”
It hadn’t sat particularly well with Hizashi who’d spent the afternoon huffing and complaining about the clinic trying to kick them both out of the process. That much, he expected – he understood it to an extent; the agency catered specifically to Heroes, most of their clientele probably had busy schedules (which was true in their case as well). There wasn’t a need for them to be present at such a minor procedure, even if it did hopefully mark the beginnings of your pregnancy. 
What he hadn’t expected was the twinge of discontent he felt settle in his own stomach. The Doc might’ve preferred they stay out of this, but at the end of the day he really didn’t give a shit what she or the agency wanted.
So he messaged you.
Do you want us there with you?
He watches those three little dots bounce for almost a solid minute before finally your reply comes through.
No, it’s okay, you don’t have to come. The Doc said it wouldn’t take long and I don’t wanna be a burden for you guys
It’s not really an answer to his question, and he briefly wonders if Hizashi might be right about the agency interfering, but he’s not going to fight you on it. 
At least, that’s his plan until Principal Nezu pulls him aside at the end of a staff meeting and tells him that he’s found somebody to cover his classes tomorrow if he still wants the day off. 
“Ya gotta go, babe. One of us should be there for our ‘lil mama.”
He asks you what time your appointment is and there’s a surprisingly pleasant fluttering in his stomach when you walk through the clinic doors and catch sight of him sitting in the waiting room.
It’s a momentary surprise – you almost do a double take, but a smile lights your face and you ignore the receptionist in favour of racing towards him. 
“Shouta, I thought you weren’t coming!” Your arms wrap around his middle, squeezing tightly.
He finds himself returning your hug – albeit somewhat stiffly – but he’s glad he made the decision to come. The Doctor wasn’t wrong, you’re only in with her for just under twenty minutes, and when you come out there’s a tremble in your legs, but you seem otherwise fine.
It goes without saying that he’s driving you home, though you try once again to beg him off.
Kitten, when are you gonna learn that so long as you’re carrying his and ‘Zashi’s child, they’re going to go out of their way to make things easier for you – whether you want them to or not.
Yet your quiet discomfort on the drive home doesn’t slip past his attention. Maybe it’s because he’s become accustomed to your nervous rambling, but there’s something odd about the way you’re sitting so quietly, fingers twisting in your lap as you stare out the window. He knows that if Hizashi was here, he’d be chatting your ear off, but he’s never been one to fill silence with unnecessary small talk.
Though he can’t exactly help the way his own mind drifts. Are you in pain? The Doc didn’t say anything about there being any pain, only that you should rest over the next few days, so it shouldn’t be that. Perhaps you’re just lost in your thoughts – it’s strange for them having a surrogate, he can only imagine what’s going through your own head now that it’s actually begun. He hopes that you aren’t having second thoughts, almost opens his mouth to ask before thinking better of it.
You’re entitled to your thoughts and feelings, whatever they may be, and if you wanted to talk to him about them, you would. 
It’s not until the scenery outside starts to change and the fancy sky-scrapers give way to dingy apartment blocks and dilapidated buildings, crammed in together too tightly that he realises that it’s not discomfort that’s written across your face, but embarrassment.
This was your neighbourhood?
Shouta recognises it, and really he should have picked up on it earlier when you’d given him the address – he’s spent more than a few nights patrolling the area. It’s a hotspot, not for the high-class, dangerous villains plastered across the news every night, but thieves and murderers. Petty thugs who prey on the weak, those addicted, with nowhere else to go… you live here?
Surely with the money you’re getting from the agency, and your job on top of that, you can afford a better neighbourhood.
He glances at you out of the corner of his eye, watches as you all but shrink into your seat, and when you speak, your voice is little more than a whisper.
“You can just drop me off at the corner here.”
He pulls the car to a stop by the curb, and for a moment neither of you speak. He doesn’t know what to say, and judging from the way you’re nibbling on your bottom lip and glancing up at him, you don’t either. 
“Thank you,” you cut him off with a tight smile. “For coming today, and for… this. I-I really do appreciate it.” 
The words aren’t quite sincere, but he only nods – noting the miniscule sigh that escapes your lips at the action. “Of course. Anytime you need us, just call, okay.” He waits for you to nod before continuing, “Do as the Doc said, rest.”
You all but scamper from the car after saying another goodbye, though Shouta waits until you’ve disappeared into the crumbling apartment block before driving off.
Maybe the inside is nicer, but he sincerely doubts it.
“You should’ve seen it, ‘Zashi.” The two of them are curled up on the love-seat, half empty containers of takeout littering the coffee table in front of them. “I just can’t figure out why she’d be living somewhere like that.” 
The blonde frowns. He’d been messaging you throughout the afternoon, so he knew that the appointment had gone fine. It wasn’t that he expected to come home and find the erasure Hero jumping for joy, but the subtle discontent on Shouta’s face had been enough to make him pause. 
“You’re worried about our ‘lil songbird?” he asks, pushing away just enough so that he could turn to study his face. 
The short nod says plenty. Of course he is – even if you weren’t potentially carrying his child, you’re young, beautiful and far too innocent for your own good. In places like that, you were easy pickings, and you don’t even have a Quirk to protect yourself. His job requires him to assess his students’ strengths, their failings and weaknesses and their progress. He doesn’t need to see you in action to know that you wouldn’t be able to hold your own in a fight. 
It bothers him. 
“She’s not safe there.”
Hizashi hums, but instead of settling back against his husband’s side, he straightens up further. “Well, why don’t we go take a look-see, huh handsome? Make sure our sweet thing’s pad’s all safe ‘n sound, put your mind at ease. Whaddya say?”
As he stares into those imploring green eyes, Shouta knows that he should say no. 
Concerned or not, there’s still a line, privacy that should be respected. He’s tired and this is the only night that they both have off this week. Your place is almost twenty minutes from theirs, and it’s already late – almost midnight. The list goes on, there are a thousand reasons that he should say no.
“Fine. Just for tonight.”
Two weeks later, the two Heroes receive a call from the agency; the blood test came back positive – you’re pregnant. 
In the blink of an eye, at least to Shouta, this becomes startlingly real. You’re pregnant. They’re going to have a baby. Boy, girl, it doesn’t matter… You’re pregnant, and as his husband ends the call and yanks him by his collar into a fierce kiss, he realises how important this is.
How important you are, just by the virtue of carrying their baby.
They invite you over for dinner to celebrate, and while he’s never been one to flaunt the comfortable lifestyle he and Hizashi have, he does find it strangely pleasing to watch you wonder wide eyed through their apartment. He’d be the first to admit it’s big – bigger than they’d ever probably need, though with the baby on the way maybe they’ll finally be able to make use of all that extra space.
Mic grabs you by the hand, eagerly dragging you towards the nursery he’s already begun setting up. “Once I heard the good news, I just couldn’t wait to get started! Our little rockstar’s gonna have the sweetest crib, don’tcha think? Ain’t it amazing?” 
He’s already started painting and there’s a wooden cot halfway assembled and the beginnings of a musical mobile pushed off to the side waiting for him to return to it. It’s hardly close to being finished, but you just grin, gazing at the mural he’s started on the walls. “It’s amazing,” you say.
“I knew ya’d like it!” he beams.
Shouta hangs back as Hizashi guides you through the rest of the apartment, chattering excitedly away. He likes seeing his husband happy, and somehow you manage to bring it out of him without even trying. It’s still early days but Shouta has to admit that already you’re more to him and Hizashi than he expected, or even anticipated. You fit well with them, seamlessly, as if you’d always been a part of their lives.
After dinner, they drive you home despite your protests, and Hizashi insists they walk you up to your apartment. You’re no doubt under the impression that they’re doing it to be gentlemanly, missing the shared looks between the two men as they pass the out of order elevator and tread down hallways with stained carpet and peeling wallpaper, ignoring the leering yellow eyes of your neighbour, peeking out from the crack in the doorway as they bid you goodnight, ‘Zashi squeezing you extra tight.
There’s an uncharacteristic hardness in his husband’s eyes as they both slip back into the car, “No way in hell are we lettin’ her stay here.”
On that at least, there’s no arguments from him.
Hizashi, unsurprisingly, is the one to bring it up.
The three of you are grabbing a bite to eat after your first ultrasound. This time, both of them had been insistent on being there, and he’s glad they were. Seeing that grainy image of their baby, hearing it’s heartbeat – strong and steady – had filled him with an emotion he’d never felt before.
It was happiness and excitement and wonder and awe all mixed up and wrapped into a gut punch that stole his breath away, and while Hizashi had burst into a loud fit of tears, burying his face in Shouta’s neck while reaching for your hand, he’d managed to keep his own at bay.
Regardless, you have little choice but to indulge them when they drag you out to one of the blonde’s favourite restaurants – on the proviso that they had you home in time to get ready for work.
“Songbird, there’s something the two of us have been meanin’ to ask ya.”
You perk up a little, hastily swallowing down your mouthful of food so you can reply, “Oh?”
He wonders if you notice the way your hand already instinctively drifts to your stomach, your barely there baby bump. 
“Why’re ya livin’ in a place like that, sweetheart?” You freeze, the corners of your smile slipping, but Hizashi continues, “Ain’t the money from the agency enough? We know you’re working that other job as well… we just…”
Shouta can physically feel you tensing like a bunny caught in a trap, and he doesn’t know what possesses him to reach out, sliding a hand across the table as you pale, but you take it regardless. 
“Talk to us. Please,” he begs. “We just want to understand what’s going on. You have to realise that it’s not exactly a safe neighbourhood, and it’s not just you we have to worry about anymore.” Dark eyes flicker pointedly towards your stomach. 
It’s a dirty tactic, but that doesn’t mean it’s not the truth. Did you realise how much danger you were truly in? Not just from the common street thugs – though frankly he thinks it’s nothing short of a miracle that you’d managed to get this far unscathed – but any number of villains with a grudge against either one of them, or Heroes in general. If they found out a pretty, quirkless thing like you was carrying their baby, how long do you think it would take before they tracked you down and kicked through your door?
Your eyes flicker between the two of them, and you swallow shakily. “I-it’s…” you break off, taking a deep, steadying breath, “It’s all I can afford right now.”
“But, hun, what about–”
“I know,” you say. “The money for the surrogacy isn’t for me. It’s money I owe.”
Neither Hero speaks a word as you talk, telling them about your uncle, the man who raised you, how his business went under a few years back and you both lost almost everything.
Shouta isn’t surprised to find out that your uncle turned to loan sharks when the banks turned him away and threatened to take your house. Alarmed at the man’s blatant stupidity, yes, but not surprised. Your eyes start to water when you tell them about how he died a few months back – a hit and run –  and the visit you were paid only a week later, informing you that your uncle’s debts were now yours, and payment had better come through quick. 
Your hand’s trembling in his by the time you finish. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t have any options, I didn’t know how else to get the money, and they said that i-if I didn’t pay up, they-they’d–” a sob catches you unawares, and once again it’s Hizashi who’s out of his seat and at your side in a heartbeat, sliding into the booth beside you, pulling you into a one armed embrace. 
It’s his eyes that you meet, and Shouta understands. He doesn’t need you to explain what threats were made. You were scared, terrified probably, and you had every right to be. 
“I didn’t know what else to do,” you sniffle. “I’m sorry for lying to you.”
Really, he should be furious. Disappointed at the very least. 
“Move in with us,” he says instead, ignoring your sudden, startled intake of breath. “At least until the baby comes.”
He should be, but this works better.
It takes a little longer than he’d like to convince you, but the two of them wear you down and a few weeks later Shouta finds himself carting boxes of your things up into the spare room in their apartment.
Despite the fact that you’re pregnant with their baby, you’re terrified of being a burden to the two Heroes, but it’s because of the baby that you eventually relent.
They want to be close, involved. They want to know that you’re safe – and their apartment’s state of the art security system will make sure of that when they’re not home with you. They want to make sure that you’re not exerting yourself, that you’re eating the right things and not running yourself ragged at a job you don’t need, stressing yourself out needlessly and putting the baby at risk.
All of that’s true. 
It’s just not the entire reason. 
At first, he convinces himself that it’s for Hizashi, as well as his own peace of mind, but he’s starting to wonder if that’s the full truth of it. Because of course he wants to keep a close eye on the pregnancy – he knows that this can’t be easy on you. You have no family left, and if you have any friends then they’ve done an excellent job of keeping you at arm's length. 
You have nobody but them, and it does bring him some modicum of peace to know that you’re just down the hall if anything goes wrong. 
Hizashi adores having you there with them, having somebody else to cook for, somebody to come home to at the end of a long day. More than a few times, they’ve both returned from a night of patrolling to find you curled up on the couch, fast asleep with a blanket over your legs and a book slipping from your fingers, having tried, and failed, to wait up from them.
You tune into Mic’s radio show on the nights you can’t sleep, and on the odd mornings that you wake up before either of them, they come downstairs to find bacon sizzling away in the pan, a pot of coffee already brewing. There’s something oddly charming about the way you pout while you pour it for them, knowing you can’t have any yourself.
“You’re a special kind of masochist, ya know?” Hizashi teases, sidling up beside you to grab a cup.
You sigh dejectedly. “I must be,” you reply as he plants a kiss on your cheek and squeezes your side affectionately, but it’s impossible to miss the sparkle in your eyes. You’re happy here, with them. 
Shouta warns you from pushing yourself too much, but even he can notice the apartment’s tidier when they arrive home than when they left, the freshly baked goods sitting on the countertop that weren’t there yesterday.
“I just… I know I can’t pay you back for all of this, I just wanna make myself useful,” you tell him one night when he asks about it. “I still feel like I’m taking advantage of the both of you, staying here…”
“You’re carrying our baby, that’s enough,” he reminds you, his calm, steady voice brooking no disagreement. And yet, as dark eyes study your face, he can tell that it’s not enough for you, so he sighs, and in a quiet voice adds, “We like having you here.”
He likes having you there. Sitting at the dining room table, helping him grade papers, lounging around on their rare days off together – helping Mic set up the nursery, volunteering to go shopping with them for baby stuff. He’s lost count of how many pregnancy books you’ve bought, pouring over them with a fine tooth comb late at night – often falling asleep in the process, leaving him and Hizashi to carry you off to bed with a barely there kiss to your forehead.
You fit between them in a way he hadn’t quite expected. Not a burden, not an interloper, but as if there was always a place carved out for you with them, and it’s only now that they realise that there was something missing to begin with. 
It doesn’t quite click until he finds his thoughts drifting towards you at work, his fingers drumming along the top of his desk so he can stop himself from reaching for his phone. He’s not usually so distracted teaching, and as the hours drag he finds himself glancing towards the clock on the wall, counting down the hours, minutes, until the day is done and they can return home to you.
Shouta can’t pretend for much longer that there isn’t something oddly satisfying watching your belly grow and your breasts swell as your pregnancy goes on. You’re glowing, and soft and beautiful, and he could kid himself and say that it’s just the normal effects of pregnancy, but there’s some part of him that’s strangely proud when your shirt rides up and he catches a glimpse of your baby bump – knowing it’s his child you’re carrying. His and ‘Zashi’s and yours.
And oh, he wishes that it was only pride that burns through his veins at the sight of you, barefoot and pregnant, pottering around the apartment. Hizashi’s the one to hold back your hair and rub your back soothingly when your morning sickness hits, but it’s Shouta who takes care of you when you start complaining about aching muscles and joints.
He tells himself that it’s purely about comfort, namely yours, ignoring the way you flush and stutter when he drags you up the stairs and pushes you gently towards the bed, telling you to lie down on your side. 
It’s just a massage, yet the moment his fingers run along your soft skin and a breathy moan slips from parted lips, the very last vestiges of the facade he’d built up in his head crumble into dust. 
You’re perfection. Bared and beautiful beneath him, making the prettiest noises for him as he works away at your muscles, expertly releasing all of your tension. He’s glad that your eyes are shut and you’re lost to the bliss, you don’t notice the way his breath hitches and becomes rough and heavy, the way his cock twitches in his sweats, blood flowing south as you arc into his touch. 
Such a responsive little thing, aren’t you?
“You’re amazing,” you moan, and though you can’t see that either, Shouta smirks. “Please never stop.”
It’s a good thing he has restraint, because it’s taking absolutely all of his to stop himself from taking more. 
He wants all of you. 
Wants to tease and taste.
Wants to hear those pretty fucking moans take the shape of his name… Hizashi’s name.
And maybe he might have felt guilty for those perverse thoughts, for the way he wants to tear the rest of your clothes off and fuck you nice and proper, breed you–
If his husband hadn't been standing by the door, watching the two of you for the last ten minutes. Shouta doesn’t need to look to know that it’s not anger or jealousy burning in his gaze.
He knows that his husband’s far from disgusted, knows it from the way Hizashi grabs his wrist on his way back down the hallway, pulling him instead to their bedroom and shoving him back onto the mattress with a wicked grin.
There’s something positively feral in the blonde’s expression as he hovers over him, forcing Shouta back down with a hand splayed across his chest, the other reaching down to his sweats to free his aching, needy cock.
“You’ve been holding out on me, baby,” he sings.
They have time.
Your due date is still months away, and you’re comfortable, here with them. 
There’s no reason for you to consider leaving until the baby’s born, and Shouta is adamant about keeping it that way. Hizashi can huff and puff and moan all he likes, he knows that they have to take this thing with you slowly. He won’t risk spooking you and losing any chance they have.
That’s not to say that he doesn’t empathise with the blonde, what with all the affectionate hugs and touches you thoughtlessly bestow, the way you’ll plonk yourself down on the couch between them so they can feel when the baby’s kicking.
Hizashi’s gotten to the stage where he’ll drop to his knees to shower your stomach in kisses when he gets home of an evening before sweeping you up into a hug of your own, his face a mask of perfect innocence when he catches sight of his husband’s less than impressed expression over your shoulder. 
Having you here with them, this little temporary faux family dynamic the three of you have found yourselves in is easy, domestic and nice. It should be enough, but it’s not.
“It’ll be weird, going home after this,” you hum absentmindedly one night.
Preoccupied with the noodles you’re toying with in your bowl, you miss the sharp look shared between both men.
“Whaddya mean, sweetheart?”
If you notice the odd stiffness to the words, you pay it no mind, simply shrugging. “I mean once the baby’s born. I dunno, I think I’ve become too comfortable here freeloading off of the two of you…” you glance up, smiling a little. “Going back to work and finding a place on my own again, starting fresh, it’ll be different, that’s all. Not bad different,” you hasten to clarify at the blonde’s nearly stricken face, “just… different.”
“Well it’s not like we’re gonna be forcing ya out, hun! You’re always welcome to jam with us for as long as you want.”
You shake your head with a rueful little laugh, “We both know I can’t do that. You’ll have the baby to worry about and the last thing I want is to feel like some awkward interloper, always getting in the way – especially after everything you guys have done for me.”
Hizashi’s fingers dig into the meat of his thigh, tightening with every word out of your mouth.
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “I’m not saying I’m never going to come around to hang out or anything, but once this baby comes I’m gonna have to figure out what I’m going to do with my life.” Your eyes meet his, wide and hopeful, and Shouta’s reminded once again of just how young you really are. “I can go anywhere, do anything. It’s kind of exciting, don't you think?”
It was a mistake, to think that you’d come around to them on your own. 
You were young and naive, still living out a rose tinted fantasy where the world was your oyster and all you needed to do was reach out and take it. And maybe he’s partially to blame for that, taking your problems and getting rid of them, making you feel safe and comfortable, not realising that that security didn’t extend outside of these four walls, outside of their protection.
They need you, but kitten did you ever stop to think that you need them, too? 
Shouta had made the mistake of forgetting how this all came to be – you hadn’t wanted a family, you were just trying to save your own skin. You still think that you can make it on your own, without them. 
He supposes he shouldn’t blame you for your misplaced idealism, it’s only natural after all. Some people just don’t know what’s best for them.
They need to be shown.
You don’t stir as your bedroom door swings open. 
Not as Hizashi pulls back your sheets, groaning softly at the sight of your swollen breasts and precious baby bump, stretching against the confines of your silk pajamas. “Ain’t she a fuckin’ dream, Shou?”
Not as the blonde busies himself in carefully sliding your sleep shorts down your legs, or even as Aizawa gathers up your wrists, pressing a kiss to each one, and binds them to the headboard with his capture weapon.
“Gentle, ‘Zashi,” he murmurs when the blonde crawls up on the bed beside you. “Nothing too rough.”
You wake as long fingers caress your cheek, tilting your face towards him so he can kiss you properly.
Shouta hadn’t bothered to turn on the lights, but bathed under the soft glow of moonlight from your window, he watches your eyes flutter open, the momentary confusion that flashes across your face followed by realisation, horror, as you try to jerk back and cry out–
Only Hizashi doesn’t give you the opportunity, winding his hand through your tresses and anchoring you against him, forcing your lips open so that he can deepen the kiss and groaning appreciatively when a terrified whimper escapes you. 
You still haven’t noticed Shouta kneeling on the bed between your legs, too preoccupied by Hizashi’s tongue sliding against yours. “Relax, kitten,” he says, laying his palm on your thigh, letting his thumb glide over the smooth skin.
“Let us take care of our cute ‘lil baby mama, yeah songbird?” Hizashi adds, breaking away from the kiss with a lovesick grin.
Tonight is solely about you. Your pleasure, whether they have to tease it from you willingly or not.
Your tears are kissed away, your broken little pleas swallowed under ‘Zashi’s greedy lips as Shouta shuffles down the bed, nudging your thighs further apart so he can lie between them.
The keening cry that leaves you at the first stroke of his tongue against your warm sex is a thing of beauty.
Blood rushes to his cock as you writhe, and he tightens his grip as much as he dares to keep you locked in place as he delves in again. There’s little finesse to the way that Shouta eats your pussy – it’s a simple study of reactions; the way you gasp and shudder when the tip of his tongue circles your clit, the way your pussy clench and quiver around the muscle when he eases it inside of you, massaging your spongy walls.
Never one to be left out, Hizashi decides that there’s a better use of his attention than just your lips. With your arms bound, he’s not able to take your top off entirely so he settles with yanking it down, freeing your breasts.
“Fuck baby, you’re so pretty. Look atcha!”
Your tits must be tender and aching, because the moment Hizashi’s mouth envelops one of your nipples, sucking at the pert nub, a fresh sob bursts from your lungs and you’re trying desperately to wriggle away.
Hizashi just frowns, breaking away for a second to brush a stray lock of hair back behind your ear, “Ah shit, sorry babe! I’ll be gentle, promise.”
Shouta’s far too preoccupied by the intoxicating taste of your sweet cunt to notice whether he actually does or not, but he trusts him not to push you too far. There’ll be plenty of time for that later.
Your baby bump is cute and all, but Shouta wishes that it wasn’t blocking his view of your face – he wants to watch every little expression as he slides two thick fingers into your dripping cunt and your hips buck up to meet him. It’s a twisted kind of pride he feels, pride fused with filthy, maddening pleasure as he pulls a string of choked moans from you with just a few shallow thrusts of his fingers.
His jaw’s slicked with your juices, your cunt sucking his fingers deeper when he turns his attention back to your poor, neglected clit. He can tell that you’re close, not just from the needy whimpers and the way your muscles are tensing beneath him, but the desperate canting of your hips, rocking up against his face even as you beg for relief.
“Shouta, Shouta, please– oh god, please stop, p-please!”
He longs to wrap a fist around his throbbing cock, desperate to help relieve the burning ache deep in his gut as you cum for the first time on his tongue. Or better yet, maybe have Hizashi wrap that perfect mouth of his around his cock and suck him off–
But now’s not the time for him to be greedy. 
Rough fingertips prod at your walls, searching for that hidden little spot that’s gonna make you go wild–
You almost convulse when he finds it, and Shouta can’t help but smirk against your cunt as you tighten and quiver around his digits. With Hizashi playing with your tits, pressing hot, open mouthed kisses along your neck, Shouta’s lips wrapped around your clit, tongue flicking at the sensitive pearl as he suckles on it and long, thick fingers driving you to madness with each and every stroke, it’s too much for your poor, pregnant, oversensitive body to handle.
You cum with a strangled shriek, and Shouta almost moans at the flood of juices that gush from your trembling cunt onto his waiting tongue. 
“How’s she taste, baby?” Hizashi asks, green eyes blown wide, his own erection straining against his leather pants. 
Shouta doesn’t waste a beat, pushing himself up with one arm and grabbing his husband’s wrist with the other, yanking him into a fierce kiss – letting him taste your honeyed juices on his tongue.
Fingers tangle in dark locks, tugging him closer, and ‘Zashi lets out a low, throaty groan. It’s rough and eager, a slow burning frenzy that makes the blood in his veins sing with excitement. With their lips still locked, the blonde hastily yanks at the zipper on his pants, freeing the painfully hard member with a tight hiss. 
But when he finally does break for air, it’s not Shouta that he addresses, but you, lying spent, crying and breathless between them, beautiful in your fucked out state.
“You can’t expect to put on a show like that and not get me all worked up, sweet thing,” he coos, taking his flushed, throbbing cock in hand and giving it a few slow, cursory pumps. “I’m gonna fuck ya so good, baby – have you singin’ like a little birdie for me,” his eyes meet Shouta’s, a wicked smirk tugging at his lips. “Nothin’ but the best for our cute ‘lil wife. Whaddya say, songbird? Lemme make you feel all nice and special, yeah?”
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Okay this may sound like an oddly detailed request but can you do a Laszlo x reader where Laszlo has been courting the reader for a while and has never met her father, because her father is dead or abandoned her at a young age or something like that and she never told Laszlo, but Laszlo is instant on meeting him for some reason or something like that?
Sorry if thats a weird request
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Unofficial Meeting [Dr Laszlo Kreizler x Fem!Reader]
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: a bit angsty, mention of old fashioned ideas
Author’s note: I hope you will like it and I respected your wishes <3
The voice of your chamber maid called you distracting you from answering some correspondence.
She smiled so widely as a bouquet of white roses and peonies was presented in front of you. She giggled as she was just so happy for you. You have been courted by Dr Laszlo Kreizler for some time now, but he never missed to send you flowers on a Saturday morning, it was his ritual since you two became serious.
"Those are so beautiful, miss"
She said excitedly before leaving you to read the note, she was probably living the romance through you which was quite weird but cute to witness.
You opened the card, Laszlo usually was a brief but intense poet, but this time the message was clear. Can I tempt you with a lunch at Delmonico's?
You frowned lightly before looking out of your window, his dark clothing making him strikingly visible in the greenery of the park in front of your house, he raised his hat for you and smiled.
Damn him and his top level courting.
You put your letters away and got ready spraying some perfume on you before going out, your maid helping you with your coat and hat.
When you stepped out of the front Door Laszlo was waiting in front of your gate.
"You could have called"
He smirked at you "it wouldn't have been a surprise" he concluded simply.
You smirked as it was true and you have also learned to admire the extent of Laszlo'd courtship. He was attentive and respectful, he knew when to trace a line to forbid any kind of bad talks. He was already famous for being a maverick and he didn't want to put that stigma on you too.
You obliged him as you walked your way together to the restaurant, he never failed to ask you about your day and your plans. he was very attentive and you reserved him the same tenderness asking him about his patients or latest articles.
Once you arrived at the restaurant you were brought to one of the best tables, Laszlo taking upon himself the honour to move your chair back behind you and then back toward you for you to sit comfortably.
"Thank you Laszlo"
He smiled proudly taking it as a compliment, but he looked rather stiff and tense for his usual mannerism toward you.
Once you ordered your meal he toyed with his glass of wine a bit attracting inevitably your attention.
"What is wrong?"
He looked at you surprised by your question, but he smiled because you sort of alleviated him from the weight of beginning what he wanted to ask.
"I was just wondering when I will be able to meet your father" he said just as directly as your question was "I met your grandmother and your uncles and aunts, I am missing somebody"
He said it quite easily as your mother had left this earth early for the standard and you regret she won't be able to see what an amazing man you met.
"You don't need to meet him"
He stared at you puzzled, what really concerned him wasn't your refusal, but more the hardness you showed into expressing it.
"I think I do"
You glared at him, your conversation briefly interrupted by the waiters landing the plates in front of the two of you.
He thanked them before looking back at you, your stern look still there.
You had discussions before but never of this size and also as much as he tried before to hint the theme of your father he wasn't acknowledged at all.
He also noticed how the rest of your family followed that same guideline, acting like they found you under a tree.
"I think it is something I have to do sooner or later"
You glared at him again.
"Stop it"
It was hard for him to stop. He was already launched on the theme and he was worse than a wild animal when he got fixated over a theme in particular.
You pushed some common ground theme while you ate. Like John or Sara's agency or other mundane things, but you hated to see the intensity in his look.
That question over and over into his mind.
You never hated to be with him as much as you did now.
You declined the offer of a dessert pretty quickly just wanting to go away.
Laszlo obliged and lead you back outside escorting you to your place.
"I don't mean to be invasive.."
"But you're" you confirmed to him "thank you for the lunch, I can walk myself home on my own”
You left him there moving after your house's gate.
He stood there biting the inside of his cheek nervously.
You didn't contact him any further on that day or the ones that followed, to be honest you avoided him and his flowers and attentions. You even stayed at home instead of attending places you were supposed to be, but where he also might find you.
Until your grandmother called you and you furiously ordered your maid to call the doctor and make him come at your place.
He arrived quicker than you expected. He was worried something happened, maybe you were ill and nobody told him.
When your maid showed him the way to your study and closed the door behind him he tried immediately to politely ask you about your state but your eyes burned holes like bullets in him.
“How dare you?” You growled at him. He stood still in front of you, his back straight even if you didn’t fail to notice the frown on his forehead.
“How dare you to call my grandmother? To ask her something I specifically told you I don’t want to share or talk or even mention? What is s hard about it? What makes you rightful to come bashing into my life asking for answers? “Y/N”
“No, no Y/N, you doctor, should learn to put a line between when you’re an alienist and when you’re a decent human being” you were being extra hard on him, but just earring your grandmother worried voice was enough to make you snap his neck.
He took your rage like a champion, even if he clearly was suffering it.
“Why is so important Laszlo? Why to see your mind at ease? It is just a man, somebody that doesn’t belong to my life, why you have to push it? Why you always have to push it?” “I just hoped..” “Hoped what? Hoped that a man that abandoned a pregnant woman while courting her was worth my time and thoughts? That I need to share my own life with somebody that wasn’t there? That never asked to meet me, or even see the woman he swore to every wind that he loved? That put my mother in the position of being considered a whore? How my grandma had to pretend I was hers to try give my mother a good shot at life?”
All those truths hit Laszlo like a bag of bricks, he was overwhelmed and saddened. Those situations were the ugliest in those times. Women always paying off the debts of the lust of men. The simple promise of a marriage just to gain something that could be tasted forever with a little more of wait. Just the human need to break a rule, just one, that revolutionary feeling that only losers at heart have. Because nobody makes a revolution over the expenses of a loved one.
“I had no idea” he concluded
“I hope you are satisfied now, your scientific mind has now all the puzzle pieces, now leave and let my family alone”
You could see his shoulders fall as you said that to him, his face paling in fear and sadness. He pressed his lips tight against each other, his jaw hurting as he didn’t know if at this point was really worth it to explain why he insisted so much. He ruined it, he tried to treat you with the white gloves and instead he hurt you even more.
“I apologise” he said staring at you, you letting him speak for the first time “I never meant to put you in such a position, I really just meant to be close to your family and I couldn’t see the fault in my own desires”
He admitted it but you didn’t wince, he crossed the line, he went too far and he needed to learn to respect the limits of others, not everyone needed to be under his care.
“I said you may leave”
He looked out of your window searching for words. Your anger was waving down as he looked so upset, and he should be.
“I am also a victim of our society in my own means, even if my behaviour is not excusable in any way, I stupidly fixated on the idea of doing things right with you and some things… Well, they teach us boys some things have to be asked to a father first”
You looked at him with a frown, you shook lightly your head as you didn’t understand his point and you were five seconds away from throwing him the vase with the latest flowers he sent you when you looked at him pul out a little velvet box from his inner pocket.
“The times are modern now, it was silly of me to try move past you like that” he leaned the box on your desk. He nodded at you respectfully leaving. You were left alone with that little box, you stared at it for a moment before moving closer to it.
You looked out of the window as you heard the gates closing and you watched Laszlo’s figure walk away.
Your eyes darted from his back to the box in front of you slowly opening it to find the ring of the dreams of any girl.
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief@thesunflowersutra @zemomybeloved @fictionlandslanddreams @charistory @greeneyedblondie44 @apparrio @hb8301 @whatawildone @rhymerhymerhyme  @thehuiabird @lilith-blackrose @unbeatablecurlgirl @obsidianlaszlo @alindeluce @zemosimp05 @baronesszemo-blackwood @nocapesdahling
Let me know if you want to get tagged to my publications too <3
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all three heartbeats
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bakugou katsuki / f.reader
genre: married au (husband/wife), angst, hurt/comfort?, fluff, katsuki being a sap in lowercase
synposis: katsuki works full time as a prohero, but his time working to ensure the publics safety kept him busy- far too busy at times.  he seeks comfort in you and his newborn little girl because the both of you keep him grounded and keep him fighting. he just wishes he could find a way to feel like a better father and husband. 
w.count: 3.6k
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a/n: hi hello i aint never written for bnha before and i thought i would never write anime fics again but here we are years after (it has been actual years, someone save me LOL). what better way than to start back out with blasty amiright? 
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It was one of those nights.  Katsuki had just walked into his home at an ungodly hour and as he shut the door behind him, he leaned his back against it, He flicked all three locks of the front door shut and dropped his duffle bag at his feet before he tipped his head back to rest on the wood.  He closed his eyes, sighing as he had the urge to just sink to the floor of the entryway landing and power nap. 
Lord knows when his phone would buzz or ring again- his seemingly never ending work calling him to clock in again. It seemed like recently he never clocked out of his job- always working, patrolling, fighting petty villains trying to commit petty crimes and occasionally stopping more dangerous situations that kept him on edge and busy for hours to days on end.  
The duffle he dropped at his feet was full with his gear and his hero suit that was in desperate need of washing and minor repairs- things that if he even muttered to himself about, you would happily offer your aid. 
His closed eyes opened and his chin dropped back down, the back of his head coming off the door as he pushed the rest of his body off it as well.  He heeled off his shoes and ruffled his hair as he finally walked into his home, leaving his duffle at the door as he made his way to the bathroom.  
In all honesty, Katsuki wanted to go immediately to the room he shared with you where he knew you were asleep. He desperately needed a shower though, and he wasn’t planning on crawling into bed to hold you smelling like sweat, smoke and hero work.  
You told him before you didn’t mind his post-work scent, in fact you told him it was charming in it’s own way since it was proof that Pro Hero: Dynamight worked harder than anyone else to one day be the No.1 Hero he’d been dreaming of his entire life. 
Katsuki never told you, but he’d think about that almost everyday and it always made him smile when he did. 
The shower he took was brisk and quick because all he wanted to do was go to bed.  He couldn’t remember the last time he wasn’t just taking power naps on the couch at the agency. He couldn’t remember the last time he got to go to sleep in his own bed. Katsuki couldn’t remember the last time he got to hold you and it was starting to really piss him off.  
Since graduating UA, getting engaged, married and then having a child with you, is tempter had considerably settled.  He wasn’t entirely tame by any means, he was still a quick fire with insults, refused to use people’s names and stuck to stupid nicknames he thought of, cursed like a sailor and exploded when something mildly frustrating ticked him off- but he wasn’t like he was before.  
When Katsuki can stand to be in the same room as Todoroki and Midoriya and not blow a giant fuse within the first sentence exchange, anyone would call that progress.  
It was no shock that you were a large factor in his settled image- he had to start leaning self control and how to manager his attitude.  The one extremely rocky point in your relationship with Katsuki back when you both were third years and you threatened to leave him if he didn’t shape up made him change.  It wasn’t easy, but the arguments and fights you both had back then serve as a reminder of how far he had come according to you. 
When Katsuki stepped out of the bathroom, he sighed- feeling refreshed- as he walked to the bedroom with a towel around his waist and another over his head drying his hair.  It was way too late to be running the hairdryer, he’d risk waking up his child that he knew was otherwise dead to the world in their crib.
Twisting the doorknob as quietly as he could, Katsuki stepped into the bedroom and his eyes immediately looked to the bed, seeing your body’s shape beneath the comforter of the giant, Alaskan king bed you insisted you absolutely needed.  
He felt his lips twitch as he left the door cracked to let in a small amount of light from the hall without stirring you.  He went to his dresser and snatched a pair of shorts and a tank top and threw them on before he left the room as quietly as he had come in. 
Katsuki went back to the front door and picked up his duffle bag, moving it into the living room and setting it on the couch to fiddle with it in the morning. He grabbed his phone from the side pouch of the duffle and began to shut the lights off and retreated back down the hall.  
Before he went back to the room you slept in to join you, he stopped first in the room that was directly across the hall from his and yours and as quiet as a mouse crept in.  
The nursey was painted in a pale yellow with sunflowers painted on the walls (curtesy of the bakusquad who insisted they were in charge of nursery decorations). Against the wall was a shelved cubby for toys and items for the baby and beside that was a changing table.  Across the room was a tall dresser filled with way too many baby onesies and outfits for the future. 
Katsuki walked to the white, wooden crib at the back of the room as the room itself was glowing in the soft, blue light of the baby’s nightlight.  He leaned over the crib side and looked down to see his child sleeping just as quiet as can be.  
He smiled as he reached down and stroked her chubby cheeks with the back of his knuckles.  She was warm and soft. 
“Hey there, Girlie,” he whispered, barely audible. Just watching his little girl sleep so soundly made his chest warm. God, he loved her so much.  He frowned as he thought about how tough it might be on you while he’s away looking after her by yourself.  She was barely a few months old and he hasn’t even had a weekend with you two yet.  
Katsuki bit his lip to keep from letting the disappointment he felt in himself slip out in the form of growls. 
He stuck around in the nursey for a few more minutes, just petting and admiring his child before he snuck back out and finally, finally went back to his room and as carefully as possible slid into bed.  
You slept in the center of the bed that could easily fit four sleeping bodies, and Katsuki shuffled in further towards you before he was right behind you.  He stared at your back in the dark room, his eyes adjusting more and more as the minutes pass.  
Katsuki lightly grabbed your shoulder before he was pulling you to your back and then reaching over you to lay on your chest.  On an ordinary day, Katsuki would be happy just holding you, but he felt especially worn out and drained. So, for once, even if you were sleeping, he just wanted to be held instead. 
His cheek pushed into your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat beneath his ear. His right arm stretched over your shoulder to rest by your head and his left stayed beside his own body, his right leg hiked over your waist to be as close to you as he could get. 
He felt his eyes roll before he shut them, finally feeling comfortable and warm and safe for the first time in days.  He was finally breathing easy and all he wanted to do was stay here, in your arms, for the rest of his life. 
As he started to finally doze off, his eyes fluttered open at the feeling of something carding through his hair. 
He heard you take a deep breath before you were shifting just a bit to curl around him more and he felt your chin push against the top of his head. 
“Go back to sleep,” he muttered, feeling your sleepy gaze on the top of his head.  The small, sleepy chuckle that left your chest hummed against his cheek. 
“Welcome home,” you whispered, sleep laced heavily in your voice as he felt your lips push against his scalp.  “How was work?” You ask so innocently, but the question only made Katsuki burrow his face into your chest further. He doesn’t answer you, so you prompt him further. “Katsuki?” 
“Don’t wanna talk about it,” he muttered, lifting his face just enough to speak clearly then pushing it back down again.  
You say nothing at that and instead return to just carding your fingers through his semi-damp hair as you bask in each other and the silence of the house.  You glance over to the alarm clock, seeing the time 4:03 am in orange, glowing numbers. 
You feel like you have loads you want to talk about with Katsuki, things you want to share with him that had happened and things you want to have him tell you that’s happened, but it’s too quiet and too peaceful to bring them up.  They’d have to wait. 
“’m sorry,” he suddenly spoke from where he lay on your chest.  Your fingers stop their mindless fiddling in his hair and he grips onto you tighter. 
“What for?” 
“Not being here.” 
You felt your heart crack at the tone of his voice.  He’s always been more open and mushy around you- as much as he denies it and he only get’s more open and more mushy when he was sleep deprived and just plain exhausted.  
“I’m always working, always gone, always away doing fuck-knows-what out there and not here.  I’m not home and that’s gotta really fucking suck.”  He’s silent for a moment but you dare not speak. You feel like he’s been holding a lot in recently and if he’s choosing now to let it all out, you would silently encourage him to do that.  
“I mean-” he scoffs at himself, “we’re married for fucks sake.  We have a baby and I’m basically leaving you home alone day after day to raise her by yourself.” 
“What?” Your shocked to think that’s how he feels.  “Katsuki, that’s not-”
“It feels true,” he whimpers. “I feel like if I keep doing this, keep leaving you and Misuzu alone,” his voice cracks at the sound of his daughter’s name leaving his lips, “then you’ll both just disappear and I won’t even have the balls to go after you two.” You think you feel something wet seep through your sleep shirt, but you don’t say a thing about it.  “I don’t feel like a husband and I don’t feel like a father. How can I feel like a hero if I can’t even spare the time to be with my god damn family?” 
“Well,” you start.  In truth, all you want to do is console him, but for all you know that could make him feel worse. You had to figure out what he wanted first. “What do you want to do then?” 
He took a deep breath before he let it out again. 
“I think I’m going to take some time off,” he concluded.  It had been on his mind recently and now was as good a time as any.  He just wanted to be home. “Maybe a week or two.” 
“If that’s what you really want to do, then I think that’s a great idea. Just don’t forget to tell Eijirou or else he’ll blow a fuse if he just think’s your late because the great Dynamight is always punctual.” 
You got a hearty puff of air and smile out of him for that little line.  it was no shock that when all came down to it, Kirishima Eijirou and Bakugou Katsuki ended up working in the same agency. 
“I’ll just text the bastard.” 
“You need to tell the agency too, you dolt,” you lightly whacked him on the bed as he groaned.  Getting time off wasn’t going to be hard for him considering the god awful hours he’s been forced into the past however long.  Just going into the office to get that time off is annoying and a process he wish he could get someone else do to for him. “Just head out in the morning and let both your partner and your agency know. It won’t be so bad.” 
“Whatever,” he huffed.  “Just, go back to sleep.” 
You glanced back at the clock to see that only about half and hour had passed.  You sighed as you closed your eyes happily ready to return to sleep before Misuzu woke up. 
You swore Katsuki was out before you. 
You woke up three hours later, just after 7 am to the sounds of your daughter’s crying from her nursey. When you opened your eyes and sat up, your husband was no where to be seen.  
You frowned, knowing that he was awake somewhere and he had only slept a few hours. Shaking your head, you got up and went to Misuzu’s room to get her from her crib and bring her into your arms.  
You shushed the infant in your arms as you left the nursey and walked around the house.  Katsuki was no where to be found and his everyday shoes were gone from the shoe rack next to the door.  He must’ve went out already. 
Not thinking much of it, you moved to the kitchen to grab one of Mizusu’s bottles from the fridge.  One plus of pumping was getting bottles for the future- but that was one of the only pros among a number of cons.  
With Misuzu being still so young, she didn’t do much beside nursing, napping and diaper calls.  She would coo and whine and clutch onto your fingers and clothes and hair, but her energy was never prolonged.  
After nursing, burping and playing with her she was yawning again. You left to place her back in her crib in her room as you let he sleep a little while longer. Flipping on the baby monitor, you left the room and went to the kitchen.  Your daughter had breakfast, it was only fair that you got something to eat too. 
As you scrambled the last eggs in your fridge, enough for Katsuki just in case you saw him this morning, you heard the front door open and shut again.  You smiled as you heard footsteps come treading into the kitchen and you looked over your shoulder to see your husband.  
You smiled at him as he rubbed the back of his head. Dressed in jeans that tore just slightly in the thighs and a t-shirt, Wwhen he saw you, he immediately started going towards you. 
“Good morning,” you told him as he was at your side looking over your shoulder. “Welcome home.” 
“Mmn,” he hummed at you. 
“Where’d you go so early in the morning?” 
“You should’ve slept in a little bit more.  You didn’t sleep long.”  
“I didn’t want to wait any more to just be able to stay home.” 
You smiled at his answer.  You brought one hand up to pat his cheek as he leaned into your touch.  
“Why don’t you go get comfortable if you’re staying home then?” 
He hummed at you again, nodding before he kissed your shoulder and sauntered back into your shared room. He took his time getting changed and getting into more homey clothes, because when he came back into the kitchen you were placing your food on plates for the both of you. 
This time, when he came to you, instead of standing beside you, he latched onto you from behind as he buried his face into your neck.  You could tell from the feeling of his eyelashes tickling your skin that he was still tired. You had half a mind to tell him to just go back to bed and he could really wake up and eat later. 
The way he tightened his grip on your waist and started to sway ever so gently back and forth in the kitchen made you stay silent though.  It was a serene moment between you two and you just closed your eyes and basked in it.  It had been so long since you just got to bask in him and him in you. 
“You hungry?” You asked as softly as you could muster. He nodded but made no effort to try and move away from you.  “Do you expect to eat with your face hidden?” You teased. 
“Just a little longer,” he muffled, his breath making your skin rise with gooseflesh as it tickled.  
Half and hour later, you were taking his plate from him as he cleaned it of food and went to put them in the sink.  He jumped from his chair at the table before he was gently moving you away from the metal hole in the counter where you were about to wash the dishes you had dirtied this morning. 
“I’ll wash them,” he insisted. 
“I don’t mind doing it.” 
“Don’t be so damned stubborn.  You cooked, so it’s fair.” 
You shrugged as you relented. “If you really insist. Thank you, Katsuki.” You placed a small, short kiss on his cheek before you moved back to the table to sit.  
As he cleaned up the dishes, you sat at the table and fiddled with your phone, scrolling through apps to see what you missed and then flicking occasionally to watch Katsuki’s back.  
“I feel you fuckin’ staring,” he spoke as he shut the water off, shaking his hands before he dried them on a towel.  The dishes all sat in a plastic draining rack as he turned around and leaned against the counter.  You placed your chin in your palm as you laughed at him. 
“Yeah? Got a problem with it?” 
“Not necessarily.” 
You both jumped when a small whine was heard over the speaker of the baby monitor you had sitting on the center of the table.  You pushed your chair out, but before you could even stand up, Katsuki was up and down the hall to check on Misuzu. 
When you made it to her door, he had already lifted her out of her crib.  She had reached up and snagged a tiny handful of her father’s hair as he hissed. 
“Listen you little brat, just because your my baby doesn’t mean you can yank on my hair.” Her small fist only yanked down on his hair more as if to say ‘I can and will’.  You chuckled as you walked into the nursey and started to detangle her hand from his blond hair.  
Katsuki watched as her fingers released his hair and instead wrapped around your finger as you bounced it slightly. Her tiny arm moved in tandem with your finger bounces. 
“Hey,” your soft voice calling him suddenly brought him out of his own mind. You gently pulled Misuzu’s fingers off you as you pushed your palm against Katsuki’s cheek. “Why are you crying?” 
Was he? God, he hated crying- especially in front of you.  He clicked his tongue, whipping his head to face away from you as he used one of his hands to quickly swipe under his eyes. 
“I’m not.” 
You smiled at him, holding back a laugh as you pushed your husband into the living room to let Misuzu play on the floor.  Katsuki sat on the living room floor cross legged as you watched him play with her as she lay on her back.  
Occasionally he would glance at the time and remind you to pump, as if your tender chest wasn’t a constant reminder anyway.  You always just nodded and told him you would when you needed to. 
The three of you spent the morning in the living room until the infant began to yawn back to back and rub at her eyes clumsily.  You let Katsuki put her down for her nap in the afternoon since he never really had the opportunity to.  Through the baby monitor you could hear him mutter and coo at her to go to sleep. 
When she was down, Katsuki came back into the living room and sat himself beside you on the couch.  He sighed, throwing his head back against the couch and closing his eyes, obviously ready for a nap himself.  
“Why not try and sleep while she’s down?” You had planned on getting him to rest while you start to go through the duffle bag you had relocated to the corner of the room a while ago to see what all he needed done with his hero equipment.  
He opened one of his eyes, seeing you eyeing towards his bag and he frowned.  He shifted his body, snatched your waist and threw himself back to lay on the cushions, you following in tow to lay on top of him. 
“Katsuki!” You scolded in a hushed tone as to not wake up your daughter who just went to sleep.  
“I’ll nap here and you will too. No objections.” He brought one of his hands up to start stroking your head. “Just let me take care of my god damn wife for once.” You just shook your head and pushed your cheek further against his chest to get comfortable.  When he says it like that, you can’t really bring yourself to oppose him.  
“Hey,” you whispered. You felt him hum in response to you. “I love you.” 
His legs shifted and his arms wrapped around you tighter, getting more comfortable. He let out a deep, comfortable breath as you felt him push his cheek into the top of your head. 
“‘Fuckin’ love you too.” 
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They were fighting.
In the DEO.
“Moms fighting again?” Nia casually leans on the desk next to Brainy, who is currently hunched over some screen. 
“It appears so,” He answers, not really paying attention. In the distance you can hear yelling and the tell-tale woosh of a cape. 
Nia had removed her comms the moment Supergirl spotted Lena Luthor on the field. She’s pretty sure half of the agents did the same. They all knew what was coming. 
And well, if the approaching bickering were any indication... 
“I had it covered!”
“Yes, because an on-coming missile with your name on it was you having it covered, clearly.”
“I saved ten lives today, Supergirl. Jealous you only saved three?”
“It isn’t about that and you know it.”
Nia sees Alex stride in, obviously going in for an attempt to pacify Supergirl. 
And also because it was partly Alex’s idea to send Lena with the Alpha team, in her defense Lena was the only person she could trust enough not to tamper with the device.
“Come on, Supergirl, Lena is more than capable in the field and she volunteered. She saved the day, you kno—”
“Butt out of this, Alex.” Supergirl grits out, too busy staring Lena down to even spare her sister a glance. 
“Sorry?” Alex scoffs, shocked at how easy she was brushed aside. She was tempted to pull rank and use the ‘I’m the Director, here.’ card, if she was being honest.
“No, Alex is right,” Lena points out, “I did save the day. Time for you to acknowledge that the both of us are just as capable as the other. And if saving the day means getting in the line of fire, then so be it.”
“This isn’t about you being incapable-”
“Then tell me what exactly is it about?”
Supergirl licks her lips, swallows and Lena braces herself for another retort but instead she fixes her with a stare that only Supergirl reserves for the bad guys and coolly states, “You are not to go out in the field and that’s final.”
She turns to walk out but Lena’s temper just skyrocketed tenfold. 
“Wow. You did not just say that to my face.” There was something in the way that Lena Luthor’s voice dropped that made Supergirl turn around. DEO agents are openly watching on now, not even bothering at subtlety anymore. The two women fighting in front of the whole agency certainly haven’t tried subtle at all. 
“Let’s make something clear here, Supergirl,” Lena fumed,  “This is my life and I get to call the shots. You don’t get a say in what I decide to do or not to do. Who the hell do you think you are?”
“I don’t have a say? Rao, sorry my mistake! Forgive me for thinking that my sharing a last name with you means a cent to you as much as it does to me. You’re right, who the hell am I anyway? Sorry for wanting to keep you alive.”
Supergirl is breathing heavily two inches away from Lena’s face. Heat and anger rolling off the both of them in waves. They’re in a world of their own now. A world in which Lena is having trouble deciding on whether she should scream some more or pull Supergirl’s lips into her own. 
“Im sorry- Last name?” 
The voice wakes them to reality. A reality that makes both of them sober up and realize they’re in the middle of a very exposed DEO headquarters; makes them aware of the collective gasp that has just happened. 
Supergirl backs away. 
“Please, fucking tell me that I heard you wrong. Or I swear to God-”
Alex heads straight for Supergirl and Lena quickly realizes the implications of what Supergirl had just said. She essentially confirmed to the entire place that they’re— 
“Alex, I can—”
“Yes or no, are you or are you not married?”
So, this is how Alex Danvers makes criminals confess. Lena had never seen Supergirl cower before, but by the looks of it, if Lena had been the one in the hero’s boots she’d also be shaking. 
Oh, no. 
“Alex, listen,” Lena starts and Supergirl looks at her—no, not Supergirl, Kara—Kara looks at her and Lena sends her a reassuring gaze that screams, ‘I’m with you.’
In that instant it must’ve looked like a switch had been flipped. From Lena attacking Kara to Lena defending Kara in a split second. 
“Listen, we were going to tell you. It isn’t like what you think—“
“Oh, no no,” Alex quickly dismisses Lena, “I’m not going to listen to you. This is between me and you,” Alex hissed not even looking at her, directly glaring at Supergirl instead. 
“Alex, just—” Lena tries but she does the mistake of moving her shoulder in an attempt to put an arm on Alex and she cuts off with a, “Fuck.”
The Danvers sisters look up at her yelp of pain, concern flickering through their faces. Supergirl swiftly speeding to her side, and the shoulder wound she was so trying so hard to keep Kara from seeing, is now out in the open, bleeding profusely. 
“You’re hurt.”
“Fuck,” Lena says again as she tries to take in a breath, pain shooting down her entire right side. 
“Take her to the Med Bay,” Alex orders, eyes briefly tracing Lena’s shoulder before turning to Supergirl again, “If you think this discussion is over, you’re sorely mistaken. You and I have a lot to talk about. And I fucking mean it.”
Lena watches as Supergirl swallows in fear at the sight of the DEO director walking out. 
“Everybody, back to work! Show’s over, morons!”
As if somebody had hit the play button, a buzz resumes almost exaggeratedly; DEO agents immediately flailing to get back to work, embarrassed at being called out so blatantly. 
Lena tunes back in to Kara, “C’mon, hold on to me,” she mumbles, quickly bending down to put an arm around Lena’s knees and pulls her to a bridal carry. 
She doesn’t point out that it’s her shoulder that was injured, not her legs; doesn’t point out that she can walk absolutely fine. Lena can clearly see how Supergirl needs to be as close to her as possible right now. 
So, she clings tightly and presses harder back against her chest.
Lena’s mind is running a mile a minute right now, she needs to know what’s going in her wife’s mind and she needs a plan on how the both of them are going to do damage control. 
Kara lays her down softly on a Med bed and without a word Lena strips herself off. 
Both of them silent as Kara gets supplies on a nearby table. She sits behind Lena and cleans the wound wordlessly. She’s patched Nia up in secret, way too many times, to know how many stitches Lena needs.
“I’m still mad at you.”
Are the first words that Kara utters.
“Good. I’m still mad at you too.”
She hears Kara sigh and she doesn’t need to turn around to know that Kara’s face is scrunched up in a pout and a crinkle. 
“But...that doesn’t mean I won’t protect you against Alex.”
“I don’t need protection from Alex.”
“Okay, fine she scared me a bit.”
Before Lena can reply she hisses in pain and Kara brings her lips near the wound and “Sorry,” she whispers. 
“We have to talk about this don’t we?” Kara sighs out, finally addressing the elephant in the room.
“Yes, darling, we do.”
“We also have to reach a compromise about this, don’t we?”
“Yeah, Kara, yeah we do.”
Lena hears another sigh and she can guess what Kara would say next.
“Just so you know, I hate this. I hate this very much. If I could have my way, we’re not having this discussion and you’re staying put and staying safe and not running off to danger. Hell if I can have it my way you won’t even be stepping inside the DEO. But...I can’t have my way can’t I?”
“No, darling, I’m sorry.”
Kara sounds so helpless and Lena just wants to make all the complications in their relationship go away. But that’s not how real life relationships work. Relationships are hard and messy and work. God, they are so much work, but being with Kara is worth all the work in the world. They’ve come a long, long way for this. 
If this had happened two years ago, the both of them would not even think about compromise. Kara would just push through with what she believes is the best way to keep Lena safe and would have insisted on keeping Lena locked in a safe house somewhere. And she guesses past Lena wouldn’t even consider the merits of communication with Kara, either.
“I just want you safe.”
“I know.”
“Never want to see you hurt.”
“I know, baby. But Kara you can’t always keep me safe, do you understand that?” Lena says carefully, she wishes she could turn around right now and cup Kara’s face.
“I know it’s hard for you, but this is what the both of us signed up for. Do you think I’m happy whenever you fly off to God knows where, when I see getting shot at in the news, when you leave in the middle of the night? I’m just as scared as you are, Kara.”
But that’s the price the both of them have to pay for falling in love when one is a super hero and the other is a world saving genius.
Kara bandages her neatly and Lena turns around to face her, moving a bit up in the bed and pulls gently at Kara’s wrist to join her.
“I know,” Kara breathes into Lena’s hair as she positions herself,  “I’m sorry. For fighting, for yelling, for...accidentally telling everyone that we’re married.”
Lena tries not to laugh at how Kara pouts at the last one. 
“Forgiven already. I’m sorry too.”
“I love you, you know that?”
She feels more that hears as she fits herself underneath Kara’s chin, tucked tight beside her. 
“I love you too, so, so much. So much that I agreed to a secret wedding,” Lena tells her, “And as much as I would love to continue our little heart to heart, I really think you should go to your sister now.”
“Nooo, Lena noo,” Kara groans out, “Come on, we can just stay here and cuddle and I can kiss your shoulder better and maybe you can give me a kiss too and I don’t have to talk to Alex.”
“Oh, but you do.”
“Have I mentioned I also hate when you’re right?”
“Once or twice.”
“Mmph. Fine. But half an hour of cuddles first and then I go talk to Alex, deal?” 
Lena agrees, greedy for Kara’s warmth and also thinking that Alex certainly needs more than half an hour to cool off. Kara certainly needs more than that to think about the words she’s going to tell her sister. She’ll probably die by the end of their conversation but at least she died knowing that the whole world knows Lena Luthor is her wife, right?
“Alex, I know you’re mad-”
“Oh, I’m not mad, I’m livid, Kara. Livid.”
Maybe it was a bad idea to talk to Alex in an empty DEO training room where her sister could easily turn on red sunlamps and deck her for keeping things secret.
“What, did it not occur to that, oh I don’t know? ‘Oh I’m having a wedding maybe I should text my sister an update? Leave her a note maybe? Dear Alex I’m getting married today!’” Alex roars and Kara flinches. Rao how could she be this stupid?
“Anything would have been fucking nice, than to hear about it in the middle of a heated fight. Tell me, if you didn’t slip up just now were you even going to tell me?” Alex tries to coat the words in anger but she doesn’t miss the way it wavers on fear and insecurity.
“Rao, yes of course I was going to Alex! I- we-” Kara tries.
“Save it.”
“Alex please,” She begs her to listen as she steps in front of her and reaches to hold Alex’s hands.
“When?” Alex snarls and Kara gulps because her sister definitely would not like the answer.
“Remember that time that Lena and I broke up? Then we ran to each other in the rain, made up? And then two weeks later she got assassinated by those CADMUS wanna-be’s and we had to use the Fortress’s tech to track her down?”
Alex remembers that one so clearly. It was funny at the time, how Jess had caught them making out in the middle of an ‘interview’. How Kara was so happy that she won Lena back.
“Yes and?” Alex quips, eager to know the answer.
“And well, remember how I asked to have some time alone with Lena once we rescued her? And made all of you guys leave?” Kara croaks out, fear apparent and Alex just stares at her clearly impatient at how Kara rambles.
“Well, I uh-kinda suggested we get married on the spot because I didn’t want to spend another day not being married to her when people want to kill both of us, every day.”
Alex lets out a heavy, shakes her head and pinches the bridge of her nose. 
“You know this is the part where I say, ‘Not even surprised.’” She states dryly, “Of fucking course you’re the kind of people who would pull this kind of shit.”
 Kara tries to get a word in but, “You fucking owe me a wedding and Mom and J’onn and Alura-”
“Oh my god! Kara! Your Mom deserves to see the daughter she whisked off to another planet, get married! You fucking owe Clark a wedding-”
“Actually…” Kara starts off sheepishly, knowing full well Alex will explode from what she’s about to say.
“Oh for fuck’s sake! Clark knows doesn’t he?!”
Kara flinches again. Good thing her superhearing is dampened here. 
“Well, uh,” Kara wrings her fingers when she realizes there are no glasses to fiddle with.
“Lena said she wanted a Kryptonian wedding so we had Kelex call Kal and uhm he officiated…”
Alex doesn’t say anything to that, just clenches and unclenches fists at her side. 
“I’m sorry!! Okay! I was going to tell you immediately but we kinda got carried away sneaking around and then it just completely slipped my mind because you guys keep pointing out how we’re an old married couple anyway! And and and—“ Kara is grasping for words, anything just to make this all better. 
“Damn it, I messed up haven’t I?” She whispers, realizing  now that the only thing to make this better would be them admitting their mistake and going for amends. 
“Yeah, you did, Kara.”
Kara feels shame course through her.
“I am so mad at you right now for denying me the privilege of seeing you walk down the aisle.  You know I don’t even want that, I just wanted to see you have your dreams come true and see you have what I have with Kelly, god damn it Kara, I love you and I wanted to be there.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I hate your pout. I hate your stupid pouty face. Your billionaire wife better pay for a grand wedding for all of us.”
“Does that mean I’m forgiven?”
“Mom’s not going to let you down easy though.”
Her sister doesn’t really need to point out the obvious.
“I know. Could you maybe be the-”
“Nuh-uh. No. You tell her yourself or have Lena tell her. I’m not doing that shit for you.”
Kara will take what she can get. 
“I love you, Alex.” She breathes in relief when she sees Alex affectionately roll her eyes at her.
“I love you too, you stupid alien.”
“It’s official then? We guys get to call you Moms now?”
Lena never really expected that to be the first words Nia says to her when she enters the Med Bay.
“Yes, Nia. And also, yes, you’re a bridesmaid,” She answers immediately knowing that Nia was going to ask.
Nia lights up and Lena shakes her head at how similar she and Kara beams. 
Yeah, ‘Moms’ really is a fitting term.
“Alex making you do another wedding huh?”
“Yes, she is.”
Nia snorts, “You say that as if you don’t want the world to know Kara Danvers is wholly and solely yours.”
Well, she isn’t wrong, not that Lena is ever going to admit that though.
“Can I please plan your wedding? I have prophetic dreams. I can totally tell you what would look perfect on that day oh, oh, oh! I can even tell you if it’s going to rain, if you want an outdoor wedding that is. Oooh, maybe I could even see who’d catch your bouquet— “
“Nia, slow down,” Lena mutters before Nia plans out the whole wedding then and there.
“Kara and I will talk about it, but I think she’ll agree, you don’t really need to convince us.”
“Yes-yeah uh right sorry, you should definitely do that. Sorry it’s just I’ve been shipping you and oh my this is so exciting!” 
Trust Nia to say ship is now endgame in regards to their marriage.
Nia jabbers on as Kara walks in and gives the both of them a big grin, Alex trailing behind her. 
“I guess, congratulations are in order, Danvers.” Alex rolls her eyes and it takes Lena a moment to realize that she was referring to her.
She tries to calm down the happy flutter in her heart and the emotions bubbling out of her as she utters a weak, “Th-thank you, Alex.”
“Actually, Luthor-Danvers, we hyphenated,” Kara clarifies, which really doesn’t help the happy flutter at all, just adds to it. 
Alex just sighs and mumbles an ‘Of course you did.’
Before walking towards the bed and surprising Lena with a tight embrace.
“You do know, now you have two Danvers worrying for you every time you walk out in the field now, right?”
 And Lena just laughs. Because for the first time in forever she’s got people genuinely wanting her to exist. To the point that they’d do anything to keep her safe. 
She’s got family now and if it means overprotective Kryptonians and fierce blaster wielding older sisters, she really wouldn’t have it any other way. 
They’re fighting. 
In the DEO.
“Moms fighting again?” Nia doesn’t really know why she keeps asking, this is like a daily occurrence now. Agents don’t even bat an eye when bickering echoes off the halls, nowadays. Apparently, this is what happens in the CatCo bullpen and L-Corp offices too. 
Alex appears next to her. 
“You know you really should stop calling them that, especially since—“
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Hungry Like The Wolf | soft!dark!Ari Levinson x reader
summary: when you need ari’s help for a secret mission with the CIA, he expects gratitude from you— and he wants a lot more than just a thank you card.
word count: nearly 6.5k
warnings: smut (dub con/coercion/sex as bartering tool), oral sex (f receiving) and vaginal sex, overstimulation, possessiveness/very very slight yandere vibes?, some violence and gun use, mentions of human trafficking/warfare, religious discussions and traditions but not particularly orthodox ones, vague discussions of sexism and misogyny with implied religious background, overall just lots of global politics and all that fun stuff
(a/n: I went ahead and wrote the hebrew and arabic in english lettering because tumblr doesn’t support right to left text so just a heads up.  my arabic is very weak so I apologize if there are any errors.)
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Taking a deep breath, you ran through your pitch in your head again.  Sure, you’d had plenty of time to go over it on the plane, but one last recitation couldn’t hurt, right?  Unable to stall any longer, you turned the knob and entered Ari Levinson’s office.
You’d heard he was good-looking but his appearance still surprised you; his long hair and thick beard made him look like he’d fit in with a rock band better than an intelligence agency, and his half-buttoned shirt put his Star of David necklace and muscled, hairy chest on display.
He must have caught your gaze trailing down because he smirked at you, making your cheeks feel a bit warm.
“Mr. Levinson,” you greeted as you looked up to his face again.
He greeted you as ‘Ms.’ instead of ‘Agent,’ but you let it slide since you were about to ask him for quite the favor.  When he motioned for you to take a seat across from him, you did so with a nod and a quick smoothing of your skirt.
“So, what can I help you with?” he prompted. 
This was the easy part; this was the part you’d rehearsed a thousand times.  “There is a group of trafficked women and girls who have been rescued from all over— Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait— and gathered in Riyadh.  We are working on a plan to move them to Cyprus and, eventually, Greece where they will be accepted into a camp there.  Maybe they’ll end up in the States at some point, if we can swing it, but… Cyprus is step one.”
Ari nodded, listening to your story with more patience than anyone else had so far.
“As you can imagine, it would be a lot easier to move through Jordan and Israel and use your ports, rather than go around through Egypt or Syria…”  He stared at you expectantly as you trailed off, and you cleared your throat before finishing:  "The CIA would greatly appreciate Mossad's cooperation in the movement of these refugees."
"How much would they appreciate it?"
You paused, unsure what he meant.  "Um, quite a lot, I'm sure…"
"I just mean that we have missions the CIA could be a useful assist for, too,” he clarified, interlacing his fingers and resting his hands on his lap.  “You guys have a lot more resources than we do.  If we help you out, is this going to be an allyship we can rely on?"
You swallowed dryly, pondering if there was a way to get out of this before you sighed and slumped down in your chair, leaning a little closer to him.  "Alright, I have to be honest with you: it's not really the CIA that's asking for your help."
"Then who is?"
"Me.  Just me.  I'm the only one who believes in this mission; I'm the only one fighting for these people.  The CIA won't help you because they won't even help me and I work for them."
He slumped his shoulders a little bit.  "Then I'm not sure if I can afford to say yes to you."
"Please," you implored, "I know I can't offer you as much as they can, but I'll do whatever I can to make this work.  Please," you repeated as you laid your hand over his, noticing the way his expression shifted a bit, "help me."
"I've been the one person fighting for a mission before," he remembered, voice a little softer.  "I know how hard it is to go it alone."
You smiled gently at him.
"And, I know how far I would've gone to get my people to safety." 
His hand flipped around suddenly and grabbed yours tightly, pulling you closer as you gasped.
"How far will you go?"
You shivered, the darkness in his eyes burning right through you even when you tried to look away.  "Mr. Levinson, I—"
"Call me Ari," he instructed gruffly, grip tightening around your wrist until you yelped softly.
"Ari," you corrected, "I have money—"
"Don't want it."
"I can offer you my assistance in—"
"Don't need it."
"Tell me what you need,” you requested softly.
"I need to know you're gonna show me this 'great appreciation' you promised,” he answered quickly.  “I need to know that if I take care of you, then you'll take care of me."
You gulped but nodded.  "O-of course…"
He released you from his grip and stood up, smiling at you like nothing had even happened.
"Pleasure doing business with you, madam."
You stood up and left his office in a haze, unsure if what had just happened was a dream or reality.  But, sure enough, he showed up the next day where you’d told him to meet you, and brought some money and fake passports that you desperately needed.  Frankly, just having a man around was going to make things smoother for you, even if it was a white man who didn’t exactly blend in by any stretch of the imagination.  Seeing him again the next day only reminded you how big he was, tall but moreso heavy with muscle; he looked pretty cramped in his tiny coach seat on the plane to Dubai (your connecting stop where you’d spend the night before flying out to Riyadh).
“Bloody mary, please,” he requested from the stewardess with a gentle nod, turning to you.
“Uh, just water, thanks,” you ordered quickly with a tilted smile.  You had brought a book to read, but Ari insisted on barraging you with personal questions about your job, your personal life, your favorite things— he seemed fascinated by the most mundane things, and disinterested in giving his own backstory.  
Of course you considered that it wasn’t a great idea to tell him so much about yourself, let him in your head and under your skin.  But then again, you’d put your trust in him enough for the mission, so you ought to trust him completely, right?  
So why did his stare send shivers up your spine?
There was room for you and Ari at a CIA safehouse outside Dubai; it wasn’t exactly luxurious or anything, but at least you weren’t going to have to share a room… or a bed.
Normally staying in a safehouse meant sharing common areas with a random assortment of other agents, but it being a Friday night in Dubai meant they were all out enjoying the local nightlife while you two stayed in.  Hoping to review a game plan for the mission with him, you found Ari’s door open, peeking around to see him on his knees on the floor, a candle burning before him, and his hands raised to cover his eyes and face.
“Shema Yisrael,” he sung to himself below his breath, “Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Ehad…”
He jumped a little when he uncovered and opened his eyes only to find you standing there.  “Shabbat Shalom,” you greeted.
“Shabbat Shalom,” he nodded back.  
“I’m sorry you’re forced to take your Shabbat alone,” you apologized, “and that there’s nobody other than me to appreciate your vocal chops.”
His cheeks tinged pink at that.  “It’s all part of the sacrifices we make for our missions, eh?”
“Then I suppose you don’t mind that you’ll be doing plenty of work tomorrow,” you presumed.
“You probably realized by now that I’m not actually so traditional,” he chuckled, extinguishing the candle and standing up.  “I work on the sabbath quite a lot.”
“I hear work is permitted if it is needed to save a life.”
He smiled, but he looked a little sad; maybe not sad, but tired.  “With me, it always is.”
The silence was thick as you tried to reconcile that this was the same man that had grabbed and threatened you— was it a threat?  You couldn’t even tell anymore.  Apparently he wasn’t going to take whatever it was that he wanted until you’d finished the mission, and that should’ve made it easier to procrastinate your worry, but the extra time to ponder what it was actually going to be only brought further anxiety.
Of course, you had an idea of what he was going to ask of you, but the fact that nothing too untoward had happened in his office when you first met him was throwing you off.  In that moment, you were just waiting for him to tell you to get on your knees and show him how bad you wanted these women rescued, but he didn’t.  Wouldn’t have been the first time somebody tried to bribe you into sex; it would’ve been the first time, however, that you actually considered doing it.
Now, the anticipation just made it worse; you were working with him every day and he always acted normal, as if there wasn’t this looming threat of whatever favor he was going to ask from you in return.
Once you actually got to work the next day, it was easier not to think about that.  You barely had any extra brainpower to think about anything except survival and extraction.  Still, each time you looked at him only to find him already looking at you, your hands shook a little.
“You’ve been driving for 10 hours, you’re sure you don’t want me to take the wheel?” you offered, watching him blink a few times to clear his vision.
“Not worth getting arrested,” he frowned.
“We’ll only get arrested if we get caught.”
“Not worth the risk of getting caught.  And I don’t know about you, but if I get arrested here, I’ll probably be killed, too.”
You chewed your lip as you appreciated that it was probably worth avoiding as much trouble as possible.  It’s not like the CIA was popular in these parts, either, and for good reason.
“What’s that up ahead?” he asked, leaning further forward against the steering wheel and squinting.
“Um,” you stalled as you unfolded the paper map in your lap, “I’m… not sure.”
“Looks like a barricade,” he announced, and it did; a gate with two guards and barbed wire on either side.
“There isn’t supposed to be a stop here,” you reminded him as you frantically shuffled around the map, making sure you were where you thought you were and that there wasn’t a mark indicating a vehicle stop on the road.
“What do we do?” he asked, looking around as if he was considering veering off the path even though that would be equally dangerous.
“There isn’t supposed to be a stop here,” you repeated, more anxiously.
“Well, there is,” he replied, his own agitation clearly increasing, “so we’ll have to go through it.”
“They’re going to pull us over.”
“Probably,” he admitted.
“And they will search the back of the truck.”
“I’d be surprised if they didn’t.  How well do you think they’re gonna take it when they see eighty-something women packed like sardines?”
You chuckled a little even though you were anything but amused.  “Um, not good.”
As the men at the stop waved to signal your car to slow down, Ari sighed a little.  "I'll ask once again: what do we do?"
"Act natural," you suggested quickly as you lifted the scarf draped around your head to cover your nose and mouth.
Ari slowed down to a stop, lowering the window to talk to the officer outside and putting on a fake English accent.  “How can I help you, sir?”
“Identification please,” he requested sternly.  Ari smiled as he grabbed his and your passports, handing them over through the window.  It was a long, awkward moment as he flipped through the thick papers slowly, his partner leaning down to look through your window but never taking his hands off his gun.  “What brings you out here?” the man finally asked.
“My wife and I operate a restaurant in Jordan, and we get most of our equipment here because the workmanship is better,” Ari explained.  “Just passing through with our new stoves and oven hood.”
The officer glanced back over your truck, his expression mostly unreadable but overall not necessarily friendly-looking.  “Could you step out of the vehicle please?”
“Hal hdha daruri?” you asked quickly; Is this necessary?
“Alsamt,” he replied in a hiss; Silence.
Ari looked around like he was thinking but nodded and reached for the handle to his door.  You did the same, the second guard stepping out of your way so you could swing open the rusted metal and step out.
The men guided for you to circle the car with them, stopping at the back and staring at the metal sliding door that was latched shut.
Turning to address Ari, the guard’s face dropped completely as he got a bit more serious.  “What am I going to find in your vehicle?”
“Kitchen supplies, like I said,” Ari insisted.
As the officer reached for the latch on the back of the truck, Ari shot you a wide-eyed look and you gave him a quick nod.  He lunged at the second guard, wrestling him for his gun while you went after the first, who was much easier to take down with him being distracted by trying to unlock the back of the truck.  Your CIA instincts told you to shoot him once you’d grabbed his weapon, but thankfully you knocked him out with the butt of it instead.
Loud pops of gunfire beside you made you fear the worst, but Ari had managed to push the gun toward the sky before pulling it out of the officer’s grasp, swinging it wildly until it made contact with his head and he fell to the ground.
Gun in hand and panting heavily, Ari looked back at you with a grin.  “That wasn’t so bad.”
“You almost got shot,” you reminded him.
“A little more than almost,” he corrected, showing you a gash where a bullet had grazed arm.
“Shit, Ari!” you yelped, running over to him and inspecting the wound.  The way he looked down at you as you clutched him made you sort of regret it, though.
“It’s fine,” he assured you, but he made no effort to push you away.
“I… should check on the girls,” you decided, a little bit distracted but making your way back to the truck to roll up the metal back and examine the women inside, who looked scared at first but relaxed when they saw you.
“Kli shay' ealaa ma yaram,” you assured them that everything was fine, “nahn taqribaan 'iilaa al'urduni, wasawf nasil 'iilaa alsafinat allaylat.”  We're almost to Jordan and will arrive at the ship tonight.
They relaxed a bit and smiled at you, a few muttered ‘shukraan jazilaan’s (meaning ‘thank you’) echoing from inside.  You hated to shut the back and plunge them into darkness again, but they had assured you before that they would brave any conditions for a chance at freedom.  You hoped they meant it.
“Please, let me drive, you’re injured,” you offered to Ari as he started to make his way toward the driver’s side door.
“It’s not even that bad, and we’ve had enough run-ins with the law today,” he dismissed.
“Then let me patch you up first, okay?  Is that so terrible?”
He smiled a little.  “No, I guess not.”
And that was how you ended up leaning on him in the passenger seat, supergluing his arm shut, trying not to think about how his bicep was probably bigger than your head.
“You’re a pretty good medic,” he observed, speaking quietly since you were so close.
“When you’re as clumsy as I am, you have to be,” you responded, sounding monotone due to focusing mostly on your work.  “It shouldn’t scar too—”
You stopped when you looked up at him, because the way he was staring back down at you made you completely devoid of the ability to speak or even conjure words in your mind.  You’d never seen him so close before and those piercing blue eyes made your head spin.
“What were you gonna say?” he asked softly, 
“It… shouldn’t scar too bad,” you finished, “as long as you keep it clean and dry.”
“I generally aim to keep my entire body clean and dry,” Ari chuckled.
“Right, yeah, well— keep up the good work, then,” you stammered as you wrapped some gauze around his arm and rolled his sleeve back down over it.
“Let’s hit the road before we waste any more time,” he suggested, and with a nod you leaned back into your seat.
The radio blasting was the only thing keeping both of you awake as you drove through the dark.  The border to Jordan was easy enough, and both of you sighed with relief as you crossed into Israel.  It was by far the biggest blockade you’d seen so far, but of course, Ari got you in faster than you’d moved through anything else.
“Good to be home?” you asked when you saw Ari smiling as he looked around at the streetlights through the windshield.
“You could say that,” he answered.  “Think we have time to stop for falafel before we get to the port?”
“Not unless you plan on buying for all your passengers,” you laughed, motioning toward the back.  “If they have to wait until we reach the ship, so do we.”
“Yeah, that’s fair,” he relented.  “Besides, probably better to be seen by as few people as possible.  Even if we’re in friendly territory, it’s still a covert operation and all.”
“Wow, so you do have some desire to play by the rules,” you gasped in faux shock.  He smiled and shrugged a bit.
“More like the rules and my desires occasionally overlap.”
It was past midnight when you pulled into the port, surrounded by ships so big that you couldn’t see the tops of them from inside the car.  A cargo ship was waiting for you, along with some Navy men who helped you escort the women onto the vessel.
Since it wasn’t meant to accommodate this many people, the refugees occupied extra crew space while you and Ari were given sleeping bags in an unused office; you were so tired, though, that it actually looked enticing.
As soon as you’d set your pack down and shut the door, you heard a distant horn and felt the ship begin to move.  You let out a long sigh as you leaned against the desk, watching Ari take a seat in the chair and start laughing exhaustedly.
“We did it,” you smiled, “we fucking did it.”
“We’ve still got a long boat ride ahead of us,” Ari mitigated, “but yeah… we should be in the clear, and tomorrow afternoon we’ll be in sunny Cyprus.”
You were so elated from the high of a successful mission that you forgot to worry about Ari’s vague request all those weeks ago; it was probably the first time you hadn’t thought about it since then, truthfully.  That changed when his smile fell as he looked up at you, eyes darkening a little and scanning your body.
“You’re a great agent,” he nodded slowly, “and an incredible woman.  You saved a lot of people tonight.”
You shifted nervously under the weight of his stare, but tried to hide your discomfort.  “I… couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I know,” he informed you coldly, standing up and approaching you.  “I think I’ve gone above and beyond on my end of our deal.”
A pit formed in your stomach, growing with each step he took towards you.  His eyes stayed trained on you except for when he glanced to the side to flip on the radio, American music suddenly piping through the speakers.
— discord and rhyme, I’m on the hunt, I’m after you…
You looked to the radio as well but his hand gently guided your jaw until you looked back at him; he was closer than ever, and you had to look up to meet his gaze, shivering as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip slowly.
“Are you good for your end of the deal?” he asked lowly.
And I’m hungry like the wolf…
You swallowed, hoping it would somehow ease the ache in your gut as you realized what was about to happen, before nodding meekly.
He smirked a little.  “Good girl,” he praised, only a bit louder than a whisper, as his hand moved to cradle your face.  “You want me, don’t you?”
Your brow furrowed as you tried to figure out how you were supposed to answer that.  “I want to repay you, for all you’ve done for me.”
“No, not just that,” he disagreed, “you want me.  I know you do.  You don’t need to hide it, we’re alone…”
Hesitant but catching on to his desires, you nodded a little.
“Say it.”
“I want you, Ari,” you whispered.  
It felt like forever waiting for him to kiss you as he leaned in slowly, eyes half-lidded and dark but never leaving you.  As his lips brushed against yours, you finally let your eyes flutter shut and reciprocated his kiss.  His hands felt especially big as one slipped behind your neck and the other rested on your waist; in fact, with the way you had to crane your head up to kiss him back, all of him felt big.  Including the part you were pretty sure just bumped against the inside of your thigh.
His kiss was soft and patient but determined, slow but somehow still moving faster than you were ready for.  You gingerly reached up and rested your hands on his shoulders; they were strong and warm beneath your touch, even through his shirt.  You couldn’t think of the last time you’d been kissed like this, or held so tenderly like this, but then again, you were also sure that nobody had scared you like this in a long time, either.  For a woman who always knew what to do in a dangerous situation, you couldn’t seem to get a read on Ari Levinson— mostly because you didn’t truly believe he was dangerous.  But maybe you should.
When his hands reached up to start unbuttoning your blouse, you pushed him back a little.
"N-not here," you protested, "someone could hear, or walk in."
"There's nowhere else to go, and I'm not waiting 'til Cyprus.  I need you now."
He kissed you again before you could respond, more forceful and desperate.  You let him work open your shirt this time, his fingers dancing over your skin as he pulled it off your shoulders and tossed it aside.  The feeling of him working your bra open made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but his tongue slipping into your mouth distracted you and before you knew it, it was gone as well.  Your nipples hardened in the cold air— or maybe they’d been that way already, for whatever reason— but they reacted even stronger to his thick fingers gently pinching them as his palms cupped your breasts.
You gasped against his mouth a bit, your breathing getting heavier as he moved his hands down to your trousers.  The idea of being naked when he was still fully-dressed scared you, but you didn’t have time to think about that anymore when he pulled back to drop to his knees, taking your pants and underwear to the floor with him.
He looked back up at you with a mischievous grin as you cautiously stepped out of them.  After guiding you to sit up on the table, neither of you stopping to consider how rude it was to put your bare ass on somebody’s desk in a borrowed ship, he slowly parted your legs.  As he kissed a trail inside your thigh, you felt your hands clutch the edge of the table tightly with anticipation.  You felt so exposed with his face right there, to the point that your cheeks were burning with embarrassment, and yet you couldn't manage to tear your eyes away from his as he leaned in to lick you teasingly with the tip of his tongue.
"Fuck," you shivered, feeling your inner walls quiver as he moved so delicately.  You kept waiting for him to really get into it but he was determined to stay gentle and slow, circling your bud for one glorious moment before stopping again.  "Ari, please," you whispered without even realizing you’d said it.
"What do you want, baby?" he asked darkly, his voice deep and gravelly as he ran his hands up the back of your legs.
Your begging whimper was so pathetic you could hardly believe you were hearing yourself.  "More, please…"
He dove right in after that, suddenly latching onto your clit and letting his tongue explore every fold, every wrinkle, every sensitive spot with thick, wide licks.  Your head fell back and your hands jumped to weave into his hair— that gorgeous fucking hair that had driven you halfway insane.  It was soft between your fingers, and in this light you could see the touches of red, blonde, and maybe even grey scattered into the brunette.  Better yet was the way he moaned against you when you accidentally pulled it, your hands clenching into fists against his scalp each time he sucked on your clit just right.
"Ari, baby, fuck," you groaned, feeling your hips shift a little as if to try to get more of yourself in his mouth.
Sensation was sparking under your skin faster than you knew what to do with it, faster than you had ever figured out on your own, and definitely faster than anybody else had ever managed.  You felt your body shaking and couldn’t suppress it at all, every part of you (inside and out) quivering uncontrollably.  It would’ve been embarrassing except that he seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit, egging you on with his tight grip on your thighs, and his deep moans that reverberated over your body, and the way his brow furrowed like it almost pained him to see you like this.  Your back arched so dramatically that he had to hold onto your hips tight to keep you in his mouth, but he managed to maintain what he'd been doing— in fact, he didn't stop even when you started to whine and cry, feet digging into his back as you tried not to explode from the overstimulation on your sensitive clit.  
"S-stop, s'too much, can't take it," you pleaded, looking down at him.
He looked back up at you with dark, dilated eyes that said 'you're gonna take it.'  His tongue lapped at you with renewed vigor, sending you tumbling over the edge again and again and again.
Tears were streaming down your face when he finally relented, standing up slowly and staring you down as he wiped his face with the back of his hand; your arousal had coated his mouth and most of his beard, too.  You bit down on your lip to stop it from shaking as he slotted himself between your legs again, slowly unbuttoning his shirt and smiling as he watched your gaze trail down every inch of newly-exposed skin.
You knew he was in good shape, because it was always obvious, but you still shivered a little when you were greeted with chiseled muscles, dusty-blonde hair, a few stray freckles and scars, and last but not least, the gauze wrapping on his arm where you’d patched him up before.  It was nice to see a piece of your handiwork on something so flawless, like how it must feel to design the frame that holds a Monet.  Your mouth was even watering as you followed the trail of hair down to where it was interrupted by his jeans, which were misshapen with the unmistakable outline of his neglected cock.  Either you could actually hear it throbbing, or that was just your heartbeat in your ears as he made a show of undoing his buckle and fly slowly.  
A breath caught in your throat as he slid the jeans down and kicked them off with his boots, his cock bouncing up against the bottom of his abs once he’d freed it.  You hoped to hide your intimidation, but you must have failed from the way he smirked and licked his lips as he stepped forward and pressed it against your stomach; you felt a little dizzy seeing the head of it reach past your bellybutton.  "That's how deep I'm gonna be in you, baby."
For all his delicacy and tenderness in everything before now, he must have had a change of heart; with a little growl, he pushed all the way into you with one brutal thrust, watching darkly as your head fell back in a choked scream.  He didn’t stop for very long, either, setting up a pace that was slow but unyielding, his length filling every part of you and then some with each slam of his hips into yours.
He grabbed your hair tightly and suddenly, pulling your head back to expose your neck to him.  He licked and sucked along your pulse until you were shaking against him, nails accidentally digging into his shoulders a little bit as you held onto him.
His lips trailed up to pull you into a frenzied, sloppy kiss, your mouth slack wide for him to explore however he wanted.
"Tell me how it feels," he growled against your lips.
It feels like my body is on fire but I like it.  It feels like you're shaping my insides to fit you exactly how you want.  It feels like you might split me in half before you're done with me, but if you stop now I'll fall apart even worse.
His grip on your hair tightened at your lack of response.  "Gettin' fucked too good to answer me, huh?  So full of my cock you can't even speak.  Is that right, pretty baby?"
You nodded as you buried your face in the crook of his neck, your hoarse moans and sobs muffled by his skin.  
"Aw, poor thing," he purred, wrapping his arms around your back.  His lips brushed against your ear as he spoke to you in a deep mumble, the bass of his voice sending shivers down your spine with each word.  "You don't have to tell me, I know how it feels… you're so wet that you're fucking dripping, your needy little pussy is clamping down on me like it's the end of the fucking world, and you're screaming for me so loud I bet half the ship can hear you.  I know how it feels, baby; it feels so good that you're already about to come for me."
You gasped as he pushed you to lay back on the table, hoisting your legs up over his shoulders; you felt a bit whorish seeing your legs up in the air like that, especially when he leaned to the side to plant a wet kiss on your calf.
Soon he was letting your legs slip back down to his hips, leaning over you and caging you in with his thick arms, watching your face as he started to fuck you harder.  His long hair was at risk of tickling you as it fell down beside your face, but it was that Star of David necklace that was dangling from his neck and swinging right in your face with every thrust.  Slightly annoyed by it hitting your face from time to time, you stuck out your tongue to catch it, holding it between your teeth and finding that biting down on it helped you cope with the slight pain of him so deep inside you anyways.
"Baby," he moaned, inspired by the sight to grab your hips even tighter and slam into you even harder.  "Fuck, I'm close," he hissed.  "Gonna fill you up so good, baby, gonna ruin you for anybody else, huh?"
"Yes, Ari," you whimpered.  "I'm close, too…"
"Go ahead, pretty girl, wanna feel how tight you get when you come— when I make you come."
Trying to hold it back only made it hit you harder, and as your moans grew louder and your body began to shake, you felt your walls flutter and flex intensely.  He pulled his necklace out of your mouth and kissed you suddenly; it kept you grounded as you feared that the rest of you would float away, lost in pleasure so thoroughly that you'd never come back to reality.  His moans mixed with yours as they moved between your tongues, and just when you thought you'd break into pieces if he didn't slow down, you felt his movements stutter and his cock pump inside you.  You couldn't feel the warmth of it because you were already so hot all over, but the way his cock swelled as he came was unmistakable and overwhelmingly erotic.
He broke the kiss but didn't pull away, catching his breath while he stayed inside you, resting his forehead against yours.  
After cooling off for a moment, he scooped your limp body into his arms and lifted you into his chest; you wrapped around him and let him carry you to the other side of the room where he set you down on the pallet sleeping bags and blankets.  You whimpered as he pulled out, his softening cock still big enough to make you wince.  The gush of warm, sticky come made your cheeks burn even if it also sent a dulled tingle of arousal up your spine.  He was gentlemanly enough to wipe you off with a towel, mumbling something about how pretty you looked stuffed with his come, but you couldn't really focus on any of that because you were still waiting for sensation to return to your numbed extremities— brain included.
He turned his head and laid it on your chest, and you found yourself absent-mindedly scratching his scalp with your nails.
"That's nice," he whispered, but you could tell that already by the way his skin was erupting into goosebumps, and the way he held you tighter.
You must've laid like that for hours, or maybe it was just a few minutes, but it was one of those moments that felt like a piece of forever.  He lifted his head to look up at you, pulling you down a bit so his face hovered over yours.
"What's next for you after you get these women to Greece?" he asked quietly.
You chewed your lip as you thought about that.  "Back to DC, I figure, and then wherever they send me next.  I hear they might want me undercover in Cuba or Russia…"
"How often do you end up in Jerusalem?"
You squirmed a little beneath him, but he slipped his arm under your neck and pulled you closer; how were you supposed to think with his bicep right by your face like that?  "Uh, not often, but if I'm in town I'll give you a call—"
"Come with me," he requested softly.  "Get to Cyprus, go to Greece, and then meet me in Tel Aviv."
"Ari, I can't—"
"Why not?"
You laughed a little, but he clearly wasn’t joking.  "Because I have a job?"
"You won't need a job," he shrugged, "I make good money and you can just live with me."
Your throat went dry as you stammered, trying to figure out if he had seriously just asked you to quit your job and move in with him.
"You'll like Israel.  You speak some Hebrew don't you?"
"Uhh, yeah but—"
"Then what's stopping you?"
You couldn't answer because you didn't even know where to start with all the things that were stopping you.  Your mouth opened and closed silently like a fish out of water, and he laughed at you lightly.  
"Just say yes," he encouraged gently, and your heart twisted as you wondered if this was part of the deal, if you needed to do everything he wanted to keep him on your side.  You were on an Israeli ship, sailing international waters; if he changed his mind now, he could still sell you out and have these people arrested or worse.  But he wouldn't do that, right?
Perhaps the more important question was not 'would he do that?' but rather 'are you willing to find out?'
"Yes," you heard yourself answer before you even realized you were considering it.  
He grinned, hugging you tightly.  He was already rambling about how great it was going to be and how he would spoil you all the time and maybe find a way to get you hired as a contractor at Mossad so he could bring you along on missions, but you couldn't hear it past the ringing in your ears. You desperately needed sleep, and his arms were warm and welcoming as you drifted off.  He kissed your forehead before letting his eyes fall shut as well, joining you in unconsciousness.  
The swaying of the ship was like being rocked to sleep, so much so that you slept for an uncharacteristically long time: you were just a few hours out from your destination when you awoke, in fact.
Instead of getting up and attempting to acquire some food, you laid there staring up at the ceiling as his heavy arm draped over your chest.   Even in his sleep he had power over you, refused to let you go.  You tried to remember how you'd ended up in this situation but instead you found yourself fantasizing about a chance at love.  After running around the world for so long, there weren't many good men left to settle down with.  And Ari was maybe not an entirely good man, but you believed him when he said he would treat you well.  You'd shacked up with a lot worse in your time, when you were young and reckless and thought the worst thing you could be was alone.  Still, a long-suppressed desire for companionship was awakening in your mind and you weren't going to swallow it back down this time.  Smiling, you lifted his hand to your lips and kissed his knuckles.  If what he wanted in exchange for his cooperation was your affection, you could do that.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
A Place To Call Home: Dads
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Summary: When the reader gets an offer to make some money on the side, things quickly evolve to Jensen learning about where some of the reader and TJ’s money has been going, namely TJ’s father. Jensen offers to help out but discovers that Rick might be up to something... 
Square: A Place To Call Home
Pairing: Jensen x foster daughter!reader
Word Count: 7,600ish
Warnings: language, angst (so much family angst), minor injury
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Bingo. This part takes place after the Halloween timestamp. Enjoy!
“Thank you, Barry,” you said as he left the office at the brewery. Your head was still up when your dad slipped inside and he shut the door. “What’s up?”
“There’s a talent scout out in the draft room,” he said.
“Fascinating,” you said, going back to reading over a contract with a new distributor.
“Y/N they’re here to see you.” You turned in your seat and stared at him, breaking out into a giggle. “I’m serious.”
“This is by far your worst prank yet.”
“You modeled some of the new merch last week? He’s here for you,” he said.
“To what, model?” you scoffed. “No thank you.”
“Well can you go tell him that because he was insisting on hearing it from you,” he said. You sighed and walked out front, a guy in a suit with no tie on sipping from a glass. He smiled when he saw your dad behind you. 
“Ms. Ackles,” he said, holding out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“It’s Mrs. Hanover,” you said with a friendly enough smile. 
“You’re clearly used to some hard negotiations.”
“I’m tougher than I look Mr…”
“Elbridge but please call me Dan.”
“What can I do for you today, Dan?” you asked. He walked out to a quieter spot by the railing, settling at one ot the standing tables.
“I work for a talent agency, Mrs. Hanover. We’ve worked with your father a few times when he was starting out,” he said, your dad giving a nod. “We’ve seen your modeling pictures and we’re very interested in you doing a shoot.”
“I appreciate the offer but my answer is no. I’m not a model or an actress or any of the things my parents are besides someone invested in this brewery,” you said.
“She is a tough cookie,” he said as he looked at your dad. “I’m assuming you told her nothing I told you.”
“You gotta sell it on your own,” he said.
“Y/N, we’d like you to be in a commercial with some other women. An underwear commercial.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a commercial for inclusivity for people with differences,” he said.
“He means the scar on your back, Y/N. From the accident,” said your dad.
“You’re exactly the kind of person we want included in the line. There’ll be a photo run of things too and-“
“Why exactly do you know I have a scar on my back?”
“Your Instagram. I assumed it was public knowledge.”
“Okay but it’s not even that big. Like it blends in. I’m boring. Get like, an amputee or a burn survivor. That’s inclusive. I’m average.”
“We have a vast array of women in the line including those types and all kinds of body types. But you’re...a brand name we could put to the project.”
“Brand name,” you said. He hummed and you laughed. “My dad? That’s a brand name, not me. Throw him in some underwear and I’m sure you’ll get all the attention you want.”
“Well we want you,” he said. He pulled out a business card and handed it over. “Our initial offer is on the back but we’re open to negotiations. Call us if you think you might be interested. Oh and the beer’s great.”
“Thanks,” you said, looking over the card. The guy had wandered off by the time you flipped it over.
“I told him you wouldn’t be interested,” said your dad, sipping from his bottle of water. You blinked at the card, your dad raising an eyebrow. “You’re not considering it are you?”
“Dad,” you said. You flipped the card around and showed it to him, water spitting out of his mouth.
“Hey, Dan,” he said, rushing back and waving him over. Dan smiled as he walked back, drink in his hand.
“I thought that’d-” said Dan before your dad got in his face. “Is there a problem?”
“What are you up to,” he said.
“Y/N no one gets offered that much money off the street. No one. So I’m gonna ask again. What are you up to?” 
“It’s for a package deal. A photo shoot. A commercial. Ad sponsorship for three months bi-weekly on her social media accounts. We’d also like her to design the set for the commercial. There’s a time crunch of next week so we felt a hundred was a fair offer for that amount of work on short notice,” said Dan. “If she were simply modeling, we’d offer her twenty five but this is our biggest line of the year. You are more than welcome to come along every step of the way.”
“Dan I really do appreciate the offer but I’m not a model. I don’t even remember the last time I wore makeup. I will happily design a set and build if you like and maybe I can do the ad thing but I’m not a model like my parents. Can I talk to my dad for a second?”
He nodded and walked off a ways, your dad sighing.
“Maybe mom could do it or something? She’s done that stuff before,” you said.
“I’m not gonna tell you what to do. Go for the set design for sure. You’re good at it and I know you get to break back into your architecture skills for that. But the rest...once you get on that train you can’t get off.”
“Dad, people already know who I am. I have like...an obnoxious number of followers on my accounts and stuff. My most popular posts? Always about you. I’ve never been in the shadows.”
“I know but that’s different than you doing these things. If you start taking pictures in underwear, you’re gonna attract at least a few weirdos and most of them are harmless but maybe some aren’t and there is a reason that Uncle Cliff still hangs out with me at certain times.”
“It’s a hundred thousand dollars. TJ and I could pay off the lawyer fees for Allie’s adoption finally,” you said. “We could get our mortgage payment down.”
“You’ve never cared about money,” he said. You pursed your lips and he narrowed his eyes. “Are things tight?”
“Are they?”
“I don’t ask about your finances.”
“I sat down with both you and TJ when you bought the house and even with the renovation costs, your monthly payment was very affordable. Allie’s adoption should have been paid off months ago.”
“Do you stalk our spending now or what?” you shot back.
“Well you haven’t bought a new car or any big expenses. Where’s the money going?” he asked.
“I’ll take the set design and leave it at that,” you said. You brushed past him and over to Dan. 
Thirty minutes later you had a signed contract and were back in your office, your dad grumbling as he walked inside.
“I’m busy,” you said.
“Where’s the money going, Y/N?”
“TJ and I make very good money,” you said, typing up an email. He leaned over the desk and narrowed his eyes. “I took the set design only for twenty. Happy?”
“Why do you need twenty thousand dollars?”
“Coming from the guy who made how much fucking money for a single freaking episode? At least I’m not slutting out my face,” you said. He stood back and slammed the door shut on his way out. You sighed and got up, finding him out back, splitting old pallets down. “Dad I’m sorry.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled. 
“Dad. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
“Yeah you did,” he said. “That is exactly why I didn’t want you doing that shoot. Then all you are is a pretty face.”
He moved a pallet and picked up the axe again, bringing it down in the center.
“What?” he snapped as he spun around. 
“I said it because I knew it’d make you mad and piss you off and get you to drop it. It’s the only reason I said it. Please stop asking about where my money goes. Please.”
“Are you in trouble?”
“Dad I said to stop asking.”
“Tough shit,” he said with a shrug. “Call me whatever you want. Maybe I get pissed off but I’ll cool off too. I know how much you make and I know how much he makes and I know you two have both been taking side jobs recently. You should have your house paid off by now, not barely making your mortgage. What’s going on and I want the truth.”
“I can’t.”
“What’s TJ involved in,” he said. You looked away and he nodded. “There are very few reasons why you wouldn’t tell me the truth and considering how small Allie and Colin are, he’s the only one I can think of.”
“I can’t.”
“Hey! There you are,” said TJ, walking around the corner with a bag in his hand. “I was out at a ranch nearby for work and figured we could have lunch together.”
“Speak of the little devil,” said your dad. He dropped the axe and TJ set the food on the hood of his truck, cocking his head.
“You okay, Jensen?” he asked.
“Peachy,” he said, putting his hands on his hips when he stopped in front of him. “So. Want to tell me what’s going on with your finances lately?”
TJ glanced to you and you shook your head.
“Nothing,” said TJ quietly.
“You want to try that again and not lie to me this time?” asked Jensen. TJ shook his head and your dad shut his eyes. “If you’re involved in something bad, let me help. I have money.”
“TJ just tell him,” you said. TJ sighed and picked up the food, walking over to the employee picnic area and sat down. You took a seat beside him and TJ handed you a wrapped burrito, your dad sitting across from him.
“I’m not angry. Let me help is all,” said your dad.
“It’s not us who’s in trouble,” said TJ. Your dad looked to you and you nodded. “It’s my dad.”
“Oh you two,” he said, shutting his eyes. “You’re paying off Rick’s debt he owes somebody, aren’t you.”
“Rick owes money to a bookie and...he beat him up kinda bad and we have extra so…” you said, your dad staring at you. “He asked us not to tell anyone.”
“How much?” he asked.
“Five...hundred,” said TJ. 
“Five hundred thousand?” he asked, your heads nodding. “Five hundred thousand? What...how much have you given him already?”
“About half,” said TJ. Your dad shook his head and put his hands over his face, quickly pulling them off. “I know it’s a lot.”
“Yeah…” he said, swallowing to himself.
“We got it covered. Really. At the rate we’re doing extra side work-”
“Kids...you’re both so kind I think you missed something pretty important,” said your dad. 
“I don’t understand,” said TJ. He looked to you and you shrugged. 
“Guys that’s a lot of money. That’s...an extraordinary amount of money to a lot of people. How on earth does your father owe that much money all of a sudden?” asked your dad.
“He made some bets he lost on,” said TJ.
“But how could it be that much. What was the original bet?”
“What was the original bet he made and lost on?”
“I don’t know. We figured it must have been like a hundred.”
“So your father bet a hundred, say he lost. That’s two hundred. Say he got some insane interest on it. Okay. Maybe, maybe he truly owes that much. But where did he get that original one hundred?”
“He didn’t have it,” said TJ. “We think.”
“Okay. He bet badly and ends up owing the whole thing,” he said.
“Do you give this money to Rick or the bookie?” asked your dad.
“My dad. He didn’t want us to get involved with the guy,” said TJ. 
“Okay,” said your dad. “Here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna drive up to your folks this afternoon TJ and talk to your dad, see what’s left he owes. I will pay the rest.”
“Jensen that’s a lot of money.”
“I know it is. But it’s better to get him out of the hole quickly before something were to happen and I can afford it. Okay? I’m gonna head up. You two enjoy your lunch. I’ll be home in a few hours.”
Something was off about him as he stood and left but you weren’t quite sure what was wrong.
“My dad’s gonna be pissed. He didn’t want Jensen to know at all,” said TJ.
“He wants to help. He’s got a point. The quicker it’s paid off, the quicker your dad’s out of danger. Let’s have lunch and you can tell me about that ranch you’re fixing up.”
“Arrow,” you grumbled that night as she reached for the hot pan. “Let it cool off.”
“Why are we having dinner at your house?” she asked. “No offense but you can only cook like five things.”
“Would you like to cook dinner for seven?” you asked. She held up her hands and you rolled your eyes.
“To be fair, Colin still eats baby food,” she said.
“Thank you for volunteering to feed your nephew,” you said with a grin.
“I didn’t-”
“Ro!” he said as he waddled into the kitchen, wrapping her legs up in a hug.
“I hate you,” she said, narrowing her eyes before she picked him up.
“Thank you Arrow,” you said as she put him on her hip. “He’s got dinner in the fridge if you wouldn’t mind?”
“I got it,” she said, opening it up one handed. “Mom and dad have some last minute thing or something?”
“I don’t know,” you said, your phone ringing, Jared’s name popping up. “Can you get that?”
“Hey Uncle Jared,” she said, hitting it on speaker.
“Arrow? Hey you mind finding your sister for me?” he asked.
“She’s busy making dinner. Apparently it’s very difficult.”
“I’m here Jared,” you said. You grabbed the phone and shoved it between your shoulder and ear. “What’s up?”
“Don’t freak out,” he said. “But come outside.”
You turned down the heat on the stove and went out the front door, finding Jared on the seat out front.
“Uh, what’s up?” you asked, pulling the door shut behind you. “This is weird.”
“Your dad may have...listen. Shit went down when Jensen went up to see TJ’s dad whatever his fuckface name is.”
“Oh you’re about to call him fuckface too.”
“What happened?”
“Well...he had a bad feeling about this whole thing. He and De went up there to talk to them. Things aren’t...your dad’s in the hospital.”
“What?” you said quietly. He stood up and gave you a smile, pulling you into a hug.
“It’s okay. He got a little cut when he got...pushed,” he said. 
“Jared,” said TJ, stepping outside with a curious look. “What’s up dude?”
“Normally being the Uncle is the fun stuff,” he said. TJ frowned when you both saw a cop car pull into your driveway, Cody getting out. “Codes.”
“Dad, I got this,” he said as he hopped up on the porch. You smiled and looked back at TJ. “Oh shut up. I got adopted like six months ago. I might as well.”
“What exactly is happening?” asked TJ.
“Dad,” said Cody again. Jared sat back in the seat, Cody sighing. “TJ...dude I’m sorry. You’re like my brother.”
“Did my...did something happen to my parents,” he said quietly, Cody’s head shaking. “Oh.”
“Rick’s been stealing money from you. There’s no bookie to pay off. Jensen and De went up today to talk to him and they found out the truth and your dad’s got in a fist fight and you guys ought to head up North. It’s not my jurisdiction so I’m not much help.”
“My father did what?” said TJ. Cody glanced at you and you looked down. “That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is,” he said. “TJ the police from your hometown looked into it. He took the money. He’s claiming it was a gift from the two of you but we all know that’s not true.”
“No, he’s been making progress. We’ve been making progress. We’ve been getting along really well,” said TJ.
“Did that start when you started giving him money?” asked Cody.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m just saying what I know as a cop. Did your relationship start changing when money started exchanging hands?”
“Why does he hate me,” said TJ. You grabbed his hand and he shut his eyes. “He must hate me. That’s the only reason I can see why he would do something like that.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” you said.
“He hates you and Jensen. He thinks De is eye candy to stare at. I don’t know how on earth he can pretend to like me,” he said.
“TJ,” said Jared.
“You gonna tell me he loves me or some shit? It’s not good enough,” said TJ.
“I was gonna say you can cut him out of your life if you want to and you’re still gonna have a dad you know. I don’t understand him. I do think he loves you but there’s some resentment towards everyone else you call family. I don’t know why but it’s your choice what you want to do. I’m gonna go inside and finish cooking dinner and we’ll watch all of them tonight. Y/N-”
“I got him,” you said with a nod. 
Ten minutes later you were on the road and driving, TJ staring out the passenger window. 
“Don’t,” he said, voice barely above a whisper. You reached over and grabbed his hand, TJ squeezing it. “We’re going to my parents house after and we’re packing up as much crap as we can to bring back. I’m never speaking to him again after tonight.”
“All the late hours I put in doing side jobs. All the jobs you’ve been doing for set design on the weekends. For months and months we’ve been doing it. Straight into his fucking pocket. We could have paid off the house with that money. Paid off bills. That’s our money. It’s our kids money. It’s not some sack of shit’s to go buy whatever he wants with. I could fucking kill him.”
“We’ll get it back,” you said.
“It’s not about the money.”
“I know, babe,” you said. 
“Why is he like that?”
“It’s not an excuse but I think he was raised very poorly and he doesn’t...he knows it’s wrong but I think he thinks we have so much it’s okay if he takes from us.”
“He took two hundred and fifty thousand dollars from us. A year of side jobs for the both of us on top of everything else. We sleep four hours a night. We weren’t handed that. We worked for it. We worked our asses off. All that pressure and all the pressure we thought somebody would hurt him if we were late with money? I can’t believe I ever gave a shit about him. I should have trusted you. You’ve never liked him. No one in your family did. Even Arrow and that kid loves everybody. I should have trusted you guys.”
“TJ they didn’t like him because of the way he treated you, not me. I knew he was a dick when I met him but he belittles you, so, so much. We hate that he does that to you.”
“I don’t know how my mom is married to someone like him.”
“Don’t cut her out,” you said. “She raised you. You’re all her. Anyone who meets you can see that.”
“He’s going to lie when I see him again. I don’t know what to do,” he said. 
“Why?” you asked.
“Because.” You pulled over and he sat back in his seat. He turned his head and you saw all the tears streaming down his face.
“Honey,” you said. You leaned over and hugged him, TJ gripping you back.
“He’d kick my ass for crying right now.”
“Who was it that sat up with my dad after the accident and let him cry all over him? My dad who hates to cry and he’s not afraid to cry in front of you.”
“He’s strong. I’m not.”
“You’re my best friend. The girl who thought she was so fucked up and would be alone. God, Thomas. You gave me something even my parents and family couldn’t. You know how I never thought in a million years I could have this kind of love and you were never scared. The insecurities. The nightmares. The days where I’m quiet and my head gets to me. You just grab my hand and you make it better. You’re stronger than most everyone on this planet. I love and I’ve loved you since I met you and I’ll do anything for you, you know that. We’re partners. If you want to give your dad another chance you can and I won’t question it for a second.”
“I don’t want to talk to him again,” he said, sitting up somewhat. “But how do I say that when you didn’t get a choice? You didn’t get a choice with your parents. They were just gone and you had no say. How can I just walk away like that?”
“My parents didn’t treat me like the way your father does. Neither of my moms or dads ever have. You can walk away from someone that does, TJ. I don’t want you near someone like that. Jared was right too you know. You’re not gonna lose a dad tonight. You’ve always had one and he’s gonna be there for you always.”
“He hurt Jensen, didn’t he?” he sniffled.
“I’m sure he's fine. He’s very...defensive of his children is all.”
“Jensen gave me a letter,” he said. “Addressed to me. That’s when I really knew he loved me.”
“He loved you before that.”
“I know he did. I don’t know why I wanted my dad when I’ve had Jensen the whole time.”
“I’ve been there. Trust me,” you said. He let out a small laugh and you hugged him, TJ taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry Rick hurt you.”
“He hurt both of us.”
“Yeah but I care more about the fact he hurt you. I may deck him when I see him,” you said.
“That’d be kinda awesome,” he said. “But please don’t.”
“Hugs instead?” you said.
“I’ll take hugs,” he said. His stomach grumbled and you kiss his temple. 
“I’m gonna hit the drive thru and then we’ll get on the road again, okay honey?”
“Okay,” he said. You kissed him one last time before you got out of the car and dug around in the trunk. You took out your oversized hoodie and brought it up to the front, handing it to him. “What’s this?”
“You can steal it if you want. Your hoodie’s kinda make me feel better on crappy days,” you said.
“Thanks,” he said. “I really love you.”
“Me too. It’s gonna be okay.”
One Hour Later
“Let’s go to the hospital first,” said TJ as you hit the edge of town. 
“Jared said my dad was fine.”
“Y/N. Let’s go to the hospital,” he said. You nodded and about ten minutes later you were parked and getting a room number. He held your hand on the elevator ride up, kissing the top of your head. “You alright?”
“I’d prefer if he could stay out of the hospital.”
“Me too,” he said, the doors opening. You walked a little too quickly until you found the room, your mom and dad talking as you walked in.
“What are you two doing here?” he asked.
“Jared and Cody came by and we learned some stuff,” you said. “Why are you in the hospital? You look...normal.”
“Your father hit his head.”
“I’m fine.”
“After the accident last year-”
“It was nearly a year ago.”
“After the accident they wanted to be safe and monitor overnight just in case. He got a cut on his arm from some metal but that’s all,” said your mom. 
“I’m fine,” said your dad. He got up out of bed and spun around. “See? No concussion. An itty bitty scratch is all you worry worts.”
“Was there a fight?” you asked. He sat down and sighed. “You don’t look like it.”
“No,” he said. He looked at TJ and pursed his lips. “TJ would you mind grabbing me a drink from the vending machine?”
“Whatever you want to say, you’re gonna say it in front of me,” he said. 
“Mom and I went up to your parents place and it started out okay. But your mom didn’t quite understand what was going on. She thought Rick had been doing well betting horses at a track and that’s where the sudden money came from. Things...devolved from there and Rick got defensive and I was angry so we started arguing and he shoved me and your mom and De shut it down and the cops came and I’m sorry but he took the money for himself. Last we heard from your mom a little while ago she’s giving all the money back to you guys.”
“You pressing charges?” asked TJ.
“It was a shove. He didn’t take my money. You two are the ones that have a right to charge him,” he said.
“Do you know where my mom is?” asked TJ.
“She’s at your house along with your dad,” he said.
“Y/N why don’t you hang here with your parents,” said TJ. You shook your head and he frowned. “You’re worried about your dad. Stay.”
“He’s okay and I’m coming with you,” you said.
“Me too,” said your mom. 
“TJ. You’re not gonna win this one,” she said. “Jensen’s okay on his own for a bit and he’d come if he could. You’re not gonna go talk to your dad alone.”
“Fine. Let’s go,” he said, already leaving the room. Your mom grabbed her purse and you ran your hands over your face.
“Go take care of him,” said your dad quietly.
“Dad.” You walked in front of him and he wrapped his arms around you. “He’s gonna be fucked up.”
“I know. We’ll take care of him,” he said. He kissed your temple and pushed you towards the door gently. “Go take care of your husband.”
“We’ll be back.”
“Guys I think maybe I should go in first,” said your mom a short while later, the three of you parked in his parent’s driveway. 
“No,” said TJ.
“Danneel,” he said. He turned in the passenger seat and she sighed. “I’m a big boy. I can go in first.”
“Don’t be violent.”
“I won’t,” he said quietly. She kissed his cheek and nodded. 
“Okay sweetie. Let’s get this over with,” she said. You got out and took his hand, TJ not as tense as you were expecting.
“His car isn’t here,” he said quietly on the way up the porch steps. He rang the doorbell and the door flew open, his mom standing there. “Hi mom.”
“I kicked him out for the night,” she said, letting the door open for the three of you. “I’m so sorry. Danneel is Jensen-”
“He’s pissed but fine,” said your mom, following you inside. TJ walked around for a moment, stopping at a picture on the wall.
“Mom. Why does dad hate me?” he asked. He looked over his shoulder and she frowned. “He manipulated me and Y/N. He’s horrible to her family. I get that he went through something as a kid but he’s a grown man.”
“Your father loves you. He doesn’t always know the best way to show it,” she said.
“He hurt me and you’re gonna side with him. Again,” he said.
“He made a mistake.”
“Hell of a mistake,” you mumbled.
“Do you think he wants to be the way he is?” she asked.
“I could have gotten past everything before but this? He doesn’t get to worm his way out of it. I’m done with him.”
“Then you’re gonna be done with me too,” she said. TJ turned around and she lifted her chin. “He doesn’t deserve to thrown out of your life over a mistake.”
“I seem to recall you not saying a word when he almost hit your grandaughter with a belt,” said TJ. “Why do you make excuses for him?”
“Why do you hate him?” she asked. TJ threw up his hands and shook his head. “Always since you were a little boy you’ve hated him.”
“He didn’t want me, not the other way around. I know he worked a lot but all I wanted when he came home at night was a hug or a bedtime story. I wasn’t asking for much,” said TJ. “He resented me.”
“He put in all those long hours for you, to provide for you.”
“I’ve been working since I was fourteen. I paid for my own things from the second I was able to. I paid for school all on my own. My apartment. My car. I paid for my wedding and honeymoon. He paid for food and roof over my head which is the bare minimum he could have done. Don’t tell me he provided for me. He fucking hated me.”
“Because you’re not his,” she said. You and your mom looked at one another, TJ blinking where he stood. “Rick isn’t your father.”
“Excuse me?”
“I cheated on your father because he can be an asshole and I needed an escape. He found out when I was pregnant.”
“Excuse me?” asked TJ again.
“He never wanted children because he thought he’d be a bad father. I guess he was right in your mind,” she said. 
“If you’re gonna tell the story, you might as well tell the whole thing,” said Rick. He stepped out from down the hall, TJ’s mom sighing. 
“So you are here,” said TJ.
“Car’s in the shop,” he said. 
“You hate me?” 
“I love you. It doesn’t mean I’m a good person though,” he said.
“You stole from us.”
“Yes I did.”
“This house is the size of your living room. You have so much.”
“If you wanted money just fucking ask,” said TJ.
“Like I said, just cause I love you doesn’t mean I’m a good person.”
“You’re not even my father apparently.”
“I’m your father,” he said. “Didn’t make ya but I’m your father.”
“What’s the story?” asked your mom. They all looked to her and she looked at TJ’s mom. “What don’t we know.”
“You ever wonder how someone like me wound up with someone like your mother? We’re polar opposites most days,” said Rick. TJ narrowed his eyes and looked between them.
“Don’t tell him,” said his mom.
“Alright,” said Rick. “I must have been mistaken.”
“TJ, can I talk to you,” you said, pulling him into the kitchen. “TJ do you remember in family studies when we had that project to track our family trees and you found your parents marriage certificate and the year was wrong?”
“Y/N what’s that got to do with anything.”
“What if the year wasn’t wrong.”
“It can’t be. They would have gotten married after I was born then.”
“TJ I’m not saying your dad is great but he just lied for your mom. He loves her. Something happened before you were born or after. I have this feeling that she didn’t cheat on him.”
“What are you saying?”
“Maybe I’m wrong but maybe your mom was in a bad situation and Rick stepped in to help because of her.”
“Rick,” said TJ, very quickly exiting back to the family room. “When did you meet my mom. If you ever want to speak to me again, if you want me to speak to her again, you’ll tell me the truth.”
Rick glanced to TJ’s mom, TJ smirking.
“You do care about her.”
“Of course I fucking care about her. I care about you too.”
“That’s great. I feel very cared for,” said TJ. Rick pursed his lips and his mom nodded. “Truth or I walk out that door and never come back.”
“I was married,” said TJ’s mom. “He was charming until he wasn’t. I got pregnant with you and you were born and he would get so angry at you for being a simple baby and crying and...I was so scared of him hurting you that I left. I had nothing and I stayed with a friend for a few days. I met Rick through them and he offered us a safe place to stay with him. It was only supposed to be short term but things developed. He is not perfect but he’s not the monster you think he is. We are safe and the reason you have all you do well and truly is because of him.”
“Do you have anything to say?” asked TJ quietly.
“I loved your mother before I loved you, that’s true. But I learned and I’ve done my best. You were far better off without me in your life. Look at what you have. You’d be angry and bitter if I had more of a hand in raising you. So you can hate me but you do not hurt your mother like that. You do not walk away from her after everything she has done for you. Understand me?”
“I need space from you,” said TJ, Rick nodding. “I also need something else.”
“I still don’t understand why you took the money if you weren’t going to spend it.”
“Was gonna impress you, turn a profit on it, give it back with interest. Be like her father, give you some money for once.”
“Jensen doesn’t impress me because of money. Yes, their family doesn’t have to think twice about the cost of most anything. But Jensen, De, they don’t impress me for any reason other than how kind they’ve been to me. They treat me like their son, like I’m their own. They don’t pretend to. They don’t tolerate me for Y/N. They genuinely care about me, all because I fell in love with their daughter, a girl that’s not even theirs and they love her to death. The house is nice. The wedding was nice and so are the vacations. But I could live in a cardboard box and be happy if all I ever got was their kindness. They never made me work for it. They just gave it to me. You could have just given it to me and I would have been a happier kid. But you didn’t and now you have to work for it on my terms. So I want our money back and I want some space from you. If and when I’m ready to talk to you again, I’ll reach out. Alright?”
“Okay,” he said. TJ crossed his arms and nodded before he went outside. His mom followed after and you gave Rick a look. He pulled out his phone and tapped on it for a few moments before shoving it in his pocket. “It says it’s pending for that big of a transfer. It should be back in your account in a few days.”
“Oh I’ll make sure of that,” you said, walking over to him. “Rick. Maybe try some therapy if you really want to salvage this relationship.”
“You think I can afford that?” he said.
“We’ll pay,” said your mom. “Jensen and I will.”
“Cause he’s a fucking awesome kid and he deserves a relationship with you, even if we don’t like you,” she said.
“What about you? You hate me too kid?” he asked you.
“I can learn to tolerate and respect you. But you hurt him and I’ll protect him from anyone that does that, including you. But it’s not my forgiveness you need. It’s his so maybe try the therapy and let him come back if he’s ever ready for that, okay?”
“Alright.” You turned to go when he caught your shoulder. “Can I ask where the money came from? Jensen made it sound like you were behind on bills.”
“It made things tight for us. TJ and I have both been working side jobs nights and weekends to scrounge up extra money. We weren’t handed any of that money we gave you. We even took from ourselves and our children. Just because we live in a nice house doesn’t mean we don’t work for it,” you said. “Oh and one more thing. Touch my father again or call my mom slutty behind her back one more time, you’ll find out which one of us isn’t the good person in this relationship.”
“He what…” said your mom as you walked out, pulling her along behind you. “Dickhead!”
“Come on mom,” you said, pushing her back to the car. TJ gave his mom a nod and hug before he climbed back into the backseat.
“Slut my ass,” your mom mumbled under breath as she started the car back up. 
“Mom, let it go,” you said, shutting your eyes and slumping down in your seat.
“Put on your seatbelt,” she said. You reached up and put it on, turning back to catch TJ with his head leaned back. “You okay back there?”
“I don’t know,” he said.
“That’s probably the right answer,” you said. 
“Let’s get back to dad. I’m sure he’s climbing the walls to get out of there by now.”
Two Days Later
“Howdy,” said your dad, taking a seat in the patio chair beside you as you watched TJ swim in your pool with Allie. “Where’s the babe?”
“Naptime,” you said, TJ tossing Allie up in the air and hugging her tight when he caught her again. 
“How’s he holding up?” he asked, reaching over and taking a chip out of the bag in front of you.
“Better than expected. He’ll give Rick another chance someday.”
“He said that?”
“No. I know Thomas though. He’s too good to hold onto that crap. It might not be for six months or a year but it’ll happen eventually.”
“Well I think he’s a dick,” said your dad. “But if TJ wants to give him a chance, we’ll give him a chance.”
“Thanks for being his dad too,” you said.
“I love the kid,” he said, throwing his arm over your shoulders. “So what are you two gonna do with all that money?”
“Pay off the last of the lawyer fees, pay off a big chunk of what’s left on the mortgage. When that set design comes in then we won’t owe too much more on the house,” you said. “Speaking of which, I gotta go to work on it.”
“Y/N? Use some of that money and take a nice vacation with the kids. Or even just a long weekend away for you and TJ.”
“We really ought to use it for stuff like the house,” you said. 
“Have you and TJ ever taken a vacation just the two of you?”
“Of course. We went on our honeymoon.”
“That doesn’t count. The answer’s no, isn’t it.”
“Dad, I don’t need-”
“Maybe you don’t but somebody in that pool needs to have some fun. Plan a little trip away next month,” he said.
“He’s always wanted to go to Mardi Gras,” you said with a smile.
“You guys would have a blast and I got some pull down there and all. Come on. Let me spoil my grandkids for a weekend.”
“Alright, alright. You’ve convinced me,” you said.
“You mind if the twins have dinner with you guys?”
“We’re actually going to the Pads for dinner. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind more though. You got a hot date?”
“Getting a private college tour with mom and JJ,” he said. “Ya’ll can stop growing up anytime you want you know.”
“She wants to live at home you know.”
“Contrary to her teenage angst as of late, she does love us. Just you know, drop the curfew like you did with me.”
“And we get texts when you stay out.”
“That’s what you thought,” you mumbled. He raised an eyebrow and you shrugged. “I let you know when I wouldn’t be home that night. You didn’t need to know my exact whereabouts.”
“When’s the first time you stayed over TJ’s?”
“Fall of Freshman year in his dorm,” you said.
“Never mind. I don’t need to know,” he said.
“Yup. Let her have fun when she gets there, she’s smart,” you said. “Plus you know she’ll call me if shit happens. Also she has a year and a half of high school left. Relax.”
“At least I know Tom will keep an eye on her too.”
“Already planning the wedding?” you smirked.
“Shut up,” he said, ruffling your hair. “Make sure he gets this.”
He dug into his back pocket and took out an envelope, handing it to you.
“Thanks,” you said quietly. “Dad?”
“Mhm,” he said as he stood. 
“Can you invite him on your fishing trip this weekend with grandpa?”
“Already did,” he said, nodding down at the envelope. “I’ll talk to you soon, tall munchkin.”
“Later dad,” you said, TJ giving him a wave as he headed out. You left the letter on the patio table and went over to the pool, slipping into the shallow end.
“Everything good?” he asked.
“Yeah. My dad left you a letter,” you said, Allie swimming off on her own, doing circles around TJ. He nodded and got out of the pool, drying off some before he went to the table and sat down. “Time for a snack.”
You scooped her up and swung her around in the water, throwing her up your hip. You walked out with her, setting her down to dry her off some. 
“Is daddy okay?” she asked. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Why don’t you change back into some clothes and we’ll get Colin and snack time going.”
She rushed over to TJ and smiled up at him, TJ tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Daddy snack time!” she said.
“I’ll be inside in just a minute, sweetie,” he said. He leaned over and kissed her head, pushing her back towards you. You patted her inside, TJ rubbing his thumb over his lip as he read.
“Take your time, babe,” you said. You kissed his cheek and he nodded. “I’ll leave some tissues just inside the door in case.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Give me five minutes and I’ll be there.”
“Take all the time you need. I got these two,” you said. He nodded and smiled. “Love you.”
“Love you too, Y/N.”
A/N: Read the First Summer Timestamp here!
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Lately, everything has been terrible and stressful can I please get some fluff between sole and a married romanced companion doing married couple stuff?
(Heyy, I recognize you from my Skyrim blog! Hope everything starts getting better, whatever is going on)
(This is one of those things where if ya'll want a little drabble with a specific character..just ask! This may be more of a romantic fluff thing because i don't really know how to specifically make it about them being married //although I am thinking of writing wedding Headcanons// but you get the gist.))
•She never thought she would ever find herself here. Surely, she thought, she would've been beaten to death or overdosed before love ever would've been in the cards. So, it would be a vast understatement to say she's sometimes at a loss for words when she looks at you. Her wife/husband..damn that felt good.
•Often times you are privileged to the more tender side of Cait, the side of her that allows her to be completely at ease. During these times, she'll allow you to kiss some of her scars- her face flushing a furious red similar to one of her hair. She usually isn't the sappy type, but if you tell her that you love them as much as you love her..cue the waterworks.
•It's maybe not the romantic gesture, but she finds herself consistently sharpening your knives when you aren't around- placing them back in your knapsack before you get home. Partially accredited to her want for your safety and otherwise well being.
•If you have long enough hair, she sometimes will braid it in one of those fancy four strand braids..you know..to keep it out of your face for combat.
•Bunch of nights spent on the roof of red rocket sipping crappy warm beer but neither of you caring, much too invested in each other's presence to be picky.
•She keeps a very strict journaling of her research records...she also keeps one detailing every little aspect of you that she loves. She isn't exactly sure why she started doing this, but..it quickly becomes a post-war like scrapbook of the two of you. The biggest picture with tons of little hearts around it is the one of the two of you on your wedding day.
•You can sometimes find her uncontrollably grinning whenever she takes off her lab gloves and sees her wedding ring. She doesn't dare ever take it off.
•The second you get sick she is there by your side, the whole "in sickness" part of her vows surely weren't just for tradition.
•Just as you wear his, Danse never parts with your dog tags. Between them and his ring, they may as well be a part of him. Danse also has your initials engraved on the gauntlets of his power armour.
•Danse is surprisingly physically affectionate. As such, there are many instances where your ever so serious husband will stop you, running his thumb over your cheek before randomly giving you a chaste kiss. Afterwards he almost always follows the action up with something along the lines of "I'll never understand how I've became lucky enough to be able to call you mine."
•Enjoys you keeping him company when he works on power armour or weapons. Even if you have no skill in blacksmithing, he will insist that you join him. Just imagine it- a warm wasteland afternoon, Dogmeat laying out in the sun, some tune playing over the radio while a sweaty, tank top wearing Danse getting you to mod weapons with him.
•Deacon easily becomes very protective over you, who can blame him? His luck with marriage hasn't been the best...but then again..neither has your's. The more serious side of your relationship will always be the lingering fear of losing each other..it's good enough to make you hold each other closer at night.
•Late night snack breaks while the radio plays and the two of you dance around together is a must have for each night.
•You two are now formally known as the only married couple of the Railroad. Congrats.
•Totally has gotten a tattoo of your name. Let's face it, you probably have one of his as well.
•Loves spoiling you as much as he possibly can without crossing the line as your "right-hand" man. Gangs can't know too much. Well, they already know you're married..but you know..
•Doesn't drink very often, matter of fact he used to despise it. However, he soon sees the merriment in it via drunken antics with just you in your own privacy. Oh, expanding upon this..it's sort of a morning ritual for the two of you to watch the sunrise and drink some nuka-quantum to get the day going.
•The people of Goodneighbor view the two of you like some cool political power couple. It's neat. With that reputation also comes your husband seeking your counsel in political matters, let's just face it, he sometimes needs some guidance on how to be more strict without breaking his "code".
•Serves as a wonderful listener. I know, bare minimum- but seriously, he is incredibly wise when it comes to everyday strife. Plus, there isn't anyone else he'd rather listen to than his sweet sunshine.
•Often presents you with lavish gifts that you probably don't want to know where he got the funds for. Doesn't matter.
•He probably will have warned you a thousand times over before marriage but by marrying you, Duncan has to come into the big picture. So, marrying Mac means adopting yourself another little one and becoming your own perfect family.
•As such, a lot of the fluffier times have to do with all of you bonding. Be it making some strange wasteland alternative to pancakes in the morning or going out together to go shoot cans off the fence- life is pretty good.
•Mac becomes at ease whenever he feels completely secure. This will bleed over into every aspect of him, meaning you'll often times find him being less awkward with flirting with you and he also isn't as guarded.
•Although the two of you both uphold your duties to a tee, you always make sure to have time dedicated to the two of you. Regarding this, Arthur is completely in awe during the first few months of your marriage. He knew he wanted you, he just didn't ever imagine it would happen like this, plus being such a young newlywed surely puts an extra pep in his step.
•On some of the off days where he can just have you all to himself: he likes to play chess, take walks, and simply cuddle the hours away.
•I also believe it's worth mentioning that Arthur occasionally leaves you heartfelt love letters around where you'll get them. So even in the days he can't spend devoted to you, at least you'll have that.
•Slow dancing? Oh hell yes. Slow dances in the agency to songs like "Easy Living" are a common occurrence for the two of you.
•You'll never doubt how much he loves you, I can guarantee that much. Nick is nothing if not a romantic.
•Date nights spent enjoying some power noodles as she screws with the robot vendor.
•Also a repeat offender of leaving love notes for you to find. Only she gets embarrassed if you bring them up. She's happy you like them, but..don't say anything.
•Nat is also a part of the family. Just so you know!
•Regularly finds himself admiring you, not in the strictly surface way either. He just can't get over how wonderful you've made his life from the moment you entered it.
•Garvey loves taking you for some safe wasteland foraging, maybe not the most splendid married couple outing but, eh, it works!
•If given the opportunity, he'll sometimes play some songs for you if you happen to find a piano that still functions.
•The whole "married" thing sometimes confuses him. He loves you, but is he supposed to treat you any differently? Probably not- but he still wonders every once in a while
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Girls Day - Shoto Todoroki
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi
Work for you this week was grueling to say the least. Your agency had assigned you to lead a coalition of heroes to take down a group of villains holding hostages, which for you was no problem. What was a problem, however, was the fact that some of the heroes in your group got sloppy which led to some of the hostages getting injured. Thankfully none of the injuries led to fatalities, but a couple came pretty close. This stuck you working in your office for four days straight writing up paperwork and detailing exactly how everything happened. You knew you had no fault in this, and so did your superiors, but you were technically responsible for those who did make mistakes. 
After you finally finished dotting the last i and crossing the last t, you scanned and faxed the documents over to your higher ups, stuffed any necessary paperwork that involved other agendas into your work bag, and finally, finally, turned off your laptop. You took a deep breath and ran a hand through your hair, but stopped halfway when you got a call on your cell. You see your good friend, Ochaco Uraraka, soon to be Ochaco Midoriya, is the contact listed as calling. 
“Hey Ochaco, what’s up?” You asked, fatigue clear in your voice.
“Hey Y/N! Nothing much, I was just wondering if you were free tomorrow! I was thinking of having a girls day - you, me, Momo, Tsu, Mina, Jirou, and Hagakure! You in?” Relishing in the idea of a relaxing day off, a smile spreads across your face.
“Hell yeah I’m in. Where are we all meeting?” You say as you simultaneously begin to shut off the lights in your office.
“Well, those new outlet malls just opened up, I was thinking of heading there! There’s sure to be a lot of cute things, maybe you could get something for a date night with Todoroki!” You blushed lightly as she mentioned your boyfriend’s name and rolled your eyes. 
“Yeah, well, we both have to have time off for a date night to happen in the first place. You know both of us well enough to know that we’re workaholics.” You joke. It was true to an extent, though. Both you and Shoto were busy people whose work schedules, more often than not, didn’t line up. The two of you made it clear to each other when the relationship started that you couldn’t really get mad at eachother for occasionally canceling dates or having dinner late. The life of a hero was tough and erratic - you couldn’t really count on when a villain was going to strike.
“If Shoto Todoroki sees you wanting to have a date night, he’s going to make it happen. Add a fancy outfit to that? Girl, you’re set.” You laugh at Ochaco’s statement and lock your door, making your way to the elevator. You give parting smiles to the people still working at the desks on the main floor and a quiet wave to your receptionist. You continue to chat with Ochaco about fun ideas for the day tomorrow like where to eat, if you were going to get your nails done, and maybe heading to the brand new spa. 
“Oh, that just sounds like heaven. I’ve been dying to get a massage - I’ve been stuck at my desk for the past few days and my shoulders are absolutely killing me.” You open the big glass doors that belong to your agency, finally making your way outside to where a certain red-and-white haired man stood waiting with a bouquet of (your favorite flower). Your face immediately softens and you give him a giddy smile. “Hey, I’m gonna have to call you back. I can’t wait for tomorrow!” You and Ochaco say goodbye and you hang up. 
“Who was that?” Shoto asked, an eyebrow raised.
“Ochaco,” you respond as you stuff your phone into your coat pocket, “the girls and I are going out for a girls day tomorrow.” you announce happily, leaning into Shoto to give him a quick kiss. You trade your bag for the flowers, at his insistence, and take his free hand in yours.
“That’ll be nice - you deserve a nice day out.” Shoto says, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. You hum in response and smell the flowers, sighing at its aroma.
“What about you? Do you have to go in tomorrow?”
“Yeah, but it’s a short day for me,” he says, “just finalizing some recruitments for internships.” You smile at his words.
“It’s so great that you're doing that Sho,” you say, “I remember how happy I was when I got to go intern for Hawks. I probably didn’t stop smiling for weeks.” Shoto chuckles at that.
“Yeah I remember. You were practically buzzing with excitement.” Recollection of another memory crosses his mind which makes him laugh harder.
“What?” You say, grinning.
“I remember you calling me and telling me how Tokoyami basically had to shut you up because Hawks was too nice to tell you to stop talking when you were on a mission.” At this point he was cackling. You laugh with him and swat him with the flowers causing some petals to fall away. 
“Ugh that was so embarrassing,” you say, watching Shoto wipe a tear that had escaped as he was laughing, “the hue of my face was practically identical to your red hair.
The drive back to your shared apartment was full of laughter and more memories from your time at UA. When Shoto finally confessed, when your relationship became official, and all the silly moments in between. You finally arrive home and the two of you decide to have leftovers for dinner and watch a movie on the couch. You were so perfectly happy at this moment. You and your boyfriend, unwinding at the end of the day. The fact that you were so comfortable with living with each other now that you could be slouched on your couch, eating leftovers right out of the tupperware, and watching a stupid rom com on T.V. . 
Finally it was time to go to bed. Your eyes were already shut by the time Shoto finished washing up and you feel the dip in the mattress beside you. It was quiet as you were wrapped in his arms. Well, quiet until Shoto nudged your shoulder with his chin.
“Take my credit card when you go out tomorrow.” He says quietly, pressing a kiss against the back of your neck.
“Shoto Todoroki, I will do no such thing.” You mumble, eyes still closed.
“Please?” He asks quietly, making you melt a little, “I want tomorrow to be completely relaxing. I know you credit yourself as a smart shopper, but I want you to just spend whatever you want on anything you want.” He says as he nuzzles you.
“Sho, I make almost as much as you - I can go shopping with my own card.” You respond. However, his next few words make you agree rather quickly to using his.
“The one I’m giving you is tied to my father’s bank account.”
“...Okay deal.”
By the time you wake up the following morning, Shoto is already gone. You stretch your arms and back and groan. You push the stray hair in front of your face behind your ear and see a little note next to a danish and a silver credit card.
“Breakfast for you, my love. Have a great day. Also, I booked a reservation at that fancy restaurant in town that you like for 7:30 p.m. . Go crazy with the card, my father won’t even notice. Love, your Shoto.”
Your heart always flutters when he writes you letters and signs them with “your Shoto”. It’s a sweet affirmation that you have his heart. You nibble on the danish as you scroll through messages on your phone, the most recent ones from Ochaco and the girls.
Mina: We’re meeting at the outlets at 11:00 a.m. right?
Ochaco: Yup! Get excited!
You eventually roll out of bed and stroll into your closet, looking at the array of clothes hanging up. You decide on a casual yet chic outfit and get dressed. You grab the coffee waiting for you on the counter in the kitchen, yet another gift from shoto, stuff Endeavor’s credit card into your purse, and make your way to the outlets by taxi. When you finally get there, you see that the whole group is there. You thank and pay the driver quickly and rush out to meet up with your friends.
“Y/N!” they all say, giving you a big hug.
“Hey guys! Wow, it’s so great to see all of you here together - I can’t remember the last time we all met up!” You say, grinning. As a group you all make your way into the mall, stopping by some high end boutiques and designer stores.
“How’s the fiance?” You ask Ochaco, wiggling your eyebrows. She gives you a smile as she looks through some of the skirts hanging on the rack next to her.
“Oh, Izuku’s great. Couldn’t be more excited about the wedding, if I’m honest.” She says giggling. The two of you talk about the wedding planning and everything for a bit, listening to Ochaco gush about how involved Izuku is with the process.
“What about you Y/N? Any wedding bells in your future?” Mina says, popping into the conversation. You blush and try to make yourself look busy by inspecting the hem on a shirt very carefully.
“Oh, I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, Shoto and I are going super well right now, it’s just that the both of us are so busy. I always thought that we would get married but I don’t really know about how he feels about it.” The girls quirk their eyebrows at this, confused as to how the two of you hadn’t had a conversation about that yet. Quickly, you clear everything up. “I just don’t want him to think of his parents’ predicament - I mean that was his first view on marriage, and I know that he knows that that’s not how marriage works, but I feel like it might be a touchy subject.” The girls nod and give you reassuring smiles.
“Oh Y/N, you have got to try the dress on. I mean, it’s made for you.” You hear Momo say. You follow her gaze to a mannequin and couldn’t even try to hold back the gasp that left your mouth. It truly was beautiful. The dress was navy in color and was clearly made of an expensive material. The sleeves, which were long sleeves, were also sheer and dotted with small pearls. On the mannequin as well were matching shoes and a bag. You just couldn’t keep your eyes off of it. It was so expensive, in fact, that you had to ask the store manager directly to go into the back and grab you your size so that you could try it on. You had to say, when you put that dress on, you felt like a million bucks. Momo was right, it really was made for you. Sliding the curtain back so that the rest of the girls could see, you didn’t even try to hide your smile as you saw the girls’ reactions.
“Y/N L/N, if you weren’t already taken I would pounce on you myself.” Mina says, making you laugh. You get similar compliments from the rest of the girls, making you smile, and taking the dress and the accessories up to the register. The woman there kindly wraps the dress, shoes, and bag carefully in tissue paper and places the three items into a pretty shopping bag. You had fun during the rest of the day, eating lunch, getting a mani-pedi, and a massage, but you couldn’t contain your excitement at the thought of wearing that dress to yours and Shoto’s dinner date that evening.
After your busy day of shopping, you immediately run home to shower. You had about an hour to wash your hair and body, making sure to shave your legs so that you looked totally put together that evening. You manage to do your hair in your favorite formal style, slip on your dress and shoes, and swing the small matching bag over your shoulder. You put on a tiny bit of make-up, just a light coat of mascara and a sheer layer of lip gloss. You look at yourself in the mirror and almost explode. You even had to admit it to yourself. You. Looked. HOT.
You finally make your way to the restaurant and ask the hostess at the front to direct you to your table. She led you to where Shoto was sitting, looking at the menu. As soon as he registers people coming towards him, he looks up but almost chokes. Seeing you in that dress almost made his eyes pop out of his head. He couldn’t even form a coherent thought as he mindlessly thanked the hostess and watched you sit down across from him. Smirking, you gently wave a hand in front of his face.
“Earth to Shoto! Is someone in there?” You said, giggling softly. The only thing Shoto could say was something that he had been thinking about for the past two years non-stop. With no filter and no reason to stop himself, he made that thought known.
“You wanna get married?”
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nightlydreamer · 3 years
DELTARUNE SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 2 : Ralsei Theory please skip if you do not wish to spoil yourself for chapter 2 in any way! :3 I talk a lot without being vague, so if you haven't played yet, there may be some big spoils! . . . . . . .
. So I know a lot of people think Ralsei is gonna turn out to be Actually Asriel in some way, shape or form, especially because of the anagram nature of his name... and I would like to posit that I think this is actually unlikely! I don't think Ralsei is Asriel, and the reason I think this is a few things that have cropped up, particularly over chapter 2.
1. Darkners being items from the real world.
When you return from the darkworld with Lancer and Rouxls in your pocket, they are little cards! I'm sure folks have already talked about this a bit, but there's a theory that Ralsei may be represented by that headband Kris would wear when they were a kid!
which brings me to the idea of...
2. Ralsei and Personal Agency
chapter 2 gave us this great line!!!
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I think Ralsei may be aware that he has some visual similarities to Asriel. He's very thankful when Kris tells him that they like that Ralsei is Ralsei, and that it "means a lot coming from Kris" (eyes emoji). The whole boat convo seems to seriously imply that Ralsei doesn't necessarily know entirely who they are yet as a person, but have an idea of what they -should- be... and seeing Susie being Susie in particular, being a strong individual who makes her own choices and isn't always nice....
Well, I think we're at some point going to get an arc with Ralsei insisting on his own personhood, seperate from being perceived as someone else. He is his own person!!!.... even if he doesn't know how to be or what that means just yet.
3. Born from a Wish
This is perhaps a bit more like, my own thoughts on things... but Ralsei is very aware of the lightner (and game) world, more than we know. Things like asking Kris to collect everything from the room in the school, implying that they should try to have mercy wherever they can, having conversations with Kris that the Player can't see. Even the boat conversation implies something more, because why does it mean more coming Kris?
This branches a little from what I was talking about, but I think Ralsei is a bit of a Born from a Wish situation - a wish to help better Kris' life, and maybe brighten their days?
Whether that wish is Kris' own, or Ralsei's.... Ralsei wants to be Kris' friend, he wants to do things for them, he wants to make sure that Kris gets along with other people (like Susie and Lancer in ch1), he's constantly getting Kris to make decisions and happily handing over the reigns to them and I think that's an attempt to give Kris agency. Which Kris appears not to often have from what i've seen - things like Toriel holding their hand into school (Kris' head seems to be down in this scene, almost... unhappily??), the situation with the (recent?) divorce, having a bedroom not entirely their own - things that can make a person feel powerless and without agency, not even counting the Player control.
you could also argue that that's him giving the player agency, but (if I am recalling correctly) Ralsei's choices seem to be geared towards doing something for Kris, and moving AROUND the player's awareness at times .
So yeah!!! Like, disclaimer because yes, this theory could still be wrong!! It's still early. But I think Ralsei is going to be very much NOT Asriel, and I think that that may actually be a big part of Ralsei's personal arc?? How MUCH Ralsei wishes to be his OWN person, and what that means for him going forward.
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Heal Me, Kill Me Ch.5 (Final Chapter)
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x female reader
Genre— Vampire!Taehyung x Vampire Hunter!reader, SMUT +18, angst
Warnings— Unprotected explicit sex, fingering, blood mentions, death, oral (f and m receiving), creampie, overstimulation 
Word Count— 6.3k
Summary— You’re one of the best vampire hunters in the world. That’s to be expected when your parents are the best of the best. Your life had solely revolved around ruthlessly killing vampires, making you a cold blooded machine. However, things take a turn once you meet Kim Taehyung, your latest target.
A/N— Huge shoutout to @dee-ehn for this beautiful banner! Thank you to everyone who has given this series a read. It’s very special to me and it’s bittersweet that it’s now over. Please let me know what you guys think!
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“Let me get this straight, the VEC HQ is completely gone? Wiped out?” you questioned as you tried to grasp the situation.
“Apparently they were hit with a massive ambush. A huge horde of vampires led under a single commander, it seemed like. I got a call during the middle of the raid. All I could hear were screams and the caller’s laugh. I was given a time and place for a meet up,” Yoongi explained further. 
“Perfect, let’s go burn the sons of bitches,” Jungkook got up energetically.
“There are only four of us,” Taehyung observed with a judgmental glance towards the young man. 
“There are only THREE VEC members left. The only reason you’re still alive is because ___ insisted on it. Mark my words, one slip up, and you’re dead. Got that?” Yoongi corrected him. Taehyung solemnly nodded. 
“So, what do we do? HQ is gone, but surely we can contact the other agencies around the globe,” you suggested.
“Already tried that. They saved the best for last. There is no one we can ask for help,” Jungkook shook his head. 
“I can go. Alone, I mean. To the rendezvous point you were given,” Taehyung offered. 
“And do what? Join forces with them?” Yoongi glared. 
“An attempt at diplomacy would be ideal. Should they choose violence, then so be it. If I die, I die. But at least you will be safe,” Taehyung looked at you while he said that last sentence. 
“Sounds good to me--”
“Absolutely not,” you interrupted Yoongi, “If we really are the last people qualified as vampire hunters, I say we go down swinging. I can’t just sit by knowing there are murderous vampires on the loose. We all took an oath to protect mankind. I intend to keep that oath.”
Yoongi and Jungkook exchanged looks. Jungkook was all for it, eager to let out his rage. It took a bit more to convince Yoongi, but he reluctantly agreed. He really took to heart what you said about the VEC oath.
“Here are the coordinates I was given. We have three days to get there,” Yoongi brought up the site on Google Earth.
“What the hell? That looks like an abandoned castle. That’s kind of badass. Major Castlevania vibes,” Jungkook gawked as he zoomed in closer.
“I know this place,” Taehyung said quietly. 
“You do?” the remaining VEC members asked in unison.
“I believe so. And if who I think is involved truly is involved...I fear we may be in deeper trouble than I thought,” he said ominously. 
“Fuckin terrific,” Yoongi grumbled. 
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“Thank god Yoongi brought the private jet over here,” you sighed as you watched the trees below you grow smaller and smaller.
“Thank god I have the credit card for the VEC funds. I would be remiss if we lost all that money,” Yoongi called back using the intercom. 
“Flying via private jet is probably one of my favorite parts of the job. Hey, you good over there, Fangs?” Jungkook coined a nickname for his new vampire acquaintance. 
You looked over to see Taehyung’s face paler than usual as he tightly gripped the armrests of his seat. He slowly looked over towards the pair of you and nodded, though he was clearly lying. You couldn’t help but chuckle at him. His fear of flying was adorable, who would’ve known that an undead creature could be scared of planes?
“I’m gonna go join Yoongi in the cockpit, I love the view from there,” Jungkook said to no one in particular as he stood up once cruising altitude was reached. 
You unbuckled your seat belt and went over to comfort Taehyung, who looked queasier by the minute. You handed him a bottle of water.
“Sorry, we don’t have any blood bags on the plane,” you joked.
“I appreciate the gesture, darling,” Taehyung meekly smiled.
“I didn’t know you were scared of flying,” you said with an amused grin.
“I’ve never been a fan. People traveling in the air? It’s just not natural,” Taehyung shook his head in distaste.
“I don’t think you’re one to talk about what’s natural, but I get that. I wish there was a way I could get you to unwind. We have quite a long way to go before we reach our destination,” you straddled his lap and ran your fingers through his hair, “I can get off if you feel like you need to puke,” you quickly added.
“No, I think a distraction is exactly what I need,” Taehyung’s eyes darkened as he unbuckled his seat belt and gripped your hips.
Your hips began to move on their own as they grinded against him. You could feel his clothed erection growing under you, which only spurred you on more. Taehyung leaned forward to kiss you, and accidentally bit your lip in his excitement. He quickly lapped up the small dribble of blood that surfaced, and that alone seemed to make him more ravenous. Taehyung started to guide your hips, pushing you harder and faster against him.
“You want me?” Taehyung exhaled against your lips.
“I need you. Take off your pants, Tae,” you instructed as you climbed off of him.
“The others won’t intrude?” Tae asked with a smirk as he tugged down his pants.
“Yoongi is flying the jet, and I don’t give a fuck if Jungkook walks in on us,” you answered as you sank to your knees. 
You wasted no time in taking a firm hold of Taehyung cock. Your now ice cold hand caused Taehyung to shudder, a feeling he would now have to get used to. Luckily, the friction from your quick pumping warmed him back up, and he was able to fully enjoy himself. How could he not, when he sees your eager eyes gazing up at him with your lips wrapped around his tip. Your tongue swirled around his sensitive head, making a small moan escape from his lips.
“You have to be quiet, or else I’ll stop,” you warned him. It felt good to hold somewhat of a dominant position over him, but also you would rather not be walked in on. Taehyung nodded his head and licked his lips as you returned to the task at hand. 
Drool dripped down his long cock as you bobbed your head up and down. You tried to fit as much of him in your mouth as you could, but his sheer size made it damn near impossible. Taehyung couldn’t help himself as he grabbed the back of your head and shoved his dick further down your throat. You gagged as he took control of your mouth, but he stopped as soon as he saw tears welling in your eyes.
“I’m sorry darling, did I hurt you?” he asked with concern as he stroked your cheek.
“I’m fine, it’s an involuntary reaction. You’re too sweet,” you smiled as you stood up and unbuttoned your pants, “But since you made me cry I guess it’s only fair for you to make it up to me.”
You straddled over Taehyung, teasing your bare pussy over his hard cock. You wanted him to feel how wet you were before he even penetrated you. As much as you wanted to milk this moment, you really would rather for Jungkook to NOT walk in on you in the middle of getting down and dirty. 
You slowly lowered yourself onto Taehyung’s dick, softly gasping as he stretched you out. You both let out a blissful sigh once you reached his base. You took your time fucking him slowly, as this was one of the few times that you had control in an intimate setting. Taehyung gripped your hips harshly; his eyes begged for you to go faster. Lust took over and you gave in. You began to ride him harder and faster, and soon it was a struggle for both of you to stay quiet. 
Lewd wet sounds echoed around the cabin as you hid your face in the crook of Taehyung's neck at a poor attempt to muffle your moans. Taehyung in turn could barely hold back his deep grunts since he took control with a tight grip on your ass as he fucked upwards into you. With Taehyung drilling into your sweet spot with inhumane speed, the intensity made you clamp down on his neck hard enough to draw blood. Taehyung came quickly after you bit him, releasing his load into your ravaged pussy. 
You licked at his wound, his blood only adding to the euphoria pulsing around your body. Taehyung kissed you passionately before you hopped off in search of napkins to clean yourself off with. The sound of the cockpit door opening sent you and Taehyung into a frenzy. Clothes were put back on in record time and you both were sitting properly in your respective seats when Jungkook came to rejoin you.
“You’re looking better, Fangs,” Jungkook observed. 
“I just needed some time to adjust,” Taehyung said smoothly. 
“You guys know we have cameras and microphones rigged around this cabin right? And it’s all viewable from the cockpit?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
Taehyung’s eyes grew large and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Neither of you could make eye contact with Jungkook, who was looking at both of you expectantly. 
“This is why I do not appreciate modern technology. Personal privacy is a thing of the past,” Taehyung confessed.
Jungkook burst out into a fit of laughter, clutching at his sides as he tried to talk.
“I was fucking with you. I mean yeah there are cameras and shit but security is in the back and gets sent directly to HQ. Which no longer exists. Fuck, you guys are so horny,” Jungkook laughed.
“Fuck off Jungkook,” you rolled your eyes and turned away to hide your reddened cheeks. 
“How’s it feel being part of the Mile High Club?” Jungkook slung his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders from behind. 
“I am assuming that has something to do with intercourse in the sky?” Taehyung questioned. Jungkook nodded excitedly.
“In that case, I rather enjoyed it,” Taehyungn concluded thoughtfully.
“Tae! You don’t have to indulge this idiot,” you cried out.
“Thanks for being honest. Yoongi and I made a bet. He’s gonna be so pissed,” Jungkook sing songed as he walked back towards the cockpit.
You and Taehyung quietly listened as you heard Jungkook say, “Hey Yoongi, time to cough up that $200!”
“Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell ___! God dammit,” Yoongi exclaimed loud enough to be heard clearly through the door (and with your heightened sense of hearing).  
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The decrepit castle basked in the pale moonlight as the four of you peered at it through the bushes. The rest of the plane ride was awkward and Yoongi hadn’t been able to make eye contact with you since. He kept shooting death glares at Taehyung while Jungkook kept making funny faces at the both of you. You sighed knowing odds were that the castle was filled with bloodthirsty vampires guarding the strongest one of them all, and the only ones going up against them was your ragtag team. You suddenly made peace with dying...again. 
“So what’s the plan again?” Jungkook asked.
“I can go and try to reason with them. If you hear the sounds of an altercation then that would indicate your cue to join the fight,” Taehyung offered.
“I’m not risking you turning over to their side just to screw us over,” Yoongi sneered. 
“Yoongi he wouldn’t--”
“That’s reasonable. What other plan do we have then?” Taehyung interrupted your oncoming protest.  
“We go all at once. A cool final last stand thing. The grand finale. I don’t want to go into hiding and spend the rest of my life trying to pick these suckers off one by one. They’re all here. Or at least, the one that matters most anyway,” Jungkook gave his input, “Oh, but you matter to me, Fangs,” he shot a smile at Taehyung, who gave him a small polite bow to show his gratitude. 
“So we go in guns blazing?” you asked to sum up the plan. The men all nodded in agreement. It was now or never. Jungkook was right, this was a prime opportunity to take out the ring leader. 
All of you sported long black trench coats that concealed many weapons. Guns with blessed bullets, blessed blades, and water guns filled with holy water (Jungkook’s favorite) were among the vast assortment. You subtly left out wearing crucifixes as you normally would, hoping that no one would notice. Taehyung didn’t need any fancy weaponry, but Jungkook gave him a coat so that he could “match the team in its kickassery”. 
Yoongi was staring at something in his hand away from the others. You approached him slowly. You didn’t know what to say to him on the potential last night of your lives, but you hoped something would come to mind.
“Whatcha got there?” you questioned, peering over his shoulder. 
“An old picture. Have you ever seen this before? Here,” Yoongi handed you the picture. It was old, and the camera quality was not the greatest. However, you were able to make out a smiling Yoongi off to the side.
“Wow you look the same,” you joked.
“This was my VEC graduation picture. See anyone else you know?” he asked. You examined the picture a second time.
“Mom and dad…” you trailed off. They were practically strangers to you. It was odd seeing them like this; young and happy, not knowing their grim future. Before you knew it, you were crying. You didn’t realize it until Yoongi called your name with concern.
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s going on,” you apologized while wiping your tears away, “I guess I just don’t want to lose you too.
“I couldn’t bear to lose you either, ___. I promise I’ll do everything I can to protect you. But knowing you, you’ll probably be the one saving my old ass,” Yoongi chuckled as he patted you on the back.
“Guys! We gotta go!” Jungkook beckoned.
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If this were a movie, the scene where the main characters walk in slow motion like badasses towards the enemy would be playing. However, this was not a movie, and you were scared shitless. Sure, you technically were a vampire now, but that won’t stop them from killing you again. 
“I know I said this place was cool before, but now it’s giving me the creeps,” Jungkook whispered as you all followed the rugged path that led to the stone bridge in front of the main gate.
The once grand door was now ripped off its hinges, laying a few yards away from the entryway as if it was carelessly cast aside. You took a deep breath as you followed Taehyung into the castle. Beams of moonlight illuminated the castle in rays as it shone through cracks and holes in the walls. The castle was oddly bare, most of its belongings were probably looted a long time ago. All that was left was memories of the past that no one cared about and a few rats that have lived there for decades. 
Your party made it to what must have been the throne room. There was not a single sign of life. It was eerily quiet, and the only movements you saw were those of the vermin that dwelled within the decaying walls. The throne room was dark, and Jungkook led the way with a single lighter. 
“What the hell? Is this place really empty--”
“Welcome, honored guests!” a loud voice boomed as braziers suddenly lit up the room. 
You cowered at the sudden brightness. Once your eyes adjusted, you saw a single figure sitting in the throne at the front of the room. One of his legs was slung over an armrest as he rested his chin on his hand over the other. He depicted a spitting image of a cocky King drunk on power. 
“I’m so thrilled you all could join me this evening. Oh, what’s this? An old friend? How serendipitous,” he sat up straight now as he leaned forward to get a better look at his visitors. 
“Why did you summon us here?” Yoongi cut right to the chase. 
“Very blunt and straight to the point are we? You must be the failed VEC’s headmaster. Min Yoongi, was it? I wanted to talk business. But I must say, this is a rather odd bunch you have here,” the man chuckled, “Are you aware that there are vampyres amongst your company?”
“Yes, this one--wait, vampires? With an ‘s’?” Yoongi’s face scrunched up in confusion. 
“Oh yes, that girl over there,” the strange man gestured towards you with his chin.
“What?!” Yoongi yelled with incredulity, “Taehyung, if we get out of here alive I’m gonna murder you myself!”
“It was my decision! I asked him to do it!” you admitted while jumping in front of Taehyung to protect him from a furious Min Yoongi. 
“Hah, I knew it,” Jungkook said with a devious grin.
“You know what? I’ll beat all of your asses after this,” Yoongi hissed before turning his attention back to the man on the throne, “Anyway, what do you want?”
“I simply wanted to negotiate with you Mr. Min. But I believe we’re all in for a rather interesting night,” the man licked his lips, “Tell me, how long has it been, Taehyung?”
In an instant, Taehyung was strangling the man on the throne. He was so fast that you didn’t even register his movement until you heard him yelling.
“You bastard! You ruined my life! Over and over again! Now I can finally kill you with my own hands,” he growled with a murderous look in his eyes that you have never seen before. 
“Taehyung stop! You’ll have your chance with him, but for now we need answers,” you pulled Taehyung away as Jungkook put the vampire in blessed restraints. 
“Ouch, that hurts,” the vampire pouted, “Still just as dramatic as ever I see, Taehyung. I like your spark though. Almost the same as the night we met, all those years ago.”
“I will kill you,” Taehyung threatened. 
“What did this guy do to you, Fangs?” Jungkook asked.
“He’s the one that turned me,” Taehyung admitted. 
“Can you believe that? It feels like it was just yesterday when I slaughtered your little village. How silly was it that all the men were in the tavern, drinking and fucking whores while their families were left unattended. That didn’t sit right by me, I’m a man of morals. So I killed everyone in the tavern after I had my fill of lonely housewives and innocent children. Except Taehyung. He was the only man who was ever able to put a scratch on me. I forgot I could even bleed, it was honestly a refreshing sight. In the spur of the moment, I rewarded him with eternal life. Could you believe my surprise when he said he didn’t want to be my henchman?” the detained vampire explained. 
“You killed my family and everyone that I knew! Of course I wouldn’t want to be your stupid sidekick, you daft idiot,” Taehyung rebuttled in disgust.
“It was a shame. Poor sweet Maggie didn’t deserve what happened to her,” the vampire looked down at the ground somberly.
“You...you did what?” Taehyung interrogated with a shaky voice. 
“I managed to catch a glimpse of you and your happy life in London. Excuse me for being a little petty about you declining my offer to be my travel buddy. I get lonely, you know. Every other vampire I turn becomes such a drag and I end up killing them myself. So I gave a little tip to the VEC and the rest is history,” the vampire shrugged. 
“Hoseok you snake! You’re the scum of the Earth! I’ll tear your throat out,” Taehyung screamed as he shook off Jungkook and lunged at the captured vampire. Taehyung slashed a giant gash in the middle of Hoseok’s chest, spewing blood everywhere.
“If I die, so do they,” Hoseok said nonchalantly as Taehyung was about to sink his fangs into his jugular. That made Taehyung reluctantly pause and shrink back.
“Taehyung, you can have the honor of killing this piece of shit after I’m done talking to him,” Yoongi stated, “Your name is Hoseok?”
“Jung Hoseok, at your service. I’m thinking of J-Hope as a street name if I decide to make my dancing skills public. Not to brag, but I’m also the strongest vampire to ever live. I normally don’t bleed this much, it’s embarrassing,” Hoseok looked away bashfully as blood flowed freely from his chest.
“Why did you say that if you die we die?” Yoongi asked with urgency. 
“Well because there are roughly 100 vampires who haven’t fed in a month waiting at my command. My dominion over them is the only thing keeping you safe. With me gone, they’ll be free from their invisible leashes,” Hoseok smiled.
“Nothing is stopping us from dragging your sorry ass away from here,” Jungkook snarled.
“You think they’ll idly sit by and watch their master be whisked away in shackles? I can tell who wasn’t top of their class,” Hoseok giggled. 
“What was the deal you had in mind?” Yoongi kept up his stoic act.  
“Total immunity. I’ll even have all 100 henchmen kill themselves as a show of good faith,” Hoseok flashed a sly smile. 
“No can do, I already promised Taehyung he could kill you,” Yoongi sighed.
“Is he part of the VEC? The deal would have to last for the rest of eternity between me and the VEC. If I die in a vampire fight then that’s on me,” Hoseok tilted his head in confusion. 
“Give me a minute to discuss this with my colleagues,” Yoongi said before leading you and Jungkook to the opposite side of the room, “What do we do? His offer seems too good to be true.”
“It seems fair since he said he’d kill off his henchman on his own. I’m sure Taehyung can kick his ass,” Jungkook added. 
“And if Tae loses? Then we have nothing that’ll stop him from killing us. It’s too risky. I don’t trust him one bit,” you concluded. 
“We can’t possibly win against him plus 100 starving vampires. We’ll be dead meat in seconds,” Yoongi argued. 
Meanwhile, Taehyung looked down in disgust at Hoseok as they had their own conversation.
“I think we were fated to be together. I never thought you’d be here,” Hoseok batted his eyes at Taehyung.
“You’re lucky they’re here to stop me. Otherwise you’d regret letting me live,” Taehyung snapped.
“So why are you here? I’m guessing it has something to do with that girl. Don’t tell me, did you turn her?” Hoseok’s eyes grew large, “Wow, you’ve grown stronger than I could have hoped! If we combine our powers we can rule this world.”
“You’re delusional if you think I’d join you after all of this.”
“Then I’ll enjoy tearing apart your plaything in front of your eyes,” Hoseok smirked. 
“If you lay a finger on her then I’ll--”
“We’ll accept your terms after a few more clarifications,” Yoongi interrupted, “First of all, we don’t think we can trust you. After all, you wiped out the VEC HQ. I have no doubt that the global branches have fallen as well. There’s nothing stopping you from killing us as soon as we let you free.”
“We both know that you never would have agreed to meet with me if I hadn’t done anything drastic. I needed to get rid of the grunts to get to the King, simple as that. Believe me, if I wanted you dead you all would have been slain the moment your fancy plane landed,” Hoseok shrugged.
“Then why did you let us live? Why go through the trouble?” Jungkook questioned.
“For the drama of it all, dear boy. When you get to be as old as I am, living gets boring. I’m not sure if you could tell, but I live for theatrics and thrill. Oh and I’m planning on taking over the world or whatever,” Hoseok admitted happily. 
“And you think we’d let you get away with that?” Yoongi scoffed.
“I’m simply offering you a little peace offering. Of course I wouldn’t hurt you three, and you’re all welcome to kill any vampires that come across your path. It’s more of a mutual immunity actually. This benefits you people more than me. If you disagree, you’re dead anyway,” Hoseok smiled wide enough to show off his fangs.
“Fine. The VEC accepts your terms. You have my word that the VEC will never harm you,” Yoongi declared, “But first, we must see your troops fall with our own eyes.”
“Pleasure doing business with you, I knew you’d be smart. And that’s fair,” Hoseok whistled and the ground began to rumble as an army of vampires came running into the throne room. 
The soldiers made orderly lines and awaited their orders. Some of them salivated at the sight of your party, but they didn’t dare move an inch without permission. They were the most ravenous vampires you’ve ever seen, and would want to avoid fighting them at all cost.
“My dear underlings. You have all served me well. You’ll be in my heart as I create a new world. I ask one last thing of you. Rip out your own heart to show your devotion to me. May your souls rest in peace,” Hoseok gave a short uninspiring speech.
You watched in horror as the army chanted “Long Live Hoseok” along with random whoops and hollers. They were extremely lively and hyped up as they plunged their own fists into their chests. Fountains of red erupted across the room as they ripped out their own hearts. You let out a sigh of relief as you watched the last soldier fall. 
“That was wild,” Jungkook said with a deer in headlights expression. 
“Really makes you feel something huh? A deals a deal,” Hoseok chirped up expectantly. 
Hoseok was tackled to the ground as soon as he was released. Taehyung yelled with fury as he reopened the nearly healed gash he inflicted earlier. Hoseok reacted by hurling Taehyung into the opposite wall. 
“I haven’t had a real fight in ages. Don’t disappoint me, Taehyung,” Hoseok laughed as he spat out blood.
A rock was hurled at incredible speed from where Taehyung landed. Hoseok was quick enough to dodge the rock, but not Taehyung. Once again, the vampires were on the ground and Taehyung was aiming for Hoseok’s throat. Jungkook shot a blessed bullet into Hoseok’s leg, causing him to howl out in pain.
Hoseok tossed Taehyung aside with newfound strength as his eyes glowed red. He set his sights on Jungkook and his lips curled up into an evil smile.
“You dare to break the contract, boy? I’m gonna make you regret that,” Hoseok warned.
Another blessed bullet lodged itself into Hoseok’s back, making him crumple to the ground. He turned in distress to see you wielding the gun with a cocky smirk plastered on your face. Yoongi kicked him onto his back, and spat in his face. With a quick motion of his arm, a wooden stake peeked out of the opening of his sleeve. With a yell, he plunged the wooden stake into Hoseok’s chest.
“Filthy liars,” Hoseok sputtered as blood dribbled down his chin.
“We agreed that the VEC would never harm you. However, you singlehandedly dismantled the company and the establishment is no more. I was the headmaster, but now I’m just a jobless son of a bitch,” Yoongi said triumphantly as he pushed the stake deeper.  
“We did it Yoongles!” you cheered before you heard the sounds of bones breaking. The smile dropped from your face instantly as you zipped over to Yoongi.
“An eye for an eye. Well played, Mr. Min Yoongi,” Hoseok croaked with his hand buried in Yoongi’s chest.
Taehyung quickly decapitated Hoseok with a strong kick. Hoseok’s body turned to dust as his head rolled across the floor for a few seconds before it also reverted to nothingness. 
“Yoongi! Yoongi!” you cried as you cradled him in your arms. Warm blood gushed out of his chest as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Jungkook sank to his knees beside you and held onto Yoongi’s hand. 
“Taehyung, go start up the jet! We have to get him to a hospital!” you demanded with tears running down your cheeks.
“He doesn’t know how to,” Jungkook said softly, trying to comfort you.
“We have to help him!” you sobbed. 
“___,” Yoongi whispered weakly. 
“Shhh, you’ll be okay. Don’t speak,” you begged. 
“Love...you...Be...happy…,” Yoongi rasped before gagging on his own blood. 
You and Jungkook cried over Yoongi’s body for a long time after it had gone cold. Jungkook held you as you cried into his chest as you soiled his clothes with tears and snot. To be fair, his tears and snot ended up all over your hair. Taehyung wanted to comfort you, but he knew Jungkook was a better fit for this job. Afterall, Yoongi was special to both of you. He was the parent neither of you had, and always took care of you guys in his own special way. 
After the sobs subsided, you and Jungkook stared blankly at the body before you. You’ve always been surrounded by death, it never bothered you. You didn’t need emotions in this line of work. You never thought you could feel pain like this. 
“He was a hero. I’m sorry for your loss,” Taehyung finally spoke as he placed a hand on both of your shoulders to show his condolences.
“Thanks, Tae.”
“Thanks, Fangs,” both you and Jungkook said in unison. 
Yoongi was buried outside of the castle, in the clearing where the private jet landed. There were no fancy rituals or blessings. Only a few words of gratitude uttered by both you and Jungkook. It was still too soon to say much more before either of you would start crying again. The feelings were there, and that’s all that mattered. 
The sun began to rise as the three of you sat inside the private jet in silence. You were lost. The VEC was truly no more. The biggest vampire threat (that you weren’t even aware of until a few days prior) was defeated.  Now what?
“What are you going to do now?” you asked Jungkook. 
“No clue. I guess I’ll travel. I have nothing else to do,” he shrugged, “What about you guys?”
“I think I want to open up a flower shop,” you said absentmindedly.
“A flower shop? Like the one Yoongi set up for you?” Jungkook was confused. 
“Yeah. I can either try to make that one work or start up my own elsewhere. I don’t know. I just think that would...make me happy,” you answered softly.
“Would you like some help with that?” Taehyung asked as he interlocked his fingers with yours. 
“Who else is gonna teach me how to make such beautiful bouquets? Plus I don’t have a green thumb so I’ll need you to help keep the plants alive until we can sell them,” you answered and squeezed Taehyung’s hand. 
“It’ll suck now that we don’t have a job but--wait,” Jungkook scrolled on his phone, “___, check your bank account.” 
You stared in disbelief at the obscene amount of extra zeros that had magically appeared in your balance. Yoongi must have transferred what was left of the VEC funds to you and Jungkook at some point. Thinking about Yoongi looking out for you one final time made you tear up again. 
“I’ll drop you guys off wherever you want. I’m assuming neither of you know how to fly so I’m calling dibs on the private jet,” Jungkook stood up.
“Bold of you to assume I don’t have a piloting license, but you can take it since Taehyung hates flying,” you rolled your eyes at Jungkook before continuing, “Tae do you want to go back to your estate?”
“We don’t have to. I like the idea of starting anew,” Taehyung smiled.
“How does Paris sound?” you offered. 
“C’est magnifique. I’m sure we’ll find a way to start a successful flower shop there,” Taehyung nodded in agreement. 
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It had been five years since the VEC was destroyed. You never knew what a normal life was like, but now you wouldn’t trade it for the world. Sure, your new “normal” still technically wasn’t normal since you needed to consume blood to live and the sun was your mortal enemy, but you made it work. 
Business was booming. “Min’s Blossoms” was the name of your flower shop, and every day was an adventure. Having Taehyung as your business partner proved to be more beneficial than you thought. Other than his floral expertise, his appearance is what really got the business off the ground. Apparently, rumors of a mysterious and handsome man who worked at a local flower shop were being spread around the city. Women flocked to the store to catch a glimpse of Taehyung, and soon they all started buying flowers just for a chance to talk to him. Taehyung was worried that that might upset you, but you reassured him that you were happy that the store was doing so well so early on.
Now Min’s Blossoms had become part of the Paris landscape along with all the other little fancy boutiques. Taehyung was in charge of putting together orders, while you handled most of the business side. Your teamwork was impeccable and made even the busiest days enjoyable. 
“Are you happy?” Taehyung asked one morning while in bed.
“Honestly, I didn’t think it was possible to be this happy,” you rolled over to kiss his forehead.
“Do you ever miss your old life?” he prodded.
“Why so many questions today? As much as I loved brutally murdering monsters and constantly putting my life on the line, I would say no. This life is more pleasant. How ironic is it that I had to die in order to truly live,” you stared off into the distance as you uttered that last sentence.
“My apologies, I only wanted to ask since I know you tend to get pensive during this time of the year,” Taehyung stroked your cheek. 
“Thanks for always being so sweet to me. I love you, Tae,” you whisper before leaning in for a kiss. 
What started as an innocent kiss soon turned into something more tainted when your hand found its way to Taehyung’s already hard cock (who knew vampires can still get morning wood?). He didn’t let you take the lead as he pushed you flat on your back and pressed his thigh against your cunt. You giggled as he kissed a trail down your neck and over your collarbones as he fondled your breasts. He latched his mouth onto one of your breasts and his tongue swirled around your nipple as his free hand ripped off your panties. 
Taehyung’s fingers slipped inside you easily since you were already sopping wet for him. He smirked as the curl of his fingers made you moan and squirm beneath him. Taehyung pulled away from your breast with a satisfying “pop” and slid down to face your bare pussy. He licked shallow stripes along your folds to tease you, and let out a low chuckle when you whined for more. He placed a finger on your clit and started to rub it rapidly, not giving you any time to adjust to the intense sensation. It only took a few seconds before you were moaning and shaking at his touch.
Taehyung wasn’t finished. He went back to eating you out while pumping two fingers inside of you. The overstimulation had you seeing stars. You cried out as you came again, drenching his chin with your juices. Taehyung gave you a satisfactory grin as he rose from between your legs to align his dick with your dripping pussy.
You groaned as he filled you up. He went slow at first, his eyes closed with pleasure. You gazed at him fondly while he fucked you. He was so beautiful even when your cum was on his chin and his sweaty hair was stuck to his forehead. Taehyung opened his eyes and looked down at you with a smile. He leaned forward to kiss you once more as he snapped his hips against you. 
“You’re gonna make fun of me for cumming so soon. But I can’t help it when you’re wetter than usual,” he panted as his strokes became sloppier. 
“I won’t complain, you already made me cum this morning, now it’s your turn,” you answered between moans. Taehyung grunted as he came inside of you, his hot semen filling you up. He gave you one final kiss before collapsing beside you. 
“You know, you never told me how I saved your life,” you said after a while.
“Hmm?” Taehyung hummed.
“You mentioned it the night you turned me,” you clarified. 
“Ah, yes. My life had been meaningless for a long time before you came. For a while I was contemplating on ending it myself. But you came along and rescued me. You gave me purpose again,” he explained.
“Wow. Not to be cheesy, but you did the same for me. Honestly my life was mundane before you,” you blushed.
“Surely the best vampire hunter in the world led an exciting life,” Taehyung teased. 
“I suppose I did, but I would take a lifetime with you over it any day,” you smiled, “I love you, my little vampire.”
“I love you too, ___. There’s no one else I’d rather spend eternity with.”
Published December 14, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020 Baepsaesbae.
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