#they just met and the girl is already talking about her love life problems to her new coloc... poor Yeleen lmao
awne · 2 years
lmaoooo Candy talking about how she kissed her ex in the mall to Yeleen and Yeleen just being like
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likeumeanit9497 · 6 days
metal | m.s. |
matt sturniolo x fem!reader
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summary: y/n got a few new piercings, and when her best friend matt asks to see them, she can't say no
warnings: smut; unprotected p in v (bad); oral (fem receiving); masturbation (m/f); phone sex; dirty talk; 18+
notes: hiii guys. i feel like tumblr's flakiest writer ever coming back on here every few weeks with a one-shot and telling u all im gonna be more consistent but then just not being consistent at all. i just started a new college program and it is taking up so (!!!!) much of my time, so ive been barely able to put any time towards writing for funsies. soooo it might take me a couple weeks to put out one shots (sad) while im in this program, but i swear im doing the best i can. i appreciate u all so so so so much, but matt girls this one is for u <33
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With a sigh of relief, I crawled into bed. It was late, and I was exhausted after a long day of dealing with family shit. The only thing that got me through my day listening to my dead-beat father come up with yet another excuse on why he no-showed at my birthday dinner was the promise that, at the end of the day, I would be able to curl up in bed and forget all of my problems. Now that time had come, and I couldn’t wait to turn on some trashy reality TV show and lose myself in their cushioned world for a little while.
Just as I started the show, I felt my phone vibrate beside me. For just a moment I was filled with dread — thinking that I would be once again pulled back into the drama that was my father — but once I saw the name at the top of my screen, I felt my body relax. Matt was calling.
Matt was my best friend, and he had been for years. Him and I met on the first day of school freshman year, and immediately became inseparable. He was the only person in my life who I ever felt comfortable around enough to truly open up to about my problems. There really wasn’t much in my life that he didn’t know, so of course I had told him last night that I was going to see my father, and of course that was why he was calling. Annoyingly, I felt a smile creep up on my face. I hated that I loved how involved he got with my problems; as if they were his own. I would never admit this to anyone, but it really helped because it made me feel less alone.
“Hey you.” I greeted him after accepting the call. “Hey Y/n.” His voice sounded familiar in my ear, and already it calmed the sea of bad thoughts crashing in my mind. “How did today go?” He asked, keeping his tone light. I knew though that if I could see his face, there would be faint lines of concern etched in his forehead. I sighed. “Exactly like I knew it would. He gave me an insincere apology and weak excuse the way he always does.” Matt stayed silent on the other side of the call, allowing me the time to tell him as much as I wanted. His soft breathing through the speaker, however, comforted me and let me know that he was listening.
“He smelled like a distillery and couldn’t stop slurring his words, yet he was still trying to tell me that he hadn’t drank all week.” I heard my voice weaken, and I hated that I felt a lump forming in my throat over the situation. I hated that I cared, and I definitely didn’t want anyone to know that I did; even Matt. But of course, he knew anyways. I heard an empathetic sigh through the phone. “I’m sorry, Y/n.” I rolled my eyes, doing everything I could to keep the tears from falling. “It’s whatever. It’s not like I’m really losing much, but I did tell him that I’m done for good.” I forced my words to come out smooth, like I didn’t care. And I didn’t, not really.
“That must have been really hard, Y/n. I’m really sorry.” Matt’s words were sincere, and they caused the lump in my throat to grow even bigger. I forced out a laugh to keep my other emotions at bay. “Don’t be sorry. It’s better this way. Maybe now I can finally have peace in my crazy life.” There was silence on the line, and I knew it was because Matt wanted me to go deeper about my feelings, but I couldn’t handle much more tonight.
“Anyways,” I started, blinking away my tears and plastering a corny smile on my face as if Matt could even see it, “How have you been? We haven’t talked much over the past week.” At the change of subject, Matt picked up on my disinterest in the topic of my father, and like the best friend he is, transitioned into our new topic smoothly. “I’ve been good, been working a lot but it’s been on exciting things. What have you been up to? You know, besides today?” I chuckled softly.
“Honestly not much besides work. My boss has been really stressed out since the end of last quarter so I’ve been coming into the office early and staying well past five every day.” I paused, staring up at my ceiling trying to think if there was anything exciting I could tell Matt. Suddenly, I remembered that there actually was something that I had done that was more interesting than just working late all week. “Oh! I also got some new piercings last week.” It was Matt’s turn to chuckle.
“Y/n, how the fuck did you fit more piercings on your body?” I laughed. He was right, both of my ears were filled with every piercing imaginable, and I also had my nose, tongue, and belly button pierced. I had already told him that I would never get anymore facial piercings, and I certainly didn’t have much room on my ears to get more, so I understood his confusion entirely. “Do you want to guess where they are?” I teased, feeling relieved to have something to talk about that didn’t make be absolutely miserable for once. “Sure,” I heard what sounded like a blanket rubbing against the speaker, and I assumed that Matt was now getting comfortable in bed, also seemingly enjoying the light-hearted conversation, “But can I get some hints?”
“Sure,” I replied, “You can ask me three questions.” I heard him smile through the phone. “Okay…” There was a pause as he came up with his first question. “How many did you get?” Without hesitation, I was able to respond. “I got three.” There was another pause, and then. “Are two of them a part of a pair?” I laughed at Matt’s not-so-subtle guess. I had told him months ago that I had been wanting to get a certain pair of piercings for a while, and I knew he was thinking of that exact conversation. “Yes they are.” I replied, and there was a dramatic gasp on the line. “Ouch, you actually got your nipples pierced?” His voice was laced with playful concern, and something else. Intrigue?
“Okay okay, you got two out of the three. One more question left.” I encouraged him. If he was shocked about my nipple piercings, I couldn’t wait to hear his reaction to the third. He was silent again for a moment, surely confused by the third piercing. Nipple piercings weren’t that outlandish for me, and he knew that, but this last one is sure to blow his mind. “Oh god, I don’t know. Is it another body piercing?” His tone sounded so helpless, and I knew he really didn’t have a clue. “It is, yes.” I did my best to contain my laughter at this point, not wanting to give it away.
“Is it a second belly button piercing?” The guess was weak, and by the tone of his voice he knew it. “Nope.” I replied, biting my nails in anticipation. He was once again silent on the phone, and I knew he was officially running out of ideas. After a moment, I decided to give him one last hint. “Think lower.”
A new silence poured from the phone. Before, there was the silence of deep thought. Now, there was a heavier silence that let me know he finally put it together in his head. Below your belly button, there aren’t many places you can get pierced. He knew that just as much as I did. But I didn’t know if his silence meant he was just shocked, or if he was genuinely disappointed in me. For the first time since becoming friends with Matt, I felt nervous that maybe I had gone too far.
“You’re serious?” He asked, finally breaking his silence, and I couldn’t help but release a short, nervous laugh. “Yeah. Why? Did I just delve too far into the daddy-issues stereotype?” I tried to keep my tone humorous, but inside I was actually worried that was true. Did he think I was weird now? Or did the fact that I had a piece of metal pierced atop my bundle of nerves immediately turn me into some dirty whore in his eyes?
“No! Jesus, no Y/n.” His rushed words put a pause on my spiralling thoughts, and I felt myself relax slightly. “It’s just,” In that moment, I wished that I could see his face. At least then I would have better odds of being able to read him instead of just waiting helplessly on the other side of the phone. He was struggling to find the words he wanted to say, and in my mind that meant he was getting ready to give me some sort of lecture. It wasn’t something that he was in the habit of doing, but I had also never done anything as shocking as this before. I began to prepare myself for this lecture, and come up with explanations and excuses for what I had done, when his hesitant words stopped me in my tracks.
“Can I see them?”
I stared at my phone for a second, unsure if I was just hearing things. “You want to see them?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking, for clarification’s sake. I was shocked. Even with how close Matt and I are, we had never ever seen each other naked. In fact, there had been no physical intimacy between us other than platonic cuddles every once in a while. I would be lying, though, if I denied ever having moments of weakness. There had been times, when we would have sleepovers after tough days and the heat of Matt’s comforting body pressed against me, where I had wanted to throw all logic aside and press my lips to his. But I never would have done it. Matt wasn’t exactly known for his boldness, and I feared that my bad habit of being spontaneous would absolutely destroy our friendship. But now, he had me questioning all of that.
“I’m curious.” He replied, his tone nonchalant. I still couldn’t tell if he was being serious, and I felt like a deer in headlights. Just as I was about to tell him to stop fucking around, my screen lit up with a Facetime call from Matt. My stomach did a flip. “You gonna pick up?” His voice made me jump, but I cleared my throat and hit accept.
Suddenly, Matt’s face filled my screen. He was in his bed, the only light in his room seeming to come from a faint source; likely his computer screen. His face was so familiar, and the smile he sent me so comforting, that I immediately felt more at ease than I felt before. “Hey.” He said gently, and I laughed at the ridiculousness of this moment. “Hey” I replied before shifting my position in bed nervously. “So you were serious?” I asked awkwardly, and he nodded. “If you’re okay with it, obviously.” I took a deep breath. I was okay with it, of course, but it was just so out of the norm for us that I felt shell shocked.
“I’ll show you nipples first.” I said, sitting up in my bed before grabbing the bottom hem of my oversized t-shirt. I positioned my phone in front of my still-clothed chest, and watched his face on the screen. He laid naturally in bed, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary, but the way his dilated blue eyes were glued to the screen I could tell that he was feeling the same kind of anticipation that I was. Slowly, I finally lifted my shirt up over my chest; allowing him a full view of my new piercings.
I intentionally left the shirt up to block my own vision, because I couldn’t handle watching him stare at my tits for the first time. In the dark, all I heard was silence for what felt like forever, and I got worried that I had somehow lost him. Cautiously, I pulled my t-shirt away from my eyes, and glanced at him on the screen. He was staring intently; I could see his eyes move from one tit to the other every few seconds, and there was a slight grin across his face. “Wow.” He said finally, still taking them in. “Those are sick piercings.” I stifled a laugh at the fact that he was still trying to act like it was all just about the piercings, and that there weren’t two tits attached to the metal. “Thanks.” I replied, a small chuckle still evident in my voice.
I allowed him a few more seconds of shameless staring before speaking again. “You ready for the third?” I watched as he blinked a few times and took a deep breath. “I can’t wait.” He replied, causing my stomach to do another flip. I brought the phone back up to my face as I laid back down, smiling at him nervously as I pulled my comforter off my lower body. I was only wearing a pair of panties, so I already felt shy when I positioned my phone in between my legs. I used the front camera still, hoping that it would allow him a better view, but hated that you could still see the lower part of my face.
Matt hadn’t moved in his bed since I looked at him last. In fact, it almost looked like his image was frozen. His eyes were still glued to the screen, and he seemed to be barely blinking; as if he was scared that if he did, he would miss it entirely. “Okay, ready?” I asked, using the hand that wasn’t holding the phone steady to grab onto the side of my panties. Even in the almost-dark of his room, I could see him gulp before nodding his head. “Ready.” He replied.
Slowly, I hooked a finger under my panties, and pulled them to the side. In the blink of an eye, all of me had been revealed to Matt through a screen inches away from my core. My eyes veered back and forth from myself in the phone and Matt’s expression. I could see the shiny metal glitter against my pink clit, and watched as Matt visibly struggled to keep his composure. Neither of us spoke for a moment, and I felt myself begin to tremble under his shameless stare. I grew nervous, then, that my body would begin to give away how suddenly aroused I became under his eyes. My core was flooding with heat, and I knew that I was beginning to grow slick with my wetness.
“Does it hurt?” He finally spoke, but his voice had changed drastically since I had last heard it. It had dropped nearly a whole octave, and there was a sort of breathlessness to it that was foreign to me. It was the voice of arousal, and that knowledge was enough to drive me crazy. “N-no, it doesn’t,” I replied, using all the strength in me to not squeeze my legs together to relieve some of the pressure flooding my core. “It’s been a week, and these sorts of piercings heal really quick surprisingly. I can touch it and everything.” My last sentence fell from my mouth thoughtlessly, and I immediately felt my cheeks grow hot at my accidental boldness. That didn’t last long, though, because Matt’s next words pulled all that heat right back to where it was before.
“So touch it then.”
It was like all the sense was knocked out of me from his words. I would have thought that my instinct would have been to laugh and roll my eyes before telling Matt to knock it off, but the seriousness of his tone, the sharp blue of his piercing eyes, and gruffness of his voice caused my brain to shut off. Immediately, my hand traveled to my bud, where I began to slowly play with the metal. Although I had been telling the truth when I told Matt that it was fully healed, I hadn’t yet touched myself in this way since getting it pierced, and the new sensation immediately sent pleasurable shock waves through my body. As I began to slowly rub my clit, the metal added a new level of pressure to the nerves that — combined with the adrenaline that came from doing this in front of my best friend for the first time — caused me to throw my head back against my pillows.
“Tell me how it feels.” Matt’s deep voice filled the space around me in a way that made me feel even more erotic, and I released a soft moan. “I-It feels good.” I replied breathlessly, my fingers beginning to move quicker as I squeezed my eyes shut in pleasure. “Better than before?” His question came out slightly choppy, and through the phone speaker I heard the rhythmic shuffling of his comforter. “Y-yes. Much better.” I managed to reply, the thought of what he was doing to himself on the other side of the screen pushing me closer to the edge.
“Look at me.” He commanded, and without hesitation I lifted my head up; looking at him through the screen. He could only see the lower half of my face, but I could see all of his. As I continued toying with myself, I watched him through fluttering eyelashes. Although his face had not changed much — besides the darkening of his pupils and the faint accumulation of sweat on his brow — the repetitive movement of his bicep at the corner of the screen told me everything that I needed to know. “You look so good.” He complimented me, his voice low and gravelly. I moaned in response, rolling my hips slowly as I began to grow antsy with a need that I knew I couldn’t fulfill myself.
The pleasure was growing like a balloon deep inside of me, but my own fingers weren’t enough to reach it. Not now; not when I have a beautiful man that I trust more than anyone else watching me with that dangerously erotic gaze. Just like Matt knows everything about me, I know everything about him. And so I know that, in this moment, he wants the same thing that I do. That’s why I didn’t feel any unease or hesitation when I drew my fingers away from my clit, ran them achingly slow along the rest of my heat, and spoke.
“Please come over Matt.”
It was a request that I had made to him countless times. Those times I was usually close to tears after a long day of dealing with the shitty cards I had been handed in the family department. I needed him then, like I need him now. In those times he never ever hesitated, and this time was no different. In one swift motion, I watched through the screen as Matt lifted himself out of his bed, threw on a t-shirt, and grabbed his keys off the bedside table. “I’ll be there in ten.” Just like my request, his response was the same as always. As I told him to drive safe before hanging up the call, I felt my body vibrate in a way it never had before. I pulled my hand out of my panties and waited in desperate anticipation for the familiar sound of his car pulling into my driveway.
Matt arrived at my place in eight minutes, and as soon as I saw his headlights through my window, I sprung out of bed and raced to the door. There was no nervousness, no reluctancy, no questioning whether or not we were making a big mistake; all I knew was that I needed his hands on my burning skin desperately.
I flung the door open before he even had a chance to knock, but Matt didn’t hesitate before pulling me into him and engulfing my mouth with his own. Although we had never kissed before, it wasn’t shock that I felt in that moment; it was the melting satisfaction of familiarity. I practically collapsed in his arms as his mouth moved against mine as if they were two pieces of a puzzle, and relished in the feeling of his hands travelling wildly across my aching body at last.
As he held me gently against the wall, I felt his hardened member press against my core, and I shuddered in pleasurable frustration. In that moment, I could have lost all self control — pulled his pants and boxers down in one movement and slipped his cock into my aching core right then and there — if he hadn’t grabbed onto my ass and lifted me off of the ground. Without removing his lips from mine, he carried me past my entrance way and all the way into my dark bedroom as if he had memorized every square inch of my place.
As he continued to kiss me with hungry desire, he paradoxically draped my body gently against my bed. Leaning over me, his mouth refused to leave mine and his tongue begged me for entrance. I obliged, and our tongues swirled together with comfort; as if they were old friends. The sound of our heavy breathing filled my head, and I ran my hands along his body; allowing myself to feel him in a way I never had before. Each part of him felt familiar — his back, his arms, his stomach — but each new part of him I touched set off sparks of electricity under my fingertips. This was real, and this was good.
It was only after I began toying with the waistband of his pants, and he the hem of my shirt, that our lips separated and we really looked at each other since the moment he arrived. Both of our chests were heaving as we tried to catch our breath, and I gazed up at his darkened eyes for what felt like forever, until a soft smile crept onto his swollen lips. “Hi.” He said, and I released a short laugh realizing that this was the first word either one of us had said to the other since hanging up the Facetime call. “Hey.” I replied, a smile matching his now etched onto my face.
“Can I take this off?” He tugged on the bottom of my t-shirt, and I nodded. “Please.” I replied, feeling no shame in my clear desperation. Matt obliged, pulling the shirt up over my head and exposing the tits he had seen on Facetime not long before. There was a pause, and for the first time since we started all this I felt briefly insecure. That is, until I looked up to his face and saw his jaw physically dropped in awe. He looked like he had fallen into some sort of trance, and mindlessly brought his two gentle hands toward my hardened, pierced nipples. He ran a soft thumb against each piercing, and I hissed at the deliciously taunting sensation.
“Do these ones hurt at all?” His voice was soft, almost a whisper, but his eyes never left my chest. “These ones do a little, yeah.” I replied, to which his eyes finally fluttered up to my face with slight concern. “But it’s really not that bad.” I added, reassuring him out of fear that he might suddenly not want to continue. This seemed to help, as his eyes made their way back to my chest before his body suddenly began tilting forward. He leaned above my chest, really only centimetres away, and I watched as he placed two small, unbelievably gentle kisses against each hardened nipple. The ecstasy I felt in that moment caused me to release a soft moan, and goosebumps spread across my skin like wildfire, and I suddenly realized that I needed him more than ever.
As if reading my mind, his mouth then began moving slowly down my writhing body. He took his time on my sternum, then the skin below my belly button, then my hip bones, and I felt like I could explode. My hands flew to his hair and I subconsciously tugged at its base in decadent frustration. And then slowly, so, so, slowly, Matt began dragging my soaked panties down my legs. I felt like I could crumble under his gaze, but his eyes never left my newly exposed core. Blinking ever so slowly, he dropped to his knees and grabbed my shaky legs to part them. Once he did, I watched as he groaned softly at what he saw.
I knew without having to look that I was literally dripping from arousal, and that hunch was confirmed when Matt took one finger and dragged it along my slit; collecting the overabundance of fluid. He didn’t even take his eyes off of my centre, he just brought his wet finger to his mouth and wrapped his lips around it; so transfixed by what he saw in front of him that he didn’t even care to make a scene of tasting me for the first time. I had never felt more glorious than I did in that moment, and it was so overwhelming that I could have came just from sight alone.
Slowly, Matt’s mouth inched closer and closer to my clit, before he carefully wrapped his lips around it. Upon the first contact of his warm tongue playing with the cool metal of my piercing, I was hit with a powerful wave of pleasure that shook my whole body. As he picked up speed, swirling and sucking my bundle of nerves, I couldn’t control the sounds that fell from my lips. Moans of pleasure, pain, and anticipation filled the room, and they only seemed to draw similar ones from Matt.
Matt slid two fingers into me with ease, and began pumping them in and out in rhythm with the movements of his tongue. His fingers were curled up to just the place I needed them to be, and I felt what was left of my sanity begin to crumble as I approached an orgasm. The orgasm that I had been desperately needing since our Facetime call. It’s impending presence had taken control of my mind for what felt like forever, and now it was finally threatening to take control of my entire body. Yet, still, I needed more.
Quickly, before the first waves could crash, I pulled Matt’s face away. Immediately, his blissed-out expression quickly changed to one of concern, but before he had the chance to speak, my desperate voice filled the room. “Please Matt, I want to cum with you.” His features softened before understanding flashed in his eyes. Without saying a word, he stood up and began unzipping his pants. I waited in anticipation, watching with hungry eyes as his painfully hard member sprung free from his boxers. Once he had fully discarded his clothes, he leaned down and kissed me so deeply that I saw stars. His mouth tasted like me, and I couldn’t help but slip my tongue past his lips; intoxicated by the combination of me and him on my tastebuds.
I felt his naked member press against my core and I shuddered from pure lust. I was so engulfed in the intensity that I was afraid I would fall into pieces as soon as he slid into me. Breaking the kiss, Matt straightened himself out and grabbed my legs before placing them on either side of his waist. The two pieces of us that needed each other the most right now were just inches from one another. My eyes fell between my legs, and I watched in euphoric awe as Matt grabbed his swollen member, lined it up with my centre, and slowly pushed into me. His movements were so torturously, deliciously slow, my eyes rolled and my head fell back onto the mattress.
On each slow roll of his hips, his cock slammed into my g-spot and made my vision go spotty. I held onto his flexed shoulders like I was drowning and they were my life raft, and I released harsh guttural moans each time my walls stretched; welcoming him graciously. “Fuck, you feel so good.” Matt’s raspy voice fluttered my stomach, and I opened my eyes to come face-to-face with him. He was staring down at my contorted face with a look filled with nothing but pleasure and adoration. His flushed cheeks and dark pink lips gave him a look that bordered on innocent, but there was a certain hint of hard focus in the depths of his ocean eyes that told me he was feeling as good as I was.
Each time he thrusted into me, the soft crest of his pelvis brushed ever so lightly against my new piercing; granting me a new form of pleasure that I had never experienced before. I had been told by other people that the piercing can be intense during sex, but I had underestimated just how intense it would be. I had no sense of control as Matt’s cock continued to drive into me, and I couldn’t help but vocalize how he was making me feel.
“J-just like that Matt, fuck!”
“Your c-cock fills me s-so go-od!”
“H-harder, please baby!”
At my last statement, Matt showed he was listening by suddenly slamming into me harder and faster than I had ever felt before. He grabbed my legs and wrapped them tightly around his waist, and as I arched my back in pleasure he draped one of his arms around it and used the other to hold my jaw; brushing it lightly with his thumb to ensure me that his gentleness had not completely disappeared. His breathing quickly grew more and more rapid, and deep grunts fell from his mouth every few seconds.
I was hit with shockwaves of pleasure upon each of his thrusts, and I knew that my orgasm was closer than ever. I dug my nails into his back and tightened my legs around him in a desperate and subconscious attempt at getting as close as possible to him, and it was clear that there was no stopping the orgasm that was bubbling inside of me. “G-gonna cum Matt.” I squeaked out, rolling my hips up slightly deepen his thrusts even more. “Good girl, want me to cum with you?” His words were in my ear, and even the dampness that his mouth made against my skin added to my unraveling euphoria. Beyond the point of being able to speak correctly, I simply nodded my head frantically.
As I did, Matt released the deep moan that pushed me over the edge. My orgasm took control of every cell in my body, and I cried out in overwhelming pleasure as it tore me to shreds. I felt my body stiffen so much that I was practically lifting off of the bed, and my walls pulsed intensely as I squirted violently all over Matt. Just then, I felt Matt’s body stiffen above me, and his movements became a whisper as he cursed into my ear. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.” His moans rang in my ear with each of his weak thrusts, and I felt his twitching cock paint my walls white as he came undone in unison with me.
Eventually, his body stilled completely, and he rested above me as we both caught our breaths and came down from our highs. His cock slipped out of me, and I immediately felt cold and empty in its absence. After a few moments, Matt lifted his head from my shoulder and gazed at me with a soft smile on his face.
“I know.”
”I mean, that was-”
“I know.”
We continued to stare at each other, both with matching smiles on our faces, until I dissolved into childish giggles.
“What?” Matt asked, unable to keep himself from laughing as well. “What?” He asked again, nudging my shoulder gently as I giggled. “I mean come on,” I continued to laugh, “That was crazy. Don’t you think it was crazy?” I looked at him, starting to feel the first hints of regret now that it was over and we had to go back to being friends. “I don’t think it was crazy.” He replied simply, before bringing his lips back to mine. This kiss was different than the other ones we shared tonight, though. There was no hunger, no lust. There was just love.
He pulled away after only a few moments, and I looked back at him with what I was sure was confusion all over my face. “I have never felt less crazy in my life than I’ve felt tonight.” Matt continued, and I felt my stomach flutter, “Tonight, everything finally feels right.” I felt a bashful smile form on my lips. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel the exact same way. “So,” I started, unsure of how to maneuver this, “What now?” Matt got up.
“Well,” He began, grabbing his discarded t-shirt and using it to gently clean me up, “It’s late and you’ve had a long day, so I think we should get some sleep.” I propped myself up on my shoulders and watched as he began to clean himself next. “And then when we wake up tomorrow, we’ll go get some breakfast and talk about what we both want.” He walked into my adjacent bathroom and started the shower, the way he has done a thousand times before, before walking back to where I was and helping me off the bed.
Once I was on my feet, he placed another gentle kiss against my lips, and I felt my insides melt at the comfort of his touch. “But if I’m being completely honest, which you know I always am, I think we both already know we want the same thing.” I looked up at him through nervous eyelashes, and had to chew my bottom lip to stifle the massive smile that was threatening to take over my mouth. Matt had no problem showing his huge smile, and he tilted his head quizzically in my silence. “Am I right?” He asked, and instead of responding with words, I leaned up and placed a kiss of my own on his lips.
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moviecritc · 3 months
Hello! Can I please request a smau with Charles Leclerc and Alexandra with the reader. Like her getting hate online because people think she coming in between them but then they found out that she and Alex were already dating before even they met Charles and he's the one who came into their relationship also could you please make it fluff at the end, thank you <3
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pairing ☆ charles leclerc x singer! reader x alexandra saint mleux
summary ☆ you and alex broke up because she suggested charles to join your relationship, and you're really mad about it
warnings ☆ hate comments (mostly for alex, but it's just for the plot), mixed smau, arguments
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
masterlist | letterboxd
yourusername just posted!
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, alexandrasaintmleux and 34,612 others
yourusername MY NEW SONG IS HEREE !!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!! Stream Good Luck, Babe! so i can pay my hairdresser and make up artist THANK YOUU 🐽💥🌈💍
view all comments
user1 she's turning into my comfort artist guys
user2 y/n l/n for president 2024
user3 alex in the likes is LOUD
user4 and she's even early wtf girl user5 i'm new someone explain the lore user6 @/alexandrasaintmleux was y/n's gf for like four years, they were high school sweethearts and y/n wrote many songs about her. but four months ago they broke up and alexandra is now dating some formula 1 driver. literally four months later. some people say that she cheated, others that it was friendly, but idk user7 i mean after this song...
user9 'and you're NOTHING MORE THAN HIS WIFE' alexandra you're cooked
user10 FRRR she at least was something when she dated y/n. now she's just another f1 wag
user12 WE'RE SO BACK
user13 alexandra should be ashamed of walking in public after this
user14 sis casually making a diss track
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f1gossip just posted!
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liked by user14, yourusername and 1,459 others
f1gossip Charles Leclerc and Alexandra Saint Mleux out for dinner in Monaco
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user14 girl wtf
user15 they did her so dirty i love it
user16 the difference when she was out with y/n is LOUD
user17 yk i'm starting to think that charles is the problem user18 righ? alex was so comfortable with flashes around y/n and now this? wtf is this man doing user19 i think it was just a bad moment user20 maybe she didn't want to be seen after y/n's song user21 i hate men
user23 she KNOWS it's alex loss
user24 charles your gf is cleary uncomfortable why tf you're smiling
user25 he's probably happy about all the drama bc he's life is boring
user26 this is a pr relationship at a 100%
yourusername just posted a story!
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[caption: 10K streams just in the first week OMGGG, thank you thank you thank you. I love you so much guys, thank you for feeding my delusional ass 💥💥]
user27 pop people princess
user29 please PLEASE come to spain
user30 drop the tour dates nowww
alexandrasaintmleux Can we talk, please? In person, I know that you are in Paris this weekend
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Y/N had left Alexandra on read. She hadn't wanted to know anything about her since the proposal to become a throuple with that guy Leclerc, but even though she thought she hated the idea, she found herself looking at the photos Charles posted on his Instagram. He was objectively handsome, she wouldn't lie. Although the fact that he had taken her girlfriend did make him seem like the most horrible person she had ever met. But he was handsome.
Most of his photos were related to his job as a Ferrari driver. She had heard Alex talk about that sport hundreds of times; she should have guessed that she felt somewhat attracted to the most handsome driver on the grid. But there was one photo that really caught her attention; him, in his apartment, shirtless on his stationary bike. She couldn't stop looking at it, she even went into the comments to see what people thought, to make sure it wasn't weird to find him extremely attractive. Then, unintentionally, she liked it. She saw the red heart float on the screen and knew that was her end, she removed the like immediately, praying that no gossip page decided to be watching that post at the same time as her.
But it was already screwed, he was going to see her notification, he was going to tell Alex, and now they would have more reasons to meet. Everything was screwed.
A few minutes later, she received a message from Charles, which left her totally bewildered, but she opened it immediately anyway.
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user34 not the censurated name-
user35 makes a lot of sense to me actually
yourusername just posted!
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liked by laufey, alexandrasaintmleux and 342,512 others
yourusername Monaco you were LOUUUD !!!! The best city to open the leg of the tour and we had a blast together. Omw to Paris 💋🎸💐
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user31 she's so normal after exposing everything and everyone just in the first date
laufey princess of the princesses liked by author
user32 she's crazy for what she said
user33 now i want a public apology from alexandra and charles
user34 FR i can't believe they made her fell so bad
user35 yk break ups happen, it's not something bad. instead of spreading hate you should just move on girl, it's embarrasing
user36 oh shut up, she's a singer, she does drag. she's going to be dramatic user37 and we're here for it
user38 it has to be marketing bc last night was wild
user39 pretty sure it wasn't
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f1gossip just posted!
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liked by user1, user22 and 2,491 others
f1gossip Charles Leclerc and his girlfriend recently in Bali
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user40 they went the further they could bc of y/n's concert
user41 you can't convince me they're not pr
user42 0 chemistry
user43 i always see alex with her phone with charles
user44 she must be bored of him
user45 i don't think they even talk to each other
user46 i hate them so much
user47 these y/n's fans are taking f1 and i'm here for it
yourusername just posted on her story!
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[caption: favs ✨]
user48 aren't those alex's favourites?
alexandrasaintmleux beautiful pic 💞
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Alex: Hiii. Y/N, listen to me. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I fucked up in every possible way
Y/N: Yeah, you did
Alex: But I love you. You have no idea how much love I have for you, mon chéri. So much that I thought I had to share it with someone else. But I was wrong, so wrong
Y/N: Alex, you're so drunk. You're not thinking clearly
Alex: Listen to me. For once in your life, listen. I fucked up pretty much everything, and you have no idea how much I regret it. I- What are you d-?
[background noises, you hear Alex complain]
Charles: Y/N?
Y/N: Charles? Give the phone back to Alex, for the love of god.
Charles: Y/N, hear me out. Leave my girlfriend the fuck alone. You know I found you really hot at the beginning but you have to stop this shit. I have a fucking reputation out here.
Y/N: Give her phone back, dickhead.
Charles: Move on, bitch. She doesn't want you anymore, and me neither.
part 2
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milswrites · 5 months
The Trials of Aphrodite Part Three
~ Azriel X Fem!Reader
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Series Masterlist
Series summary: Hopelessly in love with Elain, Azriel enlists your help in order to win her over. The only problem? You have been in love with Azriel for as long as you have known him.
Chapter summary: Azriel receives a lesson in flirting.
Warnings: A bit of angsty pining. Teeny bit of suggestiveness.
It was a familiar scene; you staring at Azriel.
And Azriel staring at her.
Want swimming in his hazel eyes as he absorbed Elain's glowing figure as she pottered about in her garden, lips parted in awe as he took in her soft features and natural beauty.
All the while your eyes stayed locked on him. Wonder filling your own gaze as you marveled at the admiration which flowed freely from the male next to you. Azriel's intense stare providing you with an insight into all the love he had to give. A love that would never be reserved only for you. A type of love that he would only ever feel for Elain.
"So how's this going to work?" you ask in an attempt to break Azriel from his lovestruck spell, swallowing your pain as you noticed the love draining from his eyes as he turned his gaze to you.
"I don't know, I was hoping you would tell me what to do" he nervously mumbled, peeking back over the rosebush the two of you were hidden behind to double check that Elain hadn't spotted you.
"Gods this is ridiculous, Az just go over and talk to her!" you exclaimed, your raised voice being met with the anxious shushing of your worrisome friend who was afraid of being caught.
"Gee thanks I wonder why I haven't thought about doing that before. . . It's because I can't!" his sarcastic reply was met with a flat look from you, certain that the only reason Azriel was finding this difficult was because he was the one making it that way.
"Az, how hard can it be? Just compliment her or something!" you sighed, wondering how Azriel could ooze confidence in every aspect of his life apart from when it comes to romance.
"It's not that easy. I've tried. . . look last time I complimented her I asked her if she was the cauldron because I wanted to drown in her eyes" he awkwardly admitted, embarrassed eyes cast to the ground in shame.
"You compared Elain to the cauldron?" you asked unimpressed, astounded at your friend's boundless stupidity, "Elain who quite literally drowned in the cauldron in what was probably the most traumatizing event of her life."
"I didn't say the line worked" Azriel grumbled, not liking the chuckle of disbelief which slipped from your lips at his hopelessness.
"Obviously not, we wouldn't be crouched behind a bush right now if it did" you retorted, unable to stop the fit of giggles which followed as you tried to imagine Azriel's pitiful attempt of flirting backfiring on him.
"Are you going to help me or are you just going to sit there and laugh at me?" Azriel huffed, not sharing in your amusement at his misery.
"Fine, fine. Just go over there and compliment her dress, girls like it when guys notice that kind of thing" you suggest, trying not to turn red as you recall the time when Azriel had first complimented one of your own dresses, having continued to wear it every time you saw him for the next few months with the hope of him praising you again.
"Great, what do I say?" your friend asked, but not before you shoved him right into the heat of the fire by pushing him out from behind the rosebush. Azriel stumbling away from the safety of his hiding spot.
"Azriel? What are you doing here?" Elain's gentle voice called out from where she was stood. A quick flash of Azriel's burning gaze a warning that the two of you would be talking about this later.
"Elain!" Azriel loudly starts as he slowly makes his way towards Elain, his awkward manner already making you cringe in discomfort, "Your dress! it's nice. . . and pink. Nice and pink."
It took everything in you not to hang your head into your palm in shame, finding it incredulous how one person could fail so miserably when it came to talking to someone.
Thankfully, if Elain found his behaviour strange she didn't let on, instead replying to his strange attempt of a compliment with an airy giggle and a polite thank you.
"Great! Well um. . ." your ears perk, brows furrowing in confusion as you wait to see what Azriel says next, "Hope you have a nice day!"
With that Azriel swiftly left, abruptly ending the painfully awkward conversation before leaving the garden, hurriedly making his way up the nearest street in order to escape his discomfort. Chasing after your flustered friend, you followed after him, hoping that Elain hadn't noticed you were also there listening in on their conversation.
"Nice and pink? Have a nice day?" you laughed, having caught up to Azriel, “I’ve met Middengard Wyrm’s that flirt better than you just did." Not failing to miss the dusty pink hue that had blossomed across Azriel’s cheeks in wake of his embarrassment. 
“I can flirt,” he swiftly defended, hazel eyes rolling towards the back of his head as he noted the teasing smile which had graced your lips, “I was just caught off guard that’s all.”
“Ah ok, you were caught off guard. Is that the reason why you practically screamed in Elain’s face?” you smirked, working to deepen your friend’s blush until the growing redness spread to his ears.
“I didn’t scream-” Azriel didn’t fail to miss the way your face contorted into a wince at his hopeless denial, his once heated words now converting into a low conscious murmur, “Was it really that bad?”
You stretch out a reassuring hand to come and rest against Azriel’s slumped shoulder, thumb instinctively moving to rub comforting circles into his taut muscle. Eyebrows knitting together in pained sympathy, you answer honestly, “Maybe it was a little pathetic. . .You won't be tending to Elain's garden any time soon if that was anything to go by."
There was no stopping Azriel’s despondent sigh, not even the gentle caress of his shadows against his shaking hands brought the male any solace, the swirling black tendrils failing to sate their master's rising panic as it washed over him.
It was a horrible sight, seeing your friend so dejected. Your heart twinging at the way his anxious breath rattled in his chest. You would offer him your understanding if you could, take his trembling hands into your own and tell Azriel that you were all too familiar with the feeling of getting tongue tied around the person you so longed for. Yet no confession of your shared failures in the romance department would fix this, not when Azriel was the one who owned your heart. Not when you had promised him help in winning over another.
And so you didn’t share your hidden truth with the male, instead opting to lock it away into the darkest depths of your heart. It was a secret you were willing to keep forever, so only to ensure the happiness of your friend. A secret you would carry with you to your grave if Azriel’s plan goes as intended. 
Instead you offer Azriel the only thing you could; your comfort. The supportive hand which had been resting on his shoulder now travelling down his arm. His shadows parting briefly to allow you to lock your fingers with his own, the smoky wisps resuming their soothing dance once your hands were comfortably entwined.
One touch. That was all it took to pull Azriel from the wave of panic that had consumed him. The familiar touch of your palm against his own enough to steady his uneven breaths and calm his shaking hands.
"Its ok," you promise, confident gaze meeting his own uncertain stare, "you've not ruined anything. All you need is a little more confidence and she'll be under your spell. Trust me, one flirty little one liner from you and it will be impossible for her to be anything but in love."
"I can manage one I suppose" Azriel attempts to agree confidently yet his words read more like a question, removing his hand from your own to ruffle his hair in thought.
"Maybe you could ask Lucien for tips, Feyre tells me he's quite the flirt'' you tease, hoping the mention of Lucien's name would spur on Azriel's desire to act on his feelings for Elain.
"I don't need help when it comes to flirting, and certainly not from him" he grit the words through his teeth having predictably taken the bait you had laid out for him.
"Hmm I'm not sure, your skills were a little lacklustre from what I could see" you continue to goad him, each prod and poke working to build your friends confidence bit by bit.
"Lacklustre?" Azriel scoffed in disbelief, all anxiety having been drained from his eyes and replaced with the spark of a challenge.
"You wouldn't have me swooning" you shrug casually, mouth twisting into a playful smirk at Azriel's displeasure.
“No?” Azriel asked in faux surprise, the male taking a slow step towards you, “not even if I did this?”
 A gentle push of the tips of Azriel's fingers against the exposed skin of your chest found you stumbling backwards until you were pressed against the wall. Your teasing smile fading as your shock consumed you, heart fluttering as Azriel's arms came to cage you on either side. “Or this?” he continued, leaning in close enough that the warmth of his breath against your neck began to send shivers down your spine. Your knees wobbling at the intensity of his gaze.
“I thought flirting included words?” you breathed out heavily, trapped under the heat of his gaze.
“Why use words when I could take you apart with less than that?” he lowly whispered into your ear, a glint of darkness in his eyes as a cruel smirk appeared on his lips. You found yourself speechless, entranced by the playfulness of his devilishly handsome features, your deep breaths falling in time with his own as he witnessed your stunned reaction to his words.
"I think Elain will find my flirting perfectly adequate" he smiled, shattering the moment as he mentioned the woman that he truly wished was captured between his arms. Reminding you that his flirtacious quip wasn't for you; it was for her.
"Maybe that's a bit much Az" you state sourly, moving your hand to his chest in order to push him away and slip under his outstretched arm, "I don't know how well Elain will take it if you come on that strong."
"You didn't seem to mind" he answered cheerfully, failing to notice your sudden change in mood, the male still trying to continue his teasing banter.
"I think you'll find there's more to women than just sex and physical attraction" you scoffed, desperately wanting nothing more than to move on from this conversation. Yet Azriel wouldn't provide you with that mercy, his next question almost enough to make you sick.
"What would you say then? To someone you loved, someone you pined after?"
You debated not answering him, dismissing his curiosity to spare you from the pain and embarrassment that would no doubt ensue. Yet a small part of you wondered if this would be your only chance. That perhaps you had the wrong idea, locking away your feelings, maybe all you needed was to get them off your chest. To lift the weight from your shoulders, allow yourself to finally move on from the male who would never be interested in you.
So you took the leap, looking your fear in the face as you stared into Azriel's expectant eyes.
And you confessed.
"I would tell him the truth. Tell him how not a day passes where I don't feel madly, uncontrollably in love with him. That any moment I'm not near him I find myself unable to breathe, unable to be satisfied until I am in his company. And I'd tell him that loving him makes me a fool, that I would never fail to sacrifice my happiness if only to see him smile. That love has made me it's servant and I am all too willing to bow before it."
"Sounds to me like you're an expert in love" Azriel answered after a thoughtful pause, a flicker of a smile working its way onto his face.
"I don't think I know what love is" you replied, still waiting for the moment of relief to come, failing to understand that it was a gift you would never receive.
"Nonsense, he's a lucky guy. I'm sure he feels for you as deeply as you do for him" Azriel cheerfully reassured you, looking absolutely delighted by the prospect of you being in love with someone. Completely unaware that he was the male you were speaking of. That he was the person you would struggle to live without.
And as you shook away the consoling shadow which had tentatively approached you, you wondered if your heart would ever be free from the chains of Azriel's own design.
Part four
Notes: Thank you to @daily-dose-of-sass for unknowingly falling into my trap and giving me the most perfect pick up line for Azriel to have used 😌
Bit more of a look at the dynamic of their friendship in this one!
Taglist Part 1:
@a-cup-of-nightshade @yearninglustfully @illyrianbitch @ninaduchess @sarawritestories @annaaaaa88 @antiquecultist @madelyncullen @erencvlt @chaytea06 @dxjaaaa @saltedcoffeescotch @spark1epuffba11s @thestartitaness @amysangel @historygeekqueen @thelov3lybookworm @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @willowpains @thebeautifulmysteriesoflife @dreamlandreader @sidthedollface2 @leeknows-wife @riorgail @eve175 @evergreenlark @anuttellaa @daily-dose-of-sass @Jesus-is-me @tothestarsandwhateverend
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strawberryblue-blog · 3 months
Stop talking and kiss me —Pedri González.
summary: a summer night walking on the beach and thousands of feelings about your relationship.
warnings: none. soft, super cute, cliche, young love, etc.
words count: +1.8k.
#SEXYNOTE: what is promised is a debt, here is a soft/cute imaginé of our beloved Pedri. More things will come soon 🤩💌
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The gentle night breeze slipped between your bodies as your feet moved in rhythm on the sand. Your hands were tightly held as your listened to the waves gently crashing on the shore and admired the starry night above you. Your heart leaped with happiness in your chest as your boyfriend's laughter echoed in your ears; you had said something silly, but you couldn't remember; you had gotten lost in the softness of his laughter.
It was a typical summer night where you went for a walk after dinner, since Pedro lived near the beach and it had become almost a tradition to come here. According to him, living near the beach felt like being at home even though it was a bit far and you were starting to love this place.
After a long but enjoyable walk under the stars, laughing and talking, you approached a set of stone steps and sat down to rest for a bit. You had walked a good distance to get here, along the entire shore; now you deserved to rest a bit and admire the beauty of this place.
Particularly today, you felt free, joyful, and nostalgic, remembering every moment lived with your boyfriend Pedri, with whom you had become inseparable and strong together three years ago. Thinking about how much you had imagined being loved and cared for by someone and then you met Pedri. A smile spread across your lips as you remembered the first time you saw him at a mutual friend's birthday party, how handsome he seemed at that moment, knowing he was out of reach. Pedri was already becoming a great footballer by then and you knew you weren't a good match for him, since you were just a normal girl who lived a full life through her studies and work. You also remembered when your friend told you he was interested in you, the feeling of happiness and excitement it caused to know that he wanted to see you, it was so lovely and surprising. Or when he invited you to dinner for the first time, after getting your phone number from your friend. Your first kiss when he took you home after several dates without signals, when you thought he only wanted to be your friend, finally you could know that he didn't just want you as a friend. Or the first time he stayed over at your house, it was so cheesy and fun, your stayed for hours talking and laughing, you knew each other so well.
Everything had been magical since then. You trusted him so much, loved him so much. He was like your best friend in life, the right person written for you, everything was perfect as long as you were together. And you don't mean perfect completely, you had problems and usual things in couples but still knew how to resolve it and fix it.
A sigh escapes from your lips as you relive those images in your head and feel your chest fill with happiness.
"What are you thinking?" you hear him ask and move a little to see him.
Pedri smiles when he sees the sparkle in your eyes in the darkness of the night, making him ask curiously what it's about. His hand on your thighs, sitting on a large step before the sand, side by side, cuddling in the night.
"Nothing, just some memories" you murmur softly. He smiles again nostalgically and squeezes your leg gently.
His head turns to your forehead and he plants a soft kiss on your skin, making you shiver.
"About us?" he asks playfully. You nod a little. But you settle back into the hollow of his shoulder and neck while one of his hands wraps around your waist and hugs you tightly.
You had missed him these days, as he had traveled abroad to play and you had been very busy with your tasks. You did your best to always see each other, even though your schedules were tight. Always keeping hope and expectations to see each other again. In your free time, when you weren't in classes or at work and Pedri finished his training or when he was passing by.
"What were you thinking?" he insists as your continue in silence.
You're a little embarrassed to admit it, you've always been shy but you know Pedro is the person you trust the most, the man you've been in love with since you met him, the companion you chose to take on this adventure.
"About everything" you admit, pulling away from him a bit to straighten up and face him. "When we met, the first date, our first kiss..." you murmur, feeling your cheeks blush a light pink.
Your boyfriend smiles broadly as his hands now take place on your thighs.
"Our first kiss was kinda awkward..." he says with a chuckle as he remembers. You nod, joining in.
"It was weird and uncomfortable..." you agree with a grimace. "But it was great" you finish.
"It was the best day of my life" he says nostalgically and your stomach vibrates with butterflies. "Well, first it was when i met you, then it was when you agreed to go out with me, that was also the best day of my life... or when you agreed to go out with me again and then when we kissed again."
You burst into laughter hearing him. Pedri laughs with you and loves every moment of your shared time. From the first day to the last second elapsed.
Your hands surround his cheeks gently and you lean in to kiss his lips, slowly taking all the time to appreciate his touch, his hands slide down to your waist and anchor there while responding to your kiss warmly. It feels like the first time, so special, so exciting, so delicate.
You're so in love with Pedri that you can't help but feel the happiness in your heart that beats quickly, longing to have him always with you, feel his warmth, his love, his courage, all of him.
"What do you think if we travel for vacation?" he suddenly asked after separating. "The season ends in a week, and I want us to go somewhere, just you and me" he says with a particular sparkle in his eyes.
His voice mixed with the sounds of the waves running and crashing against the shore. The breeze blowing, background to its melody, the stars reflected in his eyes as small sparkles.
You can't believe his words. You're shocked and surprised.
"And your family?" you asked. "You have to go visit them after so long, you said you missed your mom..."
"You are my family too" he emphasized, interrupting you with a smile.
A shiver ran down your spine upon hearing him, and your hairs stood on end.
Family. It was such an immense word to say. So intimate and delicate. Was that what you were now? Your eyes welled up at the thought. I mean, Pedri was everything to you. He was your safe place, your place in the world, where you would return again and again without getting tired.
He seems very sure of his words that a small tear runs down your cheek.
"You are my family" he says again and his hands wipe away the tear, enveloping your cheeks.
You are so happy in this moment that you can't help but shed more tears, which Pedri takes care of cleaning with each spill. His smile is etched deep in your heart, and you want to shout with happiness.
"You are my family too, Pedri" you whisper sincerely. "You are what i love most in this world," you continue to say, and his smile widens.
"I love you so much, babe" he murmurs when his forehead is against yours.
Your hands clung to his neck, squeezing a little to bring him directly to your mouth. When his lips touched and Pedri pretended to join them but stopped the process.
"But then you have to go straight to home to see your parents" you scold him playfully.
"I promise, baby" he says quickly. "But you have to come with me" your heart flutters with love.
You nod agreeing. Now you bring him to your mouth and kiss him again. A soft touch but rhythmic entered their limbo of love, causing their hearts to begin beating together.
You loved the feeling of being kissed and loved by Pedro González so much. You were so in love with him.
You really couldn't imagine a life without him, it was as if you were destined to be together and you didn't believe in destiny. But here you are, caressing each other, kissing each other, feeling each other, as if tomorrow the world would end.
One of his hands went down to yours and took it, lifting it from his body to now stand up and give you a slight push, lifting you with him. His hands take you by the butt and back and carry you away somewhere
Confused, you watched his movements watching your sides and deciphering what was going on, you were being dragged to the beach.
"Pedri, wait!" you screamed desperately.
"Let's take a dip, babe," he says with a mischievous voice and a fun laugh.
"The water is freezing!" you shout but in vain, they are getting closer and closer to the shore and you cannot move. "You're crazy" you say again.
A mocking and fun smile appeared on Pedri's face, and when you least expected it, he released your legs. You fell standing inside the cold water, making you complain.
"It's too cold!" You complain like a child, making your boyfriend laugh. Pedri continues to push you towards the ocean, entering the surface.
The laughter is endless as he pushes you and tries to play with you while you defend yourself and also splash him. You start a clumsy war of splashes, kisses, and caresses while laughing.
When it's enough and they can't laugh anymore because their bellies hurt, their hands tangled in your waist, lifting you a little so you could hold on to his hips.
"You're so precious" he whispered, looking into your eyes.
Slowly, he began to walk out of the water, his words melting you away and you didn't even remember feeling the cold on your body; you were captivated by his gaze. Your eyes connected with his, speaking between them, lighting up and communicating.
"You have no idea what you make me feel, baby" he whispered again, pressing his fingers into your waist, making you tremble. "I want to have you by my side all day, i can't stop thinking about you when you're not with me, i don't want to let go of your hand when you have to leave, i just can't."
A faint smile touched your lips, your fingers quickly took his cheeks, caressing them. You were so full of happiness that you felt like you could faint at any moment; you were so satisfied with his love. You loved every part of him.
"I know, Pedri" you told him, leaning your forehead against his. "Because you make me feel the same, my love" you admit.
"You're the love of my life" his nose gently brushed against yours.
You can't help but feel your chest burn with feelings as his words echo in your mind. You give him a small kiss on the nose, as you watch him smile tenderly. You don't have to answer that because he knows that you are also the love of his life. Always it was.
"Stop talking and kiss me" you ask, amused, longing to feel his soft lips on yours again.
A smile remained on Pedri's face before his lips met yours again. The strong moonlight surrounded by thousands of sparkling stars now bore witness to the deep love that both radiated towards each other.
That warm and immense feeling that your hearts filled perfectly, complementing each other to form one and love each other for a lifetime.
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enhas-pov · 2 months
can you make heeseung one but LONGERRR PLSSS MAKE IT SERIES
my stalker
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summary: lee heeseung has been obsessing over reader ever since he first saw her. he wants her all to himself, but how is that gonna be possible when she has no idea of who he is.
warnings: stalking, yandere behavior, obsessive behavior, secret photography, kidnapping, fake rumors, unwanted touching, unwanted gifts, property damage, drugging, being followed, etc.
word count: 3.2k
note: i’m pretty uninspired but i’ll try my best to make it into a series and make each part as long as i can:(
lee heeseung had never really paid attention to any girl before. being in a relationship was the last thing on his mind. he thought it sounded ridiculous. being in love? not his thing. well that was until he found out about, ___. she was the prettiest girl he had ever laid his eyes on. she was perfect in every single way, almost like she wasn’t even real. he couldn’t believe it, had he actually caught feelings for someone? he had never felt this way before. is this what love felt like? it was the best thing he had ever felt. there was one small problem about all of this tho. ___ didn’t know who heeseung was. she didn’t know anything about him, not a single thing. heeseung on the other hand knew everything about her. he had spent his whole life following her and watching every move she made. she was all he could ever think about. heeseung wasn’t gonna give up until she was his.
“ningning. i already told you, i’m not going” i walked out of class along with the other students and my best friend, ningning. “come on! everyone’s going, why aren’t you?” she was begging me to go with her to a party that this guy yeonjun was throwing. i honestly just couldn’t be bothered to go. “i simply don’t feel like going” ningning let out a groan before crossing her arms. “fine. i’ll just go by myself, all alone..” she was obviously trying to make me feel bad about not going, but it wasn’t working. “have fun” i said, walking away from her so i could get to my locker. “you’re such a party pooper!” i heard her say as i walked away. when i reached my locker, i unlocked it and reached inside to grab my books before i noticed something had fallen out. i crouch down to pick up whatever it was. when i took a closer look at it, i realized it was a note from someone anonymous. “i hope you like my gift. it shines as beautifully as your eyes do” huh? i take a look inside my locker and spot a jewelry box. i took it out and looked at it for a few seconds out of curiosity before opening it. it revealed a really pretty diamond necklace. i was both confused and shocked. who bought me this necklace? and why would they buy it in the first place? it kinda made me feel uncomfortable, and i didn’t like that feeling at all. i closed the jewelry box and grabbed the note that came along with it, i then walked over to a trash can and threw both of them in it. i shrugged it off and walked to my next class.
little did ___ know, heeseung was stood right there in the corner watching her. what was she gonna do? was she gonna put the necklace on, would she put it in her purse, place it back in her locker? nope. none of those. she threw it away. heeseung felt himself fill up with rage, why would she do that? he spent a lot of money on that necklace just for her. it was supposed to be a special gift but she didn’t appreciate it. now, heeseung didn’t want to hurt ___. but she had just hurt him, so now she’ll get that same energy returned back to her.
i decided to walk home from school today, the weather was nice so why not. the second i caught the view of my house, i was left in shock. what had happened? the window to my living room was smashed, like someone threw a rock or something. i met my mom the second i stepped foot inside, and she looked really worried. “mom? what happened to our window?” she was on a phone call, and i noticed shortly after that it was the police she was talking to. “excuse me, my daughter just got home” she pulled the phone away from her ear so she could explain to me what had happened. “i was in the kitchen making dinner when i heard the sound of glass breaking. i rushed to the living room and saw this guy with a baseball bat running away. it was really odd, i’m glad you were at school when it happened” she put her phone back up to her ear as she continued talking to the police. i was really confused. i didn’t know why anyone would do that, especially to us. we hadn’t done anything. my mom was right, it was really odd.
i let out a big yawn when i walked into school. i didn’t get much sleep after what had happened. i was kinda scared it would happen again while i was sleeping, but thankfully it didn’t. “___, where have you been?” ningning came out of nowhere, grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to a corner. “sorry. i was too tired to get up on time-“⠀ ⠀ “well, while you got your extra 5 minutes of sleep, everyone here has been talking about you. and it’s not good” what was she talking about? why were people talking about me, and what were they saying? “i’m confused, explain” ningning bit down on her lip. it was like a part of her didn’t want to tell me. “well.. you know how you didn’t want to go to yeonjun’s party?” this can’t be good. “yes..?” she let out a big sigh before she finally told me what everyone had been saying about me. “people are saying it’s because you’re a whore whose fucked not just him, but his four other friends as well. and they’re not denying it either” sorry, what? “that’s the dumbest shit i’ve ever heard. i’m literally a virgin. and i don’t know yeonjun, or his friends!” this rumor was definitely gonna ruin my life, and i didn’t feel like sticking around to watch it happen. “i’m just gonna go home. text me” ningning replied with a simple ‘okay’ before i turned around and left. as i was making my way out of school, i could feel everyone’s eyes on me. they were all judging me and i have never felt more embarrassed in my life.
i was now laying in my bed, scrolling through random messages i had gotten from people around my school. they were all making fun of me for being a “whore” which i was not. whatever. i blocked every single one of them and finally felt better, until i got a phone call from no caller id. i figured it was someone from my school, so i declined it. i felt fine again until my phone started ringing. “no caller id” who was this person? and why couldn’t they just leave me alone for gods sake. declined again. i was gonna put my phone down before i heard that annoying ringing tone again. that’s it. i accepted the call and put the phone up to my ear. “i don’t know who this is, but calling me from no caller id is really creepy. do you not have anything better to do? those rumors are not true, now leave me alone!” i was about to hang up before i heard a guy’s voice from the other line. “calm down, pretty” his voice sounded different from other guys. it made me feel uneasy. “who is this?” when i questioned him, i heard him chuckle which made a chill run down my spine. “the guy who smashed your window and made up those rumors about you” what the hell? was this guy serious? this was really starting to scare me, but i couldn’t show that i feared him. “why did you do those things..?” i could feel my hands starting to shake. i swear i had goosebumps all over my arms. “because you threw away the necklace i got you. it really hurt my feelings, you know?” he did all of those things because of the necklace? i wouldn’t have thrown it away if i knew this would happen. “i’m sorry for throwing away the necklace. it kinda creeped me out. i don’t know who you are” i tried to be as calm as i could, i didn’t want to start freaking out. this guy was capable of doing a lot so i didn’t want to risk anything. “i accept your apology. and as for my identity, i like the fact that you have no idea who i am. it makes this a lot more interesting and fun, no?” interesting and fun? i’d say the complete opposite of that. “well, i’d really like to know more about you” maybe if i started being nice i could get on his good side, and he could stop the rumors. “i bet you do. it was nice talking to you, pretty. i’ll see you soon” and then he hung up. why did he keep on calling me pretty? it was weird how he had a nickname for me. but it was even weirder how he was the one to had done all of those things.
her voice was beautiful. heeseung loved the way he felt when he heard the sound of her voice. it was his first time talking to her and he couldn’t wait any longer. he needed her, he needed to have her all to himself. he looked up at all of the pictures he had of her on his wall. whenever he followed her, he would bring a camera and take pictures of her. oh it was his favorite thing to do. he absolutely loved it. the pictures he loved the most were the ones he took of her when she was changing out of her clothes. he thought she looked so cute in her tiny little pink panties, and that laced bra that held her boobs perfectly. he wanted to touch her so bad, to feel every inch of her body. the thought of it made him excited. he had so many plans for them made.
i haven’t been to school in a few days due to the rumors. i’ve been talking to ningning of course, but i couldn’t stop thinking about that phone call i had with that guy. i wanted to know who he was so bad. why did he even get me that necklace? that obviously means he has a thing for me, right? but why? i can recognize anyone by their voice, and i sure as hell didn’t recognize him. how can he like someone who has no idea of who he is? i’m weirded out by this whole situation. i wanted to tell ningning, my mom, and obviously the cops but it didn’t feel safe. i was scared of what that guy would do if i did, so i decided not to tell anyone about it. i felt extremely bored tho. i didn’t like sitting in my room all day, i needed some fresh air. it was already dark outside but i didn’t mind. i really enjoy going on night walks. i made my way downstairs before putting on my sneakers and heading out. i was still wearing my pajamas, i didn’t think it was a problem since i’d probably end up walking for like 5 minutes before turning back. i found comfort in the silence and nature, but as i made my way down this dark pathway i started feeling weird, like i was being watched or maybe even followed. no, i was definitely being paranoid. it’s late at night and i’m on my own so of course those thoughts will start taking over. i quickly turned around when i heard the sound of footsteps that weren’t mine, this was really starting to creep me out. i could barley see anything due to the darkness, i was now sure that i wasn’t on my own. i wanted to turn around and go back home, but i heard the footsteps coming from behind me so i couldn’t. i decided to walk faster and further down the pathway, i didn’t know where it would lead me since i had never been here before, but i was willing to take the chance. i was hoping i misheard and that there were no footsteps, but when i heard them again and this time closer to me, i panicked and instead started running. i felt myself getting out of breath, i needed to stop running. i looked behind me and saw absolutely no one. i stopped running and took a few seconds to catch my breath. “you’re a fast runner” i jumped at the sound of a guy’s voice. i turned around to see a tall figure standing over me, i felt extremely terrified at that moment. but wait, his voice. i’ve heard it before. who’s voice was it? … it can’t be. before i got the chance to start screaming for help, my mouth was quickly covered with a cloth by the guy. i yelped into the cloth and tried to get away from him by pushing at his chest, but i felt myself getting tired out of nowhere. “shh. don’t be scared, pretty” i could feel him wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him, and before i knew it.. i had lost consciousness.
finally, heeseung thought to himself. she was right there, unconscious in his arms. she looked so pretty like this, weak and helpless. he removed the cloth from her mouth and placed it in his pocket, he then lifted her chin up so he could get a better look at her. “what a beauty..” he couldn’t hold back, he needed to feel her. even if it was just for a second. he leaned in closer, and the second his lips touched hers, he moaned into her mouth. he pulled away after he had felt his lips on hers, that was all he needed for now. he had one arm around her waist and brought the other one under her legs so he could lift her up. he walked all the way over to his car before opening the trunk and slowly placing her down. he took a moment to admire her beauty before placing a kiss on her forehead. he closed the trunk and got into the driver’s seat. she was finally his.
my back felt extremely uncomfortable. i blinked a few times before i was finally able to fully open my eyes. i was laying on the cold hard floor, no wonder my back was hurting. i looked around and saw nothing familiar, where was i? i tried standing up, but my legs felt numb. i remained sat on the floor while i was looking around trying to figure out where i was. how did i even get here? i don’t remember anything. maybe this is all just a dream- i turned around when i heard the sound of a door creaking, i watched this tall unfamiliar guy walk in. i could barley see his face. “look who’s finally awake” he crouched down in front of me, but i moved backwards until i felt my back hit the wall. i was scared of him, i didn’t know who this random guy was. did he put me in here? he chuckled before he moved closer to me. “are you scared of me?” he leaned down until his lips were almost touching mine. i lied and shook my head. he hummed while he brought his hand up to put a strand of hair behind my ear that was in front of my face. “you’re lying” he said, his eyes looking right into mine. his eyes alone were intimidating. i shook my head once again, no words leaving my mouth. he tilted his head slightly. his eyes looked away from mine, he was now looking down at something. but what? i followed his eyes and noticed how he was staring down at my chest. i quickly covered myself with my hand which made him look back up at me. “it’s okay. you don’t have to be shy around me” he grabbed my hand and forcefully removed it so that my chest was revealed to him again. i saw him biting his lip, and the sight of it made me sick. “please-“ that was the first word that came out of my mouth. i watched him furrow his eyebrows at me. “please don’t do anything to me..” a smile appeared on his face. what was he smiling about? “i’m sorry, pretty. you’re too good for me to resist” i gasped when i felt his cold hand sneak up from under my shirt. he grabbed my boob and squeezed it before he pinched at my nipple. i whimpered at the pain, but he seemed to like that. “shit. make that sound again” i shook my head. he was a disgusting pervert, i wasn’t going to listen to him. “no?” he questioned, removing his hand from underneath my shirt. “no” i mumbled. he didn’t say anything, he just leaned down and hid his face in the crook of my neck.
i was confused until i felt him placing small kisses down my neck. i felt his hand traveling down to my thigh and squeezing it. i felt like this was going somewhere, and since i had never experienced anything like that i needed to stop him. “i’ve never been with anyone before..” i blurted out. he stopped kissing my neck and lifted his head up to look at me. “i know” he said. he knows? how does he know? “i’ll go easy on you. don’t worry” he leaned in, his face getting closer to mine. was he gonna kiss me? i quickly turned my head so that his lips missed mine, but he didn’t seem too happy about that. he grabbed me by my chin and forced me to look at him. “don’t resist me. i wouldn’t want to hurt you” before i could react, he forcefully smashed his lips onto mine. i felt his tongue enter my mouth, i had never kissed anyone like this before. but since i didn’t want him to hurt me, i was forced to kiss him back even tho i didn’t know how to. when he finally pulled away to catch his breath, there was a smile on his lips. “i advise you to listen to me and do what i say. if you don’t, i’ll get angry. and i do bad things when i’m angry” his hand was still holding my chin while he was looking at me. “okay?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at me. i nodded which made him remove the grip he had on my chin. he got back up on his feet and was now looking down at me. “unfortunately, i can’t trust you yet. you’ll still have to stay down here until i can” how long was he gonna keep me here for? i didn’t like the thought of being left here on my own. i just want to go home. “you can’t stay down here with me..?” i asked in a shaky voice. he smiled down at me, “as much as i’d love to, i’ve got plans for us to make”
taglist: @simjungwon (lmk if u want me to tag u)
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Honey, I want something for “being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter”. and being Garrett's love interest! I love him, however, he has few things on this platform! Guys are very protective of her as well as girls. Thanks for the attention 🌷💌.
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HCs:
Paring: daughter!Reader x Dad!Carlisle x Mom!Esme (Reader x Boyfriend!Garrett)
Summary: headcanons about carlisle and Esme's daughter dating Garrett.
💜MasterList 💜twilight MasterList
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So I think they're youngest daughter is gonna remain human for awhile. Your the only cullen 'child' that has been legally adopted by carlisle and Esme, So your actually they're daughter.
You were the daughter of an old friend of Esme's, your mother died giving birth to you and your biological father just wasn't fit to take care of you. Esme and Carlisle took you in under your bio-mom's wishes.
Anyway, Esme was over the moon excited to have a baby in the house, she practically never put you down... Unless Carlisle wanted to hold you and cuddle you.
The two never really gotten the chance to be actual parents, with the other's they were already grown and matured, but with you they could finally experience parent hood.
Your defently a daddy's girl, Carlisle loves you with every single cell in his body and he's very over protective of you... Unfortunately to the point he didn't trust Jasper alone with you when you were a baby.
Speaking of Jasper and siblings, you literally have the best siblings in the world. If you thought carlisle was over protective just wait till you see the boys.
Emmett and you are the closet, he's always making you laugh and 'wrestling'. He'll do just about anything for you or with you. He's probably also the most protective out of your three brothers.
When you were little Edward would often read you stories and teach you how to play piano.
Jasper is your go to person when you have a problem, he's the best listener and he has your back.
As you got older the protectiveness got old, high school wasn't easy with them around but honestly they're the reason you survived.
But the protectiveness didn't get really annoying till you met Garrett, your mate.
In all honesty it's Edward and Bella's fault (Emmett words not yours). You and Bella don't get along at all and she's jealous of yours and Edward's relationship... That's a story for another time though, this is yours and Garrett's story.
Anyway, the family didn't really expect it to happen. After going to Egypt with your parents you decided to met the other guests, that's how you met Garrett.
He cought your eye immediately and the feeling was mutual, Carlisle didn't like how Garrett would look at you.
“who were you talking to?” your dad asked after leaving the living room. “dose it matter?”
“no, no, it doesn't matter unless it's a Boy!”
You just brushed it off, knowing your dad was just being over protective and You continued to get to know Garrett.
You thought he was very charming and funny. Dispite the situation you were currently in with Renesmee he was always making you laugh.
Your parents were happy and all, but at the same time Carlisle didn't want to see you get hurt.
“Dad, what are you doing?” you asked after put some space between you and Garrett.
“there should be a safe distance between you and boys... Especially this one”
Anyway, Garrett realized the problem and went to Carlisle about it. They were both old fashion.
“I think I love your daughter and I want to your promising to date her”
Carlisle's problems seemed to go away slightly. “well it's up to her... But if you hurt her you'll deal with me”
after your family won the battle with the vulturi he took you at on that date. He treated you like a queen the whole time and he asked you to be his girlfriend at the end of the night.
So he did join the coven after awhile. The whole nomad life wasn't pleasant to him anymore. He even changed to the vegetarian diet for you.
He likes like being productive of you, but he knows you can take care of yourself.
Emmett dose send deth threats when you started dating. “you better not hurt her” carlisle doesn't have a violent bone in his body, but Emmett dose.
But after the family saw how happy you were they welcomed Garrett into the family with open arms.
“I'll follow you anywhere woman” he smiled.
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diyahatnight · 1 year
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Warnings : NSFW Oneshot of a head cannon I made. Smut with a dialogue.
Minor dni
Giyuu Tomioka x Hashira f!reader
Summary : The topic surfs up about your boyfriend Giyu being a virgin, even though the other hashira’s didn’t know his past. You began to have flashbacks about what it’s like to be in bed with him.
Notes : This was requested by someone but it won’t let me tag them. Sorry it took so long to write this, i was being lazy. I’m also really bad a writing smut so let me know if there are any problems. There was another person who also requested: @lakainamelolita
I don’t proofread fyi
You and Giyuu had a private relationship, it wasn’t because the both of you were scared of people finding out, but because it was better and easier that way.
The other hashira’s knew you two were close friends, but it never crossed their minds that you two were together romantically. Even though it was quite obvious the only person who thought you two were in a relationship was Sanemi. He shot his own thought down when he looked at Giyuu and then at you and said to himself “nah she’s not that stupid to date an idiot like that guy.”
How you guys started the relationship was weird, you two were strictly just friends with obvious feelings for eachother. Until one night out together you guys returned to your mansion drunk, and one thing lead to another and y’all had sex in one of the many rooms.
Both of you remember that night exactly from how it started to how it ended, that being your first time it was the best sex you’ve ever had. He was so gentle with you but yet still had you crying.
You assumed because you were close friends, it would be awkward so you started avoiding him. While you were working out one day he came to ask you why you were avoiding him and you being confused asked if he didn’t think it was awkward and he said no. So then boom friends again, then about 2 weeks after bloomed a relationship.
There was the annual Hashira gathering, this wasn’t a fancy event or anything it was just a usual thing you guys do just to keep up with eachother. You guys were just a big ol family that just stayed in eachothers lives.
While chatting, Tengen got the question about how sex works with his 3 wives. Does each girl get their own moment or is it just a foursome?
That question brought up a sex topic amongst the hashira’s just telling out their business because there isn’t a personal bubble around them. ( discluding Muichiro for obvious reasons.)
When Shinobu started talking she called out the fact that Giyuu has been quiet the entire time, then started saying “Are you quiet because you’re a virgin?” thus bringing about her calling him “Giyuu the virgin.”
Giyuu didn’t say anything, he just shook his head. As they were laughing about Giyuu being the only Virgin amongst them you started getting flashbacks.
When you and Giyuu were just friends, he told you about his back story. He was a quiet guy, but getting girls in bed was like a second nature to him. He told you about all his sexual experiences, the good ones and the bad ones. You were flabbergasted to find out this side to him. That proving the point “it’s always the quiet guys.”
He was such a slut and it wasn’t obvious until you were one of the girls to be in bed with him.
The day that you two made it official he swore on his life that no one will get in the middle of this relationship. You were the only girl he’s been interested in ever since he first met you. You were his dream girl and so very perfect for him. He even slit his wrist as his own way as a pinky promise. He didn’t know why he did it he just did for some reason.
That same night he wanted to prove to you that you had all of him. And he knew the best way to prove that. He initiated the first move, you knew what he wanted when he was kissing you and he started pushing you more into the bed than you already were.
Next thing you new he was taking off yours and his kimono. The first round he was simply making love to you, he was being gentle and he finger prepped to make sure you had no pain on your end. He slowly pushed himself in to make sure that you had time to adjust to his length and thickness.
His pace was slow but harsh, each thrust were hitting all the right spots so perfectly. The first round he was fucking you so lovingly. He had your fingers intertwined with his as he had your hands above your head. When you reached your orgasm he made sure to give you some time before he reached his own orgasm. Pulling out then cuming on your belly.
He caught you off guard when he used his fingers to scoop up his cum off your belly, then sticking it in your mouth. What caught you even more off guard is when he started pushing both of your legs to your chest hinting that there was going to be another round.
This time without warning he just penetrated you and you let out a little squeal at the sudden sensation. This time his thrusts weren’t slow, they were fast and rough. But because of the position you were in you couldn’t hear the sound of skin slapping, but there was definitely a sound.
His new pace had your head thrown all the way back and you gripping into the sheets. Your orgasm came faster than it did before, your eyes tearing up and sending you into a haze because you were already sensitive from your first orgasm.
when his came he once again came on your belly then scooped it up and stuck it in your mouth.
He randomly flipped you over on your hands and knees, arching your back and forcing your face into the pillow. He forcefully pushed himself into your hole this time and that got a loud moan from you. His pace was somehow faster than his pace from the second round.
This time you can hear the sound of skin slapping, he was so focused on making you feel good he didn’t even realize how much he was digging into the skin of your ass. Letting out small grunts as he watched you tear apart before him. It turned him on so much he started to pick up the pace.
You were like jelly in the palm of his hands, you were trying to tell him to slow down but you couldn’t make out full sentences. You started to cry at all the pleasure and then the pain when your orgasm started to arise. This was the third orgasm i’m the row and it was starting to hurt because you were so sensitive.
The sex was so good but it was the orgasm that had you crying beneath him. When you came you had blacked out for a second and then came back to reality when he asked for permission to cum inside of you.
This time you told him yes, and that he did. After both of you collapsed and you snuggled up next to him as he apologized and started kissing your forehead.
You said that the both of you should go and shower together and he agreed. The beginning of the shower was just a normal couples shower, until one thing happened and then another then a 4th round became in that shower.
You snapped out of your thoughts, clearing the flash back you just had when Giyuu touched your thigh. “You okay?” he was a tiny bit concerned on why you all of a sudden got so quiet.
You shook your head yes, but you had the reason for the quietness written all over your face. He couldn’t help but give you a small smirk.
He was happy to know that you knew who he really was and you being the only person in the room who’s got to experience it.
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Now i have to write the next fanfic for the next person (i’m just doing fan service)
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firstfirerebel · 1 year
Sumary: Tom Riddle is obsessed with reader and won't tolerate her being somewhere else than his side (Reader is against the hate on Muggles or Muggle-Born wizards)
Pairing: yandere Adult!Tom Riddle/Voldemort x fem! reader
Warnings: Dark content, obsession, mention of the three Unforgivable Curses, implied kidnapping, death, yandere, toxic behavior
Time: First Wizarding War (meaning Voldemort/Tom is still a normal man)
English is not my native language!
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"Why won't you just understand that all I want to do is create a new world, a better one. One were you, and I will rule together!"
"But I don't want that! In fact, I don't even want to be near you! I'll never join you nor support you. Just give up already and let me free!"
It was another day in the Malfoy Manor where you were captured by none other than the dark lord himself. And another day, where you just hoped to escape or die. Sounds harsh? Listen to your story first...
You have known Tom since your Hogwarts time. You weren't in the same house but in the same year, and even though you weren't close, you did happen to have some lessons together. Never you would've considered him a friend. He was just a classmate who sometimes helped you with potions, and in your free time, you sometimes met him in the libary by coincidence, but that was it.
Yeah, you did find him attractive, but you would have never thought to date him or something like that. After all, he always wanted to be alone and didn't like company. You also preferred being alone, to be honest. Still, he somehow scared you from the beginning. His eyes hold no emotions, but in his actions and his aura, all you felt or saw was pure hate. Tom didn't talk about his past, but he didn't have to for you to figure out that it must have been no good one.
Once you were in sixth grade, attacks on muggle-born students happened, and in the end, Myrtle, who was a friend of yours, was killed.
Yeah, she was very difficult , but she didn't mean any harm towards anyone. Besides that, she was bullied by so many students that you just felt pity for her. You were also bullied in your first years at hogwarts until the students stopped out of nowhere. Since then, you have had problems with being social. Most people who were close with you ended up using you for their own benefits or saw you as their therapist or something like that.
Okay, Myrtle was known for being over sensitive, but still, if people knew she would cry because of mean comments, then why make them? She was in her third year when she died, and she only flew to the girls' toilet because Olive Hornby made fun of her again, which made you more sad about her death. It's not like she chose to have glasses. What was wrong with some people?
In the end, Riddle accused Hagird of being responsible for her death. Only you and Proffesor Dumbledore were convinced that it couldn't have been Hagrid. He was way too nice and kind-hearted for such a terrible crime as murder. Though you didn't think it was Tom either.
But it didn't matter. Hagrid was suspended, and that was the end of it.
Since that time, you didn't trust Tom Riddle anymore. He was the one who made everyone believe that Hagird was guilty. And somehow, since the incident, Tom's aura has become even more intimidating and dark. At least that's how it felt to you...
Once you graduated, you didn't hear of him again, which didn't bother you at all. You lived a peaceful life for a long time. You loved your job. You had true friends. You could do your hobbies. And sometimes you even went on a few dates.
But, if it would have stayed that way, you wouldn't be at Voldemorts' side against your will, would you?
The day that ruined your life was a rainy day. It wasn't too cold nor too warm, so you decided to take a walk in the nearby woods. You loved to spend your time there. All the creatures and plants fascinated you every time without fail. Sometimes, you even saw unicorns, which felt like a miracle everytime Besides, it was one of the last peaceful places left.
War would soon come. It was only a matter of time. Everybody knew that. Maybe you only had two months left, or you still got two years. No one knew except the ones on Voldemorts side.
At that time, you only knew that 'The Dark Lord' was a user of the dark arts. And he hated Muggles and Muggle-Borns. Which was enough for you to despite him. Dark magic was never something you approved, and you didn't care about the blood status of anyone. What mattered to you was always the person.
Usually, the woods were filled with life and joy, but that day was different. The forest looked intimidating from the outside, and you even thought about going back home.
Sadly, you didn't listen to your inner voice. But, it wouldn't have changed your fate...
Once you entered it, you didn't hear the happy cheers of the birds like always. And you didn't see any nifflers running by or other creatures in general. Something was definitely wrong.
But you continued to walk, which would soon turn out to be a fatal mistake. As soon as you reached the river, that was in the forest, you realized why everything was so different than usual.
Death Eaters had chased and killed a Muggle-Born witch with her family. They were on a camping trip, as you could tell from the scenery. But there was still a girl, most likely two or three years old, still alive.
Without a second thought, you hid behind a big tree and some bushes around it.
It seemed like the Death Eaters didn't know what to do with her. Maybe she wasn't part of the plan? At first, you thought that this was not an important mission for them, but then you saw Bellatrix. She was very well known as Voldemorts' right hand. She personally learned dark magic from him and was definitely the most loyal Death Eater there ever was. So this must be a really important matter.
You couldn't stand her guts and wanted nothing more than to just slap her even if you didn't know her in person. Dark magic wasn't something you supported. But still, you couldn't deny that she was dangerous and powerful. Her madness didn't lower that fact.
Since dying wasn't on your to-do lost today, you ran away as fast as you could. Since they were arguing so loud, they didn't hear you. Of course, you wanted to help the little girl, but it was simply impossible to get her without getting caught. And against a whole troup of Death Eaters with one being BELLATRIX, you didn't stand a chance.
But luck wasn't on your side...
As you ran away from the horrible scene, you ran into a Death Eater. They wore their typical black clothes and their mask was on, so you didn't see who it was.
Before you could grab your wand, you heard an angry mumbled 'stupor'. You fell onto the ground and blacked out.
When you awoke, you didn't dare to open your eyes. After all, you got caught by a death eater, so you being alive was a miracle. You didn't hear any voices around you. It also wasn't cold and wet around you, so being locked up in a cellar wasn't the case as well...
Beneath you was a comfortable mattress. It was soft and made you want to fall asleep on it. But what the hell was this all about?!
If you're caught by the bad guys, you normally don't wake up in a soft bed. Did they bring you back home? No, that would be too risky. Maybe they wanted some information, but you weren't really someone well known in the wizarding world.
Patiently, you waited a few more minutes, but still not even the slightest noise. So you opened your eyes.
You were in a dark room. The main colors were black and dark green. Black wardrobes and black walls. The bed was made of black wood, but the sheets were dark green, the big carpet on the floor as well. No one was with you in this room. Desperately, you wanted to know where you were. From the colors, you would have guessed that it was a Slytherin Dormitory in Hogwarts. But kidnappers don't bring you to your old school!
Scared you inspected the room once again. Nothing was familiar...
You took a deep breath and stood up. If you would die, fine, but as long as you had the slightest chance of escape you would take it.
The carpet felt also really expensive beneath your feet. By the way, your kidnappers were so nice to pull off your shoes before laying you into bed...
Everything in this room seemed to be just made for this specific room. Which frightened you even more.
Suddenly, the door was opened, and you saw a pretty woman (walking down the street 🤣) in the doorframe. She was slim and tall, had long blonde hair that was tied up in a bun. Her tight dress was rose gold with a black cloak over it. All in all, she looked like a wealthy woman. Her face was pretty as well, but she looked like she got a dung under her nose. Weird.
"Get up and follow me, My Lady," her cold and clear voice told you.
"Uhm, I'm not your Lad -" but she was already on her way to your goal. You had no clue where it was, but following her was better than sitting around, right?
"I know this must be really confusing, but our Lord will explain it to all of us soon. I was just told to get you and call you that. Now, please, don't make this harder for us than it already is,"
You managed to catch up to her. Now you also saw that her eyes were ice blue. Matching her cold voice.
"Who are you?" you asked softly. Kowing her name could be a good hint to where you were.
"Narcissa Black, soon to be Narcissa Malfoy," the woman didn't look at you for one second, her eyes were focused on the walls. So you were still in the claws of the death eaters. Family Black was well known for their puryity, not a family you would have gotten along with.
The corridor was huge by the way. Dark colors still dominating. Only the chandelier was white. Did this belong to one person or was it the headquarters of Voldemort and his minions or what? Instead of getting awnsers you only got more questions as you walked after Narcissa.
Downstairs. A few steps upstairs again. Left. Left again. Right. Straight forward. The second right.
Was this a house or a Labyrinth?! How were you supposed to find your way in here? You even got lost in Digeon Ally!
But after what felt like an internity, you both reached a large black table, people gathered around it. A tall man stood up from his chair as he heard you two enter. As he turned around, you saw your old classmate Tom Riddle, but if he was here, he wouldn't help you. If he became a death eater, he was behind after everything you swore to fight. He wasn't an ally or a friend anymore. He was a danger and a threat to you and many innocent people who weren't here.
You tried to hide behind Narcissa. After all, she was the only person who seemed at least a little trustworthy, and she was another woman. Maybe she knew how unsafe you felt because mostly men were in this room. The only other woman was a mad Bellatrix, never ever you would trust her.
"Ah, there they are. Come in, " Tom spoke. His voice had changed, and it was more intimidating than it was before.
You didn't move an inch, but Narcissa started to move forward. Being all alone without someone to hide behind was more scarry, so you followed her, but you were still behind her.
"Oh no, don't be afraid. No one here will even dare to glare at you, my dear. They knew the punishment would be worse than death," You couldn't recognize Tom anymore. The hate in his presence, his voice, his appearance, everything scared you. Back in school, you didn't fear him, at least not for his house or his roots. Just because he was a Slytherin, it didn't mean that he was evil, but now? His opinions were completely different than yours, and this was not a stupid novel of the stereotype enemies to lovers cause he was just plain and simple wrong with his thoughts on muggleborn or muggles in general.
[Funfact: I don't get the hype on this topic, see, for being autistic I got bullied for many years and than reading a story about two people hating each other's guts and than falling for each other just feels wrong for me, you can read whatever you want ofc, this was just my unpopular opinion]
Still, you hid behind Narcissa, but as she tried to go towards a man with long blonde hair and her crazy sister, you felt completely defenseless. The only person you used to know seemed to be the head of everything here, and Narcissa wasn't at your side anymore. Sadly, Tom saw your fear. He went towards you and pulled you in an unwanted hug. Softly, he petted your hair and whispered sweet nothings. As soon as this horror hug ended, he smiled at you and turned towards the others.
"If anything should happen to her, everyone will be held responsible! You know the punishment, now go! We are done here!" As the last word fell, everyone disapparated, and only you and him were left.
And then you realized it. If he could order the death eaters around, he must be the dark lord himself. Tom Riddle, your old classmate, was Voldemort.
You backed away from him but regretted it soon. Tom didn't take rejection good...
"Why are you scared? I won't harm you. In fact, I am the one who has kept you safe since I saw you!"
"Are you mad?!" You yelled back into his already mad face. Wrong choice again. In full rage he stormed through the room and kicked everything in his way. Chairs and even the whole table practically flew through the room.
"Who protected you from those bullies back in Hogwarts?! Who kept you safe from all filthy boys who just wanted to break your heart?! Who killed the mudblood Myrtle so you were safe from her?!"
So Dumbledore was right... Tom opened the chamber of secrets all those years ago. And killed your friend.
"Myrtle was my friend! I never asked for your personal protection, Tom!"
Somehow that calmed him down! Yep, that man was a complete psychopath...
"But you didn't have to, my dear", he ran towards you and cupped your cheek while looking into your eyes.
"Keeping you safe will always be my priority. I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you and I knew that I would always protect you. Look around, here in our mansion you will always be safe. No one will ever harm you again. We'll be safe here! After I've won this war you and I can live here in peace. Just imagine it, I'll make us so many horcruxes that we won't ever die. Here we will raise our kids and they'll never go through the pain of being an orphan like I was", pain and hate was in his voice at the simple thought of 'death' and 'orphan'. But having a family with this insane man? Hell nah, you'd flee the moment you got the chance!
"I know now this is scary for you, and you might think of escaping, but this whole mansion is surrounded by death eaters, the moment you even think of fleeing you'll be brought to your room and trust me, I know how to punish or torture someone so that no mistace will ever happen again",
And that's how you ended up here. Behind you was the man that claimed to love you fast asleep. Yet he was the one who made you go through all of this. Most traumas you had were because of his action. If this was love, than you could already drown in it.
You had no idea if you could ever escape or if even the try of escaping was a good idea. This man wasn't well known for his kindness or his patience.
Maybe playing along would make it easier, but would your mental health take that well? Or would that make him do worse things 'out of love'?
Still, you rethought your first actions towards Tom, trying to figure out what made his obsession start. Was it your look? Your hairstyle? Your body language?
Or was it just being unlucky?
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g-hughes · 3 months
Let’s talk Nico Hischier in the form of a request shall we? "I just want you to be happy! And perhaps a little bit naked."
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The Girl from Across the Hall - N. Hischier
masterlist || g's graduation celly
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synopsis: Ever since he moved in, Nico has had a crush on his neighbor, but she doesn't feel the same way. . . or does she?
word count: 3.0k
warnings: idiots to lovers, mentions of hookups/sex, cursing, drinking
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Nico had a crush. 
At age 25, Nico Hischier, captain of the New Jersey Devils, had a crush on his best friend. 
It wasn’t like Nico planned on falling in love with his best friend, it just kind of happened. He wasn’t sure when it happened, but it did, and there was nothing that he could do about it. 
Nico could remember the day he met her like it was yesterday. He had just been drafted by the Devils, and was moving into his apartment, by himself in Jersey City. He wouldn’t ever admit it out loud, but he was terrified; being in a new country, a new city, about to embark on a brand new journey in his life. Nico thought he was doing a good job at hiding his nerves, but apparently, he was not. 
On the second week of being on his own, Nico had ventured out to get some basic things for his apartment that his mother hadn’t already supplied him with. He was thankful that his parents had flown across the ocean to help him move in. He hadn’t ever lived on his own before, and found himself calling his parents almost every single day. Nico had gotten by for two weeks with the basic supplies and amenities he had, but he wanted to get some more things like a blender and a waffle iron, and maybe some decorative pillows. 
But Nico was a lot like his mother, and ended up buying a lot more than what he had wanted to get. With his arms full of shopping bags, Nico made the trek up to his tenth floor apartment, breaking a sweat by the time he got to his front door. He grunted as he shifted the bags around, trying to grab his keys out. 
“C’mon,” He said to himself, trying to adjust his keys in his hands, his arms beginning to hurt from the bags cutting off circulation, “Fuck! Fuck!” He cursed as his keys clattered to the ground, “Fuck!” 
“You okay?” A gorgeous girl in a pair of shorts and a tank top stood in her doorway, a confused look on her face. 
Nico sighed, and looked down at his keys, “Yeah.” 
“You sure?” She asked and Nico shook his head. 
“I dropped my keys,” He said in defeat. 
“I see,” She said, stepping out of the door, “You just move in?” He nodded, and she bent down to grab his keys, easily finding the one to the door, “I’m Y/N,” She introduced herself, putting the key in the lock, and turning it, “My sister and I live across the hall.” 
“Nico,” He said, and she pushed the front door open, “Thank you.” 
“No problem,” She nodded, “But you know. . . the doors have their own key fob you could’ve used. Hell of a lot easier than fiddling with a key,” Nico’s jaw dropped dumbfoundedly, as he watched Y/N skip back across the hall, “Nice to meet you, Nico!” 
And now, nearly 7 years later, Nico lived in the same apartment with Y/N still across the hall. Though things had changed over the years, such as Y/N’s sister moving out and Nico becoming the captain of the devils, their friendship never changed. They got closer as the years went on, both of them being the same age, having some of the same interests. But Nico was drawn to her personality; confident, sassy, smart, a beautiful person both inside and out, but also a bit intimidating. Nico had witnessed her first hand hold her ground against pissed off hockey fans, and dudes who think they are entitled to get something after a first date. 
And maybe that was why Nico was afraid to tell her how he felt. Or maybe it was because he didn’t want to lose her as a friend. Y/N had been one of the first people he had connected with when he moved to Jersey. She was there through it all, his tough rookie season, bad losses, exciting wins, being named captain, a run in the play-offs, a miserable season following. She was his person, his best friend. And he was going to be damned if he did anything to mess with that. 
So Nico kept his feelings a secret, and kept on playing the dutiful best friend role that he had been playing for the past 7 years. Even when all he could do was sit on a barstool and watch as she danced with some random guy at the bar. 
“You know,” Jack said, sitting down next to Nico, “This is getting pathetic.” 
“What is?” Nico asked, looking at his alternate captain. 
“You,” Jack said, honestly and the Swiss man furrowed his eyebrows, “And her,” Jack then pointed to where Y/N was, her back pressed against some guy as they swayed to the music. 
“She’s having fun,” Nico shrugged, “And I’m making sure he doesn’t disrespect her.” 
“Oh you are such a hero, Nico! A stand up guy! Oh please have my babies!” Jack feigned, batting his eyelashes in an exaggerated move, “You’re making me sad! It’s a bar! We just clinched a playoff spot! And you’re making me sad!” 
“Then don’t look at me,” Nico sassed back. He grabbed his beer and took a hefty sip, before looking back at the dancefloor where Y/N was still with that guy. She was facing him now, whispering something in his ear, as his hands sat dangerously low on her hips. Maybe they were discussing going home with each other. It wouldn’t have been the first time that Nico spotted her coming home with a guy or watching a guy leave out her front door. It broke his heart every single time, but he would never tell her that. 
“Look,” Jack said, sitting his beer down, “I am just looking out for you, okay. It is painfully obvious that you have a thing for Y/N, and it’s kind of obvious that she doesn’t feel the same. I don’t want to see you get hurt. And I feel like that's where this is heading.” 
Nico sighed, hanging his head, “So what do I do?” He asked honestly. 
“You find yourself a hottie, take her home, and bang her,” Jack said as if it was the simplest thing in the world, “Hey, I know that you haven’t had your dick in something other than your hand since you broke up with Macy eight months ago.” 
Jack was right, Nico hadn’t been intimate with anyone since his ex. Macy was a great girl, fantastic even. She never got mad or upset about him always being going or putting most of his focus on hockey and the team. The only issue was, she wasn’t Y/N. Nico hated that every time he kissed Macy or touched her, he would imagine she was Y/N. When Nico broke up with Macy, she wasn’t mad, and it was almost as if she expected it. She even told him that she knew his heart wasn’t completely in it, and that it belonged to someone else. 
“I don’t do one night stands,” Nico said. 
“How do you know? Ever had one?” 
Nico was silent for a moment, “No.” 
“Then?” Jack encouraged, “Just get it out of your system.” 
Nico pondered it for a moment, looking around the bar. It was packed, girls in scantily dressed clothing, and men with fake designer clothing on. The loud music felt like a second heartbeat in Nico’s chest, and the air was thick with sweat. 
“Her,” Jack said, pulling Nico’s attention, and pointing to a girl on the other side of the bar, “She’s just your type, she looks like Y/N.” Nico hated to admit it, but the girl on the other side of the bar did look a lot like Y/N. A tall-ish build, with beautiful curves and a bright smile. However this girl had a certain aura about her, as if she was commanding all eyes to be on here, where for Y/N, all the eyes in the room naturally followed her. 
“I’ll be back,” Nico said, chugging down the rest of his beer before going to the girl. 
It was about five minutes later that Y/N came bouncing up to the bar, out of breath, and in dire need of a drink. She loved going to bars and clubs like this. She loved feeling the bass in her bones, the bright lights robbing her of her site, the layer of sweat on her body. She knew that Nico hated it, but would grin and bear it just for her, he hated her going to these places alone. But the Devils were in the playoffs and so coming to the club was a must for celebration. 
“How ya been, Dancin’ Queen?” Jack greeted her. 
“Dying of thirst!” Y/N answered back, draping an arm around his shoulders. He held up his beer in offering and she shook her head, “Water, please. I don’t like drinking alcohol at the club.”
“You’re so weird,” Jack shook his head, but knew her reasoning. Y/N only liked to drink in a ‘controlled environment’ as she would call it, the comfort of her apartment or Nico’s or Jack’s, or anywhere that wasn’t in public. She was just naturally a ball of fun at the club, sober.
 Jack waved down the bartender and asked for a glass of water, which Y/N thanked him for. The cool liquid felt amazing down her dry throat, “Where’s Nico?” 
“Overthere,” Jack smirked, nodding towards the other side of the bar. Y/N’s eyes widened as she saw her best friend, leaned up on the side of the bar talking to a gorgeous woman, “Where’s your date?” 
“My date?” Y/N asked, looking back at Jack. 
“Yeah,” He shrugged, “The guy you were dry humping on the dance floor.” 
“Logan?” Y/N asked again, a laugh tumbling from her lips, “He’s been my friend since elementary. He’s just here for the weekend.” 
“Mhm,” Jack nodded, rubbing his lips together. Y/N looked back over towards Nico, a weird feeling in her chest as she watched him move in closer to the girl, and brush a strand of hair behind her ear. 
Y/N swallowed down the rest of her water, “I think I’m gonna call it a night. I’ll order an uber or something.” 
Jack snapped his head towards her, “What? No? You love this club!” 
“Yeah,” She sighed in defeat, “But I’m tired and my feet hurt and the music is starting to give me a headache.” Jack looked at her incredulously. Usually Jack and Nico were dragging Y/N out of the club at the end of the night, hardly ever did she want to leave before last call. Jack looked over at Nico, and then at Y/N, realization settling on his features. 
She was jealous. 
“Are you-” 
“I’m leaving,” Y/N ordered, turning on her heel, but Jack grabbed her arm. 
“Hey,” Jack said, “One, you’re not going to get into an uber by yourself on a friday night in Jersey City. I’ve watched enough SVU to know that’s a recipe for disaster.” 
“Thanks detective Tutuola,” Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, her breasts being pushed up over the top of her silver slip dress, “Are you coming then?” 
“Yes,” Jack grumbled, “Hold on.” He turned back towards where Nico was standing, waving his hand to get his friend’s attention, but Y/N was growing impatient, not wanting to stand there and watch Nico talk to some girl who was giving him ‘fuck me’ eyes. 
“Uber is two minutes out.” 
“Fuck it! I’ll just text him.” Jack groaned, slamming back the rest of his drink and getting up from his barstool, “C’mon.” He put his hand on the small of her back, leading her hastily out of the bar towards the awaiting bar.
“That’s seriously so cool!” The girl, whose name Nico learned is Megan, said, “I have only been to Switzerland once, and it was the most beautiful place I have ever been too. We went up to the mountains and ugh. . . that’s a sight I still have dreams about.” 
“Yeah it’s def-” Nico was cut off as his phone buzzed in his pocket, “Excuse me,” He blushed as he pulled his iPhone out of his pocket, seeing a message from Jack. His dark eyebrows furrowed as he read it and then looked up, seeing Jack slam his glass down and all but run out of the club, his hand on Y/N’s back. Nico looked back down at the message, anger blooming in his chest. 
‘Going home with Y/N. Don’t wait up.’ 
Nico clenched his jaw, sliding his phone back into his pocket. He huffed and turned towards Megan, “You want to get out of here?” 
Megan licked her lips and nodded, “Sure.” 
— — — 
This is what the walk of shame must’ve felt like, though she had little shame as she walked down the hallway on the tenth floor to her apartment. It was more like she didn’t want anyone to see her current state of dress, a large oversized t-shirt, a pair of men’s boxers, and white nike socks all courtesy of Jack Hughes. After they left the club, Y/N didn’t want to return to her empty apartment, instead she went back to Jack’s place, where Luke had escaped to earlier in the night. She had crashed in Jack’s bed after many more drinks and rounds of UNO. 
Now, she was making that fateful walk back home, her silver dress strewn over her arm and her heels in her other hand. Her hair was a mess of curls and hairspray, her face felt disgusting with the remnants of last night’s makeup. Y/N was almost home safe, when her neighbor opened his door, startling her. 
“Hey,” Nico said, standing shirtless in nothing but a pair of running shorts and sneakers, “You’re just getting home?” 
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded, “I ended up staying at Jack’s last night after we left.” 
Nico felt his heart speed up, “Seriously?” 
“Yeah,” Y/N said again, this time shrugging, “I felt like I had been home alone so much this week with you guys gone, and didn’t really want to come back alone so I-” 
“But you weren’t alone,” Nico crossed his arms over his chest, “You had Jack.” 
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed at the shift in Nico’s tone, “But I was tired of looking at the same scenery, I need a change. What’s with the interrogation?” 
“Just didn’t know you and Jack were like that.” 
“We have been for a while,” Y/N shifted on her feet, “Usually he comes over here cause Luke is-” 
“Luke knows?” 
“He lives there,” Y/N was growing confused and a bit annoyed, “Look, it’s not that deep. I crashed at his place last night. I don’t know why I’m getting grilled like a criminal right now.” 
“Cause he’s my teammate,” Nico grumbled. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling, anger, jealousy, sadness. “And we’re about to go into the playoffs and I don’t need some chick messing with his head.” 
Y/N was taken aback by Nico’s words. ‘Some chick’? Y/N wasn’t just some chick. She was Nico’s best friend, and considered an honorary WAG of the Devils organization. Everyone loved and adored her, inviting her to sit in the same section with the rest of the WAGs or on roadies or to watch parties. The coaching staff knew her on a first name basis and knew that if anything happened to Nico, she was the first person to call. Y/N L/N wasn’t just some chick. And Nico knew that. 
“Fine,” Y/N pursed her lips, “Good luck in the playoffs, Nico. I’ll leave you and the rest of your team alone.” 
“Wait, Y/N-” Nico was cut off by the loud slam of her front door and the lock turning. He groaned, cursing himself in his head as he walked up to her front door, pounding his fist against the wood. 
“Go away!” 
“No!” Nico protested, continuing his loud knocking on the door. 
Y/N rolled her eyes as she yanked the front door open, “Go away and quit knocking on my door like a lunatic!” Y/N went to slam her door in his face again, but Nico stopped it with his strong hand. She let out a huff as she turned on her heel, welcoming him into the apartment. 
“I’m sorry,” Nico said, running a hand through his hair, “You’re not just ‘some chick’. . .” He took in a deep breath, gathering up the courage, “You’re everything to me.” 
“Nico,” Y/N sighed, looking up at him from the couch. 
“Just listen,” Nico stood in front of her, “I’m in love with you. And I have been for a while. And I-I know you don’t feel the same way about me, and I’m okay with that. Well, I’m learning to be okay with that. It sucks, okay,” Nico shook his head with a self deprecating laugh, “It sucks because I just want you to be happy! And maybe a little naked with me,” His cheeks turned red and she couldn’t help but giggle, “But if that’s not what you want, then I’ll deal. I want what’s best for you and if Jack is what is best-” 
“Wait,” Y/N held her hand up, cutting Nico off in the middle of his confession, “Jack?” 
“Yeah,” Nico nodded, “You said that you guys have a-” 
“Oh my god,” Y/N couldn’t help the laughter falling from her lips. “Oh my god, Nico.” She closed the gap between them, placing her hands on his stubbled cheek, “Jack and I? We are friends. There is nothing and I mean nothing between us,” Her eyes searched his for a moment, as she drew in a breath, “I love you too. And I have for a while.” 
Nico didn’t hesitate to place his lips on hers, pulling her flush against his body. Years of pent up tension and wondering what the other was thinking washed away in an instant. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers tangling in his brown hair. When the two of them pulled away for air, Y/N rested her forehead against Nico’s. 
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” She asked. 
“Me? Why didn’t you?” Nico laughed, “God, we’re dumb.” 
“Yeah,” Y/N smiled up at him, “But you love me.” 
“That I do.”
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scoonsalicious · 4 months
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7.3 Major*
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Explicit Sexual Content Minors: GTFO; I don’t serve your kind here (unprotected piv, slight praise kink, slight size kink)
Word Count: 2.8k
Previously On...: You finally got Bucky's dick down your throat <3
A/N: Again, sorry about yesterday, besties! My spirit child took precedence. At least this is a decent-sized, smutty update!
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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You were pretty proud of yourself, you had to admit. You had no idea how many women Bucky had slept with over the years (and, if you were being completely honest, you really didn’t want to know), but given he was well over a hundred, you figured it had to be a pretty decent number. Yet, here he was, lying next to you, trying to recover like you’d literally just sucked his very soul out of his body. You swore you’d never swallowed so much cum in your entire life, let alone at one time. For a moment there, you’d briefly wondered if you’d be the only person in history to literally drown in cum.
You’d never enjoyed giving your ex-husband head before, but giving it to Bucky had felt almost like a religious experience. He’d allowed you to take your time, to set your own pace, and do what felt natural to you– not just grab both sides of your head and fuck your face like a fleshlight, the way Connor had been so fond of doing. Your mouth was going to be so sore tomorrow, though. It was like having a forearm in there. You laughed quietly to yourself. Totally worth it.
“What’s so funny, doll?” Bucky asked, rolling over onto his side so he could face you properly.
“I was just reminiscing about how huge your dick felt in my mouth, Sarge,” you told him honestly. 
Bucky wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. “Major,” he moaned into your shoulder, “you keep talking like that and you’re gonna get me going all over again.”
You smiled and scooted closer to whisper in his ear. “That cock was so big, I thought I was gonna choke on it, Sergeant.” Bucky shivered and, sure enough, you could feel the appendage in question hardening against your stomach as you spoke. He was insatiable, and you loved it.
“Come back with me to the Compound tonight,” Bucky said. “It’s closer than your place and I’m not going to be able to wait much longer to be inside of you.”
You sat up, torn between being touched that he wanted to take you back to the home he shared with his friends, and wanting to just jump his bones immediately. In the end, being horny won out. “Why wait, Bucky? We’re both already naked, and you’ve already blown one load out here. What’s a couple more?” You reached down and grabbed his semi-hard member, stroking it gently. 
“Fuuuuck,” Bucky groaned. He sat up and placed a hand over yours to cease your ministrations. “Sugar, we can’t,” he said through gritted teeth, as though it pained him to put a stop to your actions. “This is a public park. What if we get caught?”
You threw your head back and laughed at that. “Bucky,” you said through your giggling, “that’s half the fun! Besides,” you said, turning a bit more serious once you saw the concern in his eyes, “it’s after hours on a Sunday night. No one is coming to the park now. And even if they did, what are the odds of them finding us? We’re so far off trail.”
“They could see the lanterns,” Bucky said, “and follow the light. And I just… Nevermind, it’s stupid.” He turned his face from you, embarrassed. You were beginning to love the way he shied from you when he was afraid he was going to say the wrong thing.
You frowned and gently tilted his chin so he was facing you again. “What’s ‘stupid’? Bucky, you can tell me; I’m not going to judge you, I promise.”
A small smile tugged at the corner of Bucky’s lips. “I just… don’t want anyone else seeing you like this,” he murmured, running his vibranium hand down your shoulder. “You look like a fucking goddess tonight, Major. I want to be the only one that gets to worship you.”
His words couldn’t have had more of an impact on you if you had been physically struck by them. “Bucky,” you whined, pulling him close to kiss him. You had a fleeting thought of self consciousness, that he’d be able to taste himself on your lips, but he didn’t seem to care as his tongue sought entry into your mouth. He kissed you like he was dying of thirst, and your lips were the only source of water for miles.
“Let’s compromise,” you told him once you’d broken apart. “We can blow out some of the lanterns, so we’re not so easy to find.” Bucky nodded, seeming to like the idea of your offer. “Then,” you continued, “you can fuck me under the stars.” 
The two of you must have looked absolutely ridiculous, you thought, traipsing around, completely naked, as you collected all of the things that Bucky had brought for your picnic and packing them away into the basket, save for the blankets and some pillows, giggling like idiots the entire time. You wanted to have everything packed up as neatly as possible before blowing out the lanterns, so that when it did come time to finally leave, you wouldn’t risk leaving anything behind because you’d been fumbling around in the dark. You’d both completely forgotten about actually eating dinner.
As you worked, you kept sneaking occasional glances over at Bucky, admiring the way the light rippled over his body. The man was essentially made entirely of muscle, and yeah, you’d seen him naked before, in the confines of your condo, but something about seeing all of him outside, under an open sky, did something to you. It made you feel… feral.
“You okay there, doll?” Bucky asked, causing you to refocus and clear your head. 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m good. Why?” you asked him.
Bucky smiled as he walked over toward you. “Well, you stopped moving, then got this dazed look on your face, and you were just kind of staring at my dick,” he said. Reaching you, he put his hands on your hips and playfully yanked you toward him. 
You chuckled at his apt description of what you must have looked like. “Just admiring the scenery, Sarge,” you teased. You could feel your desperation for him growing by the second. You took his hand and guided it down your body, between your breasts, down the skin of your stomach, until you had it against your aching heat. 
Bucky took the initiative of running two of his thick fingers between your folds, gathering your copious slick. “Oh, sugar,” he said, his voice almost patronizing, “you’re fucking soaked.” He brought his fingers to his lips and sucked off your arousal. “Shit, you taste so damn sinful. Be a good girl and go wait for me on the blanket while I finish up, alright?”
You nodded and did as he asked. You watched as he quickly finished gathering all the lanterns and blowing them out, one by one, until he was just a silhouette of shadow among shadows. 
“Hey, sugar,” Bucky said through the darkness as he climbed toward you across the blanket. Your eyes were adjusting to the starlight, and though you couldn’t make him out perfectly, you could see him much easier.
“Hi, Sarge,” you replied with a soft giggle as you reached for him. “Come fuck me, please.”
“Oh, doll,” Bucky purred, “I’m not going to fuck you tonight.” He kneeled down on the blanket, resting back on his heels, and, as if you weighed absolutely nothing, he picked you up, positioning you so you were facing him, straddling your legs on either side of his torso. “Tonight, I’m making love to you, Major. Put your arms around my neck.”
You obeyed him dumbly, his words having driven all rational thought completely out of your head. Bucky reached underneath you, putting his hands under your ass and using them to pull you close to his chest. “Are you ready?” he asked. 
You nodded desperately; you were practically dripping for him by this point, but something hit you. “Fuck,” you hissed. “I don’t have any condoms.”
“What happened to my always prepared Girl Scout?” Bucky asked with a grin. 
“I thought we were going out to dinner!” you told him in exasperation. “I didn’t think we’d end up fucking in the middle of the woods! I just assumed we’d end up fucking back at my place, where I have copious amounts of condoms!”
Bucky laughed at that. “Well, maybe we should both start carrying them at all times then, sugar. Just in case. Seems we’re making it a habit of not always gettin’ to a bed in time.” But then his face turned serious. “If you’re worried about diseases or whatever,  you don’t have to be– the serum, it prevents me from contractin’ anything, so I can’t pass stuff on, either. Kind of like a catch-all vaccination. The only thing we’d have to worry about is… well,” his eyes glanced down to your belly. “You know. I can always pull out before I finish, if you want.”
Just the idea of feeling him inside of you, with absolutely nothing between you, invaded your thoughts and filled your mind like a thick smoke, reaching every crevice of your brain until it was all you could think about. To actually feel him cum inside of you… “Don’t you dare,” you said, a little more sharply than you intended. “Pull out, I mean. Fuck, I wanna feel you, Bucky. All of you. I’m clean, and I’m on birth control. I can pick up some Plan B in the morning, just to be safe.”
Bucky closed his eyes and groaned. “Fuck, sugar, if you’re sure.”
You tightened your grip around his neck. “I’m so sure, Sergeant Barnes,” you said. “I wanna feel every inch of you inside of me.”
Bucky opened his eyes and looked at you. “I don’t think I’ve ever had sex without a condom before,” he confessed. “Don’t take it personal if I don’t last. It just means you feel so fucking good, I couldn’t help myself.”
You snorted at that, and Bucky grinned at you. “As long as you make sure I cum, too,” you said, kissing his jaw, “I don’t care how long you last.” You both knew he would never leave you unsatisfied.
“Hey.” Bucky jerked his chin so he was looking into your eyes again. “I’m really glad that, this first time for me without anything between me and a dame, it’s with you.”
You didn’t have words to describe how that made you feel, so you did the only thing that would properly convey the depth of your affection toward him– you kissed him as you lowered yourself onto his dick. You were so wet, he met virtually no resistance as he tilted his hips up into you. And your body, now after your… eleventh, or was it twelfth?-- time in two and a half days, knew how to welcome him.
“Holy fucking shit!” you gasped.
“What is, doll?” Bucky asked, eyes wide with concern. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?”
You shook your head. “Do you have any idea how deep you feel inside of me right now, Bucky?” you asked him. “It’s like I can feel you in my soul.” 
“Fuck,” he grunted, and then he started using his arms to guide you up and down on his cock, sliding himself nearly all the way out before pulling you back down on him again, and each stroke felt like ecstasy. “Damn it, doll,” Bucky said, looking down to watch where his cock disappeared inside of you, “you feel so fuckin’ good! I don’t know if I can ever go back to fucking you covered again!”
“Oh, god, Bucky,” you moaned. You didn’t know if you could go back, either, not with the way you could feel every single vein of him drag against your inner walls. His motions were deliberate, slow, gently feeding the fire instead of pouring gasoline on it the way he usually did. It was intoxicating.
“Look at me, sugar,” he begged, his voice holding a tone of longing. Your eyes met his, and despite the dark, they shone. You couldn’t look away as he pumped into you. “You’re fucking amazing, Major,” he gasped, timing his statements to match his languid thrusts. “So goddamn beautiful.” Thrust. “You make me laugh.” Thrust. “You’re brave as hell.” Thrust. “You’re independent.” Thrust. “Strong.” Thrust. “Smart.” Thrust.
He kept praising you as he increased his rhythm, hips thrusting up into you faster and faster, the whole while keeping his eyes locked on yours. The coil inside of you was tightening, constricting the expanse of your lungs, making your breath come out in shallow gasps. 
You kissed him, putting every ounce of lust into the motion, moaning into his mouth as he never broke stride and brought you closer to the edge. “Bucky,” you moaned into his mouth. “Fuck, Bucky, you’re making me feel so good, honey. Don’t stop, please!” 
“Never, sugar,” Bucky grunted back. “Fuck, wanna make love to you until the day I die.” You sucked in a breath at his words, and before you knew it, tears were streaming down your face. Bucky’s thrusts faltered. “Doll,” he said, lifting a hand to wipe the tears from your cheek, “did I say something wrong? I’m sorry!”
“No!” you cried, shaking your head as you worked your own hips to make up for his loss of motion. “No, Bucky, shit, honey, you’re saying everything so right. I’m crying because I can’t remember the last time I felt so goddamn happy.” 
Bucky resumed his thrusts with a renewed purpose. Getting up on knees, he repositioned you so you were lying on your back, his giant frame leaning over you. “Come on, sugar,” Bucky grunted as he snaked a hand down to your clit and began to rub. “Need to feel you cum around my cock. Show me how happy you are, pretty girl. Show me how good I make you feel.”
You propped yourself up on your elbow to bring your face closer to his. Grabbing a hold of the chain that held your name, you pulled his face to yours and kissed him. “‘M so close, honey,” you moaned into his lips. “Need you to give it to me.”
“I wanna give you everything, Major,” he grunted, kissing you again. And then, suddenly, it was all over for you, the coil snapping, and you were falling, shouting his name to the stars and the sky. Bucky’s thrusts lost their careful rhythm, and you could feel him spilling into you, wave after warm wave of cum pouring down your channel. 
“Fuck, sugar,” Bucky cried. “Can feel you squeezin’ me. Shit, baby– you feel so fucking good, sugar. ‘S so good, can’t stop cumming.” His words lost all meaning as they devolved into grunts and moans as he collapsed on you, his hips still thrusting as if with a mind of their own.
The weight of him should have been suffocating, but instead, you never felt safer than you did with his body splayed on top of yours. He held you to him, as though afraid that, were he to let go, you would float away on the breeze, and you felt so light after your orgasm, you very well could have. Mumbling sweet nothings into the side of your neck, Bucky’s flesh hand found your hair, stroking it. 
“Thank you,” he whispered into your skin. “Thank you so much, Major.”
You let out a shuddering breath, hands gripping the muscles of his upper back as you held him, legs finding their way around his waist. “Thank you, Bucky,” you said, pressing a kiss to his temple. “That was everything.”
After a few moments, Bucky gently rolled off of you, but his hands never left your body as he held you close, running his fingers along the meridian of your spine. 
“How’re you feeling?” he asked you. Always considerate, always checking in. It made your heart swell with affection. Fuck, with love for him.
“So good,” you told him. You placed a gentle kiss on his pectoral. “How are you feeling? Did you have a good time?”
Bucky huffed out a laugh. “Are you fucking kidding me, sugar?” he asked with mock incredulity. “Every time I’m with you feels like the best time of my fucking life. And I’m not just saying that,” he added, anticipating your incoming protest. “You… I don’t know what it is you do to me, Major. I just know that, when I look at you, things feel right, for the first time since I shipped out in ‘43. I feel like I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.”
But goddamn if this man didn’t know how to say just the right words to you. “If you’re not careful, Bucky Barnes,” you said, hoping to put enough tease in your voice to mask how sincerely you felt the words you were saying, “I’m gonna end up falling in love with you.”
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Charlie: “This is the worst idea we’ve ever had.”
Vaggie: “Do we have a better one?”
Charlie: “Give up before I burn down half of Pentagram City??”
Vaggie: “That’s plan B, babe.”
Charlie: “It’s gonna be plan A for Already Happening at this rate!”
Vaggie: “Look, I don’t like it any more than you do-”
Angel Dust: “Said the bi lady to her lesbian lover.”
Charlie: “I’M NOT LOVING THIS! Why can’t I be the on who has to do the fake date thing!? At least I’ve dated guys before! Once!!!”
Vaggie: “Because-”
Alastor: “Ha ha HA… My dear, I’m afraid I DO prefer living, amusingly enough~”
Charlie: “Then keep the touching. To a MINIMUM.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie, the whole point is to trick people into thinking I’ve double crossed you so they’ll tell us about how they wanna double cross you. It’s not really going to work if the one selling you out is… you.”
Charlie: “But this is stupid- no one in their right mind is going to look at YOU and think ‘now THERE’S a woman who would date a MAN!’”
Angel Dust: “Biphobia~”
Husk: “Still fucking true.”
Vaggie: “Charlie c’mon- If you were a dude I’d date you.”
Charlie: “You’d figure out how to still be lesbian about it, trust me.”
Alastor: “Now there’s a thought! I COULD do my best impression of a lesbian, if that would help with the immersion?”
Vaggie: “What, like. Wear a pin?”
Charlie: “I do NOT need this situation to be in any way believable! The structural integrity of our HOTEL does NOT need me feeling this is even slightly more real.”
Alastor: “But our foes do require enough to be fooled by, I am afraid.”
Angel Dust: “Well that’s this plan out the window…”
Vaggie: “I can’t picture you as a lesbian.”
Angel Dust: “He’s not giving guy fucker vibes either, toots, bein’ fair.”
Husk: “It’s just fucker. In a platonic, shitty way.”
Alastor: “And you would know, hmmm~?”
Charlie: “Can’t we just dress me up as someone else?? Put me in a glamor, or-”
Vaggie: “No one is gonna hear you talk and not know who you are."
Charlie: "RRRGH."
Vaggie: "Which I love, by the way. Along with everything else.”
Charlie: “Well what if I just don’t talk! You- you could be into the silent, brooding types!”
Vaggie: “If I’d met you during the emo phase then yeah sure. But Alastor's the one who knows these assholes-”
Angel Dust: “WAIT go back- her WHAT phase!?”
Charlie: (SQUEAKS)
Vaggie: “Em… emoticon. Her. Emoji era.”
Angel Dust: “She was emo??” (at charlie) “YOU WERE EMO!?!? With the hair dye an’ the dead roses and shit????”
Charlie: “I was a TEEN! Kinda!! I was, barely through my first four decades of life-!”
Vaggie: “And dealing with a lot.”
Charlie: “-the whole ‘oh all of creation hates your home and you and everyone you love’ thing was starting to sink in, as well as all the, the murder and stuff happening just outside our house-”
Vaggie: “The hair dye made her happy so shut up.”
Angel Dust: “Oh we GOTTA get you back in your emo duds someday, Charlie Chip! This is GOLDEN!”
Alastor: “What, my dears, is an emo phase?”
Husk: “Angry at the world and making it the world’s problem by staying in your fucking room with the lights dim as fuck, turning it into a 3D model of all your psychological hang-ups and listening to tortured screams and shit.”
Alastor: “Ah. A lovely Saturday afternoon. I DO enjoy those.”
Everyone Else: “…..”
Alastor: “?”
Angel Dust: “Alright. So he’s maybe got some teen girl vibes goin’ on. That’s a start ain’t it?”
Vaggie: “….maybe we could say I lost my soul to him in a bet or something.”
Charlie: “Don’t even JOKE about that!!!!!”
Husk: “Fucking copycat.”
Angel Dust: “Copy what, Mr. kittens?”
Husk: (hisses)
Alastor: “Now now, Husk. Play NICE.”
Husk: “…you got it, boss.”
Alastor: (pats his head) "Very good."
Angel Dust: (CRINGING)
Charlie: "Alastor- could you um, maybe not??"
Alastor: "Hmm? Not what, my dear?"
Vaggie: "Oh you fucking KNOW what, pendejo." (glares) “Fuck the fake soul selling. I’d probably kill him if he talked to me like that.”
Alastor: “That MIGHT put a damper on our budding relationship, ha ha!”
Vaggie: “Touch me and you WILL die.”
Alastor: “Oh ho! A long distance romance I see!”
Vaggie: “That’s not convincing anyone either. You hold still, I’ll, ugh.” (grimace) “Touch your arm or something.”
Husk: “Eugh.”
Angel Dust: “Basic house rules.” (shrug) “Maybe it’ll work?”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “I can’t. I can’t do this.”
Vaggie: “Charlie it’s just for one evening-”
Charlie: “No. Just, just let all of hell plot against me! It’s fine.”
Vaggie: “Babe that is so not fine.”
Charlie: “It’s fine!!!”
Husk: “Carpet’s on fucking fire.”
Charlie: “Shit. Alastor- I need you to step away from Vaggie before I burn the hotel to the ground, starting with you.”
Vaggie: “Hot.”
Angel Dust: “Siiiiimp...”
Husk: (smirk)
Alastor: “I suppose disguising me as a FLAMING lesbian would be a BIT much.” (steps away) "Better?"
Charlie: (hugging vaggie) “Further please, Alastor. Further. A, a little more? Mm- no, further than that…”
(many steps later)
Charlie: “Juuuust a few more steps…”
Charlie: “Okay! I think I can finally be comfortable with this!!!”
Vaggie: “He can’t hear you, sweetie. He's half way across the hotel.”
Charlie: “Oh.”
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cindol · 4 months
x fem reader
characters included : manjiro sano, sanzu haruchiyo, ken ryuji, rindou haitani, mitsuya takashi,
tw — everyone is a baby father, drug usage/drug bender mentioned
﹒.ᐟ 𐚁 cw— angst, bonten!sanzu, bonten!mikey, bonten!rindou, sanzu and mikey aren’t very good fathers, fluff
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He’s in his son’s life but very distant. He makes sure you and his son are always taken care of but he doesn’t have a active relationship with his son, the most he’s ever done is show up to one elementary school graduation and pat his head a few times when rarely visiting your house.
His right hand man sanzu is there though as an uncle, kinda.
Active in his daughter’s life but the relationship isn’t so strong due to him always going on benders and disappearing. When you get into arguments with him about his disappearing act his response is always the same as he goes through your fridge.
“You disappeared for three months sanzu, with not even a call or a text of where you were.” trying to nail these words deep into his head while he rummaged through your fridge.
“three months sanzu, no call, not even a ‘hey I’ll be out for this amount of days! But I’ll see you till then” you just left me and yuna wondering when daddy was gonna be back.” You weren’t even angry for yourself, sanzu wasn’t your boyfriend so that hole was already digged and burried. What really made you pissed is how he up and left leaving your daughter wondering why he hadn’t visited in such a long time, again.
Sanzu grumbled closing the fridge.“relax relax, enough with your grouching and shit. I was on a trip with mikey, just forgot my phone.”
“You were posting on your instagram story pictures of airplane food.”
there’s silence then a cough from him till he chuckles.“ah well, got the girl a cute little bunny stuffed animal. She still likes em at that age right?”
at least his heart is in the right place, sorta.
Might take the crown as one of the best baby fathers. He loves his baby girl, never misses any dance recital or holidays or birthdays to spend with his daughter.
his sweetness with his daughter almost makes you wanna get back together with him, it doesn’t help how even after the divorce he still was the gentleman he showed you from the beginning.
Always so helpful too when you look too drowsy and tired with eyebags.“I can always take sana an extra day you know? Don’t got shit on my weekend plans anyways” he joked at the end but still rubbing your shoulders, just because of how sweet he is.
You were sure that if you told him you have a date he’d tell you to enjoy yourself, much to his dismay.
gangster in business but a loving father for his princess. He’s prone to missing a school play or small holiday but makes it up with gifts and bringing over his daughter’s favorite uncle ran.
as a ex husband he doesn’t step over the line, he knows your boundary. He doesn’t have an issue with you dating other men, even when you tell him you’ve met someone new he congratulates you.
“good for you, just make sure he ain’t no problem and I don’t got a problem.” you brushed it off as a half joke but he was very serious.
He uses the excuse of taking precautions for his daughters since he didn’t just want any type of man around her but he was also just curious what type of man you were dating so he hired a private investigator for this man.
when talking about it with sanzu and ran it’s laughable to the both of them.
“Stalking? Didn’t think this old flame you had for your ex wife was this bad.” sanzu says teasingly with a laugh at the end smacking rindou on the shoulder.
rindou scoffed.“this is just for precautions, I don’t want just some jackass around rika.”
“just sounds like you’re studying him, trying to see what you need to apply huh to get her back huh?” that gets sanzu a slap to the back of the head and a chuckle from ran.
a amazing father to his baby girl, never misses a birthday, holiday. He’s always creating things for her instead of you spending money like a cozy sweater for winter and a purple stuffed bunny with button eyes for her to snuggle when he’s not there.
He knows his place as a ex husband well, he keeps his love for you at distant but still it shows with his actions. He knows how independent you are but still he likes to help you out.
“mitsuya I’m good I promise. I’m a big girl, a cold ain’t ever stop me from getting anywhere.” you say it with a runny red nose making him do a small smile at how cute you looked with it.
That explanation didn’t stop him from walking you back into your house with him following. Originally he came to check on you since the weather forecast predicted it would be a cold windy week, he thanked his conscience for checking up so now he could stop a sick you from going to work.
“nonsense, what kinda man would I be to just let you out in the cold with a runny nose huh?” he was already looking around on your living room couch for a cover to warm you up in.
“just stay there, can’t just let the mother of my kid just be sick.” a half joke from him while he went to look for tea in your cabinet.
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scoonsaliciousupdates · 4 months
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5.3 Lily
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language,
Word Count: 500
Previously On...: Bucky got a call from Lily, wanting to know where he was. He lied to her, of course. That definitely won't come back to bite him in the ass.
A/N: Sorry this is so late going up! Had a last-minute Mother's Day dinner with the family, and then some quality time with @cazellen, and when you add on an hour+ drive each way, it ended up eating my entire evening. But! I wouldn't leave you hanging, so here is today's update, just... six hours late :(
Also, PLEASE NOTE: There is one more section of Chapter 5 to go up tomorrow, and then I will be taking a one-week break from posting so I can focus on writing. So, Chapter 6 will start on Sunday, May 19th. I probably will not be as active on here as I normally am, so if you send me a message and I don't respond right away, it's because I'm busy making more content for you!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Lily clutched her phone to her chest, shocked. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. He had lied to her. She couldn’t believe it. Her best friend had lied to her about what he was doing and who he was with. 
She hadn’t planned on coming to the Compound that night– she’d realized she’d forgotten some files in her office that she needed to look over before she went back to work on Monday, and had just stopped in to pick them up. She figured, since she was there, she might as well go see what Bucky and Sam were up to. She didn’t want to crash their boys’ night, per se, but if they happened to invite her to join them? Well, how could she refuse such an invitation?
That’s why it came as such a shock when she rounded the corner to the rec room and saw Sam and Steve, in front of the large television, watching football together, and Bucky nowhere in sight. She hung back for a few moments, giving him the benefit of the doubt, that maybe he’d been in the bathroom, or in the kitchen grabbing snacks. But when fifteen minutes went by, then thirty, and Bucky still hadn’t shown himself, she began to worry.
She was about to barge into the room and demand answers from Sam and Steve, when she heard them talking during a commercial break.
“So, how do you think the date’s going?” Steve asked Sam.
“Knowing Tin Man, I’d usually say ‘terribly,’” Sam said with a laugh, “but this girl seems to actually like him, so who the hell knows? I guess it depends on what time he comes home tonight… or tomorrow morning, doesn’t it?” 
Lily brought a hand to her mouth to stifle her gasp as she backed away from the entrance to the rec room. 
No. No, no, no, no, no, she thought. He wouldn’t do this, wouldn’t just start seeing someone without telling her, warning her, would he? 
So, she’d called him. 
“I promised Sam we’d do guys’ night,” he’d told her at brunch, the lie coming so smoothly off his lips. But she’d heard a woman’s voice on the line with him.
And then, he’d snapped “I already told you what I was doing… You don’t have to keep checking up on me.” He’d never used that exasperated tone with her before. Never. And to just hang up on her, without even a proper goodbye?
She felt hurt. She felt betrayed. In their years of friendship, Bucky had never lied to her before, had he? And why? Why now? Who was this girl, and what was so fucking special about her that Bucky felt the need to lie to his best friend about her? 
Lily felt like she was going to be sick.
She needed to find out who this mystery woman was, immediately. And she needed to do everything in her power to make sure Bucky never saw her again.
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iamasimperyk · 6 months
Meeting his daughter -Rafe Cameron
Summary: You meet his daughter for the first time and you are kind of nervous.
Warnings: Fluff, Age Gap, mention of divorce, mention of taboo topic, not proofread, English is not my first language
Pairing: Professor!Rafe x Reader
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Rafe told you the truth. After that night he and his wife talked about a divorce and both agreed with their decision. The only thing Rafe didn't tell his wife was that you were his student.
To your surprise, his now ex-wife was not as cruel as you thought. She was actually quite nice. She was willing to allow Rafe to visit his daughter whenever he wanted and had every second weekend designated as dad weekend.
His daughter's name was Daisy and she was a literal angel-at least that's what Rafe told you.
Today it was your first time to meet her. To say that you were scared was an understatement.
"Y/n, calm down. She will love you." Rafe chuckled, watching as you paced around his expensive home.
You placed the chocolate cake you had made on the table before you started to look for any dirty spots you could possibly clean.
"I am the reason her parents divorced," You mumbled, wiping over the marble floor.
"That's not true, and you know it. Neither of us was happy in that marriage, and it was definitely not a great environment for a child." Rafe sighed, laying his hand over yours to stop you from cleaning.
You looked at his beautiful blue eyes, kissing his cheek.
You loved moments like this. When it was just you and Rafe, you could be a normal couple before having to hide again at college or anywhere you went.
"I love you," Rafe smiled, his eyes holding nothing but honesty.
"I love you too," You wanted to lean in and kiss him when the doorbell suddenly interrupted you.
Rafe gave you a reassuring nod, before he opened the front door, revealing Daisy and her mother.
"Daddy," She let out an enthusiastic scream and ran into his open arms.
"I missed you too, pumpkin." He said in a gentle tone.
You stood there, watching the scene in awe. It was one of Rafe's sides, that not a lot of people were allowed to see since it made him vulnerable.
"Hi, Y/n." Rafe's ex greeted you. You had already met her a few weeks ago and somehow the two of you got along really well, even when you were the complete opposite of her.
"Hi, nice to meet you again," You smiled and took Daisy's backpack out of her hand.
A moment later, Daisy let go of her dad and turned to her mother.
"Have fun with Daddy and Y/n, I will see you on Sunday." She kissed her daughter's forehead and gave her a big hug.
Afterwards, she walked to her car, and Rafe closed the door before turning to his daughter, "I want you to meet my girlfriend Y/n."
Butterflies interrupted in your stomach at his use of words.
Daisy looked at you with curious eyes, but turned to Rafe quickly, signalling him to pick her up which he immediately did.
"She is really pretty," She tried to whisper but you heard her clearly.
Rafe chuckled, "I know."
Daisy turned her head towards you, "My name is Daisy, I am three years old and my favourite colour is blue."
This little girl was adorable and you couldn't help but melt at her words, "Hi, I am Y/n, I am 21 years old and my favourite colour is Y/f/c."
Of course, it was a silly introduction, but you wanted to make her happy and it seemed like it worked.
"Do you want to see my toys?" She asked, her eyes full of hope.
You quickly nodded, "I would love to."
Rafe set her down, and she immediately took your hand, pulling you into the living room.
Rafe stood in the doorframe, watching you play with his daughter.
This was a new chapter of his life, and he was excited to explore it with you by his side.
A.N; Please don’t be mad at me that this chapter is full of fluff and Daisy and her mom actually have no problem with the reader😭
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
[If you need to be mean] chapter 6
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Konig brings you to his base. TW for the work: Konig being a huge pervert, Canon-Typical violence, Dub-Con, Innocence kink, Age difference(Konig in his yearly 40, Reader in her early 20)
Pairing: Konig x fem!Reader Tags: Fluff, Power Imbalance, Hurt/Comfort, Size Kink, Possessive Konig, Yandere Konig, Creepy scary stalker Konig, written mostly from Konig's perspective TW for this chapter: Dub-con smut
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König had experience with women before. 
He is almost forty, he ought to have it – fellow soldiers, cute girls at bars, women that he met in the grocery store and wasn’t too awkward to strike a conversation about various milk types. He actually started to have sex much more when he joined KorTac – maybe it was his ability to splurge on expensive gifts for girls who liked it, or maybe it was the allure of a mysterious military man that struck something deep in the women around him. He has sex, maybe not every week or even a month, but it’s not like he can’t deal with his sex drive via jerking off. Every day. Sometimes even twice per day. 
Yeah, maybe he has a bit of a problem with his high sex drive that never got weaker while he aged, but it’s probably because of the adrenaline. His life is at the risk every day, so it’s only normal that his dick is as hard as it gets when he has a chance, right? 
Sometimes he wonders if there is something wrong with him. If there is some deep, horrible trauma that is buried within his heart from his childhood, school and his father. Something inside him is broken and there is no way of fixing that, no matter what his therapist would say so he would pay for new session and won’t question why the fuck he keeps getting pumped with pills and not something that would really help him. Sometimes König thinks that, maybe, he is not normal – and nothing in his life ever was. 
Then he looks at you – adorable, tiny compared to him, traces of tears plastered on your cheeks as you desperately cling to his body. He holds your life in his hands – both figuratively and literally, with how easy it was to make you lose your job and depend on him as much as he depends on you. How soft you are, how sweet and weak – he spent so much time among other soldiers, that he almost forgot how fragile civilians are. He can squeeze your neck and make you choke, he can put his fingers down and play with your tender flesh, making sure that you are nice and ready for him – or you two can just cuddle in his office, allowing him to just feel your body on top of him. 
König likes to think that he is calm and collected, has the highest patience out of everyone, and literally nothing can ever make him mad. He loves to think that he is respectful towards everyone, that even if his soldiers are afraid of him sometimes, ultimately he is a father to his men and a respectable figure in KorTac. 
So, when you are already one week in your official relationships – ever since you came to him and begged him to accept you – he likes to think that he had waited enough time for finally conceiving with you. He is a nice person, ultimately. He protects you, even if you don’t know it yet – he can be rather sneaky, he pays for your things – rent covered three months forward, all the bills are payed and send to your landlord, and every little thing that your heart might want is given to you. You are not asking for many things – he hoped for something really nice, like maybe a set of expensive lingerie or some new gadget that girls your age like so much – but all you ever asked for were mundaine stuff. 
König is totally fine with helping your grocery shopping, but he can’t hold it over your head every time you are too shy for his advances and asks to prolong talking stage a bit more, and he is already getting kinda frustrated. Kinda impatient. 
He likes to think of himself as embodiment of self-control, but getting off just your panties and things you leave at his base isn’t enough anymore. Especially when he was finally able to talk you into being a bit more close – your hands on his shoulders, your ass sitting perfectly on his lap as he strokes your hair and abandones lower part of his mask so he could feel your sweet smell without a barrier between you. 
Your hips are perfectly angled to rub his dick through the clothes. He feels like a pervert when he locks you in place and experimentaly shifts his position, rubbing into your softness even more. He feels like a completely disgusting monster who is using this sweet, naive and adorable civillian to his dark desires, but if people around here already knows that he isn’t the emodiment of good moral code, then why should he ever try to hide himself? 
You are soft, weak, tasty even – he doesn’t know it yet, but he would pay everything in his power to find out. He always thought that he loved power, strength, attracted to either soldiers from other units, who could get his adrenaline rush rolling, or confident people from pubs who could get through his awkwardness. You are not like this – you would never made it far in the military, probably staying on the level of some lowly nurse or data assistant – he would love a cute little secretary by his side, but even that role requires some additional combat training. 
König doesn’t know why he wants you so much, but you sit on his lap, playing with multiple harnesses on his leg, and he can’t keep his hands to himself. His fingers already got under your shirt, warm touches on your belly that made you shiver and catch your breath, waiting for his next move. 
Ja, he really can’t help himself anymore. 
— Schatz, how are you feeling? 
His voice is husky and you would jump out of surprise to hear him, if not for the other hand keeping you in place. Usually, he is content with just touching you, rough hands caressing your body as you mentally prepare to be ravaged even though he isn’t particularly pushy into the subject matter. You are oblivious enough to think that his length poking your butt is nothing but a spare gun in his hands, and your constantly disappearing panties are your own fault. You can be silly like this sometimes, especially when your days now mostly consist of scrolling the internet for “Contr-terrorists operations how long”, “Is colonel a high rank” and German lessons in case everything gets serious and you’d have to consider moving right beside him. 
— I’m…alright, I think? 
— Gut. Do you want anything right now? 
— No, thank you. 
— You sure? 
His hands are sliding down, gently rubbing your belly in a motion that is not reassuring at all – his movements are urging towards your waistband, and you really regret wearing skirts because this is giving him easy access. You didn’t think about wearing it before, but right now your weaknesses are showing – literally. His hands are warm, your skin is cold, and you can’t even breathe while he is touching your skin ever so slightly. 
He is asking you questions and you know that this isn’t because he really wants to know how you are feeling – he is very observant and caring towards you, as much as someone in his position can be, but you are pretty sure that he has ulterior motives. You can’t keep the naive and oblivious act for long – and you don’t want to see what will happen once he’ll see through it. 
— Yes, sir. I’m sure. 
— Don’t call me that. I thought you agreed to call me by my callsign. 
Not even his name – his face, his identity is a mystery to you, just like with everyone else. It makes you feel less special and certainly doesn’t help in trusting him more, but you cling to hope that he is not committed to you enough. That there is a way out of this because if he would show you his face, you are pretty sure that the only way of running away from him would result in death. 
You are calling him by his callsign, and even this feels too fucking personal. 
— Sorry. It’s just…
— What, meine Liebe? Do I scare you? 
Yes, you want to say. 
You are scaring me and you are arousing me and I want to be your wife and I want to never see you again. You are a constant threat, and you give me the best gifts. I don’t want to be your girlfriend and I would thankfully agree to be your barefoot trad wife. You are making me feel weird and it’s conflicting, and it’s loving and I don’t want you to touch me, but I also want you to slip in my panties and take me like I belong to you. 
Of course, you can’t say that. 
But his hand still slides deeper. 
— No, colonel. You don’t scare me. 
— I like it when you use my rank. 
It gives you at least some comfort – some distance between you, as figurative as it can be. You nuzzle your face deeper into his chest, hoping that your blush won’t get away from your real feelings. The week was a blur – too many things happening at once. Debts disappear once he gets his card out of his pocket, too many expensive gifts plastering around your apartment. You don’t want to ask him where he got all of this stuff in a town that was locked down from the outside world because of the terrorist threat, nor do you want to know how much it costs him. Rich perfumes and weirdly expensive jewelry all look out of place on your body – or at your house. It is almost like he had never given gifts before, especially not to women. It’s out of place and everywhere at once – you would like to get flowers and chocolate and stuff that probably costs more than your whole life, but you are too shy to ask for a proper couch even though it’s the only thing you truly crave. 
— Not sure if I use it correctly. 
— You’re not. If you were my soldier, I would have to discipline you. 
Oh, he would love to bend you over his knee and give that ass what she deseerves. He won’t be nice, of course, it’s a punishment – he would listen to your little whines and cries as you can barely hold yourself together while he is doing nothing but teasing your soft flesh, playing with it like it belongs to him. König knows you would like it – just as you like the way his hands are travelling down your lower stomach, playing with the edge of your panties. 
His hands big – enough to cover your pussy entirely, rough fingertips playing with swolleness of your clit through the soft fabric. Your breah hitches – he was never this shameless, always asking before touching you even remotely innapropriately. Your skin is covered in goosebumps, you feel slick already travelling down your leg and you don’t dare to look up and meeting his eyes. 
He never gotten so far, and you love how shameless he is while doing it. 
He never gotten so far, and you hate yourself for being so weak for his hands. 
— A good thing that I’m not a soldier. — You would look good in uniform.
He chuckles, hands still covering your body. His other palm keeps you in place, makes sure that you will not try to run away – not like you have other options. His soldiers are already used to him casually inviting you to the base, however civilian you might be – but you know that they won’t hesitate before stopping you in case you’d decide to run away from their commander. If anything, they are loyal – creepy in that regard, eyes following you ever since that masked soldier brought you to him a week ago. You feel like a lamb that got caught in the wolves den and slowly eaten alive. 
— Si…König? 
— Ja? What is it, Mein Schatz? 
His fingers are slowly circling your clit, rubbing and playing with your labia as he gently spreads the heat. It feels almost casual, almost like you don’t need to pay too much attention to his actions. Your breath is non-existent at this moment, a mix of soft little cries and moans every time he rubs your sensitive flesh. It feels experienced, maybe not very sensational, but what he lacks in interesting technique he compensates in the sheer age and experience difference between you and him. You don’t even know his exact age – but he feels much older, more mature, you would call him daddy in different circumstances, but right now the words are only mortifying you. 
Calling him sir makes you feel small. 
Calling him colonel makes you feel…things. Not sure whether they are positive or not. 
— I’m not sure if we can do it here. 
— What do you mean by “it”? Your answer gets caught with a loud moan as his finger slips past your panties and slowly rubs your folds with a barrier between. You gasp and try to squeeze your legs, not letting him expose your lewdness so shamelessly – but his other hand goes to easily spread them, creating an even more naughty picture. 
— Wh…what we’re doing right now. 
— No one will say anything to us. But you can keep your sweet voice down if you want to. — No! I mean, f-fuck…we’re not supposed to do it here. What if someone sees us? 
— No one would enter without knocking. Besides… He is lifting the lower part of his hood again, biting your neck and immediately licking already forming purple mark. It’s painful, almost too much pressure and he barely avoids drawing blood out of sheer force – but you moan even louder when his tongue laps on your tender skin. — Maybe I want them to see how I treat you.
You look perfect like this, he thinks. Moaning and whimpering on his fingers, as his rough fingertips are playing with your gentle center, collecting the slick between your legs. You might act shy and innocent, making him want to sink his teeth deeper into your flesh, but he knows that you want it too. Yes, you are docile – too scared to be active in the bed, too weak to take charge instead of him, but that’s okay. He would gladly use you however see fit and make sure that you’ll love each second. 
Your body is made for him to grab, to use, to play with. A prize for everything he has done for his country, a piece of something nice after all the years of constant fear and danger. God knows he deserves a nice civilian girl moaning on his lap while sitting in his office. 
You whimper as you sit on him, his finger already buried deep in your cunt – and it’s big, too big compared to toys or your own fingers. He is reaching depths that you have never thought of before, massaging the tender, gummy insides of your body. You never thought that getting something inside of your body might feel this good – it was always too much, too painful, you never got enough lube before entering, and was always chose the wrong setting in your toys. 
— We don’t have to do anything serious yet, lamm. 
He says this, but his second finger is already stretching you wide, as he hums some light-hearted melody with not regard for tears in your eyes. It’s too much – he is pushing all the buttons in your body, making you a whiny, horny mess on his lap, and you don’t have anything to fight him off. You don’t want to make him stop, and it makes you feel dirty – like a slut that sold herself for the comforts of being the colonel’s little plaything. You want to stop thinking about it, turn off your brain and enjoy the ride – but every time his thumb circles on your clit, making you whimper as you produce even more slick, you are dangerously aware of your situation. 
— I want to make you feel good too…
Oh, he thinks. You are nothing but a little devil, aren’t you? So innocent, so pure, small hands that were gripping his wrists before now come down, to his pants, trying desperately to cling onto his belt and unbuckle it. He allows you to, even shifting his hips in a thrusting motion as your soft hands wrap around his shaft. 
König knows he is big – and that he would have to spend countless hours lapping on your cunt, stretching you wide with his fingers and maybe even some toys before your delicate body would be able to take him. You would cry, sob at his length as he would bully it deep in you cunt – but not now. He is nothing but patient, and this little indulgent would help him in slowly opening you for him. He can wait for a while longer if he can get something out of you today. 
He loves to think of himself as this patient, calm leader who might be a bit scared of actually talking to many people and despises social interactions – but then your fingers gently tap on his tip, already red and swollen from arousal and, hell, he wouldn’t last a week longer without your touches. He finds your lips and bites them, kissem with passion that he never experienced with any of his previous partners. You’re soft, docile, you can barely hold his dick in your hands as he throbbing and leaking pre-cum, while his fingers are buried deep in you. 
Your folds are sucking him inside as he works on spreading your soft, tender insides – he does not intent of fucking you properly today, you are still too soft for this, too unexperienced to take his length like a pro, but it doesn’t mean he can’t play a little. 
— Like this, lamm. Use your fingers. 
— Do I…am I doing this right, sir? 
You make a mistake again – and he groans from satisfaction. König never thought that something as mundaine as a pretty girl calling him sir – by god, he hears it every day from mouthes of his recruits, but it never has the same effect – would make him drool, but…
— Doing so good, meine Liebe. Can’t wait to spread you around my cock like a fucking toy. 
— W…wait, please. Not today, I…f…fuck, I can’t. — You don’t want to be a good girl for me? 
— I want to! Just…not today, please. 
— You’ll have to pay for it later. 
— Of course, sir…
He pinches your clit with his hand, making you whine from pain and pleasure mixing inside of you. Your figners, still as soft and delicate as can be, wrap tighter around his shaft – he enjoys the pain, sensation of being pushed too far at the hands of his adorable, weak little civillian. 
König looks at your hands – and imagines a ring around your finger. 
This alone makes him cum – thinking about you, all wrapped up in pretty clothes and looking at him with the same innocence in your eyes, with your soft lips curled in a shy smile as you’d agree to become his wife. He’d feel ashamed of cumming so fast – you barely got any grip on his dick and started moving, ring of fingers around his length, pressing and playing with the tip, but why does he have to feel shame if he feels so fucking good? 
Cum drenshes your tender folds, you sob when your lower stomach gets covered in his release. You’re surprised at how fast you made him cum – never had much experience pleasuring others before, you can already say how strongly he gets off your innocence. 
His finger moves in and out of your body with ease, lazily almost – but the movement are deep and deliberate, not allowing any reaction to get hidden from his gaze as he continuies to abuse your swollen and puffy lips, pushing his tongue deep in your mouth. You want to squirm out of his grasp, but forced on his fingers again even as you cum, your cunt clenching his hand like your life depends on it. 
You both gets off the hights of your climaxes, clinging to each others like people drowning. You think this is it for today – a chance to relax, for your pussy to get tight again, without being spread around on his fingers. 
König moves you to the table, makes you lay on it, leg spread like a good girl for him – and you knows that it’s far, too far from the end. ----------------------------------TAG LIST----------------------------------
@shigbby @honeeybeezzz @herefornanami-s-cake @pendalikespasta @lucylou302 @yxllowtxpe @sunbathed-sweetgrass @sarah-ardini @teenagegever2k22 @lastwordsofadyingstar @lavenderskye29 @karrotsforyou @inlovewithcodmen @onegami @keithehe @lilahbunny @ameneminimo @beepyboopbop @ms-munchkin @dinonacho @undeadgod @dizeesstuff @mingkiiii @midwesternwitchery @yxllowtxpe @flammenwerferpanzerkampfhund @keithehe @iytatsworld @r02eg0ld @cumikering @ysljoon @m1ndbrand @captain-heebie-jeebie @bluenredndeath @elichisstuff @milenko115 @in-ny-i-millywok
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