#i can totally understand Yeleen
awne · 2 years
lmaoooo Candy talking about how she kissed her ex in the mall to Yeleen and Yeleen just being like
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magic-belodie · 2 years
Hello everyone,
I finished playing MCLAL Kentin Episode 3 and I want to give you my review. There will be spoilers in it about the episode.
You start this episode talking with Rosa. I really like how Rosa is such a better friend in alternate life. Back in High School, Rosa was an amazing character. In University life, I hate her a bit with how she was keeping Candy from school work. And now I start to love her again. I like that. I also totally agree with her. In a relationship, you should be on the same grounds. I like how she explains that to Candy.
The part where Kentin calls you, is sweet. You hear that they both liked last night and can't wait to see each other again. By the way, I am happy that there was a choice if you could send him a message or not. Even you don't get to send him a message before he calls you.
Then you get to pick your outfit and see Yeleen. I do like the outfit. It is not something I would normally wear because it is too much showing for my taste. But it is still cute. I also like that we see Yeleen more. Back in University Life, I like how you grow closer over time. And here you are a bit closer in the beginning. What is also great.
After this moment, you can find the fairy. I found it cute that Candy tells Auntie that she has a date. And the item you get is also very nice.
With the movie part, I only played the romantic movie version. I love the beginning where Kentin put his arm around you, and you lay your head on his shoulder. I would have loved to get an illustration of that moment. But then you get to the kissing part. Candy and Kentin kisses almost the whole movie. I felt like that was a bit too much kissing. Sharing a kiss one or twice would be nice, but not almost the entire time.
You get to his Van and Kentin start to talk about his jobs. This was one of my two favorite parts of the episode. I love to hear his stories. He really has a cool life.
Then you get to the feelings part. You can choose if you want to talk about it or not. I played both sides. With not talking, you go directly to the illustrations scenes. When you do start talking, you have my second favorite part of the episode. You can see how both Candy and Kentin has changed. And they both did for the better. They are now in a much better place to start a relationship.
Now we get the scenes of both the illustrations. With the underwear illustration, you choose not to do it. Kentin is very understanding and find it sweet that he still wants to lay with Candy in his arms. This would have been my choice. I find it a bit too soon to already do it. And the illustration is beautiful, and having the dogs lay against you. It is so sweet. With the NSFW illustration, even when I find it a bit too soon, the moment is hot. Beemoov is doing a great thing job with making the NSFW scenes more extensive. And also giving you the choice to not do it and still get an illustration. By the way, the NSFW illustration is also beautiful.
Then we get to the cliffhanger. I don't know what to think of this scene. Kentin gets hot messages from girls, and you decide to leave. This scene is harder to play when you had the NSFW scene. But in both routes, the scene is crazy. Kentin doesn't seem like the type to have other girls and everything. I would have waked Kentin up and said something like this. Kentin I am sorry I wake you up. But your phone kept vibrating. And I read some messages to see if it was important. And now I am confused. Then I would have listened to the explanation and decide what to do. Now we have to wait until the next episode. I can't wait to hear the explanation.
So overall I liked the episode a lot, and I am curious to the next one. I hope you liked the review.
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tetrakys · 5 years
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The episode starts where the previous one had left: either in Nath’s flat if you decided to follow Amber, or in Castiel’s if you didn’t. Either way, Candy goes to Nath’s place after Amber calls her and the same dialogue unfolds. Nath explains that he has been back in town for weeks because Erik, his cop friend, tracked him down as soon as he’d left and they are now working together to collect enough evidence to dismantle the cartel for good. He’s playing the bait (hence the traffic light-looking attire) and wearing a wire under his clothes. He leaves soon after saying that he will be back once he’s done with this dangerous mission.
The rest of the episode is mostly about university work, the last we will ever see. First, Candy practices her presentation with Rosa, Morgan and Alexy. We assist a fight between the two lovebirds that soon morphs into a sweet declaration of love. Later, Candy keeps practicing alone first and later with Yeleen (if you chose it).
We also attend Rayan’s final class. The first part is about the group work, each group reports their experience. I thought this whole group work sub-plot was going to lead to something, either a mini-arc for Chani, where she learns to be less of a perfectionist and shows her art to the world, or some kind of drama with Melody, or at least something important for the degree. It was all very tepid, almost as if the writers had changed their mind and dropped it from the plot. The second part of the class is, instead, about relaxation techniques in the park. Because it makes total sense in a modern art history course.
After all this, Candy goes to the café to tell Clemence she is going to quit soon. Clemence tells her to not rush into this decision because there’s no job for history of arts majors and she may end up having to keep working as a waitress (charming as usual, but also strangely nice?). Also, an improbable friendship is born when Clemence shows lots of interest in Chani’s magical aptitude.
That evening Nina sends a text saying she’s witnessed the cops arresting her assailant, and Candy and Priya have a discussion about Nath and what that could mean for him.
The day of the thesis discussion Candy is very stressed, but she finds Castiel outside the class and he helps giving her relaxation technique tips. She also gets a little spooked finding Rayan in the class (I don’t see why? Seems pretty normal to me). Anyway, time-skip to the end of the exam and Candy is pretty satisfied with herself. She even buys Chani a crystal as a thank you for her support and encouragement for her own exam.
In the evening Candy attends a party Hyun has thrown to celebrate the end of the academic year. She had also invited her parents and the illustration shows the moment she introduces the LI to them. Everyone except Nath. Having sneaked into the café’s kitchen, his illustration portrays the moment he tells Candy he’s finally free from the Cartel.
The episode ends in the middle of the party.
Now let’s go into more detail on everyone’s route:
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Here, I’m saying it... Nath is always 100% bangable. Even like this, once the problematic leggings and the blinding yellow t-shirt are off, there’s really nothing to talk about.
I found the resolution of Nath’s route very anticlimactic, happening off screen. If Candy got somehow involved however, it would’ve probably been quite trashy and ridiculous so there was really no win in this crazy scenario. It just feels they dragged too long, only to create angst, something that they resolved with just a few words and no involvement on our part. If MCL is indeed ending in a couple of episodes, this was basically the main recurring plot-line of the whole season and it fell short, at least for me.
Him acting as a bait... let’s say it was fine, he showed some courage. But there are two things that didn’t make sense for me (in this episode): firstly, his explanation to why the cartel didn’t simply kill him, because they thought it was easier to pull off a mugging than a murder, especially if the victim was a snitch. REALLY? What does it even mean. These people were really kind drug lords: first hiring a young boy out of nowhere, then beating him up when they found out he had betrayed them instead of killing him, even giving him three days to say goodbye and skip town, and later exposing themselves enough letting him stay in town for weeks instead of killing him on the spot. Also, second thing, shouldn’t he have cut a deal with the police for his immunity BEFORE he helped them? They would’ve given him pretty much anything to shut down a whole drug cartel. I don’t know Nath, you should be so smart, at least get a lawyer next time.
A round of applause to Candy for spilling the beans with everyone about Nath’s dangerous and super-secret plan 👏👏👏
The reunion with Nath, if you are on his route, is cute and pretty emotional. She falls on the floor, overwhelmed, and he kisses her and reassures her. All this in front of Amber. The scene in the kitchen at the end of the episode, however, was a little less emotional than I would’ve liked. Especially the illustration, there was NO NEED to include Amber in it. 
I did appreciate the choice to not introduce him immediately to the parents, it really wasn't the right time.
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Bae is particularly charming when he laughs and smile. Both a hottie and a cutie, he’s the whole package.
I think BV tried to apologise for the lack of Castiel’s content in the previous episode, because this time we had plenty, well... more than with had the others.
After the scene in Nath’s flat, he takes us to the dorms on every route, but if you are on his route you can choose to spend the night at his place. To find an excuse so they wouldn’t hook up, BV wrote that Candy feels dizzy and they just cuddle. She’s not dizzy on any other route, just tired. And now that I’m writing these words I’m having an AWFUL SUSPICION THAT I DON’T EVEN WANT TO WORD EXPLICITLY, please no... just no.
His relaxation technique was funny, pretending to be super confident, but if you’re his girlfriend he gives Candy a breathtaking kiss right before the final exam that ensures victory for both of them.
His meeting with the parents is super chill, my Candy and him were together in HS, so they remembered him and love him already, not sure if anything changes otherwise but I guess not. Philips goofs in front of him, dancing horribly joking that he should be on his next music video and they all laugh (except maybe Candy, but it’s a happy moment nonetheless).
Crack and Rum, Castiel’s band name according to mom 😂
Now, I left the bad part for last:
Yeleen touches Castiel’s arm while talking to him in front of the café on any route. Even if he’s not our boyfriend I wanted to clock her. B*tch there is a strict NO TOUCHING policy here. But when he’s our boyfriend I timidly told Castiel that the parents were coming AND I LOST 10 FREAKING POINTS!!! What. The. Hell. Should I fight with him too? I feel like I should. This requires a heated conversation!
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The green dress is super hot, and Candy is a total snack, but she’s just one small accident away to show her nipples to the world. (Surfboard my ass, Castiel)
As usual there’s very little to say about Hyun’s route. He’s excited to meet the parents and doesn’t realise they were already there, so he keeps blubbering Candy about their summer trip and kisses Candy in front of them. When he figures out he gets bashful, but they all laugh it off.
Honorable mention to Philip for not knowing where Slovenia is. SERIOUSLY?? 
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Look at this fierce power couple, it looks like they’re about to conquer the world or rob a bank. Probably both.
Was it the right moment to spill the beans about their relationship in the middle of a college party. No. But did I enjoy their power walk, hand in hand, in the middle of the crowd? YES.
The parents’ reaction could’ve been worse. Philip could’ve gone ballistic. We didn’t see the “man-to-man chat”, probably because it was a tricky one to write, it could’ve sounded either ridiculous or trashy. Kudos to BV for taking the coward way out and skipping the problem altogether.
Rayan said that he loved her and it was sweet. However, Candy talking about how much she's into him in front of Sweet Amoris knowing that that is my Lys account felt like being sucker punched.
Also, Rayan got a tenure track position. I. Hate. Him. (I’m not envious, not at all)
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Priya tearing up when Candy tells her that she wants to be with her completely is probably THE MOST FREAKING CUTE THING I’VE EVER SEEN. Cuter than cat videos. (But less cute than duckling videos. There’s nothing cuter than a baby duck).
The parents are happy to meet Priya, zero drama in Candy’s coming out, I found it refreshing, I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed a bad reaction (even a short one). They even all dance together until late night. The illustration shows Priya accepting Philip’s challenge at a sort of dance-off.
A few final comments:
I didn’t understand aunty’s comments about a masked party at the end of the school year, is that a French thing?
Philip not knowing where Slovenia is, and Hyun having to explain that it’s an European country, makes me think that they’re trying to convince us the game is not set in France. Mph.
I also wonder where Hyun’s parents live exactly. It can’t be Korea since Hyun goes back home all the time, even just for a weekend.
Everything points out to the end of the story being about a new separation, everyone moving away to achieve their own future.
Alexy is probably going to follow Morgan to Washington.
Rosa is moving to the beach house (which is not very far, but not exactly in town either).
Yeleen is excited to live in London. (The girl is going to get a HUGE wake-up call the moment she realises that apartments here are tinier than her dorm room, quite bad and life is so expensive that (if she doesn’t want to accept money from her mother) with a tourist guide salary she’s probably going to afford only a tiny room, in the middle of nowhere, in a flat shared with 10 other people).
Castiel is going on tour.
Hyun will probably want to move closer to his family after the trip.
Nath may or may not go to jail.
Priya wants to go back to India to fight social injustice.
Rayan is the only one staying in town for sure.
I GUESS, after some angst about a possible separation and break-up, the series is going to end with Candy making a life choice that brings her closer to her crush.
Anyway, the end is coming and I’m sad.
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diamondandwhite · 5 years
My Candy Love University Life Episode 11
This is not a complete guide. I don’t have the Hyun and Priya Route, if you can help me, you can comment. (I’d appreciate it a lot)
Chani: It's the sushi effect, they're sacred for me. A. Things seem better between you and Yeleen? Did the presentation make you closer? (+5%) B. Thanks for bringing me here. You're right, going out helps. (0%)
Chani: You seem really upset, keeping your problems to yourself has never solved anything. A. (I know Chani won't tell...) (+5%) B. No... Sorry, I really can't. (0%)
Yeleen: You OK? A. Not great, no. (+10%) B. I just want to sleep. (0%) C. Hmm... How about you? (+5%)
Melody: Hey! Can I sit with you? There aren't a lot of empty seats. A. Yes, but I'm not staying long. (-5%) B. Of course! (0%) C. Yes, sure. And, by the way, did you manage to finish your part of the presentation on the Vikings? (+5%)
If you kissed Rayan in the episode 10
Rayan: Have you found three? A. Yes, Sir, I found three. This class is really interesting. (+5%) B. Yes, I'm done. Thanks for the text you sent me... (0%) C. I'm not sure it's a godd idea to talk here. (-5%)
Rayan: I'm putting myself at risk doing this and especially... I'm putting you at risk. A. Are you telling me that you want us to stop seeing each other? (+5%) B. Wait, is this some kind of joke? (-5%) C. I understand. (0%)
Alexy: ... A. I noticed you quit the group chat... (0%) B. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. (+5%)
Alexy: Thanks for asking, but no. There's nothing to say. A. Just the opposite, I think there's lots to say, it's just a misunderstanding! (0%) B. You both need a little time, that's all. You... (+5%) C. The timing was bad to talk about adopting, she was... (-5%)
Rosalya: ... A. How're you doing...? (0%) B. I ran into Alexy on my way here, out front... He seemed pretty worried. (-5%) C. I thought you were going to stay at the hospital longer... anyway, I'm glad to see you on your feet. (0%)
Rosalya: ... A. (I showed her a picture of her and Leigh) (0%) B. (I pulled out a picture of Nath) (0%)
If you choose B.
Rosalya: What's that supposed to mean? A. We kissed. (+5%) B. We ran into each other again... (0%)
Nathaniel: I already told you, I shouldn't have. I went way too far and I shouldn't have. I can't. A. Wait, is this a joke? You've got to be kidding! Did you take me for one of those girls who sleeps with you without knowing your name? (-5%) B. I know what you're going to say. I've heard enough... (A lump in my throat, I got up and headed to campus) (+5%) C. Are you telling me we're stopping here and now? What's that supposed to mean, you "can't"? (0%)
Nathaniel: You're right, it hasn't started. That's why it's better to stop everything as of now. A. Tell me that kiss didn't count for you. Tell me you didn't feel anything. (+5%) B. Fine. (-5%) C. To think I believed it. I won't make the same mistake again. (0%)
Sucrette: ... A. (I don't care, I want to try and catch up with him. I want to understand) (0%) B. (I sent him a text) (+5%) C. (I walked back onto campus) (0%)
Priya:  I'm sorry, I have to go. But I'll see you later, right?
A.  Y-Yes, exactly, see you later. (0%)
B.  I would also like to spend an evening with you eating pizza.
C.  No, leave it... Apparently, you have better things to do.
Hyun:  Yes, yes, very good. You... what are you doing?
A.  I was just returning to my room. Why?
B.  Are you sure everything's okay? (0%)
C.  Saturday was great. I haven't stopped thinking about it. (+5%)
Hyun: This week I won't be in the café, it's my aunt's 60 birthday and we're going to celebrate it all week.
A.  Anyway, I do not work more this week, puts it in the planning that has sent me Clemence by email, does not require me. (0%)
B.  Are you sure everything's okay? You could say that something has changed. (-5%)
C. We’ll see each other soon? (+5%)
If you kissed Nathaniel in the episode 10
A. (No... I'm sure that's not what he really wants deep down. He's making that decision in hopes of protecting me. From what I don't really know, but I'm going to text him, you never know) (+5%) B. (I switched off my phone... No way I'm texting him) (0%)
If you kissed Castiel in the episode 10
A. (I'm going to send him another text, we'll see...) B. (I skimmed through the comments... They are all crazy about him. I finally switched off my phone) (+5%)
If you kissed Rayan in the episode 10
A. ( I feel like writing a message. I refuse to let everything end with this conversation.) (0%)
B. ( Uff... I shut off my phone. I will try to sleep.)
If you kissed Priya in the episode 10
A. (I feel like writing a message) (0%)
B. ( I hesitated if I wrote her, but I decided not to... I did it yesterday, I'm not going to insist, that's enough. She'll answer me in the end.)
If you kissed Hyun in the episode 10
A. (Maybe I should write him a message.) (0%)
B. ( He was about to leave, maybe it's not the best time to talk. I'll wait for his return, we'll see later.)
Kim: We're going to do a photo shoot and all that. So I'm coming to bring her the contract drafted by my boss to see if it suits her. A. Oh, OK... Cool! (0%) B. I'm surprised to see you working with Amber! (0%) C. Sorry about not coming more often to the gym... (0%)
Amber: Right. How are you? A. Fine... Hey, do you know what Nath's up to? (0%) B. So you're going to be the gym's new icon apparently? (0%)
Sucrette: ... A. During the Viking Age, which lasted from the 7th to the 8th century AD. (-5%) B. During the Viking Age, which lasted from the 17th to the 18th century AD. (-5%) C. During the Viking Age, which lasted from the 8th to the 11th century AD. (Correct)
Melody: Over the centuries, the art was organized into several styles, including Broa, Mammen, Urnes, Ringerike and also, some more well- known... A. Styles like Oseberg, Borre and Jelling. (Correct) B. Styles like Dingwall, Elinor and Fergus. (-5%) C. Styles like Odin, Frigg and Thor. (-5%)
Sucrette: ... A. (I still can't make up my mind between two outfits... I've never worn these leather pants yet... With the plaid shirt, that might not be bad... although...) NATHANIEL / RAYAN ILLUSTRATION B. (I still can't make up my mind between two outfits... This little black dress is cute, too... although...) CASTIEL ILLUSTRATION C. (I still can't make up my mind between two outfits... A worn and torn pair of shorts with a T-shirt, that should do the trick! Although...) PRIYA / HYUN ILLUSTRATION
Chani: Darn... I get the impression it's a private party. A. Well, too bad, come on, we can go hang out in one of our rooms on campus, it'll be just as nice. (-5%) B. We'll never get in. (0%) C. We can give it a try, we'll see. (+5%)
Castiel: ... A. So Chani... Come on, let's drop it. (0%) B. Weird, I mean I know a regular here really well, a guy named... Nathaniel! That doesn't ring a bell? (-5%) C. Oh but it's because you gave our nicknames Chani! Sorry, we must be listed as Marie and Pauline. (+5%)
Chani: It looks like he's bored to death and dying to come talk to you. A. Wh-what? You think so? Are you sure? (0%) B. You're imagining things. (0%) C. If only. (+5%)
Castiel: How's it going? A. The video clip was incredible. I can't believe the success you've had. Are you dealing with it well? (0%) B. Fine, what about you? (0%) C. Fine, thanks againg for getting us in. Before we got here, we though it was an ordinary night at the Snake Room. (+5%)
If you kissed Castiel
Castiel: How are you? A. You mean since you kissed me in front of a herd of groupies then left me without any news for a week? (+5%) B. Just fine. (0%) C. I was surprised not to hear from you after our evening... But I'm fine. What about you?
Castiel: ... A. Hmm, I prefer another little band, but you probably haven't heard of them, they're called Crowstorm. (0%) B. It's awesome! (+5%) C. I need to hear more of it to know if I really like it. (-5%)
Castiel: One single night... A. One night... with no tomorrow, you mean? (0%) B. That's an interesting... suggestion... (+5%) C. (I pulled my hand away from his caresses) (0%)
Castiel ending
Castiel: What do you say...? A. N-no... No. (0%) B. It's... tempting... (+5%) ILLUSTRATION
Nathaniel ending
Nathaniel: She refused to let me in to wait for you. A. Mind telling me why you were waiting for me? I thought we weren't ever supposed to each other again, and now I find you in front of my door?! (-5%) B. Good thing she did. Good night, Nath. (0%) C. I'm glad to see you. (+5%)
Nathaniel: I couldn't tell you all that... I couldn't scare you away, I couldn't... A. I'm still here, aren't I? (+5%) B. Nath, you absolutely must go to the police, regardless of what it costs you. C. I can't believe you did that... How...
Rayan ending
Rayan: ... A. So did you come to say you'd changed your mind about the matter? (0%) B. Did you come to rub salt in the wound? (-5%) C. Doesn't it bother you to learn that Chani knows? (+5%)
Rayan: I'm willing to leave the school for that. After all, it's just a job! A. No, that's out of the question. You like your job more than anything, you're not going to quit because of me! (+5%) B. Really? Are you sure? Would you be capable of that? (0%) C. Anyway, if you and I want to give it a try, that's the only solution. It's either you or me who leaves this place.
Rayan: I'm so afraid it'll all blow up in your face, I don't want to put you at risk like that. A. But I want to. (+5%) B. We have no other choice.
Priya ending
Priya: ...
A.  I was surprised not to have news yours throughout the week. (0%)
B. You’re not with “Tara”... this night?
C.  Why don't you want to see me?
Priya: What about you... how do you feel about last Saturday?
A. It was... totally wild. I still can’t get over it. (0%)
B. I hadn’t heard from you, despite my texts, that worried me... Seeing you with Tara didn’t help.
C. I don’t know... I need to experience more of it to figure out what’s going on in my head. (+5%)
Priya:  Do you want that we put a movie or a series o that we speak?
A.  If we put something on, there's a chance I'll fall asleep, I'm exhausted. (0%)
B.  I just want to be with you... It doesn't matter what we do. (+5%)
C.  A series sounds good to me!
Hyun ending
Hyun:  Every moment, my pulse is accelerated strangely, I do not control what I say... I panic.
A.  You also produce that effect when I cross with you. (+5%)
B.  It reassures me... I was so afraid you regret what happened Saturday night.
C.  You don't panic when you see me, it's me.
Hyun: ...
A.  I am sorry to have thought that you had changed opinion as for it of the Saturday night... Between the absence of messages and the rest, I made illusions to myself.
B.  I'm really glad you came to see me, thank you. (+5%)
C.  You've left your family to come and see me, it must have been a difficult decision. (0%)
Hyun: Maybe I could sleep here.
A. Yes... I’d love it. (0%)
B.  Really sleep or...? (+5%)
C.  You can stay here, I don't mind.
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otomelavenderhaze · 5 years
🤕 🍵 💗 to May please
Hey here. 
🤕 What is the worst injury your OC has ever suffered? Do they have any scars or lasting physical reminders of it? Do they get sick often or have any lasting medical conditions?
I never stopped to think about injuries or scars for May. She don’t get sick pretty often, she is the type that would live a healthy life, always eating vegetables and fruits, just taking natural remedies and such. But sometimes when she overwork her body, she can pass out and end up sick. 
Thats why at some point she will quit one of her part time jobs and start to working only in the snake room at some nights.
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them?
I will admit that I did gave names for her family members KKKKK cuz I’m always referring to them for what they’re right? Instead for their names. But, anyway, let’s see how I can answer this ask.
May have a relative big family, no brothers, no sisters, some cousins, aunts/uncles, but she is closest with her grandparents (from the both sides, her mother’s and father’s side), a little bit more closer to the ones from her father’s side (the ones who raised her). 
May have a really difficult relationship with her parents, but it hella worst with her mother. Her father is someone stubborn, but he also have a calm temper, very much like his daughter actually, meanwhile her mother is really sharp and with a bad temper when someone goes against the things she wants/believes. They both think they know what is better for May, but she don’t agree with them at all. 
She is really close to Morgan and Chani! Her best friends! But she is also close to Castiel (they act like brother and sister alot) and Priya. She is friendly with Hyun, Yeleen, Amber, Rosa and Alexy. Her relationship with Melody is not very good, they don’t like one another at all and it don’t have only to do with Rayan. 
Nathaniel for sure is one of the ppl who she is really soft and bonded with, they actually had a little thing before she started to really like Rayan (cofcof) and they don’t really fit together, even tho, there is some confusing feelings still lurking around them. 
And there is Rayan, her boyfriend, her teacher that I can’t talk about without fangirling and smirking like the idiot that I am. She always had fell in love for the wrong ones, the ones who used her, the ones that never meant to be serious or to love her back, until she met Rayan. They’re not each other’s first love or first anything, but she knows that he is her first big love, the one that taught how to be loved and give love. Their love was so complicated, difficult, nearly possible, but when finally happened, she never wanted to ever let go of him, ever again. 
I didn’t wanted to put any ocs, not even my ocs on this. So I’m sorry guys. Supposely @nicoliharu candy is her sister, but since Nicoli fell for Rayan I really don’t know where she stand for it anymore. xD Which is totally OKAY, really. She also have alot of ocs friends that I left off because it would become too big with them xD I hope that y’all understand. Love ya!!
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colombia-chan · 6 years
Okay real talk people...
As of Episode 3 of My Candy Love University Life I’ve noticed something. Something that I don’t think most fans have either.
Candy, the supposed naive and stupid character we control, who as of UL is apparently being petty, immature, rude, and a horrible person because of some of her actions and lines in the game...
is depressed. 
During the games, High school season Candy goes through a lot of things, from the school turning on her during Castiel's arc, to trying to save Nathaniel from his toxic family, to Lysanders amnesia, Iris blackmail, Armin and Alexy’s family, Kentins rebelling, and even Amber.
She’s the one having to help these people, she’s the one who gets snapped at for caring and at least trying to do something about the issues. Yet the game never ever really shows the effect this had on her, sure she cries when Castiel and Nathaniel snap at her during their arc, but where were the permanent repercussions afterward. Where was her not fully being comfortable with Melody, Kim, Peggy, Iris, and Violette after they all but turned on her, they only apologized because Lysander gathers them to do so. Castiel being forgiven I can at least understand since he suffered from the events in many ways like Candy.
Nathaniel also apologizes like Castiel over the manner and while it may be the players choice to forgive him, where was the scenes of candy hesitating over certain actions or dialogue with Nathaniel because of his actions prior.
Armin and Alexy place Candy in the middle of their family drama and Kentin even snaps and can break up with candy over his rebellious arc during this time.
Candy can comfort Rosa, Iris, the boys, Lucy, Peggy, even frickin Capuchine but it’s almost non-exsistant for candy, it happens, but it rarely does and is hardly ever the focal point when it does.
As of UL though Candy to me as seemed off...
More short-tempered, more depressed, hell more tired really.
Everyone blames her for the lost of contact, yet she even states Rosa forgot to return contact with her, Communication is a two-way streak it doesn’t solely fall on her to try and maintain it.
Everyone seems to be trying to push her to be romantically interested in Hyun or Rayan, and i mean everyone even when in the event Candy had an ex, it’s obvious that she still cares and pines for them.
Nathaniel oh god Nathaniel, i never romanced him, I was and still am a Castiel girl. But he was one of my candy’s friends, she cared about him. His change of persona obviously hurts candy, especially when she is his ex. It really hurts and bothers her, she still loves and cares for him it’s obvious on his route ending in episode 3.
Rosa and Alexy’s brushing off of Armin and Lysanders past relationship with candy, also bad, it demeans what candy had with those boys, even though they should note that she obviously is still pining and cares for them.
Clemence is her boss now yet she has been nothing but horrible to Candy and implies things about her that just demean candy as if she has no opinion over the matter, as if she can’t be friends with Hyun or that she is no more then a bother because of Hyun trying to train her.
Yeleen, oh god I do not like her. I like her design, I thought she could be interesting, hell I want to try and befriend her.
 But she’s a total bitch. Yes, Candy isn’t being kind towards her but even when candy tries, it makes yeleen’s LOM goes down. She literally does not care for candy, and that fine... But when the girl claims to not judge, I call bull! 
She judges Chani, she judges Candy, if you have candy tell her to return the Castiel poster she’ll condescendingly state that she doesn’t care about the poster because she already got one from Castiel prior, and that candy doesn't know the real Castiel even though she went to school with him. Do you know how that must hurt Candy, who’s seen Castiel at his worst, who possibly romanced him even and got to see almost all sides of him. 
At the end of the night if you stayed at the part she gets all surprised and if you ask me, her line feels judgemental but that could just be my bias i will admit, should candy admit to being attracted to the same gender. As well as bringing back up the bed sheet issue that occurred back at episode 2, even though it is established to be accidental she brings it up implies in front of rosa that it was on purpose and tries to start an argument over the subject leading to Rosa stating she rather not deal with the matter.
That whole skit with the dumpling is what really made me realize what was happening though, you have the option to make candy feel depressed and lost after coming in to see her friends laughing joking and smiling with one another and the one girl who has been nothing but rude and angry towards candy. Yes I know and even I would hope candy would know that the world doesnt revolve around her, but when it seems everyones just mad at you, or even against you and you’re just trying to find comfort in others can you really feel that when it seems no one is there to notice that. Rosa does, but while she comforts and tries to reassure candy should candy snap at yeleen she and everyone will stare at her as if she’s done something wrong, sure she snapped that can be mad, they ask whats wrong but does anyone actually try to talk it out, talk it over see what made candy snap, no... they brush it off to party and candy is left to muel over it in her mind.
The alcohol issue to me now feels more like an escape tactic... Candy being shamed for not partaking, or even seeming to be forced by the game to drink feels like it a way for candy to numb herself.
Maybe im over thinking it, maybe im trying to find reason behind a game and character that everyone wants to be mad and hate on right now...
But i honestly feel candy is depressed, that she’s breaking, she’s trying to be the character we’ve always seen and played yet the more the story has gone the more and more cracks seem to appear... and i honestly feel bad for her if that is the case. And hope we can have an arc to help her through it, have characters actually help candy over her feelings, over her issues, over her support instead of just watching this girl be picked on, and other opinions and perspectives over her be shoved upon her.
But... what do I know... I just hope this can get the fandom to better evaluate the series and candy... 
Because she may not be perfect, but at least in some ways she’s human... she’s not just some doll for us to control and project ourselves on, because she obviously is flawed in many ways just as we are. 
But this is just my opinion, and it doesn’t need to be right, it just... needs to be expressed.
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aokane-eldarya · 6 years
Hello :-) hope you're doing well . Just wanted to know what do you think about eldarya and mclul writing .
Hi anon :D
Thanks for you concern, I’m doing well enough (although my cat woke me at 4:30 am and did not let me go back to sleep and she pee on the dirty laundry…)
Sorry to answer you only now, I needed the time to think (and finish my opinion about Leiftan spin off). It might be a bit long lol
So, generally, for both games, I would say that, considering the conditions in which the episodes are made, the writers are doing well ; it could clearly be worse.
Chino has three games to manage and it’s just amazing that she manages to deal with so many stories at the same time and in record time. When you work in a professional way, it can become exhausting quickly, you have to think about everything, keep in mind each of your stories, the characters and background of each of your characters…
Not to mention the technical aspect and management of each team and each person who work on your projects.
My main problem with MCLU and Eldarya comes from the means that are given to the teams.
I really feel they do not have enough time to go deeper, to do more research. Normally, when you write, it is best to let your text rest, not to touch it for a while. (personally, when it comes to my novels, I do not touch for a month after finishing the first draft) 
Then you read it again with a new look, you correct, you rewrite. Then you confide it to several beta readers (I usually give them one month delay for a novel) and then you read it again, you help yourself with the advice of beta readers to eventually correct the content, then the form and the style.
For an otome, you must also think of all the graphic aspect, the appearance of the illustrations.
The creation here seems to depend on a calendar and the availability of the translators, whereas it should be the opposite. I’m not saying that they have to take all the time they want, but that the time should be calculated more accurately.
For MCLU :
- My first problem is the presence of Hyun and Rayan. Now, I understand better for Hyun who seems to me to be a bit extreme in his feelings and who is hasty in my opinion (it reminds me of one of my ex who thought I was the woman of his life when we were a couple for only a few days ), so, it’s ok. For Rayan, I really love him, I think he’s really interesting, he’s definitively my crush, but I don’t understand why some passages have been put in place even when you have a low LoM. You can not use the argument that it’s her soulmate, like Leiftan. And it’s quite paradoxical, because for certain passages, our choices are perfectly taken into account and we are not confronted with certain scenes.
- I also have a problem with Priya, who does not have the same place, it seems to me, as the other crushes. We still have trouble knowing where we go with her. We have learned some interesting things about her past, we also know that she will rather enjoy the life. Maybe with Priya it will be to convince her, to reassure her about being in a serious relationship. It’s difficult to know at the moment and the fact that she has that perfect and Mary-Sue side is not helping her for the moment.
- I really love how Nath is writing for the moment. I know from experience that when you love a character, it will be easier to write it and to write it well. That does not mean that we can not write well a character we love less, it only means that it will take a little more time and energy. Chino said Nath is her favorite and it shows in my opinion. She has a predilection for tortured characters.
- Castiel is also a character that I appreciate. During those four years, he really became a more mature adult, he kept what made his charm when he was younger, while working on his flaws. I’m still waiting a little, but for the moment, it seems to me to be well written.
- There are other characters I like the way they are written at each of their appearances, like Kim or Amber, even Yeleen and I love Chani with all my heart
- Even though I do not like her, Melody seems to have more to show than in HSL, so I’m a little intrigued.
- I do not really have an opinion about Alexy, Rosa, Morgan, Nina … I still can not understand how they are written, especially Rosa and Alexy. Unlike Castiel and Nath, I can not see how they have evolved and become who they are today. So wait and see.
- I do not really like Clemence’s writing, too caricatural for me for the moment.
- About Candy… I have mixed feelings. Sometimes I love how she thinks and reacts, sometimes I just wonder where she put her brain. I love that we can have so much access to her thoughts. I know that some people do not like it because of the AP system or because some of her thoughts could be embarrassing to players who want a more malleable character. I have to admit I’d like her to have more questions, but maybe because I’m a very introverted person myself and I’m constantly thinking, having a lot of questions in my mind.
- Regarding the plot, there may be some clichés, but I do not think that’s a problem. Clichés are good too ! I am not asking an author to give me something that is necessarily original and never seen. I first want my emotions to be jostled. Sometimes laugh, sometimes dream, sometimes cry.
- There are scripting facilities especially concerning Candy’s studies. This point is delicate, especially because it is an otome. There are people who want more, others who want less … It’s complicated. That said, I think that some things could be avoided, even when we do not want to develop too much.
That’s all that comes to me about writing MCLU right now, actually.
For Eldarya :
- I really, really love Eldarya, but my main problem is the lore. I want more. I want so much more. I really feel that this is the most damaging to the game and gives the impression to some players that the game has problems of inconsistency and misunderstanding. But again, it’s really difficult, because there are a lot of players who do not care, who do not want more lore, more explanations and just want the plot to advance, again and still, who do not want to take the time to observe the world in which Erika evolves. And the most incredible is that these same players are able to blame problems of inconsistency ! And, of course, there is this word limit problem. This is really a problem for me, because it forces writers to get to the point, to give the maximum, but with the minimum.
- The way our character is written is really correct for me, but I would just like her to have a lot more questions about the world around her. Simply because it makes sense to do it in an unknown world !
It’s a personal taste, but I love her sexual freedom, the fact that her relationship starts this way. Because it’s really, really pleasant to be able to play, in an otome, a character who has the same sexuality as you. In most of the otome games I’ve played, the character does not have that freedom, she’s either uncomfortable or completely ignorant. I can deal with this, because some people work that way in real life, but when it happens again and again, it becomes very frustrating.
But, I still have a problem with the way in which the relationship is presented.
For Leiftan, it’s completely perfect. It’s from the beginning that they get closer slowly, Leiftan is really adorable, he never rush her when he loves her from the beginning. And the beginning, it means several months, almost half a year ! And considering this, considering the link that unites them, I just find that their relationship is fantastic. This is the only one of the relationships where Leiftan really tells her “I love you” and not in a roundabout way and retracting, like Nevra for example. And we really have the choice to say “I love you” too and it’s so fucking amazing because it’s so natural! I love them, I love their relationship !
 And then there are the chiefs of the guard. The problem is that the beginning of the relationship was not as idyllic with them and that there were problems, they did not really respect her when she arrived and for a moment, and they have even betrayed one of the worst ways possible. They stole his earthly life!
So, the relationship with them sounds a little … weird.
Valkyon is pretty much ok, because for the moment, the beginning of their relationship was mostly focused on the physical aspect, not yet sentimental. So … ok.
For Nevra and Ezarel, it’s clearly more weird in my opinion. It’s rushed. They are there, animated by the passion of love and you do not understand just why, how it happened so quickly. Not even three months ago, they forced her to drink a potion to erase her from her family’s memory, and now it’s almost as if Nevra is going to ask her to marry him, to take his example.
The reason is simple, it is to try to put the three guys at about the same level as Leiftan (even if Leiftan remains favored). But it still weird.
- I am totally in love with the way Leiftan is written. I. Love. Him.
- There are other characters I like the way they are written, like Chrome, Ewelein, Camera, Keroshane…
- About Ezarel, Valkyon et Nevra… I don’t really know. I always had a little trouble with their personality. They bother me a little, but I hope their arcs will make them more interesting.
- I’m really, really intrigued by Lance.
- Miiko was written a little awkwardly for me, the aspects of her personality were not presented in a balanced way
- I do not really have an opinion about writing other characters.
- And finally, about the plot, I really love it, i’m really interesting, passionate about this, I can spend hours thinking about theories, thinking about all the details, doing research… I want a library with a list of info unlocked for each episode.
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tetrakys · 5 years
A few extra comments
Castiel sent us hearts in his texts and I had the same bewildered and soft reaction as Candy ❤
The fact that they didn’t translate “little girl” in other languages is a disgrace and I will never forgive them.
Yeleen has friends to go on holiday with... we have the place for ourselves the whole week... 👀 I guess it doesn’t make much of a difference in none of the routes though. Hyun has also the room available because Morgan is travelling with Alexy, Priya’s roommate is away, Castiel and Rayan have their own places where we are now allowed to go, and Nath... well... But I guess this means that Candy is going to spend this week of holiday at her lover’s place, because they have all hinted an invitation to stay over and Nath pointed out, for some reason, that his rent has been paid for 5 months, I can totally see Candy staying over sleeping in his bed, hugging his pillow and smelling his sheets.
I don’t know the reason of that scene with Rayan and the admin guy, to make us waste APs? To give Candy a reason to meet Rayan even if not on his route? Btw Tetrakys2 rejected to be friends with him, got her LoM at 0 in episode 8 and in this past 2 episodes it has raised at 20. If you tell the admin guy that he has enough proof of problems with the mailing service you get a +10 with Rayan. This baffles me and I really can’t see the reason why. We are locked on a route now and there’s no why to accidentally hook up with our professor, still I find it strange.
I know most Nath stans are pissed and suffering at the moment, I consider myself also a Nath (and everybody else) stan so I understand. However, I have to say that, at least personally, I enjoyed this chapter a lot. I wanted to cry, hit him, run to kill Arthur and so on, but I loved the depth of the feelings showed and the complexity of the story. For me this is 100000 times better than whatever is going on with Hyun.
Some people are angry at the sex scene, and while on one side you can skip it and chose the option to not have sex pointing out that it’s not the right time, on the other side it sucks that you don’t get an illustration, it’s always like this with this game.
Personally, it might seem crazy, but I found the sex fitting. They are both desperate and trying to hold onto each other, it’s not innovative this happens in tons of movies and books, but I totally understand people who are against it. (It’s probably unrealistic that Nath can bang Candy against the wall holding her whole weight but, as I said, I like to think this as the strength that comes out in moments of desperation).
I’m looking forward to what’s going to happen in Nath’s route now, I don’t think he’s going to stay away for long, he’s the money maker of UL. Let’s see if Candy is now in danger (they were checking Nath’s place!) and he has to come back to the rescue.
One final thought: I’m doomed to always be unsatisfied with Castiel’s illustration. It’s beautiful but not nearly as hot as the others, always with this point of view from afar that makes it impersonal. 
Anyway I’m quite satisfied with the episode this time, I’m not sure I’m going to rewrite any of it (apart from Lysander), I feel well fed.
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tetrakys · 5 years
My guess is that what Rosalya is organising is a day out at the beach? The title of the episode is sunset and I can see it referring to a romantic moment with the LI at the beach (but maybe it’s just my wishful thinking.)
The study group may be the one Rayan created for his class in the previous episode (so Candy, Chany, Melody and Yeleen if I remember correctly?)
I don’t understand why the text says “lectures are back” as if they had stopped in the first place... maybe for Easter but it was never shown, should we assume there was a short time skip? And how does Nath’s arc fit in all this I have no idea.
Edit after having watched the trailer: ha! I got it.
I really have the feeling that this episode we’re going to
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I mean... romantic beach at sunset/night?
No LIs in the trailer?
Also, when Rosa is VERY GRATEFUL (and even when she’s not) she meddles with our love life, I can totally see her inviting the LI to her beach house as a way to say thanks.
We are so gong to f*ck guys!
(I’m trying to be objective and not project my wishes in the game... but you know...)
On another note... why is Chani sad/embarrassed?
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tetrakys · 5 years
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(sorry I accidentally cancelled my post after replying to your ask, luckily I’d saved a screenshot)
37. “I want to hike up your skirt and take you right here.”
So... I was thinking how to bullshit my way through this prompt too, but... NO! I’m not going to do it this time. There’s so little out there about Armin (and yes, I’ve written only one fic about him so far, it didn’t seem to get much interest so please comment when you like something, so I know and get inspired to write more on that topic). Also, there’s veeeeeeeeery little smut with him, so... thank you for asking me to write about him, this is for you @fuckyalllifes ! 
And for me.
And for all Armin’s stans!
And for FREEDOM!!!
You can consider this a sequel to Memories Lost, Memories Found.
Long story short, after Candy kissed someone in episode 10, she received the memories box from her mother with Armin’s pictures, she got sad and went to get her man back. 
Beware NSFW.
It was Friday evening and I was extremely tired. The last lecture of the day had ended a while ago, I’d just been through a thesis meeting and I felt weak, both mentally and physically.
Rayan’s lectures were awkward for me at this point, after our kiss a few months ago it seemed we were on the verge of starting something serious, but fate has a strange way to play out.
When I told him that we couldn’t go any further because I was still in love with someone else, he didn’t blame me, he didn’t get mad. I saw hurt in his eyes but he said that he understood, that it was for the best and we could get back to a normal student/teacher relationship. He’d been amazingly understanding but I couldn’t help feeling guilty. I knew he still wanted me.
I could see it in the way he briefly looked at me in class, his eyes focusing on me a little longer that they did on anyone else. I could hear it in the way he spoke my name, with sweetness and thinly concealed longing. The guilt was eating me alive.
And it wasn’t that I hadn’t wanted him at the time, that kiss had been as real to me as it had been to him. I liked him, I still found him attractive as hell, but I couldn’t deny the truth of my feelings any longer.
I loved Armin, I always had and always will.
As if I’d conjured him by simply thinking about him, Armin appeared next to me.
“Armin!” I cried out surprised, throwing myself in his arms, “what are you doing here?”
“Surprise,” he said grinning like a child, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. “I took the day off and got on a train to spend the weekend with you.”
I felt my heart burst with joy. I missed him all the time. I hadn’t forgotten that our relationship hadn’t survived the distance the first time, but now it was different. We were older, more mature and in a couple of months I would graduate and move to his town. Nothing could come between us.
“Where are you staying? I don’t think Yeleen is willing to share the room with the both of us.” It wasn’t just a thought, I’d asked her several times, and she’d always replied with a very dry no. I understood where she was coming from, still… it wasn’t like we had many other options.
“In Alexy’s room, he’s going to spend the night at Morgan’s. Poor Hyun, not only he has to share his room with both Morgan AND my brother, but he’s also doing it because I’m here visiting the girl he likes,” he said smirking a little.
“Don’t say that, Hyun is happy for us.”
“Sure, because he’s a nice guy. It doesn’t mean he’s not also sad about it, he’s in love with you.”
“He’s not in love with me,” I chastised him.
“At the very least, he has a very big crush. Everyone has it, apparently. I can’t blame them though,” he added, giving me a kiss on the cheek, “how could it be otherwise.”
“You like to tease, no one has a crush on me.”
“Should I remind you what happened with Castiel a few weeks ago? Actually, now that I’m here, should I go beat him up?” He said with an over-the-top serious tone.
He got me there though, Castiel had hit on me right after the party for the launch of his new music video. I went to his place for an innocent cup of tea with a friend, and he’d asked me to spend the night together. I’d obviously rejected him and told Armin, I didn’t want any secrets between us.
“He didn’t know we’d gotten back together, and I told you he apologised. Why am I even trying to reassure you? You’ve never felt jealous a moment in your life, and you’d never get in a fight, not a real one at least, maybe online.”
“I could challenge him to a FPS duel, I would totally crush him,” he replied amused. “What lecture did you just have this late in the evening by the way? Alexy only told me where to find you, not what you were doing,” he said looking around the empty room.
“Just a meeting with my thesis advisor,” this got his attention.
“You mean with professor Zaidi?” He said with a grin, but I could hear a barely concealed spiteful undertone. “You and him, alone in this big empty classroom?”
“Please, don’t tell me you care. You were just enjoying yourself teasing me about people who may or may not have a crush on me.”
He looked at me pensive for a few moments, then gently pushed me against the desk.
“You know I’m not the jealous type,” he said caressing my arms with sweetness, “because I’m sure about your feelings for me, and I know you would never be with anyone else.” Lowering the strap of my dress he uncovered my skin and left a small tender kiss on my shoulder. “But this guy… Rayan… you like him,” he said kissing my neck, “you flirted with him,” his lips were now on my jaw, “you kissed him.”
I was about to protest when he added, whispering in my ear, “I want to hike up your skirt and take you right here.”
“What? Are you out of your m…”
My words got stuck in my throat when his mouth came crushing onto mine. This kiss was different from the hundreds we had shared during the years. He was always playful and teasing, now instead he was rough and possessive. His hands started roaming all over my body. Cupping both my breasts with heat, fondling them above the dress, I’d never seen him like this, he seemed to be something in between angry and desperate.
Was he actually jealous? For the first time in his life? He must’ve been going crazy right now. I wanted to reassure him, so I raised my hands to his face, my fingers interweaving with his jet-black hair, and answered the kiss with the same ardour.
Abruptly pulling his lips away from mine, he turned me around, bending me over the desk.
“Armin, we can’t! Anyone could come in at any moment.” I tried to protest.
“Come on, Candy,” he said with a tantalising tone, “you and I have always loved playing games…” slipping a hand under my skirt he caressed my inner thigh up to my underwear, massaging above it with loving motions, “let’s see how fast I can make you come before someone finds us.”
I moaned when his finders slipped under the hem of my panties and started caressing between my folds. “What if I make you come first,” I said looking at him over my shoulder.
He just grinned, happy to be having his way once again, so I added, “you’re going down.”
“Maybe later,” he replied slipping a finger inside me, groaning when he felt how wet I already was, “we don’t have much time now.”
Moving aside my underwear, I felt something much bigger than a finger entering me, and with one fluid motion he settled himself to the hilt inside me. The feeling of him… was always the best thing ever.
I thought he would start moving immediately, but he remained still for a moment, then lowering his chest over my back and tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, he whispered, “hello love, I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” I panted, our lips a mere inch apart. Then he raised again, hands grabbing my hips with possess, and started moving with a quick and precise flow. I loved how the only times he was this absorbed and completely focused were when we were playing a game or making love. When we were doing both? It was magical.
“You really wanted to take me on his desk,” I said when he started increasing his speed, I had to grab the side to steady myself.
“Did you?” he asked, pumping into me even faster, “did you want him to take you on his desk? Or somewhere else? Maybe you still want to?” I could hear a small note of uncertainty in his voice.
“I came to you, Armin. I want you. Just you.” I barely had the strength to reply, I could feel the heat build up inside me, and I didn’t want to lose. I started pushing back against him squeezing my muscles hard, knowing he would’ve felt me even tighter around him. I heard him moan and, with the barest self-control replied, “You’re playing dirty, Candy, with your sweet words and your even sweeter pussy. I’m not going to lose that easily.”
Moving his arm around me, he started caressing my clit and I knew that I was about to lose it completely. After a few extra pumps we both came hard, stifling our moans trying not get caught.
I knew I had to adjust myself and leave the classroom immediately, every second we stayed there was incredibly risky but, in that moment, I was so tired and content that I didn’t really care.
“I don’t think anyone won, we came at the same time,” I said when I finally found the strength to raise from the desk and turn around, seeing him tucking himself in his jeans was so sexy that I was almost willing to start all over again.
He fixed my dress and, taking my chin between his fingers, he looked me in the eyes and said, “I won, Candy, the day you came back for me. Everyday since then is always a victory, because you are with me.”
And when he took my lips again, his body flushed against mine, I knew it in my heart.
I had won too.
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tetrakys · 6 years
My rewrite of MCL UL first dates - Castiel
I liked the Episode10, I just think the writing could have dared more. Here’s my take on Castiel’s date.
I was finishing my shower when I heard someone knocking on my dorm’s door.
“Yeleen? Come in!” I wrapped a towel around me before going into the room. “Why did you…”
It wasn’t Yeleen.
I pulled my towel tight around me, making sure nothing was showing and let him in.
“What are you doing here, Castiel? Weren’t we supposed to meet at the Snake Room?!”
“Y-yes, but, do you mind getting dressed first? It’s kind of flustering to have a conversation like this.”
He tried to laugh it off, but couldn’t hide the heath in his eyes while he tried and failed not to stare at me from head to toe. Was he really a little flustered? The big bad wolf. The famous rocker, man of the world.
“My my… did you change your mind about that shower?”  I came a step closer grabbing the end of his tie nonchalantly “you are a little overdressed though.”
He looked me straight in the eye with a barely contained mischievous smirk at the corner of his lips and I realised… he was baiting me! He really was the big bad wolf! Damn… was I ever going to play on an even field with this guy?! Backing off before giving him a chance to call my bluff, pointing at the wardrobe behind him, I said “Just teasing” voice shaking just a little while avoiding his hot stare “move so I can grab some clothes.”
Instead of moving he rummaged through my closet for a few seconds and then handed me some clothes wadded up in a ball.
“I have always found your innocence so endearing, particularly when you try to act out all grown up.” He was openly grinning now, the asshole! “Get dressed, we’ll worry about that afterwards.”
I grabbed the clothes with one hand and locked myself securely up in the bathroom. Geez…
I straightened the clothes he had handed me and realised what he had picked. It was a little black dress he knew very well, he had given it to me as a gift for my birthday a few weeks before our break up. I had never had a chance to wear it while we were together and never had it in me to do it afterwards. I put it at the back of my closet and left it there for years but, for some reasons, I took it with me when I moved back in town. The subconscious can really work in funny and not-so-mysterious ways sometimes.
I put the dress on and realised right away that there were two big problems. First, my body had definitely changed in the past four years. Now I had boobs, and hips. The dress was very tight around my chest, making breathing a little more difficult than what it’s supposed to be, and short on my legs, reaching mid-thigh. This may have not been a great inconvenience if it wasn’t for the second problem: the bastard didn’t give me any underwear! I looked myself in the mirror and briefly considered asking him to get me something else to wear. Hell no, no tapping out. Endearing innocence my ass.
I quickly put on some make-up, just mascara and eyeliner, left my long hair still a little dump hanging on my shoulders, and stepped out of the bathroom barefooted. He was looking out of the window and turned around when he heard the door opening. If I didn’t know him as well as I did I would have been a little disappointed because, as he started at me, he looked completely relaxed if not slightly bored. But I knew better, he had some tell-tale signs he wasn’t completely aware of that had been quite revealing in the past. When he was nervous he tightened his fists. When he was sheepish (crazy I know, but sometimes it did happen) he swallowed. When he was aroused he became very stiff, everywhere.
Right now? He was doing all of it.
“I though I was going to fall asleep”
I just looked at him without replying, sitting down on the bed, and his eyes didn’t miss how my skirt rose a few extra inches along my thighs. “What are you doing here?” I asked.
“There was no way around it… There’s a huge crowd in town. It looks like there’s some kind of festival organised in the park. I’d barely left my apartment when a bunch of girls rushed up to me in the street. I tried to get to the Snake Room but I got followed.”
“You got rushed by groupies? High school girls, I assume.”
“At first yes, except the swarm kept getting bigger. They were asking for selfies every which way. I hurried towards the bar, but a lot of them kept following me. So I came here, thinking they’d give up at the campus entrance, but…”
“They followed you all the way here?”
He didn’t reply.
“They followed you all the way here!”
“Still, I managed to get into the dorm alone, but the rumour must have spread.”
I picked the key on my desk and hurried to lock the door.
“… I guess it’s not the night-out you were expecting.”
I could tell he was feeling guilty but, to be honest, I was happy to be with him no matter where we were.
“I’m sure we can have a nice time here. I can put on some music and we can chat. Well… I don’t have anything to drink, but other than that, it’ll be just like the Snake Room!”
“Hmm, I’d like to see that” he said with his typical lopsided grin.
I switched on the music on my laptop. Some nice background music, kind of rock, obviously. Then, I turned on the string of lights hanging over my desk. “So, impressed?” I asked sitting back on the bed.
“Very” he laughed.
“Still, is it always like this? As soon as you leave home?”
“No, we released a new videoclip… and it has done really, really well online.”
“Oh really?” I picked up my phone “Show me.”
“Are you interested?” he asked surprised.
“Of course.” He searched online and clicked on the video before handing my phone back to me.
The videoclip started up.. The music started with bass sounds, and all of a sudden the drums joined accompanied by the guitar. It was powerful, it almost sounded like heavy metal. Much gloomier than what they’d done up until now. The first person that appeared in the video was Castiel. He was at the wheel of a black car and tearing through the forest at top speed. I recognised him, without recognising him… even though he was barely wearing make-up but… He got out of the car, dressed all in black, low-cut jeans and a black tank top. As he moved to close the car door, you got a glimpse of his hip bone and V-line abs. He was… incredibly charismatic and sexy. As I watched the video, he got up and leaned against my desk, watching my reaction. His voice rose in the music, powerful and soft at the same time… In the video you saw him go into a huge castle and hurtle down the stairs four steps at a time before joining a young woman in a bedroom. She was just wearing a see-through, navy blue negligée. He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck forcefully, and she abandoned herself totally in his arms. Close-ups of certain parts of the two actors’ bodies were the only things the viewer could see… I felt bile rising up my throat and didn’t even dare glance over at Castiel. God, I was jealous. The video ended focused on her, totally nude on him, blindfolded. She hold a vial of poison between her teeth and pretended to kiss him so she could pour it into his mouth. Castiel pushed her away, she got up and run off, letting him strangle alone in the bedroom. The other musicians weren’t in the video, just him. And the directing was incredible. It seemed like a short film.
“So there…” he said maybe a little embarrassed. I laid my phone down.
“Wow, that was… I understand the infatuation better now. The video’s awesome.”
“Up until now your face wasn’t in the videos. But you’re a really good actor.” Too good.
“They convinced me to do it, telling me it’d be successful if I put myself in the spotlight. I wasn’t really convinced but… I was the only one against the decision. So I gave in.”
We heard giggling. I got the impression they were sitting right outside the door in the hallway.
“Looks like they were right” I said smiling.
When he told me he had put it online just early that afternoon I almost couldn’t believe it. There were already 400,000 views and thousands of comments. I scrolled through the comments, they were all about Castiel. Mostly stupid thigs like “Marry me” or “To think that this guy goes to MY school!” I saw a link about a fan page asserting they had all the info about Castiel and clicked on it out of curiosity. “Castiel…geez… look!”
The latest post online was a picture of my dorm room door, indicating: ‘He went into an Anteros Academy resident room! OMG!’ Castiel looked at the picture for a long time before reacting.
“Well now, it definitely looks like we’re going to spend the evening here. They’ll end up getting tired of waiting.”
“Are you sure?”
“I don’t care.” He sat down on my bed.
“Aren’t you afraid of what they’re going to say when you leave here?”
“There’s another solution…” he said serious.
“What, using the window as an escape route?”
“Never leaving this room.” He looked at me straight in the eye and my heart skipped a bit. I could feel my skin burn everywhere he was caressing it with his eyes, and I suddenly remembered that I was completely naked under that little piece of fabric that was supposed to be a dress.
“You know… You have no reason to envy the girl in the video.”
He could tell, could he. “And yet, there’s good reason to” I said matter-of-factly. She had had her hands all over him.
“You are so very wrong…”
He sat closer to me and laid his hand on mine gently before looking me in the eye.
“The proof… I’m here… with you. Not with her. And you’re the one I want to be with tonight…”
His gaze went down to my lips. He raised his hand to caress my thigh, up and down, and up again always a little higher… When he moved his face close to mine I could feel his cool breath caress my chin, and then he left a small tender kiss at the hollow between my shoulder and neck.
I was about to lose my mind, but he had said something that had ticked me off a little. He wanted to be with me tonight. Meaning what? Tomorrow he would be with her? Or someone else?
“Funny how you were the only one in the video though… your bandmates never showed up.”
“Of course not” he said in between kisses along my neck “the story is about me.”
He froze at those words, like he had shared something he wasn’t supposed to. And then it hit me.
Him running to her. The passion, the hunger, the love. Then she betrays him and runs away, leaving him for dead. The actress had my same hair colour. Similar high and built.
“To the risk of sounding really pretentious… was that video about… us?”
He didn’t reply and I knew I had hit the nail on the head.
I raised my hand to his cheek caressing him with fake tenderness and, with poison in my voice, said “what a nice opinion you have of me… a murderous bitch.”
“The video was filmed in the summer, before you came back in town.”
He pushed me and I fell with my back flat on the bed. Setting between my legs, hands at each side of my had, he brought his face close to mine.
“You have no idea… Four years ago… how I felt.” Oh he was angry, looking at me with dark eyes… but I was angry too.
“I think I kinda know” I spat out.
“You left” he growled.
“You stayed!”
What the…?! A big bang on the door. We both jumped fast. It was so hard I thought the door was going to break. We heard giggling in the hallway. “Damn, watch out, you’re going to bust the door! We could get into trouble with the administration!” a voice said. “It’s the only way to find out if he’s really in there!”
“Well, looks like we’re going to have to cut the evening short. I’m going to handle this once and for all!”
He got up, really pissed off, and I was sure the crazy groupies were only part of the reason. I grabbed him by his wrist.
“Don’t do that, it’ll make the band look bad, it’ll calm down over the next few days! Don’t do anything you’d regret.”
Still, he flung the door open, and about fifteen speechless girls stood face to face with him in the hallway. A long silence ensued.
“Excitement’s what you want? Here you go!”
He took my face in his hands and angrily put his lips on mine in front of the group of girls gaping in the hallway. He kissed me with fervour and hunger and, at first, I just stood there, shocked, letting him have his way with me. However my body quickly acted on his own grabbing his hair and following him in the kiss. When my mind finally snapped out of it and I remembered all those people staring at us, he pulled away.
“Hi there!”
Castiel cut through the group before running down the hallway towards the exit. I stood there in the same position for a second, in the doorway, as the girls stared at me in shock. I stepped back in my room as soon as I saw one of them rummaging through her bag to pull out her phone, and slammed the door hard behind me.
Wow. I shook my head as if to get my thoughts straight. What had just happened?
The night was going so well, amicably chatting and flirting a bit at first. Then things got heated and we were about to… when we started to fight, still on the bed though. Who knows what would have happened if we had been left alone. At this point we would be either making out or killing each other. Possibly both by the look of that kiss. A kiss he gave me in front of a bunch of strangers to… what? Make a point?
I turned around right away and locked the door, thinking that those maniacs could open it if they wanted to. I caressed my lips… despite everything, he had definitely just kissed me. Did he really do it just to shut them up? Even though… before those silly morons banged on my door, we were going to…
I checked my phone and considered sending him a message, but I didn’t know how… or what to say. I let myself drop down flat on my stomach onto my bed, arms spread out in a cross. What had just happened for goodness sake?!! I played his video again and watched it non-stop, until I finally dozed off.
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tetrakys · 6 years
Trois Allumettes - Chapter 6
“Hyun, I…”
“I’ll manage with Clemence, go back to campus, there is no problem…”
I didn’t want to put him in this position but I couldn’t stay, I was feeling sick. It had been one of the worst days since I came back in town. First completely flopping the thesis presentation this morning, then those nasty rumours about Rayan and a student that I couldn’t help feeling were partially about me. And now… poor Nina, I knew very well what she had felt. He had gone after a high school girl… As far as I was concerned Nath had come to help me out, but if nobody had been there that night, if no one had come to my rescue… What would have happened? And I didn’t do anything. I let them continue as they pleased, and now… And now Nina was going to do what I should’ve done… and I was 23… Ouch!
I couldn’t stay like this, I had to come clean. But I didn’t feel comfortable talking to Hyun about it, and neither with Priya, who was outside the café comforting Nina. I thanked Hyun and left, I couldn’t stay there a minute longer.
I speed walked all the way to the campus. Everything bothering me kept turning my head and I wasn’t able to analyse the situation properly. Nina… Rayan… my unwritten thesis… Clemence… Nathaniel… I could feel my heart pounding. I almost didn’t notice when I bumped into someone until I was about to slam backwards into the gates, and strong arms grabbed me to steady me.
“Hey be caref… Candy?!”
I looked up and saw those eyes… a wave of relief suddenly flowed in me, and I felt I could just let go. I started crying right there. Lysander’s hand still on my arm. If he was annoyed or even embarrassed he didn’t show it, he just led me gently to a bench, hugged me and let me cry on his shoulder.
I wasn’t sure how long we stayed there, me crying on his chest, him with one hand on my shoulders holding me close to him, the other gently caressing my hair. He let me cry against him until I calmed down, I could hear his heart beating.
“Whatever happened, we will find a solution. I promise.”
I didn’t know what it was, maybe the warmth of his body, or the kindness of his words, but I felt like a switch was pulled in my heart and I told him everything. My fear of failing the year. The strange relationship I had now with Rosa and Alexy and the feeling that, if I didn’t spend most of my time with them whenever they needed me, to the detriment of my studies and everything else in my life, they would never forgive me for having left four year ago and not staying in touch. I told him about the rumours about Rayan and me and how even people who knew me like Melody and Yeleen, with whom I though things were getting better, had alluded to. Finally, I told him about those guys and what happened to me and now Nina. I felt him go stiff before hugging me even tighter.
He silently let me talk and pour out everything I had been bottling up for months. When I was finally done, he took my face in his hands and dried my tears gently caressing my cheeks with his thumbs. Looking at me in the eyes he said
“Everything will be all right” his tone of voice was calm and gentle “promise me you will stop crying. I don’t like to see you like this, you have such a nice smile…”
“I am not wise enough to give you advice about school and people. You are smart, brilliant and a great friend” he smiled “everyone knows. I saw you on the beach, everyone hung off your every word.”
I didn’t know what to say and he continued, more serious then ever.
“However, I do think you should report those guys. It’s never too late.”
“I can’t help thinking that if I acted before this guy might have already been charged and Nina would never have experienced this.”
“Please, don’t feel guilty. Never feel guilty. You are the victim here. You were scared and wanted to forget, there is no shame in that. You have a chance now to do the right thing. I am not sure about the role of your friend Nathaniel in all this… but I can’t judge before knowing the whole situation. Still… He hasn’t acted in the best way.”
He was right. I knew he was right. This situation… I could make it right, at least a little. I knew I could help. Everything else though…
I got up and thanked him. I didn’t want to be a burden, he had already wasted lots of time listening to me vent. He was probably going somewhere and was too kind to leave me alone when I was so distressed. He had helped me feel a little better but I had an heavy weight in my heart and needed to stay alone for a while. I run to my dorm, my only though curling up in my bed and forget about this awful day.
 A couple of days later I was lying in bed looking at the ceiling. I was in the infirmary, I had passed out during a personal development lecture when someone had thrown at me a spiteful message about me hooking up with Rayan to improve my grades. I had spent the following 24h resting in the infirmary and I was feeling better, particularly so after the surprise visit I just got. Seeing my parents had helped me put things a little more into perspective. Also, I hadn’t realised how much I had missed them until now.
I heard the door open softly and the sound of footsteps next to my bed.
He was looking at me with a worried expression.
“I am so sorry Candy.”
“Wh-what? Why?” I asked rushing to seat.
“I should have done more, said something different…”
“No, Lys, please…”
“I should have at least chased you the other day. I knew you were still upset, I didn’t want to invade your space.”
“Lys, please, you have been amazing, letting me vent and cry on you the whole time. You are such a great listener and I probably ruined your shirt forever. Sorry about that.”
“Do you think I care…”
“And do you think I really see you as responsible of anything? I am in this bed because I have been weak… but never again.” I said with purpose. “First thing tomorrow I am going to the police, that guy deserves to be locked up. The rumours are just that, rumours. I am going to ignore them and start seriously working on my thesis. About my friends… I will sort it out somehow” I added unsure.
“Well…” he said tentative “you can start from the last part.”
He turned towards the door and pointed towards the silhouette that was in front od the entrance.
“Someone wanted to tell you something, but didn’t really have the courage.”
My eyes widened with disbelief, I watched everyone walk in the room. Rosa, Alexy, Chani, Melody and… Yeleen?
“I was the worst friend in the world!” Rosa cried throwing her arms around me.
“I-I… I didn’t realise. When I found you, I wasn’t stable. It had been so long since we had seen each other… So I was teasing you as I do with Alexy, to push your buttons all the time… but…”
She was having trouble catching her breath.
“I was thinking only about myself, talking only about myself, I didn’t take the time to listen to you. I urged you to take a break and stop studying, and now you cracked because of me. I’m studying psychology and I’m not even able to listen to my best friend. I’m so sorry…”
“I accept your apology, but stop feeling guilty I didn’t faint because of you.”
“Can you also accept my apology?” Alexy asked worried “I have been so focused on Morgan that I stopped looking at anything else. I have been very selfish.”
“Sure Alex” I replied “You have been a little distracted that’s true, but I totally understand…”
“It’s my first real relationship, I…”
“We know” I said, taking his hand. I took also Rosa’s and we all smiled at each other.
Someone coughed lightly and I turned my head to see Melody step forward.
“I have been a little harsh after Mr Zaidi’s lesson the other day. I wasn’t accusing you of anything Candy, I want you to know that. I know you’re not the type of person to hit on your professor. I really hope you get better soon.”
“I was a little worried you might think that Melo, thanks for letting me know that’s not how you feel.”
“Eat lots of fruit” she added, offering me a fruit basket “you’ll get better in no time.”
“About that…” Chani intervened “I came here to give you this.” It was pretty blue crystal “it will give you all the energy you need. Put it under your pillow when you go to sleep, you will wakeup ready to conquer the world!”
I thanked them both, Melody looking at Chani’s crystal in a doubtful way.
“Well, I am not exactly sure why I am here” Yeleen said next to the door “but it was pointed out to me that I haven’t been the easiest of the roommates while you weren’t feeling well. I am mature enough to admit that I could have acted in a more tactful way.”
This wasn’t exactly an apology, but coming from Yeleen it was huge.
“Thanks Yeleen, I am really surprised to see you here. I appreciate it.”
“Lysander came to get us” Rosa said “I didn’t know what to say, how to apologise, I am glad he had the idea.”
“We should go and let Candy rest” Lysander said “the nurse will be back any moment now.”
Everyone said goodbye then left.
I called grabbing his hand, before he could walk away, and he turned around.
“Thank you” I smiled.
He smiled back at me “Get well soon Candy.”
He bowed and left a featherlike kiss on my forehead.
Back to Chapter 5
Go to Chapter 7
Thanks to frstlvlys for suggesting Deborah’s arc, it actually fits pretty well here.
Now episode 9 and we all know what’s that about... I have big plans, I just have to find the guts to actually write them! :P
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