#they really think we're gonna show up at their house and murder them
weeeeeeezamboni · 8 months
@respectthepetty made a post about Tan being the second murderer and it makes so much sense! of course there are two killers, the masked murderer covers way too much ground and is in way too many places at once for their to only be one, and as @respectthepetty also previously mentioned, we've already seen another subtle throwback to Scream by way of the three main rules for not becoming a victim (all of which were ignored in the very first episode). it only makes sense that we'd see this too
i don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet, but i was thinking last night about the bathroom scene from episode 2 and how they might've pulled that off, and then it hit me
Tan wasn't there
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is that what the kids are calling it these days? apparently he'd gone up to sleep (according to Phee who we already know is killer #1), but even watching it for the first time with innocent eyes, this felt strange. he only shows up again later, after the whole incident with Top that he was suspiciously absent from, talking to White and Phee while the rest of the original boys have their team meeting
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but this whole exchange feels kinda off
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Tan brings up how strange it is that they seem so scared of Non's ghost, and then gets this look when White calls them Non's friend
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and then is weirdly quick to jump to the conclusion that his friends, the people he took a trip into the middle of the woods with, hurt Non
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and then White says this
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and the camera cuts immediately to Phee and Tan looking like they're hanging on his every word
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and then White drops the bomb
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and they share this significant look
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in episode 3 Top volunteers to drive out of the woods to get help after Uncle Dang's death (and after having already failed once attempting to escape with Tee), but Phee stops him, claiming he's untrustworthy (he is)
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of course you shouldn't, both killers are at the house, Top might just make it out to help
so naturally, Tan volunteers to go with
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but on their way out of the woods, they end up getting lost
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following Tan's directions
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and then Tan eventually makes it back to the house alone
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and we're really supposed to believe he just woke up where they fell and walked all the way back to the house perfectly fine?
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after he looks at Phee like this
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something obviously happened out there in the woods, and next thing we know about Top is his bloody wallet chain and a trail of blood leading into Janta's shrine
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it's revealed later that it was him behind the mask that night, which means it was him that did this
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and i don't care how strong Tee thinks he is
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that man is not lifting you off the ground by your neck
which means we know three new pieces of information about Top since he went missing:
1) he's suddenly acquired heightened strength (and i'm also gonna point out here that man was hit with a golf club multiple times? where did Tee even get it from? did i miss something?)
2) Top was clearly unwell and vomiting when he made it back to the house
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and 3) he was seizing on the couch and then bleeding from his eye
now i'm not an expert on drugs so i don't know if there are any kinds of steroids or anything else that can produce all three of these effects at the same time, but there was definitely something funky going on in his body
these boys all deserve what's coming for them, and i really hope Phee and Tan are working together on this and i'm not just seeing things i would live for that
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daytaker · 8 months
hii hellooo, may i request brothers with a clown core mc? their outfits most often being very colorful but their personality being the opposite? like somewhat cold and very blunt, not talking much and if talking then it’s about something mildly disturbing like murder investigations or an odd fascination with deadly diseases stuff like that
sorry that it’s extremely specific and thank you regardless _(┐「ε:)_
Clown Anon MCs - [ Clowncore MC | Death-Fixated Science Geek MC | LeVeyan Satanist MC ]
When you first arrived, no one was sure what to think. They looked you over. Your pink hair, your cyan shorts. A yellow T-shirt and rainbow suspenders. Gaudy makeup and adorable pink tennis shoes. Beaded bracelets and necklaces and colorful tights.
And a box of smokes in your back pocket.
"Welcome to the House of Lamentation," Lucifer says, gesturing grandly at the stately mansion ahead of you.
You say nothing. Instead, you pull out a cigarette and a lighter. Taking a drag, you lazily gaze at the house, then back at your host, who looks disgusted.
"Make sure you only do that outside," he says, nodding to the box of cigarettes in your hand.
You blow a puff of smoke in his face and start walking to the door, completely ignoring the sounds of Lucifer struggling to contain his rage.
"Why's it called that?" you finally ask as you stop at the front doors. "'House of Lamentation'?"
Lucifer, having composed himself by now, steps up beside you. "This is a replica of a house from the human world," he explains. "In it, an entire family was murdered; the parents, the servant, and six of their seven sons. The seventh--"
"Ohhh. This is the Sutton house," you say, nodding.
"Excuse me?"
"The Sutton house. Massachusetts, 1923. Elijah Sutton, oldest of seven sons, runs into the local tavern screaming that his servant killed the whole family and himself. Most folks today think it was Elijah who really did it. I know I do."
You take one more drag from your cigarette, then drop it on the ground and put it out with the heel of your shoe.
"So this is their house, huh? Sick."
It's breakfast on your second day in the Devildom. You took extra time to apply your godawful makeup this morning, and you're sure it shows, because the brothers keep glancing at you as if they're not quite sure what they should say.
"You talk to them, Mammon," mumbles Satan. "You're their babysitter."
"Ah... ahem." Mammon casts a glare at his brother, then looks at you. "So, uh... Human." You stare at him with a dead-eyed expression that seems to unnerve him even more. "...We're goin' to RAD today, and there's a couple a things you should know." You continue staring.
Mammon looks to his brothers for help, but they all avoid eye contact. "Uhhh... Just... try not to get eaten, 'kay? Lucifer'll be pissed if you die on my watch."
"Do demons eat people?" you ask. "Like, raw?"
"Sometimes! So don't mess around with 'em, got it?"
"That's gotta be messy as fuck."
"It is!"
"You got any photos?"
"So I get that you're the seven deadly sins," you say to Satan, sprawled out in an armchair in the library, "but like... is that all you guys got here?"
Satan, who had been minding his own business and innocently reading a book of curses, looks irritated. "Is that all of what?"
"I dunno. Bad shit shaped like people." You shrug. "Like, you got the Four Horsemen or somethin'?"
"Of course not," Satan snaps. "That would be ridiculous."
You shrug. "Embodiment of plague? Too ridiculous to believe. Embodiment of wrath? Well, obviously that's a thing."
"You have to make pacts with Lucifer and his brothers," Belphie urges you through the door. You stare at him, then take a drag from your cigarette. As long as Lucifer is occupied in the music room with that weird record, you're going to break every rule in this damn house.
"How am I supposed to do that? Am I gonna split up my soul Horcrux style? Give everybody a slice?"
Belphie stares at you for a few seconds. You don't realize how badly he wishes he could kill you in this moment. "Are you going to help me or not?"
You shrug. "What do I get out of it?"
He blinks at you in utter bewilderment. "You... make me happy?"
You stare at him. He stares at you. You stare at him. He continues to stare at you.
You head back down the stairs.
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doe-eyed-fool · 1 month
Prey | Chapter Thirteen
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Alastor x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): Harassment, Murder, Death, Gore, Blood
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You didn't know how long you were staring into your vanity mirror for. Checking your face, your hair, making sure there was nothing out of place. But after a moment, you just...stared "Mimzy? You ever hear things that aren't really there?"
The shorter woman gave you a look after hearing that question. "Honey. That's something people say before they're sent to the nut house, you know?" She laughs weakly.
You sigh before finally looking away from the mirror. "Feels like I should be in there after what I heard earlier. Or thought I heard?"
Mimzy only shakes her head. "Y/n, hon. Alastor's ol place can be a little creepy at night, but you're safe there. Nothing's gonna happen to you. Alastor will make sure of that."
"But Alastor wasn't there. What if something did happen?" You ask. "I know he would have kept me safe if he were there. But it was just me. And that darn driver of yours was taking forever to actually get there, so that didn't help." 
"Yeah, sorry about him. He's not too bright, that one. I promise I'll get a more capable guy to come get you next time." Mimzy walks over to you. "Now pretty lady, it's time to dazzle the crowd once again!"
Your nerves had been eating at you since you left Alastor's home, a part of you wanted to cancel on tonight. But, you were already here. And there was a full house just waiting to see you perform. You inhaled deeply, and put on a false smile before rising from your vanity. 
"Let's knock 'em dead!"
And knock them dead you did. Another amazing performance, another rousing round of applause from the audience. As you were backstage, removing the makeup and getting changed back into your more casual dress, there was a knock at the door. 
You assumed it was Mimzy at first, but Mimzy almost never knocks before coming into your dressing room. You quickly smooth out your dress before approaching the door. You then thought it was Alastor, though, he'd still be working about this time. 
You opened the door and was met with Joe, smiling with a small bouquet of flowers. "J-Joe?" Your force your shock aside with a more cheery tone. "What brings you by?" 
"Well, how could I not come and see one of my favorite show girls? You sing so sweetly, and boy do you look ever so dazzling up on that stage." Joe says before handing you the bouquet. "For for, darlin'." 
You take them and give him a small smile. "Thank you, Joe. But I have to ask, how did you get back here? No one's allowed backstage unless you preform or-"
"Pay to see you?" Joe smirks. 
"I-I was going to say or work here. But yes, I suppose that too." You chuckle weakly before clearing your throat. "But uh, you know, you didn't have to do that. I do visit Alastor sometimes at work, you could see me then." 
"Yes, I know. But you spend most of your time with him when you're there. I'd like to have a conversation with you every now then." Joe winks. "But I guess who could blame you? He's your sweetheart after all." He mutters.
"We're engaged." You say a bit firmly. Everyone knew it. But it seems Joe needed it drilled into his thick skull. 
"Mhm." Joe hums. "But not married. Not yet anyhow." He leans in a little closer to you as he speaks. "I say you're still a free woman. Why not take advantage of that while you still have it?" 
You take a step back. "Joe. I am taken, married or not. Alastor is my-"
Your words were cut short by Joe's heavy sigh. "You're wasting yourself on that man. He couldn't give you what you really wanted. But I..." Joe stepped further into the room. "I could give you everything you wanted, and then some." His eyes look you up in down, sending a chill down your spine. 
"I bet he hasn't even properly bed you."
"Joe, that's enough." You tell him. "I think it's time you leave." 
"Y/n, don't be like that." Joe took another step towards you. Your blower back hit the edge of the vanity. "I mean it. Get out!" You rather loudly, hoping someone near by would here. 
"Is there a problem here?"
You and Joe both look to the room's entrance, in the doorway stood Mimzy. And behind her were two tall and bulky men, both glaring Joe down. Mimzy, also glaring at Joe, crossed her arms. "Well?" She asks sharply. 
Joe rolled his eyes and walked away from you. "Not at all ma'am." He stepped aside the two men. "Have a good night." He said before finally leaving. 
Mimzy take her eyes off him until he was out of sight, she then looked up at the two men. "Make sure he actually leaves the building. And do not let him back in here." The two men nods wordlessly before leaving you both. 
Mimzy walked inside the dressing room and shut the door behind her. "Y/n. Are you alright?" She asks gently. "Who was that guy?" You sighed heavily. "Joey Martins. He works in the same building as Alastor. And as you can tell, he has taken a liking to me." 
"A liking is putting it lightly. He's got the hots for you." Mimzy says with a frown. "If you want, I'll make sure that creep doesn't step foot in this lounge ever again." You nod your head. "I feel like that would be best. If Alastor catches wind of this, who knows what he might do."
"Oh I have an idea." Mimzy chuckles. "I would talk to him about this, but, I won't say anything if you don't want me to." 
"Y-Yes, I think I should be the one who lets him know. I might be able to talk him down from whatever he might try and do. Lord knows, Alastor can't risk loosing his job over beating the living daylights out of some fool, who's not even worth the effort."
"Is Al gonna take you home?" Asked Mimzy. You shook your head. "Says he'll be working late again." 
"Then I'll have one of my guys drive you home. One with some sense, I promise." She playfully bumps your arm. 
You smile lightly. "Thank you, Mimzy." 
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Once you got home, you made sure to keep your eyes strictly ahead of you, ignoring the sight of the cellar before rushing inside the house. You sighed and shook your head. "I'm working myself up over nothing. Absolutely nothing." You inhaled and exhaled before heading upstairs to get ready for bed.
You took a shower, and slipped into your nightgown before walking to yours and Alastor's shared bed. You sat down and took a book from the nightstand, opening to the page where you last left off. After about twenty of minutes of reading, you started to feel a chill at your arms. You shivered before pulling the covers up over your legs, and continued reading.
You brought the cover up your body further, the colder the room became. At one point, you suspect the heater might be broken. You set the book aside and stand from the bed, wrapping your arms around yourself to keep warm. 
The light from the moon peaking from the drawn window curtains caught your eye, you turn your head towards it before walking over. You move the curtains aside, and down below, you could get a clear view of the shed Alastor used for hunting. 
It shouldn't have bothered you in the slightest. Even though you hated that he used that shed to aid in hunting woodland creatures, he always made sure you never saw it happen or knew about just what he hunted. But from the amount of antlers he had mounted on the walls of his home, you knew deer were his favorite. 
Yes, Alastor always made sure you never knew what went down in that shed, and in some way, it worked. You didn't pay much attention to it all. The shed itself did not bother you.
What did bother you, was that the door was open, and a moving shadow from within the light the shed gave off. 
'Alastor's home.' Was the first thing you would have thought. But you knew better. His car was not parked outside, he was not home. So, who was inside of that shed? You quietly backed away from the window, heart beginning to pick up in your chest. 
Nothing looked missing when you first walked inside. If it were a robber, they might have snuck in while you were in the shower. The nearest phone was downstairs in the living room. But going down there meant risking getting caught, and god forbid there were more than one waiting.
But if they made there way upstairs, and found you, you'd be caught anyway. So. It was either wait for death or go chase after it. If there was even the slightest of chances you could make it downstairs without getting caught, and notifying the authorities, you would take it. 
You walked to the bedroom door, and slowly opened the door to keep it from creaking, before tip-toeing down the hall and to the top of the stairs. You pause for a moment, listening for any voices or footsteps. When silence was all that lingered, you continued making your way down as carefully and as quietly as possible. 
Once you reached the bottom, you paused again. And again, it was quiet. You move to walk again, and that's when you heard it. 
Your hand shot to your mouth to keep the gasp from escaping.
Was...Was that...
"Alastor?" You whisper. Another chill brushed against your skin, it's intensity turning into a light breeze. You look up and finally notice that the front door, was cracked opened. And just at the foot of the door, was a trail of blood, leading outside. 
Immediately assuming the worst, you rushed outside and looked from right to left, hoping to catch a glimpse of Alastor somewhere. Your eyes fell back to the blood, you followed it down the stairs and until it wrapped around to the side of the house, leading right towards the cellar.
It's doors were wide open.
You stopped, and stared at that cellar for a moment. Then you heard it again, louder this time.
Every step towards that cellar made your heart sink lower and lower into the pit of your gut, a new wave a dread washing over you with ever inch you grew closer. Then you finally reached the entrance of that damn cellar, it's darkness, the eerie silence that came with it, the blood that lead further down...
It made you want to wretch. 
"A-Alastor..." You said, barely above a whisper. 'Please hear me...' You thought as tears fell from your eyes. 'If you're down there...please, please answer me.'
"Alastor?" This time a bit louder, but not much. If that was Alastor's blood, if he was hurt...dying even...
What you be able to do? You acted without even thinking, assuming that it was indeed Alastor's blood, that it was indeed him calling your name. What would you do? You knew you should have stayed inside, you should have just called the cops, you shouldn't have come out here knowing there might be someone out here. The very same someone, who could have hurt Alastor. The very same someone, who could hurt you too.
Why did you do this? 
You began to descend the stairs of the cellar. 
Why are you doing this?
You move your trembling hands out in front of you, acting as your eyes in the dark. Eventually they brushed up against something solid. It felt wooden. Your hand moved around until it reached a knob. You grasp it and turn it, stepping back as the door opened. 
"Alastor?" You tried again. "Al-"
Your words cut short, as a wave of putrid odor filled your nostrils, causing them to burn, and a gagging sensation form in the back of your throat. There was no mistaking that kind of smell, that stench.
It was the scent of death. 
"A-Alastor..." Your voice trembled. Had your fears been true? Did something happen to Alastor? You took a step forward, hands still outstretched. 
Did whoever was out there, had they...killed your beloved fiancé? Was what you heard his dying calls of your name?
The stench grew stronger the further you walked in. Suddenly your hand brushed up against a string hanging from above. Your finger and thumb caught it, but you did not pull down. You did not want to see what you feared you might.
You stood there in the darkness, the smell of rot and decay lingering in your nose, stinging at your throat. You shut your eyes tightly and pulled down at the string, a clicking sound followed after. 
You move your hand away. And for a moment, you truly believed you were alone in whatever room you stumbled across. But the smell was quick to prove you wrong. You slowly open your eyes again, fully expecting to see the corpse of Alastor at your feet.
However, what you saw, made your mind scream and your heart stop all the same. 
It was something right out of a horror story. Hooks and chains hung from the walls and the ceiling. Blood covered the walls, giving it a brown and black stain, though some was fresh. There were a few tables littered with a variety of knives. And worst of all...
The corpse of a man, his front cut open from sternum to pelvis, displayed just feet from you. 
A nightmare. This had to be a nightmare. This wasn't real, it couldn't be. How could something so horrible, so disgusting, so grotesque, be happening right in front of you. It couldn't be. 
But it was. 
You turn your head, wide eyes met the one person you'd hope to not see. Who you'd hope was not responsible for...this. Who you'd hope was not so cruel and wicked enough to do something so inhumane. 
Because he was not the type of person who would do this. You knew him, you knew him your entire life. He would not do this. 
Alastor would not do something like this...
"You weren't suppose to ever see this, dear."
And yet, he did.
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richeeduvie · 5 months
stupid groomer kendall unknowingly makes baby OD and so he leaves her be. roman finds her when she’s in the process and he puts her head in his lap and she’s just sobbing that she doesn’t wanna die and stuff. idk something tragic
TW: Angst, drug addiction, ODing, DogandBone!Kendall open the door tern haven parallels incoming heeee
He leaves Baby with a kiss to her hair. She's almost gone, but she kind of just looks out of it. Like how Kendall...not likes her, but how he has her most of the time. She looks sweet, sleepy. He should be better on that. But he has to go.
"I gotta go, okay?"
And so, Kendall goes. He leaves her alone.
Baby can't breathe right. She doesn't know what's going on, but she doesn't feel safe. No one else is here, is she the reason why she's in danger?
Roman calls when he usually calls and Baby doesn't answer. At first, he's just fucking annoyed.
"I sorta know you're not having an awful sex fest with my brother cause he's coming so...pick up. Pick up."
And she doesn't. Not to any of his calls. Roman gets more annoyed, twitchy and bitchy to randos that walk on the grounds of Waystar.
"Where are you going?"
"I'll be back, Shivvy. Have to see what our brother Kenny fucked up. Fucked. Bye, love you."
He goes. Really, Roman wouldn't make the choice to just break into Kendall's place just Baby's not answering his calls. He'd just berate her when she eventually picks up. But today, he's in a mood to have fun.
Roman shows up to Kendall's place. He knocks on the door.
"Bitchy, open up. You are a sad person who doesn't really do anything but coke in Ken's house so...open up."
She doesn't open up. Roman gets more pissed off, but worried. Really worried because he knows he's right. She really doesn't go anywhere else now. That's Kendall's fucking fault. His too, but he doesn't want to think about that because he's angry at her now.
"Open the door."
Roman says her name because it might make a difference. Open the door.
"Open the fucking door. You can't just fucking hate me. Literally nothing has happened. No big-wig fight, we're fine for what you've made for us so...open the fucking door."
No open door, but he's staring into it as he hears a thud. He calls out her name.
She doesn't know what's happening, but she's scared. Baby's fucking terrified and it's like dying, maybe? She doesn't want to die alone. She'll open the door.
Roman's pathetic in the pounding of the door, the shitty attempts to open it from the outside. But the doorknob turning, left to right.
How do you open a door so you don't die alone?
The door opens and Roman's fucking gone.
She looks like she's dying. His best friend - the person that was supposed to be his and literally no one else's and vice versa and all the stupid shit, that's her on the floor. She's crying and she looks sick. She shouldn't look so sick. Roman shouldn't feel so small and scared so quickly.
"What the fuck?"
Roman's desperate in picking Baby up, he barely can. But he looks like he's gonna vomit. What the fuck?
What the fuck did he do to her?
She's already vomited. This isn't just coke. He's been - Kendall's been feeding her fucking murder.
He manages to lay her on the couch as she cries.
"Breathe - just fucking-"
Roman's dragging out his words, making them go high and angry in his voice. He doesn't know what to do but just scared because she's not gonna fucking die. She was supposed to be okay and not like this with him and what the fuck did Kendall do to her?
"I'm sorry! I-I I don't wanna die, I thi...I-"
"You're not gonna die! Don't fucking-just breathe. Just don't sleep or...listen- I need to call-why didn't-"
Why didn't you come back to me?
Roman's hands shake when he pulls out his phone to call the fucking cops.
"Hey. Don't fucking fall asleep!"
Roman shakes her. She rolls her body, pulling herself in a slump to come down on his lap.
If she does, it'll be the easiest place to fall asleep. She doesn't want to die, but she'll die here.
Roman stares and tries not to because he's going to call the cops. But she needs to keep breathing. She shouldn't be talking like she's going to die because she's not going to. She's gonna never see Kendall again.
"...I'm sorry."
He makes himself uncomfortable before he presses the call button. Roman bends himself hunched and forehead to put his head to her temple. She's got her face pressed against his stomach. Somewhere else, this is where she should be.
"Don't fall asleep."
He's always been her beggar. Roman has to force himself to come up from her touch. He calls 911.
She can't leave him alone.
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respectthepetty · 9 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 5
Because I have asks in my inbox about the color coding in Pit Babe even though I don't want to watch it, I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are. I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, I'm going to take off the captions.
How could I forget we were in "Disco Inferno" at the end of the last episode?! Babe looks just as confused as I am that Charles ran his ass out on that track. Where are the professionals? Medics, where u b?
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Nice to see everyone wearing blue just in time to prove they did not sabotage the car.
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Get your grubby paws off of Barbie, you color faker!
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Because I hate Charles, everything he does just comes off very creepy. Like he is trying to have Babe all to himself, like a creepy collector of precious superpower kids, but he only wants Babe.
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It's Whiny Winifred in the red Chicago Bulls jacket being annoying per usual.
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I don't care what is being said. Whiny Winifred did not sabotage that car. He isn't smart enough for that. But I'm very curious what Kim's superpower is because he is constantly seen as the bigger presence in their arguments. He may be small, but he is mighty.
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TRUST NONE OF THEM, ALAN! As usual, Charles conveniently arrives to save the day even though Dean saw Jeffrey messing with the car. This is mine and Dean's villain origin story. (Sonic, get your colors together, kid!)
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Alan, don't save him! He don't want to be saved! He can see the future, but couldn't see himself getting caught? Go back to superpower school, Jeffrey! YOU SUCK!
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I should be on Jeffrey's side because he is driving a blue vehicle, but he had to put "Home" into the GPS, and I can't trust a boy who doesn't know how to get back to the apartment he shares with Charlie . . . SINCE HE ISN'T GOING THERE! I guess you really are going back to superpower school since you are probably headed to Big Red's house, you LIAR!
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Couldn't be bothered to wear blue for two episodes, and now you got nothing but blue, huh, Waymond? Odd choice, sir.
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Charles is everywhere at all times. I think Waymond can control emotions, which is why he touches Babe, but I think Charles is mind controlling Babe. He is always in Babe's bubble! Back tf up, bruh.
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And we're back to black because you are devoid of emotions since you are controlling everyone else's. I see you and Charles for the superpower manipulators you are.
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Kimberly, in a garage full of blues, I only trust your red ass. Kimlock Holmes is gonna solve this case because that's what Kims do!
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Are you conflicted now, Jeffrey? In the red and the blue because you know you fucked up and hurt Alan with your lies?
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Pete is wearing blue. I trust this pretty man with my life.
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I have believed that superpowers come from the hands for two episodes now. Waymond is always touching Babe then Babe looks happier. Charles is always touching Babe, then Babe concedes. So Peter not immediately taking Waymond's hand gives me faith that Peter KNOWS what is up because I think he has superpowers too!
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Kenta, you do not have superpowers which is why he treats you like this. Kimberly is gonna love the fuck out of you though. All you have to do is murder your boss.
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Did Big Red do this to you? MURDER YOUR SHITTY BOSS! You don't need a superpower for that. I'm rooting for you, hon.
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My man has the blue blazer and the blue drink. He is proving his loyalty, and I couldn't love him more. This is how you prove you're trustworthy. You ease into the color. Unlike the Treacherous Trio: Charles, Jeffrey, and Waymond.
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Barbie, I need you to pay attention. That hand on your arm is controlling you. Your powers are gone because Charles is fucking with your brain so he can take your racing spot. Don't let that lying bastard touch you!
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WHY ARE YOU LETTING HIM TOUCH YOU?! I know he is controlling your mind, but you gotta stop letting him touch you. Go two days without his touch and see how much clearer you'll start thing. You took him to you and Way's spot. I'm insulted for Way because this was sacred, yet Charles gets everything he wants . . . *mind control*
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Alan, you wear a lot of green, and I love you for that. You are not in this red vs. blue bullshit. You are in a league of your own. I don't think you have superpowers, but if you did, it would be stealing hearts because I'm ready to lay my life down on the line for you, sir. You're perfect.
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Sonic REFUSES to get his shit together. WEAR BLUE ALREADY, DAMN! But also, Decanus is not pleased with whatever is happening. Villain Era loading.
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This scene would be adorable if Charles wasn't a lying pos.
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Decanus, I know you are going to be with Whiny Winifred, so I'm gonna just call this game, and say you lose.
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Wait, A SECRET THIRD OPTION?! Kim Possible, is that you player?!
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Decanus, you are getting pushed by Alan next week, so I know you done fucked up. Sonic, still be doing wild color things next week too.
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Alan, do not suck up to that child. He may be wearing blue in that moment, but his heart is red and not in the good way.
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I still ONLY trust Alan, but he is falling for that lying kid, so he might slip in rankings next week, but Kimlock Holmes and Pete the Magic Dragon did no wrong this week, so my trust remains intact for them. I cannot wait until Kenta gets an ounce of love from Kimberly and it turns his entire life around (KILL YOUR SHITTY BOSS!).
Barbie is being mentally and emotionally controlled by Charles and Waymond, so here's hoping this show gets kinky, ties people's hands up, and sees just how powerful they are without the gift of touch.
Couldn't emotionally manipulate Peter, now could you, Waymond?
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What is your superpower?
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pumpkinfreak · 8 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2E7-E8
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Episode 7
Will is free everybody, but given his mental state, maybe he should stay in prison. The boy is unwell, justifiably so. Miriam Lass, now equipped with a cool robot arm, also not doing well. However is still training with the FBI, after two years of psychological torment from Hannibal. We love a motivated queen.
Jack really shows up in this episode, before Will even leaves the asylum property. and is all like, "We're still friends right... Pookie bear come home the kids miss you." and Will still goes to the cabin where they found Miriam. Granted it is not for Jack, it's so he can catch Hannibal, and after sniffing around the Love Shack, Will diagnoses Hannibal as just being a whimsical little guy. He's just a theatrical little scamp. Where you see a living person Hannibal sees an art exhibit.
(Headcanon: Hannibal is a fan of Marina Abramovic.)
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Anyway, Jack is now leaning toward Hannibal, maybe being the Ripper, especially after talking with Will. The Sassy Science boys even find a fingerprint that matches Hannibal's on a flower petal. Hey, you know who else fits the profile of the Ripper.
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Now, they are correct, that being said. You find a fingerprint of the man, YOUR BEST GUY, has been pointing to for weeks, and just go "Know what? This other guy is also pretty whimsical." I won't completely fault them for this because Chiton on paper looks suspicious, especially considering his own unethical practice of implanting memories in people. Ignoring that...Chilton goes home and finds Gideon's body in his guest room.
Hannibal was clearly keeping Gideon alive, and sclicing pieces of him off like a leftover Christmas ham. I just feel the need to clarify that.
Chilton books it, but, Hannibal is already in the house. In his plastic murder suit. On top of this, there are two FBI agents outside, waiting for Chilton. Hannibal proceeds to knock out Chilton and super-murder the two agents. He then dips, leaving Chilton to hang with three dead bodies. Just like a goofy whimsical guy would.
Chilton is taken in for questioning, and Miriam freaks out, Is convinced this is the Ripper right in front of her and shoots him in the face.
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...Oh also, Will tries to kill Hannibal, decides not to do that, but does want to continue seeing Hannibal for his therapy.
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Because these two girls like to play 4D chess. Personally, I started eating the game pieces long ago and probably would have shot the bastard. But who am I to question art.
Side note. There's a moment between Alana and Will, and she's all mad that he tried to murder Hannibal from prison. Will's response is "Girl... ya boyfriend Eats people...please do not talk to me or my dogs ever again." He didn't say it out loud but I saw it in his eyes.
Ep 8
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The fact that this GIF is not edited...and this was a real line from the show.
Now, I'm not a doctor or a veterinarian, but I don't think people go in horses. I am also fairly certain, that to put a person inside a horse would require breaking some bones. Then again, I eat chess pieces, so what do I know. We're gonna circle back to the horse incident first let's talk about Jack and Will
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The episode opens with Jack and Will Ice fishing. Clearly, these too are talking about catching Hannibal. When I'm not busy shoving game pieces down my throat, I can catch on to obvious fishing metaphors. Isn't Jack's wife dying of cancer...could this conversation not happen over a phone call. Priorities Jack. Anyway, they take the fish to Hannibal, and he cooks them dinner. The way this man plates these fish is appalling an octopus is involved. Octopus and trout, how did it take these people so long to realize he's a lunatic.
They sit down to that horror show and have a little chit-chat about how their all friends, and Hannibal and Will are going to put the whole attempted murder behind them.
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We also meet Margot Verger, of the Verger slaughterhouse, which is worth millions. She is justifiably traumatized because her brother Mason has been abusing her their whole lives. Abusing her in ways I won't describe here, but I trust you understand. Also, she is gay, and a woman, So her stupid dead sexist bigot father left everything to her brother because only straight people with penises can slaughter hogs.
Hannibal is her therapist, and she wants to murder her brother. Hannibal is very enthusiastic about that idea.
Also, her brother Mason, steals people's tears? and stirs them into his martinies? It is very silly and was certainly a choice the showrunners made.
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Circling back to the horse thing. We meet Peter. A victim of a traumatic brain injury, who loves animals. Even though getting kicked by a horse was the reason for his injury. If anything bad happens to Peter I will rip this website asunder. DO NOT TOUCH HIM. So he did put a dead woman in a horse, to try and revive her. That is true. His social worker was murdering women and trying to blame Peter for it, but after Peter tells the police this. The social worker kills the horse that hurt Peter, just to be vindictive, before trying to murder Peter.
Anyway, Will and Hannibal show up, and as mentioned before, Peter has put his social worker in the horse. Will takes him aside to console him, and Peter confesses. He did not kill the guy before putting him in the horse...
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This man... put another man. A LIVING GROWN ADULT MAN. Inside a horse. sewing him up inside. That man then bursts out of the horse, still alive, and where was Hannibal when all of this was happening.
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Petting a sheep. In the barn. Just watching this man re-enact Alien. Even Hannibal seems to have a second of "Wow, this is happening" before telling the guy he would be better off in the horse. Will then storms back in and tries to kill the social worker but Hannibal stops him at the last second. Clearly impressed by Will's eagerness to kill.
...Seriously how big is a horse's womb...
On to the next episode
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aprillikesthings · 6 months
s5 ep8 Shot in the dark
Off topic but while looking for fan art of Catra from the portal (ugh I need to try different tags) I instead saw a bunch of anti-Catra and anti-Catradora and anti-spop blogs and jfc people need to get a life and touch some grass and if I'm saying that--
(I mean, I did leave the house today with Saer and their mom, we went to Powell's books where I spent too much money but I got a couple of wlw manga and a Judith Butler book among a few other things, and also we went to a vintage clothing store that seemed to have NO END but I bought one thing there, a lavender satin bathrobe, the short kind; the only thing wrong with it was that it's a bit faded in some places and it's a little small on me but it's a bathrobe, and it was like $26 AND 100% SILK)
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a question many astronauts have surely asked as well!
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these two squabbling but not actually fighting always sounds like flirting, it doesn't help that a split second after that screenshot, Catra actually smiles for a second
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Look. I love them.
Bow: "Adora, Catra's right" Everyone's eyes: go wide Bow: "...that felt weird to say"
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the startled noise they all make when he starts talking lolol
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but Catra has some flashes (from when she was in the hive mind) and says Krytis is a planet, nice. There's something there Horde Prime doesn't want them to know--so they head for Krytis, roll intro theme
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oh man they really did start changing this up every episode. Look at poor Perfuma's face.
Anyway on Krytis they find an old Horde ship and everyone else is trying to figure out what happened but poor Catra is remembering what it was like to be chipped :(
there's a cute moment when she notices her tail is all fluffy from fear and smooths it out before joining the others
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there's a "crack" video where Entrapta's little walk here is dubbed with a clip from an ancient Spiderman show's theme song
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LOOK AT HER the way Bow says this is so great
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Adora laughs longer than anyone else after Catra gets the helmet off and Catra blushes and smiles and everyone stands around not wanting the ruin the moment--and then Entrapta finds something and squeals and startles the shit out of everyone and it's SO GREAT
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Catra: "So, wait, the plan is to barge ahead into the structurally unsound building to find some mystery person that we know nothing about, in hopes that they somehow know how to defeat Horde Prime?"
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Bow: "You know, we were just gonna recklessly blast our way through that blockade until you stopped us. So this whole thing is basically your idea."
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Catra's starting to realize what DORKS they all are and that good-natured teasing is just part of the deal
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the GLEE with which they are including her
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I didn't mean to get a screenshot that makes it look like Adora is staring at Catra's butt, but(t) I'm not mad about it
Meanwhile, on Etheria:
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"and yet we're still stuck with you?"
Back on Krytis Wrong Hordak is having an existential crisis as he realizes Horde Prime is not perfect
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Catra fuckin' slices a door into the wall
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Bow: dunno if that's safe Glimmer: yeah I'm not sure about this either Adora: MY GIRLFRIEND IS STRONK and has v sharp claws isn't she perfect
seriously tho Adora is BLUSHING
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Catra's face
Glimmer's too, actually
oh god it's the bit where Catra keeps sneezing at the spore things in the air and Bow is just like 🥺
Adora's reaction to this conversation is also priceless
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Anyway a second later, Catra leans on the wall and sinks into it, she shrieks and Adora yells "CATRA!!" and when they pull her out the wall starts sending out HUGE MURDER SPIKES
Back on Etheria:
Castaspella: "You said you had a plan. The only reason I'm following you is because if anyone would know about mind control, it's you." Shadow Weaver: "Mind control? Is that what they told you? No. My gifts were always far subtler."
I dunno, I think torturing kids is hardly "subtle." But abuse is often hard to spot while it's happening to you.
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y'know, like this shit
Okay in fairness she says she was less powerful as well and now he's chipped he's under control by the enemy and they're not strong enough to fight him
On Krytis, the Squad realizes they've gotten confused/turned around in the abandoned ship--"Isn't this where we started?!" There's a growling noise. The hallway somehow gets longer while they're walking in it. Creepy as fuck.
Oh and also it turns out Horde Prime and the First Ones fought over Krytis ages ago and Prime won but then abandoned the place anyway.
Entrapta: also there's someone right behind you
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yay i know who this is lol
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ALSO Catra insisting on protecting everyone is v cute
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also it took me three times to get this screenshot ahahaha
and when she tackles it they both disappear
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the audible PANIC
OH HEY i hit the image limit okay hold on
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conniesanchor · 1 year
stop I saw your “you are in love” prompt and thought of spencer reid and wildest dreams
YES, THIS FITS SO WELL. this fic is a part of my 300 followers celebration!
spencer reid x fem!suspect!reader
summary: you're a suspect in a homicide. what happens when you fall for one of the fbi agents working the case?
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I thought Heaven can't help me now
Nothing lasts forever
But this is gonna take me down
when you heard a knock at your door, you didn't suspect anything. it was a friday night, so you figured it was just one of your girlfriends coming to pick you up to go to the club. when you opened the door to see two men standing there, your heart dropped. the man on the left was tall and skinny, his hair dangling in front of his eyes. if you weren't so afraid, you would've been more attracted to him. the man on the right had a darker skin tone, and he was more buffed up than the other one, "hello, mrs. l/n. im agent morgan, this is dr. reid. we're with the fbi, could we ask you a few questions?" the man on the right. asked, a silent request to come in.
you were concerned, but you let them in anyway, "yeah, of course. come in." you walked in, trying to tidy up in any way you could. "can i get you two anything?" you asked, your throat dry.
"no, that's alright. you worked with lani perez, correct?" dr. reid asked, he received a nod in response, "she was murdered last week. some of your coworkers have said you were the last one seen with her. do you know what happened?"
you shook your head, and if you had any saliva left in your throat before, it was gone now. how could she be dead? you just saw her yesterday. thoughts were flooding through your head, "um, no. i was the last one in the office, i think she might have said 'bye' or 'have a nice night', but other than that, no. we weren't that close." you rambled on.
after a few more questions that you didn't really listen to, but answered anyway, the agents made their way out. the taller one handed you a business card, "don't leave the state, be prepared to be called in for questioning at any time. right now, mrs. l/n. you are a suspect in the murder of lani perez." and then they left.
He's so tall and handsome as hell
He's so bad, but he does it so well
I can see the end as it begins
it wasn't long before you were called in for questioning. you sat in a cold, dark room, with only one window. you were in there for what felt like hours until the doctor that showed up to your house walked in. "i know how hard this must be for you, y/n. we aren't here to accuse you of anything, but you understand how it looks for you, don't you?" he asked, his eyes meeting yours intently. "you're gonna be here for a while. do you want water or something?"
"no. im okay."
he sighed, "for the record, i know you didn't do it. we just don't have any other leads. i know you're stressed, but you need to take care of yourself. let me get you water and food." he placed his hands on top of yours.
"okay." you couldn't really speak, and your hands were shaking too much. you were doing everything in your power to keep the tears from falling onto your face.
spencer moved toward the door to get you what you need. then, he turned around to do something that he normally doesn't do (and that would probably cause him to burn his suit at a later date), "do you need a hug?" he asked, and when he received a nod, he moved to wrap his arms around your neck. on instinct, you wrapped yours around his torso. you only stayed there for a moment, but you needed it.
Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
your name had officially been cleared. however, another one of your coworkers had been killed the other day. you knew it couldn't have been a coincidence. after the second murder spencer himself had an officer put outside your door. it was weird how close you had gotten recently. he was checking in on you every night, and he even stayed at your house for a couple hours one night.
now, it was ten pm when you heard a knock at your door. you knew no one should have made it past the officer sitting outside. so you rushed up the stairs and locked yourself in your bedroom. you pushed your dresser in front of the door and closed your curtains before dialing spencer on your cell.
he picked up after the first ring, and before you could get a word out, there was a crash downstairs. "spencer," you whispered. "spencer there someone in my house. please help."
"im on my way, okay? just stay calm. i will be there soon. don't hang up," he started. you were thankful that the police station he and his team were based at were just down the road from your house. "where are you?"
you tried to slow your breathing, "im in my bedroom. the door is locked, and i put something in front of it, but im not sure how long it will hold him off," your words were rushed, and you were panicking. the only thing that was helping you was the sound of police sirens on the other line.
"okay, that's good. were two minutes out. just stay calm and quiet, baby." baby. your life was on the line, and all you could think about was the fact that he just called you baby.
as promised, it was only two minutes before you heard the police sirens outside your house. two gunshots went off, and all you could think about was spencer. you had only known him for a week, but it felt like longer. it felt like you already knew everything about him. you kept worrying until you heard his shaky voice, "y/n. are you okay?" he asked before pushing the door and the dresser out of the way.
you quickly got up from your resting spot on the ground and rushed toward him, throwing your arms around his neck. "it's okay. you're safe now."
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burning it down
Someday when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around
spencer and his team had stayed in the city for a while longer. you shouldn't be happy about another case popping up in your hometown, but it gave you more time with spencer. the short amount of time he did get away from the case he spent at your house. in your bed. spending time with you.
when they solved the new case, spencer had to leave. virginia wasn't that far from your hometown, so you and spencer agreed to make it work. you would take turns flying out each weekend.
Even if it's just in your wildest dreams, ah-ah, ha (ha-ah, ha)
a year later, you moved in with spencer. you found a job and you were happy.
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thank you sm for requesting ml. this is pretty angsty. hope you liked it.
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stevishabitat · 4 months
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wodneswynn Hey, listen: We're not gonna get anywhere with this "socialism" stuff unless we can establish solidarity networks that provide. real, tangible aid. And I do mean "tangible" in the sense of "you can fill up a box with it."
Back in the old-timey days, when we didn't have things like a minimum wage or gov- ernment assistance, folks didn't think twice about paying union dues every month out of their meager paychecks. And in those days, when it was a regular, everyday occurrence for union people to get beat up or outright murdered for their union-ing, the unions still managed to win a lot of their fights. Reason for all that? The bigger part of them union dues I mentioned "went into a strike fund",
Time on a picket line means time off the clock. And as for me, in this economy, if I go a week without a check, my family don't eat. I go two weeks without a check, and we're homeless. And them's the brakes.
Rjenroses: In my community we started a co-op in order to, in part, purchase things with mass buying power (i.e, we can get things at wholesale if we order enough of them, so we can, for example, eat organic food for about what conventional costs a lot of the time.)
But we also set aside a little money each time we order, and that money helps pay for donation boxes... and the social network we created when we created the co-op means that if someone has a crisis, someone else probably has the answer. "This family just lost their job and can't afford to buy presents for their kids" may get a response of "Here are presents for every single family member" or it might end up with finding a job for the people looking for work, or both, because the co-op membership is diverse and represents a lot of people who are otherwise. very connected in the community.
When a part of town is out of power, it's usually possible to find a co-op member who can run for ice or bring a meal, or offer use of a washer/dryer for the evening.
We had one year where we were making donation meal boxes for a holiday, found out on the last delivery about a family in severe need, talked about it in the co-op group and ended up showing up at their house with not only a meal, but enough dry goods, paper towels, toilet paper, etc. for a month, plus a credit with the co-op for fresh fruits andveggies.
I cannot overstate the power of networking. in your community. This one started out. in a natural parenting group, but quickly spread beyond that, from college students to retirees. It's like a small town, only more open-minded. We started with about 20-30 families. There are now hundreds of people involved.
I had a trans kid land with me at one point and asked if anyone had size whatever clothes and within a few hours we had a box on my porch, within a couple days we had a bunch of things he needed.
The co-op keeps a lending library of tools and weirdly specific kitchen devices like an Æbleskiver pan, a food dehydrator, a capsule maker and a carpet cleaner. The kinds of things people need once or twice a year, but might not have the room to store.
We periodically do a buy of sensory toys and sensory bin supplies, for example, because we have a lot of autistic members and parents of autistic kids,I have bought socks from the co-op that were purple with unicorns farting rainbows on them. We recently got in Black History: flashcards and we've done a lot of Black Lives Matter and Hate Has No Home lawn signs. Pretty much if people want it and we can find it at wholesale, the co-op will order it.
It even spawned a side-business (more than one, actually, but this is the relevant one) of an online app for co-op managing, called http://managemy.coop so that other communities could take advantage of our experience and start out with an easier tool than the google spreadsheets we started out with.
Anyway... if you want to network within your community, this is a really, really good way of connecting with a broad cross-section of people.
nyshadidntbreakit: All that stuff about unions still applies, too. Unions have hardship funds. If you're a union member and you're broke, or you've been fired, or whatever, you can apply to the union for a grant to help you out. The binmen in Birmingham pulled off a months-long strike. recently thanks to the union paying their living costs. Unions force employers to pay decent pension contributions and have safe sick leave policies,
If you're employed, join your damn union!
solarpunk gnomes: You might check out http://www.transitionus .org/transition-towns too. They're trying to build resilient communities by getting neighbors to talk with each other about stuff.
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as the OG source of the A Little Kindness AU aka Raine adopting Hunter I would LOVE to know how you would change it to be canon compliant. i mean obviously the reveal would be after everything, but god just imagine Hunter worrying about his anonymous friend/caretaker and he finds out its the FUCKING OWL LADY'S PARTNER and hes just so happy theyre ok and to know who helped him out all the time but also OH TITAN LUZ IS GONNA BE HIS SISTER EVEN MORE NOW!
~adoption anon
the little gray box who started it all!!!! welcome back
good lord there would be so many overhauls...just so incredibly many I gotta try to break it all down to smaller sections to even get. a glimpse
1) okay so as we have learned Raine was NOT, in fact, under any mind control, just pulling the biggest brained move on Snapdragon she ever did see. so raine doesn't even go missing in the first place, if anything they might halt the notes altogether but still remain in the castle just because they were under constant vigilance and meeting eda again mightve made them triply afraid of getting other people involved with their work. hunter stresses about it, as you do, but flapjack isn't freaking out cause HE'S seen raine's face, and he knows that they're fine, but he has no idea what happened, so Hunter is less concerned since Flapjack isn't. not by a lot tho.
2) so INSTEAD of Hunter booking it to Luz to plead for help on some criminals, he instead takes all of this suppressed fear and worry and stress and just kinda. balls it up. and then shoves all of it out in the open during Eclipse Lake. he goes HARD trying to get that Titan's Blood and the thing where he tried to relate to Amity over being a failure? he doubles down on that shit TREMENDOUSLY and their shared failing to live up to what other ppl wanted and pushing away their friends (granted Amity actually pushed Willow away to try and help, Hunter didn't push Raine away he just thought he did). you think his breakdown in Eclipse Lake was concerning? hes about to make it even more concerning. hes very very afraid for Bat and he would really rather they hate him than anyone found out they'd been talking to him and they got murdered, so he better try and beat the shit out of Amity! if Belos is pleased with him, maybe he'll hesitate on whatever punishment Bat might be having right now
3) Raine, bless 'em, keeps trying to help Hunter how they can, dropping these tiny hints they don't mean to drop. Hunter's part of setting up and preparing everything for the Coven Day Parade and Raine is noticeably always checking in on the Golden Guard. we know now that Hunter started showing his face more after the Palisman incident, but Raine isn't seen around often, so I imagine it's around the Coven Day Parade that they finally see what Hunter looks like--and good lord that IS a literal teenager what the hell did they DO TO HIM---alright scrap all the plans. darius, eberwolf, change of plans. everything stays the same, but we're kidnapping Hunter on the way out
4) Any Sport in a Storm is pretty much the same, Hunter is just even antsier & more desperate to get these new friends to like him bc. Bat. and also punts Darius twice as hard. Darius for his part is only marginally nicer because he knows Raine's weirdly attached to this little rat of a child--oh wait nvm he sees why now. alright valid point. Darius is a firm believer in "for the love of god just tell him you're Bat it will save everyone a lot of stress" but unfortunately Raine subscribes to "if anyone i really care about is within fifty feet of me we are All Going To Die"
5) mostly everything would stay the same in Hollow Mind, i think? Raine, Darius and Eberwolf might actually go up to the Owl House and speak when Hunter and Luz get trapped in Belos's mind since its both Raine and Darius that are stressed as fuck over the kid? in that instance then everyone teams up much quicker (and in confusion) but Hunter still books it out at fast speeds into the woods and somehow makes it to Hexside. he's a slippery little bastard, but luckily now theres a whole gang teamed together to track him down and hes found by Darius pretty quickly after the Owl House is evacuated and torn apart. however Hexside is VERYYYYY on edge over coven heads claiming to want to "help" and "have betrayed the Coven" so they're all beating Darius back like a rabid raccoon and Hunter thinks he's here to kill him. so thats fun. eventually Darius gives up, scruffs Raine, and throws them down at Hexside and demands they finally clear shit up. its a very cute scene of Raine sneaking in and slipping little notes under the door of whatever classroom Hunter's hiding for his life in, wherein he realizes Bat's come back. and Hunter's finally brave enough to yank open the door to---RAINE?????
6) more stuff that mostly stays the same. Hunter however is very stressed over Raine when they're trapped in the human realm which eventually leads to him and Luz talking a lot and him realizing "im sorry waht the fuck do you MEAN that the owl lady and raine whispers were a THING??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERES STILL SOMETHING THERE????" but above all i want to fuck this boy up so insanely bad and at least give him a GLIMPSE of Raine's puppet body being possessed by Belos. even if there is no interaction other than Hunter seeing them for a brief flash I know in my heart that would fuck him up so bad. he would blame himself so so much. Belos really here to kill everything he loves before he can finally be free huh
7) MOST importantly they finally get to hug when everyones reunited and hunter feels SO INCREDIBLY GUILTY when he sees all the fresh new scars Raine has courtesy of Belos. to which Raine, in peak parent fashion, just goes "nah, i dont mind 'em. now we match :]" and Hunter's just god u are missing the point so badly but i'll let it slide. how'd you know my new scars were from belos. and raine just stares like "how did i know your new scars were from WHAT????? oh im so glad i killed his ass" "YOU DID WHAT"
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Totally cheating and writing this post early. IT'S THE ONLY WAY.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 6, Chapters 5-6 below.
Chapter 5: Colorless Expression
Vash's careless pose with a cheerful smile is a very harsh contrast to the revelation at the end of the last chapter.
I wonder who got that photo of July going up. Also, shout out to the tiny, tiny headshot of Vash in the newspaper.
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Never underestimate the cruelty potential of little old ladies. Especially if they think they have nothing to lose.
Is Vash going to church??
LOL, not if this kid has anything to say about it.
I dunno. I think Meryl might be onto something. Or maybe just noticing it for the first time. Maybe some of both.
Vash looks like he's praying. Or falling asleep.
Aaand there's tired Vash looking like Knives. Ugh, someone take care of him.
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Very rude of them to bring guns into the house of God AND to then suggest murdering someone with them right then and there.
I read this guy's name wrong so from now on he's Justin Baby.
Never trust a Haliburton. They're always up to something.
Meanwhile, Wolfwood is in noodle bliss. I'm sure that's gonna last and he's gonna get to enjoy the whole bowl undisturbed.
Yep, he got a whole three panels before a cacophony of news about Vash's latest shenanigans interrupted his meal. You can see his peace and quiet melt out of his being.
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Vash was already feeling pretty freaking depressed over all he's done. That's why he went to the church in the first place. This is not helping.
Wait, has Vash been drinking?? Buddy, don't you know alcohol's a downer? It's not gonna help with the depression. Even Wolfwood thinks this is a bad idea. Looks like he still has the moves, though.
Ohhhh, babygirl doesn't look so good.
Wolfwood and the girls know what's up, and Wolfwood in particular looks less than thrilled about it. First his soup, then sloppy mess Vash, and now his boss.
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Vash, babygirl, what's going on in that spiky head of yours right now??
Wolfwood has clearly had enough of this morning's shit.
There's so much going on on this page, with characters overlapping without any panel breaks even though they're clearly not realistically positioned around Wolfwood. It's like our priest man is drowning in them. And then there's Vash, alone in the lower left corner, the last place you're likely to look when reading manga, and the only one set out from everyone else. ;_;
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"Needle-noggin-isms." Heh.
Dude, this guy has Mad Max speakers.
Drunk or not, Vash still has mad skills.
He burned some of his power to catch that bullet. That's... he's really not in a good mental place, is he.
Meryl just goes into a full-on panic at the sight of it. Can't say I blame her, all things considered. No one was as up close and personal with that last encounter in the Dragon's Nest as she was.
Uggggghhhhh, Vash knows he's messed up.
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Guys, I shoulda stopped three chapters ago. This chapter's depressing AF.
God bless Wolfwood. He's doing his best to protect Vash while abiding by them Needle-noggin-isms.
Milly's just straight up carrying Meryl, isn't she?
Vash, noooooo, this huuuuurts.
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He's got too much he's trying to carry, and now he's just lost. Thank God for once he's not alone. He's got people around him right now, and that... that might be enough. Even one person having his back might be enough.
Heh, the kid is trying his best to fight the adults. Good for him.
And Wolfwood, trying his best to lighten the mood. Awkwardly.
Chapter 6: Seeds Voyaging to the Stars, A World Inside A Pod
How DARE you show me their smiling faces after that. How dare. I'm in no mood. D:<
Oh, good. It's Knives. I think.
Ok, I love how in every one of these panels, the dark streak in Knives' hair is somehow hidden. It gets called out once on its own, but when we're looking at Knives' face, it's not there. It just kind of deepens how incredibly important it is.
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The games are over. Now Knives has to find a different way to save his brother... and himself. Or risk them both dying in the process.
I wonder what Legato will think of his boss's new look....
I thought Elandira was down with Knives' plan because she had no issues with it for some reason, but now I think she's just here for the chaos and not really much more invested in who wins than Zazie is.
Ooof, Vash catching sight of his reflection. That face looking back at him is always his brother's.
Yeah, Wolfwood's run out of patience for this shit. He might punch Knives in the face if he had the chance right now. This... this is how he shows he cares about Vash's well-being.
Ooohhhh, is Vash getting echoes of what happened there?
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Seeing his sister's corpse isn't sitting well for Vash, either.
Hells, even before the fall, we have Vash just floating around by himself. He has a whole-ass happy, non-genocidal brother and a caring surrogate mom, and our introduction to him here is him by himself, touched by nothing, backdropped by the void of space.
Hahahahaha, the boys look so confused.
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Interesting that Rem is wearing a silly mask at this awkward birthday party when we were JUST TALKING ABOUT how Vash plasters a fake expression on to try and paint things a brighter color. I'm sure it has no significance whatsoever, especially with Rem awkwardly dodging Vash's question about what's the matter by saying how incredible a year it's been.
OMG BABY KNIVES!!! You can't look at this and tell me Knives didn't adore Rem at least as much as Vash did.
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She adores them, too, despite how much she must feel like she's grasping at straws trying to figure out how to take care of them.
I love that every version of Trigun thus far has had a birthday scene for the boys with Rem.
Fishing them out of the plant bulb must have been a task.
Hahahaha, definitely a shortcut. In so many ways.
The boys aren't fooled. I know the boys are hyper-intelligent and all, but even normal kids often pick up on micro-emotions like this.
Ugggghhhhh, they both loved all the people on the ships. THEY BOTH LOVED ALL THE PEOPLE ON THE SHIPS!!!
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Their conversation.... They both want to be friends with the humans, even if it takes effort.
Knives, maybe you should lay off some of the war movies.
I like to think they created Plants the way the Quarians created sentient AI in Mass Effect. They were just trying to do something that didn't include making a conscious intelligence, and then something went weird that no one understands, and now Plants.
Blaring space ship alarms are not a preferred wake-up method. Especially when you're on the spaceship.
Is Rem trying to hide the twins from the crew??
Cliffhanger ending?! Booooooo....
Author Bonus Chapter
Uhhhh, ok, I'm just gonna note the kana here...
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...isn't exactly a sound effect like all the rest of the kana on this page. This is literally the word for "pants" (ズボン, zubon) repeated several times.
Why they're all shouting "pants" at a pro-wrestling event is beyond me. Maybe 'cause the guys often don't wear pants.
Tiny, tiny Nightow in the audience. You know, I would have never guessed he was into pro wrestling given the IMMENSE AMOUNT OF DRAMATIC POSTURING AND WRESTLING OUTFITS his characters wear all the freaking time.
Gods, I recognize some of those signs. I didn't even like pro wrestling....
"Check my monkey ass directly into smackdown hotel!" LOL
"Ah, this reeks of effort!" Classic Nightow.
LOL, I could see him trying to buy all the figurines for himself. Gotta admit, if someone made a figurine of the main character of something I published, I'd buy it, too.
I will never get over Nightow asking McFarlane to do an "American Check" on the gun. The legacy of my country, folks.
"Please detail this area as it pleases you." Good to know Nightow is paying attention to those small details when he draws. /s
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Actually, he did bother to emphasize the need for the ear piercing and the mole, which is good.
Somehow, I don't think he regrets the chain too much.
Hahahahaha, he imagines the place like some sort of evil lair.
Ohhhhh, nooooo. New Jersey?? Gods, this must have been a thing for someone who wasn't very familiar with U.S. geography. This was in 2000, too, apparently, which means (for all you young 'uns) that the internet was notoriously unreliable for looking up stuff like this. This was back in the day when a lot of teachers banned the use of internet sources because it was just assumed they'd be wrong. Assuming your teacher wasn't afraid of the internet entirely because they heard people could find naughty images on it.
They make figurines via DARK RITUALS.
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Good to know I'm not inexcusable. I may not have many figurines, but manufacturing processes have always intrigued me.
LOL, "san kyu." San kyu for writing it, Nightow. You bastard. I'm going to cry myself to sleep over fictional characters tonight because of you.
This song started playing around the time I finished up this volume, and it seemed fitting, so I'm gonna put it here.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Volume 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 6: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4
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Her Song part 11
The bright morning sun cuts through the curtains, illuminating the unfamiliar bedroom. My eyes flutter open as I groan quietly. I feel around the mattress, confused at the lack of another body next to me. I sit up and notice a note on the pillow.
Morning, beautiful. Sorry to leave you like this but I had to go to work. Call me later :)
I sigh and gather my clothes off the floor, stiffly pulling them on my tired body. I find my phone in the pocket of my jeans; unsurprisingly, the battery is dead. I leave the apartment, locking the door behind me. When I get to my car, the dashboard says it's 9am, which means Ash is already at the shop with Syd. And Florence has probably already stopped by.
I drive home in a daze, inattentively passing by cars and stoplights. I really need caffeine.
Upon arriving at the apartment, the first thing I do is plug in my phone. I hop in the shower as it charges, then brew some coffee to wake myself up. Eventually, I meander back to my phone—which is now fully charged—and check my notifications. I click on the most recent text, which is from Ash.
Ash: You were supposed to tell me if you weren't coming home, asshole. Ash: At least you got laid thoooo Ash: Assuming you didn't get kidnapped and/or murdered, that is. Ash: Anyway, we're at the shop. Take your time.
Me: Thank you, Ash. Sorry for not texting. I got distracted.
She only answers with the middle finger emoji, prompting me to roll my eyes. I exit our chat and see several new messages from a random number. With furrowed eyebrows, I open the string of messages. What the...?
Guilt claws up my throat as I read. I feel like I'm gonna puke, my heartbeat thumping in my chest. Regret. That's what it is. That cold-hearted bitch named regret. I have no idea how to respond.
Me: Florence?
I stare at the screen for several minutes, chewing my lip in anticipation. It finally shows that she read the message, but she doesn't reply.
Me: Flo, please answer. I know it's you. Can we please just talk about this?
After ten minutes, both texts are read but there's still no reply. "Dammit," I mutter to myself, unplugging my phone and dumping my coffee in the sink. I grab my keys off the counter and leave the apartment, taking the steps two at a time.
My fingers tap anxiously on the steering wheel as I drive, checking my phone at every red light. Throwing the car in park outside the shop, I rush inside and stop in front of the counter, asking "Ash, has she been in yet?"
"Wow, morning to you too."
"Has Florence come in yet?" I repeat impatiently.
"No, she hasn't. I think you pissed her off with your date."
I groan frustratedly, slumping on a stool.
"Morning, Momma! Did you have fun at your sleepover?"
"Morning, Syd. Sure, it was...loads of fun," I answer dejectedly.
Around noon, I'm filling out some paperwork at the counter when a blonde woman sits next to me. "Hey, Scarlett. What are you doing here?"
"I came to talk," she says with a small smile. "Have you talked to Florence?"
I huff an insincere laugh and shake my head. "She texted me last night. I answered her this morning and now she's ignoring me. I don't know what to do."
"Well, she showed up at my house around midnight last night. She was drunk...like, really drunk. She was going on about you and some girl and- well, it was hard to decipher what she was saying, but she was clearly upset. Y/N, what is going on with you guys?"
"I don't know." With my head in my hands, I repeated "I don't know. I really like her, Scarlett. But she has Zach."
"That doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings for you."
"Why do you say that?"
"It's pretty obvious, sweetheart. What she's doing isn't fair to you, I know. But just try to consider what she's dealing with, too."
Scarlett's right. I've been so focused on my feelings that I haven't stopped to think about the fact that Florence is probably so conflicted.
"What do you think I should do?" I ask Scarlett.
"I would give you her address and tell you to go see her, but...he'll probably be there too. Just call her, okay? I doubt she'll answer, but I know she'll listen to the voicemail," she suggests. I nod and she says, "I really have to go. Rose and Colin are waiting for me. Good luck, Y/N."
"Thank you, Scarlett."
She leaves and I stare at my phone, debating what I want to say. Walking out back for some privacy, I create a new contact with the number from last night and press call. It rings over and over, until I'm finally sent to voicemail.
"Hey, Florence. I didn't really expect you to answer, but I just need to talk to you. About those texts...you have to see where I'm coming from. As much as I've grown to like you over the past couple weeks, you have a boyfriend. So, yes, I agreed to a date and I spent the night with her. But you can't be mad about that because how do you think I feel when I see you with him? I know you're probably feeling conflicted, so I'm giving you some space to figure things out. I'll be here when you're ready. Just don't be a stranger, okay? See you around," I end the voicemail with a shaky breath.
I walk back into the shop, plastering on a fake smile to greet customers and fool Syd. I just hope Florence comes back to me. Even if we can't be anything more than friends, I want her in my life.
It's around closing time, and Syd is asleep in a bean bag chair. The bell rings and in walks a man. Brown hair, older, conventionally attractive. Boyfriend.
"Uh, hey, Zach," I greet apprehensively.
"Don't. Just stop, okay? I heard the message you left Florence," he spits, stepping much closer to me than I'm comfortable with. "And you're gonna back off, got it?"
"I don't-"
"I'm her boyfriend. She is mine, so stay the fuck away from her. God, I can't believe Florence brought me here and introduced me to you. I can't believe I didn't see what you're doing. If I find out you're trying anything with her, I will ruin you. Think about the influence I have. I could destroy you and your shop's reputation with a single post. I never wanna see you again."
I pause, raising my eyebrows. "Are you done, or...?"
"Do you understand me?" he shouts, slamming his hand down on the counter next to us.
"Yes, yes I understand you."
"Good. I blocked your number on Florence's phone. Don't even brother trying to contact her. She won't be coming back here," he growls before storming out of the shop.
I sigh heavily, closing my eyes. I feel a tug on my wrist and look down to find Syd staring at me with tears in her eyes. "Momma, why was that man yelling?" she whispers, her lip quivering.
I hoist her up and hold her on my hip. "He was just upset, honey. It's fine, I promise. You have nothing to worry about," I reassure her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. I feel her nod against my shoulder.
Nothing to worry about at all.
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amaranthsynthesis · 11 months
Hey um, if its not too much trouble (I get sometimes a character is trans and that's not the big part of his story) would you mind talking about that for Ballard?
I'm trans and its been really nice seeing all the trans Tavs/Durges. Ballard is my fav. :3
hi anon it is not too much trouble at ALL, I have a lot of thoughts about trans characters in fantasy in general and Ballard in specific because I am incapable of being chill even for a moment. THANK YOU for asking and for saying he's a fav <3 <3 <3
Quick disclaimer: Like. A trans character (either hc or oc or canon) is never gonna be something I don't love; I remember when this just wasn't something you saw in fandom spaces at all, let along in actual media. I remember reading Khaos Komix in 07 or 08 and getting to Tom's story and feeling so strange and overwhelmed in a way I genuinely did not understand for another decade, bc I didn't even know it was an option, let alone one that I was identifying with--and I didn't encounter it again for fucking ages! But we're here now!! That's exciting!! That being said: I don't really get a ton out of settings where it's normalized and perfectly accepted and easily obtainable, the kind of toothless fantasy escapism that just tacks it on like it changes nothing about that character's childhood or adolescence or relationships or ability to connect with others. I'm not saying every setting has to be violently transphobic (although there is a kind of validation to that kind of story!), but the opposition to/hostility to/ignorance about transness is such an integral part of my experiences that I don't connect without those elements. So all of my trans characters (which is most of them, at this point) are very deliberate in how I conceptualize their gender and how it affects their story.
So to Ballard specifically! Backstory dump et all below the cut, this turned out.... rly long. I'm doing an ask game as well, feel free to send some questions in :3
Ballard grew up in Menzobarrenzen, fostered into House Halvyriin after the Matron received a dream from Bhaal about the baby he made and just kind of dumped on the side of the road (thanks dad). Drow society is matriarchal, and he was raised as female with the intention of taking a leadership role in the House and in Menzobarrenzen in general--his education consisted entirely of martial skills, diplomacy and communication, oration, discernment, etc. He wasn't permitted to learn any of the arts, or to really associate at all with anything 'frivolous'. Getting a beautifully crafted knife and just wishing for it to have been a necklace, or a doll, or a lovely tunic. I think he understood even at the time that this wasn't even a standard all girls had to meet, or even all presumed-heirs, but because of his nature he had to be the best weapon possible, without weakness or flaw. They do not hide it from him that he's Bhaalspawn, and in fact make it very clear that he was a gift to them from Bhaal and he has a grand purpose to achieve, but in the House and in the world outside.
His training was accelerated, and very intense, because the first time the Dark Urge came for him he was six years old and took out a a dozen or so people in the House before anyone thought to be prepared for a two foot tall murder machine--mostly servants or slaves, so the Matron was able to take it in stride easily enough, but after that he was very closely monitored and controlled, and severely emotionally repressed. This is the first time Sceleritas Fel showed up, after the bloodbath when Ballard was alone again. He offers some amount of advice and comfort, and indicates he knows much that Ballard does not: "You are ahead of schedule, my lady--no, that's not right at all, is it? Worry not, my lord, and know that your father has a plan for you. You must focus on your lessons, for now, and we will meet again in time."
(I think if you have a demonic butler who can die and be resurrected with zero difficulty or complication he SHOULD have some weird timeline powers, imo. Love Sceleritas as comedic relief, but also as the first and only genuine care even approaching parental feelings that Ballard ever had.)
He's six, so he fuckin forgets, and the urge is quieted enough that it doesn't trouble him for another ten years; so he very dutifully allows himself to be pruned and shaped into a perfect female heir and a perfect tool. At 16 he has his first period, and that, combined with the effects of puberty he is already having, drives him into a rage he cannot define the source of. He is in the process of destroying his room to the stonework when Sceleritas comes back--he only doesn't immediately kill him because he's so surprised to see this person he had assumed was a figment of his childhood imagination. They go through this whole exchange of 'my lord', 'why are you calling me that', 'I'm not wrong, even if you don't see it yet', 'well I don't have time to deal with this right now do I so (chucks it back in the vault)'. And then Ballard only interacts with the concept of his gender very intermittently and with both hands over his eyes for the next twenty years. Sceleritas is very firm in only calling him 'my lord' and 'young master' as he teaches him knives, poisons, etc but he simply does not address him in mixed company, which is not very often. Everyone else finds him deeply disturbing.
Only two other people ever know, while he still lives in the underdark. The first is Imton, a follower of Loviatar who is brought in as one of Ballard's many tutors to teach him a) 'to teach him stoicism in the face of pain' and b) to teach him how to apply violence and brutality without killing. (He is based on every fat drag queen I have ever fallen briefly in love with from the audience seating--super pretty, gorgeous, draping clothing, tons of jewelry--very sparkly shiny). Imton is known as 'the Jeweled Whip of Menzobarrenzen'--he is a very highly regarded sex worker, as much as anything else, and he ends up being Ballard's first lover. He has a lot of feelings about his first time, since Imton was still teaching as much as he was fucking and Ballard was somewhat infatuated with him, but he has such a bad physical reaction of disgust and shame afterward.
That's the final nail in the coffin for 'ah, I cannot keep ignoring this, can I' and he ends up having a bit of a breakdown trying to explain it to Imton without having any of the necessary vocabulary. Imton, being a worldly and reasonable guy who interacts with people who are not just Lolth and Bhaal worshipers, is like 'Ah! Ok. I can work with that. Let's get you some information.'
(Imton gave Ballard his dagger earrings he wears most every day and is also who the Emperor sniped it's dream guardian look from, fun little facts that don't make me upset at all.)
The second person to know is the Matron Halvyriin, and it is not until the second time Ballard tries to challenge her when he is 36. (A 'challenge' being my way of reconciling WotC 'elves reach social maturity at 100' with the actual timeline in BG: drow are expected to mature faster, and can prove their growth by besting their head of house in combat in order to be treated as full adults). His first, a decade prior, he failed; it's not expected that this time he will succeed either, as most don't until their 50s. He does manage to beat the Matron, however, to everyone's surprise including his own. She expresses the first pride she ever has in him, and says he will be the best Matron the House will have seen in generations when he takes the position from her.
Ballard confesses that he cannot be the Matron, and reveals himself to be a man to her, and it all goes to shit very rapidly after that.
He explains to Gortash later than any other Matron would most likely have killed him for that, and that she would have, too, if she had not loved Bhaal more than Lolth. She tried instead to banish and disown him. "Her mercy was her own ending," he says. He killed her and most of her guard and then everyone between him and the exit, and he burned House Halvyriin behind him when he fled. Later he finds out hardly anyone survived, and the house itself is no more--he still uses the house name so other drow are occasionally surprised to find some far-flung male of the lost House Halvyriin.
Sceleritas guides him to Baldurs Gate, when he leaves the underdark, and he's able to use some of the information Imton gave him to pursue transition. I imagine that HRT isn't too difficult to find, given alchemy being so easily accessible, but it is a bit more specialized so not every shop will be able to help. Part of me wants to say Sceleritas helped with top surgery but we have seen his surgical skills and I do not think that wise! It's reasonably straightforward at this point, except that the combination of the dark urge, a lifetime of repressed emotions suddenly given the opportunity to express themselves, and the hormonal volatility of second puberty means that for a year or so Ballard has a really hard time maintaining control of the Urge, and does a couple of really badly managed murder sprees he doesn't remember well.
This is before he's able to take control of or clean up the remnants of the Bhaalist cult in Baldur's Gate, so he ends up commandeering like a single dingy cell in the temple to lock himself in werewolf-style whenever he takes the potion equivalent of his shot every couple of weeks. Once his body got used to the new hormones it settled down! And, freed from the expectations of the rigid society he grew up in, he experiments more with pretty things. Earrings, necklaces, costume jewelry just as much as actual gold or silver, beautiful and embroidered and sheer fabrics, growing his hair out, wearing makeup etc. He likes to be pretty. He doesn't let it impact his mobility or access to weaponry, and he has to be fairly practical about things getting ruined by blood, but he's never without some simply jewelry or makeup prior to the tadpole.
I imagine that trans people aren't common in Faerun, but they aren't super unusual either. Most of Ballard's lovers have been surprised to find that he doesn't have the equipment they expected, but are reasonably willing to adapt to the situation. Bottom surgery isn't something he is interested in, but there are certainly some options available for both sides of the fence, both in terms of actual surgery and in terms of augmentative devices.
After the tadpole, when Ballard doesn't remember anything, he doesn't even think to wonder about his body or top surgery scars--it registers as normal. If prompted he is able to retrieve the information, but it's also very funny to imagine the first encounter he has with Astarion has a brief moment of 'what is THAT' (local man has forgotten about penises).
This is such a ramble and I'm sure I will remember things I meant to include later, but yeah! There are soooo many trans tavs and durges and they have been nothing but a delight to see, I love them all and I love hearing everyone's interpretations.
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messinwitheddie · 1 year
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Dipper “Could everyone please lay off the murder jokes, especially YOU, grunkle Stan! There's dark humor and then there's just being obnoxious and cruel.”
Stan “Far be it from me to lighten the mood.”
Dipper “If any of us were cracking Holocaust jokes, would you be laughing?”
Stan “No, I suppose not.”
Dipper “There you go. I understand Nny doesn't give a shit about his victims. It's his house, it's his life story to tell, it's his prerogative, I get it, but the rest of us really should have the decency to show some goddamn respect for the dead and their families. Everyone stop cracking jokes and stop laughing.”
Squee “He has a point, guys.”
Soos “I… I was just trying to engage in conversation.”
Dib “Why are you being so uptight right now? You knew whose spirit we were trying to contact.”
Dipper “Because we're supposed to be documenting a real and indisputable ghost sighting! Professionalism counts here!”
Dib “Fuck you, man! I'm the most professional investigator here!”
Dipper “Fuck YOU! You're not more “professional”! You just have way more money to throw around!”
Dib “You've been a bitch this whole trip; what is your malfunction?!”
Dipper “You and your trust fund baby big golden dickitry!”
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Squee “Alright! Turn off the cameras! Shut off all the gadgets! Everyone separate and take 15!”
Dib “Sure! We only have so many hours to interact with their corporeal forms, but sure! Let's take a 15! Real fucking professional!”
Dipper “Dude, shut up!”
Dib “YOU shut up!”
*Door slams*
Squee “Hey, Soos, Mr. Pines, you want to…?”
Stan “Yeah, yeah, We’ll set the boys straight. Be right back.”
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*Dialogue for a later date*
Squee “Don't mind them. Dib and Dipper collaborating on the same investigation is kind of like locking two honey badgers in a box. They'll probably fight to the death and the box will be destroyed in the process. You should have seen them when they were deconstructing this alien's abandoned base or when-”
Nny “All of your new family and friends think I'm a scumbag.”
Squee “Noooo, they don't.”
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Nny “They HATE me. Everyone here hates me. Boss-er- Stan definitely hates me and I don't blame any of them.”
Squee “You're fine, man.”
Nny “Please don't make me do this.”
Squee “Like Dipper said, they're here to try to record some concrete evidence of ghosts. They're not here to judge anybody. Everyone is coming back soon and we're all gonna be cool and get through this interview. Keep being you, but maybe be... slightly less so.”
Nny “I'm going to hide in the floorboards until everyone leaves or I die and get flung back into the ethereal horrors a.gain”
Squee “There’s way too many bodies stuffed under there for you to fit too and you know it.”
Nny “Awww…shit!”
Some bs wrm up sketches for today drawn to some unused dialogue. Kind of wish I had written down some of the murder jokes that popped into my head the other night at work, but this post is long enough and I have to move on.
I love the idea of Dib and Dipper being good friends, but I also picture them clashing pretty hard when teaming up on paranormal research.
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i already know this is a dream sequence but opening on stede and izzy having a badass swordfight is dope
stede's fantasy is all about him looking and sounding super masc... babyboy that's not you...
and of course izzy's last words are "you absolute twaaaaaaaaaat" i'm fucking dying
"knew you'd find me babe" and of course ed's got his beautiful beard back and he looks perfect and he loves stede's beard sfjgdskjgdshj stede
aaaaaaand f in the chat for stede's dream sequence, wee john is doing chemical warfare
"can't be worse than you moaning 'ed, oh, ed' all night long" f in the chat for black pete and the rest of the crew
AHAHAHA roach going "he's single" and shoving the swede at jackie. c'mon swede be a hobosexual for us we gotta sleep somewhere
"come closer. spanish jackie don't bite. i lied, i bite" and he giggles i am immediately on board congrats jackie on your 21st husband
love olu's fancy bartender waistcoat!
"i'll buy you a drink" this guy! the guy who's practically stede's twin! in the disco outfit that stede steals! is he the guy stede does a punch on? is he hitting on stede? oh my GOD where is this going
"richard banes. are you stede bonnet?" dear lord this guy could not have a posher accent. is he the guy who ends up with a fake nose. he's an undercover cop isn't he. how else does he know who stede is
awww fuck we're cutting to ed. shit's about to go down
(stede) "hope you're thinking of me as well" close-up on ed's TRUST NO-ONE tattoo. fuuuuuuuuck
and immediately the wedding ed's gonna crash is like some extremely classist/"we must breed more upper class, worthy humans" shit, so ed can do a little murder actually i immediately don't feel bad for them
"objection" ed can board a ship without anyone fucking noticing if it looks cool actually
THERE HE IS he's made everyone put on the emo paint. i keep pausing and rewatching this part. love izzy's sarcastic little smile
jim looks so fucking sexy
so does frenchie tbh
ed's just eating the cake. cake topper my beloved...
OH NO IVAN DIED. OFF-SCREEN. F IN THE CHAT. and frenchie only cares about the cake JUST KIDDING HE IS HARDCORE DISSOCIATING. poor fang tho...
stede taking down blackbeard's wanted poster... does he have a little shrine in the pig sty he's sleeping in. does he draw hearts on the posters
"he's just blowing off some steam" stede has decided the atrocities are cool and fun actually. atrocities are okay if the man doing them has big beautiful brown eyes too. what about it
"i also killed someone and stole their kiosk. sometimes action is better than vision" can we get sue on the crew? "that's what i've been telling him" "that's 'cause you're the smart one" sue confirms that olu is the only crewmember with a brain cell
'we can't turn up with any old ship, we need to look good" STEDE. FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD.
ed putting the little cake topper in his breast pocket next to his heart i'm going feral
"did everyone get cake?" "yeah they got cake"
ed is doing drugs and izzy has never looked more miserable and soggy. he looks like someone dunked him in an inkwell
shit's gotta be really bad if izzy needs to be rocked and cuddled while he cries... babyboy you should have just let ed hold the talent show...
i am not at all surprised that jackie's taking all of stede and co.'s savings. this is jackie's house. jackie does not have a tip jar. you're in the republic of pirates hide it better next time
well you didn't even get jackie and the swede a wedding present. this is her wedding present. HIDE THE JAR BETTER-
"what if we took that back?" "i think my husbands would have a problem with that. have you met all twenty of 'em?" PAUSING TO LOOK AT THE HUSBANDS.
"that's a lot of husbands" black pete misses his husband, tails. he misses him a lot
love the one wearing no shirt and a tight waistcoat/corset thing with the axe. one's got cool glasses. two of them are either super twinky or lady-husbands, excellent either way (jackie and her lady-husbands, nandor and his guy-wives... beautiful...)
"i know that guy we had breakfast together" "you will be having a lot of breakfasts-es together" "oh ok" sometimes a family is a pirate businesswoman and her 20 19 18 20 husbands and we stan
maybe the sexy axe husband cooked the breakfast. i am delighting in imagining them being all cute and domestic until jackie needs them to stand around and look intimidating and then they all scramble into position. their job is to cook breakfast and look sexy and scare the shit out of anyone jackie points them at
i like to imagine that as soon as one of jackie's husbands died she's like fuck i gotta get a new one to make up the numbers. my brand is 20 husbands i can't be seen with only 19. who's new in town that is remotely attractive. ooh, swedish blondie with a metal tooth, he'll look nice next to the one in glasses
anyway stede and co. are now homeless rip
why does roach have buttons on a rope leash sfhdskjghsgk is buttons so desperate to return to his true love (the sea) that they have to treat him like a toddler trying to run into traffic
"dear ed, i think i'm afraid to see you. i'm not afraid you're gonna kill me, i'm afraid your life is better without me!" I AM GOING TO LOSE IT. SOMEONE GET THIS POOR BOY SOME SELF-ESTEEM
i paused on the wanted poster and it said "wanted for theft brigandry larceny arson tax evasion" sgkjhsfgkjsfhgk the fucking IRS is going to find ed before stede does
"could be. could be, mate" stede your ed impression sucks shit
oh god richard's there. are you a cop or just a fan.
"the gentleman pirate saved my life! quite frankly, you're my hero!" with his fancy fucking coat oh god stede has a fan. stede has a copycat fan. AND STEDE'S NOW HAPPY OH MY GOD I AM HITTING HIM WITH A HAMMER (affectionate)
he fed stede a line about jackie's roman puzzle chest... i don't fucking trust this guy i'm convinced he's either a navy plant or a husband plant...
(if he is truly just a baby stede i'm putting him in a jar and shaking him (affectionate))
oh god back to ed's depression den
"not good enough. and that's another toe. take your boot off." okay ed, i know you're trying to get izzy or anybody to kill you in your sleep or something but i'm still. noooo don't commit atrocities you're soo sexy aha
"who am i to you" oh god. shit's gotta be really really fucking bad if izzy's doing emotional intimacy
"i have... love for you, edward" i'm going to explode
first of all izzy is delusional if he thinks he knows ed better than anyone else - we know and love this about him
second, con's fucking acting is going to kill me. he's looking at the floor, there are tears in his eyes, he's whispering and pauses as if saying the word love is going to kill him (and it's not just the emotional repression considering how volatile ed is)
and the way the line is written - it's not "i love you" or "i'm in love with you", it's not a thing izzy does or is, it's a thing he has. an object he's carrying around, separate to him, he's trying to distance himself from it.
and of course ed interrupts him with "oh come on" because he does not trust that anyone actually loves him and he doesn't want anyone to any more, he wants izzy to hate him and kill him!
"i'm worried about you, we all are. the atmosphere on this ship is completely poisoned. but if we could all just maybe... talk it through" SHIT'S GOT TO BE REALLY REALLY UNQUESTIONABLY HORRIFICALLY FUCKING BAD IF IZZY IS ADOPTING STEDE'S CATCHPHRASE
ed, ominously "as a crew" as blackbeard's leitmotif starts up... WORST CHOICE OF WORDS EVER IZZY I'M TERRIFIED
izzy: i fucked up i fucked up i fucked up i fucked up i fucked up
"i know who we should ask, ol' blackbeard!" (shoves gun under his own chin) jesus christ ed
"FUCKING END!" izzy has had ENOUGH
"frenchie, you are now first mate" STEPS OVER IZZY GROANING IN PAIN
i am very worried
oh god stede's adopted ricky. this can only end terribly
aaaaaand f in the chat for ricky's nose
"i can't believe you guys robbed jackie! so bad!" swede.
jackie looks gorgeous though
and jackie loves her a sexy swedish double-crosser
thank you sue for adopting the gang of idiots
poor fang is still crying
awwww and jim's telling him pinocchio to calm him down! (but they suck at telling stories)
"do the voice"
and jim does the fucking voice
ed sounds like he's holding back tears as he describes sailing and robbing and never landing
"fuck you, stede bonnet" "good night, ed teach" HHHHHHH
stede come on man pick up a fucking oar you're not the captain any more
at least we got one romantic reunion! and it was buttons and the ocean <3
sdkfjhsdkjgsdk everyone being like "are we soup merchants now? sweet" and olu with his poor overworked brain cell like "hang on... there's no soup here"
AFTER CREDITS SEQUENCE!!! storytime with jim extended edition!!!!!
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navree · 2 years
what do you think the potential of Daenaera is in the future book as you mentioned?
Daenaera my absolute beloved!
We don't necessarily know a whole lot about her, especially as an adult (seeing as that's likely going to be expanded more in the second Fire & Blood volume, which isn't out yet), but one of the things I like in terms of her potential as a character is that she's a breath of fresh air. It's not revolutionary to point out that ASOIAF has a tendency towards bleakness (I do think people overexaggerate it to an extent but it's certainly there) and that a lot of the characters we encounter not just in the series proper, but even in F&B itself, can be kinda grim and morose and serious as a result. But Daenaera's described as having been "sweet" and "bold" and a sunny disposition, and I think that's a pretty characterization we get in this franchise, especially in the female characters. A lot of the characters described as sweet tend to also be shy and quiet, while a lot of the characters described as bold tend to be a bit wild and willful, so someone who's both gentle and kind but also a bit mischievous, whose sweetness comes not from being tractable but just from being a happy and bright person is a bit new. And after the horrors of the Dance and the melancholy of Aegon's early reign, that's going to be a refreshing change of pace, and a nice new development than what we're used to.
Daenaera's life also isn't one bereft of tragedy. While she's definitely on the lower end of the scale for her generation, she wasn't entirely spared. She was born in 127 AC, which means that her earliest memories are of living through the Dance, which definitely didn't pass House Velaryon by peaceably. Daenaera's also already an orphan at six years old, which in and of itself is going to leave someone with its own set of issues when it comes to losing parents that young and growing up not really ever having gotten to properly know them (also, her grandfather is Vaemond Velaryon. Yes, that Vaemond Velaryon. There's a whole wealth of drama in the fact that her grandfather was murdered in cold blood by her husband's own father, it's so good). Daenaera also nearly died at the age of eight due to the poisoned tarts (it's specifically said that Munkun giving her a purgative as soon as he did is what saved her, since she likely ingested nearly as much as Gaemon, and if he hadn't then she literally would have been killed), and was also involved in the secret siege, which means that the eight year old was holed up and slowly starving for days on end until it got resolved. Daenaera's better adjusted than most of the people she knows, especially Aegon, but she didn't escape life completely unscathed, and I think that there's incredible potential in remembering her own hardships and what she had to deal with at extraordinarily young ages, and we don't know what else George is gonna decide to make her deal with once she's actually grown. And I think that can be tied back to her overall personality, that Daenaera still chooses to enjoy life and let things roll off of her and find joy in things even when things occasionally go sour. Not out of naïveté or as a coping mechanism or anything like that, but just because that's her philosophical worldview.
I also think there's a lot of potential in expanding on her interpersonal relationships. We know she was living with Baela as a ward following the death of her father, so what was that like. How long did it take for her to trust Baela, to view her as a surrogate parental figure now that she doesn't have any? How involved was she with Rhaena, since Rhaena was also involved in presenting her to Aegon at the Maiden's Day Cattle Show? Did she view them as parental figures at all, or older sister types, or were she and the twins not close (unlikely, considering she again lived with Baela for a time and saw Rhaena flying on Morning)? I also like to think that she and Gaemon were close while he was still alive, given that they were the people he was closest to aside from Viserys and they both knew what he was like, and probably bonded together during the early months of Viserys's return when Aegon was making up for lost time about him. I also think that she and Viserys likely grew close, again because of related closeness with Aegon, and because we know that Viserys was charming in his early years and thus likely easy to talk and connect to, and I like to imagine that they sparked up a friendship, that even when things got tense with Aegon, Viserys was still on good terms with Daenaera and they could be easy and comfortable with each other.
And honestly, I love all the potential of her relationship with Aegon. For one, not even I am immune to "the gloomy one and the sunshine one" ships, it is such an incredibly popular dynamic for a reason. And from what we've seen already, the potential is there. Even just meeting her and meeting her sunny personality lifted Aegon's spirts and a bit, and it is literally canon that she did help with Aegon's depression with her companionship and her overall temperament, and I don't want to discount that. Aegon was an incredibly lonely person, he had One friend and he had to be incredibly careful because of how that friend could be treated if he failed to meet expectations (Gareth Long you are never seeing the Seven Heavens). Daenaera is probably the most guilt-free relationship with Aegon ever had in his life, at least amongst the people his age who were the most important to him (even when Viserys came back I don't think he ever fully forgave himself for abandoning him in the first place, and again the whipping boy thing with Gaemon likely weighed heavily on him), and that was probably really important and honestly probably helped him not get any worse than he already was. It seems that Aegon did value her as a companion and a friend, and did genuinely like her, not to mention that he was willing to get into screaming matches with Viserys over, like, the mention of a dragon edge but when Daenaera flat out says she wants to actually have her own dragon he's not recorded as having any problem with her saying that, in spite of his strong negative feelings about dragons. And I think the potential only grows once they're both into adulthood and they actually start treating each other as husband and wife. We know Aegon's depression manifested itself not just in his overall demeanor but also in severe touch aversion, but they had kids. And not just one kid, not even two kids (Daeron and Baelor were their first and second, once they had an heir and a spare they could have called it quits sexually, not to mention that there was always Viserys and his family as the backup), but literally five kids. That does speak to a certain level of enjoyment of each other on both of their parts, and a desire to want to engage with the relationship on the level of romantic and sexual partners, not just as the companions they were in their youth. There's potential in these two kids who are, in their ways, alone in the world but alone together, who forge a friendship and eventual love in their marriage, that Daenaera was able to at least get past some of Aegon's walls and that Aegon was willing to let her (we know he was depressed and incredibly lonely, and it doesn't seem like he necessarily wanted to be that way, he was just incredibly traumatized and not living in a world that was equipped to help him with that). The development of their relationship offers a lot for who Daenaera is as a person, and who Aegon is as a person as well, not just who they are as a couple.
(plus i mean, if there's one thing that's going to be recorded no matter what, it's gossip and information as it relates to the sexual activity of the monarch, if aegon was recalcitrant but daenaera was pushing hard that would have been remarked on even in something as barebones as TWOIAF, it's entirely possible that they were both taking it slow with each other with a mutual understanding of the fact that they're both taking their time, not to mention that daeron was born when daenaera was sixteen so the "oh yeah he waited a super long time before consummating his marriage" thing is a bit overblown. also i just really like that aegon eschewed more traditional targaryen names and allowed for his first son to be named daeron after daenaera's father)
Intellectually, I get why people might have an issue with Daenaera as a narrative device, I do. But I also don't get it because she's got the potential to be incredibly interesting. Everything about her offers up a rich inner world not just for who she is, but for the people around her, and further compelling dynamics to a portion of the Targaryen histories that has a lot to live up to (the Dance was a fucking nightmare but everyone involved was interesting as Hell), and she as a character just really speaks to me and I love her very much, and I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head about her.
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