#they share their definitions of intelligence yknow
also sorry to send two asks in a row but do you ever consider the moral dilemma ricks have if they genuienly develop feelings like (prepare for a ramble i am SO sorry)
"i fell in love with myself, from another universe" THATS GOTTA POSE AT LEAST SOME MENTAL INSTABILITY. how would you feel if the most beautiful person youve ever met (personality wise at least) was a slightly different version of yourself, or if you were cloned and suddenly you developed feelings??? how would that even work??? imagine the judgement too bro that would be insane
AUTOSEXUALITY???? does it even matter if your partner looks ridiculously similar to you or not??? i think part of the reason why opposites attract a lot of the time is because genetic diversity gives an evolutionary advantage but in a scenario when thats completely thrown out the window how does that work? would prime and c137 rick have the same genetics??? Hefhv.dnbabmvvjdk
i think too much my thinking has thonked its last thunk
I THINK ITS PART OF THE APPEAL like Ricks find the world around them so futile and disgusting they resort to settle with the only people who share the same hyper specific views of the world as them. In my opinion, it’s where most of Prickcests conflicts comes from, Prime likes C137 for his brains and his ability to solve problems in a way that’s different enough for him to not have considered it but can’t possibly understand why he cares so much about anything else than their relationship and it’s kind of the same for C137, he’s extremely smart and autistic so being understood and feeling seen is kind of his grail. Prime gives him just that plus the thrill of being a little bit fucked up in the head.
But we’re talking about general rick4rick relationship not… Their frustrating particular case lol although I can’t help but mention them since Prime (in the garage talk) explained so well the perks of only being around other version of himself. As a Rick the things you love and hate the most are yourself, it makes up for such interesting conflict because trying to ignore someone’s toxic traits is impossible and trying to mold them into the idealized version of them you got in your head is straight up manipulative. The vicious circle of stubbornness and love and hope and escapism leading to rick4rick relationship always violently falling apart is so fascinating to me and you completely understood one of the key elements for why it’s this way…
THANK YOU cinna, thank you for sending this ask it literally rearranged some of my atoms, shook my whole world and bursted a door open in the back of my mind
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floralovebot · 1 year
but i feel like a lot of slytherin traits fit riven more, like: ambition, resourcefulness, pride, self-preservation. than like i’d say ravenclaw?
true!!! slytherin definitely fits him but i think i'm jaded toward it since i've seen so many people put him in it because they think Evil House and Evil Riven (especially s1 aus). kind of like when they put all the trix in slytherin just cause they're the villains yknow?
i Like slytherin riven and the ravenclaw thing was mostly a joke but i do think he'd actually fit ravenclaw! i was thinking of them being prideful, original, competitive, clever, creative, and hard-working. riven has all of those traits too! like.. i think he's a mix of both houses tbh. he has a lot of slytherin traits And ravenclaw traits (and honestly the two houses are Really similar) so he could be in either one. but while i do like slytherin riven, i don't like how often winx/hp aus depict riven as being this stuck up bully in slytherin so i think i'm just kind of tired of seeing it? but i feel like ravenclaw is So similar to slytherin that he could really flourish there!
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soleilandpeaches · 1 year
omg, I discovered your account and immediately i fell in love with her, princess peach. So I wanted to give you my request for conclude myself as a fan of yours haha. Ok, how about we talk about a reader who is a little stressed about his exams that are around the corner, and keigo who definitely has intelligence that overflows from his damn head offers to help her study. I don't know maybe something like the two of them snuggling on the couch, on the floor or the bed with some damn math book in his hands. Total creative freedom, dear! I just need Keigo to comfort me in my anxiety about my exams that are coming up. Kisses <3
A/N: AHHHH THANK YOU SM!! This is actually the reason i haven’t been posting as consistently and it makes me sad 😭. Final exams are literally the worst and having to juggle work and studying for finals literally makes me want to die fr. SO I LOVE LOVE THIS IDEA. I needed this, thank you! featuring: KeigoTakamixf!Reader synopsis: Keigo offers to help you study and you have some fun with it. Although, you two seem a little too exited to get it over with. rated: 16+ warnings: implied/referenced future smut, cursing, studying for exams (scary), brief descriptions of female anatomy
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“Ooh I like this song.” Keigo chuckled, you’ve been saying that same sentence for the past half hour you’ve been studying.
You had asked him to help you study for you upcoming exams, admitting it was harder for you to concentrate unless you had someone assisting you—or rather competing. You explained it’s easier for you to retain the information when you had someone you could study with. But now it seems you two had managed to turn studying into a competition to see who knew the most.
With your T.V turned on, you were playing your shared playlist as background noise. To Keigo’s amusement, you were practically in love with every song that managed to play. He didn’t really understand why you always felt the need to repeat yourself; he knew you loved each song on your playlist. It’s wasn’t like he didn’t know you liked them when you seemingly never stopped telling him this.
Don’t get him wrong though, it never bothered him. In fact, it was one of the many little things he adored about you. Still, he could never contain himself when it came to teasing you.
“Oh yeah? Really?” He let out a long laugh when you weakly punched him in the shoulder, laughing with him. “You’re such a jerk, yknow.”
“I know. I’m just so mean.”
“You are!”
“Alright, alright. Next question.”
The rules to your game were rather simple: one person holds a flashcard that reads a specific term and they have to come up with a description that matches the word. The player reading will get a point if they can correctly describe the term without checking your notes, but if they can’t, they get no points. If the opponent guesses it right, they get a point. But if they get it wrong, they don’t. So far, it’s been very fun but now you were nearing the end.
“I think whoever loses has to pay for ice cream later.” You declared after you had correctly answered once again. To be honest, Keigo knew he was at a disadvantage. This wasn’t his class you were studying for anyway—it was only natural you knew more than him. Although, he didn’t mind paying for dessert. He had his own insatiable sweet tooth just as you did.
“I don’t think you’re being very fair, Babydoll. You’ve been studying this shit longer than me.” He pretended to complain, a little frustrated he clearly wasn’t going to win at your game.
“Life isn’t fair.” You rumbled in a deeper voice, clearly mocking him for every time he’s said that very phrase to you. Kicking your shin, it was apparently his turn to call you out for being an ass.
“How about i ‘pay you back later’.” You purred, leaning forward into him, showing off the tops of your breasts hidden underneath your tank-top. Darting his eyes back-and-forth between your eyes and your chest, a flustered smile creeping it way up his face as you laughed, amused by the reaction you pulled from him.
“I think I like the sound of that.”
“Well then let’s hurry up and finish. I’m getting pretty hungry, y’know.” You leaned back, adjusting your straps after they loosened, further teasing him.
“Yeah I bet you are.” He jested, laughing as you kicked him back but when he glanced back up to your face, you had a hand covering your mouth as you laughed. Your eyes were squinted as you giggled into the palm of your hand, though he could still make out the faint coloring to your irises.
He smiled, shaking his head as he pulled the last card from the deck, ready to read off the final label before your voice sounded again, a cute excited gasp followed by:
“Aww I love this song! Mac Demarco makes the best stuff.” And instead of teasing you like he usually does, he couldn’t help but simply admire your unabashed enthusiasm.
“Yeah, he does.” He agrees smoothly, grinning when you catch his gaze. You smile back, eyes flickering to his lips. He does the same before he’s leaning over to meet his lips with yours. He admires the soft-pillowy feel for more than a few moments as your lips meet over-and-over. He’s the first to pull away, peering up into your eyes with his usual charming smirk. He kisses one last time before sitting back, a soft blush to his cheeks as he stares at the word written on the card.
“Alright, last one. Let’s hurry so we can get some ice cream.”
“Yeah, the ice cream.” He shoots you one last comical glare before starting again, no doubt eager for more than just one delicious treat.
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oldmemoria · 1 year
lmao i fucking forgot to share this
not only do i have unorganized miguel heacanons but i have unorganized HOBIE ones too
i have unorganized random headcanons for all the characters i brainrot over these two are no different!!
identity headcanons first hehe:
hes trans. he probably diyed his hrt and also has top surgery somehow hes magic. (i also think he'd have tattoos over his scars, either super cool bat/devil wings or an intricate spider design on their whole abdomen cant decide ill draw it later 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉)
he, however, doesnt really have any specific sexuality or gender labels they feel like they fit into. theyre attacted to all genders of varying degrees but doesnt really put a label on it. he just exists.
also doesnt mind what pronouns you use for her. any/all. basically.
also also would encourage people to use the weirdest and coolest neopronouns they can think of for zem like REALLY go out there WHATEVER YOU CAN THINK OF.
ADHD haver?? MAYBE???
to the rest acaksdlfj;akdjf:
theyre very crafty and dabble in basically every form of art. music, graffiti, painting, sculpting (mainly with trash or scraps or random discarded items he finds, more on that later on), sewing, whatever. if he can learn to do it she will.
he is super touchy and likes being close to people, but also understand boundaries.
very emotionally intelligent, i feel like this is canon anyway but ill just put it out there, ze can basically sense if someone is upset.
LOVES ABSOLUTELY LIVES FOR talking to new people, will go out of their way to introduce himself to basically everyone, especially new spider-people she meets.
he is a bit of a joker, ofc, but he wont try and push boundaries that he clearly sees or hears from the person theyre talking to. hi people who hc him as being an unself aware dickhead shut up you are very wrong did you even watch the movie.
this one is probably my favorite but he will pick up random things he sees around him and keep them for art projects. cool rock on the sidewalk? its a rock, hes gonna take it. funny lookin bug? might pick it up for a little to look at it and put it back in a safer spot. bottle cap? "mine now". like i said before he likes using litter to make art.
he will stop mid-mission if he sees something cool that he can take home like "oh [riff] cool leaf" and put it in his pocket.
i was referencing this post btw i love this headcanon, absolutely genius, i will steal it ty /lhj
this stealing of random objects from all around the multiverse has caused many lectures for miguel (they arent listening)
they have some kind of control over what texture/color they turn into if xey really think about it but most of the time he just kind of.. lets it do its thing. (sort of like a RainWing?)
shockingly good at vague yet oddly specific threats that are unrealistic but if you really think about it it's like "oh yeah he could totally do that..." but she wouldn't. yknow what im saying right???
while he does live in the 70s where technology was uh... not as popular nor as advanced as they are now, he's aware of modern tech through Gwen, Miles, Pav, DEFINITELY through Margo and Miguel, but she doesn't really use it often. doesnt really see the point.
along with that he also is aware of modern music as well, he has mixed feelings (gwen is probably the biggest influence though she is such a Pinkshift/Paramore/My Chem girlie it hurts to think about)
100% collects record of artists, especially smaller artists, that they like.
if you get them going about music he will talk for HOURS. HOURS until you tell him to shut up, even though fae totally wont listen and will keep going anyway. (just like me teehee projecting is fun <3 )
while hobie does use his guitar as a weapon for some reason he is quite protective of it. they wont try and stop you from touching it or playing it, but he will watch you like a hawk. half out of "oo look another person is interested in guitar" and the other half of "👁️👁️ dont break it i can only do that /j" (a lot of musicians are like that, i would know, im one of them. ha)
loves stray animals. cats, dogs, birds, anything. he will stop to pet them if they let him.
he also will talk to cats like any other person. especially spider cat. spider cat could make a cat noise and he'd act like he understood it. "yeah totally man, i get it. meow."
he can sing like... averagely? he has a good sense of pitch and timing, as most musicians do, but she isnt professionally trained or really does it too often
they will scream though
also really likes messing with makeup and bodypaint. he will spend hours on it if he can.
FUCK I AM SO HAPPY I DIDNT POST THIS IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE I KEEP REMEMBERING THINGS ACK HERES ONE LAST ONE POST THIS AFTER ASH I SWEAR (edit from two weeks later: i forgor): he definitely isnt a morning person. he loves to sleep in. definitely values rest, like a lot. miguel will call him at like 7 am and hobie will flip him off and say 5 more minutes when they really mean 2 more hours.
do i have any more?? hmmm maybe if i remember but this is what i have so far. mostly just silly lil headcanons that arent entirely plot relevant as most of my headcanons are.
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
hello! i love your blog so much! can i ask how your ocs (pls include liam aaa) would react to a darling that only wants to be fuck buddies? and like what if it was specifically becos they've had bad romantic experiences before?
a/n: ohhh! very fun! i included the ocs i thought would have the most interesting reactions to this but i didn't include all my ocs! if you'd like specific ocs to react to this ask, please send another request and id love to answer it! thank you so much!
i also imply that reader's ex-partner used to mentally and physically abuse that and that's what i thought you meant as 'bad romantic experience'! hope i got that right! if not let me know and id love to rewrite this for you!
also wanted to preface this post with the fact that i think they would all kind of try to convince their darling to be with them and, if that doesn't work, it's kidnapping time. below, i've listed these pathetic bastards' different attempts at wooing this poor darling.
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warning: mentions of current and past toxic relationships, mentions of reader being in a past abusive relationship, themes of sex but no explicit sex happens, still put it all under a cut just in case!
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liam arieh ★ profile
definitely 'tries to get to the bottom of it' loool
he thinks that there must be some deep and psychological meaning as to why you only want to be friends with benefits and why you don't want to commit
which is hypocritical becos he's been in his own fair share of flings with no rhyme or reason as to why
but eventually, he'll find out why
while he's finding out, he'll definitely 'pretend' to go along with your offer of just being fuck buddies because ofc he wants to fuck you
the entire time, his idea of pillow talk is him subtly trying to figure out who the fuck hurt you and how he can reverse it so that you'll settle down with him
he's not the most firm believer in romance either until you came into his life and he'll damn well try his hardest to be the same for you! he'll make you fall in love with him! there's nothing liam isn't able to have if he puts his mind to it
also, once you admit that the reason you don't believe in romance anymore is because of an abusive ex boyfriend, your ex-boyfriend suddenly disappears for some reason. just poof off the face of the earth. dunno why. interesting, huh?
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ayaka yamato ★ profile
another hypocrite!
but, unlike liam, she won't do it! she won't! she'll say no to your little fuck buddies thing and she'll woo you off your feet! yes, she understands that this means that the two of you can't fuck but she's thinking big picture here!
would try to entice you with her riches, tries to convince you that she can take care of you, that you'll never have to go hungry or want for anything ever again!
unlike liam who kind of just slowly lets you open up, ayaka kind of annoys you to the point where you just blurt out what's wrong
which is that your shitty ex girlfriend ruined you for the rest of the world and you don't believe in love
this is kind of a little bit where ayaka would pivot. she's emotionally intelligent enough to understand that riches aren';t everything, yknow?
anyway, she'll give you some heartfelt speech about how she's not your ex girlfriend and about how she loves you with all of her heart, that she truly cares about you, that she won't hurt you, she's here to take care of you
hook, line, sinker, baby. nobody can ever say no to ayaka's beautiful brown eyes.
anyway, she can't do anything illegal to your ex girlfriend but she definitely could pay someone to make sure she was suddenly ostracized by society for the rest of her life. it's the least she deserves right?
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soren kumar ★ profile
mr. hypocrite number 3 himself!
definitely kicks his own ass like a hundred times because he knows his own reputation is not helping him at all and he wishes he could go back in time and stop himself
unlike dumb and dumber one and two above, soren kind of knows a little bit already the main reasons why someone would be hesitant to commit
either they really just aren't that interested, there's already someone they're interested in or they've been hurt before
he can't do anything about one and two right now so he immediately remedies number three
if he asks you out and you immediately tell him, no and offer a fuck buddy-ship, he immediately goes into the most heart-rending speech about how much he loves you
he'll tell you about how willing he is to be with you, about how he'll be your fuck buddy if that's how you want him but that he has feelings for you and that he won't deny them and that he thinks you're it for him and that he wants to take care of you for the rest of your lives, etc
if you confess about your ex boyfriend, soren will memorise every single detail you tell him. and then he'll pass all those details to someone very important who will make sure that your ex boyfriend would never find a job anywhere ever again
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fujio watanabe ★ profile
oh, he doesn't care
don't be fooled, i say this in his profile but what he feels for you isn't love, it's obsession driven by the way you make him feel. and, maybe, if you dig deep enough, it could be love in some sense of the word but, to him, it's not
and, in any case, fujio doesn't have a romantic bone in his body
so, if you don't want to be 'romantically involved' that's fine with him
the thing is though, you have to acknowledge that you belong to him and that he belongs to you and that you're not allowed to touch anybody else. that's all he asks for
i think being fuck buddies actually would be a pretty optimum relationship type for fujio as long as it's like exclusive
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jichanxo · 5 months
hey i'm back to be annoying about sensei fic i don't remember if you've talked about that before (i think you did), and also i'm afraid that it may be considered as a spoiler (?), but! how much of amasawa and itokura's story will you include here? (they are very important to me, your honour) (the potential of parallels to kwgm is here as well and everything)
never annoying! I’m enjoying writing my paragraphs of rambling, so thank you more under the cut again lol. spoilers for lost judgment and also my own fic i suppose lmao
this is kind of difficult to answer because I don’t want to overpromise anything… I am unfortunately a “fuck it we ball” writer which means I am not really used to planning anything at all really (which is why I write mostly oneshots. I usually write everything blind) and that means that while I have ideas about what I want to do, I can’t really say anything definitive until I feel out my plans more concretely…
for what it’s worth though, I’d be shocked if amasawa and itokura didn’t appear the most out of everyone (aside from yagami and kitakata), since the mrc is effectively the centrepiece of both plots: being the main reason kitakata and yagami see each other, and of course I’m going to try and make an altered version of the school story plot work here. I expect there’ll be more of them than kaito and sawa, certainly…
one of the planned major beats in the kuwagami plot is having yagami actually let kitakata in on the professor investigation and not just blow him off. he might think that kitakata will just get in the way, but he has to accept that kitakata’s interest in the investigation and care for his students is legitimate and valid! keeping him in the dark and ignoring how he feels is wrong! anyway. my point is, that to resolve this plot beat, it’s unavoidable to talk about itokura and the professor, so no matter how I end up getting there, itokura (and by extension amasawa) are going to be crucial. you’re right about the parallels angle too… gonna gnaw on that… gotta figure that out… kuwagami but if they were both girls and in highschool and more emotionally intelligent… the idea of kitakata and yagami being a mess and super lame while the kids in the club are much more put together? it’s just too funny to pass up on… I can already imagine itokura complaining to amasawa about how she wishes they would just grow up already.
amasawa and itokura are really great and I also like them a lot! there’s a lot of interesting stuff with them to grab onto, both with canon – yagami’s relationship to them both, and with new stuff – inventing new stuff for them with kitakata! itokura and kitakata especially feel like a surprisingly natural fit – kitakata who wants to make sure no student around him feels the way that kusumoto mitsuru did, and itokura who was estranged and pushed out of school by her peers… it’s a relationship that would be engaging and interesting to develop on both sides… I really can’t pass up on that… so thematically rich… I imagine their relationship rn as being kind of awkward and a little tense. they probably get along best when they’re talking (cough arguing cough) about mystery novels.
one of the things on my to-do list for sensei fic right now (aside from taking thorough notes on school stories and general editing) is definitely trying to feel out this relationship, in particular before yagami enters the picture (@/four-white-trees poked me about this ages ago. thank you!!) presumably kitakata doesn’t let all of that happen to itokura without trying to do something about it, right? and yet, he still fails. yagami’s intervention is the one that brings itokura back to school. hence why I imagine things between them being a little awkward… that shared history…
though I imagine that it piques kitakata’s interest that yagami succeeded where he’d previously failed. So yknow. This Too Is Kuwagami. A surefire way to make kitakata fall in love with you: 1. be hot 2. legitimately care about and take action for the wellbeing of students
anyway! while nothing is set in stone, that’s what I have in mind about amasawa and itokura right now… though most of it ended up being about itokura… there’s still a lot I gotta figure out, but I’m definitely looking forward to poking at them some more! Itokura’s attitude is going to be a lot of fun to write, and amasawa is always a delight, and I love having her be the voice of reason between kitakata and yagami when they’re being ridiculous lol. thank you for the ask o7
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okthatsgreat · 7 months
I had an odd thought for a Danganronpa-sanctioned opddmh, basically after V3 they force the kids to live with Danganronpa participants for whatever reason and I have to wonder. Who do you think would live with who if it was Team Danganronpa controlling where they went?
HBSHFGB oh my god. danganronpa sitcom spinoffs. big brother-esque reality shows. these people get zero breaks
i mean first and foremost danganronpa prioritises entertainment above all else which means they would be over there scheming what the WORST possible combinations would be. theyd throw in maybe one or two "good" pairings just so the audience isnt too overwhelmed by how much everybody hates each other but FOR THE MOST PART theyd try to cause as much conflict as possible.
which means the most argumentative people have got to get paired together, and the least in common they share the better so hmmmm. pairing somebody up with kokichi who is hotheaded and not tolerant of his bullshit will cause a lot of problems and my immediate first thought is mondo or fuyuhiko LMFAOO. i really can not envision a future where any of them cut through the tension enough to talk about their feelings or whatever, ESPECIALLY in regards to kokichi who needs somebody extremely intelligent to decipher all of his lies. like for example if they put kokichi and junko in the same room or kokichi and celeste there is a chance of recognition there, but NOT with kokichi and mondo/fuyuhiko/AKANE even. that house is VOLATILEEE. frankly it is only kokichi that lives there now because both mondo and fuyuhiko have to walk out of their respective homes before they kill kokichi and/or themselves
honestly i could see danganronpa putting maki and peko together just because they think the two of them would see too much in the other and end up hating each other. and frankly they do at first. and they either ignore the hell out of each other or they get into a heated argument where they both reveal a lot more than they should have and then they move forward from there. if team dr wanted to avoid this they could throw her with somebody far more stubborn and less likely to empathise. maybe byakuya or smth. oooo and yknow what kazuichi would be so scared of her always.
cant see kaito and mahiru getting along that much, tsumugi would be pretty bad news for anybody but i can see her and sayaka getting kinda lost in their personas, himiko and hiyoko would get annoyed with each other pretty immediately. tenko would kill teruteru
as for opddmh characters (that we've seen so far lol) UMMM i think throwing ryoma with somebody like ibuki who is a very optimistic presence could cause a bit of clash, but honestly she might be so persistent that it either causes ryoma to recoil even further into his shell or it somehow changes his life????? ryoma and ibuki might be one of the pairings that team dr makes specifically to bump up morale a bit and turn him into some hope story. but on the opposite end of that spectrum they would NOT hold that same leniency with miu and theyd probably throw her with somebody like taka just to piss the both of them off but not in a way that either of them would be willing to hear the other side out. throwing kirumi with celeste would lead the both of them into a spiral and kirumi would make zero progress with growth, honestly could be extremely similar with kirumi and sonia, throwing angie (ALONE) with quite a few people could be pretty bad. like if angie and mikan were the only two people in that apartment there could definitely be wayyyy more problems than there already is, mostly because mikan is already very susceptible to angies positive influence already. rantaro would be chill with pretty much everybody i cant really lie to you. i reckon just to really highlight his paranoia and send him down that path rather than any kind of healing he should get paired with somebody that is either too closed off and shady (which would cause opddmh rantaro to recoil away from them and likely run off without returning) OR somebody that is gonna keep telling him that his family is out there and he needs to keep searching
so yea FUCKED UP!!!! just to have one last "hopeful" pairing theyd maybe throw shuichi to the naegi household just so he could learn about believing in himself or whatever
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thenugking · 10 months
1-6 for a Tav of your choice?
I do really need to talk about Eiryn more sometime but Val is so fun to roast
What was your Tav’s place of birth and raising like?
Their mother’s family had an estate, between Baldur’s Gate and the Shadowcursed Lands. They grew up in luxury, as the child of a noble, but were somewhat isolated and looked down on, as the child of, yknow, specifically one noble and not her husband. 
2. What relationship did your Tav have with their family/guardian(s) growing up? Has that changed with age?
Their mother loved them, and made sure they weren’t treated unfairly, but that relationship was decidedly strained. I think she made a lot of effort to tell them that just because they’re half-drow, it didn’t mean she loved them any less than her other children, which was… maybe less helpful to tell a child than she thought it was. The relationship with their step-father was non-existent, he definitely did not enjoy having a very obvious indication of his wife’s infidelity around. He never wanted to be cruel, but he definitely did want his non-bastard kids to know they were superior to the bastard half-drow he was having to raise, which, again, not a helpful environment for any of these kids! Val’s half-siblings looked down on them and resented having to share things with the kid they were being told they were better than, while Val thought they were a bunch of stuck up assholes.
The only person they really considered family was one of their step-father’s own bastards, and maybe his mother. Lord Rosebrook’s bastards and their families lived in the estate and were well provided for, if not officially part of the family. Val and his brother considered themselves better than all the snooty nobles who cared too much about their status (which ofc had nothing to do with any insecurity over not having that status), and to have more sense than anyone else in the estate.
Val’s relationship with their mother greatly improves after the game, mostly because after years of Val being distant and snarky, Astarion wants to be introduced to their mother. She’s ecstatic to have Val let her know anything personal about their life, and that after years of them claiming love clearly isn’t real, they’ve stopped letting her own disastrous relationship sour them on romance. Val is surprised how supportive she is, once they actually talk to her, of them, and Astarion, and everything else they cautiously start letting her know about.
3. Did your Tav receive any formal or informal education? If yes, how well did they learn? If no, why not?
Val received all the education of the other noble kids, and was an excellent student. I don’t actually know what’s a normal level of education in the Forgotten Realms but I’m thinking secondary/high school level? 
Val’s definitely intelligent, but… less so than they think. If you know the experience of being a top student in school, but it’s because you’re specifically good at school lessons and you never actually have to try, or learn how to study for yourself? Val’s that, but unlike me a lot of other people, they never went on to university to discover they’re no longer the top student when they’re surrounded by other Top Students and can’t keep up anymore and don't know what to do when it doesn’t come easily. As such, Val still unfortunately has an over-inflated ego because they incorrectly think they’re smarter than almost everyone they meet.
4. What hobbies does your Tav have? How did they acquire these interests?
Val, along with their brother, is a massive fan of philosophy. Except see the above point on intelligence. Val’s the kind of person who starts reading Fantasy Plato’s Republic and goes “This guy thinks a city should work together as a community? Umm well THAT'S not gonna happen because actually most people are just mindless sheep. And people think he’s the father of philosophy??? Wow, clearly they don’t know anything and I’m better at philosophy than any of them, because I have all these cool ideas and deep thoughts that probably aren’t mentioned in any of these other philosophy books that I’ve decided I’m too smart to need to read.”
They have several other “surface level intellectual” hobbies too, like hanging out in Sorcerous Sundries talking about how they appreciate The Annals of Karsus way more than people who think they should just be allowed to read such a powerful ancient book. Other hobbies include goth fashion, indulging in quite frankly dangerous levels of masochism, and making sure everyone they meet outside their family likes them.
5. Did your Tav have any formal or informal employment? If yes, what was their job? If no, how did they make ends meet? How did they feel about it?
Lmao no, they’re still lounging about in the Rosebrook Estate until like a month before the game started, making ends meet by Rich Mother. After an argument with Lord Rosebrook, they finally decided to leave to seek their fortune/become a warlock/prove they’re way better than you guys actually. They were just about to go back home after running out of money and having no way to get more (what do you mean “get a job”, all the jobs on offer are boring and common) when The Tadpoling happened.
6. What is your Tav’s favourite childhood memory?
Running away with their brother (they were like six and probably didn’t even get off the estate, but in their minds they were Miles away, starting a new life for themselves). They hung out making plans for Great Adventures for several hours, before people finally realised they were missing and there was a whole lot of drama until they were finally found.
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avatraang · 3 years
Maiaang, 1, 8, 18, 25, 29
From this ship headcanon meme.
1: Who makes the first move and how?
I think they fall together at the same time, like moths to a flame. I imagine the pressure to build until it becomes unbearable, and then bam, they’re forced to face it together and without any other option. As for the how, in any number of ways! A personal favorite though is they share a MomentTM and then kiss on almost autopilot, and then are like “yknow what? This is nice.” LMAO
8: What do they like in bed?
👀👀👀 head. Lmao no (yes) but, I definitely think they have their fair share of knife play. Also they don’t strike me as a couple who MAKES it to the bed half the time, yknow what I mean? I also imagine they both would be into a little voyeurism/exhibitionism. Not in the sense of like, having OTHER people watch, but in the sense of having the other watch them undress or flaunt themselves around the house just the two of them.
18: When they fight, how do they make up?
VERY QUICKLY! Aang hates fighting and I really don’t think Mai likes it either tbh. Yes they can both be petty but staying angry isn’t in either of their nature. I do believe them both to be capable of forming good apologies and maintaining healthy conversations, and this is how I think they make up the majority of the time. And then they spend quiet time with each other. Maybe “have sex” is the steamier answer but they —Aang especially— strike me as the type of people to get suuuper tired after an emotional confrontation, and sex requires ENERGY when done right lol.
25: Why do they fight?
Aang stresses sooooooo much about his job and the world and he either has two modes: work work work or run away from his problems and play. I imagine Mai really gets irritated with his inability to keep a healthy balance of the two and this could cause fights. (“You need a break!” Or “Hey, we have work to do.”) I also think Mai can be super fucking reserved with her emotions and thoughts and Aang is someone who finds that stressful as fuck. I can picture him asking her “What’s on your mind?” Pretty often and being heartbroken at her struggle to be as vulnerable as she deserves to be. And the fights that ensue because of it! There r parts of the other that really are just so contrasting to each other’s personality and world view, and those are the parts that offer the most conflict.
29: Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Funnily enough, it’s BECAUSE of the contrasting characteristics and views that I mentioned above. Aang is someone who can find interest and joy in everything, which is in complete opposition to Mai being bored until something extreme occurs. This is something I think Mai would find super endearing and absolutely adore. As for Aang, I think he’d become very enchanted with Mai’s intelligence and devotion. She sees a bigger picture that most often don’t, and even sees options that a lot of people wouldn’t think about. She also devoted herself completely to things or people she decides are deserving of her love and loyalty, And the thing is, these r traits that both of them exhibit every day, making it so easy for the other to fall more in love.
Sorry for the late response, bestie 😭 I hope this makes up for it!
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my-reality-my-rules · 3 years
Personally, I think the "you can't script your clone" debate is more of a "you can't control your consciousness" debate? Like,,, when we script something about our DR self, we're not really changing anything about ourselves in other realities, we're just aligning with a reality where our self is already like that. I think that's where the clone debate comes in? Because if you're shifting and a week passes in your OR and you script that your clone will do your homework and get good grades but you never do your homework or get good grades yourself, then it might be hard to "control" your clone do that since it's not something you originally do. Instead, it would be easier to shift back to a parallel universe where your clone did what you want? We can't (at least not rn) control ourselves in other realities so I think that's kind of how the clone thing works too since even though it's your OR, you're in a different reality yknow? Love to hear what you think! (tbh i think a lot of that debate also comes from the fact that so many young shifters believe their clone is literally just. a clone. and not themselves? and they get scared that their clones will do something crazy?? like we really should come up with a different word)
that bit on the 'not controlling ourselves' part actually does make sense. considering humans are conscious, sentient, and intelligent, there's that definite possibility in both cases where the clone themself decides to be and decides not to be. i agree with you on that part. theoretically, we're able to script our clones—but because we're self-aware, and we have free will, the minds of the clones themselves are out of our own authority. they're not extensions of us, they are us.
despite the distance and the difference that we share with our alternate selves, they have our essence, and them, ours. it's a transcendent interconnectedness.
I'm still set on the idea that if we're able to pick the reality we want, we're also able to pick the consciousness we want to inhabit our bodies as we're off and about—but i do agree to the conclusion that we can script for them, just that we can't control them. again, we have our intelligence, and the ability to actualise potentialities. that alone makes us (including our clones) unpredictable.
as for having another word for clones...alternate selves? it's not so surprising that some baby shifters think of clones that way. the meaning of the word is often generalised in media; that they're simple genetic copies of a being. I've noticed that they're also portrayed as something eerie, something other, not quite more than human yet still abnormal. i don't know about that but it's how i see it.
i think that plays a factor in why there are people who feel scared of their own clones. in some movies, they're portrayed with the intent to surpass or overcome their previous copies. so, there's that small bias against someone or something trying to usurp your position. trying to wear your skin, saying your words, becoming you. it slightly defeats the idea of a shifting clone—because you have to remember that, at least on this matter, they already are you.
this somewhat relates to that previous topic of scripting them, too. you're bringing one of countless consciousnesses to act in for you in your original reality, not making one. you really don't have to worry about them appropriating your CR body.
i had a good time writing this. it's still kinda short imo, but it was fun to think about! tysm anon. much love and happy shifting 💖💖💖
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crushforty · 4 years
persona 2 but modern
because it’s funny to imagine maya being verified on tiktok
social media
all of them except baofu have tiktok. lisa, eikichi jun, maya and ulala probably have instagram or snapchat too,, maybe twitter
tatsuya has a twitter. its completely empty except for a motorcycle compilation video he retweeted in like 2014
he also has a tiktok. he posts videos of him holding his swords and nothing else, doesn’t even use audios or music or even talk, you just hear his breathing 
he has thousands of followers because people like swords
jun posts those aesthetic tea making and flower watering videos with pretty music and filters. surprisingly he has a lot of followers! he tries to get tatsuya to make those cottagecore couple vids with him but hes too awkward for it
maya is a huge activist and posts all sorts of lifestyle stuff and occasional videos of ulala boxing which people love. she’s verified with a huge following 
katsuya doesnt post anything but he likes watching baking and cat videos. maya taught him how to make posts and stuff and he tries to do those satisfying icing videos
eikichi and lisa make dancing and makeup tiktoks and their instagrams are very much full of the same thing, yet they have less followers combined than tatsuya. who literally just. makes sword videos
baofu claims not to have social media and thinks its stupid but he definitely watches everyone’s content and laughs at them
video games
lisa is totally a console gamer. she thinks the pc gamer set up with multiple monitors and light up keyboard is stupid and makes fun of eikichi for having it. 
she definitely plays with tatsuya and eikichi tho. the three of them get really into it
jun, not so much, because he doesnt own any consoles but if you invite him over to play, he does pretty damn good
why? no one knows 
maya and ulala share a switch. maya is more of an animal crossing person while ulala will play splatoon for hours and swear at people
katsuya thinks gaming incites violence in children and complains about tatsuya playing them, even tho he doesnt even play that often (“why do you need a playstation AND an xbox?? aren’t they the same thing?”)
baofu once again pretends to think its stupid but he definitely indulges in some online pvp when he feels like it
i feel like maya would grow an online shopping addiction.. she sees the most arbitrary things she thinks are cute and orders them and ulala is exhausted by it. maya’s room is full of junk she dug up on random shopping websites 
juns intelligence gives him a real gift for pc tech. he would be interested in that sort of thing tbh hes the kid who always has to help the teacher turn on the projector in class
lisa seems like one of those netflix bitches.. somehow she always knows what the latest season of riverdale and outer banks has going on. yknow all the white people shows 
she’s seen the office like 4 times 
baofu would never leave his computer if he had access to modern day tech. he’d be exactly like futaba
katsuya will see tatsuya on his phone for more than 2 seconds and lecture him about how he grew up with just a flip phone and kids these days need their phones to survive smh this and that 
katsuya however is guilty of watching youtube baking tutorials a lot.
a lot.
imagine if eikichi had a digital art program,, he could make little featherman comics
lisa has airpods change my mind
she also always has the latest iphone and puts stickers on the case
maya still has a fucking iphone 4. it works. how ?? who knows
ulala and eikichi seem like they would have android phones and i don’t know why.. apple supremacy but for some reason i get that vibe from them
the suous are apple loyalists. tatsuyas phone has a dozen cracks and scratches, hes dropped in it snow and cereal, and the speakers hardly work, and doesn’t use a case despite katsuyas insistence that he should 
jun has a newish iphone model, he has a clear case with little pressed flowers inside 
he does also have a reallyyyy nice desktop computer
baofu has a flip phone still, despite also having a really nice computer 
eikichi has that nerdy gamer headset with cat ears that light up because he thinks its cool
i cant think of much else i just needed to write this down because imagine p2 kids in 2021
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thxngam · 3 years
omg share your seaborn administration headcanons?
@tunennbee came up with like half of these!
well sam would be like late fifties or something when he runs/get elected 
josh as first gentlemen is...interesting
typically the first lady does some ceremonial stuff, and when the president takes private dinners with prime ministers and stuff the spouse is supposed to be charming and nice and helps the president project a family man vibe (which is sexist but whatever) 
josh...does Not Do That 
everything devolves into a policy debate
his press secretary is like “what can you do that projects a family man vibe?” and josh is like “...i can’t cook and I don’t think the American people want to see me yell at stupid umpires”
he’s got this weird vibe of just being a guy who likes baseball and doesn’t like the instant replay on football and also being a world class politcal genius
he likes the easter egg roll though! and when families come to trick or treat at the WH josh loves the kids
idk if sam and josh have a kid but josh likes little kids - “kids are great yknow? there’s no double meaning. if they want a juice box, they’re gonna ask for a juice box.”
people like sam as president because he’s a good speech giver and a good man but he has the same problem as Bartlet where people think he’s too smart 
but then footage of sam falling over or something goes viral and people reassess
“maybe...he’s just a guy. a really smart guy who likes grammar maybe too much, but he’s also just a guy”
Republicans try to use the footage to show incompetence and sam retweets it like “my husband saw this and laughed so hard he cried. it doesn’t take hand-eye coordination to know tax cuts don’t help the poor and that we don’t need to keep endowing the defense budget when we’re not fighting a war” 
josh retweets it too and is like “ive got more stories of sam being a klutz if anyone’s interested”
as a couple people like sam and josh
they’re gay icons tho
sam gives a really moving speech at a fundraiser for the trevor project and people cry
at the end of it sam goes up to this woman and there’s shaky cell phone footage of sam apologizing profusely about “oh my god i didn’t mean to make you cry? are you okay? can i get you something?” and this lady is like ‘they’re good tears!!”
josh is fondly exasperated
they light up the white house like a rainbow every june and sam actually includes gay rights on his campaign, not just a side thing bc he’s a democrat
he refuses to shuttle his relationship away - he’s the president and gay. they’re not mutually exclusive
donna is untouchable
there’s a small thing when donna becomes chief of staff 
a republican senator tweets “the day we let liberal blondes with no college degree run the highest office in the land is the day our country goes to hell in a handbasket” 
donna quote-tweets it with an itemized list of every time that person has dropped the ball or screwed up on something 
sam gives an impassioned statement to the press - it’s five minutes of sam talking about how amazing donna is
josh laughs very very loudly when a reporter asks what he thinks and says something like “donna barged her way into my office, convinced me to give her a shot, and worked her way to where she is today. the senator is wrong about a lot of things but he’s never been so wrong as when he said donna was incompetent” 
and after all this donna tweets a picture of her, joey, and their cat so people are like ‘QUEEN’
lists of her accomplishments are trending
nobody dares to say anything after that
will’s speaker of the house and josh hates him bc of the one time that sam and him hooked up when sam was running for the 47th the first time
“it happened once let it go josh-”  /  “never”
“josh shut up, he’s literally the speaker-”
will cannot for the life of him figure out why josh hates him
will asks just the once and sam is like “yeah, no”
this is my favorite thing tho - ainsley as a scotus judge!
sam and ainsley still disagree on everything but they’re still protective of each other
someone calls sam too preachy to be president and ainsley to bitchy to be a SCOTUS justice 
sam fiercely defends her “she’s a patriot before she is a conservative. she is intelligent, capable, and strong-willed, and she’d tell you all of that herself but i suppose if she did you’d resort to throwing silly misogynistic slurs so. here i am preaching.”
ainsley marches up to a reporter and is like ‘sam seaborn is definitely not always right, but there are little other people who care so much about the issues facing our country”
she then proceeds to email him like ‘i still disagree with you on everything”
sam emails back like “yeah me too, we can call it even”
This got really long and i have no filter so. hope you like them!
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rhydium · 4 years
Info dumbo about the StarFinite story?
aright u asked for it anon GET READY [cracks knuckles] this is gonna be long so obligatory cut in 3, 2........
so the uh, the au! the story!! w/e yall wanna call it! full disclaimer, i only began working on this whole thing a while ago, but it's totally taken over my fukn brain. like, we're talking big hyperfixation hrs. am i cringe for being this invested in my own content? yes? cool i do not Care >:3€
i should also throw it out there real quick that i am kin w/ infinite, n this is actually one of my two canons (both of which are my own aus lmfao wow). i didn't go into it expecting it to be but sfsfsgdfs here we are ig!! for that reason it's got extra importance to me n this definitely contributes to the euphoria i get from it!! it's a lil odd writing ur own canon,,? but i kinda just go w/ the flow!
the au n, the story that i will start Eventually, revolves around infinite n starline (obvi) n it's honestly just ... the tl;dr is big healing momence n, what's this? uh oh sisters !!! they are falling in love 😳😳😳
uhhhh so infinite is an android, made by eggman. that's like, the most notable canon divergence here! super important context to have. i've got a whole big theory on the possibility of sega originally intending infinite to be an artificial being (which i explored in the works for my Other canon too), stemming from not only the scene in forces wherein infinite comments on sonic's "data", but a line of dialogue from tails in one of the last stages of the game where he Literally Says "so this is where eggman built infinite". that ... i mean. that contrasts w/ episode shadow pretty hard don't it?? would explain why that dlc was so rushed, n the comic too. ANYWAY adsfsfs um that's a seperate ramblepost. yeah!!!
they are also agender n use they/them (primarily) as well as he/him!! so i'll be refering to them w/ those pronouns!
after the war, infinite is taken in by the resistance n, instead of being dismantled, they're basically given a chance to rehabilitate themselves. it's agreed that they won't be reprogrammed, as despite the potential risks, it feels wrong to do so; like a violation of their free will, individuality n thinking. if infinite is to be a good person, it's not gonna be bc other ppl recreated their entire personality, it's gonna be bc it's what they themselves truly want. robot ethics idk man!! u can't tell me that sonic n co wouldn't offer this to infinite if they offered it to metal in IDW,,,, i am Standing By This!!!
it's, yknow, a bit rocky, at first. infinite has to really fight the urge to return to eggman (something they already tried once, before the resistance found them; they were cast out). it's a struggle against what they were built to do, against giving into unhealthy familiarity over facing a, while healthier, unfamiliarity. new faces, a new life, turning their back on their mission n creator, it's like, a lot.
they work for/with the sonic crew, rebuilding the world they tore down as deemed fitting justice, being closely monitored for a bit as a natural precaution. as it becomes apparent infinite truly no longer has any ambition to harm others (they don't have much ambition for anything, really), they're then granted more freedom, n start taking on more important missions!! it at least gives them something to do, keeps them occupied. they have issues with dissociation, unreality, whether they're truly a real person bc, well, android. feeling purposeless, n a lack of worth, especially. a need to prove themselves. heavy stuff. i'll kinda go into that a bit more in a sec. their work grounds them, if only temporarily.
n soooooo... IDW comic stuff happens. metal virus time. starline gets kicked out of the empire.
now, as the comics are ongoing, n as this is already an au, there's gonna be divergence, n i must admit i haven't planned out all that yet. there's a lot i have to consider!! infinite being w the resistance/restoration is a big game changer ... tho i Do believe that they were absent, likely on a far out mission during most of the chaos. eggman doesn't know abt them, nor does starline or anyone else other than the sonic crew; n some civilians that recognise them.
i'm not 100% sure of Exactly when it happens, but i think it's just after bad guys, that infinite is sent to locate n bring in starline. it doesn't prove too difficult. there's a whole, starline realising "oh fuck it's you???", some bickering n, the two don't hit it off right away. they're both kinda like. not mentally stable ddgddgdds,,,
so uh. starline ends up essentially going thru the same sorta shit as infinite. careful watch, rebuilding, all that jazz, making sure he can be trusted. he's like... very very lost, quite like infinite is. the world has kinda calmed down, in the meanwhile.
it's at this point i'm gonna go ahead n drop a bit of a ramble i subjected my friends to a while ago, to articulate the way i see the two, n their dynamic together!! i was considering making this it's own post a while ago!
analysing their characters a bit... let's look at starline. Like. so we have this, in bad guys, which SENT ME tbfh;
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i feel like it's the moment that triggers starline onto the path he is rn canonically,,, he's clearly like. rly mad n bitter. the core of this?? he wants his work n his efforts to be acknowledged.
he's big angry. still kind of in denial at this stage. he has himself obsessed w/ the idea of making eggman see him as Worthy, that if he just tries hard enough, that'll happen. he's dependent on eggman's validation, n i mean, it's no surprise; he's followed him a Long Time by the sounds of it.
then in the recent issue, hold the fuck up, bc we got, This;
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god. my god it's all comin together now homies. this???? this right here??? it is the CLASSIC "i have to do this to prove i'm strong n powerful n smart n worthy n should be respected please Give Me Acknowledgement" ..... n who else is Like That? can u see where im going w/ this?
i think most ppl are aware of infinite's character being extremely indicative of self worth/esteem issues n the need to prove themself, right?? the extreme adversity, repulsion, perhaps even fear toward the idea of being weak. the compulsion to prove otherwise, to show their strength, to become powerful, to conquer to make a point. their theme exudes this same energy as their behaviour in-game; an aggressive attitude, trying to assert themself, while if u rly listen...? the lyrics are actually really sad in places. it reeks of cover up, although composition wise, a v interesting thing to note is a lot of the more telling lyrics are prominent while some of the affirming ones are in the background. indicative of a desire to have their true feelings be heard but caught in a vicious loop?
okay okay that's yet Another different analysis. AHEM.
not to get deep on main (oh who the hell am i kidding that's the point of this entire thing) but i think starline has issues w/ his worth in a similar way to infinite. they both seem to have this need to Prove something, whether it's to others or themselves, n get caught in a toxic spiral of doing worse n worse things for Some kind of validation or acknowledgement. they'll go to really big lengths chasing that, n both of them ultimately sought validation in the wrong place n wrong way.
this is a big part of my starfinite dynamic,, n so, what happens, as they get closer n open up??? we have them BOTH realising together that they don't have to do fuck all to prove anything to anyone. they don't need to do all this to show they're strong n smart n worth something, not to anyone else OR themselves. they're enough as they are. they bond over that shared feeling that they have to do xyz, to prove themselves, n that desire to just finally be acknowledged n appreciated n help each other thru it. to help each other understand that other ppls approval, or lack thereof, doesn't define them, their strength, intelligence, and worthiness.
i feel like they have an interesting parallel between them in like... the above could be taken as a general analysis, but to go more in depth on this au specifically?? ...
starline followed eggman for presumably a long time n it no doubt left him feeling a heavy and deep regret for all that time wasted n spent on an unhealthy path. infinite kinda teaches him that what matters is what he's doing Now n also reminds him that if none of it happened, starline wouldn't have learnt a lot of the serious skills he has. n while starline still feels bad, he also realises himself that, he likely never would have crossed infinite's path if none of it happened. for that reason, he wouldn't take it back.
infinite has only been recently made, on the other hand. they haven't really existed long, yet, but so far their experiences haven't been very positive n it can be .... discouraging. starline sorta, shows infinite their limited experiences w/ the world are a very tiny fraction of what's out there, n things can absolutely change, yes, including for the better; that's the essence of life, a neverending, constant flow of change.
it's a big tale of moving on n letting go, honestly; made easier as they're doing it together. n as they heal n grow, well... these bitches gay. sfshshdgds like, ig that's putting it p bluntly but!! they start to trust each other, understand each other more. as they get to truly know who the other is, they both start developing The Feelings. they're both pretty oblivious n the reveal is totally unknown so far!! yeah, i know, bummer. i suck. boo. adafsfsds however i can say there will be lots of content in the making!! if that soothes the soul! i've got of ideas i hope to bring to life.
ofc there's still a lot of more specific things i haven't covered here so! if y'all want more juice hmu w/ more focused questions but !! this is the overview n i hope it was a decent read now that gave some uhhh! Cool Insight! yea!!! ✌
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meikuree · 5 years
some pieck/annie thoughts
because i’m fleshing out my ideas about them before wading into a bog to write some pieckan: i enjoy the idea of pieck being one of the few people who garners genuine respect from annie among the warriors and manages to cut through her impersonal facade of affected cynicism (well, i choose to interpret it as affected and partly performed to some extent) to reach a point where... they share quiet, understated warmth! and something that could be called solidarity! with each other.
I’ve been thinking about this annie character analysis by transversely that suggests she is someone who is drawn to conviction and ideals. now, Pieck isn’t exactly the first candidate that comes to mind for the paragon of conviction or whatever; when it comes to her the vibe seems to be more of, making the best out of shitty situations and being levelheadedly realistic rather than one of committing to grandiose visions (and who can forget the savage snark she very much has the capacity to show when she wants to). but I think she does have her convictions and creeds that she is deeply committed to; like trusting in her comrades, as this @ghostmartyr post points out. what has always impressed me about her is how she isn’t the typical intelligent-and-sharp-because-theyre-an-emotionless-android character. she is intelligent because she has the EQ and knack for-- not necessarily understanding-- but appreciating human beings in their full complexity and drawing connections about the interpersonal relationships that make people tick. she combines piercing insight with empathy in other words. it’s unfortunate that she does this in service to marley which is indisputably a fascist/semi-fascist state but in the context of her relationships with others, I can see annie appreciating her iron-held commitment to faith and trust in others, even if annie might not understand why one would extend so much faith and kindness to others (because don’t, yknow, other people suck?). but anyway, Pieck is neither an emotional idiot nor blindly naïve; her faith in others is informed and tends to serve the needs of any wider situation that the characters find themselves in. so hey, it’s not just blind idealism; it’s a creed that is put to meaningful use and work! and this consistent thread in Pieck’s character might just gain annie’s begrudging respect.
Pieck and annie are both also very emotionally aware people, but in different directions. Annie is highly self-aware of her own emotions (again, a transversely point). Pieck’s emotional awareness has often been oriented outwards towards others when it’s brought up in the manga, though I’m sure she also knows herself well. (but chapter 127 troubles these easy assumptions about annie somewhat; annie demonstrates that she gets mikasa and also establishes sympathy with her views - so! another point of similarity between the two!). Pieck would get that annie isn’t simply a lone wolf or any of the easy boxes people put her into. she probably would’ve just let annie be. Pieck is also definitely a self-assured person and I think she would’ve been less anxious about what annie thought about her personally (unlike some other characters….) and so annie starts finding it tolerable to insinuate herself within Pieck’s space, even calming and/or a pleasant affair since Pieck doesn’t try to contrive at impressing anyone lol and that makes for conversations where they are equals and pieck says things straight and that definitely endears her to annie “cut-through-the-bullshit” leonhart.
I also think their similar yet different dynamics with their fathers would be very interesting to explore; Pieck seems to be closer to her father and he was the initial impetus for her to join the warriors but she has since broadened out from this laser-narrow focus to draw on other wellsprings of motivation to stick to her (well, objectively morally bankrupt) cause/nation. Annie’s main drive is to return to her father. would Pieck have been someone annie would have confided in about complex thoughts about her father? would they have helped each other reach more nuanced conclusions about their fathers? I think it could have feasibly happened. (okay i also admit that i’m a sucker for deep explorations of parenthood and legacy/memory in depth and it’s part of the reason why i’m itching to write some pieckan.)
(going back to the tangent about annie being drawn to conviction: yelena in her unfiltered devotion to zeke also fits the bill. i’m just imagining yelena/pieck/annie as a trio of three women in a modern AU who make people around them wonder how the hell they became friends, and how they make it work despite when they on the surface appear to have nothing in common. well, as it turns out, they have some fundamental puzzle pieces in their souls that fit together.)
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bloomeng · 4 years
MDZS/Hogwarts au Headcanons
This au is a classic, but per usual I have opinions so here we go. (Also let’s pretend we do not see you know who)
All the patronuses are based on the official list and descriptions (I’ll leave the link below).
Wei Wuxian:
Do I even need to make an arguement for this??
Patronus: Crow or Dolphin (I genuinely can’t decide)
Has friends in all houses and floats around among the tables in the great hall
Has been in all the houses common rooms tho
Probably good at most subjects, but he is amazing at defense against the dark arts
Definitely plays Quidditch, and is definitely the seeker too
Y’know typical over-achiver, star of the show, but without really trying
Steals books from the resticted section, not because he wants to read them, just because he was told they were off limits
He also steals food from the kitchen on his way back from the Hufflepuff common room (visiting Yanli ofc)
Is the kid that looses all of the points for his house, which means he also has most of the names in trophy room memorized (just from the sheer amount of time he’s had to clean them in detention)
Curfew is more of a suggestion, in his opinion nightime is the best time to roam the castle
He’s ended up in the hospital wing so many times that he basically has a bed reserved
Jiang Cheng:
Between the loyalty, courage, ambition to “attempt the impossible,” and secret heart of gold, he could rival wwx’s Gryffindor spirit
Patronus: Chow Dog
Grumpily follows around during his misadeventures to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself
Or rather he’s the one who drags wwx’s ass to the hospital wing when he does hurt himself
Only one out of the trio (wwx, nhs, jc) who actaully studies
Hates divination, thinks it’s all a hoax, and it bugs the crap out of him that nhs actually belives in it
Is the captain of the Quidditch team, started as a chaser but now he’s the keeper
Was chosen to be a prefect
His favorite perk is the fancy bathtub, which nhs has definitely bribed him to gain access to
Shares his dorm with wwx, and he’s always complaining how he has to drag him out of bed
Lan Wangji:
He do be out here being super creative with that Guqin, and also owning our asses with his intelligence
Patronus: Wild Rabbit
I’d estimate that he spent 90% of the first 3 years of school in the library
Insert intense glaring at wwx as he tries to sneak into the restricted section
Somehow missed that wwx played Quidditch until his brother dragged him to a game
Needless to say he never missed a Gryffindor game after that
Somehow he managed to score one point off of a perfect grade on his OWL
Y’all already know he’d be a prefect, do I even need to say it
His favorite place in the castle is the window seat in Ravenclaw tower
Pretends to protest wwx sneaking into his common room
Imagine: Wangxian Hogsmeade dates and wwx trying to get him to wear his Quidditch jersey
Lan Xichen:
Although I feel like you could make a strong case for Ravenclaw, but the compassion and open-mindedness wins out
Patronous: White Swan
Professors love him, even Snape manages to tolerate him, probably by his 5th year he’s friends with half his professors
His favorite class is herbology but he’s also really good at charms and transfiguration
Owns an owl that he shares with his brother that he named something dumb like “Harold”
Has the Daily Prophet delievered every morning, and always thanks “Harold”
He grew up in a pure blood family so he is fascinated by muggle culture, and he is constantly asking jgy questions
Once jgy shared music from his ipod (yknow like one of the og ipods) and it blew his mind
Probably tried to help the house elves in the kitchen at some point, but was kicked out because he caused more damage then actual help
Somehow he was made a prefect in his fourth year???
He just roots for the under dog in Quidditch games, which often leads to a friendly competition between he and his brother (Gryffindor is never the underdog, not with wwx and jc on the team)
Nie Huaisang:
Again do I even need to make a case for this???
Patronus: Sparrow
Doesn’t even try and hide the fact that he let’s wwx and jc into the Slytherin common room
Often sits at the Gryffindor table because he wants to sit with wwx and jc
Instead of studying, he is constantly trying to find ways to cheat by designing bewitched items
By his 7th year he has his own business selling his cheats
His favorite class is divination, everyone assumes it’s because he’s a believer, but in reality he finds the subject hilarious and he’s amazed how a scam can go so far as to have a full educational class dedicated to it
Forged his brother’s signature on the Hogsmeade form, because Mingjue told him he wasn’t allowed to go if he was failing a class
Can’t fly a broom for the life of him
Barely passed his OWLS
In general he’s far more concerned with gossip and playing match-maker then doing any of this school work (who do you think told lxc to bring lwj to a Gryffinsor Quidditch game??)
(My monkey Xiyao controled brain likes to think that he’s been trying to set the two of them up for years, but that might just be me)
Jin Guangyao:
AGAIN do I really need to explain my thought process on this??? He’s cunning and manipulative, case closed, I do not take critism
Patronus: Grass Snake
Struggles in conjouring magic, but makes up for it in written work and testing
In general he works very hard and is most likely top of his class, despite the lack of natural ability
His favorite class is potions, because it’s simply a matter of following directions
The first friend he made was lxc after realizing as first years that they had really similar class schedules and decided to study together
His mother was a muggle, and thus he was raised in the muggle world, so there’s a lot of prejudice from his housemates
Every once in awhile he’ll quietly ask lxc to explain something about the wizarding world
To the annoyance of his house, he was made a prefect
Somewhere along the way he befriended nhs
The relationship dynamic is as follows: jgy forces nhs to study, while nhs forces him to come with him to Hogsmeade (mainly so that he doesn’t have to pay for his own food)
Jiang Yanli:
She’s just so sweet, compassionate, and kind not to be a Hufflepuff
Patronus: Doe
Her favorite classes are Herbology and Care for Magical Creatures
She’s really good with animals
She read that you were allowed to bring an animal and immediately went out to buy a cat
Buys wwx snacks on the Hogwarts Express, even though she made him lunch
She brought a phonograph and a collection of records from home, and set it up in the common room
No one knows where it came from, but people started to slowly add to the collection of records
Now the common room is just constantly filled with music
Lxc knows it was her, but he didn’t see the harm in letting it stay, so he let it be (plus he also enjoys music)
She goes to Quidditch games and roots for Gryffindor despite... not being in Gryffindor (she’s a supportive sister)
Spent most of her 4th year stopping wwx from fighting Jin Zixuan (the year before she started dating him)
She really do be living the cliche dream of the Hufflepuff/Slytherin relationship
Jin Zixuan:
He’s the typical pompous, preppy, asshole, that people assiociate with Slytherins
Patronus: Peacock
The first thing he did when he got to Hogwarts was set up his side of the dorm room to make it more up to his “standards”
His dad tried to convince him to play Quidditch, but he refused
Basically ignores jgy’s existence.... even though they’re in the same house
Loathes herbology because it requires getting his hands dirty
Is racist(?) towards muggleborns
He always has a mob of girls surrounding him at all times, yet doesn’t know how to properly process his own feelings for Yanli
I’d say he’s trying his best but that would be a lie, he thinks he’s doing the most though
He takes school very seriously, and he scored pretty well on his OWLS
One time in potions something went wrong and his potion blew up in his face quite literally, and wwx hasn’t let him live that down
Xue Yang:
He is bad man grrrrrr and a sly bastard, so ofc he’s the house of snek
Patronus: Weasel
Everyone hates him, his professors, his housemates, even the ghosts avoid him
Except Peeves, in fact Peeves love him
Probably because he’s constantly messing with people
He’s the only person to rival wwx’s detention record
He is fantastic at defense against the dark arts
He likes to mess with Trelawney by purposely making death omens in his readings
He just doesn’t do assignments, yet does really well on exams and passes???
Snape would vouch for him, that’s the vibe I get
He plays as a beater on his Quidditch team, and he’s known for knocking people out
Xiao Xingchen:
He’s kind, selfless, and is always trying to see the good in people, which screams Hufflepuff
Patronus: Dragonfly
Is really good with charms
Even though he’s of age, he hates appariting and will do a lot to avoid it
Runs group study sessions, with the help of sl
A big activist in freeing house elves working for old families
Stops to have full conversations with the paintings
Is the only person in the school that tries to be friendly to Xue Yang
Song Lan:
He seems to have that very principled and intelligent nature of a Ravenclaw
Patronus: Dun Stallion
He doesn’t really have a lot of friends outside of xxc, but he doesn’t seem to mind
He’s that one person who actually enjoys professor Binns’ History of Magic class
He lets xxc drag him to Hogsmeade, even though the crowded shops make him uncomfortable
Shh it’s a secret but he also has a major sweet tooth and he will buy a shit ton of candy
Because of his scary amount of knowledge of Hogwarts and its history, he managed to find the room of requirement
So he and xxc end up moving their study sessions there when their group size outgrows the library
Anyway that’s all for now, but if you have a request be sure to ask!
Anyway I’m proud of the patronus choices I made for these, mostly. I know that it’s inevitable that someone will disagree with the house placements, so just note that these are purely my opinons.
Patronus info link:
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sizeshiftingrobot · 5 years
Idk if ur still into it but,,,, sally face characters finding a borrower in the apartments???
oh HELL yea babey i friggin love sally face
im gonna go with the main four kids cus i love em a whole bunch uwu
 definitely surprised at first, but considering all the things hes seen in his day to day life, this is refreshingly tame for him
 he would absolutely respect the borrowers space and privacy, along with respecting their decision to move away if they so desired. he’d worry about them and wanna make sure they dont get hurt, but he’d understand their choice if they did leave
 if the borrower were to stay, sal would often offer to help them out by leaving snacks out or giving them socks that lost their pair (he would then probably find a few of his and his dad’s missing socks are now in possession of that borrower)
sal is super worried about his mask freaking the borrower out, but is even more worried about them seeing his scars and scaring them even more
hes great at handling tinies and just as good at keeping them secret or hidden if they ask him to keep them a secret
completely m i n d b l o w n by the presence of a borrower. first sal shows him that ghosts are real, now tiny people living in the floors??? wild
no idea how to handle a borrower. probably sticks em in his pocket and takes em straight to sal to show them to him n ask if he knows what they are
despite not knowing what hes doing he would constantly offer them snacks and ask if theyre cold or hungry or thirsty. hed probably offer them weed 
larry would probably also feel really bad about how loud he blasted his music on nights that his mom was working overtime. poor tiny person in the walls probably had their whole room vibrating from that volume
if lisa found out shed basically adopt that borrower. hello new small child this is your cleaning mom bean now
very confused by this small person. are they some kind of hyper-intelligent form of rodent? are they from an entire society of miniature humans??  is todd just dreaming??? wild
he’d try and give the borrower a somewhat decent home, at least one better than the literal hole in the wall that they live in. not necessarily like, a terrarium for a pet, but something a bit more secure and roomy than the walls of a hundred year old apartment
yknow that thing about programmers talking to a rubber duck to help them figure out what problems they missed? todd does that when he does homework but with this borrower. poor borrower doesnt even know what hes talking about but they’ll provide moral support for him
hes pretty good at handling tinies but he doesnt really trust himself in holding em in fear of injuring them or holding them too tight and making them uncomfortable
if his parents found out about this borrower theyd probably just be like “heh nice” and let them be fkjdshg
she would be shocked at first but then shed fawn over this little guy! theyre so small and cute!! and we all know tiny things r like automatically cute we all know this
shed carry em around everywhere (but still keep them hidden to protect their privacy) partially to keep an eye on them and partially just cus she likes to have a lil friend around
ash would absolutely ask them to pose for her as an art reference
would do everything in her power to protect and keep this borrower safe. theyre injured? clean and bandage their wounds. they got a tear or a hole in their clothes or smth? shes gonna sew that bad boy up even if shes not that good at it. a piece of furniture they made isnt staying together? shes gonna help make it more stable for em
shares her lunch with the borrower, might even go as far as making tiny food for em like people do on youtube for their hamsters or whatever
sorry this is such a long post i got really into this !! thank u for asking me abt sf i dont get to talk about it much on here uwu
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