#they sure are Some Ways of Engagement
ploncc · 2 years
Hey, if you're a bookworm:
Trigger warning lists are there for your safety, not as a confession of the sins of the author/characters. Nor is it remotely possible for a list to cover every single potential trigger. It is the responsibility of the reader to manage their own media consumption and research whether a book might potentially be triggering (or even just upsetting) to them. Tedious, yes, but loves, please keep yourselves safe and put in the work necessary for your situations.
Along with that, "dark" is not an aesthetic descriptor. It is a blanket warning along the lines of "anything goes" or "author did not choose to use archive warnings"
You don't have to read a certain number of books a year. Hell, you don't have to be reading something right now. It's okay to take a break. It's okay to go at your own pace.
You don't have to finish that book either. If its making you feel drab or blue or frustrated, you can put it down, permanently or temporarily.
You don't have to read recently published things.
You don't have to read things published 100+ years ago.
You don't have to read things in this language or from this or that country.
You don't have to read things from any particular genre
However, because of the heavy commercialization of the genre and how hard it can be to branch out after you get used to it, I do want to say in particular: if you're feeling burnt out on YA, move on. Even just for today! Try 5 books from 10 different genres, or just find something that looks funny, or pick up something you don't think you'll like but want to try anyways, or find something on the 50 cent cart at the thrift store, or grab a book just because you thought the cover was neat. Reach for new things if you want to, sink your roots in. Take a break. YA is a very cohesive genre which can make it feel "sticky" and hard to try new things, but it might be time to give yourself a rest and/or try something new!
If you feel like you're "too dumb" for a book, find something related that's simplified and work your way up. I promise you, your brain works better than you think it does (I get it, ADHD + fatigue + trauma + life can be killer), but its just working on less information than it needs. You are not dumb. Pick up kids books. If those are boring off the bat, then find something a bit more advanced. Crawl your way up at whatever pace you want, and the second things get boring, move on! Acknowledge your past experience and stop comparing yourself to other readers. You might not understand the text today, but keep exploring, and one day you will.
Its okay to read fiction!
It's okay to read non-fiction!
The way we treat the concept of "problematic" in media is very close to how churches talk about sin. Understand why the text is hurtful, understand why people want/don't want you to read something, understand why the thing would be bad if it existed in real life, but put thought into it. If you feel like you don't know enough about the situation, it is okay to say "I don't know enough to form an opinion."
Reviews can be fun to read/watch/listen to. So can essays. Neither of those are a replacement for engagement with the text itself. This isn't a lit class. You aren't going to get a grade, you won't fail, there is no consequence here if you don't finish it "in time" or at all, or if you disagree with someone's interpretations, or if you couldn't write an essay on it even after you read it over twice. You are reading because you want to. Use reviews (yes, even as entertainment!), use essays, but don't let them think for you. You are not dumb. You can form your own opinions, you can do logic, you can think for yourself. Again, it might take work, but I promise you, you can.
It's okay to read!
It's okay to not be reading!! Life happens! Your brain needs a break! So does your heart and body!
Drink some water, be kind to yourself, rest your eyes/ears/fingers, and take a deep breath.
Read what you want to, when you want to, because you want.
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bizarrelittlemew · 10 months
no but imagine if the studios weren't greedy beyond all fucking believe and the actors and writers didn't have to strike because not only would they be able to be hyped along with us but we would probably ALSO be getting bts material from Samba and Vico (and others but Samba's 4k+ files are just SITTING THERE) like thye'd probably be allowed to post stuff that didn't spoil beyond what the teaser already gives away, right? even just a little bit? but instead they can't celebrate their own work like they deserve along with the rest of us because the studios won't fucking pay their workers and give them rights i am so ANGRY
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nellasbookplanet · 1 year
Do I actually think Imogen is going to turn on the party? No. I don't think it’s any more likely to happen than I did Fjord releasing Uk’otoa, or Caleb returning to Trent and the Vollstruckers.
Given the nature of the game, any character turning fully dark is unlikely, seeing as it would take them away from the party for a time or potentially even turn them into an npc, replaced by a new pc. So far the only time we've gotten close to seeing something like it happen was Yasha siding with Obann, which could only happen specifically because Ashley was gone from the table for a long time (it was also the product of mind control, not an active choice to turn dark, and as such still doesn’t really count as a pc turning on the party in my eyes).
But the possibility is there. The seeds planted. Travis has talked about how, after he threw the falchion away, he briefly considered having Fjord leave the party and retun to the coast and Uk’otoa. Liam has mentioned that, early on, Caleb returning to work for Trent was a very real possibilty. It can happen, if the players and narrative are open to it.
And now, canonically, Imogen is desperately and understandably searching for a reason not to have to fight her own mother. She is, however briefly, questioning whether the Ruby Vanguard might have a just cause. Much as she hates it, she also feels the allure of the power Ruidus gives her. Her closest ally is someone who has repeatedly assured she will stand by her no matter what she chooses, even after she voiced the possibility of letting Predathos get out. None of these parts of Imogen are evil, and all of them are understandable and deeply rooted in pain and ostracization, but they could very easily be turned into justification, were she pushed enough.
The seeds are planted. Again, I don’t think it will happen (she seems firmly against the evil plan when reminded of how evil it is), but there’s certainly nothing strange or hateful about engaging with and being interested in the darker possibilities as presented in canon. It isn't character hate to acknowledge that Imogen has the potential to go dark, much as Fjord and Caleb and Yasha. To me, it’s what makes her character interesting. I want to see her clash with the party, whether because she’s desperate to save her own mother or because she’s high off the power of Ruidus and lured in. I want to see Laudna have to choose between the world and her promise to stand by Imogen no matter what. I want to see the fallout, the slow healing and redemption and coming to terms with bad choices. I eat that shit up, and if it doesn’t happen in canon I'll probably go read some fic about it to get my fix.
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alistairkisser · 16 days
"can't you guys shut up and stop complaining about the announcements and just have fun" i am having fun. i like complaining
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g1deonthefirst · 6 months
i will say. i think that this fandom is generally very reluctant to criticize tamsyn muir as a white author but there's a meaningful difference between representation that's actually in the books and the author's headcanons posted on tumblr dot com.
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forcedhesitation · 7 months
this undeniably has to be one of the worst opinions I've seen about this season. like out of the plentiful failures season 4 had... you really couldn't choose one to talk about? max's mental health was one of the only things that I felt season 4 handled pretty damn well.
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I do think it could have been better written, yes. the ending of her arc in season 4 was....insulting at best.
but overall? the show does a great job of addressing that max actually hated billy (she literally fucking admits to wishing for his death) and that her grief is more complicated than just missing a person. because she wasn't missing a person! she was ultimately glad billy was gone. but even in death, he torments her.
she watched a person she grew up with be brutally murdered by some fleshy abomination, RIGHT in front of her. her shitbag step father bailed on her and her mother after billy died, forcing them to move to the trailer park. her mother abuses alcohol and is never home because she's always working so they can afford to live in the trailer park. her friend group has been split in two by the byers moving away, which took el away from her too. she doesn't know how to reach out to lucas, deep down doesn't feel she deserves his love & concern, despite lucas' best efforts (vecna literally taunts her with lucas turning on her at the final confrontation). she wished so badly to have someone like steve in billy, but she knows that billy would never be that person. he was the complete opposite & she can't just have steve in his place. she mourns the brother she never had. she is devastated by the way billy still hurts her, even after he's gone.
she's what. fourteen??? when this all happens?
like the death of an abuser is never so simple as "hooray! I am so very joyous now that the source of my pain is gone!" the damage an abuser inflicts on you is not some cut to the skin that can be healed and one day forgotten. it's so much more tortuous than that. especially for a child.
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54625 · 11 days
#do you ever just feel like if the colour grey was an emotion#i feel bored and empty#not entirely sure why that is but i don't think the QSMP's... everything is helping#i guess it's only natural that a source of comfort shrivelling and dying ends up making you feel a little worse#I'd be lying if i said I wasn't sad every time i open the QSMPtag and the most recent post was like 4 hours ago and there have only been#like thirty posts in the past day#either way#yeah feeling a little. ehh#dude I'll be completely honest#when i posted that most recent fanart i put my phone down for a couple hours#and when i came back to check up on how the post had been doing#and it had like 18 notes. a couple hours after I posted it. idk what I expected but in my head i was hoping for over fifty at the very least#I'd be lying if I said that didn't break my heart a bit#the post didn't end up doing terribly after that though; roughly ≈450 notes isn't. bad? but i spent 11 fucking hours on that damn thing#at least i got some really nice compliments on it#but that initial disappointment stung enough that my motivation to put effort into fanart again is. definitely absent right now#i guess i can't expect a huge turnout with how empty the fandom is now#but sometimes i see other artists in the fandom get so much attention so quickly and i wonder what I'm doing wrong#maybe it's a skill issue lmfao#whatever. feeling a little unfulfilled right now and wanted to get it off my chest. don't expect massive engagement from me#I'm not going anywhere I'm just not super enthusiastic at the moment#who knows maybe I'll find things to be hyped about and talk extensively about
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walker-lister · 5 months
I just have to remind myself sometimes that no matter what anyone else says, the way a piece of media makes me feel and the positive impact it has had on my queer identity is valid, and that tearing myself apart thinking I have to defend it or questioning my own place within queer communities is not at all important when compared to the almost tangible sense of 'rightness' that piece of media helped me to feel about myself.
#just something i've been pondering the last few days#kind of like no matter how much people debate or i suppose theoretically deconstruct media featuring queer stories#the most important thing is how it makes a queer person feel#and I do think it is of course a good thing to ensure queer stories are executed with respect and authenticity#but there's this grey area in fandom spaces in which people may have found rep from a 'unreliable' source i suppose#or something which is queerbaiting- sherlock springs to mind for example yet if people have been able to explore and nurture their own#queerness through that media does that therefore mean their experience is invalid? i don't think so#and my worry is the more we focus on theory the less we focus on emotion and therefore the actual queer experience itself#and sure theory can inform the queer experience and ensure the media is a 'healthy' site of queer identity formation and identity aid#but at the same time scorning or being rude to those who have found certain media an aid is not the right approach to be taking#especially as queer experiences are so wide ranging that one person's idea of 'good' representation is someone's else's of 'bad'#and that unless a piece of media is clearly offensive in its portrayal of queer experience there has to be some benefit of doubt#I think we're still in a period of progression in media espc tv where queer creators are coming to the fore of their own stories#and we've got to 'live and let live' a little about where people are finding sights of queer validation and joy#and perhaps this a naive and simplistic way of thinking but i think queer people can either recognise when something isn't the best rep#but was helpful for them anyway and therefore in a way confer 'ownership' of the media to themselves in how they engage#or there is variety in queer experiences represented in media so that perhaps not everyone finds a 'site' of rep but that does not#therefore invalidate it or make it 'bad' representation#this is just my opinion and it'd be hypocritical for me to not now mention this is only formed from my own queer experience lol#so i'm not trying to tell anyone how to feel or anything just something i'm pondering
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teledild0nix · 3 months
so i'm writing an 8th year fic and h&d are taking a muggle studies class together in which they read one of shakespeare's plays, and i'm trying to write a final project (for which they are partners) but like. hogwarts academics don't seem all that uhhhhh rigorous to me (like we see the students complaining about having to write a foot of parchment which is essentially ONE PAGE HANDWRITTEN) and i'm a little worried that my assignment is too rigorous.
it involves a lot of like. thinking analytically and using your imagination wrt the motivations of people unlike yourself, and that's not rlly something they do much at hogwarts as far as i can see. BUT it is muggle studies, and like. they could definitely all use some practice at those skills, following the recent implosion of their society.
#i showed it to my spouse who is a hs teacher#'where are they getting the books for this research? are there wizarding books about macbeth?' no there are not#the professor chose macbeth bc it has these concepts that will be familiar to them like witchcraft and prophesy#but presented from a muggle perspective#and also bc shakespeare is foundational to english literature and culture and it's good to be familiar with his work#and also bc they don't have a lot of experience with art esp language arts which is so so so sad and this will broaden their world#and ALSO bc shakespeare wrote before the statute of secrecy was signed which hopefully sparks their imaginations#to what extent might shakespeare's work have been impacted by ambient magic? or rumors of magic?#and if they had like a regular english literature education#they could talk about like the role of outcasts in shakespeare's work and whether magical people fit into that role#but they do not so we have to be a bit more literal#for the students that are prepared to like dig into this stuff it could be a very engaging experience#but most of them will prob be a bit lazy with it right? and maybe just resent the assignment and not get much out of it#and like!!!!#this assignment is literally just an excuse to have H&D putting their heads together in the library#and bring their relationship/the fact that they've been warming up to each other and spending time together out into the open#in a plausible deniability sort of way#a friendship soft launch if you will#i get a little carried away about these details sometimes#like if i mention the characters getting sandwiches i will look up menus for places they could plausibly have gotten sandwiches in that are#to make sure the sandwiches i mention are reasonable sandwiches#i heard some dumb story about meghan markle freaking out about not being able to get avocado when she was in the uk#and i remembered a fic i had written where aziraphale and crowley eat egg and avocado sandwiches#and i felt ashamed#an implausible sandwich!!!!
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cyanopicas · 3 months
pondering an ultrakill gahoole au
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sadaveniren · 1 year
Why do you think the fandom treats Gemma and the Tomlinson sisters so differently?
Because Gemma is doing what they want and the Tomlinson sisters aren’t and despite being progressive and saying we support people for doing what they want we as a society and a fandom over all still operate under the rule of “my way or the Highway”
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yellowocaballero · 5 months
Talk shop Tuesday: what’s your favorite fandom to create for?
OHHH that's an interesting question. I think most multi-fandom writers have experienced how different cultures can be between fandoms. I've had works that got a ton of hits and almost no engagement for one fandom, and for another fandom the hits were modest but there was a ton of conversation in my inbox and on my blog about it - I think maybe the fandom was starved for gen longfic lol. So the level of engagement and positivity of the fandom has a lot to do with if it's fun to write for or not. Sometimes the engagement i can get a little weird, or it can be not exactly what you want...
I think my overall best experience was writing for Star Wars - despite the size of the fandom, the engagement was high and the tone was always positive and enthusiastic. Because so much of my SW stuff was just on my blog, the audience was small but very vocal and fun to interact with, and I've made long-lasting friends from that fandom.
But I've made great friends in every fandom, and I'm really lucky and haven't had awful experiences in any one fandom (for the curious - my overall worst fandom experience was definitely Detroit: Become Human. I wasn't in the fandom for that one, and I definitely made a wonderful friend or two, but the comments were just unusually noxious or annoying). Thanks for the ask, Seek!
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toytulini · 8 months
god this stupid fucking intracommunity infighting bullshit never ends and im so god damn tired. stop it. and if youre fucking discoursing this stupid shit you should have to add a fucking disclaimer to your fucking posts at least im tired of having to search yalls blogs when smth slightly off about your wording that i cant explain has me like hmmmmm and then i end up right and i really dont want to be
#toy txt post#INNOCUOUSLY WORDED POSTS THAT YOU AT FIRST AGREE WITH AND THEN YOU SEE THE PATTERN#WITH YOUR HORRIBLE BRAIN OH SO PRIMED FOR THESE STUPID FUCKING DISCOURSE HINTS FROM THE FUCKING YEARS OF#UNAVOIDABLE ACECOURSE. ARE YOU ACTUALLY CALLING OUT TRANSMISOGYNY OR DO YOU BELIEVE#THAT TRANSMASCS DISCUSSING TRANSANDROPHOBIA AND CREATING THEIR OWN TERM TO DESCRIBE IT IS 'TRANSMISOGYNY' AND#YOU CONSIDER DISCUSSING THE EXISTENCE OF TRANSANDROPHOBIA TO BE TRANSMISOGYNY? BC THAT IS A DIFFERENT THING.#YOU ARE MISUSING THE WORDS TO ENTRENCH YOUR STUPID FUCKING DISCOURSE#YOU ARE EXACTLY LIKE ALL THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS IN 2016 WHO MADE INNOCUOUS POSTS COMPLAINING ABOUT HOMOPHOBIA AND CISHETS#THAT AT FIRST YOU READ LIKE YEAH HOMOPHOBIA SUCKS AND THEN YOU RECOGNIZE THE URL. OR YOU SEE THE COMMENTS. AND YOU REALIZE#OH WHEN THIS PERSON SAYS HOMPHOBIA. THEY MEAN A-SPECS EXISTING AND COINING TERMINOLOGY FOR OURSELVES. WHEN THEY SAY CISHETS THEY MEAN#A-SPECS. BUT BC OF HOW INNOCUOUSLY WORDED THE POST IS YOU CANT CALL THEM ON IT WITHOUT LOOKING INSANE. ALSO. THE MOST RECENT EXAMPLE OF#THIS I SAW. THE PERSON WAS ALSO A FUCKING APHOBE. LMAO. BC OF COURSE THEY WERE. FUCKING OF COURSE#GOD. FUCKING. IM SO TIRED OF THIS. IM TURNING REBLOGS OFF ON THIS POST. I AM NOT GOING TO ENGAGE WITH ANYONE ON THIS TOPIC#to be clear. not every post. not saying every post. but enough times now ive seen posts where like. i already knew context 4the situation#and the person was absolutely just trying to hide behind their marginalized identity. or like the op was innocuous but their mutual#replied showing their true colors in the notes so Now. everytime i see one of these posts im like yeah. that is a fair point#I will agree that when transfem ppl online do anything ppl slightly dont like the response is often disproportionate in a way that is like.#hmm some transmisogyny at play here for sure. however. now i cant fucking trust you ppl making the fucking POSTS. and im so TIRED#conservatives are like making trans genocide like one of their main fucking platform points for 2024 and youre trying to drive more fucking#wedges in the community rn? really???? REALLY?#im so tired im so fucking tired. im turning reblogs off. do not contact me about thos post. check the context of posts ig bc ppl will#just fucking say anything#also god. i forgot about cl0set k3ys being an aphobe lmaooo#even if theyve apologized im just blocking based on that 2017 post alone god that was rancid. why did yoh say that. shut up forever. bye#im about to just start fucking blocking every user i see without bothering so search#like just every user regardless of vibes or content. just going to be me and my mutuals in here and all the posts they reblogged from#everyone i have blocked
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corset · 5 months
What is the point of "family" by the way. I don't really get it
#I mean good for everyone who does but#Like even after developing a pretty okay relationship with my mother I kind of don't.....#I don't know how to put this without sounding really abrasive#I /like/ her for sure as like. An entity right. Who takes care of me? And she's Fine overall I guess but I just don't think I'm feeling the#right way about what is supposed to be my 'mother'. Right. Like I think other people are doing that differently and feel a way I'm not#capable of feeling. Like I just don't have the capacity to emotionally understand a familial bond in that context??#I think it's just my dissociative disorder to be honest. I don't really have a childhood or a consecutive life experience of any kind and#I've definitely felt Familial Bond about fictional characters my brain has decided to get into an uncomfortable position relative to on an#emotional level. Iykyk. [Stares off into the middle distance]#But like on a real level I don't really care I guess about a lot of the people around me and I don't understand how to. I had to actively#decide or puzzle out how to 'properly' engage with a lot of things including emotions on a 'human' level.#Like I had to sit there and make the Choice actively to care about people and humanity which I think most people don't have to do#And not in like a 'humanity has disappointed me and I have to get over a misanthropic phase' I mean like. A sort of detached emptiness#overall#Like we definitely had a misanthropic-adjacent phase at some point but#Whatever nobody's going to read this it's a huge wall of rambly text#Little present for anyone who does: 𓃠
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jorrated · 6 months
man visual novels are fun n all but half of the time i feel like im watching a 30 hour movie
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I love learning ASL it’s so good. Makes me happy to learn it. I’m so glad my university has classes for it with professors actually steeped in Deaf culture.
#blue chatter#am I good at ASL? hahahahahahaha. no.#ASL and English grammar are incredibly different and even when I remember my vocab I am easily clockable as hearing#but I do have some language capacity now. enough to communicate the basics.#and I just. genuinely really enjoy it. it’s fun to learn and engaging in a way most of my classes just aren’t.#and I can. yanno. communicate respectfully w Deaf ppl. and learn about their culture#which is incredibly important given that I want to go into a field where there is a higher incidence than typical of Deaf people#autistic? you’re more likely to be Deaf!#not to mention the fact that sign language can sometimes be a useful alternative to speech for nonspeaking/nonverbal people#depending on the person obvi; some nonspeaking/nonverbal autistics cannot use sign language and that’s okay#but surely at some point I will encounter either a Deaf client or a nonspeaking/nonverbal client who uses ASL#and when that time comes I should have some idea of how to communicate with them#I also rly like the Deaf church by my parents’ house#their community is really welcoming and their services are really interesting#I think it’s rly cool how they take intentions directly from the congregation#they’ll raise their hands and then sign what their intention is from their pew to the ambo#which is rly neat#it is funny bc every time I go the Deaf ppl I talk to will tell each other ‘go slow she’s hearing’#which is ENTIRELY fair bc. I am hearing. and I do need them to go slower.#but it also makes me laugh bc truly everyone knows within a few minutes.#oh hey the new person? they’re hearing. yeah they’re learning ASL at college. sign slowly for her.#which again makes sense bc a big Deaf culture thing is keeping ppl informed. it’s not gossip it’s getting everyone on the same page.#Deaf ppl do NOT beat around the bush that is like the height of rudeness to them. u say what u mean goshdangit. do not waste their time.#which I appreciate the heck out of bc i don’t have to try and phrase things delicately or w/e#it was also funny bc my mom came w me while I was home for Christmas and they asked her if I was her kid#and she said yes. and the lady running the kid’s craft corner thing was like ‘great you’re doing a craft now’#and I’m sitting there. visibly over 18 years old. amongst several seven year olds. trying desperately to figure out how to say hot glue gun#I made a v pretty pinecone tree it was a lot of fun ^-^
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