#they wanted to keep humor in it but it wasnt really working for this one
hecksupremechips · 2 years
It’s been ages since I dusted off my love for Starkid but nothing will ever infuriate me as much as the song from Black Friday thats like “what Tim wants Tim will get” didn’t get a fucked up reprise where Tom is holding someone at gunpoint in order to make Tim’s wishes come true and prove himself as a father
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 2 months
Watching over a little Army
Wholesome, heaven, children, chill af.
Everyone had a job to do regardless how seemingly insignificant. Pentious couldnt make his usual crafts so he made something that everyone could agree was a positive.
A little boy sat on his work bench as he prepared a few molds. The childs caretaker asked him to make some army men for their little boy.
The little frog child almost looked like Pentious in a way, but they were born a hundred years after his own death.
The child played with a tool as he waited, talking about his life, which wasnt much, he happily talked about getting a rubix cube when he was 6. He described the way he peeled the stickers off and put them back in the right places. To Pentious' slowly returned humor since his death, he chuckled at the idea of cheating on a puzzle.
Pentious looked to the little boy who asked him out of the blue,
"Did you fight in a war mister? You look like my papa, all serious and stuff. Not to be rude dude I just gotta know."
The kid was trying to be cool. It endeared Pentious just enough to get him to spill.
"Ah yes I fought in a few wars... I actually fought in one recently. But... I dont think you wanna hear about all that."
Pentious said this with shut eyes before subtly peeking to gauge the kids interest.
The little boy looked absolutely stoked and begged to know more,
"Oh my Gosh pleeeaaase tell me Sir! I wanna know! That's totally too cool to not hear about!!"
Pentious smirked and after filling some toy molds and safely setting them aside began.
"I was in Hell, and despite popular belief we had good people that needed defending. The extermination was pushed forward on us and they planned to kill us permanently."
Pentious spoke with bravado and really hammed it up for the kid who's shaking with excitement.
"Of course my good friend Charlotte, Princess of Hell, and her dearest Vagatha had planned to fight the attack. I opted to lead as a General as that's my strongest trait."
Pentious continues with even more passion,
"We fought hard as I made sure to keep an eye on the battle grounds and sky looking for openings. And I noticed we couldnt get through with Adam the first man standing in the way."
Pentious looked at the boy who was practically on the edge of his seat. Pentious continued and began to get lost in the story,
"I thought fast. I arranged for my personal soldier eggs to get in my air ship... before I boarded I gave the woman of my dreams a kiss... feels selfish a bit now..."
Pentious now remembering his death began to get a bit worked up,
"I ran to my air ship... I wanted to be remembered... my soldiers readied the canons firing them up just enough... when it was time I told them to fire..."
Pentious paused and looked to the toy molds, his little soldiers...
"I... my soldiers were hellborn.... they didnt make it like I had to heaven... we were destroyed... sometimes I almost feel like just a little it wasnt the right thing... but I know my boys were born to fight and die in battle. It's all they ever wanted to do. To fight."
Pentious leaned on a wall as the memories flooded and assaulted his senses, he only snapped out of it feeling the child hug his tail tight. He looked at the sweet boy who was crying with sympathy, he recognized this feeling from his own father. The grief and regrets one feels from war are horrible. Especially when it's all your fault someone you cared about died.
Pentious slowly calmed himself down and covered his face some to get his face back to masking a positive face.
"Its okay Sir...", the boy said.
The molded toy soldiers were finished and he had to paint them after priming them and drying them again.
Pentious worked up his brave tone again,
"Ahem... will you promise to protect these little soldiers? You'll be their General from the moment I give them to you little one."
The boy chuckled at being called little one,
"You sound like grandpa... I will Sir. I promise."
The boy saluted him and that warmed his heart,
"Good kid."
The rest of the day flew by and the boy would return tomorrow for the toys.... and the day after... and each day after. He was a good egg afterall.
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swemory · 8 months
Messy CoD: Ghost's headcannons ::
on the topic of CoD charachters as animals, Merrick strikes me as a bear. dunno ENTIRELY why. i saw this other post montttthhhssss back(more like a year ago) of someone headcannoning that Merrick kind of instinctively starts watching out for the Walker brother's/doting on them more after Elias' death and i REALLY resonate with that.
he takes care of his cubs :) definitely gets protective of the two brothers after his best friends death. (also headcannon that Elias and Merrick were closer buds than we got to see. those two definitely drink beer together.) Merrick seems like the kind of guy to have never seen himself as a father figure, its just an instinctive move after Elias dies since the two boys are still pretty young adults. (dunno if the person said all this in their posts, i have zero way of finding them again 😭😭)
(i was getting stuffed animals from build a bear nd making them themed as CoD charachters and i have a bear one as Merrick because of this[lmk if you want a bear!Merrick reveal because i also have doodles of him with bear ears])
Merrick, Merrick, Merrick..
honestly dont really know what to say about this man. i feel like he's extremely un-tech savvy unless its military technology. definitely does that dad squint with his eyes while reading something/trying to figure out how tf a phone works.
OHHH and on the topic of being horridly bad with tech and internet shi, if Logan and Hesh were to ever show Merrick tiktok for any reason, Merrick would probably find himself an addict of the app and incidentally pick up a shit ton of Gen Z humor but have zero idea what ANY of it means.
catch him throwing around old 2019 jokes or being one of those awkward father's who try to relate to the younger demographic by using outdated slang. thats IF he has the confidence to use any of the humor. if anything, i feel like he'd be awfully self conscious about doing so due to his lack of knowledge on it all.
no idea where im going with these headcannons. it is 12am and i am doing my workout routine as i wrote this while sleep deprived. dw im going strong.
but on the topic of HEADCANNONS,,,
Keegan, i feel like, leaned alot on Elias (probably without realizing it). i just see a kinship between Keegan, Elias and Merrick. Keegan seems to be by Merrick's side ALOT and i feel like HE feels he belongs there. not reliant just.. connected. soul brothers, really.
and if it wasnt Logan and Hesh who were fucked up over Elias' death, it was Keegan and Merrick. Merrick lost a bestfriend, Keegan lost a friend maybe even a father/uncle figure.
mostly Merrick gives me uncle vibes, though. Elias is a father figure, someone to lean on / someone to really show you how to do something and help you through hard times with insanely good advice. and Merrick's just the awkward, un-tech savvy uncle. i refuse to elaborate any further.
my personal headcannon for Logan is that hes semi-mute. i dont, personally, headcannon him as someone with full mutism but i do feel like he doesnt speak 90% of the time and shocks everyone whenever he does speak.
Keegan going about his day, saying a brief good morning to Logan and the Walker boy saying a quiet ''morning'' back to the man. has Keegan freeze on the spot, taking a full minute before looking up at Logan. takes a glance at Hesh and the brother merely shrugs, used to Logan's rare speaking.
out of everyone, Logan mostly speaks to Hesh. whenever Logan does speak, i feel like its aimed, USUALLY, at Hesh and nobody else in the room. keeps ot brief but sometimes has an actual back and forth while Merrick and Keegan are just reeling.
Merrick, wanting to help understand Logan better and show he cares more after Elias' death, put time aside to learn sign language for Logan's 'no talk days'. definitely mixes up a few signs and still has alot to learn but it surprises Logan and the man feels heard. definitely better than Logan having to rely on Hesh fully to communicate what Logan's trying to say / Logan having to fumble and point out different things and use unconventional means to try and get something across.
no hcs for Hesh rn..i THINK. actually i think i do have some but i cant remember and am tired. i spent likr an hour writing this yw im so eepy
gonna make a post strictly for Elias hc's because i have ALOT. (can you tell i have daddy issues)
A/N:: if anyone else has done these hcs tell me, im losing my mind over if ive actually seen anyone else have the same thoughts as me or not.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
HIII!! can i ask, how do you write Mordecai Heller?? THANK YOUU!!
hmm Ill try to answer this best I can and try not to ramble too long but we'll see how that goes... Im not gonna act like im an expert or whatever, this is just my thought process ig? ALSO Im ace and so is he, and I add my own experiences into my writing. Anyway the long version here:
so first thing's first!! READ THE COMIC ALSO THE SIDE COMICS ALSO ALL THE EXTRAS bc esp the extras, you get to see a lot of his personality pre-Marigold. It's two very distinct points in his life - I'd venture to say that pre-Lackadaisy and early Lackadaisy Mordecai are also very different (and that makes sense - he was a kid, and he was with the Lackadaisy crew for 7 years). He has a very distinct character progression that in my opinion is very interesting and well-written!
actually, p much all lackadaisy characters are well-written, but mordecai is a fun case because he just has so much going on: his social skills are abysmal, and he doesn't seem to find it a problem. he has committed brutal murders and executions and considers them 'just business'. he doggedly pursues discrepancies. he fixates on things being neat and symmetrical if possible. He can deal with things not being that way, for a time (note when he's covered in bloody and filthy from a job, he doesn't freak out - because that's Business (tm) and he can just wash up anyway. But a driver getting a snot mess all over the car he has to drive in all the time? Unforgivable.) he grew up in squalor and has a serious phobia of spiders and rats. He's emotionally repressed in more ways than one. He's queer and is deeply uncomfortable with people (especially women) touching him or showing interest. He still thinks about his sisters fondly. he also thinks they're better off without him. He actually found a friend (or more) in Viktor and he'd never, ever, ever say it, and his way of keeping his friend out of crime and 'protecting' him was by shooting his kneecaps. his sense of humor is crap, and he doesn't understand why his mannerisms would be considered amusing. he got into crime at a young age, doing gangster's finances for them. as a kid.
im missing some other tidbits, but you get it. the dude is real interesting to think about and write, to say the least.
I think a lot of writing mordecai, esp if you're writing a more romantic fic or even if it's just platonic - he's so closed off! part of why the Savoys are so interested in him is they've worked with him a year and he just doesn't loosen up or talk much about himself. he and viktor knew each other seven whole-ass years and you think they ever talked about their families? how they came to know atlas? what they thought about the job? granted, Viktor is just as closed-off himself, but you get what im saying. he has a serious problem with letting people in, and part of writing him is getting a crowbar and figuring out which spot to put it in and bend it juuuust enough to open something up.
ok that metaphor went somewhere weird, but you get me. and, if im being honest, a LOT of what i channel is my own asexual experience. I used to be very touch averse, especially to the opposite gender - to the point where i'd panic if I felt a man was "too close" (i.e. less than 2 feet) and "lingering" (aka minding his business). I didnt mind my friends hugging me, but I didnt really like the cuddle sessions my female friends wanted to do, and after a point, I disliked hugs from my male friends. if a guy was crushing on me? Hell no, he wasnt going near me, even if I thought he was cute too (when I was younger I DEF had a thing for my female friends too, but i registered that as 'gaaaaal paaaals' for the LONGEST time until I accepted I was bi) There was like - an undercurrent of fear and anxiety. It took me a long time to identify why. while other people seemed delighted when people they liked held their hands and hugged and kissed, it sent me into a panic.
eventually i figured out my thought process: physical affection will inevitably lead to sex, and bc i thought i was straight, there was the terrifying thought of ... oh god if i date a guy he'll expect me to have sex. oh no oh no oh no-
(and no, no one taught me much about consent or taking things slow or talking to your partner. i had to figure it out, which sucked.)
all this to say ... when I write Mordecai, especially in a romantic sense, I kind of channel that anxiety I felt in my teens and early 20s. and like, this is the 1920's!!!!* Not to mention his upbringing, and of course his line of work - where he definiately cant have feelings getting in the way of murdering someone. I think this adds up to someone whose repressing themselves - their sexual thoughts (or lack thereof), memories of family, romantic thoughts, platonic thoughts, and so on.
I like to think - again, this is fanfiction, I seriously doubt it'll come up in the comics - in a romantic relationship (or even an intense platonic one), he gets intense about it. Because Mordecai is an intense guy - you can't hatchet up someone "because i was told to", or kneecap a friend you wanted to "protect", or switch sides to your father figure's rival and pretend like you betrayed everyone just to investigate that father figure and not be, uh. some kind of Intense. I often think that, in a relationship, his jealousy and confusion/apprehension around affection and sexuality would be just as intense. And eventually, the feelings of loyalty and devotion ... once he finally lets himself have it. Because I also think, to some degree, he doesn't think he should have it - just like he thinks his sisters and mother should just leave him behind.
when im writing him in the romantic sense - as I began to accept and understand my sexuality, and talk through my feelings with my partner (also generally have better mental health, my touch averseness got a lot better.** Again, Im also kind of projecting my feelings and experiences onto Mordecai regarding this. I like to think that, once he really trusts someone and allows them to touch him, other barriers begin to tumble down. its like raw nerves being touched sometimes, but he steadily gets used to it and eventually takes solace in it (now getting him to ADMIT that srfjsdfs--)
anyway! As always, fanfic is fanfic. You are free to characterize this murdercat however you wish. These are just the jumbled thoughts that run around in my brain.
* Asexuality, like homosexuality and many shades of queerness, was considered an illness. IF anyone even acknowledged asexuality at all - its definition and terminology hadn't really caught on until the 1970's, though the Kinsey scale attempted to address it (and Jennie June attempted to write and define this in the 1920s, but I seriously doubt her writings were widespread).
**A stranger can brush past me or put a hand on me and I only have a few seconds of anxiety. My friends and family can hug me for a while, or I can cuddle up to them. I don't mind my husband cuddling or kissing me at all anymore; he's actually the one person I can tolerate sustained affection from. A huge part of this change came from accepting and understand my asexuality as part of me. I wasnt "messed up" and "broken".
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baby-yaga · 6 months
my dad died. march 17th, st patricks day.
i went to the hospital. i saw him, but hed already gone. my family was there, including my mom. she was working that night and stayed with my grammy and puca, uncles, aunt, and his ex-wife/current girlfriend.
weve been doing funeral arrangements. looking for pictures for the memorial. i picked out his coffin. he wanted to be cremated, and my brother and i wanted that as well, but his parents wanted a christian burial.
my mom and maternal grandparents made food to take to my other grandparents. i choose a flower arrangement.
i looked at pictures of him from before he and my mom divorced. i chose pictures where he looked handsome, or like he was having fun. i chose pictures where he was making silly faces and annoying my mother. or me.
i thought about how these photos are all i have of him now. i took every single one i could find, even if it just had his foot or hand in it.
i thought about how he was supposed to go through a parent dying before me. i thought about how he was supposed to show me what to do by example. my mom said, "theyre going through something i never have."
in a way, i feel like im planning a party. like a retirement, or a birthday, or an anniversary. ive cried dozens of times, for hours, but i still dont feel like hes gone. i keep wandering from place to place, because thats where im needed, and i keep making choices, because thats what im needed for, but i cant really feel like hes dead. i guess i dont know what thats like. ive never experienced a death of this magnitude before.
no one told me how to handle his death. everyone loved him. he was known for his intelligence, his sense of humor, his love of music and movies. he was adored by everyone who knew him, except for his 3 children. wed all more or less accepted that he was a shitty father years ago.
some people are born to be parents. i think my dad was born to be a fun uncle. my cousins apparently used to tell my brother he was so lucky to have him as a dad.
i loved him, and everything is different now.
i hated him, and nothing has changed.
im relieved. i dont regret a thing.
i feel like my hearts been carved out and i miss him.
ive always missed and not missed my dad. loved and hated him. accepted his absense in my life, and wished hed be my dad again.
i suspect my family will think i regret not seeing him more, or patching things up, but i dont. we had the relationship we agreed to have. but god, i wish it didnt have to be that way. i wish he wasnt dead. i dont want him to be. there were times where i thought it would be easier if he was. its not though. i wish he had agency in his absense from my life.
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panboiiibish · 6 months
Idea Bounce?
I like idea bouncing but most my buds are not into cod fic stuff so imma just leave this here and see if anyone wants to idea bounce with me bc I'm not really a fic wrighter :(
Cod fic idea for the 141 bois or kinda any cod character
Broken reader x them
They meet in physical therapy or are neighbors. Readers been through some kinda accident or maybe got dismissed from Duty because of an injury. Knowing the military its gotta be something real nasty for them to be kicked. Like leg broken and healed wrong kinda shit. So when they meet any of the bois they are deep in dark thoughts.
What they had before was their life not being able to do it because of an injury almost kills them. If it wasnt for the sweet support from their therapy buddy. This is where I think it's either Gaz or maybe even Ghost. Gaz would cheer them on if they make a goal or Ghost just silently watches while doing his own therapy.
I like the idea that they would get close and slowly start meeting the others. Maybe a little angst when they take a hard fall and end up setting their work back weeks or even a few months. That's when the support of the others comes in. Keeping them from doing something dark.
Maybe one of the bois is having dark thoughts and they chime in like "Oi that's my job cant have you hogging all the shiz" bc everyone knows dark humor is funny.
Thrown your own thoughts I to the comments!
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kzele · 2 years
Basic premise that @hermesserpent-stuff and I talked about: (TSSM verse) Spidey gets unmasked by Sinister Six and they decide to perma-kidnap him. This due to a. them not wanting to fight a kid and b. Ock getting obsessive over realizing Spider-Man is actually a really smart/strong kid. The only one not on board with this is Shocker, who decides to liberate the kid and slips him Tombstone's card in the process. He separates from the Six after this and tells Tombstone how young the kid likely falls on the age range. The conversation below is a possible scenario where Tombstone and Spider-Man get real deep here. Tomby asks about why he does this and Peter keeps deflecting with humor until one day he jokingly says "I'll explain my reasons when you explain yours." Tombstone agrees and Peter does a great surprised Pikachu imitation. (I was Peter; they were Tombstone)
P: "I was joking!"
T:"I wasn't."
P: "Well, can't we respect each other's privacy for this topic?"
T: "no."
P: "Why's it so important to you, anyways? I thought we had this great professional antagonism going on. Do you really wanna spoil that?"
T: "Im quite happy to spoil our 'professional antagonism' if it means understanding why a 13 year old has taken it upon himself to fight my empire. and if that means sharing my own history, then I will" *intentially underestimating his age*
P: "I'm older than that and you know it! Try somewhere between the fifteen to twenty range; I'm not narrowing it down any farther. Why do you care about my age, anyways? And why do you think us hearing each other's reasons will change anything?"
T: "Perhaps its because I think your smart enough to understand my perspective on things. Perhaps its because I am genuinely interested to see what would drive a young teen to fight a war in this city alone. If I gave you a true answer, Im not sure youd believe me anyways. so determined to stay antagonistic.
P: "Isn't an honest crime lord an oxymoron? Besides, it doesn't matter how honest you are with me with exact reason being YOU'RE A CRIME LORD. And I wasn't under the impression I was fighting a war against anyone until you told me. My goal was and is helping people one day at a time."
T: "I dont tend to lie in my line of work over things meant to build dialogue. Do I lie as Lincoln? Perhaps. But when you tend to follow through there is much more respect and understanding. and why bother continuing to talk if some part of you wasnt interested. why even talk to me after montana talked to me about discovering your age. What is your goal with this conversation, beyond your usual veil of jokes that you use as a wall of comfort?
P: "Because I'm trying to tell you to drop it and because I don't understand what it is you really want with me anymore! It's confusing and I don't like not knowing what you're thinking. It was a lot simpler to tell when you were trying to off me like everybody else."
T: "what I want is to understand you. What Im thinking is that whatever caused you to be a hero was certainly traumatizing and definitely something that haunts you. and offing you is no longer an option I want on the table. That, and Im fairly sure montana's walk out on the six is indicative of future behavior from him if I wasnt already whole heartedly on board with changing my attitude towards you and telling my men to avoid killing you."
P: "That . . .is not something I've told anyone. Why should you know something like that before anyone else I know? Even if I did tell you, what are you hoping to get from understanding me?"
T: "Spider-man. Teenagers, while rash, dont tend to start fighting without reason. and fighting crime means a bigger reason than most. Im not a fool. and I want to understand you because you are impressive and I find myself wondering exactly who failed you... Perhaps failed is too strong a word. But i cannot help but notice that you stand alone. and I am curious abot the why." *tombstone is not entirely sure what he'll gain from understanding. better manipulation sure. but something else is pushing him to ask and he is unable to lable it*
P: *turns his head away from Tombstone's face* "Why not? No one else has to get hurt this way."
T: *tombstone is speaking softly now* "Yes no one else is hurt. But you are. And you, despite whatever it is that happened in your past, certainly have value. It might be hard to hear, especially if you've been told otherwise. But no teenager should face the wrath and cruelty of the world alone; crime fighting ones included." *A part of him is self reflecting as his own time as a teen, alone and dealing with the world.*
P: "It's my choice to do this, just like it's yours to commit crimes. What are you even trying to say here? It's not like you're going to help me fight crime. Plus, your path makes you even more alone than me. *pause as it kicks in* Is that why you're going through this hyper-focused empathy kick? Because you think that we're similar?"
T: "Im not sure what Im trying to say *shrugs at the admission which is strategic* Maybe seeing someone potentially burn out or get snuffed out by life has broken past my barriers and reached my cold heart. *deflecting*
P: "Uh, huh. Because you haven't seen anything so harsh in your line of work before, right? You have a boatload of supervillains that went through rough times. Marko and O'Hirn, for instance? I don't see you doing any of this for them, so I gotta ask: is this really just a matter of age to you?"
T: "Yes." *lies, he cannot help but see himself in spiderman in some way. he has no idea why*
P: *looks at him* "I call bullcrap, but whatever. Okay, fine. Why do you do what you do? There. I asked it."
T: "Many people told me that I would never amount to anything, and that I shouldnt even try. and i listened to them for a while. till about 21 i ran around under other peoples orders, failed out of school, and was in and out of prison for petty theft, arson, and assault. and then i realized I wanted some control over my life and wanted to fix the problems around me. so i started taking over the underground and fixing it. At least thats the short version of everything."
P: "Thats sucks, but what makes your story any different from the others I fought? Doctor Octopus has claimed similar things about wanting to better run things, but I think we both know that's his ego and anger issues talking there. From my understanding, he got stepped on a lot, too."
T: "Whats different is I dont go after teenagers intentionally like Ock does. And the changes Ive made have actually improved a lot of this city. You werent alive when I was growing up. Not to come across as egotisical, but the areas of the city under my control are far better than they once were. between removing sellers from schools and controlling where fights of petty thugs occur and removing major gang wars happening every few weeks on most streets and running genuine charity outreach, this city has changed for the better. and maybe you dont see it and/or dont agree with it. But I stand by the work that the big man has been able to do.
P: *frowns under the mask* "Maybe, but why keep being a part of the violence now that you can get out of it? It still hurts people. I know you're certainly not the worst option this city has when it comes to running things, but a lot of death still happens under you both directly and *slight pause* indirectly.
T: "someone will always be the big man. The city will always have crime. People will always be cruel. I made my choice and face my sins, knowing the fate of the city if someone else took my place."
P: "Sins which includes trying to kill me after I scared some of your thugs too much, despite the fact I never hurt them. The only thing I hurt there was your bottom line."
T: "If you think thats all you were doing, I envy your view of the world."
P: *confused tilt of the head* "I'm not following. What's there to envy? What else was I supposedly doing?"
T: *blinks* "You do know that one method of territory encroachment for mobs and mafias is crime prevention. perhaps I can better explain this from a business angle. Do you remember blockbusters?"
P: ""Okay, so I encroached on your territory. I think you're going to explain further because I'm still not getting it. You thought I was part of someone else's organization moving in on your rackets?"
T: Some what. Blockbuster took over the rental market by coming in with lower prices and once the other stores could not compete it took over and jacked up the prices. Often crime lords do the same, come in with protection and then start charging for it once they own the territory. I though you may have been an initial sting operation to test the water. Until I saw you starting to deal with the likes of Vulture. It was rather concerning, given that spiders were the calling card of none of the crime bosses I was familiar with. and unknowns are a lot more dangerous than typical take overs."
P: "I get how protection rackets work. *snorts* It's kinda funny you thought I was part of a rival shadow mob. What about afterwards, though? When you knew otherwise that wasn't just targeting you or trying to take over."
T: "An annoyance that made me network look weak and ripe for taking over. Had more than one gang fight. Montana's Enforcers and Hammerhead had quite a few rough weeks before things resettled into the status quo when everyone realized that you were an exception, not the rule."
P: *looks slightly sheepish* "Uh, not exactly my intention to start gang fights, or at least not like that. I didn't realize they got 'inspired' by my own fights."
T: *attempts to be reassuring* "I can see that now. But back then I wasnt sure what to think. Not like I had the ability to call and ask. Dont stress to much over it. they were small compared to what they could have been."
P: "Fair enough. Were there any casualties?" *a little worried still, but also trying to keep from telling his story for as long as possible*
T: "Not as many as there might have been. Given Montana's new suit, he was able to knock out a lot more people than normal. Now. Enough about my operations and thought on your first forays into the limelight of the underground. Ive shown my cards. might i see yours?"
P: "I was hoping you'd forget. Fine. I got my powers due to a lab accident. I didn't realize what had happened to me until I felt sick. Hot and cold flashes, senses dialed up to the nth degree, and my whole body was in a lot of pain. I passed out and woke up like this."
T: "Forgive my pressing, but I dont think that is enough to drive you to fight criminals all over the city."
P: "It's not. I didn't start out trying to do this; I just wanted to make some money for my family. So, I did some prize-fight type stuff, right up until I was cheated by the manager of this one establishment. Said I needed the money and I won it fair and square. He told me it wasn't his problem, but he sure changed his tune when his money got stolen. He yelled at me to catch the thief as he ran by."
T: *listening without interrupting*
P: *voices catches* "I told him. . .that it wasn't my problem. It felt good at the time to say that to him. I forgot about this when I returned home to the man who raised me; he was shot dead. I followed his murderer to the warehouse where the police had him trapped. Care to take a guess as to the guy's identity?"
Part 1 End
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ok so finished watching Across The Spiderverse in theaters and here are my thoughts, under readmore so you guys won't get spoiled cause I'll mention plot shit
Nonspoiler review: these movies really are works of art, both visually and in sound. They draw on very relatable and powerful emotions of wanting to fit in, feeling like you belong, feeling like you're important, are you doing the right thing, are you living up to the expectations of others. These are the kinds of movies that could introduce people to the franchise and even if you're not into superheroes the emotion and visuals and writing itself is spectacular. Definitely a movie I could own and rewatch later
Now, here's my takes with more spoilers
-Miguel is actually so snarky and sassy. He is 100% done the entire movie and he's sarcastic or condescending almost every time he opens his mouth. He has a sense of humor it's just more mean spirited lmao "well you're gonna have to shut up and trust me" saying "how wonderful" sarcastically to Miles, being all "spiderverse? No thats dumb, its called the Arachnid poly multiverse, which, I guess sounds just as dumb"
-seeing him on the big screen really was like wow. He could be go from being sort of a dork to being so imposing and threatening, like, there was a small part where he steps closer to Miles as a silent intimidating gesture because hes so much taller, he could be so stone faced and cold when things got serious when Miles wasnt taking his warnings, but initially he was trying to be more compassionate, just, mwah, definitely going to help with any writing endeavors and characterizations of this man
-just seeing how the wristwatches and "daypasses" work is useful for any fanfic ideas I'm having ;) but holy shit you could just glitch until you die? I much prefer the concept of "Reader somehow whether being a mutant or an anomaly or just lucky gets transported to other dimensions instead or just back home"
-God just. Gwen's opening was amazing I don't even know how to describe it. When she's recounting her past and she's starting to talk about Miles while she's playing the drums and her drum playing keeps getting more and more intense, her music angry and frustrated and powerful as she keeps saying "and he's not the only one", speaking of his pain and isolation and how she feels connected to him, just, the way these movies write relationships between people and emotions is so human
-Spider Cat my beloved. LEGO Spiderman my beloved. Plushie Spiderman my beloved. Sun Spider is a fancharacter and got a speaking role. The thick, plus size, and fat spiders. Just the variety. It really is fun to imagine a Spidersona and feel represented kwim
-Jesus the intro to Mumbattan was insane. The way these movies constantly have you flying and falling through the air and falling through multiple levels and layers as objects whiz by, the music, the choreography. Just. The visuals and music the entire movie was insane
-HOBIE! definitely a fucking star. He's smart enough to build his own watch dude!! Love that guy. Definitely see him being in some stuff of mine as a helping hand if nothing else. Hobie helping Reader out during the YouTwo drama by offering you safe haven in his universe?
-I'm guessing Miguel has to give himself regular, spider nanomachine whatever injections? His powers kind of seem to have changed from his comic book a little bit. In the comics he has organic webs and was atomically spliced with spider dna but in the movie I think it's all technology idk? Correct me if im wrong, maybe they're red and glowing in the comics too 🤷‍♀️
-something something "smutty story where Miguel boyches a formula and turns himself into like a possessive horny borderline pure animal in heat and of course you're the lucky lady to stumble into him first"
-I got the bunny filter version of Lyla by the way!
Ugh this movie has me filled with so many emotions and also I snuck alcohol into the theaters and was on an edible gummy so I was FEELING this movie and just. Definitely two of my all time favorite movies
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volfoss · 11 months
HIIIII for that game you just posted about (<- guy who likes these things) 💜 my favorite emoji
YIPPEE sorry i WILL infodump a bit because i do think you could go so insane over mistos. for many reasons but im putting it under a cut both for like the 3 mutuals who are interested in it and dont want spoilers and also bc i dont want to make a 5 million paragraph long post.
so mistos is i guess the deuteragonist in volfoss but his deal requires a bit of explaining about the narrative before i can get into why i think youd like him based off the other guys you like :) so volfoss is basically about dealing with the repercussions of seeing your trooper group (troopers are basically mercenaries who get requests to clear out monsters or help people in other ways) getting killed in front of you and chasing the guy who did it down and also theres a war (dw about it. the horrors happen). mistos personally had to see a lot of the slaughter, to the point where well. mistos sees the man who did it partially and their leader's body (who in terms of the game, we see referenced as someone who both mistos and shalvas (the protagonist) relied on a lot) laid on the killers feet as some sort of sacrifice. mistos lives with a lot of guilt that he really couldnt stop the massacre from happening (bc it wasnt just one guy) and has a lot of complex feelings on what he wants to do when they find the guy who did it. shalvas meanwhile is well. pretty clearly like yeah i want his ass DEAD for what he did to us. also important to know this guy did nearly kill mistos. so he has a good reason if he didnt like him and wanted him dead.
but the thing is, mistos in either ending, doesn't want him dead. they confront this guy in a tournament at the end of act 1, and the way they deal with him depends on if you're on the good or bad ending path. on the good ending, he actively stops shalvas. the man who did it (keeping it vague bc i stay sillay ok) literally pleads for mistos to kill him but mistos refuses. hes a character that to me is really interesting because of this, and that on the evil route um. shalvas does kill him pretty brutally in front of the audience and mistos is actively trying to stop him. i think hes honestly very complex and the fact that it caused him an insane amount of trauma to witness the attack and yet. in both variations, he forgave him and moved past it.
in terms of personality, mistos is very sarcastic and jokes around a lot but is a really good strategist. he pretty much took over silver fang (the trooper org u are part of) and is NOT enjoying adjusting to that (from what ik, he used to be a pretty involved and strong trooper before this, but he took the responsibility so shalvas didn't have to). he has a lot of kindness though, he's very patient with shalvas (who has like. some form of memory loss) and he's really sweet to rially (who is a girl that basically comes to hang out somewhat often after they helped her defeat some monsters). like i think a lot of the way he shows care for people is kind of joking around but he also has a really hard time i think getting into his issues unless he makes them as jokes. like the first mission shalvas goes out alone, shalvas is really upset that mistos wont be there (due to the fact that at that point in the game you are weak as fuck lmao) and mistos kind of jokes about how its a ton of work to keep the base guarded and that he's basically really risking his life (which imo. was a combo of his sense of humor leaning towards self deprecating and also trying to make shalvas feel better about going off alone) by taking care of the base. but every time before shalvas leaves, mistos will always offer advice. and after every mission he and shalvas go to grista (a bar) and have a little how was the mission talk. he does genuinely deeply care for shalvas (and the other surviving member of their group, marica, but she appears a lot less so its hard for me to really get into their deal)
he also fights by using really sharp threads (his attack name is called the thread waver) and he DOES kick ass but unfortunately he doesnt fight alongside you a lot of the time. but i think youd like him due to how he takes a lot of the burden on himself and also stays silly. he loves to antagonize one specific guy at the start of the game but eventually grows to be good friends with him and idk :) hes just a nice and silly guy
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431989 · 7 months
okay fuck it we ball im posting resident alien stuff here. hyperfixation time. spoilers below so be warned.
im sooo bummed over the recent ep. the gripe i have w every single piece of media happened agaiiinnnnn. can i have ONE thing that doesnt force relationship arcs. especially ones that dont fit the initial or continuing tone of the shoooow. <--- edit again to clarify. i loved the tone of s1. i want that back. its getting too comedyish.
like i rlly connected w harry esp the fact he wasnt really getting infatuated with anyone but this whole horned up episode was grating to watch. like i still think there were sweet moments but boooo 🍅💥🍅💥 im hoping its just for some sort of conflict and that itll get squashed come the next few eps. (ALSO EDIT: at least the thing with harry and isabelle was palatable. gahhh im just peeved….)
s1 was so baller too like it had good clever comedy and still had drama to it. like im hoping the very like… bland surface level humor gets dialed back. like its soooo forced to me. but i guess thats what the average viewer likes which is dog doodoo. dont make it a sitcom please im begging. it was soooo unique.
i will be rewatching season 1 for the 5th time tonight but another thing i noticed is the increased use of like… musical scores. its like one step removed from a laugh track. gahh.
anyways im a harry asta supporter also harry joseph supporter so this forced stuff hurts to watch esp bc it doesnt fit character to me. considering harrys whole thing so far has been about developing and realizing connections, the sudden shift to horniness just! isnt consistent. not to be autistic or anything haha.
speaking of! i think its boring and cheap to have this alien/alien thing going on. and also feels really like.. “nd people can never fit in so they have to be with other nd people.” i think i wouldnt be so turned away if it was more genuine. but this is a comedy ig, i just wish it was handled differently. its uninteresting to meeeee. like an alien/alien thing can work but not like this. gives very nd are forever seen as weird and are therefor ostracized. like it feels othering to me. ESP BC OF HOW FORCED UGHHHHHHH i hate forced romance shit so much. perhaps thats an unpopular take but i said what i said! sudden nonmeaningful stuff like this i feel will kill the show. i wouldnt be surprised if it fizzles out.
UM ALSO? tudyk bringing up shape of water on insta abt the newest ep????? i dont think so???????? i never watched that but i kind of know what it was about and it certainly wasnt fish on fish love. smdh. like i feel like the reason why it was so big when it came out was (albeit as someone who hasnt watched it and have surface level understanding) bc it was between a lady and fish guy. and it was heartfelt. not to be harry asta or anything but that was already developing so like. AGHHHUU. even a harry joseph dynamic i can get around in a way bc theres room for development. also itd be gay so thats a plus.
anyways i might check out the graphic novels. told myself i wouldnt bc my brain works weird but maybe itd be a good idea to get into that. unfortunately i will probably be begrudgingly keeping up bc im hyperfixated on it. GAHHHGG anyways ramble rant over.
edit ps: i will also clarify that if asta were to be written out to be nd i would be just as pleased if not more pleased. im just not liking how this is going so far. tomato tomato tomato
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kamil-a · 2 years
Hnkna 1,2,5,7
1: What originally drew me to it?
ven venhediss. :3
2: what do i like/dislike about it?
keeping this strictly to anniversary:
LIKES: the love with which it is adapted, the character writing, the music, the game's sense of humor, Whatever They Put In The Water To Make Ace Be Like That, the VOICE ACTING!!!! the way that the part of the original book it ends up most strongly in-universe referencing is "your sister loved you and wants you to grow up happy". and also some of the horniness sorry but im being honest. im reading this game for the plot sure but also for the kissing.
DISLIKES: putting aside my like... tumblrina moral lens complaints that I've spent many a post on, ummmm... idk, part of me wants to chalk everything i dislike or am uncomfortable with about this game up to fandom-cultural mismatch lol. Even stuff like bloodalice wedding, I've come around on that not being like a weird writing misstep but "a thing that really works for people looking for a specific thing, but not for me, who wasnt". i think of my comic as a mix n match supplement instead of a fix it fic now- ill change it one day. If i remember.
There's probably (almost definitely) stuff I'll come up with as soon as i hit post, at which point i can let it percolate in brain and make another post later.
7: a character who feels like home
not quite what you meant here but ace sort of exists to my brain separated from the game because i knew about him far before i played it. hes like a shoulder devil to me. Or something.
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chiimaera · 2 years
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IT FELT LIKE THE HOURS WERE DRAGGING ON. she had always been able to fall into her work, let her tunnel vision take over and everything else seemed to fade into the background. that was until she had stupidly fallen in love. it was a mistake on her part, really. something that edward had seemed to enjoy reminding her whenever he had a chance. she fucking missed @withoutawar​ like he had simply kept a piece of her with him and there hadnt been a day that she didnt notice. edward had an undercover identity, one that had a girlfriend in new mexico who waited for his return doing whatever job it was he peddled to her. he had trained her, taught her everything she knew back when she was young and still raising zombies for the st. louis police chief. he was a sociopath, deadly and unfeeling—also her closest friend. so when he called her to fly overseas to help him with a job, she didnt hesitate. 
almost a month later, she was beginning to wish she had. the job wasnt blessed by SHIELD or the government, this was a favor to a man who still worked in the underbelly of society. which meant she had to cut ties with the outside world until the job was finished. it was easy for edward, his fake girlfriend ate up whatever he told her. steve wasnt some midwest housewife who sold pottery. she told him the bare minimum using their coded language, hinting that she was going off grid for business. as far as SHIELD knew, she was on bereavement in mexico and wouldnt be answering her phone.  “ ive never seen you so focused on a plane before. you only clawed my hand once, ” the blonde man teased. anita shot him an annoyed glance before looking back out of the taxi window. she felt nervous which was fucking stupid but there was no other way to describe it. she wasnt sure why her skin felt too tight, why she wanted to bounce her leg up and down. she felt completely unsettled, anxious. she had be in love before but it never felt like this. like she had been holding her breath for weeks and finally felt so close to oxygen that she couldnt sit still.  “ shut up. ” “ you act like your wonder boy wont be there, ” he commented, looking over his sunglasses with a serious stare and a smirk. protective, worried but masked with humor. thats how he operated. an outwardly serious edward means someone is dying. the necromancer didnt say a word, keeping her gaze at the passing trees. “ anita, hes going to be there. ” “ i know. ” he wasnt convinced. neither was she. by the time the taxi had made it to their apartment, she was felt like she was going to be that stupid woman in the movies who run to see their sweeties. she wasnt going to do that. anita grabbed her duffel off the ground in front of her, finally looking back at her friend. “ get out of new york, i dont want you causing any trouble, ” she warned with a smirk. the mercenary only laughed. “ only if i get caught. give wonder boy a kiss for me. ” right, moment of truth. she rolled her eyes, swallowing down her nerves and the joke when she closed the taxi door. fear of abandonment, thats what her therapist called it. her mother, her father, her ex-fiancé, pretty much eighty percent of the men shes dated. there would always be the traitorous voice in her head that whispered years of insecurity into her ear. reminding her that her job, her lifestyle, her magic, her avoidant attachment style ( thank you dr. lee for that wonderful revelation ) is what made everyone leave. after all the conversations theyve had, the trust they built, there was still a part of her that feared that this was be what broke it. leaving with little notice and a coded voicemail for a little over a month, no communication allowed— this would be the last straw. fuck. her heart was sinking her into stomach as she stepped off the elevator. each step forward felt like she was walking into her own demise. thats what love was, wasnt it? using your own knife to cut yourself open then hand it to someone and hope they dont finish the job. she needed to get back to therapy. when she finally stood at the door, she pulled her keys from her jacket pocket, putting them into the door. the dread was setting in. did he move out? was he just going to cut and run when he got the chance? did bucky know? her mind didnt get farther than that, she barely got to turn the deadbolt before it was push open along with the other bottom lock. her apartment door swung open, steve standing there with a look on his face she didnt think shes ever seen before. it was hard to describe and it left her staring with her eyes wide. all those negative thoughts completely vanished, replaced with a warming sensation her chest and a little confusion. “ steve— ” two steps and his hands were grasping her head, his mouth found hers and it felt like home. the smell of his cologne, the feel of his hands, the taste of him on her tongue, the familiarity of his energy that surrounded her. she wanted to drown in it. her duffel bag had been long dropped. her hands grasped his shirt, pulling herself as close as she could without disrupting the way she licked into his mouth, kissing him like it was her last. hell, she hadnt even had the chance to kiss him goodbye. this was way too much kissing for her hallway.  some semblance of self control edged its way into the lovey dovey brain fog, allowing anita to pull back, pressing her forehead against his. there was a hundred things she wanted to say, most of them funny. yet she looked up at him, remembering how scared she was before. how silly it was to even think that steve rogers wouldnt still be exactly where he said he was always going to be. with her.  “ i love you, ” she mumbled with such raw sincerity that it was hard to believe that came out of her mouth. it was enough to make her face warm, burning pink to the tips of her ears. fuck, she was a goner.
a smooch for anita because we miss her <3
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luvnami · 29 days
i am BACK.
before i start thirsting over sanemi– can i just say i LOVE the way u write?? it's so so good and it felt right??? the humor??? ur writing keep on making wanting more and more, it's soooo good. kinda makes me wanna go okinawa now :p
anyways,,, GOSH SANEMI. that scene when reader checking him out, i literally kicked my feet and giggled ajajdjsjsjakdjdj and now i wonder how reader handles it when they're at the beach... if ya know what i mean. >:3 beach attire sanemi !!! i just know he'll look good with those beach pants and those cool sunglasses that sits handsomely on his white glorious slick-back hair. the person i'll be when that moment comes... call the whambulance.
i have to say i got second hand embarrassment everytime sanemi was thinking about reader's fanfiction secrets ajsbsjsj i lowkey wanna give reader a sympathy hug cuz i personally would just quit the job if THE sanemi caught me writing fanfics in the office... ;; but its so interesting to read sanemi's pov!! it's giving mutual pining and i'm so ready for it.
also, uzui being in the graphic design makes so much sense hhshshs
- 🍰
HELLO WELCOME BACK MY DEAR!! tysm for this juicy ask...
lsdajlskfd tysm 😭 like i said before im really not used to writing 'comedy' fics or in a funny style, so im glad ur enjoying it!! it feels somewhat like my inner monologue so it hasnt be as difficult as i expected... so maybe expect more fics in this style... 😳 ty for the kind comment, it really makes me feel a lot more confident in my content and encourages me to write ><
HEEHEE!!!!!! BEACH SANEMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i drool and dream abt the way he looks just like that..................... im sorry but this was a very professional work trip so there is no half-naked sanemi for us to admire in this fic </3 maybe another time... or maybe in the sexy sexy smut scene that will come later................. who knows......
oh my fucking god yeah no way i would literally quit my job if someone found out i wrote fic about them. reader could never be me. id take the secret to my grave. and yes!! i wasnt sure how to make sanemi feel about it, but the one sided pining feels... just right. and its funny, i get to tease him as the writer by putting him all sorts of torturous situations hehehe
i originally had uzui in public relations but i felt like it didnt fit him 😭 so i thought back to kimetsu gakuen and remembered that uzui was the art teacher so i put him in graphics 🎨 art boy 101. i think shinobu would be public relations and gyomei would be human resources LOL
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sonder-moon · 2 months
sorta rant about aroace-ness under the cut i just needed to write out
been feeling very isolated as of late on account of the aromanticism and the asexuality. when i first knew i was ace, i was never really as strict with the boundaries as i probably should have been. i was a young teenager and ive never shied away from the topic of sex. it never really bothered me and i never understood the pressure and urges people around me might be feeling. i was fine with people telling me about great romantic relationships are. but i never told anyone i was asexual because come on. who among my peers who wasnt also on tumblr would know what that meant. typical awkward ace kid stuff. the problem is by the time i started telling people i was ace, the aro hadn't set in yet. i knew one nearly 10 years before i knew the other.
skip ahead to years later when i first knew i was aro (only about a year ago). now this was crazy. i started realizing i had way more to unpack and more boundaries to set. suddenly, i felt more aware of and repulsed by the romance around me. i felt more opinionated on the topic of sex. i wanted to stop humoring peers who told me i should start dating. i felt more annoyed at the idea that people might still think i had a desire for these things. but how could i tell them that? id had feelings i thought were crushes before. i loved and still love romance in movies. ive written and read sappy fanfiction for a long time. i like the concepts of love and sex in fiction, but not reality, and it's far too difficult to explain to most people that reality and fiction paint them in different lights. i think i see the entire concepts of sexual attraction and romance in such a wildly different way than everyone else in my life, and i know i can't put it into words for anyone but myself. that's probably why im feeling so isolated. i have no one to turn to for actual understanding (other than the internet). the term "romance repulsed" sounds too harsh to say to my friends who are in happy relationships. even in fandom, to headcannon a fictional character as aroace is seen as like the worst injustice you can do to them. what with all the shock towards the idea of "No Romance" that ive internalized for so long, it's no wonder i sometimes feel less like a person and more like an emotionless robot.
i never want to date anyone. i never want to get married. i never want to have sex. i can say it to the void on tumblr all i want, but saying those things in rapid succession to an allo will make their brain short circuit, make them look at me like i have three heads, or make them immediately try to change my mind about it. why those notions are so threatening and alien to them, ill never know. i just know ill never be truly understood in real life, and i have to come to terms with that. it's just that it's so horribly lonely, and for my own sanity, i have to keep quiet about it, because if i never tell anyone about this part of me, then i guess i cant get mad when they don't know.
i do LOVE being aroace. it's freeing and fun. i just have this far-fetched and crazy wish to be accepted without people adding terms and conditions onto me. i want to hear "you're not interested in sex or romance? ever? cool, i believe you." not "i cant figure out how your mind works, so im going to tell you you should try to be less confusing for people."
anyways. im not going to stop being so confusing. but i probably wont be telling everyody i know to stop talking about romance to me either. it's just not realistic. but at least i know myself and i know i can do whatever i want forever. i just want people to be normal about aroace people.
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
Universal Monster watch through thoughts part 4
20 films down and I'll admit this stretch was one I wasnt looking forward too,I even was afraid I was getting burnt out due to one film ,but still have my energy so we are gonna keep on trucking
16.Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)
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This was actually pretty fun ,I enjoyed this one more then I remembered liking it.Its not perfect,I think the Wolf Man stuff is better then the Frankenstein stuff .That said this is a very good sequel to the Wolf Man and I love the relationship between Larry Talbot and Maleva ,there is a warmth and sweetness there .When Maleva swears to protect Larry like she did her own son Bela ,basically making Larry her surrogate son ,especially after LArry had just learned his father died of grief ,and the basically become eachothers family cause they are the only ones who understand this curse ....It got me choked up,Im not made of stone .Its not in the film alot but I like that Larry is friends with the Monster ,I wouldve liked more of that .The powerhouse of the film is Lon Chaney Jr who brings the pain and sorrow to LArry as he seeks a way to die ,to escape immortality .I also like that the villains of this film are explicitly the townspeople.Thats a common thing said by fans,we like and identify with the monsters,so we see the crazy towns folk wanting to persecute the other as scarier to us ,and here it is made text.The Towns folk are racist to Maleva and mistrusting and so paranoid ,they are the antagonists ,could be projection but a mob is scarier then a monster .I also think the big Wolf Man and Frankenstein Monster fight is fun .If the film has a big flaw its gotta be Bela Lugosi as the monster,he doesnt really look right in the makeup and due to context that is cut explaining he is blind and getting rid of all his dialogue ,he kind of just sumbles about .Akso theres a friggin musical number in this movie and I ADORE IT .Fun movie reccomended
17.The Phantom of the Opera (1943)
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This is the oddball of the set cause its a remake of an earlier film thats not in the set......And its also a diffrent type of movie then a lot of the films in the set,cause well,...Its in color ,it was a lavish technicolor extraviganza as opposed to being a B Movie like a lot of the other films .I know a LOT of Universal fans and even Phantom fans dont like this movie cause its a very light horror film........I ADORE THIS MOVIE ,I didnt at first but Ive watched it MANY times and grown to just love this film and I had just such a wonderful time revisiting it during this marathon .It might be my favorite version of Phantom that isnt the musical ....Which is weird cause it is a VERY loose adaptation and at that a tame version .However once I pressed play on the DVD after sitting some rather mediocre films it was a nice change of pace to see the beautiful technicolor ,and thats what I use to describe the film ,beautiful,with nice colors gorgeous sets ,lovely music,and great costume.I love the Phantoms costume here ,black suit ,black hat ,black cape thats lined with red with a blueish half mask which also looks good with Claude Rains grey hair ,its my favorite Phantom costume .Arthur Lubin,the director adds some of the best comedy in these films since the work of James Whale ,from the bumbling owners of the Opera (With J Edward Bromberg being particularly great ),the fussy stage manager worrying about the Opera Ghose who he thinks "Has a long nose and a big red beard " which gets a fun payoff ,and especially the stuff with the love triangle,which is entirely played for humor and makes both our romantic heroes look like fools .The cast is great ,with Suanna Foster being my favorite Universal ingenue and absolutely my fave Christine (With a gorgeous singing voice ).Raoul is split into two characters , a policeman who shares his name played by Edgar Barrier and a heroic baritone named Anatole played by superstar singer/actor Nelson Eddy ,and how they conclude their rivelry makes my queer heart happy .The best part of the film is the Phantom played by my absolute favorite actor Claude Rains ,here a violinist obsessed with Christine who falls upon misfortune and madness (The scene where he snaps and kills a man is truly scary and a superb piece of acting by Rains ),and he makes for a great tragic villain ,even if his motives are a bit muddy.Great film,adore it gonna be high in my ranking ,one of my fave films period
18.Son of Dracula (1943)
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.....So I nearly stopped the marathon .There is a lot to like in this film:It looks beautiful,the main plot is kind of interesting with the hero being framed and the two villains trying to dupe eachother ,J Edward Bromberg plays against his bumbling type as an expert and Lon Chaney Jr plays against type as a conniving cunning villain as opposed to a tragic or lumbering monster ....The problem i think is....I just didnt care,I found the film so boring ,and Im sorry but as much as I love Chaney and how he is clearly trying he does not work as an aristocratic vampire .I was so looking forward to this film and it just bored me to tears
19.The Invisible Mans Revenge (1944 )
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This was a delight,fun story of a revenge seeking maniac tormenting his former friends through invisbiity.Effects are good ,John Carridine has a fun role as does Gale Sondergarrd.John Hall who previously played the Invisible Agent gives a much better performance here as a really menacing villain ,and I like that he is a diffrent type of evil ,being more angry and sociopathic then the outright playfully sadistic and unhinged villain Rains was .
20.The Mummys Ghost (1944)
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So I have NOT been enjoying the Mummy movie they are my least favorite series in this set....Well I am happy to say ,I actually kind of liked this one .It follows the formula mostly, but it does enough interesting things I like it ,I was invested in the main story ,John Carridine makes for a good villain,Lon Chaney Jr actually has stuff to do as Kharis the Mummy aside from just shuffle and kill people,like he has a personality here and the ending....Is perfect .It is a shockingly morbid end that I friggin love .Enjoyed the film aot
Rankings so far
20.The Mummys Tomb
19.Werewolf of London
18.Invisble Agent
17.Mummys Hand
16.Son of Frankenstein
15.Invisible Woman
14.Ghost of Frankenstein
12:Mummys Ghost
11.The Invisible Mans Revenge
10.Dracula's Daughter
9.Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman
7.Invisible Man Returns
6.Invisble Man
5..Son of Frankenstein
4.Phantom of the Opera
3.Wolf Man
1.Bride of Frankenstein
To be Continued
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @countesspetofi @piterelizabethdevries @amalthea9 @barbossas-wench
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haveumetbi · 7 months
I've been using tumblr for a long time, but only recently I've felt confident enough in my english to actually try to join communities and make friends. 
A little introduction... That is actually kinda really long and I’m not gonna subject y’all to it unless you want to, so here’s the tldr:
I’m an acearo, bi, cis girl (🇺🇸 she/her — 🇧🇷 ela/a).
White latina from Brazil.
I’m disabled and neurodivergent
I love sitcoms, comedy is my fav genre of fiction
and cats
and The Sims
and Turma da Mônica
and hairstyling, braids, make up
and Jane Austen
and Taylor Swift
If you like any of it, follow me!! I’ll definetely follow back. If your curious, read bellow.
I’m a 23 year old college student who is majoring in History. I’m kind of a huge nerd, I love subjects like History (duh), Literature, Politics, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, but also Comedy (i find fascinating to analyze it, even if that kinda defeats the purpose, sue me). I kinda only watch sitcoms, actually, maybe because of how obsessed I am with the genre (more on that later). 
Being Brazilian I may reblog/talk about Brazillian issues/stuff and most definetely will reblog things about Turma da Mônica (brazil’s most beloved comic book series that shaped the childhood’s of at least 3 generations now since the 60s/70s), my longest autistic special interest. Oh, yeah, I’m also neurodivergent, AuDHD and also have persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia gang rise up! or dont, ik its hard and tiresome) and fibromyalgia.
Another special interest I’m unhinged about is The Sims, I use Tumblr mostly bc of it, so I’ll definitely reblog stuff about it, maybe if everythings works out I will even create a side simblr, who knows. I love historic/fantasy gameplay, would be cool to share with people.
Idk if its a SI or just regular cat owner thing, but I’m definitely obsessed with these little guys. Speaking of cat lover, I love Taylor Swift. Like, I’m very casual about most music I consume, but she is the exception, I just... feel SO MUCH with her songs. Idk, idk... She also makes me feel things on a sapphic way, though I’m no g*ylor or hetl*r (rlly dont care about who she dates, just here for the art). But not in a wow I wanna bang this celebrity I have a crush on, cuz I dont wanna bang no one, cuz I’m acearo. Just, dont swing that way (or any way, really /hj cuz i'm actually gray-bi-romantic but its very rare, so i'm usually not swinging at all lmao).
I really like to read, but it has been tough to keep the habit with depression and disabled adult life knocking at my door and kicking my ass... currently I’m finishing reading all Jane Austen’s work (i love her sense of humor and analyses of human psychology) in portuguese, but I plan to eventually read the original stuff in english. I just really love stories and storytelling as an art form, maybe that’s why I love to write. I’m obsessed with fanfictions, actually, been writing since I was 11, never anything in english, but who knows, actually creating and participating in tumblr may be the first step. I mostly write about tv shows I’m obsessed about (though I did write some Turma da Mônica Jovem fanfiction...... thank god I deleted, it was terrible, tho in my defense I was still a preteen) and I mostly watch sitcoms so.... About that...
My favorite sitcom ever is probably How I Met Your Mother (it was literally what i needed when i was going through a really rough patch) and BoJack Horseman (yes, cartoon sitcoms totally count, shut up). I’d say my first sitcom love was The Simpsons, my biodad had a lot of dvds and tapes from the golden seasons and the fondest memories of my childhood were us watching together and laughing like two idiots. My first fandom was iCarly (i was a preteen okay), but I wasnt a big fan of the revival/reboot (yes I was team seddie, no it has nothing to do with it, I gave it a shot, but just didnt vibe with it). I also love The Office, That 70′s Show, Never Have I Ever, Community, Our Flag Means Death, The Sex Lifes of College Girls, One Day at a Time and The Good Place.
I’m pretty sure the only other shows that I got obsessed with that weren’t sitcoms were Once Upon a Time and Lucifer, two shows that were quite humorous with its wacky premises (fairytales in real life???? the devil taking a vacation in LA??? i mean, c’mon!!). I’m loving the Percy Jackson disney adaptation, it was my favorite YA book series and it always bummed me that the movie adaptation was so terrible, I'm glad we finally have a great adaptation and can't wait for more seasons to come!!!
I’m very talkative (you dont say?? 😮 /s) and a total extroverted that really loves to make friends, but my communication difficulties really do shine on long distance conversation... be phone calls, video calls, emails, text messages etc... So, although I’d love if you shoot me a message, bc I love to make friends, I also am not the best texter, so dont expect someone who always immediately answers you right back cuz they are online — please dont take it personal, it has nothing to do with who is messaging me and everything to do with my disability mkay? And yes, I am trying to work this shit out in therapy, but you know... growth aint linear. When shit hits the fan, the first thing that I lose is the ability to answer text messages 😭 idk i just stare at them, they stare at me, i combust and die, the end. 
Dont know how to end this text, so, I’ll just show a pic of my cat, cuz shes everything. Bye!! 
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