#i never saw a fandom as spilt as this one when it came to the matter of Jeff blims singing
hecksupremechips · 2 years
It’s been ages since I dusted off my love for Starkid but nothing will ever infuriate me as much as the song from Black Friday thats like “what Tim wants Tim will get” didn’t get a fucked up reprise where Tom is holding someone at gunpoint in order to make Tim’s wishes come true and prove himself as a father
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poeticlilies · 1 year
I really loved the akutagawa x reader post. Could you maybe do one for dazai?
♡ Melancholy
Dazai Osamu x Reader
Desc: You comfort Dazai after a bad day. (fem reader)
TW/CW: angst, spoilers, harmful thoughts, dazai's past, abuse, might be ooc? not too familiar w bsd yet i'm new to the fandom :')
Dazai Osamu was a man who had lived through at least seven lifetimes in the span of one.
He'd seen things; things that nobody should've seen, but it didn't stop him from seeing them.
He saw Mori kill the old boss and rebuild Port Mafia anew; he was abused by him, and continued the cycle of abuse with Akutagawa, who eventually did it to Kyouka.
Oh, he was a bad man; a wicked, bad, person who had done unspeakable things under the orders of Mori (although some of those actions were not orders; rather, they were committed of his own will).
And although he has betrayed the mafia and joined the Armed Detective Agency, although he has saved countless lives (and the city of Yokohama, several times) he still sometimes finds himself thinking it wasn't enough.
Wasn't enough to wash his hands of the blood he's spilt; wasn't enough to cleanse his sins as they clung to him, digging their claws into his back and oozing inside, whispering in his ear that he'll never be good enough, never be able to do enough, never be able to save enough lives.
And sometimes, when you aren't around, he curls up into a little ball under his sheets and cries, sobbing into the comforter and choking as he tries to breathe (but miserably fails).
He wails into his blanket, shaking all over, hands trembling and eyes wide as he scratches at his throat and his chest, leaving red irritated marks as he tries to rid himself of his sins.
In the detective agency, he was Dazai; a charming, annoying, womanizer who never worked but always somehow managed to turn his share of the paperwork in.
At home, in the privacy of his bedroom, he was Osamu; a man who grew from the broken mold of his childhood, desperately picking up the pieces of his heart and gluing them back together only to fall apart at another one of Kunikida's scathing remarks or the looks from the Agency members varying from pitiful to condescending.
Osamu is sure that he's useless. A burden to the agency; kept around only as a pretty face for sore eyes.
He's been hurt much too much to let anyone know of his meltdowns; there was one close call when Atsushi questioned the splotchy patches of red on his face when he came out of the bathroom, but he managed to convince him it was the aftereffects of another poisonous mushroom and that he was fine, having already been treated by Yosano.
He's hurt too much to even want to fathom the idea of letting someone into his heart. No, what if they see the ugly creature of anxiety and fear and shun him, kicking the soft organ in disgust and making it crumble further into pieces?
You had been let in unwillingly; after worming your way into his heart, one day, things had changed.
You found him crying in your shared bedroom; chest heaving as he sobs into his palms, occasionally pawing at his bandages and tearing the soft fabric. He was so scared, that day, that moment; everything seemed to have been frozen as you two lock eyes, and for a moment, he's absolutely sure that his worst fears have come true, that you will shun him and kick him and sneer at him in disgust, before leaving and never coming back.
Oh, he was so surprised to learn that wasn't the case; when you had shushed him and pulled him into a soft, gentle, hug, and told him it would be alright, despite not knowing what he was crying about, he almost giggled; you didn't hate him? even after knowing his past? you didn't hate the monster that was in your arms?
Of course not, you told him. You're not a monster, Osamu, you murmur, hand carding through his hair as he shudders in your arms.
He blinks, once, twice; before fresh tears come into his eyes (these are ones of happiness) and a soft smiles curls his lips upwards as he lets his façade melt away and allows himself just this once to be rocked to a comfortable nap, knowing that if you've seen this side of him and still chose to embrace him that nothing would hurt him now because you were here, and you cared, and you forgave him for his sins.
And his heart twists in melancholy; there's something just on the tip of his tongue, something about his past that he can't quite piece together, but you press a soft kiss to the crown of his head and the thoughts and sadness melt away until he is not Dazai Osamu, the demon prodigy of the Port Mafia, the ability user who harnesses No Longer Human, and he is simply just a man who has found someone who cares about him.
And he feels a little branch grow out of his cold, dead heart, and he tells himself that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be loved by you.
shii bro this one was long asf... uhmmmm i kinda got carried away :') wHOoPsiE
still very new to the bsd fandom so i apologize if my little scrunkly is ooc
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
The Setter’s Boyfriend
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Male!Reader Summary: Kageyama has a boyfriend, though the team don’t really believe him Word Count:  1,470
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Kageyama looks over your way, he sees you sitting at the end of your bed looking confused, tilted head with puppy eyes boring into his eyes. 
“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” He says quickly, closing his messaging app and locking his phone. Though that movement causes you to look at him suspiciously.
You weren’t concerned about in the matter of cheating, you know your boyfriend Kageyama Tobio has difficulty in making friends that him cheating was very unlikely, but Kageyama spends weekends with you and he has been suspiciously off. 
“Sure, Tobs, and I’m going to be benched during nationals.”
“You’re what?”
“I’m being sarcastic, dumbo,” You teases, kissing his nose, “Tell me, Tobio-chan, what’s the matter?”
Kageyama sighs knowing that you’re just concern and you want to know what’s bothering him. After youth training camp, in which you had met him there as well as you were invited, Kageyama went home to Miyagi and you going home to the city Yamagata, the prefecture next to Miyagi. Kageyama was confessed to, Hinata had spilt out his feelings to him when the two of them were closing up.
Kageyama respectfully declined, saying that he only saw him as a best friend though Hinata blinded by rejection took it the wrong way. It causes a small rift in the team but Kageyama had to explain, which he was unable to do so when he was lightly rejecting Hinata, that even if he did reciprocate the feelings he wouldn’t pursue a relationship with Hinata as he was taken. 
You and Kageyama have known each other since you were little toddlers, you grew up together as you both lived next door, you even went to the same elementary school and junior high school. 
But, before you about to enter high school, your dad took a promotion to the prefecture over. You had to move school halfway through your third year in junior high when Kageyama needed you the most. Taking time to adapt to the new city, making friends and settling without Kageyama.
You had started dating Kageyama when you were thirteen, it almost felt silly really, because you two were so young but both families had already approved of the relationship and had thought that both you and Kageyama would never split. 
Now, that it was slowly nearing the last few months of their first year in high school, you guys have been together for three years. Despite the distance between and going to different schools, nothing seems to tear you two apart. 
You went to a powerhouse school for volleyball, you were even on the starting team as you were up and coming as one of the best wing spikers. 
So, when Kageyama said that he was already in a relationship the small rift seems to relax, though there were some sceptical people in the team thinking that Kageyama was giving an excuse, no one could force a relationship to happen. 
“They don’t seem like the best teammates, you know, Tobio,” You say after Kageyama had explained the situation.
The small rift in the team was manageable, he only had to deal with Noya, Tanaka, Tsukishima and Hinata - but when the news was spread out through the powerhouses, that’s when it got a bit out of control. 
Miyagi’s powerhouses kept in close contact with each other because of practice matches, though the big group chat was more used as a gossip centre rather than planning. So, Kageyama got a lot of messages from old shares “friends”.
“You know I could tell Kindaichi and Kunami to fuck off for you,” You offered as Kageyama chuckles, shaking his head.
“Don’t worry, I’ve already told them to.”
Kageyama hoped that Nationals would come soon, he has been itching to show the team that his boyfriend was real and that he was happy in the relationship, it wasn’t just a shitty excuse he made. 
The rest of the team was acting normal, they were happy for Kageyama to be in a relationship. Sugawara had been more nosy than others, asking Kageyama who was this lucky person, even defending him in the setter group chat, the big setter group chat that had Akaashi, Kenma and Atsumu. Atsumu was willing to spill details of Kageyama’s lover, though Kageyama got very defensive to the point of threat in the group chat, which blew up the chat that the topic of Kageyama lying was soon of the past.
Daichi had Kageyama’s back, he told the second years and Tsukishima to knock it off and that the team won’t tolerate bullying. Asahi, bless the third year - Kageyama thought, tried his best to divert the topic if Sugawara or Daichi wasn’t present.
“Next time I’ll see you will be in Tokyo,” You exclaimed with a smile that Kageyama loved so dearly, “Can’t wait to see you play again, it’s been a while.”
“You’ve seen me play?”
“I mean competitively, Tobio.” 
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Nationals was surreal, they were surrounded by so many talented players. The team knew that Kageyama was a mellow person in public, he doesn’t have many friends because he refuses to make them. 
So, it came as a surprise to the team to see the national’s best libero come waved down Kageyama and greet him as if he was an old friend. Kageyama looked so relaxed and happy to be conversing with the libero, even waving Sakusa in the corner. 
When they had won their first game of the tournament, they had some free time to watch games and get some shirts. Hinata had met with Hoshiumi and was asking Kageyama if he was better after the interaction, almost forgetting that Hinata was supposed to have a grudge, though when they got into Tokyo, it’s almost as if the anger had disappeared right away. 
Kageyama felt a bit down as he hasn’t been able to spot his boyfriend among the crowd and they were about to leave.
The team stopped as Kageyama turned, there he sees someone running down to him, Kageyama started to smile and it wasn’t the terrifying kind - it was the soft loving smile that’s reserve for his love.
“Kageyama is that?”
“Tobio!” The figure latched himself on Kageyama.
“(Y/n), you’re sweaty,” Kageyama complained as you chuckle, “Did you finish your game?”
He looks at your attire to see that you were still in uniform, haven’t even given the chance to change out, you nodded as you separate yourself from him. There was a bright gleam in your eyes and a wide smile upon your face.
The team looked in awe at this new individual, someone who has been lurking in the volleyball news.
“You’re (L/n) (Y/n),” Sugawara spoke out as you turn to look at them, “Uh, did you two meet in training camp?”
It was safe to assume that since all the players that Kageyama was talking to were met from training camp, but you chuckle and shake your head. 
“Ah, no, I’m Tobio’s boyfriend.”
Boyfriend, the word echo in the team’s head, the realisation had settled as you smiled so bright.
“I’ve known Kageyama since we were little, I used to live in Miyagi as well but I had to move because of my dad’s job but yeah I was at Japan Youth as well,” You explained, it was natural how you acted with Kageyama.
Kageyama felt at ease with you, even if your sweaty arm was draped over his shoulders, Kageyama expressed his disappointment that he couldn’t watch you but you shrugged your shoulders saying there’s always tomorrow. 
“I best get going, don’t want to break out a fever at nationals,” You say, before turning to Kageyama, “See you, Tobs.”
You give him a kiss that Kageyama happily takes as he watches you walk off and get teased by your teammates. Sugawara slings his arm over his kouhai’s shoulder with a teasing smile.
“So, Kageyama, when were you going to mention that your boyfriend is one of the best volleyball spikers?”
“You never asked,” Kageyama responded, “If anything, you guys would be more angry if I were to talk about him.”
Sugawara nodded, giving the boys a pointed look as they shrunk in embarrassment. 
“How long have you and (L/n)-kun been dating?” Daichi asked, also curious.
“Three years, sometime this month.”
The team pestered Kageyama for more information and details, even Hinata couldn’t be mad at his best friend anymore because he was more in awe that this guy that Kageyama managed to bag, was elite level. 
So, when Oikawa mention shit in the setter group chat, Tobio sends a selfie of him and you flipping Oikawa off. Causing Oikawa to have a tantrum in the group chat and when they won a game the next day - the team was more than happy to watch your school thrash your opponent. 
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lonestardaily · 2 years
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Here at Lone Star Daily, our mission is not only to provide you with content but also to help our fellow creators get exposure. We are happy to announce that now, this will also include our writing friends. Each week we will provide you with a decent (not comprehensive) list of the fanfics that have been posted for the week. The week will run from Friday - Thursday, as that way it does give us an opportunity to put the list together. There’s no requirement to tag us as we will check the tags #911 lone star fic and #911lsfic while also combing through ao3. We currently are only going to post new fics, not updates. You can check out this week’s fics below the cut.
Please feel free to give this post a boost to give our writers a chance to receive some love for the work they do for the fandom as well.
(if your fic is not tagged with a tumblr, it’s because we couldn’t find one - feel free to send us a message and we’ll be happy to add one)
Blanket Hog by @lonestarbabe
↳  (TK x Carlos | Domestic Fluff | T | 1753)
T.K.'s got a tendency to be very cold ever since he got hypothermia. Good thing he's got a hot boyfriend to keep him warm.
A Mother’s Love is Unconditional by @sapphire11
↳ (Andrea x TK, TK x Carlos | Hurt/Comfort | G | 1498)
Andrea Reyes pays TK a visit with the intention of having a little "talk" with him. (Set during 3x04)
Down to Clown by @chaotictarlos
↳  (TK x Carlos | Missing Scene | E | 1651)
TK makes it up to Carlos for bringing home a lizard.
Spilt Cocoa by @alidravana
↳  (TK x Carlos | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | T | 1640)
TK ate the last of the marshmallows that Carlos was saving for his hot chocolate.  Which normally wouldn't have been a big deal, but after a long shift, misplaced marshmallows was Carlos' breaking point.
Marshmallow Thieves by @isastrxnd
↳  (TK x Carlos | Future Family Fic | G | 751)
A future fic where Tk and Carlos spend time with their daughter on a snowy day.
Strand’s Home for Wandering Strays by @mooshkat
↳  (TK x Carlos, Judd x Grace | Domestic Fluff | G | 4344)
Lou was just the beginning of TK bringing home the strays that he rescues.     
I Need You Here Tonight (And Always) by falloutmars
↳  (TK x Carlos | Spec fic | T | 6686)
Season 3 finale speculation fic. Carlos is trapped.
One Jump Ahead by  Deathskidhufflepuff
↳  (TK x Carlos | Kid Fic | G | 1630)
TK meets a kid he never would have thought twice about before.
Pretty Face (Pretty Boyfriend, Too) by @iboatedhere
↳  (TK x Carlos | POV Outsider | T | 7047)
5 moments of jealousy + 1 moment of envy.
The Warmth We Make by @sapphire11
↳  (TK x Carlos | Domestic Fluff | T | 1599)
A nice cup of hot chocolate is just what TK knows Carlos needs to unwind after a hard day at work. Too bad TK forgot he ate the last of the marshmallows and "hot chocolate without marshmallows is a travesty." as his boyfriend has reminded him every time they have it.
Do Not Say it Crawled! by @velvet-ink
↳  (TK x Carlos | Coda | T | 1015)
Carlos has trouble going to bed knowing that Lou is roaming free.            
Something to Cling To by TheWeatherOutside
↳  (TK x Carlos | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | T | 3119)
When the call came in about a police car that had been involved in a crash, TK didn't think anything of it. Not until he saw the broken body of his boyfriend.  
breathe by ilikeyougreenie
↳  (TK x Carlos | Hurt/Comfort | T | 4858)
5 times tk told carlos to breathe, + 1 time carlos told tk to
miscommunication at first sight by novakskline
↳  (TK x Carlos | Coffee Shop AU  | G | 6632)
"Carlos Reyes that was pitiful, you didn't even get his name!" Grace said amusedly, shaking her head at her best friend.
"It would've been weird to ask for his name, he was just ordering a drink! He only knows mine because of the name badge." Carlos defended, crossing his arms across his chest.
"What happened to the smooth and confident Carlos that is always charming the customers?" Grace asked with a raised eyebrow.
"He saw a hot guy sweating in workout clothes." Carlos groaned and picked his hot chocolate back up.
Marshmellow Mayhem by @noxsoulmate
↳  (TK x Carlos | Roomate AU/E2L | E | 6307)
Living with a roommate isn’t always easy. Especially not when their name is TK Strand and it seems their goal is to annoy you to death. The theft of his last marshmallows is the final straw for Carlos – and might just turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to him.
126 FICS
Lunch with Lou by @doublel27
↳  (TK x 126, TK x Lou | Missing Scene | G | 1457)
TK brings Lou into the firehouse after he's been cleared and the rest of the 126 has comments.
the other side of a cloudless day by @marwani-strickland
↳  (TK x Carlos, Judd x Grace, Mateo x Nancy, Paul x Marjan, Tommy x Owen | Spec Fic | T | 5852)
a bright, cloudless morning and a building collapse.
As it Was by @moviegeek03
↳  (Owen, Owen x Robert, Owen x TK | Hurt/Comfort | G | 4752)
Owen has always been good at separating things. Before and afters. All separate. Even his brother. Well, brothers. That was why Owen hadn’t talked about Robert yet. Why TK didn’t know everything. Yet. He planned to tell him. He did. When the time was right. He had no way of knowing a ceiling would come down on him and TK on a call, forcing all the things in his life to suddenly come together. In every way. No longer separate.
Some Risks are Worth It by @ramblingdisaster73
↳  (Nancy x Mateo, Nancy x TK, Mateo x Paul x Marjan | Spec Fic | T | 4416)
Nancy goes to TK & Carlos while Mateo goes to Marjan and Paul for help, but they are both keeping secrets from their friends. Too bad their friends are lovingly nosy, and how long do secrets really last at the 126?
Namesake by megas217
↳  (Owen x TK | Coda | T | 729)
Owen tells TK about his younger brother who TK’s named after.
Who’s the Best Cupcake Decorator? by @breannacasey
↳  (Grace x Tommy | Friendship Fic  | G | 899)
As Tommy and Grace prepare for the twins' birthday party, their competitive side decides to come out.
Coffee Date by @marwani-strickland
↳  (Nancy x Mateo | Coda | T | 1337)
nancy and mateo go out for coffee - post 3x14
you and me, hibiscus tea by @marwani-strickland
↳  (Paul x Marjan | Coda | T | 1695)
after a rough shift, marjan and paul go over to his house for tea. - post 3x14
Austin Alone by @boasamishipper & @lilalbatross
↳  (Owen x Billy | AU FWB2L | E | 4548)
After the reopening of the 126, Billy and Owen give being friends with benefits a try. Inconvenient feelings ensue. / Season 3 AU, Owen-centric.
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
You left me once now do it again
Want it for another Charakter in an different fandom or whatever ? Request now because i wont be doing this type of post all the time only when going dark and btw we are close to 100 followers
C!techno x reader
Tw: angst , blood , child (lmao I'm sry;-;) , being left mid-pregnancy
Oh how will it go me a child-disliker (i only hate the loud ones) writing something like this lmao I'm also going dark again be ready for maybe a few angst posts
You were happy with techno as your partner and father of your unborn child until he left for a mission (to get the milk) and didn't come back for few days . You thought nothing of it and assumed he calculated it wrong and doesn't come home in 2 days. Like he said maybe in 7 . 7 days grew into weeks and those weeks grew into months and those grew into years . He was missed for 10 years now.
You looked down at your son standing next to you and played with a small horse you both called Henry . It was a few months old and Livian(or however you want to call him) your son really wanted his own horse and not always practice on yours . Livian was a clever kid and he really looked like... His father. You didn't want to say his name it bring to many emotions and memories up . "Moma you okay?" Your son's worried eyes stared at you " yeah I'm okay do you want to do something livi?" You both always called the other with a nickname never with their real name without it was serious . "Maybe some training i want to finally beat Micheal in a fight he's so good" Livian sighed and looked at you "and i finally want to be as strong as you are ma' " the child crossed his arms making you smile and ruffle his hair " okay I'm bringing out the training dolls get your sword and bow time to slay some dumb puppets" "yay" Livian ran into the house while you got the puppets that matched his size out of the chest next to the horses . Livian seemed to search for his sword and bow since he took longer than usual giving you time to put the puppets in their place , until you grabbed the one he made himself and quickly put it back ' that one is going to stay alive ' you thought with a smile eyeing the messy stitches and the smile he drew on it . " Momma i got it " he screamed and ran through the snow towards you .
" are you going to show me a multi shot ? " You wanted to answer but a quick movement in the corner of you eye got your attention and few seconds after that snow began to fall " mom?" " Yes? Oh sorry honey and yes I'm gonna teach you it just pull that cape over your head we don't want your hair to get wet and cold (yes when it's snowing and stuff it gets wet . Own experience) he did what you said and a strand of pink hair was visible and a bit of his pig ears . You pulled you cape over you head too and pulled out your bow and few arrows " here you put that on the middle of string for multishot " you handed the boy small thing and he applied it on the string before looking at you waiting for the next step " good , look closely your gonna put the finger all around the bowbody and lie the arrows on them at the end you put them against the thing while- " you stopped as your son shooted 2 arrows perfectly at head and heart of the nearest puppet "like that?" " Yes like that , awesome shot little boy" " thanks and IM NOT SMALL" he complained but suddenly looked at the forest " mom so ethi g is watching us but no worries I'll deal with it" you still tried to see what he saw while Livian was reloading the bow with 2 arrows taking a few seconds to aim and then shot . Only 1 waited a spilt second aiming again shooting the 2nd this time it must have hit something alive because the bushed moved as something ran off ,and you got a glimpse of an way too familiar cape " Livian Go inside and stay there I'll look what it is " "but-" " do it , you helped me enough strong boi " Livian the loyal kid he was nodded and ran unsere while you equipped a shield and an ender pearl since running would waste too much time , calculating where it would be you threw the pearl quickly equipping a sword .
Once you saw him you held the sword to his throat " what . Are. You . Doing . Here?" Voice low and calm but inside a storm of emotions you asked your lost "partner" but when the only thing coming from him were heavy breaths and blood dripping down into the snow you put your sword back and took one of his arms around your neck , then you noticed his half passed out state and the arrow in his shoulder .' i really need to pay more attention ' and 'why am I even helping him ?' were your thoughts as you dragged him into your house where you sat him on your bed while livian sneaked downstairs . You didn't notice livian when you went to the storeroom to get some healing potions . Livian used his chance and walked to the hybrid his little ironsword In his hand . Techno who was now feeling a bit more conscious looked at the small boy . "Good shot " he praised as he managed to pull the arrow out . " Don't move or I'll kill you!" The small boy stepped back and went into a fight position Techno new to good. It's the same you used when you both trained . After something that felt like hours you came back with the potions you saw livian and called him back to your side "livian dont go too near to strangers " "strangers huh y/n? " Techno asked smiling " livian please go upstairs i have to talk to this man " livian waited a bit starring at the piglin man " if you even try to hurt my mom I'll kill you painfully " he threatened techno , you were surprised by the new site of your son and watched him go upstairs . Techno was impressed but not for long as he saw a healing potion held infront of him. " drink " you hated yourself for helping him but you couldn't let him die there too . " Our son is pretty good for a ten year old" "Our? Don't you dare call him your son ," " com'on y/n don't be like that . Does he even know I'm his father ?" "No he knows his father left while I was pregnant with him. But he sees Sam as his 2nd dad" "Sam!?why him!?heh!?" Technos voice rised and you quickly covered his mouth "shh be quiet and Why do you even care?" You asked and the hybrid sighed looking at a scar on his hand ' this isn't like normal techno' you thought. " Look I'm made a mistake leaving y-" " not that shit now techno." He sighed again and looked down " y/n please I'm sorry but I had to leave " "why? " Techno suddenly stood up and put a hand on your shoulder " look i am wanted, dead . And I didn't want to be a threat for our son . Y/n I'm really sorry I should have checked on you and him and not leave you for that long . But ... I'm too dangerous" technos voice went quieter at the end and you thought about it for a while . Techno wanted to let go of your shoulder but stopped as you began to speak. " But why did you never tell me? All those years would have been less painful and he would have finally known his father" "i ... I didn't know what I was doing , the voices- " "wait you're my father?" The voice of your son came from behind you and techno looked at you you nodded knowing what he's asking he then back at livian " yeah I am" " why didn't you come home earlier?"at this point you knew livian wasn't behind you all the time because he didn't hear the reason why he left . But that wasn't the problem the problem was are you going to forgive him? Now that you know the reason you can understand him a little more. You still have some feelings for him too
What should you choose? You looked over at livian who was now hugging his biological father with a smile on his face
Bonus scenario you forgave techno
You looked outside the window with a cup of tea in your hand and saw techno and livian having a snowball fight. Since you forgave him techno was a whole other man he showed more feelings and allowed himself to be a little more childish and play with livian . Livian was happy about finally living with both of his parents . You were pushed out of your thoughts by a snowball hitting the window infront of you and techno laughing while livian smile proudly . You shook your head at those two and watched them continuing their fight
It was a good choice giving the hybrid a 2nd chance
hope y'all enjoyed
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littlemisspascal · 3 years
Ezra’s Journal Entries #1-3
Fandom: Prospect / Pedro Pascal
Pairing: Ezra x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1,269
Summary: You and I were made from the same star, you said with such conviction it stole the breath from my lungs, bound to each other for eternity by the Currents of the universe. 
Warnings: angsty fluff, Ezra’s dealing with the aftermath of the Green, language, 1st person POV (Ezra), dialogue in italics because that’s just how I chose to do it, no beta so all mistakes are mine
Author Note: I know I said Death and Angel would come out next, but I got such a inspiration high and the words came out so quickly I just told myself screw it and decided to share what I have. If anyone thinks this is a series worth pursuing, let me know. If you don’t, well, just be gentle please 💖
Cross-posted on AO3
Entries #4-6
Look for additional notes at the bottom.
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My name is Ezra. 
I have my mama to thank for that. Time has erased her face from my memory, but her voice is ingrained into the tissue of my brain the same way these words are inked on this parchment. She was a bonafide believer that the meaning of a child’s name influenced the course of their destiny. When I was no taller than the height of her waist I learned my own name’s denotation: help.
It’s just a tick too ironic, isn’t it? To be destined to help others when I can’t help my own self. I gave the Green far too little credit. It didn’t just pilfer my arm to satisfy its ravenousness, it greedily stole my sense of purpose too. 
Every night I thank the deities you didn’t accompany me there. If the Green had taken you...
I know how worried you are about me, little love of mine. When I look at you, I find you already looking back, a sweet smile gracing your lips even as concern burns in your eyes as an eternal flame. From day one you’ve always been looking at me, seeing every disgraced flaw and scar—even the invisible ones carved into the darkest edges of my soul. Kevva knows I’ve never been capable of concealing anything from you, but fuck if I don’t wish I could sometimes.
You’re asleep now as I write this, tucked against my side in the vacant space my arm once occupied, drooling on my shirt. I love you so much it hurts. A black hole in my chest perpetually aching to be filled by your presence. And as we venture once more into the starry sea, our ship gliding past the imaginary wings of Noctua, I find myself recalling a theory you once told me many cycles ago about humans being made in the womb with stardust infused in their bones, linking them to the universe. You and I were made from the same star, you said with such conviction it stole the breath from my lungs, bound to each other for eternity by the Currents of the universe. 
And it’s undoubtedly selfish, but all I could think of in that tender moment beyond kissing you was how I didn’t want an eternity spent together with our cosmic bodies intertwined. 
I want longer.
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Soon after we awoke and each consumed a slice of bush bread bought during our recent docking at Kamrea, you fiddled with the channels on the ship’s radio, hoping to hear news from your homeworld but cursing when you only heard static. Then, without an ounce of forewarning, music burst out with an almighty scream through the speakers at full volume, flooding the whole compartment with a woman’s warbling. It was the same crusted Vayok song that merc Inumon blared in my ears during my last night on the Green, every note an individual needle piercing my skull, impossible to ignore.
Reality deserted me, leaving me to sink to the depths of the abyss within my mind where all I could see was Cee’s pale, disturbed expression as she looked to me for guidance. I remembered how my tongue felt clumsy in my mouth as I tried my damnedest to negotiate our transport, thinking if I could just piece together the right sequence of words, if I could just get their lingering eyes off of her, then maybe, maybe we’d have a chance at salvation. 
The memories coalesced, overlapping and blurring and mixing out of order. Each one was drenched in spilt blood.
Then your pinky wrapped around mine. The touch was soft yet firm, the action childlike in its innocence. It was such a jarring contradiction to my mind’s violent narrative, my consciousness was hurtled back into the living quarters of our ship as a result. You didn’t say anything when you saw I returned to you. Instead, you swallowed down the questions lodged in your throat and led me by our entwined fingers back to our bed.
There’s a plant back home called a dandelion, you told me with my head resting in your lap, a far better comfort than any pillow could provide me. It’s the only plant in the galaxy you can see the sun, the moon and the stars when you look at it. That’s not why it’s my favorite though.
I asked how it had won your heart’s favor if not due to its resemblance to the celestial bodies, then immediately found myself mesmerized by the smile that lit up your face as you peered down at me. My chest cavity tightened as I was filled with the profound longing to be able to suspend time, if only so I could stretch this moment to match the length of our separation, if only so I could erase the old and replace it with the beautiful new.
Dandelions grant wishes, babe. Anything you wish for with your whole heart, it will be yours to have.
I told you I wouldn’t wish for anything—nothing else in the galaxy could compare to the prettiest, wisest soul I’d ever encountered in all my years traversing it. You saw right through that lie with the same confident ease you see through all my masks and diversions, but—for the second time in the span of an hour—you held your tongue.
This journal’s as good a place as any to admit the honest truth. So here it is: I wish with the entirety of my bloody, beating heart I could be the man you deserve, little love of mine. 
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When you read, whether it be a book or the flight manual, you have the precious habit of mouthing the words. I don’t think you have the faintest notion you’re even doing it, which makes it all the more endearing to watch.
My brother had a similar habit, always nose deep in the yellowing pages of classic literature, except he had a proclivity to spoil the plot when he talked in his sleep. I remember there was one particular novel he returned to often, sometimes reading from beginning to end, other times seeking out specific segments he’d underlined in bold, black pen. It was a rather dreary tale about war and rivalry and the process of determining one’s own identity. I became so exasperated with my brother’s obsession I considered shredding it on more than one occasion, only to immediately hate myself for entertaining the thought.
It was only after his death—twelve whole cycles, in fact—that I summoned up the will to open the front cover. Seeing his name scribbled in the corner, cursive and neat and so utterly him, nearly had me tearing the book in half, overcome with a vicious rage I had never known prior nor have I encountered since. But by the almighty grace of Kevva I reigned it in, chaining it to the agony and fear imprisoned within the confines of my rib cage, and turned the page.
There was one segment underlined not once, but three times, nearly bleeding ink onto the page behind it. When I close my eyes, the words are tattooed on the backs of my eyelids, as haunting as they are comforting.
So the more things remained the same, the more they changed after all. Nothing endures. Not love, not a tree, not even a death by violence.
The author lived and died centuries before my brother’s inception, that is an inarguable fact. 
But I know those words were written for him all the same. 
There is an actual theory humans are made of stardust ✨
The Sater within Prospect mention the Currents as being responsible for bringing Ezra and Cee to them, so I imagine them as similar to the Fates/Moirai in Greek mythology.
Noctua is a real life, extinct constellation that is Latin for owl. I thought within this Prospect universe it could exist as a type of landmark or coordinate. Plus I love owls 🦉
Crusted is a term from Prospect Ezra uses. Equivalent of damn. I think there’s something funny about how they use creamy as a positive adjective and crusted as negative.
Vayok is the alien language Inumon speaks within the movie, so I decided to write the song she blares as being sung in the same language
Bush bread is referenced in a deleted scene by Ezra, but a google search revealed to me it’s also a real life type of bread too
In the same deleted scene Ezra references that he has a brother. I haven’t decided his name yet/if he will have one
The book and quote Ezra refers to in #3 is John Knowles’ A Separate Peace. One of the few required reading books I liked back in high school.
The quote about dandelions being the sun, moon and stars is based on the legend of how dandelions came into existence. I always thought it was beautiful.
Series Taglist: @insomniamamma
Permanent Taglist: @promiscuoussatan, @melobee, @randomness501, @absurdthirst, @captain-jebi, @artsymaddie, @happiestsparkleofall, @disgruntledspacedad, @gallowsjoker, @aerynwrites, @vintagesaph, @sylphene, @chibi-yuki, @freeshavocadoooo, @stilllivindue2spite, @pointy-sharp, @leilei-draws, @over300books, @theocatkov, @oh-no-a-whovian, @you-and-i-deserve-the-world, @lin-djarin, @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives, @coaaster, @waywardmando, @thisshipwillsail316, @grogusmum, @asta-lily, @mylifeofcalculatedchaos @tacticalsparkles​
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philliamwrites · 3 years
koi no yokan
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Kazuha / Aether
Tags: boys kissing, slight angst with happy ending, simping aether, practice sparring
Words: 2k
Summary: “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” Kazuha said, crossing the little circle they used as their practice area to the maple tree where they left their stuff. He took a dark cloth from his backpack and began wiping his body. Aether looked pointedly at the clear sky as if checking if one of Baal’s bolts would spontaneously flash and smite them. “Whatever thoughts trouble you will affect your performance and slowly but steadily deteriorate your physical capabilities.”
“Did the wind tell you that?” Aether wasn’t really into the idea that the gentle breezes cooling their hot skin spilt all his troubles. Be it his mourning for his absent sister or how horny he was for Kazuha. “Maybe the wind should just mind its own business.”
Notes: Inspired by @jeruki's fanart. My twitter: @philliam, my ko-fi: philliam
koi no yokan(恋の予感) (n.) lit. "Premonition of Love"; the sense one can have upon first meeting another person that the two of them are going to fall in love. It is the feeling that future love is inevitable.
In his journey through Teyvat, Aether had seen a lot of things. Dragons, assassins, sentient flowers shooting their frozen or burning seeds at him which never made for a funny joke when he and his party sat around the campfire in the cool evenings. Catboys grown into men who paid their taxes and lived a humble life near calm Springvale. Name it and Aether had seen it.
But Kaedehara Kazuha was something else entirely. When he fought, it was hard to look away. He had a dancer’s grace and a seemingly unerring instinct for what his opponent would do next. His sword wasn’t simply a weapon he swung to cut through enemy lines. It was part of him. Like Lumine completed Aether, Kazuha was only fully himself with a weapon in his hand. This kind of commitment Aether only knew from Xiao, but Kazuha made his devotion for battle look divine; so much purer. Almost innocent in a way that did not speak of foolishness or guilelessness or the innocence of a child that simply waited to be consumed by the world. Kazuha’s innocence was something honest, linked to the making at the heart of the world.
He looked happiest with his sword slicing through the air. He looked graceful plunging from the skies like a hawk pouncing to catch its prey. He looked deliciously fuckable with his hitatare slipping off his shoulders and revealing smooth, white skin glistening with sweat. Aether had noticed a little scar winking at him whenever the fabric slipped and wondered how it would taste like near that elegant curve where Kazuha’s chest turned to solid, firm abs. He imagined leaning over and tasting Kazuha’s skin and suck—
A harsh blow swiped his feet from under him. The world spun and for a moment Aether was flying again, soaring through the sky before golden eyes flashed in malice and his sister was taken from him. The reality of Lumine being absent would come to Aether in flashes. He knew it to be so, but he could not feel it to be true except in these sudden bursts of realisation. The light of that strange, unthinkable truth would dazzle him for a moment and then it would be gone again, a fleeting sense of terrible loss. The pain almost always felt the same, and all he could do in that moment was take it, endure the unbearable and bear it.
It ended as quickly as it stared. Aether’s back hit the hard ground, the impact punching the breath out of his lungs. He stared up at the beautiful crimson sky stretching overhead—red like so many things in Inazuma which was fitting for the country governed by a goddess with a taste for blood.
But then, Kazuha’s even more beautiful face bent over him.
“Focus, Aether,” he said, offering his hand. Aether imagined pulling Kazuha down next to him where they would roll in the dirt like two puppies, drunk on adrenaline and intoxicated with the addicting taste of defiling these sacred lands where the cries of helpless, innocent men would never be heard over the ever-present roar of thunder. Where neither of them was welcome.
Instead, he allowed Kazuha to pull him back up on his feet, slick skin against slick skin, with a swift ease that left little room for imagination how else he could manhandle Aether. He swallowed, his mouth dry.
Kazuha exhaled softly, and even in that companionable silence Aether had grown used to, it was loud enough to catch his attention. “Where are your thoughts, Aether?” Kazuha asked.
Aether kicked some pebbles. He could hardly confess how he imagined sucking Kazuha off. Somehow he didn’t think someone as versed, with a soul consumed by wanderlust like Kazuha, would like to hear that. So he simply shrugged, inspecting the hilt of his wooden practice sword as if it could be held accountable for his lack of focus.
“Oh, you know,” he said, shrugging. “Archons and Visions and the like. The usual stuff.”
Kazuha’s eyebrows rose. Aether held his stare for a long minute but ended up turning away first. Somehow he didn’t believe secrets could be kept hidden for too long from those keen scarlet eyes, and while he wouldn’t mind presenting his body to him, he wasn’t too comfortable bearing his very soul to someone he’d known for less than a month. He wondered if that even mattered. He had let Kaeya rail him in much shorter time than that.
“A healthy mind in a healthy body,” Kazuha said, crossing the little circle they used as their practice area to the maple tree where they left their stuff. He took a dark cloth from his backpack and began wiping his body. Aether looked pointedly at the clear sky as if checking if one of Baal’s bolts would spontaneously flash and smite them. “Whatever thoughts trouble you will affect your performance and slowly but steadily deteriorate your physical capabilities.”
“Did the wind tell you that?” Aether wasn’t really into the idea that the gentle breezes cooling their hot skin spilt all his troubles. Be it his mourning for his absent sister or how horny he was for Kazuha. “Maybe the wind should just mind its own business.”
The wind picked up, tossing Aether’s hair left and right so it came even more loose after their sparring. He was sure his mind played tricks on him, but somewhere in the distance it sounded like Venti’s clear, bell-like laughter. If this was his weird way of trying to set him up, Aether was not happy with it.
“No, you just did.” Kazuha finished cleaning himself, but was in no apparent hurry to tie up his hitatare. When he looked back up at Aether, his smile was a little mischievous but still gentle, and Aether wanted to kiss that stupid grin away. He flopped down next to Kazuha. Dry maple leaves rustled under his body and he took one in his fingers, turning it this and that way just so he could observe the crimson and stall time.
If he met the Raiden Shogun and she didn’t have the answers he desired, then what? How much longer would he have to journey, to tread foreign countries and dangerous lands until he found what Lumine needed him to see? Why was this arduous task better suited than simply telling him? The only logical answer was that during her own travels, Lumine had grown to not trust him in a way only she understood and couldn’t confide in him. The thought closed like a cold fist around Aether’s heart. There was nothing logical about that, for if Lumine chose to hide her heart from Aether, where would that leave him? Loneliness spread like a dark stain inside him, a horror that stole his breath and tightened his chest. Black dots danced across his vision. Aether noticed his body moving without his will, he sat up, afraid he might suffocate. His heart. His heart wasn’t in his chest anymore. It was in his throat, making it hard to breathe. Just thinking she doesn’t need me, Lumine is gone forever and all I have loved, I have loved alone—
A warm hand grasped his, squeezing his fingers painfully until his splintering mind reassembled to the present. Aether stared at Kazuha with wide eyes, filled with horror, with fear, he just couldn’t understand how anyone bore that loneliness without a twin, without another part of their soul bearing the harsh world with them and give comfort and respite.
Aether flinched, only noticing then how close Kazuha hovered near his face. When he looked down, he saw how his golden strands were caught between Kazuha’s slender fingers.
“There was a maple leaf in your hair,” Kazuha said, not taking his eyes away from Aether.
“Oh.” Aether’s reeling thoughts momentarily halted at this whimsical observation, so simple and apart from his anxious feelings. He looked up at the grand tree above them, crying red leaves. “Really?”
Kazuha still looked at him. A gentle tug lowered Aether’s head back down.
“No,” he said, and then kissed him. His soft lips brushed against Aether’s once, then twice and then he pressed his mouth to his, pushing Aether to the solid, hard ground. One leg stole between Aether’s, pressing a knee against his crotch, and Oooh. Until now, Aether had thought Kazuha to be soft and restrained, a man more servant to the voice of nature than his own desires. But there was nothing soft or restrained about the way he pinned Aether to the ground now, stole his breath and swallowed all those little huffs and moans, making Aether go crazy with lust.
Swift fingers dug into his bare waist. Aether was looking forward to the bruises he’d see blossoming the next morning. Their bodies pressed together hard; Aether arched his back, hoping that if he just willed it hard enough, he would become one with Kazuha and fill that gnawing black hole inside him. Kazuha reached out and put his thumb to Aether’s jawline. The tips of his fingers brushed the hollow of his throat and pushed against the pulse point where Aether’s blood visibly thundered in exalting beats against his skin.
Kazuha’s tongue darted across Aether’s lower lip. Willingly, Aether opened his mouth, longing to savour his taste and finally quench his thirst for the exquisite being that Kaedahara Kazuha was.
But Kazuha remained still, their mouths inches away from each other, each inhaling the other’s breath. Aether opened his eyes, meeting Kazuha’s that had turned so much darker. Wilder.
“You don’t even know what you do to people, do you?” he mumbled against Aether’s lips. His nose grazed his cheek as he dove for Aether’s jawline, his neck, mapping Aether’s face with his lips and teeth. Aether remembered Kazuha saying once that he smelled like stars, and wondered how that worked.
“What—“ Aether exhaled a long, shuddering breath. “—do you mean?” He tried to buck up into Kazuha, to create some delicious friction between them, but Kazuha’s grip around his waist was like iron. Aether whined, but Kazuha made with one, sharp bite pretty clear that whatever happened would only happen on his volition.
“The way you move, the way you look and think no one notices.” Amusement stole into Kazuha’s voice. “Or might you think only I don’t notice?”
“I am anything but subtle,” Aether acknowledged, planting a kiss on Kazuha’s temple. He chuckled against Aether’s skin. “And you don’t necessarily make it easier, fighting like this.” His hands sneaked inside Kazuha’s hitatare, fingers trembling with excitement spread against his warm chest.
Kazuha inhaled sharply. His own fingers trailed a path up Aether’s waistline, nails scratching the sensitive skin and sending shivers all over his body. “Look who’s talking. It’s hard focusing on anything else with you walking around like this.”
Aether laughed, dark and rich. “It’s my pleasure.”
“No.” Kazuha tugged the fabric of Aether’s black collar down and kissed his neck. “It’s mine.”
Aether didn’t know how long they stayed like this, cradled against the maple tree’s trunk, growing drunk on kisses and lust and the taste of each other until their lips were bruised. At some point, they had dozed off under the setting sun that made way to twinkling stars that winked at them in mischief. Only they knew the secrets and confessions they shared, absolving one another from their darkest sins.
“I know you seek your sister,” Kazuha said, studying the joints and bumps on Aether’s fingers before he brought them to his lips. “We both follow steps of people dear to us, choosing to ignore we only run after shadows. I think that is why my soul refuses to leave you.”
Familiar pain throbbed in Aether’s chest, but where it once was sharp and overwhelming, it now had softened to a dull song. Bearable. “I’m sure one day we’ll catch up to them.” He intertwined his legs with Kazuha’s, felt the warmth radiate off his body. “Together.”
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thewritingstar · 3 years
Sugar Rots Eventually
Pairing: Boomubbles
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls
Notes: I saw a post about how more characters need an evil arc or demolished arc instead of redemption arcs. And well here we are lol
also I should be doing hw but here I am doing this instead 
Hope you enjoy!
Tags: @unvalley @cupcakesandnightmares (lmk if you would like to be tagged:) 
He watched as her fist collided with the mans face. Blood tricked down his chin as his teeth became chipped and face spotted with black and blue. He knew she was going easy on him. Her punch could kill someone without much force, so she was determined that he felt the pain. 
Watching the electric blue power practically drip from her was enough to make any man go crazy, especially him. He had once known her to be a perfect little girl who was always at his throat and giggling constantly. 
That was until the world decided that heroes deserved nothing. 
It was comical to him how little humans who can barely save themselves wanted to belittle and turn on those who dedicated their lives to them. He watch from afar as her ‘joy and the laughter’ demeanor started to crumble. 
Bit by bit, she began to change. The weight of the world was finally too much to bare and when the towns people turned their backs on the three little girls, she snapped. They must have forgotten that sugar can eventually rot. 
He felt sorry for them for a spilt second, but he got over it quick because of her. He had never seen her crack under pressure, never once had she faltered in battle, but they made a mistake in thinking that the greater good will remain that way even when you mock and destroy it. 
So he watched as the gods they once worshipped turned into the nightmares they feared. As for him, he loved it. 
She was far more powerful, far more greater and far more beautiful when she didn’t care about the lives of others. 
He thought that one day she would be his undoing and take him and his brothers down for good, but instead she turned into something he admired and loved. 
She dropped the mans lifeless body to the ground and stepped over it. Her black heels splattered with a smidge of blood and she rolled her eyes. 
“Pathetic.” She sneered. 
He smirked widely and held his hand out for her to grab. “A useless waste. As for you.” He brought her close. “You were magnificent. I could watch you torture people all day. Hell, I want you to torture me.” 
A giggle came from her lips. A heavenly sound he thought was lost forever, but he was happy to know that he could bring it out. 
“Aren’t you quite the charmer?” She kissed his cheek. 
He marveled in her glory as they walked away, leaving countless bodies behind them. It was odd to think that a few years ago, she would have thrown him against the wall before sending his ass to jail. But now she was by his side. 
Day by day he got to watch as more poison entered her veins. The hatred of the world crept through her and reminded her of the innocence they took. He got to see the way her eyes light up as people fear her and he was sure that her heart was coated with black tar by now.
But her love for her sisters and animals and of course, him remained untouched. It was fascinating to him as his darling wife could bring people to their knees with just a glance of pure fury. He loved every ounce of that melted sugar woman. 
She was a bright ball of light. Once the sunshine on a gloomy day for the world to adore. And now she was the meteor that would burn it to the ground. And he would be there to bask in its flames. 
lol I gave up on the ending but I hope you enjoyed. 
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sunshineandaisies · 3 years
Words: ~3.3k
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: language, mentions of blood/injury, a tad bit angsty?
Note: I haven’t written anything new in the marvel fandom for 4+ years now, so this is me dipping my toes back into it before I start working on new series that I have planned. And because I hate myself sometimes, I decided to write something for a character I’ve never written for, our smol bean peter. Hopefully I did okay???
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A typical Tuesday for you was, well, normal. 
You’d go to school, mildly pay attention in class, and do your best to stay out of whatever drama was currently overtaking the halls of Midtown High. When the final bell of the day rang, you walked home with your headphones in, playing loud music to drown out the sounds of the city. You’d get home from school, maybe have a less than healthy snack, and watch a random television program until your mom was trying to pull you away from the couch for dinner. After dinner was eaten - and the dishes were cleaned and drying, because you needed that weekly allowance money - you shut yourself in your room to work on homework and to subsequently procrastinate that homework by playing mobile games on your phone. Usually, you’d end up falling asleep with one of your textbooks open to the page you’d been in the middle of reading and with your phone slowly dying in your hand because Candy Crush was lighting up your screen and draining the battery.
Pretty uneventful, right?
This Tuesday, however, was anything but uneventful. 
You should’ve known from the moment that Peter Parker spilled chocolate milk on your white top at lunch that the day was going to be anything but your typical Tuesday. It only got worse when he shoved a handful of napkins onto your chest, dabbing at the stain while stammering and blushing and being so frustratingly cute that you couldn’t bring yourself to yell at him for practically pawing at your chest in the middle of the cafeteria.
It didn’t end there. 
Your locker jammed between fifth and sixth period, preventing you from grabbing the calculus assignment that you had spent hours trying to complete over the weekend and making you unable to turn it in on time. The worn strap of your backpack finally broke on your walk home from school, and you were forced to carry the heavy bag in your arms, making the limbs numb and tingly by the time you finally reached your apartment. Your mom had picked up a rare night shift at the hospital at the last minute, leaving you to fend for yourself for dinner – which, in normal circumstances, would have been fine, but the Moroccan place down the street that you ordered from had given you the wrong food and you were too hungry to call them and have the order corrected.
You figured that would be the end of it. You figured that there was absolutely no way that anything could go wrong as you spent the rest of your evening actually working on homework, sprawled lazily across your bed, and bopping your head in time to the music coming through your headphones.
Oh, how wrong you were.
It had to be nearing midnight when you were startled from your chemistry homework by the sound of banging on the fire escape outside your window. You paused your music, slightly startled and more than a little confused. Sure, there were occasionally stray cats that somehow found their way to the metal platform outside your window, and sure, sometimes those cats where assholes and pushed each other around every now and then – but this…that thump either came from a very, very large cat, or someone was outside your room.
You got your answer when a very sweaty, very tired looking Peter Parker stumbled through your window and landed face down on the floor, groaning softly. Your mouth soundlessly opened and closed, opened and closed, opened and closed as you tried to find your words, but the Spider-Man suit that he wore and the red mask clutched tightly in his hand had left you absolutely speechless.
You easily stared at him for five minutes, trying to process what had just happened. Did Peter Parker really just crawl through your window and then pass out on your floor? Was Peter Parker fucking Spider-Man? Was Spider-Man – the Spider-Man – in your bedroom? Did Spider-Man touch your boobs today?
“What the fuck?” you finally spoke, startling Peter as he looked up at you with wide chocolate eyes before panic sunk in and he jumped up to his feet abruptly, which in turn only served to startle you more and make you repeat, “What the fuck?”
“Y/N?” he asked, as if he wasn’t sure that it was truly you that sat in front of him. “Shit, shit, shit,” he muttered as he started to pace, pulling at his hair nervously. “Mr. Stark is gonna kill me.” He glanced back up you, eyes still wide. “This isn’t what it looks like.”
“It looks like you’re Spider-Man,” you countered, eyes flitting over the tight suit before focusing on the mask in his hand. “You’re Spider-Man, Peter.”
“Okay, so- so maybe it is what it looks like, but I-” He cut himself off, and you could tell that he’s struggling to explain the entire thing away. Finally, he sighed. “Okay, yes. I’m Spider-Man, but you can’t tell anyone. Please, Y/N. No one else can know about this.”
You nodded slowly, abandoning your textbook and sitting at the edge of your bed as you stared at one another awkwardly. “Don’t tell anyone. Got it. But, like… Are you- Can I ask questions?”
“Um, yeah, I- I guess.” You watched him scratch the back of his neck nervously as his checks tinted pink. “Ask away.”
“First question – why are you in my room?” It seemed like the obvious question to ask. If Peter – Spider-Man – hadn’t crawled through your window in the first place, you wouldn’t even need to ask him any questions at all.
You had to bite back a laugh as you watched his eyes widen momentarily as he finally took in his surroundings, his gaze lingering on the few photos you had of you and your friends hanging on the walls and the stack of books that sat on your desk just waiting to be read. “Your room? I, uh- To be fair, when I crawled through the window, I thought it was my room.” You opened your mouth to interject, but he continued, “I live here. Well, not here, here, but in this building. With my aunt May. We live here. In this building. I must’ve swung to the wrong fire escape.”
“Swung?” you asked, his explanation providing more questions than answers. “Like with your webs?” He nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. “And you swing around the city and fight bad guys?” Another nod. “You’re Spider-Man.”
He paused, as if thinking his answer through. “Yeah.”
“This is wild,” you commented more to yourself, leaning in closer and poking at the material of his suit. He stayed completely still as you prodded the suit some more, feeling the thick fabric beneath the pads of your fingertips. You let out a short laugh and looked up at him, repeating, “You’re Spider-Man.” You laughed freely then, and the little smile he gave you was enough to make your heart pound wildly in your chest. “Don’t worry,” you assured him once the laughter died down, “your secret’s safe with me, Parker.”
You could almost feel the tension and nervous energy leave his body, and you watched as his shoulders slumped forward, finally relaxed since he first realized that you saw him as Spider-Man. “Thank you, Y/N. I know I’m asking a lot, but I- It’s really important.”
You smiled. “Don’t worry about it, Parker. My lips are sealed.” You mimed zipping your lips and locking them before throwing away the key, and it made a small burst of laughter escape his lips. “Besides, you have more things to worry about than me telling the world that you double as a superhero after school hours. Like our Spanish test in first period tomorrow.”
“Spanish test t- Shit!” You watched his eyes widen again at the reminder of the test that you both had to take in eight hours, and you couldn’t help but laugh as he quickly scrambled towards the window. Halfway through your window, he glanced back at you with a soft smile curling his lips. “I, uh- Thanks again, Y/N.”
“You’re welcome, Spider-Man.” You winked, and he was gone, crawling up the wall to the fire escape above yours. You crouched down at your window and listened for a moment longer as the sounds of Peter hauling his body over the rails of the fire escape and the opening of a different window – presumably his – echoed through the alley between your apartment building and the building next to it. Knowing that he’d be able to hear you, you called out, “Goodnight, Peter,” and shut your window.
After that night, your typical Tuesday was anything but normal.
Your mom started to regularly work night shifts on Tuesdays, and while there were no more mishaps with incorrect takeout orders, no more chocolate milk spilt on shirts, and no more jammed lockers, there was Spider-Man.
Peter was quick to realize that every Tuesday night, you would leave your window slightly open just for him regardless of how cold the autumn air outside was. Some nights, he crawled through your window as early as eight. Other nights, you didn’t see him until nearly midnight. Some nights, you would spend hours going over chemistry and calculus homework with him – because, seriously, Peter Parker may just be the smartest sixteen-year-old you’ve ever met – and discussing his latest superhero escapades. Other nights, you simply sat together on your bed, sharing candy as you talked about school, friends, family, and everything else that happened to come up in the course of your conversation.
The easy friendship you had formed with Peter had confused a few people, to say the least.
His best friend, Ned, had openly stared at you with wide eyes the first day you sat beside Peter in the cafeteria, and your friends looked at you with confused expressions before quickly following suit and taking a seat at the table. MJ – who you thankfully already had somewhat of a tentative friendship with thanks to a history project during freshman year – simply lifted her gaze to you, shrugged her shoulders in greeting, and returned to the book she was reading. Flash was quick to make a mean comment about Peter once he noticed you and your friends sitting at the table, but after you made a passing threat of sharing his Spider-Man fanfiction with the school, he scurried back to his own table with his tail between his legs.
Peter, though. Peter looked at you with such a tender expression that made your heart flutter uncontrollably in your chest and your cheeks flood with warmth as you settled into your seat beside him. You playfully knocked your shoulder against his and made a quip about Spanish class that made him laugh before falling into easy conversation with the others, though your mind never drifted far from the way that your thigh was pressed against Peter’s or the way that his pinky finger would occasionally brush over yours.
That first day you sat with Peter in the cafeteria had a domino effect. Over the course of a few weeks, you spent an increasing amount of time with Peter, both during school and outside of school hours. You walked home from school with Peter every day (or at least every day that he didn’t disappear for Spider-Man duties); you joined him, Ned, and MJ for movie nights on Fridays; and you even had dinner with Peter and May on the rare nights that you spent hours studying in Peter’s bedroom rather than alone in yours.
But the domino effect didn’t stop at just changing how you typically spent your days.
Without any warning, you found yourself falling painfully in love with the nerdy boy that lived in the apartment above yours and that masqueraded as a crime fighting superhero in the evening and on weekends (though you knew that if he were really needed during school hours, he would find an excuse to disappear from class for as long as Spider-Man was needed).
You thought about telling Peter, you really did. Every time he crawled through your window, a wide smile on his face and his cheeks tinted pink from the exertion of swinging through the city, you thought about telling him how he made your heart race in the best way. Every time his fingers brushed against your arm as you walked home or across your fingers as you sat in the cafeteria, your thought about telling him how he made your skin tingle pleasantly with just the slightest touch. Every time he appeared at your place with sandwiches from Delmar’s and spent hours on your couch watching old sitcoms, you thought about telling him how moments like that were what made you happiest.
You thought about telling Peter, but you never found the courage to speak up.
Your friendship with Peter was too valuable to risk losing it because of your feelings, and you didn’t miss the way that he would look at MJ when she wasn’t paying attention, the way that he would go out of his way to speak to her in the halls between classes, the way that he seemed so in tuned to everything that she was doing and saying. Your feelings would fade eventually, so you kept them to yourself and told yourself you were content with just friendship.
It was only fitting that it was a Tuesday night when everything changed nearly three months after Peter mistakenly crawled through your window.
Despite the December chill and the light dusting of snow on the fire escape outside your window, you left the window cracked open just enough for Peter to easily pull it open and crawl inside. It may have made your room almost unbearably cold, but it was nothing that fuzzy socks, a comfy sweatshirt, and a heated blanket couldn’t fix.
It was later than usual when Peter finally arrived, stumbling through your window when he finally managed to open and it, and it didn’t escape your notice that his fingers had left bloody streaks on the glass pane of the window.
“Peter!” You heart leapt to your throat as you scrambled from your bed to support him, and he slumped forward, struggling to stay on his feet. “Pete, c’mon. Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“Stabbed,” he mumbled into your shoulder. “He had a knife.”
You were not prepared for this. Absolutely not. No one had ever told you that being friends with a superhero would mean them stumbling into your apartment at two in the morning with a fucking stab wound. “Okay. Uh…” You led him to your bed, helping him lay down before scanning your eyes over his body. And just as he said, there was a large slash across his abdomen, his red suit staining an even darker red as he bled from the wound. “Shit, I- Pete what do I do? Tell me how to help you.” You tugged at his suit with shaking hands, trying – and failing – to pull the material away from his body. “How do I take this fucking thing off?”
You stepped back as his hand pressed against the spider symbol on his chest, and the suit instantly enlarged, allowing you to pull it away from his body and to bunch the material around his hips. (If it hadn’t been entirely inappropriate given the circumstances, you most certainly would have taken your time appreciating the sculpted muscles on Peter’s chest and abdomen).
You inspected the damage, your eyes burning with unshed tears and the fear you felt increasing exponentially the longer you looked at the gash that marred his skin. It wasn’t too deep, but it was deep enough to nearly send you into a panic. “We should call 911, Pete,” you told him once you found your voice, though it was still thick with fear. “I- I don’t think I can help you. I don’t know how to-”
“Hey,” he whispered, his warm hand curling around yours and squeezing reassuringly. “I know you can. I watched you stitch that pig up in biology at the end of the dissection a few weeks ago.”
“I just didn’t want to leave it cut open like that,” you defended, though you knew there was really no need to. “But a dead pig is much different than a living human, Peter. I don’t…” You took a deep breath, squeezing his hand even tighter. “I’m scared, Pete.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. I promise.” He let out a hiss of pain, his jaw clenched tightly. “Your mom has a first aid kit, right?” You nodded. “Get it.”
You did as you were told, grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet in your mom’s bathroom before returning to Peter. You worked slowly after you had cleaned his wound as well as you could and threaded the needle. Your hands shook as you started stitching the wound back together, careful to not make it any worse than it already was. Peter hissed in pain each time you poked the needle through his skin, but he whispered reassurances to encourage you. Soon, his abdomen had been stitched together, and while it certainly wasn’t pretty and would definitely scar, it looked stable.
“Thank you, Y/N. I don’t know what I would do wi-” he began, but you cut him off.
“Don’t,” you hissed. “Do you have any idea how fucking terrified I am right now?” The tears you’d been holding back while you stitched him up finally spilled from your eyes. “Do you have any idea how much it fucking hurt to see you like this?”
He sat up on the bed, bracing himself on his elbows. You didn’t miss the way he winced in pain from the movement. “Y/N, I-”
“I’m not done talking, Peter,” you snapped, wiping your tears away with the sleeve of your sweatshirt. “I get that you’re Spider-Man, that you feel responsible to protect the city and do whatever it takes to stop the bad guys, but- Fuck, Pete! You could die!”
“But I won’t!”
“You don’t know that!” you shouted, your lip trembling as you sat next to him on the bed. You lowered your voice to a whisper and repeated, “You don’t know that, Pete. You just don’t. Tonight, you got lucky. But what if next time, instead of a knife, they have a gun, and you get shot.”
He glanced up at you sheepishly, his chocolate eyes pleading with you to stop crying. “I heal fast,” he tried to reason, but it wasn’t enough to appease you. You looked away, but a gentle hand on your cheek brought your attention back to him. “Besides, I’m pretty motivated to not die. I can’t take you on a date if I’m dead.”
You opened your mouth to argue with him before promptly snapping it shut. Did he really just say that? Was it the pain and the exhaustion talking, or did he really mean it? “Date? Did you just- What did you say?” It was definitely the pain and exhaustion talking, right? It had to be.
He leaned forward and rested his head on your shoulder, and you froze, concentrating on the way his warm breath ghosted over the skin of your neck. “A date, Y/N. Uh, if you- I mean, only if you’d want-” You giggled as he stumbled over his words, tilted your head slightly to rest atop his. The action must have soothed his nerves, because he took your hand in his and confidently said, “I wanna take you on a date, Y/N.”
Your lips curled up into a wide smile, unable to contain how absolutely giddy you felt in that moment. “I’d like that, Pete,” you told him. “But we really need to have a conversation about superhero safety.”
He laughed, but it was cut off by a groan of pain. “We can probably do that.”
And unsurprisingly, your first date was on a Tuesday.
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School Girl Attitude part 2
Master List
Warnings: SVU crimes, talks of SVU and Smut
Enjoy x
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 “Hope you two didn’t have any plans for Easter weekend” Liv looked between you and Sonny.
“I can always go by myself if Sonny is busy” you said back to Liv trying not to sound snappy.
You and Sonny hadn’t spoken since the undercover night. Amanda was with you most of the time to help with the girls. The two foster girls, you guys had managed to place them into good homes when they came out of the hospital and the two girls with the families, you were going to drive them back to Philadelphia once they were discharged. All the other girls were put into half way houses.
“Na I’ am good- I want to see this case through till the end” Sonny look over at you while you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Ok good. I have booked your rooms, you guys will probably be tired to drive back once it’s all over with. Y/N I spoke to your old Captain, he is getting all the paper work ready for you to close the cases”
“Thanks Liv” You gave her a nod as you walked out of her office.
Sonny walked out a moment later and you weren’t at your desk. He slowly made his way to the on call room and noticed the door was closed, he knocked and opened the door. You were on the phone and hadn’t heard him come in,
“Well less than impressed if I’ am honest, but it’s all been organised” You turned around and saw Sonny standing there leaning on the wall next to the closed door, hands in his pockets smirking, your eyes wide with surprised “Ah- Rafi, I’ll call you later” you hung up the phone and took a deep breath.
“So what time should I pick you up tomorrow morning? The girls are getting out around 9 yeah” Sonny was watching your face for your reaction.
“Ah yeah- I’ll just meet you at the hospital and we can go from there” a small tight smile came to your face “I better get back to work” you went to walk towards the door when Sonny stepped between you and it.
“Y/N what’s going on? You have been weird snice the sting”
“Nothing” you looked down at your feet.
“Don’t insult me by lying to me Y/N, I know ya well enough by now”
“Well Sonny, if you know me so well then you should know how you upset me”
The room fell silent, Sonny straightened up and put his hands on his hips, you still looking down.
“This is all about Barba’s message isn’t it? And the undercover sitting on my lap?”
You didn’t say anything, you kept looking down. Sonny closed the gap between you, using his pointer finger under your chin and lifting your head to look at him. As soon as your eyes met his crystal blues you sighed taking in a deep breath.
Sonny lent down, his lips landing on yours. He moved his hand from your face and wrapped it around your waist pulling you into him. You moved your hands to either side of his neck and melted into the kiss.  Sonny’s free hand rubbing up and down your back. Sonny pulled back and rubbed the tip of your nose with his, smiling hard the crinkles coming beside his eyes.
“I’ am sorry for checking out those girls, I couldn’t believe how short their skirts were- and the undercover, we were just playing the part, I’ll never forget all 50 states after that.” Sonny lent down and kissed you lightly on the lips again “Please let me pick you up in the morning?”
“Ok” you nodded back leaning up to kiss him deeply.
The day had been long, busy and emotional. All your time as an officer and then detective, nothing had moved you as much as returning the two girls home. The girls hugged both you and Sonny thanking you and both sets of parents hugging and shaking both your hands over and over again. Finally all the paper work was done and your old squad asked you and Sonny to come out for dinner and drinks at a bar just down the road from your hotel.
You and Sonny both went into your separate rooms to shower and get ready. You straightened your hair, done some light make up with pink gloss, put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a navy lace peplum top and black slides. You had just slid your id, hotel key and some cash in your jeans pocket when there was a knock at your door. You looked through the peep hole, swung it open to Sonny in a grey long sleeve Henley, dark jeans, brown leather jacket and black runners.
“Ready?” Sonny smirked at you leaning in to kiss your lips.
“Yeah” you rested your hand on his hip.
You guys hadn’t spoken about the kiss that happened in the on call room, but the air was thick with tension of the good kind. You couldn’t wait to see how the night would unfolded after he kissed you hello. You closed your room door, Sonny wrapped his arms around your shoulders, yours around his middle, as you both started to walk towards the bar.
“One more shot and we will call it a night?” Sonny nodded back at you.
Most of your old squad had left because of work the next day and you and Sonny didn’t need to get back to the city till late not having work till the day after. As you waited for the waitress to bring your shot over, Sonny moved his chair close to you and lent in, leaning one arm on the table in front of you and grabbing your upper thigh with his other,
“You look beautiful tonight ya know that” Sonny looked down at your lips, you giggled back “Do we really need that shot?”
You lent closer and ghosted your lips with his, you shock your head no, standing to walk out of the bar, you turned back and looked over your shoulder at Sonny who was looking at your ass as you walked, he jumped up grabbing his jacket running to catch up with you. Sonny all but pulled you back to the hotel from the Bar by your hand,
“Sonny, babe you need to slow down” you said puffed out. You squalled in surprise when he let go of your hand, wrapping his arms around your waist to throw you over his shoulder.
“Sonny Carisi put me down” you screamed.
Not listening, Sonny was back at his room door. He pulled the room key from his pocket and swiped it opening the door stepping inside. Still on his shoulder, he closed the door and flipped the lock. He walked over to the bed and threw you on it just enough for you to bounce off it slightly. He ripped off his jacket, you spread your legs and he was on top of you between them kissing down your neck, resting his arms next your head. You wrapped your legs around his waist pulling his hips into you, you gasped when you felt his hard bulge. You ran your hands to the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head throwing it onto the floor.
“I have wanted you for so long Y/N” He brushed his thumb over your cheek looking into your eyes.
“Me too” you ran your palms over his naked sides.
“You have too many cloths on” Sonny winked at you.
You dropped your legs from around his waist, Sonny got up off the bed to stand. You knelt in the middle of the bed after throwing your slides off, making a show of slowly pulling off your top and then your bra. Once Sonny saw you bear chest he rid himself of his shoes, socks, jeans and boxers. Your mouth dropped open when you saw his size and your panties dampened even more.
“Take your jeans and panties off amore” Sonny said to you with hooded eyes while he stood there stroking himself.
You laid back on the bed, pushing your jeans and panties off throwing them on the floor with the rest of your cloths. You looked up at Sonny again opening your legs and he was back on top of you. Sonny’s lips came crashing down on yours again, you opened your mouth so he could deepen it, grinding his hard member against your wet core.  
“Sonny please, I need you”
“So needy baby. I want to take my time with you. I need to get a condom”
“I have an IUD” Sonny smirked and grinded into your centre “Sonny” you whined “You have taken your time- 3 years of it” Sonny chuckled and moved his hips back slightly, you could feel the head of his cock parting your lower lips slowly.
“I shouldn’t have waited so long” Sonny slid straight in bottoming out, him grunting you moaning at the feeling “You feel amazing babe” Sonny started to roll is hips slowly.
“Oh Sonny-faster” you moaned out.
That’s all Sonny needed to start pounding into you, you bucking your hips up. You tightened your muscles around Sonny’s length, his jaw going slack.
“Oh babe just like that” he huffed “I- fuc-“
Your coil in your belly was the tightest it could wind, Sonny could feel your juices coating his cock and it turned him on even more. You bucked your hips and Sonny thrusted hard,
“Dominick” you screamed, your body on fire as your realise bolted through you. You screaming his first name sent Sonny over the edge as his release spilt into you, Sonny resting his forehead on your neck till he started to go soft, pulling out dropping to your side on the bed. Sonny pulled you into him and he kissed you all over your face, you resting your hand on his chest. He pulled back and rested his forehead on yours,
“Tomorrow before I drop you home, I want to take you to my parents- as my girlfriend” Sonny lent down and kissed you deeply.
Tags: @detective-giggles​ @the-baby-bookworm​ @thatesqcrush​ @permanentlydizzy​ @averyhotchner​ @infiniteoddball​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @wanniiieeee @shittanyy
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prettybiching · 4 years
well since requests are open for John King 👀👀 (i’ve never actually requested anything so don’t judge) what if the reader is somehow introduced to him through one of his co-anchors (who knows the reader has a crush bc of all that glorious election coverage), and we see what would happen maybe on a first date?? it doesn’t have to be smutty but i certainly wouldn’t be opposed..i love your writing btw!!! blessing us in this (small) John King fandom
Pairing: John King x fem! reader Warning: 18+ mature scenes (oral f receiving), swear words and sexual innuendoes. Viewer’s discretion is advised, you’re responsible for your media consumption. Word Count: 2.5k words Note: I changed it up a bit, hope you don’t mind :)
Anderson Cooper, ever the stoic news anchor loved to play matchmaker for his friends. It was a trait Andy had managed to rub off on him, but he enjoyed it more than he'd like to admit.
Y/N had involuntarily become the latest victim of his match-making tendencies.
She didn't mean to babble out her newfound infatuation with his colleague, John King, to him but Anderson and Andy had managed to get her drunk, absolutely wasted. Before she could stop herself, she was slipping out all the unholy thoughts she'd been dreaming since election week.
The teasing that followed was relentless. It didn't help that Y/N had preliminarily promised to accompany Anderson to DC. She just hoped she wouldn't have to face the silver fox himself.
She knew something was terribly wrong the moment she saw the wicked smile etched on Anderson's face.
"Uhm, why are you smiling like that?" she asked, her eyes wide with trepidation as Anderson let himself into her hotel room.
"You, young lady," he trailed, heading straight for the unpacked suitcase that laid on her bed, "have a date tonight."
Her mouth hung wide open in disbelief and horror, "What?!"
"Yup," he answered, not bothering to turn around, ruffling the contents of her luggage, every so often examining the articles of clothing.
"I don't wanna go on a date," she whined, throwing her head back. Dragging her feet to where Anderson stood, making an absolute wreck of her belongings, she plopped herself on the bed, tugging out her lips and staring at him with pleading eyes.
At last, he halted at his action, clumsily throwing the blouse he had in his hands in the briefcase before turning towards her. "Trust me, you'll make me the godfather of your future children after tonight."
"T-tonight?" she sputtered, jolting out of bed. There was no way she was going on that date now, she didn't even know who he was!
"Anderson, I love you, but a heads up would've been nice," she sighed, placing her hands on her hips.
Anderson stroked his chin for a second, in thought before scrunching his face, "Nope, where's the fun in that?"
Y/N gave him a deadpan look, slumping her shoulders. She knew sooner or later, she'd have to accept defeat. There was no way she was winning against Anderson Cooper. "Will, you at least tell me who it is?"
He smirked, mischief was written all across his face as he shook his head, "You already know what I'm about to say."
She groaned, taking a few steps towards him before clumsily planting her forehead on his shoulder. "You're the worst!"
Wrapping his arms around her figure, he let out a laugh, his body vibrating beneath her. "You know you love me."
"No, I don't."
After Y/N's long foreseen defeat, Anderson dragged her to go shopping with him stating that her limited clothing 'just wouldn't do'.  She went along without a fight, admitting that she didn't pack anything she could wear on a date.
Despite going along with her best friend's words and having full faith in his match-making abilities, she wasn't sure how much of a success the night would be. Not when her mind could only fixate on the image of a certain news anchor between her thighs.
However, she didn't want her silly fantasies to get in the way of her actual love life and with the help of Anderson's picky taste, decided on a dress for the evening. Although the black half-slit bodycon wasn't something she'd usually wear, she felt confident in it, and that was all that mattered.
As she was on her way to the outdoor French restaurant near Washington Harbour that her date had picked for the night. She knew the restaurant was fancy from all the reviews she'd seen online.
As the uber driver drove closer and closer to the destination, Y/N was a bundle of nerve. She didn't know what to expect, hell, she knew nothing about him at all aside from Anderson's confidence that the night would go well.
The car came to a screeching halt in front of the park-like restaurant, fairy lights and intertwining vines of leaves decorating the area. 'What's the worst that could happen?" she let out a sharp breath, trying to calm her nerves as she exited the vehicle.
She made her way to the reception, her eyes advertently scanning her surroundings to spot a familiar face. "Hi, my name's Y/N L/N, I believe I have a reservation?"
The receptionist gave her a practised smile before leading her to her table, "right this way, Ms L/N."
Y/N followed her lead, her steps being clumsy from the knot of nerves forming in her stomach and her heart stopped when she saw the man standing up as she made her way towards him. John fucking King.
She was going to kill Anderson.
Unable to move a muscle, she froze at her feet as he approached her. He had a crisp perfectly fitted black suit on and a warm smile on his lips that had her knees buckling. She just hoped she didn't look like a lunatic in front of him.
"You okay there, Y/N?" he mused, flashing his teeth.
Crossing her arms across her chest, she opened her mouth, trying to form a coherent thought. "I- yes, I'm okay," she stammered, squirming under John's unmoving gaze.
She had met John a couple of times in the past, none of the interactions was long enough to be considered memorable. She was always afraid of making a fool out of herself. Seemed like she was compensating for all of those in one go.
John didn't look convinced but didn't push her on it any further. Instead, he extended his elbow towards her with a quirk of his brow, "shall we?"
Awkwardly she interlocked her arms with his and followed his lead, all the while making sure she didn't fall face-first onto the floor.
They stopped in front of a table in the back corner of the patio; mostly hidden away from plain sight. Y/N smiled, knowing Anderson must've told him that she preferred such setting.
John quickly untangled their arms, preventing her from moving further as he pulled out a chair, gesturing towards her to sit. She flashed him a grateful smile, overwhelmed by all of his efforts. Was she ever going to stop smiling in front of him?
Once she was seated, John took his place across from her, fixing his suit jacket as he did. She tried her best to divert her gaze from his hands, but it seemed near impossible. She was sure she'd faint before the night came to an end.
Finishing his task, he turned to face her, his entire focus towards her.  Clearing her throat, Y/N shifted at her spot. "how awfully did Anderson bully you into this?" she chuckled, trying to soothe her nerves.
Squinting his eyes, he tilted his head sideways before shrugging, "he didn't bully me at all really. He merely put forth the suggestion, and I was down."
Pursing her lips, she paused for a moment before shaking her head, laughing. It wasn't until she took in John's earnest expression did she realise he wasn't joking. "Seriously?"
He nodded. "However," he began, a slight remnant smile gracing his lips as he wriggled his index finger at Y/N, "I did tell Anderson to tell you, but he was insistent, and you remain oblivious about our date."
Her mouth hung open in disbelief as she leaned back into her chair, muttering through gritted teeth, "I'll kill him."
John let out a laugh, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he insisted, "Please don't. I have much to thank him for."
She tilted her head towards him in confusion, waiting for him to continue.
John averted his gaze, a nervous chuckle erupting from his throat, "I might've never had the courage to ask you out without his meddling."
She blinked, her eyes widening slightly at the revelation. "Y-you wanted to ask me out?" she sputtered, leaning forward.
As if her words had flicked a switch in him, he straightened his back, the earlier nervousness was long gone as a smug smile took over his features. "Also..." he trailed, interlocking his hands on the table.
"He may or may not have accidentally spilt that you have a crush on me?"
"No." "Yes." "No, shut up."
"Truce?" he quirked his brow, reaching his hand across the table for hers. Y/N eyed his hand warily before letting out a sigh and giving in. "Fine."
"I can't believe you two were basically conspiring against me this whole time," she whined, her lips tugging out into a pout.
She should've known Anderson wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut for too long. However, she couldn't believe her own eyes that the gorgeous man in front of her reciprocated her feelings.
Unaware of the butterflies fluttering in her stomach, John cooed squeezing her hand, "but wouldn't you say it's come to a favourable conclusion?"
She couldn't deny that everything had worked out in her favour. Without her best friend's meddling, she would've never gotten the courage to admit her feelings for John.
Once the pout disappeared from her face, John reclined back into his chair, her hand still in his. "Now, how about we get started with some wine?"
The date was a definite success, she would say. After the initial awkward passed, with some alcohol in her system, she found herself more comfortable around John. Not to mention that he was effortlessly the most charming man she'd ever encountered.
She had tried to restrain herself from staring at him when he made the smallest movement, but it was near impossible. She was completely enamoured by him. All the flirty smiles, casual brushing of their legs, teasing touches and lingering glances didn't help either. He knew what he was doing, that smug bastard.
John was in the middle of an amusing story, something that had happened at work that week. Y/N wished she could say she was listening, but she was far more distracted by his hands that he sporadically used as he spoke.
"Y/N? he called her name, snapping her back to reality.
"Yes?" she answered, tugging in her bottom lip as she stared at him with round eyes.
He smirked, having caught her not-so-subtle gaze. "I said, I was hoping to have some dessert if you would allow it."
Her lips twitched, not missing the mischief behind his eyes as he spoke. She would've missed it if it weren't for the way his pupils dilated as he uttered the words.
Wordlessly, she leaned forward, reaching her hand out to touch the side of his face. John tilted his head, kissing the inside of her palm as her fingers hovered over the dip of his jaw, the scent of his aftershave making her heart pound a little faster.
"Yes, of course," she murmured, almost inaudibly, her eyes locked into his aquatic ones. "Although, it'd like for you to have it elsewhere."
On cue, John pulled his hand back and fixed his tie before calling out for their server, asking for the bill. The two bickered for a moment, Y/N insisting they split the bill, but he was having none of it, ending the argument by saying she could pay for their next date.
Yes, the next one. There was going to be another one after this evening. It made Y/N smile more than it should've.
He drove the two back to his place, the car ride going painfully slow. Neither of them spoke during the journey. Instead, John kept his hand on her thigh, the hand sliding closer to her heated core throughout the ride.
As soon as the door to John's apartment closed shut, his lips were pressed hard against hers as he led the two towards the dining table. She felt the table dig into her hips from behind as he hovered over her. He wasted no time in grabbing her by the waist and lifting her up on the surface, moving his lips down to her jaw and neck as he hummed against her skin.
She ran a hand through his hair, breathing in as his other hand ghosted over her hip, running down then back up before it made its way underneath her dress, tugging at her panties. “Are you fond of these?”
“Yes,” She breathed out, her eyelashes fluttering, “Don’t destroy my clothes.”
John smirked, then leaned over her, kissing her again as he focused on pulling the tie open as he pushed her back flat against the cool wood. There was no barrier but her dress between the two. He quickly unzipped the back of her dress before she shrugged it off her body and threw it to a corner. Grabbing one of her thighs, he pushed her legs up and apart. He dropped down to one knee between her legs, hooking his arms under her as he pulled her closer and dropped his head to kiss her thigh slowly, tongue darting out onto her skin.
She was already breathing hard, her mind a little fuzzy from the wine, skin burning with every touch. John was overwhelming, in an incomprehensible way, and she lifted her hips as he rid her of her underwear in a flash, fingers sliding across her slowly.
Moaning, she slid her hand through his hair, falling flat on the table as his tongue wandered over her skin, teasing and sliding until he pushed a finger into her slowly and buried his face between her legs.
“Darling,” He urged her, looking up briefly as the vibrations of his words made her moan again. “Feel free to be loud.”
Her eyes rolled back into her head as he began to move his finger, adding a second one as his tongue moved against her clit, pressing against her as his hands expertly moved against her skin, pulling her closer and then pressing a hand against her stomach as the pressure began to build. She rolled her hips forward on the table, breathing harder and harder as she tried to hold back, but the noises kept getting louder as she pressed against him and softly whispered his name.
He was relentless as he moved faster, jerking her hips almost fully off the table as he groaned against her, sucking on her clit harshly and moving his fingers faster, curling them up and angling his wrist. Her other hand jerked down, grabbing onto his hand as she gasped and arched off the surface, the other hand tugging on his hair as she jerked against him, feeling the waves of warmth and overwhelming shock as her orgasm hit her hard enough that he turned his head and bit down on her thigh, prolonging the aftershocks.
When he pulled back, he moved his hand, sliding it out of her and then bringing it up to her mouth, pushing her lips open. Obliging, she took his digits in, moaning as she tasted herself, her eyes fixated on his intense gaze. Pulling them out, he closed his eyes, licking his fingers clean and looked up at her with a smile.
“Would you like to stay for the evening?”
As if there was any doubt.
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braveclxrke · 4 years
Regarding your Bingo Card- Can I request “Crying into the chest” with Tarlos.
I so want to read it after watching that scene in the promo. 🥺
Thank you ☺️
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Thank you so much for the ask!💗
This is the first bad things happen bingo prompt I’ve ever done so I hope you enjoy it! this turned out much longer than I expected so I apologies, I just couldn’t stop writing 🥺
Ao3 link
Title: How do you go on after you lose everything: Take a breath, then another. That’s it 
Summary: The 126 lose a member of their family on a call and TK struggles to deal with it.
Fandom/pairing/prompt: 911 Lone Star/Tarlos/Crying into chest
Word Count: 3.5k
TK had had some crazy days in Austin; hurricanes, bulls in cars, and solar flares, but he could never have predicted what was happening right now. 
“Lava?” Paul said, his brow raised as the crew jumped off the truck, the air thick and warm.  “You serious,” He asked, looking over at Owen like the rest of the crew.
The crew passed the police barricades, the air growing warmer by the second. TK could hear the ground cracking, the sounds of screaming growing closer. Smoke now filled the air, as the group looked at the scene before them, bright, glowing lava seeping from the ground, everything around the whole in the middle of the square on fire. 
“Guess you were being serious,” Mateo said, looking around at the 126. 
“Alright everyone stay alert, stay in pairs,” Owen called, holding his mask in his hand, “Tim you come with me and Judd, Nacy with Marjan and TK and Tommy with Mateo and Paul,” The paramedics slung fireproof jackets over their shoulders, Owen and Judd helping to fit their breathing equipment.
“Bet you never saw this in New York,” Marjan said, knocking her shoulder into TK’s, pulling her mask over her face, “Sure you can handle the heat Strand,” She said, and TK could still see the teasing smile on her face through the smoke and mask.
“Oh you know it,” TK smiled back, “You guys sure you can handle the heat?” He said nodding towards where Tim and Nancy were standing.
“We’ve been doing this a lot longer than you kid,” Tim joked, shifting as he got used to the heavyweight of the fire protective jacket. 
“You telling me you’ve faced lava before?” TK asked, his brow raised.
“You have no idea what we’ve faced before,” Tim smiled, looking over at Nancy who was laughing as she slipped her own oxygen mask on. The small group laughed, and for a moment TK forgot that lava was spewing a few feet away.
Continue reading under the cut 
If the worried civilians around the police tape could hear their jokes, TK was sure they would be perplexed. Here they were about to enter a scene covered in lava and they were joking. It was something that came with years of experience, you had to shut off a part of your brain that saw the danger and everything that would go wrong; otherwise, you’d never step into a burning house or in this case; the pit of lava.
TK went to slip his mask on when a voice called from behind.
“Hey!” TK turned around to see Carlos coming towards him, his hand held up to cover his face.
“You shouldn’t be this close to the scene,” TK said, squinting his eyes through the growing smoke. Carlos had no protective gear on, and he could see from the way his boyfriend covered his face with his forearm the heat was intense. Carlos got closer and TK could now see the frown on his face, this time not from the heat, “Please be careful,” Carlos said, his voice serious and low.
TK gave a small smile, leaning forward to place a quick kiss on Carlos’s lips, “When am I not?!” Giving Carlos a wink as he slipped his mask on.
TK walked over to the place where his crew had gathered, waiting to step into the scene. Marjan nodded her head at TK, Nancy standing next to her.
Marjan held her hand up, TK giving her a high five, “Lets roll Strand,” She called as the three of them carefully entered the scene, the other groups going in different directions.
It didn’t take long for them to find someone, lying on the floor, their leg trapped underneath a piece of rock. The group dashed over, being careful to avoid the still growing flames. Nancy got to work while TK and Marjan assisted the woman, talking her through what was being done.
A roar echoed as a rock flew through the air, crashing into the ground. The earth shook and TK had to reach out to stop himself falling, Marjan doing the same, holding Nancy still as she worked.
TK gave a small smile, shaking his head; how did his life get this crazy? TK had been back to work for around 5 months, and it was only in the last month that TK had started to enjoy the job again. The itching fear and anxiety that had embedded itself into his body along with that bullet had just started to subside. TK no longer flinched when he heard a car backfire, or pause before breaking down a door in case someone with a gun was on the other side.
TK felt the sweat drip down his face, stinging his eyes. “We’ve got to move her,” Nancy said. TK and Marjan moved closer, “I need you two to carefully lift that rock while I move her,” She continued, pointing to the rock that was trapping the woman. The pair nodded moving to the rock, their hands poised on either side. “Ready?” Nancy said. Marjan and TK locked eyes through the smoke, nodding as they carefully lifted the rock, the woman crying out as Nancy pulled her free. There was no time to get a stretcher and bring it back, the smoke around them growing thicker each second. Nancy explained to the woman that Marjan and TK were going to carry her out, she nodded as tears spilt down her cheek making marks in the black ash on her face.
Marjan and TK carried the woman through the smoke, the air becoming clearer as they reached the ambulance, placing the woman on a stretcher that was waiting for her.
The ground shook again as another roaring noise filled the air. TK watched as a large rook flew through the air, the smoke too thick to be able to tell where it landed.
Marjan patted TK on the chest to indicate they were ready to head back out when the radio on their chest crackled to life.
“Man down! I repeat man down!” Judd’s voice cut through the chaos of the scene. TK waited to hear his fathers voice, but he didn’t speak. TK felt a cold shiver run through him, his whole body going icy despite the lava a few feet away. “No one enters the scene, it’s too dangerous, we’re bringing him out,” As to prove his point another rock flew through the air, TK didn’t move as it collided with the ground, shaking the earth, It was as if his fear had frozen him in place. “Ambulance on standby I repeat, male hit in the chest with one of the rocks, I don’t think he’s breathing,” Judd continued. Even though TK was strapped to oxygen he’s breathing stopped, caught in his chest and throat. He wanted to reach up and call for his dad over the radio, but his hands were locked by his side. Everything felt slow and blurry as people rushed around him, through the fog TK could see shapes moving towards him; bodies.
Nancy raced past him as Judd and- TK felt the air return to his lungs, his feet unsticking from the ground as he saw his dad next to Judd, covered in dirt and ash but alive. TK let out a relieved breath, it only lasted a few seconds as he noticed who they were carrying; Tim. Everything seemed to speed up as Judd and Owen placed the young paramedic on a stretcher, Tommy leaning over to work on him. He knew people were saying things but he couldn’t hear anything besides the loud ringing in his mind.
Tommy was performing CPR.
Tim wasn’t breathing.
TK felt Marjan grab his hand as they watched in terror as Tim fought for his life.
The paramedic was loaded into the ambulance as it pulled out of the lot.
The 126 just watched for a moment, no one speaking or moving “Alright let’s get back to work,” Owen said. TK could hear how his voice broke, everyone wanting to go be with their friend but there was still work to do. That was the harsh reality of this job, you can’t just leave, the emergency doesn’t stop. Everyone gave a nod, TK noticing the tears that had gathered in Nancy’s eyes as they headed back towards the scene, Tim occupying a piece of all of their minds and hearts.
The truck pulled into the firehouse, the crew slowly jumping off, everyone sore and tired. The lava had taken over 2 hours to manage, from pulling people out, to stopping the continuous growing fire surrounding the scene. TK shrugged off his gear onto the table, pausing for a second to chat his breath before heading up to the bathroom to shower off the shoot and ash.
They had heard nothing from the hospital, no one had spoken a word unless necessary after Tim had left, everyone waiting for their radio to tell them everything was alright. TK had hoped the warm water would wash away the fear and guilt from his body but it did little to ease his emotions.
He had felt relieved. It was just for a second, the smallest moment as he realised his dad was okay but it was relief and the pit in TK’s stomach hadn’t left since he’d felt that momentary relief.
TK eventually pulled himself out of the warm shower, the air of the firehouse feeling colder than he remembered as he pulled on a green shirt and jeans. TK walked out of the washroom to head back down to the lot when he heard a voice.
TK froze as he realised it wasn’t a voice, but a cry. A desperate, broken cry. TK slowly walked to where the cry was coming from.
Eventually, TK came to the door of the large lounge. He could see through the glass that the crew was gathered inside. Paul had his arms wrapped around Marjan and Mateo. Judd was sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands.
TK realised it was Nancy who was crying, another paramedic with his arms wrapped around her from behind.
TK took an unsteady step back, he told himself he wasn’t witnessing what he knew he was. Maybe they were tears of relief, maybe this was nothing to do with today's events. TK finally met his father’s eyes, who had noticed him while he had been watching everyone else.
There was no doubt in his mind now what TK was witnessing; grief.
TK didn’t move from the threshold of the door, made no effort to push it open. If he stayed on this side maybe it wouldn’t be true. On this side, everything was the same and life wasn’t about to change.
TK felt his lip quiver as he staggered back from the door, turning on his heels as he walked down the corridor, his mind working on autopilot. TK grabbed the handle of the staircase and started to head down. He only made it halfway before his legs seemed to finally stop working, TK stumbling before falling onto one of the steps, his arms still holding onto the railing.
TK just stared ahead, his mind so wrapped in his thoughts he didn’t hear the footsteps till they were right behind him. The footsteps stopped and TK heard the person sit down, he didn’t have to see them to know who it was; Carlos. TK could recognise the man's cologne anywhere.
“You okay?” Carlos quietly asked, perched on the step behind him, his legs either side of TK.
Carlos' voice managed to cut through the chaos that was TK’s mind, he let his hand fall from the railing above, “He’s dead instead he?” TK asked his voice monotone, no hint of emotion to be found. TK turned around to see Carlos looking down at him, the rims of his eyes red from tears, “Tim?” TK choked the emotions finding his way back to his voice.
Carlos sighed, his lip trembling and that all the confirmation that TK needed, “The hospital did everything they could but, there wasn’t anything to be done,” Carlos reached out, placing his hand on TK’s cheek, “I’m so sorry,” He soothed.
TK just stared straight ahead, the image blurring and shifting as tears filled his eyes. “When I first realised it wasn’t my dad I was…” TK cut himself off, shaking his head of the thought and comforting hand of Carlos, he didn’t deserve it, “...Relieved and ugh” TK shook his head harder, wrapping his arms around his stomach to try and lessen the nausea that was building.
Carlos moved his hand back to TK’s shoulder, his thumb smoothing this skin. “You can’t blame yourself for that TK, he’s your dad, of course, you wanted him to be okay, that doesn’t mean you wanted the others to hurt,” The logical side of TK’s brain knew that was true, but right now that side wasn’t working.
“We’d just become a family,” TK laminated, narrowing his eyes, “I spent months keeping everyone at arm's length and then as soon as I realised I wanted to be here…” He trailed off again like his mind wasn’t capable of finishing a thought, all of them too painful. When TK had gotten to Austin, he had just meant for this to be a job, like it was back in New York. Yet, here TK had found people he never expected to, people that understood him, supported him; a family. “Now one of us is gone,” TK whispered to himself. In the six years, TK had been a firefighter, he had never lost a crewmate. There’d been close calls, people who had to leave the force but no one had ever...died. Tim might not have been a firefighter, but he was part of their family, part of the 126 the same way Carlos and Michelle were; they shared a home. “I was just joking with him a few hours ago,” TK instantly cringed at his light and cheerful attitude he had worn when he arrived at the scene, it seemed so wrong now looking back. “What are we supposed to do?” He asked, not to Carlos in particular, more to the world, but he sure neither of them would have an answer.
“Right now...” Carlos sighed, moving his hand to TK’s back, “Right now we do what we need to do, and get through the day.”
Get through the day. It seemed so simple, but as TK sat on the stairs the end of the day seemed almost unreachable. “I don’t know about tomorrow,” Carlos whispered.
It was the break in the man's voice, the tiredness in his eyes that lifted the last bit of fog from TK’s mind.
“I’m sorry,” TK finally said, his voice a fraction more stable this time, “I know you’ve worked with him for a long time,” TK said, his hand reaching out to take Carlos, “He’s your friend to,”
Carlos had been in Austin years before TK had even arrived, as had Tim. The two had known each other for years, worked together on cases that TK probably knew nothing about.
Carlos just nodded, the lump in his throat bobbing as he blinked quicker, “He was everyone’s friend,” he said.
The use of the word was and not is caused a tear to roll down TK’s cheek, a moment later the same happening for Carlos; they were speaking about Tim in the past tense.
“This isn’t meant to happen to them, we’re the ones that are meant to run into to danger,” When TK became a firefighter, he knew danger was a part of everyday life, he’d gotten use to it, but the paramedics, they were meant to save lives and be safe, not run into the fire with them. TK looked away down at the empty lot. All the trucks were there, even the ambulance, everything looked the same but nothing was. “My dads in remission, I’m back to work, everything was just going right and now-” The constant worry that something was about to go wrong had finally quieted down, the fear that he was just waiting for the other shoe to drop had stopped. “I just don’t understand,” TK asked, again not to anyone in particular.
“Neither do I Ty,” Carlos said, his arms coming to wrap around TK’s shoulder, his head resting in the crook of his neck. “But we’ve all got each other, and we’re going to get through this,” He said. TK closed his eyes, he hadn’t even thought about the crew, how they were feeling. “You wanna go see your dad?” Carlos whispered.
“No,” TK quickly said. He knew it was selfish, he knew he should go see his crew; his family, but that made it too real. TK wasn’t sure he could face that right now, his mind was still too confused and overwhelmed, “I just wanna sit here for a little longer,” He warily said. He knew he would have to leave eventually, but right now he just wanted to sit here.
TK felt Carlos pull back, “Want me to leave you alone for a bit?” He asked.
“No,” TK didn’t even have to think before he answered, “I don’t want you to go,” TK whimpered, suppressing those sobs that were growing in his chest, aching to get out.
It was a sentence that was drenched in double meaning. TK didn’t want Carlos to leave right now, the man brought TK comfort in ways that he couldn’t describe. But he was also asking something else, begging Carlos to never put TK in this position, to never go to work and not come back.
TK felt Carlos’s hand run through his hair, a light kiss being planted on the top of his head, “I’m not going anywhere,” He assured.
TK turned around, Carlos was looking down at him, his eyes glassy but still full of such love and support. TK leaned forward, Carlos coming to wrap his arms around him, his lips pressed into TK’s hair.
TK rested his head against Carlos's chest, listening to the steady heartbeat below. “This wasn’t meant to happen,” TK muttered again. There were hundreds of things that weren’t meant to happen; his dad wasn’t meant to get cancer, TK wasn’t meant to be an addict, he wasn’t meant to get shot. Life didn’t work like that though, bad things happened that weren’t meant to, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
“I know, I know,” Carlos murmured into TK’s hair.
TK squeezed his eyes shut, a tear leaking out of the side and running down his face.
TK knew the stairs were solid, unmoving, yet he felt unbalanced like everything had shifted and was still changing. He held onto Carlos' chest like it was a life raft like it was the only thing that kept him grounded. There were no words left to say, nothing to make the pain in his chest, and everyone else's less.
TK tried to take a breath in but it got caught in his chest, the sobs that had been struggling to escape finally erupting through. Carlos' arms wrapped around him tighter, as the man whispered words of comfort into his hair but TK couldn’t hear over his own cries.
The men just sat on the stairs, holding onto each other as a new world shifted around them, one that wasn’t the same as before and never would be.
“We’re going to be alright,” TK barely heard Carlos’s words over his cries, but they settled into his chest and mind.
We’re going to be alright it seemed hard to imagine right now, as TK cried into Carlos’s chest, the rest of his crew mourning in another room. TK’s cries still caught in his throat as he clung to Carlos, he took in a shaky breath, his sobs growing further and further apart till it was just hushed cries.
TK pulled himself back from Carlos’s chest, blinking a few times to clear his eyes, reaching up to wipe the tears from the corner of Carlos’s eyes.
TK stood from the steps, his breath still shaky. Carlos stood as well, taking TK’s hand as the pair just stood there, “You ready?” Carlos asked, nodding towards the lounge above them.
TK bit his bottom lip, his eyes still blinking quickly to clear the tears.
“Yeah,” TK nodded, his thumb smoothing Carlos’s hand.
‘I think we’re going to be just okay’ TK had once told his dad, and at the time he didn’t believe it, yet things had turned out okay. “We’re going to be okay,” TK said as he started to head up the stairs with Carlos, taking in a few steadying breaths.
Things wouldn’t be the same.
And they wouldn’t be easy.
But they would be okay. The 126 had one another, they were still a family and nothing would change that.
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fanatic-author · 4 years
Murder Is Not On The Agenda
Rating: T (swearing) Warnings: swearing Category: Gen Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia Relationships: Dabi & Shigaraki & Toga Language: English Words: 2,162 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Three villains go on an ice cream run in the middle of the night and absolutely nothing goes wrong. Yeah, right.
Read it here on AO3!
“Tomura, I think I’m dying.” Toga moaned where she lay spread out on the couch.  
“Shut the fuck up.” he replied, not even bothering to look at her. He had the electric fan, and everyone else could suck it.
“Tomura.” Dabi whined from his spot on the floor.
“I think I’m dying.”  
The fact of the matter was, it was nearly 30 degrees and almost 11 o clock at night, which meant it was  hot  with no sign of cooling off anytime soon. And with 7 people sharing a space, it was getting unbearable.
“Shiggy, give me the fan. Kurogiri tell Shiggy it’s my turn with the fan!”
“Eat my ass, bitch.”
Compress was fanning himself with his mask; trench coat, top hat, and even balaclava removed in the intense heat. Spinner was no better, elaborate stain costume stashed somewhere not on his body in favor of as little clothing as possible. When questioned about why a  reptile  which was typically cold blooded had to  cool off , they were met with double fingers and a grumbled “I’m human underneath the scales.”  
The one probably faring the worst of all of them was Twice. He refused to take off his mask, and as such was gently being prodded by Kurogiri to periodically suck on ice cubes. The heat didn’t seem to have much an effect on the warper. Perks of being a living cloud, one supposed.  
“Shiggy do somethiiiiiiiiing.” Toga continued whining, one hand fanning herself and the other laying listlessly off the couch.  
“Do something? You want me to do something!? I don’t control the weather Toga! I don’t control the thermostat, or the pressure systems, or the tilt of the earth this time of the year!” he shouted.
“But you can control the tilt the rest of the year?” Dabi quipped, still lying vulnerable on the floor.  
This vulnerability was immediately exploited by Tomura who launched himself across the room to body slam Dabi, a surprised and breathless “OOF” leaving him. The two of them began rolling around the floor, slapping and pinching the other, but they quickly fell apart in the overwhelming heat.  
“I think I would give my left nut for that Todoroki kid’s ice quirk right about now.” Spinner said from his spot near the window, raising many questions regarding reptiles and nuts no one wanted to ask.  
Dabi twitched but it was Toga who said “Man, I bet he can make ice cream whenever he wants!”  
“That sounds like a hassle.” replied Spinner.
“Making ice cream. Way easier to go buy some.”  
Dabi, Tomura, and Spinner all simultaneously replied “Money can be exchanged for goods and services.” Compress pinched his nose. Twice groaned in overheating agony.  
“Maybe you should participate in our stimulating economy” Kurogiri said “and fetch the rest of us some ice cream.”
“You don’t even feel the heat.” retorted Tomura, but Toga and Dabi had already gotten to their feet, and compress was rifling through his wallet for what bills he had on hand.  
“Get me an ice cream, none of that popsicle crap.” He said, giving Tomura the cash.  
“Screw you.”
In the end it was only Tomura, Dabi, and Toga going because Twice was still too hot, Spinner argued he’d attract too much attention, and Compress was paying. Kurogiri made them walk because he was an ass, according to Tomura.  
“We would attract so much attention if we warped to the 7-11 in the middle of the night.” Dabi pointed out “Like, they would call All Might out of retirement just to beat our ass.”  
“I’d take him.” Tomura deadpanned.  
“If you saw All Might’s emaciated form, you’d piss your pants running.”  
It had been like this for the last fifteen minutes they’d spent walking in the muggy heat to nearest 24-hour convenience store, which when you were hiding from any and all levels of law enforcement, was not anywhere near where they lived. Whenever the conversation seemed to slow down, Toga interjected with just enough barb to get the argument rolling again.  
“Fuck, marry, kill: All Might, Endeavor, Hawks”  
“Kill all 3.” Tomura replied.  
Toga stuck out her tongue at him “You’re no fun. Dabi?”
“Kill Endeavor, fuck Hawks, marry All Might. He’d treat me right.”  
Toga swooned “Oh he would, wouldn’t he? Always coughing up blood...”  
Tomura murmured “freak” under his breath, with only a teaspoon of malice. The three of them entered 7-11, identities hidden from the cameras (and prone to panicking cashiers) under face masks.
“Cuz this isn’t suspicious as all hell” Dabi muttered under his breath “Spinner should have had to come.”  
The argument had been made that either spinner should have to come or Dabi should be allowed to stay, but Kurogiri insisted on adult supervision for the other 2, no matter Tomura was probably the oldest of the three of them, but he didn’t count because he was Tomura. Dabi had that kind of face that one would assume is older than it actually was, probably because of the horrific scar tissue.  
The three of them gathered around the cooler, bills in hand, staring down the various cool treats.  
“This is all gonna be melted by the time we get back anyway.” Toga pointed out.  
Tomura said “Well the rest of them should have thought of that before giving us their money. Just grab whatever you want.” He proceeded to do so, plucking ice cream cones and popsicles from their icy shelves. Dabi wandered over to the slushy machine.  
Toga grabbed a misshapen SpongeBob popsicle for herself, Tomura despite knowing it was a waste had grabbed three ice creams and one popsicle (for compress), Dabi was currently filling an extra-large slushy. None of the 3 paid particularly close attention to the overhead door bell jingling.  
They  did  however, begin paying attention at the obnoxious voices that had made their way inside.  
“Alright! Uraraka you are on candy duty, Kirishima! Retrieve the slushies! Midoriya, here is the ice cream list, and I shall get chips! Does everyone else have their lists? Reconvene here once you have gotten everything, or close alternatives if the first option is not available!”  
There were various sounds of assent and agreement, which were largely missed by the two villains, too busy shitting their pants.  
“What? How?” Toga whispered, already dropped to a crouch behind the cooler.  
“I don’t know! Shut up!” Tomura hissed back, crouched behind Toga., the various treats shoved in his pockets. He had no qualms using her as a meat shield if spotted.
“Where’s Dabi?”
“He went to the slushy machine.”  
They both peered around the cooler to look where Dabi had gone. Where’d he’d standing instead sat a lone, spilt, extra-large slushy.  
“Oh my god they killed Dabi.” Toga whispered.  
Tomura nodded in agreement “Well, let’s cut our losses and get out of here.”  
“Man, fuck you guys.”  
Both Tomura and Toga shrieked as Dabi came up behind them, and then immediately shushed the other. Unfortunately for the three villains hiding behind an ice cream cooler in a 7-11 in the middle of the night, stealth was not their forte. Quite frankly, not much was.  
A nearby voice, rapidly getting louder, asked “Did you guys hear that?”  
Neither of the three villains waited for their nemesis, one Midoriya Izuku aka the second coming of All Might himself to find them. Toga dashed to hide behind the shelves of snacks in the center of the store. Tomura and Dabi weighed their options, but the prospect of getting blown through a wall at Mach 3 had them quickly following.  
Toga stood crouched in the beef jerky aisle, with the sound of The Uglier Sonic only one aisle over.
“We. Need. To. Get. Out. Of. Here.” Tomura bit, out as quietly as possible.  
“I vote we use Toga as bait.”  
“ Hey!”  
Tomura shushed them both, all three of them listening to see if their conversation had attracted any unwanted attention.  
“... and 3 bags of sour cream and onion, one of ketchup, and one of... Excuse me, Midoriya? Do you happen to know of the flavor “Chungus?” Kaminari requested a big bag of... why are you laughing?”  
Dabi looked like he was going to have a stroke trying to contain his laughter.  
“I love those stupid kids.” he said.  
“Yeah, that’s why we’re trying to kill them.” Toga agreed.  
Dabi looked to Tomura “So what’s the plan, boss? Light, and run?”  
He shook his head “No, no way. I’m not dealing with these snot-nosed brats today. I just want to go home, and bitch about the heat some more. Murder was not, and is still not, on the agenda.”  
Dabi carefully extinguished the blue flame in his hand “Ok, but we still need a way out.”  
“Alright, boy wonder is at the ice cream cooler, Dwayne Johnson is at the slushy machine, Glinda is grabbing candy 3 aisles over, and we’re less than 2 feet from a speeding bullet. Anything in our way between us and the door?”  
“No.” Dabi answered, right as Toga said “Yes.”  
Wordlessly she pointed, and there standing just outside the door was the worst one yet. Their homeroom teacher. Of course the kids couldn’t just go anywhere they liked off campus in the middle of the night, they had to be accompanied. He was probably making sure no one got in the store to hurt them.  
“If this was an assassination attempt, we’d be killing it right now.” Dabi said.  
Toga said “Ha. Pun.”  
Tomura wanted to pull his hair out “We’re never this successful when we’re actually trying, what gives?”  
The three of them put their heads together.  
“Think they’ll give me a nicer cell if I sell you two out?” Dabi had a hand on his chin in contemplation.
Tomura hit him.  
“I think stabbing is a viable solution.”
“I think one or more heroes is going to be scraping you off their knuckles if you try.”
“What if we got you to a wall? Make us a hole, then make a run for it?”  
Tomura nodded “I could do it.”  
The three of them began creeping towards the far end of the aisle, closest to an outer wall, when a large yelp, and a crashing sound made the three of them jump. Toga actually startled so hard she hit the shelf behind her, making a frankly impressive amount of noise considering. Thankfully it was drowned out by the sounds of alarm coming from the other occupants of the store.  
“Kirishima! are you alright?”  
“Yeah, I slipped in some...”  
“I’m coming!”  
Then there was the familiar sound of engines revving, and then a  very  impressive crashing sound, followed by two pained cries this time.  
“Dude, why?” one groaned.  
“I apologize, I did not see the slushy on the ground.” The other moaned.  
The front door bell chimed rather aggressively as the front door slammed open, a very menacing aura entering that had each person in that store reconsidering every decision that brought them there in that moment.  
“What. Is. Going. On. Here?” A gruff voice asked, belonging none other than to one pissed off Eraserhead, a voice every villain in the league was familiar with by this point. It usually precluded getting your ass kicked.
All the students gathered around their fallen friends and began clamoring to explain themselves at once, voices shouting and pointing out facts and telling wildly outlandish tales of sabotage slushies on the ground. The volume of the group rose and rose as each member tried to talk over the other.  
“Well that was easy. See ya, suckers.” Dabi said, dashing from his point of cover and out the door.  
Toga quickly followed, and Tomura hesitated but as the group remained quite thoroughly distracted, he soon followed as well. No one inside noticed the three villains taking off in to the night.  
“Holy shit!” Toga laughed outrageously, now several blocks from the convenience store, and lavishing in her nearly lost freedom. She jumped off the sidewalk, running around with her arms spread in malicious joy.  
“Just so you guys know, I wouldn’t have actually sold you out for a better cell. Just so we’re clear.”  
“Shut up while you’re ahead, Dabi”
Toga howled in joy “and I didn’t even have to pay for my ice cream!” She pulled out her SpongeBob popsicle, ripping the wrapper off to expose the misshapen face that was supposedly a cartoon character. She plopped it in her mouth with a satisfied hum.  
“Oh my god.” Tomura stuck his own hands in his pockets, pulling out the treats he’d shoved in there when this all began.  
“Oh, hell yeah!” Dabi plucked one of the packaged ice cream cones from his hand. Tomura didn’t even fight him for it, ripping open his own ice cream treat and digging in.  
He couldn’t help chuckling “Those heroes helped us rob a convenience store.”  
Dabi nodded “This is the best day of my life.”  
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13. size kink | 14. blowjob
Fandom: Criminal Minds
#kinkmas2020 Day 13. size kink: Arousal from the difference in size between two sexual partners, for example: height, weight, penis size etc. May contain elements of dominance and submission.
#kinkmas2020 Day 14: blowjob
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), workplace smut, Dom/sub undertones, teasing
Pairing/s: Spencer Reid x Reader x Emily Prentiss
Word count: 1857
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Spencer had never really noticed the height difference between you until you began working in the BAU offices. At home you seemed to have organised things so you didn’t need to overreach but here many of the file boxes and even the top shelf of the supply closet were well out of your reach, prompting him to come to your rescue on a regular basis when he found you precariously balanced on your tiptoes or once, on a wheely chair. You hadn’t repeated that one, the half hour lecture on workplace injuries saw to that. Sometimes he thought you did it deliberately, usually when your outfits were a little more fitted and he had to reach a little himself, forcing your bodies together. You would smile shyly and thank him in a soft voice when he handed you whatever it was you’d been looking for, the polite submissiveness something he hardly ever saw in you.
It wasn’t until Emily happened to witness one of these more deliberate assists in the break room of the BAU that Spence found out the reason for your unusual behaviour. ‘She’s playing with you. She wants to rile you up, so you take control and top her.’ Emily answered in a matter of fact tone when he asked her opinion. He must have looked perplexed because she continued. ‘It could be the height difference, she does a similar thing with me at home when I’m in heels and she’s barefoot.’ She mused, head at an angle and a grin that alluded to distinctly pleasurable memories on her lips. Offering her the last pastry as thanks Spencer took his mug of sweet coffee back to his desk to plan his next moves with this new intel.
He was sitting in your office chair on the far side of the sixth floor from the BAU when you returned with a coffee later that day. ‘Hey! What’s up, did we have a meeting?’ You enquired as you balanced the coffee on the filing cabinet to remove your jacket. Standing to his full height while you had your back turned Spence relocated the coffee to a safer spot and was standing inches from you when you turned, making you jump back a little at his silent approach. Your back hit the closed door and he moved closer again, his tall frame boxing you in against it as his fingers cupped your cheek and tilted your chin up so he could look at you. His expression was serious but there was a twinkle of pure mischief in his eye that had you grinning as your heart thumped fiercely in your chest. ‘Emily thinks you’ve been playing with me love, is she right?’ He spoke so softly and traced his thumb over your lower lip as he waited for a response that you were desperately trying to get out. His proximity and the fact that he was towering over you had rendered you speechless, something you rarely were with either of your lovers.
Eventually you managed to get out a soft yes, surprised by your own meekness in the face of Spencer’s dominant side. You’d never seen him like this before, you knew a little of it existed and you’d hoped your little game would draw it out but now that it had you were completely taken aback. His expression didn’t soften at all, his lips curving into a grin that bordered on cocky as he took in your appearance. Your dress clung to your curves without being obscene, ending just above the knee. You’d paired it with one of your few pairs of flat boots, normally you favoured a heel to bring you closer to the heights of your colleagues. Your hands were pressed palms down against the door behind you, and when he tilted your head a little he could see your elevated pulse as your blood pumped forcefully through your carotid artery. Letting his hazel eyes come back to your own he licked his lips and surveyed you thoughtfully. ‘What do you think we should do about that?’ He asked, his voice soft but his tone dripping with authority.
You shifted slightly as you weighed up your options, moving your hips so his pressed against your abdomen, the thick line of his cock pressing into your soft flesh. He gulped at this and you grinned, this was territory you knew. You were a brat at heart, the game that had led you both here was textbook bratty submissive and now that you had your bearings again you were ready to play. ‘I’m sorry I toyed with you Dr Reid, especially without permission. Let me take care of the situation?’ He swallowed hard again as your fingers brushed over his erection, and you noticed his pulse had quickened to match your own. His eyes darted to the window between your office and the empty corridor outside, the blinds closed sufficiently that you were shielded from view.
Twisting the lock on the door handle you shimmied down until you were eye level with his crotch, your fingers still teasing lightly. ‘Please?’ You purred, looking up at him where he had braced himself on both hands against the door as he looked down at you, the hazel gold of his eyes almost eclipsed by his lust blown pupils. Your heart skipped at the sight and you couldn’t help the cheeky grin you gave him. Laughing quietly he matched your grin and whispered his consent, a fresh peel erupting from him when he saw your excited expression as you enthusiastically undid his pants. You held his gaze as your hands worked to expose him to you, removing his clothing only enough to give you access and keep him comfortable. Biting your lip as you freed his cock from its cotton confines you kept your eyes locked on his and slid your hand along his length. You felt a jolt of pleasure as your thumb caressed over his soft swollen head and collected the slick liquid that had gathered in his slit, the action causing him to moan softly and close his eyes as pleasure sparked through him.
You waited for his eyes to return to your own, slowly pumping him with one hand as you cradled his balls in the other, gently rolling them in your palm. When Spence got himself together enough to open his eyes and meet your gaze once more you smiled up at him. ‘Hold my hair for me?’ You asked softly and he groaned under his breath, palms leaving the door so he could scoop back your loose hair and hold it out of your way. When your lips finally came into contact with the sensitive underside of his cock he had to bite down on his fist to contain his desperate moan, bracing himself on his forearm against the door as you took him into your mouth. Every time he thought he could shift and look back down at you you’d change what you were doing, sucking a little harder, stroking him faster, teasing his taint with your fingers and he would have to muffle the noises you were drawing from him against his fist. He could feel his balls tightening as his orgasm drew closer at a ferocious speed but he didn’t want to finish this way. You’d been toying with him so he would take control and right now he wanted that more than your skilled mouth.
Tugging on the hair he held in his fist he drew you up to your feet and took your mouth in a fierce kiss that left you as breathless as you were surprised by the move. Letting go of your hair Spencer spun you round so you were pressed against the door, his hands working quickly to hike up your dress. You were about to reach back and continue stroking him when he spoke. ‘Palms on the door Y/N.’ He growled against your ear as his long fingers slid between your thighs and cupped your sex. Using his foot he tapped at your ankles, forcing you to spread your legs as his fingers found the edge of your soaked underwear and tugged them aside. You were trembling with anticipation and need as he stepped in close behind you, his cock sliding between your exposed ass cheeks while his fingers worked your slick cunt open. When he shifted his cock so it pressed against your entrance you had to clasp a hand over your mouth to keep from moaning, resting your forehead against the door as he angled your hips and slid into you. Your body was still shaking and Spence waited a few moments to let you both adjust to the overpowering sensations before he began grinding his hips against you, sliding out only the smallest amount in an effort to keep the slap of his skin on yours to a minimum. The fingers that had pulled your underwear aside now found your clit as Spence found his rhythm, bracing himself against the door with his forearm above your head. It was all you could do to just hold on as he moved within you, stretched up onto your tiptoes to accommodate his thrusts, your own forearm bracing you against the door as you rocked together.
Spence knew how to work you up quickly and you were on the verge of cumming within minutes, moaning into your palm and praying your legs didn’t give out just yet. You felt him throb inside you and your orgasm washed through you, his fingers only leaving your clit when you shook so violently he thought you might collapse. Wrapping his now freed arm around you he thrust into you a few more times before muffling his shout of release against your hair as he spilt inside you. You stayed like that, braced against your closed door, both of you panting and shaking, until his phone began vibrating on your desk. Untangling yourselves he managed to tuck his softening spent cock back into his boxers before grabbing the phone and answering it in an impressively normal and professional tone.
Having righted your underwear and dress you walked over to him where he stood listening intently on the call and did up his pants, checking to make sure your liaison hasn’t stained them in any conspicuous way. Deciding he looked good to go you gave him a thumbs up and he pressed a kiss to your forehead before he unlocked the door and walked out into the empty corridor, and back towards the BAU. Collapsing into your office chair you retrieved your now lukewarm coffee and took a long drink, checking your own phone for missed notifications. You’d just placed it back on the desk and logged in to your computer when it pinged, a message from Emily popping up on the screen. ‘Hope you enjoyed the fruits of your little game kitten x’ You blushed and grinned, sending her back a kiss face emoji and turning your attention back to work despite being keenly aware of the evidence of your tryst leaking from you into your ruined panties.
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snowdice · 4 years
Folds in Paper (Chapter 5: It Spills Itself in Fearing to be Spilt)[Folds in Time Universe]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Janus/Patton, Remus & Roman, eventual Logan/Virgil (maybe more)
Main: Janus, Patton, Remus
Appear: Remy, Emile, Virgil, Logan, Roman
Summary: Janus, a disillusioned senior agent working for the Time Preservation Initiative, struggles to find meaning in a world where time travel could change everything about your life’s history in less than a moment. When time distortions start popping up, threatening the timeline and the fabric of reality as he knows it, it becomes a race against the clock to fix the damage before everything unravels. And the problem with time travel… you never how long you have before the clock strikes 12 and your time is up.
With a partner who has more mysteries in his past than Janus had anticipated and an enigmatic free agent time traveler mucking about time always with a clever pun or a time appropriate pet name on his lips, Janus will need to figure out what went wrong with time, and more importantly, how to fix it.
Chapter Summary:  
So full of artless jealousy is guilt, It spills itself in fearing to be spilt
-Shakespeare in Hamlet
Notes: Time travel AU, mystery, enemies to lovers, alcohol
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
I also have a playlist on youtube (because Spotify didn’t have one of the songs I wanted).
AO3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Janus stepped back into the reception area and booted up his time piece. Instinct said to go back to the office despite it being late enough that most people had gone home, but he hesitated. Surely Emile had given up by now, but considering he’d sent someone to ambush him in his office, Janus wasn’t sure if he should trust that. He could just go home, but he already knew his mind was racing too much to sleep tonight, so he’d probably just end up staring at the lake for the next 6 hours. That in mind, he decided on the only other legitimate option he had. He pulled up Remus’s home coordinates and selected.
The home that Remus had chosen (after his long line of rejected requests) managed to somehow make no and absolute sense simultaneously to anyone who knew him. It was a small farm in the United States just west of the Mississippi in 1842 in what would be ratified as the state of Iowa in a few years. When asked why he would choose that time and place, Remus always responded with “I thought it was funny,” whatever that meant.
Unlike most time agents who simply used the identities assigned to them by the AMO as a cover, Remus actually lived his part time. Janus was… fairly certain he was cheating a bit to get everything done, but he maintained his small farm all on his own, growing most of his own food. The neighbors he had lived very far away, but he still spoke with them far more than Janus did his own.
Janus appeared inside the small home, his eyes already shut. “Are you here and dressed?” Janus called. Something bumped lightly into his legs.
“I’m in the kitchen!”
Janus peaked his eyes open and squatted to pet the cat at his feet. “That doesn’t answer my second question!” he called back to Remus.
“It’s a surprise!” Remus said.
“Remus.” Diesel Fuel the cat flopped to her side on the ground as Janus continued to pet her ears. He heard Remus’s footsteps, and saw cloth covering his legs, so risked looking up. He was currently not only dressed, but wearing an apron that Janus was fairly sure was not time appropriate judging by the fabric and cat pawprint design. He had a bit of flour on his hands, and it may have been a bit too white for the time and place, but Janus couldn’t be completely sure.
“What’re you doing here?” Remus asked.
“My day has been an endless series of frustrations,” Janus said. “So, I have come to see the only tolerable being in the history of the universe.”
Remus snorted. “Since I know that isn’t me, I’ll assume you’re talking about the cat.”
“I still don’t understand why you tolerate this creature,” Janus addressed Diesel Fuel. She blinked slowly up at him. “To be fair, he was assigned as my partner. I didn’t have much of a choice in it. You could always run away and become feral in the woods if you’d like.”
“So, could you, technically,” Remus pointed out.
“I’m thinking about it after today.”
“Would you like some bread?” Remus asked. “That’s all I’ve been making this afternoon. Some fresh should be coming out of the oven in a few minutes.”
“Do you have anything stronger made out of wheat?”
“Ew, no, but I do have vodka.”
“Vodka works.”
“Want me to mix it with something?”
“One of those night then,” Remus said, easily. “Let me finish up the bread, so I don’t burn the kitchen down. You can go get the alcohol from the cellar while you wait if you want, or you can just flop down on the couch.”
He was going to just flop down on the couch.
He did just that as Remus disappeared back into his kitchen. The cat hopped onto his stomach, proceeding to purr loudly and kneed at chest. Janus petted the cat and listened to the noise of Remus moving around in the other room, letting his mind drift. His mind drifted to Virgil for a bit and he steadfastly did not allow it to drift to his brother. Yet, the thing that most was on his mind was the strange man who had flirted with and charmed Janus all night before mercilessly screwing him over. ‘Pat’ he’d said his name was, but surely that was not his real name.
Janus sighed and scratched the cat’s ear. “He certainly wasn’t an amateur,” Janus mused to the cat. “With that amount of precision to get in before we did, he must have someone not on the ground feeding him information. Perhaps more than one.” He was part of a group of time traveling thieves perhaps or something worse. “I didn’t get a good look at his face since he was wearing a mask,” Janus said, “but I spent a lot of time with him, and I’m sure Remy swiped the mask from the police since it had been on me when I was arrested. It’s a good lead.” He continued to pet Diesel Fuel. Eventually, Remus came back in, noticed Janus hadn’t bothered to get the alcohol and went outside to the cellar. “I’m going to find him,” Janus told Diesel Fuel. “I’ll stop whatever it is he’s doing, and I’ll bring him in.” Diesel Fuel mewed her support, and Janus patted her on top of the head.
Remus came back in with the bottle of vodka and handed it to him without a word. He sat down on the couch near Janus’s feet and patted his lap so Diesel Fuel would come over to him and allow Janus to sit up.
The bastard waited until he was approximately 3 shots in (he didn’t have a shot glass and was just taking drinks from the bottle) to ask the questions Janus really didn’t want to answer. “Are you mad at Emile?” Remus asked.
Janus groaned, trying to wash out the bitter taste of shame and grief with the sharp sting of vodka. It didn’t work. “No,” he said to Remus.
“Then why have you been avoiding him?”
“Shit, I’m here because I didn’t want to think about it. Can’t we just not.”
“Don’t want to think about what?
“It’s none of your business, Remus.”
He could feel Remus frowning at him, but Janus stared resolutely ahead. At least, he did until a foot poked his face. He slapped it away, but it did the job of getting Janus to look back at Remus.
“It is my business,” Remus said, foot still in the air. “I’m your partner and your friend.”
“If I’m your friend, you’ll drop it.”
“So, you’re not mad at Emile,” Remus continued, contemplatively. “Did you do something to him, then?” Janus bit his lip and looked away. “What?” Remus asked. Janus didn’t respond. “Look, I’m sure he’ll forgive you for whatever it is. He’s a good guy. Just talk to him about it.”
“I can’t,” Janus said.
“Whatever it is, it’s probably been long enough that he forgives you. You literally just have to have a conversation, say you’re sorry, and everything will be A-OK.”
“I can’t,” Janus repeated.
“Why not?”
“He doesn’t know about it.”
Remus paused. “So, as far as he knows, you just cut contact with him all of a sudden for no reason and have been avoiding him ever since?”
Janus looked at his shoes. “Yeah.”
“That…” Remus said, “is not fucking fair Janus.”
“I know.”
“Then why the hell are you doing that to him? He’s like… soft and feeling-y. He’s probably really upset.”
“I know, Remus.”
“Tell him. Whatever it is.”
“I can’t.”
“Look,” Remus said. “You tell him and he either forgives you or he doesn’t. If he does, everything’s fine. If he doesn’t… well, it’s not like it would be any different from you two never being in the same room the last few years. Either way, you can’t just do this to him. He’ll probably forgive you. He’s your brother. Brothers don’t… brothers would forgive each other.”
Janus laughed softly and met Remus’s eyes. “That’s the problem,” he said. “He’d definitely forgive me.” He turned away and opened the vodka bottle again. “Now, if you’ll shut up for a few minutes, I’m going to drink until I black out.”
Want to read more? Click below!
AO3 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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deadanddeactivated · 5 years
Fandom: Sanders Sides Pairing: Patton (Morality) & Deceit Characters: Patton (Morality), Logan (Logic), Deceit, others mentioned Summary: The sides can change, they all know that. Virgil's changed, the twins have changed, Deceit has changed, Logan has changed.
Patton has changed.
Things had been better in the mindscape lately.  Thomas had accepted all his sides which meant no more barriers.  No more rooms in dark, untouched corners.  Finally, everyone was together and they were a family.  A big, chaotic but wonderful family.
Most of the time, Patton could believe that.
Sitting on the edge of Thomas’ mind, staring out into the subconscious, Patton wasn’t in the mood to pretend.  Things had been better lately, but they're still weren’t perfect.  Especially not where he was concerned.
“Why would they be?”  He muttered to himself.  “Things wouldn’t need to be better if not for you.  Gee, you really messed things up morality.”
“It’s rare to hear you call yourself that.”  Patton jumped at the new voice.  He relaxed a little when he saw it was only Logan, standing in the door and looking at him with a small frown.  “Am I correct in assuming that means you’re upset?”
“Oh I’m alright.”  Patton assured, forcing a grin.  He dropped the grin when Logan rose an eyebrow.  “I guess I’m just…”  He trailed off, not sure how to explain the bubbling feelings in his stomach. 
“Feeling guilty for things you didn’t do?”  Logan worded it for him and Patton shrugged.
“I did technically do them.”  Patton mumbled.  “I am Morality.”
“But you haven’t always been.  Just as I haven’t always been Logic.”  Logan argued.  He took a seat next to Patton, though his legs remained firmly crossed on the balcony not hanging over it. 
“Learning and Logic aren’t so different.”  Patton claimed.
“That isn’t what I meant.”  Logan said.  
“I know.”  Patton sighed.  “But it’s different.  Curiosity was barely around a few minutes before he spilt into you and-” He cut himself off abruptly, turning his head away.  He couldn’t say that name.  He didn’t have a right to say that name.
“Yes, Morality was around for a much more specific amount of time.”  Logan accepted.  “But that is really the only difference.”
“Curiosity didn’t hurt anyone.”  Patton muttered. 
“I’m rather sure we hurt the cat.”  Logan claimed.  “Do you hold a grudge about that?”
“It’s not the same Logan!”  Patton snapped, turning his head to glare at Logan.  The movement, or maybe the anger, caught Logan off guard and Patton immediately looked away again.  He wiped his eyes, trying to clear the water and the glare from them.  “Morality torn King in two, and banished Deceit and Remus.”
“Yes.  Morality did that.”  Logan said and even though Patton knew it wasn’t coming he waited for the anger.  Anger like Deciets, cold and cruel, or Anger like Remus’, fearful and bitter.  Of course neither came, not from Logan.  “It wasn’t you.”
“I am Morality.”  Patton reminded.
“You weren’t then.”  Logan argued.  
“I might as well have been.”  Patton huffed.  “We were one in the same, really.  And he was what I was meant to become.”  
“But you didn’t.”  Logan said.  With no argument for that, Patton stayed silent.  Eventually, Logan sighed and stood.  “I think you should tell Deceit the truth.” 
“He wouldn’t believe me.”  Patton argued, like he had every other time Logan brought this up.
“Falsehood.”  Logan said.  “I don’t believe you are scared he won’t believe you.  I think you are… punishing yourself, because you believe you are guilty and so you are allowing him to believe you are because you think that is what you deserve.  But that too, is a falsehood.”  Patton could only stare for a moment, surprised he’d been so… called out.  
“I didn’t know you were so good at reading emotions.”  He said when he finally got over his shook.
“Yes, well, I suppose it was bound to rub off eventually.”  Logan said, clearing his throat.
“I guess I’ll think about talking to Deceit.”  Patton agreed, even knowing he likely wouldn’t.  Unfortunately, Logan seemed to see right through him.
“Patton, please.”  He said.  “Morality hurt you too, in ways Deceit will understand much better than I can.”  
“He didn’t hurt me Logan.”  Patton practically whispered, pulling his knees to his chest. 
“Falsehood.”  Logan’s own response was soft and shortly followed by the sound of the logical side walking off.  Sighing, Patton tried to push the word away.  Morality hadn’t hurt him, not really.  Not compared to how he hurt them.
A few hours later, Patton heard someone approaching once more.  Patton took a deep breath and forced a smile onto his face, hoping his eyes weren’t too puffy, before he turned to face them.  He was expecting Logan once more, or maybe Virgil who had a talent for sensing negative emotions.  Instead, his smile dropped as he saw Deceit in the doorway.
“Logan doesn’t seem to think you have something to tell me.”  The side said, looking down at his nails like he was entirely uninterested.  “I’ve never known you were a liar, but I thought you bothered keeping things from me.”  Apparently Logan hadn’t trusted him to talk to Deceit on his own terms then.
“Um…”  Patton tried to find his words but came up empty.  What was he meant to do now?  He couldn’t actually… he couldn’t tell Deceit.  But wasn’t it wrong to keep this from him?  Or was it right to let Deceit have someone to blame?  It didn’t take long for Patton to spiral himself around, debating the wrongs and rights and only getting more confused.  
“Morality?”  Deceit frowned, looking up to find… well, honestly to find a mess.  Tears streamed down Patton’s face, his whole body was shaking, and little sniffles and hiccups escaped his mouth.  
“I’m not.”  Patton managed through hiccups, shaking his head hard.  “I wasn’t, not back then.”  Despite elbroating, Deceit was no less confused.  
“What do you mean?”  He asked, stepping forward.  Patton tried to explain but his words came out too jumbled with sobs and gasps as everything he’d bottled up for so long finally boiled over.  Pushing aside his questions for the moment, Deceit knelt in front of Patton.  “Patton, you need to breath.”  He said, lies gone from his voice.  “Can you breathe with me?”  Patton managed to nod and as Deceit started to count out his breaths, Patton listen.  In for four, hold for seven, out for eight.  Slowly but surely, Patton’s breaths evened out and he got his tears under control.
“I’m sorry.”  Patton mumbled, wiping his eyes.  
“You can’t make it up to me by explaining what you were saying before.”  Deceit said, sitting back a little further now that Patton seemed alright.  The glasses wearing side hesitated a moment, biting his bottom lip, before nodding.
“Well, um, you know how we can change right?”  Patton started.
“Of course not.  I’ve always been Deceit.”  The scaled side hissed, making Patton flinch.  Sighing, Deceit schooled his expression.  “Sorry, continue.”  He instructed.
“When Thomas was born I was just his Heart.”  Patton mumbled.  “Just his emotions.  There was only me and Instinct back then, until... until Morality came.  He wasn’t like us, he didn’t look like Thomas and he was much, much older.  He told me I’d take his place one day, and that until there he had to teach me.  And then… it was like we merged but without really merging.  I guess it was more like I was watching the world from his head.”
“There was a different Morality?”  Deceit frowned. “And only Instinct knew?” 
“At first, but… well, when Thomas would get very emotional it was like I took over.”  Patton tried to explain. “Logan and, and King, they meet me a few times. Apparently I looked completely different as me and not, not him.”
“What happened to him?”  Deceit asked.  
“I don’t know.”  Patton admitted.  “It was like he faded.  I started noticing I had more and more control over his body and then one morning he was just… gone.  Logan said it was because Thomas had his own morality now, that when he was little Thomas just accepted what adults said was right and wrong but he didn’t do that anymore.”
“I don’t see…”  Deceit frowned.  Patton waited as the other processed the information, growing more nervous with each passing second.  Would Deceit still blame him?  “Why didn’t you tell me?”  Deceit finally broke the silence.
“Well…”  Patton mumbled before sighing and forcing himself to continue.  “I didn’t like what Morality did to you, or to King but I… I wasn’t sure how to argue with him.  Even when he was gone.  It took me a long time to realize he wasn’t always right.  And then I thought it was too late.  You hated me, and I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to get King back.  So I just… I thought maybe it was better to let you keep being mad at me.  That way at least you had someone to be mad at.”  He admitted, almost entirely in one breath.
“Is that what you wanted?  For me to be mad at you?”  Deceit didn’t even blink an eye at the quick speech, perhaps because he was so used to it with Remus.
“Of course not!”  Patton said.  “But wasn’t it better for you to be mad at someone who was still here?”  
“But what about what you want?”  Deceit asked, frowning.
“What about what I want?”  Patton frowned right back.  
“I’ve decided I don’t believe you.”  Deceit sighed, pushing himself back to lay on the balcony.  For a minute, Patton’s heart stopped and then he realized Deceit was lying.  “You know, your allowed to want things.”  
“I do want things!”  Patton argued.
“And I can’t spot a lie when I hear one.”  Deceit rolled his eyes.  Patton opened his mouth to argue but stopped.  Now that Deceit had pointed it out, he couldn’t remember the last time he really went for something he wanted.  At least not for himself.  Huh.  When had that started?
But even as he wondered it, Patton knew.  How often had Morality scolded him for wanting something?  For wanting to talk to Logan, or play pretend with King.  For wanting to be his own person that wasn’t tied to Morality.
For wanting Thomas to have whatever made him happy, even when he shouldn’t.  Just like Desire.
But Patton had already decided Morality was wrong about Desire, about Deceit.  Did that mean he was wrong about Patton too?
“I want to be friends.”  Patton said, firmly and irrationally fearing a Morality that was long gone.  “All of us.”
“I don’t want that too.”  Deceit said.  He patted the spot next to him and Patton, grinning, laid down.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”  Patton said.
“I’m not sorry you had to share a head with that jerk.”  Deceit huffed.  “That sounds delightful.”
“It wasn’t too bad.  He was just… very static and set in his ways… okay, it was pretty bad.”  Patton gave in.  For a while they just stared up at the sky of Thomas’ mind.  It had been a long time since Patton had stared at these stars, a mixture of constellations that Logan had learnt by heart, and constellations King had thought were better than reality.  Remus and Roman hadn’t touched them since they came to be, Patton wasn’t sure they knew they could.
“I want to see King again I miss him.”  He admitted.  He’d never admitted that before, not even to himself.  “But I don’t want to lose the twins.”
“I can’t relate.”  Deceit sighed.  “I don’t hope that one day, it might happen.”
“One day.”  Patton nodded.  There had been working together a lot lately, and Thomas had accepted that his imagination was more than either of them alone.  They’d just have to see where that led.
“You know… if we’re not friends,” Deceit started some time later, “then you cannot call me Dante.”  Patton shot up with a gasp, grinning ear to ear as he looked over.  Deceit was staring off somewhere else, face flushed.
“Did you just tell me what I think you did?!”  He asked, almost bouncy.
“No.”  Deceit, Dante, confirmed.
“That’s so cool!”  He grinned.  
“Just, definitely tell everyone because I am certainly ready for them all too know.”  Dante mumbled.
“I won’t, I promise... Dante.”  Patton swore, unable to keep the grin off of his face for more than a moment. 
“I definitely haven’t made a mistake.”  Dante huffed as Patton laid back down again.  It did nothing to curb Patton’s grin.  Those words didn’t sound like a lie.
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