#they were absolutely incredibly
isolationaroundus · 1 year
Now this is what the fuck I am talking about! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
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yesokayiknow · 4 months
this was definitely horrifying for ruby on a ridiculous number of levels but i can't stop thinking about kate's remark about the timeline being centered on her. bc like. did kate know? that this was an offshoot timeline that would eventually die? did she know that she wasn't the right version of herself? that one day her reality would collapse to make way for the proper timeline? that even meeting with ruby could be one step towards bringing the proper timeline back in play and erasing her own existence?
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
Writing Apollo-as-a-young-deity is fun because sometimes it involves completely making shit up based on the loose outline of a story told through old poems, prayers and plays and other times it involves researching the totally legit and well documented ancient art of studying sheep livers to make sure your statesmen don't accidentally piss off Jupiter.
In completely unrelated news, if anyone has any recommendations for books about bird augury, that'd be wonderful.
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naamahdarling · 2 months
I just got INCREDIBLY GOOD NEWS at the cardiologist! Unexpectedly, inexplicably, remarkably good.
"Look at this," he said, and showed me the CAT results from earlier this year, with all the beautiful blood vessels like flawless white brushstrokes. "It's perfect. Your chances of having a heart attack are about as low as they can possibly be. Your heart is incredibly healthy. You're probably going to be the healthiest person I see today."
Considering my dad's heart disease, the strange finding on the CAT, my activity level, and my diet, I was completely shocked, and this is an incredible relief. I can't even express what a relief it was. Legit started crying while I was in line at Starbucks.
First time I've ever been booted from a practice for being too healthy.
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emblazons · 1 year
you mean to tell me these are fits that Finn has worn to the only two cons he’s had scheduled since the S4 drop?
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this man? This one right here?
—I know I (rightfully) said nothing said at any con is law for canon, but…I know an actor with an agenda when I see one. 😂 #BlueMeetsYellowInTheWest
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somegrumpynerd · 4 months
(talking about your new post)
I expected Blue and ink , BUT DREAM?????
(Of course considering if they even knew they were getting ambushed, but if none of them knew that the MTT was there it is also very funny )
(The post in question)
Yeah when I wrote it I was thinking of them accidentally decimating the MTT boys while trying to get away but @bobateaboo had tags about the stars not even realising they were there and just knocking them out and it was way funnier lol
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(But also, I think Dream should get to choose violence every once in a while. as a treat)
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queerherbert · 4 months
i rlly rlly rlly love benson obsessing over randy. at first hes just another kid that works there. but over time he notices him, how pathetic he is, how weak he is. how he looks right into your eyes when he talks to you, pupils dilated with fear like a scared animal. his fidgeting, his shallow breathing. benson watches him like a hawk. he convinces himself hes just intrigued by him. he starts to think about him outside of work. wonders what hes doing. what music he likes. what does his skin feel like? he almost smacks himself. "you fucking disgust me" he'd mutter to himself in the mirror. he washes his hands, scrubs them till theyre sore. it gets worse. he feels randy under his skin. he hears his voice in his head. he cant even look at the color blue without wanting to punch something. he fucking hates him. he wants to split him open. he wants to kiss him. he wants to tell him to man the fuck up. he wants to hold him. he wants to fix him. he wants to see him cry. he wants to ruin him. he wants to save him.
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deoidesign · 3 months
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vampire and werewolf sitting in a tree
time trav e l i n g
first comes. trying to kill eachother then comes... learning you're his dead ex-lover then comes marriage!
(you can buy the book this scene is from for $15 it's really good. it's the fan favorite of the series!)
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paradamaxima · 3 months
CoD fandom stop being ableist towards Frank Woods challenge (impossible)
Not only do I see posts from people whining about how basically “Woods is useless now” but I even saw someone draw him without his wheelchair and standing upright
If you can’t draw wheelchairs, either learn to do it or don’t draw the character at all; wheelchairs aren’t even hard to draw in the first place either, you’re just ableist and lazy
Love how notable it is that everyone’s now treating Woods like a useless burden when what happened to him wasn’t even his fault and also… that’s completely untrue because disabled people are still able to do plenty of shit (not to mention, that sentiment is as ableist as you can get because it stinks of eugenics)
Reminds me of how real life veterans are treated after not only physical injuries that result in them becoming physically disabled but also mental trauma that result in them becoming mentally disabled/ill; if you don’t view real life veterans as useless burdens, why would you view Woods as one?
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cthulhum · 3 months
did u save my life in paris ? i gave u to armand u tell me if that was saving. why didnt u say it was me who saved u not him ? i dont like to point out my virtues. besides i knew ud figure it out and look. u have. i was right. all hail me. been enduring here ? not enduring. living. here in new orleans the whole time ? its my home. i am she she is me. i didnt know it was a gift. i wore it like a curse i was selfish. i- i tried to make the nights awful for u. i see. i wanted u to suffer cuz i was suffering. oh shall we list all the ways we have wronged each other and why it will never be right between monstrous- i came to thank u. for the gift u offered me. the gift i denied. for the nights in front of me where i might learn to live honestly. thank u. spetember 8th. 1973. september 8th 1973. it was 11:07 here. it wouldve been 9:07 in san francisco. armand called me. where u there ? yeah. did u hurt urself ? i was lost. i was in a dark way and i was thinking about- i cant i cant get her out of my mind. u have the same problem ? yeah. i cant louis- i cant-. hey hey its not on u u hear me ? i carried her home i made u turn her. i saved her from a fire so a half century later she could... she looked at me at the end... like a child looking to her father... but i was never-
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pinazee · 5 months
Sixty five million years off
I. Love. This. Episode. I think of all the eps this one makes everyone eat their words the most with Shawns prediction. Lassie, juliet, chief vick, henry, gus, and even Shawn was a little like wait, i was right? I eat that shit up, yum yum yum!
It is insane the teacher praised Shawn for his project. He taped a toy dinosaur to a remote control car and that receives a 👌 when Gus built this amazing dinosaur head?? I think this is the beginning of them showing how Gus is substance over style and Shawn is style over substance (though in this case Gus clearly got both). Which i think ill talk more about later.
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Im adding artistic talent to Shawns list of mystery talents. He did this in <5 minutes (also genuinely impressed by whoever did draw this)
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Its such a small thing, but it was nice that Shawn was protective of the dino head because he knows it means a lot to Gus. He just sounded so genuinely concerned that it maintain its integrity.
It’s a little contradictory for shawn to be like i know theres a pattern to these dig locations because i know archaeologists, and act flabbergasted that Gus knows you can’t fill a hole for the same reason. At some point im going to discuss Shawns previous jobs and my own headcanons for some of his history, even though the writers pretty much used them as a mcguffin whenever they need him to know something specific (like what t-rex teeth puncture wounds look like).
Shawn will say two things about someone and then they’re friends. This psychiatrist was like yes i am stressed, you know me so well! Would you like to get a coffee? He does this with a lot of ppl and ill probably discuss more later, but this psychiatrist jumped on board immediately haha
And Henry really had to eat shit this ep lol but he deserved it. He initially told the psychiatrist that shawn was delusional and at the end, essentially said, you’re making cops look bad and that hurts my feelings. Somewhere in the middle is a vague hint of concern for shawns safety (which even Chief Vick had to tsk at him for). Love the psychiatrist calling him out for being a control freak, even though it was probably unethical to be like, surprise bitch! This is your therapy session! (Heres a grown man throwing a fit lol)
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That little hug between juliet and lassiter 🥹🥹 mind you, this is S2E2. Juliet and Lassie have known each other less than a year. Besties for life right here
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P.S This makes me flinch in sympathetic pain every time
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balleater · 10 months
i still think about the fact that chetney was The Perfect version of a class fake out that could be done. everything about him, both how he was played and just how he was built as a character, Did make sense for a rogue(albeit a bit unconventional since he's strength based) to the point that there was nothing super suspicious about him but there was still enough signs that could be picked up on narratively and mechanically(his ac being a bit high based on rogue proficiencies, advantage on perception checks, and seemingly having a conditional advantage on history checks being the examples i noticed at the time) that it didn't feel like it was completely out of nowhere. absolutely iconic.
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llitchilitchi · 11 months
the early days of the Prison Arc were so interesting on the side of the fandom. nobody expected that c!Dream would get out with his mind intact, if at all - the fics and aus always wrote him as being eventually broken by the loneliness, left to rot until there was nothing left of him, or wrote him as being eventually taken out by c!Sam himself when he saw just how badly the whole thing messed with c!Dream's head, given how incredibly lonely he was even before the staged finale. then c!Sam mentioned he wasn't too kind to his prisoner, and the stories took a darker turn, the denial of food, maybe a bit of violence, but no one dared say that the canon would ever turn into actual torture. that was delegated to fandom and the most extreme of the whump authors. but then March 16th rolled around and it got so dark so incredibly fast to an extent no one would have predicted. and it was a great fucking time for everyone
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trappedinafantasy37 · 17 days
Welp, I just did the embrace Bhaal ending with Daedra and I gotta say, this is objectively the worse ending. And it is very much the ending I never wanted for her. Because this was always going to be the ending for a Durge who embraced Bhaal. And Minthara being killed was always going to be her ending too. What makes all of this worse is that Minthara saw it coming too, she just did not realize it.
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When she first tells you about Orin, she criticizes Orin by saying that if she could turn the plot of the Absolute towards slaughter, she would take it. Minthara also criticizes Orin for wanting to be Daddy's Little Girl who would do anything to please Bhaal. She perceives these to be character flaws within Orin. Sadly her analysis is incorrect, because these are innate characteristics of Bhaalspawn in general, including Durge. All Bhaalspawn are born with the same urges: kill other Bhaalspawn, breed more Bhaalspawn, and then kill everything. Of course, a Bhaalspawn can fight these urges. But it is a never ending fight, one we see Durge struggle with throughout the entire story. They only "beat" these urges by having Bhaal's blood removed from them.
But because Minthara sees these as character flaws within Orin, she fails to see them in Durge as well. And when Minthara learns that Durge is a Bhaalspawn, of course she is elated. Durge is the child of a god. A deeply religious Minthara would obviously admire that, almost as far as borderline worshiping Durge (cause old habits die hard). She truly believes that Durge is nothing like Orin and would never be anything like Orin, and she has to believe this to be true because she does not want to be afraid of Durge like she is of Orin.
Despite popular belief, Minthara is indeed capable of love and has a strong desire for it. I have always read Minthara as a person who strongly wants what she feels she cannot have. And in Menzoberranzan, genuine love is frowned upon (or at least making it known). So of course she wants it. And there is no shame in that. It is trust that she struggles with, and she always has good reason to be distrustful. And the moment she became an exile, we see her start to deconstruct her previous ways of life, but with great difficulty as it is hard to let go of the only things you have ever known. She wants to love, she wants to trust, she doesn't want to be afraid, and she doesn't want to kill her lovers.
Thanks to the business with the Absolute, Minthara finds herself in a unique position in which she actually can read someone else's mind. And for the first time in her life, she has guaranteed certainty that the person that she loves won't hurt her, or betray her, or use and abuse her, or kill her. And that was a promise Durge made to her. And so she openly embraced Durge with everything that she has and becomes devoted.
Sadly, devotion is Minthara's fatal flaw. There is nothing wrong with being devoted to someone or some god, of course. But Minthara is too devoted in which her devotion makes her blind, and she has spent so much of her life being devoted to someone other than herself, and she does not know how to live a life without being devoted to someone. She does not realize the crux of her devotion until she is turned into a sacrificial lamb by Orin. It is Minthara who questions the worth of devotion if it only leads to death and she starts to become a little more selective of who she devotes herself to. Cause she was once devoted to Orin and was willing to be devoted to Bhaal if given the chance, and yet she was still put on that altar. But this never happens if Orin never takes her.
Edit: I forgot that Patch 7 added in the second part of Minthara's dialogue about Orin. Meaning Minthara can still come to question the worth of devotion, even without being a kidnap victim to Orin. However, she questions her devotion after Durge has made their choice in regards to Bhaal. Despite her beginning to question devotion, she still remains devoted to Durge as she perceives Durge as her savior, and not being like Lolth or the Absolute or Bhaal.
Her devotion to Lolth, still ended with her being abandoned (or so she feels) and left vulnerable to the Absolute, because her devotion to Lolth did not make her an exception. Her devotion to the Absolute still led to her mind being ripped apart, because her devotion to the Absolute did not make her an exception. Minthara may be of a feline nature, but she does not have nine lives and cannot always get lucky. Every time she has devoted herself to someone, it always led her close to the grave. Her devotion to Durge, encouraging Durge to embrace who they are, will get her rewarded with death. And death was always going to be her reward.
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And of course she thinks this could never happen to her. She read Durge's mind and Durge did show her that they would never hurt her. That Durge would never do to her what Lolth or the Absolute did, or even previous lovers did to her. That her devotion would be rewarded with mutual devotion. But this is coming from a Durge who has not embraced Bhaal just yet and does not yet want to become Daddy's Special Baby. And Minthara is not stupid for believing that Durge was sincere. No one wants to believe that the person that they love would ever hurt them. That does not make someone stupid or weak. Minthara could only read Durge's mind, not Durge's future.
When Durge embraces Bhaal, she still believes them to be the same exact person with the same exact desires as when she read their mind. Durge has finally followed her advice and embraced themselves, become exactly what she always saw them to be. Durge is now on the path to ascension, to true godhood. And Minthara's proximity to it all will keep her safe from all threats because she would be that god's consort. She can finally have a life without fear or distrust. She will have a god to worship, someone to love, and a new house in Durge's name. She will have everything she could have ever wanted and all she had to do was be devoted. All she had to do was be herself.
In that moment, her devotion to Durge makes her blind to the reality that Durge has changed and has become the very thing she herself criticized about Orin. She still believes that Durge won't hurt her and that Durge won't use the Absolute as a tool for slaughter. Her devotion makes her blind to the fact that Bhaal is like Lolth and the Absolute and most certainly will use Durge like a puppet. Her devotion makes her blind to the reality that Durge has only become a master of their urges, because they are willfully giving in to them and no longer fighting them. And the urge wants to kill everything, no exceptions. Her devotion makes her blind to the knife that Durge will inevitably turn against her, because her devotion was never going to make her an exception.
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kit-kat-bard · 8 months
@aquaquadrant and @lunarcrown 's Hels to Pay has had me absolutely captivated, especially the recent tidbit of Imagine Dragon's Sharks being an apt Bravo song...
The fic has got me in enough of a choke hold to finish my first ever animatic! Even though my art level is below doodle and more into scribble territory lol. This idea simply would not let me rest until I brought it into the world, well done or not.
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lizasweetling · 1 month
What in the Clown Car Nonsense????
iDrigibles operate on displacement. this Is Actually Impossible under standard consideration
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like seriously, that's like a hundred aircrafts at least! Even in the most space effective canister you can't store that much gas! and if they took the gas out of the castle's gasbag that only raises more questions!
And that's just the Gas! where were the gondolas??? Where were the Ribs???? Where in God's Name did they have this much ballast???? the sheer mass of stuff depicted here Blows my mind!!
I can posit a few mitigating strategies?? That make this less outrageously impossible:
majority of these structures are Collapsible and were in storage.
they have either no ballast or almost no ballast, and so they have no power to ascend. incredibly dangerous when there's this many crafts in the sky, but at least that results in a logisticlaly possible to distribute and launch in a such a tight timeframe
the castle is falling because more than half it's buoyant load went to these support craft (I hope this one isn't true, it would be such a waste of an engineering marvel and also Gil's childhood home)
the castle has a patently absurd amount of gas transported in canisters, if so, presumably in the name of an occasion exactly like this one.
the castle had the facilities to keep and/or create large quantities of buoyant gasses so cold that they're solids
a device comparable to Agatha and Gil's improved Lightning generator, or more likely several such devices, are being used to unfuse a huge volume of water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. I am more than slightly alarmed by the implied high voltage near high oxygen concentration this implies, but emergency solutions are not always themselves recommended practice (since theoretically this kind of evacuation would be for exceedingly dangerous happenings, so the threat becomes relative) (and begs the question once more of what the devil is going on here?!?)
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