#they were supposed to pick up the keys to the new place tomorrow but if they cant then ill have to
kurthorton-moving · 1 year
my roommates flight home has been canceled and i am not doing well
0 notes
spidybaby · 1 year
Party killer
Summary: A girls' night gone wrong while your boyfriend is away.
Warnings: cursing, harassment and SA. ⚠️⚠️⚠️
A/N: This was requested, but I accidentally deleted the request, but I hope Anon, who requested it notice this is them request. 😭❤️ also this has some sensitive topics because anon asked me to add them. Please don't ignore the warnings. If you're sensible to this kind of topics skip this ❤️
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"I love the collection. This is going to be huge, mi amor, " you say, applying your primer.
You're getting ready for a girls' night with your friends. On the other side of the FaceTime, Pedro was getting ready to go to bed. Having to work early with Springfield for his new collection.
"I'm so excited, I can't believe that my own collection is ready."
"I know, mi amor. I'm so happy for you."
Pedro explains how tomorrow he has to shoot a video for the colab also sharing what's the idea for the video.
His parents were with him, the shoot for the colab was taking place in London.
Why did they choose London? You had that same question, but you just keep it to yourself.
"Mami says she misses you." He says smiling.
"And I miss her too, miss her today. Our novela is going so well, and she's gone. Who am I supposed to talk to about it?"
He laughs, the camera is directed to his parents.
"Mija, you and I need to have a chat, I need updates of what's happening to Monserrat." Rosy says.
You chat a little with her and Fernando, asking them about the trip, about the collection.
"Hey, y/n. Are you going with Fer to this party?" Pedro's father asks you.
You knew Fer was going to a party because he invited you, since his brother was not in town Pedro named him your caregiver.
"No, sir. Fer is going to a friend birthday party and my friends and I are going to a club."
"Be careful, mija," Rosy says. "I'll text Fer. If you need a ride back home, call him. Also, take a cab no your car."
You laugh at how cute and protective they're with you. Always worrying about you being safe and comfortable.
"Yes, call your brother Pedro, and make sure he has the volume up."
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. We're taking a cab with my friends and leaving together. But If you want I can text Pedro when I'm home."
"You do that, preciosa." Pedro yells from somewhere in the room.
You talk with Rosy about the novela while you do your makeup, finishing the call saying goodbye and promising you'll call Fer if you need anything.
Your friends arrived at your house, you called an Uber and while you wait for it you make sure you have everything.
"Y/n, someone's calling you." María, your friend, says.
You answer the call, noticing it was from Fer.
"Hola Fernandito."
"Hola, cuñada favorita."
"I'm the only one." You laugh. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, yes, mami called me and told me you're on your way to the club. I just want you to know that if you want me to pick you and your friends up, I can."
"Thank you, Fercito." you say. "I'll have it in mind. Please enjoy your party."
Your friends announce that the Uber is outside, you grab everything and walk outside, locking the door.
"My uber's is here, I'll text you if I need anything. And remember I'm here if you need anything, if you can't drive because you're drunk or if you need a place to stay because you lost your keys." You joke with him.
"That only happened once." He laughs.
Once at a party, Fernando did a few more shots than he's used to, and ended up calling you to pick him up because he didn't want his mother to find out about the house keys being missing.
"Anyways, I'm here if you need me. Enjoy."
You say a quick bye before hanging up.
The Uber was quick, thankfully for you and your girls the night begins.
You all have a drink since you're not the biggest beer fan. But that quickly turns into two and then three.
"Let's go dance, I love this Quevedo song," you say, grabbing your friends by the wrist, taking them to the dance floor.
The song makes you remember Pedro. This is a song he sings while driving with you.
After good hours of dancing and screaming the songs, you ask your friends if they want more drinks.
"Okay, another round for everybody. I'll go to the bar, go to the table, okay?" You say loudly for them to hear you over the music.
You go straight to the bartender. Asking for all the drinks.
"Do you have a tab?" He asks you.
"No need for that man, add it to mine." A tall blonde guy says, handing his card to the bartender.
"Oh no, please." You say taking the card from the bartender. "Thank you, but I can pay for my own drinks." You say, returning the card and turning you back yo him. "You have my card there, table 8"
The guy taps your shoulder, making you turn again.
"My name is Zack." He says, getting closer. "What's your name, pretty girl?."
You back up a little, feeling the bar stopping you from backing up more.
"I have a boyfriend." You say trying to get him away.
"Ufff, not a smart guy, leaving you alone here"
"He's in the bathroom. Please back off."
"Then let's be quick. We can use the upstairs bathroom. I'm a vip."
"No, thank you. Back off." You say, pushing him hard but not enough, moving him only a few centimeters. "Get away from me."
You moved quickly, trying to get back to the table with your friends.
"Hey, not that quickly, don't play hard to get, you're not that pretty to do that." He grabs you hard by the arm.
"Dude, let go off me, I'm not interested."
You tried to get away from his hold. Only for him to press his hand harder on your skin.
"You want this, c'mon."
You can feel his other arm traveling down your waist and squeezing your ass. You pushed him with your free hand and tried to free your arm, only hurting you in the process.
"Let go off me." You pull your arm, bumping into another guy that notices what's happening. He helps you.
"Dude let go off her."
"She's my girlfriend, don't worry, mind your fucking business."
"Doesn't matter, she's asking you to let go so let fucking go off her."
This guy pushes the blonde away from you, making him release the hold.
You run to the bathroom, scared of him following you. The bar bathroom was a solo one.
You can feel the panic raise by the minute, and he air is getting less and less.
You pat your skirt pockets, feeling your phone in one. You grab it, and as you're about to call your boyfriend, you remember he's not in town.
He's in another country, hours from where you're. And you're only going to worry him and his parents.
So you called the only person you can think of. Hoping he was still awake and not deadly sleeping in his bed since it was almost four am.
"Cuñadita, are you still at the party?" He asks, the noise from his party can be heard.
You tried to answer, but the sob that's trying to get out is not letting you.
"Y/n?" He says worry. "Estas bien?" (Are you okay?)
"Fer," you say, sobbing.
"Mierda," you hear him saying. "Estas bien? Que pasa? Muñeca, necesito que respires y me digas que pasa." (Oh shit, are you okay? What's going on? Doll, I need you to breathe and tell me what's going on)
"Some guy." You say sobbing harder. "He touched me." You tried to explain more, but the crying is making it harder for you.
"Hijo de puta. En donde estas? Iré por ti ahora mismo. Send me your location. " (Son of a bitch, where are you? I'll come get you right now)
You send him your location, not being able to speak.
"Estas en un lugar seguro?" He asks you. (Are you in a safe place?)
"El baño." You say. (The bathroom)
"Don't hang up. I'm rushing to get you."
You keep crying, afraid of going out by yourself.
"Can you come inside? I don't want to go out alone." You cry into the phone.
"It's okay, muñeca" he says, his heart breaking with the sound of your cries. "I'm almost there. Nobody is going to hurt you."
"Thank-" you try to say, sobbing interrupting you. "Thank you."
Fer is talking with you. Trying to calm you down.
"Okay, y/n. I'm here, I'm haging up but I'm here."
"Okay. Hurry, please."
He hangs up and runs inside of the club.
When he locates the bathroom and runs to it.
"Y/n?" He knocks loud. "Are you there?"
You get up from the floor. Quickly opening the door.
"Muñeca" he says, looking at you. "Ven aquí"
He enters the bathroom and close the door.
"Ya estoy aquí, tranquila." He caresses you back, trying to calm you down. "Nadie te va a hacer nada. Estoy aquí." (I'm here, don't worry. Nobody's is going to hurt you. I'm here)
"Vamonos, me quiero ir." (Let's get out of here. I want to go)
He grabs some toilet paper to dry your tears.
You smile at him and hug him again.
He took your hand and opened the door.
"Fer," you hold him harder to catch his attention. "My friends, I can't leave them."
He nodded. "Vamos por ellas."
You walk in front of him, hand in hand, you get to where your table.
Nataly, was the only one at the table. She was texting careless.
"Nat" you call.
"Baby, where were you?" She says, hugging you. "Hola Fer." She waves to him.
"Nat, we have to go"
"What? Y/n, don't be like this. We're having fun."
"Nat," you call harshly. "Some dude assaulted me. I just want to go home, please." You say this to her ear, not wanting to yell it.
She looks at you with shook, then looks at Fernando. He nods his head.
"Bien, nos vamos," She says, serious. "Lemme get the girls, I see you outside in five. Fer, can you take us home? I can call a cab if you can't, that's okay"
"No, I can take all of you. It's okay." He nods at her. "My car is the black one on the other side of the road. We'll see you there, okay? Take your time."
Nat nodded and went to the dance floor, where all the other girls were.
"Vamos, muñeca." He says once you grab your bag.
As you both walk outside you feel someone grabbing you hard and pulling you back.
"You really like to play hard to get." The blonde guy says. "Don't be a bitch, come with me."
He tries to pull you to him, but Fernando is quickly
"Ey Cabron, te alejas de ella," he pushes this dude away. "Vete al auto." He says, giving you the car keys. "De este cabron me encargo yo." (Hey asshole, get away from her. Go to the car, I'll deal with his asshole)
"Fer, no." You grab his arm. "Let's just go, please."
But the blonde dude has other plans.
"Your girlfriend is a whore" he yells getting closer. "She was flirting with me, offering herself like a bitch she is."
That's all it took for Fernando to punch him.
"No te atrevas," he yells. "I don't know if you weren't taught how to respect women, but I'm going to show you right fucking now."
The blonde dude tries to get up, but another punch from Fernando has him back on the floor.
"Hey dude," one of the friends from this guy says, getting closer to Fernando and stopping him from punching the guy for a third time. "Listen, your girl was the one throwing herself at him"
"I wasn't doing anything. I told him to leave me alone." You yell at him. "Why can't you and your friend get that."
"Listen, dude," Fernando says, pushing lightly the friend by his shoulders. "I don't give a fuck, she asked him to leave her alone."
"She's just a whore" The blonde one yells from the floor.
"ES MI CUÑADA, CABRON." Fernando yells back, about to punch him again, but the friend stopped him once again. "Te voy a encontrar cabron, estas muerto." He says, then turn around to you. (She's my sister in law, asshole. I'm going to find you, you're dead) He grabs your hand, walking outside the club. "Mi carro es el de enfrente." He took the keys from your hands.
You walked a few steps to the car. He opens the door for you and helps you with the seat belt. "I'm going back for your friends, lock the doors."
You do as you're told.
A few minutes later, he walks with María almost in his arms. Perla and Nat hand in hand while crossing the street.
"Ay, I had so much fun." Perla says. "María kissed a french dude."
"Buenisimo." María says, Fernando laughs at her. "Y/n, you saw me?"
"Yes," you answer.
"Okay, everyone ready?" Fer asks. "Nat, to your house?"
She answered with a small yes.
"Oh, can we get Taco Bell?" Perla ask.
"We sure can." Fer answer.
But sadly for Perla, Taco Bell was closed.
The drive to Nat's house was silent.
Fer has his hand ok yours the whole time.
"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Nat asks you. "Please, stay here."
"I'm not but I'll be fine." You answer. "I just want to go home and be alone."
She nods and hugs you, understanding that you want to be alone. "I'll call you later."
Fernando walks back into the car. "María is ready for you to help her shower, and I warmed some Mac and cheese for Perla."
"Thank you, Fer." Nat says. "Please take care of her."
You say your goodbyes and the drive being. "Can you drop me home? I just want a shower and to sleep."
"What?" He turns his head to you. "No way I'm leaving you alone. We're going to Pedro's house. You can stay in his room."
"I just want to sleep and pretend nothing happened." You cry.
"Muñeca," he didn't know what to say. He wanted to go back to the club and beat the shit of that guy.
Once you arrive at your boyfriend's house, you both walk in silence.
"Venga, let's go upstairs." He takes your hand leading the way upstairs.
When you enter the room, he guides you to the bed. "Stay here, I'll be back."
You check your phone for the first time since the bathroom. You text Pedro that you're home like your promised.
"I'm back." Fer announced himself. "Mom did the laundry before leaving. She washed your pijama."
You took the clothes from him, smiling a little.
You left the pijama there because Pedro insisted on your leaving a change for every occasion, so you could stay the night and didn't have yo go home.
Fer notice the way you're so out of the blue. It's like he can read your mind.
"It wasn't your fault. You said no, and he didn't like that so he took advantage of you."
Your eyes water again. "But, I could've pushed him harder or even done something else."
"No, muñeca." He takes you into his arms. "It's not on you, this is not your fault. Dudes like him say whatever they can to blame the girls, but it's not your fault."
"I just wanted my drink." You were a crying mess at this point. "I didn't throw myself at him. I promise."
"Oh, preciosa, I know that." He swayed the two of you slowly. "I believe you. It's not your fault. I promise it's not."
He let you cry the blame you're feeling into his shoulder. He feels like crying, too. You are the most pure person he ever known.
"I'll get you some water." He says once he noticed you calmed down. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook something for you?"
You shake your head no.
"Okay, there's clean towels in the bathroom. I'll get you some water while you shower. And if you need me I'll be in my room."
"Thank you."
"Dont thank me." He says as he leaves the room, closing the door on his way out.
You shower and make sure to scrub extra hard all your body.
You changed inside the bathroom, mentally thanking Pedro, for giving you the idea of keeping some of your clothes at his house.
Once you're done, you go straight to bed. It was passed five a.m.
Hugging your boyfriend's pillow, smelling his scent, you fall asleep quickly.
A few hours later, you wake up by the noise of the gate getting open.
You grab your phone to check the time, noticing it was almost noon.
You get out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.
You borrow Pedro's slippers, making you way to Fer's room. You knock on the door but no answer.
As you walked back to your boyfriend's room you run into him.
"Preciosa, hi" he says hugging you. "When you texted you were home I didn't think you were here."
You hug him tightly, hiding you face into his neck.
"Te extrañé mucho" he says kissing you shoulder.
But then he notice the way you're shaking, how your breathing is irregular.
"Mi amor, what's going on?"
You only shake your head, not being able to speak.
"It's okay, baby. I'm here."
"No, it's not." You cry harder.
He lift, you hug his body with your legs, not wanting to fall.
He walk into his room. Closing the door with his foot.
"Tranquila, mi amor." He swayed you both. "I'm here, don't cry."
He let you calm down. Once you're breathing normally he puts you down and makes you sit at his bed.
"Tell me what's going on, please." He begged.
You tell him everything. How this dude approached you and the way he touched you. How other guy had to help you in order for you to free yourself.
"I swear to God, hijo de puta." He says angrily. "Ferran knows the owner. I'm finding that dude and killing him.
You stayed silent. Is like a bad movie replaying on your head. The "what if" making you regret not going with Fer to the party where he was.
"Look at me." Pedro says, noticing this. "You know it's not your fault, right?"
"I don't know."
"No." He grabs you face. "It's not. The only one to blame is that disgusting hijo de puta, who took advantage of you."
"No buts, y/n."
He hugs you again. Not wanting to let go.
"I'm hungry." You say after a good silent time.
"Let's go get something to eat, mi amor." He kiss you. "What do you want?" He kiss your cheek" "I'll get you anything, mi princesa." He kiss your other cheek. "Even that matcha ice cream you love" he kiss your nose.
You laugh at every kiss, feeling the tickles.
"I'm feeling some burger King."
"Whatever the princess wants, it's what she gets." He grabs your hand and takes you downstairs.
"Pedro, wait." You say, noticing you're still in pijamas. "I have to change."
"We're going to the drive-thru, no worries."
After a quick trip to burger King and the grocery store for your matcha ice cream. You're back at his house.
"Pon el helado en la heladera, así cuando lo sirvas esta menos líquido." He says getting out of the car. (Put the ice cream on the freezer, so when you eat it it's not that liquid)
Fer was in the kitchen, drinking some water.
"Hey, we got you a burger. Hope you're feeling like eating one."
"Fuck yes, I need food asap." He laughs.
"Look who's up." Pedro laughs as he enters the kitchen. "I'll go get the drinks. Don't start without me."
You hug Fernando from behind. "Gracias, Fer." You say. "I don't know what I would do without you."
He turns around, hugging you back. "To me, you're like my little sister. Don't thank me, I promised to protect you, and I will punch as many dudes as I need to in order for you to be safe."
Kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly. He returns the kiss.
"Oigan, yo quiero un abrazo." Pedro breaks the silence. "Vengan acá." (Hey I want a hug too, come here)
You stretch out your arm for him to place himself.
"Okay, thats enough" Fer says. You separate laughing.
"Let's eat, the food it's getting cold."
You take the food out of the bag, giving each boy his burger.
You all joke and laugh with stories from Fernando. Laughing at the videos of his friend getting the cake all over his face.
When you're done. You suggest watching a movie.
"I'll serve the ice cream, Fer adds some whipped cream, and you, mi amor, go pick a movie for us to watch."
You nod, kissing him before going to the living room.
"Fer, gracias por lo que hiciste." (Thank you for what you did)
"Joder, tio. Don't thank me, you know you would do the same for my girlfriend. Plus, y/n is like family. If I had to get my knuckles bloody for her I will."
"Es que eres el mejor hermano." (You're the best brother ever)
Pedro hugs Fer, messing with his hair.
"No es como que tengas otro, capullo." (It's not like you had another one, idiot)
They hurry with the ice cream when you yell that you found a movie.
Sitting on each side of you, Pedro's arm rested on your shoulders, hugging you.
He was thankful for his brother. Knowing that no matter where he's at, you have Fernando there for you.
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comphy-and-cozy · 9 months
oh I have a marty thot for sure! I’ve been thinking about riding his thigh while he sits back and just watches, kinda unimpressed at the show and telling you “you can do better than that, can’t you?”
Earn It
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Pairing: Matt Martin x sugar baby!reader (f)
Universe: sugar daddy Marty
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY). Sugar daddy/baby dynamic, lap dance, semi-public/risque sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling, choking, mild degradation, creampie, a little bit of cum play (lmao jfc).
Fridays are supposed to be celebratory; the end of the week, welcoming in a few days off to relax and reset. What they’re not supposed to be are stressful, non-stop, chaotic. 
Yet here you are, already thinking about the large glass of wine you’re going to pour yourself when you get home; the only decision you’re planning to make for the rest of the night is red or white. 
Setting your keys into the bowl on the table beside the door, you eye the pristine leather sneakers next to your shoe rack, but make no move to greet the person you already know is waiting on the couch. You knew you’d regret having the extra key made for him, that he’d show up unannounced like a poorly-timed pimple, but it’s not like you really could say no—not when you consider that he all but pays your rent. 
When you round the corner, bag left on the quartz countertop (an upgrade he insisted on when you were signing your new lease), you finally offer him your attention.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he muses, glancing up from where he’s scrolling on his phone. You do your best to mask the shiver that runs down your spine when his eyes lock with yours. Based on the smirk that quirks up on his face, you’d wager a guess that you did a poor job of it.
“Hi, Matty,” you say. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“You need a new dress for the charity gala,” he drawls. 
“I do, do I?”
He ignores your attitude, standing up to walk over to the island and setting the invitation in front of you. You glance it over, admiring the thick, black cardstock and gold foil detailing the casino-themed event taking place at UBS Arena next month.
“Black tie attire,” you hum. “I don’t have anything that’s black-tie appropriate.”
“That’s why you need a new dress.”
“And that’s why you’re here right now, sitting on my couch after a day from hell, full of back-to-back meetings, am I correct?”
Matt smiles again. “Already have a bubble bath going for you, my little brat. I’ll be here tomorrow at 9 to pick you up.”
You feel a little guilty for the sass, smiling bashfully at him as he plants a sweet kiss on your cheekbone on his way to the door. “Lock up behind me, darlin’.”
Goddamn him. Always knowing exactly how to charm you to get you to bend to his every will—but not without giving him the kind of attitude that makes his dick hard. A fair tradeoff, in your opinion.
That’s why you work, why your dynamic makes your relationship feel so smooth and seamless and… perfect. Except the part where he’s paying you to fuck him.
Either way, it’s how you find yourself walking along Fifth Avenue, following Matt as he leads you into stores with price tags that intimidate you so much, your cheeks get hot. He lets you browse on your own, warming you up a bit, picking out a few items for work along with a new Yves Saint Laurent purse.
Purchase after purchase. Item after item. The ease with which Matt whipped out his thick, black credit card—you know, the heavy ones that just feel luxurious—almost physically pains you as you try to do the mental math of what he’d spent today.
Finally, you follow him to the dresswear section of Bergdorf Goodman’s, admiring the ease with which he carries the multiple bags in his large hands. You feel well and truly spoiled, thinking to yourself that the dark green lace set he purchased at Fleur du Mal will come in handy later when it comes time to show your gratitude.
“This dress,” he murmurs against your temple, pressing an affectionate kiss to your skin as the fitting room attendant readies a room for you. “I want everyone there to imagine fucking you out of it.”
At this point, you’re used to his blunt and sometimes crude nature, but that doesn’t stop your skin from heating at his crass words. You can’t deny the warmth that radiates between your legs, though, at the thought of him showing you off, claiming you as his, publicly. And, well, how are you supposed to say no to him buying you a dress that’s worth more than your groceries for the month?
The selection is enormous, and you find yourself overwhelmed by the options—lace, chiffon, silk, crepe—all of it doesn’t mean much to you, so you rely on your stylist to select a few options that complement your body type. Matt sits quietly in the corner of the fitting room, watching you try on dress after dress, making barely any comment other than an occasional hum.
When the stylist leaves you to contemplate your options, you glance over your reflection, at the Alex Perry gown that stares back at you. It’s the first dress that feels right, and you can’t help the feeling of excited anticipation that fills your chest when you think about wearing it beside Matt at the gala. Maybe he’d wear that delicious gray suit that you like, the one you almost stained permanently humping his thigh like a fucking dog in heat.
“Is this the one you want?”
You do a final spin in the mirror, checking the various angles and standing on your toes to imitate your height in heels. It’ll need to be altered a bit, but you’re pleased with the way it fits your body and, more importantly, the way it makes you feel luxurious. With your nod, Matt leans forward and glances at the price tag hanging out of the back. His eyes flick to yours in the mirror, and you stew in discomfort for the few seconds before he’s sitting back, apparently approving of the price.
A wide smile forms on your face, feeling a bit like a child on Christmas morning at your excitement. You like Matt for far more than his wallet, but you can’t deny that it feels nice to be spoiled by him, to feel lavished by his gifts and special treatment. 
“Think it’s time for you to say thank you, don’t you?” 
Matt’s low purr snaps you out of your thoughts, eyes focusing back on the navy silk material that’s hugging your body. The corset bodice keeps you tucked in, accentuating the curve of your breasts, fabric draped across your middle and fastened in place with a large, glittering piece. But the real attention-grabber is the slit on the left side that goes up to your hip, revealing almost your entire leg.
You cast a glance at him in the mirror, a flutter in your chest when you see the way his eyes rake in your reflection. He hums, and though he told you it was your decision, you’re pleased that he likes what he sees.
“Thank you, Matty,” you say, batting your eyelashes at him. You lean forward and press a kiss against his lips, warm and soft—the kind you could fall into with ease. He smiles, crooked and patronizing as he tsks.
“Oh, sweetheart, you know that isn’t good enough. Look at all these bags—all for you. I think I deserve more gratitude than that, hm?”
The hidden meaning of his velvet words are enough to make you shiver, your heart chilling as you realize what he wants. His eyes glitter as he watches you, sees the recognition on your face and the hitch in your throat. 
Your voice is hoarse as you whisper, “Here?”
Matt blinks, lazily, with a raised eyebrow, like he’s challenging to you to deny him. Of course you can’t, and he knows it. He leans back on the bench, his back resting against the wall and his legs spread comfortably. It’s a silent invitation, one you can’t refuse, and you find yourself moving to sit in his lap with a shaky gulp.
His hands weave their way to your hips, warm through the material of your jeans. “Good girl.”
With just the right amount of pressure, he encourages you to move your waist, swaying your hips as your ass brushes against his groin. He’s half hard, the bulge firm against you as you set a rhythm, listening for any other customers entering the dressing rooms nearby. The classy elevator music hums softly through the speakers while the silk covering your ass glides against his slacks in a filthy narrative.
A low hum of approval sounds from Matt’s chest, eyes glued to the way you work your hips. It isn’t long before you’re glancing behind you, meeting his eyes as he regards you with his easy, lazy gaze. Beneath the firm press of your ass, you can feel him hardening as the tick of your heartbeat increases in your throat. His signature smirk slides its way onto his face, smug, soaking in the fact that he’s got you wrapped around his finger, willing to do practically anything he asks you.
It isn’t long before he’s stiff, solid beneath you, and you feel an involuntary throb at the size of him. Every moment, you remain vigilant, ears perked for voices—or worse, the sound of someone’s gasp. It reflects in your movements, not lackluster but certainly not to your usual level of enthusiasm. There’s something about him when he’s like this—cocky confidence rolling off of him in waves, his gaze heating your skin—that drives you desperately, deliciously wild, a feral urge in you snatching control of your conscience.
But not right now. And he knows it.
He hums, displeased, and you have a split moment to register his disappointment before he’s purring, “Sweetheart, I think you can do better than that, can’t you?”
The velvet of his voice strokes the flame inside you, sending a wave of warmth between your thighs. Another throb against the stiffness under your ass. His hands remain at his sides, not offering any assistance. You can practically feel his lazy gaze on your ass, waiting patiently for you to react.
He senses your hesitation, knows the reason you’re timid—waiting for the fitting room attendant to come back at any minute and discover the lewd situation unfolding. So he changes his approach, voice honeyed and silky smooth. “Look at that gorgeous dress. Y’look fucking stunning in it, baby. But you gotta earn it, darlin’.”
You meet his gaze in the reflection of the mirror, see the glitter in them that tells you he’s serious, accepting the small nod he gives you. Bracing your hands on his meaty thighs, you resume your movements, pressing yourself into his groin with more force.
Matt’s words echo in your head as you work him—and yourself—into a frenzy. Earn it. He didn’t specify what his… end goal was, but from the glint in his eye you think it’s safe to assume it’s more than just a clothed lap dance in the middle of the dressing room. 
How you ended up half-naked, thong tugged to the side, hands bracing yourself against the wall of the fitting room, you’re not sure; all you really know is the feeling of Matt’s weight behind you, so tall his face is almost out of your view in the mirror’s reflection. He’s not looking at you, instead focused on tapping the head of his erection against your ass.
You bite your lip to stifle a whine, staring at him in the hopes he’ll offer you just a glance so you can beg him silently to please, put it in. Eventually, he does, sees the desperation pooling in your eyes and chuckles smugly, pleased at the rash desire he finds in them.
“Arch it for me, sweet girl.”
Obeying, you press your ass out toward him, thinking you’d break your back right here, right now, if it meant he’d provide you with some relief. His warm palm presses against your spine, encouraging you to go further, and he hums in approval at the view you present him: expensive dress bunched over the swell of your hips, ass out, pussy dripping, eyes wanton and pleading with him in the mirror.
“You want it?” he asks, his voice so low you strain to hear it.
You’re almost embarrassed at how fast you nod, not wanting to waste any time. He smirks again, and you know he’s biting back the urge to tease you, instead just offering, in all its simplicity: “Slut.”
There’s a brief moment where he allows his words to sink in, a flood of arousal seeping out of your bare, uncovered core, threatening to drip onto the faded wood flooring of the dressing room. You’re grateful that he didn’t make you beg—he usually does—but then he’s pressing into you without warning and a loud cry leaves your lips.
Your hand slaps over your mouth to muffle the sound, but he’s already gotten what he wants out of you, a more than obvious admission of the debauchery occurring just inside the fitting room. Instead, he focuses on the warm wetness enveloping his dick, watching the way your cunt sucks him in, greedy.
Despite his reckless attitude, he’s aware of the slap of his hips against your ass, and instead of jackhammering into you the way he wants to, he’s opted for hard, deep, slow thrusts; hard enough to have a soft, involuntary sigh every time he sheaths himself to the hilt inside of you. It’s the opposite of a quickie (even though that’s exactly what this is); instead, he’s diligent, indulging himself in the feeling of your tight walls throbbing around his length. 
All things considered, you’re pleased with the minimal amount of noises sounding from your stall; though your body shivers when you hear the low groan rumble in his chest. With a glance in the mirror, you can see the way he’s watching himself pull out of your cunt, biting his lip at the sight.
Matt offers a light slap of his tip against your lips before he’s jutting his hips forward, subtly, to rub his length against your clit. The sensation makes you shiver, the slickness of his shaft sliding against the tender button, and you feel the shockwaves coursing through you at the movement. 
With his free hand, he gathers your hair in his fist and yanks backward, arching your back until your head is resting against his chest. The sharp pain melds into pleasure, loving the way he knows exactly how to take control over your body to have you dizzy with lust. Hot breath fans over your ear, soft and subtle pants puffing air down your neck. “Fuck yourself on it, baby.”
His warm fingers press into your hips, urging you to move; you do, seeking out that delicious tingle when the fat tip of his cock brushes against your clit, running between your folds. You hear the pleased hum in your ear, quiet, and then the chuckle that follows when he slips into you, a loud gasp leaving your lips.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he murmurs with a low groan. “So fucking wet for me, just the way I like it.”
Matt urges you to keep going, biting back another moan at the feeling of him being buried inside you. Your hips roll him in and out of you, and Matt’s hand trails over your ribcage, groping your breast on its way up to finally land at your throat, fingers curling around the base and squeezing. “Makin’ too much noise. Someone’s gonna hear you, and then I won’t get to flood this pretty little cunt with cum, will I?”
Swallowing the urge to whine with need, you shake your head, trying to tell him with your eyes how badly you want that. His lips press softly against the place where your shoulder meets your neck, keeping eye contact with you through the mirror while he angles his hips in search of the spot that’s going to have you dribbling down your legs. He knows he’s reached it by the way your mouth falls open, your brows scrunching in pleasure when the nudge of him against your g-spot has your eyes fluttering shut.
He hums again, and you know he’s pleased—both with himself for reading your body like his favorite book, and with you for being obediently quiet. The hand around your neck tightens while the forceful punch of Matt’s hips grows more intentional, aiming for precision rather than speed.
The smirk in the mirror, flashed in your direction is enough to make you shiver in his arms. “You think you can stay quiet while you come for me? Hmm?”
You’re trapped—can’t nod, can’t speak, barely hanging onto your last shred of control before you’re succumbing to the release that rips through you. Your legs shake, lungs scrambling for breath as the wave crashes over you, hands clutching the wall in search of purchase. Tears prick at the rims of your eyes, blurring your vision. 
Matty’s eyes glitter as he pulls out of you, grinning when he hears the slickness between your legs. 
“Love it when she purrs for me.”
It’s only when you feel hot liquid oozing out of you that you realize he met his climax, too, burying the evidence deep within your core. Your shaky legs clench together in an effort to prevent his cum from seeping down your legs and onto the floor.
Matt’s hands linger on your sides to make sure you’re steady before he’s tugging your panties back in place and swooping the dress back over your hips. He hums at the creamy drips on the inside of your thighs, swiping up to collect it on his finger. You don’t even have to be told to open your mouth, eyes fluttering shut when he presses the salty mixture onto your tongue. He hums when your lips close around the digit, sucking it clean before he releases it with a pop.
His eyes are still dark when he presses the call button on the wall with a crooked grin, and when the attendant knocks gently on the door, he says simply, “We’ll take the dress.”
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lz-didyounotice · 7 months
Princess Babysitting
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This gif does not belong to me
Heyy! Hope you lots are doing well! For this one, lots of fluff with the doctor. 10th discovering his companion can sing (at least decently). Also slipped some barbie tunes in there since it takes place in the 2000’s. Lots of fond memories. If I'm not mistaken, the next one will be a baking weekend with the 11th doctor. well, hope you enjoy.
Warnings : Comfort and fluff on the horizon. Barbie references.
Today was supposed to be uneventful.  
For once, you had hoped to get a little time off on earth, but of course, your best friend had to have other ideas. Fanny had an important meeting for their wedding, and couldn’t take the girls with them. She needed you to play babysitter for the two little blonds. 
And there goes your plans to go shopping with the doctor. Even if you were exhausted, you couldn’t turn her down. You were the godmother of the two little monsters after all, and the grandparents were too far from town to be called last minute. 
Getting the girl's bag, you finally got out of the car, the two blonds already sprinting for the door. 
“Wait up girls, the door’s not even open yet!” Key in hand, you let them in. Without doubt, you could feel this was going to be quite the afternoon.
Phone in hand, you tried to call the Tardis, watching the two kids going off inside the guest room.
“Hello ?”
“Doctor !”
“(Y/N)! What seems to be going on ?” The doctor let out, happy to hear your voice.
“Hum… Two little blond monsters scavenging my house… I am afraid our little afternoon out has to be canceled. Fanny had an important meeting, and I couldn’t say no to babysitting the girls.”
“Meh! The shops can wait, want me to drop by tomorrow morning ?”
“Could you also grab some coffee? I think I will need a lot of that.”
"Of course!"
It wasn’t the first time you had to turn down the doctor on one of your days off for the two little demons. You loved them dearly, and in the end you had always found your day more fun than if you had it alone. But spending less time with the timelord was always a bummer.
“So. Girls… What do you want to do ?”
“Can we play 12th princesses ?”
 “Why am I not surprised ?” You said laughing lightly.
“Please?~” The little girls asked, wanting to put out their little dresses. 
“Fine, go change, I’ll grab mine.” 
And just like that, morning rolled around. You, still covered in glitter as you had played dress up with the two princesses, pretending for there to be a magic portal in the main room.
The floor was still decorated with many floral stickers, all in the right order, as you were sound asleep on the couch. The two girls had been picked up late last night by their mom. You didn’t dare to take a wash before going to sleep, and instead wrapped yourself in the covers of your couch and slept as much as you could, not wanting to be unable to go through the day.
Soon, the whooshing sound of the Tardis, and an excited Doctor, woke you up, making you wonder at first why you were in such a state. 
Coffee sent spreaded everywhere as you caught the circular pattern on your floor, and the lovely sand shoes standing on them.
“Well, morning Doctor….-”
“Good morning to you too (Y/N). How was your night with the girls ?”
“I’m sure you can figure this out -” You mentioned looking at the mess the room was in.
For now, all you could think of was getting into a shower as soon as possible and getting rid of the glitter in your hair. “Well, make yourself home, i’ll be back in ten minutes..”
Not waiting for an answer, you barely looked at the doctor. Trying to get out of the mess your legs were trapped in. After struggling a moment, he had offered his assistance to you. But letting out a frustrated sigh you dismissed him, tumbling into your room to pick some new clothes, the covers following close behind.
You then went for the shower, still half awake. And as you turned on the shower, you felt every worry slip down the drain. Every sparkle trapped in your hair, finally escaping for the most part. Unforntunatly you knew you would find some on your pillow for the rest of the week.
And as you shampooed your hair, you only could think of that stupid movie the girls had you watch. "Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses". The main theme was still stuck in your head. There weren't any lyrics to it, just the melody. And as silly as it was, you couldn’t help yourself from smiling a bit as you started singing, enjoying the reverberation your shower was giving to your voice. 
As you finished showering, taking your towel around you, you twirled, continuing to Derek's tune on the small carpet. And as you opened the door, finally clothed to go on a new adventure, you bumped into the doctor a few steps away from the door.
“Why are you standing there ?” Blush creeps on your cheeks as you realize he might have heard you singing.
“Nothing, admiring your decoration-”
“Against the bathroom door ?” You almost wanted to laugh at the awkwardness he found himself in.
“Now you’re making this sound a lot creepier than it needs to be.”
“It is!~” You mentioned in an exaggerated whisper. Passing by him, you took the coffee he had put on the counter, and directed yourself to the Tardis, the doctor following soon after.
“How come I didn’t know you could sing ?” The brunette asked while putting in the new destination.
“Because you never asked ?” Now you were even more embarrassed. You could sing decently, sure, you would have hoped that by this time in your many lives, you would have caught some tricks to pass as okay. But the Doctor seemed genuinely surprised by your talent. 
Looking more into it, you could see there was something more, something he wasn’t sure he wanted to say.
“Something on your mind Doctor ?” You asked him in a softer tone.
“Do you think you could sing more often in the Tardis ?” The doctor feared for you to reject the proposition. It was in your very right to not do so. But the more he stayed in silence, the more his thoughts got loud. Even the radio wasn’t doing the trick anymore.
“I-I mean. If you're not bothered by it, I don’t see why not…” And finally, a beautiful smile brightened his face. As if something was just leafed from his shoulders. 
“Brilliant! So, where to? Past? Future? New planet ?” 
“How about the 20th century? Edwardian Era?”
“Allons-y!” He let out pulling the levers, you giving him a hand on the ones he couldn’t reach. 
And from this point on, you weren’t afraid to sing louder for him to hear, knowing it was something he appreciated. When in the mood he would even join you in your antics, sometimes, leading both of you to dance around the room, for it to be silly or plainly in each other's arms. 
The tension built more and more, to the point both of you couldn’t help it. And you were becoming more and more in love with the man, your heart jumping every time he held you so close to both of his hearts. 
You were becoming a mess when his hands reached for your waist, making you forget the lyrics to the songs you could sing by heart. It couldn’t have been more obvious, still, the Doctor doubted you felt the same, merely noting that some things made a small blush creep on your cheeks. He had supposed it was only shyness when infact it was him who was making you a blushing mess.
How thick the both of you were. Donna would probably have had both your head to not have said anything.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 11 months
Paper rings 🩷
Jason Todd x singer!reader
A/N: I have to be honest, half of this is cat content ngl. This is based off the song by T. Swift :) Catdad!Jason is real because I say so. I geeked out and somehow love for greek mythology always find its way into my Jason fics idk
~Fi 🪻
Prompt: reader is a singer who writes a song for Jason. How does he react?
Requested by: 🌙 anon
Warnings: fluff all around! Cute kitty moments, the concert parts may be all wrong idk what I'm doing lmao
Word count: 1.8k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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You let out a sigh as you got into your car. It had been a long day in the studio, recording new songs for your latest album. Your throat hurt, but you were happy with the progress you had made today. Starting the car, you made your way home to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Jason.
It was his birthday soon, and you'd planned a little surprise, not only for him but for your fans as well. You had written him a song, one that would be on your newest record. You smiled only thinking about it, you couldn't wait to pull off this surprise.
The show you were performing tomorrow in Gotham was no ordinary one. You'd called it the "Jazz on Special", which was just a a play on Jason. Your lovely, yet sometimes a little daft lover had not gotten the hint. Good.
He always attended your concerts, watching from backstage, giving his support. The moment you stepped off stage, he was immediately one you, showering you in compliments and kisses, telling you how proud he was of you.
So you figured this was the least you could do to show your appreciation for him. You wanted the whole world to know how much he actually meant to you, scream it into the crowds. So that's excatly what you were going to do.
Unlocking your apartment door, you stepped in, dropping your keys in the little dish right by the entrance. You could hear footsteps the minute the door closed. Jason came towards you, with a big smile and open arms. "How was your session today, Baby?" He asked, wrapping you in his strong and comforting arms. You snaked your arms around his waist and hid your face against his chest. "Was really good. My throat is sore though, I need some tea." You mumbled, letting a content sigh to be in his arms. He placed a kiss to the top of your head.
"I'll make you some, got get comfy, okay?" He said softly, stroking your hair. "Thanks, Jay," you replied, slipping from his embrace with smile. You went to put on a change of clothes. You did wear comfortable clothes to your recording sessions, but you had to dress it up at least little bit with some jewelry. It probably wouldn't be the best look to show up to work in your kitty PJs.
After having changed into said kitty PJs, you plopped down on the couch next to Jason and your cat, Nyx. She was a black stray with a white streak on her forehead. You'd picked her up from a local animal shelter, you just couldn't resist her cute little white paws that made her look like she wore socks and the fact that she matched Jason. It was supposed to be his Christmas gift one year, but you just couldn't keep her to yourself.
Although you got her for Jason, he insisted you name her, his reasoning being that she got her looks from dad so her name should be from mom. And yes, you do treat her like your child. You named her Nyx, after the greek goddess. She was the first, daughter of Chaos, night incarnate. You thought that it fit, with Jason being the protector of Gothams street at night. And in a way, you were grateful to her, to Mother Night, for holding Jason safely in her dark yet loving embrace.
"Nyxieeee!! There you are my sweet girl! I missed you SO much, yes I did," you beamed in a high pitched baby voice, scratching her face. You stole her off Jason's lap, making him huff. Taking her into your arms, you placed overly dramatic kisses on her tiny head. She didn't seem to mind, though, rubbing her cheeks against your hand and purring. Jason's face softened at the sight.
You looked so precious like this, the cat curled up in your arms as you cooed at her. You'd be a little embarrassed about your habit of talking to animals in a baby voice if Jason too, wasn't guilty of it as well. He put an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him. "You know, technically that's my cat," he said with a smirk on his face. You shot him a glare.
"Technically, you wouldn't have her without me and you asked me to be her mom. She's my child too, Jason!" You responded playfully. He threw his head back, laughing. "I guess she is, huh. Thank you for being the mother of my furrbaby." He sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "It's my absolute pleasure, baby."
You were getting sleepy, your eyes unvoluntarily fluttering shut ever so often. Nyx was curled up on your lap, peacefully snoozing away while Jason was intently watching whatever was playing on the TV. You took a sip of the tea Jason had so lovingly prepared for you. Setting the mug back down on the coffee table, your gaze shortly fell on Nyx and- wait
You had to do a double take. She had one of her small paws reached out towards Jason who was gently holding it and without paying much mind, softly stroking his thumb over it. Your heart was about to explode. Your lips were slightly parted and your eyes were wide, looking at Jason completely bewildered. He noticed your stare, turning his head towards you with furrowed brows.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked, the question slightly muffled by the hand that was supporting his head. "That's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen," you mumbled, the shock pretty evident in your voice as you gestured to his huge hand that was ever so softly caressing Nyx's comparably tiny paw. His eyes softened.
"It is, isn't it? The first time she did it I was practically shaking from excitement," he laughed, the sound rumbling through his chest. Your brows shot together. "What do you mean 'the first time'?! Has she done this before? AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!" You yelled in disbelief. How dare he keep something so precious from you.
"Sorry, Baby."
Today was the day. The day you would pour your heart out in front of Gotham. To say you were nervous would be an understatement. The blood in your veins was at boiling point and you were seconds away from a panic attack. Fiddling with the two colorful paper rings you had made for today, you took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. This was fine. You were fine. You've literally done this hundreds of times. But would Jason like it? God, you hoped he would.
Before you could overthink more, you heard your cue through your earpiece and it was showtime.
The 'normal' part of the concert went well, you performed some of your best songs, the crowd was amazing and it was overall an incredible night. You'd talked to your fans a little on stage between songs, receiving some nice little gifts here and there. Flowers, plushies as well as a bra was thrown on stage. Well that was a first. Not that you complained, you were rather flattered, actually.
It was nice to know that you had the ladies on your side. Jason, who was watching from backstage, almost keeled over with laughter when he saw you pick up the under garment, completely bewildered. He would never let you live this down.
"Alright, Gotham," you said breathlessly, "before our lovely night comes to an unfortunate end, I have prepared a little something. Not only for you, but also for my special someone, who might or might not be here today," cheering could be heard from the audience as you fixed your earpiece and chuckled breathlessly into the microphone.
Singing and jumping around stage sure was a work out.
"This is a song I've not shared publicly, as it is from my new album, but I thought I'd make a little exception for all of you and at the same time be the best girlfriend and make the coolest birthday present ever!" You laughed. The moment you mentioned that it was a new song the crowd absolutely lost their shit. You don't think any of your concerts have ever been this loud. Your eardrums nearly burst at the sheer volume of teenage girls screaming their souls out.
"Here's Paper rings. This is for you, Jason." You said with a smile on your face. The music started playing and it's like all your worries faded away. You'd been waiting for this moment for weeks, to finally share this song and your love for Jason. As you sang the lyrics, a compilation of cute and silly pictures of you and Jason ran over the huge screen behind you. Some were of you and Jason in a face mask, others were of Jason cuddling with Nyx. You occasionally glanced over to Jason who was doing his best to hold back his tears with the biggest smile on his face. Your heart swelled at the sight.
With the last bit of music fading out, you finished the song and bowed. The picture remaining on the screen was of you and Jason kissing with a sunset in the background. A heart was drawn around it. The minute the last words left your lips, Jason was storming on stage, showering you in kisses. He held you tightly against him, peppering kisses all over your face. His actions made you giggle into the microphone and the crowd went wild. The security guards were really struggling by this point.
You grabbed Jason's hand and slipped one of the two paper rings on his finger, pulling him in for a sweet kiss. The dam broke. There were happy tears rolling down his cheeks as he continued kissing you. Managing to pull away, you addressed your fans one last time. "Thank you, and Good Night, Gotham!"
You squealed when Jason unexpectedly picked you up bridal style and whisked you off stage, your head thrown back in laughter. It was safe to say you were on the front page of the Gotham Gazette the next day.
Jason was talking his heart out on the way home, talking about how much he loved it and how much he loved you. You were listening patiently, holding his hand while a big smile was plastered on your cheeks.
Now, you found yourself in the familiar spot on the couch, Jason's arms wrapped around you with little Nyx making biscuits on your thigh. "I have one question for you, though," you said, turning your head to Jason. "What is it?" He replied softly.
"How the fuck did you not get the play on your own name?"
"Oh, shut up." He pouted, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You let out a soft laugh.
"I love you too, Baby."
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Big Dick
Richard hated moving. That meant both the concept of living in a new place as well as the process itself. Still, it was a necessity sometimes, such as this.
His employer had been hit hard by the different crises of his time and was forced to shut down the place where Richard worked. Thankfully, rather than just firing everyone there, they offered their employees another job at another office.
The downside? That other office was half way across the country. Many of his colleagues had naturally turned down the offer, but Richard had had a hard time to decide. Sure, he would lose his social circle, but there wasn't too much of that anyway. It did however beat looking for a new job, which was a nightmare in the current economy.
So, Richard accepted. His company helped him find a place to live in the new city, but didn't pay for a moving company, which was understandable considering the distance. Sadly, that was the same reason, Richard couldn't afford one either, which left him with the both sides of moving that he hated.
Luckily, his new apartment already had furniture, so all he had to do was pack his belongings into boxes and drive over there.
The first part of his moving project went surprisingly smoothly. He managed to pack everything he wanted to take into one van that he rented for the occasion and drove over to his new home. He arrived at the apartment in the early evening after a long but uneventful drive.
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However, once he opened the door to his new place, he almost dropped the box he was holding. Did he get lost on the way here? No, impossible, the key fit and the address was right. This was his new apartment.
Richard carefully set down his box and went into the place, rubbing his eyes. This had to be some kind of a joke!
Inside, the apartment was stuffed full of furniture. However, it wasn't modern, concrete-look or faux wood stuff he would have expected. It was old and wooden: Lots of cabinets, wardrobes, a wardrobe, chests, bed frames, tables, chairs and so forth. The place looked like a set from some seventies movies. All rooms had a beige carpet in them, and furniture that looked like it belonged to his grandmother. Even the lights were old-fashioned stained glass lamps that produced a dim light.
Richard was a modern man. He loved a minimalistic style when it came to his own apartment, and he always chose modern furniture for it. Now, this place looked like a dump. He couldn't imagine what kind of weirdo would choose to live in such an awful place, especially since he knew the rent would be higher than it was for the simple fact that his new landlord must have made the place look so hideous. He looked at the colorful curtains with disgust.
Richard let out a long sigh. Great. He would either need to redecorate the whole place or look for another apartment first thing tomorrow. There was no way he was going to live like this. However, as it was already quite late, he had no choice but to sleep in this nightmare of a home and do his research in the morning. He picked up the box from the entrance and went to his new bedroom.
It was already late when he finished moving in boxes and sat down in a dusty armchair, immediately coughing from the dust it produced. Just. Great.
However, when the dust settled, he had to take a double look. At first, he thought his plain and white t-shirt was all dusty now, but in fact, he found it changed! In place of the modern style clothing, he was wearing a colorful shirt now, something that went well with the hideous pictures on the wall. What the fuck was happening?
He needed to get out of this right away. He went to the bedroom at once, where he put box with his clothes earlier and got out of the shirt on the way. Before he could search for a replacement however, he noticed his chest.
It looked like it was supposed to look like - mostly. However, instead of being cleanly shaven, as Richard always was, it was covered in curly hair!
Richard's head was swimming. He was sure he had shaved this morning, as he did every morning. However, the chest hair was here, and without a doubt the product of more than one day without shaving his chest.
Shaking his head, he opened the box, only to be surprised once more. Instead of his Jeans and t-shirts, he was looking at colorful shirts and corduroy pants. This wasn't his stuff!
There had to be a rational explanation for all of this. Perhaps he had somehow taken someone else’s box. The next one would surely contain his stuff.
With shaking hands, he opened the next box, only to find it full of... magazines. Colorful printed magazines. Porn magazines from the look of it. But that wasn't all! When he opened a random one, he found a nearly naked man, in a seductive pose. Another magazine, another man in another pose, with an impressive moustache.
Richard went through a few more magazines, just to be sure, but there was no doubt: It weren't only old-fashioned porn magazines, it was old-fashioned gay porn magazines.
Richard was feeling dizzy. What was going on? Just then he noticed a stirring in his pants. When he looked down, he saw that his cock had reacted to all the pictures of men he just looked at and had grown stiff in the confines of his pants. Why?! Richard wasn't gay!
However, when he looked back at the printed men, his cock twitched in need, as if to prove him wrong.
Absentmindedly, he touched his member through the fabric and let out a moan.
Something very weird was going on, and he needed to think clearly. However, he couldn't do so with an erection like that. He would need to do something about it first, before figuring this out.
Richard carefully reached into his pants and grabbed his member, stroking it slowly. His moans grew louder. With one hand, he started playing with his nuts, squeezing the testes carefully before massaging them with his fingers.
Meanwhile, he couldn't stop looking at the men in the pictures, which caused his dick to swell even more. It quickly became bigger and harder as even more blood rushed into it, making it look obscene.
However, even the full hardness of his cock wasn't enough to distract him from the pictures he looked at. He needed more and stroked his member faster and rougher while he watched the men on the pages.
Just as his mind drifted off to images of kissing the men and feeling their bodies, he felt a powerful orgasm wash over him, causing him to tense up and moan loudly, pumping his seed into his hand while watching the magazines.
After it was all done, he let out a sigh and wiped the remaining sperm off his hand and pants with a dirty looking towel before flopping to his bed and drifting to sleep eventually.
The birds were singing, and the sun was shining when Richard woke up the next morning. He yawned and stretched before scratching his hairy chest. Apparently, he had fallen asleep after jerking off last night. He wiped off his tight black leather pants that accentuated his bulge nicely and went into the bathroom.
As he urinated into the toilet and watched the busy life and newspaper vendors on the streets through the window, Richard smiled. Life really was good for him. Being one of the most prolific gay porn stars of the seventies certainly had its perks. For example, he was able to afford this great place to live.
He finished up and washed his hands while smiling for his reflection and twirled his thick moustache. He was really looking for today's shoot; his co-star was positively hot, and he would show him why he was called "Big Dick". As Dick left his apartment, Richard was screaming internally, unable to escape this new reality as a seventies gay porn star.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 11 months
Absolution and Mercy (7x9-7x10) || Jay Halstead x Healstead Sister
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*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
This is the plot from season 7, episodes 9 and 10 but with Jay's younger sister involved in the story.
Did I cry a bit writing this? Yes I did.
Becca was usually the first one to be picked up after her afternoon classes were over, but this day she was left alone in the sidewalk. It was getting dark, she was cold and scared. At the distance she detected how a car was approaching her at full speed, but it wasn't Jay. It was Will, and she only realized that when he parked in front of her.
-"Sorry I'm so late. In my defense, Jay called me all of the sudden. I drived as fast as I could, then I got lost. Are you going to get in or what? It's freezing outside".
-"Where's Jay?" The girl asked when she was inside of the car.
-"He didn't say. He was in a hurry when he called me, he might be working in a case, something must have poped out unexpectedly. You know how it is".
-"Are you taking me home?"
-"No, I can't leave you there alone. We're going to my place. Jay will pick you up later, or I will take you back with him. He will give me a call, don't worry".
But that call never happened. During the course of the night, Will called his brother several times, but he never answered.
-"Do you think he is in danger?" Becca was starting to get worried.
-"No". Will lied. -"Maybe he's still working and he's not carrying his personal phone".
That argument didn't convince her at all.
-"It's late and you have school tomorrow, so this is what we're gonna do. Go take a shower, I'll find some clothes you can use to sleep on. I will take the sofa, so you can sleep comfy in my bed".
Not wanting to, Becca obeyed her brother. She couldn't hide her concern for Jay and Will was trying to ignore it, pretending nothing was going on. He was also quiet preoccupied but didn't want to show it. When his sister was out of the room, he gave it another try.
-"Hey, man. It's me again. Call me back as soon as you hear this...please. Bec's alright, don't worry. We're just...We want to make sure you're safe".
The sun began to set on the horizon without news of the missing Halstead brother. Will had barely slept during the night, he distributed his time between trying to reach Jay and checking on Becca, who also had a rough night. He was half asleep when a ray of light coming through the window woke him up.
-"Shit". He muttered looking at his cellphone. There were no signs of Jay.
He went to his room and found his sister sleeping under the blankets. He had to make a plan and act normal, she obviously knew something was wrong.
-"Bec". He softly moved her shoulder. -"Bec, wake up".
-"Is Jay back?" She asked half asleep.
-"No. I'm taking you home so you can get ready for school. Come on".
-"Do you think he is going to be there?"
-"We'll find out".
Will opened the door of Jay's appartment with his copy of the keys. He entered first, making sure everything was in order. Becca followed him when he gave her a sign to get in.
-"This is not good". She said. -"Where is he?"
-"I don't know. I'll pass by the 21st after I drop you off at school. Let's hope they have an answer to this mystery".
-"No. We'll pass by the 21st before you drop me off at school".
Trudy Platt was at her desk talking on the phone with the State's Attorney. She got confused when she saw both Halstead siblings entering the room, their presence wasn't a good singn, she felt it in her guts.
Sergeant Platt went up to the bullpen with Will and Becca behind her. All of the detectives were gathered there, except for Jay. The little girl looked all over the place and made a disappointed face when didn't spot her brother.
-"Hey, is Halstead on a UC run?" Trudy asked Voight.
-"Not that I know about".
-"State's Attorney is all over me. He's supposed to be in court right now. His brother and little sister are also looking for him". She pointed at them with her head.
-"He called me yesterday and asked me to take care of Becca. He was supposed to pick her up later, but never showed up. We went to his place this morning and wasn't there". Will intervened.
-"Hailey, you know anything?"
-"No, I called him a few times, but---".
-"I did too". Platt said.
-"No answer". Will concluded showing his phone. -"This is so out of character for him. He's overprotective, he would never forget about Becca like this. He didn't even called to make sure she was already with me, didn't ask if she was fine as he always does".
-"I ran the GPS on his truck...". Platt stoped and moved her eyes from Will and Becca before continuing.
-"Nothing I say will make her go downstairs". Will stated as giving her permission to keep on talking.
-"It's parked on a street in Englewood".
-"How long has it been there?"
-"All night. I ran the in-service calls to that block, there were two calls of suspicious persons at a house on that street".
Becca took a few steps to the front to reach her brother's arm.
-"Thanks, Trudy".
-"Check it out". Hank ordered to his detectives. -"We'll keep you updated". He said to Will.
-"Please find him". Becca begged the sergeant.
-"We won't stop until we find him". He reassured her with a smile and petting her head.
-"Let's move. I'll take you to school". The doctor said to his sister. -"You already missed a couple of classes".
-"Are you joking? I'm staying" She said staring directly at his eyes.
-"You'll be better at school than here or at The Med".
-"I myself will inform you when we find him, it's a promise". Trudy ended the conversation.
School was being worse than usual for Becca, she couldn't stop thinking about her brother. She was so deep in her toughts that she didn't even hear the daily mockery of her classmates. The clock was ticking slowly and her eyes began to fill with tears.
-"I'm here to take Becca Halstead". The school's principal interrupted the class. -"Take your backpack, sweetie. They're here to pick you up".
The tone on the woman's voice reminded her of that time Burgess and Roman took her to the bullpen because Jay was being threatened. She took her stuff and walked throught the hallway to find Trudy Platt at the office.
-"Here she is, Sergeant. You can take her now".
-"I promised you that I would inform you as soon as they found it. The team just found him".
-"Is he-".
-"I don't know anything else". Platt interrupted. -"I just know he was found". She lied, she wasn't the indicated to talk with her about his condition. -"Come on, I'll take you to The Med. Will is waiting there".
The Med was full of cops and detectives as usually happened when one of their own was wounded. For Will it was surreal that this time the victim was his brother, he still couldn't assimilate the fact. His mind was all disturbed constantly changing from the doctor to the brother role and viceversa. Apart from Jay's state of health, what worried him the most was Becca. Despite having notified a lot of bad news during his career, he had no clue how to discuss the situation with his little sister. He didn't want to, but he didn't want anyone else to be the one telling her the news. He was also uncommonly scared to enter the waiting room where the policemen were waiting for updates.
Hailey Upton was sitting leaning over with her elbows on her knees, the fear was evident on her face. Looking at her teary eyes it was obvios how much she had been crying. It wasn't strange at all, she and Halstead had been partners for a couple of years now and their relationship had grown to a good friendship, a very good friendship. Detective Rojas sat next to her and extended her a coffee, leaning a hand on her back as a reassuring gesture.
Kevin and Adam were also there, both standing up, for anxiety did not allow them to stay still. The rest of the place was packed with uniformed. Hank Voight was on his feet, concern was evident through his eyes. A lot of officers and commanders approached him offering their support.
With a heavy sigh and holding back a lot of emotions, Will encouraged himself to go inside with them. Everybody stood up at his presence. Detective Upton quickly positioned herself in front of him, followed by the rest of the team.
-"Hey, Everybody". Somehow he was managing to stay as the doctor, not the brother. -"I just talked to Dr. Marcel, he said the bullet grazed an artery. They are still trying to repair it".
-"Will?" Hank Voight intervened. -"Is he gonna be ok?"
-"He's lost a lot of blood". Words stuck in his throat and dried stoped talking. Ruzek gave him a pat on the shoulder to show emotional support, there wasn't relly anything else to do.
-"Will..." Maggie interrupted from the outside of the waiting room. Everyone turned their attention to the charge nurse and there was no need for her to explain anything. Becca was right behind her, her big hazel eyes wide open looking at all of the cops and some other familiar faces, trying to comprehend what was going on.
-"Oh, Bec...". Will approached to her sweating cold, with his heart raced in fear.
-"Wh--What's going on?" She asked, not being able to take her eyes off the cops. -"Sergeant Platt told me they found Jay, but nothing else. What happened?". Her voice was charged with despair.
The detectives' eyes were all on Becca, wide open as if waiting for a reaction from the girl.
-"Yeah. Ok. Hmm--there's no easy way to say this". His voice was very low and raspy. -"Jay was kidnapped, but his team found him and...".
-"Where is he? Can I see him?" The little girl interrupted calmly.
-"Jay was shot, Becca. He's going into surgery right now". As a doctor, he knew there wasn't other way of saying it.
-"Oh". The girl said as if it was a casual situation. -"But, I mean...he's going to be fine, right?".
-"He's...lost a lot o blood".
-"But it's Jay". Becca interrupted with a smiled, more as a symtom of a nervour breakdown, eyes starting to get teary. Maybe she didn't realize it, but she was avoiding the rest of the information. -"He has been shot before, he's like indestructible".
At that moment, Becca sensed how Maggie held her shoulders, and the weight of the world fell on the little girl. The atmosphere felt the same as when Jay told her that their mother had died, as same as when Will explained to her that they would have to disconnect their father. All of those memories and feelings were taking control over her, but this time Jay wasn't there to help her go through them.
-"Becca, he was shot in the chest, no bulletproof vest. He has lost a lot of blood...".
-"Will--". Maggie tried to stop the doctor.
-"Shut up!"
-"...but he's in surgery right now with Dr. Marcel, one of the very best in Chicago and he's..."
-"Just stop!". Becca cried.
-"Dr. Halstead!" Maggie insisted worried for how Becca was taking the news. There has to be another way of notifyig.
-"...doing his best to save our brother's life. He is in the best hands". He tried to hold her, but she refused him.
-"Is he goig to die?" Becca asked in a very low voice and bursted into an uncontrollable crying.
Will held his sister as tight as he could, so tight she was barely breathing under his arms. He tried to keep his composure, but broke down when he heard his little sister crying loud. He kissed her head, there was nothing to say, nothing to do, just be there for each other.
The intelligence team witnessed the scene and was moved by it, but most of all it made their anger grow even more. Tears rolled down Hailey's cheeks, Adam just stared at the floor with his arms crossed. Hank Voight patted Becca on the back as he passed through te sibblings to run into Burgess, who had just arrived.
-"I got an update on Angela Nelson".
-"Doctors removed the bullet. She's gonna be fine".
-"Where is she?" And with that only question, they both left the place in a hurry.
With all of the movement that was generated, Will separated from Becca and took her by the shoulders: -"Come on, let's sit". They walked embraced, everyone moving to let them pass. She knew all of the detectives who were present, each one of them tried to make her feel their suport: Atwater squeezed her shoulder, Vanessa gave her a warm smile, Adam gave her a hug and Hailey sat right next to her holding her hand.
Not wanting to leave the hospital, Intelligence detectives had to withdraw due to a case assigned by Superintendent Crawford, something Hank couldn't avoid. Detective Upton was the only one that refused to leave, and no one contradicted her.
A couple of hours passed, but it felt like an eternity for Becca. There were still no news about Jay and that made her agony grow.
-"Why is it taking so long?" She was walking from one side to another, anxiety starting to increase.
-"These procedures are very delicate, they take a lot of time. You know what? You should go home". Will suggest. -"I don't think it is a good idea for you to stay here so much time. I'll find someone who can take you. You need rest, to change clothes, you haven't even eat anything".
-"I'm not going anywhere, Will". Becca answered with a stern tone that reminded of Jay's way of talking in distress. They were so alike.
-"Dr. Halstead". Maggie interrupted. -"I'm so sorry, you are requiered in the ER".
Will stared at his little sister, not knowing what to do, he would never leave her by herself in a normal day, much less under the circumstances they were going through.
-"Come on. I can't leave you here alone. Take your backpack, you can stay in the Doctor's room or in a dormitory while I find someone who can take you...".
-"I am not going anywhere, Will". Becca repeated her own words, this time with a little bit of anger.
-"Bec, I get it, I totally do. You want to stay here for Jay, but we will be updated in the ER, I just can't leave you here alone".
-"Alone? This must be the safest place in the hospital right now". She said pointing to all of the cops around.
-"I am not going anywhere". Upton interrupted before Will could continue. -"I can take care of her".
-"Hailey, you don't have to, you are already going through a lot right now and you are on duty, so...".
-"Nobody will move me from here, Will. It's ok, for real".
-"Is that all right for you?". Will looked at Becca and noticed the tiredness and sadness in her eyes as she nodded. -"Ok, all right. Just promise me that you'll eat something, kiddo". He approached to his little sister and kissed her forehead before parting.
-"Not really hungry, but I'll try".
-"Please do it for me. I'll be back as soon as I can".
His heart dropped when he walked out of the room, she also felt a little bit helpless, alone. It was true that she knew Hailey since a few years ago, she liked her and trusted her, but she wasn't her family and that's what she needed at the moment.
-"What if I bring you a hamburger from the cafeteria?" Maggie smiled to Becca. -"Don't you dare to say 'no' to me. I know it's your favorite, I'll be right back".
Becca took a deep breath and sighed, her leg was shaking a lot even standing up. Despair and anxiety were taking over her small body, she felt the urge to hit something or somebody. Her mind started going around, she couldn't live without Jay, what would she do without her big brother? She was nothing without him. A lot of memories came to her mind, good ones and bad ones. Suddenly she was crying without even noticing it.
-"Hey!" Hailey called her from her seat and forced a smile for the girl. -"Wanna join me here?".
Becca sat next to her brother's partner, not really knowing what to do or what to say. She tried to hold her tears, but failed, so she wiped them away as soon as they got out of her eyes. Hailey placed a hand in Becca's shaking leg.
-"You don't need to do that. You can cry in front of me, I won't judge you. I mean, look at me". They both smiled. -"Here, hold my hand, squeeze it. Breath with me, it will help you ease your toughts: 4 in, hold 7 and 8 out".
-"Thank you". The little Halstead sister said when she was more calmed.
-"I know you and Jay are very close. He's so private, but he still talks a lot about you with me".
-"He does?".
-"Yes. When we started working together, before knowing he had a sister, I always tought he was talking about his daughter".
-"Imagine that". Becca made a disgust gesture and laughed a bit. -"I know you two are very fond too. He never talks about work with me, but you wouldn't be here if you didn't care for him". She didn't feel like revealing right there that Jay had talked about her before.
-"He is a good partner, it's hard to find one". The girl stared at her for a few seconds, then they stayed in silence for a couple of minutes, staring at the floor. Becca was a sensible girl, she understood there was more behind Detective Upton words and suddenly Hailey felt like family.
-"I'm really scared". She confessed while unconsciously hugging Hailey's arm.
-"Me too". The detective held her tight. -"But your brother, he is a tough guy, he's strong of mind and body. And he loves you so much, he won't stop fighting to overcome this and come back to you. I can assure you that".
A very special connection was formed between Hailey and Becca in that exact moment. In Hailey's arms, Becca found the peace she needed to rest, and fell asleep while she stroked her ginger tousled hair. Inside her chest, Hailey was feeling the urgent need to protect the little girl, as if she was her own sister. She never let her go while they waited together, if anything, she held her tighter as time passed by.
Rojas found them like that when she went back to the hospital to check on Hailey.
-"Hey". Vanessa announced her presence.
-"Hey". Upton answered back in a low voice, trying to hug her roomate, but couldn't really move with Becca asleep in her shoulder.
-"I got you some gyro from Greek Islands, I tought you might be hungry".
-"That's really sweet of you. Thanks". She took the back with her unoccupied hand.
-"And I got you some clean clothes from the appartment".
-"Thank you". She genuinely smiled.
-"Have we heard anything about Jay?" She sat down next to her friend.
-"No". Upton sadly answered, unconsciously checking on Becca, who was now half awake. -"He's gonna freak out when he wakes up, the man hates needles. I can't figure him out, he's the first one through the door, a war vet. And he'd rather take a bullet than get the flu shot".
Becca, who was now listening everything, internally laughed at that last comment. That was a good description of his brother.
-"Hailey, I know how hard this must be for you".
-"It's always hard when something like this happens".
-"It's hard because you love him". Vanessa Rojas said simply.
Becca's heart began to beat a little bit faster, this time for a good feeling instead of anxiety. Of course she was in love with her brother, everything made sense now. And she knew Jay had feelings for her too. Maybe that was why she felt so secure by her side.
-"Of course I love him. He's my partner". Hailey answered to finish the conversation.
Both detectives phones started to buzz and Becca took advantage of that to pretend that she had just woken up.
-"Ruzek got a lead on the home invasion". Rojas looked at her phone.
-"Yeah. Um, I'm gonna stay". Hailey said looking at Becca, who looked devastated even after having rested a bit.
-"Is everything all right?" The younger Halstead asked when Rojas left. Hailey nodded her head, not being able to controll her sobbing. The last conversation had moved a lot inside of her and was now a mixure of feelings.
Another hour passed by and Becca couldn't take it anymore.
-"Where's Will? He was supposed to be back soon and also keep us updated.
-"He was here a few times, but you were deep asleep. He didn't want to bother you. He had no news, though".
-"I heard my favorite Halstead didn't want to leave her brother's side". A familiar voice called, it was Trudy Platt. She approached with a bag in her hands. -"So I thought it would help to bring you some clothes, hunny. I mean, CPD sweaters and pants might not be the best, but they should be more confortable than that uniform you've been wearing all day. These are the smallest I found, I'm positive they'll fit you".
When Becca came back from the restroom, all changed and carrying the other clothes, she found Hailey and Platt standing up in front of Will. Fear ran through her entire body once more, not knowing what to expect, since the three of them looked very serius. It was Hailey who spotted the little girl petrified in terror at the entrance of the room.
-"Bec". Will called her. -"He's all right. Jay is going to be fine".
-"Are you sure?" She dropped her clothes and started to cry happy tears.
-"It will take time for him to recover and I can assure you he will be a pain in the ass, but he's going to be all right".
Becca laughed and jumped into her brother's arms, who lifted her up a bit in the air. Upton and Platt presenced the scene with teary eyes of relief and a smile from ear to ear.
-"Can I see him?"
-"He's still asleep, but of course. You can wait by his side until he wakes up. Come on, I'll take you there. My shift will end in a couple of hours and then I'll fully be with you two".
-"Oh, but wait!" She turned to Hailey, before following her brother. -"You should come with us. Will, she can come with us, right?".
-"I don't think is a good idea. I'll wait in here until he wakes up, don't worry". She rushed to say before letting Will answer.
-"No. I really think you should come". Once more, there was that tone so similar to Jay comming from Becca.
-"There's no problem, Hailey. If you want to, you can come". The doctor confirmed.
When Jay woke up, Hailey was out changing her clothes. Becca was the first person he spotted when he opened his eyes.
-"Hey". He managed to say and raised his unharmed arm trying to reach his little sister, taking her elbow. -"Why are you crying?" She took his hand and squeezed it as tight as she could.
-"Because I'm happy you're alive, dummy". Jay smiled when he heard her voice.
Both siblings had a lot of things to say, but they didn't need words to express their feelings. They stared at each others eyes and it was enough to understand what they were going through.
-"I know". Jay said feeling how emotional Becca was. -"Come here". He opened his arm within his posibilities and with a lot of caution she laid down her head to hug him back. -"I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry". He kept repeating in a raspy voice.
They stayed like that for a while. Jay couldn't stop thinking about his actions and what would had happened to Becca if he had died. She was the only thing on his toughts when he received the shot. Becca relaxed when she heard her brother's heartbeat, it was the definitive evidence she needed to make sure he was really alive.
-"How are you feling?"
-"Like I was asleep for a year".
-"You needed a little rest".
-"Sorry to interrupt". Detective Upton came into the scene, embarrased to be the reason they had to separate. -"I didn't noticed you were already awake".
-"Don't worry. You are just in time". Becca smiled.
-"Hailey?" Jay started and she walked to the other side of the bed.
-"You know I hate hospitals".
-"Oh, you are just fine already, aren't you?". Becca rolled her teary eyes, but the comment made Hailey laughed a bit.
-"I do".
-"You gotta get me out of here".
-"It's not optional, no".
Hank Voight entered almost immediately and stood next to his detectives.
-"Becca, happy to see your eyes lighting again". He greeted her first with a head nodd, then talked to Jay: -"How's the shoulder?"
-"It feels like I'll be flying a little crooked for a while.
-"I went and talked to Will and he said no structural damage, so you got lucky".
-"I guess you could call it that".
There was something going around Jay's mind, but he couldn't ask with the presence of his little sister. He didn't want her to leave, but he had to ask Voight, and there wasn't going to be another chance.
-"Uh, Bec--why don't you go and..."
-"I guess I'll go find Will, yes". Becca said feeling the tension.
-"How's Angela doing?" He finally asked when they were alone.
-"She's under arrest".
From outside the room, Becca saw Hailey and Voight going out having a brief conversation, they looked concerned. When they split up, the Sergeant walked into another room and Upton rushed out of the hospital.
-"Is your shift already over?" Becca asked Will when he passed by, not even noticing her.
-"Half an hour and I'm done". He said looking at his clock. -"Look at you, all smiley again".
-"Jay woke up. They are running some tests right now. He's going to loose it if there are needles involved".
-"He just received a shot and I do believe he would still be afraid of a needle". The siblings laughed.
The three Halsteads stayed together as much as they could, but it was getting late and they were tired. Becca's eyes started to close due to mental exhaustation, she had cried all day and her mind was pushed to the limit. Now that everything was calmed coudn't avoid to fall asleep although the chair she was sitting in was the most unconfortable.
-"I think it's time to go". Will said. -"She stayed by your side all day, didn't want to move for a second. She was really, really worry".
-"Maybe I wasn't the indicated to be in charge of her". Jay sighed and spat what he had in his mind. -"Maybe we should have let aun Clair take her".
-"And just let her go to New York far away from us? Like, never see her again? What are you talking about, Jay? Where is this comming from, anyway?"
-"It's not the first time I've put her in a situation like this".
-"Stop thinking about it. It's the sedatives, you are all sensible and tired and need more rest. We are good, Jay. There is no one with whom she is better than with you, not even me".
A few days passed before Jay was discharged. Becca noticed how a lot of people visited him more than once: Kim, Adam, Kevin, Vanessa, Hank, Trudy and a bunch of other cops she didn't recognize. Her brother was a beloved soul and the love he received was extended towards her. She stayed inside of the room with all of the visits, except with Hailey. She always found an excuse to go out of the room when Detective Upton arrived.
-"All right. Finally, time to go home". Will said carrying a bag. -"Got you clean clothes and other stuff you may need".
-"Thank you".
-"Are you sure you don't need a hand?" Dr. Halstead asked before going out.
-"I'm good. I'll be using only one hand for a couple of days, so I might get used to it from now on".
-"I'll be around if you change your mind. Bec, let's go. Give the man some space".
Becca already knew all of the hospital, specially the ER, so she was left alone on the hallway while Will went back to work. She went to the vending machine to get something to eat while waiting for Jay. She got a juice for herself and was about to take a bag of gummies for her brother when a voice interrupted her.
-"Isn't a little bit early for candies?" It was Dr. Charles.
-"Oh, no. These are for my brother. He is about to be discharged, I tought about getting him his favorites".
-"That's a nice gesture and I'm happy to hear he's going out.
These past days were very hectic, weren't they?".
-"You bet".
Becca started walking slowly back to Jay's room, the psychiatrist by her side.
-"Dr. Charles?"
-"Yes, tell me".
-"Did Will send you to spy on me?"
-"What makes you think that?"
-"I know you've been following me around the hospital for the last couple of days. If I go to the restroom, you are there. If I go to the cafeteria, you are there. Whenever I'm alone, you are there...and now we're here". Becca smiled.
-"Oh. It wasn't my intention to make you feel harassed. Your brother Will wants to make sure you are fine, that's all".
-"No, it's ok. I think I understand".
-"Good. Well, now that we're here, would you mind if I ask you how are you doing? Your mind and body were under a lot of stress for a long period of time".
-"I'm fine. I mean, Jay is alive, that's all that matters".
-"Hm. You are right. Anyway, I'll be around if you feel the need to talk. Even when you go back home, you know I will be here".
-"Thanks, Dr. Charles".
That last conversation was strange for the little girl, why would she need to talk to Dr. Charles? Jay was alive, everything was fine. She couldn't stop going around it in her mind, she tought about telling Jay about it, but when she was close to his room she detected someone else inside, it was Hailey. Becca stood watching from afar how the detective was helping her brother to put on his sweater, that made her smile. She didn't know what they were talking about, but from her place it seemed they were very close from each other. Becca turned and walked away to give them some space.
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a like, comment or share. 😌♡
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akeiwrites · 1 year
strawberry shortcake
featuring: tsukishima kei from haikyuu!!
cw: female!reader, housemates, college au, slow burn
wc: 1k
ah, what a long day.
you wave at your classmates as they bid goodbye, telling you that they'll be taking their leave now, in which you replied with ‘thanks for today’ and ‘take care’.
after your classes at the university today by 5PM, you couldn't go home immediately because of a group paper assigned just a while ago by a strict professor and it needs to be submitted tomorrow morning already.
so you really had no choice.
and your group was supposed to work on it at the university library. but having to think that you all would starve in the process, it was decided by all of you to be at a local café instead.
now, you and your groupmates managed to get it done before eight o'clock in the evening. you were indeed thankful it ended not too late, and you know it's because of having to be aligned with them—responsible students like you yourself.
a yawn escaped your lips—causing your eyes to water—just after you ended putting back your things inside your bag, only leaving your phone on the table.
then you remember sending a message to your housemate about being home late today, telling him not to bother cooking you a share of dinner.
you picked up your phone and opened two unread messages from him which were sent two hours ago. it was an ‘alright, do your best.’ and a ‘take care on your way home.’ after.
a ghost of a smile was unmistakably felt on your lips. you cleared your throat and placed your phone back at the table.
i'll get going now, then.
when you got up on your chair, a café attendant also went to your table to clean up. she gave her thanks and told you to come back again in which you replied with a nod and a smile.
going down the stairs, you already made up your mind to walk straight towards the exit—not until your eyes glanced at the counter, and a certain dessert caught your attention.
“i'm home…” you announced in a low voice soon enough as you noticed the dim lights from the living room by the entryway while placing your shoes on the rack.
you silently made your way inside the apartment, a new sight greeting you. you stopped your tracks to double check the situation.
tsukishima kei is peacefully asleep in his pullover and black shorts. however, he was in a sitting position. his arms are crossed, resting on top of his knees close to his chest. he still had his glasses on and his lips rested on his wrist.
your eyes traveled to his surroundings where you saw books, a notebook, and a pen on the coffee table. was he studying here? but why, though? it was unusual since you were pretty sure he had a study area in his room in the first place.
don't tell me… no. you clearly dismissed the idea.
why would he wait for me? you thought.
you walked towards where he was, put down your things on the couch just right behind his figure, and kneeled beside him. doing so, you now have a closer look on his sleeping face.
he looked like he had dozed off for a while, maybe at least twenty minutes or so. he also looked serene, but i'm just as sure his sleeping position would give him body cramps after.
so it was obvious you needed to wake him up.
you closed the distance between the two of you a bit. as you were about to reach out for his arm, your peripheral vision landed on the coffee table—the light from a phone screen taking away your attention.
out of curiosity, you give in and divert your gaze. your eyebrows furrowed as you realize your conversation in the messages app is open.
but why, though? was he expecting a reply?
your eyes stared a bit more, until it wandered to the upper part of the screen where you saw the contact name written. it was just an emoji but it profusely had your face heat up as you realized.
strawberry shortcake.
you inhaled as you felt the fasting thump of your chest. turning your gaze away from the table made your eyes back on the sleeping blonde guy which had you startled how close your faces were.
goodness, you were confused, yes. and it was accompanied by rosy cheeks and a fast heartbeat.
you cleared your throat and tried your best to calm your rattled insides. exhaling one last time, a shaky hand of yours reached out to the hem of your housemate's pullover cuffs.
“kei…” you called in a calm manner. “wake up…”
of course, as expected, it wasn't effective enough. so you proceeded to shake his forearm a bit, carefully calling him by his name again.
“what are you doing here?” you asked when he already moved and started waking up. “you always study in your room,” you point out.
“i was waiting for you…” the sound of his voice was groggy and hoarse from sleeping, and it was noticeable how his thoughts were still hazy.
why would tsukishima kei wait for me? you then thought for the second time.
and as you expected to be a panic mess, you surprisingly weren't. instead, a chuckle escapes your lips seeing the adorable face tsukishima kei is unconsciously making right now.
his eyelids are threatening to close from time to time, making you purse out your lips to prevent yourself from smiling further.
knowing that he won't be back to sleep despite his actions, you slowly got up on your feet. yet before you go to your own room, you got a hold of the dessert you bought from the café a while ago.
the sliced strawberry shortcake you brought home for tsukishima kei was placed in a cake slice clear container with a cute disposable fork.
without a word, you placed the cake just beside his still lit phone screen. then you took your bag and went to your room.
you didn't hear a single syllable from him even after you were done with your night routine, preparing to sleep. and before you drift off to dreamland, you purposely sent him a message.
from: 🍰
goodnight :) 🍰
what you didn't know was when tsukishima kei is slowly eating the strawberry shortcake you gave him, he received your latest message that made him realize that you possibly saw your contact name he set on his phone.
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norimiya · 1 year
ch.10 | peanut butter or caramel / like or love
PAIRING : ̗̀➛ reki kyan x gn!reader | 992 wc
DESC : ̗̀➛ when the new school year starts, reki meets his seatmate for the remainder of the year, you. then with a school project on both of your hands, and spending almost every minute together, the fondness you share for each other begins to change to something different.
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The boy from before laughs loudly when you and Reki walk into the classroom together and points when he sees your entwined hands.
"Look, the two losers really did get together!" He laughs to himself, proud of his own joke, and glares at his friends who give half-assed laughs.
Reki ignores him, much to his dismay. He'd rather give him a piece of his mind but let's you do the talking. "Don't you have a life to get back to?" You ask, grunting when Reki pulls you to your desk. "Or does it just revolve around me?"
The classroom goes silent, though, there wasn't even that much of an audience in the first place, and he's left stuttering out a response.
"You don't get to call me a loser when all you do is make your life about making fun of other people's misfortunes." He opens his mouth to argue but cuts himself off when nothing comes to mind except a mumbled-out apology.
Reki tugs on your arm again, which makes you sit down with a huff, crossing your arms at the now sour mood you were in. "You didn't have to do that."
"Yes, I did because knowing you, you'd probably want to start a fight or something." He rolls his eyes, leaning against his palm. "This was more civilized." He hums.
"The project is due tomorrow. Are we still gonna be friends?" You roll your eyes at his words, shoving his arm that held his head. "So rude. Do you even like me?"
You shake your head, "I actually hate your guts."
He hums, tutting as he crosses his arms. "That's a real shame, I really like you." He looks at you when you don't respond, smiling at your poor attempt at hiding your reaction. "You're cute."
"I hope your alien costume deflates with you in it." He scoffs at your words but doesn't hide the smile that makes its way to his face.
You're walking home after school, and you can hear the light footsteps from behind you, then the clicking of wheels against asphalt coming from beside you.
"Is he gonna murder me?" Reki asks, falling into step with you when you've turned the corner. "Like with his bowling ball or something."
You shrug. Reki nearly falls to the ground as fear settles into his stomach. "I doubt he'll do anything." You look at Reki. The fear is evident on his face. "At least you can outrun him if he charges you."
"Aren't you supposed to make me feel better about this?" He asks, shoving your shoulder at the end. "Tell me everything's gonna be okay, and he'll love me?"
"And lie to you? I could never." He groans, mumbling complaints about how terrible you are. "You'll be fine." You assure, nudging your hand against his. He takes it as an opportunity to hold it, quickly lacing your fingers with his before you can protest.
Reki's eyes are laser-focused on how you unlock the door, ears in tune with the keys jingling, and he swears he hears the locks click out of place when you turn the key.
The door swings open. You announce yours and his arrival and greet your grandpa, who's rummaging through the kitchen.
"Reki and I are dating now."
Your grandpa looks up; he's not startled, and he's surely not surprised. "Okay." He shrugs, biting on an apple he's just cut into slices. "Granny or gala?" He asks, picking up the chopping board and looking at Reki.
"Um," he looks at you for help, and you only give him a look for not knowing his own preference. "Granny." Your grandpa scoffs under his breath and mutters incoherently as he cuts it, handing it to Reki with a polite smile.
"Caramel or peanut butter?"
"Peanut butter." He stares at Reki. A lot longer than Reki deemed comfortable. Then, he nods his head a moment later and hands him a cup of it.
Minutes later, where you're sitting under the silo, Reki realizes what he just went through was a test. "I'm a terrible boyfriend."
"Are you in a relationship with someone else?" He whips his head towards you at the accusation... or question? "Cause you're a great boyfriend to me, at least, the past day you have."
He laughs under his breath, taking a bite of the apple you'd held up for him. "I mean it, you know?" He hums. "Even before we started dating, like– yesterday– you were always attentive. A bit slow, but you were still there."
"Can you compliment me without insulting me?" You shake your head, and Reki responds by lowering his with a sigh.
"It's how I show my love."
"You love me?"
"I like you." You say, eyeing him from the side to catch any reaction. "I don't love you yet, but I'll start to. I know I will. But I don't think I love you just yet." Reki hums. He wanted to be hurt by your words, but he couldn't because he felt the same way.
Silence wafts over the both of you, at least, as silent as a farm would allow. Reki's got a hold of your hand, tracing over them front to back, rubbing your knuckles lightly.
"You're not offended are you?"
Reki shakes his head, he feels your eyes on him, but he doesn't look at you. "I understand what you mean, and I feel the same way. I'm just..." he laughs to himself, rubbing the back of his neck. "I never expected to fall in love with someone and have them return it. Even though we aren't in love with each other yet, I guess."
"You deserve to be loved." You tell him, leaning against his shoulder. "I hope you'll let me love you more than you deserve."
Under the silo, when the skies turned dark and stars littered above, Reki kissed you. Pouring out every emotion he felt: happiness, excitement, fear, and love.
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a/n: ending ignored, bonus content time 😈 but seriously, thank you for reading this series and putting up with my very VERY inconsistent updates... sorry if you don't like the quick ending, this was intended to be a fast one because crushes are FLEETING (sometimes)
And answer for me y'all, what apples, and what dip. There is a right answer !!
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gh0stlyfixation · 2 years
Part one
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Paring Simon Riley x fem winter soldier reader, uses she/her, using Y/N.
Warnings: none? Let me know. May have put you inside of she/her in some spots haven't written like this in a while.
A/N: This is set after End Game, Nat and Steve are still around. This does not follow any of the MARVEL plot and it's move of a love story than action-packed. Not sure how this will play out, may be a mini series or another longer series if y’all like this part. This is just a test run really, so please let me know what y’all think.
Winter master list
“By the United Nations, we hereby pardon James Barnes and Y/N Y/L for all forced crimes committed. Both parties have agreed to court-mandated therapy and the court place of residence. James Barnes will reside in New York and Y/N Y/L will reside in her chosen place of Manchester England. Each party will be allowed to resume work with SHEILD, the newly founded organization after the HYDRA overthrow.”
That’s how she found herself here, alone in an unfamiliar town with unfamiliar faces. She hated it but as part of her pardon, she’ll stay as long as she needs to. She looks up at the three stories building full of apartments. She didn’t have much but the money the government gave her, would help. After all, they did provide a place to live with the necessities she needed.
“Door 102.” She says quietly to herself as she twists her head each way. Her eyes land on the number 102, she searches for her keys, and in the corner of her eye she sees a masked man doing the same with his door. She doesn’t question it though. The tenant told her of her neighbor, a masked man, quiet and reserved, in the army never really home much, but Jesus he could pick a better mask.
It didn’t help she was an ex-criminal, all her red alarms signaled in her brain, but she was able to ignore them. The words have been wiped from her memory, she now holds her notebook of herself in her bag so she can lock it away and never see it again. She realizes she’s been staring too long and mumbles a sorry to the man before hastily unlocking her door and shutting it.
The man recognizes her from the news he’s watched, an ex-criminal that was tortured and granted a pardon but also a hero who brought down Thanos. What in the hell is she doing here? Now that he was retiring, forcefully, medically discharged, he had nothing to do. The girl intrigued him, he wanted to know more about her kind, not that she’s a different species, just the serum and its effect, but he knew damn well that was classified and personal.
Simon showers and sits down on the couch and pulls his laptop out and sees if he can find any information on her, why is she here, this is creepy, he thinks, fuck what else can I do? He yells at himself but he continues to look her up.
The winter soldiers, James and Y/N have been pardoned following specific guidelines made by the United Nations. Those have been kept confidential but we are glad to see they are free as the crimes they have committed were forced by brainwashing, manipulation, and other tactics of fear. We know James “Bucky” Barnes was captured during World War Two and Y/N Y/L during the 50s, both in and out of a cryo freeze preserving their body’s as if they haven’t aged a day. Congratulations and may the rest of their lives be peaceful. A news person spoke.
Simon scoffed, her life will never be peaceful, she’s been through hell and back. He doesn’t know what to expect of his new neighbor, the last ones were quiet, and he hopes she will be too. He knows the walls are thin so when he hears the phone ring he thinks it’s his, but stops when his phone doesn’t light up.
“Hello?” her voice spoke, it was on edge, “I’m fine Fury. I'm supposed to be at the base tomorrow morning to meet Natasha … yes, thank you for letting her come, it certainly makes things easier for me … Fury? Really?” He hears the slight humor in her voice but knows that her face is stoic, it had to be. “We’ll tell Steve and Bucky that I’m fine and to stop worrying. They can call me a whine..” You grumbled, “okay bye.”
Fuck these walls need to be thicker, Simon thinks. What base is she talking about. It certainly isn’t the British base. Is there a SHEILD base? There was, about 20 minutes from here know that he remembers.
She glances around her apartment, it’s furnished, at least. Needs a few decorations. Maybe Nat can help with that, not now though I need to sleep, it’s late. She wonders to the bedroom and thank the heavens there were sheets and a comforter. After changing into a pair of leggings and a t-shirt she hops in and quickly falls asleep.
Simon sat in the quiet reading a book he picked up from the shelf, this shit is boring, he says to himself. That’s when he hears faint quiet screams, mumbled almost. His ears start to perk up and realizes it’s the new neighbor. Fuck these thin walls! Something could be wrong. Simon argues with himself but when the noise starts getting louder he runs to her door and knocks, but no answer. He twists the knob and thankfully it opens, she needs to fucking lock her door, what is she stupid?
No, because she can kill someone in point two seconds. But he runs to the screams and finds her sweating in her bed. A night terror. He knows how to wake one up properly without a fight or struggle, he nudges her arm hard a few times then lightly once she starts to calm down, “wha-what- who are you?” She scrambles to her feet, pissed that she let her skills out the window. She tugs down her sleeve and Simon sees metal flash by her now covered hand.
“You had a night terror. The walls are thin and the door was unlocked. I’m your neighbor Simon.” His voice was soft and deep.
She stands there for a moment, embarrassed at herself. “I’m sorry.” she tells him
“It’s no problem, um, I have them too. I'm ex-military. It happens.” He says, trying to relate himself to her.
“Oh, well maybe we can help each other then.” she shyly says. What the fuck is wrong with you! Why are you getting shy? She yells at herself. Simon smiles slightly under his mask, she doesn’t notice though, “you know when we start to scream? So we don’t wake the rest of the building.” She explained clasping her hands together in front of her.
Simon looks up at her and nods, “it’s probably best. Do you have an extra key?” He asked. She nods and looks for it on her nightstand that she threw her wallet and essentials in. She hands it over to Simon and he takes it in his hand. He pulls out his ring of keys and picks off the extra key to his door and hands it to her.
Ig’s silent for a moment but you sit back down on your bed. Does he know who I are? Who doesn’t, I’m all over the news. “Do you know who I am?” she quietly ask. She needed to know.
He looks into her eyes, “You're Y/N. I’ve heard about you.” He tells her honestly.
“Are you scared of me?” She thinks it’s a ridiculous question,
“What they say on the news, what your crimes were, what your capable of, doesn’t make you who you are. We both killed hundreds, but it doesn’t make us who we are. You’ve saved the world, give yourself the credit for that.” Simon tells her.
Who knew i’d be getting a pep talk from a stranger. You think. “You don’t know me though, what the news says, you don’t know the half of what I’ve done. I’m dangerous. Unpredictable.” She say.
He does not doubt that she's dangerous and unpredictable, he doesn’t know her and she’s right. “Well now that we’re neighbors and I no longer have a life, I hope to get to know you. Your the only interesting person around here anyways, besides that old man who’s constantly screaming at the kids down the hall.” Simon tells her.
“What? Don’t have any friends?” she tease, your face still stoic.
He rolls his eyes and gets up. “Go back to sleep.” He walks out the door back to his apartment, what the fuck was this feeling? Happiness? No, I rarely feel that. Is he a friend now? Fuck. What the fuck?
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bsins · 2 years
Close Call pt.2
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Pairing: Hawks x Fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, hurt/comfort, Hawks is a slight yandere if you squint
Notes: not beta proofed, english is not my first language there might be mistakes. Yes, this needed a part 2.
Part 1
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When Hawks assured you were sound asleep, he went out again. He wasn’t supposed to be patrolling right now, he was off duty for the night. He wasn’t even in uniform, but Takami isn’t one to let go of something, no.
So, based on your description back in the hospital, he found the asshole who dared to hurt the love of his life, that and the fact that he had your bag still with him, it wasn’t hard to recognize, it had a lot key-chains you have collected for every time someone in the agency gifted one to you and the little detail that hawks had paid for that bag as a birthday gift for you last year.
The thief was rummaging through your stuff, a pencil case, some notebooks, your ipad, cosmetic case, keys, snacks, your wallet. So they didn’t even hear when the hero landed right behind them, not until a hand was placed on their shoulder.
It wasn’t even a hard fight, the thief was left on the ground barely breathing and bloody and Hawks was standing untouched, gathered your stuff and left back to your apartment.
The plan was to hide your bag and give it back to you in the agency tomorrow, take a shower and pretend nothing happened. But he found you sitting up in the bed and rubbing your eyes when you made eye contact.
“Y/N! Amazing news, the police found the thief and got your bag back, so they called me to pick it up for you!” He pretended, like he was trained to do.
“Tell me you didn’t kill him” you looked deadpan at him, you knew him, and you hated that he put on a facade.
You pointed at your own cheek, Keigo brought his hand to his face and then looked at the point of his fingers stained with blood.
“You would be a pretty bad serial killer”
“I’m sorry, I just… I couldn't let that go, I mean, mugging you wasn’t even what made me mad, but the fact that he hurt you, and I didn’t do anything”
“keigo” He didn’t realize he was looking down until you placed your hand on top of his chest “We already talked about this, it wasn’t your fault, you can’t beat yourself for it”
“I know, but you barely need me in situations like this, and the one time you need a hero no one was there, I wasn’t there”
You took the bag from his hand and placed it on the bed, and then took his clean hand in yours.
“I want to make you feel like my top priority, because you are. I love you so much, that even if it’s just a tiny scratch, I’m going to be mad at myself because it happened”
“You already do that, you make feel special every single day, and you don’t need to prove anything”
In this exact moment he knew you did something to him, a witch spell or something, because it wasn’t normal for him to feel so mad when he looked at the gauze in your forehead.
“No, don’t”
“At least let me comfort you, it is unfair that you are the one hurt and you are comforting me” He kissed your hand letting himself feel all the emotions that you provoked in him.
“Oh keigs, I’m going to comfort you any day, you deserve it”
“Na-ah, later. You are now going to be pampered for the rest of the week” and his diva side came back. He tried to kiss your forehead but you stopped him with a hand on his lips.
“please, wash the blood out first”
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believesthings · 4 months
Not Just A Girl - Chapter 12 // Jason Sudeikis X Reader
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The same two security guards that had picked you up from the restaurant are the ones to take the pair of you to Jason’s. Jason lags behind you on the walk up to his door while he chats with the guards. You use the time to pull the key that Jason had given you out of your pocket. A thrill runs through you as you flip the key around in your fingers, impatient to get to use it again. You cast a glance at the two men standing behind Jason, patiently waiting to see the pair of you safely enter his place. You reach out to softly run a finger down Jason’s spine which makes him stutter slightly through his words and eliciting chuckles from both guards.
“I’m going in. Thank you for rescuing us today guys.” You inch your bag from Jason’s shoulder and head for the door. You wait for a moment in the main room but Jason remains out in the hallway. He is probably apologizing for the necessity of them driving him home. You walk down the hall to the guestroom to deposit your bag and plug in your phone to charge.
You can hear Jason calling your name as he tries to search you out.
“I’m in here - just plugging in my phone. I’m – oh –” You finish fiddling with the cord and head back out into the hallway to walk right into Jason. He immediately reacts to catch you but it doesn’t stop the forward motion since you were hurrying to rejoin him. You further attempt to steady yourself by throwing your hands out and bracing against him while sidestepping towards the wall to use up your momentum. You tap your hands on his chest once after you find your footing, laughing a bit at yourself. “Hah, hello. Finished talking with them I see.”
Jason nods, “They wanted to review what time to pick us up tomorrow.”
“I thought they were just supposed to take you back and forth to the set.” The news makes you raise your eyebrows and then frown. Either Jason was more concerned about the paparazzi encounter that he had today than he previously led you to believe, or he got more tangled up with the paps than he has admitted.
“It won’t be the intimate exploration of the city that I had in mind but if it means that we can enjoy each other’s company a bit more while you’re here so be it.” He kisses your forehead to smooth away the furrows formed by your frown. “It’s nothing to worry about, no need to frown. Hmmm what time is it - are you hungry? I noticed you took the extra food out to share with everyone.”
You wiggle within his grasp and break free to head towards the main room and the kitchen. “I suppose I could eat. Here or?” You glance to see if he is following you or is continuing on his path to his room. If security is required to tour the pair of you around now he’ll need to call the guys back. Best to do that before they get too far away from his place.
“Let’s see if there’s anything that interests you in the kitchen.”
He’s probably making a face at you to coincide with the emphasis he placed on that comment. You look back to check - Yep. You return your attention to the direction you are walking to make sure you aren’t going to walk into the doorframe. You aren’t yet familiar enough with the layout of his place to confidently walk blindly from room to room. After entering the kitchen you pause to ponder your next move. When you had been searching for the coffee this morning you’d seen what he had stocked in the cabinets. You remember seeing rice, crackers, and a few canned goods. What did Jason have in mind to make for the meal from that hodgepodge? You’ve halfway blocked Jason’s access to the kitchen. Instead of walking around you he wraps you up in his arms to walk-lead you further into the room before releasing you again. You lean against the kitchen table to watch him walk around the kitchen peeking into the cabinets.
“I’ve got um…” He reviews the choices in the refrigerator while thinking aloud. After a brief survey of the items held within he closes the door to the refrigerator again to shrug at you, “Um… ok I’m embarrassed. Not a lot. We can always order in, or – maybe pop out and bring something back? Watch a movie?”
“Whatever you’d like to do. Even if we’re just going to bring something back, do you want to get showered first?” You motion to some of the now flaking faux blood still stuck to him.
He smirks and moves back across the room towards you. “I recall someone promising to help me with that.”
Shaking your head, you reach out to scratch a flake of red from his neck. “I said ask and I might help.”
He slides his arms around your waist, the pressure of his hands pushing you forward to close the gap between your bodies. He licks his lips before muttering with an accompanying smirk, “Might?”
“And I thought you were hungry.” You drape your arms up over his shoulders. He’s been running full force all day, quite literally actually, and is now devoting his full attention to entertaining you rather than showing any signs of exhaustion.
Damn you are going to miss being around him when you go back to Los Angeles. No, no, stop that. Don’t think about that now. Enjoy the moment.
“You’re the one that brought up showering. Reminded me of your earlier comment. And to answer your question, I am hungry – for so many more things than just food.”
Is he trying to make you jump him here in the kitchen? And thank you, Captain Obvious – he is squeezing you against him after all. “Yes. Trust me, I am very much aware of that.” You really do need to get food into him before you get too sidetracked. It takes a minute to disentangle yourself from his grasp. “Alright. Focus. Are you going to call the guys back or are we having pasta and…”
Jason hems for a moment. “We could pop to the store and pick up something to go with the pasta…” Before he can settle you with a look that evaporates the last of your willpower you twirl to go grab your bag from the guestroom. Shame you put it down in there before, it would have saved the extra steps. “Er- Honey, the door is the other direction.”
You laugh over your shoulder, “I know that. Getting my bag? Keys, phone, money?”
“What? Leave it. Stop. Turn around.” You can hear the keys in his pocket jingle as he jogs to catch you in the hallway.
He grabs ahold of your hand before you reach the guestroom and leads you back towards the front door with you sighing complaints the entire way. “Really, Jason, you can’t keep paying for everything. This is getting ridiculous. Look I – let me at least get my phone.”
“Nope.” He only releases you once he has you standing outside and he needs to shut and lock the door.
“Ugh. Jason, you’re being impossible.”
He grins before taking your hand in his again. “You say that and all I hear is adorable and charming.” When you scoff he brings your hand up to hold it against his chest and pull your gaze, “I’ll make you a deal. The next time we see each other you can pay.”
You are careful to keep your expression doubtful. “The next time. Deal?” As soon as he nods confirmation you allow your smile to break through, “Excellent. No complaints tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? What? No, _____, I meant the next time one of us visited the other. Oh you’re not letting me out of this are you…” He looks physically pained for a moment before shaking the look from his face and laughing. “So very stubborn.”
You wink at him before replying, “You say stubborn and all I hear is – ”
He doesn’t let you get any of the descriptors out, silencing the words by pulling you close to kiss you. He repeats his statement as punctuation when you break off for air. “So. Very. Stubborn.”
It takes you a second to find words to respond, pointing between the two of you as you speak. “Pot. Kettle.”
He wasn’t kidding when he said that it wouldn’t take long to get to the store and return home. After dinner you start to wash the dishes and pans that Jason had placed in the soapy water in the sink while he buses the table.
After a dish or two you notice that he has settled against the counter beside you. “What are you doing?”
You look at your own hands submerged in the warm water and then look to his empty hands resting lightly on the counter before looking skeptically at him. “Funny, that’s what I thought I was doing.”
Jason replies, “Oh. I see the confusion.” He moves to be standing behind you at the sink, wraps his arms around you, and reaches into the sink to grab a dish.
You flick water at him over your shoulder with your fingertips. “Point taken. You could just stand beside me so we can get these clean faster.”
“Mmhmm, but then I can see it when you stick the tip of your tongue between those lovely lips when you’re concentrating… and that leads to this…” He bends to nip lightly at your neck.
“Ok that really isn’t helping get these dishes clean.”
He ignores your comment and continues his attention to your neckline. Soon you’ve abandoned all pretense of washing the dishes, as has Jason. He’s using one hand to balance on the counter while the other helps to press your body back into his. He had initially placed his hand somewhere around your hip bone but it has traveled inward. The action of his fingertips finally pressing between your legs, even though layers of fabric still stand in his way, draws a moan from you.
Jason’s movement cease for a fraction of a second before he growls in your ear. “Oh screw the dishes.”
Tag List: @my-soupy-brain @tegan8314 @tortilla-maria1 @nerdgirljen @cavillsim @superloveeverything
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rebelliousstories · 2 years
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Will Graham x Reader
Fandom: Hannibal (NBC)
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Threats made towards Jack Crawford, Brief Strong Language
Word Count: 1,900
Masterlist: Here
Summary: Hell hath no fury like a woman wanting to have some time off with her lover.
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A rare rainy day was upon Virginia. During the winter months, they typically did not get much rain, so this was a welcome change. But, there was not any chance for a certain woman to enjoy the weather. On the phone with her lover, who was currently stuck at work, she was lamenting the news he just broke to her.
“What do you mean you’re not going to be home till late?” She asked, working herself around the kitchen so that she could lean against the counter. The dogs at her feet looked up at her distress.
“I’m sorry, honey. But Jack says they need me.” Will explained, feeling the exhaustion creep up in his voice. He sat at his desk, with files and papers strewn about.
“It’s Christmas Eve, Will. I expected you home hours ago. You said you were just going in for an hour or two.” Her desperation was thick over the phone; she couldn’t hide it well. All day she had been preparing food, and making sure that everything was going to be okay for when her partner got home in the afternoon.
“It’s out of my control. I’m sorry. I’ll pick you up those chocolates you love on the way home, okay? And I’ll ask Jack for all of tomorrow off as well.” His glasses were pushed away in favor of rubbing his eyes beneath. Will had been staring at these photos all day that now his eyes were straining.
“You don’t even know if you’ll have tomorrow off? Seriously, Will?” She let out a deep sigh, and set the spoon down that she was using for cooking. Her hand came up to rub her temples, before she continued.
“Just… just home safe please?” Her plea nearly brought Will to his knees. It sounded so soft and sad compared to the fury in her voice when he broke the news to her.
“I will, honey. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way home. Love you.”
“I love you too.”They said their goodbyes, and disconnected the call. Will sat at the desk that he had occupied for far longer than he wanted to and thought about the day he had. He was supposed to be gone by about 10:00 AM this morning, at the very latest. Yet here he sat, 3:00 PM, on his day off, at work. All he wanted was to be at home, with his lover and dogs. But Jack would not release him. He kept finding new ways to keep the man there. Will threw his head back with a sigh before he hoped back to work. Maybe if he was able to finish this by the time Jack came over with more work, he could go home.
Meanwhile, his love was still in the kitchen, not paying attention to the food she was prepping for dinner. Now, all she could think about was Will not being home for the day. They were supposed to be making dinner together. Will loved making the fish that he caught whenever he caught a good enough piece. Yet here she was, alone. A paw came up and hit her on her thigh. Winston was checking in on his mom, and she was thankful. The newest pup had really taken a shine to the couple, and they loved having him there with them. He whined and nuzzled where her hand laid limp at her side. She started petting him as she thought. If he was not going to be home for Christmas Eve or, heaven forbidden, Christmas Day, she was going to make the most of her efforts. She leaned down and placed a kiss on Winston’s head, before slipping on her shoes and grabbing her keys.
The drive to the headquarters was largely uneventful. Or rather, she just did not register the drive. Her mind raced as she thought about all the things she wished to say to Will’s boss. She did not realize that she had pulled up to the building, until she was standing in front of it. Making her way into the FBI headquarters, she got her visitor pass and went to find Will. Before she could, Jack Crawford found her first.
“Excuse me, can I help you miss? There’s no press authorized for today.” He said, walking up to her as she continued to look around for Will.
“I’m not press. I’m here for Will Graham. Do you know where he is?” She asked, looking towards the man expectantly. Jack still looked confused.
“Do you have a name? Will didn’t mention anyone coming to visit him.” She was beginning to get fed up with the man.
“Look, I just need to bring him home. So could you please-”
“Honey?” A quiet voice questioned softly, stepping from around the corner into view. Will stood with a confused look on his face as he beheld his girlfriend standing in the middle of the FBI headquarters. Her visitor pass hung from her coat collar, and it swished with her as she turned to face the man.
“Will! Baby, oh thank goodness.” The woman made her way closer to the man while he was still a little dazed and confused.
“Come on. We’re going home. Get your things, my love.” She whispered to him, patting his cheek with a gloved hand. That seemed to snap him out of his trance, as he nodded slowly, but blinked rapidly. He went to collect his things, which did not make some people happy.
“Excuse me! What do you think you’re doing?” Jack’s booming voice called out. It made Will stop what he was doing at his desk, but she did not skip a beat.
“I’m taking my boyfriend home for Christmas. Is there an issue?” She asked, turning to face the man once more.
“Yes there is,” he put his hands on his hips, “Will is needed for today, and tomorrow. This is work. We don’t just get to stop what we’re doing because it’s a holiday.” He stated as if it was the most simple thing in the world. Will halted getting anymore of his things as he listened to Jack talk. He knew the man was right; they might be federal employees, and this might be a federal holiday, but serial killers do not take a Christmas break.
“Do you have an active case going on?” His lover asked, turning to the man. Jack stared at her with a ridiculous expression, as Will waited with, like the rest of the office, baited breath.
“Well no but-”
“Then,” she cut him off, “seeing as this is a federal holiday, and you are federal employees, I’m taking him home for a much needed day off.” Jack sputtered as he looked at the bak of the woman walking back over to her lover. With hushed voices, she helped him gather his things, and they began to leave.
“You can’t just leave, Will!” The couple stopped in their tracks. She took a deep breath in and felt Will’s hand rubbing against her own. Before he could stop her, she turned on her heel back into the office. He tried to go after her, but she had cleared the floor in the same time it took him to take two steps.
“Listen here, Crawford. I don’t I’ve a damn. You don’t have an active case going on, and you don’t have any substantial reason to keep Will here, late, on Christmas Eve. Just because you don’t want to go home tonight for whatever reason doesn’t not mean that everyone else has to suffer. Now I’m taking him home. He’s been exhausted for weeks, and Will just needs a damn break. So, merry Christmas and happy new year’s. He’ll see you Monday. But I swear, if you try to keep him here any longer than I am gonna unleash hell upon you and this agency.” Sparing no more glances towards the man, she grabbed her lover and walked as fast as she could to the elevator. No one said or did anything as they left, which was a relief to her.
They left in silence, only listening to the sound of each other’s breath. The frosty air flushed both of their cheeks while they walked outside. Will began to make his way to his car, but she just kept a tight hold of his hand and walked to her own. The silence in the car was not as tense as they thought it was going to be.
“Are you okay?” She asked, turning the ignition on to start the car.
“You just chewed out my superior and stole me away from work, and you’re asking if I’m okay?” He looked over to his lover as she drove in the rapidly dimming street. She let out a deep sigh, and briefly glanced over at him.
“I’m sorry, baby. But I just couldn’t stand it. You’re meant to have today and tomorrow off anyways, and he wanted to keep you there like a mule. I’m sorry if I got you in trouble, Will.” The drive out to their home was long, but the trees and snow made it a pleasant ride.
“It’s alright. I’ve never seen anybody stand up to Jack like that, so that was interesting. Thank you for coming to get me.” He reached across and grabbed her hand that rested on the center console. She took their joined hands and pressed a kiss to the back of his.
“You’re welcome, Will. That’s what I’m here for. To tell the waiter that you wanted no onion when he brings you’re burger and you insist on eating it anyways.” She chuckled as Will groaned.
“That was one time, when we were still early into dating. I didn’t want to be that guy.” The chuckle he let out showed that he was also fond of the memory, much more than he let on.
“But that’s my job, Will. That’s what I’m here for. To drag your butt out of that god forsaken place, and home in time for Christmas Eve dinner with our family of four leggeds.” The man chuckled as they neared the house. As they pulled up, he could hear the dogs going crazy inside. He knew that he was going to be tackled the second they were let out.
“Well, thank you, honey.” As he thought, dogs swarmed his feet when the front door was opened. He eagerly greeted all of them individually. Going inside the warm house, the dogs followed and took their places all around the living room. Will pulled his partner to him by her waist, and pressed a sweet kiss to her lips.
“Thank you. Again.” He mumbled against her lips, kissing her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss she was bestowed.
“You’re welcome, baby.” She whispered, coming up for air.
“Now,” Will started, causing her to open her eyes, “what am I going to do about my car that is stuck at the FBI headquarters?” She laughed as she separated from her boyfriend, and made her way to the stove to check on the food she left.
“Guess that’s a Monday you problem.” He laughed and went to change into comfy clothes. This was not how he envisioned spending the day of Christmas Eve, but the night certainly made up for the hell at work.
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angelst4re · 2 years
Bby u have been carrying Jamie tumblr for so long 💖🥰 I just want to say I love all your stories and I appreciate the time you spent on them <3 but also a request, you come home from work and see dadJamie playing a game with your son but it’s passed his bed time 🤭 Ily take care of yourself darling
hi my love!! thank you so so so much <33 i just found this in my drafts... i think i was supposed to post it at the weekend but i must have forgotten about it... so i'm posting it now :)
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Five More Minutes- Dad!Jamie x Reader
summary: you come home late from work expecting your son to in bed...
warnings: none! :)
notes: happy birthday to my beloved jace!! <3 i wanted to post the jace fic in my drafts today but i still haven't finished it yet :(
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You shut your car door, lifting your work bag over your shoulder and your keys jangle as you try to pick out the house key on the way to the front door. You hadn’t planned on getting home so late, especially as now it was past Charlie’s bedtime. All day you had thought about coming home to him and Jamie, it was your first day back at work in quite a while so you were glad Jamie had the day off so he could take care of Charlie.
As you opened the door you heard the sound of giggling coming from the living room. It was Charlie?! You slip off your shoes, take your coat off and hang your bag up before going to inspect the scene, he should have been in bed an hour ago!
As you poke your head into the living room, you notice Jamie and Charlie were lying on their bellies on the floor, a puzzle box by Jamie’s side.
“Oh look,” Jamie began, picking out a piece and handing it to Charlie, “I think this goes there!” He points to a gap and Charlie thinks for a moment before placing the piece down.
“It does!” He grinned, a wide toothy smile, looking up at his dad, but then he happened to spot you standing by the door, “mummy’s home!”
Charlie pushed himself up and ran over to you, wrapping his arms around your legs before you bent down to his level, wrapping your arms around him.
“Hello, darling. Have you had a good day?” You asked, to which he nodded his head.
“Me and daddy went to the park and we played on the swings, then we had pizza for dinner and then we- we’re doing a puzzle! Mummy, look!” Charlie took your hand in his and lead you over to where Jamie was still lying, his head tilted as he smiled up at you before standing up.
“Hello darling, I’ve missed you. How was your first day back?” Jamie asked, kissing your cheek.
“It was okay, I’m still thinking about leaving, though. Our new boss is-“
“Mummy look!” Charlie pointed at the puzzle again.
It was a Harry Potter puzzle that Sam had gotten Charlie for Christmas, and when he opened it on Christmas day you could tell Jamie was desperate to do it with him.
“Wow! How long has this taken you?” You ask, giving Jamie the slightest side eye, trying to hint that it was past Charlie’s bedtime!
“Five hours!” Charlie exaggerated, holding up five fingers, to which you chuckled as Jamie corrected him.
“No, love, it’s been 2 hours,” he says with a smile before turning to you and whispering, “five more minutes?”
And how could you say no?
Charlie was already lying on the floor again, looking for the next piece, so you nodded your head in response.
“Let him finish the puzzle, it’s not like he has school tomorrow.” You said, kissing Jamie’s cheek. “I’m going to get changed out of my work clothes then I’ll come and join in, sweetheart.” You said to Charlie, and he nodded his head with a wide smile.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It had taken another hour and a half to complete the puzzle, and by the end you noticed Charlie had fallen asleep sitting on Jamie’s lap, his back against his chest.
“Awh I don’t want to move him,” Jamie frowned. Ever since Charlie was born, which was almost 4 years ago, Jamie had always been worried about waking him when he slept, but you assured him that Charlie would sleep through anything, and he did.
“C’mon, let’s get him into bed.” You said, standing up from the floor and stretching your arms.
Jamie carried Charlie up to his room and was careful not to wake him up by turning on any lights, so he moved carefully as to not fall over. Holding Charlie in one arm, Jamie pulled back the blankets on his bed with the other before setting him down and tucking him in.
“Sweet dreams, little man.” He whispered, placing a kiss on his forehead before pulling up his bedroom door and making his way towards your room.
“Remember when I told you I was pregnant, you told me you were worried you wouldn’t be a good dad…” You said as Jamie took off his t-shirt, getting ready for bed.
“Of course, I still think that now.” He said with a chuckle before getting into bed bedside you.
“Well I think Charlie couldn’t have a better father, you’re an amazing daddy to him.” You said with a soft smile.
“What are you trying to say, sweetheart?” Jamie asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing!” You quickly replied, as it was true, you had no other intention than to tell him he was a great dad, but you could tell he had something else on his mind, “why? What were you thinking?”
“Oh, nothing.” Jamie said, and although you weren’t looking at him as he had turned over to switch the lamp off, you could tell he was smirking, “good night, my love.”
“Good night, darling.”
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thotsforvillainrights · 9 months
Hi there!
Do you mind doing a hc or scenario where Kai is taking care of his loved one who broke their leg & just flat out refused to let him fix it?
Sincerely a broken fan of yours. 🥴
(Broken anon, I have just the thing for you!)
~Rainy Day Accident~
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Did you know just how damn much you stressed him out?! You drove the man into near insanity sometimes. Whether this was with your little touches behind closed doors, your affinity for loud noises when he needed to focus, your dazzling smile on his darkest days, or just the way you refused to listen to him during the most crucial moment. You drove him crazy and today was no different from the rest.
He'd told you a dozen times to stay inside today and that the weather would get bad but no. You just simply insisted on leaving to the store to pick something up he could've just ordered online and had dropped off tomorrow. No no, you were impatient so he hid his keys. Then you struck out WALKING when he'd turned his back. He was busy scratching away at his hive covered arms when Kurono entered his office shortly after knocking. "Overhaul, we found her/him/them..." He was delivering good news so then why had the tone of his voice been glum? "And what else?" Kai pressed for more information. Kurono sighed and removed his mask to reveal his serious eyes. "Y/N had apparently slipped and fell down a set of stairs."
In the blink of an eye, Chisaki had pushed past Chrono and rushed to your side in the living room where you rested on the couch. Nemoto bowed upon seeing his master and stepped aside so he could kneel beside you. He glared, frowning at the sight in front of him. Without saying a word he signaled for Nemoto to leave you two alone. You half expected another one of his long winded speeches about what you shouldn't have done. Instead, he immediately began apologizing to you. "Angel, I'm sorry. Had I actually put my foot down like I was supposed to then this wouldn't have happened to you." You smiled and softly placed a hand on top of his head. "You're apologizing to me? Should be the other way around, don't you think? Besides, the doctor in the hospital told me earlier that it would heal up in no time. Just gotta wait out the next couple of weeks." You explained. He quickly looked up at you as though you'd grown 3 heads. "Wait it out? No Angel, of course not. There's no need for that. If you'd just let me, I can go ahead and fix this in no time." He spoke as he began removing his gloves.
"Oh nope no! No thanks! There's really no need for that Kai haha! I can heal up just find the natural way. Besides, wouldn't it be better at this point? Maybe I can learn to sit down and listen to you when I'm supposed to." You were joking around and he was serious. For the next few weeks, although stuck in the house, you still managed to find a way to drive him insane. How this time? By not letting him do the simple thing and repair your broken leg for you. He'd follow you around sometimes an hour at a time and continuously beg you to let him fix it. He'd even caught himself watching you sleep at night, secretly thinking of just doing it while your guard was let down. Then he thought about the first time you began dating and you made him promise to never use his quirk on you without permission.
"Damn it..." he angrily mumbled to himself as he replayed the memory and watched you struggle to settle into bed comfortably with the cast.
Perhaps a little more begging would eventually get you to open up to the idea but for now, he kept strong on making sure you weren't going to roll out of bed and hurt yourself or your leg.
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Introduction to the first chapter of the first season of my main OC story. (Because I might need 2 seasons to cook this up).
For context: The place in this story is a completely fictional one, a dystopia with slightly better technological development than our current world, it will be elaborated further in the progress of the story.
Tearing Up: Season 1.
Chapter 1: Routine.
CW: Blood, violence, mature language, abuse, horror and hard moments for at least the first 3 or 5 chapters.
KU-M9's POV:
"We fight today for a brighter tomorrow."
Those words were the only thing that used to greet me every morning. A poster of what seemed to be a person in a black elegant suit, with no human feature that I could recognize since their face was covered in a white mask, rising up a hand in the air, pointing at the sky with the index finger, which provided the people from the picture a bright light of what I supposed meant...hope.
It took me a while to catch the meaning of those words, it was almost a year since I learned to speak correctly, it helped me to understand the commands I was given clearly, and to finally be able to talk with my siblings in a more civilized conversation.
"He still needs to develop a few key characteristics. Today he is turning 15 and we are running out of time, if we rush it he may not survive."
I heard thunderous voices outside my enclosure, yeah, did I forgot to mention? My room was a 10 x 10 cm box made out of reinforced glass, located in such way over a desk that I can only see the same wall with the same poster every morning if there is not a human sitting in front of me, sometimes observing, sometimes picking me up with metal clamps so they can take me to a test room, or other times, they just sat there giving compliments about how cute I was, how "docile" I was in contrast to my other siblings, or check up my fangs with no care if they caused me harm.
I took some unstable and painful steps closer to the invisible wall of my room, as usual, there was a piece of tape on that side with something written on it. "KU-M9" a short for "Killer Unit, Mutation of 9th generation". That was my name, and it had been like that as far as I can remember, with time I got used to it.
"Even the little one from next generation has completed her development already. But we've been trying to wake his nature for almost 10 years now...This should not take as long."
Oh, right, they were talking about me just a second ago, they seemed to be dissapointed of me. Since I was 5 they've tried to unlock some mutations in my body, if I remember correctly my instincts had to bring up the adrenaline necessary to unlock them, with that reasoning, they had to expose me to several trials, tests, and my word of choice, "tortures", so I could fully get my abilities. But as casual as those events sound...It scared me to my core when I was taken out from that crystal box. The docile nature that those scientist mentioned before was only my pure fear manifesting itself freezing my body, containing tears and screams while they performed my tests, not even able to open my mouth to beg for them to stop, unable to act on my own, I was at the mercy of those godlike beings that towered over me every single day, giving ideas and trying out new things that could work for me, at some point it became a hobby of them to toy with me, and they only stopped if I was at the brink of death, situation that came often in this laboratory.
My body was decorated with scars, wounds that still needed time to heal, burns that were result of either fire or liquid nitrogen, my face had some bruises too, near my eyes, and my legs kept shaking even after 1 week of them being almost crushed because of high pressure. And to top all of that, sleeping was impossible when all of that was just a monday and I had to get ready for more, the pain was my only thought when I tried to close my sore eyes, and moving to a more comfortable position in the soil of my box caused a horrible and unpleasant feeling to every part of my damaged body.
Lucky me, all those horrible things were behind a thin orange cloth that was my "uniform" if we may call it that. But for the view of the scientist, I looked more like a prisoner with that outfit, not like they were wrong, this place was an absolute prison.
Maybe the next test will be the one to end it all...
As soon as I took air to prepare myself mentally, contain the tears of fear, and tense my body to be tortured again, a gigantic mountain of human flesh interrupted me, a woman's face, casting a shadow that devoured the light of my room, now everything I could see was her.
"Hey, little one, how are we doing today? We are going to skip the usual routine this time. I know you are excited to get your abilities like the rest, but we are running late, so, we are making a leap of faith with you! All the products must be ready by now, and you are the last one and still having development problems...This presentation might be your last chance to wake up your abilities, social pressure is the only thing we never thought about, and who knows, it might work and you will get to see the world outside for once!"
At that, only a few words came out of my mouth in a low volume and weak tone of voice.
ーI...Hungryー That's not quite what I was trying to say, but I believe my stomach is blocking my brain functions to control my body and speech. And I noticed just now how much my stomach hurt, how much it had been since I didn't got any food? Felt like almost a week.
Also...Outside? Was that a prank? Why would they take me outside if I perform well? Wouldn't it be the opposite? She took a step back, now moving her arm at the top of my box, the ceiling...With one hand she managed to open with ease what I had been trying to do for all my childhood since I have memory. This time, she didn't bother to use a tool to pick me up like any other day, she used her bare hand for once, taking for granted that my nature was docile, unlike the others, I never had a record of biting people, or showing any big attempts of resisting after I was 12, the age I understood it was useless to fight back. That idea was supported by the moment she hold my head between her index finger and her thumb, using a moderate amount of force to pull me out of my "cage" without dropping me.
But...It felt different...without their gloves, the equipment or metal tools, her skin was soft, warm at the touch, my head was engulfed by her fingers, and I could hear her heartbeat, the flow of her blood inside her veins, a composition of sounds I never experienced before.
Was I afraid? My muscles were tense, I froze again, she was carrying my body in a painful way, and it was getting really hard to breath as she used more pressure in between her fingers, but it was far from the worst those hands had done to me. For the first time in my life, even if it gave me a slight sense of pain...I felt warmth from another living being, I don't recall this sensation not even when I was about to sleep on the soil of glass back on my room.
But that experience was shut down quickly as she dropped me in another surface, the fall had quite the distance for a creature who was only 2 inches tall, and I stood up slowly trying to clear my vision, regain oxygen and focus on what this crazy idea was about, ignoring the pain in my body once again. I gave a try on my senses to explore my surroundings, but what I heard, smelled, and saw was the last thing I was expecting to see for today...And I was not looking forward to it.
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