#they’re both so into pokemon they go on pokemon trips together they’re so cute. god she had such a shitty bf before i’m so happy. sorry.
anthonycrowley · 4 months
i’m sorry i’m tipsy i just need to say this publicly i’m so glad my bestie since i was a child has finally found someone who is honestly good to her wah 😭
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I'm going through one of the worsts writer's blocks in my young life, I'm also rediscovering my forgotten love for sasusaku so I've decided to write some drabbles for the Lovetoknow "is this just fantasy" list.
I haven't read the pokemon manga in years, not to mention watched the anime so this fic it's basically just inspired by the games, sorry.
When Kakashi Hatake, their brand new professional trainer teacher, present them to their future pokemon partners. Naruto and Sasuke allow her the first pick. Which it's so weird in and on itself that Sakura opens her eyes and her mouth wide, staring at them both with a honest to god flabbergasted look on her face
“I’m a gentleman after all, Sakura-chan,” Naruto says hiding his trembling arms behind his head in an obvious attempt at appearing nonchalant and not in the least bothered with the prospect of losing his chance at getting a good starter Pokemon. “Don't act so surprised.” He glares then, a little bit insulted.
Sasuke, of course doesn't say much. Instead he fixes his eyes on the many windows adorning the classroom and just growls at Naruto’s general direction. “Whatever.” He says finally, as he buries his sweating palms in the confines of his white short’s pockets. “Just… hurry.”
Sakura knows they both have combat related dreams.
Naruto wants to be Konoha’s future gym leader, someday. While Sasuke wants to be able to defeat his brother Itachi, the current leader of the Uchiha district gym.
Sakura’s not like them, she doesn't want to become a pokemon trainer nor wants to have the strongest pokemons. Instead, she wants to be a Pokemon researcher; wants to understand and take care of as many Pokemon as she possibly can. But there's no school nor teacher for that. (Besides, they don't give Pokedexes to researchers).
So she'll just have to take the journey of a trainer before she can even fathom to reach her dream. Just like Shigeru from Kanto and Tsunade from Konoha did before her.
And so, for the time being she just wants her companions to like her.
Every new trainer prospect that graduates from the academy is obligated to take on a journey with two companions and a teacher who is also a professional pokemon trainer, she wants this trip to be as easy yet as life-changing as possible, she knows that even if she will not take on the same life journey as her teammates they still could end up being her most beloved friends. She specially wants Sasuke to be happy with her, and with that in mind she chooses Rowlet.
Rowlet it's a grass Pokemon, she's a female too. Not the kind of companion she knows her teammates would want. The Pokemon chirps happily at her, flying from her place at the table into her shoulders. Sakura laughs a little and allows the bird type to preen her hair.
“Do you want to give her a pet name?” Asks Kakashi in an indulgent but somewhat bored tone. As if he knew it's his obligation to ask so and yet couldn't stop himself from finding cuteness in the scene.
“No.” Smiles the pinkette dejectedly, she can't think of any name fitting for her new friend.
“Well!” Exclaims Naruto with a huge smile plastered on his tanned face “then I guess I'll choose…”
“I'll get Litten.” Says Sasuke. Taking the pokeball on his hand and releasing the little red cat inside. Naruto screams at him but takes on Popplio anyway.
Naruto is the first one to catch a Pokemon, he fights a female level two pidgey he finds on the road to the moon cave they decided to explore as a first stop on their route. The poor thing doesn't stand a chance and probably because of this, Naruto decides to waste one of the five pokeballs Iruka-Sensei gave to everyone of his graduated students, on capturing her.
"you're wasting your time." Advises Sasuke. Not too kindly, "she'll never get strong."
"Pokemons are our friends. Not our weapons, Sasuke." Reprimidas Kakashi with a soft yet stern tone of voice. "That's your first lesson."
"Yeah!" I Exclaims Naruto, "You'll see! She and I are going to kick so much ass together."
Sasuke tries to catch a level ten Seviper with his level six Litten, it doesn't end well. But Sasuke learns to appreciate his companion more. After seeing him suffering from poisoning and paralysis.
Sakura catches a male Whismur on their first cave before traveling to Suna. He's a little nervous mess that couldn't stop crying for the first two hours of her owning him.
Sakura loves him already.
Sasuke's Litten evolves in the desert, Sasuke looked really happy, even when Naruto already had his Pidgey evolve into a Pidgeot and his Popplio on the verge of doing exactly the same.
A spirited old lady gives Sakura her level fifteen, female Chansey on Suna's Pokemon center. "I can't take care of her anymore." She explains a little pained and yet hopeful. "But you seem like a nice, nurturing young lady. So can you do it for me?"
"Yes!" answers Sakura with tears on her eyes. "You can count on me!"
I'm a weird turn of events, somehow Sakura ends up having the strongest pokemons of her team. At least for the time being.
She's happy because she could help the old lady, but but after that, Sasuke starts giving her the cold shoulder, snapping at her for everything she says, pushing past her when she tries to walk with him and calling her annoying and weak every time she suggests that they could have a friendly match.
Sasuke catches a Lunator in the desert in the way to the mist village, that's when things starts to change.
Lunator it's a different kind of Pokemon, it doesn't have a gender and it's pink eyes seem to watch everything and everyone with careful scrutiny.
It is really playful, tough and it seems to enjoy making fun of his trainer.
The first time, it appears almost innocent, they're taking a break near a river. Naruto and Sasuke are training together while Sakura and her Pokemon are playing with Kakashi's Ditto when suddenly, Lunator activates Telekinesis and throws Sasuke directly into Sakura's lap.
Sakura blushes to her ears, and Naruto laughs hysterically, Kakashi hides a smirk behind his book while Sasuke rapidly gets off Sakura and runs to the deeps of the forest.
The second time is when they realise that the alien pokemon it's up to something.
They're in a little town under a huge cycleway and Sakura is flirting her way off getting a good deal with a bicycle's seller for the four of them.
Naruto is obviously irritated, Kakashi is a little bit nervous and Sasuke hasn't spoken a world nor looked in her direction since she volunteered to convince the seller.
It's just as they have the bicycles in their power and when the seller leans down to kiss the girl's cheek that Lunator breaks out of its pokeball to use Telekinesis and throw Sakura away from the guy and directly into Sasuke's waiting arms.
"This can't possibly be a coincidence." Mutters Naruto to Kakashi, who nods in agreement and smirks under his mask with a lewd blush adorning his face.
It keeps happening, the pokemon doesn't stop.
Even when Sakura captures a cute little, a female Munna who picks on Lunator nasty habit.
Doesn't stop when Sasuke ends up on the second place of their first pokemon league, sporting a large frown that quickly disappears as his playful pokemon throws a shrieking Sakura from the stands onto Sasuke's arms.
Doesn't stop when they go on their separate ways; Naruto still on the journey; Sakura settling down on Tsunade's lab a few hours away from the Uchiha gym; and Sasuke taking his brother's place as Gym leader for the Uchiha district, constantly playing visits to his female ex-teammate.
"Why do you think it does this?" Asks Sakura, her arms around Sasuke's neck as she hides her face on his clavicle.
"Because Lunator is a good friend." Mutters the gym leader with a self satisfied smirk gracing his lips.
Lunator chirps happily, all metallic sounds and giddy floating around as his stoic companion finally kisses the girl on his arms.
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gwoongi · 5 years
𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝗉𝗈𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗃𝖾𝖼𝗍 ✰ dad hoseok
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𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝗉𝗈𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗃𝖾𝖼𝗍 jung hoseok / reader genre: parent au, fluff, tiny smol angst words: 2384
“Yeah! So, go and tell the mean kids at school that Pokemon is cool and you can like it no matter who you are! Pokemon has no gender!” Well, Yeojin still didn’t like her Pokemon bedroom but she did still like Pokemon, and Hoseok pretended not to look when she rushed towards Jeongguk on Thursday evening and hugged his waist, telling him how awesome he was because he introduced her to the best show on planet earth, the show with no gender!
a/n: a short side fic for The Honey Project!! bringing back everyones favourite daddy of biology!!!! also happee easter !!! (happy easter everyone! who is it? ITS UR UNCLE....) ((this is sort of inspired by real events!! so before u say its weird...it happened ok.....it happened....kids r weirdos....and they complain about everything))
warnings: baby angst, hoseok being the best dad ever, jung yeojin is a brat
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Hoseok thought he was a pretty good Dad.
Everything he had learned about parenthood was either from Seokjin, who had spent at least seventy hours in total on Google looking at websites about how to be the best Uncle- although Dad also applied- to a child that anybody could ever be, and also from his own experience with his Dad. Where his own Dad lacked in family talks and midnight cuddles, Hoseok filled in with Yeojin, a growing bundle of fluffy, curly hair that reached her chin and big doe eyes that Jeongguk claimed were genetically from him, even though that was literally impossible.
His own family, and the unreliable websites Seokjin bookmarked on his University computer, failed to mention how mentally tiring it is to raise a child. At first, neither himself or you had come to realise how hard it would be when the baby you birthed started using words, becoming more vocal about their thoughts and feelings and how it was apparently so annoying for either of you to hug them, or kiss them. You’d heard of teenage angst but not raging-three-year-old-angst. That was new, and certainly something that WikiHow had forgotten to mention.
But Hoseok loved his daughter, even when she threw temper tantrums about being fed carrots or when she screamed at four in the morning because her blanket had slipped through the gaps in her crib. It was definitely a parent thing that nobody understood unless they had mini-me’s of their own. There was nothing in the world that could stop Hoseok from loving Yeojin the way he did. He often sat there, in her bedroom on the floor by her crib with her hands wrapped around his fingers or actually inside the crib, slotted in a curled position with her head of hair on his torso; Hoseok liked to admire the bits and pieces that looked like you, the first love of his life; from the way Yeojin had your longer eyelashes and face shape, with a smile that shone the way yours had on your wedding day, or moments after Yeojin’s birth. Sure, she had features of Hoseok’s but none of those were even comparable to the gorgeous way that Hoseok now had a daughter who looked everything like the woman he fell in love with.
Yeojin, like all children and humans, got older- she grew out of teddy coats bought by Yoongi and out of the crib Hoseok remembered everybody assembling, and gradually the colours of her bedroom turned into phases of her interests. Aged three and she wanted Barbie everything, and both Hoseok and yourself were hesitant to drown the walls in sickly pink and off-whites. Because, you were that age once, and pink is a colour you grow bored of very easily. Aged four and it was her newfound obsession with Pokemon, no thanks to Jeongguk and Jimin stealing her every Friday for Uncle-Bonding-Time, and of course, there had been no complaints when purchasing oversized plushies of Pikachu or cute little outfits of random Pokemon.
Yeojin complained though, when she turned five a year later and decided that Pokemon wasn’t for girls, because some kid at school had laughed at her Pokemon lunchbox and told her she was acting like a boy.
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with being a boy,” Hoseok had told her, petting her hair in her bedroom and wiping away the sniffles. You came in shortly after with the sacred jar of cookies that Yeojin always tried to reach for in the kitchen, and she reluctantly took a handful. “And, a lot of girls like Pokemon. It’s definitely not just for boys!”
“Yeah! And, what about Misty and Serena, huh? They’re girls,” you offered for input. “I remember watching Pokemon too. Pokemon’s cool.”
Hoseok nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! So, go and tell the mean kids at school that Pokemon is cool and you can like it no matter who you are! Pokemon has no gender!”
Well, Yeojin still didn’t like her Pokemon bedroom but she did still like Pokemon, and Hoseok pretended not to look when she rushed towards Jeongguk on Thursday evening and hugged his waist, telling him how awesome he was because he introduced her to the best show on planet earth, the show with no gender! Perhaps Jeongguk had teared up upon hearing those words, but Hoseok wouldn’t say anything.
“I think I like Harry Potter now,” Yeojin said, five and a half, sitting between Haseul’s legs as her Aunt’s hands threaded through her hair, parting and creating plaits.
“Oh, yeah?” Haseul said, smiling. “Harry Potter’s super cool.”
“Do you like Harry Potter?”
“Yeah. I think he’s a nice guy.”
“Mom likes Harry Potter,” Yeojin continued, playing with a slightly tattered Pikachu toy. “She told me so. And Dad does too, but I don’t think he’s as serious as Mom is. Mom had the robes! They don’t fit me, though.”
Haseul finished her plaits and wrapped her arms around Yeojin. “Well, maybe because Mom and Dad like Harry Potter, if you ask nicely we might be able to go visit Hogwarts this Summer. At Universal.”
Yeojin’s eyes sparkled. “Really?”
Haseul nodded with a grin. “Mhm. I’ll ask Mom for you.”
That’s why Yeojin swore to a secret song of Haseul being her favourite Aunt, because even though Auntie Seunghee took her to see movies and look at animals and let her use her Nintendo Switch when she went to visit, Auntie Seunghee had never offered Harry Potter.
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Yeojin picked herself up off Haseul’s bed with a frown, straining to listen out into the house for Haseul’s feet when she heard the front door open, and Moms voice float through. Yeojin contained a giggle when you called up to her with a, “Honey, I’m home!” and she replied with a, “Hi, Mommy!” and nothing more. Yeojin would go downstairs when she heard Mom say she could go to Harry Potter World, because Auntie Haseul had promised it already.
“Why would you tell her that?” Yeojin heard your voice say, over the sound of the kettle boiling. Yeojin paused on the landing, listening with a sinking feeling in her stomach. “Haseul…”
“Look, I just...threw it out there,” Haseul defended, “as a suggestion. If she’s into Harry Potter...and you’ve wanted to go there for like, years….kill two birds with one stone!”
“Yeah, and are you gonna help fund this trip?”
“Of course,” Haseul replied. “Me, and Flat Eighteen! You know they’ll love to come. And, we haven’t been on holiday since first year of Uni! Portugal, super fun, but simply not enough.”
“It’s nice, what you’re trying to do for her and us, but,” you started, before sighing and at that moment, the kettle sprang to a pause, “I just don’t know if we can go there right now.”
Haseul stopped, too. “Is money bad?”
“No, not at all. We’re so financially secure it’s actually scary,” you assured. “There are...other reasons. Preventing us from going, I mean. You know why.”
Yeojin didn’t stop to listen. She had heard enough.
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“She’s been sad all day?”
Hoseok came home at four thirty, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it up whilst tossing his bag into the cupboard under the stairs. You stood in the doorway leading out into the kitchen with your arms folded, rubbing up and down with a frown on your lips.
“Yeah, I don’t know why,” you frowned, happily accepting Hoseok’s warm hug as he stepped towards you. You extended your arms out and wrapped them around his neck, squishing your cheek against him as his lips kissed at your hair, and then his head tilted down to kiss the space between your earlobe and jaw. “She seemed happy when I got to Haseul’s. Then, she was all...grumpy.”
“It’s not your fault, before you even say it,” Hoseok muttered, twirling you slightly. He pulled away slightly after a few minutes, smiling the best he could before quickly bringing your lips to his in a kiss. “I love you. I’ll talk to her, okay?”
You nodded, pressing your lips together as Hoseok turned to head towards and up the stairs, in the direction of Yeojin’s bedroom. Her door was closed shut, the colour of the sky-light spreading underneath the door and Hoseok quietly stepped forward and knocked, the noise loud enough yet still quiet. From behind the wood, Yeojin had moved off her bed and he could faintly hear her feet moving across the carpet.
“Yeojin, baby, it’s Dad. Can you let me in for a second?” Hoseok called gently, his hand on the door-handle, ready. “Please?”
Yeojin grumbled something, stubbornly, and pulled open the door, leaving Hoseok’s hand stinging with surprise. His brows raised with the expectancy of an apology but nothing came, only the sight of Yeojin retreating back towards her bed where she lay down and pulled the covers up over her head.
“Go away,” Yeojin groaned.
Hoseok let himself in. “Yeojin, your room is filthy.”
“Don’t shout at me!-”
“I haven’t shouted,” Hoseok replied quickly. God, he didn’t remember being this difficult aged four, especially when the sun was shining outside. Although he didn’t remember much about being four, really. He moved to sit on the bottom of her bed, playfully grabbing at her ankle under the sheets. Yeojin squirmed with a noise of surprise. “Hey, look at me when I’m talking to you!”
“I’ll tickle you.”
There was a beat of silence, and Hoseok half wondered whether or not Yeojin would climb out of her protective shield of blankets, but she did, sitting up with crazed curls and looking at her Dad with watery eyes. At once, Hoseok felt his body crushing with anxiety, and without even thinking about it, he opened his arms invitingly for a hug and she crawled towards him, her bottom lip trembling, then her chin on his shoulder and hands stuffed in his jumper.
“What’s the matter, sweetie?”
Yeojin sniffled into Hoseok’s shoulder. “Mom said no to Harry Potter World.”
Hoseok paused, looking at his daughter- “Harry Potter World?”
Yeojin nodded. “Yeah. Haseul said we could go in Summer, but Mom said no.”
“She said that?” Hoseok asked, not really believing it. “Did she say that to you?”
“Well, I heard her say it in the kitchen at Haseul’s house,” Yeojin explained. “Haseul asked and Mom said something about being scared and so that means no. I’m nearly six- I know!”
Hoseok’s eyebrows raised as he stared at Yeojin, trying not to laugh. Of course, as a parent, he knew the reasons why other parents said no. He thinks that if Yeojin had asked him, too, he would have said the same thing. Money was definitely not an issue for Universal studios this summer, but considering Yeojin’s birthday was close coming, alongside the giant fact that they had already planned a Summer vacation to Japan with Uncle Yoongi and Jimin, who was still on the quest for Professor Min’s heart, and the surprise of a sibling, hopefully, if everything went well, Hoseok knew that Universal Studios was possibly a long lost distant dream. Unless Uncle Yoongi and Jimin caved in and said, “Sure!” to an unexpected day trip to Japan’s own Universal.
“Hey, if Mom didn’t say that to you, then you don’t know what she said,” Hoseok frowned, reaching for her to look at him. “Not knowing for sure causes trouble.”
Yeojin scrunched up her face. “Mom hates me having fun.”
“Hey!” Hoseok scolded. He never raised his voice at Yeojin, not ever and not even now, but the hardness of his tone made Yeojin shrink with her head dipped towards her chest with shame. “Your Mom loves you more than anything in the world, and you should know that! Mom wouldn’t do anything to make you upset.”
Between Hoseok’s armpit, Yeojin huffed. “I know…”
“And,” Hoseok continued, hugging her tight, “I’m sure Mom will love to take you to Harry Potter World. Mom loves Harry Potter! It’s a bit too soon to go this year, though.”
Even when Yeojin huffed indignantly, she knew her Dad was right. Hoseok had hugged her tighter and pressed little kisses to her cheeks and temples, telling her how much he loved before before she climbed out of his arms, downstairs and into the kitchen where she clung to your leg, saying nothing. She didn’t really have to say anything, and it was Hoseok’s turn to lean in the doorway at the sight of you crouched with your arms around her, the sun looking golden on your skin and hair, golden dust in her eyes.
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Like all kids, Yeojin got over it extremely quickly.
Hoseok discovered that all Yeojin really needed to keep her happy and occupied was a sibling, and then you finally- after months of trying- crawled on top of him with a giant smile that could blind at five fifteen in the morning, the words, “We’re having a baby again,” whispered into his mouth. The temptation to scream and tell Yeojin right away was shoved away until Yeojin came back from Uncle Seokjin and Namjoon’s house a little while later, once everything was certain, with both man on her arm, walking into the kitchen decorated with one sparkly balloon and a little envelope on the counter.
“Is it my birthday already?” Yeojin asked confusedly. She turned to Namjoon, “You said it was next month.”
“It is, honey,” you said, leaning on the counter with Hoseok next to you, his fingers knotted around your own. “This is an early surprise, okay?”
She nodded, taking the envelope from you when you pushed it towards her.
Like deja-vu, Seokjin and Namjoon shared teary laughs and hugs when Yeojin tore open the envelope and saw the writing screaming that she was going to be an older sister. Suddenly, she had forgotten all about the grudge against Harry Potter World and was transfixed on the words and then her Mommy’s belly.
“Really?” she squealed excitedly. “Really?!”
“Yes!” you told her with a smile. “You’re gonna be a big sister!”
“You kept this one quiet,” Seokjin scolded, smacking Hoseok’s shoulder half-heartedly.
Hoseok shrugged sheepishly. “Yeah, well. At least we planned this one.”
“What does that mean?” Yeojin asked.
“Nothing, honey.”
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(“Can we call them Harry? Like Harry Potter?” Yeojin asked, her lips against your stomach.
You immediately stared at Hoseok and then back at Yeojin.
“Absolutely not.”)
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of My Roommate is a Cat
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acervate-blog · 7 years
Everyone loves Pokemon, so I thought why not? At the moment, this’ll just be one Pokemon and how they met. So feel free to add more or give some suggestions! This is a loooooooooooooooong hc so be prepared.
Okay so, Neil 
Neil gets his parter on the run with his mother
 Probably long before she dies
She doesn’t like the idea of having a Pokemon partner, it’ll be too easy to track
Until she sees the Pokemon that Neil brings home one day
It’s a Zorua
The illusion Pokemon joins Neil and Mary by helping them with disguises
 When Mary dies by Nathan and his partner, Bisharp, Neil and Zorua make their way to Millport
They spend their year there playing Exy and bonding
They don’t usually get into Pokémon battles but they enjoy their time together
Until Neil comes face to face with
Coach David Wymack of the Palmetto Foxes
Along with his partner Rufflet!
Their story is very simple
David found rufflet outside the court one day finding rufflet being attached by another bird Pokémon
Probably Spearow or something
Wymack jumps in to save Rufflet and nurses it back to health
He sets it free but it keeps coming back
 like god dammit he’s trying to do something good just leave
and Wymack gets a little annoyed but also kinda touched?
so he keeps Rufflet to peak players who aren’t focusing in the gym
When Neil runs he gets a feeling of sudden fear and he can’t seem to shake it
but he keeps running
running into Andrew and his partner
Andrew met gastly when he ran away from a foster home and managed to make it to the city
he ducked inside an alley and found a floating ball of gas by a few bins
now gastly wasn’t used to people being near his area so he tries to attack Andrew
but Andrew just takes the attack he has nothing to lose
Gastly is confused cause normally people who are attacked by him run away in fear
so Gastly floats on over to Andrew and they have a little stare down and they come to a mutual understanding
they’re both alone so they should be alone together
When Kevin walks in Neil is terrified, he knows about Kevin and his Pokémon he’s seen the photos
so when Kevin walks in he has on his arm
because of Kevin’s fascination with history he was super interested in the prehistoric Pokémon
as a present before his mother died she brought him a pokeball
Kevin felt such genuine happiness at owning a Pokémon like Archen
he was also able to get away with owning Archen with the Ravens even though they all had a murkrow
Archen also helped Kevin escape the nest so he’s very attached to him
anyway so when Neil finally gets to South Carolina he meets the rest of the monsters
Aaron has Beldum as his partner
Nicky has Snorunt as his partner
Aaron met Beldum shortly after meeting Andrew for the first time
Aaron was still having a hard time at home and he also decided to run away or to “get some air” as he put it
He managed to find Beldum in a small cluster of other steel type Pokemon at an old factory
He stayed for a while and helped them out with food and other things which really appealed to the Beldum 
So when Aaron had to leave the Beldum had to go with him and refused to have him out of sight
much like Wymack he was also annoyed and Beldum following him, but he did feel bad for it since it was all alone
don’t tell anyone Aaron showed empathy
Nicky met Snorunt while he was in Germany with Erik
I wanna say it was when he first left and so Nicky was still in despair and pretty depressed with what happened with his parents
So Erik decided to try and cheer him up with a trip to explore nature!
somewhere out in the snow was where they found two snorunts huddled together
Erik immediately started being nice with them
y’know feeding them berries and stuff like that
so when they walked on the two snorunts decided to join then for the day
When it came to leaving one of the Snorunts was ready to leave but the other one had seen the sadness still in Nicky
and jumped into his arms giving him a big icy hug
and it was one of the first of many times Erik saw Nicky smile
So naturally the other Snorunt paired with Erik and so it was really painful for both Nicky/Erik and Snorunt to be separated 
but they’re making it work!!! as they always do!
Neil meets the rest of the team starting with Matt
Matt with his cute little partner Pokemon Scraggy
Matt and Scraggy first met when Matt was first trying to get clean
it was when he was watching his mother fight in a boxing match Matt decided to get some air 
and when he stepped outside he saw a Scraggy headbutting a bin nearby
Matt being Matt decided to join in with Scraggy
he started play punching and play fighting with the Scraggy
so when he decided to go back inside be brought the Scraggy with him
Matt really liked Scraggy cause it kept him grounded when he had his off days of recovery
so in a way Scraggy helped Matt to keep fighting
Dan my darling child
A good old Eevee
When Dan first started at the strip club she noticed a few things really quickly
like how most of the workers had their own Eeveelution and managed to colour co-ordinate
it was pretty damn cool in her eyes
so naturally she went and got her own Eevee
when she first started performing and bonding she wanted to keep Eevee as an Eevee because no one else had and she wanted to stand out
and now here they are
A Ralts
she met Ralts before she joined the gang 
and when she did she had to hide the fact she had a ralts because she knew what they would do
anyway so Renee was walking in a park probably by herself when she saw something in a tree
when she went to investigate she saw a tiny Ralts cowering in the tree
and at that time it broke Renee’s heart so naturally she helped it down and sang to it to make it calm and the rest is history
I just really like the idea Renee would sing little nursery rhymes to her Pokemon
Allison had a lot of expectations growing up and was expected to own a very pricey kind of Pokemon
so when Allison was parading around her garden she met a little Budew bathing in the sunlight and being sang to by other Pokemon in the garden
Allison was intrigued and sat by the Budew and just listened
She felt very comfortable so she just started talking
about how much she hates her family life and the expectations put upon her
Budew felt very empathetic for Allison and snuggled into her
Allison brought Budew home so she could finally have a friend she liked
needless to say her parents did not approve
but she didn’t care she loved Budew with all her heart and made sure it had all the sunlight it wanted
honestly I couldn’t think of one for him it was hard enough for all the other foxes and Seth does die anyway so I didn’t really know how to approach this
I like the idea of Seth having a Pokemon but I would have no idea what it would do when he dies
and I can also see the hc of Seth hating Pokemon but I guess it’s still up in the air there
Maybe a ghost or dark type like Phantump or maybe like a Seedot
Bonus!! No backstory but we can’t leave out Betsy and Abby!
Abby like most practicing nurses should have an Audino or Chansey right?
Well Abby decided to not go down that road and has a little Deerling
Meanwhile Betsy would probably have a psychic type 
So I think she’d have an Espurr as her partner as I think Meowstic is pretty cool
Or a combee for the pun
Hope y’all enjoyed and feel free to tell me your ideas and opinions about this! First headcanon yo
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